e-Ticker News of Claremont, Section A A!1 Claremont Speedway Recap, e-Ticker News Page B1 etickernews@gmail.com of Claremont www.facebook.com/etickernews www.etickernewsofclaremont.com June 25, 2018 Claremont to Host July 4th Celebration Ready, CLAREMONT, NH—The Claremont Parks and Recreation Department has announced the schedule for the Annual July 4th Celebra- tion at Monadnock Park on Wednesday, July Set, 4th. The excitement will begin at 6:00 p.m. with many local vendors on hand selling food, Float… The beach at Mount Sunapee State Park in Newbury wel- comes visitors to its sandy stretch. Adults $5, kids 6- 11 $2, 5 and un- der and NH resi- dents age 65 and over admitted free. For more drinks, and novelty items. information, visit “We are excited to have Last Kid Picked, a nhstateparks.org/ local band that is considered one of New Eng- visit/state-parks/ land’s best cover bands, playing a variety of mount-sunapee- musical genres. The band is great for dancing state-park.aspx or listening to and provides an enjoyable expe- or call rience for all audiences,” said Mark Brislin, 603-763-5561 Parks and Recreation Director for the City of (Eric Zengota Claremont. “July 4th is a great time to bring photo). the community together and celebrate,” he added. All of these fun events will lead up to the spectacular fireworks show at 9:30 p.m.to conclude the evening. This year’s fireworks display is presented by McGee Toyota of Claremont. To help continue the popular July 4th celebration in future years, (Continued on page A2) e-Ticker News of Claremont, Section A A!2 July 4th, from A1 6:30 PM -9:30 PM Last Kid Picked Perfor- for Criminal Threatening with a Deadly mance Weapon, June 7, 2018. Claremont Parks & Rec will be asking for a $1 9:30 PM Fireworks Presented by McGee Fancy Mosconas, 22, Newport, NH, indicted donation at the entrance of Monadnock Park. Toyota of Claremont for Theft by Deception, between Dec. 16, Your support is greatly appreciated to help 2018, and Dec. 21, 2017. continue this tradition; donations for the fire- works fund can also be sent to or dropped off Sullivan County UMArmy Youth Mission Returning at the Claremont Savings Bank Community Center, 152 South St., Claremont, NH 03743, Grand Jury CLAREMONT, NH—The UMArmy Youth during business hours. Mission group is coming to the Sullivan County Parking spaces will be available along Broad Indictments Released area for the 4th year. Street and Pleasant Street. Only handicapped The United Methodist Action Reach-out Mis- and authorized vendor parking will be allowed NEWPORT, NH—The Sullivan County sion by youth (U.M.Army) will be coming again at Monadnock Park. In the event of inclement Grand Jury released the following indictments to work in the community from July 15-20th. weather, the rain date for this event will be on last week: They have scheduled over 20 jobs to be com- July 5th. Please be sure to visit www.clare- Michael Fuqua, 48, Newport, NH, indicted for pleted with a community project for the City in montparks.com or like them on Facebook Willfully Endeavor to Intercept (oral communi- the works. First United Methodist is once @ClaremontParks for up-to-date schedules cation), March 15, 2018; Violation of Privacy, again hosting the group with the help of the and announcements for the July 4th celebra- March 15, 2018. City Parks and Recreation Department helping tion. Anthony M. Ouellette, 34, Claremont, NH, with shower facilities and Stevens High School indicted for Habitual Offender, Feb. 19, 2018. with sleeping arrangements. Local organizers Schedule of Events Samantha Davis, 28, 103 County Farm are looking to the community to spread the Road, Unity, NH, indicted for Drug Enterprise 6:00 PM Food Vendors Open word that these amazing youth and adults will Leader, Special Felony Offense, between Nov. 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Street Magic with Dylan be in our City during that week and to welcome 1, 2017, and April 11, 2018. Tenney them when they see them. Kasey Decato, 29, 103 County Farm Road, Unity, NH, indicted for Falsifying Physical Evi- dence, May 3, 2018. e-Ticker News of Claremont LLC Amanda Bateman, 31, Boscawen, NH, in- Index is published each Monday dicted for Delivery of Articles Prohibited, be- tween March 30, 2018, and May 1, 2018. Commentary………………..……A4-A5 Phyllis A. Muzeroll Cassandra Greer, 42, Navasota, TX, indicted Classifieds………………….……A9-A11 Publisher/Editor for Delivery of Articles Prohibited, between Business News…………….……A12-A14 March 30, 2018, and May 1, 2018. Bill Binder Mayoral Notes……………..…….A16 Photographer/Reporter Jonathon King, 25, Goshen, NH, indicted for Operation after Certification as Habitual Of- Sports……………………….….…B1-B3 Les St. Pierre fender, May 23, 2018. Calendar/Events……….