London Borough of

Report No. ES10094 PART 1 - PUBLIC Agenda Item No.

Title: APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE FOR: GOODWOOD HOTEL, 10, COPERS COPE ROAD, , , BR3 1NB. Decision Date: Decision Maker: Licensing Sub-Committee 29 Jun 2010 Decision Type: Non-Urgent Non-Executive Non-Key Budget/Policy

Framework: Chief Officer: Director of Environmental Services Nigel Davies Contact Officer: , Tel: 020 8313 4210 E-mail: [email protected] Ward: Copers Cope Ward

1 v1.09-2003 1. SUMMARY

1.1 To consider the application by Mr Durmus Ergen for a new Premises Licence at Goodwood Hotel, 10, Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1NB.

1.2 Currently no licence is in operation at the premises.


Licensable Activities:

Alcohol On Sales: Monday to Saturday 11.00 to 23.00 and Sunday 11.00 to 22.30.

Premises Open to the Public: Monday to Sunday 07.00 to 00.00.

As stated in the application form contained in appendix 1.


2.1 Members are asked to decide on this application having received written and oral evidence. The options include: -

1. Grant the application as made.

2. Grant the application as made but imposing conditions or restrictions.

3. Refuse the application.



3.2 The Licensing Act 2003 states that any premises in the London Borough of Bromley requires a licence / certificate issued by the Council (premises licence / club premises certificate) where the following activities occur:- Provision of regulated entertainment a) plays. b) films. c) indoor sporting events. d) boxing or wrestling entertainment. e) live music. f) recorded music. g) performances of dance. h) anything of a similar description to that falling within (e), (f) or (g)

Provision of entertainment facilities for: i) making music. j) dancing k) entertainment of a similar description to that falling within (i) or (j).

Provision of late night refreshment (between 2300hrs and 0500hrs).

Supply of alcohol (on and off sales). 2 v1.09-2003 The supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to, or to the order of, a member of the club.

The sale by retail of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to a guest of a member of the club for consumption on the premises where the sale takes place.

3.3.1 Licences / Certificates may be issued subject to any terms, conditions or restrictions the Council feels are appropriate to address any or all of the four licensing objectives.

3.3.2 The Council has previously agreed on 29th November 2004 Bromley’s Statement of Licensing Policy for the Period 2005 – 2008. The Licensing Appeals Committee must consider the Statement of Licensing Policy and any Special Policy of Cumulative Impact currently in force when making any decisions in respect of these applications.

4.0 Information about the premises

4.1 Letters of objection attached as appendix 2.

4.2 History of the premises as appendix 3.

4.3 Short Matrix of premises attached as appendix 4.

4.4 Plan of the premises as attached as appendix 5.

4.5 Photograph’s of the premises as appendix 6.

4.6 Maps of location attached as appendix 7.

4.7 Map of Area Subject to Cumulative Impact Policy Beckenham Town Centre as appendix 8

4.8 Map of Area “Alcohol Exclusion Zone” Beckenham Town Centre as appendix 9.


The Licensing Appeals Committee is a sub committee of the General Purpose and Licensing Committee. The decisions will have an impact on three of the key areas identified in the “Building a Better Bromley Strategy” these are

. Safer Communities

. A Quality Environment

. Vibrant thriving Town Centres


Should the application be refused or granted with conditions the applicant, responsible authorities or interested party have the right of appeal to the Magistrates Court and then to the Crown Court. The cost of defending such an appeal would have to be met, but cannot be quantified at this time.

Non-Applicable Sections: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS, PERSONNEL IMPLICATIONS Background Documents: Licensing premises file and computer records. (Access via Contact Officer)

3 v1.09-2003