Jakarta, – 12 November 2019

MNCN GENERATES EXCEPTIONAL YOUTUBE PERFORMANCE GROWTH PT. Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (“MNCN” or “the Company”) has performed well on its various YouTube channels. Upon officially given the roll up tool to operate as an MCN, the Company’s YouTube performance has shown a positive development, both in terms of its subscribers and number of views.

In September 2019, subscribers have reached 47.1 million, up by 12% MoM from previously 42.1 million in August 2019, while number of views also increased by 4.9% MoM to 21.1 billion from 20.1 billion in the previous month.

In October 2019, subscribers growth continued to expand by 9.4% MoM, reaching 51.5 million from previously 47.1 million in August 2019. Number of views increased to 22.1 billion as opposed to 21.1 billion in the previous month, which was an increase of 4.9% MoM.

Another key point to realize, the Company produces 3.5% of the aggregate total video uploads on YouTube in Indonesia, whereas 5.5% of the total video viewership on Youtube is on MNCN produced content. These figures represent that the Company’s content are highly sought after on online platforms. Therefore, the Company plans to increase the number of video uploads on YouTube to drive more viewership on its videos, which ultimately will increase its YouTube monetization.

The Company’s MCN business alone also generates strong numbers to date. In only 3 months, Star Hits’ MCN already garnered 15 million subscribers and 2 billion views. Moreover, MNCN is expecting the MCN business to grow exponentially in the coming years as the Company is adding more talents and channels under its management.

As the biggest content, views, and subscribers generator on YouTube in Indonesia, it is important to note that YouTube shares 50% of its advertising earnings to content owner for regular content and 65% of its advertising earnings for musical content. Moving forward, YouTube should provide a significant boost to the Company’s ever-growing digital ads revenue. Digital ads revenue should contribute 20% of MNCN total consolidated revenue in 2022 and 25% in 2024.

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UPDATE ON RCTI+ To date, RCTI+ has displayed an excellent performance with its MAU reaching 3.7 million and the Company expects MAU to reach 8 – 10 million by the end of 2019. The Company foresees this number to continue to grow moving into 2020. MNCN is targeting MAU to reach 30 million next year and contributes at least $30 million in digital ads revenue. Furthermore, RCTI+ will also look to introduce more features, such as quiz and reward program this month that will increase user engagement, as well as the integration of the Company’s UGC platform, MeTube, which currently has over 10 MAU.

As the Company holds the majority of various prominent talent search format on its FTA, starting in January 2020, RCTI+ would establish a voting feature for all of these talent search programs, such as , Indonesian Idol Junior, The Voice, The Voice Kids, Rising Star, and many more. This feature is expected to attract a huge amount of traffic into the platform. Upon the completion of the integration of MeTube on RCTI+, which the Company plans to complete before the end of the year, should also provide as an added features for auditioning purposes for the above-mentioned talent search programs.

Comments from Hary Tanoesoedibjo, Group Chairman MNC Group: “I am happy to announce that MNCN various initiatives in content and online internet are showing continuous positive achievements. As the biggest media company in SEA, we are dedicating ourselves to implement direct to consumers content delivery via online platforms and improving internet monetization on those contents to capture the growing online advertising market. MNCN’s strong content production capabilities and its various online initiatives have allowed us to diversify our revenue sources and create new growth drivers. I am expecting that both content and digital ads revenue to contribute at least 50% of the Company’s total revenue in 2024.”

For more information, please contact:

Investor Relations: PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk. Luthan Fadel Putra MNC Tower, 29th floor [email protected] Jl. Kebon Sirih Kav 17 - 19 10340 Samuel Christhopher Hartono Phone: 62-21 3913338 [email protected] Fax : 62-21 3910454

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