Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 73) entitled "An act to authorize the Governor to appoint one additional Notary Public for Wilmington hundred, New Castle county," Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (S. B. No. -ti1) entitled "An act providing for the weekly payment of wages by cor­ porations,'' Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (S. B. No. 75) entitled "An act for the relief of the heirs of Mary Ann Barlow, de­ ceased," Was read a second time, by its title, And further; on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 395) entitled "An act to inC'orporate the Guarantee Title and Trust Com­ pany of the State of ," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (S. B. No. 57) entitled ''An act to incorporate the Sharon Lodge, No. 18, Indepen­ dent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, of Laurel, Delaware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 397) entitled 700

"An act to provide safeguards against fraud," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. · On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 396) entitled "An act in relation to the Free Schools ofthe State," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 260) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 472, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was recommitted to the Commit­ tee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (H. B. No. 390) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 148, Volume r8, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Was taken up for consideration, . And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Ghipman, Day, Eisenbrey, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, 701

And the bill, having received the required constitu.tional majority, Passed tlze House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 284) entitled "An act in relation to furnishing the lists of the voters of the election districts of East ,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 42) entitled "An act to amend Sections 27, 35 and 38, Chapter 175, Vol­ ume 18, Laws of Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required rµajority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re­ turned to that body.

On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 32) entitled 702

"An act to transfer the farms of John G. Smith and Stephen G, Hearn from School District No. 48 to United School Districts Nos. 163 and 163~, Sussex county, Delaware; also the farm of Nehemiah B. Lecates from School Districts Nos. 163 and 163~. Sussex county, Delaware,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendments were read, as follows: "Amend the title by inserting the words 'Mitchell H. Ger­ man' after the words "N. B. Lecates;' " "Amend Section 3 by inserting the name of' Mitchell H. Ger­ man' after the words 'Nehemiah B. Lecates;' " "Amend further by adding the following: ·''SECTION 4. That the farms of John G. Smith, Stephen G. Hearne, Nehemiah B. Lecates, and Mitchell H. German, or the tenants residing on said farms, and any property belonging to said owners or tenants, shall be subject to school taxes in United School Districts Nos. 163 and 163~, in Sussex county.' IN SENATE, April 3, 1891. Extract from Journal. For concurrence. EowARD D. HEARNE, Clerk of the Senate.'' And, on his further motion, the amendments Were Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 373) entitled ''An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Town of Georgetown,' passed at Dover, March 2, 1869," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Day, Eisenbrey, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, . Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Higgins offered a joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution in relation to the Delaware State Hospital for the Insane,'' Which, on his motion, was read, Mr. Higgins moved that the joint resolution be adopted. On the question, "Shall the joint resolution be adopted?" The yeas .and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Hickman, Higgins, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nay-Mr.Jackson-I. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the joint resolution, having received the required ma- jority, Was Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com­ pany," And returned the same to the House, with the request that the House concur in the Senate amendment. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. 161) entitled "An act for the relief of Minnie A. Hamilton," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed .the House that the Senate had passed and requested the concurrence of the House in the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 76) entitled

"An act to amend Section I of the act passed at Dover, Apn1 13, 1887, entitled 'A further additional supplement to the act en­ titled 'An act to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company," The bill (S. B. No. 95) entitled "An act requiring the Levy Court of Sussex county to appro­ priate a certain annual sum to Cape Henlopen City, for the pur­ pose of maintaining its streets,'• And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the House amend­ ment to the bill (S. B. No. 26) entitled "An act for the protection of registered, banded and homing, pigeons.'' Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, bein~ admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred m the House joint Feso­ lution entitled ''Joint resolution appointing a committee to make biennial set­ tlement with the Attorney General and State Librarian," And returned the sa111e to the House. He also informed the House that the members of said commit­ tee on the part of the Senate were Messrs. Houston and Pilling. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had adopted and requested the con­ currence of the House in a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution providing for the appointment of a joint com­ mittee of the two houses to take into consideration the bills in re­ lation to the general school laws of this State, now pending in the General Assembly," And presented the same to the House. He also informed the House that the members, on the part of the Senate, of the committee provided for in said joint resolu­ tion, were Messrs. Ross and Richardson. Mr. Ridgely, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Corpor­ ations, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 391) en­ titled "An act to incorporate the· Delaware Terminal Railroad Com- pany," . Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that.it pass. Mr. Higgins, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Smith, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 400) entitled "An act to further amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State hospital for the insane,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the Senate joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution in relation to the appointment of a joint com- mittee of the two Houses to take into consideration the bills in relation to the general school laws of this State now pending in the General Assembly," Was read, And, on his further motion, The joint resolution was Concurred in. 45 Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the joint resolution returned to that body. . Mr. Ridgely moved that the House Committee on Education be made a committee of conference for the purpose of consider­ ing the bills in relation to the general school laws of this State, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee appointed to settle with the State Librarian and Attorney General, submitted a re­ port in regard to the settlement with the Librarian, Which, on motion of Mr. Rickards, was read, as follows: Report of the Joint Legislative Committee appointed to audit and and settle the Accounts of the State Lz'brarian. We, the Legislative Committee appointed to audit and settle the accounts of the State Librarian since his last biennial settle­ ment, do hereby report that we have examined the proper vouchers and audited the same and find that there is a bal­ ance due, February 12, 1891, from the Library fund, to Little, Brown & Co., of Boston, the sum of $22.25, and to the West Publishing Co., of St. Paul, Minn., the sum of $32.00; and that there is a balance due, April 9, 1891, from- John C. Gooden, the outgoing incumbent, to the contingent fund of the State Library, of the sum of $39. 79. CHAS. B. HOUSTON, JOHN PILLING, E. J. MORRIS, D. W. ELKINTON, P. P. RICKARDS, Committee. And, on the further motion of Mr. Rickards, The report was Accepted.

On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 391) entitled "An act to incorporate the Delaware Terminal Railroad Com- pany," · Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, •' Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-:-Messrs. Chipman, Cransto~, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hick­ man, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr.· Speaker-17. Nay-Mr. Rickards. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (S. B. No. 95) enti­ tled "An act requiring the Levy Court of Sussex county to appro­ priate a certain annual sum to Cape Henlopen City for the pur­ pose of maintaining its streets,'' Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com- pany," . Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendment was read, as follows: "Amend bill by inserting the following after the word 'com­ pany' in third line of Section 9: 'That if the said corporation ob- stru& the navigation of the Delaware River it shall be bound to pay all damages that arise therefrom." IN SENATE, April 8, 1891: Extracl: from Journal. For concurrence. EDWARD D. HEARNE, C/Jrk of tke Sen,,.,e.'' And, on the further motion of Mr. 'Rickards, The amendment was Concurred. in.. Ordered that the Senate be i~foI'Jlled thereof. . Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correcl:ly enrolled the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 85) entitled

"An act to amend Chapter 617, Volume 171 Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled 'An act in relation to sheriffs making deeds for lands and tenements sold by them under execution process,' passed at Dover, April 17, 1883;" · The bilt (H. B. No. 2o6) entitled "An acl: for the relief of John Wiggins;" The bill (H. R No. 219) entitled ''An. acl: for the ext~nsion of the boundaries of School Distri& Nos. 39 and 41 1 in New Castle county;" Also the House joint .resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the insane department. of Sussex county," And presented the same for the signature of the Spe~ku, Mr. E:J· Morris, on behalf of the Committee on Education, to whom ha been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 377) entitled "An act transferring Lemuel W. Evans ind John Lynch from School District No. 31 to School Districl No. 120, in Sussex county;" . The bill (S. B. No. 36) entitled ''An act to transfer the farms of Preston Lea and Silas Thomp­ son from School District No. 71~ to School District No. Bo, New Castle county," . . R-eported the slme back to the House with the recommenda- tion that they pass. · Mr. E. J. Morris, on behalf of the Committee on Education, to whom liad been referred the bill (H. · B. No. 338) entitled "An act to repNl an act entitled 'An act t.o transfer the lands, houses and premises or Anna Voshell from United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 22 and 99 to United School Districts Nos. 27 and 122, in Kent county," Reported the same back to the House without recommenda­ tion. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed th!t House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. 189) entitltd "An act to divorce Annie M:. Clark from her husband,· George H. Clark," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, bein~ admitted,. informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the bill (H. B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Loan· Ctim- pany," · • And returned the same to the House and requested the con­ currence of the H<>use in the ~mendment. Mr, Elkinton, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom had been referred the following bills, vb: · The bill (H. B. No. 349) entitled 710

"An act to lay out a public road in Sussex county;" The· bill (H. B. No. 356) entitled "An act to make a private road a public road and to be main- tained as such;" . The bill (H. B. No. 370) entitled "An act to amend 'An act to lay out a new public road in Indian River hundred, Sussex county,' passed at Dover, April II, 1889, '' Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that they pass.

On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H, B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Loan Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendment was read, as follows: "Amend Section 5 in line 2 by striking out the word 'second' and inserting in lieu thereof the word ' fourth.' IN SENATE, April 8, 1891. Extract from Journal. For concurrence. EowARD D. HEARNE, Clerk of the Senate.'' And, on the further motion of Mr. Higgins, The amendment was Concurred i'n. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce. to whom ha~ been referred the following bills, viz: "An act to divorce Isaac A. Gray from his wife, Margaret Gray;" 711

"An act to divorce Eugenia Barnes and Charles P. Barnes;" '' An act to divorce Margaret Nentwich from the bonds of mat­ rimony;" "An atl: to divorce Emma J. Stockwell from her husband, Lewis May Stockwell,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. He also reported back the bill entitled "An act to extenuate the rubification of municipalties under adverse circumstances,'' With amendments, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the duly and correctly enrolled bill (H. B. No. 41) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Front and Union Street Railway Company," The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (H. B. No. 262) entitled "An act to divorce Isaac A. Gray from his wife, Margaret Gray," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the Houf:e. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 712

On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. No. 36) entitled "An act to transfer the fam1s of Preston Lea and Silas Thom(>­ son from School District No. 71~ to School District No. 80, m New Castle county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' · It was decided 'in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be· informed thereof and the bill re­ turned to that body.

On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 377) entitled "An act transferring Lemuel W. Evans and John Lynch from School District No. 3 I • to School District No. I 20, Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On ~otion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 349) entitled "An act to lay out a public road in Sussex county." Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 370) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to lay out a new public road in· Indian River hundred, Sussex county,' passed at Dover, April 1 1, r 889," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tlie House. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. · On ~otion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at to o'clock. FRIDAY, April IO, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman,. Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Jack­ son, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely. Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved.

Mr. · Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 90) entitled . "An act to divorce Harry K. Robinson and Susan J. Robin­ son, his wife,. from the Londs of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 247) entitled "An act to divorce Helena Von Levern Moore and Charles M. Moore, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 274) entitled. "An act to divorce George W. Piper and S. Cassie Piper, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 237) entitled "An act to divorce .\fargaret A. Twiford from her husband, James W. Twiford," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as duly and correctly enrolled the bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com­ pany," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. · Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled "An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex county, to amend his return on execution No. 269 to April term, 1883," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it pass. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. 291) entitled "An act to amend Section 13, Chapter 161, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware,'' And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the bill (S. B. No. 27) entitled "An act relating to the McCullough Iron Company," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Elkinton, on behalf of the Special Committee, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 287) entitled ''An act to provide for the payment of the mortgages held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Com­ pany and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company," . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda­ t10n that 1t pass. Mr. Ridgely presented a petition from J. H. Cook, asking that his farm be transferred from School District No. 24 to No. 52, in Kent county," Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, 716

And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Smith, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cranston, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 401) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Light, Heat and Power Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance offrevious notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtaine leave to introduce a bill (H. 13. No. 4q2) entitled . ''An act for the suppression of H. C. Turner, of the City of Wilmington,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read,

On motion of Mr. Hickman, Rule 12 was suspended as to the bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled "An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex county, to amend his return on execution No. 269 to April term, 1883," And further, on his motion, the bill was taken up for consider­ ation, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the 'required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. ~r. Smith, in pursuanc~ of previous .notice, asked,, and, on motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 403) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Hotel Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, ·on motion of Mr. Dl!.y, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 404) entitled "An act to incorporate the West Wilmington Land Com- pany," · Which, on motion of Mr. Smith, was read. Mr. Higgins, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 405) entitled "An act to provide for free text books and punish misa.ppro- priations of school funds,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read. On motion of Mr. Ridgely. the bill (S. B. No. 82) entitled "An act for the protection of oyster boats while in harbor in St. Jones River," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 83) entitled "An act to amend 'An act in relation to oysters,' " Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Fish, Oysters and Game. · On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (S. B. No. 95) en­ titled "An act requiring the Levy Court of Sussex county to appro­ priate a certain a11nual S\lm to Cape Henlopen City for the pur­ pose of maintaining its streets,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committ~e on Municipal Corporations. -On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (S. B. No. 45) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 692, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 398) en- titled "An act in relation to the office of Secretary of State," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (S. B. No. 78) entitled "An act to enable Mary A. McColley, formerly Mary A. Hearn, to make a last will and testament, and to convey· and transmit title to real estate and personal property,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H. ,B. No. 400) entitled "An act to further amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State hospital for the insane,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (S. B. No. 61) entitled "An act providing for the weekly payment of wages by cor­ porations,'' Was read a second time, bv its title, 719

