Outpost Days BBigig OOwyheewyhee ggrouproup hheadseads fforor sstatetate rrodeo,odeo, PPageage 1144 draws LLionsions demodemo dderby,erby, PPageage 6 L Leroyeroy BBreshearsreshears ffishing,ishing, PPageage 1166 crowd Page 11 Drivers meeting on the horizon Hundreds flock to annual derby

Established 1865

VOL. 24, NO. 23 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2009 Former deputy’s body found Lawmen mile upstream from the Blue Canoe seize pot Retired backcountry man Reed drowns restaurant outside Murphy. after car swept into Snake River Reed’s unoccupied Mustang was retrieved from the muddy Snake River valued in The body of a former Owyhee by water rushing over Idaho highway on Monday. Searchers discovered County backcountry deputy was 78 on Saturday night. Reed’s body Tuesday morning. recovered Tuesday morning after Reed, who retired Jan. 12 after millions Former Owyhee County Sheriff he went missing during Saturday’s 11½ years with the Owyhee County Gary Aman, who serves as the Reed Recreationalist fl ash fl ooding. Sheriff’s Offi ce, died after his red family spokesman, hired Reed to be According to witnesses, a car later Ford Mustang was slammed by a wall his backcountry deputy. reports grow near identifi ed as belonging to Jordan Valley of water rushing toward the Snake resident George Reed was swept away River from Scorpion Creek, about a –– See Reed, page 3 George Reed Juniper Mountain

An unidentifi ed recreationalist’s report of a large, organized pot Worst fl ood grow near Juniper Mountain led to combined personnel of the Bureau of Land Management and the in generation Owyhee County Sheriff’s Offi ce pulling 12,545 seedling marijuana plants on Friday, BLM special agent-in-charge Loren Goode hits Murphy –– See Pot, page 5 Rabbit Creek waters wash out roads in county seat Nuisance Torrential rainfall Saturday night sent water rushing through several Owyhee County drainages, wiping out a ordinance road in Murphy and claiming the life of a former Owyhee County Sheriff’s deputy. Water over the road forced the closure of Idaho highway proposed 78 after 9 p.m., and torrents of “We had a real Public input water washed gully washer here.” out Pedracini to be sought Street in — Bill Shaw Murphy and Homedale resident As the Board of County left rocks and Commissioners and the mud strewn staying in Murphy prosecutor’s office continue to on nearby Con hash out a proposed nuisance Shea and Old Highway 45 roads. ordinance, a public hearing could Sudden rainfall sent Rabbit Creek through a portion of be on the horizon. Murphy, causing minor damage to homes and damaging Prosecuting Attorney Douglas a pump on the town’s water system. Sunday morning, a Emery and his deputy, Chuck wide swath of mud and debris — and asphalt remnants Saari, presented an ordinance of Pedracini Street — greeted residents. proposal dealing with barking Two longtime Murphy residents, both of whom declined dogs and property strewn with to be identifi ed, told The Owyhee Avalanche on Sunday junk vehicles to the BOCC again that the rain that triggered the washout of Pedracini Street Rabbit Creek ruins road during last week’s meeting. On Murphy’s Pedracini Street was destroyed Saturday when overfl owing Rabbit Monday, the commissioners –– See Flood, page 3 Creek rushed through town on its way to the Snake River. –– See Nuisance, page 5 Subscribe today Menus 6 Looking Back 17 IInsidenside Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Calendar 7 Commentary 18-19 directly to you each Wednesday Eby leads IFL Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Peary Perry 7 Legals 20-21 in picks Call 337-4681 Sports 14-15 Classifieds 22-23 Page 14 Page 2 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Water rights fi ght may be ahead for Initiative fl ows for the four highest years in Grant backed up the BLM angle, Gibson from the Owyhee Cattle- Wild and Scenic water stipulation a given 10-year span. saying that state director Tom Dyer men’s Association will serve as have board and state at odds The language concerns the Ini- won’t sign the water stipulation second vice-chair and treasurer tiative board because, according unless it is written in a way that is until an executive director is hired The Owyhee Initiative board of Appendix B of the Owyhee to Sedivy, the Idaho Department satisfactory to the Initiative Board to oversee fi nances with the help directors learned of a possible snag Initiative Agreement, which was of Water Resources has no way to of Directors. of a board subcommittee. in securing water rights during its signed by the Work Group in May end the diversion of water, which Grant created a water commit- Lou Lunte from the Nature organizational meeting last week. 2006, established a maximum basically puts anyone with a wa- tee of Owyhee Cattlemen’s Asso- Conservancy and Shoshone-Paiute The board of directors also re- withdrawal from watersheds of the ter right in the Wild and Scenic ciation rep Chad Gibson, Sedivy, Tribes cultural resources director viewed proposed bylaws, elected designated rivers at 10 percent of watershed on an honors system. Owyhee County representative Ted Howard also will serve on an executive board and created the mean monthly cubic-feet-per- If the irrigator doesn’t stop after Frank Bachman and conservation- the executive committee with the committees to oversee the creation second fl ows as measured from his allotment is met, there’s little ist Will Whalen. That panel will three offi cers. of different elements of the law March to June. recourse to preserve needed Wild work with the attorney general’s signed by President Obama in But during Wednesday’s board and Scenic fl ows, Initiative execu- offi ce, the IDWR and the BLM on Committees formed March. meeting in Nampa, Sedivy report- tive board chair Fred Kelly Grant working out the water issue. Grant also announced chairs for Layne Bangerter, a representa- ed that the state deputy attorney said. “The position of the board committees dealing with specifi c tive from the state offi ce of Sen. general in charge of the Natural Sedivy also told the board, should be exceedence is not part aspects of the Initiative: Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), reported Resources Division — Clive after a Grant question, that the of the agreement because it’s not in Gibson will chair the Science that the appropriations needed to Strong — has said that Idaho state rule could lead to “enhanced (the Initiative agreement),” Grant Review committee; John Robi- institute the law have been sub- water law prohibits language in monitoring and metering” of water told the board. son from the Idaho Conservation mitted. the negative, specifi cally the Ini- usage. That’s something that the League will head up the Wilder- But a progress report from tiative’s language limiting water Appendix B was trying to avoid, Executive offi cers tabbed ness and Wild and Scenic commit- board member Bill Sedivy from withdrawal. Grant has said. In addition to electing Grant tee; Jordan Valley rancher Dennis Idaho Rivers United left in limbo Instead, Sedivy said the state has But Grant and Sedivy both the chair of the executive board Stanford is chair for the Conserva- the water rights stipulation for the inserted language that “expands seemed confi dent that the desired — which could be considered a tion Research Center panel; Grant Snake River Basin Adjudication the scope of what the Work Group outcome will be reached. continuation of his role as Work Simonds of the Idaho Outfi tters that would fi nalize Wild and Sce- agreed to.” “The (Bureau of Land Manage- Group chair — the board of direc- and Guides Association will over- nic Rivers designation. The state’s language calls for a ment) wants to work with us on tors elected other offi cers. see two committees that will act The water rights stipulation must “40 percent exceedence” — mean- this and to get it done the way the Craig Gehrke from The Wil- as one, in essence: Recreation and be fi led with the SRBA because it ing future withdrawals from the Work Group wants it,” Sedivy derness Society was elected fi rst Travel Management Planning. was taken out of the legislation that Wild and Scenic rivers can total up said. vice-chair and secretary. Chad — JPB became law, Sedivy said. to 10 percent of the mean monthly Homedale pool opens with uncertain future The Homedale city swimming the shape it’s in. business for the pool was brisk (a desperate need of costly repairs. Council president Dave Dow- pool opened last month, and hours City public works supervisor total of $357 was brought in), but “We might have a problem and num asked Bauer to get estimates later the city council heard about Larry Bauer said the fi rst day of he also warned that the facility is in lose it,” he said. and put the item on the agenda for Calling it a great asset to offer the June 10 council meeting. the citizenry, Bauer also reported Meanwhile, the city released its that the city lost $6,500 while op- fees for the summer at the pool. Homedale Lions Club erating the pool last summer. It costs $2 a day to swim, but th There are many overdue repair there are season pass options: $45 Annual 4 of July projects, he said, including the per person, $65 for a family of two, deteriorating cement deck around $80 for three, $100 for four and the nearly 50-year-old pool. The $120 for families of fi ve or more. condition of the deck plus the Lessons are $5 per session, and uneven cement leads to swimmers the pool can be rented for private stubbing their toes, he said. The parties at a rate of $50 for two cement deck also crumbled when hours or $35 for one hour. it was pressure-washed last month The pool is open Monday in preparation for summer. through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 D The restoration of the pool will p.m. and Monday through Friday FNPMJUJPO%FSCZ be a costly matter, Bauer said. He from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. UIUI 2009 told the council that the last time Rental hours are 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 4BUVSEBZ +VMZ the price tag was estimated — Monday through Friday, 6 p.m. to 08:)&&$06/5:'"*3(306/%4t)0.&%"-& *%")008:)&&$06/5:'"*3(306/%4t)0.&%"-& *%") eight or nine years ago — the cost 9 p.m. on Saturday and from noon TICKETS ON SALE NOW - LIMITED TICKETS ON RACE DAY! was set at about $50,000. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.  “It’s real money,” he said, add- HHS graduate Hannah John- ing that a new pool fi lter for $6,000 son serves as pool manager, and )KM<99IHC-IDD@M"CA985@9CF'5FG=B; to $7,000 was “doable”. Kelsey Perryman is back as a life- #:3CI*@5B.CF=J9!9H3CIF,I@9CC?CBCIF196G=H9 Bauer asked for direction, and guard. Also set to stand watch over Councilman Aaron Tines suggest- swimmers are Alex Mereness and www.homedalelionsclub.com ed that the city start putting money Reece Landa, both of whom are in =F9 aside to build a capital fund. the process of certifi cation. 1CF?G “It’s an asset the city has that Call 318-6085 to rent the pool '(.),3  5:H9FH<9 some don’t,” Tines said, “and we or inquire about lessons. ,#0 ,-' .#(! 9F6M should keep it for the kids.” — JPB H< "!,).'47).% 198B9G85M $IB9 DA ALL SIZES & KNOT STRENGTH )22)'!4)/.$!-3 )KM<99&5B9G "CA985@9 6’ TO 10’ X 100’ To enter a car and get a car number call 3)0(/.45"%3 Jeremy Townsend at 573-1350 or Buy your ALL SIZES Owyhee Auto Supply 337-4668 Honor Show Feed Here! Jerry Breshears 337-5992 - Car Build Info Fly Relief has Landed Josh Love 880-8483 - Food Booth Info At Producers Supply! To place an ad in the program book call Mark Bauer 337-4358 (WYs(OMEDALE Rob Townsend 896-5000 - General Questions 208-337-5706 )RRIGATIONs,IVESTOCK&EEDs0ET&EEDs!NIMAL3UPPLIES -JWF.VTJDCZ4USBJHIU"XBZBGUFSUIF%FSCZ !NIMAL(EALTHs3O-UCH-ORE Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 3 From page 1 √ Reed: Man retired from deputy post in January after 11-plus years “I’ve known George 29 years backcountry position more than washed into the river. and besides a good cop, he was a a decade ago. Before Malheur, he Personnel from at least two great friend,” Aman said. “Of all worked in rugged Boise County sheriff’s offi ces — Owyhee and the cops I know, there are only a for that sheriff’s offi ce. Canyon counties — searched the half-dozen I would have turned Two teenagers sharing the road river Sunday and Monday several loose in the backcountry. And with Reed during the heavy rainfall hundred yards from Idaho 78. that’s why I picked George when Saturday said the vehicle stopped An Ada County Sheriff’s patrol I hired him, because I knew he at the creek, which was then just boat equipped with sonar searched could handle it.” barely fl ooding the highway, then for the submerged car Sunday Earlier Saturday, Reed had proceeded to cross. afternoon as concerned friends participated in a World War II What they described as a wall — many of whom were Reed’s re-enactment at Gowen Field in of water hit the left side of the former OCSO colleagues — and Boise, driving a vintage Willy’s car, taking it over one-quarter family members gathered near Jeep. Aman said Reed — who was mile down the creek valley and the site. Reed’s son, David, is a retired from the Army — was a into the river. jailer for Owyhee County. “true history buff” who knew his The occupants of the car that “(Family members) obviously military history. had been behind the Mustang appreciate everybody’s help down Reed was retired from the reportedly ran down through the there,” Aman said. Car in river triggers multi-agency effort Malheur County Sheriff’s Offi ce fi eld beside the creek and watched A diver from the Ada County Sheriff’s Offi ce goes in the water during when Aman tabbed him for the helplessly as the vehicle was — JPB recovery efforts Monday in the Snake River. √ Flood: Deluge causes fl ash fl ooding in Homedale-Marsing area, too is the worst they have seen in the several drainages in Owyhee county seat in 25 to 30 years. County, including Scorpion Creek District 3 Commissioner Dick and Rabbit Creek. Water from Freund, another longtime Murphy Reynolds Creek left mud and resident, concurred Monday. debris on Reynolds Creek Road, Muddy “We really had a gully washer too. More than two inches of rain mission here,” said Homedale resident Bill reportedly fell in the Murphy A longtime Shaw, who spent the weekend in area. Jump Creek overfl owed and Murphy resident an RV in Murphy amid thunder sent water onto the roadway near searches for his and lightning. He was part of Marsing, too. mailbox Sunday the crew that cooked the Outpost Flooding also was reported morning, hours Days Buckaroo Breakfast on south of Homedale on Succor after floodwa- Saturday and Sunday. Creek and nearby streams. ters from Rabbit Another witness said two to The weather station at Helena Creek cut a swath three inches of water rushed down Chemical Co. in Homedale through town. Murphy’s streets. reported that 1.25 inches of Owyhee County Historical precipitation fell in a 24-hour Museum director Thom Couch period between Saturday and 0CIH??L2I;> (IG?>;F? said about a dozen people were Sunday. stranded in the sheriff’s offi ce, Owyhee sheriff’s personnel 025%44 %;MNIH0CIH??L2I;>@LIG(QS and more than 300 gallons of closed Idaho 78 after 9 p.m. fl oodwater had to be pumped out Saturday after a red Mustang Lumber & Supply 2OUGH#UT,UMBER of the museum’s exhibit hall hours driven by retired OCSO )N3TOCK before the second day of Outpost backcountry deputy George Reed Days was to begin Sunday. was swept into the Snake River by In light of the stranded folks a wall of water rushing down from #!229).'02/0!.% in town, Couch reiterated his Scorpion Creek. Reed drowned in desire to have cots and blankets the accident. Hand Tools on hand at the museum to create The highway, which had been Power Tools a temporary shelter in Murphy closed from the Canyon County 224C?M in case people are stranded of line at the Walter’s Ferry bridge 7OODWORKING displaced in the future. to Grand View, was open again -EASURING =N"OH>F? The municipal water pump Sunday morning, but berms of -UCH-ORE in Murphy went down during mud tattooed with tire tracks ?;=B fl ooding, public works employee from the heavy equipment used Mark Fuchs told the Board to remove if from the roadway MCHAF?M of County Commissioners at were visible on the side of the Monday’s meeting. Fuchs said the highway. city is on a backup manual pump The National Weather now. As of Monday, people were Service Web site reported that asked to conserve water, as the there was a 30 percent chance pump cannot be run continuously. of thunderstorms in Murphy A sensor to keep the town’s through Friday and a 20 percent water tank from overfl owing also chance of more precipitation this shorted out. weekend. #ILL;F0;H?FM;H>';N?M Rainfall sent water down — JPB 3N;LNCHA;N 30%#)!,"59 5LTIMATE'ARAGE Weather !IRCOMPRESSORKIT Have a 4OOLSACCESSORIESINCLUDED H L Prec. 2EG 3ALE June 2 86 63 .07 June 3 76 55 .08 news tip? June 4 87 58 .00 June 5 88 53 .27 Call us!  June 6 74 57 .00 &2%%,/#!,$%,)6%29 @;R June 7 76 52 1.25 337-4681 /PENAM PM-ONDAY &RIDAYsAM PM3ATURDAY June 8 75 53 .17 Page 4 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Two departments defend homes Council hears new open meeting regs Homedale government repre- reason for an executive session, sentatives will get a crash course rather than just a general descrip- in the state’s new open meeting tion as is allowed now. The new law during tonight’s City Council law goes into effect on July 1. meeting. The new law also allows a The meeting is set for 6 p.m. at council to amend its agenda during City Hall, 31 W. Wyoming Ave. a meeting. Other agenda items include a community service challenge is- Marsing sued by a resident, departmental At its 7 p.m. meeting today, the reports and an executive session. council will consider approval of a The executive session has been business license ordinance. called under the segment of the City engineer Amy Woodruff law allowing the council to meet will deliver and update on Phase with legal counsel to discuss the 3 of the city’s water project, and The Sunnyslope fi re obscured threatened houses with a thick pall of smoke, Thursday. ramifications of legal action or Pam Roylance of the Owyhee A brush fi re threatened several fi rst, as the initial call had located don’t use the tanks and respirators pending litigation. County Democratic Party will ask houses in the Sunnyslope area, the fi re in Marsing’s response area, seen in house fi res, as smoke is After the executive session, the the council for permission to use at the line where Marsing and but as winds pushed the fi re west usually not as large a factor, but council will consider a resolution City Park for a June 28 wine tast- Homedale fi re district coverage toward homes, Homedale units in this fi re along the hillside ap- on right-of-way issues pertaining ing at which Rep. Walt Minnick areas meet in Canyon County. also arrived. The fi re burned up proach to the homes, smoke was to the sewer force main traveling (D-Idaho) is scheduled to appear. The 10-acre blaze, which started to Charleston Drive itself, just very intense as the fire burned into town from the treatment la- just before noon Thursday, likely yards from several homes and out- through heavy sagebrush, matted goons northwest of the city. began on the far side of the hill buildings, but no structures were vegetation and willows. A representative from the Idaho east of Charleston Drive, north involved. Charleston marks the “I was glad to see the Homedale Association of Cities will outline of Hoskins Road, in a dry, brushy border between the two districts. units there,” he said. changes to open meeting law for P.O. BOX 97 • HOMEDALE, ID area, Tim Dines of the Marsing “It got a little interesting,” Dines The fi re was a stubborn one. A the council and mayor. 83628 PHONE 208 / 337-4681 • Fire Department said. The cause said of the wind-driven fi re. “It fi nal hotspot fl are-up in the wil- The changes in the law earlier FAX 208 / 337-4867 of the fi re is not known, and is got real exciting. I thought I was lows on the east side of the burned this year are the fi rst revisions to E-mail: under investigation at this time, going to die right there,” he said area required a second visit around the 1974 code since 1992. www.theowyheeavalanche.com Dines said. with a laugh. 2 p.m., Dines said. One of the biggest changes to U.S.P.S. NO. 416-340 Trucks from Marsing arrived Firefi ghters fi ghting a brush fi re — MML the law requires boards to list the Copyright 2007–– ISSN #8750-6823 JOE E. AMAN, publisher [email protected] JON P. BROWN, OFFER VALID MAY 21 – JUNE 30, 2009 managing editor [email protected] MICHAEL LANE, reporter [email protected] JENNIFER STUTHEIT, offi ce [email protected] ROBERT AMAN, com po si tion Whip Up [email protected] Published each week in Homedale, Idaho by Owyhee Avalanche, Inc. Entered as Periodical, paid at the Post Offi ce at Homedale, ID under the Act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER: send the Savings address changes to THE OWYHEE AVA LANCHE, P.O. 97, Homedale, ID 83628. 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FURNITURE & APPLIANCE of CALDWELL 307 South Kimball, Caldwell 459-0816 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 5 Assessor: Agricultural ground values grow owner whose assessment skyrocketed by in determining land values. some months ago (reporting) that property Endicott says little $100,000 last year. When he called the as- Endicott said that because of the nature values were plummeting, (county landown- change in remainder sessor’s offi ce in Murphy, it was discovered of the information-gathering — essentially ers) thought Owyhee County values would that the value was inadvertently increased asking farmers how much they make off go down, too,” he said. of market value because a number was transposed, he said. their land — cooperation is hard to come by, Endicott said — unlike Ada and Can- The assessor said anyone with a question hampering the quest for complete data. yon counties, where sales data is plenti- While surrounding counties may be about assessment notices can call his offi ce “It’s the same thing as sales verifi cations ful and refl ects a dive in property values experiencing drops in property value, at (208) 495-2817. (which are used to determine market value — Owyhee County hasn’t had many real Owyhee County Assessor Brett Endicott If a landowner isn’t satisfi ed after the for other types of property),” Endicott said. estate transactions, giving the impression said Owyhee County’s assessments have BOE hearing, an appeal can be made to “The more data you get, the better analysis that land values have remained fl at. remained fl at for the most part. the state Board of Tax Appeals, Endicott you can do. The assessor said he tries to explain to Endicott’s offi ce has mailed assessment said. “With the data that we got and (by) doing disgruntled property owners that his ap- notices to the county property owners, and Property owners have until June 20 to the income approach on it, basically what praisers cannot base assessments on sur- he said the only signifi cant jump in value pay the second half of their 2009 property we’ve seen is farm ground has gone up, rounding parcels that have not sold yet and has come on farm ground. tax bills. This year’s valuations are used to and we’re required (by state law) to make have seen the asking price go down. Valuations in other property categories tabulate next year’s property tax bills, the those adjustments.” “What hurts rural counties such as us is have remained stagnant, Endicott said. fi rst half of which will be due Dec. 20. Endicott said the big jumps in land value that the volume of sales cease,” Endicott Property owners have until June 22 to fi le Although he didn’t have specifi c num- can be attributed to the fact that the value said. “We can’t make assumptions, so it’s an appeal that will be heard before the bers, Endicott said the increase in agricul- of some ag parcels hadn’t been adjusted in very hard for us. county Board of Equalization. tural assessments can be attributed to the the past three years. “When you don’t have enough sales, it’s “The nice thing about the appeal process, fact that for the fi rst time in three years But he said another period of stagnation hard to make some concrete adjustments you get some people who are just plumb- appraisers have completed a wholesale in property value adjustments is unlikely because you don’t have the data.” angry and then you have some people who appraisal of the county’s farm ground. The in the wake of the process built by his But Endicott indicated property values say, ‘You don’t have our acreage right, can more detailed appraisal process, Endicott appraisers in creating the database for ag may begin to tick downward, according you look into it?’ ” Endicott said. “And said, includes sending questionnaires to land values. to data he is picking up as he records sales sometimes there is a problem, and we get individual farmers. The assessor said he also battles a mis- information for 2010 assessments. But, it fi xed.” The assessor said the assessment pro- conception built by news coverage of land he said, those studies still have another Endicott said a chat on the phone can cess for ag ground is unique because farm values in surrounding counties. two fi scal quarters of information yet to sometimes avoid a BOE hearing. income, not just the going price for farm “Because the national media started 12 come in. Endicott used the example of one land- land on the real estate market, is a factor months ago, and Ada and Canyon started — JPB From page 1 √ Pot: Second multimillion-dollar discovery in Owyhees since September said Monday. A BLM contract helicopter was used too dangerous. poison being found at the areas, he added. The plants, which Goode estimated to remove the plants, as law enforcement Removing grows, and discouraging Goode asked that recreationalists keep an would have had an approximate street personnel raced the weather to complete them with cooperation from the public in eye out and call their local law enforcement value of more than $6 million when mature, the job. the form of information leading to them, is offi ce should they see anything, or anyone, were located in a remote, steep valley. No “The weather was an extreme factor,” important, Goode said. suspicious in the backcountry. arrests have been made at this time, and the Goode said. “It went from a hot, humid 70 “The public shouldn’t have to worry This is the second multimillion-dollar investigation continues, Goode said. to rainy mid-40s, and close to hypothermia- about stumbling into pot gardens like grow in the past two growing seasons to Owyhee County Sheriff Daryl Crandall type conditions. We saw a major temperature this and being at risk. In the past, we’ve have been found in the Owyhee County was out of the offi ce as part of the search for change.” With thunderstorms inbound, discovered that (growers) are armed, and backcountry, following September’s 7,300 the vehicle in the Scorpion Creek incident, crews worked swiftly, “racing against the there are, occasionally, booby-traps.” The mature plants being seized and destroyed and no comment was available by county clock,” Goode said, to try and complete chemicals used on the sites are a danger as near Silver City. law enforcement. the operation before conditions became well — with fertilizers, herbicides and rat — MML √ Nuisance: Commissioners scheduled to take up issue again in August tabled the issue until Aug. 4 so information getting out to the salvage parts, or what rancher and vehicles, which are commonly property values. public input can be gathered. public and voiced objections about District 1 Commissioner Jerry considered to be automobiles,” Emery also addressed the “The ordinance would only the content. A public hearing was Hoagland called boneyards. The Emery said. animal nuisance language during address unincorporated areas suggested at the end of the debate, proposed ordinance would make Emery said the idea of the the BOCC meeting. of the county (i.e. outside city but no date was set. it a violation only if a piece of nuisance ordinance has its genesis “My heart goes out to those limits),” Emery wrote in an “Although a public hearing property had 10 or more vehicles, in complaints he has heard and people who come home after a e-mail response to The Owyhee is not mandated by statute, I buses or “motorized equipment citations he has received. He said long day of work and try to rest Avalanche. “Existing city am not opposed to holding a not in working order on it for more not much can be done legally only to have dogs barking,” he ordinances may already address public hearing(s) specifi c to the than 30 days. Another condition about the nuisances at this time said. “I have at least two citations these problems within the limits ordinance,” Emery wrote in his of the proposed ordinance allows because a specific law doesn’t I can’t go forward on because of the city.” e-mail. for storage of 10 or more such exist. there is no specifi c statute dealing Emery said the proposal would District 2 Commissioner vehicles if a seven-foot fence has During the meeting Emery said with it.” prohibit the creation of new or George Hyer originally suggested been built to obscure the view it was his “impression” that many Emery said that state law allows expansion of existing nuisances, the board table the item at last from outside the property. properties for which authorities for prosecution of a dog nuisance adding that public safety also is at week’s meeting. “That could be quite a have received complaints would only if it can be proven that the issue because of the possibility for “A lot of it is necessary in a way, controversial issue because there’s be in violation had the ordinance animal’s owner has shown malice pollution and vermin infestation. but a lot of it is against the historic a lot of room for interpretation, been in place “two years ago, fi ve in allowing his dog to continue The ordinance proposal culture in Owyhee County,” he and that interpretation is what years ago, 10 years ago.” to bark. has been on the agenda for said, drawing disagreement from scares people,” Hoagland said. “My primary focus in proposing The proposed ordinance would consideration to adopt and sign District 3 Commissioner Dick Emery said after last week’s this ordinance be enacted ... is that make disturbing the peace through for three weeks, and it again was Freund, who asserted that some meeting that the ordinance it curtails individuals, members a barking dog a misdemeanor. The placed on Monday’s agenda as of the nuisance problems weren’t was drafted to exclude specifi c of the community, from deciding nuisance violation would be an a review item. Results from that created by activities ingrained in language that could prevent that they’re going to create their infraction. meeting weren’t available at press the county’s culture. the accumulation of tractors or own private junk yard and do Enforcement would fall to the time. Hyer said he was concerned that harvesting equipment by farmers essentially what we’ve seen Owyhee County Sheriff’s Offi ce But the June 2 meeting was the junk vehicle language would who need replacement parts. done in the county otherwise,” or a designated code enforcement the fi rst time that a commissioner prevent farmers from keeping “There’s just generalized Emery said, adding that such offi cer. spoke up about the lack of implements on their property for language regarding motorized an ordinance could help protect — JPB Keep up with county news in the Avalanche Page 6 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Owyhee country books showcased Derby tickets on sale; at ION museum open house drivers meeting set The Homedale Lions Club is program is being handled by Mark Skinner family, the summer. Off-hour tours are in the western and gearing up for the 28th annual Bauer, 337-4358. available by calling Fretwell- built a legacy of family, business Fourth of July Demolition General questions can be Fretwell-Johnson Johnson at (541) 586-3076 or the and ranching. He also built the Derby. directed at Rob Townsend, 896- museum at (541) 586-2100. Skinner Toll Road, which winds A mandatory drivers meeting 5000. will hold signings The museum is located at 502 through Owyhee County. Mary is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Rule books are available Swisher Ave., in Jordan Valley. O’Malley of the Owyhee County Wednesday, June 24, at the at NAPA Auto Parts stores in Monday Local resident Evelyn Loveland Historical Society recently Owyhee Lanes Restaurant. Homedale and Marsing or at will tell old stories of the area lobbied the Board of County Car numbers are available www.homedalelionsclub.com. Two book signings regarding during the open house, and Commissioners on behalf of from Jeremy Townsend, 573- Fireworks and a concert by publications outlining Jordan the Malheur County Historical Silas descendant Bob Skinner to 1350, or Owyhee Auto Supply at Straight Away will cap the derby Valley history during Monday’s Society will present information ensure that all parts of the road 337-4668. Car build information day on July 4. open house at the ION Heritage on reprinting books. are referred to as the Skinner can be obtained from Jerry Tickets are on sale now, but Museum open house in Jordan Fretwell-Johnson’s 323-page Toll Road, including Trout Creek Breshears, 337-5992. Josh Love they sell out quickly. Not many Valley. book was released about three Road. has information on the food booth, tickets may be available on the The open house will take place weeks ago, and is available at the The “High Desert Promise: The 880-8483, and advertising in the day of the competition. between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and museum for $20. Mail orders cost Skinner Family Legacy” project will feature book signings by $23 ($3 for shipping) and can be was completed with oversight Hazel Fretwell-Johnson (“The completed by sending a check to from the fi ve brothers and sisters Johnson graduates Best of Jordan Valley”) and John Hazel R. Johnson, P.O. Box 234, who are the children of Kirt and Sackett Skinner (“High Desert Jordan Valley, OR 97910. Johanna Skinner. Promise: The Skinner Family Members of the Skinner family The family also will attend Navy basic training Legacy”). will be on hand to sign the book a booking signing at the Dick Katie L. Johnson of Homedale granddaughter The open house will feature about their clan, too. The book Jenkins’ Round Barn Visitor graduated from U.S. Navy basic of Vern and refreshments, coffee and chronicles the history of the Center in Diamond, Ore., on training on May 21 and is now Bernice lemonade. The museum is open Skinner family from the mid- Saturday. stationed in Pensacola, Fla., for Drain, all of from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday 1800s as early pioneers who The book sells for $27, and is training in aviation electronics. Homedale, Johnson is a 2004 graduate of as well as through Saturday, and from 1 migrated from the Isle of Man. available through the mail for an Katie Johnson p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday during Patriarch Silas Skinner arrived additional $3.50 postage. Homedale High School, daughter granddaughter of Jim and Glenda Johnson, and to JoAn Breach of Caldwell. P&Z energy survey starts School budget hearing set Bible school on horizon As part of the information-gathering for the Owyhee The Bruneau-Grand View School District Board of Children age 4 through those who have completed fi fth grade County Comprehensive Plan review, the Planning and Trustees will hold its fi scal year 2010 budget hearing on are invited to take part in the Homedale Friends Community Zoning subcommittee on energy has developed an June 18 at Rimrock Jr.-Sr. High School. The hearing on the Church’s Vacation Bible School. online survey for landowners and residents. district’s proposed $5.4 million budget begins at 7 p.m. at The theme this year is “Crocodile Dock, Louisiana Bayou! The 13-question survey is available at http://www. the school, 39678 Hwy. 78, in Bruneau. The Southern Adventure” will run Monday through Friday, June zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB229A9ZSJKMF, and The budget shows a more than $3.8 million (or 41.3 15-19. Times will be 9 a.m. to noon except for Monday morning responses will be taken until 5 p.m. July 3. percent) decline from the current $9.3 million budget. Of when parents are asked to arrive at 8:30 for registration. A paper copy of the survey is available at the the steep decline, about $3.6 million is shown in the capital Cost is a suggested donation of $5, but all are welcome to Owyhee County Planning and Zoning offi ce, 17069 outlay fund. Work is nearly complete on the work fi nanced attend. Basey St., Murphy, from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from by a $4.9 million bond passed by patrons in August 2007. The VBS program will be held Sunday, June 21 at 10:30 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Another $100,000 will come from a reduction in the a.m. Call the church at 337-3464 with questions or for help For more information, call (208) 495-2095. district’s budget for salaries. with transportation. Say no to dirty, School dusty roads! More than just a nuisance, dust is a menu pervasive problem. It undermines the Bruneau-Grand View health of the people, machines and the June 10: Breakfast: Cheese quesadilla, fruit, milk. Lunch: Spaghetti, environment. Uncontrolled, dust can salad, garlic bread, fruit milk. violate mandatory compliance prob- No Job Too June 11: Breakfast: Hash brown, toast, milk. Lunch: Hamburger, lems. tots, fruit, milk. Big or Small June 15: Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, fruit, milk. Lunch: Ham/cheese/ bun, fries, fresh fruit, milk. Western States Dust Control has the solutions for your fugitive dust June 16: Breakfast: Cereal, fruit, milk. Lunch: Haystacks, corn, problems. We offer you an effective, durable, long lasting method of pears, milk. dust control and surface stabilization for an extremely economical cost. June 17: Breakfast: Waffl es, fruit, milk. Lunch: Fish, stir-fry veggie, oranges, milk. June 18: Breakfast: Bagel, fruit, milk. Lunch: Corn dog, potato 100% Environmentally Friendly • No Hazardous Materials wedges, fruit, milk. Lasts all season with one application Commercial • Municipal • Residential Senior menus Take Control of a Damaging, Costly and Dirty Problem! Homedale Senior Center June 10: Beef fajitas, potato, California blend vegetable, beverage. June 11: Beef with noodles, broccoli, bread, beverage. June 16: Stir fry oriental vegetables, fried rice, beverage. June 17: Ham & beans, corn bread, beverage.

