better body GUIDE

Printing of this guide is permitted for personal use only. Distribution and mass and/or commercial production is strictly prohibited and carries significant penalty.

#pruviteveryday BETA PROTOTYPE


Share your fit progress pictures, better selfies, and inspirational images using the hashtag #keton8challenge on your FB and Instagram with a shoutout to @justpruvit.

Every. Single. Day. PROTOTYPEBETA


We recommend you have prior fitness experience before beginning this this intense plan. If you haven’t moved or worked out for a bit, start program out with our Müvement guide and work your way up to this. As with is any of our Müvements, listen to your not for body. If you feel too much strain, just go for a brisk walk. Remember, the faint progress is not achieved by accident; progress is achieved by ACTION. of heart. Every. Single. Day.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 3 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

Utilizing the most expert science and world renowned authorities, Prüvit is bringing you a challenge to help optimize how you live.

prüvit ceo and co-founder – brian underwood

4 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


Introduction Better body snacks Pick Your Level...... 7 Smaller Portions...... 134 Get Your Game Face On...... 9 Larger Portions...... 136

Workout guides Müvement glossary Week 1...... 10 Guide...... 137 Week 2...... 24 Week 3...... 38 Week 4...... 52 Week 5...... 68 Week 6...... 84 Week 7...... 100 Week 8...... 116

DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Pruvit products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are under medial supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or are breastfeeding, contact your medical provider before beginning any nutritional or exercise program.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 5 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

your better body starts now.

6 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


f you’re just starting out with obese, have any physical health Iworkouts (but consider yourself conditions, or feel the Müvements generally fit), start at the Beginner in this Better Body Guide are too level. If you have some experience in intense for you, please start with the and have been working out the Keto N8 Flex Müvement Guide. regularly, start at the Intermediate Progress is the name of the game. level. The Expert level is for gym Where you start is not where you gurus that hit it 3-4 times weekly on a will finish. Work your way up to new regular basis. If you consider yourself levels as you gain strength.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 7 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

8 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


t’s time to get your mind right and your game face on. These Better Body Müvs Iare meant to be performed until failure. Until failure means you go as hard as you can until you can’t do it anymore (this typically will take 30-60 seconds).

When you can’t do anymore, stop and rest for 120/90/60 seconds depending on your level. After your rest period, go to the next Müv.

Complete 1 full cycle if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles if you are Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles if you are an Expert.

DISCLOSURE: If you’re choosing one of the gym options, we recommend you consult a professional at the gym or take a look at our video tutorials to make sure your form is right and you are avoiding common mistakes that can lead to injury. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 9 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 1 // day 1 what weight

Form is everything when it comes to choosing your weight. The correct form means you are protecting your ligaments, joints, and muscles from strain or injury. If you are using a resistance band or weight option, choose a weight that allows you to do the entire round while keeping the correct form. When you feel you’ve mastered it, increase your weight/ resistance. Listen to your body. You know you.

10 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA Monday upper body week Chest Back Shoulders 1 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push-up or Hyper- Arm Raise Inverted Diamond Grip Option Modified extension Push Up or Push-up on Modified on Knees Knees

Resistance Banded Seated Band Lateral Band Curl Banded Band Option Band Row Raise Triceps Extension

Gym Option or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell Underhand Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Pullup Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Press

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable Triceps 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Pressdown Incline Bent Over Lateral Raise Curl Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Close Grip 3 Cable Row Cable Front Curl Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 11 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 1 // day 2 get to sprintin’

These are “go til you blow” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with 120 seconds of rest between each round, and finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

12 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA tuesday cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 1 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 2 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 13 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 1 // day 3 form fitting

Form is everything when it comes to choosing your weight. Remember, the correct form means you are protecting your ligaments, joints, and muscles from strain or injury. Don’t up your weight until you’re ready and can keep your form steady.

14 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA Wednesday lower body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Glutes 1 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Reverse Quadruped Option Hyper- Leg Lift extension form Resistance Banded Banded Leg Banded Good Banded Leg Banded Band Option Squat Extension Morning Curl Abduction fitting Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Barbell or 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Dumbbell Hip Walking Deadlift Thrust Lunge

Gym Option Barbell Front Barbell or Good Romanian Glute 2 Squat Dumbbell Morning Deadlift Bulgarian Split Squat

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell or Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 3 Dumbbell Bodyweight Hyper- Ham Raise Through Box Squat Step Up extension

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 15 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 1 // day 4 run your heart out

Time to get your sprint on again. Remember, these “go til you blow” sprints mean you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Pay close attention to your “Sprint Exertion Level.” This is how hard you are trying (5/10 is 50% and 10/10 is 100%). Do your sprints with 120 seconds of rest between each round, and finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

16 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA thursday cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 1 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 4 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 17 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 1 // day 5 time to raise the bar

If you’re keeping your form with your original weight, consider upping your game a little today. Take it slowly, but stretch yourself if you feel your body is ready for it. The correct form means you are protecting your ligaments, joints, and muscles from strain or injury. Get it right, and keep it tight.

18 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA Friday upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 1 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Bear Crawl Hyper- Mountain Incline Push Bench Option extension Climber Up

Resistance Standing Band Bent Band Band Curl Band Triceps Band Option Band Chest Over Row Shoulder Pushback Press Press

Gym Option Barbell or Cable or Dumbbell or Standing Close Grip 1 Dumbbell Flat Machine Lat Cable Side Alternating Bench Press Bench Press Pulldown Lateral Raise Dumbbell Curl

Gym Option Dumbbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Seated Bent Over 2 Cable Incline Dumbbell Cable Upright Alternating Triceps Fly Underhand Row Dumbbell Pushback Row Curl

Gym Option Barbell or One-Arm Dumbbell or Hammer Curl Cable Triceps 3 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Rear Pressdown Decline Row Delt Fly Bench Press Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 19 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

Saturday,week 1 // dayday 66 form for life

Keep your form. If you are doing resistance band or gym options, take it slowly when upping weights. Push yourself if you feel your body is ready for it, but don’t overdo it. The correct form means you are protecting your ligaments, joints, and muscles from strain or injury. Safety first.

20 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


You’re almost through week 1’s Müvs! Get your mind and body ready to conquer this. Go until you can’t do each Müv anymore (this typically will take 30-60 seconds). When you can’t do anymore, stop and rest for 60/90/120 seconds. After your rest cycle, go to the next Müv. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 full cycles if you are an Expert.

You’re killing it so far. Get ready to DOMINATE this. DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 21 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEsaturday whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Push-Up or Hyperextension Arm Raise Inverted Row Option Modified Push-Up on Knees

Resistance Banded Fly Seated Band Row Band Lateral Raise Band Curl Band Option

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or or Barbell Curl Bench Press Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Cable Incline Dumbbell Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell Bent Side Lateral Raise Curl Bench Press Over Row

Gym Option 3 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Machine Fly

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

22 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week saturday whole body Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 1 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

Diamond Grip Push Up Squat Reverse Quadruped Leg Lift or Modified on Knees Hyperextension

Banded Triceps Banded Squat Banded Good Morning Banded Hip Abduction Extension

Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Barbell or Dumbbell Extension Deadlift Hip Thrust

Cable Triceps Barbell Front Squat Good Morning Glute Bridge Pressdown

Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Press Box Squat Hyperextension

10,000 steps

What comes next? Take Sunday off! Even YOU need a day off. 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 23 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 2 // day 1 go south Get ready to work your South Side!

Get low, and stay true to your form, and you’ll be Prüvin’ it with these lower body Müvs. Remember to add weight when you feel like you’re ready for it.

Case of the Mondays? I don’t think so. You’ve got a case of the Crushed it!

24 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 lower body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 2 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Jump Squat Leg Curl Long Stride Glute Bridge Option Lunge

Resistance Banded Banded Band Lying Leg Banded Banded Glute Band Option Squat Squat Curl Long Stride Bridge Lunge

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Barbell or 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Walking Thrust Lunge

Gym Option Machine or Leg Single Leg Machine or Hip 2 Dumbbell Extension Deadlift Dumbbell Abduction Sissy Squat Leg Curl

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell or Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 3 Dumbbell Bodyweight Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Step Up

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 25 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 2 // day 2 change your life

One run can change your day. Many runs can change your life.

We’re all about life changing Müvs, and this is one of them. Get your lungs, your legs, your arms, your whole dang body into it. It’s time to do something worth posting about. Remember to post your running selfie with #keton8challenge @justpruvit #runlikeyoumeanit ;)

26 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 2 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Double Crunches

Option 3 – – – – – Spiderman Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 2 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 27 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 2 // day 3 commence chest pounding

It’s time to get down and dirty with your upper half. Get your upper body on today, and before you know it, you’ll be looking like the Hulk.

28 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 upper body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 2 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up or Single Arm Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Grip Option Modified Suspension Push Up or Push Up on Row Modified on Knees Knees

Resistance Banded Lying Band Band Upright Band Curl Banded Band Option Incline Press Pullover Row Triceps Extension

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell Underhand Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Pullup Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Press

Gym Option Machine Cable or Dumbbell or Reverse Cable 2 Bench Press Dumbbell Barbell Upright Barbell or Overhead Pullover Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 29 GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA 30 getyour runright better GUIDE body week 2//week day 4 Make sureyourkneeknowsit’s place. your foot.Thisincreaseschanceofinjury. lengthen yourstride. Avoid reachingforwardwith Keep a short,quickstride. for gettingyourrunningformright: Running requiresformtoo. stand upstraight. but is easily avoided by engaging your core to from yourhipasyourun.This can leadtoinjury Don’t fallforward. hands periodicallythroughoutyour run. phone, ordogleashcanaffect this. Try switching should notcrossyourmidline. Carryinganipod, Keep your handsparalleltooneanother;they your elbowsata90ºangleandrelaxhands. Arms aremoreimportantthanyouthink. mistake tomake asyoudecline. attention whenrunningdownhillasthisisaneasy strike, youareatamajorriskforinjury. Pay close it. Ifyourkneeisinfrontoffootwhenyou should strike underyourknee, neverinfrontof © Copyright 2017Allrightsreserved. PrüvitVentures, Inc. Avoid leaning too far forward Checkoutour4tips Don’t trytoover- Your foot Keep PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 2 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 4 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 31 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 2 // day 5 I like big butts

I like big butts and I cannot lie.