And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill CS. B. No. 59) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 176, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. West, the bill CS. B. No. 44) entitled "An act in relation to the larceny of money," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Day, Rule 26 was suspended. Mr. Day, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as duly and correctly enrolled the House bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Architectural and Supply Com- pany, of Wilmington," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. On motion of Mr. West, the bill CS. B. No. 91) entitled "An act to enable. the commissioners of United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 24 and 159, in Sussex county, to borrow money for building purposes," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (S. B. No. 81) entitled "An act to incorporate Greenwood Lodge, No. 39, of the In­ dependent Order of Odd Fellows, of Greenwood, in the State of Delaware;" Was read a second time, by its title, 720

And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committett on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill CS. B. No. 72) entitled · "An aa to provide for the appointment of commissioners for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States,"' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 399) entitled "An act to incorporate the Swedish Beneficial Society, of Wil­ mington, Delaware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Tindall. the bill (S. B. No. 60) entitled "An act in relation to the lien of taxes," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revi!led Statutes. On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (S. B. No. 24) entitled "An act to exempt from taxation the real estate of the Asso­ ciated Charities of the City of Wilmington,'' was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee, oo Munidpal Corporations. On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill CS. B. No. 94) entitled ''An. aa to change the name of Clara E. Scott to that of Clam E. Moore, and for other purposes," . Was read a second time, by its title, 721

And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (S. B. No. 62) entitled "An act authorizing the Mayor and Council of Wilmington, by ordinance, to give five hundred dollars to the widow of Charles W. Schultz," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 247) entitled "An act to divorce Helena Von Levern Moore from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And -the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 351) entitled "An act to incorporate the Dover Electric Light Company~''· Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · 46 722

Yeas-Messrs. Atthc, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-19. Na.1s--None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received t\le required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed tke H<>use. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 345) entitled "An ad to incorporate the Peninsula Printing Company," Was taken up for consideration, . And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the . Committee on Priyate Corporations, was read, And further, on his motion; The amendmettt was Adopted. On the further motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill, as amended, was read a third. time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as · follows: · . · . Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, Elkinton, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr.,Speaker-16, Nays-Non~. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed tlze House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 723

Oil motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 287) entitled ''An.act to provide for the payment of the mortgages held by '1e State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company ind the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company," . Was taken up for consideration, And further; on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ .ft'aphs, in order to pass the House. · ]?ending the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" .. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the further consideration of .the • was postponed, . And, on his further motion, the bill was made the special order ef business for Tuesday next, April 14, at II o'clock A. M.

On motion, the House adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M.

SAME DAY, 2 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. . Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, beirig admitted, informed .the House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. ,:329) entitled "An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex f(>.. un ty, to amend his return on execution No. 269, to April Rtr.n,, 1883," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hickman offered a joint resolution entitled 724

"Joint resolution to provide for a topographical survey of the State of Delaware, with a view to devising a scientific system of drainage, and for other purposes," Which, on his motion, was read, And further, on his motion, the joint resolution was referred to a special committee of three. The Speaker announced as the special committee aforesaid Messrs. Hickman, Higgins and Ridgely. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (H. B. No. 356) entitled "An act providing that wheels used for heavy hauling shall have a tire not less than four inches wide,'' Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendment was read, as fol­ lows: "Amend the bill by striking out title and inserting in lieu thereof the following- ' An act to make a private road in Cedar Creek hundred, Sussex county, a public road.'' Mr. Rickards moved that the amendment be adopted, Which motion Prevailed. And, on the further motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill under consideration was read, as amended, a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 40) entitled "An act to authorize School District No. 100, New Castle county, to borrow money for building purposes;'' The bill (S. B. No. 41) entitled "An act to incorporate the Young Men's Christian Association of Wilmington, Delaware,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in the bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled '' An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company, as revived and amended,'" And returned the same to the House, with the request that the House concur in the Senate amendment. . Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the duly and correctly enrolled bill. (H. B. No. 193) entitled · ''An act to incorporate the Architectural and Supply Company of Wilmington," . The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. ·' Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 383) entitled "An act to incorporate the. Delaware Hosiery Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 132) entitled "An act to confirm the title of Charles DeKay Townsend to a certain lot of land therein mentioned;'' The bill (H. B. No. r II) entitled "An act transferring the farm of William T. NewllOm from School District No. 41 to School District No. u3, in Ke,:it county;" rhe bill (H. B. No. 185) entitled "An act to divorce James K. Polk and Creesy Polk from the bonds of matrimpny ;" The bill (H. B. No. 78) entitled •'An act to divorce l{enry R. Spencer from hi~ wife, iliz?-beth ~' Spencer," · The bill (1-J. B. No. 77) entitled "Au act to.divorce Helen F. McVay from her husband, John Mc Vay;'' The bill .(H. B. No. 203) entitled "An act to vacate parts of King, French and Walnut streets, iq t4e c;ity of Wilmington;" The bill (H. B. No. 147) entitled "An act to dissolve the bonds of matrimony ,between William 13. Watson and Amanda E., his wife;" The bill (H. B.. No. 252)·entitled '• An act authorizinf{ the Levy Court of Kent county to accapt a certain public road m ;" The bill (H. B. No. I I) entitled "An act requiring the placing of electric gong signals at acer~ tain railroad crossing in Christiana hundred, New Castle county;" The bill (H. B. No. 39) entitled "An act divorcing- Blanche E. Chapman froin her husband, Hewit L. Chapman;'' The bill (H. B. No. 168) entitled "An act to revive the act entitled 'An ?-ct tp incorpon1te Union Lodge, No. 3, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Delaware, at Georgetown;'' The bill (H B. No. z39) entitled "An act to 'divorce a vinculo malrim()nii Sallie E. Martin from her husband, William R. Martin, and to change the name of the ,iaid Sallie E. Martin to Sitllie E. McCullough;" The bill (H. B. No. 190) entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled' 'An act to establish the Kenton pubhc schools,' passed at Dover, March 10, 1885;" The bill (H. B. No. 186) entitled "An act to amend Section 8, Chapter 369, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 174) entitled "An act of incorporation entitled 'An act to incorporate Jeffer­ son Council, No. IO Order of United American Mechanics, located in the City of Wilmington, Delaware;" Also, the House joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution in relation to the Delaware State Hospital for the Insane,'' The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. · Mr. Elkinton, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Va­ cant Lands, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 53) entitled "An act for the relief of George C. Morton," Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. I Mr. Hearne, Clerk of th~ Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, in th~ House bill entitled "An act to further amend Ch~pter 145, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware, entitled 'An act in relation to Mechanics' Lien,'" And returned the same to the House, with the request that the Senate 11,mendment be concurred in. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 338) entitled "An act to repeal 'An act to transfer the lands, houses ancJi premises of Anna Voshell from United School Districts Nos. 22: and 99 to Uriited School Districts Nos. 27 and 122, in Kenl'' county,'' Was taken up for' consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para~:. graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, w_ere as follows: · · Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hick-, man, Higgins, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Thomas, Tin- dall, West and Mr. Speaker-13. · Nay-Mr. Jackson-I. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (S. B. No. 53) entitled "An act for the relief of George C. Morton," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the proposed amendment to said. bill was read, a.c; follows: . "Amend Section 3 by striking out, after the word 'the"' in the.~ third line of said section, and before the word ' nor' in the fou~ line of said section, the words: 'expiration of three months from the passa1,te of this act,' and inserting in lieu thereof the words: • twenty-fifth day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and nine~-; two,'" . And, on his further motion, The amendment was Adopted. Mr. Rickards moved that the further consideration of the bill be indefinitely postponed, Which motion was Lost. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken., were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman. Cranston, Elkinton, Hickman, Hig· gins, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Ridgely, Thomas, Tindall, West and Mr. Speaker-12. Nays-Messrs. Eisenbrey, Morris, E. J., Rickards-3. So the question was decic~ed in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Orderetl that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body.

On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled "An aet to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company, as revived and amended,' " Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendment to said bill was read, as follows: "Amend the bill by striking out Section 2 thereo£"

IN SENATE, April 8, 1891. Extract from Journal. For c6ncurrence. EowARD D. HEARNE, Clerk of the Senate.'' 730

And, on the further motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, The amendment was Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (H. B. No. 183) entitled "An act to further amend Chapter 145, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware, entitled 'An act in relation to mechanics' liens," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendment to said bill was read, And, on his further motion, was Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. . Mr. Tindall, in pursuance of previou~ notice, asked, and, .on motion of Mr. Hickman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 4o6) entitled "An act to atlow a justice of the peace or notary public, ap· pointed in Nanticoke hundred, to reside in Broad Creek hun- dred," · Which, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read. On motion, the House adjourned until Monday next, April J3, at 5.30 P. M. 7$1

MONDAY, April 131 1891, 5.30 o'clock P. M.

House met .pllrSuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called-Members present..,...Messrs. Eisenbrey, Rickards, Ri<4:'ely, S.mith and Mr. Speaker. There being no quorum present, On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning ~i 10 o' f::lock.

TUESDAY, April 14, 1891, at 10 o'clock, A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Cranston. Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., ,Jl.itkards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas and Mr, Spe~ker. Journals of April 10 and April 13 read and approved. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, bein~ admitted, informed the ;~.that the Senate had concurred 1n the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 268) entitled 732

" An act authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for the Equitable Guarantee and Trust Company, at Wilmington, Delaware;'' The bill (H. B. No. 55) entitled "An act to authorize the Prothonotary of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Sussex countv, to make new indices of judgments in his office, using the Campbell system of indexing;' · The bill (H. B. No. 245) entitled "An act.to divorce a vinculo mafrz'mon# John J. Quient from his wife, Wilhelmina Quient;" The bill (H. B. No. 139) entitled· "An act to incorporate Washington Camp, No. 5, Patriotic Order Sons of America;" The bill (H. B. No. 79) entitled "An act to divorce Levia A. Moore from her· husband, Harbe H. Moore;" · The bill (H. B. No. I 15) entitled "An act to incorporate Delaware Castle, No. 12, Knights of the Golden Eagle of Delaware City, situated at Delaware City, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 309) entitled "An acl: to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to Morti­ mer C. Elliott;" The bill (H. B. No. 93) entitled "An act to divorce Annie E. Strain and Edward T. Strain, her husband, from the bonds of matrimonv;" The bill (H. B. No. 221) entitled "An acl: to incorporate the Odd Fellows' Home, of Dela:. ware;" The bill (H. B. No. 241) entitled 733 ''An aet granting to William A. Atkinson the title of this State to a certain traet of salt marsh herein mentioned;" · The bill (H. B. No. 67) entitled "An aet to divorce Richard T. Lockwood and Annie M. Lock­ wood, his wife, a vinculo matrimonii; · The bill (H. B. No. fOI) entitled "An aet to amend an aet entitled 'An aet in relation to School Distriet No. 56, in Kent county;' " The bill (H. B. No. 238) entitled "An aa: entitled 'An aet for the incorporation of the West End Improvement Company;'" The bill (H. B. No. 253) entitled "An aet to straighten and establish a public road in Broad Creek hundred, Sussex county, State of Delaware;" The bill(H. B. No. 197) entitled "An aet to lay out a new public road in Broadkiln hundred, Sussex county," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the · House that the Senate had passed and requested the concurrence of the House in the following bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 96) entitled "An act proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this State;" The bill (S. B. No. 58) entitled "An act in relation to the judiciary," And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported to the House, as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills and joint resolutions. viz: · · 734 The bill (S. B. No. 56) entitled "An act to revive, renew and continue' the charter of Damon Lodge, No. 12, K. of P., of Middletown, Delaware:" The bill (S, B. No. 71) entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for· certain corporations;". · The bill (S. B. No. 38) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington and Brandywine Real Estate Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 69) entitled "An act entitled 'An acl: for the incorporation of the Newark Real Estate Improvement Company;" The bill (S. B. No. j7) entitled "An act to incorporate the John T. Dickey Company;" The Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution relative to the tax on the shares of banks," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. · Mr. Hea:rne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, ht the bill (H B. No. 57) entitled "An aa to repeal Chapter 558, Volume 18, Laws of Dela· ware,'' And returned the same, with the request that the House concur in the Senate amendment. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following bills, viz: The bill (It. B. No. 32) entitled "An act to trattsfer the fa:rms of John G. Smith and Stepheti. G. Hearn from School District No. 48 to United School Distrl& 735

'N6s. 163 and 163~. Sussex county, Delaware; also the fatms of Nehemiah B. Lecates and Mitchell H. German from School Dis• t.ri8 No. 87 to United School Districts Nos. 163 and 163~, Sussex county, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 189) entitled "An act to divorce Annie M. Clarke from her husband, George H. Clark;" The bill (H. B. No. 225) entitled "An act for the benefit of St. Andrew's Church, Wilmington, Delaware;'' · · The bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company, as revived and amended. '..fhe bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled ' "An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex <:<>unty, to amend his return on Execution No. 269 to April term, 1883;" The bill (II. B. No. 291) entitled "An act to amend Section 13, Chapter 161, Volume 18, Laws -0f Delaware;" · Also, the House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution appointing a committee to m'ake biennial settlement with Attorney General and State l.ibrarian,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker.. Mr. Jackson, on behalf of the Committee on Temperance, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 258) entitled '' An act to amend an act entitled ' A further supplement to the act entitled ' An act to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors,' passed at Dover, April 10, 1873,' passed at Dover, April 24, 1889, Chapter 555, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it do not pass. 736

. The hour of II having arrived, the bill (H. B. No. 287) en­ titled "An aa: to provide for the payment of the mortgages held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company,'• Being the special order of the day, was taken up for considera- tion. . On motion of Mr;· E. J. Morris, the further consideration of . the bill was postponed for one week. · Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Smith, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 407) entitled "An aa: in relation to public roads," Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. R. R. Morris, in pursuance of previous n6tice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 4o8) entitled ''An aa: for the advancement of popular education,•• Which, on motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, was read. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 76) entitled

