arXiv:math/0610620v1 [math.FA] 20 Oct 2006 S pcsof spaces h i fti ae st rv h olwn hrceiaino Ban of characterization following the prove to is paper E this of aim The f oye2i n nyif only and if 2 cotype hoe 1.1. Theorem entoso h spaces the of definitions 1.1 pc fsot,rpdydcesn functions decreasing rapidly smooth, of tfug(/89)adteDush Forschungsgemeinscha Deutsche the supported and was (I/78593) author stiftung named and fourth (NWO) The Research HPRN-CT-2002-00281. Scientific for Organization Netherlands MEDN ETRVLE EO PCSIT SPACES INTO SPACES BESOV VECTOR-VALUED EMBEDDING ( 7→ R ihtype with eso fti eutfrbuddoe oan in domains open bounded for result this of version A Let 2000 Date si elkon[ known well is As e od n phrases. and words Key h eodadtidnmdatosaespotdb h ‘VIDI the by supported are authors named third and second The a evee sa xeso fteerslsfrgnrlvle o values general for results these of extension an as viewed be may (2) (1) d I ; f E IE ATN A A ERE,MR EAR N UZWEIS LUTZ AND VERAAR, MARK NEERVEN, VAN JAN KALTON, NIGEL E uy5 2021. 5, July : ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics xed oacniuu embedding continuous a to extends E E xed oacniuu embedding continuous a to extends xed oacniuu embedding continuous a to extends ecnie h iermapping linear the consider we ) oe(all) some ceiigcotype acterizing γ xesoso h lsia ooe medn theorems. embedding Sobolev classical the of extensions Abstract. ( eara rcmlxBnc pc n eoeby denote and space Banach complex or real a be L γ a cotype has a type has 2 rdnfigoeaoswt ausin values with operators -radonifying ( p R d ntrso h medblt fcertain of embeddability the of terms in ) E , Let d of ) ti hw htaBnc space Banach a that shown is It OF p ≥ E 8 q fadol ffrsm (all) some for if only and if γ , h eo space Besov the 1 eaBnc pc n let and space Banach a be fadol ffrsm (all) some for if only and if γ rdnfigoperators -radonifying etrvle eo spaces, Besov Vector-valued γ q 18 B γ B ( RDNFIGOPERATORS -RADONIFYING L sotie.Teerslsmyb iwdas viewed be may results These obtained. is ( ,seas [ also see ], p,p p,p ( ( L 2 p 1 p 1 ( 2 − − R ( I 1 2 R 1 2 d f ) ) ) d 1. d d g E , ) ( ( E , = R R Introduction ) d d Z ; ) ; ֒ 16 → R E E ֒ → rmr:4B9 eodr:4E5 46E40. 46E35, Secondary: 46B09, Primary: d B ) and ) ], f L 1 p,p ( ֒ → B ( I E p 1 2 x f − q,q ( L ( ) L R γ q 1 a ye2i n nyi h mapping the if only and if 2 type has : 2 2 1 g − ( 2 ( d γ ) L ( R d L ( x ; 1 ( 2 2 ( R d γ f E L 2 ) ) R ( ) E rdnfigoeaos yeadcotype. and type operators, -radonifying d ( d R dx. d 2 .Tu nsm es,Theorem sense, some in Thus ). 1 ( R → : ; t(e2847/1-1). (We ft ; ( E R d d a type has E E d R ≤ d R ) d E ) ≥ mesit h space the into embeds ) ) d yteRsac riigNetwork Training Research the by d ≥ n ievra h precise The versa. vice and ; → E , p ) iia eutchar- result similar A . ֒ E → E , 1 E → ygat rmteVolkswagen- the from grants by ≤ 1 ) ); E R h mapping the vle eo pcsinto spaces Besov -valued . γ r ealdbelow. recalled are ) h mapping the 2 d E ( endby defined usde 3.3.0 fthe of 639.032.201 subsidie’ p S L ≤ sotie swell. as obtained is o function a For . fadol for only and if ( 2 R q ( R d ∞ ≤ d ; ) E E E , h Schwartz the ) -valued . I ,and ), f − I c spaces ach p 1 : and : f I f E 7→ 7→ q f has . I ∈ f f 2 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

If dim E = 1, then γ(L2(Rd); E)= L2(Rd) and the embeddings of Theorem 1.1 reduce to the well-known Sobolev embeddings

1 1 1 1 ( p − 2 )d d 2 d ( q − 2 )d d .∞ ≥ Bp,p (R ) ֒→ L (R ) ֒→ Bq,q (R ), 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 ≤ q Vector-valued Besov spaces have attracted recent attention in the theory of par- abolic evolution equations in Banach spaces as a tool for establishing optimal reg- ularity results; see for instance [1, 4]. In [7], Fourier multiplier theorems with optimal exponents are established for operator-valued multipliers on Besov spaces of functions taking values in Banach spaces with Fourier type p. On the other hand, the spaces γ(L2(Rd), E) have recently played an important role in the theory of H∞- for sectorial operators [6, 10, 11] and the theory of wavelet decompositions [9]. Furthermore, the spaces γ(L2(Rd), E) have been characterized in terms of stochastic integrals with respect to (cylindrical) Brownian motions [14, 15, 18]. Therefore, our results allow to compare various square functions and they also give conditions for the stochastic integrability of E- valued functions. These applications, which motivated our results, will be detailed in a forthcoming paper. Throughout this paper, H is a and E is a , which may be taken both real or both complex. Furthermore, (rn)n≥1 denotes a Rademacher sequence and (γn)n≥1 a Gaussian sequence.

