1 05 Foreword 06 About Ctbio

06 About Cebds 08 introduCtion

Objective 1 of the CBD: the Conservation of Biological Diversity 12 tapajós-Abacaxis Conservation 13 Green belt in Alagoas Corridor Program 14 in Marine ecosystem 15 ‘Peixe Vivo’ Program 17 Flora Management 16 ichthyofauna dnA database and Monitoring 19 Partnership to Preserve 18 Atlantic Forest Protection Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest 20 strategy For Protection 21 biodiversity Management of Marine diversity 22 environmental reclamation 23 Harpy eagle Conservation

24 Protected ecosystems

Master Sponsor Objective 2 of the CBD: Sustainable Use of Its Components

28 reclamation of Mining Areas 29 Artiicial Reefs

30 Advancements in Agribusiness 31 Eco-Eficient Units Sponsors 33 32 Challenging target environmental Program 35 navigating the waters 34 Greener soybean Project of Knowledge Program 36 bioisoprene tires, 37 resumption of Cotton an innovative Alternative

Credits 38 integrated Planning For environmental Management (PliMA)

Corporate Information Editing & Graphic Design Photography CEBDS - Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro Report Comunicação Several photos included in this report were kindly para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável provided by the Zuppani Family, which has been working Objective 3 of the CBD: Fair and Equitable Sharing of the (Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Translation for years to record and preserve the Brazilian biomes. For Development) Arte Comercial - additional information please visit www.fotonatural. Beneits of the Utilization of Genetic Resources Av. das Américas, 1.155 – grupo 208, Assessoria Empresarial (Cover and pages 4, 6, 8, 10, 26, 38, 40); 22631-000, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 42 Valueing traditional Knowledge 43 Pioneering business Model Tel.: 55 21 2483.2250, Printed by Stock.xchng® Image Bank/Luiz Gustavo Sales page 13; e-mail: [email protected], Graitto Gráica e Editora ©iStockPhoto Image Bank/ Aquilegia page 18; 44 Production and social inclusion site: ©iStockPhoto Image Bank/FotograiaBasica page 34; Circulation ©iStockPhoto Image Bank/PetePattavina page 37; General Coordination 1000 copies CEBDS - Brazilian Business Council The other images were provided by the companies 46 Cebds | Ctbio - the Challenge for business for Sustainable Development whose cases appear in this publication 2 3 Foreword

This publication has the merit of bringing together, for the irst time, the efforts by major companies established in Brazil to respond, with their examples, to the main challenges of the Convention on Biodiversity Diversity (CBD). We are at a moment in history where companies that fail to include the sustainable management of biodiversity as part of their production and growth strategies will be missing opportunities to become more competitive. In this new scenario, biodiversity assets will be increasingly valued.

he narratives included here will contribute public institutions, scientists, and civil society to bridge the gap between the theory that organizations. Following Nagoya, we will Tsays that we need to include environmental continue this work through the CEBDS Working assets in our business plans and what companies Group on Biodiversity and Biotechnology. have actually been doing. The Brazilian Business Therefore, we are committed to strengthen the Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) knowledge and capacity of the business sector is convinced that the increasing mobilization of to advance and accelerate the processes to value the private sector in Brazil, the most megadiverse biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as country in the world, will be critical to reverse the the adoptions of best practices for maintaining loss of biodiversity and, at the same time, meet and recovering ecosystems. the demands of society. This is why we are launching this publication In preparatory meetings for the Conference at the COP-10 in Nagoya. It presents the creative of Parties to the CBD (COP 10), we were pleased to ability of companies with a vision for the future notice the growing interest of companies in the and shall serve as a tool to bring them closer to topic. We also noticed that other players such other sectors of society. as governments, scientists and NGOs had little knowledge about the experiences of companies We are sure that the experiences described to improve their relationship with biodiversity. here will no longer be isolated instances, as they That was when the CEBDS Working Group on increasingly become part of business as usual for Biodiversity and Biotechnology suggested the these and other companies. idea of this publication. We contacted the companies and gathered experiences. Some of these will be presented Marina Grossi during a multi-sector dialogue in Japan, bringing Executive President, CEBDS together representatives of large companies, 4 5 Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development CEBDS Working Group on Biodiversity and Biotechnology - CTBio

stablished in 1997, CEBDS is a coalition of objeCtiVes tHe Cebds exPerienCe

the largest and most signiicant business n To provide information, guidance, Since 2000, the Brazilian Business Council for Egroups in Brazil. With annual revenues products and tools to help companies identify Sustainable Development (CEBDS) has been equal to 40% of the country’s GDP, our member opportunities in the area of biodiversity and working on biodiversity issues. At the invitation companies generate more than 600 thousand biotechnology, as well as the importance of of the Ministry of the Environment, CEBDS has direct jobs, as well as an even more expressive business participation in the conservation of coordinated the mobilization of the private igure of indirect jobs. But CEBDS does not act biological diversity. sector to contribute to the preparation of the

alone. As representative of the World Business n To represent in proactive, qualiied fashion National Biodiversity Policy. It participated Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the view of companies in issues related to actively in the discussion of Provisional Measure in which 185 multinational groups participate, biodiversity and biotechnology, in debates and 2052/2000 which addressed the access to genetic with annual revenues of US$ 6 trillion and public policy making with governments and resources, traditional knowledge and beneit generating 11 million direct jobs, CEBDS is part TBio (working group on biodiversity other stakeholders. sharing, by sending proposals for improvement,

of a global network of more than 50 national and biotechnology) emerged with n To disseminate best practices, and by participating in meetings with the councils working to disseminate a new way of Cthe proposal of promoting economic demonstrating to society at large, in a simple Executive branch, in public hearings at the doing business throughout the world. and social development while preserving and understandable way, the contribution of Federal Senate, and in public debates. CEBDS has consolidated its position of biodiversity, such a priceless heritage. In this businesses to sustainable use and conservation Together with the Secretariat of the reference as a key representative of the business new millennium, the natural resources of of biodiversity, as well as to the ethical and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the British sector that is leading a revolutionary change a country – its fauna, lora and water responsible use of biotechnology. Government, the Brazilian Government, and IUCN

process: turning the traditional economic model resources – will have an ininitely greater n To encourage sustainability in member (International Union for Conservation of Nature), into a new paradigm. importance than, for instance, oil. companies, through projects and partnerships in CEBDS organized the Business & Biodiversity (B&B) By mobilizing business toward expanding It becomes necessary for us to establish the area of biodiversity and biotechnology, that Initiative in order to engage the private sector in such a view, CEBDS works in partnership with a set of procedures to ensure that available will generate material results. the objectives of CBD, in the participation at COP8, the most renowned academic institutions and natural resources are used rationally and held in Curitiba, Brazil, in 2006. nongovernmental organizations, and serves as a sustainably. Therefore, CEBDS closely teAM At the COP8, it also organized the participation spokesperson for companies with governments, monitors and participates in all discussions Chairperson: of the private sector in debates and in the not only to advocate the speciic interests of relating to biodiversity and biotechnology, Gloverson Lamego Moro (Syngenta Seeds) exhibition areas. In 2009, the Secretariat of the their members, but mainly to build a general whether at the National Congress, in the Vice-Chairperson: CBD reactivated the B&B Initiative to organize the policy of sustainable development for the beneit business sector or in civil society. Maria Cláudia Grillo (Petrobras) private sector participation at COP10 in Nagoya. The of Brazilian society. Coordinator: preparatory meeting which took place in Jakarta in The mission of CEBDS is to integrate Mission Beatriz Carneiro December 2009, was also attended by CEBDS. the principles and practices of sustainable To address issues related to biodiversity and Assistant: development into businesses, by reconciling the biotechnology, and represent the interests Fernanda Gimenes economic, social and environmental dimensions. and opinions of member companies with the Consultant: various stakeholders. Daniela Lerda 6 7 recent assessment conducted by the World and unsatisfactory responses. In Brazil, despite Conservation Monitoring Centre of the improvements to increase coverage of protected AUnited Nations Environment Programme areas, efforts have also been insuficient to curb (UNEP) concluded that global biodiversity the rate of ecosystem destruction. declined over the last four decades, and this could Currently Brazil chairs the Group of Like- be observed in different groups of animals, such Minded Megadiverse Countries, consisting of as mammals, amphibians and birds. the world’s 17 richest nations in biodiversity, There was a reduction in the extent of forests including , and . Brazil and mangroves, and the marine environment plays a strategic role to reverse this situation, was the most affected – especially areas by exploring the strength of its leadership to with coral reefs. The assessment served to present innovative proposals and material demonstrate that the target agreed upon in 2002 commitments. by the signatory countries to the Convention on In line with this, the Brazilian Business Biological Diversity (CBD) was not met, which Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) called for a signiicant reduction in the rate of has been working to pave a new way, by biodiversity loss by 2010. proposing measures and disseminating examples Considering the 1970-2006 timeframe, the of companies that have chosen to address the analysis was based on a series of indicators such challenge of sustainability. as the use of natural resources, the number of As part of the solution, CEBDS advocates endangered species, protected area coverage, the the management of biodiversity as a extension of tropical forests and mangroves, and global public asset. We also argue that the the condition of coral reefs. appreciation of biodiversity as a public The information available also indicates asset with economic and social value, which that natural environments are fragmenting, produces beneits that outweigh, the cost for thus undermining their ability to provide for conservation of ecosystems, should be central basic services on which we all depend. One to all business decisions. such example is the case of the Brazilian By bringing together, in this publication, a Atlantic Forest, which used to be the second number of examples of companies that adopted largest forest in South America and, now, only in their management approach measures and approximately 10% is preserved in an area solutions to protect biodiversity, CEBDS believes fragmented into tiny sections, with 80% of the it is contributing to broaden the discussion on the remnants having an extension of less than 0.5 topic and to inspire other organizations. square km. The cases by CEBDS’ member-companies, The analysis also shows the worsening of presented in the following pages, are well- other processes, such as increased consumption tuned to the CBD’s three major objectives: the of goods produced by the ecosystems, the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable invasion of exotic species that replace native use of its components, and fair and equitable Introduction ones, and increasing desertiication, as well as sharing of beneits arising from the use of genetic other impacts such as erosion and pollution. In resources. These pillars were used as chapters to We reached 2010, declared the International Year of Biodiversity by the United Nations (UN), with no case, reductions in the pressure on natural facilitate the organization of these experiences. over 60% of the planet’s ecosystems threatened. In just ive years, between 2000 and 2005, the devastation of forests in South America reached 4.3 million hectares, with over 80% of this loss – resources were identiied. 3.5 million hectares – taking place in Brazil, the country that holds most of the world’s biodiversity. Such an actuality leads us to conclude that We hope you enjoy reading this! the efforts to preserve biodiversity have been inadequate, with a signiicant lag between the growing human pressures and a series of slow 8 9 Objective 1 of the CBD: The conservation of biological diversity

