Physics 616 Quantum Field Theory I (3 credits) Fall 2011 Instructor: Prof. Michael Eides 279 Chem.-Phys. Bldg. Phone 257-3997 E-mail:
[email protected] Office hours: Tuesday, 2:00-4:00 pm, or by appointment. Class meets Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30-10:45 am (CP 183). There will be no classes on Thursday, November 24 (Thanksgiving). Grading: I will give you home assignments approximately every 10 days. Your homework will be graded (40 points). Solutions to all problems will be placed in the library. I advice you to read my solutions with great care. If you have any questions about my solutions (as I expect you would), you are welcome in my office for discussion. I encourage you to discuss the homework together, and even to work on it together. However, you should write up your homework separately. Identical solutions would not earn any points. There will be no midterm exam. There will be a take-home final exam due Friday, December 12 (60 points). It could happen that I will change my mind and ask each of you to prepare a short talk (20-25 min) instead of the final exam. Student Evaluations: Course evaluations are an important (and mandatory!) component of our De- partment’s instructional program. The evaluation window for Fall 2011 will open on Wednesday, November 16, and close on Wednesday, Wednesday, December 7th. To access the system during this time, simply go to ”Courses” on the A&S Departmental Website page, and click on the link for Course Evaluations; then follow the instructions.