Committee and Date Item/Paper Central Planning Committee 14th January 2010 8 Public

Connect2 ‘The Severnside Gap’: Proposed Improvements for Pedestrians and Cyclists at the Bridge Street//Smithfield Road, Signalised Junction.

Responsible Officer Hugh Dannatt Email: Telephone: 01743 255469


This report outlines the proposals to remodel the Bridge Street/Welsh Bridge junction to provide improved crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and to provide a new signal controlled crossing point from Victoria Quay to the north side of Smithfield Road.

External funds are available for this project from ‘Connect2’ (Sustrans and Big Lottery) and ‘Cycle Shrewsbury’ (Cycling and the Department for Transport). This will be match funded from the Local Transport Plan.

This stage of the project has been subject to a wide consultation with stakeholders, local members, the Connect2 Steering Group and local residents/businesses. Whilst feedback was generally in favour of the project, a number of concerns/objections were received.

Many of the objections have now been designed out of the scheme (as explained below), however the Central Planning Committee should decide if the scheme is implemented.

Due to the recent gas explosion in Bridge Street, the existing signalised junction has been rendered in-operable. Therefore Officers wish to implement the scheme as soon as possible to minimise disruption to the Shrewsbury road network


The Committee is recommended to:

Approve the revised proposals (detailed on the plan in Appendix A) to remodel the signalised junction between Bridge Street, Welsh Bridge and Smithfield Road to provide improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in this area of Shrewsbury.

Contact: Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010



1. These proposals form part of a wider Connect 2 scheme which will make it easier to walk and cycle between north Shrewsbury, Smithfield Road and the town centre. Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, won the national public vote in December 2007 to secure £50 million from the Big Lottery Fund. This money is going to fund 79 different schemes across the UK, connecting up routes where there are busy roads, rivers or other barriers to walking and cycling.

2. The Shrewsbury Connect2 project consists of the already completed Greenfields Recreation Ground footway/cycleways, the Welsh Bridge signalised crossings (this phase of the project), improvements to the footway on the north (river) side of Smithfield Road (including a new path behind the boxing gym) and improvements to the crossing points at the Raven Meadows signalised junction.

3. Currently the footway on the north side of Smithfield Road sees little use due to very poor crossing points. The proposed improvements to the Bridge Street/Welsh Bridge junction provide a ‘Toucan’ signalised crossing at the end of Welsh Bridge to allow pedestrians and cyclists to access the route from Victoria Quay. Improvements to the other crossing points around the junction are also included in the proposals.

Proposed Scheme

4. The objective of this phase of the Connect2 Shrewsbury project is to overcome the existing barriers for walking and cycling due to a lack of controlled crossing points at this key town centre junction, and to improve access for pedestrians and cyclists on the north side of Smithfield Road. The scheme will also complement the recently completed ‘Quantum Leap’ Darwin tribute monument as it will provide excellent access to the site.

5. As the site is located at one of the most critical junctions in Shrewsbury, the project has been subjected to a rigorous design and traffic modelling process by our consultant; Mouchel. The project has been developed to provide improved links for pedestrians and cyclists whilst minimising any impacts to traffic flows.

6. In addition to the proposed Welsh Bridge signal crossing point, the project will provide a fully signalised pedestrian crossing over Bridge Street and will convert the existing Smithfield Road staggered signal crossing into a Toucan crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010 7. A further advantage to the scheme is that the existing and outdated traffic signalling equipment at the Bridge Street/Welsh Bridge Junction and also the Frankwell Quay junction will be replaced and upgraded. In order to minimise any residual impacts to traffic flows through this area caused by the additional signal crossings, a specialised traffic signal operating system called ‘MOVA’ is proposed. This system is designed to ‘optimise’ traffic flow during peak times to minimise delays.

Design changes made following public consultation

8. Due to the addition of the proposed single-stage crossing point on the southern side of the Welsh Bridge, it was proposed to remove the signal control from the existing Frankwell two-stage staggered crossing at the opposite end of the bridge (as it was thought that both crossings would not be required). However, following comments received from the consultation, we propose that this crossing point will be retained and its use reviewed over a period following the completion of the works.

9. Originally it was intended for Victoria Quay/Avenue to be made one-way (westbound) as part of the scheme (due to movements in the signal junction). However, this was opposed by a number of groups during the consultation and has since been ‘designed out’ of the scheme. Therefore, Victoria Quay/Avenue is to remain as a two-way road to all traffic.

10. The proposed layout of the Bridge Street/Welsh Bridge junction removes the existing bus, taxi and cycle lane, which allows these vehicles to drive southbound into Bridge Street from the Welsh Bridge (local buses no longer use this facility). It was considered that cyclists would still be able to make this movement by using the proposed staggered crossing on Smithfield Road. However, during the consultation many local cyclists expressed that this would not be acceptable. Therefore, the design has been amended to include a simple ‘dropped’ kerb on the end of the Smithfield road splitter island to allow the movement.

