RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 50. BED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 1«. Red Rank Man Hat Postpone Action Says Sea Brighft Slow Water Flow Denise to Name Own Radio Prog rant New Shrewsbury Joseph P. Menzzopanr, Jr., son County Aid Seen Creates Fire Hazard for Borough Committee of 6 if Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Menzzo- Would Regulate On Garbage pane of 33 John St., is employed SEA BRIQHT-Th* mayor and as a- staff announcer for radio sta- By Uuriito Dectmred council Friday night re-tmphaiiaed On Dog Problem tion KGAR of Garden City, Kan- Diet for Swine he danger they said the borough sas. Mr. Menzzopanc, Jr., gradu- Sure For Beaches Ki Sk At • muling of the basrd •* faces from water pressure meas- Rietnan Report* on ated from the University of Mis- WaiVtidc Petitioner* Kinraiie Seek* ured at an average of 30 pounds souri Feb. 2, 1951, with a bachelor IN Zoning below minimum are underwriters' 2 t-UW Poiiee of aits degree in radio and public Score lite of Cirrion of Bed BMsk, J». A, standards. peaking. Sea Briglit'Long Branch Sea Wall T« Penail Md mat Tfeamday, 4NS* I. MM. The governing body expressed Coverage in Boris IN Pig Food Trough* fear that a serious Ore in the sntd- OCEANPOBT—Th* mayor aad tewa ere* oeuM get out of hand FAIR HAVKN-Mtyor Edgar V. NEW SHREWSBURY — Pigs Irwin; Cent Is Factor council last Thursday night post- because there is not enough water Denise, In an attempt to bring grunted tlieir way back into po- poned action on a bid from An- etack of MM par- I the mains to tight it properly. about a solution of the dog prob- sition as a leading mbjeit [or con- lem, announced at Monday night's versation at thn meetings of both -• thony Laurino for the borough's •*•» oa imtt II MM Councilman Ralph W. Lawrence, Freeholder Director Joseph C Ir- garbage disposal contract. chairman of tha council's fire com- meeting ef the borough council thr mayor and council and the of mi. that he will appoint a committee of bo.-ird of health hnc bit Thursday KrlK Take* Ovrr •.vin told The Register Saturday ho Mr. Laurino, who was the *nly mittee, said workmen for the Jeste six residents to review dog ordi- night. And thr porkria were viewed helioses the county Is ready to help bidder, offered to do the worli for Howltnd aV Sons construction Service Slit I ton finance and plan adequate sea wall* arm, found pretture inadequate nances ef other municipalities. The with considerable di. favor. $7,000 a year or for $21,000 for three group will study the various ordi- John B Kelly of I .inc. and other barriers "particularly years. He has handled Occanport's Elgrim Join? when they sought la*l week to use nances and then make their rec- water to ease the installation of pil- t 0 prot garbage disposal work the past ommendations to the council. Mrs. jor ditcussion. ftcsidcntK of thr Home, N. Y., hits leased thn ne-v : eigbt years. ing for the tea bulkhead they are Daltsn Hall has consented to serve ei oua !>r0sl0n building on the borough beach. Wayside area came armed with :t station of Ih- Atlantic P.e- * ' - Maurice Potter, Attorney far Walker, Tindall as chairman of the special com- petition signed hy 31 neighbor; flninj.' company at. West Front ;,t. I Mr. Irwin, however, spoke •«•- George 8. Kincadc, acked the may- trader Ma «aJUn* P. M. mittee, Mayor Denis* said, and her ;inaid h ' be- ! The county official made it clear buflnet*. a member of the salei force. Mr. Lawrence. When more water to control dogs. Four other per- licvod the day Wii.s coining when |»K j he wa.i "speaking only for myself, Mr. Kincadc made the request was sent Into the lines, he said, "it sons will be named by the mayor raising will have to he banned in not the whole county board" in dls- several months ago on the grounds muddied up the town's drinking to th* committee in the near fu- New Shrewsbury, at least in its ^cussing thp erosion problem with a that the property facing his on water." ture. built-up areas. "The pig problem ! I rrporter. Ho waa questioned after three tides It toned for buginets, Councilman Lawrence McCor- never end.s," he «aid. the Hea Bright mayor and council making it impossible for him to de- miek Hid that the borough's small- jf-Hour Felice Coverage Mi. and Mrs. Haul U. Sleppey and dorklH Friday night to ask the velop his property (of residential est fire pumper draws sn average Councilman Arthur H. Rieman, George Toni* presented the petition freeholders for an early conference use. Mayor Edward C. Wibson In- of 500 gallons of water a minute. chairman of the pnlirc committee, Joseph F. Nenuofane, Jr. to the board of health, and tht ti) study a proposal for a $250,000 . i.ned Mr. Potter that at last Its use in a Are, he said, "could reporting on 24-hour coverage hy health board forwarded it up to thn South Beach soa wall. month's council meeting the advis- drain tht main in half a minute." the police department since May meeting room of the mayor and He has his own half-hour pro- Peart Water Flow ory committee, to whom the matter Mr. Lawrence attributed the low 3*. said it Is "filling a need" in the gram, entitled "Dance Time." sir. council. had been referred, had recommend- pressure to a break In the main borough. The poiiee. he said, have tlenuopane recently was one of Among other things, the petition Mr. Irwln said h* feared "water ed that the request be dented. that extends from Rumton under answered several calls every night. two announcers chosen to work iked their Waytidc area be re- could pour around both ends" of Harry 8. Koch, chairman of that the Shrewsbury river, The result of this round-the-clock lute into the night to bring up-to- loned to prohibit pig raiFing, that j a 120-foot sea wall which waa *Ut- committee, reported at last month's Mr. McCormick said the break coverage, he added, will not only thn mlmits ncv,a to thu fetation's no resident be allowed to raU-e muru lined In a plan 8ea Bright put b*> meeting H»»t while the cuaimiuee was reported to the water company give additional police protection, listeners on the rampaging Arkan- than two pigs without a special per- fore the State Department of Con- felt the area In question would be 'almost a year ago" but that to but may result in a decrease In fire sas river, which threatened to flood mit, that no permit he granted be- servation and Economic Develop- suitable far business, it also felt date repairs have not been made, insurance rates. Uaiden City. fore a public hearing U held for the ment at an erosion meeting in Tren- that for the good of the borough, Councilman Neils Jacobten recalled On recommendation of Council- A graduate, of Red Bank high neighborhood of the pig raiser, that ton Junr 1. In that plan, Sea Bright the area should be planned before (hat >mw monthi ago army engin- man Russell H. Minton, chairman school in the class of 1943, Mr.only qualified pig raisers he nl- a-sked the state to pay half th« any move I* made. eers gave the water company pel- ef the fire committee, six new ac- lowed to haul garbage for fodder estimated cost. Borough offtciale Menxtopane served two and a half and that no further permits be al- Wat Given Katie* mission to install new supports un- tive members of the fire company yesrs in the Army In World War have expressed hope that the coun- der this main and said this work wort approved. They are Vcrnon II. He is married] to the former lowed for garbage hauling. ty would pay a bif ahar* of th* Mr. Potter said at last week's remains undone. meeting that he had never been Lerey King, Gerald 8. Kern, Law- Emmajane Harris of South Am- Especially, the complainants remaining cost. given any notice of a hearing by Tom I* I* Danger rent* J, Farley, Carl Becker, John boy, and they have, one child, a asked, stop feeding the dead to plgt. Sea Bright spokesmen hsv* suf the committee and that he felt It Mayor Thomas Farrell said he Russell and Melvin D. Halleran. son, Joel Paul, Atk Ms sVtMon gested the borough's share bs Un- wa* most unusual for that group considered It "very dangerous for Joan U. ited to not more thtn IS per eent town" to have water This last request brought hearty to make a recommendation without the whole Three building permits were re- agreement by councilmen. As a re- of the total cost, or 137,300. Tliat "hearing our request In full and pressure at anything leas than that Mr. Kelly told The Register yea- would place th* county'* share at required by fire underwriters' ported by H. Lynnwood Minton, sult of a request by Mayor Steven;, terday that arrangements were be- the reasons far it." Mr. Potter add- Ooergo A. It. building Inspector, as follows: Hen- Rotarians Hear a special meeting of the health 35 per cent, or IS7.9OO. ed that If the committee met, it standard* and asked that the con- ing made for the grand opening A resident or Uttle Silver the dition he referred to the water ry L. Bauer, 270 Hanee rd., dwell- board was called for this week to In two weeks. Mr. Irwln noted that varlou* anti- was without any consultation with ing, f*,000; M. J. Moll, 500 River revise, before advertiting, a new erosion flans already eubmltted by he and his client. Mayor Wilson put M yean, Mr. Elgrim gradu- company with a request for a cor- A former government photo lab- ated from Red Bank high seHbol rection. rd., porch enclosed, $150, anStatd e Expert on sanitation code which the board oratory employee, Mr. Kelly was the state's shore municipalities call told Mr. Potter he will get In touch Oeorge D. Egner, M0 Oxford ave. had passed upon first reading. That for a total outlay of $4,780,000 and with Mr. Koch and ssk that the and later attended Drake's Butt- Mr. Lawrence said material* for employed at Watson labs, and garag*. $400. » cede does permit dead flesh to bemoved with the Monmouth county that the town* asked th* state to advisory group meet with Mr. Pot-nets school at Perth Amboy. In the the Installation of some 3,000 feet Tax Matters fed to plgt. ter and Mr. Klncade. building and construction business of new eight-inch main have been The report of Magistrate John V. contingent to Griflith.i Air Force supply about of thlsj for a few years, he Joined the Uttle delivered in Sea Bright. Th* pip* Crowell for May showed the follow- Mrs. Margretta U. Reed, borough base, Rome, N. Y., last fall. Prior money. Monmouth eounty tovma Mayor Wilson announced that he Sliver police department In 1MI. He ing easts: speeding, •; careless Says Situation in clerk, said she had Information that to his employment at Watson, he outlined plans for mere than tt.000,- had attended the recent meeting e le to be put In place in the North left it lit 1M4 to enter the Navy Beach sector, connecting with an- driving, 8; stop street violation. 1: only meat from dead horses was was assistant fire chief at the000 worth of erosion projects, *ik- the Monmouth County teague e and rejoined it after hit honor- passing bus, 2; Improper parking, New Jersey la in being used for fodder on most state hospital at Marlboro. Injr the ttat* to bear three-fourth* Municipalities en the nutation o other eight-Inch main already func- able discharge. Ht resigned his post tioning. . 10, and disorderly conduct, 2, Fines He left Middletown township of the cntt. fluorldation of water. He said h* in January to join Walker k Tin- amounting to $10T were turned A Chaotic Stt.1* (Continued on yag* lt> personally thought the plan wa* an In other matters council: high school, Leonardo, to enter the However, Commissioner Charlaa dall. over to the county and $7$ to the Navy, and served four years in R. Erdman ha* mad* it dear th* excellent one but referred It to th* Decided to add U more feet of borough. The Red Bank Rotarlant at their water committee for study. Since January, he has been tak- stack to th* sewer plant chimney weekly meeting last Thursday at World War II. He, served aboard ttat* now has In 1U erosion *e- Councilman Felix Foggla report ing extensive training with Security to carry off obnoxious odors, coun- tht Holly Pitcher hotel, had aiCR.R. to Explain th* heavy cruiser, U.8.8. Qulncy, counts only IT9J.443 for tut* *to- ed that he had-written the ttat Mutual' Ufa Insurance company of cilman - Harry Lovgren reported Th* following liquor .licenses their luncheon speaker X K. Pew- and the attack transports, U.S.S. trtbution. It I* evident ther* will 'traffic engineers asking that the Blnghamton, N. Y., and Is special- IMW window* art awn to be put In were renewed: Atlantic hotel; re- ell of New Brunswick, an approval Its Tax Position West Marlin and U.S.S. Crescent be some hot competition between blinker n|M at Oceans** and ising In the new and unusual Sav- the plant. tall consumption; Cellar, Inc., retal engineer and an expert on tax nat- City. coastal town* fur iharu •* HUM Portaupeck aves. be moved to MM- ing* plan, th* "Security Accumu- Adopted on Una! reading two distribution, and Frank J, Perry, ters. SEA BRIGHT — P. M. Parker, Ha took part In the O day Inva- funds. mouth bivd. and Comanche dr. and lator." ordinances. On* appropriates |l,500 limited retail distribution. Coun- Mr. Powell addressed the Rotar- property agent for the Jersey Cen- sion of France, the Invasion of for bulkhead construction. The South France, and the Philippine tbat a stop light be placed at th cilman Rieman, who recommended ians on "Assessment Equalisation.'* tral railroad, informed a reporter The county, aaid Mr. Irwln, la ta Oceanport and Portaupeck interne other tehtdule* feet to be charged renewal, said police investigation He did not mince words regarding this week he would attend the June and Okinawan campaigns. Edward Rayiter Becomes for street excavations necessary for He i.i a member of tht Uncroft good financial condition and can tlon. showed everything In order. the present assessment feature meeting of the mayor and coun- make some appropriation* this year. Doctor of Medicine utility installation* and order* that Wilfred MeCraeken was appoint throughout the state covering the cil to present the railroad's side of fire company. Criticise* Civil Helen** sueh openings be properly repaired. state, county and municipal assess- for erosion protection—"even tf it ed as tan Lions- club representative the caso in council's proposal to re- means drawing up a larger budget Councilman Paul Sommera, chair LEONARDO — Edward Joseph Approved transfer of the liquor on the mayor's park committee. ments. He stated that county and assess railroad property here. little Silver Parents nan of the Civil Defense commit- Rayntr, M. D, of Brooklyn, who license of Otto Ollllg from his municipal budgets have doubled In for next year to mtk* up for tha has a jummer horns on Washing- Councilman Jesss J, Mcllray re- Council noted Friday night there added expense." Some money la tee, reported that out of $00 lurvty burned-out Ship Ahoy restaurant to ported that th* publlo library will the past ftv* years and although had been no response to a com-Fly to III Soldier-Son cards sent to homes In the borough, ton ave. here, was among th* M the Ship Ahoy beach club at Ml the tar rate has gone up, valua- available for capital Improvement* graduates of the College of Medi- bo closed from June 1* to July 3, munication to the railroad to ex- CANAT, ZONE - Mr. and, he said. only auu had been returned. He al- Ocean ave. and also that tht new storage tions have not advanced in propor- plain why It had paid no tax to so deplored the fact that many of cine of the slate university of New Ordered that "children playing" tion. He further stated that the Charles Whelan of Little Silver re- "But first," h* strewed, "we want York at the second annual com- building on Fisk st. should be ready the borouzh for 1M0, Previously it cently arrived at the Fort Clayton those who volunteered for defense signs previously approved now be for use by July 1,, The building larger percentage of taxes for watt stated that the tax waa un- to proceed very carefully and study work failed to come out to meet- mencement Wedntidey night of sttte, county and municipal expens Army hospital here to vtslt their all plans fully. We muet be sure w* ordered and installed on Ocean will house borough equipment. paid because no asiessment was son, Staff Sergeant William O. Ings and training coursei. He add- last week at the Brooklyn Academy es I* borne by real estate and al- made, are spending money correctly. ed that one group had compelled of Muiic. A number of new street signs are though, as stated before, tax rates Whelan, who la In serious condition being put up, Councilman James There are many municipalities with the first aid course and that an- Son of Mrs. Edward W. Itayner raitdiw have gone up, the gross value of Mr. Parker said the railroad does from a heart attack. various problems needing county other Is now taking a course In of Brooklyn and tha late Mr. Ray- Heard a report of satisfaction by E. Enright reported as chairman real estate In New Jersey has de- not protest the borough's right to The sergeant was preparing for Councilman Jacobstn that a pro- of th* street committee. He also assistance. Appropriations must b* police work. ner, former district supervisor of creased. revise the assessment for its former a leave when he was stricken. His mad* according to importance." the bureau of atendance of the New posal h* mad* more than a year reported that Street Superintend- right of way here. He said, how- parents notified, they flew here. Mayor Wilson appointed Council- ago that river boats be equipped ent Oscar Becker has repaired The speaker said the assessment Mr. Irwln aald Sea Bright Coun- man John Meek to attend aay York eity board of education, Dr. ever, that since higher taxes are They now are staying In Cocoll cilman Ralph W. Lawrence wa« with retractable aerial masts to hole* in the streets and ha* cut situation In New Jersey is In a with the sergeant's wife and three meetings on a Joint garbage dis- Rayner will Intern at Brooklyn hos- prevent unnecessary draw bridge state of chaos and that something sought tht railroad hu decided to correct in Informing hi* governing pital. He Is married to the former back hedges at intersections. •ell Its Sea Bright holdings. children. posal plan with Alexander Borus, opealngs now ha* become ttat* Easement Needed must be done about It Immediately body that the freeholdtr director president of the borough board of Jane F. Olll of Brooklyn. They have to relieve the burden of the tax was most Interested In eo-operatlngf health. There have already been two daughters, Jane and Sally Ann. (Continued on page 14) Mayor Denise announced that situation on real estate. He placed with Sea Bright and Monmouth several meetings of representatives th* securing of an easement over great emphasis on the fact that Beach in building up protective of five municipalities at which the one piece of property is all that is most assessors, although elected, Young Republicans to Hear Curran ocean barriers. plan hus been considered. holding up the signing of the con-get their jobs through popularity "But." he said, "we have to eon- Th* mayor and council adjourned tract for construction of a storm and not through ability to serve aider the over-all picture." He did until June M when they will act Hock Upholds Township's Refusal aewer. When this Is obtained, h< their public to the best advantage. not think It possible to consider on liquor license applications. 1 said, th* contract will b*.executed He said it does not matter whether At Stout Testimonial Dinner and work started. building a long sea wall from Sea Of license to 'Cossacks Club a municipality has a single assessor Thomas J. Curran, New Tork'a Bright to Long Branch "in on* Councilman Mcllray reported that or a board of assessments, it IsSecretary of State, will address the piece" because of the exceptionally Dr. Edwin F. Stewart, borough nut the matter of number but rath high cost of construction. But h* NBWARK-Srwin 8. Hock, Al- health officer, has recommended er the ability to serve. Voters or Young Republican* of Monmouth Dismiss Suit Retail Services county Friday, June 22, when Rich- did feel it would be a mistake not coholic Beverage Control director, Rumson Man Receives that th* council endorse fiuorida- those who make appointments of rd R. Stout, chairman of the to prepare a general plan ao ono has upheld the action of the Howell tion of the borough's water supply assessors should select men who group In 1949 and present* state section of sea wall or other sta de- township committee In refusing a Doctor's Degree by the Monmouth Consolidated are qualiAed by virtue of knowing Against Wihtol fenses that may be built first would To Post Prices liquor license to the All Cosiacha Water company as a means of re-something about valuation! rather senate candidate, is honored. BALTIMORE, MD. ~ H. Shep- Karl Wihtol of Red Bank-Ever- be a connecting link with another TRENTON — Family expenses Stanitia of New Jersey, a fraternal tarding tooth decay. Council con- than to put a man in office without Mr. Curran, one of the outstand- ett rd., and Wihtol Industries, Lew- will be better stabilised and bud-and benevolent association. ard Rowland, son of Mrs. George curred and went on record In favor his first demonstrating some quali- ing Republican leaders of New that could be started when mor* Sutherland of Oak lane, Rumson, is st., Eatontown, successfully de- money becomes available. get makers will know better where The township denied the club a of it. fications for the job. He referred Tork, has a summer home at Gil- they stand tomorrow when sev- was graduated Saturday from the to most assessor posts being more lespic ave,, Fair Haven. Born In fended a $50,000 suit in Superior Want* to Protect Road license on the grounds that there School of Medicine of the College In reply to a statement by Mrs. court, Chancery division, at Tren- eral hundred classes of retail ser had been past misconduct it the Arthur Lundy that the boroujrh or less in the category of a political New Tork city's "old fourth ward" viceo are required to post theli of Physicians and Surgeon* at the plum job. 52 years ago, he was educated in ton Monday. In the Sea Brlght-Monmouth clubhouse on Oakland rd., which is University of Maryland, Baltimore. needa a sewage disposal system us The suit was started by Holbrook Beach area, said Mr. Irwin, th* ceiling prices. in a residential neighborhood. Ber- much as other improvements, May- St, Peter's parochial school aed Mr. Powell itated that It was his Xavier high school. He wa* grad- B. Smith of Blossom Cove rd., Mid-county is most interested in pro- Friday also Is deadline for ser- nard H. Welier of Freehold repre- or Denise replied that this could dletown township, and Edward tecting resident* and IU Ocean ave. vice stores to file celling price lists sented th* township. Alexander only be accomplished through join* opinion that the matter of assess- uated from Fordham in 1920 and ors should not be in the hands of received his law degree from Ford- Flnlay of Highlands, former em- highway. He considered this tha with O.P.S. For Central New Jer-Levchuk of Freehold represented action by Fair Haven and severs ployees of Wihtol Industries. Smith most hazardous area from the sey concerns this means the Tren- the club. neighboring municipalities. the politicians and that the county bam In 1923. In 19M he received ton district O.P.8. The Trenton as well as the local municipal as- the degree of doctor of jurlsprud and Finlay tried unsuccessfully to standpoint of erosion along the office has jurisdiction in the coun- In his decision, Mr. Hock wrote: sessments should be made by oth- ence egree or doctor or junspruo- pr0V(, ,hat when they commenced county coast because parts of both "A petition of the neighboring res- First Aid Squid Wins ers than those who get the job tT?Z ?!' °^n" unlvcrBl'y- worklns for Karl Wihtol in the lat- towns are open to the tea and In ties of Monmouth, Middlesex, Mer- While at Fordham he was a varsity danger during storms. cer, Ocean, Burlington, Bomersel idents objecting to the issuance of through the polls or by county ap- member or the basketball team and ter part of 1947 It was understood and Hunterdon. the license was presented to the Competition Trophy pointments. president of the senior class at law that they would wdrk without com- Referring to other action taken respondent. These protests stem The speaker said the majority of pensation and that Karl Wihtol at the Sea Bright meeting, Mr. Ir- The average person spends a con- from meetings and social affairs KEANSBURG - The First Aid school. He holds honorary doctor of promised when the business had siderable amount on items like squad was awarded a trophy Sat assessors In New Jersey, many of degrees from Fordham win said the borough has been held at the club premises on Thurs- them having been in ottice for and become lirmly established and In- "piling up requests for county aid." haircuts, laundry, dry cleaning an day nights, on , many Saturday urday at the Rescue Squad conven- Manhattan college. ; corporated he would give each man auto parking and there are an esti- tion at Bcthegda, Md., when it led years, have no record in their re- - . wtfumLiu U-- »uum K"U eticn man Plans were told at that meeting to nights and on at least four other spective offices of how they arrive A member of the law_ firm of | 25 per cent of the stock of the cor- uk the county to do a major re- mated .1,360 service stores doing special occasions during the year. more than ISO groups from all parts Curran ft Stim of New Tork city more than $100 million a year in of the Bast In first aid competitive at the figures.on their books and poration. surfacing job on Ocean ave. that It is about time something Is he was assistant U. S. attorney for They admitted that they began central New Jersey alone. It is 'The record indicates that these events. The squad atao won *n at New York's southern district from Mr. Irwin said the freeholder* these, and many other kinds of affairs frequently last until three or tendance trophy. done about this matter also. receiving a, weekly income about now have on file Sea Bright re- 1«8 to 1931. He waa appointed to five months after they commenced service establishments which will four o'clock In the morning, and Those who attended the conven- Following his talk, there was ahis present post by Oov. Dewey In quests to strengthen Ocean ave. In be listing their prices in plain sight are attended with loud singing and tion were Capt. Louia Becker, question and answer period which working, which they described as IU mldtown area where part of the IMS. A World War I veteran he drawing accounts. On cross exam- of the customer Friday. boisterous noise; that whiskey and Charles Padner, squad president showed that the Rotarians were was a second lieutenant In the In- roadbed has sunk "into sn old sew- beer bottle* and other refuse are Thomas W. Foley, secretary, and greatly Interested In the subject, as ination Smith and Flnlay admitted er line;" to straighten out the bend Service prices to be filed, Tren- fantry and later aerved In the 169th the weekly sum received was a let ton District Price Executive H. C. thrown onto neighboring property; Layton Webster, Edward Clark many pertinent questions wen put Infantry, a New York National in that road, over the former Cen- that automobiles are parked over and William Kryscnaky. to the speaker,, which he answered sum which was reflected as wages tral Railroad eroa*lng. to correct Thompson aaid, are those charged guard unit. He has been chairman on the company's books, and also by the establishment between Dec. the roadway without regard to pas- without delay and in a very educa- of the New York Republican coun- what hu been termed a "bottle- sing traffic and blocking nearby tional and satisfactory manner. He that they worked overtime, for neck" at the Ocean av*. Junction 19, 1950, and Jan. 25, 1951. The T« Tkt Shtrihtlfm. Lunardo ty committee since 1940 and was Awhich they received overtime pay. store owner or officer simply wrltei driveways; that teen-aged children Buildmj and Loan Aiiocittlon or topleased the Rotarians so well that Republican candidate for the V S. of the Sea Brlght-Bumton bridge, of the appelant's members annoy whom It may concern. they invited him to come back in At the conclusion of the plain- and paint a white line down the the O.P.S. a letter listing and pric- Pleaii tak< notice of lh« annual rnttt- the not too distant future to sup- Senate in 1B44. He was minority center of the whole road. ing Us services and adequately des- the neighbors by trespassing upon Dr. H. Shepnrd Rowland 'ni »( the Shareholder! ot Leonardo leader of New York city's board of tiffs' case, they consented to a dis- cribing; each service, and commodi- their property; that the persons at. Building and Loan Aunriatinn to t» held plement his remarks. He stated aldermen from 1031 to 1037. missal of their suit, which was "We've just spent $1,400,000 ther* tending thrxe Rffairs uae an adjoin- at lh» rnnm< of thfl raid Association il that there is so much to say on tho Rinntetl hy Judge Leun Leonard, ty sold with it If any. Dr, Rowland received a B. A. de- the Whilehnuat building on (.'enter ave. (for the bridge) but there's no let- ing property as a toilet. gree from Wesleyan university in subject that time did not permit His wife is the former Margaret Atlantic County court judge, who up." nald the freeholder director. The price order Roverninjr. th Lronarrfn, Monmouth lounty. N. J on him to do so last Thursday. F. Farley, also A summer resident was sitting in the Chancery divi- trade Is Ceiling Price Regulation "In a determination of whether 1947, and Is a lieutenant (j. g.) In Thursday. June 14. 11.1 at 8 o'clock ' "Sea Bright Is a big expense, and the Naval reserve, He will enter the rvpnin* tlicrrnf. Thf imrpme of II of Fair Haven. They have two «ons, sion by jpecinl assignment. Its requests keep on coming. Wa 3(, of which local Chambers of an applicant is worthy of receiving mtrtinl helng the election of flirectori Paul, 17, and John, 10, Karl Wihtol and Wihtol Indus- Commerce have copy. a liquor license, an Issuing author- Jersey City Medical Center, July 1, and the transaction nf such other hui- Typawiiitr Prlcti Slttatd! always want to do what we can, to begin his interneship. Dr, Row-Inetj a* may come before said meeting. New Royal Porting. 149.50! no* The dinner will be in Sea Girt tries were represented by Leon but we've got our limitations, There Among the establishments eov< ity may properly consider th* put land attended Mt. Hertnon School Polls will open at 8 P. M, and clou Smith Corona Skywrlttr, plui inn at T'p. m. Benjamin Oanakln Reussille, Jr., and Samuel Caroten- are other towns and other project* ered by It tho following are the conduct of the applicant at thator Boy* at Northfield, Mass., be- at • P. M. f% tax; with your old mothlnt If It Iila chairman. He expects an attend- uto of Applejate, Foster, Reussille to be considered." more usual: Auto, radio and house- premises sought to be Housed, Leonardo Bulldlns and Lotn Ano., In fair ihapa. 2D% dlieount on all re. ance of IKW Young Republican*. * Cornwell, Mr. Smith and Mr. hold appliances, personal services fore entering Wesleyan. James A, (Jrodeika, Secrttarjr, conditioned typewrite™. Two-year suar- Where, as here, the record sub- —Advtrtlietnent, ante«. Larra alock of typewriter! to Kenneth O. Stanley of Belmar is Flnlay were represented by Ed- The 80 per cent state, $8 per or barbers, beauticians and pho- stantially supports an adverse de- Natlu choote from, Strplcn'i, tot Monmouth program chairman. ward W. Wise, Jr. cent county, IS per cent borough tographers, tailoring, cleaning and street. Phona lit! J.04.85,—Advertise- termination to that effect, it cannot C«nm«ncln( Jun' 17th, itare III III K»» CMI tnrnt, cost-sharing batla for financing th* laundering Including coin-operated bo said that the Issuing authority open nighti anil Sundnyi. Walter ~. Shop In comfort in our alr-condltlonet South Beach sea wall, discussed by laundries, and miscellaneous ser- has abused the discretion, Initially Dentiln, 164 Rumion rd., Little Silver.— •tore. Hli*rmiuf». 49 Broad at,. lied Cominf Eyenta Mort«aM Money Advfrttiemcnt, ' Bank,—Advertisement. Caul Sites Ti-y An Ad oi- 11 sfi-ic* of nils in Tin for fnrni.', rmmliy estate, hull. Sea Blight officials, compart* with VICOK such an offered by banks, 1 lodged in it under the Alcoholic For "Father * UKV" Kumlnv. Jun# nth. RrKi'tei'' nrw clHfMiti'-il rnluiiui nt 11 A t)0-3--8 percentage formula used r ini;* r\l*tinir or new. Long parking lots, linullnc nlleyi, colt BcvcrsRe low, to determine the fit- Sprint ani. H»rf Bank Buiineia Indltula civ* him n Snr rfturn iiillntv. No gift vntr \n toil >mlr IMirlm,,: miri jntuie lie int.vnirni, nlieral luntu on , In wins fni- the hniough'n !MO,00» rout-sea and banks tenting aafety nets of the applicant {or a liquor jrlftliftas ast !h* Rrnttfrvnui Gift ^untwr ftchnnl (iprus ,1'ily '-. Klorenct (nmt'um «i'h ih« |ifi nf »l«tii. Sh»r Mri.r?1. nf ynnr 'WmbnW*. f«ii\ r»kr en I*, rti l it ll 0G Md 1 N ih Bcaih s w deposit boxes Shr,|>, S3J tvt,, A.»buif, O'Bhet, 121 Biead tt. R£ t-0»l».—Ad- min'i. 4i troad at,, Had Jank^-Advtr auctmn or reunion. Aik fnr C A.:n:y v^v: \i,{jsi. -D^ri: « " «« • '•* *••» ( lieeme." .vtftlitsitat. slitaiat. M M I-0D1J—AdTtrtlnntnt, AtlvtrtiMMintt But, Paoaa XU 1-ttU.—ldrtrtiitatnt. •*"• BED BASK Eggff TEH, 41 *E M, IMt TraiMimf i«a warfc is. the cauaty. Service* •Utia* WHOM. Hlla.1. Osaseejatatlr it* Services will hs held ea CalviniiU Begin will ke held •us4ay» throughout teya. wt af thstt emildrea ts Chriatiaa aaj at •.» aad «:B» p.' as, • i ansMBer at the Graa4 ave. •*• dar schasla, whieii are svaed aa4 CA The Mode Shows At Kcerait Stas4srda af the church I—fads Cam tag Cues** CaVMSgMOS AT LAW County ServicM terta«4 ekurch, Ashury Pork. the Belftc c*«fssaiea. the HeMsa- w«VM *T the aaieata. Pea MP.rxi Summer Fashions PTC. Alfred E. Mrtsgpr, fete* I. M.IJ. WilH." •• irre at the Marine Corp§ recruit They issue the call te> repestaace. the aeminary which haa aa attca*- **rt«MM erill *aMil raw Mcelst*. C*H Aknhaa J **••» AH of Cotton of Calvin seminary, Grand Rapids, It is the eteaoaiiMtiea which eves* Netherlaad*. It arscIauM Uc scrip- I'pot by receiving a promotion ta tural doctrine ef the Csveaaat. •ac* sf tlL U< •Mil aad •** fef Clseait kylr MtrDotmtll tis T'le'cnt rank ana winning the Mich., to carry out church citeaa- ir* the "Bark-to-God" hour aa U«t Tk« Sasiiter.—


HaUFtiHlNALF 1 •*!*,,, *s i s Pound Ttn . . .90 Chalet krltfl •»• UNION LIADER 14-OmKoTlti .90 MUUNOMNSwilhHfMon Guard 1.50 KAYWOOWIPIPIS . . from 3.50 fo 12.50 ANSCO SHUt-SNt YIU040U 1.00 Pound Tin . . 1*13 "JO" CAMIlA .... .PowndTinU9 round Tin 1«25 1 o • o o rvUMi Till ^r 9C OwJS

I • O 0- Come in! Try out its zip and pep! NOMiAY Dynamic 120-horsepower driving thrill GIFT LIGHTERS GIFT CIGARS Cwwplttt it»cfc wt RONSON Mfety-actlmt NEW STUDEBAKER OIFTLIOHTERS [r* IPX OP 10 for

MucnnioM UfftN1* WHITTOWl 1AYUK COMMANDER V8 IMPORTW "Oom" TAHIA POCKIT LtOHTU PAlMAt. . .o«Kh 10c ClOAtl. . . ooch 10c PMUItt . . MCB) 1J Box of 21 for 3.90 Bon of SO for 4.40 B»x «ff Mfor i. M Driva this woncUr car new! SUN GLASSES SHAVE NEEDS Naadt no premium fuall E-Z-Ha •ttt a in actual gas mil«ag« in Mobilgat Icanomy Run!* PUSH-PAI MINNIIli All "OH oooous ONLY H«nrfi»«»ry ityltd for man - fiasjvy •autatl«tiua M«, wm a thtll.flntiH framei, flai-fit Itmplti, OKUTTIIUM wtrii I fiikk'irttoiiiPirCBH) , »l"w ICWnilfIC lttft|9ti ^rVltfl COM • • *• HJKTMC MUVM .«•••, •AILLY MOTHERS WERNER'S GARAGE l-Z-ht fLEX-m SPOUT OlASSIS P^L. l.f• §1 M0NM0UTH tTRIfT, •TATI HIGHWAY NOUTI M. Stt Our Camplgla Slack Of Sun OISJIMII VAIWI # RID MNN, N. J. •ILFORO, N. J. nmm%n, JPSB *«, Newly Elected Officers of Red Bank lion. Club Shepard Speaks At Croydon Hall UCONARDO-ThomM A. Des- mond, 3d, of Little Silver. »'•• val- edictorian at the commenrement es- orcises of Croydon H»ll academy Why worry about »ose "peiky" little destructive m**)wf Sunday when Rear Adm. Andrew For only twenty centi you can protect a man's Mit for a> G. Shepard, IT.H N., (ri-t.) delivered the. address to the graduate!. year. For one dollar a year you can mothproof your deves> After an invocation «u offered port . , . and this protection is guaranteed in writing ky ta* by Rev. Andrew M. Roy. C.lf.F.. a famous Berlou guarantee. r salutatory TM eM was made by Berlou professional mothproofing protect! you t»t (rst) TELEVISION Louis Peter Di Berho. William ij, RADIO ft Coleman, dean of student*, preaent- years against moth damage or we pay the bill. ed the It candidate! for diplomai Berlou mothproofing will protect your «lothinj, fcltsketa, APPLIANCE and prizes whlrh were awarded by John II. Carr, headmaster. tugi and furniture . . . it's colorless . , , and odorless. Rt> memtier any material mothproofed with Berlou retains Mt 0ALES.SEMVICE Rev. Franc!* L. Nolan, pajftor of Al 8t. Agnes Cathotie churck. Atlantic original luftnesa and ia guaranteed. Highland*, pronounced benediction For reliable Berlou five year mothproofing service aejt Music during the eiercise* was under the direction of Donald W , with Mm Lucy 8. Bieblc, HAtOLDS accompanist.

RAOK> A mCTMC •—mi* Tea* Pete With an aarlr announcement %t i iv.nt you're intfrtetetf in. The flk'a rlatiintit column, "<'owln CltANCRS.c Kvrnta", ia ideal for tllil puri>of«. Cai Re «.ooi.l ana atk for Claiiined.—Ad- Filler i vertiif Ht 2\ W. Front Si. Res) Bank if Jiie 17 J. YANKO 10 MOAP STIffT M0 SANK

Special Purchase! Queen Make dresses 7.95 Reguhrly 12.9S and 14.95

A new group of Qiioen Muke at a iii'W I»M» price! Perfect quality . . . ninny ntykn . . . cool fuhriva . . . and all launder like a dream.

Your dioice of bciuiici'g sheera, Tk» read te kattw ass Mntr total* woven geersuckeri!, line IUWIIH IIIIII Mu. ednrtlM to Ik* RtfltUr t*gularlf. diniitioH, cltmiihray*, liiitrln-r linens and eyelet batistes. electrode. In greater detail, there occurs a high resistance joint with Patent Granted he contact washer, thereby impair- 12 to 20 38 to 44 lfilitoJUi ing; the efficiency of the apparatus. It has been sunested that this lim- To Otto Saslaw itation may be overcome by oper- HOME OWNERS! ating ths stack in an inert atmos- Th« United Statci Patent office Hera ariree twtwo MifjMiioM fofi r May 31 (ranted patent number 2,- phere, but »ueh a practice would 555.MT en a "lemi^conductiv* cell" render the arrangement expensive Just arrived! owner.! Both wiU to Otto Baslaw of Red Bank. and cumbersome. add greatly to your This Invention pertaini to "semi* It Is the object of Mr. SanlaWs conductive" cells that are used (or fort. All estimates are Invention to present a solution to Purt silk tht manufacture of rectifiers (con- his problem and, for this purpose, free, to call now! trivances for converting alternat- he provides tha counter-electrode ing current Inta direct current) with a special protective cover. Shantung drosses tnd photoelectric cells (devices This cover Is prepared by coating whose electrical characteristics de- piece of aluminum or like con- pond upon the amount of light fall- ducting material with a suitable ing upon them). low-melt metal; and by fusing the 19.9S Generally speaking, a number of latter to the counter-electrode, these cells are arranged in a stack; there results a solid unit wherein Reg. to 39.00! A special and each of them consists of a lay- ths counter-electrode will not oxi- er of Mmi-conductlvc material, such dize at operating temperatures. In group of dressy dresses M the metal selenium, that is prop- addition, It is claimed that this in solids and prints. erly applied to and positioned be- bonded cover plate adds mechanl tween a suitable base plat* and a cal strength and durability to the Misses Sizes to-called "counter-electrode." structure. In assembling a number of theie This patent has been assigned to cells Into a stack, they are usually Vlckers, inc. rtrung on an inKiiHted rod passing through a central hole in each cell; and It should be noted that a con- tact washer, made of copper, bran or bronse, ii mounted between them. In other words, each of thai* waihers makes contact be- tween the counter-electrode of one cell and the base plate of an adja- cent one. Give Dad...Relaxation! PORCH ENCLOSURES According to Mr. Saslaw, difficul- ties have been encountered In the use of these assemblies, due to the There are 100 day* of hot, rammer effect of oxygen upon the counter- weather ahead of us ... 100 night* of fighting mosquito* and insects . . . un* Oat/son SPORTWEAR less yon have your porch enclosed. En* joy cool breem, free from Insect* on your own screened in porch. In the winter it becomes a comfortable glass $2 enclosed room. Call now for free esti- $3.50 mate! $3* Winterise your summer cottage. Let us HOUSE raise your house and put a new found** lion ander it. We're equipped to do the complete job, so call now. RAISING that will givs him tht added bentflt of HnV Easy Monthly Payments flifol Itiiicl*! ing H tailtrj rtlaxina more; enjoying himself • TAKI YIAiS TO JAY shirt, to perfectly tailored It fltt to perfection EVfRY JOI INSURED' • Moraa PAINTINa and invites greater relaxation. Soft, luxurious aurora CABPINTBT NBWBATHB00MB •ROnCM MUMITI CURED/ • BOOM ADDITION! fabrics.v. richly styled... mo wide range of POB0H wxnamotm DOBMEU No ns«d to l«f a good colors and patterns to please every DSJSJ* OABAOBS MASONBY • EXPANSION ATTlOa watch go wrong. Bring UEATINO ELEOTBICAL WOBK Come in and choose yours today.! • tooon a WAIX TIUNO it to u> for expert, icien- title cart. You'll find our charge, low, Your Photo on Tlonmouth fonstruction [o. DAD'S GIFT CAM FREE Reussilles' B A N «. 36 Broad -Red Bank USE WA9W HWmWTt,*, {WTIfi U, ffff Garden Club RFD To Operate Service Station Here MTMONTS PCATMC CUMC lists Rules for St MAPLE AVE. RED BANK 6.1011 Entries at Show OHM ami Dele* (CMCMI Matota) Auk* CfMMullaHU Named] ruraithMf mtftmmMm iasstallaUa* For Various tlmt«r aerrirc to nuttk IIWM U i for *he *•«• •r arrangement and horticultural claesea of trie flower /how to he held Saturday, June 23, from I to I f). m in the William Croi* born art open te all amateur fardenere. Rules for th« How*r arrange- ment elatsea art: Only ana entry may be made in any ona elua hy an exhibitor, arrangements Must ke nUi by exhibitor an* anu»t ha ia place by 10:30 o'clock on June It; tht number of »ntri«« ia limited la come classes; reservationi wilt ke accepted in the order in which they •re received and the elasaea will fc* closed when Riled; fill out an>) mail ffitry blank to Mite Ann* Croia, William F. Mauoa «f IT Lak« Previeua t» leailnf tbs unit* R. V- D, freehold, by June II; tha ave., Fair Haven, haa lea«d the ataiion, Mr. Mascon waa eajBloyet) committee cannot be responsible for •oWla aarvlce atatlea at U Eatt by tke National Uti conaany at lo«a or breakage of any property; f rMt at.. Nrnarly aaxrateel by Ray •aynvllli. He haa arevtatMly all exhibits mint be left until tha MeUitfklla of Tavar Hill ave., who worked at Lee Curriar'i service ats* cloee of the fhow and be remove* haa ae*rate4 atrvlca ttatlan« I* ttila tlon, Bait fram an4 Barlag atf.; that evening if pouible, and tha area far aeveral years. John Moltinei aervice itatisn, Esat judges' decisions shall be final. Mr. Mauwa will h* ataialH ia the rra«t »t, an4 Joseph p. DeMer'l aaeratloa af the Italian, which will aervica atatlsn, Atlantic Hifhlaate. Rules for the horticultural clas- esan aUklally fn«t M»««ay. *>y Qua Mr. •••al ha* ha* II yasrt' Mr- aes are: Entries mu?t be mide by •offtl at Allan it., Rumion, 10:30 a. m. on June 23; container! vice itatlan naerience. will be furnished by committee; all cpecimens must be K™wri by ex- Table," a compuition of any slant hibitor, name variety if pomlblp; • material and accompanying objects CANVAS AWNINGS that might be found on a "parlor" Fair Haven Man collection will consist of not leaa than three blooms or stalk* and table. To be ataged In a light green not more than eight. No more than niche M Inches wide, II inches 4t«p ' one bloom or -talk of any one vt>- an« M tnchea high, limited to eight Sent to Prison VWBT | riety may he included in a collec- entries. ntEEHOLD-Judge Jeha C. eBaf ^aB-ja-t-UtaltaM A txBBsBBl tion; plants must have been In ex- Mrs. Octaviiu Knight i* consul- Qiordaae sentenced Charles flail- VJf ••••••^••IJBffVyi «J ••VW hibitor's poneciBlon for at leait tant for the "Nature's Bounty" ar- gan, n, »f McCsrtir ave., Fair Ha- three months. rangement, a compoaltion lulng ven, ta U te IT yean In atata prlaea Mrs. John H. Blake, Jr. Is con- vegetable and/or fruit leaves with Friday on three chargea for which INVITATION TO SUMMER V— —at — awalir WINB| iiwlirt —d pwHiHw, mm sultant for the flower arrangement vegetablei and/or fruit; no other h« WM convicted Apr. II. Matter af Maria. ItfiMar*! wMa««s aaMf atloa. W* entitled, "Orrctingc," which la plant Material allowed. It is to he A parolee from Annandale refer* FittMMft oa "Taffetiicil Cotton" trpsrstet. Critai, eraekiag, rcmaacat-fiaith re*, •taged In a light green Rich* 24 potted plant material to be placed matory, Tlanlgan Wki sentenced ta tone, to woaeVrfnllv laHMderslile. Coordinated ia eye aaal wMtod aalaaBaa af fabric tMlaftaadoJaalaaifj in green flower boxec, approximate- Inchei wide, il Inches deep and M live to seven yean for aisault with ly M inchex long to he supplied ky Inches high. It la limited to I en- Intent to commit carnal abuse, a Match. •lowM ia lilsc, Mint, Maise and piak. Skirts ia punk, treea tad coca* the committee and must he In place trli*. similar aentence for breaking and gists 10.11 June It. It In limited to eight en- Mrs. Frederick S. Noble Is con- entering- with iRttitt ta steal and Standard Awning Co. then. aultant for "A Twice Told Tale," an two to three yeara for larceny af a Miss Anna Crwi* Is consultant far arrangement In a pair of contain- motor vehicle. Judge Qiordano or- BIT. ltn C. E. MOBALLKB, the flower arrangement, called era, To be ataged In front of a dered tke Matinees ta run sea- "Dew Drops," a miniature arrange- three-fold screen II inchei wide, I eeeutlvely. 615 RIVER ROAD, FAIR HAVEN, N. J. ment not to, exceed S Inches tad tnehet deep, U' tnchta high, to ke Addressing the court before be- .limited to IS entries. supplied by exhibitor. It I* Itmltid ing sentenced, Flanlgan aald he felt MftOM MD SANK Mrs Van B. Walker IK conaultant to aeven entries. hit previous record ltd ta his being for tha trrangemenu, "Parlor Mrs. I. Murray Tadd U eonJul- convicted In 1MI he waa eenttaesd tant for "Eventide," an arrange- ta Annandsle reformatory foe lar- E^t»^'*xa^^*a^n*»slxe^Sa^i»»a^iS^e^*^Wi«sxs»^^^»nBBaS^s^^^lxBBBE»^xe^==;^*»^^*^E^ ment or a competition using asy ceny af s Motor vehicle snd In INT plant material, any eontslntr, sse waa tent ts Railway prlioa far or more candlea required. Staged In breaking and entering sad tarrying AT THE WHITE HOVM frsnt af a thr«i fold dark Blue a eeaeetled weapon. scrssa M tnchei wide, II Inches Judge 3. Edward Kalght suspend- 90 BROAD ST. RED BANK deep, a Inehei high. The serein ed seattMt ta Bordentowa rotor- SURPRISE STORE Is U be supplied by committee. It motory for Nermtn Bnrltw, Msla OPBN FRIDAY NtOKT TILL • la limited to seven estrlei. at., Belford, and Bernard Kelghreo, Mrs. W. Mulheron, Matawan, Is Bay sve. and Cedar it., Leonardo. Shop These Values for Father's Day! •sasuHsst for "Hope" Inter-Club. He slse placed them on nrohatlo« Entries to bo unt before Juaa II. for three years aad tned each UN. Tkls Is s lampnaltton using say They wire charged with stesllsg MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE — SKIP-DENT plsat msterial, to ke tUged tn front Mil worth af euppliet from the H. of s gray-blue screen 24 inchei wide, Paul Keiter tervlce itatisn, ri.M. II laekas deep, It Inehei high. The Belford, and pltaded gulHy. sareea will be auppllid by commit- Fvt. Fred Deanii, of tt Rarltsn 29 tM. ave., Keaniburg, was turned over Other srrasgemanla ara entitled, to military authorities after having • aentenee to Bordentown reforau- firm? SPORT SHIRTS 1 "Dawn of a New Day," "Grand- mother'! Kltehen," "Bummer Won- tory luspendad. Hi was charged Sanfarita. tt«| wtovo short ilaava thirt* with derland" and "My Cup Runneth with the theft of US from a Ketnt- burf amtutment ttand while on •onvortiMo laflar. May bo worn with or with. over." Mist Jeane Clifford la eoniultant furlough from his army post la ovt tif. In whita and sttortod eolan. Sim: for the men'a CIMSPI for a com Massachusetts, imrnkfttmrn «sfrr sot; "fts j position, not over IS Inchei, iug- William 8eott, Attor it., MaU- SweasaraMr/iafasri— getting s aeng title. wan, was ordered to Marlboro stats sswsaHsM.datillM* hoapltal for study and clstsineatlon Another arrangement In the after pleading non vull to threats*- Men's cltises II of mixed flowera in ing to kill his wife, Henrietta, oa iny container not to exceed II Jan. U and unlawful uie of weapon MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS laches, by (Irlng a gun Into the floor of Mrs. Robert Lawrence la the con- their home ta frighten her. Rroatklolh • White and Solid Colon sultant for the Junior cluies ar- Rofulor non itorch nlwrs and ipraod rangement for boyi and girls up to 15 years, of M old-fashioned note- VLAOMUS STOLEN eoHsrs with itsys. Luitrovs hifh count gay of sny flowera in a lace paper Atvla Abrams of Shrewsbury whits* and tolid color*. Full cut and un> holder. township reported to police Sunday Another arrangement In the Jun that someone had stolen a flagpole foriiod shrunk. Sim 14 to 17. Reg. 2.98 lor clatsss not to exceed IS inchei. from his 11-foot open boat while If of sny plant material In a wooden It waa moored at the Coast Boat container. works, foot of North Rlvervlew Men*i Long Sleeve Rayon Gabardine ave. Later In the day, Mr. Abramt The term "epiniter" originated In reported to police, that a Are ex 98 the Middle Ages, when moat weav- tinguiaher had been stolen from his SPORT SHIRTS 1 ing was done by unmarried women boat. Vorioty of parish and dark colon. Jiio*i im., md., If. Men's Big Yank Work *>t BURN-UP Ssnforiisd Shrunk llua Chambrty and Gray Covart Id* Vilis ig ytir Tlr«! ipdu>Nsib,Driv«a Only Big Yank AntspHNor jounsii* SWHW JQW own Has These Features satta, your owa cowwariiOBi. Wo other car—aWawy^rict pves you IO much ia aH«

Md with Hydra-Mrfc Drivi coiu huadndi of doUan kn BHa AaBrioi'i otbsr flout oust Yoi, beforo you otddi-taltt MEN'S PAJAMAS •a AhByn rido-la ttw wortd'i amt mootm curt Choice of Striped Broadcloth or Solid Rayon BB«J^ Ireadcleth in coat or middio ftykn in at- # %• tortad handiema itripings. Rayon ptiamai in coat ityla and solid edori: Uuo, gray, tan, main, grain. Sim in both pajamas ar« A, I, C, D.

MIN'S IATHINO TRUNKS MM'S Striptd SMrwektf RttH Handwma ttripingt in an Choice of Isitei or boisr MM| tm omrsM ta swat SbtM Mdlsot nsw NsibAlrByl«t«re ready oxcalltnt quality — full cut at your MUk dsoJai'i now-IUmbton, SUtasmm sad Ambssiklori. ttyls with Hawaiian prints, robs. Tha ii«ti ara im., Laetta hi teM aelan•eler i Ml TV mill Tww la PeU WWeman TV HIM CU»...pretMted by Notk far md., Ig. 4 M SSJSTSK ffr 1 ("rfJasl flMMfS • 4 t MN QMNf*rB ]0>M> H#fW#ffce *M0 yMf |M^4f ftf IMan RMA

Tropical or Washable Rayon Slacks t. Moosuro yvr tread 4. toto* yovr Hroe ED «OR MTTENGELL, Inc. Tha tropical tlacai coma in suiting pattarns, art f. Oiva ascuratt InWotton «• Jy» M Uaa>aa|i|f| ffnal ttd Riafc tL L tool—poroui and wrinMo Militant. In gray, .98 Irtna^sT^rwvw^^reTjTMl W%l YrwS RW VBjNRf iw# 99 brown or Mua. MCK o# 2 NOTICE affect on Its . fa and pnblleatlon la- Natlca ef Seitlesaeat ef , Wathabla rayont como in fancy chocki, strips)!, solid colors, ars hand* fMMV, AM ORDINANCB rHOIURlTINO TUB eordlns; to lair. EaUte of Randall B. Oe4|e, dtatated. fAttXINO Or" MOTOR AND UTHKR PUBMO NOT1CB Notice la hereby given that the asoounts somaly ttylad and earsfully tailorad. Full cut «nd roomy in sixes 29 to 42. VIHItXBS ON A PART OF HUDSON of tha auhacrlbrr, Admlnlilratrla ef tha AUTO HOME Tha lureguln« ordinance wn Intro- catatc of aald deceased, will be audited H IT ORpAINBI) hr ., ltsi, at 10 o'eleelt «r eider «akl«la shall ba nark.d on rmular miatliiK nf ssld itovernlnr body TIRE COMPANY either, slds of Hudson Avenue betw««n to ha held on Monday, June Is, UJ1, at A. M, at which time anplleatlon will be lla lateriteHoni with Linden Plata and 8130 P. M., at the Council Chambers. In made for the allowance of •atnrilssloni Canal Street. the Borough Hall, Monmouth Street, Bad and counsel fasa, 101 Oakland St., Red Bank 64747 • 6-4748 fetilen I, An* sersen vlulatlne this Bank, Naw Jaraay, at wsleb time and Dated I June 1st, A. D., !»B1. disease skill, usea eeavlstlon, pa* a Place all persons dtslrlni to be heard MAURA D. fine of sat aura than Twanty-llvii tint- thereon will he tlven full opportunity. (Formally MaursSlM_.._, . Dod'gs), lars (111,00) er be Impriion.d In tha 170 Craig DriveDrIM.. T. WASHEHS* > TELEVISION • REFRIGERATORS Ceuatr J»ll tar not more than flr0 (S) Dated! Jun.'4, l«il, Auburn, Placer fount*, STORE OF 1001 BARGAINS da>a, •> Wtb, AMV K. BHINN. California. ,,T * Sestloa x. Ant and all ordlnancs 110.12 Biirouch Clerk. Administratrix^' II BROAD STREET RED BANK Salea — Service or narts or ordinance eonfllcllna wllh or Inconsistent with this ordinance ara Meiara. Parnona, I.«Hr»cqiie, MONEV BACK Gl'AKAMKK- Nn Red Tape In Maklnf Adjuatment* hereby repealed. The rond Io heller and bigger bual. (lansona a Comhs, nesa, arivrrllar In The Reflster regularly, Red Rank, W. J. gntlea 4. mil erdiatnit skill take —Aavaiuiammt. AtM»t*a, ^..^ YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORt AT

l» 10


tOmyfttAl Vmmmtutod CwmmUti PERSONALITY $3.56 LONDON CLUB mm C VACUUM TIN OF


MM IIMIlIf (*»«*•* $2*




<*•<<• *l knuttM {,, v •*»• «•> MHtHN. ••«•* 8/ WIIT MTTLE yTKAiiiii \r ""HfitiSSTSSI Vil. MOW M-NICOTIA NNTWAMO NS T l [ SHAVE LOT/OW Jt SHAVING BOrVLS^W\E ^LCS^ Tin T^ IAR1V AMIMCAN gBI TAWN" TRAVEL BAG £rfOI14» PIHA0O ^B AFTH4HAVE NOW 0N( r IHOLIDAY If \ OLD SPICI WAIT HOLIDAY •MHMTM $ wnaHH m r\TALeiQi NIIMI WITH \ \Niw«ily"tll limnm IMITM YARDLEY OC< COURTLEY l|2} YARDLEY 111 REGENT,_ Plastic BEACH BALL 98 SU9 IHAVIN* IOTION «V TALCUM M^ HIM A) III WMi Family! SEAFORTH l|fl| SEAFORTH $|J| OLD OPICI $|U *W»^^R«PW PNKUMATIf tHAVIIW MUf A CAItIN WDITDITRUR T COURTLEY 118 OLD SPICK $fif COURTLEY $|U FLOAT »«»«••, ••v»4 Tin fMAVIIM LA1MM ' M 4» COJ INPLATINO lTMIQail wsi? w%r, u. mi tbe signal work. The danger of RED BANK REGISTER failure i« avoided. Other traffic it protected. LETTERS FROM] M. 4. EVENTS OF YEARS Mj Both manual system* Lave the lane itSiiS OUR READERS j purpose. In tlii* state, stop lights are used •. CM* i instead of semaphore boards. The mont im- CONFUTE CO-OrUUF»V FROM REGISTER FliES fries, la *«•*•<» Ose resr (ISO: sis port ant tiling is the protect ion of th« pre- |JM: thras SMStfet. till I «ln«l. eopv 1 testa. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETT On* of the'Saest musicals ova* Dr. Herbert B. William*, one nf VMtlr.SBterts u a»cer« Cls» SUttor st tk* s\>«- cious human rargo titniard MIHHII tan**. New Jersey Division, Inc. givea ia MaasMuth cossity was the leading dswtlst* ef Bed Bark, M asd Ssss. N. f, — «ts Set of W.rrs ». UTI. Too much is loft to chance now* and correc- Monmouth County Chapter held at tte towa hall fer Oeorge A. d Albeit I* Ivlas, insurance June 4, 1ML Paraiow, ergaalst of Triotty agent, wont late the water business THURSDAT, JUKE 14, 1961 tion is in order before Hie next HIIIMII year To the Editor: church. 4 WON two ef the principal «wn- starts. Both systems are avaihilile at low As ehairuiM for the 1SS1 Castcer Aasja TaSmaa gave the valedic- i af the Bay Hoad-Maatoiokiag Drive for th* Mon«n»uth Ceuaty tory address at the graduating es> Land Co., which awppMH water Word, a cost. One or the other should lie incorpor- Chanter I want t» thaak The Bed •rciwa of the lUd Bakk public service te asor* thaa IIS komet la ated into the state law. Bask Register for the cosapiet* e*» scaeel and Orace Riddle delivered the tract. The Bed Bank mavor and council hat oprratlos Riven our effort. Certain- the welcoming addreei. Musical **- fjelferd M. Fisher aad Noel 1. NV appreciate fully the need for strictly " we couM not have had • euceea*- 1 authorised the citfi^ion of Urumniond pi. I campaign without the effective lection* were reader** fey the chew Lartaud were accepted iato mem- enforced school him laws. We can't take publicity give* our cause. t» and Margaret BUlieell *at*r> bership la th* Moaasaath Boat to East Front st. through tiu> new public Uiaed with vi«lia selections. Dur- club. chances with children. Out we, too, appre- Very sincerely. parking lot on White ft. ConsideraMp work ing the week the elass paid a sur- Th* Uadea tea house wa* opened ciate fully tlit* too-ofteu confuted poaition David T. Buck, prise viait te the home of on* of •a the fersaer echoolhee.** at Leoa- has keen »lon«< on illie project Ity Itoruiigli Chairman, Itoi Cancer of the motorist. To ki>«'(i him safe HIM! pre- Drive, MonSMUth th* elasosaatee. Mary M. VaaDora arda ea W**t Valley dr., a short Engineer Uwngp K. Alien, lt<»r tin fact Hint inoiit of augurated a stale wide campaign to elimi- of John W. Mount's carriage fac- Chsrle* Toop, ion of Frank Toop tbe new street will cro*e the pulilic parking nate or reduce "tnilj:atln^."' This is the lWs e\\ "\ h and talk in the light of one1* own three nut nf th* four dairy clubs •r, John Levy, was cut on th* ktad, Besides aignliii; the pledge, fleet owners and properties to recover over-due taiei. of the county competing. I'm sorry but Mr*. Croaaman suBsred no In- cut on th* fac* whll* playing on conscience, free from the stealthy tha school grounds and his Injuries church, which intend* to retain most if nut operators will be asked to |il;ico deeal signs Prior to IMS, however, the pro- shadow of the Informer, free from to hear thst the Wsll Dairy club Jury. cedure in New Jerfey wai involved could, not be present. After the had to bs attended by Or. J. B. Ely all of ita holding*. reading Til Help You Pass" on the rear of the terror of the midnight arrest Th* Ladles* Aid society af the and expensive, Unleaa the property and the secret inquisition—this is official pirt of the judging mi tint Methodist ehurch of B*d of Marlboro. In view of the high cost of the project their vehicles. waa of considerable value, municipal one nun'a experience. finished Mr. Llndeay, manager of Hank held a strawberry feitlval •Mciali were Inclined t« forget It. Hominy Hill, had the member* and cleared $M at the event. Mrs. Henry L. Sucker sad Oeorge Oil* and tbe dubious potential benelit of the new Says Mr. Oratale, "Our association Is Thin many vacant lota and low- But to millions of Amerleane the judge • clasi of champions and U* resigned a* members of the valued real properties became mu- Jamei R. Smock was In charge of street, might not it be worth the time of going t<» concentrate its efforts on a share Importance of Robert A. Vogeler's two daises of helfiri. the affair and was assisted hy Mrs. Matawan borough council and nicipal liabilities ititiaad •( tu- nlcasc lUa In hli slisky but deeply Mnyor Sutphin appointed William the mayor and council to consider j««t produclng aiaett, Ther* will be at least four more William P. Cortlei, Mr*. Dclsncy the rond campaign to promote safer driving felt warning that what happened *uch contests, ana) than th* total W. Willgu", Mrs. A. Compton, Mrs. L. VanBrunt and Peter P. Munnlng opening a pedestrian entrance to the new hy every truck driver we cau reach. We In 1MB Uie lcflilature adopted a to him in those dreadful months scores for th* four contest* will William Holmes, Mrs. William Wll- to fill the vacancies on the council. simplified plan for tax forecloaurea "could happen to anybody." determine the dslry judging cham- eon, Mrs. Oeerg* A. Lsagitnet, The committee la charge ef the parking lot from Monmouth it. nt the pres- have a four*|ioint program that involves tong advocated by municipal and It could happen to anyone any- pion* for 1M1. The thrie highest Mrs. Earls Mlntoa aal Mrs. malt dance to be given by the young cnt time? Thla could be done at a compara- maintaining onfneient distance between the cWie group., t»elo4lnf the Mtw where when th* God-given rights membir* from each club will bo Patterson. ssen of the SL Agnea church at At* Jersey Taspajrtra association. of the Individual are counted l*as taken to'see whleh club In the laatls Highlands wera Joseph Me- tively amall expense. vehicle ahead to allow faster cars or trucks At a meitlng of Independent This was the "in lem tas fore- than th* real or pretended security county wins the trophy. The four hoto company, William Curchin, Vey. Harold Kelly, Howard Oaffey, The telephone company owns a pedea- to pass with safety and occupy that space; closure act." Long, Involved legal of the state. For here la the eetence highest individuals will repnunt Jr., was elected Into aa*mbor*Mt> William Oaffiy, William Rellly, proceeding* wet* re-routed and of the great struggle of our times: Monmouth eounty In th* stste and a vote af thanks we* extended Joseph Deader aad William Hallir* trlaa walk on the east tide of its Monmouth and to make every proper effort to permit shortened, Much of the legal red th* free individual versus the om- dairy judging eontsst to bo held an. 1 to General John Sheehan for the at bidding, which since the advent of the following traffic to pass on long grades . tape and entanglement! involved nipotent police itat*. th* and of July. Sag which he preeeated for the flra Prof. Harold K. Allstrom, well when a municipality attempted to Arthur Koeatler ha* recently house. hnown Red Bank musician anl new parking lot has become a popular thor- "Where drivers attempt to pass but Hud collect its claim on a taa delinquent Dairy judging Is a comparative been arguing with eorne persua* analyst* of th* good and bee points A pretty hem* wedding took compoasr, fell dead whll* attending oughfare for persona wishing to get from property war* eliminated. Coat* of slveneia that it is fooliih to think meeting at tha Presbyterian It impossible to do so with safety they will an average foreclosure were re* of the four animals In ths class. place at Atlantic Highlands when the lot to store* on Mon mouth st. This walk of today'a struggle as between A good judge atudie* th* animals Miss Virginia Isabella Patterson, church. He was TT year* old and a be instructed to drop back to a safe follow* dttced from an average tlSO « "left" and "right." We have seen native of Sweden, having come to to an estimated 125. in. th* ring with an Idml typo In daughter of C. N. Patterson, be- la prlfately owned, but It may be possible ing distance. One fourth point will be to hideous totalitarianisms aria* on mind and observes th* good and eame the wife of George W. An*Red Bank to reilde when a very The new procedure has been both left and right. We have seen young man. Hundred* of children for the borough to work out a deal with educate drivers to pull over to the road bad point* of th* animals In front drsw* af Boston. Th* ceremony tested In the courts of the lUte sturdy democracies ahlft moderate- of him. A good judgi mould weigh was performed by R*v. O. W. S. as well as many grown folk* stud- the telephone company for making it a pub- shoulder when reaching the top of long •ad found valid. ly to left or right without losing the importance of th* faulta nnd Winrlek, pastor of the Presbytir- lid musio with Mr. Allstrom as lie thoroughfare. In addition the borough grades to penult delayed truffle to pass and With •pproslsnately 111,000,000 In their essentially democratic char* good points of each animal a* com- Ian ehurch. their teacher. He waa survived by Us titu liens outstanding a* of aeter. pared to those of th* other asl- Miss Elisabeth Reynolds, daugh- his wife, th* former Miss Mary at alight eipense could open a new walk January 1, and with • new, Inei- not to accelerate on down grade* after hold* The more basis question Is mali la th* ring. ter of Thorns* Reynolds of Derby, Btyer af Bad Bank, aad a ion, Hin* MMlva procidur* available to col* Coast, became (he bride of Martin ry Allstrom of St. Paul, Minn. on the east tide of the Mount property on ing up other traffic. Met It. manr munleipalltle* an In whether a nation-whatever th* form of it* fMlltieo-econoKla In* t. Rlordan. as* of Michael Msrdan Mr. aad Mrs. LOON da la Rius* Ifouaouth st. a petition t« raalUa muck averdu* •Ilia af Broad st salted oa th* Mr. Qratale concludes by saying that the r«vt»ue, •Muttons—affords sv*n th* unpop. Itand At a dlstanc* and get a of Shrewsbury. The ceremony was If either one or both of these two walks association leaders "are determined to make •lar or suspset person those legal clear cut mental picture of the performed at It Mary's chweh at amor Paris to aptnd three and moral safeguards which dim- type aad body conformation of the ttarby by Rev. Dean Hardaody of month* visiting wtt» telativ*. la froa Monmouth St. to the parking lot were this campaign effective among truck drivers, "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Taapaptr* •craey has no painfully built up animal. Always tak* a rear, side •tsubwvllle, O, an •ncla of Ik* •wttaertaad. opened, the borough official* might find that particularly long haul over the road units, Hav* you over written • letter through th* centurte*. Nothing Is and front view of th* animal from Ml** lane VanBwtklrh, daughter t* your Congresaman? easier than to take these rights a distance. It is very important to Mia* Fiorenet Aumaek, daugh- of Mrs. Lillian VanBusklrk of Red their problem had been solved at much less and if the passenger driving public will co- If not, you had better get busy for granted. Nothing Is mote tempt- always pick a top and bottom of ter of William Aumaek of Baton- Bank, was graduated from Skid- espenee than tbe atreet extension would operate by observing the sumo practices, —because it's yaajr money they are Ing thsn to trads them for an the class Orst If possible. Bo sure town, was married to Samuel T. more college at Saratoga. planning to spend in not year's Imagined security In moment* of te remember the type you ar* look- Knight of the asm* place at a otre* Dewitt Allgor, a Ufeltag resident entail. many accidents caused by pure carelessness Uf Federal budget. Is* for whon judging a ehun. saeny nsrfawnd at th* brlde'o of Xateatewn. died af paralysis la Trot the atreet baa more adrantagea can be avoided." This budget total* SMM than 71 home by Rev. OMIOI T. StephMS. hla TSth year. Ha was a hone- ' Hoa dollar*. That's about H,000 Thinking through your reasons Ml** Jessie Baasell, daughter «f show far many yoara, Having been than a walk or two, but are these advan- for • family af four In Hew Jersey. hnge of the police state both from •a a difficult class befor* Making All-in-all it is a commendable program. within and from without. The pit* th* placing will often hitp avoid SdwaM BUSMH af MvanMe av*., engaged In the business at th* time Correct, you won't pay all af this beeam* th* brid* of Harry B. Bar- Monmouth Park waa la Its *arly tages commensurate with the great expense? It is one of the best ideas advanced in a long In direct tut*. But don't forget Iful figure of Robert Vogilir should bad plaelngs. A final look at th* stir In his countrymen a renewed alas* from a dlstane* should bs dan of Maw York. The etremoay day* as a rae* track. Ha was sur- time in the Interest of highway safety. Tbe the bidden ta«e». took plaee In It Andrew** church vived by his daughter. Miss Susan Seventy-one billion dollars may fervor of devotion to that freedom mad* before making your Anal truck association president speaks as if he of thought which mutt In time placing. hi New York, with R*v. Robert Allgor, who lived with her father. he more than you ean imagine. But shake even the Iron Curtaln-be- MaeKellar of Rid Bank offielatlng. Dominie Paoe, 10-year-old son of for Safety means business. His group is to be con* you're sure going to miss th* Alway* (tick to your first Impres- Clement Pace af Allan pL, died of money it will take from your pock* U tolf Ui lro urt B sion, unless It Is discovered that Th* Rod Bank junior baseball •uggestions that a motorist following gratulated for taking the initiative, but in ln |Uelf " "° » « *' « elub. captained by Oebem Plntard, aa intestinal disorder at Long asms Niious fault has been over- Branch hospital where ha had been the average school bus does not have enough order to be a success it requires the co-oper- People who know something about —The Christian Science Monitor looked. Never Chang* your placing defeated the Eatoatowa team by a seoro of » te )». Besides Plntard a patient but four days. H* waa advance warning vhen lights on the rear •bout it «ay the budget can be at tha last minute. Never 1st your survived by throa sifters and a ation of every driver. A little courtesy and cut safely by nine to ten billion placing be Influenced by another ths Red Bank contingent was made *0O FOB aUKMUSr ap of Oakley Cooper, Harold Net- brother, namely, Mrs. Domlnlo of that bus order him to stop, and that common sense on the highway will save dollars. contestant or by th* way the off* Maasa and Valentine Pace of Red Findings of the Hoover commis- We hop* that a considerable elal judges are looking at tha an!* man, William Fsdlow, Elwood Cur* something should be done to correct this many lives. number of United State* aenator* Us, A. Mortord, Abram Deek«r, Bank, Mrs. Mary ScrvcUo of Jersey sion snd recent newspaptr reports d tlmt t0 condition, are advanced by Paul, T. Byder *•« J" ••• • »lm called Floyd Hum and Ft*d Austin. City aad Mrs. Satvatoro Fusco of of astounding Federal wast* leave 5k>-Fop Br«*«!" *""«•• is to have Do some thinking and work on Brooklyn. of I7ew Shrewsbury. no doubt that such • reduction will terms to bo used botwetn workout* Rtts**l S. Poling, seven-year-old Frederick Wiborllng, who con- Us Bast Coart premltr* at Loew's saa of Mrs. •astiHi Ivans «f Key* The Horse Is Big BUIIMM help the nation'* economy and ad- Capitol Theater Thursday evening. If you want to become a eompet* ducted a bleyei* repair shop on Mr, Byder, president both of the Mon- vance it* preparednet* program. ant judge and able to express your* part, slipped aad fell an a pMwt Woat Front st for more than M Monmouth Park Jockey club at Ocean* Th* title—a bit of Hawaiian dang fence and rafforoi a sta-lneh gash mouth county School Boards' association But best estimate* now indicate which means "Shoot th* Works!" •elf clearly. The right attitude, years, dlsd at North Bsrgtn. Ha port begins its sixth season Saturday after- that vnlea* there is a terrlnc spurt -was th* slogan of the 44M Regi- willingness to work and Interest in his leg. waa S> years old aad bad moved and the Shrewsbury township board of edu- In the economy drive In Congreis, •re Important. Ability ean be de- Mrs. Webster Iwaa of Naveslnk noon. Excitement among horse racing en* mental Combat Team, an Infantry from Had Bank a f«w year* previ- cation, says he has received several com- tax payers will he lucky If th* re. unit made up entirely of volun- veloped. was walking la th* barn on htr ous. tuusiasts mounts each day, to be climaxed ducttons reach three billion dollar*. teer*, »nd of volunteers who en- place whon a board upwdid aad Mrs. Mary Ollsa Bartle of Pha* plaints from automobile drivers that weak It'* up to you. Like moat *verythlng site, H •hi fell through the floor. She was by the lirst announcement of "they're off!" tered It from the barbed-wire con- takes a lot of practice to become a tana, widow of Oeorg* P. Bartle, and tardy signals caused them to violate the Write your United State* Sena- fine* of relocation center* to which good judge of dairy cattle. There badly brulied aad very lame for dl*d at Woodley hoepital, Lluie over the public address system. Then will tors and Representatives, Writ* they had been »ent after Pearl is no short easy way. u soms of seviral days. lilvir. at tha age of •«. For a num- state school bus law. That low orders other today, Let them know that th* Harbor because they were of Jap- you dairy members that hav* trou- While driving across the lea ber of year* sh* had conducted aa follow 45 more days of racing, bringing the people of New Jeriey want every anese ancestry. This Aim tells their Bright bridge, a horse owned by traffic to stop when a loaded or loading possible economy In th* Federal ble with judging will study th* antique shop at her'residence. season to a close Aug. 8. story—the story of a loyalty to above suggestions enrefully, and Oosrg* V. Chssey of Long Branch ."»?««• T. Jones, a retired farmer school bus stops. Only a motorist who lias budget. American Ideals that withstood became frightened, at th* blowing Monmouth Park's opening represent* then tin them th* next time you of Holmdil and ana of the but bad a "school bus scare" can realise just Tours truly, . even th* stupid discrimination and do any judging, I think your scons of a itoam whistle and bolted Into known residents of that place, died considerably more than a spectacular addi- The New Jersey Injustice to which these Nisei wir* will improve. Oivo It a try and sss. the guard rails of the draw. The suddenly In hi* «tth year. He was how important it it* to know what that bus Taxpayers' Association. subjected and of a heroUm In com- horse waa finally brought under survived by bis wife, the former tion to the shore's resort activities. Since bat that mad* the 44Jd the most control although th* front wheel of up ahead is going to do next. P. •.—Political dopesters *ay that Mlsa Matilda Crawford, and two 1041 when horse racing waa legalized in decorated unit of iU its* in the th* wagon was broken to the fra- th* letters Congressmen really read war. Questions and Answers filters, Miss Laura Jonas aad Miss The chief complaint is that the lights are those written from th* kitchen Itetta JOBS* of Rod Bank. New Jersey under a porimutuel system To Vets* Problems John Desmond of Colt's Nick are not bright enough and do not go on taM*. The House of Representative* Mrs. Mlllard F. Trlmbl* of 8*1* of wagering, more than 111,000,000 annual- took employment it Asbury Park *?? *? ""P1** -» the member* until the bus luts made u full stop and its passed legislation In the last two Q. I am a serviceman covered With WlnekUr, th* confectioner. ly has been paid Into the state treasury. ArtlficUl Breeding Congresses to give parents of these by $10,000 indemnity. What hap- of hir family on h*r (2nd blrihday. pens to the money If I die with- Thomas H. Mlckins and Oeorgt Oeorg* H. Bowles of West st. was doors are opened wide. Sometimes then Tbe money goes into the general treasury Nisei veterans the right of natur- McHenry of Atlantie Highlands At New Peak In 'SI alisation and also legislation grant- out naming a beneficiary? stricken with a heart condition and there is delayed action, snow or another fund, with SO per cent, being dedicated to started a planing mill In ths old died tea minutes later. He waa 47 About on* out of every *lx dairy Ing Statehood to Hawaii, the Ter- A. The Indemnity will b* paid Paddock mill at that place. obstruction foils to allow the door to open ritory from which many of the yun old and iurvtv*d by his wits the debt service requirements of the Emer- cows in tn* Unlttd States, Alaska to your wife if you ar* married; to While playing with a toy pistol and a son Jams*. wide, or for another reason the bus lights and Puerto Rioo probably will be 443s voluntsers came. But the Sen- your child or children. If your wlfi Donald Wrack, son of Harry B. gency Housing bonds. Such bonds are to be ate failed to take the nscesssry con- la not living; to your parent or par- Mr. and Mr*. Harry B. Browir of just don't light. The motorist who wants to bred artificially In MSI, observe* Wsnck of Rid Bank, had a bullit Maplo av*. announced the engage- paid by the Alcoholic Beverage tax, but if Bno* j. Pirry, extension dairyman curring action on either measure. ents If you have no wife or chil- pass through his linger. "Go For Broke!" might lead the dren, or to your brothers or slater* runt of their daughter, Mildred Is* obey the law does not do HO because he does an emergency arises by which Hint tax divl* •t Rutgers university, Thoma* Card of Naveslnk died In absl, to Clarane* Hodson, Jr., ion More than 4,000,000 dairy cow* In Senate to aee these bill* now pend- If you have no one in any of the hi* seth year at the home of hi* not see a signal ahead. sion can not meet the obligations, half of ing again in • new,light. It pro- other categories. of Colonel Olarenc* Hodson of East Marly a half million herds are now son, Edward Card. Orange. In artificial breeding associations, vide* an object lesson in the val- Q. I am training several veter- Augustus Woolley of Long Mr. Ryder proposes responsibility for the racing revenue is to be BO allocated. idity of Franklin D. Roosevelt'a ob- Attending a surprise party given according to Dr. J. F. Kendrlck, ans ontlie-Job under the O.I. BUI Branch, son of the fate Mary and for Mrs. Louis J. T*tl*y of Chest- stop signals be fixed where it belongs—with In 1941, the treasury received 123, heed of th« Division of Dairy Herd servation that "Americanism is a In my mtomoblle repair, ihop and John Woellev, was found dsad In matter of mind and heart. Amer- nut at In celebration of hir birth- tbe bus driver, himself, not Home automatic, Improvement Investigations In th* I plsn to grant a slight rals* In bod. Ho was <0 year* old and had day were Mrs. Sarah B. Lucas, Mrs. 706.73., That it bag grown to 111,000,000 is Bureau of Dairy Industry. This Is icanism is not, and never was, • tbi wage scale they are receiving, bain under th* doctor's care for a mechanical contrivance that might fail, He •n (acreage of 44.2 per cent In the matter of race or ancestry." DeWItt Randolph, Mrs. Sarah Da* due both to tbe increased popularity of the How do I go about It? heart condition for several wnki. via, Mr*. John Chandler, Mrs, John says the driver should be made to reach out number of cows and Jo.J pes cent —Washington Post. . A. Tou must notify th* State Ap- Mrs. Margaret Emmons, wift of sport and to the increased "take" by the in the number of herd* over MM. Osbora, Mrs, Carl Uhl, Mrs. Harry and flip a switch turning on his stop lights proving Agency in your state. The W, L. Bmmons of Robertsvlll*, dlid J. Patterson, Mrs, William J. state. The "take," Incidentally, is 12 per Wisconsin has the most cows en- SITTfNOJUUETTY agency wilt then notify V. A., at suddenly whll* assisting In laying Thompson and Misses Mildred Tet- before stopping the bus. Double-circuit cent of the pool. The state »lmr<* equally rolled, and M per cent of New Jer- This business of fighting Inflation which time necessary adjustments carpet in th* Methodist church at tar, Bernardla* Thompson and panel lights would show tbe driver these •ey's dairy cattle* w*r* brad artl- obviously takes a lot of ixicutlvis In subilstence payments will be that place. Myrva Uhl. with the race track up to #40,000,000 worth Hclally. Percentage-wise this place* madi. John w. Ivlni of Red Bank, a New Jerssy nsar th* top of th* and tlris thsm out In ths end. The wedding of Miss Marjorla lights are on. Traffic following behind of wagering. Above that, the state takes W* hav* lost traok of what It's graduate of Princeton and a stud* J*nh*en, daughter of Daniel a Hit, Q, Iim* Koresn campaign vet- •nt In John S. Applegate's law of* would then have a "preview" of the lm» seven per cent to the track's five per cent. costing us In total to get together eran In receipt of compensation tor Johnson of Chestnut st, and Harry Perry notes further that or th* and supply th* n*w army of Infls. a service-connected disability, if I floe, pasted the attorney examina- Bm**d Jsrvis, sen of Joseph Jirvis driver's Intentions. There would l»c no ex- 9.104 bulls In aerve in 1M0, about tlon fighters, stabiliser* and price tion at Tnnton a*d plaantd to In five years, Moiimoutli Park lias paid one-fourth wire proved in Dslry •how a nsed for It, would I bs of High it., took plaos at th* Rid cuse for falling to set* stop lights tluiH oper- controllers, but at least ther* aro cllglbls for Public Law IS train* open an oflle* la R*d Baafc. Bank Mithodlst paramag* with the state f 13,757,074.11*. In addition, the Herd Improvement associations, a few tangible Items In ths budgit. ated— uuleas the bus driver failed to turn with daughtsr* averaging «2 IngT E, s. Howard and Frank Howard Rev, W. Rolland Raver performing Mum of horse racing lms brought u multi- There are, ws note, 111 executives of Rod Bank left the employ of the tho ceremony, pound* of butterfat. Som* of the In the B.8.A. big enough to rste A. Tou may bi eligible If you them on. other bull* In uae had been proved nre in need of training to overcome trolley company and were taking Nell Mlttag of Rumsen took for plication of breeding farms in the county desk* that cost $279 apiece. ordiri for crayon portralti. In some states, particularly in the soutli, by official test of their milking the handicap of your disability, and his bride Miss Nancy Ryder of Tea- which far surpasses tiirything In tin* nation, daught*ra. Not that we are complaining your disability resulted dlrsetly Mrs. Walter I. Whitsmor* of neck. Th* «*rtmony was per- another system is used which we prefer sboul It, CunHlUerlng ths number from armed conflict or during ex- Oeinlo snd hir mother, Mrs. Har- formed at th* home of th* groom's Motmioiitli again takes on llm status of In 1S61. each of the 1,101 A, B, A. riet Hume, lift to spend a month even to lights, Before coming to a stop, hulls will provide breeding lervlc* of Ideas that have been executed by tra.haurdous service, Both require- fathsr, Frank 0. Mlttag, by Rev. horse country It enjoyed many years ago, for an average 1,940 cowa, This th* stabilisation agency that is psr- ments must be met. with relatives in cMesgo. Arthur A. McKay, pastor of th* drivers pall a cord that causes a large wood- haps not too many executives. Howard Millar ofT&rllngton, for* Presbyterian church of that plnco. a condition which is to lie liernldcd. figure ws* 1,344 In 1950, 774 In 1947, Q. Ii a veteran who lost his msrly of Red Bank, was visiting and »S In 1»S», Indicating how ar- Psrhaps we shouldn't complain sight for reasons not connected Announeimint was mado of tha en stop paddle to swing out from the side To .Moiimoutli Park's prmMpiit, Ainory his unels, Albert I. Miller of Irv- marriage of Amelia Lou*. McDor- tlflclsl breeding hss grown, either about the 95 easy chair* at with military service entitled to ing pi. • of the bus, like a sciimphorc HIKIIIII. The h HuNki'll; Its general IIIIIIIIIK«

twni tfee ywen* ^Rre VM STORES centum* te senre yen WIVR in# Riejnest cjtieiivy

WfflBTf WVfff Mlit

SALE BEGINS 9:30 ft.IL , THURS. in 0irr Birthday Present te Yea! Cut Along Dolled Unm FREE GIFT! tio Purchmie JV«ce«Mwy PRICES SLASHED UTILITY WHISK BROOM 9:30 AM. FRIDAY Way Btlow Our Regular Low Prica for IN TOMS RIVHJ Just the thing for th* BIGGEST SALE in Our History your home or car. Fits easily into glove TELEVISION ALL RODS! UP compartment. BARGAINS ALL REELS! TO Just cut out this coupon Such Famous Makes at and take it with you to your nearest CHECKER KM, ffUEtQL MEM CITY, IMNSON, STORE foryou r Free Gift SOITE KM, SMIESPEME, 8ENMT, OJEIE, L L, tie. Come in and See Our large Display of Salt and Fresh Water Tackle ssvr MARVEL NOT STMTCHIO ALARM CLOCK ISO-YARD SPOOLS 40-Hour — Pedestal Type 274b. Test I 364b. Test 44c New, Improved Design. $1.49 'I? $1.69 $1.78 i imt ty, ftn v/t ALL SETS 1951 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS + Thtt iturdy duir »1U let plentf at ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX HM tt the btMh, end WARRANTY CMrV« tMMIMiy WI^M CBMH In Uw bMkywd, etc, Oet on* (or 16" ftotiiiDir TIM 4 £Q QC List Price MaftwMfWttfTafetolltMl I U#i#«# 279.95 C Complete $3.33 $5.88 •«. tpnti 16"TUNMihofiiy I7Q QClitt 289.95 QUSMM | UMXPUK | LU.TrNt4«LaMp| MWWilWOOTEII BOYS' Ml MILS' NCYCLES List Prle totoete.7 ItorSunlor. Attractive < 16" TIN Milwgiiy IQQ 0 C » ii •iiam Nr atrt •«* f •••-Ma -i-t..« - 94< WM4 ifMri* HIM 111*1J 329.9S5 •mint •nni| 66c I •(••III . II". tl", 14", List Price kijrt 16" TUN Miliofiiy LIWM 359.95 19" Tvw MKntnir QC Price $33-88 399.95 17" TUN Mahogany c 20 WEEKS 499.95 For This TO PAY (tacltin All JtaltrUk) ^mm^wmfm AND SERVICE $30 Selt Only Spork Plugs Eibmt ExnatJti PlttMo 8tflM NfM YmMmy toys Men it A CM* Sim • ••••Mtal M JMnl ASBURY PARK'.... 700 Mill St., Phone 2.5207 25c RED BANK.... 61 Monnoith St., PtlOM 6-1021 •ach mnwnMi FREEHOLD 6 E. MM St., PIMM 8-1057 In Ma H t««r TOMS RIVER 48 MM St., Phone 8-1250 •r MM 28( BEIMAR.... 10th Aw. lid F St., Prow 9-1578 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS THRU TUESDAY, JUNE 19 Wt Rmrvi tin RigM to Limit Qitntity BED ti, mt pafeeat Suaday, Jute IT. On Mon- day, tVM it, tha lieutenant will MSTtUCTION ON AOCOWOH •UTTAI, PIANO, TtOMflT. jllt-Mile Turnpike Across State ASBURT U*«v gtva waaiaa of Aebury Park and SAX. VrOUN, CUMNfT-AT VOUt HOMi . enast M. aWvarleyy Btaae, WAVE vieiaity a chance to learn more LEARN TO SIW etruitiag V r off tthhe PhiladelPhildl- •aowt aaw career •afwrtualtiee the Graduate Philadelphia Musical Academy. Cai AaWy Fart 2-4449-J. Scheduled for Opening in November phih a WWavy recruiting diatrict, will aavy sow aSarda. frite winning pupils in Radio and TV contests. \ be ona af the judges at Aabury • TWO-HOUI USSONS •1$ Park! trat national men'* faahion It ran t» AaVertiM in The Rpfiater. I TRENTOV Highway lanpreve- July amaf Augu*t Clmtm i menu throughout the atate will add ! much to 1he pleasure of vititing Sou forming i motoriatc in New Jersey thia lua- HIM Progress | mer, according ta CoaaanUiioner tmACR tffMfMA HCUTI•ft | Chaiitu R. Erdmnn, Jr., ef the De-Far Hespilal Ball ill < partment of Conseivation and Eeo- mwmM IBHIM vBI.ll i nnmic Pevclopnif n*. Carloa ReMivoa. piano accordion- 69 Constiuction of the HS-anile New ist, will headline the entertainment J. YANKO Broad $1. Reel lmk 6.M06 I Jersey Turnpike lit proceeding rap- ta be give* at the annual charity idly from the Delaware river ta Iha 10 etOAO ST. •to BANK 1 Ml for flivervlrw hocpital Satur- Nrw York (tat« line, ta provide a day, June M, at tha Molly Pitchar | high-speed, aafe toll parkway, hetel. Mr. RenUvo* appeared at i scheduled (or opening in November. laat year'i kail, and he haa been | Meanwhile, tha New Jeraty atate called hack ag»i« by **puUr re- Freeway, a aystem of breed divided highway*, serving ahore eeaamuai- tin throughout the length af the Be euro that • state it being rapidly efpanded. Handbag sensation of the season! •eel la • in The rt. 4 Freeway, ar Oardea atate Parkway, la wader aaatraet for construction between Craaford, north to rt. 29, a dlMance of four reiiaMa miles, which will be a vital traffic la connection and an important link for the metropalitan area. •rather* ... Baa Ihcea Further improvemeat in the Sky- "The Gadabout" way approach ayateaa at Jeraay City have already speeded early apriag traffic to shore and inland reawrta, A new direct line from tha weat MAIMONE BROS. hound portion of tha Holland tiia- nei outj several mlnutea of wiater- 595 BUILDERS ft DEVELOPERS j ins time and haa eliminated con- For Information CaU Red Bank a-IMT or BB tOMS gestion on the Hudson boulevard perfett eapiei of EnglUk im/torlt i underpay. The ntfnalon of the Pulaeki Skyway acrom the railroad at three time* the price! yarda at the approachita to Newark, the creation of a double boulevard with anr-way trafllc an aaeh laae haiidgome hondlM*^ in wonderful m-w and aeaaratlon of vehlclea heading for major road« haa contributed ta ie creaU'd lt,T famous Morris White! la aafety and apeed. Even on the meal eongeeted week-rnda, highway trav extra-roomy, ultra-smart pattern* — IIZHIIW, »l»r« nre rarely delayed on the Pnrlaa modern (yalem of tunneli and park' , pvtliotei, crocotex and niorocotes. LintM wayn now serving intrratate traffic The dance I" aponaotpd by Ihn wild |ilHs(ic leatlH-r. Fitted with purse, mirror tuid The turnpike will be the major daetora and nui»e« of the hospital north and aouth highway artery for and tllli ytar'a rvent will be a gala *i|t|M.r coiii|»artment. WaNhubie, tuo! through traffic between Fennayl- affair, aa Rtvervlew'a new building vanla Maryland end Virginia on will be opened in the fall. Pete the aouth and Nrw York, New Eng- In red, broicn, green, white, black, land, and Canada on the north. flaUtro'a orcheitra will play for dancing. Additional plans call for the eon- ' Roland A. Scott |a general chair- hiimk mid white, mid •tcotr. Mruction of link* between the turn' man with Mn. Edwin H. Best and pike, the freeway and r*i/ting park' lira, Elmer C. Wainwright u hon- •plus Fed. Tux waya. orary chairmen. Or. Walter A. With the varioua highway 1m- Rullman heade tha doctora' com- proveitienti throughout the atate, aaittea; Mra, Dorothy Airoala, tha eflleiala of tha Deaartmeat af Con- awrtM' committee; and Mra. gonja aervation and Ceonomle OoveJoa- atamatt and Mra. Marianne Par- ment fiave called attention te the etaese, hoipltal pprjionnM commit "PINNY WISE"- eaue of visiting the more than H tee. Raaervatiom ana tlcketa may ahore retorts along New Jersey'a be obtained at the hospital. That penny bank ii e food starter, but It doew't pay eJivii IM-mllc eoast-llne, Iha *» atate first time at new low prices parki and nine atate fsreatj and lut we do... currently 2'/**/,. Ihe II historic alter molt of which Five Clcrnymrn Take You'll be "penny wise" AND deNer wise when you save hero at were created when New Jertey waa called the eroat-roidt ef the Revo- Part in Service Red lank Settings 1 Lean Association. You sen start with as Humming Bird nylon hose lution. KEVPOrlT - Five minletera little as one dollar end continue to sevo as and when you please. Special evenU throughout tha took part In thr batcalauieatc atate lire Hated In the free New aarvlce Sunday afternoon at the Twiee e year yeu'll receive e liberal dividend to help "fatten" Jersey Date Rook for ISol dlitrlb- high achool. Rev. Frederick C. your account. uted to all who requeat It by tha Booa of Getheemane Lutheran IS denier SI gmugm formerly 1.50, |,35 Oepartmtnt of conservation and ckurch fava the Invocation. Rev. Any Deposits Made On or lefero the Sth of Any Month, Cconomie nevainpment, Hft Beat Rftbert I. Kel«ey of Brcond Baptiat Draws Interest From the 1st. State ft.. Trenton, N. J, church read the Scripture leuon. Rev. Norasui R, R||ey of St, John'* CAB HIT* VOW aUthodlit church led In prayer. 13 denier 60 gmige formerly 1.65 |.5O HUM8ON -A utility pole on Rav. Jamei A. Ouawcller, rector of Ridge rd. Eaat of Hance rd. waaat. Mary'a Bpincopal church, deliv- RED BAUK. SAVINGS atruck and broken off about live ared tha aarmon on "Tha Light ol fact from the ground late Saturday tha World" and Rav. Or. Charle Beautiful Huinmini; Bird hosiery now at reduced night by an automobile. The ve-R. Smyth of Calvary Methodint and LOAN hicle had disappeared by tha time ckurch pronounced the benediction. ptjees! In new glimmer »li.-ide« of dusk, brown linze police arrived at thaacene. The Tha aerviea opened with the pro- only -evidence police found waa a eaaalonal of tha graduatca a* "God and mauve mint, headlight rim which apparently fell •f Our Fathera" wan played by the from the vehicle when it hit the high aehoot band. The "Lord'a Pray- Bites 8Va to lU< er," auag by St. Mary'a choir, fol- lowad tha Invocation. Tha high

CROSLEY prMMtthc NEW SHELVADORS' for'SI! •folk abouf-

With »C»f-Fr—» No fuM, no muao, no bothar! There's nothing to do! The wmational new H'l proof that may aitont* yew; but Shelvsdor Refrigeraton defrott thmulm * H i no aufpriie to Mefcury ownen* They know the dependability of completely in 2 to 10 minutts! their can—the brawny frames* And Croaley's exeludve Worluavcr IHERCURY Vmu fclpowerful enolnei, tturdy bodiet. Deaifn give* you twice u much food They know about the economy that took ftnMri'Cloat honors two yoors where you want it—in front, in sight, in Q row In Mobifaos aconoiny MM* in reach ...all epace at tha m. amCMl MtKIMMM MM TMT TB, mi mm BEI at Tumai—HMJ TaV^akA aVafedhaa^ aaiaWdHlaV Idhatai aaaaLBa'jBiAaft a\dh^al inviy tmvw VBTO »JW wpnwpa 1*901 "convenience level"! •••, M% M tu mwrnn m mi m ni AH your Mercury dealer con tell ra TIM tmntf HI ITSi W HI Mall The Mercury yeu tea w ahewrawiw Ii you hit experience retarding resalo bfre a>raa«a»-Mer«iiry'i Heavy euHt le wrthitond raugher hondHnf valuo. He'll show you why your tate, aHiteel bedy aad frame ket fiMti you win pfOWMy vvvr 9"* '** Mercury'* value stays up—and he'll jfca.jfcjm aaUeftaJAai fs> eAtfHe, aaaUhant Jlaaal aaai^aaaV^A •eecM "brWa^lyBe" erattaa, raWer*. Ivery perl el Ike Mercury—the bit, waldinaj—to WwWn pfwW IT Wlfn VawQ V*Jr mQrKvV 65 WEEKS TO PAY f j | y f#jMftte alutf ono iworo wfly you MV# turai Ilka "tontrattad flntth" tyKndar "Ml-rW C pMlon" angkw-h Wntl InV 0TOOI fl#W MOVCUfyl • walli, "Wl-«ow" eeattia, ami chreme* ^ 10 MfV#a to (MTfOffRe 10 ifi plated tap pliMn rtngi helei e»wro lef> lajatt a^ak^aUrai aUaaajaa^ai Sasjaan a^JfeaaaB a%eadaaV •rewtleal ta ikaaH oMieM MHM. aaHormancoforthovtaKdiefMtfainKai. nir yajfjil ffwiajajf mwi jfW tJ wTVT Big Trade Allowance On exaectl Your Old Refrigerator BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Ty rt-fodb/— mERLUHT Rjr'-lha bs^y of )ajr lifef «6 MONMnJiH ST, PHONE RE 64310 REDMNK ENGLISH MOTORS OPEN FRIDAY WIGHT 34-36 Maple Avtnue Phone II 6-4346-43433 ltd lank, New Jersey Plfnly of Frre Parkin* .SIMM, in Rcar ,,f Store on While St. 0MN ALL DAY SATURDAYS HEP BAXff ftEATftTE*. JITKE 14, 1*9! NOW OMN Music Festival 121 Years of Marital Bliss ITHACA. K. T-Oiftj «f I11T8- Conuilvti' 000 toward a Il.TM.Ott Materials Enjoyed by Sixsomc Here ALL PAY - IVIIY DAY T«»tlng aaa Fr«t»»»i«f labaratory Tenor Soloist HUMSON—Phillip H. Roy of Fair undtr cenitmctioB »t CawMll unl- Three couples whs represent 120 vcrilty w*r« •••eunec4 Utt Thurs- Hav»n, a member of the R«d Bank Pr«skyt*rian church quartet and year, of maritial bliss were guests Slarr Wins .Ward day at tha laitial aMftiag 1 a> at the Molly Pitcher hotel from Sat- LINCROFT alumni eanaaittcc f oraMd ta sack the Apollo club, will iip trnor solo- i.t at th« Festival of Sarred Music urday until Monday. The visit hf rr Of Air f!on., to manage the ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP b«ri af tht* twaaaittea ia J. Dani«l 8t. Oenrge hotel in Bermuda. They store, »aid the award was made to Mary D«v«ri«, Tuller, h«.d ef Tullcr Csastrettioi have celebrated every anniversary the three Triangle shops rpcorrting "Red Kmnk*a landing Electric ShmfT Plume RE 6>3973 Company, Rrd Bank. Mr. Tuller since then by going off together on the greatest advances in sales this in a Cornell alumnus af the (lass •( a three-week vacation, LaM April year in the Middle Atlantic states 18 I Hllr VIHr r I — HH) BANK 1*08. was their first plnne trip. It took and New England. them to the Villa Atlanticjue in Palm Beach, Via. The week-ead in Red Bank »a» but one of some ISO reunions since j they were wed. Until four years j ago, itifft were four couples. The BALLET ART SCHOOL youngest af the original quartet, Edwia Ihe, died at hie winter home j HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING ia Florida In 1MT. He had become ! a prominent Brooklyn builder. His j HELA SLVVIYSK4 widow, wha now resides In Miami, Joined her friend, last April at Palm Beach. AND SHEET METAL WORK From BALLET DE MOSU CARLO Many pleasant, reminiscences make up the 40 years of happy mar- DONI §Y ried life. All comfortably prosper- ous now, they smilingly rememtier I (ay reunions at Mich places at Roc- tor's, Churchill.', Mouqlum's and REGISTER NOW FOR H. Hay Delmonlco's. Mr. Reiss remembered MARTIN J. McGUIRE "one wonderful dinner" at Rector's The music win be (elected from when the waiter seived a steak for tha two great oratoriea, Mendela- eight on a plank a yard wide. 'The •EGMTERED SUMMER CLASSES •ohn'i "El|)»h" and Haydn'* "Th« entire bill was MM," he said, "with i Creation." Mia. Virginia Carrlng- all the flulns." ton Thomas, F.A.G.O., wrll known Monmouth County't target Plumbing and Heating Contractor! concert oif[ani»t, will be organ ac- Remarking that "we didn't have BALLET • TOE . TAP . CHARACTER companist and thp 45-voicc choir the worries nf today's young for HomeM and Industrial Plant* will be directed hv Paul U Thnmaa, couples," Mia. Spengeman observed organUt and choirmaster of Rt, that "we have had the best out of Qeorie'a, life and we raised our families in ON WCHWAY 35-2 MILES NORTH OF RED DANK PROFESSIONAL TRAINING * ORIGINAL ROUTINES Mr, Roy, a former member of the best years New York ever had Robart Shaw'a Colleciate Chorale in or will have." Well pleased with New York city, etartrd his linging their stay at tha Molly, ill were Lit Us Chit In An Estimate On Y JV Work Today STAGE * TELEVISION career u a hoy toprano at Rt. agreed that Red Bank and the sur- Qeorga'n. He later ntlendcd Buck- rounding area compare* favorably HO 0ANK 6-3767 TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY nell university in I-ewiahurg, Pa., with any other place they have Na * BROAD STREET RED BANK where he wa« tenor foloint with the visited. Men'! Glee club and the University •OHMS - IAMAT0M - HXTUMS - MM - VALVU Mixed chorus. Mr. Roy hfta been hetrd both in Philadelphia and Canning Season Starts AND RTTIHO1 POI SAU AT AU TIMBS ALSO Monmouth county In many orator- ies, Including Handel's "Meetiah," In Garden Slate Plants Verdi's "Requiem," "DuBols?," TRENTON-Vne IBM eannlng "S«ven Last Words" and Men- and processing afnson Is well under rielraohn's "Klij.ih," Mr. Roy nil way in New Jersey, with 42 plants DAY CAMP FOR CHILDREN heard Pfilm Kiindny »t 8t.Oeorf!>'«, parking Oardcn state pio'lucls, whtn hi was tennr «filoi«t for mostly vegetables. In addition, at 8talmr'a "The Crucifixion," given least M other concerns are getting COMBINING DANCING CLASSES WITH by the Choriatera. ready ta pack specialty items such as pickles, sauces, jama and Jellies. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES reports the State Department af Sifpial Cnrne Employe** Agriculture. Last year processors bought crops A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNGSTERS Get Rutfcrrn Drgrer* grown on M,000 acres, placing New FORT MONMOUTH — Ten em- Jersey ninth in acreage, In other |>1oyeH of the Signal Corps Engin- words, the processors provided a KOMVROVA FARM Chapel Hill, Box 192 eering laboratories were awarded market for tha eropa from 41 af Muter of Hclence degreei in elec- every in acres of vegetables grown trical pnginpeilnc by Rutgers uni- In the state. PHONE RED RANK 6-3676-M or 64168 versity Saturday nt New Bruns- Because of high yields and quaj wick. ity, New Jersey last year ranked Presented with degrees were Max fourth In value of output of farm Adler, Samuel M. Segner, George produce grown for processing. Silvcrmnn and Gustave Wurman of Cumberland county again leada In Texaco Roofing RH Bank, Joseph F. Hull, Shark the number of packing plants oper- River; Lester Petkofaky, Wana- ating this year with 14. Atlantic mnsss.; Harold Ducora and Martin county Is second with ten plants, Wcinstock, Imng Branch, and Les- five are located in Gloucester coun- ter Bertren and Snmuel Bl.isbs.lg, ty, four in Monmouth and three New York. each in Mercer and Camdcn coun- Among the RiaduatinB group, Mr. ties. Sllverman and Mr. Hull were elect- Increased consumer buying a ed to membership in Sigma Psi, en- government purchases have reduced gineer's honorary society. the carry-over of stocks held by Designed to broaden tha perspie- Packers and distributors, partic- tlvea of scientist* employed at the ularly of tomntoe.«, tomnto juice Installation, the Fort Monmouth and asparagus, which represent a branch of Rutgers university waa substantial proportion of the total established in Sept., 1947. New Jersey pack. W0 MASONS WMV EVERY DAD THE GHOSTS OF NEGLECT Remember...June. 17 Is the Day for Did ARE COSTLY ARROW NECKWEAR - m That baity roof nay coat you a c*wpla ARROW INT af oradn«) caUtagt. Putting off aaaaM $|.se saint Job will »«••«« astewiva .WmaM !• BASQUE SHIRTS • ottrior tarfacas. Shrinkag woodwork ARROW A HA ZEPHYR can shift KM antirt struct*** of your hotjso. Lightweight Sport Shirts SJ.fS Watch that* Angar ipota and call in at ARROW tha FIRST «n of fcmwr*. Wt'Urtcoav 41 mand top quality malarial, to do tho hott SHIRTS* SHORTS *1 °° 4 »1 JOD At MAM tttpMMQ* BJMDf WQII Mil JfOU BREMTWOOD Iho hart way to do tho work. $ Check your houM TODAY—heforo rUag HOBBY JEANS * • 4" costs and shortagas nako ftpain cosujr» lilt EM WOOD __« » not $ kt tuilMin' atsM fir • ••• ceMt an hmt laaMt, Mama* at WH Onus*, Nylon Swim Trunks • 5" and 1.0. Mortty, UM fwMias •» MorrMnm. Me » mm «< Hw M,W0 ulitlmn Ma F. 0, Pierce Paint proteeli and bcautifta* IMtf WfittwtT MprrffV yVV fwwVrr VV^rr Wv rf B"W Tr wf V ¥wrVF4flQ> $ BHENTWOOD your home with a gleaming armor that lasts for yean. Paint up now-haforc Gabardine Swim Trunks *3 " "reason" !s'K.D. New Jersey. Every one of rammer heat makes painting a problem. Sharkey, Lins Foreman (on these 'phones has made Plaid* and Plain Colon your fight). The other is your telephone service Tops-All Wood Cabmtts can make Frank Spahle, Lineman. more utttul. Yet with all TRU VAL 9S 9 9S your kitchen attractive and efficient. When they and other simi- its greater reage and value, Sport 4 tasqira Shirts *1' 4 2' They're craftonan-inadt of firs* grade lar teams move into a your telephone service to- •aatoned lumber, with top-quality hard* neighborhood, things hap- day takes less of your bud* Nylon Sport Shirts • *4" ware. Available in while enamel or pen! Poles go up, cables are get than ever before. 50 00 strung, new telephones are BY SM1THSO.V STRAW HATS *2 to*6 installed—and the number Rockwool insulation puts your homo in ef people you can call or be •it YOU KNOW LIGHT WEIGHT ARTIC BREEZE SUITS '39 " tha war-round "comfort KM"-hatts in called by Imgmin increased. •wt «Ms He MM •) k*n km 2" and 4" thkhnass . . we'll advisa you. In the past 6 years, tele- t». .» .bwt 11% *><. 1940, ft. nwaae ml •» N.w Jwity Ml* phone teams like this have phase. Mfvtw R**riiMMty1l%t NYLON 4 RAYON CORD SUITS '33" Yaw 'etnas ll « •!••« bl FOR TRANSIT MIXED CONCHKTF CALL DEAL 7.9200 made it possible to add MMteoarl 090,009 telephones here in Whitt Tuxedo Coott »31" Whit* Irish Linen Coots »39" Easy Payment Terms Arranged CLAYTON & MAGEE •ILL miPHONI COMPANY Monmouth Lumber Co. 19 BROAD ST. RED BANK 79 CENTRAL AVENUE RED BANK, Pi. J. WA*% mm u, im GET A HEAD START Rev. Mr. MirNf ill Three Graduate from Peddie School ON SUMMER HEAT To Be Missionary MIDDI^ETOWN — Tho pastoral relationship botwnrn Rev. Donald ROPS MarNeill and the Reformed rhtmh here will he dissolved Sat- Order urday, Juno 30, according to the Reverend Classis of Monmouth, which announced this week that STORE YOUR BLANKETS BEFORE Rpv. Mi*. MacNeil! has been com- mi»fion'd a missionary to Arabia. Your Rev. Mr. MacNeil] and his family THEY ARE DRY CLEWED OR WASHED! will leave for the American mission at Bahrein in the Persian Rtilf in mid-summer. He will serve there NOW IS THE TINE TO CALL US OR first under the hoard of foreign Awnings missions of the Reformed church in BRING THEM IN YOURSELF. America. Rev. Alhert G. Shiplioist of Key- port, classi.s moderator, is supervis- New ing plans for the continuation of tU* 4«t tiUt UVU f f % ( pastoral work and preaching at the church. Rev. Mr. Shiphorst will an- PM S*f*M OSUVttY nounce details of future arrange- We have • wide SELECTION of 1951 Designs in Solid and ment*. NION LAUNDRY Rev. Mr. MscNeill will conduct It Stripe Patterns. hl« last service Sunday, June M, Among UMM graduating tram at the tchool In the Gold Key *o-ciety, the Olee eluk, tk* fall tea- Our long experience in Style and Better Class Workmanship rias when the sacrament of Holy Com- elety, kouse committee, varsity foot- nis teuraament, tk* *U*T *f tk* Old munion will bn celebrated. An in- Peddle sckael, Higktatewa, fuaday Gold and Blue yearbook, the Art given Satisfaction to hundreds of Monmouth County residents. t formal coffee hour will follow the ball and hockey. He ha* been prmi- wer* ftiekard W. n*«Ur, SOB of deat of the school thi* past year club, varsity basketball, a member service. of the cast of "HatS. Pinafore,* Order them now at very moderate prices, The pastor has served the church Mri. EBMM R. Batter, JfavMlak aad at the annual prise day exer- ve., ItuSMoa; DoaaM Herbert cise* received the Roy Judcon the prom commutes and Dramatl* NO OIllftATION FOR iSTIMATIS »ince October, 194i, when he was club. He graduated with koaor*. asigned as student (supply by the Werner, •on of Mr. sad Mr*. Her-Watt* cup, awarded t* the presl- bert E. Werner of at Tiatoa »ve., deat sf the school. amitk entered Peddle in tk* fall New Brunswick Theological semin- of IM*.. Mince then he ha* bei ary. He was ordained and installed Eatontown, and Kendall B. Saiith. Werner has keen a student at pastor In December, 1950. 11 Itlllwell pi., Freehold active la the Olee club, sauai GLOBE MVMNG ft SHADE CO. Baiter, wha catered Peddle la Peddle siace 1MT. While a aealor club and was ia the east of "H.MS, 117 WHI front St. •hone MM* Ree let* he tell af IMS, hM keea active a* waa active in the Oold Key so-Pinafore." "Eilfht. out of 10 rriuh-'rji conHiilt The R<>|ti»t at the meeting to appeal to council neys, contended Mrs. Clayton suf- grant the license, laying he fered a paralysis of the left arm would asalst la reorganising the and leg a* the result of a fall corporation if that waa what waa caused when Albert Allen, collector FREE DELIVERY! neceasary. for th» utility, pushed Mrs. Clayton However, council'* atand was Arm In her home Sept. 14, 1M», during with the cicepttoa that Councilman an argument over payment of bills. JUST NONE Samuel M. Fisher, Jr., aaid he want- The light company, represented ed to be sure the board waa rljht by Vtnctnt P. Kcuper, Asbury Park, withholding the licensing prlvll- contended that Mr. Allen did not MNK 8-2110 W2 !ge. Mr. Usher noted that money push Mr*. Clayton and that her lad been placed III the organlta- paralysis was not a result of the lon and that tho operator* ahould argument with Mr. Allen. allowed a reasonable time to The jury deliberated an hour and correct aa error la their corpora- IB minutes before returning Its ver- tion agrtemdat dict The cai* took five days to try. What wa* don* waa to advise the On two days Mrs. Clayton was MARGARET A. HECK Berry* to apply directly to the State wheeled Into the courtroom on a department of Alcoholic Beverage cot She was transported to the UNCROFTMIDDLETOWN ROAD UNCROFT Control for a temporary permit un- hosnltnl bv ambulRnce.' Here's 180 Horsepower... on regular grade gas-N Designed to be Uifferent...


amazing Coolentor k an entirely new kind of refrigerator. It holds more food—takes leas space— because Coolerator has taken the motor out of the cabinet—flattened it out—and placed H up out of the way on the back of the refrigerator. Hie Coolerator Queen is only 28 inches wide—takes less than 6 sq. ft. of floor space—yet it provides a full 9% cu. ft of safe cold refrigeration. * „ ..._ _ Ifo •Jwtyt iitteMtini to h**r about iutun. new mwftanjegl octanes to tho power* and strong and free from need for great This Space-Thrifty Coolerator offers every step- looktof wparlmwiti with ntw tupr engine* giving octantg of the gasoline itself. The attention and repair. See bow Coolentor m saving convenience that can be built into a really fine to run on ntw tuper-oetane fueU...tomeday. mult is ISO horsepower performance such •very inch of cabinet as no other passenger car built in tho U.S. Now remember that this same new Chrys- But'tt'g «vm raort interetting to heat •pace for safe cold stor- refrigerator. See it at our store today. See for yourself today can equal. ler offers you the new Hydraguide power age by placing the Zero- how you can get more in and out of your refrigerator toda/i real life, on-th+hiihwy talk about steering* ... plus the amaiing new rough- lator on the back. when it's a Coolerator. Chryaltr'g new •uper-performing FirePower If you haven't driven Chrysler FirePower 'road stability of Onflow shock absorbers engine. FirePower takei any regular grade yet, your Chrysler dealer invites you to do ... plus Water-Proof Ignition, and Vacu- gat you care to buy... and addi its own so now. If s the most revolutionary engine Bass Chrysler Cyclebonded super-brakes in 27 years. It offers highway satisfaction ... then come see what we mean whsn wo Laditt Ctmt In and Ctt Your Cooltrator and safety such as you've never known. say the car of your tomorrow is right here for you to drive ... today, and lor yam And if s a sounder engine other ways than to come/ any othsr on the road. Its new design Potholdtrt FREE! keeps it almost completely carbon-free. fU (roa Crown fmswMs, tthntttt No Obligations Attach** It is smooth and quiet... but also rugged •sir* MM M MAW ImntM SMO1 Htm Yttl adM

HORSEPOWER iw. th. „.* //em/ipfm/cal Combustion Chamber that's tho hosrt of Chrydor FirePower. It* now, deilpwd-in Chrysler FiiePower "mechanical odanot" mak* rogular grsdo |ai do RIVER ROAD RADIO & TELEVISION what best premium grsd*f tutt do in any othar eofino you can drivt tod*yl finest engine ever put in an automobile 597 MVII ROAD, PAIR HAVIN, N. J. PHONE RID RANK 6-4247 MAURICE SCHWARTZ 6 SONS Stort Heuri 9 A. M. to eP.M. Ivoningt 7 to 9 P. M. 141-43 WUT MONT STRUT Rl 6-0717 RID RANK. N. J. t*.