The conservation of biological diversity is one of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the irst global agreement on conservation and sustainable use of all components of biodiversity, including genetic resources, species and ecosystems. Ratiied in 1993, the CBD provides that the signatory Parties to the global agreement must adopt national and international measures for achieving the irst objective, which aims to conserve biodiversity by protecting ecosystems and natural habitats, supporting the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural environment. Noting further that ex situ measures, preferably in the country of origin, also have an important role to play in protecting species, making ecosystems and society more resilient. Accordingly, the Parties shall implement actions for the conservation of biodiversity, especially in regard to the implementation of the program of work on protected areas. CEBDS presents here 13 cases of companies that are providing measures and solutions aligned to the irst goal of the Convention.

10 11 alCoa

Alcoa is a worldwide leader in the production of primary and inished Braskem holds a 50% share in the Brazilian PVC market, aluminum and alumina. 54% in polypropylene and 52% in polyethylene.


n June 2007, Conservation International Brazil Juruti (PA), Maués (AM), Santarém (PA), Aveiro he project objectives are the development (CI-Brazil), Alcoa Foundation and Alcoa Alumínio (PA) and Itaituba (PA). Four protected areas – the and natural reproduction of fauna and Ilaunched a program to support conservation Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve, the National Tlora in the Green Belt Preservation area, an of the Abacaxis-Arapiuns ecological corridor, Park of the Amazon, the Pau Rosa National Forest, ecological reserve with 150 hectares located in a between Tapajós and Madeira rivers, to the west and the Amaná National Park – were identiied as sandbank forest in the district of Pontal da Barra, of Pará and east of Amazonas. With support priorities for investment. between the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Mundaú, in from the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), the The program is divided into four components, Maceió (Alagoas). main objective of this initiative is strengthening the irst of which refers to an assessment of the The Green Belt used to be an uninhabited the conservation units in the region, considered situation of the four protected areas to identify and barren area, which was restored with one of the most effective strategies to protect priority actions in each. Detailed institutional soil recovery, topographic restoration, and biodiversity and halt deforestation. mapping will be conducted to understand recomposition of the Atlantic Forest sandbank At its initial stage, the program selected four the perceptions of local communities of the landscape. In the reserve, sustainability protected areas that are virtually connected to protected areas and to identify the technical actions are promoted such as hydroponics each other and form the core of a new Biodiversity skills present in the region for the development and beekeeping, aimed at the professional Corridor in the Amazon, with nearly ten million of conservation projects. development of the nearby communities. hectares, distributed in the municipalities of The second component is support for Since the beginning of the forest restoration implementation of the four protected areas by process, 20 years ago, about 280 thousand allocating technical and inancial resources to seedlings of some 200 plant species have been area managers, who must submit their projects planted. Some 400 animals of the Brazilian wild for technical evaluation. If approved, the projects fauna are found in the ecosystem. will be supported by the program. The restoration process occurred gradually. Courses and seminars are among the targets Initially, pioneering plants, resistant to sunlight, of the third component to train people connected were sowed, helping to cover the soil with leaves, to the projects and local institutions to develop creating conditions for the emergence of other conservation and sustainability programs. Finally, species. Next, there came secondary plants, the fourth component includes the provision which grow in the shade of the pioneers. With of technical and inancial support for those the dense shade of the pioneering and secondary involved in the program as well as for the partner species, the target species were planted. institutions, to implement the environmental In 20 years of forest restoration, the Green projects approved. Belt has been visited by approximately 160 This ive-year-old partnership between thousand people, including students from public Alcoa and Conservation International may be and private schools in the state, authorities, replicated by other companies and organizations. university students, researchers and members For additional information, please contact of neighboring communities. Conservation International Brazil.

12 13 braSkEM CEMIG

Cemig is responsible for the largest electric energy distribution Braskem holds a 50% share in the Brazilian PVC market, grid in latin America and is the third largest group in generation 54% in polypropylene and 52% in polyethylene. and transmission in Brazil.

BIodIVeRsITy In MARIne eCosysTeM ‘PeIxe VIVo’ PRoGRAM

ince August 1992, a company named The environmental quality of the ecosystem emig created the ‘Peixe Vivo’ (Live Fish) is also building the Volta Grande Center for Cetrel has been developing an extensive is systematically monitored by two half-yearly Program to seek more eficient measures for Excellence in Ichthyology, which will become a Sprogram for monitoring environmental oceanographic campaigns – held in summer and Cichthyofauna conservation in rivers where national reference in studies on ishing resources. quality of the marine ecosystem in the area of winter, according to the seasonality of the region. the Company has undertakings. Implemented in The actions as part of the ‘Peixe Vivo’ Program inluence of the Camaçari Industrial Complex In partnership with the Institute of Biology, June 2007, the initiative relies on the involvement were planned from public consultation with a (PIC), located in the metropolitan region of Federal University of Bahia, the monitoring covers of communities that use water resources as number of social segments (NGOs, researchers, Salvador (Bahia). Research shows that marine a stretch of coast that goes from Arembepe to development factor. environmental agencies, ishermen, businesses life and its diversity have been preserved Guarajuba beach, and includes aspects of the ‘Peixe Vivo’ was organized to minimize and civil society) and with the company’s since the implementation of the program, as marine life (in particular the benthic community, impact to endangered ish species resulting own staff through an interdisciplinary team demonstrated by different indicators. composed of aquatic organisms – plants and from environmental changes caused by human established within Cemig. Controlled by Braskem, Cetrel was set up animals), sedimentation and water quality, and of intervention, such as altered low of rivers, to manage and operate the environmental the hydrodynamic cycles. construction of dams, discharge of untreated protection systems, including collection, Sampling of sediments, benthic organisms waste, riparian deforestation, overishing, transportation, treatment and inal disposal and water is done through scientiic means. and increased rates of erosion. The program of efluents from companies located in the PIC, Some parameters are measured in the ield with was divided into three pillars, which include with a low rate of 144,000 cubic m/day. Starting a multi-parameter probe, in three levels of depth. conservation efforts, production of scientiic in August 1992, efluents treated with high The program results show a positive knowledge, and community involvement. technology have been discarded in the marine evolution in the diversity and quality of benthic Conservation initiatives include the ecosystem near Arembepe beach, 4.8 km off communities recorded over the past ive years establishment of systems for ish transposition, the coast. Both diversity indexes of Shannon-Wiener (H ‘) restocking rivers with native species, structural Cetrel operates the Wastewater Ocean and Margalef (indices used in ecological studies) adjustments, and preventive actions in the Disposal System (SDO), comprising an have values compatible with an environment in operation of power plants, reforestation, and 11-km-long land outfall and a 4.8-km-long ocean balance, which indicates good environmental monitoring of ish and water quality. The actions outfall, which discharges efluents treated by quality in the region. must ensure that human intervention is guided the Efluent Treatment Station (ETS) to the by the best available strategies for conservation of ocean at an average depth of 25 meters. Over the ichthyofauna. the last 500 meters, the outfall pipeline has The production of scientiic knowledge The Company promotes the participation lateral diffusers to optimize the dispersion assists in the conservation actions through the of the community in developing the program, and dilution of efluents, therefore ensuring a promotion of partnerships with research centers propagates the results generated, and signiicant reduction of environmental impacts to create more eficient strategies. The constant establishes communication channels with the on the marine ecosystem in the region. exchange of experiences between Cemig technical various stakeholders to ensure the transparency teams and universities, as well as logistical of the activities. support and availability of resources for scientiic ‘Peixe Vivo’ also searches for tools to research, should enable the exponential growth identify and meet local demands, formulate of knowledge about biology, ecology, physiology environmental education programs, build and the behavior of native species. The company partnerships, and multiply the applied concepts. 14 15 CEMIG ETh bIoEnErGIa