Marsing Senior Center June 10: Taco pie, refried beans, tossed salad, garlic bread, Caldwell, Idaho pudding. June 11: Sweet & sour pork, fruit salad, rice, roll, bread pudding. June 15: Breakfast to order: biscuits & gravy, eggs. 208-459-6777 June 16: Chicken & fried rice, macaroni salad, beets, carrot cake. www.westernstatesdustcontrol.com June 17: Sloppy Joes, potatoes, carrot salad, cookies. Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 7 Calendar Today Homedale summer youth reading Line dancing lessons 3:30 p.m., “Be Creative @ Your Library”, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., free, Homedale Senior Citizens Homedale Public Library, 125 W. Owyhee Ave., Bet You Didn’t Know Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Homedale. (208) Homedale. (208) 337-4228, Monday through 337-3020 Friday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. “Cold shoulder” phrase Homedale summer youth reading Government accountability group 3:30 p.m., “Be Creative @ Your Library”, 6:30 p.m., Owyhee County Citizens for Homedale Public Library, 125 W. Owyhee Ave., Accountability in Government meeting, Desert began with cold mutton High Real Estate, Marsing. Homedale. (208) 337-4228, Monday through I like word origins. Here’s one themselves married until they Friday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for you to think about. Giving exchanged sandals after the Homedale City Council meeting Thursday, June 18 someone the “Cold Shoulder”. ceremony. 6 p.m., City Hall, 31 W. Wyoming Ave., Homedale. Senior citizens lunch Where’d that come from? Well, (208) 337-4641 Noon, Rimrock Senior Center, 525 Main St., it was used to try and discourage That oil the jewelers use to County comp plan review Grand View an uninvited dinner guest from lubricate clocks and watches ... 7 p.m., Phipps-Watson Marsing American Legion Grand View-Bruneau school board meeting intruding again. The host or hostess Costs about $3,000 a gallon. Community Center, 126 W. 2nd St. N., Marsing. 7 p.m., budget hearing, Rimrock High School, would serve the unwelcome person (208) 495-2095 39678 State Hwy. 78, Bruneau. (208) 834-2253 a cold piece of leftover meat such Largest city in North America Grand View City Council meeting AA meeting as the cold shoulder of lamb and at this time is ... Mexico City 7 p.m., City Hall, 425 Boise Ave. (208) 834-2700, 8 p.m., Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 then walk away ... according to with a population of more than Monday through Wednesday W. Idaho Ave. some the hostess would expose a 19,000,000. Don’t want to be on Marsing City Council Narcotics Anonymous book study bare shoulder as well, along with the freeways at rush hour in this 7 p.m., City Hall, 425 Main St. (208) 896-4122 8 p.m., Homedale Friends Community Church, a look of disdain. place, do we? 17454 Hwy 95 S., Homedale Thursday Some people have more Bone China is called that simply Senior citizens lunch Monday, June 22 problems than I do … for instance, because it is mixed with powdered Noon, Rimrock Senior Center, 525 Main St., Marsing Lions Club meeting there was a Greek general named animal bone to give it better Grand View 8 p.m., Phipps-Watson Marsing American Legion Hajianestis. He was famous for strength and whiteness. Owyhee Gardeners monthly meeting Community Center, 126 2nd St. N., Marsing. leading the army in the 1921 1 p.m., University of Idaho Owyhee County (208) 896-4204 war against Turkey. Well, seems How about the origin of this Extension Offi ce, 238 8th Ave. W., Marsing. (208) Narcotics Anonymous open meeting like he often was afraid to get custom? We all clink our glasses 896-5474 8 p.m., Homedale Friends Community Church, out of bed as he thought his legs when drinking a toast. Why? I’ve County comp plan review 17454 Hw 95 S., Homedale were too brittle that they would heard several versions before, but 7 p.m., Owyhee County Courthouse, 20381 State collapse. Sometimes he imagined this one says that it was usual in Hwy. 78, Murphy. (208) 495-2095 his legs were made of glass or older days to share your wine or AA meeting Tuesday, June 23 Foot clinic sugar. Often he would pretend to whatever with the person pouring. 8 p.m., Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 be dead and not respond to anyone This was to insure that he or she W. Idaho Ave. 8 a.m., appointments necessary, Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Homedale. trying to awaken him. Wasn’t any wasn’t giving you the one with Narcotics Anonymous book study big surprise that he was untimely the poison. To show that you 8 p.m., Homedale Friends Community Church, (208) 337-3020 Senior citizens card games relieved of his duties. trusted the host or hostess you 17454 Hwy 95 S., Homedale simply clinked your glass without Owyhee Conservation District board meeting 1 p.m., bridge and pinochle, free, Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Next time you throw that piece sharing the liquid. What if you 8 p.m., 250 N. Old Bruneau Highway, Marsing. of plastic out to the window … were wrong? (208) 896-4544 Homedale. (208) 337-3020 Senior citizens dinner consider this: It’s estimated that a 6 p.m., Rimrock Senior Citizens Center, 525 Main plastic container may take as long — For more information on Friday as 50,000 years to decompose. Peary Perry or to read more of his Grand View Lions Club meeting St., Grand View. (208) 834-2808 AA meeting writings or to make a comment, 11:30 a.m., Salinas Raider Cafe, 330 Main St., The Incas didn’t consider visit www.pearyperry.com Grand View. (208) 834-2419 8 p.m., Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave. Monday Narcotics Anonymous open meeting Wednesday, June 24 Registrants sought 8 p.m., Homedale Friends Community Church, Line dancing lessons 17454 Hw 95 S., Homedale 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., free, Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Homedale. (208) for summer reading Tuesday 337-3020 Starting July 7, children will is creativity. Children will read Board of County Commissioners meeting Homedale summer youth reading have the opportunity to read and about creativity, and will hone 9 a.m., Courtroom 2, Owyhee County Courthouse, 3:30 p.m., “Be Creative @ Your Library”, enjoy other activities as part of the their own creative skills with a 20381 State Hwy. 78, Murphy Homedale Public Library, 125 W. Owyhee Ave., Lizard Butte Library’s summer variety of activities. Senior citizens card games Homedale. (208) 337-4228, Monday through reading program. The program is Parents are asked to register 1 p.m., bridge and pinochle, free, Homedale Friday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. scheduled to meet every Tuesday their youngsters as soon as pos- Senior Citizens Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Demolition derby drivers meeting at 3 p.m. until Aug. 11. If enough sible, and registration can be done rd Homedale. (208) 337-3020 7:30 p.m., Owyhee Lanes Restaurant, 18 W. First interest is shown, a second pro- in person at the library at 111 3 Grand View Chamber of Commerce meeting St. N., Homedale. (208) 896-5000 gram time may be added. Ave. W. in Marsing, by phone at 6 p.m., Grand View fi re station The program will have “lots of 896-4690, or by e-mail at lizard- You can fi nd a comprehensive listing of local fun books, fun activities and silly [email protected]. All that Senior citizens dinner events online at www.theowyheeavalanche.com. 6 p.m., Rimrock Senior Citizens Center, 525 Main prizes” according to the library is needed is the child’s name and Click of the ìCalendar of Eventsî link on the left- release, and the focus this year grade next school year. St., Grand View. (208) 834-2808 hand side of the page. AA meeting Submit information on upcoming fundraisers, 8 p.m., Homedale Senior Citizens Center, 224 meetings, reunions or community events to The W. Idaho Ave. Owyhee Avalanche by noon Fridays for inclusion Library benefi t quilt in the calendar. Drop off press releases at the Wednesday Avalanche offi ce at 19 E. Idaho Ave., Homedale, Line dancing lessons mail them to P.O. Box 97, Homedale, ID 83628, goes to a good home 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., free, Homedale Senior Citizens fax them to (208) 337-4867 or e-mail them to jon@ The quilt made by Ruth Clapier scheduled to do so at an event last Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave., Homedale. (208) owyheeavalanche.com. For more information on for the Friends of the Lizard Butte fall, but the day coincided with 337-3020 submissions, call (208) 337-4681. Library went to Sharon McIlveen, a terrible electrical storm, and lucky raffle ticket holder and the Rotarians gave the Friends Owyhee Gardeners president, on of the LBL a raincheck, Dottie May 16 at a benefi t breakfast at Christensen of the Friends of the 10 a.m. Lizard Butte Library said. The event also saw the return She also extended thanks to the of the storm-delayed Canyon many people who bought tickets, County Sunrise Rotary Club’s which included individuals from mobile kitchen, which catered as far away as Alaska and the the breakfast. The rotary had been East Coast. Page 8 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 THE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADVERTISING ELECTRICIAN CARPETSAND CARE & GRAVEL & JANI- AUTO REPAIR ADVERTISING Jim's Automotive H&H ELECTRIC 7HEEL!LIGNMENTs3UPSENSION7ORK Serving Owyhee "RAKESs%NGINE$IAGNOSTICSs#LUTCHES YOUR AD HERE! Owyhee Sand, 4RANSMISSION3ERVICEs,UBE /IL#HANGE YOUR AD HERE! County for 25 years Gravel & Concrete 4UNE 5PS $10.00 PER WEEK 337-5057 25 Years Experience $10.00 PER WEEK Jeff Haylett Bill 573-2341 • Ray 573-2339 Please call for Quotes & Appointments OWYHEE HOMEDALE, IDAHO  s  OWYHEE AVALANCHE 337-8018 ALL TYPES OF ROCK & DIRT email: [email protected] AVALANCHE Contractor License# 23189 STATE CERTIFIED DRAIN ROCK Jim R. Milburn 337-4681 Electrical Contractor - State of Idaho FREE ESTIMATES ON ROADS & DRIVEWAYS ,EWIS,ANEs#ALDWELL )DAHO 337-4681 Chuck, Ray & Bill Maxwell !3%#ERTIlED&OREIGN$OMESTIC CARPENTRY HEATING & COOLING LANDSCAPING STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS WE WELCOME Kelly Landscaping GREG KELLY - OWNER YOUR BUSINESS! Sprinkler System - Lawn Mowing STEEL BUILDINGS CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERICAL Installation, Maintenance & Blow-Outs NEW CONSTRUCTION • REMODELS Backhoe Services • Sod Since 1969 NO JOB TOO SMALL. HEATING & COOLING Concrete Curbs • Rock Entryways BOB PAASCH 482-7204 SERVICE • SALES • REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES %QUIPMENT3TORAGEs(AY3HEDs3HOP BOB'S CARPENTRY • WILDER CALL 573-1788 Office - (208) 402-4346 "ARNs!RENAs(ANGAR Se Habla Español - 899-3428 Cell - (208) 919-3364 Phone: 1 (866) 454-1800 20595 Farmway Road Idaho Lic # RCT-12463 FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. Idaho License # RCT-14906 Fax: 1 (866) 454-1801 www.rmsteel.com Caldwell, ID SIDING CONTRACTORS ADVERTISING ADVERTISING WATER TREATMENT, SEPTIC, PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING

MGM www.affordablerooterid.com Siding Contractors William T.Bruce Mpdbmmz!Pxofe!boe!Pqfsbufe YOUR AD HERE! YOUR AD HERE! CALL 1024 W. Finch Dr. TODAY! Nampa • 465-0214 • Fax 465-9831 $10.00 PER WEEK ICB# RCE-300 • OCCB# 164231 $10.00 PER WEEK RCT# 21157 208-475-0021 Vinyl, Steel & Aluminum Siding OWYHEE OWYHEE Vinyl Windows MJNJUFE!UJNF!PGGFST" AVALANCHE AVALANCHE 1. SEPTIC PUMPING $180 (FIRST 1000 GALLONS) 337-4681 337-4681 2. DRAIN CLEANING - ANY DRAIN $89.50 Craftsmanship You can Trust 3. WHOLE HOUSE WATER SOFTENER - STARTING AT $800 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES DENTAL SERVICES HOMEDALE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Homedale Clinic Marsing Clinic Homedale Dental J. Edward Perkins, Jr. D.C. Terry Reilly Health Services Terry Reilly Health Services Terry Reilly Health Services 111 S. Main - Homedale - 337-4900 Rebecca Ratcliff, MD Faith Peterson, CRNP Eight 2nd Street West, Richard Ernest, CRNP Family Nurse Practitioner Homedale, Idaho 83628 Your Pain and Wellness Clinic Family Nurse Practitioner 201 Main Street, Marsing, Id. 83639 337-6101 • Low Back Pain • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 108 E. Idaho, Box 1058 896-4159, Night 466-7869 • Leg Pain • Whiplash/ Car Accident Injuries Homedale, Idaho 83628 Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. 8:00 - 5:00 Jim Neerings, DDS • Neck Pain • Work Injuries 337-3189, Night 466-7869 Thursday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Monday - Thursday 7:30-1:30/2:00-6:00 • Headache Pain • Sports Injuries Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 - 5:00 Accepting Emergency Walk-Ins Daily • Shoulder Pain • Custom Orthotics (Shoe inserts) Tuesday 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Call 208/337-4900 for a Free Consultation We Welcome Medicaid and Private Insurance. ADVERTISING CONCRETE ADVERTISING STEEL ROOFING & SIDING STEEL ROOFING & SIDING

STEEL ROOFING 29 Years Experience Factory Direct & SIDING YOUR AD HERE! YOUR AD HERE! Since 1969 Made to Order &ORALLYOURBUILDINGOR $10.00 PER WEEK $10.00 PER WEEK REMODELINGPROJECTS OWYHEE OWYHEE %QUIPMENT3TORAGEs(AY3HEDs3HOP AVALANCHE AVALANCHE "ARNs!RENAs(ANGAR 337-4681 337-4681 Phone: 1 (866) 454-1800 20595 Farmway Road Fax: 1 (866) 454-1801 www.rmsteel.com Caldwell, ID


YOUR AD HERE! YOUR AD HERE! YOUR AD HERE! $10.00 PER WEEK $10.00 PER WEEK $10.00 PER WEEK OWYHEE OWYHEE OWYHEE AVALANCHE AVALANCHE AVALANCHE 337-4681 337-4681 337-4681 Van Slyke Road Wilder 465-2924 RCE 20496 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 9 Scholarships Homedale High School Sierra Aberasturi — Idaho Rodeo Scholarship, Ken Tamura Trustee Scholarship, Odd Fel- NOCWMA Promise Scholarship Memorial Scholarship lows/Rebekah Lodge Scholar- to hunt weeds Chance Bohr — Idaho Prom- Hannah Johnson — The Col- ship, Julie Badiola Memorial The North Owyhee County Weed ise Scholarship lege of Idaho Kathryn Albertson Scholarship Management Area (NOCWA) is Rachelle Christoffersen Scholarship, C of I Dean’s Schol- Abdencio Sanchez — Hispan- looking for volunteers to spray the — Ken Tamura Memorial Schol- arship, C of I Women’s Soft- ic Business Assn. Scholarship, perennial pepperweed on June 25. arship ball Scholarship, Idaho Promise U of I Access, Bruce Mitchell Photo from University of Idaho Briana Cornwall — Laura Scholarship Engineering Scholarship, U of Moore Cunningham Scholarship, Ashli Kesler — Homedale Li- I CAMP Scholarship, U of I Pepperweed spray day set Idaho Promise Scholarship ons Club Scholarship, James and CAMP Stipend, U of I Diver- Joseph Eckroat — University Trixie Miller Scholarship sity Scholarship, Idaho Promise There will be a perennial the Owyhee County Fairgrounds of Idaho Academic Achievement Rowdy Lair — Idaho Promise Scholarship pepperweed spray day on June 25, at 10 a.m. Award, Idaho Promise Scholar- Scholarship Jesica Sotelo — Idaho Promise the North Owyhee County Weed Telar will be the herbicide ship Mikal Mackenzie — Dr. Scholarship, U of I Access Grant Management Area (NOCWMA) distributed, and those taking Austin Emry — Roger and George & Lenora Wolff Schol- Amanda Stone — Idaho Prom- board decided at last Wednesday’s advantage of the spray day need Gayle Batt Ag. Involvement arship, Owyhee County Rodeo ise Scholarship regular meeting. to bring their sprayer rather than Scholarship, University of Mon- Scholarship, Blaise Black Foun- Kelsey Thatcher — Deward The spray day will start with a a makeshift container. tana LAS Award, University of dation Scholarship, Eastern Or- Bell Memorial Scholarship, FRA sprayer fi ll at 8 a.m. in Marsing People with tanks of 25 gallons Montana Athletic Scholarship egon University Scholar Award Americanism Essay Scholarship, at the USDA offi ce at N. 250 Old or greater capacity should call Ryan Garrett — Frank Mat- Kelsey Martinat — Homedale BYU-Idaho Award of Excellence Bruneau Highway. Gina Millard at 896-4544, ext. teson Memorial Scholarship, Lions Club Scholarship Scholarship, HSDEA Scholar- A second distribution will be 102, and special arrangements Canyon County Farm Bureau Nestor Machuca — Homedale ship held at the Homedale Armory at will be made. Scholarship, George T. Murray/ Lions Club Scholarship, James Ashley Thomson — Idaho Kiwanis Scholarship, Roger and and Trixie Miller Scholarship, Promise Scholarship Gayle Batt Ag. Involvement Steven Harrison Memorial Schol- Blanca Uriarte — Paul’s Mar- Scholarship, Lewis-Clark Presi- arship, NORCO Scholarship, kets Scholarship, U of I Access OCD summer tour dential Scholarship, Lewis-Clark James F. Lincoln Foundation Grant, U of I CAMP Scholar- Freshman Scholarship, Lewis- Scholarship ship, U of I CAMP Stipend, U Clark Leadership Scholarship, Trevor Meligan — Idaho of I Diversity Scholarship, Idaho sets out Thursday Lewis-Clark Counselor Leader- Promise Scholarship Promise Scholarship, Hispanic The Owyhee Conservation The day starts at 10 a.m. in ship Scholarship, Idaho Promise Kevin Mercado — Idaho Business Assn. Scholarship District (OCD) is having its Marsing at the USDA Service Scholarship, Promise Scholarship Brandon Valadez — Lewis- summer tour Thursday, offering Center located at 250 N. Old Trustee Scholar Award, Idaho- Mitchell Quintana — U of I Clark Misc. Presidential Schol- a chance to see what’s new, and Bruneau Highway. Attendees Oregon Fruit/Vegetable Assn. Academic Achievement Award, arship really in use, in conservation will carpool to the site at 10:15 Scholarship, Conner Landa Me- daho Promise Scholarship, Bryan Ryan Vance — Idaho Promise practices on a local farm. a.m., and introductions, a tour morial Scholarship, Silver City Tolmie Memorial Scholarship, Scholarship This year’s summer tour will to familiarize everyone with the Masonic Lodge Scholarship Kiwanis of Caldwell Honors Miguel Vasquez — Homedale visit the Rausch farm, which has conservation practices in use and Marco Gaspar — Homedale Scholarship Lions Club Scholarship, Hispanic put into use multiple practices a question-and-answer period will Lions Club Scholarship, COSSA Kendall Rupp — George T. Business Assn. Scholarship, U such as pivots, a wildlife follow. At noon, the OCD will Educators Assn. Scholarship Murray/Kiwanis Scholarship, of I CAMP Scholarship, U of I pond, quail condos, nutrient provide a deli tray luncheon and Jesus Gonzalez — Idaho Dekalb FFA Achievement Schol- CAMP Stipend, U of I Diversity management and water structures, sodas. Those attending are asked Promise Scholarship arship, HSDEA Scholarship Scholarship, COSSA Educators OCD administrative assistant to bring a dessert. Laken Hiser — Ken Tamura AnnaMaria Salas — Carol Assn. Scholarship, Frank Haylett Gina Millard said in an e-mail Those interested can call the Memorial Scholarship, Conner Lopez Memorial Scholarship, Memorial Scholarship to The Owyhee Avalanche. The OCD at 896-4544, ext. 102, for Landa Agriculture Scholarship Hispanic Business Assn. Schol- Daniel Zenor — Idaho Prom- project involved partnerships with a reservation. Please leave a Rye Hyer — Owyhee County arship, The College of Idaho ise Scholarship local, state and federal agencies. message. -&44$)8"#5*3&$&/5&3t)0.&%"-&t."34*/(

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Weather can’t halt Outpost Days A horney toad named Nod that were raffl ed, with Lee Flinn Several more vendors were in got the nod Sunday during the taking home the Ruger 10-22, attendance this year, covering the Murphy Outpost Days Horned and Rod Gallegos walking off green common area adjacent to Toad Race. with the Winchester 94. McKeeth Hall community center Sherri Simmonds entered the If turnout for the Buckaroo as well as the lane heading to the champion toad. Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday back of the museum property. Shoofl y, owned by Michaela is any indication, attendance at Outpost Days also was a Evans, was runner-up, and Abe this year’s Outpost Days was chance for the museum to show Riley’s Hard Trigger Hank pulled impressive given the state of the off improvements made with its in third. weather. Idaho Department of Commerce Zack Bates received the Best Bill Shaw, who was an Community Block Grant. New Old West visits Outpost Days Name award for Oreant Eater. organizer for the breakfast, said vintage street lights and a cement Above left: Meridian resident Jim Derderian inspects for evidence Aristotle, a toad entered by Cheryl the cooks ran out of ham on pathway has been poured behind of gold after panning at the Lucky Frog Mine exhibit. Above: “Ghost Simmonds, was named Biggest, Saturday and also scrambled to the Exhibit Hall, and a new Miner”, a k a Eric Smart of Meridian, left, and “Caleb” (Larry and Amanda Worlund’s Gully keep up with egg orders during parking lot has been poured in Hendrick of Nampa) load their revolvers before a fast draw competition Washer was tabbed Littlest. the weekend. front of the library. as part of the Treasure Valley GunSlingers attraction. A man from Rio Rancho, Members of the Treasure N.M., made off with the Outpost Valley GunSlingers of Caldwell Days quilt created by Charlene demonstrated the art of Cowboy Nettleton. Thomas Mayberry Fast Draw at a shooting range held the winning ticket. across from the Owyhee County Boise residents won the guns Historical Museum. More dependable. 3Mb High Speed Wireless Internet * 0IVOTSs7HEEL,INESs06# $ 95 3OLID3ET2ENTALSs0UMP2ENTALS -AINLINE2ENTALSs)RRIPOD$RAG,INES #ALLABOUTOURPREVENTATIVEMAINTENANCEPROGRAMFORPIVOTS For 6 19months with 1 year contract !.9"2!.$3#ERTIlED0IVOT4ECHNICIANSONHAND 0REVENTATIVE0ROGRAMSFROM4OWER !SKUSABOUT3PRINKLER,UBETOEXTENDTHELIFEOFYOURGEARBOXES Rain For Rent 1303 N. 20th Nampa, ID 208-466-8929