Waa t; Aan/ W. Bennrtt and : and Richard G. Oebornr, Avc of The Elhcl Ile»ws fcUaJ erf fnmti» A. Keaapo. Freehold; Wea- Two Rivern, A. B, Da.vi4 T. Hieka, MIM Gloria \v<*r« AVBVUB Award Diploaag lef ad.w« MeCaugrhan, Alleatown; W. River rd., B. S. in Phtr. PIANO USSONS « V«yr *—. Jack Viaceat Irion, Asbury Park; Fair Haven — William L. tor- BeWBAUB syth, Jr.. B. S. la B. A. by Party And utottB Halo* Oartntda Inaacn, Bradley fee f * Baaeh; Joaa Faodolfo, Como. Ktaiuburg — Donald J. Cailahaa, Mr. and Mr*. Thoaia* Irving Eatoted la Aaaual Advanced degree* in aeieiice were A. B. Rrowa of River rd. rntertained on Xaay IM»A,M. eoaferrad oa Loetrr Petkofsky, Keypoit — Keanrth B. Joel, LU Saturday evening at a !a»n «n.1 CiaBtk Fi Aadltioa." AtRutger* ahrewohury: Kenaeth W. and Rob- B house party in honor of their nleep, ert- H. Meiakea, Keanahurg: Max Lang Brarch — David Barniteia Mi#s Gloria Joyce AyiTs of Marion Mas* Local, CaenM* Adlor, Harold Ducore, George 811- and Jut in." Ke.'slrr. A. B., Donald »t., ia celebrating h<-r graduation veraua, Martia Wei«*tork, Long H. Brodie, B. 8. in B. A.. William from the Red Bank hiKh school, Braacb; Joaavk r. Hull, Neptune; O'Hafran, Robert Silver and Irving rlass of 1MJ. Table* for «0 of Mis* THE LOVE LANE BMDAL SHOffE Ouetave Warmaa, Bradley Beach: M Teicher. A. B., and WilHam N Ayor*' classmates and othr-r guests >^*as.**i ft ja^aasaM**) Alocle V. tlljm, Bngliahtown and Sharp. B. B. in B. A. were arranged on the lawn in th" fJtBT eWwfJfgT Beverly Hill Bothe. N«ptunc. rear of the residence and a huff^t MBWBBinraWMK - Mar* tkaa Neptune — Warner Alciandor, A. supper vt'a* served under festoon* SUMMH SHHft a kuadred raaaf naea aad Mr*. Dittel of R«d Btnk, who B. Honor*., and Btavron at. Paacal, of colored lights while popular OUffJN* JWtV AND AUGUST fram Moaavewth eatiaty war* ejade the PM Beta Kappa honorary B. ft. in E. A, John afelUbert*, B. phonograph selections worn being th* t,te» watematlaa «van asclety, aleo r*ettv«< the bscKelor 8. in Phar. played. f A. M. to It Nose Mwtdsy Thru Friday ty m Kew Jeney. ti atkar *tat*» of art* degree. Daniel Leonard Neptune CHr — Robert L. Krvat, and four foreign aonatrta* vk* re- Haehner, in Hudson ave., RedB. 8. in B A, Rlcri-d C. Metajor, A tkree-tier cake, with a minia- SMKH OOttfCTION WOtK ceived baccalaureate *>ad advanced Bank, received an A. B. degree. B. B In B. A. ture girl graduate wearing her mor- AaXBCeWBCTB degrees kere Saturday night at th* Three other Rod Bank rcaident*. tar hoard and gown, adorned the Bridal Gown Bradley Beach — Allen M. Caha, rutntcui latth anniversary e**aaaeaee*Mat of Edward J, Oarrut*. Vincent J. B. B. la Ag.. William P. Uobee, B. top. and silver numeral.-. "1951," naaaisjg • t)alck Woddtaf . « , Rutgers ualverslty. Maaclaa and Ralph P. tiekel* re- 8. in Biol. Honor*. added te> the table di-ror'.'.ion*. er a Formal One? ceived bachelor of *cl#no d»fifrg. which were in the rlas* colors of Diploma* w«r* avaatated to th* tnterlaken — William L. Heey, Weariaf a Lacawioaa Goam a * * graduate* by the dean* and direct the Irat la aieehanical engineering B. 8. In F. A., Wesley E. Nafbitt, liluo and (rolj. with decorative but- or* ef the 11 college* and eehoel* and the other two In electrical en- A. B. terflies adding to the color scheme. or aa lafermal Oow«f of th* univenity participating. Tha gineering. Wanamaua — Michael Daawto, Special guests were Rev. Arthur THi LOVI LAN! IRI College of Bouth Caaaden, a Mr*. Ethel Dreyer Loftua, Pine B. 8. in B. A. S. Jeiee, paetor of the Shrewsbury ber ef the Mat* antvenity family Brook rd, Tlnton Palln, teacher in West Long Branch — Jama* t. Preenyterlen church, and Mr*. m Wil Wvi*a nines July 1, ttn, waa raaraaewted he Tlnton Falla trhocl many yearn, Alexander, B. a. in F B. Joie*, Olorla'. vocal teacher and far th* first time with the presca- received a B. i. in Education. Asbury Park — Charle* Orcutt her school teachers, Mr*. Albert 14N0UMI Choose from over tatlon of a baeealaureat* degree ta Other* honored and the degree* uher, music, anl Miss Klara Hul8f. B. a. in cer., Bamuel P. K«- the Srat student ta eemalote degree conferred on them follow: ker, IJtt. B. In J., Robert M. Guel- Schroeder, scrretarlal. Rev, Mr. reejulrementa at that Inatltutisn. Key to degreea, Indicated by let- der, B. i, Ooorge Alired, A. B., Qer- Joice gave the invocation. Alia r*»r***ated wer* tha College ter* after name, follow*: ald 8. Johnson, A. B., Donald J. Following dinner th* party went of Art and acieae**, Agriculture, Pappa, LL. B. indoors and enjoyed game* and 150 wallpaper Engineering and the School of edu- A. •., Bachelor of Arts: B. «., dancing In the recreation room un- cation at New Brunewlek; the Col- Bachelor of science: ft. 0. in Ag.. Ocean Grove — Charles T. Wile, til the 1st* houm. music for danc- lege of Arts and Bcleacee, the Bachelor ef Hcience tn Agriculture; «.. B. In C. Honor*. W. Roa* Mat- ing being furnished by Shirley An- School of Law, the Callege of B. B. In B. A., Bachelor of Science theuv. Jr., B. B. in B. A.. Marshall derson, a classmate, and George Pharmacy and tSo School ef Bus- In Rueinrea Administration; R. 8.I, vVnrnri, B. 8., Robert P. Devi*, Hchanrk on the piano accordion Hpwlliiag ta Caetosa-Mads fiawaa patterns. Save 50* in Blol. Bachelor of Science in Bi B. fl. In Phar. . I* all tat latest fa«hlnn>—More tken !•" »ttm to rhooe* fr**l , iness Administration In Ntwark and Frank Kacro on the trombone. All domestic *n4 Imr>or1*t Isea* *ni utili, University Callege, tha dasre*- ology; B. I. In C, Bachelor of Sci- Perrineville — Reuben Kenler, Mis* Ayrrs received many gifts t%fa> . | mm pe* single roll granting evening divMoa and the ence In Chemlntry; B. S. In C. K,B. *. m Ag. from member* of the family, her MRS. PHTLUi Graduate faculty. Bachelor of Science in Civil En- Spring Lake — Frank P. Simmer, classmate* aad other friends. gineering; B. R. in C. * R. P., Bach- Jr., B. R. in Biol. 2/CTO 1 e) I 0 VM»lly Sic lo 3.30 Elected to Phi Beta Kappa hon- elor ef Science In City and Region- Avon — Jaeeph P. Pope, A. B. LOVE LANE BMDAL SHOPK or scholastic society wera Mr*. Lil- Planning; B •. In Cer., Bachelor | Honors. Sterling, meaning solid silver of II W. WONT STREET RED IANK, N. J. lian 8. Dlatel. SS Throehmsrton of Science in Ceramic*: B « In a definite nneness, is a contraction R I N Vou Get S Single Boll* For the Price of One lies I — Osnrg* C. R*», B. B, •rider '•'! • ". H. Wk.r e.wlnfs »r Are.lsis.rtt. ave., tlei Bank; Werner Alexander, Cer. Eng., Bachelor of Science in Freehold — Mortimer Kosoowsky, of the word Easterling. a term ap- nBaa**MVaal ^M tJ**m**fl ^M Immaaat ^v Vawlalv Waaaaakla Neptune R. r. D. I, and Wllllai Ceramic Engineering; B. S. in Ed., plied ta merchant* of the Hanseatlc T«UsW»: Rt«J lank Ml72 B. S. Frederick T. Oivene, B.* la the 19th centurv p. Mebeaman, 410 Evargretn av*., Bachelor of Science in Education; in Biol., Bernard O. Levin*, B. •. Give your walls new life! Tuke advantage of tliome tiny Bradley Beaeh. B. B. in E. A., Bachelor of Science In Ar. Honors. Elected to active membership In in Engineering Administrntlon; R. Loch Arbor — Robert K. Pta, A. prices, BOW* tt tk» h*iffht of the decorating ncatmii. Athe Sigma XI, national scientific so- 8. In E. E., Bachelor of Science in B. ciety were John W. Qruel, Baton- Electrical Engineering; B, 8. in L. Mannaquan — Alice May Houatea, host of styles S> wilt awry taste — HoraU, stripe*, town: Robert M. Melnken, K*an*- 8., Bachelor ef Science In Library B. 8. In Ed. scenics, teiUrea, Bedallloni and others. Price ran»c)t burg; Stanley M. Ohlberg, freehold Science; B. 8. In M. K, Bachelor of Matawan — A

19 Rayon Table Cloths *««'« \ Mtln rayon. MM If "ail". Mf oolofddJ In r— bwutjiMH

Few White 6M«4 »•*,».« 65 VOk Whlto OP BorrntntcU finish orfMdy—BRO walo 4i »-allnoi ailoui .rotdliloihs. MttMbwH. 0 I o i elevision Hassock Rtgulmr 5.98 4 Urge eltei eejuere, retinal er bench etylee. PHaeteK with soft tee. If M ..ihcluding 4individually-wrapped Sfa-Fresh i ana

36 In. Cretonnes va. Vat color fMtnoto. Urfo varioty of colorful dcclfns on light, medium ar dark ground*. Suitable for many uoec Canasta Table Covers *•««••19S \19 Vinyl plattlo quilted—with pookou for bridge tables. Water proof— Will ItOt #TMR OP p##t«

Argyle Sock Packs Regular 2.30 100% wool. Each package contains 3 os. shrlnk-resletant fingering yarn with Inctruetlons and chart. 11 patterns. 95 Rhythm Slips Regular 3.95 2 Pashlcnod by Rhythm, finest In fabrles, detailed with greatest oarc Tea rose, blue or white Sixes II to M. 79 House Coats Regular 5.95 4 Now prints In lightweight ccersuckcr or plqu*. Tailored to perfection* Waistline slim and neat. Sites 11 to SI.

Rayon Briefs Regular 1.00 79 Styled by 'aerie, these pantlee are guaranteed never to run. Out full for comfort. Slice %, 9, 7. Slush or white.

Ladies' Shorts Regular 2.95 Ideal for home, bsaoh or gardening. Pine quality denim or gabardine* Variety of fast eolors. Slies It to SO. Twflf• MO HAVE nmwnm. mw u, tut State Officer r.U.C to Hear aklp IHIWII, Mra. Utter C. MVENSE rum NEEM Stark, to get MW atatabert, ate. Water Co, Appeal Addresses Club Othtra receiving aaasic glfu were mm* iAim NANM Hit, aHttaa, Mis* Flan WUIguat, •armigk Attorney Heward W. Mra. Jakai KaUt. Mr*. Ratort Cher- Roberta teld tka goveraiag coord At Luncheon ry, Mis* •artka Krld«l, Mra. Rag-af New Barewafcury laat Tkuraday MNCM 4B HOOS ASSfMtUatt Mr.. 1MI4 Fjra, Mra. U C. aUckwfdaaa. aigkt that tk* atata oukUc utiltty Mra. Jatw IUM aad Mra. McKiaWy. «a*n k*« rascheduM to I flM an Daratky Tatead. • «***> Kmbtr, ant Wedaeadty a hearing la New- *aiertaia«4 witk twa daacea, Faa- ark aa tke MMaaoutk Caneolidatcd daagw, "Ca*ricia Eapaaiola," aad Water company's appeal of tke aa acrakatie waH*. Mr*. It C. aaaiaaioa* UM order to lattall »>000 0rW»T0N»TY Wt BATONTOWN-Mra Raacrt Me- Read waa BiaaM, aa4 Hayed far water asaia* la tke aorougk. Kialey af Br«Mo* W«M Ml thegroup aiagiaa;. fueat ipctkcr at th« elasiac m«at- •arviac «e tka luackaaa caaaatit- Mr. nabtrta aald he wa* ready to |R( and limeheaa of the IU4 BJaak taa wart Mra. J. C. Elliatt, Id, protest a hearing of the iaaua oa SYNCtO MACHMI COMPANY ckairmu, Mra. Walter McOaugal, he ground tkat th* order wa* auda Woaus't club fri4ay at O14 Or- after tht eatMaisfleficrt had auf- chard Country club. Meartcra kaa- Mra. Pkilip WaHaa, Mr*. Btaalty •IISAVUAVi. PI44IN fMTH AMWK Oaklgraa, Mra. Harry Tucker, Mr*. •eicat titM to atudy tke cue. Tka or»4 th* apcaker, vh* ti third dia- erdcr would provide for the eitta- trict vice pr«sid«Bt af the BUta Lyaua Uatkwaad aad Mn. Bro- • Mtmr. , •hy. Haateeaes wara Mr*. Vaala- tiaa of tat Bycanart avt. wattr rederatloa af Woaut'i cluht, ay asaia frem Mayor George *X«v*as' Aj Veaja; Itaaaaajl Vow fing her original aomg, "It'wegeat , Miaa Flareace Kridel, Mr*. Waltoa, Mra. LMkwoad, Mra. P. W. farm ta the Tir.ton Falls aehaal and Oreat to Be a Member af the Woai- ether aervice eloewhera in tk* tB'a Club." Lyaua, Mra. J. C. Barber. Mrs. Robert H. Dtakra-w, Mra. Cratawtll eugk wklch ka* ktea aa order alaca Ut: McKialey raparted iMt yaar IMT. thrauih the Cruaada rar rrecdaaa Wattaa aad Mrt. Vrmak Hayts. •ledge ef the General Federation af Others praaaat wara Mrt. Nell* The water Maiptny wtatt tkt SERVING Women'i eluba, and carriad oa inT. Walker, Mra. B. May* Bayd. Mrs. borough ta pay an Installatioa each state by atate federation!, I»ui;e C, Nnd*a*trutk, Mra. Jaka charge If tha mains ar* eiteaded. 11,800,000 we* relied, and thie A. Petilla, Mra. Margaa C. Kuit, The borough does not want to aay money waa tued ta eitabliab a radie Mr*. Daaiel Paadi, Mrt. Jaka Ous- suck chargea alac* na such fee* station on the of the "Iran termaa, Mra. Herbert Bcs-tt, Mrt. were la force at the tint tkt Mr* Henry C. Tiltaa, Mr*. Thames M. RED BANK curtain," whicch ie nid ta be Mara vice wa* ardered. Mr*. Margretta powerful than th* itatiana main' Wtleea, Mra. Allan E. Crawford, L. Reed, borough dark, aaid th* tained by other government* far Mr*. Graadia Chapmaa, Mr*. Har- water company had keen making AND JERSEY SHORE AREA broadcasting t» "iron curteim" na old Haadrlekaosi, Mn. William J. a reeeat survey of tha poasibl* ute Held, Mr*. Edwin Marlia, Mrs. af water along Sycamore ava. la tka tioni. She cautioned againat tk* ao- Richard H. Himmoad, Mr*. John called "peace organiutiom," which evtat tht service ia tattnded. Mr. Lally, Mr*. Frederic Meselaa, Mrs. Itoberte Mid tha (ladings prebably (he aaid most always turn aut to J. W. Richardson, Mr*. W. B. Oold- be Communist front groups. In, Mr*. N. F. Maxsaa, Mra. A. M. will be used as part of the com- The district officer told the wom-Jartlemaa, Mrs. Orsan Fraaclsco. pany'* appeal strstegy la preMBt- NEON SIGNS en to take an active part ia. tbeir ing it* cue. mnunity organiiationa, She alto Also Mrs. H. R. Wellbaeher, Mrs REPAIR SERVICE urged them to join and work with Harold a Mabie, Mr*. F. F. BiMIe, Mrs. Joka C. Herber, Mr*. Bjorn Councilman Henry Gltim aald AND Parent-Teacher groups and BoNlel.eny , Mr*. Ray E. Curiey, Mrs. and Girl Hcouta and to become there would be a mattiag af tka Howell K. Walton, Mr*. D. W. Han- roadt committee at tha Tlnton Fall* LIGHTING member* of boards of education*: mare, Mr*. A. G. Kuppler, Mrs Mm. George R. Blair, toastmaa- school at a p. m. nest Wednesday "aWOINECaUBP TO VOtB KEEOaV George Norman, Mrs. Edward Wi- to «tu«ly ,th» po..jM« change* In tn, introduced Mi*. Lyman C. Van'le r, Mr*. Richard Hackst**/, Mrs. lnwegen, president. Mrs. Vanln- name of • portion of Pine Broak rd. H. E. Williams, Mrt. J. N. Beers in Wayside to Tlnton ave. and por< wegen introduced pa*t president* and Mis* Elisabeth Higginson. attending, one of whom was Mia* lions of Railroad ave. and Sauan- Florence Kridel, who gave innt in- kum rd. In Pine Brook ta Pint SMAMt ter eating fact* pertaining ta lo Hear Brook rd. club's activities and hUtory. Bhe ColumbiB Profeaaor Councilman Fred A. C. Pearl re- sic in MM in said that in June, 18M, the club ported a new building eode for the was originated and wa* then FORT MONMOUTH—Dr. Charles borough should be ready for pre- F. Bonilla. prnfeunr nf cttemica MiiUliuN at the July 6 meeting. known as the f'hllomathlan Co- engineering at Columbia univeis aiSMTRY PARK teller; in 1918 it w«3 otganitcd ai tty, will (peak on "Heat and Mtsa Agreement* weie made with the • Woman'* cluh, and in June, 1921, TiSMfert with Liquid Metals" to- Wayside, Tinton K«n. and Pint r M180 the present clubhouse property waa night at I o'clock in Building 178 Brook Are companies for the hous- purchased. here. ing ind use of all borough owned lira trucks, it was reported by MMkatJl tfj Mil • Ml Other pnst-prcsldent* present He will addieis members of the PORCELAIN ENAMEL wcr* Mrs Joseph E. Carroll and county aection of the American Councilman Richard W. Uebert. Mrs. Clifford Humphries. Mrs. Chemical society. Dinner will be Repairs of the equipment and its STAINLESS STEEL Jimtl Pattern, president of theserved at Crystal Brook Farm Inn, use out of town in parade* must be •a* carnal* • NM ftr Hi tvaning department of the club, Eatontown, at • 10 p. m. A timely arranged for with council's permis- wa* a guest and save tht invoca- topic it is in tune with the "atomic sion, it was decided. In answering INOOOft I OUTDOOR iUCTWCAl DISPLAYS tion. age." Tht Atomic commlation cur- out of town calls, the Are companies At the conclution of the lunch- rently is studying "liquid mettls.' were Instructed to leave at least on* ton, humorous gifts were given, toDr. Bonilla, who received hi* chem pumper in tht borough. ROAD'AD SERVICE. Inc. aaf IBBBIMBBBBBW BBIMBBBBBBI several of tht officers, such aa aleal engineering degree and a PhD. The borough authorlatd tht Army ear for the president, Mrs. Van- from Columbia, ia a member of Ph to use, under lease. ti dumping 41 SO. MAIN ST. ASMMYPAMC lnwegen, to travel around In; a Beta Kappa. Those Interested In at ground a* a Signal (•ft'ps communi- IMIII watch to the vict president, Mrs. R. tending the lecture are invited. cations-laying maneuver area.


A «***•*» •** at Mw tMt alMi la- »•»«• «Hall...*la»»»«> kaHery ef aC'OC.l*H

•f pvWVr SJttSJ fSJBISJSj a • a BBBB)|B|BJV PflaPi twwa wavi altti iht "•elttsn Iffy M AC ttK «'•

^^^ MJU eakaa. ttAi^L


POt THI MUSIC HI WANTS HI WANTS IT! Owl • mwtj tenf Ht'll «to • |*tj with this •tajr* Mt tavtrit* "45" rtctxtk awiyofcaw •n AC. Uftrtwlght. 0foM«my4a»wny. Ttw MUlwtf "OCMMI Ihn*" p*w RCA Victw't "43" tyrtam RMIIM a«*y>IMtn>fl| mfywtttfat


T*e lest DteJert la Tew* have tke Pick of RCA Victor Portsblsi *ee«y Ur MTHM'S OAt DtHveryJ

••a MHH BBMIBV MAaN IBM* MANCM Cm«MM TM C*. UN Mala ttol «HE8B folks are enjoying tomethinf This glart>and*heatUW SrrMt. MMM«fllH Illipt. IM. it* Braaaway transparent "sun visor" right in the ^B*^Mak ILllI bright summer sunlight. «a PaiNT PUAtANT windshieloVand it also dulls the dazzle uwn MM IT •at AraaM AVMHM It's freedom from hot laps-caused by of oncoming headlights at night AaMllMIM C# I*M LABI tMINP tANI the sun's rays beating down through jre onrn VMM normu ritMsia Street MlaaUe aaailajN* c*.. las. Btklta't TttovMlaa Caattr As we've aaid, this is something Buick Ceatral Hsat* * TelevMea at* •tee** SI " 1MI 1»H A the broad expanse of windshield. •eal. Franklil n TOMS MVM iat Sena* owners were the first to enjoy. It takes 0YNAUOW OtIVt* • MUM tNOlNI Jem* Tiff Ct, J. W. Flatty 1*1* Mtto Street ttratl These freedoms trace to a new feature 144 SMM4 tlM*l its place with such exclusives as the fOUHONT • WHIT1010W Nml« Cantor 1 you may have noticed in '51 Buicks-a BB VltPnSJ plVvB TIM Mnl* a*r ns"MST itrMsr" "** valve-in-head Fireball Engine-coil • 4-WHKl C0IUMIN3IN9 •ipm B FBIrPtllBf _ .. _ M*a ajsial*i fit* new kind of glass* with a cool, soft, - - - Ttjavaaj •aafvaw^ ^ay.|T springs on all four wheels-the firm TCHQUE-Wll DIIVI * OVAL ViNTIlATIOH ttl-llT rtarM t«ra*l It Wnkltiitea blue*grecn tint, in every glass area of power linkage of torque-tube drive- * the car, front, side and back. KRICH-NEW JERSEY, Inc., NEWARK I, N. J.-Amer;ca's r,rs+ RCA Distributor and the magic of Dynaflow.* MHHiailliiK Buick engineers tell us that this "Buick As we've also said-rather modestly- MMKwl»a«IMf»««i first" reduces glare 18% over conven- STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO crly side of Florence Road In the Town- Montnouth County Surretate's Office "Smart buy's Buick." . . EUPHEMIA F. OUMCKE •hip of Mlddlttown, County of Mun- In tho mattrr of the eatate of J, Hoa- mouth and State of New Jersey. You rd Kmilli, drcrased. Notice to crtditsrs tional glass-cuts sun heat as much as You MI. hertby lummoned and rau liy default. trn, hava appiltd Ut lh« Townt>hlp Gom> mitt.e of Mlddlctrwn (or a Plenary Re tubscrlhera. The action hat beta Instituted for th* Dated: Freehold, N. J., May It, till. purpoir nf fiirit'loBinK a mortiaut dated tnil Consumption lirentt for premiaes June I;, mil, taiMtto by Frank R, aitusted at 1 Ooan avtnue, Ksit Keant- IIAIivnY SMITH, burr, N. J. Port Monmouth, N, J, DE RIDDER BUICK. Inc. I'umcVf nb niurttfairi'i' and liayable to *J*nriitl 1'nW,f, Miirtunm Company UE Objectlonf, h nny, ahnuld he mmle Im- OTIS H. SMITH. Mrjrtuafif, whirh muttKniff U recorded medlntrly In wrltlnv to Hownrd W. Hob- Smtn St., I.fwti, Delaware In lh» Mnnmniith I'mmty I'lfik'i Oftiri •rtt, Clark uf Mlddlitown Townthlp, 161 to 16t Monm«3uth Strait BamLW M J im Jutif 14, |Mn in Hunk Mil nf mnrl- (8l|neri) RnhtrtA, PillabffVy, Cntton i Rl 6-20tt (•ilr> for >alH rnunty at |>a(> Ut, and 4. ^ni'iit aVtHlHi Hi. #. •••'•mi ml estate lorated en tht north- 1MNIBL PAYKO, Atlaniila r Hivhlandivh , N, I, II.M ' JVUA DAYKO. -r AttorneytA , flMO. MOTOB •TOLKK RITMSON - Police are invrjtl- Katlng the theft of an outboard Local Students r Taxes on All Classes of Property motor stolen from g she4 at Pul- Good Time* Are Here Again len'a boat work* between laat j Thursday aad Saturday. The motor.! Cdl LIONS Among Graduates Increase, State Chamber Reports valued at $75, It owned by Jemea ' LONG BRANCH - Eight Red NEWARK-Iadividual property ty- kogen of Old Farm village who re-1 Leading Rug Clemmmf tor Over 39 Ytmr$ • Baak yt*aag saea were amaag the swaert aad Btuhsees alike will pay| ported the theft Saturday. , H studeata *kt received the As-more la iscal property tases in §myttw •-1 J|H»irtea«t MO IANK 4-2I00 aociaU la Artt degree during the 1M1, accerdlag te a report issued Brirtflwl \mniHintr4 SWEDISH HOP 17th aaaual MeBiaauth Junior col- by the Department of Governmen- Aatnca'ilMtCtrids lags eeataaeneeaieat exercisea held tal an* Economic Research of the GREENVILLE. S. C.-Jlr and 10 EAST OCEAN AVE. SEA MIGHT, N. J. y Bight e>f laat wsek ia New Jersey atate Chamber of Com- Mrs. Harry Clayton Smyths of LEON'S •reach high school auditer- xce. Property taxes levied forGraeaville, announce th* eagage- The tight included George • support of New Jereey a county meat ef their daughter, Ml" Mau- CLEANED . RUG CLIANfHS « OVHS . UUNOERfRS Debereaaa, Tolenda I. Jonee, aad municipal governaaents aad aeliaa Anne Smythe. to William M-74 WHITI SHEET IE0 IANK, N. J. F. MiKeaberger, Jr., Rue- public school districts soared te aCrispin Uppinrott, aon of Mr. and record UM.dM.OM this year. This lira. William C. Lippineott ef Riv- full Urn* •/ Smtimkhm* • tmu»m Pie$ aeli Mint**, Geerge T. Marford, wet aa increase ef UB,IM,«no ever erside Garden', West Front, st., Jr., Joha S. Oakley. Jaaaea I. the IBM levy. Rad Bank. Th* wedding will take Pluaamer and Ueila M. Hunt. place ia the early fall. The degreee, which ere given for The atate chambers report, Our SptUkyt Ht Daft CemkU to te completion ef the Irst two haaed ea a detailed aaalyais of the yeara af etaadard callage work, 1W1 couaty abstracts of taa rat- were awarded by Joseph C. Irwin, ablee, revealed that M per cent of EMERSON TV the total MM levy is assessed director of tht lionmouth County agalnat real estate and improve- W Board of Freeholders. •tents, while It per cent it taaeaaed Rev. Charles I. Webster, paster sgainat tangible personal property, 14 INCH SCREEN.... *149 ef the Red Bank Presbyterian g g p church, delivered the commence-1 Thabatee dremainin against;g thte pe"rearl cenestatt eia an dae- MM I tIkl«G* <» I meat tddreae aa tha theane, -Three improvements ef railroad*. Keya ta iuccsea." Urgiag hie audi- the 1M1 levy oa aon-railroad real LARGE 17 INCH SCREEN.. *199" eace drat te learn ts get along Ie ,t%t« aad improvements totala with one another, the minister said J (SJotTA am, «n Increase of M7.«Ti,- per cent of succeaa in lift de- «M over tha 1M* levy. upon thit ability. The second Taaes levied on tangible personal "key," etrerasd by the clergyman, property in IWt total |U,M>,000 EAST COAST TELEVISION was ts "think ia terms of succeae and represent aa Increase of 12,- and avoid tha psychology of fail- M»«M over laat year'a levy. The AMD HADIO ICKPAIR CO. INC. ure." The third key was "expect atate chamber denned personal AT. 1-1747 (DAYS) — HI. 3-1304 NI&HTS) great thiaga ef yourself," adding property a* "aowething that can be that "we tend Is become what we touched or etherwUe percctved, but OKN MONDAY . SATURDAY «••. SUNDAY I -I think surselvea to be." ia not fastened down. It may be Student apeakera who rapreaent autt of clothes or a piece of in- HIGHWAY 14 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS their claumatea were •heila dust rial achinery weighing aev- Hunt and Joha D. Leonard. eral tons.' In New Jeraey tangible Mia* Hunt diecuased "Today and personal property la divided, for ta* Eleetrteal AppliMm mt AU Klwh Repaira*. Yenterday" and Mr. Leonard, purposes, into houachold gooda, Parti aril Service for AU Make* "Challenge of Tomorrow." A refar- m atock and machinery, and ception for the graduate* and their buslneaa personality. The peraonal Natjdrilae A. Bmytfce HIGH POINT BRAUHAUS VaettiMM, Raafjet MMI Ref riperatort. famllit* waa htld after the formal property of bualneae conaiatJ of in- OCEAN tOUUVARD •HONE AT I-OTJI ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS a--..!..,,! 1 mereltee. ventorlea, machinery and equlp- tlisa flmythe attended Converse mrim vaa The ather graduate*, according lent. college at Hpartanburg, 8, C,, where ta eemmunltiee, were: Aibury Taaea levied on houaehold foods ahe waa president of the freahman Park, Lolt Hancock, Albert J. tM» year tncrraaed t»n,000 and clasa and a member of Creicent UWM aad Benjamin P. Morris. now total fijt8,om. The atate honorary leadership club. She 3d.; Atlantic Highland*. Dotnld chamber noted that In computing transferred to the University of Jamea Dlnkelberg and Nancy Ann thli tai It had made allowance for Georgia in order to specialize in Jay; Bradley Beach, Bernard the fact that New Jersey grants a art, and will receive the degree of hetkln, James P. Oartland, Ken- 1100 exemption for household good*. bachc.or of Ane arta in August. nath M. nnpatit «M Vlnctnt Oul Tha report also note* that "it !<•She la a, number of Kappa Kappa met; Deal, Edwin M. K. Booream: impossible to make allowance for aororlty. Eatontown. Louia Tlachter; Elber- one fact of which everyone is well Ur. Uppincott ia the grandson M, Oreta K. jMiaen; fair Haven, aware. Thla la the ease with which of lira. Benjamin C. Lipplncott of Robert Mlnton; rrtehold, Robert taiea aaacaaed against household Rivertide Garden", and the late Crawford, Michael Kareatan, Jr., goods are evaded. A recent analy- Rev. Benjamin C. Llppincott, and 1 William J. Raker; Mailet, Hob- •it of taa collection in one large alao of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Do- WHITE it RIQHT trt C. W.igand; Highland*, tola T. New Jersey municipality rcveacld rtmua of Riverside Oardens. He Orakt; Keaasburg, Jamea R. Car- that only M per cent of the tax as- waa graduated from Blair acade- delta; Little silver, Richard I. sessed agalnat household good* was my, and after aerving two yeara I*wry; Long Branch, Michael O. collected while the collection ra- in the Navy, was graduated from Cervalltae, Joseph Chaiea, Edward tie for all classes of property In the University of Georgia last COME UP AND STAY WITH US AWHILE. in Sport Coots Dewd, Jr., Renato Oaaperini,thli municipality exceeded M perJune. He la a member of Phi Ray Itkowt, William K. Kuater, cent." Delta Thata fraternity, and ia em- EAT AND DRINK IAVARIAN STYLE. Wtldea V. Lane, Albert A. Levitt, The 1M1 levy against farm atock ployed with the Ooodyear Service Faihttm Centtr$ Feature Thit Smart, Aeie Style Trent! Ray f. Myert, Audrey M. Beul- and machinery totaled IW.OW aa atortt at Atlanta, Oa, GERMAN.AMERICAN COOKING tberpe. Adtle I. Ruouo and Jean compared with a |MT,0M levy last M. Tresaglou; Matawan, Frank A. year. Tourine; Neptune, Daniel Edelson, Tht roft(t to bttfr and bigger fcu.W DANCING FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Taxei levied against the tangible en, ftdvertine in The Register reguUrl>a Prancia H. McKay and Frederickperaonat property of business total Aitlt Palumbe; Neptune City, Alfred MMOI.0M for MM and repreacnt R. Fourttt; Oakhurtt, Royal E. an Increase of |1,MO,000 over the FHediwr; Ocean Orove, I. II, WI1- IBM levy against thia class of lam (Jordan; Ocean port,, Peter property. Stroke; Pslnt Pleasant, Eugene R. Railroad taxes levied at local Birdaall; Portaupeck. John D. property tat rates total *12,2A»,OOO, Leonard, and Sea Bright, Oacar an increase of $1*5,000 over l»S0. H. Ahnbtrg. Over 71 per cent of thia Us will go to Hudson county municipalities with Jersey City alone receiving Put your own *!!reeze" BordentoHn Sentence Itm.OOQ. In addition to local taxca, the railreada pay over $4,000,000 in on Viracola stata text* every year. FREEHOLD — Ungdon Vlra- Commenting on these figures the eola, 24-year-old former Lone •tate chamber said: on food prieei with Branch high school and Fordham "Every New Jersey property own- unlvaraity football «tar, was aent- er will pay more taxes in 1PS1 than tnetd to an Indeterminate term In he did in 1150. Thia Is true, wheth- Rahway reformatory Friday by er the taxpayer la an Individual an Electric Home Freezer! County Judge J. Edward Knight home owner or a butlne** concern. whea arraigned on two charges ef It ia not generally realised that violation of probation. butlncka pays at least M per cent The sentence wan originally sus- of the tax assessed against real es- pended May 8, 1950, when Viracola tate and improvement* In additio* waa placed on probation for five to paying U per cent of tht taa years and ordered to pay a 11,000 atteaaed against personal property. Una after being convicted of at-New Jersey business, Including tacking a Long Branch detective railroads, wilt pay over $147,000,000 when tht latter was arresting him of the 1161 property Us levy. following sn asaault on a girl "In some munlclpalltlt* tht tax. friend. paid by butlneu exceeds that paid Viracola waa arraigned by Atsfet- by name owner*. A recent report ant Prosecutor John M. PilUbury by tha Patsale Herald-News, for ex- for violating probation by allegedly ample, revealed that 1« business breaking up furniture in hi* moth- concerns will pay 31 per cent of ers Long Branch home on May a the total property tax in Passaie and for failure to pay anything in this year. Since there are over >,- II month! on the 11,000 ant. Vira- MO Individual business enterprises cola pleaded for a half-hour on his In Passalc, this represents only a own behalf, but at the conclusion •mall part of the total tax paid by Judge Knight laid he would im- Passaie business, but, it serves to pose the sentence because he felt emphasise the substantial tax con- nv MTV M« WI*nBW It was for hla best interest for tht tribution which business makes ta futurs. local government in New Jersey." PALM BEACH SPORT COAT \VLVAJ in heutdtotne

weight light... alyle right

Yei, whit* li the current fathion hit In aummer vouRmus euualwear, and then all-new Palm Beach' iport coati In white, ara C-O-O-L ai a hot weather it ut t/ff HIM mm iport eoat should be ... made of the new Palm tnt mf nit m-tut Baach ttbrio that actually bounces out wrinkles.. Caaual, eaiy-fitting comfort, and smart in Iti far ^aae •^•Jiaeala11 UU finer tailoring . . , you'll agree this la the "different'* Live better fw km with «K tUetrte home fmnr. kind of sport eoat you've alwaya wanted. See them 0MMMa% SB Buy food when food is best and prices are lowest. now, while our alie selections ara still complete; Serve^when they're ^out-of-season" treats! By Patented FIBERLOCK Method ^B^aBBSBBJ ^^SB^BBBBB^BB^ BBBBPa^BBBBjaB That's* the'answer more and more housewives (talent Ne. 2,oif,3s«> are giving to the high cost of eating. It's the •MM ratltafa torn when answer, too, that they're giving to work. For a LodnlN H, MtMM Cstsn •( home freezer puts a whole menu of delicious meals at your fingertips... minutes away from the table. And an electric home freezer means fewer shopping trips- SO Investigate all the advantages of bmt See your local appliance dealer today/ (leak*—Oat a pair or two ef Palm leach FWWTHEFOlLOWlKDEilLEW •lacks to ao with your aport coat, Same wrinkle ahedd,n«> smooth fabrle, with from w«ave that lata cool air LAWES COAL COMPANY, Ing. la, body heat eat, lone wearlnc loo* waihable, •rr, N. J. Pbeat leak S-I1M JACOIS HARDWARE CO. A* advertort I* 1IP1 aad m •«et. Ti at. a«edall.«anf«rd, Int. Hayon, mohair and nylon la most etylaa. Mala ttrttt pkcn i.urt lateattvn MONMOUTH PLUMIINfr SUPPLY CO. ersey 1M Watt treat Street Pkn, S.IMO j^ Uuik J CHANDLER-MAPS CO., Ing.

111 MOAOWAY LONG MANCK N WM Hltataae- Avtaat Pkant l-OMl Attaatls HlsbUadt IAYSHORE HARDWARE CO. 40 tait fra»> (Ireti pkc-# T.UM tfffl Society to Tour WUrr4 Styt SaW W«*«r Flow Gvic Group CARDNER S County Orchard* Of Cf••••• fir* H«Mf«J KEAMBUHS Hr. a • d Mi a. (CoatiBue4 from page 1) HOUSE FOR SALE MMCE m« KREEHOLP — Member* of the Stephen Sullivan of 1M Twinlight Nanes Officers New Jersey State Horticultural so- ave, have announced the cagage- law. Mr. Jacobsea. operator of the HEADDBN'S CORNER-P a u 1 ciety will mrrt at the Tunis Deals* ient of taeir daughter, Mia* Mil- county Bea Bright-Riunson draw- Baaborae, Jr., of Coaover lane. 11 Red Bank'i Finest Barber Shop I orchard on Freehold-JCoIt s Nrck dred Sullivan, to John Taggail. soa bridge, aaid he would not opea the Riverside Heights, was nominated Three blocks frost BusJaaaa, Coaveaioat t» R.R. SUtiga, will be elected at the July • ftiation at the Sydney McLean eiidenti wiahing free cheat X-roya roosa, Diaiag rooa. KKehto with Mew Tesjagetewa Biafc, New • AIR e paid he has been at political odds.) for traffic duty during tht Mon- HtM« *s««1 SM your iatemting II ptK ill mouth Park racing season, Until Named a* lifeguards, at Mr. Don- «*«*, IN «•«»••! oeifadatrtlUoaiAirCoadiUonert. now all police service has been nelly's recommendation, were a without pay. However, there is a group of Rutgera university stud- suggestion on the book* by Coun- ents, including Benjamin Harkins, 4* ManmtjuHi $». HUN MHO K*. lint cilman Robert L. Cook, Sr, police a Mr. McNair, Howard Keller, committee chairman, that neit year Theodore Luts and Denton Seybold, OPEN FBIDAT MONT consideration be given to the estab- all from out of town. lishment of a paid police depart- ment Evictloa Is Ordered Over objections by Councilman Samuel M. Fisher. Jr., council ruled that Leon William* be evicted from a borough-owned house on Squan- kum rxf Mr, William*, it waa brought out, had lived in the house without paying either rent or taxes for more than seven years. But Mr. Williams now offered to buy the house for 11,000. Mayor Stevens recalled that the YOUR LINEN PUMPS borough already has an investment in the William*' house representing more than $2,7*0. He said com- plaints had reached him that pros- pective buyers had found it Impos- sible to Inspect the house because Mr. Williams waa not homt when they called. ARE AT Mr. William* originally owntd ths house, It was tatd, but variou* liens had been placed against It sev> eral years ago. Then It became the property of the Asbury Park and ^B^|Bjn|EJ|By • Ocean Qrove bank which sold it to the borough last year for ISO. FOOTCRAFT Asked to present his sids of thlt question, Mr. Williams told the BJif wlffEf ft Vipff IffltBJS council: "No comment." Councilman Kisher objected to eviction and asked Mr. Williams if hs would agree to show the prop- ALL STYLE HEELS AND SIZES • M. a t_- erty to prospect*. "I have no oh- pectlon." said Mr. Williams. Mr. Fisher's objections brought yo.1 m iB BMKBC Mb with tfaa Bryant Btikr a protest from Councilman Richard AMriot'i trat W. Llebert. Tht matter had been discussed before the meeting, he said, and Mr. Fisher hsd sgreed with other councilmen that tht Wtokryoa wiat to biiat by *••, hat wttar or mpw, place be vacated, "Tour turnabout," 95 JBBBJBW B) • «BWJMBS «B^RBB* ^W BK IwJt BBJBBv BjBB*ms*^RBs BflBJBJEU* ho told Mr. Flshtr, "ia Inconsistent fa VBBBf BaVBf Baf^BM 4tf IBT Wttksttl MB Bfi MBUBatflBM with your Inconsistencies." FOOT FLAIR'S - - *8 Mr. Flfher said he was In agree- MM IBV ment that the place should hs sold, but did not agree thtt Mr. Wlllltmi bs evicted, Mr. Williams asM he . Usder that tttnetHw grty jacket of I never refused to pay taxes on tht house, but Mrs. Ruth M. Crawford, JsMwHhs^Ma^psrsjittiag afetdy out *TO> hatting notion, built to last a ttttiat, collector, said he lost the right to M •eUUatSoa abaort snvwaars. tMgBaJ to a*«*tfeaM**t»atfcr fdtl doUut yom afwd. do so when creditors took It over. AVONETTES - - - *9 Cuulfwt an ooBjnattaJy svtoaflatw. Just start yaw Bryant Passed on third and nntl reading Btikr fa «ka fall aad tefatjt al win**? ka*j • you "tot waa an ordinance requiring that flr* company permit* be secured before land ta burned off. - Mrs. Douglas Downs asked that Rivardsls ave., on which she live*, be renamed Rlvtrdtle rd. to make s the name more appropriate for the country setting. RINALDIDEBS - - *9' •Oneway Mayor Steven* said he had been Informed that some municipalities a were Interested In burying their garbage In New Shrewsbury gravel pits. He agreed with Councilman Cook (hat garbage should move $ only on* way through the borough TROYLINGS - - - 9" —"out." Mr. Fisher »*ld he will have ready (or presentation at the next meeting, Juty 1, petitions calling for the establishment of a garbage col- WIDTHS AAAA TO C. lection district In the borough'* northslde. Under this arrange- ABIOMATIC CAS IOIUIS ment, fees would he assessed against ths various properties served. Council decided that regardless DYED TO YOUR ORDER FREE OF CHARGE of a protest by Alexander Mack of Plum st., two old appl* tree* will be removed from the street to allow SEE YOUR HEATING CONTRACTOR NOW for a street widtning program. SOTTDAT WEDDINO I.EONARDO-M t a • Dorothy FOOTCRAFT SHOES Mayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrt, William Hoelle of hwy, 36, and Clyde Peck of Port Monmouth, will UFINE SHOES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN SINCE 1894" be married Sunday afternoon at S o'clock at Leonardo Baptist church. FULLY APPROVED BY YOUR GAS COMPANY Rev, John Johnson, pastor, will per- form the ceremony, A wedding din- OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR BOY AND GIRL SCOUT SHOES ner will follow at the home of the bride's parents. The biidc-elcct wiis graduated from Mlddlntown town- 86 BROAD STRUT, RID BANK, N. j. ship lilgli ediuol. Mi. Peck, who is from Missouri, la stationed at Fort MoOBMUth. I , OJJ™ Will

Do You Set A Gooid Example? By H«. Alfred N. Bsailcttoa -. **,?! I ' - Mayer, Shrewsbury Borough, N. J. i »>

to observe them during his life, we need have tion and not the rule, but can youth discern this »• no fear about his delinquency, for they arc fun- fact? t i damentally the same rules that make for good citizenship. The desires of youth arc much the But, you say, you are not a Mack marketeer, same as those of maturity, and if the rules can nor even a public official who has slipped, but be kept the same the good 8|K>rt in youthful just an average citizen minding his own business i games will be the good citizen in community life. so you have no responsibility. m •-m At some point in a juvenile's life, he is tempt- Let's see if you don't. I •! ed tq abandon the rules he learned at an early it?, age and to adopt a different code which he may Are you a bowler? Do you always observe come to believe will give him the things he the foul line? What's your conduct on the alleys? craves. This change docs not occur at any speci- Would you be proud to have your son as your fic time or at any particular age, but of this we pin boy and to copy your habits as well as the may be certain: his ideas change. Therefore, habits of those who bowl with you? How about the efforts of all adults must be directed toward you, Mr. Golfer? What kind of an example do preparing the youngster to withstand the temp- you set for your caddy? Is it about the same tations of his future life. The agencies mentioned as you would have another person set for your above are all devoted to this task. The emphasis son? Are you considerate? Do you give the on juvenile delinquency today brings to our eves caddy a break? the misdeeds of those who have not had the full 'If Mini N. advantages of their influences with the result Do you observe the rules of courtesy in that a large number do not see their many suc- public conveyances? Do you crowd to get in cesses. It is certain, however, that the problem first to get a seat or do you let the elderly and L\\ would be far worse were there no such agencies the ladies go first? Yes, I know you have worked •(? The problem of juvenile delinquency is one engaged in this work. For this reason, if for all day and are tired, but does the youngster next 'that concerns all thoughtful persons. Many pco- none other, they deserve the continued and to you know that? Can he learn respect for age 1e are actively engaged endeavoring to correct added help of all people. from your actions? How about you, Mr. Business- mm 8le situation. To name but a few, there are the man or Mr. Storekeeper—do you give honest members of the local municipal juvenile delin- There is something more that every thought- weight and full measure, do you tell truths or < ! I uency committees, the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., ful adult can do to help a youngster. That is to half-truths, do you let the boy stand while adult • I J:. Y. 0., Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., Recreation be ever mindful that every, grown person must customers push in front of him? 0 iff Committee, Police Department, Boy Scouts, Girl watch his or her own conduct to be certain that mi Scouts, and service clubs. But still more help it will be an example for young minds. There is no need to make the list longer is needed, both financial and personal. All these although it would be easy to"do. By this time 'mi m agencies must be assisted in their efforts. Does the element of age give one certain you should be able to see that the everyday ac- rights? Is there a different code of ethics for tions of all adults contain many of the faults we No thoughtful persons will question the ser- the adults than there is for juveniles? Can either find in juveniles. And most of them are infrac- iousness of the problem, but may feel that they violate the rules of life, written or unwritten, tions of the same rules of good sportsmanship. are unable to helu either financially or person* with impunity? I think everyone will agree that How can we expect any better conduct from a ally. However, there is much that every adult the rules apply with equal force in both cases. youngster if we adults, who really know more can contribute. It is impossible to say how much of the right, continue to violate the rules we tell or how little any individual can contribute flnan- But what is the record? them to observe? dally, or if- he can give any .money at all, but 11 there is a minimum of service that every person * During the war we had the black marketeer, Perhaps many will fee] that it isn't possible can and should give—that is: set a good example. obtaining his desired ends by violation of the to get along in everyday life without breaking rules. And "can we say he felt the weight of the some rules. We cannot expect a youngster who The program adopted by many of the, agen- law? What is more important, were not these is not old enough, who has not had experience II cies is generally alone recreational lines—athle- violators encouraged—yes, kept in business by or opportunity, to observe the rules which we tics, handicrafts, hobbies, etc. There is ample those who patronized them? ourselves violate. reason for this, for such a program holds the in- terest of youth and at the same time teaches Let's take another example. We often read It must be remebered that his or her life fundamentals of sportsmanship. And if you of the questionable acts performed by some of is filled with just as many problems, just as much will think of it, THE RULES OF LIFE AND THE those elected or appointed to High public office. competition, just as much desire of pleasure, ex- RULES OF SPORTSMANSHIP ARE VERY Is there anything in the fact of election or ap- citement, approval, privilege, advantage, as any SIMILAR. If a youngster can be taught the rules pointment which gives special rights? Of course, adult. There is no excuse for one ignoring the of good sportsmanship, and if he will Continue it is true that we hear and read about the excep- rules and not the other.

TMt •dueatfonal afirfaavor h ma4a poutbl* by fha eooparatlen of tha following publiMpMtad ciKiam Ctpfriikl Ult-Htd •Mk HtflttM who ara alwayt in tha (era in striving to maka our community a tinar and battar plac* in which to liva. HMM MATTNIMW. IA«R a. w. imia SMTV ISMTSMOT W< ImW'i RMUM Umirt. »••• ••,»•>•.; .--7 ft ANtm, ft B. a. mm MVIM ALLAN ft NANRAll. ft ft VWU V.'iAMMNI ••NUT H. MAVIR aAPTAIN R. V. N. N WlbUAM ft MbbARIN JSNN a. TMUN ••WAR* I. MbMRftMR, 9.9.9. ft a. MBRMVaRT, Pk. ft WIUIAM MNL R. aANTAMIL* ALMI TVNRAlk, M. ft WlbbtAM NMII, PNtMMri MARTIN nimm II. (L I. TUTTbl L wan*** A. mum W. «. MUBflNUAaift PtuUmi •IIVI nun W. MHAMH WHIM W. MM n*t •Mk Aitawi IM. RMM W. MUMMW. AMIRA I. MMUNT nava b. VAeeARiiu, ft ft a. •AMTM i. «UMMT, «. ft M. ft MBMT LAUMNft PmMMt WNITNIT R. MUNMN eiaaat ITIVINI •Ab«AT*RI VAITI MTIR MRRINA •. 1AV9II, »TMMM< NatMM A IMMWIlk NINRV MNWtlUR J. ft VAN MAflRj, *-MMMt Mb MNN M. «Mft ANMSI Hl|tilinmMMl ••toiilal RMtiMrml NIRRIRT ft MHITN WA t. anauii fMNR NtLTMUNNIK •' VMM fntuitt tttptittttm HIRBIRT winiAMi. a. B. a. i, W. MiRIR, M. R. R. aiauu. A CIVIO DHNNt SITIIir nUPH HCUMV I, WAiiAai M«eui, R. a. a. IMIRV a. WIRaRRTIR. B, V. M. ANTNRNV r»ANKMAM \ ft v. Maim •IN9 MAIIA MR. ANB MRI. JACBB JF^E M, MM-

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Comfortable denim siacls with elasHciied waistband for alt .i. Pultovtr Middy. White, 3.98 Dad's leisure activities. Washable. Cloud grey «. >. Umbrella width coat whh drawstrini neck. 5.89 •tone blue. Sites I, 2,3 or4.

Terry Bar 2.49 **rry p*

Shop daily from 9:30 'til 5:30—Red Bank store open Friday 'til 9; Ashury Park store open Wednesday 'til 9 RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXIU. MO. SO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 12. Cov. Drfeeoll Outlines Program Fourth Degree Knighti of Columbut licet at Molly Pitcher In Fight Against Narcotics Traffic Puzzles Becloud

TBENTOM, J»M II (A^.)-Naw Jereey it working euletly t* *t*aa High School Plan th* eercetics treaac ia th* state wkila la Mew T*rk city a drug Mayor Stevens •eastdal hai brokea out. Hew Y*rk's O*v*ra*r Themee C Dawey haa taken, a personal ia- Says Education Scheme Still Unapproved; terest la ataaapiag aat the diatri- btjtiaa af drugi to ttea-agers ia tka city'a high achaala. Law Aids Boro Mechanic St. Ie Another 'Stickler* Meanwhile, N*w Jariajr haa Mt baa* idle. Ia a atatemtat bread- K broad gulf of uncertainty I shop spac» In IUs high achool. The) Gov. Drlscell called mingled with disagreement spread new plan sccompliahes that. over members of the board of edu- With all this uncertainty, there attention ta state measures design- cation here Tuesday night M they was no indication that any school ad t* mset what ha called a "vl- discussed what, again h e c a m e j hoard member disagreed that there tiawa social plague." known as "tentative plans" for a! was not. a pressing need for the Thif program was recommended MEW ajHRsTWaeUmT - Meyer proposed $1)00,000 addition to the I new addition. All knev it would by a special cabinet caatmittee George Stevens iold the torangh high school. | take both the borrowing capacity designated by the gavaraar and council hut Thursday night tha One fact stood out: The school I of the borough and the school dis» consisting of the attorney general municipality and the fkrawabury hoard has not yet approved plana trie! to build it. A new hisjh school, •M the coniMiaiioaara af the de- township Khool dietrlct would ben- for the new addition, nor arc some recommended by Yale five years partment! of institutions and ageit- egt greatly fram a new law eaaing at $vflsj.y'i «MHMI Cummmlwi fcr**Mant «f KM li tit**) MctW tames) of rWH Oexjroe KnifJtH cf Ceawnbwt m; Mt deductions from etate aid far edu- of the members satisfied with what ago, seemed out of reason now be* tin, health and education. -«-•-. >.j--i.--A j i-»--j-t.. e a t^e-i^. t^. • UUM Uasw ' »- T Casaw JaaVs I Ciaui «• u-u,-.. IJin.rJ J is In the blueprint*. cause, of price. What the board In general, it coneiati of stiffer cation. > ve'V'Wi ^^••/••JSJT ef« r^aW^s»^ /w| Vwn*vl •• •^•Wtt"f»»| wwiwl T% W •n^pa iff aj/t VWVfljn •• WVaTJi ej^p»Wf ^t ^sjfjnnfmn| ft^srnlW • IVJIV|rvfVIT| Wwdejfpj (jt Equal uncertainty hovered over ?eemeotri. Mf. the matter of whut is to he done I building program that the publio af violating any proviaion of the Borough Attorney Lawrence A. M to revamp the Mechanic at. school would vote for at referendum time, drug laws, atronger law enforce- Carton, passed by bath houses of Miak*Mtm*i. Mr. W* fr**4 knt+t tttimtm* *»«**, MU*. Thire) ««frM KnifMt a** orrwteU. to accommodate an Increase In on-' Responding to question" by a ment agencies and a program ta the legtetatwre and signed by Oev. ••oilment next year. Members of the ] nVlegation of members of the Ms- educate tha public ta greater Alfred st. Driseall. Parent-Teacher association from ; rhanic st. P. T. A., led hy Mra. Hy« awareness af the symptoms and The law provides that the U. S. that school, who a.«krd for an an- man Polin, Dr. Hioha said the ber« affect, af aareotlea. eeneus count ef resldenta en auch Theme of Middletown Exercises swer, were, told that consideration ough'i population trend* indicated federal property aa Caaap Weed Harris Negotiates Mara Crltieal being given to s plan to remodel » need for seven more rooms at and the Earle Naval Ammunition 9 thr auditorium and audio-visual Mechanic st. school. That woi]|(f Tha governor indicated reports depot should net be uaed to com- from courts and county institu- pute oeuuetlons from atate aid. In 'Problems in American Life Five-Year Lease aids rooms there an classrooms ... I make a total of 19. But, he said, tions have backed up the belief distributing aid the atate education LION AR DO-'Problem* In Paul Biahof, Donald Biasett, Mar- NEWBURQH, N. Y.-The nlfin perhaps. the** same trends were causing American Life" was the theme ef ilyn Borgquest, Marvin Boaserman, May Uevitfe Tonight room* to become empty at the tha perennial narcotic problem haa department adda up all benetto ing of a nve-yesr lease, at an Hlver st. school and a static to de» became mere critical tha laat few and than takes a deduction, equiva- the Hth annual graduation exer- Joy Brandt, Anneke Brower, Caro- $13,000 rental, for one and one- The problem of what a to be yeara. lent to 110 per resident, fram the cises of Middletown township high lyn Brownlce, Barbara Broiena, half stories—JO.OOO square feet of done about both schools is to come =»"'« «" <*»"">•» It haa been found tha real source total before making payment. school auditorium Tuesday night, William Brunt, Oloria Bunaloe, manufacturing space—in the New-up at an executive session of the af trouble ta failure to prevent im- when Joseph falau ipoke on rec- Jamea Capenegro, Frank Carhart, burgh Machinery and Equipment board tonight. It waa announced AdJetstmMta Under Marty Both the mayor and council and reation, Tora Ueland on family, Oloria Carhart, Marion Chromcsak, portation af opium derivatives. the school board had urged that company plant here, by the Btat« that the »M*ion would he cloned to Thi( study, he said. Indicated that Tha United Nations commission exceptlona be made so the district Marjorie Dickie on health and Rog-Edward Clark, John Clark, Mabel Upholstery corporation, waa an the public. However, Edmund J. by 1954 "we may have ta drown. an fisrrotlc drug! la presently would net be penaliaed (or having er Qtvpr on crime. Collet, Carol Collins. Augusta nounced this week by John K. Mar Cansoh*. board vice president, who out, because of larger enrollment, working on an agreement ta elimi- defense Installations tn its area. Awarda of Middletown township Corda, Carolyn Cornell, Wyanda ris, real estate consultant of Red conducted the session, said before grades 7 and a, from the junior high post of the Veterans of Foreign Culp, Alycc Dayton, Anthony De- nate tha production of opium ex- Another MM Unsigned Bank. any final action is taken a public school." A variety of choices for cept for world's medical and scien- Wars were presented by Matthew Marco, Gertrude Dcvaney, Marjorie The State Upholstery corpora- meeting must be held. transferring students from ene The governor so far ha* not Dickie, Edward Ella, Robert Engle- p p tific needs. Oill, post commander. The presen- tion, makek r of upholsterel d ffurnl Hhowlng jiut how wide a rift haa achool to another through a re* signed another legislative bill, also tation of honors and the clafs for hardt, Dorothy Engquist, Adele developed In the high school pro- designation of achool attendanee Some officials have said it is im- drawn by Mr. Carton, which would graduation was made by William Forlcnsa, Margaret Foster, Edna ture and allied products, Is expect areas now are being studied, he poaaible to entirely stamp out tha ed to start full-scale operations at posal, these things happened: allow New Shrewsbury to adopt by K. M gill, high school principal, Fotherlngham, Marcia Cent, Paul A debate ended with Instructions said. drug traffic. Driacoil aaid, "New reference only laws that were In and Dr. Wylie O. Pate, supervising Gardner. John Garrett. Linda Gay, the factory aa aoon aa equipment is Jtreey's program of attacking tha force In Shrewsbury township when installed. It Is planned to devote to Dr. M. Gregg Hibhn, supervising Joseph E. Clayton, county super- principal ef township echools. Wil- Albert Qillen, Hoger Qeyer, Joan principal, to confer with Dr. Clyde intendent of schools, has approves) problem (ram three different an- the borough waa separated Irom liam Dennis of Port Monmouth, Graf. Richard Oraham, George part of tta production to the' it glaa will tetui at rang deterrent. that municipality laat year. tense program. Hill of Yale university on the wis- for one year, the alteration of Me- president of the hoard of educa- Gremminger, Frits Oeisinger, Cyn- dom of the plans before the board chanic st. schaol's auditorium ant "This program ef stlffer penal- The mayor aaid that unlese the tion, awarded diplomas to the Ml thia Guthletn, Ruth Hslllday, Grace Mr. Harris, manager in charge ties, better enforcement and edu- of thia industrial property, said acts to give them final approval. audio-visual aids room as tempor- governor signs the bill, or vetoes It, Members of the clasi. Harris, George Harmyk, James Dr. Herman O. Wiley, board ary elaaarooms. But, until the ar- cation In tha avlla of narcotics will by June M, It wilt automatically Solos were rendered by Carolmay Hemhauaer, Ronald Hllbert, Vic- the lease resulted from the cor- help ta hold tha line until an in poration's satisfaction with a fac- member, wasn't sure Red Bankers chitect come* forward with plan* become law. Then haa been no In-Collins, who aang "Because," and toria Houston, James Howard, Rob- would like.the fact that the addi- and coat estimates, this matter ternational covenant controlling dication that the governor wants Jeannette Williams, who aang Schu- ert Howie, Patricia Ilsley, Virginia tory renovation and rental pro- would not be decided by the board. tha supply of opium Is enforced.'' to veto the meaaure. gram started laat February. "Now tion, provides for only two extra bert's "Ave Marie." Oraduatlng sen- Infantl, Elmer Johnson, Joyce classroom* and so many special In response to a question; "Will Officials say adequate enforce To decide what laws It weqta ta iors tang the class song and were Johnson, John Keenan, Joseph Mias Shirley Ann Baynton, daugh- 100 per cent occupied, this property went by federal authorities at ports ter of Councilman • and Mra. Ever- has been placed at its greatest lev- rooms and shops. it know hy neit Friday,' tha place on Ita books, council will hold Joined in singing the "Star Spangled Keenan, Andrew Kelly, Molly Kirk, Ralph Davi«, board member, felt principal said he hoped so. af entry will also help curb tha a special meeting at the residence Gioia Krampf, Frances LaVeglio, ett C. Baynton of Prospect eve, will el of rental income production Banner" by members of the au- graduate from the Barblson School that before any definite action was A P. T. A. spokesman sale] par- supply. Recent reports indicate in- of the borough clerk, Mrs. Mar-dience after the salute to the flag. Ronald LeBom, Zannie Leeks, Mary since before Pearl Harbor," aaid creasing production and traffic of garetta L, Reed, Sycamore ave., at of Fashion Modeling tomorrow Mr. Harris. "Additionally, improve- taken, the proposal should be laid ents would protest vigorously if An Invocation was offered by Rev. Leonard, Chsuncey Lehmann, Rob- before Yale's Dr. Hill ta see if he their youngsters had to be trans- drug* abroad. t o'clock tonight, ert Letts, Rosemarie Lusao, Pa- night. She will he a aenior at Red ments now being completed will Charles P, Johnson, rector of All Bank high achool next year, and ia effect reduction in operating and thought the addition was satisfac- ferred from Meehenie st ta the rrlnelpal Heajicea Councilman Samuel M. Fisher, Saints Episcopal church, Naveeink. tricia MacPhee, Joseph Maddalena, captain of the high Khool cheer tory. Dr. Hill waa referred to as River at. school. Jr., haa expreaaed a apeclal desire The high achool orchestra played Gerald Makely, Naomi Masaon, maintenance costs for the owners Tha principal sources of raw to amend the disorderly conduct leaders. of the above interests." one of the country's "outstanding Dr. Hibbs asked that parenta for the processional and recessional. Harry MeQwIUa*. Marjorie Mead. •ckaal expert*." "withhold judgment until all tha •plum ara Iran, Thailand, Turkey, ordinance which he thinks is tea OMMM M*rk*r, Marilyn Metcalf. Mr. Harris was called la Febru- China. Mexico and India. Italy and severe in ita present (arm. How- ary of this year te take charge John Oihlon, heard member, facts are In." Arthur Meyer, Stella Mllko, Jean- countered that he felt Dr. Hill If building and tltaratim plait Turkey have become th* principal ever, Mayor Stevens told him that Mary 1* Rouse Is vice principal nette Mlaerak. LoU Mltterando, Wil- Cites Sea Bright's ot tha plant's real estate, to man- sources of Heroin. Much opium any amoadmonta are up to the full of the high school. Class advisers age and rent the property and pre-might "discount the hours and were upsetting tat tfefcjihool hoard, liam Moffltt, William Nay, Patricia houra of work Dr. Hibbs has dene so, too, was the problemToTan nth* and haahlah from Turkey and council body. Aa for hie own opin- and homeroom teachers were Lewis Nowak, Rita P'Brien, Eileen O'Don- pare tor Its possible sate. Ha also Syria teaches Egypt. Mexico haa ion, he aaid the law waa. In part, H. Blood, Lillian X Bundena, Mil- 'Financial Health' was commissioned to supervise to make sure the addition ha* what letto coaching staff for the eealng nell, Frank Oertel, Shirley Okelew, the state department of education year. dona much to destroy the opium strongly worded, but haa bean use- dred I. DeVcsty, James E. McCon- Beverly Overton. Beatrice Parle- such renovations aj rewiring for poppy, but the marijuana sltuatlee) ful la practice. nell snd Betty Jane Meyer. SEA BRIOHT - A semi-annual the most efficient and economical wants it to have." He aaid he haa not improved, man, Alfred Patterson, Eugene Pat- audit presented to the mayor and didn't want the program "stymied." Other members of the fsculty terson, Lawrence Policastro, Rich- council Friday night showed the distribution of power, redecoration The board accepted the reelgwt. There ara rumors that during were John Cleary, Everett C. Cur- installation of new flooring and Dr. Hibbs said he agreed "if any- lion of Louis Jaeoubs as junior 1MO a tremendous crap of opium ard Poole, Betty Renaldi, Louise borough had $*M«3 in cash and body here thinks T do not knew ry, Katherlne J. Dowd, 8teve Oerdy, Robinson, John Robinson, Bernlce bonds on hand laat Dec. 31 and fin-the completion of many structural varsity football, junior basketball poppies and marijuana would be Oeorge H. Oillam John Glllin, Em- changes. my business, they should have the 71 to Graduate Roger, Peter Rounds, Blossom gage, ished the year with a $M,01T.7l right to go to higher authority," and assistant track coach, beeausa planted in Mexico. China is re- ma Helling, Doria Jones, Marjorie Marilyn 8age, Irene Salvatoriello, surplus. The plant, a unique structure he submitted fci* withdrawal en the ported as ottering large quantities Latevtr, Paul Lefever, Barbara C, thst rises from the foot of a bluff meaning Dr. Hilt. Jeannette Rchele, Herman Schmidt, Borough Auditor Joseph J. Sea- Michael Nero, board member, grounds of poor health. He remains ef opium for aale. St James School Leonsrdis, Elisabeth A. McOroerty, Eleanor Schwarze, William Sch- on the bank of the Hudson river a teacher. But It put off the request Tha United States Is principally Kenneth H. Mcinert, Mary Boyd man said "this places us in an ex- haa been called the "Believe It or felt any serious revision of plana Msgr. Joseph T. Caaey, pastor weiser, Antoinette Belles, Joseph cellent financial condition," and he recommended might delay the ref- of Vincent Paladlno to give up hia concerned with prepared opium Melnert, Rebckah L. North, Martha Beverage, Frances Shields, Grace Not" factory. The late Robert h track coaching job while keeping fram Mexico, heroin from Italy, of St. James Catholic church, win R, Pennington, Emll J. Petach, commended the governing body's Ripley once used It aa a subject erendum, but 'till that Dr. Hill's address and present diplomas to Simpson. Bruce Smith, Eva Smith, judgment In budget provisions opinions should go "on the record." up with his assistant's post with tha Turkey and tha Mediterranean John C. Pfanatlel, Frank D. Pos- Iva Smith, Winifred Smith, John for one of his feature strips. A football squad. One thought was countries, and raw opium from TO graduates of St. James gram- ton, Maaie I* Rlley, Mary L. Rouse, which forecast "another good yesr railroad aiding la at a fourth-story Mr. Cansona said the proposal mar school tomorrow at T:M p. m Snow. Barbsra Sodosky, Elisabeth this year." haa to he submitted to the people that if Mr. Paladino gave up on* Turkey, Iran, India and Mexico. Elisabeth C. Schnoor, Addis Bciaco, Stavola, Edward Steward, Harold level. he'd better quit both so th* board Cocaine haa bean until recent In the church, Esther F. Search, Dorothy L. The cash gain, It was noted, oc- Mr. Harris, a partner of R of Red Bank and that there would The monslgnor also will present Tarnow, Peter Tresaa, Catherine curred In a year when the local tax ba conalderable publicity and pub-could offer a more attractive ath- yeara a negligible (actor In Illicit Spencer, William O. Thomas, Lloyd Taylor, Edwlna Thavenlus, Doris Thomas Bowers, haa been a spe. letic job to somebody else. But Dr. traffic. gold medals for general excellence, L. Tlngley, Arnold T. Trucx, A. C. rate waa cut $S per $1,000 of as- cialiat in commercial real eatate lic relationa' value to a Hlll-Hlbbs scholarship and school spirit and Thon, Tora Ueland, Florence Van sessed valuation, from $78.20 in conference. Hibba warned that such a man was A federal official told the atate Warrlngton and W. Bard Wright. Emburgh, Irene Vincent, Robert building, operation and manage- hard to find. narcotics committee ha did not awarda for religion, arithmetic and Other members of the board of 1M» to $73.20 in 1930, and despite ment for several years. The firm •AhaalaMy Nothing Decided' good citlsenanlp. Wade, Elisabeth Walatrom, Louis the facts that both total valuations The board was In general agree- think the aituation warranted education are Harold Copeland ot Watson, Florence Weidemeycr, represents several industries in the Paul A. Young, district clerk, ment that use of the Red Bank full-dress investigation or perma The program will Include Pro- Belford, vice president, and Thom- and tax collections sustained slight eastern United States and Canada cessional. N. A. Montanl; "O God Marjorie Wenzel, Maurice Whit- drops, said "absolutely nothing" definite athletic field by schools other than n«nt commission in New Jersey. as Filee of Middletown, William comb, Kenneth Whiting, Jeanette has been decided about the addi- the pub He schools should be Tha official Indicated there waa of Loveliness." N. A. Montanl; Hyers of Belford. Donald D. Although total valuations climbed -Ave Verum Corpus," N. A. Mon- Williams. Walter Wilson, June from tl.4U,4eVi in 184« to $l,4tt,203 tion. "The board haa not approved stopped. On* reaaen why Mr. Pala- • need for strengthening atata law Johnson of Naveaink, Francis W. Winn, Barbsra Tahara, Betty the 'tentative plans' for the build- dlno said he wanted to stop coach- enforcement agenciea alnce the fed- tani; Benediction - of the Most Lawley of Conover lane, Middle- In 1949 they declined to a $1,414,81* $30,000 Award Blessed Sacrament, and tha reces- Toung, Daniel Toung, Alfred Zol- laat year. Tax collections were reg- Ing yet." ing track was that responsibility eral government haa only about town township, W. Gilbert Manaon ler. Newsmen came to the session there was Increased by having more 300 agents for ill the atatei, ter- sional, 'To Christ the Prince of of River Plasa, William Metcalt of istered at $92,819.99 in 194$; $101,- ritories and possessions. Peace," N. A. Montanl. Members ef the high, school or- JOT.9* In 1M». and $93,121 M In UK. For Injuries fully believing It was here that th* than one school as* the field. (Red Leonardo and J. Harry Parks ot cheatra were William Anderson, blueprints were to be submitted Bank Catholic high also practice* Members of the graduating class Chapel Hill. James W. Davldheleer This represented collection percent- FREEHOLD — Miss Dorothy Inereaaed Feaatttr* ara: Edward Baumgardt, Johanna ages of M.16, MM and SS.4T for the and, perhaps, stamped "O. K." Mr.there.) Another reason Mr. Pala- of Leonardo Is district clerk. Baumgardt, Keith Brownlee, Elisa- Morrisaey ef Iron Ore rd., Eng- Young told the board he expected dlno wanted his work reduce! we* Tn line with the eommlttee'e flnd- Joyce Mary Applegate, Maureen three years, a ratio called "healthy" llshtown. was awarded $25,000 and jnga and recommendations, the a*** of mi beth Broaena, Robert Busch, Wil- by Mr. Seaman. the architect, Victor Ronfeldt, to said to b* hi* desire to complete Margaret Barry. Arthur Peter liam Carey, Lontta Claseksl, Carol her father, Walter Morrlssey, »,- be on hand. But he wasn't there. studies for his master's degree. legislature enacted and tha gov- Barth, Richard Datrld Brealln, Rita Officers of the clan ef MU wen Otter* Some CMtlcktm 000 for medical expenses in a set- ernor signed laws Increasing the Joseph Palau president, John Keel- Collins, Oeorge Conroy, Dorothy Vote Once Decided Boost Fir* InMraae* Marie Caprlonl, Frederick Oenara Engquist, Robert Forlenaa, Roger However, Mr. Seaman did not tlement Monday as the case wis penalties for diatrlbuting druga. Cestare, John Edward Connor, en vice president, Lawrence Flan- like the way council spent some of reached for trial In the county It had seemed sure that the Agreement was reached to In- Tha penalties take the form of John Thomas Corcoran, Richard nagan treasurer and Nancy Goodc Geyer, Peter Howard, .Ronald Hy- school board had come to an agree- crease fire Insurance protection by secretary. Other graduates were en, Zannla Leeks, Joseph Madda- its money last year. He referred court. ment among Its own membership mandatory prison sentences, higher Jefferles Clark, Joyee Camlllle in his audit to some supplies bought •'lie suit was instituted for in- another $363,000 valuation, due to ilnea and confiscation of vehicles Cerwln, Patricia Marie Cook, Pa- Ronald Abbes, Earl Anderson, lena, Fred Malinka, Barbara Scho- when It met May 1«, in executive the rising replacement CMt for ellner, Patrick Shaffery, William for the borough beach which, in juries suffered by Silas Morrlssey used to transport drugs. tricia Ann Crothers, Anthony Mi- Dawn Baker, Thomas Barba, Oer- coat, totaled more than $1,000 al- as the result of an automobile ac- session, with the borough council. school Installations. This will east The state has announced plan* chael DIPIetro, Richard John aldine Basso, Johanna Baumgardt, Tronolone, Edward Viner, John At that meeting, both boards were the board $1,235 over the next five Weldemcyer, Joseph Weber, Mar- though they comprised different cidant July 29. 1M7, on Pond rd.. to eaUbllah In the Department of Delckmann, Joan Frances DlPsr- Dorothy Berentes, Frederick Bet- items each priced under $1,000. Freehold township, near Lake To- reported In agreement that this is- years in new premiums. It was Law and Public Safety a special ry, David Pater Doelger, Marion tiger, Emily Bcrres, Mary Birger, jorie Weniel and Betty Toung. ps nemus. sue should go before the voters shown that now the building* are squad charged with the Investiga- Eileen Doorly. William Joseph The audit recommended thst in early next fall. only 90 per cent protected and that the future whenever council real- Monmouth county. Freehold the additional premiums will assure tion and control of inter-county Dowlen, Joseph Michael Drlscoll, township and the borough of Free- What will happen tomorrow drug! traffic and related duties. Barbara Joan Dubesky. Thomas ties the aggregate coat of such sup- night, now that the advice of the full protection. plies amount to more than $1,000, hold were named aa defendants in Francis Flanagan, Thomas Joseph Council Reverses Its Decision, the case. Judge John C. Oiordano Yale survey team leader Is being Authority was extended to the Special NKt Training Oambacorto, Oeorge John Good- "we ballev* advertisements (or solicited. |s conjecturej . It was back Knee Pants baseball league, spon- bids are in order." said that the settlement will be A program of special training wyn, Charles Patrick Olblln, Jos- paid In this way: $19,000 by the In thah t this team recom- sored by the Red Bank Lions, Kl- for municipal police in the investi- eph Martin Hammond, John Bern- Denies Wilkinson's Subdivision Mr. Seaman alao recommended county, U,000 by the township, and mended that Red Bank needed a wants and Rotary clubs and the gation and contra) of traffic In ard Oarvey, Wilfred Henry Haux- UTTLB SILVER-Reversing Its proved the map at the May 23 that In the future all beach and $2,000 by the borough. whole new high school, not an addi- Police Atheltic league to play base- narcotics will be set up at the New hurat, Carolyn Grace Hauxhurat, other borough employees who tion, Now that it is tentatively de- action of May 12, the mayor and meeting. He said the estate's sub- Miss Morrlssey, who was IS at ball gamea on the athletic Held Jersey police academy. John William Hughea, Barbara Ve- council Tuesday night refuaed to division was made about six years handle borough money be bonded, cided not to follow the advice of three nights weekly through the ronica Illmensee, William Michael That was not done last year, he the time of the accident, waa a. Yale and build, instead, an ad The Departments of Education permit V. Parker Wilkinson to ago, that the three houses in ques- passenger In an automobile oper- summer months. and Health are co-operating on a Kehoe, Patricia Mary Kiernan, split his Point rd. estate into three aaid, although It Is being dona now. tion, and yet it is fully agreed to John Richard Lally, Teresa Ann tion have been there alnce 1914 ated by William Johnson. The car Engaged, on a regular basis a* program to acquaint teachers, lots. and that there is no more need Good Money Maker confer with Dr. Hill, leaves the tutoring teacher, waa Mrs. Mary A. school admlnlatrators, school Lang and Francis Allen Layton. went out of control and crashed whole school building program This came niter Harry Green for a 50-foot street now than there Th* audit, however, ahowed the into an iron fence at the bulkhead Schach of Long Branch, who has health officials and local munici- wu In 1M«, since there will be somewhere in the realm of doubt. been a substitute this spring. Her pal and county health officials with Edward Joseph Leddy, Mary reported that the zoning board of municipal beach was a good money along the pond. Mr. Johnson de- Priscilla Lepre, Maura John tiO- adjustment had met the previoua no new construction. maker. The 1*80 budget had antic- clared that the accident occurred Problem 1* Year* OM salary will be $3,690 plus $100 bonus. tha effects of the use or narcotics Dr. Hibba d'd say provisions en- Hired as an elementary teacher was and the symptoms displayed by pre, Anna Eitella Luela, William night and had unanimously voted Though Mr. Crowell insisted the ipated gross revenue; fram admit- by reason of a very large puddli Paul Lyons, Arthur Charles Me- to dismiss Mr. Wilkinson's appeal. tance and parking at $23,500. The of water which was present in the compassed within proposals for the Miss Carolyn Scially of Jersey City narcotic drug addicts. council had given outright ap- at a salary of $3,«M plus $100. Connell, Mary laabel McCaffrey, Mr. Green declared the council proval of the map May 33, Mr. audit showed the beach grossed road and which caused hia car to new addition took in 90 per cent Publication af material for this Patrick Thomas McBrldc, Mary should not approve a subdivision Rtussille said it waa his opinion $34,071.15, placing >8,871.15 into sur- go out of control and crash Into of recommendations made by the Dr. Hibba gave a message *f program has already begun. Cir- Patricia McDonnell, Joan Arlene map of the estate because one of that tha map was conditionally ap- plus. the guard rail. The defendants, it New Jnr.Hey Department of Educa- tribute for the skill and endeavors culars designed to help every re. McNally, Prank Joseph Maloaey, the lots would have but a 110- waa claimed, were responsible for tion. The state has been pressing of the Red Bank teaching staff aponaible person connected with proved, subject to approval by the Other gleanings from the audit: Mary Helen Mason, Helm Rose foot frontage on Point rd. The adjustment board. Bonded Indebtedness, listed at the condition of the road and were Red Bank for U years to gst more over the past year. th* ttate'a teen-age schoolchildren Mago, RON Mary Molina, Thomaa awning ordinance requires 180-foot by reason of their having main- reeognlses and prevent drug ad- $332,000 tn IMS, dropped to $218,000 Stephen Molskow, Leslie Michael frontages tn that area. He also Council reluctantly reversed It- In 1949 and $198,800 in I960, at the tained and repaired tha road, the diction have been sent out. Molyneux, Richard Edward Mo- aaid the map shows a 15-foot wide self on the approval. Councilman bulkhead and tha approaches to A hopeful note wan atruck hy tane when the ordinance requires rate of $17,000 reductions each year. the bridges. Miaa Morrismy, who Hoodlums at Work in New Park, ran, Louis Ralph Mustlllo, Eileen Donald E. Lawen and Mayor Jos- Surplus ca*b, reported at $5,98.1.- the committee's report when It Ann Noone, Anne Marie O'Brien, a 50-foot street. eph C. Davlnon atating they be- had to have her right leg ampu- noted the number of drug addic- 27 for 1948, rase to $44,330.56 in 1»49, tated as a result of the accident, Paul Bernard O'Connor, Noel Ei- At the May 32 meeting, Council- lieved that no harm would ensue then fell off to $38,014 last year. tion cases In New Jersey was not leen Patock, Joan Ann Marie Pia- man Howard Ungerer argued If the map were Approved. It did, also suffered permanent internal Hunting Tells Fair Haven Council sufficient to warrant establishment however, when Mr. Reusnille advis- Municipal operating coatj have injuries. centino, Peter Francis Plato, Mar- against the approval, declaring ahown an upward trend for three FAIR HAVEN—Hoodlums are al- can do catch the hoodlums, but a* of a special hospital for them. rnret Veronica Sacco, Dolores Ann that the request should be taken ed that the lining board's recom- mendation should he accepted. years. In 194*. they totaled $M,132.- The settlement was reached af- ready at work on the new Memor- far have been unsuccessful, ss the Sarnese, Roseann Mlchele Schtll- to the board of adjustment. At the 90, in 194A they were $88,530 and ter a. jury had been drawn and ial park on Willow st., Councilman acts are perpetrated at night. "If* Typewriter Prices Shakes! Inr, Alida Eucharia, Traver*. Nor- time, he was hacked up hy Bor- Building Ihspector Winfleld S, tha trial of the case started. Judge Tony Hunting:, chairman of the time this matter has come out open- Now Roysl Portable, M9,SI>: new man Joseph Tooker, Erneat Eu- Watmvrlght, who recommended the lajit year |»l,73n. Smith Corona Skywriter. 144.30, nlus ough Attorney Leon Reussitle, whn Giordans in dismissing the jury park committee, reported to the ly and publicly," Hunting said. tene Trunio, Margaret Mary suggested that procedure in order approval at the previous mcetlni, *fi tax: with ,v«iar oM machine if It li said he had made It because hV JOHN OVAXTtEllI FINED said that he believed the settlement mayor and council Monday night. In the more pleasant part of his In fill- inapt. 20?r dlienunt nn all re. Walsh, John Thomas Welsh, Joan to Insure clear title for a futura was fair U> all parties and that He said the drinking fountain* have report on the park Mt. Hunting conditioner! typewriter!. Two-yctr gmr« Ann Welch. Margaret Dolorlta purchaser of the 130-foot lot, believed it would be to the general RUMBON—John Guiitlerl of 4} been plugged up so as to cause a sntet. Large »t»ck of typewriters to Welch and Joseph Martin Wensel. welfare of the borough. despite the seriousness of the in- said the Olrl Scout* will hold a chooie from. Sernlea't, lot Monmsuth In his report, Mr. Green said Leighton ave., proprietor of the juries, there had been a serloua muddy condition around them and cook-out in the park tonight and street. Phone RE 1.0415.—Advertlie. Central bar on Monmouth at., last the backstop has been overturned. •nent. It was his opinion that tha board In his argument, Mr. Green said question of liability. he hoped more families would take of adjustment could not grant ap- if the map was approved It is week paid a fine o( IS and eosts for The plaintiff was represented by He said he believed it was not the advantage of tha fire places there Lett anal Pamd falling to bring his ear to a halt at work of children playing thtre but Coot Sleep We ilne.rel, have It dnean't happen proval of tha subdivision because possible that the owner of a 30- Theodore D. Parsons and John for picnics. Benches for th* park For "Fsth.r'i tisy" PiinJ»r. June ITtd, to you, but If you should lose come. It had no legal right. He aaid a acre tract across the street from a atop striets. The summons was Warren, Jr., of Parsons, Lahree- was done by teen-agers and grown- have been ordered, he said. Mve him a Sup-rfosm pillow, No arlft thins, remember rhineei are In jraui variance could he granted only for the Wilkinson land would want the issued by Patrolman Jacob Perl, que, Camona and Combs, Red. up children. "The tsxpayers are In- Commenting on tha park hood- •omn«r»> «-lth the gift of al«e|>. 8her- favor that you will recover It throush censed over the behavior of a few mill's, 45 Broad it,, Red Bank,—Adverr the lost and found columns ef its "hardship" reason*, which he said ordinance relaxed. Fallowing the Bank. John M. Pillsbury of Atlan- liimlsm Mayor Edgar V. Demise tliiment. Reileter,—Advertisement. wove not available In thin case, C>mU| EVMIB tic Highlands represented the hoodlum*," he commented and add-stated he understood "one p*rtlcu> vule, LUUIILII I«(nested Mr, Crowell Trr an «rt or » i»rle« of ith In The ed that \t they arc caught It will John .V. Crowell represented Mr. to return the maps to Borough Reviner'n new clinlDed column at s county, M, Raymond McCiowan of 1 lar boy waa doing a lot of dam- Keep Ceol Wilkinson, He asked council tn Clerk Fred h. Avers so that the ml* tn itilt ynur r,iir|m»e snrl inMtri the Freehold represented Freehold he a "serious thing for them and agp." He said he hoped the bny Kelt flank n.w» mi W.II.K at 12:39 P. Shop In comfort In our ilr-fonrtitlonerf dlareiarrl the xonlng hoarrt'a rf itiirrefii nf ynur rlmnhaW, fair, cuke ••!», would h* oausht and If aa ha M,, Monday through Krlilay, 1310 AM >tor», sh>rm«n',, IS Broad at,, Red apprnval signature.! can ba can- atic'ifin nr miMinn. Ask fir ClSSIiftea lown.«hip, Hurt th# ncroufch nf Free-!sl«n their parent*. The police he _• «4ji m,—Advertisement. port baoauia It htl actually ap- ciltd. lank,—.Advertisement, si M 1-Otll-AlvsrUseneak ' •oil represented by lfvin Fieli.'aid, have done averythini they I would be dealt with severity, ?••# rU*W «, till will ao ahaiwd by the exectatora. A brother aatd #i*ter were asc,' Tflaa flea* Kaaafka* la 1•** ** Grammar School T. Elwood Firth from beaadMa. FLOOIS ANDIISON HAROLD MCOfJSEJPS Diplomas for 59 Estate to Son ISO MMSWM.II §1. FREEHOLD—The will af Thaw- KETPORT— Presentation of di- s* Elwood Firth of Red Beak, wh* A NICI PACKACI nSHIIIIS plomas and awarde marked the died M*y IT, we* Sled far probate gramma; nehaol exercises held laet last week in the office of Surrogate LINOLEUM Srriing Bed aUafc aaa »ktotty lh* rM • t»N j'nifhl in th« high aeaool auditer- Doman Mcraddin. Hia entire el- ASPHALT Ttti COW TKI With VI9 P#tC III ••• W999 ! ium. Fifty-rilna pupils received di- tutc waa left to his fon, William E. j plomas from Georfe H. Davit, vice rirth ef Uttl* Silver. IS U t S». UVK MAI We UM8TEKS SOrhV preeideat of Ike board af educa- Lerey Alven Bennett of Fair Ha- I WHAsV AVE. LIVK wOtT CIIMI. t'BJISM (4wMk«) IS*dor. tion, and they were accepted i« ven, who died May HIII result tit HI t(KUTAH. CRAM Mf.AT S.4»». behalf »t the claw »y Jilt Caoka. af the Feb. S trein wreck at Wood- IID SANK I »»r*|l UNKfU MfcAT JJ»». The program •acaed with the bridge, willed hi* estate ta hiJ FBKSH Cl T riLET SOLK Mr*. ' niCT H4IHWTK Mr Mb. hymn. "Onward Chrietiaa. Bal- widow. Mr*. Ami* M. Werlemann 41 MM SHRINr Me*. IOOU, OCEAN lU'C HSM AM Ik. diers," by the grammar echool of Rumwn. wh* died May it, willed Boston Mackerel. Sea bu, Whiting. Salmon. Halm**. «««f has* aad •« iavaeatta* *>y lUv. her eatate t* her hucband. Oaarg* Srallop* — Bird* K|« I'mn l>(rt*Mrt. Jinn A. OiMweller, rcctar ef St. Hylla of Holmdel townahip, wh* irre ilclivrrim Twkv U»»> — »:** A. M. • MO r. N. Mary* EBlaeafXl church. "The Voice ef America," a takleau la died Mar. II, willed hia eatate ta tOd Bank 6-2378 Jamei Hylla ef 121 William TKLKPHOWK HOOK part of the program aad featured Elisabeth Hill Lake of Highland*, FROM We c«ror ?e Renefit Dinner*, Ckmktkn a«aj •artiei. I he relieving eai**4*s: tha Red whe died Jaa. IT, willed sterling sil- Man's America, the White Maa verware ta her aon, Speacer H. Piteaver* America, tha tending af Oritt of East Orange. A aolttalr* DtFALWS LITTLE SILVER HUtDNME the Pilgrim*, tha Early Bettlert, go** t* her lon-in-law, William A. the Day* •( Washington, tha Cev- Lake af Natley. A dinner ring gou erad Waflan Days, tha pay* ftf to her daughter-in-law, Ruth Orl« SET OP Mttl I Uaeela, life *a tha Cattle flaack. •f Cut Orang*. A clutter dlamaad TOOL CIINV by STUHUY t» aa« a Great Imd. tOCUST-Mra. Cenatanca Sehata ring gse* to a granddaughter, "Cemajeiieemeat' waa tha title haa announced (he engagement af Suean Ellen Qrie*. An »methyit 14 met* y IflfCIS $AM of the aacand part ef the program her daughter, Mica Jeannett* Sehele, to Peter Trein, aon af Mr. pin goe* ta a niece, Laula* Hall which Inclined Winena waHs by Lake of Nutley. The remainder af tha achaal band, "The Urd'* and Mri. Fcltx Treua, of Naveaink River rl, Middletown tawmhip. the estate goes to her httfbajkd, KiF^rTUIv VI^F^BW^S VliV ncN Prayer" eung hy the combined flee John C. Lake, flubs, salutation by Stanley I. The betrothal was mad* known WMNCHIS Cundey. Jr., Intraduetian af clan Tucaday at a dinner party at the MA0Y TO FISH hy Bruce DilhaM, oreceiiUtion of Treua borne. T HICIS Both Mi.~s Schcle und Mr. Treua Harry Levlne of Keyport, wh* § key by Patricia Flatley, response died May 31, willed 11.000 each ta MfemTaMtlsV hy Catherine Burrewei and ehsrui, ere graduatci of Middletown town- TPHCM •hip high school. his litter*, Rae Katnowitl, Bel tit "The Mara 8hine Brightly," by tha Heyer and Besele danker, A niece, combined glee clubc. Audrey Heyer, will receive MOM BUY SAVE Tnrche* were presented to in- Ijakrwuod Protrala A nicer, KtU Mcitler, will receive coming eighth grade pupila by 11,000 to invest for her daughter, Iricla rtatley, Stanley I. Cuntey, 1 ran.f. r Joyce Meiiler. The eaecutsrs were Jr.. Bruce DIBinse, Jill Cooke, Carl willed $475 to hold in trust for * Holmes, Patrleta Smyth, Harry Au- NEW SHREWSBURY-DUncul- DeFALWS UTTli^LVER HUtDWARE VMMU tie* being faced by tlie Waytide giundnephew, Michael Sluplro. A rnack, Marie Oehlnegre, Edyth niece, Irene Amsel, was given 11,008 Nnrdoia, Kreatlne Olaen, Suianne •anltorium in "t effarta to relocate PlOSMCT AVI. 1 CHURCH ST. - W| NUVM - PHONI RIO IANK t-IMi fiom thU but' Into a I«k< :>od to invest f»r her con, Ltwli Paul Walling and Margaret Stehe. The Anucl. A niece, Ethel Simmoni. OKN SUNDAY Till I •. M. tarchea were accepted by Kathrya. hotel were e«p M to the bo> jjh council by Mayor George SUVcM waa given 11,000 to Invest for her Davis, Warren Oaldman, Hartley eon, Lenard Simmona, and 11,000 t* Miller, David Wharlon, Richard laat Thuttday night. There ie n concerted movement Inveit for her daughter, Joan Lane Wharton. Ronald VanMeerbeke. Simmon*. The eaecutor* wert Mary boekwaod, Patricia Ferrante, t* keep th* aanitorium out of Lake- wood, the mayor tiaid. Thin tltart given 12,000 to Inveat for a nice*, Carole Bergen, Call Hart man and Evelyn Marcla, Levin*. A diamond Karen Kelley. include* a plan to reaone th* **e- WE DARE THEM ALL! lion of town where a hotel haa heen ring will go to the tint child bar* Following the presentation ,gnd to any of hit niccci or nepbtwi. acceptance af the diplomas, the itaaed ao eatabliahment of the In- ••«( MIGHT STATIONOn" DOS$ If AMI* •t I tut ion would be prohibited there. provided the child ta named Harry. program closed with Die Hinging Th* remainder of tha eatate will be of the National Anthem. Barbara The eanitorium haa been ordered shared by the three nieces and by Dillon ana Jack True* ware tha la vacate itt Rlverdal* ave. prop- a nephew, Milton Sandberg. flag bearer* and Patricia flatley erty by July S, th* date of th* nrat —Father's Day Specials — accoaipanltt. Mlia Theraaa Behev New Shrewabury council meeting. Fredericks C. Brand** of Wall ana waa faculty director of tha Laat year, council revoked a va- township, who died May 30, wlllad program and Homer Gerlufaen li riance under which the aanitorium her estate to her son, Raymond X. Our Pries) ban* director, ha* been operating after complaint* Brande*. Walter Crane Pier of had been made. Long Branch, who dl*d May I. PHILUES or WHITE OWLS . Box of 90 Mayor Stevena aaid Lakewood willed hia estate to hi* widow, Shower Honor* •uthorltle* had qutctienea him Morria Herman of Long •ranch. IMPORTED BRIAR PIPES * ft.00 Value who died May IS, willed hi* **Ut« JOIM Obornc about the WayaMa operation*, He Mid he reported to them that the to (Iv* grandchildren. Elijam Web- MARXMAN PIPES . Refular 17.50 i 110.00 WTTUI «LVBR~Mn. Pearl preaent housing facilltlca were ster of Long Branch, who died Oavlaon aM Un. Olalye Miller en found to be below the requirement* May 8, willud hi* eitate «rf a cousin, GILLETTE BLUE BLADES • Rcf. 20 for 98e tertalned Wedn«day af tait week which council could approve for in- Irabella B. Durrell of Red Bank, at a answer far Mra. John Oberne ttitutionfll u»e. However, he laid, and a friend, Irving Webster of ZIPPO UGHTERS * Ktfular IS.00^ of DeNormandle av«., fair Haven. he told the Lakewood official* he Long Branch. Tha party wai held at Mn. Davl could «ee no reacon why the Insti- Charle* U Bird of Upper Free- MAY WI SU66IST: WALLITS .. . TOIACCOS ... FOUCHIS ... •M'l home an Orchard pi. Decora- tution nhould not be a community hold township, who died May S, CUF LINK SITS ... CIGAMTTIS ... RAZOR SITS ... SHAVIN6 IOWLS tlena were In pink and blue and (Met |f properly housed. willed 11,000 to a sister, Ullle Wood- the tabla centerpiece waa the If ward; I1.0M to a brother. Millar ... FOFUIAR CWARS IY THIIOX... A SKIT •OTTU Of HH OH A WU tire of a aterk. Bird; $1,000 to a brother, Morris Attending wera Mri. Emily Camera Taken Front Bird; $1090 to a brother, Harry ©ALLON Of SCOTCH... Bryant, Mn. Jail* Oborne, Mra, Car, Returned Next Disy Bird, and the remainder of tha ••> VISIT CY *t ART'S WIIHtm Okanie, Mra. Warren Mln A camera reported Ktolrn Sunday tat* to a alsUr, YimC. Slrd. tan. Mra. Ckarlea Moore. Mm. Hatel from the rear aeat of a car, owned Eatala la ItiwhoM Bmltb, Mr*. Hattle Smith. Mri. Vir- by Daniel Dorn, proprietor of Margartt Hardy of Aibury Park, ginia, Paine, Mn. Qlarla Smith, Mra. Darn'* Photo ahop, Wallace at., waa who died Feb. », willed $1,000 to Charlea Croaa, Mrt. Alice Smith, SEA BRIGHT CIGAR & STATIONERY found Monday on th* front aeat of her sister, Mrs. Lillian Cook, The Mr*. Sylvia Atkinaon, Mn. Lillian th* car. remainder of the estate goe* to th* (THE MINUTIIM BETABTJIENT STOBS) Maaaa, Mr*. Pearl Rotenberg, Mra, Mr. Dorn reported to police Sun- husband. Leonard J. Martin of As- Charlea Peak*. Mm. Marion Toop,day that the camera had been tak-bury Park, who died May 11. wlilod 1030bS2 OCEAN AVE. SEA RRICHT, N. J. Mn. Bernard Roaenberg, Mra, Har> en from hU ear while the vehicle IS to Leonard Young Martin. Hi* 9E 14)088 Vtroneau, Mra, Allda Oavlaon, waa parked for aeveral minute* out- toiler mother, Rachel J. Well*, will Sn. Richard Pettlgrew, Mr*. Doria aide the ahop. According to Mr. receive $100. Lincoln university Bradihaw. Mr*. Warrea Rtlnhtrt Dorn, he naw a boy, about U year* was willed $100. Th* remainder of FLAGSTAFF ani Mia* SHIM Too^ old, atanding near hi" car a* he the estate goes to th* widow. pulled away from the aide of th* Tha republic, af Turkey octuple* •tore, The boy, aald Mr. Dorn, Fannie Banker of Aebury Park, mi Bin TBAT iinirr HUT territory III beth Europ* aM Ada. turned away from the car, *o ha who died Mar. 11, willed a larg* waa unable to M» what th* youth diamond dinner ring and a diamond • I tttld tn hi» handi. wrUt watch to a granddiughUr, Naney Bank*r Barr. Th* remainder SCOUT BARN DAlfCB of th* Jewelry goe* to • daughUr, Ann Banker Barr. A aon. Samuel WAVESINK-Stanley Melntoih Banker, will recelv* 11 and ?• of Little Silver will call eqtwra shares ol stock Issued by Bank**'* dancer, at th* barn dance to be held Capitol Furniture company. Th* for th* benefit of Boy Scout troop daughter, Ann, will receive flv* and REWARD 10T at tha library here from S:1S '« share* of th* stock. A grand- p. m. until midnight Saturday, June son, Harry Edward Barr, will re- 31, when hia orcheatra, will play. ceive all remaining shares of th* Clinton Rounds, assistant scout* stock and th* remainder of th« es- matter, Is chairman of th* arrange- tate. menU committee for the danet. L. Lewis Leonard of Aibury Park, ATLANTIC Will Pay Norman Sfanton I* seoutmaiUr. who died May IT. willed hia eitat* to his widow. Bertha Ackerman of Mananjuati, who died May 11, di- JUNE BRIDES rected that her wadding ring Is to m W*hawaj«at be burled with h*r and that tuaeral You $25 Cash If You expenses shall b* not more or not tMm tha practical lei* than $1,000. A friend, Michael Gift for bar. J. A. Doyl*. wilt r*e*|v* a sollMr* diamond ring. Th* rtmttndtr oi rpHeRE ire s lot ol reason* you CM There's the smooth GMC Synchro* Statin. th* estate will go to the Monitors. Can Buy For Less 1 expect t new CMC to keep haulinf Mesh Transmission linked to s sharp* Mlehael J. A. Boyl* and Oeorgo J. Martin, In trust to devote the In- • lot lonfer thsn ray other truck you . shooting drive line, pouring every ounce come or principal, It neceuary, to can buy. of power back to the raited rear axle. her mother, Bertha Harrison. Up- Ani tht IOIU wv •eraffeswr ktnmn flOUMS on th* mother'* death, the estat* Elsewhere Firit it the (aet of hortepower. Whether wAw/'flrtfoN-you know there's extra iff a iMolinc'powercd \%» to 2 ktttr purpose' forHour buy anywhtri! Come see for yourself. A^r MMHWI wf 0WIMI Wilt •y Vsestien IXBSMSOS •/HospHel Mils ^Ce Rls V$KM. $100 •** Any Oe«i Fwnwse

You can dean up all your billi at furniture. You gat the full amount wwtimc withieaihioan from HFC! you borrow «•*—when you need it un mm MY siai MY YEAKI ServicciifaiUriendly.deptndable. .. .nei payment 'or30day*.OurraM Here'* all you do: on allioaiM above $100 ii subttan. tially below the lawful maximum.

