rosse Pointe ~ws

Vol. 44 - No 18 Grosse POinte, Michigan. Thursday, May 5,1983 30 cents 46 Pages _5 Parents rgamzeI • Opposition to school closings

Case dismissed is gaining momentum in districts In case anyone wa.'> wonder- Ing, Grosse POInte was rep- By Joanne Gouleche Pdrenh at Monday's meetmg resented In the Boston Oppo~ltlOn to a plan to c1o~e also were crItical about the June Marathon two week.'> ago A IOUI elelllclILdry l:>choob In vIOl:>.'>e IJ date on which trustees Will vote faIrly reliable source from Pomte next fall I~ gall1l11gmomen- on Brummel's propo.'>al That day another newspaper called to tum At least three school groups I.'>the .'>ame day voter~ WIll elect report that at least three Pom- have formed committees to re- two new board members tel's were among the thousands spond to Supt Kenneth Brum- Farm~ reSident Charles Glass livIng a dream on the streets of mel's plan to close Barnes, Deter, suggested the school clOSIng vote Beantown Kerby and Mason elementanes 111 be delayed "You are havmg your The three were Bill Weiden- the fall of 1984 cake and eatIng It too by the back, 23, (sorry, no offICIal CommIttee members from those method In which you have pre- time avaIlable), James Campbell, 50, who completed schools appeared at the Board of sented thIS," he saId Education's meetIng Monday and the race In 3 22 40 and urged the trustees to delay theIr In attempts to get local teachers Thomas J. DuPont, 38, who vote on the plan until questIOns and pnnclpals to sign petItIOns finished his second Boston about consohdatmg elementary protestmg the school consolIdation Marathon In 3 06'41 school chIldren into the system's plan, Glass saId several educators In a nIce bit of irony, It was three mIddle schools are c1anfIed and admlntstrators have hesitated learned that DuPont was one of to Jom the OPPOSItIOnbecause of several joggers tIcketed by the Several parents said they were "fear of penalty" and that it Farms pollce for runmng m the skeptIcal about how well elemen- would "reflect poorly on them" street a few weeks back tary chIldren would get along WIth Police reports say the incI- seventh and eIghth graders at Both Brummel and trustees dent occurred at about 6: 30 Brownell, Parcells and PIerce demed the allegatIOn "It IS cer- Supt. Kenneth Brummel a m Apparently DuPont went mIddle schools tainly not the polIcy of the board to the Farms MUnIcIpal Court to stifle any conversation on this," local public schools that is expect- Kerby parent Jane Fox saId she Trustee Jon Gandelot saId ed to continue through this dec- ready to do battle over the -,. mIsdemeanor only to receIve a was "appalled" after she took a "Frankly, I am floored by thIS" ade The number of school child- tour of Brownell school Monday to ren In the Pointes has dropped marathon lecture from the One other reSIdent. told the judge before bemg found gUIlty. see where her children would be from 13,300 In the peak year of sent under the plan Mrs Fox saId board she understood Supt. Brum- 1972 to 7,805 this year. Brummel's His fine was suspended mel was selected for hiS post In DuPont's number one fan the faCIlItIes would prOVIde too plan IS designed to keep both much contact between older and Grosse Pomte two years ago be- North and South High Schools and reported that he bettered his cause he had experience closing previous B.M. tIme and Will younger chIldren "ThIS IS not the three middle schools open, what we conSIder to be quality schools In Westport, Conn. Trustee while closing four elementary only lose fIve toenaIls instead of Gandelot mterrupted the woman six as in last year's effort educatIon," she told the board schools in phase one, and three and denounced the rumor more elementaries in phase two of Trustees WIll receIve Supt the program. GP bruise missile Brummel's fmal recommenda- "1 resent that as a board mem- tions to close schools at theIr ber That's not true," Gandelot Jushce of a sort was SWift Monday, May 9, meeting at Defer saId and sure for two would-be bI- school Board members made It South is cycle thieves last week when a clear Monday that those recom- Trustee Cathenne Bnerly added sharp-eyed resident caught one mendatIOns are not the last word all 10candIdates for supenntendent of them in his garage Pnoto by Tom Greenwood on school closmgs m Grosse had expenence with school clOSIngs In theIr respectIve commumties According to Farms pollee _ J. Pointe and can be changed on in top 10 CaTIaY ClrCltS June 13, when they vote on reports, the reSIdent (descrIbed Cotton Next week on May 11 and 12, South HIgh was one of 10 Michi- as a bIg, burly ex-Navy officer) Brummel's plan The circus came to .town week for some ~ursery school Trustee Ronald Dalby, however, publIc hearings are scheduled at gan schools honored Monday as saw a 20 to 22-year-old man hop Mason and Barnes school at 8 examples of the "best in eduea. on his son's 10 speed and start Chi1~ren at Gro~se PQlOte Umtar~an Church. Shl1!lrel! ~sed. -.-publ~ly-steted he was-not m favor to rIde a way with it p m for di~eusslOn---uf ":Supc tten-!1 -Prioorpel- Joseph SpagnoU ... up In costumes and !Iad fun makmg ~ftnd.. eatmg) ,~otton candy of the superintendent's proposal Brummel's plan teacher Carl Jushce and three and popcorn. Later m the day, the kIds walked a make-be- and drew applause from the aud- Charging from the house, the students traveled up to Lansing to homeowner hit the suspect WIth lieve tightrope. Ready to chomp away on their cotton candy are lence Later Dalby added "we Dr Brummel's school closmg receive the award. a body check and sent him preschoolers (left to right) Rachael Salerno, John Starr and st1l1 have to' close -some schools plan IS an attempt to deal wIth. a The 10 schools were selected by tumbhng through a pIcket Michael BIenman. ' and soon." severe declme III enrollment In State Supt. Phillip E Runkel and fence, snappmg a large cedar a panel of experts from a field of post in two alon~ with several 1,200 Junior, senior and elemen. pickets and a raIling Petition says kids, kegs don't mix tary InstItutions in the state, The Not surprIsingly, the checkee 10finalists were honored for the ex- emplary model they set for other ran off clutching hIS rIbs The By Joanne Gouleche alcohol-free SOCIal actIVItIes youngsters In Grosse POlOte get checker then noticed hIS second What mfluences kIds to take schools They will now go on to na- "I never realIzed how bad It among local teen.'> theIr first taste of alcohol between their flr~t Sip? son's bIcycle was mIssmg and was I Ju.'>twasn't aware of It I'm tIOnal competItion sponsored by the the ages of 12 and 15, WIth the National CommIssion on Excel- called in a description to the sure a lot of other parents would The petItIon dl'lve may get par- MIchele Jannazzo, superVIsor at ents to thmk tWIce about lettmg greatest number beglnnmg use In lence, pollee. OffIcers later saw a se- also be surpnsed " Ihe nmth grade the FamIly LIfe EducatIOn Coun- cond man rIding the bIke and theIr teens attend kegger parties. cil's Center Point counseling Jommg Dr. Spagnoh in Lansing attempted to stop him Lynn Wargo, South High School Mrs Wargo said The council says the academIC center, says whIle peer pressure Monday were Student Association parent, admits she never realized achIever IS as much attracted to PreSIdent JoAnn Cullen, Junior "The problem IS prevalent In certamly contl'lbutes to alcohol He ran off through several how Widespread teen alcohol alcohol as the less actIve student Class President Steve Rotta and yards before he was arrested Grosse Pomte A lot of parents use, It'S 'not the lone factor among abuse IS In Grosse POInte In fact, the student who IS In- teens Sophomore President Carrie PolIce have a name and good condone It. unfortunately," Mrs volved in several different clubs Crough. descriptIOn of the brUIsed bI- Her outlook changed qUIckly Wargo saId Some teens begm to drmk to es- when she attended a meetIng of or actIVItIes w111more likely be Dr Spagnoli said he was excited cycler that got away In theIr exposed to alcohol and drug use, cape everyday pressures and bulletm, they descnbed hIm as the Substance Abuse Commumty The abuse council, formed two about the honor and hopeful about says the counCIl (Continued on Page 2A) (Continued on Page 18A) a white male WIth brown hall'. CounCil of Grosse Pomte and diS- years ago to address alcohol and a bushy moustache, weanng a covered that alcohol IS the most drug abuse m Grosse POlllte, blue nylon Jacket, brown cor- abused drug In Grosse POll1te meets monthly and welcomes new duroy trousers and haVIng among adults and teens members. The group brought DaVId Toma to Grosse POlllte to "very sore l'Ibs." Now, Mrs Wargo fears other speak last fall Little sign, parents ma~ be Ignorant of the Housewarming problem, too, and unaware thaI Toma, a former New Jersey cop present? theIr son or daughter may be turned anti-drug and alcohol big flap guzzhng do\"n beer or wme on a cru.,ader, told parents the teen al- The SIgn In front of the A man movIng mto a house regular baSIS cohol and drug abuse problem III Edsel & Eleanor Ford Gros.,e POll1te has grown mlo House looks small on Lakepointe Road last week 1\1rs Wargo who has .'>Ince for Fords apparently bought a little more "pandemiC' proportIOns Later, a enough but It s the cause JOIned the abuse councIl, IS help- of a muniCIpal court battle than he bargaIned for Se('ms survey by the abuse counCIl By Mike Andrzejczyk mg to .,pearhedd a petItion drIve showed students felt alcohol was on the Shores sign or- the gentleman found a leakIng, to open parent,,' eyes to the dnnk- The Edsel & Eleanor Ford dinance The sign could deterwratmg artillery shell more of a problem than drug use mg problem among local teen- at their schools, while others mdl- House has a small sign out front also add a new wnnkle to restmg m hIS garage agers that announces ItS days of opera- the two-year battle be- cated regular drmklllg was tween the Ford House and The brave new homeowner "okay' tion, tImes of tours and number to WITH GRAOlJi\TION partJe~ call for more mformatlOn the Village over the gmgerly took the foot long shell home's tax status to the Park pollce statIOn where around the corner, the counCIl \CCORDING TO a booklet pub- wants to encourage drug and he;hed by the abu.,e counCIl, That small sign could lead to a offIcers even more glngerl\' ruling on the legality of the Shoree; took It off hiS hands sign ordinance and poSSibly add a An urgent call to Selfridge new tWIst to the ongomg baltic be- All' Force base In Mt Clemens tween the Ford House, the VII brought the dl.,turblng news Woods may hike tax rate lage, Macom b County and the that the boys In blue didn't Lakeshore School dlstl'lct over Ihe 8y Mike Andrzejczyk Last veal', the city leVied 1 35 have anyone avaIlable to dls- tax status of the 6O-room mansIOn e;Ign \\ould be to defy the ordI- look all l'lght for a bank but not in Wood., homeowners mcl~ get a mIlls for capItal Improvements III po.,e of the ordinance and ItS 87-acre site nance and argue ItS legalIty In a reSIdential area" .,l1ghtl) "mailer tclX bIll from the the city a., part of II" 1057 rate In court, Sullivan e;aId Behe"e It or nol an Arm" Cltv thl" e;ummer under the tax fiscal 198~-84, beg1l1mng .July 1, Shores pollce say the sIgn IS Il- Sullivan said Ford House ad- Bomb Dlspo.,al Umt from ('hi' raie propoe;ed h~ Clt~ OfflCldls to Ihe cII~ WII!operate a e;peclal fund legal A hearing m mUniCIpal Thp Shoree; I., enforCing an 01'- mllllstrators redeSigned the SIgn dll1ance Ihat faces lIs fIrst legal cago promised to dnve up to pick fund Ihe 198384 clly hudgel for It., capital lmpro"ements total- court on Ihe I.,.,ue was adjourned and put It up In December The challenge. KIllehrew said "The up the 75 mm <;hell Sure enough, Woode; offiCials propos('d a 11 II lll1g more than $1 79 millIon, a Wednesday evening Apl'll 27 ~o Village clled them for ViolatIon of mlllage ratr to fund thf' cll" 'e; three-fold Increase over the year attorne)'s for bOlh Side'> could ordlllance dllows signs only for sign ordinance and the fight was they arl'lved at 6 p m Monday c('tlam In"lancee; We don't have and, Instead of dle;manlllng It on % 006 millIOn hlldgel The ne\\- before prepare bnefs, VIllage attorney on cl n\ hlle;lllc""ee; as such In the VII- the spot, turned around and rale I" an mcreae;f' 0\ rl I,ht William Klllehrew e;ald The "Il The Cltj \\ III u.,r hloc k grant Iagp he .,alCl "It'., a questIOn of The '>Ign and the battle over the drove back to Chicago, bomb and \ ear" 1057 mill" to compen"ate lage ordmance prohlblls any "Ign In funds enterpn.'>e funde; and "tate whrth<'r or not the .'>Ignmeets the tax-exempt status of the home as all for a 4 percent drop Wood" other than a "for sale" .,Ign or prop<'1t\ a""e.,,,n1('nl <; e;hared revenues to fund lIs capital temporary placard dUflng con ordlllance <;reqlllrements .. a chal'ltable InstItutIOn are "vi- ImproH'ment" next year, Petrr- tali y connected," Sulll said Thc propoe;ed Ir\~ \\ould ral"e structlOn of a home that lS larg£'r The "Ign "lor) brgan 111 Apl'll, <;('n "aid The Cllv "hlfted about than e;IXsquare feet, he "aid aboul $'3 ')<}Imillion for c!rbt "er Sh40,OOOm anticipated .,tate "har- Itate shared revenue 10 the gen- 111l1lage Taxe" on the <;ame home caue;e It would dI.'>tract drIvers "totally mdependent" of the tax Sports I, 2C eral fund to keep Ihe millage 10- The only way Ihe Ford House were aboul $42~ Ihe year before (Continued on Pag-e IRA) Iwgotlall1lg Ih(' Lakeshore curve cases The tax appeal by the Ford would be able 10 get and keep a Onr trustee e;ald the sign "would (Continued on Page 2M -.-"'~"---.-.------"."'4-U".-._,*4"._4

Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 Petitions say kids and kegs just do rwt mix (Continued from Page lA) they talk who is gomg to brmg the the area WIth a view toward les- "The InstItutIOns of the com- stresses. beer," Ms. Jannazzo said .'It sening the social acceptability of mumty need to take (the problem) "Dad drinks when he has prob- scares me when parents say 'he's the use of drugs and alcohol. more serIOusly" Just drinking' and not on drugs Get lems, SQ a young person sees that and begins to drink to escape his Alcohol IS a drug." own problems," Ms Jannazzo DURING THE late evenmg 'class' said hours of last Feb 19, Dorothy and But when the peer pressure gets Walter Radulovich of Grosse a little rough-going, Ms Jannazzo Pomte CIty were Jolted by the says teens can come to the center news that theIr daughter Nada for counsehng was lymg m the Bon Secours Hos- results pItal emergency room wIth severe "Our counsehng program IS real head injurIes, a punctured lung approprIate (for teens) Teens and broken ribs resultmg from an prefer to come here because of automobIle aCCIdent earlier that the relaxed atmosphere. evenmg An empty beer can had been found at the aCCIdent scene "The bulk of our chentele IS the adolescent young adult between 14 Nada, 17, a !>emor at South HIgh call and 20 years of age." School and a serIOUS student of Authentic mUSIC, was riding In a truck wIth Ms. Jannazzo said the offIce a fnend when It SUddenly struck Original Brown Elk handles from 25 to 30 active cases Top-Side~ Moccasin the curb and tipped over Rec;k- .,g" 882-6900 at anyone time less driving charges are stIll pend- 1 h. i%,'#A /~MYW' ~#J. ~ "/vkx..4%",kIc.l~*-a'~\ "I was always extremely op- (Contjnued from Page lA) posed to it," Mrs RadulOVIch saId "I am certainly opposed to your House to the Michigan Tax Tri- the partIes m the varIOus hotels bunal is now before th;o MIchigan and homes where parents are Court of Appeals. No hearing date aware drinking IS Involved I ad . has been set for oral arguments Celebrate Spring at Carr Sterr ... by the court. "The whole drinking bit In this community abhores me It's very Left to right: Dobsons cloth summer tweed before Village offiCIals concede the dIfficult to raise chJldren in this jacket, all wool tropical summer tan suit, Dacron sign case could bear directly on community when most of theIr and wool olive grey suit. All by SouthWick. Neck- Dark Brown the tax cases. While the cases are peers are mvolved In thIS sort of wear by Robert Talbott. Kudu(" separate" in theory," allowing the thing." sIgn to remain could enhance the To tho' 1')1:' It look, Ilk.- Ih" 1

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/~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~t' - (J-..=:-- ~~~~~~~~~Q:)~~~ ~ EN~OY MOTHER'S ~ ,, ~ GINO'S ELEGANT ~ SINCE 1900 ~ DAY DINNER ~ Maslorcard { ~ SUNDAY .BRUNCH ~ ;.. V,sa ~ WITH US. ~ ) KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE S) 11:00 till 2:00 882-8970 a.m. p.m. ~ ~ OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. ~ Open Thurrday El1enmgJ 'II! 9 ~~~~~~~~~~1;:)~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bet SHOOK RD (15 MILE) & 37400 JEFFERSON AVE. METROPOLITAN PKWY (18 MILE) 468 ..2611 Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three.A Cluster occupancy a year off?

By Tom Greenwood sign floor plans, offering two and owned by the late Eloise Webber. three bedroom homes wlth at- In an earlier mterview, a com- Developers of the 18 cluster tached two car garages Three of pany spokesman said the Ford Live home subdlvlslOn destmed for the the homes would be constructed plan had the flexibility to expand Lakeshore property owned by along the 390 foot frontage paral- and include the Webber acreage Henry Ford II hope to have thelr lelIng Lakeshore Road, wlth some Into its development first occupants of the project set- homes attached at a common "I've heard from several people at tled m by May, 1984 garden wall, or a common corner that we've acqulred the property, Curt Clauser, vIce-presIdent of Clauser f>aId a name for the from others that we're no longer deslgn and planmng for the SUbdlvlsIOn would soon be coming mterested and from others that Caldwell EqUIty Co , developers of "We've narrowed It down to about someone else has acquired lt and the the property, saId deSIgn two chOlces," he Said "The decl- IS putting in a separate project," schedules are bemg met SlOn wlll be made by Mr Ford sald Clauser "We're pretty much on once he comes back Into town" "I don't really know what the Punch schedule," Said Clauser "They're Clauser confIrmed that there status IS I've been devotmg all demolishing the basement now has been a lot of "peculdtlOn lately my tlme to the Ford SUbdIVIsIon and two of four bUlldmgs on the about whether the Ford subdiVI- Right now all I'm concerned wlth Kercheval SIde of the lot are now sion would expdnd to Include the Aladdm and hIS GeOle are com- down The chauffeur's bUlldmg IS lS 18 cluster homes on Lakeshore mg to the Punch and Judy Thea- Webber properly located next Road" gone and the gardener's house IS door at 437 Lake::.hore Road The Clauser dId indlcate, however, tre, 21 Kercheval Avenue, when next The demolition crews are Denms Wlckline ProductIOns, Inc , Caldwell Company had prevlOusly that clanflCatlOn of the question of scheduled to be out by the mIddle confirmed that II wa::. IOterested 10 the Webber property should be presents its second chIldren's of May acqUlrlOg the 55 acre parcel avaI1ahlf> In two or three weeks theater offermg, "Aladdm" "THE~ \\'E HOPE to have beginning Saturday, May 7, a~d sewer, pavmg and things of that contmuing each Saturday m May nature gOing by the fIrst of July WIth shows at 11 a m and 1 p m We'd hke to see the first occup- Gattorn takes TIckets are $2 50 each WIth a 25 ants in by May of next year. Of cent dlscount for groups of 20 or course, thIS schedule was drawn county office more. Tlckets are aVaIlable at the up last January Lots of unfore- Pomter Barbara Gattorn took door and no reservatlOns are seen thmgs can hold It up " needed For more informatIOn, her position as a county CIVIl Ser- DestructIOn of the Ford home, vice commISSIOner Wednesday, call Lee Wmter, 773-3076.PICtured located on nearly elght acres of April 27, although one commIS- above are some of the local pro- pnme real estate stretchmg from fessional actors who WIll perform sIOner voted to block approval of Lakeshore Road to Kercheval Av- her appomtment a day later for the kIds (standmg from left to enue, began several weeks ago right) Jane Vreeland, of the Park, Mrs Gattorn, LeVI Jackson and The demolttlOn of the 76-room Henry Kozak were appomted to and L. "Aden" Russell, of the manSIOn, oflgmally bUIlt m 1928 Farms, (kneehng left to right) the county board, March by Hudson Motor Car PresIdent 29, by county executive Wllham TerrI Turpin, of the CIty, and Roy Chapin, drew media attention Tony Amato, of St Clair Shores Lucas Under the new home rule in the state and throughout the charter, the Board of CommIS- country sIOners then had 30 days to reject The sidewalk fronting the prop- the appomtments, or until Wed- erty was often lined WIth dozens of nesday, Aprtl 27, Mrs Gattorn onlookers vlewmg the destructIOn said. of the home The Board met Thursday, April Ironically, the demolitlOn has 28, and approved two of three ap- spurred buyer lOterest in the 18 pointees, a day after they auto- cluster type homes scheduled to matlcally took effect under the Barbara Gattorn be constructed through the com- charter in~ year Photo by Dale Pegg Accordmg to county commlSSIOn 'The minute the wrecking public informatIOn director Lleto MADD will fonn eqUlpment went on the SIte tn- Durley, 10 of the 15 commIssion- 'Money in Ministry' conference here terest In the subdlvlslOn really ers present falled to gIve Mrs local chapter picked up," saId Clauser "It was Gattorn the necessary majority of Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyter- gIfted song leader a m and Sunday worship at 11 hke people saw that we were re- eIght votes to approve her ap. The Mothers Against Drunk Ian Church. 19950 Mack Avenue, IS The worKshop will enable those a m ally senou~ dbout this Before, all pomtment Dnvmg, MADD, WIll hold a meet- sponsoring a "Money in MlOistry" attending to work WIth their per- ReservatIOns for the workshop the talks with the city seemed to Mrs Gattorn SaId, however, the ing from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, May conference featuring nationally sonal prejudices and biblical per- have been closed but the public IS generate a 'wait and see' attitude eIght votes would have to have 10, at the Grosse Pointe War known speakers this weekend, spectlves regardmg money, to en- inVIted to attended the other pro- "Since then we've had lots of Ln- been to reject her appointment, Memortal, 32 Lakeshore Road. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, able them to use their money grams of the conference, such as- terest from prospective buyers. rather than confirm It The form- The group is hoping to form a re- May 6, 7 and 8. more effechvely m addresslOg the tht> Saturday mght dmner ($4) People are calhng or contactmg us er charter commISSIOner received gional chapter on the eastSIde. The conference, "Wealth- needs of the world. All the activitles, except the by mall" Design plans presented seven yes votes and only one vote At the meetings, the group will MiSSIOn Possible?" will feature The weekend WIll also include a Saturday tea, Will be held at the to the Farms counCil last August against her approval chose a regional vice-president such theologlans/preachers as Saturday tea to meet Mary Cosby Woods church. The tea wlll be at showed the 18 cluster homes to be Lucas' press secretary BIll and committee for chairpeople Mary Cosby, founder of the Church from 2 to 4 pm. and learn how the home of Doris Weaver, 19972 connected by a meandering road Johnson said the commISSion's ac- Court Monitoring, Victim's Sup- of the SaVIOr, Washington, D C.; women can move their churches Clalrvlew Court m the Woods. Re- runnlOg through the property WIth tIOn was too late to effect the port, Public Awareness/Education Dan McClanen, founder of the into mISSIOn, a Saturday dmner servatlOns are reqUIred for the smgle entrance and eXIts on thre~ ~a~i[lg. ofhce When the 30 and MembershIp Services FellowshIp of ChrIstIan Athletes program from '6 30 to 9 p m dmner t. Call 886-4300 for more m- Lakeshore and Kercheval. days ran out, the three appomtees For more Information, call the and other groups;. Gloria 1'o(ftCl.~.',;,'WhlCh Will mclud., pl'66entaihlnS'- formatllon. ' , .. THE HOMES themselves would were automafically confirmed, he county -offIces of M~DD at 476- nen, a nurse and dIrector of Well- by the speakers and Grosse PoiQte. All other events can be attended be based on four or five baSIC de- said. 8344 spring retreat mmistry and Jo~n Woods Pre~by~er~an_~ .Gh~rch. withou~reservations MacFarland, a Umted Methodist mlmster Rev Robert LinthIcum pastor from Cahfornia and a a Sunday mormng forum at 9 30 I Thinking-

.... ~ ~ , ifCW' Jr." IIC"- of Leasiftg ...,..,....., aJ , ~U Think af by sebago DRUMMY LEASING INC. Regular Prices a Mile at Gratiot Mens $50.00 772-6700 772.2200 Womens $46.00 Oavh!l Ber,.,... v p Boys $3800 Ralph FllZek Sal •• Mllr Childs $35.00 (8-12) $33.00 WEGIVEIDU MOREmAN A MERE REPlfl£EMENT .c.~\VINIXMl BUILDING CO. 1---- d;-"lC£ 1911 00 OPEN A POI' 882-3222 Save 55 Thurs. & Fn. NOW Remodehnl( SpeclallevOlMe• Grosse POIllteaurtMI • 48230 • Shaesl3n) TU6 4360 Wlndo_ Supplied by Groesbeclc Lumbllf

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Page Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 Travel group 'Oarinet and Friends' at Ford House . KAMINSKI al" concert can be obtained The Lyric Chamber Ensemble of the last two works Brahmds ~~~Iling Lyric Chamber Ensem- visits England Will present its last concert of the composed, Will bt' performe. bfe at 357-1111 CHIROPRACTIC George Kawamoto will present season at the Edsel & Eleanor Poulenc Sonata WIll als,? feature A charge of $7 general admis- AFew S,tllilltlltid c.,dltlens shde shows titled "The Story of Ford House 1D Grosse Pomte the clarmet, cello, and plano, and . $5 for students and senior Kmg Arthur" and "The Sceptered Shores Sunday, May 8, at 3 pm Schubert's "Shepherd on the SIOn, . ud both the concert • Lit. AI'II. IIckp. • HaacblS Isle" to the Senior Citizen Geo- The program, entitled "ClarInet Rock" for soprano clarinet and CItizen, mcl es t the rt' ts graphy and Travel Group Wed- and Fnends" features Detroit Piano Will exhibit 'the abillty of a~d an aftetlfognlowmee - -a IS • NICk aid D •• IUr' Pit, • Mlgl1lnes , bl d fully wme rece,P. . nesday, May 11, at 1 30 pm. at Symphony Orchestra clarmetist the clarm~t to en gr/ice. The series is made poSSIble by a • Art~rttia/B'rlttta • Astll•• the Grosse Pomte Neighborhood Douglas Cornelsen together with wIth the timbre of othe~ msh u- t from the Michigan Council Club DSO celhst DaVid Saltzman pIa- ments and the human vOice gran • Nerv•• s T.sI.. • AllerlllS "The Story of Kmg Arthur" nist Fedora HoroWitz and soprano Tickets for thiS "Mother's Day for the Arts. shows slides of the rums found at Earnestme Nimmons In honor of Brahms' 150 birth. one of the numerous sites as- sociated wIth the legend of Kmg day (May 7), the E flat Major Arthur A dISCUSSiOn wIll follow Sonata for clarmet and plano, one and a map of medieval England -Weddings • Annlversarlee • Birthdays WIll be used to locate Arthur's Library patrons birthplace, the castle m WhICh the • Make any occasion special at Great Hall and the Round Table can view 'Kratner' • CUSTOM CUTTING. CONSUMER WORKSHOPS • PANELING • are shown to tOUrIsts and Avalon, The Fnends of the Grosse where Arthur and Gumevere are Pomte PublIc Library have donat- > - The Crystal Center · !: reportedly bUrIed ed a $1,000 gIft to the lIbrary for m "The Sceptered Isle" wIll show the purchase of feature films on :D many castles and rums, pageants Video-cassettes a () SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR MOM and regal ceremonies characterls- Among the movies purchased SAVE 3 WAYS llC ot the tradItIOn-ConscIOus BrIt- are .. AfrICan ~ueen" (V HS tor- :r:" Ish mat and Beta format), "Das > -Jewel Boxes Trimmed $2250 All seniors are inVIted to attend Boot" (Beta), "Kramer vs • :D with Brass (/') o the meeting Also, reservatiOns Kramer" (Beta), An OffIcer And ~ (5 styles to choose from) and deposits WIll be accepted for A Gentleman" (VHS & Beta), z is'" > the planned group trIp to the "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's ..J ::D - L~ Crystal Sticks North HIgh School PlanetarIUm Nest" (Beta), "Ordmary People" o m scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, (VHS & Beta), "Reds" (VHS), :::!: • starting from en May 17 Reservations are neces- "Return Of The Pink Panther" • :r: sary to Insure InClUSIOnm the trIp. (VHS & Beta) and "Victor/Victor- m Large Selection of Lead Crystal Ia" (Beta). r- • VASES. BOWLS. Colored Crystal ~ Jaycees sponsor The FrIends' gift also allowed Z • PLATTERSand so much more with the purchase of chIldren's fIlms, Ci) SAVINGS TO 60%. May 9 clinic mcludmg "Charlotte's Web" (VHS), "Dumbo" (Beta), "The • Certified Red Cross instructors "tl Will teach a six-seSSIOn babYSitting Marvelous Land of Oz" (VHS), • > 19866 MACK AVE. Bet. 7 & 8 Mile - Grosse Pointe Woods o course beginning on Monday, May "Pete's Dragon" (VHS) and "The o Z OPEN MON -SAT till 5 - THURS till 7 343.9078 Wizard Of Oz" (Beta). o -l 9, In the Harper Woods library I basement from 7.30to9.30p.m. The To borrow video-cassettes from 3: • >- I -l course is sponsored by the Harper the librarYllou must be at least ..J 18 years 0 and have a Grosse c.. o Woods Jaycee AUXIliary I o Pointe library card The cassettes • I r Demonstrations will include feed- (/) are loaned for a three-day period mg techniques, diapering and SIm- IC/) while supplies last I at a cost of $1. A complete list of a:: ple first aid, along With dISCUSSIOn w litm , ,.,. MIM•., J • mOVIes on Video-cassettes owned (/) on babyslttmg responslblhtles, l- by Central Library is available in I- :t chIld development and appropnate ::l ----CIII> ~ The Videotaped films will be for optimum health and long lIfe o I -l shown on Frtdays at 2 p.m. in the and the importance of exercise. ~ I a ExhIbition Room of the Central g , ~ ~ ..., J Nutricise II will follow with life- I Branch, 10 Kercheval Avenue time .slimnung patterns, advice oIi' ~ ~ 1;1 There IS no charge , " , , - " h()w to"'fiooy--~nger ~ongtr, "thlf 9 I ~ ~, I ,,-', The upcommg hIm schedule Win power..of color and .polllti~'mental- I. .. ~ 2 be, .,' • attitude, and- other ,topieSr~'~ ~ z , '~~/ y" • May 13 - "VIctor Victoria" Carol BowdeU, a registered den- >- ~ • May 20 - Ordinary People tal hygienist, is course lllstructor. 6 (/) • May 27 - Yankee Doodle Dandy She has been involved 10 nutri- • FORMICA. VANITIES. MILLWORK. HARDWOODS • DOORS • • June 3 - Officer and a Gentle- tional counseling in the dental of- " .~d ~ man S~~~ U IImIL~ fice for several years. She also 881-0034 • June 10 - Return of the Pmk teaches at Carol's Exercise Co. in 15554 EAST WARREN AVENUE • 882-6820 Located In Grosse Pointe at 19609 Mack Avenue Panther Allen Park. OPEN: MON -SAT. 9-9 SAT 9-5 • June 17 - Smgmg m the Ram For more InformatIOn about the diVISion of 3741 ST. AUBIN AVE. • June 24 - Reds - Part I course, call the Neighborhood LUMBER & MILLWORK DETROIT • 832~0070 • July 1 - Reds - Part II Club at 885-4600. A Mother's Day Gift To Last A Lifetime WE LOVE RETIREMENT AT from SCHWINN@ INDEPENDENCE VILLAGE 3 • 5 or 10 Speeds Mother's Day Special SCHWINN Collegiate 3 speed 95 Reg. $15495 NOW $134 Clara and Vernon Riethmeler- Elsie Hart: "I wanted a home Fred and Winifred Klaus: Clara: "We feel we belong here. that was carefree, and that's "Nothing was left out when POINTE CYClERY Bill'S BIKE SALES People take us the way we are. exactly what I've found There's Independence Village was Lots of new friends - they're all goodWill and fnendshlp and also planned. It ISa happy. carefree 20373 MACK, GPW 14229 E. JEFFERSON fnends here." Vernon: ''We com- pnvacy when you want it." life exceeding our fondest . 886-1968 822-4130 pared and we thought thiS was a expectations" better prOpOSItIOn. It's a very well-planned organization." jfrankcnnluth Independence Village .. 1"; If you're thinking of retirement for yourself or a parent thiS new. easy liVing community With the "life-care". prOVISion, may be the total answer you've been look Ing for FOUR SEASONS AUTHORIZED • L h ('lrp IS ,;uhlPCf 10 ttlf' prov;~lons of thp Res,denep Agreement

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Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE N'EWS Page Five-A Lucas to speak Hanpeter joins county race here Thursday The Grosse Pointe Board of four-year terms, whIle the other Education recently anhounced Its two spots are for six-year terms County Executive WillIam support for trustee Joan Hanpe- One board member from each Lucas Will speak at 7 30 p.m. ter's candIdacy for the Wayne of the 36 school distrIcts In Wayne Thursday, May 12, at Umverslty County Intermediate School Dls- County IS eligIble to vote m the LIggett Lower School, 1045 Cook trict Board June electIOn. Road In the Woods Mrs Hanpeter Will be seeking This IS Lucas' first speaking en- one of four spots on the flve-mem- Mrs Hanpeter has served on gagement in eastern Wayne Coun- bel' board In the June 6 election the Grosse Pomte Board of Edu- ty since he took office last Jan- Two board vacancies are for cation smce 1972 uary. The pubhc IS inVIted to ask questIOns about county roads, STUDIO CAMERA HAS t health care, taxes, county ser- .._------... vices and the county's budget ATARI COMPUTERS & VIDEO; The program IS free and IS sponsored by the Concerned Re- GAMES IN STOCK NOW!. I pubhcan CommIttee 4RNi a Jifi1..m.. I "Everyone IS invited to come Alan 400 BOO and 1200 Computers li!J AlARI I and partiCIpate In the diSCUSSIOn I are In slack now all at super low -*.~ perIOd," said Joan Woodhouse, Concerned Republican Committee President Joan Woodhouse (center) and Vice.President discount prlces' All of our software IS I I discount priced to everyone I Prices on -..rj . CRC president "We welcome the James Perry (left) will host Wayne County's new Executive Bill Lucas at a forum nex~ we~k. Alan are born at StudiO Camera ana mterest that the new charter and Lucas will talk to the public at the free event Thursday, May 12, at 7:30 p.m. at Umverslty I raised elseWhere' I the first Wayne County Executive Liggett's Lower School, 1045 Cook Road, in the Woods. have created" I AlARI 400. With 16K memory alter 90 I deducting $50 factory to you rebale $89 : The Concerned Republican Information about government Baroque QOne.g en-l~ QDason CommIttee IS an orgamzatlOn of and local concerns to the attenhon ~ c ~ ~ I AlARI 800, With 4BK memory after 90 rATARI400I800 SOFTWARE-I reSIdents In the Gros!>e POlntes, $369 I of those hv10g in these areas. Past The third season finale of the Fronczak for the program of Viv- I deducting $100 factory to you rebate Harper Woods and eastern DetrOIt I Centpeae ' I speakers have 10cluded Lt. Gov- baroque chamber series, "Music aldl, Telemann and lesser-known 2990 that was formed In 1981 One of ItS ernor James Brickley and party from the Age of Enlightenment" artists I AlARI 1200. With 54K memory after $54990 ! ~:~~~~~r~ J I mam actiVIties IS to help bring I deducting $100 fa<:t~ry to you rebate leader Mel Larson will be presented by Flauto e The program Will first be per- ,I Basso Baroque Duo Saturday, formed at the BIrmingham UnI- May 7, at the Birmmgham Umtar- tanan Church on Woodward at I?~J: 1 -~ ,1./:/0 I. Ian Church and the following Sat- Lone Pine In Bloomfield Hills. urday at the Edsel & Eleanor I Tickets at the door are $5, $3 for ' ,T '-:' Ford House. children under 12 ComplImentary I \ I wine will be served I < ~ ,"'" II I "An Eclectic Menagerie of Bar- The concert WIll be repeated the . I oque Curiosi~ies," a concert fe~- following Saturday, May 14 at the I ANSWER ONLY turing mUSIC for two harps.I- Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, 1100 I ELECT. TELEPHONE I chords, baroque program musIc Lakeshore Road. ReservatIOns are and other works, will be perform- I Perteci for the house or cottage ASA 100 color slide 111m",th lac lory With wall ha~ger Replace your Bell I a special occasion recommended Tickets are $7, $5 600 range Compact deSign processing 1 000 10 sell Save 53 Te ephone today and save S I ed by Thomas Kirtm, on recorder ' for children under 12. Guests are i I sparkling wine sale and baroque flute, and Daniel invited to tour the house. I $699(1 $690 I Jencka. harpsichord. Both concerts begin at 8 p.m. The duo will be joined by guests Tickets are avaIlable 10 advance ED 20229 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pointe Woods • 881.6200 • DorIS Williams, Debra Mulder, by calling 656-1574 for informatIOn IfII 1606 S'.Woodward Ave. • Birmingham • 540-0191 ",' If it bubbles, you save 20% Thomas Sefcovlc and Norbert and a free brochure. Sale Ends 5/10/83 • Birmingham store closed Wednesdays if you buy it by the case, you save 10% more • fine Coming right up: graduatlons. weddings. VILLAGE.MARKET Memorial Day, birthdays. promotlons, wines christenings, not to mention Mother's Day 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms on Sunday. If it's worth celebrating, it's worth - present- • sparkling wine. Toast with your favorite cham- liquor pagne, sekt, asti spumante. cold duck and "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • other bubbly at 20% soV1rlg s. A few examples from our 6000' bottles of sparkling wine. CLOSED SUN. & CLOSED WED. at J P.M . Prices EHective May 5th, 6th and 7th • Codorniu blanc de blanc, reg 795. sale 6.36 • Rolar Asti Spumante, reg 895, sale 7.16 • lOUIS St Croix Saumur, reg 695. sale 5.56 HYGRADE GOLD LABEL • St Germain Vln Mousseau, reg 995. sale 7.96 49 Hudson's Wines, Northland, Eastland, Westland, BONELESS SMOKED HAMS $1 ) ~ fisIi Oakland, Flint Sorry, no speCial orders c WHOLE OR HALVES LB. ~DAILY ,~ I I '" ~~ -: TO~OI May , .. , u~ ~~~:o~~"staQl.~pJf..,~14.0 0, TYSONTS GRA.DE A , I CORNISH GAME HENS $129 : ~~~:d,., 22.0Z. SIZE each • Mon kfish CONTINENTAL • Swordfish : 79 • Salmon CORNED BEEF (ALL FLAT CUTS) $1 LB. • Whitefish • Trout OUR OWN $179 • Finnanhaddie BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE LB. • Scallops OUR OWN BAY'S GROUND CHUCK ENGLISH MUFFINS HAMBURGER PATTIES (310 a Lb. or 4 to a Lb.) $l~.:g 59~ - \ BELL OUR OWN 6 PACK , (, RINGER exclUSIve DANNON '- Gourmet BULK SAUSAGE ~ ~ Meats YOGURT ~ "MADE FRESH DAIL Y" 49 All. FLAVORS 1 LB. ROLL$ LB. C OVEN READY 1 8 oz.37 Veal Avg Pkg $189 Parmesan 21(, Lb LB. COKE - TAB - SPRITE ParmflOn 'Ioyor,d veal pothe. I" our own 1pec.ol ltol al'l 'IOuC" ,,"o~.rl!'d wrth mono,-.flo chft-M In P('tu .....a' .. troy reod)l fo, tn, c."",n DIET COKE - DR. PEPPER REG. or DIET - SQUIRT r==:;O;V;EN~R~EA~D~Y~==~. BONELESS CHICKEN SUNKIST ORANGE Breast $298 29 Milano LB. Moflnal,d " Ou, 0..1"1 ~r

Page Six-A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 5, 1983 The end of the road gang Wayne County Executive WilllaJ!! Lucas won and Mary Ann Banks, a Romulus councilwom- one and lost o~e last week I~ his contInuing an None of the three is well known on a county campaIgn to brIng order and financial stabIlity baSIs but now will have the opportunity to out of the chaotic county government make records and reputations of their own in His vIctory was an important one It came operating the road commission. Most people when Circuit Judge Irwin Burdick upheld thmk the new body Will have no way to go but Lucas' right to fIre three mcumbent members up after the sorry record of the past. of the Wayne County Road Commission and H?wever, Lucas' loss of the week also was a appomt hiS own commiSSIoners instead Bur- serIOUS one The largest county employe dick ruled that both state law and the new umon's members rejected a tentative agree- county charter gave Lucas the "power to re- menl that would have cost them their cost-of- move, at will, the incumbent road commissIOn hVIng Increases, but would not have materially and to appoint their successors" reduced theIr Income even though Wayne Coun- . . ty employes as a whole are the highest pajd in The road commiSSIOn long has been regarded the nation Whether Lucas will be able to as one of the most powerful of the many mde- achIeve hIS fIscal goals WIthout concessions pendent flefdoms that LU('(l" i~ t~ying to brmg from the co~mty umor: employes rcm~ins to be under thIS control. The commISSIOn has fought seen but he IS at least makmg a major effort to Lucas ~Ild the new charter every step of the achIeve fiscal sanIty for the county. w.ay In Its ef~orts to protect i~s little empire of SOME COUNTY offICIals grumble that the o high-paYing JO~s, h1~ratIve frmge benefits and county is Just exchangmg one set of olitical cozy relatIOnships WIth Influential political and bosses for another by granting so much flower unIOn" dleaders, ,. . to Lu cas Th'ere IS some tru th t 0 th at CrI' ICism.. Ju ge Burdick s deCISIOn IS an Important but the charter does hold the county executive confirmation of t~e authOrIty of the charter," responsible, That means that Lucas will have Lucas said when mformed of the ruling, "The to face the voters himself and they can then VOice of the people, as overwhelmin~ly ex- determine whether he has done an acceptable pressed I~,the charter, has been recogmzed by or unacceptable job Furthermore, the charter the co~t. , . itself was approved by an overwhelming mar- Now It WIll be up to Lucas and hIS com mls- gin, which means that Lucas and his subor- ~I.oners t.o prove t~at t~~y c~n remove the pol- dmates have strong publIc support as they start itIcal ~al.nts and mefflclencles fr~m the road their reform mission So far we think Lucas has co~mISslOn,. The three new commISSIOners are made an excellent start toward achieving the JanIce Frazier, ~ member of Lucas' staff; Cl:!rt kind of government most county voters want BoeHer, superVIsor of Brownstown Township, and deserve Quality educatl.on threatened by plan Even a loser can WIll. To the Editor: held by the Committee to we believe it Inappropriate We are expressing our sin- Study the Future Orgamzation and improper that the board We don't know whether John Lauve stands governor, would appear to be a monumental cere alarm regarding Supt. of the Grosse Pointe Public has scheduled its vote on Dr. much chance of success in his campaIgn to task, espeCIally since Lauve has only 90 days Kenneth Brummel's tentative School System, these questions Brummel's proposal the even- force the recall election of Gov. James Blanch- from April 18 to do so, That is the date on recommendations to the board were asked. "Why not house ing of the day on which the ard but we do know that the Grosse Pointe Woods which the Oakland County Elections Committee of education pertaining to the certain elementaries in adja- community will vote to fill Republican is getting a lotof media mileage out of approved his recall petition Yet there is no reorganization of the Grosse cent middle schools? "The Ronald Dalby's position and his efforts. question that the general public reaction to the Pointe school System. committee's response was whether to retain Dorothy Both the daily newspapers and several tele- SIze of the tax increase has been negative. Dr. Brummel has not proven "This would result in mequity Kennel on the Board, vision and radio stations have pubhcized his IT IS UNLIKELY, in our opinion, that Lauve to the community that a con- of facilities and would still not We believe the re- efforts, and several reporters have followed up can pull off the recall election but he will gain solidation of schools is re- solve the problem of numbers at commenda~ions made by Dr, by asking the governor for his opinion of the two benefits even in losing. He will help make quired at this time. We any level." Brummel, In combination with campaign to remove him because of the 38 per- the tax increase a political issue in 1986, when strongly oppose the superin- When asked "What are the the manner and time they cent increase in the state income tax rate he the governor is up for reelection, as well as in tendent's proposal and the disadvantages of Plan B (K- were presented, show a degree forced through the Legislature. The governor's 1984 when state House members will next face closing or consolidation of any 8)?", the committee stated of lack of consideratIOn for the replies were noncommittal but the questions the voters. And he is getting additional pub- schools. "Given the present middle needs and desires of Grosse .were indicative of the serIousness with whIch bClty that should be helpful should he decide to Our primary concern are school program, the mIddle Pointe citizens. We remind the the campaign is being regarded in some media make another campaign for public office him- t~at the proposed reorganiza- schools would be extremely board that it was elected to quarters at least self. hon does not. ade<1uately ad- crowded If they accom- represent the best interests of Obtaining the necessary 760,000 signatures, For a six-time loser in his own political con- ?ress the ~ontmuahon of qual- modated grade K-6 as well To the CItizens and the children of representing 25 perce)l' of the 1982 vote for tests, that's not all bad. Ity educatlO~ and th.e needs of place grades 7 and 8 In an this community, not to repre- yo~ger children .In ,qrosse~ ~ementary. school v;qu~s!-t.> sEWt Dr.., Brummel. e Q.sent~1 l Il'IJ.:.-. gti1('.'c"'''e' 'Hu I, Poirttl!J."FromuoUE tteachng loi:) lpusly restrIct the 7tit a hi...w ~4~gest the Board, o l'U- C't.!ef'III 'In' "0 Dr. ~rummel's report, all,. grade program." Dr. ru - of Education approach this A di mate,rlal pl;lblished to date, at- mel's proposal contradicts the SItuation with the care, studied Chief Justice G. Mennen Williams probably is paper believes it. also would be better than an ten~lng hIS presentation of opinio~ of the committee on consideration, and respon- right that there are few differences between open nonpartisan primary system which would ~pril 11, a~d the public hear- these two significant matters. sibllity it demands. Anything appointed and elected justices once they are on still retain some of the election disadvantages mg on AprIl 21, we ~ave not The committee was formed in else will place the quality of the court. But with due deference to the state's of the present system. heard from the supermtendent January, 1982, to study the education provided in our top. j~ri~t, we do.n't think that is the real point A variation on the Bar proposal would permit or from any member of the impact of enrollment decline community in serious jeo- that IS Involved In proposals to reform the Mi- the governor to appoint all justices and allow board of ed~cation a concern and its effect on qualIty edu- pardy, chigan system for nominating and electmg its the voters, after two years, to decide whether about these ISsues. cation in the Grosse Pointe Robert N Dunn justices of the state Supreme Court. to retain or reject each appointee. If retained There is no doubt that the schools. Janet N. Dunn The criticism of the MichIgan system, whIch each justice would serve an eight-year ter~ school system is presently sol- Dr. Brummel has proJected Grosse Pointe Farms is unique in the United States, is that it offers a with a maximum of 18 years of service alto- vent and that it will remain so if Mason Defer Kerby and facade of nonpartisanship on top of a political gether if the superintendent and the Barnes s~hools ~e closed the system. Candidates for justices are nominated It Iwas typical that there was no agreement bo.ard of educ~tion are per- savings to Grosse Pointe' tax- by the political parties - and sometimes by among the justices and former justices who celved to act In the best in- payers will be $6.65 per $10,000 Say 'No' to parties which the justice5 themselves establish testified at the hearing. Chief Justice Williams te~est of the young people of of State Equalized Value. Or, - and then run for the justices' posts on a Said he was content with the current system. thIS community. The students $33.25 per year school tax sav- nonpartisan basis in the general election. Former Chief Justice Thomas E Brennan and of Grosse Pointe and their ings to a family ownmg a school closings former JustIce Eugene Black favored a non- parents deserve no less. Dr. home with a State EqUalized To the Editor: WHAT THAT MEANS is that the nominating partisan primary, and former Justice John W. Brummel's plan provides less, Value of $50,000. We do not be- process tends to favor people with well-known Fitzgerald favored the variation of the Bar In. addition to the issues of lieve the amount of money at We urge the school board not political names who are not necessarily those proposal for appointment of Justices by the quahty education and the issue in Dr. Brummel's pro. to accept the recommendatIOn who are best qualified to be justices of the Sup- governor. needs o~ the you!lg stUdents, posals warrants the maJor of the administration. We urge reme Court. Under the current system, it is But don't expect any change soon. Senate further ISSUes WhICh have not change in the school system he the board to keep Barnes only natural for the partIes to pICk the best- Democrats boycotted the Senate hearing, ap- been adequately addressed has recommended School open. known political candidates because, being fam- parently for fear It would become a forum to ~e: the social and psycholo- We believe there is a certain iliar to the electorate, they stand the best discuss the ouster of Justice Dorothy Comstock gIcal problems faced in suspicion within the com- We believe that Barnes School has been an excellent chance of election. RIley earlier thiS year or because they, too, ~chools serving students rang- munity that the super- Among the proposals for reform discussed at prefer the present system now that nominal mg from K-8 grade, the loss of intendent's recommendations educational facility for our a state Senate committee hearing last week Democrats are In the majority on the court. the neighborhood school con- have already receIved the ap- chIldren, and we believe that it were several variations of a plan calling for FEDERAL JUDGES in general appear to cept at the elementary level, proval of certain board mem- can continue to be an excellent appointment of the justIces by the governor as earn more dIstinctIOn than do state judges. maintaining all services and bers. If this is true, for what- facility for future classes of children. We do not want to lose well as a proposal for a statewide prImary to Perh.aps It IS because they are appointed by the programs ~~rre~tly in exis- ever reason, we find an ap- nominate candidates for justice d t b tence.' admInlStermg a school parent lack of voracI'ty I'n the thIS superb combInatIon of presl en , su Ject to confIrmation by the U.S. physical plant and grounds and The State Bar of Michigan favors the "merit Sen,ate. It i~ obvious that politics playa role in s~rvmg grades K.8, the ob- method both the superin- skIlled and carmg staff and ad- selection" of all Supreme Court Justices and their selectlon, too, but at least federal judges VIOUSadverse effects on pro- tendent and the board have mimstratIon . . state Appeals Court judges Under Its plan a do not owe their nomInations to a political perty values and what appears chosen In approachmg the committee of lawyers and laymen appomted 'by party. And preSidents in the selection process to be an almost certain po- commumty on thIS Issue ThIS Barnes School also has been the governor and the Bar would nommate a do pay attentIOn to the recommendations of the tential of school busing. only means a closer look must an excellent resource for the panel of three candidates for each vacancy and AmerIcan Bar ASSOCiatIon with respect to the At the. November 4, 1982 be given to any plan proposed community for many groups the governor would make the fmal appomt- qualifications of the candidates. CommunIty In-Put seSSIOn by Dr Brummel In addItIOn, (Continued on Page 7A) ment We dislIke to dissent from the opinIOn of the Such a system would, as the Bar claims, tend chief Justice, a fellow Pointer, about the issue to mmimize the influence of polItIcal parties in of the selectIOn system for state courts but we Girl Scout's punishment too harsh the selection process and thus would be an Im- hope we can dIsagree Without being disagree- To the Editor: make absolutely no reference accountable for makmg full provement over the present system ThiS news- able. Local newspapers have re- to selling cookies payment for the order as pro- cently carried news articles and letters to the editor re- Because of the dedIcatIOn mised. In any Instance where garding Girl Scout cookie sales and competence of our 3,600 a parent cannot pay, the and an unfortunate incident adult v~lunteers workIng on Michigan Metro Girl Scout Grosse Pointe News which occurred in a neighbor- the cookIe sale With 25.000 Girl CounCil makes every effort to PllbUllled Weekly by An~bo PabUlbers be accommodating in clearing NEWS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ing Girl Scout Council In Scouts and their parents, 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. up the matter With the adult. 882-0294 882-6900 Macomb County. The M' h'- Michigan Metro GIrl Scout Grosse Pointe Farms. Mlchi/itan 4R236 882-3500 M' IC ~ CounCil IS able to operate as a Therefore, while we cer- 'WC'OtId C11.. POIIaIl' Paid II ~tr ..ll Mlervlce way to teach It Only With a J BENJA\fIN GuiFFRE TO\l (.Rf.~.''''\\OOD ~ RA... BAt HA 'f . to the troop and the Council R(){.ER HAGE'> h In gIrl s continued troop f \ E MARlf. HI ReAR Bl RNADETTE HILLIER t elr per ormance cookIe cooperation, settmg and meet~ JANE E SIMO'l1 sales Our board of directors mg of goal" handl' g membership and elIgIbilIty for "'II III R ~I.WO\' DA"'''' VELARDO ' d th '. I ,~, In success troop actiVitIes do we get our f DITORJAL (ONSI I TA"T C1RClIATlO'I has ~e-a fflrme IS I?rmclp e and failure dealing 'th th and Its support of GIrl Scout bl ' WI e chance to help her learn such national poricy which, as we pu IC, managmg, l!l?ney and, values and hopefUlly grow and ROBF-RT G Fl)(;AR ''''mhn PIJBr.1SHF-R interpret it, clearly indicates of course, responslbIhty benefIt from all the good ex- Robert B. Edgar, Editor and Publisher that a girl's membership in Because the indiVidual Girl penence GIrl Scouting has to offer. (I 940-1979) her troop depends only upon Scout cookie- order form IS \udlle"ur •• u Melllber M!clll'lIl Pre •• "'noelallon and Nallonal !Ilewlplptr A.sociallon of ( ,,

l, " Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 5, 1983 One view from the Capitol Can we afford two high schools? The HRD movement IS a grow- on the subject of leglslatmg 10 a car. By William R. Bryant Jr. mg atmosphere, not necessa.flly To the Editor: Ie school and high school plus and programs we eliminate mg one, utllIlmg modern edu- As a concerned resident and State Representative cational psychology and technology hberal or conservative but carmg high school. Doesn't this make now. We must be willing to go Along With thiS, recognizing all parent, I cannot support any of Legislators are sUPpobed to be In skills workshops deSigned to In- more sense in the long run? the distance for quality educa- legislators and most staff are m Supt. Kenneth Brummel's reo problem solvers They brIng to their crease both the quality of life and tion. If the board refuses to Lansing 10 a temporary career, a . Dr. Brummel's plan re- tasks all their experIence and edu- the Job skills of those served commendations. School reor- hear our outcry, we must be cation, all that they are, and yet course on Creative Life Planmng ganization may be necessary commends incorporatin~ the ready to continue our battle most fInd the dem ands on them Last fall I got the Idea Why not Willbe provIded. due to dechning enrollment, sixth grade into the mIddle after June 13 through all trulv monumental prOVIdesuch workshops to enhance In the fall, we plan to move from the Job-related skills of legislators but the method proposed is the school. In the late 19808, how- means available to us. Recall The complexities of our society what might be termed personal least desirable. ever, he advocates the return grow and WIth that number and and staff? skills mto group or collaborative and referendum are not dIrty No other state has tried It, but I Many parents, whose apathy to a K-6 program and the ~ords when we conSIder wpat complexity of issues grows skIlls like creative problem solvmg, adoption of a 7-12 program. Some require extensive technical felt that better skllis mu~t result III a conflict resolutIOn, seeing dif- was apparent by the low at- IS at stake - the children, the better process for problem ~olvmg ~endance at the April 21 hear- Why should 6-8 middle schools knowledge, some of the Wisdom of ferences and diverSity as a positIve quality of theIr education and Solomon and others the patience of WehavenowstartedtheL E AD and negotiatIOn skills mg, have not taken the time to be implemented now, then the viabilty of our community. (LegIslative EducatIOn and De- Job These qualities not bemg In And next spring we would go mto thoroughly investigate the re- scrapped in several years to velopment) Program, whIch I am fill up the two high schools? Jane Nutter great supply it IS nevertheless more programmatIC skills like commendatIOns. They are con- Grosse Pointe Park necessary for the Legislature to try coordmatIng, provldmg skills priorItIZIng utlllzatlOn of resources. tent because their schools are Our schools attract new- its best. workshops for legislators and btaH seemg the larger pIcture and futuro through a non-profit corporatIOn not being closed Thev are not comers to our communit:>'. If To ~tter enable the Legl<;lature 109 t unded by attendance tees and pri- looking beyond the next sev- we destroy the quality of our We should to function as an effiCient and car- Our fIrst workshop had 85 legIS- eral years, when their children mg problem-solvmg organization, a vate contributIOns Wehope to gam lators and staff attendmg education with a poorly- tax exempt status before year end It ISan eXCitingprogram and Will will join those middle schools planned and hasty program of Say 'No' new program has begun at zero cost ThIS spnng workshops Will be enable the Michigan Legislature to and high schools severely consolidation, the entire com- (Continued from Page 6A) to the taxpayer. weakened by this proposal. Major corporations, also essen- prOVIded m Stress Management, bring a higher level of personal and munity will be adversely af- such as scouts, soccer clubs, tially problem-solving organizat- 'lime Managerpent CommUnICatIOn career SkIlls to the Issues it must fected. If our schools are The basic premise that two senior citizens, continuing ions, have turned to human re- Skills and Respect RelatIOnships In face number one, let's keep them ed~cation, church groups, source development in order to an organizatIOn I welcome any ideas you may ~igh schools J!lust remain open have on the program or any re- IS the true Issue to be dis- there and not regress due to traInable mentally impaired optimize the problem solvmg and We w1l1also have a speCIal event, lack of foresight. The proposed personal life skills of their a talk by Dr Leo Buscaglia, best- sources you feel we should use III the cussed. Projected enrollment summer program and others. timetable is too rushed to in- management. sellmg author and popular lecturer program. for 1988 indicate that the high We reject the idea presented sure adequate preparation for schools will be reduced to 200- in the administration's re- any changes we may need to Up 250 students per class. Will Wake and smell the coffee, Bill make because of declining en- commendation that because a these numbers be sufficient to rollment. school is small it necessarily maintain the variety of elec- affords a poor educational op- Senator's view from Lansing tives, advanced classes and Change is not the issue. The portunity for children. Despite specialty programs as they timing and the implementation the fact that Barnes is the By State Senator John Kelly that has me lobbymg hard - and they do not benefit from the state are now being delivered? If of any change is crucial. To smallest elementary school in Once you strIp away the veneer successfully - to keep all of the school aid but proportionately pay one high school were closed maintain as many of our ele- the district, our children score of CIvility from my colleague 10 Pomtes in my State Senate dis- an additional premium beyond the savings would far surpas~ mentary schools as possible in the lower house of the Legislature, trict, even though It nlakes it a property taxes In that three among the highest in we perceive that his view from less-Democratic votmg district quarters of their chl1dren are m the closings of four elementary spite of any consolidation academic achievement. the capitol is one of tunnel vision, and thus more competitive. (Pre- parochial schools It is a vastly dif- schools. It could serve as a would ensure our community's We believe that the edu- lImited by narrowness of scope viously the Grosse Paintes were ferent picture west of Mack but community center and offices commitment to neighborhood cational milieu fostered by a and frantic.m his quest for per- cut int~ three parts to minImize that IS due to voters who pay schools as well as the quality for the Board of Education and neighborhood school more sonal survival. Grosse Pomte RepublIcan votes) higher percentages of tax in re- still provide additional class- of education. important than having two would be better served if he stopped If the former minOrity leader of labon to their mcome and draw rooms, if needed, for a few weeping in his box of Puffs and kept the State House IS worned about less, not more, In terms of ser- sections per grade. high school specialty classes. People in this community his attention focused on the needs of keepmg his seat, he had best at- vices Their adherence to mde- had better get involved now. Under the proposed plan our constituency. tempt more "high level" negot- pendent voting hardly qualifies Dr. Brummel cites Livonia, On June 13, the Board of Edu- some of our children would Most of the 600 plus words ex- iatlOns and hope they are not fu- them as a "given" in any election Southfield and Birmingham as cation will vote on Dr. Brum. pounded by my co!!eague in last tile. Since each house customarily FlIlally, my colleague uses an have to go long distances to I communities where schools al- mel's plan. The entire plan school making it impossible week's column were the disjointed apportions Itself, hiS threats and array of code words to frame my ready have consolidated. What must be delayed until a more thrashings of an individual With. puffery are best aImed at his co- voting pattern a lock-step parti- for them to walk to school or out an ideological gyroscope and workers in hiS own chamber san. It's true I voted "no" on the he cleverly neglects to men- fully developed plan addres- come home for lunch. We be- tion is that their consolidations sing community concerns has as such do not requIre comm.ent Secondly, the time-worn red ~il1,l,kentax. It's also true I voted leive that this factor will dis- However, three Issues were raised herring that DetrOlters are tax no on the Coleman Young tax. were elementary plus elemen- been formulated. We will not courage new families with tary, middle school plus midd- may leave doubts in the consumers and Grosse Pomters It's also tru.e I opposed the House be able to go back to buildings children from moving into our Il11ndsof readers, and I wtl.l try are proVIders IS a mce attempt to sponsored mcome tax, first be- neighborhoods and may result h.ere to untangle the web of dlstor- whip up the "us versus them" cause I felt a sales tax proposal I in lower property values. tlOnswoven by my colleague syndrome But In 1983 it just that would have returned any ex. Let us begm with the issue that doesn't fit He mcorrectly states cess revenue to citIzens In the We ask the board to consider really worries my minOrity col- "The constituency that elects form of I?roperty tax relief was What~ new on other plans which would put league - reapportIOnment. Could he (Kelly) IS a tax consuming con- more eqUlt:'lble and, secondly, be- more students into the local be afraid of havmg to compete in stItuency" Northeast DetrOit is cause It dId not provide for an,y: schools .. We be- an election baseq o~ issues ~athel'_ predom~nanUy a worklng/,middle automatic, but reasonable, reduc. E -,-",1II lieve it is more important to than the spoon-feedmg poSSIble In class community and 75percent of tlOn. ~r-.. improve the use of these fac- a solid Republican district? He the 1st Senate District is 80 per- It IS.unfortunate that such val- 'By Pat Rousseau asserts that Grosse POInte should cent home occupied, and it IS 40 uabl~ mformatlonal space must be ilities rather than concentrate not be diVIded, but conveniently percent semor citizens (who are sacr!flCed to correct the mlsper- Sea Shells . with a plus of imbeded on filling the middle schools. gives no reasons lest they appear hardly getting what they've put ceptIOns of my lachrymose mln- scents for Mother's Day rememberance. At We propose keeping all of the too self-serving. I encourage keep- in) WIth the added burden of the orlty colle~gue There are far too Seasons of Paper real sea shells come with local elementary schools open ing the Grosse Pointes together 3 percent city income tax and the many serIOUS Issues confrontmg Jasmine, lavender, mint, rose and others containing Kindergarten because Grosse Pointers have 5 percent utIlity tax, they are act- the state that should spark more Hang them in the closet. Put them in drawers through seventh grade. Grades been receptive to me as their ually the most heavily taxed peo- meamngful d1~logueand debate In or on display. They're pnced $1.25to $7 at 115 eight through 12 would be state senator and gave me a pIe In the state. Northeast Det- the future Let s get. down to work Kercheval. housed in the two high schools, higher percentage of votes In the rolters don't draw on the state's and begm ~xplorI~g the root leaving the middle schools for ,. last electIOn than any other local resources for higher educatIOn as causes of MIChigan s. quandary • community centered activities, Democrat It IS Grosse Pointer's does the average Grosse Pointe and the ways to solve It and keep Bleyle Collectors. . will love the new selection of receptIvity to independent voting family and lIke Grosse Pointers the rest of thIS drIvel for cocktail summer Bleyle polyester kmt coordinated separates especially for senior citizens. I , parties. pant.s an~ blazers in solid colors and windowpane check at Mana Dmon, 11 Kercheval. We believe that preservation of the neighborhood elemen- • tary schools, especially Persmck~ty P~d]ar . . . is all ready for Barnes, will enable the Grosse those upcommg gIfts we need for brides ~ Pointe schools to continue the birthdays, graduates. Adorable hand painted . proud tradition of academic picture frames in either pastels or bright -.. excellence which we will sup- colors start at $12.75and are waiting for you port. at 98 Kercheval. David Benjamins Citizens for Preserving • Neighborhood Schools DelIcious Colors .. for the new Metlox sf?neware for sprmg and summer dmmg. Pick peach, green or yellow. Nicely priced at the League Shop, 72 Kercheval We should • The Play In The Sand Set. . will enjoy the new sets CLEARANCE of sand paIls, stramers and the like ... also folding can- abide by vas chaIrs that come In two sizes at YOUR FAVORITE SUPER.PLUSH / COTTON "LUXOR" TOWEL BY MARTEX \/[!Jl!!Jm @[b0lrGQ@0! 121Kercheval board's vote / Stock up on those luxurious thick ------To the Editor: , • super-absorbent unsheared cotton terry .... I, as well as many residents towels you prefer. Extra.soft and _..J Introductory Offer . .. at Trail Apo- of this fine community, concur .... thecary, 121Kercheval. You get a 2 oz col- fully.looped on both sides for qUick, ~ ogne spray with free body lotion of brand with your editorial that we should abide by the decisions skin.soothlng dry.otts after bath ~" new Sand and Sable. Come in and try thIS or shower Assorted bath-brightening delightful new scent. There are testers and of the school board members [rjr solid colors, but do come In now .=- scented cards. who were chosen and elected to serve on this board because while your selection is at Its best • of their ability and knowledge. Bath Towel, now $9; Hand Tower, now $5. Useful and Decorative . the new lamp tables at On many occasions, the results Fingertip, now $2; Wash Cloth, now $2. William DenIer and Company, 77 Kercheval Really good of a general electIOn are based looking ones are hard to find so be sure to see these. on personal gains or biased opinions by reSIdents who do • not acquire full mformation. Golfers La Strega Boutique has a When the present school sy- new selectIOn uf golf skirts in different I stem had twice the student at- lengths and prmts There are also sets with a tendance, it furmshed quality sohd color shirt with prmted border that education and it wlll be able to matches the pnnted border of the skirt . 63 Kercheval m the lobby of the Colonial continue with the same stan- Federal BUlldmg dard when the number of schools are reduced to con- • form with the present atten- has paInted dance. WILD WINGS metal bottle openers that Maintaining and operating feature SIXdifferent types of ducks, priced $1395 Great more schools than are re- gilt for the sportsman One Kercehval. Open Thurs- quired is comparable to re- days until 9 p m 885-4001. quirmg General Motors, Ford or Chrysler to operate plants • when their production of ve- Have You tried your SWimsuit on.• hicles is drastically reduced in Jacobson's Get ready for Memonal Day Call Diet Cen. order to ease the unemploy- ter,882-5885 New hours' 7 a m.-l pm. and 4 Open a Jacobson 5 charge there 15 no annual fee pm -6 pm Suite 201E Colonial Federal ment situatIOn. STORE FOR THE HOME BUilding Tony Brinkman Grosse Pointe Woods Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm We Willvalidate your parking ticket

,, l , ...... 1,...... __

Page Eight~A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, l'

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New Players Kings. Regular and Menthol

Warning The Surgeon General Has DetermIned That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health 12 mg tar. 1 0 mg nicotine dV per cigarette by FTr method

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Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine--A This Week in Business Davis honored Grosse POInter Tom Davis, Director of research, master dealer award to Roger founder of Tom DaVIS & Sons development appointed Rinke CadilIac of ,Warren Rinke, Dairy, was post-humously award- of the Shores, has won three pre- ed one of two 1983 DIstinguIshed Automotive VIOUSmaster dealer awards, given Service Awards by the 1,800 parts supplIer to the dealership who exhibits ex- member MIchIgan Restaurant As. Sheller-Globe ceptIOnal performance In new and soclation (MRA) ~ Corp has ap- used car sales, customer service poInted Pomter ~atlsfactlOn and busmess man- Mr. DaVIS, Sr., a member of " ">' David G. Adams agement Grosse Pomte Farms MRA since 1970 and past director, 1'u ~~ I:%~" dIrector of re- reSIdent Michael Van Lokeren has was Cited for his extensive work search and de- ~ been accepted mto the SOCIety of on the membershIp, expositIOn velapment Adams Joms Sheller- lndu'>trial Realtors Van Lokeren, and buyers guide commIttees, and Globe from Rockwell InternatIOn- ~peclaLIzes In !>ales of Industnal hiS generous donatIOns of pr

THE PERFECT GIFT investment for Mom, Grad or Dad

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1 \ .{ .qee "

Page Ten-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 Lucas seeks tax hike to pay county debt By Mike Andrzejczyk care Johnson said. S3.ld. The county will hold to the sioners and hire three more under Wayne County Executive Bill Other proposals made by Lucas reorganization commission's the charter. Lucas, actmg on recommenda- and the commission include mov- recommendation to cut employe tions from hiS reorganizatIOn 109 of all county prisoners out of costs, he added. The next afternoon, the execu- commISSion, will ask voters for a the Detroit House of Corrections "There will be no new money to tive was enjoined by the court for one mIll property tax renewal and when the county's new jail facility sweeten the pot," Johnson said. seating his appointments for 20 a one mill increase to payoff the opens 10 December. In addition, "The county will have to juggle days until the present commis- county's debt, estimated at $331 the commission said the county the money there now," he added. sioners, Grace Hampton, Claude milhon should speed up Its program for In other business, a Circuit Dukes and Harold Bondey, have a In hiS budget address Wednes- data processmg and Increase local Court judge has enjomed the ex- chance to appeal the decision, day, May 4, to the board of Com- fees for services to a necessary ecutive from seating hiS three Johnson said. missioners, Lucas was to outhne a level. Services affected mclude road ~mmissioners pending a 20 Lucas appomted Brownstown number of recommendatIOns from birth, death and marriage certifi- day period for appeals by the Township Supervisor Curt Boller, the commiSSIOnas part of a five- cates, Johnson said existing commissioners. Romulus CounCilman Mary Ann year fIscal lOtegrity plan to ehml- The commission also recom- .Circuit Court Judge Irwin Bur- Banks and an aide, Janice nate the debt, which Lucas said mended the county hold the lme dick ruled last weeK Lucas can Frazier, to head the commission was "strangling" the county on future labor agreements and replace the three present commis- hiS first day In office ONE MILL IS worth about $18 reduce the average labor cost m mllhon, press secretary BIll John- the county to a level consistent son said, The renewal and the In- WIththe proposal made by Lucas Crime seminar is for seniors crease would mean a $25 to $30 recently to the AmerIcan Federa- The Northeast Guidance Center Strong, and Wayne County Chief II~/t Tt1t foj~/(JJift.-.;: Pf?cAN. fit€' fIli(Y.>S<;t&U ~M • annual tax hike for the average tlOn of State, County and Munici- will sponsor two seminars on crime Assistant Prosecutor Dominick R N'~ PR/./fGP' Y Il'/SvR£ )!GIIR A s<;l'r~ homeowner for 10 years, he ad- pal Employes Council 25. and the older American at St. Col- Carnovale discussing the relation- ded The 2,300 AFSCME employes umba Episcopal Church on Mon- ship of crime and the legislatIve and IW IIlCnPJd adm..... to US"')SIIl' ...... One of the budget proposals overwhelmmgly reJected the con- day and Tuesday, May 9 and 10, JUdICialsystems. we you OW IftformItiVe brodU'eI. from the reorgamzatIOn commIs- tract last week, whIch would have from 9 a.m. to noon. On May 10 offIcers of the Detroit sion was to require Wayne County ellmmated the cost of living The seminars are sponsored by Police Department Crime Preven- General HospItal to operate on a allowance for employes. Instead, the center's senior Crime Victimi- tIOnsection will relate crime pre- -r- ~l Long.H•• nan • CO. break-even baSIS WIthout a sub- a cash bonus would be offered zation Advisory Council. vention techmques ( ~ ~33W. fori Street. Detroit. Mt 4226 sidy from the county's general LUCAS HAS pulled the contract The May 9 session will feature St. Columba Episcopal Church is .~ 3~3J962-1400 fund The hospI tal Will also be "off the table" and begun bar- U.S Rep George W. Crockett Jr , located at 1021ManistIque at Jef- asked to lower the cost of IndIgent gaInIng from scratch, Johnson Recorder's Court Judge Craig ferson Avenue Call 824-8000

Village Locksmith IDC. (formerh "Uan'" the J ,/fage locksmith) EST, 1912 • (.lIl11fllt'l~ Lewl. "'I'n il'I' • (.01111,11'11' \ulo 1.<1('1.. ~t'n 11'(' • Ulllnt'/BII'IJlC'~~art' .. • '" t' >;1.11 and In ..lall HOOf ~dlc, • 'Ictal & "ood Boor .. h .. lallt'd • "[1('( ial \1110 1\111 "~Ill'hl" Introducing a revolutionary concept 185;)4J Mack 881 8603 G.l • Farm, - in personal wealth-

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Offering A FuU Range of ProfeSSIOnal legal Services Aggressive. Prompt RepresentatIOn o ~ SpecJalists in CorporAte and Penonal Law 14th F'oor " 600 Towe~. ~ I itrj Write yourself a , Only 2% ; , RenaIssance Centl;:r Detroit. M~higan ~8243 preferred-rate loan Above Prime. (3 t SJ 25 •••• ~~ for up to $100,000. The rate on your Equity Loan Account is just 12.5% It:$ ann,t~,~Q\I~,., 'J r " .. I:.. annual 'percentage rate- If you have considerable equity in your just 2% above the Comerica home and a substantial income, you qualify prime rate. These rates were for the exclusive Comerica Equity Loan often reserved only for Service. You'll have a line of credit corporate customers, Now they can be your rates, too. IncIloMIed In • FIlSI DoI4at Benellts from $10,000 to as much as ... ~ .• St .000,000 Major MedIcaJ , PreacnptlOO Drugs (Under MIj Meet I The rate is subject to change • PhyaI Here's how it works. Your line of credit will be approximately Service. Or call us at 70% of the appraised value 1 800 292-1300. This of your home, minus your might be the last loan current mortgage balance. you'll ever need. And THE BLUE LOBSTER You'll have instant it's available only Fresh Seafood & Fre!>h Fish at Comerica Bank. 15213 Kercheval access to cash by 331.0633 simply writing a For the financial check for any flexibility that a major }lothrr's Day Sprrial line of credit offers, 3 DAYS ONL\ amount up to your credit limit. come to the innovator. AI~kan King Crab Come to Comerica. SI0.751.B. SHRIMP ~) Cooked. (I('aned & D('v('int>d 90 SI3 I.B. ~_, FREE Cocktail Sa lice or Tartar Sau('(' with 8.3.00 Purcha..,e • Fresh Sockeye Sotmon- ~e or Steaks • Bottleneck Oams • LoOster Tails • Fresh Sturgeon • Canadian White Fish • Sole • Cod • Boston Scrod • Rose Fillets • lay Scallops • Cherry Stone dams • Frem Flounder • Fresh La" Trout • Jumbo Shrimp ~ 10 BANK OPEN: Tues., Wecl.-Sat. , 'S Thws. & frio '.7 ~

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Page Eleven-A Thursday, May 5, 1983 POINTE NEWS Park man ~~~~~ faces arson This is how much car you should charges expect forsl5,OOOtoday. A 21-year-old Park man was charged With arson last week m connectIOn WIth two garage fires Just four doors apart on Whittier Road The man, IdentifIed as WIl- ham Yott, 21, of Barnngton Road, stood mute in mUniCipal court April 29 on two charges of felony arson He was released from Wayne County Jail after posting $1,000 bond.

rom d'u: "K\.l nd 1.u~"I:I .. 1"\ ~\.r 1,\,\I"It.J '\tt.dLIl .... n.. hu~. 50S',TI " Park firemen were called to the Fcdrm.Jkt:'f 10 CLJrof~ . r. \\.er l~\l 1t'J 4 \.h~C'j ",dull.., cqul~ IhJt Ihl:'"re first workmg blaze at about 2.26 cornc:'i d 'iPt'(Id.~eJLtllln ()( JI~ h.J~t's I~tlnlvorlt'(r{j(m a' spt'eJ the PtU~Of SOS the fllo..kl .( fiJl\c:t. n(r I dUt mat l- crarumL'.SlOn (S370) a m on April 28, m the 1300 block In pl.«..f' ui rht.'" , spttd o\er S05 STI r--rtJ""" tu,1 • E:1c."dflC SUtlHll>f IOJc<'ed ga,'Jotmt: t"11~1 ,t" Jm,c mJnllJ.1 b'<'.uhox of WhIttier Road A second fire 'l:.lellfIC.\lom~.M'" The '!oed{S ar~ urhol~lt."rt."J Ai ....l cl'odal",l>lt art.' PeugeO( • ( C'ntr-tllo< ..klng "~""h;,m was reported mInutes later In a In )oft supple kathrr )0, moJe+'Io '"'"ah JI-(scl turbo,... d t\I. L,>( (the ~t'y lock-. dll The 10'>'0pwnle ,",IH;,d~ Me JI~'Si.1 mJ tut-l lnJe\ fi".J ""h line t'rt~ nt'i. pneN fwm ond alarm was called Grosse ~; ..".J ,_ 'I. I d'.11 .... (... .:'1)1.""''' POinte City public safety officers 11U(l rad" It1r ... , [),~"..I A~l ~\t 4D"," Even the culon .m: )pt"l,.lal Sltrctl,.wl< \.\.Iche l~,

GfeotWOYS Travel AUCTIONEERS. APPRAISERS • ESTATE SPECIALISTS 1'0 celebrate our 8 years of bus service to Harper Woods (Of po rati on 825 Woodward Avenue. Ponl,ac MIChIgan 48053 • (313) 338 9203 100 Kercheval Ave I()n~ moll' north 01 S'1uarl' Lake Rd I residents we've proclaimed May 16 thru 20 as HARPER Grosse pointe Farms WOODSCONNECTORWeek. This is your invitation to join (313l886.4710 us for fun, prizes and special hellos from your friendly CONNECTOR drivers.

Special Events for Passengers Grand Drawing at Eastland • Monday, May 16 Don'! miss the excitement of the draWing to be '& Free gifts to the first eight commuters held In the Grand Court at Eastland Center at noon on Friday, May 20 Harper Woods Mayor, 89 Kercheval on the hill • Tuesday, May 17 James Haley Will draw the winners for the more Store Hovrs' Monday-Saturday '.00 to 5'30 ran Free gifts to the first eight mothers (With a child) W4Hfnetdoy 1:00.12 Noon; ctMed Sundoy ..... DlUYg. than 30 gifts donated by area bUSinesses After ...... ,..... • Wednesday, May 18 wards JOin us for free cake courtesy of SEMTA. Free gifts to the flTst eight seniors 1 Ground Chuck Boneless WHOLE FRESH • Thursday, May 19 To be eligible to Win, Simply flll out the coupon CHICKEN below and drop It Into the grand prize draWing LB. CHUCK Free gifts to the first eight students 51.59 LAMB box on your CONNECTOR bus by May 20 ROASI BREASIS • Friday, May 20 Patties Ground Round 29 Free gifts to the first eight handicappers LB. 49 LB. 517~. $1 LB. Free balloons to all riders 51.79 No Baele Atrached $1 Free ndes to Eastland Mall r------1 French $395 STONED 1981 Macon Lugny I Grand Prize Drawing I Brie Cheese lB. WHEAT THINS Pinot CharCionnay 99 Whole Wheel $6 E. Lg. 20 oz. Box HARPER 1 I 51.95 559!oMl 1 I ~\ ~ WOODS 1 N1mO I JUMBO CALIFORNIA I _____ I GREEN BEANS Broccoli CALAVO NAVEL CONNECTOR I Arlrl'A" -- - - I CJ9t ~;;~ $129 ~AVOCADOES ORANGES C 1 C ty ------I I . LB. ~ Head ~ , ,»"r< ~>/'59C 4 for88 343-2580 I I - Each S6 SIZIE Fresh Baked Coffee Cokes and Donuts Every Friday and Saturda PhonpNo ------I I We re •• rve ,,,. "9'" 10 I,m,' q.'onl"'o, (P y D 1_- 1 rICO. ,n effe'l through May 10th, 1913)

ThiS ad sponsored by Eastland Cenfel Merchanl" AssOClallon and SEMTA Employees of the C ty o~ Harper Wood'S and ,h811lam lit's are no' ellg hie .....,

Thursday, May 5, 1983, Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS t I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lauve confident about recall There is "no questIon" John four.vear terms 10 November, OPEN MOTHER'S DAY i I HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I Lauve WIll collect the 760,000 sig- "the recall law In MIChigan allows natures needed to force a recall the people to call them up short" II •PRIME RIB ~ electlQn for Gov James Blan- should they get out of touch With 12 Noon to 8 p.m. their constItuents, he added LOBSTER TAIL chard, the Grosse POinte Woods I 11 • $8.95 iii engineer said this week Lauve said he had "a couple 1!!1 • FILET MIGNON Includes soup & salad iii Lauve began the campaign thousand" signatures he was sure Reservations Welcome Il m1 shortly after the passage of the of, but added because of the num- II Open Sunday from 1:00 until midnight iii state Income tax Increase which ber of petitIOns Circulating, It was the governor had proposed So far, hard to tell how many had been I ~ iii Lauve has gIven away 10,000 co- collected. pies of the petitIOns and plans to Support for the campaign has have another 100,000 pnnted up, come from across the state, ~ vUedite~~atte(U\~oul'\ge ~ Lauve said "If Governor Blan- he said 1m 16390 Ea~t Warren Avenue iii Under the state recall law, chard could answer my phone for Lauve must collect 25 percent of a day, he would know what's hap- 14050 East Elgh\ MIle Road • DelloH M,chlgan 48205 • (313) 839-2240 I 3 bIO~~8~:88t8~dICU' ~ the total vote cast m the electIOn pening out there" for the governor's office, or 760,002 He has 90 days to collect ~~~~m~mm~mm~mmmmmmmmmmmm the necessary sIgnatures to force Audubon Society the recall electIOn The state then has 35 days to certlfy the signa- will meet Monday tures There's no way of tellmg how Ernest Kafcas, wIldhfe biOlogist many signatures have been col- for the Michigan Department of tecte'd so tdl, LdUve :>dill. Hul,>,- j\; alU! ,11 Ih~;:,ouH.~;:" IV III ;:'1J~dk ever, 2,000 people Signed the re- Monday, May 9, at 7.30 pm to CRemembe~ uUotite~'s C1)a~ call petition at a recent appear- the Grosse POinte Chapter of the THE ance at the Livoma Mall, he add- Michigan Audubon Society The ed group Will meet on the thll'd floor gl!nda~.uUa~ 8 BRONZE DOOR "No questIOn about It, we're of the Grosse POinte War Memo. going to collect the signatures," rial OPEN MOTHER'S DA Y he SaId "The governor is so far Kafcas' tOPIC Will be Lake St Seatings at 12:00, 2:30 and 4:30 out of contact With what the peo- ClaIr, Harsen's Island and the St ple want Everythmg he does John Marsh The meeting IS open - now acceptlnq ~ese~lJatioflS- • Char Broiled Shf/mp Tef/yakl - Rice - Pea Pods seems to help the recall cam- to the public • Roast Pflme Rib of Beef - Baked Potato - Vegetable ' paign " The chapter will also sponsor • Char Broiled N Y Sfflp In Bordelalse Sauce-Potafo- Veg The object of the campaIgn IS to two, half-day field trips for those "replace Governor Blanchard," mterested III bIrd,watchmg The • Boston Broiled Scrod In fresh herb bufter Lauve said, adding It would also triPS to MetropolItan Beach • Baked Breast of Chicken In Champagne Sauce change MIchigan's image m the Metropark or other pOSSIble sites CI)O~l"[C'gJoynt • Bouquet of Fresh Vegetables Broccoli, Cauliflower, nahon are scheduled for Saturdays, May Green Beans, Carrots, Summer Squash •'The people of Michigan will 21 and June 4. PartIcipants Will TRAVEL HOLIDAY send a message to the nation that meet group leader Rod Guest In MAGAZINE 123 Kercheval on the hill the state IS gomg to change its the parking lot of the Woods AWARD Image," Lauve said. While the municipal bUIlding, 20025 Mack, at 884-7774 governor and legislators gamed 7 a m rain or shine m 882-8522 17551 E. WARREN

COME Af'JD TEST YOUR COLOR PERCEPTION I • OVER 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM LUXURIOUS VELVET • BURLINGTON PLUSHES • • PEPPEREll • MOHAWK CARPET COLOR CENTER cAUJl'tIJ A.OOR COVERItit INC. 21 DOIIMAClt 881-1911 GROSSEPTEWDDOS ._ ••• Mile Rib ATTENTION CABLE T.V. ISOMtR8El'S ~~.,~ ..... vtEW ONLVt!i l3th ANNUAL INVITATIONAL GROSSE POINTE CABLE T. V. INC. ANNOUNCES THE GREATEST UNDERTAKING ANY CABLE ,ARTSHOW SYSTEM HAS EVER ATTEMPTED. MAY 5-6-7 In order to maintain quality service, we must update and replace all 14,000 converter units presently in use. OUR Forty of the finest REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE VISITING ~ SOON! professional studio artists, from SIX other states and Canada, In a Juned mixed media exhibit and sale of fine art WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! SOMERSET MALL BIG BEAVER RD AT COOLIDGE, TROY Thursday & Friday 10.9, Saturday 10-6 SAVE US A TRIP TO YOUR HOUSE AND SAVE YOURSELF $$$ HERE'S HOW IT WORKS!!! Bring your converter(s) to our office (that's your part)-we'll saveyou up to $24.95 (that's our part). That's right, bring your box in and select any of our great services to add to your TheYIoodlandS Roof. present service with absolutely NO installation charge! We'll program a new converter on the spot. Then just take it As 9Q9d a value as it is home and enjoy your new cable service. goOd looking. PLUS:

Under that rugged rustic appf'arance IS a IT'S THAT EASY! sheet of the most modern roofing material on the market today Johns Manville flbrr glass That means years and years of e~tra roof life That means a better roofing valup for OFFER GOOD FOR G.P.C. T. V. SUBSCRIBERS ONL Y your money And It means extra fife resistance too See Woodlands now at a PflCP Ihat will OFFER GOOD THROUGH SA TURDA Y, MA Y 14, ONL Y surprise you [haring tross GROUP .. ~\Ml~NANCE & ALTERATIQ ~ CONTRACTORS W Grosse Pointe Cable T.V. WI, .. THE HOUSE DOCTORS 886-9200 17tOl E. WARREN, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4822. CABLE 882.3100 '''""",. Westinghouse Broadcasting and Cable, Inc. 19245 Mack Avenue 6e~~~rt~~cl~sp~°rFrF~~,~ We Cilrry long lil~llng l,bpr qla~s ~hlnqles by Johns Manv,Ilp !J'",..

'"I • • • PC a ., . •• •

Page Thirteen.A Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , • ZG7.1 .. A..- IrIIII-...... , wna , 111.3915 BE SURE TO REMEMBER MOM OTHER'S The Secret Is Out Sunday with our Red Snapper or The Monthly Detroit Says: Chicken Cilantro Specials .... "Telly/s has heart. , , Food is good enough to guarantee a ... but kids are special too! Thursday return trip and the prices for the high quality ore a give away." and Friday (May 8 & 9), kids under 12 can get a taco and Coke for just 95e SPECIALS FOR LUNCH We're open till 11':00 p. m. for Mom and 11 A.M.-3 P.M. Mon.-Fri. Dad's night time snack too! 50(' OFF COCKTAILS 18310 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pointe Farms ( except beer &: wine) ,8 75 886-9625 • Oriainal Maurice Salad '3 ~ob, Imported Havartl, Turkey, Horn & Cheese

• Chicken and Crabmeat '375 Salad Plate fresh fruit & Vegetables EIPcrlcntc it 25 Sealood faDlil5Y! • V3 LB.Daily Grind '1 I Dearborn Inn's Famous Seafood Piano Bar Entertainment Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Fantasy m the Early American Dining Room Cocktail Hour 4-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Fnday Evemngs 6-10 PM 50' Off All Alcohol" 8evetages $15.95 (children 12 and under $7 50) NO RESERVATIONS -Comi"z S001l- N/!'tJ dinner menu In the Ten Eyck Tavern Pb~Jwn

MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET We're • SUNDAY, MAY 8th Noon to 6:00 p. m. Having a Party! In tM fme tradition of Hillcrest. we aHer you an array 01 superbly prepored entrees • HONEY BAKED HAM 95 Open Mother's Day 1M • ROAST PRIME RII OF IEEF ~11 • IUTTER lAKED CHICKEN Pnd'UIoIY • 1 GALLOWS Lunch Bunch ChIl~,Oft U.oIe,' $5 M Let BJ.'s cook for mom Plus told (uts d'lHUl and rahs"- Iroy. 4iorden fresh vegetobl •• G1~ sGlads and d.ll(.or. Frt'f'!ch pcntriM And btKouM Mom II so HAM & CHEESE SANDWICH ~H11 sf:!. Wlr! ret.I .... a split of chompogn. on th. hoYM Soup and Salad Bar '2.79 W/FRIES & A DRAFT • all you can eat Make $2.95 Dinner Spe(ials for $3.25 and up J i\.ZZ TUES. EVENING with salad bat Her ENTERTAINMENT Wed., Thurs., Fri. &: Sat. M.SAT 11 AM 11112.00 PM OPEN 7 DAYS SUN 6 P M 11112 00 A M Banquet & Conllenllon Center 10% DiscQuntJor. Senior Citizens 50 SOUTH GROESBECK HWY GSft.t,.t.t I- J tfN • Remember ... Mount CI ...... Ctitarih1tJoflas low .Qay~ Make YOllr Reservallons Today 52.99 per person 527-0400 Every day from 2-7 Is "'-0555 n2.2!AG 16926 E. 8 MILE RD. attitude readjustment B.J.'s RESTAURANT SPECIAL (1 81k. West 01 KeJly) ••• 2-4-1 16353 E. Warren

( , . , All 1 ., ~ " ~~ YOUR .\ FINE , Day D.,C. ,N Watt FAVORITE RESTAURANT AU NATURAL 's ~- ' ( DINING ~ ud COCKTAILS Offering /I seleetlon of ~ ~ fOod by b08t or by C8r in a refresbingly ,$j,,",*,,~ Open everyday tor ~ OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL ANCHOR BAY SpeQiallZinQ in Stjr-FfY"~ • DINE , Chidten Dbhea m , ~ or (LA" •• y(. Come jam us for a umque dmmg expenence TueGdaythru Satur_11 a.m. to 10 pm. OUT LoG.... _ 1oaaa}lll .... b4llw...... •• ,...... ~.,,~ .. - at one {#{Z.Jiei(j,~~ ".c~ Bovorlan Waines wIlh fruit, Weekly Entree Specials of these such as Chinese Chicken, Carved Ham and Zucchini Provencale Enjoy Itle fUll Chuck Muet' For all the meals Brunch selection plus extra touches such as flesh Squeezed Orange Juice and flesh fruit Saladl Treat your Iomlly to a Sunday Brunch, Chuck fine Mom made special, Muer Style This Sunday, and &tier'{ Sunday trom 100 m to 2pm AduIls ~ RiveR make this one special $8.95 ~CRao restaurants ChlldNn 12 1337 N Rlwt Rd for her. and under Sf Clair $4.95 329.2261 Thc Wc<;tin Hotel gIves you a ('hoice of thrc(' ~reat re<;taurants for a memorable Mother'" Day meal' 8287 1-29 FAIR HAVEN - PHONE (313) 725-5602

CAFE RENAISSANCE THE SUMMIT LA FONTAINE W 11 (IIJI(/f Mil'" Hl' 1]('( ('<;<"U\ lor Cafe !{('lltll ...... ,I111( • FRESH FILET OR SOLE. 19.95 18431 MACK AVENUE In the Half Shell • BAKED SUGAR CURED HAM . '8.95 (2 blks S 01 E Warren Ave} Incl Soup, Salad, V-t or Potato, Coff .. or Teo 881.3088 DIIIII.'. Inclu', 'Oil','II" Ill' .,. ... ., (No Coupanl) . CALL FOR RESERVATIONS - 881.3088 . ~ THE WESTIN HOTEL 2f)9:ln '1!lr" hr" (,ro ....r 1'0101 .. ~ ood.. W Renaissance Center Detroit Rf'~f'rv"'ron~: 886.6190 Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 Feighner takes baton May 12 NHS to compete in state finals ~. G Bruce Feighner, retiring p m. The concert will be present- North High School students the team of Kathy Bakeman,: prmcipal of North High School, ed in conjunction with the annual Julie Emerick and John Pan. Karen Drew, Jon Jarrard, Cric- ~ PI)I"'t!1 /"r ,/;, I/,JlJI. WIllguest conduct the North Sym- Festival of the Arts, which diS- ourgias WIllcompete in the Michi- kette LaForrest, Mirko Mikelic, ~ III I H" 1111< " phony Band in its fmal appear- plays the works of North's stu- gan Interscholastic Forensic As- DeEtte Nelson and Glenn Stevens : \",.:1. 111.1 \1,,111 f,", ance of the season at the Perlorm. dents in art, industrial arts and sociation State CompetItion this in Multiple Reading. ~ mg Arts Center concert on May home economics Saturday, May 7, at the Umver. 12 Feighner has been a strong Grosse POInte North Symphony sity of Michigan campus In Ann supporter of muslCal activItIes at Orchestra will open the program Arbor University Liggett -r North during his tenure at the with selections by Bach, Beetho- honors 15 achievers I school ven and Gore. The Concert Band To qualify for state competitIOn, Grosse Pointe North instrumen- WIllfollow with the music of Geo. the students won local contests m University Liggett Upper Schooll tal mUSICgroups Willperform at 8 vannmi, Strauss and several mod- their respective events - Infor- honored 15 juniors and seniors by Z ern Itahan composers. The Sym- matIve Speaking for EmerIck and mqucting them into the Cum ~ SHS spring concert phony Band will feature music of Extemporaneous Speakmg for Laude Society, on Apnl 14 .- ITT answering machine GTE Sousa, the Beatles and PDQ Panourglas. Next, each student Seniors inducted were Tma Bei- • UIWP at Orchestra Hall Bach placed first or second in the dIS- ZlU, Muffy Hastmgs, Susan Hud- 95 Nathan Judson, Instrumental trict speech competition held thIS son, Jordan Melick, Maura Mc- j $119 The South High School MUSIC Music Director at North WIllcon- $6'195 Department WIll present Its an- year at North Keever, Manna Peck, Frank'; ==...db mrtltIIlt.....l.- duct Concert admiSSIOn IS $1 SO. Penirian, Jim Raymo, Lee Salot, " --Full VOX -Remote nual concert on Saturday, May 7, TIckets Will be available at the The two speakers then traveled Charlotte seydel and Allce Youn '. -Close oul (while supply lasts) available In touch tone or pulse at 8 pm at Detroit's Orchestra door. Hall to the regional competition at JUnior Inductees included Guest conductor for the evening Utica Stevenson School on Apnl Charles Colby, Ronald Hull, Marc :. freedom PIlon. SIll wl1l be Harry Begian, director of Optimists name 25, where both qualified for state LIe and Windy White ;: -many CQl'dlessmodels to choose from bands at the Umversity of Ilhnois. competition. Judges named three The natIOnal society, in exis- ," ~~"ces "'Of'" 2~-11)(lO Bcglall Wd~a tormer conductor at contest winners other North speakers as alter- tence since 1900, admits students -;:JUlse Of touch tone I'vllchlgan State University and at nates (runners-up), Sharon Attar with the highest overall grade ----last number redlal - memory South High School student Re- and Liz Perkin m Dramatic Duo point averages in each class The W

FLORIDA DAIRY FRESH COLE SLAW, POTATO ~ t. EXTRA FANCY ;~ OR MACARONI I LARGE JUICE ' MUENSTER CHEESE SLICED OR CHUNK $ ?2 ORANGES SALADS ~ ~:::s $159 DOZ .' $1.89 LB. 69LS. ~ We wipe out weeds the others miss. J:!i ...-.:::;::-!!k. When you use Turf Builder Plus Two~, No wonder Scotts guarantees your sat~ ~ II!!:: you're controlling weeds and feeding your Isfacnon absolutely, ~iii ~ lawn as no other weed.and~feed can. You This spnng get th e Scotts d-LJ:lllerence- '~ ~ see, to work, most weed controls have to and get It for less. wlth thISrefund offer. ~ be absorbed through the weeds' leaves. = 1i -:::;;;;.---- That's why Scotts~ particles are small 1;:; ::; , =-=- and hghtwelght, So they stick to the !.:?::! ''1~- ~ weeds' leaves better, So the weed control ~ ~ !¥..- ISabsorbed better. So It works better. ~;(;3'" C And only Scotts puts weed control in ~ -== S..=--... every particle, to get even the smallest ' ~,...;;; :r-_&..., weeds that other brands may miss. TURf BUILOf.R J,_ ;:z:.::: And there's more. Turf BUllder Plus Two ~Ius2 ~::II! *- feeds your lawn while It weeds, because ~ ~ ~SI! ...... (/, ~- It contams Turf Builder~ fernlizer-the -...... ' •

Our price $12 95 iiIIIlIIC:. fertihzer engineered Just for lawns. •• ~ ~ Turf Builder Plus 2 clears ~ )bu can't get all that from "bargam" ~ ~ out dondelions and more .less Scotts thon 40 othN common lawn refund _$2 00 iiI!!=:: brands, Only from Scotts. ~ ~ weeds os It feeds your Your low lown With Turf Budder net cost $10.95 ~ ------M-;""C-'';:;;Eru~D-C~~l;;CATE ------Q- -: •

• Preventl and contra's ---. leaf spot dollar spot • ScottI most elfec t ~ ,I. and lour other lawn The PF-l spreader I,ve weed Lontrol ::::,...~.~- --I~ funqLls d'seases oHers quality ! -- ~ , 'u,-", "" '""'"'"" engineering ~. Super Turf Bu Ider + 2 ITurt Bu,lder + HailS ji~ I f!OX1i' • Controls dandelions • Prov,des a full feed and ~ S""~~~::~~~~~~~;:::~~:",:::"'".~ ImhCr R"iur"od Ref.;()(j __ precis. procNd wh,le clover buck 'ng 01 Scotts ferld, ...... c.-. 2 SEND-Ihe co-nplel('d relune! cerllflcale and Ihese rwo rcq,med <; '0 rl pae-age o' Bags r"' Rag Am"""1 .~ I horn chickweed and .. zer Tud Budder' to applIcation, it's 1M ~ prools of purchas(' Ih" Easy Open ,mow localed ,n lhe upper :te= • .. best ClYUilable. -e:::" "9hl haM corner onlhell'ackof each llag aaQyourdaledsalesrece'pl 5000sQ',Mq X $200 _ _ • more than 38 othet J--. develop 0 th'ck green ~ .- ~ lOOOOs~"hag X $400 _ lown weeds lown _ 3 MAIL TO ScollS D,~erenceRelund lS000Sql'baq x 5600 _ PO eo. 9464 To'.' c.s~ re'uod I~m" $301 _ • Clean j,qhlwelghf easy to use • Cleon I,ghtwe,ghl eo'y to use Our prrce $4295 Clinton Iowa 52736 J less Scotts refund $700 • Will n01 burn lawn when used • WoIl not burn grasl when used . 4 RECEIVE-a ca~h relund of 52 00 per 5 000 sq !I coverage up 10 a Name ______'1ldrreeted as dlrecled Your low net cost $35.95 g__ maXimum of S10 00 per family or address Address _ NOH ()!fpr gOOd only ,n I~' U 5 VO 0 w~erP pro~ b led '.'00 0- rPs'r riPmore power. More quality SIxth graders Mary Maycock and and from 8'30 a m. to 3 pm. on Robert Scoville, seventh graders nar to thU'(1 through sixth grade that will make them better able to features A longer engme Wednesday, May 11. warranty (2 years not Sanders Chae and ViVIan Kim and students at Barnes school cope with alcoholism if It IS pre- Just one). eighth graders Lizabeth Disser Ms. WIllis, a former preschool sent. Within the family. teacher, has completed studIes 10 WIth the help of six animal pup- R.f'ar bagger" "ide Blasko RIStIC, ChrIstopher Butle; German Consulate and Agu Nwosu, at an awards substance abuse and is a ccrtulCd pets, Ms. WIlliS allJ ::.tuJent.s Jj::.- dIscharge mowers, alcohol counselor. She has been cussed self-Image, coping skills self. propelled and ceremony at Wayne State Univer- to honor North sity WIth the National Council on Alco- decision. makmg and peer pres: hand-propelled Grosse Pointe North HIgh The Alliance Francalse de De- hohsm and ChemICal Dependence sure, beIng healthy and seeking models. smce 1977, and has been counsel- help for problems. School students William Roland troit presented certificates to the and Virgima Favazza both won Look closely followmg Middle School students mg alcoholics and their families at the new second place awards In the annual for theIr French studies: Sixth as well as givmg presentations on Taro 2-cycle German contest sponsored by the graders AlIyson Goodwm and Ter- alcohol and other drugs to Kindergarten day mowers elementary schools throughout the American Association of Teachers now rIll Semple, seventh graders Eric trt-eounty area at Maire May 13 of German. Frederickson, Kathleen Kish and Ms. Willis developed and is pre- The two students Will be hon- Model George Pantos and eighth graders Parents and children 0{ kinder- ored on May 7 at a luncheon spon- Timothy Hudson and Peter Hardy. sently coordinator of the BABES 20680 (Be~inning Mcohol and Addictions garten age are inVIted to Maire sored by the AATG in Ann Arbor, BaSIC Eaucation Studies) pro- school on FrIday, May 13, for two They will also receive book prizes Star of Sea School gram. kindergarten roundups designed sponsored by the German Consu- BABES is a six-week, 24 class to give new students an opportun- late. Their fourth-year teacher IS List 41~~.' hosts workshop ity to familiarize themselves with I hour program, designed to facili- Brigette Rauer We believe in Sale Price 411~" their new surroundings making things better. Our Lady Star of the Sea hosted tate. i!!-dividual de,:,elopment by • Trade-InAllowance .20" its first Young Authors' Con- prOVIdIng accurate Information to Parents will be able to meet with staff members and learn Senior car wash Complete Sales 95 ference on April 15 wIth Dr. R. young children (pre-school and elementary) whIle they are still about the school, the kindergarten and Service 399 Craig Roney from Wayne State to benefit FLEe 1$70~1 forming attitudes regarding curriculum, special services for Umverslty as guest speaker. On A II Toro Products Workshops, taught by local related matters. Some ob- children and ways in which pa- South High School's semor class rents can become involved in teachers, were. deSIgned to expand Jectlves of the BABES program will sponsor a car wash on Satur- wntmg technIques, to acquaint are to provide children with an in- school activities. day, May 21, to benefit FLEC students with various writIng tr?duction to living skills which The roundups are scheduled for (Family Life Education Council). ..#~t!~ forms and to encourage students will help prevent the necessity for 12:45 and 2 p.m. Parents are Students will wash cars in the 19815 MACK, in the Woods 881-6233 to share their Ideas and work With tile future u~e of alcohol as a cop- asked to call the school at 343-2265 school's S lot from 10 a.m. to 3 to arrange a meeting time. p.m. for a $1 50 donation. nDC~: IUnN .• FRI. 8.7 - SAT, 8.4 _ ~1IL1 'In_2 other young authors. mg mechamsm, to prOVIde chilo PLASTIC CHAMPAGNE GLASS SPECIAL L 99 d"~ ~ , J • • • IIEe; $3.54 NOW $1 I',", ' ... Pli 'ACKAOE OF 25 ~ CASE PliO $ SOG COUNT (SAtE ENDS5-'4-831 DON'T H£lIUM IALlOOHS NOW AVAILABLE 1 • FORGET TO SEE • LARGF. S£lECTION OF MYLAR IALLOONS OUR UNIDEN PARTY SUPPLY CENTER • EXTEND-A- ... 21300 HARPER N. of 8 Mil. lid. 776-9750 1. • , PHONESI I MOM.SAT 10-7 '" '\ - BELLE ~ ~ ~ SPACE MAKER 1M ISLE ~ MICROWAVE MICROWAVE • BIG VALUE Fits Over Your Range AWNING MICROWAVE NEAR COSl OVEN 'I. , Tlikes no co untlrtOP space - CO. replaces IlClSbng hood Includes I '.. You Don't Like the Sun in the Morning • ." 1\ Ths new 1983 model Whirlpool IMlt-1Il exhaust fan lIfId cooktop , But You Like the Moon At NIght. Microwave Uven has separate r light Emit-WIde oven caVIty G E designed for good. even ' Let U. Awnlnglze Your Home defrost and cook senlngs I 3 AutomatIC Coolong Control fn. coolong Wll!l exclusIVe Dual With A Retractable Awning cu It capacity. and Balanced tunng Auto Cook. Auto Roast. Wave~ mIcrowave system. • Wave COOklngl and Auto Defrost 22704 HARPER spacIous 1 4 cu It capacltyl "'G:-_ ST. CLAIR SHORES

Jel Mod~ $50 CASH 774-1010 MW8\OOXl .,. . $229.00 200 $237.00 ASSURE YOURSELF OF A TROUBLE-FREE SWIMMING _ POTSCRUBBER@ -Whit{201 PORTABLE POOL THIS SUMMER ~~ DOUBLE SAVINGS Custom or Imperi81 Dishwasher KLEER-WATER V:~'SHWASH ERS NON-TOXIC POOL AND 12-CYCLE DISHWASHER SPA CLEANER ThiS Whirlpool Convertible/Port- Extra Clean D1shscrublMng feat- ures IIIdude a high pressure. * GETS RID OF BODY able dishwasher features 11 Has Potscrubber Cycle lor Pots AND SUNTAN OILS FAST! rrwlb-1eve1 wash system plus CycleslOptwns the exclusive and Pans 10- Year lull warranty INHIBITS ALGAE GROWTH automatic water heatlllll to * Power Clean" Washmg System on Permatuf~ Tub and Door LENGTHENS FILTER RUNS lSO* III evtlY complete cycle * HI-Temp washing and In. The- llller 100% lI5tlble large capac:lly I * KEEPS WATER SPARKUNG CLEAN Door Silverware Basket' * EUMINATES ACID WASHING G E Rebate $30. IIclts WIth China Gu ard CASII J • Bruno's REBATE -- BOCKSTANZ Instant Rebate $30. -.oTMIERS COMPANY DON'T MISS 591-5900 DP TOTAL SAVING $60. GSD T- ~I~ ~l\LE 68POX 1200 13045 HillView Ave. DetrOIt, MI 48227

13" COLOR PORTABLE 1983 #1 _ 13" DIAGONAL Itr Perfect for Kitchen RCA XL-100 CONSOLE or Bedroom PORTA COLOR@ TV """0." Bnlhant small-screen color pel- Hirtz lomancce In a handsome con-I'~ RIlls VIVI COIOf- SySlem lor locked nOli ReA temporary cablnel Deluxe leat. ~ In channel tUnlll9 In-hne Black 25" YIYI COLOR ...... FORDS ures tnclude Automatic ColD! I Bautlful 25" RCA COIl5OlIhas ReA MatriX picture lube ACe SYSTeM ConlTol and F1eshtone Correct- I [ AFT plus one- knob tleetronIc I Illier 13" Automatic Color Control ------Ion Automatic ContrasVColor I I """",- lulling' -- fI.1 cars Tracking Super AccuFlher black matnx picture lube $247.00 $229.00 $447.00 Hertz Introduces its NEW LOCATION I Mack-Morass Standard I Hertz Rent-A-Car I I I - 19100 Mack Ave • • ... Grosse Pointe Farms. MI Phone 313-882-0151

J , \ ,_ "" " ... , • .. ... _"'L _ j l' Thursday, May 5, 1983 Page SIXteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS $3,000 gift to help the kids The proceeds of a recent Benefit Party given by the First Society of Detroit were presented to the Foundation for ExceptlOnal ChIld. ren, Inc., to assist their program for handicapped kids The $3,000 check Will be used to underwrite the cost of the Faun-dation's camp- 109 trip and to purchase orthope- adlc equipment for the multlply- handicapped children who at- tend Present at the award were (left to rIght) Dorothy Martens, FoundatIOn dIrector, Ted Roney and Marge Thomas, First Society, • Comple!ely porlable - no IllllalialJoD • All sell coolaloeo 5-12-63 1 ,~~~.AJ:: Bon Secotlrs 'Ho'spifallfas' re- to file a petItIon for rehearmg ~J •~ ceived approval from the Michi~ means that the Court's mandate 1/ FLOWER AGUS I gan Department of Public Health $1.49 EA $1.39 LB to replace and upgrade radiology units at a cost of $752,400. ~ The hospital is expected to have Meet The Most Advanced. ·· Prices in Effect the new radiographic/fluoroscopIc If~ until May IIIh units Installed by thiS December. Mower in The Business! GriP N Go Eliminates Complex- *' At these convenient locations • Henry Ford Hospital Falrlane Center Controls 19401 Hubbard Or (at Evergreen), Dearborn qp;i(f~ ~SKt~ • Henry Ford Hospital Sterling Heights Center Health and Lifestyle Center 3058 Metropolitan Parkway (16 Mile Road) (Between Oequtndre and Ryan) presents another senes of ~ Flip-Top Bag • Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield Center View Window Eliminates Clumsy SMOKE STOPPERS classes 6777 W Maple Rd (west of Orchard Lake Road) Eliminates Filling Clipping Disposal • Henry Ford Hospital West Grand Boulevard Center Guesswork FREE 2799 W Grand Blvd, DetrOit INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS • Wy.ndotte General Hospital 2333 Biddie Ave, Wyandotte Monday, May 9, or Tuesday, May 10 7 p.m. both nights • H.rper Woods Community Center Mulching or Bagging Single Lever Control 1974 Harper (al Allard) Eliminates CII pplngs Eliminates Awkward and Raking Height Adjustment ~'iIJ Jt _____. ---. .. -.. .r':\ ~

Only 539995 -V,! \\~ lImll!'d Time lJI--;r' .'.n5 6&J Now on Sale!

