
Chinese Journal of International Review Vol. X, No. Y, Article ID (7 pages)  World Scientific Company and School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Shanghai International Studies University

Instructions for Manuscripts using MS Word*

First Author name (Given name followed by Surname) (David Perry) University Department, University Name, Address City, State ZIP/Zone, Country [email protected]

Second Author name (Given name followed by Surname) (Shanneng Zhang) Group, Laboratory, Address City, State ZIP/Zone, Country [email protected]

Abstract The abstract should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the paper in less than 200 words. It should not contain any references or displayed equations. Typeset the abstract in 10 pt Times New Roman with 13 pt line spacing. Text width of the abstract should be 4.5 inches.

Keywords Keyword1; keyword2; keyword3… The maximum number of the keywords should be ten.

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* Acknowledgments and sponsorship: This is an Open Access article, owned by the WSCP and SIRPA of SISU. The article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY-NC) Licence. Further distribution of this work is permitted, provided the original work is properly cited and for non-commercial purposes. 1 Chinese Journal of International Review Vol. x, No. y

1. General Appearance Contributions to Chinese Journal of International Review will be produced from the authors’ source file. These should be submitted with the manuscripts in Microsoft Word format, and resubmitted in the final form if a paper requires revision before being accepted for publication. The author names, affiliations and email addresses will appear in final publication.

2. The Main Text Authors should have their contribution checked for grammar. American spelling should be used. Abbreviations are allowed but should be spelt out in full when first used. Italicize foreign language phrases (e.g. Latin, French). The text should be in 11 pt Roman, single spaced with interline spacing of 14 pt. Text area (including copyright block) is 8 inches high and 5 inches wide for the first page. Text area (excluding running title) is 7.7 inches high and 5 inches wide for subsequent pages. Final pagination and insertion of running titles will be done by the publisher.

3. Major Headings & Subheadings Major headings should be typeset with the first letter of important words capitalized, title case and boldface.

3.1. Subheadings Subheadings should be typeset with the first letter of important words capitalized, title case, boldface and italicized.

3.1.1. Sub-Subheadings Sub-subsections should be typeset with the first letter of important words capitalized, title case and italicized.

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3.3. Lists of items Lists may be laid out with each item marked by a dot:

2 Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title)

 item one,  item two,  item three,  item four.

4. Illustrations and Photographs Figures are to be inserted in the text nearest their first reference. EPS files or postscript files are preferred. If photographs are to be used, only black and white ones are acceptable. Previously published material must be accompanied by written permission from the author and publisher.

Figure 1. The Caption of Figures are in Title Case with No Period. If the caption is more than one line it needs to be manually justified.

Figures are to be sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals. Left align the caption and place it above the figure. Typeset in 9 pt Arial with 12 pt line spacing. Use double spacing between a caption and the text that follows immediately.

5. Tables Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. Some space should be left above and below the table. Tables should be numbered sequentially in the text in Arabic numerals. Captions are to be left aligned above the tables. Typeset tables and captions in 9 pt Arial with 11 pt line spacing. If tables need to extend over to a second page, the continuation of the table should be preceded by a caption, e.g., “Table 1 (Continued)”. Footnotes in tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters and placed beneath the table.

3 Chinese Journal of International Review Vol. x, No. y

Table 1. This is the Caption for the Table in Title Case.

Order of Pillars of the PRS Pledged Percentage of Contribution Contribution 1 Infrastructure and basic services 68 77% 2 Economic revitalization 142 16% 3 Peace and security 6.2 7% 4 Governance and rule of law 0 0% Total 883

6. Running Heads On the left-hand side, the journal title should be used as the running head and on the right-hand side, the article title should be used as the running head. If the title is too long, only the main title or a shortened title should be used.

Appendix A. Appendix Appendices should be used only when sophisticated technical details are crucial to be included in the paper.

A.1. This is the subappendix This is the subappendix sample text.

A.1.1. Sub-subappendix This is the sub-subappendix sample text.

Appendix B. Another Appendix If there is more than one appendix, number them alphabetically.

7. Footnotes Footnotes should be numbered sequentially in superscript Arabic numerals. Footnotes should only contain additional information and comments of the which could not be included in the main text of the paper. They should not contain bibliographic information, citations or information which should otherwise appear in the references section.

8. Citations and References , journals, working papers and other publications listed in the References at the end of chapter should be cited in the main text.