Get ready to shake your tailfeathers. This lower body workout will leave you feeling the burn and ready for more (or a break).

32 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 lower body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 2 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Lunge Long Stride Sumo Squat Standing Calf Bench Dip Option Lunge Raise

Resistance Banded Banded Long Lateral Band Banded Calf Band Triceps Band Option Lunge Stride Lunge Walk Raise Pushback

Gym Option Machine or Barbell or Barbell or Seated Calf Close Grip 1 Dumbbell Dumbbell Dumbbell Hip Raise Bench Press Sissy Squat Deadlift Thrust

Gym Option Barbell Front Good Cable Pull- Standing Calf Bent Over 2 Squat Morning Through Raise Triceps Pushback

Gym Option Reverse Hip Calf Press Cable Triceps 3 Hyper- Abduction Pressdown extension

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 33 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 2 // day 6 müvit müvit

You like to Müvit, and we’ve got the Müvs for you! After this workout, your WHOLE body will thank you. Fuel up on some extra MAX and electrolytes after this one!

34 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


Let’s pause for celebration, you made the all important first leap of starting! Ok that’s enough, you have work to do. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. You’re just 2 weeks away! Charge through! DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 35 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Squat Leg Curl Glute Bridge Push Up or Option Modified Push Up on Knees

Resistance Band Squat Band Lying Leg Banded Glute Banded Incline Band Option Curl Bridge Press

Gym Option 1 Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Dumbbell Flat Thrust Bench Press

Gym Option 2 Machine or Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Machine Bench Dumbbell Sissy Press Squat

Gym Option 3 Barbell or Reverse Cable Pull-Through Dumbbell or Dumbbell Box Hyperextension Machine Fly Squat Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

36 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 2 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

Single Arm Suspension Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Grip Push Up Row or Modified on Knees

Lying Band Pullover Band Band Curl Banded Triceps Extension

Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell or Lying Barbell Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or Barbell Barbell Curl Extension Shoulder Press

Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Barbell Reverse Barbell or Cable Overhead Pullover Upright Row Dumbbell Hammer Extension Curl

Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Close Grip Bench Front Raise Press

10,000 steps

Sunday? (Rest Day!! AKA PAR-TAY!) 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 37 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 3 // day 1 Müv it on monday

It’s Monday, and it’s time to work on that upper body again. Remember that solid upper bodies don’t grow on trees so you have to hustle for that muscle!

Focus on progression and don’t forget that any step forward is a step in the right direction!

38 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 3 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Burpee Incline Push Bench Dip Option Modified Hang Up Knee Push Up

Resistance Banded Band Pull Band Front Band Banded Band Option Bench Press Apart Raise Concentration Triceps Curl Extension

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Underhand Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Pullup Press

Gym Option Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 2 Dumbbell or Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Machine Fly Raise

Gym Option Cable or Dumbbell or Reverse Cable 3 Machine Dumbbell Barbell Upright Barbell or Overhead Bench Press Pullover Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 39 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 3 // day 2

Before you start today’s cardio session, be sure to check out our 3 tips on becoming a better sprinter.

1. Drive With Your Arms: Hold your arms in a bent position at a 90 degree angle and drive your elbows backwards. This will help you build momentum and ultimately run faster.

2. Shorten Your Stride: By taking shorter strides, you’ll save energy and run more efficiently. Remember to focus on cadence speed instead of distance while you’re sprinting too.

3. Remember to Breathe: Proper breathing is a major key to improving your sprinting technique and speed. Be sure to relax and sync your breathing with the rhythm of your feet. This will cut back on wasted energy from tense muscles.

40 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 3 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 2 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 41 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 3 // day 3 get down Friends don’t let friends skip leg day!

Even though your legs are getting exercise from cardio workouts like sprints, it’s important to complete the lower body workouts as well. Focus on toning up your lower half and burning the fat away for good!

42 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 lower body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 3 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Wall Sit Squat Single Leg Leg Curl Quadruped Option Deadlift Leg Lift

Resistance Wall Sit Banded Banded Good Banded Lying Banded Band Option Squat Morning Leg Curl Quadruped Leg Lift

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Hip Thrust 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Deadlift Walking Lunge

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell or Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 2 Dumbbell Bodyweight Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Step Up

Gym Option Machine or Leg Single Leg Machine or Hip 3 Dumbbell Extension Deadlift Dumbbell Leg Abduction Sissy Squat Curl

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 43 GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA 44 it’s cardio thursday better GUIDE body week 3//week day 4 take alacrosseball,golfball,ormassage balland massage fromsomeoneelseoryourself. You can Your feet!Take careofthosebigdogswithafoot What’s thefirstpointofcontactwhenyourun? Feet First intervals bystartingaRoutine forBetterSprints! Get readyforthesesuperpowerfulsprint you cando! limits. Goalloutonyourlastset, andseewhat more efficientlytheyou push yourselftothe suggests thatyourbodywill find waystorun Go for the gold in that last sprint. Research Finish Strong start yourrun!. time towarmup. Thendoyourstretches,and briskly for10-15minutestogiveyourmuscles Don’t stretch rightbeforeyourun.Instead,walk Save theStretch you. those foottissues.Doitdaily. Your feetwillthank roll yourfootaroundonittoloosenandease © Copyright 2017Allrightsreserved. PrüvitVentures, Inc. PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 3 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Double Crunches

Option 3 – – – – – Spiderman Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert.

Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 4 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 45 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 3 // day 5

prepare to crush it

Research suggests that when you focus on the muscle group you are working out, you actually get more progress with that muscle group. So keep your mind on the muscle group you are working on within each müv. And remember, if you feel good and your form is right, you are probably ready to up your weight a little.

46 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 3 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Bear Crawl Hyper- Pike Push Up Arm Circles Bench Dip Option extension

Resistance Standing Hyper- Band Lateral Band Bench Dip Band Option Band Chest extension Raise Hammer Curl Press

Gym Option Machine Cable or Dumbbell Reverse Cable 1 Bench Press Dumbbell or Barbell Barbell or Overhead Pullover Upright Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable Triceps 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Pressdown Incline Bench Bent Over Lateral Raise Curl Press Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Cable Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

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week 3 // day 6 It’s full body saturday

48 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


Stretching right before doing your müvs can actually make you weaker during training. It’s easier and safer to stretch a muscle that’s already warm and pliable. DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 49 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Hang Burpee Incline Push Up Option Modified Knee Push Up

Resistance Band Bench Press Band Pull Apart Band Front Raise Band Band Option Concentration Curl

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Band Front Raise Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup or Barbell Curl Bench Press

Gym Option 2 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Seated or Standing Machine Curl Machine Fly Dumbbell or Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 3 Machine Bench Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Cable Reverse Barbell or Press Pullover Front Raise Dumbbell Hammer Curls Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

50 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 3 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Hang Burpee Incline Push Up Bench Dip Wall Sit Single Leg Deadlift Quadruped Leg Lift Option Modified Knee Push Up

Resistance Band Bench Press Band Pull Apart Band Front Raise Band Band Triceps Wall Sit Banded Good Morning Banded Quadruped Band Option Concentration Curl Extension Leg Lift

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Band Front Raise Standing Dumbbell Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Hip Thrust Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup or Barbell Curl Extension Deadlift Bench Press

Gym Option 2 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Seated or Standing Machine Curl Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Machine Fly Dumbbell or Press Box Squat Hyperextension Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 3 Machine Bench Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Cable Reverse Barbell or Cable Overhead Machine or Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Press Pullover Front Raise Dumbbell Hammer Extension Sissy Squat Curls Activity 10,000 steps 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

Sunday? (Rest Day!! AKA PAR-TAY!) 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 51 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


elcome to Week 4 of your Better Body! You’re almost Wthrough your first month so be sure to stay focused! Did you know that squats are one of the most effective workouts that you can do to strengthen your entire body? In fact, there’s probably a lot that you didn’t know about squats!

52 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week DAY 1 4

Remember, these müvements are for your to shorten your rest time, try meant to be performed until failure. it out. This means go hard until you need a rest. This typically takes 30-60 After your rest period, go to the next seconds or 12-20 reps. müvement. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are When you can’t do anymore, stop a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles and rest for your determined rest if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 period (see chart below). Keep in full cycles if you are an Expert. The mind that your level will advance as time for better is now. You’ve got you progress. If you feel like it is time this.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime. WELCOME

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 53 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 4 // day 1

Check out some of these low and squat facts: • Squats are great for strengthening your core steady • Squats help burn fat throughout your entire body monday • Squats can make your legs stronger, improving mobility and balance • Squats strengthen muscles throughout your body, making those muscles less susceptible to injury

54 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 lower body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 4 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Leg Good Morning Leg Curl Lying Hip Option Extension Abduction

Resistance Banded Banded Leg Banded Good Banded Lying Banded Band Option Squat Extension Morning Leg Curl Lying Hip Abduction

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Deadlift Hip Thrust 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Walking Lunge

Gym Option Barbell Front Barbell or Good Morning Romanian Glute Bridge 2 Squat Dumbbell Deadlift Bulgarian Split Squat

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 3 Dumbbell or Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Bodyweight Step Ups Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 55 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 4 // day 2 HINTS FOR Happy Tuesday everyone! Part of our mission is to help you sprints achieve that Better Body that you desire. To do so, it’s important that 1. Practice Makes Better: we share our knowledge with you As with most things, practice is essential to becoming a better runner. Challenge to ensure that you’re correctly yourself to sprinting different distances executing on all . Try out and watch your speed increase! some of these tips for sprints and see 2. Train with Fast Friends: if you notice any improvement from One of the best things you can do to last week! become faster is to challenge yourself. By training with someone that’s faster than you, you’ll be motivated to improve your speed.

3. Don’t Hesitate to Accelerate: Sometimes by the end of a sprint, you may feel gassed. It’s important, however, to always be accelerating during your sprints, even at the end. Slowing down at the end of a sprint can train your body to become slower, which is exactly the opposite of what you want.