11. The section of footway on the southeast corner of the junction between Smithfield Road and Bridge Street was proposed to be upgraded to a shared use facility. During the consultation, a number of concerns were expressed over this element of the project. It is therefore proposed that this will now remain as footway only.


12. During November and December 2009, over 400 people were contacted directly to find out their views on the detailed plans for the project. Included in the consultation were the proposals for the Welsh Bridge junctions crossings, a shared use footway cycleway on the north side of Smithfield Road and the proposed new shared use path to the rear of the Boxing Gym building (the old mortuary).

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010

13. The methods of consultation contact used included:

 Briefings – with councillors, Shrewsbury Town Council and Morris and Company Ltd  Meetings – including Cycle Shrewsbury/ Connect2 Project Group and the Shropshire Cycle Forum  Letters (43) to stakeholders  Fliers (400) – to businesses in the area, Mountfields residents and Sixth Form College students  Plans and feedback forms available at Shirehall Reception, Guildhall Reception, Shrewsbury Reference Library and Rowley’s Mansion  Websites – Shropshire Council, Cycle Shrewsbury, Shropshire Consultation Portal and Sustrans Connect2  Information in other newsletters – including to 2,400 Belle Vue residents  Media coverage – in Shrewsbury Chronicle and Shropshire Star

14. Minutes from meetings and briefings were recorded and have been included in the consultation assessment. In addition, a total of 14 feedback forms were returned and 20 letters/emails were received.

15. Generally the feedback received from the consultation was in support for the proposals. However, a number of objections were received and comments were made on some aspects of the scheme.

16. A total of four objections were received over the proposal to make Victoria Quay/Avenue one-way. Consequently, this has now been designed out of the scheme.

17. Two objections were made over the complete scheme; one objector (a member of the public) felt that the scheme does not link east and west Shrewsbury, and the other (Cllr Peter Nutting) did not agree with various aspects of the project , considering it premature to a decision being made on the North-West Relief Road.

18. Officers have made every effort to address the objections and comments made in the consultation through revising the design. It is believed that the project now meets the objectives for improved pedestrian and cycle links without compromising local needs and traffic sensitivity.

19. A detailed summary of the consultation is contained in Appendix B of this report.

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010 SCHEME COSTS AND FUNDING

20. Shrewsbury’s bid for Connect2 funding provides £500k over a five year period. A condition is placed on this funding that it must be matched from other sources. These will include developer contributions, the Local Transport Plan and Cycle Shrewsbury

21. The improvements to the junctions at either end of the Welsh Bridge are estimated to cost in the region of £200k.


22. The recent explosion in Bridge Street damaged much of the existing traffic signal infrastructure for the adjacent junctions of Bridge Street/ Smithfield Road and Barker Street/ Claremont Bank. Therefore the Welsh Bridge junction is now inoperable and much of the equipment requires replacing. As the detailed design for this scheme is near complete, officers would like to implement the scheme as soon as possible.

23. If the project is approved, construction work could start on site early February 2010.


Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010

List of Background Papers (This MUST be completed for all reports, but does not include items containing exempt or confidential information) None Human Rights Act Appraisal No significant impacts The scheme provides improved access for people with disabilities, including level access between the Quarry, West End and Frankwell Quay (Theatre Severn and Guildhall) Environmental Appraisal The scheme has been assessed by Mouchel and has no significant impacts. The project contributes to encouraging increased levels of walking and cycling in Shrewsbury. Risk Management Appraisal Public liability relating to use of the completed works will be the responsibility of Shropshire County Council. Mouchel have undertaken a safety review on the project in order to identify and design out (where possible) potential hazards. Community / Consultations Appraisal The current proposals have been subject to stakeholder consultation. Cabinet Member Councillor Martin Taylor-Smith Local Member Councillor Maxwell Winchester Councillor Anne Chebsey Appendices A. Plan of overall scheme (please refer to Drawing 755867-P-1230-B ) B. Summary of consultation

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010 APPENDIX A – DRAWING NUMBER 755867-P-1230-B

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010 APPENDIX A – SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION

Connect2 (Welsh Bridge) Consultation November-December 2009

The consultation process

During November and December 2009, over 400 people were contacted directly to find out their views on the detailed plans for walking and cycling improvements at the Frankwell Quay and Victoria Quay junctions.

