Church of the Blessed Sacrament Father John F. Jirak, J. C. L. ~ Pastor Father Maximilian K. Biltz ~ Associate Pastor

MASSES Sat Vigil: 5:15pm | Sun: 6:30am • 9:00am • 11:00am | Mon–Sat: 6:30am | Mon–Fri: 8:00am

RECONCILIATION Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri: 7:30am–7:45am | Sat: 3:30pm–5:00pm

PARISH OFFICE 124 N Roosevelt • Wichita, KS 67208 | Hours: 8:30am–4:30pm Phone: 316.682.4557 | Fax: 316.682.4558 JANUARY 8, 2012 - THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD ASSOCIATE Dear Parish Family, PASTOR’S For Epiphany, instead of my words, here are excerpts from Pope Benedict’s homily on Epiphany last year: LETTER We celebrate with joy the Solemnity of the Epiphany, the “manifestation” of Christ to the peoples who are represented by the Magi, mysterious fi gures who came from the East. We celebrate Christ, the destination of the pilgrimage of peoples in search of salvation. In the First Reading we listened to the Prophet, inspired by God, to contemplate Jerusalem as a beacon of light which guides all the peoples on their journey through the darkness and fog of the earth. Th e glory of the Lord shines on the holy City and attracts fi rst of all his own children, displaced and dispersed, but also, at the same time, the pagan nations who come to Zion from all sides as to a common homeland, enriching it with their goods (cf. Is 60:1-6). Th e Second Reading presents what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, that is, through God’s loving designs the convergence of Jews and Gentiles in the one Church of Christ was “the mystery” made manifest in the fullness of time, the “grace” of which God had made him steward (cf. Eph 3:2-3, 5-6). In a little while we will say in the Preface: “Today, you revealed in Christ your eternal plan of salvation and showed him as the light of all peoples”. Twenty centuries have passed since that mystery was revealed and brought about in Christ, but it has not yet reached fulfi lment. My beloved Predecessor, John Paul II, began his Encyclical on the Church’s mission by writing: “As the second after Christ’s Coming draws to an end, an overall view of the human race shows that this mission is still only beginning” (Redemptoris Missio, n. 1). Several spontaneous questions arise: in what sense is Christ still the lumen gentium, the Light of the peoples, today? What point-if one can so describe it-has the universal journey of the peoples toward God reached? Is it in a phase of progress or of regression? And further: who are the Magi today? How, thinking of today’s world, should we interpret these mysterious fi gures of the Gospel? To answer these questions, I would like to return to what the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council said in this regard. And I am pleased to add that immediately after the Council, the Servant of God, Paul VI, exactly 40 years ago on precisely 26 March 1967, dedicated to the development of the peoples his Encyclical Populorum Progressio. Proclaiming Christ Today Th e whole of the Second Vatican Council was truly stirred by the longing to proclaim Christ, the Light of the world, to contemporary humanity. In the heart of the Church, from the summit of her hierarchy, emerged the impelling desire, awakened by the Spirit, for a new epiphany of Christ in the world, a world that the modern epoch had profoundly transformed and that, for the fi rst time in history, found itself facing the challenge of a global civilization in which the centre could no longer be Europe or even what we call the West and the North of the world. ( . . . ) Who then are the “Magi” of today, and what point has their “journey” and our “journey” reached? Dear brothers and sisters, let us return to that special moment of grace, the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council on 8 December 1965, when the Council Fathers addressed certain “Messages” to all humanity. Th e fi rst was addressed “To Rulers” and the second, “To Men of Th ought and Science”. Th ese are two categories of people who, in a certain way, we can see portrayed in the evangelical fi gures of the Magi. I would then like to add a third category, to which the Council did not address a message but which was very present in its attention in the conciliar Decree Nostra Aetate. I am referring to the spiritual leaders of the great non-Christian religions. Two thousand years later, we can thus recognize in the fi gures of the Magi a sort of prefi guration of these three constitutive dimensions of modern humanism: the political, scientifi c and religious dimensions. Th e Epiphany shows them to us in a state of “pilgrimage”, that is, in a movement of seeking, often somewhat confused, whose point of arrival, in short, is Christ, even if the star is sometimes hidden. Fr. Max Biltz, Associate Pastor

