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' _ ___rI - A sequel to Protracted Conict by same authors Harper, 1949!, .-W it A Forward_Strategyglfor Kmerica presents detailed program for United States v to develop greater strength in all areas of international power and influence, I military, diplomatic.economic, No mention technological, Director or cultural, FBI other political, than to list psychological, in appendix Director, and i Federal Bureau of Investigation as chairman, Interdepartmental Intelligence ,-<1 _'- ¢-7. 2 Conference. Two points discussed on matters of interest to Bureau. 9 _J' .7-. .1 Recommend international convention on espionage where all states adopt same .,___ - T __.fl -w-v~ definitions of espionage and prescribe similar penalties for similar act. - 'r,- ".'-5. Trials should be held before international tribunal or open - ! = i ,. 962"" w Enc_l0sure_s'a--1-._.¢_:< 3._ 3.4; l33MAR 101961 . -I ,-

- | _-. v_. MM $}°/im ~ " 2 MAR 9 196! 3 -P -Mr. Parsons I _ _ ~Q>." l'I " ..Mr.MChr / .-He Mr. DeLoach' 1 i. }A'_r neimgne '13 :.'7 - » .. .. ' P 01- 1/ » ."" - SECIZIOII tiCk16I' 4/_,¢g;.§-Bx ' ': I-2 __ 7 . 92 %§3??92?::..t1Y_:i:,_a21?>t . l _ LT,-,1='~ I .. . "R". .,,,;" ,_.# ,1;1*: , r" " pkg.-:;~§;;.a3,~,__; ':-'--_f;.=j.-.j;3J§j;"_{'~';'_ - - ;"_'_+__'_______M__~_;_¢ __;__-"_,______.M_;;_<__4¢;:; ';.'»'-1"-+5. ' _ ' " u lv _ .0 - ._ . U 6:;-_:_'__ a 92-

Bullivan to Belmont :3; 7 -Be: A_rOl:IQ£d Strate§11brAnferica ,_ -A-0 -5- 92 V is national trials with fair defense guaranteed. -Convention should I . - provide periodic exchange ofspies. Recommend, too, establishment at of a Presidential Operations Center to serve an focal point for ,.,rr i correlating all foreign policy data for more accurate evaluation. - Authors all connected with

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,5. .-.%i 0 about this 13,; to the letter to the Attorney General. _ p |

it" a ' I I _ no -1-.' ;":_=,=-2- is nEcom92g=:_nDaT1oN= .+,.1. ;.__q-_ '1".:.*_ :~.:*4-11;-4 _ '_lhat the enclosedletter regarding the possible discussionof captioned ,Q _ book on."The Great Challenge" television program on Sunday,March 5, 1961, ' :1. . together with its enclosure, beforwarded tothe AttorneyGeneral. -

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-'1 _- _ _f_aun_|sc1':"rss GREATCHALLENGE" ~ if j Y5... ,-. _ . -/'<» vs wror-'rv,4 P.M. , macs 5, 1961 Q. " I I 4: 2 The above-captioned television program was monitored by the Crime Research Section. The topic oi discussion was "international Communism. " Participants were: HenryCabot Lodge;James Burnham an editorof "NationalReview" magazine!;Y Robert Strauss-Hupeof the University of 1_?,ennsylvan1a'sPolicy Foreign Research y Institute; andAttorney GeneralRobert l?_$_?Kenned__y_.CBS Commentator Howard K.Smith -." i servedas moderator. l ZTM '* " -'-_ T -9 I OBSERVATION l Most of thediscussion concerned problems arisingoutside theUnite - particularly in Africa. Very little was said about communism in the United States. f.:'..:'92;-'_:?i. _".r .¢:3--.'.*.-FBI was mentioned only by the Attorney General and that in a passing manner. .9.-.1-';:;; -;'-: ::f:;F¢{; =2 BRIEF or DISCU§§lQN I. 1 Commentator Smith opened the discussion by saying that commtmism represented a great challenge today, that it had conquered onethird of the world'spopu- lation and still had the initiative. ivir. Lodge countered by saying that communism had been halted in Berlin and the United Nations. In places where communism has succeeded --. 4 it is because it has had along-range view in international conflict. If America would do what weare capableof doing, communism-would away. Mr.wither Strausz-Hupe 1,J emphasized thatcommunism isessentially a "conflict doctrine;" that if Mr. Khrushchev embraced thecause ofpeace hewould puthimself outof a job. Mr. Burnham stated that the communists really mean it when they say they are going to conquer the world. He added that our anticommunism has been too"soft. " Soft anticommunism means surrender 1-4? E--_ by stages. He ielt that wehave beenlosing thewar Russia andare losing it now, as reflectedin Cuba? Laos, etc. ZZ_ 3/jg7... quj ._ - QKTIQRNEY< 'KENEDY GENEltAl.- g. I,.17? -- 5. , §§',§RRf $11. nan E 0 -~ -.._ ' .|_ V H -A Mr. Smithaddressed a special question to_Mr.Kennedy irzihesewe 2' "1 would like to ask you anentirely different question. You are in charge ofdealing th communism thein UnitedStates. I haveheard itsaid thereis a commmist-espionage . ' I - - ~ flay» 1 _. , __ _ _h9292 I . Xi'an? -.contmtidoni page! I F§g:£ ,%Q5|-3:;;:£92es92D .. C-K92'92Ii....» ! mo .1 u g i E L -~ - - - .----»----i-1-4---..-Q--~.----_ -p----r... -_;a-.4_-..-.__,. .s_.-._; - ;,, vi ; - .._-.7 ._...-,_...-,,'..__"__--.-a,,_._-q---7--L--t----ff-

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Jones to DeLoach memo Re: 'f'I'heGreat Challenge" ~W'I0""P-TV, 8-5-Bl ' . _,t. | _ - 1 threat inside the United States, there is a foreign communist threat to the United States, but there is not and has never been a political threat of communism inside the United State| . ; land therefore committees like the UnAmerican Activities Committee are diverting our attention from the real threat. What is your assessment oi communism in America?" " | i - Mr. Kennedy answered that there are two areas of concern to Americans: ! the tact that the Communist Party exists in the United States and is dominated, controlled and financed directly by the Soviet Union; ! there is and continues to be acts oi espionage in the United States by the Soviets and their satellites. He added that the FE ' Communist Party had little attraction for the American people and that he didn't think . that as a political power it is anything to be reckoned with. He added that the Party can and has had a political impact on occasions, but didn'tconsider it as a major political _a party and that as long as the FBI and other Government agencies were vigilant they would

'-.1.I not be. The great struggle of today is not with the Communist Party here in the United 12;.-1 3U States but what we are going to do with the uncommitted areas of the world. The pertinent section of Mr. Kennedy'squote regarding communism in the United States and the FBI is a follows: "Well, I think there are two areas which must be a matter of concern to us U I-;_e= particularly.- I-think the fact thatthe Communist Party exists here in the United States, . .'-.92_.-.1 A ,, -v-. -and dominated and controlled by an outside force, by the Soviet Union itself, that it is .T»='*:.:-+ . _-.g_-_ ..,,,._, .= ..--e'92"-- v ,., . largely financed by the Soviet Union in funds coming directly from the USSR, I think this is a matter of g'r_eatconcern for the American people. I think the fact that there is and continues to be acts of espionage, here in the United States, which go on continuously, n which are directed and controlied by representatives oi the Soviet Union and representative -p-. s of the satellite countries of the Soviet Union, that those acts of espionage are taking place this week, last week, and the week before and on a continuous basis, I think that is a " matter of great concern. I don'tthink that the Communist Party itself has any attraction I for the American people generally throughout the United States. I don'tthink that as a c political power it ispanything to be reckoned with. I think that they can and have had a political impact on occasion, but I don'tthink that they are a major political party in the United States, and I think as long as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other Government agencies continue their vigilance, that iey will not be. I agree with these gentlemen that the great struggle is not with the Communist Party here in the United States Y -w but what we are going to do with the uncommitted countries and the people who arej .~ uncommitted throughout the world. . . . " ' -t - 1 .r- I "_.':92OIHER ..TOPICSQF PISCUSSIQE _ - The remainder of the discussion dealt chiey with international problems, especially the United Nations, Africa, NATO and howto help captive peoples behind the . = " e 92 ; - i continued on nextpage! ' e ' , . 0


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- I r I . Jones to DeLoach memo Re: "The Great Challenge" §--.:-. WTOP-TV, 8-5-61 Iron Curtain. In one exchange, Mr. Kennedy said we are so much concerned with our own opmiort that we have less active interest in problems abroad. e said we are really engaged in a war and need to harness our energy. One way to do this is the Peace Corps. In this way citizens can feel'that they are contributing. Burnham gave his support to the proposed Freedom Academy, a school to train people to ght communism. This would mean we have something on our side to ght communism and would reect a turning to a hard anticommunism. Later Mr. Kennedy made reference to this institution Freedom *5". 5 " § Academy! and said "that is a step, as the Peace Corps, " indicating his approval oi such an I - ' Academy. But these steps are not suiiicient by themselves, and there are other steps to be taken, as will be taken by the Administration and the United States. He said we must concentrate on young people in the fight against communism. At the end of the program, _-1 Mr. Smith summarized the Attorney General's position as follows: "Attorney General Is. Kennedy emphasized that opposing communists is not as important as taking positive .47. actions to meet the communists and he suggested the Peace Corps as one positive approach B.ECQMlMEN'DAT_ION: H . -E s._

_2 ."!*,':?: J3 I 1? - For information. u/1f]_""" p_é__u,,q ' !':l'.' "L1 . ;'ra"i-1,;-1' -'-I: 1- '-._ . 1' H7 W/[0 I 92

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_ _ ' - I-C. Sullivan...- rreh-/7"! 6/ ~ - -- s {;':.;.':_-- -est /i{tm;m= ' //I /vgéraf17- ' '1QtlRMATTER'0aO /694//1/tr? . -§ Q0&0! é I thought you would be inte sted in knowing that at about 12:00 todaythe Attorney General walked into the 9th Street motor entrance 4:1 while wen were dispatching a group consisting oiabout 100students from T;-92 Cocalico UnionI-ligh School,Denver, Pennsylvania.The AttorneyGeneral appeared tobe quiteinterested inour operationand observedthe manner ._r-'. --_ ...-| _ in which we were handling this group for a matter of several minutes. . He a-'.;';"925'_"r [F51 ?l,"f@1-':.5:}.'.*.~'.Zthen approachedthe seniortour leader who was dispatchingthe groupand asked ina friendly manner whatwas goingon. The senicrtour leader introduced himself to The Attorney General, answered his questions _ =.',;-.*;-.'-;¢.'-3?.,,, ,_..__, F completely, andexplained ourmethod indispatching large school groups which appearat the Bureau atthis time of the year to tour our facilities.

-1 5- . The Attorney General was most cordial, appeared to be _ . _,,"f:§_4 quite impressed, andin accordance with requests made of him bystudents in--L H in thegroup exchangedpleasantries, shookhands with several, and ~ consented tobe photographed,before enteringthe building. This group, ,. it might be noted, wasnicely dressed, andwell behaved. _ I

92 92 RE CQ_hlM§NDA_E1Ol92l: - . I. 7:5 ' ormaor on. 'M _ _ .1» if- '1'.- .. Y _ . w -as -~ _ ' A F infti $9? q _- ah-_ 1| P v'iiJ- ""' " 4 _., I . J. . G Dem,, G |~.~ZZ-.._£/_:z_~*7.ff ' f1-H 1 'Mr ac i , ' NOT as-connnn __ *1 r ~ .. . ._-i ' p »1;1gMAR'.=1961 -' '3 . ' I 1 92 I _ -1;- _ 1 __.,,1 Q l ,WHS:mmh/"_/ 'M-"R1961 15 ¬;'92O$ ! . t--... o - 1| _..|-.---.-iu---.,,,.-..¢---.-.---.....-...J..' "t" .. Y " '..".i *-%~¬,@:%'- 92 . _.4 .. , , i-£f.'.'.'.;.. -1*" »__ i$_T-1-;;92"{16w5,l ;->-~~_'_xEF@1». 1 - -= :- _k_'k r~i=_-1>- -':ua=.=-;~ '_'!n.'4I.l-;'lJ*,"92-'_ A-_--_»l..'Az'....|-_92 ._-_;m -ts-_¢92¢__;.. -' ,, - _,_---- i _-.. -1-a.-.~-We-'...:-.__', ..._s..; -... s 2 I 92-.,,_'I:"-. 1..-.-.1-'.-.'-.-.-92.92-Q...---_...-. Q. I I -_

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5 ./ H- ; 1 _,; _' . i mi-en is, 1001 . _ V '»'--_-a-'i:'_:I-3 » - -wt ' ._.1*-¢ _ 1 1--e .- p_..-.-_..._apn.-q-»._-_a-- _-92 W , -.!,..?.|!.§_;_,.__~._ ________._"_ ,_ ie " i I-n' I ' =" '7 . " - » ''-' - I/V __:;_ I r . . Master ltobert I-,_ _ y, _Jr._ ' ' - ' t -.» '"-='~"': E . -'- J' I Georgetown Univeraity ospital a -rage. /Y5? _ __ _ @ » -..-fa " L -1-?- 8800 Relervoir Road, Northwest _ ----"."" - Waehington, D. C. -A . . _ --Q.-=-i{Y;;§._ . _ _-- ._ -;.¢',= ->7 41*-V - , - 5" -_ Dear e" - -I-.'< - ,5 I was very lorry to learn oi your con- . i!_ -.1! "' nement in the hospital as l know it must be dilcult -3 =5: . I" 92 '_a.. __ for you to spend the time indoors away from your achoolwork and playmates. l feel certain, however, - ..-_.¢¢_ ..92 .2.- ,_ _--_- ....- 92 _. ¢ _ - ~_ that you have already made manynew friends amon¢7 ___..'- , 2 - .. --- _ ,.._'-,¢,_: the doctor: and nurses at the hospital. Follow their " -'._--. _ w-TQM:<'~- instructions closely so that yon will be ready to return p .;-..f92"- ,'§_ fr" ."{'-'_ .. ;-'-"."..= E ._-;7q_;;:=.'-. _.. 4 to school very soon. - -.2,-17;;-'.-r.-.* L_.:_7'..-.;.;::;_92.r__. - -.":'-;92,_ 92 5':-2'.,1...-¬92~{'1¬"¬.--'-? lam lending you some information .1 . __ .._.4--_ . mi, V 3;.--.' about the l-Bl which l hope will make the hours go I T ...'-~---~=: little taster. - . ' -r .- 1.. _ _--. 1' 1 7 _ _. Va 4-.- L .-. * BY -r : .,~i-.~: ' l Sincerely ymrlf l -3; i I 'B1 GQU_B1EIw ve.- u...-F _ II.Edga1'FT65§r _ .- , - mn- .~._ 1 1 1i.IF'.R] 5 o é- -5 ._ ,_. -1 . C- COW-l-FBI ' pi - ~-,_ .-. --.1. V-3»-. ;..-:1» -:2 '- e I-'3r....__ .5. 1'-' .~".". . -.=..".*;-. -1;» Enclosures ! i _ ' A, -v'4L;_~.=" ..-_ .. __,...; ~ '-I-~'-1.1:-I-. "=.:.--.~-,,...... ,.-.....-4..., lr an -dT_-'--*'I'-liil--I1 1.1 M F£§"_fT' "92 I 5. H iv ar" '.;£§ §_toI'I.0;LE.Bl._.;~17 '1-*""-;'*-"~-":':..-.'-_g.--.=':'*'§"*I*"--* Y?-"*.;T-'=v, :1; '-':.'*5I-'._"-.;*¢*¢Q-Q E '-~*"";:l1¬'=-;,-1',4-fa?";,1.,» _ ~E _- _ '5; .. Jlpacets *_'o.o--FBPFQ otpi1. _ . _ ._ _ - H .,_ . 7 _ :;p'-:-II._L _,:. _'_ .ggi?_-'_;_.{__" ?,_:_ .}'_.;92;;._ 1*.-.1 Tle V .. ,, | . '. '9 V 1" . " ,"l _- -'92J|1<-..-_'. I. '_::'..-- _ I75:-5"-7."-'-'ie;-I J. #F1ohe' a. J -s --it-.-.--' i_.;.-..--.:e=-=L'I"vr* 3-; " *5 '-.15! '5.; .':. 'f;*£i 4'"-11" -".-~.."'* 1 - -- ',.,°"',,'"' < ---1.7? " '...T.'=i.*=TI':?';i"°-..;i.I.is-.:.r:-t;.92i-:";.:=sq QNOTE: Addressee is the seven-year-old '...:::1.s~.-.-i=.-:~..-. son .-7..-2 of e':'-.- Attorney =;....'.s....xE'I!'.'f. General ..-.'.!'ha~_ _ £1»_~;..*.. .--T? . -' 4 Q"'__,,-,i-l Kennedy. Address of Georg§toqvvnU{;i_v_ersit " - " ' '_- Hospital per telephone =--o ==¢921;?7 ;§'/3&7I :::d_ia.* mei 1; L; -- 5;, if _ g _ I L L __Z J--1-I-11 i {;_' iii i _.-- $.'.Z.1..-._-.:=-- e.c.s»1|:m._ -. L" _.-3!- a » . .'- i ,_Q=_: =7 Q fills ma [16 196' ;' 'r-|.. ¢."'§";§_Linm.____. »HJw£r9v!Q§1'|j _ O '_" --- .--'I =

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_ -_ 4 . the telephone On s-e-61, sea xice wi-*6£é* at the Kennedy rt residence ratory and that that she a telephone had been - call I _ '-had instructedto been reajqlzved advise from the FBI rather than the telephone , Personal company. Secretary -to It was . 1 -: l Mrs. ascertained ,to through Miss Novello, e eec the Attorney ere was someGenera.l's difficulty Secretary, with£7 ___ _ . ' ' that the trouble was with the signal lights on the telephones and that ' : A were involved. This iniormation was discussed with Asslstant Director Evans and in accordance with his instructions, Miss Novello ' ~.-:~ - neither twas advised the lines ml-up themselves nor erlculd gothe Bureau-installedahead and call countermeasures in the telephonen . l company to make e neccss.lr;-- repairs. 1: - E.-.:.=~!.¢ .j'.§.__,Q -< . ._= 1.:. 4' L.-_ ACTION. __ 'r._.-_', '1;-.1 7 ' This matter will be followed and after the telephone company has a completed the 92-'0rl~ . a resurvey will be made by the Laboratory to make . '1» sure that the security of the instruments has not been impaired. -.-7.-c2- J1 92: 1 $1 1; n

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!F a U" . rhino: I 92 ..-4' ems: or DIIECTOI "To Pl|"5O|'IS f Ftocm. mun or1Iv£s1'|oA'r|o| w . ' #- ?+*=%_ marguhnrg' stigaruntlf",'.-,zf,"_~;,,¥JUSTICE or 92'_w in '. Mr. J.Edgar Hoover 92 ,_an _ 5, F. B. 1. _ ,,,, ,,,,,,,,"" = § . 92 Washington,C. D. Ir. hS8l'li._...... _._ Ml. level ...i...... 1 If Tfbttlf-_i.. Dear Sir: Z5f . A T Elli/éfwy . '--..______ ,,_:-* ' * " _ Ill. J ... If you retire from your post in Ir. I'.C.Sulllvani Tole. looluii I 1 July as reported, you will no longer P ¢ nr. |ngrun._...... _._ | .. be around to check the G Ilia lo1nes_._.i. tactics beingnow cookedup %the Miss i l MQ . wonder Millionsour of non /1~

K"r~992-"""" " /"'F."'tL_ '. -I " xi |,?J"*'§%y/! Q- V [ U U n~ <3 "92- /1 - 92.92 s 169., Mu/4» _ .u A _ ._,..__ {»v"*fv;.s."5*M ..§¢.,. wag.

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Iyll-IIAILIIIIB I51! I'AlIlII¢'I0ll'l1|a .4- - qutatit Ian ii In K 92 pasnotto -- 92 Ihunltvas ";'~..W» diff *. '11 ' -tfo- . on-sy oald y _. _ A 9292- ... ._s._ _».-¢._..s&...._a. ...u.ta..4r-...'4,'92,:.,=;'-_..,_ ... - _- I : .... E... 1. - ' General I Robert y __.-Q_ r-M _- A. - ._'.'92u-'-":..4_»~ _-ft __-4". .

if d l _r{r _ In -it "-_-_-'-_ . =3;

' 1 ~ P AA Robert Ken-_.Funny Noise - ' - - In. ' J-~_'_ _-int: - ._~_ 1. i e'i1..?°w¢._ - ~¥.-<**'-mdv vhollno Q _ . .- . -. ; -. '_ ',_ n-Ho? ii '-. J. " r i h '.'s " predates the ~ 1 belptulneaa being

-.=." f-i ---.92-.1 _ . . --_ -_. .1 _-,,._-.:_»,92 _ .1. -._,.. .- -_ _..'.[;;:_~1 :.;. J t '-._". _ .-.- aha:-e" .:, "-'3...~*,- li @-

White - ___ _, _ hilly aware ditticulties l. His critics lIebelngdl'lWlll0I'lt-he:l'lntn tanding T the 4-. slightest; ins In; aggressive aoollectlveantl-crlmeaassult out: Bobby ls throwing weight around. He is tmnz to give them no smallest .i--Je-l chance. Not unnaturally, he toroe.Anall-tederalerlmein-I . L3 likes his brother and doesn't _ 4 ' .k_,~. want to he the agent tor harm- ln: his administration. telligencesystemishetngpu-a Indeed, in these early days he is running the Department of Justice with almost ascetic paredftortsarebeinmgmade, reserve. saying nothing. stay- inz out oi politics and tending - i too. for eloaer'relat.iciiiips I i strictly to business. His press _ Q otiim-s. for the moment. are withstatea.ndlocal|n:necu- like farmers paid not to plant corn. The! are tar more in- HIL- I clined to play everything down I than to play anything up. i i ~17" Headlines the? 39¢ iiif. fitti- The Attorney General er than pursue. '11-rover - Staffs are being enlarged. The ettomey - I I - __-s_ e__3____ . general ban no hostility either to business lta-elf or to hlgness one W - ex» in business. He will he skeptic- alml'-ill! by the swaIlovvtng oi ally concerned, howe ver. the big by the much

. ___ I .t:v .-'---~. - '.-7 .. 4 -' 1, ;.'--.. ._._-r. .- -4--d ,- - ~. ..-r .,. -1§L...... _....- ~L.._-* '_....4.- _c...._..__.._. .- . ...._..-_. e..--t-e .-_._. ;."* . __,..- - ' I I ¢_" - - £31 THe Al'TOnN&__,§IENERAl. s O11 L_.._._ Ir. llaha 92nAa|-|mo'rou l r. DeLna.3? 5i h Hr. Evan: L, l March 17, 19 1 Hr. Halon Hr. Roaen " L . ..__._;_ _ _ - __ ~....._*w4¢1I92.." 92 92 >_,,._.-I 92 7 ' % Mr.Hr. Tavel Trotter..___ -_ - Mr. W.C.Su11iv1n = - " ': it - ' ; ' Tale. R00m_._ Mr. lngn-am___ -;--"jg,' .." :1_,' :_:_..- Mia Gmdy _ ' - ._-_-.'-_

. _ _-._'--92.- Dear Edgar: 53. -"

-c .-.:-:5 ,.&_ ._ , gs I am happy to accept your kind . . 1 .r_ T y M 1'. -_. invitation to address the graduating class -- . -1'-if- , ; of the Sixty-seventh Session of the FBI IL"Nlr -_ T":-P1 "' - ; -- I -1-; '2: ' National Academy on Wednesday, June 7, 19?1 _. -= . -aj 3.;- {>35 Z T!" - -»_ J 0 -5.-=5; Sincerely, in , '-.0 ea.-.;;-1+: -r -,- -- ":1_. ,,.~r - -.-_ -__-. __ £!/ca r ~ < -,; 01* * _ 92-_.- -.r~""1 '92.92..- '- _,92 Robert F. Kennedy L . . _ _, -. -; O .- -¢-., --;- .'- _.. _ 1;¢_._rj_~_;_{ _. .~_ |-'I.-,!.-- :_~--,.~-.-.- '01:.-.--<_--:~.- .. - g-7;-2;~.'r..=- -=-»---~=- -<.;'»'.- -.-;t-a_1=_-.-;92,='-_é-~-'_;"3§ ' '¢.':§r»'3..'.'="z,.»-:3. -:'.-'-=."'~.'.-:'>.'.-' 3-,"!-Lzgjl'

The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover Director WashingtonFederal Bureau D. of Investigation C.25, :6; .;7__ ¬? A i¬&;.;4"_?_->:;_._._. mac-:1'__~ 77 ._.._5! "...... 7 --4 -.1 . ;1¢§$¬§F:¢f?. i 1? 5.1" 2 MAR 22 1961 - i _*1 a|=.~;i* re-arix?. " _, ~ 1-Ii h I:-1 Y AW . _ ...-- .._.._.,,,___,_ 1 1 K: __'§".'; _ -_ -__92. ,._;;__-_.._ _ _ 3; .. - .,!¬?< ' t2&;lQ[ ¢& - I] I; ..'=..--s-.Eur __ _ ,, . -1-g-_ A B'7MAR241961' s ~~?§2;-=". v _ f"j * '"** "'~"*-*' ""' - -vIn--.- ,- _4.._ .. 4... '7_i .~s _ ._..-._:|.__ heel ,_ _ __ _ '- ---> ? V~_ .