Cemig is responsible for the largest electric energy distribution Part of oderbrecht group, eTH Bioenergia is in the business of production, grid in latin America and is the third largest group in generation marketing and logistics of ethanol, sugar and bioenergy and transmission in Brazil.


emig has been developing a research rivers Grande and Araguari. The research TH developed a program designed to manage project that provides for genetic survey is considered essential for perfecting the and monitor terrestrial lora in order to C of the ichthyofauna in rivers Grande work, in addition to providing elements for Erecover degraded areas contiguous to the and Araguari for a database of molecular the preparation of a management plan for activities of land development. The program also information. The studies are conducted in restocking and habitat restoration. monitors environmental quality in the Cerrado, areas where the company does businesses The genetic information database project the second largest biome in Brazil. The actions and is aimed at preserving information on for the ichthyofauna is essential for putting an have been concentrated in places where there had native species, such as historical knowledge of end to methodological dificulties in assessing been degradation of the loral environment before genetic diversity. The initiative is considered the eficiency of restocking. The scientiic work the company began its operations. strategic to guide the practices of restocking conducted by Cemig will serve to enhance the The program involves actions related to the species conducted by the company. knowledge, practices and technologies for recomposition of Permanent Preservation Areas Results evidenced by the use of molecular in the areas impacted (PPAs) and Areas of Legal Reserves (LRs). The markers are useful in answering questions by its activities. programs activities include actions of measures to about the eficiency of practices for restocking Species restocking is a measure that reduce siltation, turbidity, erosion of the margins ish species. The conclusions obtained from has been used in Brazil since the 1970s to of waterways and maintain the sustainability the sequencing of the ish will determine the mitigate the impact of dams on rivers, and has of rivers. Other goals are to help maintain water genetic characterization of matrixes and later been critical to maintaining and increasing quality and ish populations, promoting the identify whether given specimens originate ish production. The practice has also been improvement of landscape features, wildlife from restocking or natural reproduction. frequently required by environmental agencies corridors and restoring the genetic variability Cemig has already invested more than in granting environmental permits for of the communities previously degraded. R$ 300 thousand out of R$ 2 million earmarked construction of hydroelectric power plants. ETH sought to identify the areas of for studies of genetic evaluation in three greatest vulnerability in order to establish the points of different dams located along reforestation of fragments of the APP and LRs and thereby complete the planting of native species in more suitable locations. Between recovery. In some areas, such as in Mineiros December 2008 and April 2010, 12 properties City, species were chosen based on several - including own and third-party areas - were parameters, including adverse changes and targeted for reforestation measures, and availability of seeds. Local partners also enrichment of the natural regeneration of PPA participate and will recover seedlings produced and LRs with planting of 28,800 plants native to in a special nursery at the local ETH facilities. the Cerrado, derived from Brazilian forest region Thus, the Company will be contributing to the of Mineiros City (Goiás State). return to the community of areas ecologically The reforestation project aimed to rapidly similar to their original conditions. protect the soil, ensuring the success of

16 17 MIChElIn MonSanTo Do braSIl

Monsanto produces in Brazil herbicides and seeds of corn, soy, Michelin Brasil produces and sells tires, inner tubes and laps, exporting cotton and vegetables, and sugarcane varieties, products to assist particularly to other countries in South America. farmers in producing more, using less environmental resources.


he Michelin’s Ecological Reserve (REM) In order to identify local species, habitats, ince 2008, Monsanto and Conservation Ministry of the Environment (PDA/MMA). It is was created in 2005 to preserve an Atlantic interaction between them and the natural International (CI) have been developing the aimed at setting up a network of protected area TForest remnant in southern Bahia, an processes in this ecosystem with high diversity, SProducing and Conserving Program in the managers by 2011. area affected by deforestation and degradation. a research program has been created through Northeastern Atlantic Forest and in the Western In addition, three assessment works were Different lines of work were established for better the Center for the Study of Biodiversity (CEB), Bahia Cerrado, aimed at stimulating positive conducted in the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco knowledge of the area to be preserved serving as basis for researchers from Bahia and changes in biodiversity and natural habitats and Rio Grande do Norte, allowing for the and for determining measures to be taken to raise other regions interested in learning more about in those locations. identiication of 82 invasive exotic species (plants awareness of the importance of the initiative. this region. The proposal is to encourage the and animals). Continuing the work, training Implemented actions included surveillance, These professionals rely now on infrastructure implementation of best practices and the sessions were organized aimed at controlling scientiic research, enrichment of areas between (lodging, internet access, meals and trails) and adoption of sustainability criteria throughout invasive species with the participation of 50 forest stretches, and environmental education. a local technical team. Technical cooperation the value chain, with three objectives: curbing technicians from mills, NGOs, state and federal For surveillance and protection of the agreements have been signed with leading illegal deforestation, preventing species environmental agencies, and undergraduate and reserve, four forest wardens were hired in the universities in Bahia (Federal University of Bahia extinctions and encouraging compliance postgraduate students. local community aimed to reduce hunting and, in Salvador, Santa Cruz State University in Ilhéus, with environmental law. For this purpose, Forest remnants at risk of deforestation consequently, illegal activity. An increase of over and Feira de Santana State University), as well as Conservation International and Monsanto share were also registered. As part of a comprehensive 70% was veriied in the number of mid-sized with other national and international institutions. a total investment of US$ 13 million to be applied survey, Monsanto and NGOs mapped out rural and large mammals, prime targets for hunters. In addition, CEB launched a research incentive over a ive-year time. areas and registered 348 properties that were Moreover, the removal of timber and other forest program by awarding grants for undergraduate In the Atlantic Forest region, 18 municipalities classiied according to their conservation products was no longer observed. research, master’s and PhD degrees for projects – which matter the most for conservation of potential. A total of 48 customers of the undertaken in the reserve. Over a ive-year regional biodiversity were selected, with a company were identiied in the mapped areas. time, the Center for the Study of Biodiversity focus on the creation of protected areas. The The mapping was important to implement encouraged 53 research projects focused project calls for the creation of 3,000 hectares a strategy to make landowners aware of the on several organisms, including plants, ish, of protected areas, sheltering 95 populations need to preserve biodiversity. Agreements and reptiles and amphibians, mammals, birds, fungi, of endangered bird species and subspecies. The commitments have already been signed to butterlies, termites and ants. work also involved the identiication of local ensure their compliance with environmental With the objective of expanding the players – 20 land owners, 11 NGOs, community laws. As part of the initiative, a local NGO called conservation of the biome, a forest enriching associations, environmentalists, and 4 municipal Instituto Bioeste was trained to multiply these program has been created with seedlings of administrations – considered strategic for the activities in the region. plants native to the Atlantic Forest. In order to development of the conservation program. In the Cerrado (Brazilian savannah), extend the habitats used by some animal species, With the objective of promoting representatives of farmers, rural landowners, “ecological corridors” were formed by planting qualiication for the project’s implementation, the City of Luís Eduardo Magalhães, technical and maintaining native trees to interconnect the 6 training programs were attended by 145 people and scientiic institutions – such as Embrapa and reserve’s forest remnants. Over 70,000 seedlings on participative management and protected the Federal University of Bahia –, as well of more than 200 different species have already areas. In line with this, the initiative supports as NGOs are all partners of Monsanto and CI been planted. the program for Demonstrative Projects by the in the implementation of the program.

