A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

in Partial Fulnlment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Department of Electncal and Cornputer Engineering

University of Manitoba

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A Thesis/Practicum submitted to the Facuity of Graduate Studies of The University

of Manitoba in partial fuifillment of the requirements of the degree




Permission has been granted to the Library of The University of Manitoba to lend or seiï copies of this thesis/practicum, to the National Library of Canada to microfilm this thesis and to iend or sell copies of the film, and to Dissertations Abstracts International to pubiish an abstract of this thesis/practicum.

The author reserves other publication rights, and neither this thesis/practicum nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's written permission. Digitizeü Speech I ENCODER based on Linear Prediction Vocal Tract Model with Fractal Excitation

Compressai Speech

Synîhesized Speech

..... 1 DECODER 1::: <.,.. based on Linear Prediction Vocal Tract Model with Fractal Excitation To my parents. Linear predictive modelling of speech foms the basis of most low bit-rate speech coders,. including Liear Predictive Coder 10 (LPC-IO), Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP),

Vector SmExcited Linear Prediction (VSELP), Special Mobile Group (GSM) 06.10. The main merence between such codecsk in the coding of the excitation signal. LPC- 10 uses a very compact method for representing the excitation. It produces bit-rates around 2 to 4 kilobits per second (kbps), but the speech quality is very poor and sounds machine-like.

CELP and VSELP use a les compact method, but it is computationaily more intensive. The resulting bit-rates are as low as 4 kbps, with a better speech quality. GSM uses an even less compact representation, with a above IO kbps, but the reproduction quality is very good. In this thesis, a method for modelling speech excitations using fiactai interpolation is developed. These fiactal interpolation techniques are based on iterated function systems

(IFS). Two IFS models are used: (i) the self-affine rnodel and (i) the piecewise self-&ne model. The fim model is found to be inefficient for the purpose of representing excitations, while the second modei is found to provide a better representation for the speech excitations.

Consequently, a 6 kbps speech coder was implemented using the piecewise self-me fractal model. The coder has a signal-to-noise ratio of 10.9d.B and an informal subjective mesure found the perceptual quality to be comparable to that of the 13 kbps GSM coder. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I would like to thank my adviser Dr. Kinsner not only for introducing me to the topics wvered in this thesis but also for enkindling my interest in many other topics in computing and signal processing. 1 also thank TlU~bsfor hancial support for my studies. In particular, 1 am gratefil to Len Dacombe and Cht Gibbler for helping me while 1 was at

TRLabs. Working at both TRLabs and the Delta Research Group provided me with an excellent opportunity to acquire a diverse background in signal processing and telecommunications. Whenever 1 think of my expenence in the Master of Science program, I will always remember my good fiiend Shamit Bal. 1 thank him for bis support and encouragement. Many thanks go to Amiin Langi who had to endure many questions about . 1 thank hirn for his patience. 1 am also grateful to my best niend

Janice Hamilton and my fiancé Chengeto Mukonoweshuro for providing me with encouragement and for all the help they have both given me in preparing this thesis. 1 thank Bert and Kae Lowen and their children for "adopting" me into their family when 1 came to study in Wuinipeg. 1 would Ueto acknowledge some people who helped me with technical advice on implementing some aspects of this thesis. First, Jutta Degener of the Technical University of Berh for giving me advice on irnplementation of the GSM

06.10 and for obtaining a copy of the hard to get ETSI GSM standard publication for me. Secondly, Dr. Hayes of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Dr. Mazel of

IBM for their comments on the implementation of the inverse algorithms for iterated fùnction systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Acknowledgements ...... v

TabIe of Contents ...... vi

List of Abbreviations ...... xi

1.Introduction ...... 1 Background ...... 1 Problem Statement ...... 2 Thesis Statement ...... 4 Thesis Organization ...... 5

2 . Linear Prediction of Speech ...... 7 Introduction ...... 7 Human Speech Production Mode1 ...... 7 Excitation ...... 8 Modulation ...... 9 LPCModellingofSpeech ...... 9 Discrete-Tirne Speech Production Mode1 ...... 10 Principles of Lin.inear Predictive Analysis ...... 12 Calculating the Prediction Coefficients ...... 14 Linear Prediction Residual ...... 17 Pitch Prediction ...... 21 First Order Long-Term Predictor ...... 24 Pre-emphasis and Post-emphasis ...... 26 Sumrnary of Chapter II ...... 28

3 . Iterated Function Systems ...... 29 Introduction ...... 29 Traditional Interpolation Functions ...... 29 Iterated Function Systems (IFS) ...... 30 The Attractor of an IFS ...... 34 Proof of IFS Convergence ...... 35

Methods of Assessing Speech Quality ...... 82 Signai -to-Noise Ratio ...... 83 MeanopinionScore ...... 84 InformalMOSTest ...... 86 System Performance Results ...... 88 Performance of Self-AfEne Mode1 ...... 88 Performance ofPiecewise Self-AiTine Mode1 ...... 89 Discussion of Results ...... 93 Sumrnary of Chapter VI ...... 94

7. Conclusions and Recommendations ...... 95

References ...... 97


A: Source Code for Piecewise SeK-af£ine Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec . . A-1

B: Source Code for the GSM 06.10 Codec ...... B-1

C: Source Code for Self-affine Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec ...... C-1 LIST OF FIGURES

Fig . 2.1. The excitation plus modulation model of the human speech production . (After

Fars86l) ...... 7

Fig . 2.2. Discretetime Iinear speech production mode1...... 10

Fig. 2.3. Discrete-the linear mode1 with post-emphasis ...... 12

Fig. 2.5. The power spectmm of the LP residual, @), is much flatter than that of the

originalsignal(a) ...... 20

Fig . 3.1. Graphs b, c, 4 e, and f show the onginal abject, a, afker applying an affine

transform that translates, scales, rotates, renects, and shears respectively ...33

Fig . 3.2. Inverse algonthrn for the self-fine fiactal mode1...... 52

Fig . 3 .3 . Inverse algorithm for the piecewise self-affine mode1...... 54

Fig . 4.1. Graph of non-hear map coverage cost fùnction...... 64

Fig . 4.2. Architecture of the encoder . The dotted arrow is needed for the piecewise self-

afnnemodelonly...... 66

Fig . 4.3. Architecture of the decoder ...... 69

Fig . 5.1. Structure of test program used to evaiuate the codec...... 74

Fig . 5.2. The encode fùnction ...... 75

Fig . 5.3. The linear predictive coding analysis routine...... 76

Fig. 5.4. Long tem prediction analysis routine- ...... 77

Fig . 5.5. IFS analysis and quantization routine for the piecewise self-afhe mode1.... 78

Fig. 5.6. The decoder finction...... 78 Fig. 5.7. Screen shots of the Speech Compression Lab...... 80 LIST OF TABLES

Table 3.1. Change in notation to make equations easier to read ...... 47

Table 4.1. Set of example trial rnaps with their interpolation point, approlrimate error, E

and normaked approxïmation.error, E, ...... 61

Table 4.2. Bit allocation for the log area ratios ...... 68

Table 6.1. Five point sale used for MOS tests ...... 85

Table 6.2. Speech quality as a fùnction of map coverage in the seif-af-fine based speech

coda ...... 89

Table 6.3. Speech quality as a fbnction of map coverage in the piecewise self-atliùie based

codec...... 90

Table 6.4. Speech quality as a fùnction of analysis firame size for a map coverage of 40

samples...... 91

Table 6.5. Speech quaiity as a fùnction of bits used to quantize the contraction factor.

...... 92

Table 6.6. Speech quaiity as a function of bits used to quantize the interpolation values .

...... 92

Table 6.7. Bit-allocation of 6 kbps piecewise self-afnne based codec...... 93 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

CELP Code-Excited Linear Predictive Coding codec encoder decoder

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

ES Iterated Function Systems

GSM Special Mobile Group (Groupe Spécial Mobile)

IEEE Institute of Electrîcal and Electronic Engineering

ITU International Telecornmunication Union kbps kilo bits per second

LAR Log Area Ratios

LP Linear Prediction or Linear Predictive

LPC Linear Predictive Coding

Lm Long Term Prediction

MOS Mean Opinion Score

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

Sm Signal-to-noise Ratio

STP Short Term Prediction

VSELP Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction 1.1 Background

The purpose of speech is to comrnunicate. characterizes speech in terms of its message content or information- The message is generated in the brain which then controls the articulatory engine to produce the speech. The articulatory engine which consists of the lungs, vocal chords and vocal tract manipulates air to produce sound waves which carry the message. A Listener receives this sound wave, the speech, and decodes it to obtain the message.

There are many other ways that people have devised for the purpose of transmitting the messages. In many cases there is a need to store the message or transmit the message to a recipient who is not within the hearing range ofthe speaker. Writing is one of tie most widely used methods for this purpose. Wnting and many other alternative methods for storing and transmitting the message have a disadvantage in that they lose some of the information that is embedded in speech.

A listener deduces a lot of information fiom speech. Some of this information includes the identity of the speaker. From the tone of the voice one may tell the exnotionai state of the speaker. The stress on certain words also conveys information to the listener.

Speech also has pkely aesthetical properties. When listening to singing, people are sensitive Chapter 1. Introduction to these aesthetical properties of speech.

Speech is a communication tool. It conveys to the listener an idea, thought or piece of information fiom the speaker. 1t also carries secondary information and possess aesthetic characteristics that are perceiveci by the Listener.

1.2 Probiem Statement

In the previous section we mentioned the desire to store messages for later retrievai and also for transmission to people outside the hearing range of the speaker. We also mentioned some of the characteristics and secondary information that speech conveys. The challenge is thus to keep the message in the fom of speech but represent the speech in a compact and efficient way for the purpose of storage and transmission.

In digital storage and transmission systems, speech is converted into an electrical signal which in tum is converted into a string of ones and zeros. The compactness of the speech representation is thus measured by the number of ones and zeros (bits) required to represent each second of speech. Telephone quality speech requires 64,000 bits for every second of speech. This is an inficient representation. Many techniques have therefore been developed to irnprove digital speech representation.

Speech compression or speech codiig is the study of ways to hda more compact representation of speech on digital systems. Most low bit rate speech coding techniques are based on linear predictive (LP) modelling of speech. LP analysis estimates the parameters of Chapter L Introduction an all-pole filter representation of the vocal tract. It is based on the premise that during a stationary heof speech it can be modeiled by a pole-zero system fiinction which is driven by some excitation sequence.

Code s<Üted linear predictive coding (CELP) is one such technique that is based on linear predictive modehg [ScAt85]. CELP uses codebooks of wavefom prototypes for the excitation of the LP filter. DuMg dysis(compression) the parameters of the LP ntter are dcuiated W. These parameters are used to form an inverse LP filter. The original speech is passed through this inverse nIter to obtain the approximation error of the LP fïiter. The error signal obtained from the inverse LP fiItering is called the LP-residual or LP-excitation.

In order to obtain high compression rates a very eflbicient representation of the residual is required. In CELP the LP-residual is represented using 104 bits for a 3 0 mifisecond speech he.The LP parameters are represented using 34 bits. This gives a total of 138 bits for a

30ms speech &une comparai to 1,920 bits for the same speech fkame without any wmpression.

CELP uses two codebooks to represent the residual signal. For the purpose of this discussion t sufnces to consider only one codebook. The codebook is a collection of typical residuai wavefom prototypes. Both the analyser and the synthesizer have a copy of the codebook. Each prototype is given a unique index in the codebook. During wmpression, the analyser searches the codebook for a prototype that best matches the original residuai signal. The index or address of the best rnatching prototype together with the LP parameters form the compressed speech bit-strearn for the speech fhme under analysis. During synthesis, Chapter 1. Introduction the index is used to retrieve the best matching prototype fiom the codebook. This prototype is used to excite the LP filter tu obtain the synthesized speech.

A shortcoming of most linear prediction based Like CELP is that the residual signai is modelied as white noise. Studies have shown that this signal is actuaUy not white noise but coloured noise ~]~Cu92]~Y090].This means that the quality of speech produced by these codecs is lower than it could be. A technique is therefore required to give a better representation of the residual.

In this section we desmithe digitization of speech and linear predictive modeüing of speech Linear prediction was identifiai as being the most widely used technique in speech compression. A shortcornhg of linear prediction based codecs was identifieci as being the modelling of the linear prediction residual as white noise. In the next section, the thesis objective is presented.

1.3 Thesis Statement

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of fhctal interpolation for providing a better model for the iinear prediction residual. By providmg a better model for the residual, we hope to irnprove speech quality while lowering the bit-rate of hear prediction based codecs. Chapter 1- Introduction

1.4 Thesis Organization

This chapter gives a brief introduction into speech communication and compression.

The problem statement and motivation for the thesis are presented.

Chapter 2 gives a more in-depth introduction to speech modelling. It starts off with

a description of the human speech production system. The modelling of speech production

using linear prediction is then presented. An explanation is then given of how linear

predictive (LP) coding is used for wmpressing speech.

Chapter 3 is an introduction to iterated fùnction systems. Two iterated fbnction

system models are presented; the self-me iterated ftnction system and the piecewise self-

affine iterated funaion system model. Techniques for hding the IFS parameters that best

represent a given data set are then presented.

Chapter 4 starts with a Literature review of fi.acta.1based speech coding techniques.

A new technique for modelling the speech residual using iterated fùnction systems is then

presented. The self-6e and the piecewise seEafEne iterated function systems are studied

as candidates for modehg the residual. The architecture of a fiactal based linear predictive

codec is presented. Chapter 5 gives the software architecture of the implementation of this


Chapter 6 gives a bief disaission of objective and subjective measures for evaluating speech quaiity. A 6 kbps speech codec based on the mode1 presented in Chapter 5 is developed. The signal-to-noise ratio speech quality measure is used as a guide for selecting codec parameters. Evaluation of the hctal bas4 systems based on signal-to-noise ratio Chapter 1. Introduction measure and mean opinion scores are presented. Chapter 7 gÏves the conclusions and recommendations for fùture work CHAPTERII


2.1 Introduction

Linear prediction of speech is the basis for most low bit rate speech coders. It is used to fom a model of the vocal and nasal tracts. The hear predictor itself is a finite impulse response (FR) filter. 1t oui aiso be viewed as a system that predicts sarnples of a tirne series based on a linear combination of the past sarnples PePH871. In this chapter we are going to describe the human speech production model. We wiU then introduce the vocal tract mode1 based on Iinear prediction. The chapter wiU conclude with a brief description of techniques used to mode1 the excitations in different speech codecs.

2.2 Human Speech Production Mode1

Modulation 1 Edizd CVdTract) ,.

Fig. 2.1. The excitation plus modulation model of the human speech production. (After Pars861) The speech production process in human beings can be divided into two sub- Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech processes; excitation and modulation. Fig. 2. L shows a block diagram of the model.

2.2.1 Excitation

There are two main types of excitation: voiced excitation and unvoiced excitation.

In some cases four other types of excitation are considered. They include mixed, plosive, whisper, and silence. The nrst three are comb'itions of voiced and unvoiced. Silence is not really an excitation but is included for modehg purposes.

Voiced sounds are produced by forcing air through the opening between the vocal chords. The source of the compressed air is the lungs. When the abdominal muscles push the diaphragm up, they push air out of the lungs. This air then goes into the trachea and then t hrough the glottis, If the vocal chords have some tension, they start to vibrate. Varying the tension in the vocal chords varies the fiequency at which they vibrate.

The fkquency at which the vocal folds vibrate is termed the fundamentai fiequency.

This fundamental frequency depends on the sue and tension in the vocal chords. The hdarnental fiequency is also referred to as the pitch. Most men have pitch in the range of

50-250 Hz whereas most women have pitch in the range 120-500 Hz. The reason for the ditference is that the average size of vocal fol& in men is larger than in women. Larger vocal folds vibrate with a lower pitch than the smaiier ones. Each individual has a charactenstic pitch which is deterrnined by the physical characteristics of their larynx. Variation fiom the characteristic pitch is used in intonation and in stress.

Unvoiced sounds are made by fonning a constnction dong the vocal tract and forcing air through that constriction. This produces a turbulent noise tike excitation. Chapter IL Linear Prediction of Speech

2.2.2 ModuIation

Modulation is performed on the excitation to produce speech. It occurs in the

phaiyly the oral cavity and the nasal caviw, whïch are wiiectively known as the vocal tract.

The vocal tract is a series oftubes whose size can be modified when speaking. Changing the

size and shape of the vocal tract changes its resonant firequencies. The effect on the excitation

as t passes through these tubes is modulation The control of these resonant frequencies, aiso

hown as formant fkquencies, is required to produce ail the vowels and some of the


2.3 LPC Modelling of Speech

Various models have been devised to rnimic the human speech production system.

Thes inchde mechanid speaking machines by Kratzenstein (1779), von Kempelen (1 79 l),

Wheatstone (1835), Faber (1846) and many others @ePH87]- These machines typically had a compressed air source which forced air into a system of resonators. The resonators wuld then be manipulated to produce speech-like sounds. These early experiments with speech production led to electncal analog devices for speech production.

One of the earlier known analog systems was invented by J. Q. Stewart (1922). In

1939, Dudley, Riesz and Watkins demonstrateci an al1 electncal speech synthesizer. This system had a random noise generating cirait that was used for unvoiced excitation and an oscillator circuit used for voiced excitation, The excitation was used to drive resonance Chapter II, Linear Prediction of Speech

circuits which mimicked the vocal tract. In 1950, H. K. Dunn designed an irnproved system that had a vibrating energy source that was used to dnve a senes of low-pas analog filter

sections. These analog systems inspired the digital rnodels for speech production.

2.3.1 Discrete-Time Speech Production Modd

Pitch Voiced Source Period Gain

Vocal Tract Impulse Train Glottal Pulse -B Parameters Generator model G(z)

Voiced Radiation Switch dMndeiRolG&h

Random Noise Generator

Noise Source Gain

Fig. 2.2. Discrete-tirne linear speech production model.

Figure 2.2. shows a dimete-tirne linear model for speech production. The signals in this system are only superficially analogous to the true human speech production model. This system does not provide for non-linear effis between subsystems in the model. This makes it simpler to analyse but makes it inadequate for representing ail aspects of speech. Notice Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

for instance that plosive excitation cm not be modeiled in this system. The system does not

allow for the mi>ring of voiced and unvoiced excitation either. Despite these limitations, this

model produces good quality speech.

The vocal tract model, Ho, is excited by a discrete-tirne glottal excitation signal,

uJn$ During unvoiced speech segments the excitation is a random noise generator. The

random noise generator is a white noise generator thus its output has a flat power spectnim.

During voiced segments the glottal excitation is the output of the glottd pulse model Ge).

The glottal pulse shaping filter, G(r). is excited by an impulse train generator. The impulse spacing is based on an estimate of the local pitch period. The filter G(z) produces the required glottal wave shape. The glottal pulse has been shown to introduce a low-pass filtering effect. A two-pole low-pass filter model has been shown to be a good model


The radiation modei, RH,represents radiation effects at the lips. This is a high-pass filtering operation. It can be adequately represented by a one zero hi&-pass filter.

As the systern in Fig. 2.2. is hear, it can be rearranged such that the glottal model and the Lip radiation model are combined into one postemphasis filter as shown in Fig. 2.3. This is a convenient arrangement because both the glottal mode1 and the lip radiation are time- invariant. This reduces the system to two filters. the pst-emphasis flter and the tirne vaqing filter H(). The next section descnbes the time varying flter, Ho,which models the vocal tract. Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

Pitch Penod

r v Vocal Tract Impulse Train Gain Parameters Generator I l Void ~nvoiced\ug Vocal-tract Post Switch + Mode1 H(z) - Emphasis Sgch


Fig. 2.3. Discrete-tirne hear model with post-emphasis.

2.3.2 Principles of Linear Predictive Analysis

In the last section, a discrete-tirne model of speech production was introdud. An important reqtirement for this model to be practical is that speech can be treated as a stationary signai within some finite period oftime. The physical wnstraints that Limit the rate at which our vocal tracts can change shape make it possible for this constraint to be satisfied.

Speech can be wnsidered to be stationary for up to approximately 40 dseconds.

In linear prediction, speech is analysed in segments that are generally 30 millisewnds or less. H(s) is an dl-pole steady-state fiiter which represents the vocal tract fiequency response during that fixecl tirne period. The transfer fùnction of this filter has the form shown in Eq. 2.1. Chapter 11. Linear Prediction of Speech

The parameters in this model, the gain G and the coefficients {a$, can be estimated ushg

linear predictive analysis. The definition of a hear predictor with coefficients qisgiven by

3 (n) = 2 q-x(n-k) k=l

where x@) represents the sarnpled signal under analysis, x'o is a prediction of the sarnple x(n) based on the previousp samples andp is the order of the hear predictor. The prediction error of a linear predictor is defined as

e (n) = x (n)-x' (n) (2-3

To show how linear prediction is used to mode1 speech production, we refer back to Fig. 2.3.

The input of the the-v-g fïiter is u(n) with the output s(n), %(forsimplicity) we ignore the post-emphasis filter. The post-emphasis filter wiil be discussed later in this chapter.

Given u(n) and s(n) as the input and output of the filter H@, Eq. 2.1 can thus be written as Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

This equation can be rearranged to give the foliowing difEerence equation

Ifs(n) is substituted for the x(n) in Eq. 2.2, we obtain

A(I) is the prediction filter and {ad is the set of prediction coefficients. Since the speech signal is assumed to obey Eq. 2.5, then by Eq. 2.3 and 2.6 we can deduce that Gu(n) is the prediction error of the hear predictor A@. Calculating the Prediction Coefficients

The main issue in linear prediction analysis is solvhg for the predictor coefficients.

The set of predictor coefficients {a,) have to be obtained directly firom the speech signal.

This has to be done such that the resulting predictor provides a good estirnate of the spectral properties of the speech signal. The approach used is based on finding a set of predictor coefficients that minimize the mean-squared prediction error over a short segment of the digitized speech waveform. For a given predidor order, p, the mean-squared prediction error is Chapter II, Lmear Prediction of Speech

Substituting Eq. 2.6 into Eq. 2.7, yields

As the analysis has to be done on a segment of the speech wavefonn over which speech can be considered to be stationary we take this window to be of length N sarnples. To simpl@ the model, the speech waveform is assurned to be identically zero outside the window under analysis. If we defme the analysis window starting at n=O, the limits of surnmation in Eq. 2.8 can be changed to ïnclude only non-zero values ofthe mw-square error.

E = [s (n) -xap (n -k)12

To find the optimal predictor, the mean squared error has to be mlliimized with respect to each predictor coefficient. This is done by taking partial derivatives of the error with respect to eadi coefficient, equating each partial denvative to zero and solving the resulting system of equations for the coefficients. This system of equations is obtained by takingp partial derivatives on Eq. 2.9 which gives Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

Equation 2.10 can be sirnplified to

Equation 2.1 1 cm fùrther be rewritten as

Findy, Eq. 2.12 cm be hrther sirnplified to

where R the autocorrelation fùnction is defïned as

The systern of equations given by Eq. 2.13 can be expressed in matrix form as Chapter II, Liaear Predîction of Speech

The rn& of autocorrelation values is a Toeplitz ma& This means it is symmetric and aiI the elements dong any given diagonal are equd. This property is used for soiving for the dcients. The most widely used technique for solving for the coefncients is the Levinson-

Durbin algorithm.

2.3.3 Linear Prediction Residuat

In the previous section, it was stated that there is a prediction error associated with the hear prediction model. This error was dehed as

e(n) = s(n)-S' (n) (2.16)

This error is also referred to as the LP (Linear prediction) residual. In the discrete-tirne hear speech production model presented in Fig. 2.3, the LP residual gives a good approximation ofthe excitation signai. Thus the LP residual is anaiogous to the vocal tract excitation in the human speech production model.

In an LP system, speech is analysed to obtain the coefficients, {ak), that minimize the residual error. After obtaining these coefficients, they can be used to obtain an inverse fiiter Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech with the transfer function H-I(~).Using the original speech signal and this inverse filter, the

LP residud can be caiculated-

it follows that

The inverse fbnction is given by

The LP residud is thus calcuiated using the following diference equation

The LP residual is found to have a much lower spectrai variation than the original signal. This is because the LP inverse filter removes the effects of the formants from the speech signal.

For this reason, the LP inverse filter is sometimes referred to as a whitening flter. Fig. 2.4 shows a speech sample in the tirne domain, and the corresponding LP residuai. Fig. 2.5 shows the power spectra of the original speech signal and that of the LP residual. It is clear Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

-3 1 1 I 1 t O 16 32 48 64 Time (ms) (a >

16 32 48 Time (rns) @)

Fig. 2 -4. Time domain plots of (a) a speech sample and @) its LP residual signal.

fiom the two graphs the power spectrum of the residual is much flatter. The graph of the residual in Fig. 2.4 shows that there are still some long-term correlations in the signal. The next section describes pitch prediction which is used to fùrther flatten the error signal. Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

Frequency (kHz) (6)

Fig. 2.5. The power spectmm ofthe LP residuai, @), is much flatter than that of the original signal (a). Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

2.3.4 Pitch Prediction

Linear prediction analysis is us& to remove short-terni correlations in the speech si@ These correlations are related to the formant fiequencies of the vocal tract. There is another strong form of correlation that is found in voiced speech. These correlations are between samples that are one pitch or multiple pitch periods apart.