S. TfH M htwrnuah ffttMttyyt* MtA •# MlvMt yMt 9WM ffpttyRMlTt pNlRt *wm* MotaSt. HFC offen • variety of repayment No litdtf aar* Wooded plans. For a prompt cash losn- Yet, HFC specialuf i in fait wr vice! friendly tervice-a wniibie renay. Loans made on lignature, car or m«nt pl«n-borrow from HFC. Lout ttoaek—»t Swadwoy MONir WHIN YOPheneortomeintodiyU NIIB IT ! Mala It. (^HOUSEHOLD FINANCE KIYMIIT->I leM rraat K. GENERAL GMC SALES, Inc. / Ummm.m 1110 Main Strut Bradlty Bwch, N. 313 SUte St., Cor. New Bramwick Ave. AU. STORES OPEN EVENINGS J. flsrth Amboy Natkmsl Rink Bldg., 6th Floor •WitTnff.misl-1 .*Bif. * eerter e# a tW rrwt wk* yw «MC eWsf FJMSMI Firth Araboy «.14M RKI> BASK BBOI«TKH, 41 VK 14. 1951 Fact Tknt

Clubwomen Clote Season QUALITY STIAWEMMS



MJMMAKV OR SYNOPSIS OF I9H AUDIT REPOST OF BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN AS REQUIRED «Y R. i. 40:4-S (OJlBINEH COMPAKATIVE BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Y«.r 1»«» Ca.h I 78.93:4.;H | «4,4IO.T» FABRIC 10'l.r, I,I, .r,., 80,000.1* II S linvrmtn- I-axPf. Tax T:t: 31.229.45 Property Afj i J.SOO.O* Arrount. If.-":' Urfcrrrd 1 ham •••Jir-tf Year'i Revenue linsiM tlS2.444.4O MABIMTIES RESERVES AKD SURPLUS IMM.N.J. r.iiir.iit.'iii R.if.-v... t 9 SALE! oui:l« I'nyal.:- »ml ll-h.r I. a h.l.t ..-i a,Ul.if ».t»0.1J l,742.a» COTTON RAYON ti.r (•ria.ii A' 'J krrr:v»b:« 15,JS«.« ammsm 135.827.J W vtfa, fa* cafcta COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATION AND SURPLUS Mi. IJ7 Y4. V 19V VYp.r 114* 1 Siiriii.ii Rn- I 16,000.01) * Currf-nt Ki-» 232.424.44

reg. 1.S9 yi. 1.103,355.44


tithmad akamm m ea» «aa»oa «•» am !• -*• ml tk> Haiini luntna— af th» laJ lank Staff Koarl A:r) lirffivnblr *'Hi,,-pi>d 1.104 ii'i 1211,•««.51 1.37 U. | J8 W. WtW. cU rVitfey •» OH 0r«W Ctwrtry ebb. Santo*). Wr •• ri-M. Mn. fr-ora* *. Hair, Total Ex|irnr|iliirp| 1103.1 47.41 Suri.lui from n[.ft-ailon) . 40".(i! • l«.»!7.»» Affil: linpxp' nilr'l H;i!nru-..» Ypar'i Appro[,ri*tioni J.261.15 1,041.2» reg. 1.98 jri iVAARWl^t Rfffff f# fi^RJfj MrC* 9TMRV|f •fAMQF9ff| Mfl« LyRMA L#CRW#8)8li Mfl, PYAffy I|ICfe#f #A8l Mff. Total Suri.lui from llprrati i. an.I A.l.l.tiont 2,6«<.73 I 31.000.50 Waltar MtD«yftt fcwdw— cowmtHw mtmban, anrf Mn. J«Mt fWr* thinking of fabric* yom'r* thinking of RASKINS" UNCROrT-A rfietting of thetective committee, of which he increa»e» throunh testimony present- Thp aliovp siimniary or lynul.sia KII prpparprl from the rpport of audit of Uncroft-Holmdel Klwania club chairman. The mayor caid the ed to the PUC. thp HoroUK'li of l-'i.ii ll,i v, M. (out-ty of Motimniith fnr the calpndar year 1950. »-a» held Thursday evening at Lin-committee waa an effective force Thil ipi.oil of iiuilit ?uliniitt,d by ,lo«,-|,li J. Si-aman. Kptfistprpd M'ltiicipgl AcPOlint* Th* mud to batte «nii biKprr 'rial. ant. in im file at (hi; llorouxh Clprk's otlic» an

ATLANTIC'S WORLD S LOWEST PRICED Completely Automatic New Refrigerator with exclusive SELF D FROSTER System CHARGE PLAN


,'n **' A. <,,J -JPiiVJill j 6IEATEST VALUE IN NISTOIYI NNII won so MKNrat s o umn

. 'X AimriM'n •t

:•*• m$ dMlrlc dMk oa clw door of tto (NORGE ii IIM bcaia of in cidiisi wu\ Bclf-O-Ffomr Sjntta. FMM* m '•ad vegetable* stay witty frosca Aw [ ing the defrotting. For fov, all the ami and bother of that chore it goat fonrtf, 's-,.*-<

•w«.tcv7n.i t»Aci PM 17 IM. nenN nbtAoti MMOSt 11 M. H. tmt STAC!... *>m M Wntaa, bulky k«a»1 well at haH • kaai. HotWy imafl^adiaaa ih*M| "*" "' '

BuKWaHaaaaHl4w BCiuBLauaBvAdK Ifaaama^aX ftfaM&m aamAamaal aa4 *«*a_LaA^LMl >•*»«• ^^v^m^ «wi>Tnw« nwvpra irfnn ntWJTl WV IWvTrWXinBJI Mini-fill NVDteven keepi (mating quantity of fruit, and MOO-I •ablet alwayt crltp and garden-freih. 1ITANIUM •OaCMAM Momle« lateilcr. U*r to dewil MUATOft COIOMAKII-A roller rolli ana* tHtra'i kal Mow caMl tkaa you'll em ne*d I Powarod for the tropict I Only Ihrta iaa«in( parti' • •. iwant, eitro eaiy an eltetTkrfy ... 5-Yeor *roh>cnon Plan I ONIV iV,V »ldo, M" deep flncludlftt hatxtlot, ** "«•• And still nor* awtting NOM» faarurail Coma, —»tham oKl *

\ ASBURY PARK-715 Main St. ASBURY PARK 1-1400 m h\ RED BANK-25 Monmouth St RID BANK 6-04M "i>)!* LONG BRANCH-216 Broadway LONG BRANCH 6-3684 KEYPORT-3 East Front St. KEYPORT 7-3012 APPLIANCE CO. FRHHOLD-30 East Main St. FREEHOLD 8-2099 LAKEWOOD-227 Socond St. LAKBWOOD 6-1915 ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS *gt> *M*K HWWTBl, *V*f, 1

J AWMIXG* nt*aIm-mif-*-- Tak* notl** tftat *Uute F«l»hoi*n and Rfa-IMO M Mck Marry ftlahmin T/A Louis Kelahnun A Tolind Studio ! River Pint Club At Tetlile So» ••?• applied 10 the Mayor und M«mi Type Council of th# Bcroufh of Bed lank HAZLSrr — WalUr PleMM Da**, CARLTON f*r • Distribution lictnM for tiremi«*p Presents Show Closes Activities Jr, eon of Mr. and Mra. W. p w situate* at 228 *Mt Bergci f]*ce, R|d A rapacity audtenc* entliueiaatle- Mre. Irvine; WelU of Cheatnut at. Dean of Bethany rd., waa «r«d«- Bank, New Jersey. »Uy rtcelvea the secon* an* Baal waa hosteaa laat Thuraday at the ated Saturday treat the Teatlla lav Ob.i#ction», if *ny. ihould ht mado itn- showing of Hi* Dorothy ToUaa1 Anal meeting of the River Plan atitutt ia Pkiiaaolahai. vltk • m«diat«ly in v-ritinv to Amy E. Shinn, bachelor of ecience degree la el dunce (tudin at the Rivtr ItrMt Woman i club. State Trooper PARAMOUNT 4,'iejrkt of tfc« Bcrough of R«<1 §nnk. school auditorium Saturday ev«a- O<** Dr. M. R. Chassin will apeak on BAY 1UIUBV OF BROMNMr •ita. "DiabeUt and Diabetic Complica- tion*" when he addreise* the itaff of Rlverview hoapltal at their meet- FRIDAY, ing next Tuesday night at 9 o'clock at the Molly Pitcher hotel. JUNE 15 Clarabell (IN PERSON) - PLUS - ghore EARLY



17 BROAD STREET New Frigidaire RED RANK 641001 Automatic Washer PARENTS ATTENTION! ADAM A. KItETOWICZ Director of Miyilral Education Ml AtMetln at UM I Catholic lll(li School, annnvacte hi* Summer Day Camp FOR YOUR I0Y OR GIRL lyt your chilij enjoy .1 summer of ^ond clean recreation, HwimminK instructions, hiking, picnic, sports, tuning, body build* ing rxeiristta, first, uhl and featuring individual .swimming Instruc* tinna und

^•Mtrf nrvln| Iray far tha ihaai Mr*. Jtmai C. "arlat. mattisr of wl IMVI • fift aid caffaa thap, MM project af rl»o Rao* lank aw** Mw haialtal aratijant; Mri. Eu«ana E. lre«k, Mn. Parl M. Lam- vvM« MtM IMM P»a LMWV AIM Pwft* AIM rf#t*i wn# it ^hAifffi#fi of MMnMft MMf MsMAyt w TfliiiTy rcnfn vif^M f# WfPMfS M$ISTW^ Witft fn# pf#|9Cff ll#f III Tn# piC*Uf#i AfS MfS* U l^« B ' * Jamaa L inr!a>» «rlw it in cliarfa M Inittinaj. Mn. Laon 4a la Raw. R) ^HTw • • MWH •MR) VnV RMaVt RVJvfT RwVWWVa by wwlm «• Mn. DMM S. I hod my lotion once or rwko to I con give tNl sound odvieol Buy goodi that boar a CUARANUE but buy mam whero you're gonna be! There'* jutt no Me in KOvtinf bump on the head when the ear by Edward Davles of Us Shrews- WOMAN PALM FROM CAR 'round when you can gal your thing* in town. A f woranMO Investigate Six 10 which he wae * pi»«t*fig«r, driven bury ave. and that ear hit by a cir OCEANPORT — Mra. Patricia meant to much more— by'hli father, Prank Arnone, wai driven, by John V. Bellof, Jersty Donaldion of 3U Hence rd, Fair Accidents Here in colllnlon with a ear driven by City. Haven, wns taken to Haurd hos- Whan you gat it from DORN'S Photo Storol Arnold F. Voorheei, 04 Irving pt., pital for observation early Tuesday Mlea lnvMtltmtt4 flv* minor EMM LEADERSHIP COVBSE •eeMmti la the bereufh av«r tnt Red Bank. According to police, Mr. morning after being injured in • «riiH, *ysiaiaararaaB>«arlra«mr, 4 Arnone told them he wai driving Pvt. Robert D. Jones, son of Mr. fall from a ear driven by Donald north on Mapla ave., when the oth- Sweeney of West Long Branch. The Mtajr »fUrn«on Edward Ini- and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Conover Paleatar Aationt KaaasIMMta er vehicle which waa traveling i, Mlddletown township, has accident occurred on Portaupeck kawiek a it M, Ktyport. want to MUth, cut In front af him to turn hMdauarUra to report that white successfully completed leadership ave. Mrs. Donaldson fell from the Into Irving pi. The boy wae treated school with the Mth Field Artillery vehicle ss it rounded a curve. Long Mi sir ww itaMlag la. IIM of at Rlvervlew hoapitaL trafle an Maylo av«., it ww atruek battalion, a unit of the ninth dl- Branch police inveatlgated. fNM athlnd by • ear driven by A car driven by Anthony DoMo> vision artillery. Ninth Infantry di- Martin Oitrlkcr of Deal. The force vich of Uneroft, according to po- vision, Fort Din. It payi to Advertlu In The of the Impact forced the Cwaihe- lice, came out of the railroad park- wMi oar ahead into a ear driven ing tot Sunday and struck a car by Kurt loataer of New York city. driven by Mia* Barbara Uppmeott Mra. Euftne Bwaakewleh, accord- of Spring ter., who waa going aaat \mt to Mr. Ewaikewich. aomplalaed on Monmouth »t. of a atW neck, roraltlng fro* the accident. No one waj Injured m a four-oar aeeldent Sunday on Shrowabury Saturday, a ear driven by Pat* ave. According ta police, a car rick J. TlmmoM af Broadway, Key driven by Harry Ooode of BN BILL MAXSON'S part, going out an Monmouth it.. Shrewsbury ave., waa turning Into •truck a car driven by Cheater hli driveway when It wai struck by Douglaa of Hiawatha ave., Portau- a ear driven by Victor Chanovlteh peck, which waj pulling away from of Palmer av«., Belford, who waa the curb. unable to stop on the slippery pave- FRIENDLY SERVICE STATION On Sunday, Frank Arnone, Jr., af ment. The Chmnoviteh car • 110 Herbert at, raftered a bad struck from behind by a car driven READY READ THIS< TO IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FILL YOUR by EVERY SERVICE NEED NOTED ECONOMIST COURTEOUSLY, SYLVIA PORTER from cttsftra

To your laft h a raeant nawt arHda which appaarad 1n fha "Miihdalphla Inquirar." SEAtOARtf SERVICE 'M raprintim] thh arti- Filling Your Tank With Wonderful ^tW fn- IL^ IntaM-diait mi MM *-—— - mmA •»-— *n TOT Ttw mrwaff or M noniB cno cofn> iMrelil uMn of fW. H—d fhSi tfory «nd •"•fl COMIwM* yOUf pfMMT fUM ItttflSa MOBILGAS FIUYOIRTMRROW! thru

^htfdta^sj^h %^4k4 asjai^aK ^ntdT a^aaaatoi^aai ^a^ka%SidT^ndBdt d^s^k^k mwmmW jfvUrMlf VT WltfiW vvtHTVITf Irif (ram eara by ilgnin« a SEAtOARD FUEL Mobilubrication and Minor Repairs OIL CONTRACT today. Join wlfh your nolfhbor and on(oy guaranfaad fual oil da* Hvary naxt.wtnfar with Soaboard Sarviea. WILL OPEN MDER COAL I0W! MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1951 FH your bin today and auuro yourMtf of

montht eomo araund. ENJOY LOW SUM. at MER PRICES WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN 22 EAST FRONT STREET, COR. GLOBE COURT EFffiCT and uta our aaiy monthly payment PHONE RED BANK 6-9854 th% for PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE SEABOARD SERVICE Formerly Operated by Ray McLaughlin L. B. 6-5151 • A. P. 2-2620 • R. B. 6-024B OPEN 7 A. M. TO 10 P. Mi DAILY AND SUNDAYS umfti School Graduates ratts, *aa of Mr*. Uaaard Htll- HOLMDCL—Twalva faipU* wat* tautli af Port Monatauth rd, Port WATCH SALE graduated fram Halnutej atbaol Mosamowtk, bacam* tht Snt veteraa Friday morning at aiareiaao hols of tha Kareaa war ta )ain Middla- ! tt the Reformed church. Rattir* town paat af *he Vetaran* af rar- ing diplomat w«r« Laie U*b«—W. elgn Waro when he became a a»ent~ Stiatf AatoGI Miry Conovcr, Deanaa Jafeaaaa, her latt Tnuraday night. IN TIME FOR JUNE Dorothy HmuM, luten BiMt- While attached ta a Uak IMVMU9 ssBjm VOO ing, Carol Klnhafer, Atit* Sank*, pany af tka Seeeaa Divisiaa t tth Fred Treutweln, Jaeeph Raela, •> InfaMry r*gia»*at, Sft. Witt* took n GLASS co. GRADUATIONS & BIRTHDAYS mer Bahrenburg, AaUioajf Infaa- •art ia actloaj at Naktoag rivar, tl ana Leonard Wick**. Woniu aad Kuni-ri paat duriaf ki* The Sr*t part af the) program nine maatn* on tha fraat in Korea, wu planaad, with "Tho Nutcrack- Ha returned ta tha United State* Hfofity wnon er Suit*." by Tckaikavaky, a* tka May It uader tha ratatiaa plan, th«m«. The eharu* caasprlaad UM and BOW 1* awaiting re-attignascnt, seventh •»< eighth gtaain. Bract At l*#t Tkvraaay-* VTW meatiac you want It! Phillipi presented Th* Ufa af ber* completed plant for Tchaikovsky," ana Marjerla Aa- part eammaader'e dinner to be tonide* "The Story af tka Ballet." At « msatiftf la*t Tiwrtday, tka Ka*«tt>uff, rWanr-Ttocmy at* held at • p. m. Saturday, .June tt, Robert Liebenow and Margaret at the part haaa* on rt. M. J. Fraa- Reussilles* Welgand opakr tf Tchaikovsky"* ria Rauch will be gunet or honor. music. Hoffman't fairy Tale, writ- H yaan. Thay M: (aft ta rifIt, Mr*. Af«st Th* public ha* been Invited to at- ten in original vert* by momkor* tend. 36 BROAD —RED BANK of the aeventh and eighth elatata, 4y * B^S^rSr* 9g P^rTT V* ^Bs^^B'Vjp^B^B B*>*^^BJ^BBB7 were given by Ann MePnat, Fra4 •**». I? pan. and Mn. Alida ChamhaHaw, It yaan. Mr*. W*. Harrison, Joseph Rada, •holla Beiigl* and Dorathy Rate, iattr- r. ».T.A. •m**mimmr,Hmm* mlttently with the chorus aiaglng At Yale »*at^«r « aaekwtt —+ «_**•* >B»m1at<*na»i Hi »»taa»»»»»aif "Dance of the Sugar Plum fWf- NEW HAVEN, Conn-Eight *^**^^r''^*J^*' ^ij^SBf •*• "MPtV BB^BfaVB; p loVtVt BBr HsgT W BBBwBaSlal ••»• i«." "Tr*p«k." "Dtnr* •( tke Manmouth county men received de- • aeaavaa^aMBte*. » toi«ta* a •*««•«* lor **vaai«n> Flutes" and the "Waltl af (he gree* it Yale univeriity't WOth Flowers." Mr*. Laura Miller, ettta OtiMrea's Usv Fire Cm-tinny Plan* ONATtftl iOAWW ia awa *W «•»>»,> » _ commencement Monday. mantadl. Urn »*» »««• •» M helpinir teacher, tnd Mr*. Warren Graduate* included Edmund 8, *»pj»«*»ia»**ssl Zlmmer, primary teacher af Holm- PragrasB PreacnletJ *Md Timer.' \ighl' C^BNto •*»»*)> 1 Crelln of Westiiee ave, Red Bank, aa»—»» *)•*,•*»•»• del school, accompanied at the HOLMDCL—The Children'* day KEANHBURO-Past member* af wh* received a doctor of philosophy iimiliig piano. pragrtm af tha Federated church Kennsburg fire company No. onedegree; Robert N. Wood, Locu*t, •ehaal wat pretentrd at the Bap-will be guests of honor at an "Old bachelor of law*; William O. Orld- The second part af the program tltt church Sunday morning. The Timers' Night" Thursday, June 2*, ley, Jr., Locust, bachelor of art*; aWTOtO*V*t.»a4..»^tW., • was opened with the Invocation program waa apaned with the chor- at the Manning place lire house Cheaton Simmons, Jr., Locust, V****B Y9Q* Bffl ^v PJef VV^BJ fpSV fJsBal by Rev. Richard Hunter. Barbaratie and processional by the school. when charter, exempt and active bachelor of arts; Alfred D. Katf, Bunting and Carol Kinhafer play- Mrt. William Pitcher, superintend- members mark the Itth annivers- • «arkn*«aaidfa', ed a piano duet, Fred Trautwela Franklin ave., Long Branch, doctor ent, gavt tht responsive reading. ary of the company'* organiaatlon. af medicine; Lauis B. Oimbel, Id, if** a* at* played a guitar tola and Latnard Rev. Itlehard Hunter bapttted the Wicket a saxophone aeltctiot). The Member* of th* arrangements Applearook farm, Wayside, bache- ^^•MTW^P^Bp •; BJB^T*W W^prBlja^B'B" BP"jj f^BB^BBT BaBv InfMt tan af Mr. and Mrt. Walker | l aV^^ V presentation of safety patrol ear- committee making plan* for mu-lor af arta; Jame* R, Tanis, Lake ' tiltcates was in charge af Mill Sutphin, wka has been named sic, entertainment tnd refresh- ave., Ocean Orovr, bacheltr of arU mm • •* • MargaiPlte Truetdale. Mrt. John Oausjtt Faramtii lutphin. ment* for tht affair includt Clin- and Roger C. Lehman, Shadew Lenhsrdt, president of the newly- Recltttlons given by Mrs. John ton B. Lnhsen, Howard C. Opdyke, Lawn, Wart Long Branch, bachelor ' formed Holmdel townshlt Parent- Maunt'e kindergarten class were Edwin G. Htrrman, Richard A. of art*. Tetchef (ssoetatioa, MUM**) a* follow*; "I Welcome You," Jensen, Donald Conroy and Alvln BELL FINANCE COMPANY A. Adams, former chief* of (ho reed te kotMr aae kl|t«r hull- greetings to the grtdutttt. The Share* Stewart; "A Little Boy's s4«trtl*e ta Tfct ScfiiMt ttjulstly. rl'OOROW OHMt t class poem wts read by Mary Welcome," Kent Stevens; "Wel- department. , nrtl i Conover, Lois LlebtMW, AHct ceene," Joka Mancle; "All for Je- tf tlOAO ITIIIT »• IAST MAIN STRUT Banks Deanna Johnaoa, Klmer MM," Lynn Douty, Suaan Baron, tit—4 It**' Bahrenhurg and Anthony InfaHtl. Barbara Weldan and Peggy tin- l Me. »4J Dlpinmns and copies of Uie eonttl-berger; "My Part," Unda Schanck; S«aNliM»«AM««.t4»t »MOM>«IIIN«i»|.UH | tution were prenrnttd ta tha grad- "At Much a* You," Peggy Umberg- sBsSianad a *J^BI ^A^a^a e a *** • aal aa • «uMtf»fi • V uating class by Peter Owiavett, StarlNfi MONMOVIN : tr; "What Can I Do," Casey |)i t>*klenl of the board of Muta- Janet; "A Loving Greeting," Lynn tion. Dorothy liammtnd gave tha Douty; -I Will," Diane Bennett AS8BT1 Vt«rl95i> Yf.r 1949 Hara m» real iivina.* in a variety af waUtwtt Sana farewell. The program wtt closed and Carol Ann McCormick; "Let j with rnment Bondi M..«..«... S,'-,H4,!III t«fc«.illl Hunter. 1'sxei mid Tsx Title Li*nt Raetivstilc 13,l«4.fi7 t,254.3l •part msdsh, lama drau marfah, tarna watar-ratiitant and btrgtr; "I Want to Be t Minister," Proper! r Aeaulred from Tsi Title Lien Ll«ui4*tl*s 200,111) John Umberger; "They Missed Actountt ttse*i«aslt tama natianaNy a«Jvsrtito«J brand madeli. All Mb/ fjutr- Tht cl»«« presented gift* ta the Samathlag." Unda Barker; "My Deferred Ckertet •• future T*«atlon—Gen*r*l teacher, Mrt. John Aekerton, who Dtferrrd Ckirfet la g««ee*41*g Veer's B»»««u« tntaad by sur tsrvto dapartmant. gave each of the graduate! • fare- Prltnd," Sandy Unhardt; "Come well present. Again," Donald Llebenow, and TOTAL AMCT* „. Oaod-Rye," Charlene Morgan. UABlLITIBt, RBSBKVCB AND StrSTLVI A WMN •"•Baiit haltJt yaw wlattion. Mr*. Harbtrt Stewart'* clam gava Boadt r*yslilc Three Injured in s raclUtkM, "Jetut, tht Children'! it B»*r»*i . mend." The group Included Buddy •kle t«4 (Xhel LleMlillei HeatiOn Crash Autkariittlea* Aektrmaa, Robert Stewart, John . denial Fundi — LADIES* — ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP-TarM Matgan, Jimmie Applegate, Billy C'ertiln Asute Reteivakl* „ persons were Injured Saturday Uabanow, Ronnie Stewart, Terry Ia ' ftttularfy UJO 4a 3f.7l Now $19.75 *.. night when cart driven by Smart Murdaek and Richard Waldon. TOTAL LIAIIUTIBI. Oermaine of Ellttbeth and Jooeph Mlta Dorothy Laurence'* clas* Rafultrly 4110 ta I7.W Now 938.73 J- rrlumefredda of Newark ealllded mtmaen who recited wera Lois COMTASATIVC STA' Daaeer, Patty Hammond, Patty en rt. U. Vesr 19S» Year 114* Rafularly I2.W .«: •Brother*," by Carry and Terry Balsae*. Jaausrr 1*1. -. ,,,.1.. •„ . Barker. 8u»-Total — I *»,« 1 S4.TOB.t2 Two violin tolot wtrt rendered Leu I A»tn»ritt*4 ia CafNat Budtet ll.*0*.H MtO.00 by Catty Jon** and Joyce Barker Baltnet, t>te*uUt list played an accordion tola. The of- The akava tumm»r» «t «jr»»i>ilt «ti>pn«a»« tnm tht Mprnt »t audit of fering wu collected by Chandler the Borouin of Stirew«W», taunt af M»(i«iouth far the e*l*n4st tnt I9ID. White, Robert Jeffery, Robert MOUSITMATOUMITtlUUT Thii report, of audit, lubmitud hy Jnttuli t. getmsn, Rffiltered Hunlclpsl Ae- SUREST Wbatey and Robert Weldon. enuntsnt, li on HI* at la* Seraufh Clerk'* Oftee *ad nay at Mipnted >r uf Blw*JawalVSl MrP FROZEN FOOD BARGAIN OBTSUDB O. VAWVUIT. Cl«rk.

Tba UfhHxwprtttloa HVJUi. C4NBlm&* mint jom long stJksfs oa ninisr gu. Aad jatt 4qirrillUiikl

to* Wilhs It built to Utd Low. eoai WiU>« -niei wiU kaep it. HOOK MlHOf xteti it» best and taviog •obyLimoi Cut Gr««n Itom mtymiU jChopptd Spinach Chopptd Broccoli Mixod Vogctoblos French Frits Gut Corn Succotash No.

CONCfNTMTf0 FlOftfDA OMNGE4UIC6 r^rWWW WWvl V^eVvlilvPvroriBtp Drive in today Dapt. of AgrkuHwt hr « ffttaf-fcif• / /*• WHYS Stith* W»p» Tha Wlttya Ststioo Vtgos li two CSM is ooa—s smooth, Maf Mffnlitl •/ yw tU c$r-wltlmt ceafontbla pasitogcr car tod, with stati ttmnved, t cargo csrriu for lotdi up to s half«toa. MATTHEWS BROS NIWMAN miNOt ROAD' Sold by V* DiHributon ef Ml aVWar on, lgg$. Ad. RID SANK, N. J »A*K wirn u, im af Oeeaa Otty far three «aye thia Itoaattetl OnkMi 1 West Bcr- week. OLSON Rsita Static* (*• pi., He4 Baak, WM riven • Mr. and Mre. nea.ld Ca44ington NMMM hat week liy Matthew V. and children and Mn. Jamei Fia- SPRMC IS HERE At College rerrif**, •* ••* f»«« warden, •ell of Altoona, Pa., eaent several •at eat year Mr*<*ee. ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION for catching • large meuthed ban days last week with Mr. and Mrs. FREE CHECK IP Installed by Olson Company's Trained Mechanics MAMWULD, PA. —Twe kfe>n- in a etoaa* eeeaoa at Bhaaow lake, Wilbur Coddiagton. Mr. and Mrs. •Ntt cewity reei4eatt, MiH Pa-River Plata. Taken before M«*i« Donald Coddington returned •• W. W. KCNNEOVi La*aJ trie* lUhny ef New Shrewsbury, trete aualty Stilweil at Atlsntic- , III., where Mr. Coddia«- Phoae: »r4 Maak «-!•» aa* MUM CauUm Tingley a* At- Helarfel tewashla court, Graham ton will continue hie studies. tMtie Hlfhlartt, received their wat tae4 l» aas H eeete. | Lawrence Buck, Jr., whe has A SPECIALTY aexcalawette 4etrees at the MtH i been attending Birkshire Prsa. eaaual ceeMuaeeaMat »«*relee« school la Mate., returned horn* MM taasatly tt State Teachers' Saturday with hie parent*. HCYCLI SHOP • HOMPT IIIVICI e caHsaa at »1eaaSsl4 New Misa Mildred Bisgrove, whs !• teaching muste at Bethel college, •M RraMtiay, Ltwf 9nmtk PIMM IX) 6-I39A Sixteen) anilnre af the T.PC.A. 8t. Paul, Mien., returned he*M t« MAT, TWCK i WINDOW LEnEWW ft. P. 24407 nt tba ateatlat charck atteneeil the spend the summer with her air- * Wyrtaaa rally at the Mats- eats. • Mfh aehaal Thursasy aifht. Thomas lUherts, Jr.. nt Buckneti MONEY LOANED PAPER SII.N** A §HCiV < \H\K On SsUNay alfht, the frou» at- uaiversity, has returned haeae far tea4e4 the rally at Oeeaa Grave. the summer. ire. ate. Mia* Jeanne Walliaf, whs his The annual Children's day pro- Mew «l N. i. eoatptete* her trst year at •uck- gram was held Sunday evening at •OLnaaemii RED BANK SIGN SERVICE •ell university, Pa., has returned the Baptist church with children 18 • 2U IIIAUK AVK. RED RANK f> •MM far the eumawr. Mi*e Wall- and teachers taking part In the Broadway Loan Co. AsbtttM SUtag, in* la vteitlM Miee Nancy Keenan entertainment.

aiv^P«As*lVIVrVe1 OB a^HeVVJVV CeRP.ffN.1 aaa MAIN STRUT, A. P. 7/J iOCAL BUPUKNTATTVU LOUIS JOHN SAFEWAY PNONB M0 SANK eXSM-J Check the big lineup of "cooler-offeiV'Safewij/ ADAMUNZMAYIS ATLANTIC HKMLANBS I4M has for you... frosty beverig«i and favorite HAROLD C. 1 H a-aaia-i. . foods for taktiteaiy ' meali. Mlaa ftaarev wme active In ealw«a artaniaattoas. She waa a ajaainir af .. Delta PI eactety, the Wamen'a Athletic etoUaa, Stu4eat council, Omicren M PI sorerity, aellcie Tear PREPARED FOODS { ri'v staff ana «4stor ef the callage SNACK SUGGESTIONS ICED TEA...mode wild The Pearl,, Mwsaaaer. She Is the slaughter ef Cooling, nouriihing tnaeki are just a . Mr. aa4 Mrs. jobs c. Hotrey af Cut down your time in the kitehm | •ni tht Mn ave. with thtM swell ready-toeat food*. I brme with tempting foodi like these. ,| «>«« -45* {CNmFHd 26* Canterbury Tea.: 29c Uw awaUe of HM { laky (twit TEA IACS 41 te pkf. 47c - 14 ta pt>g. 17c aoU all that to hae) U ha? II (Mm. IS:4»). Breaieaat S7 { Hive ym ever ai*i y«a> m MlT what KaeanO CM ley-ar^i i'KSL 2 24* jj RiU Craekira mm , * » 35, af nVe M»M* Pennant Tea ^ 26* CMMM Ihiiir raw *. 50« 1 Peaaat Bitter •»- »• 33* TIA IACS 41 te pfcfl. 37c - 14 ta pkg. Ik It aiva t>> UNM hu—ahan, Manulatfe mSi ««**i»22< IkM to 4 La Pint Pit «•••« ^4I« 1 i i Tto wiy «f thb Ufaatatsnf 9niHriefct>reaa1 8>j'33« wifn HI tt» Christie* SciMM Utt- ^ PatataCMpe • «•»•* 28* Upton Tea ^33* Inoli,"8e1ne« and HMhk with TIA IAOS 41 ta at|. Me Key to tlw Scriptim," by Tna Fill '&£? »{Vieaaa taaeaga uwn «•>.« 2ii Mary Baker Eddy. Wbaavet will put its sUtaaeaU la Ito and test will find thfe irctt fctam Htm Osnatanre Ttsigley Canai Naf •*«««»«»«-40* { Bipe ONveerrmi^Majajiji •«.•» 2B* oT ChriititDity to IN MM Tiaglsy, daughter af Mr. b and Mrt. Llayd Tlngley of Batt CMakaa Spraa. Rppia •jeiiy Unaoln ave., Is n graduate of the Lemons fldmce ltd Heahh My to fcama economies department of the reador obtained at allChrktiu eallege. She waa n member of the SUNKIST - CALIFORNIA Science Mending BOMB*. The T.W.C.A.. Women's Athletic asio- • -v3J coupon is ftbo lor your UM. etatton and Omlcron Oamma Pi aereeity. She waa elected vice •TNldsnt of Omlcron Oamma PI eorority during her junior year. QEacloMd » IS for a eeay ef *Sdenc. end Heillh ml. Knle HM SeUldge Arrive* Horn* Seriptnra" bf Marf laker Ue> After Rieycle Trip Naaja CHAPEL HILL — Adam T. Addrati Sehlldge, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Sehlldge, arrived at his home on Chapel Hill rd. Sunday Soft Drinks after completing n bicycle trip Fnthw CoUtta CHRISTIAN SCIENCE from Doerfleld, Mate., to LttehReld, Coca Cola "•••••* 6 t." 29« Oa«n. Airway '».*•«• 1.53 • • •» 77c READING ROOM Schlldgs made the trip after ea Horfenan s MixniToe^iii 2 Ji' 39« ptstlnf the school year at Vermont JI aealaojy at Inton'a Illver where Nob Hill '*^1.57 ^>*.79< Ginger Ale *-•*• 2 J2 39« M aWOAD IT. BaW BANK ha attendee! eommenoement e«sr- MOVMl cleea aarly thli month. A member Edwards «»•«• 91« H»«"47« CeMdt Dry - WMe Istt - HeNmee of the Olee club, he hti been TMM. * Sat.. lttM ta«:M. »MMd to the honor list nt the Your Choicer SOMERSIT-SKINUSS k Me*., Wei, M., MiW to 4iM. aehool. Pa/ry Foocfa CUOMONT leOT MM; CMAM er OUNOJ tOD SMO COU, KOOTH UMON lIMIi MIMV MIX Frankfurters 63 m Evealag. VM to »-M Tke roes' te hMtsr saadd klnsr hull, Lucerne Milk *~^ r 24c IPANUNO WATN er INOWT NAR OINOM All MM, sdyrllM la Tks Ibgl TKU »• 94m glitw niulsrljr, Lucerne Milk ••--»*« / n 25c «werlaeta^e, tete sill heft. | Af MACHINE SLICED . 2 •ha 4a». 2d< S4M dee 1.47 Boiled Ham FANCY LEAN » • A>V.fc Butter pawed HM 77C t^Mn^ 81* freitn Fooafa Sweet Butter **» »*» .•»*• •*• 80* Orange Juice •*'•" 2^33' SOMERSET MANO H ft. pkf. ^ AT HUBER'S Swiss Cheese **tJt* »69< Bologna Lemonadt ^^ <««*1^ VALUES AT MB AT SECTION Cheddar Cheese W • 79« Strawberries *"•*•» "••»»• 39' Cheddar Cheese CKX. * 59< Sweet Peas »•*' »•• •*• 21c Sirloin Steak BaMkal Plcilea Sliced Cheese o^t. »57< Green Beans 'XV »•*-*• 22c Beef Liver Caekea* Salaai v Cheese Food **<^* H »•*• 32« BrOCCOli loeeri-lirtieye 10etas*. 29c Beef Kie-aeye 24* Sliced Baaaa »« 1 iunt Valun Grape Juice W* * •*«• 23c CMekena 57. Check fheae GIVE DAD A GIFT CBRTinCATE FOR A Fancy* Shrimp w** «•»•*•65c Freeh Spareriba Large Eggs ©•?'£. «^71< Instant Tta T«^*« »* « * 39' • NYLCORD SVIT! Burry's Cookies ASS "J 22e A w Instant Coffee W% aaol an Burry's Cookies^ 17Z £ 20e T Mueller's In gray and fan. Fruit Juice «T «—10. B-. .-.^.'""""esl 2 lb. t"rt Hoielts 11k. *>7 0 KrUneS Medium ekg. 3U< Extre Ige. pkg. Z/« .JJ5O Blended Juice «^ ^"^ 13« 30 NEW POTATOES Whole Apricots V.£G?I. £ 30« * Tropical Rayon Suit Fruit Cocktail «•»•• 17., <•» 24« Safeway SAVES yea ipta49« s v In solids and ehaek Cling Peaches c^."o. "»• •» 20« anyairPi8Caapane [••/• rtup^Q of 9oV#woy thia wetk*" •o(»*o'-tht-erop naw California UB\BB\SV n^ufWlassBi MJecel/aiteoua ItASO •wfrBJ wnlif 5 29 MflWrljhfiJOsie ft leeuler fc 4 • Send. Styt* lost I 7< Slteae) lest I O* RIOULAA MICI -1.12 The Botany 500 TOPS in FLAVOR Skylark Bread *- *>* ' * w 18« Cantaloupes For BREAKFAST or DESSERT "' h Tropical wanfad and nylon WITH !?• Finger Rolls •«*i " ••• »»• 18« Maud In 6lan Maid and COUPON •olid eolon. Green Beans »-17c Tomatoes Colonial Donuts *»»»* ^ 23« Grape Juice A"tum" •*»•*• 21* Iceberg Lettuce *10c Fresh Beets 2 15< Out( WITH Green Cabbage »4c Watermelons *6< Salad Dressing -» •*•»» 31« Oxydol COUPON 54* Tomatoes *"™* 2"«.V. 33« 1HWUIAH MICE -2 let 64. GIFTS OF DISTINCTION 4s Fresh Corn Beauty Plums Tomato Paste «• •••11« WITH AaVartlMe) prica* an Oracarlat aWactlvt Araugh WaaVaie)ay June 30th/ fttiuet, Meats and Dairy Fels Naptha u«»d-y$~p 3 b«25« COUPON 2154* tfireufh tatureky Juna loth - Wa ratarva tha right te limit quantittai. MICI-2lerMs IIMMNI HTIMi MY - IMMY JME ITU !l-2lerMs •


0 0 Hy-- Spotting Sports Quest Spot By Horace Wade America's thoroughbred king* aad ejuaeae, tsfS etreag, are ready •t Moamouth Park (or tha bugle ta Ml the air witk roued and beautiful notes, calling tha Aral 0*14 forth Saturday aftemoea for tha aUrt of another racing; season. At the Sret heee* etc** h hhi l *•*• : m the huff rhrt* at parfeewer, datlag hat* »* IBIS whan aM

are iefaWU* preef that threagh auefc rerteg

far days gaa* hy rrefni Uyeta ef the yean with start** *f •peat* of that haary pa**. During the current seuoa Moamouth Park will preeeat a •juartet af racea reatricted to fllliee and mare*, the Moamouth Oak*, the Molly pitcier, Regret Handicap and the Collese Kakee. Maay Sao repre- aeatatives ot the so-cslled "weaker ee«" will parade poatward* la search »f elusive gold snd glory, but It is likely none af them will provide the thrills once afforded by the great race mare, Mies Woodford, at eld Monmouth. Mlse Weadferd we* a dasjghter ef MM from Faa*y *aae and canted the •bright red. Mae task" ef tha Owyar Brethera, Mw* sad rhU, darlag aieat of her ssawelsaal eaiear. la her 4B etarts under their cetera eh* won M rate* ami Mism ha. remlag the Sret Asaerteaa here* te edge paet the StBMBt mark. As m*a vYeedferd reattaaed te make mlTiauil af her Cpp*. •Mo* the Bwyew. MaSdaat of her abtWy I* haadh* herself la aay eeeapaay. threw «J*wn the geaattet t* the world. •Come and beat her if you eon," they said. "For aay amount of

mnlOIICV<" One man rose immediately te the challenge. Hie name waa Ed Cor. rigan, the "Master of Hawthorne," cold, calculating and entirely mer- cenary. His fine hone, Freeland, after defeating every good runner in the West was looking for new worlda to conquer, eo he waa loaded late a bo* car and shipped to the local track to meet the pwycr* In their own bailiwick. A third horse, Hohtiac, later dropped lato the llets but honemen were quick to concede he had no more ehaaea In such (elect company than an eagle flying a mile agalnat pigeon*. race te, face at Meamauth Park, the Dwyera aad Cerrlgaa rewdly Used earn ether "**" Hew much they bet thai afteraaaa wW never he known. Burner* reported H at a quarter *f a mutton doSara. Perhaps half ef that weuti be a deeer nee*, la aay event N waa tar from chicken feed. Yet the financial significance ef the race waa dwarfed by tt*mor e Important consideration*, tt wu more than a battle ot purse* between gamblers: more than a raee between horse aad mar*. It had developed lato no les* a rivalry between Baat aad West, each aeetkta supporting H* home champion without atlnt or question—the Weet'a bright bay TKarauabWad Karw^adnf ratum to Rarthani Naw Jwity $••• LfffT. alqk-v«N«V*| vpapvjr cvnrvT* t A* flwdaU havta turn witii Hit itamn t* Hw rtor an4, titrama right, EoWd atw »tt »| alb IIMWJ far bar rteUa by Mn. AM The crowd that swarmed Into Meaa**«th Path for the run- MM tfcot etnfmuM tkrauflh Auf. I. Tlww aUyinf majar rdw* in •I* IfVMIqMg qJqHMTM HMfM^qW Of fW WlVf VUFVIflv fiQmt ntJrAqfV WMva WNiW f/f ner af the huge plaai It waa a day a»k* with Ugh* ojtf a ffiM w NT wt R9F SMS Ml yWM^ MtCMMI turf] rkmfk H« nvwii tfMiurif #f w$ MtMnouth r#fh «l#CMy mmi v'erwVv TlnvlWIVVJ vwT WaW V^aVeWarl a^arVavnw' vV V^'jrXTV Murphy, MM «B*aek Archer" *a Fie*. M«U*ghMa MHMWI he no eseueee thla day, Kennel Qub Sammy Malaeh Cops Second Straight Jersey Central Via* Woodford waa first, to etap from tha paddock shadows, and a* an *ma*>. esssav • Salvator Mile Early tha Baatera contingent ehouted tta paean of pride she warned to ac- knowledge with a gracious bow the roar ef acelamatloa. Behind her, Has Record Entry Feature Race at Long Branch Stadium Plans Specials head working up and dowa Ilk* a pump handle, cam* Freetaad, hops LONO BRtNOH-Cammy Mai- top position a* the car* crossed Prep For Big Stakes and prld* ef the West. The unheralded Poatlae waa third aad last, at- For Sundays Show Mh, fully recovered from an acci- the finish line in the third lap. For Monmouth tracting but scant attention. Two eyee ef tha graadataada ware re- dent while participating in the fallowing Malaeh past Ed Sod- eerved asclualvely for the King and Quean, parading sedately past the 856 Pedigree Dog. Florida stock car circuit, la return- en'a checker flag were Dick Hav- Special Car to Serre •toad*, turning and moving toward* the starting past ing to his old form aa a master ens, Oeorga Matthews, Len Brown Monmouth Park's Saturday Ftatur* A f*i Entered in 21 it hauffeur at the local oval aa heand Joe Yank. Charlie Muscatel, Racing Patrons registered his second otralght fea- driving the shining, overhauled car Draws Crack Raid of Startara Annual Exhibit ture win Saturday night on the of the A. ft B. body work*, Long With Refreslwwnlfl al al, dtaaaad aM ocean front oval Braneh, which Is operated by Walt OCBANPORT-Tbe aaund af othera an tha grounds, actively ta ttw tot half < RUMSON-At a meeting of the In the exciting feature, wltneeaed Archer, Neptune demonstrated a Tha Jersey Central line* will op- thoroughbred hoots will thunder prepplng for the season's start Mra. llonmouth County Kennel club on by approximately 1,000 fana, Mai- bundle of speed on the atralghta- rate special Dleael-oleetrle pow- again at Monmouth park when tha James Carson'a Kinsman, B. Green- Wednesday of laat week it waa an-ach finally got out front after twoway Mit failed to hold ground on >red train* to the grandstand en- local oval Inaugurate* Ita etttn mod- feM'f High Trend, Mra, Louis U*> nounced by Mrs. Milton Brlanger, accident* caused restarts before the the turn*. Muscatel wu the favorite ranee of Monmouth park again ern-day racing season Baturday af- are** Sheila's Reward, tha Savoy Like a harneseed team they swept arouad tha turn aad dowa tha show committee chairman, that race was four lap* :S7.«. roundtrlp train fare, admission te President Amory I* Kartell of tha which ha waa riding. Seeoad Qu«llf»in» Kent—Won br host organisation will entertain ficials of the Treasury will visit th* ehore Companion Dog Training ler and Ed Rynkowikk >y Hawea; iceond. Ted Hennes Monmouth. park and all federal track as guetta of President Amory ' •*• long, Murphy," ha aeid, thla to where I leave you," aad epread club, for It* first annual obedience The latter two chauffeura had tali .Welt Peten. Time—2:28.S2. Brigadier General Harry Relchel- aMeall* for the wire, taxe* may be purchased at Its sta- U Haakell to celebrate the bond trials, has M entrlea. The Eastern their eara damaged to such an ex- Third Qu.llf»ln« Heat—Won br tion. Tleketa also will ba sold te deifer, commanding general of Pert rally. Fort Monmouth'e band will Tha colored boy flung hlnutlf further forward an fraelaad't ehoul- Irish Setter association, another tent that they were forced to be Charlie Muicattl; errand, Wslt Slocua; Monmouth, aad a group ot visiting den. third, Bill Becker. Time—2:4«.ll. cover only ths train fare. dlgaltarlea. ba on hand for the opening, and prominent club holding it* specialty towed to the pits. IB-LAP RACES The Otesel-eleetrle epeelals will will furnish music between races. "Goodbye, yotelf- ha Mraamed. tto hump yo'attf, Vraalaad, go ahow at Rumaon thla year, has 43 Malaeh first grabbed tha lead Jeml-FlBsl—WOT »r Whip »\. Include a Monday through Friday The fifth raee la to be designated hum* yo-ielf.- Irish Settera entered. during the third lap when he took llsaa; second. Id BynkewtkW third, Jos train from New Tork and Satur- the Defense Bond Pur««, signalling over after moving through a pack- Yank, time—1 i«,»7. Interest In ths aport la at a high Jump far Jump, ttrlda tar aMda they ba*»»« aJtMg tha 1ioc*l dag fanctpri will have an Beemd Qualrfylns Heat—Won hy day trains from New Tork and keel from coast te coaat, and offl- tha atart ot the drive. Last year, etralfhtaway aa eirttement gathered ferea Uka paandlng wavea. opportunity to set their favorite ed field. On the second restart Mai- Sammy Malaeh: second, Charln Mm. Newark and a July 4th special In unique winner'* circle cere. ach started from third position but ials of the seaside coure* face tha Thdr reaching etrieee laagthaaadi their talk kmked high. Ftfty breed at the ahow aa there are catel; third. Walt Slocum. Time—SiSS.U. from Newark. Connecting tralne coming 4* days with optimism, es- monies, President Haskcll was pre- yarde from tha wire a brawn tamtam* naoa gMatanad ta fraat; many popular breed* to be well rep- before the lap waa completed he Consolation—Won br Qeorge Weller; also will be operated from New« sented a handsome plaque by Ver- wu out In the lead. soeon*. Dick Maveni; third. Geor>e Mat- pecially with parl-mutuel and at- another tea yarde and tha gap waa (taaad agata resented here, A panel of line thew*. Time—titl.t*. ark to meet the New Tork week* tendance figures dlsally soomtag non L. Clark, assistant secretary of with a quarter of a million Milan _ ta the balaaeo. a judges will pass on SO boxer*, 41 The only other driver* to hold M-LAP RACES day epeclal at Blliabethport. Regu- elsewhere on the turf. the V, 8. Treasury, for the impres- German shepherds, 3? collies, 31 the lead at any time during the feature Event—Won by Sammy Mai- blaaed face took the * MM WOW mttm$ Wf llM (MM larly acheduted tralne from SUia- For this year's meeting there la sive role played by tht track en H twe Mood-red aottrlla, aaaaed Fraatand. poodles, 37 cockers, 16 beagles end race were Joe Tank, who led foraea; seeend, Dick Havens; third, George bcth and pelnli West on the Jersey behalf of the 1M0 drive. many other*. two laps and Wegler who gained Mattkswsi fourth. U-i, Drown i Itti. Joe a cloudy sky overhead. A year ago Whetlitr U waa the attraction of tha aea breeata. or juat a natural Yank; sixth, Wak Peten. Time—Moat. Central's mainline also will connect Monmouth park operated nine day* On the alert to protect tha In- lair for ahowmanahlp, old Sfonmouth Park preatnted many other racea The water trial of retrievers and with the specials at Bllsabethport free of conflict with New Yorktereats of tha racing public the lo- which had a definite bearing on tha national ehamplonehlp. Another spanlela Is scheduled for 11 a. m., Ferry connections for the Newtrack*, aa Saratoga moved its meet- cal oval will introduce the "Film Meeting between Baat and West took place over the racing ground* in and there will alto be the ever-pop- York Monday to Friday special will ing upstate to Bpa. This aeaaon a Patrol" for the flrat time in (hit l«n when Longfellow, pride of Kentucky, hooked up with Marry Baa- ular junior showmanship claue* for Louise Worthley Makes Sailing leave Liberty and west sts. In crttrangement of dates teds Mon- state. Camera towers on each turn avtt ta the llonmouth Cup. children 10 to 1« year* of age. downtown New Tork at 13:10 p. m.,mouth with just three alien after- ara to record the action of tha Mra. Florence B. Itch of Red with the train leaving Jeraey City noons. ' race, supplemented by a third Baclng fana the) nation over had been etemertag for a Bank, noted collie breeder, has do- Rough lor M.B.C Penguin Skippers at »:«., West Eighth at, Bayonne. camera high atop the grandstand. araah between the two top paifaiaaata af tha year, aad tha nated a male collie puppy of ex- Monmouth park will be ahootlng Louise Worthley, Bailing Tana- at »:te p. m., and Ellaabethport at at several records on opening day. Quickly proeesaed at the track lab- Monmouth Cup waa a natural moating ground. Undo John ceptional quality from her Bell- The threat waa short lived, how- 13:o* p. m. Tha Newark connecting oratory the fllm tells a factual Harper, owner of Longfellow, retnaed to have aay part of a haven kennel* to the llonmouth lou," made the top skipper* of the ever, a* 4 Bees and Panalou fell Pop betting mark *o far waa in Penguin fleet sit up and Uka notice train will leave, the Jeraey Central* IBM when the Iron men clicked black and white story to either match race, but let It be aoleed around that hie groat aea af County Kennel club to be given off and failed to continue to thaBroad st. station, Newark, at 1S:4O support or discredit any claim ot Leamington waa a certain (tarter ta the rich Moamouth event. away the day of the ahow. llon- when aha chased Roger Brown over Snlsh line,' with Brawn nosing out to S1,1SO,6T1. The attendance rec- the line by a mere second in Sat- p. m. The special will arrive at tha ord of 15,716 for an Inaugural waa foul, while also being of Ineatlav that he had ae qualm* about Harry Ba mouth Memorial, Fltkln and River- Worthley for first place. grandstand entrance of Monmouth able value to official* in determin- •g urday'a Penguin activity on tha Howie finished third, one minute also set that day. With thla year's view hospitals will benefit from the Naveatnk river. park at 1:45 p. m. ing exactly how a racs was run. Although Harry Baaaett had proven himself, in doaene of triumphs, proceeds, behind the Isaders with Norm opener on Saturday, both marks Hurdle Racing Return* Brown, skippering "4 Bees," Schenck finishing fourth In spite Ferry connections for the Neware endangered. to ba one ot the speediest of hi* generation, Longfellow did little more Mrs. Qeorge B. St. George, Tux- nosed out the female skipper by a than play with htm, romping off in the final drive to win in an ordinary edo Park, N. Y., will select the of a cracked mast. York Saturday special will leave The galvator, poathumously hon- Later in the season Monmouth manter. mere tick of a second in one of the Liberty and Weat at*., Naw York, oring one of old Monmouth park's will be the setting for the return beat-tn-show and award to the win- tightest races of the year which Just to prove her sailing ability, ner the trophy offered by Thomas Louisa then went out after the vet-at 12:35 p. «., with the train leav- greatest runners, hw attracted a of hurdle racing to the area. Flour- The East refused to believe It. They did net think It waa saw the boats close from start to ing Jeraey City at 12:tT p. m., Weat nominating band ot SB miters. How- ishing at old Monmouth park dur- passible tor their champion to be ae decisively mauled, ae Many T. K. Frellngnuyien, preildent of finish. eran skippers again in n scrub nee the Monmouth County Kennel club. and copped the affair by beating Eighth St., Bayonne, at U:4S p. n, ever, natural hasarde of the chase ing tha 18T0-MM period the aport Baaaett waa patiently, even tenderly propped for another mast. Panalou wu over the starting out Howl* and Davla for the first and Bllsabethport at U:SS p. m..have reduced that lineup consider- of ateeplechulng has been kept Ing with Longfellow. line first and jumped to an early position. and arriving at tha track at 1:43ably and Racing Secretary John alive In the Intervening year* at In the second race Harry Basaett anatched tha early lead, only to lead ovei' Brown and Jerry Howie, XeaulW — Start t.4» P. M p. m. Turner, Jrs especto no more than betlees meetings aponaored by Hunt fatter momentarily around ths turn aa Longfellow1* nostrils Inched Yearling Show who waa piloting Joker. After 10 or IS to face Starter Bddli Blind eluha ot tha Garden state. The re- rounding Ouyon'a Point mark in Bost Time The Saturdays tad July 4th spe- In the barrier. •long his side to etruggl* for the l*ad. Seventy yard* from the wire . * ?'• iils.os cials from Newark will leave Broad vival of the thrilling aport Is an. Longfellow was suddenly seen te falter badly, Harry Baaaett whipping Slated July Uth flm place, Bailor LouiM then took Van •Ion st. station at U:SS p. m., BUsaueth- amtvalar Ml* Matters other on the long line of "nrats" away from him In e. few stride* to salute the judge* by a glittering pan in a duel with Brown, th« Joker TS!S. to bo registered by the seaside rac- MONMOUTH PARK-The fifth Bottoms U» Behenek ltlT.4 port at 19:M p. m., and arrive at tha Included ara aueh as tha Al-Jo length. annual yearling ahow, sponsored by lead changing several times. Bantam D.vl. track at 1:3* p. m. ing plant. In the run home Howie gained Bambino ' Lawrence 8llT.ll lUble'a Cacique, an old-time Mon- Returned to the unsaddling area, Longfellow was limping badly, the Thoroughbred Horse Breeders Wekfaot All of the specials will lsava the mouth favorite; the Bedford stable'* Superintendent Everett Wilson association of New Jersey, will be when skipper* Worthley and Brown Bull, and a dose examination revealed that ha had twisted a plat* on on* became Involved in a duel to wind- Cse Ree Bswom grandstand entrance of the track Call Over, Brookmead* stable'* has the plant In spick and span •f hi* front feet, badly bruising the Mil. held in the English walking ring Assl* SthWftiker SI:1IM shortly after completion of the last Chain*, Carolyn K. aUMt'a Whlf< condition. Oreen crushed gravel Urd. RUrio Cane StJS.J Even In defeat, the Western Mag atola the honors, Many h«r* Wednesday morning. Max race and will arrive In Newark at fenpoof, H. W. Flasher's Air At-has been added to the walking ring vtaltora came t« aee the vanquished celt la hie back atreteh Hlrschj trainer of the famous King T:2S p. m. and New York at T:Mtack, J. Cavegnano's Penaava, M. and the strip in which the thor- barn, aad Longfellow greeted them with tha eame eendeaem* Ranch atable, wilt act aa judge, ball Outing Set /ersey Shore League p. ». Kahlbaum'a Rlak-a-Whlrl, J. L. oughbreda parade to the track. Tha •Jen a king might have bestowed upon hi* loyal aubjeete. la There will be two classes, one for All (eases pestpeaed—rala. MeKnlght'a Mr. Buater, Mr*. Andy new material was added for decor- aptta of thn pain he waa manifestly auferlng, he would gravely colts and one for fillies foaled In By Optimist Club StaaaHaas Sehuttlnger'a Fsrd and Woolford ative purposes as well as to serve New Jersey in I960. Following the A8BURV PARK — The date for farm's Delsgats. at an excellent cushion for horse* attend Ma hoof that they might wHnem the ragged edges, drop- judging of these two classes, cham- Whlusvlll* . .... * 0 Jf-0 BnebuU Loop ping Ms eye* to the wound every new aad than In ft vary the first baseball outing under the Bed Sank ...... ~ The majority of these ara on tht heading for tha post. ebvlouaMdforajrmpethy. pion and reserve champion entries sponsorship of the Aibury Park- Leonardo ...... SUNDAY ground*, the othera may van down Laat night 750 head were bedded will be selected. Neptune Optimist club has been Adehjhla 1...... 1.. All from New York or make tha. trip East will meet Weat In many race* during the racing season whit* Lose* BraMsh .••.».. down In Monmouth'n stnila and. ac- Mart* Saturday afternoon and continues through Aug. I. Thorough- The Monmouth Park Jockey club advanced from July 14 to Wednes- from Delaware. Of the group, the cording; to trnck ofllclnls, nil nvnll- breds are en route from Kentucky and Illinois, ready to match apeed will present eight trophies. Gener- day, June 20, as the result of a do- atakes-wlnnlng Fcrd looms the able atalla will be occupied by to- and itrlde* with the cream of tha Atlantic Seaboard. Between now ous cash prises and ten ribbons will nation of 50 tickets by the Newg«fii*hie«a"r.r.'.r.r.;r.".'.r.r™'~; early favorite of ths opening day morrow night, If not before. T n and that far-off August date many exciting finishes will thrill paek*< be offered by the Thoroughbred York Yankee club for the Chicago crowd. HI* recent racea have all overflow of racing atock Is abcorbtd Horse Breedera of New Jcrxcy. White Box game to b* played on Sunday's Oaans been good, and he holds scores this grandstands sa champions of the two areas sweap shoulder to should* Bed Bask al Whltssvllle. kXan Psrh _... \ by aeveral of the larger stable* In to the wire, reminiscent of dsys of glory at old Monmouth Park when Entry blanks can bo obtained the latter date. Belmsr «l Lent Branch, Twin Ll.hU 0 year, in the Paumonck Handicap at the county, from whore they will thii eyes of an entire turf wnrlri wrrc foouiied on the seaside track. from tnp nlltrp nf the Thorntiihbrnri Boyn who have been selected for Monmoulh Busrb t. 0 :J«W York and tha Valley rorgt at van to the trnck. Horse Hreedrivi A.'soclntlon, 34 Kn*t thin trip will be notified at their LtennrUn at Ensllihlown. Sunday'* Oamn Garden State park Post time dully him bnon net for flurh Interactional atrld* adds flllop and drama to any epectacl* Main st., Freehold, or at the pub linmn by trlephnn* or hy post card Anbury Pstb st Manmnutk Bsstk. There I* a likelihood that sutsldn 3:30 p, m. Dally double windows Bmatavar the sport. lltlty department Here. Boyi sr* >bk in mslin pocket - oompetltlon may eome from Hviral aot later than Saturday. kt lelilag Ta* Bsflitsr.—Advsrtlieaieat. will das* IS minutes earlier, ftgp B H, W/


RACES DAILY TIM AUG. 8 except Sundays

POST 2:30 DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 2:15 MONMOUTH PARK JOCKEY CLUB NO OHILOBEX AOMITTCO OCEANPORT, NEW JERSEY BEOWTEI Meet the Champ Joe Outwootf« Trwwell Feted New Jeney Stale Eatoatown Legion SURF, FIELD AND STREAM Auto Daredevils Atk.eo.Hill fins Opener,« TimAj feuw On Tk CMM OitiiBr. aTUXIK r Overtoa dtorted Batosv •rmwvu nor At Long Branch Here Jime2W4 •iftoa aia* off oa ta* right last Sunday's Key TrusweU day, Vi* •» am of the service who «r« reeideate la 17 TMIiag E«s*» wa Mill eoaatry eksb aaemhors New Jersey. The daily hoare will failed to let th* sactoaeat weather *oe-*Mter to «*f*a* Aehary Park. Yaar foee rua frees daylight U M a. at. day- wash eut th* aiaacr which was a-L Ta* gaaa* waa pteyed at th*> A rip, snorting light aavtag tiaM, escept at Far- Car l» • held Saaday eveaiaa to h**tar the SS aor easier put riagtea lake, where all-aigbt vsteraa gellsr, Ik* week-end • wWWhaet af last week. lag wtn be ellewed. UMfO iHAMCH-Tbrtlls, chaae Trufwell, a charter asesaher of _ _^^^ smasawMsT aamatal •alt water S»h- aad spill* ar* atheduled for tosaor- sea Mill, was h»o*ri4 tor act-to th* Mew Jorsay ermea • u t ef According to Cammlaaloaer etgat whea Jee Chit' ive participatien ia aedstlag th* •alp* hen *a tho fall eoatret of th* eeataat, *JI«wiM • mlartr We Charles R. Brdmaa, Jr.. af the Mew bring* si* ant* daredevil* toth *elub to grew tote oaa sf the tautest river Saturday aad had two trip* " ~ td, whoa the beagto la th* Afth fram* whan Usy« Jersey Departmeat ef Caaeervetioa Breach stadium for a clubs ia ths county. WUUasaa cracked eat the hit Tho lined up andaad Bceaaml* pcvclspaseat, the of htir-ttaadiag action. stoops vi* far topsas m had hopes of be- David Jonas, vice ptmtdiat of th* Th* racaa, uadat the . leak nigh otheet as* p»t tjshlag puhJIc Is la far a baaaer Flfteea champion elub, presented Mr. Truswth* a gold U batters aa strihas sa4 ing ebie to fur-year. aad matortycla stuutsjea win race, of the ascai elub, wai have thro* Bilk you with meaey clip an which was •aatribad race* with tk* laMialaa* a*h*d«Ud "Krtiag aad rampiag aitea arc •ad crash their way through "Ray Truswell Day, Jane Mi Man- a e at e oa-the- available la several parka aad for- Saturday at 3S» p. Coach Jo* Karitis' atae aapb spet dope. Vp a two-heur program af sKcttemeat. wed by Beacon Hill Country Club, esta, which alas featare bothtag. ChKwaod is well •sperieaced ia •sralag ths Ughtoiag wiM head la th* third chapter with faar raas, until the eterm, baatiag and picaickiag Hacblcbar- MM." The haaorod gveet alae re- for th* startlag Uaa at M:M. The iaeiwaiag a thrae-rua heawr br •11 (he fanfare tho ear* devil liae aad I* well selved • dosea golf balls aad a golf •few V*»Vli#t ney park, covering 1M seres, affera kaewa far hi* racist" ability. He •aal rae* wul get th* startiag gua Haab Mewtoa. Ashuty Park tollM which has been given the big rua atklag aa the Black river aad its Is a veteran of ta* speedway aad kaagat3p.aa. Ito ksa* raa ia th* topo f th* ststh. of hlues and (tripers ra holding tributaries. Parvia lake, located la wa* a fourth ptee* flaisher et ea« The "aged" tauraasjeat will h* ba tk* poiat system la fcWchaaa - AMVW PABK iayed thi* weak-end. Pertletptnte ASS • true to form. Parvia park, Salem cowaty, • said time la the Indlsaapalis auta race. , Ik. ... It WM reliably reported that to afford aearly MM acres af aame A world'* record will be oa th* ia this tourney will receive their poiat for seen beat it beau The tk . . . blueflsh weighing up to • pounds, of the Meat IkiWag water la South- mark and th* group will also at-fall handicap plus eae-aalf af their WssBaVi. a%aamw. sVaaTlBnaBBBST •fjajBfBjBaaHlaBBaBT fc rk^ Ik. *••• htgwast aasBber af paisjts it thsIcMt, M. .'.'.'.'•7.,',,',',", 7T i and covering some JO square miles era New Jerseyy. tempt eight stasis never triad be- f of ocean, were located between the "limllall r fefelting ••par^unitiet s will fore in thie thrilling builaes*. Saturday'* artiaa *a the well- •ad ef th* taree-rae* sari**, ia de- •M. t. ~. black can buoy off Monmouth Reach be found in Bas* niver State For Christy Wcatael will try toso tkept eeurse saw Pete Burn*, Jr., clared the ebimplSB. i, t ~ and Long Branch. Trailers aad ApprealaMtohr m of the topWillaai. ta. .... est, Lebanon Forest, Stoke* Stats a a*w werld mark for the auto wianiag tow grass seer* with aa SI. )••(. Ik chummer* got in a lot of good lick*. Forest, Cbeaseeuake State park, bread Jump. The present mark of Burn* •hot a torrid tl oa the Brat boat* from each last la tbs *t*t* •rya*. rf.. M. To name all of the successful ang- High Point park, Lake Hop*tcong at feet, U laches, la held by ChH- ain* and earn* la la 41 Name* ar* sMgible to vte •** the trowa. Ula. H lers is out of the question. We have, park, Swartsweod park aad ether*. weed himself. He mad* It m IMdScott, Bring a hot game, cams in Mis* JU*M Methat, tailiag Baa however, one who many ef you Or*, r*ar***atlag Moamouth m. C. "Varlati** *f Ssk new available to at Seldlers aad flaltors «*ld ia Chi- right hehiad the victor with aa St rf. may be familiar with—Dr. Jim th* angl*r include wall-eyed pike, cago. The jump Is mad* In a aew totaled en a pair ef 41'a. Bill Can- mm be defeadlag th* erewo which Westman, biological research pro- eastern er chela pickerel, brook, •Ml stock aedaa. nave tied for cecead with aa Iden- b wea l a tsamt . feasor of Rutgerc university. Jim browa a** rainbow trout, and land- tical card. A dsMMr daaee ta piaaaed for SATOMTvWM headed a blueflsh party, including Using 1M1 rords as part of their AS locked salmoa. llM.em werta af rolling stock, th* Low aet honors went to RutSaturdad y eight after tthh * SSret slay'd's Henry Schacfrr of Newark aboard "Fresh water Sshermea will have racing has bssa completed. ©•••urkV,*ikr"'..r.-;!"""!r."'. the Mar Dee II. Capt. Otto ftfut of rVeo •""« W* *^Oa^*T*W ••IP™ 9jW PwVjV^rVw^F'V^ BB/B^BBJBVmBJ hard-drlvlag stuntman will try 8TCrouae when r.t shaded his appeal- a chance ta try for additional spe- Muats In all during the program. ti*a with a SI card registered mu No formal Lightning races srs Caeelttrt, ss. - Highlands. Their catch totaled W cies of Sin when the scaaoa opens a*** • II scheduled here for thi* week-end blues up to 4 pounda. tttifi w*N wWdfc kt Mwfft? wM» Climax of ths show will h* Went- •4-11. Vic Oroisiager scored ST-8- tomorrow en stack bass and *«we ssl'* try far a record and a stunt 44 and Elliott Ptobtau Sred an SS- a* mast of the skippers plan te When the price gets dowa to 4 Along the Delaware and that Involves leaping an auto 31-44 to deadlock for the second attend the Csntral Atlantic Sprlag that's the time to catch some more. tributaries between Trenton through the sir from one ramp te place honors. at Metodeeoa There Is a trrrible destruction ef rail* aad Birch creek the aame lar « HN) *f 4wa* «f«. Stow **> •»* ptfv. another while a reennd car speed* blueVh going on along the Jersey date will mark the opening af the Mr*. Don Corwin won Ladle*' low hy underneath. net, registering lt*-iO-«l with T0CBHA3UNT coast. One day laat week the mar- seaaon aa black, calico, rock and Billy Carter plans to crash head ket waa ao flooded that the whole- white haw, rrappie, pike-perch, Foul Weather Fails to Halt Kioto Mrs. Kdsrard W. Wise, Sf., ptoelng UBONARSO-Tbr** dlrsetsn st through a flaming wall from second with 10T-IS-T4. sal* price dropped to S cent* a pickerel and pike, perch on ton of the hood of a and Pro. Aady Hkara t B*aeoa pound, At that price th* catcher* "Thousand* of eut-ef-itate vlsl- Pete Burns won his eeeoaa hon- Mil Cetjatry ehjb will participate 0( Nonmouth B.C Lightning Fleet 1lng aute-hle head protruding ors of th* day when h* earn* out fail to make a profit and a valuable tari to tlK Otrdtn Mat* are alao we feet In front of the bumper, in ths P.O.*. Pt* PrMl«*Bt-Pn resource Is being decimated. etpected ta carry their rods and top In th* Kicker'* competition Director* golf tournament at Ridge- Th* hardy sailors ef Monmouth fa the motorcycle end ef theHe retched th* drawn number af We mentioned In last week's col- reela to the J*ra*y chore. Oesp-sea low, Don Forester, Lsnghorns, wood County club today, Dirteters O?f7to« I. OwSWi lumn that old-time baa* fishermen bay and inlet ashing are available Beat club'* Lightning Seat rtfu»4 U tit HUM with Dave J»n*s, who to pity ia tks tsuraay an Carl •C Overua I Ia4 i to let Sunday's gale Interfere with Pa., and Gerry Allan, Memphis, tallied rT-M-T4. Burn* *e*r*d wltk Herbal, WlllltM B. Jehsura sad ( la 4, larrei * la 1. Wf estimated thnt in the present run to the salt wittr angler and ac- will raee down a straightaway and tOvtrtm. UilM plUlwr D*Aas •if big striped baas there ar* many commodation* may be »ecured at aSchneider fins •n afternoon's scheduled race. an Sl-t-Td. Rtv. Fred ManvUto. Only a handful of sklppsrs ven- smash Into naming plank walla. I pins AscMUIae and M«»*taa. that will go well ever M pound*. variety of coaftal resort*, Two more motorcycle men will Capt. Johnny Rlsse of Johnny's tured forth, however, to start the "New Jersey's long coast line, At fall Stadium raee which only an hour before had \f leapfrog, broadjumping their landing, Highlands, while Sshlng with ite hundred* of inlets, lagoons gas-driven steeds through th* air from hi* own boat, Baby Four of BELMAR-Franki* Schneider of been postponed with hope* that th* Eatontown Legion and bay* is a perenaial aummer wind and rain would abate. from ramp to ramp ever on* an- V», Is high hook for the week with attraction for salt water angler*. Lambertville, in his very Jart No. (ther. a linesider which tipped the acales as la It* !,*m mile* of trout streams M, came through Saturday night Reid Dickersoa, sailing Wlnd- ma vm MUTATE MTO at 47 % pound*. We have a report and more than Mo lake* and pond* for his second feature win In two ard, was first over th* flnlsh Ha* Captain Frankenstein "Th* Hu-Defeated, 44 that a commercial Hibernian out for froth water Ashing Hundreds appearance* at Wall stadium. after a bumpy ride dowa to th* man Bomb" Irak** will be explod- U>N0 BRANCH - Tw* ,«xpsae- ef Belferd released from hi* pound of lake* and rlvero have already More than SO cars participated In tumaon bridge and back. One* ed out of a coffin. Fraks* will Iv* errors sad a tight ball g*sa« nets a bass which he estimated keen, stocked with legal sliad trout the events, which were considered getting out front, Salty Diekeraon climb Into th* easkct with tight hurled by Melvln Cwtlcy were re- would weigh ever 100 pound*. base, perch, eatnsh and pickerel vy the fans and management alike never relinquished th* lead. Charlie kks of dynamite which will ba •ponalbl* for Katentewn'* flratdo - as the "cream of the crop" In stock Allaire trailed the vletor all th*' off, This stunt recently appear- from the Mate hatchery at Hteket vay to grab the s*coad spot. Lloyd ed on TV with the Camel New* feat in the Junior ASMriesa t*glon Salt Water fMeh of tstowa, in anticipation «f a league Saturday when Long Breach nthlng Kum," ' The 3S>lapper wa* action-packed wrene* turnsd out to be th*Caravan. the W«eh master skipper during th* rough tacked up a 44 victory. i from start to finish, with numerous Lang Branch teat no tint* ehaa- A lad ef lo year* of eg*—Fred haul. Pilot Uwrene* got off to a tana* crashes, spills and Sips. late start, but moved up to (kipper lag markers over the rabbsr. r*sj- King of Rumeon-feoated a atriper In the fourth lap a aensational Signaleers Slam laterlng single runs In tho flrst. *•*>• weighing M pounda • ounces while compound roll was demonstrated by ile Bam Into third on th* wind- flshlng aboard the Seyoa out of ed tog,aa d held his placs on th* oiid and fourth Inalag*. After a For a fellow with hli family who Ken Marriott of Baltimore whorun horns. •corsleu flfth chapter, th* victors Pullen's yacht basin. Rum***). withe* ta spend a day'* tetetag onwas making hi* first appearance Greenville, S-3 wound up their scoring In tk* alxth Fred WM using a home-mad* on*ef UM beautiful bedle* of here. The accident started when John Spurdle, silling Water frame. mess bunker spoon, fashioned out water In th* state, which la touted Oene Kovass, New Brunswick, driv- Witch, failed to »nlsh after run- POINT PLEASANT—Fort Men- of aa automobile headlight by en*under th* lee ef th* Hills of Nave- ing No. 180, spun out and flipped ning ashore In flair Havtn. Spur- nouth won Its seventh game in Costley, who was In ran burling ef Monmouth county's outstanding sink, we recommend th* North coming oft th« fourth turn. Mar- die broke down and lost control of eight starts Thursday night as the farm, held the Batentowa nln* to aaglera-DIck Moeller of Rumaon Shrewsbury river at th* area ef the rlott, who was running close be-the boat wlheh forced the Light- Signaleers defeated the Qrtenvllle a quartet of bingies, fanasd flv* —who was a member of the party. Rumson bridge. At present the riv-hind, wa« unable to ml** the No. ling skipper to head tor shore. "Farmers* i to 1 at Clayton fleld. and gave up a trio of walk*, Frank Dick tells us that It*d mad* a er Is producing caeellent Auks Ash-190 and made a record number of Saturday's raee was sailed ever Al Martin, lanky righthander, made Simon and Tom Farrell were the swell job of playing this monster lag, largo eels and blue claws. Acflip* before he came to a stop on windward-leeward course from his flrst start and fanned IS op-victim* of an tight-hit attack by with a little back-seat driving from cording to a report from Pete the roof of No. 23. The difficulty Monmouth Boat club to Rumeoa ponents In seven inning* to gain the Long Branch nine. his father, Alfred King. A* far a*Pauelc of Panels' boats, Rumaon, came In removing Marriott from brldg* and bom*. Ed Walters, at credit for the victory. Frank Simon had th* starting aa- we have any record, thl* la thecatches of lute during th* wok the overturned car, but he escaped th* tiller af Revenger, led during For the flrat flve innings Martin algnment tor the Eatoatowatra, but largest striper ever caught by aran as high a* M to a beat without any serious injurle* and th* flrst fog, whll* second place had a no-hitter going as Moamouth he wa* lifted at th* start af Ih* Ud of ten. was treated on the scene by thechanged hands frequently bstweea led « to 1. When the oli-fost, flve third frame. Tuna ebaarag bluttsh at the Mud- South Belmar first Rid squad, Allaire In Mepalong V and tun* mrler wasn't striking out a batter Lanky Farrall came on to finish Motller wishes to congratulate Capt. Shad of the charter Kiddle, Hols have been reported, but thl* RESULTS Methot sailing Bon Or*. it seemed as If ha would walk them. up the contest but hs was aUo out of Bahrs landing, Highlaada. ha* sot been confirmed. It could first He«t—10 I*!>«—Won »r Jtutk On th* spinnaker run horn* Al- Th* run Greenville scored In tkstagged for a pair of runt. easily be true, as school tuna gen- lehneider. Umhertviiles •"«"•_'•£*' second frame to take a »hort-llv*d Coaeh Jo* Karltls' crew mutea Shad,(bowed sportsmanship while lohn, Freehold! third. Kjn Marriott, laire closed up on Waters and they young King wa* battling hi* tan.erally arrive at about this time of •altlmorc. Md. Time—S :00.»». commenced to duel for the lead lead resulted from four free passes. n scoring opportunity In th* top of H* had hi* tare* reel in their line* the year. Klngftoh are still in the gctond H«t—1* Ui>»—WOT kr Wai-close to th* flnlshUM . Allaire took With one out In the sixth frame th* **vtnth when th* basss wer* and (toed by at a respectful dis- surf, or were before Ih* blow, and r C«iBtibfll. Trenton; weond, Al Pom.Water* to leeward a few yard*Catcher Bob Zupa got th* trst hit loaded with but one out. Joe Lac DONALD E. A8AY the Ant catch of crokers have ap- r>nlo, Uke.ood; third. Bill MeCsrtky, led off with a single but was tance. Some so-called (port* Bsher- *d Bunk. Time—S:IJ.«1. from th* Una to win by only two for ths Jersey City nine and also an could tak* • yaf a tram Capt peared In pound net*. What has Third Meat—II Un«—W»a k» Bllatconds. During this private luff- the flrst ball to go out of the In- attracting to pilfer second, •bad* hook. happened to th* hard-heads? Mot hevtlicr, 8«yrev!lle«yrev!lle<; iMondleeond. Jim ing match, Mia* Mtthot elostd up fleid with a double down the right Kiarmy started "a new life" with too aaatty year* ago erokers weigh- laney. Hi N. J.i third, r«t« »>« th* gap to flnlsh just four stcond* fleld nine. Martin walked another a single. Farrell followed with a ing up to 4 and S pound* were com- ime—»:•(.*•. Converts Wera First Beml-Flaal-1lF 3 Upi—Won« _> »r behind Waters la th* most thrilling man and Greenville scored Its other elngle and Walt Anderson waa bit gsaised by Seaw, Roebuck and Co., iatroduces Mr. mon down at North Paint of the Me two runs in thie stanaa oa a wild by a pitched ball to load th* sacks. Week Prankl* Schneider: inond, Bill finish of th* season. Beach, They are a splendid Ash toCarthy i third, Parker Bohn. Til Saturday—gtart. til* p. heave by fllgnalesr Shortstop John LtwU failed la the clutch aa DOMM E. AM«, the MWIJT sppoiated Alktaie Several atrlped baa* convert* •at and a wrapper to eaten. sat. Iklvptr Tuns Oeorg* Montgomery. h* watched th* third atrlki go by. Joined the clan during th* week. S*ahaa* and bUekAth are plenti- Bill Chevsll.r; i«ond. Jim Dylaner as.Itpalsa- e*•*• V.. C.- Allaire a>«§Tt Meanwhile, Monmouth led from Gary Chassy *nd*d all (coring Afmt for MommboUi Coaniy. Former mayor of Neptune, Sam ful off ehor*. Fluk* are all along third. Pet. Krai». Time-I :IT.»8. iven••fa . * .Waters . l:4ll.t the second Inning on, and It waahope* when he grounded out, Cost- Ayers, while fishing aboard th* Convolution—12 Luni—Won hy Mirk- Ion ««, I. tutbot i:4a.3l the coaat aad should be running er Borer. Qusk«rtown. Ps.i MMind, Oe. am, U LaWnan" Martin's line single which **nt toy toAttsrd l at flrst. It will pay you to have Mr. Asay quote you Allstate'* LOW Lucky Me, Capt. BUI Frank ofstrong ever the coming week-end. Breeie, JamraburKi third, John Brunnlnt. liinihM, >. Gordon across the two runs In the second SATOMTOWM RATES fer your ear, aad also give you full detail* about other Shrewsbury, boated his first strip- nndwart. » Mekersoa MX With the weather (bowing slgna T 1 Tor< Inning, The following frame the AS S II bigger value features offend by ALLSTATE—th* auto insurane* er. It weighed IS pounds. On the '5'aln'itvent—S» Lp.-Won hy Frank \.*„Upptaeett Anderssn, Ik .... of clearing, and the sea calming !»S.4» Signalmen collected two more tal- " « 0 that'* known from coast to coast for "SpMd aad fairness in Set- aame trip Mrs. Ann Frank came _jhn«l«l«r: vend, Wall* Campbell. 9 «••>• { Mi. 2k 1 and clearing up It should bo a ban- Trenton: third, Jim Del«ney; fourth. Mil's It. W. Ul» 1:13.5: lies on a hit by Frank Turcy, a Caster, I* ... tling Claims Without Rod Tape or Quibbling. * up with a M pounder. This, of _,. . «uiidsirStart. I:S p. M. Kllir, « * I course, is not her "first," a* she I*Mr week-end for ths Isaac Wal-BUI McCarthy: fifth, Al pomnonio; sixth, Windward«uiidsir—Start. M. Olekert. I:Sm * p. M4:43.4. « walk and Don Robinson's double ton*. repper Cunnlngnww. No time. lapslaaarsd V.M. C,Ol Allslrk e , Jili.J which scored both runners. NmtoR. If * * Let your own comparison prove MM greater valu* of Allstate on* of th* outstanding striped ban lam. L, Lawrcsee „ 41 Isloney, rf ... S »ahor* eight for failing to display hunt- ton at 13:11 p. m and New Bruna- POST NOMMOUnt breese, one can *mel| the perfume AB ing tag* on outer clothing whlls wick, 13:57 p.m., reaching th*Rclveltttl, lb. .... of the wild honey suckle which hunting woodchucks, and six for track att S pp . m.. In arnpl* time be- Montsenerr, is. drifts across the bay from the taking und*nli*d plekersl, three for* th* dally double window* close Yoaaf, ef Navealnk hills. It la good to beof which were In the special group Antonino Bocca at 3:1S p. m., and th* Arst rac Crump, Ik. alive on a night like that with of lake* having a 15-Inch minimum atart* at 3:10 p. m. Tttwr. lk.# genial companions of the great out- Rocca, who l» known In wrestling Lolseene, If. LONG BRANCH STADIUM \ limit. Thsr* wer* also eight mis- In addition, a number of tegulai Boklion, rf, door*, the gentle surf lapping on cellaneous prosecutions. circles •« the drop kick expert, alio local train* aervlng the North Jer Htrrins, e th* beach and a big, scrapping Martin, r 4 executes hit famous flying head sey Coast via ths New York*Long BtaMthM, p greenhead on the end of your line. scissors which he applies by leap-Branch railroad will make special Benninf Awarded Ing a* high aa six feet. »top* at th* regular Monmoutl Monmeuth Ill Ml • "•» •'! Fishing Reason Opens Grid Scholarship Th* drop kick expert i* undi Park station for th* beneflt of ra 4»>—I BELFORD—Bill Banning, .ion offeated In Eastern mat circles anc Ing fan*. These will Include tralm UreetlrllU It* IIIIH—I Tomorrow Mr. and Mr*. William Bennlng, of will be putting his record on th< a-Batted for Ourke In Ith, No. 711, 747, 717 and 7» westbound k-Bstttd fer E»»imon In Ith. 1 With the opening of the Isrge- East rd., Belford, a 1950 graduate line when he cllmbx through th and 733 eastbond. Tws-kaie hit •Roblion, Kutis, Thraf mouth and small-mouth black baa* of Red Bank Catholic high school, ropes to meet Muscle Man Batllor- h*i« hit—Veuns,' K«m»'lorn* . run—Youngrun—Youngs WEDNESDAY * SATURDAY StoleHtolen bun-Tupnei—Turtn y "I, , Rokl»nRoDlisn., Bserisseri- season tomorrow, both fresh and wa* recently awarded a football gean. Roccs'n opponent has al«c FREEHOLDER PLACES 1ND «e»—Ulaeeno. Strike nut« by Martin salt water flshlng I* off to a good scholarship at St. Francis college, beaten all of his opposition at the CLBMENTON-Mrs. Joseph Mur II, ttakMtld 4, Durki I. Bans ta aiart. The aeieon will run through borelto, Pa, Bennlng wa* 1, mem-local arena. phy of Freehold finished In th* run- balls ky Martin I, stahlonld I, Dura* *, Hits elf Martin. I In \ Innlnu, Itakle. Nov. 10, The daily creel limit I* 10ber of th* 1M0 freshman aquad, The remainder of the card Satur ner-up position by scoring M ou ItM.I toj.V.ftir V 11 !»..K. W"»lM In the aggregate, Th* minimum and he'll move up to th* varsity day consists of a 30-mlnute tlmi of 100 In ths women's division pltehsr Msrtla, Itilm pitch* DRIVERS THAT REALLY site of Urge-mouth I* 13 Inches and this fall. limit affair between Ivan Kamor the New Jersey state singles I Utntlrn—Fuihn anil Dare. the minimum site of small-mouth Bennlng I* a member of Omega off, the New Haven Adonln, ani yard trap shooting rhsmplnmhlp in ft Inches, Phi Oil fraUrnlty and Is now «n- Villain Kn:

Nance NtmtS •finch has) aaicctaKular success fake not'ic* th»t Thomas k»niy and Take notice that Jennie I/A to. ith hi* parachial court charges in EMtabcta Kinty. T/A Pleasant Valley Kelly's Tavern, aae apvlied ta the Town- tha atveral yeajra ke coachci that*. Joe Bolger Named Ian, aan aiitilicd to the Tovin.-hlp low- •kip Committee of tee. T»wn»hip of At- atittee of Molmdel TowiiRhitt for a Plen- lantic for a Retail Plenary Coaetisaftion Cmtk Vie Him* Aaaaayf tkc aBaay wko were sreaaat ary Retail Consumption license for l>rrm- lirr'nc for treaaiees situated an Route RELMAR—Vie Hirach. %rh« thia to laud kia for nil efforts veve BIH s for Rifle iaes situated at atirtway il Bill ricus- 34. urn' mile "outh of Colt'i road, year resigned a* *H. Reuse high Mayer Feter BfacLearie and Jaaae« Casey Mentor ant Valley load. Holaide.1, N. 4. To Sponsor Outboard Marathon to R.B. Colt's Neck. N. J. eeho«J'e Basketball coach, was guest "Chisay" Caleaaan, Aakury Park Joe Bolger, who a&>i«ted Coach Objections, if any. should bf made im- Objection*, if an/, should be made im- erf honor Saturday night at a Adam A. Kretnwici of Red Bank Champi«»n^hip mediately in writing to Marry C'riae, kigh ackaol coach, under wheat he BMdiatelF in writing to neniel S. Ely. "sports night" Banquet in tfeCaaa'a Catholic, high ichool thin put cchool Tevaaaip Clerk of Holaide.1 Township. Towitih;ji Clerk of Atlantic Towniaip. learned aad played basketball. The lying Branch fee. Boat aad (Signed I (Simed) Atlantic hotel here. He received a Miracles MSatkoa aa manager at the semester, «a» i\«mrOth anniversary '^i i ,-pnnsof 4 11.11. ELIZABETH KAN'E 13.0b Colt'a Keek, N. J. len galf ksg aa< twa docen golf him ts> raalgn as coach. week to AM the vacancy rauMd hy I'sM-ra Vinnrra l.tock utility outbrird martthoa) I kails. the ratignation of Kretowicc sever- ! Sunday. July 1. al monthi ago Vilk a 271 loial In Trnnis (Hub \ Iini.Ml'iKI. • - Herairkrl •.- |; h l Th» race, a prelude to 'he club's The riflemen nf R^l Bank Ci«hr. lie high Sfhnoi trruinrei R^rt Rank niU'h in'PtPM i« the 01 £:i:ii/:^i ion I Vlth anniversaiy regatta, will ba high jrhoolc shootne, 1.021-H0*. to ff .i fet-.nis chin here J;ir<,h fni- run over a 23-miie course frona gain the Monnmuth rouniy i ,f> !>r:£er heads the tennis enmmittne Branch lo P,oA Bank aa4 chsmpinnshin in a rercnl nnt,h at Mis .John Port- back. the Red Bank nrmnry. er. Hiroid Holmes. Mrs. Hobeit The event is open m a!' classaa By winning Hie rnun thi* fr-a- i I*a-^ , enfe snrl ri'Mitl.te Frornm of t'iet] a '(e|rom» po*e ed with 1" h. p. Hurricsliaa. Battery Sale the dff-h^nfl shini:int' nnrl hriiHi1 snrpii;i' uhen Krl'-^rrl A. T!:p;r- The f' !h troup is up to 2o h. a. the t:uj!et for an S7 sitting. Mill Uiilf ilonateil (he :i^e "t h:v frn- Win i ptnee trophie? w:i] bs giv- (1 Gtt % aWttSf aMtltfy • • a MVaf MOfsfl Ca'Kidy flrerl the next he.= t #rore Ilis nuirt tn the gioup ('i iril !nit • pes en in -lil c!as = -. for the pnriirhial.:. hitt in^ M prone. ^ere spptiinteil to fmirt.iti on IT.- The s'arting point, for lh» mara- M o(T-h.incl .-uirl MS sittint, a 270 brrsi.s until iniere-t peinut; the re- thon "ill ha the Plerf.itire Bay mi- total. pair of the other null. The rrni- tins. ••• he;-e pus n-ill he setup and Capt. Terry Doremiis of the Pin- niiitees a:e. rleanup. Hairy Iiouty, launchine, facilities made available. ALLSTATE BATTEIIES .squad w;is the. only Batiki'i- fliirs 1 P. ' The tn ni^e the necilecl marathons are held throughout, the. #•» The • !»rronr| ]f>gr won Ihri tIMl't. v'.iiirh wniild nmke il po;'!- rnuntrv John Roland, -unimT on thr canni •'.$ !lolg«r aaaifled Kretowirc on the Vifth Avrnur (_' tut- hle for cvriynne in Holmrlrl ,md Beet cipuin nf the. riili, i> ch?.ir- phy. - gridiron and was baskethall mentor \ieinit\ tn partieipate. \vm ou'Mn- man of the e^*nt. Kntry blanks Tar RGI> 1 *.N*K rATHuiJi; in.'y tie oii'aine'J h\- wntine him at. for the 1950-81 aeaaon. Hia new du- erl in !\ li'ltri- ^eiil t,i all ior:\l rc-il- MARIO dents as follow =: Wndell Cirrle. PoiiTupeek, or Ed- ties will he foothill and bn.irhall " a rrl Tonnini, Oil (jernrfl ave., aaaAijBBBa BBBBBBT aBBaaBBBBBBal BBBBBB# aaaaaaault aVABBmAaVlR^fsT assBBiaBBUaBBBBBr 4)aBB# aaafl BBHSsWafaalaU BBBatsBBB'BB'AaBBBBBr aBBBBBaal coach. Vincent Goiman will handle !l>lf R|ts>T9 ^^BF ^•^•^s^Pe M^BTT HWPY ssfWBPWw'iy I ssni^RjfP^RW ¥^sv sv^** fT^s¥ »W»B?1 ^VsaWTlnV ^^PJsaP Long Branch. o Reginald Oenols, basketball. !ll Circle, PortajpecU. M Oorman «u engaged to aislat clues. $10 for the fir«t memlier. f."i S* aaurry, fat Atttete totJty at Star* bar Mviftf sjriaal Bolgcr. Me i unid to P,ed Bank K\.Y,X Al.rJSSI '•''• ' for eaeh adrlitional member. Il is impmtant. that those «•• n- fiem St. James hl»h school In New. v! j P-'Uftjh tnenihership. For thu.«e r\n anrl drivers whn ara undsr Jl ark whaie he wai ba«ketl>all coach . r,r,"j who do not play tenni«, hut <\':n vein uf age pre.'ent a notarized s It i tMHttiisj Mhiitt 'or two years. He will not be in - I eniloi"e the rnnugli to |ia>- for written consent from their parents at elates; M amp. hr. It husky chsm-sst •trange territory, for he rompleteel .,., one or more juninr ntemhersliiti • or legal guardian. WII,I,IAM 1 .-it $10 e.irh per year. The name of eeaearty. Reearve se> plataa fer all waatker (1* practice teaching in l^omrdo un- • '" the recipient enttlr] be speelfiefl. or Msaary a***tt! 9«|, der tha watchful eye* of Athletic Director Atnle Trurx. ; ^ i that could be left to the member- Oorman will be director of physi- - | ship i onimittee. LAMP SHADES -"" I Junior membershin rnr yoMng cal education in tha grammar «'.M'T. IBED II.M.I, Tl i Bjumtusj Mititi achnol. Bolter will hold the name ! Prime a ; !>eople >• ho to play tennis, nut A Itria vtritfy position In the. high school. Off-Hiuiri . KT j ^ho ,ire iinaMe to ps\' regular «• elates far bvsbr ST ysars «f Jj* Sitting .. : due«. Any amount «'ould hr «e- anaj vary low ••wee! * faur atnts a] •%.•)• Coach Kretouicc, after fix yems Irouma.fraa starting, •] ^ ~2;y rrpl.ilile, m- none nt all In ra«e of par naath fivat guar- llf with the Caseyf, accepted a conch- ajrictl --*--•" - • - giigggV. ^ ^ i Ing position with BnyrcviHe high ItKII HANK Illlill SI HIMII, ' a needy Kill or liny. Junior mem- R»HEItl I hers should contribute by working school where he will take over Prnne t football in September. (HT-Hanil ; ,-,! on the tennis rourt under the rll- Sitting .. is | lection nf the tennis club commit- I tee. Knrly applicants would be U"i i Dowlcn's Triple DOMINICK MAZ/.A (liven (Irsl ronsiderntion. Beats 7th Grade Ot-H«nd 4H Sittlnii 1 IIMOTHY R. HOULIHAN Bill Dowlen's triple with the I bines loader) saved the day for the CAItL HAVILAMI eighth gradera of the St. James Trone ronlraclor and Builder grammar school Friday afternoon Off.Hnnd when the blow enabled the victors Sittlnit SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING to win the chnnipionrhlp in the Lit- SCREEN 4ND STUBM CNCUMrVKEt Itle Casey's annual field day. €APT. TKIIRV DORKMtJS Prnnr • BUI CLAVE rtk KE» UAftU aVIISW Dowlen'a three-base knock came oir.Hiin when two were out and the score Slllllll! knotted in the last frame. The hit not only won the game but helped ha eighth grade win the champion- ship of the field day after trailing CuurU'»y Examination* the seventh grader* most of the The U. S. Const Guard Flotilla. day. 34 WHITE ST. RED IANK No. 311. which operates In thli vi- EIGHTH GRADE cinity, is now ready to make court- A OHN DAILY « • 1:10. Ml. 'TIL • :00. Italoney, r 3 esy examination^. Any one de-iirinp Corcoran. |i 1 such examination to he m:itli> on his towl'm. 1b % craft and it« equipment, can have. Worsn, Jb S same free of charge hy contacting "lark, M » L»ddr. »l> » flolston Watcilviry at hlj» office at fliklM, If 2 U West Front st. Telephone HE IraallD. ef I 4-3SOO, or Joseph Rcherer, 43 Wood- Muittllo, rf t land dr., Fair Haven. Telephone RK XT) •-046.1, who will b« glad to arrange SEVENTH GRADE for same. All R Ollhort*. t » » Garvey, p ) I The average U. S. motorist pnys Ham, Ik • • lilt. :». » 1 M cent* in taxes every time he buys Kordtar, i* 1 A 10 gallon* of gasoline. Afrirano, 91b t 1 leaaalt, If. I I Wnnd. ef 2 a HiNallr, rf I • II I I Eighth Graders SlV laW Aaaaaaaaa BTaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaai AaaaBaa Aaaaakalaaaal aaaaaaa*kaaaaaa> % aft DeLuxe: | VIM n fiw vnpnw «vr yiv> mntT w fin Field Day feral offari • 13-h.p. Six tar • wirfa rant* «f tconemktt rwwNnfl ... • rat. affart • MJ-M. V-l tar MaaajNi xrtarwwca ki *a taufkMt iebi ht Compiling 34 points, the eighth 110-M. MO SIX ovoHobla on Strlw M tar Iwwy .wry nirtarwwaii H rmakinf... • I00*#. V4 far • hM| M* «f thrifty d#ar«H«t In 1001 grade of the St. Jamas grammar IWW COlla vOHl fCOffllfC fQ|*tOVifl| rOW#f rlW #MMM]fc MuftHj iah*. Tkt fa)wtr Nat b ttwiakrai In ha* V-IV school copped the annual Held day S nCVafrtt e n J at Lorraine fltaldcr Memorial Held Friday afternoon. The meet waa under the direc- * uncotiwiofu s or of Athletic Director Adam A. Krctowlct. John Africano paced tha seventh grade to a three-point margin In the track and Held gives you a choice vents but the. eighth graders rat- lad when they scored 10 points in ha baaeball game. The summaries: i POINTS Orsdn I, II: Grade T. 2fi Crsdc I, ,«. ana Gradt S. «. ••Yard Dart—Fifth Orsot—Won hy A MIM Nr ny UN if |ik! Mithstl Uoltri stcand, Rokart RsnVrty; bird, loam Coek; fsurtk. William Ntl- Vi-Vsrd Dass—»xth Qradi—Won hy All withtow KM! Maria U Prs: Meoid. Buasnt O'Rsurke; third, Joe Bt ratio; fourth. Robert Gunn. ldtl-Varit llsih—Seventh. Orsde— Won jr John Afrltano: seenad, Walter Ren. # Whatovar your power or toad n- aelt; third. Tom Lakrecque; fourth, quittRWBta, Ford has tha answer for 'SUl Kreiterlelu. l!l)-Varil Dalh—Won ky R. Msraa: you in a chafes of over IN different eond, r. Mslsntr; third, Bill Doalili Models, powerad by four great Ford fourth. N. Toaktr. •road Jump—Fifth Gradt— Waa it Truck anginas. U"lay: taeoRd, Rafartfy. Rroa4 Junit—Sink Ota«t—Waa ay OM bi| tWni thaaa chaasia- Oitrander: iteond, Cunn, _ angiM combinationa have in com- •road Jump—Ssirtntk flraat—Wea »7 Afrieano; iteanrt. gaiinttt. _, ' •on la Fotd economy.' Thia was Rrcsd Jump—Kishth Grade—Won ay demonstrated in a nationwide Econ- >eddy: nacond, Hnd»kii>, Cowboy Run—Fifth Grsdt—Wo» ay omy Run. Hare, over 6,000 driven Ralferty and Funderkurkt: neona. Dur. aek and Coole: third, Hoblat and Gor- rolled up 80 million miles of actual Ion: fourth. Nelllfin slid Rysn. "on-the-job" operation. Cnnhiiy llun—Slith Orsd«— Won by Oatrsnder and Zlfchek: aerond. Msrva Economy Run tiueka were sad IjmherHon; third, U Frt and Sul- equipped with Power Pilot, deliv- Ivan: fourth, Kallir snd Mteehtn. Cowboy Bun—Seventh Gr«il«—Won hy ered moat power from least gas. Afrlrann and Martin: lecoml, Gilbarta snd fltlllns: third. rredeHelo and Gill: Thia Power Pilot ia yours at no eitra ourth. B«n«i»u »nd MeNally. coat In ail Ford Trucks for '61. Cowboy Run—Xlfhth OraiH—Won by Mmtlllo and Ooodwin; >trond, Mreilln snd Uwley: third, Moran and Seaitlto: aurth, Dovlln and Drliesl. •lit «f • Pajra] lit JOM run gehool Ratsjr CksmplonsMp---Won »y •aventh gpaae—Africano, Lsbraequt, far IMI than !«• mite llennett, elllnrtf and rrert-rleh'. Eighth (traili! Relay—Won liy Ma- laney. Knrlvkiss, Morsn snd Do«latj. In a typical month of the Economy Three.Legired Race—Won by Hfth Orada-Dorirk and M«atham: second, Run, 38S of «43 owners of 146-h.p. •sventh grade, Ukrecnue snd MeNally; BIO JOBB had running coats of less third, arsde. Rrealla snd MeBrlde; fourth, elshlh grade, Muttello snd Mor. 1 iwaaaH His lltAt,'aa« ia7l4tM BWAIaTki sO*< aw). than »* a mile. il.rlnt OaamKlonihla— Won by itvesth r.ratlt—Aftlcano; «««o«d, aluhlli af«*». Powlen; third, saventh irraite, Bennett; fsurlh. Klshth «rade. Moran, School Hi "ad Jumn nhanunonshlp— Won by Afrieano, »«*enth aradai aeeinjd, Bennett, leventh grade: third, O'Rourkt, icking costs less il»th srada: fourth, Hnds>l». Sehool Hllh Jumn rhsm»lonililp---Tle for drit—Efshih irsde, Dowlen. Clsrk, M«rtn, Mu>tlilo. School Relay Champiunnhir—>V>on hy eventh trad', tUnneti Afrlrsno. La- is a straight bourbon whiskey, elegant in taste, btcoust Ford Itaicks luit Longtr hucnui, fradtrleki. Gilrmrte; itcond, elfhth srsrla, Maloney, Moran. Hods- kill, Dowlen; third, ilith grade, Oi- irsndir, U Vi; Da Kailo, O'Bourki Ounn, Buekafo*. uncommonly good ...a Hiram Walter Wliiskey TssarVa Thai lists With in tirly mnoiinciment of ths MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. enmlnf event you r« intrrented In. The Riililar'i rlaiillled rolumn. "L'omlns BvstvU", II Ideal fur thtl nuriinie. Call Hlnm Walku U Son, Inc., PcoiU, 111. 86 proof. ft! 11.1111111 sad *ik for Claiilfted.—Ad 90 MwNMuth Strnt. Rt. Ink, (i 1 Rid Imk 6-0176 CMUlaSMal...... ftiaa fv*ti» nmmrm, sun it, MM PMMI mi Mem' Hurmann—Alien Nuptials If b Talk far Sawak) SHBEWSBUFf — "TB* Pate* DANCING Point of View" will be the aubjact Announces ef William Vickrey'j aMresf 8ua- 4ay when "Old Shrewsbury D»y" WLY t1* seprenafiit r will be observed at the aaeetiag FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY hou«e of the Religious Society of Ki lend*. Mr. Vickrey, an economist, teach- iastritctioa. Light, airy cUssrooau es at. Columbia university. The •varlawkiag laka tad oceaa. - NIGHTS - worship meeting will befia at J p. m. The public ii invited to brine TOST*"" ASSSSV^ASTN. J. AT a picnic lunch it 1 p. m. «M ta rnjoy dessert and roffpe nerved by Atbttrtf Park ttfoO the Shrewsbury hosts. The BTOUMIJ art located at Sycamore ive. «a4 Broad st. Those gathering there Sunday will worship on the Mine PHONE RE **S16 FRANK'S TAVERN Bite as did Georse Fox oa aae oc- rajion durinf hi» visit ta America OFT SUf 132 E»t Hiver Hi. RIIM-OH M3S4 from 1671 to 167J. The aresritt meeting house, third o* tht aite, ITE MCVBAKmwvmK IT wan built In lftlO.