56 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 4 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 2 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 57 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 4 // day 3

The Perksweek of Push-Ups3 // day 3 Push-ups are one of the best exercises that you can do without any weights or equipment. Aside from being convenient no matter whereget you’re at, they also work multiple muscles in your body! Check some more perks downof push-ups below: Cardiovascular Conditioning When you do Friendspush-ups, don’t you’re let friends engaging skip legmultiple day! muscle groups, making your heart work harder to Even though your legs are getting deliver oxygen-rich blood to muscle tissue. This exercise from cardio workouts like results in an impactful cardiovascular exercise that sprints, it’s important to complete the supports a healthy heart and helps burn stored fats. lower body workouts as well. Focus Perfect Your Postureon toning up your lower half and burning the fat away for good! Push-ups are great for strengthening your core, and a strong core is important for maintaining good posture. If push-ups are done correctly, the muscles that support your posture are strengthened. You’ll realize that the more you do push-ups, the more your body will naturally align toward perfect posture.

58 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 upper body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 4 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up Pull Up or Pike Push Up Arm Circle Diamond Grip Option Hang Push Up

Resistance Banded Seated Band Banded Band Band Triceps Band Option Push Up Row Standing Hammer Curl Pushback Shoulder Press

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell Underhand Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Pullup Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Press

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable Triceps 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Pressdown Incline Bent Over Lateral Raise Curl Bench Press Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 53 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 59 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 4 // day 4

Abs Advice Getting a six-pack can sometimes seem impossible. In fact, burning fat from your stomach region is one of the hardest places to lose fat from. Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help optimize your ab workouts to get you one step closer to that six-pack you’ve always wanted!

Hold Your Breath Did you know that holding your breath can be beneficial to your ab routine? That’s because holding your breath produces stronger muscular contractions. When you work your abs out, try exhaling only after you’ve nearly reached the completion of the exercise.

Quality > Quantity As the case is with many exercises for various muscles, the quality of the reps you do are more important than the quantity of the reps that you do. Doing a ton of crunches will only increase the endurance of your abs, not the strength of them. Focus on doing solid reps every time.

60 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 4 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 4 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 61 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 4 // day 5

Stretch Not Strain Stretching your calves before working calves out or running can prevent multiple too injuries such as Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles matter Tendonitis, Shin Splints, Metatarsal Stress Fractures, Calf Strains and many more. To avoid injuries like this, take time before Many people overlook working your workout to stretch your calves! their calf muscles because they think they get enough of a Avoid High Heels workout from everyday walking Ladies, we know what you’re thinking, or running. While calves do “No way am I not wearing high heels!” That’s fair to say, and we don’t expect you get exercise from walking and never to wear high heels, but you should running, they need to be properly honestly consider reducing the frequency exercised every week like the rest of how often you wear high heels. Wearing high heels too much can cause shorter of your muscles. Here are some calf muscle fibers and a thicker Achilles tips to ensure that your calves are Tendon, which can ultimately cause pain trained to their fullest potential: injury.

62 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 lower body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 4 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Single Leg Quadruped Standing Calf Bench Dip Option Deadlift Leg Lift Raise

Resistance Banded Banded Good Banded Banded Calf Bench Dip Band Option Squat Morning Quadruped Raise Leg Lift

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Seated Calf Cable 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Hip Raise Overhead Deadlift Thrust Extension

Gym Option Single Leg Barbell or Standing Calf Cable Triceps 2 Deadlift Dumbbell Raise Pressdown Goblet Squat

Gym Option Leg Extension Machine or Hip Calf Press Close Grip 3 Dumbbell Abduction Bench Press Lying Leg Curl Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 53 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 63 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 4 // day 6 It’s full body saturday

64 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


It’s Saturday and that means another full body workout before your rest and relaxation day! Working out your entire body can sound intimidating, but it definitely has its benefits. Read our full body facts below to see why:

Increase Efficiency Burn More Calories The weekend is usually a busy time Full body workouts not only save for everyone, especially if you have you time, but they also help your kids and a social life to balance. body burn more calories! Working Working out your entire body in one out your whole body causes multiple day can allow you to hit a variety of major muscle groups to coordinate muscle groups in a short period of together to complete the exercise, time. Full body workouts are perfect which requires more energy to to squeeze in on a busy weekend complete. This increased use of day! energy leads to more calories! DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 65 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Squat Good Morning Lying Hip Incline Push Up Option Abduction

Resistance Banded Squat Banded Good Lying Banded Hip Band Band Option Morning Abduction Concentration Curl

Gym Option 1 Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Hip Thrust Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift or Barbell Curl

Gym Option 2 Barbell Front Squat Good Morning Glute Bridge Machine Curl

Gym Option 3 Barbell or Reverse Cable Pull-Through Reverse Barbell or Dumbbell Box Hyperextension Dumbbell Hammer Squat Curl Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: Refer page 53 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

66 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 4 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

At Home Squat Good Morning Lying Hip Incline Push Up Triceps Dip Wall Sit Single Leg Deadlift Quadruped Leg Lift Option Abduction

Resistance Banded Squat Banded Good Lying Banded Hip Band Band Triceps Wall Sit Banded Good Morning Banded Quadruped Band Option Morning Abduction Concentration Curl Extension Leg Lift

Gym Option 1 Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Hip Thrust Standing Dumbbell Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Hip Thrust Dumbbell Deadlift or Barbell Curl Extension Deadlift

Gym Option 2 Barbell Front Squat Good Morning Glute Bridge Machine Curl Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Press Box Squat Hyperextension

Gym Option 3 Barbell or Reverse Cable Pull-Through Reverse Barbell or Cable Overhead Machine or Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Dumbbell Box Hyperextension Dumbbell Hammer Extension Sissy Squat Squat Curl Activity 10,000 steps 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

Sunday? (Rest Day!! AKA PAR-TAY!) 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 67 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


elcome to Week 5! We hope you’re starting to see some Wprogress on your upper body! Don’t be satisfied though, because there’s plenty of work left to be done! Today’s upper body workout will help keep your upper body transformation moving in the right direction.

68 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week DAY 1 5

Remember, these müvements are for you to shorten your rest time, try meant to be performed until failure. it out. This means go hard until you need a rest. This typically takes 30-60 After your rest period, go to the next seconds or 12-20 reps. müvement. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are When you can’t do anymore, stop a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles and rest for your determined rest if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 period (see chart below). Keep in full cycles if you are an Expert. The mind that your level will advance as time for better is now. You’ve got you progress. If you feel like it is time this.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime. WELCOME

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 69 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 5 // day 1 pull-up perfection

Pull-ups can be a very challenging Grip Width exercise but also one of the best for Too wide of a grip can be ineffective. Keep your hands about shoulder- your upper body. To help ensure that width apart for best results. you’re getting the most from pull-ups, here are a few tips we’ve compiled: Leg Positioning To avoid your feet from hitting the ground, bend your knees. Be sure to cross your legs and squeeze your glutes together too.

Proper Breathing Before pulling yourself up, take a deep breath and hold it until your chin is above the bar. Once you arrive back at the starting position, exhale and repeat.

70 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 5 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push-up or Hyper- Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Option Modified extension Grip Push Up Push-up on or Modified Knees on Knees

Resistance Banded Fly Seated Band Lateral Band Curl Banded Band Option Band Row Raise Triceps Extension

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Underhand Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Pullup Press

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Curl Triceps Incline Bent Over Lateral Raise Pressdown Bench Press Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 71 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 5 // day 2

Switch Up Your Cardio come on We all know how essential cardio is to fat loss and building endurance, that’s why it’s important that you don’t baby get burnt out by always doing the same cardio routine. Switching up your cardio can be a great challenge let’s do for your body and also mentally refreshing!

the (russian) A great alternate cardio workout for both men and women is the twist . The Russian Twist is an excellent workout for strengthening your abs and core. Russian twists can be done with or without a med ball/ plate, depending on how much of a challenge you’re seeking.

72 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 5 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 2 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 73 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 5 // day 3

Box Squat Benefits love While you’re probably familiar with squats, box squats may be new to thy some. Box squats provide unique benefits to your body that regular squats can’t match. We’ve listed lower some of those benefits below.

• Box squats allow you to work more body muscle fibers, resulting in more muscle growth and strength. • Utilizing a box for squats forces Lower body workouts can leave you you to sit back farther than normal wobbly-legged and make you feel squats, allowing your hamstrings and like you’re made of jello, but that’s glutes to get more of a workout. all the more reason to love them! • A box is an excellent resource for Embrace the exhaustion after a working on your form. The box can be challenging, but where there’s workout and realize that temporary a challenge, there’s opportunity to discomfort is worth your overall goal. learn.

74 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 lower body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 5 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Lunge Reverse Leg Curl Quadruped Option Hyperextension Leg Lift

Resistance Banded Banded Leg Banded Good Banded Leg Banded Hip Band Option Squat Extension Morning Curl Abduction

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Barbell or 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Walking Thrust Lunge

Gym Option Barbell Front Barbell or Good Morning Romanian Glute Bridge 2 Squat Dumbbell Deadlift Bulgarian Split Squat

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 75 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 5 // day 4

• Life flat on your back and bring your knees up to form a 90º angle at your bicycle, hip and knee joints. • Place your hands behind your neck in cradle-fashion. bicycle, • Move your right shoulder toward your left knee while simultaneously straightening your right leg. • Next, move your left shoulder toward bicycle your right knee while simultaneously straightening your left leg. We hope you read that headline • Take your time and don’t rush. in your best Queen voice! Today’s Moving slowly will only engage your cardio tips are all about the bicycle muscles even more. . Bicycle crunches are a great Hopefully these tips are beneficial to fat-burning exercise for your upper, you. Now get to müving and see for middle, and lower abs. To make sure yourself! that your form is correct, check out our tips:

76 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 5 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 4 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 77 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 5 // day 5

• Start in a pushup position, with your weight on your hands and toes. prime • Bring one leg up until your knee is directly under your hip. We refer to the pump this as ‘starting position.’ • Reverse the positioning of your legs and remember to be as explosive as It’s Friday and it’s upper body day possible while doing so. again! What a perfect day to get • Extend your bent leg until it’s your pump on before the weekend straight, and bring your other foot up officially starts! while your hip and knee are flexed. • Alternate legs and continue to repeat Today’s tip focuses on mountain until you can’t go anymore. climbers, which are ideal if you’re attempting to workout from home. Mountain climbers are a great at- Mountain climbers are great for home option for your upper body working out your shoulders, core and perfect for those lacking weight and triceps. Check out our tips on equipment. Try them out and feel mountain climbers to perfect your your upper body being engaged! form:

78 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 5 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Bear Crawl Hyper- Mountain Incline Push Bench Dip Option extension Climber Up

Resistance Standing Band Bent Band Band Curl Band Triceps Band Option Band Chest Over Row Shoulder Pushback Press Press

Gym Option Barbell or Cable or Dumbbell or Standing Close Grip 1 Dumbbell Flat Machine Lat Cable Side Alternating Bench Press Bench Press Pulldown Lateral Raise Dumbbell Curl

Gym Option Dumbbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Seated Bent Over 2 Cable Incline Dumbbell Cable Upright Alternating Triceps Fly Underhand Row Dumbbell Row Curl

Gym Option Barbell or One-Arm Dumbbell or Hammer Curl Pushback 3 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Rear Decline Row Delt Fly Bench Press Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 79 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

week 5 // day 6 with arms wide open

80 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week 5 t’s that time again! Saturdays • Start with your arms wide open Iare meant for full body (like the Creed song). workouts! Before you start • Keep your elbows bent, but today’s workout, check out our don’t lock them out. tips on the do’s and don’ts of • Slowly close your arms together deadlifting. are one while keeping them straight. of the most beneficial full body • The angle between your arms workouts you can do, so be and body should be 90º. sure to apply these tips to your training:

Apply these tips while performing banded flyes and feel the burn! Talk about a proper ending to the workout week! DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 81 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Push-Up or Hyperextension Arm Raise Inverted Row Option Modified Push-Up on Knees

Resistance Banded Fly Seated Band Row Band Lateral Raise Band Curl Band Option

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or or Barbell Curl Bench Press Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Cable Incline Dumbbell Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell Bent Side Lateral Raise Curl Bench Press Over Row

Gym Option 3 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Machine Fly Front Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

82 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 5 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

At Home Push-Up or Hyperextension Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Grip Push Up Squat Reverse Quadruped Leg Lift Option Modified Push-Up or Modified on Knees Hyperextension on Knees

Resistance Banded Fly Seated Band Row Band Lateral Raise Band Curl Banded Triceps Banded Squat Banded Good Morning Banded Hip Abduction Band Option Extension

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Barbell or Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or or Barbell Curl Extension Deadlift Hip Thrust Bench Press Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Cable Incline Dumbbell Cable Triceps Barbell Front Squat Good Morning Glute Bridge Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell Bent Side Lateral Raise Curl Pressdown Bench Press Over Row

Gym Option 3 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Machine Fly Front Raise Press Box Squat Hyperextension

Activity 10,000 steps 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

Take Sunday off. Even YOU need a day off. 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 83 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


Don’t End Up as a Meme Welcome to Week 6 everyone! You’ve probably seen us highlight the importance of lower body workouts before, but we wanted to provide you with more evidence on why you shouldn’t skip leg day! After all, you don’t want to end up on a “Guess Who Skipped Leg Day Meme” do you?

84 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week DAY 1 6

Remember, these müvements are for you to shorten your rest time, try meant to be performed until failure. it out. This means go hard until you need a rest. This typically takes 30-60 After your rest period, go to the next seconds or 12-20 reps. müvement. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are When you can’t do anymore, stop a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles and rest for your determined rest if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 period (see chart below). Keep in full cycles if you are an Expert. The mind that your level will advance as time for better is now. You’ve got you progress. If you feel like it is time this.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime. WELCOME

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 85 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 6 // day 1

Reducing Injury Risk Strengthening your lower body why can help reduce the risk of lower body injuries such as ACL and other lower body ligament tears. Improved Athleticism By increasing the strength and workouts endurance of your lower body, you’ll are become a better athlete through increased speed and explosiveness. Even if you don’t play competitive sports, lower body exercises can still help you become better at cardio essential exercises like running, , etc.

Calories Will Burn like a Candle Working out larger muscles, like those found in your legs, causes the brain and heart to work harder, resulting in more calories being burned.

86 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 lower body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 6 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Jump Squat Leg Curl Long Stride Glute Bridge Option Lunge

Resistance Banded Banded Band Lying Leg Banded Long Banded Band Option Squat Squat Curl Stride Lunge Glute Bridge

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Deadlift Barbell or 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Walking Hip Thrust Lunge

Gym Option Machine or Leg Single Leg Machine or Hip 2 Dumbbell Extension Deadlift Dumbbell Leg Abduction Sissy Squat Curl

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 3 Dumbbell or Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Bodyweight Step Up Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 87 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 6 // day 2

Variety of Selection As we’ve mentioned before, doing the set the exact same cardio can be redundant at times. Luckily, there are many different ways to do crunches. Here are some of our tone examples. Most of us probably have some body Cable Crunches fat that we want to leave for good. These are weighted crunches that add a little resistance. Cardio is fantastic for shedding fat, and crunches in particular are great Side Oblique Crunches for toning your stomach area. To get Side oblique crunches are great for the most from your cardio, check out shedding that dreadful side body fat. these variations of crunches. Reverse Crunches This particular crunch really works your external obliques and is great for getting your abs flatter sooner.

There are many more types of crunches but try these out and put all of your ab muscles to work!

88 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 6 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Double Crunches

Option 3 – – – – – Spiderman Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 2 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 89 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 6 // day 3

Check out our tips for strengthening your triceps with resistance bands:

tricep • (While standing) Keep your back flat, your chest up and bent slightly forward. tips • Start with your elbows tightly positioned near your sides. • Make sure your hands are even with Since today’s workout is upper body, your chest, about 8 inches apart with we wanted to talk about your arms, your palms facing inward. particularly your triceps. Triceps are • Push your hands downward until often overlooked when compared to they are slightly below your and your arms are straight. other arm muscles like biceps. Did you know that any pushing exercise • Repeat until your set is completed. you do with your arms requires If you haven’t tried resistance band tricep strength and energy from your extensions yet, give them a shot and apply our tips on proper form. They’re a great triceps? change of pace from dumbbell tricep extensions and the added resistance also proposes something different than you’re probably used to.

90 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 6 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up or Single Arm Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Grip Option Modified Suspension Push Up or Push Up on Row Modified on Knees Knees

Resistance Banded Lying Band Band Upright Band Curl Banded Band Option Incline Press Pullover Row Triceps Extension

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell Underhand Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Pullup Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Press

Gym Option Machine Cable or Dumbbell or Reverse Cable 2 Bench Press Dumbbell Barbell Upright Barbell or Overhead Pullover Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 91 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 6 // day 4

Cool Off you Let your body cool off by jogging slowly after for 5-10 minutes after you’ve finished your sprints. This will allow your heart rate to slow down and help your muscles repair sprint faster. Drink Plenty of Water Replacing the water that you lost while blueprint sweating during your sprints is crucial to helping your body recover. Be sure to rehydrate by drinking a few glasses of We’ve talked in previous weeks water. Keto//OS added to water is great about some of the benefits from for helping your body regenerate and re- sprints and even some tips on form, energize too! but today is all about what you should Stretch it Out do after you’re done sprinting to help Post-sprint stretching is critical for your body recover. Check out some preventing muscle soreness and increasing of our tips for optimal recovery post- flexibility. Stretch your legs and be sure to sprint. hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. This will help ensure that your muscles are recovering properly.

92 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 6 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 4 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 93 GUIDE BETA Getting Started PROTOTYPEweek 6 // day 5 Start by facing the barbell and grasping it tightly. Place the barbell on your upper back by dipping underneath of the bar. Next, elevate your chest. Unracking drop it Place both feet directly under the barbell and straighten your legs to unrack it. Take like it’s a step backwards and lock your hips and knees.

Squatting squat Inhale and hold it in while beginning to squat down. Push your knees outward and begin to move your hips backward, making In previous weeks, we’ve talked sure your lower back remains in place. about the benefits of squats and how they are great for strengthening your Squatting Down Squat downward until your hips drop below core and other areas of your body. your knees. Your goal is for your thighs to Before you get started on today’s break past the point of parallel. lower body workout, we wanted to Squatting Up give you some tips to ensure that Once you’re past the point of parallel, begin your form is on point. to squat upward. Be sure to keep your knees outward and your chest up and tight. Lock your hips and knees at the top and exhale. Repeat until your set is completed.

94 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 lower body week Quads Hamstrings Glutes Calves 6 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Lunge Long Stride Lunge Sumo Squat Standing Calf Option Raise

Resistance Banded Lunge Banded Long Lateral Band Walk Banded Calf Raise Band Option Stride Lunge

Gym Option Machine or Barbell or Barbell or Seated Calf Raise 1 Dumbbell Sissy Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Squat Thrust

Gym Option Barbell Front Good Morning Cable Pull- Standing Calf 2 Squat Through Raise

Gym Option Leg Extension Reverse Hyper- Hip Abduction Calf Press 3 extension

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 95 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 6 // day 6 The Do’s and Don’ts of dead lifting

It’s that time again! Saturdays are meant for full body workouts! Before you start today’s workout, check out our tips on the do’s and don’ts of deadlifting. Deadlifts are one of the most beneficial full body workouts you can do, so be sure to apply these tips to your training:

96 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week do don’t 6 How to Properly • Don’t push your butt straight Execute a Deadlift into the air • Don’t lean over 1 Start by facing the barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. • Don’t roll your lower back 2 Flex your knees until your thighs are • Don’t try to lift with your arms parallel to the floor. Keep your arms straight as you grab the bar. Inhale. All of our “dont’s” can lead to severe lower back injuries and less effective 3 Power through your heels and keep your workouts, so be sure to avoid these legs and back straight. Next, grab the common mistakes when deadlifting. barbell and pull up.