"An act to amend Section I of the act passed at Dover, April 131 18871 entitled 'A further additional supplement to the act en­ titled 'An act to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company," .. Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 404) entitled "An act to incorporate the West Wilmington Land Com- pany," · Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 401) entitl$d 737

''An act to incorporate the Wilmington Light, Heat and Power· . Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 403) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Hotel Company," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. · On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 402) entitled "An act for the suppression of Henry C. Turner, of the City of Wilmington,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 4o6) entitled / "An act to incorporate the Franklin Temple Legislative Co~­ pany," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his moti.on, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H. B. No. 405) entitled "An act to provide free text books, and to punish misappro­ priations of school funds," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 250) entitled 47 738

''An acl: to divorce Margaret Nentwich from the bonds of mat~· rimony," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para-' graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House ?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. H;ouse met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 90) entitled "An acl: to divorce Harry K. and Susan J. Robinson, his wifei from the bonds of matrimony," · : was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para.- graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative,. And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 739 On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H'. B. No. 297) entitled ''A further supplement to an aet entitled 'An aet to amend an aet entitled 'An additional supplement to the aet entitled 'A,n aet for the benefit of the public schools of Wilmington," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the negative, And the bill, having failed to receive the required majority, Was Lost. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 393) entitled "An aet to extenuate the rubification of municipalties under adverse circumstances,'' Was taken up for consideration, · And further, on his motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Divorce was read, as follows: · "Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting in lieu thereof the following- "' An aet to divorce Mary E. Jackson and Stephen B. Jack­ son, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony,' " And, on his further motion, The amendment was Adopted. And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 740

On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 274) entitled "An act to divorce George W. Piper and S. Cassia Piper from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, . And further, on his motion, was read a .third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in t~e affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 65) entitled "An act to repeal Sections 29 and 30, Chapter 15 of Revised Code, as printed in Chapter 429, Volume 17, and as amended in.i Chapter 18, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware," . Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 400) entitled "An act to further amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State hospital for the insane,• " · . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda-. t10n that 1t pass. 741

On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (H. B. No. 237) entitled I "An act to divorce Margaret A. Twiford from her husband, James W. Twiford," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Higgins, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Smith, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 409) entitled "An act for the relief of the trustees of Troop B Association, of Wilmington, Delaware,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Higgins, was read. Mr. Elkinton, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 410) entitled "An act to' provide for the collection, arrangement and dis­ play of the products of the State of Delaware at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, and to make an appropriation therefor," Which, on motion of Mr. Elkinton, was read. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H. B. No. 400) entitled "An act to further amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State hospital for the insane,' '' Was taken up for consideration, "· 742

And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 411) entitled "An aa to incorporate the Excelsior Hose and Knitting Com­ pany," Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a biH (H. B. No. 412) entitled "An aa_in relation to the streets of the City of Wilmington," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey presented the claim of Robert D. Hoffecker against the State for $141.og, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Ridgely, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Cor­ porations, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 95) entitled "An act requiring the Levy Court of Sussex county to appro­ priate a certain annual sum to Cape Henlopen City, for the pur· pose of'maintaining its streets," ' Reported the same back to the House without recommenda­ tion. 743 Mr. Ridgely, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Cor­ porations, to whom had been referred the bill (S. B. No. 24) entitled . "An act to exempt from taxation the real estate of the Asso- ciated Charities of the City of Wilmington," , . Reported the same back to the House with recommendation that it pass. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 324) entitled "An act to divorce Eugenia Barnes and Charles P. Barnes from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House; Ordlred to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the vote by which the considera­ tion of the bill (H. B. No. 287) entitled "An act to provide for the payment of the mortgages held by the State against the Junction and Breakwater Railroad Company and the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company," Was postponed for one week, Was Reconsidered. And, on his further motion; the biil was recommitted to the special committee on the Junction and Breakwater and Break­ water and Frankford Railroad Company, with instructions to re­ port on Tuesday next, April 21. On motion, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. 744

WEDNESDAY, April 15, 1891, 10 o'clock A: M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, G:ranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Hut· son, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Rick­ ards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 249) entitled "An act to divorce Anna M. Little from the bonds of matri­ mony," . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda- tion that 1t pass. · • . Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 38) entitled "An act to divorce Sarah C. Conaway and her husband, William C. Conaway, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 49) entitled "An act transfer; the lands and premises of Edward E. Heam from School District No. 53 to School District No. 55, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 76) entitled "An act to divorce Lizzie Cooper from Fletcher E. Cooper;" The bill (H. B. No. 91) entitled 745 "An act to divorce Nellie Strain and William A. Strain, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 123) entitled "An act to divorce Wilbur Needles from his wife, Annie Needles;" The bill (H. B. No. 145) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 21, Volume 16, Delaware Laws -State Board of Health;" The bill (H. B. No. 151) entitled "An act to transfer all the lands and premises of George C. Twilley from School District No. 183 to School District No. 141, in Sussex county;" J:he bill (H. B. No. 152) entitled "An act for the protection of food fish in St. Jones River, in Kent county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 198) entitled "An act in relation to the sale of law books," The bill (H. B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Loan Com­ pany;'' The bill (H. B. No. 285) entitled "An act to transfer the farm of Joseph J. Collins from School District No. 178, Sussex county~ to School District No. 17, in. Sussex county," Also, the following Senate bills: The bill (S. B. No. 27) entitled "An act relating to the McCullough Iron Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 37) entitled "An act to incorporate the John T. Dickey Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 38) entitled ''An ad to incorporate the Wilmington and Brandywine Real Estate Company;" · The bill (S. B. No. 40) entitled "An ad to authorize School Districl, No. 100, New Castle county, to borrow money for building purposes;" The bill (S. B. No. 41) entitled "An act to incorporate the Young Men's Christian Association of Wilmington, Delaware;" · The bill (S. B. No. 56) entitled "An act to revive, renew and continue the charter of Damon Lodge, No. i2, Knights of Pythias, of Middletown, Del.;" The bill (S. B. No. 6g) entitled "An acl entitled 'An acl for the incorporation of the Newark Real Estate Improvement Company:" The bill (S. B. No. 7 I) entitled "An ~a: entitled 'An acl authorizing the appointment of a Notary Public for certain corporations;" Also, the House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the tax on the shares of banks,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, and having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills and joint resolu­ tion, viz: The bill ~S. B. No. 33) entitled ''An ad to create an additional school distrid in Sussex county;" The bill (S. B. No. 42) entitled "An ad to amend Seclions 27, 35 and 38, Chapter x'75, Vol­ ume 18, Laws of Delaware;" 747 The bill (S. B. No. 68) entitled "An ad: to incorporate the City Real Estate and Investment Company;" The bill (S. B. No. 52) entitled "An ad: to incorporate the Marshallton Building and Loan As­ sociation;'• The bill (S. B. No. 43) entitled • 'An ad: to incorporate the Delaware Society of the Sons of the American Revolution;" The bill (S. B. No. 39) ·entitled "An ad: to incorporate the Robert Emmet Literary Associa­ tion, of the City of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (S. B. No. 36) entitled "An ad: to transfer the farms of Preston Lea and Silas Thomp­ son' from School District No. 71~ to School Distrid: No. 801 New Castle county;" The bill (S. B. No. 47) entitled "An act to incorporate Kadosh Commandery, No. 25, Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta, of the State of Dela­ ware;" The Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution relative. to the publication of the Revised Code, as amended, with additional laws,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo· rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No.. 388) entitled "An-act to incorporate the Glynrich Land Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 392) entitled "An act to incorporate the Rev. J. R. Gates Macamoose Company,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo­ rations, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 163) en­ titled "An act to incorporate the Upper Prong of the Horse Pen Branch Ditch Company of Kenton hundred, Kent county,'' . Reported the same back to the House without recommenda­ tion. Mr. R. R. Morris presented a petition from William A. Haz­ zard and ninety other citizens of Milton, praying for the passage of the bHl entitled

"An act to consolidate School Districts Nos. 8, 121 93, 153 and 16o, in Sussex county." Also a remonstrance from William J. White and sixty other citizens of Milton, remonstrating against the passage of said act. On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the petition and remonstrance were read, And further, on his motion, were referred to the Committee on Education. · Mr. Ridgely offered a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to pay Kent county for the use of a county sewer by the State," Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read, And, on his further motion, The joint resolution was Adopted. ' Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hickman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and~ on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 413) entitled 749 "An aet to incorporate the Pepper's Creek Ditch Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Hickman, was read. Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance of previous · notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Morris. obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 414) entitled "An aet in relation to the fee bill," Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read.

Mr. Attix, in pursuance of previous notice, aske.d, and, 01;1 mo­ tion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 415) entitled "An aet to lay out a new public road across the dividing line between New Castle and Kent counties, near the Town of Clay­ ton," Which, on motion of Mr. Attix, was read. On the further motion of Mr. Attix, Rule 12 was suspended as to this bill, And, on his further motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands.

' ' Mr. Tindall, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Chipman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 416) entitled "An aet in relation to claims against the State," Which, on motion of Mr. Tindall, was read. Mr. Cranston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 417) entitled "An aet in relation to county assessors in the City of Wilming­ ton," Which, on motion of Mr. Cranston, was read. 750

- Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. N-9. 418) entitled "An act for the benefit of the estate of James· Riddle, de­ c~ased,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Thomas, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 419) entitled "An act to i~corporate the Interstate Ditching Company of the Upper Prong of Naaman's Creek," Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. Mr. Rickards, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr._ Eisenbrey, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 420) entitled "An act to incorporate the Milford Ice Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Rickards, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on JllOtion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 421) entitled "An act to divorce Waitman Hopkins from his wife, Susan Hopkins,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 407) entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of streets and grades on lands contiguous to the City of Wilmington,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. On _motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 76) entitled 751

"An act to amend Section I of the act passed at Dover, April 13, 1887, entitled 'A further additional supplement to the act en­ titled 'An act to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company,; '' Was read a second time, by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. __ On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 412) entitled ''An act in relation to the streets of the City of Wilmington,'' Was read a second time, bv its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations.

On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 4o8) en- titled· ''An act for the advancement of popular education,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 73) entitled "An act to authorize the Governor to appoint one additional Notary Public for Wilmington hundred, New Castle county," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 411) entitled "An act to incorporate the Excelsior Hose and Knitting Com­ pany,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. . 752

On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 410) entitled "An act to provide for the collection, arrangement and display of the products of the State of Delaware at the World's Colum­ bian Exposition of 1893, and to make an appropriation there- for," · Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to' the Special Com­ mittee on World's- Columbian Exposition. On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill (H. B. No. 409) entitled "An act for the relief of the trustees of Troop B Association of Wilmington, Delaware,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the special com­ mittee consisting of Cranston, Ridgely and West. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 249) entitled "An act to divorce Anna M. Little from the bonds of matri- mony,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. 753 On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. · Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested the concur­ rence of the House in a bill (S. B. No. 104,) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 193, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, passed at Dover, April 13, 1883," And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted; returned to the House the duly and correctly enrolled bill (H. B. No. 189) entitled "An act to divorce Annie M. Clark from her husband, George .ff. Clark," The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Morris, the bill (S. B. No. 95) entitled "An act requiring the Levy Court of Sussex county to appro­ priate a certain annual sum to Cape Henlopen City for the pur­ pose of maintaining its streets," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Marvel, Morris, E. ]., and Mr. Speaker-6. 48 754 Nays-Messrs. Chipman, Rickards, Ridgely and Tindall...-4. So the question was decided ·in the negative, . And the bill, having failed to receive the required constitutional · maj9rlty, was Lost. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re- turned to ·that body. · ·

~r. »~n.e, Clerk of the Senate., bemg l[ldmitted, ret.u.nlecl .to the House t\>.e duly anQ. ~orre6tly enrollecl bill (H. B. No. 225) entitled · · "An acl: for the benefit of St. Andrew's Church, Wilmington, Delaware;" The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the .Sep.1~Je,, Mr. Ridgely, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correcl:ly enrolled the Senate bill entitled · "An act to incorporate the Delaware Society of th~. $ol)s .qf ~e American Reyolution,' • And presented the same for the signature of the Speak~.

o, ~ o! 11,fr. Ridgely, t~ bill {S, B. No. 58) .e~t;itt,d "A..A ,a~.iq ~,~i9~ to ~e j~ic;il!,l'y, '' Was read a first time.

Mr. Cranston, on behalf o( tb!! (;oropiit~ pµ J\¥..'.l~i~, to whom h,ad bee~ referred the following bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 73) en~i~e4 "An acl: ta ~r~ t~~. Qov,ern!)r to ~ppoint OAe a~dltional Notary Public for Wilmington hundred, New Ca!3tle county;" The bill (S. B. No. 72) entitled ".A~ ,a to provi

"Joint resolution to provide fbr a topographical' suney of the State of Delaware, wit1i a view to devising a seierttific system of drainage, and for other purposes," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read, And. further,. on his motion, .. The joint resolution was Adoptea. Or-deretl to the Senate far. concurrence. On motion of Mt. Hickman, the hilt (S. B. No. Sr) entitled "An act to intorporate Greenwood Lodge, No. 39, of the In­ dependent Order of Odd Fellows, of Greenwood, in the State of Delawai:e, •' Was: taken· up· for eonsidemtian, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows; . Y'8lld'i--lfit&Srs. Cranston, Day, Eisenbre.y, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. Ji.,. Mt>rris,. R.. R., Rick~ ards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, West and Mr. Speaker -17. .NayS-:..None. So th.e question was decided in the affirmative, And~ the bill, having. mcei"¥td the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed. tke H()Use. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re~ turned to that body.