I- 3 § - ,

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.7»v -._. Memoranatim

1_ .5 ._¢ b- 1'0muses! no-. lwrn: n- =21,am dig- ; - -L . .1. 'e°92'=u¢*7°°§92-/0 ya dI- INTERVIEW OFATTORNEY GENERAI¢§_@ERTF. KENNEDY - - p BY EEHATOR KENNETH B. KEATING {F.EP. = ..... --....., -_ , ' TV PROGRAM "LET'S LOCKAT CONGRESS" 3

~_ _W'92I"92I -i:?.-11:5. '-."-I~~=t ;teE'.:=i-t.-n . ,.. . . , As you will recall irom my memorandum oi 3-20-61, Benator 1 KennethB. Keating Republican -New York! interviewed the Attorney General I c°nd'Son March 19, P21/was-a 1961, on Stationlieu». WOR-TV in New ' Aw York. During this interview . 1 SI the Atterney Generalecneeee -aarieue twice, ernmg them thePatient Qrme Commission,STATION comnnmism WOR-TV, and11:15 AJI. his association , MARCH 19, with the 1961,Director. NEWYORK, NY Y New York has made a tape recording of this interview. It is attached. It is 14 1/2 minutes in length and is recorded at 3.75 inches per -5' I $3. _] 1- 1 ''1; Iv; Q1 - _nEconms1~n;A'1_'1[og=~ N» '92i

Ii theDirector desiresto hearthe recording,it can be e * 0I played ona portable machinein the Director's otticeor can beheard * __ through better equipment in the studio in the Laboratory. It is u__-_ 1 r '._z respectiully requestedthat theDirector indicatehis choiceand designate .. a timeand dateii he desires hear theto recording._ I ,_.,; 4". E°1°''°Av!' //1!.eh Of/I M f_ __ __ 1 A/--1 ,- W; G- W 92-sit». "'~' il- HAP 24 .961 j _; BN6 a -Ivfe vzlymeussu ' 2;:Hr. Ingram 3.12:2.t "lit... ' It. / I er l "I -" * Q3} - " '-,=',,,=;*_e;,$'1"-_.;__-_.e-_.__r.. 3 .. - _.-..-=_j-:..-1..-. _"'-"_92>f-.-if r: .» '- F Qnu Inn-in ll f _, r " . "am"*"e' 92 W 0 r Memorandum Evan

1'0 = llr. Delioaché -es mire: am-eh :0, 1961 "4;-;-:»-~21? $2l;.';§I=___ horn _i 1*-'4... .2 _ G1n:dv.__.i .-k_" Qh -»-=»- = ../¢§.:/S l :=----;_..f_j_-_ _ mrsnvrsw or arromtsr GENERAL nosnnr 1+; KENNEDY 9- *7 BY SENATOR KEN'NE'IH B. KEATING REP.- NEW YORK! 9/£1-,_-1 1! s TV PROGRAM "LET'S LOOK AT CONGRESS" e STATION WOR-TV, 11:15 LIL, MARCH 19, 1961, NEW YORK, NY I-. Supervisol-_ {cw York/L.- Office, telephonically furnished the following synopsis oi captioned program: Senator Keating asked the Attorney General whether he still thinks

"1" it is necessary or desirable to create a National Crime Commission. Attorney General Kennedy replied that at one time he had felt that it was necessary because of gangster penetration and the growth of organized crime. Mr. Kennedy . i an-lu¬u an-IIIII LI:-n0Luau. uc hnan-rr uw CAacGu: In I-Lnnu: T92Av92nw-i-nu 1.-raga;-|..|.u%u|.G 13 nuac uh-n% an cu-COu.|ya1$uinn H many Q va I-If§|92.119 {Int -1.3133J . -..-Q which he had thought should be done through a National Crime Commission. Mr. Keating asked the Attorney General ii he was pressing for legislation to create a National Crime Commission. Mr. Kennedy said he was not because --'::92:.' ._. '5 "" -_. "'2':_ he thinks the Department can accomplish these things administratively within :§:;::~ 1 s-- o_*,_'.-' -{LUn;| L-P1_ ht _ -y_..__ I the Department. He said he was not opposed to it, but he is not as strong for it ..; F... -..,. 4--up as he was in the past. _ 92- '_-» --__ 1 Senator Keating asked whether the Atterney General advocated .- other legislation to deal with organized crime. Mr. Kennedy replied that he thinks there should be legislation to cover the transmission oi gambling informa i _ s 'across state lines so as to permit the Federal Bureau of Investigation to come _t-; I». into areas where they had not been permitted to in the past. ~» i ' Senator Keating mentioned that there have been rumors that there ya has been some lI.Q92v921':l5II rift or §92§ difficulty 92QPQ between isnn92nI>n'In1Ir the nnihinn Attorney§l'92 General if! fhnf lib and"h"1I§ J. Edgar fhif Hoov'gr.5 ;_;.;;. I-I. . I. 92-I, LUHLJCU I-I11-L I-IJIFIU LB DUI» I-lll-I-J ll92J92-I-lalll/5 Uh! Lb} illlib lib I-Lhllanla Bl-l920l-cl z pl. I relationship is of the best and they get along extremely well. Mr. Kennedy said? he sees eye to eye with the Director on all of the matters and that he has a great deal oi admiration for him. Mr. Kennedy stated that the Director has made many major contributions and that he hopes that he will continue to have a long and '' .., ,- 21 1--..'= "' ; ..:_» ._ _i worthy service in the Federal govemgi t. m, t d that their 0.! V__-"7 .3...-.2- .,;.. E 1° .45.. ¢»+ -- §~?- /M . .. DC1 - Mr. sures DeLoac . %0 _92J :_ _ .692!©=;T~ff/ _ $}%92_,,, q§92 1: MAR :2? 1961--K ,' _ l Lhr 1 - Mr. Morrellj A mg NIINUE *1 D 11° xt ---5Page "1 -92*~ » I r W M Ex-11! i. "* G@92;f>X ¢92 --*2 _ ' Y .---~ in-'3" ax _i;-'3. ~ . i" ~- t is. "f?.¢-5-~5,?I'-2a.;-I»-1*" -s-_'-' xv;-:=_». xii "'2'-M1-r1i'41':n,<:-~:*.-_" ""- "5-92' " ..a..s._-__-L-¢=+>.i;.=_-_-Q.-,1-.:~ ' "' ' --n-r 92 --'~'~-r»--'-'- _'-El F -»923.92-'" ->'."g $1-Ir_-;.. .15 - -_L-'='-.1----' 4-1-% ' "~'-as T-"4 1-_ .l~ 5


-~__ I- Q°.


Q r'_ - ' ' '~ 92_-92_-'


I Jones to DeLoach continued! A 1 ca .2. 1 relationship is of the best and Hr. Keating commented that glad to hear I the Attorney General say that. 2- ,.. _ 92 Senator Keating asked the Attorney General if he thinks that the FT intent of communism in this country is asserious today as it was 5 or 10 years 1. ago. Mr. Kennedy replied that he thinks there is no question about that and he _, I I bases his opinion on information received from the FBI and other sources. The i Attorney General added that this is true because the Communist Party of the -" "92' .. United States is controlled and to a large degree financially supported by a _ 6;.-1?:U 11-. . ;92 foreign government, because acts of espionage are controlled and supported by .__ '¬-. embassies of communist countries. Eenator Keating asked the Attorney General . _._ whether he plans any legislation to deal with the problem at the present time. Mr. Kennedy replied that the Department has none under consideration because the FBI is doing excellent work in this field. Hr. Kennedy said he believes that as long as the FBI is aware of this problem and continues its fine work it will L; make a "major difference." ' 1. 792 -1 Mr. Kennedy in his interview also referred to the Department's .. antitrust program. Mr. Kennedy stated that he to pursue the maer of _: price fixing in the various metropolitan communities of the United States. 3 Mr. Keating also raised the question of litigation in the field of civil rights. I ,¢v The Attorney General said that the Department will take a forceful and strong v look into the violations of voting rights in certain sections of the United States 4 where there appears to be discrimination against minority groups, particularly Negroes.

O I it Ir .ao _. __.92___'I .|92 _ l11___..___ lW______'I 1.! I__ _'l____L._ -.J.:__I.. I. _} 1 MI. beating 3-SKECI U13 ATIUTDBY uenerai II ne pians EU SKILL [U

job for 4 years. Mr. Kennedy replied that he does. -Mr Si advised '7 V they are forwarding a tape of the entire program for the Bureau's Two copies of newspaper coverage afforded Mr. Kennedy's _ .;_ interview on television are attached. v_ L; RECQMMENDATIQISE v . That the _ attached letter be sent to if/92"the Attorney General. ' 1 . I

:'- _ 3. "~.~.l¢-<<;~"A.~=-l'.~'-".$ -D-I-Q - - '=r-:-->;.~"':92-l-E_ -|r.L "2§;'§-i'==|*~&1;*1,»__v"~;#@i§i~.1;,,?,;;=§==_:=[:&' -:. .,+'-'------" -_A'+»--.1-7--e-4;-.; . - n 1 7»--,:1_;.','-:._§»-_'_'.. .-:» i-~~£;92.;-'.-_u_.'- .4,-J.-._._... -. _...;.-=_|»-- ._ - '-., --. . . I - 4 _ . 4 4. -I . Tolson __, Person: ____,__ "'" F I6? 5 r_,.-_ _ ..,, .,, a_ . - Mohr ' ___ '--I. _ .__ Belrnoru ____ , 4 C::Iic'r.a.': ___i -1*$- - 4- Com:-1 3 Mi DeI..o:ch Q , Evans Malone __

>.- Lb92.'r'92.A '_ I f"':'II I -:1-f92 Rosen .3. I ui'92-7'92--L.jg _ $ T r rqv I" . _ 1 r"~= r~v---P"92/92f -Q Tcvel , ..J92.; __.'..92.92:[email protected]..:- .__ ..p_" W ,. By l.92L'LHE.-KLY .. '9292':.sI':ir.;:1c-:1,19 }92'!292-S March Tr:-tier 3;:r=-nu!.-.-Lzzonu-;.' Gem;-...hob- r. F. K1-r.::¢£;.' s;.".Edtoday that W-C. Sullivan _ he hr.-Zi=92'o~1:11; Cum:-.1:;ni.~t Pm» I K ' Tele Room ty is still :1 Q Ingram "'92-cry s<;.'io;;S| Q-.ZkI-9. [aha-cat":0 1.-.|. l Gcndy F. '_-- inu;1'naIscc'.:ri'.y of the United , =-.~I:92?->' .92'..".'.-.-s. 1:-,-1:-,-,-.'. I II;-.'.?".edytold ~ -E--~.- ~. ~- , ,;_'.._: S<:.. .{::a.tin;:. -¢..~;r- '-'1. .- $1.. {ll-I92'.':'.!in a g _._:: T92' irztuz-92'ie92'.. : :1 3.1- is 1.0%. .-.. '1..-:'in;: :'.F.<-V ; 3; ;__. ] .;_-_-is1:.- YfcmertF. 1 § I.»:.Tn 5.... 9292'i.h¢ 392°n1'~¢d}' 5 .-4. 1 !-!_.. -_. 1'3....-1 . :'uu."..1'.esaid. t!zat1e' .==-, _' I.-21 i.~;Ea...-.;; "fine92-.-0.'l;" in }iQ92:?l- ._;;-.=]'_3 '_-_'- '21:;e_92¢.-on thezm Cu.'.*.;'.;Ees. He 2 ' 1.1.1'dul'.i92'L§ andF131of :. Di1':L".uI' :31": 1'v;m:".sJ. betweenEdgar RJ. i I .iuu92'e;l'. Ou1.- '0:-cc-s 1'{.-:1:1¢-.Ig.-111:4 s;-.543 1.'.S. Com- :~.;...'~'.:;a very 92'.1-nz Serious '. .-.:"."1-92-cm:-c 1I".e3'were "con- iiL;.-i:.-.! nmi 10 :1 i:.1':_'eF.- degree ; ;. '3'by >-'.;ppwtcEi-n :11:00.} number 0! York. Journal-American i New K!-:92-se thingsthat 1 Lhoug.-;ht Yurk Mlrror .-zlmulnl Ludune throufgh a national Nlw rimv <-:.;:1-11i.~"sio:1within *5 11¢- York DailyNews -i Thu ';~.1'nnen|.'ofhe said. Justice,"York Post T_heNew York Times 5I §";jf....?'_'._.-92:.;_,92-_-}l;'_.;a*".:;.,,:.r§._ .~_j:j_ ?-__'_-=_~__.;-*;._-'-n,-5,; . ; - ._ _ '-.._~I._-I ,- . 4 J:-~|._--.-..»-' - ;- F I 0 I ' , la __ .. 4. - 1 iI*}- sir. ' Moi-ar

I ______, Evans @- ' _ .._-.--.4 é-3§..__- -c .",:_,,-_,. I- _"7"'.!, ,...- 92,492----1-0|: 92.J-92-.'92 --un Re I Q' ?'.

'92.¢92. .-én 5-"'?--; 11.20 r " - '._" -..-'1'-_'3'..'._* ...~.-_' " _.. ._-. ..___...-_ ._2---;;.4-';.-- " ;.4_-t;_~;:-'_~;.=|---_-._'.92;.=r;;'.:-"?§'-ea; 1-. J:.;..-' '' -~a.1..-'-.. ,. . -' J '' ' to 5 0 --1: 0 - ' Tolson I. .. Q-_._-.Z- I -- .¢'-g-P 1';-4:; 1;-.-.7-r".92.,'*;' 0 "'1 L_J._._...'._; .-...'.. ...'92¢92./"._.3 .-.4._-_..-..l; Pa.sons n,;. . =- 4.... r-/---'1 r -. i -' B. .' ''92I . '-u -_-_.f- _ --_--I4-1? 92. -. ..__'....¢ I -.--.--..- -7 -L;______'_'__,__ -WU__ 92ch:;I. Belrnon. q..- .. q . l../ ....-nu T92 C.P-i92T!'lS . l_te ir: ihe F Callahan fl K.1 92_4.92-.-.t.. !L£92' ._.,. 0.. cl t-. 5, . . L . ..; c. .'-;".'C.__'. 10;- 92'-'1'-:r92ml_,". _ .. ., 15.-_ Johna.» P. I 12:7. 1.» .- r. | ....- ._ 1. .:r_.-.2 Ra.-::'L.-.3 h;.'. clectisr.' ;.;'>ai§:i1'.'.:r.u-Conrad _-JQ-' " _-::.- r-,.t-',;...,.' -;.cr;'r.r:*. '..'..in :1-.L.s fzrlcl." he we-:2: 11:: rim-c:'.:.:;-rr:r.s ..to 1°r:::a:.'.'.;_.-1 ::.- _-.:. ?~.:;= 7" 1.3.1...... 5: :. ..1-'1.-..". ... '92-- --- +;Ic.--.-er stayLO anr:..-a: -"4:2. 2.. r£.:~r. I. _-._._r.- 92_ . . |- DeLocc1'..__ '-'l'.}'1. p:-.c:--2';::;.".;as n2:-11.711-0-- .."f-' i.c.":*.s 92 . rnnorzrzzztzIo:>ir::.' r.:£I=$."in 21:1": Yo: ' " Gamer.-:1: . .J_..=_'Lc;:: S... RIC" 1'"-.'u.I..| ."" | I Ir. a lmed tclr.-iricr. inn:--7. -.. . '.;.:.cand o..'.:-r:';.I'.-.":.i:".;l|;-;£:'.c.=sZ; -r;r.- c;;'. Z.:=92"r:1 92'E";:01.:szen! are andvie: r:;th Sen. I-Ir;:::;:l-. I1! .. :. 92'i'..'.Ir-zture of his brc.E1Cr's 7II.c.'.ti:1:.N. Y-, 3.. I-1-i .'-iii-.:'..-. Malone ,.. -'1:1- 92.. .f Z-1&3.'i.:cs sharia;cI:;;1E3 'c92.=:"92.cre Fr:.:'.'.Le:-gum;Aclrr:ir1ist:':1ic..~.. zo be able -.a 1. .3:-id his departmrr. P ii. .- ..-.;- r:.crc 92~.'§ciA:s;:;-:::;or priccs in some of Lhc-sc . r - L-.}:£:1z 1 very Iurcsiul . ._-,."-'.J'*'4i5"~§'-.:'¬ .'..-_ _ "x;:.:£ bC.92'92'f;hzm and J. .11Ed-- . *.,":~.56 . strong look into violatiun. of; Flosen '._. !.»;. rc:.1;zc." .s:.;cI zit:-N 1:". E'L0:".:'.cd",who=e t"Z1C2I;}'. vurlz-.3: rirhls. In-'c:»ti,~.;tir.r.s92 1'. 11'-old broilrcro;'| I-Ie and the sixt}'-six-year-aid :1; born: out ch.-.r;es ci r-.1-.ti-N ' ciirrri.-min.-.iian.';'c zncl '-.'3'..' .....[ f...- . . ~... ;'.'.:r.;.'<.. .112 .., area: :1 hr.p;:r.:, ic; 0....-:E:I: - Tavel __i_,_,,,_ P ;- F- _ _ , -.a"r.c'.'evsc ".-.c-.1.a denied that any r::':" i.;.:.~:-. 2.1:. 1Ce::'.'.-C? --. h§:'.'.. 1| .'. :;,1'¢ I.-3.-1"brim: it. to the :-.ttcr.ti.:; s " '- :.::.. of prrcz--;'.;-;i:'.;< Trotter :..'.io::." O5 Hoover. the state c...ic3:1s :.:-.d:-;- .-:11 1'.'c-501:1; areto h.-.92': W.C. Sullivan __ in " - - - - '..2 '.-....Q I..I{_CC., E." 5.-.1... alien. . ." Fr:-, . Tale Room 11: cl :1-.';:=.r:r cr.:-:.-""-:0 c-rzar of the F. B. 1., the_ -1| L .s::c: ,;.'a;Z:encourage nue .;. no: i|:::~.;1;'}'lCc:.!:'1:::-_rl;.ce Dc-;:.:'::":.s::'.s;;c_r;e or: 3. co.';;mn,'::1icc" _-of.';c£:.1.-1-5:22: to th: v.-::.;-.3....-..-92 1;. CURB. Q-1.92' Ingram ' El i1!".:y :11:;rL, hr: rain. _ | said. I have a areas. c"c:.11 I _'..._.'92.1-_ . .~c is more m." _ _ ._.| t: -1 .Z.'L"!'.,." '.;r~.;:a:1o:".3-.011;{or EX:.1'|.Z.". "Q3.hzm. .51} I won...- 92-'¬'--. ,. -.~ i- .' Gandy .3 :5:-2 I.:.':is!::I.-.::a..- '92 ;:: that he 92':o'.:.dr.a:1:i:..;L e:;":i;.EI:.':.2... .. ;:>_r¬.mc::t r.a'.'e2. 10:2; and 9292.'o:'1-'-3'11:3" ..".1:a::. £i;'92'-4.92r.- ..,r. _.v92;_. ,1-r K of o;';:.nize:1 3':..I>I:;1 -¢ 5:1: crir:.: . £2.- re |>;:rr.iat1n:; f1-.'Z...~B-. -..92 -- ..RDA-92...... 3 _-- .mto areas -'= - ' ... .51; C... :1 t. .0 1. 'li'.'|S, ¥"' - part . _ ." "zit: <:-;=.-..-.12.-.:.-- 3 ir:f0:':.::.tionr...-r.:.:..U.r r .rtr.t:.:e_rn .::'.::." perm :.:'.d the ":1. 151'. -¢ . !~_|.__ i:.Io:".'.::.tion 1'c'U-.1 _ bk .. 3. Agra: . .._ thrcat. of 1: as aerio ncro.-: state: . .-., the 1". 3. I. to cr.r:.e 'i when thsy hr. d not 1 Icrcign Ettcd to in the Tho Washinqinn P051 and oi the He raid corn0 1:313- 15:15:;mien i mightb: i0:'t'.1ca:.1in;;9292 in ac-riozzsn iortni rrm. 92 The d that "tha .1:-.1_:::::.Ii The communi.-:2-.! t»:;Zr.:'1 New whicht-hrUs :.s it v':.:;f_'.-"c er Itcr. years ago." in Ezra. 121:. 2- New paracdIn.-_": words.Mr. £Zc:'.Ln;:I;'r 156.. cor-.tro1 and £;nr:-.:I:=" New J.1 'w hing Cc:-:.r:.uni:t. pzrz:-'1: tr. New 1» Siates pr-.'-:d"; rar- New cat." The 1.-.c:. ti-..-. The '- _ :', -cs rs 1-.-we , ' 3; .'.92~.;~; av _ '- "- -,-5,-",<.w;'*_--P'.1Y "W '"".' '-' _ '-_ , 1 _-.- ;- ,_ ~ : -='.= _ . *"- ~-v 4. """ " r ', . ' J "- *1 " -L 3 "L" '- H -3* ~-u.-_;-_:-gs} -.. gs 1-n--'¬-in>.ni.ncL"--¥"'- 1-...- Q I n ' . . v 0 Q3 _

1 .


Wk I . . _ rm, Work by I-icr.-r» , ' ;__ -Ir"; ._ - .- But he mid the "n: 92='c:I:"~ s-' --:3-H I. -Jon:'3. by I. manta Mr. Hon-.-rr W111 "r:.:::» :.n:2 his2. ' . major diI'Ie:'cncc" in :=;l92i£':.:; the donsszic Cc:.:r.cni:;, :.'.::.-s, - ncc. 92 E Sptsfzin; of t::: i.'.:"1::'i!r'.t ...$ :.:-er." of 11".: C:j:_-.:1;':.:;. -. ::'.tl- . 92 1 :1-u:L :.:::;~.'1:i':r._ 2.57. Ii-.-:'.:*;e..:-' I re£c:':'r:.' . : r.:cr.t c::~.v£c- T tits: :2 :-..:: . r..:.: 21:.-.::£c;1 . r.'.;.;1;I:'.'.;!'.::'c:'s oi price and bid-ri;;in: c!'.:.:-ms. Fa- It has : lrcnzcndous etfcat _ . . on 11:: cor:11:'n;:92.ir.y 92-.-her. p:-icz.-.'1 an taxed " he s.-Ac}. ".-Ls 92'.:'vc§ 1 11

s:;n1n the case of sh: c'.z:::' :2 cc.'.'.;:.:.ir:, sci:-":1 :31: |:c:.:T"'--=3" ;b:cI'.; £:r:.'.":, 111.: yric: ';.:--:2-.:" ICC-.'..._:..._.' :1-at to '.'.".'. 1'.-.'.'?:1-92 'm;..'. "_-113 ::c~::2;': 1.1.. is -.; ';::'é- l.2Z-L. M 92 "2 i}.i:'.1: ti-.2 ::r-.: 132;:-; 1::-p-92 $-#=$r"r--- pm: 1-.-h;rc th:-re is ;:::'92-2.:-:.5?.: in L11:-:2 o.h::- arcns. I ii-.2532 '_. '5':-'. 1%. if we ca:-. 1-.1'.': 2 92'!:.crou:. p:o- {xiii} -' .¥¢ 5.-I r r" '- gram in this eld. t':::.L !T¢'1'r H =*.<--4: Jgs.-:'r.:: lie bc :31: 25- I:-Tc: Eric;-.' in ror.-.c of thcsc 1:.;:|.':r.r.:_! ;l!f...I.," i I. In ".!.Imc'.1. zmr . ' ?:;ce-mint. .--.1.-.'. c::u:':1 ,, .-1' --1. ..'.'.c;t cur; :.." ~ i 1 "~.';-::. ar.:.c.'.':-.V::92l .';'. i'.::Zi::t- ::.c.-.t do:-:21 in I.:rEi, Q;;1;r.: _._ Q-' v:i'.I1 tha bit? dEs1:'ibu.:.r.'. of; bread. We have :1 pa-icc-fi:ir1:t , _co:.r=pir:;_92' under im-e,=ti_:.~.t-ton !' d=:.-Vii:-.5 with meat. We have ant; --1. c7-::_E;r..': wizh milk. We have-one >":"' 6:221.-.g 92-::':h onher kinds of riectrical rquinment-also with; drugs-almost all ncrozs the -board in ce:-min sect-ions oi the . 1"; U1?-.:d States." 1 lg 1-_ 1-. iienncdy ma his am-.n-I me:-.ts rcspon.=ibi1it-y and ob- 1i;.;:ion" encamp:.::.:d mergers which destroy oo::'.p-1'ti:io:1."; I-Ie said "bigness 1:2: se. whether Pia 3 4 1|! it be in a company or camara- tion or a labor orzanustion. has -~22 dangm-s. _ 1;. . 92 I

- . J I - %TI§, Q3,' e FBI *1--~ Hr. . Data: H7. ' Truman the fgllgylgq 1n ______7_ W_e _ - 2 I73»:-ya-uuerau 3_w§f . _ _ - » _ '"}. V1: RT-,E1' _ i W _ --;:-514$Mr. !PrI0riIyorluhod .;u.m.,;o Hr Hr. Mr. Mr. I ll:-. lir.Hr.

1 "' -w .5--_ -¢_v. --» - _ -: ,, __; 7. _.._i,' .____ _ .- - l V _ ,,__ ,.- ., . -_, -- :-.- . _ ._ _ _ _ , . _ , __ I I _ _, V - I _. - .u______. undAh;__V.___L-1 . _ 92__,,__. ..,.~ ,8 _ tr-éialki:__,_!j;_*_';..L.r92 - lr. .} __ ;;:V:£:;__ .92 ; ..92i||-1-331;-mi-:92..... -Q =1-Pr Mr

"4 M-.-I:r...t..._ Q H ______H N___ _{__ _ ..._;. . fl L-;;_:l,!_dAh_:7n» _: H. .7 _-, . .1-I;-_._. ,3 -_;_77r!r__v-.k~_>_L-I _-j -1] 1.. - _1r I. - _ 5 C -__92__ _. 1 ..

- - -_ _;_§-__

_ L _ _ i A _ |_ i 7?=& The Mons! Gum-I1 __, March 2:, 1951 ./-E 1,.,;. V .- . ' Director, I'D! 1 1,,» .- . /' 92

_ 92 _ °L3--'. -. . _sL.- __ __,.__%P __ ,_ A M .__.t__ A - - '.,e *2: _ C0lICER§_IN__§'_§HEA N I ' . _' -'. A - '1lhIhomrwlr¢1¢qmoled.hu of, oi ' ,9. furnishedour Lon Angeies utiico Iithnnnnoimnous typewritten letter/_',J _/{I -I; containing scurrilous, defamatory remarks concerning you nndthe Q 'Presidentsndyourhmily. is I _ - . t _ = _. ,_.__' -¢- ' - This letter was addressed to Warner of Warner J Brothers Pictures and n copywas sent w an original tetter£7c' q. e ~'- of transmittal. A true copy of the letter to . Warner and the letter to - ._t> is enclosed. _ .-_ .f.!'.92 - Since this information to your personal r '92-' - - ,.- .,_.-_.. K attention, no further dissemination is this Bureau. . 1-2." _ Enclosures ! A I '3 -v 4 r n'92' '_ P '01 ,. 1 . A _ . y-._,._J__.