A hear predictor similar to the one described for the vocal tract model can be used to model the long-term correlation Ieft the in LP speech residual. This pitch prediction flter is usually referred to as the long-term prediction @Tl?) nIter. The filter temed the LP predictor in previous sections is sometirnes cded the short-terni predictor (STP). The LTP has the foliowing transfer fbnction

where tis the pitch penod and b, are the pitch gain coefficients The pitch penod, r, is also called the lag of the pitch prediction fiiter. The order of the LTP fiiter is related to the variable 1by:

where PLis the order of the long-term predictor.

In modelling the LP residual, the LTP has an error associated with it. Based on the prediction error of a Linear predictor defined in Eq. 2.3, the error of the LTP can be defined Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

e (n) = u (n)- biu (n -r -j) (2.23) j= -1

Assuming that the hg, r, is known, the same procedure used in Section 2.3.2 to solve for the

LPC coefficients {ak) can be used to foxmulate a system of equations to solve for the LTP gain coefficients {b,). The mean square error, is obtained fiom Eq. 2.23

By minuniPng the mean squared error with respect to each coefficient, the foiiowing system of equations is obtained.


M-1 R(r +i,O) = u (n -r -i)*u (n) n =O Chapter II, Linear Prediction of Speech and

The LTP coefficients can be obtained by solvhg Eq. 2.25. In Eqs. 2.26 and 2.27, M refers to the size of the hmeused for the LTP analysis. The size of the window nom which these

M samples are taken fiom is required to be longer than M. This is because the pitch period, r, is approximated to fd in the following range

This means that for speech sarnpled at 8,000 samples per second, the pitch lag, t, falls in the range

The analysis window is thus required to be length (M+rmJ such that it contains more than one complete pitch penod.

This section has presented general formulation for LTP dysis. The andysis depends on a known value of the pitch la.. Section shows how the pitch lag can be estimated for a Eust order LTP filter. Chapter 11. Linear Prediction of Speech

2.3 -4.1 First Order Long-Term Predictor

In this section, the LTP formulation developed in the previous section is used to estimate the parameters of a nrst order pitch predictor.

A first order long-term predictor has the variable 1, of Eq. 2.2 1, equal to zero. This reduces the Eq. 2.21 to

From Eq. 2.25, the solution for the £ilter coefficient, b, is defined as

If the optimal coefficients for the LTP filter are laiown, Eq. 2.24 can be used to find the mean squared error correspondhg to these optimal coefficients. In the case of first order Ln, if the minimum mean squared error is known, the filter coefficient, b, can be calculated using

Eq. 2-31.

To estimate the minimum mean squared energy, Eq. 2.3 2 is used. It is obtained by substituthg Eq. 2.3 1 into 2.24. Chapter II. Linear Prediction of Speech

16 3 2 48 Time (ms)

16 32 48 Tic (ms)

Time (ms) (c

Fig. 2.6. Time domain plots of (a) original speech, @) LP residual and (c) the pitch residual. - 25. - Chapter ln, Linear Prediction of Speech

Since the range of the pitch lag is hown, Eq. 2.29, al1 the Uiteger values in this range can be substituted into Eq. 2.32. The one that gives the minimum mean squared error, is the best estimate for the pitch hg for the fhme under dysis. This value is substituted into Eq. 2.3 1 to obtain the best estimate for the filter coeficient.

Figure 2.6 illustrates how inverse LTP filtering fûrther whitens the residual. This is to be expected since the LTP inverse filter rernoves the long-term correlations.

2.3.5 Pre-emphasis and Post-emphasis

The Linear Predictive Coding (LPC)mode1 presented here has a post-emphasis fiiter as shown in Fig. 2.3. This filter represents the combineci effect due to the glottal spectmrn and lip radiation This £ilter can be modelied as a low-pass filter with a spectral siope ranging fiom minus four to minus twelve dB1octave [Swan87]. Typically, it is approxirnated by a low-pass all-pole tirne-invariant filter with minus six dB/octave roll-off.

The inclusion of the post-emphasis filter reduces the order required for the LP filter to achieve a given level of speech quality. This is because the post-emphasis filter relieves the Chapter II- Linear Prediction of Speech

LP flter fiom having to mode1 the &ect of the giottal and lip radiation on the fkquency. The post-emphasis filter has to be used in conjunction with a pre-emphasis filter applied on the original speech before LP analysis. The pre-emphasis filter is the inverse of the post-emphasis filter.

In most applications, the pre-emphasis fiIter is hplemented as a first order high-pass filter. Eq. 2.33 gives the difference equation.


and R is the autocorrelation fùnction defked in Eq. 2.14. The corresponding post-emphasis fïiter has the form

Equation 2.34 gives a fiiter coefficient, a, which varies fiom fiame to frame. It tends to be close to one for voiced speech due to higher degree of correlation. For unvoiced speech this parameter is very smaii thus making the effect of the pre-ernphasis and post-emphasis flters negligible.

In most systems, the pre-emphasis filter has a constant value for the parameter u. This value lies in the range 0.9 to 1.0. This means that one less parameter has to be transrnitted Chapter IT. Linear Prediction of Speech

to the synthesizer. The disadvantage is that the parameter is not optùnized for unvoiced


2.4 Summary of Chapter II

This chapter presented hear prediction theory as it is used for the modehg of

speech in di@ systems. Linear predictive coding of speech is based on the excitation plus

modulation speech production model. The excitation is considered as being either voiced or unvoiced. Unvoiced excitation is noise-like whereas voiced excitation is periodic. LP analysis works by first deriving the vocal tract rnodel parameters; the LPC coefficients. An inverse filter based on these coefficients is used to remove the modulation added to the excitation by the vocal tract. Pitch prediction is used tu model the periodicity introduced by the vibration of the vocal cords. Equations for solving for the LPC coefficients and the pitch prediction coefficients were presented Ui this chapter.

Chapter 3 presents iterated fùnction system (IFS) theory. In chapter 4, IFS are used to model the residual of the long term predictor. 3.1 Introduction

In many areas of science, models of systems are derived fiom anaiysis of the input and

correspondhg output of the systerns. The process takes two stages; (i) experimental

observation and (ii) data analysis and modeüing. In experimental observation, the çystem

under study is subjeded to ciifferait input states. A record is kept of the output of the system

for each input state. In the data andysis phase, the objective is to analyze the experimental

data and corne up with a mathematical representation of the system. The mathematical

representation is in the form of a fùnction that best approxhates the data. This fùnction is

known as the interpolation finction.

This chapter introduces the concept of hdal interpolation. Before discussing fiactal

interpO lation a discussion of the limitations of Euclidean geometry based interpolation methods is presented. Fractal interpolation is then introduced and contrasted with Euclidean geometry based methods.

3.2 Traditional Interpolation Functions

Suppose we observe a system that has a single input x and a single outputy. From experimentd observation, we obtain a collection of data in the fonn

((x,yi): i=0,1,2,..., N} Chapter HI, Iterated Function Systems where N is a positive integer, xi are real numbers such that x, < x, < x, < ...... c x, These data can be represented graphically as a subset of lit2 plotted on the Cartesian plane. A poiynornial of as low degree as possible whose graph provides a good fit to that of the data is sought. A single polynomial fiinction rnight be used for the entire interval [x, x,] or a set of polynomials rnight be used for specinc sub-intervals of [x, xN]. Instead of using poiynomials only, iinear combinations of elementiuy bctions such as sine, cosine and natural log might be used. The end result is that the data is represented by a classical geometrical entity, which can be represented by a simple mathematical formula.

The elementq functions used in traditional interpolation corne f?om Euclidean geometry. When one sutnciently zooms in on a portion of a graph of one of these functions, the curve looks like a straight lhe. This means that these CUNS are differentiable everywhere except at a "few" discontinuities. There are cases in nature whereby this Euclidean based mode1 fàils. For instance, traditional interpolation cannot be used to describe fùnctions that are continuous everywhere but not merentiable anywhere. An example of such systerns are fiindons that are self-similar. Zooming into the awes of such fundons does not produce straight lines but curves similar in shape to the original. Fractal interpolation provides one possible way of representing these self-similar functions.

3.3 Iterated Function Systems (IFS)

Iterated Function Systems (IFS) provide a method of describing or modeiiïng self-

- 30 - Chapter ID-Iterated Function Systems affine stmctures. An iterated fùnction systern is defùied as a finite set of contraction rnappings, w, defined over a metric space X, with a distance function d parn88]

In a two-dimensional Cartesian plane, each memap has the form

The part of the fie transform with the coefficients e and f gives a translation dong the horizontal and vertical axis. The rnatrix with coefficients a, b, c, d is a Iinear operator which perfom four different tra&ormations; &g, rotation, reflection and shearing . The degree to which any of these transformations is performed depends on the relative values of the four coefficients.

To illustrate the effect of fietransformations, we take a set of five afnne maps: Chapter III. Iterated Fundion Systems

The map in Eq. 3.4 gives a translation. The other maps in Eqs. 3 -5, 3 -6,3 -7and 3.8 give a scaiing, rotation, reflection and a shear respectively. Figure 3.1 shows the effect of applying each of the affine tnuisformations in Eqs. 3.4 to 3.8 to an object. Chapter Ili. Iterated Funaion Systerns

Fig. 3.1. Graphs b, c, d, e, and f show the original object, a, after applying an &e transfom that translates, scales, rotates, reflects, and shears respectively.

The affine transfomis &en as examples above perffonn ody one of the five transformations.

Typically an fie transfom performs more than one of these transfonns. From Eq. 3 -2, an iterated function system is a collection of such transfomis.

The other requirement that Eq. 3.2 states for IFS is that each afnne transform must be contractive with respect to some specified distance fiinction defined on the metric space.

Ifwe again consider the sarne metnc space as our previous examples, IR2, the most common Chapter III. Iterated Function Systems distance metric is the Euclidian metric:

Ifa transfomi is contractive in lR2 with the Euclidian metric, then the straight line joining any two points wili be shorter derboth have been mapped by that transfom. The requirement that the &e maps be contradive is to ensure convergence of the IFS. Convergence of IFS is discussed next.

3.3-1 The Attractor of an IFS

So fàr we have described the components that make up an iterated function system.

In this section we introduce concepts that make IFS usefûl.

Equation 3.2 specifies that an ES is a collection of contractive fietransfoms.

Another mapping, W, cari be dehed based on this set of afnne maps.

The mapping Wis thus a union of aU the afnne maps that make up the IFS. It can be shown that the mapping W is a contractive mapping too, and its contraction factor is given by

s = max{s,: i = 42, ..., M) (3.11)

Thus W obeys the relationship where s

We choose an arbitrary set, x, in the space X in which the IFS is defined. We then create a sequence (xJ by iteratively applying the contractive transform W.

By IFS theory, this sequence is convergent. It converges to a unique set cded the attractor of the IFS. Thus, regardless of what the initial set x, is, the sequence always converges to the same set. This is the beauty of IFS.

3 -3.1.1Proof of IFS Convergence

We are going to provide two proofs. The first one is that the sequence in Eq. 3.13 is indeed convergent. The second one is that the sequence converges to the same lirnit regardless of what the initial point is.

It can be shown that if we take any two points in the sequence, say x, and x,,,, the foilowing relationship is true Chapter m. Iterated Function Systems

where s is the contraction factor of W. Since sel, Eq. 3.13 means that ifwe take any point x, in the sequence and some arbitrarily smail value, EY),we can find another value x, such


Any sequence that satisfies Eq. 3.14 is a Cauchy sequence.

A metric space (Xd) is said to be complete ifevey Cauchy sequence in X converges.

A sequence (xJ in X converges Xit has a limit which is an element of X Ney781. This means that the sequence in Eq. 3.13 is convergent ifit is defined in a complete metric space.

One of the axiorns of a metric, the triangle inequality, states that given a metnc space

(X,,d) and any three vectors v, w,z E X the foilowing relationship is always true

We have established that the sequence in Eq. 3.13 has a ht,let us say that ktis x. Let us also choose some arbitrary point in the sequence; say x,. By the triangular inequality we have the foiiowing relationship Cbapter III. Iterated Function Systems

Substituthg 3.18 into 3.17 produces

Since x is the Limit of the sequence (XJ then the right hand side of Eq. 3.19 can be made

arbitrarily smd by choosing sufficientiy large m. This implies that d(x, W(x)) = O, which in

turn implies that x = W(x). Any point that is mapped into itselfby some transform is calleci

a fixed point of that transform. The limit of the sequence in Eq. 3.13 is thus a fired point of

the transform W. The next question to ask is; is this fixed point unique.

To prove that the fixeci point is unique, we assume that there is at least one more fixed

point, v. Shce v is another fked point; then v = W(v). Using Eq. 3.12 and the knowledge

that v and x are both fked points of Wswe get

Since Sl, then solving Eq. 3-20 gives d(x.v) = O. This in tum implies x = v. Thus x is a unique fixeci point.

In iterated fiction systems, the fixed point of the system is called the attractor for that IFS. In this section we showed that an IFS is paranteeci to converge as long as the contraction factor is less that one, and the IFS is dehed in a complete metric space. The IFS converges to an attractor, which is a unique nxed point of the system. The next section shows how the attractor is used in interpolation. Chapter ïTï. Iterated Fmcâon Systems

3.4 IFS Based Interpolation

The interpolation problem can be stated as foiiows: given time series data over a specific interval, hda function, F(*),that best matches the data over the interval. In this section we represent the tirne series as

where a, ERs.t. u,

The thesenes data could be speech, stock market data, delay in packets being sent over the

Internet, etc. The variable u, is an index that represents the relative time when each meamremen< v, is taken. Thus for stock market data u, could represent days and v, could be the daily closing price of a specinc stock. N represents the length of the period over which the andysis is being done.

The interpolation task involves finding a fimction that best fits the given data, over the interval [uo.uN]. In this section we discuss two models of iterated finction systems and their application in approximating fùnctions of a given theseries data. The two models are the seff-me model and the piece-wise seK-saine model.

3.4.1 Self-Affine Mode1

The self-affine fiactal model is an iterated fûnction system whose attractor is self- afnne over the interval luo, u,]. This means that portions of the series may be obtained by applying metransforms on the whole senes. This section shows how to find a self-&ne Chapter Iterated Function Systems

IFS whose attractor closely approximates the graph of the time series of Eq. 3.2 1.

The definition of an IFS was given in Eq. 3.2. It consists of M &e transforrns. In

the self-fie mode1 the theis divided into M sections. Each one of the M afke transforrns

maps the whole series ,the interval [u,, UA,into one of these sections. We cal1 the section

ont0 which a map scales the whole signai the range space of the map.

The range spaces of the M maps are non-overlapping. Thus if the rnap w, maps the

whole signal to the range [xi-,, xi] then the rnap w,, maps the whole signal to the range [x,

xiThe endpoint of the range of each rnap is called the interpolation point of that map.

The interpolation point for the rnap wi is thus denoted (x, y,). Since every rnap has an

interpolation point associated with it, we thus have a set of interpolation points given by

Eq. 3.22 defines M+i interpolation points even though we only have M maps in the IFS. The first interpolation point, (r,y,,) does not have a rnap associated with it. It is needed for defining the interval for w, the fust map. The set of interpolation points is a subset of the points in the time senes. As the time series has N data points, the number of interpolation points ,M cannot be more than N. To ensure complete cuverage of the intervai represented by the the series, the first and last interpolation points are required to be equal to the first and last points of the given data set. Thus Chapter m. Iterated Function Systems

As mentioned eariier, each rnap, w, maps data over the whole intervai, [x, x,3, into its range

space, [xhh xi]. This requires that


At the beginning ofthis chapter, the general form of each affine transfomi was given

in Eq. 3.3. For the case of tirne series data, this equation is slightly simplifieci. Since tirne

series data is single valued, to ensure that the IFS ody generates single valued data the

coefficient b, is set to zero wine931. This simplifies the equation to

Each one ofthe fiemaps is a two dimensional mapping. It is a contraction in both x and y directions. There is a contraction in the x-direction since each map transforms points in the interval Ix, x,] to the smaiier interval [x,,. xi]. The contraction in the y-direction is controkd by the parameter d,of Eq. 3.25. The map will be a contraction mapping if Id,l

The parameter d, callecl the contraction factor, is independent of the interpolation points and is used to control the shape of the interpolating fùnction [Vuie93].

Given the series data, the problem of hding the IFS that best represents that data is calid the inverse problem. Ifwe know the interpolation points, then for each map we oniy need to find the contraction &or, 4. Given contraction factors, and the interpolation points,

- 40 - Chapter m. Iterated Function Systems

(x, y,), the rest of the coefficients for each rnap can be calculated by substituting Eqs. 3.24 into 3.25. This gives four linear equations with four unhowns; a, . e, . cf. and f;. The problem of hding the parameters of each rnap thus reduces to a problem of solving for two pararneters; the contraction factor 4 and the interpolation point x,. Details of an inverse algorithm are given in Section 3 -7.3.

3.4.2 Piecewise Self-Affine Mode1

The seIfIffiemodel descnied in the previous section, consists of affine maps, (w,}, that rnap the entire fiuiction lu, uN],to a portion of the fiinction in the interval [x~,,x,l The resultant function is thus self-&ne throughout its domain. The piecewise self-afEne model geneializes this concept. Instead of imposing the condition that each affine rnap should have the same domain as the fùnction, anemaps may have domains which are subsets of the fmction's domain. The whole function is thus composed of sections which are afnne transforms of other sections of the function. Such a finction is calied piecewise self-aftùie.

Sections ofthe function are not self-&e with the whole fùnction as in the seKaffine model.

They are self-fie with specific portions of the function.

In the seK-afEne model described in Section 3.4.1, each fiemap has an interpolation point associated with it. The interpolation point is needed to define the range space of the rnap and its domain is assumed to be the sarne as that of the fùnction. In the piecewise seIf-me model, maps may have domains which are subsets of the fùnction. We therefore require for each rnap a set of two points that define its domain. In keeping with Chapter III. Iterated Function Systems

Mazel and Hayes WaHa921, we shall cal1 these points the addresses associated with each map. The set of addresses for ail the maps is described as:

Thus the map w, would have the addresses (u3,,, v3,,) and (u',, v,3associated with it. The endpoint constraints given in Eq. 3.24 were based on affine transforms whose domain space was that of the hction hthe piece-wise seIf-me model has a dierent domain for each map; the endpoint constraints for each map, w, are thus given by:

In the self-fie mode\ the inverse problem was reduced to hding the interpolation points and the correspondhg contraction factor for each map. In the piece-wise model, the inverse problem involves solving for the interpolation points, the map addresses and the contraction fàctor. Once these values are known, the rest of the parameters may be obtained by solving the linear equations fomed by substituthg Eqs. 3 -27Uito 3.25. A solution for the inverse problem is presented in Section 3.7.4. Chapter m. Iterated Function Systems

3.5 Synthesis of an IFS Attractor

In the last section, a description of an IFS was provided. Given an IFS, how do we

find the interpolation îhdion that it represents. This section describes how this interpolation

findon, also known as the attractor of the IFS, may be generated.

As was shown in Section 3.3.1, the attractor of an IFS is the unique ked point G

such that

In other words, the set G is mapped ont0 itself by the IFS. There are two techniques for generating the IFS; the deterministic technique and the random iteration technique [Bm88].

In the random iteration, the iteration is started by selecting one of the interpolation points. A map is then chosen at random and applied to this point. The resulting point is plotted. Another map is chosen at random and applied to this new point to give yet another point. Every tirne a new point is obtained it is plotted and a map is randomly selected and applied to it to give a new point. This method will work for the self-afnne mode1 but not for the pieceWise modeI. We therefore discuss the deterministic method in more detail because it can be used for both methods.

The deterministic method is based on the property that if enough iterations are performed on a given non-empty set A,, using a set of &ne maps, then the result is the attractor of the IFS that wnsists of that set of affine maps. We dehe the result of the nm Chapter III. Iterated Function Systems

iteration on A, as

The only requirement on A, is that it should be non empty single valued function in the xxy plane. nie ieration on A, produces a sequence of sets {A, A,, A, ... } which, according to the proof provided in Section 3.3.1, converges to the attractor of the IFS. During the iteration, we ascertain that the attractor has been found when A,,=A,,. The important steps of the synthesis algorithm are as foiiows:

i. Select any non-empty set and cal1 it A, .. 11. Use Eq. 3 -29 to obtain the next approximation to the attractor. Cail it A,,

iii. IfA,, =A, go to (iv) othenvise go to (ii)

iv. The attractor, G=A,.

We have presented in this section a method of generating the attractor, or interpolation hction, associated with an IFS. The question of how we find the IFS that best matches the underlying fùnction of a given tirne-series has not yet been addressed. This question is the inverse problem. Before we discuss the inverse problem, the next section presents a theorem that provides a means of measuring the goodness of fit of an attractor associated with an IFS and a given fiinetion or the-series.

-44- Cbapter ïïi. Iterated Function Systems

3.6 The CoUage Theorem

The Collage theorem provides a way of assessing how welI the attractor of an IFS approximates a given function. The theorem is as foliows:

Let (Xd) be a complete metric space. Let H be a &en fùnction in X. Let E be a given scalar quantity pater than or quai to zero. Choose an IFS systern with contraction factor s, where


where G is the attractor of the IFS. A proof of the Collage theorem is given in @amSI].

When solving the inverse problem, we need to fhd an IFS that muumizes the distance between its attractor and the underiying hctionof the given the-series. In other words, we need to minimize h(H,Gj where H is the the series under analysis. This means that an inverse algorithm would have to idente a possible IFS candidate, generate its attractor and then ampute its distance fiom the fiction H. The collage theorem offers a shortcut which, as we shall show later on in this chapter, significantly reduces the computational cornplexity of inverse algorithms.

Equations 3.30 and 3.3 1 in the Collage theorem imply that a minirnization problem Chapter III. Iterated Function Systems

in h@,@ is quivalent to a mullmization problem in d(H,W(H)). Fonnulating the inverse

problem as a minunization problem in d(H, W(m)simplifies the inverse problem.

3.7 IFS Inverse Aigorithm

The IFS inverse pmblem cm be stated as foliows: given the tirne senes of Eq. 3 -21

fmd an IFS whose attractor best matches the the series. The minimal set of parameters that

define an IFS are the contraction factors, d, and the interpolation points, (xo, xJ, in the case

of the seIfIffiemodel. In the case of the piecewise self-anine model, the addresses of each

map are aiso required. One method of finding these parameters is an exhaustive search over

aU possible combinations ofthe pararneters. Unfortunately, this is an NP-complete problem.

Aitemative algorithms are therefore required.

In this section, hvo solutions for the inverse algorithm developed by Mazel and Hayes

are presented MaHa921. One is for the self-aaine model and the other is for the piecewise

self-fie model. Fdwe show how the rest of the IFS pararneters are calculated given the

minimal set of parameters. We then derive a least squares formula for calculating the

contraction factor given the interpolation points and addresses for each map. The inverse

algonthms are then presented.

3.7.1 IFS Map Minimal Parameter Set

ID this section and Section 3.7.2 we will make derivations based on the piecewise model. Since the self-affine model can be wnsidered a special case of the piecewise self-

- - 46 - Chapter III- Iterated Function Systems affine model, the formulas obtained can be applied to both. To make the equations a little easier to read and write, we are going to change the notation. The change wi.U only be for this section and Section 3.7.2. Table 3.1 surnmarizes the change in notation.

Table 3 - 1. Chanae in notation to make eauations easier to rad- Entity Notation Elsewhere Notation for Derivations Time senes {(u) vj):@, 1,2, ... N) ((n, yJ: n=O,1,2, ... N)

The i& map in an IFS Wi w Interpolation points (%, ~dand (x" YJ @, Y,> and (9,,Y,)

For the tirne series, the x-coordinate is given by an index n which ranges from zero to (IV-1).

N is the size of the analysis window for the time series. The y-coordinate is depicted as a fùnction of the index n. This is done for ail points, thus if the x-coordinate of a point is p, then its y-coordinate is y,. We also drop the subscript i that depicts the i* rnap and its parameters.

Now that we have defineci the notation used in this section, we shaii proceed to show how ali the parameters required to constmct the attractor of an IFS can be obtained . The minimal set of parameters was identified to be

(i) the contraction factor d

(ii) the interpolation points @, y,) and (q, y,) and ci) the address points (1,y,) and (F, y,)

By substituthg these values into Eq. 3.25, the equation of an afnne transform, as well as into Chapter III. Iterated Function Systems

Eq. 3.27, the end point constraints, we get a system of four hear equations. The unknowns are the four parameters, a, c, e, and$ Solving the equations yields the foliowing formulas

ÇI=- 4-P F-I




We have thus shown that the minimal set as defined is sufficient to represent each map in an

IFS. The inverse algorithm thus needs only search for these parameters.

3.7.2 Calculation of the contraction factor

The last item that we have to address before presenting the inverse algorithm is a problem that may be formulated as foiiows: given (i) a the series ((n, yJ: n=071,2,.. . N }

- 48 - Chapter ïIï. Iterated Function Systems

(i) the interpolation points @, y,) and (q,y,) and (üi) the address points (1, y) and (F, y J; find the contraction factor of the map, in an IFS system, that gives the attractor the best match to the time series in the interval Cp, q]. A least squares fit approach is presented.