On motion of Mr. West, the bill (S. B. No. gr) entitled 759

"An act to enable the c6mmissioners of United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 24 and 159, in Sussex county, to borrow mon~y for building purposes,' ' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para:: graphs; in order to· pass the House; On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Hous·e'?" ft was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, havii\f received the n!quited majority; Passeri tke lloUM, c»tieretl tl\at the Sl:!rtat'e be ibformed' thereof ahd the bitl: returhed to that btidy. Ori· motioh of Mt. Crarist6h, the bill (H. B. No. 388) entitle'tl "An act to incorpt>rate the Glynrich Land Company," Was taken up for consideration, . And further, on' his morion•, was r~ a rhirtl time, by para1.· graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall tlii~ bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being. taken, were as follows: ,Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins1 Ja<'ksen, Marvel1 Morris, R. R,, Rickards, Ridgely;, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays;,_Nohe.

S6 the question w'1s decided in t~e affirlhative1 And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority,. Passed tke H

' SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act it shall be unlawful, during the shad season, for any person or per­ sons to set stake nets anywhere along the shore of Delaware bay within the following named limits, viz: 'Commencing one mile north of Blackbird creek, on the north, and extending one mile south of Mis1;>illion river, on the south, and all included between these two pomts, and this prohibition also includes all creeks or rivers withm these limits, from the mouth to the headwaters of the same, except headwaters of Leipsic and Little Creek rivers. Any person violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and UJ>On conviction thereof, before any justice of the peace, or by indictment, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, with costs of prosecution, and in default of paying .the same may be committed to the common jail of the county in which the offense is committed. 'SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful to fish with float seines or other devices for catching shad during the shad season within a half mile of the mouth of any creek or river within the limits named in Section 1. 'SECTION 3. , It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to fish for shad, either in the bay, or any of the creeks or rivers emptying into the bay, within the limits described in Section 1, from Saturday, 12 o'clock, meridian, until Monday, 12 o'clock, meridian. It shall also be unlawful to place or maintain any ob­ struction in any of said creeks or rivers to catch or prevent. the fish ascending the same. Any one fishing within these limits, or · placing any obstruction in the creeks or rivers to catch or prevent the fish ascending the streams during the time named in this sec­ tion, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic­ tion thereof, before a justice of the peace, or by indictment, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, with costs of prosecution. ' SECTION 4. The season for fishing for shad shall close within the limits named in Section I on the twentieth day of May of each year. 'SECTION 5. The Governor may appoint a policeman, residin~ in the vicinity qf Bowers' Beach, whose duty it shall be to dilt­ gently inquire for violations of the provisions of this act, and all other laws relating to fish or oysters, whether in the bay, creeks, or rivers, and when such are brought to his notice, it shall be his duty to immediately prosecute the same, and, failing to do so, may himself be fined for neglect of duty. His duty for this ser­ vice shall commence on March twentieth and close on May twen­ tieth. He shall receive for his services two dollars per day while employed. The fines, if any are collected, may be applied to the salary of the policeman as far as they will go, the balance to be paid from the revenue from oysters. ' It shall also be the duty of the Oyster Revenue Collector to see that all oyster· and fish laws are faithfully and promptly exe­ cuted, and every violation thereof immediately prosecuted to conviction. 'The Governor shall also, on the first day of May, A. D. 1891, and annually thereafter, appoint some suitable person, a resident of Bowers', whose duty it shall be to prevent violations of the oyster laws, and to vigilantly, promptly, and vigorously prosecute and bring to punishment all persons guilty of any such viola­ tions. 'He shall receive a yearly salary of one hundred dollars, to be paid quarterly, out of the oyster fund, by the Collector of Oyster Revenue. ' SECTION 6. Any one violating a provision of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more. than .fifty dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one nor more than three months. And any officer neglecting to discharge the duties herein imposed shall be alike guilty and punished in like manner. 'SECTION 7. Chapter 558, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware, is hereby repealed, and this act substituted therefor.' i, hnem:l tie: tide by stl'iking out the: same and iaserting the ft,llowiatginstead thereof: 'Ala aa ibr the protedion.and increase' of food fish in Delaware waters.' IN SENATE~. April 3\· 1891·. E'xtrac\. from• Joutnat For COl\C\irrettce. EnWJtlU>· J!> •. HJtA~NI!!; Clme .;- ·1111 Smate,t> On the further motion of Mr. ltickarda, Tm! a~adments wt!re Orderetl. that the Senate be informed thereof. On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at IG> o'

THURSDAY, April 16, 1891, at 10 o'clo.ck, A. M. Howie ·met punauant to, adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. . Roll, called. Members ~resent.>-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, ~n. pa,, £isenbr~y, Elkiht.on, }i.ickmlln, H~n~, Huts!'D• ]l.cbon,. Marivel, Morl'ts;, R. R.., R.1ckard.s,. Ridgely,. Smith,;. Thomas, tindaU, Walton, West and· :Mr, Speaker. Journal' read ind apptoved. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills; l'e... ported as duly and coor.ectly enrolled the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 55) entitled •• A:n aa: f!O· authorize the Prothonotary of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Sussex county, to· make' 'MW indices of judgments in his office, using the Campbell system of indexing;" The bill (H. B. No. 79) entitled "An act to divorce Levia A. Moore from her husband, Hube H. Moore;" The bill (H. B. No. ug) entitled

"An act to incorporate Delaware Castle, No. 12, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Delaware City, situated at Delaware City, Delaware;'' The bill (H. B. No. 197) entitltd' "An act to lay out a new public r.oad in Br-0adkifn hundred, Suss~x county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 238) entitled "An act entitled 'An act for th-e incorporation of the W-est End Improvement Cor,npany;'" The bill (H. R No. 256) entitled "An act to incorporate the G1i1ara.ntee Real Estate Company;" The bill (H. .B. No. 143) entitled "An act to make valid the record of two certain deeds in New Castle county;" TJie bill, (ff. B. No. 158) entitled · "A supplement to the acts .incorporating and reincorporating the Farmers' Mutual Fire Lnsul'all.Ce Company of the Statf! of Delaware, and amending and ~eenacting the charter thereof;" . The bill (H. B. No. 183) entitled "An act to fwther amend' Chapter I45rVo1ume: :r6,.Lawsof Delaware, entitled. 'An act in relation to Mechanics' Lien;'" And presented the same for the signature of the S~aker. He also reported as duly and correctly enrolled the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 33) entitled ''An act to create an additional school district in Sussex County;" The bill (S. B. No. 36) entitled "An act to transfer the farms of Preston Lea and Silas Thomp­ son froin School District No. 71~ to School District No. So, New Castle county;" The bill (S. B. No. 39) entitled "An act to incorporate the Robert Emmet Literary Association of the city of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (S. B. No. 42) entitled "An act to amend Sections 27, 35 and 38, Chapter 175, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware;" The bill (S. B. No. 47) entitled "An act to incorporate Kadosh Commandery, No. 25, Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta, of the State of Dela­ ware,'' The bill (S. B. No. 52) entitled "An act to incorporate the Marshallton Building and Loan Association; '' The bill (S. B. No. 68) entitled "An act to incorporate the City Real Estate and Investment Company;" Also, the Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution relative to the publication of the Revised Code as amended, with additional laws;" And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. Mr. Ridgely, on. behalf of the special committee appointed to consider tµe joint resoluticm entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it be adopted. Mr. Day presented a petition from Hannah Riddle and Wil­ liam M. Field, Which, on motion of Mr. Day, was read. And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Eisenbrey presented a memorial from the Farmers' Alliance, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion Mr. Ridgely, the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company,'' Was read, And further, on his motion, The joint resolution was Adopted. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 418) entitled "An act for the benefit of the estate of James Riddle, de­ ceased," Was read a second tim~, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Hutson, Rule 26 was suspended. Mr. Hutson, on behalf ~f the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 397) entitled ~·An act to provide &;afei"uards against fraud/' Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the re­ cowmeGda.tiea that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, t,o whom b~ been referred the fo~lowing bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 386) entitled "An act to further amend an act entitled 'An act to revive and ,consolidate the statutes relating to the City of Wilmi11gton,' passed at Dover, April I~, 1883;" The bill (S. B. No. 78) entitled ','An act to enable Mary A. McColley, formerly Mary A. Hearn, to make a last will and testament, and to convey and transmit title to real estate and personal property;'' The bill (S. B. No. 94) entitled ''An act to dw.nge. the name of Clara E. Scott to that of Clara E. Moore." Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 419) entitled "Au act to incorporate the Inter-state Ditching Company of the Upper Prong of Naaman's Creek," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Col")!l0t!ations.

Op motion of Mr. HickDtan, the bill (H. B. No. 413) entitled ''An act to. in¢orporate the Pepper's Creek Ditch Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, wm; referred to the Committee on Private Corporations. On motlon of Mr. West, tthe bill (H. B.. No. 423) entitled "An act to enable George H. Jones to take up certain -vacant lands in Gumboro hundred, Sussex county, Delaware," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands.

On motion of Mr. Cra1;1ston, the. bill (H. B. No. 417) entitled "An act in relation to county assessors in the city ·of Wil­ mington,'' Was rei1,d a sec.ond time, by its title. And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committiee ,on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Rickard$, the bill (H. B. No. 420) ent~tled "An act to incorporate the ,Milford Ice Company,'' Was. r~ a s.~® ·time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Crimes and Punishments. On motion of Mr. We15t, the bill (S. a No. 104) .en1;itled "An act to amend Chapter 193, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, passed at Dover, April 13, 1883," W~s ~ a seooad time. by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revi$ed Stat,utti, On motion of Mr. Tindall, the bill (H. B. No. 416) e~titl~ "An act in relation to claims, ~ain11t the S,i;it,," Was read a second time. by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. On motion of Mr; Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 58) entitled "An aa in relation to the judiciary,". Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. · On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 421) entitled "An aa to divorce Waitman Hopkins from his wife, Susan Hopkins,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (H. B. No. 414) entitled "An act in relation to the fee bill," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 422) entitled "An aa to amend Chapter 181, Volume 14, Laws of Dela- ware,'' . Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, bein{ admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 214) entitled "An aa to incorporate the Real Estate Development Com­ pany;" The bill (H. B. No. 276) entitled 769

"An act to incorporate the South Prong Ditch Company," And returned the same to the House. On motion of Mr. Attix, the bill (H. B. No. 163) entitled "An act to incorporate.the Upper Prong Horse Pen Branch Ditch Company, of Kenton hundred, Kent county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R;, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, West and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 392) entitled · "An act to incorporate the Rev. J. R. Gates Macamoose Company," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 49 770

Yeas.....,Messrs. A.ttix, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-18. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill,· having received· the required constitutional majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Rickards, the bill (S. B. No. 78) entitled ••An acl: to enable Mary A. McCotley, formerly Mary A. Hearn, to make a last will and testament, and to convey and transmit title to real estate and personal property," Was, taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question; "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was.decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill returned to that body. On motion of Mr. Chipman, the bill (S. B. No. 94) entitled "An act to change the name of Clara E. Scott to that of Clara E. Moore, and for other purposes,'' Was taken up. for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, •• Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, 771 And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re- turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 397) entitled "An act to provide safeguards against frauds," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Revised. Statutes was read, as follows: "Amend the bill by striking out the title and in lieu thereof iri­ sert the following- " ' An act proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this State,'" And, on the further motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, The amendment was Adoptedi And, on his further motion, the bill, as amended, was read' a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question; "Shall this bill pass the House?" The ·yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: .. Yeas-Messrs. A.ttix, Chipman, Cranston, Day·, Eisenlkey, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for .con!=urrence. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o' <;lock P. M. SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and House joint resolution, viz: · The bill (H. B. No. 291) entitled "An act to amend Section 13, Chapter 161, Volume 18, Laws of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 251) entitled "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Company,' as revived and amended;" The bill (H. B. No. 32) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to transfer the farms of John G. Smith and Stephen G. Hearn from School District No. 48 to United School Districts Nos. 163 and 163~, Sussex county, Delaware; also the farms of Nehemiah B. Lecates and Mitchell H. German from School District No. 87 to United School Dis­ trict;s Nos. 163 and 163~, Sussex county, Delaware;' " The bill (H. B. No. 329) entitled '·'An act to enable Isaac Wootten, late Sheriff of Sussex county, to amend his return on Execution No. 269, to April term, 1883," The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution appointing a committee to make biennial settlement with Attorney General and State Librarian,'' The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. 773 He also reported to the House, as duly and correctfy enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bill and joint resolution, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 50) entitled "An act to incorporate the Gordon Heights Club;" The Senate joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution providing for the appointment of a joint committee of the two Houses to take into consideration the bills in relation to the general school laws of this State, now pending in the General Assembly,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the duly and correctly enrolled bill (H. B. No. 176) entitled "An act to incorporate the New Castle Manufacturing Com­ pany," The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 73) entitled "An act to authorize the Governor to appoint an additional notary public for Wilmington hundred, in New Castle county," • Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. ·774

.&ithe question was decidedin·the.affirmative, · And the bill, having .received the req1,1ired cQn$tituti

Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day1 Eisenbrey, Hickman, Hutson, Jackson, 'Marvel, Morris, R. R., Ilickatds, .Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton ·and Mr. Speaker-16. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirma.tive, And the bill, having receivea the required oonstitutio°"I majority, Pu1ed 1/u HNSe• .Ordwd that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill· re:. turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. ·36o) entitled "An aa to divorce ·Emma J. ·Stoekwell ·from ·her husband, ·Lewis, May.,Stock.well,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was reaa a third time, by par&- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass _the House?" It was decided in. the affirmative, ·And the bill, having received the required mJjority, Passed tne HouN. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. · Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, .being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had receded from its amendment to the ·bill (H. B. No. 5) entitled "An aa to transfer the farm of Thomas D. Lyman from School District No. 20 to United School Distri& Nos. 21 and 97; New Castle county," And returned the bill to the House. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpo­ rations, to. whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 399) entitled "An act to incorporate·the Swedish Beneficial Society of Wil­ mington, Delaware; '' The bill (H. B. No. 401) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Light, Heat and Power Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 404) entitled "An act to incorporate the West Wilmington Land Company;" Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda- tion that they pass. Mr. Rickards, on behalf of the Committee on Private Corpora­ tions, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 4u) en­ titled "An act to incorporate the Excelsior Hose and Knitting Com­ pany," Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 4n) entitled ''An act to incorporate the Excelsior Hose and Knitting Com­ pany," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Private Corporations, was read, as follows: '' Strike out the title and insert in lieu thereof the following: 'An act to incorporate the Clayton Water, Light and Power Company," And, on the further motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, The amendment was Adopted, 777 And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Walton, and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence.. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 399) entitled "An act to incorporate the Swedish Beneficial Society of Wil­ mington, Delaware,'' Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton and Mr. Speaker_:_15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, . And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 'On motion of'Mr. Smith, the·bill (H.B. 'No. in3) entitleH · "An aa to. regulate .the employment of women and children in manufacturing establishments m this State, and providing for -dle,appointment .of a .eaaory inspeaor•. and for; oth.er;purposds,., Was taken up for consideration. . On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill was recommitted to .tbe­ Committee on Crimes and Punishments .for further consideration.

On motion, the House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow mo~ing.

FRIDAY, April 171 1891, 10 o'clock A. !If. ·House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the .Chaplain. R.oll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eiseilbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, :findall, Walton and Mr. Speaker. . . Journal read and approved. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes. to. whom had been·referred the following bills, viz: The.bill (H•. B. No. 382) entitled "An aaJo.r the.protection of owners of stallions;" The bill (H. B. No. 378)entitled 779 . "An aet to,authoriie the appointment.of a janitor for the .State House;" · . The bill (S. B. No. 75) entitled · "An ,act for .the r.eliefof the heirs of Mary Ann Barlow, ,de· ceased;" The bill {H. B.. No. 269)' entitled "An act to amend ·Chapter '75 of the Revised Statutes ·of Delaware;" The.bill.(H. ·B •. No. 353}entitled "An act to amend Chapter 133 of the 'Revised Code;" The bill· (S. B. No. 44) .entitled "An act in relation to the larceny of money," . Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda· .t1on that they: pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H.. B.. No. 4o6).entitled "An act to incorporate the Franklin Temple Legislative Com­ pany;" The.bill (H. B. No. 402)-entitled "An act for the suppression of"Henry C. Turner, of the City of Wilmington;" · The bill (H. B. No. 379). entitled "An act in ·relation to the Orphans' Coqrt;" The bill (H. B. No. 367) entitled "An act to isolate certain unknown causes of degeneration in Blackbird batrachians,'' Reported the same back, with amendments, ·and with ·the recommendation that the bills, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 346) entitled "An act in relation to the taxation of investments," Reported the same back to the House without recommenda- tion. · Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 348) entitled "An act for the protection of game in Assawaman Bay," Reported the same back, with an amendment, and. with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 361) entitled "An act to amend Chapter I8I, Volume I4, Laws of Dela­ ware;" The bill (H. B. No. 332) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to extend the time for recording private statutes;" The bill (H. B. No. 323) entitled "An act for the protection of mamoose, or young sturgeon, in the Delaware bay and river;"· The bill (S. B. No. 25) entitled "An act to vacate a portion of an old road in the City of Wil­ mington;'' The bill (S. B. No. 82) entitled "An act for the protection of oyster boats while in harbor in St. Jones river;" The bill (H. B. No. 364) entitled "An act to authorize the payment of certain expenses incurred by the order of the Courts of this State;" The bill (S. B. No. 6o) entitled "An act in relation to lien of taxes;" The bill (S. B. No. 45) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 692, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" The bill (S. B. No. 62) entitled "An act authorizing the Mayor and Council of Wilmington, by ordinance, to ~ive five hundred dollars to the widow of Charles W. Shultz;' The bill (S. B. No. 83) entitled "An act to amend 'An act in relation to oysters,'" The bill (S. B. No. 55) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 76 of the Revised Statutes of Delaware,'' Reported tile same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Ridgely, on behalf of the Committee on Municipal Corpor- ations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: · The bill (H B. No. 412) entitled "An atl in relation to the streets of Wilmington:" The bill (H. B. No. 387) entitled "An act in relation to underground wires of the City of Wil­ mington;'' The bill (H. B. No. 384) ~ntitled "An act pertaining to a system of sewers for the City of Wil­ mington;" . The bill (H. B. No. 333) entitled "An act for the·ere6tion of a drawbridge·overthe Brandywine ~reek or river, in New Castle county;" The bill (H. B. No. 350) entitled ''An aet to amend the aet entitled 'An aet to incorporate the Town of Kenton,' passed at Dover; April 22, 1887," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. · Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correetly enrolled the following bills and Joint-resolution, viv. The bill CS. B. No. 81) entitled "An aet to incorporate Ivanhoe Castle, No. 21, Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Delaware;" The bill CS. B. No. 50) entitled · "An aet to incorporate the Gordon Heights Club;" The,Senate joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution providing for the appointment of a joint com­ mittee ofthe two houses· to take into consideration the bills in re­ lation to the general school laws of this State, now pending fo the General Assembly.'' Mr. Rickards; on behalf of the Committee. oa Private Corpo· rations, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill CS. B. No. 76) entitled

· "An act to amend Seetion I of the act passed at Dover, April 13, 1887, entitled 'A further additional supplement to the act en­ titled 'An aet to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company;'" The bill CS. B. No. 57) entitled "An act to incorporate the Sharon Lodge, No. 18, lnd.eptn­ dent Order· of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, of Laure~ Dtl.,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Chipman, on behalf of the Committee· on Education, to -whom had been referred the ·bill EH, B. No. 4,08) entitled "An acl: for the advancement of popular education," Reported· the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. R. R. Morris offered a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to adjournment," Which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Eisenbrey moved to lay the joint resolu.tion on the table, Upon which motion the yeas· and nays- were ordered, which, . being taken, were as followst Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Day, Eisenbrey, Higgins, Hutson, Marvel, Rickards, ·Thomas, Tindall and Mr. Speaker -n. Nays-Messrs. Cranston, Hickman, Jackson, Morris, R. ~ Ridgely, Smith and Walton-'7. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (S. B. No. 82) entitled "An acl: for the protecl:ion of oyster boats while in harbor in· · St. Jones' River," · · Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to p~ss the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having. received the required.majority, Passed tne Hou-se, Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re­ tumeq to that body. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the bill (H. B. No. 262) entitled "An act to divorce Isaac A. Gray from his wife, Mar~ret Gray," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 219) entitled "An act for the extension of the boundaries of School Districts Nos. 39 and 41, in New Castle county;" The bill (H. B. No. 285) entitled " An act to transfer the farm of Joseph J. Collins from School District No. 178, Sussex county, to School District No. 17, in Sussex county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 85) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 617 of Volume 17 of the Laws of Delaware entitled 'An act in relation to sheriffs making deed for lands and tenements sold by them under execution process,• passed at Dover, April 17, 1883;" The bill (H. B. No. 38) entitled "An act to divorce Sarah C. Conaway and her husband, William C. Conaway, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. R No. 76) entitled "An act to divorce Lizzie Cooper from Fletcher E. Cooper;" The bill (H. B. No. 49) entitled ''An act to transfer the lands and premises of Edward E. Heam from School District No. 53 to School Districl No. 55, in Sussex county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 151) entitled "An act to transfer all the lands and premises of George C. Twilley from School District No. 183 to School District No. 141, in Sussex county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 152) entitled "An act for the protection of food fish in St. Jones River, in Kent county;" The bill (H. B. No. 198) entitled "An act in relation to the sale of law books," The bill (H. B. No. 145) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 21, Volume 16, Delaware Laws, State Board of Health;" The bill (H. B. No. 94) entitled "An act to divorce Nellie Strain and William A. Strain, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;'' The bill (H. B. No. 229) entitled "An act to incorporate the Peninsular Land and Loan Com- pany;" · The bill (H. B. No. 2o6) entitled "An act for the relief of John Wiggins;" The bill (H. B. No. 123) entitled "An act to divorce Wilbur Needles from his wife, Annie Needles,'' Also, the House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the Insane Department of Sus- sex county," · The same having received the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. He also reported as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the follow­ ing Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 26) entitled 50 "An aa. for the proteclion of registered, banded and homing pi~ns;'' The .hill (S. B. No. 53) entitled "An act for the relief of George C. Morton," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House.

On motion of Mr. Walton, the bill (S, B. No. 75) entitled "An act for the relief of the heirs of Mary-Ann Barlow, de­ .ceased,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill.pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered,. which, being taken., were as follows: l'tas-Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Elkinton, Hickman, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Wal­ ton and Mr: Speaker-13. Nays-Messrs. Eisenbrey and Riickards-2. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority; . Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re­ tQJ".D~ to tJiat- body. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 332) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to extend the time for recording pri­ vate statu~es," Was tak~n upJor. consideration; And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. Oh the·questicJn,. 11Shall this:·bi:11,pass the House:?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tne House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 348) entitled. "An act for the protection of game in Assawaman Bay," Was taken up for consideration, And, further, on, his. motion, the.. amendment. propose4 by, the Committee on Revised Statutes was read, . And, on· his further motion, The amendment was And, on motion of. Mr. Hickman, the bill' under consideration was, re,id, as· amended, a.third, time;. by paragraphtJ, in.ol.'

On motion, the House adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M. SAME DAY, 2 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 76) entitled

"An act to amend Section I of the act passed at Dover, April 13, 1887, entitled 'A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company,' " Was taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the further consideration of the bill was postponed. · On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (:tf. B. No. 401) entitled "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Light, Heat and Power Company,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton and Mr. Speaker-15. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed Ike House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 333) entitled "An ad for the eredion of a drawbridge over the Brandy­ wine creek or river, in New Castle county,"

1Was ta~en .up for .consideration, And fW'ther, on his moti,m, w.as .read .a .third time, by para- graphs,. in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House"?'' .It was decided in the .affirmative. And the bill, having 1'eceived the ·required majority, Pa&sed tl,e 'House: Or,le,eed·to the Senate for cc!mcurrence. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 277)entitled "A,;i ad to amend the acl: .entitled 'An ad .in relation .to a State Hospital for the Insane, passed April 25, :1.889;' beiqg · Chapter 553, Volume 18 of the Laws of Delaware," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motio~ ,the bill w.as read a third time by paragraphs in order to pass the House. · Pending the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' On motion of Mr. Higgins, the bill was recommitted ,to',the Committee on Revised Statutes. ·On metion·of 'Mr. H1,1tson, the bill (S. B. No. 83) .entitled "An ad to amend an ad in relation to oysters," Was taken up for consideration.,· A,nd further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, m·erder'to pass the Mouse . .On the qU$tion, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmath,e, 791

And the bill, hating received th:e required maj<)rity, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof -and the bill re· turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. 'No. 346) entitled . ''An actin rela.tion to the taxation of investments," Was taken up for consi'deratio11. On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, further consideration of the bill was J>OStpdned. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 412) entitled '' An act in relation to the -streets· of the City of Wilmington,'• Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the questio'n, " Shall this bill pass the House?" The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-'.Messrs. Attix, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, liickman, Higgins, Hutson Jac-kson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton a11d Mr. Speaker-1'6. Nays ...... Nane. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received ·the required conlltitutional ma- jority, · Passed llte Hduse. Order1Jd oo the Senate for concurrence. · On motion ·bf Mr. Hitkmail, the bill (S. B. No. 45) entitled

"An act to amend ,Chapter 692, Volume 181 Law.s<>f .Dela'­ ware," Was taken up for consideration~ 792

And further, on his motion,· was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred in the following House bills. viz: The bill (H. B. No. 121) entitled "An act to divorce Mary E. Dolson from her husband, Charles Dolson, a vinculo matrimonii;