Mr. >M Mn. WHUaai E. AMM

DONT SAY KEIMAY Ml«a I.oiettn A. Hotmann. daugh- a graduate *f Tied Bank high PALE DKY AND IJGHT Irr of Mr. and Mrs. Anlon Hor- •chool, !* a teller at the Merchaats RED RANK mann of Hutchinsc;v Kan., andTrust company. NO DEPOSITS — NO RETURNS William Kdsar Allen, urn of Mr» Viola H. Alton of Wallace «L, were married Saturday in th« chapel of VENETIAN 6-1551 the Bed Bank Methodiet church. BUNDS Rev. Roger Kquire, pastor, per- AM Man formed the rcrrmonv. Thr chapel wag decorated with YOUR 010 MOWH HAS TIADUN VALUI all while gladioli and stock, and white candle?, before a background of greeM. John KciTi* waa thr 01- gani«t. The biidr-V gown was of lace and 14 MKHAN4C ST. MO IANK, N. J. net, mnde with a lace bodice nnd a net skirt which was edged in satin, and which fell over taffeta. She Wy at DAVIDSON BROS. had a lace bonnet styled hat, CAN YOU BUY THIS trimmed with veiling and lace ; mitts. She carried white rues and tmterted t amatatk • «•*» •* Wklte bouvavdia, IMIII HUT INDIES MIJS Emma Hormann of Lang STOM VOW NM AND WOOUNS Branch \\»s her ciatcr'a only at- • H||Rj « VetnOM tendant. Her gown was blue net ovar pink taffeta. She wore match- ttavMMM* M Praaf ing blue mitta, and a crown cap IM% HFTH of pink roses. She carried a bouquet GIN of pink roses. CaMtlack >'. V. Male Naturally torment* Hoy Vanderveer of Newark, the bridegroom's cousin, was best man. Red Bank's Only Cold Storage Vaults Ml la the battle. Paul Patterson of Everett and LARUE BOTTLE William Southcott of Mlddletown township were the ushers. Two Certified Cold Storage Vaults on Our Premises COkHTOCK A reception wan held at Uncroft •LEND Inn after the ceremony. The decor- Whiskey FIFTH ation* were rose.* and other sum- mer flowerc. The bridegroom's For Your Protection % fcy VM. mother wore a blue lace dreu, with mi run white accessories and a corsage of carnations. WINE (allterala • Fart • Sherry The couple are on a wedding trip CMX NED BMW 6-2800 NOW! *~T through the Mid-West and to Den- ver, Colo. Tlie bride wore a salmon IF YOU ARE THIRSTY CALL FOR DAVIDSON'S BEER colored tailored suit for traveling, — OR BRING THEN IN TO — with white accessories and a cor- sage of carnations. When the cou- J 64.76 WHITE STREET MR ftti ple return they will be at home at US Wallace st. ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING SPACE IN FRONT OF PLANT • WE or BONBON • 100 PROOF The hride waa graduated from ! FIFTH Maiy.ivllle, Kan., high jchool and |5 YEARS) (4 YEARS) ia employed by Kay Dunhitl, Inc., RYE DISTILLED BY PARK & TILFORD DIST. CO. at Lone Branch. The bridegroom, DAVIDSON'S BLENDED— P.F.C. Gallina Completes ,,, Marine Bool Training LEON'S SI NCI Itfl • WHISKEY- «-*•* UNION BEACH-PFC John E. Oallina. Marine corps, aon of Mr. BUT 40% WHISKEY ! and Mr«. A. Galltna of T2S Colum- 3 bia, ave., was promoted to nil pres- uo ABOVE ITEMS EXCLUSIVE WITH DAV1D8OK HMM. ONLY) ent rank nftcr recently completing boot training nt the Marine eorpa recruit depot at ParrU Island, 8, C, where he won the silver badge of Marina marksman. PFC Gallina underwent training In field tactics, precision drill, mili- tary courtesy and history of tnt corps in addition to firing tha Gar- and rifle and other Infantry weap- J. YANKO St'/. MOAD ST, ons. He also observed firing of the machine gun, mortar and flam* 90 MOAD ST. HD IANK thrower. NEW! SALE of SUMMER FABRICS

The njmt Heublein has been the hallmuk ot quility in fine* exceptional values 39 YD. foods for generations. Now, we are proud to offer to our custom- ers tljcse new luxury soups, by Heublein... in iVi ounce tin* Thoutmndi of yard* of coot, umihmble CnflniVf SIWM (» generous individual serving). Stock yout pantry now *ith ^aa AasBBlami^kai stailt J your selection of these rich, flavorful culinary masterpieces. fmbriet tit gremtly reduced priced wf tifipvif WM CM AMID VICHYSSOIU IS! Blended with fresh cream, potatoes, onions, Mo$t of them «r* umforUud. Regularly 75e yard. leeks and the correct spices.'Scrve cold ?.•*» ONION SOUP Fresh Bermuda onions with marrow bonei. Finest imported shetty added •/• «••• S«trsuek«ra Voilts Drtss Lact ONION SOU- A IA MITONNI Fresh marrow bones give this fine soup rich 34>in«ji w • v « nn |Jj Flntly prinM JTA 3ft• Inch dran substance. Slight touch of tomato •» I *••• For an iMrwcktn. In v*il«i tn • QTC lac* in naw HACK KAN SOW authentic fa^l aeAAM fewAiw tMtflataW tsssf ••>!•••• Simmere* slowly with freth tomatoes, celerf r»»i| fF**"i af«wi and onions, flavored with imported stiffrr.... ,w9 Z,W . Rmgularly 95c yard. Mtgnhrty 95c yard. NIUID CONSOMMI Regularly 2.95 yard. Marrow bones simmered for dayi... this full- MAM bodied soup tells in its own mtuul strength. ••* 2.A0 CLIAR OREIN TWmi SOUP Scltweppes Ginger Chiffons Shantungs Muslins Made Imm green turtles..,, 1,OT 4.00 Beer is probably the SCHWEPKS LOISTIft USQUE ilroiigtst, and certain- 42-!neh. Fowdar puff VA live lol»in meat—simmtici! slowly in fresh A_ chifftmin • ueam ind butter, flavored with impid. sherry. 1.03 4.00 ly the most distiii- QUININE WATER Ml tW mutllni In IS / TC CREAMID MUSHROOM SOUf tuiihed soft-drink varitty «f ntw lHlC finil naw paHarm. 34" w!da. Fresh rmnhrenms simrnered in cream, and egg you can buy. Add a jitter of gin ta Regularly 1.50 yard. folks added for imoothneji , • • •" l<10 the one-and-onlv Regularly 1.95 yard. Regularly 1.19 yard, The big difference Schweppei Quinine between Schweppes *f»t«r, Importtd from England. Add ice and . Ginger Bur and or- slice of lemon, Pur« Silks dinary ginger tit ii Cotton Crtpts Storsucktrs In UM words of DM pott, Iitra h«avy if tills: Scliwcppts Ginger Beer lua "accept no lubttltule— AH CrlnU* er.p. |A 42•inch wevan A • ^ much more body and contain) insist on Schweppei," quality In beM %•** for ••{•m*t, hWw% Marwekar In WmwG more of that real gingtr flavor. pflrtti and itripti, Ftaurad and diddle printi. unall chack B)attarni* »OT. BOT. 39c Kegutarly 2.95 yard. Regularly 75c yard. Regularly 1.50 yard. RED IANK k LITTLE SILVER 39c RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 50. RED BANK* N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1051 SECTION THREE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Harold A. Headritbon Elected Hone Teaching Kiwanit' Key Club Get* Charter Planning Board State Supreme Court Reverses President ol Local LIOM Qob Helps Two Girls Law Introduced Decision in Callen Custody Case TRENTON -The State Supreme , in its decision, "and the ages OO- Ha*otd A. HeaeVfcksM of *ew- court this week reversed the de-! ncath which the child ehall not BS) «M Springs re), head of tho H. Get Diplomas After I Years ci.= ion of Judge Donald McLean in;ciammed st all and tbove erhiek) A, Headrieksea Ceastructlea eem- thr between John Holmes I the examination shall be public are y, *u elected president of IIM k HW J May End Callen of Little Silver and his ; largely within the discretion of tfco Kl Muk lisas clwb Tuesday IrsMM Graduate former wife. Mis. Ignore Merrill icourt. But the ohject of a private algkt at the «uir atoetiag at the On NPM- IsV%rlnpm*?nt Callen (iill of Bay Head, over the examination is to ascertain the Kelly Pitcher hotel to succeed Grade riMtudy of their son Panid Dixon i predilection of the child, and that John 1. Bail»y af Beilly Brothers If Afluplrd June 26 C'allcn. The court. rul«>(i that the predilection. when ascertaiaed, Ante Salea * Service, Maple ave. LITTLE SILVER - Th« mayor ' case he rropi-nTl to Kivc each side ! should be opfnly atated .... Tfc* Other Hf eeVtrs arc William Through the bedside teaching an opportunity to present additional j preference of a young child has a Bradley, ftrtt vice president; Ed- program of the Red Beak board and council Tuesday night passed | testimony and to determine the! place, although, not t cancluilve ward Hudson Ceaway, second vice af education, two Red Bank girls, on flrst reading an ordinance \'> • Ruth Hufhee of Linden pi. aad create a planning board. If finally custody of In? child. place, in the dcterminatiun, and tha president; J. RaymaM dalUddcr, The couple were divorced in Ne- preference a*certa,ined by the julga third vice president: Eugene M. Irene Oeroni of Wett Bergen pU adopted, the planning board will I Magee, treasurer; Jamat Wild*, received their eighth grade dipla- bring to an end a discussion which . vad.i in 1942 and each has since.; in pii vale, if that be the procedure, aecretary; rraak Piaciters, chief saaa at the graduation exercises at haa extended over two ypjir5 andrcnviriii-il' . Under an agreement | should be stated openly u tha and We* tamar; Heary Labrocejue, River Street school yesterday. - an aiKument which was paramount approved \>y the Nevada court, ciu- j rrault of the elimination. But no Chief tail twister; Lester Iswett Ratk U 1* years old aad had the recent local Republican pi i- jtody of their three children waa | assertion of fact by tha child should aad DavM W. Russell, directors ta never attended school, aad up ta mary election. | Riven to the hushand. who lives at]be permitted by the judge to in- July «f 1*52; Robert Maila aad January, MM, had beea given only Introduction of the ordinance j the corner of Harding rd. and j fiuence his decision unless kc make* Jamee Wordea, dlractort ta July reading and writing fundamental*. came after a short recess, called in riuin-un rd.. with right of visita- the »amc known . . . . af mi, aad lUv. W. CUataa *sw. Irene, wha ia IS, was stricken with order to get Borough Attorney tion by Mra. Callen. This was ob- An •Overatotcawat' an, enapleia. palie in second grade, aad had Leon Reusaillc'g opinion. It was served until January, 19.10, when Tne court continued: "Ia the ta* Daniel, then 12, wtwenmt to Bay Head Milton A. Stela, lawyer, af Leag received seme home Instruction brought out that members of the "•'"'"• "" " "• "' ""* """» jtant ewe ththee recorrecord "how(hows agreeagree-- •ranch, spoke ta tha club aa the from her family up to about a RgSjart XMM#MI Istf, if gMCtMfaaj M6#s)tMiej S cnavfSf fSf council met in exemttive «p«^k>n to spend a week-end with his moth-1 „,„„, „ !aln,!frs ^mTncy HTM,, organisation aad aim* ut tha La- fourth grade level. he put week to study planning er and did not return, except once h ^ d , * , , % gal Aid aaciaty af Moameuth Arrangement! were made frr * warn wiwnii nvamsj vniiivi f^pveniw board ordinances in effect in near- for a d»y's visit. Dan.el ,s he only | t» ,hM ^ k« it t htmself" oouaty. bedside teaching for thsss two by communities. one of the three children Involved ih bu,,t, ii(t „,.ala„o .,,.„show. s ,%,.,that ,thhe. .,»„„.attorne„y whecl-chalr pa"*"'1 with the is- in the custody bittle. thereafter made vigorous request Miner Taylar. now president af I Re* ^SJV onjV| ^RSOJB} ov Of ejHrvVSnojia)^ BBJMOT pv^lM ow nojej The ordinance wa« introduced tha lacoad Natlanal Bank * Truit •ult that after a year of formal ahortly after council delayed ac- 'Indue Pleasure' upon the court to place on record company, hat baa* accepted aa a tha etceatien af Mr. HeadriekaM, teaching they completed the equiv- it tasMtcrot) by Hw Use) Isal Krwanit dub. Officsn tion on a development map offered At a hearing last Sept. IS »ndthe information learned from tha member of tha Ueas. alent of four ichool grade*, passsd child so that the plaintiff, If ao ad- appear aa page thraa af the Srst ^ BB#aaAadaaaMfc4t•vf/aWwvV'f* by Frank Hanson of Maple avr., 14, Judge McLean, sitting in Su- Picture! of tha new aHlearf, with •action of today's Register. slghth grade achievement teits and Itcd Bank. He seek* tn drvelnp perio roilii. ehHneery vised, might rebut, and for other wars awarded sightli grade dlplu- Heraldry, Sftel Ksf IMM »)f», rrtowrw. IntaVldMMMt »M a 20-acre tr»ct on the north side at rimony, dismutfed a complaint reajon« which the court would not mas at the graduation exerciacs. •WM- by tHt Msrjwis Com! nfcool «f Ballet «*•! «w Hsr? Wtfc. af Sycamore ave. When he pre-tiled by Mr. Callen that his ex-wire. permit him even to utate. The rul- During tha period of home study sented the man, Councilman How- used undue pressure and re ing was tha 'the caaea are very Mrs. Lucas Told That Son Might from Jsnuary, INS, through June Uevdwttrs ^ip J HalieUHfey «M dus-mon af rita Kay duek*) cam. ard Ungerer and Mayor Joseph C, utiiint, and seeking an order di- clear where infants art Involved It of thia year, both girls have had Saf aaaftsl ••assaW pavison stkej what method w:t« recting the return of the child to is the. privilege of the court to con- several montha of hospltalisatlon ^ mwfjnn v*W ault with the child and what hap- A planned to care for a low area In him. Tho court, however, determ- ^Ld. skdhjM jJuk | M at Moamouth Memorial hospital. H «•• WPJw V*W trfW •>• fw tha tract. Mr. Manson said it was tied that the. truth of allegations pened was confidential and nobody Not Have Known Day's Right Date Hand-ln-hand with the new men- else's business.' That, in our opin- BBJVdBaUaaaaWl aaaw»t BBB^saaf^WWf ajajr^sjyJaaaMdatdli AaMAaMBWaaarwajrwVW l SftlsmepwlVal AdkaaPtVflB\) Bm* IsfadmaMlB f a question which atlll i* being by Mr. Cullen had not been sus- tal outlook gained through their worked out. The mtyor later re- tained. There was no dlapute over ion, was an overstatement of the Mi*. Hue! Luce* af M •prlag home education, haa MM •*• ••- IMI mnmw WAf ArrOrnPOv DV flMfO frialfl IvQ BtftOIIS* at. whose sea llcnard has been ferred tha nwp tr> the advisory the Nevada court decree'and eta-; «,«• ,U •"•* * «'"**• "» sttraaea and eonftdenee to make committee. A>Wed for his views, missing in action alnca Nov. », tlM deny counsel an opportunity to Terhnne Students every effort ts regain the ability Mr. Rcuanille told the mayor It wu The appeal by Mr. Callen was I »'»'e "is reasons for asking a court Tuesday was lafermed that man ta walk. Irene Is now able to walk aghting la Korea eometimea ara aa hla "repeated" suggestion to create argued in MMa y beforf e thhe Supreme . '«•">«•• snd It was inaccurat...e to. e> with braces, and Ruth is awaiting planning board to handle such court by William ft. Blair. Jr., of !«l»'c t»»t «ttl»s«| h«4 «u tight to busy they actually da not know an operation which will determine Raehlin Family Regains Control present the Incident on an appeal. To Give Piano what day it is. caaer. He aaid the planning hoard the. law Arm of Paraona, Labrccque, whether a apinal Injury at birth would be operating under state law Canzona A Comhe of fled Bank, Custody Not SeMM This statemant earne from Capt. In the loeomotery area can be Jaaae L> Harsman, Jr., ssalitant ad- Of Large New Jersey Holding Co. and thua the council would b« with another member of that firm, Another argument presented by Recital Monday suecoaefully overcome. * relieved of making individual de- Robert H. Malda, on the brief. Mr. the plaintiff waa that the decision jutant of tha Ninth Infantry regi- Tha daily teaching has been a ment. It was in answer to a letter HOLMDCtr-After II years, the cisions ss each map Is presented. Maid* was counsel for Mr. Callen wu contrary to weight ot evidence ChiMrcn mi Adult- highlight In the lives of these girls at the hearing before Judge Mc- and the applicable rule of law. written by Mrs. Lucas, In which «w Leray W. controlling interest In tha Union e^atVolv MW PiriCI who looked forward with snthusl- Building company, one of the larg- Lean. Representing Mra. Callen be- Tha Supreme court ruled on thia To Participate In sha «aid the last letter rceeivad urn and aagerness to thslr assign* Other sonlng matters were dla- from har son was dated Nov. IT To OJMII Weimtitimy est realty holding com pan lea in fore, the Supreme court were Craw- point follows. ments. Systematically, they set New Jersey, has been re-acqulrsd cusied when Harry Green reported ford Jamioson of Jemieaon * "The fault of tho deeliioa was Varied and postmarked Nov. at. Because aside study perieda of several that the advisory committee had tha Army lists Nov. M aa tha data The Acato Marks* by the original owners, ths Raeh- Walsh of Trentan, with Harrison that it deliberately refrained from hours each day, taking all the unanimously recommended that T. Barrow, Point Pteseant attorney, settling th'. child's custody, The Piano students af Ulilaa Tar. from which har yaung aaldler-sen alLotey*. lln family, from the Bankers Se- Edwin Llchtig of Red Bank be neceisary ooursss to complete the curities company and Albert M. on the brief. agreement totween the partHa waa Mae, planlet aad taaehar af Hud-has bean missing. Mrs. Luess holds grades. required to construct Rumson pi. tha hope that tha boy still may ba Oreenneld of Philadelphia. One of the plaintiff's contentions that cuitody should bs with tha •an ave., will aa haard la thalr la speaking of the girls' accom- fromras to entirely from the curb line of Gar-waa that Judge McLean was In er- annul concert Monday night at safe. Abraham H. Raehlin. a resident den rd. to the curb line of Salem father. That alao was the decree Tha captain's latter: plishments, their bedaldo teaeher, Is,*. It wM bo for beiat* ror In permitting an attorney of of the Nevada court, although . ., •:M o'clock at tha Bad Bank Wo- Mrs. Ellen Sims, said "It was of this Place, la one of tho leading lane, even though Mr. Llchtig does record to testify to tho merits of a mn'i club. Bath Miss Terhuae's "Dear Mra. Lucas: Tour letters aeeatfMaottday. agurea In tha aosjuisJtloa of tho not own the lots on the south wa do not pass upon the legality af amasing to watch the girls develop chancery matter over objection of the decree. la any aveat the «•*> kith aehaol a«a aad adult pupils of t May 1M1 to Commanding Of. dmf company. He is married to the for- •Me of Rumson pi. confidence and assurance with a counsel, trolling factor la the present aad will participate. near, ton Infantry Regiment and whole new outlook on the world mer Mlse Bertha Lewie of Newark, The section In question Is un- Tha following program hai baan tha Commanding Officer, Company and they are tha parente of two Not Judicial Srror future welfare or the child. Tho about them. They progreassd be- developed, although Rumson pi., dismlassl ot the complaint ia our announced: I* Roxtlaae Varia- B. Mh Infantry concerning your yond expectations. With whole- asoro In the WMaMd keMMang, children, Edgar U, and Susan. Ed- which is overgrown with vegeta- On this point the Supreme eourt tlom by Haydn and Oraadmoth- son. Prlvats Richard A. Lucas, gar will be affiliated with hla fath- Superior court left the custody of hearted concentration, they cov- tion, Is designated ax a street. The stated: tha child entirely undertecmtaed. ar'i Minuet, Orief, to bt playad by have been forwarded to ma for re-ered a great deal of territory—from •lore, wkkk wu Msttt by ANoa er in the operettas) ft tfca aa*r matter arose when Mr. Llchtig pre- The practice whereby aa sttor- Lillian McDonald; Bagatelle, Onu ply since our regiment Is now en- pany, The boy ahould sot have beea left aimpla arithmetic facts and multi- Braiaors. la aMKIaei to an do- sented a map to the council aeverel ney for a party takes the wltnesi lit, aaathovaa aad Presto, Paa- gaged with the enemy. to roam at will, evea between tho plication tables through fractions, Prom 1KB to ins the Union weeka ago. At the time, he asked stand and testifies in behalf of his home of his mother, aow tha wife cctu, Laura Wlllianu; Allegro, "Year, sea Richard was last seen decimals aad percentage; from paramaau to the oM state, wkeah Building company was under the council what the requirements client on the merits of the case of an* residing with another ssaa. Cierny, Hn, BtU C. U«; Paaelag an » November Mao and since spelling and punctuation and Itt- wm daas after tactsMse Tveodar would be to have the nHrtwt a«> ownership of Mortis Raehlin and aad thi home of his father, now Poll, Peldlat, aad Maiurka. Opu* there ara aa few people still with ter-writiag through aorta of •peach coated. He owns six lots on ths hla two MM, Or. I. J. Raehlin. aad former Court of Chancery. The married to and residing with aa- •A Chapla. Stephanie Okwar; tu who were with Company B at and sentence Jtructare; from the north side of Rumson rd. which 1 wM bo Abraham H. Raehlin. In IMS the testimony of Mr, Barrow did go toother woman. Traumaral, lehumann, Mrs. MetbU time that it waa Impossible to development of America through Rachllns sold a controlling inter- he purchased from the borough at the merlta of the case and perhaps Olblon, aad Polonaise, Opuo at\ •ad anyone who could definitely the KJth century to the ttlatory uf est In the eempany to Albert M. a tax sale. The section ia at theit could have been substituted from Coarl'e OmrhsHn Chopin, Jana Wtlay. stats that Richard wu still with the world'a civilisations. Literally, Orseafleld but at tho same time east and of Rumson pi. other sourc The giving of After reviewing the vartott potato Flora Haynoe will da tha aaUra us. In having the privilege of teaching retained large stock holdings in Ths west end of that street also testimony by an attorney is a mat- of contention tha court made Ike aaeaad faction of tha progra«. Sha "From personal experience T canthese two students, one realised Rounds Receives ths company with Or. I. J. Raehlin wai discussed. That was caused ter of professional ethics rather following conclusion: hu itudiad exclusively with Idas say that many times ovar here It the meaning of a thirst for know continuing aa president and Abrs- when Erwln Behlueter of Park than or evidence ruling or trial "For reasons hereinbefore stated Terhunt, and has won prises a»d wu Impossible for a man to ac-ledge. They offer a deonlts exam- i H. Raehlin, as vice president. Builders snd Developer* asked procedure. The practice, except in we conclude that the judgment M> high honora la many state tad curately know tha date when writ- ple of the need for encouragement PTA Scholarship la MM Albert C. Raehlin, son of council to adopt resolution! which formal matters or when essential der review should bs reversed, that and home education for all stu- Mtloaal coatatts for young artltU. Ing lettera. If his last tetter waa The flrst scholarship of the MM-the recently deeeassd Dr. I. J. would result in his being able to to the ends of justice, la disap- th*- recerd should be remanded to Har program will Include Pre- postmarked on the Mth from our dents unable to attend school be- Raehlin, Joined the company aad recover money now being held In ths Superior court, chancery eilvie- cause of physical handicaps." dletown Township Parent-Teacher proved; but the court'a ruling waa lude in C Man Minor, Rachaaal- base post office it is vary probable scholarlahp committee, worth flW, has been Its operating head. escrow by the Federal Housing not judicial error." Ion, that the proceedings there bo •off; Minuat, Beethoven; In Aut-that it waa written before tha nth has been awarded to Peter B. Authority. Councilman Victor Sat- On another point of law theopened for the Incorporation of tho Bssldes Mrs. Sims, the board of Today among the holding! of ter ssld the lection of Rumson umn, MaeDowall; Grasshoppers, becausa st this time mail was sent education also has another bedaide Rounds, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. tha "Unio n Buildling company are plantlff contended that the court pleading by the defendant, that tho Aulbaeh; Tarantella, Plectonka; to the rear by truck and It took Rounds of Naveslnk. A graduating pi. concerned had been accepted as erred In refusing to make known to pleadings bs so moulded aa to per- teaeher. She Is Mrs. Richard Coun- three majojrr officffi e buldlngbuildingas In a borough street, provided nccra- Minuet, Padarawikl; Valia, Cho- some time to be processed. cil! who teaches younger pupils. senior at Mtddletown township downtown Newark, the Essex counsel the boy's statement given mit the court to award custody to pin, and Maleguena, Lecouna. "As our records now stand, Rich- high school, Peter haa applied for aary deeds were received by theto the Judge in private. either of the parent*, aa he shall building at SI Clinton it., the Un-borough. Ushers will ba Ruth Zerba and ard has been missing In action sntranca to Rutgers university. ion building at • Clinton at., and "The authority of the judge to determine, and that further testi- Marjoria Tarhune. since M November 1150 near Kunu- conduct a private examination of mony be taken—before the eourt, tha Academy building at IT Acad- Relievo Park Builders rl, North Korea, when his com* emy st, ss well as many divert!- a child in order to discover Its not before a master—It MM parties, pany's defense positions wera over- Chiefs of Police fled ty»ss of propertiea in New- Mr. Schlueter said that he hadwishes as ta custody is well estab- or either of them, so request, or run by a strong enemy force. ark, Atl&ntlo City and Tork, Pa, obtained all but nine of 37 slgna- lished," the Supreme court stated the eourt requires." .Borus Agency "Please be assured that every ef- The company will now be oper- turet required. Mr. Reuasille told fort Is being made to determine Meet Next Week ated by Abraham H. Raehlin, Al. council it could give Park Build- tha status ot all personnel missing BPRINO LAKE - The New Jer- hart C. Rsenlln and Benjamin era an outright acceptance of the Hendrickson Gets $250,000 Contract Reports 5 Sales In action and that, upon receipt of sey State Association of Chiefs ot Raehlin. Tba repurchase of thia street becausa Rumson pi. has been any additional Information regard- Police will hold Its 8Mb annnal con- outaide atoek Interest now brims dedicated to publio use. He ex- FAIR HAVEN-Ths Ruaiall If. ing your son, you will be notified vention at the Hotel Monmouth plained that he believed all sig- Borus ag*"*y hat raportad tha aala to the company a continuance of For Large Safeway Super Market imadlatety by tha Adjutant General Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. three generations of active partic- nature wera not available because of aavaral propertlai In tba Fair of the Army. Chief Alvin C. Lich of Westwood, some residents have moved away Havan-Rumaon area. ipation In the development of the "The officers and men of tha tth president of the association, today downtown area of the City of and others are in the Army. He The Harold A. Hendrlehson Arm Mra. Jaaana Young of Long Infantry Join me In the hope for announced that 188 chiefs from Newark. said he did not think the borough of 13 Broad st. haa been awarded Branch purchased a four-year-old Richard's eventual safe return and municipal and county police forces would have any difficulty In ob-Bible School « $250,000 contract by tho Safaway home on Oakwood lane, Rumaon. our sincere sympathy Is extended throughout the stats will attend taining clear title. atorea to build what will bo tha The houee waa eonttruetad by thato you In this time of uncertainty. the sessions. Hs said the confer- More development problems largest supsr market In thia vi- late Gen. Howard 8. Borden. Tall "If I may ba of further assist- ence highlights will Include a panel Librarian Dies came when Councilman Donald E. cinity. treta afford a rustle shaded tatting Begins Monday ance, please feet free to call on ma." discussion on Civil Dsfsnse at fed- Lawea asked Councilman Charles It will be to tha west of the Pro- for tha house which Is ot colonial W. Stephens to contact Louis Gran- EATONTOWN — All Is in resd- gressive Insurance building on tho design. eral, state and local levels; enforce- At Age of 79 ment of narcotic laws and ths en- dine tti relative to the condition of e.'a for the Vscatlon Bible school two-acre tract purchased recently Dr. William Una of Red Bank forcement policies of the Office of FAIR HAVBN-Mrs. H. Gertrude Laurel dr., which is now under at the Presbyterian church, which by Safeway from 0amu«l Weln- has purchased a ranch-type home Chamber to Seek Price Stabilisation. Capen. T», of 1SS Lincoln ave., hesd development. Mr. Lawes said that begins Monday at 9 a. m. Rev. Da-atein. Entrancea to apacious park* on Bingham ava. euatom built librarian at the Red Bank public vid Ung will provide transporta- Speakers will Include Attorney three residents had complained to Ing areas will be galnsd from high- about a year ago for D. D. Btqry library for the past 34 years, died him. Mr. Stephens said that he tion for those children whose par- way 35 snd Broad at., the property by tha Slckler Construction com- General Theodora D. Parsons; Hugh Tuesday afternoon at Rivervlew entj desire it. New Members in H. Clegg, assistant dirsctor of the and Mr. Wainwright will contact being the triangle-shaped tract be- pany. Tha house features an at- hospital, whsre she had been a sur- the developer. Hymns snd choruses will be tween Wikoff pi. and Tomalno's So- tractive antrancc foyer, Urge liv- F. B. I.; Chief Philip D. Batson, po- gical patient seven weeks. lice raservea division ot tha Federal Councilman Howard Ungerer sung, after which each department cony Vacuum aervice atatlon. ing room with heatllator flraplaca, Coming Drive Born at Baltimore, Md., she waaasked Mr. Lawes to have members will meet separately for worship, kitchen, two large bedrooms, Hag- Civil Defenae administration; Di- Work on clearing tho grounds rector Leonard Dreyfuts, Nsw Jer- a daughter of the late Capt. James of the police department "check Bible lesson, music period and haa already begun. Ths store will atone patio and attached garage. William A. Ruhr ' A. and Marie E. Farnham Tyaon, handwork. There will be four class- Dr. Lane is associated with the sey division of Civil Dsfsnse; Ed- Originated by the Llncroft-Ever- back" on the matter of atreet lights be 100 by 200 feet and will feature ward P. Morgan, director of en- ett Parent-Teacher aaeeclatlon, the and had been a resident here for reported not operating. He said es. The beginners, for pre-school 30,000 fast of floor apace. A mem- Hopco Chemical company of Har- Named Chairman— the past 69 years. She was an ac- rison, where he la head of the forcement, O. P. S.; Joseph M. schotarahip Is aslo supported by the the police should contaet Jersey pupils and those entering first nine will be used for office space. Bransky, district supervisor, feder- Parent-Teacher associations of Fair tive member of the Daughters of Central Power and Light company grade, will have a theme of "Bible Air conditioned throughout, fea- technical service department. On Many Prospects Listed the American Revolution. July 12, Dr. Lane will marry Miss al Bureau of Narcotics; Samuel K. View, Leonardo, East Keansburg, a second time If the lights remain Children." Those in it will hear of tures will include a refrigerated Betty Glaaier of Deal. After a McKee, special agent In charge of Belford and River Plata. Her husband, Roscoe Capen, died out a day after the initial report. God's provision for the boy Ish-self service meat department, tile Plans are under way by the RedF. B. t. at Newark; Col. Charles H. several years ago. Surviving arc maul, His wonderful watch-care floor, and walls of Marliti. By us- honeymoon tha couple will occupy Other contributing organisations Civil Defenae Requeet Bank Community Chamber of Com- Schoeffel, superintendent of state and individuals include the Keans- two nsphews, Whsaton S. Pearce, over baby Moses, the story of Jo- ing clesr spsn roof trusses, tha their new home as a year round merce for a membership drive residence. police: Chief James L. McNamara, burg Parent-Teacher association, Aabury Park, and Ralph T. Pearce, By resolution, council offered its seph and his brothers, and others. interior will be without columns. which will begin at a breakfast Jersey City; Deputy Director C. Ladies' auxiliary of the Eaat Keans- Bridle: two nieces. Mrs. Harry felicitations to Mayor James R. A special feature will be a rhythm meeting at tha Motly Pitcher hotel Kroh, Brittle, and Mra. Carl Tost, Mount ot West Long Branch, who The local store is among the flrst A two-story colonial horns on George Krueger, state department burg Are company, Ladles' auxiliary band. of a group of 33 proposed for Nsw Lake ave., constructed by the Ha-In the very near future. Bach mem- of labor; James F. Kelly, Public Baltimore, and two granddaugh- 8undsy celebrated his Mth birth- of the Middletown township first The primary, for pupils entering Jersey by Saftway, reportedly tho ven corporation, has baen purchas- ber will ba privileged to bring with Service Electric and Gas company sid squad, East Keansburg; 1M tera. day. him a prospective member. second, third and fourth grades, second lsrgest chain stors corpora* ed by Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Lum of Newark; M. M. Butterfleld, Bell Women's Republican club, Lincroft The funeral will be held tomor- Paul Hemschoot was present to will have a theme of "Bible Boats." of Cranford. Tha housa occupies William A. Fluhr accepted the Telephone company at Newark, and represent Cheater Apy, chatrman tlon In ths nstlon. It will be tho fire company, Ladies' auxiliary ot row afternoon at 2 o'clock at the An intereatlng course study is flrst largo Safeway stors In tho a large plot and baa attractive chairmanship of tha committee to Arnold H. Vey, state traffic engi- Uncroft flre company, Shadow of the Civil Defenae council. He built around the theme. Children take care of this affair and Wil- Wordan funeral home, with Rev. W. county. Though no data has beea plantinga of evergreens. Tha house neer of the division of motor ve- Lake Women's club, William C. Carmen Trembath of Teaneck, said the council has been Informed will learn of Jonah and tha whale, la painted dark brown with a white liam D. Bradley and Thomas Irv> hicles. Johnson of the Xeansburg National that volunteers ars not covered by set for the opening, Mr. Hendrlck- Ing Brown agreed to assist. Presi- former pastor of the Red Bank Jesiu walking on tha water, Paul'a son hepss ths building will ba briek front Features Ineluda a bank and Mrs. Oeraldins L> Thomp- Reformed church, officiating. He Insurance and that the condition large open porch, full insulation, dent Edward Conway stated that shipwreck and other Bible atoitea. ready tor occupancy by this fall. At Tuesday night's banquet, Fed- son of Uncroft will be assisted by Rev. Runyon L. la atymying police reserve training. A model of Noah's ark and ths completely equipped kitchen and a there are many men In this com- Mayor Davlson referred the mat- eral Judge William F. Smith of Wolff, Reformed church pastor. In- animals will be built. Sreplace. Mr. Lum Is a fur buyer munity who should belong to ths Newark will be toaatmaatar. Hon- ter to Councilman Ungerer, chair- chamber and who will join If they terment will be In the family plot The junior, for pupils entering ths for L. Bamberger and company, ored gueata will Include State Sen. Union Hose Co. In Old Tennent cemetery. man of the insurance committee, Newark. Tha Lums have already are appealed to. Preeident Conway J. Stanley Herbert, Assemblymen and promiaed that coverage would firth, sixth and seventh grades, will Church Bazar taken possession of thslr naw said that tha chamber office In theMerrill H. Thompson snd Elvln R. Wins Trophy be extended to Civil Defense vol- have a theme of "The Christian's home. Newbeny building on Broad st. in Simmllt and Proiecutor J. Victor unteers. Walk and Talk." Through the useOpen§ Tomorrow On display In the business office Fred McDowell Wins of gospel-graph visual aid, the boys Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagar of a busy place with between 60 andCarton. Col. Schoeffel is chairman TS calls being received dully for In-of the conference, assisted by Ed-window of the Red Bank Register On 87,533.31 Bid Borough Clerk Freri U Ayers and girls will learn how to walk St. Anthoay'i church basar opena Linden have purchased a ranch formation regarding O. p, 8, regu- is a handsome trophy won by Un- tead A letter from Prosecutor J. and Ulk to plssse the Lord. The tomorrow night on ths ground! at house from Mr. and Mrs, James mund R. Cook, chief investigator of lations, The office has served the Prudential Insurance compsny. ion hoae company of the Red Bank LITTLE SILVEtt - The mayor Victor Carton which reminded main handwork will be a Wslkie- the corner o* Monmouth and Pearl Tully on Oxford avi. The house public so well In thij matter that Are department it Doylestown, Pa, and council Tuesday night award- council that all hlngo-type snmes Talkle which actually works. sts., next to Carlton theater, Thia was built a year ago by Allen bro- It has brought forth congratulations Harry T. VanNotr, Sr., retired Saturday, June 9. ed a contract for street surfacing ind wheels of chance arc Illegal, The intermediates, for pupils en- annual (vent will continue through chief of the Red Bank department, thers and features a large living from ths O. P. S. headquarters in The prize was awarded to Union and repairs to tile Fred McDowell Mayor Davison ordered the letter tei in? eighth grade and high school, Saturday night, June 31. room with fireplace, combination Trsnton. is on the program and entertain- note company as flrst price to a company of Colllngswood Park. placed on Die, There wilt be attractive ground ment and reception committees. Al- will have "Some Parables Jesus kitchen and dinette, two bedrooms uniformed fire company coming the The award was mads at the ree- Told" an the theme. They will learn prises evenings and a 1991 DeSoto and a large axpanalon attic. Tha Other matters besides 0. P. S. so on the sntsrtalnmsnt and recep- longest dlstsnce with not less than aedsn will be awarded the closing tion committee Is Amerigo W. Sac- ommendatloir of Borough Engineer Their 20th Anniversary why Jesus used parables In teach- Hegerg have taken posseislon of accounts for mors than 88 calls a 30 men and it waa awarded by tha O. Woleott Morris. McDowell', bid ing and they wltl consider some nljht. The refreshment booth will their new residence. day or between ten and twelve eo, cht«f ot Monmouth county de- Buckn county firemen's association servo a specialty of home-cooked tectives. was the lowest of three submitted, The Checker Btorea of fieri Eanlt, ciilt.itandlng parables Jesus used. Robert Calllnan of River nl, thousand calls a year. Some 25 to st. their 1!Mi annual purnUo en tha $7,535,31. Others were Clmrlcs J. Asbury Park, FreclioM. Belniar They will make hind puppets, plus sausage with peppers, In addition Fntr Haven, has purchased a lot 30 letters ar< handled daily for Mr. Psi'ions' address will high- above date. Hssas, incorporated, 17.830.08, snd snd Toma Ftlver are joining In the th* background for acting out theto frankfurters, Ice cream, soda, on Rldga rd., Rumaon, from Mr. those who want Information about light the first day's activities. Also C. H. Sutphen, »7,982.1I. Mth anniversary of the founding of Bible stories, candy and popcorn. There will no and Mrs. Richard Bennewlts of Red Bank and. It* adjacent com- on the rrogmm ore Mayor Frank Cams Su»»t»» the business and In behalf of the novelties and games for the chil- Fair Haven. Tha property Is lo- munitlss, Marucci of Spring Lake, who will fitted In our cltan, private Attlns raentl Red Bank' store, a full page nd- dren as well as the adults. cated In Pine Ridge, which was de- by txpert urmluitte male and female fit* Aluminum Frieitr Fell Coal Sleep deliver the welcome sddresa, and ten. AlterMinns to fit you prrnonally. H«ivy inullty. '.'u'j" nidi', S3' loin, verttaement |iun with ih« nift nf »l«p. Shn- Surnuel C»rot-nuto nnslitlng ag co- «nr>. Shfrmnn'i, i\ Broil it,. Kid ,!<•!•»»/ Puinlinl Rtinrly, .1.1 E« u, %m Ercfcct Mr. Red Bank s> lawm party at her birthday Satwday. "Tour Idea ef a Huaaaa Bclaf* Two Receive Mr*. Harry Beyles eaterteJiMd i* the subject ef ta> *crmeai to b* wttk • Staaiey party at her •Crnrstxtry dairy •> Mr. sad Mrs. TW r.»4 \* WtUr aad Maaar easV delivered Sunday at the 11 o'clock last weak. Attending w*r* B, AkaaataHw. Mn. advertiat Ia tt- Bsststatniivlsriaj Services morning worship by Rev. Roger i. Tuffs Degrees William Diem, Mrs. B. Deagtaa Mr*. William D*t**y« ha* rseev- TBWITT EPMCOVAL Sauire. Miss Jsact RobWa*, a stu- MBDFORD. Mas*. - Mrs. Lynn Braastt. Mr*. Walter Yelk a*4 Mra. •tad tr»sa a r*c*at itlMss. \ aurtwv aUfTMT Mr*. Jeawph Meadres. Sr, «f Ja- New Monmouth Red Bsnk dent st Union School at Sacred JcllisT* Frlis aad OresU DcFerr Harold Morgan of Uaereft, Mr*. : Red Bank Music in New York city, it flayiag Oeuige Dimm and Mrs. Derethy maica, L. I., *p*at several week* Cm** DSHW i Church aehool win m**t Sunday Th« church Bible school "ill meet, Holy Communion will b« observed received their degrees it Tuft with her «*a aad daufhtcr-ia-law, st IMS a. m. earn Sunday morning, Sunday st 8 *. m. There will be the organ in the absence ea vaca- veiia * Paint Pleasant, *a4 Mr*. Jn»rtiing st » o'clock. Memberf tion nf John Ferrit. She will *.is* college Wth commencement exer- Robert Morris of Spring Usv*. Mr. aad Mrs. Jeataa Mendres, Jr. who havp not missed more thsn with clsftPf fnr all »£<•*. At the morning prayer and sermon by the morning worship at 10:5n, Rev. 1 rector, Rev. Robert H. Anderson, direct the cheir ia the meraiag ci*e* held on th* c*mpu* Sunda Priae winner* were Mr*. Valk a*d Riekard Stilw*ll, aoa *f Mr. aad •hree Sunday bsfween Dec. l. 1950. anthem. "Now Let Every Teagua Mr*. Mv gaa Mrs. Staalcy BtUwatt, Jr., celebrat- pnd April 30, I&51, will be presented William Bisgrnve will use an his Jr.. at 11 o'clock. The offertory en- topic, "The Who!r.imily of Ood." them will he "If With All Your Adore Thee," Bach. Tn* organ tt- Barbara Diem, daughter M Mr. ed hi* third birthday Tuesday with Rrv. Mr. Bimrovc will preach on | Heart." by Mendelssohn, with Rich- lection* will he the prelude, "An- aad Mra. William Diem, at *• tM tha family. Pr****U war* Batty A wilding bells, reunion service dante." Mcndelueha. and peatlude, akk IM. Jan* aad Skippy Oas, Rakart attt- V-111 be hfld »t 10 a- m. Rev. W. Krom God" at the even- aid Warner u soloist. Organ se- ing service at 7:»S. The young peo- lections hy Charles Gotschallt, will "Our Father Which Art in Meavaa," Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vat) ESBMU* well ef Everett aad Mrs. Warraa 3ciint»n Powers will speak on th« «T East Oraag* ar* vMting UMir Sh**h*n aad daugbUrs iu^j'f' "Secrets of Successful Mar- ple will have charge of the music. include "Visionn," by Rheinberger, Bach. Th Tuesday night. June 18. the M. and "Andante," hy Schubert. A The pastor will brlag the m—sag* I aad da«tht*r-in-law, Mr. attd Margi* aad aaaaa H «iage." « chancel choir will (inc. Mrs, Nermaa Van Embnrg. Higalaada. JA nursery tor small children it E. 8. guild and the Ainico Bible nursery is provided for the children •t the 8 o'clock eveaiag warship la >-oflducted by members of 1h« 80-50 cla*s will meet together and havr. of throe wh* attend the 11 o'clock the chapel ea th* theme, "The Last >lub. Th« change In time nf the * COVPI ed di«h supper at the church service. Word- Jlunday-»cliool and morning rhurch at 6:30. The mrmhrrs of the. social The Woman's Ouild will meet Memorial altar Sower* f*r >ervice will he noted. Touth fel- committee will fof hostrtjes. Tuesday at 11:M o'clock and go in day will he placed by Nancy. Wil- *>»-shl» will matt. at. 7 p. m. Thf mid-wppk prayer snd praise a group from the church to Mrs. liam and Edward Ottiager, Jr., ia !• Rev. and Mrs. W. Clinton Powers aervice will meet, al thr church on Thomas Kraan'a residence in Mid- remembrance ef their father, Ed- •Mended th« American Bertist een- Wednesday evening at 7:30. The dletown. This will be th* Bnal meet- ward E. Ottinger. ••tntlon this week at Buffalo, N. Y. Voung People'* Chnftinn SJISOCIR- ing until fall. The Thimble club will hei« it* >TM minister will serve as one of tion meets at the church Thursdays Theie is a celebration ef the Holy last meeting until fall next Wed- Ihe Iess>r« at an International at * 30 p. m. Our vacation Bible CommuaMa Friday* at 19 a. m. nesday at t p. m. at the ham* of %-outh conference June 2?-2! at school will begin Monday, June II, Mr*. Herbert Schlld, IM MaarM 2Sl*ir academy. Blairatown. a; 9 a. m lor all the children rsUMWTEMAN ave. Mr*. C. V. B*«aett I* chair, ; Mrs. Fred Cenovtr will five a from four years of age and up. man. Shrewsbury Jae*k review on "Conge Diary" at The school will continue for two A barbecue party will to held * meeting this afternoon of the weeks. Sunday-scheol has closed for the next Thursday at *:M p. m. by the •WawtM'a Miesionary aocicty at the summer. Morning worship aervice Alpha Kappa PI class at th* he*** 4iome of Mn. Paul Apgar, Pine CtmiftT CHURCH it at 11 •'clack. Rev. Arthur S. of Mr*. Roy Inseae. 31 Fermaa •Brook rd., E&tantown. The meet- Mlddletown Joic* will givs th* sermon. Music ave., Fair Haven. ting will follow • picnic lunch at During the summer month* there by Mis* Ella King, organist, will be "Hymn ef Joy" by Demorest, Program* were dl(eu*s*4 and act Ineep) will be two services each Sunday up for the year IMl-'M through at »»O and 11 o'clock in the morn- "Andante" by Phlpps and "Post- The board of trustees has elected lude" by Lawrence. The guest so- June, '32. at a meeting Monday ing. Holy Communion will be cele- night of the planning committee ef *Elwood D. Powers chairman and loist for Father* day will be Nor- Mr. DeFerra Is the son af M JWarren deBrown secretary. The brated at «:S0. Morning prayer will the Woman's Society of Christiaa be read at 11, with sermon by Ilev. man Dash of New Shrewsbury. His and Mrs. Oreste DeFerro of Red ^iou*e rnmmittee comprises Sidney solo will he "The Lord'* Prayer" Service held at tha home ef Mr*. A. M. VanDyke, rector, the first Frederick KrilV Attending were Bank. Ha r*celv*d a bachslor •V. Dull, Peter Cook* and Thomas by Malette. The junior men and science degree In mechanical engi •Wilson and the auditing romwlttr* In a «'-ile« r«**nt Urn f •rill preach en the appointed serlp- Praise, prayer and Bible study and W*dn**day* under the direc- their report* at his tlm*. ' Jura lsaaoaa for the Fourth Sundiy will be held Wednesday at I p. m. tion of Rev. Mr. Ling. Mr*. Frlls I* th* daughter of Mr. , after Trinity at th* 11 a. m. *erv- The atudy of Exodus will b* con- and Mn. Maltby D. Jtlliff* of Mid- Nswy of sf#rUnf $Uvtrt liee Sunday. The Senior ehelr will tinued. CMAPU, OP HOLY OOMMTNION METHODIST Belford dletown villag*. She was graduated flag far thl* Mrvie*. Fair Haven from Mlddletown township high - Promotion exercise* for pupil* ef PRESBVTERIA1C • Member* of Monmouth lodge 173, Btmt Bom* gold-fUttd! Atlantic Highlands The acrvlce «f morning prayer Free end Accepted Masons, will •ehool and received a bachslor of 4h* Sunday-school will be held at will be held Sunday at 11 o'ctoSjc. art* degre* from Jackson college, 1.00* Rev. Elmer T. Bchlrk will preach be guests at the morning aervtce at •:«» a. m. Mrs. Joseph Platterapie! The sermon topic will be delivered department for women, where ah »ill give a presentation en the Sunday at the 11 a. m. service the by Rev. Christopher H. Snydcr, vic- 10:45, The choir will present tpecial eighth in a series of sermons on music The promotion of the Junior majored in English. Sh* I* marriei •Work ef the Lutheran Dlaeonatr. ar, on "Finding One* Self." Music to Clayton A. Frile. Vht* will be the Sunday-school "Our Divine Shepherd." His special class will take place during Sun- . by Mrs, Amanda Talll, organist. r . | 1" Sunday, Karen Bsrniee, daughter Church school meets at 10 a. m. The "Cathera! Pestlude" and offertory . m. r CALVART BAPTIST I M Mr. and Mra. Walter Haiuen of putor will report on th* general anthem, "Create In Me a Clean Th* aenior fellowship wilt to In Red Bank •bit to pau thtm by. Many, many thrilling dssigni... Mch '•Jmir Mav«n, and Care) Marl*, assembly at the I p. m. service. Heart." charge ef mid-week prayer meeting Bundsy-sehoot starts at l:io a. •in •slaughter ef Mr. and Mr*. Walter C. Th* Women's Missionary aeeUty at 7: IS p. m. Wednesday. *. R*v. J. B. GllchrUt. patter, wi worth two snei ttrta 4ifMt thi» tiny pr'cti You'll w*nHo bin/ tfrubb, Jr, of Wlckatuak, w*r* will meet Tuesday at I p. ra. Choir BBJOfOUS SOCIETY preach Sunday at th* 11 a. m. »*r- IfeptiMd. rehearsal will take place Wednes- OP nnxM (WAJUUM) m tuemomt »k*. H* will deliver th* *ermon at 4 SSvsral juir for fun... Thiy'ra so prsHy. \Z The ehureh eeuaeil win meat at day at 7:30 p. m. and the mld-wesk Shrewsbury •woad Baptist ehureh. K.yport,at fcth* ehureh tonight at g «yel*ek. •erne* at 8 o'clock. OM thMwabttry day will be h*M Uttl* Silver The morning wor*hlp *ervle«, far •:» p. m. Th* senior choir will ac- lylmdty, th* Luther Ltagu* will Th* church achool plenle wilt Sunday at th* meeting hous* at company him t* Keyport. Evening ; n**t at th* ehureh at 1:10 o'clock take place Saturday at 1 p, m. at Bread st. and Syeamor* avt. Th*the summer, will btgi* at 1:41 o'clock. Rev. Jama* W. Manhall worship I* at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer ; Mr a swim-beach party. Stephen Chtcaequake park. meetin•• g fo' r worshihipp Iig at 3 p. m. meetings ar* hild Wednesdays at • lutJeka I* In charge ef arrange- will preach on th* them*, "B* Oeod VENTRAL BAPTIST when William Vlekrey wwili l (peak To YourMlf." Th* »*nlor choir will p. m. Atlantic Highlands on "Th* Pwe* Point of Vl*w." sing. Sunday-school meet* at 1:46 a. OOOOW1U. METHODIST Th* official hoard will m**t to- 4OOTHE SUMMER SKIN night at th* hem* of Mr. and Mr*. HtnU Jut m Climpte of tkt Exciting 'AuoHmmit : Mlddlctewn m. and morning service is st 11 Rumion o'clock, when the putor, Rev. Har- William Jai. Taylor, 11 Heights ttr. W 'A. '£ Rev. Donald R. MacNaill will At th* evening worihip service, attach on th* theme, "In th* Nam* ry W. Kraft, will preach. Touth UNCM>FT~CHAPEL fellowship meets at 7 p. m. and the 7:30 o'clock, there will be a com- MARVAN SALVE ft Our Lord," Sunday at 11 a. m. bined children'* and father's dsy Sunday's services ar* at 11 a. nv, • Idjrfa Sloftci • Zircon,** i Sunday-school will meet under evening gospel service, with a mes- program under th* direction of Mrs. sage by the pastor and a song-time when th* women of the church will •CAT RAIH. SUNBURN and CCZBNA i supervision of Elder Karl Hel- June Horton, superintendent of the be in eharg*. Sunday-ichool I* at OH it at Aatnlaaa. Beaaeair. Kaulns. ta th* ehureh room* at 1:48 directed by Donsld MaePeek, I* at Sunday-school. y«a»M, U*»d, llar^wt. Parks. SUB 8 o'clock. 10 a. m. «•». Wkeisn'i aad Tounr. Drua 8t«r*a. • Pearls** X Th* annual ipring nipptr of th* The board of trustees will meet »hureh will be held tonight In th* Monday night at the church. The Shureh roams from 5 until T Philathea dais meeting will be • Clug|*T SaMfRft • T«rtjNoJg«f** y'clock. held Tuesday night at the hem* • Th* Community vacation Bible of MM. Ira Letts. «chool will open Monday, June IS, Choir rehearsal is held Wednes- • CcckfU JUmffg • Am*thy$t$** *t t a. m. In Leads ball, the Epla- day a 7 p.. m.. aandd tthhe prayer memeete - Sopal parish house, and will run ing and BBibl "e study at S o'clok. The Canterbury Fair Shrough Friday, Jun* 3t. Teacher* • WtidimgBnd, 3rom the churches will co-operate EMMANUEL BAPTIST 3n this fornight's program of re- (A Regular Baptist Fellowship) 3iglous education, games and crafts. Atlantic Highlands • SottMirwa • Coral** Z Th* choir will rehearse Wednes- Meeting place, Ocean View Com- St. Gftorgt's by th+ Rlvtr day evening in the ehureh at S munity chapel, Leonardo. "•/clock. Bsv. Howard M. livln will preach • Friendship Ring, • Mixed Comblntitom - Next Sunday the sacrament of Sunday at the 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. RUMSON, (Waterman Ave—off Runuoa Rd.) 3h* Lord'* Supper will be cele- services. Church school meet* at brated. 10 i. m. and youth fellowship at 7 • JVovelfy totting$ p. m. Prayer meeting Is held Wed- Z CHVBCH Or CHRIST nesday at 8 p. m. i Eatoatown Chureh school teachers and of- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th in,..-.. S Sunday meetings are held aa fol- ficers will meet Friday, June tt, at jows: 10 a. m, Bible study hour, 8 p. m. at the home of Mr. and •with classes for all age*; 11 a. m., Mra. Dennis M. Lingo, 33 Memorial public asaembly, with singing, and parkway, for'their monthly business Evry Ring U Individually Boxed yrtaching, prayers and the observ- session. ance of Communion. <• The church asicmbles at 7 p. m. METHODIST LUNCHEON ISUCSB TUMOY) 75* For Safe Keeping ... For Gifu! Sunday lor a hslf hour of practice Fair Haven S.nging. The meeting begin* at 7:30 Church school at 9:45 a. m. Class- a from neon until 1 p. m. 3>. m, with hymn Hinging and an ea for those of all sges. Preaching Sppen forum discussion of the Bible. at 11 a. m. Rev. William B. Msg- •pluatu Z The mid-week service is held on aam will preach on the theme, "The jWfdnecdaye at T:30 p. m., st which Greatest Question Ever Aaked." *• slmuUttt jtlme an open forum discussion of Music, prelude, "Canzonetts."; of- •the Bible U conducted. fertory, "Contented Heart," and an- White Elephautt . Home made Cskw . Pies • All service* are open to the pub-them, "Showers of Blessing." •lie. The church Is located on rt. )8, Choir rehearsals: Junior choir, South of the business district. Wednesday night at 7 o'clock, and Z Arthur Moody of Oceanport I* th* •enter choir, Thursday night at Iftoipel preacher. H* delivers a m*a- Faney Aprons (Hand made) . Baby Articles Sags directly from the Bibl* at both 3h« morning and evening service* ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL Mew fa tha Sundays. Highlands Beach Toweb, Capes, Stoles (Hand made) The acrvlce of morning prayer : ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL will be held Sunday at » o'clock. T Rumson Rev, Christopher H. Snyder, vicar, Reliable Fur Storage • At the 11 o'clock service Sunday will preach on "Finding Tour Life," Movies for the Children • "St™, Ride*' , inornlng Rev. Dr. Robert Esceil Music by Mrs. Ruth Lucas, organist. Try, minister of First Presbyterian Offertory anthem, "Through the HoUaiteUlaf ItyaH lUpalr ithurch, Hollywood, Fla,, will be the Night." Church school at 10 o'clock. lasitrti Storait Special preacher on the theme, "The Thl* is the last session of the sea- Plants . Vegetables . Real Canaries Satisfaction ef Our Deepest Dc- son until September. Thursday, ;»ltes." He recently completed the June 21, the annual church-school Phone Red Bank 64000 .. * ^building of the Hollywood church picnic will be held, This year they «*f modern architecture. Prior to will go to Kepwell park by bus. Cowboy Hats • Candy • Ice, Cream Aibury Pork 2-4000; •assuming hi* present pastorate Dr. 'Fry ministered In Georgia and Ohio, BAYSHORiTcoMMVWITr Long Brenth 6-1745 •Mrs. Edward W. Scudder, Jr., of East Keansburg "What's in Your Future" • Comic Magasines IBattln rd., Fair Haven, la hi* "Intervening" will be the sermon sad *ur beaded daughter. title of Rev. John P. Euler at the .'. There win be a service of th* 11 o'clock Sunday morning service. '.Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Chil- Anthems will he rendered by the 2 Orchestra Seats for "Call Me Madam," dren of tho church school will re- choir. Church school and Bible clans ceive their promotions and honor meet at 10 a. ni. A service of spe- awards nt the commencement to be cial request prayers la held Wednes- ;kaW &l 0.30 a, in. days at a |), m. "South Pacific" and «A Tree Grum In Brooklyn'* - Plans nrr. romplrln for the Can- The choir and company will pre- ^erhmy fair to be held next. Wed- sent a minstrel ihow Friday night, STEINBACH ' from 18 a, m. t« 6 p, m> Jun* 33, at Bay Vlsw hall. COMPANY BED BANK REGIME!, JUNE 14, 1951

ket fllled with pa*ttl colored Married at Bdford mer Bewera. Pvt. Robert VanBrunt of Bel- CONTINUING OUR ford, who it stationed tt Fort Dix, YOMC-Tbc aaarriac* wtt best m»n. The uahert were Pvt. Paul FUinhold and Pvt. Ste- Mtaa Aadrey Jaaa Webetee-, ' : KEEP COOL tar af Reginald N. Wabatar af Ua- phen Huber, both of Belford, aad WITH CKJUTTK SINE'NIIE SUMMER craft, aad af Mra. Haifa Brewmiag. both etetloned tt Fort Dix. | U William Fraacia auihiiaaaa, a Kor her niece't wedding Mrt.' atwdaat, af Ml Cedar at., Mew He- Lingo chose an aqua colored after- ' YOtK AIR CONDITIONINQ vea, CMa., will take plate at M. noon dress, trimmed with match- j Jaaaea Epieeepal church, Mew ing lace, and worn with a black hat Uke the "fctjwiaf mml •/ hmmidUy Yatfc, Juac M. The Ittr. Dr. Ar- and white accessories. Htr corsagt , thur Lee Ktanahring, rectar of tha was pink carnations. The bride- eaareh, will aerfarat tha aereaaoap groom's mother wore a navy blue | ANTHONY'S costume, styled with a yoke of navy M MAM.E AVINUI A reception will fallew tt aUwrry a. blue r.ylon lac*. Her accessories 110 IANK Mite Mareia R. Matra will be and picture hat wen navy blue, maid af heaar. Other atteadaata and her (lowers were pink and will be Mleeee Oreta B. Outtafsoa. white carnations. Alaaa I WaJtoa, Barak 9. Traw. bridge. Byivla J. teay, elect •( Mr. For her wedding trip the bride •tepaeaeea, Mackay tetde* aad wort • wheat colored linen suit Eteaaor R. Wheelwright. with a brown blouse and wheat col- Beet ataa will ne Jaatta D. Me- ored accessories. Uughlia. Oeorga A Webster, Mrs. Lenti was graduated from brother af tha bridt, Jaha McD. Miitdletown Township high school, KtHha.ll, htr atepbrother; Fraak B. and li manager of Ihe fountain and lunch counter of the F. W. Wool- Filet, Charlee D. Haughty, Jr., Ar- worth company store, Broad it. thur O Ptteraea, Jr., William C. The bridegroom It al«o a Miudle- Uke, aad Peter M. R. Jaaauast towa Township high school gradu- witlr? will act at uihert. ate. Before entering tht service, Tha couple abtaiael their lietase he operated hie own auto body re- te wad at tha eKy elerk'i amce rrl- pair thop. Ht ia stationed at Fort day. Mitt Webattr. wht waa bara you? Dix. ia Broeklya. attended Onaaarfch academy aad Ethel Walker aehael Wednesday of last week, mem- at Waubury, Caaa. Ihe wai gradu- btri af the Senior Fellowship of the Belford Methodist church gave ated fr»m BHarcllaT Junior callage. • bridal shower for Mrt. Lenti, j Her prospective husbaad, aoa of who it treasurer of tht Fellowship.: WIIM yov tha late Mr. aad Mrs. Marlon Oli- The room waa decuraleil with clus- your IIOUIB and alt yow ver Stephehton, was born in Paw- ters of wedding bells, and the ta- hutka, Okit. Ha atttad'd tha Uni- We centerpiece was a miniature rifj# with yov. Out wcMoot oiioM versity of Oklahoma and ia a mem- bride. I ber af Delta Tau Delta and Phi rtiulr in o lawivit (tot wil ttrip you Beta Kappa. Mr. Btephentoa hai Attending wen Rev. and Mn.' Blackman, Mrs Lingo, Mr. and ol oN you OWN. bee* attending Tile Medical tchool Mn. David Tlmms, Mr. and Mrs. Lenti, Sr, Mr and Mrs Russell Effort fkb pf la*o7pjB^B?OT SvWEspT*J8jBj Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. John Nash.! Mrs. Lenore Nash, Mra. Anne At U. uf PrMHtylvRBsB Thompson, Mrs. Haiti* Havens.1 for DEPENDABLE INSURANCE. Mrs. Haiel Woodward, Mrs. Krnest I PHILADELPHIA - Yesterday ElRilm, Mits Marilyn Elf rim and1 Morning tha University ef Pennsyl- Miss Joan Bennett. Mr«. YounR vania awarded degreei to Marly and Mrs. Elgrlm were the hos- WILLIAM D. SALLADIN *«0 mea and women tt ita ltth tesses. cemmeneeaient exerclatt In tht laan»aMinf Tk« Travahn \mmvm C*, municipal auditorium. Pretident Harold E. Rtaittn presided Bgi aM Mn. MM A. Uata, It. ft la believed that the moths 34 Wrat Front Si, Red which the responsible for the ruin Among thost from Monmauth BELFORD-Atth* BelfordMeth- eouaty honored were Jack P. Balne, a bouqutt of all white gladioli, with ol many American clothes ara not 1M Mechanic at, Red Bank, wha aditt church Sunday afternoon, apraya of orchldi formlni tht ctn- native to the United State* but HOME fHONIi RUMSON 14117 rectlved tha degree af doctor of MIH Marjarla Dtanii, daughter ef ter motif. were Imported from Europe. dental turgery; Martin T. Murray, Oeorge Dennli at Mtw York city, Mi» Mae Dennii of Union Bench Jr., af Key port, bachelor ef arts; and the late Mn, Madeline Mandl wtt her litter'* maid of honor, tnd Oliver D. Dickersan, jr., Allen- Dennla, became tha bride of John wore a bouffant styled dress of yrl hunt, matter of business adminis- A. Lenti, Jr., ton af Mr. and Mrt.low net ovtr utin, witha ttrtplesi tration; Ala O. Corbo, Avon, and bodice and a matching net stole. | Paul L. Blenden, Bradley Btach, John A. Lenta, «r, af Oarneld ave., She carried aprayi of blue gladioli, bachelor of science la economici Balford. Tha bride made htr home and wore ipraya of tha tame flower degrees. with her aunt, Mrt.'Laura L. Lingo, ia her hair, at Balford. Tha bridal altendanti were Mim- "Bifht »ut of emiiult Tk< Tha double ring eereaMny wet ea Thertta Lepre of Everett and tftU Cll4U ti acrtormed by fttv. Dr. Robert L. Ruth Lyoni, Red Bank. Their Bltekman, pattor. Tha church wai gownt wert atadt like tha honor decorated with bauautte of red attendant'!, Miu L»prc being BAMBOO rotea, white flowtrlng ihrubt and dreated la pink, and Mist Lyoni In treent. Mrt. J. franeia Ranch m blue. Both carried bouqueta ef pink SCREENS ormnltt and Mr. Rtuch waa aoto- and blue gladioli with baby'a Mataaafcl lat. A racepdas wtt held ia th» breath, and tied with ribboni church annes. matching their gowni. Their head, aaimaj. IfiU Tha bride waa (ivta I* marriage pitcta were pink tnd blue gladioli. by htr father. Her gowti wai Barbara Lee Rauch of New Mon< MftwMe made of Chantllly lace and net, mouth, tht brldt'i cousin, wai ttyled with a iquare neckline, long flower girl. Her frock wat floor aleevei, a tight bodice and a bouf- length, madt of pale green starched fant akirt of lace tnd net. 8h« organdy, trimmed with ruffles at nMNMffflWti MM RCIMf wore a Chantllly lace cap with a the neck, on the tleeves and on the rowfe nnjertip illualon veil, and carried hemline. She carried a small bat DRYER

-, • /

* • Hu wry large aapa«Jty Mcaw* •ht alghteaa atrafga* Maat bald * larger weak. Saeler la fatter drjrkag. Oatkaa pt/allal, get all tha tua, tfima, I' *•-*? Paldi compactly far atarmf. \ lUvolvlag top. Light hut atroaf * • **«Bl ruitpraef alumlnuM. 10>R,

A, e.

MAIDOf HONOt VETERANS 20 0AUON REGULAR STOCK! GARBAGE CAN XQ Months To Pay 288 You ktep insect ptttt and r«- denla out with thlt durable gal- vanlied steel garbage can, Cor- ONLY 109b DOWN PAYMENT! rugated tldei give It extra ttrength — protect a against bunpa and knoekl. Eaty grip Only Uttd Car No riveted atetl handltt won't pull III KQ0 aVOMC ^a^BHaAolsBBOl ^aTattaVOaMml am BBdBt loots. Buy now; tavet • twitjt i vi HIS) aPtrv Th#M TMIMI Awrloblo To Voterons! ALUMINUM WARE ASSORTMENT USED CARS


ALL MODELS kesdle. Slstple *t ate* and email LOWWT raiCIS TOO .. ON LUMNI AND MIUWOMC! ALL STYLES! RED BANK LUMBER Choott From Rtd Bank's Largtst Sslsctlon -AND SUPPLY COMPANY- "The Super Market Lumber Yard" BONDED AUTO SALES CORNERS OF PEARL ft WALL ST9. OF KEO IANK, rNCORFOKATED Opp. Monmouth St. A*P Super Market OtBN l-t, I1VSX DAYS A WEEK rHOMB WCU BANK MOM 8 A, M. to 5 P. M. Sat. «ttt Noon Cor. Maple Ave. A Wyckoff Place RED BANK WHITE ST. RED IANK PHONE RED BANK 6-5500 Where Quality i$ high—and Pricei are low! OPEN DAILY t. 1:30. Ml. 'TH. ftOO. •CD »AYK 14, I fit Mn. Edward Carrie oatertaJaad taa, M. T., after epeadiag the arcafc- mt A$hury , To Graduate at a krMga aarty Tktvadajr la haav aad aa the gueeti of Mr. aad Mra. Mr. aaa Mn. Williaa RatcMM a» •r af bar bauaa gveat, Mra. Cfcatiaa A. Edgar Palm. At Oceanport Jakai»a an. «aUrtaiBt4 at a party Terger af Sauthaury, Caata. Prlaaa Mn. Auguet Kattaer bat retura- la kaaar af tka alghtk Mrthaap tt were awara)a« ta Mra. Lawar Bb>at la bar btaae aa Park ave. after OCCANPORT - The I.e.! Kkecl keli, Mra. WUiiam R. Oraaj, aa4 will hold Hi eommeBcemeat eter- their aa« Williaai. T*« guciu at- r the winter at St. Patera- trMiag win Shiroa Tharwa, Mn. Harry Kaha. Tha atkar rneafcj B 244*7 claet tonight at • o'clock is th* •raMBt were Mra. WlWaai A. Wmv *B*TW "WWW * VJVJV •^*lm # •choc! cafeteria. Graduate! will ia- J«T«. Wara, rraacn A«l«r, Pa- Mr. aad Mn. Mcrtia Baaab af roft tricia MIHir, Lia4a WiikiM, Nancy m«tk, Mra. Pa«l A. B*aa, Mra. •agwmara dr. are the aaread af a rlude Michael Berg, Deatiale Carls- Howard BrdaiaaB, Mra. leaeae) topher, Mercaret Cleugh, Matthew lUUUah, Puny Wilkcna, fria ata, bera at Maaa>*uth Memorial •raaila-aa ana Richira RatcHffi. Baler. Mn. Haehard BMBW. Jr, •fatal Saturday. June a. Clift.a, Greta DtkM, Themaa Mn. ReBMalaar L. CftHaa aa4 Mra. It NOAD IT. Deuglaa, Lerey Filler, Douglae Miat Anne Mcrhin hie raturaai William M. Peagel. Dr. aad Mra. S. M. Laaew left Ferbee. Richard Jeneo. Karl, ta her heaaa oa ProcBect Point if- Buaaay to aptad a week la Atlantic at'BOBT PtAM AV Janet Urwi, Barbara SIM Leva- tir affaaiag th« week-*a4 with h*r Mr. aad Mn. Raaajalaar U Oaf* CMr, wbart Dr. Laaaw li atUadiag Yaaaa la »av«B • joy, EUintr If taw, Albert Morrie, r.nti at Bcriatsa, Pi. taa and daughter Aaaa have ra- the AtMrkaa Medical aaaaciatlaa George M.rrii, Jacauellae PeUiea- Williaai Taylor ftutphia, aoa af turaad ta tbalr hame ea Mala at aaatial caavaatlan. be. Joan Prek, Neil Seagtr. O*F Mr. w4 Mn. William H •utahia, after atteadiaf a famlh/ rauniaa Tha Trinity Efiacapal church jUtesto SMta& Nell Skaf«r, Jota Tuckar, Oerald- left »y autoaiobili (or Cilif«rala at Biafard, Dal., a*ar tha waeh-ead. bald a Ceeamualea breaklaat la the lat Vaughea, Meter* Watte aad whan ha haj takea a )*b at thi Mr. aad Mn. Pater Mu**kf af pariah b*H Suaday maralaf. luttiu Wright. Raacha B«*»r (or thi auMBMr. Kew Braaawick aad their «aaf» Mia* Darothy Meraaka, a gradu- WillteM, a ituaeat at .Prlacitaa tar, Mlaa Hetea Murffky, a taaiiMr ate af tha high eehaal, elan •( Tha cemmiaeemiat pcegnai la unlviralty, wit iccoaiBinlca ky Bwmker af Matawaa Mlejh aakaal, tail. aaterUlaed Suaday aftirattn •a fellewe: threi claiMBitca, Hiary Ovirtock left Tuaedar far a vi»lt aturtaf tha at a bat «*g raatt (ar tha memban itaH: Gn*t ••« la of Ev.aetoa, 111., mi aim Mayhaw auaiBMr with rattUvaa |> atagtaajd af her fraduatlac claaa at her haaae FrxwiMil Tae Ura4uitfi Wiloa Richer*' W«it« Maamauth Memorial heeaiUL The Eliaabethtawn Variety play- Priabyterlin church iponiarid a art wtth a caet af as, will practat maath. itarting June M. OMN PMBAVt WL t f. M. "Herniae" «•» f—*lu Tom Thumb wedding it thi church The Tauth aatlety af taa tint "M*rk I. tke M««MIM" «enrr Parker Preabytertaa caarth aMt Swaday • Play. "The Mueleal Cavalcade af Oiria' Baaeaial. rrld.y and laturday evmlnga. Tha im? la thi high achool audHarlnai THE NEW <*Ma Will wadding wai under the direction af evening at the hama af Rev. aad tamorraw night for the beneSt af Baptiat CklldJrcti •laeaer Mm. and lp»aa»a. U«ti N.>8it malre and Rilah Evaan. A eolo waa Ann Laaaw, Miia Jaaa Paaflel, Wil- Pr.i., Vftti-4 *f Rduratloe liam Strattan, William Baker, Jaha daughter Bandy have returned to drin'i day exercliee of Emmanuel Praeeatetiaa if Claai lilfl ta Rrkiwl ... rendered by Paul Bpreul and a duet their home In Camden after vialt- BaptUt ahurch achaol bald Bunday OH Rlfw IUBMI Next to 0>r ¥• Gail Karl hy Diana Dlggin and Virilnli Lyle, Irving Nuaaaum, Jack Sher- Ing Mr*. Bcdnirda mother, Mn. mornin« during the church nchaol Alma Mater Tha Graduated Claa Kuhn. Court Mirargel wan ca*t ai man and Donald Plynn af Matawan, Mtrltn Parlih, of Wyckoff it. hour at Ocean View Community nat (.luu TOM Thumb e«i* Ru'tn Rlnrk aa and Miat Jaaa Andenaa wt Key- chapel. Til* ClIM. M ll« (leoiaa Mm fill Pits Qriee iimpaen. tart. The freahmin C!IM «f the hir*i "Tka MaUartl Aiitaeel" •chool tponiared a dance In the Special numberi included a vo- The Sub-Junior Womin'a club Mre. Phoebe A. flefler entertain- high achool gym Friday evening held a food mle In the Tiailnl real ed the rrtdey Evening Ptaaahl. cal aolo, "I'd Rather Have Jeiut," UAIN TO D«VI... A fi C Hnida Elected U HCMI club at bar home aa Jaekaaa at The muile wi» furnlihed by the nndered by Janice Wenteler: pi- estate office en Main it. Saturday Rhythmilrea, the achoal band. ano .election, "Wonderful Word! of 9M Bright Lion. Club l Prltat wtra awarded ta Mra. Mi- Mr. aad Mn. Patrick Manna of John Lyle hai returned ta the chael J. Eevlae, Urt. Heanr Drataa Life," by Donald Ait, aad a trum- ITS AS IASY AS VVMIINMIY •EA BMOHT-Tka >M BrUrht ! Valley dr. are the parent! af a tan, pet duet, "He Llvei," by Mary Aaa home of hi! grandmother, Mre. and Mn. Thomai Walling. jbarn Sunday, June 10, at Mon- Uoni club at a meeting Moaday William J. Lyle, on Valley dr. after MlM Jean Hydau. Phllla HtM Oreen and Milton Woriock. Might at Harry'i Lebiter home I mouth Memorial hoapltal. mnsv completing hli Srit year at Rice and Morrii Bnelder, faculty mem- | The Junior Womni'n «lnh held a Oennli M. Lingo, luperlntendent, elected Frank Hnlda president It unlvenlty, Hoiuton, Tex. Lyie will beri of Matawan High aefcaai waa preteinted promotion certificate, to lucceed Miflitrate John P. Wair. depart «oon ta ipend the lummer left Tueeday Inn the aehaat ayt- I Sewer ihow at Eag<« Hoi* flre the following: Bcglnneri ta pri- Oth.r ahleeri .l«et«4 Inelu4e with hi! pannti, Mr. and Mr*. John tern after eervlng the >»ar, wara kauie, Keyport, with Arne Kalma, mary department, Theodore Davli, Uawraaaa MeCarmlck, (rtt vie* Lyle, formerly of Colt'i Neck, and given a #*rty Monday aftirntin la Sorlat, af Mattwan, and Keyport Patricia Sorby, Lorraine Woriock, •r.ildrnt; Anthony Mcllaeel, tae who are now maklm their home the ichetl by the ether faculty iPillei Captain Jouph J. Marlay, Ja Jo Hingat, Marilyn and Jaequi- and vlca •rMldaat; HaroM Ryan, In England dui ta Mr. Lyle'i but- membere. Each were nretented civil defenie director, aa guait lyn Ruppel; primary tt Junior de- apeakeri. Mn. Robert Marrell wai partment, Evelyn Ruppel, Joan thlra vlca aretlatat; Thaaju Ollll- ineai. gift! and refreihmeatt wort awarded tnt prlie In the Sawer gin, traaiurtr; l«. after completing ttaehing In tbt aad, and MlM Carolyn Smith, third ant aeerelary; lUgmaM laiyton, Mttawan Elementary achaol ta (acuity of Matawan High achaal, Carlyle Woriock, aad Junior ta In- rlintAn Lion tuner; Amharia Nilian, tall ipoad a week ai tht guent af hir left Tuesday (or Europe, whara he termediate department, Diane Hall- twtotor, 4»4 Mr. W*lr, lUlih W. will make a taur far taa lummer. Aluminum er, Unnttt Bell. Janice Wmttltr, tAwriMi IM CdwaM Wxa, iMrna- daughter In North Carolina. Mary Ann Sorby, Donald Ait and MILK CO. 4lata put priiKinti. Robert COM, ton af Mr. aad Mrt. Rev. and Mra. Alhart Curry wara CHAIRS Qeorga Jenien, Perrine Caon, celebrated hla fourth gueatt ef haaar at a rttaptlaa giv- Paul VMBrunt ant Mr. Walr birthday at a party at hu hame aa en ta them ay tha Flrat Metaadltt wtra ilacttd ainetara. Overhlli rd. Saturday. The party church Friday evening ta tka Jet- Lawnt recorded temparatura ea rW AaaMaatflhMt wat ttaftd about Hapiteng CattMy tun room. Rev. Mr. Curry aaa tah- thi North American continent wai Tk. raai •• kattar t*4 MiHf kuil, and tach gueet waa given a Hop** ta the aatltlaa at aaatar af tat the M degree! below aero ai Snag ^""^ Cai USf I aaai, .<»artlaa In Tkt lUfltlar r>iularl>. leag Canldy aria*. Thi gueeti win church ta til the plate af Rev. War* airport In tha Yukon, la 1MT, aayi 71 So. BroBnlwajr • LtNbf Brack 44011 Oay aad Ruth Clugttan, Janet aad rta S. Laytan, wha baa htiimi tht Natloail Oaagraphia eoclaty. Jay Scarla, Fred and Am* Kahaa, B^aBjBVvW7 VpJ as vavVJe*^Btjv W VB^BVBBmBaajmaa John Shuttlewerth, Robert Badow- Mn. Edward Currlt tattiuiatd akl, Richard Volker and Joha Coot, tin Tutaday Afteraaaa BtMca club an ef Matawan. at her hame aa Eagemtrt dr. matt were awarded ta Mn. Leray Sit- eowrts Mn. Oraet Curran returned ta It Pays to Shop at the Youth Center bar beta* aa Proapeet Paint after beta, Mra. William R. Cralf and Take notice tkit Cruet! Mirer aa4 •pindlnir the week-end aa the Mn. Ethel Nell af Bradley Batch. Mn. Alalna Marer han air-Had to gueat it Major and Mn. Jamet Substitute! win tsin. Stektle af Ik. Merer and Ccunell of tk* Barrack Matawan and Mre. Cbarlat Bawea af RatMea fur a Plaiarr hetall Coa- Ptwera at their home at Waihlng- MaiBtIm U««.r lleaaaa far areailie* alt- taa, D. C. Majar and Mra. Powen af PlalnneM. uated it A«eaiw at Two KWe, *«•• celebrated their golden wedding an- Milton F. Itevenata. Jrn aaa of nlvereary at a high man aad re*Mr. and Mn. Milton F. Bteveaieu "oajMttaaa. tt anr. alwvM ke aieoa ha- atatlaa. af Broad it., la ttttndmf th* cum- BMdiitelBMditl y in wrltinrltinaa- <• Albert AA,, Karr, HIGH TEMPERATURE TOGS t'Ufk it Ua Barsufkk ell BBaa*n. Tha Cauplea' club of the Pmby. mer neuioa at Syracuaa ualvtnlty, terlan church held a picnic in theNew York. lecture room Sunday evening dut Mr. and Mra. Daaatd Uat kava AT LOW. LOW MHOS ta tha rainy weathir. returnee] ta their hama ai Ktafa> vaaaa ef M. l

Live A§ You Pleate.... FOR FATHER'S DAY SHORTS In a Home of Your Own! C (jOLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP 66 Sen * atrk m a wMt raaat ef oahwe aad Mrtm SUQQESTS '^P**WBJ SHlVJ BBJ^V VAV V tt 14). VAN HIUSIN MISS SHWTS WvV rTwACtv CVnSa POLOS $<>s3 o .*/\ 00 2 lor I 1 InHiolwfJ-SwiM Pay na aHantian ta 'Na P»H' ar 'Na ChWrir. .!9ni! Own yaur SOVS . OIBLS . INPANTS. SeHdi aad etriaee. Vea'4 aartMBy pay awn hama ... anjay fhat faalinf tl taeurHy, that flaw af arida 4 Wilson NtckwtHir Cott#n ThMlMiMl «Ia>ta Baeelal. 4 w 14). that camn fram living at yau alaaia, whara you plaaial AI MT#ST pATTtfflf* Dad can navar hava fa* many. Dan't wait any lanfarl Lat aur kamaJaan plan Mp yau buy ar buiM yeur Kama naw! Irina yaur finaneinf •raUamt ta ut. Wa hava a plan ^ fit yaur ineama. Comfortablt Otftwn from 23c SWIM WEAR B€ Your Own Lawllonl! Hvs This Simple! Wibon's Basqut Shirts lCII rOfO •2it_,a«. INTEREST RATE ON LOANS 5% avlianjajav in 4tH p«ifT9rni end toficl coVort* 00 ond up Short ilttvti • Knaa Far axtra caaJwcii. • Eaty, liU-rtnt manthly Baymanti. 1 $ .25 Tha graaoKM arrey ef ewhn wear we've bad. Soye* traaha IM A UP. • Paymantt inelua'a principal, intarait mi taut. 95 p. $3 3 1 aria* .ad MtaaW fna) I.M. tJktraJbjeaWi UariHd aaaatlty af • Yaur principal raducat aach month, fivinq yau cjuicliar •Me' avfaa «Ua, wlitM»> prldd to 44a-«t only ciabt'lraa awnanhip,

• "aymanti fittad ta yaur fncama. Von HeiiMn, McGregor HaH and kwf Waava tparhtiirh. In al mattritb. t All mart|j9* P«pati ramaln at «ur •ffie*. tafa and raadily accaiiibla whan naadad. SANDALS • Halpful, undantandinc; aaumal fram lacal paapla wha knaw and undar stand laeal praWatM. 99 McGregor Swim Trunks Protect Your Family'. Security With 1 Of tX lafatt dadf m and ealari. Modern Mortgage Life Inauranee BPBtyBBaftataaT* akalafBJBJflJl BBjnBaalatW/ aWaddaaeIMVeHr l alalalJalaWJBJdJdjIVl WITaatldMh a*• kram. Miea T «e It. Befuer gJa vatan. (PPa—Paature (AVArLAW HME) fr*. WtM I to «. Bed, blue. Only I.M). JEWELRY IMMOVEMINT LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS • INSURED SAVINGS Cite Dad a Gift tortificte and Ut him uUct jutt uhat h» tuetU. RID BANK MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION QOLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP YOUTH CENTER 21 Monmouih Street Phone Red Bank 64)663 ^J CWner of Broad ft Mechanic Streets RED BANK 20 MOAD ST. BEP run* msatwnm, imm v«, im Fits)

MoMMuth ADA Cooper Is general Hceci«/ea •UILD YOU! NOMI TaM director of the Daily Vacation BIWe sad Mrs. ~ " of first Baptist church, ta SHREWSBURT — M r e. Ethe 1 Meete TOBMNTOW af Aobury Oardaaa. isaaay morakag aad cloae Dreyer Loftus, a teacher at Shrews- aaaouace the cagagement of their iaaa tt. fa charge of the depart- bury through school, received her BATOMTOinf—-Hysteria — the degree of bachelor of acienre in ed- HOWAtD LOAN rkroat to tha Pablic •ehaohi From d*ufhUr, MiM Jaart Aaaaaa, to meats win ho Mra. Charles I. Michael Mabart Ptrry, aoa af Mr. Toaag, it., iuaior ouperintendeat; ucation Saturday at Kutgers uni- La* aad sUgM." wiU ba aad Mra. Theme 8. Perrf of Dr. malrlay leMSterwaM, priaiary verilty ltTith commencement exer- auaaad at taaaorrow aight'e mooting bury Park. A atpteaUier saaariateadeat, aad claea on the campus. Thli week MAIN ST. i IsUTmON AVf. of the Meamowth chapter, Assert- i ld Mia. T. PVed Toejag, begianers' su- lio marks a milestone in Mra. Ix>f- is rot QseaertaUo Action, at eatenaiva pro- tu>' career, aa aha completee 2S AHUtV fAWt, M. I (AS MM, Crystal •rook fares tea. of aaadworh will he featured ' teaching. Maeagsjjs %tm Cirtiissa lisas tat law Clareace •. Toaapktas, teaearch ia each departaaeat. director far the public education Naa* Keraaow, daughter of Mr HOWAtO SAVINM WSmUTIOH N-Mrt aaaoeiatloa af Now Tork, will bo priaelpsl speaker. Samuel risher, aad Mrs. Mymaa Koroeow, cele- Jr., ooaaty ADA chalrasaa. la aa- aratad her eighth birthday at her aewarlag the meeting said: "Tha •Mb a party attended by Bar- public sehaote are the bulwark of a kara Maelay, Betty and fluaanWa i DeaMcratie society. They must be Hag, Oall Magel. Judy Alpine, Pon- THIS WUKS givea adequate ansnclal support Karea aad Richard sad he kept free. We must rceog •thwarts, Trudy KauUntan, Jane WaajtofaM, Virginia Martia and ' IO the threatening Influence of Karaaaw. those who aader the guise af 'econ- of the Moaawuth Me omy aad 'patriotism' would destroy hoaaital auallUry will tw re- tha fevadatloa of a free people. la October. A luncheon at "The ease of WUIard Geelia. eu- PUaaaat Valley inn awrked the last psrlateadeat of schools la I gatharlaf af the aeaean. Ateudinj dene, ia a warning to all. The sup- wara MM. Wayne Oarland, Mra. porters of a Democratic school •dward PTeriaa, Mm. rrank reaa, were not fully informed and found Mn. Oaaiel •aerhaa, Mm. Albert tkoauelvee aaable ta act ia time. A O. •kiahartt, Mrs. Jack MeUler minority group 'ueiag half-truthful Mra. Theataa Regan, Mrs. John slogans aad catch words af Ignor- ntaferald. Mra. Howard Pieper ance was able ta briag about a tri- aad Mrs. Cherlee Nelhhors. umph of educational retrogression sad political raaetioa.' It can hep- Mr. aad Mra. H teabrooh pea here! Ac Mr. Ooetia point, out •ehaack, Jr., ara reaidiag in their h*1 r#dty tut To heap this treat happening here MW hoax* aa •*. Oeorge pi., follow- —won't you give away eome of your laf taotr weddiag trip to Tybee la- A mm will kttf, §•», iM fAffjf I animositiea and differ««cea and try laad. Oa> Mlta Adama waa graduated fie* to Rnd common ground to stand on VlrglnU Alaieada Rchultio picc-looking, tmforlablt tlipptfi— (of ytsrf. ia support of public education? • Asbury Park hlfh school, and iahas eosaputed her Hudiea at Penn employed by the Telephone ceav Hall Jualor college and prepara- Mrs. Loftua matriculated at Rut- tlut'i the kind of slipper* you'll be giving him, "The Americana for Democratic py Mr. Perry attendedd «t tory •choal, ChaMbersburg, Pa., and gers in June, 1M9, and she com- Actloa are 'devoted to the achieve- Rose'i high achoohl l at Bel mar, aad la apeadlag the summer with he pleted her wnrk last Jnnuary. when you give Daniel Greens. For they're ffladt ment of freedom and economic re- la In the Navy, atatloned at Cecil father. Arthur C genuine. Prior to coming to Shrewsbury bor- eurlty for all, through education Field, Jachaoavtlle, Fl». Mary Uu West, who ough school, the teacher taught at with all the enduring cnftiminthip of 65 yean n* sad political action.' Wa believe recently graduated free* Maryland Princeton. She bejran her teaching that all forms of totalitarian!! Riverside Heighto Cnlleg* for Women, entertained sev- in Karminpil'ile, und two yenrs In- petitnee. Give • Kaily uuful gift—come in including Communism, are Incum- ter she went to flhrewanury town- Danny Waldman, son of Mr. and eral college friends last week at the aetlMs with these alms* West summer home la Point Pleas- ship, where the taught for 21 yearn. { and select i pair of Daniel Grt« slieftfi for men. The meeting will be a dlnnei Mrs. Philip Waldmaa of Conovar Mra. Loftus reaidea on Pinu pi., has been confined to his hems ant. meeting, to whleh all are Invited. Mrs. Howard U Hansen of Went Brook rd., New Shrewsbury. Those who are unable to attend the with Illness. Mary McOrath of Lawvllle, N. T., Palm •each, Ha., has seen visit- ONLY '330~t4XMeL dinner may plan to ba present st tag Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Poat. Krattaburc Woman • p.m. spent the past week-end at the home of Mr. and Mn. Richard J. Mrs. Oeorge O. DUbrow is visit- To Inherit »11,500 FOR THIS 1.13 CARAT DIAMOND Norts. lag Mr. sad Mrs. Harry Wood of Taking MW Plawc Mrs. Emma inydtf sptat the Tarrytowa, V. T. NEW YOJIK—Mrs. Lulu Feigel fef In BemHifml 14K CM Mounting IM Martae Corpa w«ek-end with her daughter, Mrs. Mies Barbara Weodhouse, daugh- of Stone rd., Keannhurg, will inher- Hsrry Tlmm of Uonla. ter af Mr. aad Mrs. Dyson Wood- it about 111,500 from the estate of I PAMtM ISLAND, 8. C.-Woman Alfred J. Cooney of Casper rd., has completed a course at her brother, Edward P, Hproenser | Marine Pvt. Elisabeth j. Reynolds, has returned home !•'•».• k.'— -\ tha trephagea oehsol in New of New York, who died May 20. [daughter of Abraham U Reynolds, patient at Monmouth Memorial beo Tork. Hin will wan filed for probate In tt South at., freehold, has b«rn pital. Mr. and Mrs. William Hitchcock surrogate's court. JOHN B. ALLEN COT graduated from the Third Recruit Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brenaon of have ended a visit at Lancaster, Similar legacies from the esti- Training battalion here. After a New Tork city wars week-end vial- I with Mr. ead Mrs. John Herr- mated $15,000 estate go to two oth- tJlllOADST. RED SANK tea-day leave she will take her tors at the home of Mrs. Brennon'e former local residents. er sisters, Mrs. Elisabeth Lemella plaee la the Marine corps, enabling parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Me. of thia city and Mrs, Emma Col- NIAI nm off rci a man la be released for duty la a Tlernaa of Naveaink River rd. It sars te Adfartlw la Tk« fealittr. Una of Rutherford. eomhat organisation. Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wagner, The Women Marines' boot train Mrs. Oertrude Ooedespeed sad Mrs. JEWELERS lag eoaatste af a sU-week period, Russell MeCoaMll attendod tha laeludlng elasaraom Instruction In graduation af Or. and Mrs. War HUBER s baste Marlae corps history, Interior nir's daughter. Miss Nomay Wsg- 72 IT. guard procedure, personal hygiene, ner, at the commencement of Lsosll HUBER'S customs aad courtesies, naval law Junior college of Auhuradale, Mass. ft ' aad other closely related subjects MIM Wagner will be i normally fouad ia Marino training. technologist.



All his favorite pat- Cool eoMona with short tarns and colors In ny- sleevea, opea eollars. lons sad imported Ia white and colors, Usles. Rayons and silks too.

• Boy's or firi's nodal. Rod or blue. Chroma handlo ban, noiHakid rubber fripa. Tan top sprint aaddla. A SWEATER IE1LIEIN TIE SWIM New'DeparUira coaster brain, Goodyear quality bal- loon Urea, kick atand. OversUe mudsuaraa, full tmgth ekain ruards. And It'a Columbia. Amarka'i fnt blank sinea 187TI JUST THE GIFT WITH A »AI* BIG TRADE-IN DAOWANTSI OP TRUNKS I ALLOWANCEI

Alt-wool sleeveless slip- Brightest gift idea un- overs In smart cable- der the sun! Boxer wH>pardNieefatwl7 G-E knits — many popular style In plaids and eolors. solids.

Big 17" Screes I LIKES I0W TIES INITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS •p ta 65 WEEKS TO PAYI fB youral 17" G-E television and • Columbia HEY1 IE RIGHT PERSONALLY bicycle, for the low price of the TV alone! What Ia grand graduation gift for your boy or girl—for IN STYLE I HIS OWN I not one extra penny 1 Grab thia chance for TV at ita finest! G-E Black-Daylite TV It crystal-clear, far or near. Hand-rubbed genuine mahogany veneered cabinet. And—even without a trade-in—you pay aa little aa $3.54 a week, or pennies a day for the tops in family entertainment! Come in todayl Smarter, now, than over—in neat stripe HOMI DEMONSTRATION Madstirn Fina quality linen. and polka-dot designs Ifonogrammtd hand •hat Dad likes! rolled. A fine gift. EVERY ATONTOWM PARKING RADIO «c TELEVISION I M EVE. E REAR OF 17-19 MAIN STREET EATONTOWN N J TILL AT 20 IROAD ST. 115 IROADWAY Phone Eatontown 5-0400 10 P. M. STORE RED IANK LONG IRANCH fij»BH tw> my* wftntrtM, u. im tilU* Mufheea HirU Rwcivr. BeJfewel dereea. Mre. T Mte. Emeet El«riaa, mother «f Nebon, Olfcrn hf WfCi Mre. Jcaeo* D. BadW, Mre. dea eae, eaterUined at a ceetout M> LeRoy, Mr*. Headrlch L, Bea- RKMOTAL SALE! Pharmacy Degree for tha Baal cuk aneetlac of the HAJLasT - A cewered diek $**- aett. Mra. Frank Laughlia, Mr*. A a* dWaei ^^j^gi** ^-0^4-m^ BBSMBIBBB_ BBBB^BBBBBl BMBMg) gM^ggggggk *fjBn^B^Bw^BBBlBT MeV RUMSON-D«vid T Hick*, tea a aaturdcy. Those atteading Complete College per t"*idad tna laat eaeMlag uatil Walter Ssnale, Mrs. Saaaiwl H. Wal- were Rabert ReejKtt. Charles Cre- fall at tike WaaMa'e Society of llag, Mre. Jona D. Walker, Mra •f Mr. ind Mr«. Percy E. Hirks o! NEW YORK crrr-ttickard I* Christian lerriee ef m. Jehss b* West River id., received the de- ia. Robert Walliag. Kenneth Walt- Nelaea, sen *f Mr. end Mr*. George Jay Baker, Mra. Augitstu* Begart, gree bachelor of nclenre in pharm- ng, Harold Morrisoa and Luther Metkadiet ekarcfe held laet Thurs- Miae Mart* Bailey. Mr*, freak Me- Wallirg. Jr., den chief. J. Kfl*oa of Meaor air., aad Daniel day eveaiag ia tha church re*su. Cleaster, Mre. Beraice Buragard- I W» are atevtag to oar W ease* ea or am*** Mr V I acy at tire lttth commencement ex- J. O'Kern, sea ef Mr. and Mre. Miae Vet* TeeaMeea* led the da- ercises of Rutgers university Sat- Mr>. Eileen Swarti aad daugh- J. Hesry O'Hem of Usenet eve., ner, Mrs. Harold Bteaeek, Mrs. Wil- ter. Eileen, of Eaet End ave., Mr. vetiaaa aad the aceeiAeat, Mlea liaaa Bryne, Mra. WiUlaen Bell, Mies urday riffit at Rutgers stadium. beta *f Red Bank, were graduated Mildred LevsgBlia, eertutted the and Mr*. John Lynn and Mrs. Ana raea Ferdhaas Haivereity Tuesder- Stella Bailey, Mia* Aaa* Cowlee WINTtt S RJR SHOP Riley ef Leoaerd* spent Thursday and Miss Plerenee LeRey. at Newark. Mre. Aaaeaelie Sovague. Mr*. M MoaiHMNitk it. • kW Mmk Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Loft us cele- Theodore O. Bailey, Mr*. aUlaad The rosd te WtUr ead bieasr knei- 1 i brated their aOih wadding anai- aad Mre. John Carsli awewe.. ssdnrtisd s la Ike BagisUf rsettierlf. Adtlt vernry Heturday night, attending were appalated a Meaiaetlag ceej- —AdnrtlMSMBt. SAU - IMI - show at Asbury Park. aslttee t* pteasat a elate af eMcere Mr. and Mrs Raymond Kelly for elect'nn *• the Beptemeer meet- and none returned home Tuesday, iag. Mr*. Marataa R. Riley, Mre. conmm SALE after spending two weeks with Jaasee Nesdiager aad Mia* Eleanor With That Ad ALUMINUM Mr. and Mrs. Chris Edmonds snd Walling were Bemad a ceeamitte* Mrs. Kenneth Mahrle ef Cedar- t« further anaageaaenU far aua>- burr, Win. •er activities Th* aesteeeee for COMBINATION Misa Carolyn Otten ef Leonard- the evenlaar were Mrs. Rohert *>ev- vllle rd. and It of her girl frienda •II. Mre. Ruaselt Bmith, Mre. Wil- (ta«,4.fl| S€KEENS A attended a beach party Saturday liam U Baraes and Mre. Riley. Bight at Baa Brigiit. Other* atteedleg were Mr*. Bte- STORM WINDOWS Mr. end Mrs. Raymond William- Bhea D. Uunaertsaa, Mre. M. Alvla son fp.'.ertsiee* at a birthday aer- Walling, Mre. Ulli* N. Bruner, Mr*. tr Saturday, June », for their sen (lary who was one year eid. These standing were Freddie. Raymond MATCH STICK end Joanna Williamson ef La*~ narde. Mrs. William Stobo and BAMBOO son* William and DOMM of River riau, Mrs, Otto Richter and daughter Itnaron of Oakhurst, and Miss Patsy Gallagher, Mre. aephle DHMT. MM* Wtlliamasn, Mre. Henry •leaseea SCREENS MO and aons. Bruce and Billy, Mre. A 1MT gradual* of Rumeaa tiifh James McCandlasa and daughter •chool und a veUran of World War Arlene and son Larey, ell of this Mr. Nelson, a graduate ef I II, in which ha aarved at a Navy place. Baak Catholic high aeheel, received DESIGNED WITH •harmatiet'e mat* In the Pacific, A meeting of tha Reaming Build- hie A.B. degree ia hUtery. Mr. Hleks la a member of Kappa ing association waa held Thursday. While la high acheal Weleeo waa Pii Phermeceutice.1 fraternity and Stephen JEalabosky acte< as presi- fuiikach ea the veraity feethall BASSWOOD tha American Pharmaceutical a»- dent in the absence of Robert Reh- am He wee aeleeted far the All- eociatioa. Ha haa begun interne- ar. and Mre. Pred Klrwan acted as County aacond team and also waa ahln of ana year at Rumson pharm- seeretery for Mre. Luther Wall- selected as the faeteet fullback in acy on Wait River rd. ng, who is 111 at Monmouth Me the Shore Conference. PORCH SHADES mortal hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs, James Loftus of (X* N» fabric Hat given Baby Sillrr Wina East End ave. entertained Peter •ara kawry thin utk, and Dunn and family, Miss Margaret Warkmrn'a Com|ieiiMilioM Olehl and Private Albert Da Topa aowhera will youfind a PJMM ALUMINUM NEWAKK-Deputy Commission- if South Oione Park two days YOU IN MIND... er Stahl of tha Workmen'* Com- last week. tuawioui sift than we we aenaation court haa awarded Mrs. Harold Otten la spending two to aw WaylMc Sift Suita. ft STEEL Arialle M. Smith f375 compensation weeks st Pit. Louts. Mo, where hm eh tha ground of "helnf a work- la attending a Bwlft and company»aejolcu)tiv«tc open tha door, ah« fell down' ministry, has received his bache- MADE TO ORDER italra and) sprained both anklti. lor of arts degree, Another eon, s» Town twraraj ae«ema are tevHy... and there la ana Yen will Ind it far and The court ruled that "Inasmuch Leroy, whs la attending the tame college, returned name for the aa Mri, Smith iat from time to avB^SaBa daak eAa^Bjeeh dl' time with the eame family for four- summer. •WH aWI InVfl I hour periods «t M centa an hour, Mr. and Mre. John Revere en- ah* must be classified u 4 regular tertained for tha week-end, Mr. and Than, tea, yeur Towu aanarn wM eWr«raaejut«|aMa- LYNNE Mfg. Co., Inc. Mri. Dale Van deMark tad family •m»4oy««." wm JgfcEHfi JF™W* WJTPW'IH *WT 4W vn JrWf PnJ* WHW #^**i iwWHg* 93 SHREWSBURY AVENUE Aecordinf t*> records, ttiii ii the of Sugar Run. Pa., Mr, and Mre. flrit time a bahy sitter hai been Thomas Shindler and daughter of wWflMCi Vpf M US QIMltty MM alWUQfi W Mi QH^VMtVC* A 72i# RED BANK 64243 awarded workmen's compensation Hpringville. Pa., Mre. John Seven In New Jersey. of Rprlngvliie, Pa... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bueel and family of River- i ptftfi at |2t7f. IM us ^tt9 ytu Pifkt ,jfjg ctt* side, and Mai. Bella lavera of Newark Mr.' OWera waa a asathaaMtlca aujer at Verdanaa aad waa an tha Mrs. John Helna celebrated tier deaa'a Mat far ale few yean ef TMh birthday Saturday, June », with a party. Those attendlnr 'v college. Me waa graduated cum Mr. and Mre. William Sutherland laude. Ha alee waa a BMsmoer af the W.H.W0HEY now! and datighftr, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- vanity baseball team and the Sane- comfort tuary eoclety, and wee ea tha ward EbiMr and Mrs. Marguerite editorial atalf on the eeerta pat* af III MOADWAY Ebner ot Elisabeth, Andrew Haf- the eellego paper. The Ram, He ner of Union Beach, Mr. and Mre. MUNCH Leonard Nelson and daughter Dor- was graduated frees St. Jemee is. Mrs. Emma Morris, Mre. Aman- grammar echoel and Regii high da Luker. Mrs. Herbert Turner, •chool, New York city. Me win ea- Reussilles ter Harvard ualveratty law echeel Mile Dorean Sutherland and John in September. He la a ' Monmoulh'B Letting /earefcrs Heine. tha Naval Reserve. Bsserv* That 0«t« Mr. aad Mr*. Paul Bowles are With an ssrl? saiteunetment ef tks visiting Mr. Bowles' mother of Ti- {••1*1 svsst ytn'rs ltitermM* is. Thi Ou turbine engine* far highway 36 BROAD ST. — RED BANK Btflsler't slestinsd teltiain, "Conins bltnle, Va. fcnnti", ii ideal far this vurpou. Call Mr. and Mre. Park Xnatlee af freight hauling are being eapert- RS ••0011 ind atk far Cl»iiii««.—Ad- Caldwell were visitors of Mr. and mentally teated today. •ertlitnunt. Mm Clarence Sklllman aad Henry Price Sunday. Mri. 'Pearl White and sister, Mrs. Alma Bottrell of Pair Haven, visited at Washington, D. C, sev- eral days last week.

mieed or lowered for eaey washing. Quickly] and neatly metalled in any doaUe-hung aaaW; window (ft* apace a* narrow M «•). Jen*: akjg ia and ewitch te eoeafot*!/

fir MM feat Uaw at tUa lew priw-not air can. dttionang foryav r home w oftee. Jtut think of it— ilalOIUCIAN? Real Air Conditioning unrarpuMd eoof comfort all aummer long—youre now at a anteteif price. The MITCHBLL unit ft* any wutdow—pluga in like • radio—no plumbing connection! raquirad. Baautiful furnitura ataal cabinet in choice of handaome Ivory or Oaaart Sand finiah. Amaiing Dyna-Cooler accelerate* refrigerant How for muimum cooling efficiency. TvriohDryir oaflecU mon moiatur* for graatar drying action. Air Scoop fan blade perfectly dr- ttvled t* Mey eheaf1 -claimed by Hi* Society of Mellon Picture Art Mlataa cool, Moved air. You get the teat in air Director* el the ym oit edvsncsd «onctpt el automotive styling.** oonditioning far turn. Owm tha new trncmnx- - . ...-., _ „ • • N» ikbyow bufrg'&r keeps'- . UAkANILlU IOK '> TtAHS Buy the newest new car of them all! Iat I apt* CMIBI SffWf ti > Clean 1sr»i| *» o», e»?a»Na»i. ea my pert. a «o*a Aaov*rytha ul pcfton knowi: tbt distinctive, NgudleM of its age. A last- safety with Packard's famed limousine tm you My tot* uit KM* CM vmHorn thtt&i h* ingty new brand of performance from Ride. All backed by the greatest dura- TAKE 65 WilKS proud to own "jot kuptr America! highest-compression eights bility record in motordotn: In times like thett, it'i actually txtrsv- .., ind Packard'i exclusive Vllttmtlic Cf til Ibt P«k*tds built, in tit hs$ »gmt to buy a lightly built car that Dtivt. A matchless combination of gen- i2 ytm, our 30% tn Hill in ttnictl TO PAY Mgi for frequent tnding. *aBgl V vj Lighting Fixturei? Look in PACKARD L.I. 4-IM4 the "Yellow Pages" of your AIK TNI MAN WHO OWNI ONI KtVfOtT—I bM 're* it. Telephone Directory. KIY. 7.J011 PWHUajD—-JO let! Mam II NIW JIMIY Illl •mi. i.»o** TILIPHONI RED BANK MOTORS, INC. COMPANY e§tof#f Open UKIWOOO—227 SHU* % LAKI. «.1*1S 325 Msplc Ar«., Red Bank, N. J. Telephone RE 6-3800 BED sUSsT BE6ISTEB. JUKE 14, 1SS1 Cawott, Margaret V. OarreU. presideata of the) Parent-Teacher §. Malik*** ~. CawHett. •/ Art$ aeeocltien, in behalf of that aw- 117 to Graduate stager Ceasaa. Mettaev Craduatci Stage jganixatlon. in July ftoaaid E. Davis, Patrick PcPabaaa, School Piiacipa' Clarke Newman T» Ik Wallace Dickers**, Virginia Dillea, •reseated UM dipleaaas to the It COLTS NECK-Mr. and Mra. Frost High School Daaay J. DiPeale. Tola Di Sciutls, One-Act Comedy i graduate! who were Beadra Curley, Everett D. Matthew* have an- Joaa B. Eaglish, Roaaria C. Bales, MARLBORO—At the list com- 'Frank Curley, Sara Dugan, Ruosell nmincpd the entfa^ement of their KEYPORT — OrUvatioa fa* lit Carol Margaret Pethorstoa. Theo- Heulitt, Catherine Holmea. Rosalie high school senior* will he heki to- mencement exorcises held In the daughter- , Mis.i FliMheth S. Mat- aight ia the school auditorium. dore f ircstinc. A. Ronald Prelter, remodeled auditorium, 14 pupil* JLuhrane, Francie Pintello, David the« a, 1n Kdwin A. Flower, non of George B. GordM, William Oraham, ! Primo»t, Patricia Tuveeon, Fred Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert, J. Flower of Ths exercise* will open with the Juliet Oraaiaaa, Jeea M. Mania, were graduated Friday night from STUDIO precessieaal, "Posap aasi Clrcuav the local grammar srhool. 'Walker. Arthur Wells, Claude Well*. Clifton. June tfatig. Ruth Mea4den, Jacob ! Betty Lou Whiteoa and Louis Zen- Mi>i Matthew'a !• a graduate of stance,- fallowed by the iaveeatiea Helfrkh. Marilyn Helnta, Kenneth After aa address of welcome by |)ca. by Rev. Charles St. Smyth, teeter ef Humphries. Oeorcianna Johnoea, Sandra Curley, a one-act coanedy. pri B«nk hljrh school, and also of Announces • • • Calvary Methoaiet ebiirch. a wel- Mary Johneoa, Shirley Kalma, Ruth "Elmer." was presented by a cast Patricia Tuveaon delivered the the Red Rnnk Ruaineaa institute. come by Rene* L. Becker sag the Kjerigaard. Georfe Klein, Jua* of graduates, which included David diplomas acceptance speech, after She 1« employed at the Naval «m- 10 WIIK class motto to be recited by Mar- Primoit, Betty Lnu Whitson, Pat which the class sang the graduates' tnunition depot. E«rle. and ia nr- Keadrup, Gladys Ms* Umberteen, Tuveaoa, Sandra Curley, Roiialie farewell Kong. Rev. John J. Noverlc Knnix und rhoir director at. the jory J. MeeEwaa. Agatha Aan Laniieera, Joha La- Co]''« Neck Reformed church. Th* theme ef the pregrom Is Vargne, Betty Jane Layton, Jeaa Lubrano, Sara Dugan, Louis Zenga, lot St. Gabriel'i Catholic church pro SPECIAL SUMMER COURSES Leach, William O Lfhan, Preder- Ruisel] Heulitt. Props were Arthur nounced the benediction. Mr. Flowrr l« a traduare of Clif- "Pacing Tomorrow's Problems." and Claude Wells and Frank Cur- The piano accompanist was Uoro ton high school, «nd al»o of Rut- ana participating will ba Carol B. ick Uckweod, Esthsr Luccarelll. ley and muric was rendered by DANCI Df»AftTMENT Therae, who will discus* "Bceaem- O. Miller, Monmouth county help- gers university, whore he rnajnred Joan Mania, Margaret Massoa, Janet Borkenhacen. ing teacher, and Mra. Charles Cisar in Hgrirulture. E>minar World War HINDU — AUTHIMTrC HAWAIIAN ie Problem.," Theresa C, Smith, Ronald Mitchell, Raymond Moore, Rev. Donald A. MoCebe, pant or supplied the floral decorations. The II, he serve,! thrpe years in the who will speak oa "Social Issues," Maryjane Mulholland, John Mul- of the Old Brirk Reformed church, teachers, in addition to the princi- Army air corps as a hombadicr. He SPANItN CLASSICAL U*U N. Maier, on "The World Bit- laaey, Maria Manuals Munis Oio- gave the invocatioa at the conclus- pal, are Harriet Wyckoff. Marie is employed hy the Freehold hoard INTIIfaiTIVI DANCING AND IUIYTHMICS uatiea," end Richard R. Smyth, vanna Muacarella, Elisabeth A, ion of the play, and the audience Wyckoff. Marie Costelo, Dorothy of education as m instructor In tha who will have as his subject, "Ths Nieminen, Robert Plath, Donald sanr the hymn, "America the Beau- McCue and Ella MrCurdy. Veterans Agricultural training pvn- Graduate's Future." The glee club Peliat, Robert Pol inf. Hugh Por- tiful.'' Magiatrate Albert Gruskin Kram, and alao operates a farm in VOICE AND DRAMATIC DEPARTMENT will slag "A Seng ef ter, Paul E, Peusene, Claudia Ana A reception was given the grari- mad* the presentation of safety utea and their frienda oa the sec- Adelphia. The wedding is planned Rayner, Blanche Reamer, Joha certillcates. The chorus ef the for July. Regan. Henderlk Ressi. Betty Ross Ms ond floor ef the school by the Par- • SONG STYLING • SIGHTREADING Oaany 1. DiPealo will amort tha seventh and eighth rradee aang ent-Teacher association An attr»r- data fit •«« aeceptaaee will ba lardella, Prank ••ahuiy, Laura "The Marines' Hymn" and "Ciclito tively decorated table ia green and •aas hy Mn. Marrisea li||i •hWaer, arbara Louise Silcex, Iris Haowdsn, aaughter ef Lindo." Betty Lou WbiUen played • ELECUTION • TELEVISION TECHNIQUE Mr. and Mr*. Robert L. Snowden white celore, with tour large, green l»rlTOX RUG§ hoars: of education meatier. Othar Prank Joaeph •lovenz, Carolyn the piano solo, "The Beautiful Blue candles and a centerpiece of pink EXPERT INSTRUCTION . SUMMER RATES pries* to ho awarded ara trim tha •rnith, Mary EliMbeth Smith, Pa- af aVinnycrett dr., Little Silver, who Danube" and Sarah Dugan recited roses waa tha setting of the table. Ktyport Kiwaaii club, tha tUaa- tricia Ann Smith, Tereaa V. Smith, was graduated Monday from Weat- Kipling's poem, "If." hampten collcaj* of the University where punch, petite sandwiches and Registsr Eorly For Your Choice stleer prise, Matawaa Junior We- Olorla Sprague, Jane Spray, rior- Raymond Warwick, principal ef green and white cakes were served Ihraagb tko amieo. ataa's riMb, Vstsrena of Pereifa enee Stranlero, Nick J. Straaiere, ef Richmond. Me received a bach' Claim Will Be Limited eler of arw degree. Bradley Beach school, Neptune, de- hy the reception committee, of MSM ttaaa to Wan, , Keyperyp t past aal KtyfOH Dorothy E. Sullivan, Viola Suttaa. livered the commencement addreis. which Mrs. Oeorge Wieaenmayer L b Robert H. Swann, Richard P Mies Snewdon majored In Span- waa chairman. Mra. Harvey Hol- t ft a II n. wide Literary dub. Terwillifer, Jean Muriel Themaa is* aad SMisted In teaching Span A corsage of red carnations was , Our Regular Classes Continue DtplesMS will ba proton** by given to each of the six girl grad- land and Mrs. A. Lyla Leverlch William W. Thompson, Jr., William iah at the university the past yeer. were the ether membera who were Herberbt t CC. Burrowos, preslaeait t aMf Tram, Joan Ann Tuthill, Viola uates and white carnation bouton- Through Summer the board of educatloa, tag a fare- Tram, Joan An nleree to the eight boya by Mrt. assisted by Mrs. William Stoli and Rd WlUc Jr ''Cleat out of 1* r*«4trt rnntult The Harvey Holland, one of the vice Mrs. Charles Clear. roUM'S wall will ba glvsa by Freak lea- Vaarhooi. Raymond WalUnc, Jr bury. E. Whale, Donald Lerey Clsuiaed **•"—A4vtrtlMHipnt. Whtttiek, Eugene Stanley Wllaon. OSteer* of the class we Deaay Audrey YatM,- Marilyn Louiee Sink J. Peals, president; Rlehere R. •nd Doris Maa Eitaaw. Smyth, vteo preslaeat; Marjory J. MacEwan, secretary: Carol I. Thorne, treasurer. The class Sewer Square Dance at it the orchid and the colora ere lavender and whit*. Th* motto la "Too Low They Build Who Build Beacon Hill Club Beneath the Stars." Clats adviser* LEONARDO-Beacon Hill Coun are Mr*. Dorothy B. Wyckaff, Nich- try club, which la having a very olas J. Oianpale and Robert S. active Mason, wilill ba tthhe eceae tomorrow night of a gala party, four class members serving An eld-fa*hioned square dance di A-CStrg^rry lc# Gum SMJI 25 rected by Stanley Melntoah, with the armtd forces are being award- music by tha V. Jay •retwatra, wil "^** ^nWrWfTjf SfioiTCikc • 11 I ed public law diploma*. Th in b Tha graduate! are Reaea Backer, numerous prisei and a buffet sup- Barbara Brawn, Paul Elkina, Ella* par at 19:10 a'clock abath Kalleta, Joan Letblrel, Mar- Tha opening of tha club reitau- jory MacEwan, Lei* X. Malar, rant Saturday and Sunday even- RicharR d Smyth, Carol Thorne. Bat* Ings for dinner for ItI a memberb a !• pg pp i b dancing avary Saturday evening to Anthony Trahuceo, Leftey Robert music by V. Jay'J' a orchestrht a and * l entertainment by talent from We »RQslTI«UES M0.HW Frank Alloeca. Merylee Maria An- trim, Madolyn Artelll, Robert Tha club restaurant la under th CUOTKRN AroM, Margareg t V. Bailey. Dorothy •arwaal aupervltlop n m 0 • l •b Ol *b llinor •anrenburs. Olerta *eaeb, Van PeltP , ana af tha members. Fea- tured Is a two-pound live broiled John Brewer. EUwbtth Boyd. U. lobster er charcoal broiled steak. The hare d'oeuvres served during Uary Cahlll, Oeotfa R, Camp, Aan tha tacktail hour on week-end* art UM talk of all club members. %aLWKiaiiN4«i €• HVDM6KN 10*

tltllW » BOH* HNS •isnii mmwr with t^W.W«t laWDlHf vRlV •inrle tl SHHM t»l mat is Halt MMIU

This is the ben swimming suit I've ever worn and I've tested all makes, the MGM star. "Now it's even bcttei than ever in new m$%i* lighter NYLON matdasK Lastex with new secret uplift!" Beautiful new colors and black UMUTE with upcurving ballet l-CBIL bodice, free-motJotl straps..J2-4O.. 17.95

We hem a senwltto setae- •lea el oritaaialHi ana IsMnatflaata.alaaaato IS Jualer, 10 Ie IS laswf Md se H SI Isdltt' .... . Alt* «u- ••rally halklaf tails IS •W0M1YIM •KYWAW49 emm

