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6507 Hon. Judy Biggert Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson April 27, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6507 to operate, expand, and increase the number ample, the State of Hawaii wrote into its con- across the country. Mr. Speaker, it is by inspir- of Native American language survival schools stitution a specific declaration that Hawaiian is ing and supporting the next generation of throughout the country for Native American one of our two official languages, along with America’s scientific leaders today that we can children and Native American language-speak- English. This was a remarkable reversal from ensure America’s competitiveness in the glob- ing children. decades in which the very survival of the Na- al marketplace tomorrow. The bill also authorizes the establishment of tive Hawaiian language was at risk due to be- So once again, to the five promising young four demonstration projects that will provide nign neglect and to conscious efforts to dis- scholars from Naperville North representing assistance to Native American language sur- courage its use. the Land of Lincoln in this weekend’s National vival schools and Native American language There is also support for Hawaiian language Science Bowl, congratulations and good luck. nests. The programs selected are well known programs in both our public and private f nationally: all have over ten years of highly schools. At the forefront of these efforts have successful operation, and are all Native Amer- been supporters of Aha Punana Leo, a Hawai- CONGRATULATIONS TO AVERY ican controlled. ian language immersion program which has JOHNSON; NBA’S COACH OF THE The demonstration sites range from a state- endeavored to include both students and par- YEAR FOR 2005–2006 wide system to a small localized program for ents in an exciting and innovative way to revi- under fifty students, and from programs re- talize Hawaiian language and culture. Ms. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON stricted to elementary students to programs Namaka Rawlins, Director of Aha Punana Leo, OF TEXAS that go through high school and beyond. They and her husband, Dr. William (Pila) Wilson, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES include programs on reservations, programs in have been pivotal in these efforts. The lessons Thursday, April 27, 2006 highly remote areas, and programs in urban of family and community involvement in the areas. Students enrolled in them include chil- preservation of the Hawaiian language that Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. dren who are first language speakers and stu- they and others have proven are and can be Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join the chorus of dents from families where the language has used by other native communities and cultures Dallas citizens and Mavericks fans across the not been spoken for three generations. They across the country. globe in saluting Dallas Mavericks head coach include programs with special strengths in While the Aha Punana Leo program initially Avery Johnson on his selection as the Na- teacher training and in resource materials de- started with pre-school students, Hawaiian lan- tional Basketball Association’s Coach of the velopment. guage survival schools were also established Year for the 2005–06 season. In only his first The four sites selected are the four research to allow for students to graduate from high full season as head coach of the Mavericks, sites in an ongoing national study of academic school. Over 2,000 students are currently en- Avery Johnson is the first coach in the storied effectiveness by prominent Native American rolled in Hawaiian language nests and survival history of the organization to receive the Na- and non-Native American educational re- schools. A Hawaiian language center—Hale tional Basketball Association’s most distin- searchers and major research entities with ex- Kuamoo—was eventually established at the guished honor for coaches. This season tensive experience in the field. The dem- University of Hawaii at Hilo with the collabora- Coach Johnson led the club to an outstanding onstration programs are authorized to use tion of Aha Punana Leo as well as a Native 60-win season, one of the best in franchise technology in cooperating and coordinating College—Ka Haka Ula O Keelikolani College. history. their work with each other and with other par- Both programs have been crucial in providing In March of last year Avery Johnson as- ticipating Native American language programs. training to teachers in Hawaiian language, col- sumed the duties of head coach of the Dallas They will provide direction to the Secretary of lege courses in Hawaiian, and graduate edu- Mavericks after former head coach Don Nel- Education in developing site visit evaluations cation in Hawaiian language and culture. son decided to step down. Prior to the season, of programs and may conduct follow-up data The revitalization of the Hawaiian language Johnson announced his retirement as a player collection that will be valuable in providing di- in my state has been instrumental in the pres- in October of 2004 to assume full-time duties rection to schools. ervation of Hawaiian culture, which is impor- as an assistant coach. Prior to his coaching Lastly, the bill provides direction relative to tant to all of us who call Hawaii home. Today’s debut, Avery compiled a stellar basketball re- addressing barriers that have prevented Na- legislation will take this lesson nationwide in sume at both the collegiate and professional tive Americans from accessing education in continuing the commitment made by the fed- levels. Native American languages. It also directs the eral government in 1990 and the progress that Avery was a college standout at Southern Secretary of Education to provide for the inclu- has been made since that time to preserve University where he led the NCAA in assists sion of Native American language nests and Native American languages, including the Ha- as a junior and senior. He was named the Native American language survival schools in waiian language. Mahalo, and aloha. Southwestern Athletic Conference Player of federal support for private schools and charter f the Year and the MVP of the conference tour- schools. nament both seasons as well. He still holds The Native American Languages Amend- NATIONAL SCIENCE BOWL several NCAA Division I records including the ments Act of 2006 is consistent with long- most assists in a single game, the highest sin- standing federal self-determination policies to- HON. JUDY BIGGERT gle season assists average and the highest ward native peoples, which support the pro- OF ILLINOIS career assists average. motion of economic and social self-sufficiency, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At 5–11 and 180 pounds Avery went as well as the preservation and revitalization undrafted out of college, yet he did not let this of native culture, languages, art, history, reli- Thursday, April 27, 2006 deter him from his ultimate goal of playing in gion, and values. Since language is a signifi- Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, it is with great the NBA. He first played for the United States cant factor in the perpetuation of native cul- pleasure that I rise today to congratulate the Basketball League with the Palm Beach Sting- tures, the federal government enacted the Na- winners of the Illinois Regional Science rays in 1988. His tenacious play and rock solid tive American Languages Act of 1990 urging Bowl—Sarah Carden, Alex Lapides, Jeremy leadership led to his signing as a free agent federal support for Native American lan- Lee, Tyler Mitchell, and Benjamin Xie. With with the Seattle Supersonics later that year. guages, and the Native American Languages the support of their coach, Mr. Kevin Farrell, In his 16-year career with the NBA, Johnson Act Amendments of 1992 establishing a grant these talented young students from Naperville played 1,054 games and averaged 8.4 points, program at the Administration for Native Amer- North High School bested a field of Illinois 5.5 assists and 1.7 rebounds in 25.3 minutes icans to fund the preservation of Native Amer- brightest for a chance to compete in the 16th per game. Avery also played in 90 playoff ican languages. My bill continues this commit- annual Department of Energy National games and started 73 of those contests. He ment by our federal government to ensure the Science Bowl. has playoff averages of 10.5 points, 6.2 as- survival of these unique cultures and lan- As the only federally sponsored science sists and 1.13 steals in 31.2 minutes per guages. competition, the National Science Bowl hosts game. In 1999, he was a member of the In my home state, I am proud that the peo- over 12,000 participants, making it the largest NBA’s Championship team. ple of Hawaii and the State of Hawaii have such competition in the United States. Each Johnson became the 75th player in NBA strongly supported the revitalization of Hawai- year, this event adds energy and excitement history to play 1,000 career games in March of ian culture, art, and language. In 1978, for ex- to the study of math and science for students 2003 and joined Calvin Murphy as the only VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:44 Mar 15, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00240 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK5\BR27AP06.DAT BR27AP06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 6508 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 27, 2006 other player under 6-feet in height to reach he was a member of the San Antonio Spurs. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to congratulate that milestone. He also reached the 5,000 ca- He spent one year during that time in Golden Head Coach Avery Johnson on his selection reer assists plateau in February of 2000 State (1993–94).
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