August/September 2019 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2019


Dear Friends,

We’ve been in a time of political expectation and un- certainty for ages. Many people are very heartened that it looks like Brexit will now finally happen next month; and many people are very concerned at the prospect of Brexit happening at all, or the likelihood of leaving without a deal.

Jesus has much to say about power. I think it’s fair to say that he is profoundly political, valuing and loving each individual and indeed the whole of creation, and working for our deepest flourishing. We may or may not agree on what Jesus’ love means for our current Awareness Week. This will be a short service with can- political context. We have opportunities to express dle lighting, and everyone is welcome, whether affected our views, and to work for unity in our community. by any aspect of loss and grief about babies and preg- For now, I’d like to focus on some opportunities to nancy at any time, or whether you’d like to be there to express love for and with this community. pray for those affected by this often hidden grief. Please get in touch with Rosie or Tricia or myself (de- Our church building is 900 years old, and has been tails on the back cover) if we can support you, or if loved and cared for and adapted by so many people you’d like us to place a candle or name at the service over the centuries. We’d love to refresh the vision for or to pray for you. the church building to serve the whole community, and we’ll be opening a conversation on Sunday 29th Sep- October also brings Harvest Festival, and with it an tember during the 10am Parish Communion. The ideas opportunity to help others nearby. We already have a include creating a low platform in the middle of the community food box in the church porch, into which church to make it easier to see concerts, plays, wed- anyone can put in or take out non-perishable sealed dings and christenings from anywhere in church. Other food according to need or plenty. We’ll be collecting ideas include installing a large screen and projector to food for otherwise homeless residents of the Old Tea drop down from behind the main arch (hidden when Warehouse in High Wycombe (see inside for further not in use), and to reconfigure the back of the church details). And we’ll be raising money for Road Farm here with room for children’s groups, meetings and open in Great Missenden and their work as a Care Farm to space which could be used for café style seating. improve the health and wellbeing of people in all kinds of circumstances. Tricia and I visited recently and were delighted to see their wonderful new highly accessible Church is a place where joy can be expressed, and toilet facilities and learn more their latest develop- deep sorrow too. There is a growing awareness that ments. You can learn more and contribute at our 8am one sadly very common sorrow hasn’t always been and 10am Harvest Festival services on Sunday 13 Oc- given the recognition it deserves, and that’s the grief tober at St Peter and St Paul. when a baby dies, at any stage of pregnancy and during or after birth.

We will be holding a special Wave of Light service on Sunday 13 October at 6pm during Pregnancy Loss


WRIGHT Your Business The Village FUNERAL SERVICES GREAT MISSENDEN could advertise Dental Practice 35a Station Approach, Independent Family Business here 24 HOUR SERVICE + DEDICATED The cost is just £10 per issue (6 Great Missenden, CHAPEL OF REST per year) and the rate stays the same pre or post Brexit! Bucks HP16 9AZ 106 High Street, Gt Missenden, Bucks HP16 0BE interested? Tel: 01494 862081 Telephone: 01494 863101 Please contact: Fax: 01494 891515 Mike O’Farrell Sarmia, Marriots Avenue, We are a friendly, South Heath, HP16 9QW long established, 01494 866443 private dental practice. [email protected] Come along and say hello

Great Missenden A warm, friendly sheltered house for the elderly in the picturesque centre of the village. Come and take a look to see for yourself and have a chat with Carol Lauder-Ross Tel: 01494 865026 or email for a brochure info@abbey- Find out more on our website Rooms Available Now

Rignall Road GREAT MISSENDEN Gt Missenden, Bucks PELICANS HP16 9AW CRICKET CLUB Your health is Ground: Nags Head Meadow, Nags Head Lane Tel: 01494 863479 24 Sunday afernoon competitive non-league cricket fxtures, mostly in the local area Open Monday-Saturday, Evening appointments 113 years of cricket played on our picturesque, well-appointed ground Private car park, Wide choice of treatments Fully registered practitioners, All the family welcome Family and friends welcome. Play Recognised by all major insurance companies when you wish and let us ft in with your family or other commitments and your love of the game. More details: Call us on: MOT’s - Servicing - Repairs - Tyres or contact our Club Secretary Peter Greenwood – Tel. 01494 862592 01494 867272 Exhausts - Fault Diagnosis - Air Con 51 High Street, Great Mis- OFFICIAL CLUB SPONSOR Servicing 64 High St, Gt Missenden, Bucks. HP16 0AN senden, HP16 0AL Telephone: 01494 890990 Family run business Email: [email protected] Visit:


The Village time away from the locality, and tighter financial by Richard Hawkins restraints on local authority spending have all con- tributed, but it may also be a feeling that it is someone else’s job. And the pressures of modern life, with acceptance of more involvement by au- thority in daily life, may also contribute.