• ElectriC Start • 14 hp Casl Iron Engine • 8 hp Rider • Full Garden Traclor

No maner how many limes you have tfled to stop smoking • If you Ir. a h•• lth prof ••• lonal, betore thIS will be your last Because our 5 day group you may wanl to refer a patient to us program neutralizes your deSire for tobacco easily and • If you .r. a Smoke Stopp.r. gr.d ....t., painlessly That s why The Amencan Medical ASSOCiation you may want to tell a fnend or relative aboul US Blue Cross/Blue Shield and other leading health care Otc.i I UW" " S9«t elnter J C Ernst • If you .r. a amok..., J'" l C'Xl ey lai(t ~~C1 &8~q~Oall: organlzallons have selected the Smoke Stoppers program maybe the time has come when you want 10 stop J ....1..1" l;tWe' ...... ao8~ ~ C1'1rroorh:l ~ '*&06? for Ihelr employees We don t use scare tachcs or filters 36 I DI3 727 31 5 And stay stopped HOlfgltt,n PoWII e'M'r Hun-II. Sm.' EnptM and deVices to get you to stop smoking Nor do you have .1) """,.lIe51"e 60 L~"e "'eptss "9 POChe~ ~ I.A 4,\06J La~'i MI 48"~ to worry about weight gain or tension 6' 1 '0 n 66' 9615 For more mformatlon, call the "', "'owe' ~ E I'I~ Wa r,.r V 'M81 Westland ~j .. a1aS 1&. 1'8' 711 \210 At the completion 01the Smoke Stoppers program you will hI''''"''2"~ Ea'5l M{I,j",l'aO ~ find that you are once again your own person You will be 0<, "1 101' 'aIJI 17, , If,) complefely free from the need to smoke And all It takes IS five days seven Informative hours and the tlrst THE PROVEN WAY TO STOP SMOKING session IS free

Dependability to Eliminate' the Hard Work."'I!"s~From Y,ard Work , __ •• -"1. ------...... -..-...... ----~~- - ---.-- - -

Page Seventeen-A 'Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS League shows Algerian film Vi/lage of grosse Poillte eJhores What's on Cable The Grosse Pointe Cmema Lea- plane and private car throu~h AI- Grosse Pomte Cable has changed its format for listing programs To gue will mark the end of its 28th geria The movies show the cap- NOTICE OF ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT find your show, look under the date. A typical listmg reads: Time - se~son on May 16 with a banquet ital city of Alger, travels through FOR THE Program (Channel) at the War MemOrial, 32 Lake- the west coast to Tipassa, Oran REGULAR VILLAGE SPRING ELECTION .. shore Road Members and guests and then the old oasIs of Tiencen. TO BE HELD ON Thursday, May 5 will gather m the Crystal Ball- In the south, there are scenes in • 6 P m - "Assignment North America " (Ill) room for punch at 6 and dmner at the Atlas MountaIns and Bou TUESDAY, MAY 17,1983 • 6 P m - "I Love You, Frank" - Shows a man haVing a heart attack 6:30 pm. After It hears reports Saada and Blscra oasis Large Registered quahfled electors In the Village of Gros!>e POinte Shores, and the warning signs before It (17) and elects officers, the ~roup WIll Roman ruins and nomad BedoUins Counties of Wayne and Macomb, who expect to be absent from the VIllage • 6 30 P m - Hank Luks vs. Crime (17) move to the Fnes Audttonum to are also photographed • 7 P m - People With Erv - Guest is Mayor Dave Robb of G.P CIty or who are confined to home or hospItal by Illness or rusablhty or are 60 see two 16mm movies by photo- The second film IS "Christmas (17) years of age or more, may now apply for ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT, • 7 P m - Steady Gains - News from the Grosse Pomte SChools (19) grapher, author and lecturer Wal- Under the Banana Tree," made in NO SUCH APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED Afo'TER 2 00 PM, • 7 30 P m - A VIew from a Park Bench, with Judge Beverly C tel' I Theuerle the 8t Lucta and Grenada Islands . SATURDA Y, MAY 14, 1983. ApphcatlOns must be made prIor to such time Grobbel (17) Tickets for the evening are $11 at the MunICIpal OffIces, 795 Lakeshore Road, Grosse POinte Shores Mon- • 7 30 pm - Job Mart (8) and are available to the public at Banquet chairman IS Ehzabeth day through FrIday between the hours of 8 00 A M and 5 00 P M • 8 pm - The Health Field (17) the War MemOrial offIce DOWnie and Fern ZWlCkey is 10 John R. Nicholson • 8 10 P m - Houses, Houses. (8) The first film, "Sand and Sun," charge of decoratIOns and pro- Villagf' Clerk • 8 30 P m - Financial Planning, WIth Margaret Southworth, CFP (17) IS the color product of trdvel by gram cover • 9 P m - SmgleSeen (17) G P N. - 5-5-83 & 5-12-83 • 9 30 pm - The Job Show, from the M.E S C. (17) Gallagher sets AIR CONDITIONER Friday, May 6 class reunion • 7 P m - The Health Field (17) • 8 P m - Houses, Houses. (8) Bishop Gallagher TUNE UP • 11 pm - Sam's Showcase Theater (17) High School's clas~ of Vi/lage Of grosse Poillte eJhores 1978 tS makIng plans • CHECK FILTERS Reg. Price $49.00 Saturday, May 7 • 11 30 a m - The Job Mart. (8) for a five-year reunion • Oil MOTOR. CHECK 011 SflturdflV .Tulv II at SElT NOW $3900* NOTICE OF Su.nday. May I • 10 am - Houses, Houses (8) the Thomas Manor m • MAKE SURE VALVES ONLY Monday, May 9 East DetrOIt ARE lACK SEATED - REGULAR VILLAGE • 4 P m - The Heart of the Bible - The Teaching of Jesus (5) For tIcket Inform a- • CHECK CLOSELY COMPLETE 12 PT . • 4 30 P m - American Cathohc (5) twn, call 776-6463 or FOR LEAlS CHEC~ SPRING ELECTION • 5 P m - FaIth 20. (5) 886-4599 • START UK'T - CHECK .5 30p m. - "Wayne County: A New Perspective" (17) Man is PRESSUIIE TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF GROSSE • 6 P m - "Silver Wrres, Golden WIngs" (19) • CHECK TEMPERATURE POINTE SHORES, MICHIGAN, WAYNE AND MACOMB COUNTIES • 6 30 pm - Waveforms (17) stabbed ACROSS COIL • 7 pm - SmgleSeen (17) Park police call • CHECK COKDEIlSATE Notice IS hereby gIven that the regular VIllage ElectIOn IS to be held m • 7 P m - Undersea OasIs (17) veyed a 36-year-old DRAtKS • 7:30 pm - Young Vlewpointes (17) the Village of Grosse Pomte Shores, Wayne and Macomb Counties, MIchI- stabbmg vlcttm to Bon • CHECK AMPS OF gan, on Tuesday, May 17, 1983, for the purpose of electing the follOWIng • 8 P m - ServIces at Ebenezer Baptist Church. (5) • 8 P m - The Health Field (17) Secours Hospital for UKIT offIcers: • B P m - Houses, Houses. (8) treatment Saturday, • CHECK CONamOK A I 30 ft h OF HEAT EXCHAIHlER - 3 TRUSTEES FOR REGULAR 2 YEAR TERM • 8 30 P m. - Health Talks. (7) pn , a er e was • eM-K THE."DSTAT • 9 pm - World Adventure Series (17) brought mto the sla- 11:" II.- You are further notIfIed that the polls are at the VernIer SChool, 36 Tuesday, May 10 hon by an Ashland • PURGE LIMES VernIer Road, and that the polls WIll be open from 8 00 A M until 8 00 • 5 P m - Steady Gams (19) Road reSident who • CHECK CO.DUSaK P M Daylight Time • 6 P m - "Where We Are, Breast Cancer" - Narrated by Jenmfer saId he found the VIC F•• turlng O'Nell (17) hm lymg on the SIde- JOHN R. NICHOLSON • 6 P m - The AmerIcan Farmer (19) walk In front at hiS G.P.N - 5-5-83 and 5-12-83 CLERK • 6 30 P m - Hank Luks vs CrIme. (11) DetrOIt home . • 7 P m - Heart of the Bible - Matthew 5-7 (5) Pohce said the VtC- • 7 pm - People With Erv Sterner - Guest IS Fred Gtrard, editor of the DetrOIt News. (17) tim, a 36-year-old De- • 7 30 pm - A View from a Park Bench (17) troit man, had been URGENT NOTICE - SCHOOL CLOSINGS • 8 p.m - Houses, Houses (8) stabbed In the back of • 8 30 P m. - Fmancial Plannmg. (11) hIS head They tumed • 9 p.m. - SlngleSeen (17) the case over to De. On Monday, a meetmg was held at Kerby School by concerned CItIzens,to dlbcuss the .930 pm - The Job Show, from the ME S.C. (17) trolt polLce for in- ramifIcations of Dr. Brummel's current consohdatlOnproposal It is the emphatic comen- Wednesday, May 11 IUI of dUs group U1attbere Is not sllfliclentJ ustificabon to approve the seboolc10lm g plan vestigatIOn 1bey therefore organIZedmto AcllonCommittees to draft a POSlllonStatement, to com • 4 30 pm. - American Catholic (5) mUlllcaleour poslllon to the SchoolBoard and Dr Brummel and delay a vote • 5 P m - Steady Gams (19) • 5 p.m - Faith 20. (5) Our greatest concern, as reSidents of the Kerby SChoolDistrict IS to mamtaIn the • 5 30 P m - "Wayne County' A New Perspective" U7} quality m our pubhc schools and the character of our commumt) • 6 pm - "Of All Places to Meet a Monster." (19) Gorris'Meothaus In revlewmg all pubbshed material to date, we fInd no eVidence that the Board of • 6 30 P m - Waveforms (17) EducatIon or the adnurnstrallon has demonstrated the fIscal necessity for the proposed • 7 pm - SmgleSeen. (17) - -'~ 885-7290 school clOlimgsnor have they attempted to evaluate tWeImpact of such closmgs on the • 7 pm - Undersea OasIS. (II) 8-6 TUESDAY quabty of educallon and the character of our commumty Therefore • 7 30 pm. - Young Vlewpomtes (17) ~~ GM, ~: • 8 P m - services at Grosse PIe Woods Presbyterian Church (51 // (, thru SATURDAY • Weurge the Board of Eduealion to DELAY takIng an)' aclion on the proposal for one In • 8 P m - The Health Field (17) '_ ,; Pot/flng Rear yea;, • 8 p.m. - Houses, Houses (8) • WeOPPOSE the admmlstratlon's current proposal to close neighborhood schools. • 8 30 pm - Health Talks (17) l19~5 MACK J Blk. S. of Moross I aoo • 9 P m - World Adventure serIes (17) -~ ------~---- • We urge the Board of EducatIOn to give due conslderallon to the patent conflicts between the report of the CJtIzensAdVISOrySteermg Committee and the administratIOns current proposal and to EXPLORE other alternatives HW schools present cable show Weare reachlng out to the community to gam support of thISvltallsS,u,e_ I " ,~"'$~lE The HarPer Wo~s public school operation with Cub. Pack 273 of Webe1tevethat both the sUbstance of the proposal and the manner m whIch It has been system presented its first cable Beacon Elementary School and presented pose a grave threat to the well-beIng of our chIldren and our neighborhoods telecast Monday, Aprl1 18, at 4:30 will be about scouting. Contfl Kerby-Parent Action CommIttee p m. on Channel 19 of Grosse Harper Woods school prinCIpals STANDING RIB ROAST •••••• $3.29 LB. 111 Moran Pointe Cable with ideas for suitable program Grosse Pointe Farms The first show was done In co- ideas for the educational channel ROLLED RUMP ...... ••• $2.89 LB.

Marilyn Kitzler announces SIRLOIN TiP ••.•• 8 •••••••••••• $2.99 LB. Whole BEEF TENDERLOIN ...• $3.99 LB. • Happ~! Choice, Boneless RIB EYES ..•• $4.49 LB. Steak or Roast ;i\. tI ---BREAKFAST SPECIALS Alexander & Hornung enmVerSar! BRATWURST ••...... •••••.•••••• $2.99 LB. llYN Homemade BREAKFAST LINKS ••.... $1.89 LB. Limited Edlllon Dolls hrst In the' Celebrity Series"''' HICKORY SMOKED BACON $1.89 LB. by WORLD DOLL @t983 Estate of Marilyn Monroe'" ECHARLlEj ****************************~********** : ot(~ • Polish Ham • American Cheese S200: : h...~' • Corned Beef - SWISS Cheese : :~rIll..~S- Turkey Breasts. Potato Salad per : *' ~r • Hard Solaml • Cole Slow person,.. : ~ - Liver Sausage • Fresh Bakery Bread : *************************************** ~~i Sale Items Expire May 10, 1983

Kitzler's "Kollectables RECORD BREAKERS NO NONSENSE LIQUIDATION MAY 3 to MAY 21 30 • 70% off bells, figurInes, thimbles, IIthos and collector plates No dOll8 or Jan Haga,. collflCt,blft will ba ,... l~red ANOTHER 10% OFF WILL liE GIVEN AT THE TIME OF YOUR SELECTION 175-4664. 29516 Gratiot. RosevlII • ... Lay-a-way , Never a UPS Charge~0~ , , I

t: I I

Back row Larry Swart Hank FI~chf'r Joe Rich Jean Kanas Carol Kelly Jeanette Wllgner SylVia Qray, Lalla Abud, Jllne Sllnford Pal Reynolds ~f>CrelaryAnn Sarafmo Mllrgarel Colhoud. Jim I' Premo. Bill Fmn. Gerry 0 Kon Assl Manager Front row Shelly Selko DenniS Andrus Manager "llkkl Andrus Lorratne Fraser Missing Stevie Anderson Sheila Knubbc Amber I awson Jim Okonoskl Georglll Pappas Lisa Sind and Mary Wmes Schweitzer Real Estate/Better Homes and Gardens' • REDUCE HEAT Grosse Pointe Woods office earned the honor of top • SAVE ENERGY & COOUNC COSTS office In the company for the month of March. CUSTOM COLORS AND STYLES During a month when the company set a sales volume DECORATOR FABRICS record, the Grosse Pointe Woods office staff also ~~;t;#.'MM(f11t, attained the highest 1evel of sales in their 20 year ?8 K~rcheval Av~nue PERMANIZED WITH SILICONE ANDVlNYl history. Grosw Pointe Farms, MI 48236 ""2.6230 FREE ESTIMATES 21300 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods FAST Da.MIY • ra.s 886-4200 Cap s~~ sundr~ss with tie bCIck. I apprOXimately 7500 Ichweltzer .~Better Sutton V-back sundress, Rool E,tote.lnc. I I tIfII H<2m~~. approximately 6500 , Thursday, May 5, 1983, Page Eighteen- A G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W,~ Help for kid8 with a8thma The Allergy a.nd ~sthma Infor- The progr am is open to all South High School a Success mahon Assoclatlon. In conjunction adults and children seven years of With St. John H~SPltal w1ll present age and older. There is no admls- (Continued from Page 1A) formance on tests and academic BURGLAR ALARM SPECIALI a ~rogram entitled "When Your slon or registration fee reqUlred South's chances in national com- awards • 3 Doors • 1 Interior Mat Sensa;" Child has to be Hospitalized for For further information contact petition. 1". 10 Windows South High, on Fisher Road, • 1 Key Switch Asthma," Wednesday, May 11, 8t John Hospital, at 343:3769 be- "I thmk they picked us because was dedIcated in 1928 and cele- • 1 Portable Panic Button fro,m 7 to 8:~0 pm., 10 the 1l0SpI- tween 8 a m and 4 pm, Monday we have such a comprehensIve brated ItS 50th anmversary five • Warning Beeper • 1 Siren • Entry Exit Delay tal s AuditorIUm. through Friday. years ago With a festival of events program," he saId "In filling out • 1 Rechargable Battery • 1 Fire Alarm the studies for the competition I that drew thousands of alumni ($1000 permo) AMJ ELECTRONICS reahzed just how much we have and former staff members to the • Automatic Shut-off • 24 Hour Monitoring , T. STEREO • VIDEO going on here, how many kids are campus At that time, South had v. • graduated more than 22,000 stu- SALES & SER.VICE wmnmg awards and honors for ONLY ~ the school." dents \.. $995. Toshiba Authorized Service Center The review process for national The mne other MIchigan schools honors began yesterday at South, nomlllated for natIOnal honors GROSSE POINTE ALARM, INC. SPECIAL when a Umverslty of Mmnesota were Battle Creek's Northwestern JUnior High, East Grand Rapids 17006 Mack Avenue TOSHIBa professor was scheduled to VISit the school for an on-site review Middle School, West Ottawa Mid- Grosse Pointe Park 19" 91 CHANNEl dle School, Monroe's Cantrick REMOTE C~TROl Among the charactenstlcs the na- 1ftGIIOSS( POIIlY( Al.l.1II for tIOnal panels will be looking at are JunIOr High, PlalOwell Middle, 884-3630 COlOR TV BloomfIeld HIlls' Lahser High, 00 diSCipline, commumty support, '458 curl'1culum, homework expecta- Gel'rIsh-HigglOs school distrIct's fast tions for students, post-graduatIOn Roscommon High, Southfield experiences, drop out rates per- Lathrup and SturgIS HIgh School results I Woods tax rate may i,tcrease r GLASS BLOCK ~ call (Q)ntinued from Page 1A) fore Public safety Will receive $2,376,285 10 the next flscal year, BASEMDII WINDOWS crease down to a mmlmum, Pet- compared to $2,337,637 the year ONE UNIT PRE-FABRICATED FOR THE WOMAN ON THE MOVE ersen said. your before • SECURITY • INSULATION YOU CAN HAVE A "As I prepared thiS budget, It The general government budget, became eVIdent that we must whICh funds commissions, counell • 15% ENERGY TAX CREDIT ads in formate a policy so that operatmg and office personnel, was allocat- SUPER PERM* funds do not depend on state shar- ed $540,229 for next year, compar- ed revenues," Petersen said By ed to $478,060 the preVIOUS fiscal 0 at moving the revenue sharing mto a year Public works allocations de- 515° special fund, normal CIty opera- creased from $1,593,181 In fiscal (IN AN HOUR l'» tions will be unaffected by delays 1982-83 to $1,401,548 In the coming 882-6900 in payment by the state, he added fiscal year '"Indudes Shampoo & Set The finance committee, made Budgets for the general gov- up by councilmen Frederick Love- HAIR CUTS $6 ernment, publiC works, public DUE TO GREAT RESPONSE lace and John Sabol and Mayor ONE WEEK ONLY safety and park and recreatIOn George Freeman, unanimously PLEASE CAU FOR APPOINTMENTS were approved by the city's fl- recommended sending the budget M-F 8-5 SAT. 8- 12 liS" FOR .JOSIE nance commIttee during four days to the council, which will hold a of preliminary hearmgs on the public hearmg May 16, at 7.30 p.m. Glass Block Sales, Inc. 778.6330 budget. DANIE'S 886-2227 on the document before its adop- 22701 Wood, St. Clair Shores 19839 MACK G.P.W. Parks and Recreation was al- tion Changes in revenue and ex- located $391,336 for 1983-84, com- penses could be made at the public pared to $372,094 for the year be- hearing.

CITY OF ~rn!i£i~"niut.r Bnnita MICHIGAN HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY C) NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR VENTILATION FOR THE PISTOL RANGE " AND OTHER AIR HANDUNG WORK Sealed bids will be received by the Comptroller of the Currency "The Best is Yet to Come" City Clerk of the City of Grosse Pomte Woods at the MUlllc[pal Bu[ldlng, Administrator of National Banks Diet Center can help you lose 20025 Mack Plaza, untlI3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 24, 1983, when bids w[ll from 17 to 25 pounds by Father's publicly be opened and read aloud for furnishmg the followmg Items of work: (l) Furnish and install make-up air unit With all appurtenances and Day. Then, we'll show you how to 'E~ I - ~ j • keep that weight off, permanently. controls; (2) Furnish and mstall exhaust 811' umt With all necessary spe- REPORT OF CONDITION clalties; (3) Furmsh and install associated ductwork, dampers and dif- And you won't need drugs, fad fusers; (4) FurnIsh and Install all pIpmg and valve work for the hot water Cor.solJdalmgdomestICsubSldtanes01 the diets, or expensive prepackaged COli m the make-up all' unit; (5) Furnish and install sleeves, hangers, 01 Grosse Pointes _ foods. It won't cost you much, either. inserts, supports, motor starters and control systems Incluchng thermo- Michlgan National Bank - Grosse Pointes stats, control SWitches and wmng, (6) Perform testing and miscellaneous C" CII' USlocIl, tor I ..... , work as specified; (7) Perform work related to dispatcher's area supply Inthe state of Michigan at l!1ecloseofbuSHlesson March 31. lqR:~ 1983 Introductory consultation. ductwork. and admmlStratIon area temperature control as specIfied, (8) publishedIn response to callmadebyComptrollerotthe Currencyundertitlet2. UnoledStales Code Section16t P~rfo~ pemohtion work and reconstruction work ~s spec.lfled and as hBrtern~~70 , __ lii~ _ ....NaI.on.lBank~r __ ~7~-_- ml r~rVl!! e right lOJ~~t aqy ~~s, to wllli1i.., O~ <,' u1rect 'I\e..Cj~y lh - ~ ~ _I" ~._..,. -_."--- 882-5885' ~~",""'), my 1fI't'o'Plfllllny"itl'tM'1tJd~'ncrto !~ lIhy bid'!! deems to be ill'the best mterest of the City. Plans and specificatIons may be obtained at the SlaillfMnt01Resourcesand'L.ab.hbes Mary BUlle.,: • Munic[pal Building for a tfi 00 non-refundable fee ~ CouDRlor . '01' Cash and due IromdeposlloryInsbtuhons 63 Kn.:Iw •• I. Soollc 201£ .... coo..... CoINIoIF""'-'l BWt. Bidders shall provide a 5% bid bond U S Treasurysecunhes ObiIgallons01 otherU S GOVllrnmenlagenClesandtorporalions Houn: 1 ••m.-1 p.m., 4-1 p.m. The successful bidder shall prOVide performance and labor and materials ObhQallons01 SiaiesandpollbcalSubdiVISIonsIn theUmtedStates ! THlilt ... 'I'IIrR mr _I Otherbonds notes anddebentures ".'n bonds FederalReserveslockandeotporatestock Chester E. Petersen Tradingaccounlsecunlles CIty Admmlstrator-Clerk Federalfundssoldand secunllespurchasedunderagreementsto rese""'I'-- ~ GPN - 5-5-83 Loans Total(e.cludlngunearnedmcomel 6,079 Less Allowa....ce forJXlSS'bleloanlosses I...... 2....9'-- __ NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION FOR Loans Net T11l1klll REmODEL THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE GROSSE Lease flnancrngreceivables If POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, WAYNE COUNTY. MICHIGAN Bankpremises.lumllureandlllctules,and Dll1erassets representingbankpremises Realestate ownedotherIhanbankpremises TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT In_estmentsInunconsolidatedsubsldlanesand aSSOCIatedcompanies IDIi?_ Please take notice that the Annual Election of The Grosse Pomte Publlc Customers habll,tyto Ih,sbankon acceptancesoutstendlng SChool System, Wayne County, MICh[gan wJ.11be held In saId School Dlstnct Intangibleassets DON'T TAKE A CHANCE-CALL A PROFESSIONAL on Monday, June 13, 1983 Otherassels TOTALASSETS Your Remodeling Planned by Experts Section 1052of Act 451, PublIc Acts of Michigan, 1976, prOVIdes as follows. DemanddeposllsollndMdualsPartnershIps.andcorporallOns 1 408 W•• I CUSTOMCRAFThaYtIIOme01 the belt knownremodeling 19 728 •• pert.o Inl1Ie.r.. to helpyoupllnyourremodelinglob- 10 thet TimeandsavingsdepOSItsollndlvldualspannershlpsandcorporallons "The inspectors of electIOn at any annual or speCial electIOn shall not 9 III deellln& COSIwillbe tll'oredtoyourIndividualneeds DepoSitsofUnItedStales Go_emment WIIUpplywrlttan~lled speclllcitlonlIn Idvlnce 10 youWill receive the vote of a person resIdmg In a regIstratIOn school dIstrict NONE tully unde ~ 1;.A'. 14641 EM[ Warnn AYe ~ CO. _ Jiiljj..4!!LlJ._ Draper ...,. ~1T011, M148215-2193 m.... Aprll 2 1983 G P N - 5-5-8.'3 0-. PRICES SUBlECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTNOT[CE 5-12-83

( , \ 1 .. L t r .... _"1.....&...... L..- .p ... -_ ..p ...------...... -_ ...-.---_ ...... ---~--

Page Nineteen-A lhursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Cotta@e will offer 'heart8aVer program Obituaries People interested in obtaining Participants learn some basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation anatomy, the most common heart (CPR) Instruction are Invited to attack signals, and how to respond Russell W. Mitte Dr. Fred L. Honhart Miss Agnes Dougan Mrs. Virginia H. Snyder the free class at Cottage Hospital when heart attack occurs. Cer- servIces for Mr Mltte, 83, of the of Grosse Pomte, 159 Kercheval tlfied Instructors teach rescue services for Miss Dougan, 74, services for Mrs Snyder, 73, of Farms, were held FrIday, AprIl Services for Dr. Honhart, 97, of Avenue, In the Farms, on Thurs- breathing, one-man CPR, and the the Pointe, were held today at the formerly of the Pointe, lately of Lorraine Road, were held Satur- day, May 12, from 7 to 10 pm obstructed airway maneuver 29, at the DeSantIs Funeral Home, DetrOIt, were held recently at St. day, April 30, in the Verheyden Warren. Verheyden Funeral Home and The Heartsaver program 15 held Those who successfully complete Christ EPISCOpal Church. Paul Catholic Church. He died Tuesday, April 26 Funeral Home. In Boardrooms A and B on the the class receive a card for one He died Sunday, May 1, m St. She died Saturday, AprIl 30, in She dIed Wednesday, April '1:7, In lower level of the hospital Reser. year certification In Michigan Born In DetroIt, he was a John Hospital. the Luther Haven Retirement Hospice of Southeastern Michigan former plant engineer for GMC at vations should. be made in a~- The Cotta~e HospItal CPR Born In Clarendon, Pa., Dr. ReSIdence. the Ternstedt plant and was an m Southfield. vance by callmg the hospital s Heartsaver class is conducted by Honhart retired In 1976 at the age Born In Hamilton, Scotland, she Born in Pontiac, she IS survived employe of the company for 40 education department at 884-8600, the Cottage Hospital educatIOn of 90. At that time he was the old- was a member of the League of by her husband, George, a son, years bet are hiS retirement In extensIOn 2390 department In cooperatIOn wIth est practicing doctor III the state Catholic Women and also a long Greg; a daughter, Susan Wabeke; 1961. The Heartsaver class offers the Committee on Emergency of Michigan tIme reSident of the area. two sisters and four grand. Mr MItte was a veteran of basic 1Ostruction 10 CPR tram10g Cardiac Care. Dr Honhart worked ill EastsIde MIss Dougan IS survived by a children World War I and a past commo- General, St. John, St. Joseph and brother; three sisters and numer- Memorial contrIbutIOns may be dore of the BayView Yacht Club Providence Hospitals. He was a ous meces and nephews. made to Hospice of Southeastern Mr Mitte leaves no ImmedIate member of the DetrOit Yacht Interment was in Mt Olivet MichIgan survivors Club, Grosse Pomte Yacht Club, Cemetery Interment was in Roseland Park Senior Men's Club and Alger Post Cemetery No 86 of the American LegIOn. John Ernest Swift :Jor Someone Special Charles R. Eckert Dr Honhart was a graduate of the ServIces for Mr Swift, 51, form- Former patients say Services for Mr Eckert, 85, of Umverslty of LoUISVIlle School of erly of the Pointe, lately of Tal. Country Club Road, were held MedIcine and was a veteran of edo, Ohio, were held Wednesday, yes to Bon Secours Cheejecaketor mother SUnda May 1, at the Verheyden World War I. May 4, in the chapel at Elmwood Y The quality of CClre gIven Bon FUllel for general operating purposes ThIs results In a 54 mills ($0 54 per $1,000 SEV) or a 5% tax levy Increase, but because of STAHL'S BAKERY GROSSE POINTE CUSTOM CHEESECAKES the decrease In the State EqualIzed ValuallOn. a net reduction of $133 10 actual tax cklllars IS antiCIpated for the average home havmg a $40,000 SEV assessment I COMPARISON OF TAX LEVIES Current Proposed I• 1982 1983 "NATIONAL BRAND NAME SOFT DRINKS AT DISCOUNT PRICES" Debt Senlcl' (Electorate Approved) 558mills 58 mIlls CapItal Improvements 1399 mtlls EMS Advanced Life Support GIANT 2 LITER SIZE /f!, (Elector ate Approved) 500mills 50mills General Operatmg 8122 mills 1003 mills Total Tax Rate 10570 mIlls 11 11 mIlls POP SALE! COMPUTATION OF TAX LEVY FOR AVERAGE HOME LOCALLY ASSESSED AT $40,000 Current 1982. $40,000 x 100 SEV Factor x 1057 mllls( 01057) = $42280 tax dollars S1.29 EACH + DEPOSIT Propo'oed 1983 $40,000 x 9484SEV Factor x 11 11 mJlls( 01111) = ~ tax dollars. TOTAL TAX DOLLAR DECREASE $133

Chester E. Peterson &lJ;;].~.~ G P N 5-583 CIty AdmInIstrator-Clerk CARRY OUT SERVICE & CONVENIENT FREE PARKING IN OUR LOTI Thursday, May 5, 1983 Page Twenty-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS or:

1 ,:

, .

~\ I

~ ii' ~ , ,. , '"; }, ~ ~ .i t • 1\ i , : ~ I I, I I I I

, I ,I I I


\ , I l \ t- 11 I 4 1, 'I ~ rl, I'


FRESH TWIN PACK a-PACK GALLON V2 LITER BOTILES 69 GRADE A 69 LIMIT 3 LIMIT 3 LIMIT 3 No Coupon Needed - Prices Good Through May 10th

Health & Beauty Aids ...cosmetics •.•beverages .••save on them all with Arbor's new low warehouse prices!

Now you're saving! Really saving! Everything you buy is now priced less every- tities right from the manufacturer-so we can pass the quantity discounts on day at Arbor Drugs. So don't wait for sales or special events. Arbor has your to you. You can believe our slogan: w~ sell it for less-or we don't sell it. That brand. name favorites at the lowest prices ever. The secret: Arbor buys In quan. means everything you buy at Arbor is at your greatest savings ever!

DRUG CENTER We sell it for less. Or we don't sell it. 19103MackAve. at Morass Next to Woolworth Phone:881-7656 , Section B The Second Section Thursday, May 5, 1983 ..•

Seven private gardens, featuring stately trees and evergreens, flowering dogwood, crabapple, magnolia and masses of spring bulbs and wildflowers, plus the formal garden at the Grosse Pointe War MemQrial, will share the Grosse Pointe Garden Club Council 10th Annual Gar- den Tour spotlight May 20, 21 and 22. The flowenng shrubs WIll Include rhododendrons, azaleas and forsythia There wIll be a few ~arden sculp- tures. Interesting landscape schemes, one bI-level gard.en and one that IS geometncally desIgned, formal and In- formal beds Wall-elldu::>tJ gal Jell::> lei! dl.:e::. and patios offer a sense of privacy and IntIm~cy. The Detroit Garden Cen- ter's Upstairs Shop will have crafts for sale at one of the gardens. Refreshments WIll be served at another. The tour runs from 1 to 5 p.m. all three days, rain or shme - and speakIng as one who splashed and giggled through the Hampton Court maze less than three weeks ago, In a rather heavy English Mist, may I say: Do not let rain deter you Pull on your boots, put up your um- brellas. and Just go to It! Tour tIckets, at $5 each, may be purchased in. ad- vance at the Garden Center Room In the Grosse Pomte War Memorial Tuesday throu~h Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., or by calling the tIcket chairman, Ms. M.P. WIant 881-4173. A brochure with a map of the area and descl'lption of the gardens accompanies each ticket. Tickets also will be available at each of the gardens during tour hours only. For directions or further infor- mation concermng the tour, call 881-4173, 88G-2096,881- 8574 or 886-8913. * * The Grosse Pointe Garden Club Council is composed of representatives of 19 ga~den clubs. F~r th~ past 35 years, education, conservatIOn and beautification have been the council's prime concerns: $2,500, money made possible by last year's Grosse Pointe Garden Tour, will be spent this spring on planting and maintenance of Lakeshore Road. Marigolds on-the-HIII Active in the Young Arts Scene ... MeanWhIle, \up on-the-Hill, mid-May will find mem- bers of The Garden Club of Michigan, an affiliate of T~e Grosse Pointers whose work can be seen through tomorrow, KATIE WALSH, SUSAN MUSIALOWSKI and GUS PIC KRAHN Garden Club of America, planting yellow marigolds m Friday, May 6, in Wayne State University's Undergraduate Ex- (standing on the floor, left to right), and JIM HOLLERBACH various sizes from Hall Place to Fisher Road. "We'll hibition at the Community Arts Gallery, located at Cass and and EDNA BAKEWICZ (top and center, on the ladder). Gallery even do window boxes, if people have them," says Mrs. Kirby in Detroit's University/Cultural Center, include SANDRA hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. EarlL Heenan Jr., who dropped by last week to report CZERESZKA (kneeling), CAROL CLIFFORD, VICKY KOZAK, on another Garden Club of Michigan project: a Flower Show, celebrating the opening of The Performing and Creative Arts Center at University Liggett SchooL Short and to the Pointe The Fiower Show debuts Wednesday evening, May 11, with a 5'30 to 7:30 p.m. Sponsors ~revIew. The pUbllC ~RlAN M. WOODHOUSE, son Technology, Seattle, WMh., on is invited to admire and enjoy bloommg beauty created were bo{'n in Th~ Pointe, cele- Helping- the -M8{'C~ds to cele-. .• of MRS. DOROTHY J. NELSON, Dec 18. brated their 50th wedding anni- brate were their three sons, one by members of The Grosse Pointe Garden Club and The of Pemberton Road, was gradu- versary Feb. 25 with a mass at St. daughter, 17 grandchildren I and (Continued on Page 4B) ated as a professional deep sea MR. and MRS. GEORGE A. Clare of Montefalco Church and a two great-grandchildren. diver from the Divers Institute of MARCHAND, Detroiters who reception followmg the service. * • • l).JleGel ecitlllyf~IvtlY 1/3off Harve Benard white . el1Cr~stt1 linen separates with a great sense of fashion-savings too! Misses' sizes Reg. S65-$112 now ".99-74.99

120 units selection Will vary by slore

In the language of flowers the rose represents love and beauty Thus a periect Mothers Day gift IS the Lenox Crystal Rose Pe1al Vase hand-cut wl1h a charming rose (jesign An American Beauty Silk rose IS Included free With each hand-blown leael crystal vase as are 1he satin ribbon gift box and soeclal gift card The i983 date IS Inscribed on the bottom

First In an annual limited edition senes 6'12" tall,

.... ~'S 29092 VAN DYKE (AT 12 MI. RD.) TECH'I.AZA1110".111 CE"m WAW" Ge...... Mon••Sat. 10.9 Sun. 12.5 573-4542 ~ Our Gallery has several sculptures that have been completed or rerlred II' ot January. 1983 Plellse call for Information B SiegSI. MaslerCard Visa. American Express Eastland and Northland Open Sunday 12 to 5 p rn Downlown 7 Mile Easlland Birmingham NOflhlal'ld

" Page Two-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 Beautiful Miss Landers Kennedy-Cerre rites planned Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cerre, Columbia, Mo., and IS currently Hair to be a bride of Bloomfield Hills, formerly of director of Winter Sales for the Snowmass Resort Association, Dr. and Mrs. James W. Landers, Rathbone Place, are announcIng the engagement of their daughter, Snowmass, Colo Cutting of Sunningdale Drive, are announc- The prospective bridegroom, a ing the engagement of their dauWl- Julie Ann, to Michael Patrick Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- graduate of OhIO'S Antioch Col- ter, Elizabeth Rees, to Philip lege IS edItor of Climbing Maga- $12, $15, $18 James Christian, son of Mr and !iam Edward Kennedy, of East Complete Jefferson Avenue. The wedding IS zm~ and a free lance photo- Mrs. Russell G. Christian, of grapher for SkI Magazine, ~rts Color $25 Georgetown, Mass. A September planned for mid-August, in Aspen, Colo. Illustrated and The Aspen Times. Color and Cut $38 wedding is planned. He IS a World Class Mountam Miss Landers, a Grosse Pointe Miss Cerre and her fiance are CUmber, and IS presently on a Perms $45 North High School alumna, holds a (Hair Cui Included) both Grosse Pomte South High cllmb10g expeditIOn with the Bachelor of Science degree in BIO- School graduate~ She majored 10 Amencan Gasher Brum II Expe- logy from Dernson UniverSity. She Marketing at Stephens College, ditIon in PakIstan is an American Society of Chmcal Pathologists Registered Medical pllolo by lladlfacl1 Technologist, and is presently at- Dr. Carolyn Romzick ~ tending Boston Umversity Miss Morrison The Place to discover Both she and her fiance, who re- In Kay Baum ceived his Bachelor of Arts degree Clark-Romzick to say vows 885-3240 in Mathematics from Merrimack August weddmg plans are bemg College, North Andover, Mass, and made by Nancy B Morrison and hiS Masters degree In Mathematics troth revealed Bradley K. Houck whose engage- from Harvard, are employed as The engagement of Dr Carolyn ment has been announced by her, computer engineers With the Ray- LOUise Romzlck to Dr. Da vld parents, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Fifth Anniversary theon Corporation, Bedford, Mass Michael Clark, of Ann ArbQr, son Morrison, of Whither Road of l\-1r "'nd !\1rs John Wl!llom The brldf>-f>!ect, a Gr()<;<;e Pointe Clark, of Burton, MICh , has been South HIgh School alumna who Health Education announced by her parents, Mr holds a Bachelor of SCience and a QUILTS: and Mrs Leo Joseph RomzIck, of Masters degree In Social Work wuncll to meet Yorkshire Road A November from Western Michigan Umver- Slty, is employed at PmeRest The annual meeting of the weddmg is planned. Health Education Council of Both the bride-elect and her fi- Chrishan Hospital in Grand Rap- N aney Morrison ance were graduated from the ids as a SOCial worker/psycho- ~ Grosse Pointe, composed of dele- therapist. celVed hiS Bachelor at &lence de- Exhlbrt and Sale of 175 Years of Q.llttmakmg gates from all public and non-pub- UniverSity of MIChIgan, where Dr Mr. Houck, son of Mr and Mrs gree 10 Fhght Technology from c lic schools in The Pointe area, IS Clark IS a faculty member, and Robert F. Houck, of Farmmgton Western MIChigan University. He May 9 through 14, 1983 scheduled for Monday, May 9, at 1 both are members of Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity Dr Rom- Hills, is a graduate of North ~s a corporate pIlot With The Up- Somerset Mall, Troy, Michigan p.m. in the Grosse Pointe Central Library, Kercheval Avenue and zlck IS presently completIng a res- Farmington High School and re- John Company, Kalamazoo. Coolldil•• 18198__ • during '-Sul. bull_ '--on Fisher Road - and all delegates Idency 10 Delaware, at toe Wil- are expected to attend. mington MedICal Center. Offer housewives money-making tip~ Antique QUilts Coverlets Cloth Dolls Hooked and Rag Rugs Handcrafted Representatives from Tupper- be taken as a series or as single Items Selected FabriCSand Supplies Books On-gOing Demonstrations QUill Also expected are the many ware, Amway, Jafra and Michl- seSSIOns, but advance registration Films and Appraisals Special ExhIbition of 19th Century QUllb local citizens who have chosen to be members of the Health Educa- Miller-Taperts gan Social Services-Home Day is requested and may be made by Workshops and Lectures by Care Licensing Will be featured m callmg 772-4435 Jlnny Beyer. George Bird, Sandi Fox Jean Ray Laury and Jeannie Spears tion Council because of their m- terest in council concerns. .troth iA told a four-session series of workshops, Fee for a single session is $6 for Free Adml .. 1on F, .. PlII1clng "HouseWives with an Income," YWCA members, $9 for non- The business agenda calls for beginning next Tuesday, May 10, members. Fee for the entire year-end reports, briefly summar- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taperts, of Kensington Road, are announcing at the Macomb YWCA, located on senes IS $15 for YWCA members, ized by committee heads, and Stephens in East Detroit. $20 for non-members. Three ses- election of 1983-84officers. First of the engagement of their daughter, Mary Beth, to Dennis Muler, son SIOns are available at $12 for two guest speakers is Jerry of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Miller, The programs run from 10 a m. YWCA members, $16 for non- OPENING Hummel, representing the South- to noon. Each week, a new speak- members, two sessIOns at $10 for eastern Michigan Chapter of the of Southfield. A mId-July wedding is planned. er will focus on hl.!Vher experience YWCA members, $14 for non- American Red Cross, who has in business. The workshops may members MAY 5th trained more than 50 Health Ed- Both MISS Taperts and her ucation Council members to teach fiance, currently employed as a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation systems analyst for Umversity LEGALLY BARE BODIWEAR over the past three years. Computmg Company In Dallas, Tex, are Michigan State Umver- STARRING: FLEXATARD He will present Red Cross Cer- sity graduates WENDY GRAY tificates of Appreciation to the HEC volunteers who have taught ~ piCfli e wifh AEROBIC WEAR CPR at Grosse Pointe North and Memorial Nursery our CARUSHKA South High Schools this year R. COMPANY Kathy Holland, R.N. will show slate/i open house R.R. the American Cancer Society film Memorial Nursery. Inc , a non- Sprif1j "Something Very Special," and The Hottest Fashions from Cali- denommatIOnal cooperative follow that film witn a presenta- WhICh meets on the second floor of fornia - Stripes, Solids In Leotards, tion on breast self-examinatIon. . Tights and Accessories. Grosse Pomte MemOrial Church " Mrs. Holland has been giving this -tops.! will be holdIng open house next ,,cOME BACK STAGE AND presentation to 10th grade girls in SEE BEV& SUE Thursday, May 12, at 9: 15 am. Pointe high schools, under the foro' I.; HOURS 10-6 M-F 10-4 Sat The nursery program-is dual sponsorship of the Health three and four-year-old children 22424 GREATER MACK Education Council and the Amen- and their parents AddItIOnal in- can Cancer Society, for several formatIOn may be obtained by S.C.S ,MI 48080 years. 445-0888 calhng 882-7788or 499-2037.

&1STPOtf'IE ~UET CLUB •.•'a sift iqe.'1 for l'YPfhers q,5

~ Elegant Parties Need I ,.~ Not Be Expensive ~ Accommodations for ~i?:*:~s~:.- ( ~- • PARTIES • BANQUETS l~ Piert!e> - BiIZMI~AM 11'5 ~a\' ~ Pte. • PROMS • SHOWERS • WEDDINGS COMPLETE CATERING SER VICE CALL 774-1000 19001 E. 9 MILE - East Detroit is Special at ¥l CHE11jis ~ ¥ PLACE 1Ir.. ,/! ~ 886.0001 ~ ~\-- 17864 MACK AVENUE r '" GROSSE POINTE Give Mom Anything 0. Her Heart Desires ...! ~'l:oo from Accessories to Formal Wear

For A Special Treat' CATORIS , . CHOCOLATES And if all Else Fails.... ~ -." GIF.TCERTIFICA:ES ARE AVAILABLE ~~ 3IK shops of " Gift WrapPing Available r ~ 886-0001 W"tton.Pitrc~ ~ Open TueSday-Saturday 10:00-5:30 • GrossI Pointe 884.1330 :10 0111'/-~"J'OIl.l-~ JllI/J/Jlj 11Io//,(JI' 's ':.!Jlll/! -

Thursday, May 5, 1983 Page Thr.. 8 - New Arrivals I MR. and MRS DOUGLAS TA YLOR, of Hillcrest Road, an- bl~~lI\ mom I g wOldkobe Wltlt nounce the birth of their first child, a son, CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS, Feb 21 Mrs. Taylor IS the former ROB YN TAIT SEMMLER, daugh- CBQeyQe QepaMlWs ter of MR. and MRS REYNOLD W. SEMMLER Jr., of St. Paul Avenue Paternal grandparents are MR and MRS. ROBERT H TAYLOR, of 0b wondeJtbuQQy weakab~e Grosse Pomte Boulevard Maternal great-grandparents are MR and MRS REYNOLD W SEMMLER po~.yesteJt blllt Sr , of Berkshire Road. Paternal great-grandmother IS MRS CRAWFORD TAYLOR, of Gro~se Pomte Boulevard r~,<-.~ '" '" MR AND MRS CHARLES A McFEELY, III, of Mt Vernon _ Road, announce the birth of their ~ ~1I!lUt 1)~ first chlld, a daughter, CASEY 1'1 ~ ~-,,--.--.-~ - LOGAN, March 26 Mrs McFeely IS the former JANE WOOD, 11 KERCHEVAL daughter of MARILYN S WOOD. 882.5550 of Moran Road, and ROBERT B. WOOD, a former POinter who now resides In Harbor SprIngs Pater- nal grandparents are MR and MRS. CHARLES A McFEELY Jr., former Pointers who now re- side in Delray Beach, Fla '" '" · he.?' MR. and MRS. MARK GUT- Christmas m ... t sprmg .. WALD, former Farms residents who now reside In Rochester, an- SALLIE SPITZLEY (left) and JANE WAR- Dutch boy, large pedestal pieces including a nounce the birth of their fourth REN, co-chaIrmen of the Garden Statuary new-tbis-year four-foot lion and five-foot child, a son, STEPHEN JOHN, Booth, pose with several of their favorites to be three-inch statues of Neptune and Venus, and a Feb. 21 Mrs Gutwald IS the featured next Tuesday, May 10, at Grosse variety of bird baths. All items are reasonably former LYNN DONALD, daughter Pointe Memorial Church's Kristkindl Markt. priced. Large items will be home-delivered of MR. and MRS. DOUGLAS Thjs Christmas Fair Preview booth will stock Fair hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A salad lunch- DONALD, of Beaupre Avenue the popular turtles, rabbIts and squirrels, the eon will be served between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 Paternal grandparents are MR Dutch girl pictured above and a companion p.m. and MRS CHARLES F. GUT- WALD, of Fisher Road Older SIS- ter KATE IS 6, older brothers TIM A Nacho Noche Variety of programs Shores Garden and CHRIS are 3% Let Mother Enjoy at Macomb YWCA * * * the Luxury of Nightwear by for Newcomers The Macomb YWCA, located on Club to meet MR. and MRS. MARTIN BAY, of Harper Woods, announce the Stephens in East Detroit, has a The annual meeting of the Grosse Pointe Newcomers head variety of special programs birth of their first child, a son, ~o(~'{S* Grosse Pointe Shores Branch of THOMAS ANTHONY, AprIl 5 for the Mexican Village In down- scheduled for this month, among Woman's National Farm and town Detroit on Saturday, May 14, them two two-hour workshops, Mrs. Bay is the former SUSAN Garden Association will be held THOMAS, daughter of DR and " Robes $26 - $,54 to sample beer, wme and sangria each offered at $8 for YWCA tomorrow, Friday, May 6, at the Nlflhtooll'n .. $16 - $42 members, $12 for non-members, MRS. CARL E. THOMAS, of Bal- punch, accompaniments to a Grosse Pomte Yacht Club where, Sl1ppers $9 each requesting advance registra- four Road Paternal grandparents choice of three different MeXican following luncheon and a silent dinners. tIOn (772-4435). are MR. a~ MRS. RAYMOND Master Gardener Maggie Riley auction, the group will hear offic- BAY, of Petoskey. Maternal In charge of "Nacho Noche" ers' and directors' year-end re- (Nacho Night), which begins at Will conduct a 7 to 9 p.m. session great-grandparents are MR. and on vegetable gardening this Mon- ports and elect officers for the MRS. HARVEY PETERS, of 7:30 p.m., are chairmen Russ and 1983-84 season. Rita Conrad and committee day, May 9. Sharon Bugucki will Birmingham. members John and Linda Trudell, lead a 7 to 9 p.m. program on Steve and Linda Fehling and Mike stress management Wednesday, Focus on children and nuclear war and Eileen Shapiro. May 25 Couples mterested m member- An Assertlveness Workshop, at A day-long conference on The grant trom the Mlchlgan CounCil $10 for YWCA members, $14 for Threat of Nuclear War to Children for the Humamtles, wlll be pre- 369 & 375 Fisher Rd. ship in the local Newcomers are Grosse Pointe, Mlchigiln invited to contact the membershlp non-members, will be conducted and Youth, sponsored by the Cen- sented Saturday, May 14, at 886.7960 chairmen at 881-2890 or 882-7948 from 7 to 9 pm Wednesday, May ter for Peace and ConflJct StudIes WSU's General Lectures Audltor- for further informatIOn 18, by Millie Mank. " Wayne State' University, under a lUm 9 30-5 30 Monday thru Saturday ~---~---"~"_ ...... \----_e_4 _ •

Page Four-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 From Allother Pointe FLOWER in st. clGir, SALE Of View Defer on the river (Continued from Page IB) Elementary Dinner - Lunch - Sunday Brunch '5425 Kercheval where the world (Mother's Day Brunch - May 8th) Junior League Gardeners as well as the sponsoring Gar- den Club of Michigan next Thursday, May 12, between 9 Saturday goes by! Wine Cocktails, Champagne, Wine, Beer a.m. and 4 p.m., in the spectacular new addition to ULS' 343~0610 Cook Road campus. May 7 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Kimberly Korner 20311 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods * The Marigold Plant-in is a Garden Club of Michigan beautiflcation project. The HiU Association wiU provide upkeep for the flowers, which should be well-rooted and New Orlean. We specialiLe In making nodding their little yellow heads off by June 2, when The DIXIELAND Garden Club of Michigan sponsors an Herb Sale in the CHET BOGAN I theRIVER CLUB Mother Love More Lovely vacant lot between The Persnickety Pedlar and Picard- Aid Th WI1Y,ri1l'1 OF SICLAJR Norton on.the-HllI. JAZZ BAND condominiums I{ The Herb Sale is a very-early-on fund raiser for The EVIfYT-*y 8:30 , .•. Located Just 2 Miles south of nEttLE CREEk Garden Club of America's 75th anniversary celebrations,! THE LIDO The St Clair Inn, St Clair ( GALLERY to be held in Detroit in 1988. Dining, Cocktails New 1983 Furnished Model Now Open Sat & Sun 2-5 Paper Cuttings Display 24026 E. Jeffer,on: Start wIth an elegant Mac Glashen Realty 329 2294 (Just North 01 9 MI) _: bedspread at Back to the-bottom-of-the Hill, where the Grosse Pointe Public Library is featuring a special display of 50% paper cuttings on fabric this month in its showcase ex- SAVINGS. hibit. The display i.s pre:,enteu by membel'~ uf the Michi- * Asking Questions and Not Getting Answers? gan Chapter of the National Guild of Decoupeurs. Looking for a Church that Cares about People? The paper cutting technique, which dates back to the * 16th centw-y, is one of many recogoized in the field of * Want to be Excited about going to Church? authentic decoupage. Some of the cuttings are pre-col- /tJ- Tremendous se- "'( lectlon. traditional ored prints. Others are black-and-white prints which Come Worship With Us! or contemporary have been hand-colored using oil pencils, much as one Custom drapenes and would paint WIth a brush. furniture to match or The on-fabric technique is used not only on boxes, -e~:T~~~ blend Complete deco- rating services Start but for wall hangings, lamp shades, bell pulls, screens (A Non denominational Fellowship of Believers) wJth an elegant bedspread and murals. Plus many unique gift Items. . * * * Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. • Music Boxes • Pillows According to Mrs. Howard Poppen, of Dean Lane, Sunday Evening 8:00 p.m. • Bath Accessories • Lamps this special exhibit was shown recently at a National Children's Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Decoupage Exhibition in Alexandria, Va .• which drew Midweek StUdy Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Our trained stylists are available hundreds of viewers. Other Pointe residents who have 21760 RAVEN ROAD • EAST DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48021 • (313) 776-2120 • tor NO COST AT HOMEconsultatIOns objects in the exhibit are Fernande Biglin. Mr. and Mrs. S...... Call 882-0935 for an appomtment Ronald Sartor, Helen Albertson, Elizabeth Pongrace, Rev. Scott G. Slocum - Pastor 772-8279 Florestine Schmidt, Madeleine Shetler, Eleanor Young and Ann Standish. nettL€ CR€€kS HOP May Tea - Treasured Lace

17110 KERCHEVEL. In-the-vlllage ~ Over to Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, where "A • Open Thursday evemng~ .-J May Tea - Treasured Lace," five words spoken by Kay Drummond as a possible fund raising project for the Princess Beatrice Chapter DBE, inspiring 11 ladies to share a common interest, promise a delightful afternoon next Thursday, May 12. The program begins at 1 p.m, with tea, music and a bake sale. "Treasured Lace of Yesteryear" will be in- troduced at 2:30 p.m. by the chapter members, who raided their attics, closets and family memories to cre- ate a collage of stories, skits and modelling designed to bring lace "treasures" into a new era. The Inspired Eleven are Beulah Wells, chapter pres- ident, cornerstone of Princess Beatrice's strong founda- tion ... Mary Sue Cheek, "Ms. Inspiration" Kay Drummond, Rose Barton, Maisie Holstin, Betty Potter and Reba lJammond, who will provide the tea table de- lectables' and act as tea and bake sale hostesses . . . <~~;; Christine Schlorff, pianist ... Marge Linsdeau, collec- '" , tor, noted for her doll and Teddy Bear work as well as HIS AND HERS lace Vera Hurd, model (and a talented dress de- A matching pair combining "Black Coral" finish and You're invited gold colored trimmings. signer) and Agnes Weitzel, artist and coordinator, UNRIVALLED EXPERIENCE The program is open to all by reservation, at $3 per Every Heusr diver's watch IS deSigned and precIsion engineered In to enlor the savings u we SWitzerland to give that vllal extra protection you need when under person donation, with proceeds going to support The water Quality teatures Include llice prices on our huge Brookfield Home for the Elderly. There IS a reservation • Knurled outer edge to bezel • Unl-dlrect,on~1 turning bezel deadline, however - this Monday, May 9. Reservations for easy setting when wear- With rachet for setting selection 01Lees carpets. may be made and further information obtained by call- Ing gloves ImmerSion time Iim,t ing 884-1093. • Double-protection screW-in • Extra-large figures & crOwn for dependable water- luminous markers for clear Watch for details or uk * * * resistance to 200 meters readability The Princess Beatrice Chapter was founded in June. (660 feet) $375.00 us. RaPPJ Savings to JOu! 1930, as a philanthropic organization. There are seven living emeritus members, including Lorna McFellin, a charter member. And by the way: don't make plans to ~aL£nteJEWELERS pop off home directly after the Lace Presentation portion SINCE 1934 of next Thursday's program. Everyone's invited to stay • E~~Ski == and visit with the entertainers. ,16849 Kercheval OPEN DAILY 9:30-5:30 Thurs. & Fri. till 9 FREE FRONT PARKING Shape-up day at Assumption Women of the community are gmg and yoga to music) seSSIOn, 776.5510 21435MackAve. Invited to treat themselves to a hair styling, skm care and make- Open until 9 p.m. Mon , Thurs , Fri ; Tues., Wed, Sat. until 6 day of total mind and body fitness up demonstrations by leading

Saturday, May 14, at Assumption salon artists and a lecture, I 'How Cultural Center, located on Mar- to Cope with Stress," by Kenneth ter Road at the border of Grosse Schoof, M.D., plus tips on the lat- POinte Woods and St. Clair est In fashIOn know-how from Shores Hudson's fashIon consultant, Bette CLEARANCE The program is designed for McGee. anyone - professIOnal person, Cost of the Spring Shape-Up WHITT.IER manager of a busy household, Day, WhICh runs from 9 a.m to 3 volunteer worker, student - in- p.m and includes a special lunch- terested on taking care of herself eon and refreshments, is $15 per TOWERS and workmg on welcommg spring person ParticIpants should wear WIth a "new me" look and feel. comfortable clothing and brmg Agenda highlights inclJ,Jde a tennis shoes and a mat suitable Kalosomatics (the popular exer- for exercise purposes /!7ltelte-j a J-Itand new lele Cise form that combines aerobics, Reservation mformatlOn may be calesthenics, brisk walking, jog- obtained by callmg 779-6111 of f!Jleliltem.enl awailing rtfou Convene Wayne Medical Auxiliary offelting: Past-presIdents WIll be honored (Mrs Nabll) Tawile, vice-pres- at a noon luncheon when Wayne Jdent, Patti (Mrs. Earl) Memtt County Medical Society Auxihary and Mary Ellen (Mrs DaVId) • Private rooms and apartments members gather for theIr annual Corbett, recording and corre- all with private baths Martex Blankets meetmg Friday, May 13, at the spondmg secretaries, respective- This year's mild winter means that we have more Country Club of DetroIt. ly; Shirley (Mrs Lawrence) • Around -the-clock security blankets on hand than planned. That means you An open board meeti ng is French, assIstant corresponding scheduled for 10 a m Special secretary; Conme (Mrs Charles) • ExceUent Meals have an opportunity for substantial savings on two guests Will include Henry Domzal- HOlt, treasurer, and PattIe (Mrs quality, washable blankets. Inspiration is the famous SkI, M D , preSident of the Wayne Murray) Khmchuck, financial and VelluxtP>construction. Invitation is woven of 100% County MedIcal SocIety, and secretary All are POinte-based Virgin acrylic. Great gift idea. Roger Mecum, the society's ex- • Doctors' Clinic ecutIve dIrector New custo(han IS Donna (Mrs Orlg, Cleerence Luncheon, In the French Room, Jo~n) Damelski, of Livoma Hls- • Registered Nurses en duty Twin 24.95-29.95 14.99 Will be followed by installatIOn of ton an IS Norma (~rs H R ) Hen- • Grocery Store a slate of 1983-84auxiliary officers derson, of The Pomte Full 31.95-39.95 19.99 • Library Queen headed by Helen (Mrs Salt) Er- Accepting reservations for the 38.95-46.95 24.99 mIte, of Dearborn day are Mrs French, 881-5961, King 44.95-56.95 29.99 Other new officers are Lily and Mrs John Moynihan, 565-6462 all Within the bUilding

SHOPPING HOUAS Art Fair activities in Mowtt Clemens the~ Monday through Wednesday Wilham House, Grosse POinte day, May 7, from 10 a m to 5 P m and Saturday artIst and Instructor at the Center on Macomb Place in downtown 9 30 • m WI 5 30 P m for Creative Studies, and Hannel- Mount Clemens ~etbcith& linens Thursday and Friday for Information or an appointment 9 30 a m t," 9 00 P m ore Fasclszewskl, well-known In addItIOn to exhIbits by 50 store Mount Clemens potter and In- MichIgan artists, there Will be en- call structor ~.were Jurors for the third tertamment, a food tent and an 8 16906 Kercheval, "In the Village" annual Mount Clemens Art FaIr a m to 2 p.rn Saturday sale of LOIS NAIR 822~9000 Phone: 881.9890 runmng tomorrow, Friday, May 6, flowers and beddmg plants at the from 10 a.m to 9 p.m and Satur- Mount Clemens Farmer's Market - P.. , p p ------...7....------~--~~-

Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PageFw.8

LORRAINE WALBY Short and to the Pointe rCRicKETs.CORNER.l PROFESSIONAL ORGANIST I 19822 MACK I INSTRUCTOR RICHARD B BOYLE III, son of RITA A I $ 00 Grosse Pointe Woods I MUSIC CENTER U.S.A. BOYLE, of Harcourt I Bet. 7 & 8 Mile I 24861 HARPER NEAR 10 MILE Road, has been pro- I Open Mon-Sat. 10-4 I moted to the rank of master sergeant by I 886-9690 I Call after 4 p.m. 881-4336 the UnIted States All' Force Boyle is an I I' InstrumentatIon tech- nICIan with the 1st I off I- StrategIc Aerospace I I~ A GIFT SHE'LL BE DiviSIOn at Vanden- PROUD TO WEAR berg All' Force Base, I ~~ I' Cahf He holds an as- socIates degree from I I Allan Hancock Col- I I lege, Santa Marla, CalIf. I I • • • Among SagInaw I SAVE $5.00 with thIS coupon on $20.00 purchase. II Valley State College I Offer good through May 30, 1983 students honored for .I scholastIc achIevement durIng fall and wmter of 1982 by being named to the NatIOnal ~------Dean's LIst IS CATH- Wiggs and Reed & Barton bring ERINE SCHMIDT, of The Woods. Students you 2 GREAT SALES ... just in time so honored earned the grade pomt average of for Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th! Your Mother will always 4.0 0 Z. cherish a very special 14 25% 30 karat gold, diamond cut PIANOS WANTED Save to /0! a Grands, Spinels. Consoles 5 charm or pendant. a. TOP P"'CES PAID 837.0506 :- AHEE jewelry company BUY - SElL - RENT 20139 Mack Avenue plloIo by D

Michel Jean Pilorget Sale patterns also mclude (Iefl to nght) French Chippendale l A NOS C A , I N G Wmterthur Dresden Rose English Gentry and English Crown

SpeCIalizing In creative landscape design, and

planting of quality shade trees, SPECIAL BONUS GIFTS With any 40 or 60 pc set' A walnut-finished Silverware Tar\UI"\ imit~d shrubs. evergreens, and large chest plus a srlverplated buffet server A COMBINED VALUE OF $148501 European Tanning Salon speCImen trees. Call our new number 886.3052 20902 MACK AVE., Grosse Pointe Woods

Located on 2nd Level Mr. Vem's & The Hair DeSigners 11m..,.",m r~e" VIld Ifd'/ffl,",J W/~~, O',"~t I p~ 1m Ire If.tI mJ P/I<)~e Or", ..., Open \I, ~ OPEN: MON.-FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-5 823-6662 nu,. J~Jhl /119 PIt Featuring - Shower - Sauna - Hot Tubs - Body Wrap and Masseuse Telegraph al Long LakE"Rd (18-Mlle) Bloomfield Hills. 644-7370

I I p,age Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5,1983 Short and Eight women WE HAVE MOVED to the Pointe attorneys share LINCOLN DAY, son their expertise of MR. and MRS. STANLEY R. DAY, of Eight women attorneys will Lakeland Avenue, share theIr areas of expertise with earned a varsity letter mem bers and guests of the Michi- in wrestling for the gan Professional Women's Net- 1982-83 season at work at the regularly scheduled T6t'UF\ imit~d South Kent School. MPWN dinner meeting which " European Tanning Studio * * starts at 6 p.m. next Monday, May , Call our new number 886-3052 Among ValparaiSo 9 at the Somerset Inn in Troy. UniverSity students , Their subjects wIll range from 20902 MACK AVE. domestic to tax, real estate, busi- Grosse POinte Woods named to the Dean's Located on 2nd Level Ltst for the fall, 1982 ness and criminal law, in a pre- Mr Vern's & The Hair DeSigners semester is CHARLES sentation designed to help women OPEN MON -FRI 9-9 SAT 9-5 JACOBY, of The manage theIr own hves and busi- Fealuflng - Shower Sauna Hol TUbs. ness 10terests more Wisely. BOdy Wrap and Masseuse Park, a student 10 the ValparaIso College of The speakers - Nma Abrams, BUSiness AdmwI- Elinor Annis, Cheryl Bloom, Mar- stratlOn Jory Epstein, Kathryn Gilson, Jan- Ice Morganroth, Shirley Saltzman and Helene Simon, all of whom SINCE ENGLESI DE '1947 Airman CHRISTO- practlCe 10 the tn-county area - PHER D DeLAERE, WIll open theIr panel dIScussion Drapery and Carpet Cleaning son of PATRICK L With tips on how to select an at- and SHIRLEY J De- torney, how to change attorneys . ~rap~ry Ca rpet LAERE, of Three and what IS a faIr fee structure Mile DrIve, has been Reservat!ops for the evening assigned to Lowry All' may be obtamed by calling' 355- '-leaning Clea nin9 leIS Papillons spread their wings •.. Force Base, Colo" 5580 JENNY ESHLEMAN and LIZZIE BOLDEN Sunday evemng, May 15, at their sponsor after completmg All' (left and rIght> whirl chIffon veils In an illus- Force BaSIC Trainmg * * * church, Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian, MPWN IS a two-year-old, non- 95 tratIOn of winds and gales as they dance to a Mack Avenue at Torrey Road, TIckets for the AIrman DeLaere, a 1982 graduate of profit organizatIOn which seeks, $29 readmg of Scripture passages from the Old benefit and the reception following in the ~!q,T~~.~ by sharmg information, learnmg 90 Testament Apocrypha Jenny and Lizzie are Grosse POInte South ~ '4 {unh..... l any room & hall church lounge are $3 50 They may be purchas- HIgh School, Will now from speakers and actively net- members of Les Papillons Liturgical Dancers, ed at Woods Presbyterian during busll1ess receive speclalIled 10- workIng, to help women move ~SpeciQI Upholstery who plan sev('ral performances in area church- hours, or from any,of the dancers Further in- structlOn m the aVIOn- ahead In their careers MeetIngs es thIS spring in addition to their annual Benefit formation may be obtained by calling 886-4300 ICS systems £leld are open to everyone all Washing Cleaning Concert of Dance and Music, scheduled for COUCH ... Regular '39'0 The dance troupe, OrIginally ChOIr under Richard Johns, mUSIC '. 00 SO funded In part by a grant from the director, accompanIed by Helen 9J PACHYSANDRA ;:$5 0" Now'29 MIChigan Council for the Arts, IS McConachIe, organIst, WIll SIng CHAllt. , . Regular '24" now self-supportIng and has, dur- the "Te Deum," settmg the theme JIUN IPAlJIL S I Temllnalls (JQpane$e:'purreJ I ;: per room NOW '1610 lI1g the past four years, performed for the evenIng, "All the Earth , The Ideal permanent evergretln ground cover plant I throughout the metropolItan area, Doth WorshIp Thee" I to grow In sunny as well as shady locations where I in churches of every denomma- Les Papillons' portIon of the SAILUN I grass falls Grows at even height of about 8 inches. I ~Senior Citizens All ADDITIONAl 10% Off Plant 6 Inches apart Sturdy, well-rootlld plants, I • ,MINt; IN ONLY) tlon program includes a series of I postpaid 50-$1350, 100-$22.95, 500-$85.95, The troupe IS unIque m that ItS dances Illustrating the Sacra- ~ SERVING THE SHOR.ES & POINTES I 1000-$145 00 F,nost quall1y stock Pottplld and I members range 10 age from child ments plus "The PassIOn in Kal- Mmlllr"s Day Specials I expertly pocked GUlranteed to IIW1 Or we'li repllCo I r 23419 Mack 15255E.7 Mile Rd. to semor adult, and ItS dances are eidoscope," a dance-drama WhICh Wash & up to 1 year Prompt shlp""'"t Order due" from ad or I • (9 Mol. .. Mock) I send {or plont folder performed to the readll1g of SCrIp- features brIllIant costumes and Set SpeCial reg 800 7 00 ~ 773-6190 839-2500 I ture as well as to music speCial hghtmg effects, danced Manicure. reg 700 5 00 ~X~, ,PEEKSKILL NURSERIES StlrubOllk,NY10l1111 Les Papillons combine the tech- and acted against a background of Porcelain mques of ballet, modern dance, classlCal music espeCIally taped Nalls. reg 4000 30 00 I Please ship me Pachysandra plants postpaid I, mime and both anCIent and mod- for thIS performance Hair Cut & I enclose DChe~1ua(~i:tJney order for $ ern IsraelI dance forms 10 theIr The finale WIll be the lyncal Blow Dry rog 15.20 12.00 I DPlease send plant folder --- I ' Name repertoire of Episodes from the "Benediclte," danced to the read- Perms, , , . reg 350030.00 I 1 Life of Chnst and InterpretatIOns mg of Apocrypha texts ,eg 4500 36.00 I Address______I of psalms, hymns, passages from Les Papillons WIll also be danc- 15104 Kercheval 822 8100 C,ty- stat-e~~~~=-z-,P~====_=I Scripture and sacred songs 109 thIS spring at St Clare of GrOBBe Pte. Park - I The May 15 concert offers a Montefalco Church (May 22) and representatIve selectIOn of dances St James Episcopal Church In "the butterflIes" have performed BirmIngham (June 1) The troupe, ------_. 10 churches durIng the past year, under the directIOn of EUnIce With Instrumental and vocal Whitaker who IS also Les PapI!- musIc In the lOtervals between Ions choreographer, includes, m dances LIsa Hackney, harp, Nada addition to LIZZie and Jenny, WORSHIP SERVICES Radulovich,. cello, Tim Hoey, Steve Honkanan, Chris Kirouac, Groase Pointe trombone, and ChriS Kirouac, ten- Robert Neveux, Tony LaVasco, St. James GROSSE POINTE Christ the King or, Will be featured Ellen Probert and JoAnne Spen- Lutheran Church BAPTIST CHURCH M~~I~e;:ST Lutheran Church The Woods Church Chancel cer. "on The Hill" 21336 Mack AHnue CHURCH 20338 Mack, GPW. Gq1lise Pointe Woods'" ,~ ! 21~::'J~D.d - 884-5090 A Watt.. w~of\,e u " Deeplands Club considers herbs SUnday School 9 am AWait, You ~ 49 15 FamIly WorshIp Mrs ElIzabeth Dulmage WIll Gardener, and a member of the Morn nq Worship BIble Classes 9 a m 1100 a m rr & Church School FamIly WorshIp 10 30 a m A VERY SPECIAL greet members and guests of the Windmill Pointe Chapter of Ques- \VOR~IIIP S!',R\ ICES 910&IIOOaln Sunday School 11 15 WorshIp Service Fello ...shlp Hour - 11 30 a m , CONDOMlNIUM COMMUNfIY Deeplands Garden Club In her tel's, the League of Women Vot- 945 a m I I Wed Bible Class 10 a m (NUl ~CI V boll1 Set \ ) Nestled m the Vf>rycenter of McKInley Avenue home next ers, the Grosse POInte Branch of Evening Se" Ice I Nursery & Pre school 9 10 "Ill 'lun Scl100l 6 30 pm r . the St ClaIr Shorel> Countr) • " v Monday, May 9, at noon Mrs the AmerIcan Association of Uni- Nursery ~ I I r.hmsters All ServICe, Joseph P Fabry. Pastor Club dnd just minutes from v~ Howard C HarrIson's program, verslty Women and the NatIOnal 1',,,lor (,.'orl('. \1 ..,.hrller 11 i R( Ijert W Bolev Luther Stohs, VIcar Lake St Clair Brand new de- "Colomal Uses of Herbs," Will Herb Society's Southeastern Mi- 1'.. ,lor Hobt'rt \ Ihmbo Rev Wm Toft ~-m" DaVId B Penmman slg'Iler condomInIUm home,; WIth-- focus on categories and aspects of chigan Unit attached garages and quamt • herb uses, rangmg from culInary Co-hostess WIll be Mrs, John GROSSE POINTE WATCH THE "SERVICE OF THE WEEK" bnck courtyards pnced flom the and traditIOnal to household and Malcolm Members are remmded MEMORIAL CHURCH 70's WIth just $3,695 down Some personal that guests are most welcome at AT 8 P.M. 9 30 & 11'30 Worship Units ready for occupancy Mrs Harrison IS a Master thIS meetmg ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 10 30 Study Hour Crib Care thru age 5 MONDAY, MAY 16 LAI\8PO!f:f!.~ A-v New officers for Pettipointe "'. Models open dally I till 6, closed ~i"!l*~ CHANNEL 5 "TO BE A WOMAN" ~< ....Thursdays Located on Masonic Pettlpomte Chapter, part of the program Grosse Pointe Cable TV :.r-~. RecordIng and correspondmg Dr Ray H Kiely 1".. ,...,.., Blvd (13 /2 Mile Rd.) just east of':", _~-~ natIOnal Questers orgaOlzatlOn This Week's Service From: ~ ' ~~~(~ secretaries, respectively, are Mrs WE CARE ;:;;". - 1-94. Phone 294-2425 ,...\...~ dedIcated to the study of antiques and historic preservation, has Gilder Jackson and Mrs Robert 16Lakeshore Dr. otai-A-Prayer GROSSE POINTE WOODS ';:;f;::.~.-... * AdJustable rate mortgages now ~! elected a slate of officers for LeFevre. Treasurer IS Mrs Ralph 882-5330 - 24 hr. 882-8770 • N '7?' available al 9'%% ' .,.~~ ~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~ -'""_ ' ...,.. _ v,, _ .. -v v < _..-_. BleIch. 1983-84 headed by Mrs Wilham UNITED PRESBYTERIAN SPONSORED BY ~::~ ~ ~~~~ ~.. ~.,~, ....~~ Kennedy as president, by Mrs THE GROSSE POINTE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION .*" ...... v ...... ;".",...... ~ ....-::" )to'4(fY ....;w~-:"J - Paul Woerner as fIrst vice-pres- A fIeld tnp to view some of Ident, membership, and by Mrs MasoOlc Temple's 1,037 rooms Robert LeWIS, Mrs Gordon Soren- The Grosse Pointe With a mystery luncheon followmg ST. MICHAEL's son and Mrs George Van Walle- will be Pettlpointe's activIty for Congregationa I .< CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL ghem as second vice-presidents, May and American Baptist ~ CHURCH 61 Grosse Pomte Blvd. 20475Sunnlngdale Park East Kappa Deltas plan potluck night US-441 Church Grosse Pointe Woods 1111 I h dlllnl .. II I uthrllp Members of the DetrOIt East tact Mrs Henry Szymanski, 882- 884.4820 Alumnae of Kappa Delta Will be 3728, for reservatIOns and further 9 30 & II 15 8 00 a m Holy Eucharist The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOII contacted regardmg the chOice of InformatIOns 9 30 a m Bible Study IltlPATIEl\S foods to bnng to a potluck supper The evemng's agenda calls for l"'IlIr~ery Available) PrlnClpa I servIces: next Thursday, May 12, at 6 30 mtroductIOn of new offIcers for "Alwa),; Thmk 1030am of Mother" l'horal EucharISt and 9 l'i a m Holy EucharlSl & Church &hool p m at the FIsher Road home of 1983.84 and dtscusslOn of plans for "rrmon Sunday School SALE Mrs Robert C Callaway the comIng year All local Kappa St Luke 1 39 56 11 l'i a m Mornmg Prayer and Sermon Weekday Euchaml Holy Euchamt - f,rsl Sunday MAY 13 and 14 Prospective members may con- Deltas are mVlted to attend 9 10 a m Tuesday CrIb room fa<:llItles 9 A \1 Infant, (are prot tded - hoth Jerl/leS Weare also oHering a limited seection of FIHSTS>\TURDAY Church School al Olher services - Holy Euchaml wax begonias on a first come first serve baSIS 9 30 only Rfctor Robert E Nflly •••••••• ft •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'i 30 p m Saturday I ookmg For Friendship • "nl,,, rIJ"rI.. "",,,hi,, t" • 8 00 a m - Sunday I,r Ilo\ Il 11111,hI on and Bible TeachIng? : South 'Ioch ••r".. ('Iub : It< )" k ~ ~k.lI, 9 30 a m - Tuesday : 27:1 tl.lIl11llon ( I. : 4 30 P m - CHORAL EVENING : C,ro,"" 1'0111)('. \lI('h'/ollln IB2:16 : • • : Nome Grosse Pointe Woods Redeemer •: Address PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH United : City Methodist Dial A 19950 Mack Avenue ~ Church I: Phone I hallway betwpen Morass and Vernier Roads) Prayer Nearest Cross Streets You and your fflends are cordially inVited to lOin us to hear a free Illlt, -JIll!) 20571 Vermer Chnstian SCience lecture entitled: 930 EDUCATION HOUR Harper Woods For Adults, Youth 882.8770 884 2015 'lt1PATIE~JVS "The Healing Power of God in Business" and ChIldren No of 36 plant flats @) $1 I eo • or Pole Pink • by 11 00 WORSHIP 9 l'i a m Church ~chool Red • ChIldren'') Learnmg Center and Wh,te Deep Pink • Ralph C. Charbeneau, C.S. 10 30 a m ~or~hlp 884.0369 • Nunery PrOVided Rrv Don Llchtenfelt Orange Salmon • of WillIamsburg, Virginia • COME GROW WITH US DIal a Pra)er 81140369 • Mr Charbeneau IS a member of The Christian SCience Board of WAX BEGONIAS • Lectureship of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ Red • • SCientist In Boston Massachusetts The lecture Will be given First English • Wh,te GROSSE POINTE st. Paul Ev. FIRST CHURCH OF • Pink Thursday, May 12 at 8:00 P.M . UNITARIAN • /0 Lutheran Ev. Lutheran UNDERSTANDING • CHURCH : • Delivery charge (If any) Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist . -~ Church Church 1178 AUDUBON Chu r(' h '>HV Ice .<;'r~ 881-6670 Vernier Roali al at GROSSE POINTE 1 Total a mount enclosed 14710 Kercheval Avenue near Alter Road, Detroit WAR MEMORIAL Rrhgloll~ Ecillcatlon • (). Chalfonte and Wedge\\ood Drive l Sorry no COD ! Secured Parking Child Care PrOVided II no A 1\1 Lothrop : ~rders must be received by April 18 Gro')~e Pomte Wood~ 10 a m Interpretmg the Wor')hlp 1l1l.J.5MO I woll be happy to p,ck up my flowers Moy THE WAY OF BIble mto Taday's LIVIng :0 All Are Welcome. Come and Hear It! 9 1'i f amll" S('rvlce Wor~hlp and Church : 13 46 pm or May 14 912 at South gym TilE ",PIHIT You are also Invited to our church services: 11 A M School - 9 15 a m Npt"

" - .. . --,------_.

Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-B Spring Fling for Phase I "Spring Fling," an evening of program meetings, this Sunday, Vows spoken Park Garden Baptist Women' dancing and socializing in Memor. May 8, at 7:45 p.m ial Church's Fellowship Hall, is on in Annapolis Club to meet plan a banquet: the agenda for Phase I, the or- Dance instructor Ilene Atard ganization of single, young adults, Lynne Elizabeth Montgomery, Grosse Pomte Park Garden will be on hand from 8 to 9 pm., The Grosse Pointe Baptist Wo; ages 20 through 39, who gather after which dancers will have the daulSi,ter of Mr and Mrs. William Club members Will enjoy a morn- N. Montgomery, of Washington 109 trip to Franks Nursery and men's Missionary Fellowship will reguiariy at Grosse Pointe Mem- opportunity to polish the new hold ItS annual Mother and orial ehurch for Sunday evening steps they've learned from her. Road, was married Saturday, Craft Farm, Inc., In Monroe on March 26, in the Great Hall of SL Monday, May 9, then rendezvous Daughter banquet tomorrow, Fri- day, May 6, at 6.30 p.m in t~ John's College, Annapolis, Md., to at the Beacon HIll home of Mrs Girard Bradford Davidson, son of Ramon BrInkman for luncheon church FellowshIp Hall. The pro- Short and Joan K. Davidson, of New York and their monthly meetmg gram w111 feature a hair trans- City, and C. Girard Davidson, of formatIOn by sebastIan of Grosse to the Pointe Portland, Ore. POInte Woods, an inspiratIOnal The 5 o'clock ceremony at WhICh "l4- Ruby-Grow speaker and special music by Debl Talley Barrow. Marine Pfc. TIM- The Reverend J. Wmfree Smith III presided was followed by a recep- ..~; ( / vows said OTHY P. THOMP. ~" . ReservatIOns are reqUired, at $5 SON, son of JAMES tion in St John's Randall Hall, after ~/ .. 4I!"'" which the newlyweds left to vaca- ~hli!A1f Audrey G Grow, of Umverslty for adults, $2 50 for chl1dren aged 8sl.. Tax F and BERNA- Place, and Lawrence I Ruby. of four to 12 ChIldren three and outy & d tion in the Virg10 Islands Mrs. G. Brad Davidson Refunde DETTE M THOMP- St Paul Avenue, were married under are free Further mforma: SON, of Roslyn Road, Full premium ~ They are at home m Annapolis John Matthew DaVidson was hiS Fflday, Apfll 8, at Grosse POInte tlOn may be obtaIned by calling American Fun was promoted to his where the bride, a Grosse Pomte brother's best man Guests were Memonal Church the church office, 881-3343 1.519.253.5612 present rank while South High School graduate who seated by Peter W DaVidson, of serving With Manne holds a degree in Urban Planning New York City, another brother, 484 Pell88ler St. AViatIOn Training WINDSOR, CANADA from the UnIversity of Michigan, IS and three brothers of the brIde Support Group-90, an urban planner for Anne Arundel Robert J Montgomery, of Grosse ,DO 1IA 1IA OR DO Q II Daily 9-5:30 Naval AIr StatlOn, County. She studied Architecture at POinte, Thomas M Montgomery, of - t Millington, Tenn the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen San DIego, CalIf., and Wilham W. and IS presently a candidate for a Montgomery Among artists Master" degree In Urban Planmng The mothers of the bride :md Prlvat. Duiy whose work was in- ~ FranKirkland's at George Washington University bridegroom both selected daytIme Nurllng Care In cluded the Second The bridegroom was graduated length dresses, the former's of pur- needlepoint" knit shappe Servmg Annual MIChigan Fme from the Dalton School and St. ple chIffon With a woven satin Arts CompetitIOn are the Grosse Pointes, John's College. He IS an Alderman stripe, the latter's French blue m MARY CROMAR and the Tn-CountIes on the Annapolis City Council and a color, with a small pattern, ARO, of The Woods, stockbroker with Memll, Lynch, accordian-pleated and unbelted. 15% off through MAY 7th for her work "Rock PIerce, Fenner & SmIth. Each chose a rubrum lily corsage. On All ltlerehandise •.• ex('ept finishinfl Garden"; DAVID The former Miss Montgomery Guests from Grosse Pointe in- GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE BECKER, of T~e Clt~, selected a traditional wedding cludedMr.andMrs JohnW Baker, for "Monuments'; gown, styled with a portrait neck. of Christine Court, ElIzabeth Endi- 16930 Kercheval • In The Village e 881-4575 C.A BIELSKI, OF line edged 10 scalloped Alencon cott, of Stratton Place, Mr. and Mrs. The CIty, for "Motion PrIvate Homel, HOlpltals lace. Matchmg lace detailed her C. Gregory Marshall, of Crescent Open Thursday evenings 'III 9 Studies", MARY long sleeves and molded her bodice or Nurllng Homes Lane, Mrs. L.A. McDonald, of HADDAD, of The to a corselet waIst above a full skirt Meadow Lane, Dr and Mrs. War- Park, for "Ernest"; • 24 Hr. Service - 7 Days a Week of peau de SOle,bordered in the scal- ren R. Moore, of Belanger Road, DORIE KRUSZ, of loped lace and flowing into a chapel Mrs. Russell M. Thompson, of Hid- • Full Time or Part Time Coverage The City, for "East train. den Lane, and the bride's 93-year- • Bonded and Insured Run"; and MARY She wore her mother's wedd10g old grandfather, Thomas J Lough, Get the Perfect Hairstyle for Your Lifestyle By RN's, LPN's, Nurse A.ldes LOUISE McCAR- veil of antique Florentine lace, and of Washington Road at ROLL, of The Park, and Live In Companlonl carned an all-whIte sprmg bouquet The bridegroom's grandparents, for "Floating Raw- of iris, tulips and snapdragons. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, and Joseph's of Grosse Pointe bow" Mrs. WIlliam W. Montgomery, of other family members came from • • Evergreen, Colo., honor matron for New York CIty. Let Joseph and 12 other wonderful Our Lady Star of the her sister-in-law, and brIdesmaids More out-of-town guests were Mr st!Jllsts help !Jou fll1d a halfst!Jle 263-0580 Sea High School stu- Mrs. John Matthew Davidson, of and Mrs Robert V. Mathers, of to {It you a nd you r lIfestyle dent JULIE WHITE Chappaqua, NY., the bndegroom's Bloomfield Hills, Mrs Chene was a cast member 10 sister-in-law, and A. Ellzabeth Thompson, of Wmdsor, Ont , Dr. Month of May Perm Special Communtty Professional Nursmy SerVIce the recent production DaVidson, of New York City, hIS SIS- and Mrs Thomas S. Lough, of Kent, of "The Teacher," an ter, wore daytime length dresses of Ohio, the Robert F. Schmldts, of for New Customers Only original Passion Play magenta silk, styled WIth square Brecksvl1le, OhIO, Mr. and Mrs ....-...,.... ; necklines, dropped waists and long, John G Jarnis, of Boston, Mass, ONLY $30.00 INSTRUMENTAL full sleeves, accessorized with off- Johanna Ross, of Newton Centre, Redkin • L'Oreal • Wella • Zotos white English straw hats decorated Mass, the Thomas MartinS, of Sensor Perm by Realistic AND with fresh flowers in coordmated ChICago, Mr and Mrs. Samuel A and all other malor permanents colors Hess, of Mt. Prospect, Ill., the Wil. VOCAL MUSIC Each earned a sprmg bouquet of liam A Steins, of Pittsburgh, and 882-2239 • 20951 Mack Avenue snapdragons and tulips, in shades of the Earl Kimmels, of NorrIstown, DEPARTMENTS rose and p10k Pa present a Set Salvation Army Grand Marais SPRING Auxiliary"s meeting The AuxIhary to the Salvation club to travel -CONCERT -\rmy WIll meet next Monday, A tnp to Seven Ponds Nature May 9, at 11 a.m. at the EdwlO Center near Dryden, to walk the SUf' Ur\limit~d Denby Children's Home, where tralls and enjoy a program pre- "hairunt ?I at ORCHESTRA HALL luncheon will be followed by sing- sented by the nature center's Do- 3711 WOODWARD - DETROIT mg and a performance by the cents, is on the agenda for the Home's young residents Reserva- Grand MaraIS Branch of Woman's Out With the Old tIon,s may be made by contactIng National Farm and Garden As- featuring Mrs. Milton Schlmpke at MI7-2323 socIatIon next Tuesday, May 10 Members Will gather at 9:30 In With the New! guest cand uctar Dr. Harry Begian a m in the Grosse Pomte Mem- Contrary to what you have been told- Help at hand onal Church parkIng lot, near the violin soloist Kelly Leon Grosse Pointe War Memorial Cen- Hair Unlimited is still in the fanning business, for overeaters ter wall, to form car pools for the with all new ultra-modern eqUipment, and excursIOn Co-hostesses Dorothy the same smiling faces, Mary Lou and Nancy! Saturday, May 7, 1983 Overeaters Anonymous meets Allison and Mary Evelyn Self are 8:00 p.m. FrIday mormngs, at 9 30 am, at provldmg a moveable feast, to be ,- the Grosse Pointe UnitarIan served at Seven Ponds I ~- Church on Maumee Avenue, be- Members who have not made For Information Call 34362140 tween Neff Road and St Clair Av- reservations or need a ride are -4:!r _ enue. The meetings are open to Adults - $350 Students - $200 Sentor Cltllens - Free asked to contact Kay Baird, 881- ;""' the pubhc. 1264, as soon as pOSSible. " I 11YORKSHIRE TV ~ \ ? I'r ?" FREE ESTIMATES on Carry.ln Service .. ~ 21915 MACK 778-4050 ~li~hmlt~d 881 :0034 Moving, Engaged, New Baby?""" Located in Grosse Pointe at 19609 Mack Avenue OPEN MON -SAT 9-9 SAT 9-5 Getting Settled Made Simple New Town dilemmas fade alter a WELCOME WAGON call As WELCOME WAGON Representative It s my Job to help you make the most oJ your new neigh. borhood ShOPPing Areas Community opportuni- ties SpeCial attractIOns Lots of tiPS to save you time and money Plus a basket of gifts lor your family III be listening for your call HELPFUL HINTS lor Wedding. and Engage. menl. toot ~i1frcvme~O~ Gro ... Pointe ....•..•...•• 881.5618 St. Clair Shores .•...... 881.2221 \... New Saby...... 822-0819 Keep in Touch ~ ,/~ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SIGNOF THE MERMAID J have the Grosse Pointe News ASSUMPTION CULTRUAL CENTER delivered every Thursday PRESENT COME IN AND SEE OUR GREAT PRICES SECOND OFFERING OF COMPUTER CLASSES EVERYTHING 20 to 50% OFF DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND ------MAIL YOUR CHECK TO FIVE WEEK PROGRAM BEGINS Mother's Day Beauti!ul 1 YEAR GROSSEPOINTE NEWS, 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. . CollectIon $13 WEEK OF MAY 16, 1983 GROSSE POINTE. 48236 COMPUTER AWARENESS COMPUTER AWARENESS SpeCial of Full Lead • Crystal Items 2 YEARS FOR ADULTS FOft CHLOIlEN $24 Tuesday 6-8 p m Tuesday 4-6 p m ; VASES NAME Wednesday 6-8 p m Wednesday 4-6 p m 7" -,. BOXES ThurSday 6-8 p m Thursday 4-6 p m • 3 YEARS ------"------~ v'" BOWLS $34 STREET BASIC PIlOG RAMMING BASK: PR06 RAMMING Tuesday. 8.10 pm Saturday 10-12 Noon t.i:I!Il. CANDLESTICKS Wednesday 8-10 pm Gorham Starting CITY Thursday 8.10 P m Fleurs des Slecfes At -----_._--- Saturday 12-2 p m STATE ZIP (COllipliler 1.WlrtftISS Adulls & Children. $49.951 30% OFF $6.98 IBISIc Prograllllllllli for A~llIls. $75.00. floor Stenciling CI..... C~lldrlll: 155.00} On MAY 13th & 14th Call to Reserve Your Spice REGISTER NOW BY CALLING 779-6111 Open Sundays 12 00 to 5.00 ~ .; ASSUMPTION CULTURAL CENTER ~ 16844 KERCHEnl, @. 21300 MARTER ROAD Grosse POinte Woods 48236 ~ GROSSE POI\TE. MI. 4823() ~ 882-1610 r v


~.Edgar &~tes HEAR BY APPOINTMENT 114 KERCHEVAL Super three bedl oom colomal In move m condItIOn - tastefully decorated Brand new kItchen - central 886-6010 the all' Ready for dn offer

Gros!>e POInte Shore!> - Three hedroom bnck ranch, stupendous family room and Mutschler kitchen. WE'RE OFF, . ,to the races with a fine field of entries. one of which is bound to be a EXPERTS Inground s'" ImmIng pool Owner motivated "inner for you. It's a fast track and all of these throughbreds are capable of moving Lennon, Harper Wood!>- Well mamtamed home Grosse Pomte schools, new furndce and roof Must in a hurry, Best you get your bet down with Edgar & Associates or you may be left at the gate, ON See' Set your Sights on IUXUllOUSIIvmg m Gro!>!>ePomte Shores SIX bedrooms and four full baths Llvmg \YI" room, dmmg room and family room all have natural fireplaces Completely redone mSlde and • OUI INCOME Grosse Pomte Farm!> - SIX bedroom!>, thlee full and two half baths Family room and den Grosse Pomte City - Five bedroom, two and a half bathroom home on Lmcoln A large family room TAX With connectmg breakfast area has been added Owner anxIOus Two famIly mcome fronting Jefferson at ~orner of Harcourt With three bedrooms and two baths on each floor, plus owner's fIrst floor family room Three car attached garage O'Wner'!>umt vacant FIve year Land Contract avaIlable Pnced at $149,500 t 0i! _~ _ • Grosse Pomte Park - DIstmgUlshed bnck home on lovel) tree-Imed street Leaded glass doors, WIN vou over With thiS magmflCl.'ntly re- PLACE yourself on the rear patio With mortgages spacIOus yard Three bedrooms, 1'/2 baths, natural fireplace m lIvmg room and basement !>tored italIan vIlla FIreplaces In all major mint Julep In hand as you congratulate yourself Modestly priced In low 80's ", room!>. fabulous floors. a 3 car garage and an for picking this recently restored mlm mansIOn eslate SIZed lot bnngs home a WInner on Beverly Road ThiS IS the first home deSIgned by noted architect Albert Kahn It was bUIlt for the orlgmal owners, • who stili own the home It features turn of the century character lIlcludlng curved bays, beveled land glass wmdows and extensive use of wood Grosse Pomte Shores - Four mam bedrooms and three full baths With two additIOnal bedrooms and bath over the garage Beautiful paneled den With bay wmdow, bright cheery family room, contracts spacIOus kitchen opens to large deck, formal dmmg room. large hvmg room Lots of charm on a one way street along With large country kitchen, lIbrary. four bedrooms, two • baths, well decorated Harnson Township - Boaters DelIght I Three bedroom, one and a half bath trl-level on two canals Colorful cheery kitchen and Flonda room overlook canals Comfortable family room With natural city codes fireplace Mmt conditIOn

CALL ON THESE AND MANY OTHER LISTINGS WE HAVE AVAILABLE ... SHOW your fflends thiS sleeper on Lmcoln ALSO RAN mto a cute 4 bedroom colomal Road Recent major additions have been a which exemplIfies what clever decoratIng can • gigantic family room, kitchen, patIO-deck, gar- do for an older house age, dnveway, roof and carpetmg Pnced well real estate THOROUGH COVERAGE OF below the competition m the neighborhood P ARLA Y several good reasons to own a thoroughbred This one of a kInd home In GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES A LITTLE "EXTRA FOR THE MONEY" de- Grosse Pomte Farms offers 5 bedrooms, a fines thiS 5 bedroom, 3 bath impeccably dramatic two story lIvmg room, large law 76 KERCHEVAL kept condo m Grosse Pomte City SpacIOUS patIo, heated sWlmmmg pool and plenty of rooms, recent redecoratmg, fenced yard, 2 grazmg land The pOSSibilIty of sellIng addl. To Buy or Sell car garage, and lllore amenities tlOnal property makes this offenng an even A House Call situated near park. schools, transportatIOn better buy and Village Priced to sell under $100,000 BROWNELL' 885-7000 "A HOUSE BEFORE ITS TIME" said the HOT TIP Owner IS relocatmg and looking Free Press m descflbmg thiS 5 bedroom, for a qUick sale on this 5 bedroom, 3 bath colomal home m the City Library. family 41/1! bath architectural gem deSigned by ,, Aero Saarmen Situated on a large lot on room, large country kitchen plus lots of SCHOOL _;, ...... , ....J u one of the Farms best streets. You must closets make this a terrific buy at $129,500 see It to appreciate It CLOSING FAST can be arranged on this 4 COMES ON STRONG a favoflte In any bedroom, 3 bath colomal A paneled lIbrary 884.5700 paddock ThiS colomal on Oxford Road can and family room With random width floor- be claimed for a pittance Ing add to ItS charm to reserve

20817 MACK Spring cleaning is OUT... but Spring learn- Reserve .\1onduys! 884-5280 at ing is IN. Come to "Home Ownership in the HAWTHORNE Pointes" a sparkling series. bringing you ""Home Ownership in the Pointes"" the experts on topics of UTMOSTinterest to HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Joe MaurrclO Phil Pltters Paul MOITIIl all home owners! Mondays at 7:30 V.m.• 7:30 p.m. Brownell School Ed Goosen LII Williams (Sec ) Jim Snyder Lou Joseph Mary Manning Flo Wise through May 9. No charge. Phone 884-5700 There lS no charge OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 to reserve. 20920 HAWTHORNE - SUPER SHARP 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch m Harper PHO~E 884-5700 to reserve Woods Huge family room With fireplace, large kitchen & more

BY APPOINTMENT 1750 VERNIER APT 24 - Charming apartment condommlUm m Grosse TEN FIRST OFFERINGS Pomte Woods ProfeSSIOnally decorated, very spacIOus 1 5 baths CENTURY 21 - LOCHMOOR IS the only C 21 office With membership In the Grosse POinte E'Cchange If you are a licensed broker and are conslCknng chang- FIRST OFFERING - Near Hunt Club Beauti- FIRST OFFERING - EnglIsh, $84,900 Three mg compames, call Jo,eph MaurICIO for 0 confickntlal Interview fUlly decorated newer ColonIal With 31h bedroom, 11~ baths, breakfast room, lIb- baths, large family room With fireplace, at rary, 2 car garage tached garage, central all' FIRST OFFERING - Washmgton Road Four FIRST OFFERING - North Oxford Perfectly bedroom EnglIsh With modern kItchen, cared for center entrance Colomal near breakfast room, den, newer furnace, much Mornmgslde, 2500 sq ft, 21h baths, central more'I' all', attached garage FIRST OFFERING - tst Floor bedrooms. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home near schools, shop pmg & transportatIOn $64 900 PRICE REDUCED - CondominIUm A most popular condommlUm de\elopment offers a rare opportunity for maintenance free liv- FIRST OFFERING - Edgemere - Farms Ing one block from the Village Pnced Grosse Pointe Real Estate GracIOus Colomal on beautiful wmdmg Ed~e- competItively With "terms" avaIlable In the mere Road. move-Ill conditIOn throughout With $50's Exchange Members attract Ive landscapmg MERRIWEATHER ROAD - The best of ev- erythmg In thIS magnifIcent center entr Borland Associates Jim Sares Agency BEAuTIFULLY DECORATED - Three bed- ance ColOnial Four second floor bedrooms, of Earl Keim Realty room Colomal With man) custom fealurec; flrepllice In master bedroom addItIOnal Schultes Real Estate bedrooms on 3rd floor, library and garden Wm. J. Champion Newer Mutschler kitchen and large family Schweitzer room WIth ral<;ed brick hearth ftreplace and room, large assumable mortgage balance & Co. Prrce reduced beam ceilIng, pnced m mid 70's Real Estate, Inc. / PRICE REDUCED - Move In conditIOn 4 bed FIRST Of'FERING - Near Brownell 3 bed. FIRST OFFERING - Pnced for qUick sale Century 21 Lochmoor Better Homes room. pose;lble 5th center entrance Colomal room ]'2 bath Colomal 2 car garag('. re Three bedroom. 212 bath. (l6",14) family room. & excellent locatIOn 70"156 lot Mut.,chler Gardens creatIOn room priced to sell at $79.900 modern kitchen'" Ith bUIlt In, $86 lj()() Danaher.8aer, kitchen FIRST OFFERING - Harper Wood<; Three Wilson and Stroh, Inc. SCUlly & bedroom bungalo'W m Immaculate condl Hendne. Inc. tlOn lovel\ decor throughout Newer fur- R.G. Edgar & nace & central all'. ne",er kitchen OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Associates Shorewood HANDY:\1A1\' SPECIAL located t bl()('k from E R, Brown lake on (jpadend <;tr('el Thl<; 4 bedroom 2''2 DELIGHTFUL ENGLISH - II l!h turret one of John S. Goodman, Inc bath honw wl!h falllll\ room Ie;Ideal for the the Farm, mo<;t pn"ate and 10H'lJec;t Sme Realty Co famlh looking to fll( liP a hou<;e the way <;treet<; Feature, 3 bedroom<; 3 bathe; den Grosse POinte and bnck <;creen !('rrac(' II l!h flagc;tone the., wtory reSidence Enclosed porch, recreatIOn room, 2 car Call for appointments on these two outstanding attached garage homes INCOME 1ST OFFERING - ExqUISite Norman French reSidence on 9Ox460 lot State foyer IVlth Circular stone staIrcase Ne\li kitchen With bUilt-Ins Sun room, hbrary IVlth fireplace, master bedroom sUite With fireplace, bath & sitting room, 4 additIOnal family bedrooms each WIth bath, studIO apartment, recreatIOn room, 3 car attached garage TAX 1ST OFFERING - Lochmoor Boulevard In the Shores SIX bedroom 411z bath contemporary on 200x162 lot Central aIr, large entrance hall, 19x27 lIVIng room, lIbrary, family room, bar room, recreation room With fireplace & bar, burglar & fIre alarm, CIrcular drIve 82 CAMBRIDGE - a delIghtfully brIght and & 2 car attached garage cheery Farm Colonial, three bedrooms, 211z • 1ST OFFERING - MerrIweather Road - Near Beaupre Three bedroom IV2 bath English Breakfast room off kitchen, recreatIOn baths on a secluded Farms street close to room WIth fireplace, 2 car garage $84,500 the Farms dock and pool Plenty of extras OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. mortgages 1ST OFFERING - Superb 3 bedroom Ph bath Colomal Pass through hall & new modern kitchen have tile floor, family room, recreatIOn room, newer furnace, profeSSIOnally decorated Won't last long at only $94,500 19 ROSE TERRACE - Substantial New En- 1ST OFFERING - On Umverslty near Waterloo 1% story EnglIsh WIth 2 bedrooms & bath on 1st plUS 2 bedrooms, bath & sIttIng gland Cape Cod, three bedrooms, three room on 2nd (could be m-Iaw suite). Two car attached garage $74,500. baths, separate sUIte on first floor, numer- • ous extras Shown by appointment on 24 hours notice land ------contracts - ~ Scully & Hendrie, Inc, Real Estate • 881-8310 city codes .~Wki~ / tI11'Li/!!!; ... ;,P '" "(, " ALLARD - Three bedroom ll1z bath Coloma! KENSINGTON near Jefferson Four bedroom W DOYLE PL - Four bedroom 2'12 bath l'h • Delightful famIly room With fIreplace 50 ft lot story reSIdence WIth 1st floor laundry 2l!z car 2% bath Vlctorlal Coloma! 16 foot lIbrary plus recreation room, central air Open Sunday 2 00 a 27 ft sunken family room WIth slate floor attached garage, recreatIOn room, Anderson real estate .5.00 Modern kItchen, glassed & screened porch, 2 thermopane wmdows, 65x140 lot $132,500 S. DUVAL - Three bedroom tn-level With 3 extra bUIldable 80 ft lots Included All mc('ly baths Master bedroom has sIttIng room 26 landscaped law ft famIly room With fIreplace & bar Fourth bedroom or den, central all', 2 car LOCHMOOR BLVD - Cape Cod WIth lIbrary & attached garage ImmedIate occupancy 1st floor bedroom or den Three bedrooms 2 baths on 2nd, recreation room WIth fire- place plus acl1vllJes room, 2 car attached garage MANOR - Three bedroom Colomal Eatmg space In kitchen, famdy room, newer roof & drIve, recently decorated PrIced In low 70's THE SYCAMORES - Two lovely new houses BROWNELL In umque settIng No 10 & No 15 Syca- more Both have first floor master bedroom sUites Or you may choose from the buIld- LEWISTON near CharleVOIX French style re- SCHOOL Ing sites available & custom build your own SIdence With 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd One new house Open Sunday 2 00 - 5 00 bedroom With bath on 3rd RecreatIOn room WIth bar, 2 car attached garage $149,000 BALFOUR - FOl~r bedroom, 21h bath Colomal 884.5700 Den, famdy room overlooks slate patIo & pool with poolhouse, recreation room, central air, attached garage to reserve DEVONSHIRE ROAD - Four bedroom 3% bath EnglIsh Tudor Extra large "L" shaped famIly room, 17 ft sunroom, fInIShed basement With bar, sprmkler sys- SINE REALTY tem, 2 car attached garage ... IT'S WORTH YOUR Tli\1E TO CALL SINE .. ,

GROSSE POINTE WOODS MORAN ROAD near Kercheval Lovely En- Beautiful bungalow on Stanhope - 2 bedrooms ghsh Tudor With 3 or 4 bedrooms on 2nd plus down - 1 large bedroom up - Florida room. Rmm Mondavs! bedroom & bath on 3rd KItchen has bUilt-lOS, CLOVERL Y ROAD near Grosse Pomte Blvd Close to schools, Church and shoppmg - " Ownership hbrary paneled & carpeted recreatIOn room, 3 SpacIOus reSidence With family room, paneled Quick occupancy. in the Pointes" car garage lIbrary, screened terrace & recreatIOn room Second floor has 4 bedrooms 3 baths & 2 fIre- Prestwick - 4 bedrooms - 211zbaths. on extra 1:30 p.m. Brewnrll SfhHI places AdditIOnal 2 bedrooms & bath over 3 large lot Large kitchen - attached garage. There is ne rhaJ1e car attached garage & 2nd bedroom & bath on Family room - Must see ~f' 3rd Fire & burglar alarms Many other extras

BEAUPRE - Four bedroom 21k bath Enghsh on Beaupre near Kenwood Updated kitchen, SINE REALTY screened terrace, recreatIon room, 3 car gar- MULTILIST SERVICE age KERBY ROAD - Near Kercheval Four bed- FARMS OFFICE 884-7000 rooms 2'h bath Colomal on 72x146 lot BUIlt m 1964 Anderson wmdows, 29 ft hvmg/dm- Ing room, family room, central air & 2 car GREAT SPRINGTIME VALUES attached gara~e PINE COURT - Three bedroom Colomal En closed porch lavon 1st & IIf.! baths on 2nd FIRST OFFERING - PRIZE LOCATION IN THE FARMS RecreatIOn room 2 car attached garage Super 42 EDGEMERE - CharmIng center entrance Colomal featurlOg 3 bed- locatIOn near South High Open Sunday 2 00 - rooms, 21!zbaths, hbrary, Florida room, 2 car attached garage, brIck 500 patIo overlookIng pIcturesque yard HURRY - Call for showing RIVARD - Bnck flat umts have 3 bedrooms, 2 3 BEDROOM 2'2 bath Colomal near the Farms BY APPOINTMENT balh<; & family room each New separate Pier 26 ft liVing room WIth fIreplace 15x2t ft furnaces master bedroom recreatIOn room With fIre HANDYMAN SPECIAL - 1088 Lakepointe - Hlstonc VICtonan white- SEVERN - Four bedroom 21~ bath Colomal on place house on beautIful spacIOUs lot In Grosse Pomte Park 4 bedrooms 2 baths, 2 car garage, prIce reduced ' , beautifully landscaped & spl'Inklered 90x 142 WASHINGTON ROAD near St Paul Five bed lot 15 ft library With bar, 18 ft family room<; 31'2 baths hbrar) vaulted celhng m 1403 ~ENSINGTON - New England style colomal, marble foyer, kItchen room, recreatIOn room, 2 car attached gar- WIth breakfast area bUIIt-m, 4 bedrooms, 21!zbaths, solanum TERMS master bedroom, recreatIOn room With age Pl'Ice reduced fireplace, attached garage or FHA FINANCING, 12%, 30 yrs Vacant EXQUISITE COLONIAL on Belle Meade Cus- WILLOW LA~E - Ne .... England farm house 499 CHALFONTE - Charmmg ranch, newly decorated, bUIlt by Cox & tom bUilt in 1976 SpacIOus famIly room With on pnvat(' l'lIId 111 the Farms 18 ft panel('d Baker Many new features, glassed porch, two fIreplaces, 2 bedrooms, fireplace & bar surrounded by redwood deck & hbrary \~Ith fireplace, den, 21x20 garden bath, recreation room Pella WIndows, fenced yard overlookmg superbly landscaped yard Two l<;t room') famll) bedrooms & 3'2 bdths plu~ 2 2033 LOCHMOOR - Grosse Pomte Woods Charming center entrance Col. floor powder rooms & 1<;t floor laundry Three mald<; room<; \Ii Ilh bath l'mque locatIOn omal, natural hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 car detached garage bedrooms 2 bath<; on second RecreatIOn room, 80/.% assumable mortgage pool room &< lav In carpeted basement, central YORKSHIRI'~ - Spam-,h style reSidence near Vll1agt' <;hoppmg Five bedroom<; 31'2 balh<; GROSSE POINTE CITY - Offered to settle estate BrIck center entrance all', 3 car attached garage colomal, 3 bedrooms, extra room on 1st floor $62500 IJbrary 20 fl !>unroom. recrealwlI room & screcn('d porch BUlIt bv DePaepe 314 HILCREST - In the Farms - Sharp bungalow: 3 bedrooms, new LAKEPOINTE - Two famIly flat at 1156 Lakepomte Two bedrooms each umt Sepa YORKSHIRfo~ - Near Kercheval 1"1\ P bed- kitchen, new carpetmg Only $69,500 UC Terms Rent $700'month With 1 option rate furnances, 3 car garage Apphances 111 room~ 3 '2 bath<; <;creened terrace 2 Cllr attached garag(' $115 ()()() ENGLEHARDT - St Clair Shores - Sharp 2 bedroom ranch famIly eluded room, 2 car garage, assumable mortgage Only $63 500 ' LAKE SHORE - SpacIous Colomal on 121x750 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 160' near Eastland $179,000 lot 27 ft library, updated kitchen, pool HAWTHORNE ROAD m the Shore<; Four bed room 212 hath fo:nglJ<;hon 80xI33 101 Cheerfully IIID 83 Kercheval Avenue o('corat('

Page Ten-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983 ~j,ESteteExCh'an"', ~AGIS ARE OFFERED ,EXCLUSI,VIL"t;, ' ;:~~JIJi",REAL ESTATE, EXCHAtfGE:,' • ;"~

JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. BORlAND ASSOCIATES You ShouLd Know That ... OF 22 WEBBER PLACE - Call for a private show- "lIome Ownership in the Pointes", - that Ing An absolute breath-takmg estate mam. It cured to perfectIOn Beautiful hand carved oak, popular series is bark! brings you the sculptun:d pl ....t<:r C,;,IU1115:>, QlJl.llllUC ~xpcrts on mortgages. land contracts. in- leaded cathedral wmdows head a multitude of Borland Associates II custom features come tax considerations. certificatrs or •• IS HERE ... Sure to please any Executive occupancy. Reserve now by phoning 884- 5700, Nocharge. 20647 Mack Avenue 1689 BROADSTONE - Well malntamed three or four bedroom Enghsh Tudor, many wonderful (just South of Vernier) features, third floor expansIon with heat, plumbmg, and electrlclty. Located on a beautiful double lot Grosse Pointe Woods

m BEACONSFIELD - Land Contract terms with only $10,000 down for an unbelievable 7% Interest 884.6400 rate I Super three bedroom home, natural wood, large rooms Affordable!