18 19 PETrobraS PETrobraS

A Brazilian company, Petrobras is an integrated energy company A Brazilian company, Petrobras is an integrated energy company operating in a proitable way in 27 countries, in addition to Brazil. operating in a proitable way in 27 countries, in addition to Brazil.


o enhance and strengthen policies for The Manatee Project has been developed in esponsible for reining petroleum-derived institutions (UFAM, INPA, UFRJ and PUC/RJ), marine conservation and sustainability the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba, where products, the Supply unit at Petrobras comprehended a number of topics related to Tof sponsored projects, in 2007 Petrobras studies and actions are promoted to preserve Rhas been developing actions to structure water and land ecosystem. produced the Integrated Strategic Planning for the sea manatee, considered Brazil’s most biodiversity management, since 2006. A RLAM, in Bahia, is located at the banks of the Marine Biodiversity, with a 10-year projection, endangered mammal. management standard and a Biodiversity Action All Saints Bay, in a mangrove area. In addition including marine conservation projects such as The Humpback Whale Project has been Plan have been created to include different to knowledge collected on marine ecosystems, Tamar (Sea Turtle), Manatee, Humpback Whale sponsored by Petrobras since 1996 to raise activities such as characterization, re-vegetation recent studies at RLAM complemented the and Spinner Dolphin. The plan was produced in awareness of residents and tourists about the projects, lora and fauna management, and survey on birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, partnership with federal environmental agencies importance of the species’ conservation. monitoring. The actions aim to increase and land and mangrove plants. and the institutions carrying out the projects. The Spinner Dolphin Project, in turn, has knowledge, in addition to seeking sustainability At SIX, in Paraná, researches addressed The projects sponsored by the company are been supported by Petrobras since 2002. This and respect for the environment in the operations the characterization of land (lora, mammals, nationally recognized as a scientiic reference, and initiative is carried out at the Fernando de of the company’s Supply division, thus minimizing birds, reptiles, amphibians and bees) and water contribute to increase the international projection Noronha (Pernambuco) archipelago and is aimed possible impacts on surrounding ecosystems. biodiversity (hydrophytes, ish, benthic, phyto of Brazilian policies on marine conservation, at promoting an analysis of the natural behavior The characterization of biodiversity in and zooplankton). The results showed a high and non-lethal use and management of aquatic of the species, in addition to preservation, internal areas as well as in the areas of inluence wealth of species (43% of the species in Paraná) mammals and chelonians. promotion of sustainable development and of the Supply Units began in 2006. Prior to that, and suggest the use of bees as bio-indicators for The quality of the actions can be measured awareness-raising activities with the population. a survey was conducted to identify existing the areas reclaimed after schist mining. by the excellent results achieved, such as an Petrobras’ Strategic Plan identiies data and studies in the literature and at the In addition, between 2006 and 2008, the increased population of the species concerned, opportunities for joint action and institutional company’s units, including ten Brazilian states soil usage and vegetal coverage in the internal producing technical and scientiic knowledge cooperation, resulting in the optimization of and different environments. area of the reineries were mapped out, and that is essential to the management of the efforts, thus ensuring a strategic dimension and The information collected allowed the it was observed that about 44% of the area of species and their environment. In addition, further stability for the projects. company to identify gaps in knowledge that the Supply Units is covered with vegetation. the evaluation of impacts of educational began to be illed through speciic researches, Some areas were selected for planting native information and environmental awareness thus enabling the start of the second stage, vegetation in order to promote biodiversity in communities has become possible by the which involves the collection of primary data. conservation, increase the connectivity between new scientiic discoveries, ranging from the Three units have already completed this stage: forest fragments and preserve the quality of promotion of sustainable economic alternatives Isaac Sabbá Reinery (REMAN), Landulpho Alves soil and water resources. In 2009, re-vegetation to socio-cultural appreciation of the species. Reinery (RLAM) and the Schist Industrialization projects were started, to be concluded by 2016. Created in 1980, the Tamar Project focuses Business Unit (SIX). Consistent with the daily activity of the on the preservation of sea turtles along the Located in Amazonas, REMAN was selected units, a booklet was produced with general Brazilian coast and has been sponsored by as pilot due to the environment in which it guidance on fauna management, including Petrobras since 1982. Coordinated by the Chico is inserted, with high biodiversity, and for information on the best practices to collect wild Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation sheltering in its internal area the Saguinus and domestic animals in areas where their lives (ICMBio), this initiative is implemented in nine bicolor, common name Pied Tamarin, an endemic are at risk. states, with a protection area covering more than primate species that is critically endangered. The one thousand kilometers of shoreline. studies – involving 50 researchers from different 20 21 Solvay InDuPa Do braSIl valE

Solvay Indupa is part of Solvay, an active international chemical group. The Company currently is the largest producer and exporter of iron ore and It is one of the leading petrochemical companies in Mercosur. pellets, with operations in ive continents.

enVIRonMenTAl ReClAMATIon HARPy eAGle ConseRVATIon

olvay Indupa do Brasil will recover and permit to start the construction of an electricity n 2009, Vale entered into a partnership promote vegetal enrichment in an area substation and transmission line, an important agreement with the National Institute for Sof approximately 25,000 sq m, in the State part in the process of technological retroitting IAmazonian Research (INPA) and the Chico of Sao Paulo. As environmental compensation, conducted at Solvay Indupa. Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation a detailed loristic and phytosociological survey The loristic and phytosociological survey (ICMBio) for conservation of the harpy eagle will be conducted in forest remnants existing will be conducted in a green area with 242.83 (Harpia harpyja) in the Carajás National Forest in the area preserved by the Company and, based hectares owned by Solvay, representing 20% (Flona), southeastern Pará. The partnership on these studies, samples of the species most of its total property. was materialized thanks to the interest of prevalent in the region will be collected in order All the green areas in the Company are Vale in contributing towards conservation to create seedlings for use in reclamation of Atlantic Forest fragments and, therefore, play of the species. areas to be affected by an expansion project. an important role for forest conservation. These In addition to the work of monitoring Solvay will hold the initiative as part of the remnants are located in the Central Corridor individuals, the program includes studies on the Environmental Reclamation Commitment Term. of the Atlantic Forest, included in the Pilot diet of nestlings, analyses of genetic variability, The Company has proposed this compensatory Program for Protection of Tropical Forests in environmental education activities and measure due to the suppression of about Brazil, an initiative that assumes that large tracts appreciation of wildlife with local communities, 8,000 sq m of vegetation to make a project viable of natural ecosystems are needed to maintain aimed at reducing the poaching impact on the in an area of watershed protection in the irst biodiversity and important ecological and Mosaic of Protected Areas in the region of Carajás basin area of Sao Paulo. The stretch to be evolutionary processes. (consisting of ive reserves) and its surroundings. reclaimed involves an area three times as large as Likewise, the results of lora diagnostic and In late 2007, the irst harpy eagle nest was the area where the impact will take place. monitoring conducted in the Solvay premises really spotted at Flona Carajás, where the company The environmental licensing process with matter in the formation of the Central Corridor, operates the world’s largest open-pit iron ore the Sao Paulo State Environmental Enterprise essential to increasing the connectivity between mine. Located on a chestnut tree in the Águas (Cetesb) has already been formalized and the the remaining areas and to allowing landscape Claras Project, the nest became active in 2008, the southern, southeastern and northeastern Company has already received the installation management in wide geographical areas. allowing, for the irst time in the state, the regions of the country, and is considered use of Brazilian satellites to monitor a wild endangered in several states. species. Another nest was found in the Igarapé Only in the Amazon the harpy eagle can Bahia Project in 2009, with both being weekly be found in greater numbers. However, monitored since then. populations have declined, mainly because The harpy eagle is the largest bird of of habitat destruction, poaching, and traficking prey in the Americas. Included in the List of of specimens. Although the hunting of these Threatened Brazilian Fauna by 2003, it is now animals is prohibited by law, birds are still rated as Vulnerable. The work being developed caught for their feathers to be used in crafts by Vale and partnering institutions is relevant and ornaments, and even as human food. as the species has become increasingly rare in

22 23 valE

The Company currently is the largest producer and exporter of iron ore and pellets, with operations in ive continents.