..- .--- ,.; ,~- -.=' E; >.9::- e 1 -Mr.-DeLoach ,,_';':_:§*:,';~.,"~t e 1%_-;;27- wa- _ 2':-a;-i '1-Mr. _ Parsons 3;; '1 B » '_ 4-_-T-._ r- FI .. "" _ '1 M1. R0880 1 2!;, A 125; _ y 2 APR 4 929592 in-ll?! . -__ ___Q P] '~ Nd"l'1I-12399 J ones &> DeLoach memorandum captioned "Unknown SuB] ect; Letter JG. .-- To @ _ ,Re_ceive¢By Twentieth Century,- bx Studio, 3/22/ 61, Research :'= V Ii ' CrimeRecor , ed 3/ 28/ 61. The Attorney General is not being i-'.' i .; F-27: §""nu:__.__at Qaany advisedoi positive ngerprint res§|,_i,t_sSg examinationsmade 3 3* on the -_ letters. , . He should be w advise: _ '_ 3: M: ..@ " M $ Y. oi"'

w i'='45é32Ai1i3»J>~ m1e#;,,1»s92"92 ti9Btw=~»ml:1 qpw L i F 0' -5- ' " Iii, if-_.1:___ -.= g_.,l-rho.-4g,,;i_El; ,;'_§'f'__;[';.--.'1 _..._-i';,.._...~cs;.£.l-en-A';:....i..:...--_i. .. - Tebn l..__.. . " umfenstares er _ am O Eh: Mam oranaiifmo <_ T0 1 EB, DATE:larch :1, 1961 mi Truth: -i-.- In-cu-.__ 'i'.C..___,. iiiiivi =- Tole. Reel _ - "OI-I 1 . I-o=-i-- . A. me? 92 GU11!---,--i _ 1;__,_:_.-P/;//I' I SUB-.'F££'1 r ~ .5 62> L .,. i » mrr-ran nsczamsn cg 20TH cnzrruar FOX 4&5:-H.. HI Q9-I -v-§g;q wmca 22, 1961 nrszm-zca cnnzr nrcosws! Q Li '1-.

; to |T , . - '-_;; § .'-J 92

-4-;._-re Les Angeles czrioe iferearded a letter received by '~92. y 1» Q which enclosed to Wald a copy of a scurrilous, defamatory letter to Jack Warner attacking the Kennedy family. The '. p Q -l .kp1 ||__ pa}- 1 letter sent to Jack Warner was subsequently obtained and 3- . -92; __, . lalso forwarded to the Bureau, These letters contain no apparent t'92 'n -"-.- Q. |v:|.e.Lat:LOn OI the Extortion statute. .9 -. . *1:-.j*.§_,'_-g__':"*.DivisionA copy andfurnished oi this material thetoAttorney was made - byby the Crime letter Records dated =5*1 1- -ETMarch 2s,1261. Thezzaterial suppliedby and Warner was£15 e-=-:~'->--2furnished to the Laboratory and Latent Fi:Ee'1$rint Section tor El.-.*3...- 92-, 1',-ova examination. @5922? 91: 1+%BQRf~T1Z°EiY_ 1*-?-Y-I192*T1°>' The Laboratory determined that the letters were prepare 1 on a typewriter equipped with Corona or Smith-Corona type which u has been utilized on portable typewriters for about 30 years. A

'5. |soarch of the Anonymous Letter File disclosed nothing oi signiii canoe. The paper on which the letters were typed was determined' cr- 1 118 toin "w havebeen commonbrandswhich do not lendthemselves traci- to 9f.LO1"lIS. "' ].Z7f_$/#§,'./ '57.Z ___, g ESULQS Q? L-A'lEl¬'l l*l192T_GEI_1PRl;92"l1_E§§{1§N.iTION g; gE }.¢_;1_;g@ aw, j x H J Z Th " L 199APR ¥1%61 vi Examination resulted in the development o 1 unidentifi

I nt Nongerprints identifiable the latents were envelopeon foundand on theletter_s_;eqe_:lled__1r,pm letter receiv r from Jack Warner. _- ||-»- A -- -92-4 -- 4 l Enclosure 1 I-Er DeLoach - .622 l 1 Identificatidn Division-- Attention: Latent Fi_;}ge_i:.13ré';nti5§_ect_i53_i'§§; Laboratory vision - Attentqion: l-Ir. Gritiith /92 _¢-151*. 'Ié";5=!gAPi§1*1*j§§ - 196$-annals: 92$~;vI5"-= 1 u i 3fsiahhisaénaanéhxtiziin;_-_--".- ¢;1;l>Ti;&:hi;;af5Z;n:;:e;e;;_~i__ I 0 r 92 I _ r "U" 1:-';?_0 I W ,1 !

-r1-u- u-.. nsnoaannuuBE: mrrm T0 atcsxvnn am. mas ugh 475/ .;.._-

1. .¢_ HECOHZENDHTIONS . -n :-.- ,¢/=$ Q 1. That the attached airtel to BAG, Loo Angolan-be e- ' identityd instructing of the individuals Los Angeleswho Oiiice have may to determine handled the iron material Z rece ved from him and elimination fingerprints obtained for imediate submission to the Latent Fingerprint Section tor eoparison -with the 12 unidentified latents.

-1-. '

2. Further action to be taken in this matter will be determined by the results of the comparison or the elimination

' -II." 1". iingerprints with those unid ed latent tingerprints appearing .--;'92'.5?: -9 .:0j.: -'- on the material furnished by Iv-T.-.»-75"," ua .$1-'. -5.: '- ;"".'.'2? -"-Y; //


.~D'92i'.r_ 92" 92

L. J4 4..|. A -5.

E15 ' F92>,_; z__ 0» T4;-11 wry B9; c.-.1 Ev; J §§~* 1 . ¢

1 -2-

I 3"'*"=" ..~Mu"4-ii-"11?-=~-1*? 11. _ 1,4@~ _ .'_ g_ .'- e t :=;-"".'*--"*'»..':Sn-1..-._~. '-7'1:.L-5'-.T"""<.'--'?~"*~ m.s e - J" 1:-v|n..Il. in K _i__,{;I- U 'Tobin~ ', ~ N11!!! STATES Of 3 2 .1- Memoran. um 31"" ~ A.! as- - -..i *0 = Hr--Del-wsh / ours: M33011241061 =:~ . ' me? _,_ non E ; M. % " r.,l....._ 4 . t ~_/'17 1 F , . I _A @581: JERRY sunnwnm WILSON scsumsac ~- "' ~i* A /Jr! ; ' 51J Ii Q INFORMATION' concsnumc - 6}...7

5 . sY1~:ePs1s; 1 - "' ii ¢_ , '. _


- = 1_.- ' w Ir L- ! Ii - Los Angelesreported has severalmembers Screen W.r_i_t_e_r_s_ of 7 ___ r intend tostart smear campaign againstBudd Schulberg,script writer for the Attorney Genera1_f';s_~l39oJI_~§,_Ener;_1y__With_in_. :_'lhePlan is "__to plant stories Schulberg isa communist. Wald,/has beensubjected abusiveto anonymoustelephone callssince announcementthat movieaddressed bewillJack made. On toWarner, mailed 3-23-tilLos-Angelesthe to LosAngeles copy receivedbyan Officeof This anon ous letter ve- page, typewrittenletter is a scurrilous attack enKennedy family,pa " the Fl } General Th I-2, -2 I 1


Budd 74/92

Jerry Wald has been in the movie industry since 1934 and is considered his own independent Wald Productions -1


}77~i'J'/f»'Fj7"_. 9292_= _I_tECO92/IMENDATION:6 3 I Eoriniglmation. 199 5 U 6_1961" !liL:APR> -_4§f;J.9;51r-lg ,:T&*.='-*':'' +.. "' ' ''- ad;-".= ~".-=-3a." L sf "'1:' '~-?;!='"""-'-".:'175- -a4_>- ~;|:-.4-n..U92l_:~__-'-'' .' ' V '5-- 92:~- -¥~-,-__.Ll:-'-~"-.:J.>a;4-icezne.-=»:.a=--.a-M .; '-¢:&L=¢ L e - .. . 92...».¢A'J.ia.u.u:.-..'.-4-.'. -- . .2: 'p92» 3 '11 O L - Jones to l!eLoach -L Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG " JERRY WALD 5 a.-_ t " _ BASISron MEMORANDUM: ;¢-- h . _ >5.20 . -Aahad p advisedLosAngeles Les Jhngelesby thatteletype several on advised3members23 61 ththe oi arses Writers _-u..d ;.' oehen s 'booka "Thesmearcampaign Enemy Within.TheBudd against " ispiah planttoSchulberg, script storiesthat writerior Schulberg theAttorney isa ; 92 wmember of the Communist Party CP!. Wald and Schulbergwere to dine with the Attorney .t. §General_ _ t the evening oi 3-23-61. 3 ;A osusnar. BACKGRQUND; " _ u _, ,1 I 1 Wald wrote tothe LosAngeles Oificeeh February16, 1961, stating he _had receivedan anonymous call the previous day at the 20th Century-Fox Studios from a man who stated "This is the Wald Lodge iamily. Are you the SOB who is going to photographthat SOB'sbook The Enemy Within '2" Waldreceived another anonymous - call at 10:30 p. m. that night and wassubjected toa flood oi tour-letter words concerning the Attorney General, Wald and 20th Century-Fox. 5 Memo on thiswas immediatelyfurnished theto AttorneyGeneral. Los 5;, Angeles has been iollowing and has maintained personal contact with Wald to insure being informed oi any matters within our jurisdiction. , ta-'*F,":*-'5 - ef? .bII> sac Simon,of theLos AngelesOiiice, ats=os p.In., s-23-61, advised , , Inspector Wick that he had just received a copy oi an anonymous letter addressed to Jack Warner of Warner Brothers which had beenmailed to the Los Angeles Oifice by _ receivee Mr.original Simonletter. said he hadis It only notpresumed yet heard as tohe whether thathasreceived Jack Warneroriginal. hadtheF _,_;_~" received 1 the copy. It is a iive-page letter, typewritten, which is very scurrilous an I _ _ attacks the whole Kennedy family, particularly the Presidentand Attorney General . __Kenneuy. The letter stated that Warner Brothers has been considering making a movie ; involving the PT boat incident, that Warner Brothers should not make this movie because President Kennedy was gotten out of this mess by his - izes

then goes and Joseph Kennedy,the father, and the whole Kennedy ,- E-e famiiy.i material Thewill writerbe mad stated he in the United States and this -J

92 .

.1.' _ B

We a . 0 I . '-:~'Ej92'u. _._W .- '-:3-:1-"--A ~'-:i-- -'*-:",~_~-_.|5;;4J'-92tn-l-:-;-;1.»;;.-miJ7-13¢--ti-A-'.~_-_ _ -_ §g . v 4* 92 '

Ii n Jones to DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG ; JERRY WALD - - _ ;, , The whole tenorof theanonymous letter,said Mr.Simon, ismost I vicious and castigates theKennedy iamilyiunmercifully.Mr. Simonis notbringing -5£f_"'I{~theupon theinstructions letter, Mr. oi Wick,to theattention Secret oi Servicelocally =, in %j.*-ngeles,out issending a copy special, 3-23-61,so the Bureau maydecide what E to take, iiany, relating todissemination. Simonsaid theletter doescontain some veiled threats. _, , BACKGROUND ONBUDD scnunssng '. I at_ ' S3_hp1berg's_rea1 ' - name isSeymour WilsonSchu_1b_erg_ However,he was r.: reported to havehad hisname _1ega__I1y_changed Budd,Wi1son_Schu,1i3ex;g_.to was born He March 2'7F 1914- I J in New York Qitvand ' attendedDartmouth College'He hasbeen a - I screen writersince 1932I He isbest knownfor his book WhatMakes SammyRun?" Schulberg becamean Ensign . in theUnited StatesNavy inMay, 1943,and wasassigned Z ;to duty withthe Oiiiceof StrategicServices. Hewas releasedto inactiveduty in '- January, 1946.

'-, :'*l9292..

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Jones to Dehoach ' E I I Re: BUDD WILSON BCBUI.-BERG ' p :. JERRY WALD

1 L. ¬


BACICGRQUNQ on JERRQWAID -i I -" ? Jerome Irving Wald was horn 9-16-11 .i_nBrooklyn, New York and was a t newspaper columnist in New York from 1928 to 1932. I-Ie was with Warner Brothers p p from 1934 to 1950. In 1950 he formed his own film company, Wald-Krasna Productions, E8-nd served as vice president and executive producer at Columbia Pictures from 1953 ii -7 Eto 1956.Inc. in 1956. He joined He has 20th been Century-1-ox responsible with for his $50 millionown independent worth of company pictures Wald and has Producta 'reputation as a "top" producer. He made several timely films depicting activities of the military during World War II. In 1948, he received the Irving Thalberg Award "for the .-*__ pmostconsistent high c_;ua1_ity oi production achievement. L 6 We have never conducted an investigation of Wald and have had limited cordial":-elations with him since 1945. By letter dated 5-16-45 he mentioned how please: -T h W22 fII$i Ci hf-IVQ OCiI C mat iYU H115 QUIT nirnnfnr YQQ ¥fDYQ XI in Qj-I-lilj-Q §nrn9n|92F'F'|: U Hun QIIK nrntriniic rf IQQZU -1"-a nvnnlnn -I-Tn "5 1~nn'nac1'nl'lW Z & § _ ii

0 0 -4-

' ifs? I _ I II; an-an-la.-.-_..-.. .___. »-Rh-ma- I - 1'!-T-'-~vs-hr -» - "'3-=92.r.-.|.u-¢.__. -1»

I-Ill~92! Jones to Dehoach .5 Re BUDD WILSON SCHUI.-BERG i JERRY WALD § ii-itormationon "juvenile deiinquenov' since ne wasinterested incom: somethingon the E 1.2-. screen about this problem 'Ihe Director,replying on 5 21-45 oomtnented how much " -Thehad enjoyedchatting withWald andsent therequested informatkli.-» E23

1- his in



_ The 1 20 59 issue oi the "Los Angeles Mirror News" carried an interview 0-». with Dalton Trumbo, oneof the "Hollywood 10 'Ihearticle also quoted Waldon the bgect of black lists as saying he would never hire anyone who hadnot "cleared himself ' in-» Wald stated, We allmake mistakes, but only a stupid man will not admit his own short 4 comings Trumbo is a brilliant guy, but he has donea tremendous injustice to the - screen1 writers of Hollywood '

The press reported in Iviay, 1959, that Wainwouio produce a movie about Fidel Castro This movie was dropped when Wa was being muenced c ommunist elements 2 ' + ti C '0'

Jones to Deloach _ Re: BUDD WILSON BCHULBERG , JERRY WALD p 47¢

The press reported in February, 1961, that 20th Century- Fox studio ad purchased '"IheEnemy Within, " the Attorney General'sbOd£!and thatproducer Jerry Wald would make the movie. The story highlights problems and abuses uncovered Lby the Senate Rackets Committee of which Attorney General Kennedy was Chief Counsel. ___u'_: ' -w ' i "The Hollywood Reporter" reported on December 13, 1960, that producer J _ Jerry Wald hadsaid that recent front pageattacks on moral qualityof films is un- 1 warranted and the accusations are refuted by box office results showing that ticket ,.. buyers support clean films much more than they patronize sex and violence. ._ -_. ,1 7 'T-Q' In connection with a recent Supreme Court decision affirming the right of a Chicago board to require that a motion picture be submitted for review before it could be exhibited which was widely heralded in the motion picture industry as opening E-""3*-5147way forthecensorship movies,of Waldhad somesuggestions as reported in "Daily 1 Variety" on January 27, 1961. He suggested amending Article 1 of the Constitution = f ¢. which prohibits Congress frommaking anylaw respectingan establishmentof religion =press ,_-_.;';-or prohibitingand forth,so the free add exerciseto "orof thereof, the press: or abridgingtelevision, of the freedomradio, of speech, lms of or or anyof the ":- medium of communication, now known or unknown. " g it shouldnoted be this that Supreme Court decisiondid not touch upon . the validity of the Chicago board's rightto refuse permission for a film to be exhibited J _'butmerely declared that the board had the right to request that the film be submitted e 'for review. It should be added that in this 5 to 4 decision, the minority also viewed the majority report as an open invitation to censorship.

+ Q -


O -60-

at 92

. :11 P BI _,__ _ E , 1 3 * '.-;+'>.. !" Date:C! "' 61 gx-, " {! I 1 ilhlmii the following in D. ______I: .. - -1--. i. ' H é E -- I: a := = P._. ' T!'P¢ilplaii mes»-u: D ';. é . §ff?-1-_d in§Im'EL AIR MAIL ->. 3!. - ...'.?.~ n..._...._ .-I d i _ -.__, _.92,_. IA.-..1-- I I-vI':_4-' | . -.._ . . - _ ..._.. I if"-" ".92.1~-r'J"-';92=92 i "4__:_i ,. . ._ _ L W * " mm! -F H1554ollloiliql W ___.. I y. 1. " >|.. ll ...-. -¢ I 0.. i92f 1'... . 1 _ __ _ - | ..:. .-.. .-. _'~* -Ir' _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - ______- - _ - _ _ - - _ - - _ _-._ 7-_.?_92?vT_,...:_: . V" { I r 4 DIRECTOR, FBI an*4 I FROM: SAC, LOS ANGELES 91-I»--T58! . _.e.~f RE: *' MOTION PICTURE BASED ON . L, -E- ;;~..'5 = ATTORNEY csnsmu. rcsxmsmr-s .-2.: . .,_- Z; - BOOK "THE ENEMYwrmzn" _ ,_ _,- nssmncn cams nsoonbs! FF." 92 - 0 kf /u'/J-5» :::'l.'92:-'.:IRe Los Angeles tel to Bureau 2/11/51. 1.=?*1;,=.>.-' A There are enclosed two Photostats of a copy _ ._-.;'r' memo from JERRY WALD, Producer, Twentieth Century Fox of a RIVA to FRANK FERGUSON,head of the Twentieth Century Fox StudioStudio, Legal Department. The copy of the memo dated 3/13/61 mailed to this office by WALD. The JOSEPH KENNEDY mentionedW3 S L r . thereinispresumed to be thefather Attorney of GeneralA 92 92 KENNEDY. 92 1 Personal contact has been established withhALD 1 '92-Q in order to insure that any additional calls and threats ma /be promptly brought to the attention of this office w r,._ ' In e alerttoJany violation within the Breau'sJurisdic on. 1.! /0 £7 -.!'_.-I F---'192 -A. 1 ? ff 5,05 ' 199 APR 0 1961 - Bureau encls. 2 13§ 1'- LosAngeles :::345:1:;:==:

u ,@M»»>~~<- _~»-~¢% ~7*_,,sA I §. . .0/ ~ "._ O"Q 92 =_92 _ gr]' W" ~ 1-: ...- -1...*#-¢~*--:__~3.a---an-1-,-,-; -£'+92;u.1t..:I.rr;':_.;.-_-ewzt-J4.na_.;¢=i:.:m.5L..4_a- I-750 -7-19! 4. -' E 1;» xxxxxx


_7_/_-_ re Pa;e a! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. re?Deletedexemption under_ ____ s! W withno segregable material available for release to you. E} Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. III Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. El Documends! originating with the following government agencyes! E ___ E _ _ ._ *7 W _ . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

Page s! referred for consultation to the following government agency ies!; .___..¬__.i...______._._ ___ , M as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Page B! withheld for the following reas0n s!:

For your information: ___. ,_ ___r _______y_ W_____ k The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: _ o . . LZ; 5/3 Z7-E-:j/_Q_5_<§v»c[0>'¢¢rc.L 7'


reggae; _, .. . _.t _,.-- _ "7-.'i*-_~*3,--.';--'__ " :' ,;1;tn-'1--;..-t-'l:.-a-_-.;_ . _ .- .. __:i%""-"=:§.h",'F%&;e=-J_ _ .- 2-i,-,.,,=,,-I|,'A=,,.4,qi........a.-.....'= . ~1.;:§. '...... _.._,._..__-- '-;.....t=¢-...-»-a-»...... =t " -':'...... -..»..--'="*"*:tit-eafrl:-.c.-:-=:-as-=»=_--ht-s-" '-"' ' -.- --t i '' -inirfsn' """"' 0 rrnrss vent. F' " '*.92'1' ' ' 9 I-""'3"i"j' v=--___--Illll lloiesml ..._..-_-. . 92-=1-

Memorand " *" Q 1'02 Mr. DATE: ."£/ -~ 3/20/51¢ ~§ 3. ,,. .-;no»f / '=M-/*%¥° T 0kn 4 --., i. " "xiii ' O §;E;.;3.':."_: ":-- I .1? " Q _ qr; f-C..'fJ92.-1-t1it '_- /. -. . - E =1;-;=¢-1:MOTION PICTUREBASED on 3" TI ~ <-_ ATTORNEYBOOK, "THEENEMY WITHIN"KENNEDTS GENERAL 1/ " ,- e~ - THREATENING CALLS nscmvsn BY T "" "risrs cement sexsrunzo r . By airtel dated _3/15/61 the Los Angeles Officeforwarded twocopies o F - of a memorandum Jerry Wald, Producer, Twentieth Century Fox Studio, sent to ? Frank Ferguson, headof the studio's department, legal on3/13/61. A copy of the l memorandum was forwardedto the Los Angeles Officethe samedate. Y I Memorandum refers threateningtocalls receivedby the studio » cendemznng the Attorney General for his action against the Teamsters union. The _g _ memorandum indicates that William Byrne of the FBI Los Angeles Officehad been to p~_ -_see him Wald! and had askedthat a careful check be kept of any threats, lntimidations

K .'.or.- t ' even wildletters receivedby the studio. ._, ':~r-'-.92'-L '922 Los Angeles airtel of 3/15/61 indicates that personal contacthas been established with Wald to insure that any additional calls and threats are promptly Em brought to the attention ofthe Los Angeles Officewhich will be alert to anyviola _ within F51jurisdiction. i ' ff - The Director noted,"I don't recall seeing anything fromour LA. to. Officere AgtByrnes call."' |ZZ-4", 13>»? ,, /.._/0G ' H3 APR,-6 195 By teletype dated 2/1'7/61the Los Ange es Office informed the Bureau _ of a letter received from Jerry Wald dated 2,/16/61 which-reported ttneatening calls _ ._,Attorneyhe had received in connectionGeneral'sbook. with Whenthis his producing teletype was the motion received, picturethe based Director instructed on the "Send memo to A. G." This was done. '

-I. -__ .* .~t. _ OBSERVATIONS: " -- 5? I,.;_92,_ 112:3 The Los AngelesOffice hasinformed theBureau ofperti enfactivities - in this caseby teletype andby airtel. The airtelof 3_/15_/61refers tothe personal .... *.- '.- _-.-~ - 92 -' .:--¥l- »_ ~ ' '1.-1 -I -. ,4 92 .'K .-- . _ . _- . 1- 1,1» .. -- -' -. _ .'P1~1B' 1 .._ ~ 31"» _;>__ .-.- .. -. 'my -.~. - """""' ' . '! " _ . ,. -. J_~__. ,--. _..._..___- -. ~ ._.....g._.._L . I 'n.'_S.92...-.._" .. " "-2 ' '.~5:_.»q..-':";.'lT".£.:§i. __..- -1 . ._- I-... H- ,- -t-:~}".' ...._._ .. E § n. u, _ _ . Q , Q 1 u . __

1 -_ " J- ' kl n s . 1-,_|. ;-_. , _ :, Jones to Deboach memorandum _/. Re: Motion Picture Based on -:-: -92 _ Attorney General Kennedy's _ -,-'-; .. 1 _. Book, "The Enemy Within" _ _- 92 .1- contact set up with Wald to insure being informed of any matters within the . __,_, . investigative jurisdiction of the FBI. It is believed this reference to "personal -. ---A?! conict" relates to the visit of SA William L. By:-ne, Jr., E01! 1/26/46, GS-13, -"'.:YLo§'Ange1es, to the oice of Mr. Wald. ' :--» . __¬ .1_ F--;_ gt:-zcommsnpnrion: - l For information.

., ._ L J .3".-J, ~..-"la. -1!}-F." 92. ,». W0 '/SW4 V

él 'in-. -1 "-1- 1 I _.,..-._ ,. ».-':2923'1. _..,_.'~." I;374F:IT-1.-'f-7 :1.-.?-_. .::- I-.*.f"...?-_._.,. . A .-ll 7

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:r |.4--. '1 - 92 -3- - I

. §§%%%E&i%&i&$%%%%Q@E§ewéaniws: Mem0rana¢;1zz_ ..._..._L- semi: 1-~"92;'~-1'--iv -51*! I ,_£'--:{¢_;-- a;/E,_5§__%.'.- 1° = am. raorrrm pars: 8/31./61 T 4 e 14 ___'

-'-. It I 1 : I J ' " " u - Q - -¥.i;.;'.£.."'; ---1 ; . . __ - lllirllli. i, no 8 F L. - ./.-G r '5 _!- . /T6 /J r_-{Q<- °"'"" ?/ ;m_ §gIJwr= 1111515.; zsnnn aecnmm st! £70 "~_'_ la .._II j ' Que:-1 20-rn cam.-:csnruav nnoonns! rox srumo . ' 3/22/61 . ? s1

we". ..,__~. _ -.4d - Ins Angeles by airtel 3/24/61 submitted the I £5} ".- .1.-- | Q. i original five-page typewritten letter, Q9 through Q13, . mailed to Jack Warner oi Warner Brothers Studio. This Iivepage letter was examined, but no latent impressions '¢ oi value were developed. . .- E'- _$v 4. 3 carbon copy of the afore-nentioned letter, together with a cover letter, two envelopes, and a news- i- -..-,,',::v-:1 :;= er ing Ql through Q8!, whic h were re ceiv d e b y 92 _. e. 4§? ;, were also received in the Latent Fingerprint on or examination. These items were examined and one latent iingerprint of value was developed on the enve- lope, Q1, nine latent iingerprints oi value were developed -Ir-Ip-- Ti on the five pages of the carbon copy, Q3 through Q7, and -. --~..92_r -_ .9.-.- two latent iingerprints oi value were developed on the _...... ,.»._.__._-f_. --1 __ - ~5-_ eever letter, Q8. These latent iin"er*ri*~ - -et identi ,@ra cal with the iingerprints o ._:. -:~jl _ 4. . The results oi this examination are being furnished ' 4 VI the Los Angeles Division by Latent Fingerprint Section report. . e. The specimens, Q1 through Q13, are being returned to the ;E¬! .2 Les Angeles Division with the Latent Fingerprint Section report 0 The results ei the leheretery eseeinetien have been set out in a separate memorandum. ' . t gggomumm-r1on= =~ _ 1 ecwg - - be This information iorwarded to the Investigative Division. .__ REC- 95! 1A;-'1 er /e, /07 J- ,- 1 - Hr. Deloach, Room 5640 JB Fa-Q! -I 'MM 9APR RECORDED6 1961 1 = Hr. Persons, Reee 5736 J8 . 1 - Hr. Bosen, Boom 5706 JB Q ~ l Ir. Conrad, ,4Room*I~:'2I§§>%**='*1+- 7621 JB - "7 t ""' é§ Sigh h a APR 1961 CH 51APBA@r,921%'

. 4-15012-1-"ran _ .1 = XXXXXX XXXXXX


Pagetsl withheldentirely at this location in the le. One or moreof the following statements,where xzlindicated, explain this deletion. Deletedexemptionhs! underIa! J" .__ _ _ withno segregable E] material available for release to you.

E] Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto you or the subjectof your request.

1:] Information pertainedonly to a third party. Your name islisted in the title only.