, t VULCr\NltlO *UU 1AUTA '•nccrtu.ioirMMc Comtr Broad and WhittSts. Phone 6-0355 Red Bank HIP wamimumm. mm %$.vm

nummmm MAaWat IMI riitlayHa^iiatal*a4 mVBnmlm*a ll*7ar*wiJatMat»7^>ai fcal** ffkaaa . . aaaat *«kar. ataadt i CtUflnD M1B atw ceaditlaa. lit. refrigerator, ait cubic PAIMWI AW MCoaUMt.. II aaaitiaai: ahartaaad *M tiaaarl*!!. CaU ithe old. aeroaa tk* t*r Ur < week-dart, or ell rears aiaorience ia atetropalitaa arta. lay awaiataaaat. BB I-Hlt. C*»«.-W«rw freesing ceasarttMat. Ab*ol»-*ly perfect c<**iti*a. aaa> aaaaat. IUI. Call at* Interior and exterior work, piaatering ait* at, fata Aa»ktf at Iwaaa 1% ceadition. Moving t* apartaeat with •III; tare tnd glaaiag Bapkael laiaa, *« Mirewa- >*a«iti*a*. Matawaa T**4 *a4 Maaa- rant. Ap»ly ia a*ra*a. I* Braat wcenum r"r\.r.t« fural*h*d. C*et II.4.I* I. burr ave., Migklaad*. Pfcon. Ml t-llll. DoiaMg Baa* *ar January of this rear. Asking |I.«. fksita, Itaaria* Ca.. II Maja at. Maaawaa. BKnd ess. using Tfc* B*gl*t*r't _.. . -lining aTflT-a16WBS-l~ahifpened t* right naaj graaatat **ha gaayfaag **a* each. RB I-OIH-W r I P.M. war. Price* r*a**aakly. Aateaidea. P. 0 Sea, 2Se eatn. ll —fit" •aerator* waated for Udaaa* kltckaaitfc tk*r. II* Weet Freat at. real eatet* ataae. MaaTW taartttaa, aaatt. Aatlw It Aaa 4>ata, II Will** Bight tt ciaatatr, I vialea ttt. like new. Pkotogrjptlt aal tw_a^«naT~wirtTB »»«• *»«»•_• Oppollto Wttt tt. ar.r aavcrtleeaetet It radio amateur Muipasmt. Must Mil. aent riag, ail tide ataaee, ptJhtw aeM. eaUitat w*r*_*. i l _k a **ra kaat— d writiM, Itatiac Ma. eattrltl a ll. aa4d taUU The Ktgitttr. loving area. Ul «-4»3»-M Alao Zlre*. weddiax kaad. Caa't tell COMPLBTB LAMMCATt tatvlea. Very lew aailaatT*. It*- S W* will aot -, ._. A-TiaaifsTWAY, 10-gaHoa Faraaa-glatt. from diamoade. AT t-«ttl. Plaata. akraka, tmaa, aar>li*4 aad meadeut aeviag; aew ear g_*iaal*e; erg *-**ct*d. Write, M. *V, Baa III. 1I5» Plymouth aaaaltl tekarkat. law trrom ualeaa taey ar* etuctad at> •aa kott vatewater keatoheater. UUtedd t«twao irstb hCNTAL teckalcla* at.lptaMt. »laata«. tavna aaa4* •* naavatad. (or* tb« Mcoad lutrtiaa. aaoatha. ftrfact coaaitiaa. 111. U *• Alse.saull AC DC keack aeter. Pkeae mileage, tally *fu-t»ed. Hever llaaased. afATHUtT WMAI art* weaat mSt mwnam BB l-«7»«-J.< ka week or montk. T. New car guareatoe. lt*f Ckevraltt %. keaae, aeeeed fer kaal*»aa_**»al« to No atneetletioat will be acatHad m aad kelWr. toa tut* kedr. Oat oayter. eattllnt TOVMt HO* letakar iMvlad) araaat- or chaaaaja mad* I. adv.rtlwm**ta fHHhSrTO . uS diti**. PrU. _. Il...l. "_ M l-llll-aV eeaditiea. KM CktyaUr tjaay Tarter, *7£ aiaa, 4esir« aaaartaaitr » taaattrf «M kotr liter IwedtH tt nieieg rear tar a«ca af li»'M Kx>". *««•< Ck«f Mew Skrtwekarr, Pkatt . Tawa eed C*u**rg •aavertikl*. Bam* tad tr wailatu, ktrdwtr*. atrattait aarg, at«»a. Otkar iteiaa. Call «E «-MM.» aar tia* aaaea. Tkaralar cootrector, wiad*w l**_t like a aaw ear. lit* Fig** kariag. kaidiag trade*, ar r*kM*d aWlda. OCAaHJMI: i era eteiraaaj le trim, kitcaea aad tart-tit**. --- lit; atvta aaatal veMtiaa kliads,, lili'i kat." A-l eoadltlea, broiler, grill tad waskiaa, woed and aidewalla. Pbeae oeWe_Tl r> a. Wldaillag- iasail a»*tklr wwata.otvoagd aa Low miieageaad It " purcaaw of aar .ejeteriele. Matt am 11.55aa aackk; to* windovid a aad aaskk eaai> aver. *U LO l-ttll. katkraeaaRB t-V***'.. wE t-Stll. _ Chrralec-Plraaawt___- k ""Kai~"aid ~S*tvic*i WILUMO TO TAEB tara *f akllwtaa; at *f a BleU, II tack', 15-fuol »o.t, II k. )> OXD ~" - OLD -TWB jOaalNG earp*at«r. Work Ml at ta* »ke ra. ata T eu. It. First aad Lrneeta •ra, Atlaati* Migk- t«Mt I I* I. tar mwkiatj •atker •*• CaU Attic ItteeItteletioa. . eeepeUcatkap a af lilt- asot.r outboard Ml l-ltll.' Requires ***_• ta*lat*aaa*t week. like you would Ilk* it done. Etttblished 4tra W* waak »t*a* I t* a, BB •> Attic lilt. Call before • A. M. Wa. T. petition, witk arefeatioaal afaaalaa- aoard ia kltcaea MM ktkSautkatk-Sautkk If idV DON'T liks rictsatxt fraaaa BIT 1.0514.W. Ilia POMTIAC atatlaa waaaa. My tlaa ia R*d Baak. Plea** wrIU. atttlag tatemt.t or attll* llatte a *leri*ea. foods, >ou doa't iika aantkiaf. •)<• - jr.'fl^aek, VaaMott, BB «-Ot»l-R-l. _n aatie. law aileag*. Frit* II.•vt. adutatiaa. eaaerieaet. aal reftrtaiag la AH •IrWIHVHI BVf>wHj c^WSiBf ••• rooa er dea. Ceaal*-* (ia. *f ia dittowB lurrinratioa, Miikwaf, •». i* caeelleat eeaditiea. Will teeritet, HpUtTaTftliGLAgE. Scrvic* aa.d Phone EH I-IIIMI. "fttcretarr." B»» 111. Bad Baak aillwere. hardware, gaiat, anil h 120. ran k* tarn aaytlae. Fmema BB all nnaira. Maura T:4S to i wetk-atrt ftrtit IS 0N£ 'kTa< af r^riisrifiia". t-»oai-R. ar appointatnt. 1*1 Ikrewtkury are. Tkat is our kiad Wa arid* awaeWsa Bad Paak. (Nest ta Becktr'l Hard- esenatxraam•ouipptd. Call tftar MAVTKIAM LOST AM> FOUND SEaTROX II. lawa mower. It-lack kit** la aartta, katanta I aad I I*. •> •pan tkii (act. aliddlat... aWriisr. I*. Phone BB t-»U*-B. UK IMTBaUfATMWAIT kana. pick aa, *«Uv.r •«#«. if tMgk atianjMifkvar IS. fkaaa MI I-Mtl. D-ll tM-taa Oloaial M*uaa. kUlrdr***tr*. IT* attaatta tt tl, Caatatt KB «-«ll*» V-M CONTRACTING. Crane aal ttak* k*4y. «>»'s'••''. caaditiaa. j*i_ FOUND—Spaniel, aalt, tan tnd whit*. fsanstu'tTtrtiiim~ji:riirTctrtiiim»\j far II; metal dar aad witk pad' M: M. Acaartaa, M*si*lsi*t. rkaaa BB ftivat id. Fait M»»*a,* BtiAtUwOIAN |a *ara I- ahlMtta Vicinity fcetTitburg. Call KK 1-1111 -M, sanitu alaitie centtiatri. ataar •4 ivory aettl bed tad iprlag. II! tit-et kulldoliag werk. RB l-ll**.* ti41-R LOST—Two place nettinga sterling ailver aaatl frtaiar. ii llaitik e t Mi4alti4alat«**a ter Sre truck. II. Fkate RU I-«7»I-W. lag tuaali rkaaa all llll DODCB H-taa paatl tratk. «aal left in store Broad Ft., Red Hank, la- «4 gc_ .__. — , tap*, koits, klanekar, *te. rk w A T r > C. iU* amlTH. tontra.Ur. Ola atkastu taaditiaa. r*ar aaw l-alr tlrat. Ma Thursday, June 7. Kinder nlea«e writ ei eatetnee, kttiat. leUett aae) aodiaiM k*fri(*fatiaa, Wfk*ar ^c k .,.g"v;MW &y'* .t,ff"'* - akiagleiaglet wtur-praafed and auda like rtaiaaakla affar rafttaa. Call BB I- "aiiver," Bo» til. Red Batik. Reward OVlNti—let •*>, porcelain lined. Is; TVFEWRTtBt. C.r a' p.7t*kle~fi-eT. aaw, witikk e.rbetitbi e protMtivttiv * eaatingtn . o caklnatt, aitckta aiaka. ttttwritf tka It- ainale metal a*d witk kair •ettreii, M CilT^Sw»Tm_ci«^ie«^>lLl<__*.-_ i5: moua Vavaattewa kiukaat; aaa, ail aal lent eondltioa. Us. RB t-tiil-W af- tve didertnt pastel colors. Free dem- IIMFOB'B D TWODOTWO-DOOR MaMaaaa aaaaa I»4T 110: antiatw bed wltk kos apriaa aad onstration tt your hem*. Guaranteed LOST—GOLD FOUNTAIN pen, initial*! coal Ired kattia* Bleat* ft* eteta keat. kair aaattreii. 121. RB ••IIOI-I.* ter • week-dayt, ar all day Saturday aad Ford twa-laal r tedtad . CeuatCty OaO tC Ca rita. -Uana," t. A B« III. Bil 1. H. 0, ia or near Moil)- Pitcher ho kot water fceet or kat tlr; all tartar* Sunday.* far three yean. FHA Inane*. RB Lincoln ave.. Mitnut i-»l«0. BB 1-5*51. Lincoln ave.. Mitnut Mlgkltala. Ul. Bcvrnrd. Tall HK MW. witk Mita*ta*l\t-lt»**rw*ll tottrele. HrYAtinjciariofitriBTS OIL HEATEB—Large, suitable for kua- [t[At** 1*4** INDTAN IIt aatartrch (Ilka attitt wtititg en Muatry ttere, ._ fuel laaka tadttatTt teak*, gwlvttlttd between 5:1* and 4:10. RB ••2*70-W. galow. Call RE l-lltt.W- CfO~TJlCHOLA9 Beauty Shop. I Oil week, plut reoa ead fcetN, Addre**, LOST—Lady'* Bu>tnn maroon wallc Oecaa avc., »ea Brlgkt. 8p*eialising near, *,*•« ailM), *%•*.. Call BB I- vicinity Monmouth and Broad sti and klack rlra aad SttUgn, eaglet I* Clinton pi.. Red Bank.' TMAYER rotLAPSIILEbaVr earriaM >21jj * •Ceaatrr Star.." Beg III, jasd Btak.» tukitf att Ittl***. tall alae tad It- It. AUTOnTAtlC~irska>i*k7r~l»0. with pad, It*; vised Rakr-Teads 15; la paraaneatt and ktlrcuts. For ap- froMAk—Trt*ir*rd*rt tl fOw I te I Finder piesse return personal papers ani •'--TT A art* tttitf ttt el tkwtrlt aalttatata tall IB 1-01*2. BUICE—1*4* faur-daar tadaa. W*eaat- I* keep tklld dellr Electromaster electric rant* IS*, kifk almost new Kroll erik wltk eatra reatk ically louad. G**d traataartatiaa. keura gar dtr. Afct*ret*lf ta telialt. picluret. Thcnr RE t-i2$t-l. get water ttaun, twttrlt ltd «*t chair 11.80, playpen 11.80. katkinett* ia ktr ewn keae while aether warka, •*,. •tctrlt eafrjftrttatt aal legeg. bed tide, »J5. BU I-I9ST. Cu bt teen *a Fraac*a at., lkr*wikury. ing, *rder taking only, Writ*, g Tk—a Interested, call BA 1-14*74-1. •2, stroller II. 12 Salem la., Little (Mr. Tralford.)' ag* addrnt, type of pace* service, i Silver. RE «-0«75-i.« "™-™-~w/okat mnt~mmimi. FOR SALE OffORTUNIlIU tUICK—iti« fciper tour-dear. Mat kar aad age of cklldren. it any, and a**. dyaalaw drive, alr-eoadltioaiag tyt vital w.rklag taperlatc* It "Ordtrt, J WMBN YOU INVERT, ttcura tka •UIWIMHOTICU 1 aet day'* t ark Mow. . radi*di . dlrettiatadlil l tigaalail , bbackuk p ~ Ill, Red Bank. wisheaas d Tkururtdtyi . CaU ft* IILTS AND rUbUVf tat •£> k*at. "Mutual Fundt" meet tka aREBTINO CARD!. Treasure Masterl. ligktt.. anandd plaatlt teat tevers, •uwmis•uwmst WOHIN-Iat'tweea* «l aaa I* ream aal fresh ttotk, *t% general eurdi, 18% Irta aawn ia alack. »*m»»t JBaa. teat, lavmt ia Aawrica. laveit ia gray nnisikk tadd wkltklt* wallll tire*ti*. OaBidOaBid- age ta rtanttat Ana Pradaett. Par .. »•*•••••.•, gard**, lawa tad r«- |rlt C, II CaCastt fratl attaat, >k*«a knlldar astortaentt! 1*60 ntail value; dtr Bulck, I.e., 1*1 Maaaautk tt. BB t Velnlt* iaurvi.w.'wrlt. Ada Mtr- "Mutual Funds." A, l*renh Oreea. Red wilk large kirek (foot caaa and tmall w»ri*. *l Mill tv«.. Freekald. pair walk; full ar pan thaa. rkaa* kail. Monaoutk Itcuritlet Ca., Eel. ••Itlt-M ar RB l-lll*. MII-I4TI-M afttr I FM.« Wrw Wtilft'ogrwaatwtWtilft'v •»V• »,..—-—- - •*• •••••I atarags eakinet, aeon ii«n. wir* rack, • nnwDGaTCLttB COUPE. Cleaa. goad freTilirl. J . tyalat*. p. It carpeting I t now ea tal* at Carpet If Bulldlnf. RB I-48O7./. tnd tcecasoriet. Tottl valut ••*«. Will rubber. Celllag priced. AT l-«llt-i. BellaMiM A Sea*. Leeaud aaa kloek rBroad it. Rtd Bank Itecend itAte UMIiKstuN. Utltrwm aad tall for ttOO, Mar be Insnctd. AT fraa Ferry at. ttatiea, of Crtlrtl rail- l_ C. Salts treewitt***, tew at llt.l*. I-IT1S. CH»Vllo|ET-t»4i; Pieetllne. delusT, MAL ESTATE WANTED . .._____SIAl______l _B__dhSk_t______• ta__a______t_a, COatt roR VoUR lltiKi; staves, Una- white eldtwallt, radia. k**ur, *tk*r raid e'ert «]u*IIS estrai. Ca*4 buy tt ll.ttl. MA I- tTASDTUOrkTBkk. Ataa- it Me—talk ttrett, Fkaaa BB I- Iwartt Furniture. Wa do auaraatet In***. A real bargain; IIMnn Write. fut eapleyetl eafeteri* tad *a*elleol or FOUB win k«r k*»*t ** atdti tatitk. l£»r»ikauilaa, Ma«*a e«ei»tkiiig •• Mil. Illvbway II, uPi/u- "Bar tad Orlll," Bon 511, Red Rank. l. rragraa at eaplay** keaeatt, Apply kaialww, Bed »*ak ar vltlaitr. V» •ad Artlaaaj la tk» talara. a*- it Middlatawa I aipan RB I OEttltllOltHOOn grocery ttor* (or fivf*iv«SLIiMoMiv«SLIMoS M U »*.. Attr ta.laa*.. ParVmnel Dept., Menltr tkreatk Friday, ta lll,*l>* caak. Oceupeaey an ar ke- WB NT awt! tBu, uitkiafl DuPonDPt t plastiltc i teaat t roverss, II.0II0M M tiaoa and lakrica art now a* jisalaf at rent. Going business. Corner Button- 11.111. t-4 P. M. Cerner Ftrry tad Frtea.a Sept. I. Writ*, */. B.. Bag 111. Can*' Cmttr. I »f*»4 It. Kad •»»». Ceatealt tt kaataa, Marta, aMalaa, eraad tad Maple avti., Eatontown. BA -jllet. Catt II,***. Itcriltt ttt.. Ntwtrk. litfond iaor.t ., Phont BB •-••I*. _ atlltra. attita, tkiao, «l*a»w»r4, w. •I*. Vautg pullttl, i»~iC>ACltARir WWTTjeSiWeur •AN—t* work an greatdi, eta dig t tiaitet. art akjatta aad all krlt-a* Phone RE «-*all-W, '"ttCTlONEBV ItORC. Coo. yea driven, Oaa*l **adltl.a. Pk*a* BB week. C.II B l-lllt tfttr 7 F. M, ki Far tkret idultl. *"* •aapllaa. Natlaaal livakar Ca, krae. Rytiils. II BaH Fratl it. BOXEllll, RRtNtlLE. t! month*: dorktd. raund kualnets. la fast growing town. 4*n»l III.. ill net r •autk BtTtttk an, tt tka ralliaa4. trapped, fully inotulattd) ABC >tg- »*!*• Brick building. Twa apartmtttt rented. ASSISTANT OABDBNEB ltd kaadr* rkaa* RE *-lt*l. Ittered. LO I-1«I_-R. MCCO. TMB TAlU CkaWa Ageney. BA Mlil ar *4Tt-W,» nc«All>—il'M'd.4atr'itwai. Badl.; fkasa LO 4-8400. I_R._ heater, eavtrL avtrdrlvt, wklte walls, ata. All year araatl aatltlaa. CoWTA!lCl""la-lTN~T5iS«?t7~Ti TNAVU CR1SR1S. . practicalli y new. Aik. waatitji. ***• i tltt gga aa «> ™ AN UMUMIAI. »nnpn*lTIO»f. Ga« Maplt avt. Fair Havea. BB l-lltl. BED TIUW—A BUM*/ laataaaai* ***<*-. ffur dlrttt tag atra. Bacaa'a lo» mlltagt. litlk. CU k* seta •* Write, "All Tear," Ba, ,||, R*4 Ki, »r, !»r,n and fardel ing 131. PPhonh e tM I-301I-B,* ttatlen, two ktyt. 10,000 gallon* gas Writ*, pkote ar ctll witk pour ," ' yrlcai. KttlMlM an***W*Wd( WMlrimw ^r^mrwwm^ _p _p •I. , (II Pantt Ik**, II Wart rraat tU M Franett tt.. Skrtwtburr. (Mr. Trafford.)* Baak. taala and lupplltspl.. Wkolasala and r*. ltRperfect condition"; per month. 1,500 gallons all per year. ijTMODEfATFORD^M^.r In goal tla a >rk (u(utraataad . Pwrar'Pr a Ikr-Ttralriagk , ltil twa Good business ok batteries ana supplies. AKT lA^eiTTPB *«;,.l..Fir. lail, DibroDiibrDiibrow •lotKert•lotKert,, Wkalb nfAPLK CHrST and hureaut. mania tlta dry walla, drtiaV lattalltw.. Ba- ment. Taw truck, plow, welding ma- terr. Call N.rmaa Lauratn. BB T-IKI.* euaaner *>a ar before Oct. lit. Writ*, SIR* MOUNOUNT AlpotatoasAltfpotatoas; aalt * kkalsd w OtC.UOtCUf •AUttKawTl.lla.dTaU a tlaataa altaa litearJkNk**Jkk , «T BBaa. BtUnt~Mri Bil ve.. Lent Br*aek. - aar aa «..^ "aa Reeah < illm * * , Baaaa dA aktABaak.a* t HOO a.^0a^044 afufur « I*I*. M M _ •t »wd. CaaaMr Irat. l*l*a aad aa»- beds, mahogany twin beds, apartment aad it.. Fair Mavta. fkaa* BB aV-UI*. tklne, goad car washing kuiinras. One twa-daar ndaa. Neater. B«ce|. stra» list Wettlngheute refrigeratar, three, *f Red Rank's tetter stations. Will sac- ir^ir m-tiTAi: 1 IB i a i alWfl a •f • wltk •ftrae i . lc«. Wlekatunk. Pk»a« MO |.|UI. rifice fer 110,000. Sickness it cause of lent coaditiat. 11,1**. Fkeaa DB 7. lng H**M, Chada tar tif ftMLift toit »i gdicrtonorcrv.rcrtnorcd and. WE Mft ASVWtuFaa. a/trrtalaf piece living room tuitee, maple tunroem IIII.W alttr • F. M, W ti*t«r ft Meller. BB *.tl*t. BB .t> g ttt. chromt kiteken itta, Vila rug, ma- selling. Dta't betker if you are afraid l .V?'&"^ F"K-.?BVT.BB Mil, l lilt. Caaplet* **nlel * Ina rNia l tttttt S»s4«goodd and teattdfledr. I lawnlf M.s .aradt Mdldd-"lt» anand.d and «i»t tka katt prittt. Call Iwartt •ay*, tt*. Matt) k» ttwM k» I il» ~ CHEVIfOf*T"T*ur.* *«r etdaT 4d Call afler I f M.. Ml l-"lt» hogany bedroom tultei, mahogany ttd af wark. Wilkcr * Tlndall. I* Bast _.....__ Tor MtTtlea fl atrtar*** latat, CtttttlUwrmtt t rA«T»A«T»10»'- * wool .aaardlnet, + 'urnlture, Hilkway II, U I.HII. maple dinette Hti, upright pint. w*rt Oaaaaar, III atartar i M t Waa) Frant St.. Bed Rank. RB «.|40*. Heater. FitMd Inlpeetl**, |l»». BB tltrk tnd ittlilatt katkktipt' '• ulal r |M.»S| *. Ml*l prlta ll.ll i fafon WK OIVB GOOD trada-laa a* »*ar Rurdgt't Warehouse. Next ta Stelnkack'l at, M Baak. Pka U MM aedtratt tlatd latadry aad dry tltet- ekllllM.s •akardint't all slits, lateo's furaltart •• w* ktva ta aatltt far It. Pkaa* U MIM. COLONIAL MOTEL and ktr. Grassed W ltt"- idr plek-up. parking let. 14 Clay it., Rtd Bank. III,*** la 1*50; |l rooms, ckaralng mrpoiinn lag plant. Apply In Mr***, Sur CHws- Itrat, Sttli Pants laoa, II Watt rraat tt., ltd ill iwarti ruraltura, Migkway II, BEWHML CHAUnHNftlD-H-w deluVe Reeeatly tekullt jna- era ead Ltaadtrm, Mrnlt tvt, Ut_| Bank taatga; (aragt tpacet Included. Asking Gead eandlf k. Prlee*ed lew. Call MtMdtrr ekr*m* wheel cktlrt for rtnt. Beiten- 1II,***, Dennis K. Byrne, Btaltart, tar. Oaed faint Jek. M*na*atk vaOaTnI Agip aulia* teatiM t*ig aag •kit. New tnd tiled tkalrt far tale. Call 'fcana RIT 1-115*.' RE I-IIII-B tft*r I. MtfatB-Cart fer .Wraa. WtTritEP U8TIHUI aatt TTITO •AVI AT WMITaJ r»raltara * tr*eted. Me chart* fag tttlatttti RB 1-1414 ask for "Patient grrtles." ItBLIIUrVara etallaa far warkiag aatk If ymr k t •.da-lm Ca., IT* Maaatautk at, koa* Stt.rdtr and MtdtF, er week. Free delivery, leutk Jersey Surgical RUMSON—Urgt concrete kloek huiincM wagen illent eaalltlaa. H**t*r, aaatk. Pkaa* BB; - i.i 14* re* tt tar •artge. Five. •'ivtrketd doert. Loading dare aftsr iif MH BB I-.I4I-B-I. ~ * •• M *»tt Front at., Bad Rank " *ft*r COW 1 *a« tank. M 1-1*11. (ttlH»kri•Hi Myhti4 d m*ti4iaw aaa d »Utl.rm.—.. ^(mill office kuildlng en * {rIilly dSrdri51l idt. Asking 1111,000. Dennit K. ekild) le lit* la ltd akare rMtaa- •wttt cara. Alaa aatt, aar kaaa* aad alt*: green Itather k, Air-Flow i—IIPW va* » •• v» _F *, w* —> v — -™t * •• JI fcwwWTw* tlkllltlet of kettt. Seed (alary. Pieee Iot>-Ciit ta ordtr. caaplata liaa »t kar, aatturt aad lawa bae tyrn*i.. Rea-Ualtarii.""Fion«l ~" " Rtf \-\no> ~' Pclinrf aitra. t* mtttresa and aaeeclienl t caadU trtntaltslea and tllaeesttarlet eteet- RE «•»*.*. mlttutta, li*u, {titlfiaar, t»rais and tloai Rimmont divan,'very food 1U GAS STATION and garag* for lean. lent condition, III. LO l.ltlT-M. dlttown. Ml t-OtH-J. dutt. Ordar n*w. Caaarar •«!, NOtloai Rmmont di IX •Mawta'tlttA At KGQlRiTElNa lpani*l auppltt. tlontl . RU II0II-I0I**. irt raaaiatad Fully equipped. On Hinhwar SI, Long roRlTcAR~wlth niw motor.'I* good •nee. Apply Eltctr* lapala•paltat Lakart* tMMimMMiHO**! Especially far real Called ftf ul delivered Wllk'n* Mo- Itate. Low rtnt. AT l-"l»l- •kapekipe.. A kargalak , Sedaa. tilIIl. Faa- torr. II Wklt* at,. Red Bank. Outtundin* klaod UMS. J. D. Tkoaw ATM PWMPI^API^AUU tlaea. J.I taj 1 .. Be. 17 Marlboro. F» MIIU-l. Our "I for a «uartcr aal*' ktt a wide tar fait*. Pkta* U w-NII. Aat lai ITORB FOB BENT, an Highway II, attr Itr used. RB TO WOM-^nMtetla. tot ffthty. variety af drencl, thortt, batklag luitl At AMt> lf»AW-All «rad.a »»aTiTl BA l-lldl-B-l. Ktimkurg traffic light, Suitakle. any ill gtntrtll' r »«Ml«l. AK. »rie*i. »al|'« Mah*r. eontractor. Da». 111*. and alaeka. 10* Bhrcwakuti av*. trpt af ofltc* ar shop, tnaulre an prcm- mttlei radio, keater, wklta wilt tire*. Retteltk, Meaaeetk Cc Ot-IIH: a(t»r I P. W,, MA I-17H-W. MlLLWORE — Caklneti aad til IOVING TO FLORIDA: Wa/nut cklaa Ittt. Elclker Electric, Hlihway II, Original owttr selling, tmatraitt* eon- ind Fara. Bii*dd ICkf —* -- * ta ardtr. D. A J. Caaa etaaet, III; tlnitle bed, new aprlag aad ditla*. Prleed tl.tlt. Call BB (-till •okei.llle" . Pkoa- e IBA t-aUt-R-t Keantkurg. Phone KE *-ll«l, (PBRIBNCBD geaeral kMHwarku an. r BBV > B 1 maltrett, all far II* i drettlng takl* wltk for ejimlntment t* te* ttat.* r*TJaTaB\—Ba^J?ggKSBBBnBrBBT ar ^ * _ cook. ..Other kelp kept. Goad atmrp. B.Ui:^i.'", i.7." •-"•'•Otnatn• •Sktpkar- *•"*d thoet. for ata ltd women,, wltk built- m TOTTMYPOTTMY,. krattrtttt ttd tappir tea- largt alrrar, 110: folding couck wltk LUNCHEONETTE. Bed Unk. Excellent urantttd. Ct-Ua In arcku and cushion Inner loltt. C, I, AIl M KWfl itlM> 1%t sll ##cul#Bt* mattrett. Ml klttkta. uklt. Id. Ml I- return. Mult sell at once. Opportunity llAjV'JjjIIlM' i> I U -B. Clayton. LO *.U*0-M. TtSil' •.ftr'kV"8. k* tile«d *wltk atutt aad Frtat at; Baa Bmtk. Fkaaa «• •f llfetlai*. Patters*! Agsncy, I* Braid IEVIIAL ICtTCHtNelnke. tVree-.ureei awtrt trar*a etaurr ewawaa areetkaatM. fpl- tt. BB 1-otlO.* '-t-evugi aTTWaftss* ceataeiMi. aeie, 'ACATIOII ON A wtraent fclllttp. 1 gti nnga, ajuarter gat meteri and wak rial;lit . I--I Avtna- t af Twa Rlvtrt. BIX TSJaTIC FOOT 0. *. refrlgtrttat! Mill Itt twa keyt t tad 7 rttn eld. ttt Mlfkbtrt aa.a-kr.lf alia twu. la. Ice heua. teiLht* tar summer aat; •latltaant'i Ceraar, tt tall new, never uted. HB «.«ISt.* i,i.?.Sri5?ii?? Driver** HetivM, Sailing tiatttett*. Fiv*. atrk wl»» tt Greea Mn.Uim. Ntarkp tagei. Sett e'er. Semalar, Willow tt4 XMflOOMflOOB HArlOflAVV altlgk Waa'WaaU wtmMttm mn%m lait. tiaaarai Rtiat- filt'CREVBOLBT faarTdMT wata. BS a^Ai^atBSS floed wta**,' Statdp ttJN Ilk* Rlklna. Oeed library la htat. E«- kaautifui condition, far atle at Iwarta tWTOMOlll f 1 ecltmt eoa pl*ta*at. Ne Banter wark. Apatr eellent f*ad, ttt • week. Bnarvttlta*. Locust sts.. Hiahanda. HI 1-1*8*. —DIATORE BaaaaVUaaaC diti f l t It ing eaatrattar. Prtrartr aaaitUaaatt ecltmt eoadltl**, tkr*«gkav,t. Paarn Ve WOOD - fireplace, Hove, kia Gutrtntetd. For aatt aar*. •••* day Furniture, Highway II oppatit* Midflt. aa aauil aad lira* talttta, aar kaf RE MIMJMIMJ. larlet RetUaratt, It Mtaawatk ai. Cileries H. Wilton's net yard. II tervict aa rleaaing, raaalrlaa, raaafiat. town «r« eaapany. Rt *-llll. iim> AAMMU PBRSONAL lr-EV4rCltEBOLBtTidir»edinRidlVB . TlAlLlR. BLEEPIKO four. ln"aerfeet better. Oaal ratting canlltiaa. •*«. STBADT. PABf-Tslfl eirtegfrl. Da aat Paack it., Ntw Bar* Shrtwibary. Fkaaa w#kt: lit* aa RB 1-1*4*. It BB I-IITT, canditle*. far 11,180: ISC* down Ukel ***!. Wa. 1. Levla*. 41 Oeeanaart av*., Wtst -— Attly la Hrtaa. £*.<*•*' WANTED Idneola. nrlatr. "'"i *** *&&! It. fwartl Furalturt, lllgkwty II. tp- L*n« Brtnek. Phene LO l-tlll. Opt* IfI6Tlf i . -ittlaatl. Tart* year* avtajngi tnd Sandayt. Htnry KitMl, atar tt.. Ti»toTi n TiFall!l . old. aedel 101*. regltttra 1*1.11. aatlta Mlddletown Art coapany. RB I- fTkuat ktv* EA I.01.5.M, ttvtn depsrtatents, A-l coadltlsa. AT jfartatt, Pall PMltlta. i. TATION WANTBO I4 COMB IN AND LOOK la aar aarglla ii4T"rt7*--"—- Tajik*. B*4 Bank. k*».4»iir u vta IAVE 10% oSTSSOfTNO material tee- Brtgjakh.. Uava Bed Rank etlt available. I In 1 atrip tkiagle. a Ira. TlaE GATES. Alr-ei Vatementi drttsert 111, ektltt 17. tt- eolert. 14.10 at.; *<-p*und elate rel tlat and cktlrt 111, kedt. e*mplete. Ill, Ojattaeri tvt.. Wttt Laag Braatk. Al! IIIM. laatdltte d. and aaar aar* kargtlna at Iwarta Far- Pkant LO 1-14*1. Opat tvcalngt tad reeflaelMI t roll; ll-pound feltl, It.l* rl potlta Mlddltttwa Llgkt Siattwark, Fktat . 4*41 roll. talpRalpkh MMundy. Highway II. Ettas- ' -"J-i *_*- **I*'. nlture. Highway II, appaal Tkandtp tvanlnt. fill te II, tr ] . KB «. ------AliDWBnin kar In kelet; Ira eaaaanr. BB I-HII. VUVB CAB Mtw k*r|» Da r»u» , fewr-deor ttdta. Outei •aa* tlmt. tlte fee- ctrn on tkt tak. Cltrtr Dtll ILBCTBIC IWIJi.-Iff,f _ ataaaalai t **w. tall trattl* aklawyi Ut aa *arr*at_tat nBf*ft AOT NATURES charm t* year n< ' a»a ana. » mv.v*Tai aji tal*. Will aaerltca. Ctlt AT I-IIM tr kr placing i few of tur kundrtdt of . after I P. M, BB *-t0**-B. ar ill HwaMt. Bavt raw ijrtt, Uttat Btar AT l-tlll. —-,,—— •-*•—-.-, •FYwHt INMIi K#Arta Saturday. •erlttit* tt Indear and outdoor plattt. gg»HVMw, MAT'hopped: ar tkujk. Rvt ataaat "1141'POBD~T-l pleh.up. iT.ttl arlg. We tarry tkt belt aad keattkiett tt 1. Helen Mllltr't Ptt aaaa. Oat* tan- M. P. eleetrlt heavy daty Intt allea. JuM krektn la (eel. Nat VNIEILLBD WORSBRS. Stetdr lowest print. All pltnta are Predueed F tlnglt pkltt. III. Pktnt k*kmn Hanitortd In nraa*i . Appl*gtt*'e tie- In ear greenhouse t* which we cordially a RB*: *7I*. rage, corner Avian* B t.d Laenardvillt werk I dl-ketr WMk. Madam fat- ltd 'Bank "' "* " ""** ** rage corner A _t___ttr t 4_h_____l gHt—haMt*— _^___S__4___ aa\ _a f______ML Invite you t* visit m. Modern Rate I6IFITA17 BWTKtV-Wtar aaa. rd.. Uttirdt. BBB itMi*MtT raavaa itr rtar vtiaawtrat wstntT wWI# I B *1 w*Bflfii VtBTftaa^lHaT WW^^w* "" ' II. Pert Monaoutk. WUVMfelO.lneaV, MIII IA.I ... UT; •ra tdjuttikl^ * kotplttl kedl for rent. ITOURRAN MM O«C. kit*. gltttwar*, aatlqaaa. Sat llatat, fural. Mew and vied keda for tatt. Call RE metal. Like new, *.l*» alia*. Rail* artutlvt will lattrrltw it tkt Mtw tart, Itapt, lUtuta, tllvtrwin, krlt-f lalet and Servlct. 114 Ilia* •-1114, tik for "Patient Service." Frtt Jentr Matt Bapltyattt aSett. It krta,, Jtw.lry. Ctll aw far taa ^WAPTlWTWlkTlI''. TSe a*w*tT~tad Branch 10 ••0l»T. and keattr.^l.!**' *i• wIlT trade "for foremost self-propelled rotary powtr delivery. Soutk Jersey Surgical Supply, county aedat. Caa k* Ittaet*). BB I- Btet Front tt. Bad Bttk, lilt A. condltlaa. fall Bt MEatUrront at.. Red Rank. _ ..., r. KG, aewltg, gradlag, aowen of '51. Roller and ikid pan i-mi_w.i.« combining, grauad clearing, earn kiti. IITljB. _ M. te II neea. Maadty, Jaat IS. IF tt tkrtt auttki t* Htrt drive. No wheels. For detail!, call Cart MAUMc_•i V_r^t*VSBKUIUniS *V ^m^rMT imwm WB > ww_r*^kn lu.HI. Ing. lawnt rolled, limed, cltaaed, rlaatlag v fill StCbHXkm, l-tta rack track. and car* wltk few etk*r *kll> Btekaunn, SB J-007» or RB 4-4700. any ca.dltla., fit. ken offer, fkllca TV eet, projection,' cacora, , mimowingn , rating, ktllng kap tat raautk aid littrattltaal truck Usjd aalr 14.*** allet. i«lt arakm TAXI DPJ1V aata. Bait hav* ttsl dm. Will brtag cklld at at ear ewa. %!_?jB_!_t4ii: working; kttt after: Emerson TV tt".storintring IntInto UUraUrr .a ialpk MakerMaker . CCat). ttrv/ltt ketdtjaariara,' Fktat In. Very gaad tendltlta. AT l-«tll-f driver'! ' Apply Wklla SUr or ktla working a_*tk«r fer ladtCalt* UA0t_grTVW_i. CuCBER Spaniel and toy Ml: Dele* TV 10", M0. RB I-III4-J tractor. Haladaldal, Day, HO l-llll I af. before II aaaa. *>r*"**" p*rl*d. Write, "Featar FarMta," Bag Manrheiter puppies; all pedigreed: In rURNlSJI—Rata, iNHaait, kaa< ttter I P. M. tar I t. U.. MA 1ITtl1 W DO~YOU"WAKT a bargain T ll*(TtK7t galow a> tummtr k*aae. wltk aVtriNO SACHINII. All kMi Uwjit: acaltted. Mrs. A. 8wanaon, rout* 15. THfttt SEW «_—• t.TO.IS; eilr* UWHm~iSMMMt~sntim1 l.# cavers. Cttl BB I-IHI.B. II «a llll ettks tlaa caek lefltttrt 1.01*1. suits, II*; tmall cksst.] rtCWlNjrtEtRV!8IONr»eTf.ct7oer. It wavlag^^*-w-T!S»r_. Gatd ttlaryl troa »lt to MM I tyaewrittrt'll ta WHXOX-GAY combination record mak dltioa III 1 R 0 A esblntt aodtl tele, dltlon, Fully equipped, RE 1.17*1. plus etaaiulaa. Ftraaaatt paaltlaa. Ar- aMIag aaefclas. tie. Wli call •r phonograph and radio. Accompanj Ivt.pltct kreakfait Mt. lll.lli gat vlllon w tk AM tnd FM radle-Vletroli C*a* la aaa att «ur teleetloa. Pricti ea opening tar t_pert attigtirlit. III tti^hatt, _«artlmt. Pken* EA 1-1411. Ing; aerophone. Cat ka used for publ ttovt, lll.l*; dlnlag t*a** Mitt, eomblaat^n! ««llt«t taaditiaa, Ittt Natttaktt. Alta a taw we* Wlllit HIT FORD CONVBBTIBLB taata. Oaal itralgkt wnk I a* aJiTIU-TS Rttt print tald. Cklia. tddrtti Beautiful walnut contole cab- 1*1: eaiy ckalrt, lll.ll; talld maple afftr. JIB I-IITI. atttlta Wagowafotnt 1and ieepittrt. Mattktwi running eandltlat. til Ckarck tt, Intt. Eucllcnt for clukhouit. ichool a. IB «459. 0 Llttla Sllvtr. or home. 150. Phone AT 1-CI70. bed, 114.1*. tt«. Rattll't, II But iu&Wrn •Awn, aatia i ,_. 1»4» T*O^DOOR aedan. Ill- OFT1CB DESK »V>. No jok tta tatll ar but 1*17 pODGB-Vtrr gaad ttaaltlaa. far SOD—With etover and blue Iran. Fr*nt tt. 'Under s IM00 alles. Good eeaditiea. till. Leaving far Earea and ant ckalra 11.5(1, ti:ar. chair It.TI, Mtwa. Mew* ctntt souare foot. Paitured 15 rtart. lie aad keater. Original twntr. Call aall. Phone Swtrtt Furniture, Hlgkwiy Vary hearty and deep roottd. Tkomai trlk 111.10, Rtetlti cabinet |ll.l«. 15. BB l-llll. Oppatlt* tllMbttwa ... S-llll.* Field. Rout* IS. MI 5.0151. lee koi>. kedt. eoaplett. (I*, ..I" '"-L*V&&, truck M,tire company. WANW It'aur aM'altali TBAYtR BABV~rARRIAGE, blue, mat drttstr katst |7.«», add ekint, wltk leekert and Pipe racka; III* lilt CHEVROLET Back eonvert. kortakilr eaalriektlL., ta_..r, cendltlta; aarkle tress, rood condition, reasonable: pa! glattware, pleturtt tnd brlc-t-krat. Ckevrolet, excellent eondltioa. AT 1' •d t* track. Oo*4 rua.ltg caadltlea, tap taklM. waaktitatfa, cklaa, old bran j*|llr«nj _ll|_l om-W. R.C.A. TtLEVISION, ll.lncl tiilt *IIT.II._ • M. KB l-ltll-i. Wilt*; J : model. Excellent condition, takl* In- BuMll'a, II East Front at. IIP. Phone AT t.lTITJ. "lataautk.* YOtJrJG LADY'S wardrobe, (onslttina of d con BUICK—It4t, teur.daor, dark tlaa nn- COUkf^NTr^DOWMeTAIM' wwrlitr. »*a*.J1». Phont RB *-44*l-R ar tall lak, undercottlng tnd good tires. Has PACKARD — 1141, lit, fear-deer. HLDIMGT wtnta*; ta wreck ttiltei, drtties, etc.. site 12-14. helrht t 24 Worthier it., RtRBd Biak* AUTOMATIC KMOatMl kot water faulpptd wltk rail*, keater. everdrlv* " iall family: *. kui lit*. Sletp la ar 1.2! also five pair of whlta wide ortand) radio, kettar. dynaflow drive, back-up lit par week. BB t.4771. irl.M.d wrecker. I. J. Bmett ., Rtd Biak. hotter, comaltta wltk tank. ate. Alt* llgktt and directional signals. An Ideal and electroattle clatck. Nig Mick fae- 'recking Co, Belfard. Fktat ruffle curtains, uitd thrte months. K ,o lawa mower. In good canditiaa. Reason- ton Snlak tnd wklt* wilt Una. D*. I—Ta do lentdrr la ewa trtete. io! tnd Peel. Northi Lag Brtttk! Grand. N* dealera. Write atkt a.d marble anireli ITS, Sheraton writ* prlet M "Spiaat," Bas III, iti Lawn mower, weed cutttr. trimmer In w.ter. I d condition. About ta par." Ctrtfully B*1M1*_,'1*W milt- SHOtTlOtTT olDEtOKDEKl COOK taaad ttantttaanUr iaaa. tm dtsV |1«.5«. oak carved library three ytarars tldi 1100. 117 Catherine Skert kaur wtrk tnd Ideal catdltltaa. one ••«*« to handle" unit. Rentals avail. • 'alii II tga cara. Outtundlng vtluea, ill priced HELP WANTED RUT ANT type »t cklldren i ttblt 115, foldlnf tcreen 11.50. at... Red BankB . Privatt k-law tka prtvalllng market: 1*41 Bulck Apply it Cialat Buck tad Paal. Mertk i aaldaar I CCUU . ft. K1LVIMAW1 refrigerator. S.p*rtoe4tn. 1*47 Bnlck Super aedan, Alabanter table lamp I4."8, office MEN W1SHINO. STBADT.aatlayaett Excellent condition. Asking HO; '•W It atHtr tr a*- 1*4* Ford, four-door auper dtluxt. 1»47 . _ MAN—Fer weakly aewi. BAILS FOFOIK COll] Mttet IS*, assorted cut (last 12.78 kltchtn cabinet with titcntloa porcelain • tttlaikt *• Chtvro'et cenvertlkl*. 1*47 Cktvroltt T—Maat k* In « Very lentle. Phone FR I-01IM.I. p lt paptr. Write. "Advtrtltlng Mia," Bes l»at taaidltioa. Ctll BU 1-1171. and up; Victorian black walnut buf- CI—~ i*.*l?-!g ---g!? '."* t'nw. KB*.Q«0«.R.« •atiTj. V. Bamgt, Tt Flntlln*. 1*47 Dodg* tedtn. 1*47 Dodge fet 125, ttc. RuiCili, 35 Xait cooKRAfoir ICE B6Xwltk H«MITU»B ANirWdS. thre«.plira •a. Wa\tlaa\ *»~ J ItaaHSaal cluk coupe. III* Ckevrolet Flettllnt at- CINIRAL MAID—in pnvtu tatae in GOOD HOME fer young aatktr tat tad dan, 1141 Ckavroltt cluk coupe, 114* Front it. "** llviag room set. Another Mving room wtir. rWHi HI ••••• JOB! AVAILABUL DatataJit. RumsoB. Cooking Mtttttnl fleed twa Uttats, tl« ta etikt wtakt aid. chair, mtple morris chair, single walnut >«. werk. Wll. Mercury tedan. IM1 Ckevroltt tudor, Btaarali ttak aad Irat-Saatl tott- BU 1.07*1. Vied ta outdoort. Ooad for fara. Ctlar MM StoKlR. .i,k 1141 Dodg* four-door, 114* Old* tedtn. Andrea ttlawltlom tet la perfect condition oriental, wonderful value: two runners, Itr- LMIM rtwlrtd. Wa MB tw and general oflU* werk. Enowltda* of tar aunt. Phono BB 4-»4ll.kt.l. • _ 4.0251-W after I tuck-4*,ji, alt day HHW,, en. Loweit down payment, longeit typing necessary. State age. residence Saturday and .Sunri-y.* GAS •al 4*Hmr. larairi tlatia ami tarn* peulbtt! Open Sundayi, William GAS RANGt,, tap. T-1IT0 •" *' * '"'• *" "'"•"' *' katk. Mutt hav* raftrtnetit 1141 perII TO II aiXWBSRS to twa aattk* MODKRK MOWER, model M-180, 18- iivory color. In excellent condition. |J0 CUTEST LITTLE kittena ever. Thrte aSMtto tko*. II Watt tvmat «. I. Levlnt, 4t Ocstnport tve., Wett Long all tklekt. Heavy itraln. Fkaat RB inth, 1 % h, i>, engine. U^ed very month. Saall home. In Sknwth.ry. RE 0 n lbl Vi fl t0|> tiger nates, one beautiful femalt. Can Baa Bilk. Pkoa* BB MT44. Branch. LO *.»*«» oor 4-0'22-J. flares, w-w.-a-•,-»». t8H4 little for demonstrating. New mowel RB «Vs"»|. ii" * "'"' * - "•"' be altered. Sandbox trained. Fret ta specli housswlvss and taleswamea are of CLEAN. REFINED, mlddla-aasd eoupl* guarantee. For details, call Carl Beck- ar-stniivxir^'BireBy . fared excellent earaera ta tkla dlttrltt. m.nn. SE S-OMK or HE 1-4700 anytime. goad home. Call AT l-»t8»-M diilm oat or two wetkt beard la "ndltlon. Call RB l-llt*. bK)ATUfcrC.ntr!* l/i 1(48 Mercury convertible coupe. In *x< Experience unntetitary, Applittnti will fara koat. Wrltt, "Rained," Bas 111. WETSTlRGHOU-tri cu. tt. refrigerator, T^mftn Ho. Good ....It!..', cttlen11.115t condition. Ope. Badlan Saturday!. heater,. low mile- a* tralntd ta co.dutt altatlt tartlet. 1949. like new. price 1140. Call ~ - 1*1. Open Saturdays. English Wtrk tkrtt tr four avnjngt par weak, BaHty Ca., tl-tt rt.. rage sliding, wltk 14 Maple tv*. BB 1-4, RIDERS, FROM Ltetirdt ar AtU.tlt ll BUY14 Mapl" uiee dtv* "in. B. B114 1-41411 Mercur, y lira l«o.|l*. Ctr titnUtt. Far dtullt, 17^220" 80MINI, !.„ ttlnflt Fhen* LO I- Mf»« «*f"--- '"- IDT MAN. Cir , tittle, aatrt. Hlgktttdt tt Fart Mramtatk tnd ta. H. *4 all. 14*.-M *"* * *"• sport ttdan. radio, heater, overdrive, aent avallakle. It detallt 14 turn; mr working keurt tra I A. M. ta tori, machinist equipment and IB-fool SINGLE BB6, maple, mtttmi.' IPring, wklt* wall tint, only II.ITIt alta 1*41 WEST Bnu IHrl^TaiBHT ttratcv -CareUker." Bo« 111. Baak.' Inboard power koat for atle, RB I. night tablti, maplt dlnett* lit, table, Mercury l*dan 1171. Ontn Saturdays. fan tap salary. Genual keuliwark- 2707. Bngilih Motort, tl Maplt tve. BB I-ara. ehaaktratida, cooKt, cnpltt. Rtf- GARAGE four chairs, mahogany dining room wt, tUrnt tad ialtrr"dailrad."BtpTltt*ta alldej type, large, MJ,.fc. Oat. ""•Plcte, I]JO: four living; room chain. ereneee required. II Brltitaa av*, Witt McADAMS LIFT-TYPE disc ktrrow ft* lane Venetian blind!, •>• feet,, Bud. Phone LO 1-11*7. confidence. Hous* avallaklt. Wrlta. _ Ford tractor. F. Mason, Highway II, RE ••H«<3.' AM In "cellent condition. 1. H. NeaSe. ftatClJ; FOTR-DOOll' tedtn. rttllo, Herdsman." Ben HI. Red Rtn-.' Eeyport,' RE ••O73o.* heater! original owner! law mileage; WOl jt*d I* taralM II* aa tiXMo'VIA sett'OfffT Colt nan fartaet condition. RU 1-O5I4.W. tvenlng or aart. Fkttt Al I-II4I-R GIRL OB W0 far general houi*. 171. J. M MN'8 gUtfl. sweattr., tlaa. ihoiiTnaTi: bet work,"Muit ke good citok *nd kVv* 1144.50. Will >e|] for "ndcrwear. Large parch rocker, rugs, 1*1Il1l atnDDl< u .A FOnli roadster, 1100. iweet I1I1 iA. M. tad I F. M- Friday. refereneei. Bleap tit tw* It family. LO Neani. RE e-0721 HWXNU WHITE eaaaLitlti, ,.. •ash boiler, straight chain. Inauire Perfect running condition, RE Mill RMER—T l-lll*. BOATS TTRofWooiJTjoUgE two-whT and cot! rang* with sseparatte gat bur. mornings. Yales, I* Rlvtrtldt avt., Red 1*4T PLVatoUTrt'Slteclal deluxe tudar, tak* charge tt eutaldt werk en pure- trailer. Economy model, approximate, eparat kred dairy fara. Gead want, modern •ANN—Part-time— , for yard wark an mr.krolltr_ovtnrkrolltrovtn . _GooGood conddititioni .R Real- radio, healer, likt new. Original own- _ Naveilnk River rd. Pkaa* BB 1-4171. 14-FOOT OUTBOARD, aaldtd alhtf ly 20 Uet Ion*, completely eauippe onakl*. Phone BU " i~_^" -~ —'»»-^_r _»__,__•__• w w< ^ «r _ v —* — *• Wfel R) V|*jl^f|90* er, new motor Muit sell, 180*. Call living tuarten, Mlddlthreek Firm. B. Nave 1-0II7-M after 7 P. D. I. Asburr Park. Pka.e DB 7-1101. tta ltl»; AT I-HM evening!. any hull, front and canter deck, re- WOO, Phone AT 1-0848, P. M .Must b* In goad condition. 1. Barker, RB *-5_77 after «. tt l act* ttterlng and tkrettle, *qua-act*r, FTVtV ORIENTAL runnen, approximate: atplt two. it_«. hlgSi !«? Shrawtkiur avt., Rtd Bank. Fkttt 1*40 HU0Bb'N~lBDAN, 1110; recondi- MAN OR WOMAN- TBW0 MAH-Forr - landlandtett p bookkttping pi ' $** »*'»*r. aw 1* a, ». Mtrturp Hurricane anginal 9x11. Blue Wilton carpetlni, bourn four ihelvai. on*. IJ-41, four tktlvtl, tlontd motor, two tnew tlrti and naw it tar ll far tverjrthlng. Cait atw *vtr |1,< Into various alsta run. RE ••0"2«. two d»wtri( blue Wilton etrptting, vt- South Wind gti hsater Included. Ctll I. AT 1-1741-M, _V lTBTNoRGS K eu. ft! refrigerator, 117 tiout tittt. Beer lamps. RB t.o»t.» tatkt tltittTaIe*lallelM, dnralSa'lt! weekdar* ifttr I F. M. BE l-llta. Sty 1 kut nit aiMttltt, ... kullt skl>. Ill CaJJ_K« *.127a.W. FRIGIDAI-111iRkPhl-lBATORR . AifliT. italltdstalled. PhetPhaaeaat ityr tlmtimet dtdapr aarr tit*. aour Chert.* &&J|_U YOVolUt ITAUIMV1 Aven totaetltg, reu anew ., 1-INCH TWO WARDROBE trunki7~In'excelled RU 1.0740, Harvty C. Tlllta, S Bruet why It ll easy te tervlee Avon cut- nortualty 'or in tigrtttlv*.peraat. ' itdyi |ltt fJOBUinRN—Forttd to ttll. mo'Wif ?"_• !!"'. two tapltyaatl*. •••^""Fhon.- •I'M, ___ conilitlcni Antique hand-carved ma pi,, Ruaien. lya. Like new. Fully equipped. Prl ti —- F-l-•l" or ptrt-tlmit agwrt-itity. ftTftnii II51, Red tank. WO I.OOinrBRXSD SBW~BSi«rIcn 'ELEVIBTON AND Wrltt, Adi Htywtrd, II Hull tve., —, — loot ihtlttr noiratiy table: also tablt with tlats to UTCriBlt «T. ""*«•!« top. t.bit. Sllv.rtown tire;. Call KB T-11M ha-TI wrvieW. vats owntr. Good bur. Can be Sntnctd, -- - JCERK, Psrmansnt soaitlan sskif f h, p. GnGrary Phantom, la €«ll AT 1.I741.M. four chain, leather ttat, Itathtr back; twetri »no and li»0 t. M. Convtrt rout .. itnen te lane. Cttl RB HUM,' Frethol tTttrVitrcr Rtitonahlt ratti, lulik Mrvlce. Ouar- IX PERT AUTO With *p.nInk am. for man preferably wltk somt know, water tnd In perfect running condition, iT»TCrT liny't klkt, full tltt. Phone EA I-04II-W PLYMOUTH 11*47 •l--minnger count, ledge of traffle, routing, thlpplig rittt, LO 1-1081, four years old. thoroiiichfcred, 1»ut after » P, M.* sT^T^m^pra«r_jltlon _l«8. RU l.Nttr. anteed work. Call till' 1 Muit have rtftrtncti, Ntt-ki Agtncy. 1 J good condition, »«7», Howl* F.i«o Bd vonKatttngtll, at Monmout" h it.. etc,, tn worV tn mtnufacturlng plant men *, (irntlc with chilrirrn. Moving SFEClAX—Hollywood oe3 witk hti-* LAKD-CAPB CoNTOACtoli-yi nervlct, River rd., Fnir Haven. RB I- handling civilian and detent* production. i.s "h. P. wT3ctm_firrr-~c^iiraane*, imrliniMit. Rrmnrinhle. UK «.5IST», GENERAL ELECTRIC • eu. ft. deep. gravel, top loll, gtrdtnt pltwtd I grtd- Btd Bank, 1*5: alls 110-foot Cara Coil Dory with board, III thla week only. At Swtrtt freete, flrtt-cltii condition, 19501 IUI. Salary ontn. Write, statin* am, txner- Furnlturt, Highway 15, opposlt* Middle- Ingi i -lilt tloat drlvtwani ltnet tnd salary dttlred. Addrtsl. Fir- well for outboard motor. Best alter. I'AHAKEETS—YouniYounir matcmatcheh d pairr, frlgldalre refrigerator, 1 cu, ft.. 1501ildtwalki. Jtmti H, Dtan, It., II Lewlt l»4«TORrrS_tVAN, Radio and heater. TOUNO LADY—Unit k* *xp*r- Wirrcn 0. Hugulty, 87 Bnttln rd., Fair " DannyD PoteetPet.. RE I.0H0B JS?3-SH«omPtny. REI-IJ1I "•ing room chain, excellent condition, A-l condition, reasonable, Call tt 41 tonn*t Manager. Box T*. Rtd Rank. WDlNnp^ciwi 4JL_N«afle,JE_l 07IJ/ Johnion la., or KE I-050T_W. Itnetd In thortkind and typing I UtTCSITlN~F;XBUANGE~for part-ttme UMM(INI) OHGAS with tpeaker. i . Robtrt farmer dutlet, Reply In eanldenta with ti-FOOt OP«RBoTfT7H^irvTS.tFWfi- cotiilitlun, Ati|,ly at Lo» Cabin In lomllr tdvtrtlitd product! at cut alia clerical work, Steady pniltlnn. tontln moter, and trailer, Ideal Tot prlcts, Wa. Bogtri 1147 sllvtr mvlea ANTIQUE SHOP—What-not II. marlilt Franklin, Michigan ITIV," .., BBoi 411, mltnge, A-l condition. Price '|4II. dltalli ta "Itthtngt," Bag 111, Bad SrrnIr t.lvil., Atlantic Highlands. for eight, regular price IU.I5 our prlea top table I>, washitana II, chain, Port Monmouth. Pjjent KB ir Write, "Lady," Bag 111, ltd Bank.' Bank.* Jl»« «J »»». »»««. Wt MillTor IIE ri.U(lKBWENT I.I0HT8 12. Ivan atool • 40,116; Sunktam toaster, rtgular II*.10, rtaiontbltrtaiontlt.. NeNeaat Port MnnmoutMmouthh firfire U.BCTKIC "MOTOV rttwlllitllitlii-Diis-n it tur, Call RF. t-thMt.l tftrr 5 P, M.* l"r road "tanrl with leathrr seats I now 120,95; Sunbeam mlxmaiter, reg- houhou«e« , MaiMin itt, OOnt n dldallyl , tvenlngsl , kuilitti. Call ui far «olalGi ttrtiM, l»4t PLYMOlffitrchevron SlutTTuTIy ffALHWomtK-Two optnlngt'ln Hen- SECRETARY—Real ettata tnd Inrartni* TTtMW -Klff flit bottom. • hrh: two Nmn »ll!n» "Sfa Food" wi ular 141.80, now 101,7r,; Renrui Cltttlon Hiim[«r<._K|r. a.^ Deugtat Bltetrlt Ct. II Bait K*M equipped, tunihade. haeli-iin light, mouth county for high typt woman, office. Will train reetnt klgk tckool -';/_"" b"!BI wlth " ••» • Chrvtirr AM 2«-j^'" Very dun enndltlnti, BE a.44»r.-T>. Must drlvt t car ind bt Irtt to work gruhiit* for ptrmentnt full tlmt year iranifnrmeii. like niw. 1,15; »mall Wu wrlitwanh. regular I«1,U, now lll.»r,. ANTIQUES -Inkwell,,' iTiTwritr biuM, at., Tl>d tank. Phont RB t-111*. marina .,,,i,,,, Al Atlantlt Hlghlandi "<»er jiikr »K.\, hnritfiln, «,">"; R All in fflrtnry nrtlrd rsrtnnR anrl fsrfnrv 10 40 r'«danet,"t'i|ulli|>eil with Innally, No let lintirt and no eanvttilng, around pqaltlnn. Must have knowledge llrrfitmp Imlllf.. «,,i;(, .)la|r Mini- iUlJuiJriANINOr buildingre»7- 1 Lead* Automatically fiirnlshtd. The job shorthand and typing. Excellent oppor- r Ltwl1 AT li'lhiir mliliu.! Ij^lflii, l»n M''»^i>. r KiiHrniilifif. Same low iirires mi allwomt Inlnv, llretHen iil«lr«, framed |iir. (lynsfinw ilrWe, hrntrj , rnilln nnd *Via.M ° '• ' '* make appllantM, hnusswarss, jswtirr, tmnl %etilie ' tanki, rlry welts, riralfis. hark-ittharkut> llghlillshts. DaDarrk grtfn factory for a u-oman who wantx her own money tunity. Please apply to Mr, Adams, t.ruoi HAV SHAPPt_rrTa7s7r»peand *'»n miritii'tmm, ci^i 1450, »»U tin lure, ttitlqur pattern gilts, nil lamni, Wnnjl rltaltr. Hawing johi. Trutklnf. »• Hsuier Organisation!, Inc., 44 Flrit tve.. l4 h '1'h* (jiff Hhnn. Nlihway II, Keypai sllverwart tnd dlamondi direct from tut- mil five fund tlrei. .. . Hulek, Inr nrl yet ran't aeetpt • joh with nsirt r7".f.i' _, ' "• 'ntinion motor, flood tar. ttt k Jay Outturn, II I.tlll-B. patchwork quilts, other Items, RE I. Bank, RE I louri. For Interview, wrltt, "Otft Atltntla Highland!, AT l-lllt tr AT ondltlon, M»n tterlDct. KB t* « >* Ortykouud Bu * Orlll.* •K III 111. it* Btla, _ • 1 i COMHC tVIMTS HAL UTAH MM SALS HAL UTATI KM IALI HAL UTATI rOR SALE UAL ESTATE POK SALE HAL UTATI

MAVBtWK «I«B»—LMH »raa. Ar> _BM ** »"• >*'— AVSRS-rtMY AGBMCY—Ftir Mtvea. WHT SJCC RL'NUALOW. i'a;r reomi RUMAON— Thrwk*dre*a ktaw MUI 1 Attract.v* aungalow witk eApennon i:niahed tkirl lo«r. Oaa Mr >trata1 itf hell at*M ler HHiii •>« build ff*tia»ulr tfefM MM, aawar* ak] "Platty t* ,-taa«e ritiw on. A good h'jy for tuiek ticoan.. Ijenr.ii K. Bytna, Raaliac*. Piuk« M*ci!. • walatr* arektaKr*. katka. •*4wala*4 ai«ka»; ••ck«iMi««a. •Mtair |1,;»» lack aad tk* aalaaea e* Let_;o«t»i feet. Ceil RB I2ia» or JtC Mr. C»rlM BeetivMr*t. **re«rdl*aiae. Ticket* •tl*«4i4 »laa(ia« aaa ak*4c traaa. *a«- StrVati. Relate* ••«•;»•'». •**'*•'• IB'HI. Wilkir |t Tindal.. l'i Eait freat in( Caaaalt Imm—t aipaarr, •K. »»•( I<«tik. KS t-»4tl4. aag be obtained ct tk« heopital. I* Weet «r*a« at. J.SJ»»00* ' OLVTItr hem* with II Pkaaa «U I-I4H ln_U<.Brrr\JL'Ll¥lt)«. Attractiva '•- r'<>nt Roor lino w ih 1. I .InWn »• ..- it T ndlil. ••raaai 4*allia«. Twa aWm katka. ail aireaaad perch: taa-rar garage. ••-•«• r; two bedroofll and Mf-k M kaat. Perfect caaeitioa; tve-tar ••ra«a, »ta aetaeaalaai|n.*;o. Bolatoi »a!er- further detaiia rail HI LZllt er HE 1 •,••! Irnr.t •' . H"i Rank K% ( S»l»ai4 ulH'. IU.»»». aVaeeaa* iaaMf. by'r. Bealiae. II Weat treat at. BE 3IH nl *onr> e.i heat, garage: Mr* REU BANK- Four rooaia and bath. Kill! Mllifil.tTllvi N Kenrh hone *h"n. 1'rre ne.*»r ft- a«x2ii». Kiar »u«: U.««». laaawtiea kargaia. Racellant t.x-rooai »ou». II.inn. SrhwarOL-Markl n, » Wh.'t a'. ^li» , n , h,*t 'iL atli luu SS»i . tig for nrj, Inr. HO i-«:il. M* kttrkM iriiriiea;**. Jig emirti; deter a led Cenveaieni t» '*•"Ht l-llil. _ _ ' ••tor. Steed up t.« «• mil** par kaar .—He*r*e»ee Four nvit«4. Ckarlea C- Sexeaar Aaaacri il I .ir," Wa».r A T rdl t» Elll Ideal far MwaalaalaBMwaalaalaB. . *_- *•» I4MI, (liver ill View *f tint. Mutk av<-. Pkma »U I-I Ml. aad eekaalt. Aekiag II".«i". Boleieo KAfOnTTOWN "Tiva'reoma "and btth ' Frn'it •• H"l Ran«._ BE lirn. Agd, r*:7 ~_e'*«r~_e»*5 lite Mtk. Mo«*ra Watlraiirj, Realtor. 14 *eil front tt. oale- 1871. Pkona BE «•«•««•«• * f««aaat*«a Fully iiMlat*4 *a- UWiMnfIIVnCai(»nf~IIVn=Ci'~~lt; ltrvIT) I'l.A?.*' Six "room," one iioor. rtneh-typt ^'? *rai taaaCIn * ai: r a**ditiM!ag kett. flat aiikt-reaa kaiua tkiaa »aa4art ka'ka. yiWBWj front linffh. Ne* Mlair. e4rM*Mb *+<> *rai *— - - - Cap* C*4. tiring ro»«, Ireplara, din- full cellar, alom wind»W| and irrtene, \ lot. « pr-ce Ili.Snn. Wa:ker 4 tnrce till be'hl, iarga :,v:ng roam, eajniniprcdp . Beady te (»*. . n autaa»ti« kaat, eiaallant e*e4itiea; <—• d Bd t usual valu*. *al>§ 117 IM. lataeetiea lew raaai. twa kadraoaa. tilt batt, *a«e awninge; iwo-rer girage. fnra |9.',ii". Tinda: . l» Ka,i Front it,, R-d Bank. ir* rrxjtu, hwanr.-ltack<.in I White at. HK 4 RK I-in 4 •ay •.•.! i«o-rir atteched gar*4m, as Wa»»Iaa mvita* s«w«a> Aiaatr. Haaamtk m.-K'i no'. •• I ianuiraped *r***4a, r_ kaat full rclar. v». Pkoae MV II«M. teak: *lt»ete4 garafe. e.ceptioaa »•!•*. lltl. kua«al*«. Oil a Ill ltd. Rolntoa **tir%ur» Rteltor, II MRCWaltTllV- roomi and tii. nd li:ifh. ruii rt L V re!i|r. ol'-fired river i.ih'i. \: r, gJT.'l'HJ. —Till*aSM_Bl Maria nffl^SHiCY—BaactOaffloaakk kw Ilinielmen^JUa.tori^kU^-OIOt, condition, Illl. r*a»«i«at lacftlaa: ar,. PMk »nab*U *(,ts<;r -Vhaxfiag tea* «• twIP."" ' ioi. Tarn ke4raoa)l, fall rellir; *«• UfTUt MLVBR— Weadkiae •>*. Rriek Willdowt. iileattr walla, elerlnc range ra^r: !in*i:.. int. Aikini tll.flon. Walker r»«aa LO 4l4« iufraaM. Kour k*4raaa». toaportk. and aat«r heater, Iv.^un dnlr ll.'iun A f r..i» Id Cast, t'nint .( Ked Hank. o.ani'tu; • ianiliccpa4 aiapattg a> _rtl* rl»«r. ll-f*at •«- rate: ail k«at: Ha.lM «t. II Beat • iddi«t»' till aatk. ail keat: attacked garage: ateded In lake over i% monmgi. RF. 4-.1MI. Jlrhwane-Marklir. a Wh t< it. lla. 4- lavatory on Irat loor. Hun a* a*M__ atrlter end kcal. rri»»t«lr •«•< «^»* tmt tkraa kiaraaai ••• «A wBlOMT-Fiiraieaad, llria, gaata. 11.tea Boletaa areterkurv. BtaTter. II LTlfl.F. Slf.VliR Ht'rVO.e.f.OVr'. Fivi be eriiirerfed. \* Monmoutk a\. F4R S.h«ra»a Compiler MalaVjedLla the •replace. a>*4*ia kltakaa, kiaaktaat litra^ rmiml m.d halh. (iai-nrrd heat- •t I«M kf.l I UK watlr. >l*dr to g* lUag •*—»•**! alcava, tw* kidraaaii. kttk, ateaaj ail ini ft Mr eitachiA garaie. Cnrntr S2.4I*. To inepect, mttlt J*il !• tMM la* aaaiflata kaata •• »au» •eat; tareae; riner >ad acaa* rifkn, •PRCIAIi ?ri» •».*«•. Mlawtk Agaary, pkaat lilt dawa fer •titraai: IIIMI \<> at in" WnArr 4 Tindli:. It Eait from man i horou|hfara -n Hid B*aa. TBw III',nun, flu bi,B lin*. R. V, R H. Ht •t. Hrrea anrj 'ti aiartrocnil ia kriek Tkara*. «a»a Bifkvar. Mia.:.- treaitga. Urge kitrhta, g«« rang*. 71 «ro*d et H«d Rink. rhone RK tund ni. Alkint tSA.UOO. II Mtamftltt iinrsoll^WAi«Ti&Trr7^Attracti.4 VV-l RAHf, "HOffl: ' tmir -i.t.t 1 1 Twa bwke, tall*}, aktK.rc.bla. aevan-raea dwelling. (feui,ba4rae*M). «•* k*4re**H, caMttit* au.t. U>*> 4-3)41. 4rn"iji< two hithl, ho ester ee«i R». 4 I ' ' o- HI I illl. aeawarthy ka*r. la BM aeaJtliaa. 11,111. .^areaa. *cre*a*d **' tiM b*tfu, •aaikl* Miami Calf |l,l»0. R~O<>H FOR filllR mothir-ia-liw in thii fir i>n,iree. mt^'l inrtert; *hree AOtNf'Y-Frve.Mai ,'iia S'iver. Au'omttia **M; Jrvrin-. Taiht WoiknJUd R—«• •At ITttLW WAtffH. targ* •riplace. ket wtttr, oil kaat; fall drr Uwktr 4»eatr. BR l-*tll. ipacioul four-bedrooai attr|rtiv« old S h ! | t •_A7A-RR=*Mvr aMJoiag araliar. Mratna; eMue far p*ur c*nv*ni*ace. cellar: twa-car »rafi. J>ric* Itl.lM. home. Double living r'Om, formal ilin- •> v ,n.i,.-a:,e'l. II MM. M Sttte Mlgkwty II. Shntwibury: all in« raom. Inrlare tnd tnall RK t-U'il "r RK l-lt»l. Splendid condition, 10'xlJM'. ^IJo Miaugh Agency. Pkeaa Rtf I-*7II. _ ftBHTABI TSuT^eTrBjm. l,ll'\TION. overiookint chrea*. little varniak lalt • M*4 «*k- IrMi *>f prape'tlet tkr*a. Call AT atudi* liriag raoai,' Ireplan, kaataent, icrataM perck witk •waingi, fi i * i,; JI r »• -r)ld flraitc; rlraai* til* aail far esMrgenep; Ckrrdar Cr**j*; *!• koaeea waterfront propertitt; kulineli Largiatudii * liriaall'dlg raoai, di, iIr | JMl If irhen eid hath. Urge hvinf raaa meet new. The kett af Ittiagi MVP- aPMrtanituM. Call ar write yaur re- aunronai (pine paaall'dl, dining , 1 k GOINU KAatl'- Only i fe* lomei left 'h fi-n. ar«, HI..VMI. il Moaaeirtk RlCffLf YVMUdtti raea with twin «*iraamui. large aid t*BMt*nt gun kitrkm. kadrawa, tileildd Itiatarp m »VAtM"'Vl'ikw* p 'M., ••! Red B*a"'. I •. mint. 2'i-t reductiea «ttr. tuteaetit ke4a for tw* Maple daring taring for vPtrranl at fir/r down. Her t^rnTilVVTC:< (itlN'TliY"KSTAtK S.veii RK «.! «•••• »r KE I-U5I. __^___ Lui lyitem. A man wbe knawe bojte t* eaivt yoa. grouad «eor; tw* kadtoe—e tiled kalk }i_lit* i—-.w- lodHy, tomorrow aar be to* late, liila aeaaea. BR l.|»l>-/,* on aecond Boor; i\ C.iir k.,lr...!in, Rtlilt (IS A KNOt.t,-'SU-ioom k«*S4* will er.pree.iati thie **c. Will Merita* VB-eUliSH MWeALoV. Large ««: WiitFhii* .taenrr. Reallnn. fhone Kf. lavatory, mi heat, (JmM. lf>r»ii,,n. lor. tiunimn ittir: modira lite*" RO----WIW kltekee prlvilea**. By air lat. la niee lacatioa. Twa katk. •araii; IJ» C(ii>. John Minugk Agaacg , tratliv* Ivt-raem aettate. Fi*i*htd t-*3l)4 or Sfi 2-001)4. Olien Wlek-ende. ri hot. ii'i:r 0,1. li'ji'ioi): ehada treat: *• I bare baugkt • larger Wat. la- aaatk ar week. II TraBeed *t, kaaaaent E«M"'oa attic, Ireplare. lent irhoiil: IC.IIIIII Oiithni apect at Dale'a Yetkt Rail*. Rap Head. raasM, kat t watMwa. all kMt; Maparek Ruaitan rd. RU ._•__• i:,:,'",i. Ha,ih Attntf, 1ST R'Ml. Ra TClinntr~AC-ET rtnck-tfM kungt- etretaad latek: lttarb.4 gtetga, Illj- tTCLTJS" YOtJil NfKDS "ti do theUwel Avnrv. KR «-:•-«• e>r rail Rajr_*)tiHm*«, RR l_M!j Mk Mac*. IIraplaiar ; *M-a*t aaraaa; rut. If eou arr looking for a lot • 4l.i». OI9'I-.I.*__ . » raea witk twin' III.IM atari!*• c.« *••»"•• C*aaaek* low, la-faat liwia* raaaa, Una Maellal III for •allk Mil. Ualey Aglaer. BR t\vo-i!>:iil:iiiiM ti'in«,:.,* ROWBOAT. 'I-feet. Call at Oema ... OMtkMkM arefwr«4. N**r kue. Ilk «repl*re, ditrtti, kitckan, Ikrea l.allt. .. r- faim, old home, new home, eee enure I>I "f'ho"i, !>ho|,!nnr, rhiirrhee, nomm ioLIKYRY VILCAIIR—LIVTIUJ room, die* Harm. 151 t>ir Have* rd, Pair Ma* teal*. 1*4 theater. 41 Rlvtrild* tve, rdrooaii. twa katkraaaia. iteam all keat, oLUtB RUHR—King rcdiroreted by rivtr iir«tirrty, m u« firit. (tvn K>KliM hitirm.-iit. ni! hi^lt : girage; Invely ing rnom, kiti-htn, two btdroemt, balk, •e» after » P. M. . Red Beak, ar Mil BE l-IMt-M PAVL B. ITRTUR. Beallar. Per*** kreciewar: garate;*. Joke awatr, Nile nelgkkarkoad. liining rtara of rMifrirnre and two oriirea u-ivrl • h;i.l- III-H. I<•.7,"i Pay Stillman,ilivh- aiilwi .,'1 *',ora. Kiokir; cnnvcnilnt lac*- IAKF.TY flKIFF 1147: lengtk II feel, Minugk Agencr. Bumtaa rd. BU 1raaai- , nrtplirt, fall ktaemaal, tkree bed- lit full covemfe uf |iro|irrtlea. Kill VAMt- way »:,. shriw-.iniry. KF, f-ini. ion ; l>iw ••»,• Ill fH Agincp, beam J feet, Witreaiin air-r**led la- xsinT7iiid«ninri**ra>itk t*4 tow atuta*. Ittt* Rifk< »11«,* raeaa: g*>egt: tnclM** Parek. Near ahire Aginry, Roll on. II Brnid It.. Hril StMl'.HliNCiAl.DW Te-o'deHinon W Rrolot KR I-1 l.i' hoard motor, clutck. Tkia (a a tMl *rW*ta Watk. tar Ia4r Nl» rnUan- war M. Ralawtk Pk*a* NO •• KAVMINK BIVElrHONTrOutitaVding lehoolt and Itorel. Aaking 110,500. Bank. I'hone UK 4-3SO*. I2lt Oraan tMn^ion altjr. Knur fertile r 'Escelitnt . . ._ 11 iff. fwinre, tuo. Trailer 1**1*4*4. Nr*r aeatekiea. It Petara •even-arra utatt. Reautiful ipeiiaian eve.. Sea Rtiicht. Phone RE -,« r,.;••«•<,n i'.in. aader* Mtk Mil. O|ien week-end. . p ml ki!ih-i> I Y' a;nk), l**> •hone HE 4-4tll-J.* trrei. kaeltg plna aaaelle* living raata, htr- .|iM OOkr~Treal, likt~'WltaTii eWwTSipWHfWWlH. Ur...~l »-l»-. LlTTI.K SII.Vi-R -Nuneralow. I.ivinar chlr l,nil. Duly |T.<">ii. Ha an Agearf, III I-FOOT ROWBOAT— New Mint, raea •altlat «i»t*n« •» all kaara. I* nVACTlTI HOWEl I* irariowT'coan' • repleec. i>irtur« windowa, dininr ream, Urge three-bedroom'rmrk atyn Tile 1 kitrkin. three bedroomt. tittk, aularaatle loom, lineMl. modtrn kitrhen. two mrnn Hint romtnui iia-. Automata Uroillt. RF. 1-41 >.. «H».l.' tera »l.. B*4 Ba«V ' •uaitltl. ramiai in oritr trawl l*,«(l« kttkraam. full hatemeati tttathel *a- htilroonii, oil-fired, e\|ttnaiiin attir-: r.ll »«! iiftfr •a ta I4«,»#d- Marie Cat A«tnt», hut: 111,100. Minutk Agent,. RU rtse full tttle. *, roomt, *•• nr~bXKK firalahta rea«. twin fcrrexeway: RaraKe: 114.7011. Sihaixk Siillmaii. lli«hwiiy 1;,, Shi "W.lmry. poirh. hor water oil. ven*l.i** ka4a. l*a>nnakla. Onr tknrt kl*rk Oiaaacka jr.. Pnrlanpark. Hi 4.l«lli. _ Kee Uwlej ««enr>. RK •••4I». K—EiBki room.. Twa tiled teatki, Atfrorv. H I, 1>I Rg, •.0Sn7 ' UK «..-. Ill ,1-. I- i: ],r-r» l<.4<)<): rath a**d*tt new: S h. |i. John ion outboard fra» kna'maai eiitiirt. SI Patera •>!.,WVWHlftMT—Two-atorr iurniak*4. ai». BOXfTT tfl>_nf - Covi• ly lluet'Sediooni Btll HANK llllalK I'ulivenient to ahnp- IJSO roainletr. AT 1.1H2-M ki'ttrd tunroem, (traanad kreeat. t.lTfl.K SII.VFR ARkA. Attractive Il tii'i. Hum Agency, 117 RtMl, BR Rrd B»nk.- fa*M kauie. Idea! tuatairr koa»« hemt in nfluded atlgkkarkaod. Tw* pint, Living room, flieplare, dinlnl riTriHif MKAMliN SKIFF, tunnel Daaki fara«e. Mire Int. Berraia at war; two.tar garage: Iretlact, ket wattr aatkraama dining raom, treplare, porch : -4ir,< 1201.* _ tdfttT BOflkTiiTFriVet, kaaia. r.n- Para. room, thrre Virdrnorns, hatli. hut wnlrr ACREAGE—Ten aeree 11 Ut, tWIaaMr* 4 k. p. Wiicontln eatrltn). k«n f*a.Unt te ill triii«Mrt«tiaa. I4a*l M.IH. Coatart Maria Cat A(*nrr ail keat: corner plat, near •»*•*. Para attacked Itraie kiieiatnt, ^RaguJ'hl ninnit.l inif, il.>Iit(htriil lardiri, fruit Irrel. w*-»ra rolling boat: tie* II' Bor***wt _ ckial aikool. Prlte III.MI. MMiaafi k haM. nil-nr.d; lll.finii. Srhanck Afn.y, 'hree rrttroiirn*. tail batbl. firrplnre. plot* ll.loi). Mmr otker ... far »e»«« ataa ar Ia4r. BeaeaaaMe. Ut faaiar.cke 4r.. Partauaark. LO 4.K0I ground!. Btiiii.prlrate 4*rk. Aeklng HI, 1 llaUwf*. I k. p. Evlnrude motor. RR l-lltl Agenty Pkane BIT !•<___! H l.iii.l,,! |,f RF, 1-0.117." l»ot for httMw living'. til.ftCjn. ftav loh* A. Malgh, Ret R*t»tc t*4 COBli«Ti0t*aa Teaar Hill, 7»4.f«t ATTRAintlVR tW«:»frliRY"l7iat. l.iv- I hiaar- .VMIIII»>. A»» >lw .t»4«. fraataaa ea katk Praaaeet a»r. aaaRVHIkflM—Purfl.liii~»uiifale.w. Weodtt HiDDLffOtni VlLLTOt. (^ifertakla Htlllman, Hlahxnr *b, Shrtwibury. KF,tnca, 117 Broad it. BRI-41IS. C:_ — .'er MI. two, ar tkree Mrtaat. aettlon. Tkrte ktdroemi katk, tiring mir room. firep!e-ee, dining ronm, nnorl- mil. ITVUIIDR METtfiTfat— Hew tkraWSI•!•__V* nTrobf~IEMEJERSEVY *Mrt aklK. a Raat prlvlkagtt. Lett af tkadp ground Rar4!i» Ml. E«clml»a raal4ential ace. alder kaa*. >acdt »m* teutki** up. ern kitrhpii^ two kedroome, tile hath, nil anv ddecVk and ekremk * ktrdwar*; tlen. Aaklaf Il.Tit. RB «>4««M af< raoai, klteken. mtlaicd aartk: fipel*et Bereinei pertk; tktdi trieii dining ITiULWuWN ATHET Tteven aVrn.; on room iiml-bungglnw, tttirwef ts *K- pltttly rtkullt OraF ili-evllndali«4*r awrlM tad kit nartk. KMT *eta* and ka*. eeil kiat: two-eaar gagarager ; 11,111. Mia- keBt, Hrreinfi, atarm RaFh, vriirtiitii hlimla hiinl mini, SiiliAtmilial I hrre-lieiironm atmion attic; tttickid gartg*; fBit k*tt- Kf Mltl.W. _-_, tar I. 1-OTtl renrr. eelllr. tw* ktdrMHMi ftraia. and alove all inrlud«>d, (iaraite. Coo.l mrnt, Frra |ll.,-i!». Wearl-NeaHak ngtne. witk aN, lai Mr* LOT MO. It, LAUBBL AVR, Ikrewi- h A RU 1OTtl Qultt aelabbarkeed: 11.1II. lawlty kuntorl: k rr^ttrkWetttldVrfwokTarMi lariillim. I'l'.re lln.ioo, JauttK 1.. lir.ail liurnrr. liood 'condition.' 'Aakinir 11". Agency. 42 Hroait it. Phane RE 1-1141 * couple wltk kaueekeealae; a burr Kiea kaaui all arounit All kuUilew wltk expanelM attle. Mat Agehry. MR I-MII.. , _,_ lone, 1:14 l,rxinRtcin tvi-, Ftir Hnvin, JHiRRWikURY - Threebedraam rMtk utilltlea. Prrait auitkly fotten; «(iil41 AXaCMTfRW- Three b*dr*omi. tile ,100. Ray Ulillmnn, Hlntiway 15, Shrrwi- Brafitk. Newly 4eteretc4. II Morfard pi. RR >(1 aatrr kaat. fufulll kaetment. Prlre |T,lla|T,ll, Phone KK 1-lttS RF. l-llll. kome. Hot water oil heat: let 11*171. ji.j* .' ^f'-^ " *• ' Wcart-NrmetWtNk k AAitni| , 41 BiMBdd it, htlhroom, dtnette, raate. walking mi- UTTI.K SII.VKR bunml'iw. in'exrelleVt Living rnom tOxtl. Frit* IIT.I00. *i«k i«kMi« MM. . " tII,'iflfi.""B;nl|'|i| colt ami _ - Ar rannla ar twa •laVr. BSORO^H kauia aa Tower Hifi Prinn* RR «.2!4O- ckine, full katemtnt: til.III. Llwley repair. h'iva rooma, both. IxfiailRton Weert-Nemetk Agtacy, tl BrMl at, TJ Agttey, I ot Nlgkwty Na, It, Red Bank, than double tndiy, Sollil attrartivl Q—i keau *ai fae4, AT III Praaatct a«t. Jutt caaiplate4. : attir, *ith one room and atoragi apiri, borne with loveW trnundl, Four eorntr Phom RE t-iit* • r t.*a*l Ready for interior ditoratiiif and trad* bungalow. Ripamlon at tie; lat utomatir heat, full liltrmfnt: garage: nedtonmi, two hathe, recreation rmim, Igfc IIAWK-t'onvenvenieni t to law*. T»r**- Cal **4 Baak •• _irge raaa wltk private In*. Bifkt llrfe roomi, twa tiled katki, UOiiOO; lane dlaint roeen. kot water tcrrena, Rtorm taeh. Nirr nil! lot, ail twa Irepletii, aluaiinuai tateateate. lua- built'ta ardtr. BMeleat llvlag raom iinii^ual living mom with Ireplare, H bedreem. *t*ry heuit. MM water kr i kltakaa far llgkt ktuutetplag. Half oil heat: full dry hutment: III.III. landaraprd. Prire li.'i.OAO, Joteph L, ng room: tbr#e-rer garagt: garden. Bar oil heat; ajaragi. Prlt* III.MI, WMM. k'nek fraa bMek. I* auiat attractive uriaiu tt**i, dlakwatkar, Lauodraiaat, Weirt-Nemith Agency, It Rrotd it. REwitk ttana Irtpiaee Ml thermiMne Cerlone. 1.11 t^iingtari ave,, Fair Haven, WlieMitn. ovaSavlail a«4»nrTrf. • cukic-taat refrigerator, elaetirid walU. wiadewi. Dining roam, three kedreami. 'tillman, Illthway 3ft, ghrewibury, RE Nirnith Agency, II BreeBreadd ettt., PkMPkM** •*l*kkerke*4, Rant kr tke aaatk. LO 4-1J40 • Phone nr, *-l_D9.\. a.-:, III. IE 4-1141 • RE «•«!« 4a>i. RR I.IMI rai>aliit*4. aiulalad. Aiklnf |2I,II«. RE l-llll-l tile katkraaa. Beautifully Itndtciptd IER" RANK ARRA-fomfortable""nV- I.I7II, fter t. . AN Ol,f)>:» RoNfe'- But delightful ^ riom ka*Ml*w a*d lllroolrooT «t»» *Ktrr"iX*KtrriXkk aatar1 . «a*« ODRRN TVRTflBRRft ream, Twin or MONMOUTH BEACM. Two.belreem. ten: •!*.»•*- far immtdilt* Mle, Ltwlty room houti. with iiitnpnrrh; tarage: •fiika'V m»rinf anfiaa. )«• k. p.. LOT* NO. tl Aim II, an Tin ten avi Agrniy. BE l-04l». rondltion. Living room, attractive rire- large eunporck. All la*M*MM**4, fall litt ktd. rontenlint location. axpamion attit bungtlew. Auto tot SflxtOD: low taxr«. Prire fIII.."no, ilacr. (limn* room, •naeioiu aimrni Pit>eleet hot, air fure,*ea; fall cellar, *tl» l.ill: •>•• raik Utai It. Call at ftrarta Itl Brttdwty, Wett Eatantawa. Walk ta tkt ku« and Far nC-WAm (TAPS C«JD. Hiar tckaati, Jntiepb I,. I'arUne. Ill Lexington avi., Turiiltart. Mirfcva* •». ••Malta MI44)a- Wear rat* trtak. Moasautk. Eark l««na. prirt |S«| matie git kiat. Vtt, Illl dawn. trampertltlon tad alttien, Five niee lov.-drr' room, three btdreoaai, hath. (' ye*e-'round hoaae: -wa-etr aaraiila- L*nf Braaek Fair Haven. Phone RR *.|*,»l. vanient location for commuter: lit.500. luHing fnrnitiiri: lot. tlglTl. Pi' town BfcR^llll atek. BE 1.444.1.* after_!._ Include! doling feet: IS! tottl reomi, til* httk, Irtpltct, ei1-lte*m RIVF.RKIIlR HEinHTS. LTvinaTToom'. StPtfttU B(l tear itetl**, aterea, aekoal: Tl.lia. Atk- model apen Dundty II ta I ar Mil Atklnat 11.100. NcCui. Real. 14r.AC«E MKltRlfy'>armr~Htart of tirnmer WAffrtO TO UNT lai katk I kalf-ailla trawl Mameatk tltehan link and eahlnttt. Corner prop- Monmouth county, Celenlat home. 1* 11.100. AddriM, Rrelamar, "I*. BE «.4«>l.i after 4. Wtirt-Nimcth Atenry, IS (raal M. erty 10x100. with driveway. All leraena rare traxk. kaat aa4 4ark arlfllataa, -Oa Pine at.. Rinr Plata, Wear roomi: attraetlva letting: largt keautlful Lloyd rd.. Matawaa. Pheae MA Pkaai Phone RE IJJ40* •ad atorm windowa. Price 11,000. BRahade trete; outkulldlage; exceptionally FURNISHED CLOJMI4I.M ackaal. Caaatrr tatting, IMalll. bedreemi. tile bath, all bait: M*.ctr I.O77K-W. B-iaaaal—aaj Btkaal »•*'. R«aa*— t klfk •»*», CjMU •TOT SRASON —Urge tfttartlve 4akln« Il.tM. RE I-I4II-1 after I. garage l F.ralct ««l*t«ri. H»t«»»»* fertile Mil: 101 acrci tillable. II *rrr datikl* raaa: tw* (antiMM*; caavenl- tAKCt lld_E-^Beautitunettlaf. LlV. •El) BANK-Comtr gaa *tatiaaT IfOllSK—TwaTynrTaR. Five roomVoJI meedow fented: kalence woorti and NOTICE. tldentt ftaily a-f tarM, bam aafar* pletely equipped. Doing gead fair. Itttly Itndaeaped. ikrukbeiy. Select burner, iteam he>at, full -ellar, tvpan- krooh: hard road. Approximate!? II enctt. Write,. L, S. " m\ BtMwaa, B*« it t« everytklng. BM MIMI 4o*r. in* raaa, «ra»lare. two bedroom!; ear caler ichemej: til loo. Jattph C. TAKR NOTICE tkal P. BeH*attM * Ill RR I.4I4I* reitaway, tiled kttkroom. tatomttie •rt>\ir,n ktiilnait; |I,T«« buia leak. a»*ak a1nn attic. Tonvenltnt, aehool, bum,minulei Red Rank Halloa. Atklng ISO, and barrel Independent leaie. We*rt- Keyport ahnppinr ctnttl, Prllld rill. •00. Ray Ktillmia, Hlgkwip IS, Shrawi- dona hai applied to th* PlrMtar H tk* I ROBATTRACTTYR raaai alee pa keat; two.Mr garage; 124.Ona, Rthaatk Dlvlilon it Alcek*ll*Bev*tat*Ca»)4ralf*r tkret: (w* laakla r**ai: til ronvenl. (cntth Agency, II Bread. BE Mill.' onaMy. KE J-nTlt-W ifter I P. M. jury. BE 4.1111. alska4 «r «RfgriilaAjrTfcrtr'iliita Z Jtenty, » JUndcn i\, BE «-«»lt.» UAKtVORRT—raar.M4r»«B kmMTllew all, BmttllMt new keata lalnny. Five FOIIR.ROOM RIINOALOWwith blth" a Limited Wholeaala LiceaM far M*a> raral aaetlea. *utii4Iat R*Be4l BankBash, rat*rat*. MCM: five all»tii fraai net (nek. Rut *tt*,iM«t. tile katk. Irtnlaee. all Ittam mmUfTN - rtwntr aavlag: Iplmdii iM* tit' ated •* tk* Nortk lid* *f W4M anakl* feat, traataertitlea fMittllaa aa MUM 4*er. HI Bradwiy, Lang RKlt BAHr-Ideal far profiaiion:t.' Tire ripper plumklng, and electrleel wlrla«. Call KE 7-1»«.1. value: reeldentlai area: l*rg* lot; r*< ... .—...... r^rttllaa fMittlit* aa living raeau, dlalag, Hve kadraaaii, t llOtil InterlaItlarr tamplttalaatalatalyy rea*rena. kMtt Itragt: beatment: law tit*i_*M MllinLKTfiWN TdWKSMrp—oSanVV; B*r«e* PMe*, Waat at M*w Yatk **4 arakkleal . RaaB a ffe r tewf tklekeaaklk Wi. Writet , Brantk.* Bit*1»l**4MnM4. AeklPt BIMM. M*ka Ionia) 4',-room bungilaw. Nat wtter "•Tkr 'lie katk, aatamatle keat: garati, Tertia, vaud. Price il.le'" t fo" r fait Vile"• . WeartRait-. room and one four-mom bungalea heat, oil, Hied hath, Iraplare: girtge Ui| Rnatk Rallr**4 Track!. R*4 Baak. iree Alulte? Bo, m. Red Raak, RRD BAKtt—Twa alngla raaaa, mi •-II4I.* altar. JaMpk O. MeCut, Realter. RU New Jenap, aa4ta aaiaiaia a WSP*. kne. U Part Manaaatk. Call RR I. 17,1100. *>kanek Agcner. I Linden pi. limeth Ateney. 41 Rr*«d. RE M aame plot. Oreunp ant, rtnt otklr. |ll.2'0. Sweeney Agency, BIT t-tltl ANT.b-H.ui* far-reit la 1*1 laaf, 1-14" Roth for |H.« New Yerk city. ttaulen. Aikln* |ll.l«*. iatetk (1. btuetn. old Short Mills Road. Shan H0U.1 PtTORBR VUXAOR. _-. Red Rank. Mew raaek ettle. ThrM- eCue, RM RW 1-04*4, RR a.J.'ll. Oppoiitt Mlddlttown Ire long term payment t>|aa. Ageat on ^•w •••• ^ m.'w*—^* • *m^ ^^v wa Ba VVRi TvajRjVBl * a •OUtE-l* Rtd Bank. Tea ram*. company. Hili.. New Jereer, •uitakle far paraaletie ana »lf». Bmt •mrwM aaralawieat. UkfuaiiMa ke4raam home; (tracker premlHi dally, I P. M. lo T P. M-. and aaaruaeata, Uaitar tew auaaiaaMat 1*4 tw* kttkei let llallS; kot air matle heil: let 71x101 mmSrnnvniMMr. En«ivrk**i; on Sunday 10 A. M. ta 7 P. M. Direr, Vice freiidenl tad Cireetor, Otto A. «« !•». C, M. Maare. 141 Silvia at« VmSn Radenfiauiia, Broekiide, Merrit Manly, Ririkarfar4. Pkaae BIT Mllt.R attar Batk. Pkaaa BE I.4IW.MT kaat. (Ml Rr*. lal* price IT.III. Wiart.Nemitk Ageacy 41 Bntd M, Ing rlgkt In paur kaeV yard. Small IMMACULATE CONDITION. Attrai. tlana: Boute tl, % iraund Brumwirk »haaa BE l-ltdl.» deck" Faur kedraemi. tile (ilk. sowder live ili-reom (Ikree bedroemil circle ta «-2l, g* nut I allea t* OldNew Jeraey. T P. M. B'»»raa ikartaa.* t-AlX TWO-lOOat <»ralaaa4 aaart. Bawaiaa tad Aieleea, Ml 1-tldT M raem. tanaarek, Mraaat Raori. all kot Bring! rlrcli, flrot road te right. Ol< Treasurer ln4 Atlitltnt Secretary. Rue IIROUC BOOM far ream Man, aa* af it. A»allakle Jaat I. All «tiTitl«i tATAKTtiWK — Twe-faall» «M*a* kome la Bhrewlhury. Living riom furalaka4. Five ailaatet walk ta Fart property. Rat water, Mel: let llgtll, water ktttt two.tar giregtAiking lll.- Engliak Town Road 'i alia. Apprni •oae M. Jeffrey, 410 Ren* Strati, lattre twa awali, virialtir Bvanaa ar Pair Moaauutk, III waeklr. Call IA l Mottkly Itroa* IM. Prlc* II.IM. ll*. Jeeeph 0. McCue, keilter, RU larg* and lavtly, Inplln, large nattly 131.11 aontkly payment Includ. iakea, Near Jeruy. Ram. RU l-aiti.a, - •IMLETAWH WWkfiKf—1% dawn Wetrt-Nimetk Agtaay, 41 Bm4 M. II dining room, aadern klttkta, 1il« ng Hull Albert R. Stavitaky Ce. Ine. Secretary. John & P.rroll. II Bla PJWMT pmvwaiw • ap, miven-rawwi Realtora ofcletl at III l.yon* ive., New. lurt. South nrangt, N. J. SnifiUHrVlOTlavlewr . IH"raaai aMftaMM far vMartat. Mall dawn Mrment for 4> kith, full tilltr, itHm kilt oil; nan-retertai. Rtntk type kangtlow, new r..r.r>>..m t kaaae. Oil keat, Irtpliee. aatomttie ark. "4 Watrhung avi.. North Plain- OlrMtti. DM-M T. MacMt*. *a III va**n« tre.reeai taarMMtt. ATtllakla twt wtttr. Eutlletl htwtiMi III.III. girtgi. lutptlantl valut tt 111.* leiil. WA tjjirni^ pi, t.itnn. ftk tvtnnt. Niw York II, N. UAL ESTATE FOR RENT aaw. latalra Tka Tamaa Aata., BtviM •awMrtMttM. Large living; room wltk ate-acre plat., Price II.IMII. . Mrt. at.. Rta itak. BE 4-4441 ar ta* MM* picture wladew, teaiplett ttleaea kitchen faaetk Agency, dt BrMi k 101. Rarwl Agmtf, loo Rivar rd, RED IXNK raaaw aad katk, all copper pluahing, raatnt, kttk, IIMMIM attic, full cellar, Near broad) at. Prlee 111.001. Tinten trie. AU-fetr reattl. Call autamatle keat; large let 7l»loo. date ittkt. ta»«*4l*t« < ruMacy. ;. III.MI. Mtaltoal •alatMtit heat; gerage. Near menu, liaad lecatlaa. Leaving tret, ''stVekbtldtr. Aaiaat RensMaa. IN :onitence Smitk. II Maple tve, nig auat aril. LO I-ISH-M. Falla- Farm. 7 arrai: hiimatow: fatten aaa aeatkly rewUli. I* tk* ta KkMlt, kuatt and akogping ranter. km lite. Oteat Mtkltf, IMP lea Ilk. Pretpei-t Street, StapMea. WakM !•• Haven. BE l-tlll" chicken houae. T*nra |a,.sno. Ratnntown CaBti Bttttt MtmagltF fraa till. AIM r.ill »rlc* 11,111. Call Builder, KR I. tag. fit etub. Mllini en Meaattua* a^RK-WAR PRICE. Ukriwinury. Ador- land. New York. Alakel. Ba4.»lttl»* ra*_ kai taaalett RWKR^LAZA SUNOALOW rlv*r, Bicillenl markitt. Wkila It lull able two-bedraom kungalo*. Full rii houm, 4 lootnl and blth tktra are tame te*4 kayt available la ind five roomi and hath : good loratton. Okjeetleni, If any. akeuld k* BjgAg ir. ytar-'reu*4 kaatt aad aaalHt. kltakaa. New Kri«l4tln. Hell laeatlaa. batk ecreened par'k .(Til. JI'IO.7IMIIl . III.III. Mra. Darcy giuddtr. broker. lir, 17.Mm, Preirnt (il mortgage II,, imatdiattly In writing ta tka Stale IM. Bultakle tar aaa HIM, Call RR I _- New oiComtancl a Smitk, 14Maple ive., Ftir 110, Put'chawr may aaauma preaent ••lira tlO,-,OO. Itrrcnpart- II loll. On! C*M Maaa Itrvltt. HarwItkMrt. J RUt* Hllkwty II. Phane MA T-»«»l. with foundation *i txlfl; paved read: fruit rector of tkt Olvleien of Aleekeli* R**e , heat! twa-etr tarage. laven RR |.|IM.> INCOMR nRWlRtYTn Ocianport. Well mortgage. Monthly payatnta approx. •raga Control, toil BtMd Street, MMH All metjern lapravemtnti: \k block from iattely |4I. IliorKC W. Rrar, 7T Hroad treei. Muat he loM, friee 11,010, NABDO—nwraaai kaatalaw. Far* nut waoK Afamaan. T«. m. tkoel. kualneia icctien; 111.500. \n »EI> BSNK — Hilf-biecVia iTeed it. built aid alaa-raam kauae. Tw* nharnn Attenry. EA MUt ar EA I-ark I, Naw Jiraiy. « Ikini, Laaar. I Tklr4 ar*,. Atlan. Smith, II Maple Ive.. Fair Rtvtn, IM. flood Itnd. Wtlklng iditlncl to CbTS AT f:ampaiTl'i Junctlaa, rielferd ir4«. AT 1-lMt.M. , Maa4i AT 1-WII.J. ILBANBBUBO—aWtenn Ketck aceti huiea. irkMl, Menmeutk race track ind cheap, tall KE I-I0II- . LITTLE WLVUn—Niw ranch kamt Ronaing k*ul*. II TO*BII, all ftir- Hani,, •*, with living roam, dlaing raom, efoid ltO JuntTl. UraTitTta ftaj. 1MB aa4 kitfc, faralak*4. Farl Moamoath. y«t very private. Aak- NOTICE eleetrlr, (aa aa* water *aaalle4. Call nliked. Large perch; lot 10x150. Tw* roomi each tide. Lot ll'xlll, " FarIng prill 11,101, Writo, "Proper!'." LITTIiR SILVER—Verr largi living lllchtn ectulprerl wltk iitrlgatttor, lly.. IlatlraklIatlraklaa r ratllaacea , atrtialliallr fafarr* blMkt print* beach, It.loo: tl.OOO Takt tatlta tkat AalkMr A. MM nitkiak , in Rum«enRm« . RRefarmerf mk k rea»lre4l4. RR Itwt. 171 Park tve., Rttnthurg. euirk alia, 119.800. Conltinee lattk, Bn» III. Bel Bint. room, full liatd dining ream, cm* diahwaiher link, electric rang*, leu, 14 Mapli ive.. Fair Haven. RF, l-illl.* ttee*, In*., T/A Ptrk Bar ltd Orrll kll Write, -Btlltkl* rtmillil" BBarn 111, Bail fer kill, tiled kitchin of Matt mod. three htdroomi, tlltd hath ind tiled applied t* tka Mttai and Caaaatl af aa4 knt water.wa' 6a~ the riveri FAlB HAVEN—Ntw keait. Niar rivtf: levin raaaa, alte tkird Iwr apirt tfttr I P. M.' RBD RANK—Mvin-rooa colonial. Si« apacloul roomi, aiodim: attached aunt. Belt ratldential, Atlaatic Hlgk- •rn deiitn, den, powder roam: tt. powder raoai. Full bailment, with Rutaien lartugk fer a Plen*ry R*tail gkaaeJBE »-*»1t af Built 1141. Kualltnt eandition. garate: lat 160x300; lit.m. fomtaace tarhad garaie, Sieond Door, four all heal: girad. Aluminum lerteai Coaiumptlo* lieant* far premitaa *itu*t*itu*t. aMrttMati Saw •d at ll-M Wet* Rivet RM4RM,4 R—naR . MAToNTUWH-llew Auatktd twa-car tattle. Center Imith. 14 Maple avt., fair Haven. RRpair Itjai; ti.M* raak. Raivey M. Una bidroomi, and tiled bath wltk ind itorm iiah. Excellent Ml Bt«T* 1711, •• c^viwwl pn«|fj *tTI<| •**>*» Ntw itriey. lack fraa lUtlai, aar Rawtell.'AT 1.0111. RW l-llll, . tuk ind atoll ihower. Full httement Baak. Black fraa lUtlai, aaraai fraa ktllwty; wtll.ta.wall carmini; fin. l_KHVAHD45--WaterfrMt. Urge 1st. 121,000. Allaire 4 Son Agcatf. Int, Okjictlom, If any, tkiuld k* I f rati't patkatatkate itare.* aftjsxA liked katameat playroom, kuilt-la. Maellid la pin*, ail kat wettr kaat. RE I-III0. •MdltMly I* writing ta Alkarl A. 1 ATIHA «EA1oM ni eamjiarreataia ton rd. Six rooma. oil ktat; large Seven-roam reildinet. Oil kMt: ging*. Clerk of Bunion Rorougk. tTIHA «EA1M i 'reataia kraakfatt naek, ttall ihawer, glaat glraga. Alkiag 111.110. Exeluiive Ideal far koatl. Htrvty H. Sowtell. AT Very larie lot, Aakint 121,000. Al- •aw arallakle at Illl. Ella Wlllaklrllkl a Aa*aer. Realtera. Pkaae IE l-a«»4. Oaea dear, lantary dawaitalri, eamkin* Agint. Comtanre Smitk, 14 Maple ave., laire t Son Axcncy, Inc. RE I.S4J0. r'OO'B7 (iKlllMlOMSr 'e»"c.lllnTRMT»« ANTHONY'A.'MAltACCO, INf*. Talr Haven. RE 4-tlll.* w**k-in4f, ennlnga kjr appalatataat. - —- feVwICtHCfita All ttla* wladawt, leretned porch, fully A^iwriiivTm«o^re^^r locatinn, Large living room and din- Th* folewinaj sr* *«a*r* aal dire*. LITTH SILVER POINt, RMutlfurCape lury-old colonial. Llvlag r**m, lire- ing rnom, delude kitthen, air-conditioned ton: TwR.TtOOk) HOO«tr"AMfuit Ut aV«. lapritvemtati. Ineludltf ttliphane. Ululated. Rail kuy at 111,000. RR VTItlNfiALnwriH rorml aancx: per montk. Muat fur* Oni mile fraa track. Call LO 1.IM4.W. Cod. Shade, fruit tretl. lowering site*, kltekin, gtatted-Kraanal aarahaa. kitchen and bntkroem, oil h^ut, nicely heat: larairF. Hargain at 114,714, Borul Anthony A. Maiiaito. Prllldeat, ... IU5 l-ldll. ekrubl. kerry buakel, vegetakle garden, four hidrooma, thraa katka, acretned Avrncr. KE!.1 71 Garden Road. Little lilvec, altk rrfmncti " . WlBM-rArART-nftrPiirraaSi decorated. Open far Inunction to all. ». I. Pair river rlgkti: autdoar flnplai*. leal iked. •leeplnir porckn: two-car alrage witk 74 l.'ii'hlon nvi., K>d Hank. Inquire. 12 Paul ""aiieky, Vlea Pnildtat, Lexiaitoa avi., an! katk. Newlr 4aaartta4 a*4 far. Hotita eantalnt lart* living ra*a, Ire. gutat rottav bath, Rentitifnl grnunri! II Ufayatta Street. Rumeea, N. i. MIH ____ »t*k*4. Ovatlaakia; a****. Illl Oeea* and view: II7.TO0. Mlnuch Agehcy, Harditm tit. Phone KE «-l«'iT. _ RUMSON --• Completely renovated I ___ ar_. «aiiBrltkt. « LHjl. icheal. kilt, tkapplag dlitrlct: 10x101 lare, eacloied porek, dlaint reem, III* PORT iroNM()0Tfl--6."l. ottiwTunily" Mary M. Manaceo, Serritary-Treainrer, tfliS lot. Raltardi ll,»o«. KR l-itO»(l-M. Clichen, thru kedrooaii (one knatty Rumion rd. Phone RU 1-0714/ A Unique twri-bidmom home. Btth. 14.14 7t Girdet id.. Little Illvtr, N.I. tfllWSRumalaw. ruratlkK. Faur fWb l4Er>0M aaarlaiakti. Newlf 4»«-- fttt roama: & xl0ui «ll yeir: fur- 11.110. ALL-YEAR corner property. Dry >ine), twa tile batbi. anRnlakM room, TBMNAtH^rHrrkemTrCltTfe nliked, 17.000, G. I. loan<. Summer Large electric kitchen, oil httt: one. reaiiia. katk. luaaarak. paMr>: ftraia. erata*. F«rnhki4 ar iiafHrnlika4. At ull cellar, laundry, wark akep, aeretne. Mra. Clara Bant, II Mapleweal a*e..44 at.. Bill Beak. Call BE ••11*7. locttlen. >1ve room*, iteam keat, lilver location, Living ronm, kitrhen. rrntala fiTtil up. Calling. 315 18th It,, car aarate. Aiklng lin.too, Pennia SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY madern katk, All eonvtnirneei. Call AT *«h Iniultted, newly decorated Inalde two hedrnomi, bath : plot Jrnl.'.d: ir•>•- Union City. Union T-'^'J.I. Riiawin*ICKMTRd. Tkrar.raaai kaa(a> t1K~AH~rttV~T and aut Large •^•aere lat In *ulet •«• lated: 110,000. II Kait Front it. RE R. Ryrnt, Realtari, Phone RU 1. Ckaatary Dlvleiea MeamMtk Caaaty . WlowV . All year around, Ratereace* f •Mrtmiali. 14 PrMMtt art,, Atlantic clu.ive neighborhood. Early eeeuMnev. 11*0* , DOCKET NO, M-II27.II laulred. Call la rariaa ar call MO •• -Mandr Mdroomt: _ YACHTSMAN S riv.r rnttlie. rt|t. Nttr ichoal itacti. tad butAiVin. g 111.000. Bnynton AgeL*eyn , Tron rTAGWCtIsmailarmTSiire Civil Action, Jtotitt *( Order (tr fuk* wtH aTartiaaaC0riSa4 Nlt tirr l-oml, week-tnda RE I-IIIIJIIIIIJ. aerai, Six reemjl, twa hathi, modern •earn. Large beat facilitin; tl- BARN RED—Convenltnt locality. Ckarm OPKRN FOUR.ROOM kunaalaw witk Nlct etirrewndingi. Full cellar. Priced n IMODEI la*r . luklit 14 mantka 1*4. Arallakla LTi¥c*r"RIEVER-alJr~ltagT¥cr"RElJr~t * name. kitchen, all heat: oat-tar tariga: him: foat dock. Twa tlltd hathi, oil Ing threi-btdroom rotttgt, Livini «O3ErH sLOVENZ. JR.. Plaintiff, **. - Ifeplacr. UnfuralikH. Clactrle Ira J«1» I Pk RE lllllR reatenthl Sckwartt-Mteklin, I Wkite Phone'RO-IW-I' Seven rnomi: large plat; kat water lll.nntj. II Ban Pi*M tt, RE I- heat, Rrtplice; tarate: 117,100, room, kitchen, bath with ihower. Colt KATHEB1NR ROSE SLOVENS, De- lka«, B»n• t keet. Naedi aome modirolietimi; III.. E raoma tad MM.• maln hiattr>l . AaklnAaklpg 11,000. Dannil K. fendant. I par mnnth. Im_a4itte aaiataalaa. RaU teflncd ar ailddleagcd I11LB BHeT_it- Flve-kedroom home (00. Ornn.iagtr A Heller, RK I.IIII, fUy Van Morn Agency, Filr Haven. !l J > l RU I.I H0.» To: KATHKRINE ROSE SLOVSNZt •tea Wattrhury. Rialtar, II Wait Fraat wltk Hull knotty pine llvingroom. # ! ?__fJ *' }"_-_ brick nrepUee. Located a* but lint and RE I.14JJ.' Cenvenltntlf located. Se* our large RE 1-4100. UTTLTTLI SlLVEtl. Combination lliving By virtue of an order of the Superior [RtHtrTf, Tw* 4.near tchaoli lot 113x175. Nitdt aome WAT_RHIONT~in»dem kerne. Sight advertliement In mother part of thia didinini g reamM. Modern kitchen, twe hod Court of Niw Jeriey, Chancery Dlvi. bUtH~HILXiP=Far aummer m- roeai apartaiinti. t __ roami, flrepltet. l'» katkt. OMB. aawamntr far ptrtliullri. II Eaat Front roame, hot —Her all heat Irecitaed rtd. aton, Monmatitb County, made aa tka tan. Fully furnlihia. Ltrie kaae far Yearly rental. 8c- work dona. Prlee 111,200. Sehwartl- ftALF ACRE— Attrtetiivve ilx-room rancl lected Mlthvarhead.aa ttat line. AppW Macklln, I White it. RE l-llil131.. porch: dock: two-etr tinge: III.III. tt. RE l-l?!*.* houi. e Wood_ paneli _ 'llnfn , fireplace, tiltd latoral, Aiklng 114,000. Dannla K. lyrne, 11th day of June. 1151. ia t eauat Icoafsrtakli vaeatlan. Four biaroeau, Saturday. Sunday all day. after I P. M. Oroitlnger * Heller. RE I-IIII, RR I- PTT-gaiLVitR AMA-Maw tli-room btth, oil htat; garage; cnrln»ed breeit- Realtoil. Phone RU 1-1150.* whireln Joteiih Slovem, Jr., ia plaintiff, Itwa batht. Facllltlea of eluk. Reatrleta4. VBR^LAZXfiriaiST aid ~SatE r nnd you are detendent, you art hereby atkir daye 151 Libety it L hot water keat. Near icKool and atorei. ll« hauw, two.itory, full calltr. tutamitlc way, llJ.tSO. Ray Van Horn Axencr, iRerui Agincy, Fair Hann. RR 4.4111.* RED SANK—«i».room reildcntt. Tkree kMt and gangt; III.SI0. Twe aiw 4- KOfnR7=IU4rniThree-bedroom home. Modtrr n kltchtn required to tnawir the complaint af the lATCANtin IINlrl-ANDff Chir-lTS; taw tt«ti. Prl'i 11.100. Schwarti. Fair Hnvcn, RE I-4L""." plaintiff on or before the lltk day of SXUTlTUl terniikeel tw* ar th, Macklln. I Wklte at. RB.I-II8I. berlroemi, hot wtter kett. ell-lred; raoma end hath bungtlowi. full cillar. KIViKFil?lNT~~~brlck cnlunial. Ai-rragi, Oil heat: one-car deteched garagt. Aik. I »m-room. ifficlmris aver lertie: ll« garage: icreenad noreh*. tlt.lll. firat« in* 11!.100. Dennlt K. Byrne Rtaltorl, Augult, 1951, and in dtfault theriof, •fnat vlrl\ir» —Irnlnw ovirlooki aiatn, room apartment. Private kitchen and HECFOltb—rJevcn-room kouie on (Oxlij autematic heat and tnragi, H2,uliO inch. Twelvt ronmii, Three hitha, flrrhlacei, •uch Judgment will bi rendtrtd againit katk. on ocean front. Adult*. f.O,l». lot. Balk upitaira and lavatory oi ilnirer A Heller. RR 1-1100. RB I.IIII.* In Rid Rank, *nt-*tory, ixpaminn attic, • late mof utrnm oil. Alkiliv |.'lll,00l). Phone RU I-II50* _ '_ lilactrle kiirkin: 1100 ntHnn. Includei LONG BRANCH. ATSStaentiT" fur". you ai the Court ihall think eo,»itakle Ititllltlra. AT I-20M wnk.iada. int Raor, iteam heat, oak Moon: ga tw* htdroomi and bath, llvlnr room, Ray V»n lloin Aifincy, Fair Haven, RE and Just. nlahed or utifurntibed, Madtrn. Ideal MIIIDLETaWN—Right neat, faur ktd. dining room, kitchen. Holland tir kett, I-4I0".- 7.ONEII FOR RIT«INr:SS. In Fair IrOVR-RUOM RUN0ALOW.~"RrlttRIlr rage: cellar, electrla range, aerecna and roomi, flreplare: attached write: hot The object of laid tuit il ta aktaia location. Yearly ar lummtr rtnttl. LO atom lain. A real buy; IS.tflO. ceil Arid, No liriil; 17,100, In the _ __ Haven'i new ihonping rimer. An a'«. HOIK* In nleaiaat reMlentlel water hiat: lane plot. Aaklng llt.llt. country, 1*4 acni: two-atnry frame Art'RACTIVE eight-ronm home. FTv a Judgment of divorce ketwata Mid rVhwtrtt-Micklin. I Wklte it. RE I Groaainger A Heller, RB l-tl«l, RE I- ixrellent building providing hu»i- plaintiff and you. •area in Wrxt Lontf Branrk. Full cellar, BBAVTIr-DLLT f^nlinTd HveTnam SI2I. dwelling, liven reomi ind hath, file, oil hedronmt, 1'., tiled liftthi, nreplare, lattfr, moil^rn kitrkrn, living room witk I**JS— _ ___, hot water heat, flrenlare; two-ear ga- dark room, nil heat: double Karage; tint neta ipace ai well ai living qulr- rLORENCE F. FOROOTSON. apartment for racing ar mmmer aea- 4HlR"WflWR7—-r'otir roonii «nrl bath. Attornty for Pltintltt, IHraplarr. tiro hidrofimi, lil# k«th. Mill- lon. |I7 Norwood ave., Long Branch. IN TOWN- -Sultabtt far apartmtnti, rage: tto.nno. R. V. R. H. Stout. 77 ty garden!; •• 7.(100. Ray Van Horn ten. An unuiual opportunity, Barul • Inia ilt» vrnprrty with fane«4 In kack full cellar, all keat, extra mom in iel rooming houae. Ave hedrnoaie, two Agonry, fair Haven. RF. i-tlim.- 10 Rrnad Strait, Rd Bank, NewJerie*. rVRTftSltTO~"A>AR'TMBNT. ISelSdlM lar, itorm windtiwa and irretni; IX,ton. RrMdit,. Red RaMt^ Phone RE H-1UU Agency. RE I-II'I.' Patedi June 13th. IIS!. 111.11 •yard mitablf for rhlMreri. Icreani aa4 utilltlei. ivtliihle Immedlttelr. Call Ittehent, two bathe lirage: 111.000. CTaWfW^iiTfnrnli hiingtlawTToo'feet V^AN HORN—Wnodirl"trart near river latarat vain, autninatif kat water lupply. Only II,ion talk ntriM, Srhwarti- Croaalngar A Melltr, RI 1-tlOn, RR I. Suteiy colonial: It. tiled hathi, EA MIHO-J after 4 P. M. Mtrklin. » White »t. RE l-»111. on river V 101. new bulkhead: III.- •all keat with hot water filiation ari- 000. Phone RE 1-0071 or ut broker.' heat; double aarage: porrh: 121.7*0, VBfEIIAN PAtS'lUor, ,a'wn ior lave. NOTICE. •tiw), Larfi plraiant rmMm. Cwarealeat 3wa»^M_^^•TBI Tir"TXV5»lTirrTXr5»»! r (Jhlrorm) Ray Van Horn Agenry, Fair Ntven, ly aii-room ranch home. Three had. RED RANR—Rleer aeetlon. Four bed- Taka natiit thtt Jak* Rlttalmtna, llnaatlnn for iknnplnf. ichitalu. All y#ar rta«k type home. Nirt "Ire Int, Near rnomi, two htthi. maid t r«em. tenter HEW BUKOALOW-I* iictllent RE 1.4111.• rnnmt, in-lnnt living room with Hrepleet, Irtatal, Available unfiirnlilic^. >itit awn* COMING EVENTS irhool and km. Prlc* III.S00, Srhwirti. hall, powder room, living room. Ireplaee, KXftHtTfiallSt.—Rrlek "ahel frami. t:.tUed hath, air-ronditiontd heat: garage; Inc.. hai ipplltd ta tkt Mty*r aad C*»*. lar will Hliruai rintlni furnllheit. Call Maeklln, II White al._JRE_l.llll. tnnroom. RE 1-0071 after I P. M.* eountry lacttion, thout one mile catlent cloiiti, 8\x large roomi, Sri, 'i-tcre; til,000 Rorui Agtaty, Pair .11 o( the" Borough of Burnt**. M. J. WUt |.'fi«5.M r.r EA I-1019. axl. lilt. RED BATIK—Siii-roam (l-kcdroom) fiom Rid Rank tUtlan. Living rani*. pint, tiled btth, notch; tirage: plot Htv.h, RE I-45IS.' lar a Henary Retail DliUikMlM llawiM far prevail** iltuated al AveaM ti Tw** Ifrnin » in 4:sn. home with large living raom, In nice LITTLE SILVER huntilow with en- with Irepliie, modtrn kltchtn with lOOxlilO; 111,701), Ray Van Horn Agency, fiTJTCKT^f "KI Rivera tnd Rldga Read, IIt a , M. I I. |LTrtLE8ILVERriafia4ram|tL~ i 'kaa'tr. residential area. Civilian needa onlr ntw rang*, tlttd kttkraom, two bed- Fair Haven, RE I-4H0* . ceptlonal Fair Haven location. Omei | On bua route te raea track, Lart* laraar 11,800 eaih. Price IH.ROd. gehwtrtt- trance foyer: tl.foat. living room, rJUWLVPAlNtBh riverfront rotflgt •uita and excellent living; ouartari. A OkJUOkJeeUeat. .. 88 mt. iktaiktaM kkaa BMd* li!e»l»lon. record akannr, piano, ante- T'S CHuaCR Will htld b*> Mg'kllBjl Wklt* tt. BE l-llll. dining raaaa, klteken, twa lovtly raamt, Five tltitta, til eedir-llnid levin roomi, fireplace, Hi batha: at. good doctor can't mill. RettoMht*. Immediatelditl y l a writingiti , tts Alberlbttt AA. itlo hat water, (wo laria ilettrle re- II ta Jaat tl ai ttrttr (two I* maitir bidroomi). Full Borua Agenoy Fair Htvtn. RE l-4!Ht,* Karr, Jr.. Clerk at tk* tomgk tl R MMaoulk tad purl Mi* ant ta Carl, KRANBBVRO — All-year-'roiind home badroomt, tlltd bttk: attached ga- ttchtd garaKt: landicaperl plot: tlS.TSrj _ frmtitrmtori,, tflptfliphonh i aandd •j •jtanatar.t . arc Llvlag raom, dining room kitchen, rage. All modtrn tnd la analltat kttemint, wltk tatomttlt kttt. Open Ray Van Horn Agency, r'llr Haven, RI Mtk HAVER^bnly four ytari olJ. •via ttrac t andd eardidnn henhenah aa mark tan thttttr. Ground trim *vtry algkt. 4.4100.' PeBata jtaJM It grt*4 award. pantry, enilaied front porch, three bed- condition; 118,500, Llbiril financing ttilrwty to tjpanilaa attlt. Large r < Lovely rape Cod wltk krteaeway and lied tetntlr. Phone RRR ll-IMi. g roomi and nath, all heatinr lyntem: ga- KtAft HTVt! -Vacnntn «mWi<>ly garate. Living roam with Ireplaee. JOHM MINTELMANN, WO, :~>lr~iSoM~>l)N0ALOWr~fiSfiinTd'f ! NUARAREC DANEDANCCEI , laturaay,, June IIII rtge: ihtrti tren and Barhicui. Land avallnhle. Allaire 41 Son Agency, treei; 110,100. A lit In A Soa iteeoratpd home. Twn tiler! batht, dlnine room, atrramllnad kitchen, two Aveaaa *f Two Rlvert. RaatM, N. J. epa , !!• I.ov.ll «v., RE I-II4I v.. KB I-8TM. dUTnoARD MOTORS covererl foforr all Aneni-y, Fair HlK-ii; HE MIOJI.' _ down: IT I monthly. Borua Agtncy, Fair Joiepk P. Hintalminn. Viet Pratldaat. Her 4 P. M. or ntfirntairn. II.SO per rniipli. AVBRS-r'AHV AOKNCY—Littie flllvtr. KRANRBURO — lnventment nroneriy, rlaka ffor ai- low ai IX a year. RolitoRolit n tfEWTTATItirHOUSF.. Attached garage' Hav.n. RE I.||I1.' Martiierit* Hlattlaana, Setretary aal CANTEHBURY~FAIR. St, OMrga'i-by- F*ur htdrnomt,- hath, large living F,lei*trlr. ranue. Excrllcnt loi-atlnn tht.Rlver, Wattraan tvi., Rumtnn, Rungalr.w leparate from three apart, Witerbtiry, Realtor and loturor, II I WatW t room, aim roam, dining renm, kitrhen, Trttiarnr. Wtdntldiy, June, JO, II A.M. to I P. M menti, Snr beech and ihoppinr. rentrr, .t. RB a^S»oj).- ^ ill cellar; tinge: hot wafer Ito,n00 F,nw down payment ftny Ve OriNB WESTI Owner Irtnlferred. Olrtctere—Slock ketdere ROOMS Prlre K.nflfl. Termi arranttH, Re||e»< Horn Agenry, Fair Haven, RK «.411)0, tlne.yeir old Cape t'nd. Four bed- Jan* Hinttlmmn. Rtd Bank, N, I, RKIi BANK ARRA—Pivt mllei ttitlnn*. tlaiomhle, Call RB Llim ar RE I- tSfflffitW "riPMCR"and*rTi(dinri. Excel- A Purcell, Agent", 7" Center lie, RE New riiitnm hunt, cottige. Ten acrct, I7II-J, rnomi, twn hathi, llvlag room with Mtrguirltt Hlntelmann, Rtd Sink, N. I*. *"7M hrnnk: living rnnm, Ireplaet, beamed lent tnwn Inratlon. Fine rnnditinfi. Willlim H. llintilmtnn, RamMt. N, 4. I WAPLE AVENUE—FurnUked rooial. rhurrh, Frldty and gatiirdar. June III AYBRS-FAHY AOKNCY — S.tutlful, Inspretinn ht appointmer,! only; II A,0°-", flrtplirt. Fully imultiid. Aluminum Paul i. Hinttlmann, Rumton, M, J. and June II, ta A. M. t« I P. M, Bttitnt KEAN8RURO—angle' lnti—Ptvtd (trie reilinn, t«o larte. htdronma, tile bath, large, corner lat. In ixcellenf location, One of R«« - - - • • • pni-rler room, combination kitchen and Riy Van Horn Aarenry, Fair Haven, RE combination icreen tnd ttarm lilh, Ittite of Paul Hlntelminn, Red Bank, and lldiwalkl. Price III. Lefl «0il«fi, Call REI-28II or RE 4.17IJ.J, I.I'IOQ.' _ _ M, t. fiiKaar. Jane tl, 1 .il raiidenlltl (ret. Prlet 11*0, Rtllent 4 dining room with hugt flrepltce for Rerrtfirttor and Itndix: lit,100. Purull, Attnti, 17 Ctnttr ave, XR I brolllnit, kitchen with nntlt agulnment. AYERS.FAHY AOBVCY—Uvely home Down I2.7H0, monthly 174. Borut ar »u» ulk Tarru.. Ulll* «j. Combination liundry-furmet room tnd la River Pint. Three hedrnomi, bath, SECLUDED LAKE FRONT. Mnrlern NOTICE. r MaeUvy lludla far thilr Aienty, Ftir Htvin. Rt LlJIl.* lavatory: two-eir gtrtgai 100% Inlu- living ream, dining room, kitrhen and •even-rnom colonial, Thrte hathi. Ttkt notlet that Pltir CtrrlM. T/A familial, Denting, tlnilni LOT—Shrowihury, Cnrner Lturtl lattd I oil heat: berbteut, Nothing com. pantry. Bun room, dry, full celltr: ga- ind Haddori *ve,, lOilll.. . Maklikee an parable out In the country, Aiklng lit,. Picture wlnrloiari, Artplarr, oil heat. Plaint Rotk Raitaurant, hai tpplled rtgt. A v*rr good ktiy. Call RB I* FOUR.ROOM BUNGALOW. Nttr it*. ta the Mirer and Cauatll af the Ror. •fftr, Call Mr, Urttudlud, RiO IIIOI-- W 000. Make offer, Joieph 0. MeCua, Rtai. Illl or RE M7IM. Aiklng ll'J.liOO. Ray Van Horn tion. bill, arhonll. Hot wtter halt, attir I P, M. tor. RU 1-0441, ough of Rumion far a Pltnary Retail AYBRS-FAHY AGENCY—Trill week'a Agtncy, Fair Haven, RE '-4I00.- huh, nil improvement!. Lot »5.il7j; gt- Consumption llcinia for premltet aim. SIX-ROOM MOVII. All Improvtmtntt, QUAINT AND CRARMINO old lalmlit. •ptclil, Larn tlikl.kidrooai htuii ««•<•, KF, i-oaii-W,* •lad tt 121 Gait River roid, la tht Bar. \&fisn.-f& utrttei twa tirti ground, Imffltdltt wbllh can atilly bo uied 11 reiidencr ifioM nrsusiTTrrnitinhnTii t OUKII of Kumlon, pontiilon, Sean tnd Washington avt Story and a half. Five roomi and I1IVKI1 OAKS—Larvo nnch humc on Walk ta Jrotd •(„ II • Fill' WliB nutlfl, ay ini kalk, rtpaln, Dlnlnv room hai ind Income property, Llvlnv room with a a. I. mnrticiirn of l»,ooo, Necda iiintltK'Hlu'it acre; ^S-font living mum, Objootloni, If any, ihoulrl M mail* Nivtilnk, AT I-UH* two built-in corntr clklnitt. Klttktn kaa fireplace, dining mom, kltahin, full ctl' little repair. An excellent buy at I in, Immralritr-ly in writing to Albart A, Ktrr, ~« l-lllt-' r enti af Mtlekew ttudlo. In. ilhnnit ninm. tienrrni KlrL'tric kitrhtn, etaenta) Itnte mimkiri » puell« af UNION B1ACN. Bungalow. Four roomi, npin helmed celling! one-ear gtrtga tnd Itr, kitchenette on leeond 'onr, twn,*>00, Trimfrr rtuaei nwnrr to "IIfnil, r IFIIL'C hrihunma anil three bathl: Jr., Clerk, or the Borough of Rural** tool •her!, nid ihaile trm; large plot: hithn. Slerlflre. Aiklnt IILfttn. Will Uuiclr artlnn buy. It, Wllkfr A Tin. (Signrdl Mtbtl Calentn Dtntlny ttkaoli Tnuri- til Improvement!: corner In'. ftOilfio, hrfrxrirnv : tnn-rar saratfe, Borul day filikt, luna II, ftllawihlp kill, Prlrt 14.".Of. Call KI 1.0711 111 It 11 MOO. Rolitsn Wllerhury Bllltor, II tlkt nlfir, Intmidiil' pnmtilon, till Hill, ID Call Front at,, Rrrl Bank, RK Will fiail it, RI |.|l»8.* Airnrr, fair Hivin, RG l-ISJ II..I L PETER CRRRINA. It BR 1-1114. Matk*4llt (kHtck. I *'«l«k,« ttittt »l •Unit'. U I.IIII *i M iniw I-I494, BCD SAVK BEOIiTEI. MV1K 14. 1W1