PRoTeCTed eCosysTeMs

ale has been carrying out activities for of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve in the protection of 22 areas destinated for recognition of the development of different Vthe conservation of Brazil’s biodiversity: kinds of methodology and technology for 15 of its own and seven administered by the sustainable use of natural resources and government. These areas add up to over 8,725 reclamation of degraded areas, an incentive and sq km, currently covering biomes of the Amazon sign of support for the development of scientiic (Pará and Maranhão States), Atlantic Forest knowledge and action put in place to protect (Espírito Santo and States), biodiversity. This title reinforces Vale Natural and Cerrado (Minas Gerais State). Reserve’s importance for the conservation of the These initiatives are a part of the company’s biome’s lora and fauna, as well as demonstrating broad vision regarding sustainable development its relevance as a model for management. allied to conservation of the elements comprising Action put in place by Vale demonstrates biological diversity. Vale recognizes the that the private sector can be a protagonist importance of biodiversity and considers and partner in the protection of natural areas it an intrinsic part of its business, endeavoring and in-situ conservation of the elements to maintain the wealth, variety and functionality comprising biodiversity. of the ecosystems concerned. Activities carried out in areas protected by Vale include action to control and ight wildires, hunting, and the collection of wild species. Of the areas that are company property, 12 reserves in Minas Gerais stand out, adding up to a total of approximately 70 sq km. In addition to these, there are projects for creating a further ive units and two proposals for expanding existing reserves, covering another 50 sq km of protected areas in the region. Another property well worth highlighting is Vale Natural Reserve. Covering over 220 sq km, it is one of the main remnants of Espírito Santo’s native vegetation. It lies within the World Natural Heritage Site of the Discovery Coast. The reserve was awarded the title of Outpost

24 25 Objective 2 of the CBD: Sustainable use of its components

The Convention on Biological Diversity has deined that the signatories to the CBD should use components of biodiversity in a manner and at a rate that does not, in the long term, decrease diversity, while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations. Thus, conservation of biodiversity is no longer viewed only in terms of protection of threatened species or ecosystems. The Convention introduced a new way of approaching to reconcile the need for conservation with development concerns. It acknowledged that biodiversity conservation is a common concern of Humankind and an integral part of the process of economic and social development. CEBDS presents here 11 cases of companies that adopt in their management models initiatives aimed at the sustainable use of biodiversity resources, representing an important contribution of the private sector to comply with the measures of the second objective of the CBD.

26 27 valE arCElorMITTal Tubarão

The Company currently is the largest producer and exporter of iron ore and Ever since its start of operations in 1983, ArcelorMittal Tubarão has already pellets, with operations in ive continents. marketed approximately 74 million tons of slabs, 92% of them for export.


o make Programs for the Reclamation of of the species showing the best results are to be rcelorMittal Tubarão and partners* have (LD slag with industrial treatment for expansion Mining Areas more eficient, in 2007 Vale carried out to ascertain their performance formed an initiative to develop a project reduction) in base and sub-base layers for road Tset up a program selecting native species in different conditions of degradation. Ainvolving the creation of artiicial marine pavement. The partnership resulted in the creation from the region of Minas Gerais State known Areas will be established for the species reefs off the coast of Espírito Santo. The of two technical standards that regulate the use as Iron Quadrangle for use in action being put selected in order to ensure the supply of seeds, partnership is distinguished for the innovative of ACERITA ® in paving roads. Since 2005, more in place in the area. A number of species of with genetic variance, for Projects for the use of LD steel slag co-product (generated in steel than 400,000 tons have been used to pave roads in leguminous plants are currently being tested, Reclamation of Areas Mined by Vale in Minas production process) to build pyramid-shaped southeastern Brazil. ACERITA was also recognized comprising an important group for the process Gerais State. structures that are used as artiicial reefs off by the FINEP Award for innovation in the of biological ixation of nitrogen in soil (a result This initiative is really strategic in helping the coast. development of a process to treat LD slag to reduce of ecological interaction with microorganisms). Vale overcome some of the challenges The partnership has been considered important its expansion. These species have been sown in a Reclamation Projects are facing in connection for marine life protection, and contributes to create The irst step taken by ArcelorMittal Tubarão to multiplication ield with the objective of with rescuing the biodiversity originally existing a source of income for ishermen in the state. This reach the current advancements was the creation selecting those with the greatest potential in operation sites. In many cases, projects start is because the artiicial reefs are bringing life back of an Environmental Management System, which for the formation of biomass. Performance tests by recovering basic ecosystem functions, such to the ecosystems, thus allowing continued ishing uses software to monitor waste and co-products. as protecting soil from erosion, nutrient ixation activities. The innovation will also enable the A speciic management area was also created for and cycling, microclimate adaptation and commercial production of mussels. the development of new applications and sales of increasing local primary productivity. In 2008, the initiative was recognized by the co-products. This has enabled the standardization However, this work does involve certain Brazil Environmental Benchmarking Ranking of recycling control, handling and processing, reuse dificulties, such as the limited number and is currently under licensing process for large- of materials, and temporary elimination of waste in of species commercialized that are suitable scale application by the Brazilian Institute of the the Company’s premises. for use in the early stages of reclamation. Environment and Renewable Natural Resources Regarding research on alternative uses for LD An additional problem concerning the lack (IBAMA). The project was adopted thanks to the slag, partnerships have been reached with several of commercial supply of local species has also alternatives developed by ArcelorMittal Tubarão universities and laboratories to develop methods come to light: species offered do not usually for using LD steel slag as a way to manage aimed at improving waste technical quality. Studies grow naturally in the ecosystems earmarked its production waste, while reducing internal were also conducted to determine whether LD slag for reclamation, because of emphasis on the waste inventories. was environmentally safe. All results indicated that formation of pastures. The work is one of the activities comprising the co-product was not harmful to the environment Until 2000, the reclamation process in most the ArcelorMittal’s environmental commitments, or to human health. of the areas where Vale has carried out mining including the adoption of good practices in waste Therefore, the composition of appropriate operations was started with species with a high management, and represents the effort made technical speciications and characteristics was potential for growth, but not native to Brazil. by the Company to turn an environmental started. In 2003, the Company initiated the process This procedure changed after further research challenge into an opportunity for innovation. to treat LD slag in order to make its use feasible and improved reclamation techniques were In 2004, ArcelorMittal Tubarão entered into for commercial use. Now, the material is no longer adopted, including selection of native species. a partnership agreement with the National considered a steelmaking waste, and it has been Transport Infrastructure Department / Institute used as a tool for social development, as well as to for Highway Research - DNIT / IPR to use ACERITA® reduce environmental degradation.

28 * Ecos Institute, Municipality of Serra, Serra’s Fishermen Colony, Sebrae, and State Secretariat for Agriculture, Supply and Fishing. 29 funDação ESPaço ECo CaIxa EConôMICa fEDEral

Fundação Espaço ECO promotes sustainable development in society by CAIxA is the largest agent for public policy in the Brazilian government. sharing knowledge and technology applied in eco-eficiency, environmental It serves bank customers and formal workers in Brazil, in addition to education and reforestation. beneiciaries of social programs and lotteries.