4 With the barbell at your knees, extend your torso with your shoulders back and your arms by your side.

5 On the way down, keep your back straight, and lower the barbell directly in front of your shins. Exhale and repeat until your set is completed. DAY 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 97 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Squat Leg Curl Glute Bridge Push Up or Option Modified Push Up on Knees

Resistance Band Squat Band Lying Leg Banded Glute Banded Incline Band Option Curl Bridge Press

Gym Option 1 Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Dumbbell Flat Thrust Bench Press

Gym Option 2 Machine or Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Machine Bench Dumbbell Sissy Press Squat

Gym Option 3 Barbell or Reverse Hyper- Cable Pull-Through Dumbbell or Dumbbell Box extension Machine Fly Squat Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

98 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 6 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

At Home Squat Leg Curl Glute Bridge Push Up or Single Arm Suspension Arm Raise Inverted Row Diamond Grip Push Up Option Modified Push Up Row or Modified on Knees on Knees

Resistance Band Squat Band Lying Leg Banded Glute Banded Incline Lying Band Pullover Band Upright Row Band Curl Banded Triceps Band Option Curl Bridge Press Extension

Gym Option 1 Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Barbell or Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell or Lying Barbell Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or Barbell Barbell Curl Extension Thrust Bench Press Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Machine or Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Machine Bench Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Barbell Reverse Barbell or Cable Overhead Dumbbell Sissy Press Pullover Upright Row Dumbbell Hammer Extension Squat Curl

Gym Option 3 Barbell or Reverse Hyper- Cable Pull-Through Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Close Grip Bench Dumbbell Box extension Machine Fly Front Raise Press Squat Activity 10,000 steps 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

Take Sunday off. Even YOU need a day off. 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 99 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


Burpees….From Your Living Room? Sometimes an at-home workout can be the best of both worlds. You can still get a great workout in, and you don’t have to go anywhere!

Learn more on page 102.

100 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week DAY 1 7

Remember, these müvements are for you to shorten your rest time, try meant to be performed until failure. it out. This means go hard until you need a rest. This typically takes 30-60 After your rest period, go to the next seconds or 12-20 reps. müvement. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are When you can’t do anymore, stop a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles and rest for your determined rest if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 period (see chart below). Keep in full cycles if you are an Expert. The mind that your level will advance as time for better is now. You’ve got you progress. If you feel like it is time this.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime. WELCOME

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 101 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 7 // day 1

One workout you can easily do from burpees the comfort of your living room or home gym are burpees! Burpees are a great from your workout for your entire body, including your upper body. Check out some of our tips below for proper burpee form: living 1. Begin by standing straight, then get into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. room? 2. Kick your feet back into a pushup position and immediately lower your chest to the floor. 3. Bow your chest up, then quickly return your feet to the squat position. 4. Instantly jump up as high as possible into the air. Whether you’re at home or at a gym, use these tips to get the most from your burpees and help sculpt that upper body!

102 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 7 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Burpee Incline Push Bench Dip Option Modified Hang Up Knee Push Up

Resistance Banded Band Pull Band Front Band Banded Band Option Bench Press Apart Raise Concentration Triceps Curl Extension

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Underhand Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Pullup Press

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 2 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Gym Option Machine Cable or Dumbbell or Reverse Cable 3 Bench Press Dumbbell Barbell Upright Barbell or Overhead Pullover Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 103 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 7 // day 2 Today’s tip is all about the V-up! V-ups are a great exercise not only for your abs, but for your obliques, back, and entire core! See our tips below to ensure that your V-up form is on point!

core 1. Lie down flat on your back with your shoulder blades back and your lower back positioned into the ground. cardio Make sure your abs are tight and that your legs are straight. Keep your Abs are typically a trouble spot for arms extended straight above your head. many people because fat easily builds up in the stomach region. 2. Lift your legs and arms Have no fear though, because with simultaneously, while keeping your a continued cardio regimen, that fat legs straight. Lift as high as you can and try to touch your toes with your will be gone quicker than a Kentucky fingers. Derby Horse out of the gate! 3. Lower your back to the starting position and repeat until your set is completed.

V-ups are yet another great abdominal and core exercise to help burn calories and shred that fat away! Be sure to utilize our tips for best results!

104 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 7 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 2 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 105 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 7 // day 3 To ensure that your lower body is getting the best workout possible, check out our tips on wall sit form below:

1. Lean your back against a wall with the your feet shoulder width apart and writing about 2 feet from the wall. 2. Begin to slowly slide down the wall with your back pressed against it on the until your legs are bent at a 90º angle. wall sit 3. Your knees should also be directly above your ankles and your back should never leave the wall. It’s lower body day, and the perfect day for wall sits! Wall sits build your 4. Hold the position for 20 seconds to a minute, depending on how isometric strength and endurance comfortable you feel. Rest for 30 in your glutes, calves and quads. seconds in between sets and repeat Aside from being excellent in until your workout is completed. building lower body strength, wall Wall sits are truly an amazing workout for sits are also convenient and can be your legs and glutes that can be done done anywhere without the need of anywhere. As you feel yourself getting equipment. stronger, feel free to add time to your wall sit and challenge yourself!

106 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 lower body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 7 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Wall Sit Squat Single Leg Leg Curl Quadruped Option Deadlift Leg Lift

Resistance Wall Sit Banded Banded Good Banded Lying Banded Band Option Squat Morning Leg Curl Quadruped Leg Lift

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Hip Thrust 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Deadlift Walking Lunge

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell or Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 2 Dumbbell Bodyweight Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Step Up

Gym Option Machine or Leg Single Leg Machine or Hip 3 Dumbbell Extension Deadlift Dumbbell Leg Abduction Sissy Squat Curl

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 107 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 7 // day 4 Check out our tips on double crunch form below:

1. Start by lying flat on your back with your hands behind your neck. double 2. Bring your feet close to your butt so your knees are bent and keep your crunches feet flat on the floor. 3. Keeping your hands behind your are neck, lift your shoulders and twice upper back off of the floor while simultaneously bringing your knees to your chest. as nice 4. Tighten your abs at the top of the movement to really engage your core, then return to the starting For the second cardio workout of the position and proceed to finish your week, it only seems appropriate that we set. focus on the double crunch today! Double crunches are great for strengthening your To avoid potentially straining your neck, be core and your abdominal and hip flexor sure to not lift your neck while your hands areas as well. They’re very similar to are behind it. The double crunch is a great regular crunches, but they have a slight core exercise that will really put your abs twist added to them that differentiates to work! Be sure to follow our tips on form them from the standard crunch. for best results.

108 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 7 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Double Crunches

Option 3 – – – – – Spiderman Mountain

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 4 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 109 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 7 // day 5

To avoid potentially serious back injuries, read our tips on proper dumbbell bent over row row form: 1. Begin by selecting a desired weight of dumbbell, firmly grasping one in row, row each hand with your palms facing your torso. 2. Bend your knees slightly and bring your your torso forward by bending your waist 3. While bending, try and keep your dumbells back parallel to the ground. 4. Keep your torso in place and Instead of rowing your dumbbells simultaneously lift both dumbbells to your side while making sure your gently down the stream, maybe try elbows remain close to your body. rowing them while bent over to help 5. At the top of the movement, squeeze strengthen your back! Dumbbell your back muscles together and hold bent over rows are excellent for for about 1 second. working out your back, particularly 6. Lower the dumbbells slowly and your middle back. repeat until your set is completed.

110 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 7 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Bear Crawl Hyper- Pike Push Up Arm Circles Bench Dip Option extension

Resistance Standing Dumbbell Band Lateral Band Hammer Bench Dip Band Option Band Chest Pullover Raise Curl Press

Gym Option Machine Cable or Dumbbell or Reverse Cable 1 Bench Press Dumbbell Barbell Upright Barbell or Overhead Pullover Row Dumbbell Extension Hammer Curl

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Curl Triceps Incline Bent Over Lateral Raise Pressdown Bench Press Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 111 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 7 // day 6 booty work booty work

112 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE © Copyright 2017Allrightsreserved. PrüvitVentures, Inc. show yourbootythatyoucare! Hip thrustscanbegreatfor toningyourglutes,sogivethematryand tips onhipthrustform: To ensurethatyourbootyreachesits’ utmost potential, check outour workout focusesonperfectinghipthrustformtotonethatbooty! truth is,bootiesneedexercise too, whichiswhytoday’s tipforyour is theglutes,orbutt,booty, orwhateveryouwanttocallit!:)The One areaofthebodythatcanoftenbeoverlooked whenworkingout 2 1 top of it. of top the near are shoulders your so bench the against back lean then hips, your above directly sit to bar the Place your legs. of overtop weight of amount desired the with a barbell Place you. behind a bench with floor the on seated Start 3 set is completed. your until Repeat position. starting the to back get to motion the reverse then go, can you as far as Extend feet. and blades shoulder your by supported be should weight bar. Your the through ceiling the to hips your extending and feet your through driving by movement Begin better GUIDE body 113


DAY 6 BETA BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Hang Burpee Incline Push Up Option Modified Knee Push Up

Resistance Band Bench Press Band Pull Apart Band Front Raise Band Band Option Concentration Curl

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or or Barbell Curl Bench Press Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Machine Fly Front Raise

Gym Option 3 Machine Bench Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Reverse Barbell or Press Pullover Barbell Upright Dumbbell Hammer Row Curls Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

114 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 7 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

Bench Dip Wall Sit Single Leg Deadlift Quadruped Leg Lift

Band Triceps Wall Sit Banded Good Morning Banded Quadruped Extension Leg Lift

Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Hip Thrust Extension Deadlift

Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Press Box Squat Hyperextension

Cable Overhead Machine or Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Extension Sissy Squat

10,000 steps

Take Sunday off. Even YOU need a day off. 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 115 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


It’s all in your hips Monday is here, and we have more lower body tips to help you transform your body! The focus today is on lying hip abductions, which are great for strengthening lower body stabilization muscles and for injury prevention as well.

Check it out on page 118.

116 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week DAY 1 8

Remember, these müvements are for you to shorten your rest time, try meant to be performed until failure. it out. This means go hard until you need a rest. This typically takes 30-60 After your rest period, go to the next seconds or 12-20 reps. müvement. Continue these until you have completed 1 full cycle if you are When you can’t do anymore, stop a Beginner. Complete 2 full cycles and rest for your determined rest if you are Intermediate. Complete 3 period (see chart below). Keep in full cycles if you are an Expert. The mind that your level will advance as time for better is now. You’ve got you progress. If you feel like it is time this.

Beginner 1 set 120 seconds rest Intermediate 2 sets 90 seconds rest Expert 3 sets 60 seconds rest

*As always, you should consult your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise regime. WELCOME

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 117 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 8 // day 1

1. Lie on your side with your legs proper straight and away from your body. Keep your hips and shoulders aligned vertically with the floor, hip and keep your head aligned with your spine. 2. Raise your upper leg off of your abduction lower leg and keep your knee straight. Continue raising your leg until your hips begin to tilt and you form start feeling tension in your lower back. 3. Lower your leg back to starting position in a slow fashion. Repeat until set is complete and then flip over on your other leg and repeat.

