August 14, 2019 10:00 a.m.

County of Stettler No. 6 Administration Building Council Chambers

County of Stettler No. 6 Council Meeting

Held Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the County of Stettler No. 6 Office (Council Chambers), Stettler, AB

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1. Call to Order 2. Agenda Additions and Approval 3. Minute Approval 3.1. July 10, 2019 Regular County of Stettler No. 6 Council Meeting Minutes (Distributed) 4. Public Hearing – 1:00 p.m. (None) 5. Delegation 5.1. 1:30 p.m. – Stacey Benjamin RE: Pheasant Festival 5.2. 6. Council's Request for Information 6.1 7. New Business 7.1. Request for Decision RE: Inter-municipal Library Agreement ...... 4 7.2. Request for Decision RE: Set Tax Sale Date for 2019 ...... 10 7.3. Request for Decision RE: – Request for ICF exemption ...... 11 7.4. Request for Decision RE: 2019 Stettler Pheasant Festival ...... 14 7.5. Request for Decision RE: County of Paintearth – Draft IDP and ICF ...... 17 7.6. Request for Decision RE: Disposal of Grader ...... 42 7.7. Request for Decision RE: Invitation to MLA Nate Horner ...... 43 7.8. Request for Decision RE: 8. Unfinished Business 8.1. Request for Decision RE: SURF Committee – Additional Funding Options 8.2. Request for Decisions RE: Solar Upgrade – Public Works Facility ...... 44

9. Agenda Items 9.1 Discussion: Ag Society Proposal for a Fall Fair

10. Bylaws 10.1. Bylaw 1611-19 – Amendments to Land Use Bylaw 1443-10 For 3rd Reading ...... 45 10.2. Bylaw 1617-19 – Amendment to the Fee Bylaw For 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading ...... 269 10.3. 11. Reports 11.1. Chief Administrative Officer's Report ...... 273 11.2. Financial Reports 11.2.1. Accounts Payable Cheque Register ...... 320 11.2.2. Accounts Electronic Funds Transfer...... 323 11.2.3. Accounts Visa ...... 327 11.2.4. Bank Reconciliation – June 30, 2019 ...... 330 11.2.5. Reserves – June 30, 2019 ...... 331 11.2.6. Year To Date Budget Report – June 30, 2019 ...... 332 11.3. Councillor Fee Sheets ...... 345 11.4. Councillor Committee Reports 11.4.1. Stettler Town and Country Museum: (Wayne Nixon) ...... 352 12. Consent Agenda Items 12.1. Henry Heuver RE: Illegal Advertising along Highways ...... 353 13. Council Information (Available in Blue Folder) 14. In Camera Session 14.1. Road Closure FOIPPA Section 27 – Privileged Information 15. Next Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2019 – 10:00 a.m. 16. Adjournment Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Intermunicipal Library Agreement Issue To run in accordance with current legislation, the Town and County should formally establish an intermunicipal library board. Options for Consideration 1. Accept the proposed contract. 2. Propose amendments to the proposed contract. General The Stettler Public Library has been running as a committee of two municipal library boards, being the County of Stettler Library Board and the Town of Stettler Library Board. When this was established, it was a unique arrangement, but since then the Libraries Act has formalized mechanisms for an intermunicipal library board. It would be prudent to bring the Stettler Public Library into compliance with current legislation. Financial The agreement proposes to keep the existing cost-sharing agreement with the County paying 35% of the shortfall of revenue after expenses, and the Town paying 65% of the shortfall of revenue after expenses. This version of the agreement also codifies that the Stettler Public Library will remit 10% of their provincial funding received on behalf of the County to each and Big Valley. Policy/Legislation Under the Authority of the Libraries Act, RSA 2000, c L-11, s 12.2

“The council of a municipality may, by bylaw, authorize the municipality to enter into an agreement that meets the requirements of the regulations with one or two other municipalities respecting the establishment of an intermunicipal library board to provide library services to the residents of the municipalities.” Strategic Plan Linkages 3.2 Planning and Economic Development Implementation/Communication The Town of Stettler will be notified of Council’s intent. If the Town is agreeable, both Councils will need a bylaw to be passed and submitted for the Minister to make an order establishing the Intermunicipal Library Board. Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Andrew Brysiuk, Director of Technology Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer Municipal Agreement to Establish an Intermunicipal Library Board

Memorandum of Agreement made this ______day of ______A.D. 20__


The Town of Stettler, of the first part


The County of Stettler No. 6, of the second part

WHEREAS the Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation make provisions whereby such Councils may, with the consent of the Minister, enter into agreements relating to the provision of a library service


WHEREAS it is deemed desirable by Councils and parties concerned that such an agreement be entered into,

Now, therefore, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:

1. That the parties hereto agree to establish and operate jointly an intermunicipal library board to be known as the Stettler Public Library Board (hereafter referred to as the Board).

2. That the management and operation of the library shall be delegated to the Board constituted as follows: a. Five (5) members will be appointed by the Council of the Town of Stettler; no more than one (1) of whom may be a councilor of that municipality. b. Five (5) members will be appointed by the Council of the County of Stettler No. 9; no more than one (1) of whom may be a councilor of that municipality.

3. That appointments to the Board shall be for a term of up to three (3) years.

4. That a member of the Board is eligible to be appointed for no more than three (3) consecutive terms of office, unless at least two-thirds (2/3) of the whole council that appointed the member passes a resolution stating that the member may be appointed for an additional term. Such a resolution must be passed each time the member is to be appointed for an additional consecutive term following their third consecutive term.

5. That the Board so appointed shall exercise all powers and perform all the duties delegated to an Intermunicipal Library Board under section 12 of the Libraries Act.

6. That December 1 will be the deadline for the Board to submit to each municipality that is party to the agreement a budget of estimated funds required during the ensuing fiscal year to manage and operate the library, including the amounts to be paid by each municipality in accordance with the agreement.

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7. That the Board shall calculate the requested local appropriation each year based on the budgeted revenues and expenses of the library for the coming year, the goals and objectives in the Board’s current plan of service, and on the terms listed in point 8 below.

8. That the County of Stettler shall contribute, at minimum, 35% of the estimated expenses estimated to be unfunded by revenues other than municipal requisitions. The Town of Stettler shall contribute, at minimum, 65% of the estimated expenses estimated to be unfunded by revenues other than municipal requisitions.

Each municipal council may also consider appropriating additional funds at their discretion based on the request for local appropriation from the Board.

9. The Board shall collect Provincial Library Funding on behalf of both the County of Stettler and Town of Stettler. a. The Board shall remit 10% of the provincial funding collected on behalf of the County of Stettler to the Big Valley Public Library. b. The Board shall remit 10% of the provincial funding collected on behalf of the County of Stettler to the Donalda Public Library.

10. That each municipality’s local appropriation shall be paid directly to the Board annually, bi- annually or quarterly, with the first installment being paid no later than March 31.

11. That an annual financial report in the form of an audit at least once in every three years, and in the form of a Notice to Reader in the balance of years shall be conducted by a person appointed by the Board. The qualifications of the reviewer must be approved by both councils by council motion. When completed, the annual financial report shall be submitted to each council that is party to this agreement. The person appointed by the Board shall not be a Library employee, nor a Board trustee, nor a councilor of a municipality that is party to this agreement.

12. That either party to this agreement may propose amendments to the agreement. Proposed amendments must be agreed to by both parties to this agreement by council motion. Amendments will be filed with the Minister responsible for libraries.

13. If a third municipality wishes to join this agreement, the two current parties must both agree to admit this new party to the agreement by council motion. The three parties will then collectively agree to amend the agreement using the process in point 11, and the new party will be added to the agreement once the revised agreement is received by the Minister responsible for libraries.

14. That any dispute between the parties to this agreement will be settled using the following framework:

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Step 1 Should either party to this agreement identify an issue that it wishes to dispute, that party should inform the other party, in writing of the reasons for its dispute.

Step 2 Each party to the agreement will appoint a representative to an adhoc Dispute Committee. A third mutually agreeable member will also be appointed to the committee by motion of each council.

Step 3 The Committee should discuss the issue with the intent to seek a solution by consensus.

Step 4 Should the Committee be unable to arrive at a consensus, then each Committee representative will contact his or her chief elected officer to arrange a joint meeting of the councils of the municipalities that are parties to this agreement. Councils will then discuss possible solutions.

Step 5 Should the councils be unable to reach a solution any municipality may contact Alberta Municipal Affairs to commence a mediation process under the department’s guidance.

Step 6 In a case where further action under the Libraries Act is unavailable, the results of the mediation report will be binding on each municipality.

15. Each party shall contribute local appropriation to the Board annually as described in point 8.

16. That this agreement shall take effect on the date the Minister responsible for libraries establishes the Board.

17. That this agreement shall continue in effect for three years, until ______, 20__.

Six (6) months prior to that date, the parties to this agreement will contact each other to confirm if a review or potential renegotiation is desired prior to renewal.

18. That if one or both parties to this agreement wish to dissolve the intermunicipal library board they shall proceed in accordance with section 17.2 of the Libraries Regulation. Either party may give notice to the other party that it intends to withdraw from the agreement by giving written notice to both the other party and the Board of not less than one (1) year. The final dissolution shall be in accordance to the directions, and the order, of the Minister responsible for libraries.

19. That if one or both parties to this agreement wish to dissolve the intermunicipal library board, their legally-required winding-up plan will be guided by Appendix A.

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Municipality (Town of Stettler)



Municipality (County of Stettler No. 9)



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Appendix A: Winding-Up Plan

Should one or both parties to this agreement wish to dissolve the intermunicipal library board, the assets of the board shall be transferred between the two parties as follows, based on the circumstances:

I. One party wishes to form a municipal library board, and the other party does not wish to form a municipal library board:

a. All assets of the intermunicipal board shall be transferred to the new municipal library board.

II. Both parties wish to form municipal library boards:

The assets of the intermunicipal board shall be inventoried and appraised.

a. Assets contributed at the date of formation of this contract shall be divided up as equally as possible between the two new municipal library boards.

b. Any assets acquired after the formation of the intermunicipal board will be divided as nearly as possible based on the contribution amounts of the two boards’ respective municipalities under point 8 of the main agreement, at current market value.

III. Neither party wishes to form a municipal library board:

The assets of the intermunicipal library board shall be inventoried and appraised.

a. Assets contributed at the date of formation of this contract shall be divided up as equally as possible between the two municipalities.

b. Any assets acquired after the formation of the intermunicipal board will be divided as nearly as possible based on the contribution amounts of the two municipalities under point 8 of the main agreement, at current market value.

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Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Set Date for 2019 Tax Sale Issue Set Date for the 2019 Tax Sale. Recommendation 1. That County of Stettler No. 6 Council sets the date for the 2019 Tax Sale for December 4, 2019 at the County Administration Building for 9:00 a.m.


2. That County of Stettler No. 6 Council sets an alternative date. General A tax sale date requires to be set in order to advertise in the Alberta Gazette the proposed parcels of land that qualify to go to the 2019 Tax Sale. Properties that qualify for 2019 Tax Sale have had a Tax Notification placed on the land title in 2018 for taxes outstanding. Financial The result of the tax recovery process may produce payment of taxes prior to sale or the possible sale of properties at market value producing revenue from sale for the outstanding taxes.

Policy/Legislation Municipal Government Act Section 418(1) Each municipality must offer for sale at a public auction any parcel of land shown on its tax arrears list if the tax arrears are not paid. (a) in one issue of The Alberta Gazette, not less than 40 days and not more than 90 days before the date on which the public auction is to be held Strategic Plan Linkages Emerging Issue Implementation/Communication Place the ad in the Alberta Gazette Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Sharon Larsen, Tax and Assessment Clerk Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Kneehill County – ICF and IDP exemption Issue The new Municipal Government Act requires all municipalities that share a common border to adopt an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) by April 1, 2021, including the creation and adoption of an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP). Options for Consideration (Recommendations) 1. Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs consider granting an exemption under section 631 and 780 of the Municipal Government Act for the requirement for Kneehill County and Stettler County to complete an Intermunicipal Development Plan and Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement.

2. Council direct Administration to complete the requirements as outlined in the Municipal Government Act for the completion of an Intermunicipal Development Plan and an Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework between the municipalities of and Stettler County. General The new Municipal Government Act requires all municipalities that share a common border to adopt an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) by April 1, 2021, including the creation and adoption of an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP).

Municipalities are mandated to work together to adopt IDPs to: • Promote consultation, coordination and cooperation regarding planning matters of joint interest within a defined planning area; • Provide a framework for addressing land use concerns with regard to joint planning matters; • Establish procedures for dealing with development proposals within a defined planning area; and • Address any other matters relating to development considered necessary within a joint planning area.

Municipalities are also mandated to work together to adopt an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework to: • Identify those services provided by each municipality and those services being shared on an intermunicipal basis or by third party • Identify those services best provided on a municipal, intermunicipal or third party basis • Services are those related to transportation, water and wastewater, solid waste, emergency services, recreation and any other services where those services benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities that are parties to the framework.

Under section 631(1.2), the Minister may, by order, exempt one or more councils from the requirement to adopt an intermunicipal development plan, and the order may contain any terms and conditions that the Minister considers necessary.

Under section 780.28(4.b), the Minister may also exempt one or more municipalities from the requirement to create an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework.

The border between Starland County and Kneehill County is the Red Deer River. There are currently no shared services between the two municipalities or transportation corridors under municipal control. Development opportunities along the boundary are very limited due to those lands being either controlled by the crown, considered hazard lands or provide no or very limited opportunity for development. Access is also often limited due to topography.

The border between Stettler County and Kneehill County is comprised mostly of Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park. All other lands are considered crown lands or lands with limited or no development potential or access. As well, there are no services that are shared between the two municipalities.

Our current Land Use Bylaw does require the County to notify adjacent landowners within ½ mile range of any proposed development or subdivision. This practice would continue regardless of an Intermunicipal Development Plan in place.

Financial None Policy/Legislation Municipal Government Act:

Under section 631(1.2), the Minister may, by order, exempt one or more councils from the requirement to adopt an inter-municipal development plan, and the order may contain any terms and conditions that the Minister considers necessary.

Under section 780.28(4.b), the Minister may also exempt one or more municipalities from the requirement to create an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework. Strategic Plan Linkages 3.2 – County will complete all required IDP and ICF plans by April 2020 Implementation/Communication Decision will be shared with Kneehill County, and request to the minister will be coordinated by Communications Department Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Shawna Benson, Legislative Services

Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Sponsorship Support for Stettler Pheasant Festival Issue Stettler Board of Trade is seeking the County of Stettler’s Support of 2019 Stettler Pheasant Festival, October 18-20, 2019. Recommendation 1) Support the 2019 Stettler Pheasant Festival event through Diamond; Platinum; Gold; Silver or Bronze Sponsorship (see attached) or sponsorship of your choice. 2) Deny the request for funding. General Stettler Regional Board of Trade along with Canadian Badlands Tourism and a committee of volunteers is bringing the Stettler Pheasant Festival back October 18-20, 2019. They are planning the 6th anniversary of this event, and results of the hunt will go towards enhancing upland game bird habitats in our area, with the assistance of Alberta Conservation Association.

In 2016, the County of Stettler No. 6 sponsored the Pheasant Festival event with a $5,000 donation. In 2017, the County of Stettler sponsored the Pheasant Festival event with a $1,500 donation. Annually the County contributes to this event by providing use of lands for hunting and providing maps for each of the groups. Financial Funds could be drawn from either from Council Donations, or the Rural Development Fund. Policy/Legislation Municipal Government Act: 248(1) A municipality may only make an expenditure that is (a) included in an operating budget, interim operating budget or capital budget or otherwise authorized by the council, (2) Each council must establish procedures to authorize and verify expenditures that are not included in a budget.

Administration and Finance Policy 6.14 - Non-Budget and Pre-Budget Expenditures (1) If a proposed unbudgeted expenditure is not of an emergency nature and (b) the expenditure will exceed the Budget for the program or function, Council must approve the expenditure. Implementation/Communication Council’s decision will be communicated to the Pheasant Festival Committee. Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Niki Thorsteinsson, Director of Communications Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer

Request for Decision

Agenda Item: County of Paintearth and County of Stettler IDP and ICF Issue Pursuant to Section 631 and 780 of the Municipal Government Act the County of Stettler is required to enter into an Intermunicpal Development Plan (IDP and an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) with all municipalities that share a common boundary. The County of Paintearth has provided a draft copy of an IDP and ICF between the County of Paintearth and County of Stettler. Options for Consideration 1. Schedule a meeting with the County of Paintearth Council to review the plans and items of mutual concern 2. County of Stettler Council review the draft copy of the Inter-Municipal Development Plan to determine if a meeting with the County of Paintearth Council is necessary. General The Municipal Government Act stipulates that as of April 1, 2018 the implementation of an Intermunicipal development plan as a statutory documents is required with adjacent municipalities. The “Fringe Area” encompasses a one mile distance on both sides of the shared boundary.

Pursuant to Section 631 (2) of the Municipal Government Act the County of Paintearth and County of Stettler’s Intermunicipal Development Plan must provide for the following:

• future land uses, • future development, • transportation and servicing systems, • economic development, • environmental matters, • areas of common planning interest, and • other matters related to the future development of the area that are of joint interest to both counties.

Pursuant to Section 708.28 The MGA requires the ICF to contain the following: With respect to the requirements of subsection (1)(b), each framework must address services relating to (a) transportation, (b) water and wastewater, (c) solid waste, (d) emergency services, (e) recreation, and (f) any other services, where those services benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities that are parties to the framework. Financial Funding will come from general operating or pursuance of grant funding if it becomes available. Policy/Legislation Under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, Section 180 (1) where a council may act only by resolution or bylaw. Strategic Plan Linkages 3.2 – County will complete all ICF and IDP commitments prior to the April 2020 deadline. Implementation/Communication Contact County of Paintearth to establish a meeting date Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Jacinta Donovan Shawna Benson Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer INTERMUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN





July 2019 Draft County of Paintearth No. 18 Bylaw xxx-19 County of Stettler No. 6 Bylaw xxx-19 Table of Contents Page

Definitions:...... 4













APPENDIX A ...... 13

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 2 APPENDIX B ...... 14

APPENDIX C ...... 15

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 3 Definitions:

“Act” means the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26, amended as of April 1, 2018.

“Councils” mean the municipal councils of the County of Paintearth and the County of Stettler.

“Municipalities” refers to both the Counties of Paintearth and Stettler in conjunction.

“CPE” means the County of Paintearth.

“CS” means the County of Stettler

“Plan” means this intermunicipal development plan.


The Counties of Paintearth and Stettler exist as border-sharing municipalities in East Central Alberta in a rural prairie landscape and have decided to provide for the long-term planning of rural lands within the two municipal districts. They also value the advantages of predetermining processes for land use and development where one municipality’s border areas are affected by the other’s new developments. Therefore, both of the Municipalities have decided to develop an intermunicipal development plan (IDP) to provide a predetermined framework to make long-term land use planning decisions.

IDPs are broad-based policy documents that strive for environmentally responsible development without significant unnecessary costs and unacceptable negative impacts on the Municipalities. This IDP will provide a platform to formalize the strong relationship between the Counties. By doing so, it is hoped that the potential for future disputes is minimized. However, if a future dispute does occur, the Plan also indicates the dispute resolution process is agreed upon by both Municipalities.

Land use planning decisions made by both Municipalities affect and influence one another. Prominent planning issues include conflicts between differing rural land uses and coordinating infrastructural improvements. Positive relationships will lead to sharing of resources, achieving economic development goals and more efficient municipal and community services. An IDP is arguably the most critical tool in initiating those advantages.

Municipal staff, Fringe Area residents, landowners, and businesses have worked together to develop the policies and land use map. Public input was sought on different occasions before the Plan was presented for adoption. The Municipalities believe the Plan will guide future growth and provide a forum for potential intermunicipal collaboration on a wide range of issues. To that extent, the County of Paintearth and the County of Stettler intend to adhere to this intermunicipal development plan by achieving the following objectives:

a) To protect existing land uses to prevent encroachment. b) To support reasonable and practical planning for future infrastructure needs. c) To implement fair and consistent regulations for properties on the boundary. d) To provide a framework of mutual cooperation and communication for the decision-making and resolution of planning and development matters. e) To engage in fringe reciprocity measures to ensure the interests of both Municipalities are acknowledged and accounted for.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 4 f) To ensure a transparent process and subsequent results for necessary stakeholders. g) To develop this IDP to provide clarity and continuity for future Councils. h) To value contributions from both municipalities and support from the taxpayers of both Municipalities.


1. All words in the Plan shall have the same meaning as defined in the Municipal Government Act. For words not defined under the Municipal Government Act, their meaning shall be as is understood in everyday language.

2. The word “shall” is interpreted as meaning an obligatory direction.

3. The word “may” is interpreted as meaning a choice exists with no preferred direction intended.


As of April 1, 2018, the development and implementation of an intermunicipal development plan are mandated by the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26 (as amended).

As established by the Act, an intermunicipal development plan is a statutory document and in accordance with Section 631 of the Act stating that:

631(1) Two or more councils of municipalities that have common boundaries [may], by each passing a bylaw […], adopt an intermunicipal development plan to include those areas of land lying within the boundaries of the municipalities as they consider necessary.

In addition, Section 631(2) of the Act states that this Plan MUST address:

(i) the future land use within the area, (ii) the manner of and the proposals for future development in the area, (iii) the provision of transportation systems for the area, either generally or specifically, (iv) the coordination of intermunicipal programs relating to the physical, social and economic development of the area, (v) environmental matters within the area, either generally or specifically, and (vi) any other matter related to the physical, social or economic development of the area that the councils consider necessary.

Following Section 631(2) of the Act, this Plan MUST include:

(i) a procedure to be used to resolve or attempt to resolve any conflict between the municipalities that have adopted the plan, (ii) a procedure to be used, by one or more municipalities, to amend or repeal the plan, and (iii) provisions relating to the administration of the plan.


County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 5 For all land descriptions – please refer to Appendix A contained at the end of this document.

All lands within a reasonable and finite distance of 1 mile on both sides of the shared border of the Municipalities were identified as the lands comprising the “Fringe Area”.


Uses identified within both Municipalities’ Land Use Bylaws in regards to their District regulations are acceptable for review with no specific needs for exclusion. Furthermore, a few other discretionary land uses within the Fringe Area will trigger a more thorough review due to sensitivity and proximity to land uses within the neighbouring Municipality that would be affected by development in the Fringe. Therefore, such development in the Fringe Area that would adversely affect the neighbouring landowners in the Area must be placed under review by the necessary Council to provide discretionary judgement on the proposed land use in question.



Both Municipalities have identified that the lands within the Fringe Area range from productive to marginal agricultural lands and indicate that no enhanced or special capabilities exist or are planned for such lands.


Environmentally significant areas which are to require strict environmental impact considerations and close review of potential land developments are identified and listed as:

a) County of Stettler:

The County’s most significant and enduring resource is its natural capital, referring primarily to the agricultural and environmental lands present in the County. These lands are irreplaceable and contribute immensely to the high quality of life enjoyed by the residents of the County. The use of natural capital, therefore, must be carefully managed to retain their integrity and value for the benefit of future generations. The County aspires to establish and implement a land management philosophy that strives to balance the conservation of natural capital with long term growth needs. In doing so, the County supports the preservation and enhancement of environmentally significant areas, protect the ecological function and integrity of natural features and fish and wildlife habitats and promote environmentally sensitive development practices that minimize the impact of human activity on the natural environment.

Objectives: o Protect environmentally significant areas from incompatible land uses. o Minimize the impacts of development on the natural environment. o Raise community awareness of the impacts of human activity on the eco system.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 6 b) County of Paintearth:

• Similar to the County of Stettler, the County of Paintearth’s Development Authority considers the environmental impact of any proposed development within the Fringe Area. The County has identified in its Municipal Development Plan areas near/within the Fringe Area that are labelled Environmentally Significant Areas (Appendix B). From the MDP: “It should be noted that the environmentally significant areas study was completed in 1988 and some parcels of land may no longer contain the features described in the study.” The County’s process is to review developments on a case by case basis whereby the merits and land use of each individual application are weighed in relation to nearby or adjacent land uses to prevent adverse effects on neighbouring properties. It is also noted from within the County MDP that there are few, if any, Hazard Development Areas as identified on the attached map (Appendix C). When warranted, the County also requires that the developer may be responsible for completing and submitting an environmental assessment prepared by an appropriate professional at their cost.


Due to the alignment of the two municipal partners, the border roads of Range Roads and Township Roads are the responsibility of the County of Paintearth.

However, any substantive development that would pose any change in normal traffic patterns for the neighbouring Municipality or would incur any infrastructural wear or damage to the neighbouring Municipality’s infrastructure shall be consented to by the affected Municipality prior to such substantive development taking place.

Therefore, it may be more relevant to sharing future developments further to the west side from the County of Stettler outside of the 1-mile Fringe Area impacting these Rights of Way. Also, the Developments impacting the County of Stettler and the County of Paintearth arterial roads such as Township Road 400, 390, 370, and others that are shared by the Counties may require further referral distances also.


Neither Municipality has any immediate/pressing planning or development priorities for the lands within the Fringe Area.


Currently, there are no shared – or planned sharing of - utility services between the neighbouring Municipalities. Consequently, a shared agreement in regards to utility servicing between the Municipalities will neither need to occur currently or for the foreseeable future due to lack of demand and lack of population density in the Fringe Area.

The County of Paintearth does have a municipal waterline to a property on the County boundary at RR164 just south of TWP RD 390, should any proposed future tie-ins from the County of Stettler be considered a separate agreement between the Councils would be a requirement.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 7 6. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY AND ENCROACHMENT

As part of the mutual cooperation and respect for each Municipality's jurisdiction, potential land uses and developments must recognize and be sensitive to existing landowners, and incompatible developments are to be prevented. Ill-planned or uncoordinated planning efforts by either Municipality have the potential to cause conflict between rural fringe uses within the Fringe Area. Therefore, the importance of development consultation between the Municipalities is paramount to alleviate conflict or tension between existing landowners. To this extent, the referral processes will ensure that proper and reasonable planning will occur through the development permit and subdivision approval process to limit the adverse effects of new developments on preexisting land uses.

Both Municipalities recognize similar land uses and rural activities due to their similar zoning of Agriculture Districts in the Fringe Area. Moreover, both Counties place importance on the conservation of agricultural land thus, those sensitive discretionary land uses identified in section 4.1, such as major industrial development within the Fringe Area that may cause significant effects to neighbouring landowners (i.e. WECS), would require mandatory consultation between the Municipalities before such development takes place. Additionally, both Municipalities shall support development within the Fringe Area provided that it:

a) is based on an identified need b) is consistent with the overall planning strategy of the adjacent rural municipality, and c) is, where practical, directed to areas of non-productive agricultural land.


Due to the nature of large-scale feedlot and intensive livestock operations and the important issue of air quality and groundwater proximity, exclusion zones are acknowledged and identified for those operations falling under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resource and Conservation Board (NRCB) authority as established by the Agricultural Operations and Protection Act (AOPA) as well as for those operations which fall under the threshold of the NRCB limits, but still require a development consideration from the appropriate Municipality.

Keeping in mind the Counties require consultation and discretionary approval for the development of CFOs. Further, their MDPs mandates that any possibility of groundwater, well, or spring contamination by manure storage facilities shall be avoided thus, the protection of such bodies of water within the Fringe Area must be acknowledged and upheld by both Municipalities in the Area.

In regards to the County of Paintearth’s policy towards to the development of CFOs that would raise special considerations within the Fringe Area, they have outlined in their Municipal Development Plan that the development of CFOs in Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs) would be grounds for special review and consideration due to the effects that a CFO would have on the ecological and biological nature of the area. Keeping this in mind, the County recognizes a large area of the Sullivan Lake watershed region as an ESA which abuts or crosses through the Fringe Area between the Municipalities in Townships 36 and 35. Therefore, as indicated in section

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 8 5.7(a) of their MDP, the future development of a CFO in the Sullivan Lake watershed area including within the Fringe Area, would be prohibited due to the proximity of the unique natural landscape and the reliance on this landscape for tourism and recreational pursuits.


Oil and gas operations in both Municipalities are abundant in number which, consequently, increases the need for intermunicipal collaboration and cooperation in regards to the management of energy resource development. With that being said, oil and gas operations are under the regulating authority of the Alberta Energy Regulator, as established by the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, which can create a potential for conflict within the Fringe Area for existing oil and gas facilities as well as the development of new facilities and operations.

With this potential for conflict, the necessity of this Plan is immense as it addresses the issuance of consents for road use, land access, and buried services crossing municipal infrastructure in the following manner:

Wherein an oil and gas installation is requesting access to lands within one municipality from the neighbouring municipality’s rights of way, consent shall be issued by the municipality whose right of way is affected.


The IDP calls for the referral only of all subdivision, development, and planning applications within the Fringe Area, and in no circumstance will there be a need for joint review and adjudication. Therefore, the process of review and adjudication of applications is initiated and undertaken by the affected Municipality.


A pillar of a successful IDP is an open and thorough discussion of issues impacting the Plan Area. Future plans, studies, or their subsequent amendments will be prepared and implemented more efficiently provided there is good communication.

The referral areas for each municipality will be as follows:

Only those developments involving discretionary uses identified in section 4.1 above or those that involve shared transportation linkages or environmentally sensitive areas shall be referred to each municipality for comment and review prior to the respective municipal adjudication process.

The referral process will be as follows:

1. The Municipality proposing development requiring special discretion in the Fringe Area shall share information, data or studies, and road plans that may have implications for the Area to the affected Municipality.

2. The proposing Municipality shall refer to other possible proposed statutory plans, concept plans, land use bylaws and amendments to any of these documents where such proposals may affect land within the Fringe Area.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 9 3. The affected Municipality shall have twenty-one days to review and comment on any referrals. The affected Municipality may request an extension of the initial review period. The proposing Municipality sending the referral may agree to an extension of the review period and, where an extension is provided, it shall be communicated in writing.

4. Subject to a written and signed intermunicipal memorandum of understanding, items subject to referral and their respective timelines for submitting comments may be added or deleted without the need for a formal amendment to this Plan.

5. Planning and Development issues that become evident during a circulation review through the communication and referral process will be communicated to the proposing Municipality in writing. In order to facilitate the cooperative development process, the Municipalities shall address the issues or source of contention using the following process:

Stage 1: Administrative Review Every attempt shall be made to discuss the issue between the Municipalities’ Chief Administrative Officers and Development Authorities with the intent of arriving at a mutually acceptable resolution. If an agreement or understanding on how to approach the issue is reached, the affected Municipality shall indicate the same to the proposing Municipality in writing. If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Intermunicipal Committee.

Stage 2: Intermunicipal Planning Committee Review If an issue is referred, a meeting shall be scheduled to allow both Administrations to present their perspectives and views on the issue. The Intermunicipal Planning Committee is comprised of a total of six appointed representatives including one staff member and two elected Councillors from both Counties, less those Councillors who are also members of the SDAB. The Intermunicipal Committee may:

a) Provide suggestions back to both Administrations on how to address the issue and refer the matter back to the Administrative Review stage;

b) Seek additional information and alternatives for consideration at a future meeting of the Intermunicipal Committee;

c) If possible, agree on a consensus position that resolves the issue; or

d) Conclude that no initial agreement can be reached, and the development matter will be left to the respective Municipality's Development Authority for adjudication, with the objecting Municipality having the ability to refer the matter to the dispute resolution process as outlined for an approved development permit or subdivision applications. In the event that the Intermunicipal Committee reaches consensus and resolves the issue, the details of the consensus shall be provided to the Municipalities in writing.


This is a mandatory component of the IDP as per the MGA. While the intent is to avoid municipal appeals of decisions to the SDAB, an unresolvable issue, or proceeding to an appeal to the Municipal Government Board (MGB), there may be issues or applications that still need to be

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 10 administered. Where a decision leads to contention between the two partner Municipalities, the process indicated below will occur in respect to the decision.

For the dispute resolution process, a Dispute Resolution Committee will serve for the interests of both Municipalities and is comprised of an equal number of appointed representatives from both Municipalities, which includes the Chief Administrative Officers and Development Authorities and two council members from each Municipality, less those who serve on the SDAB.

The following shall form the basis for initiating the dispute resolution process:

a) Lack of agreement between the Municipalities on any proposed amendment to this Plan; b) Lack of agreement between the Municipalities on any proposed statutory plan, concept plan, land use bylaw or amendment to any of these documents affecting lands within the Fringe Area which have not been reconciled through the Referral Process; or c) Lack of agreement between the Municipalities on an interpretation of this Plan; d) Lack of agreement between the Municipalities on an approved development permit or subdivision application affecting lands within the Fringe Area which have not been reconciled through the Referral Process.

The dispute resolution process of this Plan may only be initiated by the Council of either County and shall only be used for resolving intermunicipal planning disputes. Where either Municipality has received written notice of a dispute from the other Municipality, the dispute resolution process shall be started within fifteen calendar days of the date the written notice was received unless otherwise agreed to by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality that sent the notice.

A dispute shall be addressed and may be resolved at any stage using the following process:

Stage 1: Mediation Process In accordance with Section 690(1)(c) of the MGA, engaging a mediator is mandatory in order for an appeal to occur before the Municipal Government Board (MGB), unless otherwise able to provide reasonable and valid evidence as to why a mediator was not engaged. Therefore, it is the best practice to engage a mediator to resolve a dispute through a neutral entity. A dispute is referred for mediation which shall be used to reach an agreement unless otherwise deemed unnecessary by the Councils of the affected Municipality and proposing Municipality. Prior to the commencement of the mediation process, the Municipalities shall:

1. Appoint an equal number of representatives from both Municipalities to participate in the mediation process on a Dispute Resolution Committee;

2. Engage a mediator agreed to by both Municipalities at equal cost to both parties; and

3. Approve a mediation process and schedule. Mediation should commence no later than thirty days following the date the written dispute notice was received.

4. If agreed to by the Dispute Resolution Committee, Municipal Administration may be used as a resource during the mediation process.

5. All discussions and information related to the mediation process shall be held in confidence until the conclusion of the mediation process.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 11 6. The process shall be deemed as finished once the mediator submits a report to the Councils of both Municipalities.

7. The mediator’s report and recommendations shall not be binding on either Municipality.

8. For disputes that cannot be appealed, the mediator’s report shall be considered binding.

9. If the Councils accept the mediator’s report in their respective meetings, this shall be communicated to the Municipality in writing and the matter shall be considered resolved. The report shall be introduced through the public hearing process along with any necessary amendments to the proposed bylaw or plan.

10. If mediation is not undertaken or the mediator’s report is not accepted by the Councils, then the disputing municipality may begin the appeal process where permitted to do so by the Municipal Government Act.

Stage 2: Appeal Process In the event that mediation proves to be unsuccessful, was not undertaken, or the proposing Municipality proceeds with an approval that does not reflect the accepted mediation recommendations, the affected Municipality may appeal the matter to the MGB in accordance with Section 690(1) of the Municipal Government Act.

If the disputing Municipality initiates a dispute, they may withdraw their objections at any time throughout the process and shall provide written confirmation that the dispute is withdrawn to the proposing Municipality.

Both the M.D. and the County agree that time shall be of the essence when working through the dispute resolution process.


This is also a mandatory component of the IDP as per the MGA. The IDP is seen as a living document, in that it is open to review, amendment and effect within a term agreed upon by the Municipalities in accordance with the following stipulations:

1. This IDP will go under mandatory review every five years following the date of adoption by the Councils of both Municipalities unless otherwise reviewed and renewed before such date. If a review does not occur within such a timeline, it will expire indefinitely.

2. Upon adoption, the IDP will supersede previous policies, studies or resolutions for the Fringe Area contained within.

3. The IDP may be reviewed annually together by both of the Municipality’s CAOs with development staff for possible amendments, which may be suggested at any time from the joint review committee.

4. Repealing the IDP or withdrawing from it requires both municipalities to go through the Dispute Resolution Process steps 1-2.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 12 APPENDIX A – FRINGE AREA MAP

We would insert a map here of our border strip.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 13 APPENDIX B – COUNTY OF PAINTEARTH MAP OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS (ESAs)

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler Intermunicipal Development Plan Page 14 APPENDIX C – COUNTY OF PAINTEARTH DEVELOPMENT HAZARD MAP

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JULY 2019 – DRAFT The County of Stettler Bylaw #xxx-19 The County of Paintearth Bylaw #xxx-19

Table of Contents Page

1.0 DEFINITIONS ...... 3


3.0 TERM AND REVIEW ...... 4






County of Paintearth / County of Stettler DRAFT Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Page 2


In this Agreement:

“Act” means the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26, amended as of April 1, 2018.

“Capital Costs” means new facilities, expansions to existing facilities and intensification of use of existing facilities.

“Councils” mean the municipal councils of Paintearth County and the County of Stettler.

“Framework” means this Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF).

“Intermunicipal means the Intermunicipal Planning Committee established by the Planning Intermunicipal Development Plan (County of Stettler Bylaw xxx-19, Committee” County of Paintearth Bylaw #xxx-19) between the County of Stettler and the County of Paintearth.

“Municipalities” refers to both Counties of Paintearth and Stettler

in conjunction.

“Services” means those services that are provided either municipally or intermunicipally which includes:

i. Transportation ii. Water and Wastewater iii. Solid Waste iv. Emergency Services iv. Recreation


1. All words in the Framework shall have the same meaning as defined in the Municipal Government Act. For words not defined under the Municipal Government Act, their meaning shall be as is understood in everyday language.

2. The word “shall” is interpreted as meaning an obligatory direction.

3. The word “may” is interpreted as meaning a choice exists with no preferred direction intended.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler DRAFT Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Page 3


1. In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26 (as amended), this is a permanent Framework that shall come into force on final passing of the bylaws by both Municipalities.

2. Being that the Framework is seen as a living document, it may be amended by mutual consent of both parties unless specified otherwise in this Framework.

3. It is agreed by the County of Stettler and the County of Paintearth that the Framework shall be subject to review every five years to review the terms and conditions of the agreement between both Municipalities. The Framework may be reviewed within a shorter period of time, if required and agreed upon by both Municipalities.

4. In accordance with the Act, if the Framework is found to no longer adequately and reasonably serve the interests of the Municipalities, the Framework shall not expire indefinitely but shall be replaced by an updated Framework agreed upon by both parties.


As required by Section 708.29(2) of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26 (as amended), the following services must be addressed within the Framework:

a. transportation, b. water and wastewater, c. solid waste, d. emergency services, e. recreation, and f. any other services, where those services benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities that are parties to the framework.

As such, the County of Stettler and County of Paintearth, being subject to the Act, are to enter into a collaboration framework that outlines the levels of service provision regarding the aforementioned categories. Such levels may include:

i. Intermunicipal service provision, ii. Independent municipal service provision, or iii. Services provided by a third-party.

Therefore, using such levels of services, the following Framework shall describe the current status of service provision between the Municipalities.

Moreover, the Act mandates in Section 708.45(1) that a binding dispute resolution process shall be included in Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks to ensure that a concrete process is available for both Municipalities to utilize in necessary circumstances. Such a process is outlined in Section 8.0 of the Framework.

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The Counties of Paintearth and Stettler have agreed that the best and most efficient way to provide services to their respective residents is to continue to provide the services independently due to their population density, demand, and overall land mass of both Municipalities.

1. The Counties have agreed that each Municipality will provide the following services independently for their residents or through intermunicipal collaboration with their separate urban municipal partners:

a. The County of Stettler No. 6 i. Transportation ii. Water and Wastewater iii. Solid Waste iv. Emergency Services v. Recreation

b. The County of Paintearth No. 18 i. Transportation ii. Water and Wastewater iii. Solid Waste iv. Emergency Services v. Recreation


In congruence with the Act, the following section outlines the level of service provision between the County of Stettler and the County of Paintearth:

1. Transportation:

a. Transportation services are provided independently by both Municipalities.

2. Water and Wastewater:

a. Water and wastewater services are provided independently by both Municipalities.

3. Solid Waste:

a. Solid waste services are not provided between the County of Stettler and Paintearth County. b. The Counties may be participants of a third party regional solid waste committee that is provided intermunicipally to their urban municipal partners under a joint agreement. The funding structure for solid waste services is outlined within the intermunicipal agreement that governs that service and are not shared between the Counties.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler DRAFT Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Page 5

4. Emergency Services:

a. Emergency services are not provided between the Counties of Stettler and Paintearth County, beyond those identified through a Mutual Aid Agreement. b. The County of Stettler is the administrative authority of two intermunicipal fire services with their urban municipal partners to provide fire and rescue services intermunicipally to their residents. Moreover, the County has funding agreements with their urban municipal partners to provide fire services, as per the appropriate fire agreement. c. The County of Stettler is the providing authority for the services of Bylaw Enforcement Officer(s), as per individual joint agreements with all of their urban municipal partners. The funding structure for such a service is outlined in their respective intermunicipal agreements. d. The County of Paintearth secures fire protection and rescue services from their urban municipal partners to their residents via an overall Fire Services Agreement with their three urban municipal partners. e. The County of Paintearth - through its Director of Emergency Management - works with the partner urban municipalities in emergency preparedness and maintains reciprocal mutual aid agreements with both rural and urban neighbouring municipalities.

5. Recreation:

a. Recreation services are not provided between the Counties of Stettler and Paintearth. b. The County of Stettler is the administrative authority of two regional recreation committees with their urban partners to provide recreation services jointly to their residents. Moreover, the County has funding agreements with their urban partners to provide recreational services and opportunities, as per the appropriate recreation agreement. c. The County of Paintearth maintains a policy of funding recreation and culture groups and facilities within its boundaries and in the urban municipalities where facilities are jointly used. There are no facilities shared between the M.D. and the County, nor are there any plans to commence some.

6. Other services:

a. The Counties of Stettler and Paintearth are part of an intermunicipal agreement with many other municipalities in the region for the provision of Disaster Services Mutual Aid in times of peacetime emergencies on an as-needed basis in 2019 and beyond. b. The County of Stettler and Paintearth County entered into an Intermunicipal Development Plan in 2019, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26 (as amended). The Intermunicipal Development Plan will be reviewed on the same occasion as the Framework on an agreed upon date every five years.

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In their present circumstance, neither the County of Stettler or Paintearth County intend to engage in future projects or agreements with one another in the foreseeable future, apart from a Mutual Aid agreement that may be renewed or amended in the future. However, if a circumstance arises that one Municipality wishes to enter into an intermunicipal service agreement, the following procedure shall dictate the process:

1. In the event either Municipality initiates the development of a new project and/or service that may require a cost-sharing agreement, the initiating Municipality’s Chief Administrative Officer shall notify the other Municipality’s (hereinafter referred to as the “responding Municipality”) Chief Administrative Officer prior to the consideration of such a development and/or service being constructed or developed.

2. Once either Municipality has received written notice of a new project, an Intermunicipal Planning Committee meeting must be held within 30 calendar days of the date the written notice was received, unless both Chief Administrative Officers agree otherwise.

3. The Intermunicipal Planning Committee will be the forum used to address and develop future mutual aid agreements and/or cost-sharing agreements. Both Counties shall agree that time shall be of the essence throughout the Intermunicipal Planning Committee meetings.

4. In the event the Intermunicipal Planning Committee is unable to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be dealt with through the procedure outlined within Section 8.0 of the Framework.


Although there are no planned future developments or services that would warrant an intermunicipal cost-sharing agreement, the utility of having a binding dispute resolution process is essential to ensure governmental processes are not inhibited by a lack of consensus or proceed without consent from both Municipalities.

The Binding Dispute Resolution Process for the Framework shall be as follows: 1. The Intermunicipal Planning Committee will meet and attempt to resolve the dispute.

2. In the event the Committee is unable to resolve the issue, the Counties shall seek the assistance of a mediator acceptable to both Municipalities. The costs of mediation shall be shared equally between the Municipalities.

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3. In the event that mediation proves to be unsuccessful, was not undertaken, or the proposing Municipality proceeds with an approval that does not reflect the accepted mediation recommendations, the responding Municipality may appeal that action to the Municipal Government Board under the provisions of Section 690 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26, as amended, as per the Act. If the responding Municipality initiates a dispute, they may withdraw their objections at any time throughout the process and shall provide written confirmation that the dispute is withdrawn to the proposing Municipality.

Both Counties agree that time shall be of the essence when working through the Binding Dispute Resolution Process.

County of Paintearth / County of Stettler DRAFT Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Page 8 Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Capital Disposal of Grader Issue The County 2019 budget identified sale / disposal of a grader this year (PW Capital Sales G/L). Direction is required regarding method of sale. Recommendation (Options) 1. That the County of Stettler No. 6 Council authorize administration to contact Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and offer the grader for sale through their auction process. 2. That the County of Stettler No. 6 Council direct administration to advertise a Request for Proposal for auction services and bring back results for sale direction. 3. That the County of Stettler No. 6 Council direct administration to advertise a grader for sale and bring offers back to Council for approval. 4. That the County of Stettler No. 6 Council direct administration to postpone or cancel sale of a grader. General Policy AF 6.17 (23) requires disposal of all capital items with value greater than $5,000 be approved by Council and process approved by CAO. Past grader sales have been through auction. Local advertising did not result in a sale. Financial The 2019 County budget provided for the sale of a grader in the Capital Sales G/L. Policy/Legislation Under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, Section 248 (1) A municipality may only make expenditure that is: (a) included in an operating budget, interim operating budget or capital budget or otherwise authorized by the Council. Strategic Plan Linkages Operational Excellence Item 6.3. Implementation/Communication Upon option approval, Public Works will commence disposal process chosen. Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Rick Green, Director of Engineering and Public Works Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer Request for Decision

Agenda Item: Invitation to MLA Nate Horner Issue To extend an invitation to the MLA for -Stettler, Nate Horner, to attend Council as a delegation. Recommendation That the County of Stettler No. 6 invite our local MLA Nate Horner to a Council meeting as a delegation. General Mr. Nate Horner was elected as the Provincial representative for Drumheller-Stettler, as our Member of the Legislative Assembly, in April 2019. Since then Mr. Horner has been responsive to assisting the County of Stettler on numerous informal initiatives. We would like the opportunity to present our regional issues to Mr. Horner prior to the next session of Parliament, so that he may be able to best represent our constituency and advocate for our area with first-hand knowledge of the current issues affecting us. Financial No expense. Policy/Legislation Under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, Section 180 (1) where a Council may act only by resolution or bylaw. Strategic Plan Linkage Emerging Issues. Implementation/Communication We will communicate with the office of the MLA to set up delegation status. Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Niki Thorsteinsson, Director of Communications Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer Request for Decision

Agenda Item: New County Shop – Solar Upgrade Issue Council directed administration to tender “Grid Connected Solar” upgrades to the County shop (motion and bring back recommendations for project approval. Options for Consideration Option 1: Proceed with the project with Council providing direction on best value and how to proceed with the project.

Option 2: Cancel project and notify proponents the County will not be proceeding at this time. General Engineering services has secured an Expression of Interest in the grant program and tendered a Request for Proposal for the required upgrades. Initially, the economic analysis did not support immediate tendering of the project, however, updates to the grant program and market conditions were more favorable for tendering this spring. Financial There are no financial implications at this time. This project has not been included in the current capital or operating budgets. Financial strategy to be part of proposal review and project authorization. Policy/Legislation Under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, Section 180 (1) where a council may act only by resolution or bylaw. Strategic Plan Linkages No direct linkage - follow up on past motion. Implementation/Communication On approval, proposals will be provided for review and potentially scheduling of interviews, or project will be cancelled, and proponents notified. Target Decision Date August 14, 2019 Prepared By Rick Green, Director of Engineering & Public Works Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw Report

Bylaw 1611-19 to Amend Land Use Bylaw 1443-10 as Amended Minor Review of the Bylaw Issue To consider third reading of Bylaw 1611-19 proposing to amend Land Use Bylaw 1443-10 as amended, to address inconsistencies and to provide clarification on specific issues and stipulations of the bylaw.

Recommendation That Council give third reading to Bylaw 1611-19 proposing to make several amendments to Land Use Bylaw 1443- 10, as amended, to address inconsistencies and to provide clarification on specific issues and stipulations of the Bylaw.

General The proposed amendments to Land Use Bylaw 1443-10, as amended will provide clarification and address inconsistencies or challenges with the current version of the land use bylaw. The proposed revisions to Bylaw 1611-19 are shown outlined in red font as per attached Schedule ‘1’ which include the following –

1. Remove all references to Direct Control District as the Land Use District was replaced with other districts in a previous amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.

2. Revise Section 8 definition of Recreational Vehicle – Park Model to reduce the maximum size to 55 m² (600 ft²) from 92m² (990 ft²) for consistency with the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) regulations.

3. Revise Section 8 definition of a Recreational Facility – Indoor and Recreational Facility – Outdoor by removing the provision for “ancillary accommodations and other accessory building specifically for the use of patrons who are actively or passively engaging in the recreational activity”. A separate application for accommodations would be required.

4. Revise Section 8 definition by incorporating the definition of “Building Height” with the definition of “Height” and further to delete “Height” from Section 8 (definitions) in order to eliminate the duplication.

5. Revisions/deletions to Section 16.1 (c) to clarify when a development is deemed approved and a permit is not required for an “Agricultural Operation” to include that the parcel of land must be larger than ten acres and is not part of or within one half mile of a multi-lot subdivision or . In order to address agricultural operations in the vicinity of residential areas.

6. Remove Section 16.1 (g) “the placement of a manufactured home within an approved manufactured home park”

7. Remove Section 16.1 (w) “subject to Section 60.17, excavation and construction site preparation (ie land clearing, survey cut lines, topsoil stripping and site grading) that is part of a development for which a Development Permit has been issued or this is part of a multi-lot subdivision development for which a Subdivision Approval has been issued. “ In order to ensure the phasing of development is done in conjunction with the development permit stipulations.

8. Insert Revised Section 33.1 (c) to provide for Section 685 (2) of the Municipal Government Act regarding an applicant’s right to appeal the refusal of a development permit application as an incomplete application. 9. Revise Section 43.10 (a) to increase the maximum ground floor area from 1200 ft²(111.5m²) to 1, 500 ft² (139.35 m²) and (b) increase the maximum floor area from 2,400 ft² (223 ft²) to 3,000 ft²(278 m²) in order to address requests for larger size ancillary buildings.

10. Revise Section 57.1 by adding “debris from demolished structure (s) shall be disposed at a licensed land fill site. In order to ensure demolished structures are disposed of in a safe and efficient manner.

11. Remove Section 68.1 (a) (ii) & (iii) number of dwellings units on a parcel of land which provides for more than one dwelling unit on a parcel of land except where “the additional dwelling unit is a Manufactured Home, a Recreational Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle – Park Mode Recreational Unit and or a cabin forming part of a Manufactured Home Park, a Recreational Vehicle Park, a Campground or a Work Camp and is located in a lad use district which includes a Manufactured Home Park, a Recreational Vehicle Park, a Campground or a work Camp as a permitted or discretionary use.“

12. Revise Section 68.2 ( c ) by removing the requirement that “farming is the principal use of the parcel of land” in order to provide for a third or additional Detached Dwelling on a parcel of land contains at least 80 acres “ as a discretionary use. In order to provide for additional dwelling units for other purposes not related to a farming operation.

13. Remove Retain Section 75.2 regarding the number of Recreational Vehicles that may be used for twenty one days and the requirement of obtaining a tag for additional units. This requirement has not been enforced and would require full time surveillance during the summer season.

14. Revise all sections of the bylaw which reference Buffalo View Estates as the name of the subdivision has been revised to Heights.

15. Remove Section 76.3 (c) regarding the minimum site area of 0.4 ha (1.0 acres) for a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground.

16. Remove Section 82.2 regarding the use of a Detached Dwelling or a Manufactured Home as a security/operator dwelling unit. In order to accommodate these types of units on specific sites.

17. Remove Section 82.4 regarding the floor area of a security/operator dwelling unit shall not exceed 46.5 m² (500 ft²). In order to provide for larger dwelling units as needed.

18. Remove Section 83.2 which stipulates that a 25% maximum variance authority stipulated in Section 23.4 of this Land Use Bylaw does not apply to discretionary use signs. In order to enable discretion in specific situations.

19. Revise Section 83.3 to include “that the landowner has given written consent” prior to signage may be placed land or affixed to the exterior surface of a building or structure without Application for a Development Permit

20. Revise Section 83.6 Signs shall not be illuminated by adding “(provide details ie. impact traffic safety) provisions to allow illumination in specific circumstances.” In order to address site specific situations.

21. Revise all Land Use Districts Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel by adding “in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision.” As a permitted and discretionary use.

22. Revise Section 95.3 by adding Value Added Agricultural Operation as a discretionary use in the Country Residence Agricultural (CR-A) District.

23. Remove Section 95.6 which states that any development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2. In order to eliminate the duplication.

24. Revise Section 107. 2 Recreational Facility District by removing Recreational Facility-Indoor and Recreational Facility – Outdoor from a permitted uses and adding Recreational Facility-Indoor and Recreational Facility – Outdoor to Section 107.3 as a discretionary use. In order to provide any affected parties the opportunity to appeal the Development Authority’s decision on an application.

25. Revise Section 108.15 (c) (ii) to delete an expired clause of the bylaw and provide for the use of Recreational Vehicles exclusively on Lots 39 and 59 Block 1 Plan 8222364 and Lots 11 and 14 Block 3 Plan 8222364 for a period exceeding 21 days (3 years) within the Scenic Sands subdivision.

26. Consider removing /retaining Section 110 Resort Residential – Recreational District (RR-REC) as the district is specific to a development proposed for the NE 36-39-20W4M (Pheasant back Estates Area Structure Plan).

Financial Bylaw 1611-19 requires no financial commitment at this time.

Policy/Legislation Municipal Government Act Chapter M-26 Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Sections 606, 639, 640 and 692. County of Stettler Land Use Bylaw 1443-10, as amended.

Implementation/Communication Planning & Development Department

Prepared By Jacinta Donovan, Development Officer

Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, CAO Bylaw Report - Addendum

Bylaw 1611-19 to Amend Land Use Bylaw 1443-10 as Amended Minor Review of the Bylaw

This addendum to the Bylaw Report is in response to questions and concerns raised about specific proposed amendments.

1. Revise Section 8 definition of a Recreation Facility – Indoor and Recreation Facility – Outdoor by removing the provision for “ancillary accommodations and other accessory building specifically for the use of patrons who are actively or passively engaging in the recreational activity”.

The purpose of this amendment is to ensure separate applications are made for distinct uses. There are a number of different types of accommodations (ie Bed and Breakfast Establishment, Campground, Guest Ranch, etc) which are separate uses in the Land Use Bylaw. Additionally, Accessory Building is a distinct use. Because these uses are distinct, applications for each should be distinct in order to allow the development authority to properly assess the suitability of the application for the proposed accommodation or accessory building (including scale and off-site and on-site impacts relating to traffic, noise, parking, environmental considerations, related utilities, storm drainage, etc).

2. Revise Section 16.1 to provide that “A Development Permit is not required if the development or use is restricted exclusively to the following, provided that the development shall otherwise comply with all applicable previsions and regulations of this Bylaw:”

The purpose of this amendment is to eliminate any lack of clarity with respect to the types of development for which a development permit is not required. This amendment clarifies that specific, isolated development may not require a development permit when it is part of an already approved development. For example, the list of exempted uses s. 16.1(f) references “the placement of a Recreational Vehicle in an approved Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground in those Districts where this use is allowed”; the additional phrase removes any ambiguity and makes it clear that a development permit is not required for the specific and isolated placement of a Recreational Vehicle in a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground where the Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground is already properly authorized but otherwise the placement of a Recreational Vehicle might require a development permit.

3. Delete Section 16.1(w) “subject to Section 60.17, excavation and construction site preparation (ie land clearing, survey cut lines, topsoil stripping and site grading) that is part of a development for which a Development Permit has been issued or this is part of a multi-lot subdivision development for which a Subdivision Approval has been issued.”

The purpose of this amendment is to ensure phasing of development is done in conjunction with specific development permit conditions and to disallow any preparation of the site until a development permit is issued and conditions are met. Excluding these provisions will help provide clarity on the scope of appropriate excavation and construction site preparation. 4. Delete Section 75.2 regarding the number of Recreational Vehicles that may be used for 21 days and the requirement of obtaining a tag for additional units.

While first reading contemplated the deletion of Section 75.2, upon further consideration Administration recommends retaining Section 75.2.

5. Revise Section 107. 2 Recreation Facility District by removing Recreation Facility - Indoor and Recreation Facility - Outdoor as permitted uses and revise Section 107.3 to add Recreation Facility - Indoor and Recreation Facility - Outdoor as discretionary uses.

The purpose for this amendment is to allow for the proper assessment of the suitability of the proposed development on the lands. Classifying the use as discretionary rather than permitted will enhance the Development Authority’s ability to consider the proposed development’s compatibility with neighboring development and uses, environmental impacts, noise, traffic, drainage, and other relevant planning considerations Further, consideration of appropriate infrastructure requirements can also be more easily addressed (roads and utilities).

Prepared By Jacinta Donovan, Development Officer

Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, CAO

Dated: June 11, 2019

Comparable excerpts from adjacent Counties Bylaw 1611-19 proposes the following amendments to land use bylaw County of Stettler's Land Use Bylaw 1443-10 provisions County of Stettler Paintearth County Starland County Development Deemed Approved - no development permit required: 16.1c) an ‘Agricultural Operation’ on a parcel where it is listed as a use Any use, building, structure or (a) subject to compliance with all the construction of an agricultural The construction or Agricultural buildings, except for: Extensive agriculture, in a land use district under Part 7 of this Bylaw and where the parcel is operation that is essential to relevant provisions of this building, provided the agricultural placement of accessory farm • where listed as a discretionary use; including Farm larger than ten acres and is not a part of or within one mile of a multi- the primary agricultural Bylaw, permitted uses in the building complies with all structures, such as barns, • buildings located within two (2) miles of the City of Buildings (barns, lot subdivision or hamlet. Where an ‘Agricultural Operation’ does not use of a 20 acre or greater Agricultural District not listed in applicable Development sheds, quonsets, and Camrose (or the corrals, granaries, etc.). comply with the provisions of this Bylaw (e.g. setback requirements) a parcel of land that is assessed section 3.2(1) Accessory building (for Regulations. granaries in the “A” – boundaries of the Camrose Intermunicipal All dwelling units are development permit is required. Where a farm building that was for municipal taxation permitted use Agricultural District, provided Development Plan, if required to obtain intended to be used as part of an Agricultural Operation is used for a purposes as farm land; only) they are used only in the applicable), one mile of the boundary of any other development permits. Home Business, Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Agricultural Building normal activities for the urban municipality, Based or other commercial or industrial operations, a development Agricultural operation agricultural operation, and or one mile of an airport; permit is required; Bee keeping Alternative energy, that they meet the required • buildings greater than 450 m2 (4,844 ft2); personal setback standards established • buildings that do not meet the setback requirements Campground minor in that district. Accessory of the Land Use Home based business, minor structures housing home Bylaw and the applicant is requesting a variance; and occupations or associated • buildings and improvements forming part of an commercial operations or Intensive Livestock those not meeting setback Operation. requirements are required to obtain a development permit.

(e) parking or storing for commercial purposes, subject to Sections The location, on a permanent No provision for parking/storing as No provision for parking/storing No provision for No provision for parking/storing as "deemed No provision for 70.1(d), 70.3, 74 and 75, up to a maximum of three (3) of any or temporary basis, of a total "deemed approved" as "deemed approved" parking/storing as "deemed approved" parking/storing as combination of the following: Recreational Vehicle (e.g. motor home, of three (3) or less approved" "deemed approved" camper, travel trailer, tent trailer, fifth wheel), boat, snowmobile ,or recreational vehicles, motor ATV on a parcel in the Agricultural District or the Country Residence homes, travel trailers, tents, Agricultural District that is not part of a multi-lot subdivision. boats or campers per lot in the agricultural district g) the placement of a manufactured home within an approved Placement of a manufactured the placement of mobile homes in No provision for a manufactured No provision for manufactured home park; home within an approved an approved mobile home in mh park as "deemed manufactured home in mh manufactured home park; home park or industrial and approved" park as "deemed approved" construction camp as defined in the Public Health Act and associated Work Camps Regulation;

(w) subject to Section 60.17, excavation and construction site Stripping, site grading or No provision for site preparation as Development as part of a signed No provision for site No provision for site preparation as "deemed No provision for site preparation (i.e. land clearing, survey cut lines, topsoil stripping and excavation that is part of a "deemed approved" Development Agreement; preparation as "deemed approved" preparation as site grading) that is part of a development for which a Development development for which a independent of, or prior to, approved" "deemed approved" Permit has been issued or that is part of a multi-lot subdivision development permit has been other development on the same development for which a Subdivision Approval has been issued; issued Parcel or site and related to a multi-Parcel subdivision approval

Proposed amendment - Demolition of buildings/structures (as shown in red font)

Section 57.1 An existing building or structure that is assessed by Demolition of a building or No stipulations for demolition of Demolition or removal of a No stipulations for demolition No person shall commence or cause to be commenced Demolition of buildings the County for tax purposes shall not be demolished or moved off of structure where a structures/buildings Building or portion thereof shall of structures/buildings the demolition or removal of any building or structure, or structures where the a property without approval from the County, subject to Section Development Permit has been be considered a change in or portion thereof, until all necessary permits have waste materials to be 16.1(r). Debris from a demolished structure (s) shall be disposed at issued intensity of the use and/or the been obtained. 609.2 A Development Permit must be moved off of the parcel a licensed land fill site. for a new development on the resultant Building. 2. The resultant obtained for the demolition or removal of any building of land requires a same site, and the demolition building of the partial demolition or structure greater than 10.0 m2 (107.6 ft2 ) in size, demolition permit from of the existing building and use shall be subject to the except for agricultural buildings which are exempt from the municipality. (2) or structure is implicit in that provisions of this Bylaw. 3. As a this requirement. 609.3 Whenever a Development Waste materials shall permit; Not withstanding change in intensity, a Demolition Permit is issued for the demolition or removal of a be disposed of at a Section 17 (k) and in addition shall be subject to Development building or structure, it shall be a condition of the certified landfill or an to the requirements of Section Permit approval. 4. Upon permit that the lot shall be cleared, with all debris approved private pit. 20, an application for Demolition, the removed, and left in a graded condition upon (3) All burning of waste application for a development Development Authority may completion of the demolition or removal to the materials requires a permit for the demolition of a require a demolition plan detailing satisfaction of the Development Authority. 609.4 When burning permit from non-residential building the following: a) footprint of a Development Permit is to be approved for the the municipality. (4) shall include the following building and site plan of property demolition or removal of a building or structure, the Damage to municipal information: on which the building is to be Development Authority may require the applicant to roads as a result of a) The value of the building; demolished; b) measures to be provide an irrevocable letter of credit or other transporting waste b) The alternatives to taken to ensure that the acceptable form of security in such amount as to cover materials shall be demolition if the building is of demolition is done in a safe and the costs of reclamation to any public utility or County repaired at the cost of historic or architectural value; efficient manner and what property. 609.5 Whenever a demolition or removal of a the demolition permit c) The purpose for the measures are to be taken to building or structure is carried out, the property owner applicant. (5) Upon building demolition and the ensure the disturbance and shall, at his own expense, protect any wall, structure, demolition or type of structure to replace nuisances (dust, noise, debris, sidewalk or roadway liable to be affected by such destruction of a the traffic, etc.) as a result of the demolition or removal, including those on neighboring building, the site shall demolished building; demolition are mitigated or properties, from damage or displacement. Further, the be immediately fenced d) A work schedule of the minimal; c) timelines for property owner shall ensure that adequate measures to the satisfaction of d li i d i l li f D lii d i k b f fi d i h D l BYLAW 1611-19

A BYLAW of the County of Stettler No. 6, in the Province of Alberta, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act Chapter M-26 Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000 and amendments thereto, to provide for the amendment of the Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 as amended by rewording or deleting multiple provisions of the Bylaw for clarification purposes as per attached “Schedule 1.”