undação Espaço ECO (FEE) has conducted an aixa Econômica Federal (CEF) has due to the high rainfall rate in the region. analysis of the economic, environmental and established a minimum standard Underground water is drained, stored and iltered Fsocial impacts of the System for Destination C for using sustainability items in the to supply toilet lushing and the ire system. of Empty Containers in Brazilian agribusiness, a construction of new branches, including Estimated savings are around 50%. program coordinated by inpEV - National Institute the use of certiied or reforested wood. The Another 12 units of the Company are for Processing Empty Containers (an entity guidelines should also be adopted in remodeling equipped with a system to collect rainwater for representing the industry of agrochemicals for existing buildings, whenever the solutions are non-drinking purposes. Savings reach as much inal disposal of their product containers). The feasible. Accordingly, the Company expects as 20%. In Curitiba (Paraná), at the Jardim das study concluded that the System helped make the the branches and units to reduce consumption Américas branch ofice, the rationalization sector more socio-eco-eficient, since the removal of natural resources and therefore cause less process allows for reusing rainwater in a separate of empty containers from the ield reduces environmental impact. The measures also storage, iltering and distribution system to the potential for human and environmental recycling of plastic from empty containers contribute to reducing operating costs. clean loors and irrigate external gardens, as contamination. It also promotes an increase collected promotes a great environmental As part of its responsibility in the use of well as in low consumption toilets (6 liters) and in skilled jobs and development of the sector beneit. In addition to offsetting the impact natural resources, Caixa already has 20 buildings faucets with aerators and automatic closing. through investment in research. caused by the collection itself, such as constructed with sustainability criteria, with 4 Generated savings reach 46% when compared The methodology used to reach the results emissions from transportation and energy of them having received “A” level of eficiency from to other units in the region of Curitiba, and 65% was the Socio-Eco-Eficiency Analysis, an and water consumption, it prevents other the Regulation for Assessing Energy Eficiency when compared to Brazil at large. innovative tool developed by BASF, Germany. major environmental problems such as soil Level in Commercial, Services and Public Buildings In total, Caixa has 2,600 branches in the This tool compares products, processes or contamination, increased emissions (PROCEL)/INMETRO. country and, therefore, has been working services, considering environmental, economic of greenhouse gases, and the potential for Construction and remodeling works must to expand its sustainable measures as it and social aspects. human contamination. include sustainability items as set forth by Caixa, understands that eco-eficient alternatives The study identiied that the System for Since 2007, Fundação Espaço ECO and inpEV such as implementation of separate waste will represent a positive impact nationwide, Destination of Empty Containers of agrochemicals have been working together to evaluate the collection, use of luorescent lamps, installation beneiting the environment and contributing employs nearly eight times as many skilled socio-eco-eficiency of the System for Destination of water-saving devices (taps and lushing valves), to improve life quality in Brazilian society. workers when compared to a conventional “not of Empty Containers of agrochemicals. The and reuse of rainwater. Certiied or reforested organized” system (as used before). The System partnership identiied the need to understand and wood is to be used in furniture and roof frames. is made up of farmers, distribution channels, demonstrate the impacts, positive or negative, of Caixa highlights a number of examples government and manufacturers. the System in the Brazilian agribusiness. that serve as a model for sustainable practices Of the total number of professionals Fundação Espaço ECO was created in June throughout its banking network. The central employed by the System, almost 10% are women, 2005 through a partnership of BASF with GTZ ofice in Belém, for instance, in addition to especially in receiving and recycling centers. (German international technical cooperation energy eficiency, has a water-saving and Although women represent a small portion of the enterprise), aimed at promoting sustainable environmentally-sustainable drainage system workers in the chain, the analysis pointed out that development by transferring knowledge, solutions to reduce the high soil moisture, a local problem since the inception of the System in 2002, this and technologies to be applied in eco-eficiency, igure increased by 200% when compared to 2008. environmental education and reforestation. It was also possible to identify that the 30 31 CoCa-Cola braSIl PETrobraS

The Brazilian division is one of the four largest operations A Brazilian company, Petrobras is an integrated energy company with The Coca-Cola Company. operating in a proitable way in 27 countries, in addition to Brazil.


n June 2007, Coca-Cola Brasil announced the Living, and Workplace. ith the objective of contributing to target set by headquarters to be neutral in In the same year the Platform was launched, sustainable development, Petrobras’ Iwater consumption by 2020. All factories in the Company decided that the industrial facilities WEnvironmental Program invests in the country that make up the Coca-Cola Brasil operating in Brazil would then evaluate the projects in Brazil designed to conserve and System made a commitment to return to the vulnerabilities of water quality and volume preserve environmental resources and consolidate communities and to nature an amount equivalent available for industrial use as a means of Brazilian socio-environmental awareness. During to that used in production. developing strategies and solutions in joint work the 2008-2012 period, programs should have as In order to achieve the target, the Company with civil society and governments, in order to a core subject: “Water and Climate: contributions focused its efforts on three areas, including a implement a plan for protection of water sources to sustainable development”. reduction in the water consumption indicator in by 2013. Since its inception in 2003, Environmental parallel to the growth of production volume. For On road to saving water, new units of the Coca- Petrobras has sponsored hundreds of projects, 2012, the target is a 20% drop in consumption when Cola Brasil System were built keeping the green comprehending tens of basins and ecosystems compared to 2004. In Brazil, a 13% reduction in factory concept in mind, including a unit in Maceió in ive Brazilian biomes: Amazon, Atlantic Forest, consumption has already been achieved. (AL) to be certiied by Leadership in Energy and Caatinga, Cerrado and Pantanal. Its support Secondly, the company must recycle water Environmental Design (LEED). has directly involved 3.6 million people, in used in wastewater treatment operations. Finally, In the project of its green factory, the new Coca- addition to setting up over 820 partnerships, Coca-Cola Brasil has been dedicated to replace the Cola plant included an ultra-iltration system that 240 publications, 4,354 courses and lectures, water used, by promoting actions to ensure the reduces water consumption by 15%. Other similar and the study of more than ive thousand community’s access to natural resources, including measures involve water reuse in toilets, gardens native species. conscious consumption, energy eficiency and restoration and preservation of watersheds. and cooling towers, as well as rainwater collection. In 2008, the Program started including conservation of natural resources. As a way to The measures adopted by Coca-Cola Brasil are Coca-Cola Brasil also recognizes the need to matters relative to carbon sequestration democratize access to resources and ensure part of a strategic vision, as the Company foresees engage stakeholders. Already happening over the and emissions avoided, based on driving the transparency of sponsorship procedures, that water scarcity may be a risk factor for its last 16 years, in 2009 the company organized one of restoration of degraded areas and conservation nationwide public selections are carried out every business. Water usage is also important to ensure the largest global environmental mobilizations in of forests and natural areas. other year, in which entities all over the country the economic growth of the country and critical to the country, the World Day for Cleaning Rivers and Programmatic lines also include projects can enter projects for up to R$ 3.6 million. the health and life of communities. Beaches, in partnership with the Center for Marine designed to manage surface and underground In the 2008-2012 period, R$ 500 million will In line with this, Coca-Cola Brasil has been Conservation (The Ocean Conservancy), and the water resources and the recovery or be invested in the Program’s strategic action facing the challenges of the current actuality, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). conservation of shorelines, marine and fresh including investing in sponsoring environmental characterized by environmental impacts caused In 2009, more than 16 thousand people, water species and environments. projects; strengthening environmental by climate change and increased demand for including about 2,100 volunteers from the Coca- Regardless of the programmatic focus, organizations and their networks, and water resources due to an increase in the country’s Cola Brasil System, collected over 74 tons of waste sponsored projects must carry forward disseminating information on sustainable population. In 2008, the company launched a in almost 160 km of sea and rivers, located environmental education designed to encourage development. Global Platform for Sustainability, called Live in 35 cities across 19 Brazilian states. Positively, focused on seven core areas: Water Stewardship, Sustainable Packaging, Energy and Climate, Community, Beverage Beneits, Healthy 32 33 SynGEnTa GooDyEar

Goodyear do Brasil manufactures several types of high-quality tires, Syngenta is an agribusiness company, one of the largest companies in the intended for three major markets: car makers (as original equipment), world, with over 25,000 employees in 90 countries, including Brazil. replacement and export.

GReeneR soyBeAn PRojeCT nAVIGATInG THe WATeRs of KnoWledGe PRoGRAM

yngenta has identiied in the Greener he Nature School Boat Association and microscope, trays with small species, and Soybean Project an opportunity to Goodyear promote environmental education publications on the environment. Scontribute to the sustainable production Tthrough the program Navigating the Waters Participants also have the opportunity of soybeans in Mato Grosso through the of Knowledge, to encourage students from public to navigate the Reservoir, which allows them environmental adjustment of 100% of its and private schools in Americana region (Sao to observe plantations and settlements, the properties in the state. A result of a partnership Paulo State) to develop a critical awareness of the riparian forest, as well as animals interacting in between the State Government, the Association socio-environmental problems of Salto Grande their habitat. All activities are supervised by two of Soy Producers in Mato Grosso (Aprosoja) Reservoir. monitors, as well as a sailor during navigation. and The Nature Conservancy NGO, the project Students receive information and guidance The Program follows a curriculum plan is in line with Syngenta’s objective to promote to assess the consequences of environmental with guidelines for the work developed by the sustainable development. carelessness, such as poor management of water Boat School and is in line with the strategies The environmental adjustment will ensure resources, destruction of riparian vegetation, of education for sustainability developed by that the properties be licensed and monitored air and water pollution, in addition to being Goodyear. Educators can also participate in by the state environmental agency, free from encouraged to propose possible solutions, continuing education courses on the subject possible penalties (ines, warnings, embargoes) supported by technicians with the Boat School. so they can multiply the knowledge in the by control agencies at federal, state and There are lectures on the history of the classroom. The program also provides for the municipal levels. Further, it demands that Reservoir, water quality, species diversity, and involvement of businesses and universities in the soybeans exported from Mato Grosso meet protected areas. Hands-on classes are held city of Americana. environmental requirements. in a mini-lab with ish specimens in a tank, The Greener Soybean Project will provide the environmental mapping of about 11.8 million hectares of Cerrado and Amazon issuance of a Single Environmental License, Rainforest in Mato Grosso, turning soybean which requires sustainable production producers into agents of change towards practices with proper implementation of the sustainability. Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation The project design will provide information Areas under the Forestry Code and the to producers so they can plan to regularize their Provisional Measure 2166 dated July 26, properties from the environmental standpoint, 2001. The environmental permit allows the thus optimizing time and resources so as to conservation of biodiversity and agricultural resolve their environmental non-compliance. production to occur with less economic and The property regularization involves the environmental risks.