But I must tell of good news and a change for the better. The old George Inn has been bought by Richard Hildreth. All the site, including the Ale House which had become separately owned, is now in the hands of someone who is not in favour of housing on the site. Details are not known, but the local ownership is welcome. And, in this context, I can report a personal visit to the alehouse, and the flavour of beer matching youthful memory.

The newly refurbished children’s playground is pop- ular and the imagination of the young ones seems A recent conversation surprise was that a long time well stimulated. Included in this are the young at resident of a neighbouring village, who frequently heart – with a grandmother, sitting in the ‘story- drives through Great Missenden High Street, had teller’s chair’ and another grandparent listening at- not noticed the above. Indeed he could not recol- tentively. Across the rooftops, the buildings by the lect the lion’s predecessor, nor the premises he and fire station are really taking shape – roofs on the his mate were protecting. I have previously men- separate houses fronting the High Street and full tioned the arrival of new lions to replace weath- height flooring to the apartment block behind. But ered predecessors, and today, the first Sunday of I do wonder about the fire service exercise tower. autumn, they were particularly impressive in the It is so very close to some front windows of the sunshine, outside the White Lion Coaching Inn of new apartments. The tower has not been used in old. This refreshment facility is perhaps now better recent times, partly because the fire station is less known for tapas and the name ‘Origins’. used, but also perhaps because it has been thought unsafe for some time. I expect demolition, and It is a great privilege to live right in the village and perhaps an alternative use for the fire station itself, thus walk so many of its footpaths. It makes me but this is just a personal opinion. feel a little paternal, but I trust not patronising. Walking home from church, where we had sung a hymn with the refrain “all are welcome …” it jarred to find the footpath down Church Lane obstructed by overhanging brambles and briars. They would make the approach to church far from welcoming. Thus a brief exercise with clippers was called for and effective. Of course most of our congregation arrive by car and may not have noticed. Similarly, paths across the fields, more precisely between hedgerows/fences, are now often obstructed by abundant growth and difficult to traverse. In times past, local authorities would maintain roadside footpaths, clearing overgrowth and damaged sur- faces, and country enthusiasts were energetic in Now see Page 6 to see an article by Amina Fullager keeping the cross-country paths clear. And the in- covering the history of The White Lion and how it crease in fencing both sides of footpaths restrains became Origins, together with details of their fes- walkers from stepping aside. Certainly ageing pop- tivities at Christmas ulation, younger people’s tendency to spend more

PAGE 3 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2019 Bryan Tomes • Your Handyman A&I

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Great Missenden Memorial Centre Excellent venue for Weddings and Private Functions and many other weekly activities that include Ballinger Memorial Hall Duplicate Bridge 100 seating capacity Art Classes Commercial kitchen W.I. (Evenings) Private rear garden Activities for the over 50’s Fully equipped stage

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Hot Drinks, Sandwiches & Rolls, Breakfast, Cakes & Daily Specials Local Produce, Chiltern Rapeseed Oil range, Jams by Carla Robertson. Stockist of Ecover Products 01494 868699 The Pantry, Platform 1,


Friends of Great Missenden to the tea and conversation and the Church Fabric Fund benefited by another £1000 so thank you to everyone who was involved."

