rosse Pointe ~ws Vol. 44 - No 18 Grosse POinte, Michigan. Thursday, May 5,1983 30 cents 46 Pages _5 Parents rgamzeI • Opposition to school closings Case dismissed is gaining momentum in districts In case anyone wa.'> wonder- Ing, Grosse POInte was rep- By Joanne Gouleche Pdrenh at Monday's meetmg resented In the Boston Oppo~ltlOn to a plan to c1o~e also were crItical about the June Marathon two week.'> ago A IOUI elelllclILdry l:>choob In vIOl:>.'>e IJ date on which trustees Will vote faIrly reliable source from Pomte next fall I~ gall1l11gmomen- on Brummel's propo.'>al That day another newspaper called to tum At least three school groups I.'>the .'>ame day voter~ WIll elect report that at least three Pom- have formed committees to re- two new board members tel's were among the thousands spond to Supt Kenneth Brum- Farm~ reSident Charles Glass livIng a dream on the streets of mel's plan to close Barnes, Deter, suggested the school clOSIng vote Beantown Kerby and Mason elementanes 111 be delayed "You are havmg your The three were Bill Weiden- the fall of 1984 cake and eatIng It too by the back, 23, (sorry, no offICIal CommIttee members from those method In which you have pre- time avaIlable), James Campbell, 50, who completed schools appeared at the Board of sented thIS," he saId Education's meetIng Monday and the race In 3 22 40 and urged the trustees to delay theIr In attempts to get local teachers Thomas J. DuPont, 38, who vote on the plan until questIOns and pnnclpals to sign petItIOns finished his second Boston about consohdatmg elementary protestmg the school consolIdation Marathon In 3 06'41 school chIldren into the system's plan, Glass saId several educators In a nIce bit of irony, It was three mIddle schools are c1anfIed and admlntstrators have hesitated learned that DuPont was one of to Jom the OPPOSItIOnbecause of several joggers tIcketed by the Several parents said they were "fear of penalty" and that it Farms pollce for runmng m the skeptIcal about how well elemen- would "reflect poorly on them" street a few weeks back tary chIldren would get along WIth Police reports say the incI- seventh and eIghth graders at Both Brummel and trustees dent occurred at about 6: 30 Brownell, Parcells and PIerce demed the allegatIOn "It IS cer- Supt. Kenneth Brummel a m Apparently DuPont went mIddle schools tainly not the polIcy of the board to the Farms MUnIcIpal Court to stifle any conversation on this," local public schools that is expect- Kerby parent Jane Fox saId she Trustee Jon Gandelot saId ed to continue through this dec- ready to do battle over the -,. mIsdemeanor only to receIve a was "appalled" after she took a "Frankly, I am floored by thIS" ade The number of school child- tour of Brownell school Monday to ren In the Pointes has dropped marathon lecture from the One other reSIdent. told the judge before bemg found gUIlty. see where her children would be from 13,300 In the peak year of sent under the plan Mrs Fox saId board she understood Supt. Brum- 1972 to 7,805 this year. Brummel's His fine was suspended mel was selected for hiS post In DuPont's number one fan the faCIlItIes would prOVIde too plan IS designed to keep both much contact between older and Grosse Pomte two years ago be- North and South High Schools and reported that he bettered his cause he had experience closing previous B.M. tIme and Will younger chIldren "ThIS IS not the three middle schools open, what we conSIder to be quality schools In Westport, Conn. Trustee while closing four elementary only lose fIve toenaIls instead of Gandelot mterrupted the woman six as in last year's effort educatIon," she told the board schools in phase one, and three and denounced the rumor more elementaries in phase two of Trustees WIll receIve Supt the program. GP bruise missile Brummel's fmal recommenda- "1 resent that as a board mem- tions to close schools at theIr ber That's not true," Gandelot Jushce of a sort was SWift Monday, May 9, meeting at Defer saId and sure for two would-be bI- school Board members made It South is cycle thieves last week when a clear Monday that those recom- Trustee Cathenne Bnerly added sharp-eyed resident caught one mendatIOns are not the last word all 10candIdates for supenntendent of them in his garage Pnoto by Tom Greenwood on school closmgs m Grosse had expenence with school clOSIngs In theIr respectIve commumties According to Farms pollee _ J. Pointe and can be changed on in top 10 CaTIaY ClrCltS June 13, when they vote on reports, the reSIdent (descrIbed Cotton Next week on May 11 and 12, South HIgh was one of 10 Michi- as a bIg, burly ex-Navy officer) Brummel's plan The circus came to .town la.st week for some ~ursery school Trustee Ronald Dalby, however, publIc hearings are scheduled at gan schools honored Monday as saw a 20 to 22-year-old man hop Mason and Barnes school at 8 examples of the "best in eduea. on his son's 10 speed and start Chi1~ren at Gro~se PQlOte Umtar~an Church. Shl1!lrel! ~sed. -.