4 Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title)

8.1. Citations in the main text They can be cited by using the author’ last name in text as,

One author: Direct citation: According to Freeman, 1993 Indirect citation: (Freeman, 1993)

Two authors: Direct citation: According to Helpman and Krugman, 1985 Indirect citation: (Helpman and Krugman, 1985)

Three authors (using the last name of the first-named author): Direct citation: According to Acemoglu et al., 2006 Indirect citation: (Acemoglu et al., 2006)

9. References at the end of each article References are to be listed in alphabetical order at the end of each article by using the style shown in the following examples. Full journal and titles should be used and italicized. The full author names should be provided.

Books Tanisha Bashford Dean (1920), Helmets and Body Armor in Modern Warfare (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), pp. 30–34.

Article or chapter in edited volume Chih-yu Shih (2018), “Crafting a Bridge Role through Chinese Studies without Sinology: Lessons of South Asian Think Tanks for Singapore,” in Chin-yu Shi et al., eds., China Studies in South and Southeast Asia: Between Pro-China and Objectivism (Singapore: World Scientific), pp. 225-251.

Journal article Walter Russel Mead (2014), “The Return of Geopolitics: The Revenge of the Revisionist Powers,” Foreign Affairs, Vo. 93, No. 3 (May/June 2014), pp. 81-87.

Volume in a series Stephen E. Ambrose (1985), Eisenhower, Vol. 2: The President (New York: Simon and Schuster), chap. 7.

5 Chinese Journal of International Review Vol. x, No. y

Annual International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2014), The Military Balance 2014 (London: IISS), pp. 315–318. 106.

Translated and edited version; multivolume work Luigi Albertini (1952), The Origins of the War of 1914, 3 vols., trans. and ed., Isabella M. Massey (London: Oxford University Press), p. 171. Homer (1990), The Iliad, trans. Robert Fagles (New York: Viking), bk. 4, pp. 151–152 Zhenglai Deng (2006). “zhongguo faxue xiang hechu qu” [China Jurisprudence: Where to Go?] (Beijing: Commercial Press, 2006).

Reprint/Revised/Enlarged edition Bernard Brodie and Fawn M. Brodie (1973), From Crossbow to H-Bomb (New York: Dell, 1962; rev. and enl. Ed., Bloomington, Indiana University Press.

Periodicals and Dailies Benjamin Frankel (1993), “The Brooding Shadow: Systemic Incentives and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation,” Security Studies, Vol. 2, Nos. 3–4 (Spring/Summer), pp. 37– 78. Richard K. Betts (1977), “Paranoids, Pygmies, Pariahs, and Nonproliferation,” Foreign Policy, Spring, pp. 157–183. Steven Pinker (2011): “The Optimistic Voice of Science,” Guardian, September 17.

Paper in a series Moeed Yusuf (2009), “Predicting Proliferation: The History of the Future of Nuclear Weapons,” Foreign Policy Paper Series No. 11 (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution), p. 4.

Unpublished paper or dissertation Bear F. Braumoeller (2013), “Is War Disappearing?” paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinios, August 29– September 1. Marko Djuranovic (2008), “Democracy or Demography? Regime Type and Determinants of War Outcomes,” Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 2008.

Government report Richard M. Nixon (1971), “Informal Remarks in Guam with Newsmen,” July 25, 1969, Presidential Papers of the United States: Richard M. Nixon, 1969 (Washington, D.C.: Government Office [GPO]), p. 549. Memorandum of Conversation (1994), June 22, 1962, Foreign Relations of the United States [FRUS], 1961–1963, Vol. 13: Western Europe and Canada (Washington, D.C.: GPO), p. 422.

6 Instructions for Typing Manuscripts (Paper’s Title)

Archival Material George H.W. Bush (1990), “Address before a Joint Session of Congress,” Washington, D.C., September 11, 1990 (Charlottesville: Miller Center, University of Virginia, Scripps Library and Multimedia Archive).

Online Materials Robin Marantz Henig (2011), “Is Violence Finished?” Newsweek, October 3, http://www.newsweek.com/steven-pinkers-better-angels-our-nature-review-68267. Xiaoqui Zhang, Wei Qin, and Dun Zhang (2005), “PLA Develops New Non-Metal Bulletproof Helmet,” China Military Online, May 18, http://english.chinamil.com.cn/site2/ news-channels/2005-05/18/content_207557.htm. William R. Doerner and Ross H. Munro (1987), “Pakistan Knocking at the Nuclear Door: AKey Ally Conªrms That His Scientists Can Build the Bomb,” Time, March 30, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,963894,00.html.