Documentts! originatingwith the following governmentagency ies! . - . _.. _ . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

D.I I-592:92u --J,

~ consultation to the following govement sgeneyliesl; .__..____e oz c _._ _ ___. as the information originatedwith them. You will 115be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Pagetsl withheld for the following resson s!:

l For your information: _ __ _ I

Y s The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 1 XXXXXX , _ __ __ I XXXXXX XXXXXX J , is.-9 n,-~45. 4' 1- * ~ -3 ' A ,,.'., ... ..o.e-.-.--~_--.~~,., -""" '- - '" ,-- ___-_ 3..-~. '9 %,~j;._;i-.~ .- - -;--_.... 4 _ - F = Qv 0-iv , Ii-'-1-II-I" - - - A p;;;_; 7 . ' uh-3 ' _7°"°

are-P_3'i". 1".-'5 i/dc =6 MAQQPATT 1 1 __ , '_ _ , . _§';_°§=*;rz~ F -_ ii _ Q . -,.,_ _|- Q. L - - - " h .' i;""*§T ;M_lulor1o 1 'L7 *7 l_ ''__* " "' '*' """-I," : _ ' Tuvel | _ -9: TIO 'J4 I ' g Keep up with the triotn fromthe Illtr at - . n - 0! Our Town. Each Saturday The Neva a l -.» lieu conversation pteoea diligently roinnowed I Ivauea of the acme gathered by Don lneL¢m| Te e Jerry Bennett--eooeadroppera par excellence. in; Zen} '-.7 ii" 7 Inqram SEVERAL men were going about their tutu in I-louae morn the other day when the come! I11-at Gcmdy wandered in. 'lhe1nen, ot oourle, pained in their also-II her around. , 1 . _Snaglancedatawallmapoi'thaworldandn:nuindabout the oolored pins that were stuck into it. Into that each n represented one ot our overseas air baaea, she 1-ema : ' H Hmrnm. Thai: not very many . . . we ou ht to have /='/ 4 |r_|ore.f"_ with that ahe l92if!'P92 out, leaving behind her a ugilul group oi? straiegiail. *' E _t at Work . the basement oi the Old Senate Ottloe Building th . la a morn distinguished by an otticial sign that agyi, "Senate Wrapping Ottiee. Underneath this aim there I; another one, made oi cardboard and lettered with crayon. 555 FM? It aays. "JackThe Wrapper." I On the loll Z} Spring training is upon us and with it eomeg Queue! Stretton iD.. 'i.'.! in ,"P."$'»%1l%6r: at the 555552,} glove Industry. He appeared before the '!arit.t Oommisglon lwvcoat and aoughlhlgh Japanese duti mltga. s lg. I as t the rm nponmon or '1':-n the Congressman trorn a district that Inclugg Coo town. N. Y., th ho !!t¢_92t'F.l:i_1I-92.'¬thet being p yed with this greegequi rnent made in Japa '2;." Ba 1311 gloves are manufacturer? in Rep, $1;-3103'; ¢';,¢,-M_ l The Uaehtnqton Poet cIn¢l..._-_-- la - or ed ex-pitched moral lupport Letty Rep. Gomez. Stratt lzay bro digrt ht mv§hm'l','¢T1wi Ttnoa Harald to aay about gloves, but he talked a lot ot baseball wnh The Icahtnqton D 1? "" '_ Qornrnleeionere. . t The Evanllw 5"" N. Yolk Harald Ill" --- hr Travel Prestige New York Jour -American ..__- I-Ier~e'aane-wt tItat- kl Hi- -. Y... |-eh ---- e.Z:-iii" - 5; We tau: err: New York D41! 3'N9. -"-_" One. Iiys.-mrtShe =r.g§r§=§nT-rlfeseear-§§§'§t held out the nm 163%: 9! n-agree ll:-vyou - "'- #31*" new York P0" --"*-_ Tho New York Tllllil --'-' The Worker _.._------'-- - REC- 33'; The new Lentil! ----' 1ft; Wall Street Journ-1 7 Z/5/;»Z1 "'1? ' I' 6-b l lie

X 2 APR-'Z'-196l "AR .

i i 1 1 _ _ ___"______Cg " ] .lhL1unuev - l- l_ In .

lame. In hum mm Ig 1 l** """'" ""'

G than -IQ! .,-92 $111!: have Then Speeebleul _ _ -M;Ben. S Q Y .1; I lh.monerwnmna»n1"EnouwhntthZrm"" "We lhouldeliminate fromthe publicpayroll: all 1_-iterapyublic uni velationsaides [orgeneral-I nurall. Sen. oung says. "Phi: would put on and eiaptrap and it would ave the taxpayers lP¢¢¢1"1'lll, mostgenerals and admin-all -92 speechless." _ Hoybe We le Aeoolt ' _ ,- I !!.eI'~.age-ell%livestock Page ot 9.. Tex.! auctioneers. tventeYarn to !'eg921_Lle agbcghe a le to understand them. last Deoem r, I auction and I didn'tknow what was going ni- rgest eowmen In Texas confessed to me ; en know tor lure when he was raising . __ , H. - -'-. " e ' " ._ , 4"- . ""-i -3|I-I92.I"'1Y>v92'>." ""'" *-:--.- - _- .. "- .~ V. .. __ .. ---*=o;-~A-,e {rm-sole - --__;__..- -_-.._. _. ._.-in.... 2:10?. -L--K ._ ;..-92-;-_.i- _.-_ .1..._».e..;.__.._-- i Need a mrved wooden elephant! Heinz Bellman. a unsuccessfulEA -Q RepublicanCongressional candidateoi Wayne: ville. N.C., hal thousands left over trom his eampnil He bought them in India. Price $2. Write him. Porfing Words_ - l When the hxons pulled out of town recently they lent Y cardsntanar to oi their friends lupporterl.and cards The92 -r carried I. cool picture ol the Nixon lamlly hm! this message: 3| - -Sp ,. t As we leave Washington. Pet and I want to exp:-en 92 ur appreciation tor the privilege of apending 14 - .- le yearsin the Nation: Capitaland tor your h-lendslp .- d support in the campaign oi 1960." Q 1 E

nzcron, rs: E - :-,_ 4~/ ° .: ';'__ Ac , LOS ANGELES /9u-?5s/ 1P ,.,-/ 4 * mnon PICTURE BASED on ATTORNEY GENE§§L were -P- 4 § I I _ '11-ZE ENEMY lLIT1-IIN UN¬rUO"fE', RESEARCH, PA-RENKCRIME RECORDS! I w-Pmzsu. ADVISED av LETTER RECEIVED "nus nA'n:

-V __ ._. 'mA'r szvzmu. MEMBERS orvécnzznwnxrrns GUILD-INTEND TO

A-.-. START A s1;:£An CAMPAIGN on BUD"S/CHULBERG, SCRIPT WRITER 92 "r155? - .. -. .9292' 92 1/ J on a4+e+z nu: swam wnrmc uuaueqe. PLAN IS T0 PLANT Q s'ror-z1£s THAT scnuwznc 1s nzmszn or THE cP. -an R0U'_1EJ7& I --. 1;- A. 7*-Z _- ' . _. P WASHINGTON, D. c. WA 0 SCHULBERG HAVING nmuzn AT A. c.-s j HOME TONIGHT» sun: SHERATON-CARLTON.

AIRTEL BEING SUBMITTED. '& 1251 E Y 1'- Q . 4'rA|>P.11 19$ .___, R _? : "- END AND PLS ACK Q: .|-_..-- __--- _ .. I _ I-II .,,,,_ Ms-no PM oxx rm uA RAC ;,_ - 11.1 msc -

..9 92 2

92 : -I F _:_. P i--¬$r'$'i92~.1?'!.1. u.1%1_..-A.-.-u_-.1-an--_-Tj.:-4-...n _-4..-44__922-.-.. --3 . ~>' v.-I: .,_ I Q V {>4 92- __.. _ - i! _'§- A n» g1 .-'.»._r.. . <3 »' . . ¢. ' , ' FBI _I , | 4

_ o ~q_°="=_#/'.*_'92/ , Halo r 5.- Ttmusnltthoiollorlbqlln.. .-._ _.---__.h.i.i mi.._'u.m,e,_,,, z.$. Hr. W z w - - _ -_ :.-_ ._ .. - . .. _ Tale. Hr. 1n¢rnn___ --._"'1,..,.- .,_ . . ru-m,_uu-|§a?!uJIu-4!-A--.§ ::-2: _cI éhn-no Q Q _ _ _ qpqp_--_.--_¢_- - _ _ m __q-1--Q-In-u_-_ ¥i.:=..°:=.9z_ _ i-of Q ___ _ '_ ' . _ - - ' ' p - . V -. °='¬§;~ , . -- mo:1~;_ nmncron, rs; ' _ _ _ d . ,4"/I mom sac, nos mamas 914-756! - Q RE: . OTION P]-ICTUREBASED '- .,'*__-,4- _ O A '0;l§_I392'gY;?.»1§lIn:I;92IKill.I|Itali - - _ :_n, J I:-_ an: n gylpa, F " 1"» I- ORDS _ _

P Beuqtel 3/23/61.. ._ " . " ' I é F !!o:-an!Q M !r. !!a!Ea receivedhad L elegram from BUDD SCHUI-BERGwho was in Washington, D.C. A ._-j;'92=__@I'_Z1SCHULBERG, who is writing the screen play for the proposed motion picture, commentedhe was returning to MexicoCity in the near I .b:;o,'~'¢'future,_anc1 hefrom received made mmwoy referenceBOB t £7!!

1. r ..77 . ~g_'_-

1.. i I -Abovesubmitted Bl.lIB&l1|5 for I =60information. t ,, _ s I . . i@-green-1. _ . _ - .. _ ..;....°° '-ea .2221/-§§2-//0V V U d d do APR13 j - - - e _ 1961 .

King xo pI 1 I * ¢92" -W .1 1 F 1 4 _ F.1w~c_.- -. I CC- Oeloachi ' ' ; 58KT5.é:O:3'SL;1ec2ia%A?mmCb_uqT_Tf J .__.".'.;_?P.,_p. I it P, .. _ _.__r,' _.! i --.'-1-1"= '1'" '§ - '*.92:*:'x-' ~ "-':-?-' '-'-' ""- --=:.',,»-aw-I -A '" - - - --._.; '1 V. to~ . '- _..._,...... -_._..-__.=...._-' '" - - . -~**= - --:-.~'... --..;-I -92 92j- I ».-_=_'*- t '.*.:..._- . 92:4;-4.92_-'_--..-._'__ . - ~ .__. _ ...... ,..-_ .._ -- -e ,1 -__-- * UNIT!-1D srxrzs <= ;. O t..m~, O - L Memorandum WW5 t_. 5 / b 7° 1 Hr. DBLOIC nxna: 4-17-51 e-f=-i J l ::g.|?ul_ITva| OM : uh? 1eh.Boen.Ii..- A 1: w=1E<=r= cums. EnwAn=e*}f'1*/zosnALn _{_1____ , SPECIAL TOUR =.

I " It /K N A I I I G Kenned was met C3-P tl ln On Mr. ed individual Eva.ns's 1Office a relative on 4-1'7-61 byoi Attorney SA? General é; in this section and conducte d on a ryve clal tour. e _-e . was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. _R s,_and their 3 .. '5- 1; children. They were most appreciative 0 the courtesies extended ="--' 1 and were taken to the Attorney Genera1's Oice after completion oi the tour. / .1 Q1" _ nscommemrgyrrolg 1% ' For information ' M92 9/W /92

2 we -3.. . ,2

92 1 -Mr. Evans _ 'l';I-" 1 - Tour Room |<£0- 62 77-" '7_"/// t . ' DWB:tmi _ | Phi ! . 25 I:92I5R 191951 55APR24=93: 9%/4 '-'.'_i~':=-;.-"c,;-L 2 J ' _-_ 11; __ : :_.. n- -

L. 73 lei II < Qumran llinln. L. unrrnn srxrns " . F i Memorandum ' . 1'0 = The Director DATE; 4,01; ygé / 1-.7

¢-. N P Callahan

. gt...

4 gugjggr; The Congressional Record 2 Y5"-c '.I-. _ >92 _,__ _ ' Pisa 5:? A - morn to tucked: arerptl grrncrlorbootnaguln, can tiara-yGcar_Bet|:~.r1___ -"if C-Llledi. Ina as-tide In entitled ltohe Ready Speak: 0|! ll C1111 Rights, #= 1==~t--re. 9-=':=-=£==t £:.'1=e, .-.mt.-.-=: r-.=.'.t=, =-.4 an-re.-=2-.-= :.=::=-2;." 151% 5¢I¢*1;". in couauntug an erg-sued crime, dated "Icky, the menu to grater than ever. Farina; closely with J. llqnr E-eon: and the FBI, we - .. ~_.~,_.» -_ -_.-- 1-92'¥.jrY:- Q-r '. .-. ', .,-_- ."..-_-_ -. '_:92.-1:-_..* -.. - J.- Atfccoorciinuiagtixeinvestkgttbmalhorueriaahllslldgettilgllllhl I as :f"""u° fm ""1" NW1? that ts animals In-em all Gonrmnt Inn I °"''m '*-"Q" llilvllr L.-.1: luau-an inane service ad mg 34;- liarcoucs. t= um " ta 2 Ila-16¢-I ' m of subversive sctlvlr an I If W K "hive! vita J. I-dgu Hoover, L-Q isy hr. very liens-dr %rs.'-eee stated em; '*:1: g

Pd! w-"' . ..--é". e" _-'r . F .- . t


12 <7¢:;'/2./7- // i Q , 1 .¢....______._...._ _._. ---,-1'3...-_.-..,.-..---_;.-, :--»e - T ~_1' ~ _ ' : '_ i '- .».r ' --

5 "t"3~'-'*' %'= .n '0 » Jr:-.f:§.5 - ,1hnTnn stares uunwr ' ! ::;EE H itp. ey 4/ Memorandum Of» " 9;}?-"E"?Dd. ' 1 3 Ewlaa_Z _._..,--In i-'I"~ _UIue_._.._ l'nna¢n_ Tue]:- 0-7.: . : Ire!ll? i-_ .11.-" :2;-" 'iraou 1'0 : : 1, II. PLEDGE nan: 1,1-11 . 1951I.C. Sullivan y " Isle. Been ..._ "-3 AA:.tI - MW! as-susjscr: n ~_1.s'rrss UIKROIII ascxrvsn suancr; 7 s1 y . -_--,-o:.." 1~ -' _ 0

- 1 _2UrB camnzr rcn_ ,, ,1 mmcn 22,.-iesi- bf/f assnncs cam: aacoans! ~ 1. .-r- .-. I-'2 .- - _/

A copy oi the ii letter to J ac arnericontaining . scurrilous, detanatory t "'!bnnedy family, which was furnished to e by forwarded to the ~.---.92= .1 .'-.-*. § iT'=T':.*=;-.'-.attorney General by letter , 1961. The Attorney E-. 5'-L -.' -1 General was advised that since the saw ,» 1 1 was being brought to ! r his personal attention no further was being nade by this Bureau. The letter contained t 1 1 ti 1 thi Ixtortion Statute. 90?-i on 0

A Laboratory exanination oi the letter was nade and I neither the typewriting nor the paper on which it was typed provided any information applicable to ready tracing etiorts, Latent fingerprint examination was nade and 12 unidentified latent finger- prints Iere found. 3YF1:°?*"1'§ "

_ It has been deternined that tour oi the 12 unidentiiied latent tin arin on the letter and its envelope were nade unidentiby . A-7,/.Bight latent ngerprints reaain -ll I ' 92._ BECOIHEEDATIONS OP THE GENERAL INVEBIGATIVE DIVISION j In view of our previous advice to the Attorney General J7 1 that no dissemination would be nade oi the material contained in " this letter, the iact that no violation oi the Extortion Statute is apparent in the letter, and the tact that iurther identitication 9! the unknown writer oi this letter would require open investiga- * n nstituted. by our Agents, it is recommended that no such investigation J7 " "E°i37Z:. Z:/~_./~ ""7//3 Enclosure ' £1,152 1 '- ll. DBLOGCII .1 Q APR 26 |q ' JIB:lJg ?B3N@?i f 19%! 8"" iiiiig M@*;L 5-5¢~»~Y igkéiwgiiqrffW W "'~:'; 1-pr .-e - . -.1-_ I-_ _,_-_ ~ ._ If -_.; '3'-..-- _- '-_--__'7r 92 7.-.3»-, '_ _ _ _ _ J-Z. _ 1-';_~-I-. . ;r~ ,- -.- e e_ - --;~ -I he _. e _. I G ri {.¢:..--.-g_p_._.92.-»»:.-a:-_92a-1-v.~nr4.s..~L..-45.-...-..-'-J_";,.,-.4'._-n.¢ I

-we 4'"1 ,. QgA :j__!

I ¢ IIIOIAIUI TO II IIISOIB =--L--. H mm; IICIIYID urnin 8% 111- f§_i ii. . i .92a_ It in furtherrecommended the attached0.141 that to - 'i the Ina lngelea Odiice ,:AC, Loo0 continue lngelee their liaison approvedbe with further threatsé7Q/ conumnioations received or his anaociatel. Further investigation in to be pending receipt oi anon additional nterial. 5 //»-4%WQW@ 2/W W I

-.;'..f92'_;__1*._ ,_ 92 . .~3':f-"'.'-f-5:

--_ _.

--'.--- H,fr-...'; :1

3.; -,H? _. I. 2:._,. _. .

-~1 » I "--; I

5:». . <~.. i Z q -a -IL. §.::"--:1 -' - 5


Iv .;..~_;n*_1"~'- "' l-4k_ .--. --1 ¢_;_-' "='2a£u:-- . W.&i ¢Q_-..*.__, -- _..,. _; ._ . __...._.n-_..-.._:_n-..-..-...... ;_.;_1._.;-_..A . _ . ft .. 7 ..-=»- e .....'. . , _ L231,H _ . . _ fiuununan' UNITED STATES K -_ ,.- e 1-...... £ Tebu Iulu__.._..__. Memorandu =-'==""_ - .- ro<',,$;./ =g3, @011 ' mm 4/1a/oi ~.=-% I if. - - Trell ._._.._..,..._...._ cc Ir. Parsons hhaafw I'.C. Inlll.i nu; raom : J. A. 81800 Ir. Bellont aw-______.-r ,4 3;!-SUBJECT:J Ir. I '-3 11,1651 -L'A11ior " -" TO III ORR : --- . " .' P I ' ,_. _ - } _ !'92'{ I ,7 I if '_";___in ______7_ 0"! _ :- Liaison Anrent_ nailed iron the Ihite - House at 11:30Da.n.? y and advised that Iillian Z7 " Bardigan ct the Ihite House start had advised we Bartlett that the Attorney General had asked hin - to get in touch with the FBI and arrange to have a Bureau nan and car neet the AG on his arrival in II _-;_',"_- at about 2 or 2:30 p.n. today. _ . 1.1-_=r .|.-_-_ '- .92. T-F7 "-51...?-.4.. Hardigan said the AG was going up by a Iilitary Air Transport Service HATS! plane, leaving Iashington " between 12:30 and 1 p.n., and landing at the Marine -v . Terminal, Lauardia Airfield about 2 or 2:30 p.n. tin. , 1 I The AG did not state the purpose of his flight but, :.-.f92-.'. -_ '-_~1'*,".- according to Hardigan, it is apparently a latter of 5.:--'92.-"5 '17:-1 ;J.¢.?-J1: '. urgency and of a confidential nature, as the flight -'-:r _;,-,.1 $1 is being listed as a "training flight."

' Hardigan was advised that the Bureau would comply --. :|'-I with the AG'srequest, and SAC Foster, NY, has been >- J -r_... instructed to have a car and driver aeet the AG on his arrival in HY and take him wherever he needs to go. -

J1 a .ms:csa{-<4! 6%

-.__ .5 _ e. 1514 /- //4i

> 13 AFR 26 19B1_ _ _, I 3'7 6¢'P>H540 F0-8 ._.. .__-._-4 2., 58 MAY11951 3:.-L-_ .~ . 5 --.-:4», F i ;-..,,..._: . :%::'_::._r :. i '92._.4 § i " A

1'11; ..Ai @w_i-- .. .._: .; -.a~.-.c..*'._._.:-_.'- F? -" _.>." ,- _ ;.";,._.._ '.; -.5. " - 1 ! " '''

_;"-I | ' IF .- ads M ,-.-a-- -- he lttoraey General 1;; 1. 19;;

_ V ' _-_Q_- . - :- '1?- 0 '$135. °°" 1" .__, 92h- , '1ct°t' "I /3 7. /F _/J - Ir Parsons _ . ft ' . ~--.._..4--- ? ';_ 4. E:-1 -. ;- . ; . _ .,,,.l--,.-Mar. Belmont ." I -a arnco clrr no-az errant" ~* -A. I :{,',1:::.'1.' , . ?I_L;/_ 1.. _ 0 L, I. . - . _ _ .1. ___. _"_ .-.1 - .. ' 1 92' .- the . enclosed - I 6°11!!! clipping I0! of ll-lit an article ehichhe interested in _ 42-'n ' ..-.. 1_,1. 5 lPPOared in the April 12 1061, -issue oi the - /I _m -_I§ai¢0_ City aagaailiplapre" concerning your " I interviee with Dab larentes oi that aagaaiae. . -1 Ior your wnven TBo encloaing an ' 5 ; .. lnglish-language translation oi that article. .-. ,-_" @_ . Inclosnres I 1 .'; _ . K ,.-' 'Bo£ k-?,unJ1_A<_7 'I . . 'IUlEONYELLCI: " - .i,- if.-r53§.".'~. .3!-' '; i-1: 3 1.1 Legal Attache, Iexico City, by routing slip, ad; ,_... Qlialluli suhaitted a clipping oi the "Bienpre" aagazine article. -I That article was referred to the Translation Bection rt.- of the Laboratory which prepared a translation, the I if G original oi which is being furnished to the Attorney I- ,' ac:General. No copy oi the original article is being ,? .;_7_ >- regained IV! "3 in the Bureau! Iilel. __ -_ e____ . j I?! ". .. ' 0- 1;!, . __ y _ , ,3 rn 1-p 'I --J > "-1.2 - e _ t__ _-5.11 1 "=?P Q " ___ um-ED 2 53 ."~' _.._.,, £1-»-. ; .. MAY l lh 5% TOIIII I _, PI-one ..__...______oma-rs: _ _ Hob! iii Y-it Balsam Osllohn .. _ 1 Conrad . 1: E. i ._=;_ -1 _' __ ' '__'-K-L. DeLeed -i_'______-,; - " Erna Helene ._._i Hosea _,_,_,,,i !'§ 1 Tsvel ii la" | we. 1 .11» - V- Tretlet _._.i 92~z92.! I.C. Sullivan i Tale. Room .i Inc-ran __..i...... Goodyii OllLF:e:It/klh M I 0 <>. 7 ® Bi B b7 mm mm. 3 noon 551znzrvnc uurr l:I F .- I 5 ' I 5 . i 1 J l

? - gar 3' 5 I J -v -- ramsunou molt SPANISH ' L 5'1 1 7% -1.-FE e ';.' from "SIEIPRE" magazine, published in llexico, D. I'., Issue ot April 12, _1ps1, . ._ . _ .... _.,-_;.,_.;,,,,,._.., __._.-- . i :- ~ n -- - =b~-~.-;.»~ - . E ".-. § - - 'I.>.*.'<- a Y BOB'B TALK WITH "8lIIPRI" [-

3 =- la.- v,_ . _ '_ i i a 2 ? '- If:as . 1 ." ;? .'.?'* § WITH rm: Ancmrncr or summers vxcronr ~ w A rasno numsurss ' - .s - : _ 1.

-5 :'7~ ' Washington, D. C. , March, 1981. - The Justice Department oi the United States oi America is located on Pennsylvania Avenue and 9th I=-.~@:~=.-=_"=.--'- '::'Street oi the District oi Columbia. The imposing gray-stone ediiice, which -.-jg-,;?;;'.,",-,-i-,is the home of the famous Federal Bureau of Investigation, also houses the F 11.: . oitlce of relentless ROBERT FRANCIS KENNEDY, Attorney General oi the Nation and brother oi the new American President. _

BOB is 35 years old and his liie has been as intense as his brothe1" He is the third-born of the four KENNEDYs and graduated from Harvardh ..- 1943. He immediately joined the Armed Forces of his country, serving aboard the destroyer named after hi brother JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, who _n died in action. At the end of the world war, his restlessness took him to Palestine as a foreign correspondent oi the "Boston Post." Later on, he came back to the University oi Virginia from which he graduated in Law. ln 1951, he initiated his career in the Public Administration by working - as a lawyer in the Criminological Section of the Department oi Justice, a post irom which he resigned to manage the first Senatorial campaign oi _ -w his brother who is now the President oi the United States. » A _

" . Immediately thereafter, he was invited to cooperate with the HOOVER Commission where he acquired his vast experience in inter- . 4- national matters. Later on, he became a iounding member oi the L . atI llc CLELLAN Committee investigatingunion leaders illegal activities! ,_Z,_ j- oi which he became Chief Counsellor in 1957. ' L, . _ -_ Qp pfn3@'!'TRANSLAT - mj ' QM 5 ' ".1 -. N» ril 24» 1°51 J76 In A n.-?- -ENCLOSURE /317-/J .9.., 92 =2 -' --M-~~ -4-'--5-'-*1--i-.' " nu-n-- 7 ;'~T{<~.-::'--"-J .,,,,._-~_I','_-.,_" .'.-.".§.; I n L 7; 1 Z, *

. _ . .4 - ' I. * ; *: ' J i 92 iii Hewngedwaronwhatheetillcallathe"Inen:y 2 '' . toeay, thecorrnptionolthelabornnione, aidnndertook . gt, erpoee JAMES HOIPFA, the labor leader who took advantage theatliateduniona iorperemalprdit. Aeaaiatterdtact, '~i.I~1'I1- -on we no o r - ' " o ~"ri**i-"1""-***. "' ' ' '.