1.1. Type and cotype. Let p ∈ [1, 2] and q ∈ [2, ∞]. A Banach space E is said to have type p if there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that for all finite subsets {x1,...,xN } of E we have

N 2 1 N 1 2 p p E rnxn ≤ C kxnk .  n=1   n=1  X X The least possible constant C is called the type p constant of E and is denoted by Tp(E). A Banach space E is said to have cotype q if there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that for all finite subsets {x1,...,xN } of E we have

N 1 N 2 1 q q 2 kxnk ≤ C E rnxn ,  n=1   n=1  X X with the obvious modification in the case q = ∞. The least possible constant C is called the cotype q constant of E and is denoted by Cp(E). As is well known, in both definitions the rˆole of the Rademacher variables may be replaced by Gauss- ian variables without altering the class of spaces under consideration. The least constants arising from these equivalent definitions are called the Gaussian type p γ constant and the Gaussian cotype q constant of E respectively, notation Tp (E) and γ Cq (E). Every Banach space has type 1 and cotype ∞. The Lp-spaces have type min{p, 2} and cotype max{p, 2} for 1 ≤ p < ∞. Every Hilbert space has both type 2 and cotype 2, and a famous result of Kwapie´nasserts that up to isomorphism this property characterizes the class of Hilbert spaces. For more information we refer to Maurey’s survey article [12] and the references given therein. VECTOR-VALUED BESOV SPACES AND γ-RADONIFYING OPERATORS 3

1.2. Besov spaces. Next we recall the definition of Besov spaces using the so- called Littlewood-Paley decomposition. We follow the approach of Peetre; see [20, Section 2.3.2] (where the scalar-valued case is considered) and [1, 7, 19]. The Fourier transform of a function f ∈ L1(Rd; E) will be normalized as 1 f ξ f x e−ix·ξ dx, ξ Rd. ( )= d/2 ( ) ∈ (2π) Rd Z Let φ ∈ S (Rd) beb a fixed Schwartz function whose Fourier transform φ is non- Rd 1 negative and has support in {ξ ∈ : 2 ≤ |ξ|≤ 2} and which satisfies b φ(2−kξ)=1 for ξ ∈ Rd \{0}. Z kX∈ b d Define the sequence (ϕk)k≥0 in S (R ) by

−k d ϕk(ξ)= φ(2 ξ) for k =1, 2,... and ϕ0(ξ)=1 − ϕk(ξ), ξ ∈ R . kX≥1 c b R c s Rd c For 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞ and s ∈ the Besov space Bp,q( ; E) is defined as the space of all E-valued tempered distributions f ∈ S ′(Rd; E) for which

ks kfkBs (Rd;E) := 2 ϕk ∗ f p,q k≥0 lq (Lp(Rd;E))

s Rd  is finite. Endowed with this , Bp,q( ; E) is a Banach space, and up to an equivalent norm this space is independent of the choice of the initial function φ. The sequence (ϕk ∗ f)k≥0 is called the Littlewood-Paley decomposition of f associated with the function φ. The following continuous inclusions hold:

s Rd s Rd s1 Rd s2 Rd (Bp,q1 ( ; E) ֒→ Bp,q2 ( ; E), Bp,q( ; E) ֒→ Bp,q( ; E for all s,s1,s2 ∈ R, p,q,q1, q2 ∈ [1, ∞] with q1 ≤ q2, s2 ≤ s1. Also note that 0 Rd p Rd 0 Rd .(Bp,1( ; E) ֒→ L ( ; E) ֒→ Bp,∞( ; E s Rd S Rd If 1 ≤ p,q < ∞, then Bp,q( ; E) contains the Schwartz space ( ; E) as a dense subspace. In Section 3 we shall need the following lemma. For λ> 0 let fλ(x) := f(λx). Lemma 1.2. Let p, q ∈ [1, ∞] and s ∈ R, s 6=0. (1) If s> 0, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all λ =2n, n ≥ 1, and s Rd f ∈ Bp,q( ; E) we have

s− d kf k s Rd ≤ Cλ p kfk s Rd . λ Bp,q( ;E) Bp,q( ;E) (2) If s < 0, there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all λ = 2n, n ≤ −1, s Rd and f ∈ Bp,q( ; E) we have

s− d kf k s Rd ≤ Cλ p kfk s Rd . λ Bp,q( ;E) Bp,q( ;E) Proof. We only prove (1), the proof of (2) being similar. The proofs are patterned after [21, Proposition 3.4.1]. 4 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