WEEKLY COLLECTION REPORT STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION December 27, 2011 to January 2, 2012 Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Th e U.S. Collection: $158,624.00 Bishops pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism Budget: 53,050.00 gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to off er up the world and all that is in it-especially Surplus (Defi cit): $105,574.00 themselves-to the Lord of all.” YTD July 1, 2011 to January 2, 2012 DID YOU KNOW? Collection: $1,440,813.67 Th e Blessed Sacrament baptismal font at the back of Budget: 1,417,192.86 the church depicts on each side a representation of the each day of creation. TREASURE Surplus (Defi cit): $23,620.81 ? EUCHARIST WEEK AT A GLANCE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, Jan 7 01/07 First Saturday Communion to Homebound 6:30am Leonilla Hamilton KMC Placement Test (KMC) 8:00am 5:15pm Lawrence Morrison 01/08 Th e Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, Jan 8 Liturgy of the Word for Children (Bishop Gerber Rm) 9:00am 6:30am Victor Germanowicz Sunday School/P.S.R. (School) 10:00am 9:00am People of the Parish Choir Christmas Concert (Church) 2:30pm 11:00am Matthew West Walker CYO Meeting (St. Joseph’s Room) 7:00pm Monday, Jan 9 01/09 Th e Baptism of the Lord 6:30am Loretta Higgins Catholicism Project (Bishops Hall) 7:00pm 8:00am Dan Hickerson Family 01/10 New Pastor’s Workshop (Bishop Gerber Room) 1:00pm Tuesday, Jan 10 Youth Choir Practice (Church) 3:30pm 6:30am Dorothy Mae Jones Bring Your Own Bible (Rectory) 7:00pm 8:00am Mary Jo Hunninghake Altar Society Meeting (Bishops Hall) 7:00pm Wednesday, Jan 11 01/11 Rosary after Mass (Church) 8:30am 6:30am John Arebalo R.C.I.A. (Bishops Hall) 7:00pm 8:00am Brian Loy Knights of Columbus (St. Joseph’s Hall) 7:00pm Adult Choir Practice (Church) 7:00pm Th ursday, Jan 12 6:30am Dave Manes Family 01/12 Th at Man is You (Bishops Hall) 6:00am 8:00am Michael Venerdi Family 7th & 8th Grade Scripture Study (Bishops Hall) 7:00am Friday, Jan 13 01/13 CYO Ski Trip 6:30am Special Intention Men’s Club Volunteer Appreciation Night 6:00pm 8:00am Jessica Brown Challenge Girls Group (Bishops Hall) 7:00pm Saturday, Jan 14 01/14 Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30am Joe & Lillian Klaus CYO Ski Trip 5:15pm Beverly Jo Kuhlenkamp Familia (Bishops Hall) 7:15am Sunday, Jan 15  01/15 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:30am Dorothy Courbois CYO Ski Trip 9:00am People of the Parish Liturgy of the Word for Children (Bishop Gerber Rm) 9:00am 11:00am Helen Miller Sunday School/P.S.R. (School) 10:00am Parish Book Program Group Review (Bishops Hall) 12:00pm Pinewood Derby for Scouts (School Cafeteria) 12:00pm CONGRATULATIONS 01/16 No School - Martin Luther King Day CYO Ski Trip Baptism Catholicism Project (Bishops Hall) 7:00pm George Devere Robertson, son of Ryan & Megan

LITURGICAL MINISTRIES SCHEDULE FOR WEEKEND OF JANUARY 14 & 15, 2012 Mass Time & Date E. Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Ushers 01/14 - 5:15pm Mike & Nancy Oldfather, Bob Rott, Mark Stadler (MC) D. Arkin, M. Catanese, R. Bujarski, Karen Hrdlicka Karl Hesse Kateria Alexander, Ben Engel, K. Wallace, K. Crandall, J. Drouhard Brendan Burnett & Abby Hastings 01/15 - 6:30am Glenn Case Dennis Danders Johnny & Bobby Crandall Chris Shank & Dan Brooks 01/15 - 9:00am Diana Crook, Mark Vanderpool, John Hammans, Christian May (MC) K./A. Clark, M. Schulte, D. Dresher, Dave & Amy Degenhardt Carl Dittemore Jaden Kasitz, Michael Dwyer, T. Hand, S. Oatman Lucy Hann & Riley Harter 01/15 - 11:00am D. Bebak, A. Burger, N. Clark, Glen Fondaw, Nick Ries (MC) D. Brinkman, J. Hitt, C. O’Neil, M. Carney, J. Stadler, J. Weber, D. Fisher, Steve Stark Nick Degenhardt, Cora O’Brien, A. Emerson, L. Dionisi, M. Hesse, M./A. Holladay Mattie Schindler & Holden Compton D. Th omas