We aart b y defining a new point (j, y,), which is the result of mapping the point

(n,yJ by the map W. Thus

The x-coordinate is defined as

j = inl(uvt +e)

where the into function represents either a truncation or rounding to the nearest integer.

Since w maps the larger intervai of width (F-I+l) to the smaller interval of width (q-pl),for the same x-coordinatej, we may get more than one y-coordinate. The y-coordinate y) is defined as the average value of aiI the y-coordinates of al1 points whose x-coordinate is j.

The next thing is to find the parameter d that minimizes the approximation error between the attractor of the resultant IFS and the time series Ui the interval [p,q]. The advantage of using the Collage theorem is that one does not have to first calculate the attractor in order to minimize the error. The mean squared error function is thus given by From Eq. 3 -37 we note that forj to range &om j =p to j = q, the index n ranges f?om n = I

to n = F. We thus rewrite Eq. 3.38 in terms of the index n.

The variable y; is the rdtof mappîng the point (n;y,,) an4 fioh 3 -35, can be written as

y>=cn +dyn+f (3.40)

Ifwe substitute parameters c and f in Eq. 3 -40 with Eqs. 3.34 and 3 -35 we can express y; in

- tems of the minimum parameter set as in 3.4 1.

For convenience, we define the foiiowing variable

Substiîuting into Eq. 3 -39gives We again define variables to make the equations more manageable.

an=yn-CQ1 + (1 -QYJ

This simplifies the error function to

The error fùnction can be minimized with respect to d by taking a partial derivative of Eq.

3 -47 and equating it to zero. This yields Eq. 3 -48 which is the formula for caiculating the contraction factor when the foiiowing are known (i) the series data, ci) the interpolation points @, y,) and (q,y,), and ci) the address points (1' y,) and (F, y,). Chapter IIï. Iterated Fmction Systems

Now that we have established a formula for calculating the contraction factor we d present

the inverse algorithms.

3.7.3. Self-Affane Mode1

When the minimal set that is needed to describe each rnap in our IFS system was

descrii earlier, it included the contraction factor, the interpolation points and the address

points. In the self-affine model, all the maps have the same address points because they ail

have the same domain, [O, N-11,as the entire interpolation function. The inverse algorithm

ody needs to fuid the optimal contraction factors and interpolation points. The algorithm is presented in Fig. 3 -2.

1. Choose the point (u, v,) fiom the tirne series as the interpolation point (x,, y,). Set the rnap index i to O. .* ll.... Increment the map index i by one and set the trial map index k to O. m. hcrement the trial map index k by one. (We are now trying the km trial map.) Take its interpolation point to be the point in theseries after the interpolation point of the last trial rnap if k > 1. If k = 1 take it to be the point after the interpolation point x,,. Cd this point (x, yJ. iv. Calculate the contraction factor d for the P trial map. v. If ldlr 1 go to (ii) else go to (vi). vi. Compute the parameters, a, c, e, and f to form the trial rnap w, Apply this rnap to each point of the fiinction to yield w@). vii. Take a subset of the original fbnction between xo and x, and cal1 it H, Compute and store E = d(H, w&Y)). .. . W.Repeat (üi) - (16) unta x, =u, k. The trial rnap that produced the least error in (viü) is the best candidate. Save its interpolation point and contraction factor as (x, yJ and 4 respectively. If more than one trial rnap produces the least error, then the one with the largest x is chosen. X. Go to O and continue until xi = u, Fig. 3.2. Inverse algorithm for the seIf- affine fiactal model. Chapter m- Iterated Function Systems

3-7.4. Piecewise Self-Amne Mode1

The inverse algorithm for the seIf-&e model searched for interpolation points and the corresponding contraction factor. The piecewise model also requires the address intervals to be determineci by the inverse algorithm. In this algonthm, constraints are imposeci on the map parameters in order to simplify the search algorithm. The distance between the x- coordinates of both the interpolation points and the address points are required to be constant. Thus if6 is the distance between interpolation points and @ is the distance between address points then


Since there should be contraction in the horizontal direction it is required that q>6. The values of6 and 9 have to be chosen by the designer either by experiment of f'rom knowledge of the data under anaiysis. The IFS WUhave as rnany interpolation sections as there are maps but the number of address intervals will be less than the number of maps. This means that some of the maps wili share address intervals. the restrictions stated, the Mazel and

Hayes inverse algonthm is given in Fig. 3 -3.

It is important to point out that this algorithm does not detedethe best IFS system for the given data. This is because the search space is limited by the restrictions placed on $ Chapter KII- Iterated Fmction Systems and 6. What the algorithm does provide is the optima match between the given interpolation sections and the given address intervais.

- - 1. Choose 6, w where Calculate M = N*. 2. For i=l to M do a) Forj= 1 to (NI*) 6) Calculate contraction factor for w,.with theJ* address intervd as its domain. ci) If ldlz 1 go to (vi). (ii) Calculate the rest of the parameters of w,. (iv) Apply the map wito the tirne senes data, H, with values in the address interval j as input. Cail the transfomi H, (v) Calculate the distance, h,. = d(H, 4,- +). (vi) Next j. b) Find thej for which h, is minimum and store it as the address interval associated with the map witogether with the associated contraction factor. c) Next i. Fig. 3 -3. Inverse algorithm for the piecewise self-fine model.

3.8 Summary of Chapter III

This chapter introduced fhctai interpolation based on iterated hction systems. The iterated fùnction systern mode1 was disaissed with particular attention to its use in modelling tirne series data. Algonthms dweloped by Mazei and Hayes for solving the inverse problems were presented. The next chapter presents a new approach for modelling excitations with IFS in hear predictive coding of speech. 4.1 Introduction

This chapter develops a system for modeliing of hear prediction (.P) residual using iterated fiinction systems. A low bit-rate speech codec based on fradal modelling is also developed. Frachi modelling refers to the use of fiactals to characterize signals or systems.

Before fiactal modelling of the LP residual is presented, a review of other research in the application of fiactals to speech wding is presented.

4.2 Fractal ModelIing of Speech

Fractals have been applied to the modelling of speech. In this section we review some of these applications and subsequently propose a new approach of using fkactals in the modehg of speech.

4.2.1 Some Application of Fractals to Speech Modeiiing.

Most of the work done in the area of fiactal modelling of speech is based on waveform coduig. Fractal interpolation fùnctions are used to represent the waveform of the speech signal. Sampled speech signals are windowed and analyzed to kdIFS that best represent them. The speech signal is then generated as the attractor of the IFS.

- 55 - In one such application of IFS to speech coding Mazel and Hayes used the piecewise

seLf-hefktal model descrii in Chapter 3. They were able to obtain a compression ratio

of 6:l with a signal to noise ratio of 17dB waHa92]. Similar approaches have been

presented in [ZhCT94]. Vehel et al make a variation on this approach by using sinusoidal

iteraîed fiindon systems and report that very good fùnctional representations of speech were

Obtained WeDL941.

One issue that is raid in fhctal modelling of speech is whether voiced speech and

unvoiced speech should be represented by the same model. The wavefonn for the voiced

sections generally looks smoother and sinusoidal. The unvoiced sections look more noise-

Like. Daoudi and Vehel present a system that makes those distinctions IpaVegS]. The system is based on local regularity analysis as measured by the Holder exponent. For voiced parts the signal is smooth except at a few point of sharp variations. The wavelet maxima method of Mallat and ZhongWaZhgZ], is used to determine Holder exponents for these isolated singularities. For the unvoiced sections, the signal is considerd to be irregular at ali scales and thus the local regularity has to be mntroiled not only at isolated points but everywhere.

This is achieved by using IFS to wntrol the local regularity [DaVe95] DaLWS].

Another class of techniques for modelling speech is based on modelling speech using chaotic dynamical systems. One such technique was developed by Langi and Kinsner and applied to the characterization of speech consonants w95]. The scheme employs correlation fiactal dimension and Takens embedding theorem to mesure the fiaetal dimension of the excitation: Later work by Kubin show that vowels can also be characterized using chaotic dynamical systems [Kubi97]. Maragos and Potamianos were able to ducethe error

- 56 - Chapter N.Fractal Modelling of Speech

rate ofan Mxkv model based speech recognition system by 18%. This was done by adding

a fiactal feature vector to augment the standard feature vectors of energy and cepstrum


A technique more closely related to the one developed in this thesis was developed

by Luphi and Cuperman [.rCu92]. They investigated a method for improving CELP codecs

at low bit-rates. Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) co decs are made up of three main


i) a short term predictor (LPC fiiter)

ü) a long term predictor for pitch rnodelling

iii) a stochastic codebook for the excitation.

Lupini and Cupemargued that CELP coders degraded in quality significantly at low data rates maUily because of the inauwate representation of the excitation by the white stochastic model. Instead of characterizing the excitation signal as white noise, they investigated an approach introduced by Maragos and Young wo90], which characterizes the excitation as l/f type of fiactal signal. These signals can be characterized as having a power spectral density of the form

where c is a constant. In the investigation, the parameter p of a residual signal was calculated. A codebook of residuals with the same power spectral density but with Chapter IV. Fractaï Modeiiing of Speech

randodphases, was then searched to hdthe best candidate vector. The results of this investigation demonstrated only marginal improvements over using a fixeci stochastic codebook. Our approach characterizes the excitation as I/f fiactal signals as weli. The l/f class of fiactal signais is a fàmiiy of statisticdy self-sùnilar random processes. They have statistics in the tirne domain Woni961. The parameter P of Eq. 4.1 which is related to the fractal dimension provides useful but limited information when modelling the signal. The results of Lupini and Cuperman show that this information is not sufficient for giving signifiant improvement of speech quality in CELP coders. We thus propose using iterated fùnction systems (IFS) for modeiling the excitation. Unlike sirnply using P, which only presews the spectral tik IFS are able to preserve the phase information as well. IFS should therefore provide a better model for speech excitations.

4.3 Map Coverage Cost Function

Section 3.7.3 presented an algorithm for solving the inverse problem for the self- afnne IFS model. In this section a modification to that algorithm is proposed. The proposed modification gives the designer more control over the solution obtained by the inverse algorithm. Chapter N.Fractal Modemg of Speech

4.3.1 Review of TerminoIogy

Before we describe the proposed changes we will present a very brief review of

some of the ternis that d be used. The interpolation problem was described in Section 3.4

as the problem of finding a fùnction that best matches given time series data Iterated

hction systems can be used to approximate such time series data. In the seIf-fie fi-actal

modei., an IFS consists of a set ofMafnne maps which are used to iteratively map the whote

set of data points into a subset of the data points. Section 3.4.1 describeci this subset of data

points as the range space of the map w, Since the range spaces of the M a&e maps are non-

overiapphg, they uui be sufficiently definecl by the set ofilterpolation points, {(x, y,)): i =

0,1,2 .. . Ad) as given in Eq. 3 -22. Thus each map w,takes di the points in the the series and rnaps them into the interval [x,,, xi]. We define the value (xi-x,,) as the map coverage of the

P afnne map.

4.3.2 Motivation

The inverse algorithm presented in Section 3.7.3 was applied to LPC residual signals.

It was discovered that the map coverage for each map in the resultant IFS was very srna; less than two sarnples. It was conjechireci that using the given algorithm on any data which is only statistically selfafie similar results would be obtained.

Having a smaii map coverage is not very usefiil for signal compression applications. SmaU map coverage values mean that there are more maps in the IFS. Having more maps recuits in more parameten required to mode1 the system. Lncreasing the number

- 59 - Chapter N.Fractd Modeiling of Speech of parameters generally reduces the compression ratio. In signal compression it is sometimes desirable to have a sub-optimal solution ifit results in greater compression ratios.

The reason for obtalliing small map cuverage values lies in steps (vii) and (ix) of the algorithm in Fig. 3.2. Step (vü) calculates the approximation error of a given trial map and step (or) selects the rnap with minimum error. The error finction is such that if the data is not stnctiy self fie then the resulting solution could very weil use the entire set of points in the tirne series as its interpolation points. We cal1 this the trivial solution because it provides the best "interpolation" function for any data. The modifications proposed in this section provide a means to not only avoid the trivial solution but also ailow the designer to control the average map coverage.

4.3.3 Error Normalization.

The first change proposed is normalkation of the error. We redehed the approximation error in step (vii) to be

We illustrate the importance of this change with an example. Suppose for a certain data set, there are three triai maps as show in Table 4.1. Chapter N-Fractal ModeIlhg of Speech

Table 4.1. Set of exarnple triai maps with their interpolation point, approxhate error, E Gd nomalized approximation error, E, h + Triai Map xhI x, E E, O 5 20 w, 4 I w, O 10 40 4 1

The approximation errer. Ey and normalized approximation error, E, for each of the trial maps is show in the table. Using the inverse algorithm described, w, and w, could be among the candidates for the P map. Using the original error measure, w, would be chosen over w, because its approximation error is only 20 as opposed to 40. On the other hand, if the normalized error is used, map w, would be chosen instead. If the main target is to have high compression ratios map w, is the better choice because it would result in fewer maps.

This section introduced normalization of the error function used in selecting the best candidate rnaps. Normalization aiiows comparison on a per sample basis as opposed to wmparing errors on sections of different length.

4.3.4 Linear Coverage Cost Function

It is desirable to have maps with fairiy large coverage. In the previous section, rnap coverage was increased by normahg the error fùnction. This produced less rnaps per

IFS with little or no increase in approximation error.

In some cases, it might be required to reduce the number of maps by more than what is achieved by nomaking error. This cm be achieved by modwng the error function Chapter IV. Fractai Modehg of Speech even fùrther. For this purpose we introduce the coverage cost function. It forgives some of the error of large coverage maps while having Little or no forgiveness for smd coverage maps. The new error fundion thus becornes a combination of the normalized approximation error and the cuverage cost function as in Eq. 4.3.

where z is the coverage of the map whose error is being calculated and

To forgive large coverage maps, the coverage cost fùnction was used in the inverse algonthrn for modeiiing speech excitations. The constant b was varied in an effort to obtain optimal resuits, It was found that, depending on the size of b, the map width was either too large or too srnall. It was not possible to obtain more intermediate values for the rnap width. It was thus decided to search for a cost fûnction that gave more control on the number of maps.

4.3.5 Non-Linear Map Coverage Cost Function

It appears that the most direct method of increasing control over the solution of the inverse algorithm is by manipulating the error function. In the previous section, a lin- map coverage cost fùnction was added to modify the error. This simple cost function was found to be ineffective because it still did not give the designer control over the number of maps per IFS. Chapter N.Frad Mdelling of Speech

Mary different non-hear cost fùnctions were experimented with in an attempt to

find one that provides the designer with the most control. The main characteristic required

of each fùnction was that its cuwe should rise very steeply at smd rnap coverage and then

level offat large map coverages. Most of the cost firnctions experimented with would work

very well for a certain desired average rnap coverage but would EiiI when a difEerent desired

average map coverage was introduced. It thus seemed like we were doomed to searching for

a new cost fiinaion every tirne experimentation with different compression ratios was

performed. A universal cost fùnction that would expedite experimentation was required.

An excellent cost fiinction candidate was developed in 1913 in the field of enzyme

chemisûy by Leonor Michaeiis and Maud Menten. The equation they developed, known as

the Michaelis-Menten equation is used to mode1 kinetics of many enzyme reactions [Stry88].

Mer changing the dlesto meet our application we propose the foîiowing equation as the

rnap coverage cost fiinction:

A graph of this function is shown in Fig. 4.1. Chapter IV. Fractal Modelling of Speech

Fig. 4.1. Graph of non-hear map coverage cost function.

As can be seen fiom the graph of the cost function, it has the required

characteristic of having a very steep slope for smali map coverage but it levels off after the

point 2,. The value z, denotes the most favourable map width.

A selection of zo is made by the designer based on desired compression ratios.

Merdetermining zb there are two more values that have to be determined by the designer,

P,, and k. P, gives the upper limit of the cost bction. This is usefùl for ensu~gthat the

cost fùnction does not become so large as to increase the inaccuracy of the resultant IFS to unacceptable levels. The variablekdetermines how large the value of the cost function is for maps with the desired coverage. The vaiues ofP, and k are determined by experirnent, with the objective of optimizing the solutions found using the inverse algorithm of a given 2,.

This section introduced the map coverage cost function. The function is used to Cbapter TV. FradModelling of Speech modï@ the inverse algorithm for solving for parameters of the seIf-me IFS model. The next section describes an application that uses this modified inverse algorithm. We wili also present an application that uses the inverse algorithm for the piecewise seif-me IFS model

4.4 Fractal Modelling of Linear Prediction Excitations.

In Chapter 2, hear prediction and its application in speech coding was discussed.

A linear prediction based speech codec was descnbed as haWig three main components; a short terni predictor, a long tmpredictor and a module for modelling the excitation. In this section we present a new approach for modelling the excitation signal. As the main objective of the thesis is to investigate the excitation modelling, the design of both the short terni and long term prdictors was adopted from the GSM 06.10 fidl rate codec FTSI911. The excitation modelling presented is based on hctal interpolation. Two dSerent interpolation techniques were investigated and implernented. The next section presents the architecture of the encoder and decoder used in both systems. Details of the two models, the self affine model and the piecewise self affine model are presented in Section 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 respectively. Chapter N-Frad Modelling of Speech

4.4.1 System Architecture

The system of architecture of the fiactal interpoiation based encoder and decoder

are presented in this section. The encoder is presented fist.

LP -Parameters

.1 7 PreEmphasis IFS Analysis


7 r Parameters LP Analysis k LTP Filter IFS Synthesis

LTP -Parameters - LP Filter + LTP Analyis c- I -Y-

Fig. 4.2. Architecture of the encoder. The dotteci arrow is needed for the piecewise self- afnne mode1 only.

The block diagram of the hctai interpolation based encoder is shown in Fig. 4.2.

Both the self-afbe based and the piecewise sel£-afhe based encoders have the sarne basic architecture. The objective of this work is to investigate modelling of the linear prediction residuais using iterated function systems. For that reason not much effort was expended in the design of other modules of the encoder and decoder. We thus give only a brief description of these other modules.

The input speech is split into fi-ames of 20 milliseconds each. This represents 160 samples of speech sampled at 8000 samples per second. For reasons presented in Section

2.3 -5, the frame of speech is passed through a pre-emphasis filter. Chapter IV. Fractai Modeiiing of Speech

Mer filtering, the 160 samples of speech are then analyzed using the Schur

rdonalgorithm to obtain the linear prediction filter coefficients. An eighth order iinear

prediction fiiter is used. As the LP coefficients are sensitive to quantization noise, they are

converted into log area ratios which are less sensitive to quantkation. The log area ratios

(LAR) are then coded using scdar quantization.

A scalar quantizer is a many-to-one mapping of either the whole real-axis or a

subset into a finite set of N real numbers [Cupe9 1][GeGr92 1. We cdthe finite set Q. Each

element of Q may be given one of the labels O, 1,2, ... (N-1). The labels are referred to as

the indices of the N real numbers. The quantizer takes a reaI number as its input and gives

the index of one of the elements of Q as output. An inverse quantizer takes an index as its

input and outputs the correspondhg member of Q. For example, to quantize values corn 1O0 to 1,000 using only 10 values, the set Q may have the elements ( 100, 200, 300, .. . 1000).

The respective indices for the elements could be {O, 1,2, ... 9}. The quantizer, using a round to the nearest hundred operation, would thus map 230 to 1; 275 to 2 and so forth. The inverse quantizer would map 1 to 200; 2 to 300. The inverse operation is not a true inverse in that it does not retum the original value that was sent into the quantizer. What it retums is a best approximation of it based on the elements of Q. The nurnber of bits available to represent the quantized values determines the number of elements in Q. Table 4.2 gives the number of bits used to quantize each LAR

The LP filter module in the diagram, decodes the quantized LP parameters into log area ratios. It then converts the log area ratios into prediction filter coefficients. The Chapter IV. Fractai Modelling of Speech

impulse response of the LP filter is determined. The difFerence of the impulse response and

the original input speech is calculated. This dÏerence is called the LP residue.

Table 4.2. Bit allocation for the log area ratios. r hLog Area Ratio Coefficient Number of Bits

1 Al1 coefficients 1 36

As mentioned eariier, the LP residue has rnost of the vocal tract information extracted f?om h However, it stiii contains pitch information. The next stage in the encoder is dius the determination and extraction of the pitch information. This is done using a long term predictor. The pitch anaiysis is performed on 5 miIlisecond, 40 sample, windows. The

LP residual is thus subdivided into four sub-fiames for the analysis. The current sub-hne under anaiysis and the reconstructed residuals of the previous three sub-hes are used as input to the long tenn prediction (LTP). A first-order LTP is used, thus the equations developed in Section are used for calculating the lag and gain for the current sub- he-The lag is Linearly scalar quantized using 7 bits and the gain is logarithmically scalar Chapter IV. Fractai Modelling of Speech quantized using 2 bits for each 5 ms sub-firame.

The LTP filter module does inverse quantization of the gain and lag. They are used together with the reconstnicted versions of the previous three sub-hes, in order to obtain an approximation of the current sub-Me. This approximation is subtracted 60m original LP residuals to give the LTP residud also caifed the LP excitation. An iterated fimction system is used to model the LTP residue. The IFS parameters are then coded using scalar quantization. The attractor of the IFS is the LTP residue. More detaiis on the IFS andysis and coding module are given in the next two sections.

Synthesized IFS Syntùesis b LTP Filter * LP FiIter > Speech

IFS LTP LP Parruneters Parameters Parameters

L Fig. 4.3. Architecture of the decoder.

The decoder begins by reconstnicting the LTP residual. This is done by first inverse quantizing the IFS parameters and then using them to synthesize the attractor of the

IFS. This residual is used by the LTP filter to calculate the LP residual. The LP filter provides the ha1 stage of the speech synthesis.

4.4.2 Self-affme Model Baseü Codec.

The system architecture of the seIf-&e model based codec was presented in the previous section. The IFS analysis and coding module takes LTP residue as input. It is Chapter N.Fractal Modehg of Speech treated as time series data with 40 samples per fiame and no overlap. The fhme is analyzed to find a set of IFS parameters whose attractor best approximates the excitation. In experiments, both the original inverse algorithm by Mazel and Hayes and the modified algorithm presented in this chapter were used. For each map, w, in the IFS, the following pararneters are needed: contraction factor, d, ; interpolation point (x, y,).

4.4.3 Piecewise Self-Affine Mode1 Based Codec

The piecewise self-me model based codec is obtained by replacing IFS modules of figures 4.2 and 4.3 with a piecewise self-&ne based IFS system. In Our experiments, the inverse algorithm presented in Section 3.7.4 was used. IFS Parameter Reduction

To represent each rnap wiin a piecewise model, seven pararneters are required: contraction factor 4.;interpolation point,(x, yi) and address interval markers (u ,,, v and (u ,, v 'J. In the proposed codec, only three pararneters are required per map. This was achieved by making some simplifications on the model.

In the inverse algonthm usesi, the distance between the x-coordinates for both the interpolation poiqts and address interval rnarkers is made constant. These are represented by

6 and 9 respectively. This means that the interpolation point for the P map can be written

- 70 - Chapter W.Fractal Modehg of Speech

as (i-6, yJ. Since d is fixed for the wdec and the value of i is explicitly defined by the

ordering of the rnaps, the encoder needs ody save y, for each interpolation point. This leaves

six parameters.

Given that the address interval is constant, further reduction in the required

parameters oui be obtained. As there is a fixed number ofpossiile address intervals, each one

is given an index number; j. Then the address interval given by [O, Jr] has index 0; the

address interval &en by CI#, 2M has index 1; and so forth. We denote the address index for

the zQ rnap as&. This means that for each map.we only need to store three parameters; 4, y,, andi-. The nurnber of parameters for each map is now three but we also need a set of y-

coordinate values for the endpoint of each address interval. Thus if the size of the analysis

window is N, there will be a set of (N+$+l) y-coordinate values.

In the piecewise afnne mode1 based encoder, we imposed another constra.int that

made it unnecessary to store the y-coordinate vdues for each address interval. Recalhg the

discussion in Section 3.7.4, it was required that the address interval, Jr, be greater than the

interpolation inted 6. Jr was restricted to be an integer multiple of 6. This therefore means

that the endpoint of each address interval coincides with that of an interpolation point. The

set of y-coordinates of address interval endpoints is thus a subset of the set of y-coordinate

values of the interpolation points. We define two new variables for the map w,. Chapter N.Fractal Modehg of Speech

The address interval for the map w, is thus given by the points in Eq. 4.7

The y in Eq. 4.7 refers to an dement fiom the set of y-coordinates of the interpolation points.

Thus by sharing these y-coordiiate values between the interpolation interval and address intervals, the number of parameters required for each IFS is tbree per map.

4.4.3 -2 IFS Parameter Determination and Quantization

The previous section showed how the parameters required to fÙl1y deke each map in the iterated function system can be reduced to three: the interpolation factor, 4.;the address interval, j,; and the y-value at the interpolation point, y,. This completes the mode1 for a f'ractal excitation based codec. To implement such a codec more issues, which have to do with the goals for developing such a codec, have to be dealt with. These issues include: i. How large should the coverage for each map, 8, be? ii. How large should the address interval, Jr, be?