118 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 1 lower body week Quads Quads Hamstrings Hamstrings Glutes 8 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Squat Leg Good Morning Leg Curl Lying Hip Option Extension Abduction

Resistance Banded Banded Leg Banded Good Banded Lying Banded Band Option Squat Extension Morning Leg Curl Lying Hip Abduction

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Sumo Deadlift Hip Thrust 1 Squat Dumbbell Dumbbell Deadlift Walking Lunge

Gym Option Barbell Front Barbell or Good Morning Romanian Glute Bridge 2 Squat Dumbbell Deadlift Bulgarian Split Squat

Gym Option Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Floor Glute- Cable Pull- 3 Dumbbell or Hyperextension Ham Raise Through Box Squat Bodyweight Step Ups Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 1 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 119 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 8 // day 2 Sprint Variations: Butt kickers To do a butt kicker, aim to touch your heel to your butt when finishing a stride. Butt a change kickers are a great for improving the range of motion of your stride. of pace Knee Raises While in stride, raise your knee to your chest, or however high you can get it. Knee raises are also great for improving your literally sprinting stride.

As we’ve mentioned before, sprints Skipping are a great cardio workout. It’s Think back to your childhood! Alternate lifting knees and pumping arms while important to incorporate a variety of in stride. Skipping is great for aerobic sprints into your cardio routine so exercise and strengthening the legs. you’re not getting bored or burnt out. To help you avoid this, we’ve put Try working some of these sprint variations into your cardio to help you from getting together some variations of sprints bored and to help strengthen your lower that will be a change of pace, literally! body and core!

120 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 2 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 8 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Reverse Crunches

Option 2 – – – – – Russian Twists

Option 3 – – – – – Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 2 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 121 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 8 // day 3 Standing Shoulder Press Tips Standing shoulder presses are a great workout for strengthening your shoulders and helping prevent future injuries as well. sculpt Check out our tips below to ensure that your shoulder press form is top notch:

• Keep a close grip on the barbell to your avoid flaring your elbows. This will protect your shoulders from potential shoulders injury or pain. • Once you’ve lifted the barbell overhead, shrug your shoulders. This Shoulders are the most moveable will work those shoulder muscles and unstable joint in the body. even more. They’re also used every day when • Don’t focus so much on the weight you lift something or do manual you’re doing, but rather your form. As labor. Since our shoulders are used your form gets better, you’ll begin to so often, it’s important that they’re be able to slowly add more weight. strong and durable to not only help Apply these tips the next time you do you throughout your everyday life, shoulder presses and watch your gains increase! but to help you crush your workouts too!

122 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 3 upper body week Chest Back Shoulders Biceps Triceps 8 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5

At Home Push Up Pull Up or Pike Push Up Arm Circle Diamond Grip Option Hang Push Up

Resistance Banded Seated Band Banded Band Band Triceps Band Option Push Up Row Standing Hammer Curl Pushback Shoulder Press

Gym Option Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Lying Barbell 1 Dumbbell Underhand Dumbbell or Dumbbell or Extension Flat Bench Pullup Barbell Shoulder Barbell Curl Press Press

Gym Option Barbell or Barbell or Dumbbell or Incline Cable Triceps 2 Dumbbell Dumbbell Cable Side Dumbbell Pressdown Incline Bent Over Lateral Raise Curl Bench Press Row

Gym Option Dumbbell or Seated Dumbbell or Machine Curl Close Grip 3 Machine Fly Cable Row Cable Front Bench Press Raise

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 3 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 123 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 8 // day 4 an uphill battle If you remember our cardio tips from which also means hills offer your last week, then you remember how body more strength gains and more important it is to switch up your cardio fat loss than flat ground can too. so you don’t get burnt out. Another Another added bonus from running way to change your cardio routine is uphill is that you’ll increase your to change your terrain! Today, we’re speed as well through increased leg focusing on hill sprints! strength.

Hill sprints are a tried and true Find a hill near you and try these method for increasing strength and out for yourself! As your endurance stamina. Hills offer your lower body builds, you’ll be conquering that a bigger challenge than flat ground, uphill battle in no time!

124 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 4 cardio week Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4 Müv 5 Müv 6 8 (Abs)

Sprint 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% – Intensity capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity

Option 1 – – – – – Leg Raises

Option 2 – – – – – V-Ups

Option 3 – – – – – Bicycle Crunches

Complete 1 full cycle with a 120 second rest if you are a Beginner.

Complete 2 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Intermediate.

Complete 3 full cycles with a 120 second rest if you are an Expert. Activity 15,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: These are “go through your MAX” kind of sprints. That means you sprint until you just can’t go anymore (should take about 30-60 seconds). Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is listed just below each müvement. Choose the Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert based on your current skill. Follow the listed exertion levels associated with your current skill. Your “Sprint Exertion Level” is how hard you are trying. So a 5/10 means you’re only giving it half of what you’ve got. If you were at a 10/10, you would be running like a bear was chasing you... you get the drift. Do your sprints with your determined rest between each round (see the chart from monday), and 4 DAY finish it off with Müv 6. Remember, Beginners do 1 round of all 6 Müvs, Intermediate is 2 rounds of all 6 Müvs, and Experts are doing 3 rounds of all 6 Müvs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 125 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPEweek 8 // day 5

leg extension Tips Leg extensions are an isolated exercise a leg up that really work your quad muscles. If you’re wanting to tone or strengthen your on the thighs, check out our tips below:

• On a leg extension machine, adjust competition the machine to the desired weight and make sure your upper and lower legs form a 90º angle. Many people, for whatever reason, • Using your quads, extend your legs think that they can get by without to the maximum height and exhale. working out their legs since they The rest of your body should remain do cardio like running or sports. still. Upon maximum height, pause momentarily before slowly lowering While cardio is great for you legs, your legs to starting position it’s important to incorporate leg and exhaling. Repeat until set is workouts into your weekly routine. completed. Today, our focus is on leg extension We hope these tips will be useful to your tips. quads and that you get a leg up on the competition!

126 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA day 5 lower body week Quads Hamstrings Glutes Calves 8 Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Bear Crawl Hyper-extension Pike Push Up Arm Circles Option

Resistance Squat Single Leg Quadruped Leg Standing Calf Band Option Deadlift Lift Raise

Gym Option Banded Squat Banded Good Banded Quadruped Banded Calf Raise 1 Morning Leg Lift

Gym Option Barbell Back Barbell or Barbell or Seated Calf Raise 2 Squat Dumbbell Deadlift Dumbbell Hip Thrust

Gym Option Leg Press Single Leg Barbell or Standing Calf 3 Deadlift Dumbbell Goblet Raise Squat

Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal DAY 5 DAY

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 127 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE week 8 // day 6 help

128 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE © Copyright 2017Allrightsreserved. PrüvitVentures, Inc. area upforswimsuit season! Try thesetips outnext timeyou’re atthegymandtonethat hamstring point, checkoutourtipsbelow: well asburningfatfromthehamstringarea.To make sureyourformis Reverse hyperextensions are perfectforstrengtheningyourlegs,as Tips Hyperextension Reverse portion ofyourlegs,thentoday’s tipsareforyou. especially duringswimsuitseason.Ifyou’relookingtotonetheback The hamstringarea can be a trouble spot forfat for many people, 2 1 legs forward. your hips and pulling your flexing by movement begin and tightly handles the Grip back. the off hang hips your let and pad top the on Lay weight. desired your select and pads the between feet your place machine, ahyperextension On 5 4 3 completed. is set your until Repeat possible. as far as forward carriage the pull and again hips your Flex overextend. to not Try back. legs your kicking and hips your extending by motion your Reverse better GUIDE body 129


DAY 6 BETA BETA PROTOTYPEday 6 whole body

Chest Back Shoulders Biceps

Müv 1 Müv 2 Müv 3 Müv 4

At Home Push Up or Pull Up or Hang Burpee Incline Push Up Option Modified Knee Push Up

Resistance Band Bench Press Band Pull Apart Band Front Raise Band Band Option Concentration Curl

Gym Option 1 Barbell or Overhand or Seated or Standing Standing Dumbbell Dumbbell Flat Underhand Pullup Dumbbell or or Barbell Curl Bench Press Barbell Shoulder Press

Gym Option 2 Dumbbell or Seated Cable Row Dumbbell or Cable Machine Curl Machine Fly Front Raise

Gym Option 3 Machine Bench Cable or Dumbbell Dumbbell or Reverse Barbell or Press Pullover Barbell Upright Dumbbell Hammer Row Curls Activity 10,000 steps Tracker Goal

REMEMBER: Refer page 69 for complete rep and reset period instructions.

130 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

week day 6 whole body Triceps Quads Hamstrings Glutes 8 Müv 5 Müv 6 Müv 7 Müv 8

Bench Dip Wall Sit Single Leg Deadlift Quadruped Leg Lift

Band Triceps Wall Sit Banded Good Morning Banded Quadruped Extension Leg Lift

Lying Barbell Barbell Back Squat Barbell or Dumbbell Hip Thrust Extension Deadlift

Close Grip Bench Barbell or Dumbbell Reverse Cable Pull-Through Press Box Squat Hyperextension

Cable Overhead Machine or Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift Hip Abduction Extension Sissy Squat

10,000 steps

Take Sunday off. Even YOU need a day off. 6 DAY

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 131 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE

be somebody nobody thought you could be.

