Pillsbury Job Rights Upheld TRENTON - the Appel- Freeholder Thomas J Three-Year Term in 1973 1 Late Division of Superior Lynch Jr

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Pillsbury Job Rights Upheld TRENTON - the Appel- Freeholder Thomas J Three-Year Term in 1973 1 Late Division of Superior Lynch Jr The Daily Register VOL.98 NO. 195 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1976 15 CENTS Primary races? Union Beach isn't excited By JILL HUtER bert Humphrey either Most residents have.blue-collar jobs "You just watch Humphrey." Mr in the Bayshore area and few seek post- UNION BEACH - Despite (he imme- Varlese declared "He's an old fox and high school education diacy of the presidential primaries in Wis- he's been around a long time He just Tom Willoughby. proprietor of consin and New York today, and despite might get the nomination " Twenty Paces, a tavern on Union Ave . is the fervor of primaries past, no single Although the borough has yet to rally one of those who doesn't "like In gel in- candidate appears to have captured the behind an individual candidate, many volved in politics," but he does hope the hearts and minds of residents in this self- people here indicated they would like to Democrats will be victorious in Novem- admitted Democratic stronghold see a change — any change — in the ber. Several townspeople said politics did present administration. "The last lew years have been very not concern them Others slated it was "All you have to do is look at Ihe kids bad and I would like to see a change for too early in the game for speculation re- who are hanging out on the street be the better." said Mr Willoughby "Many garding presidential candidates But cause they can't get jobs.' said a retired have lost faith in government in Ihe after- some have already chosen a candidate factory worker who lounged in front of a math of Watergate and I think Ihe coun- they feel is worthy of their support local tavern. "It's pretty obvious that* Iry needs someone lo restore lhal faith To some, former Gov. Jimmy Carter something is wrong. It's a shame and it's "Unemployment is the big issue as of Georgia, a Democrat, represents salva- the fault of the government Something far as I'm concerned." he continued tion from the ills they feel have been has got to change." "When the American people are oul of brought on by the Nixon-Ford Adminis- Officials say unemployment is high in work, they get restless When they gel trations. Others see a glimmer of hope in this borough, which measures just under restless, there's trouble." he said the promises of Sen. Henry Jackson of two square miles, and sits on the banks of Although he knows his is nol a popu- Washington and Rep. Morris I'd,ill of Ari- Raritan Bay The town is overwhelmingly lar view; Mr Willoughby feels George zona, both of whom are also Democrats white, predominately Catholic and solidly Wallace might be the man America needs Democratic Gov. George Wallace of Ala- Democratic: the current Borough Council now. bama andHepublicanRonald Reagan and is composed entirely of Democrats and "1 like Wallace, but I realize he might Gerald Ford seem to fall somewhere be- only two Republicans have occupied be too extreme," he stated "I think he's low the other candidates on the popu- council seats in almost 20 years. In presi- the candidate with Ihe most vigor — he's REPRESENTATIVE RESIDENTS - The average shown a strong preference for a presidential condi larity scale here. dential elections, at least two-thirds of got guts, and many seem to like his style resident of Union Beach, a two-square-mlle date. These typical Union Beachers shop for their But, Mayor Fred Varlese warns, one the town's 6,900 residents vote Democrat- Bui we need someone with Ihe ambition borough on the shore of Raritan Bay, is white, needs in Ralph's Market, Front St. must not discount the chances of Sen Hu- ic, according to borough records Set Primaries, page t Catholic and Democratic. Residents have not yet in HI ii llllllllllllMIIIIII liMiiii i mil* mil IINIlllllllllllll iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Illlllli IlinillllllllU mini IIHiMMiiMliiiiHiiiiliimiimitmiiiuliliniiiHiliimiiiiiiUMniiiiiiHi iiuHiiiiniiiimHiitmhiMiiiiiiiiimiiiMimiiimiiiiHiiiiMiiiiHlMtiiiiimiilliimiiiiiii' Pillsbury job rights upheld TRENTON - The Appel- Freeholder Thomas J three-year term in 1973 1 late Division of Superior Lynch Jr. said last night lhat The 3-2 Demorratii major Court unanimously ruled yes- he does not favor appealing ity on the board first j:.ked terday that the Democralic the matter to the U.S. Su- Mr Pillsbury lo give them a majority on the Monmoulh preme Court full report on all pending County Board of Freeholders "I am very much against county legal work Then, had no right to fire John M an appeal." Mr Lynch said claiming the report was late Pillsbury, a Republican ap- "This has been dragged out and incomplete, the Demo- pointed county counsel. long enough, and we must get crats asked Mr Pillsbury to on with county business." he quit and he refused The appeals court upheld a said. Then the Democrats on Superior Court ruling In April. Mr Pillsbury said last night Feb 4. 1975. demanded that 1975, that Mr. Pillsbury is that he was happy with the Mr. Pillsbury turn over all his chief county counsel and ruling, and added that he has files to Philip N Gumb.s. could not be removed from not yet received a copy of it county freeholder director office until his three-year They also staled lhat Mr term expires in October The controversy began when the Democrats took Pillsbury did nol have to at- The Appellate Court said tend future board mi't'hngs the three-year term was set control of the county Board of by the legislature and could Freeholders Jan 1. 