5575 BISHOP - Four or five bedroom bungalow located In DetrOIt's fmest area. Featurmg: two full baths, dlnmg room, den, natural fireplace, and more

JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. Richard E Borland, Sr Jessica Keatton Elame L Borland BORLAND ASSOCIATES Bobble LIgan RIchard E Borland, Jr (II Paul LocrtchlO 886-9030 Helen Connolly Jill McBrlde Marilyn ColicchIO Joyce Sanders Kay Cunnmgham Bruce Sanders Mary de Mamgold EARL KEIM Nancy Schumaker Nancy Hohlfeldt Tom Steen Pat Horne REALTY Bob Tighe Joanne Horner Betty Wyborskl Peggy Hume Mary Kaye Ferry WE'RE SELLING HOUSES If You Want RESULTS ... CALL US! Ichweltzer.~Be%ernes. Look at some of our recent sales & put your Real E/tote.lnc. I I W H and Gardens house in the picture Two names you can trust

1171 BEDFORD. Best buy 10 the Park! Lovely Engllsh Tudor with beautiful leaded glass Rrstm M9ndA~s! windows, updated kitchen With bUilt-ms, screened-in porch and five bedrooms ThiS "Home Ownership First Oftering is priced to sell' $114,900 in the Pointes" . CF-I03) 886-5800. SOLD Oxford SOLD Shorepomte QUIET CONDO LIVING. New oftermg In the 7:30 p.m. Brownell Srhool Shores - small secluded complex at end of Thm is no rhaJ1t mce street. Two bedrooms, attached ga- rage WIth door opener, storage. Mamte- nance fee of $80 Includes heat and water Call today! $62,900 (G-140) 886-4200

YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED with this four bed-

room Colonial on mcely landscaped, treed and , v private lot m the Woods. Has all the conven- HEAR SOLD Berkshire SOLD Middlesex lences' Central aIr, first floor laundry, kItchen ! WIth bUllt-m apphances, and sprinkler system / Family room With natural fireplace, flmshed I' basement $165,000

~ ._ ~J

• ...... "':<0. ...."-l-",,, ..... <::-"'" land SOLD SOLD Washington 680 HAMPTON, GROSSE POINTE WOODS AuthentIC Bostoman Cape Cod In prime loca. tlOn Loaded With charm and offenng hVlng contracts room With natural fireplace, formal dmmg room, cozy paneled hbrary with bay wmdow, enclosed Flonda room, plus completely fm- • Ished basement WIth recreation room, wet bar and natural fIreplace $126,500 (G-084) 886-4200 "OLD Bedford 1168BRYS DRIVE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS city codes ThiS home IS deflmtely not a drive by' Ideal home for a growmg famIly Oversized lot Huge family room, paneled recreatIOn • room and oVE'rslzed garage $99,000 (F-063) 886 5800 real estate OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 1128 La kepomte, Grosse Pomte Park 1140 Lakepomte. Grosse Pomte Park law SOLD !)('\ on"hlll SOLD Cadieux 3513 Grayton DetrOIt


GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE BROWNELL 886-4200 886-5800 SOLD Hollyv,ood SOLD SOl.D E Emory Ct OUT-Of-AREA, CAll TOLL FREE SCHOOL 1.~247.S200 ext 33 GROSSE POINTE OFFICE THE '1EW WOOD'; OFFICE OPEN SUNDA Y 104 OPEN SUNDA Y !0-4 Fifteen Offices in Four Counties 39.')FI<;her Road IBREALTOR' 20647 Mack Avenue 884.5700 (ft ee parkmg lfi rear) (Just South of Vermer) "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" 886 3800 to reserve 8846400



A condo that reflects taste and much care Has hvmg room,dming room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms I 2 baths You WIll entertam In a beautiful paneled recreatIOn room With fIreplace $114700

TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES/gO KERCHEVAl/884-6200 Reserve Jlonduys! Resmr l"onda)s! "Home Ownership in the Pointes"" "Home Ownership in the Pointes" OUR NEWEST OFFERINGS INCLUDE ... 7:30 p.m. Bro~n~1ISrhool A CHARMING older four bedroom ColOnIal on magnificent 140' x 265' site on the lake ~\I I of There i~no rharRr LAKESHORE I ThiS spacIOus home Includes family room, sun room. handy service stalr'- vo 7:30 p.m. Brownell School upstairs slttmg looms, thll d floor quarters and MORE I Details at ll84-O6OO , There is no charge LAKESHORE LANE - Three bedroom RANCH 10 chOice Woods area IOcludes an enclosed I' h, finIshed basement, attached garage all m a lovely restful settmg r 881-6300 PHO~E 884--5700 to reserve OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 70 N EDGEWOOD - Three bedroom, lwo bath RANCH 10 prestige Shores area. Family I m. finIshed basement, central aIr - everythmg you need for comfortable, gracIOus livlllg P, 'E ADJUSTMENT NOW IN PROGRESS I 8840600

9 WELLINGTON PLACE - A qUiet lane near the lake and a spacious four bedroom, 212 ,th TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. COLONIAL WIth everythmg Includmg a very complete apartment over the attached garagE' la HE.~R beautIful 10 ground pool In prlvacv landscaped backyard r 884-0000 BY APPOINTMENT .~\ EXPERT BY APPOINTMENT FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING N RENAUD - Quality low mamtenance RANCH m beautiful conditIOn r Includes a NEW KITCI :\I, three bedrooms, two baths, large family room, attached garage, 100' x 150' site and centra Ir $137,500 884-0600

WILLIAMS COURT - BUilder's own home deSigned for easy entertammgr ThIS three bedroon I~O bath RANCH 10 pleasant Woods area mcludes 27' room, super "English Pub" type re ON THE tlOn room and an m-ground heated sWlmmmg pool' 881-6300

frRRE~T HUNT CLUB AREA - Three bedroom, 21'2 bath Quad-!evells spacIOus and umque' Beautiful (' lr, PlfTrRE family room With fIreplace, FHA, VA or assumptIOn 881-6300 GROSSE POINTE PARK - Well mamtamed FOUR-FAMILY brick, two bedrooms each uml od I~ cash fIo\\ at $1,420 per month IP4'C a~sumptlOn or 15'70 down FHA 884-0600 FI~.~~fI~(; 1035 DEVONSHIRE - COMPLETELY RE- 1132 KENSINGTON - ENJOY THE CONVEN- FURBISHED, mcludlng a lovely new kitchen IENCE OF THIS TRI-LEVEL FLOOR PLAN WIth breakfast area, new carpetmg and attrac- Paneled famIly room or third bedroom, 21~ lorR tive decoratmg ExqUISIte marble features m baths Ideal locatIOn near shoppmg and schools the kItchen, garden room and luxurIOUS new HOrSI~(; master bathroom WIth JacuzzI and stall shower 155 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - Ranch on the Library, garden room, screened porch, four entrance drIve of the Country Club Pan- prRfHASE large bedrooms, 21h baths, recreation room j eled famIly room With fireplace and bar, Almost hke new - you'll have to see It to ap- preciate It I A<;sume 9 75% mortgage four bedrooms, 3% baths plus maid's room and bath J

599 RIVARD - FamIly room, lIbrary, master QUAI:'lT FARMS STREET offers lhls well GROSSE POINTE WOODS - MINT condl' sUIte WIth beamed cathedral ceilIng, three GROSSE POINTE FARMS on a. cul-de-sac off mamtamed four bedroom two bath Colomal five bedroom, 31~ bath Colonial has fdl other bedrooms and 2'1:! baths, fInished Lakeshore Dnve Colomal With four bed :\10\DA Y. WIth two nIce extra rooms for den sew room or room, den, fIrst floor laundr)' attached gal basement rooms, 211:! baths den, Mutschler kItchen, nursery I Lotc:; of space affordably pncf'd 884 and great value price of $159,000 881-6300 large lot 0600 GROSSE POINTE WOODS - 1112 story WIth ~A \' 9 modern kItchen, three bedrooms, paneled recreatIOn room, newer furnace WIth cen- 169 STEPHENS - PRIME LOCATION IN THE tral air condltlOmng, fireplace FARMS Mt Vernon Colomal With spacIous 7:;10 P)I 1, room. lIbrary, family room, first floor bed- GROSSE POINTE FARMS - If five bedrooms, room and bath plus fIve bedrooms and four i four baths on the second floor. a paneled baths on sE'cond floor recreation room, library and a recreatIOn room aren't four fIreplaces large lot I enough for your famIly, thiS outstandmg 8RO}\"\[IJ Colomal also has a beautiful garden room, GROSSE POINTE FARMS - For the executIve large glassed porch and a first floor maid's j who wants a home In a speCIal locatIOn SCHOOl. room or laundry room Extra features m ~ oN"" ;'2~ , Colomal featurmg a spacIOus paneled h- 'P"'''''' ). ~y., elude central air, three car garage and two , • ' 4i0,:.t,~ brary. a C07Y den and a large heated gar- %tfi:,;* '?~ ~ ... ~H''''''' master <;Ultes f.~.'ETER I.~ ""'~~ , ~~ l( ~~ ~Nt. ~ den room Seven bedrooms, 411:! baths and NEAR THE VILLAGE -- £"lnC'family Colomal central air IN THE PARK - Stately Tudor With c\ 800 NOTRE DAME - Three bedroom Colomal has thrC(' beoroom<;, 1'2+ bathc:;, '>uper famll)' thmg' Three famIly bedroomc:; + thIrd , near shoppmg and the NeIghborhood Club room (28' x 20") WIth fIreplace and beam cell quarters, family room. fmlshed basement Dcn, l'h baths, recreatIOn room, central 109, screened dC'ck and 10'4", ac:;c:;umptlOn chOice of temptmg termc:; 881 4200 aVaIlablE' 884 0600 air, 6O-foot lot OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 IUD DEVONSHIRE - COLONIAL NEAR 70 MERRIWEATHER - Close to St Paul's and SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING Lovely famIly ,.r, the Academy Custom bUilt colOnial WIth room With fIreplace and bar, dE'n, paneled ~ ("'V:""_\~ flve bedroom<;, 31~ baths, paneled lIbrary, recreatIOn room, three bedroom<;, 21f.1 screened porch, recreatIOn room Ideal 10 baths Attractlvc decorating, well land IUHIE IOt"';;;a' ~ catIOn for chIldren <;caped 70 foot lot OW\ERSIJ I,. lEAL' o I S

C W Tole<; WIlham E Keane TOLES & SERIES Suc Adelberg Ann W Sales Bet<;V B Buda Jacquelyn M SCott ASSOCIATES, INC. Sally C Coe James D StandIsh, III REALTORS 885-2000 GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK LoiS M Tole... GROSSE POINTE WOOD Mary F Ferber 74 KERCHEVAL 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 a=====o=o~======~=a===~======~19790 Mack 881.630( Page Twelve-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983

William J. Champion & Company OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5:00 "FIRST OFFERING - COLONIAL IN THE PARK featuring 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, Flonda room, cherry paneled library, natural fIreplace, breakfast room, leaded glass and a 2 car garage Call for more features' "FIRST OFFERING - 1112 DEVONSHIRE - COME AND SEE thlS beautlful English Tudor that S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE combmes the charm of leaded glass, a pewablc hied Flonda room and ornamental plaster wIth a Grosse POinte Woods new Mutschler kitchen and a new family room There are also 4 spacIous bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dmlng room, and beautiful yard. A superb home for entertaining and reasonably prIced at S,~, g'~ .<'ea~ $169000 "JJ1Jere Sales and F,;(J1ul... ire 'f{u!p" 886-8710 BY APPOINTMENT 'FIRST OFFERING - ONE.WA Y STREET will lead you to the condommlUm with 6 bedrooms, 31A! baths, ltbrary, liVing room with natural fireplace, slate roof and land contract terms! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY INCOME 4 family umt, 2 bedrooms 10 each umt, good mvestment $114,000 if...-.sf ~ ~ --.... ~:"Sf ~~ ~~ ...... i COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, family room, 2 car garage $110,000 BY APPOINTMENT COLONIAL 5 bedrooms, 31h baths, family room, will trade for smaller home . $164,900 fl FIRST OFFERING 1 t" Hampton Bungalow $ 82,000 BUNGALOW . 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lavs, family room, LIbrary.. $270,000. r OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 - 4:00 Lakepomte Income 64,900 CONDO.. 3 bedrooms, corner umt, garage ... $69,900. Lake Shore Colomal 278,000 BUNGALOW. 2+ bedrooms, natural fIreplace, UtilIty room $32,000. 23183 GLADmLL, St Clair Shores bordermg Prestwick Colonial 78,000 COLONIAL .. 9 bedrooms, 41h baths, family room, sun room, mort' $250,000 Grosse Pointe Woods this lovely ranch IS on RIdgemont Ranch 51,400 COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, family room, newer kitchen, natural fireplace $92,000 a circle WIth a large lot Three bedrooms, Sunnmgdale Colomal 225,000 BUNGALOW 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Florida room, tile roof .. $71,500 11,2 baths, 2.way fireplace belwei1n hvmg Van K Colomal 148,900 RANCH. 2 bedrooms, natural fireplace, 21f.!car garage $29,900 room and dmlng room Family room In basement WIth a bar and fireplace 2 car Wayburn Bungalow 25,900 INCOME . 'lI2 bedrooms, den, Florida room, good condition .. $148,000 attached garage Many custom features Westchester Colomal 77,500 COLONIAL . 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, family room, library .. $187,500. Damman Bungalow 59,900 COLONIAL 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, family room. $95,000. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Old Homestead Tn-Level 92,800 COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, 11,2baths, new family room, good condition.. $71,500 1389 BRYS - Three bedroom colonll.J With r COLONIAL. 4 bedrooms, 11,2baths, family room, central aIr ... $97,500. fireplace, modern kitchen, newer furnace, BUNGALOW ... 3 bedrooms, newer furnace, natural fireplace, 2 car garage ... $30,900 two car garage SImple assumption CONDOMINIUMS BY THE CONDO ... 4 bedrooms, 3 1,2baths, library, newer carpet. . $119)900. 686 BIRCH LN. - Three bedroom ranch on a WATER CONDO .. 3 bedrooms, 11,2baths, central air, 1 car garage . $92,000. large lot Family room, dining room, 21,2 EnjOy summer by the water r Offering two con. CONDO . 2 bedrooms, 11f.!baths, sitting room, central air.. $110,000 baths, first floor laundry, 21,2 car attached dommlums 10 St Clair Shores on Lake St RANCH ... 3 bedrooms, 11,1 baths, family room, sprinkler system. . $105,000. garage Owner will conSIder trade on a ClaIr COLONIAL 5 bedrooms, 31,2 baths, 1Jbrary, family room ... $210,000 smaller home 3 bedroom, 2% baths, dimng room, fireplace. COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, 11,2baths, natural fireplace, FHA/VA terms $24,900. BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, newer kitchen, carpeted recreation room $29,500. ~"it~:::;;;;:t"9~939 ~:::;:;;:J 2 bedroom, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, fIreplace

Mary C. BodkIn Shirley Kennedy .. Margaret Breitenbecher LorraIne Kirchner Sally Clarke Evelyne Rupp Marian Dodl/:e Barbara Simpson ," Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely Diane Kelly . Cherie Pine Cathy Champion Dillaman, Broker You Should Know That .. " - - - "Home Ownership in the Pointes" - that -- It popular series is back! brings you the '. LOCATED "ON THE HILL" Member or the Grosse Pomte Real Eslate I';~change In Gl'OlI8ePointe Farms experts on mortgages, land contracts, in- Macomb Board of Realtors across from Perry Drup aia~ionANOCOM'ANY DetrOIt Board DCRealtors come tax considerations, certificates of l102 KelC~'_ 884-S700J - - occupancy. Reserve now by phoning 884- v" ' 5700. No charge. , _I .. l!. \ . 'I ~ I I I M \ I Ii ...... ---....:...... ? ...... t STRONGMAN & ASSOCIATES SCHULTES REAL ESTATE HAPPY MOTHER'S DAV! IF MORE SPACE AND GREAT LOCATION IS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR TAKE A 881-0800 HEAR LOOK AT THESE TERRIFIC OFFERINGS! FIRST OFFERING 1153 GRAYTON - Moderately prIced I A great FABULOUS GEORGIAN COLONIAL with .\~ EXPERT 348 LAKELAND - Stunning custom four bed. great floor plan for entertaining and comforta. value In superb location! Four bedrooms, room Colomal Ideally sItuated WIth multi. ble family living Marvelous living room with dressmg room, family room, 21h baths. All level decks to take optimum advantage of Terms! fireplace and enclosed terrace for peaceful the totally private wooded settmg With summer enjoyment. A country kitchen plus many flowering trees. Gorgeous family large breakfast room. A cozy den and formal 1028 BERKSHIRE - SpacIOus Amencan Colo- room features hardwood floors, full waIl dining room. Super large master bedroom with ON THE nial Five bedrooms, 3J,2 baths. Excellent loca- brick hearth and fIreplace, open beams, bookshelves All energy savIng features fireplace and a bath. Two more bedrooms and tion With beautiful landscaped lot a suite with additional bath and beautiful view New lower price off adjoinIng terraces. Third floor With two Cl"RRENT 65 HAWTHORNE - Prestigious Grosse Pointe bedrooms, a bath and huge cedar closets Great 1033 BISHOP - Beautifully livable four bed. Shores location for thiS roomy three bedroom, 1 recreatIon room with natural fireplace plus room Mediterranean Colonial - 3 h, baths, PICTrRE two bath, IIf.! story Ranch. Sohd oak paneled nice landscaping Call for many more special loads of storage and closet space Two car famlly room With built-in bookshelves. features on this magnificient home in excellent attached garage Secluded patio. location. IN 1386 GRAYTON - Near school and shopping, 580 HAMPTON - GracIOus Center Entrance OUTsr ANDING FINJNCINt; thIS four bedroom English Cottage could an- Colomal Four bedrooms. 21f.! baths Ex- tremely flOe first floor hvmg areas with DON'T LET THE PICTURE DECEIVE YOU - swer a lot of BIG family problems for a very LITTLE pnce! large famIly room and !Jvmg room with '. Lots larger than It looks - master bedroom IS \,O[:R fIreplace and screened and glassed porch. 21' x 29' plus there are three additional bed. rooms • 21,1 baths • recreation room . ultra 216 McMILLAN - Eye-catching WIlliamsburg HO[~SIN(; Colomal With great floor plan Stunning famJly 812 MOORLAND - $25,000 gets you mto thIS modern kitchen Wlth breakfast area. famdy IS Super 4BR Colomal just 20 years young ".. 21' x 24' With fIreplace. carpets, drapes, sauna room, new floors 10 hVIng and dlnmg area, li- brary, very private yard With bflCk patto Great for entertainmg With kitchell/famIly included - great house In prIme location - price PURCHASE room combo overlookmg deluxe mground reduced. pool 607 MIDDLESEX - Great price on thIS 1m. maculate three or four bedroom Colomal Ver. 290 PROVENCAL - FI\-e star reSIdence Won- GIANT DECK wraps around famJly room and overlooks gorgeous yard - master bedroom, slttmg satIle bedroom arrangement, Ideal for family derful deSIgn, exquIsIte workmanship, room and bath plus additIonal bedroom and bath on first floor - modern kitchen, three bedrooms, With college age children or frequent guests Country Club SiZed grounds Every room a play room and bath on second floor - attached garage and central aIr cornhtiomng Nothing to do but move m I .. masterpiece WELL MAINTAINED bnck house with three bedrooms and modern kitchen down. liVing room and ~O~D.~l. 285 STEPHENS - First rate four bedroom 542 BRIARCLIFF - Custom buIlt Colomal two bedrooms up . modem kitchen plus two car garage. all for only $55.900 ~AY 9 seml.Ranch 10 select locatIon. Many deluxe Five bedrooms, excellent condItion, central features Including 23 foot kitchen Two full aIr, CIrcular drIve, first floor laundry CLOSE TO GROSSE POINTE - Buy of the Week I Super brick ranch WIth two bedrooms, modern baths. kitchen, famdy room, recreation room, central aIr, attached and detached garage - carpeting ISI HILLCREST - Not a smgle comfort com. and drapes 7:30 P'I 459 KERBY - Two bedroom Bungalow With promised In thiS well-located, customized, attractive amemtles - Central air, fireplace In SECURITY THE WATCHWORD - Extra special newer condomInIUm with cathedral ceiling and three bedroom Ranch Perfect for enter- hvmg room, full-Sized dmmg room, expansIOn taming and relaxmg Updatmg mcludes low fireplace m living room, modern kItchen With eating area, library, recreation room plus two aUlc, msulated and ready to be finished as bedrooms and two baths maintenance and energy.conservatlon con. BROW~[LL third bedroom slderatlOns, plus secunty features for a GREAT STARTER HOUSE - 11,2Story bnck bungalow WIth modern kitchen, two bedrooms and home you can lock up and leave safely 22 ELM COURT - Beautiful contemporary bath down - large bedroom up . add a dandy Florida room on first floor SCHOOL home With tbns of space SIX bedrooms, great 358 MT. VERNON - Very clean Ph, slory brIck open floor plan Hot tub on new redwood deck NEED A NEWER RANCH'> We have It' Only two years old - all carpetIng and wmdow covermgs Bungalow All kitchen apphances Pme Enclosed porch REDUCED I paneled den Could be thIrd bedroom Induded • features library With bookshelves, two bedrooms and modem kitchen - the garage IS f.\f'ETER I.~ attached and there's a security system GREAT BUYS ON INVESTMENT PROPERTY - CALL TODAY! HERE'S A CHARMER - Well malntamed brick Colomal . located close to schools, shoppmg and transportation. features three bedrooms, 311.z baths, famdy room and recreatIOn room - mclude ~SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 2 TO S~ an ultra modem kitchen and two car detached garage LI51HILLCREST LANE 348 LAKELAND--J CUTE 1£ NICE - Grosse Pointe Woods great starter house. Ilh Story With two bedrooms down - finished basement. fully furnished second floor with bUIIl-ms, dining room on first floor. move m condItion HO)J[ NEAR X.WAY 1£ EASTLAND - Mr FIX-It house. located on extra large lot thIS ranch has two bedrooms, attached garage, family room with natural fIreplace OW~[RSHIP

GRACIOUS COLONIAL with alot to offer - gorgeous kitchen WIth buJit-ms, spacIous lIvmg room and Ahce Boyer Schultes, Realtor Dinah Murphy dmlng room - the family room has great view of lovely landscaped yard - now Include a library SERIES Sally Horton Marianne Pear plus four bedrooms, utility room and large heated studio CIndy Kerwm Sue Seward Paula Moore 881-8900• Charles TrowbrIdge HARPER WOODS - $32,900 takes. has living room, kitchen, two bedrooms down and one nice '710 NOTRE DAME bedroom up, full basement, alum mum screens and storms, one car detached garage. I '





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Page Fourteen-B Feature Thursday, May 5, 1983

