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[email protected] of Claremont www.facebook.com/etickernews www.etickernewsofclaremont.com March 1, 2021 Combating the Pandemic in a Parking Lot Claremont Firefighters Have Vaccinated 1,000s at RVCC By Eric Zengota e-Ticker News CLAREMONT, NH—Several members of the Claremont Fire Department have been up at River Valley Community College over the past month, inoculating people with either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine in the battle against COVID-19. They’re assisting the New Hampshire Na- tional Guard, which is in charge of the RVCC site. “They have that location well squared away,” said captain Jim Chamberlain. “We have an ex- cellent working relationship.” The firefighters work from 4 to 8 hours on their off days at the department, but there is no cost to Claremont taxpayers, stated fire chief Bryan Burr. The State reimburses the City for the hours spent at the RVCC site. All members of the Claremont Fire Department are either EMTs, Advanced EMTs or Paramedics. EMTs had been qualified to inject only epinephrine following “Ready, Set, Inject” training. But when the pandemic struck, New Hampshire need- ed more vaccinators, so EMTs were authorized to administer vaccines. Firefighters — among them Tim Vezina, Kyle Lizotte, Bill Hardy and Ken- ny Smith — also help with administrative tasks, such as checking IDs, confirming each injection in the database, and handing out COVID-19 Vac- cination Record Cards noting which vaccine was received and whether it was the first or the second dose.