OFFERTORY GIFTS: 5:15pm - Kevin Kochenderfer Family 9:00am - Jason Algya Family 11:00am - Andrew Scott Family CANTORS: 5:15pm - Ted Woodward 9:00am - Youth Choir 11:00am - Adult Choir - Martha Cain PRAYER SERVICE IN MEMORIAM ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Bonnie Hjort, Consider Volunteering! Jesus said, “Th is is my commandment: Great Aunt of Fr. Maximiliam Biltz love one another as I love you.” Interested in really putting this commandment into action? Th en you might consider becoming Rita & Morris Perkins, Ursula Metsker, Natalie Hays, Adrian a volunteer with Blessed Sacrament’s S de Montgomery, Loretta Higgins, Vaughn Eldon Marshall, Anna Society of St. Vincent de Paul organization. Binter, J.T. McKenzie, Ann Schwenker, Vern Lambertz, Janet VP One way our members demonstrate this Stavely, Bill McKenzie, Darlene Richardson, Judy McKenzie, commandment is by visiting the elderly at the Catholic Care Christie Wilson, Christopher Kasten, Elaine Boothe, John Center. Another way is by making “home visits” to assist those Andrew Somes, Leonilla Hamilton, Alice O’Halloran, Delmar suff ering through a fi nancial crisis (hunger, eviction, utilities Kuhlman, Wayne Hertel, Helen Miller, Marilyn Pirtle, Lois shut off , etc.). Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 17, at Tasset, Frank Bartak, John Arebalo, Dylan Konek, Vivianne 6:30 p.m., in the Bishop Gerber Room. Feel free to stop by to King, Gary Cocking learn more how you can “love one another as I love you”. PRAYER REQUESTS God’s Food Pantry SICK Joe Swiler, Debbie Mitchell, Nancy Hornback, Typically, January donations for God’s Food Pantry drop off Th erese Wagle Christian, Joan Wright, Wanda Baker, SIGNIFICANTLY from the generous Th anksgiving and Mercedes Wright, Polly Snow, Merrily (Mueller) Westerhaus, Christmas collections. Unfortunately, the need of the hungry Les Rogers, Jeanne Gordon, Kerri Simoncic, Phyllis Martin, does not drop off in the same manner; the need for food is Carol Mesa, Peggy Larson, Joseph Ludlow, Anthony Perez, constant. Th is month’s deadline for donations is January 16. Kelly Olson, Jourdan Locke, Vaughn Anderson, Pat Cord, If you are so inclined, please help by making a donation of Duff Whisenhant, Amy Dow, Ron McEnulty, Sr. Helen food (dry beans, pasta, rice, peanut butter, etc.) or money. A Lentz, Kerrie (Keltner) Lovingier, J.B. Mulvany, Tammie monetary gift of only $3 would allow Pantry volunteers to Pepin, Ian Grier, Katy Somes, Pat Hitt, Mary Pat Tims, Alice obtain approximately 15 pounds of food from a local foodbank. Drummond, Frank McMaster MILITARY Nate Clark, Brian Coltrane, David Garon, ANNUAL ROMANCE NIGHT Crystal Maxton, Peter McGee, Patrick O’Reilly, Aaron Th e 12th Annual Romance Night will be February Schaff er, Gary Schaff er Jr, John Joseph Schaff er, Lawrence 4, 2012 at St. Mary Church, 106 E. 8th Street, Newton, Schutz, Kendall Tipton, Olga Tipton, Jason Pomeroy, Jeremy Kansas. Th e celebration begins at 7:00pm and features Hitt, Mike Gann, Sarah E. Clark, Christopher Montgomery, Fr. Paul Oborny and the musical group, Marian Grace. Zach White, Tyler Bestgen, Scott Hickerson R.S.V.P. by January 27, 2012, call the offi ce at 685.6776 or PERPETUAL ADORATION 800.813.2410 or email Lisa Hammersley at lisah@nfpwichita. org. To register online, go to http://catholicdioceseofwichita. TO ALL PARISHIONERS: Are you tired because of the burden of your duties, because of frustration due to org/offi ce-of-family-life-and-natural-family-planning. unsuccessful projects, because many misunderstand you? Are you heavy laden with guilt from past sins? Are you trying to RESPECT LIFE & SOCIAL JUSTICE fi nd hope and meaning in life? Do not lose heart! Abandon Join the Offi ce of Respect Life & Social Justice in providing yourself to Jesus