.,' '.- ;.' . . e ' UponJOHN l.'a victory in the Virginia eic! primary electione, a - I '2--:- wave oi protests, eet in motion by HERBERT nmw, RIXOl~l'e preee - " ».i--:'-.=§-:h.-t»"-'Peecretary, accused the Democratic candithte oi buying with money" the . 3 .. .._.."92.-_ 15-"t'5r5"1;'¢_"votee oi the Protestant population oi that Southern State. It was hard to 4:.-nut tmie hoe the !E!~I!~;EDYe we-ad he ehle to get cot oi tine qu_a,m.nire, hut BOB made a public appeal to the American preee not only to ask the reportere to look into the matter, but also to get the "Senatorial Campaign Committee" to inveetigate the entire aiiair. The Party leaders ehuddered at the new! oi ouch a daring move. They were afraid that the Republicans ~§. -, would take advantage of it ae a eign oi weakneae or guilt. The gambit wan o I accepted and paid o. The victory in the primary election was ratified and 92 ' the votes of the Virginian delegation tor the Loo Angelee Convention were -.*¢--I in me hag! 1 - ._ t - __.. - -.. Finally, Conventim time rolled around. 8YMlNG'l'ON'e and T ea. JOHNSONHI candidacy posed a eerioue problem because the iormer was A- mpported by TRUMAN with lire. ROOSEVEL'l"e hleeeing and the latter 1- 1'" had on his aide the good will oi the Southern Old Guard to which he was _ making innumerable etatemente that he would not give up the rst place. v It was indispensable tor JOHN I. to work out a well-balanced ticket, oifering J the geographic attraciima which are a must ior the Breoidential and Vice .- -_. Preoidential candidatee. In other worde, it wae indispensable to have nome- one lrom the South on the ticket and this eomeone had to he JOHNSON in order to otteet JOHN F. e Northern origin. *-. - i; né- "'"" * % a?£=*-I"~-@'-"=-im* .__i-._;._.-n_;.;...o.~._.-_....:.a_,-.@1'¢.=?.... -.-...;'_...."-_...... *.;;.:a_'..._..- 92 ' . ..r:.. I 192 92 1 ; -'3 - ' .5 T? . - _ ,_ . 1 1" - - I _ Iathemeanwhiie, thepoliticalmaneuverswereiatallswiagand ac-. dorynniaedabroadthat, stthecriticaltime, a"darkhorse, wouldget nodottheDelegates, adarkhorae belngacandidatesnablingthediitering at the various Delegationsto 'jeliy."'B.OBI;R'i owedhis master's hand on this occasion. Bis lieutenants remember the tension ct the moment directedhia stepstotheapartme|1occupiedbyI$?6ONatthe :2 Jlotei Biltmore in Les Angelea. From his stolid lacs tme could hardly guess jibsthewasabouttohheastepthatthepoliticalhistoriansotthiscounhy- - " ~_will never be a ble toor t get when analysingthe events. rm or six hours ' went by, but when he emerged irom the apartment his brother's victorywas . in his hand. He had been able to convince JOHNSON to accept the Presidential candidacy oi JOHN F. KENNEDY, accepting tin Vice Presidential spot tor himselil Thenominationwasasurething. ;_ _ _ y -_ .

Then, November the 8th rolled around. The rst results oi the elections began to come in and the lead which JOHN F. KENNEDY had over his opponent became smaller and smaller, so much so that there was tear 4 .. til: that he would becomea "minority President." The leaders oi the Democratic -P -:..-;;:." Party accused the young manager oi the campaign of being extremely weak ".7-:3-,;~;¬~--"3-"11for tailing to exploit NlXON'a weakspots. However, this was evidence oi -$5-.-'2"? "F -'1the tact that DOB is a man oi his word and of NIXON'sgentlemanly behavior. .r~*.".'-4:-*1In tact, at the start oi the Presidential campaign, BOB had been successful PI-3? in convincing NIXON that any mention of the religious question, rather than . -... __ .: being an obstacle to the aspirations oi the Democratic candidate, 'would be a backward step of American democracy in the eyes oi the world. By the .92. F same token, he had agreed that no mention would be made oi certain .2 s mysterious matters oi Nll£ONs iamily, such as NIXON allowing his inuence to be used by his brother in concluding certain rather profitable business - deals. This explains the small margin in the voting and underlines BOB's- e-e I-- integrity and his courage in implementing his own decisions. Even though . he was notably responsible tor his brother's victory,great pains had to be taken to convince him to accept the post of Attorney General. He rejected the proposal three times and iinally gave in under the pressure brought to bear by the Party leadership which marshalled its reasons with adroitness. '

BOB's oiiiceis located in Room 5111 oi the Justice Department. _'92 e His confidential personnel consists oi three young girls. -JOHN SIEGENTHALER, =;.*T§. BOB s personal secretary, came to meet us to tell us that we were expected. ,, I . ., i ' ...r 7 -1 2A The Attorney General was sitting at his desk behind a tremendous >-v.._. _ 1 stack oi papers. He was in his shirt sleeves andhis hair was "in an upheaval." .- 1


O E I > I 1 1 '"Ir: ' v-.-- . V »:""'92 T--'--'4'" "''=F F 7 J-' H """""'- " ' - - --P' ' -"_ ' .§ _ -.-_ _. i. ;:..t:.:¢'0...... ;_.-. '1-"5._.r -. .,...-1 -...-__92:»-'-.-.1.-.h....:.-.;-,,_;.,,,.,,,,.'-__ - - - . .. - V i s 92 - l - y, ? . 5 _ .- ~<-. ' Heiinishedsigningthedocnineutsonhandand,then,rosetohis test with an outstretched hand: Hello, PABLO, glad to see you again. How's peer seerregshfesico?" e _ i£~_., tr .- "llexicoishopingagainanditistrustingthstalltlntwassaidin i the campaignreceives eontirmationthroughaction."____; , _ t -- - - . s. i - His reply wasan eloquent and, since heMia a 1 3 likestowastetimeonsmalltalk,hewsntltraighttothepolnt. ' ' I Y V _ -Q .. e t :.~ -__ - . Q "ear idesis to goto the pewle eheine. veryea !etu_rewin hold in their hands the destiny of our nations. The young people are those who willhavstoiindananswertotheunknown quantities which areiacingthe Fa-. world. We are in a race toward space and, from day to day, new horizons open upto man'sthinking not only in the political field, but in the cultural and philosophical fields as well. . a y - @ - "llankind's areeyes trained on infinity. In the same wayas iateiiites have seen sent up which can return to cor pla:-.et,vei'? mencwr. ' will be busy exploring unknown regionsoi the universe which heretofore . . . .__. H;-__. .41 have been known to us only through indirect observation by means oi ' e -.".{92-.:- -+£- _'='--- telescopes or with the aid of radar. I do not wish to indulge in excessive .w1'-$§3.'-7-","'#-theorizing, but l believe that one day there will no longer be nationalities, '5... .'=_1;-1:.-*}_ ---1.1.,».-5, -.,,92. ~_ .:. V » but only one mankind, the mankind oi the Earth united and bent on conquering *3 k-_ the highest to which we can aspire. - - - "But, pending the accoinplishroentoi all that, aw who historically ,?;____,,'_.*'££".4:,1' _:. and geographically are united must consolidate our bonds oi affection. This is ,'f'-r-5": i ,.'H ' possible only through person-to-person and family-to-family understanding. Those who are best- suited for this kind of exchange; are the young people,

g,____ the students in the technological institutes, in the universities, in the centers oi higher learning. Because oi their education, they are in a better positim to understand the ways oi liie and the forms oi thinking of the different nationalities. e e _

if ' "President KENNEDY has already said it and I, repeating his words, wish to say it again. it is necessary to start right away. No longer can we atiorc .--9" to experiment, hut we must start where we havethe best chances oi success. That is where we will start. Mexico is a country which has reached in all ='*~>a aspects an enviable maturity and which, because oi its political institutions, undoubtedly knowsthe solution to many of the prohlems lacing other sister nation: ,".-- - g

.4... _ 7- - V . -I .7 T4' 1' . -V '..~_,,- " -.._- -. .- . . _ ~_ . -1'92 . .. _. .-. .- .- r '-' " 7- -.: . _..__ ~ - ., _ 2- »- - _ E . '4" . v - ' - F q ,4 a.-___,-....__.... _ ~_- _,_ -,. , A. _. -k_ ___,_.92_J__.i:¢___,~_§_H__Hh_.___|n_,______._: V i1- . ,_ ! * 5 ,,. 92 . rF T " Kv .- r 18 H;1 ' =-"owlsandteachusthetruehatinhmericanthinkingthetruehstin American anxiousness tor progress, the true Latin Americanwayoiliie ' - -5 >. ' - . 9 . ineachangetorpracticalandeeonomiccoutrihutionsononrpart. hetas aexchange graduateandundergradoate studentsonthehssisii mutual sincerity '_ 71" ' '~,1?~ , ~ -r ' _, _ - I,-. . ;_ _ andtruecordialitywheretheonlythingtoheseenisthegoodwillotthe . ' .- w " J! =a' Uuitedtates. Thisgoodwillgoesnoiurtherthanapresedationotourideas f V _=-__ hecauseaswealreadysaid,w~eareawarethatyourthinki_ngdoesnot . . -. ~',.> coincidewithoursandwedonoteqaectitto."-. ._ t i -0- - , . -: -- . _ ' .- F es- "rnm exchanges shouldalsoheaway wherebywersward those = who are our triends, or away whereby we can convince those who are not. J 17 _ T A 2 e We shall receive the young lleaicans with an "open house, '--..__ -s- thus providing an answer to their preoccupation with a good development * . oi our relations. We want them to understand that the United States, like any other country on this earth, has many hig domestic problems which are to he solved, in addition, of course, to its responsibilities to the entire tree world. A t " _ . " I" :1-.t' 1.7 -' 45 i'.f'|;92 ,';__t'- gr-Q ' ' . an *- ' . "t -=2?-r,HI": F-.,"_.'| .111.-N", .-":'|-1"-$'- - .1. " You, in turn, should receive us as friends, without jealousy, with the cordiality and simplicity of old companions who know that they can ;.-1, - Y 2- - help each other. This is the way to start and let us get started once and I I V ! 4.-J tor all. The only thing I hope for is that the young people approve oi the idea and that the educational institutions and governments involved aiiord as their cooperation." -. . e -

,,.. . "What about the picture, BOB ?" we asked. He made a motion L'-re! with his hand for us to wait. He took his coat from a hanger and, with .-¬~ - ; ____:"- his shirt sleeves still rolled up, slipped into it. lie arched his right hand __: t-... 3} <. over his head and straightened out the "part in his hair." He called in ' 51* two secretaries and gave each a stack oi papers irom those on his desk. F-=1-. ,. -I One oi them solicitvgez asked whether he was about to leave the office because she could not derstand BOB straightening his apparel to get down to work. "Don't you see that they are going to take my picture ?" , . _ 1'30" ' 92 _ ' The ash of the camera went into action. After the iourth explosion he walked up to us and wished us good luck while shaking hands with us. J1 "1 { _ "Haste la vista. . . ," he said in Spanish and he was already taking his coat oti. The telephone on his desk rang. He picked up the receiver, litened a iew seconds and, then, replied: "If he does not put on his oven-shoes, he cannotgoouttoplay...." ' ' - ' ' __ '

-5- Q ..- '"' --"'' ='-"~===.-'2§_#,;".:.w'.":T-1=:¢i-'.i*;»*.>.:.' 34;" T.-....k...-..ui£B»¢-." - '~ .. - _...' _'=_:.-..92..;..'.;-..~.:;-_ --*_ .5.-....:

B f IT ~ - 1 D '- f "' 3 9 - 0 D. I

. 6/4/01 o_. rum 'rEx'r TELETYPE URGENT Z _ »_ - - or w-. .~- -: "1 1-,. wsgv -App-I-a-r_c_. -1' _» _ , ~ ' _._ . 1 -. Q, .. ._ ._. 7 _-i -:§¢ ...- ._ _ , ,1, -. . - 5 - - . , __ _ _ I _ .. | - _; .___,_:;I4!,?;_f_,,, ____ - - r ' - . , '__V '.. _r__ , - :_.., - *-.r~ , - -" ''."%'1_'osAcsA'rLAm'A " ' - .3 .-. . 92- 0 " 11~ ~ SAVANNAH _ . . 'H a ' ;?..- -> __ _ _ -1- __ ' - F- 1 -- FRJHDIRECIORFBI " . D - 1 ' 1-_v_-.._ _ _--' . - ' . ' 1. 1. 7" menu. mrrzas. Q1Qmnrnzmm' , . m. . 1.... -5.; _7 SCHEDULED TO MAKE AN ADDRES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA

#*.'?-" . ,;.~ - , _,. .1 ~_. I .,,,_, HAY an: NEXT. NEWSPAPER RELEASES INDICATE m-:unEn6¥,w%1Q. ~ . O ' A , _ , - 92"*..§._-a I"*___ H _ MAKE A muon PRONOUNCEMENT on cxvn. moms 4'; mA151'1§rt§.:. I R ' I ' ' A, 6' 92 . _._ . 7-, jr . .'¢' m vmw or mmmr n~z CONNECTION wrra ancsm miamsxopr f1; E . ~ I - j '1 , -r-Off;-:?£'= .5? it2 -" J-_.g- ;--'-1, cononsn srunzzm-s ro was umvnnsrrr or crzoacm, §ous11cJLn"L O1 :1 $ . _ _92 |> .' IMMEDIATELY ALERT APPROPRIATE INFORIJANTB AND P&MPT¬Y ' !" . °¢ 7 I ADVISE THE BUREAU OF ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED CONCERNQIG _ *; $5. Z ANY CONTEMPLATED ACTION m CONNECTION wrrn THE @ '* D, 1. l-"Q:. ' r APPEARAN CE OF KENNEDY ' "5; ~ "=5 1 I I Q92 I 5-+4 1'!-* i. g§.n=ag1" % A, q-;T ._

Y.»?.""-'Tdpan ii. Penna _i_ 1. Ida: ii Bobcat i...- O Rm 8-If O O1; MAY 4 *9 Cllllubn ____ Curd _.._..._....._ _ O FEDER;-1. I'."!" T? j r";:m9|~| _ --g -92 ' u. SA oammmn m wsuoa ' Hal§I",_","_*;_____-_ COMMUNICATIONS SECTION 1 Two} n_:.___D J éy MAY 4 1951 Q,}_ _-1 E;s.~:&.?EaA W .1 0 1961, .TELET.YP E 9292, - mum. noon Q TELETYPE um-r I t my ;~ 2 * ":'92"¢a-""23. In 8-I I-ii! ,. _1 - -..,-» " .__"_ .._. - __~_..... -.sq,." ~~.ss- ~...-....t." . > -:.."~..~.*-;r..=r=.".'.»3 ,-.--.¢<_@..=_-:s...e- _ '1-'-T#'.3a'_'-r.-.-'--lS92..,3.'I .-_. §i- 4 ' in l IQ. II ~ 92 mqrzn Irxrn. Awunur Q, -en: _ --

_-¢._..n Memorandum .

TO : The Director mum: /37,4 y QL I /Q6 / *1 o i '5 - non ; N. P. Callahan L I 1 -$1 5/f dp .,.-. r 1 _ IUIJECTI The Congressional Record 'I_l' I F ' Page A2979. aegnumu brrelnlu. H! New York, extended N -to . $211-is ul F92li1llPramll: to lode-dc an ea article Bach wrtttuAppointee!" by Ruth ma In-oalgomcn Qpelrod entitled In we épr "Bob aimYeaee:ty1 1 2 um-.¢ ruse. bar. Deroaata.aet.etoa"'IeIt1.I hurucum to Q an I20 welt _3=:p_:>_r.__,_2_q|;;p.1q carries at his nepeosibmty, an Attorney Ga in choosing abte an lor we lea:-needed Federal jedguiitpl. "

° 92 , ;. _ ,_ - 1 I; --.. 3 ;,_.4§{f.- '-1 t;_--.¥'--,-_--x @- .=..='.!? < It A '..-1: >-"_;

I-1 5'1. -nu _..--'1 Q 92 --I .4 -no i I -.,_ g IVS» g



-It 4 f Kn-I -.3!-. 92 IL?-Q1 43/ 7 //7 1s§¬?°§§;éF_ -"'-lu-..____,__ hr iii-I as-:5 1&- '55 OMAY 1 1 I951 .. I In the original of a memorandum captioned and dated as above, the Congressional . Record for HM // / 7/ / was reviewed and pertinent Items were marked for the Director's attention. This form has been prepared in order that portions of a copy of the oriqinal memorandum may be clipped, mounted, and placed in appropriate Bureau case or subject files. '5?'":"""- '23 1-l5_-LA:--l»l'i-92'=i:-¥:'L¬;-u.92:' ~ _§:'-3""1-T§.;7§__§J»Q-':;3§l'.;§...".¬.-.,_¢.u>-+92"- '-".»Q».=.»..."' 5 ...I'L'. 5... . . 0 L ' - Q ,-¢'- < .- .: . I - . avh I FIDl.n.1 p W g_ ; ;92'T::r.-92|u.-:3 » $21322! gl 92 CO»'.$..¬L-'.iiCtJ|g;r Ha . Mr. mm-.-___ ' i . * . _ M S sf Mr. B¢:lm0nt___ I _ -- RY 5 195 _/ lIr. Cc|;l1:.L:-||n_.,__,_ -T , 1I ' ' ' "|:I.m.'=r-/ f __., - :3 . 4 -01:-.. . ' ' __ .Lr. "ans_._ "/;'

Tii*~H 92 }/ '1' 5-5-s1 11-10AM . £s'rzsc ' 4;?»A E] ___ @111 -]§'§,§',";,;-__-_; L _-f*___. L v q 92 In !-DIRECTOR, nu'1? W A Lay? Mr. =§;i;.i~;§;1.?Inzrr.m.___ V I I-Ron sac, ATLANTA 1151-101 21> MlnGnmIy.____ _ .? ' mam. mnnzns. as-:sum. mw 1-'0U_R_.LAST as ADDRESS av nronn ._ . "V 1 /'_-- czmzmu. noszm" xzrmznv ATHENS, ca. mw SIX, sxmrour. J7 v |j92nv1szn "roan _ £7 Q,- A :; 4 ' - 1' A NONKLAN MEMBER BUT UHO HAS MADE HIS CHURCH AVAILABLE FOR KLAN + _ --1 - W - f___ - 3 '- RALLY, REPORTEDLY MAKING -SIGNS TO BE CARRIED BY PICKETS-> ALSO, GGANIZATIONS GEORGIANS UNUILLING TO SURRENDER UILL HAVE MEMBERS . _-__. i ..-1 IN PICKET LINE ACCORDINGT0 INFO FURNISHED BY LEADER LESTER £ I I-.. '. _-I-1?-: '»"A =-.--u-r.>' ~51 " u-. - MADDOX '_IO KLAN OFFICIAL. DOUBTS THIS AS MADDOK MADE 2! -. -- -.0. 0;-.0. nun I92I-an l_IPIh .;I-£5.01:--1'SRML l"KUI'l_15:. KL I"-lUf92I-IAWU Y-. I-;Yf~ , '. 7:5: . 'J rants TO PARTICIPATE. anvxszn gl. » sou: "mo on maze nznszns 1-non cowrsussmz KLAVERN no, 'lIJO,.'=_ ._ IQ 5 mxrzn |u.ANs, mws £xPn£ssz1> m-:s1R£ TO vzsrr mmas nunmc . - -.5 _;-1?? SPEECH. ADVISED AT nzznuc fnsr -£7-9 E! mam ycumsnau ADVISED as n1-:s1n1-:n L675! F? ? Nat: 92ro INSTALL LOUDsvznxzn unnzn noon or AUTOMOBILE TO as bguvzn--' A pl ml .z Pf 92 I i __,. -

. I 15 I [K - .9 _ . I is /X; G Q . 12. ¢ 7 F UL . I-":t,'f":!b;! f _ j _ ¥ 74,|4$k4, - -p-:4/7 4434'»f7L-J


7! .!_ .:;-1;-!_ Y V-P _;-g» _;r4_ ._ -I-- ft .*-; p1_ _ ;;.,, - -, _ - I - _ _ - .-_ _ f-_ _. . __ . _ __ __ TI-i'.'. *-,;_: I ..-*é92§h|5E-4? ..3§ir.-..~. . '.=--v -.-~- .-'-_, HF.-. -7,---r .:£__.-.-"" ;.. _ .-.._.:L..92..|la.an ,, . -_|_..- '_- .'.-.;.__|..--.:.'-.-.¢¢|¢..¢..' __- . _.-_ ~=_ _ ...... c' . ..~._ -_ _*:~. :_ ., ; .- _,.__. .1-__ -;_._..4.4|._-2 <3 - ....»-.-..;.~.1- ., . '. ' ', U I . I ._-._":_.. . _ r -. A ' q _ H. - " C1I_ _

--92~ .__.-_ ~ 1

E» 7' _-/

é I . I - Z _ A wo . A76 3 1 ouanv no KLAN IDENTIFICATION on PERSON. ' ' . 1 wwz snrzo "mas: KLANSMEN mun: BEEN row BY KLAN OFFICIALS nor TO vxsn ATHENS nunmc nus PERIOD AS TO noso moat '1 ? »i' runmzn JEOPARDIZE ms ruruaz or xunsrzan QRESENTLY uuorn BOND , ton ACTIVITY AT THE umvrasxrv or croncu. -1-"£1-:1. LTID

a. ,'_ I raw xmusnzu, 1r ANY, um. v1s1'r mums ounwc PERIOD sur ALSO pwikai ram. rum AN A'TTEM_PTHILL BE mos T0 PICK]-IT av INDIVIDUALS ;%$?w .-/...!r-..-. 1-5:- r:/-Alr '-~j FAVORING SECREGATION. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA OFFICIALS AND LOCAL , , , NJTHORITIES, ATHENS, GA. ADVISED. LOCAL MILITARY INTELLIGENCE ADVISED» - 7 A " moacx I'Q§12-2o PM ox I-BI rm on I 92 I.-.-5I110 . *

v --_ _ » ,_--92s_ 3" _.. {L2-


I - , C0-_-fir. no-ssrij .

é I - I

1.,--1-.-L -.- .- ._ _--.. ._.... .-.. ._.___._.»-...... _~ _,._.--_. __~; ~'»_ A ...._A~_. -...- -_.»_.4...... __-...- -..-_-->--'..-_--'--..------'--92-'- ~* .' '. . , - , ' '- . 92_.__ . E92.~-. i5!.1.':¢*5:§ '., -11 --'1'"! '-'-~ Q .5-'~'$" . 'r-- '.-*3 , -. ;»--_-'-> "'1'?!--" 3 1;:";i;,c§.g.7""l' W. . W? _- ';?¬¬-_"-". -H7 J F.__=-71"--_r- <- - ', -."_;-»=_a-.5-_ --- ;,,-- .-_- ¢ -_'-L=.§1-_-92w*'.?-'J$'fF- .' '"'1-.~:» '-.4: .3';.-t-"-F" '.~_..-!- '~'1-'-> " -~---t;_:..r- ,-, ~».s_=__,-,_....~£....--...._ . ;_. _ -- 92 92.. > .-._ .. f - I V '- I FD- __ 1'hcAttorneyG-enera.l§ I , . . _ - L Ila; s, 1951 i on-um-,i-e1 77 j5l'58'7-- ' . --0 '. V " i " f-___. =2 menu. n.A'1"I'mrS. - . ' _ - l i _ E4 '.- f ;- > Annnms Q ATTO..'!1-£21 GENERAL ; _"___aI_, l he 1;! " HUBER "L F . KEN?»-::.I'I'" V ' _ z 1'-1.El;i.I ECF»GIJ't., 1b:.."'aY B, 1 TU ' V = -'_~ r - 1-"_':' d~f 1-rr ' in cozmection with your speech at theiiniversity oi Georgia 4»-'f;_ 1;: - tomorrow, lvfay 6, 1931, I thought that you should know that activity is __ conten-plated by m-embers oi klan and mg:-egatfontst organizations to 5 embarrass you. céfzt» C ~ - eceived information i LI _;; -: that one a nonklan member, who has made his ..=:~_ 1 "cir ' ' - '- - -' ' .11-oh am we for a Lian rally, is reportey making signs to be carried _ r '1 _ by haverccnzberspickets. An in organization the . - picket line. know: - doubts~ ~ Unwillinv that ,, to n;embci_-s Surrende__ oir may B ,-_ ,;_-.. this organization will actually pick: o..nce y have reneged on such ' . , . E» <.l_,,j 1, ? __commit_h|ents ' ' in the past. 3! ».-~: Q_ -' H Several klansmen have indicated a desire to visit.:t=thens§'durmg _ ;__; ______yo::r speech and one izlrinsman has indicated he would like to install a loud .' Q-' speaker under me hood oi an auton.o.:i1e and drive about town-Broadcasting 92 ';' P T ..:;;"'-i at -1;T ' -"Jr. 7;-._ la:-.kee 3' i - go 'home." 3 . l' M92 " ¢ -_.- Y? It is-noteworthy, however, thatklanoiiicials have issued n ,3 3 -;lnstru :; hone 'to}-Ian ' s.., -e n no t t 0 visit Athens during this period sincethey 1 ice! to do sO7;<.igE1t_|eo;:arc3i::e the iuiure oi - - .sn:en presently under b w T i _'_..--- tor, i=.=:m:;,--=1: the University of Georgia. 1 7 fed that few-Llonsuzon, if any, will visit A ens our ,_, or , though ! 'anfattcggpt will-be made to picket by iniivlduale favoring segi-egatio. 0 ?; LT E"'-,1-T..,,_ '1:.f1_T;1:t.;l:' H; O£§icc_;has ._.'|,- advised . University . or Georgia I "1' ,1 officials,L. '.,..._ local. 'authorities"?! 4-ithi:-as, Georgia, and the local military intelligence office. Iri- . 'I'_'-, . ;'§1£=.'~. Z 1; -.9 II -. ;if '<-iii-115' . *3"* JIL{OIi§u}'Lc3"3i'3-1! . P-"=,"1:.1~== I .. 'i =-.- 1 -;-I »9 L ~92 _1 - " Mr. = Mohr : ~ . ::..:. 3cL EvilI ...;' ' :-' ---u->..:a' H!|""{92','; _ _|Mro I, 125* 1.1r-- Assista11i=.*.ttomeyGen~: I'e-'-Zarstazzll / 1? " ., 1 .'. M;-_ Evans - - . ' ft. . _ Q jan1_e1_-5___EJ:3};_,RU}-l, I in K0116 Oil page ,2. v i _ -- _ - W1 . ~

.6YMAY1l+@.??*T_% ;;.fi: - i .t |. _...4' 41" F. . C.5; 7

I "-3=m"'°.**l§$t¥§?im~="?...*3.=.1l1"-' -_._-___i e».-.-._i~ .2;l_"_;a-;;_~s.<__--'i.n..;.g".'L.-';.._r'.7:».- i I - 0 . I '5 e _] _ >5 V i C3 K ?., '

' ,1 n1 ' NOTE: The AttorneyGeneral inscheduled tomake amajor statement - 7 -pi ' on civil rights matters aat speech at theUniversity Georgia of . SIM. The Bureau bi tletype s/4/e1 alerted the Atlanta. om» to this I --;;Epeech andinstructed thatappropriate informantsbe alerted.. _

K 1 J -,- .. - - 0 I~w'

:- .5 .'.1' - a __.3 2

§:_.*': ;-," . 1= ";iv*:':é'-'4

={__*._';,?¬;',__.D . =- I a1-

,-:1 I 3-fie??? ._; .=-'_'_92 _._:.__.?_.