Let φ and ϕk, k = 0, 1, 2,..., be as in Subsection 1.2. Define, for m ∈ Z, −m the functions ψm by ψm(ξ) := φ(2 ξ). Then ψm = ϕm for m = 1, 2,... and \ n (ψm)λ = ψm−n for m ∈ Z and λ =2 , n ∈ Z. For s> 0 we have c 1 b 1 q d q ksq q − p ksq −1 q c 2 kϕk ∗ fλkLp(Rd;E) = λ 2 kF ((ϕk)λf)kLp(Rd;E)  kX≥0   kX≥0  d − p −1 b ≤ λ kF ((ϕ0)λf)kLpc(Rd;E)

n 1 d q − p ksq −1 [ q + λ c2 bkF (ψk−nf)kLp(Rd;E)  k=1  X 1 d b q s− p lsq −1 q + λ 2 kF (ψlf)kLp(Rd;E)  Xl≥1  =: (I) + (II) + (III). b b −n 1 Since ϕ0 = 1 on (0, 1] and (ϕ0)λ has support in (0, 2 ] ⊆ (0, 2 ], by Young’s inequality we have −1 −1 kF ((cϕ0)λf)kLp(Rd;E) = kF c((ϕ0)λϕ0f)kLp(Rd;E) ≤kϕ0kL1(Rd)kϕ0 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E). Hence, b b c − d c c s− d (I) ≤ λ p kϕ k 1 Rd kfk s Rd ≤ λ p kϕ k 1 Rd kfk s Rd . 0 L ( ) Bp,p( ;E) 0 L ( ) Bp,q( ;E) [ To estimate (II) we note that for k =1,...,n − 1 the functions ψk−n have support in (0, 1]. Therefore, −1 [ kF (ψk−nf)kLp(Rd;E) ≤kψk−nkL1(Rd)kϕ0 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E)

= kφkL1(Rd)kϕ0 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E). b Similarly, for k = n, −1 kF ((ψn)λf)kLp(Rd;E) ≤kφkL1(Rd) kϕ0 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E) + kϕ1 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E) . Summing these terms and using that s> 0 we obtain  c b s− d C λ p ϕ 1 Rd f s Rd (II) ≤ s,q k kL ( )k kBp,q( ;E) with a constant Cq,s depending only of q and s. Obviously, s− d λ p kfk s Rd . (III) ≤ Bp,q( ;E) By putting these estimates together the desired inequality follows.  1.3. γ-Radonifying operators. For a finite rank operator R : H → E of the form

N (1.1) Rh = [h,hn]H xn n=1 X with h1,...,hN orthonormal in H, we define

N 2 2 E kRkγ(H,E) := γnRhn . n=1 X Note that kRkγ(H,E) does not depend on the particular representation of R as in (1.1). The completion of the space of finite rank operators with respect to the norm VECTOR-VALUED BESOV SPACES AND γ-RADONIFYING OPERATORS 5 k·kγ(H,E) defines a two-sided operator ideal γ(H, E) in L(H, E). If H is separable, an operator R ∈ L(H, E) belongs to γ(H, E) if and only if for some (equivalently, for every) orthonormal basis (hn)n≥1 of H the Gaussian sum n≥1 γnRhn converges in L2(Ω; E), in which case we have P 2 2 E kRkγ(H,E) = γnRhn . n≥1 X We refer to [5, Chapter 12] for more information. The following elementary convergence result, cf. [14, Proposition 2.4], will be useful. If the T1,T2,... ∈ L(H) and T ∈ L(H) satisfy supn≥1 kTnk < ∞ and ∗ ∗ limn→∞ T h = Tn h for all h ∈ H, then for all R ∈ γ(H, E) we have

(1.2) lim kR ◦ Tn − R ◦ T kγ(H,E) =0. n→∞

If H1 and H2 are Hilbert spaces, then every T : H1 → H2 induces a bounded operator T : γ(H1, E) → γ(H2, E) by the formula T R R T ∗ e := ◦ and we have e

(1.3) kTkL(γ(H1,E),γ(H2,E)) ≤kT kL(H1,H2). This extension procedure is introduced in [11] and will be useful below. e If (S, Σ,µ) is a σ-finite measure space, we denote by γ(S; E) the vector space of all strongly µ-measurable functions f : S → E for which hf, x∗i belongs to L2(S) ∗ ∗ 2 for all x ∈ E and the associated Pettis operator If : L (S) → E,

If g = fgdµ ZS belongs to γ(L2(S), E). We identify functions defining the same operator. An easy approximation argument shows that the simple functions in γ(S; E) form a dense subspace of γ(L2(S), E). We shall write

kfkγ(S;E) := kIf kγ(L2(S),E).