WHEREAS the Municipal Council deems it necessary and expedient to revise Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 as amended, in order to address inconsistencies and to provide clarification of specific issues of the Bylaw.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Council of the County of Stettler No. 6 in the Province of Alberta adopts this amending bylaw, being Bylaw No. 1611-19, as an amendment to Bylaw 1443-10 for regulating land use, zoning, development standards, subdivision and associated matters through the issuance of development permits, bylaw enforcement and subdivision approval.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 as amended be amended as per revisions outlined in red font in the attached Schedule ‘1’

READ A FIRST TIME this 8th day of May 2019 A.D. on a motion of Councillor Nibourg Carried

PUBLIC HEARING scheduled for the 12th day of June, 2019

POSTPONEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING to 10th day of July, 2019 as per request of an affected party on a motion of Councillor Nixon Carried

PUBLIC HEARING scheduled for the 10th day of July, 2019 A.D.

NOTICE OF INTENTION published in the May 27th and June 6th, 2019 A.D. issues of the Stettler Independent.

NOTICE OF INTENTION published in the June 27th and July 4th, 2019 A.D. issues of the Stettler Independent.

READ A SECOND TIME this 10th day of July, 2019 A.D. on a motion of Councillor Grover Carried

READ A THIRD TIME this day of, A.D. on a motion of Councillor


DATED this day of A.D.


Chief Administrative Officer

Bylaw 1611-19 Page 1 of 1

County of Stettler No. 6 - Regular Council Meeting – August 14, 2019 47 SCHEDULE ‘1’ LAND USE


Prepared by the County of Stettler No. 6 Council and Planning and Development Services

Bylaw No. 1443-10 adopted March 9, 2011 Current as of: Amending Bylaw 1481-12 adopted June 12, 2013 Amending Bylaw 1519-14 adopted July 23, 2014 Amending Bylaw 1560-16 as adopted July 13, 2016 Amending Bylaw 1533-14 adopted August 10, 2016 Amending Bylaws 1559-16, 1567-16, 1569-16 and 1571-16 as adopted September 14, 2016 Amending Bylaw 1590-18 as adopted March 14, 2018 Amending Bylaw 1597-18 as adopted September 12, 2018 Amending Bylaw 1602-18 as adopted November 13, 2018

This page is a placeholder – do not delete County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

TABLE OF CONTENTS To facilitate convenient updating of this document, page numbering is being omitted. Please search by Section numbers. The content of Part Six has been arranged alphabetically by heading.




County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended







Schedule ‘A’ - Town and County of Stettler Airport Vicinity Overlay District

Schedule ‘B’ - Gateway Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines

Schedule ‘C’ – Zoning Map and Record of Decisions Pursuant to Section 89.5

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended



County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


1.1 This Bylaw may be cited as the "County of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw".


2.1 This Bylaw comes into force and takes effect upon the date of its third reading.


3.1 The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate the use and development of land and buildings in the County of Stettler No. 6 and to establish the authorities required to exercise the related powers, functions and duties on behalf of the County, pursuant to Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act.


4.1 The provisions of this Bylaw apply to all lands and buildings within the boundaries of the County, pursuant to Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act.

4.2 No person shall commence any development within the County except in compliance with this Bylaw.


5.1 Compliance with the requirements of this Bylaw does not exempt any person from the requirements of any statutory plan.

5.2 Nothing in this Bylaw exempts a person to obtain a development permit as required by this Bylaw or to obtain any other permit, license or other authorization required by this or any other Bylaw.

5.3 In addition to the requirements of this Bylaw, a person is required to comply with all federal, provincial and other municipal legislation.


6.1 All measurements in this Bylaw are metric. Approximate imperial measures are shown as information only.


7.1 Words, phrases, and terms not defined in this part may be given their definition in existing legislation and regulations, such as the Act or the Alberta Building Code. Other words shall be given their usual and customary meaning.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

8. LAND USE AND BUILDING l) the application of fertilizers, manure, DEFINITIONS insecticides, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, including application by 8.1 In this Land Use Bylaw, unless the ground and aerial spraying, for context requires otherwise the agricultural purposes. following land use and building An agricultural operation may include farm definitions shall apply. Where a land buildings and other structures incidental to use or building is not defined here, primary farming activity as well as farm the definition shall be found in the related uses, but does not include a dwelling unit, an ancillary building or a secondary County’s Municipal Development farming activity. Also see the definition of Plan or, failing that, the general ‘Farm Building’ and ‘Farming’ in Section 9. meaning of the land use or building An agricultural operation can be extensive or shall apply: intensive. An extensive agricultural operation typically is a system of tillage or ranging “Agricultural Operation” means either an which depends upon large areas of land for extensive or intensive primary and bona fide the raising of crops or animals. An intensive agricultural activity (other than a confined agricultural operation is an animal or feeding operation) conducted on land horticultural operation of significant located in the County of Stettler No. 6 and investment and permanence that represents designated either in the Agricultural District a more intensive use of the land than what is or the Country Residence Agricultural District typical of an extensive agricultural operation. of the Land Use Bylaw and classified as farm Typical uses in an intensive agricultural land for property tax assessment purposes, operation may include, but are not limited to, for gain or reward or in the hope of gain or a greenhouse, nursery, market garden, reward, and includes: specialized livestock operation (excluding a a) a farm building, confined feeding operation), a fish farm, a b) the cultivation of land including the sod farm, bee keeping (apiary), a tree farm, clearing of natural vegetation for the horse holding area including an associated purpose of cultivation or ranging, riding arena directly related and specifically c) harvesting and haying, devoted to the raising and breeding of d) the raising of livestock, including game- horses, and fur farm. An intensive production animals within the meaning agricultural operation is also referred to as a of the Livestock Industry Diversification small agricultural operation or small Act and poultry, agricultural holding. e) the raising of fur-bearing animals, fowl, game birds or fish, “Agricultural Supply Depot” means a f) the production of agricultural field facility for the purpose of supplying goods, crops, products, materials, and/or services that g) the production of fruit, vegetables, sod, support agricultural uses, whether retail, trees, shrubs and other specialty wholesale, or in bulk. This shall include such horticultural crops, goods and services as the handling, storage h) the production of eggs or milk, and sale of grain, seeds and feeds by a third i) the production of honey, party who is not a bona fide producer, j) handling and cleaning of grain, seeds fertilizers, chemical products, fuels, and feeds by one or more bona fide lubricants, parts or the rental, sale, repair and producers, servicing of agricultural machinery and k) the operation of agricultural machinery, equipment but does not include the equipment and irrigation pumps, processing, buying or selling of farm produce including the handling of fuels, or animals, except that it does include seed lubricants and parts required to do so, and grain milling, cleaning and drying. and

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

“Airport” means an area of land, or other “Assisted Living Facility” means a supporting surface used or designed, building, or a portion of a building operated prepared, equipped or set apart for use for the purpose of providing live-in either in whole or in part for the arrival and accommodation for six or more persons with departure, movement, sale/rental, fueling or chronic or declining conditions requiring servicing of aircraft and includes any professional care or supervision or ongoing buildings (including hangars), installations medical care, nursing or homemaking and equipment in connection therewith, and services or for persons generally requiring for which an airport license has been issued specialized care. by the Federal Ministry of Transport. It includes the sale and/or rental of aircraft but “Auction Mart – No Livestock” means a does not include an Ancillary Building, a farm building or lands or portion thereof used for building or a shop. the storage and auctioning of goods that are to be sold on the premises by auction on a regular basis, but excluding livestock. "Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use including references to ‘residential’ and ‘industrial or non-residential’ Ancillary “Auction Mart – Livestock” means a Buildings "means a building or use which: building or lands or portion thereof used for the storage and auctioning of livestock. (a) is incidental and exclusively devoted to the principal building or principal use; “Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals” means (b) is subordinate in purpose to the development used for the retail sale or rental principal building or principal use of new or used automobiles, motorcycles, served; snowmobiles, boats, Recreational Vehicles or crafts, together with incidental (c) contributes to the livelihood, comfort, maintenance services and sale of parts. convenience, safety or necessity of Typical uses include, but are not limited to, occupants of the principal building or automobile dealerships, car rental agencies principal use; and and motorcycle dealerships. This use does not include dealerships for the sale of trucks (d) is located on the same site as the with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4,000 kg principal building or principal use. (8,800 lbs) or greater, or the sale of motor homes with a gross vehicle weight rating Therefore a development permit for an greater than 6,000 kg (13,000 lbs) or a length Ancillary Building or Use cannot be issued of more than 6.7 m (22 ft). prior to a development permit for the principal use having been issued or being issued “Automotive Gas Bar” means a facility simultaneously. Ancillary building or use where vehicle fuels or lubricants are offered does not include a farm building, an airport for sale but where no provision is made for hangar or a shop. The distinction between the repair or maintenance of vehicles. An ‘residential’ and ‘industrial or non-residential’ Automotive Gas Bar may include an ancillary Ancillary Building applies in those land use convenience store directly associated with districts where provision is made for an and occupying the same building as the Ancillary Building that is associated with a Automotive Gas Bar. principal use that is ‘non-residential’ (e.g. a Contractors Business – Home Based or Not “Automotive Repair - Major” means a Home Based in the Agricultural District or a facility where major automotive repairs, Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly rebuilding or reconditioning of engines, Facility in the Industrial District). general repair and replacement services are provided, including minor automotive repair services to vehicles above the capacity restrictions of “Automotive Repair – Minor”.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Typical uses include, but are not limited to, “Boarding House” means development collision and body repair services, frame within a single detached dwelling where straightening, body painting, upholstering, three or more sleeping rooms without tractor-trailer tire installation shops, vehicle cooking facilities are provided with or without steam cleaning, and undercoating. meals for compensation.

“Automotive Repair - Minor” means a “Campground” means a planned facility where minor automotive and small development for the short-term use of engine repairs, the incidental replacement of Recreational Vehicles, tents and/or cabins parts, maintenance, and minor automotive with a limited level of service compared to service to passenger vehicles and light what is typically provided in a Recreational trucks - trucks under 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) Vehicle Park (i.e. the stalls/sites in a capacity - are provided. Typical uses Campground are typically not serviced with include, but are not limited to, muffler shops, individual or communal water and sewage lubrication shops, brake repair shops, car disposal systems, but the Campground may washes, tire installation shops, windshield have common washrooms and a sewage replacement facilities. dumping station). A Campground is not used as storage or permanent accommodation for “Automotive Service Station” means a residential use. A Campground is typically facility where automotive fuels, oil, grease, developed in association with related batteries, tires, and automotive accessories recreational and/or institutional activities; may be supplied and/or installed, and where such as hiking or riding trails, picnic grounds, general automotive maintenance such as oil boating facilities, and playgrounds, and may changes, tune ups, brake repairs, etc. may include centralized facilities such as a be undertaken. sewage dumping station, water, wash facilities, structures for assembly purposes, “Bed and Breakfast Establishment” means central cooking facilities, as well as a camp a commercial use wherein short term store. The units in a Campground can be of accommodation (i.e. less than 15 days in any condominium ownership or rental units. Also consecutive 30 day period) with at least a see the definition for Recreational Vehicle breakfast meal is provided within a detached Park. dwelling or duplex where these uses are “Cannabis Retail Sales” means a retail provided for in the land use district. A bed store that is licensed by the Province of and breakfast establishment is secondary to Alberta where Cannabis and Cannabis the primary residential use of a parcel. It Accessories are sold to individuals who cannot be operated from a ‘Garden Suite’ or attend at the premises. This use is subject to ‘Clustered Farm Dwellings and Associated the development standards in Section 48 of Uses’ and does not include a hotel, motel, this Land Use Bylaw. boarding house or guest ranch. Due to the fact that a bed and breakfast establishment “Cemetery” means land that is set apart or provides a personal service to the general land that is use for the burial of human or public that may require an appropriate level animal remains. Typical uses are memorial of privacy and enjoyment, an important parks and burial grounds. consideration in its location is sufficient separation from potential rural nuisance “Clustered Farm Dwellings and effects, including but not limited to confined Associated Uses” means one or more feeding operations or gravel pits. Therefore, detached dwellings, duplexes or multiple proponents of a Bed and Breakfast family dwellings and such other structures Establishment should acknowledge the and uses which are associated with the day- existence of such factors in the Agricultural to-day operation of a religious colony, District and plan appropriately for it. including farm buildings as part of an agricultural operation, Home Business, Contractor’s Business – Home Based,

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

churches and schools, and which are located when the development permit for the on a contiguous farm unit of at least 640 acre Contractor’s Business is issued. Typical (256 hectare) in size on which an Agricultural uses include, but are not limited to, oilfield Operation as defined in this Bylaw or a support services, laboratories, cleaning and Confined Feeding Operation approved by maintenance, building and construction, the Natural Resources Conservation Board surveying, landscaping, concrete, electrical, under the Agricultural Operation Practices excavation, drilling, heating, plumbing, Act, is actively undertaken. This use includes paving, road construction, sewage disposal ‘Contractor’s Business – Home Based but or similar services which require on-site does not include ‘Contractor’s Business – storage space for materials, mobile Not Home Based’. equipment or vehicles normally associated with the contractor service. Any sales, “Communication Antenna and Structure” display, office or technical support service means a tower and the associated antennae areas shall be accessory to the principal that are required to transmit or receive general contractor use. Contractor’s signals for cell phone, television, radio and Business does not include any other use that other similar devices. This includes antennae is defined in this Section, such as Sand, for amateur radio (ham radio) and citizen Gravel and Surface Mineral Extraction, band radio, but does not include a satellite Auction Mart, Value-added Agricultural dish antenna. Industry, etcetera.

“Community Facility” means the use of "Contractor's Business – Home Based or land or a building or both by public, quasi- Not Home Based" means the same as public or private groups of people to “Contractor’s Business” except that it shall assemble for purposes of religion, comply with the regulations of Section 55. instruction, culture, non-commercial recreation, or other community activity. “Crematorium” means a development fitted Typical uses include, but are not limited to, a with equipment for the purposes of the museum, a school, a church, a library, cremation of human or animal/pet remains YMCA, a playground, and a public or private and may include associated facilities for the club. preparation of the dead body for internment or cremation and facilities associated with "Concert Site" means the use of land for conducting funeral services. music festivals, dance festivals, "rock" "Detached Dwelling" means an Alberta festivals, or similar musical activity and ancil- Building Code compliant building containing lary facilities likely to attract 1,000 people or only one dwelling unit as the principal use of more in any one twenty-four (24) hour period, the building. The structure must have a at which music is provided by paid or minimum dimension of 7.3m (24ft) measured amateur performers, or by pre-recorded on the shortest side of the unit, with an eaves means, and to which members of the public overhang of at least 46 cm (18 in) measured are invited or admitted for a charge, or free perpendicularly from the vertical exterior of cost. Concert site is listed as a wall. This housing type includes a ‘Ready- discretionary use in specific land use districts to-Move (RTM)’ home as defined in this and does not include private events such as bylaw, but does not include a Special a wedding or birthday party, a farm auction, Dwelling Unit Type, a Manufactured Home, a a funeral, and other similar private events. Recreational Vehicle, a Recreational Vehicle

– Park Model Recreational Unit as defined in " " means a light Contractor's Business this land use bylaw, or a relocatable industrial or service-oriented operation for industrial accommodation unit. A detached commercial and/or industrial service support dwelling is detached from other dwelling and construction, and the building in which a units (except a secondary suite) but may be Contractor’s Business is being operated from attached to an accessory building such as a shall be deemed to be approved as a ‘shop’ garage or to another principal building such

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

as a riding arena. government services directly to the public. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, a "Duplex" means a building containing two taxation office, municipal office, courthouse, dwelling units and each having a separate postal station, manpower and employment exterior entrance, but does not include a office, and social service office. It does not secondary suite. include protective and emergency services, detention and correction services and “Emergency Service” means a public facility used by fire protection, police, education services. ambulance, correctional or other such "Guest Ranch" means a working farm or services as a base of operations. ranch that offers tourists and visitors “Farm Stall” means a building or a use temporary overnight accommodation, with or intended for the direct sale to the public of without meals, for payment of a fee and may agricultural products produced on the subject include an on-site program that allows farm or another parcel that is owned by the guests to participate in a range of farming or applicant. It includes such uses as a road- ranching activities. A guest ranch does not side fresh produce kiosk or a pick-your-own include a hotel, motel, Bed and Breakfast berry farm. The sale of products that are Establishment, boarding house or any form unrelated to the products produced on the of accommodation that requires visitors to farm or that are not produced on the subject have an ownership or financial interest farm or another parcel that is owned by the therein. applicant is not allowed. “Heavy Equipment Sales/Rental” means the sale or rental of new or used machinery “Financial Institution” means a trust company, chartered bank, credit union or or mechanical equipment typically used in Province of Alberta Treasury Branch. building, roadway, pipeline, oil field and mining construction, manufacturing, “Food and Beverage Service Facility” assembling and processing operations, and means development used for eating and agricultural production, together with drinking where prepared food and beverages incidental maintenance services and sale of are offered for sale to the public, for parts. consumption within the premises or off the “Heavy Equipment Service and Repair” site. It may be a fully licensed drinking means development used for the service, establishment. Typical uses include, but are cleaning or repair of heavy vehicles, not limited to, pubs, restaurants, cafes, drive machinery or mechanical equipment typically through fast food outlets, and catering used in building, roadway, pipeline, oil field establishments. and mining construction, manufacturing, “Funeral Home” means a development assembling and processing operations, and used for the purpose of furnishing funeral agricultural production, with no sales/rental supplies and services to the public and of heavy equipment. includes facilities for the preparation of the “Home Business” means the secondary dead human body for internment. This use use of a principal dwelling unit by the does not include a crematorium. permanent resident(s) of that dwelling unit "Garden Suite" means a dwelling unit used without the help of outside employees to as a temporary additional dwelling for sole conduct a business activity, trade, craft or occupancy by dependent or partly occupation. A home business does not dependent parents, grandparents, or include a Bed and Breakfast Establishment. handicapped adult children of the occupants “Hotel” means a development used for the of the primary dwelling on that parcel. provision of rooms or suites for short-term “Government Service” means a tourist (i.e. business or recreational) development providing Crown Corporation, accommodation where the rooms have or municipal, provincial or federal access from a common interior corridor and

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

may be equipped with individual kitchen "Manufactured Home Park" means a facilities, and may include accessory food parcel of land which has been planned and and beverage service facilities, meeting improved to provide sites, services and/or rooms, personal service shops, and general amenities for the placement and occupation retail shops. for non-transient residential purposes for 3 or more manufactured homes in exchange for

the payment of a fee or rental to the owner. “Industrial/Commercial Training Facility” “Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly means a development that provides for Facility” means the manufacturing or technical instruction to students and/or the assembly of goods, products or equipment training of personnel in commercial and/or the processing of raw or finished businesses and/or industrial operations. materials, including the servicing, repairing “Kennel” means any development where or testing of materials, goods and equipment four or more dogs and/or cats over six normally associated with the manufacturing, months of age are maintained, boarded, processing or assembly operation. It may bred, trained and/or cared for in return for include any indoor display, office, technical remuneration or kept for purposes of sale. or administrative support areas or any sales operation accessory to the principal use. The “Lease Bay Building” means a building production of cannabis is deemed to be designed to accommodate multiple businesses each occupying one or more included in this land use definition however, where a facility produces cannabis, the sale bays in a condominium or leasehold tenure arrangement. Once a permit has been of cannabis from that facility is prohibited and the operator of the facility would be required issued for a lease bay building, the occupant to obtain a separate development permit for of each bay must apply for an individual development permit to allow their intended “Cannabis Retail Sales”, provided the Land Use District in which the subject property is use pursuant to the permitted and discretionary uses listed in the applicable located, included that use. land use district. “Motel” means a development for the provision of rooms or suites for short-term “Manufactured Home” means a prefabricated, transportable dwelling unit tourist (i.e. business or recreational) lodging or light housekeeping, where each room or fully completed in the factory in compliance with the Alberta Building Code. A suite has its own exterior access. It may include accessory food and beverage manufactured home typically has a service facilities. dimension of less than 7.3m (24ft) measured on the shortest side of the unit, and an eaves “Multi-attached Dwelling” means a overhang of less than 46 cm (18 in) residential building consisting of three or measured perpendicularly from the vertical more dwelling units separated by common exterior wall. A manufactured home is ready walls and located either on a single site or for residential occupancy upon completion of each unit on a separate individual lot, each on-site set-up in accordance with the Alberta dwelling unit having at least one separate at- Building Code and/or factory recommended grade entrance. This definition applies to installation instructions. A manufactured forms of housing that include, but are not home may be placed on a permanent limited to, stacked townhouses, rowhouses, foundation. A manufactured home is not a triplexes and fourplexes, but does not detached dwelling, an RTM home, a Special include a multiple family dwelling. Dwelling Unit Type, a Recreational Vehicle, "Multiple Family Dwelling" means a or a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model residential building consisting of three or Recreational Unit as defined in this land use more dwelling units that are contained on a bylaw, or a relocatable industrial single lot within a building in which the accommodation unit. A manufactured home dwelling units are arranged in a horizontal or is sometimes referred to as a modular home. vertical configuration which share a common

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

access, hall way and ancillary facilities, but services. does not include a multi-attached dwelling. Outdoor Storage means either the “Office” means development primarily for accessory storage of equipment, goods, and the provision of professional, management, materials, specifically related to the business administrative, consulting, or financial activity conducted on the subject parcel, in services in an office setting. Typical uses the open air where such storage of goods include, but are not limited to, the offices of and materials does not involve the erection lawyers, accountants, travel agents, real of permanent structures for storage, and estate and insurance firms, surveyors, where outdoor storage is stated or implied in planners and other professional consultants, the land use definition of the use and/or dentists, doctors, clerical services and included in the development permit secretarial agencies. This excludes conditions. Outdoor storage may also mean government services, the servicing and a land use specifically listed as such in a land repair of goods, the sale of goods to the use district, and for which a separate customer on the site, veterinary clinic, and development permit for ‘Outdoor Storage’ is the manufacture or handling of a product. required. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, pipe yards, lumber yards or vehicle Oilfield Service or Supply Business - or heavy equipment storage compounds. Major means development used for the sale, rental, service, manufacturing, assembly or “Personal Service Facility” means repair of heavy vehicles, machinery or development used for the provision of mechanical equipment typically used in personal services to an individual which are pipeline, oil field and mining operations. This related to the care and appearance of the does not include truck sales/rentals. The body, or the cleaning and repair of personal development may include the use and/or effects. Typical uses include, but are not storage of toxic, explosive or radioactive limited to, hairdressers, spas and massage materials (e.g. a tank farm or a magazine or services, tanning salons, shoe repair shops, the reclamation of contaminated soil). dry cleaning establishments, but does not include medical offices, health services, Oilfield Service or Supply Business - general retail businesses or adult Minor means a business that provides entertainment facilities. limited support services to pipeline, oil field and mining operations. The business is “Private Storage of Boat Lifts and Docks” contained within an enclosed development, means the temporary outdoor storage of the outdoor storage of any materials, heavy boat lifts and docks, but excluding boats, vehicles, equipment and/or pipes is boat houses, sheds or any other item or restricted to 20 % of the total parcel size, and structure, in a specified location on Reserve such outdoor storage must be screened to Land in the Public Services District, where the satisfaction of the development authority. approved by a development permit This use does not include the use and/or consistent with this definition and issued to storage of toxic, explosive or radioactive either a community association or an materials (e.g. a tank farm, a magazine or the individual landowner, on Reserve Lands that reclamation of contaminated soil), except have been designated by bylaw for this that it does include those toxic, explosive or purpose pursuant to Section 676 of the Act. radioactive materials that are contained The development permit shall be issued within an instrument or tool and further subject to a license agreement being entered provided that the storage and handling of into and kept in good standing, such such energetic materials must meet Natural agreement having an initial term of no longer Resources Explosives Act and than three years. The agreement shall Regulation. Typical services in this use include indemnification to the County and include, but are not limited to, well written proof of comprehensive third-party conditioning, well logging, x-ray and liability insurance coverage. The diagnostic, cathodic protection or wireline

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

development permit for this use shall recreational activity. terminate if the individual landowner ceases to own the land described in the license “Recreation Facility – Outdoor” means a agreement or if the license agreement primarily outdoor recreation facility in which expires or is terminated. Such agreement the patronizing public participates or views may not be assigned. the participation of others in recreational, entertainment, amusement or sporting “Public or Private Road and Utility” activity and, without limiting the generality of means a development used to provide one the foregoing, may include but not be limited or more of the following for public or private to an amusement park, a go-cart track, a consumption, benefit, convenience or use: golf course, a ski resort, a riding stable, a (a) water; waste water or storm water; water slide, tennis courts, an equestrian (b) a road, railway line, thoroughfare or centre, a marina, a boat launch, a stadium, bridge for the purpose of a public park, a playground, a sports field, a transportation, but excluding for zoo, fair/exhibition/rodeo grounds, the use storage purposes (e.g. railway yard or of trails (e.g. for walking, cross-country terminal facilities); skiing, cycling, motorcycling, equestrian, all- (c) television reception through a satellite terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, etc.), dish antenna or other means; professional hunting and outfitting, or an (d) telephone; outdoor shooting range. (e) drainage ditch; It may include ancillary accommodation (f) natural gas; (such as campsites, cabins or lodges) This (g) electric power; or, definition specifically excludes campsites, (h) heat. cabins or lodges or any other similar uses. Public or Private Road and Utility includes and However it does include other accessory electric power and heat utilities generated by ancillary buildings (e.g. rest rooms) wind, solar or other alternative technologies, specifically for the use of patrons who are as well as the buildings required to operate actively or passively engaging in the the Public or Private Road and Utility. A recreational activity. stand-alone solar panel means that it is not " " means a portable attached to the roof of a building. Public or Recreational Vehicle structure designed and built to be carried on Private Road and Utility does not include a a vehicle or to be transported/motorized on Waste Management Facility. its own wheels, and which is intended to

provide temporary living accommodation for “Recreation Facility – Indoor” means a travel and recreational purposes and which primarily indoor recreation facility in which does not need any special license or permit the patronizing public participates or views to travel on the public road systems other the participation of others in recreational, than a usual trailer or vehicle license and, entertainment, amusement or sporting without limiting the generality of the activity and, without limiting the generality of foregoing, includes such vehicles as a the foregoing, may include but not be limited motorhome, a fifth-wheel, a camper, a travel to an amusement arcade, a billiard or pool trailer, a Recreational Vehicle that conforms hall, a bowling alley, a paintball facility, a to the CSA Z-240 Standard for Recreational racquet court, an indoor shooting range, a Vehicles (i.e. a Recreational Vehicle - Park commercial stable or riding arena, a Model Trailer), a tent trailer or a boat, but gymnasium, swimming pools, hockey and does not include any vehicle or trailer over skating rinks, an arena, a tourist information 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in.) in transit mode width, a centre, tennis courts or a multi-purpose Manufactured Home or a Recreational facility, and may include ancillary Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit. accommodation and other accessory buildings specifically for the use of patrons "Recreational Vehicle – Park Model who are actively or passively engaging in the Recreational Unit" (or ‘Cottage Model’)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

means a Recreational Vehicle conforming to which does not include any outdoor storage the CSA Z-241 Standard for Park Model and/or sales. Typical uses include, but are Recreational Vehicles, or the equivalent, built not limited to, small food stores, drug stores, on a single chassis mounted on wheels video sales and rentals, and liquor stores. which may be removed. The unit is designed “Rural Convenience Store” means a to facilitate occasional relocation using a development used for the retail sale of special tow vehicle and requiring a highway consumer goods frequently required by area movement permit to tow the unit. It has living residents in an enclosed building not quarters for a temporary residence or exceeding 186 m² (2,000 ft²) and which does seasonal use, and must be connected to not include any outdoor storage and/or sales. those public or private utilities necessary for the operation of installed fixtures and “Rural Restaurant” means an appliances, with a maximum CSA approved establishment for the preparation and 50 amp interior electric panel. The transit consumption of food for commercial gain and mode width of this unit exceeds 2.6 m (8 ft 6 may include takeout food service and in). It does not include a Manufactured Home entertainment, excluding adult or a Recreational Vehicle. The maximum entertainment, as ancillary uses. size of a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Establishments of this type are to be Recreational Unit is 92 55 m2 (990 ft2)(600 independently owned and operated and may ft²). A Recreational Vehicle – Park Model not exceed an approximate size of 1,500 ft². Recreational Unit is not allowed to be placed A rural restaurant may include premises for on a basement or other permanent which a “Class A” liquor license has been foundation. issued and minors are not prohibited by the terms of the license. ‘Rural Restaurant’ does means a “Recreational Vehicle Park” not include a food and beverage service planned development for the short-term use facility. Due to the fact that a rural restaurant of Recreational Vehicles, tents and/or cabins provides a personal service to the general with a higher level of service provided than in public that may require an appropriate level a Campground (i.e. the stalls in a of privacy and enjoyment, an important Recreational Vehicle Park are typically consideration in its location is sufficient serviced with communal water and sewage separation from potential rural nuisance disposal systems). A Recreational Vehicle effects, including but not limited to confined Park shall not be used as storage, or feeding operations or gravel pits. Therefore, permanent accommodation for residential proponents of a rural restaurant should use. A Recreational Vehicle Park may be acknowledge the existence of such factors in developed in association with related the Agricultural District and plan recreational activities; such as hiking or appropriately for it. riding trails, picnic grounds, boating facilities and playgrounds. Also see the definition of “Salvage and Recycling Facility” means Campground. the transportation, storage, disassembling, salvaging, crushing, processing, recycling " " means a development Retail Store - Major and retailing and/or wholesaling/industrial used for the retail sale of consumer goods selling of disabled appliances, automotive from within an enclosed building exceeding vehicles, machinery, equipment, and 186 m² (2,000 ft²) on a site which exceeds associated vehicle bodies, and other 4,047 m2 (1.0 acre), and which includes discarded materials and related scrap steel limited, seasonal outdoor storage and/or and parts. This includes an office/retail sales to support that store’s operations. outlet, which may be combined with one or “Retail Store - Minor” means a more main storage buildings, ancillary development used for the retail sale of buildings and a fenced yard. It does not consumer goods frequently required by area include auto body or engine repair. residents in an enclosed building not “Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral exceeding 186 m² (2,000 ft²) on a site which Extraction” means the on-site extraction does not exceed 4,047 m2 (1.0 acre), and

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

from the subject site of aggregate materials accommodation by the employer for persons found on or under the subject site or employed on the property, a residence for accessible from the subject site without the site caretaker or operator of a transporting aggregates on public roads (i.e. commercial or industrial establishment, or for aggregates cannot be brought in from the on-duty security personnel (e.g. at a another site to be processed here). Typical storage facility). No more than one uses include, but are not limited to, gravel security/operator dwelling unit is permitted pits, sand pits, clay pits, coal mining, and on a site. A security/operator dwelling unit stripping of topsoil. This use includes the shall not be used for general residential use processing (i.e. crushing, washing, cleaning, similar to that of a private title. sifting, sorting, combining with other “Special Dwelling Unit Type” means a yurt aggregates, stockpiling, and/or packaging) of or similar type and quality of canvas covered aggregates extracted from the subject site structure or other specialized structure that is only and does not include the wholesale or not a Detached Dwelling, a Duplex, a retail sale of aggregates and aggregate Manufactured Home, a Recreational Vehicle, products. a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model “Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Recreational Unit or any other dwelling unit Processing means the use of land or type listed elsewhere in this bylaw. A Special buildings where aggregate materials Dwelling Unit Type shall comply with all the extracted from another location and applicable development regulations listed in transported to the subject site are processed this bylaw. It is the responsibility of the (i.e. crushed, washed, cleaned, sifted, landowner to ensure that the special dwelling sorted, combined with other aggregates, unit type complies with the Alberta Safety stockpiled, and/or packaged). This use does Codes Act. not include aggregate extraction but does “Third or Additional Detached Dwelling or include the wholesale or retail sale of Manufactured Home” means the same as, aggregates and aggregate products. respectively, ‘Detached Dwelling’ and ‘Manufactured Home’ and is subject to the provisions of Section 68.2.

“Secondary Suite” means a self-contained dwelling unit located in a single detached “Truck and Manufactured Home dwelling or an ancillary building. A Sales/Rentals” means development used secondary suite shall include, but not be for the sale or rental of new or used trucks, limited to, a food preparation area which may motorhomes and manufactured homes be counter space, sink, refrigerator, stove or together with incidental maintenance provision of 220 volt wiring, a sleeping area services and the sale of parts and which may be separate from the living area accessories. Typical uses include, but are and toilet/bathing facilities. It also has an not limited to, truck dealerships, Recreational entrance separate from the entrance to the Vehicle sales and Manufactured Home principal building, either from a common dealerships. indoor landing or directly from the exterior of “Value-added Agricultural Industry” the structure. means a secondary agricultural activity or “Second Detached Dwelling or development that can clearly demonstrate it Manufactured Home” means the same as, adds value to a primary agricultural activity or respectively, ‘Detached Dwelling’ and product, and includes agricultural product ‘Manufactured Home’ and is subject to the manufacturing, food-processing activities, provisions of Section 68.2. and non-food-processing activities. Typical uses include, but are not limited to milling, “Security/Operator Dwelling Unit” means separating, grading, cleaning, processing, a secondary building or portion of a principal and packaging agricultural produce, making building used to provide on-site food products from produce such as jams

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

and cheese, and producing fibreboard from recycling or land filling of municipal, hemp or straw. A sales outlet directly to the industrial, household waste and hazardous public as an ancillary and sub-ordinate use waste, but does not include an automobile [approximately 100 m² (1,076 ft²) in total floor wrecker. area] is considered to be incidental to a Work Camp means a residential complex value-added agricultural industry. Agri- used to house camp workers by various tourism, organic farming, storage, contracting firms on a temporary basis, and distribution, and transportation are not without restricting the generality of the considered to be value-added agricultural above, the camp is usually made up of a activities. The production of cannabis is number of mobile units, clustered in such deemed to be included in this land use fashion as to provide sleeping, eating, definition however, where an industry recreation, and other basic living facilities. produces cannabis, the sale of cannabis The units may be dismantled and removed from that industry is prohibited and the from the site from time to time. Federal, operator of the industry would be required to Provincial or municipal work camps are obtain a separate development permit for exempt. “Cannabis Retail Sales”, provided the Land Use District in which the subject property is located, included that use. “Veterinary Clinic” means a facility for the medical care and treatment of animals, and includes provision for their overnight accommodation. The use of the facility as a kennel shall be limited to short time boarding while the animals are awaiting treatment or are recovering from treatment and shall be incidental to the hospital use. “Warehousing and Storage” means the use of a building and/or site primarily for the keeping of trucks, containers, rail cars, goods and merchandise, excluding dangerous or hazardous materials, derelict/dilapidated motor vehicles or parts thereof, or any waste material. It includes a moving company, a trucking terminal, an inter-modal transfer area, a railway yard/rail car storage, the storage of Recreational Vehicles (indoor or outdoor, including boats and ATV’s) and a self-storage facility. “Warehouse Sales” means a building at least 950m2 used for the wholesale or retail sale of a consumer goods. “Waste Management Facility” means a sanitary landfill, modified sanitary landfill, solid waste transfer station, hazardous waste management facility including a facility for the reclamation of contaminated soil, or dry waste site including municipal garbage bins, approved or registered pursuant to the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act for the processing, treatment, storing,

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

9. INTERPRETIVE DEFINITIONS development appeal, that is deemed by the Development Authority to be a complete 9.1 For the purposes of this Land Use application pursuant to the provisions of this Bylaw, unless the context requires Bylaw. otherwise, the following general interpretive definitions shall apply. “Applicant” means the person, company or Where a word or a term is not corporation that makes an application under this Bylaw or the Municipal Development defined here, the definition of that Plan. If the applicant is not the landowner the word or term shall be found in the applicant must obtain the written consent of County’s Municipal Development the landowner. Plan or, failing that, the general meaning of the word shall apply: “Balcony” means a platform, attached to and projecting from the face of a building with "Act" means the Municipal Government Act, or without a supporting structure above the R.S.A. 2000, C. M - 26, and amendments first storey, normally surrounded by a thereto and regulations thereunder, as balustrade or railing and used as an outdoor amended from time to time. porch or sundeck with access only from within the building. "Adjacent Land" means land that is contiguous to the parcel of land that is the “Bare Land Condominium Unit” means a subject of an Application and includes land unit in a bare land condominium that would be contiguous if not for a highway, development as described in the road, alley, railway, utility right-of-way, Condominium Property Act. publicly owned lot or reserve, waterbody, river, or stream and, in the opinion of the “Basement” means that portion of an above Development Authority, any other land; and grade building that is located wholly or adjacent landowner means a person holding partially below grade, the ceiling of which title to adjacent land. does not extend more than 50% of the height of the basement structure above grade. “Aggregate” means gravel, sand, clay, Basement does not mean an earth sheltered earth, shale, marl, peat, stone, or other non- home. mineral natural resources. "Bona Fide Producer" or bona fide “Aisle” means that portion of a parking lot or agricultural operation and other similar terms structure that accommodates the circulation mean a person or a corporation who holds or of vehicles. leases land located in the County of Stettler No. 6 and designated either in the “Alley” means an alley as defined in the Agricultural District or the Country Residence Highway Traffic Safety Act. Agricultural District of the Land Use Bylaw and classified as farm land for property tax “Amateur Radio Antenna” means an assessment purposes, and provided that the installation consisting of an antenna or land is used to produce at least one antenna array, mounted on a metal tower or agricultural product, either for personal support structure, designed for the purpose consumption or for commercial use. of the reception and transmission of radio signals by federally licensed amateur radio "Building" means anything constructed or operators. placed on, in, over, or under land but does not include a highway or road or a bridge “Application” means an application under forming part of a highway or road. this Bylaw or the Municipal Development Plan for a plan, a rezoning, a subdivision or "Building Height" means, in reference to a a development permit, and a subdivision or building or other structure, the maximum

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended vertical distance measured from the top of communal means of water supply or sewage average finished grade to the highest point of disposal, where final sewage disposal is off the building or structure that is not a roof or site, and to which two or more properties are part of a roof, a roof stairway entrance, an connected. elevator housing, a ventilating fan, skylight, steeple, chimney, smoke stack, firewall, “Condominium” means a building parapet wall, flag pole, roof sign, or similar containing units or a parcel of land containing feature or device not structurally essential to bare land units or other units as defined in the building. the Condominium Property Act.

“Cabin” means a structure designed and "Council" means the Council of the County used for short-term recreational use as part of Stettler No. 6. of a Campground or a Recreational Vehicle Park. "County" means the County of Stettler No. 6.

“Cannabis” means cannabis plant, fresh "County Road" means a road forming part cannabis, dried cannabis, cannabis oil and of the County Grid Road System and cannabis plant seeds and any other includes any diversions and additions substance defined as cannabis in the thereto, but excludes a highway. It also Cannabis Act (Canada) and its regulations, includes the public roads within a multi-lot as amended from time to time. subdivision.

“Cannabis Accessory” means cannabis “Deck, Ground Level” means a covered or accessory as defined in the Cannabis Act uncovered and enclosed or unenclosed (Canada) and its regulations, as amended amenity area of concrete, brick, wood or from time to time. other material that is constructed at grade or attached to a dwelling. The height of a “Canvas Covered Structure” means a ground level deck does not exceed 0.61 m (2 steel-framed, canvas/fabric membrane pre- ft) measured at any point on the deck from engineered building for temporary and finished grade to the surface height of the permanent industrial, commercial, residential deck. ancillary or agricultural applications including warehouses, equipment storage, “Deck, Raised” means a covered or manufacturing facilities, barns, stables, uncovered and enclosed or unenclosed arenas and event centers. The owner of the amenity area of concrete, brick, wood or land on which a canvas covered structure is other material that may be attached to a located is responsible to ensure that the dwelling. The height of a raised deck is appropriate building permits are obtained to greater than 0.61 m (2 ft) measured at any ensure all aspects of the development is in point on the deck from finished grade to the accordance with the Alberta Safety Codes surface height of the deck. Act including appropriate foundation construction and building anchoring. “Developable Land” means lands within the subject parcel which: “Carport” means a structure designed and (a) have slopes not exceeding a grade of used for the storage of private motor vehicles 15 percent; consisting of a roof supported on posts or (b) are not subject to erosion or columns and not enclosed on two or more subsidence; sides either attached to or separate from the (c) are not subject to flooding or seasonal principal building on a site. surface standing water; (d) have sufficient depth to the water table “Collectively or Communally Serviced” to accommodate suitable building means a system of pipes designed, foundations and an access road; constructed, or installed as a collective or (e) can support a private sewage disposal

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

system in which there is minimal, long- "Development Permit" means a document term risk that it will malfunction and authorizing a development pursuant to the contaminate surface water or provisions of this Bylaw. groundwater; and (f) has an adequate long-term supply of "Discretionary Use" means the use of land potable water where water is to be or of a building that is listed in the column supplied by a private well. captioned ‘Discretionary Uses’ in a table of uses for a land use district in this Bylaw, and "Development" means: for which, subject to the provisions of this (a) an excavation or stockpile and the Bylaw, a Development Permit may be issued creation of either of them, or upon an Application having been made. (b) a building or an addition to, or replacement or major repair of a "District" or “Land Use District” means an building and the construction or placing area of the County established as a land use in, on, over, or under land of any of district by this Bylaw. them, or (c) a change of use of land or a building or “Driveway” means a private road that an act done in relation to land or a provides vehicle access from an individual lot building that results in or is likely to or site to a public road. result in a change in the use of the land or building, or "Dwelling Unit" means a complete building (d) a change in the intensity of use of land or self-contained portion of a building used or a building or an act done in relation by not more than one household, and to land or a building that results in or is containing sleeping, cooking and sanitary likely to result in a change in the facilities intended as a residence and having intensity of use of the land or building. an independent entrance either directly from the outside of the building or through a and a development permit is required for any common area inside the building. In addition development, provided that a development to those buildings that are normally permit is not required for those considered to be a dwelling unit, for the developments listed under Section 16. purpose of this Bylaw, a Recreational Vehicle, a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model "Development Authority" means the Recreational Unit, a Special Dwelling Unit Municipal Planning Commission and the Type and a cabin are deemed to be a person or persons appointed as dwelling unit. Development Officer pursuant to this Bylaw, or both, as the case may be. “Enclosed” when used in reference to a deck does not include a 3.0 ft (0.91 m) high guard "Development Officer" means: rail. (a) a person authorized by resolution of Council to exercise the responsibilities “Farm Building” means any building that: of a Development Officer pursuant to (a) does not contain a residential this Bylaw, or occupancy; (b) where the Municipal Planning Commission is authorized to act as (b) is located on land used as a farm or is Development Officer, the Municipal zoned for agricultural use and directly Planning Commission, or supports the primary agricultural (c) where the Municipal Planning operation; Commission is authorized to act as Development Officer, in addition to a (c) has a low occupant load; and person appointed as the Development (d) is not used or occupied by, or expected Officer, either or both of them. to be used or occupied by, the public or

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

persons other than the farmer or is contained on the same title as land used in farmers that own the building, their connection with such farming operations. immediate family, and/or their employees that may be in the building “Flood Plain” means the area of land along from time to time; a river, stream, creek or other water body that is potentially at risk of flooding from time and the building is used for: to time. (a) housing livestock; "Floor Area, Gross (GFA)" means the total (b) storing, sorting, grading or bulk floor area of every room, passageway and packaging primary agricultural products, covered deck contained within the exterior or walls or attached to a building, including any above grade floor areas devoted exclusively (c) housing, storing or maintaining to storage or mechanical or electrical machinery associated with the operation equipment servicing the building, but does of the farm on which the building is not include the floor area of a basement located. (including any basement floor areas devoted exclusively to storage or mechanical or A farm building includes a structure, electrical equipment servicing the building), a excavation or stockpile that is located on loft space, a cellar, an attached or detached land that is used for farming and that is ancillary building, any portion of the building essential to and is used expressly and only that is not covered by a roof or enclosed by in connection with an agricultural operation walls on two or more sides, such as an open as defined in Section 8 that is directly porch, patio, verandah, or breezeway. associated with the farm on which the farm building is located. This may include, but is “Floor Area Ratio (FAR)” means the not limited to, a farm equipment/machinery numerical value obtained by dividing the total shed, a workshop, a warehouse, a granary, a Gross Floor Area of all permanent buildings hayshed, a quonset, a barn, the on a site by the total area of the site. establishment of a shelterbelt or a haystack or the excavation of a dugout or silage pit. “Garage” means an ancillary building that is ‘Farm Building’ does not include ‘Clustered separate from or attached to the principal Farm Dwellings and Associated Uses’, a building and which is designed and used Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home, a primarily for the storage of non-commercial Home Business, a Contractor’s Business – motor vehicles. Home Based or Not Home Based, a Guest Ranch, an Ancillary Building, a shop or any “Golf Course” means land and accessory other use, building, structure, excavation or buildings and uses related to the playing of stockpile that is used for a secondary farming the game of golf and without restricting the activity or for an activity not directly and generality of the foregoing includes pro shop, expressly related to farming. club house, restaurant, licensed dining area or lounge, driving range and picnic area. Although a farm building does not include a residential occupancy it may be attached to "Grade" means the highest level of finished a Detached Dwelling when a development ground elevation adjoining a building at any permit requesting this has been approved. exterior wall.

"Farming" means the use of land or “Greenhouse” means development for the buildings for the purpose of an agricultural growing, acclimating, propagating, operation as defined in Section 8. harvesting, displaying and selling of bedding, household and ornamental plants and may "Farmstead" means a dwelling unit and include accessory uses related to the storing, other improvements used in connection with displaying, and selling of gardening, nursery farming operations and situated on land that

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

and related products. frontage onto a controlled highway is not considered legal access for the purpose of “Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)” means the the Subdivision and Development total weight of a vehicle and its maximum Regulation (Alberta Regulation 43/2002). allowable load. “Hospital” means an institutional “Guest House” means an ancillary building development used to provide in-patient and which has sleeping accommodation and out-patient health care to the public. Typical sanitary facilities, but which does not have developments include a community health cooking facilities and is not intended to be centre and a full service hospital. used as a self-contained dwelling unit. “Hostel” means an establishment providing short-term accommodation for remuneration. “Habitable” means, in the case of a It may include recreational facilities but not residential building, a building that contains a additional services such as room service. It fully functional and serviceable dwelling unit, does not include a hotel or motel. and in the case of all other buildings intended for human occupation, means that a building "Internal Road" means a County road contains one or more washrooms as may be registered to provide access to a multi-lot required by the Safety Codes Act. Also see subdivision off of the County Township “Uninhabitable”. Roads and Range Roads.

“Hard surfacing” means asphalt, concrete, "Landowner" means the person(s) or other soil cement, paving stone, turf pavers or parties shown as the owner of land on the similar material or treatment, including a County’s Assessment Roll prepared variety of dust control measures, satisfactory pursuant to the Municipal Government Act or to the Development Authority that is used in the person(s) registered on the land title the construction of a road, driveway or under the Land Titles Act as the owner. parking area. means the modification and “Landscaping” enhancement of a site through the use of any “Hazard Lands” means lands with steep slopes (greater than 15 percent) or lands or all of the following elements: susceptible to flooding, erosion, or (a) Soft landscaping consisting of subsidence. vegetation such as trees, shrubs, hedges, grass and ground cover; “Height” means, in reference to a building or other structure, the maximum vertical (b) Hard landscaping consisting of non- distance measured from the top of average vegetative materials such as brick, finished grade to the highest point of the stone, washed rock, mulched media, building or structure that is not a roof or part concrete, tile, and wood, but excluding of a roof, a roof stairway entrance, an monolithic concrete and asphalt. It may elevator housing, a ventilating fan, skylight, include structures (e.g. a ground level steeple, chimney, smoke stack, firewall, deck) which are not more than two feet parapet wall, flag pole, roof sign, or similar above grade. feature or device not structurally essential to the building. “Land Titles Office” means an Alberta Land Title Registries office. "Highway" means a numbered road as “Livestock” means the raising and defined in the Act and that is designated as a production of animals such as poultry, controlled highway in accordance with the horses, cattle, bison, sheep, swine, goats, Public Highways Development Act. Pursuant bees, llamas, fur bearing animals raised in to the Act a highway is not considered a road captivity and domestic cervids, as defined in and pursuant to the Public Highways the Livestock Industry Diversification Act / development Act direct physical access to or the Livestock and Livestock Products Act,

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

including avi-culture, api-culture, and aqui- (b) In the case of a Corner Lot larger than culture. one acre in size, the Front Lot Line is the property line abutting the public roadway, “Loading Space” means a space provided other than an alley, from which the parcel on a site to accommodate a commercial takes access by an approach; and vehicle on a temporary basis for loading or unloading of goods and materials. (c) In the case of a Corner Lot formed by a curved corner, the Front Lot Line shall be “Lot Area” means the area of a lot or a bare the shorter of the two segments of the land condominium unit as defined in the property line lying between the point Condominium Property Act expressed in determined to be the actual corner and metric or imperial measure. the two points at the extremities of that property line. “Lot, Corner” means a lot having frontage on two or more road rights-of-way, other than or alleys, at their intersection or a bare land For a Double Frontage Lot: condominium unit having two contiguous property lines abutting common property (d) In the case of a lot that has frontage onto used as road access. a public roadway, other than an alley, on two opposing sides, the Front Lot Line is “Lot Depth” means the horizontal distance the property line abutting the public between the Front and Rear Lot Lines of a roadway, other than an alley, from which site. the parcel takes access by an approach. “Lot, Interior” means any lot or bare land “Lot Line, Rear" means either the property condominium unit, other than a corner lot. line of a lot or a bare land condominium unit which is furthest from and opposite the Front “Lot Line” means the legally defined Lot Line, or, where there is no such property boundary of any lot or bare land line, the point of intersection of any property condominium unit, or property line. See lines other than a Front Lot Line which is definitions for lot line front, lot line rear and furthest from and opposite the Front Lot Line. lot line side below. “Lot Line, Side” means the property line of “Lot Line, Front” means the property line a lot or a bare land condominium unit other separating a lot from an abutting public than a Front Lot Line or Rear Lot Line. roadway other than an alley, or the line separating a bare land condominium unit “Lot Width” means the horizontal distance from common property used as road access, between the Side Lot Lines of a site except as follows: measured at a distance from the Front Lot For a Corner Lot: Line equal to the minimum required Front Yard Setback (FYS) for the applicable Land (a) In the case of a Corner Lot smaller than Use District (see sketch). one acre in size, the Front Lot Line is the

shorter of the property lines abutting a public roadway, other than an alley, Side Lot Line Setback (FYS) Setback Front Lot Line except if the property lines abutting a Rear Lot Line Front Yard Front public roadway, other than an alley, are Lot Width of equal length, in which case the Front FYS Lot Line is the property line abutting the public roadway, other than an alley, from which the parcel takes access by an approach; Side Lot Line

“Market Garden” means the growing of

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

vegetables or fruit for commercial purposes picnic areas, playgrounds, pedestrian and and includes an area for the display and sale bicycle paths, landscaped areas and of goods or produce grown or raised on site. associated public washrooms.

"May" means that the ensuing action is “Parking Lot” means an area of land discretionary. providing for the parking of motor vehicles.

“Moved-in Building” means a building that “Parking Stall” means that portion of a has been assembled at and previously parking lot or structure that accommodates a occupied or used on a site other than the site parked vehicle. it is proposed to be moved-in to, and which is to be moved more or less whole to the “Permanent Building or Structure” means proposed location. A moved-in building may that the building or structure is affixed to a be any type of building that is listed as a permanent foundation or slab or to posts permitted or discretionary use in any land planted in the ground below the frost zone or use district, except a Manufactured Home, is not movable without demolishing or Recreational Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle – dismantling it. Park Model Recreational Unit or new ‘Ready-to-Move’ RTM Home. "Permitted Use" means the use of land or of a building, which is listed in the column "Municipal Planning Commission" means captioned ‘Permitted Uses’ in a table of uses the County of Stettler No. 6 Municipal for a land use district in this Bylaw, and for Planning Commission appointed by Council which, subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, pursuant to the Municipal Government Act. a Development Permit shall be issued, with or without conditions, upon an Application "Municipality" means the County of Stettler having been made. No. 6. “Planning and Subdivision Guidelines” "Parcel of Land" or “Lot” means: means Administrative Policy 1.27, which (a) where there has been a subdivision, deals with the preparation of area structure any parcel of land or block shown on a plans, outline plans and subdivision Plan of Subdivision that has been applications. registered in a Land Titles Office; (b) where a building affixed to the land that “Porch” means an entrance structure would without special mention be typically attached to the front or sides of a transferred by a transfer of land has residential building at the ground floor level, been erected on two (2) or more consisting of a roof and floor, where the front parcels of land or blocks shown on a and sides of the structure may be enclosed Plan of Subdivision that has been by solid walls or windows or unenclosed registered in a Land Titles Office, all where the front and/or sides remain open to those parcels of land or blocks; the elements. (c) a quarter section of land according to the system of surveys under the "Principal Building or Use" means the Surveys Act or any other area of land building or use of land that, in the opinion of described on a Certificate of Title; and the Development Authority, constitutes the for the purposes of this Bylaw the use of the dominant purpose for which the building or terms “Lot” and “Parcel” and “Site” shall be parcel of land is ordinarily used within the interchangeable within the context of the context of the general purpose statement of Bylaw. the land use district in which the parcel of land is situated. “Park” means land developed for public recreational activities that do not require “Public Road” means the right-of-way for a major buildings or facilities, and includes highway, street, or alley that is registered at

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the Land Titles Office and is used or intended Park Model Trailer is built on a single chassis to be used to accommodate vehicular traffic. mounted on wheels and has one or more slide-outs, and conforms to the CSA Z-241 "Prohibited Use" means the use of land or Standard for Recreational Vehicles, or the of a building, which is listed in the column equivalent. It does not include a captioned ‘Prohibited Uses’ in a table of uses Manufactured Home or a Recreational for a land use district in this Bylaw, and for Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit. A which, subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Trailer is a Development Permit shall not be issued, not allowed to be placed on a basement or with or without conditions, under any other permanent foundation. circumstances. “Religious Assembly” means a “Ready-to-Move (RTM) Home” means a development including any meeting halls prefabricated, transportable frame or shell of used for spiritual worship and related a partially completed dwelling unit built in a religious, charitable, educational or social factory in compliance with the Alberta activities. Typical accessory uses include, Building Code. It leaves the factory as an but are not limited to, administrative offices, incomplete dwelling unit that is transported in accessory manses, rectories or parish sections to the building site and completed houses. in-situ to form one or more complete dwelling units. An RTM home shall be placed on a “Residential Building” means a building permanent foundation or a basement. An that is designed, constructed, equipped and RTM home has no chassis, running gear, or serviced to accommodate one or more wheels. An RTM home, once assembled on- dwelling units. site, may be a detached dwelling, a multi- attached dwelling or a multiple family "Road" means land: dwelling as defined in this land use bylaw. A (a) shown as a road on a Plan of Survey single RTM home is a detached dwelling that has been filed or registered in a when it has a minimum dimension of 7.3m Land Titles Office, or (24ft) measured on the shortest side of the (b) used as a public road, unit, with an eaves overhang of at least 46 and includes a bridge forming part of a public cm (18 in) measured perpendicularly from road and any structure incidental to a public the vertical exterior wall. For the purposes of road, but does not include a Highway. this land use bylaw a single RTM home that qualifies as a detached dwelling does not “Satellite Dish Antenna” means: include a Manufactured Home, a (a) an antenna the purpose of which is to Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational receive signals from orbiting satellites; Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit as (b) a low noise amplifier (LNA) situated at defined in this bylaw. An RTM home is the focal point of the receiving sometimes referred to as a modular home. component the purpose of which is to magnify and transfer signals; "Recreational Vehicle – Park Model (c) a cable the purpose of which is to Trailer" means a Recreational Vehicle transmit signals; and, designed to be towed by a heavy duty tow (d) other associated components. vehicle but is of a restricted size and weight so that it does not require a special highway “Screening” means a fence, berm or movement permit. The maximum width when vegetative buffer used to visually separate being towed is 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in). This type of areas, land uses or functions. recreational vehicle is designed for infrequent relocation, and is not fitted with a “Sea-can” means an inter-modal cargo 12 volt system for fixtures and appliances. container for marine, rail, and truck transport. Once on a site in the set-up mode, it must be "Secondary Road" means a road connected to public or private utilities. The designated as a Secondary Road pursuant

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to the Public Highways Development Act, expressed as a percentage of the total site and amendments thereto. area. Only buildings and structures that are located at or above grade are included in site “Setback” means the distance that a coverage calculation, including accessory development must be set back from a lot line buildings or structures. Excluded from the or any other feature of a site as specified by site coverage calculation are steps, eaves, this Bylaw. A setback is not a yard. cornices, and other similar projections, driveways, aisles or parking lots [unless they "Shall" means that the ensuing action is mandatory. are part of a parking garage which extends 0.9 m (3 ft) or more above grade], “Shop” means a stand-alone building unenclosed inner and outer courts or associated with a commercial or industrial terraces and patios which are less than 0.9 use for the operation of a single business m (3 ft) above grade. including the storage of materials and equipment associated with that business. A “Site Plan” – means a plan submitted in shop is not an ancillary building or a farm support of a development permit application, building. the approval of which may require a development servicing agreement, including "Should" means that the ensuing action is matters such as engineering drawings for recommended but not mandatory. sewage disposal, storm drainage, water, roads, etc. “Sight Triangle” – see next page. "Statutory Plan" means a Municipal means that triangle formed “Sight Triangle” Development Plan, an Inter-municipal by a straight line drawn between two points Development Plan, an Area Structure Plan, on the lot lines of a lot from the point where and an Area Redevelopment Plan adopted the lot lines intersect (see sketch). by a Bylaw of the Municipality, or any one or

more of them.

“Storey” means that portion of a building which is situated between the top of any floor and the top of the floor next above it, and if there is no floor above it, that portion between the top of a floor and the ceiling above it. A basement (including a raised basement, or a loft space is deemed not to be a storey. “Sign” means any structure, device, light or fixture, or any part thereof, used to identify, “Structure” means anything constructed or advertise or attract attention to any person, erected, the use of which requires location object, product, event, place, organization, on the ground or attachment to something institution, development, business, group, located on the ground not including profession, enterprise or industry and is pavements, curbs, walks, open air surfaced intended to be seen from on or off the site areas and movable vehicles. where the sign is located. The various types of signs are further defined in this Bylaw. “Structural Alteration” means any change to the roof, foundation or exterior walls of a “Site” means an area of land consisting of structure that results in the expansion of the one or more abutting lots under single usable floor area of a structure, or reduces ownership or control. existing setback distances.

“Site Coverage” means the total horizontal “Subdivision” means the division of one area of all buildings or structures on a site parcel of land into two or more smaller

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

parcels by a plan of subdivision or other typically located at the front or sides of a instrument. residential dwelling at the ground floor entry level, consisting of a roof and floor, where the Subdivision Plan – means a plan submitted front and sides of the structure remain open for preliminary or conditional subdivision to the outside elements. approval for a single or a multi-lot subdivision, the approval of which may "Yard" means a part of a parcel of land upon require a subdivision servicing agreement, or over which no building or structure other including matters such as engineering than a boundary fence is permitted to be drawings for sewage disposal, storm erected, except for specifically permitted drainage, water, roads, etc. encroachments and accessory buildings pursuant to the provisions of this Bylaw. See "Subdivision and Development Appeal definitions for yard front, yard rear and yard Board" means the Board established by side below. Council pursuant to the Municipal Govern- ment Act. “Yard, Front” means a yard that extends across the full width of a parcel of land and is "Subdivision and Development measured perpendicularly from the front lot Regulation" means the Subdivision and line where it abuts a road to the nearest Development Regulation (Alberta Regulation exterior front wall of the principal building. 43/2002), as amended. See definition for lot line.

“Uninhabitable” means, when used in “Yard, Rear” means a yard extending reference to a dwelling unit, that a structure across the full width of a parcel of land and has been constructed or altered to such an measured perpendicularly from the rear lot extent that it is not suitable for permanent line to the nearest exterior rear wall of the residential occupancy, to the satisfaction of principal building and/or the nearest exterior the Development Authority. Typically this rear wall of a detached ancillary building. means that the cooking facilities (i.e. electric See definition for lot line. stove) and associated electrical wiring have been removed or rendered inoperative by a “Yard, Side” means a yard extending from qualified electrician and written proof from the front yard to the rear yard and measured that electrician is provided. Also see perpendicularly from a side lot line to the “Habitable”. nearest exterior side wall of the principal building and/or the nearest exterior side wall “Variance” means an alteration or change of a detached ancillary building. See to a development standard prescribed by this definition for lot line. Bylaw that is authorized by the Development Authority, the Subdivision Authority or the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

“Vehicle Oriented Use” means a land use that predominantly caters services to automotive traffic. Vehicle oriented uses include but are not limited to gas bars, service stations, drive-through financial institutions, drive-in food services, drive- through vehicle services, car washes, and similar developments providing drive-in services in which patrons generally remain within their vehicles.

“Veranda” means an entrance structure

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended



County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


10.1 The Development Authority is established by this Bylaw pursuant to the Municipal Government Act.

10.2 The Development Authority shall consist of: (a) the Municipal Planning Commission; and (b) the Development Officer; and (c) Council; and each of these shall exercise the powers and duties assigned in this Bylaw on behalf of the County.


11.1 The office of Development Officer is hereby established and shall be filled by a person or persons appointed by resolution of Council.

11.2 The Development Officer shall:

(a) be a Development Authority for all purposes of the Act and this Bylaw except where authority is given to the Municipal Planning Commission or to Council.

(b) assist and advise the Municipal Planning Commission, Council and the public with respect to the requirements of this Bylaw and other pertinent legislation and policies, and in regard to the planning of orderly and economical development within the County.

(c) keep and maintain, for the inspection of the public during regular office hours, a copy of this Bylaw and any adopted Statutory Plans and all amendments thereto and ensure that copies of the same are available to the public at a reasonable charge set by Council from time to time.

(d) keep and maintain and make available for inspection by the public during regular office hours a register for all Development Permit applications and the decisions made thereon, for a minimum period of three years.

(e) receive and process all Development Permit applications.