Saturday 12th October, 2.30pm in the Oldham Hall with Afternoon Tea, " at Manor”:

Unearthing a Tudor Mystery" Valerie Edwards, Chief Guide at Chenies Manor and a former Trustee of our charity followed by the usual delicious After- noon Tea and sales of jams, marmalades, chutneys, books and tea towels. Tickets (Adults £10, Children under 12 free) will be available at Samways, the Newsagent, at the begin- ning of September - please buy early to ensure entry (the Hall has a capacity of only 99 persons!) or email "Lord Austin and Lord Nuffield ; us to reserve tickets. Giants of the British Motor Industry " Chenies was extended into a palace A very special event presented by the Friends took prior to Henry VIII's first visit in 1534 but less than place on 20th July in the Oldham Hall where we all half of it remains. gathered to gain a fascinating insight into the lives of two very famous people. Julian Hunt, a local histori- In 2001, Jonathan Foyle, Curator of the Royal an and author talked about two giants of industry, Palaces, painted a picture of the Manor to show how Lord Austin and William Morris (Lord Nuffield) he imagined the house looked when John Russell, 1st whose organisations joined together to become the Earl of Bedford KG PC JP, made alterations. It was 3rd largest motor car company in the World ! known as Chenies Palace and both John Russell and his son Francis entertained Henry VIII and Queen It is often a surprise to learn something of the early there. life of "famous" people and this was no exception ! These men from similar backgrounds, originally lo- The puzzle was if Time Team were able to agree his cal(ish) Little Missenden and Oxford. who started at depiction of the reconstruction. This fascinating the bottom of the ladder to “'earn their trades’ and mystery and the archaeological "dig" will be ex- who grew to be world leaders in their field, never plored by Valerie Edwards, Chief Guide at Chenies forgot their roots or their workforce. In their own Manor and a former Trustee and Committee mem- personal way they ensured that the wealth generat- ber of the Friends of Great Missenden Parish ed in their companies was shared in the wider Church charity. world. All enjoyed the event from the presentation


Origins at The White Lion’s “UKULELE Adult Group Lessons 10th Anniversary

In 1854 a new coaching inn called the White Lion 1 Hour = £10 per Student Free Trial Lesson was opened in the centre of Great Missenden’s Every Friday evening at Little Kingshill, Windsor thriving high street. As a coaching inn it had ac- Ln, HP16 0DZ commodation on the first floor for guests and a coach house and stables at the rear of the building Beginners and Intermediate Students Welcome for the horses, coaches and grooms to sleep in the hay loft. 150 years on Paul Fullagar acquired the property and saw an opportunity to bring the -Experienced Local Teacher with a positive and White Lion back to its former glory. After nearly a inspiring personality. year and half of rebuilding and restoring the entire -Sheet Music Copies and Audio Recordings for site, Origins at the White Lion was re-opened on home practice. 1st September 2009 with a fine restaurant and -Monthly Band Session with amplified instruments wine bar, accommodation restored on the first and favourite songs. floor with three luxury en-suite rooms and the coach house was turned in to a function annex Why Ukulele Group Lessons? private bar and dining room. In addition, a lovely garden was created backing on to the Buryfield. My one hour small group lessons provide the per- The name Origins came from Charles Darwin’s fect balance for mastering the specific ukulele famous book “Origins of the Species”, which was techniques, group coordination and active practice published almost exactly 150 years before the re- methods, helping you to learn your favourite songs opening of the White Lion. Origins has just cele- and develop your skills in an inspiring and motivat- brated its 10th anniversary and has played a signifi- ing ukulele class format. cant part in helping to restore and maintain village life. For more information or to book a free lesson please contact Codrut(Cod). The appearance of Origins at The White Lion has barely changed since it originally was built as seen Telephone: 07467 459754 in the picture taken before the invention of cars. Email: [email protected]

The whole team at Origins very much look for- ward to the next ten years serving the community, fine food, great wines and cocktails, along with the highest standard of service our customers have come to expect.


Endings and New Beginnings: Whilst it’s sad that REACH has come to its natural Youth Work at St P & P end it does open up space for new groups to form. From September there will be three groups avail- able for children and young people to attend. MAP Earlier this year our oldest Youth Group, REACH and IGNITE will continue to meet on the second came to an end. Many of the members have been and third Sunday during the 10am service for chil- attending the church since they were very small but dren up to age 13. A new group, temporarily name as they came to the end of their time at school, it RE-IGNITE, will be starting for young people aged was time to push them out of the nest and into the 14 and over. This is a brand-new group and every- next chapter of their life. For some of them, that thing from content, to when they meet and how means leaving home and starting University and for often they meet is up for grabs and will be decided others it means entering the world of work. in collaboration with the young people themselves. It is likely that the group will meet after school or perhaps on a Sunday afternoon. If you know some- one who would be interested in joining this new group, please contact Katie by email kja@shus- or text 07962 020189.