………..B4-B8 Columnist Chris J. Cristini, 29, Claremont, NH, indicat- Inspiration……………………..…B9 Erin Rice ed for Reckless Conduct with a Deadly Obituaries………………………..B10-B11 Reporter Weapon, April 14, 2018. Claremont Senior Center………B11 Howard P. Richards, 54, Claremont, NH, in- City Council Agenda……………B12 etickernews@gmail.com dicted Claremont Fire Dept. Log..…….B12 Snail mail to: NH Lottery Numbers 6 Osgood Ave. Claremont, NH 03743 06/23/2018 603-542-7319 NH PowerBall e-Ticker News reserves the right to reject/decline any 16 29 43 45 56 25 2 material submitted that is deemed inappropriate for our publication. Mega Millions 06/22/2018 2 6 11 27 44 20 2 The opinions expressed in articles, Letters to the Editor or columns are those of the writers and Megabucks 06/23/2018 do not necessarily reflect the opinion 4 12 23 28 38 4 of the e-Ticker News Member, Greater Claremont Chamber of Commerce For more lottery numbers, https://www.nhlottery.com/Homepage e-Ticker News of Claremont, Section A A!3 Built by generations before us, with the purpose to serve you. www.claremontsavings.com e-Ticker News of Claremont, Section A A!4 Commentary ate also gave strong approval to the amendment by a 22-2 roll call vote on May 2. Among the two senators voting for it were Hanover’s NH House Happenings Martha Henessey, a Democrat, and Stoddard’s Ruth Ward, a Republi- By Rep. John Cloutier can, who combined together represent all 15 of Sullivan County’s 15 municipalities in the Senate. I joined the overwhelming majority of my fellow representatives in Two Amendments on Nov. Ballot voting for CACR 15. I did so based on the Judiciary Committee’s unan- imous recommendation, and Rep. Berch’s report. Granite State voters will be casting ballots on two As earlier mentioned, CACR 16 is the second proposed constitu- proposed amendments to New Hampshire’s Consti- tional amendment to be considered by voters on Nov. 6. This proposal tution on top of all the political offices in the Nov. 6 which would expand privacy rights in New Hampshire was first adopted General Election. by the House on Feb. 22 as readers may remember from a previous The first proposed amendment is CACR (Constitutional Amendment column. It was adopted after a brief debate, and a vote on a floor Concurrent Resolution)15, which would allow taxpayers eligible to vote amendment offered by Manchester Rep. Timothy Smith, a Democrat, in our state the legal standing to petition the New Hampshire Superior that would have modified the amendment so as to protect citizens from Court to declare whether the state or the political subdivision in which not only intrusion on their personal information by state government, the taxpayer resides has spent funds in violation of a law, ordinance, or but also intrusion by private entities, including businesses. But Rep. provision of the state constitution. The second proposal is CACR 16, an Smith’s floor amendment was defeated by a 255-79 division vote. amendment that would provide that an individual’s right to “live free The Judiciary Committee, to which CACR 16 had first referred for from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natur- scrutiny, again recommended the proposal by a strong 15-2 roll call al, essential, and inherent.” Both proposals were approved by first the vote. Stratford Rep. Kurt Wuelper, a Republican, wrote the report for House and later the New Hampshire Senate this year by the three-fifths Judiciary’s “Ought To Pass” recommendation. In the report, Rep. or 60 percent majority necessary under our state constitution to have Wuelper stated, “This constitutional amendment formally recognizes both submitted to voters for their consideration on Nov. 6, 2018. If at our right to privacy in our personal information. We’ve long protected least two-thirds, or approximately 66.7 percent of all voters casting bal- our privacy in our ‘person, houses, papers and effects,’ but this emits lots on both, vote “Yes” on either one or both, then they will become the modern ability to collect/analyze personal information-things like part of the constitution. health data, information from our DNA etc. Our personal information CACR 15 was approved by the House on March 6 with little debate today is perhaps more important than those items already protected, on the floor, and on an overwhelming 309-9 roll call vote. The pro- and this resolution will provide the same protection to our personal data posed amendment had been unanimously recommended for approval that we have for our physical things.” But despite Judiciary’s strong by the House Judiciary Committee, to which it was referred for exami- recommendation, the proposal nearly failed to obtain the necessary 60 nation. The proposal is sponsored by a bi-partisan coalition of four rep- percent majority required for passage.