2. Embedding results for Rd The proof of Theorem 1.1 is based on two lemmas. Lemma 2.1. (1) Let E have type p ∈ [1, 2]. If f ∈ S (Rd; E) satisfies supp f ⊆ [−π, π]d, then f ∈ γ(Rd; E) and γ b kfkγ(Rd;E) ≤ Tp (E)kfkLp(Rd;E), γ where Tp (E) denotes the Gaussian type p constant of E. (2) Let E have cotype q ∈ [2, ∞]. If f ∈ S (Rd; E) satisfies supp f ⊆ [−π, π]d, then γ −1 b kfkγ(Rd;E) ≥ Cq (E) kfkLq(Rd;E), γ where Cq (E) denotes the Gaussian cotype q constant of E. 6 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

d −d/2 in·x Proof. Let Q := [−π, π] . We consider the functions hn(x) = (2π) e with n ∈ Zd, x ∈ Q, which define an orthonormal basis for L2(Q). 2 Rd 2 Rd (1) Define the bounded operators If : L ( ) → E and If : L ( ) → E by

b If g := f(x)g(x) dx, If g := f(x)g(x) dx. Rd Rd Z Z In case E is a real Banach space we considerb its complexificationb in the second definition. By the assumption on the support of f we may identify If with a 2 bounded operator from L (Q) to E of the same norm. Since I hn = f(n), for any f b finite subset F ⊆ Zd we have b b 2 1 2 1 1 E 2 E 2 γ p p γnIf hn = γnf(n) ≤ Tp (E) kf(n)k .  n∈F   n∈F   n∈F  X b X X 2 It follows that If ∈ γ (L (Q), E). By the identification made above it follows that I ∈ γ(L2(R), E) and f b 1 b γ p p kIf kγ(L2(Rd),E) = kIf kγ(L2(Q),E) ≤ Tp (E) kf(n)k .  n∈Zd  b b X From (1.3) it follows that

1 γ p p kfkγ(Rd;E) = kIf kγ(L2(Rd),E) = kIf kγ(L2(Rd),E) ≤ Tp (E) kf(n)k .  n∈Zd  b X d For t ∈ R := [0, 1] put ft(s)= f(s + t). Then supp ft ⊆ Q and

1 γ p p kfkγ(Rd;E) = kftkγ(Rd;E) ≤ Tp (E) b kft(n)k . Zd  nX∈  By raising both sides to the power p and integrating over R we obtain

1 1 γ p p γ p p kfkγ(Rd;E) ≤ Tp (E) kft(n)k dt = Tp (E) kf(s)k ds . Rd R Zd  Z nX∈   Z  (2) This is proved similarly. Note that by part (1) (with p = 1) we have f ∈ γ(Rd; E).  Let (S, Σ,µ) be a measure space. For a bounded operator R : L2(S) → E and a 2 set S0 ∈ Σ we define R|S0 : L (S) → E by

R|S0 g := R(1S0 g). 2 2 Note that if R ∈ γ(L (S), E), then R|S0 ∈ γ(L (S), E) and

2 2 kR|S0 kγ(L (S),E) ≤kRkγ(L (S),E) by the operator ideal property of γ(L2(S), E). In the following lemma we use the well known fact that if E has type p (cotype q), then the same is true for the space L2(Ω; E) and we have 2 2 Tp(L (Ω; E)) = Tp(E), Cq(L (Ω; E)) = Cq(E).

Lemma 2.2. Let (S, Σ,µ) be a measure space and let (Sj )j≥1 ⊆ Σ be a partition of S. VECTOR-VALUED BESOV SPACES AND γ-RADONIFYING OPERATORS 7

(1) Let E have type p ∈ [1, 2]. Then for all R ∈ γ(L2(S), E) we have

1 p p kRkγ(L2(S),E) ≤ Tp(E) kR|Sj kγ(L2(S),E) .  Xj≥1  (2) Let E have cotype q ∈ [2, ∞]. Then for all R ∈ γ(L2(S), E) we have

1 −1 q q kRkγ(L2(S),E) ≥ Cq(E) kR|Sj kγ(L2(S),E) .  Xj≥1 

Proof. (1) We may assume that µ(Sj ) > 0 for all j. Fixing R, we may also assume that Σ is countably generated. As a result, L2(S) is separable and we may 2 choose an orthonormal basis (hjk)j,k≥1 for L (S) in such a way that for each j the 2 ′ sequence (hjk)k≥1 is an orthonormal basis for L (Sj ). Let (γjk)j,k≥1 and (rj )j≥1 be a doubly-indexed Gaussian sequence and a Rademacher sequence on probability spaces (Ω, P) and (Ω′, P′), respectively. By a standard randomization argument,

2 1 E 2 kRkγ(L2(S),E) = γjkRhjk  j,kX≥1  2 1 E 2 = γjkR|Sj hjk  j,kX≥1  2 1 E′ ′ 2 = rj γjkR|Sj hjk L2(Ω;E)  Xj≥1 kX≥1  p 1 2 p ≤ Tp(L (Ω; E)) γjkR|Sj hjk L2(Ω;E)  Xj≥1 kX≥1  1 p p = Tp(E) kR|Sj kγ(L2(S),E) .  Xj≥1  (2) This is proved similarly. 

We are now prepared for the proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that the Schwartz functions φ and ϕk, k ≥ 1, are defined in Subsection 1.2.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. (1) First we prove the ‘only if’ part and assume that E has d −k type p. Let f ∈ S (R ; E) and let fk := ϕk ∗ f. Putting gk(x) := fk(2 x) we have d gk ∈ S (R ; E) and

Rd 1 d supp gk ⊆{ξ ∈ : 2 ≤ |ξ|≤ 2}⊆ [−π, π] .