üi. How large is each analysis me,N, for IFS? This value determines the number of

address intervals in the IFS, and therefore the number of bits required to represent the

address interval index, j,. iv. How shouid the interpolation factor be quantized and how many bits should be used for

the quantization? v. How should the interpolation point, y, be quantized and how many bits should be used? Chapter IV. Fracal Modeiiing of Speech

A systernatic process ofanswering these questions is developed in chapter six. This process involves a number of experiments that are directed towards the development of a 6 kbps codec.

4.5 Summary of Chapter IV

This chapter started with a brief review of some of the literature on the application of fiactals to speech coding. A new technique for rnodelling the excitation in Iinear prediction based codecs was developed. As the focus of the design was on developing an excitation model, the parameters of the other models in the system are the same as those of the ETSI standard; GSM 06.10. Besides dowing for focus on the excitation mode4 developing a systern whose other parameters match those of the GSM codec aiso makes this codec a good reference for quality evaluation. In this chapter, we also developed a method of improving the inverse algorithm developed by Mazel and Hayes for the affine IFS model. This was done through the introduction of a cost fùnction which can be used to influence the outcome of the inverse algorithm.

Chapter 5 describes the implementation of the codec presented in this chapter.

Chapter six puts the proposed codec model to the test by developing a 6 kbps codec. CHAPTERV


5.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter the system architectures of the fkctai excited based codecs were introduced. One was based on modekg of the prediction residud using a self-afie model. The second codec was based on modehg the prediction residuai using a piecewise fie£tactal model. These two systems were irnplemented using the C programming language. This chapter gives the details of the hplementation.

5.2 Test Program


fiead encode decode %te


Fig. 5.1. Structure of test program used to evaiuate the codec.

A test program is required to run both encoder and decoder. The purpose of the program is to take uncompresseci speech nom a fle, compress t and then decornpress it. The decompressed speech is then stored in another file. The stored file can be used to evaluate the quality of the codec's output. Figure 5.1 shows a structure chart of the test program.

-74- Chapter V. hplementation of Fractai Excitai Codec

The fread function rads speech in PCM format from a file and the fwrite function writes synthesized speech in PCM format to file.

5.3 The Encoder

preprocess IpcAnalysis ItpAnalysis ifs Analysis pack

Fig. 5.2. The encode fùnction.

Figure 5.2 shows a structure chart of the encoder. The preprocessing and LPC analysis is done on the fidi speech fiame. The output of the LPC analysis are the log area ratios and the linear prediction residual. The log area ratios are sent to the pack routine to be put into the compressed bit-stream- The residual is sent to the LTP analysis routine which caldates the optimal autocorrelation hg and its associated gain. This routine aiso calculates a residual which is modelled by the IFS analysis routine. The LTP and IFS analysis routines are run on a sub-frame basis. There are foür sub-fiames for each 20 rnillisecond speech fiame. The pitch Iag, gain and IFS parameters for ail four sub-fiames are packed together with the log area ratios into one bit-stream. Before packing, each pararneter is represented as a 16 bit value. The pararneter WU typically require only a subset of these 16 bits making Chapter V. Fmplementation of Fractal Excited Codec

the rest redundant. For example, if a pararneter varies fkom O to 3 1, it wiii use oniy 5 of the

I6 bits assigned to it. The pack routine takes oniy the required bits for each pararneter and

forms a Stream of bits with no redundancies. This tightly packed strearn of bits can then be

sent to the decoder which unpacks them into 16 bit parameters again.

Fig. 5 -3. The linear predictive coding analysis routine.

The WCanalysis routine uses the Schur reainive algorithm to calculate reflection coeIFcients. The rdection coefficients are then converted to log area ratio coefficients. The log area ratio co&cients are less sensitive to quantization effects than reflection coefficients

Wakh751, WaGr761, thus the former are quantized instead.

Ln addition to calculating the LP coefficients, the second function of the LPC analysis routine is to calculate the LP residual. This is done using the quantized log area ratios to mimic the decoder. The LP residual is used by the LTP anaiysis routine. Chapter V. Implementation of Fractal Excited Codec

5.3.2 LTP Analysis

Fig. 5.4. Long term prediction analysis routine.

The LTP analysis routine takes the residual fiom LPC analysis and calculates a long term correlation lag and its associated gain. These values are quantized for sending to the decoder. The quantued values are aiso used for calculating the long term prediction residual.

53.3 IFS Andysis.

The IFS anaiysis routine irnplements the hctai interpolation technique used to mode1 the

LTP residue. 1t calculates parameters for an fietransform map for each sub-fiame using the inverse algorithms presented in Figs. 3 -2 and 3.1. The parameters are quantized using a linear scdar quantizer . Chapter V. Implementation of Fractai Excited Codec


synthPrevSubfrcune caicEstim ation findMinError I

Fig. 5.5. IFS analysis and quantization routine for the piecewise self-me model.

5.4 The Decoder

Fig. 5.6. The decoder fùnction.

The purpose of the decoder hction is to take the bit-strearn £?om the encoder and synthesize it into speech. It unpacks the parameters fiom the bit-stream and then passes them to each one of the three synthesis modules. The post processing routine implements the Chapter V. Implementation of Frad Excited Codec inverse of the pre-processing filter apptied at the encoder.

5.5 Speech Compression Lab

An application, named the Speech Compression Lab, was developed for demonstrating the p~ciplesof speech compression. The application was developed for

Microsoft Wmdows 3 -1. It allows users to load speech files in Microsoft .wav file format.

Tt displays a graphicd representation of the speech waveform. The seale used to draw the wavefom can be customized by the user. Once the waveform has been loaded, the user can use the Compre s s cornmand i?om the Action menu. This wili use the current codec algorithm to compress the speech and Save the results in a file. The file with the compressed speech can be loaded into the Speech Compression Lab as well. As the compressed file is loaded, it is passed through the decoder. The uncompressed speech's wavefom is displayed upon completion of the decoding. DBerent compression algorithm can be added to the

Speech Compressi~nLab using MS Wmdows shared Libraries; .dll files.

Figure 5.7 shows screen shots of the Speech Compression Lab. One screen shot shows the start-up screen and the other shows a speech file and its correspondhg uncompressed waveform. Chapter V. Implementation of Fracîai Excited Codec

1 le Edit Yeu won Audio Çontrols Qptions Hindou blp [I

Fig. 5.7. Screen shots of the Speech Compression Lab.

-80- Chapter V. Implementation of Fractal Excited Codec

5.6 Summary of Chapter V

The fiactai based codec was implemented in C. This chapter presented the software architecture of the system- In addition to the encoder and decoder whose system architechires were presented in the previous chapter, a test program was introduced and descnbed. The test program was used to prepare speech samples used to evaluate the codec and its implementation Eduation of the codec is presented in the next chapter. A brief description of the Speech Compression Lab software was also presented at the end of this chapter. CHAPTER VI


6.1 Introduction

Chapter four presented a new technique for modeiiing speech excitations. Chapter five describes the implementation of the system. In this chapter objective and subjective methods of assessing the quaüty of the synthesized speech are presented. The results of the analysis of the codecs developed in chapter four are presented.

6.2 Methods of Assessing Speech Quality

There are two main variables in assessing speech quality; intelligibility and perceived quality. Speech inteiligibility refers to the content of the message. Regardless of how the speech sounds, if users can understand the message with very few errors then the speech has high inteiligibility. Perceived quality is related to how natural the speech sounds to the listener. It is thus a measure of how objectionable listeners find distortions in the speech. Intelligibiiity tests are usuaiiy necessary only in very low bit-rate systems whereby the distortions are very severe. As the systems developed in this thesis do not fit into this category, of codecs with severe distortions, ody quaiity measures are considered.

Speech quality assessrnent methods are either objective or subjective. Objective measures ut*ze both on@ and synthesized speech signals and apply some rnathematically Chapter W. System Verification and Results based measure of distortion. Subjective assessrnent is based on the opinion of a human iistener or a jury of human listeners. Subjective tests generdy provide a better indicator of quality, however they tend to be the-consurning and require a lot of resources. It is also difiicult to reproduce results for some subjective tests PePH931. Due to ali these issues, subjective tests are ody utilUed after good results have been obtained using objective

There are rnany different measures avdable for evaiuating speech. The choice of mesure depends on, among other things, the kind of algorithm being evaluated, the nature of distortions as weli as the application of the system FEE691. For the purpose of evaluating the nasal excitation based codecs, two measures were selected; the signal-to-noise ratio and the mean opinion score (MOS).

6.2.1 Signal -to-Noise Ratio

Signal-to-Noise (Sm)ratio is the most widely used measure for evaluating coding systerns. It is however ody appropriate for coders that seek to reproduce the original waveform. The SNR in decibels is calculated using Eq. 6.1.

where 4n) is the original signal and s'(n) is the synthesized signal f?om the coder.

- 83 - Chapter VI- System Verincation and Red&

Although SNR is widely used, in some cases it is a poor estirnator of speech quality wG78]VrNM781 plora971. This is because it is not particulariy well correlated to any subjective attribute of speech quality. A slight change in the phase of a speech signal could give very low SNR whereas perceptually there might be no ciifFerence at aii between the new signal and the original. The SNR however provides a good measure of how weii a wavefom has been reproduced. As reproducing the wavefom as accurately as possible is the target of the fiactal based codec, SNR is therefore a usehl measure.

6.2.2 Mean Opinion Score

The mean opinion score (MOS) is the most widely used subjective quality measure for evaiuation of speech coding dgorithrns [DePH!23] Paum821 -841. With this measure amof listeners rates the quaiity of the speech. Sentences are played and the Iisteners rank each one on a scaie of 1 to 5. Table 6.1 describes the ranking system. A sentence is played to the listener and hdshe has to rank it on a sale of 1 to 5. The scores fiom ail the utterances fiom ali the listeners are averaged to give the MOS score.

By using a simple deof 1 to 5, the test dows the listeners themselves to decide what attributes to consider when assessùig the quality of the speech. This makes MOS applicable to a wide range of systems. Due to this flexiiility of the MOS test it is used here to evaluate the hctal excited speech coder. Chapter VI. System Vedïcation and Results

Table 6.1. Five ~ohtscale used for MOS tests. Rating 1 Speech Quality 1 Level of distortion \ 5 Excellent Imperceptible 1 4 [Good 1 Just perceptible but not annoying 1 3 Fair Perceptible and slightly annoying 2 Poor Annoying but not objectionable , 1 1 1 Unsatisfactory 1 Very annoying and objectionable 1

The greatest advantage of the MOS test is also its weakness. The simple scale provides much versatiliq, however its meaning rnight Vary signincantly Born Listener to listener. To reduce the eff'of this variation a system known as anchoring is used. In anchoring, the quality of one or two reference signais is dehed and presented to each iistener to establish a point of reference [1EEE69].

Other issues that afEect the results of MOS test inchde the selection of listeners, the instructions aven to the iisteners and the consistency of the test condition fiamework.

The test condition fhmework includes the order of presentation, the type of speech samples, presentation method, listening equipment and the listening environmental conditions. Even when MOS tests are canied out in standardized laboratones where variables are strictly controlled, the results may vay significantly depending on the jury of Listeners. Goodman and

Nash showed the effect of this variation by evaluating a codec in seven dirent countries

[GoNa82]. Three of the countries are English speaking, Britain, Canada, and the United

States. The other four were France, Itaiy, Japan and Norway. Listener opinion was Chapter VI. System Verincation and Results

evaiuated using MOS under equivalent and weil controkd conditions. The results showed

large variations, by at least a unit of the five point scale for most tests.

HaWig descriied the MOS test, its strength and weakness, we now descnbe the

informai MOS test conducted to test the hctal based codec. Informa1 MOS Test

The IEEE and the ITW have set up very formal requirements for MOS tests.

These tests are very expensive to mn. In most cases samples are sent to standardized

laboratories that conduct the tests to ensure that resuhs can be compared with other systems.

In 1997 the cost of such a test at an ITU approved lab was more than US %12,000.

As the evaluafion of the fkhiexcited codec is preliminary, an informal MOS test

is used. The test was conducted with the following setup:

Plqvback Hmdwme: 486 cornputer mnning Wmdows 3.1, Sound Blaster 16 sound


Plqback Som: Soundo'LE. A program that is part of the Wmdows- 3.1

operating system.

Heehones: Koss TD/60

Speech Maferid LO sentences fiom list 1 and 10 sentences from list 2 of the

Harvard sentences mE69]. These were saved in Microsoit

wave format. Chapter VI. System Verifkation and Results

Refereence Sentence : The utterance "She left your suit in greasy wash water ali year"

fiom the TIMIT database.

Listen ers: 3 1 undergraduate university students. 12 female and 19 male.

They were aii volunteers nom St. John's College residence.

Procedue : Each Mener was brought into the room with the computer. They

were told that they were participahg in a test which was part of

an MSc. thesis. The standard introduction given to each Listener

was: "There are a total of 20 sentences you will listen to. You

play each sentence by double-clicking its icon here on the file

manager. Mer Listening to it give a score from 1 to 5 based on

this table." Table 6.1 was given to them. "Enter your score into

this form." The results were coUi=cted on WordPerfect 5.2

database fom The listener was asked ifhekhe had any questions.

Meranswering any questions, the reference sentence was played.

The listener was informeci that the reference sentence hod a quaiity

considered to be a 4 and that they should use that as their

reference. Listeners were totd that this was not a test of them but

of the system thaî producexi the sound and they should feel fiee to

use their own judgement of quality. The Listener was then left in

a room to do the test. Chapter W. System Verification and Resuits

6.3 System Performance Results

As rnentioned in chapter four the GSM 06.10 was used as a reference codec for quality. The fiactal excited codecs, for both the self-affine model, and the piecewise self- fiemodel, were designeci to be identical to this codec with the exception of the modelling of the residual. This therefore means that a lot of the codec's parameters are determined by the GSM standard. In particular, the analysis Mesize for the short term predictor is 20 milliseconds or 160 sarnples. Pitch prediction is done on sub-frames of 5 milliseconds. This requires that the IFS analysis be done every 5 milliseconds in order to provide the pitch prediaor with the reconstructed residual that it needs for its analysis. Preset parameters for the IFS used are therefore multiples of 5 milliseconds, 40 sarnples, to accommodate this

The design objective of the systems developed was to obtaui speech reproduction quality comparable to the GSM 06.10 with comparable or better bit-rate. GSM has a SNR of about 12 dB. Its subjective quality was also rneasured using the informa1 MOS test. A

MOS score of 3-91was obtained. In designkg the fhctal based codecs, the bits required to represent the excitation were reduced until the SNR was comparable to that of GSM.

Sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 give the results.

6.3.1 Performance of Self-Affine Mode1

In this system, the mode1 parameters were variecl so as to obtain diifferent values for the average rnap cuverage. The quaiity of the speech was then evaluated for each value. Chapter Vi. System Verincation and Resuits

Table 6.2 shows a summary of the results. The fht column gives the average map coverage.

This value is used to calculate the number of maps that are required to represent each sub-


Table 6.2. Speech quality as a fiction of map coverage in the self-affine based speech codec. Average map coverage Maps per sub-frame SNR (dB) 2.7 14.8 8.6 5.6 7.1 3 -9

Three parameters are required to describe each map. These are the contradiction factor, the x-value and y-value of the interpolation points. Thus for a system with an average

of 14.8 maps, 44.4 parameters would be required for 40 simples in the sub-frame. This value

is too high for any significant compression to be achieved. The second and third entries in the table require significantly fewer parameters but the speech quality is too low compared to GSM 06.10. Experirnents were ais0 done with larger fkme sizes. The results were not

much better than those presented in table 6.2.

6.3.2 Performance of Piecewise Self-Affine Model

In order to make the inverse problern tractable, the map coverage was fixed by the

designer unlike in the self-afnne model. The map coverage size was set to be a multiple of the codec's sub-he size. This was done to align the IFS parameten with those of the LP Chapter VI. Systern Verification and ResuIts

and LWanalysis modules. The fktexperiment varieci the map coverage to investigate its

effect on quality. The results are show in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3. Speech quality as a fiinaion of map coverage in the uiecewise self-fie based codec. Map Coverage Maps per Coder Frame SNR (dB) 160 1 6.4 120 1.3 11.1

The results show that map coverage of 80 samples or below, would provide quality

comparable to GSM. Shce a large map coverage is desirable, 80 would be a good choice,

however 40 was selected to dow for degradation of quality f?om quantization.

HaWig selected a map coverage size, the next issue was the size of the analysis frame. The larger the analysis fiame, the more address intervals in the IFS. The number of address intervals detemiines the number of bits required to code the address interval. As mentioned in Chapter 4, the size of the address intervals is chosen to be twice that of the rnap coverage. The map coverage was selected to be 40, therefore the address interval has to be

80. The number of address intervals in an analysis fiame is &lated by dividing the size of the analysis fiame by 80, the address interval size. Table 6.4 shows the trade-off between bits used to code the address intend and SNR A signüicant drop in SNR is observed when Chapter VI. System Verifkation and Resuits the analysis hesize drops from 640 samples to 320. An analysis besize of 640 was therefore chosen Since there are eight possible address intervals in an andysis fiame of 640 samples, only three bits are required to code the address interval.

Table 6.4. Speech quality as a fiinction of analysis fiame size for a map coverage of 40 samples. Analysis Frame Number of address Address SNR (dB) Size intervais Interval Bits 160 2 1 5.7 320 4 2 10.2 640 8 3 13 -5 1280 16 4 13.8 2560 32 5 13 -9 2120 64 6 13.8

Two more parameters that have to be retained and quantized for each IFS map are the contraction factor and the y-value at the interpolation point. The next experiment studied the effect of linear quantiidon on the contraction factor. Table 6.5 shows the trade- off between the number of bits assigned to coding of the contraction factor and SNR. Four bits were chosen for quantizing the contraction factor. Table 6.1 shows the results of linear scalar quantization of the interpolation values.

In order to obtain a 6 kbps system, quantization bits for the interpolation values was set to five. Table 6.6 gives a summary of the bit docation for the 6 kbps system. Chapter VI. System Verifimtion and Results

Table 6.5. Speech quality as a function of bits used to quantize the contraction factor. r I Contraction Factor Bits 1 SNR (dB)

Table 6.6. Speech quality as a function of bits used to quantize the interpolation values. Interpolation value bits SNR (dB) 2 3 -4 Chapter VI. System Veriiïcation and Resdts

Table 6.7. Bit-allocation of 6 kb 1s ~iecewiseself-affine based codec. Parameter Log area ratios Long tem prediction Fractal: Address interval 3 bitd40 sample sub-fiame 600 bps Contraction factor 4 bits/40 sample sub-fime 800 bps Interpolation value 5 bitd40 sample sub-he 1,000 bps Total 120 bitdl60 sample hme 1 6,000 bps 1

This codec configuration was evaluated using the informal MOS test described in this chapter. The MOS score was 3 -84.

6.4 Discussion of Results

Arnong other things, the experiments in the previous section demonstrated the ease with which the parameters of the Eactai interpolation system can be modified to control bit-rate and codec quality. A 6 kbps codec was developed. The SNR of the codec was measu~edto be 10.9 dB. This seem to irnply that the quality is much lower than that of GSM

06.10 which was mûasurd to be 12dB. The MOS resuits indicated that the quality was much closer with the 6 kbps codec scoring 3.84 against GSM's 3.9 1. Infornial cornparison of the two during development showed them to be indistinguishable. The lower SNR rnight have been due to the weakness of ShR discussed earlier. Chapter W. System Verikation and Resuits

6.5 Summary of Chapter VI

This chapter descriied two methods for evaiuating speech codecs; MOS test and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). SNR was used to tune the parameters of the fracta1 based codec developed in chapter four. The result of the parameter hining was a 6 kbps codec with an

SNR of 10.9 dB and an informai MOS score of 3-84. The process of tuning the parameters demonstrateci the flexibility of the fkactal modehg of excitation. The system can be easily changed to different bit-rates. CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

The aim of this thesis was to find an alternative approach for modehg the excitation in linear prediction based codecs. The main requirement for the alternative approach was having lower bit-rate whiie maintainhg speech quality. A method of modelling the speech excitations using nactal interpolation was developed. The fiactal interpolation was performed using two different techniques; the self-fie fiactal model and the piecewise self- fiemodel. To provide a reference point, the architecture of the codec was based on the ETSI codec standard GSM 06.10. The only dBerence between the fiactal codecs and the GSM codec is in modehg of the excitation. The self-afEne fractal model was found not to provide a good model for excitations. When appiied to the excitation, the model requires a very large number of parameters. This results in very high bit-rates making it unsuitable for speech compression. Besides having high bit-rates, the quality of reconstructed speech is also very poor. From these observations, we cunclude that excitation is neither sel£-fie nor statistically seif- fie. The piecewise self-afnne model was found to provide a good alternative for modebg speech excitations. 1t is very flexible and can be easily tuned to provide coders at diffèrent bit-rates and quality levels. The 6 kbps coder implemented based on this model had an SNR of 10.9dB which is comparable to the 12dB SNR for 13kbps GSM coder. It also scored an informal MUS score of 3.84 which is comparable to the 3 -91MOS score for the GSM. This 6 kbps implementation demonstrated that fiactal interpolation is a viable alternative for developing high quality hear prediction based codecs. There are three main contributions made in this thesis. The estis the addition of a new tool, fiactal interpolation, for use in modeUing excitations. The second contribution is an improved algorithm for solving the inverse problern for the self-a£Ene fractal model. The improved algorithm gives the systern designer a method of influenchg the solution of the Chapter W.Conctusions and Recommendations inverse algorithm. The thesis has aiso contributed Ünplementations of fracta1 interpolation algorithms; the self-atfine inverse algorithm and the piecewise self-afnne algorithm. The architechire of the codec developed here is based on the ETSI GSM codec standard. This dictated many of the design parameters including; input and output speech fiame size, the order for the short term hear prediction fiiter, the long tenn prediction order and the quantization tables for the codec. Due to these restrictions the proposed system setup might be sub-optimal. Development of a codec which does not use these restrictions rnight yield much better results. An issue that was not addressed in this thesis is that of computational complexity. Both the IFS analysis and synthesis algorithms used for the fi-actal excited based codec have very high computational complexity. Before IFS based speech codecs gain wide usage, the complexity of IFS dgorithrns have to be sigdicantly reduced. Some of the work being done by Gregory Wornefl at MIT and the fiactal research group at INRIA in France linking IFS with wavelets might pave the way to hding fast IFS algorithms. REFERENCES

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AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TFU;abs (Telecormnunications Research Labs ) Winnipeg, MB Canada.

Copyright (c)1996 ******************+****************************************+***+**

DESCRIPTION: Program for testing the fractal excited codec.

PUBLIC FUNCTIONS : main ( . . )


int main (void) ( unsigned char bitStreamCFELP-BITSTREAM); short PCMStreamCFELP- FRAME - SIZE] ; char ch, quit; unsigned long Frame ; FILE *InFile, *OutFile;

quit = 0; do

printf ("Would you like to Analyze, Synthesize, Both, Quit? (A/S/B/Q) : ") ; ch = getche ( ) ; printf ("\nn); if (ch='A1 1 [ch='a8) ( InFile = fopen (". .\\data\\voiced. rawn, "rb") ; OutFile = fopen ("test.bit", "wbn); Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Seif-ffie Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

if ( (InFile != O) && (OutFile != 0) ) { Frame=O ; while ( fread (PCMStream,sizeof (sho~t, FELP-FRAME -SIZE, InFile) = FELP- FIUQE-SIZE) { printf ( "Frame: %lu\nW,Frame) ; encodeRïFS ( PCMStream, bitstream) ; fwrite (bitstream,sizeof (unsigned char), FELP-BITSTREAM,OutFile); Frame=Frame+l ; 1 fclose ( InFile) ; fclose(OutFi1e); else I printf("An error occured while opening files or in memory \ allocation.\n"); fclose ( InFile); fclose (OutFile); return -1; 1 1 else if (chxtS'1 lch='st) { OutFile = fopen ("test-syn. raw", "wb"); InFile = fopen("test.bitW,"rb") ; if ( (OutFile != O) && (InFile != 0)) I F~ame=O; do I fread(bitStream,sizeof(unsigned char), FELPBXTSTREAM,InFile) ; printf ( "Frame: %lu\nV,Frame) ; decodeRIFS (bitstream, PCMStream); fwrite (PCMStream,sizeof (shor:t), FELP- FRAME - SIZE, OutFile) ; Frame=Frame+l; }while (!feof(InFile)); 1 fclose (OutFile); fclose ( InFile); 1 else if (ch=='B' 1 l ch='bt ) ( InFile = fopen (". .\\data\\voiced. raw","rb") ; OutFile = fopen ( "test-syn. rawtt,"wbl') ; if ((InFile != O) &&(OutFile != 0)) ( Frame=O ; while (fread(PCMStream,sizeof (short),FELP-FRAME-SIZE, InFile) = FELP- FRAME-SIZE) 1 printf ( "Frame: %lu\nl',Frame) ; Appendk A: Source Code for Piecewj.se SeIf-Mine Fractal Exciteci Linear Predidve Codec

encodeRïFS (PCMStream, bitstream) ; decodex FS (bitstream, PCMS tream); fwrite (PCMStream,sizeo£(short) ,FELP - FRAME-SIZE, OutFile) ; Frame=Frame+l ;

felose ( InFile) ; f close (OutFile); 1 else if (ch='Q81 lch='qr) { quit = 1; 1 ) while (!quit); printf ("\n\n~perationCoqlete, program terminating.\nm); return 1;

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs ) Winnipeg, MB Canada.