Rupert - 436-8888 Twin Falls - 732-8888 Make sure your irrigation system will operate at peak efficiency in the spring – have us check it out now. Our Reinke technicians are factory trained to keep your Boise - 331-9822 system trouble free. With regular seasonal maintenance, you’ll get more years out of your center pivot. Call now to schedule a fall maintenance check. www.reinke.com * Call For Details • Expires Soon! • $99 Installation Page 12 Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bodie Hyer, Raven Kelly, Lane Homedale FFA news Matteson, Laurien Mavey, Alex 4-H robotics day Submitted by Lori Harrison Star Chapter award: Ali Mereness, Aubrey Nash, Katie The Homedale FFA chapter McRae Price, Ryan Ryska, Wes Taggart, held its annual banquet on May Work Horse award: Drew and Mark Williams camp Thursday 11. We would like to thank Jason Farwell and Megan Harper Second-year recipients: Caitlyn Tindall for cooking the excellent Dekalb Award: Kendall Rupp. Johnson, Mikal Mackenzie, Ali Last-minute on Thursday and run until 2 tri-tip that everyone enjoyed. This The following scholarships McRae, Kali McRae, and Kara p.m. Snacks will be provided for was a night to honor outstanding were given to: McRae signups welcome hungry roboticists. chapter members and to announce Ken Tamura Scholarship: Third-year recipients: Kaitlyn The event will encourage the incoming offi cers. Rachelle Christoffersen, Rye Amos, Megan Harper, Drew for event at LBL children to learn ways to The following members Hyer, and Laken Hiser Farwell, Nestor Machuca, Summer communicate with and program received their Discovery degree: Steven Harrison Memorial Megargee, Mitch Quintana, and Marsing’s Lizard Butte Library their robots, overcome challenges, Hailee Aberasturi, Kolbie Gerdes, Scholarship: Nestor Machuca Anna Salas will be the site of young robotics solve problems, organize Kenny Harper, Fletcher Kelly, Roger and Gayle Batt Fourth-year recipients: Rachelle designers doing their best creative information, make decisions and Kristena Luna, Mike Mavey, Scholarship: Austin Emry and Christoffersen, Austin Emry, work on Thursday, and there is work with others. Gabby Nash, Arriana Rice, Nick Ryan Garrett Laken Hiser, Rye Hyer, Hannah still a chance to sign up today. The camp is free, and those Ryska, Kylie Schoonover, Erin The following members received Johnson, Ashli Kesler, Kendall The event, organized by the interested should contact 4-H Shenk, and Mickayla Taggart. their scholarship award: Kaitlyn Rupp, Ulysses Vargas, and Steve University of Idaho’s Owyhee coordinator Dre’ Castaneda or The Greenhand degree: Casey Amos, Casey Christoffersen, Williams County Extension Office and Judith McShane at the extension Christoffersen, Trey Corta, Katie Rachelle Christoffersen, Bri For the Proficiency awards, the library, will start at 10 a.m. offi ce at 896-4104, today. Eaton, Deena Emry, Kylie Farwell, Cornwall, Sydney Cornwall, Mark Williams received the Carissa Gardener, Tucker Gerdes, Katie Eaton, Austin Emry, Deena Swine Entrepreneurship award Bodie Hyer, Clay Johnson, Raven Emry, Drew Farwell, Kylie and Drew Farwell received the Kelly, Lane Matteson, Laurien Farwell, Carissa Gardner, Ryan Beef Entrepreneurship award. Choir graces Marsing Mavey, Zach Mereness, Aubrey Garrett, Megan Harper, Laken The slave auction top buyers Nash, Katie Price, Kyle Purdom, Hiser, Bodie Hyer, Rye Hyer, were Dwayne and Tracy Fisher Church of the Nazarene Brett Ryska, Brett Shanley, Wes Caitlyn Johnson, Clay Johnson, and Rodger Nash. The Grace Notes Choir from the The choir, with an average age Taggart, and Mark Williams. Hannah Johnson, Raven Kelly, Honorary degrees were also College Church of the Nazarene of 76, “are retired missionaries, The Chapter degree: Sydney Ashli Kesler, Mikal Mackenzie, presented to: Salvador Gonzalez, in Nampa will sing up a gospel preachers, bus drivers, counselors, Cornwall, Konner Baham, Lane Matteson, Laurien Mavey, Stuart and Lori Emry, Gary and storm at the Marsing Church of teachers, nurses, professors, Kaitlyn Hardin, Caitlyn Johnson, Ali McRae, Kali McRae, Kara Tynagh Rupp, Atina Kesler the Nazarene on Sunday at 11 clerks, secretaries, librarians and Ali McRae, Kali McRae, Kara McRae, Summer Megargee, Alex and Wayne Wallace, and Brody a.m. some other really cool folks,” McRae, and Summer Phelps. Mereness, Aubrey Nash, Summer Kesler. The Grace Notes, 60 seniors O’Connor said. The State FFA degree: Phelps, Katie Price, Kyle Purdom, The new 2009-2010 FFA offi cers from the College Church, plan to He added that the choir had Rachelle Christoffersen, Drew Mitch Quintana, Kendall Rupp, are: Drew Farwell, president; present a full morning of gospel “taken seriously God’s command Farwell, Megan Harper, Laken Anna Maria Salas, and Greg Alex Mereness, vice-president; music featuring both traditional to go forth and multiply.” As a Hiser, Kendall Rupp, and Steve Truesdell. Caitlyn Johnson, secretary; Megan and contemporary compositions, whole, the choir has 159 children, Williams. The Letter award was given Harper, treasurer; Ali McRae, Marsing pastor Bill O’Connor 356 grandchildren and 115 great- The following members to: reporter; Kaitlyn Hardin, sentinel; said in a release Wednesday. The grandchildren. received awards: First-year recipients: Casey Kaitlyn Amos and Aubrey Nash, concert will be free and open to The Grace Notes Choir Star Greenhand award: Aubrey Christoffersen, Deena Emry, historians; and Lori Harrison, the public. The church is located performs year-round at churches, Nash and Mark Williams. Kylie Farwell, Tucker Gerdes, advisor. at 12 2nd Ave. in Marsing. care centers and civic events. Basque club schedules annual picnic June 28 Duncan Creek murders focus The annual Txoko Ona Basque followed by entertainment from the Oinkari Dancers of Boise as Picnic is set for Sunday, June 28, at 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. From 6 p.m. well as Basque weightlifting and the club’s community center, 333 S. to 9 p.m., there will be music. The carrying contests, a sheepherder at Bruneau and Beyond Main St., in Homedale. Lunch will afternoon fun will include Basque bread exhibition, ahizpak design The Bruneau Valley Library considerable research into the be served from noon to 1:30 p.m., dance by Herribatz Dantzariak and and a tug of war. will host one more program of murders of Everett Hill and Wil- Bruneau and Beyond before go- liam Davidson. His talk will focus ing in to recess for the summer, on tales of historical incidents according to a release from library in and around Reynolds Creek, Summer trustee Judy Erwin. The last one, Wilson and Givens, where his slated for June 17, should be inter- ancestors settled. esting, as it focuses on the Duncan The event will start at noon at Dollar Creek murders of 1889. the Bruneau Valley Library, and Jim Ware of Boise is a descen- is open to the public; however, dant of Fred Bachman, lone wit- Library Director Clara Morris re- ness and survivor of the murders, quests visitors make reservations Days and will speak on the incident. by Monday. Ware, who operates a manage- She can be reached at 845-2131 ment consulting fi rm, has done or 845-2345. Thursdays - $1.00 games 59th Annual for kids 17 & Under **** El Korah Friday - Bowling to the Oldies! Shrine Circus $1.00 Games for Seniors 55 & Up Friday - Saturday - Sunday June 19, 20 & 21 %XPO)DAHO&AIRGROUNDSs"OISE )DAHO 4:30 & 7:30 pm Daily June 1 through August 1 Tickets Available at the Gate or at General Ticket Admissions: Noon to 5:00 pm only Adult: $12.00 Under 12: $6.00 Under 3: FREE Noble Ticket: $12.00 Owyhee Lanes Active Duty Military FREE with ID Card and Restaurant • 337-3757 at the corner of Owyhee & W. 1st North owyheelandr.com Homedale, Idaho • 337-3757 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 13 Rimrock FFA news Submitted by Anna Cantrell Competition. The judging was On Wednesday, May 13, 2009, held at Gem Pack in Boise. Five the Rimrock FFA Livestock other schools competed including Judging Team competed in the Kuna, Meridian, Nampa, Melba Boise Valley District Judging and Middleton. Competition. Judges included Rimrock took home third place, Gilbert Doan, Brittany Rahier, judges included Gilbert Doan, Tasha Belling, and Geramy King. Travis Jackson, Clay Cantrell, and The judging was held in Ontario, Anna Cantrell. Oregon at the Malheur County Both teams competed at Fairgrounds. the State Career Development On Wednesday, May 27, Experience competition, which 2009, the Rimrock FFA Meats was held June 1-6 in Moscow. Judging Team competed in the Dairy and Ag Mech teams also Boise Valley District Meats competed.

HMS gets a crash course in chess Members of Homedale High School’s chess club gave Homedale Middle School students a starter course in the world of chess on May 19. Kelly Schamber’s sixth grade class learned the basics of movement and strategy with help from HHS juniors Aaron Proferes, Aaron Serrano and Jeff Krasko. In addition to being fun, and teaching logic, foresight and planning, Schamber said studies have show kids with chess skills do better in academic testing. Tired Furniture and Appliances? Trade ‘em in on New at parma furniture! % ") $%)

&! = "$ ! #( #   With Trade-In! (&"! '#!! Rimrock FFA team competes at State  #( #!!(! ;19090-5:7+0*8-4. WASHER: = Leather Swivel Rocker The Rimrock FFA chapter’s Meat team recently returned from the  6:*21.<13/&01725442 F (,?0=%08;0=,?@=0> Leather! "$#  *5521*3+-8 #WTW5100VQ Recliner *< 907::3-    DRYER: $ state Career Development Experience competition, which ended %!$  "--8947-.47,-9*128   F@?:8,?4.=DD.70>    #WED5100VQ 499 Saturday in Moscow. The team included, from left, Gilbert Doan, Clay @ Cantrell, Travis Jackson and Anna Cantrell. Submitted photo '12948774 !,!*,3*0. '12948774 @ !2.,.8842*6,.!*,3*0. &! = 44 79 " ##  #!!  44 79 with 4 Radiant Burners, Ceramic Glass  Cooktop & EasyView™ $ $ $    *246".+*;. Extra-Large Oven  Window #WFE301LVB 699 899 995 Rebate Good: 5-21 to 6-14, 2009 pair pair pair  &! = With Trade-In!  $# %!#! With Trade-In! ! &% % with 950 Cooking Adrian man and lab win Watts & Sunken Glass Turn Table #WMH1162XVB Extra Large Recliner &! = Leather & ('#! !#$ Cloth In Stock! $ = = = =  #( 799 &!  &!  &!  &!  "&"! at all-terrain dog trials $#"( ( #(> " "$ ! #( "!!!# ! ! &%! " ## ##$ with Power Clean    #!! "&"! Wash System, High with Electronic Ice and Temp Wash & Quiet ® ™ Water Dispenser & with 1.6 cu. ft., & 950 with CleanTop Ceramic with SheerClean Wash Noise Reduction Humidity Controlled Watts Cooking Power Glass Cooking System Direct Feed Wash #DU930PWSB Crisper #ED5FVGXWS #WMH1162XVS #WFE366LVS System #DU1055XTVS Cf!Tvsf!up!tupq!cz!Pme!Gpsu!Cpjtf!Ebzt!jo!Qbsnb"! $12::8*,.9.:.9=.-/79?7<97>6,<:;755.::*0.79/26*6,2607/ /.9 *UNE  sWWWOLDFORTBOISEDAYSORG All in stock avail. &! = ')%)" With Trade-In! With Trade-In! With Trade-In!  $# for next day "#"""#  '!"#  With Trade-In! %!#! delivery. ! &% % "    with 950 Watts   !  #MH3184XPS  "         !   ! With Trade-In!&! =    "#"""#    " ##   #!!   with 4 Radiant Burners, Ceramic      Glass Cooktop &      5.3 Cu. Ft.   Capacity Oven &! = $# &! = $# &!  = $#   #GFE461LVS # !)!!!!# ! "("!!!# ! ! !!!!# ! !*29".+*;. with SpillMizer™ Glass Shelves with EZ-Touch Crushed/Cubed Ice with Accu-Chill™ Temperature "$ and Humidity Controlled Crisper and Water Dispenser & Adjustable Management System & Clear  #W8TXNGFW SpillGuard™ Glass Shelves Humidity-Controlled Crispers  Sofa/Sectionals - Over 200 Assorted Styles #$  #ED5KVEXVB #GX2FHDXVQ     Sofa & tionalLove   = or Sechoice   &!   your c   ##$ Save!     "&"! With Trade-In! with SheerClean™ Direct ! Feed Wash System, &    ™  ! Quiet Partner I Sound Package    #DU1055XTVQ Sectional One Year      (!"$& !*29".+*;. & Sofa Loves    = in stock     9   &!  9  Usbef!jo!zpvs!"$ ! #(   ! ##$ Sofa & Sofa/Sleeper In Stock   &! ! = $#! #(# Pme!Gvsojuvsf!"&"!   No Interest! with 6 Automatic Cycles,  &"!#!!(! !  Fully Integrated Control WASHER: with 9 Cycles, 4 Temperatures & Direct boe0ps!Bqqmjbodft! O.A.C. Panel, 14 Place Settings,  ! Inject Wash System #WTW6500VW   boe!Tbwf"!and Quiet Partner™ III DRYER: with 7 Cycles, 5 Temperature Options & Sound Package  ! AccelerCare® Drying System #WED6200SW See Store for#G Udetails2275XTVQ

Replacing your old appliances with models that have earned the ENERGY STAR® is the smart choice. ENERGY STAR qualified appliances save energy, save you money on utility and water costs, and help Sofa or Sectional fight global warming. Nptu!jufnt!jo!tupdl!¦¼!Tpnf!jufnt!nbz!cf!Cbdlpsefsfe In Stock BEAT THE HEAT WITH AN AIR CONDITIONER! 42%!4$!$4/!,!.%2%#,).%2 ON SALE NOW!! U-Haul Savings! Bedroom size - $119 /23%#4)/.!,,/43/&/4(%2 12,000 BTU - $299 &!4(%2 3$!9')&43).34/2% Prices That Take You Back in Time! Carpet or Vinyl Flooring from $9.95/Yd. MANY NAME BRANDS AVAILABLE! Installation Available Financing Available Free Estimates Idaho/Oregon Adrian school worker retires to dog Public/Licensed Contractors training success Mike Castro Jr. and his black lab, Lady Alexis, received championship Parma Furniture Co. honors at the Copple Lundy Dog Trials in Idaho. The pair won the “Like Having A Friend At The Factory” derby portion of the water and land trials. Mike recently retired from We’re proud of our association with the largest SE4Ut1BSNB *EBIP buying organization in the country, which brings you the combined purchasing power of the Adrian School District and states he gave up fi shing on the Owyhee thousands of retail stores nationwide. This huge buying power is passed along to our customers by means of lower prices every day on the finest River for his new love of training canines. AHS Photography tUPMMGSFF name brand products in the world. Page 14 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 PPageage 1155 P Pageage 1155 Local boys head to Fishing forecast and Wrangler rodeo Avalanche Sports free fishing day