(f) approve, with or without conditions as authorized by this Bylaw and the Act, and issue any Development Permit application for a permitted use in any land use district, including any Direct Control Districts that delegates the approval of permitted uses to the Development Officer, that complies in all respects with the regulations and/or standards of the applicable district or which does not comply with the regulations and/or standards of the applicable district but of which the variance does not exceed the variance authority of the Development Officer pursuant to Section 23.3;

(g) refer, with recommendations, to the Municipal Planning Commission any Development Permit application for a permitted use in any land use district that does not comply with the regulations and/or standards of the applicable district and of which the variance exceeds the variance authority of the Development Officer pursuant to Section 23.3;

(h) refer, with recommendations, to the Municipal Planning Commission any

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Development Permit application for a discretionary use in any land use district, including any Direct Control Districts that delegates the approval of discretionary uses to the Municipal Planning Commission.

(i) refer all Development Permit applications in any Direct Control District to Council, except when the Direct Control District regulations delegate Council’s authority to the Development Authority, in which case the Development Officer shall refer the application to the Municipal Planning Commission.

(j) prepare and maintain such forms and notices as he or she may deem necessary.

(k) notify the applicant and adjacent landowners of and advertise through the local newspaper any Notice of Decision issued by the Municipal Planning Commission or any Development Permit issued or variance approved by the Development Officer.

(l) issue a Development Permit for which the Municipal Planning Commission has issued a Notice of Decision and which has not been appealed.

(m) prepare the agenda for the regular meetings of the Municipal Planning Commission and keep and maintain the minutes of those meetings.

11.3 The Development Officer may: (a) approve, with or without conditions as authorized by this Bylaw and the Act, any Development Permit application for a permitted use in any land use district, including any Direct Control District that delegates the approval of permitted uses to the Development Officer, and which does not comply in all respects with the regulations and/or standards of the applicable district, provided that the required variance does not exceed the restrictions on variance powers of the Development Officer set out in this Bylaw. (b) refer any Development Permit application to the Municipal Planning Commission which in his/her opinion should be decided by the Municipal Planning Commission. (c) refer any planning or development matter to the Municipal Planning Commission for its review, support or advice.


12.1 The Municipal Planning Commission is hereby established pursuant to the Act.

12.2 The Municipal Planning Commission shall:

(a) be a Development Authority for all purposes of the Act and this Bylaw except where authority is given to the Development Officer or to Council.

(b) The Commission shall hold meetings and undertake such actions as are necessary to fulfill the powers and duties of the Commission.

(c) consider and either approve, with or without conditions as authorized by this Bylaw and the Act, or refuse any Development Permit application referred to it by the Development Officer.

(d) consider and state terms and conditions on any other planning or development

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

matter referred to it by the Development Officer or with respect to which it has jurisdiction under this Bylaw.

(e) in making its decisions, seek to achieve orderly, economical and beneficial development, use of land and patterns of settlement; and to maintain and improve the quality of the physical environment.

(f) exercise any other powers and duties assigned to it by bylaw of the County Council.

12.3 The Municipal Planning Commission shall, by default, consist of all members of County Council.

12.4 A member of the Municipal Planning Commission shall not at the same time be: (a) a County Development Officer; or (b) a member of the County Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

12.5 The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Municipal Planning Commission shall be appointed annually by resolution of Council.

12.6 In the event that both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are absent from a meeting, the members present, in constituting a quorum, shall elect one of its members to act as the Chairman for that meeting.

12.7 A meeting of the Commission is duly convened if a quorum of its members is present. A quorum of the Commission shall consist of a majority of the members.

12.8 Only those members of the Commission present at a duly convened meeting of the Commission shall be able to vote on a matter at the meeting.

12.9 A decision of the majority of members present at a duly convened meeting of the Commission shall be deemed to be the decision of the whole Commission.

12.10 In the event of a tie vote the matter before the Commission shall be deemed to be denied.

12.11 A member of the Commission that has direct pecuniary interest in a matter before the Commission, or is aware of any reason which may lead to a possible bias on the matter, shall declare an interest or likelihood of bias to the Commission and shall abstain from discussion and voting on the matter, and such abstention shall be recorded in the minutes.

12.12 The Development Officer shall prepare agendas and minutes of Commission meetings and further is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Commission any order, notice of decision, development permit or other thing made, given, or issued by the Commission through its minutes, except the approved minutes themselves.

12.13 The Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Commission must sign the minutes of the previous Commission meeting only if they were approved at a duly convened meeting of the Commission.

12.14 The Municipal Planning Commission may make rules as are necessary for the conduct of its meetings and its business that are consistent with this Bylaw and the Act.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

13. SUBDIVISION AUTHORITY 13.1 The Subdivision Authority is hereby established pursuant to the Act. 13.2 The Municipal Planning Commission is hereby appointed as the Subdivision Authority pursuant to the Act. The Municipal Planning Commission shall conduct its business as the Subdivision Authority in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of this Bylaw. 13.3 As the Subdivision Authority, the Municipal Planning Commission shall exercise those powers, functions and duties of the Subdivision Authority described in the Municipal Development Plan, as amended from time to time. 13.4 The Chief Administrative Officer, or his/her designate, is the signing authority for all subdivision-related matters. 13.5 All subdivisions shall comply with Administrative Policy 1.27 Planning and Subdivision Guidelines.

Substandard Lots 13.6 The Subdivision Authority may consider for approval a subdivision application that does not meet the minimum measurable standards of this Bylaw up to the variances provided for in Sections 23.3 and 23.4, except if the variance is otherwise expressly prohibited by this Bylaw or any other statute or regulation. 13.7 The Subdivision Authority may consider for approval a subdivision application for a developed parcel that does not meet the minimum measurable standards of this Bylaw after the variances provided for in Sections 23.3 and 23.4 have been allowed for, only if the purpose of the subdivision is to accommodate a development that existed on the date of the initial adoption of this Bylaw (March 9, 2011).

Right of Appeal 13.8 If an Application for subdivision is refused or if a decision is not made within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of the completed Application, or within such longer period as the Applicant may approve in writing, only the Applicant, affected government agencies and school authorities may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board pursuant to Section 34.

14. SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD 14.1 The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is hereby established pursuant to the Act. 14.2 The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall hear appeals of: (a) a decision of the County’s Subdivision Authority as provided for in the Act or its Development Authority as provided for in the Act, including a condition of approval; (b) the Subdivision Authority’s or the Development Authority’s refusal or failure to make a decision within the time allowed for a decision established in the Act; (c) a Stop Work Order issued by the County’s Development Authority. 14.3 The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall consist of at least five citizens-at- large appointed by resolution of Council, three or more of whom will preside at each hearing. 14.4 A member of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall not at the same time be:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

(a) a County Development Officer, a County Development Authority or a person who carries out subdivision powers and duties on behalf of the County; or (b) an employee of the County; or (c) a member of the County Municipal Planning Commission; or (d) a member of the County Subdivision Authority; (e) a member of County Council. 14.5 Each member of the Board shall be appointed for a term specified by resolution of Council, but in no case shall the appointment be for more than three years. Notwithstanding this, a person may be reappointed to the Board upon the expiration of that person’s term. 14.6 In the event of a vacancy, Council may by resolution appoint a new member to serve for the remainder of the vacating member’s term. 14.7 Council shall appoint by resolution a person or persons to serve as secretary to the Board, who shall: (a) not have a vote; (b) receive notices of appeal on behalf of the Board; (c) prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Board; (d) notify all members of the meetings of the Board; (e) notify in writing at least five days prior to a hearing, the Appellant, the Development Authority, those landowners required under this Bylaw and any other persons the Board considers to be affected by the subject of the hearing; (f) prepare and maintain a file of written minutes of the business transacted at all meetings of the Board; (g) for each hearing, record and issue a decision of the Board and its findings, with reasons, to all affected parties; (h) be authorized to sign on behalf of the Board any order, notice of decision, development permit, endorsement of a subdivision plan or other thing made, given, or issued by the Board, except the approved minutes themselves; (i) undertake such other duties as the Board may require. 14.8 The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall hold such meetings as are necessary to fulfill the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board responsibilities. 14.9 A meeting of the Board to hear an appeal must be convened within thirty days of receiving notice of an appeal in accordance with the Act. 14.10 A meeting of the Board is duly convened if a quorum of its members is present. A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of the three members present at each hearing. 14.11 If the County has not appointed a Registered Professional Planner as the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of the Board shall be appointed at each hearing by the members present.

14.12 The Chairman: a) is responsible for the conduct of the meeting; and b) may limit a submission or presentation if, in his/her opinion, it is deemed to be repetitious or inappropriate in any manner.

14.13 A member of the Board that has direct pecuniary interest in a matter before the Board, or is aware of any reason which may lead to a possible bias on the matter, shall declare an interest or likelihood of bias to the Board and shall abstain from discussion and voting on the matter, and such abstention shall be recorded in the minutes.

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14.14 The meetings of the Board to hear an appeal shall be in public, but the Board may recess at any time to deliberate in private.

14.15 A request to adjourn a hearing may be granted at the Board’s discretion, but any adjournment must be to a specific date and time.

14.16 The Board may upon its own volition adjourn a hearing to a specific date and time to request technical information, legal opinions or other information desired by the Board.

14.17 Upon conclusion of the hearing the Board shall deliberate and reach its decision in private.

14.18 Only those members present at a whole hearing during a duly convened meeting of the Board shall be able to vote on the appeal.

14.19 A decision of the majority of members present at a duly convened meeting of the Board shall be deemed to be the decision of the whole Board.

14.20 In the event of a tie vote the appeal before the Board shall be deemed to be denied.

14.21 The Board shall issue its decision on an appeal in writing, together with reasons for the decision, within fifteen days of the conclusion of the hearing.

14.22 A decision of the Board is not final until notification of the decision is given in writing.

14.23 The Board may make rules as are necessary for the conduct of its meetings and its business that are consistent with this Bylaw and the Act.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

15. CONTROL OF DEVELOPMENT 15.1 Except as otherwise provided for in Section 16 of this Bylaw, no development or use shall be commenced, undertaken or conducted within the County unless the person commencing, undertaking or conducting the development or use and/or the landowner on whose property the development or use is to be commenced, undertaken or conducted has applied for a Development Permit in respect of the development and the Development Authority has issued a Development Permit pursuant to this Bylaw; and further unless the development or use is commenced, undertaken or conducted and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the development permit. 15.2 The provisions and regulations of this Bylaw do not apply retro-actively to an existing legal development and shall not be imposed on an existing legal development unless the existing legal development is on a parcel of land that is the subject of a new development permit application or a new subdivision application.

16. DEVELOPMENT DEEMED APPROVED 16.1 A Development Permit is not required if the development or use is restricted exclusively to the following, provided that the for the following uses or developments provided that the development shall otherwise comply with all applicable provisions and regulations of this Bylaw: (a) any use or development exempted from the provisions of Part 17 of the Act; (b) altering, renovating, upgrading, maintaining or repairing any existing building (except a non-conforming building), provided that the work does not change the use or intensity of use of the building or adds to or changes the footprint of the existing building; (c) an ‘Agricultural Operation’ on a parcel where it is listed as a use in a land use district under Part 7 of this Bylaw and where the parcel is larger than ten acres and is not a part of or within one mile of a multi-lot subdivision or hamlet.. Where an ‘Agricultural Operation’ does not comply with the provisions of this Bylaw (e.g. setback requirements) a development permit is required. Where a farm building that was intended to be used as part of an Agricultural Operation is used for a Home Business, Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based or other commercial or industrial operations, a development permit is required; (d) a farm stall on skids and having a floor area of 100 ft² maximum; (e) parking or storing for commercial purposes, subject to Sections 70.1(d), 70.3, 74 and 75, up to a maximum of three (3) of any combination of the following: Recreational Vehicle (e.g. motor home, camper, travel trailer, tent trailer, fifth wheel), boat, snowmobile ,or ATV on a parcel in the Agricultural District or the Country Residence Agricultural District that is not part of a multi-lot subdivision; (f)(e) the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75; (g) the placement of a manufactured home within an approved manufactured home park; (h)(f) the placement of a Recreational Vehicle in an approved Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground in those Districts where this use is allowed; (i)(g) the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of private roads and utilities, including a satellite dish antenna 1.0 m (3.0 ft) or less in diameter, on a single parcel in any land use district where such use or development is listed as a permitted use; (j)(h) the gravelling or hard surfacing of any area on private land for the purpose of providing vehicular or pedestrian access or parking, that is part of a development for which a Development Permit has been issued, or, if the gravelling or hard surfacing

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is not part of a development for which a Development Permit has been issued, where such access or the parking area does not drain onto adjacent properties (County approval is still required for access onto a municipal road); (k)(i) the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of public roads and utilities in any land use district by or on behalf of a federal, provincial or municipal government agency or authority and where such use or development is listed as a permitted use; (l) the temporary use of land or a building, for a period not exceeding six months, by or on behalf of a federal, provincial or municipal government agency or authority; (m)(j) any development carried out by or on behalf of a federal, provincial or municipal government agency or authority, other than those stated in Sections 16.1(k) and (l) above, excluding any use that is listed as a discretionary use in any land use district or the installation of communication antennae and structures [other than those stated in Section 16.1(x)], the extraction or processing of sand, gravel and surface minerals, a waste management facility, a wastewater treatment facility or any other development that is reasonably considered a nuisance or of a noxious nature or that requires a setback distance or a referral pursuant to the Subdivision and Development Regulation under the Municipal Government Act; (n)(k) the temporary use of land or a building or part thereof as a polling station, a candidate's campaign office, or any other official temporary use in connection with a federal, provincial or municipal election or referendum or census; (o)(l) the construction or maintenance of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure) not more than 6.0 feet (1.83 meter) in height, except where corner lot restrictions apply; (p)(m) t he placement of an outdoor advertisement or sign subject to Section 83 of this Bylaw; the temporary erection, installation or use of machinery, equipment, structures or buildings (such as a construction trailer) that is incidental to the implementation of development for which a Development Permit has been issued under this Bylaw, and which will be removed once construction has been completed. This does not include a real estate sales office, show home or similar use or building; (q)(n) the demolition of a building or structure that is assessed by the County for tax purposes, where a Development Permit has been issued for a new development or structure on the same site, and the demolition of the existing building or structure is implicit in that permit; (r)(o) the construction or placement of an Ancillary Building that does not exceed 17.85 m2 (192 ft2) in area and is not permanently attached to the ground (i.e. it is built on skids) provided that no portion of the building is located within the required yard setbacks; (s)(p) development within an existing basement which does not change or add to the intensity of uses within an existing building; (t)(q) the construction of: (i) an uncovered and unenclosed ground level deck located in a rear or side yard in any District; and (ii) an uncovered and unenclosed raised deck that is located in a rear or side yard in any District and is not closer than 30 metre to any property line; (u)(r) a concession booth selling food, beverage and equipment or gifts related to the principle use, as an accessory use in any principle building or use that involves public gatherings as part of its usual operations; (v)(s) subject to Section 60.17, excavation and construction site preparation (i.e. land clearing, survey cut lines, topsoil stripping and site grading) that is part of a

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development for which a Development Permit has been issued or that is part of a multi-lot subdivision development for which a Subdivision Approval has been issued; (w)(t) the erection of a communication antenna and structure not exceeding 9.14 m (30 ft) in height from the finished grade; (x)(u) landscaping where the proposed finished grades are such that overland drainage or slope stability of the subject land or adjacent properties will not be adversely affected, except where a Development Permit allows for such landscaping; and (y)(v) the placement of a sea-can or a canvas covered structure as an ‘Ancillary Building’ or an ‘Agricultural Operation’ on a parcel in any land use district where these uses are listed but only if the parcel is located outside of and not adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision, subject to Section 49 and Section 80.

17. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION - PLANS AND INFORMATION REQUIRED 17.1 An Application for a Development Permit shall be made to the Development Officer in writing on the prescribed form. 17.2 Before the Development Officer will accept and/or process an application for a Development Permit affecting land adjacent to a provincial highway, the Applicant shall obtain a roadside development permit from Alberta Transportation. See Section 58.23. 17.3 Before the Development Officer will accept and/or process an application for a Development Permit for a building larger than 47 m² (506 ft²) or for an addition to an existing building that will, as a result of the addition, become larger than 47 m² (506 ft²), affecting land on which an abandoned oil or gas well may be present, the Applicant shall obtain abandoned well information from the Energy Resources Conservation Board and provide same to the Development Officer. The information regarding abandoned wells is available on the ERCB’s Abandoned Well Viewer on their website at If it appears that a potential conflict between abandoned well locations and the proposed surface development may exist, the Applicant must contact the licensee of record for the abandoned well(s) for any additional information that may be required or to physically locate the abandoned well. If the proponent is unable to contact the licensee of record using the information provided on the ERCB’s Abandoned Well Viewer, the ERCB may be able to assist with additional contact information (telephone 1-855-297-8311 or email [email protected]). Also refer to Section 58.15. The County will assist applicants with this process where possible. 17.4 In addition to the completed application form, the following are required in order to complete an application: (a) One (1) site plan at a scale of 1:100, unless otherwise acceptable to the Development Officer, plus one (1) copy of the site plan reduced to standard page size, plus, when digitally produced, one digital PDF format of the site plan, showing the following, subject to the discretion of the Development Officer: (i) north arrow and scale of plan; (ii) legal description of property; (iii) municipal address; (iv) lot lines shown with dimensions; (v) proposed front, side and rear yards shown with dimensions; (vi) site topography, drainage patterns, grades and special conditions; (vii) location of existing/proposed buildings or structures (dimensioned to property lines); (viii) development density, site coverage calculations, height and number of storeys according to the definitions of this Bylaw; (ix) location of existing/proposed on-site water and sewage disposal services;

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(x) location of all registered utility easements and rights-of-way; (xi) location of existing and proposed vegetation, landscaping, retaining walls and other physical features on a site, and an indication of which existing features will be retained/removed in the course of developing the project; (xii) dimension layout of existing and proposed off-street parking and loading areas, entrances, exits and abutting roads (labelled); and (xiii) existing and proposed use of the existing and proposed building and/or property; (b) a copy of the Certificate of Title indicating ownership or the payment of an amount as determined from time to time by bylaw of Council, to the County for obtaining this information on the applicant’s behalf; (c) if the applicant is an agent of the landowner, a letter from the landowner verifying the agent’s authority to make the application; (d) the estimated commencement and completion dates; (e) the estimated value of the project; and (f) the applicable development permit fee.

17.5 In addition to the requirements of Section 17.4, the Development Authority may require any of the following: (a) plans showing elevations, floor plan and the perspective of the proposed development including a description of the exterior finishing materials, colours and signs; (b) a map showing the designated land use of the project site and of all properties located within 92 m (300 ft) of the boundaries of the site; (c) engineering plans or a statement of intent respecting the provision of water and sewage disposal services, and franchise utilities to the site, and the location of all services and utilities; (d) a lot grading plan; (e) a landscaping plan; (f) photographic prints or slides showing the site in its existing state; (g) a Plan of Survey or a Real Property Report prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor showing the site to be developed; (h) a geotechnical or floodplain study prepared by a qualified engineer recognized by APEGGA if in the opinion of the Development Authority the site is potentially hazardous or unstable; (i) a reclamation plan for aggregate extraction or other major surface disturbance; (j) a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, conducted according to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) guidelines, to determine potential contamination and mitigation; (k) an Environmental Impact Review prepared by a qualified professional if the proposed development may, in the opinion of the Development Authority, result in potentially significant environmental effects; (l) detailed studies regarding the potential impact and approach to dealing with traffic, utilities and storm drainage prepared by a qualified engineer or engineering technologist recognized by APEGGA; (m) elevations of any signs proposed for the development; and (n) such other information that is deemed necessary by the Development Authority.

17.6 The Development Authority may deal with an application without any or all of the information required by Sections 17.4 or 17.5 if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, a decision can be properly made on the application without that information.

17.7 The Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission, as the case may be,

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may refuse to accept an Application for a Development Permit where the information required by Section 17.4 and 17.5 has not been supplied or if in their opinion the quality of the material supplied is inadequate to properly evaluate the Application.


18.1 In addition to the requirements of Sections 17.4 and 17.5, an application for a development permit for the demolition of a building shall include the following information: (a) the value of the building; (b) the alternatives to demolition if the building is of historic or architectural value; (c) the purpose for the building demolition and the type of structure to replace the demolished building; (d) a work schedule of the demolition and site cleanup; (e) the destination of debris materials; and (f) the length of time before the site is to be redeveloped and treatment of the site after demolition but prior to development.

19. FEES

19.1 The fees to be charged by the County on all applications and other matters arising under this Bylaw are set forth in the County’s Fee Bylaw.


20.1 By applying for and accepting the issuance of any approval from the County the applicant and/or landowner or the owner of an approval issued by the County is deemed to have consented to a person designated by the County to enter upon the subject land during the processing of an application and/or subsequent to the issuance of an approval for the purpose of inspection and ensuring compliance with conditions of approval or otherwise compliance with the Land Use Bylaw. Such inspections shall occur at any reasonable time during County office hours from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.


21.1 Prior to making a decision on any development permit application the Development Authority: (a) may refer any development permit application to any County department and/or an adjacent Municipality or any other agency, board, adjacent landowner or other person which in his/her opinion may provide relevant comments or advice respecting the Application; and (b) shall refer any development permit application to those government agencies as required by the Subdivision and Development Regulation (Alberta Regulation 43/2002) as amended from time to time.

21.2 After 30 days from the date of referral to any County department, any external agency or any adjacent landowner, the Development Authority may deal with the application whether or not comments have been provided, except if such comment is required by this bylaw.

22. DECISION ON DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS 22.1 In making a decision on a Development Permit application for a Permitted Use, the Development Authority: (a) shall approve, with or without conditions, the application if the proposed development

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conforms with this Bylaw; or (b) shall refuse the application if the proposed development does not conform to this Bylaw. 22.2 In making a decision on a Development Permit application for a Discretionary Use, the Development Authority: (a) may approve the application if it meets the requirements of this Bylaw, with or without conditions, based on the merits of the application; or (b) may refuse the application even though it meets the requirements of this Bylaw; or (c) shall refuse the application if the proposed development does not conform to this Bylaw. 22.3 In reviewing a development permit application for a Discretionary Use, the Development Authority shall have regard to the circumstances and merits of the application, including but not limited to the following: (a) the impact on properties in the vicinity of such nuisance effects as smoke, airborne emissions, earthborne vibrations, odours and noise; (b) the design, character and appearance of the proposed development and in particular whether it is compatible with the surrounding properties; (c) any or all of the matters listed in Sections 24.1 and 24.2, but not necessarily limited to those considerations; (d) the servicing and access requirements for the proposed development. 22.4 Subject to Section 23.2 the Development Authority shall refuse a development permit for a use or development that is not listed as a Permitted or Discretionary Use, or that is listed as a Prohibited Use, or require that the applicant apply to amend the Land Use Bylaw or rezone the property to an appropriate land use district.

23. VARIANCE AUTHORITY 23.1 Notwithstanding Sections 22.1(b) and 22.2(c) the Development Authority may decide on a development permit application even though the proposed development does not comply with this Bylaw or is a non-conforming building or use if, in the opinion of the Municipal Planning Commission: (a) the proposed development would not: (i) unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood; or (ii) materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring parcels of land; and (b) the proposed development conforms to the use prescribed for the land in this Bylaw. 23.2 Notwithstanding Sections 22.4 and 23.1(b) the list of discretionary uses for any land use district shall be deemed to include any use that is, in the opinion of the Development Authority, consistent with the overall intent of the land use district and similar in nature and purpose to a listed permitted or discretionary use, and which conforms to the general purpose of the district. 23.3 Pursuant to Section 23.1 and subject to Sections 23.7 and 23.8 the Development Officer may allow a variance of any minimum or maximum development standard in this Bylaw of up to a maximum of 10% of the stated standard. 23.4 Pursuant to Section 23.1 and subject to Sections 23.7 and 23.8 the Municipal Planning Commission may: (a) allow a variance of any rear yard or side yard setback requirement in this Bylaw in order to correct an omission, error or other defect or to address site specific

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conditions, any of which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, cause unreasonable hardship and would not unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood or materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of adjacent parcels of land; and (b) allow a variance of any other minimum or maximum development standard in this Bylaw of up to a maximum of 25% of the stated standard. Also refer to Sections 13.6, 13.7, 23.7, 23.8 and 66.8. 23.5 Pursuant to Section 23.1 and subject to Section 23.8 and notwithstanding Section 43.12, the Municipal Planning Commission may allow a variance to locate an ancillary building in the front yard of a parcel. 23.6 Notwithstanding Section 23.4 and pursuant to Section 23.1 and subject to Sections 23.7 and 23.8 the Municipal Planning Commission may allow a variance of any minimum or maximum development standard in this Bylaw as may be necessary in its sole discretion to allow a legal non-conforming building or substandard parcel that existed on or was approved before the effective date of this Bylaw to be brought into conformance with the provisions of this Bylaw. 23.7 Notwithstanding the variance powers granted in Sections 23.3, 23.4 and 23.6, for the purpose of fire protection the Development Authority shall not approve a variance to the maximum building height for any building, except Agricultural Supply Depot, Farm Building and Public or Private Road and Utility, in any District that would result in the wall height at the eaves of a pitched roof or at the parapet of a flat roof exceeding 22 ft (6.7 m), unless the Regional Fire Chief recommends the variance. 23.8 In considering a variance, the Development Authority shall: (a) not grant a variance if granting the variance results in a development that does not comply with the requirements of the Municipal Government Act and the Subdivision and Development Regulation; (b) not grant a variance which would infringe on any airport vicinity regulations or on any railway right-of-way; (c) grant a variance only in case of hardship or practical difficulty peculiar to the use, character or situation of the land or building and which is not generally common to other land in the district; and (d) have regard to the purpose and intent of the district and the nature of developments on adjacent properties. 23.9 If a variance is granted, the Development Authority shall specify its nature in the development permit approval. 23.10 Any variance which the Development Authority approves is subject to the provisions of Section 33. 23.11 Notwithstanding anything in this Bylaw, the Development Authority may not allow a variance in regard to the use of land or a building.

24. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS 24.1 The Development Authority may impose conditions it considers appropriate to a development permit for either a permitted or a discretionary use, including but not limited to the following considerations: (a) that the Applicant enter into an Agreement with the Municipality, pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, to do all or any of the following;

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(i) to construct or pay for the construction or the upgrading of any road to give access to the development; (ii) to construct, install or pay for the installation of any local improvements or utilities which are needed to serve the development; (iii) to repair or reinstate, to original condition, any ditch, municipal landscaping or vegetation which may be damaged or destroyed or otherwise harmed by development or building operations upon the site; (iv) to give security to ensure that the terms of the Agreement under this Section are carried out or that the conditions of any development permit are complied with; (v) to pay to the Municipality the costs paid by the Municipality to any Engineer or other person for materials testing, inspections, monitoring of construction and review of construction drawings, and legal costs and expenses to which the Municipality is put in connection with the Development Agreement and the Agreement relates; and; (vi) to attend to all other matters the Development Authority considers appropriate; (b) landscaping; (c) the attenuation or timing of noise, odour, smoke, dust, steam, radio waves or other nuisances; (d) conformance to recommendations from any professional studies required as part of the permit application, relating to matters such as slope stability, traffic, etc.; (e) the compatibility of proposed traffic patterns and characteristics with those existing in the affected neighbourhood; (f) the removal or retention of natural vegetation; (g) environmental contamination; (h) public safety; (i) existing structures; (j) the timing of the completion of any part of the proposed development; (k) parking; (l) the size, location, orientation, appearance and character of a site, a building or other structure; (m) hours of operation; (n) the duration or expiry of a development permit; (o) site grading; (p) the subdivision or consolidation of parcels; (q) completion of detailed plans and construction drawings illustrating access, site layout, landscaping, parking, building elevations, signs, storm water management and/or utility servicing; (r) the posting of a security deposit to ensure that the development is completed in a timely fashion and in accordance with the approval; (s) to ensure that the design, character, and appearance of a building, including its height, are compatible with and complementary to the surrounding area; (t) dust control on County roads due to increased traffic as a result of the proposed development; (u) to ensure that a development does not encroach upon the boundary of a Municipal Reserve, an Environmental Reserve or an Environmental Reserve Easement; (v) to require that any person who applies to the provincial Safety Codes Council or other accredited agency for a Building Permit under the Safety Codes Act in respect of constructing a building on a property pursuant to a Development Permit previously issued by the County must demonstrate to the County that the Building Permit application submitted to and the Building Permit issued by the Safety Codes Council or other accredited agency are consistent with the Development Permit issued by the County. Refer to Section 47;

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(w) any provision, condition or requirement stated elsewhere in this Bylaw; (x) any other condition to ensure the proposed development is compatible with surrounding land uses; and (y) any condition deemed necessary to ensure that the development complies with the Municipal Government Act, any regulation or standard stated in this Bylaw, and any applicable statutory plan. 24.2 Where this Bylaw requires a minimum standard, the Development Authority may impose a condition to a development permit requiring a higher standard where it is deemed by the Development Authority that adherence to the minimum standard may result in conditions that unduly interfere with the amenities of the neighbourhood or materially interfere with or affect the use, enjoyment or value of neighbouring properties or the general appearance of a development from a public road or highway. 24.3 Where an application for a development permit involves a consolidation of legal parcels, the Development Authority may withhold a permit until the consolidation of the parcels has been registered. 24.4 A development agreement signed pursuant to Section 24.1(a) may be registered in the Land Titles Office in the form of a Caveat against the Certificate of Title for the land that is the subject of the Development Agreement, and shall be discharged upon the completion of all the requirements, conditions and terms of the Agreement.

25. TEMPORARY DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 25.1 When the Development Authority imposes a condition restricting the duration of a development permit pursuant to Section 24.1(n): (a) the Development Authority shall: (i) specify the length of time that the development permit remains in effect; (ii) require that the use be stopped and/or any improvements be removed once the development permit expires; (iii) impose a condition that the County is not liable for any costs incurred in removing any improvements at the expiry of the development permit; and (b) the Development Authority may require that the applicant enter into an agreement with the County guaranteeing the removal of any improvements when the use is changed or discontinued. The agreement may require the applicant to post a security guaranteeing the removal of any improvements. 25.2 Upon expiry of a development permit issued on a temporary basis, a new application is required. Such application shall be considered as a first application and the Development Officer is not obliged to approve it on the basis that a previous development permit was issued.


26.1 Except as provided for in Section 23.6, a development which is deemed to be a non- conforming building or use shall be dealt with as provided for under the Municipal Government Act.

27. NOTIFICATION OF DECISION 27.1 Where a decision has been made to approve a Development Permit application, the

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Development Authority: (a) within seven (7) days of a decision being made on any Development Permit shall provide a Notice of the decision to the applicant in writing by regular mail and place a Notice of the decision on the bulletin board in the County Office; (b) within seven (7) days of a decision being made may, in the case of a Permitted Use, and shall, in the case of a variance or a Discretionary Use, publish a notice in the newspaper circulating in the County stating the legal description, municipal address, the nature of the development, and the right of appeal; and/or (c) within seven (7) days of a decision being made in the case of a variance or a Discretionary Use, may send a notice by regular mail to all adjacent landowners advising of the decision and the right of appeal and may post a Notice of the decision conspicuously on the property for which the Application has been made. 27.2 Where an Application for a Development Permit is refused, the Development Authority shall notify the Applicant of the decision in writing by regular mail within seven (7) days of the decision being made, including the reasons for the refusal. 27.3 After a Notice of the decision has been issued, an actual Development Permit shall not be issued: (a) for a permitted use with conditions or with a variance or for a discretionary use with or without conditions until the expiration of the appeal period, provided that no notice of appeal has been filed with the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board; (b) for any use or development, until all the conditions, if any, except those of a continuing nature, have been met; (c) for any use or development on which the Development Authority has made a decision and against which an appeal is filed, until the appeal is upheld, either in whole or as varied by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. 27.4 Any development or part of a development that is started or undertaken prior to the expiration of the periods outlined in Section 27.3 shall be undertaken entirely at the risk of the Applicant and with the understanding that the Applicant is liable for any costs which may be incurred in returning the parcel of land to the state it was in prior to development.

28. APPLICATION DEEMED REFUSED 28.1 If an Application for a Development Permit is refused or if a decision is not made within forty (40) days from the date of receipt of the completed Application, or within such longer period as the Applicant may approve in writing, the Application shall be deemed to be refused and the Applicant may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board pursuant to Section 34.

29. SUBSEQUENT APPLICATIONS 29.1 Where an Application for Development Permit is withdrawn by the Applicant or refused by the Development Authority or where an appeal is refused by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Development Authority shall not accept another Applica- tion for a Development Permit on the same parcel of land and for the same or similar use of land by the same or any other Applicant for a period of three (3) months after the date of withdrawal or final refusal unless, in the opinion of the Development Authority, the reasons for the refusal have been adequately addressed or the circumstances of the Application have changed significantly.

30. COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS 30.1 On receipt of an issued Development Permit, a person may develop land for the purposes

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approved subject to meeting any conditions imposed and shall not develop land otherwise.

31. VALIDITY OF A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 31.1 A Development Permit shall automatically become null and void if the development authorized by the Development Permit is not commenced within twelve (12) months and the exterior finishing, site grading, paving, curbing and/or landscaping are not completed within twenty-four (24) months from the date of the issuance of the Permit, unless an extension to the Permit has been applied for by the applicant and granted by the Development Authority prior to the expiry date. Any application for the extension of the validity of a Development Permit must be considered by the Municipal Planning Commission. 31.2 If a development has been commenced but the Development Permit is subsequently deemed null and void pursuant to Section 31.1, the Development Authority may require that all work cease until a new Permit is applied for and issued, and if necessary issue a stop work order pursuant to the Act.

32. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 32.1 The Development Authority may suspend or revoke a development permit if: (a) facts concerning the Application or the development were not disclosed which should have been disclosed at the time the Application was considered and have subsequently become known; (b) the development for which the permit has been issued is not being carried out or completed to the extent or in the manner originally approved; (c) there is a contravention of any condition under which such permit was issued; (d) the permit was issued in error; or (e) the Permit Application contained a serious misrepresentation or the permit was otherwise issued on the basis of incorrect information.

33. RIGHT OF APPEAL 33.1 The applicant for a Development Permit may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board if the Development Authority: (a) refuses a development permit application; or (b) approves a development permit application subject to conditions; or (c) refuses a development permit application as an incomplete application; or fails to notify the applicant that a development permit application has been deemed incomplete within twenty days of submitting the application pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (s. 683.1) (b)(d) fails to make a decision on a development permit within 40 days of receipt of a completed application or within such extended period as the applicant may approve in writing. (c) 33.2 Subject to Section 33.5, in addition to the applicant any other person affected by a decision of the Development Authority to approve a Development Permit application may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. 33.3 A person whose Development Permit is suspended, revoked or cancelled under Section 32 may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. 33.4 A landowner or the holder of a Development Permit may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board if the Development Authority issues an Order under Section

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37 of this Bylaw. 33.5 Notwithstanding Sections 33.1 and 33.2, no appeal lies in respect of the issuance of a Development Permit for a Permitted Use unless the provisions of this Bylaw were relaxed, varied, or misinterpreted in that Development Permit. 33.6 A decision on a Development Permit application within a Direct Control District may be appealed only if the Development Authority did not follow the directions of Council. If the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board finds that the Development Authority did not follow Council’s directions, it may, in accordance with Council’s directions, substitute its decision for that of the Development Authority.

34. THE APPEAL PROCESS 34.1 An appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board shall be commenced by serving written Notice of the Appeal on the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board within fourteen (14) days after: (a) in the case of an appeal made by a person referred to in Section 33.1, the date on which: (i) the person is notified of the decision, or (ii) if no decision is made with respect to the Application for a Development Permit, the expiry of the forty- (40) day period, and any extension thereto, referred to in Section 33.1(c); (b) in the case of an appeal made by a person referred to in Sections 33.2, 33.3 or 33.4, the date on which the person is notified of the decision or order. 34.2 If a notice of appeal of a decision on a Development Permit application is served on the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Development Permit shall not be effective until: (a) the decision to approve the permit is upheld by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board; or (b) the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board receives written notice from the appellant withdrawing the appeal. 34.3 If a decision to approve a Development Permit is reversed by the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Development Permit shall be null and void. 34.4 If a decision to refuse a Development Permit application is reversed by the Board, the Board shall direct the Development Officer to issue a Development Permit in accordance with its decision. 34.5 If a decision to approve a Development Permit application is varied by the Board, the Board shall direct the Development Officer to issue a Development Permit in accordance with its decision. 34.6 The decision of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is binding except on a question of jurisdiction or law, in which case the appellant may appeal to the Court of Appeal as provided in the Act.

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35.1 Council on its own initiative may adopt a Bylaw to amend this Land Use Bylaw pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act. If deemed necessary, the County may initiate an amendment to this Bylaw without the landowner’s consent.

Filing an Application

35.2 Any person may make Application to the Development Officer for an amendment to this Land Use Bylaw pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act. The Application shall include: (a) a statement of the specific amendment requested; (b) the purpose and reasons for the Application; (c) if the Application is for a change of District of a specific parcel of land: (i) the legal description of the lands or a plan showing the location and dimensions of the lands; (ii) a properly dimensioned map indicating the affected site and its relationship to existing land uses on adjacent properties; (iii) a recent copy of the Certificate of Title for the lands or any other documentation satisfactory to the Development Authority verifying that the applicant has a legal interest in the land; and (iv) the registered owner's authorization for the proposed amendment, if the Applicant is not the registered owner; (d) such additional information as the Development Officer may require to properly evaluate the proposed amendments and to make recommendations to Council concerning the proposed amendment; and (e) the required application fee pursuant to the County’s Fee Bylaw.

35.3 If the amendment is for a change of District of a specific parcel of land, the Development Officer may require that the applicant prepare an Area Structure Plan or Outline Plan for the area to be rezoned, to the level of detail specified by the Development Officer or pay for the preparation of such a plan by the County.

35.4 Upon receipt of an Application to amend this Bylaw, the Development Officer shall place the Application before Council for consideration of first reading within sixty (60) days of its receipt.

35.5 The amendment application may be referred by the Development Officer to: (a) any County Department for review and comment; (b) any external agency for comment and advice; (c) the Municipal Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to Council; and/or (d) Council for first reading and to establish a date for a public hearing to be held prior to second reading.

Council’s Consideration of an Application

35.6 Council, in considering an Application to amend this Bylaw: (a) shall pass first reading with or without conditions if the amendment is to change the District of a parcel of land; and (b) may, at its sole discretion, for all other applications: (i) refuse the Application; (ii) refer the Application for further information;

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(iii) pass first reading to a Bylaw to amend this Land Use Bylaw, with or without amendments; (iv) defeat first reading of a Bylaw to amend this Land Use Bylaw; or (v) pass first reading of an alternative amendment to this Land Use Bylaw with or without amendments.

Advertising and Notification of Public Hearing

35.7 Upon giving first reading to an amending Bylaw, Council shall: (a) establish the date, time, and place for a Public Hearing on the proposed Bylaw; and, (b) if a Bylaw to establish procedures for Public Hearings has not been passed: (i) outline the procedures to be followed by any person, group of persons, or person representing them who wish to be heard at the Public Hearing; and (ii) outline the procedure for conducting the Public Hearing.

35.8 Notwithstanding Section 35.7, the Land Use Bylaw may be amended without giving Notice or holding a Public Hearing if the amendment corrects clerical, technical, grammatical, or typographical errors and does not materially affect the Land Use Bylaw in principle or substance.

35.9 Following first reading of an amending Bylaw to change the District of a parcel of land, the Development Officer must give written notice of the proposed bylaw and the Public Hearing to the assessed owner of the parcel of land and to each owner of adjacent land, in accordance with Section 692 of the Act.

35.10 Following first reading of an amending Bylaw for all amendments other than those mentioned in Section 35.8 the Development Officer must advertise or give notice of the Public Hearing according to Section 606 of the Act.

Public Hearing

35.11 In the Public Hearing, the Council:

(a) must hear any person, group of persons, or person representing them who claims to be affected by the proposed Bylaw and who has complied with the procedures outlined in this Bylaw; and (b) may hear any other person whom the Council agrees to hear.

35.12 After considering the representations made to it about the proposed Bylaw at the Public Hearing and after considering any other matter it considers appropriate, Council may: (a) pass the Bylaw; (b) make any amendment to the Bylaw it considers necessary and proceed to pass it without further advertisement or hearing; or (c) defeat the Bylaw.

35.13 Prior to granting third reading of a proposed Bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw, Council may require the Applicant to apply for subdivision approval and/or for a Development Permit and negotiate a Development Agreement in respect of the proposal which initiated the Application for Amendment, and to complete, register or execute any approvals resulting therefrom.

35.14 After third reading of a proposed Bylaw, the Development Officer shall send a copy of it to:

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(a) the Applicant; (b) the Registered Owner of the lands if it is not the Applicant; (c) an adjoining Municipality if it received Notice of the proposed Bylaw pursuant to Section 692 of the Act.

Subsequent Applications

35.15 The Development Officer shall not accept an Application for an amendment to this Bylaw which is identical or similar to an Application which was refused by Council, for a period of three (3) months after the date of the refusal unless, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the reasons for refusal have been adequately addressed or the circumstances of the Application have changed significantly.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

36. CONTRAVENTION 36.1 No person shall contravene this Bylaw by commencing or undertaking a development, use, or sign that is not permitted under this Bylaw. 36.2 No person shall authorize or do any development that is at variance with the description, specifications or plans that were the basis for issuing a development permit under this Bylaw. 36.3 No person shall contravene a condition of a permit issued under this Bylaw. 36.4 A Bylaw Enforcement Officer or the Development Authority may enforce the provisions of this Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act and its regulations, or the conditions of a development permit or a subdivision approval. 36.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Bylaw the Development Authority may enforce compliance with this Bylaw if the contravention amounts to the non-compliance with a condition of a development permit or a subdivision approval or if, in response to a public complaint, it is determined upon inspection that an unsafe condition exists, being a condition which could endanger the life, limb or health of any person authorized or expected to be on the premises.


37.1 If the Development Authority , a Peace Officer or a Bylaw Enforcement Officer finds that a development, land use, or use of a building or structure is in contravention of or not in conformity with the Land Use Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, a Development Permit or a Subdivision Approval, the Development Authority may, by written Order pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, direct the owner, the person in possession of the land or building, or the person responsible for the contravention, or any or all of them, to: (a) stop the development or use of the land or building or structure in whole or in part as directed by the Order; (b) demolish, remove, or replace the development, use, building or structure; or (c) carry out other actions required by the Order so that the development or use of the land or building or structure is remedied to comply with the Land Use Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, a Development Permit, or a Subdivision Approval; and in such Order establish a time for compliance with such Order, acting reasonably.

37.2 A person who receives an Order to Remedy a Contravention may by written notice request the County Council to review the Order, and a person who receives a Stop Order may appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

37.3 If a person fails or refuses to comply with an Order under Section 37.1 or, subsequent to review or appeal wherein the Order is upheld, an Order of the County Council or the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Municipality may enter on the land or building and take any action necessary to carry out the Order.

37.4 The Municipality may register a Caveat under the Land Titles Act in respect of an Order referred to in Section 37.1 against the Certificate of Title for the land that is the subject of the Order, but if it does so the Municipality must discharge the Caveat when the Order has been complied with.

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37.5 If the County takes action to carry out an Order to remedy a Contravention or a Stop Order, the County shall cause the costs and expenses incurred in doing so to be placed on the tax roll of the property concerned.


38.1 A person: (a) who contravenes or does not comply with: (i) the Land Use Bylaw; (ii) the Municipal Government Act; (iii) the Subdivision and Development Regulation; (iv) an Order under Section 37.1 of this Bylaw; (v) a Development Permit or Subdivision Approval, or a condition therein; (vi) a decision of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board;


(b) who commences a development without the prior issuance of a Development Permit or a Subdivision Approval;


(c) who obstructs or hinders any person in the exercise or performance of his/her powers or duties under this Land Use Bylaw;

is, pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, guilty of an offence and may be liable to a fine or penalty as provided for in the County’s Fee Bylaw, prosecution, or both.

38.2 Where the Development Officer, a Peace Officer or a Bylaw Enforcement Officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has contravened any provision pursuant to Section 38.1 of this bylaw, (s)he may serve upon such person an offence ticket requiring the payment of a fine or penalty specified in the County’s Fee Bylaw in lieu of prosecution for the offence.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


39.1 This Part shall apply to all Land Use Districts and Development Permits under this Bylaw.


40.1 Any access location and/or ditch/curb crossing from a municipal road onto a parcel of land may, at the discretion of the Development Officer, require the approval of the Development Authority.

40.2 All developments except detached dwellings and duplexes and individual parking stalls accessing an alley shall be designed so that backing maneuvers necessary to access a driveway, a parking stall, a loading door, a drive-through or any other area where vehicles operate, take place wholly on the subject parcel of land.

41. AGRICULTURE PREVAILS IN THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT 41.1 Where a residential Development Permit is issued in the Agricultural District, the applicant shall be notified that the purpose of the Agricultural District is to provide landowners with the right to farm and that all agricultural activities have precedence in the Agricultural District.


42.1 In making a decision on any development permit application on land that is located within the airport noise contour map in the vicinity of the Town of Stettler and County of Stettler No. 6 Airport, the Development Authority shall have regard for Schedule ‘A’, being the Town and County of Stettler Airport Vicinity Overlay District.



43.1 A farm building is part of an Agricultural Operation (therefore it is not an Ancillary Building) and is exempted from the requirement of a development permit, subject to Section 16.1. Refer to the definitions of Agricultural Operation in Section 8 and Farm Building in Section 9.

43.2 An Ancillary Building may be attached to a principal building or it may be a structure that is detached from the principal building. When an Ancillary Building is attached to a principal building the setback requirements and other regulations that apply to the principal building shall also apply to the Ancillary Building.

43.3 In a multi-lot subdivision or a hamlet a development permit for an Ancillary Building shall not be issued and an Ancillary Building shall not be developed unless a development permit for the principal building or principal use on that lot has been issued previously or is being issued at the same time as the development permit for the Ancillary Building.

43.4 The Development Authority may approve one or more development permits for an Ancillary Building on a parcel of land.

A Detached Ancillary Building shall not be used for Living Accommodation without a valid

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Development Permit

43.5 Subject to Section 43.6 a detached Ancillary Building shall not be used as a dwelling unit as defined in Section 9 however, only if a Detached Dwelling exists on the same parcel of land, portions or the whole of the detached Ancillary Building may be used as a guest unit that contains bedroom(s) or recreational room(s) and/or sanitary facilities.

43.6 Notwithstanding Section 43.5 and subject to Section 81 and Section 43.14, a Secondary Suite may be developed in a detached Ancillary Building in those Districts where Secondary Suite is listed as a permitted or discretionary use, provided that the originally intended use of the Ancillary Building is not compromised to the extent that it is discontinued over more than 50% of its ground floor area; for example a secondary suite may be developed in the loft space of a garage leaving 100% of the ground floor area to be used as a garage, or it may be developed in a portion of the ground floor of a garage leaving not less than 50% of the ground floor area to be used as a garage. The reason for this regulation it to avoid a scenario where the Ancillary Building is developed as a second Detached Dwelling which would be contrary to Section 68 of this Bylaw.

Exterior Finishing of and Additions to an Ancillary Building

43.7 The exterior finishing of an Ancillary Building on a site in a multi-lot subdivision shall be, in the opinion of the Development Authority, similar to, and shall complement, the principal building in exterior material, colour and appearance.

43.8 Decks, balconies, sunrooms and the like shall not be constructed as part of a detached Ancillary Building, and if an Ancillary Building is attached to a Detached Dwelling additions to the said Ancillary Building shall comply with the required setbacks for the principal building in that district.

Height Restrictions

43.9 Subject to Section 23.7 the maximum height of a detached Ancillary Building is: (a) 16.0 feet (4.88 meter) in the Country Residence, Country Residence Recreational District, Country Residence Equestrian District, Hamlet Residential District, Resort Residential District, Resort Residential - Communally Serviced District and Resort Residential - Recreational District; (b) 25 feet (7.62 metres) in the Agricultural District and Country Residence Agricultural District; and (c) in all other Districts, the maximum height of a detached Ancillary Building is the same as that of the principal building, except if the District states otherwise; and further (d) notwithstanding Sections 43.9(a), (b) and (c): (i) where a detached Ancillary Building in a non-residential District is located on a site which abuts a site in any residential District, the maximum height of the detached Ancillary Building in the non-residential District shall not exceed the maximum height permitted for a detached Ancillary Building in the abutting residential district; (ii) the maximum height of a detached Ancillary Building that is ancillary to a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit shall not exceed the height of the Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit located on the site; and (iii) when a secondary suite is located in the loft space of a detached Ancillary Building pursuant to Section 43.6, the maximum height of the detached Ancillary Building shall be 26 feet (7.92 meter) unless the District regulations

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allow for a greater height, and further provided that the eaves or parapet does not exceed 22 feet above the average grade.

Ground Floor Area Restrictions

43.10 On any parcel of land in the Agricultural District and the Country Residence Agricultural District or any of the various residential and resort districts, including any residential Direct Control Districts: (a) the maximum ground floor area of a permitted use Ancillary Building (residential) – Standard Size is 1,200 1,500 ft² (111.5 m²)139,35 m²) ; and (b) the maximum ground floor area of a discretionary use Ancillary Building (residential) – Oversized is 2,400 ft² (3,000 ft²223278 m² ).

43.11 On any parcel of land in the Agricultural District the ground floor area of an Ancillary Building (industrial or non-residential) is not restricted to a specific area and the size shall be determined at the discretion of the Development Authority.

Setbacks 43.12 On a lot in a multi-lot subdivision, a detached Ancillary Building or any portion thereof shall not be placed within the front yard (as defined in Section 9 of this Bylaw) of a parcel of land, subject to Section 58.24 (also see Section 23.5). 43.13 Subject to Section 43.14, a Farm Building and an Ancillary Building shall be set back at least 3.0 feet (0.91 meter) from the side and rear boundaries of the parcel of land, unless it is: (a) attached to a principal building, in which case the side and rear yard setbacks of the Ancillary Building shall be the same as those required for the principal building; (b) in the case of an Ancillary Building, a mutual garage erected on common property line and the common wall is a firewall; (c) in the case of an Ancillary Building, a detached garage with its vehicle door facing the alley in which case a rear yard setback of either 6.0 m (20 ft) or 0.5 m (1.6 ft) is required; and further, in the event that a utility right-of-way or easement exists along the rear property line, the minimum setback for the ancillary building is 0.5 m (1.6 ft) from the utility right-of-way or easement; (d) an Ancillary Building on a corner parcel of land, in which case, subject to Section 58.30, it shall not be situated closer to the road than the minimum required setbacks of the principal building; (e) a portable/moveable farm building on a parcel of land in the Agricultural District that is bounded on all sides by a parcel that is located in the Agricultural District and which is not part of a multi-lot subdivision, in which case the farm building may be located on the property line. 43.14 The required side yard setback for an Ancillary Building (a) shall be increased by 1.0 m (3.28 ft) for each 3.05 m (10 ft) in Ancillary Building height above the first 4.88 m (16 ft); and (b) that is not yet constructed and within which a Secondary Suite is proposed to be developed shall be the same as the required side yard setback for a Detached Dwelling in that District. 43.15 Notwithstanding any setback regulation in Section 43.13 a Farm Building and an Ancillary Building shall not be located on an easement or utility right-of-way. 43.16 A detached Farm Building or an Ancillary Building shall be located a minimum of 3.0 m (10 ft) from a principal building on a lot.

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44. ATTACHING A DWELLING UNIT TO AN ANCILLARY BUILDING OR A FARM BUILDING 44.1 Except in the case of an Ancillary Building that, in the opinion of the Development Authority, is reasonably described as a typical garage for residential use, the Development Officer shall refer to the Municipal Planning Commission for their consideration any development permit application that proposes to encompass or attach a dwelling unit to an Ancillary Building or to a Farm Building.

45. BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT AND GUEST RANCH 45.1 A bed and breakfast establishment or a guest ranch is subordinate and ancillary to a principal residential use. 45.2 The Development Authority may permit a bed and breakfast establishment or guest ranch only if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, it complies with the following regulations: (a) the privacy and enjoyment of adjacent residences shall be preserved and the amenities of the neighbourhood maintained at all times; (b) interior or exterior alterations, additions or renovations to accommodate a bed and breakfast or guest ranch may be allowed provided such alterations, additions or renovations maintain the principal residential appearance or character of the dwelling and comply with this Bylaw and any other County bylaws; (c) accessory dormitory structures such as cabins, tents or tipis may be permitted to accommodate guests; (d) a bed and breakfast or guest ranch shall be operated only by the occupant(s) of the principal or secondary dwelling and four (4) non-resident employees on site; (e) one on-site parking stall shall be provided for each guestroom that is being provided for compensation; and (f) a bed and breakfast or guest ranch shall meet the signage requirements of this bylaw.

46. BOARDING HOUSE 46.1 A boarding facility may only be permitted in a single detached dwelling. 46.2 One on-site parking stall shall be provided for each bedroom provided for compensation.

47. BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 47.1 When (and only when) any person applies to the provincial Safety Codes Council, through an accredited agency, for a Building Permit under the Safety Codes Act in respect of constructing a building on a property pursuant to a Development Permit previously issued by the County, the applicant for the Building Permit must provide to the County a copy of the Building Permit application submitted to the Safety Codes Council or other accredited agency, including application form, floor plan and site plan, and a copy of the Building Permit immediately upon being issued by the Safety Codes Council or other accredited agency, including the issued Building Permit, the floor plan and the site plan. 47.2 The requirement to provide the information required in Section 47.1 shall be added as a condition to every Development Permit issued by the Development Authority. 47.3 Failure to provide the information required in Section 47.1 constitutes a contravention under Section 36 and the Development Authority may issue a Stop Order. 47.4 The purpose of Section 47 is to provide the County with an opportunity to verify

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consistency between the Building Permit submitted to/issued by the Safety Codes Council and the Development Permit issued by the County in matters that include but are not limited to the following: the use for which the Development Permit was issued, compliance with conditions attached to the Development Permit, compliance with regulations and standards contained in the applicable land use district such as minimum or maximum floor area of a building, maximum building height, and rear, front and side yard setbacks, and compliance with any variance to regulations approved by the Development Authority. 47.5 Nothing stated in Section 24.1 (v) or Section 47 must be interpreted as an attempt by the County to enforce the Safety Codes Act.

48. CANNABIS RETAIL SALES AND CANNABIS PRODUCTION 48.1 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Land Use Bylaw, the following regulations apply to all Cannabis Retail Sales and the production of Cannabis: (a) Where any definition, regulation, standard or anything else in this Land Use Bylaw includes or authorizes the sale of any retail or wholesale product including food and beverages, such sale shall be deemed to exclude Cannabis Retail Sales; (b) Cannabis Retail Sales shall be a prohibited use in any Land Use District where Cannabis Retail Sales is not expressly listed as a discretionary use; (c) Cannabis Retail Sales shall not be co-located with any business premises other than that which is intended expressly and solely for the sale of cannabis and cannabis accessories. A cannabis store can occur as a stand-alone use with its own dedicated separate entrance in a multi-tenant building or as part of a mixed-use development; (d) All functions of a Cannabis Retail Sales use shall be fully enclosed within the building; (e) No Outdoor Storage shall be allowed on the site; (f) All garbage containers, waste material and loading facilities shall be fully enclosed within the building; (g) The use shall not emit any odour or other substance which is harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being; (h) The use shall not emit nuisances including, but not limited to, odour, noise and light, that may have a negative impact to adjacent sites or the surrounding area; (i) Products in the store shall not be visible from outside the premise; (j) Drive-through windows are prohibited; (k) The business name is to be prominently displayed in signage at all public access points of the Cannabis Retail Sales use; (l) Hours of operation for Cannabis Retail Sales shall be limited to between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. only; (m) The following separation distances, measured in a straight line from the closest point to/from the following specified uses shall be met, regardless of which use is approved first: (i) 400 metres from the occupied floor area of one Cannabis Retail Sales use to the occupied floor area of another Cannabis Retail Sales use;

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(ii) 400 metres from the property boundary of all schools (as defined in the School Act), training facilities and other educational premises to the occupied floor area of a Cannabis Retail Sales; (iii) 400 metres from the occupied floor area of a Day Care Facility to the occupied floor area of a Cannabis Retail Sales use; (iv) 400 metres from the property boundary of a recreation facility, a playground, a community centre, a church or a public park, to the occupied floor area of a Cannabis Retail Sales. 48.2 The production of cannabis is included in the land use definitions of “Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly Facility” and “Value Added Agricultural Industry” however, where a facility or industry produces cannabis, the sale of cannabis from that facility or industry is prohibited and the operator of the facility or industry would be required to obtain a separate development permit for “Cannabis Retail Sales”, provided the Land Use District in which the subject property is located, included that use. 48.3 In addition to the requirements of this Bylaw, a person who obtains a Development Permit for Cannabis Retail Sales or for cannabis production is required to comply with all federal, provincial and other municipal legislation. The issuance of a Development Permit for Cannabis Retail Sales or for cannabis production indicates only that the development to which the Development Permit relates is authorized in accordance with the provisions of this Land Use Bylaw respecting land use and development standards, including those respecting the location of premises described in a cannabis license and distances between those premises and other premises. The issuance of a Development Permit for Cannabis Retail Sales or for cannabis production does not in any way relieve or excuse the Development Permit holder from obtaining and complying with any other permit (including safety codes permits e.g. building, electrical, gas, plumbing, etc.), license, or other authorization required by any Federal or Provincial Act or regulation, or under any Bylaw of the County, or complying with the conditions of any easement, covenant, agreement, or other instrument affecting the building or land. It remains the Development Permit holder’s responsibility to ensure compliance with such other legislation, including the provincial and federal legislation regarding Cannabis. The Development Authority does not administer or enforce such other legislation. 49. CANVAS COVERED STRUCTURE 49.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of any land use district the development of a canvas covered structure as either a principal building or an ancillary building on any parcel of land adjacent to or within a multi-lot subdivision, a hamlet, a village or a town shall be a discretionary use and the Municipal Planning Commission, in its sole discretion, may approve a development permit application for a canvas covered structure on a temporary basis pursuant to Section 25.

50. CHANGE OF USE OR INTENSITY OF USE 50.1 A development permit is required where the following occurs: (a) a change of use of land or of an existing building or an act done in relation to land or to an existing building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or the existing building, or (b) a change in the intensity of use of land or of an existing building or an act done in relation to land or to an existing building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or the existing building.

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51. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES 51.1 In making a decision on any commercial or industrial type development permit application in any land use district that allows these types of developments on land that is designated as a County growth area in the County of Stettler No. 6 and Town of Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan, the Development Authority shall have regard for Schedule ‘B’, being the Gateway Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines.


Note: Industry Canada is responsible for regulating radio communications in Canada and for authorizing the location of radio communication facilities, including communication antennas and structures. In making its decision regarding a proposed communication antenna and structure and related facilities, Industry Canada may consider the following: (a) the input provided by the land-use authority; (b) compliance with Transport Canada’s painting and lighting requirements for aeronautical safety; (c) Health Canada’s safety guidelines respecting limits of exposure to radio frequency fields; and, (d) an environmental assessment may be required in order to comply with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The participation or otherwise of the County in the consultation process does not transfer any federal decision-making authority, nor does it confer a right of veto in the location of the radio communication facility. 52.1 Pursuant to Section 16.1(x) a development permit for a communication antenna and structure is required only when it exceeds 9.14 m (30 ft) in height from finished grade. 52.2 An application for a development permit for a communication antenna and structure shall include a co-location assessment pursuant to Section 52.3, a site plan drawn to scale and identifying the site boundary, the tower, the location of guy wire anchors, existing and proposed structures, vehicular parking and access, existing vegetation to be retained, removed, or replaced, and uses and structures on the site and abutting properties. 52.3 Unless demonstrated to be impractical, a communication antenna shall be mounted on an existing structure (including a building or a tower) or within a transportation or utility corridor. An application for a new tower must include an assessment of other towers in operation/constructed or of other tower sites for which a development permit have been issued within a five mile radius of the subject site. The assessment must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that co-location of the proposed Communication Antenna on any existing tower or structure is not a viable alternative to a new structure (due to, for example, site line issues). 52.4 Subject to Section 52.5, the tower base shall be set back from the property lines by a distance of 20 percent of the tower height or the distance between the tower base and guy wire anchors, whichever is greater. 52.5 Guy wire anchors shall be set back at least 1.0 m (3 ft) from the side and rear property lines and shall follow the front yard setback requirements of Section 58.24. 52.6 Any equipment or maintenance shelter must meet the yard setback requirements for an Ancillary Building in the district in which the parcel is located.

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52.7 A Communication Antenna and Structure must have the least practical adverse visual effect on the environment. This may be accomplished by using landscaping, fencing or tower design, including the imitation of natural features such as a tree. 52.8 The Communication Antenna and Structure shall be fenced with suitable protective anti- climb fencing to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 52.9 The Communication Antenna and Structure shall not be illuminated unless required by Transport Canada regulations, and except for a manufacturer’s logo, shall not exhibit or display any advertising. 52.10 A communication antenna and structure intended for amateur radio shall be located on the same site as the intended signal user. Note: The County encourages applicants to consult with residents adjacent to the application site prior to making an application for a development permit. Upon a decision made by the Development Authority to approve a development permit application for a communication antenna or structure the County will notify the occupants of all dwelling units within one mile of the site and provide them an opportunity to appeal it.

53. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LEGISLATION 53.1 The issuing of a Development Permit in any Land Use District shall indicate that the development to which the Development Permit relates is authorized only in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and shall in no way affect the duty or obligation of a person: (a) to obtain any other permit, license, or other authorization required by any federal or provincial Act or Regulation of any other jurisdiction or by any other Bylaw of the County; or (b) to comply with the conditions of any easement, restrictive covenant, caveat, agreement or other instrument affecting the building or land.


54.1 Concert Site is listed as a discretionary use in specific land use districts and a development permit for a concert site or special event site may only be issued by the Development Authority subject to Bylaw 806-92.


55.1 Where the Development Authority approves a development permit application for a Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based, it shall require that the development complies with the following regulations: (a) Home Based: when the site of the proposed Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based is located within one mile from any existing residence that is located either in the County or in an adjacent municipality: (i) the use shall only be allowed in conjunction with a habitable dwelling unit located on the subject parcel that is maintained and occupied by the operator of the Contractor’s Business – Home Based for the lifetime of the business; (ii) the business shall not employ more than three persons who are not part of the household living on the property; and (iii) the development permit shall be issued for ‘Contractor’s Business – Home Based’ subject to the conditions listed above as well as those listed in Section 55.1(c), (d) and (e) below. (b) Not Home Based: when the site of the proposed Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based is located one and a half miles or more away from any

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existing residence that is located either in the County or in an adjacent municipality: (i) the use shall be allowed either in conjunction with a dwelling unit located on the subject parcel or without such a dwelling unit, and (ii) the development permit shall be issued for ‘Contractor’s Business – Not Home Based’ subject to the conditions listed in Section 55.1(c), (d) and (e) below.

(c) The business shall not create a nuisance beyond the property boundary by way of dust, noise, vibration, odors, or smoke; (d) The outside storage of any materials, goods, or equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Municipal Planning Commission; and (e) Any on-site retail sales shall be ancillary to the industrial or service aspect of the business.