The bill (H. B. No. I 16) entitled '' An act to transfer the farm of Luther Harris from School District No. 179~ to School District No. 76, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 242) entitled "An act to divorce Ellen Powell from the bonds of matri- · mony;" _ The bill (H. B. No. 304) entitled ''An act to revive, reenact and amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Mispillion and Beaver Dam Branch Draining Company, and for other purposes;" The bill (H. B. No. 149) entitled '' An act to prevent any life insurance company or agents thereof, doing business in Delaware, from making or permitting any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals between insurance of the same class and equal expectations of life in the amount or payment of premiums or rates charged for policies of · life Qr endowment insurance, and providing a penalty for viola­ tion thereof;" The bill (H. B. No. 320) entitled 793 "An act to incorporate the Minqua Iron and Supply Com­ pany;" The bill (H. B. No. 299) entitled "An act to incorporate Milton Council, No. 14, Order of United American Mechanics, Milton, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 230) entitled "An act to incorporate the Derrickson Millpond Branch Ditch Company, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 209) entitled ''An act to amend Chapter 575, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" The bill (H. B. No. 369) entitled "An act to incorporate the Tidberry Branch Ditch Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 233) entitled "An act to incorporate Asylum Lodge, No. 23, of the Inde­ pendent Order of Odd Fellows, of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 307) entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Temperance Benevolent So­ ciety of Laurel and vicinity;'' The bill (H. B. No. 124) entitled "An act to divorce Ella F. Karcher from her husband, Samuel Kareher;" The bill (H. B. No. 228) entitled "An act to incorporate Christine Encampment, No. 12, I. 0. 0. F., of Delaware;" The bill (FI. B. No. 47) entitled "An act to divorce Hannah M. Neal from her husband, George W. Neal;" The bill (H. B. No. 243) entitled 794

''An a6tto amend an att .entitled 'An act for the protection of women;'" The bill (H. B. No. 294) entitled '\An act to authorize the constable in ,Georgetown huildtred, Sussex county, residing !in Georgetown,. to appoint a deputy:'' ·The bill (H. B. No. 137) entitled "1An .act t0 incOt(iorate Wasbingtt>n Ca.mp, ,Ne. 2, P.atriotic Order Sons of America;'' The bill (H. B. No. 234) entitled ''An act to i.sco.i:porate the St. Georges Branch Ditch Com­ pany, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 95) entided . ''An act providing a safeguard against accidents · from the use of fireamtl!;'' The bill (H. B. No. 273) entitled · "An act to ine!Orp@rate 'the 1Grand Lodge, Shield of Htmor, of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 212) entitled '!Supplem~t to an a& to incorpe>tate the Enterprise Rrea:1' Es- tate Improvement Company;" · The bill (H. B. No. 313) entitled "A.11 aa to incor.por.ate Riverv.iew :und Company;'' The bill (H. B. No. 91) entitled ''An act to divorce Sadie E. Camfbell and Thomas A. Camp­ bell, her huiMnd, 'from the '0CIIDds-o matrimony;'' The bill (H. B. No. 66) entitled "An act to enable Hetty L .. Sommets to survey and locate cer­ ba.in vaoant lands ,is Baltimot:e hull'd.Ted, Sussex ,county, aJlld et>m­ plete title th&eto," And returned the same to :the House. 795 Mr. Hearne, ,Clenk of the Senate, ,being .admitted, .informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested , tlhe con­ currence of the House in a bill (S. B. No. 87) entitled "An act relating to the r,ublishi~ of the financial statement oHheCity of Wihnington, ' And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that 1he ·Senate' ;had coneurred in the follmng 'House joint resolutions, viz: . The House joint resolution entitled ''Joint :resolution to pay Kent county for the use of a-county · sewer by the State;" . The House joint resolution entitled "Joint ·resolution in relation to the Delaware .State Hospital for the Insane," And returned the same to the House. He also informed the House that the Senate had non-concurred in the 'l'louse joint rescslution, entitled "j.oint .resolution authorizing T. 0. Cu.lbreth to furnish supplies ·for the next session of the 1Leigislature,'' . And returned the same to the House. On motion ofMr. 'Tindall, the om (S. B. No. ·6o) entitled "An act in relation to thetien of taxes,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further,.~ his motion, :was r.ead a thirrmed· thereof. and the bill· re- turned to that body. On motion of Mr, uranston, the bill: (H. B. No. 404) entitled ''Ancact to-incorporate the West Wilmington Land Company,'' Was taken up for considerati@n,

And further, OJll. his motion. wa& read a, third. time, by para,. graphs, in order to pass the House. en t~e q~tion, "Shalt this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, A;11d tlie bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. . Ordered to die Senate for concurrence. On motion,of: Mr. Ridgely,.the bill (S. B. No. 76) entitled· 799

"j\o a.& to,·amend Section, 1 of the act passed at Dover, April 13, 1887, entitled 'A further additional supplement ro the·act.en,­ titled 'An act to incorporate the Delaware Railroad Compaiay,' " Was taken up for consideration, Mr. Eisenbrey moved that the bill be laid on the table for further consideration, Which motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 367) entitled • "An act to· isolate certain unknown causes of degeneration in Blackbird batrachians,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Revised Statutes, was read. as follows: "Amend the bill by striking out the title and inserting in lieu thereof the followin~ " 'An act in relation to manufacturing phosphate,'" And, on the further motion of Mr. Day, Th.e amendment w.as Adopted. And further, on his motion, the. bill, as amended, was read: a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the·question, "Shall this bill pass·th'e House?'''· lt;was ,decided in· the· affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence, On motion of Mt. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No, 323) entitledi "An a

And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 364) entitled "An act to authorize the payment of certain expenses incurred by order of the courts of this State,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Attix, the bill (H. B. No. 350) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Town of Kenton,' passed at Dover, April 2, 1887," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in, order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: 801

Yeas-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Hickman, Higgins, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, R. R., Rickards, Ridgely, Thomas, Tindall, Walton. West and Mr. Speaker-18. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma- jority, ' · Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Eisenbrey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Rickards, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 424) entitled "An act entitled 'An act to amend Chapter 22, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware," Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read. And, on the further motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, Rule 12 was suspended as to this bill. And, on his further motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice1 asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 425) entitled '' An act to take the · sense of the people on the question of granting license to sell intoxicating liquors,'' Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice; asked, ancf, on motion of Mr. Chipman, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 426) entitled 51 802

••An act in relation to tramps, Sedioo 6, Chapter 155, Volume 16, amended," Which, on motion of Mr ..Hutson, was read. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 246) entitled "An aet to amend Chapter 448, Volume 18 of the Laws of Delaware, in relation to the boundary line between the State of Delaware and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that it pass. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 246) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 448, Volume 18 of the Laws of Delaware, in relation to the boundary line of the State of Dela­ ware and the. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;" Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para· gn,phs, in order 1!0 pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' [t was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Paueti tke House. &tiered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Jackson off~red a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the State Treasurer to pay the janitor of the State House,'' Which, on his motion, was read, And, on the further motion of Mr. Jackson, The joint resolution was Adopted. .Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Cranston, on behalf of the Committee on Crimes and Punishments, to whom had been referred the bill (H'.. 8. 1'10. 420) entitled "An act to incorporate the Milford Ice Company,'' Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the re- commendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 420) entitled "An act to incorporate the Milford Ice Company," Wa-s taken up for consideration, Aad, on his futther motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Crimes and Punishments was read, as follows: "Arr'lend the bill by striking out the title and in lieu thereof in- · sert the following""""" "An ad to suppress persons from soliciting for immoral pur­ poses, or sexual intercourse, on ai:i.y of the streets, lanes or alleys of any city ot inco"rpora:ted town i'n this State, or within on'e mile of the limits thereof,'' · And, on the further motion of Mr .. Cranston, The amendment was Adopted, And, on his furth'er motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House'?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passeil t!ze H"u's'e. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 378) entitled "An act to authorize the appointment of a janitor for the State House,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House ?'' It was decided in the affirmative, · And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 424) entitled "An aa to amend Chapter 22, Volume 15, Laws of Dela- ware," · Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommen4ation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 424) entitled "An aa to amend Chapter 22, Volume 15, Laws of Dela­ ware," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Revised Statutes, was read, as follows: "Strike out the title and insert in lieu thereof the following: 'An aa to amend an aa entitled 'An aa authorizing the ap­ pointment of a notary public for certain corporations," And, on the further motion of Mr. Hutson, The amendment was · Adopted, And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the· question, '' Shall this bill pass the House ?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. ·Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. 805

Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 415) entitled "An acl: to lay out a new public road across the dividing line, between New Castle and Kent counties, near the town of Clayton,'' Reported the same back, with amendments, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. ' On motion of Mr. Hickman, the bill (H. B. No. 415) entitled "An acl: to lay out a new public road across the dividing line, between New Castle and Kent counties, near the town of Clayton," · Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, the amendments proposed by the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, were read, And, on the further motion of Mr. Hickman, The amendments were Adopted, And further, on his motion, the.bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House?'' It ~as decided in ,the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Cranston, on behalf of the Committee on Judiciary, to whom had been referred the following bill (S. B. No. 58) entitled "An acl: in relation to the judiciary," Reported the same back to the House without recommenda­ tion. 806

).Jr. H.l.\t.son, on ~half pf the Co01m.ittee on Revised· Sta~u.~. to whom had been referred the following bills, viz:· ,:'he bill (H. B. Nq. 26o) eQtitled "Ao a¢\ tQ a1J1end Cba~r 472, V9lu.m, 18, Laws of Dela.- ware;" · Th.e µill (l:I, :S. No. 374) entitled '.'An a~ t~ am~nd Chapter 678, Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ V(a_r~, i11, r~J~tio{l- to offif:ers (ees ;' ' 'J;'be pill (H. B. Nq. 368) entitled "Aa a~ to a.Q\E;nd Chapter 4.18, Vol1,1:me- 1.4, L~ws Qf D.11'.- . ware;" The bill (H. B. No. 365) entitled ''•n act to. anwnd Chapter 555, Volume 1-8, Laws of D~la­ ware,'' . Reported the saµie back to the Hou:.e wit.1,. th~ recpmmW)da­ tion that they do not pass. On motion, the House adjourned until Monday next, April 20, at 5 P. M.

MONDAY, April ·20, 1891, 5 o'clock P. M. H9W,ie ~t pwsu~t Jo ~cljourpimnt. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Ridgely, Thomas aµq, Mr.. Sp~~w. .. 'f~re ~iQg no quorum present, On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. TUESDAY, April 21, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Ei.senbrey, Elkintn, Hickman, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel. Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Tindam Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journals of April 17 and April 20 read and approved. Mr. Hearne, Clerk. of the. Senate, being admitted; returned to the House the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 238) entitled "An act entitled 'An act for the. incorporation of the West End Improvement Company;',,. The bill (H. B. No. 256) entitled •'An.act to incorporate the· Guarantee. Real Estate Company;'' Tqe bill (H. B. No. 183) entitled "An act to further amend Chapter 145, Volume 16, Law& of Delaware, entitled 'An act in relation to Mechanics' Liens-;'" The hill (H. B. No. 79),entitled "An act to divorce tevia A. Moore from her husband, Harbe H. Moore;" The bill (H. B. No. 55) entitled "An act to authorize the Prothonotary of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware, in and for Sussex county, to make new indices of judgments in his office, using the Campbell system of indexing;' The bill (H. B. No. 143) entitled 808

"An act to make valid the record of two certain deeds in New Castle county;" The bill (H. B. No. 197) entitled "An act to lay out a new public road in Broadkiln hundred, Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 115) entitled "An act to incorporate Delaware Castle, No. 12, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Delaware City, situated at Delaware City, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 158) entitled "A supplement to the acts incorporating and reincorporating the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the State of Delaware, and amending and reenacting the charter thereof,'' The same having recei.ved the signature of the Speaker of the Senate. He also reported to the House, as duly and correctly enrolled, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the Senate, the bill (S. B. No. 94) entitled "An act to change the name of Clara E. Scott to that of Clara E. Moore, and for other purposes,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker of the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, bein~ admitted, informed the. House that the Senate had concurred m the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 354) entitled "An act to incorporate Lebanon public schools;" The bill (H. B. No. 181) entitled "An act to protect certain game in this State;" The bill (H. B. No. 338) entitled 809

"An act to repeal an act entitled 'An act to transfer the land, houses and premises of Ann_a Voshell from United School Dis­ tricts Nos. 22 and 99 to United School Districts Nos. 27 and 122, in Kent county;" The bill (H. B. No. 271) entitled 'An· act to divorce Lemuel D. Tingle from his wife, Mahala C. Tingle;'' The bill (H. B. No. 232) entitled "An act transferring the farm now belonging to David B. Ben­ nett, and situated in School Districts Nost 4 and 127, in Sussex county, to School Districts Nos ..'i and x16, in said county;" The bill (H B. No. 281) entitled "An act to· incorporate the Deep Hole Ditch Company, in Baltimore hundred, Sussex cou1,1ty;" The bill (H. B. No. 247) entitled "An act to divorce Helena Von Levern Moore from the bonds · of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 129) entitled "An act to divorce Alfred Cleaver from his wife, Lucy Cleaver;" The bill (H. B. No. 92) entitled "An act to divorce Annie M. Rudolph and William F. Ru­ dolph, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 231) entitled "An act to divorce Mary Elizabeth Raymond from her hus- band, George H. Raymond;" . The bill (H. B. No. 393)'entitled "An act to divorce Mary E. ,ackson and Stephen B. Jackson, her husband, from the bonds o matrimony," And returned the same to the House. 810.