Rd Hence from Lemma 2.1 web obtain fk ∈ γ( ; E) and

−kd/2 kfkkγ(Rd;E) =2 kgkkγ(Rd;E) kd kd −kd/2 γ p − 2 γ ≤ 2 Tp (E)kgkkLp(Rd;E) =2 Tp (E)kfkkLp(Rd;E). 8 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

Using the Lemma 2.2, applied to the decompositions (S2k)k∈Z and (S2k+1)k∈Z of Rd \{0}, we obtain, for all n ≥ m ≥ 0,

2n n 1 2jd 2jd p γ ( p − 2 )p p fk ≤ Tp (E)Tp(E) 2 kf2jk p Rd γ(Rd;E) L ( ;E) j=m kX=2m  X  n−1 1 (2j+1)d (2j+1)d p γ ( p − 2 )p p + Tp (E)Tp(E) 2 kf2j+1kLp(Rd;E) . j=m  X  2n+1 2n 2n+1 Estimating sums of the form k=2m, k=2m+1, and k=2m+1 in a similar way, it follows that f ∈ γ(Rd; E) and P P P γ kfkγ(Rd;E) ≤ 2Tp (E)Tp(E)kfk ( 1 − 1 )d . p 2 d Bp,p (R ;E)

( 1 − 1 )d d p 2 d Since S (R ; E) is dense in Bp,p (R ; E) it follows that the mapping f 7→ If ( 1 − 1 )d p 2 d d extends to a bounded operator I from Bp,p (R ; E) into γ(R ; E) of norm kIk≤ γ 2Tp (E)Tp(E). The simple proof that I is injective is left to the reader. d Next we prove the ‘if’ part. For n ≥ 1, let ψn ∈ S(R ) be defined as −nd/2 −n ψn(ξ)= c2 φ(2 ξ), where c := kφk−1 . Then (ψ ) is an orthonormal system in L2(Rd). For any L2(Rd) b3n n≥1 b N N finite sequence (xn)n=1 in E we then have, with f := n=1 ψ3n ⊗ xn,

N 2P 2 E kfkγ(Rd;E) = γnxn . n=1 X Notice that for k ≥ 1, 1 kd− p kd kϕk ∗ ϕkkLp(Rd) =2 kφ ∗ φkLp(Rd) and 1 kd− p kd kϕk+1 ∗ ϕkkLp(Rd) =2 kϕ1 ∗ φkLp(Rd). Therefore, for n =1,...,N,

3 1 1 − nd ( 2 − p )3nd kϕ3n ∗ fkLp(Rd;E) = c2 2 kϕ3n ∗ ϕ3nkLp(Rd)kxnk = c2 kφ ∗ φkLp(Rd)kxnk and similarly,

1 1 1 ( 2 − p )3nd−(1− p )d kϕ3n−1 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E) = c2 kϕ1 ∗ φkLp(Rd)kxnk and 1 1 ( 2 − p )3nd kϕ3n+1 ∗ fkLp(Rd;E) = c2 kϕ1 ∗ φkLp(Rd)kxnk.

Finally, for k ≥ 3N + 2 we have ϕk ∗ f = 0. Summing up, it follows that there exists a constant C, depending only on p, d and φ such that

N 1 p p kfk ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ C kxnk . B p 2 (Rd;E) p,p n=1  X  By putting things together we see that E has type p, with Gaussian type p constant ( 1 − 1 )d γ p 2 Rd Rd .Tp (E) ≤ CkIk, where I : Bp,p ( ; E) ֒→ γ( ; E) is the embedding (2) This is proved similarly.  VECTOR-VALUED BESOV SPACES AND γ-RADONIFYING OPERATORS 9

As a special case of Theorem 1.1, note that for every Banach space E we obtain continuous embeddings 1 d − 1 d 2 Rd 2 Rd 2 Rd .(B1,1( ; E) ֒→ γ(L ( ), E) ֒→ B∞,∞( ; E As is easily checked by going through the proofs, these embeddings are contractive. Let Hβ,p(Rd; E), with β ∈ R and 1 ≤ p < ∞, denote the usual E-valued Lebesgue-Bessel potential spaces [3, Section 6.2], [20, Section 2.33]. In [10] the γ- Sobolev spaces γ(Hβ,2(Rd), E) are introduced and their basic properties are studied. From Theorem 1.1 we obtain the following γ-analogue of the Sobolev embedding theorem. Corollary 2.3. (1) If E has type p ∈ [1, 2], we have continuous embeddings

1 1 α,p d β+( p − 2 )d d β,2 d (H (R ; E) ֒→ Bp,p (R ; E) ֒→ γ(H (R ), E R 1 1 for all α, β ∈ satisfying α>β + ( p − 2 )d. (2) If E has cotype q ∈ [2, ∞], we have continuous embeddings

1 1 β,2 d β+( q − 2 )d d α,q d (γ(H (R ), E) ֒→ Bq,q (R ; E) ֒→ H (R ; E R 1 1 for all α, β ∈ satisfying α<β + ( q − 2 )d. Remark 2.4. Taking q = ∞ in (2), as a special case we obtain the embedding β− d β,2 Rd 2 Rd d ,γ(H ( ), E) ֒→ B∞,∞( ; E). If β − 2 is strictly positive and not an integer the latter space can be identified, up to an equivalent norm, with the H¨older space β− d d (BUC) 2 (R ; E)[1, Equation (5.8)] and we thus obtain a continuous embedding