flJ-!- You're Sure ... to find mother's special scent at the whIch the rp.embers themselves prepare a the day. Others on the committee are Mrs. Notre Dame Pharmacy. Always a welcome gift as is me~u of lUSCIOUSsalads and desserts. Luncheon George R. Mikhail, Mrs. MIChel A. Skaff, Mrs. CELERY SAUCE Russell Stover's candy. s~ttmg next Thursday, May 12, at 11:30 a.m. Ralph Urso and Mrs. Anthony Vermeulen, who 1/4 cup unsalted margarine WIll be the Lakeshore Road home of MRS. is taking reservations. 3/4 cup finely diced celery ... * * LEONARD C. JACQUES, pictured at left set- 1/4 cup flour Ed MaUlzewl1d ... has made available to you, beautiful 2 cups skim milk Berber rug. in fony.flve colors made-to-order In Welt Germany. You can al.o cu.tom order handmade American cotton rag rugl Salt and pepper to taste at 21435 Mack ..• 778-5511. 1/4 cup finely minced parsley '" ...... Melt margarine in saucepan and For Mother's Da~ . . . Irene The add celery; &im mer over 10\\ heat, sUrring occasionally, for 5 Card Lady will be deSigning her custom cards at the Mole Hole, Thursday and 11 minutes. SUr in flour until smooth, then add milk and cook o\'er di- Friday, Ma 5 and 6. There is a good rect heat. stirring constantly until selection or gifts for mom including . sauce boils and thickens. Season crystal vases, cookbooks, special mugs to taste. Makes about 2112 cups. and frames ... Kercheval at St. Clair. Calories about 18 per table- ...... spoon. Mother Would Love ... a box of one half Cholesterol - trace. II< A~Adozen long stem delicious chocolate roses. The * I\.,....T.Y box is tied with red ribbon. Another treat is MOLDED SALMON

~~~1 Gayle's luscious chocolate truffles from the 1 can salmon (lIb) Merry Mouse, Kercheval at Notre Dame ... 1/2 tsp. salt 1 ~- 884-9077. 1 /2 Tbsp. sugar .. ... II< 112Tbsp. flour 1 tsp. mustard The Great Au.trlan Hot-Air Ballooll adventure! ... Imagine Few grams cayenne pepper ballooning over "The Sound of Mllllc" area. 2 egg yolks Olle week of fantuUc exploring In this p W1lquely beautlflll alpine setting. The magic MR. 11/2 Tbsp. melted margarine of ballooning openl doors made possible de- 3/4 cup skim milk nied the ordinary traveler. Come alive! Call I 1J 4 cup vinegar Mr. Q Travel , .. 1186-0500. b 2 Tbsp. gelatin * * ... 2 Tbsp. cold water JOSEF'S FRENCH PASTERY Remove skin and bones from SHOP ... Straight from your heart with salmon. Flake. Set aside. Mix dr~ a heart shaped cake for Mother's Day. ingredients; add beaten egg yolks, "How sweet it is." She deserves the margarine. milk and vinegar and best. Find it at 21150 Mack Avenue . cook over boiling water, stirring 881-5710. Photo by Banyas Koulman constantly until mixture thickens II< II< Add the gelatin which has been * Planning a glittering CCS evening • · · soaked in the cold water. Strain Special Mom ... "'IMam and Super Mom are and add to salmon. Put in ring three of the new 14K gold charms Edmund T. Ahee Grosse Pointe's MRS. KEITH CRAIN, who in all - opens at the 5:30 to 9 p.m. May 12 mold and chill. Un mold on plate Jewelers has specially for Mother's Day. See them at with her husband and Mr. and Mrs. George event. In addition to this feast for the eyes, the with lettuce border Fill center 20139 Mad at Oxford. Open Fridays until 8 p.m. . . . Schreck is co-chaIring next Thursday's Mem- party offers an 18-piece orchestra for listening with cucumber sauce Makes 6 886.4600. bers' Preview Party at the Center for Creative and dancing, cocktails and a hot hors d'o~uvr~s <;ervings. ... StudIes - College of Art and Design, discusses buffet plus caricatures and demonstratIOns m Calories about 209 per serving * * arrangements for the glittering evening with many' of the glassblowing techniques taught at Cholesterol about 117 mgs. Mother's Day Special ... With a purchase of $7.50 or more of Colours by Joyce Cosmetics, you get a free cosmetics gift of $II PHIL JENKINS, the college's vice-president the college TIcket prices for the night and CCS value. Joyce's Beauty Salon at Walton.Plerce ... 886-4130. for Development. The 57th Annual Student Ex- membership start at only $50 per couple. Su- COLD CUCUMBER SAUCE * ...... hibition, a stunning display of painting, pho- pervised parking is available on the East KIrby Excellent ....ith poached or broil. If Mother Is A Gardener? ... She'll appreciate tography, ceramics, advertising design, sculp- campus of the independent, non-profit college, ed fish, sheIlfhh - and even veg a new gardening apron em- ture, glass, printmakin~, meta~ and je.welry located in Detroit's University/Cultural Center. etables. broidered with vegetables the~ ~:: work, fiber and automotIve deSign and mdus- Further mformation may be obtamed by con- 1 large cucumber, peeled found at the Bed, Bath & be-J L.~ I. trial design projects - more than 1,800 works tactmg Bettye Chew at 872-3118. V 2 cup mmced green OnIon Linens Store. There are 7jJ.uu\n& lnens 3/ 4 cup yogurt other pretty and practical ~\ore MOT benefit theme: Detroit as River City 2 tsp whIte wine vinegar aprons in the selection including one embroidered 1'8 tsp sugar Mrs. Edmund R Sutherland. of chairing "DetrOIt Is The RIver event set for Fnd ay, May 13, at 1'4 tsp whIte pepper with a bouquet of flowers. Prices start at $15.95 at the Book Cadillac Hotel The Farms, and Mrs. Paul L. City - A BenefIt for MichIgan Halve cucumbers lengthwi'ie 16906 Kercheval Open Thursdays and Fridays until The party, utilIZIng such themes NIne, of BloomfIeld HIlls, are co- Opera Theatre," a fund raISIng and remove seeds. Chop vel') fine. 9 p m. .. 881-9890. as "76 Trombones" and others Combine with onion and drain on ...... from the Broadway musical "The MUSiC Man." Will feature a 76- paper to ....e!. Place )ogurt in small Last Call ... for Mother's Day cards and gIfts at bowl and stir in ether ingredient'i MOMS' TOY ATTIC .. minute SIlent auctIOn dUrIng the including the cucumber mixture Wnsht's Gift and Lamp Shop, 18650 Mack Avenue wuh can complete your nursery needs \ cocktail receptIOn, consIstIng of 76 FREE PARKING next to the building So convenient to 1\\~\ Let stand 30 minute'i before 'i(,1'\. Now m stock, maple cradle, wah \ I 1\\ different Items bring your lamps for shalh replacements and repalrs. matchmg chest, changmg tables, \.. \ \ DInner foHows and, after an ing. :\Iakes ahout 2 cups. Ca1orie'i about i per tabll'spoon. Most can be done while you wait colorful wood nursery lamps, walk- ~/. \ \ nouncement of the SIlent aucllOn Chole'itHol - trace ...... * ers, bouncers, car seats, wood hlgh- 3 \\ grand Winners, there'll be dance 'U'1'n1D~ny """"l..{rtQ).):'D ... Is featuring 20% off all chairs, sWings All are resale Items - = musIc by the MystiC Kmghls of Jazz DurIng the evening, plans &y"'~~ ~\Y~,r"""'~fresh cut nowers. Calh and at 16637 East Warren. Open Tues- <---- • carry. Mack and Lochmoor ... 1RS6-0300. days through Saturdays 10 a m tn 5 p m We buy for the Sept 16 and 17 "DetrOIt Is ... II< ... Merry-Go-Rounders by appozntment. 882-7631 A River Clt~ Festival" on Hart ...... Plaza \\ III be announced A T ~" Qn""/N wJ .22~h22,(111'","1. . . Funds raIsed via the benefit WIll close 33rd season decorate your bath with shower curtains, medicine ICONN.I" . ITIYI'I PUCll ... On sate Is a se. be applied to MOT's reqUirements :vIerry.Go-Rounders and theIr cabinet frames or that certain wallpaper with 15% ,I ".. • ...... 'C' "" ".. J lectlon of spring for meetIng a major Ford Foun- guests \"111 close out a 331'd <;ea",on fashions. A new Item that has just arrived Is a wastebasket for to 30% off. Now save 10% off Utica-Stevens towels datIOn grant by June 3D, end of the of gettIng together four times a Michigan. Michigan State and Notre Dame fans. A special offer current fIscal year and Regal Juliet rugs. Save 40% off in stock fabrics Is free monogramming on a short sleeve La Coste style shirt year for good food and danCIng In for beautiful window treatments at 21541 Harper be- priced $12 In sizes 8 to 20. It's worth the drive to Mack Avenue Among those assistIng the co- an atmosphere of casual elegance tween 8 and 9 Mile Roads ... 772-1196. one block ~outh of 9 Mile Road ... 777.8020. chaIrmen are POInte reSidents WIth a black tIe e"emng IhIS Sat- Mrs Donald AustIn, Mrs Charles ...... II< .. ... urday May 7, at the DetrOlI Boat * EndIcott, Mrs Frank A Germack Club Gwe A GIft Of Love . Glft certl{icates for Moth- DIckens Of A Place . IS headquarters for the Jr, Mrs Donald C Longyear, Cocklalls at 7 pm WIll be fol. er's Day aVallable at Francesco's Hair and Skin Salon. complete line of Annalee dolls. Already the '83 Mr'i Robert Peabody and :\1r5 lowed bV dinner an hour.and.a. II< ... II< Christmas dolls are arriving at 22210 Harper . Tom Schoemth half later Dancmg to mU'ilC by TANNING 800TH ... ullng humle .. ultraviolet rays will 772-3620 ReservatIOns ma} be made and the HI.Tone'i, starts at 9 30 pm produce a beautiful golden tan. For men and women, It'. avail. II< further Inform atlOn obtamed by Assl'itmg hO'it couple Mark and dialing the MOT Development able at Joyce'. Beauty 8alon at Walton.Plerce. Can fl86-4I:ID. We're Spring Cleaning 11<... . at the School Trud} Alan are Al and DollIe A Department. 963-3717 KIng, John and Ann Lazar and ... '" . Bell, 17904 Mack Avenue All stock IS 15/ off for .. .. Ralph and Mary-Jane DeCender Fabricworks ... is haVing a spring cleaning and thIs u'eek only. Time to ,9tnckup on great values ~ SAMUEL FUQUA, son of JEAN A lImIted number of openings clear.out sale . , . 25% off everything in the store ... . . B FUQUA, of Fisher Road. l'i the eXIst In the Merry.Go.Round additional to anything already sale priced in the For Mom ... Lovely and uleful lead cryltal napkin rlngl to host of a two. hour Jazz radIO show ers orgamzatIOn Membership m store. Also includes special order items. Ends May grace ring table, only $2.75 each at the Cryltal Center, 111866 broadcast weekly on Macalester formatIOn may be obtained by 21 at 672 Notre Dame. Mack Avenue ... 343.9078. College's radiO station, WMCN. contacting the secretary at 886- FM The college IS St Paul, Minn 9675

~ ..ft,...... ~ ~,... ,. . -.Li&.. .. ~~,.",., ..... ~... ~> Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, May 5, 1983 Look who's undefeated: ULS nine! The top-l'anked varsity tennis was a bIt more satIsfYlOg' Ply- have not been very successful Loy Norrrlx and two poInts behind team usually draws most of the mouth ChrIstian was the only Last week the Knighb lost two 4,3 Three RIvers In the East Grand ~pnngllme sports attentIOn, but team to beat ULS In league play deCISions to Brother Rice and to RapIds InVitatIOnal The Knights Umverslty Liggett School's base- last seal',on. Cranbrook. In both matches the won one of the seven flights. John ball team IS putting 111 ItS own bid In the 7-2 vIctory over Southfield Kmghts won No 1 and No 2 and Pohzzl and Bnan Hunt won the for rave reVieW., by running Its Chnstlan on Aprtl 29, outfielder No 3 smgles (Aaron Kflcksteln, No 1 doubles championship. The record to 6-0 to stay unbeaten on Ohver Binns collected two hIts Steve Pack, and Frank Croclata) No 3 doubles team of Kirk Hag- -\ the year ~::):~«q;N ./9':~ and one walk and batted m two only to lo~e No 4 smgles and all garty and John Birgbauer and No ;f~ .r ~ ... The Klllghts shut out Plymouth runs J l' Parks and John Kulka doubles matches 2 smgles Croclata SIngles lost m Christian, 12-0, clnd topped South- ~ A "<-0> ;;r; combmed pltchmg efforts Parks the fmals field Chrt~ttan, 7 2, last week "In my 22 years of coachmg allowed only one run m three m- high school tenml'" I had only one "We should have won the On Api II 26, DWight Kebey won mngs, and Kulka struck out five 10 tournament," saId Coach Wood. Okay, okay, I confess. Everybody probably knows about other team WII1No 1, No 2 and hIS second game m as many starts four mnings of relief No 3 and lose the match," com- "However, we seem to be fIndmg it anyway, so I might as well talk. The undersecretary of and Costa Paplsta pitched one IOn- Netters start slowly mented ULS coach Bob Wood. "To ways to lose matches that we the Department of Closets, Drawers and Cubbyholes was 109 of no fllt rehet against Ply- The ULS boys' varSIty tenms have thiS happen two days m a shouldn't We are still ranked No dispatched to my home last week, Rumors of Closet mouth Chnl',tlan Dave Chamber- team has fallen on hard times row I'> unbehevable and mexcusa- 4 for all hIgh schools m MichIgan Meltdown and Nook and Cranny Overload had reached 1111 led the offense WIth two hItS For a team that was ranked No ble .. and that's not bad, even though high-ranking officials and by the end of the week, PresIdent and one walk, '>conng three runs 1 for all classes at the begmmng Lu'>t weekend the Kmght., fl- we would hke to be No 1 " and battIng 111 two more The wm Reagan had declared my Sports Memorabilia Collection an of the l',eason, the last two weeks nl,>hed In a tIe \\ Ith Kalamazoo envIronmental dIsaster and sent in clean-up crews. Even Softbail squad 2-3 James Watt couldn't help me cover this one up; it's all true. The ULS varsity softball team Well, maybe not all true. I may have exaggerated the brought its record to 2-3 last week WIth a wm over Plymouth Chris- part about the undersecretary and the president, Just a tlan, 15-14. little bit. But the rest is absolutely true, Really, The team opened the season In my younger days, I was an aVId collector of what agamst Huron Valley Lutheran and had a hard time, losmg, 17-5 some people might call "sports memorabilia." Most people On Saturday, AprIl 23, the team might call it "junk." Actually, it's quite difficult to tell the played a doubleheader against difference SInce only a true collector of sports memorabilia Glen Lake In the first game, would realize the value of junk like bobbing-head dolls in playmg WIth only 10 players, the offiCIal team colors or rusty" Sock-it-to-'em Tigers t" pins. girls lost However, 10 the second game, the team came back to win My particular collection began with those souvenir 19-16 baseball programs they sell at Tiger Stadium You know, On Fnday, April 29. the girls the ones you're supposed to throwaway on your way out lost a hard-fought game to Kings- after the game, or use up all the pages making paper -u wood School, 6-4 Team members include senior airplanes to sail at the third base coach. ~! , , ", Mary Fisher, juniors Thena

It has grown to gigantic proportions due to numerous , .... h ,1..../'"1,;/ A~ .....,e fIJ' ~ .. Cherpes, Mary Hoyos and .,,}r souvenir hunting trips, well-meaning friends and relatives MIchelle Stief, sophomores who buy the junk, er, memorabilia, for gifts, and because Samantha DeSmet, Simone Early, 1 .".. Gillian Darlow, Peggy Hoyos, Hil- of my own stupidity. I know. it's hard to believe ... me, -::Jiil - i ary Kubista, Lubna Jafri, Barb being stupid. (Well, try to pretend it's hard to Roman and Laura Stefanski, and believe). I used to work as a souvenir salesperson at freshmen Ivana DITommaso and Michigan State University one fall and until my brother Cheri Kavan The team is coached wised me up, I used to spend nme hours selling the junk, by Julte Granger and Mary then spend my day's wages on what was left over. I used to Kosak, who are assIsted by junior be dumb. PhOlO by Tom Greenwood Brion Fox These guys know what time of year it is ... baseball time. And although the combatants pictured above have long since started their seasons (North. in dark jerseys. is 7-1 on the year) Making the sanitation department happy ... Little League and Babe Ruth League schedules are just getting underway. Folks who want As a result of my former foolishness, I have billions of their particular team's wins. losses, runs, hits and errors recorded for posterity should know South girls bobbIng-head dolls, trays of trinkets, piles of pins, mounds that the deadline for all sports copy is Mondays at noon. Further information on submitting copy of magazines and much too much memorabilia. Even with- may be obtained by calling the sports editor at 882-0294. out Reagan and the undersecretary I knew it was tIme to set records CLEAN THE CLOSET. • South's gIrls' varsity track team established two meet records en After researching and abandoning some of the clean-up Top-ranked North Wll18 route to an overall fourth place procedures employed by the Environmental Protection fmish at the 43rd annual Central By Paul Regelbrugge nms D'Agnese had two hits apiece on-balls before North's JV softball Agency, I hit upon a unique sortIng process of my own Michigan Umversity Relays AprIl North High In game one as Craig Engel earn- team's [Ive-run seventh mmng which I was sure would reduce-the critical .ffim;s ITlY clOSBt The Nortb Vame con- SALE 3) Autographed photographs and everythmg else: For a They're hot ... dItIOning value as sWlmmmg 600 IndiVIdual,> who have been inac- NOW THROUGH MA Y 10 whIle, I concentrated on collectmg autographed photo- tive should exercIse at the mlm North High graduate yards In under 15 mmute<; or runn- gr aphs ot anyone even remotely connected WIth sports. I 109 one mile m less than eight mum level and gradually work up MIke Seagram had a now have hundreds, nay, thousands of photos of sports mmutes, . Zeller added to the middle of the heart rate home nm and a smgle * Weber 22t" Black Portable stars, near-stars and stadium maintenance people whose The Auto Club's "GUide to trammg range The Auto Club also and batted In three runs L.P. w/full Tank Unassembled names, (if they weren't printed on the photo by some Summer Fltm>s,,' It!>ts moderate adVIses warmmg up and coohng In Cornell Umver'>lty's down WIth 10-mInute stretchmg $175.00 (Color $1000 addItional) cheesy photo process rather than hand-written) I would and vlgorou<; actiVities for Im- recent varsIty baseball proving the cardlOva'>cular sy- exercises that use large muscle loss to Brown at PrOVI- never remember But you never know when they might groups to a\;old crampmg, InJury, dence ThIrd baseman Weber Smokey Joe $23.95 come In handy. ..tem and burnmg calOries For * weIght loss, the length of exercise and to gradually Increase the Seagram 1<; CQrnell's TOSS IT I'>more Important than the speed body temperature and heart rate second-leadmg hItter to a level that WIll fit mto the With a .'W2 average * Broil Master SGPL Portable Which IS exactly why I put the garbage bags away and For example, runnmg one mile WIll burn nearh the ~ame number exerCIse actIvity Without stram AlbIon College '>Opho- L.P. w/full tank $99.00 deCided to keep everything I Just listed, as well as the rest lImIted quantity of calones whether It IS run 111 SIX Always exercise 111 hght, loose- more Steve K~mas IS of the Junk I mean, memorabilIa took me a long time It mInute<; or 12 mmutes flttll1g clothe'> at a le\el at which 81econd be worth more than the 35 cents they're valued at today formed WIth Ie'>'>fatIgue, so more AVOId dehydratIOn and nau<;ea plaCE'flmsh 10 the MlAA I Just hope the EPA doesn't hear about It distance can be covered and more by dnnkmg plenty of flUIds, es- Koomas IS the son of Mr 20947 MACK AVENUE calories burned peCIally water, before and durmg and Mrs Olarles Kos- "People should choose exer- exercise and by not eatmg for mas, of Audubon Road 885-4870

• Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983

Club cage champs ... Those satisfied smiles belong to the Neighborhood Club's high school basketball league champ- ions. The defensive-minded Jungleers (top) took the NCAA tournament title by beatin~ the top Park DATE TEAMS TIME FIELD scoring Indiana Hoosiers. The Jungleers included. left to right. (front row) Rich Moellermg, Ken May 7 Braves-Dodgers 10 a.m. South Babe Ruth Padres-Phillies 1 p.m. South Fromm. Ron Murad. Jim Hartman; (back row) Paul Rentz. Antoine Turnbull. Larry Law and MayS Braves-Padres 5:30 p.m. ,South Dave Millar. Left. the N.I.T. title went to the Fikany Realtors' team. including from left to May 10 Dodgers-Phils 6:15 South right. (front row) Shawn Whelan and Sean Sullivan; (back row) Mark Fikany. Paul Hawk. Rob schedule set May 11 Dodgers-Padres 6: 15 South Bingham and Dave Spindler. John Bruch was not pictured. This Saturday, May 7, IS Open- May 12 Phils-Braves 6:15 South ing Day for the Park Babe Ruth May 13 Padres-Braves 6:15 South League. The National League will May 14 Phils-Padres 10 a.m. South Squirt Blues win eight in a rO'W kick off ItS first-half season at Dodgers-Indians 1p.m. Kerby The Grosse Pointe Squirt "A" Tiege assisting Fraser added filth victory in the nets South High field With the Braves May 16 White Sox-Padres 6:15 South Bl ues continued their wmning another goal before the Blues' The Blues' April 23 opponent May 17 facing the Dodgers at 10 am, fol- Braves-Phillies 6:15 South ways In spring hockey action last Michael Crane tied the game after was a tough Fraser Panther team, lowed at 1 p.m. by the Padres May 18 Padres-Dodgers 6: 15 South week, posting three VIctories in convertmg passes from Brad over which Grosse Pointe posed a versus the PhJllies May 19 Dodgers-Braves 6: 15 South three days to run their fIrst pla,ce Warezak and Tlege. 3-1 victory. The Blues continually The All-American League Will May 21 Indians-Phils 10 a.m. Kerby record to 7-0 in the post-season The Blues dommated the re- frustrated Fraser With the fine de- plays its three Opening Day Padres- Yankees 1p.m. Kerby league at Fraser Hockeyland mamder of the contest, begmning fensive play of John Bell, Scott games at Elworthy Field The A's Braves-Red Sox 4 p.m. Kerby On A'pril 22, the Blues faced a With Warezak's tie-breaking tally Berger, Jay Auld, Jensen and Van face the Angels at 10 a.m , the As- Tigers-Dodgers 4 p.m. South determined Fraser Road Runner on assists from Crane and Jeff Deweghe. Helping on defense tros challenge the Brewers at 1 May 23 Phils-Dodgers 6:15 South squad. Fraser opened the scoring, Jensen. The Blues closed out the were oackcheck1Og forwards Todd pm. and the Cardinals play the May 24 Phils-Braves 6:15 South but the Blues cane right back 6-2 win with goals by Crane, Frederickson, Watson and Crane May 25 Rangers at 4 p m Braves-P adres 6: 15 South when Andrew VanDeweghe DaVId Auld and Jay Auld. Goal- The Blues closed out April with May 26 The Park League's schedule 10- Phils-Dodgers 6:15 South scored, Kevin Watson and Stefan tender Dustin Kolodge notched his fIve more wms. cludes games with Farms and May 28 Dodgers-Braves 10 a.m. South Roseville Babe Ruth teams. Game Padres-Phils 1 p.m. South results will be published 10 the May 30 Yankees-Braves 10 a.m. South Inter-Club tennis set Grosse Pointe News. Padres-Tigers 10 a.m. Kerby Twelve representatives from SIX League Chairwoman Ann Gan- Young and Mary Mulier from the Phils-White Sox The Park's first-half schedule 1 p.m. Kerby area clubs met on April 28 at the non expressed her apprecIation Grosse Pointe Hunt Club; Glona is: Dodgers-Rodgers 4 p.m. Kerby Grosse Pointe Yacht Club to final. for the overwhelming mterest Kotas and Jan Oberskl, Lochmoor IZe plans for the upcoming Ladies from the club representatives who Club; and Manlyn Monahan and Pellerito in good form "A" Inter-Club Tennis season. volunteered their services to chair Conme Westcott, Indian VIllage. By Dawn Locniskar fIrst havmg come just a week ear- year ThIS year, she carnes a re- speCial functions, m addItion to The teams have been selected, More than 80 women Will parti- previously compihng their lists of captains chosen and matches Will For a hIgh school athlete, throw- lier cord of 2-3, which IS also South's cipate in 10 doubles matche~ ing even one no-hitter 10 a season Her coach, John Bruce, has overall mark because she has eligible club players be arranged to prOVide the best. scheduled for Thursday mormngs pOSSIble competitIOn Captams is a rare event Two in the same nothing but praise for hiS star been responsible for every de- throughout the summer. These season is even more rare. So it pitcher. "She has worked very cision Club representatives mcluded have received theIr informatIOn women are conSidered the best AI!n Roberts and Helen McKmght packets and Will contact their ~as. that lletliOt'l'varsiU' ~o.ftb~\l h~rd to be~ome a t9,p'-i,evel~, ,Bruce saId, "Lynn is unique In players by their respective clubs froin the Country Club; Diane team members Mid-season stand- pitcher Lynn PellerIto became pitcher, and that takes a lot of that she has' played three sports Matches will be held at the Coun- Kurtz anq Cress MeIer from the' ings will be published, in the Gro.s- one of' a select few last Wed- sacrifice and pam" ., for four straight years and most try Club of DetrOit, the Grosse Grosse Pointe Club, Chris Klrch- se Pointe News and the fmal Tro- . nesday April 27 when she pitched This IS PellerIto's third year on -people can't appreciate the kmd of Pomte Club, Grosse Pointe Hunt ner and Mary Tremont! from the phy Luncheon IS planned for the the second no-hit game of her the varsity squad, having pitched perseverance that takes But she Club, Grosse Pointe Yacht Club Grosse Pomte Yacht Club; Gerry Lochmoor CLub on Aug 4 career against Mt Clemens, the on Junior varsity her freshman has been up to It " and Lochmoor Club ]Jt;KIN 3177 I E. Jefferson Farms-City PAVILION J6"-t ~. J Ruth League ~ ~

opens May 7 Finest Chlnese.American Food Now Banquet FaCilities-Recently Remodeled The Babe Ruth League of Gros- HawaII Cocklall Lounge-Happy Hour Man Fn 3-7 p m se POinte Farms-City wIll open Its OpenMon Thurs 11a mi. m F" & Sat 11a m 2. m Sun noon1 , m 1983 season thIS Saturday, May 7 259.1510. 259-1511 - Carryout Service ~ The American League opens Its ~ YouCan WEIGHT ~ schedule at Kerby Field at 10 a m WIth the Red Sox playing the In. ~ WATCHERS .. Frosted Treat : dlans, followed at 1 pm. with the & Desserts .. White Sox play10g the Yankees RAM'S HORN Lo Cal Menu ~ Nail Down The TIgers have a bye on Satur- RESTAURANT senior Clllzeni ; day Dlacounl 10% 8850-1902 ... 0*$250 All green-colored The All American League be- 17410 MACk AT ST CLAIR 1 p.m.-10 p.m. gms ItS schedule at Elworthy DAILY DINNER A3D-Year wood is not alike_ Field at 10 a m. With the Athletics facing the Angels followed at 1 SPECIALSr OPEN Anyone who sells pressure- pm with the Astros (Park) play- $3.99 treated lumber for out-of- mg the Brewers and at 4 p m 11 a.l. 10 11 p.•. aal, with the Cardinals (Park) playmg MOTHER'S Guarantel doors building projects can HOMEMADE the Rangers. SOUP DAILY claim "lasting protection" WE ARE FAMOUS DAY against fungi and termites for for OUR DESSERTSI DnTreated their wood. Just don't try to pin them down on how long their lumber will last. Vier, Jones r~'1:r Wolmanlzedoo wood puts a on track ;f Wood. 30-year guarantee in writing right '1~;;~.I there on their labeL Then they sta- A pair of Po1Ote ath- letes are on the win- ple that guarantee on the end of ning track thiS spring every single piece of their lumber. m college competition SUf\Uf\limit~d Want a 30-year guarantee nailed Central Michigan .. hair un5 ..... down in writing? Look for the sophomore Brian Vier distinctive blue label. won a recent track meet agamst Toledo Out With the Old VIer, a South High graduate, took the 400 meter hurdles With a In With the New! time of 534 He fin. / Contrary to what you have been told- / ished second III the 110 meter hurdles With a Hair Unlimited is still in the tanning business, 154 tIme with all new ultra-modern eqUipment, and AlbIOn College the same smiling faces, Mary Lou and Nancyl semor Bob Jones IS ,- the javelin man for ~~ the 1983 Briton track team The Britons began the year With two meet WinS and hope to successfully ~ defend their fifth straight Michigan In. tercolleglate AthletIC ASSOCiatIOn champ- "~" 1,--- IOnship Jones IS the son of ~ U I- -t d ~ Mr and Mrs Robert -:~~-DIml ~ 881.0034 Jones, of WmdmIIi Pomte DrIve He IS a Located in Grosse POinte at 19609 Mack Avenue Looklor the labelI 1979 graduate of South OPEN MON -SAT 9-9 SAT 9-5 High Call 882.6900

Thursday, May 5, 1983 Classified ads Page Three~C

1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 4-H£LP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL BON SECOUR NURSE * Recall Governor Blan- QUAUTY INDEX, TO CLASSIFIED OFFERED Soon to be manied, IS lookIng chard * We need help! Co- AMWAY PRODUCTS CHILD care pOSitIOn for 8 SECRETARIAL POSITION EXPERIENCED Nurse to for a flat or apartment near ordinators, office workers, 100% guaranteed, deltvel.t'd month old boy, our home, STOCK BROKERAGE care for baby of executive to your home, 1 day service 1 legal Notice 120 Lake and River Proper! y Eastside area or hospital and block captains. Dona- 881-9135 Weekdays after 5 INVESTMENT BANKING family. Current rehable re- area Great references. 1A. Personals 12£ CommercIal Properly tions of money and Signs are p m and weekends As one the the nation's most ferences reqUlred. POSItIon 824-2200 11 Secretarfal Service 12F Northern Property Please call Doreen before 2 needed Checks ~yable to: pres~ig!Ous 10vestment available rnid.JuIy. Live in lC Publl' SJle 1) Real Estate WMEONE tOsand and paint p.m. at 366-7141, or Gary Recall Blanchard Commit. STAIN Err) GLASS - Uruque banking firms, our Detroit five days mcludmg week- 1JA Lots for Sale bottom of 22 foot sailboat after 7 p m at 841-1903 tee, 963 Hampton, Grosse guts, wmdows, lamps, mlr •. 1D Obituaries office provides an excellent ends or as needed. Private 2 Entertainment 1J8 Cemetery Properly 88&-~1 everungs EAR PIERCING Po1Ote Woods, Mi., 48236. rors, Jewelry boxes, also working environment for the bedroom and bath. Other Illl6-0835 or tBS-0569. Sa V No 214. MUSIC EducatIOn 1JC Land Contracts KITCHEN help, $3 35perhOw.~ employees 10 residence. Top BY CAROLYN R. N glass repair Home busmess mdivldual who possesses to Blanchard's 38% tax m. allows reasonable PTlCE'~ 21 Tutormg and Educol'on 13D For Sale or lease good worker or fast food ex- wages 10cludmg paid vaca- Also guaranteed eamngs for strong secretanal skJlls crease and lus spend, spend References. 382-4112 2C Hobby InstructIOn 14 Real Estate Wonted penence 6232 Cadieux at the allergic person and orgaruzational abIlIty tIOn for qualifIed person. budget' 2D Camps 14.4. Lots Won led Harper We are lookIng for a per- Gall Personnel Agency 822-1859 ------DON'T COOK tomght - CaU 2E AthletIC Instruction 148 Vocation or Suburban ROXY MUSIC- M F. row B, - --EXPERIENcED son who IS knowledgable 882-2928 NEW CREDIT Card! Dlal-A-Meal before 12 noon 2F Schools Properly Wanted Sammy Hagar A7 and A12 CONTROLLER about stocks, bonds and Nobody refused! and have a home-cooked 2G Corwo'escent Core 14C Reo! Estate Exchange Mter 5 p m 886-0350,Bob Reports to preSIdent of multI- can work m a hectIc envi. BUTCHER expenenced. No Also VlSalMastercara meal delivered to your door ) lost and Found 1S BuslI1ess Opportun,tles diVISIOn company, SUpervl. ronment DIverse respon. rughts or Sundays Grosse Call 005-687-6000,ext C-1626 884-9468 4 Help Wonted General 16 Pets for Scle slon of 2 people requIres slblitles WIll mclude client POinte store. Apply Grosse 16A Hors~s for Sale ROSEMARY 4A '1el~ Wonled DomesllC bookkeep1Og skIlls through contact as well as typmg Pomte News, 99 Kercheval, LEARN ProfeSSIOnal sleight 48 Serv,c~s to Exchange 16B Pel Grooming preparatIOn of financial REMEMBER mom -WIth-a YODER of-hand magIc 882-2930. and general offIce puties. Grosse Pomte Farms, Mi. handpamted apron, SpeCIal 4C House SlttLng Services 16C Pet Boord,ng statements Good workmg Attractive salary plus an- chlgan, Box No F-78 (Known to all as "Roe") gardening basket or sun 5 Situation Wonted 16D Adopt A Pet condJtlons 10 downtown De- nual company bonus Ex------1~SECRETAR!Al SA S.tL':'~ ...O Cur. c:J1t ..... 19 Pflf.t,nlJ tJr",j Ejl~r;J ....n~ tnllt S program $100 per week vJSorfrom "Cover me up" In Is haVlng ANOTHER bIrthday SERVICE Part-Time at Home. The LIttle Store. Special or- 58 Employment Agency 2" General Service ary requirements to PO mcludmg medIcal and den- SHE IS SC Catering 2014. C:upet laYJng Box 160, Detroit, 48243 tal plan, penSIOn, profit Call ~687.6000 der, personahzed hand- Ext 1.1626 for information. painted items for mom by 39 AGAIN TYPING - Resumes, letters; 6 Fur Rent Unfurmshed 208 Refrlgerat,on and A" -- - ATTENTION! --- shanng and tWbon refund 614. For Rent Furnished Cond,tlonll1g Repol( Friday, May 6th Please call and WIsh her a term papers, manuscripts, 10 people needed for part tIme For 10tervlew appomtment 68 Rooms for R~nt call 259-4570 great and happy one' etc Between8and9MJleRd. 20C Chimney and Fireplace office promotIOn work for SECRETARIAL - full time, 6C Oll,ce for Rent R€poIT PICHES 712-9384 Westin Hotel Must have GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO Monday through Friday, BARBERSHOP 778-8216 6D VocatIOn Rentals 20D Locksmiths pleasant voice Hours aVail- Equal Opportunity Employer 569-8540 at the "-MALL" ----- TYPINGlword process1Og - re- 6E Garage for Rent 20E InsulatIOn able 9 a m.-l p.m., 1 p m -5 M;F GENERAL laborer needed for "in the VLllage" THANK you St Jude, Holy Spi- sumes, term papers, reo 6F Shore LLVlI1g Quarter, 20F Washer and Dryer RepaIT p.m., 5 p m -9 p.m $4 50 to full time position Monday over Post office nt, Mother Mary for favors ports, repetitive letters. 6G Store lease 20Ci Gloss - Mmor Service $10 per hour for qualified through Saturday, 56H~. received L V-B. 6H For Rent or Soil' 20H Floor Sondll1g --- Quality Haircutting Reasonable, 882-5541 personnel Apply In person, REAL ESTATE 6J Hall, for Rent 21 MOVing IDEAL for gentleman Clerk. TUESDAY THRU mornings only, RenaISsance IS FRIDAY 8-6, SATURDAY 8-4 BEE AS healthy as you can MATURE Secretary, recep. 6K Storage Space 21 A Plano Serv'ce Cashier for book store. Must Center, Tower 200, SUIte work fleXIble hours. Apply in 885-5543 bee with Honey Bee Pollen tlonist, payroll, taxes, ac. 7 Wanted to Rent 211 Sewing Machme 'r77O. Please do not phone. BOOMING! ! Before 10A.M -and DIstributors needed 839- counts payable, receivable, 7 A Room Wonted 21 C Electrfcol Service Business is great We just had person. Merit Book Center, DATA entry clerk, one year after 5 pm 6840 retail sales. Experienced in 78 Room and Boord Wonted 21 D TV and RadiO Repayed dog, 9 years chores. 884-3500 per week, 7 a.m - 5 P m. Re- secutive days without asking PSYCHIC MAY - SA.T ferences.886-m33 JUNE S.A T. AND A.C T old, long blonde hair, very LOOKING for IOVlng, depend. your wish, after tlurd day PERSUASION" A'M'ENTION 1011r Wlsh Wlll be granted, CLASSES - Meditation and Instructl.on and practJ.ce for gentle. Please help me flnd able babysltter for 2 month BABYSrITER wanted 7 a.m Psychic Developmept., my dog 824-8069 or 822-2mO. to 3 p m Monday thru Fri- HOMEMAKERS! no matter bow dJfflCUlt it Weddings. Parties, Banquets reading' and vocabulary old, prefeITably my home improvemerit, 886-lH2O. day. 2 boys 9 and 6 After 41 »;egIJU~ P~'f. .l=areer! We may be. Then promise to PARTIES - Home or Club Call 839-4950 Please call44~1419. need SeVeNl ~nta- publish this prayer as soon Functions 4 Theme Selec- FOUND-6montb oldlemale, 8BZ-aZ16. part Keesbonden. Free to NON.PROFIT organization tlVes in this' area. Party 1 as your favor has been tions ParticIpation 10 re. TOToRING - Your home All SECRETARIAL, part-time, Plan experIence a plus. subjects, adults-children loving home, (likes people) has operung at entry level granted Wish granted lated exercISe. position requiring typmg, fil- light typing, bookkeeping GIfts, Toys, Home Decor. JD.D. "THE COMEDY - MAGIC CertifIed teachers Day- 372-O97l. READINGS - Private or ing, and accounting skIlls perfect for working mother. Car and phone necessary. OF GARY THlSON," evenmg 356-0099 $100 REWARD for return of 6lI&-4121. DEAR ST. Jude and The Holy Group as seen on P M Mag8Z1ne Ad------Please mail or drop off re- CALL FREE. Blue Himalayan male cat, sume addressed to Busmess 1.800-553-9077 SJjrit, thank you for answer- Academy of Psychic and ults, chIldren Reasonable SUNNY DAYS inVites you to SECRETARY/TYPIST * * their OPEN HOUSE on neutered, declawed, very Office, Grosse Pointe War ing my prayers. I can always Spiritual Perceptions Inc 882-2mO part-time for C.P.A. respon- Thursday May 12th, 1983, afraid of people. Jumped off Memorial, 32 Lakeshore sible, light bookkeeping, dic- ESTABLISHED GROSSE count on you balcony at Vernor apd H HINTZEN GYPSY PROPHECY Give to from 9.30 a.m - 11 a m. at Dnve, Grosse Po1Ote, 48236. taphone, typing, telephone. Pointe Real Estate fIrm N.M. Lakepointe, Grosse Pomte LICENSED your guests a precious gift the Grosse Pointe Woods No telephone calls WIll be ImmedIate availabIlity. Call WIth prestigious location Park. 574-7045days; or lI23- IS expanding. FoW' posi- 884-9311 not only entertainment. Re- Presbyterian Clurch, 19950 accepted 1184-4001. DEADBOLT LOCKS ferences, Suzan, 545-4920 Mack at Torrey, Grosse 389l evenings tions to be filled. Experi- INSTALLED PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE after 5 p m. Pointe Woods Let us make LOST - Female Calico kitten, ACT NOW' HAVE A PARTY WAITRESSES, Waiters exper- ence IS prefeITed We will Regularly $60 - SpeCial $35 FOR WOMEN learmng a pleasant and front paws declawed, SEEN ON "KELLY & CO." ienced only, part time, St. tram the nght candidate If Includes lock and installa- UNDERCOVER WEAR SwedIsh, Deep Muscle, D J. ALL occasions. Gradua- memorable expenence for answers to "Puff". Ran Nicks Hanger, Detroit City necessary. Self-starters tion. Heavy gauge side door Llngene Agents Reflexology tions, weddings, anniver- your child. ChIldren wel- away 4130/83. Mack/Somer- Airport No phone calls. only grill $24. Call G.C. Gllboe saries, etc. Music of the come For InformaboD call set area Belongs to 4 little Wanted. Full or Part Time Apply Tuesday thru Friday. FOR APPOINTMENT Master Locksrruth. 791.4382. Nutrll.lonal Counselmg 1920's to 1980's. 886-5601. 885-8638 or 1186-4300 boys who are heartbroken. Have Fun 3 - 6. CALL HolIstic Weight Loss & Make Good Money Please call If you know Joseph Sowerby At Call Judy At 882-3856 MUSIC for all occaSIons. "The CALL 882-0647 2~CAMPS where-abouts. 882-052.l. BEE AS healthy as you can THE JOHN S GOODMAN Signatures". Strolling musi- BABYSITrER wanted part- FOUND black and white bee with Honey Bee Pollen .. COMPANY ORIENTAL RUGS cians (optional). Bob 771. time, 20 to 25hours per week young female cat 7/Hoover JJlstnbutors needed. 839. 886-3060 7199, Toby, 360-6140. CA¥P ARBUTUS - Private in my home. Call m.:rl46. WANTED ~rls cam~ Grand Traverse area. ~2444 6840 one or many SINGER/PIANIST area. June 26th-July 23rd' YOU MAY find YoW'dog at De- CARETAKER couple, small I PrIvate \.olledor will pay any MUSIC FOR SPECIAL JUly 24th.Aug 20th Cali luxury buJlding on Mack I reasonable pnl.e troit Animal Control Center, SUMMER HELP OCCASIONS 881-9442. Write Mayfield 3511 W Jefferson. 3 white Avenue, hght duties reduced' 644-7312 Michigan 49666 ' WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, dogs, 2 females, 1male, also rent &W-4857. COLLEGE STUDENTS needed for metal fabricating CHURCHES, Doberman Pincher female PRINCESS House needs con- work Must be willing to work hard with prob- EXPERT OR BANQUETS 9 YEARS . 2E-A THLETIC sultants DetrOIt area on able over time Perfect attendance a MUST Call • LOST Man's dress watch at Clock and watch repair, all EXPERIENCE INSTRUCTION crystal, gift, London, $100 365-5300 for Interview Grosse Pointe North Au- types. 35 years expenence. 526-2994 52HI659 minimum per week plus AuthOrized Colomal clock PRIV ATE Tennis Lessons ditorium Sentimental value more. Special May 19th I,....------.;.....==~ 882-4210 service representative Reasonable rates John 885- meetIng week National Rep 2A-MUSIC 9468 884-9246 EDUCATION FOUND Friendly husky S Woods, ~9170orV Hat- NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHERS Shepherd type dog Black, ton, 923-7380await your call HORSE AND CARRIAGE 2F-SCHOOLS ~old, white slightly over Needed in Grosse Pointe Farms Send resume by May, AD. rental. Add a "Royal WOODS MUSIC weight Wants to go home SENIOR Citizens - Have a 10 to Box R507, Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kerche- FINANCIAL SERVICES Touch" to your weddmg 01' STUDIO THE GROSSE POinte Co- Help' 52.l-2868,331-IB9O. vacation with pay Sit for val, Grosse Pomte, MI 48236. special occasion Includes cats in lovely secure neigh- GUITAR, PIANO, THEORY operative Nursery School IS borhood. Large garden WIth 11.- -1 INCOME TAX AND driver 752-6960 HOME or STUDIO currently enrolling three FOUND very handsome pure BOOKKEEPING 20943 Mack year olds for September female Doberman In two pool and teITace Maid ser- RENTA COOK --I'llcook fo~ vice provided. Several trips FREE PICK UP AND weeks unable to f10d owner. GROSSE POINTE PARK your dinner, office party, or Call weekdays 1983 Please ca1l8B2-9832 planned. Must hve-in, dnve DELIVERY SERVICE any speCial occasion Must flOd a good home for MUNICIPAL COURT GROSSE POINTE l!81-2920 __ 881-5880 ST PAUL'S Nurser>:: SChool and have character refer- Reasonable Excellent refer- -- -- has openings in it s 4 year her Have three pets of own. ences Please send replies COURT CLERK I REFERENCES Not quite a year old, amaz- ences 881~ VIOLIN/VIOLA 1OstructIon old classes beginning In to Box i H-5 Grosse Po1Ote Court Clerk experience preferred Please make applIca- CALL FORAN mgly obedient, affectIonate, Artist teacher SUZUkl1 September For more In- News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse tion to MunICipal Judge, Room 2Al2,City of Grosse APPOINTMENT REFLEXOLOGY Aloe Vera gentle, tOIlet tramed, and method Ages 2-adult 548- formation call Janice Smol- Po1Ote Farms, MI48236 Pomte Park, Mlch 48230. Phone 822-3535. For fur- massage relaxatIon nutn- playful Call 884-4696or 882- 331-3885 __~' _~~______Inski_,_886-__ 04_22, ,'_" ther mformatton contact the Court Administrator tional counseling 714-2029 5279 PART Time Granny needed to babYSit for our 3 and 1 year SALARY SUMMER PIANO CLASSES JACK & JILL FOUND-:- Basset -Hound, dark BALLOONS for begmners, also brown, white markings on olds Monday, Wednesday, $8,000 00 to $11,741 00 HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS TheorYISlghtsmgmg for NURSERY SCHOOL chest Found Moross-Mack FrIday 885-2684 PLUS LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS For lill occasions for as httle as $10 - delivery avaIla- VocalIsts 16 group lessons, Durmg our last weeks of area 1181-6720 MATURE Lady neededfor ble Buy a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way to $40 Enroll now Mrs. school, we lOVlte parents to part tIme work 10 laundry, Junker, 823-1721 observe our crt'atlve exper- celebrate Clip and use thIS ad for 15% OFF Ex------please call. 8114-9690 CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT Iences In mUSIC, art and pires 5-31-83 PIANO Lessons, quahfled dramatic play Monday LostREWARDArmstrong Flute at cor- TYPIST needed, skilled m of. 882-4968 teacher, my home 882-7772. flce details spelling EnthUSiastic Personable IndiVIdual through Fnday, 9-11 Donna ner of MorningsIde/Roslyn J grammar ana malh Calj Busy, General PractIce Needs Ireton, 881.3011 at Ferry SChool. TAXES - ACCOUNTANT 28-- TUTORING between 3-4 p m 881-3374 TraIned Chalrside ASSIstant AND EDUCATION MATURE COLLEGE GRADUATE 3-LOST 885-7773 LOSE 10 to 29 pounds in 30 Expenenced in 4-Handed Dentistry. Employer paid Personal and Busmess Taxes AND FOUND days while earning big Health Insurance, 38 Hour Work Week, Pension mcludmg corporations TUTORING 4-HELP WANTED bucks. ~8519 after 5 GENERAL Plan Send Letter Stating Experience and Edu. Reasonable Rates serving you smce 1968 ALL SUBJECTS OUT OF STATE catlOnal Background to' 882.6860 0R 882-8507 GRADES 1 THRU 12 MARKET Support Trainee _ NEWSPAPERS PROFESSIONAL FACULTY If you lose me for sale. Help wanted ads m. grOWIng financial firm DR DONALD J FITZGIBBON, 2Al254MACK, or find me .. good typing and clerica j eluded. New Horizon's Book ~ PHONE: (313) 792-0069 WE CAN HELP Shop 03 Mile near 1.94 ) GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MI 48236 GROSSE POINTE slolls, pleasant phone per. Ii' EUROPEAN LEARNING CENTER sonallty, credit experience a 296-1560 63 Kercheval on the Hill plus Downtown DetrOit CULINARY 343-a136 343-a136 bank dJStrict Please reply ----- to Grosse Po1Ote News, mx REAL ESTATE SALES , ~4: ~ COMPANY THOROUGH---professIOnal ser- P-18, 99 Kercheval, Grosse ~I vice Math, phYSICS, lan- Pointe, MIch. 48236 OPPORTUNITY GRADUATIONS AND WEDDINGS guages, tests, G R E crea. U you're already l.lcensed or thmk10g aoo.t a new rewarding career 10 real estate sales tlve writing SkIlls, study POSITION AVAILABLE we inVIte you to coTlSIder 8SSOCIatlngWIth one of MJctu~ leading result. OUTDOOR BAR "B" QUE and PARTY SPECIAUSTS habIts 885-3332 OR onerted comparues, "Earl Kelm Realty"! OUr new Gr068e POinte oifke 15 expand- MATHAMATICS tutonng by We'll run your ad BOOTH RENTAL AT mg, aM could be Just the nght ~\I'1Ity for you For a confidemialltient1ew an expenenced student. JOSEPHS OF GROSSE cortact . E1ame Borlaoo, Sales Manager ' JOHNNY SUBIC 34406 JEFFERSON AVE AdditIon to Calculus Re- FREE!! POINTE BEAUTY SALON PRESIDENT MT CLEMENS, MI 4804S BORLAND ASSOCIATES II OF EARL KEIM REALTY ferences 718-8252. 882-6900 882.2239 20647Mack, Grosse POinte Woods 884-&400

\ , Page Four-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1~

4-tiELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED GENERAL 5-81TUATION &-FOR RENT &--FOR RENT &-FOR RENT 8-FORRENT GENERAL WANTED UNFURNSHED UNFURNSHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNSHED WANTED. Babysitter for 8 HAIRSTYLISTS - Progress- GROSSE Pointe Park - Clean 2 year old. Poupard School YOUR HUMBLE SUPER LICENSED Practical nurse, LOWER Flat, E Warren/OU- NOTTINGHAM _ near War. 15014 MACK Grosse Pointe Ive and cal'eer minded bedroom upper unit in4-f am. area, from 3' 3()• 6 P m 1mS- private duty, part time. 712- ter Drive area 3 bedrooms, ren, 1 bedroom lower, share Park - 2 bedroom apartment wanted Your cheerfulness, SERVANT i1y Oat Everythingupdated! 2373. With excellent qwalificatioos 41'15. appliances mcluded $325 per utilities, $235. References. with appliances, park per- profeSSIOnalIsm and exper. Landlord pays heat $360 mit, rent $295, heat included, flse IS rewarded by gOod and experience. An active, month plus security 884- 8114-3559. SHARP -= AMBITIOUS month Vacant. 884-0600. security deposit required. benefits and excellent work- caring person with organiz. MATURE refined lady desires HOMEMAKER SupervI- 8953. CHALMERS _ East Outer JOHNSTONE" 885-321L ing atmosphere Call 882- ing skills. A teacher, relating ba bySItt'm g , companion/ sors needed, by nations ,I aide. 463-9048 alter 6 p.m. VALERA, near 10Mile, 3 bed. Dnve Beautiful 5 room low- JOHNSTONE toy and gift party program, 2550or 751-0852,ask for Pat well with youngsters' needs room brick ranch, garage, er. Appliances. '190 month- ST. CLAIR Shores, Riviera and activities. Young In GROSSE Pomte area. 3478 Terrace, 2 bedrooms, 11h tohire, train and manage toy APPLIANCE W~PAPERING, paintmg carpebng, air, $395. 8II5-43M ly. 1111-3536. party personnel Bonuses spirit, entbwliastic, kind, Bedford, upper 3 bedrooms, bath, white carpeting, next REPAIR MAN WANTED and understanding. And, repair work. No Job too POINTE TWO BEDROOIa NEWLY decorateedroomd uplex new Iatchen, air condJ.tIoned, 713-2035 111 the exciting 1\ Ii Center part-time days 3W-1985 rugs, mmor pamt jobs, 0990 -~- ---- 2123. Carpeted, apphances natural fireplace, finished area bght yard work. Call Pam - GRA YTON-Warren, 4 rooms, PARK =-1031Maryland, SALES Personnel needed. Immedate occupancy, $450, basement, garage $615 per We are 3eekmg enthw,Iastic today! 882-6429. LAWNCUTTING,Gardemng, seCurIty 293-9070 __ month 343-0622. bath, $240 monthly, heated, sharp, 3 bedroom lower, 88s-8740 suitable for one person. No people onented indIVIduals ENEREGETIC College stu. etc. Recent college gra- washer, dryer, $340. 882- MOROSS-KELLY-DelrOlt,3 TROMBLEY RD FLAT av- pets, secunty deposit TU2- who have fashIon sales ex- dent - available for house- duate. Experienced, cour- 8259 4A-4iELP WANTED teous, reliable Very rea- bedroom, lower flat, garage, 8llable June 1 FIrst floor Iiv- 1044 penence for permanent fuff keeping Call Jane 521-5557 applIances, washer-dryer. mg near Windmill Pomte NOTTINGHAM North of War- hme and part time po3itions DOMESTIC sonable rates. Call 884-8526 1 BEDROOM - fully carpeted, MEDICAL Assistant, secret- $300 monthly, no pets 689- Features 2 bedrooms, den, ren, ADC and workIng Apphcants should be availa- for estimate. Earl GlllSac. applIances, garage, $295 in- :lIJ', receptionist, all front ------62tH or 792 6997 applJances, large basement mothers welcomed Sharp 2 ble to work a fleXible W I:!. ~J:>J!:CIALIZl!.: In the and back duties, manage------storage area and good size cluding heat. '714-'7114 bedroom lower, heat and scheaule Monday - Satur- placement of profeSSional EUROPEAN professional ment background. Mature GROSSE POINTE Park - rooms $550 monthly, call LOWER 5 room, East Outer some appliances mcluded, day domestic and nurslllg per- gardener -landscaper Make Maryland, 4 room upper m- John at McBrearty-Adlhoch, natural fireplace, security, sonnel Housekeepers- and experienced With excel- any kind of gardens. Trim- Drive and Warren. 971.0099 We offer many company paid come, $205,mcludes ba1con- 882-5200 references. 718-7536 Cooks - Couples - Cluld lent references. 884-6846 ming, prunmg, mamte- Ies, carpetIng, heat No a~ GROSSE Pointe Park, charm- benefIts includmg hberal Care - Day Work - Maids nance. 534-0571. plIances. 527-0960. LOVELY 2 bedroom condo III LARGE upperflat, 2 bedrooms purchase discount LAWN SERVICE - Lawn cut- ing cottage on Maryland - Home Health Care Live tmg spring clean-ups, gar. PARK, lro1 Maryland, sharp Village next to NBD. Appli- near Kercheval. 2small bed- Wayburn/Jefferson, Grosse Interested apphcallts should In or Out Please call denIng E"xperience, low three bedroom lower, wa- ances, full basement, $500 rooms, living room, dining Pointe Park address, $200 MEDICAL monthly pillS security. Iml- submIt a resume of theIr GOLL JEANNETTE rates. senior Citizens Dis- sher, dryer, parking, $340 monthly. 343-0653. room, kitchen with eatmg 2603 background mcludmg pre. PERSONNEL count 814-7186. SERVICE 882-8259 BEACONSFIELD-Grosse space and appliances Car- sent earmngs to ------~d Pomte Parle 6 room upper. pet throughout. Parking and BUCKINGHAM, 5 room flat, AGENCY EXPERIENCED Lady wishes P.O. BOX FOR NURSES BEACONSFIELD - 3 be - Spacious, clean, Park priv- nice garden. $290 plus util- excellent condition, reo 02101 106 Kercheval permanent 5 day 'position room upper ileges, near transportation. ities. Immediate occupancy. frigerator, stove, carpet, all Grosse Pomte Farms 527-3120 DETROIT, MI. 48202 Light housekeepmg and lIll6-6051. utilities except electric $260 cooking. lBS-7992. CARING SINCE 1973 ST CLAIR Shores - outstand- Ideal for mature and/or Equal Opportunity Employer 882-2928 , ing 2 bedroom, 2 bath, upper working couple. No pets. 895 BEACONSFIELD - Lower 1186-6102. State Licensed and Bonded MAN needs odd JObs - cutting BABYSITTING overloolang beach. Modern Secunty. Immediate occu. WIit aVaIlable. 2 bedrooms, GROSSE Pointe Woods. 3 bed- DENTAL AS~stant :-full time grass, window washing, kitchen. Central air. Gar- pancy. 821-9232. seelung an expenenced and SERVICE AGENCY stove, refrigerator and heat room Colomal. Modern GROSSE POINTE cleans garages, basements, age. $750, monthly CHATSWORTH 4683, flve included $350 month. 1 year kitchen, den, fireplace, IIh personable dental assIStant light hauling, etc. Mr. aDd serving the Grosse Pomte area for eastside dental office EMPLOYMENT GROSSE POINTE -1 bed. room upper, open Fnday, lease. Schultes Real Estate, bath, 2 car garage. $550 per Mrs Hurst. 822-253L since 1955. Care of CHIL- 881-8900. Must have pleasant chalr- AGENCY DREN and the ELDERLY room furnished condo. Cen- May 6, 1-5 p.m. 1-~5986. month, plus utilities. Sec- side manner. Please send 885-4576 BABYSITTING in my home, By the hour. 24 hour rates tral air. $575monthly. 5 ROOM duplex, one bedroom, 915 BERKSHIRE Road. Mag- urity de~it After 4 pm., resume to Grosse Pomte meals, outtings, ex peri nificently maintamed 5 bed- 1186-5457 50 years reliable service aVailable ~ MARYLAND - 3 beU'rom $Z75 per month, between 7 News, 99 Kercheval, Box enced and reasonable. I-lH LICENSED 26H'202; ~:he:dFurnished or unfur- and 8 Mile on Schoenherr, no room English Tudor New CADIEUX - 1-94. Clean, one (}'16,Grosse Pornte Farms, Needs experienced Cooks, and Cadieux area. 8111-92I6lI. kitchen, burglar alarm, 3rd bedroom condo, $275 HIGBIE MAXON, INC. pets. 1181-9173. , Mi. 48236. Nanllles, Maids, House- PRIVATE Duty LPN and floor suite with kitchen. monthly. DIScount rent. Bill keepers, Couples. Nurse NEED SOMETHING moved? 886-3400 2 BEDROOM, kitchen, living Lease for 2 years, possibly 'WAITRESS ::- References, Two Pointe reSIdents will cosmetolOfitist available for Marsh 833-1540,626-0081 Aides, Companions and day position. 892-8339 excel- room, dlmng area, 6 MJ.1e- longer at $1,300 month. , Ideal for married woman move or remove large or KENSINGTON - Warren, Hayes. Security deposit. $275 THREE bedroom brick ranch Day Workers for prIvate lent references. Schultes Real Estate, 881- : Farina's Granary, 18431 small quantities of furni. beautiful 2 bedroom upper I tiliti 882-0542 In Grosse Pointe Woods. homes with sundeck and applian- p us u es. . 8900 : Mack, Grosse Pornte. ture, appliances, pianos or Large country kItchen, 2 18514Mack Avenue EXPERIENCED Movers - ces, $375 882-Z746 DEVONSHIRE-Warren. 2 HAND -BILL Passers- - for what have you. Call for free appliances, pianos, apart- OUTER Drive near Hayes natural fIreplaces, central Grosse Pomte Farms estImate. 343-0481, or 822- bedroom lower flat. Stove, Sharp, 2 bedroom, 5 room, , Saturday, May 7th, at 12 ments, homes. Call for low PARK - 2 bedroom upper refrigerator, $300 plus gas air, garage, close to school 2208 : noon, Farina's Granary, GENERAL Housecleaning rates. 'n5-671~ apartment on Lakepointe, and electric Available June upper flat, full wall closet, and pUblIc transportation : 18431Mack Ave person needed one day a $285 Pay own utlhties 823- 15th 371-4387after 4:3(). basement, 3car garage, $290 $650 per month plus security PRIVATE NURSING EXPERIENCED Nurse's per month. 8115-{)99() • ReceptlOmst Full week Excellent references 4082. DENTAL =- needed 8116-2447 Around the dOLk Aide desires private duty. CHATSWORTH-East Warren, EASTSIDE : time Seeklllg pleasant In home, hospital or nursIng Excellent referel1ces No DEVONSHIRE/Mack - 3 upper, two bedrooms, pri- MANAGEMENT CO. DOWNTOWN DETROIT • career mlllded lIldiVldual, mGH SCHOOL gIrl wanted home. RN's, LPN's, Aides, live-IllS. Call 296-1167 or bedroom lower, appliances, vate porch, heat inclUded, 884-3890 Are you tired of that long I passessing recent assistmg '711-3751. Monday.Thursday S-9 p.m., companions, male atten- carpeted. Natural fireplace one cluld O.K., $275. CaU drive to work in downtown I and receptlOllIst SkIlls dants, live-ins. Screened $350 per month, !h heat in- 879-7217. BISHOP near Mack. Excellent Detroit and hate the traffic : Grosse POinte area office. Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m SA-SlTUAT1ON area of Detroit. Completely Babysltth,g, light house and bonded. 24 hour service. eluded 1m1-2S53 hassle? Would you like liv- . Please send resume to Box ALTER NEAR Windmill Poin. redecorated 2 bedroom work Guaranteed 20 hours. LiLensed nurses for insur- DOMESTIC ing in an historic downtown (}'50, 99 Kercheval, Grosse anLe cases. UPPER 2 bedroom, Ca- te. Two bedroom.} upper home. Natural fireplace. residence Within walking $2 50 an hour, 8116-3967. dieux-Warren area. $290 apartment, incluaes new new carpet, sunroom, base- Pointe Farms, Mi 48236 POINTE AREA NURSES distance to Ren Cen, DOMESTIC WORK Ask for Mr. Morley for carpeting and decor, refrig- ment half bath, garage, $400 OVERSEAS, Cruise-JObs CLEANING lady, experien- TV 4-31110 My capable, trustworthy part Greektown, U of D Law ced, references, Clinton appointment. ~3690. erator and stove, large gar- per month. School and downtown $20,000 - $6O,OOO/yrpossible. RETIRED HANDYMAN - time maid is available for Townslup.~ GRATIOT/McNichols, 1 bed- age,heat and waterincIuded EASTSIDE events? Our one-bedroom Call 1105-687.6000, ext J-1626. Minor repairs, carpentry, hotisework one day a week; room or studiO apartment, at $275 month Call John at MANAGEMENT CO units start at $300 per \lAm-Dresser to fti'1palltion in EXPERIENCED housekeep- ela.trkal, plumbing, bro- also, is especially good, car- 8lK-3890 er-cook, for Grosse Pointe ken windows aM'sasltcord ing for elderly Excellent \ ~ly ~",aWd al,l.!~el! ,,~m,tX~~.$s~-n monlh, and ". ,fewLumls I my salon wUH excellent ml;1U<\ed.527~~1 '"l" GROSSE pointe Park - 3,bed- ALTERs~tilIl6tJ0erson, ex- have fIreplaces, carpeting war kmg conditIOns and op- lady Live-In, able to drive. replaLed, etc. Reasonable Grosse Pointe references. INDIAN Village area, 2rooms, room upper. security depos- cellent area. 2 bedroom up- and super views. The portumtles 882-6240,ask for References reqmred. Reply References 882-6759 Call her at 8115-3520evenings, or me at 8116-6234 private bath in home. Good it, references $300 a month. per, kitchen built-ms, full Palms Apartments, 1001 E. Juergen to Box K-21, Grosse Pomte News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse CARING ... for teacher or student. lI23- 8112-2223 wall closets, walk-in closet, Jefferson Call 393-2700, central air seperate base- weekdays. Evenings and REGiSTERED X-Ray Tech- Pointe Farms, Mi 48236 LADY wishes day work 0971. ONE bedroom apartment i mcian required Im- A Tradition Since 1975 ment, hall bath, garage, weekends 259-4253. i For Lov~ Ones at housecleaning. Experien GRATIOT/Houston- Whittier- Harper-Berkshire. Stove, mediately, 5 days or 3 days EXPERIENCED lIve-m up- lawn service. . Home, ced, references. Call 923- newly decorated modern one refrigerator, carpeted, air EASTSIDE CADIEUX near Harper. 3 bed. weekly No weekends Typ- stairs maId-waitress. Must 0451. room, central air, $325. per mg preferred !lW-l02l Only The Best Will Do. bedroom. Appl1anceS, park- condJ.boned. Heat mcluded, MANAGEMENT CO drive and be able to travel. ing, heat. 527-5095 $275a month. 331"()581. month plus security deposit Top wages Goll Personnel CALL GENERAL Cleaning service. 884-3890 R-ESEARCH ASSistant part- 2 hard working students. Call Bill 886-2l23 Agency 882-2928. WOODBRIDGE East, 2 bed- 2 BEDROOM lower, Beacons- tIme Must have mterest m a THE HEALTH CARE Homes, apartments. Refer- ATrENTION LANDLORDS! broad range of subjects PROFESSIONALS room townhouse, Ilh bath, fIeld near Warren. $250 plus Let us rent and manage your CAVALIER MANOR 4C-HOUSE Sl'rnNG ences. 264-0056, 725-4827. vanity and walk-in closet in security. No pets. Il16-0889. Personable and able to work P C.O ASSOCIATES, INC.; property. Good tenants wait- 24575 KELLY UnsuperviSed Good typmg, SERVICES UmQUE woman wants gen- master bedroom, large BEDFORD Road lower, car- ingl For more information EASTLAND AREA family room, Iatchen, dming peted, three bedrooms, din- writlJlg and driving skills 552-0636 eral housekeeping job. Good call LaVon's Housing Luxurious modem two bed- Please send rate deSIred and COMPLETE housesittlng by transportation and refer- room combmed, liVing ing room, large kitchen, Placement " Property Insured and Bonded room apartment or tow- resume to Box T-45, 99 Ker- 2 responSible engmeering ences. ~4706. room, full basement and pa- stove, refrigerator, to re- Management 713-2035. nhouse. Apphances, carpet, cheval, Grosse Pointe students, references. 