Year: 5 (RE, History, Geography, Science, Computing, Week beginning: 20.4.2020 PSHCE, ART/D&T) ALL INTERNET LINKS/ACTIVITIES (ESPECIALLY YOUTUBE) MUST BE MONITORED BY A Science - Materials and their properties PARENT OR RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Watch the video below based on materials and their properties Thursday Task 1 Using materials in your home environment and your prior knowledge RE - The Holocaust of materials and their properties, complete the following: (Review)What was the Holocaust and what happened? 1.) Identify materials that suit these properties: transparent, hard, Research positive examples of Jews who resisted/rebelled and those conductors, flexible and magnetic. Choose three materials to write who helped the Jews, considering why these people acted as they did, about stating why they were used for a particular purpose based on and how they may have felt. their properties. 1. nazis-as-war-broke-out/z7q9wty Example: 2. from-the-nazis-in-occupied-france-animation/zfbs382 3. from-nazioccupied-czechoslovakia-animation/zkqkjhv Think about : What would you like to say to them? What might you say to those who were not Jewish, but still helped the Jewish?

Task 2.) Consider the following scenarios: an umbrella made from glass, a What is persecution? house made from steel, car made from plastic. Write a paragraph to Write a reflective piece comparing the persecution in the Holocaust and the persecution in Ancient Egypt? Use these questions as a guide: explain any positive, misuse or interesting point about how the How is this like the Pesach story? ( Exodus story/Passover story) materials are used. Include also why materials are used in specific ways and the impact they might have negatively or positively (look What differences are there between what happened to the Jews in ancient carefully at the scenarios: Are the materials used correctly or misused. times and here in modern history? Is there anything interesting about how the materials are used?) Why might it have been harder for Jews during these events to be proud that they were Jewish? Task 2 Do you think it may have been harder for Jews to keep believing that there What is a good material for a saucepan handle? was a God during these times? Why? Write your hypothesis based on the question, using your knowledge of materials and their properties. E.g:I think that the best material for making a saucepan handle is a……… Friday because………. Do your research, then present your findings justifying your hypothesis. Use evidence to support. PSCHE: Healthy Me (Emergency Aid) Draw an image of your saucepan. Label it to show the materials used. Recovery position Explain when you would use the recovery position and how this is done. You can use diagrams from the internet COMPUTING-Searching Database For Information. or use your artistic skills to support your explanation.

Friday Art/DT/Architecture/Design Use the 2Investigate tool -Alien data base Research and find out about Mayan Masks. Click the link and answer the following questions then complete the 2Do task Design your own Mayan Mask and share information sent (remember to write down the questions and the answers). about the design. Example: why you chose that design, what your mask represents etc. 1. nvestigate_alien_simple_questions/2invest_aliens_questions_simple. pdf

2. nvestigate_alien_advanced_questions/2invest_aliens_questions_mov eon%20-%20Copy.pdf


History Geography –Global Demand History- The Maya Classic Period Watch the video below and identify the natural 1.Watch the videos below and make notes identifying different resources we all need. periods of Mayan Civilisation including their achievements. s/z62qy9q Research to find out: 2.Locating Mayan cities (make reference to the History resource 1. What is global demand? at the bottom) 2. Why is the global demand for food and

3. ( Maya energy increasing? achievements) 3. What is the impact of global demand on the natural world? eline.php -timeline Present your findings in the form of a fact TASK file. 1. Create and place the different periods that attributed to Mayan civilisation on a timeline. (Remember to use a on/1 ruler and your timeline is neat.) 2. Example: vision/2 civilization-timeline 2. Identify some main achievements of Mayans

Extension Activity - Complete the following research : What is civilisation? What are the signs of a civilisation? What makes a civilisation more advanced than another? Compare and contrast the events in England during Classic Maya Period and suggest which civilisation was more advanced.

Write your reflection for the week - What did you learn that was new? What did you enjoy most? What do you need more help with? What can you do to help you get better?


HISTORY RESOURCE • Central America consists of seven countries: , Costa Rica, , , , Nicaragua and Panama. • ’ refers to an area where a number of societies had been formed before the Spanish arrived in the 15th Century. • It covers and the northern parts of Central America. • ‘Mesoamerica’ can also refer to the culture of the people who lived there. • The Maya lived in the South East of this area. • Today, the area the Maya used to live in spreads over five countries: • Mexico (southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula), Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and the very north of El Salvador.

Main Activity Use google maps, an atlas or printed map to find the location of the following ancient Maya cities and mark them on your map. Yo u could use a key or draw arrows and label them. (Do not use the internet without your parent’s permission.



Tu lum Xunantunich

Ti kal Copán

If you use Google Maps, remember to zoom out once you've found the right place so you can see where it is on your map.


Some of these ancient Maya cities were almost 1000km apart yet they shared the same culture and way of life.

Uxmal Chichen Itza

Palenque Coba

Tu lum Calakmul Xunantunich

Ti kal Copán