Copyright (c) 1996

FILENAME: encDecR. h

#de£ine FELP FRAME SIZE 160 #define FELP- BITsTREAEI 16 void encodeRIFS (short *source, unsigned char *cl ; int decodeRIFS (unsigned char *c, short *output) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Pie& Seif-Anine Fra& Excited Linear Predictive Codec /* *****************f************************************************ */ /* */ /* AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ /* The University of Manitoba and */ /* TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) */ /* Winnipeg, MB */ /* Canada. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 */ /* */ /* **+*************************************************************** */

*****f*+*********************************+*+********************** */ */ FILENAME : encDecR.c Recurrent IFS encoder and decoder */ */ DESCRIPTION: Has the encoder and decoder functions. */ */ */ PUBLIC FUNCTIONS : encode ( . . ) */ decode (. . ) */ */ PFUVATE RTNCTIONS : floatToShortBuff ( . . ) */ */ ****************f***************************+**********************/

#include "defs .hW #include "FUFS .hW #include "LTP .hW #include "prejost .h" #include "packRIFS .hW #indude "STP.hn #include "encDecR.hW static void floatToShortBuff(f1oat *floatBuff, int length, short *shortBuff) ; static float encBufferl[LOOK BACK SAMPLES+E'RAME-SAMPLES]; static float encBufferZ[IFS- ~YSIS -SIZE]; void encodeRIFS (short *inspeech, unsigned char *bitStream) {

short qInterpPoint [SUBFRAMES] , addrInt [SUBFRAMES] , qContFactor [SUBFRAMES] ; /* Quantized Log Area Ratios. short qLAR [LPC-QRDER] ; /* Quantized pitch lag. Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-AfEine Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec

short qLag [SUBFRAMES]; /+ Quantized long term prediction gain. */ short qGain [ SUBFRAMES j ; /* LPC residual synthesized by LTP and IFS. */ float +synthLpcResidue; /* LTP estimate of LPC residual. */ float *ltpEs tLpcResidua1; /* Input speech after preprocessing. */ float filteredspeech [FRAME SAMPLES 1 ; /* LR residual. */ float *IpcResidual; /+ LTP residual. */ float ItpResidual [SUBFRAME SAMPLES] ; /* LTP residual synthesized by IFS module. */ float *synthLtpResidue; int k,i; preprocess (inspeech, FRAME SAMPLES, filteredspeech) ; 1pcResidual = filtered~~eech; IpcAnalysis (lpcResidua1, qLAR) ; /* The two buffers, synthLpcResidue and 1tpEstLpcResidue together */ /* form the buffer used for long term prediction analysis . */ /* Indexed from -LOOK- BACK - SAMPLES to O */ synthLpcResidue= encBufferl+LOOK BACK SAMPLES; /* ~ndexed-from O to SUBFRAME- SAMPLES-1 */ 1tpEstLpcResidual = synthLpcResidue; synthLtpResidue = encBuffer1; for (k=O; k

for (i = O; i < SUBFRAME SAMPLES; i++) synthLpcResidue [il = synfh~t~~esidue[IFS-ANALYSIS SIZE- SUBFW SAMPLES+il + ltp~st~pc~esidual[il ; synthLpcResidue += SUBFRAME-SAMPLES; ltpEs tLpcResidua1 += SUBFRAME~SAMPLES; 1pcResidual += SUBFRAME-SAMPLES; merncpy(synthLtpResidue, ~~nth~tp~esidue+~~~~~~~~SAMPLES, (IFS- ANALYSIS - SIZE-SUBFRAME -~~~~~~~)*sizeof(float)); 1 Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Affine Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec static float encBufferl[LOOK-BACK-SAMPLES+- -SAMPLES]; static float encBuf fer2 [IFS- ANALYSIS -SIZE] ; int decodeRIFS(unsigned char *bitStream, short *output) I static float buffer[LOOK -BACK - SAMPLES+SUBFRAME - SAMPLES] ; /* ~uantizedLog Area Ratios. */ short qLAR [LPC-ORDER] ; /* Quantized pitch lag. */ short qLag [ SUBE'RAMES]; /* Quantized long terrn prediction gain. */ short qGain [SUBFRAMES] ; /* LPC residual synthesized by LTP and IFS. */ float *synthLpcResidue; /* LTP residual synthesized by IFS module. */ float *synthLtpResidue; short qInterpPoint[SUBFRAMES], addrInt[SUBFRAMES], qContFactor [SUBFRAMES]; float speech [FRAME-SAMPLES] ; int j;

/* synthLpcResidue is indexed from -LOOK- BACK - SAMPLES to /* SUBFRAME SAMPLES synth~~c~esTdue= encBufferl + LOOK-BACK-SAMPLES; synthLtpResidue = encBuffer2;

for (j=O; j < SUBFRAMES; j++) ifsSynthesisPWise(qInterpPoint[j], addrIntfjJ, qContFactor[j], synthLtpResidue) ; ItpSynthesis (qLag [ j 1, qGain [ j 1, synthLtpResidue+ (IFS- ANALYSIS -SIZE -SUBFRAME SAMPLES) , synthLpcResidue ) ; rnemcpy(synth~tp~esidue~synthLtpResidue+SWBFRAME SAMPLES, (IFS- ANALYSIS -SIZE-SUBFRAME - ~~~i~~~~)*sizeof(float)); 1 /+ synthLpcResidue is now al1 samples from the present frame. synthLpcResidue = buffer;

lpcsynthesis (qLAR, synthLpcResidue, speech) ; Postprocess(speech, FRAME-SAMPLES, speech);

floatToShortBuff(speech, FRAME -SAMPLES, output); return O; 1 static void floatToShortBuff(float *floatBuff, int length, short *shortBuff) Appendix A: SomCode for Piecewise Seff-me Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

{ int i; float temp;

for (i=0; iclength; i++) I temp = floatBuff [il ; if (~~~~>SHRT_MAX) shortBuff [il = SHRT-MAX; else if (temp

/* ****************************************************************** */ /* */ /* AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ /* The University of Manitoba and */ /* TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs 1 */ /* Winnipeg, MB */ /* Canada. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 */ /* */ /* ***************************************************************** */

/* *************f***************************f*************************/ /* */ /* FILENAME: pre- post-h */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************** */ void preprocess (short *sin, short length, float *sOut) ; void Postprocess ( float *sIn, short length, float *sOut) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise SeK-Affine Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

*/ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecorumunications Research Labs) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ *****************f*+********It**********************************+***/

/* **+**********************************+***********************+** */ /* */ /* FILENAME: pre-post. c */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: Preprocessing and postprocessing routines. */ /* */ /* */ /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS: preprocess(..) */ /* postprocess ( .. ) */ /* */ /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS: */ /* */ /* *************************************************************+***+ /

#indude CS tdio .h> #include "pregost .h"

#define ALPHA 0.9989929199219F /* Offset compensation filter constant */ #define BETA 0.8599853515625F /* Preemphasis filter constant. */ static float sInPrev = O. OF; static float sCompP~ev= O. OF; void preprocess(short +sIn, short length, float *sOut) { int k; float input, sComp, sPre;

for ( k=O ; kclength; k++) { /* Downscale input signal. */ input = (float)(((*sIn++)>>3)<<2);

/* Offset Compensation */ sCornp = input - sInPrev i- ALPHA*sCompPrev;

sInPrev = input; Appendix A: Source Code for Pieamise SeIf-Afhe Fractai Eucited Linear Predictive Coda

static float postProcessMem = O.OF; void Postprocess (float *sIn, short length, float *sOut) 1 int k; float prevsample;

prevsample = postProcessMem; for (k=length; k !=O ; k--) { *saut++ = ( (*sin) *2) + 0.85999F*prevSample; prevsample = *sin++; 1 postProcessMem = prevsample; 1

/* AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ /* The University of Manitoba and */ /* TRLabs (Telecomunications Research Labs ) */ /* Winnipeg, MB */ /* Canada. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 */ /* */ /* *********************************f******************************* */

/* ***f************************f*************************************/ /* */ /+ FILENAME: STP.h */ /* */ /* +**********************************ff*************************** */ void lpcsynthesis (short *LARcr, float *excitation, float *SI ; void IpcAnalysis ( float *lpcResidual, short *qLAR) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Affine Fractal Excited Lbear Predictive Codec

*/ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs ) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ****************************************************************** */

*/ FILENAME : STP .c */ */ DESCRIPTION: Short term prediction analysis and synthesis routines */ Aïso contains routines for conversion of reflection */ coefficients to log area ratios and quantization of */ log area xatios. */ */ */ PUBLIC E'üNCTIONS : IpcAnalysis ( . . ) */ lpcsynthesis ( . . */ */ PRIVATE FUNCTIONS: quantizeLARs ( . . ) */ unquantizelARs ( . .) */ interpolateLARs ( . .) */ */ ***************************************************************** */

#indude "s chur .hl1 #indude "STP .hl' static const float A[] = (20.OF, 20.OF, SO.OF, SO.OF, 13.637F, lS.OF, 8.334F, 8.824F) ; static const float BI] = {O.OF, O.OP, 4.0F, -S.OF, 0.184F, -3.5F, -0.666F, -2.2353) ; static const short minM[] = (-32, -32, -16, -16, -8, -8, -4, -4); static const short maxLAR[] = (31, 31, 15, 15, 7, 7, 3, 3); static void QuantizeLARs(f1oat *LAR, short *LARc) { float temp; int i;

for (i=O; i<8; i++) Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Afnne Fracrd Exciteci Linear Predictive Codec

( texctp = LAR[i] *Ali]+B [il ; temp = (float)floor (temp+O.5) ;

if (temp>maxLAR[i] ) LARc[i] = maxLAR[i] - minLAEZ[i]; else if(temp

static void unquantizeLARs (short float %AR) { int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) m[i] = (LARc[i]+minLAR[i 1 static void interpo1ateLA.R~( float *prevfiAR, float *LPLR, float facto-, £loat factorB, float *interpLAR) ( int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) interpLAR[i] = factorA*prevLAR [il + factorB*LAR[i] ; 1 static void larToReflectionCoef(f1oat *LAR, float *R) { int i; float temp, sign; for (i=O; i<8; i++) { sign = 1. OF; if (=[il

assert (te.mp<=l. 62SF); if (temp>=1.225) R[i] = sign* (O.lSSF*temp + O.79687SF) ; else if (temp>=O. 67SF) R[i] = sign* (0.5F*tenql+O. 3375F) ; else R[il = LAR[i]; 1 Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Seff-Be Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

static void reflectionCoefToLAR( float { float sign, temp; int i;

/* Computation of the LAR[O.. 71 from the r [O.. 71 */ for (i=O; i<8; i++) ( sign = 1. OF; if (*r=O.675) && (temp=O.95F) *r = sign* (8*temp-6.375F) ; *r++; 1 1

static void lpcInverseFilter(f1oat *R, int start, int end, float *s) ( static float U[8] = {O.OF); int k,i; float d, prevD, prevU, temp; for (k=start; k<=end; k++) ( prevD = s [k]; temp = s[k]; for (i = O; i < 8; i++) ( prevU = U [il ; U[i] = temp; d = prevD + R[iJ *prevU; temp = prevU + R[ij *prevD; prevD = d; 1 sfk] = d; 1 1 static void lpcFilter (float *R, int start, int end, float *excitation, float *speech) i static float VI81 = {O.OF); Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Afbe Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Coder

int i, k; float currentSample;

for (k=start; k<=end; k++) ( currentSample = excitation [k] - (R[7] +V[7] ) ; for (i=6; i>=O; i--)

speech [k] = currentsample; 1 1 void calcLpcResidua1 (short *LARc, float *s ) I static float prevLAR[8]={O.OF); float LAR[8], subFrameLAR[8];

unquantizeLARs (LARc, LAR) ;

interpo1ateLA.R~(prevLAR, LAR, 0.7SE, 0.25F, subFrameLAR) ; larToRef lectioncoef (subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR); IpcInverseFilter (subFrameLAR, 0, 13, s ) ;

interpolateLARs (prevLAR, LAR, 0. SF, O. SE, subFrameLAR) ; 1arToReflectionCoef (subFtameLAR, subErameLAR); IpcInverseFilter (subFrameLAR, 14, 26, s);

interpolateLARs (prevLAR, LAR, O. OF, 1. OF, subFrarneZiAR) ; larToReflectionCoef(subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR); 1pcfnverseFilter (subFrameLAR, 40, 159, s) ;

memcpy (prevLAR, LAR, 8*sizeof (float)) ; I void lpcsynthesis (short *LARcz, float *excitation, float ( static float prevfiAR[8]=(O.OF); float LAR[8], subFrameLAR[8];

interpo1ateLA.R~(prevLAR, LAR, 0.75F, O.2SF, subFrameLAR) ; larToReflectionCoef (subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR); lpcFilter (subFramefiAR, 0, 13, excitation, s) ; Appendiv A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Affiine Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec

interpolateLARs (prevLAR, W, 0.5F, 0.5F, subFrameLAR) ; 1arToReflectionCoef (subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR) ; lpcFilter(subFrameLAR, 14, 26, excitation, s);

interpolateLARs (prevM, LAR, 0.25F, 0.75F, subFrameIJW ; larToReflectionCoef(subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR); 1pcFilter (subFrameLAR, 27, 39, excitation, s) ;

interpolateIARs (prevLAR, LAR, O. OF, 1. OF, subFrameLAR); larToReflectioncoef (subFrameLAR, subFrameLAR) ; lpcFilter (subFrameL?.R, 40, 159, excitation, s);

memcpy (prevLAR, LAR, 8*sizeof (float)) ; 1 void lpcAnalysis(float *lpcResidual, short =qLAR) { float *LAR, refCoef (81 ;

*/ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecormnunications Research Labs ) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ **************************************************************** */ /* ...... */ /* */ / * FILENAME : schur .h */ /* */ /* ******+**********+*************************************************/ void calcRefCoef (float *s, float *fLAR) ;

Appendix A: SomCode for Piecewise Seif-ffie Fractai Excited Liaear Predictive Codec static void schurRecursion(float *autocor, float *refCoef) { int if m, n; float fTemp; float fP[91; /* 0..8 */ float fK[9] ; /+ 2. -8 */

if (autocor[O] < 0.0000001) I for (i= 8; i--; *reECoef++ = O. OF) ; return; 1

* Initialize array P I..1 and KI.. 1 for the recursion. */ for (i = 1; i <= 7; itt) fK[i] = autocor[i] ; for (i = 0; i <= 8; i+t) fP [il = autocor [il ;

/* Compute reflection coefficients */ for (n=l; n<=8; n++, refCoef++) I fTemp = (float)fabs (fP[l] ) ; if (fP[O] < fTemp) t for (i = n; i <= 8; i++) *refCoef++ = O. OF; return; 1

*refCoef = f~emp/f~[O]; if (fP[l] > O) *ref Coef = - (*refCoef) ;

if (n=8) return;

* Schur recursion */ fP[O] = fP[O] + fP[l]*(*refCoef) ; for (m=l; m<=(8-n); m++)

fP[m] = fP[m+l] + fK[m]*(*refCoef) ; fK[m] = fK[m] + fP [m+l] (*refCoef); 1 1

void calcRefCoef(f1oat *s, float *R) I float autoCorrCoef [9) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Afbe Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

*********************~**f******************************************/ */ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Reseazch Labs ) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ *****************************************************+***+******** */

void ItpAnalysis ( float *subFrame, float *prevSubFrames, float *residual, float *subFrameEst, short *qLag, short *qGain) ; void ltpSynthesis(short lag, short qGain, float *erp, float *speech);

****************************************************************** */ */ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecomrnunications Research Labs) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ***************f**********************************************u*** +/

/* *****************tf**************f*********************************/ /* */ /* FILENAME: LTP. c */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: Long term prediction functions. */ /* */ /* */ Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Mine Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

PUBLIC FUNCTIONS : ItpAnalysis ( . . ) */ ltpsynthesis ( . .) */ */ PRIVATE E'üNCTIONS : calcLtpParams ( . ,) */ calcLtpResidua1 ( . .) */ quantizeGain ( . . ) */ unquantizeGain ( . .) */ quantizeLag ( . . ) */ unquantizelag ( . ,) */ */ ***********f***************************************************** */

static void calcLtpParams ( float *prevSubFrames , float *subFrame, int *lag, float *gain) I int i, candidate, maxCorrIndex; float maxCorr, power, temp;

/* Calculate cross correlation function and find max correlation */ maxCorr = O.OF; maxCorrIndex = 40; for(candidate=40; candidate<=120; candidate++) I temp = O.OF; for(i=O; i<40; i++) { temp += subFrame [il *prevSubFrames ci-candidatel ; 1 if (temp>maxCorr) { maxCorr = temp; rnaxCorrIndex = candidate; 1 1 *lag = maxCorrIndex; /* Calculate gain of reconstructed residual. */ power = 0.0000001F; /* Make non-zero to avoid divide by O error. */ for(i=O; i<40; i++) t temp = prevSubFrames [i-maxCorrIndex]; power t= temp*temp; 1 Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Affine Fracrai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

static short quantizeGain ( float gain) C short qGain;

return qGain; 1

static float unquantizeGain (int qGain1 C float gain;

switch (qGain) C case 0: gain = 0.10F; break; case 1: gain = 0.35F; break; case 2: gain = 0.65F; break; case 3: gain = 1.00F; break; 1 return gain; 1 static short quantizeLag(int hg)

short qLag;

qLag = (short) (lag-40);

return qLag; Appendk A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-ffie Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

static int unquantizelag(short qLag) C int lag;

lag = (int)(qLag+40) ;

return lag; 1

static void calcLtpResidual(short qLag, short qGain, float *prevSubFrames, float *subFrame, float *subFrameEst, float *residual) C float gain; int lag, k;

lag = unquantizelag (qlag); gain = unquantizeGain(qGain); for(k=O; k<40; k++) { subFrameEst [k] = gain*prevSubFrames [k-lag]; residual [k] = subFraute [k] - subFrameEst [k]; 1 1 void ItpAnalysis ( float *subFrame, /* [O.. 391 Input */ float *prevSubFrames, /* [-120. .-11 Input float *sesidual, /* [0..39] Output float *subFrameEst, /* [0..39] Output */ short *qLag, /* correlation lag Output short *qGain /* gain factor Output

1 float gain; int lag;

calcLtpParams (prevSubFrames, subFrame, &lagr &gain) ; *qGain = quantizeGain(gain); *qLag = quantizelag (lag); calcLtpResidua1 (*qLag, *qGain, prevSubFrames, subFrame, subFrameEst, residual ) ; 1 void ltpSynthesis( short qLag, short qGain, register float *eq, /* [0..39]IN Appendix A: Source Code for PieceWise Sei£'-Affine FradExcited Linear Predictive Codec

register float *speech /* [-120.. -11 IN, [O. .40]OUT */ 1 int i, lag; float gain;

lag = unquantizeLag(qLag); assert ( (lag>=4O)&& (lag<=l20)) ; gain = unquantizeGain(qGain); /* Update previous subframes */ for (i = O; i <= 119; i++) speech[-120iil = speech [-80+i] ;

for(i=O; i<40; it+) speechli] = erp [il + gain* (speech [i-lag] ) ;

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) Winnipeg, MB Canada.



void ifsSynthesisPWise (short qY, short addrInt, short qD, float *residual) ; void ifsAnalysisPWise ( float *residual, short *addrInt, short *qY, short *qD) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Affine Fracmi Excited Linear Predictive Mec

*/ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs ) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ...... t/

/* */ /* FILENAME: Rifs.c */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: Piecewise self-affine fractal modelling functions. */ /* */ /* */ /* PUBLIC FITNCTIONS: ifsSynthesisPWise(..) */ /* ifsAnalysisPWise ( . . ) */ /* */ /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS : round ( .. ) */ /* calcMaps ( . .) */ /* synthAttractor ( . . 1 */ /* calcContFactor ( . .) */ /* calcError ( . .) */ /* findMinError ( . . ) */ /* calcEs timation ( . .) */ /* calcParam( . . ) */ /* quanParams ( . .) */ /* unquanParams ( . .) */ /* */ /* *************+**************************************************** */

/***** HEADER FILES *****/ #include #indude #indude #indude #indude #indude

#indude "def S. hl1

/***** GLOBAL CONSTANTS *****/ #define framesize IFS-ANALYSIS SIZE #definemaxMapsSO //~ax~numberofmapstobeused+1 #define minContFactor IE-12 #define DCBias INT- MAX Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Mine Fractal Exciteci Linear Predictive Codec

#define maxRepeats 15

/***********************************************************************/ /* SHARED ROUTINES */ /***********************************************************************/ int round ( float x) { if ( (O. 5- (ceil(x) -x) >O) ) return (int)ceil (x); else return (int)floor(x) ; 1 /********************+***********************************+***+**********/ /* END OF SHARED ROUTINES */ /***********************************************************************/

/*t*************+*****************************+**********************+**/ /* SYNTHESIS ROUTINES */ ...... void calcMaps (float *residual, float y, shoxt addrInt, float a, float e, float c,float d, float f,int delta, int psi) { int p,q,I; float Yp, Yq, YI, YF; float F;

// Using endpoint constraints, parameters of the affine // maps are calculated below. I=addrInt*psi; YI=residual[(int) (floor(I/delta))]; F=(float) (I+psi); YF=residual [ (int)(ceil (F/delta) ) ] ; p=IFS -ANAZIYSIS -SIZE-1-delta; // p=p- (floor (p/ (float)psi) ) +psi; //This is different from the //[MaHa92] description, here the first interpolation point //in an address interval is set to an x value of zero -+delta; Yp=residual [pl ; Yq-y ;

a = (q-p) / (F-1) ; e = (float) ( (long)F*p- (long)I*q) / (F-1) ; c = ( (long)~q-~p) / (F-1) -d* ( (long)YF-YI) / (FI); f = (float) ( ( (double)F*Yp- (long)I*Yq) / (F-1) -d* ( (double)F*YI- (long)I*YF) / (F-1) ) ; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-fie Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec

void synthAttractor (short addrInt,float a, float e, float c, float d, float f, int delta,int psi, float*G) C const int maxSqaureErro~0;//Maximum error in attractor calculation float Al (frameSize+ll, A2 [frameSize+l] ; int Aix [frameSize+ll , A2x [ frameSize+l]; int numûfMaps, k, n, repeats=O; int F, 1; float error, lastError;

error= (float)INT-MAX; numû£Maps = frameSize/delta; for (n=IFS ANALYSIS SIZE-l-delta; n

while ( (error>maxSqaureError)&& (repeats<=maxRepeats)) C 1astErro~error; error = O. OF; I=addrInt*psi; F=I+psi; for (k=I; k<=F; k++) { AZx(k] =round (a*Alx[k] + e) ; if (AZx lkl >framesize) //Required because rounding might give C //result greater than array bound A2x [k]=frameSize; 1 A2[k] = c*Mx[k] +d*Ai[k] + f; 1 for (k=I; k<=F; k++) ( G[AZx[k]]=Aî[k] ; 1 for (k=IFS ANALYSIS SIZE-l-delta; k<=IFS ANALYSIS SIZE; k++) error += ( float)Tfabs ( (double)AL [k] - (double)G [El ) ) ; //Get new A for more iterations for (k=IFS ANALYSIS-SIZE-l-delta; k<=IFS- ANALYSIS - SIZE; kii) Al [k] =~7k]; if (error-lastError) repeats++; else repeats = 0; 1 1

/* END OF SYNTHESXS ROUTINES /***********************************************************************/*; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-Afbe Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec

/*********************.t************************+****.t*******************/ /* ANALYSIS ROUTINES */ /****************************************+**************************~***/ float calcContFactor(float *PCMData,int p,float Yp,int q,float Yq, float 1, float F) { double nu, den; //numerator & denominator of d double An, Bn; float Xi, a, e; int n, m;

num = 0.0; den = 0.0; a=(q-pl/ (F-1) ; e = ( float) ( (double)(F*p) - (double)(I*q) ) / (F-1); for (n=(int)I; n<=F; nt+) { m-round (a*n+e); Xi=(F-nl/ (F-Il ; An = PCMData [nj- ( (double)(Xi*PWBata[ (int)Il ) + (double)( (1-Xi)*PCMData [ (int)FI ) ) ; Bn=PCMEata [ml - (long)( (long)(Xi*Yp) + (long)( (1-Xi)*Yq) ) ; num += Bn*An; den += An*An; 1 if ( (den*den)

testError = O.OF; for (k=p; k<=q; k+4) { newError = ( ( (long)Hi[k] -PCMData [k]) * ( (long)Hi lk] - PCMData [k]) ) ; testErrot-testError+newError; 1 testError /= delta; return testError; 1 float findMinError (double *errer, int numOfTryMaps, int *best) I. float minError, erzorCheck; Appendix A: Source Code for Pieamise Self-Afnne Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Coda

int k;

if (numOfTryMaps>=l) { minErrorFLT-MAX; for (k=l; k<=numOfTryMaps; k++) { ersorcheck= (float) (minError-error [k]) ; if (errorCheck>O1 { *best=k; minError= ( float)error [k] ; 1 1

return MnError; 1 void calcEstimation(float *PCMData, float testD, float 1, float F, int p, int q, float *Hi) { int Hx [frameSize+l] ; float H[frameSize+l]; float tes-, testE, testC, testF; float YI, YF; float Yp, Yq; int k;

