United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

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United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NFS Form 10-900a OMBNo. 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Page SUPPLEMENTARY LISTING RECORD NRIS Reference Number: 07000493 Date Listed: 5/25/2007 Goodwillie-Alien House Deschutes OR Property Name County State N/A Multiple Name This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with the attached nomination documentation subject to the following exceptions, exclusions, or amendments, notwithstanding the National Park Service certification included in the nomination documentation. / Signatur^ 9^ the Keeper Date of Action Amendeo-/Iterns in Nomination: Name of Property: The Historic Name of the property is revised to read: Goodwillie-Allen House. [This name best reflects the significant historic associations under which the property is being nominated.] The Common Name is revised to add: Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House. Significance: Commerce, Social History, and Politics/Government are added as areas of significance under Criterion B. [These themes reflects the varied contributions of the home's occupants to the development and growth of the Bend community during the early twentieth century.] These clarifications were confirmed with the OR SHPO office. DISTRIBUTION: National Register property file Nominating Authority (without nomination attachment) NPS Form 10-900 ^^-^*T.. ,cO 2*°" ^PMfc No. 10024-0018 (Oct. 1990) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form Jh\s form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instruction in How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested. If an item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classifications, materials and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation sheets (NPS Form 10-900a). Use a typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items. 1. Name of Property historic name Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House other names/site number H.E. Alien House: Allen-Rademacher House 2. Location street & number 875 NW Brooks Street not for publication city or town Bend vicinity state Oregon code OR county Deschutes code 017 zip code 97701 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this _X______ nomination __ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In rny opinion, the property X meets __ does not meet the National Register criteria. I recommend that this propertv^ejjonsidered^sj^pcant __ nationally __ statewide X locally. 0~7 Sigrrature of certifying$fficial/Title - Peputy SHPO Date Oregon State Historic Preservation Office State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that the property is: ./Signature of the Keeper /) Date of Action S*^~^) /} /I // IXentered in the National Register ( — <Tf / ( ,xW^-<- ..,„...._,.,„.- *5/2$/2O03- ___ See continuation sheet. / / /' 1 1 determined eligible for the National Register / / _ See continuation sheet. / / determined not eligible for the National Register removed from the National Reaister other (explain): 0MB No. 10024-0018 Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House Deschutes County. Oregon Name of Property County and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (check as many as apply) (check only one box) (Do not include previously listed resources in the count) __ private __X__ building(s) Contributing Noncontributing X public - local __district ____1___________ buildings __ public-state __site ______________________ sites __ public - Federal __ structure ________________ structures __ object _____________________ objects 1 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously (enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing) listed in the National Register N/A 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions) DOMESTIC; single dwelling RECREATION AND CULTURE: _______________art gallery 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions) foundation: CONCRETE LATE 19'" AND EARLY 20'" CENTURY walls: WOOD__________ AMERICAN MOVEMENTS: ____Bungalow/Craftsman_______ roof: WOOD: shingle Other: STONE: Tuff Narrative Description (Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets) See continuation sheets. Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House Deschutes County. Oregon Name of Property County and State NPS Form 10-900-a 0MB Approval No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page _1. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Introduction The Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House is located at 875 N.W. Brooks Street in downtown Bend, Oregon. The house is among the only examples in Deschutes County of a very early Craftsman Bungalow, built in 1904. It is associated first with Arthur L. Goodwillie (1904-1907), Bend's first mayor, a city founder and a businessman associated with platting and developing the town; secondly, with Herbert E. Alien (1908-1929), an executive at the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company and a civic and community leader; and, finally, with Dr. Clyde J. Rademacher, M. D. (1937 - 1983), a founder of Bend Memorial Clinic. In the early 1990s it was nearly demolished to make way for parking within a plaza development. It was rehabilitated in 1993, after being moved fifty feet south of its original location. Today, it is well- preserved and maintained, owned by the City of Bend, operated as an art gallery by the regional arts organization, and the centerpiece of that plaza. Setting The house sits at the edge of Drake Park on the eastern bank of Mirror Pond, which is formed by the damming of the Deschutes River near downtown Bend. Located in a spectacular setting, its view over Mirror Pond, the assemblage of foliage, the use of natural materials and the panoramic view of the Cascades leave a remarkable testimony not only to Goodwillie and Alien's individualism, but to the general optimism of Bend's early settlers. The view from the front porch is harmoniously framed by a variety of trees and vegetation. Swans, Canada geese, Mallard ducks and other waterfowl live on and visit the pond throughout the year. During a summer sunset, the sunlight simultaneously reflects off the water and filters through the foliage, while on the horizon the Cascade mountain peaks in the west push high into a sky of brilliant colors. A diversity of natural forms and textures enhance the setting. Juniper, pine, fir and deciduous trees, and other foliage provide a visual mixture to the setting, instill a rhythm to the landscape, and exhibit motion during a breeze. The relationship between various forms, materials and open space achieve a sense of tranquility. The massive pine trees, the shrubbery accentuating the horizontal plane, the subtleties of green, the contrasting brightness and deep shadows, and the open space lawn all contribute to the serene feel of the site. An integration of the house with its surrounding landscape through a pleasing visual transition gives the entire environment a sense of unity and reflects the Craftsman Bungalow spirit and mystic. The landscaping carries over and restates the design intentions of the house, accenting and emphasizing the architecture. The use of stone and wood show an appreciation for Central Oregon's natural resources and a concern for the setting. Together, the natural elements and the architectural elements form a unique, aesthetic feature of the environment. A plaza and an adjacent parking facility exist on a tax lot separate from that of the house, and are not included in the nominated parcel boundary. The plaza is described here because it is located within the immediate setting of the house. The floor of the plaza is constructed of earth-tone brick pavers. Beginning at the pergola's front pillar, a vein of darker pavers runs under its outside edge, defining its boundary at ground level. Within the wall that encloses the southwestern corner of the house, the pavers extend into the area and meet the floor boards of the front porch. On the outside of this wall, a curving ADA ramp descends into the park via a pathway of pavers. Goodwillie-Allen-Rademacher House Deschutes County. Oregon Name of Property County and State NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page _2. Next to this ramp, a stone wall high at the plaza level and somewhat lower at park level defines the northern edge of the plaza. The southern edge is likewise partially defined by a similar wall. Both walls utilize
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