778- • R N. - L.P.N.'s bo, 2 car carport, pool, club- sponsible tenants, $325 plus • Live-in's - Companions LADY would like general CHARMING 1 bedroom, $250 central aIr, pool, carport Farms, Mi 48236 8252 or 77~4689 house and security guard security 882-2124,8112-4245. Near 10 Mile Road From - - • Aides - Homemakers housework, for adults, hve- $505per month plus securi ty Deluxe, $290 Quiet! clean, in. References, in Grosse deposit and cleaning fee HOUSE, one bedroom, living adult bwlding, inc!..Klingutil- $3'75 DRiVERS - Opemngs avaIL- GOING on vacation? WIll pro- 772-3649; 961-7411 able, all hours open Need tect, pets, plants and house. EXPERIENCED mother Pointe home $60 weekly 773-0247, 772-1690, ask for room, Jotchen, neWly decor- ities 834-4857 good driving record Apply Grosse Pointe college with licensed home will care '711.9560. Jeff. ated, Hereford-Mack, $225. FLANDERS, near Gratlot, 3 between 1-3pm 15501Mack graduate. Expenenced in for your child. Loving, - 885-5529 GROSSE POINTE WOODS bedroom upper flat, adults learning environment. All POLICEMAN'S wife needs NEFF Road close to Village Sharp, clean three bedroom, preferred $160 1184-9977. at Nottmgham pet and plant care. Will sit neWly decorated upper 3 ONE bedroom upper flat. or live-in Non smoker 881- ages, full or part time. Ref- house cleaning, Grosse carpeted ranch with fire- 1 BEDROOM Lower, pets al- BABYSITTER for young bedroom flat, IIh baths, Iiv- Stove, refrigerator. Adult 2 7396 erences available. 823-4124 Pointe area. References. IlIace, two air condJ.tioners chtldren, m our home, for or 885-6650. 771-6526. ing room With natural firep- building Gratiot/Houston dishwasher, washer and lowed, $175 per month the summer. Hours 8 3(}' lace, kitchen appliances area $180. per month plus dryer, nice fmished base- Appliances and heat in- 5'30 Monday-Friday Must RETIRED Couple Wishes EXPERIENCED NURSE'S EUROPEAN woman wishes Adults preferred No pets heat and security deposit. ment, 2 car garage. $525 a cluded Secunty deposit re- have own transportatIOn home to Sit July and August. aides aVaIlable Reasonable house work, Tuesday and 882-7905. 527'()131. month. 2249Allard, 8111-0966 qmred. 882-0016 and references College Will furnish references rates. Fraser AgenLy State ThW'Sday, Grosse Pointe re- Please mall replies to Gras licensed and bonded. 293- ferences. ~7171. 2 BEDROOM Lower - $250, COZY, CUTE and squeaky sr CLAIR SHORES - 9 MIle- SPACIOUS 2 or 3 bedroom up- student preferred 822-8391 securIty deposit Outer clean 2 bedroom home, con- Harper. 2-3 bedroom brick per. Llvmg room, dining ; after 6 p m se POlllle News, Box Jl!H.50 1717 Grosse Pointe Farms VERY Experienced house Drive/Whittier area. 296- temporary style, ap. home, CClLy,neat, clean. $395 room, kitchen with applian. cleaner will clean houses pliances and curtains stay, a month, option to buy avail- ces. separate basement and ~ASTSIDE - Civil englneer-= Mlch 46236 2 COLLEGE students need , 109 and land surveyIng andapartments Call Teresa, 9555. family room and attached able, 886-9722,445-0352 • furnace, garage, $275 per summer employment. Can HARPER WOODS HOME - 2 garage, no basement, $395 a company reqUl re exper- WANTED - House to sit In 712-1221. I do anything, ~nbng, clean- bedroom bnck ranch, large month, Detroit near St. (;74ALTER between Jefferson month plus security deposit. ienced draft person Call Grosse Pomte area for Au- mg, any odd job. Please call GOOD thorough house clean- kitchen WIth dishwasher, John's, 886-3942 and WindmIll Pomte, 2 bed. 3666Nottmgham, 343-9017. 371 4803 gust or summer Debbie DaVId 881-6812or Paul 8111 room lower, natural fire- GROSSE Pomte Farms - 4 ------~ 881-l826. ' - 1IIg by expenenced lady. newly painted and carpeted I 2 RECEPTIONIST ISecreta ry 7471 :m-5284 basement with bar, 1'>2ca~ SPACIOUS, sunny, arge place, lawn service, $225 bedroom Colomal, llh bedroom upper. Front and - Company preSident TWO respollSlble college girls garage, backyard With 6foot back porches, use of ga- plus security deposit ~ baths, finished basement YOUNG profeSSIOnal couple LADY Wishes to do housework 42'l1. Apphances and window needs responsible secretary deSire houseslttmg or rent will supervise a summer privacy fence Close to ex- rage East Warren/Outer for downtown DetrOIt offIce camp from 10 a m.-3 p m. in the Grosse Pomte area. pressway and transporta- Drive area. $325 plus u------treatments, $800 plus secur- thru September. Grosse , call after 6 p.m. :m-2392. Duties mclude phones, typ- Pomte references 8116-Z769 Monday-Friday, June 15- tIon, Immediate occupancy Witles References please, 6 MILE, Gratiot area. 1 bed- Ity, 881-5318 ing, fihng Good worklllg August 12, for children ages $425, !lW-ffi40after 5 p m 563-2487after 5 p.m. room apartment Clean, WHY NOT CONSIDER conditions Send resume 5-SlTUATION 6-10 Swimming at the CIty Se-cATERING DUPLEX - Harcourt, 3 bed. quiet building, all utilities, HAVING YOUR and salary reqw rements to WANTED park, sports and crafts will POBox 160, DetrOIt 48243 rooms, IIh baths, pnvate 1BEDROOM Condo-$300 per ~=I~::~lussecurity INVESTMENT be part of the actiVIties. For MARIE'S CATERING - All driveway, 2 car garage, month, includes utilities ex- EXPERIENCED, dependa- details, call 8114-61118after 3 occasions Hors d'oeuvres, $65O/month Call Realtor. cept electncity, 9520 Whit- VERY mce 2 bedroom lower PROPERTY pm. b Ie SWItchboard operator "CARING & DOING" broncb, dmners, buffets and Palazzolo Assoc. 8115-1944. tier, 357-1316 flat, carpetIng, appl1ances, ------MANAGED? for answerlllg servIce IS OUR MOTTO LAWN cutting and gardemng party trays 862-6295 heat included. Chandler IT'S REASONABLE FleXible hours Call 71S-1532 , APARTMENT; stove, re- FOR LEASE spaCIOUS upper references, 24 year old Park Drive/Kensington AND EFFICIENT! after 7 p m FINE frtgerator heat mcluded on Trombley, 3 bedrooms, 2 • LIVE INS Pointe resident Fran!t.811s- catering by the Available May 15 $385 FOR DETAILS CALL Thibault's 823-01&1 baths, living room, dining FULL Time bookkeeper for • AIDES 9112 All occasIons After 6,882-0776. large to small Menus de- NOTTINGHAM (St-:John room, well.eQulpped kit- DILLON dental offIce III Grosse • RN's & LPN's -= signed especIally for you. chen With eatmg area. Ga- 1 BEDROOM upper, Hous- PROPERTY Pomte area Send resume to PAINTING, carpenter work Hospital) Attractive 5 room rage and use 01 adjacent , Excellent references 979- ton/Whittier/Kelly area A GEMENT 2189 Ridgemont, Grosse houses, garages, small jobs lower, garage Adults pre- tennis court $'n5 monthly. For Home Health Care , 2956. $240 includes utlhties, ap- M NA Pomte Woods, 46~~ __ repairs Best prices Pete ferred, 264-8933 LOWER Umt on Beaconsfield pbances, garage SecUrity 881-4147 At Its Best Call , -- - -INVESTMENTS SALES 882-2795 RENT ACOOKfor your speaal EFFICIENCY Apartment - 2 bedrooms, newly car- deposit and references reo ------Leadlllg hnanclal m<;tltuhon ------qmred 8116-9885 THREE bedroom bnck ranch MED-STAFF EAVES'l'ROUGHS cleaned b OCC8.SIon.Reasonable Excel- appliances and utilItIes in- peted . Ilh months secur ha<; limited openmgs for m y m Grosse POlllte Woods. 557-2505 expenenced college patnter lert references 8IIl-lQJ9 eluded, $175 References, ity depoSIt. No pets. $325 ve<;tment <;ale<;repre<;enta 331-4677after 5or weekends monthly. IDEAL for couple or smgle to Large country kitchen, 2na- - $1S-$20 Prompt and rehable APRON ASSOCIATES m~es rent 2 bedroom home on lural fireplaces, central air, tl\'(><; lJnllmlled pro<;pE'cts NURSES Alde/compamon to service 8112-M74 DuPLEX: (l-bedroomapart- WM J CHAMPION & CO Complete trammg cour<;c the elderly Good references elegant entertaining easy for temporary bases For de- garage, close to school and any DCCaSlOO 882-7149 ment) , heat and kitchen 884-5700 taIls 285-3580, 9-6 521-2401, pubhc transportation $700 WIth <;alary and comml<;<;lOn fleXIble hours 849-2584 or HANDYMAN--:Pamtmg , ----- programs Very hIgh In 841 4.145 plumbing, electrical No job appliances furnished 15036 MACK Ave-corner of evemngs per month plus security TRY US - Quality food at rea- Hayes/Outer Drive $225 Maryland m Grosse Pomte rome potential Call Vmct' EXPERIENCED lawncutter too small Reasonable. CalI UPPER flat - 2 tJedroom ~sun 885-0990 A.,h1el. 7196222 for a confl Bob,882-3045 sonable pnees J & J Cater- plus seCUrIty 2W-6400 Flat above business $235 a deck, stone fIreplace, ap------dentl'll mtervlew - !ugh schoo I semor saving mg, 8114-9468 - - - bed month, $300 security Appli------phances on Outer Drive' GROSSE POINTE IDS MARKETING CORP up for college wants to cut HOUSEKEEPE~desTre s UPPER Flat, spotless, 1 ances, heat included lI85- EUROPEAN Cullllary Com- room, newly decorated, 371-3023 Attractive S-room flat, de- Equal opportunrty employer lOur lawn for a reasonable weekend work References apphances, gas Included _ 5196 _ j rate 4 years expenen~ 739-239_1 _ Graduations and R-E-NT--Wi-th-op-uo-nt"Q-buy2 slrable locatJon Remod. M/F ~:rc $250 monthly, secunty de- Cali JIm Corbett at 882-01;rl ARCHITECTURAL studen - dmls Outdoor Bar-b- HAMBURG 6 Mile/Gratiot 2 bedroom home in excellent I eled, new appliances, car- EVERYONE LOVES TO t ~ an party specialists. POSitreqwred 8116-1767. EastsIde Detroit area, for petmg $350, heat mc1ud- deSires summer employ bedroom house, all applI. MAKE NEW FRIENDS CARE for elderly Will do - Johnny Sublc 792-0069. MOROSS-,Harper- ~ John details, 28S-3580, 9-6; 521- ed SecUrIty dePOSit 885- ment Grosse POinte refer . st: ances $250 references 176- AND MAKE MONEY cookmg, 1Jghthousekeepmg HospltaliHarper Woods 2300 2401, evenmgs. 7197 IN THE PROCESS Congemal German lady $34 ences Expenenced in land area Duplex/Condo 2 ~RREn bed TWO Bedroom lower mcome, Sell Avon glft<;, Jewelr} and per day References 839- scaPln~, ~ardenlllg, house . NFURN HED rooms, garage, basement, GRATIOTI7, large studio with nice area near Grosse ALTER AT JEFFERSON makeup COlli Dl1lne, BlI'i :WOO work lIlslde and outSide , cozy, secunty deposIt, re separate Iotchen, $215, free 0942 babYSitting Call Michell e MT. CLEMENS ferences, utllltles not m- utiI.ties and appliances No Pointe DepoSit, reference, PrestigIOus -1 story elevator after 6 pm, 886-1767 884-8758 bUlldmg, It.omry apart. - AJV1WA Y I~ ,\'tOilE LAWN SerVIce, very reliable - eluded $32Ormonth Leave pets ~~-~ ------141 K - FLORAL ments With large rooms, THAN SOAP' Ten venr<; experience serv WINDOW WASffiNG, pain t. message 882-0842 E WARREN Outer Dr. area CONDO/Harper-Woods Very Luxurious, modern, 2 bed- one and two bedrooms FanW.,llc '>ccond mwme op Inli Pomters Excellen lng, odd Jobs. Exper . Spacious 5 room upper flat, clean 2 bedroom, carpetmg, room, townhouse, 1~ baths, GROSSE POINTE Park~ nice drapes Immediate occu- References and security porlunJty It's workmg for eqUIpment, very reasona lenced, Insured Senlo r appliances, fenced private carpeted, screened-Jn por- one bedroom flat Oak floors pancy. $385 monthly plus reqUIred us, It can .....Irk for you ('all hie Call for e<;hmate 882 Citizen DilCount. Beaver'. , ch. Appliances Share ga- yard, carport, from '335 appliances $285. Ask for security deposit No pets, Walker-Alkire Realty Manlyn, 824 2200 4226, 884-9515,evemngs 882-0000 4&-4482, 961.7411. Greg - 885-9292 rage and basement 882- 2079. non-smokers. 881-5111. 88&0920 Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POtNlE NEWS PageFive-C


GROSSE POINTE near LEASE 8,500 square feet MACK Avenue. SuDny street, CLEARWATER Beach/440 3 BEDROOM home or car- FURNITURE Wholesale Dis- LAMINATING BOX SPRING and mattreu tributors of Miclugan, AAA Jefferson. 5 rooms, de- bUlldmg, 0/4 mIle to 1-94, level «fice, 300 square foot. West. 2 bedroom, 2 bath riage house. FIrst Choice ID SIZE.~ sets by serta Ih off. Twin. corated,carpet,llppliances gas pumps, fenced, heavy Air conditioning. $125. 834- luxury condo on Gulf 661- Farms. City, Park. J factory direct to you! 8e1- 8lh x 11-$100 $145. Full, $185 Queen, $225 Parking. 824-3849, 792-6839. duty electrical Good offic~ 4857. 17l4. Trimpe, 331.3061,everungs hng aU new merchandtse in BLUEPRINTS KIng, $325 All first quality space A-I condttton 32205 onglnal cartons. 2 piece QUICK PRINTING Dealer warehouse clear. BEAUTIFUL Petoskey area; OUTER Drive area. 1 bed- LIttle Mack, RoseVIlle. eD-VACATION mattress sets, lwin $59, full RESUMES ance. 268-2854 or 371-5400. swim, golf, hike or relax, 8-ARTICLES $79, queen $99, sofa sleep- INSTANT COPIES room upper Ideal for work- Call 758-0400. No agents. RENTALS FOR SALE ing adults, no pets. Refer- sleeps 11, IIh baths, 778- ers $119, bunk beds com- SCRATCH PADS - ~ LB. FLEA MARKET 4824, ences, security deposit I GROSSE POINTE WOODS LAKE Cbarievctx, 2 bedroom plete $88. 7 pIece hVlng WEDDING INVITATIONS EVERY TUESDAY ENERGY EFFICIENT DUNCAN PHYFE maho,gany furnish stove, refrigerator lakefront cottage In Boyne rooms $239, decorative PHOTOTYPESETTING ALCOMOS CASTLE GENERAL OFFICE SPACE MARCO Island "Sea Winds" dining room set (table, ser- and aU utilities $200 372- Cily. Sleeps 4-6, sandy beach. lamps from $1488, 5 pIece KEYLINING NINE MILE BETWEEN 21304 Mack - 1 rm - Gulf front, 2 bedroom, $425 ver, cluna cabinet, 4 chaIrs) 3545. 886-4)29. wood dInettes $159, $800 pIts PHOTOSTATS, NEGS MACK AND HARPER 13 x 17 ft per week. 11111-64«.!,882-4593 $450, 4 poster bed $95, an- now $375 Open to the pub- RUBBER STAMPS 773-0591 tique Queen Anne loveseat ALTER CHARLEVOIX. 20879 Mal::k, 1,600 sq ft TRA VERSE CITY - 3 bed he, dealers and InstItu- OPEN MONDAY THRU - $450, oak and mahogany end tir06se t'omte SIde, attrac- (flmshed) room, 2 bath, beach front COZY Townhouse - Harbor tIOnal sales welcome SATURDA Y 9-5 P M GRANDFATHER tables, onental 2quality tIve large one-bedroom or 20835 Mack, 2,000-4,600 sq ft home on beautiful Duck Springs Tennis, pool, near rug, Name brands, Serta, etc CLOCKS lamps, French telephone, studio apartments, $180-$210 MEDICAL SUITES Lake. Sandy beach, firep- gOlf-.beach Sleeps 8 886- 9451 Buffalo, Hamtramck lace, color TV, garage 8924 Duncan Phyfe sofa $425, POINTE PRINTING WhIle In stock, 30% to 50% off. Includes apphances and ubi- 20845 Mack, 1,500-4,000 sq ft (l block north of Holbrook, sleeps 8. Excellent swim mahogany chest $175 Call 15201KERCHEVAL Large selectIon. Dealer Illes. 331-7852. WIll Fmlsh to SUIt 1 block east of Conant) clearance 268-2854 or 371- Adequate Parkmg rmng, fishing. June 18th HARBOR SPRINGS after 5:30 pm, anytIme at Lakepomte 875-7166 Telegraph (2 Grosse Pomte Park 822-7100 5400 HLAND - on canal Wlth 884 1340 or 886.1068 September 3rd, by week Three bedroom condomin- Weekends,338-7554 blocks south of 6 Mtle) boat well 5 room lower 771-8078. ium, sleeps 10, sWlmmmg CHINESE -ChippendaIedark 532-4060 Monday thrOUgh Stove, refrtgerator, car- FOR RENT or lease Office BEAUTIFUL Beaver Island pool, l~hted tenms courts mahogany dtrung room set Saturday, 10-8, Sunday, peted, including heat, $295 and warehouse space, Days - 886-6922; takes you back to nature. Evenings _ 885-4142 (table WIth ball and claw 12-5 14460GratIot (2 blocks ORI ENTAL RUGS SecurIty and references Mack and Beaconsfield New 3 bedroom, 2 bath beach feet) $1,200; Antique Victor- north of 7 Ml1e Rd) 521- Ideal for adults 1-743-9943 area. Grosse Pointe ad- front home, sleeps 6. $3iO. 'HILTON HJ!:Al> New pro- Ian sofa (Rococco) rose vel- 3500 Monday through WANTED ----- dress $600 call 885-2694 E JEFFERSON near Alter, 3 per week Please call 81). fessionally decorated 2- vet 82" long, $1,100 and Saturday, 11}.810909 Grand bedroom upper. Heated, de- offIces offIces-OffIces offiCes 7393 after 5 pm. bedroom plus loft. Palmetta carved loveseat $550, Lows RIver (corner of Oakman) 547-5000 934-6900 Monday through corated, carpeted WIth OCEANFRONT House in Dunes VIlla Bicycles, walk XV mlald tea table Wlth lots Grattot-12 Ml.1e Saturday. 1G-7 4575 DIXIe uti titles $350 a month. st'e Maine - oaf) privata, Au to ocean, pool, golf, tennIS of brass ormulu (ram head- 1 I III to 1950 It er and hoofs) $375, Louis XV Hwy, Waterford Townslup unty'depoolt. m-4317. ready now gust 6 to September 10. $300 and shoppmg 886-9234. WANTED sheet musIc cabmet WIth (3 mLles west of Telegraph) W per week, ll84-56ffi. AYBURN near Outer Dr. Kelly-8lh Mtle 674-4121 Monday thrOUgh rooms, one bedroom, stove, MARCO ISLAND - beautiful 2 brass ormulu $225, AntIque BABY FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT' medIcal swte; Immed poss CASEVILLE - Port Austin bedroom, \I bath Condo. All heavtly carved hand painted Saturday 11}.8Sunday 12-5 refrigerator, heat Included, 4 exam rms; X-ray rm beachfront, large 3 bed amenities; cable TV, wa- Art Deco twin beds, $425 Credit cards and checks BUyIng - Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 $195 month, securtty .....00".,. room, sleeps 8. Fenced yard accepted Delivery avmla- Kelly-Harper Woods sher, dryer, private beach, pmr 0052 excellent swimming and ble MOMS' TOY ATTIC - "A RESALE TOY SHOPPE" 1-3 smgle rms pools, tennis, boat docks, 24 573-4578 _ fishIng. Available August 1 16637E WARREN 882-7631 RENT: Mack and Cadleux 3 bour security. Days, 372- GIANT Rummage Chnst Me. Mack-Renaud through Labor Day. 1-517 FURNITURE-Kitchen ar- bedrooms, stove, re- 3456. After 6 pm, 881-~ thodtst Church, 15932 East five-rm swte 11)6.2876 tIcles, antIque bedroom set frigerator No pets $325 Warren at Haverhill Bar- and wardrobe 823-4021 plus utilities 778-3166, 771- Venuer-I-94 OCEANFRONT Condo CHARLEVOIX/Petoskey gains, refreshments satur- 4960 servIce drtve great beach, 1 bedroom area on Lake Michigan day 11}.4 FRiGIDAIRE upnghtfreezer, - ---- 1,600 ft; general OffIce sleeps 6. HlIton Head shore. 4 bedrooms, 2 b~hs. frost-free $125 885-0079 - SEVEN MILE/GratIot area $45O/Week 8116-1523. Clean, safe swimming $400, GARAGE Sale Furmture, Household Luxurious, qwet, ter,.race large three-rm swte clothes, household, books, WESTINGHOUSE 2 door re- garden apartment, 5275. full servIce bldg WLTON Head Villa. Enjoy a weekly. 882-5749or 591-6180. other Items Fnday, Satur- fngerator, frost-free, excel- lent condition, $175 885-0079 751-285! Kelly near 9 Mtle vacation at the ocean. Sleeps DELTONA Florida, new two day, 9-2, 22301 Alger, St 7,048 sq ft prtme office space 6 On golf course, near pool bedroom two bath condo, ClaIr Shores MAYTAG automattc dryer. Estate Sales 6A-FOR RENT can divide 8116-9234. near Epeott, Cape Canav- CHARMING Colonial bed- exceJlent condItion, $145 CONDUCTED BY FURNISHED 885-0079 • 100 Kercheval BOYNE COUNTRY Com ~~nd Daytona Beach. room set, queen SIze bed, second floor pletely furnished, all eleL man's dresser, woman's 25" COLOR T V Great pIC- GROSSE Pointe CIty, 1 bed- large rm-big Wlndows tnc, 2-tier Chalet. Upper MARCO ISLAND, Soulh seas dresser, vamty and night- ture, $125. 885-0079. LILLY M. AND COMPANY room, no pets, convenient to tier 4 bedrooms, 2 baths Club, two bedroom, two stand, $600. Ethan Allen re------KENMORE automattc wash- transportation 281-9061 Please call for detatls kih. hen, living room with bath condo, off season rates cli ner, $200 885-6552 562.1387 569-2929 Vlrgtma S. Jeffnes ftreplaLe Lower tier 3 bed 882-1232 er. Excellent conditIon, $95 RANCH - Select area of Woods Realtor 882-0899 CARVED mahogany twm 885-0079. - 2 bedroom, aIr, finished rooms, 2 baths, kitchen, liver - "'AAAGE beds - complete, $400,Gover- ---- ing room with fireplace ~ 3-M HOME copier, $35, artIst rec. room with bar No COLONIAL NORTH nor Wmthrop Secretary L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES New OffIce bwlding at lllh Tiers may be interconnect FOR RENT (44"x36") $375, TradItIonal easle, $15; blueprmt maker, Brokers. 886-3492. best offer Trombone, $125; Mtle and Harper, 500-1,300 ed If desired Clubhouse Duncan Phyfe mahogany HOUSEHOLD ESTATE UPPER flat. Just remodeled, fat ore paper bIke Wlth bas- & square feet. Air conditIon- swimming pool, spring.fed BRICK garage - 9 Ml1e-Jeffer- china cabinet (6'x44") $185, mcely fllrnished, plenty of lakelet, private putting kets, $30, jewelry castmg ing, carpet, janitor, near son area. $25 per month dlmng room table, 44"x66" ,3 LIQUIDATION SALES storage, large kitchen $250 green adjaLent to golf eqwpment. 886-1875. expressway ImmedIate 779-3760 leaves and pads, buffet and INSURANCE APPRAISALS 1116-5984 occupancy Lourse 425-8933 slueld back chmrs (includes TAPPAN 30" range, excellent 8F-SHARE LIVING 2 armchmrs) $500. Antique condttIon $135 885-0079 ANTIQUES -{ BOUGHT AND SOLD GROSSE Pointe Woods CoIG- 881-6436 778-0120 INTERLOCHEN Area QUARTERS nial. 2 large bedrooms, one lakefront cabin near Tra carved Duncan Phyfe sofa - 4 AUTHENTIC Hltchcock dtn- • PROFESSIONAL, BUT PERSONAL SERVICE needs reupholstenng $250 bath, air, finished basement, verse City, Sleeping Bear ing sidechalfs, decorated GROSSE POINTE YOUNG working woman Duncan Phyfe dropleaf end • TRAINED PERSONNEL garage, linens, utensils. Av- sleeps 5 Great fishing $350; pol1shed brass fire- FIRST FLOOR OFFICES looking for same to share tables $185 each, tradttIonal ailable June 15th. $600, swimming; boat included place screen and andtrons, Small, medIUm or large to fit large two bedroom flat mahogany 5 piece bedroom 771-1170 monthly. ~6828, 11111-1842 Tennis, golf, close by $175 Call after 5 p.m. Il8S- your requIrements EastsIde. Close to Semta set $650, 573-4578 1 $185/week. ~6916, even- 5132 • INITIAL CONSULTATION-NO CHARGE - StartIng at $100 a month in- or share ride downtown. ATTENTION EXECUTIVE ings. Bus 36" HIGH table lamp, brass dUdmg all utthttes INFORMATION I Transfers. one- and two- '125 month, plus lh utilities and walnut, $50. 885-7157 Ajr Condittoned New LOpying Avatlable now! ! ! 8:36-5 00 It's the key to successful sell- bedroom apartments, decG- machine NAPLES Florida - new 2 ANTIQUE Pine Bakers Cup- 109 and buymg in today's rator furnished. Lmens, Freshly pamted and da..orat- bedroom, 2 bath Condo, golf call 446-1500, ext. 433 or board, "FICks and Reed", 6' complicated antlque and col- FINE ART OBJECTS dishes, utensils included ed course, pool, tennis, month- 6:00-11:00 call 881-0366 rattan couch, and cocktail lectIble market You can in- CASH ON CONSIGNMENT Mmimum one week. S650 Der Pleasant atmosphere ly or seasonal rental, Bar- Please ask for Maggie. table fInished professionally form yourself eaSIly through month Location 1-696 be-. Off-street parking.., bara.259-7700. m antIque white, call 886- the many _~~ks on antIques ONE ITEM OR WHOLE ESTATES tween 1-75and 1-94 Security, LOVELY J\oOMS, with 6487. references. SI075. . &8.1c4J.4.I .. :..:,~ .. ST PETE. Beach ICondo on l/.Pd. cj)UeWb~"tQr sal*l,,at <'S6aY. CII+lio"'cHlJtUllB GliU;'" kitchen Privileges, different Ute CoI9~al,,s,hop. Wacky Oriental Bugs. Fine Crystal and Porce- . - - DILLON' BUILDING' areas, reasonably priced. GARAGE-SaIe'~ SatuTdily, lain • Fine PaIntings • Sferlfnt; :Jewel. bedroom, 2 bath, complete- May 7, 10-4p.m. You are in- Japt's a certHied appraiser, CARRIAGE House, 2 bed- EXECUTIVE OFFICE butld- For more information call ry, Collectibles • Fine Antique Fumi. rooms,living room, 823-0183 ly equipped, pool, tennis vited to VIewmy spectacular ana he's stocked Ius library ing in Grosse Pointe LaVon's 773-2035. ture hot tub, weekly $250. month junk again thts year at 422 With the best books avmlable GROSSE POINTE Park - 3 Woods with space to lease. Iy $800. Call 644-2569. on' pocket watches, post room apartment, furnished, IndIvidual offices and ROOMMATE needed to share Moran. cards, occupied Japan, pot- PLEASE CALL OR WRITE clean. 331-3763,$225. SUItes avatlable Kitche- HARBOR Springs, luxury bome. Excellent Eastside BASEMENT Sale - 2 Danish tery and porcelmn marks. nette and common recep- condo, at Harbor Cove Detroit area. $150 plus lh chmrs, toys, boy's 20" bike, collector plates, jewelry, DuMOUCHELLE'S STUDIO apartment, Mo- tion area Easy access to sleeps 9, everything provi~ utilities. 285-3580, 9-6, 521- men's 26" bike, clothing, pattern glass, duck decoys, rang/Kelly area PrIvate 1-94 Discriminating pro- ed at "By Owner" rates 2401, evemngs 23007 Kiplmgs St Clair primitives, furniture, silver, 409 E. JEFFERSON entrance, first floor, qwet, fessionals only Informa- beach, heated pool, temus on HOUSE to share or roomer Shores. May 7, 11}.2 Wlcker, and more Remem- DETROIT, 48226 full bath, pay own utIhttes, tion, 886-4101 SIte. For summer, ~9tOO ber, one good buy can pay for $165. 882-6789 evenings, ext. 213 281.1802evenings. wanted. Must enJOYpeople. ROTARY power mower. Elec- 963-6255 11111-9lM5. tric wood saw. Short - the pnce of a book many 2!M-8120days APPROXIMATELY 1,300 sq times over. Wacky Will spe- CAPE COD. Cozy housekeep- ROOMMATE Wanted to share ~Ch style drapes BIke ft rear of 20183 Mack. Can ing cottage across from cial order books for you, too! 6B-AOOMS use front entrance. 1,000sq. beach. Perfect for couple duplex, hot tub Many ex- 26G5 The Colomal Shop, 25701Jef- HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION FOR RENT ft , 20187 Mack, completely but sleeps 4. $260 weekly tras. Debbie 526-5428 SEARS Kenmore electrtc ferson near 10Mlle, Monday SALES COMPANY remodeled. lIlJ2..54ID 556-4124 or 880-9542. stove, white, good condition, through Saturday, 11 to 6, ROOMMATE wanted to s.hare $60 Call Bob 885-4872 FIVE MINUTES from Grosse TWO newly, remodeled offices 3 bedroom upper. Evemngs ' 772-0430 Mastercard and AVAILABLE FOR APPRAISALS Pointe - Clean, quiet, com- In Harper Woods on Harper ~SS MOUNTAIN Cbalet, 885-3844,Chuck. MOVING - Basement sale, Visa are welcomed AND ESTATE SALES fortable, carpeted room for Ave. $300 for both or Wlll by week or weekend, fully some furmture, ch1ld's car employed mature gentle- HlGHBANK Antiques - rent seperately 885-9179 equipped Swim/goIfJtennis 2 BEDROOM apartment, seat, sofa-bed, mISC satur- 28689 Armada RIdge Road Our Shop IS located at. man Call 885-3039 before 7 921-4000, Liz; 886-3377 nights completely furnished, lh day, 10-4p.m ,16020Edmore p.m. WARREN OFFICE space, Between Rldgemond and 15115CharlevOIX block from Semta. 296-2295. 372-9255 Grosse Pomte Park 1,000sq. ft beauttfully deco- WLTON HEAD Island/South Armada 784-5302 Open HOUSEHOLD Items, some Friday, Saturday. Sunday, ROOM to rent for retIred male rated, fully carpeted. 4 of- Carolma New oceanfront Hours. Tuesday and Thursday TU2-9910 fices With reception offIce 8 fully furnished, 1 or 2 bed 6G-STORE collectibles, clotlung, books, 12 to 5 Lamps, furmture LEASE records old and new, child- and mlsc 10 00 a m to 4:00 p.m SPACIOUS room Wlth home Mlle. Avmlable today $450 room VIlla Golf, tennis per month Frank or Joe pool. Startm,; at $300 per ren's items 1906 Norwood, Call us at 331-3486 during busmess hours to an-ange for privileges 824-926&. special appolOtments ~6140 mormngs, 778-8150 week Free literature. 771 OFFICE /Store; ll/Harper, off of Mack, Grosse POinte WANTED afternoons 4586 300 or 600 sq. ft., uWtties in- Woods, Thursday, Friday, BUYING SWORDS SLEEPING room, private LAUREN CHAPMAN --- cluded. 296-3254 only 9 30 - 7 P m bath $50 weekly mcludes OPPOSITE Eastland Suite GAYLORD GUNS,DAGGERS JILL WILLIAMS FAIL and Wlnter materruty linens, laundry c1eamng for lease, Opal Plaza, 18301 Beautifully furnished new STORE - Gratiot near 7 MJle 774-9651 CHARLES KLINGENSMITH 882-4468. clothes, SIze 6-8, very good East 8 Ml.1eRd 'n7-4646 three bedroom, three bath Road. Newly carpeted, 371r condltlon Baby Items, 885- 4900. We feature a selectIOn of antIques, fine used furmture 6e-oFFlCE PRIME OffIce on Mack, condommium with fire- 6123after 5. USED BOOKS - Bought. and accessories Woods Central mr, parking, place, garage, convenient to FOR RENT MOVING Sale - 10329 Lake- sold FIction, non-fictIOn answermg- servIce avatl- major ski area, cross-coun- 8K-STOAAGE Hardcovers, paperback - able, $125 882-4662 try, avallable weekends, SPACE pointe, (between Whither LAST CHANCE! KERCHEVAL - on the HIli and Berkslure) DInette set, noon 'W 6 P m 'rues thru - double office WIth recep- 7 ROOM OFFICE AIr condt- weekly, monthly. Comfor- gold rocker, humIdifier, Sat. BOOKTIQUE, 15243 STENel L CLASS tloned, reasonable 17411 tably accommodates six. Mack Ave, between Lake- tIOn area Mr. Edgar, 886- IDEAL for business man - baby funuture, used gwtar H R ALLEN, 961.8080, pointe and Beaconsfield 6010. large carpeted room In With case, and lots of mISC ~~t_~an-~~_~_~8125__ Monday thru Friday, 9 885-2265 BY KRISTEN KIRSHNER-McDONALD COMMERICAL FOR LEASE a m -6 pm private home. Can he used Items Saturday and Sunday, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY FOR LEASE Cadieux 1-94Ex- for storage or sleeping 10 a m. to 5 p m pressway 2nd floor, above Farms-ProfesSIOnal swte near MICHA WAYE-7 Mtles South room $45 weekly. East Allstate Insurance Company Moran Central air Ideal for of Gaylord. Golf, tennis, HARD Wood baby cnb, play- HOUSEHOLD and Warren/Outer DrIve area ~ DectG-baby scale. llll2- CANVAS FLOOR CLOTHS bwlding Newly remodeled medIcal offIce 2 year lease. clubhouse, pool playground, Call 885-3039 before 7 p.m ESTATE SALES office suites, approXImately 1st 2 months free 3 lakes, sailboats, paddle- Conducted by "K" Begm and complete a canvas rug Traditional or Con- 3,000 square feet AIr con- GARAGE Sale, furmture-:9'; Park.Paneled OffICeson Mack boats, much more Beautlful CADIEUX/Harper area Ap- temporary deSigns - washes clean WIth clear ditioned, 60 car parkmg 4 bedroom home, sleeps 12,2 Cayak. baby Items, 435 Servicmg Wayne. Oakland Ave, near Cadieux proximately 800 square feet water - wears on and on - or use as a wall Ideal for medICal, reaH~, baths, fullyeqwpped, kitch- Manor Fnday -Saturday, 9- and Macomb CountIes HIGBIE MAXON, INC storage space In concrete hanglOg' All supphes prOVIded Exclusive sten- accoWlting firm, or legal of. en with dishwasher, fire- block building with private 5 Kay 247-0061 flees 885-1220 886-3400 cds, lOstant dry pamt. natural or colored canvas, ------place, T V., stereo 885-3211. entrance Very secure $150, GARAGE-Safe -..:::..Monday~ Ann 771~197 protectIve cover $65 ATTENTION per month. 885-1220. May 9, 9-4 pm, baby LAWYERS AND CHALET on lake - near clothes, odds and ends 1993 PRICED ESTATE SALE ONE DAY CLASS ONLY ACCOUNTANTS HAMPTON SQUARE CharlevOiX, secluded, fISh- TRUCK storage avatlable LG- Lochmoor, Grosse Pointe English TradttlOnal Mahog- Pnme Grosse Pomte area En- FRIDAY, MAY 13th or SATURDAY, MAY 14th BlliLDING ing, telephone, color TV, cated in Harper Woods lt39- Woods any, cherry furmture, tire bwldmg Mack at War- fireplace, boat included. 22811Mack Ave 2n73 brass, silver. crystal. 9.30 - 300 ren across from MIchigan Lower rates in June and Bank MaIO floor and fInish- brtc-a-brac, 161 Lothrop SIGN OF THE MERMAID CONCOURSE EAST Septfomber, 778-4050, 884- 16844 KERCHEVAL ed basement Professionally 0431 7-WANTED Rd , north of Kercheval BlliLDING Frtday, Saturday - May 6 882-1610 Kelly Rd decorated New plush car- TO RENT 2am petmg For sale, $65,000for TRA VERSE CITY - Charm- and 7, 10AM-5 PM ing beachfront resort, East OFFICE SPACE lease, $700 per month Call DuMOUCHELLE'S 774-8866 Bay $230-$330 weekly .. AVAILABLE Brochures call 616-938-1740. RETIRED Grosse POinte COMPETITIVE RATES couple Wish to rent, or FINE BOOKS StUCker&~ GROSSE POinte Park Mack house-SIt home for the CLEARWATER - Sand Key. PURCHASED at Nottingham Well decor- summer 885-3891, after 6 WE BUY BOOKS 885-0111 2 bedroom, 2 bath lweury APPRAISERS - AUCTIONEERS ated swte In the engmeenng Smgle volumes or enttre h- Condo on Gulf 477-8981. pm _ bwldmg. $200 per month, in- IN YOUR HOME brarles c1udmg utlhtles In your home or at our of- WITH OVER 45 YEARS expenence In the field of fme HANDYMAN loolong for car. Free offers, no obligation. GROSSE POINTE FARMS EASTSIDE riage house or 2 bedroom fIce arts and anttques, Stalker It Boos Will be avail- 1st Edtbons, MIchIgan. De- able for complimentary verbal apprlllsais (ex. Premium office space MANAGEMENT CO MACKINAC ISLAND apartment, to repan while appraisals furnished trOit, CIVil War Good cepting jewelry, books, coms and stamps) on available on Mack Ave. 884-3890 renttng Have references entire- estates also desired books any area Qualified Saturdays between the hours of 10:00 a m - 12 00 dlV1ded and fInished. 1.500 Charmmg lakefront duplex Call John ~136 Sleeps 6 comfortably appraisals Prompt re- P m and 2 00 P m 4 p m square feet Lease In. HAMPTON SQUARE JOHN KING AvaLlable 6fl-U)'30 for one moval cludes all Utllltles, mam. BUILDING BON SECOURS NURSE week penods or longer. 961-0622 PROPERTIES ARE NOW being accepted {or con- tenance, heat and air con- 22811 MACK AVE SOON TO BE MARRIED, IS GRUB STREET sIgnment to our upcommg auctions dltlol'llng. Ideal for profes- Rent a spacious cottage on LOOKING FOR A FLAT OR Don't be fooled by ImItators MEDICAL SUITE the lake for the price of a A BOOKERY sIonal busmess offIces APARTMENT NEAR EAST-: Over 18 years a profes- LOCATED ON lhe lower level of the Great American Immediate occupancy Extra mce 6 room sUIte hotel room - 'l00r'day. SIDE AREA OR HOSPITAL "Our ReputatIOn Sional, courteous servtce Insurance BUlldtng, 280 North Woodward Ave- Functional, convement Wnte C L Murray, Three AREA. GREAT REFER- Guarantees Your Confidence" nue, BIrmingham, MIchigan - (313) 646-4560. CONTACT layout Available June 1st Mountam Inn, Jamaica, ENCES PLEASE CAlL D0- DOUGLAS ANDRUS Vermont (6343 or call 802- REEN BEFORE 2 PM. AT 17194 E Warren 88S-0m (The Midwest's Leadmg 888-5800 874-4140. _714~ OR GARY AFTER 7 Tuesdav thru Saturday 12-6 P.M AT 841-1903. I 882-7143 World Renown AuctIon Ganery)

\, '.' r'M'" ,:., "_ -

Page Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 5, 1983

1-AR11ClE8 . &-ARTICLES &-ARTICLES &-ARTICLES I-ARTICLES I-ARTICLES I-ARTICLES 88-ANT1OU'S FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SArE WE'VE really cleaned out! SOFA, chairs. Reasonable. COIN operated washer, heavy TWISTER! BEDROOM sets, twins, REDWOOD patio furniture, CHIPPENDALE dirung room Antique wire plant stand, and umbrella table. Chaise DENLEY'S ~ Thunday, after 4, S2- duty, commercial type $135 Yej). the tornado that swirled full. Misc. chairs. 3911 chairs (Cabriole legs, ball 5OO1lI. maple corner knick-knack through St. Clair Slores on Haverhill. saturday 10-3. chatrs, very reasonable. and claw) six for $725; Buf. ANTIQUES stand, Italian hand-palnted Monday, pasIled nght by the 885-8898. fet/server sa"x22" walnut Furniture, clocks, Decoys, DINING room - mahogany FULL SIZe mattress and box chest, child's table, many GARAGE SALE Saturday. sprmgs with frame $40 2 Colonial Shop Reckon AWNINGS-whitewith black $185; round carved walnut toy, and primitives 27112 drop leaf, 5 chairs, ctuna Barbie clothes and dolls l1ke May 7th, 8 a.m - noon 685 Chippendale dirung room ta. cabinet, buffet excellent girls 20" bicycles $35 and Mother Nature figured the tnm. Aluminum Station- Har~r. between 10 and 11, new, boys' clothes, size 8 and vast selection of eXCiting. N. Brys Drive, Grosse ble, 2 leaves 54" diameter 9-5 Monday through Satur- condition Tradlhooal sofa $50. Snapper riding mower 10 like new; girl's clothes, Pointe Woods Electric ary. Take with. All sizes. 757-4282. 882-8388 unusual, anbques gIfts, and 882-8507 $300; Chippendale wmg back da 772-9385 SIze 10, 12, hke new; ladles collectibles Old Wacky haa mower. clippers power chair (green velvet) $185; W E BUY AND SELL LOVESEAT, green tweed saw, pmg pong hta Ie, gar- ROTOTILLER, 6 h p John c1olhesl.slZe 6, 8. gallons of ROOM Fan on portable stand. on hand out here would den tools and other items. Queen Anne Armoire $325; Deere, hardly used, 171-4338. (A-I). 2lrass table lamps, 1 paint. MIScellaneous Items. cause stir enough on this 886-9067. Plecrust table and 3 tier KENNARY KAGE Colonial lamp; 4 bedspreads bathroom sink ~1 Saturday BIG RUMMAGE SALE table (Cherry) $175 each; corner, and you can't tool GARAGE SALE - May 6, 7, 9 ANTIQUES RUMMAGE SALE (2 With matching short 950 Shoreham, off Wedge- Mother Nature! When you NEXT THURSDAY MAY Queen Anne wing back drapes); 2 blankets; UN. a m. - 4 P m. 20228 Annatt, Open Wednesday, Thursday, CHRIST CHURCH wood In the Woods. get caught upm The Colonial 12th AT 1444 MARYLAND chairs (needs reupholster. USED dlOlng room or Detroit, east of Hoover, Friday, 12-4p m. Friday, May 13, ~4 NEW Gibson 12 cubiC foot reo tornado, you'll be sQme- Ing) $225 pair. kitchen light fixture, 4 FRIDAY - Saturday 10-5 north of 7 MJle. Antique fur- Saturday. 9 a m.-4 p m 61 Grosse Pomte Blvd. frigerator. washer, execu- where over the rambow Miscellaneous household nIture, picture fratnes, and 573-4578 WE BUY AND SELL wrought iron porch (Side) Heck. the Wild man's got a - Grosse POinte Farms tIve desk, bedroom set, items. Some furmture, clock collecbon. Lots of baby GARAGE Sale of collectIbles. CadIeux at E Warren chaIrs, gas gnU (unused) magruflcent set of hand cut NEW well made doghouse, 76" mahogany console cabmet. boatmg eqwpment 6116 items and misc. Everyttung clean No Junk 882-4396 NO OTHER ITEMS than rock crystal mcludIng gob- x 56" x 48" insulated, stun- black Persian lamb coat Cadieux at Harper Something for everyone those lISted 75 Cambndge lets, match1!ij( plates, and WHIRLPOOL Refrigerator, OLDE A'ITlC ANTIQUES _ gled. Real wood loveseat, With mInk collar Reason. Plates plates and more Rd , off Grosse Pte Blvd able ~127 or lI86-2453 sherbets, a huge collectIon MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe (1981 mode!). 13 cubic f~t, large inventory of furruture, perfecl condition, new beJge saturday May 7. 10 ()O.5'00 dinin~ set, 7 lyre chairs, plates! Lady's antIque wnst of Russel Wright dInner spanngly used, mint condi- watch, keeps perfect tIme. trunks, paper. hardware, custuons 1116-5270771-6621 Back porch, please PATIO set, table, 4 chaIrs, ware wluch Includes the rare one mahogany credenza - bon, $200 or best offer llII4- Very old glass and bronze glass. lots of oak 1607Milit- O-RIENTAL - rug-s.-- chIDa, umbrella, $350, lawnmow- rrunt tray. the rehah rooette, $1,500. for both. Call Norb MOTHER'S DAY SALE 7284 hurncane lamp (electric). ary Street at GrISwold, Port kOlck-knacks, lawn furnl- er-Toro mulcher, $150, car- salad bowl. soup and trwt 961-8739 Huron 984-1264 Monday Beautuul mahogany bedroom petIng, gold plush With pad, SLAB Marble . $2i. p'!r sheet, Steven's graph bookmarks, ture, cedar chest, gold gIlded set bowls, along with many through Saturday 10-5 Sun- 171hx 13'h, $85. 882-2972 GARAGE SALE' Saturday 8 all SIZescut to specificatIons, 1847 Rogers Bros., "Eter- mirrors. wicker, Iatchen set 20's French Sandal.wood bed- other pieces Wacky'S got a am- 2 p m In case of 372-0881 day 12-5 MISc. Items 824-1701. GARAGE sale Thursday, set of DIOnne Quintuplet nally Yours" Same beauti------room set raIn - May 14th Every- ful pieces, china and other Mahogany d1Jllng room set, a Fnday, Saturday, ~5 19356 SIlver plate spoons, a breath LIVING Room set, dinette set, ANTIQUE CLOCK repair GARAGE sale. Household thing must go' tables, interesting things. Also, Antique pocket watch re- plCCCS Kenreha Household Item .., ta1of'g beaded bag, some bedroom set fireplace fIX- gWl.i:., oaoy cloUung, rrusc Chili rs, mIrror~, rockIng tures, console stereo 881- black and wtute 13" TV set pair Speclahzmg m house Frwtwood duung room set, a clothes ster1Jng napkin nngs, lots of chair (needs repair) 9-4 Fnday. Saturday, 1629 mterestIng old books includ- 52)3 Loveseat, modern, earth- calls. (35 years expE:r- Pretitwick corner of For- Pieces, $695. SILVER flatware serVice, Single, double bed frames, tone stripes, very good con- lence) 884-9246 ctllppendaledirung room set, 6 IDoli!a first editIon of The ster's Furniture Store. stamped TH Strube and G, ose Step by Upton casement air condItioner, TWO brown leather "Bar. dition, 20485Elkhart, Harper pieceS, $588. John WIth ralSed floral and rrusc., old furniture m good celana" - type chairs $600 HIDE-A-BED $90, IronrIte, SinclaIr a l!irge Capo-Di- Woods, 7 MIle/Harper area, ANTIQUE 7 ChIna cabinets nbbon decorations. mono- condition, baby clothes and pair or best offer 886-4076, $25, new food shcer, $20; MontI vase, then, of course, Thursday, May 5 through Governor Wmthrop mahogany grammed 73 pieces 885- accessories Men and wo- after 4 p.m. WORKSHOP card table and 4 chairs, $10, there's Wacky's usual fine Sunday, May 8, 9 am. - 5 secretary and slant top mens clothes, shoes, lug- FURNITURE large wooden frame rrurror, 3144 selectIon of Hummels, Royal COUCH, Early American, p.m Absolutely no early desks gage, books and household RESTORATION $35. two door metal ward- HAND carved marble top ta. Doultons, collector plates, loveseat, contemporary, sales 3 kneehole desks goods. Many "never used" Chair canmg and ruslung robe, $15 and additIonal ble, palrofhlgh.backed wing dIsplay aIds - such as plate reasonable, call after 6 pm a sofas and loveseats Specials ll36 Cadieux. near DINING Room set Ethan Al- We Buy and sell Items. lIlS-3704 chaIrs, 2 large ornate brass stands, hangers. and easels 884-0849 41 lamp tables Charlevoix len, solid Oak pedestal table. 16414E Warren lamps with prisms, 2 low- Theres imported silver and GARAGE sale, 11488 Way- 48 lamps 2 WESTINGHOUSE Window and 4 Windsor chairs. Bronzes, pamtmg, porcelaIns. back velvet upholstered brass polISh, many types of GARAGE SALE, clothing air conditIoners - 8,000 BTU 881-9339 burn, Thursday-Friday, chairs one &i" ColOnIal cou- Lighted hutch With leaded cloisonne, glass, collecti. magnifYlDg glasses, and children's and adults, toys, and 10,000 BTU. One sears 9:30-5 p.m Many mlsc ch, 1 Vlctonan oil paInting. glass doors, IIh years old, Fl1RI~ITURE refinished, re- Items bles, accessories, Ivory heaven knows what else rockIng horse, record window air conditioner - AU funuture custom done. you'll find by the tIme you players, Hammond Soun- perfect condition. $2,200 PaIred, striPped, any type of Jade 6,000 BTU. ~9 1-286-5483 caning Free estimates MAHOGANY bedroom set, 6 Dealers Welcome Mint conditIon After 3 p m get to The Colonial Shop. der Organ, campIng pieces, excellent condition, 880-2415 25701Jefferson near 10Mile. equipment electnc firep. TREASURES and Junque - FLEXSTEL loveseat sofa bed, 474-8953 $495. Old walnut HI-FI radIo Saturday, May 7th, 9 a m. - 2 ANTIQUE TRADER GARAGE sale -boy's clothing, Monday through Saturday 11 lace, shutters, Singer excellent condItion, 886-7070 SWANKOUSKY'S console, $10 Gold upholster- p.m. No presales. 54 Mer- 21805Van Dyke SIze 14,hke new Few house- to 6. 772-0430, your Master- commercIal mtsc. 9: 30 - after 6 p.m. ANTIQUES ed chair, $10 Decorative (alh Mile - Warren) hold Items. Portable dish- card and Visa are wel- 3:30 Saturday, 2006 Hawth- riweather, Grosse Pointe items. 8lI5-3704. DaIly 10-5 756-7885 comed. WE BUY, TOO! orne. Farms. GARAGE SALE 20007Lancas- AUCTION washer Game table WIth 4 ter, Harper Woods, saturday MOVING sale - dryer, couch, ANNOUNCING chaIrs. Neighbors are bring- SET of four Goodyear Poly&- BASEMENT SALE, mostly SOFA - and loveseat,light blue only 10 - 4 p.m. Affordable European hide-a-bed, miscellaneous UNDERGROUND ing over many Items on con- teel radials with raisedwtute baby needs, porta-crib, brocade, new, 2 avacado Furnishing 22034 Sunnyside. St. Clair signment Cancel if rains WESTINGHOUSE Air Condi- COLLECTOR letters (P-~70Rx15) new high chair, walker, G.M. velvet swivel chairs - will &1nday, May 8 - 12noon Shores. 174-1241 May 6th-7th. Friday-satur- $1'15.881-6661. infant seat, clothing. Odd sell separate, 777-2138. tioner 15" -17" wide for slid- Unlimited Free Parking Conducts two outstanding day, 9-5' 30 16844 Village DINING room, country style tables, 10x22 storage shed, mg windows. $85. 779-5548. Sunday sales Lane (between Notre Dame MOVING SALE: Thursday, and other misc. ~7236. MOTORCYCLE 1974 Honda honey maple; table, 36x60 CB - 450cc, custom paint, STAMP And Com appraisals In the Elegant House of Frab- MOVING SALE and CadIeux) Fnday, saturday. 207l Ox- extends to 96". $300 Match- ford. (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.). GAS range 30" Calonc, $75. for estates, banks, private ries, Bldg 1500 Woodward saturday, May 7, SUnday, May padded sissey bar. low lUg hutch. 67"x46", $500. GARAGE sale - furnIture, milea,lile, excellent condtion. collections. Call John Sten- Mon. - sat. 11-5 Validated 881-8040. a.lOa.m. to 5p.m. daIly. The toys. clothes, collectibles FOUR family garage sale, 17500929. parking in Broadway, Grand Hunter's Ridge Apartments, furniture, school desk, LOVESEAT, rust and Hunter ONLY $595 or best offer del. 881-3051. MODERN Maid dishwasher- and household items satur- MUST SELL 774-4454. River lot. 961-2656. /range oven combination, 31140 Hunter's Drive. Far- day. 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 503 power lawnmower, bath- green. good condition. Very SURPLUS awnings, windows, space saver. excellent condi- mington HIlls. (Off of 14 University room sink, Dishmaster, reasonable. 296-5016. 3 PIECE formica kItchen set, doors, roofing, gutters and ANTIQUE LIGHTING hon Under mamtenance MJle, West of Orchard Lake child's table and chair, toys, $50; 3 fruitwood tables with alumInum siding. 5127, 8 Just in, 20 pairs of brass Vic- Road) MAHOGANY bedroom set - adult/children's clothes, SUMPTER Early Amencan - leather mserts $75 each. Mile Road. agreement. $500 884-6581. chest of drawers with mir- torian wall sconces in fully men's suits 42L, bik~\ much twin beds, 5 drawer chest, 1 882-9762 restored condition DINING SUITE: Queen Lovely qualIty furnIture by ror, dresslllg table with tn. PEDESTAL bathroom sink Anne. more. Thw-sday, Fnaay, 9- mattress set $tiO 882-1569. In addition, we feature a very sohd walnut, includes glass Baker, Thomasville; lamps. pie mirror, one twin bed and MOVING SALE - couch, white. $250 or best offer: tables, accessories, Chinese 3, saturday 11-3p.m. 2211Al- chairs, stereo, server, ta- impreSSive collection of china cabinet, unique mir- chair Apphances lI86-2748. lard GARAGE SALE Friday. Mter 6 p.m. 521-7633. ror back bUllet, b en , rug, much more and don't Saturday 10-5 16299 bles, lamps, Iron rite , reo fully restored brass Victo- RUMMAGE sale - 64() Univer- one arm. Excellent condi- miss! 2 FAMILY garage sale 1440 Eastburn. Misc baby items, fri~erator, roll-a-way bed, rian chandeliers. as well ~~ sity, May 7, ~5 Girls cloth- 8A-MUSICAL sconces, "Schoolhouse tion, $1,195. 885-9409. ESTATE SALE Balfour, Friday - saturday, toys, clothes, household dehl,1midifler, Weber grill. in$, misc. FollOWIng week if INSTRUMENTS globes, and commercial Friday, Saturday, Sunday. May 6, 7, ~3 pm Crib, baby items. garden equipment, TV raIn. clothes, maternity clothes, antena and rotor, floor beam size fixtures. HUGE GARAGE SALE . May 13, 14, 15 10 a.m. to 5 ADULT tricycle, like new, 30%-80% DISCOUNT, Drums, Visit our 3 floors of antIque pm daily. 15040 Minock, A MIRACLE! dIshes, man's/women's adjustable jacks, white 976 Roslyn I-day only. clothes, fruitwood dining - $150.Occasionial chair,.!ab- woven coverlets, silver gUitars, amps - all in- lightIng at Detroit. (4 blocks East of That's what people who've ric worn, $2). 886-01$, ~eep Saturday May 7, 9 to 4 used Sunberg's stain remov- room table plus one leaf - bowls. glassware, CapodI- struments. 8833 Van Dyke. MATERIALS UNLIMITED Old antiques, household Evergreen crossing South- trying! , 921-4814,1-7 P m. 2 WEST MICHIGAN AVE f~~ld Expressway). er have called it. Now, there $100. mics. items. \ monte, carnival glass} chaf- items, alhllt •.ancl chil- really is 6' way 'to' get thOlM! GIANT RUMMAGE 'Sale - in'glldish, canrtet' ana jars, YPSILANTI drens clo~,hesl toys, Estate inventory includes BOOK SALE, - Erotica - PIANdS WAN'rED Monday thru Sunday stams off youli,glassware. saturday, May 7.9:30-12:30. Friday and Saturday, May Pyrex, tupperwiire, games, baseball cards. large quantity of antiques and 13th and 14th, Fnday and GRANDS, Spinets. Consoles 10 am. - 5 pm You can restore that wine 1341Devonshire. cameras, games, books, HeatIlator blower sys- china Dealers paradise stain decantor to a sparkling Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. St miscellaneous Saturday, and Small Uprights. ~6980 tem, large attic fanl Don't miss! family heirloom with Sun- FOR SALE - 12' Alununum Ambrose Hall. 1014 Mary- May 7th, 9 a.m - 5 p.m., 364 TOP PRICES PAID ANTIQUES - Collectibles • books, cIllldrens ana berg's stain remover. LIke a extension ladder. $50; land at Hampton Fisher Road (between Ironstone, tealeaf, Wedg- adults Furniture, small 644-3982 VE 7-0506 whole lot of other terrific snowmobile, 2 cylInder, 2 Beaupre and Chalfonte) wood, walnut veneer bed . wood burmng stove, stroke engine, ~; executive REDECORATING office wait- A LARGE selection - Like stuff. Sunberg's is available i~ room - 2 moss green set- JERRY Luck Studios - buy, and dresser. 77~3609 workshop items. Misc. new Schwinn bicycles. 886- at The Colonial Slop, 25701 desk and chair. $100; lJIaw sell, consign all music in- priced to sell. tees $70 each, 3 chairs - 2- WHITE refrigerator, white el- SILVER flatware service, 1968,822-4130. Jefferson near 10 MIle Mon- Walker 15 drawer legal file tangerine, 1 moss green $40 struments. 175-7758. GratIot cabinet, $150; 1 ton Fedder ectric or gas dryer, white el. stamped TH. Strube and day through saturday 11to 6 each, 2 table lamps ~ each, near Nine John WIth raised floral and 772-0430 window air conditioner, $'l5; ectric stove, brown side-by- metal clothes cabinet, ~; 884-0644 Side refrigerator. l1li2-5681. J.L S. now open Sundays 12-5 ribbon decoratIons, mono- ALL ORIENTAL RUGS OLD Cltigas stove. worlung p m. Browse our growing grammed 73 pieces 885- any reasonable offer ac- WEDDING Dress - size 10, PRECIOUS Moments - 9 piece condition. 881-2242 music selection. 175-7758. 3144 WANTED BY A COLLECTOR cepted. 884-14«i. Ivory MOire featuring an nativity set, $75. 2 piece st. off.the-shoulder neckline. A CALL COLLECT BOY'S BMX SchWInn 16" bike, SINGER Zlg-zag cabinet style able wall set, $75. 343-0757 LOWREY Piano, used 6 excellent condition $70 or molded bodIce, nipped at the months, $1,400. 2 violins, 8e-oFFICE sewmg machine, $150. lJIop DINING set, table. chIna, buf- 1-663-7607 best offer. 343-0622. Smith style multi-power tool waist, full skirt, Chapel % size. full SIZe,$275each EQUIPMENT length tram, silk flowers ac- fet. needlepOInt chairs, MOM'S and Dad's FurnIture - machine, $250. McCulloch 463-5933. cent the gowns shoulders frultwood, $400 88s.6449. DESK and Credenza 777-4646 Sessions mantel clock. $85; Mite-Mite generator. $200. mahogany rocker, $125, an- Antonio Stradavarius copy, with flounce sleeves. In- MOVING SALE ALL cludes half slIp 881.8832 COpy Machine - Minolta 310 RICHIE'S USED APPLIANCES tique occasional table, $135; 100 years old, violin, with Gas range, $150; side-by-side after 4 p.m. refrigerator, $375; new dry- PIANOS WANTED bond copier 886-8892, 8:30 - 100% GUARANTEED mahogany bookcase (glass case ~ 777-ZlJOO er, $225; washer, $175; 7 TOP CASH PAID 5:00 weekdays 16626E WARREN doors), $275; marble top 3 FAMILY Garage Sale - Fri- NEW Tlmex Smclair 1,000 - Queen Anne table, $325; Or- personal computer, 16 K piece dark pine bedroom set, AT ONCEI IBM ElectrOnIC typewriter 75 885-0079 day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, satur- $520; pair loves eats (cel- iental rug, $75; in1aJd -dark day 10 a m to 2 p.m .• 1829 memory umt, mstructIon 541-6116 with 15 5K looks brand new wood end tables (2 drawers and 4 game tapes fjO ery-cream), $250; dehumid- Allard book 521-2395afternoons $1,400 each), $225 pair. antIque complete 884-0644. Ifier. $50; Mo-ped, $235; VIOLINS - student or arbst SCHWINN - hke new bikes: tires, firewood, misc. garden grade, Itahan, French Ming jar. Oriental lamp, WEBER 22" charcoal gnU and 9-ARTICLES boys 20" Stingray. $Eli. Man's and lawn tools, etc. 882-4127 others several Violas, re- ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED $95, solid copper lamp. $95; table $:Ii. Wicker double bed WANTED misc Call after 5 30 p.m. 26". fjO Extension ladder, (days); Il85-lI655evenings tIred connOIsseur 541-0669 AZAR'S GALLERY $40. 881.Qi88. headboard $35 7,500 BTU anytIme weekends 574-1312 G.E air conditioner, needs GARAGE sale - 87 Stanton SHOTGUNS and rifles want- One of the largest selections of Onental rugs VIOLIN - German make, COME OUT OF THE EXQUISITE China cabinet - charging $90. Golf shoes, Lane - 10-5 p.m. Saturday. ed - Parker, Fox, Smith, at mimmum prices May 7th Complete twin bed full size, excellent condi. Wmchester and others CLOSET! (first offer over $1,500.). almost new, size, Be, $30 an- bon. $170 Lynn 885-4549 251 E. MERRILL. BIRMINGHAM Yes, Wlth the amazing, port- WhIte PrOVInCial dresser. tique school desk. $1i 882- (hke new) - whIte oak head- Private collector 478-531!> board, chest and cupboard, MASON Hamlin walnut 644-7311 able, ultra beam lamp you mirror. chest and bookcase 2!KJ6 ~OHN -KING IS stIll bu'ying ballet bar. exercise cycle, Spmet piano - matching can detect damage, repair, $2iO, Iatchen cabinet $350., SERVICE for 13. Nontake good books for cash Why i. and even expert restoration Art Nouveau clock from books. clothes, 2 bucket, lea- bench. Perfect condItion, "Inverness," never used. ther chaIrs, and mISC 777-9498. sell to someone else for of pottery, and porcelain, 10 1900's $1l6. Two pmk Fenton 521-3143. less? 961-0622 ' normal light. Developed by a lamps $85 each. Worldbook DACRON SaIl cloth. thread, % VIOLIN $35, regular SIZe MAY 9 phYSICIan, the ultra beam IS Encylopedias $95 set Beaut- THOMASVILLE 90" Beige misc. sail makmg supphes. Wlth case, $75 some repair CASH FOR ongmal OIlpalOt- velvet sofa. Reasonabfe a mustfor the serious collec- Iful mirrors and ItUSc.Prices 100's oflb Older2cybnder 16 needed 886-5756 lOgs, American, European, tor who frequents house negotiable 10 - 5 p.m. (873- 882-5062 h.p. Penta manne engine, 18th, 19th Century, others OPEN TO THE PUBLIC LOWREY electnc organ _ sales, auctIon previews, and 4800). after 6 p.m (8ll>-8446) NORGE Automabc Dryer, $fl, seWIng maclune, $500 takes Sales confidential Art Inc. cherry wood Excellent con- antique shops The $24 95 DUNCAN Phyfe dining room serta double bed, $fl very all 1112-7455 VA1-9429 cost on an ultra beam can dition 886-8242 set -6chairs, table and pads, good condition 881-1491. ------DEFER SCHOOL save you a fortune! Look 'ALMOST-NEW" APPAREL PRIVATE Collector would lIke buffet Asking $1iO or best BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING over the Ultra beam at The STEREO System - PIOneer accessories, furs and an- WURLITZER 4500 console to buy US stamps, US offer. call 56379 double keyboard. full pedal; Colonial Shop, 25701 Jeffer- cassette deck, amp, AM/ tIques at a fractIOn of the COlOS,and baseball cards 800 P M. FM, dIgttal tuner, turntable, ongmal cost many features, hke new son, near 10 MJle Monday SEARS dehumidifier $45 $2,500 885-5991 ' 175-4757 PAID FOR BY K-PAC through Saturday, 11 to 6, Large llL'lulated doghouses. Kenwood speakers, B I C , We Buy Furs (KERBY PARENTS ACfION COMMITTEE) 772-0430. 331-0986. FM Indoor antema $1,500or Consignments Welcome BOOKS ---- trade for pIck-up truck LEE'S 8B-ANTlQUES PURCHASED PAYING top dollar for AN- KITCHEN cabInets, St. Tom, 1Il1-6691. FOR SALE Sell your hne books With TIQUE CLOCKS In any con- Charles, good condItIon. 2 20331Mack 881-8082 confidence In our lOtegnty NAVY flowered queen size ditIOn Private collector kitchen sinks. Best offer DOLL APPRAISALS and experience 772-7434 lIlI). 7914 sleeper couch, $200 2 brown STORE ClOSIng,antique c0un- HOUSEHOLD - ESTATE ------ANTIQUES OR ters, scales. cash register, GRUB STREET MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe barrel swivel chairs, $90 COLLECTIBLES LOVESEAT -hke new tan With each ~2684 meat blocks, excellent con- A BooKERY SALES Pheasant and flower pnnt dInIng room set; table, 6 SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM dibon 824-1330 17194E Warren chaIrs, buffet, china cabinet 3 FAMILY Garage sale. Fur- 757-5568 Antiques, Fine Furniture, Girl ~" and boy 20" bike 882-7143 PolarOid Land Camera ~. After 5 p m 922-6734 niture household goods toys -SEASONED-- ANTIQUE CLOCK REPAIRS ------All makes and styles - wall. Art Objects, ShIp wheel ~" - new Car 3 F AMILY garage sale, May 6. clothes. paperbacks and a CHILDREN'S BOOKS bunch of goodies' Friday, FIREWOOD mantle, cuckoo, anniver- Appraisals. hand vacuum cleaner 2 sui- 7, 9 am - 4 pm. Bedroom Local dealer wishes to pur- ter traveling bag - new Saturday ~3 at 1364 Blalr- sary, grandfather Sales, set. baby items, kitchen FREE chase books. In good con moor between Marter and parts. movements. Antlque Fisher custom Garrard turn Sink, clothes. toys No pre- dltlOn, Illustrated by' table, M-I30cahbercarblne Charlevoix DELIVERY and reproduction clocks sales 20915Llttlestone $50 ACORD J W Smith, Tony Sarg, Po- ANTIQUE TRADER SolId State automatic REASONABLE- complete R??1ll'i!l 21805 VAN DYKE, WARREN. DAILY 10-5 521-5050 gany, Wyeth, Parrish, hunuflfler, records 78, Guy ANTIQUE brown WIcker bedroom set, full size bed, 9-ARTICLES Tasha Tudor 756-7885 Lombardo, Harry James, couch and chair, ongmal sofa; chma cabinet; wa- JusTreeelveda new shipment "Oz" and "BrOWnie" senes Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. of WANTED spring cushions, reuphols- sher. dryer; rechnerchair, MAD HATTER 88U206 Glen Miller, Benny Good. tered 10 beige Very good plus mlsc household Items PUBLISHERS' man and many others LP's. conditIon $250 171-0207be. Friday, Saturday ~4, 903 OVERSTOCKS' Glen Miller. Melachrmo, fore 2 pm Hampton Rd most are 2/3 and more off their Benny Goodman, lots of rock SAur=-May 6.7, 10 a m .. 6 ongtnal pnce! Stop in for and many others 771-3143 p.m Stlk flowers, Mother's AUTOMOBILE OWNERS - some great buys' FRIENDLY SILK - linfd draw draperieS Day, weddIng 22319 Fre- As low as $31 quarterly, THE LIBRARY CO. 1iartzlil PROFESSIONAL 54" and valance Marble end sard, St Clair Shores bUyS baSIC automobl1e In 16129Mack at Bedford Household Sales surance 881.2376 closed Sunday Ie Monday SERVICE tables, pair of fireside - - - - - chairs. excellent condItion LARGESELECfION