132 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

how to better use

Extra gains in the gym allow you to body treat yourself to additional apprüved snacks. Check out the snack ideas in the following pages. Just remember, save the larger snacks for when snacks you go ALL OUT on the Better Body for the better you Müvs or if you get an extra set of Müvs in during the course of one day. Be sure to consume your snack between Noon and 8 PM.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 133 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Smaller Portions *Limit one serving per workout per day.

between 250-300 cal

1 3

250g plain fat-free Greek yogurt two hard-boiled eggs 50g (about ⅓ cup) strawberries three hard-boiled egg whites 14g (about ⅛ cup) slivered almonds 14g (½ oz) parmesan cheese

2 4

250g 1% cottage cheese 4 oz (113g albacore tuna) 14g peanuts 50g avocado (that’s about ⅓ of a medium avocado) 3 tablespoons salsa

134 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Smaller Portions *Limit one serving per workout per day. between 250-300 cal

5 7

4 oz deli turkey 3 oz sirloin steak 1.5 oz cheddar cheese 100g (about 1. 5 cups) broccoli


4 oz chicken breast 30g (that’s a little under 1 cup) spinach 50g (about ⅓ cup) strawberries 1 tablespoon ranch dressing

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 135 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE larger Portions *Limit one serving per hard workout per day.

between 400-500 cal

1 3

500g plain fat-free Greek yogurt 8 oz albacore tuna 70g (about ⅜ cup) strawberries 100g avocado (that’s about ⅔ of a 28g (about ¼ cup) slivered almonds medium avocado) 6 tablespoons salsa 2

400g 1% cottage cheese 28g peanuts

136 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Müvement Glossary for the better you

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 137 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Arm Circle Bear Crawl

1 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Extend 1 Start in a push-up position with hands slightly arms straight out to sides at shoulder height. wider than shoulder width apart. 2 Keeping shoulders down, do small backward 2 Get on your toes with your legs straight out circles. behind you. Your feet should be slightly wider 3 Switch directions to do forward circles. than shoulder width. 3 Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor as you crawl forward and backward.

Beginners: Start doing the bear crawl on your knees and work your way up to a full bear crawl.

138 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Arm Raise bench dip

1 Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Hold a 1 Place a bench behind your back. With the dumbbell in each hand so your palms face in bench perpendicular to your body, and while towards the sides of your body. looking away from it, hold on to the bench 2 With control, keep your arms straight but don’t on its edge with the hands fully extended, lock that elbow. Raise your hands up towards the separated at shoulder width. Extend your legs ceiling. Keep your palm facing down, and your forward, bending at the waist and keep them arms parallel to the floor. perpendicular to your torso. 3 Slowly lower your hands back to your body. 2 Slowly lower your body by bending at the elbows You should be able to see your hands in your until you lower yourself far enough to where peripheral vision. So your arms aren’t directly out there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees to the side but slightly forward. between the upper arm and the . Keep your elbows as close as possible throughout the 4 Repeat. movement. should always be pointing down. 3 Lift yourself back to the starting position. 4 Repeat.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 139 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE bicycle crunch Burpees

1 Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed 1 1 Stand with your feet hip width apart. to the ground (push your bellybutton down 2 Lower into a squat position with your hands flat toward the ground). on the floor in front of you. 2 Put your hands behind your head, then bring 3 Kick your legs backwards into a push-up position your knees in towards your chest and lift your and lower yourself to the floor. shoulder blades off the ground. Do NOT pull on 4 Push yourself back up and thrust both feet your neck. forward so you are back in the squat position. 3 Straighten your right leg out to about a 5 Jump up and raise both hands over your head. 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow Beginner Modification:Position your hands on a towards the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is bench or chair instead of the floor. Step backwards moving and not just your elbows. and forwards instead of jumping 4 Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

140 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Crunch Diamond grip push-up

1 Lay completely flat on the ground on your back. Get into the standard pushup position with your hands 2 Put your knees up so that your heels are flat on together directly beneath your chest so that index the ground. fingers and thumbs are touching to form a diamond shape. 3 While looking straight up at the ceiling, roll forward and up until your shoulder blades come off the ground while squeezing your abs. Keep the neck in a neutral position. You can even put one hand behind your neck for support and one straight up in the air to keep you from coming forward too far. 4 Lower yourself to the starting position, and relax the abs. 5 Repeat.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 141 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Double crunch frog jumps

1 Lie on your back with hands behind your head 1 Start from a squatting position with your hands and knees slightly bent. resting on the ground in front of you. 2 Lift your head and shoulders toward your legs 2 Swing your arms forward and up and jump using your abdominal muscles. forward as far and high as you can. 3 At the same time, raise and curl your knees up 3 Land on your feet and sit back down. toward your chest. Tip: Your body should be straight up in mid air 4 Exhale as you curl your body parts in, and then Landing the frog jumps on your heels is bad for your inhale as you go return to starting position. knees. Landing on your toes protects the joints. Tip: Try to have your legs six inches off the ground Beginner Modification: Sit in a chair to start and as when you are in the starting position. you stand up push off the toes to jump as high as you can with the arms raise up overhead. As you land on your feet with your knees slightly bent, sit back down.

142 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA glute bridGe good morning

1 Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and 1 Begin with a bar on a rack at shoulder height. Put feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms at your the bar across the back of your shoulders. Engage side with your palms down. your back, shoulder blades pinched together, and 2 Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips your knees slightly bent. Step away from the rack. and shoulders form a straight line. 2 Bend at the hips by moving them back as you 3 Hold your bridged position for a couple of bend over to a nearly parallel position. Keep your seconds before easing back down. back arched and your spine aligned. 3 Reverse the motion by extending through the hips (like a pelvic thrust) using your glutes and hamstrings. Continue until you are back at the starting position.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 143 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Hang clean High knees

This is an advanced Müv that requires a video 1 Stand straight with feet hip width apart. tutorial. These videos will be released periodically 2 Lift the right knee as high as it will go while and made available on our Keto N8 Challenge raising the opposite arm. YouTube Channel. 3 Quickly repeat on the left side before the right food lands.

Beginner Modification: Same as above but move at a slower pace.

144 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


1 Lie face down on a hyperextension bench or the 6 Repeat for the recommended amount of ground. Tuck your ankles under the footpads if repetitions. you are on the bench. Important Note: Do NOT arch your back past a 2 Adjust the upper pad if needed so your upper straight line. Do NOT swing your torso at any time. thighs lie flat across the wide pad. This will leave Avoiding these no-no’s will protect your back from enough room for you to bend at the waist without injury. any restriction. 3 With your body straight, cross your arms in front Pro-Tip: Try this Müv with a weighted plate. of you. This is your starting position. 4 Inhale as you bend forward slowly at the waist as far as you can while keeping your back flat. When you feel a stretch on the hamstrings and you can no longer keep going without rounding your back, stop and exhale. 5 Raise your torso back to the start position slowly as you inhale again.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 145 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Inch worms incline push-up

1 Stand tall with your feet hip width apart. 1 Assume the standard push up position with your 2 Hinge forward at the hips, and touch the floor with hands on an elevated surface. your palms. Bend your knees if necessary. 2 Your hands should be slightly wider than 3 Walk your hands to a push-up position, shoulder width apart. 4 Walk your feet forward to meet your hands. 3 Commence pushing up.

Tip: Focus on keeping your back straight.

Beginner Modification: Same as above but at a slower pace.

146 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA inverted row jump squat

1 Prepare your bar in a rack at about waist height. 1 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. (You can also use a smith machine.) 2 Do a regular squat, then jump up explosively 2 For your starting position, Grip on the bar slightly while engaging your core. wider than shoulder width and position yourself 3 As you land, lower your body back into the underneath the bar. Keep your body straight with squat position. Land as quietly as possible. your heels on the ground and your arms fully This requires control (builds more muscle) and extended. protects your body. 3 Begin by flexing your elbow to pull your chest toward the bar. Squeeze your shoulder blades as you perform the movement. 4 Take a slight pause before returning yourself to the start position. 5 Repeat.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 147 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE jumping jacks Knee to chest jumps

1 Jumping jacks: Step 1 Stand with your feet 1 Jump as high as you can while you raise your together and hands by your sides. knees up to your chest. 2 In one motion jump your feet laterally and raise 2 Quickly reverse your legs to land on your toes. your arms over head. Beginner Modification:Instead of jumping, raise one 3 Immediately reverse that motion by jumping back knee up to your chest and bring back down to the to the starting position, and returning your hands starting position and alternate legs. to your sides.

Beginner Modification:Step out laterally instead of jumping, and move at a slower pace.

148 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA leg curl

1 Stand straight with your feet hip width apart. Caution: If you find your legs are swinging and 2 Flex your right foot and take it about 6” off the jerking quickly, you are using too much weight! ground while keeping your knees next to one Lower your weight. You are risking lower back and another. This is your starting position. hamstring injury.

3 Slowly bend your leg so that your heel is coming Tip: Preferably use a leg curl machine that is angled up toward your glute. rather than flat to optimize your hammies. 4 With control, release your leg back down to the starting portion. Variations: Consult the machine guide or a gym member for alternate positions to hit alternate 5 Repeat and alternate legs. muscles with this machine.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 149 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE leg extension

1 Sit on the edge of a bench or a chair with your 1 Lay on your back on the floor. legs at a 90º angle. 2 Place your hands on the floor firmly on the floor 2 Engage your quadriceps to extend your legs to next to the hips OR underneath you butt for the max as you exhale. support. 3 With control and purpose, slowly lower your leg 3 Raise both legs up off the floor. back to the original position as you inhale. Do 4 Bring your feet parallel to the ceiling. NOT go past the 90-degree angle limit. 5 With control, Lower your feet back down to the 4 Repeat. floor

Tip: Keep your abs engaged the entire time!

150 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Long stride lunge lunge

Perform a normal lunge, but lengthen your stride so 1 Step forward with one leg. that your front knee is aligned just behind your front 2 Lower down until both knees are bent at a heel. 90-degree angle. 3 Push back to the starting position by pushing through your front heel. ***Alternating legs

Tip: Keep your upper body straight, shoulders back, and core engaged. Keep your front knee directly above your ankle.

Beginner Modification:Same as above but decrease angle of your knees to 45 degrees.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 151 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE lying hip Mountain climber abduction

1 Lie on your side on a mat or the floor with your 1 Start in a plank position. legs lengthened straight away from your body. 2 Without rounding your back, pull one knee up Bend your lower arm and place it under your and in towards your chest. head for support. Rest your upper arm on your 3 Straighten your leg back to the starting position. upper hip. Keep your hips and shoulders stacked and align your head with your spine. Engage 4 Repeat movement on the opposite leg. your abdominal muscles to support your spine. 2 As you exhale, raise the upper leg off the lower Tip: Keep your core engaged throughout the leg. Keep your knee straight and your foot in a exercise. neutral position. Continue to keep your body controlled and aligned. Beginner Modification:Position your hands on a bench or chair instead of the floor. 3 As you inhale and return your leg to your starting position slowly, maintain control. 4 Repeat a full set before switching sides to complete the same amount on the opposite side.