.'_.; -s 1 =.r§ L 92



.; . -2'. -

' . a

T r -Q. - '1 - .1» <1, ...|'1/ -.5 us..- 7 'rnememeyceum"- e lhy8,196l 9 = ! Director, rs: '3 _ ,_'/ . .- I r - . "cs .' '-92_.' :;"'-'. -'. .;- . '_ e. .-. . R!.CL.L MATTERS; ' . ' e . ' -Q1 _=.'. 4 I _ -4- nonnsss or n'rror:~mY G'.5.'NEP.AL . :- .' ., nonsnr 1'-Fl-;E.l~1Il3DY,_ ' T ¢ 'T'1'.'l1-.1923, csoriE1;:.; e, 1961 ' | r -2 - -i To round out information previously furnished to you by -11 - .:- . letter Kay 5, 1061,I thought you would appreciate knowing about sonrit-DrT92 ii oi the occurrences which took place in connection with your speech on._,:- ii-lay e, 1961. o 671!E e :1: ca :a 92 Q !=~ -.'-'5-'-?I'.1l'.'7-47¢-' Oi! e ceived intor:nation_tha.t r5*;.1i1T-ilf-Ti mentioned in my letter oi may 5, 1961, _ . -3: r _'_- he a c coed rally oi personally invited guests in his church on the - evening out May 5, 1061,in an eiiort to iorm a group to travel to Athens, %-"1 Georgia, to protest your apps mince. This info:-m:>.tion was tarnished by this Bureau to university oificitils, the Athens, Georgia, Police ' r .' Department and the local oiiice oi military intelligence. Prior to your arrival at !.thens._ cur other persons were arrested by the Athens, Georgia, Police Jsgortzg-cnt while picketing with signs on the street in Iront oi the gate i the University oi Georgie. Aiter your departure all iive person re eieaeesl on $_i_7 bond ior appearance in I-teens City Recorders Court on -i a1? 8, 1961. I-Io press release was made concerning this picketing 92- _ '. __ ' Associated1incident - Itirfyron Ey the PressAthens R.made White Police irquiry Department § oithe Athens but alter Policem your MAYDeputmegt 10196departure and the ore=5.-' '- -_ i ' reierr<:§:_i__to :"" 'the F Athens - city attorney. '" i NOT Z-cf, nsenn-ET j/ J8 "- ' . if 1 J-1-. -II-l 'g?! '2 2- be Pu t Y Attorney General ' I1 8-TEL; Us ~.':2:|£E __;~ "U-"A '-'~1--Parson --1 ...._....._- Assistant Attorney General 1"_i-'-'-- If-Ii r. :1 - ? _" H ii" -i...- " " ; E ._ _;' ; i92 hot;-an _.....___ i».zri:eii'ars1a11 &,92__ __'-F L ' - Callahan .....i Conrad -_.-..._.. 1 '- ,1-_ E . 7"f' I! '|g' .. _-: .., ..: H B .i -U MAL :1 " In-Lneehii Lu-on ._.....i_ RBL:ers - See note on page 2. '=-- _ _ __ Q lloluno ' Fiona ...... _..._..i 1! *1 -"EL!-'~::-=51 Tove! .i...... __ Trelm ii, -,,,".'2=-""""?&'.% I ' ll " '7 I'.C. Sullivan - - 1°? '- Ill-I. H008 -...-....-_ heron JU 92~Z92¥3 Eff! 2 g _ ~ ' '' Jan " . _'I Hi 1J. 92,:_3-'L.,_ yr ',.'-I!é._ __ -- 5:. . ' ! : -' ""1. -. -2- " '"i"" ' hr-~" ?'~:-1::-Y 92;T~,u_, ~== = " - _--?~ '=.;-<1 .,; T-"S-*1-.f"I'7" -,5! ;--;-.'- " 'I I" -' 0 -. i 92/ -~.-._-» .-.=...... _....».- 1 _.-_~.- .-., _.._-...... -- e - * ~ ~-..=.m,4~.-¢-.=.@.,.M-....,._~...._..;=h._-.-.._-o ' Q _r 92 .

P 11." _._ 1 _. IQ VG!-'1-5E =9? 0 .7,» !LQT__§_ By memo l/9/61 the Attorney Gonna-a.1 was atten that "1:l-re-4 . ;.'= segregationists and Klan organizations might attempt to embarpas s %~<=@Orzia, on during his 5/6/61. delivery of a speech at Uni vars 1 W O f Geo ma Ath ens."

1 ;-- '- --_. __ . , i E- - '9- l.- I

I J _' . 92 :1-¢'L'-éA :.. F .5-_gf. .

if, _;?_.'.= 1I;._... " I-'. .' I- u - ::'_.- .~ ---4 e ".",.92-_» -, '11 -_=- 1%- »..<-¬,=.-=3-2?-3 if; .1 -_.'.,'-#9 ;:'*.r . .,_,; ,.. I

.,_ U {ii-._¢ { -_,.' aw.4= '_. -_ 1 92 . 1'2. . ,_,.§i,=.__;

1'-;' '_ ré."'_?_ I _;Y:r . 5 4 n Ii- I l 9 , aer- _1r - . 1 92_ . 1 .0

, . I .-2-- 0 ,' :"5'.-1-- '* i 7. " I-' " -.' Q H "5JF...._-._ .___;;ri_--}..:-a.;.r;-i.;;;.o.n;:;.§I;»'- -. ;-9."? .5.;.;:-.1-.--.»ti;.|-92i-_'-_'..u.-':.:..._".;.u.-ea - I . e ' -7 92T a. '_-.4..__ <- » 3 c ! M emoran um I T0 : The Director . s DATE; /T/L /' -- ;.-.- .... ._ 3.-. - ...= 7 6 / T 5 - f 1 I I101! : N. P. Callahan . i if

E -- . SUI]!-CT: The Conqressional Record

;.. P I I _P.éE§S_AZ520_-A.2521._ Congressman Reuse, D! Wisconsin, e,_'_, in l extended his remarks to include an editorial from the Madison Capital TimesI . ':' U rentitled "Should tgi Birch Cult Be Ignored or Exposed? The editorial quotes Attorney General ennedy in regard to his views of this Society. * 1:0 Bt AT ii 2?-J. -. - §- r"-9-<--" o~ K

_ . -,'-§92- -".- ;'»-~=::: '-.-7- ? ~ 5-1" :1: i by-is -' I-I-I '--'53 '1-7' -_-"f J, _.'.-1 l *1 : r-I I . -nu _-0'" | i 4 v,

ii» 3!: -- 2 77~___?'_'7- /.20 _3!

1 '~; {TOT RECORDED-. p ._,._.--.,.

.__;- .=* _,' 1 .-- .--- l_ |Qn>_,-Q 1%:-4

- 4 RecordIn the oriqinal for ,4 of {Q a ; ;_ memorandum captioned_g Li it I" was and revieweddated and as above, pertinent the items Conqressionai were' marked for th Director's agtention. This form has been prepared in order lhat = portions of a copy otihe original memorandum may be clipped, mounted. and placed tr- in appropriate Bureau case or subject matter files. 58 MAY 121951 . _"' ;* -H-l . ' " =v:¥""--'- ,92'- R789-T - -»-=' .- "=*;=<-.=.e-.-==-Y : - . .. - ..; -1-. . ' r "'- -1" ~ - <;-' - 1.-.'.'...-I7..- " 1 , i l'l 0 a I . . 0' K M8772 A 0 i. $ :-' lo on _i 0 ... QENTML ¬T_:A" 9 Bobby " Forgmg " *** ; on fo Top]we, I

8 Bosen Tavel 7% ., 75; fhéi onheicl Team v Trotter - L.v W.C. Sul ' _ 1 - I I! murmur nmms 1 I-an loolliae Ba-I-ioe White lobe on-my-um Tele Room i 4- IAEHINGTOH, May 5.-The man who is rapidly; 92/ Inqrmn _._.i erging todni as the moat important and powerful in Gondy _i e .Adminlltrl.tion0utalde the President hlmselIll President: younger brother. In iepreoentorllil Amerimnioreimpolicy dent John Kennedy in; increuimll torney Genera. K3

Kennedy. oaer times for oi helpgreyl. penoaul rob:-limit. ; mgr-QQ. *__- Thll. American are Iliaen- In; 5 Ililll. amazing pheno- oi? '_ menon. which limb o broth: »,= _[,/¢¢/ ;.~Z5&.'_; ,3-J ld at I-he plruuele of power -_;:%*::92:-;_?J'~:. in n nation trnlitloiu!.l:o.n|I L-'. 4 -1'1 '2 11¢- vloientlyoppooed to nepotism ."-'i{'=._""r 1_.~92f< Uor The the lllghlesi. Attorney hint General, of GYIIIIIJ.It __4 the ripe old age oi 35. in in} the unusual position out belnl ROBERT :11 P011111»? right. public as well I181-ire on the ha big-hir The No 2 Man gest quiet behind-the-aoenes~ .-,_ riuencejn i-In Whit-e_Houseu I , '-r_- - . UNIQUELLY QUALIFIED In his official role on chief ,9 -4 Ilrmmfomement. oioer. $9; 1% of; _. le ennedy eon affect. vir- tTiUy every oapeoi. oidomeliio The Ncohinqion Pool midi life, from juvenile delinquency Timon I-iorald .2- to civil mnu to R1111.-bustin:.i - T In hie nnoilieol role u the: Tho Washington Dally Novi .i_ Prelidenfl ehief oonfiibni nu? Tho Evonlnq Slur _o_...._._. Y: trusted aide, lobert in Illiln 1 volee_In oi! lorts ol foreign! Now York 1-ioruld Tribune __.._ end lomeotle lop-level polle;' New York Journal-Amoricun L Nov York Mirror _..___.__.i. And in his role u the Hell- 7;. 1/5 J 7 Nov York Daily Noun i. _dent'| brother. the political impact of I phone coll from __, %ow York Pelt ___.__.o_.._ Inobm u mm: ls mm: u Tho New York '1"imeo_____,_,_,i one from the Pmsident him- 191 MAY 15 19$ ' --e~.i.o__ Fm . pt,n0RDED~ __1'ho I'ortor.._.._.o_..._._. | Robert Ill-I no special oom- Tho Now L. peienee in the field oi Ioreiin The lull Strooi Journal _...._.i. policy, on the bad: of experi- ence. But he is uniquely qual- F .'""- !1§*°h?e.°'."!° 7.0-I su i IIAY 5 1951 ESMAY1619131 92

1 e n . , I $5? V . . . U - 92~ -. . .- - -- .~ --..:»-- . , ~- -.-. I-.:" *' . -_""*"?-'.~----';- . - 3"?_ Ii? 7'5'* .'~. . - ___-it ~';,, - -lerg95"!-3'1- '92'___-;,_,.___ .___;-, "1 --1--Tins-'-.'r~;~.;';;;'.'.a;-.".';.,_ -__ ,.._<- 5 - 4 - l . . K 5 . ' E1 4 P ~ -CJ

'_ a _. 1"; 2 '-- ti if?-? 92- ._,_._. 14>; ,4-V. l' -» .lIlkll.lke,IIutewenthl:nklllke. |'miobbi.ii:eFreeideni.i|ueWhen -RAD. Qenei decided moo:-n!heed.= f-.eruI.!!er*1._eeI.leH..e*.e2_H.$&'='. »I|~eel|leal| l_lnd lie:-I to ilempleleiyu-uemeenluce hotherBobby his quit ownJob .4 .e|lrlaenthe1eeIleetn|~oInd en e junior lewyer in the < x H; llllellll-H!-bereinmelhe Justice Depertment to meneie FL..|z._.....ulleucncy. - I his elmnl-len. sen. Kennedy l But the heeklent en because e, member of tine _ P-SC- Benete Lebor and Management ._ "=- t-loo,rt. ere even Iur -brothers. E111exceptionallyInvert-intlne Committee. end .=Z2-1 ze brother Bobby its clue! coun- - '1'-e,§§f92 '.'' bert. elthouzh nlne years the President: Junlor. tells eel. - u| ezeetly Qhet he Lhlnk! Then Ben. Kennedy hunched lmut mum. when he mlkell hll eempelg-n for the presi- I Judgment. It l.|'me:leeoleL7' dency, end brother Bobby gain 3*-;-9, on the belie of whet Robert. quit. his lob to become enm- peim manner. . "thinks92' I-Albert-Kennedybt is 10!hll Ieems to brother. 80 it ll neturel for-the Presi- be liking Ills ervamleufdutlee dent, toughened by hl.s,!irst* -B? bed defeat end nrevlrml for $'_ ~."'.; ha I8-rile. He puts in ll-hour "'.I -11.4.." dan when he ooee put In 12¢ even biggerchallenges, totu.rn,_ , hour enee. He div-Idea up his _ minto hisbrother. . H hollrl betweenthe CIA,State, As the pr-ensures mount. the| -. Department, Pentagon, white, therm us wunmgum llionae, end ll: um Jutiee[ ntlnue. . ' r'?iIiTi-Illeni. As e member o! the Presl- ,dent'e four-men panel in- vestltef-lnt l-he U3. intel- lllgence system,he u mun; I . -to: war: to shore up our Cold War maehiaeri, is i. member '-v of the National Security Goun- Gll--Bnheg is pining e louder "rolee lg ell lorelrn _ enons .-.:"5""

_ - ;- -

4- ¬&E -92&&uM1:u15?;-Ed QR,--'_-H-.;i.In:.n.r..-@ t s-__..n._;_ ''4. ..'_ A_,' ,,...Z_..?I_' 'L;:~.-.-L;-.-92-_._..'_. ; 2, -Q.-181.64--Ina--1".»,.>92T. ...J-1' I, . . . *- .-. Patna i__ r _Mem0ra..§f:.§UNITEDSTATES GC ml T ' " ' l nub: 1'0an-. Parsons =Q nm, 5/1/e1 L5:-1"-'§'-_;"Evans E . I W l

H 92 ROM: C. A - E ::?_...__."_"_ _""Ll' - .. --.t-- E.;u1;Jg¢|-- ' nnnwtrr A'lTORNE%/GENERALI wwuwwnv ' a " '* .§_92_} mronm §-3,-l,3_5924 I-,;_g,_,lhIi'1h_92AJ.l-InI.4.i nonconcsmzmc 92d _ 6/ , ¬ u . -

4. 4 as F A-_ v.-' | 1-: " The Deputy Atterney General. Byron B. White called me _ .2 ' at my residence, after lunch, today to advise it was very urgent that ' he contact the Attorney General who is in Chicago to deliver a speech . ';_"' t;=-i,*-u. .-;'"_. #7.,-_ before a Polish gathering. He advised his efforts to 1-each theAttorney General bra; ..-r I Q beenezeueee seine. Our Chicago Oiiice was immediately contacted and P-._-_ -- -_:_;I-: I subsequentlyadvised Attorney the Generalwas furnished the message r while on the speaker'splatiorm, andstated hewould have a memberof ;=1*s.=+'-g-P-ehis party contact Mr. White. .»..2-1 -.=*- -. ACTION: ' aeu -':'=R.- i /an I called Chicago, 9 / "' Duty Supervisor SA p. m. , who advised Extra Duty 4:51 p. m. , above message delivered to the Attorney p. m., Chicago time.

sf-_ - .- . J? 92/ inn _,"~ 5%. v 7% .. . H, - 2 la, _ 2.._i§ -. ' 3| MAY 11 1951 -"1 115-- .0-

.1-P 1, i _ |_ L '_ , __ ',f 4 _ _, ,,' 1- lu- 2 DAB:! /3 _ 66W-92Y 71951 ''R3-S" 'r ' ;...... ____,._..,,,____.. ..__ _-._..+_._ ._.-2-..|ai|-1.5-..|i1-:1-..-Z-'-.-.'£.;-..;. 5- ---'~:--1--4n"-In.4'.~'.1!..-1 --Q-1-'1'. _ W I V-1 nia.""ao _ ff - an 4'Mini- .1... ti UNITEDMem0ra.¢u1.. STATE 3- T J t " * In f

Kan .._.i - has __i_.._ = an-.mums 1>m= 5-11-01 Tin!


Shortly before12 noon on May11! 1961! 8A of this Section went to the Attorney Genera1's Office and, thereafter, conducted the Attorney General'sseven children, three oi their friends, a governess and nurse on a tour. Mr. Kennedy'ssecretary stated that they should be kept out only about 30 minutes since the smaller ones were .i' - -15,, ._ r2_ I gettingtired. _ an-.. -__I'. . ' -I .._-_, L Theytaken rst wereto indoorthe where a rieprivate Q, firearmssecured demonstrationeach forthe of was tenchildren put on for well them as by em asS s 11sA target+- was .~-ti,-Rite-,-2?" ' I I." 0 ,-1."..',,_.._92-"They werethen takenthrough exhIbA"i"0ic.>T1"ai1d the e I childrenimmediately thespied photograph oi their father uponentering :Jfr~' the1.7;?" rooms. Time did not permit showing them through the Laboratory; however, the one exhibit in the Laboratory concerning the use of -.,4 -. . 5"? photography in crime detection was explained to them. ' --r-jfi - Upon returningto theAttorney Genera1'sOffice, SAP11¢.met Mrs. Kennedy who expressed appreciation for the tour afforded e children.

B§£Q1Y!_MEN1lé'110N= Y92-4--- , _..-1.._ b. For information. -.1 it ea, it ,1 P :.1£:?.i:°..;° REG 22 7/ ?ll'-1:?-5* 1. 1 71° Ram as MAY 151951 7-"'e"'- '¥ -1. * ~~ 9

I 75i?//pt @911,-~ F QBMAY 171961 W 5.:v.~§;_7@-ere .-< _.._. ----1,7 -qr.» _. 3, I-F/-Q-1;-92 ..r- 1- .-_;-.--- -. :'_';.I,--=3 5 1 _: _;_v-~. - _. .- ln_..-.-~----- -_1 - -=_}=;-H--3;.-ea;-11..-;_:_~>_y,.-~-A-=1;-1-=.',r=x.._;,.__ ; 92 -- __:-L - ' . y _ I . '_ , cw in 1- n---- .. I! - ' - _ June I, lill ;

_ » 'Q reneorm. Q; .-~; -,._-- - _.-_. __ - - - . .. _ ,__ _,..-....._.._.r._.._..-..n 7 ; -- 1. _ _ V Al _ __ _ _ 92 _ - 1- , .' .. 92_ ,- t T -_ -. I - . ' H. . I . -- . ___ '- _ -. . ,"?"? = . Q-we -3% -2 Iomrablellobert rgianecy " " '92 1 p- "_; ~ ;,;_ , '. * .l l ' _ ' Departmentollullilce " A

40' Waehlngton, D. C. Dear Hr. Attorneyenerel: - e

751* ,- . I ~ Iameureyoudonotlully realize the _ __- :' J E pleaenre that we ol the FBI had In presenting you I x _ *-_._ - -n R Ill the prlnclpal epeaker at the graduation exercises ' ' 1 ",-_ .1. . ___ held this mornlng for the Sixty-eeventh clan d the e , n -- -.,._._, e ., ' .- ;. . . ~ - FBI National Academy. The fact that you would .. .. _ .-1. lnterrupt your ohvlouely heavyschedule cl work to attend was a great honor to everyone there, and ~ * - .;. h;g4.' .- --e-:1,-1.~,~7-;.- <-we--Ir-.-.-:.n~ your excellent addreee made the occaelon memorable :":-":'.'¬.-7' -1.1"? ll well as enjoyable. On behalf oi my aeeoclatee and ..-.' ._'; ; _ myseli, lwanttothankyoo olclallyas Iellal personally. .-'-- - >w'~.- !.- ~ sincerely yours, _ muse 4 . ' *'~' ,.. -_ *:!;'V. _.,,_..:' - ll. Edgar Hooycn J[N_ 7 1961 -.

.' -:=. '1, . t NOTE: Address and galutation per preyious correspondence and lfteadlng Roor ._:92 r 5 _... .-' _ __. - . . -0. I . . A e e ~ A 49? 7r.7,'Z1 52,,- ;g._.._.; - h 92 . -or - - - *1 .5 .|_. §T..1';% ;.*'...:;"-"""-_-c¢uaeei____.- 'JSRHIPPQ ! _ ~ 15 _| : ..__ 5:.-= Q3 .,j " '92--_;-"."_:".'---'a '921~F1 W! L7 -'95 . £oe_,-_,,i ti" i , .5 V , 1 kl ' ,,_"",, -- 1452:? f ;_, ~o Tore! i_..__._ Trotteri. _ ¥;f;.".t.,.1.."";' L/.3 noon [%11:1.r:'rYP£ UNIT |:| _ 92 ,l é "'2 I

* -'- - " * .___-._. __ -. .:-_ >I- e." -L. ..T=-1-.;,:-J-.'-;..t+...7..'.I;-?~',_'~.'_.-L.;. . 1 . . _.._. - 92 - a - D _'_, 'Q_. -. i 4, , "_.m ._ _ Q f[_. 1; t=;§; Q ' -" /

.92 --. , _ :mn,1ee1 I .4- h H n ;___,;_..,,...,._.

~ 5; ~ " .. P»-I ' lanorableRobert lholennedy ' ' -_.3- qr a ;_~ The Attorney General - _u ' * Department out Justice - -= - washincton, D. C. " . ,._- ..--2 -: -.-~, Deer Hr. Attorney General: " #*" :{-- Y. r "Ii--. _ .- It is a pleasure to enclose several - ' ' "'.7';§=;§-'-',I-,, photographs taken thismorning duringand efterthe "I -" :32-.-'.'f-'3gr on exercisesthe of FBINational Academy. E ' , ... -- I tag you mightlikehave to picturestheseas -1 .;.,. _,_.__,_ ¥.'=.F~":.'.-*2.L gmemwoe. _ _ _ L _ M As I mentioned inmy note earlier tochy, E51?-'gall ofQ in the FBIdeeply appreciateyour participation _;x.5"P"?c gwhlclglmributedeo muchtomake the graduation r - -J "exerc ea a memorable event. Your remarks were espec y appropriate. . 1 . ' ' . ' . g e _.. _ ncerely, ' _ wuu-:n. 2 ' :5 -I -1 * l COMM-FBIi W 6 . " Enclosures 9! _ - .

A ---_92¢

-- .1; _.I1m"S1'3wM--4 ' it ,H - -" 5'-"°"_'" an; V __._.'. go;-L-:_§d_lU£c.BCeIIdsn,,,...._._ um I60/WE Y aE<>*5 a ;;=/Q? ;I "" n ":f;'-=.n....__..__._ GEM:pa_. ! re 1, 1-" I 1. -- -""' f" I 4 _ £Ll£;*---- |:1%|:Ls'rYPsknn11'|: Mmiiou i'E"'3- I '-0mn..~¢'£&bII.F '' >~*"'~~-~----e--- - *=--"-I" = --'~- --.'..;' '.t--- -1'43, -:-'.'i1f'-';-_-e; ta ._- J---. -J. R-ti; u.-:_92--'-r-r ill-I ¢ II|nna|||nnn.92o aw. - Q} __ . 0- 0 .. urn-1'1-znrrxresr *5 .n4m~rr :| n:< Memorangum -I-4--. Q - ""'I to : The Director ~ J nan: ' ..' 1' -a- -9 = ' FROM : N. P. Callahan .' - '4'n _§!- 9292 =92 v-» -_.-7 .1 1J1-' _;fiJiji.CTi i. The Conoresatonol Record '3.'" - ~!| L-92 i _ »- """"";" I-ages I-$36;-5:265. Lolgrnemn Bndemu, D!baton, , 1 rttldtd his rumors: to lluludr on add:-en by Attorney Geeer-at Eohu:L:;.. .1.--. .-j-.IIIH5,' an 1:-toy 6, IE6}, or the Law Day catches at tm University at Georgia! arobiazn Tu school. tor all an-. America, henoedy not co.-amemeo teat the FBI on organized or the Department crime strum of Justice. "Tm tn Unic c hut: attitude changes nere to this country, the rukcts will prosper and 13;; grow. iii this i am continua. r .. .4: _.d'*. _-;-_

L, ...._._., ._ '. _-.;._,. . _,. . ii. :."~Z92-.'r.+ -a- I -- _'!a '-'- _."w -an .--_,;.'¢-;,~;_-.:¬ __92.¬,'._;--$5 ;:_Z_f'r-_ _1:';q -1 "-'7 -1

1"-J-*_ | ."i-<1". . ._}-. -4- s F" 1 . 5 :.f7nr7-_§3/ ar7- /Q2; 2?: r31 I '7 '-iF?C0a§E§"' '- #991

-_-_'-"' -I"--1-. --!"1 I d i '-L {:- v %*'-'~__._ __

V In the oriainal of a memorandum captioned and dated as above, the Congressional _ Record {or {V} H! } 7; L, I was reviewed and pertinent items were _ma.|r_ked for he ' ector's attention. This form has been prepared in order that portions of a copy of the oriqinal memorandum may be clipped, mounted, and placed in appropriate Bureau c se or subjec matter files. 5-6 313:4 14 but ant W7,! w }

E .1'U'IIl|flQDiil§ ' -wllialaei -- "'