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2009 HHS frosh Eby moves into IFL interceptions lead Homedale High School graduate Eby’s two INTs gave him a a co-team-high six tackles for quarterback Terrance Bryant came are All-SRV Michael Eby moved to the top league-best nine as the playoff- Billings, which has two games at the goal line in the second of the Indoor Football League’s bound Outlaws won their 10th game remaining on its regular-season quarter, turning away a Storm list for interceptions this season of the season. Eby passed Joey schedule. He’s second on the team scoring attempt and preserving the in baseball Saturday when he picked off two Longoria of Abilene (Texas) and in tackles behind Kelly Rouse. Outlaws’ 28-7 edge. His second With three freshmen landing passes in a game for the second Laroche Jackson of Bloomington A former Eastern Oregon pick came in the fourth quarter on the All-3A Snake River Val- time in his brief professional (Ill.) into the top spot. University linebacker, Eby’s and set up the Outlaws’ ninth ley conference baseball team, career. A free safety, Eby also recorded fi rst interception of Sioux Falls touchdown. Homedale High School’s best seasons could be immediately ahead. JV’s Mackenzie wins rodeo all around Second-year coach Burke Deal announced last week that left- Two other handed pitcher Zac Lowder, a ninth-grader, was placed on the Owyhee cowboys fi rst team after the Trojans’ 6-19 season that ended one victory shy win District II of the 3A state tournament. event titles Lowder pitched a no-hitter against McCall-Donnelly in the Jordan Valley High School play-in game of the 3A District rodeo team member Brandan III Tournament. The performance Mackenzie surged past Vallivue’s capped a season in which he went Ringo Robinson during the 4-3 with a 2.33 earned-run aver- weekend’s action in Caldwell age. At the plate, Lowder batted to win the District II all around .269. He also played fi rst base for cowboy championship. Homedale. Mackenzie solidifi ed his title Three underclassmen joined with performances during the fi nal senior outfi elder Rodrigo Villar- district rodeos of the year Friday real on the all-conference second and Saturday at the Caldwell team. Villarreal batted .278 with Night Rodeo. Rimrock’s Sierra 12 runs scored in 18 games. He Ridley finished second in the Rye Hyer a Homedale grad, winning the District ll High School Rodeo Steer Wrestling Year end Champion was 16-for-17 to lead the team in girls’ all around race. ship, and a trip to the state fi nals rodeo the 15-21 of June in Pocatello Photo by WT Bruce stolen bases. Mackenzie and partner Bryan Freshmen Trey Corta (infi eld) Reay of Adrian High, finished Bodie Hyer will compete in crown by three points. Mackenzie weekend. and Isaac Lopez (pitcher) and second to Robinson and partner boys’ cow cutting Monday. Rye and Clow also will head to Adrian rookie Maddy sophomore catcher Jonny Stacey Brianne Baty in the team roping was second during the District II Pocatello after fi nishing fourth Pendergrass tied Sierra Bott for also were on the second team. championship race. Also moving season. Melba’s Austin Clow also and sixth, respectively, on the the breakaway roping district Corta, who played the majority on in team roping is the duo of qualifi ed for the state rodeo. season. Reay, Easterday and Bodi championship and will head to of his games at shortstop, was one Melba’s Austin Clow and Jared Jordan Valley’s Dusty Easterday Hyer fi nished in the top 10. Pocatello. of the Trojans’ leading offensive Thompson. wrapped up the district title in Melba’s Kyler Dygert will join Ridley will compete at the players. He hit a team-high .339, Mackenzie and Reay — and saddle bronc by winning both fellow Owyhee County resident state fi nals rodeo in barrel racing. scored a team-leading 17 runs, a handful of other Owyhee prep Friday and Saturday in Caldwell. Clow at the Bannock County She fi nished tied for second with collected a co-team-high 13 RBI. rodeo competitors — will compete He finished second only twice Fairgrounds for tie down roping. Emily Robertson. Ridley also He also had a team-best .488 in the Idaho State High School during the 10-rodeo season — Dygert was third, seven points qualified in pole bending after on-base percentage and swiped Finals Rodeo at the Bannock both days of the Homedale stop in out of the championship after ending the regular season in fi fth eight bases. County Fairgrounds in Pocatello May. Mackenzie also will compete a runner-up showing Saturday. place. Stacey played in all 25 games later this month. in Pocatello in saddle bronc after Clow fi nished fi fth. Mackenzie The state rodeo begins at 9 a.m. for the Trojans, scoring 16 runs The top six competitors in each fi nishing a distant second to his missed a trip to state by five Monday with cow cutting. Rodeo and hitting .269. event qualify for the state rodeo, Mustangs teammate. points. performances will be held at 10 Outfielder Jose Gonzales which begins Saturday with queen Rye Hyer brought another Homedale’s Mikal Mackenzie a.m. and 7 p.m. daily between earned an honorable mention nod. competition and runs through championship to the Owyhee will compete at State in her Tuesday and Friday, with the The junior hit Homedale’s only June 20 with the fi nal go-round of country, winning both days’ final year of prep rodeo. She top 20 competitors in each event two home runs, and was perfect in the rodeo and queen coronation. competition at CNR to move past fi nished third in goat tying despite returning for the fi nal at 10:15 eight stolen base attempts. Homedale brothers Rye and Todd Lindstrom and clinch the not placing in either rodeo last a.m. on June 20. — JPB Recent NASCAR truck winner Scott has Owyhee ties While he’s not exactly a local supermarket — the name of which ered,” he commented. “I’ve seen Washington. The very fi rst race he no stranger to going fast, as a for- boy now, still has lo- rides on the hood of Scott’s truck. so many times when the leaders recalls watching was at Sandhol- mer jet-boat racer and 1992 world cal roots, which makes his May 30 After the race, Scott admitted in have been leading getting to the low Raceway Park in Caldwell, he champion in the sport. win at the AAA Insurance 200 in an interview online that he thought white — especially with all of the said in his NASCAR bio. In 2007, Brian Scott had seven Dover, Del. special. for sure he’d be next to suffer a tires problems that had happened. He moved onto asphalt in 2006, starts, and no fi nishes in the top Scott, driving the No. 16 Albert- blowout, in a contest that saw the All I was thinking was, ‘Oh great, as well as moving to North Caro- 10. In 2008 he drove everything he sons Toyota Tundra, took his fi rst lead change hands repeatedly as I’m going to get to the white and lina, but never saw the checkered could, racking up 25 starts, seven career NASCAR Camping World tires failed. Scott, , then I’m going to blow a tire going fl ag behind the wheel of sprints or top-10 and two top-fi ve fi nishes. Truck Series checkered fl ag in a and Jason White into one.” He kept worrying about Super Late Models. This year he started seven times, race that saw a lot of competitors stayed out on the track after leader that through turns two, three, and In early 2007, his father, JB but unlike his freshman no-show done in the last stages in a storm and each four, but the tires he and his crew Scott, bought the financially year of 2007, he has so far posted of tire failures. blew right front tires and hit the had decided to risk the last 10 laps strapped Xpress Motorsports four top-10s, two top-fi ves and a Scott is son to Nyssa, Ore. outside wall — both on lap 184, on held for Scott’s fi rst big win. from Dave Fuge, who had taken win for fi nishes. millionaire JB Scott, grandson to both in the same turn at the Dover Scott began in auto sports as an it over just three years previously The tattoo on his shoulder reads Homedale High class of 1948 grad International Speedway. open wheel dirt racer. At the age from original owner Steve Coulter. “Hammer Down”. Scott seems to LaVonne Scott, and great grandson “First off, I didn’t even think of 12 he raced mini-sprint cars on Brian, now driving for his dad, be taking that to heart. to , founder of the I’d won once I took the check- local tracks throughout Idaho and seemed to fi nd his groove. JB was — MML Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 15 Sports No license needed to fi sh for free this Saturday From Idaho Fish and Game Fish and Game Nampa offi ce at from Swan Falls to Payette for and Oregon Fish and Wildlife (208) 465-8465. smallmouth, with good catfi sh- reports The state Department of Fish ing all the way to Brownlee Anglers of all ages can fi sh and Game also has announced Reservoir. without a license throughout where it will plant catchable-sized Owyhee County and Idaho on rainbow trout during June. Oregon fi shing Saturday, which is the Idaho A total of 92,000 fi sh will go OWYHEE RESERVOIR Department of Fish and Game’s into regional lakes and ponds, — Featuring largemouth bass, Free Fishing Day. including 1,000 at the Marsing smallmouth bass, black crappie, Residents and non-residents Pond at Island Park. yellow perch, catfish. Water Any angler of any age can fi sh this Saturday for free, and with waters both can fi sh for free, but they The Marsing Pond was the level in the reservoir is decreas- th warming bass and crappie will be joining trout in creels throughout must still follow all other fi shing site of the 10 annual Leroy ing slightly. The reservoir was the state. rules and regulations. Breshears Free Fishing Day for 55 percent full on May 31. Wa- “Free fi shing day provides a children on Saturday morning. Try skipping bass fi shing during between 9-10 inches, a few to ter level is below the bottom of great opportunity for novices to the day. 13 inches. Jig color and fi shing the ramp at McCormick State give fi shing a try and perhaps Idaho fi shing Rainbows: Better than normal depth seem to make little differ- Park and even with the bottom develop it into a life-long pur- C.J. Strike Reservoir for this time of year. The hotspots ence. Fish near shore in rocky of the ramp at Leslie Gulch. At suit,” Fish and Game regional Idaho Power has completed seem to be below the dam near areas with trees overhanging the Leslie Gulch, small boats may fish manager Jeff Dillon said. construction on all boat ramps. the turbine outlets and from the water. Please take as many as you be launched and retrieved, but it “Parents are encouraged to bring Yellow Perch: Fishing for dam on the lake side near the tur- care to clean and eat in the near may be diffi cult to launch larger their children out for a day of fun yellow perch is fair. Use small bine inlets - just upstream from future: they won’t last forever in boats. Other boat ramps are open fi shing excitement.” pieces of cut bait and fi sh from the cable barrier. Most folks can the freezer. for normal use. Angling for crap- Although nothing is planned in the dam near the turbine inlets. catch a limit in a couple of hours. Catfi sh: The Bruneau Arm is pie and bass is good. Owyhee County, there are local The perch have been running A few fi sh up to 20 inches have good on the eastern end. Fish the events in the F&G’s Southwest about 9-11 inches. been caught recently. Worms fl ats in six to 10 feet of water us- LOWER OWYHEE RIVER Region geared toward taking a Smallmouth Bass: Fishing is fi shed on the bottom seem to be ing cut bait or something stinky. — Fish for brown trout and child fi shing. unusually poor for this time of the ticket. The best fi shing has been in the hatchery rainbow trout. Flows The nearest events to Owyhee year. Most people who set out to Bluegill: Quite a few really early morning and late evening below the dam averaged 230 County include a fi shing day for fi sh for bass are frustrated and nice ones are showing up lately. or night. cubic feet per second (cfs) on children 13 and younger from 8 resort to fi shing for crappie. Fish Fish under trees hanging in the May 31. Angling for rainbow and a.m. to noon at the Nampa Fish rocky shoreline areas or gradual water. The same areas holding Bruneau Sand Dunes brown trout remains good. Hatchery Pond. sloping banks with small gravel. crappie are holding some nice The bluegill fishing is very A similar kids event will be Use plastic baits (tubes, grubs, bluegill. Use worms fi shed six good. UPPER OWYHEE RIVER held at Legacy Park Pond in etc) or crankbaits in dark colors. to eight feet down. — Fish for smallmouth bass and Mountain Home from 8 a.m. to The best fi shing has been early Crappie: Without a doubt, Snake River channel catfi sh. Discharge at the 1 p.m. Pizza lunch will be served morning and the last hour of the best thing going at CJ right Snake River fl ows are drop- Rome gauge averaged 407 cfs on at that fi shing hole. sunlight to dark. Topwater plugs now. Crappie are being caught ping, so smallmouth and catfi sh May 31. Angling for smallmouth For more information regard- are catching the most, fish in all over the reservoir in huge should really take off in the next and channel catfish should be ing Free Fishing Day, contact the the early morning and evening. numbers. Most of the fish are few weeks. Focus on the stretch improving.

Straight shooters set sail for New Mexico and Wrangler Finals

Representatives of the local area at the Wrangler Junior High Finals Rodeo will be Homedale Middle School student Tell Hyer, on the left, and Adrian Middle School student Tyler Reay. Reay and Hyer placed fi rst and second, respectively, in the light rifl e event qualifi er held in Filer during the last weekend in May.

Local students reach Wrangler rodeo

Two Owyhee country middle- The two boys earned spots in $2,000 in scholarship money up schoolers will represent the state the national rodeo after Reay won for grabs. at the Wrangler Junior High Finals and Hyer fi nished second at the Along with the shooting and Rodeo later this month. Wrangler state fi nals rodeo, which rodeo competition, Reay and Hyer Homedale seventh-grader Tell was held May 28-31 in Filer. will have a chance to socialize Hyer, the son of George and Dolly Neither boy had entered a with other competitors through Hyer, and Adrian sixth-grader competitive rifl e shooting event nightly contestant dances, family- Tyler Reay, the son of Mike and before. oriented activities, the WJHFR Brenda Reay, will compete in the They will practice until leaving trade show as well as visits to his- Light Rifl e Event at the June 28- for New Mexico on June 27. The torical attractions in New Mexico July 4 rodeo in Gallup, N.M. national rodeo has as much as and nearby Arizona. Page 16 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Weekend events battle weather Despite weather ranging from the unpredictable to the downright hostile, weekend events in both Marsing and Homedale saw attendees enjoy everything from carnivals to fi shing to a cleaner car. While turnouts were lower than organizers expected almost everywhere — most crediting the weather and the competition from other events for the sparse head-count —those that were there seemed to be having a great time. Leroy Breshears Memorial Fishing Day

by Craig Mickelson, a girl at 1 pound 4 ounces, measuring Idaho Fish and Game 14 ¼ inches. Both young anglers were Young anglers arrived early to awarded a new fi shing rod for catching get the best fi shing spot on Saturday the largest fi sh of the day. for the 10th annual Leroy Breshears Riley Jerome, 7, of Marsing, caught Memorial Fishing Day at Marsing the fi rst limit of trout by a boy and was Pond. At the sound of the siren at 9 awarded a new fi shing rod. A short a.m., monofi lament fi shing lines were time later, sister Kelsey Jerome, 4, seen fl ying to catch some of the lunker caught the fi rst limit of trout by a girl. trout stocked just two days prior. Many thanks to the volunteers that Just three minutes after the event helped make the 10th annual Leroy began, Brody Gaertner, 7, of Marsing, Breshears Memorial Fishing Day a Prize-winning anglers Clockwise from above: Riley and Kelsey Jerome, caught the fi rst fi sh by a boy and ran the success for young anglers. Idaho Fish Arnold Gonzalez, Bailey Bowman, Brody Gaertner and fi sh over to claim his new fi shing rod. and Game offi cers, Idaho Fish and Cheyenne Davis. At the same time, Cheyenne Davis, 8, Game reservists, Owyhee County Photos courtesy Craig Mickelson. of Jordan Valley, carried the fi rst fi sh deputies, Owyhee County Sheriff’s caught by a girl up to the weighing Posse members and Marsing Fire scale. Cheyenne’s trout weighed 1 Department helped out at the event. pound, 2 ounces and measured 13½ Volunteers rigged up fi shing rods inches. and gave out loaner rods for the day The fi shing pressure increased on to young anglers. Volunteers also the pond as more children showed up helped anglers with the proper casting for the event. A total of 134 youngsters techniques and untangled many lines. signed up and fi shed at the event. At Barbecued hot dogs, chips, drinks, noon, a head-count at the pond showed and ice cream were enjoyed by all 114 adults at the event. participants. Arnold Gonzalez, 12, of Marsing, caught the biggest fi sh by a boy at — Mickelson and Idaho Fish and 2 pounds 3 ounces. It measured a Game also wanted to extend a thank- whopping 17 inches. Just before the you to the 30 local sponsors who gave end of the event, Bailey Bowman, 9, time, money and equipment to make of Marsing, caught the biggest fi sh by the event a success.

Callers confab Left: Contestants competed over the weekend at the 2009 Snake River Calling Championship at the Hyer and Sons Ranch near Homedale. Callers from the area met to compete for cash prizes and enjoy a barbecue lunch. Michael Callian, pictured, won fi rst prize in novice open duck calling. The event was organized by the Banded Brothers, an association of callers and waterfowlers in Twin Falls, Boise and Homedale.

Gray skies slow Homedale events The second incarnation of the Homedale block party saw fi tful foot traffi c and fought sprinkles early on, above, though the Fun Time Carnival in Riverside Park, below, still managed to get in a few good rides before thunderstorms arrived in the late afternoon.

A dirty job... Homedale cheerleaders rolled up their sleeves and washed cars to raise money for uniforms and equipment on Saturday. Backcountry Deputy Gary Olsen brought his rig in for a wash, and the squad got to remove some serious mud. Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 17 Looking back... from the fi les of The Owyhee Avalanche and Owyhee Chronicle

25 years ago 50 years ago 140 years ago June 13, 1984 June 11, 1959 June 5, 1869

City represented at Boys State by Shanley, Hyde Lost boy spends night in Silver City mountains MILLING AND MINING. The Ida Ellmore mill is Delegates representing Homedale High School at the Tommy Levanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Croshaw, running fi fteen, and sometimes twenty, stamps; and is 1984 session of Idaho Boys State, June 3-8, were Randy walked into a fi shing camp near Wagontown, of Mr. and in splendid condition. It is crushing quartz from the Ida Shanley and David Hyde. Mrs. Frank Bayless, Route 4, Caldwell, Friday after Ellmore mine. The boys participated in the weeklong session held spending the night in the rugged mountains surrounding The New York and Owyhee mill is crushing quartz at on BSU Campus and were sponsored by the Homedale Silver City. present from the Golden Chariot mine. The quartz from American Legion Post. Some of the Leadership Action The boy was the object of an extensive search Friday both the Ida Ellmore and Golden Chariot mines is rich Program training involved classes in how our government when he became separated from his 4-H group Thursday and paying well. works, the election of city, county and state offi cials, the while on a camping trip and hike. The Sinker mill, on Sinker creek, Mr. Johnson writing of legislative bills and visitation to the State Capitol Search parties included seven members of the sheriff’s Superintendent, has been recently started, and is crushing using the Senate and Representative Chambers. posse, 11 horsemen, and members of the Homedale quartz from the Baxter mine. Shanley, son of Rick and Millie Shanley, has lettered in national guard, volunteers, and six planes, including the We hope before many days to hear the regular whistle football, basketball, baseball and track. In track, he helped teams of Dale Jackson and Deputy Sheriff Tom Brunzell of every mill in our camp. We do not profess to be much to set an impressive state record in the mile relay as well and John Cook and Mrs. Virginia Crain. of a miner, but it has occurred to us at times, that now, as as a track record in the 400 relay at the Parma Invitational Sheriff Al Barberis said the boy told him that after the milling season has fairly opened, and the principal Track Meet. Other activities include H Club, Soph. class becoming separated from the other, he wandered around mills are going, they might be kept going winter and secretary and Junior class sergeant-at-arms. While at Boys Florida mountain, built a fi re and stayed there all night. summer — that is, if the rock can be taken out of the mines State he was a member of Soda Springs City Council and in suffi cient quantities. By laying in quartz and wood Chief of Police. He was also a member of the House of Adrian baseball team wins ahead during the summer, even at a heavy outlay during Representatives. Adrian retained its Oregon class B high school baseball the time, would keep the mills going all winter, and the Hyde, son of Rosel and Nina Hyde, has lettered in championship Saturday night by defeating Gaston, 5-4, in mines could be worked all winter. Thus, there would be football, track and wrestling. He is a member of Jazz the opener of a tripleheader to decide three state titles. no suspension of either milling or mining during our long Band, German Club, H Club, Weight-Lifting Club, and the Adrian downed Gaston 12-2 for the 1958 title. and tedious winters. Society of Distinguished American High School Students. The reason why this plan has not been heretofore He is also an Eagle Scout candidate and a member of Albert Eidemiller re-elected school board chairman adopted, we presume, is because rock could not be taken BSA Order of the Arrow. He is an active member of the George Wolff and James Purdom were given the trustees out in quantities suffi cient for this objective. We presume, LDS church youth group where he has served in several oath of offi ce by Albert Eidemiller, school board chairman, however, that our mill and mine owners will have an eye to leadership offi ces. At Boys State he was a citizen of Mt. at the regular meeting June 8. this present season. It would make a great deal difference Idaho City and served in the Department of Agriculture. A total of $807.48 in bills for May were approved. to our camp during our long winters. Albert Eidemiller was unanimously re-elected chairman, To a friend on War Eagle Mountain we are indebted City council to meet tonight Allen George, vice-chairman and Richard Eismann, for the following special items: Prospecting is now being The Homedale City Council will hold its regularly attorney; Leonard Wilson, clerk – treasurer and Jim carried on, over the whole length and breadth of War Eagle scheduled meeting tonight at 8pm and several items are Duncan, assistant clerk and treasurer were retained. Mountain. Among these we notice Mr. Sommercamp on on the agenda. the south extension of the Red Jacket; also parties on the The Council will hear public testimony and vote on Dora Upton is new legion aux. president discovery of the same. This mine has already yielded Ordnance No. 246 which will allot $7,100 for the operation The American Legion auxiliary elected Dora Upton as considerable ore, of a character little differing in quality of the Homedale swimming pool for the summer season. president at the regular meeting Tuesday, June 9. About from that of our richest mines; after being so long idle, it All the money is expected to come from the sales of daily 13 members attended the dinner meeting. has been taken in hand, by men of energy, who will soon passes and season passes. Other officers elected were Blanche Johnson, vice make it give up its known wealth; all that is required to Other items under consideration include a discussion president Irene Nazworthy, secretary, Margie Echevarria, make this one of our many rich mines, is depth, as has on whether the city will take over the billing for city treasurer, and Laudena Hetrick, historian. been proven by all those of this camp. residential irrigation from the South Board of Control. In the Baxter ledge, at the two hundred foot level, very An agreement between the city and the Ponderosa Girls State sessions start rich ore has been found, with a ledge of two and a half feet subdivision dealing with the process of maintenance and The 13th annual Syringa Girls State opened at the College in width, where one hundred and fi fty tons of ore was soon billing of the subdivision’s pump will be discussed. of Idaho Sunday, June 7 and will run through June 13. It is taken out, which is now being milled at the Sinker mill. The council will vote whether to sell the old dump sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. This mine bids fair to become a good paying claim. property to the Homedale Rod and Gun Club. Mayor Paul Gayle Anderson, Gretchen Nazworthy and Carol Mills, The rapid working of the Ida Ellmore mine for the last Fink said this decision is being made because the city is Wilder, are sponsored by the auxiliary of Homedale. two months has been greatly retarded by the want of an fi nding it impossible to maintain the dump to State Law The girls are learning the operation of municipal and air circulation, which we are pleased to state has now been safety and health standards. state government. Several outstanding guest speakers will made, connecting main shaft with the winze on the two talk to the girls on different phases of government. hundred and fi fty foot level, a distance of two hundred Marsing chamber adds salt to Homedale’s defeat The installation service for the offi cers of Girls State is and fi fty feet, and throughout carries a body of rich ore, A story of woe and hardship was given by Homedale open to the public and Homedale residents are urged to averaging, if not exceeding, two feet and a half in width; Chamber of Commerce president Mike Blankenship at the attend this beautiful and colorful ceremony, today at 7pm the lower thirty feet of this vein has a width over fi ve feet; last meeting when he tried to explain the reasons for the at the College. of this, it is almost unnecessary to speak for its ore, which Chamber’s loss to Marsing in the recent horny toad race can be seen on the dump, glittering with metal, is more at Outpost Day. New post offi ce to be dedicated June 20 potent than any praise of ours; for no person can look at the According to Blankenship, he spent 4 1/2 hours on Postmaster Vic Uria announced today the new post offi ce ore now being taken from the Ida Ellmore shaft, with its Thursday before the event searching all over the Owyhees will be dedicated on June 20. alternations of gold and rich sulphurets of silver, without for a toad. The excursion was a complete fi asco despite The new facility is located on Main Street in the Potter feeling that he beholds that which is being taken from the repeated and energetic calls of “here horny toad,” he said. Bldg. It is a part of the post offi ce department’s commercial richest lode from this or any other camp. Blankenship then drove to Boise and bought two leasing program, which uses private fi nancing to obtain potential contestants for the race from a pet store. He needed facilities. OUR SCHOOL. We visited the school last Friday, at the came back to Homedale with a heart full of hope, a bag of Since these facilities remain under private ownership hour of recitation, and the visit offered us great pleasure. crickets to feed the animals, and a wallet that was $20.00 while leased to the federal government, they pay local taxes The school house is very well arranged. The old “benches lighter. The futility of this effort was exposed when Mick to this community, as well as eliminate the need for large are replaced by new ones,” which makes it much more Hodges called and offered a toad to Blankenship, free. outlays of money from the federal treasury for construction comfortable for the scholars. The recitation of the young Blankenship read a letter from Marsing Chamber of purposes, Mr. Uria explained. folks was well done. Commerce president, Robert Malmberg, that added salt The new facility has 2828 sq. ft. of interior space. to the wound by gloating over Marsing’s win. The letter PLANT APPLE TREES. The Mining and Scientifi c remarked that the Homedale organization come over to Temperatures Press says plant apple trees. That’s just what we are doing Marsing very soon to fi nd out what needed to be picked Sunny, bright skies have dominated the weather in Owyhee. We had fourteen trees, from the seed which we up in the parks. The Homedale club had made a wager picture the past week with an occasional wind storm and sowed last fall; but a squirrel nipped one of them, so that with Marsing to clean up the city’s park who won the threatening clouds appearing. Highs of 90 and 88 were we have only thirteen left, which are valued at ten dollars grudge match. set on June 4 and 5. a piece in green backs. Page 18 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Commentary