YI= (float)PCMData [ (int)Il ; YF= (float)PCMData [ (int)FI ; Yp=PCMData [pl ; Yq-PCMData [q] ;

tesa = (q-p)/(F-1); testE = (float)( ( (double) (F*p)-(double) (I*q)) / (F-1) ; testc = ( (long)yq-yp) / (F-1) test^* ( (long)YF-YI) / (F-1) ; testF = (float) ( ( (double) (FfYp)- (double) (I*Yq) ) / (F-1) -testDf ( {double)(F*YI) - (double) (I*YF) ) / (FI)) ; for (k=(int)1; k<={int)F; k++) //Map evexy point ic the range 1 to F { Hx[k] = round(testA*k + testEl ; H[k] = testC*k + testD*PCMData[k] + testF; 1

for (k=(int)1; k<=(int)F; k++l //~reatethe function Hi (or H hat) { Hi[Hx[k] ]=H[k] ; //This function is a map of the original into the 1 //the interpolation interval of the current m- void calcParam(f1oat *PCMData, float *y, short *addrInt,float *dr int delta, int psi) { int p, q; float Yp, Yq; Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-meFractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

int j, nuniOfTryMaps, best; float testD, minError; int tempAddr[frameSize-11; float tempD [ framesize-l] ; double error [IO01 ; float Hi [ frameSize+l] ; float 1,F;

q = (NUM-MAPS-l)*delta; p = q-delta; Yp = PCMData [pl ; Yq = PCMData [q]; j = -1; numOfTryMaps=O ; while (j<(NUM - ADDRESS - INT-1) ) { testD=2. OF; while ( ( ( (testD*testD)>=l) It ( (testD*testD)&nContFactor) ) &&(j<(MTM- ADDRESS -INT-1) 1 ) j++; I=(float) (jepsi); F=I+psi; testD=calcContFactor (PCMData,p, Yp, q, Yq, 1, F) ; 1

if ( (j<(NüM ADDRESS INT+l) ) && ( ( (testD*testD)<=1) && ( (testD*testD) >min~ontFactor)1) I //Increase num of trial maps coz one was just found numOfTryMaps+C; tempD(numOfTryMaps1 = testD; tempAddr [numOfTryMaps]=j ;

calcEstimation(PCMData, testD, 1, F, p, q, Hi) ;

error[numOfTryMaps] = calcError(PCMData, Hi, delta, p, q); 1 /*End if*/

minError = findMinError (error, numûfTryMaps, &best); *d = tempD [best]; *addrInt = tempAddr [best]; +Y = Yq; 1 /*~unctioncalcParamA/ /***********************************************************************/ /* END OF ANALYSIS ROUTINES */ /********************+***************************************++*********/ Appendix A: Source Code for Piecewise Self-me Fractal Exciteci Linear Predictnre Codec void quanParams (float y, float d, short *qY, short *qD) E int tempInt; float tempFloat;

tempInt = (int)(y + (le<( (16-INTERP VALUE BITS)-1) ) ) ; *qY = (short)(teme1nt>>(16-1~~~~_%~~~Ï~~));

tempFloat = d* ( ( l<

void unquanParams (short qY, short qD, float *y, float *d) {

+y = (short)( (qY)<< (16-INTERP- VALUE - BITS) ) ; * d = qD/ ( float) ( (l<

calcParam(residua1, &y, addrInt, &d, INTERP- INTERVAL, ADDRESS-INTERVU ) ; quanPar- (y, d, qY, qD) ; ifsSynthesisPWise (*qY, *addrInt, *qD, residual); 1 APPENDM B: SOURCE CODEFOR THE GSM 06.10 CODEC Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06-10Codec

/* **************f**ff*********************************************** */ /* */ /* AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ /* The University of Manitoba and */ /* TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs ) */ /* Winnipeg, MB */ /* Canada. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 */ /* */ /* f*******f********************************************************/

/* ****t************************************************************* */ /* */ /* FILENAME: testGSM. c */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: Program for testing the GSM codec. */ /* */ /* */ /* PUBLIC EWNCTIONS : main ( . . ) */ /* */ /* PRIVATE FITNCTIONS: none */ /* */ /* +********************************************************~*********/

int main (void) { unsigned char bitStream[GSM BITSTREAM]; short PCMStream[GSM- FRAME - SÏZE] ; char ch, quit; unsigned long Frame; FILE *InFile, *OutFile;

quit = 0; do { printf ("Would you like to Analyze, Synthesize, Both, Quit? (A/S/B/Q) : "1 ; ch = getcheo ; printf ("\nu); if (ch='AV l l ch='a' ) O U G 3'44 -WU d) HO.dL w rl al- Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

encodeGSM ( PCMStream, bitStream1 ; decodeGSM (bitstream, PCMStream) ; fwrite ( PCMStream, sizeof (short), GSM - FRAME - SIZE, OutFile); Frame=Frame+l;

( InFile) ; (OutFile);

else if (ch='Qf l lch='qf) { quit = 1; 1 jwhile (!quit); printf ("\n\nOperation Complete, program return 1; 1

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) Winnipeg, MB Canada.


FILENAME : encDecG - h

#de fine GSM FRAME SIZE 160 #define GSM- BITSTREAM 33 void encodeGSM (short *source, unsigned char *c); int decodeGSM(unsigned char *c, short *output) ; Appendiv B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (~elecoxtttnunicationsResearch Labs ) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ****************************************************************** */

****************************************************************** */ */ FILENAME : encDecG.c GSM Floating-point encoder and decoder */ */ DESCRIPTION: Has the encoder and decoder functions. */ */ */ PUBLIC FUNCTIONS : encode ( . .) */ decode ( . . ) */ */ PRIVATE FUNCTIONS : floatToShortBuff ( . . ) */ */ ***************************************************************** */

static void floatToShort5uff (float *floatBuf f, int length, short *shortBuff) ; void encodeGSM(short *inspeech, unsigned char *bitStream1 I static float buffer[LOOK-BACK-SAMPLESfFRAME-SAMPLES];

short MclSUBFRAMES] , xmaxc[SUBFRAMES], xMc[l3*SUBFRAMES]; /* Quantized Log Area Ratios. short qLAR[LPC- ORDER]; /* Quantized pitch lag. short qLag [SUBFRAMES] ; /* Quantized long term prediction gain. short qGain [SUBEWMES] ; Appendiv B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

/* LPC residual synthesized by LTP and IFS. */ float *synthLpcResidue; /* LTP estimate of LPC residual. */ float *ltpEstLpcResidual; /* Input speech after preprocessing. */ float filteredspeech [FRAME SAMPLES] ; / * LPC Tesidual. */ float *IpcResidual; /* LTP residual. */ float ltpResidua1 [SUBFRAME-SAMPLES] ; /* LTP residual synthesized by IFS module. */ float *synthLtpResidue; int k, i;

preprocess (inspeech, FRAME-SMLES, filteredspeech) ; IpcResidual = filtered~peech; IpcAnalysis (lpcResidua1, qLAR) ; /* The two buffers, synthLpcResidue and ItpEstLpcResidue together */ /* form the buf fer used for long term prediction analysis . */ /* Indexed from -LOOK- BACK - SAMPLES to O */ synthLpcResidue = buffer + LOOK BACK SAMPLES; /* ~ndexedfrom O to SUBFRAME-SAMPLES-1 */ 1tpEstLpcResidual = synthLpcResidue;

for (k=O; k

for (i = O; i < SUBFRAME-SAMPLES; i++) synthLpcResidue [il = synthLtpResidue [il + 1tpEstLpcResidua1 [i] ; synthLpcResidue += SUBFRAME SAMPLES ; ItpEstLpcResidua1 += SUBFF~AME-SAMPLES; IpcResidual += SUBFRAME-SAMPLES;- 1 memcpy (buffer, buff er+FRAME- SAMPLES, LOOK- BACK - SAMPLES*sizeof ( float) ) ; packGSM(qLAR, qLag, qGain, Mc, xmaxc, xMc, bitstream); 1 int decodeGSM (unsigned char *bitStream, short *output) ( static float buf fer [LOOK- BACK SAMPLES+SUBFRAME SAMPLESI- ;- ~uantizedLog Area Eatios. */ short qLAR[LPC- ORDER] ; /* Quantized pitch lag, */ short qLag [SUBE'RAMES]; /* Quantized long term prediction gain. */ short qGain [SUBFRAMES]; /" LPC residual synthesized by LTP and IFS.*/

B-6 Appendùr B: SomCode for GSM 06.10 Codec

float *synthLpcResidue; /* LTP residual synthesized by IFS module. */ float synthLtpResidue [SUBFRAME SAMPLES ] ; short Mc[SUBFRAMESI, ~~~~~[suB-~AMEs],xmc[13*SUBFRAMES]; float speech [FRAME-SAMPLES] ; int j;

unPackGSM(bitStream, qLAR, qLag, qGain, Mc, xmc, xmaxc); /* synthLpcResidue is indexed £rom -LOOK- BACK - SAMPLES to /* SUBFRAME-SAMPLES synthlpcResidue = buffer + LOOK- BACK-SAMPLES;

for (j=O; j < SUBERAMES; jU) { rpeResidualUnquan (xmaxc[ j ], Mc [ j ] , &mcfj *l3] , synthLtpResidue ) ; ltpsynthesis (qLag[ j ] , qGain [ j ] , synthLtpResidue, synthLpcResidue) ; 1 /* synthLpcResidue is now al1 samples f~omthe present £lame. synthLpcResidue = buffer;

lpcsynthesis (qLAR, synthLpcResidue, speech) ; Postprocess (speech, FRAME- SAMPLES, speech) ;

floatToShortBuff (speech, J?RAME -SAMPLES, output) ; return O; 1

static void floatToShortBuff(float *floatBuff, int length, short *shortBuff) I int i; float temp;

for (i=0; ixlength; i++)

temp = floatBuf f [il ; if (~~~~~>SHRT-MAX) shortBuf f [il = SHRT- MAX; else if (temp

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (Telecomunications Research Labs) Winnipeg, MB Canada.

copyright (c) 1996 ********+*********************************************************


void rpeResidualQuan(f1oat *residual, short *xmaxc, short *Mc, short *xMc) ; void rpeResidualUnquan (short xmaxcr, short Mcr, short *xMcr, float *erp) ;

****************************************************************** */ * / AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (cl 1996 */ */ ****************************************************************** */



PUBLIC FIMCTIONS: Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

#indude "rpe. hW

#def ine SATURATE(x) ( (x) < -32768 ? -32768 : (x) > 32767 ? 32767: (short) (x) #define ADD(a,b) (SATURATE( ( (long)a+(long) b) ) ) #def ine EZOAT TO SHORT (x) \ ( (XI < SART-MIN- ? SHRT- MIN : (XI > SHRT- MAX ? SHRT- MAX: (short) (XI ) static const float H[11] = {-0.016F, -0.046Ff O.OF, O.2S1Fr 0.701F, l.OF, 0.701F, 0.251F, O.OF, -0.046Ff -0.016F); static void weightingFilter ( float +residual, float *wResidual) ( int i, j, index; float temp, sample;

temp = O.OF; for (i=0; i<=lO; i++) ( index = j-5+i; if( (index>=O) && (index~40)} sample = residual[index] ; else sample = O.OF; temp += sample*H[i] ; 1 wResidual[j] = temp; 1 1

static void selectRpeGrid ( float "residual, float *xM, short +Mc) i int j, i; float temp, sample, lastpower;

lastPower = O.OF; *Mc = 0; for (j=O; j<=3; j++) I tq= O. OF; for (i= O; i <= 12; i++) Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

sample = residual [ j+3*i] ; temp += sample*sample; 1 if (templastPower) r *Mc = j ; lastPower = temp; 1 1 /* Down sample signal. */ for (i = 0; i <= 12; i ++) xM[i] = residual [ (*Mc)+3*i] ; 1 static void unquantizeMax(short xmaxc, short +exp, short *rnant)

if (*rnant==O) { *exp = -4; *mant = 7; 1 else { while (*mant <= 7)

'mant = *mant << 1 1 1; (*exp1 --; 1 *mant -= 8; 1 1

/* Inverse mantisa table */ static short NRFACE81 = (29128, 26215, 23832, 21846, 17476, 16384 };

static void ApcmQuantization(f1oat *xM, shcrt *Mc, short *=nt, short *exp, short *xmaxc) { int i, itest; float tempF; short xmax, invMant, temp; Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06-10Codec

tempF = (float)fabs (xM[i] ) ; if(tempF>xmax) xmax = (short)tempF; 1 *exp =O; temp = %xnax>>9; itest = 0;

for (i=O; i<=5; i++) ( if(texnp c= 0) itest=l; temp = tenp>>l;

temp = *exp + 5;

*xmaxc = ADD ( (xmax>>temp) , (*expCC3 1 1 ;

uriquantizeMax (*xmaxc, exp, mant) ;

invMant = NRFAC [ *mant1 ;

for (i=O; i<=12; i++) ( temp = FLOAT TO SHORT (xM[i] ) << (6-*expl ; temp = (shorf)((temp* (long)invMant) >> ( 15-21 ;

/* Normalized direct mantisa table */ const static short FAC[8] = (18431, 20479, 22527, 24575, 26623, 28671, 30719, 32767 1; static void ApcmUnquantization (short *xMc, short mant, short exp, short *xMp) ( int i; short te-, ternpl, temp2, t-3;

tenipl = FAC [mant] ; teq2 = 6-exp; temp3 = l<<(temp2-1) ;

for (i= 13; i--;) ( temp = (*xMc++ << 1) - 7; terrip <<= 12; temp = (short) ( (templ* (long)temp + 16384) >>lS) ; Append2,u B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

temp = ADD (temp, temp3) ; *xMp++ = terop>>temp2; 1 1 static void RpeUpsample(short Mc, short *fxMp, float *ep) C int i;

for (i=O; iC40; i++) ep[i] = O.OF; for (i=O; i<=12; i++) ep[Mc+(3*i) 1 = (float)(xMp[i] ) ; 1 void rpeResidualQuan(float *residual, short *xmaxc, short *Mc, 'short *Mc)

float x[40], xMfl31; short xMp[l3], mant, exp;

weightingFilter (residual, x) ; selectRpeGrid (x, xM, Mc) ;

ApcmQuantization (xM, xMc, &=nt, &exp, xmaxc) ; ApcmUnquantization (xMc, mant, exp, xMp ;

RpeUpsarrgle (*Mc, xMp, residual);

void rpeResidualUnquan(short xmaxcr, short Mcr, short *xMcr, float *eq)

short exp, mant; short xMp [l3];

unquantizeMax ( xmaxcr, &exp, &mant ) ; ApaUnquantization ( xMcr, mant, exp, xMp 1 ; RpeUpsample( Mcr, xMp, erp 1 ; Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Coda ****************************************************************** */ */ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ***************************************************************** */

void packGSM(short *LARc, short *Nc, short *bc, short *Mc, short *xmaxc, short *xmc, unsigned char *c) ; int unPackGSM(unsigned char *cf short *WC, short *Nc, short *bc, short *Mc, short *xmc, short *xmaxc) ;

*/ AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera */ The University of Manitoba and */ TRLabs (Telecommunications Research Labs) */ Winnipeg, MB */ Canada. */ */ Copyright (c) 1996 */ */ ****************************************************************** */

/* ****************************************************************** */ /* */ /* FILENAME: packGSM. c */ /* */ /* DESCXPTION: Routines for packing quantized parameters into a */ /* bit-stream. */ /* */ /* */ /* PUBLIC E'UNCTIONS : packGSM ( . . ) */ /* unpackGSM( . .) */ /* */ /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS: */ /* */ /* *******+******************************************************** */ Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec

#include "packGSM. hW #de fine GSM- ID OxD void packGSM(short *LARc, short *Nc, short *bc, short *Mc, short 'xmaxc, short *xmc, unsigncd char *c)

((GSM ID & OxF) << 4) I ((L~z[o]>> 2) & OxF); ((LARc[O] & 0x3) << 6) 1 (LARc[l] & Ox3F) ; ((LARc[2l & OxlF) CC 3) 1 ((LARc[3] >> 2) & 0x7); ((LARc[3] & 0x3) << 6) 1 ((LARc[4] & OxF) << 2) 1 ((LARc[S] >> 2) & 0x3); ( (LARc(51 & 0x3) << 6) 1 ((LARc[6] & 0x7) << 3) 1 (LARc[7] & 0x7) ; ( (Nc[O] & Ox7F) << 1) I ((bc[O] >> 1) & 0x1); ( (bc[O] & 0x1) > 1) & OxlF); ((xmaxc(O] & 0x1) << 7) I ((wic[O] & 0x7) << 4) I ((wic[l] & 0x7) << 1) I ((xmc[2] >> 2) & 0x1); ( (xmc[2] & 0x3) << 6) 1 ((xmc(33 & 0x7) << 3) 1 (xmc[4] & 0x7); ( (xmc[S] s; 0x7) << 5) 1 ((xmc[6] & 0x7) << 2) 1 ((xmcE71 >> 1) & 0x3); ( (xmc[7] & 0x1) << 7) 1 ((xmcf81 & 0x7) << 4) I ((xmcf93 & 0x7) << 1) I ( (wicflO]>> 2) & 0x1) ; ((xmc[lO] & 0x3) 6) I ((xmc[ll] & 0x7) cc 3) 1 (xmc[l2] & 0x7); ( (Nc[l] & Ox7F) << 1) I ((bc[l] >>1) & 0x1); ( (bc[l] & 0x1) 7) I ((Mc[l] & 0x3) << 5) I ( (wnaxc[l] >> 1) & OxlF) ; ((xmaxc[l] & 0x1) << 7) I ((xmc[l3] & 0x7) > 2) & 0x1); ((xmc[15] & 0x3) << 6) I ((xmc[l6] & 0x7) cc 3) I (xmc[l7] & 0x7); ( (lanc[18] & 0x7) cc 5) Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06.10 Codec int unPackGSM(unsigned char *cf short *LARc, short *Nc, short +bc, short *Mc, short +xmc, short *xmaxc) ( if ( ( (*c >> 4) & OxOF) != GSM- ID) return -1;

LARc[O] = (+c++ & OxF) << 2; LARc[O] I= (*c >> 6) & 0x3; LARc[l] = *c++ & Ox3F; LARcE21 = (+c >> 3) & OxlF; LARc[3] = (*CH & 0x7) << 2; LARc[3] 1= (+c >> 6) & 0x3; LARc141 = (*c >> 2) & OxF; LARc[S] = (+c++ & 0x3) << 2; LARc[5] (= (*c >> 6) & 0x3; LARcE61 = (+c >> 3) & 0x7; LARc[7] = +CU& 0x7; Nc[O] = (*c >> 1) & Ox7F; bc[O] = (*c++ & 0x1) << 1; bc[O] I= (*c >> 7) & 0x1; Mc[O] = (*c >> 5) & 0x3; xmaxc[O] = (*c++ & OxlF) c< 1; xmaxc[O] I= (+c >> 71 & 0x1; xmc[O] = (*c >> 4) & 0x7; xmc[l] = (*c >> 1) & 0x7; xmc[2] = (*c++ & 0x1) << 2; x1ncE21 I= (*c >> 6) & 0x3; xrnc[3] = (*c >> 3) & 0x7; xmc[4] = *c++ & 0x7; xmc[5] = ("c >> 5) & 0x7; xmc[6] = (+c >> 2) & 0x7; xmc[7] = (*c++ & 0x3) << 1; xInc[7] I= (*c >> 7) & 0x1; xrnc[8] = (*c >> 4) & 0x7; xmc[9] = (*c >> 1) & 0x7; xmc[lO] = (*c++ & 0x1) << 2; xmc[lO] I= (+c >> 6) & 0x3; xmc[ll] = (*c >> 3) & 0x7; xmc[l2] = *c++ & 0x7; Nc[ll = (*c >> 1) & Ox7F; bc[l] = (*c++ & 0x1) << 1; bc[l] I= (*c >> 7) & 0x1; Mc[l] = (*c >> 5) & 0x3; xmaxc[l] = (+c++ d OxlF) << 1; xmaxc[l] I= (*c >> 7) & 0x1; xrnc[I3] = (*c >> 4) & 0x7; xmc[14] = (*c >> 1) & 0x7; xmc[lS] = (+c++ & 0x1) << 2; xmc[l5] I= (*c >> 6) 6L 0x3; xmc[l6] = (*c >> 3) h 0x7; xmc[l7] = *c++ & 0x7; xmc[I8] = (*c >> 5) s; 0x7; xmc[l9] = (*c >> 2) & 0x7; xmc[20] = (*c++ d 0x3) << 1; Appendix B: Source Code for GSM 06-10Codec APPENDIX C: SOURCECODE FOR SELF-AFFINE FRACTAL EXCITEDLINEAR PREDICTIVE CODEC

Appendix C: SomCode for Self-ffie Fractal Excited Linear Predictive Codec

if((1nFile != O)&&(OutFiie != 0)) { Frame=O ; while (fread ( PC~~tream,sizeof (short), GSM-FRAME -SIZE, InFile) = GSM-E'FIAME-SI ZE1 I printf ( "Frame: %1u\nw,Frame) ; encodeIFS ( PCMStream, bitstream) ; fwrite (bitstream,sizeof (unsigned char) , GSM BITSTREAM,OutFile 1 ; !?rame=E'ramë+l; 1 fclose ( InFile) ; fclose (OutFile); 1 else { printf ("An error occured while opening files or i.n memory \ allocation. \n" ; fclose (InFile); f close (OutFile); return -1; 1 1 else if (ch=='S11 1 ch=='sl ) ( OutFile = fopen ("test-syn. rawtl,"wbtl) ; InFile = fopen("test.bit", "rb") ; if((0utFile- != O)&&(InFile != 0)) { Frame=O ; do I fread(bitStream,sizeof (unsigned char) , GSM BITSTREAM, XnFile) ; printf ( ne: %lu\nn,Frame) ; decodeIFS (bitstream, PCMStream) ; fwrite ( PCMStream,sizeof (short),GSM - E'RAME-SIZE, OutFile); Frame=Frame+l ; Iwhile (!feof(InFile)); J fclose (OutFile); fclose ( InFile) ; 1 else if (ch='B1llch='b') { InFile = fopen(". .\\data\\voiced. rawtl,"rbf') ; OutFile = fopen ("test-s yn. raw","wb") ; if ( (InFile != O) && (OutFile != 0)) { Frame=O ; while (fread(PCMStream,sizeof (short),GSM-FRAME-SIZE, InFile) = GSM- FRAME - SIZE) I printf ( "Frame: %lu\nW,Frame) ; Appendix C: Source Code for Self-ffie Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec

encodeIFS ( PCMStream, bitstream) ; decodeIFS (bitstream, PCMStream) ; fwrite (PCMStream,sizeof (short), GSM - FRAME-SIZE, OutFile) ; Frame=Frame+l ; 1 1 fclose (InFile); fclose (OutFile) ; 1 else if (ch='Qr l l ch='ql 1 1 quit = 1; 1 ) while (!quit); printf ( "\n\nOperation Camplete, return 1;

AUTHOR: Epiphany Vera The University of Manitoba and TRLabs (Telecommunications Res earch Labs ) Winnipeg, MB Canada.