e-Ticker News of Claremont !1 County Officials Review Plans for Renovation Vs. New for Nursing e-Ticker News Home; page 19 etickernews@gmail.com of Claremont www.facebook.com/etickernews www.etickernewsofclaremont.com March 1, 2021 Combating the Pandemic in a Parking Lot Claremont Firefighters Have Vaccinated 1,000s at RVCC By Eric Zengota e-Ticker News CLAREMONT, NH—Several members of the Claremont Fire Department have been up at River Valley Community College over the past month, inoculating people with either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine in the battle against COVID-19. They’re assisting the New Hampshire Na- tional Guard, which is in charge of the RVCC site. “They have that location well squared away,” said captain Jim Chamberlain. “We have an ex- cellent working relationship.” The firefighters work from 4 to 8 hours on their off days at the department, but there is no cost to Claremont taxpayers, stated fire chief Bryan Burr. The State reimburses the City for the hours spent at the RVCC site. All members of the Claremont Fire Department are either EMTs, Advanced EMTs or Paramedics. EMTs had been qualified to inject only epinephrine following “Ready, Set, Inject” training. But when the pandemic struck, New Hampshire need- ed more vaccinators, so EMTs were authorized to administer vaccines. Firefighters — among them Tim Vezina, Kyle Lizotte, Bill Hardy and Ken- ny Smith — also help with administrative tasks, such as checking IDs, confirming each injection in the database, and handing out COVID-19 Vac- cination Record Cards noting which vaccine was received and whether it was the first or the second dose.
ELECTION DIVISION REPUBLICAN CUMULATIVE FILING AS of 07/20/2020 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION REPUBLICAN CUMULATIVE FILING AS OF 07/20/2020 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party Governor Nobody Keene 75 Leverett Street Keene, NH 03431 REP Chris Sununu Newfields 71 Hemlock Court Newfields, NH 03856 REP Karen Testerman Franklin PO Box 3874 Franklin, NH 03235 REP United States Senator Gerard Beloin Colebrook PO BOx 86 Colebrook, NH 03576 REP Don Bolduc Stratham 5 Winding Brook Drive Stratham, NH 03885 REP Andy Martin Manchester PO Box 742 Manchester, NH 03105 REP Corky Messner Wolfeboro 33 N. Kenney Shore Road Wolfeboro, NH 03894 REP Representative in Congress District 1 Michael Callis Conway Box 259 Eaton, NH 03832 REP Jeff Denaro Auburn 22 Hunting Road Auburn, NH 03032 REP Matt Mayberry Dover PO Box 1776 Dover, NH 03821 REP Matt Mowers Bedford 37 Hawthorne Drive Bedford, NH 03110 REP Kevin Rondeau Manchester 282 Belmont St., Unit 204 Manchester, NH 03103 REP District 2 Matthew D. Bjelobrk Haverhill PO Box 22 North Haverhill, NH 03774 REP Lynne Ferrari Blankenbeker Concord 26 Mulberry Street Concord, NH 03301 REP Eli D. Clemmer Berlin 35 Cedar Street Berlin, NH 03570 REP Steven Negron Nashua 28 Tanglewood Drive Nashua, NH 03062 REP Printed on : July 20, 2020 Page 1 of 51 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION REPUBLICAN CUMULATIVE FILING AS OF 07/20/2020 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party Executive Councilor District 1 Joseph D. Kenney Wakefield PO Box 201 Union, NH 03887 REP Kim Strathdee Lincoln PO Box 581 Lincoln, NH 03251 REP District 2 Jim Beard Lempster PO Box 3 Lempster, NH 03605 REP Stewart I.