-publ~ly-steted he was-not m favor to rIde a way with it p m for di~eusslOn---uf ":Supc tten-!1 -Prioorpel- Joseph SpagnoU ... up In costumes and !Iad fun makmg ~ftnd.. eatmg) ,~otton candy of the superintendent's proposal Brummel's plan teacher Carl Jushce and three and popcorn. Later m the day, the kIds walked a make-be- and drew applause from the aud- Charging from the house, the students traveled up to Lansing to homeowner hit the suspect WIth lieve tightrope. Ready to chomp away on their cotton candy are lence Later Dalby added "we Dr Brummel's school closmg receive the award. a body check and sent him preschoolers (left to right) Rachael Salerno, John Starr and st1l1 have to' close -some schools plan IS an attempt to deal wIth. a The 10 schools were selected by tumbhng through a pIcket Michael BIenman. ' and soon." severe declme III enrollment In State Supt. Phillip E Runkel and fence, snappmg a large cedar a panel of experts from a field of post in two alon~ with several 1,200 Junior, senior and elemen. pickets and a raIling Petition says kids, kegs don't mix tary InstItutions in the state, The Not surprIsingly, the checkee 10finalists were honored for the ex- emplary model they set for other ran off clutching hIS rIbs The By Joanne Gouleche alcohol-free SOCIal actIVItIes youngsters In Grosse POlOte get checker then noticed hIS second What mfluences kIds to take schools They will now go on to na- "I never realIzed how bad It among local teen.'> theIr first taste of alcohol between their flr~t Sip? son's bIcycle was mIssmg and was I Ju.'>twasn't aware of It I'm tIOnal competItion sponsored by the the ages of 12 and 15, WIth the National CommIssion on Excel- called in a description to the sure a lot of other parents would The petItIon dl'lve may get par- MIchele Jannazzo, superVIsor at ents to thmk tWIce about lettmg greatest number beglnnmg use In lence, pollee. OffIcers later saw a se- also be surpnsed " Ihe nmth grade the FamIly LIfe EducatIOn Coun- cond man rIding the bIke and theIr teens attend kegger parties. cil's Center Point counseling Jommg Dr. Spagnoh in Lansing attempted to stop him Lynn Wargo, South High School Mrs Wargo said The council says the academIC center, says whIle peer pressure Monday were Student Association parent, admits she never realized achIever IS as much attracted to PreSIdent JoAnn Cullen, Junior "The problem IS prevalent In certamly contl'lbutes to alcohol He ran off through several how Widespread teen alcohol alcohol as the less actIve student Class President Steve Rotta and yards before he was arrested Grosse Pomte A lot of parents use, It'S 'not the lone factor among abuse IS In Grosse POInte In fact, the student who IS In- teens Sophomore President Carrie PolIce have a name and good condone It. unfortunately," Mrs volved in several different clubs Crough. descriptIOn of the brUIsed bI- Her outlook changed qUIckly Wargo saId Some teens begm to drmk to es- when she attended a meetIng of or actIVItIes w111more likely be Dr Spagnoli said he was excited cycler that got away In theIr exposed to alcohol and drug use, cape everyday pressures and bulletm, they descnbed hIm as the Substance Abuse Commumty The abuse council, formed two about the honor and hopeful about says the counCIl (Continued on Page 2A) (Continued on Page 18A) a white male WIth brown hall'. CounCil of Grosse Pomte and diS- years ago to address alcohol and a bushy moustache, weanng a covered that alcohol IS the most drug abuse m Grosse POlllte, blue nylon Jacket, brown cor- abused drug In Grosse POll1te meets monthly and welcomes new duroy trousers and haVIng among adults and teens members. The group brought DaVId Toma to Grosse POlllte to "very sore l'Ibs." Now, Mrs Wargo fears other speak last fall Little sign, parents ma~ be Ignorant of the Housewarming problem, too, and unaware thaI Toma, a former New Jersey cop present? theIr son or daughter may be turned anti-drug and alcohol big flap guzzhng do\"n beer or wme on a cru.,ader, told parents the teen al- The SIgn In front of the A man movIng mto a house regular baSIS cohol and drug abuse problem III Edsel & Eleanor Ford Gros.,e POll1te has grown mlo House looks small on Lakepointe Road last week 1\1rs Wargo who has .'>Ince for Fords apparently bought a little more "pandemiC' proportIOns Later, a enough but It s the cause JOIned the abuse councIl, IS help- of a muniCIpal court battle than he bargaIned for Se('ms survey by the abuse counCIl By Mike Andrzejczyk mg to .,pearhedd a petItion drIve showed students felt alcohol was on the Shores sign or- the gentleman found a leakIng,
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