Il Congress" Proposes Bold Plan for Tuition Aid SRC Hosts Kikkers '80

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Il Congress •M '.-i o W« Fm wi Jaw & m sSI9 Wm •>{' !>'• •*>•• W •*'•.'v / il H .3» §« Si IIIIWWI iiwmmm i Volume LXVI, No. 28 Rice University, Houston Texas Thursday, March 22, 1979 , Ktmuwi Congress" proposes bold plan for tuition aid David Dow little. Carter's proposal is from a Federal fund the cost of that figure must be viewed Silber deals persuasively merely an enrichment of the tuition at an accredited college alongside the $5 billion spent with the few objections made to Despite the myth of equal programs of Senator Pell and or university plus up to $1000 on candy and ice cream, the his plan. He justifies the basic opportunity for education, Congressmen Ford, Brademas, for room and board or other $17.4 billion on tobacco, and concept of student assistance Americans from middle class and others. It would increase educational expenses. The the $37.8 billion on alcohol. programs by quoting figures on homes1 recognize the hollow- current financial aid programs maximum advance per Certainly, contends Silber, the the lifetime incomes of college ness of that promise. With the (Basic Educational Opportun- academic year would be $5,000. money is better spent on graduates versus high school cost of education—public and ity Grants — Secondary After graduation, the student education. (continued on page 10) private—increasing annually, Educational Opportunity would repay the total advance more and more households Grants, BEOG-SEOG) while plus a 50% surcharge (in lieu of find themselves forced to encompassing a portion of the interest) at a yearly rate of 2% mm sacrifice higher education. erstwhile excluded middle of his gross annual income. For Present student loan programs class. The Moynihan- example, a graduate with a represent a genuine yet an Packwood bill addresses itseli gross income of $50,000 a year ••feoiilH ineffective effort to ameliorate to the quandary facing the would repay his advance at a this problem. Not only are middle class, but it does not rate of $1000 a year. If he had amounts offered frequently not respond effectively since the borrowed $15,000 (the most enough, but competition for maximum relief available possible), the advance and existing funds often fails to amounts to around $250 a year. surcharge (totaling $22,500) benefit the most needy. would be repaid in 23 years. Increasing numbers of students Ironically, while the nation's Silber's proposal deals are claiming financial lawmakers continue to grapple directly with a major independence. Hence, a unsuccessfully with the shortcoming of present loan student whose parents earn educational loan dilemma, an programs: student defaults. more than $100,000 a year may outsider has devised the most Federal loan programs suffer claim to be personally destitute reasonable alternative. Dr. from a 13% default rate. Silbert and thus have the right to John Silbert, president of would utilize the Internal Boston University, has Revenue Service (IRS) as the compete for financial aid constructed a Tuition Advance against hildren of the Plan. Introduced by Edward collection agency—a notor- genuinely poor. Kennedy and John Durkin in iously successful bureau for Several proposals in the Senate and by Michael getting what it is owed. Congress recognize the value of A most appealing virtue of Harrington in the House, UlUi I exclusiveness. Senators Daniel Silber's so-called Tuition this system is its self- P. Moynihan and Robert Advance Fund (TAF) attempts perpetuating feature. Silber Packwood introduced the to provide for higher college estimates that after 20 years of Tuition Tax Credit Act of 1977. costs while averting the usual operation the TAF would Soon thereafter, the Carter problems. support itself. Moreover, the Administration offered initial outlays are bearable. alternative legislation. Though The operation of the TAF is Using computer projections for these acts indicate an intention Mrly simple. After a student's inflation, actuarial data on to do something, they do too freshman year, he could draw death and disability, and unemployment estimates, in addition to accounting for demographic trends, Silber SRC hosts kikkers estimates a cost beyond current programs of $3.5 billion per Lana "Earthman" takes a dip after a bullseye throw at Baker year. Before taxpayers revolt. Shakespearean Fair. photo hy Wayne Derrick Even if you put beans in your in the Basement Beer Hall and chili, you'll be mighty welcome Saloon at 7:30 p.m. at the first annual SRCCWD— From 9:00 to 1:00 runs the "Sid Richardson College Country and Western Dance '80 freshmen get inside look Country and Western Dance." itself out on La Playa del Sid. It will be held outdoors under In addition to dancing to that Meredith Gibbs prospective students over