HOUSE RECORD FirstYearofthe167th GeneralCourtCalendar and State of Journal of the 2021 Session New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 43 Concord, N.H. Wednesday, December 2, 2020 No. 1 HOUSEJOURNALNO.1 Wednesday, December 2, 2020 On the first Wednesday in December in the year of our Lord, two thousand twenty, it being the day desig- nated by the New Hampshire Constitution for assembling for organizational purposes, the one hundred and sixty-seventh General Court of the State of New Hampshire convened at Memorial Field at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. The Representatives-elect were called to order by Paul C. Smith, Clerk of the House for the preceding session. Prayer was offered by the member from Exeter, Representative-elect Alexis Simpson. Let us pray. Eternal one, Lord of mercy and love, spirit of life and hope, divine within, around, and between us. We come together today as a community entrusted to serve the people of New Hampshire. Even as we gather in the cold, our hearts overflow with gratitude. We give You thanks for the gift of gathering in this space and via live stream. We give You thanks for the hospitality of the UNH community and for the State House staff who made today and every day’s work go smoothly. We give You thanks for our families, our friends, and our home communities. We remember those who are not able to be with us in person today. We ask Your healing for those who are sick and grieving. Even as we pray for the health and strength of those gathered here, we ask Your continued care and protection for all those who are caring for others, especially those with COVID.
e-Ticker News of Claremont !1 COVID-19 and Our Mental Health: A One-Year Anniversary; e-Ticker News page 9 etickernews@gmail.com of Claremont www.facebook.com/etickernews www.etickernewsofclaremont.com January 25, 2021 SHS Alumni Weekend Postponed to October 2 Due to COVID-19 CLAREMONT, NH—Due to this persistent existence of COVID-19, SHS Alumni Weekend has been changed to Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, the SHS Alumni Association said Saturday afternoon. “We are hoping that this will allow the vaccine to take effect and that we can have our much anticipat- ed parade and other class events,” said association president Doug LeBlanc. “All 5-year classes and both the classes of 2020 and 2021 will be honored in the parade. This change will present difficulties for some alumni, but for the safety and well being of everyone, those involved and those coming from afar, we have to make this decision now. With June 12th not that far away, reservations need to be cancelled and rescheduled, parade units have to booked and rescheduled. We want everyone to be able to enjoy their weekend festivities and feel safe and able to gather without the worry of catching this ugly virus.” LeBlanc added, “For those of you who do not remember, SHS Alumni used to celebrate Homecoming Weekend with many events and even a pa- rade that was on a smaller scale. October should be fun! Let’s all look forward to making this the best alumni reunion yet. Stay well, stay strong and let’s move forward with plans for a great 150th celebration.” The last year has been challenging, admitted LeBlanc, "but Stevens High School Alumni Association, the oldest active in the USA, will get through this.