AIIIS. _ 0l'| 4-old

is -. S7 W Sll0WSl .- ._- . V :- I. - ",, -H-. .., *. _ lxrr - - aurssms-~-n ~" . e- - ' ' " -'_ _ ..,.,._ _,,___. l'_.._.s.;---:-',__ :A?"-J," n I _-,'3' ,', ',;j..I _ _, ., . bers of President Tolaon 55- 4 92 92 I ' s cabinet Secre- E 0-'5 ' o D Belmont ...____ . J; tery of sure Dean Rusk and , 9,._. [Attorney Generul Robert Kennedy , ll C, 1.: .- '--bold / the spotlight on a pair o! ohon his four- _ television programs during the +' . st two weeks. _ hmp stai-ti NBC-TV; DeLoooh°"' '25 Jud indicated 1: wanted him to; re Attorney General will be Evens ....____...... _ ntervlewed on NBC! JFK tnkehiatinieotionathree-day-92; F Boson Special Rm next Tuesday at Helene 4-... 19 Pl. hour-long program a-week basis. Garrowsy is due; ':- SI-Ill-lVdl'I -i...-... T,.f - will be examining the Adminis- " ii" ' Tove] tration's recond alter ve H-ckouthe"1oday"ahow-lul{' z. months in oioe. Itusk, in his rst s't:rictly-for-1'lhut only if the networI TV appearance, is to be the hasn't found a replacement for g -w . oremiere guest Tbarsday, June him bythen. ...BCnews chief Io " - James Eagerly, who had his Trotter £9. at 10 P. 11., on ens-rvu "ml troubles in Japan while a member 1 t _ _ -- ._ ed the Eisenhower Administra- _. ,, -. .- -v Tole Room _.__ 1.15:2 T1 lion, will interview that nation's- '-e -A-"n ,~,~:~%*~-..-an -c-cm. rt--e. I»:-..- ---u-wt, an-.r.t-- n---.... lam-|uI ./ .;v-'9-.-r-I._,_ ,4,, .7. eda. during the remiere of: r?¥.i*?>'1"-§f ABC-TV'| Editor's Ehoice" Sun- 1 day at 10:80 P. ll. . . . Jack Bennyi 7:3 ; r" ' - is on e guest star hick for hil ll; . , $2?ere:fall Tennessee CBS-TVers. Erniei-tired, Si ed Mickeyso hr is 3 Rooney, Jane Morgan, Raymond " g, u E rr. Shari Le92_ria and Bob ydell. '-I-'_i§4"__"2 _ L";-.-.... 5.; |_. gm: l I e_ e- . :$_:§ -; -'92 I - Howard K. J: <=4".,;,p92 .711".-1'}Jane -_ Canada's National Film Boa ¢' _ llorgaa - - Smith nd WPII have signed an agree- 34'. ~ ta the Source, a series of four on- lent to co-produce a 'hsii-hour locetion news interviews. Rusk TV version of the boards 1960: 15? will be questioned at his State Department office by network whic documentarydeals with lm, the "Universe,"exploration newzmen Howard K. Smith, Paul v- Files and Bill Downs. Three of space beyond our solar system. 1%. 92 This is the rst time that the boar-l has joined forces with an etherare slated At the for Source July 27, prograrnsiAug. 4 and Sept I1 - -__- 7-s o--s ;.-.1... ' 1? /11" . may soon he seeing himself on his latest competition, the lm for the home screens. . . . Pl! East/Pl! West. The pro- American The TV Aceden-iy's TV station rst in Interne-a pro- ' gram: oicials are considering gram production. WPIX has vs- "using e Paar interview, lmed by ligned William L. Cooper, We ter Joyce Davidson a PM regular! for the Canadian Broadcasting D. Engels and Ellis Mott to adapt 8 Q Corp. more than a year ago. . . . lerla Andrews, executive pro- tional Assembly, due the week oi 1 92 " ducer of Arthur Godfrey's broad- Nov. 4, will feature opening day casts for the past four years, who statements by President Kennedy is listed _is progrsm_adv_i_sor_" on end other world leaders, as well] the Godfrey-hosted Candid Cem- -. as a Kennedy news conference est," h leaving the Redhead to; later in the week, perhaps on Fri» eene°""' "* day, Nov. 10. UN Ambassador w 'l'Ver in the I L I Adlai Stevenson will d ' The Ioahtnqtou Poor ond__i hes-MM-address on Nov. 5. 1 Times Harold Eé rho Ioehlnqton Dolly News --- - J/.1_ The Evenlnd liq? r /" New York Herold Tribune ii ew York Journal-Anetioon _ vi ° New York Mirror T 92~ ' "'./ New York Dolly News .._....o-'._- " ' .. ' P

, - E; Toleon __i. . ' Q n

1 I , __ nrud '

n-A-_, _ Ct 6:. ' 4! 792."" {muons QIGIQ -iqm- | Boson - r-:",' Sull ..__._...._ .. Tuv .._...?__. Trotter ii. :-¢ - |/ Tole Room ___ ii. Inqmm ii .TVKEY PREVIEWS-' F E?- _e rmugnre top shows as previewed by rv Key: aim. ._.., . . QT!-Oll¢l¢1ldf¢!l¢4flIIl,1CILI¢7'¢¢l1!2l§58Il¢l1|-8.113 _ L 5 acrigts is New York, Hollinoood and elsewhere. u-eir P !°'%rjed?" .33? 1 ontruonsnreoeredasopaidetoareavleloere -'2" . . .. ___. '3-/7 1 j. Dobie Gillie.-"'lake Ne to your I.-cadet. Broad __ 3 l / Maynardnashbacktotbetimewhentheyranintoa5 This one makes fun oi Hollywood Types as Dobie and I } [HI I waders pictureare group Martians, on location. 8:30 The pm.two WTOP-9. heroes think the in- y * W / 1 1 . E Am-ea Hitchcock. - Am bi ti on. - A aornetirnes'inUereI£i1n¢_ ' 1 V .13? story ebout L! ambitious district attorney and the tofi 4 1, . biggest racket-eer, a onetime buddy or his. Well actedby ff Leslie Nielson and Harold J. Stone. 8:30 pm. WHO-4. i . 1, I :%-'-' .";.1' few hell.-"The Prring Bye." Repeat!-A use-err ion," ;'/._1'~- '1' a-":"92~ E "§"L 1'», . . -~.' ..,. -_= .-'» - Candid Camera" and a pretty funny ahow. Hero '.Dmn1 ».1~r/'-Q:-.--:f'.*.'921 Potter pops oil about a. 'rv entertainer and then noes 1.-.2-" '. -_-J. he's in a jam about it. One thing about Tom Potter, he speaks out, and as Ewell plays him he's'a very sympa- thtic character. 9 pm. WTOP-in e s_ " _- Garry Moore Show - Highlights tonight include 'aongsby ¢-1- 'Carol Hurenett, an amusing take-or! on I Remember? Harm," i. out -person-to-iverson skit with Dick Vnn Dyke 4.1,. as the silent butler. Jo 8ta!iord's solo to Accentuate the 1.. Positive," and those Wonderful Year 9481 songs like |"Bui-ton and Bows" and the nale to "Once in Love with Amy. :0 p.m._WI0P-9. ' " _ _; - ,1» _ JFK-lteport No. 9.-An often interesting commentary from and about the leaders or the Kennedy Administration, and I General its record Robert over the Kennedyfirst has fivesome months forthright in otiiee. remarks Attorneyon the subject oi civil rights which will leave neither the freedom riders nor the rabid segregationists completely Thc Ifuabinqlon Pelt und__,__.__ =2-1' satisfied. Presidential Aide Lawrence O'Brien talks about I Timon Hlluldi =o.y the legislative results to date, and there'1l be overseas 1-he Ioabinqlon Dcilr New! -3- ._1 comment assessing the recent Kennedy meetings in Th; Evening SIG! European Capitals. 10 pin. WRC-4. . ~ '/ guy York Harald Thuno __.i Q 1%.'--Jack Parr Show.-Alex King and Nipsey Russell loin Parr ._-___ ii 92,192:'+._,. Q; awchat, and Jack Haskell doubles as singer and an- New York Joumol-AIli=*1 i nouncer for the ereninz. Color!11:50 um w1'!'.'T'NOT RF-"ORDED Nov: York I-llrror 1 191 JUN 2:1 1961 u: York Daily Nara in New York Pol! -1.-i - The New York Tllllil --_- - as Tho Io!-klr ' The New Loodar.___-- Th; Icll 811001 Journal _...... _--- 1 Dcrlo it---i

| l I j JUN 2 o1951 § -"2 aim: A A _ __ ,______.._ _; A £92J.L hA.-i._92§-" as-xi. -.--1s,i_w-aw

I . s .- -, i_.= 1Memora..;sum Q A .1 _ ; g 5 --4 -ro : 11;», mm v mu; Q/15/51 wr __ ._ 92oln.lo-.i.... h@u___i 9? / iiii i 6! mm: ATTORNEY '1-o1n=.:wGENERAIJS VISIT 14 19 1 V - .~, 5- Yong: crrv, nms , 6 iirs": i- "- ,, A paafr/*1/;/g»./11/_¢Qy_h Y ,.//,2/__ 'u The basal-Je§'&é"1ié-:1 postponf e d w Ysgrk 6/ E. irem the evening oi June 13th as he was tie nu92'L5¬. e Q -Y. we on a mo a. m. ight, June 14, 19s1. ;@f':." .!_|__ .- *..'..¢..

His first visit was with United States Attorney Morgenthau of -_-.¢.;; 1. ii the Southern District of New York. While discussing general matters of .¥';-.-~'."_.uconcern to the United States Attorney's office at this meeting, which was . -'4"!-1_ 3-__-_.: 1' ;._ '1 '._'. _ _.'. , .-, lattended onlyby the AttorneyGeneral, United States Attorney Morgentlnu, ~ First Assistant United States Attorney Mollo and myself, emphasis was .y_,_ ---1} .piaced by the Attorney General en his erg-anized crime program. United States Attorney Morgenthau very tactfully took the position that all legal matters required in that area under this program could be handled most satisfactorily by the United States Attorney's oice and he didn't need any neysto some tolalaw &a There was also a discussion oi the desirability of following up investigation with Grand Jury action. United States Attorney Morgenthau was most enthusiasti in this regard.

The Attorney General had called a meeting oi the heads of all of th -92-. federal investigative agencies in the New York area. This meeting was atten by SAC Foster and ASAC Bryant of our New York Oice. Both handled them- selves in a very capable manner and presented the program which the Director has initiated in a forthright manner. The Attorney General was obviously impressed most favorably. ' - ._.- J I in contrast, he was most displeased the iioot dragging" 1 p statements and defeatist attitude oi the Internal Revenue Service representatives,»- 9 After the meeting the Attorney General stated privately to me and to United States Attorney Morgenthau that he would have to build a fire under Internal ,5. Revenue Service all over again. -1 -Mr. Mohr 1 géx REC. @- 1 -Mr. DeLoachT , 2, JUN 22am] 1:-', -_ . 1-|'_1_,'*4_.5-Q~i¢-Ea-Q-E-ri-,_&'.-mag_ " 3 92!"92-=**v1" ' __._4_____-_V___e___. .- A __i_ ;,_ ;_ ; _"_-L-ti-,-¢ .~ ..- -'- - -"'-.~:",;-P92" '5 _=._A: .-._...a.u-a..4=-¢4n.:_:._.-....-.. . A- b -'-on , ' . ' - E . Memoranthtm to Hr. Belmont E I . RE: AT!0F.NEY '§ V511 _ E '.l'OYORK NEW CITY, JUNE 14, 1951 -l I '41 -_.-i ____,-, L The AttorneyGeneral metwith the pressin the dice oi the United StatesAttorney. He also wasinterviewed forTV andlmed re- productions thisoi interviewwere shownon theTV stations in NewYork 4--s - .4 L ~ this morning.

_-. I The AttorneyGeneral alsoconierred withthe SeniorJudges r 2 in both the Southern and Eastern Districts oi New York. The Attorney General went out of his way to see United StatesDistrict Judge J. gs - 4" l Skelly Wrightof Louisianawho ispresently a visiting Judge inthe Southern 7,1. _ trict of New York. _ s-. I "1 - .. _,_:- The Attorney General conferred with the United StatesAttorney ,4- 92iormeters theoi YorkNew Districthis hutto visit oicethat very was brief and more in the nature oi a pep talk for members of the United States Attorney'sstafi. ; , -_4.'..4V. ;,-.§92'-_?_'.- ..=-., - . . On the way up on the plane, the Attorney General read the "3. ;.».=92::'--7*.-1 1*-'-'1---'~ !:-Y==-'*-'@ = -.-'- speech 1" had that beenifrepared for himfor deliverybefore luncheon the meeting oi thé'_St-ate; ttorneysGeneral Association. He remarked that -:'. the speech wouldn'tat do all and he spoke extemporaneously. While his talk touched on the fieid of civil rights, he stressed his crime program and the speech seemed to be iairly well received by the State Attorneys .- 1-F General. While the Attorney General for the State oi Albama, who ind attended the conference, indicated he had urgent business in Washington ._ ;;i which required him to leave prior to Kennedy'sappearance and thus was ll not present most of the Attorneys General from the southern states seemed to make it a point to go up to Kennedy after his speech to shake lends and talk with him. -

3- H The Attorney General said he wanted to stop by and see the . New York FBI Office but that time was short and he mentioned to SAC Foster that he would stop in when he was in New York again and he knew 9292what a wonderful job the FBI was doing.

_ I I - z wintgi 92/J 7

. .3 - 1" "'3 -e[<'kL3B::-..°'928l-'_':E-f1;iE_-"-'_"-_-'_¢'-Q -4} ..-pa-.-4-~¢...._.__' 3't. _;;'_._..-_..1-_ "- ,.--;;|_,-J- -._ s>'-T";':_s-t-' "--..:»-_'.-'5_' '.Y92.'P - . I i J1.-'- 1 . "., . s'n92'I'!s "wuss? "I Cllhcn ' Memorartflum 9"" Gard , =-3 4'_ 1 £vUnl¬._,.,___ as '6Hr. Be1mlI@92= =-"= 6/21/01 hum .,.. »§"°" °'*-""92/nut. #5-53 L - I TRAVEL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL '5". 1- 2 . v I _. While I was at the United States Attorneys conference early this afternoon Ed Guthman oi the Attorney Genera1'soffice called.

'.'"_!'-!= "P-. He said tint the Attorney General wanted us to lcnow that he was traveling to Chicago by United Airlines this afternoon, arriving there E _ T "1 at 4:25p. m. He hasa speaking engagement inChicago thiseifening.--1. -- -:..: 1;. The Attorney General plansto stay at the Pick Congress Hotel, 500 South :-:-we ;= Michigan Street, and is returning to Washington tomorrowmorning by l-'_.-.r'._; 2..- '.I_3392 =.::1ft:~.' =7; United Flight 848. _,.- ---1 Y... h-.. - Guthman was asked ii there was anything we could do to be of Er assistancethe Attorney toGeneral he andsaidthere was not; thethat 1 ~--'-1- Attorney General merely wanted us to know oi his plans. .r.~- ": "|:_._._._- .&:92 It is noted that it is unusual for the Attorney General to utilize i . hotel accommodations in Chicago as ordinarily when therehe stays with his sister. The reason for his changing this procedure in this instance is not known although it may be that his sister is not in town.

1 - Mr. Mohr _-J 1 - Mr. Dehoach

_4 -=l-.,- .;-_;is ;?e._-§ 1.!: ti?" 2/ . U U /WP Rees 77-.sv:>";;/,'.Z?7 -"-"IIIIu--L 5"A _._r _:~.._-it . ;'_ .H '._ 1-;E»:-.2;I C E _,.....u-aQ 1 .-.1-;. I 3:-J3? 2-_~____;___!_;;,.31*,___ ,_._. M:":e:_..._=.a.<- _ _ H ' 2, -'~ 92, _- --a...-Y i -_ _ $52-*i£;:¢¢g_ _ _ _ »- ___. -_.-:-_a--.-:..-.-. _ _ _ __ -_-. , _ . - ugn1-an smrssor 1n -. -r G "X _.__..-._ mi Memoran., . 511. a - __ Z p eel:-|-s_i 1 i

"92N1~e92an-. DeLoach =._, Dara: 0-21- I " % ;- on v ...1 . "°" u . i -% v - nu M"D, way-av 92.»>~/<.~ "J1"-.__ - ' =-1 é, .

5 !92Qs The ninth in the series of JFK Reports,Specialby narrated Edward. - ewman for NBC News, was presented over WRC-TV from 10 to 11 p. in. last night, | 1 . . _ _,_" The _ pr-mam, which cencernas a review ef the first 5 menths ef the Ker.nedy ' 4 Administration,by mmonitored s as it was um lmownAttorney I General RobertF. _ennedy towas be rview " Q I /f . a - .- s The program with a commentaryby Newman regarding th/eriiifor :71: difficultiesthe facing Nation.Following Ramierer, this, Ehiie__l-_Io;us*e_fc_orresp_ondent - P for NBC, interviewed theAttorney Generalin his e at the Departmentof Justice; The interview lasted approximately 20 minutes. Scherer askedthe Attorney General several personal questions, such as why he acceptedthe job of Attorney General. Mr. Kennedy replied that the President felt it would be helpful for him to take the job and also q ',:'-r'3-.§=-'.'"}.."i7-the positionwas a source of personalpride. In response toan inquiry as to whether or | g-'_...511;=?=§:-{-T_.;:.. -..'. ;-t:=.-'-"I I not he wouldbe calledin asa trouble shooter the for Administration, suchin asthein- vestigation CIA,of theAttorney Generalreplied thathe believedhe couldbe ofhelp to I the Presidentin suchmatters would and certainlymake himself available. ,3 Scherer commented that the Attorney General had often been referred to Q

1 as the Number 2 Man in the Administration and followed this with personal questions re"-.y ._-. 3 gar-ding theAttorney Genera1'sfamily, the closeness ofthe family group andhow the ° Attorney Generalcould carryon inhis full-timejob andstill getto seehis 7children. 5 The AttorneyGeneral commentedthatit wasnot easybut thathe couldsee hischildrenb early in the morning and late at night. - . 1 1 - , Scherer askedwhat theAttorney Generalwould mostwant toaccomplish} as AttorneyGeneral. Mr. Kennedy repliedthat hewas veryinterested inthe fieldof N -1 i» 92 organized crime, the problem of price fing by management, the labor-management . e, icollusion and problems in civil rights. He stated that in the eld of juvenile delinquency5 Ia there wasmuch tobe done; that 5,000 juvenileswere nowin Federalprisons andwould B need somekind of treatment whenthey getout. He also statedthat manypeople were}_ ' ._» _ sentto jailbecause theycould notafford legalrepresentation thatand hewanted seeto F lall people equal before the law. The Attorney General stated he soughttotemper all hisli actionsjustice with andnfairness.f,_927 77__ §/3Z7- [£13 H1. / .: pl:? II -I-:1 .=Mr. Rosen. .r{il=;x -" scnsf ~""29% .._ ; g?M'tmA'§~""-5OJU92_5 1951M _ ""'~M;, "5 1 391961jawup .".L92.J-I1 . I _,__,___ - J: I¢r~» ____l- __ - _ - __ .,_,,, ,_, _ _-_<,__ _. __,__ag1_-. _._ - - _ _, . u ¢;_-_-_A__.__ , _ , .. . _ ,__._ . _,,_, __.-~ .~,._-,¢- . _-. ~. ._-'1"_1i.§i.-n.:>.|-t--5-_-. . _ ,+-J ..-__ _ _ r- ._,___ .,;.....l.-an-_--..=¢...'..._,3...;.,.__... V -.. _ ~ _,.92- . .-_ .__. _ , - _ __- F i E I

|. -< _ JonestoDeLoachmemo ' -ii! 3 _ 2'? g ..__,.,__, 1 § Y The AttorneyGeneral wasquerjled asto his regarding the it!.5 . g1. 1 Q» . m Riders.He initiallysaidFreedom the performed Ridersa servicein showing E . 'e country the deciency in civil rights in the South. The secondgroup, he said, l -=- admired for their courage but he questioned their judgment. He questioned the 1 lwidsdompresent of FreedomRiders, buthe does not questiontheir right to travel.Now an that the civil rights matter is before the courts, the Attorney General feels that continue- T Freedom Rider actions in this area do not make a great deal of sense. He alluded Li . specically to - many of the Freedom Riders apparently be engaging in this activity ...._. pirely for publicity purposes. -- e =- 1 '.!1 .,_ I The Attorney General stated that the clergy and newsmen have a responsibility and an obligation to the law to give some leadership in civil rights matters .- He said in Alabama the clergy had not spoken out and the newspapers had not been '.n- objective. . .4~...... _ =51 Ray Scherer asked what progress the Attorney General planned on juve- E,-'-.- _.'. . nile delinquency and where does an Attorney General begin to attack the problem in this eld. Mr. Kemiedy commented that the problem is attacked in various ways and by av:--. ';.'j-- in ,:::.- different means in each state. He said studies are being conducted and that the Depart- .=';*=..1.-1-"=t y-.,. ,1--.1 ment of Justice is giving consideration to the establishment of halfway houses,designed , . wt." , to give guidance to wayward youths. He also said the Administration is attempting to get college graduates to work with gangs and to provide recreational outlets for juve- u -J niles, particularly during the summer months.

Scherer asked the Attorney General how important would be the Congres- sional passage of his crime bill package. The Attorney General said it would be extremely important. He went on to point out that labor and management and the public must develop a better attitude toward lawfulness and not compromise themselves in order to gain some material advantage. He called on persons to stand up and resist crime and support law enforcement. ii 7? The interview ended with Scherer asking the Attorney General what ,s. 92_».- happens after a man is through being Attorney General. Mr. Kennedy saidhe hadn't i?'l~-1:1the answer to that question. The remaining portions of the hour-long program concerned matters relating to how the Kennedy Administration has steered its program through Congress, 5 92- -a and was made upoi comments byNBC correspondents regarding the KemiedyAdminis- n tration. _ _ 92 HECOMMENDATION:For information.'8 92% If/{g~i" -.v Mr. Norm:

~ °"*'=' 6061 Hr. E nu eahxumaawhsamgashmxmagaanxii_n;=i-i;aaeah;aija;f;e;a:;~»5%l. J 'runlmxr /2/u "' . r___. F .. Transmit the hllowinq in _ .__ eee ' M Hr. Salli J--' i " 45*: . 5 I Mr. CIIIAF ____ _ I» mesa nl i"""" - ' II_ ._ Vic _ a PB 1 C, ' | Fl?-Mr. 14,.D. 4%6 . Tale. . Priorityor Islloi qr Idling! 1 1 ;.¢_ Hr. Hs1o:u._ - ,_ J _ Hr. Ro.|en___ _ 3. Hr . TavelTa! 1 5; - 1 Trotter '1-0: nrnscron, rs: a Mr. Ingl-lm__,__ fa. mom sac, ______...... ______._.______._...._....-.-.__.... slmuxo Miss _ _ ~ Gandy..___ _-

<'.- nossnrr. rm! I . '-" ' ~ _ f A'1"10RllE! GENERAL or rm ms. . 1 a IESCELLAIBOUS - INFORMATION - .._/ l CONCERNING

u-. " 2% Local papers in this area are publicizing the All 52:. -_- -J Star Bowl Football Game to be held in Buffalo Friday night, +?:§ 6/ Q/23/61. fhe game is sponsored by the American Football Coaches Assoc., and the teams are made up of College All-Americans for this past season throughout the country. Considerable local - ..-;¢.-;:- ea- publicity has been afforded the game in this area, and it_will S f --- __ :_i'§u"-':f3:é:-'f.:;f :;:_..¥?}-_'.~_¢_::,1lf be played at War Memorial Stadium in Bffalo. 'a I :",.i'-'.7r'~-1'7-I -ll . _' .9 Newspaper articles reflect that the Attorney Ii. f General lie expectedto appear to present theRobert F. Kennedy mbzr;-1~; i §.¢:7j~'J?"&: Trophy to the outstanding player. A representative of the American ?92 :. :5: Football Coaches Assoc. who is handling arrangements for the Attorney General's appearance, has advised that as yet does not 1.1 --' know Hr. KENNEDY's itinerary; however,'it is expected thatzthis . F; -I an! "1 =2-e-.<"; l qr- 4,,» *1; ' i 'l.' *_ 92 The above is for the Bureau's information, and e he 4] _ V. E _- : Bureau informationmay desire will be to available whenextend to the details Attorney.Generalhave been_arra%Eed.facil tiean 92 n of this office. Ibis office will be alert for his intend K- visit to this area; however, will take no specific action_pAOB! L. .._ ha! i ;3.,4;1§ureau AH! - '1 - Buffalo C} rs...-.1 __ _. f | ILB:sgl' ~ A %i1.§v er _____ #1:: #! _" RE --" .--':- -~-. K P f Q I of w7;~%hT»f.7-',g__;u|92_1_2t 19_B!__92_ f TIf L H " _. rmggs __ _*; V 7 _g. ~ 357. ______.,_, @1119 -.-, _, "1' 1 Approved: ' 'L 1I ee H _ 'L/_ Sent i__i__N! Per he 56 JUL5 1 ecial . D Agent in Charqe 7}/< 63 . ».. - ;¢*§* .+2=1t~.~.O=-1;-;<,+_ ''qt-m '"'""~:-.-. ' "*" _____--.,-4;: -_-1 i- ' - - . 7 n l - . STATES ¢'*¢,_ i 1' - Olllilln Qlv. To Memoranan-. Iohr nn1's.J92l1Y 24, 1961-' Cannld 92 5 M-352 0 l/..... vuu___._._ lane ....._...i_ Illlivm ._._i._ Tun! _....i._. Train _i_ Tile. Boom .1... lqrun ...i.. _.,.. U non 2N. P. Callalnn Goody i- Yfi-= . j; ., §"" _. 1£QR__@E-> / oF_ BUREAU _BUB AND -=-I '9_13,Il£ER BxnIIOnNE¥3EN":1!92;-£1-_ an Q-_. e W B4 *1 i 7 J O/{e .443 <0lint _ 1 Eddie Fordofthe Acne-iiri'ietrative7'§i'¬'isit'rh-92'h' the Dertrtment telephoned at 3:80 p. m. and stated the Attorney General is having another group of U. S. -0- Attorneys to his house for dinner tomorrow 7-25-61. Eddie Ford was calling to inquire as to whether or not we could again ERe1"bus and driver available to transport this group from the Justice Building to the Attorney General's residence and return. The bus would be needed at 5:30 p. m. , at which time it would depart ._:_'_ _' ».~.'92- 1 2*. .'41_;:'.'-Qfrom the Justice Building Courtyard so as to be at the Attorney General's house by .v-92F...»t.'-Iapproximately 6:00 p. m. We lnve made a bus available to the Attorney General ', _1.14.-.17-L: ¢-.I29: --.,':-*,:-R-'.with the Director's approval for similar occasions recently. We do have a bus and driver available to take care of this request should -IE the Director desire to approve it. Ford was advised that he would be notified as soon as the availability oi the bus was determined and he requested to be so informed as soon as possible I

Y Mrv ' 9% I I '92./ * 14/ - /@- aV!VW:j1k{Z/ db 1 - Mr. Evans Sent Direct! 1 - Mr. Newman Sent Direct! J7

I 1- 7 ""' 7» 5 """' /3/? ""'/ "1.Q B JUL 27 1961 ! !/ unis euuez 1951 %W92 F ';°"""*"' "" " ~ --.. . T " " -Y " ' -- 3...,--_~£; yp.3Q|5qv. 13-1!-ll! n .....;-. v

-. 92 -- ' 1- H . -1*i,»92 " _ | D Q -,- I vqi"

l r. - CaIhlnu.._v-~ - Ir I Li nm== 1/24/a1 L/5 r. I T? Mr. lhlMu...__ ----I_; ,. Tnnlnlt the followtnq in ___ W _ Ir. Bone: ._ 1 - h ffypehplaiaugaraahi t Ir. Emil. ____ < Ir. Tani ____ '' 1 92u._ _p KAIBTEL i AIR IAILM - Ir. Tr .. hie. i ~' . _ tPrio1-1'81 or lethal of Idling! llr. lngrm-n__._ -p 1111111 11--pm-11-p . qn jq-1i_11¢-_-_1-_--11111-I-u--4---0-1 1 line Gaul 25? 4- I--_ ."'- ____ _._I- _: TO: DIRECTOR, FBI > -. a I f FROM: SAC, UNSAS CITY - ,,._ :- _ -92_.--: I. -n- 3_ , _ . ._ NEWS ARTgL'$ RE ATTORNEY GENERAL r._ I >-_* "'92" ' EQB§§!_F nK£HE§Q!, KANSAS CITY STAR; p@5?% JULY 23 196 1"

