Types and the Roles of Feminism in the Angelou's
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TYPES AND THE ROLES OF FEMINISM IN THE ANGELOU’S SELECTED POEMS A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities of UIN Alauddin Makassar By: FIA KURNIA HALIM Reg. No. 40300112010 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTIES ALAUDDIN STATES ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2017 1 2 3 4 4 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin as the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so the researcher can finish this research. Shalawat and Salam are addressed to the Great Prophet of Muhammad SAW, His family and His followers. As a person who knows own capability, the researcher realizes that this thesis would have never been finished without any help and suggestions from many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the deepest thanks and the greatest respect for them. For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to her parents, H. Abdul Halim, S.P. and Hj. Syamsuniar, who have given their love, support, sacrifice, care, tears, and sincere pray for her safety, success and happiness during her study. Besides that the researcher also gives thanks to all of her big family, who have given support. Researcher feels nothing without them in her side. Secondly, the researcher addresses her greatest thanks to Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag., the dean of FAH UIN, H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., the head of English and Literature Department of FAH UIN and also Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd,. the secretary of English and Literature Department. Thirdly, the researcher addresses appreciation to her first and second supervisors Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum and Hj. Nahdhiyah, S.S., M.Pd., for their vi vii LIST OF CONTENTS HALAMAN JUDUL ...................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI....................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING.................... ............................................ iii APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ............................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... vi LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background .......................................................................................... 1 B. Problem statement ................................................................................ 4 C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 4 D. Significances of the Research .............................................................. 4 E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Findings ................................................................................. 6 B. Pertinent Ideas ...................................................................................... 8 1. Feminism Theory ........................................................................... 8 a. Definition of Feminism ............................................................ 8 b. Types of Feminism ................................................................... 9 c. Roles of Women ....................................................................... 13 2. Poem ............................................................................................... 15 a. Definition of Poem ................................................................... 15 b. Kinds of Poetry ........................................................................ 18 c. Elements of Poetry ................................................................... 20 3. Biography of Maya Angelou .......................................................... 22 viii ix CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH A. Method of the Research ....................................................................... 28 B. Source of Data ...................................................................................... 28 C. Instrument of the Research................................................................... 28 D. Procedures of Data Collection and Analysis ........................................ 29 E. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 29 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Findings ................................................................................................ 30 B. Discussions ........................................................................................... 38 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions .......................................................................................... 50 B. Suggestions .......................................................................................... 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 52 BIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………….. 55 APPENDIX................................................................................................. ..... 56 ix ABSTRACT Name : Fia Kurnia Halim Reg. Number : 40300112010 Major : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humanities Title : Types and the Roles of Feminism in the Angelou’s Selected Poems Supervisor I : Abd. Muin Supervisor II : Hj. Nahdhiyah This research discussed about Feminism in Angelou’s Selected Poems which aimed to find out the types of feminism and the role in women in her selected poems. This research based on Tong’s theory which classified the types of feminism and role of women. This research was qualitative descriptive method. The data were taken from her selected poems, they are; Phenomenal Woman, Woman Work, Equality, Still I Rise, and Men. The researcher used note taking as the instrument in order to get the valid data. The findings showed that there were 42 data contained 35 data in types of feminism in selected poems and there were 7 data in role of women in selected poems. The researcher concluded the types of feminism, they were; poem Phenomenal woman (Liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, Socialist feminism, and Radical feminism), poem Woman Work (Marxist feminism), poem Equality (Liberal feminism, Radical feminism, and Marxist feminism), poem Still I Rise (Liberal feminism and Radical feminism), and poem Men (Radical feminism), and role of women in her selected poems, they were; poem Phenomenal woman (public sector), poem Woman Work (domestic sector), poem Equality (public sector), poem Still I Rise (public sector), and poem Men (domestic sector). Keywords: Feminism, Role Women, Poem. x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of background, research questions, objective of the research, significance of the research, and scope of the research. A. Background Literature is everything written which not based on the reality but it is a kind of imaginative work. Literature is pretended to have aesthetic value implicitly as well as explicitly (Teew in Ahsan, 2015:1). It is similar opinion, Literature is speech act or textual even that elicits certain kinds of attention (Culler, 1997:27). The idea of the author’s thinking channeled as a literary work. Literary work is a reflection of the society that will continue to present the situation and circumstances. A great work of literature is literature that is able to reflect the era. So that the literary work as a “document” (Wellek and Warren. 1990:87). Based on those explanation, the researcher state Literature is a simply another way we can experience the world around us through our imagination. Literature can be divided into three genre, they are prose, drama, and poetry. Poetry derives etymologically from the Greek word ‘poiesis’ which means ‘a making, forming, creating (in words), or the art of poetry, or a poem’. Poem is one of the most essential expressions; the element of literary work shows natural verses in 1 2 the arts of letters. Poetry is one of the literary work in which is full of imagination and expressions of feelings and emotions are meaningful. This thesis analyzed poems about feminism as data source. A black woman poet in the 20th century, Maya Angelou with her poems about feminism. Feminism is a theory that reveals the personal dignity and the dignity of all women (Wolf in Wagola, 2014:2). Feminism is understood that the rights of women who are culturally, politically, and economically, in contrast to men. Based on, the researcher state feminism is a movement to change the position of women to gain equality with men. Maya Angelou poem itself has a theme for the rights of women through self- confidence, a good personality, a hidden beauty, as well as other abilities they possess that could make them superior to men. It is closely related to the social changing of gender issues. The important issue in the selected poem is feminism. There are many poets feminist, who delivered the ideology of their personal through a poem, where their poem about the problem of women. So, with the Angelou’s poem, she described