Tip: 45º is the MAX. The thigh should only open to a 45º angle. Going any further dilutes the workout intended for this target muscle.

152 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA pike push-ups Plank

1 Keep your arms straight and your hands 1 Start in a push-up position, and rest your weight shoulder-width apart. on your forearms. 2 Lift up your hips so that your body forms an 2 Keep your body straight, and engage your core upside down V. Keep your legs and arms as by pulling your bellybutton into your spine. straight as possible. 3 Hold for the allotted amount of time. 3 Bend your elbows and lower your upper body Beginner Modification:Step out laterally instead of until the top of your head almost touches the jumping, and move at a slower pace. floor.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 153 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE Pull-up push-up on knees

1 Grab a strong friend to help. Have your friend 1 Place your hands slightly greater than shoulder- assist you in getting your chin above the bar. (If width apart and your knees hip-width apart. the bar is low enough, you can even jump to get 2 Engage your abdominal muscles and keep them yourself into the top pull-up position.) tight throughout the exercise. 2 Hold that position on your own and then slowly 3 Bend your elbows and lower your chest until come down. This will train your muscles to do a your chin reaches the ground, then return to the pull-up. starting position. 3 Repeat.

Progression: As you progress over the next few weeks, try lowering yourself so that your elbows form a right angle, and hold the position. From there, slowly lower yourself to a full hang. Next step? Try a full one!

Tip: Avoid resistance bands or pull up assistance machines if you can. These tend to shift your position and prevent strengthening of the muscles that can get you into a full pull-up.

154 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Push-up quadrupled leg lift

1 Start in a high plank position with your hands 1 Begin on all fours with your hands under your directly under your shoulders. shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep 2 Lower your body until your chest touches the your back straight. floor. 2 Engage your core as you extend the opposite 3 Push back to the starting position. hand and leg. (i.e. left arm and right leg.) 3 Hold for 1-2 seconds then return to start position. Tip: Keep your back flat and core engaged. 4 Repeat alternating legs and arms. Beginner Modification:Same as above but decrease angle of your knees to 45 degrees.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 155 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE reverse crunch R e v e r s e hyperextension

1 Lie on the ground in a traditional crunch position 1 Load an appropriate weight. with your feet flat on the floor and hands 2 Place your feet between the pads as you lay on underneath your head. the top pad. Allow your hips to hang off the back 2 Press your lower back into the floor and pull in and grasp the handles to secure your position. your belly button to lift your feet off of the floor. 3 Begin by flexing the hips and pulling the legs Keep your knees together, bent at 90-degree forward. angles.

156 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA reverse lunges russian twist

1 Step backwards with one leg. 1 Sit on your butt on the ground with your knees 2 Lower down until both knees are bent at a up and your feet flat on the ground. Your chest 90-degree angle. should be close to you knees. 3 Push back to the starting position by pushing 2 To get started, lean back slightly and lift your feet through your front heel. off the ground at the same time. ***Alternating legs 3 From there, twist side to side touching your hands to the ground on each side while your abs Tip: Keep your upper body straight, shoulders back, are engaged. and core engaged. Keep your front knee directly above your ankle. Beginner Modification: Same as the advanced but keep feet on the ground, and lean back as far as you Beginner Modification:Same as above but decrease can as you twist to still engage the abs. angle of your knees to 45 degrees.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 157 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE side plank side to side jumps

1 Lie on your side. 1 Start with legs close together and with knees 2 Create a straight line from head to feet, resting slightly bent. on your forearm. Your elbow should be directly 2 Jump as wide as you can to one side with one under your shoulder. foot. 3 With your abs gently contracted, lift your hips off 3 Then while pushing off of that foot jump as far as the floor, maintaining the line. you can to the other side.

Beginner Modification:Same as advanced but bend 4 Continue to push off of that outer foot back and your knees and create a straight line from head to forth. knees. Beginner Modification: Same as advanced but instead of jumping, step side to side as fast and wide as you can.

158 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA

Single arm single leg suspencion row deadlift

1 Attach your rope or band securely to the upper 1 Using a kettle bell, dumb bell, bar bell, or just doorway or anchor, or use a bar. free standing, stand on one leg. 2 Stand with your feet on the ground slightly wider 2 Bend at the hip as you reach to the ground with than hip width apart while holding the band at a flat back. your side with one hand. You should be facing 3 Stand back up. the anchor of the band. Engage your core to hold 4 Repeat and alternate legs. your body straight (like in a plank), but pivot on your heels a little to lean back creating a slight Caution: Do NOT round your back! angle. 3 Lower your body as you extend your arm in one smooth movement. 4 Pull yourself back up to the start position. 5 Repeat.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 159 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE SIT-UPS spiderman mountain climber

1 Lay completely flat on the ground on your back 1 Begin in push up position. with your arms and legs completely extended. 2 Engage your core 2 As you do the sit-up, swing your arms forward 3 As you bend your arms and lower your torso to first to give you some momentum until you’re at the floor, release your LEFT leg and lift it towards a 90 degree angle. Your legs should stay on the your LEFT elbow at a 90 degree angle. ground the entire time serving as an “anchor” to 4 Hold this position for a couple seconds before help you use your abs to complete the sit-up. returning your shoulder and left knee to starting 3 Then, lower yourself back down to the starting position. position. 5 Repeat on the right side. 4 Repeat.

160 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA sprint in place squat and reach

Advanced: Move those legs as fast as you can while 1 While standing with your feet shoulder width you stay in the same place and pump those arms just apart and your arms down by your sides, push as fast. your hips back and slightly bend your knees. Keep the weight in your heels and do not allow Beginner Modification:Same as advanced but at a your knees to extend over your heels. slower pace. 2 Stand up by extending your hips forward, pressing your feet through the ground, and lifting both of your arms overhead. 3 Keep your knees soft and move directly back into the squat. 4 Repeat.

Pump it up: Try this Müv holding a weighted plate or try throwing a jump in as you stand up in step 2.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 161 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE SQUATS standing calf raise

1 Stand with legs slightly wider than shoulder 1 Start standing with your feet hip width apart. width apart and toes slightly pointed out. 2 Lift as high as you can onto your tip toes step 2 With a chair or a ledge directly behind you, sit and pause back into the chair as you stay back on your 3 Lower your heels back down to the floor. heels and as your chest stays straight up. Feel free to put your arms directly out in front of you to help you balance your weight. Don’t let your heels come off the ground. 3 Once you are in a seated position in the chair, push your body back up through your heels (not your toes) until you’re back in the starting position.

Advanced: Using the same form as the beginner, take away the chair and lower your body until your hips and butt are all parallel to the ground. Then, push back up through the heels to the starting position as you keep your chest straight up.

162 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA step-ups sumo squat

1 Use a box, chair, bench etc. (something that is 1 Stand with your feet wider than hip-distance stable that is about 1-3 feet off the ground). Step apart and turn your toes out 45 degrees up on the box with the one foot, and push off 2 Lower yourself down by bending your knees and through your heal until your leg is fully extended. hips. 2 Bring the other foot up onto the box. 3 Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, root 3 Step down from the box. through your heels and rise back up to standing 4 Repeat this process as fast as you can while position. alternating legs. Tip: Keep your abs tight, back straight and do not let Beginner Modification: Instead of jumping, raise your knees move past your toes when lowering. one knee up to your chest. Bring your leg back down to the starting position. Repeat while alternating legs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 163 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE supermans tricep push-ups

1 Super mans: Laying flat on your stomach with 1 Start in a high plank position with your hands your arms fully extended out in front of you (like narrower than shoulder width. Superman). Lift both your legs and arms slightly 2 While keeping your arms close to your body, off the ground (maybe 6 inches). lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. 2 Engage your glutes and lower back as you do 3 Push back to the starting position. this, and then release back down to the ground. Tip: Keep your back flat and core engaged. Beginner Modification:Beginner is the same as advances but moves at a slower pace and with less Beginner Modification:Same as above but perform range of motion. the movement on your knees or place your hands on a bench.

164 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA v s i t V-up - Oblique Twist

1 Sit on your butt with your feet on the floor. 1 Start by lying on your back with both arms above Take your chest back so that you’re at a 45º. your head. Lift your legs to a point that is comfortable yet 2 Keeping your feet together- lift your legs up so challenging. (It’s ok to keep your knees bent that they form a 90 degree angle with your hips. slightly.) 3 At the same time, bring your hands up towards 2 To get started, lean back slightly, and move your your feet while slowly lifting your head, and knees closer to your chest at the same time. upper body up off of the floor. From there, twist side to side touching your 4 Slowly release both your arms and legs back to hands to the ground on each side while your abs the floor are engaged.

Beginner Modification:Same as the advanced but keep feet on the ground, and lean back as far as you can as you twist to still engage the abs.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 165 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE wall sit

1 Place your back flat against a wall. 2 Place your feet shoulder-width apart and then about 2 ft out from the wall. 3 Slide your back down the wall, bending your legs until they’re in a 90 degree angle ( or as close as you can get) 4 Hold this position as long as you can.

Tip: Remember to contracting your abs the whole time!

166 betterbody © Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. GUIDE PROTOTYPEBETA


The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read that is published by Prüvit Ventures, Inc. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. The information provided by Prüvit Ventures, Inc. relating to the Keto N8 Challenge is for informational and educational purposes only and, any use thereof, is solely at your own risk. Under no circumstances should the Keto N8 Challenge dietary and exercise programs or Prüvit products be applied instead of medication or medical advice without first consulting a prescribing health care professional for a recommendation. The Keto N8 Challenge fitness enhancement strategies should not be applied unless a complete examination by a qualified health-care professional has first confirmed that the health condition of the individual can tolerate the related programs and goals, and support the enhanced metabolic performance.

Printing of this guide is permitted for personal use only. Distribution and mass and/or commercial production is strictly prohibited and carries significant penalty.

© Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. Prüvit Ventures, Inc. betterbody 167 GUIDE BETA PROTOTYPE


bet·ter1 /‘bedər/ noun verb 1. the better one; that which is better. 1. to improve on or surpass a 2. the journey to optimization. previous state of being or level of achievement.


© Copyright 2017 Pruvit Ventures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.