13th Annual Service Learning Conference: Inspiring Passion in Community Engagement Through Innovations In Service Learning

Call for Abstracts

Conference Date: April 15-16, 2021 | Where: VIRTUAL

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 26, 2021

SPONSORED BY: School of Physical Therapy In Collaboration with: Oklahoma State University, Community College, University of Central Oklahoma, , Rose State College, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, , and Oklahoma Campus Compact Instructions for Submission

Seeking faculty/staff to submit abstracts for a 20-minute platform or poster presentations on Service Learning (SL) projects/concepts or Community Engaged Scholarship.

▪Abstracts for projects/concepts may be in any of the scholarship areas: o Discovery, Teaching, Integration and/or Application, or Professional Development.

▪YOUR Abstract must be directed to one of the following designated focus tracks: o “Innovations In Service Learning” Track: ❖Describe foe e.g. how you innovatively designed/re-designed & implemented your SL course to continue to offer SL o “Inspiring & Engaging Students” Track: ❖Describe for e.g. how you have inspired a passion for SL in your students, assessed success & lessons learned o “Administrative Management of Service Learning” Track: ❖Describe for e.g. how you have planned/implemented campus-wide SL initiatives, motivated faculty, ensured student participation, overcame barriers, procured funding, generated community engagement , and assessed outcomes

▪ YOUR Abstract should be related to an original service learning project or service learning related information that you have not presented at a previous Oklahoma Service Learning Conference & should include: oDesignated Focus track: oTitle of SL project; oSemester in which SL project was conducted; oCommunity partnership development process; oService Learning Project goals and objectives; oDescription of SL project in Syllabus including role of students; oMethods & Results; oSummary & Conclusion; and oReflection & dissemination of results. oPlease note: Abstracts should not exceed 1 page.

▪Submit abstracts to: [email protected] with a copy of syllabus with service learning project or include rationale for relevance of abstract to conference theme by FEBRUARY 26, 2021.