in the “Sacrament of Love”. He will refresh shelter to the Wichita area’s homeless during the month of you! Th e more time you spend with Jesus, the more you will February. Due to the Cathedral renovation, Holy Savior come away feeling renewed and healed. We grow spiritually has graciously opened their facility to assist us in off ering with each moment we spend in Adoration with Jesus! Th e an evening meal, a warm place to sleep, and breakfast in the hours with special needs follow: morning. If you or a group from your parish are interested in SUNDAY: JOHN HAMMANS, 684.8384 helping to provide food, or to give a donation, please contact URGENT: Partner 7-8am; 1-2pm the Offi ce of Respect Life and Social Justice at 269.3935 or MONDAY: MIKE RICHARDSON, 686.2920 e-mail [email protected]. URGENT PARTNER: 3-4am Partner: 4-5am; 11pm-Midnight MARCH FOR LIFE TOPEKA TUESDAY: MARY TREINEN, 687.6636 Partner: 10-11am; 11am-12pm; 1-2pm; 3-4pm; 7-8pm Join Bishop Jackels and Fr. John Lanzrath for a 1-day WEDNESDAY: MARY SUE WRIGHT, 684.8467 pilgrimage to Topeka to take a stand for life on January URGENT PARTNER: 3-4am; 7-8am; 6-7pm 23, for the March for Life Topeka. Busses will leave the THURSDAY: ROSE KUHLMAN, 689.0126 Wichita area at 7:30am on January 23rd. Th is year’s event Partner: 1-2am; 4-5am; 12-1pm will be held at the Ramada Inn in Topeka and the cost for FRIDAY: PEGGY SUNIGA, 686.4920 the trip is $35, which includes Mass with Bishop Jackels, a URGENT TWO PEOPLE: 3-4am breakout session for adults and youth, lunch, a Rally and a Partner 1-2am; 2-3am; 4-5am; 9-10am; 2-3pm; rosary on the Capitol steps with the Archdiocese of Kansas 3-4pm; 9-10pm City. Gov. Sam Brownback will speak on the Capitol steps. SATURDAY: PAT HARTER, 683.6610 Registration forms can be found at www.respectlifesocialjustice. URGENT PARTNER: 3-4am; 5-6am; 5-6pm org. Th e deadline to register is Wednesday, January 11. NOVENA FAITH FORMATION Th e four Dioceses in Kansas will be sponsoring a Novena to End Abortion in Kansas Forever from January 14 to January YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS 22 (Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade). We are asking our Diocesan Bring Your Own Bible Fr. Jirak and Fr. Max invite family to off er up their prayers, sacrifi ces, Holy Communions, high school youth of the parish to join them at BYOB (Bring rosaries, Masses and Holy Hours with the intention of Your Own Bible!!) every keeping Kansas abortion free. For more information, contact at the Rectory (401 S. Roosevelt) [email protected] Tuesday at 7:00pm. Fr. Edmond Kline at or 620-202-1235 or the Respect Life and Social Justice Offi ce 7th & 8th Grade Bible Study Fr. Jirak and Fr. Max at 316-269-3935 or [email protected]. May invite all 7th & 8th graders of the parish to join them for Bible We Recognize Together LIFE as God’s Gift! Study in the Bishops Hall every Th ursday at 7:00am. January CYO Meeting High school youth are invited TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY Sunday, January 8, at 7:00pm, in the St. Joseph’s Room. All are welcome to attend a series of presentations by Sister Mary Ann, IHM, on True Devotion to Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort. Th e fi ve talks will be held at St. Joseph Parish in the Parish Center at 3:00pm on the following dates: January 15, February 19, March 11, April 15, and May 6. A $10.00 fee is requested to cover the cost of the books and materials that will be provided. Reserve your spots now for the Diocesan MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT ORDER OF SUNDAY WORSHIP Conducted by NET (National Evangelization Team) HOSPITALITY Space is limited to 150 youth, so make your reservations now! Saturday, February 18, 2012, 10am – 3pm Blessed Sacrament, Wichita ALTAR SOCIETY