der aM DeaaK English. Mr. BvaV Viiiting Priett • sell will serve aa thia eaaaastttaa dumber Officers although hi* resigMtiaa free* tha OuMrcii'i Day TO HAVI From Rome Heard beard af director* waa accepted yeaterday with regret. President AND TO WAR St. Aathoay* society at St. Aa-Held Monthly Coaway stated that possibly aa aaa bObtrved JkfM W*M thony'a Catholic church hele 1U »•- persoa in the chamber had e>ae COLT* MDCK-A eaaapleU war- nuil Communion breakfast SwUiy se much for the community la re-ship e*nrk* was caMucted by the in the church hill. Abolt IT* aum- Meeting Yesterday cent years as a director aM past bay* eM girl* af the Reformed ber* *nd gueatc of the eeciety at- president thsa Mr. Russell. The di-church BuMayeehaol Sund*y. +JWHWF e e o tended |U beer* aa inspiriag Ulk Aaumal rector* joined with Prcnideat Caa- maraiag ia eajaervaace af Chil- UT tft MAJTJ A MC0t> ZJwo Jrri&hmm . *. ! by the guest speaker. Rev. Aathaay y in further complimenting Mr. dren* day. Mrs. Hareid Ovater was Mattucci, visiting priest from R«aw, f 10,030 Paearal Ma» Russell OB hi* endeavor*. Mr. Rue-program chalrmaa. Italy. Mil gave presaur« af buslncas a* The aermaa was delivered by the YOOOICHOJIM IT POt Or maybe th«re were three? It moke* littlt dif- Introduced also by the taaatmae- Ne the rcaion for giving up his eaVe. aialatcr," Jamaa Kirk. A salute UfR ference give or take one, becoufc in this, ot in any ter, £milio Grilli, were Msgr. Sal- Mr. Conway and Mr. Taylar wera U tha Bag we* givea by Robert vatore DiLorenao, pastor ef the At a reeeat meeting af the di-complimented by Mr. fluhr for Martia aM Raadall Bppler after •ubject matter, the main thing ii the punch line... rectors af the Red Bank Cemmuai- their eflorta in rutting Red Beak tha siag'ag af a ayma by the coa- TadMldaM Will tasaf A hurch; Anthany fleviero, president ty Chamber af Caaaajerca. aa In- Theitory! of St. Anthony* aocicty; Aathaay foremost ia the receat opening grcgatiaa aM a "good moraiag" ea- True Tana TiamtrajMM 0* Vev Summonte, orator af the aaelety; vitatiaa was extended U the vari- cerrmonie* of the Moameuth Coun- ereiee by tha primary departmeat. Michael Rafferty, graad height aus service clubs ia thla viclalty ta ty Airport, Red Bsnk haviag the Mia* Emily mmRh "vlsitiag mtssiea- elect af Red Hank Knights «f Ca- have a rearesaatativa tit |a at the largett delegatiaa preatat. ary," gave the aerlpter* reading; %m mtmM Or Oshjr Here «• the Molly Pitcher, we hove • story. A mertiag* af the dirsctars aad that aad William Vaa Kate, "visiting lumbui; Joseph Odenbaeh, deputy such rearaaeatativea wauM be %embers af a saag by th* ataaal. Tha eaTerlag attractively furniihed room*; excellent food Mrved dent tit tk« Haly Nam* aaelety af the fhsmber. Music and Dance waf tskea by Leah Vaa Note, Pa- In a homelike atmotphere; an adequately equipped St. Anthony*. All wera hear« hi At the moathly meetlaf hell yes- tricia Baylor, Margaret Header aad IIASOMAMJ MTtS . . . CAU MOW! brief remark!. terday saaralaf at tha bareugh Batty Hameraiek. The jualer chair ballroom for ony type of tociol function; a smart hall, President E4waN Caaway In- Recital June 21 saag The Lard1* Prayer." eoektoil lounge—«ll at modest cott to you. All in Member* af the ChiMreH af Mary traduced Jaaaaa DavMhaiaar, rea- MM. Joseph Moreau, Jr.'e elasa sodality eerved the breakfast sad resentlng tha Middletswa tawashla Piano and vocal selection* and all Quite a Story when we »tgrt telling you about it. racitsd "Jay Bells" aM "The Blaa- AOtO & TEIDASON aaeieted frank Ma4ur« end Jen* board of educatiaa aM Middle- sketches written by Oraea Matehew aams BaM" aM th* primary de- Oenoveae in charge af the kitchen, to* a towaiala Uaas «l«b; I>e4 far lets a'nd teenera among her mu- Bartateat ehlMrsa **ag "Com* t* IW IANK IONS Emilia OrilH was general ehairaMa, Oregf, raerawatlag tha Fair Ha- sic studio pupils aM incidental Church," "When to Church I en". assisted by Aatheay Soviere. An- ven Uaaa club; rrank B. Lawes, daaee numbera by pupils af th* Ma-aM "FWIew Him." Irving OaatmcU 'XkWXt WOHIi MA MMNT S41t1 thaay Summeeite, talvatara Cttse- baraufk af We» aiirewabitry and bel Colemaa dancing school will wae haatd ia an addreas, fallowed you've got a » >•*»*•«• from Itinerant aalieltara far «nan- Cook, Max and Marcia Pokus, Maltlaad Cain and F Howard elal tteta for various artantaatlona. Glenda Grimmer, Bunny Oralm- Un*> acting pastor of tha church. Bow-froat Mahagaay Cheat af Drawer*, WtMaor Bid* Chair *M NEW LOW PRICE! Mr. Parkar stated that the aatura mer, Oeorgia Beach; accompanist, die seat on va**-4urn«d aM Upered legs. Sheraton Inlaid Mahagaa* af any campaign would, In a large Osll Thorn*; piano solo, Awaken- UNOSt.Br riNEB fIVE ing of Spring, Shirley Tallman; Writing Desk, Louis XV lalaid Klagwood aad TulipwoM Combiaatlea measure decide whether the mer- n N i n N pjiBAfiH—M»-i.t»-»» secretary and t'hell ot Drawers, Marauetry Cheat af Drawers, Oeca- chants ahouM»te an4 sn-Dance Tao, jimmy Arnone; sketch, Charles Undsley Tuesday atajbt dorne the undertaking. ToUy School of Muaic, with John Nned live moto.lsU 'icm.-i • •- •ional Chairs, Hand-carvad Walnut Plan* Beach, Curtalaa, Orapa*. Tiddle an "Prof., and student*, Pa- Vase*, Hutch Table, Decanter*, fin* |at ef old Glassware, Chlaa Taa Hubert farrow reporting en the tricia and Elisabeth porn, Audrey measea far careless driving during Chrlatmae lighting for the coming fionegrn. Kenneth Aletrueder, Jo- ie week-end. Set (Copeland), Dressers, Bureau*, Sis Rush Bottom Mahogany Dining holldsy season, stated that an ex- fined 15 and M cost* of court Room Chairs, Crystals, Chlnawara (Limoges-Roysi Crown-Mintoet-Cepa- tra drive would be made toward anne Haddock, John Garland, Carol Nolan. Joanne t>chelbach; piano er« Jaseph Hallfko. Jr.. of Perth land, etc.), Hand-palated Cup* aad Saucers, Lamp* (Table and fleer), Butting more light* an Monmouth mbay, fred Palillo af Wickatunk, sola, Margaret Buhlln; dance, Lynn Single Beds, f reneh Inlaid Mirror, Occasional Tables, Brle-a-*ra«, Oil st. west ef Maple ave. and ha hoped and Lesley Wilson, Joan Van- hemas J, Adamiec of Hopelawn RMUILT UfCTfttC PORTABLE that the contributor* In that par- Horne; piano solo, Skaters Walt*, id Urals Alnerl ana Joseph f. Painting* (H, A. Loop), VieterlM Mttet, Mde Chairs, Us MsAagtay titular dUtrlct wstita be liberal in piteri ef Newark. Hallfko, Palillo their co-operation. Tha Chrlatmaa Anne Ccclle. Dining Room Chair* with slip teat*, Vausual Cmplr* Buffet, Pair Bras* ltd Adamite were charged with Csadelabra*. Hand-palat*d PlatM, Badraam Chair*, Rug*, tat ef • Bag- declarations last aeasan east about Part I- iralee* driving on Union ave.; HMD which waa ralseal entirely Piano sols, Rustle af Spring, ISeri an Florence av*., and Bpl-llsh Prints aad away Iteau rasMialag to be •aerated, all ef wMeb wiM through tha merehanta without Mary Rlckman; adagto, dance, Jan- rt a* rt. *•• b* dlapoMd of. teuehlng any af tha ehambsr's reg-et PJpafTnrd, Robert Werthlngton: ular fuMt. aong duet, Peters sitters; piano so- MOTH PARA Th* undersigaed *M AueUoMere ahall aot be rMfweatbte la the Mr. Taylar, executive vlca prssl- lo, Joan Dean; song, Red River event af aocldMt mt injury te aay psraoa or p*r*oa* la, ea *r akewt tk* aaat, rsperted for the retail trade Valley, Charles Cecile; sketch, • RhTtm, committee, In tha absence af tha Omar's Dude Ranch; owner af premises. All vIsKor* are r**,u**t*4 t* drlv* with eautiaa >ic*a«e af ea-eheirman. that tha recent Moth- ranch, Omar Sickle*, foreman. Rob- Naggatta th* many coaceaMd driveway* ea Red KIH Read. er'* aay feature af eiatrtbutlng ert Smith; Chinese cook, Mehrln 4.0M raae* ta the ladles visiting Grimmer; gypsy fortune teller. EDWARD D. LENTILHON Red Bank's various storss had bean Pfcylla Bott; Mrs. Omar, Oall a great success and the recipient* Thorne; The Great Dane* Pianist JlaeUasMeni B.dAUOwl • af tha ftowera called It a very Extraordinary, David Dean; Olen- IN Bath Av*.. ln| aVaaek, N. 9. FIMSM MBI, pleasing gesture. da, Glenda Grimmer; Indian chief William A. fluhr reported on the aquakum, Alan Canontco; Little Olertag* SMT be vtowed m tats et sate tram MM A. M. BBN gala regatta committee relative to the fawn, Carol Whltehead; sunbeam, coming national sweepstake event Carol Donata; cowboya aM girls, HOUIHS the seeond weak In August, He Hatel Rose, Gay Smith, Reggy, stated he had pledged 14,500 from Karen, and Richard Moore, Danny tha Chamber of Commerce toward Dorn; piana solo, Rosetta Nolan: tha expense of running tha affair. song, Shirley Crow; sketch, Mexican Those appealed ta last year who scene, Joan Lledner, Madeline Nle- voluntarily contributed 1109 each olettl; dance, Marcia Pokus, Ann would he asked again to contribute Durle, Charlotta Dennis; tha Rough a like ameunt this year aM a more and Ready Mountaineer*, David thorough canvass would be made Dean, Conrad Howard, Judith far more voluntary contributions. Dornneman, Charles Rorbach; song, Previous ta last year's regatta, the America th* Beautiful: accompan- mayor and council provided for ist for dance numbers, Mabel Cole- |S,Mo In the municipal budget to- man; sketches written by Orae* ward tha regatta expenses. How- Malchow. iSSU 6-4700 ! ever thla waa mot dona last year nor has thla years'* budget made • ^; 01 VISIT OUR IIIOWtOOM I any provision whereby tha mayor froni hundrads Z "** tbaaa. Oaea M an. Ballr. lawn aad »*»->» 1 and council will flnanclally assist In this national undertaking which la an* ef th* biggest advertising events Red Bank ever had here. TIRES y President Conway lUted that HOME Harry Nsuberger of Everett had accepted tha chairmanship ef the JUtT Off tPtlMtWIati AW. National Affair* committee. He will have a* co-workers William A. DEMONSTRATION DM MtWtT fAWi WAtAHTafO | Fluhr, Robert da la Reusaill*. J. D. Tunar. Rotate* W»J«bmy. M« Klaria, David Russell, Ray PeRtd TRIADS 359

Kridelf Special Tfcaaa Mush «i wt to k ssafsussj wit*i tfce cfcwty enee Father's Day Feature ••-•p flweffiiefl wf etlieffsk

basi raa4y to taka fcama w w* lH A am •>- -*. YOUR PHOTO s yen OT. TAKEN FREE tmmmma SEALED HEAD And Put On VENETIAN BUNDS

«•• FahWt Day Gift Card •tot hwodotvd bottom • Nww ovfomotk hchrrfwort i»op-lo€k IMVM drapM Let tu put your picture on your gift to K«iitoatho««ad D«A Hall be delighted and M> agraaably surprised with our special Father's Day WB MAX TOC TtBM A* 1 Gift Card. Well snap your picture hero BXTBA COST while Mtr traM* Impi MTM *m^' at the store and develop it immediately. * lovfly Mfi-Wnlrw MMW with ov#ry uMiK* Then we'll put it on our special gift card. Uie it to put on the outside (or inside) Step In and See • Full rang* of tliw»« 17" to 36" wife, 64" of your gift package to him. You get your kew the n*w tread* are photo taken and the gift card—FREE with ttttea ia a*» *«ra plaal UA|A asssttaUermff SVASSSSSSBBBHABV ASBBSV your Father's Day purchase at Kridel's •nviv wjviij ivnrfm www

j testy s~ 14 tor;/ AND Atosr COM PI w HAKDWAM SIORI R S D B A N TIRI SIRVICE 75 White St. Red lank OF FCEt PAH KINO IN Ut>\u PHONE RE 444M BED BAXK REGIBTEB. JIJNB II, 1951 Pag* Eject*

hi** aeheal arckcatra »lay«« Teacher AMBMNIMC*?* Und, Peggy Kennexy of Manor, tha nataiataaal aaa itceui Drunken Driving N. Y., Ferrando Penorhet of New Students Reign *.ad ***••»» ef tSu claal * and tha Reeilal York city, Anclr* Celento of Brook- audience toek nait ia. the aaluta W Mise Kara Armet rang af Arthur lyn, Anthony .1. Dellosa of Lanv tfc* lag. Coste Him *I23 downe. I'II . "jo«»ph MrUermott of At dam Night pi, local piaae teacher, will preseat HOLMDEh —Examinr* V>y Dr. her student* ia the annual spring •Newark, J.irk HoMnthul of Ae- UCONARDO — Loii Mtttcruri* Cifla tmr Ke..Wre recitel June 25 and M at the Meth- Louis Zlntkin of Freehold nftfr be- t'liin, N. Y, WaltT H. Lielimsn, rcclt*4 the claee hiitery tt cl«t« ediit church ffllowehi* hall. At thia ing *rre*led nn » rhnrv of driving New York. <•!'' . Oorie Joseph •Ifftt exercises of Middleto-n n- Al «ra>a}* Jicciiiiaj time Luce DelZoppo McCue •( while under th« infiucnr* «t into.\i- Known of Chat num. I'hailej V>. c»ting liquor. Oordon H, IVillUtn* tawaaMp high Khoot at th« grada KCTPOHT—rathsr't day gifta Shrrwabury and Joycelyn Rolen a? ' fsh»l>\' of Summit. I»on Overman Newberry's of Middletown last week »'«s flnrd •dMol auditorium Monday night * .re araaeftta* by Mrs. Ethel Middletowa towaehip will be ejsiet- and Ki^ii'ia .1. Wirrmati of KliM- wk«B Jaittph Ma aU« tea iag artist*. 1300 »nd 13 rourt ro.=t.« dtirt $20 fir lieth, I-'KTI V. Leimktieller of l.'nnn Beyer, lactitrer, ta Arthur Lyle, the doctor's fee in th» township ion «la*s Ira Coon a*d Karald Hlllyer at Mrs. McCue it the wife af JafJte and Jo.-epri R. Ciirlton of Bridje- court by Ms*i«irate Pianley Siil- i port, Conn CUM varsei and gifts w«re s>r*> latt Thucsday night's maating at McCue «f ahreviaury and ceadueta well. acntsd by Oraldinr Uakcly, Mari- lUnUsi grange tM. A variety pro- her awn vocal studioa in her hauae i Walter T. Anderson of Mana- }f% lage, riorcne* Vaa Enburga, gram waa given under th* dirac- in the Curley Hoars aectioa. She Samuel Zarkey, Jr., of Fort Mon- K|iun »!i= arri'.-ted for fiKfdmg i* * native of Geona, Italy, and IBOUth «m Hn.-d 12ft and *3 ro»ts »nd paid a. fine of $0. Carl K. Uuoi- aWwreac* Flannagan, A n a « k • ti-inile-p»r-hour '•' vn r.,' Ne\ • York wa* flnrd $13 t.n ate* lUfjtr and Roscmaiie Luaae. Miss Viviaa Beyer was aalected Milan, Italy, wfeeie she made her rate. Six motori.«t« paid $13 e»rh li similar rliirgp. floicion Jacob* Mar Rounds appeared in the aolo, to rwfratant tha grange in a coun- deeait with the Milan Opera com- for passing prhool bu»ep while rhil- nf Perth Amli'iy and «"»•• tano Sss.«o *T« Think You've Chosen II*," ba- ty Cjiteaa coateat to be held Au». pany. Mrt. McCue has been ting- dren were bein£ rliFclinr^ed. They nf H.-iiri'Jn piii a fine of I* for ing in aeveral New Yark city were John .). Clemy of W«ynr future to observe A traffic signal. ler* other v«ra*»j tnd gitu «er« 11 at Ftotaaaa freage. Wemroti. y •roassrtt4 by Marjorla Wenzrl, Mrt. Ethel Beyer waa, appointed churches, and will have Parathy county, V* . Morris Lewis of Phila- Jiniea F. . n>'(lrr of Kort Mon- Mary Bergtr, Jcannett* Schele, delegate ta the Middle Atlantic Meyer of New York city ta her delphia. Jo«eph K. Thompson of mouth wan flneil lit for careless plans tceaapanlet. She will ting Irvington, Flchnrd Schneider and rtriving; rnd Frank A. Meyers ef Fatjl Blshef, Betty Younf, Carolyn Lecturers' conference ta be held at tha recital June tt. Cernell, Marilyn Mctcalf and Joan the letter pert ef July al Cornell John Wlneii of Newark, and | r'olt.» Neck %» for a «imilar nffenw. unWaraity, Ithaca, V. X. George Atkin of Pnarton. Thowi»s A. Murray of Bradley Or»f. Graduating seniors nans; tha Mia* laden ia itudying vaiea with MaCua Feich «as a.«.«e-?ed I* for driving CUM and ichoel songs. Words 'of Tha yating maanbere *>f •he Adah rtntaa Wosdverd, and Is a Several drivers passing cart en the right paid I* fines. They were without, a rear lisrht snd IS for »•- MM class earif were written by granga will g* a* an •utlnf next ttudeat at Middletewn tewathip yeart aid Milt Miriam Davit, who me mintu hi? regiftralion. Mile* France* I*Veglioto to the tune of Thursday t*> Asbury Park. The high (Ehoe!. •*• tt'Hi»a piana with ia alta Mlaa ArajMtrong's student. Stanley R. Brunrlage ef Maplewond, •Oerdcn in tha Rain." Mitj Armttrani ana it tha aaufh- and wha gtva her ftr*t recital la it Letter Kurlp'Vy eif A»bury Park, I !>. A«4evsnn was fined *» »htB fete f«r the annual Ornate »k»« 'found t» l>e without hi* !ic»n§». Bra and Iva •mith "Toolie- will he anMuaeed later. Mr*. Ethel «er af Mr. and Nr«. Arthur aaaea manth the Red Bank Woman's Vrank Rcuuei!* of Jerrey City, Dsmlnlck Lombeidt of Piaindeld, GIFTS OaUa-Doolie," and the high seheol Beyer waa th* trst aria* •• the af Middletown towMhia. Mia* Ba- club, will he Jaycelya'e accampaB- Rnyi gir alik 1ft maka potk*t mrmtf feaad played leveral atlectian*. Tha chocolate cake eeatMt. den, wha will ting June », la » iat. Dominie J. Peofinr of gtaten Is- hv >»llinir Th« Rviialrr.—AevrrtitMlinll. MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sidforiisd fabric, Futetea collari, no itercliinf nacatiary.

Sim 111/) ta 17.

Slrrvr Uiilr (inllnn SPORT SHIRTS

flrg. 92.79 Senfofisee) — Medium ene) Lerae Sitei.

MKN'S SHORT SLEEVE COTTON "SKIP DKNT" SPORT SHIRTS 00 2~*3 Reg. *1.69 WKite or Solid Celort, Senforiied. Smell, Medium end larfe Sitot. AMERICA'S LARGEST REUPHOLSTERER TIES for "DAD Lerae selection to cheese from. COMES TO RED BANK WITH AN GIFT BOX FREE 89 for o Umitad Tint* A GUT THAT "DAD" CAN USB AMAZING OPENING SPECIAL 2-PMCIS SOX IN GIFT BOX REMODELING TO ANY MODERN STYLE SOFA and CHAIR 3 urn Choice Selection of Pettems end Colon. I •-, ••COMPUTI... NOIHMO REUPHOLSTEMNG by «c|»Mto right In our own factory Sim 10'/,. 12. aSITOIUY 10-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE on all our workmanship lt'« no uti trylni to oompw* t4mmon«l« rttiyllnff give you a 10-year guarantee. That's why wa save Week-End Feature •nd rauphoUUrlng with any other. No other It you so much money. If you've been thinking about quite Ilka It. Our work Is all dono In ono of our reupholstorlnf ... If you're tired of the old- own airaamlinatf faotorios ... and wo ha»o !)«• of fashioned styling of your parlor suits ... new Is KNIT SPORT SHIRTS thorn .. J Including tha Itraatt rtuphelttarlnf plant the time to have It modernised and made new again in Amoriea. Wa hava Mm* of tha oountry'a flnait by •Immonds. Regardless ef tha style or condition $ oabtnet-makara. Our raupholMorora loarnod thalr of your furniture, ttmmonde will RIMOOIL or .77 49 •kill* by uphoUUrlng plaaM eotilrtf hundrodi of CUSTOM BUILD the frames ta any new, modern $59 Keg* 81.98 dollar*. tp««ialltU parfarm a v a r y operation, style you select ... and will REBUILD and Rt> 1 2-*3 "•trippers" do nothing exoapt atrip furniture ... UPHOLSTIR In traditional Slmmonds quality at MNOU CHAOS Solid eolors with Stripes, Sestet Weave Pattern, Novelty right down to the bare frames. "Springers" do amazingly law prices. Just pick up the phono and Weaves. Plenty of color combinetions. Small, Medium end nothing exoept tie springs, "•eokere" upholiter call yaur nearest otlleei In Red Bank «-|fW. in lares Sites. only the arms. "Oushloh Makers" do nothing ex- P>erth Amboy, Plrth Amboy 4-IStO. Our decorator- cept make cushions . . . and you get all new salesman will coma to your home any time, day BASQUE STRIPE cushions. Ivory part of the work Is dona by an or evening, with ehalr-olte samples of over tOO SINOUSOfAS expert... and all New Jersey work Is done In our fabrics. No obligation, of course. own eVstory Newark factory. That's why wa can KNIT POLO SHIRTS PROMPT DELIVERY • TERMS TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK Loose knit, crow neck, 2>eoler combine* c EASY tion. Smell, Medium end Large Sitts. No charge for pickup or delivery mytchere in New Jersey — Phong Neareit Office 98 BUDGET TERMS Reg. 91.29 UP TO 19 MONTHS TO PAY Phone Red Bank 6-5965 ••••••••v BI #gggf >M|. IATC DIVISION In; in (or a d.vld.ntl of thia utats. Name. IN THB MATTER OK THE ASSIGN. I NEW BRUNSWICK: 124 Church St.—Kl J-StOO PLAINFIELD: 43S Perk Avo—PL (V03S0 MINT roR THE BENEFIT OF CREtil. •prlfup' SLAVITT, Anijn.i, TORS OF DAVID KLEIN, irtdin* at • O.» Broftd Stt'tt, MONMOUTH MARKET. NOTICE OF Newark, N.w Jtrl.y. Thsra era Simnene*i office* la anal leadlKf cllist I* the la**. Mall tie cawpen er cmiult ysur Iscal pkei* keek. -Sttta- ASSIGNMENT. Bersman and Rothbard. lair ftrna ta **R_ NOTICE IS HtntUY niVCN that Attorneys for .\aat*nee, IMVIIl KLEIN, iradmi •• MONMOUTH 7!« Broml SUrtt. NiMlMf (if piMMai MARKET H Main Slrert, Kalonloun. Newark Nfw J.rj.j. 115.U. Mnnmout'n t'ounly. New Jerio, ha. thia day madr an a*slfnmrnt to ttu1 nib- NOTICE aerlb.r of hi* entirr .atnto in truat for Tak. nolle, that F'atrlck Lollui, T/A th. cijual benefit of hi a creditors in pru> Leonardnardo Bar and tirlll, ha. tpplltd Is portlun to thrir irvfrn! demands to the 1 h TownihiThi p Comniitt.Ci . off MMailstowMMilt n ntt immnt m thn' uomo to Ilia handd Mtittiiu fui a Fletu^jf Rclall Ouiiaumti* for •, should bo mad* Int. \iriirr i>.«h nr nII)I 111*!:n" In tllr iillllrt- linlr'y III nritinu In HoMAtd W, Rab* >ijn..| AMiilii", .• h,. nflli-i' Ht N". B«:. - 1 rrk o[ Middlruinn Town.hlf). SIMMONDS UPHOLSTERING CO. YirA) i within thria months from the data here* S3.01 TATRICK LOfTUI. HAXE RE6ISTER, 4USE 14,1M1

Mardi Grat Program at Oakland St. School B. G«M'n *• CnH'l M UiXrikutisa licaooa far 4i_ at l«-tt Mortk :. N. J. N. J. ijMtiaaa, if am. . _ __^_ )»m«i»t«l» i> arritin* to Aa» B. tbtaa. ta~irad Clerk •» taw Bo»u«a •! lo« iwk. M. 4. Daar Jaaia, *€MU« i. CCNOVBM. U W. tric«a *«., 1.4 gaak. M. I. YMI aiiaal M 'rf t fcatJ any Waai M »a HAIOLDS 'PBTU B. CENOVtM. Dad miejfc* I** far fatfcart Day. •AMO • fUCTMC SHOT IttH GCM«VUI. TM'i an aaiy ana «a antwar, far avarytima Dael •*#•* Bat auu liaknr K*. ii, •«•»•*. M. i. •rawnai m *fca itara,fca Ma t M*a4fci«f aha ha waate, A fav af tf*a Ttonajt an kit lift: Our mMoJtama papptv maV> tola* aia1 mateulina in fina, lacquaraal vaaei. Wirk) r», Ofttj MM ajrinej SPECIAL SALE! juit tka rifM «maun» af MPP" an l»i« faaa* tama «i tfcaw -M THIS WEEK ONLY! M eley* af yara. Unwwai, •*)•—«ne) a4y fl.TS. NATIONALLY AOVHTfHO Than tfcara'i auf FraetyraaJ Francfc Ash Trayt. Only 11.00. BAIY C4MIAGE wad wiH »•• • raaf chuckle fram tfcata—we* fwn 4a tfcaw a* 4a kit wianejt, WM 139.00 Anatkar (fcinf in tha "fim-RK munion breakfaat at Holy Itoaary rd, Fair Haven, recently asaumed, Branch. hall following the • o'clock maaa at tha duties of commanding officer, %n Mm • • • NEW inssv China and Glait Ska? Mr. Cubberley phonrd The Heg-Holy Cross church. Headquarlera battery, rirtt Infan- Isler nlflcc a few day* ago to the Pupili of the Mventh and eighth try division artillery. au 4 leka baUmHM effect lhat he i.i a very lively corpte grades canf the man which was Capt. Snyder entered the Armed and that the Hem mentioning his celebrattd by Rev. Jaaeph Sullivan. fercea in January, 1M1, at Red paieini was what Mark Twain Father Sullivan waa also fue«t Bank. During World War II, he atated rc(ardln( the publication of speaker at the Communion bncak> •aw action with the IMth field ar- li!« death when he Mid, "It « aat. Other futitfl included Rev. tillery, part of the ITth Infantry very mucli exaggerated." Richard Ewin» and mot hen of divlaion. At the end of hoatilltlH. iventh and eighth grade pupil*. Capt. Snyder returned to tho Uni- After the brtaktait, the gradual. ted Statot where ho remained un- MONDAY, JUNE 18th ng claii htld IU cltu day txa^til hit preeent tour af duty which i£(i, tha Ihtma of which wai ahe began In October, iMt, : eaaura hunt aboard the claai ahlp, Prior ta entering tho Army, n Holy Croti Baa Bird. , Capt Snydor attended Red Bank The introduction wai given by high aetiool. Upon leaving high • ANTIQUES NEW Styl«-ltMding" Beauty! ohn Haitlngtr, and the welcome achool, he waa employed by tha .y William Carew. John Raleigh, American Can company at Jtraejr heila Emery and Nell Kawn read City. he elan poem, and Edward Ouin- NEW "Bulldog-Tough" Construction! o, Oeorge Kirchar and Herbert • GIFTS Dudley, the data prophecy. The Bring Your laaa will waa read by Helen Mean md Barry Leonard. Oraee Ouratt- Rollen NEW "Airborne" Riding Eat*! titi made the preuntatioa of the New window thadca • WOOLENS lasa gift. put on wUio you watt • The oxetclaet elotcd with tht rtaa raaHaea ajreVH ilnginr by the claai of tha hymn, 771 RIVER ROAD FAIR HAVEN Our Lady of ratima* PHONG RED BANK *>9U0 Tke raai to katlar anil fcitftr »utl. NEW J. C. HHJfilNS neai, a4**rtlM In Ta« Beajlatar regularl/, REGAL DELUXE BIKE —AevtrtlHaant. WITH SFMN6 FORK .so Ale* SaMe* Scan Ka«y 62 Fayawat nan

They're "«rowd

•*. twkt elaeMc aaf-wiaf Traaal •oe'dle wlm Jet-lined fu«f af a SNOW-WHITI IteadHfht an traMl a>rewi Blttaa* *»rm|tt can-iar mi refladart Cauliflower •ink«rton logittration At Hm btra Cost! FOWLd 23 NIW-CM>-JWCV GEMNNE ORANGES SPMNfi

Tonnis Rackott LEG Rofrif-O-Bog* Tension Strung With Nylon Imurotod Ico Chofl LAMB 251 Woler-Tiglil Vinyl Plastic Etlicient lintr Iniulalion Whiz Model, Only... 3.49 KOMI MAUTY In Kelly Green 2.77 M«M yelknt h J. C Higgim. U*i te kenale, M aia*. Strenf e-ely eat* la lee k» »•• • 91 Completely flbareloit lnwl«1e«l Kaati Fresh lamlmted frame. Ideal Iw keilimen. *er freai a db- Heady fer altnki, dome. Trey weareM «o»d hoi or tale, Iwldt •lenty at K«d APPLES 4. C. H)|tl*iMe«awkMed»l... 4.aa lance. Per MM feed from Ice. fhiilpreef eoUwUed In* btvcagci. Ilpptr oaolng en tea. cemfarl, tefelyl lerier. Ikie enamtl flnleh. If «»*IIH-lit. Jersey 0 ^tofafafiMwatrfotyoa* mmty faU' U WHITE ST, RED BANK Frying OPEN DAILY 9 . 5:30. PR). 'TIL 9;00. Chicken^ 4-29 1 7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER HI COW VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 50. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 SECTION' FOUR—PAGES 1 TO 16. Awarded Special Eighth Grade Certificate* Bids Rejected l'otutu (.nrnrr* (JHIKIM* on William Cross Farm By Committee MIDDLETOWN-Ths township! WAI Brrihe Cmfcr committee yeaterday rejected as I too high, bida for the improvement | At Soldiert Ann •f a section of East id., Belford. j KATONTOWN — Tratfc atftv subject to ths approval of the state highway department. The letee at fort MSSMBMSJMB aoaa wHI lowest bid of four received was have> a nmtitr mttt Hm*n track aa •Mrk to ••* oat aad Uwtr from Charlea J. Hesse, Inc., Bed- •lerriee ehaaM ke of IMM keae- ford, for IU.M7. •t t* rullrnti ia Ike Men*, The bids were checked by Crsis Lake *ad fark ate*, eawtota. Finnegan, township engineer, and TMe was Karaed Oeorge Kraus of flea Bright, state •ken Waawitne 4 highway inspector, r anirr mmmtf*4 a Mfcer wrlMea Four bids were slso received on ths repair of various township ky •ersngk Oerk AJMMW G. roads according tit ths regular township road program. The low- GrMMk of Ucwl ate. At MM est was submitted by th* Hessp f^BB^a^B^^BjSJVSJSH § ^BOJBJf Wv^RSSWVSSS »^GSJSSSB^ company and was for |4»,7M on that Ms past waa *»eaf» one set ot specifications, and for laa; as grotssd to I |W,TM on alternate requirements. Ht> aatd the Army Ths contract award waa laid over hee» the hanacha until a special meeting next Wed- nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. •reaerty Haea. Taw Arao'e aal | The committee deeided to read- peWi however, ta•e that * realy. vsrtlss for bids on the East rd. tke 1aad ia 1aaaaeWaV aaaaeasaUal d let • mag nkaw job. etae>r track, An amendment was Introduced to tho soning ordinance to include th# Pert Monmouth section of tli» Auditor Praises township. Industrial, business and residential sones were created, and a public hearing was set for Wed- Council on Boro's nesday afternoon, June 27, at 3:30 o'clock at the township hall. The eomplste ordinance Is carried in this section of today's Register. Financial Status Memberi of the New Jersey State Potato association held (heir annual tuffimer meajtina. yt*> FAIR HAVEN —The borough's A disorderly persons ordinance financial condition "reiiiaint wctl- •• introduced which upon pass- terdsy on the William Cross farm in Hslmde! village, age will permit the township tn lent," Borough Auditor Joseph J. L. to r., John C. Campbell, assistant research specialist of the New Jertsy Agricultural Eiaert. Seaman informed the mayor and retain all tints collected thereun- council Monday night. The bor- der. ment station, Rutgers university; William Cross, and his brothers, George and Henry Cross. Stend* In »Kt tcana atcwa Or. M. Graff Hikkt, ivptrv:iin| principal, left, pretend Irene Gerwi, ough has a surplus af 1104,5*1 in Dralaa Approved ing behind Henry Cross is Dr. William H. Martin, director of the experiment station. Mr. Campbell each and government bonds and wifK Ker county eifMK frarfa aarlHicata, wMa Stenlty A. Haviland, rifht, president of the Reel lank Philip Lesntrd, road supervisor, it conducting a specific gravity test which determinei types of potatoes for baking frying and mtk« a borrowing capacity of 1141,000. was granted permission to section fcoerd af aducatian, awarah Ruth Hufta her certificate, previotii to the ninth o/ede o/edyatinf As of Dee. 11 of last year the bor- off ths highway from Headdcn's ing potato chips. ough, outside of the school debt, aiercitai haM at Rivar Street tehaal yaitardey afternaew. The Garani firl it a polio victim, while Corner to Cooper's bridge in four was free of debt, Mr. Seaman stat- parts for dralnags purposes. Mr. the Hufhei firl it leid up with a spinal condition. The two were «M« fa receive their diplomat ed. The council will float a bond Leonard stated this waa necessary issue of approximately 140,000 threuf h the affartt af Principal Wiliam f. •eiiely. and Mn. Eden Sim, kodtide teacher *)• the twa to remedy « bsd drainage condition shortly for the construction of a on Lsngwood avs. Council Studies Await Health Department Report firia, wha ttend in the tttr watchinf the pretantatian ceremaniet. itorm fewer system. A letter was received from Coun- Noting that the tag rate we* IS ty Prosecutor J. Victor Carton en- Plan to Limit per $100 of assessed valuation in closing a directive on wheels of On County Club Water Samples 1M« as compared with IT.4T In chance and blngo-type gamei from Explosion Suit Results in $16,000 31 to Graduate 1930, Mr. Seaman commented that Attorney General Theodore D. Par- Service Stations MIDDLETOWN-H o w a r d W. the coat of municipal operation haa sons. Ths letter, which was re- Roberts, clerk, announced st a meet- risen along with the coat of ether ferred to Polleo Chairman Walter EATONTOVVN-Tho mayor ami Trinity Guild ing of the township committee ye*- At Tinton Falls things. The 'SO tax rate waa divid- J. Bills, pointed out that enforce- council last niBhl toi>l< the Hist tnrday a report was expected mo- Verdict Against Utility Company ed aa foHowi: municipal II.4t; ment of the law covering such .step toward determining whether mrntnrily from the State Health FREEHOLD — After a lengthy TINTON FALLS-With an ad schools, 13.47, and county, fl.ftl. wheels and game* was primarily or not it ciin limit the number of To Stage Party Department on several samples of trial which began June 4 before dress by the Rev. W. Clinton Pow- Mr, Seaman lauded the borough gasolinn .srrvice stations which surface water from the Country ers and the valedictory message the duty of municipal authorities, Tim Wrmnn'.i KIIIM of Trinity Judge Frank T. Lloyd, Jr.. in Su- Chunk Property colbctor, George Curchin, for the The committee decided to poat- can be built in this boruiif;)]. Club Estates development. The perior court, a jury returned a ver- by Robert Pctrofsky, Tinton Fa!,i high percentage of Ux collection!. Following receipt of .'i |ictilion K|ii"'n|i,i| i Inn 1)1 will hold :ts samples, according to Mr. Roberts, Settlement ^ear school will hold its 1951 commence a decision on fluorldatlon of annual lawn raid party this aftcr- dict of (16,000 in favor of John The 1M0 average of H.74 wai "very the public water supply until a asking for the limitation, signed won? taken and forwarded by Guui of 1002 Broadway, Weit Long What may claar the way for ment exercises at the school next good," ha laid, Percentig" for by 14 station owner:-, IfrmniRli At- noun at, I he home nf Mr.:. Walter I'lumbiiiK Inspector Dirk Hofmu- Tuesday night. ter meeting even though it was II. French cm Riverside ave. Mr?. Branch, against the Jersey Cen- the tale of the PrmnytcrlM the four prevloui yenrs were: M.0I notified by the state department of torney Howard W. Roberts wax of Belford. tral Power * Light company. The church at lecklni •*. and Bread Thirty-one pupila will receive in 1M>, W.&4 in 1141, M.Ot la 1MT requested to furnish an opinion j Many 11. Siittini and Mr?. Leon VV. As :i result of repeated com- health that fluoridation had been i Cuniuw are chairmen. tuit was filed as the result of a at. I* a special meeting of the their diplomas of graduation in a and H.T0 in IMt, approved by the state public health as to whether or n;;il tee are Mr*, lia Crouse, Mia. Paul Hofman and representative* e' !h« or Edgar V. Oenlie stated that the approval before payment is au- Young, Mrs. F. Lauton Hindi?, lantic City to attend a convention. profrasa aad the board sf trus- the Daughters of America; Parent' thorised. question involved. Factory Built Construction com* borough council wu tn accord Mrs. John B. Ackley, Jr., Mrs. Dan- Before leaving his home, h« tald tees relative t* • mortgage to to Teacher association prizes, by Mrs, William B. roster, township at- Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wolcntt pany, which erected 35 new house* that he turned off the gas supply satatowd far MM purpose af cee> J. Lester Rigby, president, and an with the Are company that thla ia questioned if tlie boroiiKh has tho iel V. Manalinii, Mi.-. HUnloy O. In th" area which arc already OC» not the opportune time to expend torney, was authorised to draw up WilUins, Mrs. Stephen Uuzxy, Mrs. leading Into his house by using the stntetlag Ito new chatch sanc- award for an essay on American* an easement for a drainage line right to determine the number of cuplrd. valve provided by tht company at tuary aad chapH «a Tower hUl ism, by Thomas McNabb, com' either public or private funds for any type business. Mr. Robert s John Scully, Mrs. James C. Parke,', Township Engineer Craig Finnc« mch an undertaking. He lauded on property of Robert A. Hall. the meter. He did thia in order to aad to obtain release* from derd mander of Capt. David A. Walling said he thought it might be pos- Mrs. James S. I'arkes, Mrs. Harry Kan is working on a recommenda« the firemen's accomplishments and turn off the automatic hot water restrictions on the present church post, American Lesion. Stella Si' Want Clean Beach sible "through a licensing proposi- Johnsnn, Mrs. Alan Frost, Mr:;. ion on both the septic tank and contribution! to the welfare of the heater in his house. Upon their ano will present the class gift. k petition, sponsored by the tion," but added that he would nut James Ifunter, Mrs. L. W. Whit- dr;iina;,'e problems which will bo borough, and termed aa an "Inno- return from Atlantic City, Mr. Out- Edward Aumack, clans president, Oceanvlew Social club of Leonardo give a definite answer until lie ney, Mr:;. Geurtfe [,. VnnDeuson, announced by the committee st a cent misunderstanding' the stand zi said that he attempted to turn will lead the Bilute to the flag. The and bearing the signatures of 260 could further examine the law. Mr.<. Philip Ncldlinacr, Mr.-. John special meeting next Wednesday taken by some members of the the ghn on by using the same graduating: class will sing a group Leonardo residents, asked the com- Leo J. Carling, chairman of the !f. Warren. Hr., Mrs. Alfred Math- afternoon at 5 o'clock. His recom* fire company because the borough valve. While doing so, the va'.ve Catholic High of songs as part of the entertain' mittee to clean up the Leonardo planning; board, later sufc'Ke.«!.i:d iasen. .Mrs. Walter A. Rullman, mendation will include deeper council itself had tiken no offi- broke and gaa escaped into his ment. beach and level the sand piled up that council consider the possibil- Mrs. O. Ivan Lyons Mr?. Otto V. drainasc ditches, tho construction cial action In concurring with the house. He stated that the break The graduates arc: In recent storms, post signs listing ity of mercantile licensing. He said Bciitcll, Mrs. Frank E. Gregory, of new catch-basins and the install company's letter to the council on occurred at 4:30 p. m. and that To Graduate 147 Charles Andrews. Elizabeth An' the rules and regulations govern- that it businessman should he re- Mrs. Lester II. Uuss, Miss Elnie lation of a French drain in tin the matter. he immediately notified Jersey drews, Edward Aumack. Lorraire ing ths beach, and see that more quired to show a need for a type K, Lindc and Mi.-;s Marion Neal, Wihon circle section. Councilman Russell H. Minton, Central Power * Light company Wilma Bands. Dorothy Bowles, frequent police checks are made to of business in the luntion of the Mr. Roberts said yejtcrday aboul chairman of the Are committee, enforce the rules and regulations. of the emergency. Sunday at Carlton Helen Bowles, Grace Aljeanne proposed business. Mr. Huberts ;j|- 45 questionnaires had been turned] gave a resume of the sums spent In the suit which was filed In BUhop George W. Ahr of the Brown, William Coffey. Frank Col- Tentative approval was given «o will give an opinion on that Break Lxpwtcd in \o the committee. Of this num> by the fire company In recent years his behalf by Robert H. Malda of Trenton diocese will award diplom- lins, Beatrice Daniels, Jacquelyn Adolf Braun of Llncroft for the proposal. ber, he said, ten signers had no on civio projects. He said he was Parsons, Labrecquc. Cantons and as to Red Bank Catholic high DeVeaux, Bernard Duprcc, Lcnore construction of a new street to be Also being considered |* a pro- III (,im Theft ieomplaint and ten questioned tho making the statement principally Combs of Red Bank. Mr. Guui school'* 147 graduates at noon Sun- Galanter, Martin Gordon, Arnold known as Rose st. through his posed ordinance to regulate motels MIDDLETOWN—A break In the drainage. for the benefit of new residents claimed that the valve which had day in the Carlton theater. Hays, Jr., Ralph Ronald Johnson, development. Mr. Braun told the and cabins. Representatives of the Factory who may not be cognisant of what Mrs. Martha M. Church jewelry been installed by' the gas company Msgr. Joseph T. Caecy, St. James Carol Kiblcr, Robert Edward Mir. press ho plana four new houses on Adopt Zoning Law Built Construction company told the firemen have dent for the good theft, is expected momentar- approximately 20 years ago was pastor, will present the graduates or. Robert Petrofsky, Bertha Ree- the street. The ordinance setting up indus- The register last riiht that out of the borough with proceeds from ily. Detectives William S. Musvjc not of standard construction and to the bishop. This will follow a vcy, Douglas Reevcy, Lawrence Building Inspector David Simp- trial and business zones was.adnpt- and John Giiwler of the prosecu of the 35 occupiep d companpy houaea had been allowed to become de- their annual fairs. p salutatory address by John E. Tool- Roche. Paul Thornton Ryder, Jr., son reported the Issuance of 39 cd on final reading. Tom Wild i- there were originally 15 septic tank fective without being replaced. He permits In the past month for con- tor'.-! ollicc arc working on the an and the commencement address John Savage, Charles Scott. Robert Mora Than |MMM Spent spin, who owns property at the complaints, which number today also contended that the company struction estimated at 1290,585. in- $l,7'iO ca ;e which was reported to by Jeraldine Marie Travcrs. Fol- Scott, Anthuny Sharabba, Jr.. Stel- Mr. Minton quoted from an edi- highway traffic circle, was the only h:n been loiuced to two. failed to respond to his emergency cluding an M1.000 factory on rt. 35 local pjlice by Mrs. Church Sun- lowing a baccalaureate service Sun- la Siano. Roland Warden, Kenneth torial which appeared in The Reg- one present to speak at the pub- The representatives further stated] call and therefore did not prevent near McOulre'a Drove, Headdcn's day morning. day morning In St. James church, Wilson and Naomi Wingo, ister July IS, 1MI, ind based on lic hearing on it, He asserted that that "Two Federal Housing Ao> the explosion which occurred at Corner, for Kress ft Owen com- it is a mistake to have highway Tho jewelry was reported '.n have the graduates will be honored at the statement by tht late Arthur ministration inspectors had given 0:03 p. m. the traditional Communion break- pany. land mixed between industrial and disappeared from the second flour Membership Swells B. Sickles on the largo sums ex- business zones. From the bor- bedroom of Mrs. Church's Mon- the company a clean bill of healtH The utility company denied, that fast sponsored by the lophomore pended by the fire company within Lot 44 In Fair Lawn park. River after a recent investigation of tbt) the valve which It had furniihed claas. Following this, they will Ptaia, was sold to Shirley Minton ough's main business section to mouth Hilla home late Friday To S3 at Leonardo the borough. The fire company had the traffic circle will be zoned for night or early Saturday morning situation." was defective In any way. It wn march from the school to the the- spent a total of W7.M0 as follows: of Spring St., Red Bank, for $125. Lota 41, 49, 50, 51 In bloek M, Glen- industry and business. Beyond the after a party where, many persons contended that Mr. Guui had used ater. LEONARDO—Mcmben of Leo- $51,350 to churches and schools: n wrench which was too large for The program will Include the dale park, Headden's Corner, were traffic circle to a point about half i unknown to the hostess were pres- nardo Memorial poet of Middletown $33,400 for three fin trucks and way to the borough limits, it. al--o ent. the purpose and had applied ex- Procculonal by Edward Elgar, the township of the American Legion sold to Mrs. Elisabeth Futem of Fuel Co. Buys two ambulances, 11}7M for land Nutswamp rd. for $200. will be mixed. Thereafter it will Reported missing are a platinum cessive force which caused the National Anthem, the chorus "On heard congratulations from the de- for public use end $900 toward a valve to break. The company also Wings of Song" by Felix Mendels- William of Gillville repeat- be for industry only. ; wrist watch decorated u'ith rubies partment commander for results of community ballfleld. Since then, |and diamonds valued at $1,300; a claimed that Mr. Guzzi did not sohn and the chorus "Gloria" by last year's membership drive Mon ed a request for a street light at aaid Mr. Minton, the firemen have Mr. Wilderspin said that definite I watch valued at $ii), a pair of Thompson Place make his emergency call until 4:52 A. Buul-Peccia. day night when two new members the eorner of Kane's lane and rt. areas should be set up. Mayor contributed $4,710.51 for worthy 35. He reported to the committee I gold and cultured pearl earrings The purchase of the S. S. Thomp- p. m. Company records were pro- Honors to Bevla Becker joined the post. causes. Of thla amount $750 was Price and Councilman fialph L duced to prove the receipt of the that a few nights ago a group of and a gold and cultured pearl son property at 1 and 3 Herbert Honors go to Bevia Anne Becker, Walter Woods, post commander, raised at a special fair for the Lewis agreed that the speaker hid call at that time. men in a car on the highway had brooch worth $30 each, and a pair st. hy E. O. Oberlander of Keans* general excellence, a gold medal read a letter from C. Conrad Riverview hospital. The firemen 'a, good point," but said that the Capt. Frank Billotta of the West attempted to lure his ten-year-old of black onyx earrings set with bur;; and J. J. Falls of Keyport, gift of Msgr. Casey; Eugene Robert Schneider, department commander, also purchased a lot st the corner sijc of sonic lots would make it Long Branch police department daughter Into their car. He said pearls valued at $300. officers of Oil Delivery, lncorpor« Tully, excellince in classical course, lauding the post for exceeding it* of River rd. and Battln rd. as the unfair to classify them one way and Fire Chief Charles L. Mor- he felt the possibility of such ated, last Thursday from Universal •enlor year, a gold medal, gift of quota of new members in 1990. The site for the proposed fire house or the other. Mayor Price said gan, a West Lone Branch attor- things happening would be lessened Trading company was announced Rev. Edward A. Corrlgan and ex- post's membership went up to SS and borough hall. This lot, which (Continued on page 2) Barber-Bookie ney, were called as witnesses for by the Installation of a street this week by the fuel distributors. cellence in Latin, gold key, glff of when Ralph S. Learn of Little Sil cost $7,500, will be deeded to tr? Mr. Guui. They testified that the light. Formerly associated with Rollo Theodore J. Labrecque; Robert Vi- V and Henry A. Hitiwebel of borough when the building is con- Arrests Made emergency truck did not respond Mrs. John Ketchow, secretary of Democrats Elect Trucking corporation of Keyport, to Fareae, excellence In general ac- Fair Haven were welcomed to the structed, said Mr. Minton, making to the call until 5:45 p. m. and that the Port Monmouth Civic associa- OCEANPORT — Competitors in the men purchased the oil delivery ademic course, senior year, a gold post. a total of $12,M0.51 contributed by McEluain President the company did not turn off the tion, complained that the aisocia- the barber business here are al- company from Harry A. Isaac, Jr., medal, gift of Rev. Ceo M. Cox; Meeting at Community fire house the fire company since IMS. gas supply which was ignited after tlon wasn't getting satisfactory SEA BRIGHT - John McElwain, leged to haw been competitors in of Colt's Neck in 1946. They leased Margaret Anne Shea, excellence in poet members discussed plans for Observe Government the explosion, until approximately answers to Its letter* of request president of the hoard of health, the bookmnking gnme following the property purchased last week commercial course, senior year, a fair to be held on the fire house 7 o'clock. Msyor Denlse said the splendid for various things to the township was elected president of the Demo- yesterday's simultaneous raids at during the expansion of their com- gold medal, gift of M«gi. Salvatore grounds Thursday through Satur- Alfred E. Forstall of Montelalr, work of the firemen aver the years committee. She was told to direct cratic club at. a meeting la.=t week the Oceanport barber ahop and the pany which can be measured, th* DiLorenzo; Joseph Anthony Crow- day. Aug. 2-4. Mr. Woods is chair- testified for Mr. Guzzi as an ex- has been a "great benefit to the all her communications to How- at Harry's L'ohsler house. Mr*. John j Veterans' barber shop. distributors said, in the addition of ley, excellence in religion, gold man of the arrangements for the pert. Mr. Forstall, who If 87 yaari fair. He is being assisted by John taxpayers." ard W. Roberts, clsrk, who would E. Donnelly was elected vice presi- | Arrested were Samuel Testa. live trucks to the original two pup* medal, gift of Rev. John Sullivan; of age, was formerly president of Fisher, Howard Waver and Mar- Ths, mayor and council were acknowledge them, and would dent, Mr«. Thomas Lotson, .secre- i owner of the Veterans' shop, and cha«ed five years ago. Thomas Ruisell Hodgklca, highest tht American Oas Institute. He tin Lawlor. thanked by the sixth grade pupils send her satisfactory answers tary, »nr! Councilman Lawrence John Bruno, an employee in the Located at Herbert and Leonard exemplification of Catholic Action, •aid that the gaa which escaped in In letters for the "grand time" they whenever possible. McCormlck, treasurer, Oceanport .shop. Detective John stj., the property comprises a main gold key, gift of Rev. Robert T. the cellar of the Ouul premiitt had at a recent counell meeting. She was appeased when she was A program of social activities Gawler of tho prosecutor'* office, office building with a live-room found Its way Into the kitchen Bulman; Ruse Marie Calandriello, Coast Guard Auxiliary They said "all have liarntd some- for the season was planned, the assisted by Chief Robert Berry of apartment on the second story, excellence In English, gold key, gift notified the committee had just where It was caused to explode thing about our local government." approved seven street lights for first of which will be a covered the local police department, arrest- garage for five trucks Rt the rear by a spark which was emitted of Lamont A, McLoughlin, Jr.; To Dine and Dance Mayor Denise said the pupils were dish supper Wednesday, Juno 27, at ed Testa at the same time as De- whore Red Bank Block company, Mary Cogswell Kenny, excellence the Port Monmouth section, and when the electric refrigerator In The Jersey Shore division of the "well behaved and a credit to the had introduced a soning ordinance the Lobster hou?p. The next meet- tective William Mustoc of the a cement block factory, Is located the kitchen turned on auto- In French, gold key, gift of John United States Coast Guard auxil- schools," for the section. The soning ordi- ing will be at the Lobster house prosecutor's ollice, assisted by Capt. in addition to the garage of the B> matlcally. E. Day. iary will hold its annual dinner and nance has been pending for next Wednesday night. John Welrh of the loeal depart- E. McCormick coal company. Pauline Gabrlelli Mielt, excel- NEW UMARIAN ment, weie nabbing Bruno. Oil Delivery, incorporated, it Company employees testified that I dance Bntmday evening, June 23 at Mrs. Helen Stratlghn Conover of months. Others present besides those men- all emergency trucks of the com- lence In Spanish, gold key, gift of tioned above were Councilman Don- Police reported that money and Monmouth county distributor for 'the Robert E. Lee Inn, it. 3,1, Mor- Conover lane, Middletown town- David W. Jackson. Novesink pany were working in consumers' Mi*. John J. C. O'Shca and excel- jgan. eommltteeman, atked for tho in- nelley, Mi. and Mi.«. Edward betting slips weie confiscated at Socony-Vacuum Oil company and premises and could not he reached lence in stenography; Ann Eliza- ship, has been appointed head li- Brown, Councilman nnrt .Vt? Har- both plncr.s. Arrnijinpd here, each for Torrid Heet automatic heating. This gn]i\ event will he high-light- brarian of the Red Bank public stallation of a afreet light on by telephone. Upon cross-examina- beth Saulckle, excellence in Ger- ed with a fprech by Capt. Vrrnon Brown'* Dock rd. The request wn* ry Lovcrcn. Mrs. Oeorcr- Mace. man \v;us hold in $2,500 bail to await tion by Mr. Maida, it was brought man, gold key, gift of John Giblon; library, West Front at., succeeding Mr?. Elisabeth Mace. Mi.-. John action of tlie grand jury. Both men E. Day, U. S. Coaet Guard, Chief, the lats Mrs, H. G. Capen of Fair referred to the lighting committee out, however, that the company Margaret Ann Shea, proficiency in Engineer Division, who Is regarded for survey. McElwain. Mrs. Lyda n.-imj-.iv, Mrs. were ijuestioncd at the prosecutor's Induct 8 Into Army had made no attempt to communi- typewriting, a cash award, gift of Haven, who held th« position for John Weir. Mr.<. A. Johnson. Mrs. office whore- statements were taken as one of the Coast Guard's moat the past 34 yesrs. Mrs. Conover A request from the board of ed- Men inducted Into Army aervic* cate with Its emergency servicemen a St. James parishioner; Walter Thomas La Parr and Thomas Let- by tno detectives. in the Red Bank district within tlM interesting and humorous epeakefs. was formsrly connected with the ucation for $44,126,50 was referred through the use of telephones al- David Bauer, excellence In science, Commander Ernest A. Caaclnl, to Commltteeman J. Crawford son. put week were Joseph John 8s*> though it was pointed out that medal, gift of the Bauach and Middletown township public libra- Loit ind Found tito, 98 Catherine it,, and Louis U.S.C.O., director of the U.S.C.G. ry. Former Mayor Charlea R. Eng- Compton. threo emergency men were work- Lomb Science company; Elizabeth auxiliary, will alfo provide one of Nolio Wo sincerely hnpB It doesn't happen Galassl, 244 Bridge ave., both of lish Is chairman of the Red Bank The installation of a street light At w nrrtifie nf 111" Jlnanl nf fVrpr. tn you, but if yo'i should loifl lome* Ing In premises where there were Ellen Beam, excellence in history, his delightful short talks. at the corner of Oakhill and Nut- Rod Bank; James Albert Fedorko, telephone connections. library board. tor< nf Tin- M. rrliHnls TruM fnmiuiny tiling, rt-inrmlier (."hnnera lira In yout gold key, gift of Dr. Edward Mul- All auxtliartaU me upuclully In' awamp rds. was approved subject nt Htil llnnk. N. J., Ihhl m> June 7. fiivoi- thiil >ou u-ill rfjuvcr It Uii'oiitfh Broad st., Shrewsbury: Marti* The Jersey Central Power A ligan; Virginia Demetria Oakea, ex- vited to attend and bring their to an investigation by Committee- 1951 a il!v;d"inl "! SI.IMI l» r ,harc waa I the lost am! fuuud columns of The Kammann, 74 Main at,, Oc*anport| cellence in Journalism, gold key, CMI glM» llc'1,111 ll I'll til*- <-.i|l||IIUII S1 lll-W Kl.Wtljll Ugiatei'.—Ailvcrtbclnent. Light company waa represented by wives nnil friends to enjoy the fun For "Fithtr'1 IJ.»" Sunday. Junt 17th, man Frank F. Blalsdell. (tn June 1.".. l!t:.|. in MockhnMr: 9 of Charles R. Henderion, R. F, D, Harry Lane, Jr., of Monmouth gift of Joseph Hlntclmann; Robert nnd festivity. Them will be n tur- KIVH him • Hup'rloim pillow No «lft Current bills of ilO,O2A.8d. and rfrnril. .Inn, •'. l!r,l. Keep Cool Matawnn; Charlm Robert Brlxiua, Bench Mid the Arm of Autenrieth Vlto, excellence in mathe- key dinner and dancing to selec- inrnpniM with Ihr gift nf «l»«p, Hh«r- capital account bills of 1189,36 JUTK i:, I1--I. Shop t'n'-t in it'jr luMtil'M.ft Cliffwond Boarh, nnd Vance 0. Al- and Rochester of Newark; min'a. 41 Bro«< it,, >•< •aak.—Asvir- K. N McClcel, Secrc'.ar}'. II Broad len, New York elty, (Continued en pace i) tion! designed to pleue, tlitmtnt. wire ordirtd paid. —AdvtTtuemint flank,—Advert iiem«nt, tuyg nwitrr,*, jpyg u, PERSONALS Mi.-. Anthonir Cacagalupi cf Kiuanii to Mold f 0 Gridu#»« 147 Rainbow Vets Council Staff*! H«n Borough Vacates *Mip Street* [Front a. and Miso Dclcna Prat* Catholic High To Umit W.c« Station (Continued from j-.age (Continutd from page 1> ^) Elect Officers After Hearing Brings Unanimity this morning to return to his Viavsl Roaster Derby ma'irs; c-v-h ;iv..i!rt from thr Mr*. ! daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Jnn.ris 11. .Tnbn P. Oaul of Shrewsbury avf. that the council and th« ji!annin/r Nellie ClKniri7y Mrrnd.Ui fund; hoard bad discussed the wnes ntt Cnher'tir Ann LPI":: ;iivl Anthony vng eleeter president of W^" Jrr- i^ Diii many meetings and that it was Sunday Afternoon Michnr! Cn\'nrc, hi-he-' <\rm plifi- Vrter.'sn*. n! the 32ri annual reunion considered that the ordinance aa Th" Red Bank K;w.inis rlnh cation o' t' r- ..pi':! (if i ''j/en.-Hip, and banquet Sunday at the Berke-; presented was the be«t comeromis* New Catholic In the rmri.H of mapping out final j ;r: from fir Am<-v:ran Legion's lcy-fai-terri hol"l at Ashury Park, i that could be reached. plan?; for Ms third Kn,i?trr ';-]HUTM *hury poM; M:-s TiT.Trs f i The question of whether or not Her'ny vi-rh ip sche^u'fd to get winner n ihr ni •;t ivi^'i] r.s ;ay ron- \ Alumnae Croup Highland to Dey aves., after pub- \ «'» come ™ft for «. vi<;t in July. Dr. William Heatley of Di'um- r - - •• — the South Ft, property being leased „.", , ,.j *.„ ^i.l-ino.tin' „> i after which Mr. and Mr.'. Pcpin will under iv:iv Pr.niay afternoon at tc.M. t-o!d ker. K fi ,.f r,rd Rank \ Mr*. Raymond J. Bachs of South lie hearing led to clarification of nioni pl. is doing post-graduate by Leon Venigre it being used as accompany them on the. return trip. 2:30 p. m. en Tower Hill, Red council of Kni^'i'.- of Columbus. a kennel again was raised. Thia Orange, governor of the New Jer- objections voiced by Arthur Goble work, in pediatrics for the next Bank's hifhest point. .Vi ••"• •"•""•''»•"""""••••"•"•• gelica O>trnd(uff; John To'ii'in, de- lnvc«tt|at* Mi.* Brasch majored in modern; li(st classman at the U, 8. Waval and. through Ihe co-operation of situated in various parts ef the Mr. Jennings called council's atten- niembei- of I Bcidrmj- at. Annapoli*. Md., whera hatp disviiu-timi in the National languages and was. a member of the Red Bank and Fair Haven po- Councilman Fred S. Morri", country. tion to the functions of the plan- ',„,:," ih 'hhip find eiti/cn.^bifi. £okl keys, Reginald L. Pulley of 195 Bridge the complete course nf the race and that (here was no evidence of a buiat, recording secretary; Mrs. Mr. Naylor appeared at the meet- taken to Rivcrview bosiptsl. Hi* »',! traffic will he divevted fram noon jrift r.f Catholic Paughiers of Amer- ave. received tii.i master of cduca- ica: Kliwhe-h !.MK!T. Joan Ann krnnrl being operated. It was William H. Amend, Deal, cones- ing to enlighten council on his rea- condition is listed as "good." until completion of all vnlijr>g ac- pointed out that if Mr. Venigr*, ponding accretary; Mrs. M. Edwin ons for desiring the street vacated. T .iW,,!' *S^,lU^ i R«bo,t Dyke, T years old, of New. tion. Hrrkt and Joan Catherine White, at the CSth commencement perfect attendance for four years, a profeMiioivil dog trainer, i* train- Biy, Jr.. Elberon, treaaurer; Hn, • said the terrain tendered Irn- man Sp at th* "Member? cf lh» Kwanis club and ing dags that lie is violating the James Garvey, Menmouth Beach, , tcticsl the construction of a road the local police department will po- gold keys, gift of the Alniedith cluh: Kevin Anthnnv Loftus. out- residential regulations of the ton-chairman of education; Mr*. Ray-adjacent to Ihe properties and dr- lice the course and keep it free for ing ordinance. Mayor Price re- mond C. Kennedy, Rpring Lake, and lared the preterit condition of the all the contestants. From noon un- bachelor'cf gits degree. Cifl of the Holy Name enciety. quested Mr. Morris to continue his Mrs. Edward M. Ktol, Anbury Park, •ea wss an eyesore he seeks to was taken to Riverview ho*- til the starting gun "ill be alloted investigation. literature; Miss Patricia Rcardoa, Lawrence Carton, 3d, of Conovcr pital and treated for cut* about the Gold pin.i. gift of Ihe notary so- mprove. He called council's atten- lane recently for trial run= in order that the. pi-firty of SI. James, will go to the The council voted to engage. Mr. Shrewsbury, social atrvice; Mrs. ion to hi* 40 years in the borough irmly visited Ivnott s Berry , . lots may familiarize themselves, Roberts to represent the borough Charles Mechan, Rumson, motion farm nd Ghost Town in Buena j 'P' Robert Rookc of Htategjr following representatives in the di- hlch have been spent in business park, California. There, like the : , , . with the course. enntest: Joseph at a hearing of the Puhlic Utili- pictures; Idas Catharine. M.O'Hcvn, nd in the development and build- Heights. Midalctown Max PoUus. committee chairman ry t-'roork, Fair Haven, second vire Red Bank, nomination*; Mr*. Philip Wers, he tried his luck pannlnj: •"" KM™*' - ties commission Wednesday at 11 ig of numerous area* and ttruc- p, for thits event, extends an invita- Crowlcy. .-e.ninr, Jamr* Bernard | pV^ntV f^nley'S."Barro^ Lit- a. m. at 1060 Broad at., Newark. J. Rowers, Red Bank, hy-latr*; Mrs. real gold in the ancient sluice box at township, was admitted to Rivcr- Dowd, junior; Francis Willlnm Me- ,,,, «,„ HPCr(,1al-y. Jolm p. Qaul, ures, vlow tion to the puhlic to witness the. The hearing concern) a request John C. Toolan, Fair Haven, re- thc old Bold mine. Later the wagon | 10 p tCTth shc Krnna, sophomore, and Mary Anne tl.Pa5Urcl.; Reginald B. VanBiunt, CUrMraMM Offered camp was visited, where in a huge I' " °f « «'.»' - returaed youthful speedsters in action. Work- by Jersey Central railroad to dis-ception, and Mir* I'atriria Fagan, ho ir Ray freshman. nril „,„,, h|sl0liar,; John II. Fix, After clarification of the proce- - - l " yMterdayy. ing with Mr. Pokus arp Edward continue five passenger trains Leonardo, datei clearance. circle, real covered wagons were Mr. la Mrs. Michael Bianco of Carroll. William galladin, Henry The complete lisl of graduates is: r Haven, chaplain, and Karl 1'ul- which now travel through th* bor- Plans were made for four gen- dure of the request to vacate v/tx lighted by the nickering flames of ''•"'• *' *"'• "•"•«'••--"— - Anthony Fiorello AHotta, Eliia- made by Borough Attorney John M. -large .amp fire. From there he IWcstf 'dr .avi\ aro f*™* of •.M>n Hagorman. George Hollywood »nd vermuf.lH'i'! Kcavny, ecrgesnt-at- oujrh. Mayor Price «aid he wsi eral meeting! throughout the year, bo Joe Holiday. hcth Lorraine Alward, Joan Eileen arm.11. 'illsbuiy, council voted 3-0 In favor wandere.-**..„* d throug.wr»,,-kh th.;,„e Musiiin.irc hnhaliil ! ™ Wednesday at Rivcrview hot- Anderson. Benjamin SeliHStian An- informed that it would leave the the first to be in September and pital. By Sunday it i« expected that the tdies' auKillary oHlceis installed, borough with but one passanger the annual meeting the first Sun- the ordinance. Councilman Ed- general merchandise etnre, the entries will far Mirfiass the amount drrRch, Walter David li.iuer, Klii'.a- hy Mra, Berniee Hsrper of |n«», ij Waldi i and Edwin D. Phil- Covered Wa,gun thtnv Krtii Iliiihy Hlieri lieatn, Hevi.« Anne Mee- ifaltt. The Imuiifch currently .a ay In May. I he four departments of car* and chauffeurs that were on iona'i president, were Mrs. (iran- served by a train running from ducat ion, literature, social scr- pi, in abstaining from the. vote, •ther buildings erected as a monu- hand for last year's second runnint ker, Amerin Victoria Fellezin, An- din Chapman, AUar.lic Highlands, leclarcd their lack of complete ac- ment to the pioneers of the early thony John ninnnimann, Maiy Red Hank to I/tkehurst. ee and motion picturea—will meet Cf the rterhy. president; Mrs. Frances Golden of lore frequently, and separately, quaintance with the problem. The West. Riverview Aides r.oylan, l'lizaboth Ann Two letters wera received rr- ordinance was unanimously admit- The fled B«nk Key rltih. fpoB- Long Branch, virr president; Mra. fnrding the bankruptcy of David ccording to plan* of the partieu- Mr. and Mrs, John Hale Neafl- c Brown. Hnbert Anthony Brunn, r d, however, after a recess, Mr. nored by tl^e Kiwsnian. . "ill be on Rose Marje Cnlnndi irl'. \ .lmneltc l\an y, Middletown, treas- Klein, operator of the Monmouth r department. will give up their residence at 7 Hold Luncheon liand to supply refreshments. urer, find Miss Acnes Kane, Mid- Walder and Mr. Phillips declared Vista pi. in the next few days nnd Rose Callinnn, Joseph Henry ral- Market, One asked the borough to Rev. John J. Enderbrock, secre- heir realisation of the motives of ver, Francis Xiivler Camfihell, Leo dlelown. secretary. .submit any billa it might have tary of education of ths dloceae of will go to Melbourne EnacVi, Fla., EATONTOWN — More than « auditorium Mon- North Carolina, completed his train- "* fi"i«sille, Mn. Jacnh B. Ril», churches. The money previously was appro- Jr A Mvs Devine. Dolores Mary IiiOirolamo, day nlEht after an address of wel- '.T.A. Givn Luncheon urtailment of service proaoscd by ing at Fort Bennlnr., Ga., where i -. ™ - MiMon Pavsons, vie* The nehool will have a special Florence come by Richard VanKirk. priated aa an emergency whan it he Central railroad. The curtail- he is now stationed. His brother,! Presidents,; Mrs. Frank E. Gregory, iheme for earn week. The first Jo-Ann Duffy, Kilrcn Margaiet was learned that the new Are truck For School Teachers ment, Mr. Mooney said, would leave i Members of tho cast were Wal- n-i «<»».. i r\»iw i. ct.iinnni I recordinngg secretary; Mrs. Robert «veek will he built around the theme would not lit In the building. Coun- he borough without train tervlce Cpl. William A. Daly, is stationed Dunn. Paul AIoy.-iuy ? Jr., ter Mtckens, lawyer for plaintiff; Member* of the Mechanic Street W. Edmon.stnnc, corresponding »ec» tt "LearninR of God r*rom His rrne France F.innin;:. nnbrrt Vi- Timothy Brrnnan, judae; Anthony cilman .Spencer Patterson recom- 'or an eight-hour period during With the army In Germany. World" and the second week around mended the award. •rent-Teacher Maociatlon were he day in addition to causing Alex M. McClees of 42 South st. retnty, ."nd Mrs, Kugene E. Brooks, o K.ire.^e, Anne. T.uciHe Flannery, I*nco. lawyer for defense; Call oatesies yesterday at an Informal treasurer. Mrs. Harold 8. DeVee the theme ' of "Learning of God 'atliri.i Louise Flannery, Paul returned home Saturday after a Sehlonler, clrrk of the court; Rob- A letter was received from H. fl. uncheon for the school's teacheri ieater inconvenience to commuters wns chairman ct the nominating Prom Jesus Christ." Each week a Stephen ri.'irity, I'uth Mae Folker, ert Weilei, sheriff, and Gretchen Gahrlelsen, 00 High st,, comptatn- o northern New Jersey and New in Rlvetviow hospital as a collection will be taken for a spe- kfrncf Hnzel Koote, Anita Antoln- nd other* in the auditorium. surgical patient for ;i bone opera- committee. r c Rrii!, Vivian Kllis and Alvin Mills, nj» that the dog nuisance con- fork city. In reply to their eugges- eifle r oj' t in which the childrrn 3ue*t* were greeted by Mrs. Hy- Guests Included Mrs. Julia E. tie Galntrc. Rarhnra Ann Galla- witnesses for plaintiff. Impersonat- tinues even though th* borough iona and request, council directtd tion, the trouble hrlnf; in his left m«y share. The first week's offer- gher, Maureen Florence Gnul, man Pol in, president, and MU*he borough attorney to attend knee as a result of a football ac- ThrocUmorton, hospital adminis- ing will B" for Indian relief while ing faculty mrmhrrs as witnesses had contracted uith the 8.P.C.A. Beulah Breckcnrldge, principal. trator; Mir. Dorothy Nicosia, di* lorin Marie Oi^lio, Hichard Jn- for defense were Joan Manser, Miss He also requested that a path ha strings of the public utility com- cident, several years ;ig« while in the offerint for the Ktcond week e,ph Clinski, Porothy Aruip Ooff, In expressing her thanks, a|i«s rector of nurses; Mrs. Charles P, Marparel MrCren; Paul Voesell, provided into the playground for mission at Newark next Wcdncs- school. will KO to an Arabian Mission Innal'l John Grant, Vjloria Helen Breckenrldge, termed the P. T, A. lay. Capt. and Mrs. Newton MtClem- Hurd, president of ,he Fair Haven Lewis Hyatt, and GeoiKe Kuntsim, I'hildrrn in the High »t. and Cur- auxilinry of the hospital, and Mrs. %h«re thr Tlcv. Donald MacNeill Halscy. Michael Peter Hrndy, nir.h- lervtce to the school as "moat ce- Council deferred action until entji of 20 Linden pi. had as recent Bradley VanBrunt, high school lies sve. section. Both his ques- 1 H, R. Wcilbacher, president Of tbt will be Mitioned. rd Charles ?lealy, Jr.. Jonn Ann iperative and helpful." Bhe intro Tueiday, June 20, on an ordinance guest Mi'3. JlcClrnient* brother, HecUt, Valerie F.eMrim Henry, principal. tions were answered. The council need other guest*, Dr. M. Gregg Middletown snxiliary. The school will be In fharfe of Joan MufnfnrA recited th* class ndopted a resolution to permit the hat would change the method of David J. Fullmur, an executive vith Hev. Andrew VanDyke, assisted by John Alfred Herr, Paul Richard Hibbs, superintendent of Red Bank rilling uiers of the borough'* water. the Penn-Mutual Insurance com- Hlntelnvinn. Thomas rtn.-scll Hodg- history nnd Msrie Ovens made the borough to enter into a contract school*; Wlllla Rlaaon, guidance di- Kev. John K. Bate? and Rev. Don- rlas.« prophecy, William Junghans with the S.P.C.A. and Councilman The ordinance would brlnr, billing pany nt BioomfleM. ' aid MaeNrill nnd the followinK kiv.s, iVorit TntriciM Hocnti, Mnrilyn •ector of the schools; Mis* Emma ivery two months for the rest of Mr. and Mrs. John Decker and 'ntricin. Hollanil, Charlotte Thcrese was clnj-'s poet, A presentation of Leon I) Smock, Jr., said that it Is ane Lafetra, mude supervl*or; P.T.A. Chairmen teachers^ Mrs. Mnx Noack, Mrs, gifts was made by Dorothy Brhv- the council's plan to use foreclosed his year nnd quarterly hilling Mrs. Olive Ecyr.on nnd daughter Margaret Hendrlckson and MrsHorn. , Patricia (Jrnee Hud.'on, Miss Abbie V. Strickland, art *u- hereafter. Borough Clerk Nelson Di»n» returned Monday to their CornelliiM Joseph Hushes, Anthony 'ns anil Jnnet Barker and a gifta- land to provide nn entrance to the. >ivisor; MiM Jan* Whitlow, H. Roberts fald the plan would re- Jfylth Bova, Music will be in charge :ory speech made hy Kay Norcrosj. playground from Corlies ave. horn , 12 Tilton avo., from Vine- Named for 19S1 of Mrs. Paul MrManm and lira- Frank .larknpinn, Chnrle,« .loseph school attendance officer; Frank duce the amount of woni, which lie land, where they were guests of Jakuhoski, Msrtarti Eleanor Cfifey Moftenson re?»d the will. A request from four resident! of matica In charge of Mia. S. E. Pingltore, physical education direct. said was "too much," required in Mr. Decker's niece, Mra. Georpe Dc- EAST KEANSBURO — Commit- Miller. James, George Edward Kauffmann, The presidents of the. class of 19.11 West st. for water service will be r, and Miss Harriet Francis, he current monthly billing and tee chairmen were appointed at the Kstherine Helen Kenny. Mildred and the claw of W52 took part In discussed After th* June 37 rtiset- wine, who returned with them for choel nurse. would reply to request* of borough visit of acvtitil weeks. final nirctin? cf tha East Kcan** 'K'mn Keilt. presentation of the flag and the ing. Mayor Price set that time The luncheon was arranged by residents who find the month-to- ... _ bui'B Parent-Teacher association presentation of Atrccn1l, the year* after a letter from Monmouth Deamn-Mnn R. Coddlncton of Hudson : OBITUARIES Francis Joseph Kelly, Mary Cogs- Mrs. Polin, Mrs. Harold E. WINmonth basU impractical. Council nve. was among"'68 medical school j Monday at Hi- school. At this time book, was made by Mr. Brennan, Consolidated Water company wns lams and Mrs. John Hammond, fiia.dua.te9 at the University of Ro- i"t was iinnouncfd-..^- that. Pete•»-.-r- Round»-.._J*. well Kenny, Catherine Ann l«ng, •dltor. Members of the senior class read. In thr letter, the firm said abled th* ordinance after discus- 'MRS. KMILY W. VOORHKEft Elizabeth Sheila dangler. William rice president* of the P. T. A.: Mra, sion revealed a lack of agreement Chester who received MD degrees of N'.ivrsinSt, who was graduated! ang the clns* »onp. word" written the installation of a water main rving Krakow itch, treasurer; Mrs. this \ve?k from MIAdietown Town- -J4ATAWAN-Mr». Emily Warn*. Andrew t.ivsen, Charles Albert on financial savings to he realised. at the university's 101st com- by Mary R, Johnfon to the tune to service Ihe four houses would Qrenvllle Elll*. recording secretary, mencement Tuesday. Coddington, ship hijjh school, h!t« been fives \*>orhee«, 75, died last night nt her , garden Charles Lewis Ostrandcr, Vincent led by Sgt. Frank Rowland, will perintendent of streets, rclativa to Burbank, Cal,, are parents of a •fed service departments. She waa be present to demonstrate the prop- observance wtll be in honor of Rev, ordano permitted a >2,&00 consent Mrs. Albert Courter, Sr, of Port Anthony Ottnviano, Rollene Marie Mr. Miller's offer to giva the bor- ludgment to be entered Monday son, David Gary, born May 30 at • .member of the ex-presidents elub er use of the sticks and to give ough his pick-up truck. Tit* coun- Mr. Washington when Rev. J. T. Monmo'.tth, received an orchid a* Poppa, Charles Michael Prothero, Burks, New York, will deliver the In favor of Patricia. Shearer, M, Burbank. Mrs, Stern is the former slm was the oldest woman attend- of the third district of the NewConstnncc Claire Ben?.n, William polntrv* nn self-defrnse. Police, re- cilman pointed i'Ul that Mr. Miller Miss Frances Blcdcrmnnn, daugh- Jersey Federation of Women's clubs serve hadeos also have been or- sermon. Rev. C, P. Williams nnd and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in?, Mrs. Courter being 81, and Herman flogers, Joseph James Ro- frequently uses his vehicle on bor- Carey Shearer, Wall st., West ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bio Mrs. William Morrissry of East •nd the wife o{ the late. James meo, Daniel Patrick Rosato, Jr., dered. If they arrive in time they Rev. J. B. Sim* will alto be pret- ough business. Mr. Roberts sug. Long Branch. dermann of Oakland st. Mr. andKeansburg won the wishing ring. English Marjorie Virginia rtoswcll, Ann will also bc Issued that night. Capt. grstcd a $1 purchase of the ve- nt. Mrs. Biedermann nnd their daugh- Ericksen expressed the, hope that Several other prizes were also May Kuhino. hicle. The girl was struck by a car ter Shirley, left Sunday for a mo- Surviving are a daughter, Mrs the meeting would be greeted with while riding her bicycle near her awarded. Philip Neidlinger of Matawan; a Joan Marion Ruckl, Ida Marcclla The state highway department Food Sale Saturday tor trip to Burbank, where th?y "10O per cent attendance' home Dec. 32, 1949, and suffered will visit the The organisation's goal for this brother, Hezekiah Warne, Jr., of Salduttl, Ann Elizabeth Sauickie, once, more was criticlied for Us ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — The head injuries and multiple cutt. vnl wiwl" b to p Westflcld, two siMerr, Mrs. Anders P.obert Richard Sehaah, Martin fillure to make changes In traffic Atlantic Highlands Garden club MisVpo'ris Knor SieKel of | S"""'' » \ , P"'^"* » •»«"•» M. Strusholm of South Am boy and Walter Sclicrmoml, Patricia Car The suit was against Charles At- picture projector for the school. Kcaii«l>tirg Girl to Grl lights tit Lewis and Main st*. and will hold a food sale Saturday be lee, 92 Third ave., Atlantic High- John st. left tliH week on a ma- Mrs. Peter Ten Eyck of Wef'tflcld. roll Schneider, Maurice LOUIN Set- tor trip to California. Members have completed Telebln- Diploma for Nursing Main and Broad sts. Councilman tween 10 a, m. and 3 p. m. at lit lands, and Pvt. Paul Bradford, •ad a niece, Mr*. William Todd of rln, Margaret Anne Shea, Madel- Morris said the question has drag First ave. Homemade cakes, pita Mr. and Mrs. ArUiur 15. Gienicr ocular Kreening of fifth grade pu- Ketrolt, Mich., and Gibson Island, eine Sophie Simon, Anthony Mi- former Fort Monmouth soldier piK under the supervision of MiM NEW YOR-Doris Bond, 164 ged for two years. -Ha urged Mr. and salads will be told, sentenced to Bordentown reforma- of Dallas, Tex., spent last week Jtd. chael Sole. Joseph Amato Sole, Seeley nve., Keansburg, will be in- Roberts to again contact Highway with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell nf Kathryn Cooper, school nurse. Betty Ann Sonimers, Alfred Joseph Mrs, John N. Kirk is chairman, tory tor atrocious assault and bat- Th* Bedie funeral home Is In cluded among those to be pregent- Commissioner Ransford Abbott. assisted by Mrs. Hugo Palme and Ri;mrr-i. Mr. Grcnlrr attended his Thornc. John Edward Tonlan, Jcr- tery with in automobile. Mr. At- RIVERVIEW EMERGENCIES charge of arrangement*. ed a diploma as a graduate nurse. Mayor Price also was critical of Mm. Bertram Kessler. Cut flowers lee owned the car, which Brad- data reunion at Princeton univers- aldine Marie Trnvew, David Greg- ity while here. During World War June 22 by the Fordham hospital the manner In which the request and house plants will be sold un- ford borrowed. Daniel Walling of Campbell av*., MBS. WINIFRED OEIGER ory Troth. Eugene Robert Tully, It he we* stationed at Fort Mon- school of nursing, it has been an- has been handled. The mayor also der the direction of Mrs. Quy Theodore J. Labrecque, attorney Port Monmouth, was taken to Riv- Audrey Mar Vogel, Barbara. Jane nounced at the hospital. Marcus D, mouth. The former Capt. and Mis. •WEST KEANSBURG—Mrs. Win Wall, James Patrick Wcr.«e, Joan asked Mr. Roberts to attempt to Humphrey. for the Shearers, told the court erview hospital yesterday by the Koecl. New York city commissioner have a traffic light installed at Grcnler lived at West Front at.. Keansburj; first old squad. He w»s Iffed Geiger died this morning at Catherine. White, Janet Lee Wil- that the Judgment should have] and will bc remembered to their lier home on First st. She it tut- of hospitals, will mnitc the principal highway 35 and Wyckoff rd., nn MANSON FINES THREE injured when the car he was driv- liams, Franklin Thomas Wise. Jr., speech. been much higher hut his clients many friends as "Jane and Art." vlved by a eon. Harry Geiger of Anne Margaret. Wolfe, Carl Edgar intersection which he described as decided to accept it because the ing struck another car on Port TJfwark; a daughter, Miss Winifred busy and dangerous. MIDDLETOWN — Recorder W. Mrs. Ottmar Phillips of East Ber- Monmouth rd., Kcansburg. He suf- Zehring, Theresa Marie Zcimctn. Gilbert Mnnson last night fined Atlantic Casualty Insurance com- Geiger, who lives at home, and sev- PATIENTS IMPROVED Councilman Patterson suggested pany which Insured the owner, had gen pi. haa returned home from fered a lacerated Up and a con- eral grandchildren. that council go on record In favor Patricia G. Meyer of Port Mon- Monmouth Memorial hosptta', cussion ami «MS admitted to the NEPTUNE—MUs Claiallcn Rible, mouth 110 and S3 cost* of coufi disclaimed responsibility under T"he funeral will be held Monday The John GiMons of having a night schedule at state terms of the policy. ' where she had been a patient three hospitr\l. His condition today Is 22, of 905 17th ave.. West Bclmar, for speeding 40 mitei per hour In wrelis. "good." •t'St. Ann's Catholic church, Keans- Have a New Son and Carleton VanDyke, 43, Long motor vehicle inspection stations Councilman L«\vls said that conn' a 23-mils sone on Main at., Bel Mr. and Mrs. Frederic K. Adums fcu'rg. Rev. Edward A. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. John Ciblon of J Island, who have been unconscious CONDITION CRITICAL Mrs. Lottie Williams of Pomp- pastor, will offer a solemn high ell had madaee the request at Mr, ford. of Hudson ave, have; returned home ton Plains. 82, fell yesterday while J Vista pi. are the parents of a far weeks al Fitkln hospital, were Patterson's behest two years agu, Csreieis driving which led lo - Harry W, Osborn of East Ber- from Northfleld, Mass., where they Miss of requiem. Burial, under the reported Improved yesterday. Miss walking down the stairs of th* direction of the Ryan funeral home, son Paul born Tuesday morning st hut that nothing had been done. an accident Tuesday on rt. 3S gen pi. was admitted to Rivcrview have, been spending a vacation. J. Ynnko store on Broad st., from the Presbyterian hospital, Newnvk. ruble hns been unconscious 54 rinys, Mr. Patterson insisted,' however, brought a fine of $7 and $3 coat hospital early Tuesday morning. William Graham, Jr., of Me- Will h« in Holy Sepulchre cemetery the longest oast in tlic hospital's the second to the first floor. 8ha East Orange. This is their third child. They have that council act to seek the change to Henry Estrat of Lakewood. Ncl Today hospital official* report his chanlcsburg. Pa., is visiting Mur- wns taken to Riverview by the a daughter, Nod, 8, ^nd a son,history, and physicians arc trying nn well as to request that out-of- D. Calvin of the Aircraft Control condition "critical" with a "fair ray Leeds qf South st, to determine the CHUSO of her con- Red Bnnk first aid squad, suffer- Tommy, 5. state truckers he required to have and Warning squadron at Twin night," For many years Mr. O» Joseph H. Cooper of South st. is ing from an injured shoulder and. Mr, Oiblon proudly made the an-dition. Mr. VanDyke. was brought the same inspections as New Jet lights, Highlands, paid a fine n born was associated with the E. Helen G. Trimble to the hospital May 20 nftrr falling confined to his home by illness. Mr. leg. nouncement nnd passed around cig- scy residents. 15 and 13 coats for passing on th A. Osborn mill. Cooper is nsslstant postmaster at ars at thr meeting of the Red Bank from a Pennsylvania railroad train A Spence Graduate nt Bclmar, right on rt. 58. thr. Red Bank postofflce. board of education, of which he is FALL BRINGS INJURY PLAN REl'MOV Mrs. Syhlllah Wolcott of Linden CANTATA AT LONG BRANCH NEW YOItK CITY - Miss Helen a member, Tuesday nl?ht. MIOWKR FOR LOIS HOLT FINED HY CROWEIX Member* ot the class of 1941 of pi. Is confined to her homo by ill- I.O.VG BRANCH ~ Alfred Gaul's Gibbon Trimble, daughter of Mr KEANSBURO—Charles Jnhnsoi nest. fll. who V.MS unable to give an ad Magistrate John V. Crowell Tue« Red Bank Catholic high school will Cantata, "Ruth", will be sung at •nd Mrs. John T. Trimble of Cnro EATONTOWN—Fourteen guests Ihe Snhbnth cvo service, tomorrow 1'alhrr'n Day Cake ilress, was 'irrc'sted last night, on i day issued lines of $5 and $2 COM hold a, reunion Saturday, June 23, A, Alvin Whltlns of Bunnit p1. Is Court, Red BnnV, anrl 1J5 East ntlrnded a personal shower for on n dix we'elts' visit with friends at 8:30 o'clock at Temple Beth 7Jnd St., New York rlty, was grad- Hale by Auxiliary Miss Lois Holt, nf ftumson rd., Lit-charge of Ijltcrlng while Jnto.xl against Emund Z. Lamps of 256 at Willow brook, Fslr Haven, The Cambridge ave., Fair Haven, fn committee have, been unable to lo-and relative* In England. He made Mlrinm, Lola .Inlce. soprano, will uated from the Rfience. school, "Buy a Calte For Drul" it the tle Silver., laM Thuir-tiay night at rated .ifter nc appeared at polk the trip by plane. sing the role of Ruth; Theresa Me- Wednenday of lut week. She ba.i hcadnu triers with a lacerated rlgh Improper passing on Harding'rd cate two class members, George theme of the rale: sale to be. held I "« home of Mr. and .Mrs. Matthew Mrs. Elizabeth Burns of Defor- Cllntork. contralto, will sing th* been accepted at Vnsaar college for .1. Hughes. Miss Holt will marry eye, the result, police said, of a and Raffaele AUocca nf Port Mon Rooney and Frances Hlnsey, ac- Saturday in the Ftvand theater lob- cording to the chairman. Mrs, Salest ave., who has been confined to role of Naomi: »nd Ronald Clark, th* freshman class, starting in Sep- by under sponsorship of, thr: auxil- Anthony Rcnlisn, a Marine now on fall, Taken to the office of Or mouth, for carsleis driving, baritone, will sing the role of Boat, tember, 1951. Petrttlo of Plnckney rd., Red Bank. her home by Illness for several iary of the National Federation ol active duty. Thomas fjllmour, whodec.lar»d him weeks, is Improving. Miss Doris F- me, choir director, Miss Trimble has been a student Postofflce clerks to benefit the aux- Intoxicated, by Patrolman Jam M-YeaMMd Woman Injured will bo at the organ. MATAMAN YOUTH MISSING Beatty and Ihe first aid squad Ym Can Tad* It With Y.u Mr. and Mrs. El wood Hcnd ricks, •t the Spence Schoo; for three iliary treasury. The first aid squad was calltd If you would Ilka to take, a ptrt of Jr., and da»*,htcr Carol of River An abridged libretto, containing Johnson was iodged in jail aftei yaari; the Glee club, Press elub and This Father's day cake sale, la MATAWAN—Police reported this about nnnn yenterday to trannnorl mil Bank or «> " JuiJl liklik« fili g • witklklyy Mri, Margaret Clay of Wallaco st, attending the set vie*. —AdurtlnmtnU start and broke htr lift ihouldtr. UttUtteer ((ro m homi.—AovwUicmenthmiAo nti BED BAXK lEGIfTER, .IITXK 11. V. Tkrw