56. DECK

56.1 A deck: (a) if it is a ground level deck, may be located next to a side or rear property line and may encroach up to 6 feet (1.83 metres) into a required front yard as defined in Section 9 of this Land Use Bylaw; (b) if it is a raised deck, shall be located a minimum of 3.0 m (10 ft) from a side or rear property line and shall not encroach into a required front yard as defined in Section 9 of this Land Use Bylaw; (c) whether it is a ground level deck or a raised deck, must be located at least 3.0 m (10 ft) from the side property line on the street side of a corner lot; and (d) pursuant to Sections 58.27, 58.28 and 58.29, shall not be located within the corner visibility triangle.

56.2 When a deck is proposed to become covered or enclosed, it shall be considered an addition to the principal building, its floor area shall be included in the calculation of floor area and site coverage, it shall be required to meet the setback requirements for the principal building, and it shall be subject to a development permit application.


57.1 An existing building or structure that is assessed by the County for tax purposes shall not be demolished or moved off of a property without approval from the County, subject to Section 16.1(r). Debris from a demolished structure (s) shall be disposed at a licensed land fill site.


Yard Setbacks

58.1 Minimum setback requirements from property lines or center of roads for front, rear and side yards are provided in each land use district in Part Seven of this bylaw.

Municipal Reserve and Environmental Reserve

58.2 Private development or private use (including group use) of municipal reserve and/or environmental reserve is strictly prohibited, unless prior approval is obtained from the Development Authority, which may require the closure of the reserve by bylaw of Council and a `save harmless agreement` or license of occupation to relieve the County of any liability. Private development and private use includes any alterations (e.g. clearing of

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vegetation) and any structures (e.g. the placing of a fire pit, a boat lift, a shed).

Existing Rural Residential Development

58.3 An area structure plan or outline plan, rezoning, subdivision or development permit application for proposed development on land that is adjacent to existing rural, country or resort residential development shall be designed to be compatible to the existing rural, country or resort residential development by matching the lot size, lot dimensions, development density and character of the existing residential development for at least one row of new lots.

Agricultural Fringe 58.4 Non-agricultural land uses on the fringe (i.e. within 300 metres) of the Agricultural District shall, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, respect and not be allowed to limit the activities associated with any existing or new agricultural operation within the Agricultural District, including but not limited to its hours of operation, noises, odours and traffic movements. Subject to Section 58.5, any fringe development of non-agricultural uses shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, design measures that will be implemented to comply with this regulation. Examples of design measures include: (a) buffering on the development-side along the edge of the Agricultural District through spatial separation, retention of existing and/or planting of new vegetation and installation of fencing, subject to the following: (i) spatial separation must be a minimum of 30 metres wide; (ii) the vegetative buffer must be a minimum of 15 metres wide within the minimum 30 metres spatial setback; (iii) the vegetative buffer must consist of mixed deciduous/coniferous species with foliage from base to crown, the crown density being not less than 50% and not more than 75% to allow air circulation; (iv) at maturity the vegetation must reach a minimum height of 6 metres and must not be closer than 2 metres to the Agricultural District to allow for improved functioning in the Agricultural District; (v) fencing must be of a type that is appropriate to prevent trespassing, litter and crop damage;

and/or (b) the placing of compatible land uses along the edge of the Agricultural District; and/or (c) the clustering of buildings to maximize buffering effect; and/or

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(d) densities; and/or (e) road patterns; and/or (f) backing lots onto the Agricultural District; and/or (g) agricultural awareness signage; and/or (h) consideration of prevailing wind direction relative to noise, dust chemical spraying and light; and/or (i) consideration of land forms and natural drainage relative to storm water management and erosion and sediment control; and/or (j) retention of permeable surfaces upland of the Agricultural District to reduce/avoid soil accelerated erosion, siltation and sedimentation, and flooding. 58.5 The design measures to be employed shall include consideration of the maintenance thereof to ensure its full effect over the long term.

1:100 Year Floodplain

58.6 No permanent structures are permitted within the definable 1:100 year floodplain of any river, stream or other water body, unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that proper flood proofing techniques (preventative engineering and construction methods) recommended by a qualified professional are applied as part of a development permit application.

58.7 Pursuant to Section 58.6, the Development Authority may require that the applicant for the development permit post a security deposit to the County to ensure that development is carried out in conformity with the approved engineering and construction measures to make the site suitable for the specific development, and the Development Authority may require the applicant for the specific development permit to enter into a save harmless agreement with the County, relieving the County of responsibility for any damage or loss caused through flooding or subsidence, and the County may register a restrictive covenant on the title of the property to ensure that the agreement remains in place.

Riparian Zone

58.8 On any parcel of land where environmental reserve adjacent to the bed and shore of a water body to which the Crown claims ownership and/or which the County deems to present existing or future potential as a public amenity has not previously been dedicated, a minimum building setback of 30 metre (100 feet) is required, measured from the bed and shore of the water body or from an associated water management right-of-way to the proposed building, subject to the discretion of the Development Authority. The purpose of this building setback is to protect the water body and its associated riparian zones as well as the existing and future public access and amenity potential of the water body, regardless of size. Variations in the width of the 30 metre building setback may be accepted based on the recommendations of a qualified professional. As well, a building setback of a lesser width may be considered for minor water features such as unnamed creeks or sloughs.

58.9 If the width of a riparian zone continues beyond the 30 metre building setback or beyond an existing environmental reserve adjacent to the bed and shore of a water body to which the Crown claims ownership and/or which the County deems to present existing or future potential as a public amenity, development that may result in any of the following conditions are not permitted within the remaining width of the riparian zone: (a) excessive removal or tree cover and natural vegetation; (b) restricted public access to the water unless safety factors require this;

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(c) deterioration of the water quality or a hindrance of the flow of water; (d) adverse effects on the recreation potential of an area; (e) adverse effects on fish and wildlife habitat; (f) adverse affects on the riparian zones associated with a water body; or (g) adverse effects on the natural amenity or visual quality of an area.

58.10 No vegetation shall be cleared within 30 m (100 ft) of any water body or water course where the removal could have a negative impact on the water body or water course, except if it is done for the purpose of an extensive agricultural operation, public safety or for public road construction.

Public Safety and Nuisance

58.11 The Development Authority may require the setback, buffering and/or screening of a road or a railway corridor or a waste management facility or of any other development that, in the opinion of the Development Authority, has the potential to be reasonably considered a nuisance or of a noxious nature or to be susceptible to adverse impacts from nuisances or noxious land uses as a means to enhance public safety or convenience or to mitigate noise or other annoyances.

58.12 Any new industrial or commercial development or any other development that is deemed by the Development Authority to be a nuisance or of a noxious nature must be located at a distance acceptable to the County from the nearest residence or place of public assembly, unless mitigating measures will be implemented to reduce adverse impacts on such uses.

58.13 A development permit for a use that is deemed by the Development Authority to be incompatible with proposed or existing commercial or industrial development may not be issued and will be directed to a location that does not encroach upon those commercial or industrial developments.

58.14 No subdivision or development will be allowed within the setback distances from a sour gas facility, a gas or oil well, a wastewater treatment facility, a landfill, a hazardous waste management facility or a waste storage site as prescribed in the Subdivision and Development Regulation (Alberta Regulation 43/2002) as amended from time to time, unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Subdivision Authority or the Development Authority with a report from a qualified professional that a lesser setback is warranted, and either the Energy Resources Conservation Board gives its approval in writing to a lesser setback or the Deputy Minister of Environment provides written consent to the Development Authority or the Subdivision Authority to vary the applicable setback.

58.15 The Development Authority shall not approve a development permit for a new building larger than 47 m² (506 ft²) or for an addition to an existing building that will, as a result of the addition, become larger than 47 m² (506 ft²), affecting land on which an abandoned oil or gas well may be present, that does not comply with the setback distances described in ERCB Directive 079: Surface Development in Proximity to Abandoned Wells. The Development Authority may approve an addition to an existing building as described above that encroaches upon the setback distances of ERCB Directive 079 only if the well licensee of record recommends and supports a lesser setback distance and provided the development does not further encroach on the abandoned well. Refer to Section 17.3.

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58.16 The Subdivision Authority shall not approve a subdivision application affecting land on which an abandoned oil or gas well may be present that does not comply with the setback distances described in ERCB Directive 079: Surface Development in Proximity to Abandoned Wells. An application for a boundary adjustment is exempted from this restriction. Refer to Section 17.3.

58.17 A minimum building setback of 30 m (100 ft) is required from the highest valley break of any named watercourse. In the sole discretion of the Development Authority a setback greater than 30 metres is required where the valley break is that of a riverbank which is higher than 10 metres and where active toe erosion occurs. Lesser setbacks will be considered only when the Development Authority is satisfied by the submission of a geotechnical engineering study prepared by a qualified professional that a lesser setback is warranted.

58.18 A minimum building setback of 30 m (100 ft) is required from the crest or bottom of an escarpment slope or any other steep slope where the grade exceeds 15% or is suspected of being unstable. In the sole discretion of the Development Authority a setback greater than 30 metres is required where the escarpment slope is that of a riverbank which is higher than 10 metres. Lesser setbacks will be considered only when the Development Authority is satisfied by the submission of a geotechnical engineering study prepared by a qualified professional that a lesser setback is warranted.

58.19 Pursuant to Sections 58.17 and 58.18 an applicant for a development permit may be required to submit a slope stability assessment report completed by a qualified professional.

58.20 No vegetation shall be cleared within 30 m (100 ft) of the crest or toe of a slope that is greater than 15% where the removal could have a negative impact on slope stability, except if it is done for the purpose of public safety or for public road construction.

58.21 The Development Authority may require that the applicant for the development permit post a security deposit to the County to ensure that development is carried out in conformity with any recommendations contained in an assessment report regarding engineering and construction measures to make the site suitable for the specific development, and the Development Authority may require the applicant for the specific development permit to enter into a save harmless agreement with the County, relieving the County of responsibility for any damage or loss caused through flooding or subsidence, and further, the County may register a restrictive covenant on the title of the property to ensure that the agreement remains in place.


58.22 Development shall be set back from a railway corridor, an airport, or a regional utility or energy utility such distance to ensure to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that it does not interfere with the safe operation or future upgrading of this infrastructure.


58.23 Permission from Alberta Transportation is required for any development affecting land within 1,000 feet (304.8 meter) of the right-of-way of a highway or within 0.5 mile (800 meter) of the intersection of two highways. See Section 17.2.

58.24 Unless otherwise stated in this Bylaw or otherwise approved by the Development

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Authority, a shelterbelt and other vegetation, a building and/or structure on a slab or on permanent foundations, a windbreak and a dugout shall be set back as follows:

(a) From the boundary of a County road plan or County road allowance that forms part of a hamlet or a multi-lot subdivision: All buildings: refer to the front, side and rear yard Shelterbelt/other vegetation: none setbacks stated in each Land Use District (b) From the centerline of a County road plan or County road allowance outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary: All buildings, including farm buildings (dugouts) and ancillary buildings: 125 ft (38.1 m), except Shelterbelt/other vegetation: 75 ft (22.9 m) moveable buildings and structures with a floor area (Council directed to keep this regulation) of 100 ft² maximum, which shall be set back the distance from the centre line to the property boundary plus one foot. (c) From a Highway:

Shelterbelt/other vegetation: contact Alberta All buildings, including farm buildings (dugouts) and Transportation ancillary buildings: contact Alberta Transportation

58.25 Unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority, no vegetation, development or access or egress to a County Township Road or Range Road shall be permitted where it would be: (a) less than 152 m (500 ft) from an existing access or egress on the same side of the road; (b) less than 152 m (500 ft) from a bridge; or (c) less than 152 m (500 ft) from an at-grade railway crossing.

58.26 Access points adjacent to blind curves or corners, hills, ridges, railway crossings, and any other obstructions shall be positioned so as to provide a reasonable unobstructed view in either direction of 500 feet (152.4 meter) on Highways or Secondary Roads and 350 feet (106.7 meter) on a road not designated as a Secondary Road.

Corner Visibility Triangle 58.27 On a corner lot within any Hamlet or multi-lot subdivision no opaque fence, wall, shrub, tree, hedge or any other structure more than 3.0 feet (0.91 meter) in height above the centreline grades of the intersecting streets shall be permitted within the visibility triangular area created by the two property lines that form the corner of the property and a straight line connecting two points 20.0 feet (6.10 meter) back along the two property lines measured from their intersection (illustrated in Sketch A below).

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No development >1.0m in height Sketch A

58.28 On a corner lot outside of any Hamlet or multi-lot subdivision, but excluding Township Roads or Range Roads, which are subject to Section 58.29, no opaque fence, wall, shrub, tree, hedge or any other structure exceeding 3.0 feet (0.91 m) in height above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets shall be permitted within the visibility triangular area created by the two property lines that form the corner of the property and a straight line connecting two points 66 feet (20 metres) back along the two property lines measured from their intersection (illustrated in Sketch B below).

No development >0.8m in height Sketch B

58.29 On a parcel of land located at the intersection of a Highway and/or a Township Road and/or a Range Road, no access or egress or any development, such as a building, a structure, an opaque fence, a wall or any vegetation, that exceeds 3.0 feet (0.91 m) in height above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets shall be permitted within the visibility triangular area created by the two property lines that form the corner of the property and a straight line connecting two points, on County Roads 350 feet (106.7 meter) and on highways 500 feet (152 meter), back along the two property lines measured from their intersection (illustrated in the sketch below or on the next page).

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Setback for development: Contact AB Transportation

Setback for vegetation: Contact AB Transportation

Highway or Highway or Secondary Road Secondary Road

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Minimum Driveway and/or Parking Pad Length

58.30 Notwithstanding any other setback standard stated in this Bylaw any building with a driveway or parking pad in front of it onto which a vehicle may enter, shall be set back at least 20.0 feet (6.1 meter) from the property line which it faces, except where the driveway to a garage enters an alley, where Section 43.13(c) shall apply.

Aggregate Resources

58.31 Development shall be set back from existing or known non-renewable resource utilization such distance to ensure to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that it does not render such resources inaccessible or make extraction more dangerous or costly.

Sensitive Environmental Features and Regionally Significant Recreation Resources

58.32 Development shall be set back from a sensitive environmental feature or regionally significant recreation resource as identified in any Statutory Plan such distance to ensure to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that it: (a) is compatible with the natural characteristics of the area; (b) retains these characteristics to the greatest degree possible; and (c) does not cause undue stress to the environment.

58.33 In addition to the general requirements of Section 58.32, development shall be set back from an Environmentally Significant Area as identified in Environmentally Significant Areas of the Counties of Lacombe and Stettler (1988) (the ‘Study’) such distance to ensure to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that it is managed in accordance with the principles and considerations identified in that Study.


59.1 Any building or structure shall be set back from an easement at least 0.5 m (1.6 ft).

59.2 Notwithstanding Section 59.1, a development permit shall not be issued for a development that encroaches in or over a utility easement or right-of-way without the written consent of the person whom the easement is registered to or the person whose utility line is located in the easement.



60.1 This Section deals with activities, excluding agricultural operations that do not require a development permit, that may affect topsoil, natural overland drainage, the grading of a site, groundwater or wetlands, that may include but are not limited to the following activities: (a) constructing an artificial water body (e.g. a fish pond); (b) extracting sand, gravel and other surface minerals; (c) preparing a construction site prior to the issuance of a development permit or a subdivision approval, including stockpiling, site grading and pre-loading; and (d) stripping topsoil.

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Lot Grading, Stormwater Drainage and Wetlands including for the Purposes of All of What Follows in this Section

60.2 Lots or parcels contained within a subdivision area for which an accepted stormwater management plan and/or subdivision grading plan exist, must be constructed and maintained according to the accepted plans. A landowner may not allow storm water runoff to drain from their lot onto an adjacent lot under separate title except under the following conditions: (a) A current and accepted storm water management plan and/or grading plan to the satisfaction of the Development Authority is in place detailing the overland drainage paths consistent with the proposed grading; and (b) Notwithstanding regulations under the Water Act or other regulatory requirements, the stormwater runoff follows natural overland drainage paths with a “Net Zero” impact on adjacent parcels. This generally applies to existing development areas that have not been subject to an overall grading and stormwater management plan or larger parcels subject to small grading areas that achieve positive drainage away from buildings, driveways or parking areas.

60.3 The Development Authority may require as a condition of a development permit that the applicant submit a lot grading and drainage plan to the County for acceptance. Depending on the circumstance, the submitted plans may require a topographic survey, stormwater and grading design and confirmation of compliance post construction to said design provided by an individual or corporate entity licensed to practice Engineering in Alberta.

60.4 Lot grading that is associated with a proposed development or with a multi-lot subdivision shall conform to the grading plan accepted by the County.

60.5 If a person alters the approved lot drainage on a site so that overland stormwater drains onto adjacent parcels in contravention of the accepted plans, that person and/or the current landowner shall be responsible for corrective measures.

60.6 Any retaining wall over 0.91 m (3.0 ft) in height shall be designed and inspected to confirm compliance of post construction to said design by an individual or corporate entity licensed to practice Engineering in Alberta, at no cost to the County.

60.7 Notwithstanding regulations under the Water Act or other regulatory requirements or permissions, a landowner may not detain or retain stormwater runoff or drain water from naturally occurring wetlands without approval of the County and other regulatory bodies. Generally, assessment, design and licensing of facilities that detain or retain stormwater runoff or cause to drain natural wetlands require an engineered design that may include stormwater analysis, grading design and wetland compensation measures along with approvals under the Water Act and other statutory documents.

Extraction of Sand, Gravel and Other Surface Minerals

60.8 An application for a development permit for the Extraction of Sand, Gravel and Other Surface Minerals shall follow the Best Management Practices User Manual For Aggregate Operators on Public Land as prepared by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (regardless if the proposed operation is on public or private land) or other applicable provincial guidelines for surface mineral extraction as designated by the Development Authority, and shall include, but not be limited to, the preparation of a Conservation and Reclamation Business Plan containing the following information, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority:

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(a) the legal land location and area of the site where the excavation is to take place; (b) a description of the project and market conditions; (c) a description of the extent of the resource to be extracted and proposed operating conditions; (d) potential regulatory requirements triggered by the project; (e) analysis of biophysical and land-use conditions at the proposed site and mitigation measures; (f) a plan showing existing conditions on the parcel(s) including contours, groundwater levels, extent of the resource to be mined, depths of topsoil, subsoil and overburden, existing utilities, buildings, roads and other site features; (g) sequential plans for site development, operation and reclamation; (h) a contact person or persons and their contact details, whom the County can contact in regards to any issues arising from the development or its activities; and (i) after review of the initial application information, additional information may be required by the Development Authority and regulatory approval agencies including but not limited to the following: (i) an operating plan detailing hours of operation, noise and dust control measures, types and numbers of equipment and vehicles to be used; (ii) a Traffic Impact Assessment; (iii) a wetland assessment; (iv) a historical resources overview or assessment; (v) a migratory bird survey; (vi) engineered designs of required accesses, signage and improvements required on public roads or facilities; (vii) site security measures (public and wildlife); (viii) weed, vegetation and erosion management; and (ix) measures to prevent off-site contamination (eg. Clubroot and tracking of mud on public roads).

60.9 The applicant shall keep the area subject to the development permit in a clean and tidy condition free of rubbish and non-aggregate debris.

60.10 The applicant shall enter into a road use agreement with the County, if so required by the Development Authority, for the purpose of, amongst other things, determining the designated hauling routes and dust control and road maintenance requirements.

60.11 All excavation shall be in accordance with Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and other applicable Federal and Provincial acts and regulations for conservation and reclamation.

60.12 A disturbed area shall be reclaimed to a land capability equivalent to the pre-disturbance land capability (e.g. agricultural land) or a post-disturbance condition and land use (e.g. conversion to wetland), to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

60.13 A Development Permit shall not be issued for a Sand, Gravel or Other Surface Mineral Extraction Operation which will disturb 5.0 hectare (12.0 acre) or more of land until the Applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that an application process has been started for a Development and Reclamation Approval from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development.

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60.14 For sand, gravel and other surface mineral extraction of which the disturbance area is less than 5.0 ha (12.0 ac) in size, the Development Authority may, if the applicant is not required to do so by the Province, impose a condition on a development permit requiring the applicant to enter into a surface restoration and reclamation agreement with the County and to post security based on the cost of reclamation of the disturbed area to at least its pre-disturbance land capability or another use to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

60.15 A development permit for the purpose of Sand, Gravel and Other Surface Mineral Extraction will be reviewed every five years at a minimum. The Development Authority may, at its discretion, require a review after a shorter period of time if it deems that circumstances warrant.

60.16 One (1) security/operator dwelling unit may be permitted for each excavation operation.

Construction Site Preparation

60.17 Excavation for the purpose of construction site preparation does not include the digging of a building foundation or the installation of piling;

60.18 Excavation for the purpose of construction site preparation as part of a proposed development or multi-lot subdivision on the same land, but prior to the issuance of a development permit or a subdivision approval, does not itself require a development permit, provided the following conditions are met: (a) The applicant must have a subdivision or development permit application for the subject site submitted to the County for processing; (b) The applicant shall provide to the County the following information prior to commencing site preparation: (i) The legal land location and the area of the site where excavation will take place, including the location and approximate volume of topsoil stockpiles; (ii) The nature of the excavation that will be carried out; (iii) The existing site conditions, including location and type of vegetation; (iv) A grading plan or storm water drainage plan prepared by an individual or corporate entity licensed to practice Engineering in Alberta to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, which could comprise a grading plan or storm water drainage plan has been previously prepared as part of accepted construction drawings where applicable.

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(c) Construction site preparation prior to the issuance of a development permit or the approval of a subdivision application is undertaken at the applicant or landowner’s risk, with no guarantee that a development permit or subdivision approval or any other approvals will be granted for the project; (d) No excavation other than what was identified in the development permit or subdivision application shall be carried out. Activity shall be limited to the lands identified for the excavation; (e) Any vegetation or natural features that are identified for preservation in an adopted County plan, environmental inventory or other County document shall not be altered. Such areas shall be identified on the site plans and a written plan prepared that prescribes measures to be undertaken to protect the features to the satisfaction of the development Authority; (f) Topsoil and subsoil must be stockpiled on the subject property in separate piles, unless the applicant enters into an agreement with another landowner for stockpiling on other lands; (g) Topsoil and subsoil stockpiles must be limited to the volume required for finishing the grade of the site subsequent to construction completion; (h) It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the excavation meets all of the requirements of the County Land Use Bylaw and other provincial and federal requirements; (i) Any dust control measures must be carried out in conformance with the County’s dust abatement policies at no cost to the County; (j) The applicant is responsible for ensuring all development is outside active utility right of ways; (k) Any contamination of the environment deemed by the Development Authority to be a result of the applicant’s excavation activities, either directly or indirectly, shall be remediated at no cost to the County; (l) Failure to comply with the aforementioned conditions will be deemed a contravention of this Bylaw.

Topsoil and Subsoil Removal including for the Purposes of All of the Above

60.19 Except as noted above, a Development Permit is required before the commencement or continuation of the removal of topsoil and subsoil from any parcel of land, and such Development Permit shall only be granted where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that the land will not be adversely affected by removal. The Development Authority may refer any application for removal of topsoil and subsoil to the Agricultural Service Board for comments.

60.20 Where, in the process of development, areas require leveling, filling or grading, the topsoil shall be removed before work commences, and shall be stockpiled and replaced post construction.

60.21 Where the proposed excavation is extensive and or ongoing, topsoil and subsoil stockpiles will be used as part of the progressive reclamation of the site as outlined by the reclamation plan accepted at the time of application.

60.22 All topsoil and subsoil stockpiles shall be seeded immediately after completion or within

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one week of placement to reduce loss of topsoil and subsoil through wind erosion. All piles shall be maintained free of noxious weeds. The applicant shall include a written plan indicating seeding and weed control details.

60.23 Surplus topsoil and subsoil post construction shall be handled as may be required and/or permitted under provincial legislation.


61.1 Within a multi-lot subdivision and a hamlet fences shall complement the character and quality of the principal building.

61.2 Fences on commercial and industrial property may be subject to the provisions of Section 51.

61.3 The maximum height of a fence as measured from grade shall be 1.83 m (6 ft) subject to the specifications for corner lots pursuant to Sections 58.27, 58.28 and 58.29.

61.4 Notwithstanding Section 61.3 and subject to Section 23, the Development Authority may approve a development permit with a variance to allow a higher fence or a fence with barbed or other security features for public safety, security, privacy or buffering purposes.

62. GARDEN SUITE 62.1 A Garden Suite shall be allowed only in those Districts in which it is listed as a Permitted or Discretionary Use. 62.2 A Garden Suite shall be situated so that the exterior walls are at least 8 feet (2.5 meter) from other dwellings and any Ancillary Buildings on the parcel. 62.3 In any District where it is allowed a Garden Suite shall not be placed in the front yard of a parcel. 62.4 A Garden Suite shall be situated so that the exterior walls are at least: (a) in a Hamlet Residential District: (i) 5 feet (1.5 meter) from the side parcel boundary or, on a corner parcel, not closer to the flanking street or avenue than the primary dwelling; (ii) 5 feet (1.5 meter) from the rear parcel boundary when there is a blank wall facing that boundary or 10 feet (3.0 meter) from the rear parcel boundary when there is a window opening in the wall facing that boundary. (b) in any other District where it is allowed, in accordance with the minimum yard requirements of the District to which the parcel is designated.

62.5 A Garden Suite shall not be more than 16 feet (4.88 meter) in height and shall not exceed the height of the primary dwelling.

62.6 A Garden Suite shall not be more than 55 m² (591.8 ft²) in floor area and shall not exceed the floor area of the primary dwelling.

62.7 A Garden Suite shall be placed on prepared cribbings or piers and shall be skirted within thirty (30) days of its placement on the parcel.

62.8 A Garden Suite shall be serviced from the utilities servicing the primary dwelling and shall not be serviced independently.

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62.9 There shall not be more than one Garden Suite on any parcel and a Garden Suite shall not be placed on any parcel which contains three (3) or more dwellings that are permanent.

62.10 The design and appearance of the Garden Suite shall be acceptable to the Development Authority.

62.11 Prior to deciding upon an Application for a Development Permit for a Garden Suite, the Development Authority shall notify, in writing, all adjacent landowners and such other people it considers may be affected by the development, of the receipt of the Application and provide them with an opportunity to comment thereon.

62.12 A Garden Suite shall be removed from a parcel within 60 days of: (a) the death or permanent departure of the occupants; or (b) the sale of the primary dwelling; or (c) the movement of the occupiers out of the primary dwelling.


63.1 A Home Business requires a discretionary use development permit that shall not be approved unless the Home Business complies with the following regulations: (a) The Home Business is to be operated as a secondary use to the principal residential use; (b) No persons other than permanent residents of the property shall be engaged in the Home Business; (c) A Home Business shall not interfere with the rights of adjacent landowners to the quiet and private enjoyment of their property and the Home Business shall not adversely affect the amenities of the surrounding area; (d) A Home Business shall not produce nuisances such as noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odour, glare, heat or electrical or radio disturbance, detectable beyond the property boundary, or excessive traffic or anything dangerous or of an objectionable nature, in the opinion of the Development Authority. (e) A Home Business shall not generate additional vehicle traffic that is uncharacteristic of the neighbourhood; (f) Except for emergency situations home business traffic shall be restricted to: (i) Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM; and (ii) Sundays and Statutory Holidays between the hours of 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM; (g) Any interior or exterior alterations, additions or renovations to accommodate a Home Business, or to accommodate some other residential function in the principal dwelling so that some of the existing space may be used for the Home Business, may be allowed as long as such alterations, additions, or renovations comply with this Bylaw and do not change the external appearance of the dwelling unit or the residential character of the parcel of land; (h) A Home Business shall not occupy more than 30% of the gross floor area of the principal dwelling plus the area of ancillary structures; (i) No display of products shall be allowed on the property; and further, the Development Authority, if it deems appropriate, may allow materials, goods, or equipment to be stored on the site provided the storage of such is contained entirely within the dwelling unit or an Ancillary Building or otherwise screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and does not present a fire or health hazard;

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(j) In addition to the required number of residential parking spaces, a Home Business shall provide one (1) additional parking space if the business involves customer visits and a parking space for every approved commercial vehicle involved in the Home Business. Parking spaces shall be provided on-site. Any permitted heavy vehicles shall be parked indoors or outdoors in a location that is not generally visible from a public road or adjacent property; (k) Only one commercial vehicle shall be allowed in connection

with a Home Business. A commercial vehicle to be parked or maintained on the property shall be subject to the Development Authority’s approval in terms of size and appearance; (l) A Home Business shall not Home Business have any exterior advertisement sign greater than 4.0 ft² (0.37 m2) unless an Application for this purpose has been approved and a Development Permit issued pursuant to Section 83 of this Bylaw; and (m) A Home Business shall not adversely affect traffic safety.

63.2 All Home Businesses shall be in strict compliance with the provisions of this Bylaw and the conditions imposed on a development permit. A development permit issued for a Home Business may be revoked at any time if in the opinion of the Development Authority the operator of a Home Business has violated any conditions of this Bylaw or the Development Permit issued.


64.1 All buildings, cages and/or outdoor exercise areas shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and shall comply with the following regulations: (a) No building or outdoor exercise area shall be located within 300 m (1000 ft) of any dwelling located on an adjacent parcel; (b) Where applicable, all facilities, including buildings and outdoor exercise areas, shall be located behind the principal building; (c) All facilities, including buildings and outdoor exercise areas, shall be screened from any existing dwellings on an adjacent parcel; (d) All facilities shall be cleaned on a daily basis; (e) Exercise areas for animals shall be fenced to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; and (f) No animals shall be allowed outdoors between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am.

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64.2 A kennel shall not unduly interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties.

64.3 An application for a kennel that meets the regulations set forth in Sections 64.1 and 64.2 may be approved by the Development Officer.

65. LANDSCAPING STANDARDS General 65.1 The Development Authority may prohibit the removal or destruction of any vegetation adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area.

65.2 The Development Authority may impose landscaping requirements on any development permit application if, in its opinion, doing so would serve to improve the quality or com- patibility of the development. Exempted from this requirement are a Detached Dwelling, a Duplex, a Manufactured Home, an Ancillary Building that is less than 17.85 m² (192 ft²), a Home Business or any other development that the Development Authority deems appropriate, such as for example a development in the Agricultural District where existing natural vegetation/landscaping is deemed by the Development Authority as sufficient.

65.3 Where a development permit was issued for a use, building or development prior to this Bylaw taking effect, such use, building or development shall be deemed conforming to the Landscaping Regulations. The Development Authority may require that any subsequent extension, enlargement or addition of uses, buildings or developments shall conform to these regulations.

65.4 Pursuant to Section 65.2, if landscaping is required by the Development Authority, a development permit application shall be accompanied by a landscaping plan completed by a Landscape Architect or a person qualified and approved by the Development Officer to perform such work. A development permit shall not be issued prior to the approval of the required landscaping plan.

65.5 The landscaping plan shall, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, include the following: (a) name of the project and/or applicant; (b) name and/or endorsement stamp of the landscape architect or the County approved landscape professional; (c) north arrow, plan scale and legal description/lot, block and plan number of the lot; (d) a site plan showing lot boundaries, lot dimensions and lot area measured in hectare and/or acre, and the location of proposed landscaping and related landscaping features (e.g. planting beds, boulders, etc.) in relation to all existing and proposed buildings, signs, outdoor storage areas, parking areas, display areas, approaches, driveways, fences, storm water utility areas, and utility rights-of-way; (e) location of existing vegetation that the applicant proposes to retain; (f) new plant materials shall be accurately scaled to mature size; (g) location of planting beds and identification of bedding material; (h) minimum site area required to be landscaped pursuant to the requirements of this Section; (i) site area proposed to be landscaped, as well as the percentage of the lot area; (j) minimum number of trees and shrubs, in the required coniferous/deciduous ratio, required to be provided pursuant to the requirements of this Section; (k) total number of trees and shrubs proposed to be provided, and the proposed coniferous/deciduous ratio;

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(l) a list of proposed variances from the minimum requirements; (m) plant material list identifying the species/type of trees or shrubs and their planted size, as well as their typical mature size; (n) if landscaping is being proposed within a utility right-of-way the plan must be endorsed by all utility companies that have access to the right-of-way, indicating their approval of the proposed landscaping within the right-of-way; (o) any other relevant notes that identify site specific conditions; (p) all other physical features, existing or proposed; including berms, walls, fences, outdoor furniture and decorative paving; and (q) a location plan showing the proposed development and landscaping relative to the landscaping and improvements on adjacent properties and all adjacent road allowances and municipal reserves; and In addition to the above, the landscaping plan should include the following: (a) photographs illustrating the proposed plant species; and (b) the rendering of landscape elevations as viewed from adjacent streets to illustrate unique site features, e.g. screening effect relative to outdoor storage.

65.6 Landscaping, including location, design, extent of plantings and other landscaping treatments provided, shall be subject to approval of the Development Authority, taking into consideration, in its sole discretion, the following criteria: (a) A minimum of 40 percent of the total landscaping required shall be placed within the front yard of the property. (b) Notwithstanding any other standards in Section 65, where a lot has more than one street, road or highway frontage, the Development Officer may require that the required yards along all such frontages be landscaped to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. (c) If any side of the property that faces a street, road or highway is to be fenced the amount of landscaping that is to be provided outside of the fence shall be at the discretion of the Development Authority. Such landscaping shall be provided within the subject property, with the fence located inside the property boundary. (d) Landscaping must be clustered in planting beds to represent a natural arrangement on the site. Each individual planting bed must contain an odd number of trees and shrubs in approximately the required deciduous and coniferous mixture in a mulched medium such as bark chips, rocks or similar materials. At a minimum a planting bed shall contain three coniferous trees, two ornamental deciduous trees and a complementary number of shrubs. (e) Landscaping is to be provided so as create a year-round colour effect and interest; (f) Landscaping provided for screening purposes shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this Section, and shall include a minimum of two rows of trees evenly placed at regular intervals and the two rows offset to achieve a screening effect to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (g) Landscaping as approved on the landscaping plan shall be maintained for the duration of the development permit. (h) Landscaping shall include native and drought resistant plant materials and landscaping design practices, for example hard landscaping like rock, mulch or shale (but not as a substitute for plant materials except grass), and/or the use of storm water run-off or grey water to irrigate landscaped areas. (i) The use of landscaping is required adjacent to large exterior building walls greater than 3.0 m (10 ft) in height and 9.0 m (30 ft) in length that are visible from adjacent public roads, other than lands in the Agricultural District, to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to create visual interest.

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(j) Notwithstanding any regulation in this Section, landscaping shall include a mixture of trees and shrubs to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (k) As required by the Development Authority, all required yards and all open spaces on the site, excluding driveways and service areas, shall be landscaped in accordance with the approved landscaping plan. (l) As required by the Development Authority, any undeveloped portion of a site must be graded, contoured and seeded, or left to recover to its natural condition. (m) Landscaped islands shall be required within at-grade parking areas with a capacity of twenty-five (25) or more vehicles. Landscaping islands shall be provided in such an arrangement to provide visual relief and to break up large areas of parking into smaller areas, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Landscaping islands shall be landscaped in accordance with the landscaping standards set out in this Bylaw. (n) The parking of vehicles, the outdoor display or sale of goods and outdoor storage are prohibited on any portion of a site that has been approved for landscaping (including the natural display of grass, plants or other landscaping features) unless approved by the Development Authority. (o) Landscaping shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and the approved landscaping plan by the end of one full growing season in the year following the year in which the permit was issued, unless otherwise stated in the development permit. (p) On the advice of a Landscape Architect or Arborist, planting standards may be altered to suit unique site topography or soils or micro-climatic conditions. (q) Where the landscaping plan proposes to retain natural vegetation, those shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan as an integral part thereof. (r) Where the Development Authority requires that an area be naturalized or a natural area be enhanced, a landscaping plan prepared by a Landscape Architect or a person qualified to perform such work shall be submitted with the application for development to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

65.7 The owner of the property, or his/her successor or assignees, shall be responsible for landscaping and proper maintenance. As a condition of a development permit, an irrevocable letter of credit may be required, up to a value equal to the estimated cost of the proposed landscaping/planting, to ensure that such landscaping/planting is carried out with reasonable diligence. The conditions of the security being that: (a) if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with this Section, then the municipality shall use the security to complete the approved landscape development; (b) if the landscaping does not survive a two (2) year maintenance period, the applicant must replace it to the satisfaction of the Development Officer or forfeit the portion of the amount fixed equal to the cost of replacing the affected landscaping materials; and (c) the letter of credit will be released when the landscaping and other improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and the two- year maintenance period has expired.

Minimum Plant Sizes 65.8 Landscaping shall consist of the following minimum plant sizes: (a) deciduous trees - minimum calliper 60.0 millimetres measured 450.0 millimetres from ground level; (b) coniferous trees - 2.5 m (8 ft) height; (c) deciduous shrubs - minimum #2 container class; (d) coniferous shrubs - minimum #2 container class.

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Planting Density and Minimum Landscaping Area Adjacent to a Highway, Multi-lot Subdivision, Hamlet, Village or Town 65.9 Subject to Sections 65.2 and 65.11 all development on lands located adjacent to or that are visible from a highway and/or a County road (Township Road, Range Road or internal subdivision road) within 500 m (1,650 ft) of a multi-lot subdivision, Hamlet, Village or Town or within an identified commercial and/or industrial business park shall be subject to the following Landscaping Standards, which shall be applied in conjunction with other applicable provisions of this Bylaw, provided however that where the provisions of this Section conflict with any other applicable provisions of this Bylaw, the more restrictive provisions shall take precedence: (a) Minimum landscaping area: (i) On lots smaller than 1.0 ha (2.5 ac) a minimum of 15 percent, or as otherwise required by the Development Authority, of the site area shall be landscaped. For lots with multiple street frontages the area to be landscaped shall be to the discretion of the Development Authority; and (ii) On lots larger than 1.0 ha (2.5 ac) a minimum of 80 percent, or as otherwise required by the Development Officer, of the required front yard setback of the site shall be landscaped. For lots with multiple street frontages the area to be landscaped shall be to the discretion of the Development Officer. (b) Planting density: (i) One tree for every 40 m2 (430 ft2) of landscaped area at a proportion of approximately 1:1 of deciduous and coniferous trees, provided that where new tree plantings are otherwise required, existing trees that comply with Section 65.8 may be used if the earth under the normal spread of branches for the species (measured as an equilateral triangle from the top of the tree) remains undisturbed during construction and final grades are not significantly changed; plus (ii) One shrub for every 20 m2 (215 ft2) of landscaped area at a proportion of approximately 2:1 of deciduous and coniferous shrubs; plus (iii) One tree for each 25 m² (270 ft²) and one shrub for every 10 m² (108 ft²) of required parking area islands. In no case shall there be less than one tree per required parking area island; (iv) Where the calculation of the required number of trees and shrubs results in fractions of trees and shrubs, the values shall be round up to the next whole number; (c) Minimum landscaping requirement: (i) Notwithstanding the above standards, the minimum landscaping requirement is four (4) trees at the ratio of 1:1 deciduous and coniferous and six shrubs at the ratio 2:1 deciduous and coniferous. All other Areas 65.10 Subject to Sections 65.2, 65.11 and Section 79 all lands other than those described in Section 65.9 shall be subject to the following Landscaping Standards, which shall be applied in conjunction with other applicable provisions of this Bylaw, provided however, that where the provisions of this Section conflict with any other applicable provisions of this Bylaw, the following Landscaping Standards shall take precedence: (a) Minimum landscaping area: (i) On lots smaller than 1.0 ha (2.5 ac) a minimum of 10 percent, or as otherwise required by the Development Authority, of the site area shall be landscaped; (ii) On lots larger than 1.0 ha (2.5 ac) a minimum of 60 percent, or as otherwise required by the Development Authority, of the required front yard setback of the site shall be landscaped.

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(b) Planting density: (i) One tree for every 50 m2 (540 ft2) of landscaped area at a proportion of approximately 1:1 of deciduous and coniferous trees, provided that where new tree plantings are otherwise required, existing trees that comply with Section 65.8 may be used if the earth under the normal spread of branches for the species (measured as an equilateral triangle from the top of the tree) remains undisturbed during construction and final grades are not significantly changed; plus (ii) One shrub for every 60 m2 (625 ft2) of landscaped area at a proportion of approximately 2:1 of deciduous and coniferous shrubs; (iii) One tree for each 25 m² (270 ft²) and one shrub for every 10 m² (108 ft²) of required parking area islands. In no case shall there be less than one tree per required parking area island; (iv) Where the calculation of the required number of trees and shrubs results in fractions of trees and shrubs, the values shall be round up to the next whole number; (c) Minimum landscaping requirement: (i) Notwithstanding the above standards the minimum landscaping requirement is four trees at the ratio of 1:1 deciduous and coniferous and six shrubs at the ratio 2:1 deciduous and coniferous. Redevelopment of Existing Non-compliant Developed Lots 65.11 Proposed redevelopment of an existing developed lot that does not and, in the opinion of the Development Authority cannot meet the minimum landscaping area and planting density requirements in Sections 65.9 or 65.10 due to unreasonable hardship, shall meet the following requirements to the satisfaction of the Development Authority: (a) Minimum landscaping area: (i) 50% of the requirements in Section 65.9(a) or Section 65.10(a) as may be applicable. (b) Planting density: (i) 66% of the requirements in Section 65.9(b) or Section 65.10(b) as may be applicable. (c) Minimum landscaping requirement: (i) 100% of the requirements in Section 65.9(c) and Section 65.10(c) as may be applicable.


66.1 To assist in the review of the compatibility of a Manufactured Home with surrounding development, and in addition to the requirements of Section 17.4 and pursuant to Section 17.5, a development permit application for a Manufactured Home that is older than ten years at the date of the application for a development permit shall include: (a) recent color photographs of the building or structure showing all sides thereof; and (b) a statement of the age, size and structural condition of the building; and (c) a statement of any proposed improvements to the building, including a description of the colour, texture and/or finish applied to exterior surfaces, and a description of proposed landscaped areas; and the Development Authority may seek the opinions, in writing, of adjacent property owners. 66.2 Skirting of a Manufactured Home, including finishing, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, must be completed within thirty (30) days of the date a manufactured home is placed on the site.

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66.3 The appearance, design, and construction of any ancillary structures, such as patios, porches, additions, and skirting, shall complement the design of the Manufactured Home. 66.4 Where a Development Permit application has been approved for a Manufactured Home, any renovations or improvements required to ensure that the Manufactured Home complies with this bylaw shall be listed as conditions of the development permit. 66.5 Notwithstanding Section 31.1, all renovations that are set out as conditions of the approval of a development permit for a Manufactured Home shall be completed within one (1) year of the issuance of the Development Permit. 66.6 The Development Authority may require the applicant to provide a security deposit of an amount deemed sufficient to ensure completion of any renovations that are required pursuant to Sections 66.4 and 66.5. 66.7 Where a development permit application is approved pursuant to Section 66, the Development Authority may, as a condition of the development permit, require the applicant to provide a security deposit for any maintenance, repairs or improvements associated with the building relocation, or for the repair of damage to roads, sidewalks or boulevards that may be caused by the transportation of the manufactured home to the site. 66.8 When a Manufactured Home is placed on a lot on blocks or on its wheels, a development permit that allows the structure to have a zero lot line side yard setback or to straddle the side property line may be approved if the two parcels are in the same ownership.


67.1 Except as otherwise provided for in this Bylaw, no person shall relocate an existing building or structure, or portion thereof, onto a site without first obtaining a development permit for the moved-in building or structure. The moved-in building or structure shall comply with the applicable land use district regulations.

67.2 To assist in the assessment of the compatibility of a moved-in building with surrounding development, and in addition to the requirements of Section 17.4 and pursuant to Section 17.5, a development permit application for a relocated building shall include:: (a) recent color photographs of the building or structure showing all sides thereof; and (b) a statement of the age, size and structural condition of the building; and (c) a statement of any proposed improvements to the building, including a description of the colour, texture and/or finish applied to exterior surfaces, and a description of proposed landscaped areas.

67.3 In considering an Application to relocate a building, the Development Authority may seek the opinions, in writing, of adjacent property owners.

67.4 Where a Development Permit application has been approved for the relocation of a building, any renovations or improvements required to ensure that the relocated building or structure complies with this bylaw shall be listed as conditions of the development permit.

67.5 Notwithstanding Section 31.1, all renovations that are set out as conditions of the approval of a development permit for a relocated building shall be completed within one (1) year of the issuance of the Development Permit.

67.6 The Development Authority may require the applicant to provide a security deposit of an

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amount deemed sufficient to ensure completion of any renovations that are required pursuant to Sections 67.4 and 67.5.

67.7 Where a development permit application is approved pursuant to Section 67.1, the Development Authority may, as a condition of the development permit, require the applicant to provide a security deposit for any maintenance, repairs or improvements associated with the building relocation, or for the repair of damage to roads, sidewalks or boulevards that may be caused by the relocation.


68.1 No person shall construct or place or cause to be constructed or placed more than one dwelling unit on a parcel of land except where: (a) in the opinion of the Development Authority, either: (i) the additional dwelling unit(s) is contained in a building designed for, or divided into, two or more dwelling units and is located in a land use district which includes secondary suites, duplexes, multi-attached dwellings or multiple family dwellings; or (ii) the additional dwelling unit(s) is a Manufactured Home, a Recreational Vehicle, a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit and/or a cabin forming part of a Manufactured Home Park, a Recreational Vehicle Park, a Campground or a Work Camp and is located in a land use district which includes a Manufactured Home Park, a Recreational Vehicle Park, a Campground or a Work Camp as a permitted or discretionary use; or (iii) the additional dwelling unit(s) is a Recreational Vehicle pursuant to Section 75; or (iv)(ii) t he additional dwelling unit(s) is part of a ‘Clustered Farm Dwellings and Associated Uses’ development in a District where this is listed as a use; or (v)(iii) t he additional dwelling(s) is a building as defined in the Condominium Property Act that is the subject of an approved condominium plan registered with Alberta Registries; or (vi)(iv) t he parcel of land is within a land use district in which a second or additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home is listed as a permitted or discretionary use, and the proposed development complies with the provisions of Section 68.2; and (b) the Development Authority has issued a Development Permit for the use.

68.2 Pursuant to Section 68.1(a)(vi), the Development Authority may issue a Development Permit to construct or place a Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home or a Third or Additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home on a parcel of land as follows: (a) in the Agricultural District, a permitted use development permit for a Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home if the parcel of land contains at least 80 acre (32.38 hectare); (b) in the Agricultural District, a discretionary use development permit for a Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home if the parcel of land contains less than

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80 acre (32.38 hectare); (c) in the Agricultural District, a discretionary use development permit for a Third or Additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home, if the parcel of land contains at least 80 acre (32.38 hectare) and provided that farming is the principal use of the parcel of land; (d)(c) in the Country Residence Agricultural District, except in a multi-lot subdivision, a discretionary use development permit for a Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home; and (e)(d) in all of the above, the second, third or additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home is located within and forms part of an existing yard site, which means that the additional dwelling shares the same access and, where practical, the same water supply system and/or sewage disposal system and/or other utilities as those used and intended for the principal dwelling.

68.3 A second, third or additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home that exists on a parcel of land on the effective date of this Land Use Bylaw shall be handled as follows: (a) A second, third or additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home in existence on the date that this Bylaw becomes effective shall be grandfathered in; and (b) After the date that this Bylaw becomes effective a development permit must be obtained in accordance with this Bylaw prior to the placing or construction of a second, third or additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home on a parcel of land.


69.1 Except for those dwelling units that are contemplated in Section 68.1, the Development Authority shall not approve more than one development permit application for a principal building on a fee-simple or condominium parcel unless an overall site plan that provides for one or more groups of buildings and addresses storm water management, pedestrian and vehicle traffic movement and any other matters that the Development Authority deems necessary, has been approved by the Development Authority.

69.2 The Development Authority shall not approve more than one development permit application for a use of land or a building on a site if the same or a similar use or building already exists on the site at any time, except if the removal of the existing use or building is a condition of the development permit or if the use or building is an Ancillary Building or for uses in a Lease Bay Building.


70.1 Subject to Sections 70.2, 70.3 and 79, in all land use districts the outdoor storage of goods, materials and equipment outside of a building shall require a development permit unless the Development Authority has deemed that the storage is integral to another use that has been approved under a development permit or that does not require a development permit. 70.2 In all land use districts, no person shall keep or permit to be kept in any yard, as may be specified below, any object or chattel which, in the opinion of the Development Authority: (a) is unsafe, unsightly or tends to adversely affect the amenities of the district. This includes but is not limited to a partly or wholly dismantled, wrecked or derelict/dilapidated motor vehicle, and any excavation, stockpiling or storage of materials, explosives, flammable liquids, toxic chemicals, and diesel fuel and

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gasoline products unless it is suitably housed or screened to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) constitutes the outdoor storage of construction materials and equipment without a valid development permit for a proposed development that is to be constructed on the land and, if such a development permit does exist, beyond the period which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, is necessary for the completion of the particular stage of construction work. (c) constitutes the outdoor storage of materials, products, equipment or machinery in the required front yard of any district, unless required in any commercial district as part of the sale, promotion or display of merchandise in the sole discretion of the Development Authority, in which case such outdoor storage shall not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic. In the side and rear yard of any commercial district and in any yard of all other districts, the outdoor storage of vehicles, equipment, or products shall be screened from public view to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (d) constitutes the unsightly outdoor storage of more than two Recreational Vehicles, boats or other watercraft, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles or utility trailers, or a combination of any of these, in a side yard or a front yard that is visible from a public road, except if it is part of a development permit that provides for the storage or sales of such vehicles (also See Section 74).

70.3 In any residential Land Use District in a hamlet or a multi-lot subdivision a motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, boat, all-terrain vehicle or utility trailer shall not be parked in a front yard, except on a driveway or parking pad that has a prepared surface other than grass.

71. OUTDOOR LIGHTING 71.1 Commercial and industrial outdoor lighting standards and fixtures shall be of consistent design and complement the architectural theme of the buildings located on the site. 71.2 Commercial and industrial outdoor lighting shall be located so that rays of light: (a) are not directed at an adjacent site or skyward; (b) do not adversely affect an adjacent site; and (c) do not adversely affect traffic safety.

72. PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS 72.1 General Regulations (a) The requirements shall apply to all parking and loading facilities required by this Bylaw. Notwithstanding the requirements of this part, specific rules that may be contained in any land use district shall govern the parking and loading requirements for that district. (b) If vehicles entering onto public roadways exceed 9.1 m (30 ft) in length the applicant may be required to provide evidence, in the form of diagrams, to determine appropriate entrance geometrics. (c) If a building which requires parking or loading spaces is to be erected, the owner of the building shall provide the required parking or loading spaces in a finished condition as required in this Bylaw, at or before the time of occupancy of the building. (d) In the event seasonal conditions prohibit the completion of lot surfacing, the lot shall be compacted and maintained in a manner to allow emergency vehicle access and all hard surfacing shall be completed prior to July 1 of the following year. (e) The applicant may be required to provide an irrevocable Letter of Credit or other form of security acceptable to the Development Authority to guarantee completion of the lot surfacing.

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(f) To ensure compliance, and if the Development Authority deems it appropriate, the County may register a caveat under the Land Titles Act against the property being developed. This caveat shall be discharged when the Development Authority accepts the paving as complete. (g) Parking areas which are intended for public use shall only be used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles and shall not be used for extended storage of motor vehicles, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, no person shall permit a motor vehicle to be parked in a public parking area for a period in excess of 72 hours. (h) Parking areas and loading spaces shall be designed and located so as to minimize any disruption to the continuity of the pedestrian system and adjacent public roadways. (i) To facilitate the determination of parking and loading requirements, a parking and loading assessment prepared to a professional standard acceptable to the Development Authority may be required to document the parking and loading demand and supply characteristics associated with a proposed development. The Development Authority shall not be bound by any recommendations of such a parking or loading assessment, but may consider such recommendations in exercising discretion to establish the parking requirement for a specific development or to allow a reduction of the minimum number of spaces specified in this Bylaw. (j) The Development Authority may refuse to grant a development permit to an applicant not fully complying with parking or loading requirements. 72.2 Residential Uses (a) All residential parking stalls and loading spaces required by this Bylaw shall be located on the same site as the use requiring them, subject to setback and yard requirements. (b) The parking or loading stalls required for all residential uses shall be hard surfaced as defined in this bylaw, except for single detached dwellings and duplexes in the A, R1 and R2 Districts. (c) Parking or loading spaces for an apartment building shall not be located in the front yard of a site or between the front of a building and the boundary of the street on which the building faces unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. 72.3 Non-residential Uses (a) The parking or loading stalls required for all non-residential uses shall be hard surfaced as defined in this bylaw, except for agricultural uses in the Agricultural District, unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. (b) The location of on-site parking or loading spaces on a school site shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Senior high schools, colleges, universities, commercial and trade schools, and other similar institutions shall provide sufficient parking or loading spaces in respect of any gymnasium if it is open to the public. (c) Non-residential parking or loading spaces shall not be located in the front yard of a site or between the front of a building and the boundary of the street on which the building faces unless otherwise approved by the Development Authority. (d) If a non-residential parking or loading area is located on a site immediately adjacent to a Residential District, the parking or loading lot shall be designed as required for residential uses. 72.4 Parking and Loading Requirements (a) This Section is subject to Sections 72.1, 72.2 and 72.3. (b) All parking spaces, loading spaces, maneuvering aisles and driveways shall be surfaced and maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

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(c) All parking spaces, loading spaces, maneuvering aisles and driveways shall be demarcated to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (d) The parking or loading layout of all developments shall be designed, located and constructed to meet the following standards to the satisfaction of the Development Authority: (i) Each parking aisle shall have a curbed island at each end, measuring a minimum of 1.0 m in width; (ii) Any residential and commercial parking lot containing more than 100 parking spaces and in which a parking space intended for resident, visitor or customer use is further than 50 metres from the entrance to any destination building on the site, shall provide one or more pedestrian walkways of a minimum of 1.2 m in width, oriented to ensure safe and efficient pedestrian traffic flow, and incorporated into any adjoining trail system; (iii) Parking or loading lot design shall provide for adequate stacking and queuing lanes for vehicles to ensure that traffic flow on-site and on public roads are not adversely affected in any way; (iv) The parking or loading lot must be accessible to and appropriate for types of motor vehicles using it and the frequency of use; and (v) The parking or loading lot must be appropriately surfaced and drained as required by the Development Authority. 72.5 Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards:


(a) Residential

2 spaces per dwelling unit or 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit (i) Multiple Family Dwellings where 5 or more dwelling units occur

(ii) Garden Suites 1 space per suite

(iii) All Other Residential Uses 2 spaces per dwelling unit

(b) Office 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 (1,076 ft²) of gross floor area

3.4 stalls/100 m2 (1,076 ft2) GFA plus 1.0 stall/staff with a (c) Retail Store minimum of two staff stalls

(d) Hotel, Motel 1 space per guestroom plus 3 spaces for staff

(e) Food and Beverage Service Facility

3 spaces per 10 m² (108 ft²) of seating area plus 3 spaces (i) Lounge and Tavern for staff

2 spaces per 10 m² (108 ft²) of seating area plus 3 spaces (ii) Family restaurant for staff

4 spaces per 10 m² (108 ft²) of seating area plus 3 spaces (iii) Fast food restaurant for staff

(f) Industrial 1 space per employee

(g) Recreation Facility, Indoor 10 stalls/100 m2 (1,076 ft2) GFA

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USE MINIMUM PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT 5 stalls/100 m2 (1,076 ft2) of assembly area, which number may include parking stalls which in the opinion of (h) Place of Public Assembly (Hall, the Development Officer are available, to the Church) congregation, on neighbouring commercial or industrial sites (i) School

The greater of 1.15 stalls per staff or 1.0 stall per 5.0 m2 (i) Elementary and Junior High (54 ft2) of gymnasium area

0.5 stalls/student (design capacity) and 1.0 stall/staff and (ii) Senior High 1.0 stall/ 5.0 m2 (54 ft2) of gymnasium area

(iii) Industrial/Commercial 0.7 stalls/student plus 1.0 stall/ staff Training Facility

Pursuant to Section 72.1(i), the number of parking spaces required shall be determined by the Development (j) For all other uses Authority, having regard for similar uses listed above and the estimated traffic generation and attraction of the proposed use.

72.6 All retail, commercial and industrial uses are required to provide loading space. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Development Authority the number of loading spaces required. 72.7 All retail, commercial and industrial uses are required to provide parking stalls for physically disabled persons in accordance with the Alberta Building Code or another best practice that the applicant can demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction. 72.8 Where a building is enlarged or the use of the land or building is changed or increased in intensity, the additional parking spaces to be provided shall be limited to the difference between the requirements of the original building or use and that of the modified building or use. 72.9 Each parking space shall have dimensions of not less than 9 feet (2.74 meter) by 18 feet (5.49 meter). 72.10 Off-site parking and sharing of parking facilities: (a) Parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the use for which they are being provided except that, subject to the approval of the Development Authority pursuant to Section 72.10(c), the spaces may be located on another parcel on the condition that a restrictive covenant, ensuring the use of the parcel for the required number of parking spaces, is registered against the Certificate of Title of that parcel. (b) Where two adjacent developments can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that opportunities to share parking facilities exist, the Development Authority may consider an appropriate relaxation of the number of vehicle parking stalls on the application site subject to Section 72.10(c). (c) The following considerations shall be taken into account when parking is proposed to be located off-site or shared with another development: (i) The Development Authority may allow two or more developments to share parking spaces. Up to 20% of the required parking may be combined or shared parking. (ii) Permission to share parking spaces may only be granted by the Development Authority in the following circumstances:

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• the developments are in close proximity to each other and within 100 m (330 ft) of the site on which the parking spaces are located; • the demand for parking spaces for each development is not likely to occur at the same time; • the Development Authority is satisfied that the arrangement between the owners of the developments for the sharing of parking spaces is to be permanent unless an alternative permanent arrangement is made that is satisfactory to the Development Authority; • the full complement of parking spaces required for any of the developments completed on any of the lots proposing to share parking must be made available simultaneously with the completion of each development involved in the sharing or parking spaces; and • an agreement acceptable to the Development Authority is provided.

73. PERMITTED ENCROACHMENTS 73.1 The following encroachments into required front, side and rear yard setbacks in land use districts may be permitted for canopies, balconies, eaves, box-outs, cantilevers, chimneys, gutters, sills, steps/stairs and associated landings (but excluding decks): (a) front yard: (i) 2.0 m (6 ft) for balconies (ii) 1.0 m (3 ft) for box-outs, cantilevers, eaves, gutters, landings (e.g. to basement side entries) and window sills (b) rear yard: (i) 2.0 m (6 ft) for balconies (ii) 1.0 m (3 ft) for box-outs, cantilevers, eaves, gutters, landings (e.g. to basement side entries) and window sills (c) side yard (interior lot): (i) zero meters (0 ft) for balconies (ii) 0.6 m (2 ft) for box-outs, cantilevers, eaves, gutters, landings (e.g. to basement side entries) and window sills (d) side yard (exterior lot – i.e. corner lot flanking a street): (i) 1 m (3 ft) for balconies (ii) 0.6 m (2 ft) for box-outs, cantilevers, eaves, gutters, landings (e.g. to basement side entries) and window sills 73.2 For multi-attached dwellings, balconies may be extended to the side lot line or common wall. 73.3 No encroachment will be permitted if, in the opinion of the Development Authority, it may interfere with a loading space, parking area, driveway, or other vehicle or pedestrian circulation or access. 73.4 No encroachments will be permitted into the 2.7 m (9 ft) side yard required for vehicular access to the rear yard, unless a minimum vertical height of 3.0 m (10 ft) from finished grade to the lowest point of the projection encroachment is maintained. 73.5 The encroachment length limitations are as follows: (a) The individual encroachment maximum length shall not exceed 3.0 m (10 ft); and (b) The sum of all encroachments maximum length shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the length of the building wall (not including the garage walls). This does not apply to front or rear yards.

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Permitted Encroachments - Front and Interior Side Yard Setbacks

Permitted Encroachments - Rear and Exterior Side Yard Setbacks

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74. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE 74.1 In any Land Use District, other than those stated in Section 16.1(e), no Recreational Vehicle(s) shall be parked, placed or stored for commercial purposes unless ‘Warehousing and Storage’ is listed as a use in the Land Use District and the Development Authority has issued a corresponding development permit. 74.2 Except as provided for in Section 75, in any Land Use District a Recreational Vehicle shall not be parked, placed or stored for private storage purposes unless the use or building generally deemed to be the principal use or principal building in the District into which the parcel is designated is being actively undertaken or has been constructed on the parcel. This means that in a residential district, for example, the parcel must be developed with a dwelling unit of any type listed as a use in that District in order to park, place or store a Recreational Vehicle for private purposes. Also refer to Sections 70.2(d) and 70.3.

75. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AS A DWELLING UNIT ON A PARCEL OF LAND THAT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK OR A CAMPGROUND 75.1 On any lot (developed or vacant) in any Land Use District a Recreational Vehicle, including one that is parked or stored on a developed lot pursuant to Section 74.2, may be used as a dwelling unit for a period not exceeding twenty one (21) consecutive days, at the expiry of which it must be removed from the property for a minimum of five consecutive days; and a development permit is not required for such use. This includes a Recreational Vehicle owned and/or used by short-term guests of the landowner or dwelling unit occupant (e.g. long weekend guests), subject to parking for any and all towing unit(s) and any associated trailers (e.g. for a boat, ATV, Ski-doo, etc.) being accommodated on the subject parcel of land. 75.2 A maximum of two (2) Recreational Vehicles may be used pursuant to Section 75.1 without the requirement to obtain a development permit. Additional Recreational vehicles may be used for this purpose for a maximum of five consecutive days and only with the prior permission of the Development Officer. For each additional Recreational Vehicle a temporary tag stating the serial number of the Recreational Vehicle and the dates that it will be parked on the lot may be obtained from the Development Officer. 75.3 The use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit for a period exceeding twenty one (21) consecutive days is allowed only if ‘Recreational Vehicle' is listed as a use in the Land Use District for the subject parcel and a development permit for such use has been issued by the Development Authority pursuant to the regulations of that District. 75.4 In addition to the regulations for Recreational Vehicles in a specific Land Use District the following regulations apply to the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3: (a) The Development Authority shall be satisfied that the design, finish and appearance of a building, including a Recreational Vehicle, are compatible with the amenities and character of existing development in the surrounding area. (b) A Recreational Vehicle shall be no more than fifteen years old at the time of applying for a development permit to use it as a dwelling unit. If the Recreational Vehicle is older than fifteen years, photographs of the Recreational Vehicle to be placed on the lot shall be submitted with the development permit application to the Development

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Officer’s satisfaction, and the application may be denied or a condition imposed to require its upgrading if the condition of the Recreational Vehicle is not to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (c) Only one Recreational Vehicle per lot may be used as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3, except in Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 0521511 and Plan 0620721) where, despite anything to the contrary in this Land Use Bylaw, a maximum of two Recreational Vehicles per lot may be allowed at the discretion of the Development Authority. Further, subject to Section 68, only one development permit may be issued for a principal building that is a dwelling unit (i.e. either for a Recreational Vehicle or for a detached dwelling). (d) Pursuant to Section 8 a Recreational Vehicle includes a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Trailer but does not include a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit (also called a “Cottage Model”). (e) Pursuant to Section 9 a Recreational Vehicle used as a dwelling unit is a building and all regulations specified in this District for a building also apply to a Recreational Vehicle, unless stated otherwise. (f) In the Buffalo View EstatesRochon Sands Heights, Scenic Sands [on lots specified in Section 108.15(c)(ii)] and Buffalo Lake Meadows subdivisions, additions to a Recreational Vehicle shall be limited to a ground level deck. (g) Although being a discretionary use in the Buffalo View EstatesRochon Sands Heights, Scenic Sands76. [on lots specified in Section 108.15(c)(ii)] and Buffalo Lake Meadows subdivisions, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Bylaw the Development Officer may issue a development permit for the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit, but shall refer the application to the Municipal Planning Commission if the Development Officer recommends refusal of the development permit or for any other reason that the Development Officer deems it necessary. (h) When the Development Officer issues a development permit for the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit, an appeal period for affected landowners shall apply pursuant to Section 33.2. (i) The landowner of a parcel of land on which a Recreational Vehicle is illegally stored (refer to Section 74) or is placed to be used as a dwelling unit without the benefit of a development permit or on which a Recreational Vehicle was legally placed to be used as a dwelling unit with the benefit of a time limited development permit which has expired, shall be issued a Stop Order pursuant to Section 37 of this Land Use Bylaw.

76. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK AND/OR CAMPGROUND 76.1 When ‘Campground’ and ‘Recreational Vehicle Park’ are both listed as uses in a District, then a single Development Permit may be issued for a facility that includes both a Campground (un-serviced sites) and a Recreational Vehicle Park (serviced sites). 76.2 Any development permit application for a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground, regardless of whether the stalls are rented or under condominium ownership, shall include a site plan to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that shows the location, design standards and site requirements of individual stalls, group areas, access roads and cabins, and any common accessory uses and services such as washrooms, laundromat, recreational building, retail store, food concession, fire pits, fire wood storage, lighting, water supply, sewage disposal facilities, solid waste collection facilities and any other similar uses or services that may be associated with or required within a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground. For a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground where the

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stalls are rented and the number of stalls does not exceed twenty or the land area does not exceed 5 arces, whichever is the least, the Development Authority may, at its discretion, use the design standards cited in Section 76.3 or any other standards to its satisfaction, as a guideline in evaluating the permit application. 76.3 When a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground is intended to be under condominium ownership, the Development Authority shall use the following regulations as minimum standards in evaluating the permit application and the design of the Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground site plan: (a) in a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground only a Recreational Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit, tents and cabins are allowed as temporary overnight accommodation; (b) a condominium Recreational Vehicle Park or a condominium Campground pursuant to the Condominium Property Act shall require subdivision approval, and shall be subject to any related County policies regarding water supply and sewage disposal servicing and road construction or road improvements; (c) a Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground shall have a minimum site area of 0.4 ha (1.0 ac); (d)(c) for a rental park or campground a minimum of 10% and for a condominium project a minimum of 20% of the gross development area shall be set aside in a location suitable to the Development Authority as a common open space recreation area; (e)(d) each stall shall be accessed by an internal road; (f)(e) the road system shall be sensitively designed to the topography and environmental characteristics of the site; (g)(f) roads shall be hard surfaced or surfaced to the satisfaction of the Development Authority and shall be; (i) 3.0 m (10 ft) in width for one-way traffic and (ii) 6.0 m (20 ft) in width for two-way traffic; (h)(g) the road system shall be properly signed for users and for emergency response vehicles; (i)(h) walkways with a minimum width of 1.2 m (4 ft) surfaced to the satisfaction of the Development Authority shall be provided from all stalls to all service buildings and facilities, refuse areas and recreation areas; (j)(i) fires will be permitted only in designated fire pits or other such facilities; (k)(j) all utility services and all utility wires and conduits shall be provided as required by the Development Authority and the franchise utility companies; (l)(k) potable water and sewage disposal facilities are required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; (m)(l) fences shall be allowed within the Recreational Vehicle Park only if they are erected and maintained by the park operator to a uniform standard throughout the park; (n)(m) all stall boundaries shall be clearly defined on the ground by permanent flush stakes, or markers, with a stall number or other identification system; (o)(n) minimum Recreational Vehicle or Campground stall size shall be: (i) 6.0 m (20 ft) in width; (ii) 18 m (59 ft) in depth; and (iii) 108 m2 (1,200 ft2) in area for rental stalls, with a minimum unit size of 200 m² (2,153 ft²) for condominium units;

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(p)(o) minimum distance between Recreational Vehicle or Campground stalls shall be 3.0 m (10 ft), except if suitable buffers are provided to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; (q)(p) minimum Recreational Vehicle Park or Campground front, side and rear yards shall be 3.0 m (10 ft) from all site boundaries and no stalls or other development are permitted within any yard; (r)(q) a maximum of one Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit and one tent shall be allowed per stall; (s)(r) each stall shall accommodate at least one vehicle parking space other than a Recreational Vehicle; (t)(s) visitor parking shall be provided in a common area to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; and (u)(t) a landscaping plan that retains natural vegetation shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (v)(u) only one Recreational Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit or cabin plus one Ancillary Building are allowed per condominium unit; (w)(v) the maximum coverage per unit or stall is 40%; (x)(w) the maximum height of a Recreational Vehicle, Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit or cabin is 18 ft (5.50 m); (y)(x) a common area for the storage of ATV’s, motor cycles and boats or other recreational crafts shall be provided at a minimum rate of 10 m² ; (z)(y) no permanent foundation, pilings, basement or base extending below the frost level is allowed to be developed on a condominium unit that is intended for a Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit; (aa)(z) each condominium unit shall be designed to accommodate a minimum of two vehicle parking spaces; (bb)(aa) a common area for the parking of additional vehicles or visitor vehicles shall be provided at a rate of one vehicle per every five condominium units; (cc)(bb) no Ancillary Building shall be used for sleeping accommodation; and (dd)(cc) an Ancillary Building shall be similar to, and complement, the Recreational Vehicle in exterior materials, colour and appearance.

76.4 One on-site security/operator dwelling unit may be approved subject to Section 82.

77. SALVAGE AND RECYCLING FACILITY 77.1 Prior to approving a development permit the Development Authority shall be satisfied that the design, finish and maintenance/upkeep of a ‘Salvage and Recycling Facility’ including advertising signs, throughout the lifetime of the facility, are compatible with the amenities and character of existing development in the surrounding area, specifically if the facility is located in a prominently visible location. 77.2 The keeping of any object or chattel in a location that is visible to the travelling public and which in the opinion of the Development Authority is unsightly or adversely affects the amenities of the area is prohibited. 77.3 The premises shall be fenced along any and all property boundaries visible from any highway or public road, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. This shall be a screening fence. 77.4 The screening fence shall be of a durable finish that incorporates and complements any buildings and shall include architectural design in the form of colour variation or other method of accentuation to break up monotony and size/height/length of the fence. 77.5 The use of true primary and secondary colours in fencing and building materials is not

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permitted as the main field colour and must only be used as accent colouring. All colours are to be approved by the Development Authority by the submission of true colour samples. 77.6 At no time shall any auto bodies or other recycling components be visible from any location along a highway or any other public road, except when being loaded/off-loaded. 77.7 Landscaping shall be provided and maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 77.8 Notwithstanding Section 83 of this Bylaw, the location and design of any advertising signs shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

78. SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA 78.1 A satellite dish antenna shall be located on the same site as the intended signal user. 78.2 Pursuant to Section 16.1(i), a satellite dish antenna that conforms to all other provisions of the Land Use Bylaw does not require a development permit. 78.3 A satellite dish antenna shall not be located in, or encroach onto, a front or side yard in any residential district. 78.4 A satellite dish antenna larger than 1.0 m (3 ft) in diameter shall not be located on a roof top except for apartment buildings three storeys or greater in height and buildings in non- residential districts. 78.5 Where any portion of a satellite dish antenna is more than 3.0 m (10 ft) above grade, it shall be screened and located to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 78.6 Location restrictions for satellite dish antennas may be waived where the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority that compliance would interfere with signal reception.

79. SCREENING, BUFFERING AND OUTDOOR STORAGE 79.1 Some land use districts list ‘Outdoor Storage’ as a land use and/or contain outdoor storage regulations specific to those districts. In these situations a development permit must be obtained for ‘Outdoor Storage’. 79.2 Outdoor storage of goods, materials, or equipment outside of a building in a land use district where ‘Outdoor Storage’ is not listed as a use may be allowed if outdoor storage is implied in the land use definition of the particular use and if the development permit application states the intent to have outdoor storage. 79.3 In all other situations outdoor storage shall be subject to the provisions of Section 70. 79.4 In addition to any other provisions of this Bylaw, for a landfill site, a gravel pit, a sewage lagoon, a sewage treatment plant, an industrial or bulk storage yard, including but not limited to auto wrecking, lumber yard, pipe storage and similar uses and for any other similar forms of development, the Development Authority may require such development to be screened from public view by a vegetated buffer strip or some other landscaping feature to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Where, because of the stacked height of materials stored, a screen planting would not be sufficient, the Development Authority may require a fence, an earth berm or combination thereof to its satisfaction. 79.5 Outdoor storage of vehicles, equipment, or products shall be screened from public view

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to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, unless the outdoor storage is required as part of the sale, promotion or display of the vehicle, equipment or product, in which case the manner of outdoor storage shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

79.6 Screening in the form of fences, hedges, landscaped berms or other means is required along the property lines of all commercial and industrial lots where such lines are coterminous with a residential property line or are adjacent to an alley that abuts a neighbouring residential property. Such screening shall be at least 1.8 m (6 ft) high. Other features of the screening shall be at the discretion of the Development Authority.

80. SEA-CAN 80.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of any land use district the placement and use of a sea- can as an ancillary building on any parcel of land adjacent to or within a multi-lot subdivision, a hamlet, a village or a town shall be a discretionary use, and the Municipal Planning Commission may, in its sole discretion, approve a development permit application for a sea-can on a temporary basis pursuant to Section 25.

81. SECONDARY SUITE 81.1 One secondary suite may be allowed in a Detached Dwelling that constitutes the principal building on a parcel of land or, subject to Section 43.6, in a detached Ancillary Building if a principal Detached Dwelling exists on the parcel of land, in those Districts where secondary suite is listed as a permitted or discretionary use. 81.2 A secondary suite located in a detached Ancillary Building shall be a discretionary use since it may require that the building height is varied from the typical 16 feet to 26 feet. 81.3 A secondary suite is not a Duplex or a second Detached Dwelling therefore, subject to Section 23.4, a secondary suite within a Detached Dwelling shall not exceed 25% of the total floor area of the Detached Dwelling, including upper floors and basement combined, and a secondary suite in a detached Ancillary Building shall not exceed 50% of the ground floor area of the building or, in either case, 90.0 m² (approximately 969 ft²), whichever is less; and further, the secondary suite shall not be smaller than 38.0 m² (approximately 400 ft²). 81.4 A separate entrance door to a secondary suite shall not be located on the front elevation of a Detached Dwelling. Notwithstanding this, a single entry door providing access to an enclosed, shared landing area from which both the main dwelling unit and the secondary suite take access, may be located on the front elevation of a Detached Dwelling. When a secondary suite is located in an ancillary building the location of the entrance door is not regulated. 81.5 At least one on-site parking space shall be provided for a secondary suite in addition to the parking requirements for the principal dwelling pursuant to Section 72 of this Bylaw. 81.6 A principal building containing a secondary suite may not be converted into condominiums; ownership of a property containing a secondary suite must be an undivided fee simple.

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82. SECURITY/OPERATOR DWELLING UNIT 82.1 A security/operator dwelling unit is a discretionary use in those districts where it is allowed, and any development permit issued for a security/operator dwelling unit shall be conditional upon the permit becoming null and void when the principal use requiring the security/operator dwelling unit ceases to operate. 82.2 A security/operator dwelling unit shall not be a Detached Dwelling or a Manufactured Home. 82.382.2 O nly one (1) development permit for a security/operator dwelling unit may be issued on a site. 82.482.3 The floor area of a security/operator dwelling unit shall not exceed 46.5 m2 (500 ft2). 82.582.4 I n addition to the number of parking stalls required for the principal use under Section 72 of this Bylaw, one additional parking stall shall be provided for the security/operator dwelling unit. 82.682.5 A minimum of 6.0 m2 (65 ft2) of private amenity space shall be provided for the security/operator dwelling unit.


83.1 Signs and Advertising shall be a permitted use in every land use district if it meets the regulations of Section 83 and shall be a discretionary use in every land use district if it does not meet the regulations of Section 83.

83.2 The 25% maximum variance authority stipulated in Section 23.4 of this Land Use Bylaw does not apply to discretionary use signs.

83.383.2 N o sign or advertisement of a commercial, directional or informative nature shall be placed on land or affixed to any exterior surface of any building or structure unless an Application for this purpose has been approved and a Development Permit issued.

83.483.3 N otwithstanding Section 83.3, except as may be otherwise required in this Bylaw (e.g. in a Land Use District), the following signs, provided they comply with the restrictions listed below, may be placed on land or affixed to the exterior surface of a building or structure without Application for a Development Permit provided the landowner has given written consent:


(a) Miscellaneous signs, including: Sign not to exceed 12.0 ft² (1.1m2) and must be limited to one sign per parcel of land. In the case of a Home (i) signs to be displayed as a means of Business the sign shall not exceed 4.0 ft² (0.37 m2). identification, direction, or warning; Also see Sections 83.5 to 83.9.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

TYPE OF SIGN RESTRICTIONS (ii) signs advertising the fact that a person, partnership, or company is carrying on a profession, business, or trade at the premises; and (iii) signs relating to a religious, educational, cultural, recreational, or similar institution, or a hotel, motel, apartment block, club, or boarding house. (b) Temporary signs, such as:

(i) signs advertising that land or premises are for sale or lease; (ii) signs announcing the sale of goods or livestock on land or premises which are not normally used for commercial Sign not to exceed 20.0 ft² (1.86 m2) and must be purposes; removed by the advertiser within 15 days of completion (iii) signs relating to the carrying out of of the event or works to which the advertisements building, engineering, or construction relate. Also see Sections 83.5 to 83.9. works; and (iv) signs intended to advertise any local event being held for charitable purposes, which may be religious, educational, cultural, political, social, or recreational, but not for any commercial purpose. (c) Functional signs needed by public bodies such as local authorities and utility companies to give information or No size restrictions. Also see Sections 83.5 to 83.9 directions about the services they provide.

83.583.4 N o sign or advertisement shall be placed or permitted within 1,000 feet (304.8 meter) of a Highway right-of-way or within 2,625 ft (800 metres) from the centre point of an intersecting highway or other public roadway, unless the prior written approval of Alberta Transportation has been obtained.

83.683.5 T he person installing and displaying a sign must have written permission from the landowner(s).

83.783.6 S igns shall not be illuminated (provide details ie. impact traffic safety) provisions to allow illumination in specific circumstances..

83.883.7 N o sign or advertisement shall obstruct the view of or be liable to be confused with any traffic sign or signal, or otherwise pose a potential hazard to traffic.

83.983.8 T he Development Authority may require the removal or renovation of any sign that is not kept in a safe, clean, and tidy condition.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


84.1 Unless otherwise required by architectural/design guidelines in an Area Structure Plan or in Section 51 of this Bylaw, all buildings in any residential, industrial or commercial district shall comply with the following regulations, except as otherwise approved by the Development Authority: (a) The design, character, siting, external finish, architectural appearance and landscaping of all buildings, including accessory buildings or structures shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (b) Exterior finish shall be wood, prefabricated materials, stone, brick, architecturally finished block or concrete, stucco or other durable aesthetically pleasing material that is appropriate to the development style and to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (c) All sides of a building exposed to a highway or public road shall be treated as a principal façade and finished in an aesthetically pleasing manner to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (d) Roof lines and building facades shall be articulated and varied to reduce perceived mass and linear appearance of large buildings. (e) Except in the Agricultural District and all industrial districts, mechanical equipment shall be screened or incorporated into the roof envelope. (f) The undercarriage of a manufactured home shall be screened from view by skirting or such other means satisfactory to the Development Authority. (g) The appearance and finishing of all accessory structures to a manufactured home, such as patios porches, additions, garages, skirting and storage facilities, shall complement the manufactured home to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (h) The finish and appearance of all the buildings on the lot, including accessory buildings, should complement the other structures located on the same lot. (i) The design of development shall respect, complement and work with the natural features of the development site to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

84.2 The exterior finish of any building and the site works such as paving, curbing, landscaping, etc. shall be completed within twenty-four months from the date of the issuance of the development permit unless otherwise stipulated elsewhere in this Land Use Bylaw or in the development permit, or unless an extension of time is obtained from the Development Officer pursuant to Section 31.1.

84.3 Vehicular entrances and exits, as well as on site and off site traffic and pedestrian routes shall be located and designed in a manner that provides a clearly defined, efficient and convenient on-site and off-site vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation pattern.

84.4 Loading bays shall be located in such a manner as to not impede the efficient flow of on- site traffic and pedestrian movement and to minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.

84.5 Development on adjoining lots shall be integrated by direct on-site access connections to provide for convenient and free flowing traffic movements between lots where such integration is advantageous and feasible, in the opinion of the Development Authority.


85.1 The Development Authority may approve a development permit for a temporary building, structure or use only if the proposed building, structure or use conforms to the Permitted or Discretionary Uses prescribed in the District for which the site is designated.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


86.1 In order to ensure that the County complies with Chapter 2 of the Fair Trading Act, any development permit issued for a proposed development that involves the buying, selling, leasing, salvaging, recycling or dismantling, or installation of parts or equipment in, repairing or servicing of motor vehicles must include a condition that the applicant shall provide written proof, within 30 days of the issuance of the development permit, that the applicant holds an appropriate license from the Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council.


87.1 Federal, Provincial or municipal work camps do not require a development permit.

87.2 A development permit for a temporary work camp may be issued for up to one (1) year, at which time an application may be made for a continuance of the use for one (1) additional year, after which a new development permit approval is required.

87.3 An application for a development permit for a work camp must provide the following information: (a) the location, type and purpose of the camp; (b) adjacent land uses; (c) the method of supplying water, and sewage and waste disposal to the camp. The proposed method of sewage disposal must comply with the Alberta Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and be to the satisfaction of the Regional Health Authority; (d) the number of persons proposed to live in the camp; (e) the MLL (miscellaneous lease) number issued by Alberta Environment if applicable; (f) the start date for development, date of occupancy by residents, and removal date for the camp; and (g) reclamation measures once the camp is no longer needed.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended



County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


88.1 For the purpose of this Bylaw, the County of Stettler No. 6 is divided into the following Districts: • Agricultural District A • Airport District AD • Commercial District C • Country Residence District CR • Country Residence Agricultural District CRA • Country Residence Equestrian District CR-EQ • Country Residence Recreation District CRR • Country Residence Small Lot District CR-SL • Hamlet Commercial District HC • Hamlet Industrial District HI • Hamlet Residential District HR • Highway Commercial District HWY-C • Highway Mixed Use District HWY-MU • Industrial District IND • Manufactured Home Park District MHP • Public Services District PS • Recreational Facility District RF • Resort Residential District RR • Resort Residential - Communally Serviced District RR-CS • Resort Residential - Recreational District RR-REC


89.1 Boundaries of the Districts listed in Section 88.1, and amendments thereto approved by Council, are as delineated on the Land Use District Maps being Schedule ‘C’ of this Bylaw.

89.2 Where uncertainty exists as to the exact location of the boundary of a Land Use District as shown on a Land Use District Map, the following rules shall apply: (a) a land use district boundary shown as approximately following the boundary of a parcel of land shall be deemed to follow that parcel of land boundary; (b) a land use district boundary shown as following a street, alley, railway or creek, shall be deemed to follow the centre line thereof; (c) a land use district boundary which does not approximately follow the boundary of a parcel of land shall be deemed to follow the boundary of a corresponding designation in an applicable statutory plan, and if there is no applicable statutory plan, any written historical records that the County may hold relative to the parcel of land or the land use district boundary may be used to determine the boundary of the District.

89.3 If the Application of the rules referred to in Section 89.2 do not satisfactorily determine the exact location of the boundary of a District, Council either on its own motion or upon written Application being made to it by any person requesting the determination of the exact location of the boundary, shall fix the portion of the District boundary in doubt or dispute in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Bylaw and with the degree of detail as to measurements and directions as the circumstances may require.

89.4 After Council has fixed a District boundary pursuant to Section 89.3, the portion of the boundary so fixed shall not be thereafter altered except by an amendment to this Bylaw.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

89.5 In Schedule ‘C’ of this Bylaw the Development Officer shall maintain a record of Council’s decisions with respect to the establishment and revision of land use district boundaries or portions thereof and text amendments.


90.1 Development permit applications in any land use district may be subject to the provisions of Section 42 and Section 51 of this Bylaw.

90.2 If a greater distance is required by the Alberta Building Code than any distance shown in this Bylaw, that Code's requirements shall prevail.

90.3 All railway rights-of-way, roads, alleys and other public thoroughfares are exempted from the Land Use Districts and the District standards and regulations established under this Bylaw; however, when a railway right-of-way, road, alley or other public thoroughfare is closed it shall automatically revert to the Agricultural District or, in the case where its land title is consolidated with the land title of an adjacent parcel of land, to the District for which that parcel of land is already designated.

90.4 All regulations stated in this Bylaw relative to distances, sizes, areas, heights, etc. are minimum standards, unless otherwise noted in the regulation.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


PURPOSE 91.1 To support and promote an evolving agricultural industry as a fundamentally important part of the County’s identity and of its economy and to accommodate associated rural lifestyles and agriculture related businesses to supplement farm income.


91.2 Permitted Uses • Agricultural Operation • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Residential) – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Industrial or non-residential) – size shall be determined at the discretion of the Development Authority, subject to Sections 91.10 and 91.11 • Detached Dwelling • Garden Suite • Government Service • Manufactured Home not older than ten years • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit, if the parcel of land has an area of at least 80 acre (32.38 hectare), and subject to Section 91.22 • Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home (not older than ten years) if the parcel of land has an area of at least 80 acre (32.38 hectare) • Secondary Suite inside a Detached Dwelling

91.3 Discretionary Uses • Agricultural Supply Depot • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Residential) – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Assisted Living Facility • Auction Mart - Livestock, subject to Section 91.13 • Bed and Breakfast Establishment • Cemetery • Clustered Farm Dwellings and Associated Uses • Communication Antenna and Structure • Community Facility • Concert site, subject to Section 53 • Contractor's Business – Home Based or Not Home Based, subject to Section 91.12 • Crematorium • Duplex • Farm Stall • Guest Ranch – ancillary accommodation is limited to a maximum of 20 units/stalls/sites or an area of maximum 5 acres, whichever is less • Home Business • Kennel, subject to Section 64 • Manufactured Home older than ten years • Oilfield Service or Supply Business - Minor • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility – Indoor – ancillary accommodation is limited to a maximum of 20 units/stalls/sites or an area of maximum 5 acres, whichever is less

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

91.3 Discretionary Uses • Recreation Facility – Outdoor – ancillary accommodation is limited to a maximum of 20 units/stalls/sites or an area of maximum 5 acres, whichever is less • Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit, if the parcel of land has an area of less than 80 acre (32.38 hectare), and subject to Section 91.22 • Recreational Vehicle Park and/or Campground – limited to a maximum of 20 units/stalls/sites or an area of maximum 5 acres, whichever is less, and subject to Section 91.16 • Rural Convenience Store • Rural Restaurant • Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Extraction • Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Processing • Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home if the parcel of land has an area of less than 80 acre (32.38 hectare) • Secondary Suite inside a detached Ancillary Building • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit, for agricultural purposes only • Third or Additional Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home, subject to Section 68.2(c) • Value-added Agricultural Industry • Veterinary clinic • Warehousing and Storage – limited to the storage of a maximum of 20 Recreational Vehicles and 20 self-storage facilities units • Waste Management Facility • Work Camp


91.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 3.0 acre (1.21 ha) Lot Width 100 m (328 ft) Lot Depth 120 m (394 ft) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. • Farm Building and Agricultural Supply Depot: 82 ft (25 m) • Subject to Section 23.7: - All other buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) Building Height - Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 (maximum) and further - All buildings, except Farm Building: a. pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves b. flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

91.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 91.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

91.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS

Statutory Plans Take Precedence

91.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture

91.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that agricultural operations take precedence in this District. Therefore they should plan and develop their properties in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Subdivision Density for Private Titles

91.9 In this District the maximum density is three private titles per quarter section; with the provision that the Subdivision Authority may approve additional private titles as provided for in the Municipal Development Plan.

Ancillary Building (Industrial or Non-residential)

91.10 The ground floor area of an Ancillary Building that is associated with an industrial or other non-residential use is subject to Section 43.11. 91.11 The Development Officer shall not issue a Development Permit for an Ancillary Building (Industrial or Non-residential) unless the Applicant holds a Development Permit for any one of the following discretionary uses: a) Agricultural Supply Depot; b) Auction Mart – Livestock; c) Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based; d) Oilfield Service or Supply Business – Minor; e) Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Extraction; f) Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Processing; or g) Value-added Agricultural Industry and the Development Officer may refer any application under this section to the Municipal Planning Commission pursuant to Section 11.3(b).

Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based

91.12 The approval of a development permit for a Contractor’s Business – Home Based or Not Home Based is subject to compliance with the conditions listed in Section 55

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Auction Mart - Livestock

91.13 Auction Mart - Livestock shall not be permitted within 1,500 feet (457.2 meter) of a residence unless the residence is associated with the operation.

Confined Feeding Operations

91.14 The County supports the location of Confined Feeding Operations in this District that comply with the relevant policies identified in the Municipal Development Plan, specifically relevant to CFO Exclusion Zones identified in inter-municipal development plans and around approved area structure plans, concept plans and outline plans.

91.15 In approving rezoning and/or subdivision applications for single parcel residential acreages and multi-lot residential subdivisions in locations that could be incompatible with an existing CFO in this District, the County will recommend that the applicants familiarize themselves with existing CFO locations and the applicable minimum separation distances and consider the potential impact on their proposed subdivision however, the County will not require reciprocal setback distances. Further, the County will require that an area structure plan or outline plan for multi-lot residential development must incorporate the buffering techniques for non-agricultural development in the agricultural fringe as referenced in the relevant section of the Land Use Bylaw.

Campground and Recreational Vehicle Park 91.16 The design of any Campground or Recreational Vehicle Park is subject to the provisions of Section 76.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 91.17 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 91.18 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 91.19 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 91.20 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 91.21 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 91.22 A development permit for a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit may be issued subject to Section 68 and shall include a condition that the dwelling unit is connected to a certified public or private sewage disposal system while being placed on a site; and further, the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4. 91.23 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 91.24 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


PURPOSE 92.1 To recognize the importance of the airport as a necessary air transportation and emergency medical service facility. The District allows for aviation-related uses on the Town of Stettler and County of Stettler No. 6 Airport.


92.2 Permitted Uses • Airport • Agricultural Operation • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Emergency Service • Government Service • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

92.3 Discretionary Uses • Communication Antenna and Structure • Lease Bay Building • Office • Outdoor Storage • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit • Warehousing and Storage

SITE REGULATIONS 92.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area N/A Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Any application for the use and development of land within this District shall be subject to Section 42 of this Bylaw and further, subject to Section 23.7: Building Height • All buildings, except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) (maximum) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 • Farm Building: 82 ft (25 m)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

and further: • All buildings, except Farm Building: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet whichever is less. Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

92.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 92.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

92.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence

92.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Restrictions on Approving a Development Permit

92.8 In making a decision on any development permit application within the Airport District, the Development Authority: a) shall not approve any development permit application unless the application is supported by the Stettler Airport Board. Notwithstanding this, support of an application by the Board does not guarantee approval by the Development Authority; b) except in the case of an Agricultural Operation, shall not approve any development permit application unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Development Authority a direct need to locate the proposed development within the Airport District for airport related uses only; c) shall not approve any development permit application that may, in the opinion of the Development Authority, cause any objectionable or dangerous conditions that would interfere with the safe and efficient operation of the airport; and d) shall consider the safety of flight operations as the highest priority.


92.9 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

92.10 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

92.11 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 92.12 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 92.13 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

92.14 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.


92.15 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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93.1 To provide for a diversity of retail and service commercial uses in typically highly accessible locations and that display a high standard of appearance within the rural area.


93.2 Permitted Uses • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Automotive Gas Bar • Automotive Repair - Minor • Automotive Service Station • Financial Institution • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Funeral Home • Government Service • Hotel • Motel • Office • Personal Service Facility • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Retail Store - Minor

93.3 Discretionary Uses • Agricultural Supply Depot – limited to sales and service of agricultural machinery and equipment • Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Community Facility • Lease Bay Building • Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly Facility – no nuisance, no outdoor storage, with a retail outlet • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Retail Store - Major • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit • Warehouse Sales • Warehousing and Storage – limited to self-storage facility • Any other suitable commercial use as determined by the Development Authority

SITE REGULATIONS 93.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Lot Area 5,000 ft2 (464.5 m2) Lot Width 100 ft (30.48 m) Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 ft (7.62 m) except 32.81 ft (10 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m (3 ft) for each 3.0 metre in commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 20 ft (6.10 m) except 27.81 ft (8.5 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m (3 ft) for each 3.0 metre in commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio 2.0 (maximum)

93.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 93.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 93.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 93.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 93.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 93.9 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. 93.10 All buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block be improved with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development. 93.11 All outside storage and garbage containers shall be screened from roads to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 93.12 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 93.13 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 93.14 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 93.15 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 93.16 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 93.17 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 93.18 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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94.1 To provide for the development of country residences in a rural setting. This District does not apply to stand-alone parcels and must be developed as a serviced or un-serviced multi-lot subdivision. The maximum parcel size discourages the keeping of livestock or other agricultural pursuits, and these are not allowed in this District.


94.2 Permitted Uses • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

94.3 Discretionary Uses • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Assisted Living Facility • Bed and Breakfast Establishment • Communication Antenna and Structure • Community Facility • Duplex • Garden Suite • Home Business • Manufactured Home • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Secondary Suite


94.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

• Minimum: 1.0 acre (0.4047 hectare) Lot Area • Maximum: 3.0 acre (1.21 ha) • Developable land: 1.0 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width 164 ft (50 m) Lot Depth 266 ft (81 m) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home: ground floor area of 900 ft² (83.6 m²) Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

94.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 94.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

94.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence

94.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture

94.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Agricultural Operations

94.9 The keeping of livestock and other agricultural pursuits are prohibited in this District.


94.10 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

94.11 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed.

94.12 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system.

94.13 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

94.14 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

94.15 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.


94.16 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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PURPOSE 95.1 To provide for the development of country residences in a rural setting either on stand- alone parcels or in a serviced or un-serviced multi-lot subdivision. The range in parcel size accommodates the keeping of livestock and other minor agricultural pursuits.


95.2 Permitted Uses

• Agricultural Operation , subject to Section 95.9 • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

95.3 Discretionary Uses

• Agricultural Operation, subject to Section 95.10 • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Assisted Living Facility • Bed and Breakfast Establishment • Communication Antenna and Structure • Community Facility • Duplex • Garden Suite • Home Business • Manufactured Home • Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit, if the parcel of land has an area of less than 80 acre (32.38 hectare), and subject to Section 95.19 • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Second Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home, except in a multi-lot subdivision • Secondary Suite • Value Added Agricultural Operation

SITE REGULATIONS 95.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: • Minimum: 3 acre (1.21 ha) Lot Area • Maximum: 10 acre (4.05 ha) • Developable land: 1.0 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width 122 m (397 ft) Lot Depth 100 m (328 ft) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43

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If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. • Farm Building: 35 ft (10.7 m) • Subject to Section 23.7: - All other buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) Building Height - Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 (maximum) and further - All buildings, except Farm Building: a. pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves b. flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home: ground floor area of 700 ft² (65 m²) Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

95.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 95.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

95.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence

95.795.6 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture

95.895.7 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Agricultural Operation

95.995.8 Agricultural Operation as a permitted use in this District is limited to a livestock operation subject to Section 95.11 and the growing and harvesting of crops and hay.

95.1095.9 Agricultural Operation as a discretionary use in this District is limited to a livestock operation subject to Section 95.13, a greenhouse, a nursery, a market garden, a fish farm, a sod farm, bee keeping (apiary), a tree farm, a horse holding area including an associated riding arena directly related and specifically devoted to the raising and breeding of horses, and a fur farm.

95.1195.10 The keeping of livestock pursuant to Section 95.9 and within the meaning of Section 95.12 is restricted as follows: (a) livestock is prohibited on a parcel of land less than 3.0 acre;

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(b) the maximum allowable animal density is one livestock unit per usable acre of land that is fenced and dedicated to the keeping of livestock; and (c) any shelter, other containment, feeding, handling and associated facilities shall be set back a minimum of 75 m (246 feet) away from any residence, unless the residence is associated with the operation.

95.1295.11 For the purposes of Section 95.11, one (1) livestock unit shall mean: (a) One horse, pony, donkey, mule, ass, llama, alpaca, guanaco or cow; or (b) Seven sheep or goats; or (c) Two swine (excluding wild boar); or (d) Twenty chickens; or (e) Ten ducks, turkeys, pheasants, geese or similar fowl: or (f) Twenty rabbits or similar species; and livestock under six months of age, being the offspring of animals kept on the subject property pursuant to the regulations of Section 95, shall not be counted toward the allowable livestock limit; and further the Development Authority shall determine the number of animals that constitute one (1) livestock unit for any other types of animals not mentioned above.

95.1395.12 Notwithstanding the restrictions stipulated in Sections 95.11 and 95.12, the Development Authority may approve a discretionary use development permit application for the keeping of livestock with lesser restrictions if it is of the opinion that: a) the parcel size and location is suitable for the proposed use or development; and b) the proposed use or development will not detrimentally affect the amenities of neighboring properties.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 95.1495.13 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 95.1595.14 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 95.1695.15 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 95.1795.16 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 95.1895.17 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the

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applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 95.1995.18 A development permit for a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit may be issued subject to Section 68 and shall include a condition that the dwelling unit is connected to a certified public or private sewage disposal system while being placed on a site; and further, the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4. 95.2095.19 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 95.2195.20 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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PURPOSE 96.1 To accommodate a multi-lot Country Residential development on the N ½ 35-38-20-W4 that reflects the unique characteristics of the site and provides for the restricted keeping of horses pursuant to the policies in the Fix (Carlisle Estates) Area Structure Plan. LAND USES

96.2 Permitted Uses • Agricultural Operation, subject to Section 96.9 • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard maximum size of 1200 ft ²e, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

96.3 Discretionary Uses • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – maximum size of 1,500 ft² (223 m²) • Communication Antenna and Structure • Garden Suite • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

SITE REGULATIONS 96.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: • Minimum: 0.61 ha (1.5 acre) Lot Area • Maximum: 2.0 ha (5 acre) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7, the lesser of: A. Height limitations of Figure 1: (i) Any application for the use and development of land within this District shall Building Height be subject to the height limitations as indicated on Figure 1 forming part of (maximum) this District. (ii) The height limitation indicated on Figure 1 and the height of a proposed use will both be measured from the elevation of 2,686 ft (819.17 m) above sea level which is deemed to be the airport’s elevation.

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(iii) A development permit shall not be issued for any use which exceeds the height limitations shown on Figure 1. or B. General height limitations: (i) All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) (ii) Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 and further: (iii) All buildings: a. pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves b. flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area Detached Dwelling: ground floor area of 1,100 ft² (102.2 m2) Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

96.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 96.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 96.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 96.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 96.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. Agricultural Operation 96.9 Each 3.0 acre (1.22 ha) or larger parcel in this District is permitted to keep a total of two (2) horses. No other livestock, poultry or other Agricultural Operation shall be permitted in this District. MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 96.10 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 96.11 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 96.12 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or

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applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 96.13 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 96.14 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 96.15 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 96.16 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended



97.1 To provide for the development of country residences in the vicinity of recreational amenities. This District does not apply to stand-alone parcels and must be developed as a serviced or un-serviced multi-lot subdivision. The maximum parcel size discourages the keeping of livestock or other agricultural pursuits, and these are not allowed in this District.


97.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Recreational Vehicle, subject to Section 97.14 • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

97.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Garden Suite • Home Business • Manufactured Home • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit subject to Section 97.14

SITE REGULATIONS 97.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

• Minimum: 1 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Area • Maximum: 3.0 acre (1.21 ha) • Developable land: 1.0 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: Building Height • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 26.25 ft (8 m) (maximum) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home: ground floor area of 900 ft² (83.6 m2) Site Coverage 30% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

97.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 97.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

97.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence

97.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture

97.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.


97.9 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

97.10 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed.

97.11 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 97.12 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined

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through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 97.13 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

97.14 A development permit for a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle – Park Model Recreational Unit may be issued subject to Section 68 and shall include a condition that the dwelling unit is connected to a certified public or private sewage disposal system while being placed on a site; and further, the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4.

97.15 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.


97.16 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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PURPOSE 98.1 To provide for small lot residential development outside of hamlets, for example on land adjacent to a Village. LAND USES

98.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

98.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Bed and Breakfast Establishment • Boarding house • Community Facility • Duplex • Garden Suite • Home Business • Manufactured Home • Multi-attached Dwelling • Multiple Family Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Secondary Suite

SITE REGULATIONS 98.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: Lot Area 5,000 ft2 (464.5 m2) Lot Width 50 ft (15.24 m) Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 ft (7.62 m) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 5 ft (1.52 m) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Building Height Subject to Section 23.7 (maximum) • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

• Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area • Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home: ground floor area of 700 ft² (65 m²) Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

98.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 98.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 98.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence 98.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 98.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 98.9 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 98.10 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 98.11 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 98.12 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

98.13 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

98.14 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 98.15 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

99. HAMLET COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (HC) PURPOSE 99.1 To allow for commercial development within hamlets and for discretionary residential development where considered appropriate. LAND USES

99.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Automotive Gas Bar • Financial Institution • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Funeral Home • Government Service • Hotel • Motel • Office • Personal Service Facility • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Retail Store - Minor

99.3 Discretionary Uses

• Agricultural Supply Depot – limited to sales and service of agricultural machinery and equipment • Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Automotive Repair - Minor • Automotive Service Station • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Community Facility • Lease Bay Building • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Retail Store - Major • Any other suitable commercial use as determined by the Development Authority • Any suitable dwelling unit as determined by the Development Authority, provided that such use is listed as a permitted use or a discretionary use in the Hamlet Residential District, and subject to Section 99.9.

SITE REGULATIONS 99.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 5,000 ft2 (464.5 m2) Lot Width 50 ft (15.24 m) Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary - Dwelling Unit: 25 ft (7.62 m) - All other buildings: zero Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard Rear Yard • Internal lot:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

- All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - Dwelling Unit: 5 ft (1.52 m) Side Yard - All other buildings except Ancillary Building: zero, except 10 ft (3.05 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m in depth for each 3.0 metre of commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio 2.0 (maximum)

99.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 99.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 99.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 99.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 99.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. Residential Development 99.9 Residential development in this District shall follow the site regulations, development standards and additional regulations for the corresponding type of residential development in the Hamlet Residential District.

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

99.10 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission.

99.11 All buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block be improved with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 99.12 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 99.13 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 99.14 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 99.15 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 99.16 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

99.17 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 99.18 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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100.1 To allow for light industrial development within hamlets that may carry out a portion of their operation outdoors but generally are required to screen such areas. Any nuisance associated with such uses should generally not extend outside an enclosed building.


100.2 Permitted Uses

• Agricultural Supply Depot limited to farm equipment sales and services • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Auction Mart – No Livestock • Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Contractor’s Business • Government Service • Industrial/Commercial Training Facility • Office • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Veterinary Clinic • Warehousing and Storage – excluding trucking and freight terminal

100.3 Discretionary Uses

• Agricultural Supply Depot • Automotive Repair - Minor • Automotive Repair - Major • Automotive Service Station • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Crematorium • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Heavy Equipment Sales/Rental • Heavy Equipment Service and Repair • Kennel • Lease Bay Building • Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly Facility • Oilfield Service or Supply Business - Minor • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Retail Store - Minor • Security/Operator Residential Unit • Truck and Manufactured Home Sales/Rentals • Warehouse Sales • Warehousing and Storage • Waste Management Facility • Any other suitable industrial use as determined by the Development Authority

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


100.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 1.0 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width 98.4 ft (30 m) Lot Depth 114.8 ft (35 m) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: zero, except 10 ft (3.05 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m in depth for each 3.0 metre of commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage 40% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

100.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 100.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 100.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 100.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 100.8 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. 100.9 All buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block be improved with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development. 100.10 No operation or activity associated with any use in this District shall be permitted which would create a nuisance effect from noise, odour, earthborne vibrations, heat, intense light sources or dust, outside an enclosed building. 100.11 All loading, service, garbage collection and outdoor storage areas (where permitted), shall be located to the rear and sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any public roadway other than an alley, and from adjacent sites by a wall, landscape materials, berms, fences, or a combination of these features, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. Safety and Environmental Impact 100.12 Safety and environmental assessment are integral components of the industrial development review process. Where there are potential effects associated with a proposed development, a Development Authority may require an applicant to retain a qualified professional acceptable to the Development Authority to provide an environmental impact assessment report of the proposed development, in determining whether the proposed development is to be approved, approved with conditions, or refused. MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 100.13 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 100.14 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 100.15 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 100.16 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

100.17 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 100.18 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 100.19 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act. 100.20 A license, permit approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization may prevail over this bylaw or a development decision by a development officer, and/or Subdivision and Development Appeal board pursuant to Federal or Provincial Legislation. When an application is received by the County for a Land Use Bylaw amendment or development permit and the application is consistent with a license, permit, approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization, the County must approve the application to the extent that it complies with the license, permit, approval or other authorization granted.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


PURPOSE 101.1 To provide for residential development within hamlets. LAND USES

101.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

101.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Bed and Breakfast Establishment • Boarding house • Community Facility • Duplex • Garden Suite • Home Business • Manufactured Home; subject to Section 101.9 • Multi-attached Dwelling • Multiple Family Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Secondary Suite • Special Dwelling Unit Type as defined in Section 9

SITE REGULATIONS 101.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 5,000 ft2 (464.5 m2) Lot Width 50 ft (15.24 m) Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 ft (7.62 m) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 5 ft (1.52 m) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Building Height Subject to Section 23.7:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

(maximum) • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area • Detached Dwelling or Manufactured Home: ground floor area of 700 ft² (65 m²) Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

101.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 101.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

101.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 101.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 101.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. Manufactured Home Prohibited 101.9 The development of a Manufactured Home is prohibited on the following properties in the Hamlet of Erskine: Lots 1 to 6, Block 2, Plan 1623372 and Lots 1 to 5, Block 3, Plan 1623372.


101.10 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

101.11 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed.

101.12 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 101.13 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 101.14 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

101.15 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.


101.16 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

102. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (HWY-C) PURPOSE 102.1 To provide for a diversity of commercial, recreational and tourist type activities which require large areas for display, client parking or both in prominent highway locations and uses that may be required by the public traveling on adjacent highways.


102.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Automotive Gas Bar • Automotive Repair - Minor • Automotive Service Station • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Government Service • Hotel • Motel • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Retail Store - Minor

102.3 Discretionary Uses

• Agricultural Supply Depot • Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Heavy Equipment Sales/Rentals • Lease Bay Building • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreational Vehicle Park, subject to Section 102.12 • Retail Store - Major • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit • Truck and Manufactured Home Sales/Rentals • Warehousing and Storage – limited to self-storage • Any other suitable commercial use as determined by the Development Authority

SITE REGULATIONS 102.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: Lot Area 5,000 ft2 (464.5 m2) • 100 ft (30.48 m) adjacent to a service or local road Lot Width • 147.6 ft (45 m) adjacent to a highway without a service or local road Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard Rear Yard • Internal lot:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

- All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 ft (3.05 m) on one side and zero on the Side Yard other, except 10 ft (3.05 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m in depth for each 3.0 metre of commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio 2.0 (maximum)

102.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 102.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

102.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence 102.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture 102.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 102.9 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. 102.10 All buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block be improved

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development.

102.11 All outside storage and garbage containers shall be screened from roads to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

Recreational Vehicle Park 102.12 The design of any Recreational Vehicle Park shall comply with the provisions of Section 76.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 102.13 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 102.14 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 102.15 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 102.16 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 102.17 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 102.18 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 102.19 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways

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Development Act.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

103. HIGHWAY MIXED USE DISTRICT (HWY-MU) PURPOSE 103.1 The purpose of this district is to provide a regulatory framework to control industrial, commercial and other development on the following properties: 1) Lot 1A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 2) Lot 2A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 3) Lot 4A and Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 4) Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 0621945 5) Lot 2 Block 1 Plan 1324821 6) Remainder Lot 3 Block 1 Plan 1124110 7) Lot C Plan 6011NY 8) Lot R and Lots 1 - 6 Plan 3966MC 9) Lot 9, Block 1, Plan 1423672, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Plan 1525245 and Lots 1 to 5, Block 2, Plan 1420412 (Heartland Business Park) 10) Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1622546 (NW-30-38-16-W4M). The intent is to allow existing development to continue, to facilitate the development of new mixed use developments that comply with the Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines and to control, buffer and screen potentially noxious industrial activities. LAND USES

103.2 Permitted Uses

• Agricultural Operation, subject to Section 103.9 • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Residential) – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling, subject to Section 103.10 • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

103.3 Discretionary Uses, subject to Section 103.11

• Agricultural Supply Depot • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Industrial or non-residential) – size shall be determined at the discretion of the Development Authority • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Residential) – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Contractor’s Business • Contractor’s Business – Home Based, subject to Section 103.12 • Lease Bay Building • Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly Facility • Office • Oilfield Service or Supply Business – Minor • Oilfield Service or Supply Business – Major • Outdoor Storage, subject to Section 103.14(d) • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit

103.4 Discretionary Uses for Highway Commercial, subject to Section 103.13

• Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Automotive Gas Bar • Automotive Repair - Major • Automotive Repair – Minor

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

103.4 Discretionary Uses for Highway Commercial, subject to Section 103.13

• Automotive Service Station • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Heavy Equipment Sales/Rentals • Hotel • Motel • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Retail Store – Major • Retail Store – Minor • Truck & Manufactured Home Sales/Rentals • Warehousing and Storage – limited to self-storage • Any other suitable commercial use as determined by the Development Authority

SITE REGULATIONS 103.5 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 1 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width 98.4 ft (30 m) Lot Depth 114.8 ft (35 m) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft Side Yard (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m in depth for each 3.0 metre of commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 m) Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

103.6 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 103.5 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 103.7 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence 103.8 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Agricultural Operation 103.9 Agricultural Operation in this District is allowed on Lots 1 to 6 Plan 3966MC, Lot C Plan 6011NY, Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 and Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1622546 (NW 30-38-16- W4M) only. On Lots 1 to 6 Plan 3966MC Agricultural Operation shall comply with the regulations for Agricultural Operation as prescribed for permitted and discretionary uses under the Country Residence – Agricultural District. On Lot C Plan 6011NY, Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 and Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1622546 (NW 30-38-16-W4M) Agricultural Operation shall have the same meaning as and shall comply with the regulations for Agricultural Operation under the Agricultural District.

Detached Dwelling 103.10 Detached Dwelling in this District is allowed on Lots 1-6 Plan 3966MC, Lot C Plan 6011NY, Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 and Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1622546 (NW 30-38-16-W4M) only.

Discretionary Uses On Lots 1 – 6 Plan 3966MC, Lot C Plan 6011NY and Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 103.11 Discretionary uses on Lots 1 to 6 Plan 3966MC, Lot C Plan 6011NY and Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 are limited to ‘Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Residential) – oversized, subject to Section 43.10’, ‘Contractor’s Business – Home Based’ subject to Section 55, ‘Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Industrial or Non-residential) only if a Contractor’s Business – Home Based is in operation and ‘Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only’.

Contractor’s Business – Home Based 103.12 Contractor’s Business – Home Based is allowed on Lots 1 to 6 Plan 3966MC, Lot C Plan 6011NY and Lot 5A, Block 1, Plan 1621077 only, subject to Section 55. The floor area and height restrictions of a building containing a Contractor’s Business – Home Based and of an associated ‘Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use (Industrial or Non-residential) shall be subject to Section 43.10. Highway Commercial Uses 103.13 In addition to those discretionary uses listed under Section 103.3, the discretionary uses listed in Section 103.4 shall apply only to Lot 2 Block 1 Plan 1324821, Remainder Lot 3 Block 1 Plan 1124110 as well as Lot 9, Block 1, Plan 1423672, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Plan 1525245 and Lots 1 to 5, Block 2, Plan 1420412 (Heartland Business Park).

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Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 103.14 Existing development will be permitted to continue unchanged by the Development Authority issuing a new development permit to each existing use immediately upon the adoption of this bylaw. Subsequent to the adoption of this bylaw and the issuing of the new development permits, any new or additional industrial or commercial type development for which a development permit is required shall be required to comply with the following regulations: (a) New buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. All new buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials and shall comply with Section 51 – Commercial & Industrial Guidelines. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block is improved with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development. (b) All development shall be undertaken in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with and approved pursuant to a development permit and any other approvals pertaining to the Lands, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. (c) The keeping of any object or chattel in a location that is visible to the travelling public and which in the opinion of the Development Authority is unsightly or adversely affects the amenities of the area, is prohibited. (d) When issuing a Development Permit for new development that occurs after the adoption this bylaw or when the boundaries of a parcel are adjusted, the Development Authority may, as a condition of the new Development Permit or as an amendment to a previously issued Development Permit, prohibit outdoor storage in the front yard and/or require that the premises shall be fenced along any and all property boundaries where outdoor storage is visible from any highway or public road and/or that landscaping shall be provided and maintained, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority, which may include considerations for the screening fence to be of a durable finish that incorporates and complements any buildings and shall include architectural design in the form of colour variation or other method of accentuation to break up monotony and size/height/length of the fence. (e) Prior to approving a development permit the Development Authority shall be satisfied that the design, finish and maintenance/upkeep of a development including advertising signs, throughout the lifetime of the facility, are compatible with the amenities and character of existing development in the surrounding area, specifically considering the fact that this facility is located in a prominent location. (f) New development has to comply with Section 51 Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines.

Industrial Safety and Environmental Impact 103.15 Safety and environmental assessment are integral components of the industrial development review process. Where there are potential effects associated with a proposed development, a Development Authority may require an applicant to retain a qualified professional acceptable to the Development Authority to provide an environmental impact assessment report of the proposed development, in determining whether the proposed development is to be approved, approved with conditions, or refused. 103.16 No operation or activity with any use in this District shall be permitted which would create a nuisance effect from noise, odour, earthborne vibrations, heat, intense light sources or

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dust beyond the boundaries of the site.

Time Limitation 103.17 All existing industrial developments and Contractor’s Businesses – Home Based will be issued a new development permit at the time of adoption of this Bylaw. Any industrial or Contractor’s Business – Home Based development permit issued in this District following the adoption of this Bylaw shall be a time limited permit and the period of time for which the permit remains valid shall coincide with the period of time for which the development permit owner is the occupant or operator of the buildings or use approved under that development permit.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 103.18 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 103.19 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 103.20 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 103.21 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

103.22 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

103.23 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

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COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 103.24 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act, the Water Act, the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act. 103.25 A license, permit approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization may prevail over this bylaw or a development decision by a development officer, and/or Subdivision and Development Appeal board pursuant to Federal or Provincial Legislation. When an application is received by the County for a Land Use Bylaw amendment or development permit and the application is consistent with a license, permit, approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization, the County must approve the application to the extent that it complies with the license, permit, approval or other authorization granted.

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PURPOSE 104.1 To permit a range of industrial uses that may carry out a portion of their operation outdoors or require outdoor storage areas. Any nuisance associated with such uses should generally not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.


104.2 Permitted Uses

• Agricultural Operation • Agricultural Supply Depot – limited to farm equipment sales and service • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Auction Mart – No Livestock • Auction Mart – Livestock • Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals • Contractor’s Business • Crematorium • Government Service • Industrial/Commercial Training Facility • Office • Oilfield Service or Supply Business - Minor • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Truck and Manufactured Home Sales/Rentals • Veterinary Clinic • Warehousing and Storage

104.3 Discretionary Uses

• Agricultural Supply Depot • Automotive Service Station • Automotive Repair - Major • Automotive Repair – Minor • Cannabis Retail Sales, subject to Section 48 • Communication Antenna and Structure • Heavy Equipment Sales/Rentals • Heavy Equipment Service and Repair • Kennel • Lease Bay Building • Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly Facility • Oilfield Service or Supply Business - Major • Outdoor Storage • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Salvage and Recycling Facility • Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Extraction • Sand, Gravel and Surface Mineral Processing • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit • Value-added Agricultural Industry • Waste Management Facility • Work Camp

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SITE REGULATIONS 104.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

Lot Area 1 acre (0.4047 ha) Lot Width 98.4 ft (30 m) Lot Depth 114.8 ft (35 m) • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building and Farm Building: 10 ft (3.05 m), except 25 ft Side Yard (7.62 m) where abutting a residential district, and the required yard shall be increased by 1.0 m in depth for each 3.0 metre of commercial building height above the first 3.0 metre. - Ancillary Building and Farm Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

104.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 104.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 104.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 104.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

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Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 104.8 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. 104.9 All buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials. The Development Authority may require that the appearance of metal, and/or concrete block be improved with finishing materials that maintain an appearance which is characteristic of surrounding development.

104.10 No operation or activity associated with any use in this District shall be permitted which would create a nuisance effect from noise, odour, earthborne vibrations, heat, intense light sources or dust beyond the boundaries of the site.

Safety and Environmental Impact 104.11 Safety and environmental assessment are integral components of the industrial development review process. Where there are potential effects associated with a proposed development, a Development Authority may require an applicant to retain a qualified professional acceptable to the Development Authority to provide an environmental impact assessment report of the proposed development, in determining whether the proposed development is to be approved, approved with conditions, or refused.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 104.12 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 104.13 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 104.14 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 104.15 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 104.16 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support

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additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 104.17 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 104.18 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act. 104.19 A license, permit approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization may prevail over this bylaw or a development decision by a development officer, and/or Subdivision and Development Appeal board pursuant to Federal or Provincial Legislation. When an application is received by the County for a Land Use Bylaw amendment or development permit and the application is consistent with a license, permit, approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization, the County must approve the application to the extent that it complies with the license, permit, approval or other authorization granted.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended



105.1 To provide for a comprehensively designed manufactured home park that may include recreation facilities for the use and enjoyment of park residents.


105.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Home Business - Minor • Manufactured Home • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

105.3 Discretionary Uses

• Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility – Indoor (private only) • Recreation Facility – Outdoor (private only)

SITE REGULATIONS 105.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: Density 20 dwelling units per hectare (8 dwelling units per acre) (maximum) Park Area 0.50 ha (1.3 ac) (minimum) Lot Area 360 m² (3,875 ft²) per manufactured home stall Lot Width 12 m (39 ft) per manufactured home stall Lot Depth 30 m (98 ft) per manufactured home stall • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 Front Yard • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Private road or parking area internal to the manufactured home park – all buildings 12 ft (3.66 m) from the manufactured home stall boundaries.

For the manufactured home park:

• Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: the minimum side yard or rear yard setback for all buildings from the manufactured home park boundaries is 25 feet (7.62 meters). Rear Yard

For each individual manufactured home stall within the park, subject to Section 105.9(d): and • Internal manufactured home stall with a detached garage or with a minimum of two front yard parking stalls or with rear lanes: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building, Recreation Facility – Indoor and Security/Operator Office: 5 feet (1.5 meters) from the manufactured home stall boundaries.

- Ancillary Building: 3 feet (0.91 meters) from the manufactured home stall boundaries.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

- Recreation Facility – Indoor and Security/Operator Office: 25 ft (7.62 m) measured from the manufactured home park boundaries.

• Internal manufactured home stall without a detached garage or with less than two front Continue - Rear yard parking stalls or in a laneless manufactured home park: - All buildings except Ancillary Building, Recreation Facility – Indoor and Yard and Side Security/Operator Office: 5 feet (1.5 meters) rear yard and one side yard in each manufactured home stall shall be 10 feet (3.05 meters) wide measured from the manufactured home stall boundaries, to provide vehicle access to the rear yard, while Yard the other side yard may be a zero meter setback, i.e. minimum 0.5 feet (0.15 meters) wide measured from the manufactured home stall boundaries. - Ancillary Building: 3 feet (0.91 meters) from the manufactured home stall boundaries. - Recreation Facility – Indoor and Security/Operator Office: 25 ft (7.62 m) measured from the manufactured home park boundaries. If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building and Recreation Facility – Indoor: standard manufactured home height when placed on blocks. • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height • Recreation Facility – Indoor: 32.8 ft (10 m) (maximum) and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

105.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 106.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 105.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 105.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 105.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. Comprehensive Siting Plan 105.9 A comprehensive siting plan approved by the Development Authority is required prior to the issuance of a development permit for the development of land located in this district,

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and all development shall conform to the comprehensive siting plan. Compliance with the site plan will be a continuing condition of the development permit when it is issued and may be enforced by a stop order. The proposed plan must include the following information to the satisfaction of the Development Authority: (a) access, road system, walkway system and site pattern showing dimensions and structures; (b) provision for on-site containerized garbage collection facilities; (c) open space, to a maximum of 10% of the park, designated for recreational and playground use, and shall not include any required buffer strip; (d) provision of a landscaped buffer of 4.6 m (15 ft) or greater between any manufactured home wall and the lot line bounding the manufactured home park; (e) provisions for outdoor lighting; (f) identification and directional signs; (g) location of parking aprons (prepared gravel pad or hard surfaced) for every proposed manufactured home stall and visitor parking; (h) proposed location of a manufactured home for every stall, showing the required yard setbacks pursuant to Section 105.4; (i) proposed landscaping of the individual manufactured home stalls and throughout the park pursuant to Section 65 of this Bylaw; (j) screened storage compound for trucks, trailers, campers, snowmobiles, boats, etc.; (k) guidelines and standards satisfactory to the Development Authority governing design and materials of carports, patios, storage buildings, skirting, fences, supply facilities and other attached or detached structures; and (l) such other information as deemed necessary by the Development Authority. 105.10 Standard manufactured home placements and zero lot line placements pursuant to the rear yard and side yard setback requirements under Section 105.4 shall not be allowed in the same block of stalls. 105.11 Within the manufactured home park no manufactured homes, including attached structures, shall be within 13 m (44 ft) from any manufactured home, including any attached structures or permanent park structures that are located directly on the opposite side of a park street. 105.12 All manufactured homes shall have CSA and Alberta Building Standards (ABS) label numbers. 105.13 The manufactured homes shall be finished from the floor level to the ground level (i.e. skirted) within 30 days of being placed on a stall in the park. All finish materials shall either be parging, factory fabricated or, of equivalent quality, and be pre-finished or painted so that the design and construction complements the manufactured home, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 105.14 Equipment used for transportation of a manufactured home shall be removed from the stall and the park and finishing shall be installed and completed within 30 days of placing the manufactured home on the stall in the park. 105.15 All manufactured homes shall be placed on a CSA Z240.10.1 standard foundation, an engineer approved foundation, or a basement. 105.16 All attached or detached Ancillary Buildings, such as a garage or garden shed, and all additions to a manufactured home, such as room additions, porches or sun rooms, shall be factory pre-fabricated units or of an equivalent quality and shall be pre-finished or pre- painted so that the design and construction complements the manufactured home. 105.17 The roof line of any addition shall not exceed the height of the dwelling. 105.18 A stall within a manufactured home park may be used for the siting of only one

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manufactured home. 105.19 All roads in a manufactured home park shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the passage of emergency vehicles and shall be hard-surfaced where deemed necessary by the County, to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. If roads are less than 7.6 m (25 ft) in width, on-street parking shall not be permitted. 105.20 Designated visitor parking areas shall be evenly distributed throughout the park, and each visitor parking shall include a minimum of three parking stalls. 105.21 A second access from a public road shall be provided into the manufactured home park for emergency vehicle access if the park consists of more than 70 manufactured homes. 105.22 Internal pedestrian walkways, where provided, shall have a minimum hard-surfaced width of 1.2 m (4 ft) and be constructed to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 105.23 Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, the owner or agent of a manufactured home community in the County shall notify the assessor of the County in writing of: (a) Any manufactured homes locating in the park, or moving to a different site within the park, within 10 days of the changes with the following information: (i) name and address of the owner of the manufactured home; (ii) make and serial number of the manufactured home, and (iii) site location of the unit within the park; and (b) Any change of ownership or any removal of a manufactured home from the park 10 days prior to change or removal. 105.24 The outdoor storage of vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, water craft, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, materials, products, equipment or machinery that cannot be accommodated on a manufactured home stall to the satisfaction of the Development Officer shall not be permitted in this district except in a designated and enclosed or screened communal storage area, and such storage area shall be provided at a minimum ratio of 19 m² (204 ft²) of storage area per manufactured home stall in the park. 105.25 The communal storage area shall be enclosed or screened by trees, landscape features or fences or a combination thereof to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 105.26 No vehicle over 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) shall be parked on a manufactured home stall or manufactured home park street for longer than is reasonably required to load or unload such vehicle. 105.27 No vehicle greater than 7.6 m (25 ft) in length may be parked on a manufactured home stall within a manufactured home park.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 105.28 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 105.29 Manufactured home parks shall be fully serviced with an approved communal water distribution system and an approved communal sewage collection system. 105.30 All utility lines shall be placed underground or as may be stipulated in a development agreement. 105.31 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed.

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105.32 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 105.33 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 105.34 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 105.35 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 105.36 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act. 105.37 A license, permit approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization may prevail over this bylaw or a development decision by a development officer, and/or Subdivision and Development Appeal board pursuant to Federal or Provincial Legislation. When an application is received by the County for a Land Use Bylaw amendment or development permit and the application is consistent with a license, permit, approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization, the County must approve the application to the extent that it complies with the license, permit, approval or other authorization granted.

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PURPOSE 106.1 To provide for uses and facilities on land owned by a federal, provincial or municipal government and by a quasi-government or semi-public not-for-profit organization (e.g. a cemetery association or a recreation society or agricultural society) that are used, subject to the Municipal Government Act, by the general public for public or semi-public purposes, including parks, recreation, education, health, government, and other institutional facilities and services, including public utility services. LAND USES

106.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use • Community Facility • Emergency Service • Government Service • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreation Facility - Outdoor

106.3 Discretionary Uses

• Cemetery • Communication Antenna and Structure • Concert site, subject to Section 53 • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle Park and/or Campground, subject to Section 106.12 • Private Storage of Boat Lifts and Docks, subject to Section 106.15 • Waste Management Facility

SITE REGULATIONS 106.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District: Lot Area N/A Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

Building Height Subject to Section 23.7:

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

(maximum) • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

106.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 106.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 106.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 106.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. Awareness of Agriculture 106.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. Use of Reserve Land 106.9 Notwithstanding the list of permitted and discretionary uses in Sections 106.2 and 106.3, any parcel with an ‘R’, ‘MR’ or ‘ER’ contained in its legal description shall be used only for those purposes provided for in the Municipal Government Act. 106.10 The private development or use of municipal and environmental reserve land is strictly prohibited, unless prior approval is received from the Development Authority. 106.11 No alterations, including the removal or clearing of vegetation, or other changes to municipal and environmental reserve land may be made without prior written consent from the Development Authority, which may approve alterations and changes only if satisfied the changes will not detrimentally impact the environment or restrict public access to reserve land and the use by the public of the reserve land. Campground and Recreational Vehicle Park 106.12 The design of any Campground or Recreational Vehicle Park is subject to the provisions of Section 76. Removal of Trees and/or Shrubs 106.13 The removal of trees and/or shrubs on any parcel of land without a development permit is prohibited.

