Federal Office of Justice Bundesamt für Justiz Office fédéral de la justice Ufficio federale di giustizia Uffizi federal da la giustia Published by Federal Office of Justice of the Federal Department of Justice and Police Bundeshaus West/Taubenstrasse 16/Bundesrain 20, CH-3003 Berne Tel: +41 (0)31 322 41 43 Fax: +41 (0)31 322 78 79 mailto:
[email protected] www.bj.admin.ch Project manager Folco Galli, Federal Office of Justice, Berne Concept and editing Thomas C. Maurer & Partner, Berne Design Scarton+Stingelin SGD, Berne-Liebefeld Cover Fountain of Justice, Berne (Photo: Roland Spring) Picture sources Roland Spring, Keystone, Blue Planet, Archive Federal Office of Justice, Swiss Customs Administration SCA Copies 3 500 (407.650.e 8.02 3 500 78945) This brochure is also available in German, French and Italian. It can be ordered from Federal Office of Justice, fax: 031 322 77 87 or mailto:
[email protected] Berne, August 2002 2 Introduction 4 Aspiration and reality 8 Behind the scenes in lawmaking 12 Balancing the needs of weak and strong 16 Why do we need criminal law? 20 Europeanisation and globalisation 24 Crossborder crime fighting 28 Chronology 32 FOJ keywords Introduction The Federal Office of Justice is one hundred years old. That in assistance and extradition matters, and it prepares the draft itself would be reason enough for a publication describing decisions of the Federal Council on administrative appeals. the agency and its operations to the wider public. But the idea was also motivated by the increasing demand for trans- The number and range of its duties has greatly expanded over parency and information.