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Xlk Hmcrtcan ]£Cckeiagtical Ireview XLk Hmcrtcan ]£cckeiagtical IReview A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FOR THE CLERGY Cum Approbatione Superiorum VOL. CXXX JANUARY—JUNE, 1954 'Ev Ivi irveifiaTi, mq. ^i>X27 <rvvad\ovvT& T$ irlarei. rod ebayyeXlov Phil. 1:27 Published by THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS m in 22 Contents of Volume CXXX JANUARY The Two Pillars of Rome John W. Moran, S.J. 1 Our Lady and the Unity Octave Titus Cranny, S.A. 9 Muintir-Na-Tire James F. Cassidy 29 The Historical Backgrounds and Theology of Mediator Dei. Part II Albert F. Kaiser, C.PP.S. 33 Our Lady's Virginity In Partu Joseph Clifford Fenton 46 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. The Proper Attitude toward "Muddled Marriages" 54 A Marriage Problem: Correction of a Previous Response 55 The Stolen Horse 56 Interrupting Holy Mass 57 Missa Pro Populo again 58 Renewal of the Sacred Species 58 Monstrance Design 59 Liturgical Problems concerning the Blessed Sacrament 59 Use of the Organ 60 Metropolitan Cross 60 Cloth of Gold for Vestments 61 ANALECTA Indulgences for Mary's Year Thomas Owen Martin 62 BOOK REVIEWS Reality and Judgment according to St. Thomas, by Peter Hoenen, S.J. 65 Outlines of Moral Theology, 63; Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R 68 Father Tompkins of Nova Scotia, by George Boyle : 71 iv CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXX FEBRUARY The Apostolic Constitution Exsul Familia. Part I .. Giuseppe Ferretto 73 Our Lady of Lourdes and the Marian Year Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 84 The Problem of Konnersreuth Paul Siwek, S.J. 90 Reply to Father Siwek James Van der Veldt, O.F.M. 101 The i cachings ol the o» kiesce Joseph Clifford Fenton 114 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmits, S.S. The Sunday Sermon 124 The Right of a Catholic Child to a Catholic Schooling 124 The Scapular Medal 125 Bowing the Head 125 Consecrated Altar Problems 126 Folded Chasubles 127 Tabernacle Key Vigilance 127 Oratio Imperata 128 ANALECTA The English Translation of the Allocution Ci Riesce 129 BOOK REVIEWS Cosmology, by Kenneth Dougherty, S.A 139 Norms for the Novel, by Harold C. Gardiner, S.J 140 Bede Jarrett of the Order of Preachers, by Kenneth Wykeham-George, O.P., and Gervase Matthew, O.P 141 Nun in Red China, by Sister Mary Victoria, O.P 143 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXX v MARCH Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice 145 The Apostolic Constitution Exsul Familia. Part II. Giuseppe Ferretto 146 Pope Pius XII and Pope St. Gregory the Great: Ecumenical Councils Alfred C. Rush, C.SS.R. 163 The Our Father. Part I Thomas J. M. Burke, S.J. 176 "Behold the Handmaid of the Lord" Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 183 Italy Is Not Going Communist Maurice S. Sheehy 187 Magisterium and Jurisdiction in the Catholic Church Joseph Clifford Fenton 194 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmits, S.S. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 202 Funeral on the Feast of the Epiphany 202 Altar Frontal 203 Votive Masses 204 Reason for Bination 204 Blessing of Objects 205 A Cunctis in a Votive Mass 205 Separation of Siamese Twins 205 The Granting of Quarantines in Indulgences 206 Auxiliary Bishop as a Confessor 207 A Problem on the Eucharist Fast 207 BOOK REVIEWS The Holy Trinity Book of Prayers, compiled by Msgr. John K. Ryan 209 Peter: Disciple—Apostle—Martyr, by Oscar Cullman 209 Teaching Religion, by Joseph B. Collins, S.S 212 Christianity and the Problem of History, by Roger L. Shinn 213 The Breviary Explained, by Pius Parsch 214 Saint Paul: Apostle of Nations, by Daniel-Rops 216 vi CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXX APRIL Blessed Pius X: Model for Priests Joseph B. Collins, S.S. 217 Knight of Mary Immaculate Ashley Pettis 228 Some Moral Aspects of Drug Addiction Giles Staab, O.F.M.Cap. 238 The Our Father. Part II Thomas J. M. Burke, S.J. 250 Two Recent Explanations of the Church's Necessity for Salvation Joseph Clifford Fenton 259 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. Attendance at Motion Pictures 270 The Significance of the Imprimatur 271 Sacramental Penances 271 Shortage of Sacred Particles 272 Recitation of Prayers at Holy Communion 273 Epiphany Holy Water 273 Golden Wedding Anniversary 274 Kyrie at Sung Mass 274 Statue of Beatus 275 Display of Flags 275 Baptistery Problem 275 Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 276 ANALECTA Thomas Owen Martin 277 BOOK REVIEWS The Case of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac, by Richard Pattee 282 Indulgences, the Ordinary Power of Prelates inferior to the Pope to grant Indulgences, by Joseph Edward Campbell 284 The Training of Converts. Proceedings of the Fordham University Conference of Mission Specialists 285 The Index to the New Testament