matching Chantilly lac* aM tails fingertip length veil. MM wore Lucille McCarthy Chantilly lac* mitts and carried Married at St. jamei Parallel Parking Hintelmann Re-elected President MBMSV-AaUVW a cascade of white erthide, gladi- Mist Mario Antoinette Henry, oli and snapdragons. Piano Pupils daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Bier nig Mrs. Williaaa Bate* of Newark A Great Help to 0( Mosquito Extermination Body Hoary of M fisher pi. and the late was matron of hoaor and was at- Dr. Frank C. Heary, Jr., Saturday tired in piak marquisette and lace, William H. HinMmann. Sr, ef Give Recital becsae the bride of Jsoefk T. with matckiag asitts. tho carried Broad Street Rurcwon was re-elerre^ president of Oranw. BOB of Mrs. Mary Orause a cascade of spring Bowers and th* Jlonmouth County Mosquito Pragma HeM in of Hudson avc. and the late George wore a tiara of the same lower Trader fiow Mows at Extei minari'jn commission at th*Expect Over 91 Orauee. Magr. Jeseph T. Casey, pas- in her hair. 12 M PH. Instead of I 37th annual ieorjcanization meeting Teacher'* Stadia tor of St. James Catholic churck, The bridessaaids were Miss Carol h^i* Tut-sday. Mi. Hintelmann is Relief Cases to ptrfersMd the tarcsaony and cele- Bierscfccnk, the bridegraosa'i sis- serving as president nf th» commia- At Km brated the nuptial muss before aa M.P.H. *a,s Max Man* • '"n !T tho «ryrntil CunCCCUtiif altar banked with white peonies, ter; Mrs. Robert DettaMeoa, Fall River, Mass.; Mrs. William Mac- At the monthly meting of the yrir. Qualify (or Aid Mrs. Lucillt H. McCarthy pre- white gladioli and rhododeadrons. Kail, Baltimore, Md. aad Miss sented her pupils is their annual dirertor* of the Red Bank Com- Jean Thayer, Free port, L. I. All munity Chambf r of Commerce held ry Declares recital at her horn* laat Bight oa wore gowns of pastel colors is Bcllevue av«. At the ajwelusioti ef at the horough hall yesterday morn- marquisette, with matching lace injr. Max Klaiin. chairman of the Net*- Assistance rune) the program several of the stu- jackets aad mitts. They carried dents received varloui awards. parking and traffic (Otnmittf*. gave tprlng flowers and had snatching detailed report concerning the Will Cut Ueal Costs The following program wu giv flower tiaras. en: March Militaire by Shubert, new parking regulation* on Broad William Biertcheak of Prince- ;!. b.'t'Atrn Front and Monmeuth FREEHOLD — County Welfare played by John Halleran and Ro- ton, the bridegroom's brother, wes Director Joha L. Montgomery an- bert* Gardner; Winding Stairway, aounced here yesterday that M or . Irene rUfcigeis *IM» Minuet, Ida, best man. The ushers were Fred Mr. Klarin staled that although Leddin aad rrank Reaape of he new parking regulation is be- more totally disabled persona now Boetelmann, Beverly Bowers; Bum- supported on the local welfare mer Pay. Bostelmann an* True Brooklyn, and William Bates. ng Riven a trial for a aix-month Blue Lady, John Schaum, Janet Newark, and Wallace Spirtform, period, he felt sure that in the oles of county municipalities are Fay Whitmore; Riding on a Mult, Queens Village, U I. short time it ha* been in effect, it xpected t« bo eligible for financial gchaum, Peter Murray and Ann The couple left by plane for Ber- has proven far better than the old assistance under a new county- Murray; Waltiing Doll, Rodgers, muda, and upon their return will angle parking. Hr *sid traffic now tate-federal fund. Joan Halleran; Here Cornea the make their home in Levittown, L. moves through the business sec- This fund, established »s the Parade, Weybright, Pamela. Marl I. The bride was graduated from ion at the rate of 12 m. p. h. be- result of recent sute legislation and Marlene Marx. Dunfeo high school in Fall River, fore parallel parking became ef- and approved by Gov. Alfred E. Mass.. and from Larson Junior eol fective and that "Broad st. looks Driscoll, will tie administered by Hear Those Lovely Belli, Schaum lege in New Haven, Conn. The ke a street and is today all county welfare boards in the state, and Spider Dance, PJchtum, Jim- bridegroom attended Boston col- that the name Broad implies." He Mr. Montgomery said. my Iselin; A Little March, Wright, lege and was graduated from Cor ."aid he had received many favor- T>i« county board, with offteta St and On the Levee, folk eong, Da- nell university. He served Iwo snd Ml North Riversiie ave., Ret vid Wood; Cavalry Trot, Anton a-half years with the army during able comment* and not one com- Baak. will determine which caset Rubenatein, Bill Dodge; Firefly World War It In France. He is an plaint regarding the changeover. are eligible for assistance under Polka, Eatella, and Little Dancer, engineer, employed at Grumman Mr. Klarin further stated that he new fund. Municipal ofAcialt Evans, Leland de Ptanqut; Min- Engineering corporation at Beth since lln- parallel parking ha* he- will present for approval caeca now uet, Paderewskl, and Dancing Mar- page, L. I. come effective, It I* noticeable that on their books. New applicants can lonrtltB, Brian, Kay Iselin. many of the merchants and their be registered by individuals at tha Mrs. Jo—Hi T. Grama The bride, the granddaughter of employer* who heretofore parked Walti King, gtrauas,- Rita Matt William W. Morrow of South *t., Frederick E Neaves, Long Branch, Red Bank oilce. The bride was given in marriage their cars on Broad st. practically ion and Nancy K. Hurd: Lullaby, Red Bank, and of Jackson Con- all day, are now uaing White jst. Must Approto Application* Brahms. Michek Saccu; Spinning by her brother, Frank C. Henry, over, East River rd., Rumson, is by, Wot AllenhuiHt. treasurer, and Mr. Montgomery aald each indi- 3d. Her gown was made of mous- put king lot*. Song, EHmenreich, Rue Warren; niece of Mn. Charles Croft of Ray K. Taylor, executive vice "•''Idkamp, West Allenhuret. vidual for whom aid is asked mutt Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, foHnp-de-Poie on princes* linee. It Rumson. f«>f'ary. Also present at the inert be approved as qualified by both, Philip J. Bowers, Sue Warren and was styled with a tight fitting bod- president, supplementin«; Mr. Klar- social workers and medieal enarn- Bill Dodge; Singing Belli, Holit, ice and a bouffant skirt which had MHEMl'X-sUimETT in'x remark*, stated that letter* mert. Thest approval! then will go and Dangerous Journey, Koelling, a short train. The dress was ap- complimenting the chamber regard- '•; Commissioner Rob- to a statt authority for ratifica- PLAINFIELD ~ Mis« Louise ing the recent (talking changeover ert E. Seeley, Port Monmouth; Dr Nancy K. Hurd; Little Mi>i Pridt, pitqued with lilies of the valley, and Mr. and Mr*. Paul L'Abkole tion. Brian, Suzanne Fisher; Uncle Seb the brlde'i Anger-tip veil fell from Slitabeth Lolseaux and Marsom are on the chamber's office. •>tlu• *- Hapmann, representative of Innes Bartlett were married Sat- President Conway complimented ' New J.-rvy Agricultural expert While making no estimate upon with His Fiddle, Anthony, Philip a tight fitting cap, trimmed with rWatJ ahewt ara Mr. site] MM. Paul I' Akksts who wara Sam- tht amount of money that may be J. Bowers; Prelude In A. Chopin, orange blossoms. She carried a urday at the chapel of the Crei- Mr. Klarin on doing an outstand- ment Htatlon; Sup cent Avenue Presbyterian church ing job. uel Smith and Executive Secretary mad* available for this work in and Chasing Butterflies, Lamont, white prayer book, covered with •narriaa] JVM 2 at Sr. Jamai Cathalie church, Res lank. The E K Monmouth county. Mr. Montganu Roberta Gardner; Minuet In Oapray, a of white orchids and tied by the pastor, Rev. Ralph T. Haas. The matter of directional sign* i krisja MJ fha isrmsr Mm JaMpfcina ftafina Opacity a( SnrawHwry. Hintelmann reported on the ery aaid he believed the county at Beethoven and Clog Dance, Wren, with streamers and orange bios- The bride Is the daughter of Mr. pointing out Red Hank'* buslnejw well as its municipalities will share Bland McCue; Shubert'a Day•oms, . and Mra. Joshua Theodore Lol- •JaiMjIttar a* Mr. and Mr*. Michael M. Opacity af St. Albam, L. I., district to the tranalent public wa. P'°K"*« of work ae,:om,,liihed by the benefits of the fund. He sai«V geaux of Denmark rd., and the brought up. Mr. Klarin wu asked lhe commissioni »in<- the beginning Krentilln, Robert Longhi, Philip H Miss Valerie Henry, the bride's ana* Mr. L'Aabata « MM tan af Mr. and Mn. Anthony L'Abbata af • . •« i n*»f' thMilel youtinii (•. H11 eii stateat tit a dA thbe s>s>U'llreffu-_ some pttltnU In tht county wel- J. Bowers and Bland McCue. ridegroom's parents are Mr. and to look into the matter. If siKn.s fare houie will be qualified for the sister, was maid of honor. Her Mrs. Irving T. Bartlett, Sr.. of Mid ar program planned for 1051 has Country Dance, Ceethoven, and white organdy gown was trimmed Lana, Iranch. Aftar Sunday tha caupta wil ba at hama an Finci- are procured for county distribu- been retarded to «onie ritent due assistance, which ehould reduce with powder blue flowers and was dletown village. tion the Itrd Bank Register agreed county WKlftr; eoata. Katlnk-i, Rovenger, Lee Ollbtrt; The bride was given In marriage nay rd., Had lank. to the necessity of maintaining the The Swan, Salnt-Saene, and Jenny worn with a white organdy duster to see that they were put up. proper drainage in thousands of The welfare director said hie Lind Polka, Wallenetcin, Rita coat. She wore a wreath of old- iy her father and wore a gown feet of mosquito ditches clogged beard htt agreed to Inform the Mattson; Charmante, Groten, Lo- fashioned blue flowers in her hair, of ivory slipper satin, trimmed The matron of honor wat attired Mrs. Elisabeth Nelman. The wed- with sand and debrta caused by the State Bureau of Old Age Aasltt* raine Warren, Lynn Christian, Oale and carried a matching bouquet. with Venetian rose point lace at In blue, with white accessories and ding took place June 2 at St. Roee Gleaners Observe storm last November. On the aalt tnee It hopes the eurrent rule oa Gilbert; Impromptu, Schumann, The bride's mother wore an ice the neckline. She wore a headpiece a corsage of white fleur D'Amour. of Lima Catholic church, and Rev. marshes 35,772 feet of ditches have maximum allowances for burial I-.ora.ln* Warren; Polonaise, Cho- blue chiffon draw with black net of the same lace with an Illusion Timothy Hussey of Matawan was Bernard Coen performed the cere- 24th Birthday been (iu#, ircut an1 cleaned, and costt for welftre-ttsisted persons pin. Nancy Nevius; Swaying Daf- duster and a camellia corsage. The veil. Her bouquet was of lilies of his brother's best man. mony. 4S.S74 foot have bo<*n reconditioned will bt maintained.. The Hate re- the valley and baby orchids. fodils, Overiade, Marlene Marx, Lo- bridegroom's mother wore a lace A reception for 100 guests fol- OiVen in marriage by her broth- EATONTOWN-aixteen "'w on the upland, by hand labor, dur cently reported stvtral funertl 4l> raine' Warren and Sutanne Fish- gown of dusty pink with blue ac- Mrs. Theodore Lolseau* of Pis In- lowod at the home of the brldi't er, Thomas Nolan, the bride was at- members were accepted Friday ing the pant ,iix months. rectors wanted tht rule modified. er; Sonatino, Opus M, Clementl cessories and a lavender orehid field was matron of honor, and the parents. The bride's mother wore tired In an old-fachioned styled night when the Cleaner* of the On the unit marshes the ditch YYspPFVJ csMtrge) ussjtttel and Clog Dance, Dvorak, Lynn corsage. bridal attendants were the bride- a black and white print dress with gown, msde with a brocaded lace Presbyterian church met to cele- mouths become clogged with sand At It now ttands. tht rule llnv Christian; Minuet, Padtrewakl, Robert Dougherty of Great Neck, groom's sisters, Mrs. Frederick M white accessaries and a corsage bodice, which had a mandarin brate the 34th anniversary and toor seaweed through the action af its tht amount s> funeral director John Halleran; Walti in E, Du-_ 1, was best man. Ushers were Brecht, Jr., of Rosemont. Pa, and of red roses. The bridegroom's neckline, long pointed sleeves and honor charter members. the wavca and that by one meant may charge for such burials te> ra nt, Ann Shea; Hungarian Dane*, Peter C. Henry, brother of the Mrs. Leroy A. Meteaif, Jr.. Am- mother wore a navy blue print a satin skirt covered with net. Her Charter members present to re-or another ditches farther up In MOO In publle funds or assigned at* Listt, Robert Longhi. bride, and Jerome Orause, brother herit, Mass., and Mrs. Harlan B. with blue accessories and a cor- flngertlp length veil fell from a ceive gifts were Mra. William Em- their courses) become clogged with sett of tho Individual plus a maxi- Sonata in F, Beethoven, and of the bridegroom. Pratt, Watchung. and Mrs. Van- sage of pink roaes. crown of rhinettow. and she car- mon, "„„. Thomas Catchpole, Mies pieces of sod, accumulations of hay mum contribution si ISO from Dance of the Gypsies, Llmke, Mar- A reception was held at the riv- Tuyl Boughton, Jr., Adams, Man. For her wedding trip I* the rled a bouquet of white roses and Lillia,,.,„,n. DaBDangler,|eI. , MriMra. . ClifforCliffordd BrowBrow., and other rubbish. On an average friends and relatives. lene Marx; Cavalry Fantaetlque, erfront home of Mr. and Mrs. John Suaanne Lolteaux of Plainfleld was southern atatci, the bride wore a tby's breath. er, Mrs. Oeorgc Myer», Mra. Ben- these illtches have to he cleaned The state assistance bureau tale) Godard, Helen Swenton; Oloworm, E. Toolan, Hance rd., Fair Haven flower girl. lavender linen suit with whit* ac- Miss Patricia LeMoJne or Marl- jamin VanKeuren, Miss Elisabeth annually and rrcut once in three some funeral directors wanttt tho Limke, and Prelude in C Minor, Mr. Toolan, former state nenator All the attendants were gowned cessories, and a corsage of white boro was maid of honor. Her frock HtRglnson, Mrs. Bustace White, years. tM maximum contribution elimi- Rachmaninoff, Helen Swenson and from Middlesex county, was the alike in white organdy, over pale iris. The couple, upon their return, wat orchid, made with a pleated Mra. Thomas Stothart. Mrs. Herbert Mr. Hintelmann stated that the nated to allow for higher payments James Thorne; Sonata Pathttlque, bride's godfather. Among the dec- green. All earrled bouquets of yel- will be at home at 114 Middlesex bodice and the skirt waa satin, cov- Zimmerman, Mrs. Edward Ander- inspection force* started operation by friends tn« relatives. Beethoven, and Goiliwoggs Cake orations was a large fireplace low daisies, The flower girl's frock rd, Matawan. ered with net, She wore a match- son and Mrs. Sylvester Emmona. June 1, and are keeping a regular The county board. Mr. Montgom- Walk, Debussy, Rosslyn King; banked with roses. Silver candel- w-as white organdy and her bou- The bride attended Cleveland Ing net stole, and an orchid picture Mrs. VanKeuren read the hiatory check on nuisances of mosquito ery said, took tht position that If* Rhapsody In Blue, Gershwin and abra circled a large wedding cake. quet wat of yellow daisies. high school and Arts high school hat. Her bouquet was yellow roses. of the society. Mrs. Andrew O. breeding. The two mobile tank relativee or friends can spend more Donkey Serenade, Friml, Paul Following their return from a wed- Irving T. Bartlett, Jr., of Little in Newark, and is a graduate of Edward Krusalo of Marlboro was Becker, president, recited a Fath- units will spray large areas, and than ISO for funerals they can Flarlty. Mr. Flarlty will pity his ding trip, the couple will take up Silver was best man for his bro- Matawan high school. She It em- best man, and Edward Qann and er'! day poem. ' an auxiliary power spray mounted spend more during the Individual's •elections on the Hammond organ. residence at 30 Hudson ave. ther. Robert G. Bartlett of Plain- ployed by Optlmers equipment of Robert Bradshaw, both of Marl- The society's first officers were on a jeep will spray small holes life, thus sparing the subtle from Winners of national honors were The bride was graduated from Held, the bridegroom's brother; Matawan. The bridegroom attended boro, ushered. Mrs. VanKeuren president, Mrs. and catcn-hasin*. needless expense. Philip J. Bowers, Beverly Bowers, Oak Knoll academy in Summit and Harlan B. Pratt, Watehung, the St. Mary's high school at South A dinner followed at Uncroft inn. Ada B. Nafew vice president, Miss Gratifying results were obtained The county board rejected s re» Lynn Christian, Leland daPhuique, Rosemont college, Pa. A former bridegroom's cousin, and Dr. Theo- Amboy, and i« a graduate of Mata- The bride's mother wore a gray Dangler treasurer and Miss Sarah through a letter aent out this eutat by two eounty nurilnf rmmts Lee Gilbert, Lowrle Oibb, RoberU member of the faculty of Red Bank dore Lolseaux and P. Jacques Lol- wan high school. He It employed print with a corsage of yellow roses. M. Nlvlson secretary. A large birth- •prink- to the commissioners and for sn increase In tht maximum Gardner, John Halleran, Nancy K. Catholic high school, she currently teaux, both of Plainfleld, and the by the Hercules powder company The couple have returned from day cake was on hsnd for the oc- health officers of all local communi- allowance of ||jn monthly for old Hurd, Kay Iselin, Jimmy belli!, assists Dr. Harry J. Copperthwalte, bride's) brothers, ushered. in Parlin. Canada, and will make their home casion and refreshments were ties, soliciting their aid in report- age assistuee residents ef thest Rosslyn King, Rita Mattton, Mar- Red Bank dentist. A reception followed In the gar- at 10 Gordon Court, Port Mon-served. ing new mosquito breeding poten- homts. The request wat tntda, the lene Marx, Michele Sacco, Denman The bridegroom la a graduate o! den of the home of tht bride's ARVATH-BOTT mouth. New members who received car- tials in their localities. homes ttid, beeaust more money Smith, George D. Wilkinson, David The bride Is the daughter of the Red Bank Catholic high school and parents. The bride's mother was HIGHLANDS-MISS Dolorts ftae nation coraasos avc Mrs. Selma Dr. Hagmann advised that tht Is sometimes needed for tstra mtd- Wood and Janet Fay Whitmore; Vlllsnova college. He currently Is dressed In pale blue lace and silk late jamet Nolan of Freehold. She 8hult«, Mrs. Oscar Bodln, Mrs. Eve- ieal snd nursing expense. The dinner of district honors, Bill Arnath, daughter of Mrs. Clara wat graduated from Freehold high New Jersey experiment station is attending Rutgera law school. A crepe, and the bridegroom's mother Arnath of Miller «t., and the late lyn Emmons, Mrs. Lillian Schmitt, planning to re-establish the air- board said tht ||jn maximum It Dodge, and winners of Griffith veteran of four years' Army serv- wore navy blue lace. school and is employed at tht !-*• wards, Rosslyn King, Philip J. Thomas Arnath. at a double-ring Mrs. Louise Rowland. Mrs. Doro- plane spraying program for mos- tt much at the eurrent Budget' ice, including service in the Pacific When the eoupli return from ceremony Saturday at Highland! voit laboratories at Morganville. thy Ktrkcgard, Mrs. Betty Adams. quito control In seashore counties can support. Bowers, Beverly Ann Boweri and theater, he was a captain in the The bridegroom was graduated Nancy K. Hurd. their wedding trip to Split Rock Methodist church, became the bride Mrs. Rose Vincent, Mrs. Doris during 1951. A small fund of the Corps of Engineers. He I" employed lodge at Whitehaven, Pa.., they will of John Henry Bott, ton of Mr. from Mlddletown township high Rominski, Mrs. Margaret Turpln, appropriation for 1930 was with- Candidates Speak by the New Jersey state treasury make their home at 447 West Sev- and Mrs. Henry Bott of Branch- school and is a psychiatric tech- Mrs. Mathilda Miller, Mrs. Dorothy held for work to he done before department. enth at., Plainfleld. Por traveling port ave., Long Branch. Tht cere- nicltn at State hospital, Marlboro. Clemcntt, Mrs. Msry Haddock, July 1, on the assumption that the At Club Luncheon the bride wore a powder blue shan- Mra. Virginia Pierce, Mrs. Polly Crawford Commiuioned mony was performed by Rev. MACrHEE-KLEINBEHGEH state legislature may appropriate BELFORD - Candidates Md of.. ArnJSOATE-MUXS tung suit with white linen acces- Roger W. Kusche, pastor, assisted Clark and Mrs. Simpson. the same amount of funds as last dee holders of (he Republican part?. Air Force Lieutenant LONG BRANCH—Miss Anna Mao sories. by Rev. Hillman J. Coffee, a for- MAPLEWOOD-The marriage of year to carry on the work during were guesta at a luncheon meeting. UNION BEACH - Roy B. Craw- Applegate, daughter of Mr. am The bride attended' Centenary mer pastor of the M. E. church Mitt Rosita Macphee, daughter of Counsel Announce* .the rest of the summer. Certain of tht Monmouth unit ef the We-' ford, ton of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mrs. Clifford Joseph Applegate of Junior college and Oberlln Con- here. Mr. and Mrs. William George Mac- areas in Monmouth county were men's Republican elub ef Belford- Crawford of ft. 36, has been com- Atlantic ave., and John Joseph servatory of Music. The bridegroom phee of Maplewood, and Paul Stew- Air Power Awards excluded from this program last laat wttk at Belford Methodist Mills, son of Mr. and Mn. Bernard is a graduate of Franklin and The church was decorated with art Klelnberger of Sharon Spring*, season, due to protests from real- church hall. The men wert Intro* missioned a second lieutenant and all white gladioli and greens. Mrs. ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS-MI- pilot of the Air Force, it was an- Mills of Florence ave., were mar- Marshall college and New Tork N. T., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward dents, !>ut it hns been decided to duced by Howard "/. Roberts. university. He is employed with Coffee sang "I Love Thee,'* "Be- Kleinberger of Atlantic Highlands, chael Stroukofr, founder and chief spray all "nuisance spots" this sea- nounced thli week by the recruit- ried June 3 at the rectory of the came" and "The Lord's Prayer." Richard Btout of Neptune, candi- ins station at the Red Bank post Star of the Sea Catholic church by the J. D. Lolteaux Lumber com- took place Saturday at St. Joseph's engineer of Chase Aircraft com- son unless objections are made. date for ttatt senator, wat guest Rev. James A. Thompson. pany at Plainfleld. Mrs. George King, Sr., was tht Catholic church. Rev. Bernard pany, West Trenton, will receive office. organist. Peters, a friend of the families, per- the 1951 air power trophy of the Tho mnaquito commission Is anx spetktr. Others attending wtre IX. Crawford received his com- Given in marriage by her father, The bride was given In marriage iou« to have the co-operation of the Mayor Alfred N. Btadltiton of LAFAVETTE-OURNIAK formed the ceremony and Nuptial Air Force association, it wai an- Shrewsbury, candidate for sasem... mission at Vance Air Force base In the bride wore an ankle length by her brother, Jamet C. Rugg. mass which followed. nounced today by Irving B. JScich- general public in combating mos- Oklahoma after completing IS gown of Chantilly lace, with Queen tiins Dorothy Lafayette, daugh- Her satin gown was made Colo- quito breeding. They feel that for bly; Victor E. Orosainger and Earl. ter of Anthony Lafayette of Long The bride was gowned in Chan- ner. counsel of the New Jersey I.. Woolley, who will seek re-elec- months of cadet pilot training. He Anne neckline. A fingertip veil fell nial style, trimmed with a full lace wing of the association, who main- good results in mosquito control 1A now assigned to the air-sea res- from a crown of seed pearls, and Branch, and the lite Mrs. Lafay- panel of French rose point lace. tilly lace. She had a fingertip length they must have the interest of tion at members of the Board of she carried a whit* orchid on a ette, on Sunday became the bride veil which was attached to a crown tains law offices on First ave. Freeholders; Joseph K. Edwards, *• cue squadron at March Sold, Cal., Her illusion veil was held In place The Air Power trophy and other every cltiicn of the county. Each In multi-engine aircraft. prayer booU. of William Ournlak, son of Mrs. by « tiara of orange blossoms, and of seed pearls, and carried a bou- householder can assist by examin- candidate for Middletown township Catherine Gurnlak at St. Anthony's quet of roses and baby's breath. She awards will be presented by Frank ing his property and emptying all committee; Mr. and Mrs. Roberts; A 1944 graduate of Matawan Miss Ruth Joyce Clayton, cousin she carried a Colonial bouquet of E. Kimble, Jr., chief of the State high school, Lt. Crawford spent 18 of the bride, of Shrewsbury, was Catholic church. Msgr. Salvatore white roses. wae given in marriage by her receptacles holding stagnant water Rev. and Mrs. Robert U Blackman; - DILoremo performed the ceremony father. Bureau of Aeronautics, at a ban J. Crtwford Compton and Craig;' months In Iceland during World maid of honor. She was attired in Miss Barbara Hackett of Pomp- and reporting to the Red Bank of- War II when he also studied at the a lit. foam green nylon tulle (own, which was followed by a reception Mlsa QeraWlne Schadel of East quet Saturday night at the Alex- fice any spot he suspects as a mos- Finnegan. . at Wlllowbrook, Fair Haven. ton Lakes was maid of honor, Her Orange was maid of honor, and the , andcr Hamilton hotel, Paterson, quito breeding potential. University of Delaware at Newark, designed with a full skirt, and fit- frock was light pink, made with where Brig. Gen. Robert L. Cop- Mrs. George Yarnelt, presldant, • Del,, under the Army Specialised ted bodice, bare shouldered capped The bride was given in marriage a .satin bodice and a net skirt She other bridal attendants were MIIB welcomed guettt tnd recited an Training program. Discharged in with a etole. Her head piece was Constance Case of East Orange, scy, deputy special assistant to the 7 by her father. Her white satin wore a headpiece of pink veiling, chief of staff of the Air Force, will original poem, 'We Need A Change, * 1947, he operated a tree surgeon of the tame material as her gown. gown was made with a high neck- trimmed with «eed pearl dusters and Miss Clair Scaddcn, Dover. Wrecked, Settled to be used in the IBM crt/ldentitl" business prior to entering cadet Shi carried a colonial bouquet ol Nail Macphee, the bride's brother, be the principal speaker. Induatrlal- line, long fitted sleeves and a fitted at the side, and carried a bouquet 1st Henry J. Kaiser and Under-Sec- campaign. Tht next club meeting", training In April, 1950. The lieu- pink roses. Best man was Thomai bodice which formed an apron ef- of deep pink roses, was best man. Another of the 'Out of- Court' will bt Aug. 7 at Mn. Finnegan't • Bernard Mills, brother of the bride bride's brothers, William N. Mac- rctary of the Army Archibald Alex- tenant also underwent ten weeks fect nt the'front of the gown. The The bridesmaids were Mrs. Rugg, FREEHOLD — A crssh that home on Bast End ave., Belford, of paratrooper and glider training groom. apron was edged In imported lace, phee, and Albert Edwards, alio of ander are expected to attend tht and at this time a trip to Atlantic' the bride's sister-in-law, and Mrs. Maplewood, ushered. banquet. brought » truck anil car together In Georgia BS B member of the re The bride's mother was attired and this went around the hipline City will be planned. serves. to the back forming a lace bustle Joan Paronto. Both wore dresses The bride was graduated from The Avitruc C-123. a cargo plane, outside the County courthouse here in in ankle length dusty rose lace made Uke the honor attendants on- designed by Mr. Stroukoff for the March 20, 1949, brought participat- Others present wert Mrs. Fred' gown, with navy blue accessories, which fell to the edges of the l«ng Columbia high school In Maple- train of the skirt of the gown. ly In a deeper shade of pink, and wood, and Newark Teachers college, Air Force, is the first aircraft In ing drivers together, Insida tht Whltt, Mrs. Hermsn Tarnow, Mrs. and she wore an orchid. The bride- their flowers were roses. the history of aviation to success- courthouse, when a law suit wu Clifford White, Mrt. Harry Lohten. Awarded Degree* groom's mother was attired In a' The bride wore a fingertip length and she it on the teaching staff of Illusion veil attached to a crown Kathleen Walstrom, tha bride's the Brayton school at Summit. For fully perform as an engineless glid- settled for 12,750. Mrs. Dirk Hofman, Mrs. Harold NEWARK - David Cohen of Ca- ankle length gown of navy blue niece, was flower girl. Her frock er, a piston-engine plane and a Jet- Copeland, Mrs. John VanKirk, Mrt. < Chantilly lace with nylon and ray- of seed pearls, and carried a prayer a number of years she was the «tar Frank D. Holmes, former state nal at., Red Bank, and Robert book, covered with a spray of was a miniature copy of tha brlds's of her own radio program, the Just powered craft, according to Mr, navigation director, of 1130 Ocean Walttr Paterton, Mrs. Cltudt Rich. ; Howard Douglass of Broadway, on marquisette over matching ray- gown, and her small bouquet was Zeichner, who said the ship, de- mond, Mrs. Irving Roop, Mrs. Les- on taffeta. Her accessories were white orchids. for You Show, of station WSOU. ave., Elberon, v.'ho was driving his Long Branch, received degrees at deep pink roses. Leroy B. Rugg, She also entertained as a singer in signed to meet Army needs for the pickup truck at the time of the ac- ter Walling, Mrs. Daniel Ahern. the Newark College of Engineering also navy blue, and she wore a cor Mrs. Marie Maiinlno, the bride's the bride's nephew, was ring delivery of troops and equipment Mrs. Eiwood Runyon, Mn. John H., sage of pink roses. camps and hospitals of New Yoric cident, received the settlement from Friday. Gov. Alfred A. Driscoll wu only attendant, wore a green taf- bearer. Winston D. Rugg, the and New Jersey, and In recognition to rough Held* in forward combat John G. Alexander, a Freehold McCarrtn, Mn. Lilly Watson. Mrs.. the speaker. A reception followed at the Pad' feta frock with matching head- bride's brother, and Howard Pa- for her service, was the recipient of areas, came out on top in assault news dealer, and his stepson, Bur- Edward Barnes, Mrs. Csthsrine Mr. Cohen Is a graduate of the dock lounge. The couple left on « piece, and carried a prayer book ronto were the ushers. two citations from the Army Ser- transport evaluation tests, which tan Mansfield Marks of Spring Conroy, Mrs. Robert Runyon. Mra.. college and he received his master's wedding trip to the South and Ne\ covered with orchids. Joseph La- the Air Force conducted at Eglin Lake Heights. Joseph K. Edwards, Mra. J. H., • Following a wedding dinner at vice command. Parks, Mrs. Joseph Ltiker, Mrs. degree in engineering. He Is mar- Tork. They will reside at Rome, fayette, the bride's ' rother, was Log Cabin Inn, thi couple left for Air Force bane in Florida. Mr. Holmes claimed his back was ried to the former Mia* Mildred N. T. best man. The bridegroom served three and Chsrles Poole. Mn. Howard Pres- a wedding trip to Nova Scotia. a half years overseas with the Navy Injured and $115 worth of damage ton, Mrs. Alma Garrison. Mrs. Ed--' Zuckerman of Red Bank, and U Tho bride was graduated from When the couplt nturn from They will makt their home in was done to his truck in tht acci- employed by tho Nord Chemical Rid Bank high school and is em- their wedding trip 4o Pocono lodge during World War II as an elec- Associate Degree ward Savidge, Mrs. Anna Thome- . Highlands. The bride wore a gab- tronic technician. He attended dent he said was caused when a son, Mrt. Alma Johnson, Mrt. Vin-. company at Keyport ployed with the Commerce Invest- In Pennsylvania, they will make ardine suit with navy blue acces- car driven by Mr. Marka and owned their home on Monmouth at. The Drexel university and Rutgers uni- For Nancy McCoach cent Walling, Mrs. Elsie Jtcobttn, Mr. Douglass la the Mn of Mr. ment company of Asbury Park. The sories for traveling, with a white versity, School of Agriculture. He by Mr. Mark* and Mr. Alexander groom was graduated from Red bride attended Red Bank high Mrs. J. F. Wllltmi. Mri. Comptoa. and Mrs. Robert H. Douglass. He lace picture hat and a corsage of Is owner-operator of Crystal Brook WASHINGTON, D. C—M I s i ran into hit vehicle. and Mrt. Flnntgan. " received a bachelor of telenet de- Bank Catholic high ichaol, He Is school, and the bridegroom, Mid- white roues. Nancy A. McCoach, formerly of dletown township school. Mr. Our- Dairy farm at Sharon Springs, N. gree. He leaves this week for Los employed at Grlfflss Air Force base, The bride's mother -wore a pow- Y., where the couple will make their Red Bank, was graduated last week Angeles, Cnl., where he has ac- Rome. nlak I* employed by General Mo- from the Junior college of George Local Resident tors at Linden. der blue lace dinner dress with a home. He Is the grandson of Don St. Mary's Guild Closea cepted a position With North Amer- matching hat. The bridegroom's Klelnberger of Madrid, Spain. Washington university. She Is the ican Airlines, He was graduated MORROW—B1ERSCHENK mother wore dusty rott with a daughter of MaJ. J. R. McCoach Receives Settlement Season at Rumson Inn from Red Bank Cathollo high WANTAQH, L. I.—Miss Juliet HAVRAN-HIflMEr matching rose picturt hat. Both and Mrs. Clara McCoach of Wash- FREEH OLD-Just before hit RUMSON—More than 40 guest! ' school, Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mn. KETPORT - At St. Joseph's women had corsages of orchids. To Serve Buffet Supper ington, D. C. caac was reached for trial Tuesday st tht doting dlnntr of at. Mary's " Elmber B, Morrow of Freeport, Cathode church rectory, Saturday, The bride was graduated from Next Thursday Night Miss McCoach. a graduate of Red James Taylor of Linden pi., Red guild of St. Otorge't Episcopal ' formerly of Knollwood, Fair Ha- Miss Marianne Havran, daughter Atlantic Highlands high school, Bank high school, was awarded the Bank, received a $1,000 settlement. church heard Mrs. John Harrison ' Mary Elisabeth Skau ven, and John Philip Bierschenk, of Mr. and Mrs, Michael J. Hav- and Is a secretary at Monmouth SHREWSBURY A chicken sal- associate in arts degree and also Mr. Taylor was driving tin rt, 3,1 Robertson, guild president, present . h BridoElecl Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John P.ran of Middlesex st., Matawan, and Memorial hospital. The bridegroom ad tnd ham buffet supper will hewon the Mortarboard award for on his way home after work at graftings to her staff of officers , Bierschenk, Br., of Brooklyn, N. Y., Paul Joseph Hussey, son of Mrs, la a graduate or Long Branch high served by the St. Anne's Altar being the outstanding sophomore, Keyport Jan. 24, when his car wai Tuesday night tt Rumson inn. LITTLE SILVER — Mr. and and Marshall's Creek, Pa., were May Hussey of Little st., Mata- school and Rinsselaer Polytechnic Guild of Old Christ Episcopal based on scholarship and university struck In the rear by a vehicle Mri. Thomas MoCartir, one of: Mrs.' Alex Koleda announce tht married Saturday at the Bellmore wan, and the late William Hussey, Institute at Troy, N. Y. He Is em- church a week from tonight In the activities. She has been elected to operated by Doris Trucx and owned tht first presidents of tht guild, ' engagement of their daughter, Miss Methodist church. Rev. Harry D, were married by Rev. Cornelius ployed by the Homer Construction parish house. Servings will be at serve on the board of editors of the by her husband, Joseph Truex. Be- snd Rev. Georgt A, Robertshaw, Mary Elizabeth Skau, to Stanley Robinson, Jr., performed a candle- Kant. company at Lakewood. 5:30 and 7 p. m. university paper, The Hatchet, for sides a badly damaged auto Mr. rector, also madt short addrttsts, " Donald Moore, son of Mr, and Mrs. light ceremony, A reception for The brld* was given In marritge Tickets are available from mem- next year, In September the will Taylor suffered a hack nprnln which Plant for tht annual Canterbury Thnmns Maaaey of Mount si, Rid US guilts followed ut the Rock- by her father and her only attend NOLAN^NEIMAN bers of the committee, Included enter Columbia college at George confined him to his home for some fair to be held between 10 a. m, Bank. vllle Country club, Rockvtllc Cen- ant. was her sister, Mrs. Harold FREEHOI D-Mrs. Mary Nolan are Miss Ruth Parker, directress, Washington university for hetimer . tnd S p. m. next Wednesday on the ' Mlsa Skau Is employed at Coles tre, N. Y. M. Holmes of Matawan. The bride of Manalapan ave. has announced Mrs. Elmer C. Walnrlifht, Mrs. Rob- bucholor of arts degree In journal- The plaintiff was represented by church grounds were dlacuased. ' Signal laboratories, and Mr. Moore The bride was given In marriage chose a white organdy gown, made the marriage of her daughter, Mlsi ert Sagurton, Miss Thrcalu Hoff- Lsm. John Warren, Jr., of Paraons, La- Mrs. William Llebhaunr and Mri'. Is employed at McFarland'a Texaco by her father. Her gown was fash- ballerina length, with a white pic Margaret Nolan, to Leslie Nelman man. Mlas Elinor Wood, Miss Lll- McCoach U the iranddatmh- brocque. Canzona A Comba, Red Edward Clint were co-chairmen of station, Red Bank. No date has ioned of Chantilly lace and nylon ture hat and white accessories. Her nf Port Monmouth, son of Leslie Ian Baquet, Ml.«x Catherine Slcklea taders, hoarded a chartered but 1 Rumson, was one of SB aaea who or an injury Mirrored by Mr* Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich, who live aturday morning for » day's out- •uadajr at the Oeeaa Or»ve caans af Cornwall at., was valedictorian Krunt-wick chjunbtr of conimeict . Inodrirh .Inly 27. 1-e;n.~. A at Colgate university's 129th :rocr:y market of William Welch- mund J. Canzona of the firm of ELECTtlCAL c ,11 Camden, where the boyt w#re Ckriaaaaa will tia« "Hear Tt, Is- Brunswick graduate <-f lli^iiLn ;-T.'utir,i,ii' mencement exercises u. en at Allrnrmrj-t.«oriF. I-abrecquc, Canton* *A guests on "The Big Top" Mlevieioa rael," treat tka Elljak atatarka by schui.l, Miss Mile;-, aiicnJH lied Mr. Field majored ia is. Gpndrich. who ip known Combs, Red Bank, and the defend- Mi** Mile* received the follow- Bank <"atiu•!ir; hi^ri -i hool ur.ti c •how Juriiic the noon hour. Meadalaaoka. and at the graduatioa cereasoales rofr?. ionai!>" s> Middled Tudor ant by Judge Edward J. A*chcr of ing awards at the exercises when XKIY. Shi^ will enter Trenton State he received his commitaiou aa a Anbury Patk. After the ihow .he pack visit** 112 (tudcaU were graduated: Gold A VNrVHf^ r0af ape, rndio and conceit ranklin Institute in Philadelphia, Mia* Ckritaaan will be accom- Teachns eollegc in Inn mil. lieutenant in the Air Force re- panied by Mr*. Walter D. Edaowes key for highest average in senior serve. He was president of Mgtna where they spent the remainder of at tka argaa. Tke lite e* Dr. Ed- elate; Joyce Kilmer American te- Nu, .'octal fraternity; presldsnt bl he afternoon viewing interesting etowei, »he far It years has dl- gte* award for leadership, honor Oranges in California today aru , the Wilder society, honor aaciety of exhibition! and demonstratloat. reeled tht can* ateettag attacia. aad scholarship; the Bausch and solci for mole per ycxv than the! the Air Force R.O.T.C. detachaaent Thty especially enjoyed ridiag an tiaa'a music, Mrt. Eddowcs aa- Lo*nb price (or excellence in entire production of Ihc famous at the university; a mtatber of tha lectrically controlled locoaaotlvt, awara ia reeltal at tha auditorium acience for three years, miraculous California gold field.-; which brought Sailing club, and a aatatber of the he largest In the world, kouaed in modal for general excellence and Economic club. he basement of the institute, iM daily at 4 t. at. dwriaf tka tuaaaar. the gold rush of 181P, muivte FOR SALE anutvtrinj the control* of a full- M P-51-K bomber plane. By « p. m. W «lr*4 hut Uppy Cubs were returned to their nomei •lrtady •nticipt.tini the Mxt out ng. Tho«f wtm went were Cub ieoiit Aaron Apfar, Vincent CoetigM. Edward McDowell, Kenneth Mat- tel, Wayne Stewart, William Hex- er, Thurston Whitcon, Jr., Joaeph Dob'ry. Martin Etaenberg, l*»ll« Meulitt, Harvey Holland, Jr., Olen Rising, Donald Smith, Tkonai Beyer, John Barker, Luther >if- i George Wiedrnmayer, Fred Bton, Roger Harvey, Qerarf Ml- raglia, Donald Potter, Ronald tluaa, and Donald Rooney; Den Chlefi Ceorife Apgar, Robert Bisaetl. Richard Bipsell and Wilaon K*e- gan; Roy *kout», who graduated from Cuba with Wcbeloa honora. Alan Holland, Jack Collinn and BEAUTIFUL OLD COLONIAL HOUSE Robert Zenna. Dm Mother* Evelyn Wiedcnmayer, Maybcllc Stewart, On 2*> Aerra. Ideal Locaiio*. Mildred Smith, Hanna Holland a«d •»n *yrainon> Aw. in MM. M. Rooney. Cub Master Oer- §lirv*a. •Id Smith and aasiatant, Peter Hex- bury, N. J, ter. _ ^ Cniiteiiifnl lo All Transportation. Fair H«vrn Group Holdi Luncheon CALL RID SANK 6-3319-M. EATONTOWN — Fair Haven auitllary of Rlverview hwpital held s cloning luncheon Monday at rystal Brook Inn. Mm. Charlee P. Hutd, •irenlilent, waa tna»tmaal»f, nd guesta Included Mra. Jull» Throrkmorton, the hoapital admin- itrator; Mia. Dorothy Nicosia, all' rector of nurse*, and Mr*. Oeorw CRAWFORD Unton, president of the com ined auxiliaries of the tiMpital. Mr*. Leon VanBrunt was lunch- •on chairman. Past president* at ending ware Mra. John J. Kn«4«ll nd Mr«. Oeorgc Stephen Young. Others present were Mrs. Outlaw* Freret, Mrs. Frederick Carhirt, Mr*. John Martin, Mr*. Cromwell Wauon, Mn. H. J. Bmkey, MM. arbara Heyer, Mrt. J. P. Mulvt- ill, Mr*. 0. Livingston Lundy, Mn. Alice Ortihoff, Mrt. O. Thee4on FATHIR'S DAYI Ingberg, Mn. Carl Schwenher, Sr. Sunday JVM 17th ,nd Mlat Sarah Murphy. Middletown Special Mrvlce* will be held Sun- CRAWFORD •y afternoon at I o'clock at Clln- in Xlon Methodist chapel on Red HAS JUST WHAT DAD WANTS \\ rd. At thlt time a new oil plating of the church, the gift of Mtdalttowa artist, will be vrn* AT SPECIAL LOW. LOW PRICES! veiled. Rev. J. B. Kirby. paator, v Shirts f i«W« >' 111 be in charga of the aervlc**. Member* of the St. Cecilia, Junior v TJ#» V tMdlWMT hoir of Trinity Lutheran church Newark, Sunday afternoon, wil v|«fci vfiMrtsMrts lalt Marlpit hall and other placet! V P«|«IIMS v Sportswear v J*w«lry of hlttoricaJ Intereat In thla area. Later they will go to Cheetequaht V' U*i***»*Mai*Mwitaaaaa-wafaa»r V^ e*«m»imjfwwiwi park, where they will hold an opt* „ a. -OPEN HOUSE" air vetper service. *maj many «HMT OIPTI ITIMt According to the chuich pattor, Rev. M. F. Wall, the Sunday Or, «IW •» * MMffOM MFT CCMMMTE, and Ht him select aehool wsoclallon of Trinity church Ms own gift. a* Indicated itt dealre to ettab- YOU MAY Ml ANY Of INCH ITCMITS VOW Ish an out-post, tunday-achool in CIEIIT ACCOUNT AT M EXTRA CHAME the Mlddletown area. Rev. and Mn. Donald MacNail Vitii fhe rVitnc/ljr CMWOftD Sfort to yaw wfrMacfc—*) are attending a mltiion aehool at Hartford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Irwln Roblnton of Mlllvlllt are visiting their aoa and 32 .14 BROAD ST. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Kea- KED ieth I. Robinson. Optn Friday Evening* Mr. and Mr*. Boat Magulre aad family of Mequon. Pa., tpent Sat urday with Mrt. Magulre'* mother, Mrs. C. G. Bennett. at CRAWFORD Mlaa Polly Oamweli, a student al Mist Porter'* aehool at Farming on, Conn., arrived home thlt wee or the aummer vacation. Mtaa Jean VanDyke, daughter of Rev. and Mn. Andrew M. VanDykt, Most Beautiful Food Center hat returned home tor the aummet from St. Marys Hall at Burlington, where ahe it a atudent. The Bridge club met last week at the home of Mrt. John H. Warren, ...Created Especially for You! EASY, ECONOMICAL WAY TO , Sr. Prlie winners were Mra. Kay Ryer, Mra. Nelaon Todd, Mia* boulae Hartshornt and Mr*. Wylle MODERNIZE BATHROOM MD 0. Pate, The nest meeting will be Look at These Wonderful Features at the home of Mra. Frederic 0. Adamt at Little Silver. KITCHEN WALLS... Pupil* of the church school of Chriat Episcopal church were in charge of the tervlcct Sunday. Laat Rear Entrance & Rear Check-Outs! Sunday waa the laat church ichool aeaaion until fall. Wednesday. June 20, the achool'a annual picnic will New Speedee Motorized Check-Ouls! be held at the home of Mr. and Qrand Opening Mts. Samuel Riker on Holland rd. Chriat Episcopal church, the Re- formed and Baptitt churchet, will Completely Air Conditioned! open a dally vacation Bible tchool In Leeda hall Monday, to run until 100% Self-Service Meats ' ZtSL. dday June 39. Clatsea will be held be- A* tweon »:30 and 11:30 a. m. De- votional exercises will be held in 8 each of the three churchea. Pre-Packaged Fresh Produce Dcpt.I A special program, marking the closing of the Mlddletown Com- : 20tH munity nursery tchool in Leedt hall Epicurean Dept. SJJIV3?- June were held this morning in the hall. A ttrawberry featival will be held tomorrow between 8 and S p. m. in Frosted Foods! Frosted Fish! the Baptiat chapel. Mr*. Egbert Swackhamer, Sr., •pent the week-end with Mr, and Candy; Bakery, Dairy, Ice Cream! Mrt. Victor Oppenheim at Wood- bridge. George Sinnot wax aeven yean t old Friday, and a family birthday Wider Aisles* Bigger Assortments! party marked the occasion. Attend- ing were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hyatt Cun- Mde « ningham and tons, Bruce and Jack- Large Free Parking Lot son, and Mra, Elsie Sinnott of Red Rear Bank; Mr. and Mra. Walter Orubb, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orubb, Jr., and daughter Carol, Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Kerr, Mrs. Florence Grernwalt and Mia, Joaeph Green, all of thla place. Carol Marie Grubb, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Grubb, Jr., was chrUtened Sunday at Holy Trinity Lutheran church, Red COLOREST COMPANY Bank, by the pattor, Rev. Harold Hornberger. Following the cere- "Ju»t A Shad* Different" monies Mr, and Mra. Grubb, Jr., entertained the family at a dinner 13 BHOAD ST. RED BANK pnrty al their homi'. Mm. Allen KnlglH untl her daugh- flbWft/sWM^ AwiT.JlVf.ffr i'rci- Delivery — ME 6-1306 ter, Miss Mnrion Knight, are en- joying a vacation trip to Now Eng- land, vtiitlng friend* and reitttvea. PEAS * 1 BEANS Keeblor Wtyl Town House s SUGAR tt 44< Crackers *T 34c GLENDALE CLUB ST £ 89c LUMMIS •M*. CAN CMCt «NIT tTt » • C CNWN Melt it, slice it, spread it! A Carnival of Values feotura! At all Acmest Peanut Butter Peanut Brittle ST ,535c Peanut Butter SI, fc39c Cheddar £&. » 65c "? 57c Swiss Gruyere — A. 35c ',7 34c Tuna Fish r ^^^37c SoupCTJ?«-pC , "T 13c DoeDomestis c Swiss *69c Kraft Velveeta ££32c FFruii t CkiCocktail l ""*** » «252c5 SSou p ££?££?! ! "UUTT 1717c Fancy Bleu Cheese **59c Cream Cheesed ST15c G. Washington Spaghetti SL 2 '£ 25c Tea Boas M43C PProvolonl e SalamSli i 59 Ctt Ch •*"£ 16 Instant Coffee Farmdale Peas ^r 16c Erop.Milk— 2*£27e Borden's Chateau £ '1.01 Ideal Eggs ££ m^SL, ^ 75c If* • 1 Amer Cheese ££< ^ 57c Gold Seal Eggs£T£S!V71c Apple Sauce ™ 3 -39« Blended Swiss ^55c Silver Seal Eggs SS' ^67c Urn «#M IM^1 Te«-9iMNiy. J«ile» Mash Arc AwaM«t Yaw tiltHen tf Yaw MusMlman't Netfby AciMtt rah* Aim*** ef Ykle CtmWal «| Pie Apples Pineapple Juice 2^25 RIB ROAST Blended Juke -"„.... 13c Social Teas S° £15c Serve dad a delicious rib roast for Father's Day! What a treat! Swift'i Prune Juice mtl»» *«* 29c Uncle Ben's Rice Er£ 19C Meats for Chocolate Chips ITS* 31c Cream-White "72 36c,£ Baby "£T 21c Hydrox S5T 'X 25c Cider Vinegar r&U 18c EXTRA FANCY FOWL '45' Drawn "Ready for the Pot" Fowl, Ib. 59c. Excellent for stewing, frieatsee, pot pie? Cornivol of Vdues feature! Nabisco Grahams !*T33c White Vinegar T» ** 8c MMUn Oscar Mayer Smoked Ham .89c Fr—ti" J£ners Steaks ""t 95c 99c Frosted os soon as it's caught! All food... no «M 49c Tide, Rinso, Fab .x 19c waste! Convenient... easy to prepare! Camay Toilet Soap 9c Window Cleaner Asco Sliced Bacon 67c Cod Fillets * * Gemma Salad Camay 22 22:25c Polish STL., Fresh Ground Beef .. 65c Pollock Fillers ** Oil tr 84c £ y Floor Wax """^ «^-.49c Steel Wool £327M. *» 20c Far fta CMKIMMI Mmrf Assorted Cold Cuts »65c Scallops * Floor Wax "•*%-.. - 79c Cot Food "".Tr 8c r 14c Ocean Spray SPIC & SPAN PARSON'S Cranberry limit MM/ AMMONIA fRUflS&Vegetoblcs Sauce *r 13c 25c

* Nw LEMONADE CON C Cantaloupes^ 29c Pepsi Cola 6 && 30 Swttt, meoty, popular size. A treat! BEANS 2T* *•*•• 10-e«. 21c •M !«n• OceaAnn anuudl JU>WMt#yitMonmeuthk Counties, 6 Bottles 37c plus deposit. I liiAC MAMOOK Pardheek Peaches !% »>. 19c LIIVIAd 10-as. packaae Really delicious! Featured at oil Acmes! Farmdale Baby Limas CRISCO Blueberries^: 35c Seabrook Broccoli Spears 137c 3tM Luscious Urge plump berries! Delicious with creom. Seabrook Cut Golden Corn '£? 19c MkMffl HOUSE Ideal Peas '!£20c Birdseye 'i?23c Lettuce^^;; I MI Wfl^ G00KWAR Serve a tasty salad for dinner tonight! Strawberries w^ I*T 39c * * 1121! 29c M Ideal Orange Juice iZ'n ijL. t^" 19c Ivory Soap i-crr. covniD SAf"""* California Pascal Celery •** 19c "reserve fievors* Welch's Grape Juice £m tT23c •no weterlese wey! Home-Grown Beets 2»«*-15c 2 1O Hampshire French Fries % 17c *r 2 "*" 3ic INSIDE

FACTS! ^- . .. mfji*''"'" Ik 0^1

^^L aeWsjSj sffees AM 4fct leweet Ivory Flakes ^L HvRIVMl V^^P WW WI^V H^^VV /^ •» Amtf Father's Day Cake 89c 32c Supreme White Bread tTT 15 15cc Fresh Rolls rSSSt ^

DUZ, OXYDOL BAB-0 Clapp's Clapp's RENUZIT RENUZIT Hunt Club Al-Po Cubed £32c ST 83c CLEANSER Strained Baby Chopped Jr. Spot Remover French Dry DOG FOOD Horse Meat 2^ 25c Foods 5 tT 49c roods 6 *n 89c £29c Cleaner *£' 39c 5^ 71c Dog Food ,234c Watch For The Bis Opening Off Our Beautiful New Acm« Market In Red Bank tC£ OUR SPCCI4J. AOVEMTMCMINT ON OPPOSiTt PAGE u, , •* f NEW MONMOUTH — A feign Ho war* Mount Ely, »r., M, died mass of requiem was offered at late yesterday atttrBMSi at hi* NAY SAILING, tAKINQ Deaths In Rd Bank and Vicinity St. Mary's Catholic church yester- home, 33 South St., after a long ill- day by Rev. Robert Rulman. pas- nets. He waa born in Msjulaaan tor, for Patrick J. Leach. 72, of township, soa erf the late Michael AND PLOWING '. Kevport rd., who die* Saturday at and Coraelia Mount Ely, and had WIU4AM A. MAY been a rcsideat «f Red Bank SI CAIRNS Hilltop nursing home. Middletown. years. Mr. Bly was a retired paint- OJ§TOM WORK DONE Georpe Cairns, 82, of 21 Oak- NEW SHREWSBURY — The A native of Ireland. Mr. I*ach ing contractor who also had been land st., died yesterday morning funeral of William A. Bray, 76, of was a son of «he tete Bernard »nd employed as a clerk by Robert H. at Monmouth Memorial hospital af- 2 Newmaa Spring* id., who diet Winifred Mulligaa Lei>ch. A resi- Hance A Son. Monmouth £t. A trr an illness of a week. A car- last Thurrlay morning, wu held dent here the past 3$ years, he member of the Baptist church, Mr. JOSEPH MORRIS j renter, Mr. Cnirns had lived in Saturday afternoon at the Worded retired ."even yearn ago ai bridge El/. wai married t» the former Rod Bank most of his life. He was funeral home. Stanley gtilwel), lay foreman of the Central Railroad Annie Maude Way. The couple DIGKITY AXD an exempt member of Union Hose leader of the Lincroft chapel, of- of New Jersey after 32 yens' ser- culcbratcd their golden wealing •MOM MD SANK e-tlU-i.l company ani of Relief Engine ficiated. Mm. Ada Woodward sang vice. He was a communicant of anniversary last November. Beside*( company anrl a member of the Ex- "The Old Rugged Cross." St. Marv's church «nd a member his wife he is survived by a son, I BEAUTY . . . Heward Mount Ely, Jr., wk» lives Your Espre+sivn of empt Firemen's association and Burial was in fair View eemp- of the St. Mary's Holy Name so- It is jitiins that the final trib- first, aid squad. He is survived >>y tery. Bearers were Harry Jobes, ciety, members of which recited at Hom<\ John U Cooke, John Williams ani the rosary at his late residence true Remembrance ute hi' imc uf jierfcctiun. a son, Thomas W. Cairns of Bel- The funeral will be held Satur- ford. Gilbert Dahlgren. Tuesday night. day at 2 p. m. at his late heate, N'» other set of a normal K«ry funeral we conduct i« The funeral will be held tomor- Mr. Bray, who had been a real- Surviving are his widow. Mrs. with Rev. W. Clinton Powers, pas- man's life gives him more c>">:iip'?;e . . . n'gardless of th* row nt 2 p. in. at Mount memorial dent here the past 28 years, ij sur- Margaret Mulligan leach; a or of the Baptist church, efllclat- complete sou! eati.= f:ic:inn amount you fpi;nd. home, with Rev. James W. Mar- vived by hi* •wife. Mrs. Margaret daughter, Mrs. Anthonv Horncr of nj. Burial under the direction of than the builcimR of a Mr-m- shall, p-iftor of Embury Methodist Jones Bray, and a sister, Mrs. Jen- New E!?yrit; two sons, John F. he Wordpn funeral home will be in orial to his loved ones who church, little Silver, officiating. r.i» Dahlgren, of 21 Madison avc. Leach of Mlddlctown and Thomns Fair View cemetery. have gone on. Burial will bo In Fair View ceme- J. Leach of Rome. N. Y.: two sif- tery. Firemen will conduct ser- MM. ISABEL «'. COODKU. ters, Mrs. CornelMis Oriffin rf MRS. ANGELICA CF.IXA Our eelect Birre Memorials Brooklyn and Mrs. Thomas Esran bear the Guild m.iri. of ap- John E. Day vices Tit 8 o'clock tonight* MIDDLETOWN — Services will LONG BRANCH—Mrs. Angelica funeral home. be held tomorrow at t ». m. at th« •f Flushing, L. I.; nine grand- Cella, 89, of 77 Second ave., aied proval, your puarantpe of a children, and tv.o hrothern and two finer Memorial at no extra John E. Day funeral home, Red Friday at Monmouth Memorial hos- WIIMAM JOMlAW Bank, for Mrs. Isabel W. Ooodell, •inters livin? in Ireland. cost. Visit our showroom Funeral Home William Mulligan was or- pital after a long illness. and tee our displays of these William Jordan, 63. of 2M Me- 7#, widow ef Wilfred M. Goodell of Mm. Born la lta!y Mrs. Cclla wu • Atlantic Highlands and Eait and soloist «l the requiem Minified memorials. IS Riverside Avenue r^nnio et., d!»d Fridey at Mon- B»arers were Georre Ben- daughter of the-'late Gioachina moulh Memorial hospital. Oranse. She died yesterdat y at tthhe "«•• ^^ ^^ John ^ and Madanna Gori DeGana. Bhe •hone 4-03)2 tad Imli Horn at Berryvillc, Va., Mr. Jor- Ivy nursing home her*. , y had lived in the United State* W Ke)i Red Btnk Camdcn, Mri. Ruth Ayres of Am- ington ave.. after a long illneys. H. LAURENCE SCOTT A. M. K. Z'on church, offlciatlni?. bler, Pa., Mrs. Helen Robertson of He. was born, at NavesinU, f^« of MRH. HUHAN I. rAWCCTT Burial was in White Ridgo ceme- Canton, O, and Mrs. Frances Sim- the late Mr. and Mr?. George I ay EERKELEY, Cal. — Mrs, Susan tery, mons of Garden City, N. V.; 'en ton, and had lived at Atlantic High- Love Fawcett, BS, of 2451 Virginia grandchildren, and 'three frost ards more than 40 years. Mr. Lay- M. din! Saturday while visiting her MORTICIAN JOSEPH I. Tt'RNKR grandchildren. ton woi a. truck driver, ry y Mortonson and Coutts, fi'cd and .-mi, Juliu H. Fajwcett, at hi* hflme, FAIR HAVEN—Joseph 1^. Turn- 2069 Sh;ist.'i id. She was born at MRS. PEARL coal dealers, tnore than 3^ years. Wilmington, N. C, and was the er, 69, diiil Tuesday afternoon nt Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ella Church Street, Helford. N. J. his home, 14S Granee ave., after he IJNCROFT—Mrs. Pearl Nussen- wife cf the late Rev. John O. Faw- feld. who made her home v.ith her Mount Lnyton: n son, Edward I,ay cett, former rector of Christ church, riifforcd a hiart attack last Thurs- ton of Kenny, and a daughter, Mrs. diy. He was born in Odessa, Rtu- daughter, Mrs. Harry Sprung of Middletown. Mi». Fawcett moved Phone Keansburg 64)333 thhii s placel , ddi . d TTuesdad y l Aisle Drinkwatcr of Atlantic High- to Berkeley at her husband's death p'a, son of the htc Leon and Barah lands. Turner, and was a graduate of the n her sleep at the Daughter! ot 3(1 yours 3go. They had lived at Institute of Technology at Munich aeob home, Broni, N. Y., where The funeral was held Monday lie Middletown more than ten year*, he had been a resident four yea is. his late home with Rev. Harry her sun are a and K.irleiuhe where lie received Kraft, pastor of the Central Bap- Surviving •i degree in chemical engineering. Her age is not definitely known, daughter, Mm. Margaret FFawcett t but relatives estimate tho wat 100 church, oftlciatlne. Burial, un- Mr. Turner came to thin country der the direction of the Posten fu Davison of Tarrytown, N, Y., and In l(tf>4 and In 192R became a rhem- ears old, four grandchildren. In tlie past year she came through neral home, was in Bay View cem- | ist of the National Lead company etery, Tim funeral was held Monday at THE FUnERflL HOfllE In thn Brooklyn laboratories •» an attack of pneumonia and an op- All Soul's Episcopal church with ration for a hernia. Bhe was born Rev. Albert Olson, rector, oAclat- | special assistant to the late O. W. n Austria and had been a resident MRS. CHRISTIAN I.%RSK..\ j Thompson, then chief chemist. Jn f this country 65 years. For most liitf, The body wan cremated and 1932 he was transferred to the ti- UNION BEACH—Mrs. Ellen Bur- trie a*hcs will he hurled in Clirlat Of PERSOnm SERVICE f her life she. was a resident of holdi Larsen, 72, died Saturday tanium division as director of le- New York elty. church cemetery, Middletown. senrch. He became technical di- it her home on Front st., af*er < CHARLES H. BARROW rector in 1945 when he assumed Surviving besides Mr*. Sprung short Wrens. She was born in Den- ovor offered. Steel-fromtd for durability, with 3 largo th* co-ordination of the research re three other children, Isaac and mark and came to this country DENTON, Md.—Charles Hick* pocket*, ono with the very oichnitre drop bottom, letd WILLIAM *. ANDERSON laboratory, and the development ulius Nusienfeld and Mrs. Minnie about 1900. Mrs, Larsen had lived Barrow, a former re»ldent of Fair 30*32 Hudson Ave. Red Bank and development engineering de- Rosensfin, all of New York city; In Kearny before moving to Union Haven, died here Monday of last •tifchlnfj, custom-made locks and hardware, and lustrous partments. Mr. Turner retired four grandchildren and two great- Beach more than a year «£o. week following a heart attack. cowhide*, plojtklm, other choice leathers. Assorted colors. from active service as hend of the grandchildren, Surviving am her huabnnd, Chris Ho Is survived by his wife, Mrs. PHONI RED IANK 6-2406 technical department In 1949 and, The funeral wsj held Tuesday af- Ian Larsen; a son, Albert Larsen Lillian Barrow; a son, Oxford Bar- \W • 16" or 14" a 18". fftrto yotr fiMNMrotf until his death, acted as technical ernoon at the funeral home of the >f Plalnfleld; a daughter, Mrs. Vera row Mantisquan, and two daugh Daughter! of Jacob and Interment consultant for the company. ienworthy, with whom she made ers, Maryland WaUton and Norma AM 'as In Mt, Hebron cemetery, Long ler home, and a sister, Mrs. Jo- Butler of Denton. A former resident of Califon, Mr. Island. Turner hn* lived at Fair Haven hanna Peterson, who live* in Den- While livinB in Fair Haven Mr. 17 years. He also had been associ- mark. Barrow was a member of the Fair ated with the Bristol-Myers phar- MRS. ANNA FARWELL The funeral wu held Monday Haven Yacht club. He retired ten ight at the At milage funeral homo years afro from hi* position with the CARROLL'S Established 1865 maceutical firm and WRU K mem- BELFORD Mn, Anna Far- ber of Beacon Hill Country club, well, 87, of Park ave., died SiUur- it Kearny, with Rev. Grorgn Lit- Standard Oil company of New Jer- Leonardo; the American Chemical day afternoon after a long Illness, tle, pastor of the Harrison Baptist sey. OfflCB SUPPLIES society and the Electro-Chemical She was born at Bristol, Pa., a tabernacle, officiating. society. daughter of Mr*. Lillian I. Hill- Rumton AND STATIONIRY The Mount Memorial Home Surviving arc Mi wife, Mrs. Lil- born Watson and the late John E. MRA. WILLIAM MaclNTOSH Rev. Robert P. Murray, eurate RED SANK Watson. She had been a resident 22 MONMOUTH ST. lian M. Turner,' a son, Gilbert V. SPRINGFIELD — Mrs. Mary A. of St. Paul's Catholic church, I Turner of Wilmington, Bel., and a of this place the past IS year* and Princeton, will be the principal Frederic K. Adams, Mgr. daughter, Mrs. Patterson Humph- was a member of St. Agnes guild Reach Macintosh, 7S, of IS Center speaker tonight at commencement Rl 6-5363 rey of Rumson. Another Don, Jos- of St. Clement's Episcopal church. st., died Saturday at Overlook hos- exercises of Holy Cross school. eph Turner, who was a captain in Surviving are her mother, who pital, Summit, after a short III- Lester L. Field, «on of Mr. and the Merchant Marine during World live* on Harding rd., Bed Bank; neas. She. was born on Long Island Mrs. Aim D. Field of Buena Vista FUNERAL DIRECTORS War II. preceded him tn death. her husband, George Farwell, who and was the wife of William Mac- avc, received a bachelor of arts The funeral will be held at 2:30 is employed at the Fair Haven intosh. degree Monday at graduation ex- p. m. today nt Mount memorial Yaeht works; a son, Thomas W. Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh lived ercises at Colgate university, Ham- home with Rev. Georce A. Rob- Cairns, Park ave., this place: a In Newark prior to 1920 when they ilton, N. Y., where he majored in 110 tad Strser Rid Bant, N. J. crtshaw, rector of St. George's by. sister, Mrs. Elsie Balnton, Harding bought a farm on Newman Springs economics. While at Colgate, he the-rlver Episcopal church, Rum- id., Red Bank, and a brother, Har- rd., Middletown township, where was a member of Sigma Nu social son, officiating. Burial will b« in f Watson of Spring St., Red Bank. they lived until five years ago fraternity, president of the Wilder Fair View cemetery. Tho funeral was held Tuesday when they moved to Springfield to society, honor organisation of the afternoon at the Worden funeral make their home with their daugh- Air Force R.O.T.C, the salUOf MRS. ROBKRT D. WOOD home with Rev. Russell A. Smith, ter, Mrs. Alfred Gibson. The cou- club and economics club. reetor of Bt. Clement's church, of- ple celebrated their 62d wedding Midshipman J. F. Bryan. U. 8. Woid lias been received here »f ficiating. Burial was In Fair View anniversary In March. Naval Reserve Officer* training the recent passing of Mrs. Robert cemetery. Mrs. Macintosh was a member corps, of Tennis Court lane and Dixon Wood, grandmother of B«g- of Fidelity court. Order of Ama- a student at Princeton university, For HOME nald 8. Wood of Kings Highway, MRS. AMELIA JANKSKI ranth, of Mlllburn and Bonnie will be one of the 9,000 future Mlddlctown villacre. Mrs, Wood Doon lodge, Daughters of Scotia Navy officers from 52 colleges and celebrated her 101st birthday on WEST KEAN8BURO- Mr*. of Newark. Besides her husband universities who will participate in May 19. 19S1 at her home in east- Amelia Janeskl, 7», died suddenly and her daughter, she Is survived a reserve officers' training cruise IMPROVEMENTS ern West Moreland county, New Monday at her home on Seventh st. by three sons, William Macintosh, thia year. He will receive instruc- Brunswick, Canada, She was born in Germany and had Jr., of Newman Springs rd., tion at the V. 8. Marine corps Our Request Mr. Wood, hU wife and daughter lived in the United State* more David E. Macintosh of Elm pi.. school, Quantico, Va. Barbara, attended the grandmoth- than 40 years. Mrs. 'Janeskl had Red Bank, and Douglas Macintosh Charles Goodell of Rumson Td. er's 100th birthday party on May been a resident of West Keansburg of Point Pleasant; two other will be among those exhibiting Modernise A bereaved family i« naturally 19, 19S0 at which time about 3S five years, after living at Union daughter*, Mri. Charles Morford Toggenhurg goats Saturday, June members of the family were home Beach more than 25 year*. She of Springfield and Mrs. Fred Wid- 23, nt the seventh annual goat show subjected to a considerable amount o celebrate, Including hut father, was the widow of Vincent Jancski. mann of Hillside; a sister, Mrs. at the College of Agriculture at Your Home of emotional strain. They, there* Major E. E. Wood (formerly of the Surviving art two sons, Joseph Mabel Murray of Newark; a bro- Rutgers university. Canadian army) of Thomaston, A. Janeskl of St. Louis, Mo., and her, John Reach of Hillside, seven The emergency generator install- With an FHA fore, need as much rest aa possible, Francis W. Janeskl of Wilmington, grandchildren and five great- ed last year in the borough wai and it i§ for this reason that we Del.; live daughter*, Mrs. Agnes grandchildren. given its first test Sunday when Title 1 Loan! JOHN W. ELLIS Mitchell of Wilmington, Mr*. Mar- The funeral was held Monday power in the borough was shut request those who call, to pay their RUMSON, — A requiem mass cella Decker of West Kcansburg, night at Springfield with Rev. off for several hour*. According to respects at our funeral home, do wa« offered Tuesday morning by Mrs, Anna Bailey of Eugene, Ore,, Bruce W, Evans, pastor of the police, the new generator, which Rev. Richard Ewing In Holy Cross and Mrs, Michaelcna Sagurton and Presbyterian church, officiating. supplies electric current for the so before ten P. M. Catholic church for John W. Ellis, Mri. Mary Zaleek ot Bayonne; IS Burial Tuesday was tn Presby- borough hall lighting system and 48, who died Saturday In Monmouth grandchildren and 12 great-grand- terian cemetery, Springfield. the radio system between police Air Conditioned for Your Comfort Memcrlal hospital, where he had children. headquarters and patrol cars op- been taken the previous Wednes- The funeral waa held this morn- WILLIAM LaM. OJUFFINO erated very satisfactorily. day suffering n heart attack. Rev. ing at St. Ann's Catholic church. The Rumson Woman'* club will John C. Relss assisted in the sanc- Rev. Joseph Blschott, curate, of- K1STPORT-William LaMont hold a dance Saturday night at tuary. fered a requiem mass. Burial under Orifflng, TO, died Monday at hi* the Edgewater Beach hotel at Sea the direction of the Ryan funeral home, 111 Broadway. He was born Ke was born in NDW York, aon at Bayihore, L. I., ion of the late Bright. • of the late William and Mary Jane home waa in St, Joseph's cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith ot Keyport. William S. and Alice McCloy Grlf< Short Ellis. Employepy d the past 42 ling, and had been a resident of Ridge rd. spent Saturday at Hobo- hff f ken, where they attended the wed- years ns chauffeur for Mrs. QeiR MRS. JENNIE LEWIS Keyport 88 year*. Mr. Griffin* was - jrmts «.• BCBtht r. cte Fahncstock of Ridge rd., this a retired fisherman. ding of Mrs. Smith's goddaughter. place, Mr. Ellis hnd lived for many FREEHOLD—Mrs. Jennie Lewis, Surviving are hi* wife, Mr*. At- The Parent-Teacher association unetal home. years in Shrewsbury, He was a 82, of t Conover at,, died Saturday mead Chlpman Grilling; a daugh* of Holy Cross school gave a Com- member of the Royal Arcanum at the home of her daughter, Mrs. tcr, Mrs, Mable Matthew* of Key munion breakfast for member* of •O C.MONT ST. RED BANK N.J. lodge nnd was a member of the Frank McLaughlin, South Amboy. port; a slater, Mrs. Nellie Bkelly of the graduating daw this morning Holy Cross Holy Name society, She was the widow of George R. Baltimore, Md., and two grandchil- at Holy Rosary hall after the 9 PHONE RED BANK 60557 memhers of which recited the. ros- Lewis. dren. o'clock mass at Holy Cross church. ary Monday night at» the William Mrs. Lewis was born in Mana- Mrs. Vincent Canavan was chair- S. Anderson funeral home, Red lapan, daughter of the late Mr. and The funeral will be held at 2 p. man and was assisted by mothers Ot^r7A/r///7/eaKJ-c/D9penddble,bnomical Service Bank m. today at the Bcdle funeral home of seventh grade pupils. Mrs. Patrick McGroiy. She had with Rev. Charles R, Smyth, nastor Surviving are three daughters, been a resident of Freehold most of the Methodiat church, officiating. Mr*, Edith Croft of Ridge rd. No need to postpone those necessary Mlsa Marlon Ellis, at home; Mrs, of her life. Burial will be In Green Grove ceme- spent part of last week visiting her John Attridge of Shrewsbury and Surviving bealdea Mr*. McLaugh- tery. lister, Mrs, Elmer Morrow of Wan- Improvements simply because you lack DISTINCTIVE Mrs. Domlnlck Lepera of Falls lin are another daughter, Mr*. Wil- tagh, L. I. While in Wantagh, Mri. Church, Va.; a son, John V. Ellla liam McLaughlin, and three sons, Croft attended the wedding Bat> the ready cash. An FHA Tide 1 Loan of Rumson, and seven grandchil- Charles R, and Edward M, Lewis, JOHN JOSEPH DUBKIN urday of her niece, Miss Juliet ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS dren. all of this place, and Frederick J. LONG BR'ANCH-John Joseph Morrow to John Bleisehenck. will provide funds up to 92,300.00 for Bearers were George Coudrler !_ ftgD BAXK , 4IVK H. 1051 Baumer to Speak AtCoamieiiccneiit ATLANTIC HIGHLAND**-Wil- LINCflOfT—Mr. ace Mrs. Harry Planning a Feast For Father's Day? liam H. Baumer of th» Joaatoa •prunf •* Uacraft have aaaeuaeea and Johnson company, New Bruns- the cnfaaeaaeat of their aanahUr, wick, will deliver the principal a4- Miss UlUaa lK»M. to Julius Wis- eiress at the kirk eckool eoss- aik, soa *f Mr. eac Mrs- Aha Wis- im A*P tmr C*od Thf»<* to Make had Glad! mencement tfl 33e will b* heara in the »iaa« col*, 'Maiden's Prayer." man's favorite foods ... from tempting Bradley VanBruat, ai(h school appetizers to 82« » kwh Mlft. 74 « Pork Loin8 W1MI« «r e.»W hell fc 53' Claesef 1MI being Monday, July t. Mrs, John Fresh Pork Shoulders shortcut ib. 47c Sirioln Steak >ri««.chaiMri*jM ft.99 e Pork Chop§ H,P »«d »K9uider cut. tt, 43« Duz Members of the class are Janet Bertrand, Mrs. Harry Beverly and Mrs. H. H. Waddell will be host- Fresh Spare Ribs . • • »53c *9f P"P mw»aT|f VMBJ aiisnsW L. Barker, Dorothy A. Behrens, esses. A penny sale netted the Brisket Beef 9**u-imk * 89« Loin Pork Chops comers. H>73« Joan Banning, Vivian M. Bills, auxiliary 14.10. Bacon Squares Sugar cured *39« Gretchen I. Oehlhaus, Carol O. Mrs. Stephen Vailick and Infant Leg or Rump of Veal • *79« Fresh Hants ww.ofe.iwwf H,63« Johnson, Mary R. Johnson, Vivian daughter Susanna Sew to Teiaa I. Lathrop, Join B. Manser, Carey Saturday from Newark airport to Chickens im-i i Prihg-m-m **. ft. 43* Hams nooey^-who). or m** wi ib 65« Fimm Frmah Svmtmm* P. Mortenson, Joan E. Mumford, join Mr. Vaslick who ii In the Air Kay J. Norcross, Marilyn A. Farces. Sutanne wai enrolled la Cod Steaks Ib ».He Scallops . Ib 69« O'Rourke, Marie E, Ovens, Esther the Sky Cradle club of which aha Ducklings i^iJWih^ ft.39« Smoked Pork Butts *+* ib 79« Oxydol I. Peluso, Joan N. Phillips, Orel- is believed to be the youngest mem- Flounder Fillet Ib (>49« Rosemarle Spleer, Janet M. Swee- The ladles' auxiliary of the Capt. ney, Rhoda M, Turner, Olorla O. David A. Walling post, American Verone. Legion, met Thursday night. A V Richard L. Borrock, Timothy E, covered dleh supper will ba held PaelnaW VAIIK C0UATI mmi Brennan, James H. Cavansugh, Thursday evening, June 31, on the Y Ernest Colbert, Stanley P. Foley, lawn of the John Lemon home. In William A. Junghans, Rudolph E. the event of rain, the supper will Bring TOIir raocTit a Kastner, Sterling I. Ksyes, George be held indoors. lasaciaDy far waihinf dJihaa C. Knutson, Anthony Longo, Al- SOAP COUPONS to /UP fred E. Maskrey, Robert W. Me Keyport Mel-O-BiO t Qlvney, Walter H. Mickens, Olvln •w utofm*non Mills, Joseph P. Plgott, John W. A special meeting for cutting aad Jww tt DAIRY MONTH and AlP is celebrating wild tjostns of Jtellly, Karl A. Schloeder, Oeorge sewing articles for the annual ba- Dsiry Values lib A\» msmlow MEL-O-BIT O»ees* A. Schulta, Richard H. VanKIrk, ser will be held Tuesday by the Paul A. Voegell and Robert W«iler. 'Mothers association of Calvary Colgate's Fab • • iar«apka31« Methodist church. The group con- Ivory Soap cluded its regular sessions until Colgate*sVel • . Tulp Fine* Speeders, Sept. 11 -with a eovered-dlsh supper for diihai, laundry or bath One Careleta Driver in the church, attended by Mrs. Harry Roberts, Mrs. Charles R. Fresh Bailer *mM4ifc. br«k 79t Sharp Cheddar ib6J< Ajax Cleanser a a 2 largo cake. 31« R U M S O N-Matistrate Arnold Smyth. Mra. Harold Dor!. Mrs. Al- Tulp Tuesday night lined three mo- bert Arnold, Mrs. Chester Poling, Cottage Cheese IVaakatOM IOX.C«IP17C PrOVOlone Finaitdomeitic Libb^s Corned Beef 12«can 42« torlst* for apeeding and another Mrs. Charles Grey. Mrs. Earls Hu- for careless driving. her, Mra. Wayne Ross, Mrs. Melvln Claridge Lunch Meat i2o«.cen47e For apeeding on Rumson rd. Jones, Mrs. LeRoy Bproul, Mrs. Cream Cheese fed* « *4a 3 oi^tlfc Ched-O-Bit cheeierood Ivory Flakes Olorla Taylor of 11 New at., Sea Willard Johnson, Mrs. Joseph Win- Prem or Redi Meat 12 °«c*n 48<= Bright, was fined 110 and |2 coats ter. Mrs. Herbert F. Brown, Mrs. Fresh Cream K pint cont. 36c Velveeta Hlb.okg.32c For diihei and fino fabrics of court. David Lawrence of Have- Helen Heather, Mrs. Dorothy La- e sink River rd,, Locust Point, was Beef SteW Armour or Stshl-Meytr M ox. cen 47 Tourtette and Mrs. Joseph Merln. Milk ftlMg.«.ceiir.25e Rtf,otco*24e large pkg 32c fined |13 and 14 costs for speed- sky. Cheese Spread or25« ON THE OCEAN COVERED OMNDSTAND •torts only. LONG IMNCH 121 MONMOUTH ST., AT PEARL ST. STATE HIGHWAY NO. 36 AT MAIN ST. One Kite Only! RID RaANK KEANSBURG PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 1 CHajajw ajr WOK ejwajyt no PrMMiPv* Moi* 3 CUANUNIM - MM* Mritafy. poc!i«d I tMpS OQOOOfl FRIENOLY-PIfcSOl 4 CUTS AND AMOUNTI - MMr iotfPOC MSoS I! i VtMMUTr -CMIN«M 1i, i m pncv ono WOOJIIM Wflftj RED BANK & LITTLE SILVER ATMARANCI - UCi g«ed, l««h»

eit> For values you can^ afford to miss see our ad on the following page RED BAXK REMOTER, fl'SE tl. 1951 Pan Kit* /uutetnwJhtk... so WB'RI aumsnmmn A IKUE VOV* rmtNDU-PMSOMAl $ T 0 « t UHII

01. JUICE PINEAPPLE 46 ei. Con ftco. AW*11*




IVORY SOAP COUPON 2 Large and 2 Medium and 2 Personal size 9 Ib. Can With Coupon 2 largt 2 Btttlti of JOY pkgs. •or 54 WITH COUPON With Ctoptn BEAUTIFUL WITH C Open 69'

^a^ ^^ » ^^ ^^r BUTTER WITH Butter Shoppingfc Inspectio n 73' Right from the heart of th< frtat butttr-mtking iut«i of Wisconsin and Minntsott comet the finest«»93AA score-iwett 5T0RI cream butter. This it picked under fhe'name and recom- mendation of DAVIDSON'S. With your of 1 tb. of You'll find it rid and crtimy in flavor, firm and $m*tt> in temvre. Unascelle4 in purity. Full of health lxindingViramins. D«vidaon Fancy It'i really "Ao Advtmure In'Good Eating". 9 o™Lk «•> BANK SILVER 7m Service League Presentation of Valor Award to J.C.P.AI- SNYDER & CO Closes Year

INSUR A NCF With Luncheon SMMMMT Aetiviiiea

A V V H A I ', A L Issrlaialr Part*/ far Paky Clinic June 29 SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS—The annual June luncheon of the Jun- ior Service league of Red Bank FINANONC AMUNCEO as held Tuesday at Beau Rivage. WHOLESAUS Mra. Thomas S. Beers and Mrs. Thomas Dean were chairmen. Mra. Francis W. Taylor presided, ad reported that the past year haa RAY O'NEILL SUPPLY CO. been successful. Mrs. Owen Oib- Bit GRADUATION— *fajw aon, welfare chairman, said the league haa given a new sand box BIRTHDAY- ggg to the Children's shelter at free- hold, and that throughout the ANNIVERSARY?. .j^JgM summer they will assist at picnics a o a a a imri 9 id ether outdoor activities at the Mate hospital, Marlboro. i? June 2t the league will eponsor toy Consrotulatiens With ^fp^i •lay day for the children attend- ttoutiful Ho*«ri From—Dean*. 1** j ing the cerebral palsy clinic in the ill Oeraldine L. Thompson building. Tws parties will be held en that day, the party far the younger Specif,} Tkii Wttk £ children at the Thompson building, and for the older children at the The CleiMfo L MeHfcsw. Veler award ef th. W«en Beetris Imtitute ... shered by II em. Box of Delphinium A Rotci $l.ft Red Bank Community "T." •leyesi ef the Jersey Cerrfwl rW ft tight eemp«ny "far «Wi«* te public semee." * the Scwtft Mrs. William Scott reported the Ambey HHMitieM *fMm Mey It. 1*10. fear* Whilwall, vice eresieW ef the MriledelpMe league's special bulletin on the RH negative Mood factor has been Electric cempeny end dielrmeii ef the iMtitote pris* awtr* committee, (ttcend ffe» left) is tbeon compiled containing questions and pretenting e scrd te I. H. Wener, president ef Jersey Central Fewer ft Light cempeny, (third frem Dear Shopper; answers on the subject, and has Itft.t OtWi peHtcipetirrt. el J.C.F1L empleyee. en duty •• the pewer stetien the night ef the > been distributed In doctor's offices -The Best Bet we know of, for the opening of Monmouth throughout the county. She also fatal eipfesieii. (left te right) John L Cesey. SeyreviHes Alfred lelmen, Keypert, end Arthur V*4*. Park on Saturday, is a Sacony palm Beach Suit. Nothing said that the offlrlals of the La- Vole laboratories were having sev. hilt, Oiffweed leech. • looks as smart or stays as crisp while you're rushing front eral hundred copies made of the your seat to the paddock, to the windows and vice versa. You will look as neat as • pin aftsr the races (win or lose) bulletin far distribution in offices Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farley of niHVvWvvfVM and public plnccs* Kfainburj Shark River manor spent Friday right through dinner and Hie evening. 0c#taaeit Awmta UtHa Wvar Following the program a fash- and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. 3. Kirchner wae fueat Rev. nftstell Smith, new Vicar of Here's a long-odds TIP. Have a dosen, or snore, Fancy ion show wtis given by Billot St. Mark's Episcopal church, ad- William Krueger. Mrs. Farley gave of honor at a birthday dinner Bun- Tal.1.1. sVlUI Charles of New York city. Mr dressed the last meeting of the clothing demonstration Friday day at her home on Fiik at. Oee- Formal* for you to ehoose from for only I1M0. Borne of Billot Lawes of Shrewsbury, Pariah House club and was also evening at the home of her par-oratlom were in pink and blue them Ran aa high as 110.00. league member, is a part owner Klven a welcome at a covered dish ents. Guests were Mrs. Hannah and a large birthday cake was In the shop. League members mod- supper held last week at the Fulli-?, Mrs. Margaret Ogden, Mrs. centerpiece" on the table. Guests Here's our Consensus of Opinion for our Daily Double— eling clothes from the shop were V.F.W. hall. Muriel -Ferrari, Mrs. Thelma Cul- at the dinner were Mr. and Mra. Sacony Ciella Play Suits. The play suit may toe uaed for Mrs. Bernard White, Mrs. Charles lem, Mrs. Marie Frnke, Mrs, Etlirl Kirchner's aon and daughter-in- Edelman, Mrs. Raymond Moore. Mias Catherine Vattlne and tlisa Davis, Mrs. J«nnnetts Tlofher, law, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kirelmer, Tennia, Hinting and tfca Reach—Double up with a matching Mrs. Whitney Munson and MrsAmeli. a Sauce of New Turk spent Mrs. Gertrude Dalley, Mrs. Samuel and their children, April and Rob- skirt for Motoring, Shopping and jes' Walking. Good Luck. Lawes. the week-end with Mr. and Mr*Rei. d and Mrs. Alex. Krtieger. ert, of Sea Bright; Mr. and Mra. Stephen Knohle. William Dayton The show opened with a specia Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enclemann Kdward Hopf and their son, Ed- We'll be Registering ae*t week, of Newark, who is stationed in ward, of Irvington, and Mr. and •umber by the "Thrift Shop Trio,' Texas with the V. 8. Navy, wa«and family are spending the sum- composed of Mrs. Robert Robert mer at Congamond Ltike, South- Mrs. Thomas Niel of Jersey City. a guest Monday at the homi of Mr. and Mrs. Niel are spending son, Mrs, Douglas Hoyt and Mrs,Mr. and Mrs. Knoble. wick, Maas. Robert Maida. The worda to their Mrs. Walter Wetjcn entertained the summer in one of the Kirch- song were written by Mra. James William Wilson, who haa been the social group la*t night at a ner bungalows. R. Clarke, Jr. and told of thestationed at Pensacola, Fla., visit- ed hla parents fur ten daya. He card party. Mrs. Eva Marker was hoateea itema needed for the Thrift shop Mra. Emily Kriftfer entertained to membera of the annlvcraary whleh la located on Shrewsbury has been transferred to Lakthurst Naval atatlon. the CIA. group of Ideal Beach dinner committee of the Ladles' ave., Red Bank. Mrs. William D. Tuesday. auxiliary of the Veterans of For- Sayre provided a background ol Mrs. Benjamin Andreach and Commander Bach." and Adjutant eign Wars Tuesday at her home, piano music for the fashion show, daughter June attended the wed-Brcnnan of the V.V.W. post wuie 62 Scadrltt ave. Committee mem- and Mra. Dean was the commen< dlmr Saturday of Miss Myrna Lee truest speakers at the Ladies' aux- bers who attended were Mra. Edith tator. McKenna and Thomas Jennings at the Sacred Heart church of iliary meeting of the V.F.W. last Mooney, Mrs. Ella Henneaaey, Mra. Vailshurg. The reception was held Thursday evening. Tomorrow the Christina Yelngst, Mra. Isabella Sea Bright at the Suburban hotel, East group will hold a merchandise and Mapes, Mrs. Anna Brush, Mrs. Orange Mr. and Mrs. Frank cake sale at Cliff's auction, Key- Emma Roemmele and Mrs. Irene There will be a rummage aale at Kershbaumer and daughter alao port. Mrs. V. Aalbue and Mrs. Shir- Onkes. the Methodist church tomorrow and attended. ley Sachs are chairlidics, assisted Mrs. Edna Hutchlnson was host- Saturday between 19 a. m. and » by Mra. Helen Moran. Plans were ess to members of "Our Club" yes- Mr. and Mra. William Place, 8r, also made for a card party t he •. m. for the benefit of the newof Long Island are spending sev- 0 terday afternoon at her home on iunday-ichool rooms being e held June 25 at the V.F.W. hall. Ocean ave. At the meeting ef the GIFTS FOR eral weeks at their summer home There will be prizes and refresh- strutted In the church. on Pinevlew ave. club Wednesday afternoon of last Mr. and Mn. John Hogan of ments. Mrs. Helen Thackn U chair- week, Mrs. Elisabeth Watts was Twenty-five membera from East lady. A block party will be spon- hostess at the home of Mrs. Harold Church at. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kesnshurg, Keansburg and Key- Lewie Polane at the Cascade* Inn, sored by the auxiliary and post in Oakes on Beach blvd. where Mrs. port visited the pottery factory and July. The auxiliary members areOtto Reut's birthday was celebrat- DAD Healing Springs, Va. Stangl'a glasa bouse in Fleming- making two nfghans to be donated ed. Mrs. Reut received cards from Bloomfleld Hampton of Church tan and had luncheon at Dorri'a to the veterans' hospital. After the club members and a gift and cake it. has returned to Monmouth Me- restaurant last Wednesday. The meeting games wore played and from her secret pal. Others who THAT ARE morial hospital, where he is a med- trip was sponsored by the Luth- refreshments were served. Mrs. attended last week's meeting were ical patient. eran Ladies' society of Keyport. Helen Moran was hostess for theMrs. Rita Bissett, Mrs. Robert Ma- The W. S. C. 8. of the Methodlat Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy evening. There will lie another chetle and Mra. Hutchlnson. ehurch will meet next Thursday entertained Mr». Henry Murphy meeting next Thursday. alght at • o'clock at the church. Miss Mildred Zinn, an instructor and daughter of New Tork over Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerchbaum- VALUES TOO! Mn. Charles VanDoeren and In German at Bloomfleld high the week-end. er attended a golng-nway party daughter, Gail, of Center at., left Mra. Emily Hamilton and sona school, was a week-end guest of Monday for Tuba, Okla., where Monday for Otto Thelan of New- Fred and Cpl. Walter Hamilton ark who la joining the navy. Mr. and Mra. Robert MachetU at they will spend several week* vis. apent two daya last week in Coney their home on Ocean ave. Five Foot Iting friends and relative*. Island. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Brien of Mr. and Mra. John Lees and Travis Thomas and hla slater, Walter Bunch of Newark apent New Tork and Virginia are spend- their daughter, Margaret, were Mlai Barbara Thomas, of Center at. the week-end with Mra. Hamilton ing the aummer at their cottage on week-end guests of Mr. and Mra. •peat Saturday at Newark with and family and Mr, and Mra. C. J.Bayview ave. Peter Lees of Central ave. STEP LADDER friend*. Mra. Mae Wyman, who haa been Huhn of Union apent Monday and a patient, at Medical Center, Jer- Proceeds of the household dem- Mr. and Mra. Benedict RoMbach Tuesday of this week here. onstration to be held tonight at 8 and children of Dock at. spent Bun- sey City, is recuperating at her Jack Lenehan, son of Mr. andhome. o'clock by Mrs. Minnie Doyle at 49 day at Irvlngton visiting Mr. andMrs. Lenehan of Forrest ave., who her home, 1 New St., Sea Bright, 4.95 Mra. Roaabach's son-in-law and has been attending .the University Mr. and Mrs. John Holobinko daughter, Mr. and Mra. Edward apent Monday in Philadelphia. will be contributed to the building 3 of Miami, haa returned home for fund of the Ladles' auxiliary of Roasbach. the aummer. Mrs. Delores Franz of Hudson ave., East Keansburg, was award- the V.F.W. Mrs. Doyle la a mem- The public school will cloae to- Mra. Louis Egnatovich entertain- ber of fhe auxiliary. . morrow at noon for the aummer. ed a wrist watch by the Wilbur 100% Pure Bristle Print Brush ed members of the Birthday dub J. Price post 273. The post held Mr. and Mra. William Hartsf rove Jack Lacey of the local school Tuesday. Mrs. Helen Rosata was social meeting last week. of Miller st. are parents of a aon participated In a marble tourna- a guest. The members exchanged born Saturday at Monmouth Me- Foidiii^™ ment Friday at Long Branch, gifts. The H. Lawrence Scott Ladies' Bowling team attended the radio morial hospital. where he wu awarded a medal for Mr. and Mrs. William Cody of Mrs. Robert Cooney of Miller winning the Sea Bright champion- show, "Break the Bank" and "Date Bayonne visited their daughter, In Manhattan" TV show, in which st. Is a patient at Monmouth Me- ship. He and Mn. Helen Sawyer, Mrs. Jerome Knoble, Saturday. morial hospital where she is under Uvm Chair school principal, who accompanle one of the members was called Benjamin Andnach Is among upon to demonstrate bowline. In observation of complications of an Steel Fi him, had dinner at the Weat End those graduating from St. James manor. the evening they attended the Mu operation undergone In April high school Sunday. ale Hall and Rainbow at Rockefel- Mr. and Mn. Herbert Haiuford Mrs. Sadie Lope and Fred Lope ler Center and visited Iceland res- of New York city are at their aum- of the Bronx, N. T., spent Sunday taurant. Those making the trip River Plata •eg. mer home on Imbrle pi. .with Mr. and Mrs. John Hauck. were Mra. Ruth Kruegcr, Mrs. I Mra. Walter Ryan and daughter Mr. and Mra. Joseph Wlldanger MS Thi rotd to better and bister hull- Evelyn Bennett, Mrs. Dorothy of Nutswamp rd. entertained at a | visited her mother in New Tork Johnaon, Mra. Lillian Wolf, mem- mi advertlie In Th« Refliter regularly. city over the week-end. reception Saturday afternoon after —Advertliement. bers of the team, and Mrs. Mar-the wedding of his brother, Arthur garet Ogden and Mrs. Anna Bowne, Vftldanger of Poster st. who substituted for two other members. Charles Meeker of Applegata at. returned from his studies at Bowling Orcen State university. O., KANYALL PICNIC BOX SpeeM |Q 2| 'MAR DAD' ASSMTMINT NOTICE June 5. ( Take nolle* that Robert I, Cook, Jr., T/A Bob Cook'i, h«. applied to the Miss Dolores Bearlea, daufhtar Mayor and Council of Red Bank Sor- of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood tearlea of oush (or • Plenary Retail Coniumiitlon Orchard rd., haa returned from 18" Excello Power Mower Mcentc (or pr«mlaes Hltuatcd til 3H 8hrew>hury Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. the College of New Rochelle, N. Objection, it nny, ahould be made im Y., where she haa completed her mediately In wrltlns to Amy E. Shinn, sophomore year. Miss Searles will 18" Worcester Mauler Borough Clerk of Red Bank Borough. be the assistant director at the (Witned(Wdl l Hand Mower .Shop I3.AS. ROBERT L. COOK. JR. day camp this summer. for the'best Deluxe Outdoor Charcoal Grill CALL NOW POR • Other Grills from 2.25 • financing MMIMIIft ELECTRIC FATHITS DAY plan when HEDGE CLIPPERS JUNI 17th «a.oo TV you buy WE ARE > OTHER GIFT IDEAS* OPEN REPAIRS hit why Itt D*aj dreamt Gfr» Mm a box on hft bra a new oar TILL 10 f. M. Atw Scrvica On AJ Other M.k« • VIBRATING SANDER 1MB day. Per MMM fine candim arc MM only candles mad* with Fanny Farmer's special home-like care and recipes, • SPRAY GUN BejeaUM your TV Mt can lut that's net alL Fanny Farmer uses only the finest foods • COMPRESSOR TYPE ...crisp nutmeats...choicest fruits...real fresh craam... lo counfry.freih eggs... pure creamery butter and top-quality By all means investigate • DRILL KITS 21.96 42.40 vanilla, milk, and bittersweet chocolate. That's why Famy • >artabla a'/," . Cute M 2'/.". Ato, 42.84 Farmer Candies or* always such a welcome gift. our low-cost auto loan CONrCAL-y-HAMf ' ELECTRIC SAW * MAK OlHM miW. Regular prlcai: Mb. $1.10, Mb* $2.00. Add plan. You may aave money. 2» for ceit of maHlno the (kit I -Ib. ben, BIUI » for eSch oddHtenal Antinnit Repaired and Iniralad • 6" SKIL SAW • Camplata with C«ta pound going to the tome addrm Chtck or money order* only. 5ECDND NATIONAL By Our Own Faetorjr-Tralned TeefcnleUwit Deltorri locally by Wtittrn Union (or ell|kt tatra chars*. BP1NK &.TRUSTCQ ATONTOW oi».TiMi\ fannyjannu JhtomakTWim&h CAMDIIS KADIO 6t TELEVISION Jacobs Hardware Co. 17 19 MAIN STREFT iAIONIOWN N Red Bank*$ Quality-Value Store •HOI'S CONVtNltNXLY LOCATED THKOUQH0UT GREATfU NEW YORK Phone Eatontown \-O4OO BERGEN PLACE & SHREWSBURY AVE. OPEN FRIDAY EVES. I:M io lit* RED BANK 6*3654 FREE DELIVERY nmmm, u, I«H Ccttntafc Ha/I. I JOHN DANMU MWTI SHO#». Prises Awsnltd Gets Uatrll Orprve Mrs. Walter Smale entertained 1 the Crescent club last Thursday OOVKTKX CLUB ESTATES — evening at her home. A shnrt moot- At Croydoa Hill Gertrude Louise Wagner, ing was held at which Mrs. James Th€PASSWOROfof FATHERS DAY L»fOW>HPO WUnUm MtuwU* daughter of Dr. and Mr*. George Neidinj;er «'a« awarJed a ptiif of Bofota, Colattivit, roccived • Wagner of this place, graduated I Kclre.«h:nents wri seived by the goW ejat««l «V4M««tl ky ttM NgAioti- thia week from Lasel! Junior col-1 hostess and >t w;is announced trnt «U eWctMr t OatonUl OtxttrkUrt of lege, Auburndaie. ila.-s., with an ;,i covered dish supper would be And Trade-ins Wa«kta(t«a, p. C, »t «IM fati aeociate in science di^rcr. She; held at the next meeting at 'he cnfttir—enjt nerciewo BtteM eerved at ctiaiiman ul the building home of Mrs. James H. Ward. At- ESQIIRE ROSE PAJAMAS •c Cnr«it> Han innlewiy wh«a fund in her senior house, and re- tending were Miss Vera Tombleson. f UMI Aetra. AaOrt* O. Bttti«ra, Cfived athletic awards in baseball Mr«. F.lmer A. Bahrcnburjr. Mrs. up UtUf (rat.) t>Uvor«4 U* •rietcipal icer. Ward. Mrs. Frank McCleaster, Mrs. Joseph R. Peseux, Mrs. Roelif H. VanHeusen •E5 T m. Tk* award) waa ma«l« far aa 11> LeRot, Mrs. J. Cailton Cherry, Mrs. atjr o* a patriatia wbjact. CtrtMi- Elwood I. Monahan. Mrs. Theodore A FM $1*M shirts, sport shirts t t* ta Nakia O. Bailey, Miss Stella Bailey, Mrs. Neidinger, Mrs. Joseph I. I^ehan. HANDKERCHIEFS Buy Now! •rkjat, Jaata* Nteaatra, Tfcoaast Mrs. Roland Emmons. Mrs. Cyrus " * H«s, pajamas A. Pagataaa. Minti MUMS, Mich- Ross, Mrs. Wayne B. Darland and ael Parker, Daaltl AaaraUa an4 Eveline Snialc. j ChrietaatMr Caitiaa. Othtr pr wiaatrf iMlueta. W. iaawa Ellla, Mrs. Frank P. Sproul is visiting j C Alfroaa C»kM41Ua aa« Sir. Aadrct- her son-in-hiw and daughter, Sgt. ta, naaala tar McaHaaca in awtlM- and Mrs. Raymond E. Batters of HINDKERCWEFS ucs 55 matka; Ckwlaa Maata, Mr. Catsa- Albany, Ga. Stic made the trip by New, Low- plane. diUa, Mr. MtwaB aa4 Mr. Colliat, Tropical arts) Gabardine . CTMM Resistant. (•Mtla tar Brat haaan la (hair Mrs. William Beam an< E Llttl. Stiver; Da»l4 B. Hell, Botith Ci.CI. Sewing club attended by Mrs. <; M A ;N s IA1ONIUWN N J Bend, Ia4.; Faaarie* Maaotai, Bo- It t gradUat* of Mlddktov.n town ahla high achool. James C. (llenn, Mrs. Theodore G. gota, Colombia; Joteah F. Nieaa- Bailey, Mrs. William Uistadt, Mrs. tro, AtlMtie Highltaa*; JOMBU D. Roland Emmons, Mra. James Nclri- Norton, Wilton, Conn., and Robert Cult** Neck Inger, Mrs. Cyriu Ros», Mrs. Hen- a BwaaiMy, Brooklyn, N. Y. drick L. Bennett, Mrs. Mlllc HUK- Alto Nylon and PlaieV Certlfleataa far the tatiofaetary OfflC'lt were elocted hy the son and Mrs. Frank McCIeaster. eoaalatlo* *f UM *lghth graaa Ladtea' auxiliary of the Atlnniir Dunn, Jr., has complet- were awarded ta: townahip flre> company ul the lust ed his junior year in Muhlenburc 8lM*on Ctrru, My port; W. meeting held at Mr,;. Jni.n III]. ;,* cullPBe, Aiichtown, Pa., and Is MARKC YOU MANS, IWMT ft «racMr «ff Jamia BIHt, N«***iak; John Hart, hem*. Mrt. Charles Oiinc asuist'd j home for the summer vacation. UttU Silver; Jaaaph Bloveai, JTcw th* hoeteia and sPrvod refresh- Nancy and Tommy Shown, chil- *** Robes Moameuth; Manutl Balc*4a. Um: ment* foMoeYing the litisincsM si>s- dren of Mr. and Mrs. George Shown, Peru; Unit DrC*rbo, Roeedal*. U alon. A picnic Is plannod (or nmni- lleille rd., underwent tonsil opera- ALL-STAR ATHLETES LEAGUE, Day Camp for b«r«, thoir huKhnnris ,-ind childrrn NeGHKGOH I.KISI KK I,; Hanry Riath, Atlaatk High- Aug. B. A covered diMi nnd hnt tions this week at llaz.ud hospital. beys ages 7 • 14 ytars landi, ud Alfraa T*n«, Braaklya, dflf roat.t will h" fraltirrs. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McClcas- N. T. Martha • Dfrh"t was elected pieni- ter, Mrs. Frank McCleaster and SHORE ATHLETES LEAGUE, Day Comp for alder Tht HaaemaaUr'* aware* tn th* •>*)(, Mra. Charles Trine vice r>tr.*- Buddy spent the week-end with 00 uaper and lawar aebMl* war* pr#- H»Bt, Mn. John niley rerotrtltiK relatives nt. Middletown, P». Mrs. flr(fO0o*7« 14 years aentea to Mr. aright ana Mr. Tans. aecretary. Mrs. Kdw.itd niley treiw- Sophia Stutg returned home with Jackets Manor roll carttfleaU* were pra- urer anil Mra. Theodore Babzln n- them fur a visit with her daugh- . . 15 NIC* Van Gab aenU« ta: ter, Mrs. McCleastcr and family. EDUCATIONAL KAY CENTER, Day Comp Unit* nanetal secretary. Meetinex hive lealMniine Louie Park*, Wlnetan rark*. been cancelled for the balance nf Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hharstrnm AN Colon. Sim 14-44. Sport Shirt for boyt 5 and 6, girls 5 and 6 years and . Mlckaal Knagge, Halm Waleh, the summer. Mm. i,c.«ter Kichons and family have moved from Tele- Many colors. John Heeee, PetiaM Uiker, Elea- will he hontes*, nutated hv Mr.". Biaph Hill rd. to Montvnle. TCUfMfy WOftip William Mile" nt the first full mcet- BEAU BRUMMKL ^k mgk ' OmiiJetelv washable. aar Santiago, Howard Perry, Oon- Rutli Neighbors and Marie Ttei- t - $e.fs ****on. were Mis. Marlon Conover, 00 fred] Teno, W. Jamea Bill*, Noble Cloverleaf Girl Scout troop SS Bright, Alfreds Cakidilla, Caarleg Mr*. Benjamin nichnrds, Mrs. Ed- and Brownie tioop 18 discontinued •• Look what's in etoie for Heaee, Chrletopher Calllu and) ward iWylle, Mr». Harry SaRotaky. their meetings in the fire house Mr*. Arnold Conover, Mrs. Hnrul'd S Ties I Dad (with your able aetiet* Osaitl Andretta. for the summer months. Otllther, Mr*. Frnnklin r»ncher, Frotttd with Nylon, WstrwU*. CAMP OPENING DATE Mr*. Charin* Barth nnd Mrs. George ancc,of course!) Ju»t choose UKEB TUB HOUPITAI. Decker. 9x12 IIUCS hit favorite colors—HO W £1* Revwff via ivHO VATL HOMU - Practically a Kathjr, dati)rht»


w«i9h» shirts with tha coo) feel of lift. OFFICE COOLERS Cad DMI 7-2f S2 FLOOR MOD&