β,2 d β− d d .(γ(H (R ); E) ֒→ (BUC) 2 (R ; E (2.1) Proof. The second embedding in (1) and the first embedding in (2) are immediate from Theorem 1.1 combined with the fact that (I − ∆)−β/2 acts as an isomorphism ( 1 − 1 )d β+( 1 − 1 )d q 2 d q 2 d from Bq,q (R ; E) onto Bq,q (R ; E)[1, Theorem 6.1] and, by (1.3), from γ(L2(Rd), E) onto γ(Hβ,2(Rd), E). The first embedding in (1) and the second embedding in (2) follow from the E-valued analogues of [3, Theorem 6.2.4].  Note that (2) can be combined with the classical Sobolev embedding theorem to yield an inclusion result which is slightly weaker than (2.1).

3. Embedding results for bounded domains Let D be a nonempty bounded open domain in Rd. For 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞ and s ∈ R we define s s Rd Bp,q(D; E)= {f|D : f ∈ Bp,q( ; E)}. This space is a Banach space endowed with the norm

kgk s = inf kfk s Rd . Bp,q(D;E) Bp,q( ;E) f|D=g See [21, Section 3.2.2] (where the scalar case is considered) and [2]. In Theorem 3.2 below we shall obtain a version of Theorem 1.1 for bounded domains. We need the following lemma, where for r> 0 we denote Br := {x ∈ E : kxk < r}. 10 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

Lemma 3.1. Let 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, s ∈ R. There exists a constant C such that for s Rd every r ≥ 1 and for all f ∈ Bp,q( ; E) with supp (f) ⊆ Br,

kfk s Rd ≤ Ckf| k s . Bp,q( ;E) B2r Bp,q(B2r ;E) d Proof. Choose ψ ∈ S (R ) such that ψ ≡ 1 on B1 and ψ ≡ 0 outside B2. Fix an d 1 1 integer k> max s, − s . Notice that for the -dilation ψ 1 (x) := ψ( x) we have p r r r s Rd kψ 1 kW k,∞(Rd) ≤kψkW k,∞(Rd). Choose g ∈ B ( ; E) such that g ≡ f on B2r and r  p,q

kgk s Rd ≤ 2kf| k s . Bp,q( ;E) B2r Bp,q (B2r;E) Then it follows from the vector-valued generalization of [21, Theorem 2.8.2] that

kfk s Rd = kψ 1 fk s Rd = kψ 1 gk s Rd Bp,q( ;E) r Bp,q( ;E) r Bp,q( ;E)

≤ ckψk k,∞ Rd kgk s Rd ≤ Ckf| k s , W ( ) Bp,q( ;E) B2r Bp,q(B2r ;E)  where C =2ckψkW k,∞(Rd). Theorem 3.2. Let 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 ≤ q ≤ ∞ and let D ⊆ Rd be a nonempty bounded open domain. (1) E has type p if and only if we have a continuous embedding

1 1 ( p − 2 )d 2 .(Bp,p (D; E) ֒→ γ(L (D), E (2) E has cotype q if and only if we have a continuous embedding

1 1 2 ( q − 2 )d .(γ(L (D), E) ֒→ Bq,q (D; E In both cases, the norm of the embedding does not exceed the norm of the corre- sponding embedding with D replaced by Rd. Note again the special cases corresponding to p = 1 and q = ∞, which hold for arbitrary Banach spaces E. Corollary 2.3 admits a version for bounded domains as well. Proof. The “only if” parts in (1) and (2) and the final remark follow directly from the definition. For the proofs of the “if” parts in (1) and (2), there is no loss of generality in n assuming that 0 ∈ D. Let Dn =2 D and note that 1Dn → 1 pointwise. The idea is to ‘dilate’ the embedding for D to Dn and pass to the limit n → ∞ to obtain the corresponding embedding for Rd. That E has type p or cotype q is then a consequence of Theorem 1.1. (1): The result being trivial for p = 1 we shall assume that p ∈ (1, 2]. Fix a function f ∈ S (Rd; E) and note that by Lemma 2.1 (applied with p = 1) that Rd f ∈ γ( ; E). Fix n ≥ 1 arbitrary and put fn := f|Dn . Let gn : D → E be defined by n gn(x) := fn(2 x), x ∈ D.