Baxter Black, DVM Wayne Cornell Not important ... On the but possibly of interest edge of Exercise bikes built for two When I slipped on the ice in our driveway, breaking my you would on a bicycle. One bolt was missing from the common ankle in three places, I thought getting the broken bones seat back, but I fi gured that would be easy to replace. The to mend would be the most diffi cult part of the healing tag on the machine said $15 — probably one-tenth of the process. I was wrong. original price. When I crashed and burned, the fi rst thing I noticed The deal almost fell through when I got ready to load sense (aside from the excruciating pain) was that my right foot the exercise bike. It was light enough I could lift it into was pointing off at what I had previously believed was my pickup with no problem. But the 40-something woman an impossible angle. That was because all the ligaments, running the sale didn’t seem to think I was up to the task. Beetless Tuesday muscles and tendons were stretched waaay out of shape. She said she didn’t want me to hurt myself. I interpreted I felt a twinge of sadness when I heard that the Six months later all the bones are healed. The tissue, that to mean “are you sure an old guy like you can handle however, is much slower to recover. that?” I thought about telling her she seemed in pretty good SEAM (Social Engineers And Manipulators) had One day, the ankle will feel pretty good. Then I forget shape for someone in their mid-50s, but decided it was in declared BEETLESS TUESDAY in Missoula. It cast about it and spend too much time on my feet. The next the best interests of all concerned to let the matter drop. a pall over folks in Montana. Little schoolchildren day, the ankle aches and is all puffed up. And it always Sara wasn’t home when I returned with my treasure. I begging the cafeteria lady, “Please, please, we need aches at night. fi xed the broken seat back, then gave the bike a test run. A our beets!” I recently concluded that the fl exing the ankle gets from couple of minutes of pedaling made my ankle feel much It’s a three-purpose vegetable: a pedaling motion helps a great deal. We don’t have any better. 1) A Tuber of Play, ancient Viking children from bicycles, so I decided to keep an eye open at garage sales On Saturday mornings, Sara often drops by some garage Williston played “Kick the Beet” for an exercise bicycle. sales. I considered calling her and letting her know about 2) It is a Tuber of Art, early Scottish settlers It turns out the kind of bike I wanted pretty much my fi nd. I decided against it. After all, what were the odds sculpted tall statues of Mr. Potato Head in beets and has gone out of style. Nowadays, folks want exercise of both of us fi nding exercise bikes the same day? made the Polish pioneers carry them long distances, machines that do more than one thing. Nothing along the About two hours later, I was working on something in thus the origin of the name “Totem Poles”, and, lines I wanted showed up at spring garage sales. I wasn’t the garage when Sara returned. “Guess what I bought at about to go out and buy a brand new piece of gym gear. a garage sale today?” she asked. 3) Last but not least, the beet is a Tuber Time Piece. Exercise equipment depreciates in value faster than a “I’m guessing you bought an exercise bike,” I said. When left on the north side of the tractor shed, a General Motors car. At this writing we have two exercise bikes in the living beet has a half-life of two years. As it disintegrates, Last Saturday morning, I was driving into town when room. The good news is that we plan to have our own you can measure its weight and circumference to I spotted a sign pointing into a subdivision, advertising a garage sale in a couple of weeks. determine how much longer your representative has garage sale. I decided to check it out. — Go to www.theowyheeavalanche.com to link to some to serve. The fi rst thing I spotted at the yard sale was an exercise of Wayne’s previous columns on his Internet blog. You’ll Why would the SEAM pick on beets? To reduce bike. It was a newer type where you can sit back in a fi nd the link in the bottom right-hand corner of the home global warming? To improve gas mileage? To lose semi-reclining position and pedal, rather than upright as page. weight? Have they thought of No Power Wednesdays? That would have a serious impact on our use of coal, uranium, and hydroelectric dams, not to mention Sen. Mike Crapo having to cover our solar collectors. But would people turn off their heaters, air conditioners, refrigeration, Prius, CNN news, or factories? Even for an hour? From Washington Better yet, let’s have Coffeeless Thursdays! All the Seattle’s Best, Starbucks and Columbian burros would be laid off for a day. In seven years, we would save enough coffee to make it free for a year! It would help if we understood why social Working to open markets reconstructionists would be calling for Beetless We in Idaho understand the importance of agriculture to hearing on the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement, Tuesday, Shoeless Saturday, Deodorantless Friday, the state, but many of us don’t understand the importance of which would provide duty-free entry for 88 percent of Ben and Jerryless Sundaes or Meatless Mondays. Is trade to agriculture. Most of Idaho’s agricultural products U.S. exports to Panama. U.S. exports can face high tariffs are exported to other states, and approximately 20 percent in foreign markets, while our tariffs on imports are much it for the common good? If so, who’s common good? are exported to other countries. According to statistics from lower or do not exist. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) The beet growers? Where shall we start these social the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, if Idahoans generally level these tariffs, thereby easing entry of U.S. engineering experiments? The Refugee camps in had to consume all of Idaho’s agricultural produce, each goods into foreign markets, and often provide channels for Somalia? The unemployment lines in Detroit? The day we would all have to consume 52 potatoes, 240 slices addressing the environment, human rights, democracy, the Terlingua Chili Festival? of bread, 38 glasses of milk or 1.9 pounds of cheese, two rule of law, and other issues in partner nations. There are If we want to do something serious as a country, quarter-pound hamburgers, two onions, and more. two other pending FTAs (with Colombia and South Korea) instead of taking something away, how ’bout offering Clearly Idaho’s agricultural industry is extremely that also could provide more market access to Idaho’s something BACK! How about Taxless Tuesday. prolifi c. Idaho farmers and ranchers provide many jobs agricultural producers. Everything you earn on Tuesdays you get to keep! If and abundant food for Idaho’s families. There is little Most Colombian products enter the U.S. duty-free, but you are making $650 a week and paying 20 percent doubt that the industry’s growth is benefi cial to the state. the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement would of your income to the government, your tax equals As Idaho agriculture grows and the need increases around provide reciprocal access to Colombia’s market for U.S. $26 dollars a day. If just one day a week you could the world for quality agricultural produce, the importance products. The benefi ts to Idaho agriculture would include of expanded foreign market opportunities becomes clearer. immediate duty-free access for peas, lentils, dry beans, keep all you earned, you would have an extra $1,362 Congress is currently working on several trade-related apples, cherries, and potatoes; elimination of tariffs on at the end of the year. issues to help expand these opportunities. wheat and barley; removal of Colombia’s 80 percent duty Which makes more sense to you ... $1,362 or not Last month, I joined Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and on prime and choice cut beef imports; and elimination of eating Beets on Tuesday? Maybe it’s just me. a large bipartisan group of co-sponsors in the Senate all dairy product duties. Similarly, the U.S.-South Korea — Can’t get enough Baxter? Visit his Web site at to introduce the Promoting American Agricultural and Free Trade Agreement would provide duty-free access www.baxterblack.com for more features, merchandise Medical Exports to Cuba Act. This legislation would for nearly two-thirds of current U.S. agricultural exports and his latest book, “The World According to ... broaden market opportunities for Idaho potatoes, wheat, to South Korea. Baxter Black Quips, Quirks & Quotes”. peas, beans, barley, lentils, dairy, beef, pork, wood, Additionally, in the cause of free and fair trade, last and other products. It would also remove travel bans to month Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and I led a bipartisan Cuba and ease restrictions complicating the sale of U.S. group of senators in sending a letter to the president urging medicines and medical devices to Cuba. him to work toward the timely removal of the tariffs Also, last week, the Senate Finance Committee held a –– See Markets, page 19 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 19 Commentary Financial management Be delicate when discussing parents with sibling Dear Dave, a simple, one-page document, and administrative expenses set of whether you’re talking about A couple of years ago my and show it to your sister and aside. personal fi nance or the fi nancial parents got into a big fi nancial her husband. Let them know that — Anonymous health of your small business. A mess. They fi led bankruptcy, and Mom and Dad need a little help, fully-funded emergency fund can had to give up their house. Now, and ask if they’d be willing to Dear Anonymous, turn a disaster into nothing more they live on a fi xed income of join you guys by chipping in a You’re getting there! I like the than a minor inconvenience! $2,220 a month, and my dad is little money each month to help idea of a small business having — Dave not in good health. My wife and I out your parents. Present the idea about six months of expenses set help them out with a little money son or daughter want to help as you guys partnering with each aside. Having that kind of cushion — Dave Ramsey is the best- each month, but my sister and her their parents, especially if one is other to help out, and be sure you provides a ton of options, and selling author of The Total Money husband don’t do much for them. in poor health, and the money’s don’t get into any fi nger-wagging, lots of peace. It also eliminates Makeover. He also is the host Do you think I should lean on her tight? Absolutely! But family or lectures about responsibility. the need for borrowing money, of The Dave Ramsey Show that a little bit in an effort to make her relationships are strange animals. That kind of stuff is a real turn-off, because with that kind of cash airs at 6 p.m. daily on the Fox pitch in and help? Your sister and her husband and it can get thrown back in your sitting around, you basically Business Channel. You can fi nd — Randy may have some bruised feelings face in a hurry! become your own line of credit! tools to help with finances or from something that happened — Dave Having a personal emergency previous columns at Davesays. Dear Randy, years ago, or they may be having fund set aside is a little different org. For more fi nancial advice, If there’s one thing I’ve learned money problems of their own. At Dear Dave, than having one in place for visit the Web site or call (888) over the years, it’s that you can’t this point, all you can do is try to How much money should I your business. When it comes 22-PEACE. Have a question for make another adult behave. The gauge their interest in this idea. have in my business emergency to personal finance, I usually Dave? Send correspondence to only person you can control is For starters, I’d suggest fund? My annual sales are about recommend setting aside three to [email protected] or the one you look at in mirror working up a monthly budget on $100,000, and I currently have six months of expenses. But the write Dave $ays, 1749 Mallory every morning. Now, should a your parents. I’m talking about a couple of months of general basic idea is the same, regardless Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027 The Sotomayor pick Obama must re-think Supreme Court nominee The Daily Editorialist of just nine fi nal adjudicators of the Constitution of the as in, “Because it is — Court of Appeals is where policy Barack Obama needs to go back to the drawing United States to unburden herself of such a racist, sexist is made. And I know, and I know, that this is on tape, and board and see if he can come up with a Supreme Court obloquy as, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with I should never say that. Because we don’t “make law,” I nominee who is something other than a self-declared the richness of her experiences would more often than not know. [audience laughter] OK, I know. I know.” racist termagant. reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t We get the point. But not the joke. And while he is at it, maybe he can fi nd one who respects lived that life.” And our point is that Sonia Sotomayor — touchy, feely, the Constitution, honors the rule of law, and doesn’t Not to mention the blatant racist sexism in such an warm, and fuzzy (and, of course, “empathetic”) though she consider denigrating the Separation of Powers the height observation as, “I further accept that our experiences may be — is entirely unfi t to be an Associate Justice on of sophisticated wit. as women and people of color affect our decisions. The the nation’s Highest Court. The columned edifi ce at One Sonia Sotomayor’s rags-to-riches persona — as we have aspiration to impartiality is just that — it’s an aspiration First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., is this nation’s court now been told ad infi nitum by the mainstream media — is because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences of last resort, not Sesame Street. And as such, America indeed inspiring. Born into relative poverty to Puerto Rican making different choices than others ...” needs another John Marshall or Oliver Wendell Holmes, parents, she raised herself up to a preeminent position in Well, Ms. Sotomayor, in the fi rst place, most Americans not Bert and Ernie. mainstream American society. As have tens of millions of would likely prefer a Supreme Court justice who did a President Obama needs to go back to the drawing board other impoverished children born to Italian parents, African little better than pass off one of the basic tenets of “Blind and draw a nominee who actually believes in equal justice parents, Polish parents, Japanese parents, and, in fact, Justice” — impartiality — as being little more than “just under constitutional law. Not a racist termagant who Puerto Rican parents in this land of equal opportunity. … an aspiration.” considers the Separation of Powers a throwaway joke and Unfortunately, Ms. Sotomayor seems to have forgotten It is also inappropriate for someone in such a lofty Blind Justice an undue burden. that the emphasis there is on equal. Which is why it is position to actually confuse the role of the court in — The Daily Editorialist is a feature of Fairfax, Va.- entirely inappropriate for someone aspiring to be one interpreting the law as being that of “making policy” — based Americans for Limited Government. √ Markets: Continued imports of state’s food Letters to the editor policy key to Idaho’s future The Owyhee Avalanche welcomes letters to the editor. From Page 18 Mexico recently imposed on more than 80 U.S. products. Our policy is that locally written letters receive priority. We do not pub- Along with other devastating losses if these tariffs lish mass-produced letters. The length must be limited to 300 words; the continue, U.S. potato producers will lose an estimated letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and a daytime phone $17.7 million in sales for the remainder of 2009 and $40 million in 2010. number where the writer can be reached for verification. Trade among nations is a powerful form of diplomacy. Letters can be e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to Because of states like Idaho, America feeds much of the (208) 337-4867 or mailed to P.O. Box 97, Homedale ID, 83628. world. Subsequently, America has a good relationship with much of the world. Increased international trade is The deadline for submitting letters to the editor is noon on Friday. For important to the future of Idaho agriculture and, thus, to more information, call 337-4681. Idaho’s future. Each of the steps we have taken recently toward free and fair trade is another to help get us there. — Republican Mike Crapo is Idaho’s senior member in the U.S. Senate. For more details on trade-related issues, go to http://crapo.senate.gov. Page 20 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Public notices

SYNOPSIS OF NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING COMMISSIONERS Bruneau-Grand View School District No. 365 MINUTES Elmore and Owyhee Counties MAY 26, 2009 Approved letter of support for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the regular school board meeting of Joint School District No. 365, Thursday, June 18, 2009 at Rimrock Jr.-Sr. High School, GrandView QRU. 39678 State Highway 78, Bruneau, Idaho a proposed 2009-2010 budget will be presented for approval. The budget is presently determined by the Board of Trustees Approved payment to Modus and is available for review in the district office. The budget hearing is called pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 33-801. Meeting notices have been posted throughout the Architecture and Wright Brothers district. for Museum Complex. Alcohol license approved for Rebecca’s, Del Rio, LaMichacana, Cowboy Up, and Jumbo’s. Indigent & Charity, 09-18 denied, Assignments 08-12, 08- 23, 08-29, and 08-38. Executive Session 67-2345 (1)- (a), (b), (d), (f). No action taken. Update on the Joint Land Use Study from Department of Commerce. Update from Western Alliance on Owyhee County projects. Adoption of Ordinance 09-03 Planning & Zoning Amendments. Adoption of Ordinance 09-03 Summary for Publication. Recess for Wings and Roots meeting. The complete minutes can be viewed in the Clerk’s offi ce or online at owyheecounty.net. 6/10/09

