Rigby Star 1947 05 29 Vol 45 No 22
THE RIGBY STAR, RIGBY, IDAHO Thursday, May 29, 1947 letter continued, "I believe it would action might be deferred tempor for the present," Dworshak's letter it Richard Norris, another newcomer to ive until they visit a sleuthing ag // 1 ency to collect pay owed Huntz Hall, be justifiable and wise to lift sugar arily until a more accurate picture concluded. the screen, as Abie, promises to shoot of the sugar industry is available. to stardom. Twin Bill At who has just been fired off the invest rationing to housewives immediately. Swell Guy igating staff. This would make possible conserva President Truman says that if con- Others in the film are Michael "Although you have authority un trol of the nation can be kept out of Chekhov, J. M. Kerrigan, Vera Gor Others in the film are Betty Comp- tion and canning of fruits which will der the existing sugar statute to lift son, Bobby Jordan, Gabriel Dell, Billy soon be available throughout the the hands of greedy people, there will At Main Sunday don, George E. Stone, Emory Par- Main This Week price controls prior to October 31, it be no economic collapse. Does that nell, Art Baker, Bruce Merritt, Eric Hit songs of the west vie with spec Benedict and David Gorcey. country. Starring Sonny Tufts and Ann "While it may also be desirable to is apparent that retention of these mean that the government will have Blythe in one of the most unusual Blore and Harry Hays Morgan. tacular, rough-and-tumble action price controls should be maintained to run itself? stories ever filmed, "Swell Guy," pro scenes and hilarious comedy sequenc Idaho Senator Urges lift conrtols of industrial users, such duced by Mark Hellinger shows Sun es for the top honors in "Trail To day at the Main Theatre.
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