This is a great opportunity for your youth (grades 6-8) to experience a fun, high-energy retreat with a straightforward and personal presentation of the Gospel message. The NET team uses large group presentations, small group discussions, music, games, skits, prayer, and personal testimony to share January Altar Society Meeting! God’s Good News with youth.

There will be no charge for any Blessed Sacrament middle school Save the Date! student and lunch will be provided.

No charge for adult chaperones – adults must be Virtus- trained Please join us Tuesday, January 10. At 6:45pm, recitation of (At least 2 adults per group as required by diocesan regulations) the Rosary for the intention of the women of the parish will

be in the Church. Th e meeting and social time will begin at To reserve a spot, contact Julie Zluticky, Director of Formation, at 682-4557 or [email protected], by Thursday, January 19, 2012. 7:00pm in the Bishops Hall. Watch the bulletin for further details. PARISH BOOK PROGRAM MEN’S CLUB Blessed Sacrament Men’s Club Worker Appreciation Night will be held Friday, January 13, 2012, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm, at the House of Schwan, Hospitality Room. Please join us for free beverages and dinner provided by Jet Bar-B-Q. The Blessed Sacrament Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to its first meeting of the year, Thursday, January 19, at 7:30pm in the School Cafeteria. Food is served about 7:45pm followed by the meeting. Enjoy the fellowship of men interested in doing good for the church. Come meet the new board and find out what is on the agenda for 2012! If you should have any questions, contact Mark Oxler at 619.7267. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Happy New Year! Our next K of C Council meeting LECTOR UPDATE & TRAINING will take place this Wednesday, January 11 at 7:00pm in St. Joseph’s Hall. We have a lot of great activities Attention Lectors! If you are a current lector, or if you coming up in the next couple months, so all Knights are would like to become one, plan to attend the Lector Update encouraged to attend and find out how you can help. & Training, Sunday, January 29, at 12:30pm in the Church. Refreshments will be served. Also, 2012 annual dues Fr. Mike Nolan is our presenter, and Fr. Jirak requests that ($30) are now due. Dues can be paid at the meeting or by contacting Brother Paul Rothermel, Financial everyone who wishes to lector at Mass in 2012 attend. Secretary, at 290.9442 or [email protected]. Questions? Call Barbara Carson at 681.1649. See you on January 11! Church of the Blessed Sacrament PARISH STAFF ROSARY Parish Secretary: Kari O’Halloran Prayed aloud for vocations 30 minutes Business Manager: Brandon Martin before the Saturday Vigil Mass and all Bookkeeper: C.Y. Suellentrop Sunday Masses. Director of Formation: Julie Zluticky

Music Director: Rachel Lauer PARISH RECORDS Athletic Director: Pat Harter Newcomers Welcome to our parish family! We want to SCHOOL meet you! Please call the Parish Office, Principal: Dan Dester 682.4557, to register. Vice Principal: Pam Loyle 125 N Quentin • Hours: 7:30am–4:00pm Current Parishioners Phone: 316.684.3752 • Fax: 316.687.1082 Change in name, address, phone number or planning to move? Kindly notify the Parish SACRAMENTS Office to update your records. Anointing Call the Parish Office, 682.4557 COFFEE & DONUTS Baptism Join us each Sunday for Coffee and Donuts Classes required for parents; godparents in Bishops Hall immediately after the are encouraged to attend. Call the Parish 6:30am and 9:00am Masses, and after the Office, 682.4557 or Amy Baxt, 651.0365 11:00am Mass-but only on the First Sunday Eucharist to Homebound of the month. Every Sunday and on 1st Saturdays. Call the Parish Office, 682.4557 Holy Matrimony PARISH LIBRARY Begin preparation at least six months prior. Open before and after Saturday Vigil Mass Call the Parish Office, 682.4557 and Sunday Masses (except 6:30am). PERPETUAL ADORATION ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY To sign up for a weekly adoration hour or to Services include transportation, home visits, substitute, call the Parish Office, 682.4557. house cleaning, meals, respite care, financial assistance, etc. Please call the Parish Office, FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION 682.4557. Calls and services are confidential. AND BENEDICTION Every first Friday from 2:35 to 3:05pm THE LORD’S DINER during the months of September through May. Our parish serves the Lord’s Diner the first Sunday of each month. To volunteer, call FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS the Parish Office, 682.4557. Offered at the 6:30am Mass followed by the rosary on the first Saturday of each month. BULLETIN DEADLINE Submit announcements in writing to the PRAYER CHAIN Parish Office by noon Monday or email If you have a prayer request or wish to join the announcements to: prayer chain, during business hours call the [email protected]. Parish Office, 682.4557, after hours until 9:00pm, call Marla Dahlgren, 681.1933.