most about academic, social, the big sky at the Sid Rich • fine band, ^Little Bit of Texas," Christmas break. and extracurricular life. Country Club, Beach Resort, there'll be bucking bulls to ride, Prospective students. We've On April 19-20, the Student They're an untapped resource and Cattle Ranch on Friday tests of your manly and/or all seen them wandering Admissions Committee will we're just now beginning to and Saturday, March 30-31. womanly strength, and other around campus, perhaps in the host the first OWL Day for utilize fully," said Richard Carousing begins Friday at fine old attractions. Pub or the bookstore. They prospective students who have Stabell, Director of Admis- 3:30 p.m. with an all-school There'll be lots of lovely Rice often appear to be lost, or just been accepted to Rice. The 100 sions. "I'm really pleased with Chili Cook Off/TGIF. At 5:00 ladies masquerading as beer enthralled with being on the to 150 prospective students will the accomplishments of the p.m. the finest bowls of red will belles to serve you at your Rice campus. Maybe you've spend the night on campus, SAC, and I'm looking forward be selected with the winner pleasure. The skies are not even talked to a few, and given attend classes, and get a chance to even more involvement by receiving $35 and the runnerup cloudy all day that weekend them some hints on survival at to meet current Rice students Rice students in the coming $15. The single elimination (right, Lord?) and there'll be Rice. But, for the first time in and faculty before deciding years. We know how vital their horseshoe tournament begins plenty of open range land for Rice history current Rice whether or not to enroll at participation is to the success of at 3:30 with the survivor getting everybody. students have played a Rice. "Besides being a great our admissions program." a $15 gift certificate from To enter one of the three functional and important role chance for prospective students If you're interested in Gary's Hats and Boots. contests—the chili cookoff, the in the admissions process. to see the campus, attend working with the SAC for classes, and meet Rice students, Arm-wrestling starts at 4:00 arm wrestling tournament, Before the inception of the OWL Day or other projects the OWL Day should be a fun with the winners claiming more and/or the horseshoes Student Admissions Com- and haven't already completed experience—certainly a new $15 gift certificates from tournament—fill out the mittee this year, acting as tour a student volunteer form, experience—for everyone Gary's. There'll be weight application on the back page of guides was the only area in contact the SAC coordinator in involved!" added Marina divisions to make it square for the Thresher. which Rice students were your college. If you completed Ballantyne, Assistant Director you rangier sorts as well as a involved in recruiting a volunteer form last semester Tickets will be $2.00 in of Admissions and Advisor for little ladies division. Anybody prospective students. and were never contacted, advance and $2.50 at the door, the SAC. "Nothing quite like it remotely connected with Rice Under the auspices of the don't give up—with more or $2.50 in advance for both the has been attempted on this U. (students, staff, faculty, and Admissions Office, the Student organization everyone who is melodrama and the CWD. campus before." alumni) can give it a shot in any Tickets will be available in the Admissions Committee in its interested will have a chance to event. SRC college office and at first year has initiated According to reports by get involved. For you spectators who dinner in the colleges. scheduled campus tours, sent SMU and other universities, SAC coordinators are: student representatives to local current students—not parents Baker-Meredith Gibbs; prefer to do your drinking Be there, alo—whoa...I undisturbed, there'll be plenty College Night programs, or high school counselors—are Brown-Debbie Tseng, Nancy mean, dang it: be there, hosted parties for prospective the single most influential Jones; Will Rice-Tim Stout; of beer, soft drinks, and music pardner. in the grand Texas tradition. students in their hometowns, factor in determining what Lovett-Noel Shenoi; Jones- P.S. Loaded shooting irons Saturday night the main and organized a student college or university a Paula Desel, Mai Phan; Wiess- must be checked at the door of event starts with the third contact system where current prospective student will attend. Stuart Sutherland; Sid Rich- the Basement Beer Hit 11. annual Sid Melodrama down Rice students contact "Current students know the (continued on page 10) |Guest Editorial I kneel, spending my breath in vain desire, When we were in junior high, we wanted high-school At that cold hearth which one time roared so strong: boyfriends.
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