1975 It The Democrats said Ulej in imr unit »r DOB LMI not be ignored by the freehol- was the first time in 40 years could not maintain a normal FARM BUILDINGS BURN - Flames destroyed two out- and Holmdel battled the spectacular fire. One fireman suffered ders. lhat the Republicans did not lawyer-client relationship with the Republican ap buildings, one a two-story barn, and part of a third structure the only reported Injury, an arm burn. Two horses stabled in The court referred to Ihe control the board. pointee Mr Pillsbury said early today on the W. C. Hammond farm, Spring Valley Road, the barn were led to safety before the flames leveled the build- board's attempt to fire Mr Mr Pillsbury was originally the residents of Monmoulh off Rt. 520, In Holmdel. The latter traffic artery was closed for Ing. The fire was discovered at 2:20 a.m. Firefighters were still Pillsbury as a "display of named county counsel in 19M See Plllsbary. page 2 more than three hours while firemen from Hazlet, Colts Neck sifting through the ruins at press time. Another photo on page 2. Jacksonian Elan." He was reappointed for a Court weighs Brookdale Billionaire appeal of Endress ruling 70, TRENTON (AP) T Al- torial upon him. He ordered Miss Endress per but were Hiss Endress's tomeys for Brookdale Com- Morgan and attorneys rep- reinstated, with the tenure work. munity -College argued before resenting the college presi- she would have earned, and "The board of trustees de- the Appellate Division of Su- dent and the board of trustees ordered the college, the presi- cided lo terminate her be- dies of stroke are attempting to overturn perior Court yesterday thai dent and the six members of cause of the violation of what HOUSTON (AP) - In his could not say for certain that Superior Court Judge Merrill Ihe college did not violate a the board of trustees to pay they understood to be the death, Howard Robard he had been there, though he Lane's decision in Miss En- journalism professor's con- her a total of 190,000 in dam- function of a faculty adviser." Hughes was as much a mys- was said to occupy Ihe entire dress's favor. stitutional rights when it fired ages, plus back pay. Morgan said. tery as he was in life top floor The pilots who flew her over an editorial she The judge ruled last year He said her conduct was in Hughes, billionaire industn him on his final flight did not wrote for the college news- that the editorial which ac- The college, located in Lin- violation of the student pa- alist and aviation pioneer, know he was to be their pas- paper. cused the chairman of the croft, Is Monmouth County's per's First Amendment died of a stroke yesterday on senger until shortly before Charles Morgan, represent- board of trustees of conflict two-year community college rights a private jet en route from.a takeoff. And an unmarked ing the college, said the pro- of interest and called for his Morgan asserted that the "Vis-a-vis the students, she seaside Mexican resort lo a ambulance met the plane fessor, Patricia Endress resignation, was protected by editorial and the investigative was part of the adminis- hospital in Houston, where his Hughes amassed an empire fact violated the constititonal First Amendment guarantees article on which the editorial tration," Morgan said parents are buried and where valued at more than 12 bil rights of the student editor of of freedom of the press and of was based, were nol projects He and the other attorneys he was born 70 years ago lion His holdings over the expression the paper by forcing the edi- of the student staff of the pa- See Ctvt, page 2 From the age of 19, when years included hotels, gam he inherited his father's' tool bhng casinos, airlines, movie company, until his death.
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    Copyright © 2007, Forel Publishing Company, LLC, Woodbridge, Virginia All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of Forel Publishing Company, LLC. For information write to Forel Publishing Company, LLC, 3999 Peregrine Ridge Ct., Woodbridge, VA 22192 1971 Ford Car Shop Manual ISBN: 0-9673211-8-2 EAN: 978-0-9673211-8-9 Forel Publishing Company, LLC 3999 Peregrine Ridge Ct. Woodbridge, VA 22192 Email address: [email protected] Website: http://www.ForelPublishing.com This publication contains material that is reproduced and distributed under a license from Ford Motor Company. No further reproduction or distribution of the Ford Motor Company material is allowed without the express written permission of Ford Motor Company. Disclaimer Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this book, no representations or warranties of any kind are made concerning the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information, either expressed or implied. As a result, the information contained within this book should be used as general information only. The author and Forel Publishing Company, LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Further, the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If legal, mechanical, electrical, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. WHEELS and TIRES . , BRAKES \ €&ARCING SYSTEM. .......... 31 STEERING I. LI6HTING SYSTEM.
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