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106.14 The Development Authority may prohibit the removal of trees and/or shrubs adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area. 106.15 A development permit for the private storage of boat lifts and docks shall be restricted to a specific site and shall be subject to a license agreement being entered into and kept in good standing that shall include an indemnification clause in favour of the County and shall require the written proof from the applicant of comprehensive third-party liability insurance coverage of the applicant and the County in a minimum amount of $2,000,000. The license agreement shall be for an initial term of no longer than three years. The development permit shall be a temporary development permit pursuant to Section 25, and the duration of the temporary development permit shall coincide with the initial term of the license agreement and thereafter with any extension or renewal thereof. MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 106.16 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 106.17 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 106.18 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 106.19 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 106.20 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website: 106.21 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 106.22 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways

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Development Act. 106.23 A license, permit approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization may prevail over this bylaw or a development decision by a development officer, and/or Subdivision and Development Appeal board pursuant to Federal or Provincial Legislation. When an application is received by the County for a Land Use Bylaw amendment or development permit and the application is consistent with a license, permit, approval or other authorization granted by a Federal or Provincial agency or Crown-controlled organization, the County must approve the application to the extent that it complies with the license, permit, approval or other authorization granted.

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PURPOSE 107.1 To provide for a range of recreational activities and developments which are compatible with the natural environment and surrounding land use.


107.2 Permitted Uses

• Government Service • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreation Facility - Outdoor

107.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary buildings and uses • Communication Antenna and Structure • Concert site, subject to Section 53 • Detached Dwelling • Duplex • Food and Beverage Service Facility • Guest ranch • Multi-attached Dwelling • Multiple Family Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreation Facility - Outdoor • • Recreational Vehicle Park and/or Campground, subject to Section 107.10 • Retail Store - Minor • Rural Convenience Store • Rural Restaurant • Security/Operator Dwelling Unit

SITE REGULATIONS 107.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

0.8 ha (2.0 ac) except that the lot area for Detached Dwelling, Duplex, Multi-attached Lot Area Dwelling and Multiple Family Dwelling shall comply with the standards set out for these uses in the Hamlet Residential District

30 m (100 ft) except that the lot width for Detached Dwelling, Duplex, Multi-attached Dwelling Lot Width and Multiple Family Dwelling shall comply with the standards set out for these uses in the Hamlet Residential District

Lot Depth N/A

Front Yard • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24

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• Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43

• Road frontage: see Front Yard • Side Yard Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 20 feet (6.10 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet The ground floor area for Detached Dwelling, Duplex, Multi-attached Dwelling and Multiple Floor Area Family Dwelling shall comply with the standards set out for these uses in the Hamlet Residential District Site Coverage 45% (maximum) 1.0, except that the maximum FAR for Detached Dwelling, Duplex, Multi-attached Dwelling Floor Area Ratio and Multiple Family Dwelling shall comply with the standards set out for these uses in the (maximum) Hamlet Residential District

107.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 107.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

107.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence 107.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture 107.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Plans Required 107.9 Detailed plans must be submitted for any recreational development, which shall be compatible with the environment and the surrounding land uses.

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Campground and Recreational Vehicle Park 107.10 The design of any Campground or Recreational Vehicle Park is subject to the provisions of Section 76.

Removal of Trees and/or Shrubs 107.11 The removal of trees and/or shrubs on any parcel of land without a development permit is prohibited. 107.12 The Development Authority may prohibit the removal of trees and/or shrubs adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 107.13 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 107.14 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 107.15 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 107.16 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

107.17 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

107.18 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

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COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 107.19 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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PURPOSE 108.1 To provide for the development of residences in the vicinity of recreational amenities; the keeping of livestock is not permitted in this District.


108.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 and Section 108.14(a) • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

108.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 and Section 108.14(a) • Community Facility • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle for use as a dwelling unit, subject to Sections 108.15 and 108.23

SITE REGULATIONS 108.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

1.0 acre Lot Area Developable land: 0.5 acre (0.2024 ha) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters), subject to Section 108.13(d) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504): • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10% of the width of the lot - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 Side Yard All other subdivisions in this District: • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 feet (3.05 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43

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If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

Subject to Section 23.7: • In Scenic Sands Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504: - Detached Dwelling: maximum 25 ft (7.62 m) - Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 • In all other subdivisions in this District: - Lake front lot: All buildings, except Ancillary Building and Recreational Vehicle: 26.25 ft (8 m) Building - Back lot: All buildings, except Ancillary Building and Recreational Vehicle: 32.8 ft (10 m) Height - All lots: Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 (maximum) - All lots: Recreational Vehicle: 16.5 ft (5 m) measured from the highest level of finished ground elevation adjoining the building at any exterior wall, and any attachment or add-on shall not be higher than the Recreational Vehicle. and further: • All buildings on all lots in all subdivisions: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet • Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 052 1511 and Plan 0620721) - Detached Dwelling: ground floor area: 900 ft² (83.6 m²) Floor Area • Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504) - Detached Dwelling: ground floor area: 750 ft² (69.67 m²) Site Coverage N/A (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

108.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 108.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 108.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2. 108.7 All development standards in this District may be subject to a restrictive covenant on the land title.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 108.8 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture 108.9 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Removal of Trees and/or Shrubs 108.10 The removal of live trees and/or shrubs on any parcel of land without a development permit

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is prohibited. 108.11 The Development Authority may prohibit the removal of live trees and/or shrubs adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area. 108.12 In Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504) the Development Authority shall not approve a development permit that proposes to remove more than 50% of the existing live tree and/or shrub coverage on any lot.

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 108.13 In Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 0521511 and Plan 0620721): (a) Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. (b) No sign, or advertising matter of any kind, except the ordinary signs offering the land or buildings on them for sale or rent, shall be placed on the lands, or on the buildings, fences or trees on the lands. (c) No industrial or agricultural equipment shall be parked or placed on the lands, except for the equipment reasonably necessary to maintain the said lands and provided any such equipment so required shall be parked or placed in a garage erected on the lands when not in use. (d) No residence, garage or other accessory building (excluding moveable sheds without foundations) whatsoever shall be permitted within 10.0 metre of the rear lot line of any and all lots created adjacent to any environmental reserve parcel adjacent to Buffalo Lake, and no development upon such lots shall be permitted to proceed beyond the foundation stage unless and until a survey certificate evidencing the 10.0 metre setback has been submitted to and approved by the Development Authority. (e) All additional regulations in this District may be subject to a restrictive covenant on the land title, which shall be the responsibility of the developer/landowners to enforce.

108.14 In Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504): (a) Any detached ancillary building, other than one ancillary building that is used for a garage, shall not exceed 400 ft². (b) No excavations, other than for the purpose of erecting a structure or installing a private sewage disposal system, water well or swimming pool shall be made on any lot. (c) No soil, sand or gravel shall be removed from any lot, except as part of excavation pursuant to Section108.14(b), and such soil, sand or gravel shall not be placed on any land other than the subject lot. (d) No advertising sign of a business or commercial nature shall be erected. A sign may be erected to identify a property. (e) Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. (f) All additional regulations in this District may be subject to a restrictive covenant on the land title, which shall be the responsibility of the developer/landowners to enforce.

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Recreational Vehicles 108.15 The following regulations apply to Recreational Vehicles in this District: (a) On any lot in this District a Recreational Vehicle may be stored or parked only pursuant and subject to Section 74, and may be used as a temporary dwelling unit subject to Sections 75.1 and 75.2. (b) In Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 0521511 and Plan 0620721): (i) A discretionary use development permit to use a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 may be issued only as a time limited permit, subject to Section 25, for a period not exceeding five (5) years. The development permit may continue to be re-applied for and re-issued upon its expiry indefinitely, each time as a time limited permit for not longer than a five year period; and (ii) The use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4. (c) In Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504): (i) Subject to Section 108.15(c)(ii) a discretionary use development permit to use a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 may be issued only as a time limited permit, subject to Section 25, and the period of time for which the permit remains valid shall coincide with the period of time required to construct a Detached Dwelling, at the end of which the development permit to use the Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall expire. (ii) Notwithstanding Section 108.15(c)(i) and only until December 31, 20112022, on Lots 39 and 59, Block 1 Plan 8222364 and Lots 11 and 14, Block 3, Plan 8222364 12, 21, 25, 29, 37, 39, 41, 51, 54 and 59, Block 1 Plan 8222364 and Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 3, Plan 8222364 and Lot 36A, Block 1, Plan 8922504 and Lot 13, Block 2, Plan 8222364, as shown on the attached map dated August 9, 2011, a discretionary use development permit to use a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 may be issued only as a time limited permit, subject to Section 25, for a period not exceeding five three (35) years, without the requirement of Section 108.15(c)(i). The exemption applies to the Recreational Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) provided with the application only. The “grandfathering” clause is valid until the sale/transfer of land at which time the lots will revert to the discretionary use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit only during construction of a permanent dwelling. For those lots where a development permit has not been applied for by September 30, 2019 December 31, 2011, or at the expiry of the five three year period (for those listed lots where a development permit has been applied for and obtained by September 30, 2019 December 31, 2011) or if the property title is transferred to a new owner, the use of a Recreational Vehicle shall be restricted to what is provided for in Section 108.15(a); and (iii) The use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS 108.16 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan

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or area structure plan. 108.17 Where a municipal water supply and/or sewage disposal system is available to service a property located within a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision in this District, new private utilities shall not be allowed. 108.18 Where a municipal sewage disposal system is not available, it is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with the Private Sewage Disposal Systems Regulation (Alberta Regulations 229/1997) and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act relative to the servicing of any development in this District by means of a private sewage disposal system. 108.19 The applicant for a subdivision in this District shall comply with the Water Act [Section 23(3) and related Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Section 9(1)] relative to the servicing of lots in the proposed subdivision by means of any private water source, namely to submit a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report as part of the application for subdivision [WA (Sec 23(3)(a)]. Where the Subdivision Authority has determined through the assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed subdivision by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

108.20 Where a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision of six or more lots per quarter section existed prior to January 1, 1999 without a groundwater or surface water assessment, the applicant for a development permit in this District shall demonstrate to the Development Authority’s satisfaction the sufficiency of a private water supply source for the proposed development. Where the Development Authority has determined through a professional groundwater or surface water assessment report that the water source may be insufficient to support additional water use from the source, it may prohibit the servicing of the proposed development by means of that water source. The professional assessment for any groundwater source shall follow Alberta Environment’s Groundwater Evaluation Guideline available at the following website:

108.21 Notwithstanding Sections 108.18, 108.19 and 108.20, in Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 052 1511 and Plan 0620721) the drilling, use and operation of a private well is prohibited. A communal water system or individual cisterns must service all lots and every lot must contain its own sewage and use a self-contained sewage holding tank for this purpose. 108.22 In Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504) and Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 0521511 and Plan 0620721) approval shall be obtained from all regulating authorities prior to the construction of a private sewage disposal system or water well, as may be applicable. 108.23 In both Buffalo Lake Meadows (Plan 052 1511 and Plan 0620721) and Scenic Sands (Plan 8222364 and Plan 8922504) a development permit issued for the use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall include a condition that the dwelling unit is connected to a certified private sewage disposal system for the duration that it is used as such, except when the development permit is issued pursuant to Section 75 of this Land Use Bylaw. 108.24 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

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COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 108.25 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with any other relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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109. RESORT RESIDENTIAL - COMMUNALLY SERVICED DISTRICT (RR-CS) PURPOSE 109.1 To provide for the development of Detached Dwellings and Recreational Vehicles on smaller lots that are communally serviced with a water distribution system and a sewage collection system, in the vicinity of lakes and other recreation amenities. LAND USES

109.2 Permitted Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – standard size, subject to Section 43.10 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle for use as a dwelling unit, subject to Sections 109.14 (b) and 109.18

109.3 Discretionary Uses

• Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use – oversized, subject to Section 43.10 • Community Facility • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision • Recreational Vehicle for use as a dwelling unit, subject to Section 109.14 (c) and 109.18

SITE REGULATIONS 109.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

• Buffalo View EstatesRochon Sands Heights: Detached Dwelling: 8,723 ft² (810.31 m²) Lot Area • Buffalo Sands: - minimum 5,000 ft² (464.5 m²) - maximum 10,765 ft² (1,000 m²)

Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24

• Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43

• Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 feet (3.05 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43

If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

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Subject to Section 23.7: • Lake front lot: All buildings, except Recreational Vehicle and Ancillary Building: 26.25 ft (8 m) • Back lot: All buildings, except Recreational Vehicle and Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • All lots: - Recreational Vehicle: 16.5 ft (5 m) measured from the highest level of finished Building ground elevation adjoining the building at any exterior wall, and any attachment or add-on Height shall not be higher than the Recreational Vehicle (maximum) - Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 and further: • All buildings on all lots: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet

Detached Dwelling: Buffalo View EstatesRochon Sands Heights - ground floor area of 640 ft² Floor Area (59.45 m²) Buffalo Sands - ground floor area of 800 ft² (74.35 m²) Site Coverage Detached Dwelling: 30% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

109.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 109.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority.

109.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.


Statutory Plans Take Precedence 109.7 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan.

Awareness of Agriculture 109.8 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced.

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 109.9 Buildings shall be of new construction unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Planning Commission. 109.10 The Development Authority shall be satisfied that the design, finish and appearance of a building, including a Recreational Vehicle, are compatible with the amenities and character of existing development in the surrounding area. 109.11 No person shall keep in their yard: (a) any dismantled, wrecked or derelict/dilapidated motor vehicle, unless it is suitably housed or screened from view to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

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(b) any object or chattel which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, is unsightly or tends to adversely affect the amenities of the area; or (c) building materials or supplies other than what the Development Authority considers is necessary for the completion of construction work on the site.

Removal of Trees and/or Shrubs 109.12 The removal of live trees and/or shrubs on any parcel of land without a development permit is prohibited. 109.13 The Development Authority may prohibit the removal of live trees and/or shrubs adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area.

Recreational Vehicles 109.14 The following regulations apply to Recreational Vehicles in this District: (a) On any lot in this District a Recreational Vehicle may be stored or parked only pursuant and subject to Section 74, and may be used as a temporary dwelling unit subject to Sections 75.1 and 75.2. (b) In Buffalo Sands (Plan 052 2242, Plan 062 5288 and Plan 062 5289): (i) A permitted use development permit to use a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 may be issued only on those lots identified for this purpose in Figure 1 which forms part of this District. Once a development permit has been issued for a Recreational Vehicle it is not necessary to apply for its renewal. (ii) A development permit for using a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 shall be a time limited permit and the period of time for which the permit remains valid shall coincide with the year in which the Recreational Vehicle turns fifteen years old, at which time and subject to a complaint being received from the community about the condition of the Recreational Vehicle, the Development Officer may require the placement of a newer model Recreational Vehicle and if the landowner does not comply with the request, the Development Officer may revoke the development permit; and (iii) The use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4. (c) In Buffalo View EstatesRochon Sands Heights (Plan 0620307 and Plan 0720960): (i) A discretionary use development permit to use a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 75.3 may be issued only as a time limited permit, subject to Section 25, for a period not exceeding two (2) years. The development permit may continue to be re-applied for and re-issued upon its expiry indefinitely, each time as a time limited permit for not longer than a two year period; and (ii) The use of a Recreational Vehicle as a dwelling unit shall comply with the regulations in Section 75.4.


County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

109.15 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 109.16 The Development shall be serviced by a communal water distribution system, designed and built in accordance with Provincial standards and licensed by the Province, and designed to connect to a regional water distribution system upon availability. 109.17 The Development shall be serviced by a communal sewage collection system, designed and built in accordance with Provincial standards and licensed by the Province, and designed to connect to a regional sewage collection system upon availability. 109.18 A development permit for a Recreational Vehicle may be issued subject to Section 68 and shall include a condition that the dwelling unit is connected to the communal water distribution and sewage disposal systems. 109.19 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 109.20 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


PURPOSE 110.1 To provide for a communally serviced multi-lot/multi-unit resort residential/recreational development on part of the NE 36–39–20–W4M pursuant to the Pheasantback Estates Area Structure Plan, having a specific combination of residential and recreational land uses and development regulations. Development not started to date – we probably could eliminate this district as it would likely need to be updated if development proceeds in future


110.2 Permitted Uses CELL A • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use, subject to Section 110.4 • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel • Recreational Vehicle from May 1 to October 31 only (has to be moved off-site outside of this period) • Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit CELL B • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use, subject to Section 110.4 • Detached Dwelling • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel CELL C • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel CELL D • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use, subject to Section 110.4 • Detached Dwelling • Duplex • Public or Private Road and Utility, except windmill and stand-alone solar panel

110.3 Discretionary Uses CELL A • Community Facility • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreation Facility - Outdoor CELL B • Community Facility • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only • Recreation Facility - Indoor • Recreation Facility – Outdoor CELL C • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use, subject to Section 110.4 • Duplex • Multi-attached Dwelling • Multiple Family Dwelling

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

110.3 Discretionary Uses • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision CELL D • Home Business • Public or Private Road and Utility, windmill and stand-alone solar panel only in or adjacent to a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision

SITE REGULATIONS 110.4 In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the following regulations apply to every development in this District:

CELL A • Minimum: 2,691 ft² (250 m²) Lot Area • Maximum: 3,229 ft² (300 m2) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 12 ft (3.66 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 5 ft (1.5 m) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

Subject to Section 23.7: • Recreational Vehicle or Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit: 16.5 ft (5 m) measured from the highest level of finished ground elevation adjoining the building at any exterior wall. Building Height • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 (maximum) and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet

Floor Area Ancillary buildings: maximum 100 ft² (9.0 m²) Site Coverage 50%, including all tip-outs, push-outs, pull-outs, structurally attached additions, covered and (maximum) enclosed decks, patios, porches, verandas and ancillary buildings Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum) CELL B • Minimum: 6,300 ft² (585 m²) Lot Area • Maximum: 16,147 ft² (1,500 m2) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A

• County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

• Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 feet (3.05 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • Detached Dwelling: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet • Detached Dwelling: ground floor area of 1,200 ft² (111.5 m²) Floor Area • Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use: 1,200 ft² (111.5 m²) maximum Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum) CELL C Lot Area Maximum: 1.0 acre (4,047 m2) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 Rear Yard • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 feet (3.05 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43

If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance.

Subject to Section 23.7: • Duplex: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Multi-attached Dwelling: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Multiple Family Dwelling: 32.8 ft (10 m) Building Height • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 (maximum) and further: • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area N/A Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

CELL D Lot Area Maximum: 10,765 ft² (1,000 m2) Lot Width N/A Lot Depth N/A • County road inside a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – all buildings 25 ft (7.62 m) Front Yard • County road outside of a hamlet or multi-lot subdivision boundary – see Section 58.24 • Highways and Secondary Roads – see Section 58.24 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Rear Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 25 feet (7.62 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 • Road frontage: see Front Yard • Internal lot: Side Yard - All buildings except Ancillary Building: 10 feet (3.05 meters) - Ancillary Building: see Section 43 If a greater yard setback distance is required by the Alberta Building Code, that Code’s requirements shall be the minimum yard distance. Subject to Section 23.7: • All buildings, except Ancillary Building: 32.8 ft (10 m) • Ancillary Building: refer to Section 43.9 Building Height and further: (maximum) • All buildings: - pitched roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at eaves - flat roof – 22 ft (6.7 m) wall height at parapet Floor Area Ancillary Building or Ancillary Use: maximum 1,200 ft² (111.5 m²) Site Coverage 50% (maximum) Floor Area Ratio N/A (maximum)

110.5 Development standards for uses not specified in Section 110.4 shall be determined by the Development Authority. 110.6 Any site development standard or additional regulation may be increased by the Development Authority as a condition of development permit approval, pursuant to Section 24.2.

ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS CELL A Restriction on the Issuance of a Development Permit

110.7 A development permit may be issued for either a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit on a condominium unit (i.e. lot), but not for both. Restrictive Covenant

110.8 A Restrictive Covenant prohibiting the storage, parking (other than on its trailer) or operation of any off-road vehicle (e.g. a quad, snowmobile, dirt bike or any other ATV), with the exception of a golf cart, in Cell A shall be registered against the land by way of a Caveat in favour of the County of Stettler No. 6 pursuant to the Municipal Government Act.

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The Restrictive Covenant shall be registered at the time of subdivision and would then be carried forward to each unit title of the bareland condominium development.

Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 110.9 The addition of a basement to a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit is not permitted. 110.10 No enclosed structural additions to a Recreational Vehicle or a Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit are permitted. 110.11 Decks may be open or covered with a roof. No enclosures higher than 3.0 ft. (1.0 m) around any part of the structure is permitted. 110.12 The Development Authority shall be satisfied that the condition, design, finish and character of a Recreational Vehicle and Recreational Vehicle - Park Model Recreational Unit are compatible with the amenities and character of existing development in the surrounding area.

CELL D Restriction on the Issuance of a Development Permit 110.13 A development permit may be issued for either a Detached Dwelling or a Duplex on a condominium unit (i.e. lot), but not for both. ALL CELLS Statutory Plans Take Precedence 110.14 The permitted and discretionary uses and the standards and regulations of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 110.15 This land use district is subject to the Pheasantback Estates Area Structure Plan and specifically Figure 7 of that plan, the latter which is attached to and forms a part of this land use district. Awareness of Agriculture 110.16 Landowners and residents within this District must be aware that the Agricultural District is often adjacent to this District, and that agricultural operations take precedence. Therefore they should plan and develop their lots in such a manner and at their own cost that agricultural nuisances are reduced. General 110.17 For the purpose of this Bylaw and Land Use District, the boundaries of the Lands and the Development Cells shall be more or less as indicated on the map attached to this District (Figure 7) and forming part hereof, except as otherwise approved by Council. 110.18 The final shape of the Development Cells will be determined at the Subdivision stage, to the satisfaction of the municipality. 110.19 All development upon the Lands shall be in accordance with all plans and specifications submitted pursuant to this Bylaw and all licenses, permits and approvals pertaining to the Lands.

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Design, Character and Appearance of Buildings and Sites 110.20 Landscaping shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 110.21 No person shall keep in their yard: (a) any dismantled, wrecked or derelict/dilapidated motor vehicle, unless it is suitably housed or screened from view to the satisfaction of the Development Authority; (b) any object or chattel which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, is unsightly or tends to adversely affect the amenities of the area; or (c) building and landscaping materials or supplies other than what the Development Authority considers is necessary for the completion of construction work on the site.

Additional Recreational Vehicles (Guests) 110.22 A maximum of one additional Recreational Vehicle occupied by guests may be temporarily located on any individual lot in Cells B, C or D. Additional Recreational Vehicles for guests are not permitted in Cell A. For the purpose of this regulation ‘Temporarily’ means such a time period as would normally be considered reasonable for the purpose of visiting family or friends.

Moved-in Buildings 110.23 Moved-in buildings shall not be permitted in this district, unless approved by the Condominium Association.

MINIMUM SERVICING REQUIREMENTS ALL CELLS 110.24 The minimum servicing requirements of this District are subject to the relevant provisions of the Municipal Development Plan and any applicable inter-municipal development plan or area structure plan. 110.25 The Development shall be serviced by a communal water distribution system, designed and built in accordance with Provincial standards and licensed by the Province, and designed to connect to a regional water distribution system upon availability. 110.26 The Development shall be serviced by a communal sewage collection system, designed and built in accordance with Provincial standards and licensed by the Province, and designed to connect to a regional sewage collection system upon availability. 110.27 For any development in this District, except those developments that are deemed approved pursuant to Section 16, storm water management facilities may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.

COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT LEGISLATION 110.28 It is the landowner or applicant’s responsibility to comply with relevant federal and provincial legislation such as the Safety Codes Act and/or the Public Highways Development Act.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Schedule ‘A’

TOWN AND COUNTY OF STETTLER AIRPORT VICINITY OVERLAY DISTRICT (AVO) PURPOSE 1. To maintain the safety and effectiveness of the Town of Stettler and County of Stettler No. 6 Airport by imposing controls over adjacent lands in addition to the controls and standards already in place in the underlying land use districts of these adjacent lands. The Overlay District applies to those lands shown within the airport noise contours in Figures 1 and 2. It applies to any land use district underlying the lands that are subject to the Airport Overlay District, and allows for agricultural and non-agricultural uses within these areas at locations and design criteria which do not interfere with airport operations. LAND USES 2. Permitted Uses

Those listed in the underlying land use district, subject to Section 4 of this Schedule

3. Discretionary Uses

Those listed in the underlying land use district, subject to Section 4 of this Schedule

4. The following list of land uses takes precedence over the list of permitted and/or discretionary land uses in any underlying district (refer to the explanation of symbols in Section 5 of this Schedule):

NOISE EXPOSURE PROJECTION AREAS DEVELOPMENT OR USE Less Between Between Between Over 40 than 25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Agricultural Supply Depot A A B2 NA NA

Salvage and Recycling Facility A A A A A

Agricultural Operation (bee keeping) A A A A A

Confined Feeding Operation A NA NA NA NA

Community Facility A B2 NA NA NA

Contractor’s Business A A B2 B2 NA

Recreation Facility - Outdoor A A NA NA NA

Agricultural Operation (extensive) A A A A A

Home Business A B2 B2 B2 NA

Kennel A A B2/B3 NA NA

Auction mart - Livestock A NA NA NA NA

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

NOISE EXPOSURE PROJECTION AREAS DEVELOPMENT OR USE Less Between Between Between Over 40 than 25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Manufacturing, Processing or Assembly A A B2 B2 NA Facility

Agricultural Operation (Market Garden, A A A A NA Greenhouse and/or Plant Nursery)

Oilfield Service or Supply Business A A A NA NA

Detached Dwelling A B1 NA NA NA

Recreation Facility – Outdoor A A A NA NA

Confined Feeding Operation (Poultry) A B3 B3 B3 NA

Community Facility A B2 NA NA NA

Public or Private Road and Utility A A A NA NA (Communications Tower)

Recreation Facility - Outdoor A A A NA NA

Agricultural Operation (Sod Farm) A A A A NA

Veterinary Clinic A A B2/B3 NA NA

5. Explanation to the land use table in Section 4 of this Schedule:

(a) In the case of a development permit application for a use listed in an underlying land use district that is not listed in the land use table in Section 4 of this Schedule, the Development Authority shall determine the land use category into which the use falls, pursuant to Section 23.2 of the Land Use Bylaw.

(b) Symbols in the land use table in Section 4 of this Schedule have the following meaning:

A means the use may be approved with or without conditions.

B1 means the use may be approved with or without conditions; however, it is recommended that construction of the building conform to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation standards for sound insulation as detailed in the CMHC publication New Housing and Airport Noise - N.H.A. 5185, as may be amended or replaced hereafter as revised from time to time.

B2 means the use may be approved with or without conditions; however, it is recommended that the building's construction in office areas, reception areas, conference rooms, and general work areas conforms to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation standards for sound insulation, unless the building area experiences noise levels equal to or greater than the exterior noise levels created by aircraft, or the building is non-winterized.

B3 means the use may be approved with or without conditions providing the use is completely enclosed.

NA means the use is not allowed and shall not be issued a Development Permit.

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6. In addition to the General Land Use Regulations contained in Part Six of this Bylaw, the site regulations listed in the applicable underlying land use district apply to every development in this Overlay District.

7. The following specific height limitations take precedence over any height restrictions stated in any land use district: (a) Any development permit application on land within the Airport Vicinity Overlay District shall be subject to the height limitations indicated on Figure 2 forming part of this District. (b) The Development Authority shall not approve a development permit application for any development which exceeds the height limitations shown on Figure 2. (c) The height limitations indicated on Figure 2, and the height of a proposed use will both be measured from the elevation 2,673.7 feet (818 meter) above sea level which is deemed to be the airport's elevation. (d) The height of all railway development shall be considered 19.7 feet (6.00 meter) higher than the actual elevation of the rails, and the height of all roadway development shall be considered 13.1 feet (4.00 meter) higher than the elevation of the highest point of the travelled portion of the roadway.


8. Any additional regulations listed in the applicable underlying land use district apply to every development in this Overlay District.

9. The Development Authority shall not approve a development permit application on lands within the Airport Vicinity Overlay District which would adversely affect the safe and efficient operation of the Airport.

10. In considering a development permit application for any of the following land uses: (a) a plant for the manufacturing of products from petroleum, natural gas or hydrocarbons derived from oil sands, chemical or allied products, pulp or paper products, stone, clay or glass products, cement or lime products, fertilizers or animal by-products; (b) a plant for primary metal production, metal processing, the processing of wood or wood products, the processing of coal, the processing of natural gas or its derivatives, the manufacturing of asphalt or ready-mixed concrete, gravel crushing, or meat packing; (c) a public incinerator; (d) a sewage treatment plant or feed mill plant, sewage disposal plant, sewage lagoon, or water reservoir; (e) seed cleaning plant or feed mill; (f) a thermal electric power generating plant or a steam generating plant; (g) anything that includes an electronic device, apparatus, equipment or other thing that: (i) is operated for industrial, scientific, medical or similar purposes, or (ii) produces and utilizes radio frequency energy in its operations but is not used for radio communication; or

(h) anything that will or will likely result in: (i) emissions of steam or smoke or other particles which may impair vision; (ii) outdoor storage of large quantities of any material or waste, edible or attractive

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to birds, or (iii) the use of extensive exterior lighting;

the Development Authority shall consult with Transport Canada as to whether the proposal would jeopardize the safe and efficient operation of the airport. If the Development Authority is satisfied that the proposal will not have any adverse effects, the application may be approved with or without conditions.


11. Measurements on Figures 1 and 2 in the Airport Vicinity District are shown in meter. A conversion table for imperial measurements is included with each Figure.

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County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Schedule ‘B’ Gateway Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines

1.0 Definition of Terms

1) Building Mass means the appearance of heaviness of a building.

2) Crenellations

Crenellations is the name for the distinctive pattern that frames the tops of the walls. Crenellation most commonly takes the form of multiple, regular, rectangular spaces cut out of the top of the wall.

3) Floating Hard Materials means products which are not visually anchored to the ground.

Brick, stone and hard materials must be grounded

4) Glazing

Glazing is a transparent part of a wall, usually made of glass or plastic (acrylic and polycarbonate). Common types of glazing used in architectural applications include clear and tinted float glass, tempered glass, and laminated glass as well as a variety of coated glasses, all of which can be glazed singly or as double, or even triple, glazing units.

5) Human Scale

Human scale means that buildings have been designed explicitly with the needs, constraints and perceptive ability of humans in mind; humans are typically between three and seven feet tall and will climb a few sets of stairs at a time, etc. In the physical construction of human scale architecture it is possible to build buildings that are more desirable to be lived/worked in, which are more maintainable, can be evolved and turned into different uses over time.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

6) Major Cladding Materials

Major cladding materials can be Stone, Brick, Stucco, Pre-finished metal sheets which can be used to differentiate as two major cladding materials.

7) Mono slope roof truss

Steel framed mono-slope buildings are used either as a lean to on an existing building; or for very small buildings (less than 15m span) or for locations where wide openings are needed in the side of a long, but thin building. A steel spine truss will go the length of the opening, and the roof will slope up to this spine. Aircraft hangars, port buildings and warehouses are often built as mono-slopes.

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8) Parapet

A building parapet consists of a dwarf wall along the edge of a roof, or around a lead flat, terrace walk, etc., to prevent people from falling over the edge. Parapets are either plain, embattled, perforated or panelled. The last two are found in all styles except the Romanesque. Plain parapets are simply portions of the wall generally overhanging a

little, with a coping at the top and corbel table below. Embattled parapets are sometimes panelled, but more often pierced. Perforated parapets are pierced in various devices as circles, trefoils, quatrefoils and other designs so that the light is seen through. Panelled parapets are those ornamented by a series of panels, either oblong or square and more or less enriched, but not perforated. These are common in the Decorated and Perpendicular periods.

9) Primary Colours

Primary colors are sets of colors that can be combined to make a useful range (gamut) of colors. For human applications, three are often used; for additive combination of colors, as in overlapping projected lights or in CRT displays, the primary colors normally used are red, yellow, and blue.

10) Secondary Colours

A secondary color is a color made by mixing two primary colors in a given color space, the secondary colors normally used are orange, green, and purple.

2.0 Introduction

The County of Stettler No. 6 and the Town of Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan identifies designated growth areas for each municipality, and requires that the two municipalities develop and apply a joint design guideline for development of land in the mixed business areas at the gateway locations. The site and building design guidelines set out in this Guidelines document describe the exterior design requirements for commercial and industrial buildings within the designated gateways as identified in the Inter-municipal Development Plan.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

The Guidelines must be read in conjunction with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw, which deals with land use and site development regulations such as setbacks, signage and landscaping. The intent of these Guidelines is to provide landowners, developers, designers and potential investors with the direction of design approach that is intended for various developments.

These design Guidelines concern the position of buildings and utility areas on sites, the proportion, scale and massing of building forms, the application of materials and colours to exterior walls and roofs, the choice and location of windows and doors and the role of landscaping in all of these considerations.

3.0 Application of the Guidelines

These Guidelines apply to any commercial or industrial type development permit application in any land use district that allows these types of developments on land that is located within a designated County growth area in the County of Stettler No. 6 and Town of Stettler Inter-municipal Development Plan.

All commercial and industrial development projects located as described above must comply with these Guidelines. More specifically, those developments located adjacent to or prominently visible from a highway, as determined by the approving municipality’s Development Authority, must meet all the listed requirements. Those developments not adjacent to or prominently visible from a highway may have the guidelines reduced as per discussions with the Development Authority. The approving municipality’s Development Authority will review development permit applications for compliance with these Guidelines and may approve a development permit with variances from these Guidelines, subject to the referral policies of the Inter-municipal Development Plan.

The design Guidelines for commercial buildings apply to the use of the building, not the land use district, and therefore may apply to projects in industrial land use districts, for example an office building, a food and beverage service facility or a commercial recreation building that is located on industrial premises. Prior to designing the project the developer must determine from the approving municipality whether the proposed development is deemed to be a commercial or industrial building.

The approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw prescribes the format and content of the development permit application and the landscaping plan.

It is highly recommended that all new projects are reviewed with the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) in mind, to ensure that all new projects are developed in a safe and respectful manner. The approving municipality’s Development Authority will review project designs for CPTED compliance.

It is further required that all developments that are subject to these Guidelines comply with the latest edition of the Alberta or National Building Code for site accessibility standards, as well as the latest edition of The Canadian Standards Association “Accessible design for the built environment”.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.0 Commercial Site and Building Design Guidelines

4.1 Site planning

Intent: To ensure that any development is located on a site in such a manner as to enhance the overall development and provide a unified connection to the surrounding buildings.

4.1.1 Except when a development along Highway 12 or Highway 56 backs onto the highway, the main entry of the building must face the main access road and be prominently visible upon entering the site. The main entry is not permitted to be visually blocked by the storage or display of sale products.

4.1.2 When a development along Highway 12 or Highway 56 backs onto the highway, the main entry of the building must face the highway and be prominently visible to the public travelling along the highway. The main entry is not permitted to be visually blocked by the storage or display of sale products.

Example of good siting

4.1.3 Buildings must be sited in such a location to provide open space between the building and adjacent streets and/or on-site parking lots for the purpose of landscaping. This open space area is to be equal to or exceeding the minimum required setback for the development as prescribed in the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. This landscaped area is not to be used for the display of sale products or for waste disposal or other utility areas, unless these are screened pursuant to Section 4.1.5.

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4.1.4 Provision for on-site parking and loading must meet the requirements of the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. On-site parking lots and loading areas when visible from an adjacent street or when used by clients should be effectively landscaped or strategically screened to break up the view and mass of them. Curbing should be used to separate all on-site parking lots and loading areas from landscaped areas.

4.1.5 All utility areas (e.g. outdoor storage, waste disposal, building equipment such as heating and cooling, etc.) visible from an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot must be enclosed with screening, or be otherwise designed or treated to the satisfaction of the approving municipality’s Development Authority, to match the overall design of the development.

4.1.6 All on-site lighting, including those in on-site parking lots, must be down lighting; the use of fixtures projecting light upwards is not permitted.

4.2 Site Landscaping and Fencing

Intent: To ensure that any development provides landscaping compliant with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw in a manner that enhances the overall appearance of a project.

4.2.1 All landscaping must comply with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw.

4.2.2 Landscaping must be used to contribute to the overall theme of a project, provide interest and ensure a pleasant inviting atmosphere is obtained.

4.2.3 Landscaping must play a prominent role in the site design on all sides adjacent to a street or an on-site client parking lot.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.2.4 Where existing natural landscaping is present every effort must be made to preserve it and incorporate it into the overall landscaping plan.

4.2.5 Dry landscaping (e.g. mulch and/or washed rock) instead of grass, and the use of native plant species that can withstand drought are encouraged.

4.2.6 In order to address the issues related to potential wildland fires and their interface with development, any development proposal adjacent to a naturally vegetated area or agricultural lands shall incorporate the FireSmart guidelines advocated by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development to the satisfaction of the approving municipality’s Development Authority. (

4.2.7 Where landscaping is proposed within a utility right-of-way the agencies that have permission to provide services within the utility right-of-way must endorse the proposed landscaping plan prior to it being submitted to the approving municipality for review.

4.2.8 Landscaping along any street frontage must be provided outside of the perimeter fence.

4.2.9 Chain link fencing shall not be visible from an adjacent street or on-site client parking lot. Landscaping may be used to screen a chain link fence.

4.2.10 Fencing of any nature shall not extend beyond the front façade of the principal building.

4.2.11 A landscaped buffer zone of at least 0.91 metres (3’-0”) between the building and an on-site parking lot or sidewalks must be provided along the base of all buildings where public access is permitted.

Good use of landscaping

Landscape buffer against building wall

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.2.12 Landscaping areas should not be used for the display of sale products, unless their display has been properly integrated into the landscaping design and approved by the approving municipality’s Development Authority.

4.3 Building Design Intent: To provide guidelines that enhance project developments and promote the use of materials that complement adjacent buildings to create a unified development. A variety of materials and colours are always encouraged. 4.3.1 The proportion, scale and mass of the building must incorporate design elements that break the overall scale of building and create a human scale around all entries to the building and elevations that are visible from an adjacent street or on-site client parking lot. This can be accomplished by varying materials, colours, elevation heights, or architectural accents. 4.3.2 Each building elevation facing an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot shall be finished to the same level of architectural treatment. A minimum of two major exterior cladding materials are required for any elevation of a principal or an accessory building facing an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot, the proportions of which must be sensitively designed. Major exterior cladding materials must be perceived as occupying a significant proportion of any wall.

Not permitted as a commercial building at all

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.3.3 A variety of exterior materials and/or colours is encouraged to prevent the creation of monotonous streetscapes. Each occupant’s bay must be clearly defined with either architectural features or colour. Finishes must be visible from a street to qualify.

Good use of exterior cladding materials to create variety

4.3.4 The main entry of the building must be prominent and clearly visible upon entering the site. Entrance protection is required above all public entry doors. This can be accomplished through using entry canopies integral to the building design, recessed entries with roof overhangs or surface mounted canopies. All entry features must be designed to fit in the balance of the architectural treatment. 4.3.5 Windows shall be architecturally designed to form part of the overall building façade. The use of full front glazing is not recommended.

Recommended Not Recommended

4.3.6 Whenever possible the design of the building should reflect the intended interior usage.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.3.7 The base of all buildings on sides requiring architectural treatment pursuant to these Guidelines must be clearly defined and provide a visual anchor to the building. Permitted ways to define the base include but are not limited to the following; block, stone, brick, a change in exterior material or a change in exterior colour or a change in the direction of exterior material. The painting of the exterior material is not permitted.

Good use of cladding materials to define the base and the roofline The ideal ratio for defining the base height is 4:1. For example, if the building height is 12’-0” the base should be 3’-0”. All base definition must return around the corners a minimum of 18” (450mm), except along any building elevation that is visible from an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot, in which case the base definition shall follow along the entire length of the elevation.

Good cladding finish at the roofline

Good base definition

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

4.3.8 Building rooflines must be clearly defined through a change in material, colour, or elevation change. Permitted ways to create this definition include creating a distinct wall colour band, a change in the direction of exterior siding, the addition of crenellations to break up a single level roof line, or variations in the building parapet elevation. The ideal ratio for defining the roofline is 8:1. For example, if the building height is 12’-0” the roofline should be 1’-6”. The painting of the exterior siding is not permitted to define the roofline. Mono slope roof trusses are not permitted.

4.3.9 All exterior columns must be properly proportioned and have a defined base, middle and capital. The height of a column is measured in terms of a ratio between the diameter of the shaft at its base compared to the height of the column. All round columns must be a minimum of eleven diameters; therefore, a round column must be equal to at least 1” (25mm) minimum in diameter for every 11” (280mm) in height. [Example; a round column that is 22’ (6.705m) in height must be a minimum of 2’ (610mm) in diameter]. All square columns must be equal to at least 1” (25mm) minimum in width for every 12” (305mm) in height. [Example; a square column that is 22’ (6.705m) in height must be a minimum of 22” (559mm) in width]. 4.3.10 Floating brick, stone or hard materials are not permitted on any project. All accent materials must be continued to the ground.

Required grounding of brick, stone & hard material Not permitted

4.3.11 Building signage and other on-site signage must comply with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. Building signage (including business signs, usage signs and directional signs) must be integrated with the building façade. The use of surface mounted back lit signage boxes are discouraged.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended Signage painted directly onto the building is not permitted, except as may be allowed in the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw.

4.3.12 The use of true primary and secondary colours is not permitted as the main field colour or roofing colour and must only be used as accent colouring. All colours are to be approved by the approving municipality’s Development Authority. It is recommended to submit true colour samples for approval to the Development Authority.

5.0 Industrial Site and Building Design Guidelines

5.1 Site planning

Intent: To ensure that any development is located on a site in such a manner as to enhance the overall development and provide a unified connection to the surrounding buildings.

5.1.1 The main entry of the building must face the main access road and be prominently visible upon entering the site. The main entry is not permitted to be visually blocked by the storage or display of sale products.

5.1.2 Buildings must be sited in such a location to provide open space between the building and adjacent streets and/or on-site parking lots for the purpose of landscaping. This open space area is to be equal to or exceeding the minimum required setback for the development as prescribed in the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. This landscaped area is not to be used for the display of sale products or for waste disposal or other utility areas, unless these are screened pursuant to Section 5.1.4.

5.1.3 Provision for on-site parking and loading must meet the requirements of the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. On-site parking lots and loading areas when visible from an adjacent street or when used by clients should be effectively landscaped or strategically screened to break up the view and mass of them.

5.1.4 All utility areas (e.g. outdoor storage, waste disposal, building equipment such as heating and cooling, etc.) visible from an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot must be enclosed with screening or be otherwise designed or treated to the satisfaction of the approving municipality’s Development Authority, to match the overall design of the development.

5.1.5 All on-site lighting, including those in on-site parking lots, must be down lighting; the use of fixtures projecting light upwards is not permitted.

5.2 Site Landscaping and Fencing

Intent: To ensure that any development provides landscaping compliant with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw in a manner that enhances the overall appearance of a project.

5.2.1 All landscaping must comply with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

5.2.2 Landscaping must be used to contribute to the overall theme of a project, provide interest and ensure a pleasant inviting atmosphere is obtained.

5.2.3 Landscaping must play a prominent role in the site design on all sides adjacent to a street or an on-site client parking lot.

5.2.4 Where existing natural landscaping is present every effort must be made to preserve it and incorporate it into the overall landscaping plan.

5.2.5 Dry landscaping (e.g. mulch and/or washed rock) instead of grass, and the use of native plant species that can withstand drought are encouraged.

5.2.6 In order to address the issues related to potential wildland fires and their interface with development, any development proposal adjacent to a naturally vegetated area or agricultural lands shall incorporate the FireSmart guidelines advocated by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development to the satisfaction of the approving municipality’s Development Authority. (

5.2.7 Where landscaping is proposed within a utility right-of-way the agencies that have permission to provide services within the utility right-of-way must endorse the proposed landscaping plan prior to it being submitted to the approving municipality for review.

5.2.8 Landscaping along any street frontage must be provided outside of the perimeter fence.

5.2.9 Landscaping areas should not be used for the storage of equipment or materials or for the display of sale products, unless their storage and/or display has been properly integrated into the landscaping design and approved by the approving municipality’s Development Authority.

5.3 Building Design

Intent: To provide guidelines that enhance project developments and promote the use of materials that complement adjacent buildings to create a unified development. A variety of materials and colours are always encouraged.

5.3.1 The proportion, scale and mass of the building must incorporate design elements that break the overall scale of building and create a human scale around all entries to the building and elevations that are visible from an adjacent street or on-site client parking lot. This can be accomplished by varying materials, colours, elevation heights, or architectural accents. (see picture below or on next page)

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

An industrial entry with human scale and mass

5.3.2 Each building elevation facing an adjacent street or an on-site client parking lot shall be finished to the same level of architectural treatment.

5.3.3 A variety of exterior materials and/or colours is encouraged to prevent the creation of monotonous streetscapes.

5.3.4 The main entry of the building must be prominent and clearly visible upon entering the site.

5.3.5 The base of all buildings on sides requiring architectural treatment pursuant to these Guidelines must be clearly defined and provide a visual anchor to the building. Permitted ways to define the base include but are not limited to the following; block, stone, brick, a change in exterior material or a change in exterior colour or a change in the direction of exterior material. The painting of the exterior material is not permitted. The ideal ratio for defining the base height is 4:1. For example, if the building height is 12’-0” the base should be 3’-0”.

5.3.6 Building rooflines must be clearly defined through a change in material, colour, or elevation change. Permitted ways to create this definition include creating a distinct colour band, a change in the direction of exterior siding, the addition of crenellations to break up a single level roof line, or variations in the building parapet elevation. The ideal ratio for defining the roofline is 8:1. For example, if the building height is 12’-0” the roofline should be 1’-6”. The painting of the exterior siding is not permitted to define the roofline. Mono slope roof trusses are discouraged.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended

Good use of cladding materials and double sloped roof to define the roofline

5.3.7 Floating brick, stone or hard materials are not permitted on any project. All accent materials must be continued to the ground (see Section 4.3.10 for diagrams). 5.3.8 All exterior columns must be properly proportioned and have a defined base, middle and capital. The height of a column is measured in terms of a ratio between the diameter of the shaft at its base compared to the height of the column. All round columns must be a minimum of eleven diameters; therefore, a round column must be equal to at least 1” (25mm) minimum in diameter for every 11” (280mm) in height. [Example; a round column that is 22’ (6.705m) in height must be a minimum of 2’ (610mm) in diameter]. All square columns must be equal to at least 1” (25mm) minimum in width for every 12” (305mm) in height. [Example; a square column that is 22’ (6.705m) in height must be a minimum of 22” (559mm) in width]. 5.3.9 Building signage and other on-site signage must comply with the approving municipality’s Land Use Bylaw. Building signage (including business signs, usage signs and directional signs) must be integrated with the building façade. 5.3.10 The use of true primary and secondary colours is not permitted as the main field colour or roofing colour and must only be used as accent colouring. All colours are to be approved by the approving municipality’s Development Authority. It is recommended to submit true colour samples for approval to the Development Authority.

County of Stettler No. 6 LAND USE BYLAW No. 1443-10, as amended


The Zoning Map book and record of decisions pursuant to Section 89.5 are maintained by the Development Officer and kept separately from this document.

Bylaw Report

Bylaw 1617-19 – Amendments to Bylaw 1591-19 – Fee Schedule Bylaw Issue The Fee Schedule news to be amended to correct confusion on inspection fees.

Recommendation The County of Stettler adopt one of the following recommendations to address the issue:

A) Clarify what is meant by heavy equipment with no other changes. B) Remove heavy equipment from the bylaw and keep the other items the same. C) Change heavy equipment to a new subsection and change the amount per occurrence for ex) $50. D) Change the fixed municipal administrative fee from $15 per permit to $25 per permit. This change would match some surrounding counties. E) No change

General Currently under Schedule C #6 is listed as follows: Road Inspections a. Heavy equipment/rig moves $450.00 per occurrence b. Overweight/Over Dimensional Permits (Fixed Municipal Administration Fee – TRAVIS MJ) $15.00 per permit - The confusion is in relation to (a) Heavy Equipment and its definition.

Under the current fee Bylaw confusion Protective Services has had confusion with when an inspection fee is to be charged to contractors. The above recommendations will clear up confusion on when an inspection fee is charged and when it is not. This can then be more advertised to the Public to avoid confusion when an inspection fee is charged to them.

The Bylaw presented has the above recommendations written out in the bylaw, and Council can choose any of the options presented, or choose to combine any of the suggestions to come up with the final amendment to the bylaw. This bylaw can be passed without public hearing. Financial None Policy/Legislation Under the authority of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, Section 248 (1) where a municipality may only make expenditure that is: (1) included in an operating budget, interim operating budget or capital budget or authorized by the Council. Strategic Plan Linkages Administrative/Legislative Function Implementation/Communication Upon approval by Council, Amendments are to be made to the Fee Bylaw Target Decision Date August 14th, 2019 Prepared By Lee Hardman, Director of Protective Services and Emergency Management Shawna Benson, Legislative Service Advisor Reviewed By Yvette Cassidy, Chief Administrative Officer

BYLAW 1617-19

A BYLAW of the County of Stettler No. 6, in the Province of Alberta, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act Chapter M-26 Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000 and amendments thereto, to amend Bylaw 1591-18 –Fee Schedule Bylaw to provide for a revised fee schedule regarding Heavy Equipment/Rig Moves.

WHEREAS the Municipal Council deems it necessary and expedient to amend the Fee Bylaw

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw 1591-18 – Fee Scheedule Bylaw be amended as follows:

Within Schedule C:


6. Road Inspections a. Heavy equipment/rig moves $450.00 per occurrence This fee for Road Inspections applies to: ______b. Overweight/Over Dimensional Permits (Fixed Municipal Administration Fee – TRAVIS MJ) $15.00 per permit


6. Road Inspections c. Heavy equipment/rig moves $450.00 per occurrence d. Overweight/Over Dimensional Permits (Fixed Municipal Administration Fee – TRAVIS MJ) $15.00 per permit


6. Road Inspections a. Heavy equipment $50 per occurrence a.b. /Rrig Mmoves $450.00 per occurrence b.c. Overweight/Over Dimensional Permits (Fixed Municipal Administration Fee – TRAVIS MJ) $15.00 per permit


6. Road Inspections a. Heavy equipment/rig moves $450.00 per occurrence b. Overweight/Over Dimensional Permits (Fixed Municipal Administration Fee – TRAVIS MJ) $215.00 per permit

READ A FIRST TIME this _th day of ______on a motion of Councillor . Carried.

READ A SECOND TIME this th day of , 2019 A.D. on a motion of Councillor . Carried.

MOVED BY Councillor that Bylaw 1617-19 be given 3rd reading at this time. Carried Unanimously.

READ A THIRD TIME this th day of , 2019 A.D. on a motion of Councillor . Carried

DATED this th day of M, 2019 A.D.

Bylaw 1617-19 – Amendment to Bylaw 1591-18 - Fee Schedule Bylaw Page 1 of 2


______Chief Administrative Officer

Bylaw 1617-19 – Amendment to Bylaw 1591-18 - Fee Schedule Bylaw Page 2 of 2 Chief Administrative Officer's Report

August 14 Council Meeting

Shallow Gas Producers – Property Tax Relief As you are aware on July 2, 2019, Reeve Clarke and I attended a meeting at the Legislature with the Honourable Kaycee Madu, Minister of Municipal Affairs, RMA President Al Kemmere, respective staffs and representatives from most of the 15 municipalities adversely affected by current financial struggles of Shallow Gas Companies. The 15 municipalities are , , , Wheatland County, Kneehill County, Red Deer County, Lacombe County, , , County of Stettler No. 6, Starland County, County of Forty Mile No. 8, , and Camrose County.

Minister Madu requested that each of the 15 Municipalities reduce the total 2019 Property Tax bill to qualifying shallow gas well and pipeline companies by 35%. For the 2019 year this loss of revenue will be off-set by Education Property Tax Credit given back to each Municipality. No commitment was made to off-set this loss of revenue going forward in 2020 and succeeding years.

On the week of July 8, 2019, we received a list from Municipal Affairs identifying the qualifying shallow gas wells and pipelines and the respective companies. Qualifying companies have wells up to 500 meters deep. Upon review of our tax rolls, the County of Stettler will be refunding back approximately $986,666.00.

On July 16, 2019 I participated in a conference call with Reeve Clarke, Tax Clerk Sharon Larsen, the RMA and representatives from the 15 municipalities. Discussion entailed regarding refund amounts, future implications, fairness to other struggling Oil and Gas Companies, Municipal participation and the need for a subsequent meeting.

On August 21, 2019, Reeve Clarke and I will be attending a meeting in from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM along with Reeves and CAO’s from the other 14 municipalities for further discussion.

Village of Gadsby Attended the July 18, 2019 Council Meeting at the Gadsby Water Transfer Station. Items addressed:

Bulletin Board has been installed that site of the Mail Boxes to assist with communication with Residents;

New Canadian Flag was installed at the Gadsby Memorial Park prior to Canada Day;

Appointment of Chapman and Company as the 2019 Auditors for the Village of Gadsby;

Approved deficiencies identified within the Fourth Street Drainage Capital Project: • lower the Paintearth Gas Co-Op line along Fourth Street as required, at an estimated expense of $3,852.00 to be applied against the Federal Gas Tax Grant. • construct an approach from Fourth Street onto lot 20, block 4, plan 153Z, at an estimated expense of $3,522.00 to be applied against the Federal Gas Tax Grant. • replace twin culverts crossing Railway Avenue east of Fourth Street, at an estimated expense of $16,273.00 to be applied against the Federal Gas Tax Grant.

2019 Street and Drainage Improvements Contracted Substantial Performance date (road open for use) August 15, 2019; Contracted Total Performance Date: August 30, 2019; The Contractor takes full responsibility for the care of the work from commencement of work until date of issue of the Certificate of Substantial Performance of the work – at which time care shall pass to the Owner and road deemed safe for full use by public; As this is a new road where no road was previously, past access locations should be used until the new road is deemed complete; With the recent rain, project could be held up some; Work remaining includes ditch slopes and cleaning, base course re-work and compaction to specification, pavement for surface. Some added work items including an approach, culvert across Railway Ave., gas main lowering on north section of 4 Street. Work is underway to identify responsibility for apparent damage to other roads during construction.

Mowing Sam is continuing to work through the summer and is responsible for trimming and mowing; He is being safety checked and supervised by County mowing supervisor;

Water County Utilities department has investigated a possible leak in the alley east of 4 Street and will be following up with repairs;

Infrastructure Audit MPE Engineering was contracted by the Village to complete the Infrastructure Audit to assist in viability review process. This work is near complete and “Issued for Review” version should be available within a week;

Rochon Sands Estates

On July 23, 2019 met with Kathie Hankins, Councillor Neitz and Director of Public Works to discuss repairs to roadway within Rochon Sands Estates Subdivision. The proposed 1 ½ kilometers of roadway along the bottom of Rochon Sands Estates will be plowed up, relayed with the current light oil application and maintained to County of Stettler standards. Another meeting with the residences of Rochon Sands Estates has been scheduled for August 16, 2019 at the County Administration Office to review the proposed work.

Buffalo Lake IDP Committee Spoke with Lacombe County to request that Chairperson Brenda Knight consider calling a meeting to discuss a review and an application for a grant through the ACP to offset the costs associated with the review. Looking at September or October for dates.

Stettler Regional Fire Department

Training • Scene size up • Go-no-Go decision making

Fire Department Operations • Meeting - Atco Electric power line incident, COS insurance adjuster Tender 15 accident, Village of Big Valley Council water supply, Telus phone line repair, Noel Nixon Buffalo Lake water rescue incident, West Stettler Park planning group discussion • Fire Inspection/Plans review - Fire & Building code interpretation and requirement inquiries, Viterra Stettler, RV camp ground Emergency Response Plans • Communications Group started preventative maintenance on Radio tower repeater sites in Stettler and Rochon Sands. The other sites will be completed in August • Re-connected Telus phone line at Stettler Tower site for FD 911 interconnect back up • CVIP and service Tender 35 • Replace perimeter lighting on Rescue 14 • Repaired burglar alarm fault at Station 1 • CVIP and repair engine oil pan on Tender 15 • Picked up Tender 15 from RMP in Red Deer • Replaced battery charger on Engine 11 • Re-racked hose bed and equipment on Tender 15 and returned to service • Got a quote to repair gates and remove damaged fence at Station 2 Big Valley • Working on Fire Investigation report regarding fatal fire/explosion in County of Stettler(on going) • Working on replacement maps for all fire apparatus (on going) Regional Fire Department Incident Summary • Total calls 27 - 4 motor vehicle incidents, 9 alarm calls, 6 medical first response, 4 wildland fires, 1 CO alarm, 1 Public hazard power line down, 1 Structure fire, and 1 Watercraft in distress/water rescue.


Administration . track gravel and report to Diamond Finance software . WUR reporting to AB Environment for previous month . P/O’s and tracking invoices for the month . Log ‘Ratepayer Requests’ onto internal intranet site . PW, ASB and Utilities timesheets . Receive and submit daily fuel receipts from all PW Shop personnel . Review vehicle condition reports and report any concerns for follow-up . Training summer student . Preparations for Gravel budget 2020-2023 . Proof RFP’s and post to Alberta Purchasing Connection and County website:  Hamlet of Botha West Side Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements – closes August 22/19  Cold Storage Building for Public Works Shop – closes August 22/19  Emergency Management Plan for Protective Services – closes August 21/19 . Send out fully executed Contracted Services Agreement for:  Brock Rock Aggregate for gravel crushing tender . Strychnine sales on Tuesday & Thursday mornings . Cleanup in H&S folder on computer

Fire crews extinguishing the fire view from helmet camera

. Create template for H&S Safe Work Procedures and move current procedures onto new template . Enter all H&S course certificates onto spreadsheet to track expiries and training requirements for staff Health & Safety . 2 Hazard Assessments completed No items noted required action by Management

Engineering Regional Master Servicing Plan . Led by Town; . Draft Joint Infrastructure Report received July 4, 2016; . Staff review of report & discussion completed August 31, 2016 – comments back to consultant for revisions; . Town staff is working with consultant on revisions; . Update meeting for Levy review component held May 30, 2018.

Erskine East Subdivision . Complete for current budgeted items with base/pave work to complete Phase 1 in future years; . Storm pond drainage pipe completed; . Application follow up for change from pumping storm pond to drain pipe. . No further action planned in subdivision this year.

Erskine Landfill . Well placement and testing completed; . Report submitted to County recommending reduction of setback from 300m to 50m with no further recommendations for restrictions or further landfill work; . Brad has assembled an application to the Minister regarding the setback reduction recommended in the report. Letter from Alberta Health Services confirming no concerns with the proposed reduction has been received; . Comments back from AEP requesting a re-development plan. All other information appears in order for their support; . Handed over to P&D for re-development plan and formal submission to AEP as directed by Council.

Gravel Inventory . Monthly inventory survey measurements to compare against scaled quantities to ensure regular reconciliation of the inventory. . Staff takes inventory photos of each pit and stockpile location on a quarterly basis and summarizes in a report;

Gravel Pit Management . Engineering to plan and execute pit approval updates where required – process through regulatory approvals AENV slow; . Stormoen/Crawford Pit Activity Plan has been approved by AEP – ready to crush out fence line when we wish; . Donalda Pit – 5 year update submitted in January, pit reclaimed awaiting approval. . Larson (Paintearth) Pit Activity Plan approval received from AEP. . Reconnaissance of County land complete – setting up for widespread gravel testing and documentation in 2019/2020; . Tender for 2019 crushing complete – contractor commenced work Bridges Pit August 7.

Environmental Study – Old Yard . Field work complete; . Draft report submitted – final on completion of all required testing; . EM survey complete; . Extended ground samples to delineate detailed hydrocarbon and salt impacts completed; . Final report and remediation cost estimate submitted; . Will plan remediation work in future annual budgets when use of old yard ceases.

New County Shop – Site Work . Grading at the new site will continue with topsoil placement, structural gravels, stockpile base materials and final subgrade preparation in spring; . Recommend baseline environmental testing to be completed in near future; . Application for placement of 4500L fuel tank complete. Installation planned in August; . Investigating and preparing estimates for cold storage options – to be tendered in July expecting fall completion; . Hauling surplus government gravel material into yard as well as pit run sub-base – mostly complete with some compaction and shaping still required. Salvage of gravel from old yard in progress for new yard topping. . Cold storage shed tender in progress, base preparation for sand shed planned this fall.

Botha Water Line Looping . Work is complete with minor landscape work outstanding.

Botha Master Drainage Plan . Community meeting for existing conditions held September 17; . Consultant working of modelling and report – expected end of year; . Report is complete, it will be presented at a public open house as soon as schedule can be set; . Open house held on Feb 26; . Plans for executing some west end of Hamlet drainage improvements under way – RFP for consulting services (design) tendered.

Botha Alley, Property & Ball Park . Concept for corrections to property lines, added alley, road upgrade and ball park upgrade were completed for the Botha town hall meeting; . Repairs and upgrades to ball diamond fence and backstop complete; . Highway approach will be removed spring 2019; . Day use area access road roughed in, tilling of ball diamond and restoration area complete, topsoil & seeding complete; . Ball diamond benches removed due to condition and replacement in progress.

Botha Lots and Property Corrections . Westerly lots in north subdivision do not have gas service. Project to get these lots serviced will commence soon; . Lot re-distribution to account for utilities and ditches that are currently inside lots for sale will be coming to MPC in next while, including completion of alley to the north and west to allow a proper outlet; . Looking into gas servicing for un-serviced lots.

Asset Management Plan . PW staff completed inventory for local rural roads; . Paved surface inventory completed for inclusion in short term budgets; . Equipment planning for short term budgets underway; . PW staff collecting additional data for underground installations and culverts; . Road classification map to Council in February for discussion and agreement of service levels and road designations. Plans for review of individual area maps to be completed soon, full road tour put off until fall. . All but one individual roadway classification meeting completed – map to August Council meeting for approval planned.

Range Road 18-3 Realignment . Design complete; . AEP released the desktop wetland assessment procedure; . North Shore environmental has submitted wetland assessment for approval and required compensation set at approximately $18,000; . Payment for wetland currently being processed ($18,648.00 +GST); . Temporary fence installed; . PW Crew to mobilize to site and start earthwork in spring, brushing will be completed late winter. . Earthworks complete – fencing remaining;

Red Deer River Municipal Users Group – Charter and Toolkit for Water Source Protection . Completed toolkit assessing the risks to source water security in the Red Deer River watershed; . Prepared RFD for July Council;

Staff . Rick has been focused on Botha Storm Water Improvement project, gravel delivery program planning, work scheduling and delivery planning, gravel crushing contract, capital purchase planning, quotations and investigating used vs new substitutions where possible, Gadsby infrastructure audit and contract management for roadwork underway. . Brad has been focused on gravel inventory measurements, gravel pit management surveys as required, regulatory approval requirements for gravel pits, approach applications, bridge inspections/maintenance, and bridge structure replacement planning/design. Survey of road cross- sections for grader beat maintenance/shape evaluations underway.