Office of the Secretary of State - Election Division
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION ROSTER OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - 11/03/2020-updated 6/16/21 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party State Representative BELKNAP County District 1 Tom Ploszaj Center Harbor 137 Daniel Webster Hwy Center Harbor, NH 03226 REP District 2 Glen Aldrich Gilford 343 Old Lakeshore Road, Lot 43 Gilford, NH 03249 REP Harry H. Bean Gilford 234 Saltmarsh Pond Road Gilford, NH 03249 REP Jonathan Mackie Meredith 26 Campground Road Meredith, NH 03253 REP Norm Silber Gilford 243 Mountain Drive Gilford, NH 03249 REP District 3 Mike Bordes Laconia 266 Endicott Street N., Unit 3 Laconia, NH 03246 REP Gregg Hough Laconia 169 Highland Street Laconia, NH 03246 REP Dawn M. Johnson Laconia 199 Country Club Road Laconia, NH 03246 REP Richard Littlefield Laconia 29 Merrimac St #1 Laconia, NH 03246 REP District 4 Juliet Harvey-Bolia Tilton 66 Dunlop Drive Tilton, NH 03276 REP Timothy P. Lang, Sr. Sanbornton 140 Upper Smith Road Sanbornton, NH 03269 REP District 5 Paul A. Terry Alton 915 Stockbridge Corner Road Alton, NH 03809 REP Peter R. Varney Alton PO Box 1059 Alton, NH 03809 REP District 6 Mike Sylvia Belmont 216 Farrarville Road Belmont, NH 03220 REP Page 1 of 28 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION ROSTER OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - 11/03/2020-updated 6/16/21 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party Douglas R. Trottier Belmont 45 Meadow Lane Belmont, NH 03220 REP District 7 Barbara Comtois Barnstead PO Box 186 Center Barnstead, NH 03225 REP District 8 Raymond Howard, Jr.
HOUSE RECORD First Year of the 166th General Court Calendar and Journal of the 2019 Session State of New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 41 Concord, N.H. Friday, November 30, 2018 No. 1X Contains: House Deadlines; Seating for Organization Day ONLY; Unofficial Member List by County for 2019-2020; Meetings and Notices HOUSE CALENDAR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE: Pursuant to Part II, Article 3, of the New Hampshire Constitution, the 166th Session of the General Court will organize on the first Wednesday in December, which will be December 5, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. (Please see the boxed notice below relative to the class picture.) Also in accordance with Part II, Article 3, the opening day of the 2019 Session will be on the first Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January (January 2, 2019). Please note that this Calendar contains your temporary seating assignments for Organization Day. Your permanent seats for the 2019 Session will be assigned by the next administration. As this will be my last Speaker’s Notice, I would like to express how grateful I am to have had the opportu- nity to serve in the New Hampshire House for the last 36 years. It truly has been a privilege to work with so many dedicated House colleagues and staff during that time, and I will always treasure the collaborative relationships that were formed and the many friends who have since passed away. Serving as House Speaker from 2000-2004, and again over this past year, has been an honor and major highlight of my tenure in the House.
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION WINNERS - 09/11/2018 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party Governor Chris Sununu Newfields 71 Hemlock Court Newfields, NH 03856 REP Representative in Congress District 1 Eddie Edwards Dover 28 Childs Drive Dover, NH 03820 REP District 2 Steven Negron Nashua 28 Tanglewood Drive Nashua, NH 03062-1044 REP Executive Councilor District 1 Joseph D. Kenney Wakefield PO Box 201 Union, NH 03887 REP District 2 James S. Beard Lempster PO Box 3 Lempster, NH 03605 REP District 3 Russell Prescott Kingston 50 Little River Road Kingston, NH 03848 REP District 4 Ted Gatsas Manchester PO Box 6655 Manchester, NH 03108 REP District 5 Dave Wheeler Milford 523 Mason Road Milford, NH 03055 REP State Senator District 1 David J. Starr Franconia 22 Ridge Cut Rod Franconia, NH 03580 REP District 2 Bob Giuda Warren 660 Beech Hill Road Warren, NH 03279 REP Printed on : September 19, 2018 Page 1 of 33 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE - ELECTION DIVISION REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION WINNERS - 09/11/2018 Candidate Name Domicile Candidate Address City/State/Zip Party District 3 Jeb Bradley Wolfeboro 630 South Main Wolfeboro, NH 03894 REP District 5 Patrick Lozito Claremont 52 High Street Claremont, NH 03743 REP District 6 James P. Gray Rochester 21 Roulx Drive Rochester, NH 03867 REP District 7 Harold F. French Franklin 232 South Main Street Franklin, NH 03235 REP District 8 Ruth Ward Stoddard 386 Route 123 South Stoddard, NH 03464 REP District 9 Dan Hynes Bedford 41 Palomino Lane Bedford, NH 03110 REP District 10 Dan LeClair Swanzey 142 Warmac Road Swanzey, NH 03446 REP District 11 Gary L.