Then gn ∈ γ(D; E) and 1 − 2 nd kgnkγ(D;E) =2 kfnkγ(Dn;E). (n) (n) n d Also, gn = g |D, where g (x)= f(2 x) for x ∈ R . By Lemma 1.2 there exists a constant C > 0, independent of n, such that 1 (n) − 2 nd kgnk ( 1 − 1 )d ≤kg k ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ C2 kfk ( 1 − 1 )d . p 2 p 2 d p 2 d Bp,p (D;E) Bp,p (R ;E) Bp,p (R ;E) VECTOR-VALUED BESOV SPACES AND γ-RADONIFYING OPERATORS 11

1 1 ( p − 2 )d Denoting by I : Bp,p (D; E) ֒→ γ(D; E) the embedding, it follows that 1 2 nd kfnkγ(Dn;E) =2 kgnkγ(D;E) 1 2 nd ≤ 2 kIkkgnk ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ CkIkkfk ( 1 − 1 )d . p 2 p 2 d Bp,p (D;E) Bp,p (R ;E) Passing to the limit n → ∞ we obtain, by virtue of (1.2),

kfkγ(Rd;E) ≤ CkIkkfk ( 1 − 1 )d . p 2 d Bp,p (R ;E) An application of Theorem 1.1 finishes the proof. ∞ Rd (2): It suffices to consider the case q ∈ [2, ∞). Fix f ∈ Cc ( ; E) and let r ≥ 1 be so large that supp(f) ⊆ Br. With the same arguments as in (1) one can show that

kf k ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ Ckfk Rd , n q 2 γ( ;E) Bq,q (Dn;E) where fn = f|Dn as before and C is a constant not depending on f and n. It follows from Lemma 3.1 that there is a constant C′, independent of f and r, such that ′ 1 1 1 1 kfk ( − )d ≤ C kf|B2r k ( − )d . q 2 d q 2 Bq,q (R ;E) Bq,q (B2r ;E)

Choosing n so large that B2r ⊆ Dn, we may conclude that ′ ′ kfk ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ C kfnk ( 1 − 1 )d ≤ C Ckfkγ(Rd;E). q 2 d q 2 Bq,q (R ;E) Bq,q (Dn;E) ∞ Rd Rd  Since Cc ( ; E) is dense in γ( ; E) the result follows from Theorem 1.1. It is an interesting fact that at least in dimension d = 1, the “if part” of Theorem 3.2 (1) can be improved as follows. Theorem 3.3. If p ∈ [1, 2) is such that we have a continuous embedding

1 1 p − 2 2 ,(Bp,1 ((0, 1); E) ֒→ γ(L (0, 1), E then E has type p. Proof. We may assume that p ∈ (1, 2). s R First, for s > 0 we introduce an equivalent norm on Bp,q( ; E) which does not involve the Fourier transform and can be handled quite easily from the computa- tional point of view. For h ∈ R and a function f : R → E we define the function T (h)f : R → E as the translate of f over h, i.e. (T (h)f)(t) := f(t + h). For f ∈ Lp(R; E) and t> 0 let

̺p(f,t) := sup kT (h)f − fkLp(R;E). |h|≤t Then 1 1 ∗ −s q dt q kfk s R := kfk p R + t ̺p(f,t) Bp,q( ;E) L ( ;E) 0 t  Z  s R (with the obvious modification for q = ∞) defines an equivalent norm on Bp,q( ; E) (see [17, Proposition 3.1] or [19, Theorem 4.3.3]). With these preliminaries out of the way we turn to the proof of the theorem. Since every Banach space has type 1 we may assume that p ∈ (1, 2). Let n ≥ 1 and 12 NIGEL KALTON, JAN VAN NEERVEN, MARK VERAAR, AND LUTZ WEIS

j x0,...,xn−1 ∈ E be arbitrary and fixed. For j =0,..., 2n − 1, let tj = 2n . Define f : R → E as n−1

f = 1(t2k,t2k+1]xk. Xk=0 1 1 − p n−1 p p −1 Then kfkLp(R;E) = (2n) k=0 kxkk . Let0 0, then P  n−1

T (h)f − f = (1(t2k −h,t2k] − 1(t2k+1−h,t2k+1])xk. Xk=0 If h< 0, then


T (h)f − f = (−1(t2k,t2k+h] + 1(t2k+1,t2k+1+h])xk. kX=0 In both cases we find that n−1 n−1 p p p kT (h)f − fkLp(R;E) ≤ 2|h| kxkk ≤ 2t kxkk . kX=0 Xk=0 1 1 1 p p n−1 p p −1 This shows that ̺p(f,t) ≤ 2 t k=0 kxkk for all 0 (2n) , then ̺p(f,t) ≤ 2kfkp = 2(2n) k=0 kxkk . It follows that

1 n−1 P 1 1  − 1 + 1 dt − 1 p p − 1 + 1 dt t p 2 ̺p(f,t) ≤ 2(2n) p kxkk t p 2 (2n)−1 t (2n)−1 t Z  kX=0  Z n−1 1 1 p 1 1 1 − p p p − 2 = 2(2n) kxkk 1 1 ((2n) − 1) p − 2  kX=0  n−1 1 1 1 p − 2 p ≤ 2(2n) 1 1 kxkk . p − 2  kX=0  1 − 1 p 2 R It follows that f ∈ Bp,1 ( ; E) and by restricting to (0, 1) we obtain

n−1 1 − 1 p p kfk 1 − 1 ≤kfk 1 − 1 ≤ Cp(2n) 2 kxkk , p 2 p 2 R Bp,1 ((0,1);E) Bp,1 ( ;E)  Xk=0  where Cp depends only on p. On the other hand,

n−1 − 1 kIf kγ(L2(0,1),E) = (2n) 2 γkxk . L2(Ω;E) k=0 X


1 − 1 p 2 2 From the boundedness of the embedding I : Bp,1 ((0, 1); E) ֒→ γ(L (0, 1), E) we conclude that

n−1 n−1 1 − 1 − 1 p p (2n) 2 γkxk ≤ Cp(2n) 2 kIk kxkk . L2(Ω;E) k=0  k=0  X X Hence E has type p, with Gaussian type p constant of at most CpkIk. 