Copyright (c) 1996

/* */ /* FILENAME: ifs.c */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: Self-affine fractal modelling functions. */ /* */ /* */ /* PUBLIC EWNCTIONS : ifssynthesis ( . . ) */ /* ifshalysis (. . ) */ /* */ /* PRIVATE ETJNCTIONS: round(..) */ /* calcMaps ( . .) */ /* synthAttractor ( . .) */ /* calcContFactor ( . .) */ /* calcEs timation ( . .) */ /* calcParam ( . .) */ /* quanParams ( . .) */ /* unquanparams ( .. ) */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************** */ Appendix C: Source Code for Self-fie Fracmi Excited Linear Predictive Codec

/***** HFADER FILES *****/ #indude #indude #indude #indude #include #include

#define maxMaps 51 //Maximum number of maps to be used +1 #define framesize 160 #define maxIterations 1000 /* Number of iterations done before /* non-convergence is assumed

typedef struct ( float x, y, a, e, c, d, f; ) mapType; typedef mapType =psType [maxMaps 1 ; //Azray of map parameters //Row O contains: x-O y-O n //where n is the number of maps //The remaining n rows contain: O // x-i y-i a-i e-i c-i d-i f- i typedef int f rameType [ f rameSize] ; typedef float mapParamType [maxMaps J ;

static void getParam(F1LE *paramFile, float+x, float* static void storeAttractor(F1LE *outFile, float *G); static void getPCMData(F1LE *PCMFile, float *PCMData) static void saveParam (FILE*pararaFile, flaat*~,fIoat*y, FILE *errorFile;

/***********************************************************************/ /* SHARED ROUTINES */ /+************+*********************************************************/

static int round(f1oat x) { if ( (O. 5- (ceil(x) -x) >O) ) return (int)ceil (x); else return (int)floor (x); 1

/****************************ir******************************************/ /* END OF SKARED ROUTINES */ /**********************************f************************************/ Appendix C: Source Code for Self-fie Fracmi Excited Linear Predictive Codec /*******+******************+*******+************************************/ /* SYNTHESIS ROUTINES */ /*********************************************+*************************/ static void calcMaps ( float*~,float*y, float*a, float'e, float*c, float*d, floatff) E int nrunOfMaps, i;

for (i=l; i<=numOfMaps; i++) I //Using endpoint constrafnts, parameters of the affine maps // are calculated below. a [il = (xli] - xli-11 1 / (x[num~fMaps]- x[O] ) ; e [il = (~[num~fMaps]*x[i-11 -x[0] *x[i] ) / (x[numOfMapsj-x[O] ) ; cEi1 = (ylil-y[i-lI / (x[numO£Maps] -x[O] ) -d[i] (y[nu.mofMaps] -y[O] ) / (x[numOfMaps] -x[O] ) ; flil = (xCnumOfMaps1*y[i-il-x[O] *y[i] }/(x[numOfps] -x[O] ) - d[i] * (x[numOfMaps] *y[O]-x[O] *y[numOfMaps] ) / (x[numûfMaps]-x[O] ) ; 1 1 static void synthAttractor(float*a,float*effloat+c,float*dffloat*ff float*G) const int maxSqaureError=O; //Maximum error in attractor calculation float Al[frameSize+l], A2[frameSize+l]; int Aix [frameSize+l] , A2x [frarneSize+l]; int numOfMaps, if k, errorSame, iterations; float erroz, 1astError;

error= ( float)INT-MAX; numOfMaps = d[O] ; for (i=O; iCframeSize; i++) //Initialise data array I I Aï ri] =100; Aïx[i] =i; G[i]=O; 1 iterations=O; erro~Same=O; lastErro~0; while ( (erro~>maxSqaureE~ror)&& (errorSame

- { error=O; for (i=l; i<=numOfMaps ; i++) I for (k=O; k

A2 [kl =round(c[iI *Aïx[kj + d[i] *Aï[k) + f[i] ) ; 1 for (k=O; k

static void synth (void) {

mapParamType x, y, a, e, c, d, f; FILE *s ynthFile, *paramFile; int frame=O ;

parmile = fopen("residual.ifsW, "rt") ; synthFile = fopen("syn res. rstw,"wtW) ;

printf ( "Processing frame %d. \n", frame) ; getPa~am(paramFile,x, y, d) ; calcMaps (x, y, a, el c,d.f); synthAttractor (a,e, c, d, f, G); storeAttractor (synthFi1e, G) ; frame++; } while ( ! feof (paramFile)) ; else printf("ERR0R: Could not open input file and\\or create output file"); fclose (synthFile); fclose (parmile); 1

/* END OF SYNTHESIS ROUTINES */ /****************+*****************************************************~/ Appendix C: Source Code for SeE-AiThe FradExcited Linear Predictive Codec /****+***********************************~****************************** / /* ANALYSIS ROUTINES */ /***************************************+*******************************/ static float calcD(f1oat *PCMData, int p, int Yp,int q, int Yq)

float num, den; //numerator & denominator of d float Xi, An, Bn, a, e, F, 1; int n, m;

num = O. OF; den = O.OF; I=O ; F= (framesize-1); a=(q-p)/(F-1); e= (F*p-I*q)/ (F-1) ; for (n=O; n

rn=round (a*n+e); Xi=(F-n) / (F-1) ; An=~CMData[nl-(Xi*PCMData [ (int)Il + (1-Xi)*PCMData [ (int)FI ) ; Bn=PCMData [ml - (Xi*Yp+(1-Xi) *Yq) ; num += Bn*An; den += An*An;

return E'LT-MAX; else return (float)(ndden) ; 1 static void calcParam(f1oat *PCMData, float*~,float*y, float*d ) { int p, Yp, q, Yq, if k, numûfbfaps, numOfTryMaps, best; float testD, minError, errorcheck; float testA, testE, testC, testF; int tempX[frameSize-11, tempY[frameSize-11; float tempD[frameSize-11; double error[frameSize-11; frameType Kx, Hf Hi;

float I=O; //~heinitial and final points of the PCM data float Yï=PCMData [ (int)Il ; float F=frameSize-1; float YF=PCMData [ (int)FI ;

x[O]=I; //Set the first point in the PCM as the initial point y[Ol=PCMData [O]; nuxnûfMaps=O; //~otalnumber of maps found Appendiv C: Source Code for Self-Afhe Fractai Excited Linear Predictive Codec while (p< (frameSize-1)) { numOfTryMaps=O; //Number of candidate parameters for the map i while (i< ( f ramesize-1) ) testD=2.0; //initialise the temporary dto allow loop to start numOfTryMaps++; while ( ( ( ( (testD+testD)>=1) 1 I ( (testD*testD)

i++; q=i ; Yq=PCMData [il ; testD=calcD ( PCMData,p, Yp, q, Yq) ;

tempX [numOfTryMaps] = q; teqY[numOfTryMaps] = Yq; tempD [numOfTryMaps] = testD; tes- = (q-p)/(F-1); testE = (F*p-I*q) / (F-1); testc = (Yq-Yp)/(F-1)-testDf(YF-YI)/(F-1); testF = (F*Yp-I*Yq)/ (F-1)-testD* (F*YI-I*YF)/ (F-1) ; for (k=O; kcframesize; k++)

Hx [k]=round (testA*k + testE) ; H [k] =round (testC*k + testD*PCMData [k] + testF) ; 1

for (k=O ; k~framesize;k++) //Create the function Hi ( Hi [Hx[kj ]=H[k] ;//This function is a map of the original 1 //into the interpolation interval of the current map error [numOfTryMaps]=O ; for (k=p; k<=q; k++) error[numOfTryMaps] = error [numOfTryMaps]+ fabs (Hi[k] - PCMData [k] ) ; //?Tormalize tne error error [numOfTry~aps]= (double)error [numOfTry~aps]/ (q-p+l) ; error [numOfTryMaps] = error [numOfTryMaps]- (((float)ternpX[numOfTryMapsl-p)*O.2); else numOfTryMaps--; 1 if (numOfTryMaps>O) ( minError-FLT-MAX; for (k-numQfTryMaps; k>O; k--) ( errorCheck4nError-error[k]-0.0; /*Best value so far is */ /* 0.3 (no origin shift) 0.2 with shift */ if ( (errorCheck>O) && ( (tqX[k] -p) >l) l l (tqX[k]>(frameSize-5) ) ) /* Should experiment with */ Appendix C: Source Code for Self-Afbe Fractai Exciteci Linear Predictive Codec

/* putting a min value wLth which it has to be greater */ (//~mposedthat map has to have width > 1 best=k; minError=error [k]; 1 I numOfMaps++; if (numOfMaps>maxMaps) printf("**** ERROR: Maximum number of mps exceeded. ****" 1; x [numOfWaps]=tqX [best] ; y[numOfMaps 1 =tempY [best]; d[numOfMaps] =tempD [best] ; p=terrpX [best]; Yp=tqY[best] ; i=tempX [best]; 1 else ( x[numOfMapsI=frameSize-1; p=frameSize-1; 1 1 d[0] =numOfMaps; 1

static void analyse (void) ( float PcMData [ framesize] ; mapParamType x, y, d; FILE *PCMFile, *paramFile; int frame=O; int doAil=l; //O ta process single frame, I otherwise

PCMFile = fopen ( "residual. rst", 'frtfs) ; parmile = fopen ("residual.ifs'', ; if ((parmile != O)h&(PCMFile != 0)) do ( printf ( "Processing frame %d. \nW,frame) ; getPCMData (PCMFile, PCMData) ; calcParam(PCMData, x, y, d) ; saveParam(paramFile, x, y, d) ; f rame++; 1 while ( ( ! feof (PCMFile)) h& (doFill)) ; else printf ( "ERROR: Could not open input file and\\or create output file. " ) ; fclose (PCMFile) ; fclose (parmile); 1 /*******+***************************************************************/ /* END OF ANALYSIS ROUTINES */ /******+**********+**********************************************+******/ Appendix C: Source Code for Self-Affine FradExcited Linear Predictive Codec

/***********f+************t******************~***********************~**/ /* FILE 1/0 ROUTINES */ /************************~**********************************************/

static void getParam(F1LE *paranSile, float*~,floatfy, flozt*d) I int i;

fscanf (paramFile, "%f\nr',& (d[Ol)); fscanf (parmile,"%f %f\nt',& (~101).& (y[O] ) ) ; for (i=l;i<=(int)d[OI ; i++) fscanf (paramFile, "%f %f %f\nW,& (x[i) 1, & (y[i]) ,& (d[i]) ) ; 1

static void storeAttractor(F1LE *outFile, float *G) I int i;

for (i=O; iCframeSize; i++) fprintf (outFile, "%d\nWf(int) ( (G[i]-16384) *2) ) ; //fwrite(h (GEi] ) ,sizeof(int) IfoutFile) ; 1

static void getPCMData(FILi3 *PCMi?ile,float *PCMData) i int if dataRead;

for (i=O; icframesize; i++) { fscanf (PCMFile, "%d\n", &dataRead); PCMData [il = dataRead/2.0+16384;

static void saveParam(FILE*paramFile, float*~,float*y, £loat*d) ( int i;

fprintf (parmile, "%d\n1',(int) d[O] ) ; fprintf (parmile, "%d %d\n", (int)x[O], (int)y[O]) ; for (i=l;i<=iint)d[O]; i++) fprintf (paramFile, "%d %d %f\nW,(int) x[i] , (int)y[i] ,d[i] ) ; 1 /***********************************************************************/ - /* END OF FILE 1/0 ROUTINES */ /***********************************************************************/ Appendix C: Source Code for Self-AiThe Fractai Exciteci Linear Predictive Codec

/* MAIN ROUTINE */ /**********+*****************+******************************************/ int main (void) r char ch;

errorFile=fopen ( "~KIOK.txt", "wtI1) ; printf ("Would you like to (A)nalyse or (S)ynthesize? Enter A or S: "); ch=getch ( ) ; printf ("\nn); if ( (ch=8Z) l 1 (ch=ll5) ) synth0 ; else if ((ch=65) 11(ch=97)) analyse ( ) ; else printf ("Invalid key entered. ") ;

fclose(errorFi1e); printf ("Operation Complete. \nl') ; return O; 1

/* END OF MAIN ROUTINE */ /**************++******************************************************/ APPENDM D: SOURCE CODE FOR THE SPEECHCOMPRESSION LAB

Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab i* */ /* CLASS: TSoundBar */ /* */ /* PARENT CLASS: THSlider */ /* */ / * METHODS : */ /* SetInfo ( . . ) */ /* SetName ( .. ) */ /* SBLineUp ( . .) */ /* SBLineDown ( . . ) */ /* SBPageUp ( . . */ /* SBPageDown ( . . ) */ /* SBThumbPosition ( . .1 */ / * SBTop ( . . ) */ /* SBBottom( . .) */ /* ReposAndPlay ( . .) */ /* */ /* ***************************************+************************** */

/* **********************t******************************************* */ /* */ /* CLASS: TLine */ /* */ /* PARENT CIPSS: TPoints */ /* */ / * METHODS : */ /* QueryPenSize(..) */ /* QueryColor(..) */ /* SetPen ( . . ) */ /* SetPen ( . .) */ /* GetPenSize ( . . ) */ /* GetPenColor(..) */ /* Draw(. . ) */ /* - */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************** */

/* ******************************~************************t********** */ /* */ /* CLASS: TDrawDocument */ /* */ /* PARENT CLASS: TFileDocument */ /* */ I* METHODS: */ /* Open (int mode, cons t char far* path=O ) ; */ /* Close ( ; */ /* IsOpen ( ) */ /* Codt(BOOK force = FALSE); */ /* Revert (BOOL clear = FALSE); */ /* FindProperty (const char fax* name) ; */ /* PropertyFlags (int index); */ /* PropertyName (int index) ; */ /* PropertyCount ( ) */ /* GetProperty(int index, void far* dest, int textlen) */ Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

/* GetLine(unsigned int index); */ /* AddLine (TLine& line) ; */ /* DeleteLine(unsigned int index); */ /* ModifyLine(TLine& liner unsigned int index); */ /* Undo ( ) ; */ /* */ /* **********************************************************+******* */ /* *******~*******f**************************************************/ /* */ /* CLASS: TDrawView */ /* */ /* PARENT CLASS: TWindowView */ /* */ /* METHODS: */ / + EvLSuttonDown(UINT, TPoint&); */ /* EvRButtonDown(UINT, TPointk); */ /* EvMouseMove (UINT, TPoint& 1 ; +/ /* EvLButtonUp (UINT, TPointd) ; */ /* Paint (TDCG, BOOL, TRect&) ; */ /* Cmvndo ( ) ; */ /* VnCommit(B0OL force) ; */ /* VnRevert (BOOL clear) ; */ /* VnAppend (unsigned int index); */ /* VnDelete(unsigned int index); */ /* VnModify(unsigned int index); */ /* UpdateGauges(U1NT Percentage); */ /* SetupWindow ( ) ; */ /* EVTiraer (UINT id); */ /* CmControlsstop () ; */ /* CmControlsplay () ; */ /* CmControlspause ( ) ; */ /* CmControlsrecord () ; */ /* CmActioncompress ( ) ; */ /* TemporaryEnable (TCormnandEnabler &tce ) ; */ /* MciNotify (WPARAM, LPARAM) ; */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************** */

#indude #indude #indude #indude #indude #inchde #includc #include #inchde #indude "spechlb2.r~" #include #include #include #include #indude #pragma hdrs top Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

#indude #include #indude #include #indude #include #indude #indude cmath. h> #indude #indude #indude #indude "typedef .hW #indude "ce1pl.h" #indude const WORD ID- PROGRESSWIN = 400;

extern "Cm [ void far EraseBuffers (void); } extern "C" { void fax InitializeAilParameters(void);) extern "C" { void far Analyze (i-16 +pcm, u 16 *stream) ; extern "Cm { void fax Synthesize(u-16 *str&n, i- 16 *pan);} typedef TArray TPoints; typedef TArrayIterator TPointsIterator; typedef struct TWaveFileHdr { unsigned char RIFF; unsigned long FUFFLength; unsigned char WAVE; unsigned char fmt; unsigned long fmtLength; unsignedint formatTag; //Format category unsigned int nchannels; //Number of charnels unsigned long samoleRate; //samples per second unsigned long bytesPerSec; //average bytes per second unsigned int align; //nBAlign unsigned int bitsPerSanrple; unsigned long data; long numOf Samples ; 1;

#define ID SCROLL 150 // Scroll bal #define TI&R ID 2 64 // Unique timer ID. #define MC1- P% (p) ( (long) (void far*) hp)

UINT DeviceId = 0; // The global waveform device opened handle BOOL FlushNotify = FALSE; Appendiv D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

#indude #indude #indude " spechlbl .rc" *****************************************+******~*************~****/ */ cms: TMYAPP */ */ PARENT CLASS : TApplication */ */ OVERIDE KETHODS: */ InitInstance ( . .) */ InitMainWindow ( . .) */ // Event handlers */ EvNewView ( . . ) */ EvCloseView ( . .) */ EvDropFiles ( . .) */ CmAbout ( . .) */ */ ****************+*********************************************** * /

class TMyApp : public TApplication { public : TMyApp ( ) : TApplication ( 1 { 1 protected: // Override methods of TApplication void InitInstance ( 1 ; void InitMainWindow ( ) ;

// Event handlers void EvNewView (TViewd view) ; void EvCloseView(TView& view); void EvDropFiles (TDropInfo dropInfo) ; void -out ( ) ;

TMDIClient* Client; DECLARE- RESPONSE-TABLE (TMyApp) ; 1 ; DEFINE RESPONSE TABLEl(TMyApp, TApplication) EV O%VIEW (dnzreate, EvNewView), EV-OWLVIEW (dn~lose, EvCloseView) , EV-WM DROPFILES, EV-CO~AND(CM-ABOUT , CmRbout ) , END- ~SPONSE-TABLE; void TMyApp : :InitMainWindow ( ) I // Construct the decorated £rame window TDecoratedMDIFrame* frame = new TDecoratedMDIFrame( "Speech Compression Labn, O, *(Client = new TMDIClient), TRUE); // Construct a status bar TStatusBar* sb = new TStatusBar (frame, TGadget: :Recessed) ; Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

// Construct a control bar TControlBar *cb = new TControlBar ( frame) ; cb->Insert (*new TButtonGadget (CM FILENEW, CM-FILENEW, ~~Ütton~adget: :Comnd) ) ; &->Insert ( * new TButtonGadget(CM FILEOPEN, CM-FILEOPEN, T~ÜttonGadget: :Comnd) ) ; TButtonGadget(CM-FILESAVE, CM-FILESAVE, TButtonGadget : :Conunand) ) ; TButtonGadget(CM FILESA-, CM FILESAVEAS, T~Ütton~ad~et::coknd)); TSeparatorGadget ; TSeparatorGadget) ; TButtonGadget(CMCMACTIONCOMPRESS, CM ACTIONCOMPRESS, TButtonGadget::~ommand)); TSeparatorGadget) ; TSeparatorGadget) ; TButtonGadget (CM CONTROLSPLAY, CM CONTROLSPLAY, ~~utton~ad~et::~om&nd)); TButtonGadget(CM_CONTROLSPAUSE, CM CONTROLSPAUSE, TButtonGadget :: ~okd) ) ; TButtonGadget(CM CONTROLSSTOP, CM CONTROLSSTOP, T~ÜttonGad~et::cor&kd)); TButtonGadget (CM CONTROLSRECORD, CM CONTROLSRECORD, T~Ütton~ad~et::~ommand)); cb->Insert (*new TSeparatorGadget) ; cb->f nsert (*new TSeparatorGadget) ; cb->Insert (*new TButtonGadget(Cl4 ABOUT, CM-ABOUT, T~Ütton~ad~et::Cormnand));

// Insert the status bar and control bar into the frame frame->Insert(*sb, TDecoratedFrame::Bottom); f rame->Insert (*cb, TDecoratedFrame: :Top) ;

// Set the main window and its menu SetMainWindow(frame); GetMainWindow( 1 ->SetMenuDescr (TMenuDescr ("CCMMANDS", I,1, O, O, 1,I) ) ; // Install the document manager SetDocManager(new TDocManager(dmMD1 1 Menu)); 1 void TMyApp : :InitIns tance ( ) ( TApplication: :InitInstance ( ) ; GetMainWindow ( ) ->DragAcceptFiIes (TRUE); void TMyApp : :EvDropFiles (TDropInfo dropInfo)

int filecount = dropInfo.DrzgQuexyFiIeCount(); for (int index = O; index c fileCout; index++) { int fileLength = dropInfo. DragQueryFileNameLen (index)+l; Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

char* filePath = new char [fileLength]; dropInfo.DragQueryFile(index, filePath, filelength); TDocTemplatef tpl = GetDocManagerO->MatchTemplate(filePath); if (tpl) tpl-XreateDoc(fi1ePath); delete filePath; 1 dropInfo .DragFinish ( ) ; 1 void TMyApp::EvNewView(TView& view)

TMD1Childf child = new TMDIChild(*Client, 0, view.GetWindow()); if (view.GetViewMenu0) child->SetMenuDescr(*view.GetViewMenu(}); child->Create(); 1 void TMyApp::EvCloseView(TView& /*view*/) ( // nothing needs to be done here for MD1 1 void TMyApp : :-out ( ) I TDialog (GetMainWindow ( ) , IDD-ABOUT) .Execute ( ) ; 1 int OwlMain(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ []) I return TMyApp() .Ruri() ; } Appendur D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab /* ***+************************************************************ */ /* TSoundBar */ /* **f+**********************************ir********+**+*************** */

/* */ /* CLASS: TSoundBar */ /* */ /* PARENT CLASS: THSlider */ /* */ /* METHODS : * / /* SetInfo ( . .) */ /* SetName ( .. ) */ /* SBLineUp ( . -1 */ /* SBLineDown ( . - 1 */ /* SBPageUp ( . . ) */ /* SBPageDown ( . - ) */ /* SBThumbPosition ( . . ) */ /* SBTop ( . -1 */ /* SBBottorn ( . . ) */ /* ReposAndPlay ( . .) */ /* */ /* ****************************************************************** */ class TSoundBar : public THSlider ( public: TSoundBar(TWindow* parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, module* module = 0) : THSlider (parent, id, x, y, w, h, IDB HSLIDERTHUMS, module) { }

void SetInfo (int ratio, long length) ; void SetName (char* name ;

// // 0verri.de TScrollBars virtual functions // void S BLineUp ( ) ; void SBLineDown ( ) ; void SBPageUp () ; void SBPageDowri ( ) ; void SBThumbPosition (int thurnbPos) ; void SBTop ( ) ; void SBBottorn ( ) ;

private: int long char

void ReposAndPlay (long newPos) ; 1 ; void Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab


// Only allow SEEK if playing. // if ( ! DeviceId) return;

// Close the currently playing wave. // FlushNotify = TRUE; MciGenParm. dwcallback = 0 ; mciSendCommand (DeviceId, MC1 STOP, MC1 WAIT, MC1 PARM2 (MciGenParm)) ; mciSendCormnand ( DeviceId, MCI~LOSE, MCÏ-WAIT, MCY-PARM~(MciGenParm) ) ;

// Open the wave again and seek to new position. // MciOpcnParm.dwCallback = 0; MciOpenParm. wDeviceID = DeviceId; #if !defined( WIN32-) ~ci0~en~aG~eserved0 = 0 ; #endif MciOpenParm. lps trDeviceType = 0 ; MciOpenParm. lps trElementName = ElmentName; MciOpenParm. lpstrAlias = 0; if (mciSendCommand(DeviceId, MC1- OPEN, MC1- WAIT 1 MCI-OPEN-ELEMENT, MCI-PARM2 (MciOpenParm)) ) I MessageBox ( "Open Error" , "Sound Play", MB-OK) ; return; 1 DeviceId = MciOpenParm. wDeviceID;

// Our the scale is in SAMPLES. // MciSetParm,dwTimeFormat = MC1 FORMAT SAMPLES; if (mciSendCommand(DeviceId, k1SET: MC1 SET TfME FORMAT,

MessageBox("Set Time Errorn, "Sound Play1', MB_OK) ; return; 1 // Compute new position, remember the scrollbar range has been // scaled based on WaveRatio. // MciSeekParm. dwCallback = 0; MciSeekParm,dwTo = (newPos*WaveRatio > WaveLength) ? WaveLength : newPos*WaveRatio; Appendiv D: Source Code for the Speech Compfession Lab

if (mciSendCommand(DeviceId, MC1- SEEK, MCI-TO, MCI-PARM2 (MciSeekPam)) ) I MessageBox ("Seek Error", "Sound Play", MB -OK) ; return; 1

MciPlayParm. dwCallback = (long)HWindow; MciPlayParm. dwFrom = 0; MciPlayParm.dwTo = 0; if (mciSendCommand(DeviceId, MCI-PLAY, MCI-NOTIFY, MC1- PARM2 (MciPlayParm)) ) { MessageBox ("Play Errorn, "Sound Play", MB- OK) ;

void TSoundBar: :SetInf O (int ratio, long length) I WaveRatio = ratio; WaveLength = length; 1 void TSoundBar: :SetName(charf name) ( strcpy(ElementNarne, name) ; 1 void TSoundBar::SBLineUp() I THSlider : :SBLineUp ( ) ; ReposAndPlay (GetPosition() } ; 1 void TSoundBar::SBLineDown() { THSlider: :SBLineDown() ; ReposAndPlay(GetPosition()); 1 void TSoundBar : :SBPageUp ( ) ( THSlider : :SBPageUp ( ) ; ReposAndPlay(GetPosition()); 1 void TSoundBar: :SBPageDown( ) { THSlider: :SBPageDown() ; tn.. ..** ** k du ;al dg 4 O O IA Sm- Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab class TLine : public TPoints ( public: // Constructor to allow construction from a color and a pen size. // Also serves as default constructor. TLine(const TColox &color = 2 /*T~olor(O)*/, int penSize = 1) : TPoints (10, O, 1O), PenSize (pensize), Color (color) ( }

typedef struct tagPOINT { long x; long y; ) POINT; // Functions to modify and query pen attributes. int QueryPenSize() const ( return PenSize; 1 const TColorG QueryColor() const [ return Color; void SetPen(TCo1or &newColor, int penSize = 0); void SetPen (int penSize) ; BOOL GetPenSize ( ) ; BOOL GetPenColor ( ) ;

// TLine draws itself. Returns TRUE if everything went OK. virtual BOOL Draw (TDC &) const;

// The = operator must be defined for the container class, // even if unused BOOL operator =(const TLine& other) const ( return &other = this;) TWaveFileHdr waveHdx;

protected: int PenSize; TColor Color; 1; typedef TArray TLines; typedef TArrayIterator TLinesIterator; const int vnDrawAppend = vnCustomBase+O; const int vnDrawDelete = vnCustornBase+l; const int vnDrawModify = vnCustom8ase+2;