34 35 GooDyEar MonSanTo Do braSIl

Goodyear do Brasil manufactures several types of high-quality tires, Monsanto produces in Brazil herbicides and seeds of corn, soy, intended for three major markets: car makers (as original equipment), cotton and vegetables, and sugarcane varieties, products to assist replacement and export. farmers in producing more, using less environmental resources.

BIoIsoPRene TIRes, An InnoVATIVe AlTeRnATIVe ResUMPTIon of CoTTon

n 2013 Goodyear expects to start marketing onsanto is part of a project for of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply allocated the world’s irst concept-tire, produced by reintroduction of cotton planting in funds for the project. Ithe company with BioIsoprene technology, Mnorthern Minas Gerais as a way to The testimony of Brazilian journalist an innovating alternative for a petrochemical ensure economic growth in the region. The Vivian Cardoso, in June 2009, clearly shows the ingredient used in the manufacture of synthetic initiative resulted in increased productivity from evolution of the initiative: “I have just arrived rubber. This product was exhibited in 2009 at the 40 units per hectare in 2006, when the project from Catuti. I bring in my luggage interesting life UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 15) in was started, to 230 units per hectare in 2009. The stories of farmers from northern Minas Gerais. Copenhagen, Denmark. price of cotton has also increased by 150%. At this time of year, drought scorches the region, Tires made with BioIsoprene are the result Thirteen municipalities in northern Minas but farmers are inding a way to improve their of cooperation between Genencor, a division of Gerais support the project developed by the City lives. Three years ago, the local community in Danisco, and Goodyear, one of the world’s major of Catuti, whose goal is to enable the planting partnership with the Brazilian Association of tire manufacturers and a leader in innovation. of 13.1 thousand hectares of transgenic cotton, Cotton Producers (Abrapa) started the project In September 2008, Goodyear and Genencor which allows farmers to use a smaller volume Resumption of Cotton in northern Minas Gerais. announced their cooperation in research on of insecticide at the plantation. The initiative Everything we saw and heard is recorded in a technology and integrated production systems represents one of the best projects for family report for the Rural Notícias show in June 2009”. for BioIsoprene. The two organizations have farming in the region. been working together on the project for an The activities rely on the advice of the integrated production system and expect to Cooperative of Cotton Producers in Catuti meet the technological and commercial targets (Coopercat) and the participation of the State set out in the contract. Secretariat of Agriculture, and the Minas Gerais In addition to synthetic rubber used in tire State Technical Assistance and Rural Extension production, traditional isoprene derived from Enterprise (Emater-MG). petroleum is used for manufacturing a huge upon using biomass as an alternative to The following organizations are also range of products, such as surgeons’ gloves, isoprene. The development of BioIsoprene can part of the project: Brazilian Association of golf balls and adhesives. The potential for help curb industry’s impact on the environment, Cotton Producers (Abrapa), Association of BioIsoprene is therefore substantial. using renewable materials in the production Cotton Producers of Minas Gerais (Amipa), the Goodyear’s irst concept tire demonstrates chain and making Goodyear less dependent Spinning and Weaving Trade Association of the enormous progress made by the company on oil derivatives. Minas Gerais, and the Minas Gerais Program for Incentive to Cotton (Proalminas). The Ministry

36 37 Suzano

suzano is a forestry-based company, and a latin America leading vertically-integrated producer of pulp and paper, with operations in about 80 countries.

InTeGRATed PlAnnInG foR enVIRonMenTAl MAnAGeMenT (PlIMA)

uzano Papel e Celulose applies a tool curtains of native vegetation aimed at for planning land use and environmental minimizing the monotony of the landscape Smanagement in its new forest areas in resulting from the monoculture, by alternating Piauí, aimed at maintaining the aspects of the strips of planted and native forests at the edge landscape, biodiversity, water resources and of state and municipal highways. the community living next to the areas of the In this way, the Company blends the Company. The tool, which will also be used conservation of natural ecosystems and the in other new forest enterprises, enables the sustainable use of biodiversity with production use of natural resources and the balance areas to be used for forest plantation. The aim is of existing ecosystems. to ensure the sustainability of the rural property Developed through technical studies in and the company, while allowing the renewal a multidisciplinary way, the work consists in the capacity of natural cycles. analysis of the lora, fauna, soils, water resources, topography, altimetry, social factors, geographic information system, environmental legislation and archeology. After the survey, the concepts of Environmental Zoning are applied, with the delimitation of the total area of the property into zones. The capacity and potential of the soil are respected, considering natural and social constraints. The areas with the greatest conservation interest are deined as legal reserve areas, connected by ecological corridors, which allow the continuous low of lora and fauna, and will be eventually linked to other properties. These corridors are connected to islands or blocks of convergences, that are intended to fragment large tracts of corridors, in addition to providing a micro-region for the fauna establishment. The permanent preservation areas are widened with legal reserve areas, thus increasing the proportion of native vegetation to protect them. In relation to landscape features, keeps 38 39 Objective 3 of the CBD: Fair and equitable sharing of the beneits of the utilization of genetic resources

The third objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity recognizes the close dependence on biological resources of many local communities, indigenous populations with traditional lifestyles and knowledge. This objective addresses the need for users of genetic resources to ensure fair and equitable sharing of beneits arising from the commercialization or other use of natural resources, and there should be a negotiation between the parties, for instance, to formalize agreements with indigenous or traditional communities. The respect for knowledge, traditions, values and customary practices should also be among the top concerns of resource users. Access to and transfer of relevant technologies that use genetic resources is another point referred to by the CBD. CEBDS presents 3 cases here related to the third objective of the Convention. However, CEBDS recognizes that the number of experiences of the private sector is not signiicant yet, relecting the complexity of establishing a protocol including international rules to guide the implementation of the third objective of the CBD.

40 41 naTura naTura

founded in 1969, natura is a cosmetics company recognized by its differentiated founded in 1969, natura is a cosmetics company recognized by its differentiated value proposition: a direct sales business model, which generates income value proposition: a direct sales business model, which generates income and opportunities. and opportunities.

VAlUeInG TRAdITIonAl KnoWledGe PIoneeRInG BUsIness Model

n 2006, Natura became the irst Brazilian (Cyperus articulatus) and White Breu (Protium ince 2000, Natura has been investing in a arising from access to genetic assets or their company to recognize the value of traditional pallidum). business model based on the sustainable associated traditional knowledge; from use of Iknowledge. The Company has pioneered Negotiations to conclude the Beneit- Suse of biodiversity and appreciation image; and through direct investment in local entering into an agreement with Ver-as-Ervas Sharing contract took about six months, since of local culture. The Company believes in sustainable development. Association, at Ver-o-Peso Market in Belém there were no previous experiences in Brazil on the technological, differentiating potential Some igures can illustrate the practice (Pará), for sharing beneits of associated the subject, and there was no absolute clarity of cosmetic products and in the social and of resource transfer to supplying communities. traditional knowledge. about the legal representation of herbalists for environmental gains derived from this model. In 2009, Natura paid R$ 2.7 million to supplying This groundbreaking agreement was the signing the contract. The greatest expression of the sustainable use communities for sales of biodiversity assets; result of a long dialogue with Ver-as Ervas In view of the controversy, Natura intensiied of Brazilian biodiversity is the Natura Ekos line, over R$ 1 million as shared beneits for access Association, an entity gathering 102 sellers the dialogue and, in October 2006, it entered consisting of approximately 100 products, a very to genetic assets and associated traditional of herbs, overcoming the dificulties found into the contract which provided for transfer important business front for Natura. knowledge; and R$ 1.10 million in funds in the Brazilian legislation regarding the use to the Association of a percentage on net sales In new product development, Natura Ekos and support to the communities. Another of biodiversity. of products based on Kumaru, Flatsedges and combines scientiic knowledge and wisdom of R$ 14.5 thousand were paid for the use of images; To develop its technological platform, White Breu. Under the partnership, resources traditional communities through partnerships R$ 151 thousand for qualiication, with Natura researches and seeks inspiration from have also been invested in developing the with small local producers of raw materials. To workshops and courses for improvement various sources, including literature, suppliers Association. Part of the investment was sustain this relationship, the Company adopts of sustainable production techniques; of raw materials, extractive communities, and intended to purchase equipment and a central the principles of the Convention on Biological in addition to R$ 27.8 thousand for certiication the market. In 2003, Company representatives ofice, in addition to offering French and English Diversity (CBD) and seeks to encourage: fair of cultivated areas; and R$ 372 thousand visited Ver-o-Peso Market and became aware of classes so that foreign tourists can be better trade relations, by whenever possible selecting for studies and consulting services by experts the Traditions of “Scent Baths”. Inspired in them, welcomed at the Ver-o-Peso Market stalls. organized groups; written agreements using and NGOs hired by Natura to work with Natura has developed fragrances from essential clear and accessible language; ongoing supplying communities. oils of Kumaru (Dipteryx odorata), Flatsedges dialogue among all parties involved; as well as In line with this, Natura Ekos represents investments in the continuing search for new a pioneering business model that creates technologies to minimize negative impacts and a virtuous cycle, by generating wealth for the enhance positive impacts of economic activities, country, and returning value to the place be they environmental or socio-cultural. of origin. Everyone beneits: the community, In order to obtain resources from nature because the work generates income for in a sustainable fashion, partnerships have families; Natura, that identiies new business been developed with 26 communities to which opportunities; consumers, who purchase quality different types of resources are transferred. products with better sensory properties; and The communities receive resources from nature, because the community takes care funds raised with the sale of the raw materials of forests to ensure a better quality of life produced; from contracts for sharing beneits for themselves and for future generations.