2020 LEGISLATIVE SCORECARD 1 | www.AmericansForProsperity.org/NewHampshire TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 .........................................SCORING METHODOLOGY 05 ..................... LETTER FROM THE STATE DIRECTOR 06 .................................................... BILL DESCRIPTIONS 10 ............................................................... SENATE VOTES 12 ..................................................................HOUSE VOTES 32 ...................LEGISLATIVE CONTACT INFORMATION 2 | www.AmericansForProsperity.org/NewHampshire SCORING METHODOLOGY 4 = Voted with AFP-New Hampshire’s position 8 = Voted against AFP-New Hampshire’s position 3 | www.AmericansForProsperity.org/NewHampshire DEAR NEW HAMPSHIRE RESIDENT: Americans For Prosperity-New Hampshire is pleased to present our 2020 Legislative Scorecard. AFP-NH hopes that this Scorecard will aid you in your efforts to remain well informed regarding some of the key legislative activity that took place in Concord over this past year and its impact in lowering or increasing barriers to success and enhancing a free and open society. This year certainly saw a change in how the Legislature did business, in response to the pandemic. This led to fewer roll calls than in years past, especially in the State Senate. AFP-NH does not score every vote in the House or Senate. Rather, the focus of this Scorecard is to consider the most important votes cast in priority issue ares that impact our society, such as taxes and spending, health care, educational opportunity, worker freedom, regulation, free speech, property rights, ending cronyism, and having a criminal justice system that focuses on rehabilitation. This year, the Legislature had the opportunity to vote on important issues in these areas, which are laid out in the vote descriptions. Within this Scorecard you will find these votes that are essential to removing barriers to opportunity.
2020 Legislative Service Requests FORESTRY-BIOMASS 2020-2091 HB Title: relative to removal of trees from state property. Sponsors: (Prime) Jim Fedolfi 2020-2111 HB Title: repealing the timber tax. Sponsors: (Prime) Richard Marple , Kenneth Weyler, John Burt, Joseph Pitre, John O'Day 2020-2190 HB Title: relative to exemptions from timber taxes for certain residential cutting. Sponsors: (Prime) Jack Flanagan 2020-2250 HB Title: relative to notification to abutters of an intent to cut timber. Sponsors: (Prime) Kenneth Wells 2020-2778 SB Title: relative to financial assistance for biomass and forest product workers. Sponsors: (Prime) Dan Feltes 2020-2563 HB Title: establishing a commission to review and propose initiatives to implement the recommendations of the 2020 forest resources plan. Sponsors: (Prime) Larry Laflamme, Jeb Bradley, David Luneau, Henry Noel 2020-2642 HB Title: relative to baseload renewable generation credits for biomass energy facilities. Sponsors: (Prime) Joshua Adjutant , Kat McGhee, Timothy Josephson, Catherine Sofikitis, Rosemarie Rung, Dennis Ruprecht 2020-2619 HB Title: relative to payments to the public utilities commission in lieu of meeting renewable portfolio standards for biomass. Sponsors: (Prime) Michael Harrington FISH AND GAME 2020-2039 HB Title: relative to cruelty to a wild animal, fish, or wild bird. Sponsors: (Prime) Ellen Read , Betty Gay, Nancy Murphy 2020-2042 HB Title: relative to the methods of taking turkey during youth turkey hunt weekend. Sponsors: (Prime) James Spillane , John Reagan, Ed Comeau, Robert L'Heureux, Kevin Verville, David Love, Jason Janvrin 2020-2787 SB Title: establishing a surcharge on certain saltwater licenses and establishing a fund for derelict fishing gear and coastal cleanup.