Air Weave Shirts 2*UP White, Half and Long Sleeve*. Tkt following tueinair wat prepared from report of audit for the c«1«n air year l»5i) ti submitted ky Blaer O. fteveat C.P.A. Regitterea Mualelce.1 Accounting and It kinky puUiiae* ai reeuired bbyy K.9. 40:4-2. The tudlt report It *a SU la tke of tktket Cltrk. ud MI k. taipettea CLEARANCE during buiineu houri ky ear lateretUd WRINKLE RESISTANT b AYEB8. Clerk. Borough of Little Silver. COMBINED COMPABATIVB BALANCB SHEET Dec. II DecM. II WritingDtsk Cobintt l»»0 m» CM|, „...._...... „...„-». -...I 80.7fl.»» 70.Ml.tZ U. S."Coverriiiieiit"kon'dt _—.- — —• 12,400.00 11,400.00 (Hfort Styk# Utility T.xeInvestmenti recel»«bls e ~ - - — - 3••'•?•?».25».94 l » 7.0U.41 Tan title and minnnt Him «...- ' ' ''J 12.410.;; Property Kculred b» tax tltl« llea liquidation _. 8.000.00 2,218.14 NORTHCORD Aecounti receivable -••• 401.40 8,000.00 D»ferred th»rc*i to iuecetdlng fear't revenue! 1,000.00 Total Ainti 1.584.J8 LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND SURPLUS ...... KraaatHaa* full slas K«n- Appropriation nwrni ~ - I «,05J.8t S S.»4.S Account! payable and othtr llakllltltt ~~. 3,»5S.«S I.I1I.T5 aora aawlng head In aariy Statutory and ipecial fendi 1.744.20 7.45I.M American atyle maple flnlih Total llabllltlet I 18.7SJ.2I I 1*,82«.T» cabinet, doublet a* handaom* Renervei for certain aiMti reeei/able - tt.OM.fts 19.S84.12 writing daak. Removable Surplu „__._.„.. . 83,116.21 74.2IS.IS wood rtok for atatlonery. Total Liabilities Reiemt and Surplut 1123.965.97 1114,447.!J Modera head mn forward, SUITS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OT OPERATIONS AND SURPLUS backward. Automatic bobbin REVENUES 1950 1941 SurplUh revenue appropriated f ft.SOO.00 f wiadar, 4-polnt poaltlva ftad. Current revenue (Cash bailt) .....»....„..._._. 195,780.1« 189,4»9.40 Irown crinkle flnUh! Total revenue » I205.28O.U tl89.499.40 EXPENDITURES .50 Approprlationi-budfftt and entrgtney ...... I H.551.08 * 48,247.40 Local lehool tax ...... 85,7»r,.5O ••.ii.lS $ County tax .'. _ . 42.S44.14 40.1*4.12 Over-expenditure of appropriation rcatrvt I4.S8 Total expenditure ...... im,7u.72 ins.sta.oi 25 SURPLUS from operation - ...... I 18.5*5.44 S 14,317.65 ADD: Unexpended balance! of prior ytar'i 1,103.20 702.85 Just the Suit for hot weather. Completely appropriation! 901,10 lOS.St Inttrfunda returned SS.14 «« Mort Swing Llakllltitt cancelled Amount Added to aurplui revenue „ I 17.414,88 I 1S.141.>S washable. Color fast • all sizes. Add: Deferred charge! In above expenditure* (Incurred currently) : ...... 1,000.00 1,814.Jl plMMira With I 18.4M.S8 t l«,«l«.!i SURPLUS REVENUE •Kmmer* D«lux« HALANCK—January I , »..«. I 74.2S9.I9 S S7.41I.1C Sub-total. ; 20-Year Guarantes Leaf, appropriated In current klidgtt WHEN IN DOUBT BALANCB—December II ,..„ --..„- BSCOMMENDATIONS Not only a dependable sew- Repeated from prevlaui audlte. That iloa llcemt fund! ke turned over to tke Municipality tnd State promptly ing machine but also a mod- RI required by statute. QIVE DAD 1050 Reeommendgtlonit ern functional desk, correct That depoilti ke made promptly ky the Magistrate. for any room. Attractive That remlllaneea of flnei and ceiti ke made te tht Municipality tnd County on or before the 10th of the month at naulred. walnut finish. Streamlined That a eaia book, at required ky the Admlnlttrativt Director of Court! kt • Installed. rotary head aews forward, A QIFT CERTIFICATE backward. 4-point poaltive I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have examined the book, and record! of the BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY feed, automatic bobbin wind- for Inu year ended Deeember II, itSI), that tke txtmlnntlon v/ae made In ««. enrilnnce with generally accepted auditing itandardi applicable under the elrcum. er. Does all home atwlng Never An Alteration Charge Use Our Lav*Awav Plan aiiiiici!»,.and In Hocordanee with the requirement! of the IMvlilon of Local Oov. jobg eatlly! cinmuit of the Department of the Treaiuty, nUJRTHER CERTIFY that I have reporttd or commented upon "any error, nnla.ilofajlrregularlty, violation or law, dlieripancy or other nnn-eonformlty to 'he law^found during tht tonne of tkt examinationi and where detailed audit iir nny acoeuntt or trantaetloni wet not made, I hive by examination or teit, intuited myletf at to the accuracy of the work or the responsible olflclalu and ve t 1 ln ll l All Othtr H—t Motfol Sowing Mac hints Also R«duc«d John Daniels Men's Shop "" i *MfKL /!.")S!!«J, !yfl t " "L ""L »,•" •».»PProprl*tii comment. I rUHIHttR (JERTIFY that the haltnee iheets and leveral Biiiipnrtlriif state* mrnts present ,a true itatiment nf the financial position nf the municipality fur thr flical year.under audit and In my opinion constitute » prnpir rfiiort on the 36 WHITE ST. RED BANK JUST OFF BROAD ST. iiuillt of thr acrouiiH ai determined from the hnnln anil rernrili submitted lo me lunplrmcnKCbr pinontl inaulry tnd Inviitlvatlon. OPEN DAILY 9 5:30. FRI. 'TIL 9:00. KLMER O. STEVENS, SEARS 23 MOYMOITH ST. (Open Friday Till 9 P. M.) KKD BANK B, M. A. No, 141, • im tvunr wmmmuwnm u.%m ry Paraaaa and Mn. Williaa. Malta were hoateaaee. T«ka astiea taat L*«i* •««k« *_Hj Tea* a«*iea tkat Maey fc kUsa**. Marilyn sppl:W u tkm Haiw *u4 Owcil mt Bad r/tlnlli Terera. kaa aaaTlia/ u President Hum Mis* Ruth Button of Ocean Grove Bank Borwa-a (or a Oi.trikutio. ti, tae alarar |M CHM^"iaa. Board Members Mra. Jaba J. Johaaea of Waehaw- wood farm. mtii\m\»]f in writiaa to Amt >. taiaa, KrtT ttMt/ MB (11.1eee» ^tVyftagaaS. KEANSBURO — Hn Williaat kea av*. aaaauac* th* eagageairat Boroufli Cl.rk of it* Bask aW»a«a. i KrW 1 ef their daughter, Mi*> Marilyn aULiaeJI. avaca *c laaa. ofCa' M Sni ig«r, president, named ataading M d *%t Oilto to delie taaaaad) Johasea, U Walter Meriaaky, aon Although it owns only eight per 12 •( Iftutt committee chairmen and executive flit of the world'* commercial for- lit* board aaembere at a waeioa af th« «( Mr. and Mra. Juliua Meriaaky ef Plarcaee ave, Keypert. it area, the United State* producea T*ke aetica taat Bale* BikaftaU Ml a Sm—i. Keansburg Parent-Teacher aaaocia- M per cont of the world's lumber, •vailed ta tea Nar** aid Ceewil ef taa INI tion Uat Thuradsy at Francte Place tto aeatiaa bt per cent of it* plywood and 43 •orouak af Little Iil»er let H—err Ba- tto aaeao *f <** ptadWaf •*••**» Khool. The erganiiatioa alM gave tail l>iMhkatia« liaaaee far |raaHa»i ait. •ad aa aaalrai* af tto eal to to mmUtt orchids to three teacriere whs hav« r cent of its wood pulp. uated ea ceraai of Praaaact a'eeme ead Ckurrk etMet, Little Siln*. U. t. «b*»ll aa««aaa«y ito a*oa*a»l. hern teaching anor* than II yean, Okiactiaaa. if aar, ekeaM aa eaade iav A *wtiS*d eaeck ia Nawitad kt taa Mn. Agn<>* Sehaiidt, Mra. Alia* aaaevat *f taa per Mate* 114*1 aff tto PL.4§T|C •ueiaUlr la vritiaa U Wnt U Ataaa. Mtatatali aawaaeaaeat af ttttoo aaiaal. Chairifcarlaia and Mra. Oladye KIL- lark ,t taa aUra««k •! Little SUeai. nFraoa-la »iH to needed •afaaaaad dmnan. a* tto Heatiaf Beaai «f atoBaard ef DRAPES raaaea rraetoldire. Ca»M BoHHa,/•*»• Named te the board were Gore* CLOfAY aa>ld. Mea> Jerasr, ee taw e'eieek, 9- M. Gueruch, the tchool aupar¥iaiag tBaiHajIt Jetia* Tia»«l. lra«g> af exceptional child: Mra. Leola Waa- 1Mb •Mia aoalaa tendorf. hospitality; Mr«. Carol n c. BBW Cameron, membership; Ml*. M. M.0«. Little KI>M. /. BweraaB e CaatroCll af Hec«rh fat a «•» Honigman, publicity: Mra. Carol MM HeMeefer aneaieaa>l«atad M ttl B*»et «a I* herehr ipprapriaied tto MB) *f Bundy and Mrs. Lola Lew, pro- ha e.ti'-o tkTt Trad T*H to*ea - d fair Matee, m. 17 •atr Thowaid Oallara (lU.twMtt. cram: Mri. Jean Adamt. goal*; Mra. to tk* M*VM and Cwiaoil of tha SlaeiiMt, irear, atoald to atada id aH>w»'|«t**lia4 t* tto Taw»thlp C«aajttaa af a, Traaatitat. tit nt tto Briar Bill Welfare sive *f tko Beviosd StatatM af geew Mr*. l»r«ton, Mra. Bundy and Mr*. achoot at Perth Amhey. Mr. Mer Middletaw* Towa.hlp let a Plena.r Be. a* dlrwtad. ptiaf ta O*ta> Jersey. man for two year*. Mrs. Stringer, iniky attended Keypoii high achool tail Coasuaptie* liceat* ftr itialsa to- SHriirr. f»ir Illl. Sanlaa s. Ttot. auktct t* tha llaw BBd la employed by the Htreules sated ea Mala *tr**t, BaHera, M. I. . aa* af tto ageratiag **a*ai.. Itatiaae areatriked kr law aad la aatuie T. A. school of inntructlea ill Will Objections, If any, etoukj to caadejaa. '«*• wbiek tto *a*l ii to to patlea el. hand ina* I* to aMNafter township next week. Powder company at Ptrlin, aedlatelr I* writing t* Beward r. c. aad aa aaalrai* et tto eaal O provided few, there I* kerehr aatharlaad irtt. Clerk el tto Teaaeaip af Oaetavo Patea, B*s*ll*. Perk, M, , ffaap^aVSw BSaM^mammjmmmmaBr sail BPVmPBPmmmmjmmg tto *f tto tatal kidaMt toon Thauaand Dollsrs at Firat Aid Cleraef tto Baraaaief Bed Beak. K.f. ip**r all ptofoean. tath Hawe, ia surh tmeunts aad aa A* a meeting of the Mra. DenBia Murray wai givan • •OWM (Siiaed I piww^ %J* PifBpfi^ V"£ w vlfpvff laW wliito N**iv*d aa M *a*B.J**a* a* shall to dttoralaad br aad Cauneil of tka Sarawak auxiliary Monday flight «t tMI Ufa stork shower Friday night at tha UVVN MOWf •$ II at CMBH VILUaBJt, Boto'rt M. Book*, Bed Baak. M. I, tofei* J*a* tt. IMI, tl I o'eloek, P. B) houce, Capt. Frank Callahan of tha home of her sinter, Mri. Albert he fee of Inaatiag tto eeatof Ttka aettee tkat Ckarlee P. Jehaeea, it kerel* *«lk*rit*d aad First Aid *quad outlined the dutiei Selgfried. A large pink and blue ii Made a»»litati»» te tto t••••>> Take aatlta. ttojtot BaCaela «L leaialaa bassinet with a stork waa Ailed Nmmt a\ d there it torekr latd of the auxiliary in caw ef diaaater. •atauttaa ef tke Taaaakip ef Middle. 1/kIk Taatalalae *Uaaera, aae aaalied te Bfcggdkl-va. _*A afaaaat BBBaBaaW tsBBBBBl BBBaV Tk* Ceuatr neereea ito right ta *a» at tke msiiaua rate Officer* of the borough'a civil de- with gift*. Refreshment! were Mow** of *• 1 ta»«a»«, far a PteMrf SeUil Ceaaaaipliea Ito Merer aatd Ceeeeii * tto Beteaat 7/0, aCtrhaa aSiaOB tha Maid ** **M toad a*- fen*e council will meet tonight Bt » served. Preient wera Mrt. Dennis liceaae ffo r tktkaa iraaile**iaail . litaateittdd eatt tto aTBed Baak• „far a Pteaarp Botall Die. ite Dlreetelt r eff itoo WiW»ielela eff A Aleal - ** ^QBlMC^iBWIMJM •a rate *t *la p*r aaal lUaW A Drive eautk aleaeee ef StatStatee Biakvtr Beate No. trikatiakati a lieaaae ler •rtMaaf aJMated i« Banrata Caatrel fai a Clak lletasa o'clock at the fire home. Murray, Sr., Mra. Edward Bloom, Idl aaneiatorr avtiee, Bel Baak, II Ii berth* dtttfe Mra. William Olnen, Mra. Lars ol- BBas t aff aveaua P. ia tto Temekla avnaa, far praalaai tiuaue an astead leer af Mrt. Merrill Morgan and daugh- ef MddMiddletawad l , ila totto CeualC p aff M Mea. I Bread Mretl, Bed Bank. N. }. •tn. Mra. Peler DeFailo, Mrt. Wal- Fiaiar Tip Clutch .. If aar, atouM to aid* nwA^W a«~periad at utMtfaew at ter. MiH Virginia Morgan of Dwy- Okjiaitant, if anf, akimid to awda lav •IM hereia *utk*riMd i* »n< .i ijient laat Thursday in New trr Btfrncnhevg, Mid dsorgs Matt Faei Pfewf IU«WH itnM. Iff inr. ikuikeuM to e»a4e I* •Mdlatelr in •ritln« te tto State Pita*, Oattdi laae 4. Jr., Miss Lydla Mott and Mrs •rritina te Hevaid W. Ratorla, clerk «f L^aaaVeB aaf B^BMB aaav^aaanVBl aaT aanaaa BaaaVh* tar ef Ik* Oifitien *f Abetoll* Btrarta* York city. A Sist for Evaty NtoJ tka Ta«R|kiR|kiD o« NiddlNiddletecat , AtlaallAtllle Coalrel, Itll Bread at, Kaarara, M. J. lupplemtntsl debt Mat*. Mr. and Mra. Richard Morgan of CharleChl a CCorcoran. BAnrABU. 0. TOMAIMO. ' w Jersey B»- 1»"to 80 " Biaklanai, tttt. 11...... —.., ineluaiv*. kil Monmouth Park pi. ipent Sunday Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Riskamm I Signed. > Waa Dad* aad aled wltk tk* Baroagk at trvington, whera they visited ir* spending a vacation of two RiiiiiiiiiiniininwiiHW IABI.M P- JOBMOpt. CTerk *h*wing that the gross d*bt tt relatives. wteka with th*ir aon and daugh Tkrenfk Year Lacal Deelar af CaM our tVIBIU *«?• BMltad tto Bsreaab I* Increased kr Ikw erdl- Ncmct. aan** la the tua af net *v*t Wlaat*** Mr*. George C. D. Hurley, Mn. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Joieph U SE t-oro — M»; MM Take aatlea that JaeMi Ua« (wadtaa Tkoustnd Dollars lllt.UMei tad ttot Riikamm of Atlanta, a*. John Biel, Mri. Uoyd Sieklee, Mri, ANY TIME ae llolaa Moiall haa iMlled to tto the apnrepriitlon herein aad* aad th* Charles Walling, Br., and Mri. Ed- A. W. Hillman of Manasauan la MereM r eadd CounciCil l aff tttoo BSanaa*h) af toad *l tto deaeaatd; that ttoy war* •bligatlant herein antharlted will to ward Berry, Sr., accompanied the building a new home on Long- Bed Bank f*fer a flaaarPlensryr EetalBetall CeaCeuuaei - laatatly Berried ai Ma* 1. HIT ia Tal- wltkla all debt limitations *ll*w*d »r on lieenHeenMw for preai>epreajiMsi situatesitaatad iat II Haa. aneaiai ttot aald wv*r*lga nation numssn auxiliary to Riverview wood ava. CAM MCKMANN Wkarf tvtauf. ltd leak, H. t. af Ptiaaia kai torn takea a**r kr Bui- , t'tt Thtt th* aaiiaaa aaoaat af hospital la»t Thursday en a bui Nick Cimato af Pert Lauderdale, I*«rtorjr Sslei, Service Kaprastntstivi UkjectloiM, If anir, ak«nM to awaa ha. lias ttot tto al*lnllt whil* ia lateaia toad* or aot*i hereia luthorlsed ta to trip to Buckhill Fall*, Pa. Pit., I* viilting relative* and BMdlatelr la •ritli ' we* la p*vil for kit lit* aad that to Iwvad far tto purpox of flnanrlng tto Cleik of tto r aiaifftl te aware aad I* aaw ia Ikls general iapr*T*amt a«ih*riMd ky tail Tha Mine group plut Mri, ffitnda here. laaatrr aa a dliplnad Per***; Ikat to Charlei Prothiro attended a lunch- Edward Flan, Jr., of Cooper rd., ll.oa M* net beard fraa ki* wit* tit** ftp- ean yaaterday at Rumaon given by attended a aienie last wttk a1 Tito aatlea Ikat •any Mallei, u teator, l(|| whea to waa fareed t* d» that th. aatlava laeuH ta ta lag aa hfallar't Belieatenea. hat •»« leave h«r la BMtala: that to toll**** hi*ralasd frea all taure** fer tto parpae* the Ladies' Aid eociety of tha Rum- Trenton. NOTKB te tk* tevaikip teamlttee ef hfldlleti " * wtf* ta to d*ad aad aakiag far aa ef •naarlaa; the general ta*t«v«a*nt ion Presbyterian ehureh. Chrletlan Haiaalhoff haa taken a tawaakip far a Uatted Betail Blatrl Cits* kai applied t* tto State B4f**ter af i deelarlag tto Mid tiorold* Tul Taka notic* tkat Baa* flmai* T/A tiaa Heeeee far pteatlaM alut Ito BlvialM *f AleetoM* Bsvoraa* CM. ira ta to dead; , Member! of the Ocaanport Hook position at manager af tha Pleas- BOM X-lrentwood M*t*l, to* applied ta aaa a«aa«a. tact Meaawet ml for a Club llcene. far mafit* Ml. iiWArKiwaa?,?^ and Ladder company have begun ure Bay Tacht basin. tk* Tows.kip CoaaitU* of tto Taera- Okltleaa. It gated •* faith *ld* ef Beaatfa read, . da btttbr order aad dlreA ttot the work of preparing the area be- Davis, who ia itationed at akip of Miedletown fer a Plaaarr Betail •aaw to ebewB tofara a* a* ito 14th SMUM I. Tkat thlt ardlaaaea aba* Conauaaptle* llcena* for prtalHi alia- mSSiiea'ef'lt aay. abauld to awda dar at AaaaM, Itll, at It e'el*«k la tk* MklleaMM •••""'-«•>-•".•'«»«*• hind the fire house for the annual Port Dlx, epent tha week-end with >Ud at SouttoaM e*taw at KaaiHea laawdlawir la writing t* tto State [«eta**a at Ito State Neaee Aaaea, Iklrd PUBLIC MOTICB | firemen's fair, which will open July hit mother. Mri. Masla Devi*. >nd Leaaard avenues, Leonardo, flaw IT MOILBR. Diraeter of tk* OivlsiM of Aleetoli* Btv. Sear, in tto City of Trent**. N. I. wkr . The for*gj*lag ardlasnce waa eatra* 87 and run through Aig. 4. Mr. and Mra, Hinry Eifenrauch, ersay. M.ll eraa* Control, lilt Bread at, Neaaik, aa ard*r *k*atd net to BMd* dMlarlag daMd aad pawed Snt tsadlas Ma taf Objections, tf any, should to. aald Urelda tal Sellara t* to presuatl aUr aeotiaa *f tk* Msyor aad C*aa7ll The combined quarterly confer- Sr., celebrated Saturday their 4Mb medlttolr in writing I* Howard - nones •f tto Boraugk of Bed Bank, told aa ence of tha Occanpurt and Sea wadding annlveriary, tlOHTwJil Take aetlta Ikat Rudelea Inrinrtr. BUMSOM Aad it It farther ordered tkat a capr Moadty. lisa* I. Itll. and will caaa aa Bright Methodist church** wilt ha of tkl* erder to pakllitod ia Ike Bed tar tati ceaelderstlon -sad paiMff* at a Bank Bellater far fear wwkkes SwMti regalar aaeatiai of said auvVralag tody held next Tuesday night at tha Saa Mariboro IS UKt THAI I sivelr, at Mast me* in *Mk weakwo , neit ta to told M Mender. June II, Itll, at Bright church. A covered dish BUB- Any netting difficulty it a warning. It Take aetice taat Mary Baeraea Mal- pTCI^ . •rfoodlng tto totaen day of tkltkli " lit* P, hi., at th. Council Ch.moen' in per will be served at «:*» p. m. AH teaman George R. Bulotovleh, nttnt wheel unbiltnce and ptm »t«i- let, T/A Buanea Beta), kai apaiiad ta H.. Bad Beak, nH. • I.. /./ DONALD M. Met Ito Bowuih Hall, Mmaouth Sireol, Bad OWectieae. it aar. akeatd to ande lat- CBUBLBB S. BBATTia. Traasar*. Bank. K*New j.rwr.. •• whichick tlaMa** aaaadd members and officer* have bean re- V. B. N., la-year-old ion of Mr. aad that metnt uatytn tilt »««-b!ow. tha Majae aad Cavimil ef tto Baraiklh wadlatalr I* writiaa- ta Aaw B Sklaa, C#IWt place all , quested to attend. and Mr*. Andrew Bulotovich o cut«—leu cf itming control—ACCI- f Buanea, fer a rieaar/ Balall Cea. Clerk af Ito Bed lank Baraagl. I*, «• fl.ia. MILTOM — *"**"" c to to beard uBetiea litaaae fer pnalasa altvaled 1 The Oceanport auxiliary to Riv-Hedgewood farm, hai beta, promot DENT! Don't drive t cir tha^i u dan- at 10 Wattraiaa aviatM, la the Bar- !2d ffZi ' erview hotpita! will hold a covered- ed to icaman lint elaaa and i getoui u ih«t "unloided" (Vii! let ul eaik af Buauea. M.II RUBIHIKT. Tato aatleea tkaijfctkaijfc.. strokjamw te tttoo Ma?aM r aad CeaaeB Baak, K. I.' dith luncheon at 12:10 p. m. today now atatloned aboard L. 8. T. 10M. correct your cir for good with induitrf. Okieetloas, if a«». should » Jtascr He entered the eervlce laat July, tpprovtd BEAR Satttr liuipmentl lojaMdiately la vritlai te AH at the home of Mra. Clinton Wood itrr. Cltrk ef tke Beraagk efl Tato aatlea tkat tea h BaaaM. COURT or NEW JBBMV of Branch ave. Thli will ha tha and after an engagament In Inch- #A BBaa\ftB^Ba% €aaTaaniBBaaSBal aTmaB. BV group* final malting of tha aeaaon. Ion, Korea, returned to Tokoauka, TkiRkYiirl«MrrMiir»r i BaalBBaaaaaBa CaavOBB. aanV AvftmB%ftlel Ya^SBBBaaaBla% IN TBB MATTEB OP Tail BJTATS OP CHANCBRV DIVISION, IWMttUTH Japan. He ii a graduate of the MABY"ABABN>M MALLOT. fW A aTptlllfy «*|l#ll C#M*Mafp4t«M m* Eelntold Maaalk. deeeawd. Civil A.tle* Tht meeting* will be returned nt>t aaaaBBaata waadr OhaWaaau^Baaal allSaaom.a>akafi a%fA BaumattaB September. local grammar aehool and Freehold NOTICE. il71eta«m Rekadel and CaH't ItaaC Caaplalat ktvlag' keen tied in tk* high achool. Hit mailing addreaa U Vaadarkun, Mew |ener. atov* BMtlw, dalr varited, dloglng tkat Move up axerclaai at tha local Take notice that Saaiiel tUkarMat. Taatra Mannlk, tk* plaintiff. Ii tto wlfa aehool will be hold tomorrow morn- care of F. P. O.. Ban Franclaco, T/A Monaeutb Tavern, kaa applied t« OWeaUaaa, if tar. ttoaM to made NJS., L. S. T. tOtt. iBwaidliialr la wrttiat ta Bern Criaa, I II, BuPJMB. If. I. ef tto d*t*awdi itot ttoy were lawfully Civil Attica notice. ing at • o'clock. th* Merer aad Ceaacil of Bed Baak lar Clark, of Atlaatie Tavaakla. aarrltd en OiUtor tt, Itll In Ttlllnn. TOt ANTHONY WATXAV0KOS. At tut nlght'a meeting «f the Mra. Jack. Biienberg and daugh- a Plenary Bttail Ceaauaptioa Mean** fee Bataala; .ttot atid Mvirelga aatiea if iiati kaewa ai B. Linger!. [•reaiiei situated at T4-7I " II.M. Biteala kai torn Uk.n *»*r kr tto B«i- Br «irtu. el a* Urder af th* Saperiar board of education. Mri. Pranelne ter Beatrice of Main at. and Mra. itroet, Bed Bank. M. t. •laai; Itot as part af tk* arearaa ef Court of tk* Itate of M*w j.rsey, Owa. Mlnniek of Red Bank wai am- Morrta Hyman of Long Branch Iti Bees "Quality" linea 1MJ Ohlectlont, it any, itould __ Uaaldatlea a*ny *f the mtl* eltitene of - rr Bivijion, asd* *n th* tta ••"- ' iaaodieloly In writing t* Aap E Skinn, kat Daail Bataala were takea te Baitia and there •loytd aa a flrat grade teacher. motored to New Brunawick, where Boreugk Clerk tt tto Sereugk el Bed Taka aatlea that war* tarturad. starved aad killed I that ' IMI in a cauw wher.ll Mn. Minniek graduated thii year they attended Rutgen commence- iuFklitaaUd at 41.44 West wera tertvred, starve JtAUCKOS, eoastlmos Bank. plaintiff'• —* kwitaad- tU . t,,, a-*c*awd, was amsiiMa litaa ADEUA LINOEBT.r*ur a from Indiana atate college, Terra ment exerciaei Saturday. Among a Ol.ifltoUanUe.ns* f*r prtalss* alt. traaiaertetBetdd t e BaNla"BM la' ;;l IkIkaIkai tt sk*toe kell.vetollevut Plaintiff, .snd y*uu erare ttoo OefendiatDef . the graduate! waa Mn. Biaenberg'a 11.01 * SAMUEL ZILBEBSLAT. uatad at 1 Bait Praat *t«*t. Bad Baah. tor^tald bvatotf^aWutRalnkalo d Mannlk. t* you arc k.rel.rehl yr reaulre'—•d• *t* aasw*r.ttaat o Haute. brother, Joieph Lefeky of Holmdel, Body BuUdcr, ng fer an *rd*r de- CaaplalnCeaplilnt ooff tk* Plslnllff •* *r to The ghrewabury Sailing club held •wrlag tto'wld'BsiaktM Maaalk la to a card party Tuesday afternoon at who received the bachelor of ecl- BawalMwf •.. aMtalahlag 'Okjeetlaaa, If anr. tkaaM to aade I Ik* IDlk ds» *f July, lilt, atd ia enca degree in electrical engineer- Take *«tlca tkat Jaka J. StaUa aad *Mdl*te1r la •rltiaa to Aar f Ski fault.thereof nek Judgaent will to ran. tha club houae at the foot of Poea- OaJlaa Hatata aad Oawta BjadMo Tkoeus Stakle. T/A StakWi Bar aad Clark at tto Bareesk af Bed Baak. IS.4I ^ d* torekr ardor aad direct tkat d*r*d aaalaet y«n as tk* Ceurt atoll no ave. Mn. Byroy n Brigggga waa ingi . Itt 8krawak«r* Ava%, Phono Grill, kava applied te tto Merer aad •aaw to akaiwa tofar* ae oa tke lltk tklnk Mutual* and lust, Tto »b)*M af hi A ll Council of tka Baraiigk ef Bed Bark PAUIA. dar tl AagaM, Itll, at It •'.leek la tk. Mid nut Ii t* ebtain a radrawal if chairman. Among local women A naked ham nipperpp , served laat N. J. BE MMI ar a Planar? Retail Ceaieaiptiea Heads* fareaaea at tto Slat* Mea** Annex, tklrd Diver** totwtta tto aald Plalatlt aad who made up tablea wan Mri. Wedneadadd y by thha LadieiLdi'' auxiliarl y far premise* *ituat*d at lit Maaaaatb Seer, ia tto City of Trtnton. *. jf. wkr Mri. Jules Vxditla. Mra. Briggagg.. of the Are company at the Are CelaaiWa aa eN*r ikeaM n*t to aad* deel.tlni Datedtedi Mar 11, Itll. •treel, Bod Sank, N. J. tk* tald BoiatoM Maaalk ta to prtiuaed KLATSkfYKLA . GRAY a ILATSKT. I Mri. William W . UllmaUll n and MriM .home, waa well attended and a auc- SAFETY HEAIQUAITERS Objection*, If anr, should to aid* ta to deri. Attorney! far Hslntlff. J Edward Davlei. ecu. Mra. Elmer HolU, Mn. Har- mediately ia writing to Aar B. Shiaa, And it i* firtker ordered tkat a tony By GBOB0B A. GRAGRAYY. Partair, » Clerk, of tk* Borouth af Bed Sank. tf thl* order to published In tk* B*d * East Front StreetStreet , • Bank Begiatar far tout we.ks auu*|. Re* Bank, New Jeriey. nar Pahaar Aveaae, IIWeatalde)W , Bait ejvelr. at loaet once In each wwk. Mat Ami I. SToate. Keaaatora, Mtw Mlddietawa tint TMOMAS STOSLB. Natka af MltlewMat al Awaaac NOTICE *Oki*cUeas. if any. atouM ha OOMALD H. MeLBAN, BaUt* of T. Hc.kell. deeaawd. Taka notice Itot Thomas Stekle aad Notice ii hereby given ttot Ito acceaat! Trances E. Stoble T/A End Bar rBBPBUCIMa. TRAVTWaW. MILTON et th* subscribers, occuters of the ta- and BciUurant, kaa applied ta Ik* May- ut* of aald accessed.. will to audited or and Council of Bod Bank Borough f*r aad slated br tke Clerk of Ik* Siipnlar a Plenary Botall Consumption neeatt curs. Court and nncrted far settlement t* the for iiremliel sltutt*d at I hUrford Plat* Take aetice |up*rl»r Court at Ntw Icrwy, Chancery and 111 Wttt Front Itreet, Bed Baak, twdlag aa Jask Division. Moniaouth County, *n Tuesday. N. J, WlUlIB) J. Dektle. 14 Waikiagtea A«f kaapatM te Ih. twcntr-iiath dar *f June. A. D.. Illl aae, Kiaaikarg. K. J.. 'resldtPi leat.a . Objection!, |f >ny, *h*ald he wide la. at It A. M. (DOT) at tto St.t* BeuM mediately la writing to Aay B. Skia*, Blier Taier. Part Manmaatkth., M. Annex. Trenton. N. J., at which time ap- Borough.Cltrk ef Borougk ef Bed Baak. plication will to made for tk* allow- (Sianedl *ehn" A^afcDeraatt. Btlferd. K. J. ance *f cuaal.slms and csunwl f*w. THOMAS STOBLE. Treatater, uln* tkit KRANCES B. 8T0BIX JA8KELL, Tkaaat ilea, I4~ieaiea Blvd., •aaat. IN Mttlai"f*rtk ta*~ire«adt of the appl*. 1A1KELL. JB, NOTICE •t., Pert MeaPMatk. • i aad viilaed by AMavit af tto Take notice tktt Samuel Altoua aad ll.Ot. Wasklartoa Iteiatiff fer aa erder awkariaini WoodJand">er»r Whujpoorwill Bold; Vincent P. Carroll T/A Idle Hour Inn, i U *iiuau Ul* n**M af M.nry Albert Mlddlttowii Tewnaklr. Bed Bank, N.I. h*. nppliH te tk. Towashlp Committee Prank aayw. ew* i». «•»»•". <••.*•. •tl, It kavlag app*ar*d ta ta* CourtJohn D. McMsslcr, UadmimlwiHBm of the Township of Mlddletown for a Prank W.ker. In ITT, Keyport, V. 1. ' aiat snd Aadsvit tkat t Buchanac Plsce, Plenary Betail Consumption llcent* far Arneld Wessler, WIU*a •».., Pert Mea- Ice Batort Bosatl, re-JerMy City, K i. No matter what your require* premlM* litusteit (tat* Higkwty II, cor* aeatk, N. i. IT.4I. sides'at f Tl' Imon Pl»ct In the Sor- Attorney. 114.11. ner Apcleton Avenue, Leonardo, New * *t ltd Bank, C*unty of Monmouth menti, we urge you to see us and Slat* at Mew Jerwrs It'having ap- Meaaaath County larragata'* OHM Ohjections, if any. should ke mad* Im- peared further tkat notice of said appfl. ta tk* matter of Ik. eiut. af 1. before you place a lumber order. mediately In writing to Howard W. Boh. «ati*a kaa to** BuhlUhad at least ease Wrlgiit Brawn, d.caased. Notice le ««*. crtf. Clerk ef tk. Townihlp of Middle eaeh week for fa« aacMwlv* weeks ant (ten te prtaeat claims sgalnst Mtat*. Our gigantic Hock all but dim* town. " Ik* Urn* at said application la Pursusnt to Ik* order of DarasB Ms. (Signed I "— gi*t*rva newspaper at Paddia. Surrogate at the C.uaty at Mane inates the necessity for "substi* 8AMCEL ALBAVM, and tto C*urt kavlai aeatk. aad* aa Ik* tw.nty-.lghth gar lit! VINCENT P. CABBOLL, th* said v*rlff*d C*a* • " HSU en the application ' tutes" . . . guarantees top qual- Obftcti**.. If aar. aketild to aid* la. alaiat that tk*r* ar* reastnafcW greundl T. I. Brawa aad Jaact audiattlr in writing ts Aar K. Ifclaa. far tto ptapewd ge aad ttot there ity, earefuUy seasoned lumber at Boreugk Clerk at.Bed.Baak Beraaga. ebjMtlea thweUi Takt natle* ikat Mellicl's Tavtm In* June, Jilt. _ very moderate prices. Delivery TO: Almsta Binker. teiparated. T/A Frank'! Tavern, kave i.m a»p¥*4 t* tke Mayor aad C.unell *f tto Baton* B.wtl k* and ke 1* k.rcky ai aforesaid, ttoir debt! and - By virtue of an Order of tkt Duptrler atittorited t* assua* tk* **m. af M.nrr without charge. Come over Court of New Jersey, made on the lltk a^nrajk af Baaiaa fer a Plenary Be. uatntt th* tald attate, mitt oath. NOTKB tall Cphtiuaptlea lleaaie. with bread Alton Bosati froa aad after tk* 14th la aix months fraa tke d*t* of the afar*. todav. ilny of May, 1»M, In a eausa wherein Takt nolle* tkat fndlaend Acerrs dar *f July, Illl, and that wltkla tes Alvln J. Ranker Is plaintiff and you art J days hereafter th* plaintiff herein shall wld order, or they will be farevcr karrvd defendant, you art herekr reaulrtd te T/A Dem's Bat and Irill *iir ••T"T *- tll Bait Bfvay~Baad, Bataiea. M. J. publish a copy *f this order ia Ik* Bed of their aetlaat therofcr igalait th* aald annwer tha complaint of Plaintiff on ortka Mirer aad Ceim.ll .f Bad Bank Bar. OaiesUont, if aar. aaeald to aade lank .Begi.ter, a public atwtpaptr •ukserlhsrs. before the 17ta day o( July, till, and ouak fer a Plenary Reull CeaaaaatlM iauaedlately la writing to Albert A. •rinttd In aail .ounty. and tkat witala Bated, r,^^. in default thereof tack iudiawnt will ka license (ar premises situated at tlf Oak. Etrr. Clatk af Baataa Bataaga. '—ly diyi h*r.aft*r tke taid plaiatlff LITTLE SILVER rendered sislnit you si the Cputt skill land ttreet, Bed Sank, N. J. . . . ASUlavlt. this think just. OMmtlani, If any. ikeald to aad* la- The okittt of Mid stilt Is t* obtain a Anthany llallscl. President, Buam, SUPPLY COMPANY judinunt oof diverse kelweea said plala- tiff annd yyouu . • Idwara' Paters, SMr*Ury-Tr**MNr, Dated) Mar tt. ltSl. M.M. VBBmMAND ACBBBA, l aaa* tla* the Lumber • Insulation Mlf.TON KOIEKf, BirSd p"iteri Vice, ~ ~ ll/M Attorney far Plaintiff, MOTJCE. s!SSk?N Paints • Hardware HI Rraad Street, IttskktleW* * with Slat* pursuant ta 111.14, Red Bank, New Jersey. T»k* net!** that P*llx R. S>at*ng«l* Anthomnr Mcllttl. Buasea, V.I, the _ Attorney, (Tradiai- a* Tka r**rl*'* Llaun Mm) Rdwardd Peteri, Kumion, N, t, •am aad. an. Maaaaatk County turretale'e Menaealh C*u*ly Svrreiat*'* OffU* kaa acplied t* tk* Mayor and Council *f HHarold Peters, Rumscn, N. t, • KNI0BT hi tke Bereuik af Bed Bank far a Plenary Frsnk M*ll««l, Bua***; M. .1. 11.11. In the aaittir of ta* *itat* af aearp In tk* matter of III* estat* ef Ophelia Reull Distribution lleent* for prialits On Matlea af c. c. u Schcnck, deccawd. Netlt* ta «««t*fl Dlbken, Notlt* ts eridlttn sitilattd at 111 Sanwihurr avenue, Res> Parsons, Ukrecjue. Caaaeaa A Caabi, • prticnt claim* agtlntt **Utt. „ ' to present rlalmi naslnst *slate, NOTICE " Attorseyi fet Plaintiff. tf.ll Pursusnt to tk* order tl DeraBB Me- Pursuant to the order of Doraan Me- "kieetlon'i, If anr. should to aad* Notice it herakr fl'en ikat a* effer _'adrllr,, Surrngsl* of the County at Men. hti keen received by Ik* M*y*r and aiuth, aadt on the *liv«atk dsy ef Msr, mouth, mad* on the eleventh day of Immediately In writing te Amy B. Minn, Council of Little Silver Baroulk fer tht PLAN SBURr, lit I, m thi sppllcstisn of Bertk* W. June, I9A1, on the application of Ruth Clerk, af tke Borough of Red Sank, N. J, ourehsie of property Ixated in Little ashmtk. aala tnntrli ol tk* estat* *f R, Dihben, sole executrix of the estate lllver Bor*ugh. tolag left II and 14 In- Henry L. Icktack, deceased, nolle* ia of Ophelia Dlbben. deceased, notice It II.M •ANTANGELO. ht**k IT, en f.« Map of Ultl* lllv.r hereby liven to tk* ercdlten ef said dt- horeby liven to the creditors of sale Ssraugh, fer tk* sum at Illl cash, and naatd to eikihlt ta tke luhwrlker, Mia deceaaed to exhibit I* the sukseriker, that a hearing on Ik* tald aittar Is t* sole executrix ai aforesaid, their atktl Take aetl** tkat B.ner B. ludl.i, be held at tha Borough toll, *a Tuisday, •nd demands aulnst th* said e«tate, UP.. L SUdhr. trading aa June It, IMI, at till P hf. at wkl.h _ , M, aa FrldarPrldar, dtwiitii •aII, im•••>., •o•a provided aad retalr*d aa- .174 Maple Avtnuc, any other aeriMt. • d*r iMtlea t.D.e.ef tktk** Beard'a Land •y order af tke Mttor and Otvaitl af luk-dlvlsloit Rltulatl.nil . W. Gilbert on, Eiq.i ht Berouik af 1,ltti*J|Lrar. Dtd J 4 1M1 -ds..r-.Jn l - Aitacaep. aJ*-»7».: •»"*» RED HAXK JINT 14, Page

aBVaaaaTaV I llavMBmffiNfflWfnfilHl |ina^a^BjajB^aa^aalnlBjB|f ninwrnrmnm iTrfffni Will IMfrUr n E wiu I HI I Mn™l !l Him 1111\m fart MmmaMilli Judith lu Miller, daughter ef Gettysburg College Graduate* Mr. and Mr*. Harold Miller of Col- IOSC FESTMM. MUKE lins ave. was christen** Sunday at the Belford Methodist church by by "Tkm ThmrUmy Mgkttr' •lev. R. L. Blacksnan, paator. Mr. Adaats •%*• M lean) and Mm. Fred Beam, aunt and un- x/CTCRAN* cle of the child, were aponaor*. Mr. and Mrs Louise Werse ob- Ta Be HeU Teatfbi, Tbartasr, Jaw l«h served their 28th wedding annivers- ary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry VOU CIS Ol'X A AT I:M AT YMCA, RJVMSIOf AVt Hoppi of Cliffside park and John Bundy of North Bergen were Sun- BCD aVl*K. M. *. day gueets. TONY OENUCOS ORCHCSTIA Ukw\p»'m - UN Pvt. Jack SchaSlin of Camp NEW CAR Picket, Va., spent the week-end IIJIiliiMllil»llllllMIIII,[illilllllllllilI»lllllilllillliWlllllllilllllllllllli»lll!iS'H!^ with nia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schafflin of Main «t. FOR ONLY 109b DOWN! Mark ham Smith celebrated hi* birthday Tuesday with a family dinner. •au. Pmt—M men Lady Jean McCorquodale lodge 9* MONTHS TO PAY •••• »••« ncagTa REN JEISEY IEAITY act Monday at the West Keans- burg lie house. Mrs. Mary WoltcrJ W| APPRAISE ANO IUY •f Princeton, grand deputy, made her official vUit. Mrs. Polly Hope | USED CAWS UP TO 31 MONTHS TOPIY] ESTATES CILTItE ACAIEIY •f Englithtown waa initiated as a ALL APPRAISALS FRif Hew Member. Lodge members will go Tueaday by chattered bus to visit the New Bruntwick lodge. LA FREDA SALES I SERVICE JKST CAU K • 5371 Mrs. Betty Anderson of Union Beach, grand deputy, will make her • KAISER • HENRY j • MAZE* HMi IT UIK MM. official visit. Clarence M. Rogers, so* of Clar- completed four years of R.O.T.C, ence B. Rogers of Silverwhite Oar- he also is a member of The Arn- 117 MONMOUTH ST. RED RANK Mrs. Minnia Murdoch of ramp- dens, Little Silver, and James J. olds society. A serond lieutenant in bell ave. celebrated her birthday Hodeit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the Air Forces, he will report to RE 4-1702 — EVK. 'TIL «;J0 Sunday when a family dinner waa R. Moden of Shrewsbury ave., have Panama City, Fls., in July for ac- DAY ft EVENING served. Pteaent were Mr. and Mrsbee. n graduated from Gettysburg Kdward Sullivan and ml Jack, Al tive duty. Bennett,' Mrs. Gertrude Bchiamm college. Both graduates af Red Boden was president of the stu- for and Arnold Evans, all of West Bank high school, Rogers majored dent government, a member of Pi Keansburg. baniel Murdock and in economics and Boden in politi- Lambda Sigma, national honor so- ALL-AMERICAN ATHLETIC CLUB MEN mrf WOMEN son, Danny and daughter, Marion cal science. ciety for economic! and political Murdock. Rogers wan on Gettysburg's var- science majors; a member of Phi VcttriM Accepted Mr. and Mis. Donald Reilly mo- sity baseball team the past three Gamma Delta fraternity and. dur- tored to Maryland for their son yeara. He also was a member f>{ ing his junior nnd senior years, Vwler Cl Mil Donald, who has just completed his the undefeated raftball team which was a freshmun dormitory counse- aecond year at the University of won the college championship In lor. He also was a reporter nn Maryland, where he is majoring in high school, he was a vanity mem- the school paper, The Gettyshurg- dentistry. The student returned ber of the baseball and basketball ian, and the college ye,'ir bonk, home with them. The Hpert rum. An n.O.T.C. stu- BE A BEAUTICIAN teams. A member of the Phi Delta dent, he will b>< commissioned s Oiorls Werse of Walnut si. at-Theta fraternity, he was a mem- 1. Uani A Pisligstss. 4. bay ttymtfU tended the wedding reception Sun- second lieutenant .July 21 upon ber of the campus senate. Having completion of his summer training. 1 CMBskto CMMW l. day of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moel- •• Fits iBMnsBatats «. Icr at Far Hill* inn, Bomerville. Mr. and Mia. Andrew Harvle Atlantic Highland. and Mr. and Mrs. William Harvle Receives M.D. of Aliqulppa, Pa., spent the week- Members of the Monmouth ' W. *. A. 4.12M end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Craftsmen's club held a strawber- At Roeheiter U. pan!?! Ml'r<<rve with the Army Mabel Collet, Jean Shannon, Mr. was a recent visitor at the home of Signal Intelligence In Australia. A MY CMP TWIT YON OU NU K Elm 10 ATTEND and Mrs. E. C. Beam, Mr. and Mrsthei. r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Upon graduation from Dickinson in Kiprrt npotin lN»tracl|nn by prolaeaiaMl MkteU« lautmeton wka MM • fMMlM MUsVntMilM Robert Beam and Mr. and MrsN.. Buiby, at their home, M South 1MT he entered the University of •f Mid r«ndne*s for rhlMren. Raymond Bryk. The baby received Rochester. ave. €OUNSELLOKS many gifts. Monmouth chapter, Eastern Dr. Coddlngton is married to the \I>1 IT COACIIKS ONLY « NO ItNIOfi Mr. and Mis. Raymond Martin Star, held a strawberry festival Sat- former Miss Jane Hill of Bethle- Camp for (iirln: «-M years of age—«t tke kcfxHIfM HIsMaMd Mf«*r School aad iaator C«ltoga> and children, Douglas ttnrl Bn-re urday afternoon at the Garden hem, Pa, The couplo have n daugh- Wnl Long Hraneh. of Middlesex, spent Sunday with View restaurant and milk bar onter, Carol Ann, born June 2 at Kiprrt In.lrucllun la awlmmlag. •aftlwU. baehatkall tM sMd MekMr •» ntM phyaleal adttca> Mr. and Mra. George Hojcr of Wil- rt. 16, Ktyport. Mri. Joseph Top-Rocheater. Dr. and Mm. Codding- tin* Inalrui'torn, son ave. l:iss was in charge of arrangementa. ton will make their home at Elkins park, Pa. Camp for H»y«: «-l« ».»rs ef age-al the AU-AateriesM Clad rtetd* |a Weat l^mg Braaeh. A double celebration was hold at She was assisted by Mrs. A. J. Me- K.prrt limtrurtlon la awlmailag, haoenalt. kaakatball aM fartaall ajr arafMaloaal men eaacaat, th« home, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neil!, Mrc. Charles OtirTm, Mrs. Bte- Mr. nnd Mrs. Coddington nnd Dr. McCrlndlc of Plymouth ave. forven Hiwth, Mrs. Earle Henschel, Coddinton's grandmathcrs, Mrs. ('. SWIMMIM; KVKKY MORNING AT THE MONTF^ARLO POOL their son Robert, who was celebrat- Mrs. Charlea Reed, Mrs. George An- C. Rogers, all of Hudson ave, at- Weekly Barhefuew—Itaily Ire) (Jmam—TramaortMlaa Pravldfai. KaaannaM* Rat**. ing his 11th birthday and. fordrews, Mrs. John Glass, Mrs. Arthur tended graduation Tue.sdsy. Jackie ftloveni for his tenth birth- Gla*s, Mrs. Earl Benfer and Mra. ALL CHILDREN HAVE GAMES IN EVERY SPORT EVERY DAY day. The party was given on the J. Stanley Thorn. Belford Tbei measure of the value nf a cam* la haaftd M what ymir child tah#a horn* from ramai lawn, where a barbecue luncheon Mrs. Dale B. Otto was elected The iwlf rnnHoVnce, nelf reliance aad saortsmaathlB Ik* eMM ac«ulr*at The ImprstM waa served. Two large, decoratedpresident of the Ladies' auxiliary Robert McDermott, son of Mr, •Illy and the MN-urlly the child tola. birthday cake* decorated the tablet. of Siindy Hook bay post of the and Mrs. John McDermott of Myr- Children attending were Evelyn American LeRion at a meeting tle ave. waa graduated yeeterday lllrertnrs: AS 1-SUI and BUI Schmleder, Harry and Wednesday night or last week at from the University of Detroit. H.iJelerhnHlei 233 JcroM Avtsi EMNfiHi H Je Caven Stark, Bobby Kelly, Frank the Legion hall on First ave. Oth- Miss Lois McDermott is a mem- Mohrri Marrahe« PHONE DEAL M«I1 Allocco, Joseph Sloven*, Larry er officers elected were Mrs. ber of St. James Catholic high Schultz, Jack OHenon and Lynda Charles Mandln, first vice presi- school graduating class. McCrlndle. dent; Mrs. Thomas Kelso, second Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and ^..." ^*'«- Steven Conwelt, son of Mr, andvice president; Mra. Jane GaftVy, daughter Sue apent Tuesday and HK natural gold; Mra. John Conwell of Main at., wassecretary, Mrs. Robert Abrami, yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. •IM.IaKap- one-year old June 6. treasurer, Mrs. Csamlra Wcskow- Charles Fisher. 8r., of Watchung. goldi A house warming was recently ski, historian; Mrs. Gustave Husen- Carol Anne Gciger celebrated her given by Miss Mary Oorringcr at Itta. chaplain; Mrs. Harry Murtha, tenth birthday Friday with a her new home on Collins ave. Oucsta sergeant-at-arms, and Mr«. Harold party. Attending were Joan and were Mis. Frances Serpico, Mrs. Greene, color bearer. Mrs. Gran- Daniel Simpaon of Little Silver, Da- Ann Ringer, both of Keyport: Miss din Chapman presided at the meet- vid and Lynne Wnllace. Joyce Hy- Florence Scaizo and Mita M. Bucco ing1 when reports of the county of Matawan, Mrs. Mary Gormley, ers, Marylrc and Linda Richmond, natural io>a- convention «t Belmar were heard Maureen Hoose, Diane Hallam Md WILBUR'S Union Beach, Mrs, Robert Hyne- from Mrs. Abrsms, who servad as filted. UK ap- Robert Heyer, plied sold nu- man, Mias Diana Upham, Keyport, a page, Mrs. Husenit/a and Mrs. JEWELERS and Mr. and Mra. Arthur Hughes. Frances Edna Walling, daughter meral-dot dial Otto. Plans wera made for a card of Staff Sergeant H. W. Hutchinton BatabliahadU Yeara Charles Leslie Jefferson, three- party to be held at S p. m. Friday, of Salsburg, Austria, took part in year-old son of Mrs. Reginn R. July 8, at the Legion hall. Mra. the annual spring festival held May IS Broad St. Red Bank Jefferson of State Highway 38, isChapman la chairman of the ar- a surgical patient nt Rivervlew 2» at the Kavalier Haus in 8alzburg. •...• rangements committee. Mrs. Rob-Frances took the part of a daisy hospital. ert Uuttu was welcomed to the WATCH in the flown kingdom dance. She auxiliary st the meeting where an ia In grade 1-A, award was made to Mrs. Gaffey. Mrs. Josephine Bissonnette of T NOTICE 8lxth ave. will leave Monday for Tak* nntlct that Stanley Pnkrywka, Taunton, Mnss., where she will vis- T/A Rwfrtlih Hop, IIM applied to the Maynr and Couneil nf S«a Hrlfht Bor- It her grandmother, Mrs. Ada. B.ough for a Plenary Itctail Cunmmiitinn Horton, for a week. C-3 l!r»n»r for (irfminr* pitnatfff at If) Mr. and Mrs. Harry (tainbrooke Eaut Ocean Avenur, Sea Bright, Sew of Woodland Park are parents of Jer»e>. Objtrtlona, If any, nhouM •• msa, fcrivntiUe' Iri'Tha H«ir»t«r rogularly, si A WEEK PAYS FOR IT! -"Ailvrrtliemoot. ' • U,

Event! PTA Make. Ta4« Mra. F. A. Ellison Port Exchange U TfaVr*?*. Hark OH, Singer. IW H*mmu* Safe

HOLMPCtr-MiM Virgiaia Wil- HOLMDEL—Mr*. Walter Osaaie for New President of Store Prices Set soa of Everett, whe will become To Be Guest of Haslet kaa been appointed chair- at tfe« n«rtate*tai corner A The director* of the Red Bank the bride Sunday, Juae M. of Ralph Mark Olf, balla«ist of radio sta- man of a committee for a rum-nut mi Iw* Biv«ra »D4 lU-tf* $—4 Morgan ef Helsodel, was given a mage sale 16 be held July 12, IS and tb* ftetTouiyai oi M-uawii. I oman * Club Community Chaaaber of Ceeaaterce tion WLIB. will be the featured 'i'k% na*»c« *n*i r*«i««Bc«a *>f all at their aatathly aaewtiag yesterday surprise artecelleaeem* shower Fri- trtist at the installation dinner of It at a place in Keyport to be an- Accra, •Airtctur* *o anomiag at tk« Red Beak borough day eveaiag at the aetme of Mrsth. e Ladies' Hebrew society of Red nounced later. Collections of rum- iea ar« M f«liowt: Fanner iute Vie* hall, heard an Interesting and iaWillie* Taoaapsoa. Bank Tuesday night at the Ven-mage will be Blade in th* com- formative talk by P. J. HeaTataa of Deeoratioa* were i* white, piak, dome Plasa, Long Breach. Mra. munity by P.T.A. members. Re- 4oacti* Q. \'if Prrtfalent EuBbuii, H. 4. Venn nreit **•• MM tm tte Chapel Mill, director of public la- blue aad yellow, and the gifti hung Henry Rittermaa aad Mrt. Morris ceipts will be added to a. fund be- IDaiily Jobnton, la^flaV WMkaMlM KdMMf wHW fertMtiea at Part Moaaaouth. by streamer* attached ta an um-Westerataa are chairmen of theins raiaed to help finance fail Bum a on, Uew • Vawl lad eat »«<> *» m~* m Per «uite torn* tias. come Bed brella. Gueete at the party were event, which is also the aaaual school projects. I St>ver*«a««t exHicr. _ fc«iea«e*e Mrs. Harry Long. Mra. George %m\\p tfobniun, Muaa-tun, M. «|. LITTLJC HILVER-Mi*. T. Meurt Beak aterchMtn have keen an- paid-up membership diaaer. The appointment was made at a jomtvk ii, McCuf, Muatiun, N. S. Appl'itat* of Cranfcury. • foraur noyed by ctateaaeata made by their Scaaack, Mra. Jotia .Meuat and Of Mark Olf's entertaiaaeat his meeting Tuesday night of tee Citate 'lave efohnaon, AUMEEUD, N. $. third district vice president of tfce customer* that aaercaaadit* ef aMrt. Harold Dancer, Holatdel; critics have said, "His original P.T.A. at Hillcrest school. Mrt. Z. Ua>jtcfci«nk, it mi*, abvuM tm m*tm i*- • VeaiVenHn eel tiymct liliwaHi* Mrs Frank Wheeling aad Mis. taiatfly in wntit* t» AJWrt A. Uttr, sail saslysis !*•• tea* yeat tfeusi State Federation of WeaMsVa tlubs. siaiilar aature and vitality could songs rapture the essence of theK. Mendes of the Highland* P.T.A. r. Cier« «f tb« M»r«uc*i •! K installed «Arer» of the little Silver he purchased at the peat esehaage SheMea Michael, Uing Branch; folk >ong itself. Mis audiences arc wat introduced at, the sneaker by t ef c—eetilinai-sasi vanlyene- «•*) «f Woman* club at their doling •tores et the fort for considerably Mrs. Oliver Maclateth aad Mrt.plrasrd with his Ray at well aa hi*Mrs. John Lcnhardt, president. She TUt COLONY. *s1sfii»i ymmH*. f*«f luncheon yesterday at the eluo- less thta «ktt it waa betag altered W. Martinson, Rum ton: Mrs. Ray- serious eongt, wianiag him warm told ot th* accomplishments ot the Ctr. «f Tw« «iv*r« * house. Mn. Nathan I«*li« »•• for sale ia the local Meres here. mond Morgaa, Fair Haven; Mrs. acclaim wherever he performs." HU Highlands organisation, »hi?h in- Rum.on, N. J. |7.«l VftsM y0W iwivs *w^f fcM WtaV These BMrchaata. eaember* ef theRichard Zupke. ClisTwood; Mrs. programs include selected English, taasen Utttr, rtM'>*>e chairman. Normaa Morgan, Jr., Colt's Neck; cluded a cafeteria program, heal'h ata as atHMUM ta haetel Installed were Mrs. Trt4 A. Elli- chamber, complained te Ray E. Jewish and Palestinian songs and programs and the setting up of in- in the Biattrr of the saUtc of Edwti'd a* mtsai mecialives, te Iks . _ Taylor, attentive vice #re*ideat, Mrs. Normaa Morgan, Br, Seobey- also his original folk-like ballads, Henry Jones, deceased. Notice t. cred- son, pretiamt; Mr*. Gertrude J ville; Mrs. Austia Wilson, Uncroft; dividual study groups within tbe itors to Ke-cnt cltiais tutinet estate. a aat-eaaa s«»f. fcack weeUt ttMer Darii. Mr*. Winfleld * Walfiwrlfht who in tura breu«M the matter he- Ballade vun Zvei Bhvester, Tur- P.T.A. membership. I'lirKUmit to the order of lioranan Mc- it pukai ayith hcU...mtttanit fore Mr. Mewataa for investigation. Mrs. Robert Wlleea, Everett; Mrs.meshlistel, Shmulik and Western Faddin, Surrtitfate of the County of Mtn- a-teut what "eajght I* ge" hat | and Mrs Charles W. Stephens vice Arthur Kuraoh. Phalanx; M!M Eva presidents: Mn. C. P. Runyon, re- Rather than enter tat* lengthy eer- songs. movilii, anad« on th% ihiruenta. day of Heal, tuttul tumme* ea mm te respoadeace, Mr. Hoffman accepted Smith, Highlands; Mrs. Edward Care el Thtak* June, l»,il. tn t«« api'li<-stion of Ktta fa today;* 4- • • cording secretary; lira. Charlea J. O'Brien. Mra. Joseph Zupko, Mrs, Mr. Olt begaa his career as a I wish to thank sll my frienda and Itnone Juinn, admiriutrntrix of the es* Rrastfield. corresponding aecretary; aa iavitatiea fre>m Mr. Taylor to n< iKttborB the ijincruft LittlltV Aili, the ttte of Edward Henry Jonea, decraaed, Ireae Zupko, Mrs. John lupko, child ia his native city, Bielsk, Rus- notice is hereby given to the creditor! ^'Vm'SmUn ths WsarUMea IM- Mrs. A. M Qrimininaer, flntncial be present at the directors' meet sia. He came to New York city at K,-v SuiiKy StiWtll, Mrs. Ada Kood- asr — yew a*»t *»cfr Memisy Ing and he earn* well fortMed te Mrt. George Supke, Mrs. Beatrice wuid and my itutmrous relativci for of »tid deceated to exhibit to the aub- secretary; Mr*. Oeorge C. South- tupke aal Mrs. Frank Mesko, the age of IS aad studied violin thrir kiiKl t'xfirt ggiona of .vyniJRthy dui- KcHWr.admimeiratrix aa tforesatd, their i» for II eiatc )*«in« ii s true tan ol •» Or«iu*net ican horns; Mr*. Robert Douglass, Ulc Wlllfe MeCee with the liiivijfHtinn intereFta and to that imresuetd st Iki aacetini sf the lown- ception. He ssld thers might have fnd, in the eR*e of ail newly eont.truetcd skip t'oaaaiittct of ts« Tgwnskiii cf Mid- arts ana crafts; Mr*. B. W. McCltl- been seme violations but If to, they CUFPWOOD—When th* Shore Mr*. Glenn Inalalled (IrawhnriK* *, hias* cation: Mn. W. 3. Taylor, garden: ing the past five or tix month* tad session wit opened with a moment Mrs. Lester Glenn was installed mady boats have riulio antennae or out* ant? st s meeting of the T^wmhip Cent* Mn. O. Ivan t-yotie, international the prices set at the itorts at tht of alienee to the memory of thepresident of the Red Bunk chap- riuK'l'K uhirh tnUM: the opening of aaitue of tke lownikip .f MlMlttovn, relation*; Mr*. Chester V. Bohenna, for* are undtr army direction at late Willie McGee, Alabama Negro ter of Hadassah by Mrs. Bidney hi iilKt 4 ulimct-KXjirily, when if it were in the ('uunty of Bfonmouth to be acid not for *ueh Hnlt unite ftrul oiitriutfera it nmWt^Wwwth »• Wednesday, June H, 1891 at the literature; Mn. Joseph ierples, ad Washington. who was convleted In a controver- Meistrich of the Asbury Park would nut toiuifc tht hiidKe olteninH Tovnihip Hal) at *:l» t. H. »t wklt-li viser to the Little Silver Junior sial trial Involving the rape of achapter Tuesday night at a meet- nnd tlieichy facilitate tn n fruit extent tine • public hearing will *• scld y|>»a Woman* club; Mr*. Fred P. Morf, The regulation at the forl I* that white woman. ing at the Jewinh Community cen- the flnw ill' Irillhc over the hl'illire; Mr. Joseph Koch all civilian employees qualified to ANll WHKItr'.AS. the Secretary of ll mei music: Mr*. McClellan. youth ton- Morten Bloom, the party'e state ter, 10 Riverside ave. 1 II TOWKB HILL AVBJUB "" HOWAW W. «O»E»TI. •ervatien; Mrs E. P. Elhcrtt, wel- purchase merchaadlae or periah chairman, spoke of the relationship Other officers Installed were W'HI hn* lieictofdie adopted iT^ulatiftna TMr**hia> Citrk. able* on, the reservation through governing the opening of drawbridges; REU BANK, N. I. t>at.4:fun. lltk, 1*11. fare, and Mrt. Edmund J, Caniona betwtta peace and the present re- Mrs. Abraham Zager and Mrs. AND WHKHK.VS. kaid reuulationa |,ro. legislation, the aaat exchange connection must vide trint the drawln-idt'e ahull not be trial of the "Trenton (," murder Melvin Goodman, vice presidents; ^'* It bsvlM Me tVawM *»Kt*»Mlf< wild show an Identification card to the case. The giuup decided to aik teijiiiriMl tn op'H fnr rruft narryifia" a p- Cynihla Campbell, i member el sale* person before they are al- Mi s. Sidney Hmlas, recording sec- luirtenanii s unessential for navigation the eighth grade at Little Silver Gov. Drlscoir* aid in freeing the retary; Mn. George Kraft, finan- whieh exteniU nbove. the normal suiter* s»e.wleHe vHrswte ahlngtr-* lowed to make purchases. Ht stated •la. structure: ASSSHSSSI BB^iffiSiBS ichool, won the club't annual priw that there are «,*» civilian employ- cial secretary; Mrs. Milton Gerard, OK AKTICLG VII, ARTICLIi VIII ANll for the beat essay written by a Sidney Shatkln, former short trcaaurer; Mra. Sylvan Garnett, AND WHKKKA.1. surh antennae and AHTICLK l.\ Ut" AM OHUWAKCs! ee, at th* fort In addition to the corresponding secretary, and Mrs.outritrKers come under the last men* ArrUED BY liNTITLBD "AN llBIHNANCB LIMIT- member of the eighth grade. Thl* army personnel. The payroll at area chairman, said the MO.OOO.OOO turned elasft of H|i[mttei\H(iees not rnne'1* INO AND BESTKICTINU TU »etl • year the topic waa "How the Atlan- Port Monmouth Is in the vicinity being appropriated by th* United Samuel Pellshus, assistant corres- tial tn navigation and nuth antennae 1KUU UI81KK 1* AMU tUMULAV- tic Pact Can Tend To Aature States for war this year could have ponding secretary. nnd outriltKerK ean he 10 itiHtallH that 1NO THSKtlN HiAL IMTATK of three million dollars a month they mn be. liweretl when going utvdt. SUILUINU ANU 8ThUC'CURE8 AC> Pearr." Honorable mention award and he fully believes that a large wiped out every slum in America CUKUINti TU THKIR CUN8TMJC. went ts Donna Komar. Tht prlset part et tht monthly payroll at Tort and provided housing for every Reserves liuntplete * M'I'W!' TIIKRKKIHK. BK IT Re* OtSON CMIMNY. Inc. TION AMD THE NATUW. AND IK- were presented to the glrla by MM.Monmeuth find* Us way into Red American had that Instead been SOI.VKI) thill all drii»hiiilve otirrnton TBKT W THEIK tBK IN THE spent for peace. uiid attenHiint-. »hri!l receive a eol>y nf TOWNSHIP OK MIDULISTOWN, IN Ellifon at the tehool graduation *» Bank's commtrelal channel*. Mr. Firrt Aid Course Ihia iTiMilutiini witli iiiHtriiotiana thiit the fit mi mKcmi IN imtm THt OQUNTY Ul' MONMOUTH ANU ercire* laat week. Mn. Lyont was Hoffman said that he could go out Mr. Bloom asked ministers pres- above mentinned iTzuhition as to non- Beetsa et e2a^e*wft*dli a VMasHr-aM. a, a^t^eaMkie«» PROVIDING rOK THE A.DMINI8TI.A- chairman, and other* judging were ent to encourage their congrega- FAIR HAVEN—Robert Van efHentifll HlipuitenHnee* »hall be enrrirrl mtja^e w. vtmywt^M • w^^^pwtj w *M**^^^pa} TION AND ENFORCEMENT OK THE In Red Bank's business district Brunt, Instructor, presented Red nut nnrl that the »nifl bridge operator*. fKOVISIONS HEREIN CONTAINIU Mr*, "mithworth and Mrt. Oerald "right now" and see cart betting tions tei send delegstei to the Chi- thill r»fu*e to nlirn the draw in tueh Cross certificates Tuesday night to kj > > > INH We_t»» tMRMI|f AND KIX1N0JPENALTIE1 JOB THE Fuller. IdtntlMeatien tags te the 'fleet that cago peace congress June 30-July 1, rji^f*fl. cN' ^|it in Mirn i 'n*.* n us it' frmy VIOLATION THEREOF.' APPROVJD M members of the Civilian Defense ftpprar that thrre mny hf ilnngrr to thf LeeaJ stepwsentollv APRIL 25. 1*15. A8 AMENDED ANU The executive hoard will meet tht owners of these cart were from police reserves upon completion of *HfVty of Ihr ocrnimritM of Ml-I boftt, mid itVMM DUrpLEMENTED/' ArPROVEO SIT. Monday afternoon at the clubhouse Port Monmouth, alt her at oflleera, Magistrate Une a course in Arst aid. In a short thfn in nurh ra»f \he draw may br TEMRIR 14, 1*41. at 1 JO e'c'.ock. Ol't ar civilian personnel. opened, but %\\c\\ narrator nimH take th* BK IT ORDAINED W» tin Ttw»«kl» | talk Mayor Edgar V. Denise thank- name find rpirist^rrrt numbrr of tald CotsHiltttt et tht Tawnskip of Middle- Fines S Violators ed Mr. VanBrunt and the members craft nrd forward tn thin Bnard, und tewn. In the County ef Me*t»«te eat] Eatontown Ht ipoke at length on the mat of the group for their patriotic mich hoat own^r wil be repnrtrd te the Itat. »f M*« itrM>t ter of transferring Walton Labor- SHREWSBURY - Mtgistratu and civic spirit. Ferlenil Biithoritifti; That an erdlasne* pro»ldinf ft* Ike Local paduattt of Long •»"'" atories to Rome, N. T., and Mid AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tasindn.nt and tuppliantnt et Article Merritt Lane, Jr., lined five motor Patholmen William Robbina and that a ropy of this rfaniiitlon *m i*nt VII, Article VIII and Artltlt IX of *• high »ehool wha received their dt- that by this eornlag Stptember tht vehicle violators Tuesday when I Blomat Monday night wart Mary personnel at Watatm htrt would bt Oeorge Chandler were among thoae tn thf Custom Hmii>f> at Nev York, and •rdlnanet entitled "An Ordlnane. they appeared before him In polict who took the series of Instructions. th* rustom Hnii««> nt Pfrth Amboy: to Amtndini and 8upp!tmentinf an OrdU Agne. Albert, SeA» Camao, Jo«» In txctss of that at tht laborator- court. All lornl Cn;\*t Ounrrl Htntiniim unit tn •anet Entitled 'An Ordinance Llnitlnf cfv.ll.rl, J~n Chatty, Otiu Crow, ies when the transfer was mads to Police Cipt. Carl Jakubccy la inall h mt YHrds nnd yncht cluh* and nthri* and Itatrlttlnf tc Specified District* i itofert Faty, With fW. *£*•'« Rome, N. T, *nd fonsetjuently this Fined were Hossa Reevey, Jr., charge of the reserves. nrt»uni7.atin«a of bout owncrst «nd thiit and Refulatln*- Therein lUal Ettat. West Park ave., Wayside, til and H ro^y of thin rcunhitinn bp r-ublinhrH MILLERTON RUGS »ulldin« and structures Acceriinf te Knapp, J«»n *">***! would mean a larger payroll would in thp ASRURY TARK PRESS, th.* LONfl Thtlr Coaitruetion snd tht Nature and Marceno, Jamet Norwood ht distributed In this locality. IS coats of esurt for careless driv- COMING WEDDING WRANrH I.AtIA ltrCOHI% nn4 the HED Extent of Their Uu in ta. T.wnthl* e( ing; Erich Kreuser, New York BANK HFCISTF.R fnr o..r iMiir; MiddUtown. in tht Countr ef HMimoutk Pattero •«« M"-™"* WJ& PORTAUPBCK—Miss Beverly and Providlns for tht Administration When asked if the army band city, 110 and IS, careless driving; ANH RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED SPECIALS! The Gleaner* of the PreeBy Bremer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Md Bsfotttaunt of th« Provltims Here- would occailonally present Itself at Henry H. Johnson, $10 and 13, care- thnt all hnnt own-rm hr ntked t« rn- in Cantaiaed and riiln* ftntltin for the Ian ehurch will meet Tutttoy •» band concerts in th* surrounding less driving; Harry S. Rubley. Val- Carl E, Bremer of Werah pi., will oprratt* with this ri-jjulntion in ord»?r Violation Thereof.' approved April IS, 3 ». m. to make cancer dressing-*. municipalities. In tht county, Mr. ley dr., Atlantic Highlands. 110 and become the bride of James F, Drv- th«. trnffifi nvrr mir bridprs nay be .*3S. as Asiendod and Supplemented, Mr. and Mr*. Gardner Fox and enport of Caldwcll Saturday. The ractlitatrd. Heavy approved September 14. l»<9. bt anil Hoffman said all one would have 13 for pasting a red light, and Sfonndfd !iy Mr. Wnoilfy «nd adopted the snaie Is hereby further amended end three children ef South •»••«• ta do would bt to ask and the re-Alexander Ollltea, Kearny, IS andwedding will take place at 2 p. m. «n roll rail hy the. following vatr: 9x12 9x1Z "" supplt-mtnttd as follows: vititing Mr*. rose p-rente in Ken- at the Red Bank Presbyterian In thr affirmative: Mtsor*. Vonrhe#«. aueat would be compiled with. Ht S3 for the same violation. Revenible I. Article VII it amtnde* and eupplt. church. Mist Bremer I* a regis- Giot.>inK«.r, Woolley, Sherman and tU also stated that tha national awetp. P.rcctnr Insvin. 7 Aid*. BASE •Maud br eddln* the fellowingi Mr!' and MM. »-" OrAun o] tered nurae and a graduate of Mon- Treet I, Btdnnlnc *t tht mouth sf Pint Brook rd. Sunday returned stake regatta committee would he mouth Memorial hospital school of In the npcrntivf. \oiif. FIBER RUGS Pews Creek « th. ihort if tendy Hook i tioma from North CaroUnm where favored with a band concert on Leo Carlinn Elected nursing. Mr. Dtvenport Is employed CERTIFICATION Bay end running there* <1| toutkerly 1 the regatta dates here if an Invi- T hereby certify thr abnv* tn )»• • RUGS slens Pews Creek and etatifivlng slon*? Mrt. Graham vittted her Isther, tation wort exttnded to them toBy State Planners • by the forest service of Colorado, trur ropy of a rf-t.01Ut.nn ndfiptrd by th*» th. present boundary lint between #lec. do so. and It a student at Colorado A. ftBORTH of Chontn Frrphnlrirrft nf tht tloa Olitriet No. « and *!«etten District i *i»ste*Vef h»ldln» thtlr regular EATONTOWN - Announcement M. college at Fort Colllnt, Colo, County nf Montnnuth, at a nirttinff held No. T of the Township ef Middlet.wn 1 was received Monday night that Junr «, )9.-1. t. th* northerly boundary lin. at Tract meeting, member* ef tha Son* and .Hft tnWARt> C. BRnEGE. CIMII. 1 et Zont l>; thence (I) tntttrly .long i Daughter* ef Liberty will attend Highlands | Leo J. Carllng Jr., wat elected as OPENiMtlir BAR th. northerly houndary lint of Tract I. a meeting Monday night of tht a director for the Central Jeraey Natlct •( Sttlltmvnt •f AcctMmt Zone D afortiaid t. tht westerly hound- Members of Highland* post of the SEA BRIGHT—More than M0 try line of Trsct 1 et Zone E; then-t Put Councilor* association or area of the Federation of Official otntc of (trnrfff f). Waterman, de- northerly at the Legion hall on Bay ave. to ark. at the Ocean View hotel on Ocean HiflitfH and ntatrd by thr> Stnroirnt* nf along Mill Brook, brine alto th* westerly i Branch. ave. The new licensee, Mr*. Hattie th« County of Monmouth and reporter! boundary lint of Tract I et Zan. E > The Lion* club, will meet tonight dltcutt plan* for tht post home The announcement waa made Cut From Full Rolls aferetald. to Compton'a Creek: thenet whieh will be constructed on lota when the local planning board met. Nelson Kaplan, wat hostess at the for settlement tn the M on mo nth County (H northerly along Gompton't Creek ta •t tht Coital Brook Farm Inn to adjacent to Huddy park. Robert event, and served a, buffet supper Court, Pr-ribnt-r IiivUion. on Tuesday, the • point when tht tame Inttruett Church elect officer*. J. J. Brant of Fort Mr. Carllng la chairman of the thirty-first tiny nf 4u.y, A, p.. .9&1, at Street: thenet <•> northerly along th. Wattrt, post eomimndtr, rtporttd board. late in the' evening. lo o'clock A, M., nt which time applica- Monmouth will b* tht tptaktr. Hit progrett on tht drawing of blue- tion will be madr for thp «towanc« of westerly boundary line of Tract I tf com mis si on a and vounnel ffes. SQ.YD. Zone <3 te Bandy Hook Bay; thence II> subject win ha "RO.T.C," Th* prints for the home. Mrs. Idlth In other bualneat tht hoard Wttterly tlont tht short line of Sandy board ef dirtctort will meet im- began a study of the toning ordin- Dated: June 12th, A. !>.. 1951. 59 Hook Ray to tht mouth of Pews Crtek, Mooney, chairman of the arrange- mediately following tht meeting. ance at It pertains to residential COUNTY^BIRTHS THE SEC(»Nl» NATIONAL BANK AND tht point or piaet ot Beiflnnlni, ment* committee for tht anniver- TRUST COMPANY OF RED BANK Member* of tht Woman'* Com- sary dinner at tht Jackson hotel areas. It is expected that the board EXCEPTING from the foregoing tract munity club and their hutbende will recommend several changes In Mr. and Mr*. Luther Jacluon, Jr., By: RALPH S. PEARCE, tht following described area: two wttkt ago, turntd over pro- residential ares as well at In tome of Cedar it, Fair Haven, arc par- Trust OilieiT, ALL thst area designated and known visited Jamttburg Monday night ceeds of the affair to the post build- Ml Ht-narl Sticpt, Reil Bunk, K. .1 at Tracta 8 and * of Zone F and siort of the gtnerel definitions. ents of a daughter born Friday at FLOJCKNOE HOWARD BROOKS, MILLERTON RUGS for a wiener rout and picnic. ing fund. Others who attended the Rivervitw hospital. partieii|tr|y described hereafter, and Matthew Hughe* ha* been con- meeting were Mn. Charlet Telagtt, Hiittonwnod, aoned for butlntis purpoiei, fined home from hit potltlet) at Mr. and Mrt. Charlea Oberlln of Shrewsbury, New Jersey, 130 BROAD ST. RED BANK ALSO EXCEPTING from the for.go. auxiliary president, and Mrt. Eflle Frank Tomaine Accepts Florence ave, Leonardo, arc par- Trustee*. tng tract the, following described, treat Camp Evan* tht week by Dt Ltmotte, Mr*. Ruth Taylor, Mn. MI-H. Afpleiriite, Foitcr, Rtqsiill* ALL that are* designated and known Position in Durbank ent* of a son born Friday at Mon- ft Cornwf-ll, Always Ample Parking * Opp. Steinboch at Tract 1 ot Zone G and more partlc. Eva Marker, Mra. Eltlt Brttieke, mouth Memorial hospital. Red Bank, N. J, ularly described hereafter, and atnei Mr. and MM. Leslie D. Seely MM, Htnrletta Kinnoy. Mrt. Mae Prank Tomaine of U Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. John McKinncy of Attorney!*. fit.7*1. for industrial purposes. •pent Saturday In Olen Gardntr Kaell. Mrt. Guttle Waters. Mrs. at., who recently returned from Fifth St., Cliff wood, are parenta of t. Artlelt VIII It amended and visiting a niece and nephew. Klla Hennessey, Mrs, Harold Otkii, minted by adding th* following: Iceland where he was asiocttttd a eon born Friday at Monmouth Trtet S, The following ipecine area* Th* Methodilt church bell will Mr*. Henry Roemmtlt, Mrt, Flor- with Lockheed Aircraft Oversets Memorial hospital. within Iht exterior bouritarlei of Zont ring at 9 a. m. each day beginning ence Adair, Mra. Helen Conard, corporation, has accepted a posi- I Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Vinci of E, Track i and mere particularly alt* Monday and ending June ». It will Mrs, Amelia Dean, Mrt. Cora Des- tion wltk the Grand Central Air West tt., Rumson, are parents of a scribed a* follows: denote th* starting time of thaBlen, Mrs. Vivian Sandborn, Miss Tht ires, within J00' on etch aids ef Terminal at Burbank, Cal. son born Friday at Monmouth Me- tht Ctnttr Lint ef Port Monmouth Road, Vacation Bible school In theSutan Conard, Orandin Johaion, Currently employed at the Juice morial hospital. YOUR alia known aa 8hore Road and sll* church, an elaborate program for Walter Hagtrman, Roy Olson and Bar corporation in Matawan, he known ta Seabrook Avenue. which ha* been arranged by Rev. Rota Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sambrook Tract ft. The following specific treat expectt to fly to California Sept. of Atbury ave, Atlantic Highland*, within the exterior boundtriet of Zoitt Dunham V. Rtlnig and member* 1 of the church. Members of the Ladle* auxiliary 15. A native of Long Branch, he are parents of twins, a boy and a I, Tract t and nor. ptulcularly tit* of th* V.P.W. thla wttk retd a la the ton of Mr. and Mrt. Anthony girl, born Friday at Monmouth acribed as follow!: The Methodilt Touth Fellowship Tomaine of Long Branch. He ha* HOME 1. Tht srts within !00" on each aide will hold a itrawberry festival on letter from Cpi. Frank C. White of Memorial hospital. nt th* ..trier lint ot Slate Highway tht First Marine division, who ack- lived here the patt nine yean. In Mr. and Mrs. William Hartsgrovc the church lawn Saturday, begin- Iceland four months before Lock- 2.'Tha area within 200' on both lldei ning at l p. m. The public I* in-nowledged a gift package stnt by of Miller at., Highlands, are parenta ot tht center line of Main Street between vited. David Dean i« in charge. the group's community service com- head wat rtplaced by an Army in- of a son born Saturday at Mon- Slatt Highway #11 . and itt intersec- Proceeds will be used to tend MTF mittee to him overttaa. Ont of a stallation, Tomalne's round trip by mouth Memorial hospital. tion with Wilson Avtnut at s paint •erles of gift* stnt to reildenti of air there covered 7,800 miles. We specialiie in repair and re* commonly known si Cot't Corner. member* to Pennington for ram- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Miller of I. Th. tret bsundtd on tht north- mer tehool. the borough now In tht armtd Short rd., Oceanport, are parents modeling work from the buement to witt bj Main Street, en th. northeast forcti, the ptckage drew the follow- Lodge. Celebrates of a son born Saturday at Mon- br th. property of th. Central Railroad Mr. and Mr*. Nelson Scott of ing appreciation from the Marine: ot Mtw Jersey, on the aoutheait by Wll* College avt. apent the week-end mouth Memorial hospital. the attic, inside and ontiide the ton Avtnue and on the southwtat hy "I want you all to know that tht 53d Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bosak of SUM Highway #14. in Tarrytown, N. T., vititing Mr. package you tent rsally madt me and Mrs. John Wottmann, former KEYPORT-Membert of Lady Edgemere dr., Matawan, arc par- house. We'll be glad to give you a 4. All that art* bounded en thl rtiidtnt* htrt. proud of my home town and your ents of a son born Baturday at Mon- aerthtait by tht right of way of tht organisation." Raildent* of the bar. Colfax Rtbekah lodge No. 13 cele- free estimate on any type of job. Central Railroad of Ntw *lertiy. on tht At laat night'* meeting of the brated the group's Sid anniversary mouth Memorial hospital. northweit by Pews Creek, on tht south* ough have been asked ,to Inform Mi. and Mrs. Vincent J. McCue weat by Stttt Highway JJSt and ** th* mayor and council, Councilman member* of the committee or the at a regular meeting at Rtd Men's soutoetit or tttt by Mtln gtrtet, Leon B. Smock, Jr., chairman of hall on Main st. Monday night when of Broad St., Shrewsbury, are par- Try us and be convinced. auxiliary of tht entrance et rela- ents of a son born Baturday at t. All that arta beginning at tht playground committee, an- tives and friends Into the armed MM. Anna Carhart, put district Bolnt JOO' touth of the center line ,'f deputy president, and Mrs. Irma Rlvcrview hospital. Statt Highway #SI mtaiurcd at right nounced that between 40 and tSforcti. Mailed evety two weeks, angles snd 800' cut of Wilton Avenut children are Invited to attend a packages contain the eontributloni Merttger, past noble grand officer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bevcre of New EVERY JOB GUARANTEED AND INSURED measured at right angltt and running baseball game at the Polo Grounds of auxiliary number* and friend* were gunts of the lodge. Brunswick are parents of a daugh- thenet tl) southerly on a line parallel July S. The nrt company has do- Plant wert madt fof a card party ter born Saturday at Rlvcrview with the easterly aide of Wilton Avenut of th* group Interested In tht com- hospital. and dlitant sno' therefrom at right nated half (he but fare for the mittee'* effort*. to bt held Mondty, July 11, and YEARS TO PAY angltt. to Mill Brook! thtnet 0) North- trip. Tht firemen alto will pay tor event! nest fall to tecure funda Mr, and Mrs. Robert Csrhait of SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS erly along Mill Brook to Comptona half the but fare for an Aug. t Swimming cltasea at Port Mon- for tht Rebekah home. Other Hope rd., Eatontown, are parents Creek: thenet (S) northerly along Camp* mouth pool again will bt tpontortd ton's Cretk to a point llto' touth ef tht trip to a major league park. Mr. guests at th* anniversary meeting of twin boys barn Monday at Fit ,.tntw Hut ot 8t»tt Highway #*«] Smock aald that a 130 donation I* thla year by the Parent-Teacher as- wert members of Rebekah lodge kin hospital. • PAINTING • DOBMEMS OABAOSI thtnet Id) wtitirly en a lint parallel welcome for the third trip planned, sociation whott members are co-No. T» of Red Bank. Tht lodgt Mr. and Mr*. James S, Brown of • MASONBV • BOOFINO iMien * Outtem ' with the center lint of State Highway Aug. K. Children between 12 andoperating with Edward Sylvester, will not hold regular mtetlngi dur- Tlnton ave,, Tlnton Fall*, aro par- #•• an* diatant IW southerly therefrom director of saftty tervlce of tht Rtd • ATTIC CONVERSIONS • SIDING COMB. WINDOWS U the uuliu snd place of Beginning: I* year* of age art eligible. Their ing July and Augutl. ent* of a son born Saturday at EXCtfPTINa all that portion of Tract only expente win bt aharlng half Cross, and Miss Audrey Sfilpptt, Monmouth Memorial hospital. • NKW BATHROOMS • MKATINO rLOOB TIUNO t of Zont 0 as may lie within tht arts the coit of the bus fare. class supervisor Parent! have been Mi. and Mrs. William Walker of • ROOM ADDITIONS • rOBCH ENCLOBVBCS detcrlbtd herein at Tract f>. asked to register children with MM. Canterbury Fair Betahaw ave, Shrewsbury town- >. Article IX ta amended and lupple. Open houa* waa held at tht home Annt Lawrence, Mrs, Martin Ftld- aunted ty adding th. following I of Mr*. Cora Wagner Monday and For Rurmon Church ship, are parents of a daughter Trtet I. The following apeelflo are* man, Mn. Eugent Pattsrson, Mrs. born Saturday at Monmouth Me- within th* Interior boundaries of 5-ont Tuesday nlghte in celebration of the John Bhamka or Mrt. Elisabeth RUM80N—Women o( the par- E, Tract t and more particularly d*« graduation of Margaret Wagner morial hospital. scribed it follow!; Kehoe for the arrangement of but ish of St. Oeorge't Episcopal Mi. and Mrs. Pntrick Mania of from Long Branch high school transportation and Instruction. church will hold their annual Can- BEGINNING at a rolnt on the ettt. Monday and Barbara Wagnar from Valley dr., Matawan, arc parents erly sldi of P'ws Creek and distant Classes will run from Monday, July terbury fair xt the church Wednes- of a xon born Hunday at Monmouth Lean* southerly from Port Monmouth the local ne.hnol Tuesday, 23, through Friday, Aug. 3, day, June 20. The event npens f.t Road, *l>n known as Short) Boulevard Mrs. Leslie D. Seely was hoit- Memorial hospital. and also known HI Besbrnnk Avenue snn Members: of the executlv* com-10 a, m,, and will feature a cold Mr. and Mrs. James Sebastian of running thence (II eaattrly along a llni i e»s to an executive meeting of mlttte of th* PT.A. will meet next turkey luncheon to be served be- 1 parallel witli ami Alatant" aouth- the Red Bonk region of the League Almcda ct., Shrewsbury, arc pat- •rly from "Id Port Monmnmlh Road tft Monday at 1:15 p, m. at the horns tween noon and 2 p. m,, with fair ent* of » ion born Sunday at Mon- a point within 1,100' meaatir*d at rlsht of Women Voter* the past Tuesday of Mrt. Ltwlt D, Smith, Jr., litactivities dosing at S o'clock. mouth Memorial hospital. anglti from Wilson Avenuei thence 11) nlrht. Highland tve, aouthtrly along a line parallel with and On salt will be a wide variety of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Barber of dlitant I,»0i>' weiterlyTrom thu west- Mrs, Ray Tupptr It confined Mrt, Eleanor Oiarntckl and Mrt, novelties, flowers, toys, household Leonard «ve,, Leonardo, are par- 4toMC CONSTRUCT/ON CO. trly line of Wllion Avenue to Mnln home by an ear Injury, Andrew Dalno are eo chairmen of Itoms, etc. Tliera will be a movie ents of a son born Sunday at River- Street I thtnet (») wetturly slong s lint Mrs. Margaret Sllva of 3M Wy-th* arranitmtntt committee for a ntrnUel with and rilitnnt 1,1(10' easterly show, featuring camlet, after the 'lew hospital, l J from Bray Avenue to Few- Crcrk ; then<« ckoir rd. wat treattd at Monmouth card party to be held by member* luncheon, Mra, Alfred N. Bendle- Mr, and Mia, Frank Kovulski of - l57 BROAD ST. - RED BANK (41 northerly tlonit Pews Creek ts tht Memorial hospital Friday. She of the Seoul Mothtr* next Wednes- iton I" general chairman, aided by Catherine avc,, Riverside Heights, •mint nun I'lart nf Bfulnnnm, punctured her left thumb with • day it I p, m. at tht Democratic Mrs. Bennett E. Vroman and Mrs.arc parents of a daughter born Sun- 4. Thla ordinance ahull take rfTrct IIP- netdie. club, 714 Bay avt, J, Marry Robertsoa, ; »» Its paaiais tnd vuhilcstlon seeordlnf day at Rlvervicw hoipltal, FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL RED BANK 6-4133 t* law. RED BASK , MW 14, 1951 Pace Fiftcct) Colillion Group lUket Gift to Wcittide Y.M.CA. xvT' FRANK B. LAWK IS fe»MM Sfrimf Rattd Coal - Fod Oil Met Quality • Prompt Detirery MttCt N NOTICE is tr«ia*a*e intreswce* st tea sMttiag ei ta* iejra. »nip LoswIUtc of Ika Vevaaaia *l MM- •mew*, in iat Ca>M*>ti a* ka>a*M«tk. ktla on «Vcda«i«ar. («• IS. l*>l. I** at taat tin* pattet arM retlias **d • 11 laid over tar t*e*«4 anei laal Ht- aaga at a netting af tka Tavamip t*»- •aittee of tkc io*ae*i» of Miaalttafa. ia ike t.uot» •(* ta ke kol« en Meanctaeur, Jaae V. I til at tka Tewniaip Hall at 1:11 P. M. at arkick tiaie a public tearing wlU k* MM «*•* tat watt. w |W>liTI, for this Totmtaip Clara. httt: JIM* Ittk, Mil. AM ORDINANCE TO ISITsUiM AMD NAUTICAL Mr*. Har—M •. Hayat, raaraianfMf tim CMi»M'i tfaniaratj tr>» rac«r*t MINDED 141 ar A»Wy ia> Mfcaat. afMa*H itmk far IMI.40. tk« araffH, •• j. Arthur ft.m!l, 1 fissPsAES '** af Vf MnRni Jerftey. !, Na prrton ihall loiter or entasis in or upsn any it nit, hii»»«», (»tr. tent of BleemMld. Their sen, Ben- LUlle Silver auaafare, lidct/ala, in «r akaut tk« franl par faal ac#)fiarBy la Fair Haven aid Jeffrey or Cams Betriek, M.4., 0 of any building ar any otker puklia ar The w*11-b*hy conference spon- Brownie troop M hnld its flnil «tiiai.|>uklie pltee, or upeti private prap. l«Mly wathrnf, »• affff mm Ratrah Dry aim tpent the week-end with his 21 111 AMI AVI. ertj, not kia awn, ar utter tnp laue, sored *>y the Public Health Nunlrig parents. meeting ef the teuton last week KH» BANK M\\\\ •fftniive, indecent at akutiva language Sarvtta a e t far a wath that i**n yan association of Runuoii, Sea Bright Cadet Robert Noll, «on of Mr. st the achool with nrrsnisements or a«arett ar stake •»> •'anilvt cam. and Pair Haven will be held at the being m*de by 111* troop lradir.~ •Kntt or reaiarki ta »r rancernitg tar •rttkai. tpatttMJY ctttfl, m'AMf tnd and Mrs. Elmer J. Noll of «TI Riv- rton in any ttrett, higk«ay, tnorouin- Willow Street school Thumrlay af- er rr inttr. Ra. Ian. a4Ml far aramBt kama id tary academy. was held. Tha table* were gnilv fere *itk any person lae/full/ beiag In be assisted by Mr*, rrancia Kahie, Miss Georgia Knohloeh, daughter •r upon any itrret. highway, therauth. R.N., and Mrs. Iris Wilton, R.N., deenrated with red rnse*. yellow fare, tidewallt, building, or any •tker of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge. H Xneb. candle* and parly favor?, Ka' h *>ubli« or a.uaii>imklir. place, er upa* who will advise the mothers loch of «TI River rd., who was grad- private property, tat hit awn. nitkln tka The public library will be rioted Brown!* pr*se.nt»« n corsage I" uated from St. Mary'a hall at Bur- h*r mother. The children enter- Tevmhip ot ttlMletotni, Nt* Jtrtey. MNUUrS DeUIXE from June 1* until July 2. All books llnften Tuesday, Is now at hem*. I. No pertaa ihall «tkt, aid, aayn. due during that period will t>e re- tained with game*, anngn and * tenanet er aiaitt in miking any impreper group of pantomime*. IWresli- •aiia, riot. (ti«tnrh«tif» or breach of iha 44 MARION ST. TEL RED BANK 6*203. newed until July t when the libr- menta were urved. Brownie* pres- peire In or upon any itreet, kigkotr, ary will be reopen. During July and Ikornurkftre, .iitentll. auilaing or atk. ent were Lnla Bradley, Phyllis Rur- er puhlie or *uaa|.putlie nitre, ar ut«n August the library will not be open Mrs. Ralph Kll'.en of Plrktr pi. sley, Judy Doan, Peggy DINnplrs, FOR YOUR WAUI private property, net kU awn, ar *it» Saturday morning*. he.a returned home from Falls Linda Flnley. Ruth Gordon. Joyce «ri*B i iu f |lklib •* • The Sundiywechool of the chapel aamblr of any kinil *ktltotr«r In any Church, Va., where she hat been Herbert, Sandra. Dull, Patty HofT- rkiirfh nr ntkar huiltiftf ky any rula. ef Holy Communion held its final visiting her aon-ln-law and daugh- man, Joanne Jultano, Carol Ann *ii»r«!rly er inteeent kakktlw at iny session of the year Sunday morn- ter. Capt. and Mrs. franels Hotkey Hotaling. Vienna Kern, Dorothy kiml. ing. Clsssea will he resumed In and snn. Mr*. Hockey is tht ter- VAION I. Ko rert*n ikati (• akaut fram September. mer Mis* Maria Kitzen. ckaa, Lucy Psee, MildrM I\irr, •aar to aoor nr piara hlmwlf in or «aan Ann Letil«t Perley, Martha Ann OURAMOit-lAUPAtir/ •ay ilratt. klfhiray. tKor«utrlftr«, t\i: The Daughter* of Liberty will Edward Carroll ef Hope rd., pro- •rtlk. 1bvll4int ar atkir auklie ar \M*\' meet Tuesday night at Mechanics Patter, Mary Raff, Penny Sander, Miklii plafa air upon private prtp*'tr> prietor of Carroll's Station' ry ster* and Joan Hagen, Mother* pre-rnt •at kit a»n, t* Hat ar aatkar iha*. Gift Of A UftTIMi" in Red Bank, le a aurglcil patient w*»* Mr*. William Bradley. Mrs. I, Any ptrio* tioltnnt tn» eraw generations were represent- at Rivervlew hospital. riiion of tklt ar«inanr» ihall. anon '*«• ed Sunday at a dinner at the home Mlltsn Plnlty, Mr*. 8. F. Dull. Mr*. •l»ti««. par • (na not txaetlnt T»» Diana Fetter, daughter ef Mr*. Jan Clayton, Mrs. James JulWno. R«n4n4 P«1Un, ar V* ImpatK I* tka at Mr, and Mrs. Charles Groian of Third st. after the christening; of Louis Fetter, was graduated Sat- Mrs. Edward Lacks*. Mr;. Mnry Cotmtr fall far a ferial art •i to use—no miiing, It) a( Nrtiant «•:»!.1 ta 4wi»».il. in'lu- a medical patient. World Bey Scout Jamboree in Aus- priming, ne 'painty' odors »iv«, af tka Ravitaa But tit >t af Me* Jamt* Meteturen and James T. Mr- The annual fair ef Shrewsbury ieriey, Ikar* it kanky autkaritea la Lauren. Others present at the din- tria. ke rrettea a Pltnnltt |aar< af t»vta Hose company will be held three John H. Callen nf Hurr>wn »nl\ ti) i»epjia*ra witk all thealylial, autkar. ner were Mr. and Mra. Free] Roth nights beginning a week from to- Illat, powtrt an* funetiom na« ar pera. and daughter Nancy of New Mil- Harding rds. will attend the reun- THE ASPDIN PAINT CO. after nt fartk ia tale] aaetioai. Tka ford and Mil* Delorc* Latso of night. It will be stated on the site ion ef the class of l»2J of Trinity Red Bank'* Oldcrt qtinllty Paint Store rlanaint B*«r« kereln antkarlte* la ka nf the nrepoaed shopping eenter college beginning tomorrow at crett** ihall, *ka* eatteraiai ika tuMlvMaa at mer from St. Mary'a school. Mew I»B4. ta apprava pltti. la aataralm M« HIM l^sW* v^^h l^*"* ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Attson It tka Mlalaaej ilitt ef lota aa< I* York state. and daughter Betty have returned Mttbllth kullwlat llnee eatielatmt «llk James Newman, Jr., of Third st. ar I* exe«t! M lat tltai anal kullaing haa arrived homt from Rutgers from New Terk elty to spend the linei alraaay ctttklltkaa] ky tkl laalag WAX ONLY MeN A WBBE summer here. ardlnanea. university. He has taken a position Mi*, and Mrs. Cresta DeFerre and tn Idaho for the summer. children Pat and Jean ef Water- VALUES GALORE I Senlan f. Tkli oralnatr* iktll ka ail kecaaaa eff*>tl»e upan ill PMU|* ttf Mils Peggy Ann Minton, daugh- town, Mass.. ar* visiting Mr. and fuklKatian aecaraini ta It*. ter of Mr. and Mr*. H. Lynnwood PUBIIC NOTKS Minton of Fair Haven rd. spent the Mrs. Paul T. Kelly ef Berdsn it. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Law** are In Tka akova sHIaaaea vat Iatr*4aee4 week-end at home. She eral weeks. Reiss Lumber & Supply Co. deilrlm to he heard tktrean wilt that Mr*. William Vaughan will he U given full opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Lester England and in charge ef refreshment! and Cited: June IS, IDtl. sen William have moved from Mr*. Arthur James will be in MAIN STREET EATON TOWN mt> L. AVER*. Haajger* lane and are now living charge of game*. Though tha club Mil lorouih Clark. MM WANTED fionrd room af the uhoel, 8p*cllcationi T||e tag Brigkt Hoard af Cdurttlon jjiny br phttiMd at K»«l*t'l Hardware with Mr. anil Mr*. England's son- will not meet again until Septem- MOmiOVTH COtlSTVS LEAD1SG LIMBER MART III accept tailed blrlt for the rrmnva! Sioro nr after « P. M, at #T Bcaek in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ber, it will hold a baaar In Au- Tha road <• letter aad klggir kuil- it preient tlate r«af of tilt; Puhtle Frhon! Street, Sea Bright, Lester Brett ef Hendrlekson pi. gust. A ehssk wae presented to Hated at 4 River Street, Va Briiht, N. mn, advertlM in The Rtglittr r»|ularlr, . and replatlag tarn* wltk - Aiheitm Dotrr} nf EduettlfiK. Leslie Qeivals of Fair Haven rd. Rev. Theodore E. A. LeVan for —AdxrtiKituat. thinglM. on June ;:, 1M1 at 8.01) P. M. ROBERT P. THORHEK. is home on ten days' furlough from the MH.'lon Extension of thi dio- LAWN CHAIRS OUTDOOR €RILLS Baittrn Daylight Saving Time In tha Dlltrirt Clerk, Fort Bennlng. G«, where he ha* cese ef New Jersey, .50 ritnlc In your own hack .95 been stationed with the paratroops. Oak Sturdy Btlb At the end ot his furlough he will Cot. and Mrs. Alvln H. Parker yard. EA. rtporl to Seattle, Wash. and son Geoffrey of Fall* Church, 7 U Mr*. Russell Hendrleksen of Fair Va., have been visiting Mri. Park- Haven rd. has taken a peiition at er's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. the Fair Haven pharmacy. and Mr*. Philip T. Smith ot Bread *t. Yesterday the eeuple left tor NEW Miss Betty Montgomery of Fair New Hampshire where Col. Parker Haven rd. was guest of honor at will attend the reunion of his class g shower Friday night at the home at the University ef New Hamp- ef Mrs. Harry Vcroneau of Parker shire. ave. Other* present were Mra. John DEUIXE TYPICAL RANCH HOMES V. Montgomery. Mrs. William My- Brownie troop M will hold a att. Mrs. Wesley Crosier, Mrs. Ed: bike hike Wednesday, the list ward Crosier. Mr*. Clifford Grim- meeting of the group until Sep- mer, Mrs. Clara Loekwood, Mrs. tember. Members wjli meet it the TRELLIS Esthsr England, Mr*. Lester Brett, school at i p. m. for a blkt ride Mra. Barney England, Mr*. Rosina tn Tinton Falls. Mrs. A. E. Mte- Halaer, Mr*. Oeorge Curehln and Krlll* Is th* leader In charge, Miss Amy Myatt. Mi-is Montgomery Sunday was children's day it will marry Oeorge Curehln of Fair Old Chrlat Episcopal church. The. VICTORIA HEIGHTS Haven rd., Saturday, Juns S3, at Mothers' club presented engraved tha chapel, New Jersey College for Bibles te the three outstanding Women. children of the church school— Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Jeffrey Susanna Barg, Rotctta Annin and DEVELOPMENT ef Fair Haven' rd. had as their Peter Hnhn. Church ichoel has week-end guest Mis* Itoree Our- ended for the summer.

NAVESINK RIVER ROAD—NEAR CONOVER LANE LAWN ARBOHS .95 a hit PsJatsd WkHt. EA PAINTED WHITE 6 Rooms with Attached Garage DAD'S FAVORITE Whiskey CombiMtkNi Doors Saw Buck Tables Window Screens • S BEDROOMS . KITCHEN • DINETTE Wine Aluminum frame* • With t Benches BpeeleJJr Priced and Tension Wire Cordial • TILE BATH • LARGE LIVING ROOM, WITH FIREPLACE 11-95 „.., • PLASTERED WALLS • RIVER RIGHTS Excellent Assortment _^__|[\l»4l\Tl'll I/I ri*XITUIIV. • COMPLETELY DECORATED t MANY OTHER FEATURES • Bookcasst 8..M up 1I Denki lo.n up e Ten Wigon* * Cheat ot Drawer! 10.30 up 1• Hutch Cabinet* 2.'.M up (maple ft birch) li.W HOLIDAY • Cocktail Table* > Kitchen Cabinet* ».»3 up * Telfvision Stesla (lined oak) 1S.M up (rattan irat) IBS up LIQUORS * Corner Cahlnst* n.s» up '• Nlte Stands 1,90 LOUIS SCALZO, Builder • Center and Whatnot <> Shaduw Boxes • Wardrobe* 4 WHITI ST. RED IANK Shelve* I.M up (redwoml) 1.90 (iriUr nr pine) ».9A up PHONE RED BANK 6-0290 W* Deliver, M 4-2III "CALL THE LUMBER NUMBER" . EAT(hM UWN 3-1 »70 t*m fMtor BED RAVIC fOUiWfWM. J0XE 14, l«)t ara* «lsaiai«d aa hiaa aa4 ka fei* aaad M*tka (ia** aaa«. H* Fair Haven P.T.A. Byrne Accepts «iv«4 a sevtr* cvt a*vd *aa rmaaa ta tk* Ma*>aM«4a Maawrlal aital. Holds Card Party SM2S Settlenent Mr. Byra* krwtgM Mitt ia FAIR HAVEN The Fair Haven FREEHOLD—Jasaes Byrae «f T« eowatr court acaiast Loftus aad Parent-Teacher association held it« Ccater ave.. Atlantic Highlands, ac- tae case was tried Mar •• aad re- annual car den bridge Friday at cepted •ettleaaent of tl,«H froas sulted ia a Jury aisafr**aat*)t. It -««v.-rnw»m- Willow Street school. The party Patrick i. Loftus of Leonardo yes- va* the caataatiM af Mr. Uftus was to have hern held on the Iswn terday fer a suit it iajuria* suf- that Mr. Brrae i*)«r*d hlauclf ay of the home of Mayor rr\A Mrs. Ed- fered last Sept. » aiwaiaa* ato aaad thravfh the 4aar. Realty Views gar V. Denise but was changed Be- Mr. Loftus is the owner «f the The case va* icbedvlea; for re- cause of rain. Leonard* bar and grill aad oa the I trial yesterday but befara a Jury Mrs. Noe| L^rtai.d wus chairman, •ight cf the injury Mr. Byrne veat 'was picked, settleswat was rsacbad and proceeds will be used foi a ts> the tavern, where a barn dance between Edamad 1. Caaisaa, af tke special education pi oject fo: the was feeinf held. He claimed that jarai of Paraoa*. L*krec««e, Caa- SEELEYS school. Mis. Hairy Carter of Little after he had anished daaciaf he aa * Caaubs af B*4 Baak. rea- Silver won the piinripal prize—a *a* aeiied by two or three Bremen, reaeatiat Mr. Byrae, aad Harvey paiv of tickets to the show "Call ho were acting as "Bolicenwn," Bteveataa of Bast Oraa|t, wha ap- Me Madam." Other piizc winner* and who would pick on the daacei* aearea far Mr. Laftus. a* they went around and put them IIAI OF were Mrs. Drxter Jono.«, Mis. George Harm, Si.. IIif. tifoi'ge H. In n jail. Mr. Byrne contended he The UniUd BUtes had It* ptmk was not aware that the (axes were Woodward, Mr.°. A. C. Dixon, Mr*. number af harass ia mv-}l.t*>,- 15 MONMOITH ST. Harold Dowsira, Mrs. Harry Her- being played and that a* he started Tk« roas t« ketter n* M||tr to csaae out of the Jail, the doar aa». M*w thera are las* thaa tim.. «e««. a^veitiae ia Tk< *>siiUr man, Mis. Louise Brunck, Mrs. •09. JUST OFF WOAP ST. James Worden, Mrs. P. H. Kadfoid, Mrs. Grandin Hammrll, Mrs. Har- IN THC HIAIT OF vey Little, Mrs. William Mcl.augh- lin, Mrs. Joseph Srhrrer and Ml*. Cmrmtr NCWBMB) SprMMja M. ami SawewtJNirjr Avt* RED IANK Arthur flieman. DOROTHY Table priies were jars of Four Sho* Card* Seasons salad dressing?. Others TOLAND TMVNONI MD SANK tS.f74f Paper Sipiit | present were Mrs. Clifloid Brooks, Mrs. John Johnston. Mis. Elmer (,ul OuU Gourley, Mis. Fred Boyd, Mr?. Mary ^Shultz, Mrs. George W. Bi owne. PLEASANT INN Diaplaya j Mrs. James EnrlRht, Mi* Edward V. Warren, Mis. Hem)' Stevenson, Trurt* • R Lu«m«M it tilt l Shulti and Miss Mary I, Putnam. *•••• **4 tanily. It vtM't »«••! | cMt t*v*»it Dry In M*iMM.fct*fatftl Coaal Guard Captain t|.«o $510 SlidiagKre*aan«Mili gi«e tttj ehanic* IrMi To Talk at Dinner QUART GAUON MORGAN - Captain Vernon E. N» Marig* ar*Wws- Day of the Coast Guard will ipeak at the annual dinner and dance of DISTRIIUTOR •«lck, easy vwiilallaa) he Coast Guard auxiliary at the at say tiau. "BI6EL0W" 9x12 Robert B. Lee Inn, it. 35, here Sat- urday night. June 23. THE ASPNN COMPANY Captain Day has seen duty on 20 Whit., St. Rtd tank GLAMOUR RU6S Regular 944.S0 both couts of the United States, In Alaska, Greenland and overseas. DEALERS Treated Clear Hear I At present he hu been assigned to •sautiy rufi at a daaa priea^utl .All-wool faea, in • the Third Const Guard disliiet en- HIEGFIUBD HARDWARF. gineering division ax chief, and is Ill First Ave.. Atlantic Hlghlaada variafy of colon ana) pattsrnt. Idsal for your wmmar particularly interested in small B. D. WOLCOTTS SONS ReinlatcsaaMCtiniraU boat safety. » Mala St., Eatontowa -paaeli saiily reawteJ coHaga, or to UM in ptaea of fins ruojs for tha wmmar It waiklag.

ENTIRE STOCK OF Caitaai-liiuf llaih with wiMaw Ira tkausandi now in ate. FIBRE RUGS Cablaalaiaker «••• •traction of tr*sl*a Regularly 914.9S to «31.93 leilern Plna-dia- palnlad. Famoui makai of cool, long waaring fibre rugi at a ffnt- Off Reg. Prices aftoason diicount that wiH MVO you many doKan. «ood •oloction of Battomt and colon... oN wanted thai. leatberlight eeaUort -«pl«30%la«laa«iagi! G»M»I>. SmilHr Urn "BIGELOW-SANFORD" Florsheim Shoes STAIR CARPETING of course Now, rocovor your italn with hnury earaatinf af a big 15% t Off Reg. Prices •aving! 27 inch width all wool twist waava, vaWot and Lucky ii the Dad that finds Florsheim stamped on GmleaMai PINM was aasr* la- broadripplo. Good colon. forawiisn sa ta* atw Eaib-Picksr bit Father's Day remembrance—for he hat a gift that CsablnaliM Wiadsws. N* Mi- combine* comfort, quality. line styling, and long months of genuine shoe enjoyment. Ka*y to buy . . . simply give him a Floriheim Father* Day gift certificate; Sintl- Colonial Screen Company SHOE CO. 17 BROAD ST 157 BROAD STREET II lr**d St led Benk PHONE RE 6-0001 KK 6.0268 Mono 4-0291 Kad lank