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State party: events that have afflicted the area but also to the age-old rural community’s vocation for working this steep and difficult terrain. The castles, forts, abbeys, State, province or Region: churches, forests and farmland as portrayed in 14th The site is located within the administrative bound- century paintings and in the works of Cima da Con- aries of the Region and lies entirely in the egliano, have been preserved here where they alter- Province of . nate with vineyards on steep slopes. The site, which today makes up almost the entire DOCG production Name of Property: area, has for decades been subject to strict safe- Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbia- guards in the form of architectural, landscape and dene hydro-geological restrictions also due to the pres- ence of Natura 2000 network priority habitats, so Geographical coordinates to the nearest second: continuing the need to protect the “beauty of one’s Central point of the site native landscape”, the individual and collective con- Longitude: 45°94’84.84’’ N science of its inhabitants, as so well described in the Latitude: 12°17’53.03’’ E verses of Andrea Zanzotto, among the great poets of the 20th century landscape.

TEXTUAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY These measures are reflected in the stringent regu- BOUNDARIES: lations adopted on regional and local levels by the Veneto Region and municipalities that strictly limit The property is located in the northern area of the transformation and equate to a widespread feeling , in the Veneto Region, and cov- of community within a network of more than a thou- ers an area of 18967.25 ha. The nominated property sand wine cellars operating in the area, in the inter- has been historically marked by its geomorphology ests of a difficult terrain whose millennial adaptation and the inclination of its sites, is characterized by a has become a vehicle of wellbeing and redemption. diverse patchwork of vineyards, churches, villages The buffer zone covers 9769.80 ha and it is situat- and natural areas, and includes four main towns, ed in the valleys opposite the slopes of the Pre-Alps. Conegliano (to the southeast), (to the Characterized by lower elevations in respect to the southwest), Valdobbiadene (to the west), Vittorio hogbacks, the buffer zone was selected taking in Veneto (to the northeast). consideration the history of the viticulture that grad- ually moved from the landri towards the higher ele- The core zone perimeters have been defined on the vation of the hogbacks. basis of these natural features and their intertwining with history dating back to the 12th century, there- Designed to absorb the pressures caused by future fore, they don’t take into account the administrative economic and social development in order to safe- boundaries of the site, but coincide with: guard the integrity of the hills, the buffer zone is also subject to numerous functional restrictions in order • the valleys that separate the hills from the Pre-Alps to ensure the hydro-geological preservation of the to the North; site and its ecosystem services, as well as to certain • the Piave River to the West; limitations regarding the processing of land into vine- • the bottom of the foothills to the great Po Valley to yards – known as the DOC production area – that the Southeast. are less stringent due to the less fragile character of low lying terrain, but which are also subject to the Within this area there are preserved architectural el- preparation of a work plan for example, by each in- ements and settlements dating back to the Middle dividual farmer which is then subject to approval by Ages that are testament not only to the historical the regional authorities.

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The nominated property includes the parts of munic- DRAFT STATEMENT OF OUTSTANDING ipal territories of Valdobbiadene, , , Farra UNIVERSAL VALUE CORE ZONE di Soligo, Pieve di Soligo, , , BUFFER ZONE , , , , a) Brief synthesis The Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e ValdobbiValdobbi-- adene in the North East of Italy, located between The buffer zone also includes, in addition to the re- the Alps and the Lagoon, is an area characcharac-- maining territories of the municipalities only partially terized by a series of elongated elevations separatseparat-- included in the nominated property, the municipali- ed by parallel small valleys. The distinctive hogback ties of , Conegliano, morphological system provides a mountain scenery of dramatic beauty with spectacular vistas, a highly The Commitment zone include the territories of the representative testimony of the unique forms that a municipalities of , , culture group, in the course and for the ends of its Sernaglia della Battaglia, , Mare- agricultural activity, consciously imposed to the natnat-- no di Piave, , Codognè, , Godega ural environment. This harsh terrain has been mod-mod- Sant’Urbano, , , Cappella elled for centuries by the local population that has Maggiore, , . wisely adapted to the extreme conditions, selecting the humble Glera grape, and introducing creative Criteria under which property is nominated viticultural techniques that demonstrate interesting Criterion (v) innovations in terms of maintaining the soil, mas-mas- Be an outstanding example of a traditional human tering the hydraulic conditions and transforming settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is represent- the territory. The local knowledge and ingenuity are ative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction expressed by the adoption, since the 17th century, with the environment especially when it has become of the ciglioni, the grassy terraces to cultivate the vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change. mountain slopes. It has ensured sustainable yields

Property collocation in Europe and the Veneto Region.

over time, thanks to time-tested technologies and outstanding scenic values that maintains a delicate The municipalities traditional know-how, such as the distinctive check- environmental and functional balance. making up the nominated area. erboard pattern with rows parallel and vertical to the slopes, or the specific training of the vines such b) Justification for Criteria as the “bellussera”, developed by local farmers in Criterion (v) the 19th century, contributing to the aesthetical val- The nominated property is a prime example of a ue of the landscape. The singular heterogeneity of viticulture landscape resulting from the harmonious the mosaic landscape results from the combination co-evolution and man and nature, characterized by of historical and on-going environmental and land a geomorphologic hogback system inhabited and use processes. The result is a a mosaic landscape cultivated for centuries. The landscape of the area where the plots dedicated to vineyards, established is the result of a process of transformation and ad- on ciglioni, coexist with forest patches in an organicorganic aptation, carried out since the 17th century, whose system, respectful to the soil and the topography. production is still today based on a viticulture, carried The patches of vineyards are often connected to out by hand on the fragile ciglioni on slopes as steep one another by small woodlands, hedges, rows of as 45%. Following pages: trees that serve also as corridors connecting differ- The singularity of the land use is reflected primarily The property and ent habitats. In the hogbacks, small villages are scat- on the ciglioni, grassy terraces adapting to the rug- buffer zone on a 1:25 00 Military tered along the narrow valleys or perched on the ged morphology of the slopes, following the contour Geographic Institute crests. The result is a a harmonious landscape with lines. The vineyards follow a checkerboard structure Map.