42 43 naTura

founded in 1969, natura is a cosmetics company recognized by its differentiated value proposition: a direct sales business model, which generates income and opportunities.

PRodUCTIon And soCIAl InClUsIon

n March 2010, Natura launched a new line of of palms, to the socioeconomic and cultural soaps under the Ekos brand, whose formula assessment. It also promotes qualiication Iuses about 20% to 50% of oils extracted from for small farmers, generating employment, Brazilian species, such as cupuassu, cocoa, fostering social inclusion in a socially-challenged passion fruit and murumuru. Named Maracatu, region, and helping keep the forest standing. It the innovation marks the expansion of the is estimated that the project will result in the Company’s proposal into the sustainable use preservation of approximately 3,000 trees. of Brazilian biodiversity as a technological By including oils from Brazil’s biodiversity platform. Based on organic vegetable products, in its soaps, Natura has doubled the annual the eight soaps are made with species produced inancial resources that have been historically through agro-forestry systems, with reduced transferred to those communities. By 2008, the environmental impact. average amount was R$ 0.72 million, while now The work of extracting oil from murumuru the total reaches R$ 1.4 million for communities. seeds, a palm tree native to the Amazon Rainforest, involves 157 families in upstate Pará. The murumuru, which used to be endangered in the region, was not considered very useful, not even as food. These trees, with sharp thorns along their stems, used to be unvalued by those families, which replaced them with more proitable crops, such as açai palm, highly valued in local and foreign markets. The project by Natura has increased awareness of the value of the species and, consequently, the potential for generating income for the families. With this model, Natura supports the development of the supply chain, which ranges from forest mapping, to identify new species

44 45 and opportunities. The Millennium Ecosystem economies, must demonstrate leadership in Assessment estimated that 60% of all ecosystem setting up networks of companies committed CEBDS | CTBio services declined in the last 50 years (MEA, 2005). to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem More recently, the Economics of Ecosystems and services maintenance. The Challenge for Business: Valuing Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010) review determined that In order for this to happen it is necessary US$ 2 to 5 trillion are lost annually in ecosystem that accounting methods for calculating both Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services services due to forest loss and degradation. This positive as well as negative impacts on biodiversity amount is equal to the GDP of China. improve. Business leaders perceive that integrating The same report states that this amount biodiversity and ecosystem services into their value he United Nations declared 2010 the This evaluation will be a irst step towards deining will likely increase with the improvement and chains can result in cost reduction, as well as help International Year of Biodiversity . The World biodiversity loss reduction and compensation targets development of new methods for valuing ecosystem maintain and generate new sources of revenue. TSummit on Sustainable Development held for business impacts on biodiversity. services. The methodology used for this irst Doing so also improves companies’ reputation while in Johannesburg, in 2002, also adopted the goal of The Value of Biodiversity and Ecosystem assessment, called TruCost, reviewed the impact of giving greater credibility to business operations. signiicantly reducing biodiversity loss at all levels – Services for the Brazilian Business Sector 3,000 companies on natural resources and concluded It is essencial that companies recognize, control national, regional and global – by 2010, recognizing An agreement has been reached that society that approximately US$2.2 trillion were lost in 2008. and capture the value associated with biodiversity its contribution to poverty reduction and must be mobilized, at all levels, in order to mitigate On the other hand, the study also estimated that and ecosystem services that affect their operations. human welfare. and adapt to climate change. We must equally work the maintenance of these services would require an It is also critical that they help society gain a better Biodiversity supports the functioning of towards reducing biodiversity loss, helping to bridge annual investment of US$ 45 billion. understanding of the potential of integrating these the ecosystems on which we depend for food the gap between the climate change agenda and And so, a new era begins with the recognition values into business decisions. Although placing a and drinking water, health and leisure, climate the CDB, while ensuring that biodiversity protection that the annual loss of natural resources may be value on ecosystems and biodiversity is something regulation, as well as for the protection against remains at the forefront of government, private equal to trillions of dollars. Different markets and new for many companies, it is becoming increasingly natural disasters. Its loss also affects us, reducing sector, and society’s commitments and concern. consumers relect this change by demanding a necessary to do so in order to ensure the long term the capacity of ecosystems to provide these In the words of the Secretary-General of proactive role from companies in terms of identifying viability of operations. essential services to society and business. the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon: “Indeed, the sustainable solutions. The challenge for companies Considering these factors, the Brazilian Despite the enormous dependence of human conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is meeting the demands of a globalized market in Business Council for Sustainable Development society on ecosystem services, the goal ixed for 2010 is an essential element of any strategy to adapt to constant evolution, while incorporating social and (CEBDS), through its Biodiversity and Biotechnology was not met. The third Global Biodiversity Outlook climate change, reducing its impacts, and making environmental values in their business decisions. Working Group, commits to: reported no indication of decline in the rates of ecosystems – and therefore, human society – more All evidence indicates that companies i) Identify, disseminate and stimulate the biodiversity loss, nor in the pressures that drive resilient. It is therefore essential that the challenges that do not to include sustainable biodiversity adoption of best practices related to biodiversity the loss. In fact, all evidence indicates an increase related to biodiversity and climate change be management into their operational and growth and ecosystem services management, thereby in consumption rates and in the demographic integrated in a coordinated fashion and given the plans will be increasingly out of sync with market helping to minimize and compensate business pressures that continue to degrade the quality and same level of priority.” forces. Similarly, in a planet that will grow from 6 impacts, while supporting the conservation, quantity of natural resources and ecosystems. We understand that business must play an active to 9 billion people by 2050, the way that companies sustainable use and beneit sharing associated with The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable role in this context. The CDB provides guidance for the respond to these risks, realities and opportunities the use of natural resources; Development (Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro private sector’s participation in its implementation. is increasingly likely to become a condition for ii) Review and test different methodologies para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, CEBDS, in Its main recommendations are that business maintaining their market base and proit margins. and approaches for valuing biodiversity and portuguese) and its associated companies recognize cooperate with governments in the development In this way, biodiversity loss begins to be ecosystem services targeted at businesses; the need to mobilize society to halt this loss and to and implementation of national strategies and addressed in economic terms. This trend is also iii) Share the results of this experience by 2012. promote actions that result in a positive impact by biodiversity action plans; that they participate in the made evident in the consumer choices, market the business sector on biodiversity and ecosystem CDB processes; and that they compile and develop forces, and international agreements that call for In this way, we will be building in Brazil concrete services while contributing to the Convention on best practices aimed to protect biodiversity. sustainability criteria. experiences of valuing biodiversity, and reinforcing Biological Diversity’s (CDB) objectives. The value of biodiversity and ecosystem our leadership in contributing to the CDB agenda In this way, CEBDS’ Biodiversity and services must also be better relected in economic tHe biodiVersity And as well as Brazil’s National Biodiversity Policy. Biotechnology Working Group (CTBio), in partnership models and policies. Sustainable biodiversity bioteCHnoloGy worKinG with its member companies, commits to reviewing management must be integrated in economic GrouP’s PlAns and selecting the best available tools to help systems as a resource for future operations, as well Together, governments and businesses, businesses value biodiversity and ecosystem services. as a condition for new business-oriented markets be they a part of developed or developing 46 47 Master Sponsor
