
ultimate PlantUML Cheatsheet v.1f5b1b83 by Andreas Offenhaeuser

Icons Arrows Open Iconic is supported out of the box. Any icon can Components All combinations of two arrow heads and line type can be be rendered by embedding into <&..>. A list of plantUML components and their names, most used to create any UML arrow type. card "<&key> key" can be used in any . The sequence only card "<&wrench>" supports a subset.

key check clock --|> --* --o --> -->> *--> --# agent / tag card / cloud rectangle boundary Icons can be shown as icon only by disabling the border and background styles. .. -- = -(0- --(0 --+ --^ le fi skinparam cardBorderColor none control entity skinparam cardBackgroundColor none folder / skinparam cardShadowing false frame queue Skinparam Properties For any component style properties can be set via

storage / stack skinparam Sprite Icons usecase Custom icons can be added via sprites. There is a collec- Multiple properties for the same component can be tion of sprites for various icons included in the standard grouped library. Additional sets can be loaded from any URL skinparam node { Multiline Components reachable by the rendering server using !includeurl. BackgroundColor transparent !include Text can be spread across multiple lines in components BorderColor black !include by declaring the text in [ ]. } !define ICONURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ node mynode [ Component properties: tupadr3/-icon-font-sprites/v2.0.0 several BackgroundColor, BorderColor, BorderThickness, !includeurl ICONURL/govicons/submarine.puml lines FontColor, FontName, FontSize, FontStyle ==== FA_COGS(c1, work) #white of GOV_SUBMARINE(sub1, Submarine1) #lightblue Generic properties: .... ArrowColor, ArrowLollipopColor, ArrowThickness, GOV_SUBMARINE(sub2, , frame, red) { text BackgroundColor, DefaultTextAlignment ([left], center, FA_COGS(c2, more work, card, white) ] #limegreen right), Handwritten [false], HyperlinkColor, HyperlinkUn- } derline, Monochrome [false], Nodesep (horizontal margin [0]), Padding (text padding within node [0]), Ranksep several also works lines (vertical margin [0]), RoundCorner, Shadowing in a cloud of with inline text The full list of skinparam settings and available text colors can be found on the plantUML website.

work Submarine1 more work