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with perpendicular rows of high vines interlacing and d) Statement of Authenticity of historical and monumental value are all protected mic risks. All the planning process is focused on the creating a distinguishing image. Moreover, to this as- The main attributes of the nominated property relate at national level by the Codice dei Beni Culturali e del achievement of a balance between the preservation pect, the training methods contribute to the defini- to a unique natural landscape that has been shaped Paesaggio (D. Lgs. 42/2004) along with all public of historical identity features, the degree of natural- tion of a particular landscape, as the shoulder system and modelled by a characteristic agricultural system. buildings, state property and church owned buildings ness according the ecology of the landscape and the coexist with the unique bellussera training system These attributes can by considered well documented that are more than 50 years old. economic needs of the inhabitants. developed in the area about 1880. through different sources such as inventories or ca-ca- The landscape is a complex agricultural patchwork dasters. For example, the documented existence of The management of the site is primarily linked to the of vineyards and scattered rural settlements, inter- ciglioni since the 16th-17th century confirm this attrib-attrib- plans and planning processes developed by the local NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION spaced by forests, small woods, strips and linear veg- ute as one of the most relevant elements express-express- authorities – the Regione Veneto, Provincia di Trevi- OF OFFICIAL LOCAL INSTITUTION/AGENCY etal elements, shaped in a characteristic mosaic. The ing the historical and cultural value of this landscape. so – which support and guarantee the participation social and historical aspects are also reflected in this The historical and social origins of the characteristic of all stakeholders through a specific Regional Law Associazione Temporanea di Scopo “Colline di Con- mosaic pattern, connected to the sharecropping sys- landscape mosaic based on the sharecropping sys-sys- (N°. 45/2017- dated 29.12.2017). According to egliano Valdobbiadene Patrimonio dell’Umanità” c/o tem, the type of agrarian contract developed in this tem are also documented and can be traced back to the landscape value of the site, the local planning led Consorzio di tutela del Vino Conegliano Valdobbia- area around the 14-15th centuries. Despite dramatic the first land registries in the 18th century. The link to the blocking of the construction of new produc- dene Prosecco Superiore DOCG – capofila dell’ATS the social, economic and environmental changes oc- between the development of rural society and the tion areas and buildings in the agricultural zone not curred in the last five centuries, the small size of the territory can also be seen in the abbeys, convents, strictly necessary for the working of agricultural land; Piazza Libertà 7 - Solighetto properties, typical of sharecropping, remained almost fortresses, towers, urban settlements, villages and the protection of historic centers and the local land- 31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV) unchanged, contributing to maintain the fine-grained vernacular architecture which, represent the different scapes as well as the protection of environmental Tel. +39 0438 83028 mosaic landscape of the cultivated areas. historical phases. assets, habitats, and the ecological network (Natura [email protected] Authenticity of the property can be thus assessed 2000); the reduction of hydro-geological and seis- collineconeglianovaldobbiadene.it c) Statement of Integrity through reliable sources. The boundaries of the property are of adequate size The site and its characteristics are also represented to contain all the attributes of Outstanding Univer- in some religious paintings mainly by Giovanni Batti-Batti- sal Value needed to demonstrate the processes that sta Cima da Conegliano, native of the site who in the make this a unique and significant property. Despite second half of the 15th century was able to portray a the challenges it has faced such as pests, wars, pov- vision of the landscape. In his paintings many of the erty and marginalization and other upheavals that elements of the landscape can be clearly identified, have affected European viticulture, the nominated thus being a testimony of the continuity overtime of property has succeeded in maintaining the main at- its main attributes. tributes in a good state of conservation. The vine- yards, the ciglioni and the urban and architectural elements are in general well maintained. In fact, the e) Requirements for protection diachronic analysis developed for the years 1960 and management and 2015 - the period where most of the agricultural The nominated property and its key features are industrialization occurred and the highest percent- today subject to numerous protection measures at age of historical rural landscapes where lost in Italy national and local levels, but there are also munici-munici- - shows that the extension of the ciglioni in the area palities and professional associations introducing ad-ad- has only been slightly reduced. ditional safeguards through territorial planning tools In the landscape mosaic the area covered by forest and the formation of legal and voluntary charters. has increased slightly, although still the environmen- tal and functional balance is maintained. Ecological The protection of the rural landscape is primarily processes are correct and there is no major threat guaranteed by the DOCG, whose rules are clearly in in this sense except for climate change that is being favor of the maintenance of ciglioni and the vegetal conveniently addressed by the management system elements in the vineyards, which are fundamental not on place. only to maintain the local tradition but also to allow Agricultural techniques are also maintained and are the protection of a high level of natural biodiversity. representative and sustainable being the vines har- Almost all the core area has also been nominated in vested by hand and with families engaged in grow- the National Register of Historical Rural Landscapes, ing and harvesting. A complete range of monuments a program developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and vernacular buildings that are representative of for the protection of agricultural rural landscapes. the different historical phases are still testimony of the site’s integrity. The forest vegetation is protected by the forest re-re- The property is not threatened by urban sprawl or strictions included in the National Code for Cultural industrialization, since the steep slopes do not allow Heritage, as well as by the management plan of the these kinds of developments and thanks to the pro- Site of Community Interest (SCI) of the EU Nature tection and management system. 2000 network applicable to the area. The buildings

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