Health & Safety . 6 Hazard Assessments completed No items noted for action by management.

Infrastructure County gravel trucks . Gravel program hauling out of Stormoen and Tremmel stockpiles GP 2019 - 311 miles completed and 109 miles remaining. . Hauling reject asphalt gravel into yard from Stormoen . Grizzly rock at Stormoen . Graveling in Gadsby Miscellaneous . Oil dust control

. Culvert installs

. Clear track dust control

. Grizzly rock at Stormoen . Haul gravel pad from old yard to new yard to cap parking areas.

. Four Bridge Inspections:

BF08607 – Rge Rd 22-0, south of Hwy 11 BF76638 – Rge Rd 16-5, south of Hwy 12

BF70711 – Rge Rd 20-2, south of Scollard Rd BF08406 – Twp Rd 39-2, east of Rge Rd 19-1 . Inspected approach applications, YTD total = 13

Health & Safety . 87 Hazard Assessments. No items requiring action by management noted.

Operations & Maintenance Gravel Patching

ON: BETWEEN: Twp Rd 372 Rge Rd 19-5 Hwy 56 Twp Rd 384 Rge Rd 19-2 Rge Rd 19-3

July 1-7 This week the Grader beat operators will only be blading on their main roads to try and catch up from all the recent rain. A few existing oil dust controls will also be bladed.

Before and after pictures of an old oil dust control that was bladed on Rge Rd 19-2 just north off of

Highway 12.

Before and after pictures of a light oil dust control that was bladed on Twp Rd 384 just east of Rge Rd 19-3.

July 8-14 This week the grader beat operators were blading their main roads. Backroads at this time will only be bladed by request. There are also a few oil dust control spots that need to be bladed this week.

These before and after pictures are of an oil dust control that was bladed on Rge Rd 19-5 north of Highway 601 (about a mile).

July 15-21 This week the grader beat operators will continue to blade their main roads. Backroads will only be bladed by request and if they’re dry enough.

This picture is a road shoulder that has started to cave in on Rge Rd 17-2 about 1 mile north of Twp Rd 36-0, possibly from a muskrat run. We will probably do this shoulder repair with grizzled rock from the Stormoen gravel pit.

July 22-28 This week the grader beat operators were blading their main roads. Most backroads are currently too wet to blade and will only be bladed by request and if they are dry enough. We had a few oil dust controls that needed to be bladed also.

Roadside Mowing

On the map, ‘red’ is completed roadside mowing and ‘blue’ is mowing that’s completed or to be completed by the Degelman mower.

Health & Safety . 48 vhazard assessments from Grader Beat Operators for blading of roads, reviewed by the Manager of Operations & Maintenance. . 113 General maintenance activity hazard assessments completed. Reviewed by the Manager of Operations & Maintenance. . No items noted requiring action by Management.

Shop Public Works C7 . Service call. Free sticking park brake linkage to correct transmission going to neutral. C21 . Disassemble backhoe bucket links to replace worn parts. . Replace rear window latches. . Complete replacement of worn backhoe bucket pins C85 . Trouble shoot steering code, order steering valve to correct issue . Replace steering valve, test operation of grader. Remove, clean, lubricate and reassemble circle side shift pin assembly . Refill brake accumulators, to correct code . Replace Blades . Replace lower blade slides . Troubleshoot air compressor leakage, Replace governor and pressure relief valve. C86 . Replace leaking radiator. . Service and multipoint inspection. C89 . Change engine, tandem oil, change all filters C91 . Service call, check reason for PTO not engaging. Could not replicate. Fuel service truck and generator. . Check over PTO wiring, study system operation and wiring schematic. C93 . Replace blades . Service call, troubleshoot code. Find spent fuse, replace and test. Check for wiring fault. . Wash unit and perform full service. C94 . Troubleshoot air compressor leakage. Replace governor and pressure relief valve. C95 . Service call, find oil leak at turbo, clean area and tighten fitting. Fill oil and test for leaks. Clean rad and coolers. C96 . Service call, clean rad and coolers. C97 . Remove and replace water valve, adjust circle. . Replace worn circle shoes and adjust. Find and repair engine oil leak. Replace sandvic pocket. C98 . Assist in head removal with finning . Assist finning with engine assembly (warranty) C99 . Troubleshoot AC, find magnetic clutch to be failed. Order replacement compressor and drier. . Replace air conditioner dryer and failed air conditioner compressor. . Full service, adjust blade slides. . Troubleshoot high fan speed setting, find open in circuit and repair. . Replace sandvic pocket, buildup and hardsurface worn edge. C100 . Troubleshoot engine code. Refasten turbocharger inlet pressure connection to correct issue. C102 . Service call. Check over cooling system for overheating complaint. Clean rad, find slow fan speed. Organize warranty work with Strongco. C103 . Service engine, change all filters and transmission oil. Adjust blade slide clearance . Flat tire changeover. C108 . Manually generate DPF. . Replace all mower dust caps and one spline drive, refasten blades. C110 . Remove mower from tractor. Straighten bent framework. Build plate and install ears, paint. . Reinstall mower on tractor. Weld hard surface plates on worn sections of bar. . Replace tower seals, weld bolt retainers inside gear bar. . Service call, remove would up wire, straighten and weld blade mounting plate bracket. . Service call, Replace mower bearing tower. Change mower gear box oil. C114 . Replace right lower and upper blade side C118 . Replace worn three point hitch pins C119 . Replace damaged discharge chute, Change engine oil . Change transmission oil and filters, adjust governor. C122 . Replaced battery rubber mounts and water filter housing. . Service call. Check for oil leak. Find leaking engine oil pan, make field repair to patch pan. Fill oil. C123 . Adjust mower height. . Build, paint and install tow ring on rear.

T19 . Replace brake switch T27 . Build chain and mount for securement of hose real. . Reseal unloader valve, change engine and pressure washer oil, Replace pressure washer gun . Replace damaged unloader valve, replace broken fitting. T33 . Build and install new valve box mounts, repair abs wiring. T34 . Weld to remove broken seized bolt in neck pivot pin. . Replace damaged hub cap. T63 . Perform CVIP . Remove axle and measure, order replacement. . Layout and weld on spring pads on new axle. . Replace front axle, front axle brake shoes, brake drums, and one tire and perform commercial vehicle inspection. T66 . Reinstall repaired center clutch assembly. T76 . Find oil leak, replace line, fill oil, test for leaks. T88 . Straighten ramp hold down ears, replace pin retaining chain. T90 . Repair wiring and lights, grease. T91 . Remove mower from tractor. Straighten 3 point hitch arm on mower, reassemble and install on tractor. Reattach rear wheel on mower. T94 . Grease job and inspection. . Remove damaged tailgate liner retainer. Cut and replace retainer sections.

325 . Replace bowie pump drive yoke. 351 . Install ABS module. 363 . Remove engine camshaft for replacement. . Clean engine parts . Weld to remove broken exhaust manifold bolt. . Replace camshaft and assemble engine. . Recharge air conditioner, replace coil pack. 368 . Reassemble engine, and auxiliary components. . Grease truck. . Reassemble EGR system, fill coolant, replace gaskets. . Complete reassembly of engine. Test engine operation, and for codes. Troubleshoot code. Order sensor to solve problem. Replace sensor. . Replace sensor to correct engine code emission code. Test operation of truck to have fuel related code appear. Trouble shoot issue. Begin to switch fuel unit pumps between two cylinders to see if issue will follow. . Switch unit pumps 3 and 4. Order banjo fuel line bolt. . Assemble engine and test. Still to have code appear. Begin to switch injector 3 and 4 to see if code will move to another cylinder. . Pull injectors to switch between 3&4 cylinders to see if fault follows injector. . Assemble engine, test drive truck. Engine codes still appear . Measure camshaft and fuel pump lifts 369 . Replace brake rotors, brake pads and calipers on front axle. 372 . Get truck back from Peterbilt. Find several codes – begin to troubleshoot. . Disassemble decomposition tube assembly, find clamp damage, failed injector and poor seal surfaces on pipe. Order required components and clean parts. . Complete reassembly of after treatment system. Run through regeneration cycle and test. 374 . Remove and replace brake calipers. 376 . Grease check all fluid levels. Replace cracked convex mirror. 377 . Wash truck, begin to complete commercial vehicle inspection . Trouble shoot box operation. Find fuse, advice not to raise box to maximum height as this puts a large current draw no electric hydraulic pack. Complete commercial vehicle inspection 379 . Put driver’s seat cover on and service. 381 . Begin commercial vehicle inspection . Complete commercial vehicle inspection. 385 . Service call, replace idler with parts from 368. Drive back to shop, replace idler and belts. Repair wiring and lights, grease. 386 . Service and multipoint inspection. 387 . Install gas engine/pump. . Spray skid – complete engine install. . Install all fittings and nozzles. Complete plumbing and test unit. . Cut, weld on and paint spacer to tip tank, begin to order parts and plumb new return line and feed line. . Modify plumbing to include tank fill line, bypass line and electric diverter valve, build mount for diverter valve. . Wire switch and power cord. 390 . Grease job and inspection. 391 . Build and install master switch bracket, switch and wiring. Wire rear lights. Install rear spray bar and hitch. . Complete service work. Torque hitch/bumper, spray bar assembly, install mud flaps, rear hose. . Mud flaps, main water hose, set up for washer unit. Build hoses. . Fabricate safety loop on pump driveline, paint and install. Complete and paint spray fan for rear of truck, build mount. . Install spray fan, build, install and paint remote grease fitting bank. Run grease lines. Install pressure line support pins. . Install power for to pressure washer electric start. Test operation of washer. Test drive truck loaded with water and check operation of watering system . . Weld in fitting for bypass line, Modify pump plumbing . Remove PTO shaft to make fit better to ease replacement of shear bolts. . Grease truck. Increase clearance of PTO yoke to aid replacement of shear pin easier. . Remove PTO from transmission, disassemble to find damage. Order replacement parts. . Complete bypass plumbing, install guarding on pressure line . Reassemble power take off with new gears, and install onto transmission, drill, tap and mount pressure gauge on outlet of pump . Fill transmission oil, test operation of water pump, adjust bypass . Build guard/ring for around intake screen, build, install and paint grease gun mount. 392 . Receive new unit. 2019 Ford F550 truck & chassis (sign truck) 394 . Remove and replace failed brake controller, wire in unit. 395 . Charge battery , test operation of installed battery charger 396 . Service and multipoint inspection

ASB A34 . Replace left rear tail light bulb, repair bulb connection. Order replacement led tail lights. A35 . Remove water tank mounting frame from old spray unit. Modify for mounting on existing spray unit. Begin to modify new spray skid. A93 . Check gear box oil level. Air up tires. . Replace center mower blades. A94 . Replace center clutch. A106 . Replace bent blade.

255 . Boost sprayer engine. 269 . Service and multipoint inspection. 268 . Troubleshoot engine codes. 273 . Check for brake noise. Wash brakes and inspect. Clean out rocks and debris to eliminate noise. 277 . Troubleshoot engine, water pump. Weak performance. 278 . Windshield crack repair. . Service and multi-point inspection, repair tailgate linkage.

Utilities 426 . Service and multipoint inspection. Install seat covers. Orders rear pinion seal. 427 . Service and test fuel pressure because of active code. Will look more when Randy is on vacation. Order fuel pump. . Trouble shoot battery light coming on at random times 430 . Service and multipoint inspection.

Protective Services 526 . Research installation information on gps system. Install GPS wiring and equipment, in tandem with emergency lights. Polish flashing light covers, troubleshoot flashing lights, order switch housing assembly. 527 . Research wiring installation for GPS, into lighting controls. Install wiring, and associated equipment. Install seat covers.

Fire Department 235 . Perform Commercial Vehicle inspection. Straighten all bent mud flap holders. Repair light wiring. . Complete service. . Fill with water.

Stettler District Ambulance Medic 5 . Ring in for damaged battery causing smell. Test for over charge condition. Unhook battery, order replacement. . Replace failed auxiliary battery. Medic 6 . Service and multipoint inspection. Medic 7 . Service, and multipoint inspection

Stettler Waste Management Authority 627 . Replace segments, move front idlers to tighten tracks. Perform full service, adjust engine valves. Replace failed track adjuster fitting. Change hydrostatic fluid and final drive oil. . Weld wear plates on wear edges of bucket.

Miscellaneous . Find multiple pressure washer hoses to be failed. Shut down system. . Alcota washer- Troubleshoot consecutive hose failures. Install gauge in washer pump circuit. Find pressure to be extremely high. Remove and replace failed unloader valve, and adjust pressure. . Repair 4 wash lines. . Backflush, drain and maintain water recycling system. . Research and price out knuckle boom cranes. . Research and price out Snow blade and sander for 367. . Research water vales for dust control sprayer. . Repair, and tune up weed eaters as required, Installed guard on walk behind weed eater . Begin to plan and build water gate assembly for culvert. . Gate post frame, fabricate unit as requested and, install in field.

. Perform preventative maintenance and other repairs as required.

Health & Safety . Receive/complete 15 Hazard Assessments . Receive/complete 0 Toolbox Meetings No items noted requiring action by Management. Status

Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Ditching / Drainage Rge Rd 19-4 @ NE 29-38-19 (Larsen) 374 N/A 100% 100% Investigate / Install approach culvert approach culvert

Twp Rd 380 @ NE 35-37-20 South Ditch 740 N/A ditching

SW 22-41-18 1100 25 100% 100% road crossing culvert (NIXON, Cal)

Rge Rd 21-2 @ SE 27-35-21 (Frere) 1437 2245 100% ditching Rge Rd 16-5 @ SW 17-40-16 (Lang) East Ditch 1335 1728 100% ditching Twp Rd 370 @ Rge Rd 20-5 (van Straten) 354 895 Washout Repairs 355 washout Rge Rd 17-3 @ NE 9-34-17 (Mario) West Ditch 29 N/A 100% 50% ditching Rge Rd 20-1 South of Twp Rd 362 (NE 11-36-20) 397 3026 100% 100% Road Crossing Culvert road crossing culvert (MAILER)

Rge Rd 18-1 @ NW 1-35-18 N/A 2824 25% washout Rge Rd 16-2 south of Twp Rd 34-2 1680 2867 Centerline Culvert centerline culvert Twp Rd 40-4 East of Hwy 56 (NW 21-40-19) 1252 1193 Road Crossing Culvert road crossing culvert (CASSIDY) (SE 19-38-17) Road Crossing Culvert 155 N/A centerline culvert (creek)

Fritz Hill Twp 364 west of Hwy 56 1267 3065 100% 90% approach culvert - rip rap still needed Twp Rd 384 / Rge Rd 18-5 (NW-20-38-18) 761 3066 100% Culvert maintenance/inspection

Tower Road Drainage 1492 100% 40%

Rge Rd. 19-1 / NW 13-37-19 1138 100% 100% riprap needed Twp Rd 380 immediately west of Rge Rd 18-0 Intersection 786 100% Water washes road out in spring - Survey Required. Road crossing culvert, raise grade or clean ditch Confirm solutions with Larry before work starts

Rge Rd 22-0 / NW-18-39-21 523 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

S 28-37-21 735 100% 100% end treatment

S 8-34-16 Culvert ends clean and inspection 224 100% 100% end treatment

NW 35-37-19 789 100% 100% culvert clean / end treatment

NW-8-38-17 1063 100% 100% Road Crossing Culvert

SW22-41-18 1100 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

SW 29-35-17 629 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

SE-6-38-16 Drainage ditch (Bates) N/A 100% 100% Cleaning ditch /removing beaver damm

NW 20-35-17 1062 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

NE 7-34-18 1134 3482 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

NW 14-41-19 290 3533 Road crossing culvert

SW 6-38-16 739 3259 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

Rge Rd 16-1 north of 36-0 / SW 1-36-16 64 100% 100% Road crossing culvert

Dugouts Lease land

SW 24 39 18 1344 100% 90% Road crossing culvert/ Rip rap still needed Culvert thawing & water control 100% 100%

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Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Rip Rap & End Treatments, Culverts

SW 5-35-15 (Twp Rd 350) 589 3053 100% 90% rip rap SW 22-41-18 1100 25 100% 95% Riprap Rge Rd 16-1 (SW 1-36-16) 64 100% 95% Riprap

Rge Rd 19-1 (NW 13-37-19) 1138 100% 95% Rip rap

S 28-37-21 735 25% 95% Riprap

Culvert end treatment (SE 16-39-20) Rip Rap 1047 3380 100% 100% rip rap

Clean out (NE 35-37-19) 789 100% 100% Culvert install (SE 22 & NE 15-39-19) 1683 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (NW & SW 26-36-17) 1329 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (SE 22-39-19) 200 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (SW 12-38-17) 115 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (NW 12-40-18) 200 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (NE 7-40-17) 171 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Culvert install (NW 22-38-17) 28 N/A 100% 95% rip rap Snow Management Scratching hills & Intersections

Lane way plowing, inspections, flag

Snow plowing Bridges BF 07578 - collapsed culvert 1400mm x 13m replacement culvert purchased and in Rge Rd 20-5 south of Twp Rd 370 463 N/A 100% inventory

BF 02015 - Bevel repair Rge Rd 18-0 1374 N/A 100% replacement - grant funded BF 01656 - Replace Bridge Culvert 135 N/A 0% 0% bridge inspection indicates possible replacement any time. Coordinate schedule with road construction or 615 N/A 85% BF 9007 - Twp Rd 352 - 2000mm X 35m CSP if required due to failure. Road Construction Approaches NW 32-39-17 1423 84 100% 95% Riprap needed NE 10-40-18 1089 N/A 100% 95% Riprap needed SE 5-37-20 354 79 100% 5% see application for location info SW 10-36-18 1105 N/A 100% talk to Brad NE 19-35-19 623 N/A 100% 95% Riprap needed SW 29-36-17 165 90 100% 95% Rip rap NE 8-40-20 455 95 100% 100% Construct at existing gate, 100-200m south of Twp Rd NW 13-39-19 286 99 100% 393, 400mm culvert or bigger SW 28-39-17 879 93 100% 95% Riprap needed Patching & Crack Filling - Paved Surfaces Crack Filling Program N/A N/A 100% Patching (general hard surface repairs) N/A N/A 100% 70% pot holes to complete when dry

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Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Residential Dust Control Calcium Applications N/A N/A 100% 50% First spray complete Trial Product Applications re-apply to sites done last year and new trials

Light Oil Applications N/A N/A 100% Fencing Old Landfill Bayview Street Tower Rd 100% 100% McMaster Pit N/A N/A 100% Rge Rd 18-4 @ Twp Rd 360 1314 N/A 100% 85% pull posts, fill holes Old Turville Pit (NE 36-35-20 W4) 100% AG - not required Gravel Haul / Pit Development & Reclamation

Rider Sand Pit Reclamation (SW 31-41-19) Donalda Pit 100% 85% gate installation Haul crush reject fines for material pile base new shop yard 100% 80% Hillaby Pit Reclamation 40% Stormoen Pit Reclamation 85% 10% Stockpiling 100% 100% ongoing Screen Rock for rip rap 100% County Gravel Program 100% 48% Patch Gravel Program 90%

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Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Road & Misc. Construction Erskine Subdivision Earthworks 100% 90% partial topsoil and cleanup remain Erskine Subdivision Road Structure 100% 80% Sweeping rain day work throughout spring

New Shop backyard earthworks (NW 19-38-19) and front landscaping 100% 70% Rge. Rd. 18-2 NE-23-34-18-w4 repair soft road 100% Stewarts Twp Rd 355 east of Hwy 56 - repair load damage 635 3470 100% 100% haul pit run Twp Rd 384 between Rge Rd 20-2 & Hwy 835 - structural clay 760 N/A Jewel Estates south cul-de-sac (mow and ruts) 2582 100% see Rick for details SRWMA Landfill - scale cleanout & reset N/A N/A 100% project on hold Sports track at high school 100% 90% Cemetery in Big Valley build up grade Intersection Twp.Rd 38-4 and Rge. Rd 19-4 Repair soft road 100% 80% Generation RV Resurface & reshape Rge Rd 19-4 1422 N/A 100% 50% reshape road Donalda Pit 100% 60% gate installation Asdee Pit 100% 40% gate installation Storm water lot in Erskine (Lee) 100% 10% Mow and move dirt piles Stettler Ag Society move dirt Resurface & reshape Rge Rd 19-5 Tower Road N/A N/A 100% 75% Tower Road north of Hwy 601 topsoil Botha Ball Diamond road 100% 90%

Rge Rd 18-3 realignment (Stewart) 100% 80% Contract Construction

Erskine Storm Pond Drain Pipe N/A N/A 100% Restoration & Painting Unit T63 100% 100% Unit T19 100% 100% Unit 332 100% 100%

Unit 279 100% 100%

Unit 430 100% 100% Unit T67 100% 100%

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Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Migratory Bird Nesting Period (Zone B4) - No Clearing Activities Without Brushing / Clearing / Grubbing / Mulching Confirmation of Area Clear of Nests Rge Rd 20-4 between Twp Rd 370 & Twp Rd 371 1608 15 100% 80% one pile to burn

Rge Rd 19-2 North of Hwy 601 (S 10-40-19) N/A 137 Machine access

Bayview Street # 105 (ER tree removal) N/A 150 Contract Brushing

Twp Rd 35-1 @ S 1/2 12-35-19 597 153 Machine access Rge Rd 16-5 between Twp Rd 382 & 380 (NE 7-38-16) 12 182 100% 80% Burn & Bury 2020 Twp Rd 343 @ N 1/2 21-34-18 1283 184 100% Stewart-Unsightly Trees SE 3-36-21 & SE 33-36-20 (Skocdopole) 662 186 100% 20% SKOCDOPOLE SW 30-34-20 (Jacobson) 568 187 JACOBSON- Fenceline SE 25-34-21 (Jacobson) 577 188 JACOBSON- Fenceline SE 7-40-19 (Seibel) 189 100% NW 12-38-20 (Hanna) 409 190 50% HANNA - Fence line brushing NE 26-37-20 (Hewlett) 1287 191 HEWLETT, Dead trees 333 & 193 100% 100% NW 35-36-20 (Ogden) 1605 OGDEN Rge Rd 16-2 & 16-4 (Waldner) 196 100% 50% Waldner NE 3-38-18 (Bruntte) 208 198 BRUNTTE 38574 Rge Rd 18-5 (NW 32-38-18) 259 200 ERICKSOM- Sight line SW 30-39-19 (Nagel) 888 201 50% NAGEL-Fence line NW 17-38-18 (Finlay) 1439 202 100% 100% FINLAY NW 2-38-18 (Nichols) 208 203 100% 100% NICHOLS NW 19-35-18 / NE 19-35-18 (Elines) 1265 204 100% 100% Machine Access Rge Rd 21-1 north of Hwy 601 205 100% 100% Machine Access

SE 27-37-19 (Hennel/Ruffler) 731 206 HENNEL / RUFFLER West of 20445 Twp Rd 370 (NW-32-36-20) 354 208 100% 100% NW 12-41-17 & SE 14-41-17 (Clearview) 981 210 100% 100% Clearview NE 2-35-17 / SE 11-35-17 (Keith) 598 212 50% KEITH 792 & 213 50% NW 32-37-19 / NW 17-37-19 1633 NITSCHKE, Gord SW 34-38-19 303 214 100% 100% BOYCE, Tree in Ditch NE 19-35-19 (Sereda) 623 215 100% 100% SEREDA- Slightline Approach Twp Rd 372 (Vanstraten) 218 100% 100% Rge Rd 19-5 ( Walstrom) 219

NE 31-37-16 739 3258 100% 100% HANSEL from Larry Clarke -cattails Twp Rd 372 north of Fenn Rd (Dupont) 3340 100% 80% Dupont Bayview Street - ROW brushing 100% 100% Brushing ROW for fence Tower Road Project 19-5 1494 90% 100% Brushing- drainage prep & site lines 100m stretch in south ditch, inside of curve for sight Twp Rd 372 (1km west of Hwy 835) 691 100% distance, brusher head likely Rge Rd 17-4 (1/2 mile north of Hwy 601) west side road 1380 GB10 Rge Rd 17-3 (west side of Rd) north of Twp Rd 410 128 GB10 Twp Rd 394 (east of Rge 16-5) both sides of road for 1 mile 870 GB10 Twp Rd 412 (west of Rge Rd 17-2, south side 100 yards) sightline 124 GB10 Twp Rd 412 947 & GB10 (east & west of Rge Rd 17-1 south side 200 yard) sightline 943

Rge Rd 17-0 south of Twp Rd 41-0 107 GB10 (west side of the Rd) for 1/2 mile in spots Rge Rd 17-3 south of Twp Rd 412 (east side 200 yards from intersection) 20 GB10

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Mile Req. Pre- Const Notes Public Works Projects 2019 ID ID Const July August

Rge Rd 17-1 south of Hwy 601 (west side of road 100 yards by acreage) 979 GB10

Twp Rd 392 west of Rge Rd 17-5 834 GB10 (sightline @ intersection)

Rge Rd 19-5 north of Twp Rd 394 388 GB11 (south of Hwy 601 - 75 meters north of Twp Rd 394, west side) Twp Rd 390 west of Rge Rd 20-4 1165 GB11 (east of Rge Rd 20-5, 1/2 mile west of Rge Rd 20-4)

461 GB11 Rge Rd 20-5 south of Twp Rd 384, North of Newalta westside Rge Rd 20-4 (south of Twp Rd 384 & north of Twp Rd 38-2 on westside) GB11 Twp Rd 360 between Rge Rd 18-3 & Rge Rd 18-2 (both sides of road) GB2 Rge Rd 20-1 north of Hwy 601 for 1 mile 1001 GB9 Rge Rd 20-2 (1/2 mile north of Hwy 601) 420 GB9

Scenic Sands 486 GB9 Twp Rd 394 west of Rge Rd 21-3 (1 mile) 1602 GB9 Rge Rd 21-3 50 yards north of Twp Rd 394 507 GB9 Rge Rd 21-3 north of Hwy 601 for 1/4 mile 506 GB9 Rge Rd 21-4 south of Hwy 601 for 1/2 mile 508 GB9 Rge Rd 21-4 north of Hwy 601 (at intersection for about 100 meters) 344 GB9 Rge Rd 21-5 north of Hwy 601 for one mile 512 GB9 Rge Rd 21-5 south of Hwy 601 (30 meters) 1550 GB9 Rge Rd 22-2 1/2 mile north of Hwy 12 532 GB9 Twp Rd 380 (NW 35-37-20) 419 Fence line

Page 6 of 6 Environmental Services Utilities Department performs chlorine residuals, turbidity testing and hour meter/water meter readings at least once per week at each Distribution System. Weekly Bacteriological water samplings are taken on Wednesdays.

Buffalo Sands • General maintenance. • Changed Cl2 Analyzer reagent. • Meter reads. • Testing done and Bacteriological samples collected. • Flushing. • Water bug failed (which causes pumps not to run) in turn caused a contravention.

Buffalo View Estates • Meter reads. • General Maintenance. • Changed Cl2 analyzer reagent. • Got 2 loads of water hauled in. • Did on site TDS tests.

Botha • Regular checks. • Testing done. • Cl2 analyzer reagent changed. • Collected Bacteriological samples. • Lagoon was checked. • Meter reads. • Checked meter station on the ring road.

Byemoor • General maintenance. • Meter reads. • Changed Cl2 analyzer reagent. • Lift Station checked. • Lagoon was checked. • Sewer main were flushed. • Meter reads. • General Maintenance. • Changed analyzer reagent. • Lowered fill level in Reservoir. • Cut lagoons.

Regional • South Central – Meter reads done, Flushing done, Spot testing, Collected Bacteriological samples. • Central Phase – Meter reads done, Flushing done, Spot testing, Changed Cl2 analyzer reagent at the Gadsby Truck Fill, Collected Bacteriological sample. • North Central – Meter reads done, Spot testing, Flushing done, Collected Bacteriological samples.

Erskine • Regular sewer lift checks were done. • The lagoon was checked. • Meter reads. • Changed both Cl2 analyzer reagent at Truck fill. • Regular truck fill checks. • Collected Bacteriological sample. • Testing done. • Flushing. • Sewer mains were flushed. • Cut lagoons. • Raised floats in Reservoir. • Another water service install.

Village of Gadsby • Testing done. • Collected Bacteriological sample. • Lagoon was checked. • Sewer system was flushed.

Donalda • Distribution tests done. • Collected Bacteriological samples. • Lagoon was checked. • Drained Tower/ Standpipe to bring in fresh water.

Red Willow • Regular checks Truck fill checks. • Testing done. • Lagoon was checked. • Collected bacteriological sample.

Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission • Meter reads were done. • Testing done. • Changed Cl2 analyzer reagents. • Collected Bacteriological samples. • Locates. • Started exercising main valves from the Transfer Station East.

Miscellaneous • Continue working on the attendance and monitoring plan some of our site as we are amalgamating some. • Organize approvals of our facilities.

Recreation & Risk Management

Regional Recreation Board • The Regional Recreation Board was very saddened to hear of John Pearson’s sudden passing. Donations are being made to the Donalda Ag Society accessibility account to improve the accessibility at the Donalda Community hall. • Operational Assistance grant forms on cooperation and collaboration are coming back in to the office.

Performing Arts for Schools • Have had a discussion with ATCO Electric to look at partnering on projects within the schools in the fall or next year. • Sheldon Casavant has been tentatively booked to perform his magic show in late October for the rural schools. Insurance • Have requested Certificates of Incorporation for our ANI groups as it has come to our attention that all groups that are under the County of Stettler insurance need to be have some type of status (society or charitable). Those that are not incorporated may be adopted by Council as volunteer organizations for liability insurance only. • The hail storm of July 30, 2019 has resulted in damage to 40 pieces of the County of Stettler fleet vehicles and equipment. An adjuster has toured the damage to the Administration Building, Public Works Facility and Stettler Ambulance bay on Wednesday, July 31. Belfor Property Restoration will be coming the week of August 12 to provide an estimate of damage. We are still waiting to hear when the appraiser will come to look at the damaged fleet and equipment. • The fire truck that was damaged on June 1, 2019 has been repaired and is back in service, with invoicing sent up to Priddle and Gibbs for payment. • Had a break in at the Public Works facility during the long weekend in August, with some gasoline being stolen, fence and door damage. A claim will only be started if the repairs will be over our $5000.00 deductible. • Working on the annual insurance renewal process for the County of Stettler property, auto and heavy equipment policies. • The audit requirements have been completed for RMA, which will allow us to receive 2% of our insurance premiums move into our Risk Pro Account. This credit allows us to purchase items or do further training to assist in reducing any areas of risk in the work place.

Playgrounds • Playground inspections continue to get done when weather permits.

Pheasant Festival • Plans are underway for another successful Pheasant Festival on October 18-20, 2019.

Rodeo and Float: • The County of Stettler float will be participating in the Byemoor Fair Days parade on August 17th.

Finance With the financial statements being worked on for up to the end of June 2019 here are some of the highlights: General - Asset Management Plan update – Data cleanup is nearly complete. Working with contractor on next phase. - Budget for 2020-2023 is being worked on. - Accounts payable position was advertised and the new clerk will start on August 12th. - Village of Gadsby books are caught up. Tax notices went out in July. - Grants received: o N/A

Planning and Development

July 17 Endorsement of Subdivision Plan to provide for boundary adjustment on SW 33- 39-21W4M

July 17 Meeting with applicant regarding proposed development at 22 Marina View Close, Rochon Sands Heights

July 22 Submitted request to Stantec to review new documentation submitted with application for a Recreational Facility-Outdoor on the NE 20-40-20W4M

July 23 Site Inspections

July 24 Municipal Planning Commission Meeting

July 25 Deadline for submissions to Subdivision and Development Appeal Board regarding stop Order issued to 2066052 Alberta Ltd.

July 25 Withdrawal of appeal to Stop Order issued to 2066052 Alberta Ltd.

July 25 Development permit application submitted on July 9, 2019 for a Recreation Facility-Outdoor on the NE 20-40-20W4M deemed incomplete pursuant to Section 683.1 of the MGA

July 24 Communication with surveyor regarding the placement of survey stakes on environmental reserve land in Rochon Sands Heights July 29 G3 Canada submitted an updated Traffic Impact Assessment Report prepared by Stantec

July 29 G3 Canada submitted an updated Storm water Management Plan prepared by Stantec

July 29 Request from Buffalo Lake Meadows Community Association to utilize a portion of Lot 38 MR Block 1 Plan 0620721 for the construction of a gaga ball pit.

Aug. 2 Received letter of concern from Scenic Sands resident regarding the access limitation imposed by the locked emergency access gate between Abby Road and Buffalo Sands.


Sept. Economic Resilience & Recovery Course – Battle River Innovation Centre – 5302- 13 50 Ave. Castor 8:30 AM-4:30 PM


Web Stats In July we had: • 5168– 8,492 page views • 3309 downloads • Average visit lasted 2 min. 56 sec.

Most popular entry pages: Paradise Shores Updates; Agenda Centre; Jobs; News

Facebook – 1,447 Followers

64 Posts in July

• Most popular posts – ‘Horses found on Highway 56’ (5,000 reached); Join MLA Nate Horner and the Honorable Devin Dreeshen for Community Consultation(1,100 reached); ‘Be our Guest’ at our Farm Tour and Long Table Supper (1,100 reached).

Twitter – 1,672 followers

• 59 tweets in July Media

• Stettler Independent – Court of Appeal dismisses Paradise Shores arguments; A full house for the annual Farmer’s Appreciation Night; Town & County of Stettler declare ‘National Drowning Prevention Week’

• Weekender – Paradise Shores asks Stettler County council to ‘speed up process’-Developer Dave Hamm says he thinks everyone sees project as a positive for the County.

• ECA Review –Gadsby viability study completion within sight; Rochon Sands Estates Road patching concerns addressed.

• Red Deer News Now – Alberta Court of Appeal denies application from Paradise Shores Developer

• Municipal Information Network – Tax relief for industry and municipalities

• Alberta Press Leader – Paradise Shores developer proposes 318 campsites on 83 acres;


• Public Hearing Bylaw 1611-19; Work with Us - Account Payable ; Seeking Tenders to Hay County Lands;

Public Engagement

• Donalda Parade • Buffalo Lake South Shore Community Association • Buffalo Lake Meadows AGM • Rochon Sands Heights AGM • Gadsby Council Meeting • Budget Survey • Emergency Management Survey

Projects • Summer County Connection • Taste of the Heartland / Farm Tour

Protective Services

High Flyer

• The highest observed vehicle speeding was 142km/h in a 70km/h Zone through the Hamlet of Nevis. As a result the driver received a mandatory Court appearance.

General • Graph attached for breakdown on complaints/tickets for July. Busy month for Protective Services. • Request for proposal on the new County of Stettler Emergency Response Plan listed (Closes August) • Use of force training course (Threat Pattern Recognition) was sent to the Alberta Solicitor General for accreditation to be taught across Province. • Threat Pattern Recognition internal training for Protective Services booked for November. • Researched FCSS/ESS training courses. List of available courses sent to FCSS. • New vehicle traffic cones placed in unit 527. • Met with Lacombe County Protective Services Management discussing agreements for the future. • Identified all County staff in the ICS Org Chart for Emergency Management. • Unit 526 is out of service due to siren/light issues. Issue is to be rectified and replacement parts ordered.

County of Stettler Protective Services

MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT Statistics from: 7/1/2019 12:00:00AM to 7/31/2019 11:59:00PM

Count of Reports Completed




40 BOLO Incident Report Violation Ticket 30 62


Count of IncidentTypes 28 10

0 1


Incident Report Violation Ticket

Page 1 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) BOLO Count of Incident Types 1


0.6 1 ATTEMPT TO 0.4 LOCATE Count of IncidentTypes




100.00% # of Reports: 1 BOLO ATTEMPT TO LOCATE

Grand Total: 100.00% Total # of Incident Types Reported: 1 Total # of Reports: 1

Page 2 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) Incident Report Count of Incident Types 4 ALARM : ENTRY 3.5 ASSIST : FIRE 3 ASSIST : OUTSIDE AGENCY 2.5 CRIMINAL CODE : THEFT 2 4 4 4 4 ASSIST : POLICE 1.5 3 3 ASSIST : PUBLIC 1 ASSIST : COUNTY Count of IncidentTypes DEPARTMENT 0.5 1 1 1 1 COUNTY BYLAW : DOG CONTROL 0 BYLAW COUNTY BYLAW : GENERAL TRAFFIC BYLAW


1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report ALARM : ENTRY

1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report ASSIST : FIRE

1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report ASSIST : OUTSIDE AGENCY

Page 3 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) 1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report CRIMINAL CODE : THEFT

4.76% # of Reports: 3 Incident Report ASSIST : POLICE

4.76% # of Reports: 3 Incident Report ASSIST : PUBLIC

6.35% # of Reports: 4 Incident Report ASSIST : COUNTY DEPARTMENT

6.35% # of Reports: 4 Incident Report COUNTY BYLAW : DOG CONTROL BYLAW

6.35% # of Reports: 4 Incident Report COUNTY BYLAW : GENERAL TRAFFIC BYLAW

6.35% # of Reports: 4 Incident Report COUNTY BYLAW : NUISANCE BYLAW

Page 4 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) Count of Incident Types 16 OTHER PROVINCIAL MISC. STATUTE : STRAY 14 ANIMALS ACT




Count of IncidentTypes 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 MISC. : SIGNAGE TRAFFIC : 0 REQUEST OVERWEIGHT


1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report MISC.

1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report OTHER PROVINCIAL STATUTE : STRAY ANIMALS ACT

1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report TRAFFIC

Page 5 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) 1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report TRAFFIC : MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION

3.17% # of Reports: 2 Incident Report TRAFFIC : PARKING

3.17% # of Reports: 2 Incident Report TRAFFIC : ROAD USE AGREEMENT

4.76% # of Reports: 3 Incident Report MISC. : SIGNAGE REQUEST

4.76% # of Reports: 3 Incident Report TRAFFIC : OVERWEIGHT

7.94% # of Reports: 5 Incident Report TRAFFIC : INSPECTIONS : RIG MOVE

23.81% # of Reports: 15 Incident Report TRAFFIC : INSPECTIONS : HEAVY EQUIPMENT HAUL

Page 6 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) Count of Incident Types 2





1.59% # of Reports: 1 Incident Report TRAFFIC : WELLSITE ABANDONMENT

3.17% # of Reports: 2 Incident Report TRAFFIC : ROAD USE AGREEMENT : CONDITIONS

Grand Total: 100.00% Total # of Incident Types Reported: 63 Total # of Reports: 62

Page 7 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) Violation Ticket Count of Incident Types 28





4 SPEEDING 115 (2)(P) Count of IncidentTypes 0 1 1




3.57% # of Reports: 1 Violation Ticket 15(4)(C) FAIL TO KEEP DIM SIGNS COVERED WHEN NOT REQ.

3.57% # of Reports: 1 Violation Ticket 52(1)(A) DRIVE UNREGISTERED MV

92.86% # of Reports: 26 Violation Ticket SPEEDING 115 (2)(P)

Page 8 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) Grand Total: 100.00% Total # of Incident Types Reported: 28 Total # of Reports: 28

Grand Total: 100.00% Total # of Incident Types Reported: 92

Page 9 of 9 Omnigo Software c(2019) County of Stettler Box 1270 6602 - 44 Avenue Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0 T:403.742.4441 F: 403.742.1277 Cheque Register Cheque # Date Vendor Amount 025057 7/2/2019 ASCAH, WILLIAM G. $ 475.00 025058 7/9/2019 ALBERTA MUNICIPAL HEALTH & SAFETY ASSOC. $ 249.90 025059 7/9/2019 BAGSHAW ELECTRIC LTD. $ 337.38 025060 7/9/2019 BROWNLEE LLP $ 3,254.27 025061 7/9/2019 C.R. GLASS $ 1,186.50 025062 7/9/2019 CAMROSE COUNTY $ 2,000.00 025063 7/9/2019 CDW CANADA INC $ 1,776.78 025064 7/9/2019 CERVUS EQUIPMENT $ 470.56 025065 7/9/2019 CIVIC MECHANICAL LTD. $ 536.28 025066 7/9/2019 STETTLER AGRI-CENTRE $ 104.98 025067 7/9/2019 DUBITZ, CATRINA $ 288.75 025068 7/9/2019 EASY-KLEEN PRESSURE SYSTEMS LTD. $ 204.75 025069 7/9/2019 ENVIRONMENT AND PARKS $ 52.50 025070 7/9/2019 ERICKSON, VAL $ 140.00 025071 7/9/2019 FUTURE AG INC. $ 520.05 025072 7/9/2019 HEARTLAND EXPRESS $ 392.45 025073 7/9/2019 STETTLER HOME HARDWARE $ 3,886.31 025074 7/9/2019 HORNET AERIAL IMAGING CORP. $ 1,559.25 025075 7/9/2019 HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS $ 349.83 025076 7/9/2019 KIRKNESS, PAYTON $ 13.65 025077 7/9/2019 THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA $ 600.00 025078 7/9/2019 MILLER, MARIA $ 31.50 025079 7/9/2019 ALBERTA NWT COMMAND $ 285.00 025080 7/9/2019 PARKLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY $ 11,967.25 025081 7/9/2019 PITNEYWORKS (6100900011911598) $ 2,500.00 025082 7/9/2019 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION $ 86.56 025083 7/9/2019 PRO WATER(STETTLER) $ 48.00 025084 7/9/2019 PUROLATOR INC. $ 20.49 025085 7/9/2019 SHIRLEY MCCLELLAN REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMISSI $ 16,038.56 025086 7/9/2019 SOBEYS $ 653.66 025087 7/9/2019 STETTLER BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. $ 162.47 025088 7/9/2019 STETTLER WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTH $ 783.00 025089 7/9/2019 UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA $ 118.62 025090 7/9/2019 WOODY'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD. $ 1,683.95 025091 7/9/2019 YELLOW PAGES $ 34.13 025092 7/9/2019 ALBERTA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY PEACE OFFICERS $ 525.00 Cheque Register Cheque # Date Vendor Amount 025095 7/11/2019 Hutterian Brethern Church of Erskine $ 4,260.00 025096 7/15/2019 STETTLER DODGE LTD $ 43,359.80 025097 7/25/2019 ALBERTA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY PEACE OFFICERS $ 16.00 025098 7/25/2019 STETTLER ANTIQUE TRACTOR CLUB $ 500.00 025099 7/25/2019 BUST-OUT RODEO ASSOCIATION $ 500.00 025100 7/25/2019 BROWNLEE LLP $ 47,790.92 025101 7/25/2019 CDW CANADA INC $ 860.28 025102 7/25/2019 CLEARVIEW PUBLIC SCHOOLS $ 50,000.00 025103 7/25/2019 STETTLER AGRI-CENTRE $ 470.41 025104 7/25/2019 CORNER APPLIANCE SERVICE $ 88.46 025105 7/25/2019 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS (CANADA) INC. $ 869.36 025106 7/25/2019 DRIVE PRODUCTS INC $ 733.09 025107 7/25/2019 EQUITABLE LIFE OF CANADA $ 36,033.77 025108 7/25/2019 FAFARD'S FENCING $ 2,758.27 025109 7/25/2019 FUTURE AG INC. $ 28,057.74 025110 7/25/2019 HEARTLAND GLASS LTD $ 482.11 025111 7/25/2019 HEARTLAND EXPRESS $ 311.81 025112 7/25/2019 STETTLER HOME HARDWARE $ 79.71 025113 7/25/2019 KENNEDY AGRIOS LLP $ 14,432.25 025114 7/25/2019 KORTECH CALCIUM SERVICES LTD $ 20,810.09 025115 7/25/2019 LACOMBE FORD $ 45,772.65 025116 7/25/2019 LA COURIER $ 166.65 025117 7/25/2019 LEPARD, JILL $ 66.12 025118 7/25/2019 LONGSHORE, DAVID $ 2,720.97 025119 7/25/2019 PCPS $ 2,126.26 025120 7/25/2019 PETERBILT RED DEER $ 1,228.36 025121 7/25/2019 PUROLATOR INC. $ 20.39 025122 7/25/2019 ALBERTA RECREATION & PARKS ASSOC. $ 1,391.25 025123 7/25/2019 ROUSE, DARREN $ 2,759.40 025124 7/25/2019 SCHWARTZ HOME BUILDING CENTRE $ 61.28 025125 7/25/2019 SHRED-IT INTERNATIONAL ULC $ 207.83 025126 7/25/2019 SHIRLEY MCCLELLAN REGIONAL WATER SERVICES COMMISSI $ 10,932.65 025127 7/25/2019 SPIRAL MOBILITY $ 73.50 025128 7/25/2019 STARLAND COUNTY $ 16,196.63 025129 7/25/2019 STETTLER HIGH SCHOOL RODEO CLUB $ 500.00 025130 7/25/2019 STETTLER BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. $ 151.12 025131 7/25/2019 STETTLER WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTH $ 10,011.30 025132 7/25/2019 UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA $ 505.21 025133 7/25/2019 WESCLEAN $ 539.48 025134 7/25/2019 COUNTY OF $ 240.00 025135 7/25/2019 WOODY'S AUTOMOTIVE LTD. $ 363.89 025136 7/25/2019 BAGSHAW ELECTRIC LTD. $ 6.04 025137 7/25/2019 SULLIVAN LAKE WEST AG SOCIETY $ 250.00 025138 7/25/2019 STETTLER REGISTRY SERVICES (1996)LTD $ 31.25 Cheque Register Cheque # Date Vendor Amount 025140 7/26/2019 ZENITH ENTERPRISES LTD. $ 17,590.08 COUNTY OF STETTLER ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JULY 31, 2019

Document Number Document Date Vendor Name Document Amount

00000000000021037 7/1/2019 TELUS MOBILITY INC $ 2,240.03

00000000000021059 7/1/2019 ENCON GROUP INC $ 12,719.57

00000000000021039 7/3/2019 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD - ALBERTA $ 6,466.85

00000000000021038 7/4/2019 TOWN OF STETTLER $ 108.08

CASH 7/4/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0001 $ 13,929.50

CASH 7/4/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0001 $ 5,580.49

CASH 7/4/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0002 $ 49,826.36

CASH 7/4/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0002 $ 10,932.08

EFT000000002771 7/9/2019 LOCAL AUTHORITIES PENSION PLAN $ 35,177.71

EFT000000002772 7/9/2019 APEX SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION TRUST $ 385.18

EFT000000002773 7/9/2019 MUNISIGHT LTD. $ 3,454.50

EFT000000002774 7/9/2019 RMA FUEL LTD. $ 20,377.14

EFT000000002775 7/9/2019 ARCTEC ALLOYS LIMITED $ 1,501.92

EFT000000002776 7/9/2019 AUTOTRUST $ 203.05

EFT000000002777 7/9/2019 BLACK PRESS GROUP LTD. $ 1,322.89

EFT000000002778 7/9/2019 BOUNTY ONSITE INC. $ 911.48

EFT000000002779 7/9/2019 BRANDT TRACTOR LTD $ 20,830.54

EFT000000002780 7/9/2019 BRENDA'S COUNTRY CATERING $ 205.07

EFT000000002781 7/9/2019 CANADIAN TIRE # 671 $ 62.94

EFT000000002782 7/9/2019 STETTLER DODGE LTD $ 495.84

EFT000000002783 7/9/2019 DONALDA COULEE FRIENDSHIP CLUB $ 75.00

EFT000000002784 7/9/2019 EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA REVIEW $ 382.20

EFT000000002785 7/9/2019 NEW WEST TRUCK CENTRES $ 642.46

EFT000000002786 7/9/2019 GLOVER INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS LTD $ 741.36

EFT000000002787 7/9/2019 GREATWEST KENWORTH LTD. $ 3,175.81

EFT000000002788 7/9/2019 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS LTD $ 629.85

EFT000000002789 7/9/2019 GT HYDRAULIC AND BEARING $ 868.41

EFT000000002790 7/9/2019 GUARDIAN CHEMICALS INC. $ 148.05

EFT000000002791 7/9/2019 HACH SALES & SERVICE CANADA $ 1,975.26 EFT000000002792 7/9/2019 HEARTLAND AUTO SUPPLY $ 3,281.70

EFT000000002793 7/9/2019 HEARTLAND STATIONERS (2014) LTD $ 570.23

EFT000000002794 7/9/2019 HI-WAY 9 EXPRESS LTD $ 2,132.90

EFT000000002795 7/9/2019 I.D. APPAREL $ 2,847.60

EFT000000002796 7/9/2019 INTELLO TECHNOLOGIES INC. $ 1,010.22

EFT000000002797 7/9/2019 RMA INSURANCE $ 21.63

EFT000000002798 7/9/2019 LOCKHART, STEVEN $ 52.46

EFT000000002799 7/9/2019 Miller, Cameron $ 50.75

EFT000000002800 7/9/2019 OK TIRE STETTLER $ 1,610.94

EFT000000002801 7/9/2019 OLD MACDONALD KENNELS $ 464.05

EFT000000002802 7/9/2019 ALBERTA ONE-CALL CORPORATION $ 81.90

EFT000000002803 7/9/2019 POLAR MOBILITY RESEARCH LTD. $ 1,123.22

EFT000000002804 7/9/2019 PRINCESS AUTO $ 524.99

EFT000000002805 7/9/2019 RALLY RENTALS INC $ 107.57

EFT000000002806 7/9/2019 RJAMES WESTERN STAR $ 157.50

EFT000000002807 7/9/2019 ROADATA SERVICES LTD $ 243.60

EFT000000002808 7/9/2019 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX $ 17,146.88

EFT000000002809 7/9/2019 SBA CANADA $ 1,287.92

EFT000000002810 7/9/2019 THINKTEL $ 311.65

EFT000000002811 7/9/2019 TOWN OF STETTLER $ 4,500.00

EFT000000002812 7/9/2019 WESTVAC INDUSTRIAL LTD. $ 938.44

EFT000000002813 7/9/2019 WILD ROSE ASSESSMENT $ 17,500.00

00000000000021033 7/10/2019 TELUS $ 69.58

00000000000021034 7/10/2019 TELUS $ 133.35

00000000000021035 7/10/2019 TELUS $ 69.58

00000000000021036 7/10/2019 TELUS $ 636.97

00000000000021027 7/15/2019 ALTAGAS UTILITIES $ 52.15

CASH 7/17/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0001 $ 13,599.72

CASH 7/17/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0002 $ 2,084.41

CASH 7/17/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0002 $ 11,708.96

CASH 7/17/2019 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll RP0002 $ 45,227.06

00000000000021050 7/19/2019 CAMPUS ENERGY (ELECTRICITY ACCTS) $ 3,251.28

00000000000021051 7/19/2019 CAMPUS ENERGY (ELECTRICITY ACCTS) $ 10,267.06

EFT000000002814 7/19/2019 LOCAL AUTHORITIES PENSION PLAN $ 35,967.25 EFT000000002815 7/19/2019 APEX SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION TRUST $ 385.18

00000000000021054 7/22/2019 TELUS $ 69.58

00000000000021055 7/22/2019 TELUS $ 69.58

00000000000021028 7/25/2019 PAINTEARTH GAS CO OP LTD $ 97.45

00000000000021029 7/25/2019 PAINTEARTH GAS CO OP LTD $ 47.37

00000000000021030 7/25/2019 PAINTEARTH GAS CO OP LTD $ 50.40

00000000000021031 7/25/2019 PAINTEARTH GAS CO OP LTD $ 42.17

00000000000021032 7/25/2019 PAINTEARTH GAS CO OP LTD $ 37.03

00000000000021047 7/25/2019 ACCESS GAS SERVICES $ 1,136.07

EFT000000002816 7/25/2019 ACTION PLUMBING & EXCAVATING (1998) LTD $ 5,654.68

EFT000000002817 7/25/2019 AMPKO ELECTRIC (2006) INC. $ 275.93

EFT000000002818 7/25/2019 BATES, TIM $ 75.00

EFT000000002819 7/25/2019 BOND-O COMMUNICATIONS LTD. $ 377.87

EFT000000002820 7/25/2019 Botha Woodland Cemetery Society $ 100.00

EFT000000002821 7/25/2019 BOUNTY ONSITE INC. $ 75.47

EFT000000002822 7/25/2019 CANADIAN TIRE # 671 $ 343.27

EFT000000002823 7/25/2019 DON'T USE USE BEARCOM0001 $ 92.72

EFT000000002824 7/25/2019 D KROMM TRUCKING LTD $ 981.75

EFT000000002825 7/25/2019 DIGITEX CANADA INC. $ 1,633.95

EFT000000002826 7/25/2019 STETTLER DODGE LTD $ 16.13

EFT000000002827 7/25/2019 EMBER GRAPHICS LTD $ 621.77

EFT000000002828 7/25/2019 FIVE STAR VENTURES $ 6,908.61

EFT000000002829 7/25/2019 FOURNIER, MARIO $ 75.00

EFT000000002830 7/25/2019 AWARE360 LTD. $ 7,927.50

EFT000000002831 7/25/2019 GITZEL & COMPANY CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL $ 1,338.75

EFT000000002832 7/25/2019 GODBERSEN, JODY $ 75.00

EFT000000002833 7/25/2019 GRABOS, STEVE $ 75.00

EFT000000002834 7/25/2019 GREATWEST KENWORTH LTD. $ 2,524.59

EFT000000002835 7/25/2019 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS LTD $ 958.60

EFT000000002836 7/25/2019 GROAT, GARY $ 75.00

EFT000000002837 7/25/2019 GT HYDRAULIC AND BEARING $ 383.80

EFT000000002838 7/25/2019 HEARTLAND AUTO SUPPLY $ 2,171.21

EFT000000002839 7/25/2019 HI-WAY 9 EXPRESS LTD $ 116.94

EFT000000002840 7/25/2019 HUMMEL, MARK $ 50.00 EFT000000002841 7/25/2019 INNOCENT, WILLIAM W $ 75.00

EFT000000002842 7/25/2019 KATHY'S PRINTING SERVICE $ 4,801.65

EFT000000002843 7/25/2019 KROMM, SHAYNE $ 75.00

EFT000000002844 7/25/2019 Kromm, Kirk A. $ 50.75

EFT000000002845 7/25/2019 NITSCHKE VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE $ 57.75

EFT000000002846 7/25/2019 OICKLE, WILLIAM $ 75.00

EFT000000002847 7/25/2019 OK TIRE STETTLER $ 267.23

EFT000000002848 7/25/2019 PETROLEUM TANK MANAGEMENT $ 390.00

EFT000000002849 7/25/2019 POLAR MOBILITY RESEARCH LTD. $ 748.95

EFT000000002850 7/25/2019 PRINCESS AUTO $ 283.47

EFT000000002851 7/25/2019 THE PUBLIC SECTOR DIGEST INC. $ 7,481.25

EFT000000002852 7/25/2019 REYNOLDS, MIRTH, RICHARDS & FARMER $ 5,074.92

EFT000000002853 7/25/2019 RJAMES WESTERN STAR $ 88.66

EFT000000002854 7/25/2019 ROADATA SERVICES LTD $ 152.25

EFT000000002855 7/25/2019 SHANE'S INSTRUMENT SERVICES LTD. $ 1,023.75

EFT000000002856 7/25/2019 STENBERG, STACEY $ 75.00

EFT000000002857 7/25/2019 STETTLER MOTORS (1998) LTD $ 1,517.12

EFT000000002858 7/25/2019 TOWN OF STETTLER $ 322.35

EFT000000002859 7/25/2019 UNIVAR CANADA LTD $ 3,165.23

EFT000000002860 7/25/2019 VILLAGE OF BIG VALLEY $ 168.55

EFT000000002861 7/25/2019 WELDCO BEALES MANUFACTURING $ 1,147.43

EFT000000002862 7/25/2019 WESTCAN ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS $ 98.70

EFT000000002863 7/25/2019 WIECHNIK, DALLAS $ 75.00

EFT000000002864 7/25/2019 RMA FUEL LTD. $ 75,793.88

EFT000000002865 7/25/2019 NEWCAP RADIO (RED DEER) $ 310.82

EFT000000002867 7/25/2019 RMA-STATEMENT (VNDR) $ 15,446.64

00000000000021056 7/28/2019 TELUS $ 189.00

00000000000021057 7/28/2019 TELUS $ 114.54

00000000000021058 7/28/2019 XPLORNET COMMERCIAL SERVICES $ 73.50

00000000000021048 7/29/2019 ALBERTA MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORPORATION $ 2,492.80

00000000000021049 7/31/2019 AXIA SUPERNET LTD. $ 1,891.05

00000000000021052 7/31/2019 EQUITABLE LIFE OF CANADA $ 39,807.25

00000000000021053 7/31/2019 GREEN SHIELD CANADA $ 383.00


Document Date Name Vendor Name Document Amount

7/22/2019 Steve Grabos ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 3,010.25 Annual Fee $ 120.00

Peavey Mart $ 288.65

GT Hydraulic & Bearing Unit 376 $ 43.78

Peavey Mart $ 211.71

Peavey Mart $ 54.02

UFA $ 31.89

Canadian Tire $ 56.68 $ 54.99

Peavey Mart Unit C-113 $ 37.78

Canadian Tire Unit 372 $ 25.19

Myalberta Eservices $ 60.00

Canadian Tire $ 109.12

Romar Power Sports Unit T-1000 $ 429.51

Canadian Tire Unit C-91 $ 16.26

Liftboss Unit C-86 $ 1,197.70

Peavey Mart $ 62.98

Canadian Tire Unit 379 $ 209.99

7/22/2019 Niki Thorsteinsson ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 1,569.12

Tim Hortons $ 142.73 Wal-Mart $ 26.60 Subway $ 51.89 $ 9.44 $ 79.01 $ 33.58 Uline $ 859.07 CPC $ 139.64 $ 151.44 $ 37.86 $ 37.86

7/22/2019 Lee Hardman ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 230.87

Annual Fee $ 50.00

87 Pizza & Donair $ 29.81

Tasty World $ 29.25

Subway $ 23.79

Guru Restaurant $ 45.48 Harveys $ 29.06 Sobeys $ 23.48

7/22/2019 Yvette Cassidy ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 723.25

Hotel Pur Quebec $ 1,243.60 FCM - Fed of Cdn Mun $ (1,637.26) FCM - Fed of Cdn Mun $ (142.57) FCM - Fed of Cdn Mun $ (142.57) Holiday Inn Express $ 324.52 Simplemdm $ 243.56 Subway $ 41.12 Canadian Standards Ass $ 367.50 Coffee Tree $ 147.00 Dairy Queen $ 30.99 Stettler Pizza $ 31.50 Tim Hortons $ 58.25 Google $ 98.28 Red Lobster $ 59.33

7/22/2019 Rick Green ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 182.95

Annual Fee $ 120.00 BIS Training Solutions $ 62.95

7/22/2019 Mark Dennis ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 62.62

Browns Clearview $ 62.62 7/22/2019 Quinton Beaumont ROYAL BANK VISA PAYMENT CENTRE $ 872.67

Tim Hortons $ 21.98 Subway $ 54.59 Dollarama $ 84.00 Stettler Home Hardware $ 27.87 $ 41.02 Peavey Mart $ 180.53 Peavey Mart $ 188.98 Cen Ab Co-op $ 15.98 Canadian Tire $ 26.23 Wal-Mart $ 18.84 Wal-Mart $ 141.28 Stettler Home Hardware $ 71.37

$ 6,651.73 Bank Reconciliation

June 30, 2019

General Ledger Balance

Current Year Previous Year PREVIOUS BALANCE 4,473,189.56 3,554,595.78 MONTH RECEIPTS 388,884.88 632,008.53 SUB TOTAL 4,862,074.44 4,186,604.31 DISBURSEMENTS (2,752,721.44) (2,220,443.68) GENERAL BALANCE 2,109,353.00 1,966,160.63 CASH ON HAND 600.00 600.00 MONTH BALANCE 2,109,953.00 1,966,760.63

Bank Statement Balance STATEMENT BALANCE 2,789,848.52 1,990,783.56 CASH ON HAND 600.00 600.00 SUB TOTAL 2,790,448.52 1,991,383.56 ADD O/S DEPOSITS 7,444.83 4,548.18 LESS O/S CHEQUES (687,940.35) (29,171.11) MONTH BALANCE 2,109,953.00 1,966,760.63

Prepared By: ______

Approved By: ______

County of Stettler No. 6 Reserves June 30, 2019 Operations Reserves Total Book Balance previous month (2,020,707.28) 6,493,896.84 4,473,189.56 Receipts 388,884.88 - 388,884.88 Less Disbursements (2,752,721.44) - (2,752,721.44) TOTAL $ (4,384,543.84) $ 6,493,896.84 $ 2,109,353.00

MONTH BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2019 (3,704,048.32) 6,493,896.84 2,789,848.52 Add: O/S Deposit 7,444.83 - 7,444.83 Less: O/S Cheques (687,940.35) - (687,940.35)