Returning to Theorem 3.2, we note the following consequence:

Corollary 3.4. Let D ⊆ Rd be a nonempty bounded open domain with smooth R 1 1 boundary. Let p ∈ [1, 2] and α, β ∈ satisfy α>β + ( p − 2 )d ≥ 0. If E has type p, we have a continuous embedding .(Cα(D; E) ֒→ γ(Hβ,2(D), E

1 1 Proof. For α>γ>β + ( p − 2 )d ≥ 0 we have, cf. [2],

1 1 α γ β+( p − 2 )d .(C (D; E) ֒→ B∞,∞(D; E) ֒→ Bp,p (D; E The result now follows from Theorem 3.2. 

For dimension d = 1 we have the following converse:

1 1 Theorem 3.5. Let E be a Banach space, and let p ∈ (1, 2) and α ∈ (0, p − 2 ). If .Cα([0, 1]; E) ֒→ γ((0, 1); E), then E has type p

In particular this shows that in the spaces E = lp and E = Lp(0, 1), with 1 1 p ∈ [1, 2), for every α ∈ (0, p − 2 ) there exist α-H¨older continuous functions which do not belong to γ(L2(0, 1), E). Indeed, for such α we can find p

Proof. Assume for a contradiction that E is not of type p. We will show that this leads to a contradiction. By the Maurey-Pisier theorem (see [13]), lp is finitely p p representable in E. Fix an integer n and let T : ln → E be such that for all x ∈ ln

p p kxkln ≤kT xk≤ 2kxkln .

1 −1 −r −1 k −r Choose 1

We claim that gn is H¨older continuous of exponent α and

p kg(t) − g(s)kln g α p g t p k nkC ([0,1];ln) = sup k n( )kln + sup α t∈[0,1] 0≤s

p To show this we consider several cases. First of all kgn(t)kln ≤ 1 for all t ∈ [0, 1]. If t,s ∈ [tk−1,tk] for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n,

|2t − tk − tk−1| |2s − tk − tk−1| p kgn(t) − gn(s)kln = − tk − tk−1 tk − tk−1

2|t − s| 2|t − s|α 2|t − s|α . ≤ ≤ α ≤ α tk − tk−1 |tk − tk−1| |tn − tn−1|

If s ∈ (tk−1,tk] and t ∈ (tk,tk+1] for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n−1, then by the above estimate and the concavity of x 7→ xα,

p p p kgn(t) − gn(s)kln ≤kgn(t) − gn(tk)kln + kgn(tk) − gn(s)kln 2|t − t |α 2|t − s|α 22−α|t − s|α k k . ≤ α + α ≤ α |tn − tn−1| |tn − tn−1| |tn − tn−1|

If s ∈ (tl−1,tl] and t ∈ (tk−1,tk] for l +2 ≤ k ≤ n then

p α −α α −α kgn(t) − gn(s)kln ≤ 2 ≤ 2(tk−1 − tl) (tn − tn−1) ≤ 2(t − s) (tn − tn−1) . For the other cases the estimate is obvious and we proved the claim. We have 2 p gn ∈ γ(L (0, 1),ln) and a standard square function estimate (cf. [15, Example 7.3]) gives n p tk 2 p p |2t − tk − tk−1| 2 kIg k 2 p ≥ K 1 − dt n γ(L (0,1),ln) p tk−1 tk − tk−1 kX=1  Z    n 1 p p tk − tk−1 2 2 = Kp (1 − |s|) dt 2 −1 kX=1  Z  − p − p p 2 − pr +1 ≥ 3 2 c 2 K ((n + 1) 2 − 1), p 2 − pr where Kp is a constant depending only on p. Define fn : [0, 1] → E as fn := Tgn. 2 Then fn is α-H¨older continuous and Ifn ∈ γ(L (0, 1), E) with α rα α α p kfnkC ([0,1],E) ≤ 2kgnkC ([0,1],ln) ≤ 2(1+4c n ). and p p p p 2 pr − 2 − 2 p − 2 +1 kIfn k 2 ≥kIgn k 2 p ≥ 3 c Kp ((n + 1) − 1). γ(L (0,1),E) γ(L (0,1),ln) 2 − pr Since the inclusion operator I : Cα([0, 1]; E) → γ(L2(0, 1), E) is bounded we con- clude that 1 1 1 2 p pr 1 − 2 − 2 − 2 +1 p α rα 3 c Kp 1 ((n + 1) − 1) ≤ 2(1+4c n ). (2 − pr) p r 1 p −1 Since we may take n arbitrary large, this implies − 2 + p ≤ rα, so r ≥ (αp + 2 ) . But this contradicts the choice of r, and the proof is complete. 

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