NOTICE OF FILING DEADLINE HOMEDALE HIGHWAY DISTRICT Copies of the school district budget and the annual report are available for public inspection in the administrative offices of the school district or in the office of the clerk of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: district. That declarations of candidacy for Catherine R. Sellman, Clerk the offi ce of Commissioner of the Publish June 10, 2009 Joint School District No. 365 Homedale Highway District must Grand View, Idaho 83624 be fi led with the district clerk/ secretary whose address is PO Box 713, Homedale, ID 83628, ordinance a misdemeanor. Finally, Hall, 31 W. Wyoming Street, tested on May 4, 2009 and has responsibility of each citizen. no later than 5pm on the day of the ordinance repeals confl icting Homedale, Idaho. an Arsenic concentration of However, if you have specific June 26, 2009. ordinances, provides for ORDINANCE NO. 382 0.17 ppb of which is above the health concerns, consult your Such declarations are available severability, and provides that the SUMMARY CERTIFICATION 10 ppb Maximum Contaminant Doctor. at the district offi ce at 102 East ordinance will be effective upon The undersigned City of Level (MCL) set forth by the EPA. For more information, please Colorado Ave., Homedale, ID or publication of this summary. The Homedale legal advisor, having This is considered to be at the contact Grand View City Hall - at the offi ce of the County Clerk. full text of the ordinance regulating reviewed Ordinance No. 382 and violation of the federal drinking Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday Individuals who run as write-in Temporary Commercials Uses the summary for Ordinance No. water standard. Although this from 8:00am to 5:00pm, lunch candidates must fi le a declaration of Commercial and Industrial 382 believes the summary for is not an emergency, you have a 12:30 to 1:30 – (208) 834-2700 - of intent no later than 5:00pm on Property, Transient Merchants, and Ordinance No. 382 is true and right to know what is happening, Closed all major holidays. the 25th day prior to the election. Vendors is available at Homedale complete and that it provides what you should do and what Please share this information Election of one (1) commissioner City Hall, 31 W. Wyoming Street, adequate notice to the public your water association is doing to with all the other people who to a four (4) year term in sub- Homedale, Idaho. of the identity and principal continue to keep in compliance. drink this water, especially those district 2, will be held on August ORDINANCE NO. 381 provisions of the ordinance. The Grand View Water & Sewer who may not have received 4, 2009. SUMMARY CERTIFICATION Dated this 29 day of May, Association, Inc. is still required to this notice directly. The City Terri Uria, Clerk/Secretary – The undersigned City of 2009. provide quarterly public notice of of Grand View has notified Homedale Highway District Homedale legal advisor, having /s/Michael E. Duggan, this excess EPA standard Arsenic owners of properties to supply 6/10,17/09 reviewed Ordinance No. 381 and Homedale City Attorney level. Until such time as Idaho copies to their residence. (For the summary for Ordinance No. 6/10/09 Department of Environmental example, people in apartments, SUMMARY OF 381 believes the summary for Quality (IDEQ) notifies the manufactured home parks, ORDINANCE REGULATING Ordinance No. 381 is true and NOTICE OF FILING Association that this notice is no businesses and schools) You can TEMPORARY complete and that it provides DEADLINE longer required you will continue do this by posting this notice in COMMERCIAL USES, adequate notice to the public NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: to receive this notice quarterly. a public place or distributing TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, of the identity and principal That declarations of candidacy What happened? Arsenic is a copies by hand or mail. AND VENDORS provisions of the ordinance. for the offi ces of Commissioner natural deposit occurring element Thank you, Helana Race ORDINANCE NO. 381 Dated this 29 day of May, #1 and Commissioner #2 of the thought to enter the water source Grand View Water & Sewer The City of Homedale, Idaho 2009. Gem Highway District #3 must be from contact with natural rock Association, Inc. Secretary / hereby gives notice of the adoption /s/Michael E. Duggan, fi led with district clerk/secretary formations. Treasurer of Ordinance No. 381, Regulation Homedale City Attorney whose address is 1016 Main What health effects? Arsenic June 1, 2009 of Temporary Commercials Uses 6/10/09 Street, Marsing, Idaho no later can cause adverse health effects, 6/10/09 of Commercial and Industrial than 5:00 p.m. on the 26th day of including cardiovascular disease, Property, Transient Merchants, SUMMARY OF June, 2009. Such declarations are diabetes mellitus, skin changes, NOTICE and Vendors, which regulates the ORDINANCE AMENDING available at the district offi ce at nervous system damage, and Pioneer Mini Storage, LLC temporary (6 month) commercial ZONING REGULATIONS 1016 Main Street, Marsing, Idaho various forms of cancer. will sell at a Silent Bid Auction use of private property that TO ALLOW or at the office of the County What is being done? On the on June 15, 2009, the stored has been zoned commercial FOR AIRPORT HANGARS Clerk. Individuals who run as second Wednesday of each household belongings of the or industrial by providing an ORDINANCE NO. 382 write-in candidates must file a month there are regular Water delinquent account listed below. application process and fee and The City of Homedale, Idaho declaration of intent no later than & Sewer Board and the City Bids will be accepted at 4155 requiring a license and fee. In hereby gives notice of the 5:00 p.m. on the 25th day prior to Council meetings at City Hall Pioneer Road, Homedale, ID addition, the ordinance regulates adoption of Ordinance No. 382, the election. – 425 Boise Ave. at 7:00 pm. at 11:30am. Minimum Bid is transient merchants (merchants an Ordinance Amending Zoning Stella J. Bush, Secretary/ Questions are encouraged $399.00. Goods to be sold in selling for seven day period or Regulations to Allow for Airport Treasurer concerning your drinking water accordance with Idaho Code. less) selling on private property Hangars which adds the land 6/10/09 and other issues. Sara Ault-Sanders, 2090 W. that has been zoned commercial use of “Airport Hangar” to the Our application for the ICDBG Overland Rd., Meridian, ID 83642 or industrial by providing an Schedule for District Regulations ATTENTION: grant in the amount of $ 360,000 Unit #A-18 application process and fee and and makes this a permitted GRAND VIEW WATER and with the Idaho Department of Goods to be sold may be requiring a license and fee. In used in an Industrial Zone and SEWER CUSTOMERS: Commerce has been awarded cancelled without notice prior to addition, the ordinance regulates a use requiring a special use IMPORTANT to the Grand View Water and auction. vendors selling food and non- permit in a Commercial Zone. INFORMATION ABOUT Sewer association under the 6/3,10/09 food items on public property The ordinance further repeals YOUR DRINKING WATER: umbrella of the City of Grand in commercial, industrial, and confl icting ordinances, provides Effective January 1, 2006 the View. With the awarding of residential zones by providing a for severability, and provides that US Environmental Protection this grant the designing of our Buy it, sell it, license application process and the ordinance will be effective Agency reduced the drinking Arsenic plant is under way. trade it, rent it... fee, and for non-food items, an upon publication of this summary. water standard for Arsenic from What should I do? It will investigation fee. In addition, the The full text of the Ordinance 50 parts per billion (ppb) to 10 be each citizen’s choice to use in the ordinance provides exceptions Amending Zoning Regulations ppb. The two Well’s supplying alternative drinking water (e.g., for certain types of activities to Allow for Airport Hangars water to the Grand View Water bottled) or drink City of Grand Classifieds! and makes the violation of the is available at Homedale City & Sewer Association, Inc. was View water the choice is the total Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 21 Public notices

PROPOSED CHANGE OF and ALLIANCE TITLE AND ID 83650 is sometimes associated This Trustee’s Sale is subject situated in the County of Owyhee, WATER RIGHT ESCROW, as Trustee, and with said real property. Bidders to a bankruptcy fi ling, a payoff, State of Idaho, and described as Charles Howarth of 833 N HOPKINS WESTERN FUND, must be prepared to tender the a reinstatement or any other follows, to-wit: Palmer Lane, Eagle, ID 83616 LLC, an Idaho Limited Liability trustee the full amount of the bid conditions of which the Trustee Township 3 North, Range 5 fi led Application No. 75443 to Company, “as trustee for the at the sale in the form of cash, is not aware that would cause the West, Boise Meridian, Owyhee transfer one water right with a benefi t on a parity for all Series or a cashier’s check drawn on a cancellation of this sale. Further, County, Idaho 1966 priority date from the Snake “W” Debenture Holders,” as state or federally insured savings if any of these conditions exist, Section 10: A part of Government River totaling 1.090 cfs. Benefi ciary; said Deed of Trust institution. Said sale will be made this sale may be null and void, Lot 4, more particularly described, The transfer proposes to having been fi led of record on without covenant or warranty, the successful bidder’s funds shall to-wit: split the right, and move 14.56 August 17, 2006 as Instrument express or implied, regarding title, be returned, and the Trustee and COMMENCING at the acres of irrigation and 0.29 cfs No. 257742, Official Records possession or encumbrances to the Benefi ciary shall not be liable Northwest corner of Government approximately 4 miles to the east of Owyhee County, Idaho. The satisfy the obligation secured by to the successful bidder for any Lot 4, Section 10, Township to property owned by Andrew naming of the above Grantor(s) and pursuant to the power of sale damages. 3 North, Range 5 West, Boise Johnson. A point of diversion on is done to comply with Idaho conferred in that certain Deed of Said sale will be made without Meridian, the INITIAL POINT OF the Snake River will be added Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no Trust. The default for which this covenant or warranty regarding THIS DESCRIPTION; thence near the new place of use. The representation is made as to the sale is to be made is: Failure to title, possessions or encumbrances South 89° 24’ 50” East, 281.00 unchanged portion of the right responsibility of Grantor(s) for pay the monthly payment due to satisfy the obligation secured feet, along the North line of said will remain on land about 14.5 this obligation. 01/01/2009 of principal, interest by and pursuant to the power Government Lot 4; thence miles south of Mountain Home. The default for which the sale and impounds and subsequent of sale conferred in the Deed of South 0° 20’ 30” East, 155.00 For specifi c details regarding is to be made is that no monthly installments due thereafter; plus Trust executed by Jose L. Garibay, feet, parallel to the West line of the application, please contact installment payments under a late charges, with interest currently a married man, as his sole and said Government Lot 4; thence the Idaho Department of Water Deed of Trust Note dated August accruing at 6.750% per annum; separate property, as Grantor(s) North 89° 24’ 50” West, 281.00 Resources (IDWR) Western 17, 2006, in the amount of $160.99 together with all subsequent sums with Mortgage Electronic feet, parallel to the North line, Region at 208-334-2190 or visit per month for February, 2008 and advanced by benefi ciary pursuant Registration Systems, Inc. as to a point on the said West line; www.idwr.idaho.gov with detail each month thereafter have been to the terms and conditions of the Benefi ciary, under the Deed thence provided under “new water right made, together with accruing late said Deed of Trust, and any of Trust recorded June 12, 2006, North 0° 20’ 30” West, 155.00 applications.” Protests may be charges, plus any other charges supplemental modifications as Instrument No. 256751, in the feet, along the West line to the submitted based on the criteria lawfully due under the note, deed thereto. The principal balance records of Owyhee County, Idaho. INITIAL POINT OF THIS of Sec 42-222, Idaho Code. Any of trust, and Idaho law. owing as of this date on said The Beneficial interest of said DESCRIPTION. protest against the proposed The balance owing as of the obligation is $289,205.60, plus Deed of Trust was subsequently The Successor Trustee change must be filed with the date hereof on the obligation interest, costs and expenses assigned to U.S. Bank National has no knowledge of a more Director, IDWR Western Region, secured by said Deed of Trust actually incurred in enforcing the Association, as trustee, on behalf particular description of the 2735 Airport Way, Boise ID is the amount of $13,742.42 in obligations thereunder and in this of the holders of the Home Equity above-referenced real property, 83705-5082 together with a prin cipal; plus accrued interest sale, together with any unpaid and/ Asset Trust 2006-7 Home Equity but for purposes of compliance protest fee of $25.00 for each at the rate of twelve and one-half or accruing real property taxes, Pass Through Certifi cates, Series with Section 60-113, Idaho Code, application on or before percent (12.5%) per annum from and/or assessments, attorneys’ 2006-7, recorded May 7, 2009, the Successor Trustee has been June 22, 2009. The protestant January 30, 2008; plus default fees, Trustees’ fees and costs, and as Instrument No. 268120, in the informed that the street address must also send a copy of the interest pursuant to the Note in any other amount advanced to records of said County. of 3661 Drum Rd., Homedale, protest to the applicant. the amount of $289.17 for the protect said security, as authorized THE ABOVE GRANTORS Idaho, is sometimes associated DAVID R. TUTHILL, JR., period of March 19, 2008, through in the promissory note secured by ARE NAMED TO COMPLY with said real property. Director August 18, 2008, with additional the aforementioned Deed of Trust. WITH SECTION 45-1506(4) Said sale will be made without Published in Owyhee Avalanche default interest accruing from Therefore, the Benefi ciary elects to (a), IDAHO CODE. NO covenant or warranty regarding and Mountain Home News on April 29, 2009, at the rate of fi ve sell, or cause said trust property to REPRESENTATION IS MADE title, possession or encumbrances June 3rd & 10th, 2009 percent (5%) per annum, until be sold, to satisfy said obligation. THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, to satisfy the obligation secured 6/3,10/09 the default is cured; plus service Notice is hereby given that this PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE by and pursuant to the power charges, late charges, and any firm is attempting to collect a FOR THIS OBLIGATION. of sale conferred in the Deed NOTICE OF other costs or expenses associated debt and any information obtained The default for which this sale of Trust executed by KEVIN J. RESCHEDULED with this foreclosure as provided will be used for that purpose, and is to be made is the failure to pay RUHLING, an Unmarried Man, TRUSTEE’S SALE by the Deed of Trust or Deed of that the debt may be disputed. the amount due under the certain Grantor, to Charles W. Fawcett, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Trust Note, or by Idaho law. The above grantors are named to Promissory Note and Deed of Successor Trustee, for the benefi t that on June 25, 2009, at the hour Dated this 21 day of May, comply with Section 45-1506(4) Trust, in the amounts called for and security of COUNTRYWIDE of eleven o’clock a.m. of said 2009. (a) Idaho Code. No representation thereunder as follows: Monthly HOME LOANS, INC., recorded day, on the steps of the Owyhee By: Mark D. Perison – of the is made that they are, or are not, payments in the amount of $641.83 June 29, 2005, as Instrument County Courthouse, located at the Firm, Attorneys for Trustee, P.O. presently responsible for this for the months of January 2009 No. 252440, Mortgage records corner of Highway 78 and Hailey Box 6575, Boise, ID 83707-6575. obligation. Dated: 05/19/2009 through and including to the date of Owyhee County, Idaho; Street, Murphy, Owyhee County, (208) 331-1200 Name and Address of the Current of sale, together with late charges and assigned to the IDAHO Idaho, the Trustee, Alliance Title 5/27;6/3,10/09 Trustee is: ReconTrust Company, and monthly payments accruing. HOUSING AND FINANCE & Escrow Corp., will sell at public N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., The sum owing on the obligation ASSOCIATION by Assignment auction to the highest bidder, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S CA6-914-01-94 Phone: (800) secured by said Deed of Trust of Deed of Trust recorded on for cash in lawful money of the SALE 281-8219 ReconTrust Company, is $78,243.77 as principal, plus June 29, 2005, as Instrument United States of America, all TS No. 09-0053932 Title Order N.A. Successor Trustee Kari service charges, attorney’s fees, No. 252441, and re-recorded on payable at the time of sale, the No. 090305391IDGNO Parcel No. Marx, Assistant Secretary ASAP# costs of this foreclosure, any and October 24, 2005, as Instrument following described real property RP007500030040 The following 3117280 all funds expended by Benefi ciary No. 253891, Mortgage records situated in the County of Owyhee, described property will be sold 6/3,10,17,24/09 to protect their security interest, of Owyhee County, Idaho. THE State of Idaho, and described as at public auction to the highest and interest accruing at the rate ABOVE GRANTOR IS NAMED follows, to-wit: bidder, payable in lawful money NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S of 7.3750% from December 1, TO COMPLY WITH SECTION In Township 2 North, Range 4 of the United States, In the lobby SALE 2008, together with delinquent 45-1506 (4)(a), IDAHO CODE. West, Boise Meridian, Owyhee of the Owyhee County Courthouse On September 17, 2009, at taxes plus penalties and interest NO REPRESENTATION IS County, Idaho. located on the corner of Highway the hour of 10:00 o’clock AM of to the date of sale. MADE THAT HE IS, OR IS NOT, Section 21: N1/2 N1/2 NE1/4 78 and Hailey Street, known as said day, at the Owyhee County The Benefi ciary elects to sell or PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE NE1/4 20381 Highway 78, Murphy, ID Courthouse, State Highway 78, cause the trust property to be sold FOR THIS OBLIGATION. By reason of the automatic 83650 on 10/05/2009 at 11:00 Murphy, Idaho, JUST LAW, INC., to satisfy said obligation. The default for which this sale is stay provisions of the U.S. am, (recognized local time) for as Successor Trustee, will sell Dated this 13th day of May, to be made is (1) the failure to pay Bankruptcy Code 11 U.S.C. 362, the purpose of foreclosing that at public auction to the highest 2009. when due, monthly installment the original sale was discontinued, certain Deed of Trust recorded bidder, for cash, in lawful money Sumerli Lynch, Trust Offi cer payments under the Deed of Trust and pursuant to provisions of 02/20/2007 as Instrument Number of the United States, all payable for JUST LAW, INC., P.O. Box Note dated June 16, 2005, in the Idaho Code 45-1506(A) this 259872, and executed by TODD at the time of sale, the following 50271, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405. amount of $952.00 each, for the sale is rescheduled and will be A COOPER & MARLA R described real property, situated (208) 523-9106 FAX (208) 523- months of January through April, conducted as allowed by the COOPER, HUSBAND AND in the County of Owyhee, State 9146 2009, inclusive; and for each and expiration or termination of the WIFE, as Grantor(s), in favor of of Idaho, and described as follows For information concerning every month thereafter until date effect of the stay in the manner MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC to wit: this sale please contact Just Law, of sale or reimbursement; and (2) provided by that section. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Lot 12 of Block 3 of Big Inc. at www.justlawidaho.com the failure to occupy the premises The Trustee has no knowledge INC., as Beneficiary, to Sky Estates No. One, part of or Toll Free at 1-800-923-9106, as required by the Addendum to of a more particular description RECONSTRUCT COMPANY, Government Lot 4, Section 4, Thank you. the Deed of Trust. All delinquent of the above described real N.A., the Current Trustee of Township 3 North, Range 5 5/20,27;6/3,10/09 payments are now due, plus property, but for purposes of record, covering the following West, Boise Meridian, Owyhee accumulated late charges, plus compliance with Idaho Code real property located in Owyhee County, Idaho, according to NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S any costs or expenses associated Section 60-113, the Trustee has County, state of Idaho: LOT the official plat thereof filed SALE with this foreclosure. The accrued been informed that the street 4, BLOCK 3, EAGLE VIEW October 26, 1978 as Instrument On Tuesday, the 22nd day of interest is at the rate of 5.15% per address of 7303 TRAP SHOOT ESTATES, ACCORDING TO No. 156593 in the offi ce of the September, 2009, at the hour annum from December 1, 2008. RD., MARSING, IDAHO, may THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF recorder for Owyhee County, of 10:00 o’clock a.m. of said The principal balance owing as sometimes be associated with said RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT Idaho. day at the front steps of the of this date on the obligation real property. NO. 215482, RECORDS OF The Trustee has no knowledge Owyhee County Courthouse, on secured by said Deed of Trust is Said sale will be made, without OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO.. of a more particular description the corner of Hwy. 78 and Hailey $120,900.80, plus accrued interest covenant or warranty regarding The Trustee has no knowledge of of the above referenced real St., Murphy, in the County of at the rate of 5.15% per annum title, possession or encumbrances, a more particular description of property, but for purposes of Owyhee, State of Idaho, Charles from December 1, 2008. to satisfy the obligation secured the above referenced real property, compliance with Section 60-113 W. Fawcett, as Successor Trustee, DATED This 19th day of May, by and pursuant to the power but for purpose of compliance Idaho Code, the Trustee has been will sell at public auction, to the 2009. of sale conferred in the Deed with Idaho Code, Section 60-113, informed the address of 515 highest bidder, for cash, in lawful /s/CHARLES W. FAWCETT, of Trust executed by EILEEN the Trustee has been informed White Cloud Place, Homedale, money of the United States, all a Member of the Idaho State Bar, A. BEZY and PAUL V. BEZY, that the street address of, 12495 ID, is sometimes associated with payable at the time of sale, the SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE wife and husband, as Grantor, CINNABAR WAY, MURPHY, the said real property. following described real property 6/3,10,17,24/09 Page 22 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Owyhee County Church Directory

Knight Community Church Crossroads Grand View Assembly of God Pastor Paul H. Ryan • 834-2639 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Wilder Hwy 19 & 95, 482-7644 Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 10am Adult Bible Study: Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11am Knight's Neighborhood: Sunday Evening Worship 6pm (Youth Activity Group) Friday 5-6:30 pm Wed. Bible Study 7pm HELP WANTED Wanted: live-in care provider. Buy it, sell it, Female preferred. To care for Assembly of God Friends Community Our Lady of the Valley elderly woman in Jordan Valley. Church Cooking & other misc. duties. trade it, rent it... Church Catholic Church Homedale 1122 W. Linden St., Caldwell 208-278-3798 lve msg. 15 West Montana, 337-4458 Wilder - Homedale 459-3653 Models, actors, singers, in the Pastor George Greenwood 17434 Hwy 95, 337-3464 Mass: dancers! International Talent Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday School 9:30am Saturday 5:00 pm Worship Services: 10:45 am Sundays agent in Boise 6/15, Call 801- Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am Sunday 9:30 am Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm 708-9702 Classifieds! Sunday Evening Service 6:00pm Spanish Mass: Saturday 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study 7:00pm Spanish Mass: Sunday Noon

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Chapel of Hope Church of Jesus Christ of LOOKING FOR A JOB!!! Hope House, Marsing Latter Day Saints Homedale - 337-4248 Look for the Blue Church Subscribe Sunday Services 10am South Bruneau Hwy at the Hope House Homedale Rev. Ross Shaver, Pastor Welcoming Families, especially those with 708 West Idaho Ave 337-4112 Youth and Adult Sunday School 9-9:45am special needs children. Bishop Alan McRae Wed. Adult Bible Study 7-8:30pm Keith Croft, Pastor 880-2767 Bishop Ronald Spencer today! Visitors Always Welcome! Jake & Alisha Henrioulle, Youth Pastors 761-6747 Sunday 1st Ward 9am Sunday Services at 10 am Sunday 2nd Ward 12:30pm Have the

Owyhee Avalanche Homedale Baptist There is no time like now to delivered to your home Wilder Church of God Mountain View join the Army National Guard. Church Wilder Church of the Nazarene each week! Homedale 205 A St. E, 482-7839 26515 Ustick Road, Wilder You will receive: Training 212 S. 1st W. Pastor Ray Gerthung 337-3151 Education Sunday School 10am & 11am Sunday School 9:45am Sunday School 9:30 Adventure 337-4681 Sunday Evening 7pm Sunday Service 11am Worship 10:30 Money Wednesday Evening 7pm Sunday Eve. 6:00pm Adult & Youth Bible Class: Wednesday 7:00 pm Service to Country Pastor James Huls Wed. Eve. 7:00pm Bible Based Recovery: Friday 7:00 pm

Enlisting ages of 17-42.