STATEMENT BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2019 $ (4,384,543.84) $ 6,493,896.84 $ 2,109,353.00 County of Stettler Box 1270 6602 - 44 Avenue Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0 T:403.742.4441 F: 403.742.1277 Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget GENERAL REVENUE 01-00-00-11100 - TAXES - FARMLAND $1,722,146.76 $1,722,146.76 $1,668,796.00 $53,350.76 103.20% 01-00-00-11110 - TAXES - RESIDENTIAL $2,933,860.35 $2,933,860.35 $2,660,344.00 $273,516.35 110.28% 01-00-00-11130 - TAXES - LINEAR/NON RESIDE $7,963,567.73 $7,963,567.73 $7,711,270.00 $252,297.73 103.27% 01-00-00-11140 - TAXES - MACH. & EQUIP. $1,969,473.90 $1,969,473.90 $1,908,686.00 $60,787.90 103.18% 01-00-00-11150 - TAXES - SCHOOL FOUNDATION $4,190,081.07 $4,190,081.07 $4,187,541.00 $2,540.07 100.06% 01-00-00-11160 - TAXES - MINIMUM TAXES $13,132.16 $13,132.16 $13,224.00 ($91.84) 99.31% 01-00-00-11180 - TAXES - TOWN RECREATION $472,082.83 $472,082.83 $471,847.00 $235.83 100.05% 01-00-00-11185 - TAXES - DIP $53,120.74 $53,120.74 $53,120.00 $0.74 100.00% 01-00-00-11190 - TAXES - HOUSING $0.00 $0.00 $631,962.00 ($631,962.00) 0.00% 01-00-00-11240 - LOCAL IMP TAX - CARLISLE $5,491.57 $5,491.57 $1,027.00 $4,464.57 534.72% 01-00-00-11250 - LOCAL IMP TAX - ROCHON SANDS $13,325.91 $13,325.91 $1,076.00 $12,249.91 1238.47% 01-00-00-15100 - TAXES - PENALTIES & COSTS $0.00 $274,841.89 $40,000.00 $234,841.89 687.10% 01-00-00-15500 - INTEREST EARNED $7,444.83 $66,099.98 $40,000.00 $26,099.98 165.25% Total REVENUE $19,343,727.85 $19,677,224.89 $19,388,893.00 $288,331.89 101.49% EXPENSE 02-00-00-27410 - COUNTY OF STETTLER HOUSING $157,990.50 $473,971.50 $631,962.00 $157,990.50 75.00% 02-00-00-27412 - ALBERTA SCHOOL FOUNDATION $1,027,208.77 $2,060,695.55 $4,139,207.00 $2,078,511.45 49.78% 02-00-00-27413 - SEPARATE SCHOOL REQUISITION $12,083.11 $24,166.23 $48,334.00 $24,167.77 50.00% 02-00-00-27414 - DESIGNATED INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ($0.00) ($16,306.25) $53,120.00 $69,426.25 -30.70% Total EXPENSE $1,197,282.38 $2,542,527.03 $4,872,623.00 $2,330,095.97 52.18% Total GENERAL $18,146,445.47 $17,134,697.86 $14,516,270.00 $2,618,427.86 118.04% COUNCIL EXPENSE 02-11-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $3,850.96 $22,394.14 $50,000.00 $27,605.86 44.79% 02-11-00-21510 - REMUNERATION - COUNCIL $21,175.00 $112,425.00 $259,000.00 $146,575.00 43.41% 02-11-00-22111 - MILEAGE $2,776.18 $17,020.88 $35,000.00 $17,979.12 48.63% 02-11-00-22130 - SUBSISTENCE $265.77 $2,984.69 $11,000.00 $8,015.31 27.13% 02-11-00-22145 - COUNCIL TRAINING ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-11-00-22150 - COUNCIL-GRANTS & DONATION ($0.00) $250.00 $3,500.00 $3,250.00 7.14% 02-11-00-22155 - COUNCIL EXPENSES & RECOGNITION $1,307.73 $6,297.25 $17,000.00 $10,702.75 37.04% 02-11-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $569.69 $1,503.07 $13,000.00 $11,496.93 11.56% 02-11-00-22180 - CONVENTION EXPENSE $1,752.67 $41,251.63 $72,000.00 $30,748.37 57.29% 02-11-00-22200 - CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT $698.89 $4,295.43 $2,000.00 ($2,295.43) 214.77% 02-11-00-22205 - COUNCIL SPECIAL PROJECTS $2,672.58 $2,672.58 $62,500.00 $59,827.42 4.28% 02-11-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $1,880.61 $2,600.00 $719.39 72.33% 02-11-00-25120 - COMPASSIONATE EXPENSE ($0.00) $39.48 $500.00 $460.52 7.90% 02-11-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $11.62 $14,500.00 $14,488.38 0.08% Total EXPENSE $35,069.47 $213,026.38 $547,600.00 $334,573.62 38.90% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget Total COUNCIL $35,069.47 $213,026.38 $547,600.00 $334,573.62 38.90% ADMINISTRATION REVENUE 01-12-00-12500 - SALES TO OTHER GOVERNMENT $0.00 $76,324.50 $305,298.00 ($228,973.50) 25.00% 01-12-00-12700 - FRANCHISE FEES INCOME $330.56 $7,323.14 $0.00 $7,323.14 0.00% 01-12-00-14100 - GENERAL REVENUE $1,949.70 $5,613.69 $10,000.00 ($4,386.31) 56.14% 01-12-00-15110 - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PENALTY $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 ($500.00) 0.00% 01-12-00-15200 - OIL WELL DRILLING LICENSE $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 ($5,000.00) 0.00% 01-12-00-15600 - LAND & BUILD RENTALS/LEASE $6,324.74 $23,808.23 $100,000.00 ($76,191.77) 23.81% 01-12-00-15900 - REBATE REVENUE $0.00 $2,638.64 $5,000.00 ($2,361.36) 52.77% 01-12-00-15910 - LAND SALES $10,100.00 $12,200.00 $5,000.00 $7,200.00 244.00% 01-12-00-15930 - OTHER INCOME $25.00 $1,040.00 $500.00 $540.00 208.00% 01-12-00-15940 - HEALTH & SAFETY - COUNTY $0.00 $3,989.06 $12,000.00 ($8,010.94) 33.24% 01-12-00-17420 - OTHER GRANTS $0.00 $0.00 $538,585.00 ($538,585.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $18,730.00 $132,937.26 $981,883.00 ($848,945.74) 13.54% EXPENSE 02-12-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $113,769.30 $745,019.02 $1,474,650.00 $729,630.98 50.52% 02-12-00-21520 - REMUNERATION - ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% ASSESSMENT/APPEAL 02-12-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $1,153.08 $7,188.52 $20,000.00 $12,811.48 35.94% 02-12-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE & SUB - ($0.00) ($0.00) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 0.00% ASSESSMENT/APPEAL 02-12-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $547.56 $8,322.58 $25,000.00 $16,677.42 33.29% 02-12-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $1,950.64 $28,015.13 $51,000.00 $22,984.87 54.93% 02-12-00-22210 - ADVERTISING $724.35 $2,350.29 $16,000.00 $13,649.71 14.69% 02-12-00-22220 - PUBLIC RELATIONS & PROMOTIONS ($0.00) $6,238.91 $38,000.00 $31,761.09 16.42% 02-12-00-22221 - PROMOTIONAL EVENTS ($0.00) $3,392.20 $10,000.00 $6,607.80 33.92% 02-12-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $14,743.26 $26,000.00 $11,256.74 56.70% 02-12-00-22310 - AUDIT FEES ($0.00) $23,300.00 $27,000.00 $3,700.00 86.30% 02-12-00-22320 - LEGAL FEES $19,380.87 $75,579.95 $150,000.00 $74,420.05 50.39% 02-12-00-22330 - ASSESSOR FEES $16,666.67 $100,000.02 $170,000.00 $69,999.98 58.82% 02-12-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT $1,929.41 $20,715.03 $53,500.00 $32,784.97 38.72% 02-12-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES $1,761.36 $55,501.79 $220,700.00 $165,198.21 25.15% 02-12-00-22360 - OFFICE CARETAKER ($0.00) $1,250.00 $2,000.00 $750.00 62.50% 02-12-00-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $626.73 $4,327.67 $70,000.00 $65,672.33 6.18% 02-12-00-22730 - PROPERTY TAXES & FRONTAGE ($0.00) ($0.00) $15,000.00 $15,000.00 0.00% 02-12-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $63,874.38 $83,000.00 $19,125.62 76.96% 02-12-00-22750 - LAND TITLE FEES $571.43 $2,071.43 $8,000.00 $5,928.57 25.89% 02-12-00-22770 - ASSESSMENT EXPENSES ($0.00) $13,163.75 $42,000.00 $28,836.25 31.34% 02-12-00-22910 - BOTHA EXPENSES ($0.00) $33,405.67 $538,585.00 $505,179.33 6.20% 02-12-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,960.23 $10,781.25 $37,000.00 $26,218.75 29.14% 02-12-00-25120 - COMPASSIONATE EXPENSE $78.00 $78.00 $500.00 $422.00 15.60% 02-12-00-25130 - CTY HOSTED MEETINGS & CONF ($0.00) $725.00 $3,000.00 $2,275.00 24.17% 02-12-00-25140 - STAFF RECOGNITION ($0.00) $3,508.70 $24,000.00 $20,491.30 14.62% 02-12-00-25145 - HEALTH & SAFETY $189.87 $3,562.76 $10,000.00 $6,437.24 35.63% 02-12-00-25170 - EMPLOYEE EXPENSES ($0.00) $163.75 $500.00 $336.25 32.75% 02-12-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $4,601.53 $23,000.00 $18,398.47 20.01% 02-12-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $77.09 $1,317.72 $7,000.00 $5,682.28 18.82% 02-12-00-25220 - COMPUTER CONSUMABLES $326.87 $3,703.24 $7,500.00 $3,796.76 49.38% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-12-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR ($0.00) $1,775.23 $3,400.00 $1,624.77 52.21% 02-12-00-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $2,119.06 $11,778.02 $27,000.00 $15,221.98 43.62% 02-12-00-26710 - BAD DEBTS - RECEIVABLES ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 0.00% 02-12-00-26720 - BAD DEBTS - TAX CANCELLATION $362.02 $525,358.68 $5,000.00 ($520,358.68) 10507.17% 02-12-00-26730 - BAD DEBTS - UTILITIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $500.00 $500.00 0.00% 02-12-00-27440 - DR RECRUIT & HOSP FEASIBILITY ($0.00) $22,594.00 $35,000.00 $12,406.00 64.55% 02-12-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $51,000.00 $51,000.00 0.00% 02-12-00-28100 - BANK CHARGES $904.37 $5,085.77 $13,000.00 $7,914.23 39.12% 02-12-00-28101 - BANK CHARGES - ROUNDING ($0.01) $0.35 ($0.00) ($0.35) 0.00% Total EXPENSE $165,098.90 $1,803,493.60 $3,301,335.00 $1,497,841.40 54.63% Total ADMINISTRATION $146,368.90 $1,670,556.34 $2,319,452.00 $648,895.66 72.02% FIRE REVENUE 01-23-00-14201 - REGIONAL FIRE SERVICE AGM $0.00 $0.00 $69,940.00 ($69,940.00) 0.00% STETTLER FIRE 01-23-01-14200 - GENERAL REVENUE $1,455.00 $22,303.75 $50,000.00 ($27,696.25) 44.61% Total STETTLER FIRE $1,455.00 $22,303.75 $50,000.00 ($27,696.25) 44.61% Total REVENUE $1,455.00 $22,303.75 $119,940.00 ($97,636.25) 18.60% EXPENSE STETTLER FIRE 02-23-01-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $18,074.61 $18,135.81 $79,200.00 $61,064.19 22.90% 02-23-01-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $104.09 $104.09 $1,000.00 $895.91 10.41% 02-23-01-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $3,995.86 $5,600.89 $24,000.00 $18,399.11 23.34% 02-23-01-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $623.98 $1,560.48 $9,800.00 $8,239.52 15.92% 02-23-01-22185 - FIRE EXPENSE PER FIRE CALL $213.49 $546.38 $1,515.00 $968.62 36.06% 02-23-01-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $4,319.02 $7,800.00 $3,480.98 55.37% 02-23-01-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $52.86 ($0.00) ($52.86) 0.00% 02-23-01-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS---BUILDING $148.49 $1,116.56 $10,200.00 $9,083.44 10.95% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 02-23-01-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE $1,063.55 $6,563.60 $8,400.00 $1,836.40 78.14% 02-23-01-24100 - FIRE FIGHTING FOAM ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% 02-23-01-24110 - MEDICAL SUPP, EQUIP & REG ($0.00) ($0.00) $3,900.00 $3,900.00 0.00% 02-23-01-24120 - FIRE SUPPLIES $96.81 $200.05 $8,100.00 $7,899.95 2.47% 02-23-01-24140 - NON CAPITAL PURCHASES ($0.00) ($0.00) $27,000.00 $27,000.00 0.00% 02-23-01-25180 - FIRE PREVENT, MEDICAL EXP ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,050.00 $1,050.00 0.00% 02-23-01-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $1,276.25 $1,282.75 $16,000.00 $14,717.25 8.02% 02-23-01-25210 - FUEL & OIL $997.91 $2,139.45 $6,400.00 $4,260.55 33.43% 02-23-01-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR ($0.00) $6,477.96 $49,000.00 $42,522.04 13.22% 02-23-01-25250 - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING $1,187.50 $1,187.50 $28,650.00 $27,462.50 4.14% 02-23-01-25260 - FIRE UNIFORMS ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,050.00 $4,050.00 0.00% 02-23-01-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $2,437.42 $3,826.14 $16,000.00 $12,173.86 23.91% 02-23-01-25440 - FIRE RADIO EXPENSES $754.62 $1,266.36 $9,125.00 $7,858.64 13.88% 02-23-01-27520 - REGIONAL FIRE EXPENSES $16,073.74 $38,115.21 $164,800.00 $126,684.79 23.13% 02-23-01-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $210,000.00 $210,000.00 0.00% Total STETTLER FIRE $47,048.32 $92,495.11 $688,490.00 $595,994.89 13.43% BIG VALLEY FIRE 02-23-02-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $662.40 $6,376.26 $13,500.00 $7,123.74 47.23% 02-23-02-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) ($0.00) $500.00 $500.00 0.00% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-23-02-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS ($0.00) ($0.00) $7,000.00 $7,000.00 0.00% 02-23-02-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $619.56 $2,156.37 $5,880.00 $3,723.63 36.67% 02-23-02-22185 - FIRE EXPENSE PER FIRE CALL ($0.00) ($0.00) $250.00 $250.00 0.00% 02-23-02-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $4,018.99 $6,000.00 $1,981.01 66.98% 02-23-02-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS---BUILDING ($0.00) $1,639.19 $11,500.00 $9,860.81 14.25% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 02-23-02-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $5,245.03 $6,750.00 $1,504.97 77.70% 02-23-02-24100 - FIRE FIGHTING FOAM ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 0.00% 02-23-02-24110 - MEDICAL SUPP, EQUIP & REG ($0.00) ($0.00) $3,900.00 $3,900.00 0.00% 02-23-02-24120 - FIRE SUPPLIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,000.00 $2,000.00 0.00% 02-23-02-24140 - NON CAPITAL PURCHASES ($0.00) ($0.00) $7,450.00 $7,450.00 0.00% 02-23-02-25180 - FIRE PREVENT, MEDICAL EXP ($0.00) ($0.00) $750.00 $750.00 0.00% 02-23-02-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $158.38 $5,050.00 $4,891.62 3.14% 02-23-02-25210 - FUEL & OIL $68.43 $880.71 $2,800.00 $1,919.29 31.45% 02-23-02-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $730.00 $1,268.85 $12,500.00 $11,231.15 10.15% 02-23-02-25250 - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ($0.00) ($0.00) $10,300.00 $10,300.00 0.00% 02-23-02-25260 - FIRE UNIFORMS ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,700.00 $2,700.00 0.00% 02-23-02-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $327.08 $3,455.68 $8,400.00 $4,944.32 41.14% 02-23-02-25440 - FIRE RADIO EXPENSES $754.62 $1,266.36 $6,700.00 $5,433.64 18.90% Total BIG VALLEY FIRE $3,162.09 $26,465.82 $115,430.00 $88,964.18 22.93% DONALDA FIRE 02-23-03-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 0.00% 02-23-03-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $436.13 $2,078.85 $4,900.00 $2,821.15 42.43% 02-23-03-22185 - FIRE EXPENSE PER FIRE CALL ($0.00) ($0.00) $250.00 $250.00 0.00% 02-23-03-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $3,925.67 $4,000.00 $74.33 98.14% 02-23-03-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS---BUILDING ($0.00) $4,573.02 $7,850.00 $3,276.98 58.26% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 02-23-03-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $5,057.14 $6,375.00 $1,317.86 79.33% 02-23-03-24140 - NON CAPITAL PURCHASES ($0.00) $731.08 $1,000.00 $268.92 73.11% 02-23-03-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% 02-23-03-25210 - FUEL & OIL ($0.00) ($0.00) $500.00 $500.00 0.00% 02-23-03-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $730.00 $730.00 $10,600.00 $9,870.00 6.89% 02-23-03-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $382.84 $3,044.51 $9,800.00 $6,755.49 31.07% 02-23-03-25440 - FIRE RADIO EXPENSES $754.63 $1,266.36 $2,500.00 $1,233.64 50.65% Total DONALDA FIRE $2,303.60 $21,406.63 $51,275.00 $29,868.37 41.75% BYEMOOR FIRE 02-23-04-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $126.80 $1,141.18 $13,500.00 $12,358.82 8.45% 02-23-04-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) ($0.00) $500.00 $500.00 0.00% 02-23-04-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS ($0.00) ($0.00) $7,450.00 $7,450.00 0.00% 02-23-04-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $374.63 $1,005.41 $6,250.00 $5,244.59 16.09% 02-23-04-22185 - FIRE EXPENSE PER FIRE CALL ($0.00) ($0.00) $250.00 $250.00 0.00% 02-23-04-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $3,838.99 $6,000.00 $2,161.01 63.98% 02-23-04-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS---BUILDING ($0.00) $95.64 $4,600.00 $4,504.36 2.08% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 02-23-04-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $3,569.53 $5,300.00 $1,730.47 67.35% 02-23-04-24100 - FIRE FIGHTING FOAM ($0.00) ($0.00) $750.00 $750.00 0.00% 02-23-04-24110 - MEDICAL SUPP, EQUIP & REG ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,200.00 $1,200.00 0.00% 02-23-04-24120 - FIRE SUPPLIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,000.00 $2,000.00 0.00% 02-23-04-24140 - NON CAPITAL PURCHASES ($0.00) ($0.00) $6,400.00 $6,400.00 0.00% 02-23-04-25180 - FIRE PREVENT, MEDICAL EXP ($0.00) ($0.00) $750.00 $750.00 0.00% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-23-04-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,050.00 $5,050.00 0.00% 02-23-04-25210 - FUEL & OIL ($2,976.67) $32.02 $2,600.00 $2,567.98 1.23% 02-23-04-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR ($0.00) $426.62 $10,000.00 $9,573.38 4.27% 02-23-04-25250 - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ($0.00) ($0.00) $10,200.00 $10,200.00 0.00% 02-23-04-25260 - FIRE UNIFORMS ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% 02-23-04-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $233.92 $1,711.31 $4,125.00 $2,413.69 41.49% 02-23-04-25440 - FIRE RADIO EXPENSES $754.63 $1,266.36 $6,700.00 $5,433.64 18.90% Total BYEMOOR FIRE ($1,486.69) $13,087.06 $96,125.00 $83,037.94 13.61% Total EXPENSE $51,027.32 $153,454.62 $951,320.00 $797,865.38 16.13% Total FIRE ($49,572.32) ($131,150.87) ($831,380.00) $700,229.13 15.78% DISASTER SERVICES REVENUE 01-24-00-17420 - OTHER GRANTS $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 ($0.00) 100.00% 01-24-00-18500 - TRANSFERS FROM LOCAL GOVT $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 ($50,000.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $0.00 $5,000.00 $55,000.00 ($50,000.00) 9.09% EXPENSE 02-24-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $5,048.24 $21,989.62 $66,500.00 $44,510.38 33.07% 02-24-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $438.49 $2,905.84 $1,000.00 ($1,905.84) 290.58% 02-24-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $796.90 $1,571.37 $20,000.00 $18,428.63 7.86% 02-24-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $31.69 $95.07 $1,200.00 $1,104.93 7.92% Total EXPENSE $6,315.32 $26,561.90 $88,700.00 $62,138.10 29.95% Total DISASTER SERVICES $6,315.32 $21,561.90 $33,700.00 $12,138.10 63.98% PROTECTIVE SERVICES REVENUE 01-26-00-15300 - FINES $1,113.00 $7,030.00 $36,000.00 ($28,970.00) 19.53% 01-26-00-15310 - INSPECTIONS $900.00 $777.22 $5,000.00 ($4,222.78) 15.54% 01-26-00-15320 - APPROACHES & CROSSINGS $800.00 $3,050.00 $4,000.00 ($950.00) 76.25% Total REVENUE $2,813.00 $10,857.22 $45,000.00 ($34,142.78) 24.13% EXPENSE 02-26-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $18,335.70 $150,669.13 $341,400.00 $190,730.87 44.13% 02-26-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $26.19 $1,122.58 $5,000.00 $3,877.42 22.45% 02-26-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE AND SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) $206.62 ($0.00) ($206.62) 0.00% 02-26-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS ($0.00) $9,439.71 $15,000.00 $5,560.29 62.93% 02-26-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $407.22 $3,570.72 $13,850.00 $10,279.28 25.78% 02-26-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $100.00 $300.00 $200.00 33.33% 02-26-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT ($0.00) $1,898.24 ($0.00) ($1,898.24) 0.00% 02-26-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $684.00 $6,000.00 $5,316.00 11.40% 02-26-00-22390 - ANIMAL CONTROL COSTS $584.38 $2,582.63 $9,070.00 $6,487.37 28.47% 02-26-00-22400 - BYLAW ENFORCEMENT/PROF FEES ($0.00) $11.00 $10,000.00 $9,989.00 0.11% 02-26-00-22540 - COMMUNITY RESOURCE OFFICER ($0.00) ($0.00) $30,000.00 $30,000.00 0.00% 02-26-00-22545 - SUPPLIES EXPENSE $194.54 $10,994.26 $20,000.00 $9,005.74 54.97% 02-26-00-22620 - RURAL CRIME PREVENTION $1,902.98 $8,985.58 $5,000.00 ($3,985.58) 179.71% 02-26-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE $27.00 $2,597.50 $3,900.00 $1,302.50 66.60% 02-26-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES ($0.00) $454.90 $2,500.00 $2,045.10 18.20% 02-26-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $226.19 $10,000.00 $9,773.81 2.26% 02-26-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $1,243.64 $4,326.63 $20,000.00 $15,673.37 21.63% 02-26-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $914.00 $3,742.46 $8,000.00 $4,257.54 46.78% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-26-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $17,000.00 $17,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $23,635.65 $201,612.15 $517,020.00 $315,407.85 39.00% Total PROTECTIVE SERVICES $20,822.65 $190,754.93 $472,020.00 $281,265.07 40.41% TRANSPORTATION SERVICES REVENUE 01-32-00-14300 - DUST CONTROL $15,677.70 $55,208.70 $135,500.00 ($80,291.30) 40.74% 01-32-00-14301 - SALE USED BLADES $0.00 $5.00 $3,000.00 ($2,995.00) 0.17% 01-32-00-14303 - PW CAPITAL SALES $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 ($125,000.00) 0.00% 01-32-00-14304 - PW SALES $50.00 $717.38 $22,500.00 ($21,782.62) 3.19% 01-32-00-14305 - SIGNS REVENUE $68.00 $272.00 $1,000.00 ($728.00) 27.20% 01-32-00-15950 - CUSTOM WORK REVENUE $200.00 $20,054.25 $10,000.00 $10,054.25 200.54% 01-32-00-17420 - OTHER GRANTS $0.00 $0.00 $760,967.00 ($760,967.00) 0.00% 01-32-00-18410 - MSI GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $1,717,557.00 ($1,717,557.00) 0.00% 01-32-00-18430 - AI - BRIDGE GRANTS $0.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 ($150,000.00) 0.00% 01-32-00-18460 - GRANT - FEDERAL GAS TAX REFUND $0.00 $0.00 $687,060.00 ($687,060.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $20,995.70 $76,257.33 $3,612,584.00 ($3,536,326.67) 2.11% EXPENSE 02-32-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $348,970.96 $1,965,626.05 $4,282,150.00 $2,316,523.95 45.90% 02-32-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $99.43 $643.67 $3,500.00 $2,856.33 18.39% 02-32-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $247.37 $5,837.97 $13,000.00 $7,162.03 44.91% 02-32-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $4,322.58 $26,839.76 $59,100.00 $32,260.24 45.41% 02-32-00-22210 - ADVERTISING $1,310.46 $4,384.11 $7,000.00 $2,615.89 62.63% 02-32-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS $239.00 $3,107.60 $5,750.00 $2,642.40 54.05% 02-32-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT $4,849.03 $15,885.25 $24,950.00 $9,064.75 63.67% 02-32-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $4,136.88 $10,950.00 $6,813.12 37.78% 02-32-00-22365 - LEGAL SURVEYING & ASSESSMENT ($0.00) $3,020.00 $28,000.00 $24,980.00 10.79% 02-32-00-22500 - EQUIPMENT RENTALS $1,405.25 $5,792.93 $17,500.00 $11,707.07 33.10% 02-32-00-22510 - HAMLETS AND PARKS $738.37 $8,579.81 $14,000.00 $5,420.19 61.28% 02-32-00-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $4,083.84 $18,909.90 $75,754.00 $56,844.10 24.96% 02-32-00-22680 - PW CONTRACTED SERVICES - MISC ($23,794.48) $4,373.00 $140,000.00 $135,627.00 3.12% 02-32-00-22681 - PW CONT SERVICES - GRAVEL $95,694.07 $95,694.07 $284,305.00 $188,610.93 33.66% CONTRACTS 02-32-00-22682 - PW CONT SERVICES - CONTRACTORS $82,500.00 $82,500.00 $93,500.00 $11,000.00 88.24% 02-32-00-22683 - PW CONT SERVICES - MAINTENANCE $6,027.70 $42,917.09 $124,000.00 $81,082.91 34.61% 02-32-00-22700 - ROAD UPGRADES & MAINTENANCE $90.36 $679.78 $94,000.00 $93,320.22 0.72% 02-32-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE $201.06 $52,440.77 $70,000.00 $17,559.23 74.92% 02-32-00-22760 - NEW ROAD COST SHARING ($0.00) ($0.00) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 0.00% 02-32-00-22780 - ROAD PLAN REGISTRATIONS ($0.00) $5,095.00 $10,000.00 $4,905.00 50.95% 02-32-00-22910 - BOTHA EXPENSES $2,712.51 $2,712.51 $730,967.00 $728,254.49 0.37% 02-32-00-25000 - LAND COMPENSATION ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 ($0.00) 100.00% 02-32-00-25010 - ROAD CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE ($0.00) $18,648.00 $45,000.00 $26,352.00 41.44% 02-32-00-25020 - GRAVEL SITE RENTAL ($0.00) $6,950.00 $7,950.00 $1,000.00 87.42% 02-32-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,119.67 $5,013.90 $9,000.00 $3,986.10 55.71% 02-32-00-25115 - SHOP SUPPLIES $1,737.82 $13,088.57 $28,000.00 $14,911.43 46.74% 02-32-00-25120 - COMPASSIONATE EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $400.00 $400.00 0.00% 02-32-00-25145 - HEALTH & SAFETY $420.52 $3,122.16 $10,500.00 $7,377.84 29.73% 02-32-00-25160 - HIGHWAY CLEANUP PROGRAM ($0.00) $1,868.52 $2,800.00 $931.48 66.73% 02-32-00-25170 - EMPLOYEE EXPENSES $475.00 $1,662.37 $4,000.00 $2,337.63 41.56% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-32-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $565.00 $2,237.38 $15,000.00 $12,762.62 14.92% 02-32-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $102,789.04 $378,750.86 $1,005,000.00 $626,249.14 37.69% 02-32-00-25220 - COMPUTER CONSUMABLES $125.63 $344.08 $2,300.00 $1,955.92 14.96% 02-32-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $21,265.69 $164,267.19 $370,000.00 $205,732.81 44.40% 02-32-00-25231 - REPAIRS - GROUND ENGAGE TOOLS $12,547.60 $64,739.78 $125,000.00 $60,260.22 51.79% 02-32-00-25232 - REPAIRS - TIRES $3,865.73 $24,777.01 $120,000.00 $95,222.99 20.65% 02-32-00-25240 - TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $957.04 $5,500.00 $4,542.96 17.40% 02-32-00-25265 - MAPPING & GIS $1,645.00 $24,686.25 $37,275.00 $12,588.75 66.23% 02-32-00-25300 - CULVERTS $570.76 $8,860.05 $40,000.00 $31,139.95 22.15% 02-32-00-25310 - DUST CONTROL PRODUCTS $6,249.54 $6,255.74 $125,000.00 $118,744.26 5.00% 02-32-00-25320 - BRIDGES ($0.00) ($0.00) $243,500.00 $243,500.00 0.00% 02-32-00-25330 - CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES $255.48 $868.65 $8,000.00 $7,131.35 10.86% 02-32-00-25340 - GRAVEL - COUNTY PROGRAM $419,332.76 $639,147.68 $1,806,603.00 $1,167,455.32 35.38% 02-32-00-25341 - GRAVEL - DUST CONTROL ($0.00) $99.33 $15,000.00 $14,900.67 0.66% 02-32-00-25342 - GRAVEL - ROAD MAINTENANCE $4,097.65 $13,176.01 $100,000.00 $86,823.99 13.18% 02-32-00-25344 - GRAVEL PIT EXPLORATION ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% 02-32-00-25345 - GRAVEL PIT RECLAMATION EXP ($0.00) $1,284.00 $8,500.00 $7,216.00 15.11% 02-32-00-25347 - GRAVEL - ROAD CONSTRUCTION ($0.00) ($0.00) $14,000.00 $14,000.00 0.00% 02-32-00-25350 - SAND & SALT ($0.00) ($0.00) $20,000.00 $20,000.00 0.00% 02-32-00-25360 - FENCE POSTS & WIRE $78.44 $293.35 $8,000.00 $7,706.65 3.67% 02-32-00-25370 - SIGNS $3,212.65 $16,069.34 $30,000.00 $13,930.66 53.56% 02-32-00-25390 - RAILWAY CROSSINGS MAINT $1,818.04 $3,630.91 $8,000.00 $4,369.09 45.39% 02-32-00-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $4,548.31 $31,803.05 $72,000.00 $40,196.95 44.17% 02-32-00-25410 - UTILITIES - STREET LIGHTS $4,456.22 $22,527.02 $36,000.00 $13,472.98 62.58% 02-32-00-25500 - ENGINEER EQUIPMENT & REPAIRS $185.30 $539.55 $2,500.00 $1,960.45 21.58% 02-32-00-25510 - ENGINEER SUPPLIES ($0.00) $237.31 $2,500.00 $2,262.69 9.49% 02-32-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,925,000.00 $2,925,000.00 0.00% 02-32-00-28210 - LONG TERM DEBT EXPENSE $2,746.28 $17,814.07 $45,000.00 $27,185.93 39.59% Total EXPENSE $1,123,805.64 $3,825,395.32 $13,400,754.00 $9,575,358.68 28.55% Total TRANSPORTATION SERVICES $1,102,809.94 $3,749,137.99 $9,788,170.00 $6,039,032.01 38.30% AIRPORT EXPENSE 02-33-00-27415 - AIRPORT EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,500.00 $4,500.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,500.00 $4,500.00 0.00% Total AIRPORT ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,500.00 $4,500.00 0.00% WATER DISTRIBUTION REVENUE 01-41-00-14500 - BYEMOOR UTILITY REVENUE $1,010.59 $5,806.19 $12,500.00 ($6,693.81) 46.45% 01-41-00-14501 - ENDIANG UTILITY REVENUE $526.09 $3,031.50 $6,800.00 ($3,768.50) 44.58% 01-41-00-14502 - BUFFALO VIEW UTILITY REVENUE $1,730.30 $10,567.32 $18,000.00 ($7,432.68) 58.71% 01-41-00-14503 - BUFFALO SANDS UTILITY REVENUE $1,796.01 $9,922.67 $19,100.00 ($9,177.33) 51.95% 01-41-00-14504 - ERSKINE UTILITY REVENUE $1,701.65 $9,416.91 $16,000.00 ($6,583.09) 58.86% 01-41-00-14505 - GADSBY UTILITY REVENUE $5,625.64 $32,562.91 $0.00 $32,562.91 0.00% 01-41-00-14506 - RURAL WATER - SOUTH EAST $2,999.96 $15,901.84 $14,000.00 $1,901.84 113.58% 01-41-00-14507 - RURAL WATER - CENTRAL $1,041.61 $5,750.68 $53,000.00 ($47,249.32) 10.85% 01-41-00-14510 - RURAL WATER - NORTH $1,274.66 $6,277.76 $9,800.00 ($3,522.24) 64.06% 01-41-00-14511 - BOTHA UTILITY REVENUE $5,544.72 $31,162.99 $30,000.00 $1,162.99 103.88% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 01-41-00-14520 - BYEMOOR TRUCKFILL REVENUE $1,328.68 $1,310.68 $2,000.00 ($689.32) 65.53% 01-41-00-14521 - ENDIANG TRUCKFILL REVENUE $453.26 $453.26 $1,500.00 ($1,046.74) 30.22% 01-41-00-14522 - GADSBY TRUCKFILL REVENUE $1,516.99 $1,693.99 $5,000.00 ($3,306.01) 33.88% 01-41-00-14523 - ERSKINE TRUCKFILL REVENUE $4,958.29 $5,261.04 $15,000.00 ($9,738.96) 35.07% 01-41-00-14524 - RED WILLOW TRUCKFILL REVENUE $8,145.94 $8,829.69 $15,000.00 ($6,170.31) 58.86% 01-41-00-14532 - BUFFALO SAND UTILITY RECONNECT $0.00 $1,400.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 140.00% 01-41-00-14533 - BUFFALO VIEW UTILITY RECONNECT $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 ($500.00) 0.00% 01-41-00-14543 - VILLAGE DONALDA MONITOR REV ($125.00) $5,677.90 $2,000.00 $3,677.90 283.90% 01-41-00-14544 - GADSBY MONITOR REVENUE $0.00 $0.00 $8,200.00 ($8,200.00) 0.00% 01-41-00-14546 - SMRWSC WATER MONITORING $0.00 $41,658.38 $175,000.00 ($133,341.62) 23.80% 01-41-00-18420 - REGIONAL PROJECTS $0.00 $0.00 $61,000.00 ($61,000.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $39,529.39 $196,685.71 $465,400.00 ($268,714.29) 42.26% EXPENSE 02-41-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $23,637.93 $157,003.99 $307,500.00 $150,496.01 51.06% 02-41-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) $202.49 $600.00 $397.51 33.75% 02-41-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $435.00 $2,463.47 $9,000.00 $6,536.53 27.37% 02-41-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $666.01 $5,325.30 $11,100.00 $5,774.70 47.98% 02-41-00-22210 - ADVERTISING ($0.00) $658.87 $500.00 ($158.87) 131.77% 02-41-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $315.90 $1,000.00 $684.10 31.59% 02-41-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT ($0.00) $1,060.00 $2,500.00 $1,440.00 42.40% 02-41-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $1,084.58 $1,500.00 $415.42 72.31% 02-41-00-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $595.66 $1,349.03 $1,500.00 $150.97 89.94% 02-41-00-22690 - VILLAGE GADSBY UTILITY MAINT $31.00 $31.00 ($0.00) ($31.00) 0.00% 02-41-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $6,178.85 $9,000.00 $2,821.15 68.65% 02-41-00-22790 - WATER PURCHASES - STARLAND ($0.00) $11,359.38 $30,000.00 $18,640.62 37.86% 02-41-00-24200 - BYEMOOR WATER MAINTENANCE $2,329.23 $8,425.49 $7,500.00 ($925.49) 112.34% 02-41-00-24220 - BUFFALO SANDS WATER MAINT $247.31 $2,490.74 $4,500.00 $2,009.26 55.35% 02-41-00-24230 - BUFFALO VIEW MAINTENANCE $437.71 $3,757.98 $4,500.00 $742.02 83.51% 02-41-00-24240 - BUFFALO VIEW WATER PURCHASE $1,020.00 $4,675.00 $15,000.00 $10,325.00 31.17% 02-41-00-24249 - RED WILLOW TRUCKFILL ($0.00) $337.00 $10,000.00 $9,663.00 3.37% MAINTENANCE 02-41-00-24250 - GADSBY TRUCKFILL MAINTENANCE $31.00 $1,135.00 $20,000.00 $18,865.00 5.68% 02-41-00-24255 - RURAL WATER MAINT - NORTH ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24257 - RURAL WATER MAINT - CENTRAL ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24260 - RURAL WATER PURCHASES - CENTRAL $2,848.95 $33,745.48 $70,000.00 $36,254.52 48.21% 02-41-00-24265 - RURAL WATER PURCHASES - NORTH ($0.00) $4,924.14 $20,000.00 $15,075.86 24.62% 02-41-00-24270 - ERSKINE WATER REPAIRS $631.60 $4,037.35 $5,000.00 $962.65 80.75% 02-41-00-24275 - ERSKINE WATER PURCHASES $2,863.86 $6,495.35 $20,000.00 $13,504.65 32.48% 02-41-00-24280 - SMRWSC WATER PURCHASES $187.00 $2,710.78 $5,000.00 $2,289.22 54.22% 02-41-00-24285 - SMRWSC ADMIN COSTS ($0.00) ($0.00) $12,000.00 $12,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24310 - VILLAGE OF DONALDA MAINT ($0.00) $659.95 ($0.00) ($659.95) 0.00% 02-41-00-24320 - BOTHA MAINTENANCE $33.00 $1,134.83 $9,000.00 $7,865.17 12.61% 02-41-00-24325 - ENDIANG WATER MAINTENANCE ($0.00) $4,582.26 $6,000.00 $1,417.74 76.37% 02-41-00-24330 - GENERAL WATER MAINTENANCE ($0.00) $1,405.50 $25,000.00 $23,594.50 5.62% 02-41-00-24400 - BYEMOOR WATER UTILITIES $1,005.19 $5,249.44 $8,300.00 $3,050.56 63.25% 02-41-00-24410 - ENDIANG WATER UTILITIES $100.85 $600.72 $8,200.00 $7,599.28 7.33% 02-41-00-24420 - GADSBY WATER UTILITIES $206.61 $1,502.98 $10,000.00 $8,497.02 15.03% 02-41-00-24430 - RED WILLOW UTILITIES $457.68 $1,803.98 $4,500.00 $2,696.02 40.09% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-41-00-24450 - ERSKINE UTILITIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24460 - BUFFALO SANDS UTILITIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24470 - BUFFALO VIEW ESTATES UTILITIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24480 - BOTHA WATER UTILITIES ($0.00) ($0.00) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 02-41-00-24500 - WATER REQUISITIONS ($0.00) $73,122.32 $140,000.00 $66,877.68 52.23% 02-41-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $222.92 $950.36 $3,000.00 $2,049.64 31.68% 02-41-00-25170 - EMPLOYEE EXPENSES $29.23 $29.23 $600.00 $570.77 4.87% 02-41-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $610.49 $2,500.00 $1,889.51 24.42% 02-41-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $2,033.89 $8,256.90 $35,000.00 $26,743.10 23.59% 02-41-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR ($39.41) $3,657.32 $6,000.00 $2,342.68 60.96% 02-41-00-25280 - MATERIALS $16.93 $3,771.26 $5,000.00 $1,228.74 75.43% 02-41-00-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $917.52 $5,447.34 $1,500.00 ($3,947.34) 363.16% 02-41-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $211,000.00 $211,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $40,946.67 $372,552.05 $1,073,300.00 $700,747.95 34.71% Total WATER DISTRIBUTION $1,417.28 $175,866.34 $607,900.00 $432,033.66 28.93% SANITARY SERVICES REVENUE 01-42-00-11250 - ENDIANG SEWER FRONTAGE $0.00 $0.00 $1,670.00 ($1,670.00) 0.00% 01-42-00-11260 - LAGOON DUMPING FEES $0.00 $5,500.00 $0.00 $5,500.00 0.00% 01-42-00-14500 - BYEMOOR UTILITY REVENUE $450.00 $2,700.00 $6,700.00 ($4,000.00) 40.30% 01-42-00-14501 - ENDIANG UTILITY REVENUE $198.00 $1,224.00 $3,000.00 ($1,776.00) 40.80% 01-42-00-14502 - BUFFALO VIEW UTILITY REVENUE $1,407.03 $8,125.13 $15,000.00 ($6,874.87) 54.17% 01-42-00-14503 - BUFFALO SANDS UTILITY REVENUE $2,733.38 $12,973.33 $21,000.00 ($8,026.67) 61.78% 01-42-00-14504 - ERSKINE UTILITY REVENUE $2,736.00 $16,344.00 $32,400.00 ($16,056.00) 50.44% 01-42-00-14508 - RED WILLOW LAGOON DUMPING $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 ($5,000.00) 0.00% 01-42-00-14511 - BOTHA UTILITY REVENUE $1,476.00 $8,856.00 $16,000.00 ($7,144.00) 55.35% 01-42-00-14541 - VILLAGE GADSBY MONITOR REVENUE $0.00 $766.25 $3,000.00 ($2,233.75) 25.54% Total REVENUE $9,000.41 $56,488.71 $103,770.00 ($47,281.29) 54.44% EXPENSE 02-42-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $23,152.25 $155,331.93 $307,500.00 $152,168.07 50.51% 02-42-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) $202.48 $600.00 $397.52 33.75% 02-42-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $435.00 $2,545.94 $9,000.00 $6,454.06 28.29% 02-42-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $472.66 $1,819.53 $7,100.00 $5,280.47 25.63% 02-42-00-22210 - ADVERTISING ($0.00) $39.38 $500.00 $460.62 7.88% 02-42-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $315.91 $1,000.00 $684.09 31.59% 02-42-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT ($0.00) ($0.00) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.00% 02-42-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $1,080.39 $1,500.00 $419.61 72.03% 02-42-00-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $595.66 $1,382.28 $1,500.00 $117.72 92.15% 02-42-00-22530 - BYEMOOR SEWER MAINTENANCE $213.59 $1,265.54 $9,000.00 $7,734.46 14.06% 02-42-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE ($0.00) $5,936.17 $9,000.00 $3,063.83 65.96% 02-42-00-24600 - RED WILLOW SEWER COSTS $300.00 $300.00 $2,000.00 $1,700.00 15.00% 02-42-00-24610 - MAINTENANCE - ERSKINE SEWER $1,345.02 $5,553.17 $25,000.00 $19,446.83 22.21% 02-42-00-24620 - MAINTENANCE- ENDIANG SEWE ($0.00) $243.75 $7,000.00 $6,756.25 3.48% 02-42-00-24630 - BUFFALO SANDS SEWER MAINT $379.52 $7,598.43 $29,000.00 $21,401.57 26.20% 02-42-00-24650 - BUFFALO VIEW SEWER MAINT ($0.00) $5,000.00 $29,000.00 $24,000.00 17.24% 02-42-00-24660 - BOTHA-SEWER EXPENSES ($0.00) $79.00 $4,000.00 $3,921.00 1.98% 02-42-00-24670 - SEWER MAINTENANCE ($0.00) $1,008.53 $15,500.00 $14,491.47 6.51% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-42-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $222.96 $951.51 $3,000.00 $2,048.49 31.72% 02-42-00-25170 - EMPLOYEE EXPENSES $29.23 $29.23 $3,000.00 $2,970.77 0.97% 02-42-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $610.49 $2,500.00 $1,889.51 24.42% 02-42-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $2,033.90 $8,637.84 $30,000.00 $21,362.16 28.79% 02-42-00-25220 - COMPUTER CONSUMABLES ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 0.00% 02-42-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $678.69 $7,244.62 $6,000.00 ($1,244.62) 120.74% 02-42-00-25280 - MATERIALS ($0.00) $319.53 $9,500.00 $9,180.47 3.36% 02-42-00-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $336.83 $2,567.72 $1,500.00 ($1,067.72) 171.18% 02-42-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $94,000.00 $94,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $30,195.31 $210,063.37 $611,200.00 $401,136.63 34.37% Total SANITARY SERVICES $21,194.90 $153,574.66 $507,430.00 $353,855.34 30.27% GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL EXPENSE 02-43-00-25105 - GARBAGE EXPENSES(BINS ETC $937.51 $1,312.51 $8,000.00 $6,687.49 16.41% 02-43-00-25106 - RECYCLING EXPENSE $5,848.51 $24,185.71 $71,400.00 $47,214.29 33.87% 02-43-00-27450 - SWMA REQUISITION ($0.00) $89,797.50 $359,190.00 $269,392.50 25.00% Total EXPENSE $6,786.02 $115,295.72 $438,590.00 $323,294.28 26.29% Total GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL ($6,786.02) ($115,295.72) ($438,590.00) $323,294.28 26.29% FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERV REVENUE 01-51-00-18450 - FCSS GRANT $0.00 $90,879.00 $172,715.00 ($81,836.00) 52.62% Total REVENUE $0.00 $90,879.00 $172,715.00 ($81,836.00) 52.62% EXPENSE 02-51-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $2.77 $33.23 ($0.00) ($33.23) 0.00% 02-51-00-21520 - REMUNERATION - MEMBERS $200.00 $1,775.00 $5,000.00 $3,225.00 35.50% 02-51-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 0.00% 02-51-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $22.04 $350.32 ($0.00) ($350.32) 0.00% 02-51-00-27550 - FCSS GRANT $53,973.50 $161,920.50 $215,894.00 $53,973.50 75.00% 02-51-00-27560 - HANDIBUS ($0.00) ($0.00) $20,000.00 $20,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $54,198.31 $164,079.05 $241,894.00 $77,814.95 67.83% Total FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERV ($54,198.31) ($73,200.05) ($69,179.00) ($4,021.05) 105.81% CEMETERIES EXPENSE 02-56-00-22595 - CEMETERY EXPENSE ($0.00) $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,000.00 80.00% Total EXPENSE ($0.00) $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,000.00 80.00% Total CEMETERIES ($0.00) $12,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,000.00 80.00% AGRICULTURE SERVICES REVENUE 01-62-00-14600 - SERVICES & RENTALS ($4,319.73) $5,592.60 $11,000.00 ($5,407.40) 50.84% 01-62-00-14601 - SALE OF CHEMICAL $0.00 $350.00 $3,000.00 ($2,650.00) 11.67% 01-62-00-14602 - SALE OF STRYCHNINE $6,380.00 $20,152.00 $25,200.00 ($5,048.00) 79.97% 01-62-00-15620 - MUNICIPAL PASTURE RENT REVENUE $400.00 $6,300.00 $10,000.00 ($3,700.00) 63.00% 01-62-00-18401 - ASB GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $183,359.00 ($183,359.00) 0.00% 01-62-00-18451 - PROV. GOVT. - STEP GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $21,000.00 ($21,000.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $2,460.27 $32,394.60 $253,559.00 ($221,164.40) 12.78% EXPENSE 02-62-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $33,390.78 $142,552.73 $349,000.00 $206,447.27 40.85% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-62-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $353.30 $1,479.04 $2,500.00 $1,020.96 59.16% 02-62-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS $14.29 $4,337.47 $15,500.00 $11,162.53 27.98% 02-62-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $663.32 $4,435.76 $9,500.00 $5,064.24 46.69% 02-62-00-22190 - BOARD SEMINAR CONV/TRAINING ($0.00) $5,040.00 $10,000.00 $4,960.00 50.40% 02-62-00-22210 - ADVERTISING $401.27 $3,296.82 $4,000.00 $703.18 82.42% 02-62-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT ($0.00) $484.04 ($0.00) ($484.04) 0.00% 02-62-00-22350 - COMPUTER SERVICES ($0.00) $4,498.53 $11,400.00 $6,901.47 39.46% 02-62-00-22500 - EQUIPMENT RENTALS ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 0.00% 02-62-00-22520 - BUILDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $1,580.30 $2,930.29 $3,000.00 $69.71 97.68% 02-62-00-22550 - WALKER WATER WELL $120.00 $120.00 $1,500.00 $1,380.00 8.00% 02-62-00-22551 - NEVIS WATER WELL $205.94 $646.20 $1,500.00 $853.80 43.08% 02-62-00-22552 - SCOLLARD WATER WELL $245.68 $622.43 $1,500.00 $877.57 41.50% 02-62-00-22580 - BATTLE RIVER RESEARCH ($0.00) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 ($0.00) 100.00% 02-62-00-22600 - BEAVER & PREDATOR CONTROL ($0.00) $1,700.32 $8,000.00 $6,299.68 21.25% 02-62-00-22605 - DEMOS, PLOTS & EXTENSION $2,279.77 $11,300.76 $8,000.00 ($3,300.76) 141.26% 02-62-00-22606 - AESA EXPENSE $205.47 $8,927.25 $8,000.00 ($927.25) 111.59% 02-62-00-22610 - STRYCHNINE ($0.00) ($5,040.00) $25,200.00 $30,240.00 -20.00% 02-62-00-22615 - CHEMICALS ROADSIDE ($0.00) ($0.00) $140,000.00 $140,000.00 0.00% 02-62-00-22616 - CHEMICALS WEED CONTROL $869.36 $869.36 $10,000.00 $9,130.64 8.69% 02-62-00-22740 - LICENSE & INSURANCE $20.00 $7,093.18 $9,500.00 $2,406.82 74.67% 02-62-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $391.49 $1,872.78 $1,800.00 ($72.78) 104.04% 02-62-00-25145 - HEALTH & SAFETY $21,413.60 $26,296.67 $26,500.00 $203.33 99.23% 02-62-00-25150 - ASB EXPENSES $355.97 $1,942.84 $18,000.00 $16,057.16 10.79% 02-62-00-25155 - SEED & SUPPLIES ($0.00) $778.00 $12,000.00 $11,222.00 6.48% 02-62-00-25165 - LEASELAND/PASTURE EXPENSE ($0.00) $2,720.00 $18,500.00 $15,780.00 14.70% 02-62-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) $5,249.71 $9,000.00 $3,750.29 58.33% 02-62-00-25200 - SPRAYING AND SAFETY SUPPLIES $1,635.41 $2,871.67 $4,000.00 $1,128.33 71.79% 02-62-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $2,819.35 $5,881.42 $33,000.00 $27,118.58 17.82% 02-62-00-25230 - VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR $1,947.80 $24,684.52 $37,000.00 $12,315.48 66.71% 02-62-00-25240 - TOOLS & EQUIPMENT $74.97 $561.82 $1,000.00 $438.18 56.18% 02-62-00-25400 - BUILDING UTILITIES $1,330.21 $9,618.94 $9,800.00 $181.06 98.15% 02-62-00-27500 - COUNTY SEED CLEANING PLANT ($0.00) ($0.00) $3,000.00 $3,000.00 0.00% 02-62-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $61,000.00 $61,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $70,318.28 $287,772.55 $864,200.00 $576,427.45 33.30% Total AGRICULTURE SERVICES ($67,858.01) ($255,377.95) ($610,641.00) $355,263.05 41.82% PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REVENUE 01-66-00-14700 - SALE OF MAPS, PLANS, AERIALS $333.36 $1,625.15 $6,000.00 ($4,374.85) 27.09% 01-66-00-14701 - SDAB FEES $450.00 $1,800.00 $900.00 $900.00 200.00% 01-66-00-14702 - DP FEES $1,600.00 $9,500.00 $10,000.00 ($500.00) 95.00% 01-66-00-14703 - AGREEMENT FEES $120.00 $590.00 $520.00 $70.00 113.46% 01-66-00-14704 - LUB AMENDMENT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 ($700.00) 0.00% 01-66-00-14705 - REVIEW OF DOCUMENT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 ($750.00) 0.00% 01-66-00-14706 - RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND $3,150.00 $17,500.00 $600.00 $16,900.00 2916.67% 01-66-00-14707 - MR INCOME $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1.00 $3,999.00 400000.00% 01-66-00-14708 - SUBDIVISION FEES $2,550.00 $7,850.00 $9,000.00 ($1,150.00) 87.22% 01-66-00-14709 - ENGINEERING DESIGN REVIEW $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 ($1.00) 0.00% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 01-66-00-14710 - BUFFALO LAKE MR REVENUE $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 ($1.00) 0.00% 01-66-00-15930 - OTHER INCOME $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 ($30,000.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $9,203.36 $42,865.15 $58,473.00 ($15,607.85) 73.31% EXPENSE 02-66-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $25,296.55 $275,881.62 $458,100.00 $182,218.38 60.22% 02-66-00-21520 - REMUNERATION - GENERAL $1,025.00 $2,875.00 $7,500.00 $4,625.00 38.33% 02-66-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) $377.37 $500.00 $122.63 75.47% 02-66-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $358.70 $704.31 $1,000.00 $295.69 70.43% 02-66-00-22140 - TRAINING & CONVENTIONS ($0.00) $1,825.00 $6,000.00 $4,175.00 30.42% 02-66-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $311.44 $2,971.32 $6,500.00 $3,528.68 45.71% 02-66-00-22210 - ADVERTISING $1,114.88 $1,974.62 $5,000.00 $3,025.38 39.49% 02-66-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $250.00 $1,200.00 $950.00 20.83% 02-66-00-22320 - LEGAL FEES $19,589.23 $19,242.72 $30,000.00 $10,757.28 64.14% 02-66-00-22325 - SDAB EXPENSES $41,887.99 $60,221.24 $100,000.00 $39,778.76 60.22% 02-66-00-22340 - CONTRACT SUPPORT ($0.00) $6,588.24 $7,500.00 $911.76 87.84% 02-66-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $59.15 $727.27 $2,500.00 $1,772.73 29.09% 02-66-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,700.00 $1,700.00 0.00% 02-66-00-25210 - FUEL & OIL $74.45 $329.56 $1,700.00 $1,370.44 19.39% 02-66-00-25220 - COMPUTER CONSUMABLES $333.32 $992.07 $1,800.00 $807.93 55.12% 02-66-00-25255 - RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND EXP $1,000.00 $18,557.20 $1.00 ($18,556.20) 1855720.00% 02-66-00-25265 - MAPPING & GIS $1,645.00 $24,686.25 $32,275.00 $7,588.75 76.49% 02-66-00-25266 - BUFFALO LAKE MR EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $1.00 $1.00 0.00% 02-66-00-25267 - MR EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $1.00 $1.00 0.00% 02-66-00-25270 - PLANNING PROJECTS ($0.00) $186.87 $500.00 $313.13 37.37% 02-66-00-27420 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ($0.00) $2,857.14 $3,000.00 $142.86 95.24% 02-66-00-27700 - DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ($0.00) ($0.00) $27,000.00 $27,000.00 0.00% Total EXPENSE $92,695.71 $421,247.80 $693,778.00 $272,530.20 60.72% Total PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT $83,492.35 $378,382.65 $635,305.00 $256,922.35 59.56% RECREATION REVENUE 01-71-00-14800 - RECREATION PROGRAM REVENUE $0.00 $118.00 $1,000.00 ($882.00) 11.80% 01-71-00-14801 - COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS $0.00 $2,100.00 $2,500.00 ($400.00) 84.00% 01-71-00-18410 - MSI GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 ($150,000.00) 0.00% 01-71-00-18550 - RECREATION - REQUISITION $0.00 $11,190.00 $11,190.00 ($0.00) 100.00% Total REVENUE $0.00 $13,408.00 $164,690.00 ($151,282.00) 8.14% EXPENSE 02-71-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $2,590.41 $10,606.49 $27,960.00 $17,353.51 37.93% 02-71-00-21520 - REMUNERATION - MEMBERS $400.00 $1,850.00 $2,600.00 $750.00 71.15% 02-71-00-22000 - RECREATION LEADERSHIP DEV ($0.00) $4,750.75 $5,000.00 $249.25 95.02% 02-71-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $127.66 $602.33 $1,500.00 $897.67 40.16% 02-71-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $269.12 $822.44 $2,000.00 $1,177.56 41.12% 02-71-00-22160 - FREIGHT, POSTAGE, PHONE $22.82 $110.29 $2,000.00 $1,889.71 5.51% 02-71-00-22240 - DUES, FEES, & MEMBERSHIPS ($0.00) $190.00 $2,000.00 $1,810.00 9.50% 02-71-00-25040 - COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS ($0.00) $5,604.05 $5,000.00 ($604.05) 112.08% 02-71-00-25060 - SCHOOL PERFORMING ARTS PROG ($0.00) $850.00 $3,000.00 $2,150.00 28.33% 02-71-00-25110 - OFFICE SUPPLIES $73.28 $108.38 $500.00 $391.62 21.68% 02-71-00-25190 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ($0.00) ($0.00) $700.00 $700.00 0.00% Year to Date Budget Report

For the month ended June 30, 2019 Account Period Balance YTD Balance Budget Variance % Budget 02-71-00-27510 - COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE $1,449.00 $1,449.00 $150,000.00 $148,551.00 0.97% 02-71-00-27530 - RECREATION - TOWN ($0.00) ($0.00) $471,847.00 $471,847.00 0.00% 02-71-00-27540 - REC SPECIAL FUNDING PROJECT $6,605.55 $11,416.70 $50,000.00 $38,583.30 22.83% Total EXPENSE $11,537.84 $38,360.43 $724,107.00 $685,746.57 5.30% Total RECREATION ($11,537.84) ($24,952.43) ($559,417.00) $534,464.57 4.46% CULTURE - LIBRARY, MUSEUM REVENUE 01-74-00-18410 - MSI GRANT $0.00 $0.00 $93,373.00 ($93,373.00) 0.00% Total REVENUE $0.00 $0.00 $93,373.00 ($93,373.00) 0.00% EXPENSE 02-74-00-21000 - SALARY & BENEFITS $8.29 $101.38 ($0.00) ($101.38) 0.00% 02-74-00-21520 - REMUNERATION - MEMBERS $800.00 $4,475.00 $12,000.00 $7,525.00 37.29% 02-74-00-22110 - MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE ($0.00) ($0.00) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 0.00% 02-74-00-22120 - BOARD MILEAGE & SUBSISTENCE $60.32 $363.20 ($0.00) ($363.20) 0.00% 02-74-00-27430 - MUSEUM FUNDING ($0.00) ($0.00) $39,700.00 $39,700.00 0.00% 02-74-00-27431 - LIBRARY GRANT-DONALDA ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,000.00 $4,000.00 0.00% 02-74-00-27432 - LIBRARY GRANT BIG VALLEY ($0.00) ($0.00) $4,000.00 $4,000.00 0.00% 02-74-00-27451 - LIBRARY REQUISITION-STETTLER $66,150.50 $132,301.00 $132,301.00 ($0.00) 100.00% 02-74-00-27452 - LIBRARY REQUSITION-PARKLAND ($0.00) $22,794.76 $45,590.00 $22,795.24 50.00% Total EXPENSE $67,019.11 $160,035.34 $239,091.00 $79,055.66 66.93% Total CULTURE - LIBRARY, MUSEUM ($67,019.11) ($160,035.34) ($145,718.00) ($14,317.34) 109.83% TRANSFER TO CAPITAL EXPENSE 02-95-12-27620 - ADMINISTRATION CAPITAL $104,260.00 $107,120.00 $30,000.00 ($77,120.00) 357.07% 02-95-23-27620 - FIRE CAPITAL ($0.00) ($0.00) $169,465.00 $169,465.00 0.00% 02-95-26-27620 - PROTECTIVE SERVICES CAPITAL ($0.00) $71,677.96 $60,000.00 ($11,677.96) 119.46% 02-95-32-27620 - TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CAPITAL ($45,855.00) $461,199.17 $477,000.00 $15,800.83 96.69% 02-95-41-27620 - WATER DISTRIBUTION CAPITAL ($0.00) $19,987.25 $22,000.00 $2,012.75 90.85% 02-95-41-27621 - WATER DISTRIBUTION CAPITAL ($0.00) ($0.00) $140,000.00 $140,000.00 0.00% 02-95-42-27620 - SANITARY SERVICES CAPITAL ($0.00) $27,727.24 $29,500.00 $1,772.76 93.99% 02-95-62-27620 - AGRICULTURE SERVICES CAPITAL ($0.00) $41,138.94 $40,000.00 ($1,138.94) 102.85% Total EXPENSE $58,405.00 $728,850.56 $967,965.00 $239,114.44 75.30% Total TRANSFER TO CAPITAL $58,405.00 $728,850.56 $967,965.00 $239,114.44 75.30% Grand Total ($16,413,578.05) ($9,080,973.75) $4,037,697.00 $13,118,670.75 -224.90%

Town and Country Museum

The July 15 meeting of the Town and Country Museum was held at the Masonic Hall in Stettler. The Masons have disbanded in Stettler and have asked if the museum would like to have the hall at the museum if it could be moved at no cost tot the museum. They have some funds and would also include the receipt from the sale of the property to offset costs to move the hall. Some of the concerns were : costs of moving including power line passage , whether or not there is a presence of asbestos, and also the cost of footings or basement at the museum site. It was decided that we would start with an asbestos check. A committee was struck to check out these costs. There were 620 plus visitors to the museum on July 1st. with $657 profit from hamburger sales. There has been ongoing cleanup and repair and some difficulty with the retention of summer staff. The next meeting will be in September unless the chair calls a special meeting to asses the Masonic Hall.

Respectfully submitted by: Wayne Nixon July 2019

Dear Reeve and Councillors of Stettler County

Four years ago, my family travelled throughout our beautiful province called Alberta. We all know it is beautiful in diversity and views. One problem that was very noticeable to us were al those dilapidated, ugly, run-down trailers with advertising on them along all major highways in Alberta. Looking at them from a tourist’s perspective was disgusting to say the least, especially for the town or city one is entering. The first impression is a lasting impression according to one of the well-know sayings. And, they were not very positive. I decided to check into this issue a little further. Four years ago, I contacted Mr. Brian Mason, the minister of Highways, with the previous NDP government. They replied quickly with a letter explaining that all those trailers with advertising on them were “illegal” and that they would check into the issue. Have not heard anything since and little or nothing was done from what we see driving around. Just lately, however, local newspapers have published articles regarding this issue: 1. On July 13th, 2019 Ken Alfred, a former St. Albert Alderman and MLA wrote in the Journal : “Clear the roadsides of distracting billboards and trailers” They are a blot on the otherwise serene landscape of Alberta 2. On February 13th, 2019, the Western Wheel published an article: “County of Foothills is taking on trailer billboards” They counted around 40 in their district. Letters were sent out to the owners with the additional fines of up to $ 10000 for not removing the signs. 3. On February 106h 2019 a similar article appeared in the newspaper 4. On August 12. 2015 An article was published saying that the Local counties were concerned about “Farm Field “ Ads. MR Nelson , the director of enforcement claims that these trailers are NOT ALLOWED according to the Land Use Bylaw. He stated that the counties of Wetaskiwin are in a similar situation Mr Blades from Wetaskiwin called the trailers: “rusting hulks” He claims that the Provincial Government appears to be downloading their problem onto the local municipalities. Many citizens and politicians are now getting more concerned and are working on to resolve this issue. A few days ago I personally sent a letter to the present Alberta Government asking them one specific question: “Is it illegal to advertise on trailers along Alberta Highways”? We receiver a reply within a day and yes, they again mentioned that they are illegal. We have attached a copy of their reply to this email.

I personally am contacting many Councillors from various major Counties in Alberta asking them, together with Alberta Transportation to put an end to these ugly dilapidated and illegal roadsigns” “Lets make Alberta beautiful again” I personally thank each one of you for doing your parti in solving this issue

Henry Heuver 5311 Whitemud Rd Edmonton, AB T6H5A [email protected]. [email protected]

Mon, Jul 15, 11:51 AM (3 days ago)

**********please do not reply THIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT MONITORED ********** Thank you for visiting the Alberta Government feedback web site. Following is the response to your question prepared by Transportation :

Signs along highways are considered to be highway developments; as such, they are regulated by the Highway Development and Protection Act and its associated regulations. Under the Act, Alberta Transportation is responsible for signs within the right of way of provincial highways. The Act also gives Alberta Transportation authority to manage signs within the development control zone outside the provincial highway rights of way (development control zones extend 300 metres from a right of way boundary and 800 metres from the centre of provincial highway intersections with other public roads). The Act prohibits advertisement signs in the highway development control zone along major highways in rural municipalities. However, minor low-traffic highways are exempt from these rules; rural municipalities can issue permits for signs along these highways. Additionally, urban municipalities have the authority to control signage within their corporate limits adjacent to provincial highways, with the exception that the signs should not cause safety concerns for the travelling public. Alberta Transportation’s guidelines for allowable signs balance the need for highway users to identify services and locations of interest with the need prevent undue distractions to drivers. It is likely that many of the signs you see do not comply with Alberta Transportation’s guidelines and have not received a permit. Management of non-permitted signs is an on-going issue with .AlbertTransportation and our stakeholders continue to develop plans to address this issue.