H~ also infolltlled the House that the Senate had concl.ln'ed. with amendments, in tlle bill, (H. B. N,o. 169) entitled "An act to restrict the sale and use of tobacco," And returned the same to the House, with the request that the House concur in the Senate amendmerits. Mr. H~ame, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendr.ient, in the bill (H B. No. 293) entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled 'An acl: to reincor­ porate the Wilmington Coal ~as Company," And returned the same, with the request that the HotISe concur in the Senate amendment. Mr, Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested the concurrence of the House in the following bills, viz-: · The bill (S. B. No. 99) entitled "An·act to,amend the charterofthe Town ofSmyi:na.;" The bill (S. B. ·.No. 86) entitled "An acl: to authorize the fire department of the Oty of Wil­ JJ1ingto11c to eled its chief engineer and assistants;" The bill (S. B. No. 90) entitled "An acl: to incorporate the Labor Lyc~um Association of Wil- m.ingtQO, Dela.ware;'' The bill (S. B. No; 74) entitled "An acl: to incorporate the Industrial Savings Society;" The bill. (S. R No. 85) emitted "An acl: relating to borrowing $500,000 by Wilmington," An~ pres.ented the same to the House. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills. re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following House bills, viz: 8n

The bill (H. B. No. 47).entitled "A~ att t9 divorce H~nnah M. N$f.l from h.e.r hJ.liband, George W. Neal;" The bill (H. B. No. 393}.entitJ.ed "An aB: to divorce Ma~y E, Jack~ and Stephea B. ]'at:k­ son, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony," And presented the same for the signature of the Spea1'er.. Mr, We~t. on behalf of the COtlQmittee,on CrimAS,~nd PUQish­ ments, to whom had. been referred the bill (H. B. No. 223) entitled "An aB: to regulate the emplorment of women and children in manufacturing establishments 1n this State, and p,ovidingi ·for th,e ~pointment. of a faclor:y insl?ector•. and for o.th~ purpo~.'' Reported the same back to the House with t.Jie. ·rerommenda­ tion that it do not pass. Mr. Cranston, in pursuan.ce of previ.oJJs notice, asked. and,. on motion of Mr. Day, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 427) entitled ''An act to diV,OCCe Wi.!Mhniaa E. Conro!Y from the bond,. of matrimony," Which, on motion of Mr. Citust!Qo, wae, read.

On the further motion of Mn. Cranston, Rule 1,2 was susp~nded as to this bill•. hnd further, on bis motion, the bill W~ rell,d, 11,. se1.ood ~,me, by it.Ii title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. · Mr. Hutson, in pursuan~e of previo:us notice, as~d, and,. on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill' (R. B. No. 428) entitled "An aa: concerning the tonging of oysters," 812

Which, on motion of Mr. Hutson, was read. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 425) entitled "An aet to take the sense of the people on the question of granting license to sell intoxicating liquors," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Temperance. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 426) entitled ''An aet in relation to tramps, Seetion 6, Voh.ime 16, amended,'' Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (S. B. No. 44) entitled "An aet in relation to the larceny of money,)I Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof, and the bill re- turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 379) entitled ''An aet in relation to the Orphans' Court,'' Was taken up for consideration, 813

. And further, on his motion, the antendment proposed by the Committee on Revised Statutes, was read, And, on the further motion of Mr. Hutson, The amendment was Adopted, And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 108) entitled "An acl: to divorce Patrick Donly and Mary E. Donly from the bonds of matrimony," Reported the same back to the House with recommendation that it pass.

On motion of Mr. Hickman, Rule 12 was suspended, And, on his further motion, the bill (H. B. No. 1o8) entitled "An acl: to divorce Patrick Donly and Mary E. Donly from the bonds of matrimony," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order .to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On llk»i

It was decided in the affirmative1 And the bilL, havimg received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mt. Ridgely, the bifl (H. B. No. :382) entitled "An act for the protection of owners of stallions," Was taken up for consideration. And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question,.'' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bil~ having received the requked majority, ' . Pti$'sf!d Nee House. Ordered to the Senate for concur.rence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill {H. B. No; 353)'entit1ed "An aB: to amend Chapter 133 of the Revised Code,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the· House. On th'e question, '' Shall this bill pass .the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative.. . And the bill, having received t,he required majority, Pas,sed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (H. B. No. 402) entitled "An act for the suppression of H. C. Turner of the city of Wilmington,'' Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the amendment proposed by the Committee on Revised Statutes, was read, as follows: •'Amend the bill by striking out the title thereof and inserting the following: 'An act to provide for the appointment of an .additional justice of the peace for New Castle county," And further, on the moti'on of Mr. Ridgely, The amendment was Adoptetl, And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, ''Shall this bill pass the House ?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having- received the required majority, · Passed the House. ·Ortkred to the Senate tor conoutTreace. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 4o8) en- titled "An act for the advancement of popular education," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, ,the amend'rnent proposed by the Committee on Education, was read, And, on his further motion, The amendment was Adopted, And further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the House. Pending the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" On motion of Mr. Chipman, The bill was laid on the table. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 316) entitled "An act to aid the Laurel and Roaring Point Railroad Com­ pany to construct their road, and for other purposes,•• Reported the same back to the House without recommenda­ tion. Mr. Hutson, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred the bill (H. B. No. 236) entitled "An act to authorize the Levy Court of Kent county to con­ struct a drawbridge over Murderkill river, and to lay out a new road,'' . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that 1t pass. On motion of Mr. Cranston, the bill (H. B. No. 387) entitled "An act in relation to underground wires in the city of Wil­ mington,'' Was recommitted to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. On motion of Mr. West, the bill (S. B. No. 57) entitled . "An act to incorporate the Sharon Lodge, No. 18, Indepen­ dent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, of Laurel, Del.," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by para­ graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" 817

The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Hutson, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R.R., Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-17. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required constitutional ma­ jority, Passed tke House. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof and the bill re­ turned to that body. On motion, the House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.

•SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. David T. Marvel, Esq., Secretary of State, being admitted, presented a communication from the Governor, Which, on motion of Mr: Hutson, was read, as follows: Gentlemen of tke Senate and House of Representatives: I forwarded to the President of the United States a copy of the: joint resolution entitled ''Joint resolution accepting the appropriation and trusts made and imposed by an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1891, and authorizing the Governor to receive the sum of money cred­ ited to the State of Delaware, in pursuance of the provisions of said act," Adopted at Dover, March 17, 1891. 52 818

In response thereto I have received a draft upon the United States Treasury for the sum of seventy thousand seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and two cents ($70,772.02). This sum has been deposited by me in the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware, at Dover, to the credit of RobertJ· Reynolds, Gover­ nor of Delaware, and has been honored an paid by the Treas­ urer of the United States, and the money so held in trust is now ready to be paid to those persons from whom it was collecl:ed, or their legal representatives. ROBERT J. REYNOLDS. DovER, April 21, 1891.

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 87) entitled "An acl: relating to the publishing of the financial statement of the City .of Wilmington,'' · · Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. go) entitled "An acl: to incorporate the Labor Lyceum Association of Wil- mington, Delaware,'' · Was read a first time.

Mr. Day, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on mo­ tion of Mr. Walton, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 429) entitled "An acl: to incorporate the Delaware Exhibition Company," Which, on motion of Mr. Day, wfs reacl. Mr. Hickman, on behalf of the Committee on Divorce, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 104) entitled "An acl: to divorce James Garner from his wife, Eva Gamer," . Report~d the same back to the House with the recommenda- tion that it pass. . . Mr. Hutson, on behalf of ,the Commiottee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 410) entitled ''/\n ~~ to ~(?>vicJe {or the collecupp, ar~ngeJrient ~~ ciis­ play of the products of the State of Delaware at the Wprld'• Columbian Exposition of 1893, and to make an appropriation therefor," ·· · · · · · . RepQrt~d t~ $a~e bacJc to the Hoqse with the recom111epda- t1o_n that 1t pass. · Mr. Hutson, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Jackson, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 430) entitled · '• An act to prevent bribery and secure the purity of ekctiollS, '' Which, on motion of Mr. Huts.on, was read. On R)Otion Af Mr. _Rid~ely, tJ?.e bill (fl. B. No. 104) entitle.4 "An act to divorce Ja.mes Garner from hi~ wife, ~va G!!mer," Was taken up for consideration, And fi:trther, on his motion, was read a ~irc;l time, by p~- graphsr m order to pass the House. . · · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was deci~ in the afprmative, And the bill, having received the r.equired majority, Passefl tke /fQUU. Ordered to the Se_nate for concurrence.

~tlr· H~.~~ mqyed t_hat,500 cqpie~ of ~he l?ill (ij. B. rj_9. 410) en~ ed · ''A.n aa ~~ preye~ bribecy a~d secure th!! pyrity qf .~1~~~~." Be printed for the use of the House, Which motion Mr. Ridgely, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, l:!,nd, on .motion of Mr. Chipman,. obtained leave to introduce a biH (H. B. No. 431) entitled 820

"An act to amend Chapter 34 of the Revised Statutes, con- cerning constables," Which, on motion of Mr. Ridgely, was read. On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 410) entitled "An act to provide for the collection, arrangement and display of the products of the State of Delaware at the World's Colum­ bian Exposition of 1893, and to make an appropriation there­ for," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his .motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. Pending the questic,n, '' Shall this bill pass the House? '' Mr. Tindall movea to lay the bill on the table, Upon which motion the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Hickman, Hutson, Jackson and West-4. Nays-Messrs. Chipman, Day, Elkinton, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Ridgely, Thomas, Tindall and Walton-10. So the question was decided in the negative, And the motion was Lost. Mr. Chipman moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed, Upon which motion, the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · Yeas-Messrs. Chipman, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R.R., Ridgely and Tindall-6. Nays-Messrs. Cranston, Day, Elkinton, Hickman, Hutson, Jackson, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker-II. So the question was decided in the negative, And the motion was Lost. 821

Mr. Hickman moved that the bill be recommitted to the Com­ mittee on World's Columbian Exposition, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the-following House bills, ·viz: The bill (H. B. No. 5) entitled "An act to transfer the farm of Thomas D. _Lyman from School District No. 20 to United School Districts Nos. 21 and 97, New Castle county;'' The bill (H. B. No. 66) entitled "An act to enable Hetty L. Sommers to survey and locate cer­ tain vacant lands in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county, and com­ , plete title thereto;" The bill (H. B. No. 91) entitled ''An act to divorce Sadie E. Campbell and Thomas A. Camp­ bell, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;" The bill (H. B. No. 95) entitled "An act providing a safeguard against accidents from the use of firearms;" ·

The bill (H. B. No. 101) entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act in relation to School District No. 56, in Kent county;' " .

The bill (H. B. No. 21) entitled "An act to divorce Mary E. Dolson from her husband, Charles Dolson, of New Castle county, Delaware;" · The bill (H. B. No. 137) entitled "An acl to iqcorporate Washington Camp, No. 2, Patriotic Order Sons of America;"· The bill (H. B. No. 139) entitled 822

"An -&a to ihcotJ)~rate Wa~h:iiig~n tamp, N"'; 5, Patriotic Order Sons of America;" tM bill (H. B. No. 149) entitled . "An a~ to prevent any life insurance company or a~ts thereof, doing: business in Delaware, from makiQg or permitting any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals betwe.eli · insurance of the same class and equal expectations of life in the amount or payment of premiums or rates chatgeti for p0lieifs of life or endowment insurance, and providing a penalty for viola- tibri there!of;' 1 · The bill (H. B. No. 209) entitled

"An 'act to amend Chapter 575 1 Volume 18, Laws of Dela­ ware;" the bin, (H. B. No. 212) entitled ''Supplement to an act to incorporate the EnterpHse R'eal Es'­ tate Improvement Company;'' The bill (H. B. No. 228) entitled "A'.n act to ineorpotate Christihe Entatnpment, N~. 12, l. O. 0. F., of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 231) entitled "An act to divorce Mary Elizabeth Raymond from her hus- band, George H. Raymond, Jr.; · The bill (H. B. No. 233) entitled '"An act t~ incorporate Asyium Lodge, No. 23, of die fnde­ . pendent Order of Odd Fellows, of Wilmington, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 241) entitied ••An aa gi'antir1g to William.A. Atkinson t.h~ dtle 'of'this State to a certain tract of salt marsh h'erein mention'ed;'' The bill (H: B. No. 242) enritl\:!d ~··An act to divdr~e Ell~n Pc>'lvill froih :the bonds bf matri­ mony;" The bill (H. B. No. 243) entitled 823

"An act to amend an act entitled 'An·act for the protection of women;';, The bill (H. B. No. 245) entitled ''An act to divorce John J. Quient from his wife, Wilhelmina Quient;" The bill (H. B. No. 253} entitled "An acl: to straighten and establish a public road in Broad Creek hundred, Sussex county, State of Delaware;" The bill (H. B; No. 268) entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of a notary public for the Equitable Guarantee and Trust Company, of Wilm1.11gton1 Dela­ ware;'' The bill (H. B. No. 273) entitled "An ad to incorporate the Grand Lodge, Shield of Honor, of Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 309) ent-itlild "An act to change the name of Mortimer C. Phillips to-Morti­ mer C. Elliott;" The bill (H. B. No. 320) entitled