9-ARTICLE8 11-CARS 11-eARS 11-eARS 11-CARS 11-CARS 11e-eOATS 12D-LAKE "'!t_....-v WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE AND MOTORS RIVER prftIr5". • CASH FOR BOOKS 1977 OMEGA SX , 1982CITATION. 4 cyltnder, 4 1973 MERCURY Colony 1973 DUSTER - excellent 1978PONTIAC Sunbird, 33,000 1976 DONZI 18 ft Included LAKE St. Clair, vaCAIMlot,.' automatic, power steenng, transportation, 6 cylinder, miles, new radiator, muffler Whole ltbraries or single vo- door, all power, air, auto- Park Wagon Full power, 350/300 h p ,shlp-to-shore frontage by l1OO' deep. Neat, power brakes, bucket seats, automatic, 67,000 miles, system, tires, and spoke lumes purchased Pick-ups matlc transmtssIOn, cruise, air, AM/FM stereo radio, radIo, trim tabs, white WIth IS-Jefferson, very private. sport wheels, AM/FM stereo power steenng and brakes wheels Needs engine. $1,000 THE LIBRARY CO. power locks, extended war excellent condttlOn $1,250 blue cockpit Also Included Owner 772-1620,363-4111. cassette, 62,000mdes, $2,150 $66O.loffer. 8Il2-6574 or best offer 881-6755or 772- 16129Mack at Bedford ranty and many other ex ~1394 trailer E.Z.loader 1115-0051. -- IR 824-8528. tras $7,500. 882-5210 ------.- 4111 - - - - ST. CLA 881-Slm TIRES. 2 white-walls G7815 -- RIVIERA,lm, loaded, excel------CLASSIC 1972 VW Super Bee- 20 FOOT seaRay, 1977,yellow" Elegant bnck home on 135feet Closed Sunday at Monday 1978 PONTIAC Phoerux - air tle convertIble, restored to $40; PI6f>.13,$40, PI95-75-14' 1973OLDS III Royale - lent condition, $7,500 882- $25; All very good conditlo~ Original owner, Grosse cuddy cabin, 233 h p., I.n. of St Clair riverfront. conditIonIng, power steer- nunt condltion, yellow Wlth board.outboard, well eqw~ CbOlce area,S bedrooma,.J,2 2247 mg, automatic, power bra- black top and mtertor, with rims, all white-wall Pointe Woods A-I, 50,000 CASH FOR ~~ no trailer $9,000 886- baths, central air. GloriouS KIDS CLOTHES 1978"FIAT-Super Brava, very kes, no rust $2,500 8114-8576 AM-FM cassette, wire 881-7378 nules, alr, power Best offer, good condition, 4 door, view from 2 level veranda, EXCELLENT CONDITION bef~~~4 p.m _ _ _ _ _ wheel covers Must see to 1-972PONTI-AC Lemans-~2 ~~: ~~a~~a':f~ 1111- automatic, whIte WIth tan In- steel seawall and dock, VERY CLEAN, BETTER 1972DODGE Colt. good shape, appreciate $4,200. 881-5165 door, straight, soM, south- 18' 5" GLASSMASTER Deep telior, sunroof, AM/FM cas. V bow rider, 165 Merc $340,000 BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 4 on the floor, 63,000 miles, 1981 OMNI- 024.- AM/FM ern car, factory mags, ra. CUTLASS Supreme 1974, sette WIth PIOneer speakers, crwser, [/0 With power tilt Showplace home on prime 10- Brmg 10 Monday, Tuesday askmg $975 Call 881-9940 stereo, rear defogger, 4 dials, orlgmal pamt, must power steering, power Perelltradlals, chdd's safety and power tnm Champagne calIon just oorth of the St. or Thursday, 10-4p.m 198-1 BROWN-EscorTGLX, speed, rust proofed~14,300, see and drIve $2,450 777- brakes, air, AM/FM, 886- locks, recllmng seats, ad- white hull With gold trim Clair Inn. Magnificent land- ON HANGERS PLEASE 1015 2'0/, asking $1,000. Justable steermg, regular loaded, AM-FM stereo, atr, 245-1909 Sides and stern curtams, scaped lot with 100 it of St. LEE'S RESALE gas, $3,500or best offer 1ll5- 4-speed, crwse control, 25, 1976 CHEVETTE~ 4- speed 1979 CADILLAC Coupe _~(MX) 1982 CAVALIER, 2 door coupe. bow cover, c.onvertlble top, Clatr RIver frontage, dock 20331 Mack 881-8082 4313 000 mtles Call after 6 p m hatchback, good conditlon, nules, blue, split seats, ex- 4 speed, low miles, rust- new all weather duck canvas and boat hoISt. Custom brick --~------886-6761 $1,300 or best offer 882-1576. cellent condItion $6,700 2lKI- proofed, sWl-roof, and all op- moonng cover and battery, ranch home with terrace, ANTIQUE OR COLLECT- 1982 98 REGENCY Broug- 5870 tions, $6,100or best offer (l) heated pool and guest house. IBLE DOLLS SUCH AS ham.sedan, dark blue Fully 1978 LTD II, low ml1eage MARK-IV - 1InS,-Cartler, ------791-70116 traller Ready for the water Great for fishIng, water skI. Greenhouse and security MADAME ALEXANDER, eqwpped Includmg dIesel, power steermg, power 53,000 mJles, new tires, 1978 HONDA CIVIC CVCC, 5 ------Ing and crUising, $8,500 system Undergrouoa BARBIE, ETC GM , munacu. brakes, air, stereo, $2,000 Ziebarted, has a btUe rust speed, excellent condItion, 1981 RELIANT wagon _ Must see 822-9348 spnnkler system. $249,000. 7fP-5568 late condttlon, 88&-5630(un- 882-~58_ _ _ __ Good running condition 54,000 mdes, AMIFM, sun- power steermg, power ON ST CLAIR RIver-fabul- der warranty) 1979 PLYMOUTH wagon, 6 sell or trade for stationwa- roof, $2,100 8114-3330 brakes, automatic trans- GAS STOVES SAIL WIth AYH - phone 54!}, ous View, quality construc- LONDONRoadste~ - 1981~ cybnder, ~speed, power gon 171-3143 1976BMVr530fexcellent condi- mlsslOn, 32,000 miles. 0511for mformatlon on cla, tIon and good location make WANTED mmt condItIon Fully factory steenng, power brakes, sIl- RABBIT ConvertIble 1981--:' lion, $6,000or best offer. 822- $5,100 881-6157 ses thIs 2 bedroom brick ranch $$ TOP DOLLAR PAID $$ equIpped, less than 5,000 ver With red mtenor, good air, stereo, cruise, excel- _~~__ RED (;onvertlble-:-I970 B~~ an excIting nver home. 100 mllea~e, excellent condl lent condItIon 9627420 or ft of nver frontage Many rmles Off Site ::,ccunt) s) s 19ro FORD CLVWIl Vldol1d, 4 Electra 22S ~nnt condItion, THISTLF. "a llhoat, 17 'I( 6, 885-0079 tIon, best offer 823-4549 I 886-4511 tern MOVing must sell 772- door, well eqwpped Excel. $5,495 58,700nules 882-1256 molded varnished plywood, extras Include a boathouse With electnc hoist $179,000. EASTSIDE bookseller deSires !1l27 1979CQUGAAXR7:aJr, ster- ( 198i-TOYOTA Tercel - SRS: fiberglass cavened, alu- signed limited editions, fIne -- - -- l~ condItion $5,150 881- 1981 AUDI 4000, 4 door, mtnum mast and spmnaker ST CLAIR FRONTAGE OD 1977AMC, Pacer wagon, 6 cy. eo, alumtnum wheels, many I lIftback, FWD package, illustrated chddren's htera- ___ 5-speed, air, cassette, 36,000 pole, 5 sads, new vmyl co- PINE RIVER, luxury brick r extras, kept like new, sharp, I sllverlblack tnm, excellent ture, art, photollraphy, linder, power brakes/steer- 1900 COUPE DeVille mtenor miles, 33 m p.g , 885-5694 ver, optional new motor, ranch house, 3 or 4 bed- - mg, automalJc transnusslOn $4,995 I condItIon, 886-2537 between Americana DetrOit, Civil l!"~-~ excellent, no rust, needs after 6 p m $875 No trader, 884-3736 rooms, 3 baths. Terrace AM/FM radIO, air condI- War Occult, Avant Garde 1974MUSTANG U - V-6, auto-I 6 pm - 9 pm, Thursday, mechamcal repair $700. 1976 CAMARO, rebwU, 327, 3 -- - -- overlookmg pond for swim- Lit, mlhtary county hIS- tIoned, rear wllldow defros- matlc, power steering, _~~d~ Tuesday _ Howard 5-8 p m 821-9734 46' CHRIS CRAFT fiberglass, mmg Over 10 acres Con- ter 1112-7957 power brakes, AM-FM ster. 1977 BUICK Regal - Landau, ------speed, new tires, clutch, Aquahome fully equipped, tOries, philosophy and -- -- - 198) MGB convertible, stored overa!! good condltlon veruent locatIon ciose to ~. worthwlule books for collec- 1978, NOVA. 6 cyhnder auto- eo, 48,000 mdes, some rust AM/FM, 8 track, V-6, air, command bridge, dual con- Clatr $159,000 $1,000 or best offer, 886-7320, steel belted radials $2,950. WInters, low miles, loaded, $2,500 firm 372-4149. trols, excellent condition, tions m all categories Cash matic, air, power brakes, $7,000 Must sell 885-9396 BEAUCHAMP paid and Immediate re- power steenng, 43,000mIles, after 5 p_~__ _ 881-3502Onp. sleeps 8 Dave Campbell moval good condition, $2,700 771- 1979CORVETTE - White WIth 11A-eAR 874-0000or after 5, 776-3617 REALTORS 197JDUSTERforparts $300or I JAGUAR 1967.340 Sedan - 6 blue intenor, loaded, 22,000 4338. REPAIR 2 WHITE VInYl aft de-ck cou- 329-4755 GRUB STREET best, must see 885-8233 cyltnder - automatlc - show mtles, asking $11,300. Week------1976 CHRYSLER Newport, 1979-FORD FatrmonC- "Flor- I conditIon - mechamcally ches like new, 17~1l60 A BOOKERY days before 5 pm. 465-9110. MECHANIC ON WHEELS - - - - RESORT PROPERTY m,ooo miles, mce ndmg car, Ida car" Excellent condI excellent - $5,000 or offer 17194East Warren, All others 57J.0918. Your Place or MIne , . ON LAKE LEELANAU new brakes, 118&-7630 tlOn, low mileage 885-4022 521-4688. after 5 p:m near Cadieux ~-~-- Tune-ups: 4C-$26, 36 TROJAN cabm crUiser, 22 MI[es from Traverse City Detroit, Michigan 1978 PONTIAC Grand Safan WIFE~r, 1979 DatSWi 310 19ffi CITATION XII, alr, 40 RENAULT - AMC 1981 - 18i, 6C-$30 BC-$35 1968, tWin 250 h p engmes near Village of Lake Lee- extra sharp, loaded. Must 882-7143 statIonwagon, loaded, 66,500 hatchback, ~speed, front m.p g 4 speed, AM/FM. Cleaning, RubblOg, &: Waxing run great, cabm sleeps 6, ha.s lanau 250' frontage. 2 bed- miles, excellent condItion, wheeldnve,37m p g, sIlver Hatchback, sharp car see $4,595 823-1004,852-1144. interior at exterior detail- complete galley With refn- room year-round ranch $3,750, 88&-8407 WIth blue velour mterlOr, 30,000 mtles 821-8393 1976FORD Elite, 2 door, load. ing State and NAISE Cer- gerator, stove and oven Hot house WIth fireplace, FUEL OIL ----- tIfied. 1965 CATALINA convertible, undercoated, excellent con 1978- CAMARo;-va:--air- ed, low miles, $2,250 885- and cold pressure water carpeting, appliances, 3 WILL purchase and pump 886-0854 885-5543 triple black, new engine dillon, $3,195 978--2174 stereo, t-tops, new radiai 7132 Head WIthshower A beauty large cottages, carpeted from your tank Only $14,000 Call Paul 822- and furnished. (1) a. parts, body In good shape 1975 CHEVROLET- MalIbu tires, 41,000 mtles. Excel- 882-9420 1974PL TIIIOUTH SatellIte se- 11&-CARS WANTED 9600 __ partment With 2 car at- 1971 B M.W. 2002, red, body ClaSSIC, $1,500 or best offer lent condition after 6 651. bring, 2 door, automatic, and mechamcs m good TO BUY C.C 28 - 63, cabm sluff, wood, tached garage. FISh house, WANTED 15" wide air condi- Call after 5 p.m , 8114-4424 8694 vinyl top, power steenng, shape, $1,500each or best of- rebwlt engme, depth soun- boats, motors, picructables, tioner, for sliding window, 1974CHEVY Impala - Brough- 1m-CHEW Impala. station power brakes, excellent fer 885-1157,after b p m condition, $1,250. 886-4185 der, shtp to shore, $5,500 riding mower. Asking also 19" portable color TV. am, air, power brakes, wagon $2,100 882-6692, 892- 882-8764. $235,000, owner Wlll fi- 881-2863 1975CAPRICE Classic-"'::'-$il75, power steenng, well.malll- 1097 after 6 pm Thursday, Fri- DEAD OR ALIVE good condItlon After 5 pm, day, weekends all day. CARS - TRUCKS 1968LONESTAR - 18' flber- ~~~TES 573-3900 TOP $$ paid for color TV's, talned $650 or best 882-8ll3O i979- FIREBIRD automatic, FRJf.E TOWINg _-.7 I:!AYS glass, 7' beam, 80 h P _._. . _ microwaves, aIr condItion- 885-4794. after 4 p m power steering, power 1972 PLYMOUTH, great ------365-7322 368-4062 VOLVO, 110 ,excellent flSh- WES'I,'TWIN LAKE ers, working or not. 17~9380. 1980 DIPLOMAT wagon - CHEVETTE 1980, yellow 4 brakes, stereo, 43,000 nules, transportation, must sell. $525 or best offer. Ask for 109 and skI boat, plus tratler, LeWIston, is where you'll find WANTED - Rattan sofa, or dark blue, red leather Inter. door WIthfactory stnpes, au good condItion. PrIce re- JUNK OR wrecked cars and $2,925 884-1699, or 881.8383 this magnificent show bome ior, power everythmg, under tomatIc, atr and more 32, duced $3.985 824-4334 Mark, 885-1585 set, ll82-62Q6. trucks. Top dollar paid after 4 p m with 100 ft of sugar sand - 35,000 miles, $6,500 Days, VOLVO-I64, 1974,very clean! 000miles, very sharp, $3,500 198f FORD Flesta~4-S~ 176-4529 or 777-8352 fHOMPSON 18ft glass, new beach Home comes fur- WILL PURCHASE 963-6065,everungs and week- $3,495/offer Boys/girls 20" ~2-4490______AM/FM, air condltlomng upholstry and carpet. Mer- rushed and features 3 bed- AMERICAN INDIAN ends, 8864716. bIcycle, $5O/offer. 885-6148. Pottery, Kachina dolls, bas- -- 1977 HONDA Accord, extra $3,000 885-2598 TOP $ $ $ $ cury 110 h p. 20 hours SInes rooms, 2lh baths, fireplace, kets, rugs, one piece or com- 1976 GRANADA, 4 door, atr, clean, air conditioning, 1977 CHEVY Malibu Classic BMW 19762002 Excellent con- Paid For Your Junk or Un- complete overhaul including wet bar and more. Also p1ete collections. Mark, stereo, cruise, power locks, AM-FM stereo, luggage 4 d $1900 Call dItion. Many new parts. wanted Car. new block and lower umt 28'x44' building for garage Mr. rack, $2,950 34~0622 - oor, atr, , . Native American Arts and snow tires and nms, good ______792-7094 everungs. Well maintained. After 6, BULL AUTO PARTS $3,850 Trader available and can befmished for guest Crafts Monday through running, good body, 91,000 885-9O&l. 886-9495,8114-8709 quarters and recreation 1975 MONTE Carlo, sharp 1982 FffiEBIRD V 6 I ded , 894-4488 Friday, 8:30 . 5:00, ~7126 nules, $1,500 885-8332 runs great, looks better, lo~ , -, oa SAIl.BOAT Trlmaran,16ft, room Enjoylakefrontliving -- excellent conditlon $9,200 1900MONTE Carlo - V-6 Turbo 1982 OLDS Ciera 4 door, 4 cy- miles, air, FM, must sell, Il16-0861. engine,, tinted .slass, WANTED - Late model Ca- river deSign, plus motor year around for $175,000. G.E Refngerator, 14 cubic lInder, well equipped $8,700 $2,000 884-8576 ------rally wheelS, rear wmdow dillac Call 759-5110, days _$400__ ~~_~~t_o_ff_er_~3!-3624_ G~~~ ~L feet, white, late model, A-I 884-0420. , 1980 280 ~X, GL, t-tops, 5 defogger, air, AM-FM stereo Ask for John. 1976GRAND Pontiac, low speed, bluelsIlver, $9,00\1 SAILBOAT 22' Morgan-very 149W MaIO, POBox 497 condition, 882-1027. 1974PINTO wagbn automatic, PrIx cassette lull switch, metallic mv,es".{uns g,reat, .looks 'fl86.!M23 .. '- • suver, 1 owner. Mint condi- 1965 - 1966 Mustang Conver- ~ood condItion, !ill !icce~s?r- Ga-t1prd, Mu;lugan 49735 exee1r~V"'.,ine~D~~Jry. ~ gre8t"ne".,,.-tires, air, stereo ~ f ,.. • tible, auklmatic preferred. les, $7,500. 88Z-93J8 • J S11-~6«H DOUBLE size iron bed want- poor body. lIlI5-452l. cassette, must sell, $2,300 1974 MOIY1'l!

'/ Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-C

16-PETS 2OA-CARPET 2OF-WASHER AND 21F-HOME 21F-HOME ' 21G-ROOFING FOR SALE LAYING DRYER REPAIR THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAYBE PUR- IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERVICE CHASED FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS FREE to lI:ood home female (Stores are hsted by streets and from DetrOit on CARPET LAYING WASHER.Dryer Repair, $6 SO EASTLAND BARKER ROOFING SALE Belgian Shephard, 4 years, through lhe Grosse POInte,>, Harper, St Clair Shores NEW AND OLD servIce call or buy Wlusable CONTRACTORS FIrst 400 sq ft Installed at house broken, all shots, ex- and Harpel' Wood'> ) ALUMINUM StaIrS Carpeted Shifted apphances Mark 778-4519 $159, based a 1,000 ~q ft JObs cellent watch dog and excel- PRODUCTS Modermzatlon • Alterations • Repairs of All Types DOWNTOWN: AdditIOns • Family Rooms ... lalS or SllingJes .liutter lent with children. Must be ALSO Sldmg, trim, roofmg, seam- sale, 5 Inch alurrunum wtute someone expenenced with 20H-FLOOR • KItchens & Recreatlon CARPETING, VINYL Ren-Cen, Calumet Tobdcco and GIft Shop, less gutter!>, storm door~ Aieas gutters. FIrst SOft Installed dogs 928-1725 or 886-3530 SANDING HARDWOOD maIO level, near 100 Tower and wmdows, railings, al, JAMES BARKER at $70 , based on 100 ft ]d> FREE kittens to good homeS-i umlnum ~hutters, porch en- • Free estimates 245-0507, Sa~r:ue: in PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand- JEFFERSON AVE.: 886 5044 males. 885-8712 ~mW: clo!>ure~ Free courteous es. T- - shop between 4-8 p m 445- BOB TRUDEL ing and llrushmg Speclallz- Park Pharmacy, Noltmghdm and Jefferson tlmate~ MODERNIZE TO 0469 AFGHANhound - $75 or t>est 774-7590days, 294-5896eves ing in dark staming CaU for VIllage WIne Shop. Beacon~f1eld and Jeffel son OffIce/Showroom MODERNISM offer. 774-5283 free estimate W Abraham, 29315 Harper HOME OR OFFICE EXPERT REPAIRS JERRY'S CARPET 979-3502 MAUMEE: S C S 774-00;0 FREE 10-gOod homeL-arge 30 year~ experience GUTTERS male dog, part BouvIer, 1 SERVlCE --Q&-G FLOOR-CO Bon Secours HO!>Pltdl,CadIeUX dnd Maumee, gift .>hop AFTER 5 P M 776-2185 year old, shots. Excellent Installatlon/RepaJrs, all kmds Floor sandmg profeSSIOnally Schettler Drugs. FI!>hCl ,lnd Mdumee H.F. JENZEN WARREN SCHULTZ ROOFING WIth children 886-8373 In:home sales Warehouse done. Dark stammg and fm KERCHEVAL AVE.: BUILDING SMALL JOBS K"i~fiENS -~-2 months old~ prICes Over 2() years experi- Ishing All work guaranteed DESIGNED HADLEY HOME 774-9651 CalJcos and TIgers Free to ence Free estlmates References Art's Parly Slorc W.lyburn and KercheVal REMODELING AND IMPROVEMENT 776-3604 885.0257 Rev(O DlUg,>, In The VlIlage" good homes 884-4805 ADDITIONS INC. ROOFING I Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Dame and Kercheval ARCHITECTURAL COMPLETE REMODELING RepaIrs and reroofmg Alumi- BEA UTI FtfCkltlens -- also 2OB-REFRIGERAnON KELM Gros~e POinte Book Village, on Kel cheval between SERVICE SERVICE num trim and gutters Fath- • year old female Litter AND AIR Floor sandmg, rehru~hing, old Notre DJme and CJdleuX er and Son~ tr amed Free 1186-5270 BATHROOMS AND Kltchen~fBaths CONDITIONING floors a specialty Expert GROSSE POINTE NEWS 99 Ken.heval Bob bham Dale Isham ' - ---- KITCHENS AddltlonsiPorches REPAIR 10 starn 535-7256 Perr) DI ug., on the HIli 526 0666 776.9684 FREE to good home, female 2 REPLACEMENT Atllc/Rec Rooms year old cat Has shots and FLOOR SANDING, stammg Tr.lll ApothecJI yon the Hlil Aiumlllum Sldmgrrrlm FREE ESTIMATES RIClliES apphance service Collage Ho!>pltJI Glfl Shop, MUIr .lnd Kercheval WINDOWS - has been spayed 881-2948. center Service on all major Free estImates, workman- Gutters/Down Spouts shIp guaranteed, call Jim RE ROOFING CASHAN ROOFING appliances, 100% guaran- Storm Wmdows/Doors HICKS 382-5323 CHARLEVOIX: ALUMINUM SIDING HOT ROOFS 2~ENERAL tee. 88So0079. RoofmglShJngles/Hot Tar SERVICES Lou'~ Pdl ty Store LJkepomte .lnd CharlevOIX & TRIM Alummum Sldmg and CommerCIal ReSidentIal SUN'S RefrIgeratIOn - QualJ. 21~MOVING 777-6840 Gutter Cleanmg Year round servlCf' fled repaJr techmcians Low MACK AVE.: Fences/RepaIrs of all kmds Shingles and Repairs HANDYMAN SERVICES, LICENSED & INSURED excellent Grosse Pomte re- rates Call day or mght 751- McCALLUM MOVING com- Devonshire DI ug DevonshIre and Mack Licensed and InsUi ed Work Guaranteed ferences For the ~nusual 7447 pany Modern truck and YorkshIre Market. York"hlre and Mack MODER-NIZA TION 886-{)520 Insured 886-3245 Call 775-7362 . equipment Estabhshed m Parklec; Pdrty Store, St ClaIr and Mdck 2Oe-<:HIMNEY AND Alger Party Storc, St ClaIr and Mack M.T. CHARGOT ROWL ROOFS and DECKS 1918 - Fully msured Also, GUTTERS and ON G. CONSTRUCTION CO FIREPLACE plano speclal~~ts _77~78_98 Rand'!> PharmJc) I\1cMlllan dnd Mdck BUILDING CO. CARPENTRY PERSONALLY DESIGNED DOWNSPOUTS Masonry repairs, chimneys, REPAIR NEED SOMETHING moved, KItchens, Bathrooms Gutters cleaned and flushed patios, porches SpeclalJzmg Arbor Drugs. 7 Mile and Mack * Kltchens - AttiCS FmlShed Basements delivered or dIsposed of? "< Basements - Porches New and RepaIr Work in FIeldstone fireplaces li- FIREPLACE, wood stoves, oJ! Two Pomte reSidents wlll St John HospItal. MulO~s neal Mack, Trim Mouldmgs LIcensed and Insured censed 839-9459 Gift Shop dnd The Nook * Bathroollli> - Rec Rooms General Home RepaIrs flue cleaning. Caps and move or remove large or Outdoor deck environments ADVANCE MAINTENANCE ------Merit Woods Pharmacy, Boul nemoulh and Mack QUALITY WORKMANSHIP HANDYMAN With truck screens installed Insured, small quantlttes of furmture, CUSTOM CRAFTED 17319East Warren Harkness Pharmacy. LochmoOi and Mack AT REASONABLE RATES Clean basements, garages, no mess, Professional Mas- appliances, pIanos - or Cabinets - FormIca 884-9512 Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack * 521 5589 839-9307 etc. Any hauling, odd JObs ter Sweep Coachhght what have you Call for free Wood worlung - trun work Mr C's Dell, Ridgemont and Mdck * ~ - -- JOHN D. SIMON Bob - 885-6227. ChJmney Sweep Company. estimates Call John Stem- Replacement Wmdows SHOREWOOD E R BROWN Inger, 343-0481or 822-2208 * 778-1028- 7736986 885-3733. Bob's Drug Store Roslyn and Mack InterIor - ExterIor Doors BUILDERS DAVE THE HANDYMAN P S Others may copy our ad * Roofmg, Caulkmg, ALL TYPES OF HOME FULL Y LICENSED AND M J CHIMNEY Sweep No but never our price, experl' EAST WARREN AVE.: • Quallty-Remodelmg Weatherstrlppmg, RepaIrs MAINTENANCE mess Reliable service Res- INSURED ence or style The Wme Basket, Outer Drive and E Warren • Room AdditIOns LICENSED INSURED AND REPAIRS Idential, commercial John GENERAL HOME REPAIR • Dormers ------Mr C's, Grayton and E Warren NO JOB TOO SMALL 368-1177. RELIABLE POINTE resIdent Free EstImates - 882-6842 • KItchens YOUR HOME IS EXPERIENCED 7/Eleven, East Warren between WIthtruck WIllmove large or AL MEREELLI, 886-8710 AN INVESTMENT REASONABLE small quanhties CadIeux and Balduck Park VOCCIA 20E-INSULAT10N 27 years of continuous service Any roofing or sldmg work EXCELLENT G P INSURED Mr C's Dell, Morang & Kelly CONSTRUCTION you have done should be REFERENCES Bob 882.1968 EAST DETROIT: CO., INC. _~ the ~~!~~mdustry quality workmanship WIth 839-1236 INSULATION qUdhty matenals Call me 21A-PIANO Merit Book Center, 22425 Kelly 9 Mile Road • AdditIOns QUALITY HOME Improve Blown-m • Dormers for a free estimate or roof- PAINTING and wall washing. SERVICE ments . Drywalhng, Pamt- Call Leo, 791-4855. Attics & Sidewalls ST. CLAIR SHORES: • Garages lng, Ceramic Tllmg and Ing, alum mum and Vinyl Free Energy Audits • Kltchens sldmg, gutters. storm doors Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon (8'/2 Mile) Carpentry No job too small HANDYMAN SerVIce - 0% UTIUTY FINANCING COMPLETE PIANO service • FIreplaces and Windows Tunmg, rebutldmg, refmish Manor Pharmacy Greater Mack and Red Maple Lane At lowest prIces, call MIke - reasonable rates. 772-4176 TOXlCFoam ExtractJon BrIck and Cemenl work 774-4514 LICENSED CONTRACTOR Formaldehyde Testing ing Member Piano Technt- The Book Store on Mack south of 9 Mile RON VERCRUYSSE CO SAILORS boaters boats Bank fmancmg avaIlable need ALL POINTES CONST. CO. clans Gwld Zech-Bossner Perry Drugs off Marter and Jefferson Complete LETO BUILDING CO 774-3542 sanded, painted, reasonable 886-3537 731-7707 Lake Pharmacy, E 9 MIle between Mack dnd Jefferson Home ModermzatlOn SINCE 1911 Dave 881-8783 Perry Drugs. Shores ShoppIng Center, 777.2816 773-1105 CUSTOM BUILDING ProfeSSIOnal gutter service 2OF-WASHER AND PIANO TUNING and repaIr- 16-PETS 13 Mile and Harpel REMODELING Sldmg and trim. roof re DRYER REPAIR mg Work guaranteed Shores Canteen on Jefferson near 13 MIle DIMENSIONAL REC ROOMS pairs Reasonable Reh FOR SALE Member AFM Edward Fel. New Horizons Book Shop LIttle Mack and 13 Mile BLDG. INC. KITCHENS able I do my own work ske 465-6358 MODERNIZATION 882-3222 LICENSED & INSURED LET GEORGE DO IT HARPER WOODS: RESIDENTIAL & JOH N WI LLiAMS If you lose me Washer, dryer, dishwasher PIANO SERVICES - Tuning Parkcrest Party Store. P.lrkcres! and Harper COMMERICAL 21G-ROOFING and repair QualIfIed tech- 8855813 or find me ... and ranges repaired All Hunter Pharmacy Country Club and Harper SERVICE makes. NO SERVICE nician FleXIble hours Kitchens, baths, Fromlca Spring discount 881-8276 Kaycee Drugs Bournemouth and Harper REPAIRS CHARGE If repaired. Guar. The Tmder Box Eac;lland Shoppmg Center. Aisle 7 ceranuc, custom cabinets • Roofing • Gutters • Chlm. LICENSED & anteed parts and service REPAIR - REFINISHING R. LAETHEM neys • Porches • All Car- Speclahzing in GE, Ken- European Master Te..hruLlan REASONABLE more and Whirlpool prod- 772-4176 pentry. 40 Yrs Exp Free Est ROOFING LICENSED AND INSURED ucts TELEPHONE 832-6721 21E-STORMS AND 21F-HOME 573-4276 PERSONALIZED SCREENS IMPROVEMENT ALUMINUM sldmg and tnm SERVICE SINCE 1965 21~EWJNG Vinyl Siding, alumlnurri 886-7456 - -,--,------George Stults storm WIndows and doors, ROOFING and Sldmg Refer. MACHINE FORMICA KI'l CHEN ences, reasonable, Insured 885-1762 EASTVIEW COUNTER TOPS & alummum gutters, alumm- FRED'S Roof Repau Com. um replacement pnme m.4176 COMPLETE TUNE. UP $7 95 ALUMINUM INC. VANITIES merclal - resldentJal Spe DAYS AND evenin~s windows, vmyl replace- Clalty flat roofs Call me, I Apphance repair . 30 All makes, all ages All parts 17008MACK CORlAN & CABINETS FREE ESTIMATES ment prime WIndows, awn- can help 823-4019 D.&L. ROOFING years experience washers, stocked 885-743'7 NR CADIEUX mgs Wrought Iron Porch dryers, dishwashers. 296- Grosse POinte Park EDW VAN OSTAEYEN CommerCIal-ReSIdentIal 21e-ELECTRICAL steps Best quahty mater-/ 1671 294-6875. Glass ~creen repair Siding, 839-0424 465-7152 lalS In busmess 26 years HaTTAR SERVICE storms trim loofmg. gut. BARRY'S * We'll run your ad RICHIE'S ApplIance Service TONIA CONSTRUCTION INC Licensed/Insured Call ROOFS * ters, "rought Iron. (vlnvl Phil's Home Servlce BUILDING FREE!! center- service on all major products) d\\ mngs . • AddItIOns • KItchens Shlngles,tear offs and repaJrs S & J ELECTRIC • Bathrooms. Vmyl Wmdows 3'71-3724anytlme SpeCIaliZIng In ReSidentIal 882-6900 appliances 100% guaran- 881 1060 01 527 5616 Work guaranteed LIcensed tee. We have a complete line ResidentIal-CommercIal • Concrete • Roofing - AL[POINTES Roofmg, complete home and Insured No Job Too Small • AlteratIOns. Repairs Improvements 15 years of new and used parts 885- FREE ESTIMATES CONST CO 527-2222 885-2930 FULLY LICENSED In the area 2G-GENERAL 0079. ------ALUMINUM DOORS AND COMPLETE REMODELING AND INSURED SERVICE RETIRED MASTER electri- WINDOWS. SCREENS RE- Easy FInancing Avallable 775-1532 2OE-INSULAT10N 296-3134 469-85W WILLIAM FOSTER, cIan Licensed VIOlatIOns PAIRED, FREE PICKUP SPECIALIZING IN Roof leak repairs, gutters, Services Increased Also AND DELIVERY, DOOR * KItchens - Baths . Rec sheet metal small jobs TU 5-2966 WALLS, PORCH ENCLO K BUILDING CO. Rooms and AdditIOns 88So1900 D C KELLY BUILDER COLVILLE SURES FRED'~ STORM, *INSULATION PAQUIN AMERICAN HANDYMAN SUDRO INSULATION 839-4311 EVENING CALLS • QualIty Remodelmg ROOFING CORP Smce 1948 ELECTRIC CO. WELCOME • Anderson Replacement - BLOWN-IN OR BLANKET ToXIC Foam ExtractIon ROOFING _ GUTTERS. SLATE Tired of paymg skyrocket Ranges, Dryers, SerVIces, Wmdows & Doors • AdditIOns of all typec; Formaldehyde Testmg • WOOD SHINGLES ALL GENERAL mg fuel bills? Ask for Doorbells SPECIALISTS IN LIcensed Insured our portfolio of homes 21F-HOME • Custom Garages * Complete Wmdow and FLAT ROOFS MAINTENANCE VIOLATIONS IMPROVEMENT Door Contractor 885-8545 HOME REPAIRS, With current fuel bill FAST EMERGENCY 882-3463 LICENSED - INSURED savmgs Take advantage 886-3537 INSIDE AND OUT SERVICE LICENSED & INSURED of our off-season pnclng CABINET MAKER 839-7534 21H-CARPET COMMERCIAl) 774-9110 CLEANING now Comfort for all • Custom cabinets, varutles RESIDENTIAL seasons 15'7< Federal BOB'S ELECTRIC - • Forrruca counter tops Tax Crecllt SPECIAL 24 HOUR SERVICE Licensed electncal contrac. BAK.ER'cONCEPTS • Speclallzmg In cabinet re- 1181-3515 tor. VIOlation corrections 2 ROOMS cleaned, 3rd room 293-5659 A Division of Cox and Baker faCing ROOF and. nusc repairs, no job too FREE ESTIMATES cleaned FREE ,6 bIg, no Job too small 44So Dave. 882-8809, 884-0713 LEAK o CARPET 0898. Innovative new ideas for I'D-ADOPT ------. CLEANING CO. ELECTRICAL WORK by IJ. complete interior and exterior REMODELING REPAIR SHAMPOO & steam extrac- censed, Insured contractor remodeling. SPECIALISTS SPECIALISTS tion, spot & stain removal, Free estimates - 881-9751 AddItIOns. Dormers free estimates, lowest pnces The Oakland Humane FREE ESTIMATES In the Pomtes ..~ ELECTRICAL work - small or 19591 Mack Avenue KItchens. Baths 294-1602 773-0525 ~ Society & large JObs - violations cor- Garages. Porches Roof Leaks Guaranteed ------rected - permits - Ron Doran Grosse Pointe Woods. 884-7088 Aluminum. Roofmg 20 Yrs Experience K-CARPET Cfti:' located In ~~t.,\ - 881-0748- 7 days Before 9 Security Alarms CAUlfUII2.5539 CLEANING after 4 Wayne County ~~J:riW SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES REPLACEMEl'i'T COMPANY IS a non-profit pnvately ELEcfRldAN AVaIlable for Windows - Doors CARPET fLinded by donallOn humane society. fostering <:l Since 1923 nunor home electrical work. "NEEDS SPECIALiSTS NO-DESTROY policy, has many homeless dogs Install new outlets, replace SWEENEY • Steam ExlractJon and cats for adopllOn SINCE old ones Very Reasonable BROTHERS AERO • Shampoo The Sheller IS located at 19601 Mt EllIOtt,near 7 Mile Call RICh at 777-7498 1909" • Spot and Stam Removal Road, Detroit, 48234 Phone 892-7822, Hours 11 00 FENCING 885-0033 • Upholstery Cleanmg 21D-TV AND ROOFING a m to 5 00 pm 921-6282 RUSTIC STOCKADE • at affordable prices RADIO REPAIR CHAIN LINK - VINYL SEVEN DAYS A WEEK ~ COLORED-GALVANIZED JOANNA WESTERN 882-0688 .) Donalions Welcome Cat COMPANY ' COMMERCIAL - SHOREsm-E Carpet dean- WINnOW SHADES f and Dog food coupons COLOR TV, HI-FI, STEREO Exp.rt roof repairs. 885-6264 RESIDENTIAL P~INT St1UTrtRS BLINDS lng, profeSSIOnal carpet ,\~. helpful Volunteers are ~ PET PENS KAUn.lI""'N ANTENNAS STOR", DOORS "'NO ~INOO""S Shingles - slat. cleamng Work guaranteed. I t soliCited SNOW FENCE Fully Insured Tree Estt- " ~ - till. flat roofs t AMJ ELECTRONICS mates Call 775-3450, 24 Thank you for helping those 181 TV, stereo. sales and servICe who can not help themselves I MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - 10403 HARPER and hours Free esl.Jmates Panasomc gutt.r 'Mork. T ('OK - 30 years experience AuthOrized SerVice, 20649 GRA' TOP All lIIork guarantl.d steam c1eamng carpet and Mack, Grosse Pomte Woods rurmture By Wilbur, Doug Monday/FrIday, 10-8,Satur SALES AND SERVICE Lic.nsld and and Glenn Carter Call 778- day, 10.6 882-8540 15011 KERCHEVAL ENERGY EFFICIENT EUI or "ne' • In I'"~ Par'll: insur.d. 1~ Anti-Cruelty TU 5-6000 TV AND STEREO SERVICE Ctoua MonO"rs Addilions Kitchens. Bathrooms Dormers Rec Rm. 21~00F1NG Association Free estimates, for service, 371-6572 SERVICE 13569 Joseph Campau call Joseph, Harper Woods Woodworkmg Cabmel Makmg Reslorallon. Ailiums. 881.5574 Complele Job SIHllo Fm\sh - Large or Small -TEACHER- HamtraJ"'lck RUN MY OWN A.B.C. 10 a m. to 4 m p 21e-ELECTRICAL Monday through Saturday Replacement Windows & Doors ALUMINU~ RESIDENTIAL BUILDER SERVICE Siding Company ROOFING SPECIALIST PLEASE ADOPT! Siding. Tnm. Gutters. ~tc * New *Shmgles * ReSidential No aher hours help as yet Veterinarian 5 days LICENSED R.D. PRIEST ROBERT H. RAESE t /2 day Sat We keep dogs as long as pOSSible ELECTRICAL * Re-Roofmg * Tile * CommerCIal Financed only by donatIOns Remember animals CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR * Roof Stnppmg * Flat * Industrial BUILDERS, INC. LICENSED. INSURED * Repairs * Woodshakes * Ins ClaIms In your Will too' Highest quahty - Lowest Volunteer help wanted Pet food and car. Complete DeS'9" Free Ec;tlmatec; prices. Free estimates. ServIce LICENSED - INSURED labels welcomed For Information call Mary, 881-8019 885-2073 MASTER ELECTRIC Owner-Operated 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE - REFERENCES . 891-7188 978-7625 or 879-9518 BUSiness .No Middlemen FREE ESTIMATES - 886-3316 Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. May 5, 1983 21I-PAltmNG 21H-CARPET 21I-PAlN11NG, 210--eEMENT 21o-PLASTER CLEANING DECORATING 21O-CEMENT AND WORK DECORAnNG Classified Advertising Information BRICK WORK BRICK WORK PROFESSIONAL CARPET EXPERIENCED paint and QUALITY mtertor/exteflor Phone: 882.6900 SUPERIOR PLASTERING UPHOLSTERY CLEANING wall paper to do side JObs palntmg and repair Expen- Address: 99 Kercheyal, Grosse Pointe 48236 CAPIZZO CONST. TESTA CEMENT AND PAINTING COMPANY at REASONABLE RATES Excellent references 886- enced, reasonable Insured Speclallzmg In driveways COMPANY,INC. Plastenng and drywall re- We use Von Schrad~ dry 5270, 771-6621 Gutters cleaned Seaver's Office Hours: and porches paIr Interior and exterior foam extractlon eqwpmcnt. 882-0000 ' Mon. 8.5; Tues 8.12, Wed 9-5 • PatIos, walks, steps SERVING THE POINTES paintmg Guaranteed work PAINTING - Your home • Deep SolI Removal Thurs and Fri. 8.5 • New garages built FOR 36 YEARS Insured Call Tom -885-6991. shouId 00 more than a tem- Driveways, Garage Floors, • Fast Drying U OF M Engmeenng student- • Old garages r81Sed porary Improvement When Deadlines: • Leaves no resoiling residue 6 years expenence Com- • Floor/ratwall replaced patios, porches ALL done properly it lasts for STATE LIC 18560INSURED For free estimate call plete painting, interior/ex- Cancellations and ~hanges, Man 2 p m • Waterproofmg, 10 year years My work lasts. John PLASTER REPAIR DIstinctIve Carpet & terior Free estimates Jeff New copy only, Tuesday noon guarantee BOB TESTA 881-1016 ~3277. Corru ..e - Antique Upholstery Cleaners Peterson at ~8332 Error corrections, Man noon NO JOB TOO BIG or SMALL FREE ESTIMATES 839-5155 ------Grosse Pointe Only PAINTING~nterlor-- ex~ THOM'S PAINTING and LIcensed & Insured Ask for Tom Barrese terior. Paper hangmg and Rates: TONY 885-0612 Call anytIme Satlsfacllon Guaranteed aluminum siding Intefl- Cash. or *pre-pay 12 words $3 20 882-0005 removal References, or/ExterlOr Guaranteed reasonable 712-4176 Each additional word .20 HAROLD FERLITO 211-PAJNT1NG work. Free estimates 881. PLASTER CONTRACTOR fNTEiHoRAND exterfor 7210 BillIng rate for 12 words _ $395 CHAUVIN CONSTRUCTION CO repaIr work Free estlffiates. DECORATlNG *AII types of Cement Work Prompt servke. J. Manla ..l, pamtmg and paperhangIng. PAINTING ,-Wallpapering, Retail rate per Inch _ _ $500 CEMENT CONTRACTOR *Driveways Reasonable rates 30 years wall washing Seruor cltlzen _77_8-~57~ ~465._-4_1_50__ -_ EUROPEAN TOUCH expenence Ray Barnowsky Border ad.... per Inch _ _ _$6 00 ALL TYPE OF *Patlos dIscount Jan 884-8757 CEMENT WORK PLASTERING and Drywall WALLPAPER - PAINTING 372-2392after 6 p m Kathy, 773-9589 Classified Display-Photo Adyertising: *Basement waterproofmg ------• Walks. Drives. Porches *Bnck & Block Work Nell Squlfes, 757-fJ772 PAINTING, INTERIOR~ ex- $6 50 per column Inch, ad must be a • Patios. Waterproofmg For The FInest tenor. WallpaperIng, PAINTING, wall washing minImum of 2 columns Wide and 3 inches • Pre-cast Steps QUALITY WORK PLASTERING and palnbng, In Old World stucco, WIndow caulkmg Elmer T LaBadIe 882-2064 deep. Deadline noon Monday prior to • Tuck Pomtlng GOOD PRICES qualIty work guaranteed CraHsmanslup SPECIAL -all mtel'lor Free estimates GQod work 25% OFF Thursday publIcatIOn $8 00 extra charge • Clumney Repalr Prompt serVIce, refer- Call anytime Mdan 521-5465 palntmg, wallpaperIng No job too small CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES ences, free estimates, Free Estlmate --- Color expresSJons 885.7067 for photo reproduction INTERIORS Free Estimates AND ADDITIONS prompt service LA6-0734 CORRECTIONS AND ADJ USTMENTS Respomlbliity for 641-7766 BY DON & LYNN SELCA PAlNTING-~d~~ 77~ ~rew LIcensed. Bonded. Insured QUALITY Plastermg. Our ------o claSSified adv error IS limited to e,ther a cancellation * Husband-Wife Team rating, reSIdential, com- 22 Years ExperIence work is different. Cracks of the chorge for or a of the portion In error FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING * W~lpapermg merCIal, brush, roll, spray - LIcensed- eltmlllated. Tailored re- "J~. ":I-::::t 0.... .,.,...t!~t be -:: eT""'l 1r"1 t,""1"10 f..,,. ,-r-,..rp,..t f"I'1 II") tr,n II: P:u.nung Frailk Sd .. d, if79 938J pairs Pamung. 30 years. WALLPAPER follOWing Issue We assume nO responSibility for the same RYAN * MetJculous 885-1798 Grosse Pomte 821-7051, if REMOVAL * Insured 21J-WALL error after the first Insert,on CONSTRUCTION no answer, 294-0034. Free .WALLWASIDNG * Over ~ Years Expenence WASHING CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP We reserve the right to Cement and Block Work FINANCING AVAILABLE esllmates Prompt service. Equal to the best, 527-5560 claSSify each ad under ItS appropriate heading The Pub- Drives - PatIOs - Floors References but cost less K-MAINTENANCE Company lisher reserves the right to edit or relect copy submitted Porches - Walks BRENT 882-6594 BUCHANAN &CO.- for publica lion Garages bUIlt or ralsed REA& SON 21R-FURNITURE GROSSE POINTERS wall waslung, floor c1eamng CONSTRUCTION INC. REPAIR and waXIng Free estimates PRE-PAID - All service advertoslng, Wonted to Rent, Free EstImates, ProfeSSIOnal WALLPAPERING SERVING THE POlNTES Work LIcensed and Insured ALL TYPES OF 882-0688 Wonted to Share and S,tuatlon Wonted must be pre pold CFMENTWORK The Best Paperhanger SINCE 1972 778-4271 469-1694 EXPERT ANTIQUE repairs, In Town • Wallpaper and removal reflruslung, re-gluemg "By GROSSE POINTE fireman Garages and Modernization • Painting (lnt and Ext ) Tony Sertich" 521-1998 "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS WIll do wall washmg 821- LI\.ensed and Insured HANG PAPER" • Staining and varmshIng 21L-llLE 21O-CEMENT AND SAL&JOE Over 30 Years Experien ..e ~4 WORK BRICK WORK MASONRY 15 Years in the bUSiness • Plaster repair 372-7191 772-7191 BOB'S UPHOLSTRY - 25% Call Ron for your • Texture ceIlmgs and walls ------All lands of bnck and block off already low pnces. Local LICENSED INSURED WALL washing - Satlsfaction Waterproofmg and cement Professional EstImate guaranteed Bnan, 772-3167. CERAMIC TILE - New and GRAZIO references 712-9326, 368- 886-4374 remodeling Free estImates work. Low rates, free esll- 21P-WATERPROFFING 4198 Bob McVey. 751-7893 CONSTRUCTION mates. 294-7328or 775-lm8 21K-W1NDOW LIcensed Very reasonable FURNITURE reflDlshed, re- STEVE'S PAINTING JOSEF'S 772-3293(Tony) • Cement dnves, floors, WASHING WILLIAM FOSTER CHARLESF JEFFREY paired, stripped, any type of Intenor & Extenor WALLPAPER REMOVAL ------patIos Pre-cast steps 882-1800 camng. Free estimates. Patchmg & Plastering • ExperIenced MANHATTAN TILE CO - • Old garages raised and re- G 01.MIN Chimneys - Porches • Basement Waterproofmg 474-8953 or 345-6258. Wallpapermg, Wmdow • Insured New and remodehng cer- newed WINDOW CLEANING amIc tile in kItchens, bath Brick - Block - Stone • Underpmfootmgs Puttying, caulking • Reliable • New garage doors and re- • Cracked or walls FURNITURE RESTORING SERVICE and foyers. 771-4343 frammg 885-1900 Good work - Free Estimates Estimates at no charge or • lOyear guarantee Hand stripping, refinishing obligation FREE ESTIMATES • New garages built Reasonable Prices WE ARE INSURED LIcensed Insured and repairs. ~ years ex- Senior CItizens 10% OCf 776-8267 21M-SEWER Family operated smce 1962 PORCHES, PATIOS-New or perience Free estimates Call Steve anytime 372-3022 SERVICE Licensed and Insured rebutlt, tuck pointing, brick T&M Pickup and delivery 839- 365-5635 WHITEY'S D WINDOW CLEANING CO 774-3020 772-1771 replacement, caulkmg, CONSTRUCTION 3063 • Wall Papermg pomt sealer with Ill-TEX Basement waterproofing Storms and screens, alumI- ARMSTRONG Sewer & Wat- BRlCK WORK • Interior Painting chimney repairs and rebuilt. 10 year guarantee NEED a Lift? Change your COLLEGE Students need num and gutters cleaned, erproofmg. Free estImate, TUCK POINTING • Reasonable Prices Basement waterproofing Insured "old" furniture into "new" work - experienced paint- free estimates Lowest 10% discount, Seruor CIti- PORCHES AND CIDMNEYS ing. References Call John, • Good Work prices in the Pointes zens Call 824-4311 Over 31 years experience 774-4896 343-0528 furniture for Spring. Call • Call - no 10~too small REBUILT AND REPAIRS Donald McEachern. 526- M&J Uplfolsterers today . 778-0648 294-1602 773-0525 CAULKING 774-0414 21N-ASPHAL T 5646. J.W. KLEINER We will show you how. ROCKY'S ADVANCE MAINTENANCE 882-0589. GROSSE POINTE K-WINDOW cleaning com- WORK 17319 EAST WARREN ANDY'S MASONRY AND Basement waterproofing PAINTING pany Storms, screens, gut- 884-9512 CIDMNEY REPAIR All work guaranteed Interior-Exterior, houses, CONTRACTORS ters, aluminum cleaned In- LICENSED 21S-CARPENTER C & J ASPHALT All masonry, brick, water- SERVICE porches, garages, build- CUSTOM PAINTING AND sured Free Estimates proofmg repairs. Specializ- TU 2-0717 ings, plastering, inSIde WALLPAPERING PAVING,INC 882-0688 ALL TYPE BRICK, stone, 109 in tuck pomting and FRANK B. WILLIAMS, Li- rooms, wallpapering, re- EXPERT ANTIQUING Improve the value of your blo\.k' and \.oncrete' work small jobs. LIcensed, in- CAPIZZO CONST. censed builder. SpecialIzing creatlOn rooms, caulking, A-OK WINDOW CLEANERS home with a professional 885-8155 Ar ..hways, steps, por ..hes, sured. Rea'Sonable. Free Basements made dry. in home up-dating and all wmdow repair, dry wall, Job Over 20 years servmg FREE ESTIMATES Service on storms and patios, ..himneys, fire- estimates. 881-0505. Cracked walls repaIred, minor or major repairs. patchmg 24 hour service - Grosse POinte m driveways INSURED screens Also domestic pla\.es, new and repairs De underpIn footings All Porch enclosures, doors ad- free esllmate. Michael Satmary Jr housecleaning Free esti- and sealmg Free estImates Sender, 822.1201 If no an- ROCKY - 871-9438 Owner /supervlsor Refer- NINO CEMENT waterproofing guaranteed justed, bookshelves In- mates Monthly rates 775- swer \.all everungs. stalled, paneling, new coun- MICHAEL'S 1690 or 773-9838 en mduded and msur- eDriveways .Porches 10 years Licensed and In- WALLPAPER an..e. TESOLIN BROS. ,.- eSteps sured. ter tops, vanities. Code VIa- PAINTING & CALL ANYTIME TONY 885-0612 lallons corrected For cour- REMOVALc CEMENT CONT. eBrick .B1ock .Patios teous expert assistance in ., ~.R~fl~\SH'NG , ~~Wm':~~~~ 773-8087 'BY JEFF' • InterIor-ExterIor Service work, reasona1l1~ rates~~a. DrIveways, basement-and ga- " .eAdditions CODDENS Improvi'lg your home In any • The FIrst atrd Ongmw AL.S ASPHALT rage floors, ratwalls, foot- Free EstImates CONSTRUCTION area, please call me at 881- • Full TIme not Part TIme PaintIng SatisfactIOn guaranteed 0790 . antIqwng and varnishing, Paul 791-4777 PA VING COMPANY mgs, patios, razmg garages 527-2996 ESTABLISHED 1924 • 16 Years Expenence stripping and staming Free Estimates "43" Years All types of basement water- QUALITY Carpentry and • Low Rates Complete kitchen refinishing WINDOW waslung • Spring Pavmg, sealcoating and exca- In Busmess vatIOn ReSIdential and proofing 7 years guarantee Formica work New or re • Insured, Free estimates Free Esllmates _ 885-3230 and fall change. Satisfaction m-0642 or m-6263 References ~5565 phased. CommerCIal - Res- 779-5235 775-ZSZ7 guaranteed. Bnan, 772-3167 commercial Guaranteed CHAS. F. JEFFREY COMPLETE PAINTING qualIty workmanshIp at rea- J.W. KLEINER MASON CONTRACTOR Idential. Store fixtures, dls- AND DECORATING. CRYSTAL Clean Co. I!>dIgent sonable rates. CEMENT CONTRACTOR 'LICENSED - INSURED - ALL plays also counters, kIt chens, varuties, rec. rooms MiKE'S PAINTING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR and experienced work. Call State Licensed and CEMENT - BRICK - STONE • Brick • Block. Stone Interior, exterior, wallpaper- Wallpapering - Reasonable for your pnce 525-1350 INSURED • Cement Work SEASONS hang doors All repairs and Patios, walks, por ..hes, steps Ctrush work 16 years exper ing, minor repatrs, patching, REFERENCES GROSSE POINTE fIreman REFERENCES Flagstone repair • Waterproofing • Basement Waterproofing plastering. Free estimates. lence. Free estimates. Vito RALPH ROTH 886-8248 will do window washing 281-0626 291-3589 Tu..k pomtlng, pat ..hing • Tuck Pomttng and wall repair Reasonable and honest Ref- SapIenza. 774-8933 Asphalt pakhmg and sealing • Patios of any kInd • Buckled basement walls re ('rences Call anytime Eur- PETER'S PAINTING 821.~ 21C-CEMENT AND PORCHES AND ALL BRICK paIred • Attics & Porch Enclosures opean Interior-exterIor Profes- SPECIALIZING IN 21L-llLE BRICK WORK WORK A SPECIALTY • Complete home modernlza • AdditJons and Kitchens 777-8001 slOnal pmnter 13 years ex. WORK SMALL JOBS 882-1800 tion • Commercial Buildings perience. Wallpapenng, FREE ESTIMATES • Cement work plastering, window puttying T&M LICENSED BRICK REPAIRS - Work • Patios JIM SUTTON PAINTERS CERAMIC TILE - New and SERVED EUROPEAN and caulking. Free esti- CONSTRUCTION guaranteed Porches, clum- • All work quaranteed 1677Brys DriVE), remodehng Baths, kIt- TU 2-0717 APPRENTICESIDP mates. Call 751-8401 any- CEMFNT CONTRACTOR neys, sidewalks, basement • Written free estimates TU 4-2942 TV 2-2436 chens and foyers, shower Interior - Extenor-wallpaper- time. • Cement work, all kinds JACK WILLIAMS leaks and cracks. Tuck .20 years expenence pans rep81red Call RIck at • Pon.hes-blll\.k-step work pomtmg Free Estimate . mg. Speaahzing m repairing GROSSE POINTE 521-3434 GENERAL CONTRACTOR • State of MIchigan lIcensed, ALBERT D. THOMAS damaged plaster, drywall • Basement waterproofmg CONCRETE & BR1£K WORK 779-4245 PAINTER'S, INC. Guaranteed '526-4097 INC. and cracks, peelmg pamt, .DRIVEWA YS .PORCHES ALL TYPE cement work. Painting - interior-exterior, ASCOT TILE - 778-2266.Bat- RFASONABLF PRICES n1.1666 CONTRACTORS, lNC window puttying and caulk- .PATIOS.STEPS.ETC Fmest quality. Lowest paperhangmg and paneling. hrooms, kitchens, foyers FInd us fast ID the Yellow We are general contractors mg, also paInting aluminum 774-4896 343-0528 885-0602 price. SatisfactIon guaran- Free estImates cheerfully marble Free estimates No Pages One call takes care of all Siding. All work and mater- teed 372-0617, 521-5832 Ial guaranteed Reasonable. gIven Licensed and Insured. job too big or small R.L. STREMERSCH ---.------your bUIlding ..remodel1ng CEMENT CONTRACTOR Grosse Pomte references. 882-9234 , Licensed R.R. CODDENS JACK WI LlIAMS problems, large or small. Free Estimates Call John Cement 8.&C. CEMENT QUALITY PAINTING Driveways CEMENT WATERPROOFING TU 2-0628 anytime, 776-9439. SERVICE CONTRACTORS 21K-WiNDOW Patios All types of cement work CONTRACTOR and WALL REPAIR ALTERATIONS - Mod ern- INTERIOR- WASHING Brl ..kwork New and repairs Family business for 55 years * PROPER METHODS OF ization, all buildmg needs, INTERIOR & EXTERIOR EXTERIOR Basement Waterproofing Free estimates .New and repair work WATERPROOFING ONLY rou~ to fmlSh m all trades. PAINTING 20 years professional Steps 839-8123 772-1649 .No JOb too small *BUCKLED BASEMENT No Job too small Tu ..k Pomtmg Walls cleaned by maclune expenence WINDOW CLEANING ------.Driveways and porches WALL REPAIRED GUY DE BOER Custom Wood De..ks FRANK'S CEMENT our speCIalty Wmdow glazing and MATT FLETCHER STORMS AND SCREENS ~1~~~~HTENED AND 885-4624 772.3446 caulking 4151Buckingham 886-6102 CHANGED Free Estimates • Dnveways • Patios .Pallas Free Estlmates - DETROIT FIREFIGHTER SPECIAL ON • Garage Floors • Steps .Olimneys .NO INJURY TO LAWNS 755-2787 MANNINO'S Free Estimates • CommercIal Floors .Waterprooflng AND SHRUBS CARPENTER work, paneling, Paintmg and Wallpapermg SMALL JOBS AND 526-3143 Good quality work Reasona- .VlOlatlons repaIred .ALL TYPES OF CON- partiflOns, shelvmg, doors, Pamting interIOr and ex- 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE REPAIR WORK ble References CALL ANY TIME CRETE WORK AND BRICK kitchens, ceihngs, repairs, MARCO terior Drywall and plaster 884-7139 776-5169 776-5525 REPAIR small lobs, 882-2795. repaIrs. Window glazmg. 886-5565 *14 YEARS EXPERIENCE PAINTERS Exterior caullang, stammg IN POINTES 21T-PLUMBING Intenor, exterior, textured TONY MANNINO 772-3803 BRICK WORK Small jobs, *ALL WORK GUARAN- ANDHEAnNG ceilmgs, wall papering, INSURED, EXCELLENT What will you find tuck pomtmg, clumney, por- TEED (WRITTEN FREE pamtmg, wall washmg. REFERRALS ches, vlOlations repaIred ESTIMATES) Check our Prices Reasonable 886-5565 EMIL THE WALLPAPER removal, when you read the Classified ads? 885-0602 FREE ESTIMATES paIntmg, interior, extenor, BETON If no answer call after 3 00 PLUMBER 939-7955 free estimates 469-0854, CONSTRUCTION INC , SPECIAUZlNG IN 465-SWl STATE LICENSE ;;36138 AMERICAN Water-Proof- • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Laundry room and viola- tlnck Block Stone mg-6 year guarantee tlOOS• Old and new work PROFESSIONAL PAINTING IIlIelJrllfI Cement work Patio's Free estimates LIcensed DM~ PIN AND ... CATEIMG CAIIE"AS T!NItIS SHOll WESTE,," ""A" Contractor Call 372-4927 Free EstImates INTERIOR - EXTERIOR fireplaces, dnveways etc waterproofing - 10 yea~s Tony, LIcensed Plumber Also wallpapering RepairS on peehng pamt, cracks, guarantee Bill, Master Plumber damaged plaster Wmaow glazmg and caulkmg •• New and repairs • •I 882-0029 ProfesSional work WIth references at rowest cost ------All labor and matenal guaranteed fmlilmrt1DlIllDIQ GAlll:S TYPI:WIIJlTEM DOGS AM) CATS 01"*'"0 II1IIIOS POTS AM) PANS DE.,," JlAIlI 771-0707 :: .-'1 TONY THE CAl.L MIKE ANYTIME MASTER 445-1843 ALL SEASONS PLUMBER . (SON OF EMIL) SUNRISE PAINTING AND WMT WAT~I IOCCIIlIAUi IOOQ SMlO'MCHEI IIOVlII CHl:18 OMiI BASEMENT WATERPROOFING mmlll~Etlm No job too small New and re- DECORATING CO., INC. (OMMl RCIAL SPECIALISTS pairs, violations. • Interior. Exterior Painting 293-3181 • Wallpaper Removal and Installation ALSO • Drywall - Plaster Repair OlMQII'UMUfr3BIIOIDIlll"'Ol'ICAL ~ ALA" ~0CIl. SWlATE... CALCUUTOIII OIItt1S j .1 \. i . All Plumbing Repairs - In- i \. II . 1 I: I \ ~ I ..." ....; . l' [: j ,\ \ i FREE ESTIMATES - FULLY INSURED stallatIons, remodehng - CALL 526-7494.9-6 P M OR 245-9263AFTER 6 P M I,. , " I"! I' ! : l ...' i I: I I: I I II 1 "\" It" 1 Sewers & drains cleaned. All work guaranteed - FUlly ASK ABOUT OUR UNCONDITIONAL rnsured - Master Plumber. QUALITY PAINTING AND eBIIDRII] Licensed PAllllaTS SHOIS PIPES AND C1QA... DECORATING CO. SPONTlIlO OOODS TEOOYHAM IA8Y NUOS LIFETIME GUARANTEE DAN ROEMER • Servmg the Pomtes for :rl Years PLUMBING \ , \ .. ~. i ',I' '..i '~", I ,~ ',!! \ j \ ; ~ I, i \.I ... • Quality pamtmg, mterlOr and exterIOr ... and so much more . . \.' : ;~, fi ,\,ii: ~,! f"';'I\i:,'~ ::'1'1' r 772-2614 • AntiqUing, stamlng, "The Best" ------,Ii "; th~,1 >11 f'!~'II. ~ \1 • I«!ferences furnished on request Call To Place Your ! ,. ':'.llt. • Insured FOR • Free Estimates CLASSIFIED ADS 779-5235 775-29Zl Ad . . . 882.6900 526-4097 CALL 882-6900

, { Thursday, May 5, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PageEIeven--C

21T-PLUM8ING 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL AND HEATING 21Z-SHOW REMOVAL AND AND AND AND LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING FRANK R. WEEKLY LAWN maintenan- GREEN THUMB LANDSCAPE WILLIAM FREEMAN ~ ce Gardemng servIce Landscaping WEIR SprIng clean-ups Power LANDSCAPING GARDENING PLUMBING, HEATING, rakmg, hand Rea- • Sprmg Clean-Up Deslgn,Lonstrudlon, plantmg, Lawn cuthng my specIalty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEWERS AND DRAINS !>onable rates 10 years ex- • FertIlIzing PRUNING, lawn and garden PrIce IS fight Call BIll after 7 p m. 754-2339. 8 9 l() penenc~_~~~.6~~ _ __ • Power Ralung mallltenanLe Grosse POInte 11 12 13 ~ BOILER SPECIALISTS • Weekly Lawn Care reSIdent DEPENDABLE-lawn ~ar;, MIKE'S • Top Soil BOBNFVEUX spring clean-up, lawncutting 15 16 17 18 1q 10 2J SPRINKLER REPAIRS LAWN CARE • SoddIng Evenmgs 884.0536 and edgmg Located 10 22 23 FREE ESTIMATES Grosse Pointe Call Kathy 24 25 16 q 2B • CommerCIal & ReSidential MAC'S 885-7711 • Sprmg Clelln-ups 839-7033 365-7129 821-9102 ~~ 31 ASK FOR RICK SPRING CLEAN-UP • Grass cutlmg TRIMMING, removal, spray ~IKERCHEVAL,FARMS • Power rakmg Complete yard work, shrub Slllce 1925 mg, feedmg and stump re- • FeItIhzmg BOB SCHOMER and tree tnmmll1g, etc moval Free Estlmates KeIth Damelson • Leaf removal Reasonable rates, quahly LIcensed Mc.l~tel Plumber TREE SERVICE Complete tr~ service Call • Soddmg l>erVlce Call Tom Flemmg Tree SerVice, 774- • Top SOIl- Sand Peat dehv- • Tree removal 7764429 or 882.0195 PLUMBING REPAIRS ered • Tnmmmg 6460 & • InstallatIOn Available • Toppll1g LAWN SERVICE, reason- SEWER CLEANING • l..Jcensed - In~ured • Stump removal able, rehable, 10 years ex- Rea~onable RJte~ For All • FI ee E~tlmate!> Grosse Pomte ReSIdent perIence ReSidentIal or MIKE POTTER ED PAGEL MICHAEL J POKRlEFKA INSURED LICENSED commercIal John Demske 368-1177 CITY OF MICHIGAN LIc RetIred Llc Mastel 884-7013 881-8526 -- -- cr- D LANDSCAPING FOR tmg servIce Reasonable, 80B DUBE VIce, complete. dependable, COMPANY CLASSIFIED ADS relIable 882-4164 USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS PLUMBING and HEATING lawn care by college, high • Sprmg Fall Clean Up REASONABLE tree stump LIcensed Mlw,alc" • Hedge Inmnung Federal Revenue Sharmg Funds for fIscal year 1983-S4 wlll be held on SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETC 5204 Monday, May 16, 1983 m the CounCIl Chambers, Mumclpal OffICes, 17147 MURPHY'S • Edgmg Gro~se Pomte Wood~ Lowest PI Ices Around PATIO MAGIC Maumee at 7 30 P m 8863897 LANDSCAPING • Free EstImates. • Spnng and fall clean-ups UNIQUE PATIO ALL PLUMBING 773 0525 - 294 1602 The budget mcludes proposed use of federal revenue shanng funds in the • Complete lawn care service SFWFR CLEANING DESIGNS amount of $29 500. CItIzens may mqwre about the relatIonship of said • Custom deSign servIce LET US BUILD funds to the e~tire proposed 1983-84 City Budget The budget IS available NO SERVICl!' CHARGE • Free appraisals commer- JAMES LANDSCAPING Free estlmate~ ONE FOR YOU for review durmg regular offIce hours at lbe Office of the CIty Clerk, Cial, lIldustnal, reSIdential Complete lawn servIces m all phases of landscapmg .ARRY 468-5884 telephone 885-5800 Full wallanty • Discount to selllOI CItIzens We will beat any estimate or proof of last year's Reasonable, LILcn,ed CALL NOW FOR estimates by 10'70, we WIll not be under bid on SUPERIOR T.W. KRESSBACH DELIVERIES OF 886-3537 any Job commerCial or reSIdential EXTERIORS CIty Manager-Clerk • Top SOli FULLY INSURED 791-4338 Sprmg is here, get the jump 21W-DRESSMAKfNG • FIll dIrt Call us for a REASONA- • Sod G P N - 5-5-83 AND TAILORING BLE estImate on all your • Llme~tone MELDRUM & SONS LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE needs, • Cobblestone • Brick Patios EXPERT ALTERATIONS • Sand Speedy, professIOnal Ref- • Sprmg Clean-Up LICENSED & INSURED SPRING CLEANUP & FERTILIZING erences Grosse POInte • Seedmg • Soddmg • PlantIng. PatIos • Lawn Care Woods, 881-8484 JIM MURPHY LOW-MONTHLY RATES • Shrubs & Trees CITY OF ~rnsse 'ninie MICHIGAN ----- 885-9179 • SoddIng SEWING Alterations pIckup, ------882-0287 882-7201 MIKE LARRY de1Jvery, evernng hours for *LAWN SERVlCE* 468-5884 791-2695 the workmg women Call Clean cut WSU stUdents, SIX NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SandI, 1-463-8907 HONEST years expenence, LANDMARK LANDSCAPE, INC. WOODLAND HILLS ON INCREASING PROPERTY TAXES references, rehable, un- *COMPLETE GROUND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL dressmak- beatahly rates AND LANDSCAPING mg, alteratIOns and tallor- *Semor CItizen DIscount, MAINTENANCE*- AND ON THE PROPOSED CITY BUDGET mg Ask for Anna 881-5585 - Sprmg clean ups Free estimates, call Tom - NOW OFFERING SPECIALS ON - Power rakmg 881-5952 SPRING CLEAN-UP AND POWER RAKING The CIty Council of the CIty of Grosse POInte, MichIgan will hold a public 21X-DRAPERIES - Lawn cuttmg hearmg at 7:30 PM. on Monday, May 16,1983 in the Council Chambers at LAWNSER~CE-LawrlruT- 772-5645 WM. HARVEY - FertI.hzing the Municipal Offices, 17147 Maumee, on the proposed 1983 city tax levy tmg, sprmg clean-up, gar- - Shrubbery trImming, and on the proposed 1983-84CIty budget. Copies of the proposed budget are CUSTOM DRAPERIES by demng ExperIenced, low prunmg available for public inspection during regular business hours in the office Mana Free estimates Free rates Sernor Cltlzens DIS- - Weedmg and culti- of the CIty Clerk begimung May 9, 1983. lI1stallatlOn 886-1381, 977- count 884-7186 vating 2472 TfiREE C'S - Seedmg and sodding Last year (983) the City leVIed 14.6500 mills ($14.65 per $1,000 SEV) for INJECf any Elm Tree WIth - Planting flowers, trees, CUSTOM made draperIes lst Arbotect $90, also spray- LANDSCAPING City operating purposes. Because of an estimated decrease in the State shrubs and all other Equalized Value of existing properly in the City, state law (Act 5 of 19112) quality work, lower pnces mg and ft:,rhhzmg of trees DESIGN IN GARDENING SPECIALISTS garden work done provides that the base rate for 1983 City operating taxes be increased to DraperIes by Pat 772-5440 and shrubs 293-1361 * Lawn vUllin~ * Gardening :\lainterwnt't' Residential and Commercial Sp,-ing Cleanup Thatching and Aerating 149600 mills ($14.96 per $1,000 SEV). This is 0.3100 mills ($.31 cents per CUSTOM DRAPERIES - * * Insured and Ltcensed JOE'S LAWN SerVIce and F('rtilization* Tree and Shrub planting $1,000 SEV) higher than the 1962 operating tax rate. Quality work, reasonable * CALL TOM TOGGER Tree and Shnlh trimming prIces Wide selections of fa- spnng clean-up Low rates, * EVENINGS 28&4667 The CIty IS concerned that because of the State of MIchigan'S budget and free estimates 775-8778, brICS All hems hand sewn * Landscape Design and construction' cash flow problems, delays in payments or cuts may be made in State 294-7328 978-269~ I'ully licensed and II1s11red SPRING shared revenues with cities. Previous delays in state payments and a fall 757-5330 TRIMMING off 111 such revenues have caused a loss m City revenues for the current 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL MAC'S TREE AND year AND r I*Shrubs and ornamentals SHRUB TRIMMING *Crabapples and frwt trees , lANDSCAPING For these and other reasons, m order to fund the City's proposed 1983-84 COr@~~TE W9~ *Lo..usts, Hawthornes, elL btid~etJand to maintain essential City services, the City fUlds It neces:sary-- Reasonable rares, quahty ser- GbASSIC TURF *Early spnng feedIng vIce Call Tom 776-4429 or to"liicrease its operating levy. Although the City has complete authority POINTER LIQUID LAWN FERTILIZER *HortlLulturlSts and foresters WIder its charter and state law to establIsh the number of mills to be 882-0195. We know how to trIm your • EARLY SPRING A balanced fertilIzatIOn trees levied withIn its fully authonzed millage rate, the City proposes to levy an LANDSCAPING HOWARDS With Iron and pre-emergenl crabgrass con- additIonal millage rate of only 0.51 mills ($ 51 cents per $1,000 SEV) above • Spnng Clean Up TREE SERVICE trol THREE C'S the 1983 base operating millage rate. This will provide an estimated 3.4% • Thatclnng • tree removal • LATE SPRING A balanced fertilIzer plus a LANDSCAPING mcrease m City operating property tax revenues. Individual property • FerulIzmg • stump removal broad-leaf weed control 757-5330 taxes may Increase greater than or less than the estimated average, with • Weekly Lawn Care .tnmmmg • SUMMER A granular fertIlIzer that IS non- reSIdential properties averagmg a 1.2% increase . • Bed Work • toppmg burmng and long lastmg MICHIGAN TREE PublIc comments, oral or wrItten, are welcome at the public hearing on • Bushes Trimmed .cablmg • FALL A balanced fertllIzer hIgh III potash, SPECIALISTS • SoddIng • storm damage plus a broadleaf weed control the proposed addItIonal millage rate and on the proposed City budget Expert Tnmmmg, Toppmg, • Licensed Fully lIlsured, free estImates - • APRIL SPECIAL 5% off early season sIgn- Shaping and Removal T. W. KRESSBACH • Insured .-:=:. up, 15% off Pre-season full payment. • 16Years ExperIence 758-6949 * SpeCIal 25% sprmg dis- CITY MANAGER-('"' ...ERK • Free Estlffiates YOUR Lawn needs my tender 5,000 sq ft as low as $19 55 count G P N - 5-5-83. DesIgn and ConstructIon lOVing care ServIce till the * 24 hour emergency servIce Our SpecIalty snow flIes I I am enlhuslas- * Bush and hedge trIDlmmg DAVE BARLOW tIc With many years exper- Tree Strmghtemng and Ience servll1g the Grosse Nursery Care 885-1900 Pomte area Call Patrick * SPECIAL OFFER * Corhett, 881.9940 Now through May, 1983 _ CITY OF ~rn!iSt Jnintr 1Ifarms MICHIGAN get 5 yards off of free nur- SOD sery chIps With each work JAMES J. LEAMON order Keeps weeds control- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REMOVAL led - a $68 value' REPLACEMENT L,\NDSCr\f'I'\IG DI SicIN Free Estimates ON \"\0 POINTER LANDSCAPING 445-0377 7734369 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 885-1900 PL\'\IflNC, ROTOTILL your garden or flower bed Free estimates 1983.1984 LAWN SERVICE - very relI. '-,oddJllg PcltlC>'> [)('c k ... m a rea 886-0686. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Heanng on the proposed able, prIvate servIce Ten ( ",rcJeIlU l~ years expenence servmg LANDSCAPE Budget for the FIscal Year begmning July I, 1983 and ending June 30, Pomtes Excellent eqUIp DESIGN 1984, will be held m the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road, on Monday, May 16,1983 ment, very reasonable Call at 8'00 pm for estImates, 8824226, 8!l4- SERVICE 9515evemngs Will plan and execute land. The following IS a summary of the proposed Budget: RED RIVER RUN scape deSigns at SPECIAL QUALITY Landscapll1g - SPRING PRICES GENERAL FUND Clean up. trImmmg. mam. LANDSCAPING POINTER BUDGET ACCOUNTS EXPENSE APPROPRIATION tenance Insured, reason - Sprmg Clean-Up J xpcnenc en Llc c/,..,c(} a ble ref erence~ Selllor - Weekly Lawn Cuttmg LANDSCAPING Admll1lstr atlve . . $ 432,324.00 Police Dlsc~unt. Sea"er', 882 - De-Thatchmg M S U

NOTE Estimated Federal Revenue Shanng Monies in lJIe amount of $28,000 anticIpated to be received by the CIty of Grosse Pointe Farms MIchigan during the fiscal year 1983-1984 are to be utillzed to pay f~ .. To place your publIc street IJghtmg UT-PLUMIlING AND The proposed Budget IS on file In the Office of lJIe City Controller for HEATING publIc Inspection durlllg regular office hours, 8:30 a m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through FrIday. can your ad Tax levy in the proposed Budget represents no increase over the 1112-1813 ANDERSEN Classified Ad. tax levy. PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING in on Monday. RICHARD G. SOLAK, SENIOR CITIZEN DlSCOU~T 882.6900 City Clerk 372-0580 G p.N 5-5-33 •• GROSSE POINTE NEW S

~, ~

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