Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 56 (2006): 147-156 Identification and characterization of Swiss grapevine cultivars using microsatellite markers ANDREA FREI, NAOMI A. PORRET, JUÈ RG E. FREY and JUÈ RG GAFNER Agroscope ACWChangins-Wa Èdenswil Forschungsanstalt fuÈ r Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau CH-8820 WaÈdenswil, Postfach 185 E-mail:
[email protected] Microsatellite analysis with up to 12 markers was performed on 463 grapevine samples mostly collected from Swiss cultivar collections, viticulturists, winegrowers and private collectors, using an optimized and fast method based on quick DNA extraction, six-plex PCR and automated fragment analysis. Several already published genetic profiles were confirmed, misnamed plants were identified, and additional new profiles are presented in this study. Some of the misnamed plants could be named correctly, while cultivar allocation of others needs confirmation. We found that 'Briegler' seems to be a synonym for 'Bondola nera', possibly the German name for a cultivar grown in Sou- thern Switzerland. In the case of 'Erlenbacher Schwarz' we found types with two different profiles. The ones from Eastern Switzerland are identical to 'Hitzkircher', while the type collected in Western Switzerland is different. Fur- ther data collection is necessary to elucidate which type is the true-to-type cultivar. Also an old and rare cultivar na- med 'MoÈrchel' was shown to be identical to 'Trollinger' (syn. 'Schiava Grossa', 'Gross-Vernatsch' or 'Frankenthal Noir'). Several 'Chasselas' and 'Muscat' types were allocated