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•?&< *& *«JJ9&au. p. PAGE EIGHTEEN GgAND FORKS HE^ALDl MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, lP2i: ' 'ft IS""'""' '"""• iIRISH CHIEF, SOUGHT BY BRITISH, - Senator Smoot, RepuHl'.cai). Utah, _ •». Wit v.."• J /< j for the committee, denied that the , -,J* SNAPPED ATTACKING section would cause American ships to change their flags and said tht j the best information of the commit­ conniwnESTo tee was that .the advantages would MARKET NEWS outweigh the disadvantages since it would make for uniform taxation of ASSIST JOBLESS shipping concerns throughout the i world. NEW VOBK 1 * i Senator Underwood of Alabama, , - , : thV Democratic leader. dec!ared that MIS.VrMl-JUS. •ffr CHICAGO. Business Men Appealed to; the onl-- way to keep American ships STOCKS. ' on the seas was to rneet discrimina­ 1AOXXA^POLIS hern taGRAINcy MARKETS. ! GRAIN AND m ^Jn Effort to Solve Unem­ tion; withdiscrirolnaUon. ^t£°£ i tahcy.l.4S«4®l.*7^^ --1!*•!:*!* < Chicaxo. Oct. S. The - today. • American ssugar thejrtock ^hang*;-r - The senate accepted a contested ...... 1.43 Vi 4* r.47 advsn.age m the *hoat ma«f im. , today extended to the preferred stocK, ployment Problem. committee amendment under which 1 dark northern ...... XMM @ 1.43 H . owteK Domestic : „ well as Cuba Cane j£ the head of a familv would make a To arrive .... M8fc ! pro\^d foreign exchange. ™ products and Ihdus-u : single return for himself and wife tr- 1 northern ...... a.St%©1.40H; buyers showed ^ thi°Ai^ble supply (trial Alcohol, those Issues losing I V* H — rtMiit.-ctiv.ely of laws in eight states, To arrive- .... . 1ST H r'S Washington, Oct. 1.—Capital and under which the wife actually owns 2 dark northern fancy. 1.40 @ 1.43 **, ' total. Rallies r^led . to hold._ied Open-; 2 ^S^points.^ ^ i.^polnts^ennj labor joined forces here tonight to half^ ^ ^of the Joint property of the mari- 2 dark northern 1 1.33 KS 1.38 tt ing ouotaUons. whicn give impetus to community organisa- iTi'Vnrrmi 11 n"rv 2 northern . ... i tion for carrying out the emergency • ' '' T S dark northern vi programwag^ earners, for relief adopted of the by nation'sthe national id e V/IU/CIwApniTDC TAIU PANPITIv/iliLEiL 3 dark northern conference" on unemployment. 3 northern - Harvester, reopics v*~, ------1 dark haM (Mont.).. 1.26H©1.S8H iterrupted by one upturn ' Woolen,woolen Union MSBag anuand Wells-Fargo^, In as appeal to business men and SAILING OF ESSEX ,.i:28% ! chambers of commerce of the country • 1 hardMontana . .1.24 %© 1.26 H Large receipts ne,e — Reading, first preferred, and N°rth to actively support the program. Jo-; RECEIVED AT DULUTH corn market. After*opening a shade ern Paclftc moved forward ° , seph H. DeFrees, president of the i To arrive ... -1-26V4 .eluding Becember^ *» ; ralls. Trading slackened^ perceptibly Chamber of Commerce of the United; Duluth. Minn.. Oct. 3.—Orders to 1 amber durum States, declared that "business has a cancel the sailings of the V. S. "5. Es- To arrive !, being, the", great responsibility in the situation, sex. district train ins shl*> for the 1 amber durum. a week, it must furnish employment." naval reserve, and to disenroll all To arrive metals and: ij; S&hi'ui 1 Uompers, president of the • members of classes 2. 3 and 4. were durum strength Hi S'. Amer.can Federation of Labor, in at received today by Captain Guy A. To arrive — - , -. „ , . _, „ ! into- the stock market opening formal statement, expressed his con- Eaton of Duluth. senior naval reserve amber durum fancy. 1.08% ® 1.12% _ slightUpturns general in the deci.r.e value of hogs gavv , ^ . session. Mexican Pe- fidence that "the trade union move- officer of the states of Minnesota, amber durum 1.03% ©1.06% [j firmness to provisions. Qf t0 aq Generals Adphalt, Royal ment in each community will join en- North and South Dakota. ' durum ^ j 03 \ the market j Dutchtroleum. and such domestic issues as ergetlc ally in the vffort to assist in This action is made necessary be- yellow corn .. .. *i« * 'scoredj Corn—SuUseQUcnuy gains, chiefly -- lt n* A;i'Standard i^uicn uuu Oil au*-» New Jeraey and T«In- providing work for the thousands who cause of the naval reserve appropri­ To arrive .41% I' in visible suppl}" total. Prices ^ a junior oils made large ate idle." . lion, the order states. yellow corn .41 N j decrease kcvAiis at 3-8C tO . fractional/parHnnnlncible an gains.eainS. UtahUt&h and Ch HO Both Mr. DfFrees

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