We had a lovely meal with some of the congrega- tion who have watched them grow and supported their faith over the years. We wish them all the best for the future and pray that wherever they end up, their faith will continue to flourish.

Don’t ask ! but it’s fun !

So there you are the church is the catalyst for ideas and a great deal of fun and a great way to meet friends. If you are new to the area or have just nev- er walked up the hill to St Peter and St Paul’s, why not try it or save the walk and use your phone to contact Katie - don’t delay do it now. IGNITE hard at work


different Lincoln Diocese is to Oxford; different, not News from the “Old Bailey” better or worse, just different. I hadn’t appreciated how much I took for granted the networks that I had developed while training in the Oxford Diocese,;if I didn’t know something I knew who to go to, it has taken a while to at least get a feel of who does what in Lincoln.

Managing three parishes has its challenges. There are moments of déjà vu, after years of repeating myself three times with the boys, each denying that I have said anything to them, now I find I am repeating myself for the third time with the parishes! I wonder whether triplicate repetition will always be my life! Rural ministry is challenging, with the same prob- lems faced by many churches, huge buildings and small ageing congregations. This is exacerbated by each very small village supporting its own church, despite the proximity to the others, and is a pattern repeated all over Lincolnshire.

Getting to know people and having any sense of continuity is also difficult but something I am adjust- ing to. I have a large team of very supportive people, the majority of whom have embraced any tweaks and changes we have implemented since I have ar- rived. In Baston we have a wonderful church school and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a foundation It is now two years since I left Great Missenden for governor and being involved with the school on all the Fens and I thought I would share a few thoughts sorts of levels including end of term rounders! about my experience so far . David and I have a wonderful life here, we both I think that the first thing to say is that it has been a work hard but we also begin our days over break- really positive move, all of us love Lincolnshire and fast together and often have lovely evenings togeth- the parish in which we live. The pace of life is er. The boys have all moved away from home and markedly gentler, saying that, the pace needs to be have made their lives elsewhere, except Sam who gentler as dual carriageways are rare and agricultural will come home for the summer but only until he traffic is prolific, broadbands speeds are snail like goes to Sandhurst in September. and phone signals intermittent at best! I am not saying that there are things I don’t miss, and We love the vicarage, with its quiet location; apart that I haven’t been homesick at times. I really miss from Friday evenings and Tuesday mornings when the quality of music that I certainly took for granted, there is bell ringing practice! In the summer our and the opportunities to sing ‘a little jazz mass’ now large leafy garden overlooking fields provides a re- and again as well as the odd requiem. But David and treat from the stresses and strains of parish life, in I are very happy and the boys regard Thurlby as the winter the cloudscapes and weather fronts are home, rather than just visiting Mum and Dad which stunning. is what I thought might happen.

I miss so many of my friends in Missenden and Wen- So there we have it, two years down the line and my dover; it is very difficult making friends as an incum- head is still above water and I am still smiling! bent, and it is easy to understand how isolation and loneliness feature in many ministers’ lives. However, I Carolyn have made some friends and being so close to my family means there is always someone I can chat to. Another issue that took me by surprise was how


Ballinger Pews

We now have our Faculty and so have 4 of our pews to sell. We think they are beech and have been made locally. We are not sure of their exact age but they were certainly in the Church when it was the St Mary’s Mission Hall at the beginning of the 20th Cen- tury and if anyone knows anything else of their his- tory we would be very grateful if they could tell us.

They measure 74” by 19” and are 36” high. They can be found dotted around St Peter and St Paul with cushions on.