HOUSE RECORD 2015 SPECIAL SESSION State of New Hampshire HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 1 Wednesday, November 18, 2015 The House assembled at 12:00 noon, on the date set in the Call for Special Session of the House by the Governor, and was called to order by the Speaker. Her Excellency, Governor Margaret Wood Hassan, joined the Speaker on the rostrum for the day’s opening ceremonies. MOMENT OF SILENCE The House observed a moment of silence to honor and remember the victims of the Paris attacks. Prayer was offered by Paul C. Smith, Clerk of the House. O God, the Grand Governor of all, we come before You today with heavy hearts from the recent bloodshed on French soil, but hearts full of purpose as we meet today to discuss the epidemic that has affected many of us in this Chamber in one way or another. Please touch the lives of those afflicted by addiction, bless those who work to aid those in sickness and comfort those families who have suffered loss. Let us join the call for peace and unity in this troubled time and be beseech thee, O God, to hold back the hands that kill and maim and turn around the hearts that hate, granting Your strong spirit of peace; peace that passes our understanding but changes lives. We also pray for our House Chaplain Kate today, unable to be with us as she underwent emergency surgery this week. Please grant her comfort and speedy recovery. All this we ask, almighty Creator, in peace and purpose. Amen.
The NHRTL Political Action Committee today identifies selected state candidates who defend both unborn children and their mothers. NHRTL-PAC urges conscientious pro-lifers to support the following candidates on Tuesday November 3. Only those candidates listed below have met criteria for endorsement or support from the NHRTL PAC. NHRTL-PAC only endorses .candidates who will defend all human life without exception [Based on surveys, interviews, and voting records]. We support candidates who have exceptions and/or those who support our agenda more often than not [based on voting records and/or surveys]. Candidates for whom we have insufficient information and those whom we cannot support or endorse are omitted to conserve space. Executive Council • District. 1: Joseph D. Kenney Support • District. 5: Dave Wheeler Endorse State Senate District 2 Bob Giuda Support District 6 James P. Gray Support District 7 Harold F. French Support District 8 Ruth Ward Endorse District 9 Denise Ricciardi Endorse District 10 Daniel LeClair Endorse District 11 Gary L. Daniels Endorse District 12 Kevin Avard Endorse District 13 Mariellen MacKay Support District 14 Sharon M. Carson Support District 16 Jason Syversen Endorse District 17 John Reagan Support District 19 Regina Birdsell Support District 21 Sue Polidura Support District 23 Bill Gannon Support District 24 Lou Gargiulo Endorse House Candidates Support/Endors District Town/Area 1 Town/Area 2 Town/Area 3 Town/Area 4 Candidate Name e Tom Ploszaj Support Belknap 1 Center Harbor New Hampton Glen Aldrich Support Belknap 2 Gilford Meredith Harry H. Bean Support Belknap 2 Gilford Meredith Jonathan Mackie Endorse Belknap 2 Gilford Meredith Norm Silber Support Belknap 2 Gilford Meredith Laconia Wards Mike Bordes Support Belknap 3 1-6 Timothy P.
HOUSE RECORD First Year of the 166th General Court Calendar and Journal of the 2019 Session State of New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 41 Concord, N.H. Wednesday, December 5, 2018 No. 1X HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 1 Wednesday, December 5, 2018 On the first Wednesday in December in the year of our Lord, two thousand eighteen, it being the day designated by the Constitution for assembling for organizational purposes, the one hundred and sixty-sixth General Court of the State of New Hampshire convened at the Capitol in the City of Concord. The Representatives-elect were called to order by Paul C. Smith, Clerk of the House for the preceding session. Prayer was offered by former House Chaplain, Reverend Roger Boucher of Gilmanton Iron Works. Dear Lord, we acknowledge You on this Organization Day as the wisdom we need and from which we draw the strength to set the plan in motion for the coming year. Guide and unite us so that we may move forward. Be the light of our minds and hearts as we discern what is Your will for the citizens of this great state. In our hearts we wish, on this national day of mourning for our 41st President of the United States, to attend the proper rites which honor the steady hand and blessings of his governing years. And so in our hearts we pray that You surround him and his family with Your love which is the final completion of everything that is meaningful. Bless those in this body taking office and our Governor with good counsel and with the virtue of holding sacred the common good of our communities.