• "An act tQ incorporate the Minqlill Iron and Supply Com­ pany." Also the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 53) entitled "An act for the relief of George C. Morton;" The bill (S. B. No. 26) entitled "An act for the protection of registered, banded, and homing pigeons;" The bill (S. B. No. 94) entitled ''Aa ad to c~nge the name of Claca E • .Scott to taat of Clara E. Moore. and fot other purposes,'' And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the bill (H. B. No. 236) entitled "An act to authorize the Levy Court of Kent county to con- struct a drawbridge over Murderkill river and to lay out a new road," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the· House. On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the House?'' It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. Mr. Ridgely moved that the vote by which the bill (S. B. No. 55) entitled ''An act to amend Chapter 76 of the Revised Statutes of · DelaY{are," Passed the House, be reconsidered, Which motion Prevailed, And further, on his motion, the bill was recommitted to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Smith, the bill (H. B. No. 293) entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act to incor­ porate the Wilmington Coal Gas Company," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendment to said bill was read, as follows: ''Amend the bill by adding thereto the following section, viz­ " 'SECTION 4. The said The Wilmingtop Coal Gas Company shall not open or excavate the bed of any strett of the City of Wilmington for the purpose of laying gas pipes. or conductors therein, without first obtaining the consent of the duly author­ ized authorities for said city; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall require the said .company to obtain the consent of the duly authorized authorities of said city before opening or excavating the bed of any street of said city for the purpose of repairing any gas pipes or conductors theretofore laid in such street by said company. " ' Provided that the said Wilmington Coal Gas Company shall not erect any buildings or enter upon any streets or roads to lay pipes, wires or other conductors, as before provided for, without the consent of the duly authorized authorities of the cities, towns and villages of this State.' IN SENATE, April 17, 1891. Extract from Journal. For concurrence. EDWARD D. HEARNE, · Clerk of the Senate.'' And, on the further motion of Mr. Smlth, The amendment was Concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. On motion, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, April 22, 1891, 10 o'clock A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Ptayer by the Chaplain. Roll oalled. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey. Elkinton, Hickman, Hutson, Jack­ son, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Ridgely, Smith, Thomas, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correB:ly enrolled the following House bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 93) entitled "All act to divorce Annie E. Strain and Edward T. Strain, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;'' The bill (H. B. No. 116) entitled "An act to transfer the farm of Luther Harris from School District No. 179~ to School District No. 76, in Sussex county;,. The bill (H. B. No. 124).entitled "An act to divorce Ella F. Karcher from her husband, Samuel Karcher;'' The bill (H. B. No. 221) entitled "An act of incorporation for the Odd Fellows' Home of Dela­ ware;" And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. Mr. Eisenbrey presented the claim of Jas. Greenlee for $103.73 against the State, Which, on motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, was read, Atid further1 on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. West ptesented the claim df John G. Gray against the­ State for $58.72, Which, oh motion of Mr. West, was rad, And further, bn his motion, was referred to the Committee oo Claims. Mt. Cranstbl\ prE$etited a C$111munieation ftorn the Centoty Club, urging the passage of the act entitled "Art ad ~ teg\i~ the employment of women and children in manufacturing establish­ ments m this State,'' Which, oh motion of Mr. Cranston, was read, And further, on his rtretion, was referred to the O)mmitree on Elections. Mr. Cranston presented a remonstrance from J. Tayh>r Piersol\ and fifty-nine other citizens of Mill Creek hundred, New Castle county, against the passage of the ac5t for the division of said hundred into three ele&iott distti&s, Which,, on motion of Mr. CraDSton, was read, And further, on his motion, was referred to tM Ccknmitt-ee on Elections. On motion. of Mr. Ridgely, the bill (S. B. No. 85) entitled '•An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to borrow a certain sum of m'drlef f~t the ihtpro~n't df stteeis and avenues in the City of Wilmington, Delaware,'' Was read a first time. On motioh of Mr. Hicltman, itule 26 'Was espended. Mt. Hickman offerea a resolu'ti

SAME DAY, 3 o'clock P. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ ported as duly and correctly enrolled the following House bills and joint resolutions, viz: The bill (H. B. No; 299) entitled "An act to incorporate Milton Council, No. 14, Order of United American Mechanics, Milton, Delaware;" The bill (H. B. No. 354) entitled "An act to incorporate Lebanon public schools;" The bill (H. B. No. 294) entitled "An act to authorize the constable in Georgetown hundred, Sussex county, residing in Georgetown, to appoint a deputy;" The bill (H. B. No. 313) entitled "An act to incorporate Riverview Land Company;" The House joint resolution entitled ''Joiqt ~~qn tQ paf Kent ~rity for the use of a county s~w~r by tJ:ie Stat~:" . . The House joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution in relation to the Delaware State Hospital for the InsaQe," And presented the same for the signature of the Speaker. On motion of Mr. Smith, tqe bill (H. B. No. 2.59) entitled "An aa to establish Goo«;!. Friday as a legal holiday," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs,. in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" It was decided in the negative, And the bill, having ailed to receive the required majority, Was Lt11t. On rnotjQn .of Mr. SQlith, tAA biU (S, B.. No. 74) ,nti~d "An ad: to incorporate the Industrial Savin~ .Society," Was read a first time. . . On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (H. B. No. 26o) eniitled "An ad: to a~~l14 Chap~r 472, VolWl;le· 18, ~W!!I ~f D,hk ware,'' Was taken up for consideration, · And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- · graphs, in order to pass the HOQH, Olil th~ q~9-1, "Shall dllis ·bill pass the Housel'·' It was decided in the a(firmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed tke House. Ordered to the Senate for conwrrence. 831

Mr. Heame, Clerk of the Stnate, being admitted, informed the House that the Senate had passed and requested the con, currence of the House in the following Senate bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 101) entitled "An acl to authorize sales of trust property in certain cases, and for other purposes;" The bill (S. B. No. 97) entitled "An acl to amend Chapter 129, Seclion 3, of the Revised Code," And presented the same to the House. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitted, infornied the House that the Senate had concurred, with an amendment, ~ the bill (H. B. No. 327) ,entitled "An acl to incorporate the Chandler. Trustee Company," And returned the same to the House, with the request that the House concur in the Senate amendment. Mr. Hearne, Clerk of the Senate, being admitt.d, ·imormec!I the House that the Senate had concu.rred in the following Hpuse bills, viz: T.he bill (H: B. N?. 366) entitled "An ad to iecorporate C~ders' Castle, No. 5, Kpigbts .f)f ~ Golden Eagl~. of the State of Delaware;" The bill (H. 1:'· No. ~74) entitled ''An act to divor.ce George W. Pipet" and S. Cassia Piper from dae bonds of D;latn,nony;" . T.he bill (H. B. No. 37 s) entitled "An acl to divorce Leah E. Corey.from Charles T. CG,ey(' The bill (H. B. No. 380) entitled ''A supplement to .the ad entitled 'An aa to reincorporate the Bright and Haynes Glades Ditch Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 250) entitled 832

"An act to divorce Margaret Nentwich from the bonds of mat­ rimony," The bill (H. B. No. 328) entitled "An act to divorce Mary E. Reed from her husband, William M. Reed;" The bill (H. B. No. 104) entitled "An act to divorce James Garner from his wife, Eva Garner," The bill (H. B. No. 360) entitled "An act to divorce Emma J. Stockwell from her husband, Lewis May Stockwell,'' The bill (H. B. No. go) entitled "An act to divorce Harry K. Robinson and Susan J. Robin­ son, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony," And returned the same to the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 340) entitl,ed ''An act to revive, reenact and reestablish an act passed by the General Assembly of this State, January 22, x831, entitled 'A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act to enable the owners and possessors of the marsh-meadow on the north side of Christiana river, called Brandywine Marsh, and tract ot meadow, marsh and cripple on the south side of the said river called Holland's Creek Marsh, and also the tract of marsh­ meadow near Newport, called Conrad's Cripple, to keep the banks, dams and sluices in repair and raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof, so far as the same relates to the said Holland's Creek Marsh;'' The bill (H. B. No. 418) entitled "An act for the benefit of the estate of James Riddle, de­ ceased;" The bill (H. B. No. 426) entitled 833

"An act in relation to tramps, Section 6, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware,'' . Reported the same back to the House, with the recommen~a-" t1on that they pass. · Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 417) entitled "An act in relation to county assessors in the City of Wilming­ ton," Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H. B. No. 385) entitled ''An act authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional constable for Georgeto~n hundred, in Sussex county;" The bill (H. B. No. 277) entitled ''An act to further amend the act entitled 'An act in relation to a State hospital for the insane,' passed at Dover, April 25, 1889, and being Chapter 553, of Volume 18, of the Laws of Dela­ ware,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 416) entitled ''An act in relation to claims against the State,'' Reported the same back, with an amendment, and with the. recommend~tion that the bill, as amended, pass the House. Mr. Hutson, on behalf of the Committee on Revised Statutes;. to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (S. B. No. 23) entitled "An act to amend Section 4, Chapter 123 of the Revised Code, as amended and republished, 1874;" · 53 'The bill (S. B. No. 104) entitled "An act to amend Chapter 193, Volume 17, Laws of Dela­ ware, passed Dover, April 13, 1883," Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda· tion that they l)ass. .

On motion ofMr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 426) entitled "An act in relation to tramps, Section 6, Chapter 155, Volume 16, amended," Was taken up for consideration, And, on his :further motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the House?" ·It was decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed lne House. ,tJ,dwetJ,to ·the Senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 277) entitled ''An aa to further amend the aa entitled 'An aa in relation to a State Hospital for the Insane,' passed at D9ver, April zs, 188g, beiqg Chapter .553, Volume :r:8 of the Laws of Dela.ware,'' Was taken ·up :for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by 'Para- graphs, in order to pass the ..House. · On the question, .,., Shall this bill pass the House?'' 11: was decided 'in·the uffirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed lne House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris, the bill (H. B. No. 385) en­ titled "An act authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional constable for Georgetown hundred, in Susse-x county," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the House. On the question, nshall this bill pass the House?" It was .decided in the affirmative, And the bill, having received the required majority, Passed t!te House. Ordered to the Senate for concurrence. On motion of Mr; Hutson, the bill (H. B. No. 428) entitle:d "An act concerning the tonging -0f oysters," Was read a second time, by its title, And further, on his motion,. was referred ,to the .Comtnittee · on Fish, Oysters and Game. M.r. Marvel moved that the Ho.use do now adjourn until .to­ morrow morning at IO o'clock, Upon which motion, the y~ and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hutson, Jackson, M;;i.rvel, Morris, E. J., Smith and Mr. Speaker-8. ·Nays-"-Messrs. Day, Hickman and Thomas-3. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the ·motion Prevai/,ti. Ancl the Speaker declared the House adjourned·until Thursday morning at IO o'clock. 836

THURSDAY, April 23, 1891, at xo o'clock, A. M. House met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. · Roll called. Members present-Messrs. Attix, Chipman, Cranston, Day, Eisenbrey, Elkinton, Hickman, Jackson, Marvel, Morris, E. J., Morris, R. R., Smith, Thomas, Tindall, Walton, West and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Elkinton, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Vacant Lands, to whom had been referred the following bills, viz: The bill (H B. No. 372) entitled ''An act in relation to Road Commissioners;" The bill (H. B. No. 389) entitled ''An act for the benefit of Narrow Dyke Marsh Company;" The bill (H. B. No. 407) entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of streets and grades of lands contiguous to the City of Wilmington,'' Reported the same back to the House with the recommenda­ tion that they pass. Mr. Elkinton, on behalf of the Committee on Roads and Va­ cant Lands, to whom had been referred the bill (H. B. No. 99) entitled "An act to provide for the rebuilding and proeer maintenance of certain dykes and the protection of ce~m roads in St. Georges hundred, in the County of New Castle;" Reported the same back to the House, with the recommenda­ tion that it do not pass. 837

On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (S. B. No. 97) entitled ''An act to amend Chapter 129, Section 3 of the Revised Code,'' Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Day, the bill (5. B. No. 107) entitled "An act to authorize sales of trust property in certain cases, and for other purposes,'' Was read a first time. Mr. Chipman, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Tindall, obtained leave to introduce a bill (H. B. No. 432) entitled "An act to foster emigration," Which, on motion of Mr. Chipman, was read. On motion of Mr. R. R. Morris, the bill (S. B. No. 85) en­ titled •'An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to· borrow a certain sum of money for the improvement of streets and avenues in the City of Wilmington, Delaware," Was read a second tim~. by its title, And further, on his motion, was referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations.

On motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the bill (H. B. No. 169) entitled "An act to restrict the sale and use of tobacco," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the Senate amendments were read, as follows:

"Amend Section I by inserting after the word 'whatsoever,' and before the word 'A' in the seventh line thereof, the following: 'Unless upon the written order of the parent, guardian, or em­ ployer of such child.' 8'38

11 1SECTWN 3. Be i"t jurtlzer enacted, That if any hoy tinder the a,geof sixteen years shall misreprf!sent· his age for the pur­ pose of deceiving any seller or vendor of cigars, cigarett-es and tobacco, or if any person of any age whatsoever shall deceive, such seller Gr vendor, for the purpose of procuring such cigars, cigarettes, or tobacco for the use of any boy under the age of· sixteen years af()'t(tsaid, every such person so offendiag shall be deemed guilty .of a misdemeanor, a.nd upon co.nvicti.on thereof, before any justice of the peace, shall be fined five dollars, besides costs. and in default of payment of the same sha:Il ·be committed to the county jail for a period not exceeding five days,' IN SENATE, April 17, 1891. Extract from journal. For concurrence. EowARO D. HEARN£, Clerk of the Senate.'' Mr: Eisenbrey moved that the first amendment be conc'Utted in, Which motion Prevail6ti, ~.. on his further motion, the second amendment, being Section ~ as amended; Was Non-concurred in. Ordered that the Senate be informed thereof. On the further motion of Mr. Eisenbrey, the following Cmn­ mittee of Conference was appointed, on the part of the House, for tlle. c~~ideration said. of bill,. viz: Messr~, .Eis.enbrey, Smith and Hickman.

On motion of Mr. E. J. Morris Rule 26 was suspended.. On motion· of Mr. E. J. Morris; the bill (S. B. No, 3) en- titled

'1 An .ad :in relatien to the Levy Court .of N1!w Caatle cOWJty,' • Was read a first time. On motion of Mr. Elkinton, the bill (H. B. No. 389) entitled·