We are charging £100 each and £20 for the cushions that go with them

If anyone is interested please contact Anne Ellis or Maggi Cameron (details P12)


Cromar Carpets

Private Sight Test 9-11 Station Approach, Inc Optomap Retinal Screening OLDHAM HALL NHS Sight Test Great Missenden, (in The Square, off Church Street) Specialist in Contact Lenses Children’s Vision Bucks HP16 9AZ Hall available for hire, with ac- Modern Designer Frames cess for disabled Face to Face, Silhouette, Prodesign Seating for up to 100 Mexx and many more Full Aftercare Service for All Carpets, Vinyls & Excellent kitchen & toilet facilities Tel: 01494 868496 Rugs 75 High Street, Great Missenden, For further details or to make a HP16 0AL booking call: Telephone: 01494 862125 [email protected] 01494 864610

Are you Making the most Friends of Great Missenden of your computer? Parish Church

Can you help? Need help The Charity has made grants to with e-mails, the PCC of almost £117,000 since digital photos, 2000 broadband, We welcome new members! speeding up Please contact Vivienne Davis on your PC? 01494 891312 or visit www.mis- Call David Harris on 01494 868237 Remember, the Church belongs to everyone who lives in the Proceeds in support of charity local area.



“ An Outstanding School” (Ofsted Nov 2006)

• Delicious hot lunches freshly prepared each day in our “Truly Scrumptious” Kitchen Delicious hot lunches prepared each day in our ‘Truly • New Playgroup for 2 ½ to 4 year olds Scrumptious’ kitchen • Early morning Club from 8 am New• Playgroup for 2 1/2 to 4 year olds After School “Jumping Jelly Beans” Club to Pre School6pm for 3 yrs and over from 7.30 am

After• FantasticSchool ‘Jumping Range Jelly of afterBeans’ school Club activityto 6 pm clubs – Cross Country, Rock Band, Gym & Dance, Fantastic range of after school activity clubs:- Chess, Football, Netball, Eco Club, Art Club, CrossAmerican Country, Football, Rock Band, Lacrosse, Gym Biking & Dance, Basics, Chess, Football,Singing. Netball, Eco Club, Art Club, American Foot- ball,• Biking Creativity Basics combined and Singing with academic Creativityexcellence combined with academic excellence • We have a few spaces available in KS2 (small classes in Year 3 and Year 5)


Life at St P and P

Examples of a busy and happy summer for all ages in Great Missenden


Service Team

The Reverend Canon The Reverend Mrs Patricia Neale Parish Office Rosie Harper, Vicar Dr Elizabeth Lowson, Licensed Lay Minister (Wendy Harris) 01494 728988 Curate 01494 863348 (0930-1200 Mon-Fri) 07743 679651 01494 890171 07796 312951 01494 862352 [email protected] 07955 275338 [email protected] office@missenden [email protected]

Editorial Team Usual Service Times Wardens Editor/Advertising St Peter & St Paul’s St Peter & St Paul Mike O’Farrell Sunday Sarmia, Marriots Avenue, Holy Communion 8.00am Ken Harratt 01494 772804 South Heath, HP16 9QW Parish Communion 10.00am Chris Nickless 01494 713839 01494 866443 Evensong (3rd Sun Taizé) 6.00pm Honorary Associate Wardens [email protected] St Mary’s Ballinger Little Hampden Editorial Assistant Anne Ellis 01494 837247 H. Communion (2nd Sun) 11.30am Graham Laurie Maggi Cameron 01494 864790 Matins/Morning Prayer. (4th Sun) 19 High Street, Prestwood, 11.30am Little Hampden Gt Missenden HP16 9EE St Mary’s Ballinger Christopher Figg 01494 863492 Morning Service (1st Sun) 9.30am

Diary Dates Church & Oldham Hall (OH) 27 Oct Bonfire after 6pm Evensong 8 Sep 10am REACH celebration and sending out 3 Nov 6pm All Souls Requiem 15 Sep 10am How can we stop climate change? 10 Nov 10.55 Remembrance Day service 29 Sep 8 & 10am Vision for the church building. 10 Nov 4pm Remembering with Love 29 Sep 4pm Family Praise ‘Starlight Express’ St Mary’s Ballinger 29 Sep 6pm Choral Evensong for Michaelmas. 5 Oct 10.15am Preparation for Harvest Festival 13 Oct 8 & 10am St Peter & St Paul Harvest 6 Oct 9.30am Harvest Holy Communion followed by 13 Oct 6pm Wave of Light Service refreshments 19 Oct Evening Harvest Quiz

Website: Cream Teas finish 28th September 2019 Sundays 3 - 5 pm Printed by South Bucks Business Products,

Thank you to all those who have helped throughout the Unit 5 Lancaster Rd, High Wycombe, Cream Tea Season HP12 3NN Tel: 01494 437470 [email protected]