Iglesia Evangelica For more information, contact: Wilder Marsing Church of Christ SSG Matt Wilson 208-899-2096 317 3rd st., Marsing 208-922-2046 932 Franklin, Marsing MARSING APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY Pastor Ramiro Reyes www.1800goguard.com Asamblea Apostolica de Marsing 10 am Sunday School 221 W. Main • Marsing, Idaho Minister Gib Nelson 11 am Service Since 1865 Pastor Ricardo Rodriguez Sunday Bible Study 10am 482-7484 896-5552 or 371-3516 Sunday Worship 11am Sunday School 1:30 pm • Sunday Service 3 pm Bilingual Thursday Service 7 pm • (Bilingual Services/Español)

Bible Missionary Church Christian Church Homedale Assembly of God Church Homedale West Idaho, 337-3425 Marsing Pastor Ron Franklin 110 W. Montana, 337-3626 139 Kerry, 965-1650 Sunday School 10am Pastor Maurice Jones Pastor Rick Sherrow Worship 11am Sunday Morning Worship 11am Sunday School 10am Sunday Evening 7pm Church school 9:45 Sunday Worship 11am & 6 pm Wednesday Evening 7:30

Lizard Butte Baptist Church Nazarene Church Trinity Holiness Church Marsing Marsing Homedale Pastor David London Pastor Bill O'Connor 119 N. Main 116 4th Ave. W., 859-2059 896-4184 Pastor Samuel Page Sunday worship: 12 2nd Avenue West 337-5021 Worship Services - Sunday 11am and 6pm Sunday School 10am Morning: 11am-Noon• Evening: 6-7pm Teen Services Sundays 7:00 pm Sunday Morning Worship 11am Sunday school 10 am-10:55am Sunday School - 9:45am Sunday Evening 7pm Wednesday evening 6pm-7pm Mid Week TLC Groups Thursday Evening 7:30pm

Church of Jesus Christ of Vision Community Church Latter Day Saints Marsing United Methodist Church Marsing 221 West Main Marsing, Idaho Wilder 215 3rd Ave. West, 896-4151 208-896-5407 Corner of 4th St. & B Ave. Sunday 1st Ward, 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 880-8751 Bishop Lakey Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor June Fothergill Sunday 2nd Ward, 12:30 p.m. Adult, Kids & Youth Meetings Wed. 7:00 p.m. Sunday Services 9:30am Bishop Payne

Calvary Holiness Church First Seventh Day Adventist Wilder Presbyterian Church Homedale Corner of 3rd St. & B Ave. 16613 Garnet Rd., Homedale Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. 880-0902 or 453-9289 320 N. 6th W., 337-3060 Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Pastor Chuck Dimick Pastor Marianne Paul Sunday Evening: 6:00 p.m. Sabbath School Sat. 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship 11am Wednesday Evening: 7:00 p.m. Worship 11am Sunday School 11am Food Pantry Open Fridays 10 am - Noon Tuesday Prayer Mtg. 7:00 pm

Our Lady Queen of Heaven Iglesia Bautista Amistad Cristiana de Wilder Catholic Church - Oreana Palabra de Esperanza 2009 Mass Schedule - UMC Homedale the following Saturdays at 9:30am Esquina de 4 y calle B March 28 - April 25 May 9 - Domingos Servicio: 12:00 pm El Ropero (Banco de ropa) Miercoles 12- 2pm 711 W. Idaho, 463-9569 June 13 - July 11 - Aug. 15 Martes y Jueves: 6:30 pm Ingles Pastor Jose Diaz Sept. 12 - Oct. 10 - Nov. 28 - Dec. 26 Sabados: 12:00 pm Arte Infantil Servicios: Los Domingos 11:00 am All are welcome! For more information, call St. Paul's Church, Nampa 466-7031 Todo en Espanol, Inf. 989 7508 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Page 23

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VEHICLES SERVICES SERVICES Open House! 3 bdrm 2 bth 1999 MH 3 bdrm 2 bth, all 1974 2-ton farm truck Openings, Naomi’s Daycare. Parker Tree Service Inc. immaculate home in Parma at appliances including dishwasher w/hoist. Runs great. $1500. 208- Located b/twn Homedale & Family operated since 1937. 908 E. Fisk. Saturday, June 13, & washer/dryer. $15,000 OBO 573-0797 See at 608 Westwood, Wilder, state licensed, ICCP, Specializing in tree trimming, noon-3pm. Door prize. Patti 337-4401 Homedale (end of W. Montana) UTU food program, 16yrs, pruning, removal. For the most Zatica, American Dream Real 20’ multi use trailer for sale or 2002 Dodge Intrepid, low affordable, loving home reliable job & service call 208- Estate. trade. Call anytime. 896-4671 miles, fully loaded, $5000 OBO environment, summer activities. 591-0330. Lic/insured. Abandoned home. Bank 1994 mfrd home, 66x14 337-4401 482-7422 Crystal Bell Window Cleaning. desperate. Easy qualify. Take Broadmore by Fleetwood. 2 1991 Mitsubishi eclipse, 5spd, Garden rototilling, mowing, Locally owned, call for estimate. over low monthly payment. 208- bdrm 2 bth, good condition. white, sunroof, stereo, fully bladework, cultivaters, 22 horse Licensed & Insured. 208-573- 323-2238 $15,000 OBO. No reasonable loaded, $1500 OBO 891-1380 4x4 tractor w/42” tiller. Free 8099 ask for Kevan munked@ Own a new home, your land is offer refused. 208-880-9324 estimates 250-3885 speedyquick.net your credit. If you own land or Microfiber couch & love seat, Transfer VHS/VHS-C to DVD. Top soil, fill dirt and all kinds of family will give you land, You’re stain resistant, lifetime warranty, YARD SALE Preserve your memories - VHS gravel products delivered and/or Approved! Only need one line of brand new in boxes. Retail $1399. Yard sale, Thursday & Friday 8-5 tapes wear out and VCRs are placed. Jim 573-5700 good credit. 208-378-0981 Must sell $450. 208-888-1464 & Saturday 8-1. 19491 Fish Rd., getting harder to find. Prices Backhoe, trackhoe, grader, Bedroom set 7-piece cherry set Wilder. Mens, women, children based on length of the tape dump truck or belly dump Brand new in boxes. List $2250. clothing, furniture, electronics, content: $15-2hr/ $25-4hr/ $35- services for hire. Demolition, FOR RENT Must sell $450. 208-888-1464 toys, and more! 6hr/ $45-8hr. Will consider bulk driveways & general excavation. Marsing 2-3 bdrm MH, Pets We are having a small yard OK, $400/mo $200/dep. 989- Bed-queen pillowtop mattress pricing. Due to Copyright Laws Jim 573-5700 Brand new, still in plastic, sale on Saturday, June 13, 2009 NO pre-recorded material will be Daycare, all ages, ICCP 0884 to benefit Owyhee County’s 4-H Marsing 3 bdrm 2 bth, huge warranty. Sacrifice $109. 208- accepted. Cash or Check Only. approved, all meals provided, 921-6643 horse judging team. We have Pick up and drop off available. lots of summer activities, limited master, $650/mo +dep. 896- an antique couch, new size 6 5355 King-sized pillowtop mattress Email larsonsound@hotmail. spots available. Call Donna 337- New, in bag, with warranty. List wedding/formal dress (never com or call 208-631-4741 6180 2 bdrm 2 bth mobile home w/ worn), electric self-correcting carport, covered patio, fenced $750. Sacrifice $199. 208-921- Summer Clean-ups! When you Technical Computer LLC, 6643 typewriter, clothing, pictures, look outside do you see scrap repairs, tune-ups, backups, yard and storage building, $475. DVDs, VHS movies, horse- Superior Property Management Cherry Sleigh bed solid wood metals? Have an old broken upgrades, networking. Call Tom w/mattress set. Brand new in related toys, and much more. All appliance? Let us come & help or Colette 896-4676 or go to 455-0733 proceeds will support the girls 1/2 off 1st months rent. box. $299. 208-888-1464 you with your Summer Clean-up. technicalcomputer.com Used tractor parts 100’s of when they travel to Jackson, MS We will furnish the truck, trailer Tim’s Small Engine Repair Homedale, 107 Silver Sage later this month. 8-Noon at 3325 Place, 3 bdrm 2 bath with fncd salvaged farm tractors and & will haul for FREE, scrap Complete servicing and repair combines. Nampa Tractor Market Road (Ken’s Custom metals, old broken appliances & on all makes and models of yard for $725 Superior Property Tent & Canvas west off Hwy 95 Mgmt 455-0733 Salvage, 9055 Hwy 20, Nampa, junk vehicles. If you live in the Motorcycles, ATVs & Power ID 83687 (208) 467-4430 onto Market Road). Please help. following areas: Parma, Wilder, Equipment 30916 Peckham Rd. Storages for rent, Pioneer 208-249-6889 Mini Storage, 4155 Pioneer Rd, Roll ends: Great for packing Homedale, Marsing or west Wilder 5 1/2 miles west of hwy Homedale. 208-337-4589, 208- material, building fires, lining side of Caldwell and need some 95. 482-7461 573-2844 birdcages or for your kids assistance with Summer Clean- 2 & 3 bdrm mobile homes in to doodle on. The Owyhee ups...Call Bill 724-1118 JW Sharpening Service town. $395 (and up) + deposit. Avalanche, Homedale Rubber Small Tractor Services - Small Engine Repair Please call 208-340-9937, 208- Mowing Pastures and Weeds, 208-337-3556 340-9997 Rototilling Gardens, Arenas, Post Pickup Stations: Hole Digger, Loader, Scraper, Marsing: Harvey’s Auto Center Homedale, 1 & 2 bdrm Stamps Wilder: Wilder Building Center Driveways and more. Call 870- to Wilder apartments avail. Rent from J.W. SHARPENING John 95 Hwy. $395-$550 plus deposit. Allen 5313 for Estimate 26531 BELLA VISTA DR. Deere Made to order Anderson Lawn Care. Mowing, Property Mgmt 467-2132 Batt Corner Road Marsing Storage, Inc., Hwy 55 trimming & all other lawn care needs. Free estimates. Call 989- & Van Rd. Boat & RVs welcome. The 337-3556 Homedale Snake River Call 208-830-1641 3515 or 936-0510 Owyhee Owyhee Mountain Lawn Care. Spring clean-ups, weekly lawn Subscribe Today! FARM AND Avalanche mowing, all your lawn care RANCH needs. Free estimates call Tyler The Owyhee Avalanche For sale: INT 230 swather; John 337-4681 880-1573 208-337-4681 Deere 346 baler; New Holland 1000 stack liner, pull type bale wagon $3500 for all/make offer. 541-339-3880 Custom Swathing, Baling, Stacking. Call 208-695-7939 Custom Ground Preparation. Alfalfa & pasture seeding. Free estimates. 896-4186, 249-4372 Custom hay service: cutting, Owyhee County’s Only baling, stacking & stack retrieval. 208-412-2669 Custom Hay Stacking by Source for Local News Moriah Farm. Your local “bale- out” service. Serving the Western Treasure Valley. 208-318-3535 Buy it, sell it, trade it, rent it... in the Classifieds!


*NEW LISTING 3 bed/2 bath home on .63 ac. Purple Sage area. Very Clean. $174,900. *NEW LISTING Unbelievable 4 bed/2 bath home in Parma. Immaculate. $119,900. *Private Airstrip 38.2 +/- Ac. Land Only in Owyhee Co. Call for more info. $477,500. *Surprise package in Canyon Estates in Owyhee County, 5 bed/2bath manufactured home on foundation on 1.49 acre lot. A lot of WOW for the price. $229,900 $209,900 *AVAILABLE: 1.37 acre building lot, approved for manufactured homes, in Owyhee Co. $59,900 $54,900 *AVAILABLE: 1+ acre building site, gentle slope, nice view, Homedale Schools - $32,500 Dbmm!upebz!up!bewfsujtf!ps!tvctdsjcf *PRICE SLASHED: Birds-eye setting on Snake Rvr, 1/3 ac. 3400+ sq. ft. 5 bed/3ba home PENDING *PRICE REDUCED: Room for horses on 2.62 ac. w/3 bed/2.5 ba home on Wilder rim w/shop - $299,900 $279,900 *PRIVATE RANCH: on Succor Creek with lovely 3 bed/3 ba home in paradise- NEW PRICE! 319.448.5792 *AG OR DEVELOPMENT: 38.68 ac with CUP approved for 3 splits on Ustick/Fish near golf course – MAKE OFFER!

Phone: 208-573-7091 xxx/uifpxziffbwbmbodif/dpn www.pattizatica.com Page 24 Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Snake River Mart Let’s Get Grilling

Boneless Beef Boneless Beef 10 lb. Chuck Roast Chuck Steak Cauliflower or Idaho Potatoes Broccoli $ 99 $ 19 ¢ $ 89 1 lb. 2 lb. 89 lb. 1 ea.

Boneless Beef Pork Gold Premium River Ranch Petite Sirloin Sirloin Chops Pineapple Salad Mix Steak $$ 4949 $ 39 ¢ $ 19 31 lb.lb. 1 lb. 79 lb. 1 ea.

Bar-S 16 oz. ¢ Tri City $ 79 Fresh $ 29 Large ¢ Franks 99ea. Link Sausage 2 lb. Artichokes 1 ea. Red Delicious Apples 99lb. Digorno 8.5-10 oz. $ Gold-n-Plump 23 oz. $ 19 Crisp ¢ Large Slicing $ 09 Pizza for One 2 for5 Chicken Wings 2 ea. Red Bell Peppers 79ea. Tomatoes 1 lb. Western Family 8 oz. $ 59 Gold-n-Plump 24 oz. $ 99 2 lb. Cello $ 19 Sweet ¢ Shredded Cheese 1 ea. Chicken Drums & Thighs 1 ea. Carrots 1 ea. Cantaloupe 69lb. Western Family Western Family Coca Cola Coors Beer Pasta Sauce Seasoning & Gravy Products Mixes $ 59 $ $ 99 $ 99 1 ea. 3 for 1 4 ea. 13 ea. 26 oz. Foil Pouch 12pk 12oz Cans 18pk Cans 20pk Bottles Western Family .6-1.13 oz. ¢ Western Family Gallon $ 39 2 Liter Bottle $ 39 12pk 12oz Bottles $ 99 Italian & Ranch Salad Dressing Mix 39 ea. 1%, 2%, Skim Milk 2 ea. Coke Products 1 ea. Corona Beer 13 ea.

Post Honey Combs, Western Family Powerade Western Family Fruity & Cocoa Pebbles $ 79 Sour Cream $ 09 ¢ Lite Whipped $ 09 ea. ea. 32 oz. Bottle ea. 1 ea. Cereal 13-14.5 oz. 3 16 oz. 1 79 Topping 8 oz. Doritos 14.5 oz. $ 99 Keebler Townhouse Koolaid Western Family $ Fritos & Cheetos 2 Frozen Potatoes $ 29 Crackers $ 59 2 qt. 5 for 1 $ 69 2 ea. 2 ea. 7.75-11.2 oz. 2 ea. 24-32 oz. 16 oz. Michelina’s Nabisco Crystal Lite Ruffles & Sunchips $ 79 $ 49 Frozen Entrees $ 29 Wheat Thins $ 09 12 qt. ea. 9.5-10.5 oz. 3 3 ea. 8-9 oz. 1 ea. 16 oz. 4 ea.

Chicken of the Sea Jack Daniel’s Western Family Frozen Yoplait Yogurt Tuna ¢ Grilling Sauce $ 89 Blueberries, Berry $ 59 ¢ ea. ea. 3 ea. 6 oz. ea. 5 oz. 99 19 oz. 1 Medley, Blackberries 16 oz 69 Cascade Rice & Pasta Roni Western Family Full Line of $ 29 Vegetable & Corn Oil $ 89 Powder & Gel $ 59 Asst’d Sizes ea. ea. ea. 1 128 oz. 8 75 oz. 5 Fishing Supplies! General Mills Kix, Western Family Western Family Poles - Tackle - Bait Honey Nut Cherrios, $ 29 Stir Fry Vegetables $ 79 Pure Olive Oil $ 99 ea. ea. ea. Wheaties 12-17 oz. 3 16 oz. 1 34 oz. 8 - Coolers - Ice HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Marsing, Idaho 7%2%3%26%4(%2)'(44/,)-)415!.4)4)%3!.$#/22%#402).4%$%22/23s02)#%3%&&%#4)6%6/10/09 thru 6/16/09