The methods of contact used included:  Briefings – with councillors, Shrewsbury Town Council and Morris and Company Ltd  Meetings – including Cycle Shrewsbury/ Connect2 Project Group and the Shropshire Cycle Forum  Letters (43) to stakeholders  Fliers (400) – to businesses in the area, Mountfields residents and Sixth Form College students  Plans and feedback forms available at Shirehall Reception, Guildhall Reception, Shrewsbury Reference Library and Rowley’s Mansion  Websites – Shropshire Council, Cycle Shrewsbury, Shropshire Consultation Portal and Sustrans Connect2  Information in other newsletters – including to 2,400 Belle Vue residents  Media coverage – in Shrewsbury Chronicle and Shropshire Star

Summary of responses

In addition to feedback at the briefings and meetings, 20 letters and e-mails were received and 14 feedback forms.

Generally, the responses demonstrated support for the Connect2 Welsh Bridge proposals.

As with all projects, there were a number of questions and concerns relating to specific aspects. These are described below:

Frankwell Quay - wider traffic lanes on exit from Theatre Severn and changes to loading and parking bay Most people thought that this was a good idea; speeding up the exit of vehicles and helping those turning left.

Frankwell Quay – proposal to remove the signalised element of the existing two-stage pedestrian crossing across Welsh Bridge There were a number of concerns (11) raised about this proposal, which was included in the designs to help optimise traffic flows and enable the new crossing at the other side of Welsh Bridge to be introduced. People did recognise that the current crossing is poor but it did offer some benefit to elderly and disabled people. Suggested action – we will retain the signalised element of this crossing as part of the Frankwell signals refurbishment and review vehicle delays after the Victoria Quay crossing is introduced

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010 New one-stage ‘Toucan’ signalised crossing across Welsh Bridge This was very popular.

Shared use footway on the riverside (Smithfield Road) between Welsh Bridge and Raven Meadows The responses were mostly supportive with some concerns about the width available for shared use. We would like to widen the footway in the future but felt that it was important to start making new connections for cyclists at the same time as the Toucan crossings are installed. The removal of the existing planters and the new path at the Boxing Gym will also help provide more space for all users.

Two-stage ‘Toucan’ signalised crossing across Smithfield Road Responses were mostly supportive although there were some concerns about continued delays for pedestrians and cyclists.

New two-stage signalised pedestrian crossing across Bridge Street This was very popular. A number of people noted that this was a long-awaited improvement.

Victoria Quay – proposal for one-way for motor vehicles towards Quarry This proposal would have limited the direction of motor vehicles along Victoria Quay but allow two-way movements for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as large vehicles leaving the Quarry for events. All the comments from feedback forms were in support of this proposal. However, objections were received from Cllr Peter Nutting, Morris and Company, Shropshire Horticultural Society and Shrewsbury Town Council. Suggested action – that the design is revised to allow two-way traffic on Victoria Quay

Shared use footway on the corner of Smithfield Road outside the Shrewsbury Hotel There were some concerns (12 in number) about this proposal. Many people mentioned the restricted width of the footway and the potential conflicts between large numbers of pedestrians and cyclists. Suggested action – that the design is revised to retain the footway for pedestrians only, but to provide more carriageway space for cyclists by reducing the width of the central refuge on Smithfield Road near Mardol

Delays for users A number of people raised concerns about vehicle delays (9) whilst others raised concerns about delays to pedestrians and cyclists (5). Ultimately, the layout of the junctions is a compromise in providing facilities for the different users without any particular group suffering too much delay to their journeys. The proposed designs were developed to minimise delays by providing up-to-date signalling equipment and layouts that kept traffic moving whilst also providing much-needed pedestrian and cycling improvements.

Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469 Central Planning Committee:14th January 2010

Continuity and linkages 7 people raised concerns about how the riverside shared-use path would be continued towards the Railway Station and whether additional crossing points could be provided for access to Frankwell footbridge and Roushill. The Welsh Bridge proposals are just one element of a much wider Connect2 project with improvements planned at Raven Meadows junction, Meadow Place, station gyratory and beyond towards Greenfields. Suggested action – we will ask designers to add an additional pedestrian refuge on Smithfield Road near Roushill and will continue to work on designs to widen the footway towards the gyratory and provide better crossings to Meadow Place.

Changes to bus lane/ cycle lane between Welsh Bridge and Bridge Street A number of people asked about the changes to the bus/ cycle lane and requested a similar straight-on facility to be provided for cyclists in the new layout Suggested action – the central refuge for the staggered Toucan crossing on Smithfield Road will include dropped kerbs for direct cycle access from the carriageway.

Right turn for cyclists between Welsh Bridge and Frankwell Quay 3 people asked if this facility (not available at present) could be included in the designs. This was considered as part of design process but unfortunately could not be achieved without additional delays. However, alternative routes such as Water Lane will be signed.


Contact Hugh Dannatt on 01743 255469