NOTIFY SIG(tmDrawAppend, unsigned int) ~0~1F'Y~~1~(vn~raw~elete,unsigned int) NOTIE'YISIG(VnDrawModify, unsigned int)

#define EV-VN-DRAWAPPEND %DEFINE (vnDrawAppend, VnAppend, int) #define EV-VN-DRAWDELETE %DEFINE (vnDrawDelete, VnDelete, int) #define EV- VN -DRAWMODIFY VN- DEFINE (vnDrawModfy, VnModif y, int)

DEFINE DOC-TEMPLATE-CLASS ( TDrawDocument , TDrawView, DrawTemplate) ; ~raw~6latedrawTpl ("Microsoft Wave (*. wav) ","*. wav", O, llwav", dtAutoDelete 1 dtUpdateDir) ; void TLine: :SetPen (int pensize) ( if (penSize < 1) Appendiv D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

PenSize = 1; else PenSize = penSize; 1 void TLine::SetPen(TColor &newColor, int penSize) I // If penSize isn't the default (O), set PenSize to the new size. if (pensize) PenSize = penSize;

BOOL TLine : :Draw (TDC &dc) cons t

// Set pen for the dc to the values for this line TPen pen (Color, PenÇize) ; dc. ~elect0bj ect ;

// Iterates through the points in the line i. TPointsIterator j(*this); BOOL first = TRUE;

while (j1 { TPoint p = j++;

if (!first) dc.LineTo (pl ; //dc. SetPixel (p, Color) ; else ( dc .MoveTo (p1 ; first = FALSE; 1 1 dc. RestorePen ( ) ; return TRUE; 1 Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab /* *********+**********************+**********************************/ /* TDrawDocument */ /* ****************************************************************** */

/* ...... /* /* CLASS: TDrawDocument /* /* PARENT CLASS: TFileDocument /* /* METHODS: /* Open (int mode, const char far* path=O) ; /* Close () ; /* IsOpen ( ) /* Commit (BOOL force = FALSE) ; /* Revert (BOOL clear = FALSE) ; /* FindProperty (const char farf name) ; /* PropertyFlags (int index) ; /* PropertyName (int index); /* PropertyCount ( ) /* GetProperty(int index, void far* dest, int textlen) /* GetLine (unsigned int index) ; /* AddLine (TLine& line) ; /* DeleteLine(unsigned int index); /* ModifyLine(TLine& line, unsigned int index); /" Undo () ; /* /* ***********************************"****************************** class -DOCVIEWCLASS TDrawDocument : public TFileDocument { public : enum ( PrevProperty = TFi1eDocument::NextProperty-1, LineCount, Description, NextProperty, 1;

enum { UndoNane, UndoDelete, UndoAgpend, UndoModify 1;

TDrawDocument (TDocument* parent = 0) : TFileDocument (parent), Lines (O), UndoLine ( O ) , UndoS tate (UndoNone) ( } -TDrawDocument() { delete Lines; delete UndoLine; 1 // implement virtual methods of TDocument BOOL Open (int mode, const char far* path=O) ; AppendVc D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

BOOL Close(); 800L IsOpen () ( return Lines != 0; } BOOL Commit(B0OL force = FALSS); BOOL Revert (BOOL clear = FALSE) ;

int FindProperty(const char far* name); // return index int PropertyFlags (int index); cons t char* PropertyName (int index) ; int PropertyCount() (return NextProperty - 1;) int GetProperty (int index, void far* dest, int textlen=O) ; // data access functions const TLine* GetLine(unsigned int index); int AddLine (TLine& line) ; void DeleteLine(unsigned int index); void ModifyLine (TLine& line, unsigned int index) ; void Undo();

protected: TLines* Lines; TLine* UndoLine; int Undostate; int UndoIndex; string FileInfo; 1; static char* PropNames [] = ( "Une Count " , // LineCount "Description", // Description 1; static int PropFlags [] = ( pfGetBinary 1 pfGetText, // LineCount pfGetText, // Description 1; const char* TDrawDocument::PropertyName(int index) ( if (index <= PrevProperty) return TFileDocument::Prope~tyName(index); else if (index < NextProperty) return PropNames[index-PrevProperty-11; else retum 0; 1 int TDrawDocument : :PropertyFlags (int index) ( if (index <= PrevProperty) return TFileDocument: :PropertyFlags (index); else if (index < NextProperty) return PropFlags[index-PrevPrope~ty-11; ei~e Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

return O; 1 int TDrawDocument::FindProperty(conçt char far* name) I for (int i=O; i < NextProperty-PrevProperty-1; i++) if (str~np(PropNames [il, name) = 0) return i+PrevProperty+l; return O; 1 int TDrawDocument::GetProperty(int prop, void far* dest, int textlen) I switch (prop)

case LineCount: { int count = Lines->GetItemsInContainer(); if (!textlen) { * (int far*)dest = count; return sizeof (int); 1 return wsprintf ( (char faxc)dest, "%dmf count) ; 1 case Description: char* temp = new char[textlen]; //need local copy for medium mode1 int len = FileInfo.copy(temp, textlen); strcpy ( (char far*)dest, temp) ; return len; 1 return TFileDocument: :GetProperty (propf dest, textlen) ; 1

BOOL TDrawDocuraent : :Commit (BOOL force) I if ( !IsDirty() && !force) return TRUE; //******* First check if file open was successful TOutStream* os = OutStream(ofWrite); if (!os) return FALSE; //***+** Put code to Save here SetDirty (FALSE); return TRUE; 1

BOOL TDrawDocument::Reve~t(BOOL clearl { if ( !TFileDocument: :Revert (clcar)) Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

return FALSE; if (!char) Open(0) ; return TRUE; 1

BOOL TDrawDocument : :Open (int /*mode*/, const char fax* path) I char fileinfO [ 10 0 1 ; Lines = new TLines (5, O, 5 ) ; if (path) SetDacPath (path); if (GetDocPathO ) { ifstream is (GetTitle( ) ) ; if (!is) return FALSE;

TLine line; unsigned char sampleByte; BOOL fileFormatError = 0;

char dataRead [4]; is .read (dataRead,4) ; if (strncxnp ("RïFF", dataRead, 4) 1 fileFomtError = 1; is .read (dataRead,4 ) ; //Dummy read length of chunk is .read (dataRead,4 ) ; if (stmcmp("WAVE", dataRead, 4) ) fileFormatError = 1; is .read (dataRead,4 ; if (strn~np("fmt", dataRead, 4)) fileFormatError = 1; is .read (dataRead,4 ) ; //Dummy read length of fmt chunk //initialise wave line.waveHdr.forrnatTag=line.waveHdr.nChannels= line.waveHdr.bitsPerSample=O; line.waveHdr.numOfSamples=lineewaveHd~leRate=O; int t; for (t=l; t>=O; t--) t is .get (sampleByte); 1ine.waveHdr.formatTag += (sampleByte << t); 1 for (t=l; t>=O; t--) { is .get (sampleByte); line. waveHdr .nchannels += (sampleByte << t) ; 1 for (t=3; t>=O; t--)

is .get (saxupleByte) ; line. waveHdr .sampleRate += (sampleByte << t) ; 1 is .read (dataRead, 4) ; //Dummy read bytes per second Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

is .get (sampleByte); //Dummy read align is .get (sampleByte); for (t=l; t>=O; t--) I is .get (sèmpleByte); 1ine.waveHdr.bitsPerSample += (sampleByte << t); 1 is .read (dataRead,4) ; if (strn~np("data", dataRead, 4 1 ) fileFormatError = 1; for (t=3; t>=O; t--)

is .get (sampleByte); line. waveHdr. numOfSamples += (sampleByte << t) ; I

long i= (-1); while (line.waveHdr .nunûf Samples > i++) TPoint point; is .get (sampleByte); p0int.x = i; p0int.y = sampleByte; line .Md(point) ; 1 Lines->Md (line);

FileInf O = fileinf O ; 1 SetDirty (FALSE) ; UndoState = UndoNone; return TRUE; 1 BOOL TDrawDocument::Close() 1 delete Lines ; Lines = 0; return TRUE; 1 const TLine* TDrawDocument::GetLine(unsigned int index) I if (!IsOpen() && !Open(ofRead I ofWrite! ) return O; return index < Lines->GetItexnsInContainer() ? &(*Lines)[index] : 0; 1 int TDrawDocument::Ad&ine(TLine& line) I int index = Lines->GetItemsInContainer(); Lines->Add (line); SetDirty (TRUE); Notif yViews (vnDrawAppend, index) ; UndoState = UndoAppend; Appenduc D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

return index; 1 void TDrawDocument::DeleteLine(unsigned int index) ( const TLine* oldline = GetLine(index1; if ( !oldLine) return; delete UndoLine; UndoLine = new TLine(*oldLine); Lines ->Detach (index); SetDirty (TRUE); NotifyViews (vnDrawDelete, index) ; UndoState = UndoDelete; 1 void TDrawDocument::ModifyLine(TLine& line, unsigned int index) ( delete UndoLine; UndoLine = new TLine((*Lines) [index]); SetDirty (TRUE); ("Lines) [index] = line; Notif yViews (vnDrawModiLy, index) ; UndoS tate = UndoModif y; UndoIndex = index; 1 void TDrawDocument : :Undo ( ) i switch (UndoState) { case UndoAppend: ~eleteLine(Lines->GetXtemsInContainer()-1); return; case UndoDelete: AddLine ( *UndoLine) ; delete UndoLine; UndoLine = 0; return; case UndoModi fy : TLinef temp = UndoLine; UndoLine = 0; Modif yLine ( temp, UndoIndex) ; delete temp; 1 1 Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

/* ****************************************************************** */ /* TDrawView */ /* ***************************f************************************* */

/* ***********+******************************************************/ /+ */ /* CLASS: TDrawView */ /* */ /* PARENT CLASS: TWindowView */ /* */ /* METHODS : */ /* EvLButtonDown (UINT, TPointG 1 ; */ /* EvRButtonDown(UINT, TPoint&); */ /* EvMouseMove (UINT, TPointt ) ; */ /* EvLButtonUp (UINT, TPoint&); */ /* Paint (TDC&, BOOL, TRect&) ; */ /* QnUndo ( ) ; */ /* VnCommit (BOOL force) ; */ /* VnRevert(B0OL clear); */ /* VnAppend (unsigned int index) ; */ /* VnDelete (unsigned int index) ; */ /* VnModify(unsigned int index) ; */ /* UpdateGauges (UINT Percentage); */ /* SetupWindow ( ) ; */ /* EvTimer (UINT id); */ /* CmControlsstop () ; */ /* CmControlspl ay ( ) ; */ /* CmControlspause ( ) ; */ /* CmControlsrecord ( ) ; */ / * CmActioncorrq?ress ( ) ; */ /* TemporaryEnable (TCormnandEnabler &tce) ; */ /* MciNotify (WPARAM, LPARAM) ; */ /* */ /+ ***********************************+************+**************** */ class -DOCVTEWCLASS TDrawView : public TWindowView { public: TDrawView (TDrawDocumenth doc, TWindow *parent = 0 ; -TDrawView ( ) {delete DragDC; delete Line; StopMCI ( ;) static const char far* StaticName () {return "Speech Compression Lab"; 1 const char fax* GetViewName ( ) { return StaticName ( ;1

protected: // same as Dac member, but cast to derived class TDrawDocurnent* DrawDoc; TDC *DragDC; TPen *Pen; TLine *Line; // To hold a single line sent or received from document TGauge *progres sWin;

// Message response functions void EvLButtonDown (UINT, TPointh) ; Appendùc D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

void EvRButtonDown (UINT, TPointh) ; void EvMouseMove (UINT, Teoint&) ; void EvLButtonUp(UINT, TPoint&); void Paint (TDC&, BOOL, TRecth) ; void CmUndo ( ) ;

// Document notifications BOOL VnCommit (BOOL force) ; BOOL VnRevert (BOOL ciear) ; BOOL VnAppend(unsigned int index); BOOL VnDelete (unsigned int index) ; BOOL VnModif y (unsigned int index! ;

void UpdateGauges (UINT Percentage) ; virtual void SetupWindow();

//Sound support functions and variables void EvTimer(U1NT id) ; void CmControlsstop ( 1 ; void CmControlsplay (1 ; void CmControlspause 0; void CmControlsrecord ( ) ; void CmActioncompress ( ) ; void TemporaryEnable (TCommandEnabler &tce); LRESULT MciNotif y (WPARAM, LPARAM) ;

char ElementName [255]; int Running; int Pause; UINT TimeGoing; int WaveRatio ; long WaveLength; TSoundBar* SoundBar;

void GetDeviceInfo ( ) ; void StopWave ( 1 ; void StopMCI ( ) ;


DEFINE RESPONSE TABLE1 (TDrawView, TWindowView) EV wZ LBUTTONDOWN, EV-WM~RBUTTONDOWN, EV-WM~MOUS- - EMOVE , Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab


TDrawView::TDrawView(TDrawDocument& doc,TWindow *parent) : TWindowView (doc,parent) DrawDoc ( &docl { DragDC = 0; Line = new TLine (TColor: :Black, 1) ; SetViewMenu(new TMenuDescr (IDM-DRAWVIEW, O. 1,1, 3#O. O) 1 ; progresswin = new TGauge(this, "%d%%", ID-PROGRESSWIN, O, 0, 240, 30, TRUE, 2); SetBkgndColor (O); Attr.Style I= WS HSCROLL; Scroller = new ~zcro~ler(this,1, 1, 100, 100); //*********~etRange(Lastadatapoint,dummy): needed to observe full wave

// Sound stuff Running = 0; Pause = 0; ~aveLength= WaveRatio = 0; ElementName [O] = 0;

SoundBar = new TSoundBar(GetWindowPtr(GetParent() ), ID- SCROLL, 50, 67, 300, 40);

WaveLength = 0; WaveRatio = 0; SoundBar->SetPosition(O); 1 void TDrawView::EvLButtonDown(UINT, TPoint& point) { if ( !DragDC) { Setcapture ( 1 ; DragDC = new TClientDC(*this); Pen = new TPen(Line->QueryColor(), Line->QueryPenSize() 1; DragDC->SelectObject(*Pen); DragDC->MoveTo (point); Line->Add (point); 1 1 - Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab void TDrawView::EvRButtonDown(UINT, TPoint&) r 1 void TDrawView: :EvMouseMove (UINT, Teoint& point) I void TDrawView::EvLButtonUp(UINT, TPoint&) ( 1 void TDrawView::CmUndo() { DrawDoc->Undo ( ) ; 1 void TDrawView: :Paint (TDC& dc, BOOL, TRect&) r // Iterates through the array of line objects. int i = 0; const TLine* line; while ( (line = DrawDoc->GetLine (i++)) ! = 0) line->Draw(dc); 1 BOOL TDrawView::VnCommit(BOOL /*force*/) ( // nothing to do here, no data held in view return TRUE; 1 BOOL TDrawView::VnRevert(BOOL /*clear*/) ( Invalidate(); // force full repaint return TRUE; 1 BOOL TDrawView::VnAppend(unsigned int index) { TClientDC dc {*this) ; const TLine* line = DrawDoc->GetLine(index); line->Draw (dc); teturn TRUE; 1 BOOL TDrawView::VnModify(unsigned int /*index*/) ( InvalidateO; // force full repaint return TRUE; 1 BOOL TDrawView::VnDelete(unsigned int /*index*/) ( Appendiv D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

Invalidate ( ) ; // force full repaint return TRUE; 1 void TDrawView::CmControlspause(~ { if (!Pause) { // Pause the playing. // MciGenParm.dwCal1back = 0; mciSendCommand(DeviceId, MC1 PAUSE, MC1- WAIT, MC1- PARMî (~ci~en~arxn); Pause = TRUE; 1 I void TDrawView::CmControlsrecord() I 1 void TDrawView: :CmActioncompress ( ) ( u-16 i; u32 Frame=O; theet startTime; tirne- t compileTime; the-t compressTime; float sampleTimeLength; //****************Needs changing the t thelength; //~eëdschanging LPSTR CLPFileName = "output. cpl"; FILE *WavFile; FILE *CLPFile;

Initializ~lParameters( ) ; EraseBuf fers () ; WavFile = fopen (DrawDoc->GetTitle( ) ,"rb" ) ; CLPFile = fopen ( CLPFileName, "wb" ) ; if ( (WavFile = O ) && (CLPFile=O) ) ( MessageBox ("File Error. ", "Speech Compression Lab", MB-OK) ; return ; ) else {

unsigned char sanpleByte[l]; char dataReadl41 ; BOOL fileFormatError = 0;

fread (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, WavFile) ; if (strncmp ("RIFF", dataRead, 4) ) fileFormatError = 1; fwrite(dataRead, sizeof(char), 4, CLPFile); //Durmny read length of chunk Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

f read (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, WavFile) ; fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (cnar), 4, CLPFile) ; fread (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, WavFile) ; if (strncmp ("WAVE", dataRead, 4) fileFonnatError = 1; fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; fread (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, WavFile) ; if (strncrnp("fxnt ", dataRead, 4)) fileFormatErzor = 1; fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; //Dummy read length of fmt chunk fread(dataRead, sizeof(char), 4, WavFile); fwrite(dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; //Read fonnatTag and number of channels fread (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, WavFile) ; fwrite(dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; fread (dataRead, sizeof (chal), 4, WavFile) ; //samplerate fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; fread(dataRead, sizeof(char), 4, WavFile); //bytes per second fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ; fread(dataRead, sizeof(char), 4, WavFile); //align and bits/sample fwrite (dataRead, sizeof ( char) , 4, CLPFile) ; fread (dataRead, sizeof (char) , 4, WavFile) ; if (strncmp ("data", dataRead, 4) ) fileForrnatError = 1; fwrite (dataRead, sizeof (char), 4, CLPFile) ;

unsigned long numOfSamples = 0; unsigned long tq; for (i=O; i<4; i++) { fread (sampleByte, I,1, WavFile) ; fwrite(sampleByte, 1,1,CLPFile) ; temp = sampleByte [O] ; temp = temp << (i"8) ; numOfSamples += temp; 1 if ( fileFormatError) { MessageBox ("File Format Error. ","Speech Compression Lab", return ; 1

unsigned long numOfFrames; nm0fFrames = numOfSamples / PCMFRAMESIZE; if (numOfSamples 8 PCMFRWESIZE) nWfFrames++;

UINT PercentageDone; progressWin->ShowWindow ( SW-SHOW) ; progresswin->ShowWindow ( SW-RESTORE) ; compressTime = 0; Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab while (fread(PCMData8,sizeof(i- 8),PCMFRAMESIZE,WavFile) =PCMFRAMESIZE) ( PCMData [il =PCMData8 [il ; startTime = the(NULL) ; Analyze (PCMData, DataStream) ; cornpressTime = compressTime + (time(NULL) -s tartTime) ; fwrite (DataStream, sizeof (u-16) ,CELFRAMESIZE, CLPFile) ; PercentageDone = (lOO*Frame)/numOfFrames; UpdateGauges ( PercentageDone) ; if (numOfFrames > Frame) GetApplication ( ) ->f umpWaitingMessages ( ) ; Frame++ ; 1 int *dec; int +sign; double ratio= (100*compressTUne/tirneLength); char *myMsg = ecvt (ratio,5, dec, sign) ; MessageBox (myMsg, "Percentage of realtimeW,MB- OK) ; UpdateGauges ( O 1 ; progresswin->Show (SWprogressWin->Showo;HIDE); fclose (WavFile); fclose (CLPFile); 1 1 void TDrawView::CmControlsplay() ( if ( !Running) { // // MC1 APIS to open a device and play a .WAV file, using // notification to close // rnemset ( &MciOpenParm, O, sizeof MciOpenParm) ;

MciOpenParm. lps trElementNae = DrawDoc->GetTitle ( ) ; if (mciSendCommand(0, MC1 OPEN, MC1 WAIT 1 MC1 -OPEN - ELEMENT, MC1 -PARMS (Mci~~en~afi)) ) { MessageBox ( "Open Error - a waveForm output device is necessary \ to use this demo. ", "Sound Playw, MB-OK); return; 1 DeviceId = MciOpenParm. wDeviceID;

// The the format in this demo is in Samples. // MciSetParm-dwCallback = 0; MciSetParm. dwTimeFormat = MC1 FORMAT SAMPLES; if (mciSendCorrnnnnd(DeviceId, MCI -SET: MC1- SET - TIME - FORMAT, MC1- PARMS (MciSetParm)) ) { Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

MessageBox ( "SetTime Error", "Sound Play", MB-OK) ; return; 1

MciP1ayPann.dwCallback = (1ong)HWindow; MciPlayParm.dwFrom = 0; MciPlayParm. dwTo = 0 ; mciSendCommand ( DeviceId, MC1 PLAY, MCI-NOTIE'Y, MCI- PARMS (MCTP~ay~arm) ) ; // Modify the menu to toggle PLAY to STOP, and enable PAUSE. // menu menu (HWindow); rnenu.ModifyMenu (CM PLAY, ME' STRING, SM PLAY, "P&ause\tCtrl+Aw) ; menu. EnableMenuItem (&d~~~~~~L~~~~~,MF-Ë~AE~LED);

// Make sure the Play/Stop toggle menu knows we're Running. // Running = TRUE;

// Start a timer to show our progress through the wavefom file. // TimeGoing = SetTimer (TIMER- ID, 200, 0) ; // Give enough information to the scrollbaz to monitor the // progress and issue a re-MCI-OPEN. // //**+***** Remove when element name is known SoundBar->SetName ( ElernentName ) ;

// Resume the playing. //

// Toggle Resume menu to Pause. // // menu menu ( HWindow) ; // menu .ModifyMenu (SM- PLAY, MF- STRING, SM-PLAY, "P&ause\tCtrl+A") ; Pause = FALSE; 1 1 void TDrawView: :CmControlsstop ( ) ( StopWave ( ) ; 1

// Response function ME-MCINOTIFY message when MCI-PLAY is coqlete. // Appendix G: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab

LRESULT TDrawView::MciNotify(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!FlushNotify) { // Interna1 sTOP/CLOSE, £rom thumb re-pos? StopWave [ ) ;

//Make sure the thumb is at the end. There could be some WM TIMER //messages on the queue when we kill it,thereby flushing WM-TIMER'S- //from the message queue. // int loVal, hiVal; SoundBar->GetRange(loVal, hiVal); SoundBar->SetPosition(hiVal);

} else FlushNotify = FALSE; // Yes, so ignore the close. return O; 1 void TDrawView::EvTimer(UINT) ( if (!FlushNotify) {// Internal sTOP/CLOSE, from thumb re-pos? MciStatusParm.dwCallback = 0; // No, normal close. MciStatusParm,dwItem = MC1 STATUS-LENGTH; rnciSendCommand (DeviceId, MCIÇTATUS, MCI-STATUS-ITEM, MC1- PARMS (MciStatusParm)) ;

if (WaveLength != MciStatusParm.dwReturn) ( // First the it's different update the scrollbar nums Invalidate ( ) ; WaveLength = MciStatusParm.dwReturn;

// Compute the length and ratio and update SoundBar info. // WaveRatio = int((WaveLength + 32000/2) / 32000); if ( !WaveRatio) WaveRatio = 1; SoundBar->SetIn5 O (WaveRatio, WaveLength) ; SoundBar->SetRange(O, int(WaveLength / WaveRatio)); SoundBar->SetRuler(int((WaveLength / WaveRatio) / 10));

// Update the current position. // MciStatus Parm. dwCallback = 0 ; MciStatusParm,dwItem = MC1 STATUS POSITION; mciSendCommand(DeviceId, M?~-sTATÜS, MCI-STATUSITEM, MCI_PAE?M2 (MciStatusParm)) ;

FlushNotify = FALSE; // Yes, ignore this close. 1 Appendix D: Source Code for the Speech Compression Lab void TDrawView: :GetDeviceInfo ( ) ( WAVEOUTCAPS waveOutCaps;

if (!waveOutGetDevCaps(DeviceTd, &waveOutCaps, sizeof[waveOutCaps))) ( MessageBox ("GetDevCaps Error", "Sound Play", MB- OK) ; return; 1 1 void TDrawView::StopMCI() ( if (TimeGoing) // if TUaer is Running, then kill it now. TimeGoing = !KillTimer (TIMER- ID) ; // Stop playing the waveform file and close the waveform device. // MciGenPann.dwCallback = 0; mciSendCommand (DeviceId, MC1 STOP, MC1 WAIT, MC1 PARM.2 (MciGenParm)) ; mciSendCommand (DeviceId, MCI-CLOSE,- MCÏ-WXT;MCI-PARM~- (MciGenPam) ) ;

Running = FALSE; DeviceId = 0; 1

// // Reset the menus to Play menu and gray the Pause menu. // void TDrawView: :StopWave ( )

if (DeviceId) ( S topMCI ( ) ; // TMenu menu (HWindow); // menu.ModifyMenu (SM- PLAY, MF- STRING, SM-PLAY, ff&Play\tCtrl+P"); 1 1 void TDrawView::SetupWindow() { TWindow: :SetupWindow ( ) ;

progresswin->Show (SW-HIDE) ; progresswin->Attr.Style [= WS DLGFRAME; progresswin->SetRange(O, 100)3 UpdateGauges (O); 1 void TDrawView::UpdateGauges(UINT Percentage) { progresswin->SetValue(Percentage); 1