and the Topical Analysis to the New Testament, by Aloysius H. Seubert 286 Religious Men and Women in the Code, by Joseph Creusen, S.J 287 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXX vii MAY For Church and Pope Archbishop A. G. Cicognani 289 Our Lady of Confidence Thomas Owen Martin 292 The Passing of a Great Theologian P. J. Hanrahan 297 A Question of Punctuation John P. O'Connell 302 "On the Seventh Day God Rested from all His Work" Francis X. Curley, S.J. 306 The Parish Priest and the Marian Year D. Joseph Corbett 317 Mr. Maynard and "Popular" American Catholic History Henry J. Browne 325 Toleration and the Church-State Controversy . Joseph Clifford Fenton 330 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. Stipends Given to a Schismatic Priest 344 The Obligation to Attend Religious Instruction Classes 344 Predetermining the Sex of an Infant 345 The Commutation of the Divine Office 346 Silver Jubilee Queries 347 Distribution of Holy Communion 347 Benediction Problem 347 Holy Communion at Afternoon Mass 348 Celebrant at High Mass 348 First Friday and Funeral Mass 349 Minor Basilica 349 Communion of the Mass by the Choir 350 BOOK REVIEWS The Trinity in Our Spiritual Life, an anthology of the writings of Dom Columba Marmion 351 Sermons on the Liturgy, by Pius Parsch 352 The Priest of Today, by Thomas O'Donnell, CM 353 A Doctor at Calvary, by Pierre Barbet 355 Self-Portrait of Jesus Christ: The Holy Shroud of Turin, by Edward A. Wuenschel, C.SS.R 356 Theologia Orientalis, by Nicola Ladomerssky 358 The Epistles in Focus, by B. Lawler, S. J 360 via CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXX JUNE The Jefferson Bible John A. Hardon, S.J. 361 Land of Mary Immaculate Marion A. Habig, O.F.M. 376 Ci Riesce and Cardinal Ottaviani's Discourse .... Giuseppe Di Meglio 384 Latin Documents Thomas Owen Martin 388 More about the "Bad-Marriage" Dilemma Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 391 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmits, S.S. "Souvenirs" from Restaurants 398 A Problem on the Law of Abstinence 399 The Confiteor in the Last Rites 400 Candles at High Mass 400 Ash Wednesday Custom 401 Marian Year Vestments 402 Stations of the Cross 402 Paschal Candle 403 Funeral Problems 403 ANALECTA The unofficial Vatican translation of the Encyclical Letter Sacra virginitas 404 BOOK REVIEWS Papal Documents on Mary, compiled and arranged by Rt. Rev. Msgr. William J. Doheny, C.S.C., and Rev. Joseph P. Kelly 431 Paul the Apostle, by Giuseppe Ricciotti; translated by Alba I. Zizzamia 432 Saint Augustine: Letters, Vol. II (83-130), translated by Sister Wil­ frid Parsons, S.N.D 434 INDEX FOR VOLUME CXXX 437 BOOKS REVIEWED AND NOTICED 440 Xlk, Hmerican ^Ecclesiastical IReview A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FOR THE CLERGY Cum Approbatione Superiorum VOL. CXXXI JULY—DECEMBER, 1954 'Ev h>l irpei/ian, (uQ. ipvxv <Tvvcti9\ovi>Tes TJJ 7TI<TT« rod euayyeklov Phil. 1 -27 Published by THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS Contents of Volume CXXXI JULY The Preaching Vocation and Vocational Preaching. Part I Francis X. Curley, S.J. 1 The Symbolic Death of Christ in the Mass.... Clarence McAuliffe, S.J. 12 The Tabernacle Veil Winjrid Herbst, S.DS. 22 Nuestra Senora Eugene M. Burke, C.S.P. 27 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Francis J. Conneil, C.SS.R., and Walter J. Schmitz, S.S. Crossing the Picket Line 34 The Obligation to Attend an Evening Mass 34 Viaticum under the Species of Wine 35 Is there Unethical Surgery in our Hospitals ? 36 Sick Call Candles 37 Problems Confronting Newly Ordained 38 Anticipating Breviary 38 Forty Hours' Devotion 38 Burse for Benediction 39 Titular Feast 39 Anniversary Requiem Mass 40 ANALECTA The Latin Text of the Encyclical Letter Sacra virginitas 41 BOOK REVIEWS Fundamental Psychiatry, by John R. Cavanagh, M.D., and James B. McGoldrick, S.J 68 The Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention 69 The Father, the Head of the Home: National Catholic Conference on Family Life 72 IV CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXXI AUGUST The First Immaculate Conception Mission Marion Habig, O.F.M. 73 The Preaching Vocation and Vocational Preaching. Part II Francis X. Curley, SJ. 81 Brownson's Quest for Social Justice Edward Day, C.SS.R. 90 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Walter J. Schmitz, S.S., and Francis J. Cornell, C.SS.R. Audibility of the Words of Consecration 112 Dishonesty in Sports 113 The Special Efficacy of a High Mass 114 Holy Communion in the Evening 114 Bination on a Weekday 115 Friday before Pentecost 116 Consecrated Church 116 Veiling of Statues and Crucifixes in Passiontide 117 Purifying Problems 118 Blessing of Ciborium 118 Baptismal Water 118 Missa Privata 119 Nuptial Mass on Pentecost Vigil 119 ANALECTA The Words of the Holy Father in Canonizing St.
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