--_i._ Enclosed is an article re the Attorney General, [W prepared by JOHN R. CAULEY of the Kansas City Star's Washington v . "; Bureau, which I thought might he of interest at the Bureau. :-r-f~- .-' .1. -"rm='- é .- r _

____!,;:|':.'-._-.. .>- *92 L . L~.'-;l' .= ----_',9 i ¢ £1 1'5.--' pir- t h 3 /»

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92 92 wk -14 JUL 25 1961-I 3 -1'; - l"=.~=.;_ @' -nes g fur a

-.-7...--,I 92 *1 n~e§mmz1%92 Q- , 5'; Q

¢-D¢L¢.@a- t-e " I Approved: _ n Sen! _-i-_-ill P91 j~ = __---:3; Special Agent in Charge

.'-. I. . w 'f_ _ '_;_ i - ' ' ' ' @§> ' 92 3 ¬ . J q- -- I v

u '--' '-| anTe||-I -In-u-1 "


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~ l - - ' I § ~- - . =I -_' . .1 _.. .. - I

., i . r ' I

..,_--;,a4?== :.;fe~=':§i 2:-f=;'?>.=.. _ - _ By john R.Cauley. '. __ _ 'i OJ - The Star:Washington Bureau.! _ " E . T ASHINGTON--On trays onthe deskoi RobertofFrancis "incoming"the Kennedy, theoutgoing attorney top and » general of theUnited_States, hislay rumpledlight gray coat. The deskalso helda telephone,a stackof papers,a pen,a wood ' i statue of St. Patrick, andframed photographs.One picturewas of is -7' beautifulwife, Ethel,and theirseven attractive c_hilc_ire_n.r Anot Q"...... ,,A ..'g92_ ,3..~'Q the icture showed his 6-year-old son, Tlavid. on backor lawn are ': htte House, and it bore thisinscription: future President1 . , - spects his property]ohn F. Kennedy." - '1, ' KANSASThe owner of the rumpledcoat, Bob THEKANSAS CITY crrr, uxssovru STAR s= hindKennedy, the spacioussatin a desk largewhich red leather was chaironceusedbe! JULY 23| 19 51 ~ general." by Richard He Rush, wasappointed the eighth U. 1814 S. in attorney whenhe . ROY 11.RUBERT3 _.".-- . _,_was only34 yearsold. BobKennedy 35. is P1e53-dent

The telephonebuzzed. BobKennedy pickedup the -__92'_=_ *1-gegghgg'_frontleaned him. of §_92¬Il_i1lin ' back hischair _ stretchedWand , his KANSASDIVISION- CITY ;_Y.=~;. .--re ,,_ »_."-, '' ,.- , .,_- .- s. _,,, ,_-V-1 -,1»,-~.,,-.:__,? __. *-;~- can-;l_. -ea -1-"»' . - .-.-~=-= .- -- _,______,;__ __,__.___; __i,_,.-.1 . - -.n,..,,...:t,,_.,_,_.-.,_,r,;,._r_..s...,..e.i.....,..i.Mt._.-.;. +>- ~ -1. .- .--- Q . {92 i

-a .1 '¢ -= - : /Y r-':H_.iL'.'.. 7. " '§ -/

. - - ._ ._ ._ ____.....ai_-- ~==- __ __" "B ' -""_""_"'_'*_"-_"_"' f -.-"__ " _ ' ' _ mmi;;"-nt at he tb 2;! on t D i U1 8 e d .l5._~Bml u IGll'l7hlB%r:It8i Y went Decemberbefore OH: Ind he Qtefdeo agonizing I011!the ' ' leas of his her and accepted the place in the cab- .!; He put down the phone. It buzzed again. it-. ~ i get. Controversy swirled around the appointment. 7!. The attorney general listened for a E92_§.'iE|,a; qmhegthe pm,;d',nl_¢],q in "gap -gum. thanked the mller and punched a button on the teleii .-e-Y0" MOW I11! bill-0fi¢Ii Plflllel W 11111? ' ii ' Phlle D0! I01 I line to the White Hwlm _With customary dry humor, Jack Kennedy replied, After asng for the office an aide, he inquired No, but we are going to start one. _ 1 Is the President there! . .' . Well, tell the Preside . Later, Jack Kennedy told 'a friend, "In phoning. I that the judge in New York just signed the Tait-B getting the right people to work and seeing that the job injunction order-in the maritime strike."' » ' "is done, Bobby is the best man in the United States." fI92HIS was Bob Kennedy in typical action. I-Ie is an_ Perhaps it was an awareness o! the terrible loneli- able, dynamic young man of great integrity, the ness that engulfs a President of the United States_that scourge of the underworld and labor -raclceteers. He t , _, . swayed the younger Kennedy to take the job. ' is -':h:.- '1 has a position vast in duties and importance. As U. S. I"":;92'I'."' '. attorney general, h_e;must fight organized crime, enforce I realized," he is reported to have said. what an .~I'f4;;:3.".=7:'=anti-trust and labor racketeering laws. protect civil rights, advantage it would be to have someone in the govern- ' - -1.. I'_'interpret the laws to the President, and fulfill the role ment! he could talk to. - , 1.-i-;'-l.- '-1;?-'. . 15- - . .1; -!j."._.92;_,_ of judge, advocate, prosecutor and defendant. Bpb is reluctant to discuss his relationship with the The attorney general heads the mighty Justice de- White House. _. . partment with its 30,000 employees, and its annual budg- i&metimes I talk to the President several times a et of 300 million dollars. ' ; - '- ezsgg-vi-'92 ,*'§I1. lday, he says. At other times maybe once a day. It all q,-_'_3f:kiI,1 Yet his inuential role in the administration has its depends on cases." ~ _ .2-WI roots in more than his official responsibilities. He is the One of the toughest tasks which Bob is now expe- '1 President's closest confidant. riencing-'-and it has a definite impact on his close rela- tionship with the White House is the selection by him- ,4 ".52 I "nut Bob K'enne'dy'downgrades his widely publicized I self and the President of more than 100 new Iederal §,.;,_:;1.-/-a.-._' role as the No._2 man in the government. i judges in the next year and perhaps as many as 200 be- _'. ;-_.- E - .I don't think that makes any sense at all," he said. fore the election i.n.1964. . . ' - .2: I have my responsibilities here in the Department of Justice. Beyond that I might be of some help or assist- This is" why I didn't want this job," the attorney .3. ance to the Prendent in other areas. Butgeach member general said I had just come from a political job where of the Cabinet has his own responsibilities and l don'tI had to ask people to do favors for us. .l_didnt want to impinge on or have any authority in any of these other be in a position to refuse when they came in and asked 5 ~ favors from me. . ea; _ ; 1 ____m K i I j-_ ,"B_ut l have to do that now. It can be unpleasant | ln the last analysis, what we are goi {at times." . Berlin--or any of those decisions.-nally _ .._4 _ made by the President personally." _ - ..,._- . . . '. gl- _ _THE nnnpled coat, the pictures of his wife and family- Jn the picture of his son, David, with the Pres1dents _ i . In conversatiorwith the attorney general, it risen _. .I. mouon, the telephone conversations, tell a lot about ous he knows intimately what is going on at the White Bob Kennedyh1s total lack of ceremony and airs House. It also becomes apparent that this blunt-spokenhis devotion to his wife, Ethel, and family, his graspo! young man can talk bluntly to his brother on issues art?-=-* 'job and his roie as a top White House adviser. -"'T, Wpersonalities where where some the of his President trusted wants advisersto might hear hesi-the 1 When-Bob Kennedy took over the -lustic'e 5815351- i -__ e to speak up. ' . t t..-.. 1

Q or *T--so *»=--1;--.- ei-i-_-.:.=_---?-;~4=-- ... :______ -_ .- l - _ T .__ .. __ M ' " -1-*1-ad»-@-~. .- .=t._-._.t..t._.-.i-_- I {Q t I - J! 5 ii. II '

-I -'¬ _J-5 4 -- ~ * 1 o 4 '*" 1" -'-:" -- ;,------------.-.- .... . II!!!-diam wasamong bureaucracy the -. amounttrepidation or Storiescirculated ths_nawt that .-- . . -,4 G; wasa 5-ard-driving tyrant wouldwho Kééd"'-°-?T3'.?-"oe¢.=o-e []'N'E»no_table_achievement--- -ti"-" department 4 oh- was nryth seaquickly Young 92!tsiningeonvictionsinaeveratcriminaieaseaotde- I Q fatease.Astenogi-pherreshe lookedfrom her up to so rtsthatiine thesmiling tendanu whohad previouslymanaged to worm tree. Ill lttorney general standing in front of her. his when these trials were approaching, Bob sent sev- md extended.He said, I'm Kennedy. Bob are Whateral of his top lawyers--includingtwo to Kansas City- you working on now?" to help district attorneysprosecute thecases. Thede- a Young Kennedy has personally seen or greeted partment wonin all of them, including the convictionof 1 almost everyonein the department.One dayhe entered Felix Ferinain Kansas and HickeyCohen in Dos a room where department lawyers were in conference. Angeles. I -_ When they all arose, Bob told them, Don'tlet me in- One oj_Bob_Ke1'ted|;'s gelling frustrations most has -terrupt. Go right ahead. . been hisinability totopple Jimmy Hoffa, thetough and ooss of the iiir_ni'r-ifi ' but;_ $1.?1.- W.- fl-KENa man isn't or isn't prepareddoingjob, his Rarely has Washington witnesseda more hitter .~' Bob can give a stilt reprimand. By the sametoken, E he Ls tolerant of first-time mistakes and is quick to struggle.Hoffa has described Kennedyas ayoung, dim- [ . witted curly-headedsmart aleck and a ruthless little reward competency, diligence and loyalty. ~ monster. - ' - i | ' .~.'-2* His greatest professional attributes are his integ- * - -. rity and his ability to inspire tn his associates acom- Kennedylttllsedwolfl has of tolerating hoodlums "~-:'-?~' and otherunsavory charactersin the teamstera andof i 92'_,.'.!'lZ_.-f92. 1,;_,_._ plete dedicationto a cause. g _ _;¢_-"_- 1 e makinga travesty of union democratic procedures. is-.31: E_.-.;1l-Q;-. -Jisemplifying thisis one of histop aideswho works Kennedy'thoughthe had Hoffa nailed once whenl 12 --hours a day-- ' under constantpressure. O - the tearnster boss was arrested for trying to bribe a ___§_"'ido woiidnft thisfor anyoneezépt Eel:Ken- Senate committeeinvestigator..Bo'o con-mead was the92 - nedy" he said. He'sso damn'decent and honest, and evidence wasair-tight p _ '_ __ he'sto trying doa good job downhere. . _ ._,_ Whena reporter asked himwhat hewould doif 4' .s He'|~tough, buthe is also considerate and he Hoffa wereacquitted. Bobconsidered thispossibility so ,_,-r_i.._- liilens towhat peoplearound herehave tosay." " remote thathe tacetiouslyremarked, "I'djump off the F Capitol dome. _- _ _ . . -,--' ' 'The attorneygeneral hasi delightful 'senseof - humor. On Washington's birthdayhe noticed that sev- Thus it wasa terrific shock toKennedy whenHoffa 1', eral of his lawyers had signed in at the building to work 'was acquitted,and EdgarBennett Williams.the attorney t '1 on a holiday. He wrote all oi them a note of thanks. for Hoffa, made the defeatmore exasperatingwhen be .-is l i a From one lawyer he received this reply: In the offered to send Boba parachute. ' ¢"_. '1' spirit or George Washingtonibirthday. i cannot tell a Hoftaa_--i-...... _- latest acquittal I Iew uays .a______ii_1__,_ ago a man lie. I signed in so I_ coulduse theparking lot and goto fraud easela Floridahas onlyintensified theattorney .-no the movies" '_ " ~ - £2. general: viewsthat Hoft'a'spower posesan extremely The candid lawyer got this note from the attorney dsngerous problemfor the nation. . . .-if general: With honesty like yours, the nation: cherry The attorneygeneral andhis closeassociates who trees are safe." . . have workedon thecase stillbelieve thatsooner orlater With typical thoroughness, Bobis concentrating Hoffa will be broughtto hay. - . l on several fields of activity he considers most impor- RDB'Stest under tiretoughest wasthe episode of the tant at this timeanti~criminal legislation, civil rights, Freedom Ridersin Montgomery,Ala. The attorney anti-trust and juvenile de1inquency._ _ _ e -- ' i.--_ 5-general-sentU. 500 S.marshals help maintainto law and Ii l-:-a.-we": , .-lb°"U.-M mi"! P1'°_b1¢1'l1!1-hit 9_Xi_I-_ - . [fa beenat theoice dayall Sunday,receiveda telephone 5 ' Lu thefield of anti trust wewant to help thel" Him 6°" 1°11 Pm°°n°£A1'b'm" lfoonawm-erthe andbusinessmen who can't help them-I 'Plei'9°l1"W88U19 1¢1¢Pb°n°i ill!-u"cu". aelvps." "Oi '_ Tcourse,._ " the ._ most -* -- sensitive -" _ is area '----'-'-1~-'l=--civil order Kennedyattempting .1; of sending '~:__ff, to_destroyi.he_Democrauc the__ Freedom _" Riders pll'lY-LandAlifbmld lb. -5 . he withWe I" W": I°m¢i11i==-viihout heldliw-"I. st2=soo'e1'o¢tnot Mondaymorning, Bob,who mo


J. _ H __ ___ .,,_ I ,__ ___, _. - ,_ ' '____;_, ' L '4 "H-_ -' ._ - -_.;r;_;_;.; -_s.';.'a-.i.._i.-.1 -.15..-in--us a,-n~ . _ __ _ <.YII-1-.-:..,-.'.- _~ -. 1-: - . - _ '"** *5?-" . -----1-- "="'-""** I -"' " *' . W i : J 1 " 0 ___ __ 1 . '


i E|1,m,|y_nobxenmd' listened to_Pattc?n then 1' Iq fy replied. "Nov, Jzihn, maybe you ant save -*2. that or televlaion,in the nibrning, but don't be telling .1? 4"» um; the net. inn-on Luther King. the integr-' ,_ 4| tionist leader, who was inthe church besieged by a mob. H '. telephoned Kennedy. -_ - "Well, Reverend King. Kennedy asked. Are you 1.-.. ';<--:-- praying for us? .- . p .. :- IN building his staff of department heads. Kennedy has kept_ such able public servants ll J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, and has recruited lawyers without regard to their politics or activity in the cam- paign. For example, iicrbert iohn iiiller, jr., head of the criminal division, ls a Republican. - keeping The young attorney law schoolgeneral graduatesw-ith is especially interested the depart-in ment. Many work tn the epartment for a year or tee and then resign to enter e more remunereti-.=e .2 field of private practice. u The attorney general has been bringing groups of these young lawyers Into his office at the end of the day. asking them to speak up frankly about their problems -E,..._y92-_ _._ -._. ..;' -_-. o-._. and to sir Qcir complainu. p .. ,- _..~l;,j3¢.*;- ./. 1'-1 -This experiment has worked so well that the attor- .' '1'. - pt ney general now is conducting similar sessions with the . :1,,_; -git:-_._,. . Hsevci older lawyers in the department. " T- The attorney general works a long day, from around Inll! in OI-4 -an-ca:-U-a -anal I 4- B A|n_'lausl- -6 -3.-QLA - l92.I'92-I ll-I Ml-IV I.I,]|Ull-L11! 92l-IN-Ll D Ill I lil-Ill-I IN I-llsl-ll-I He has little interest in the Washington social cir- cult and spends as much time as he can with his wlfe_ £- and children at their large home in nearby McLean, Va. Before breakfast, he ind his wife either play tennia with neighbors or. go horseback riding for an hour or so.0 - On the walls of his spacious, redcarpeted offices ta a collection of crayon drawings by some of the Kennedy children. - _ ~ Asked what paintings he decided to hang, Bob re- plied with a grin, "Believe me this is a delicate problem at our hr-use. We have art contests at our house, but the judging requires great tact." - - - I1 .1 _ Always the realist, Bob has no illusions about the magnitude of his job. t -What the record is three or {our yum-hilt-I01 ls v7It'wfcount," he says, _

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_ _ o -u l'uval.i...... _ ' 71 T1-t~.1§-*.*= s-.3: l'nm:__....._. at. DIDEDg§_,0PY ,1. 1'0ln.R0ani.... t: _'"..-5.-; :-r1?;'- .':.'1':1 llrgrum E c"|I!°9|'"' -_:§f@:.T*§;'%*" _ - Dually ' L-r 2.. -"'11: 6- ' £.5':_;'.-;:1_E>i URG B-10-61 | 'g_.;1 i.-'- -' E. 1 %_ 4'6. '§; 01220100 V? " Hg9 ' r-Iii: . FROM LEGAT, PARIS N0. 165 1; . 1. ";Z"3' .5 4, @ - - vi ATTORNEY GENERAL_RQ§EBI5, KENNEDY, TRAVEL ABROAD. RE_PARlS CABLE AUGUST 9. ATTORNEYGENERAL'NOW DEPART PLANNING PARIS: 6:15PM AUGUST10 VIA SPECIAL MATSFLIGHT WITHSECRETARY OF STATE nusx.ARRIVAL SCHEDULEDANDREWS FORCE BASE, AIR WASHINGTON,11:15 PM.00, ATTORNEYGENERAL REQUESTS HIS OFFICEADVISED, BE THAT AND HISOFFICE BE REQUESTED TO HAYE Q8FOR ARRIVALDRIVERMEET TONIGHT.HIMON AND ARRIVAL HAVE HIS HOUSETO OPENED 1 N - 2: E 0 '2;-II Caggk , uoamm w. PHILCOX RECEIVED: 8-10-61 11:24 AM HL _ 5

| 1//~ ;,92 m&aw@-uB#I1¢¬S2E -k_A.._ __ _ _ _ __,;. ..'..:-_-..-.-_;.E..-.aE.:|.....-t_-.;....£.__=- .. L ...z1i...-1 ... . _ , -6-I Rpm I-1-ill A 9% _ E? E A E0 5 _ Glut: _i. 5 Dina DECODiD !_I'Y i-Z1 V it-I i-i iii- ' f ca llrgrm ' In Cublegrum ' -in- RAE! ,~ Q; @- uu-nu|niunv- * VERY URGENT 8-10-61 .__.E _ 3 _i__ w . , .1 3' a"- J '.- "§' ,To DIRECTOR 92 , -= " !.. .2 -/ . 1 r.- .;" FROMLEGAT, PAR|s No. 167 : CZ? n .- 4». ATTORNEY GENERAL BQBEBI E; KENNEDY, TRAVEL ABROAD. TRE §_ PARIS CABLET00AY NUMBER 16§I"ITTORNEY GENERAL REQuEsTs' THAT HIS OFFICE BE NOTIFIED THAT A JUSTICE DEPARTMENT cAR ' 1 SHOULD BE SENT T0 AN0REws AIR FORCE BASE TONIGHT FOR MR. 1 JOHN SEIGENTHALER, SPECIAL Ass|sTANT. TIME OF ARR|vAL 11:15 PM. THIS IS IN ADDITION To THE cAR FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL HIMSELF.

NORMANw. PHILCOX ., RECEIVED: 8-10-61 2=5u PM CTF x*LJi"q ../' v" . .'.l:'925',-;_'>-'1 - '.= '1 . ~.=;:1=,-.2. '1 5; '. J-Z5; t ., '0' -"31:? 2:.! g??? ~ A ,,§fx;92}~,4

.-2 J|.' E: 40' rs! "'L92-- . .: ._-u_~_ 7 437 __ "/:7; x§L I: Aué 11 19m 1 / ______-AA... 3RD CC-MR. L'ALLlER 6* A-> > *5 1? 2 - 1"-=|v 353bh'.E| //1'! " , -=" -..2!'.1A;Er;|-.| 62A-JG 111951 C If Ila Estella mace contained In lb: abovn Inna: is to be uluollinaud outside Ila Baron, £8 In suggested that it In suitably 1 pnnrqlmulinodcr lo protect ah Banal: cryptographic lycunl. l - '3.1.-.. '-"*"'' .»:->- "'1" -- .~.-' ~E,..*71=-.». - -"'- . -"»-1-.- -='>=~.-*:-'~- " . A -_-_-. -_..=~...__ -Y" *-.--.1 ~ - _.~.*.-. '4-El-5-.?"'-.=§._4."A..-"'-.EA-.-.--=1-ATIJ"-Q1".-"W-."'-_'-'-- '-."" 1;.-" . ' ' I _ l 1 . - K- , -! ~ C5;. -:2 ! _. 1 DECQDED _c_:on ,,.=-.1.-..--E , A-Ar F 1:1 Alrgnm bhurnm _}A§-L. lllIlI__...... _- BOOGIE. -e _.-,_ ,, I // Illllwl N .§ uRGENT='8-9-61 1'cv0l_...... _._ Tram:ii - /6:;ECTOR 1 . . T01O.Hh _...._..._ W ._.'-.2 bani...- 2. //g;0M LEGAT,PAR|s 160N0. Gu¢v...___..._. 4-. ATTDRNEY- - 1 RQDERT GENERAL FE:RgNNED§,TRAvEL AGRDAD.RE PgR1ScABLE AUGUST7. ATTORNEY GENERAL ANDPARTY *PERsDNALLY MET DN ARR|vAL PAR|s FROM IVORY coAsT AND 'f;.,-,1 TAKEN;W0 RoTEL_ATREQUEST AMBASSADOR0E GAv|N.ALL PQ$S§LE Ass|sTANcEOFFERED ANDGDNTADT MAINTAINEDWITH 92 GEQGEDTRALER DuR|NGSTAY HERE. ATTORNEY GENERALAND sETGE§3RALER NowTENTATIVELY PLANDEPART PARIS6:20 PM VIA AIR FRANCE FLIGHT O11 ARRIVING NEW YORK CITY 9:20 PM ..27'A;-£1.-'t--"KIvvv-vwAUGUST QI /i -v---1-IQ MRR- KFMMFHY r92|-rure-w I ruuw Amn MRR. lIlII92d' RHAMRCDIAIM 92.:||r-nun-rL..|u92..I-I mnwI II II92-III DIAMI grun- '.!§':".":-."§"VISIT DUBLIN FOR sEvERAL DAYS EN ROUTE TO u.s. ATTDRNEY .-7.. ..,.71.! . GENERAL AND PARTY BEING TAKEN TO AIRPORT FOR DEPARTURE. ATTORNEY GENERALAND GETGENTRALERPLAN PRDGEEDDIRECTLY _ TD wAsR|NGToN EDLLDNTNG ARRIVAL AT |DLEw|LD AND WOULD " EZA'. AEPRECIATE BEING NE] QN ARRIVAL IDLEWILD To ExPED|TE ',--_.:13-A. -'11 :1. " TRANSFER.

NORMAN w. PHiLCOX REcEpvED= 8-9-61 1:01 PM BLF . W! GE.! ¢.h ;, RE039 "vZ=Z/jkc AuGJz19G1 '

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4.. an . nooven I/1/61 ~ ~. - .vm. 1. 1 1, __ ..~.-,92 sac J. 1:. IILNES 1 92 . /F ITTORREY GEIERAL IOBERT IRHIKDY Q I _ : 92-if.-' As you are aware, I attended the annual nesting of the Qt i 1 National District Attorneys Association convention in Portland, '-<* u Oregon Iron 7/26 through 29/61. Originally Ir. KENNEDY was scheduled to be the principal speaker at the banquet at 7:30 PI, 92 7/29/61. 92.. I PAT BRENNAN, District Attorney tron South lend, Indiana, ; 5* President of the group, advised ne that he had nade arrangeaents '3~ if through JACK RILEY, Executive Assistant in Charge of U. B. h_ F Attorneys, for the Attorney General's appearance. They had a ' A solid conitaent tor his appearance earlyas astwo nonthsago. 92 'i Subsequent to that tine word was received that ' Ir. KENNEDY could not lake the speech and an appearance would be - . nade by the Deputy Attorney General BYRON IHITE. Subsequent to -92 j that Ir. KENNEDY assured then that he would sake the speech _92- personally. 92j92

As a result, rather elaborate arrangements were aade by BRENNAN and other officers of the association tor lENNEDY's presence in Portland. As part of the whole progran, HERBERT J. lILLER,'Assistant Attorney General in Charge of the Criainal Division, and IILLIAH HUNDLEY, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, attended this conference and Ir. IILLER addressed the conference on 7/28/81. Ihile IILLER and HUNDLEY were in Portland through SIDNEY LEZAK, Acting U. S. Attorney in Portland, Oregon,, arrangements were nade to have a neeting with the Attorney * General on the afternoon of 7/29/Bl to aeet with the heads of the Federal enforcement agencies in Portland to discuss with then various aspects of the overall drive against crile being encouraged by the Attorney General. Arrangements were made for his to address the Iultnoaah County Bar Association in Portland -re -at a special aeeting convened for that purpose on the 29th. In addition, the Attorney General had agreed to leet with the Deno- 92 -cratic Party representatives and a delegation of women that sane afternoon. ,j7,- 7 "..?_/3!?-1'./'E __ lg _ E; §/f~- 2 - Director ~-- _ _-; . . 1 _ Be ttl RECORDED,

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As you can presuse, this involved quite elaborate arranselents. There was a great deal of enthusiasm on the part Gil-_||_ of those present in ancipation of his appearance. 4,} --==:-. " However, approximately 3:00 PI on 7/28/U1, BRENNAN received a call from JACK RILEY saying that the Attorney General e 0- would not be able to appear and offered in his place, Ir. ORRICK, _¢ the head of the Civil Division of the Departlent. BRENNAN at the tine the call was received advised he would take this under advisement, but as an aside told so that he, together with a large percentage of his directors present, were considerably disturbed over this offer, saying "This is a criminal organisation s a principally" and "Io aren't interested in a nobody who is a I civil attorney'".

BRKKHAN advised we that he had talked this natter over with his directors present and plans were wade to contact §'!:92'T-' ' ; _,____._ Senator KEFAUVER of Tennessee and Senator IOSS from Utah, who .15!- 1 "-1 I ; ''.--~ .-_-.-. 1 was formerly President of the National District Attorneys L~ H Q Association, and other influential senators, to see if the hill - .1 . scheduled to cone on the floor of the Senate on Saturday, 7/29/61 in which the Attorney General was interested, could not "'. .v-v_.._.,. he set over until the following week so he could sake the -. . ..92 1-I _» _,._- - {I appearance as scheduled. BRENNAN told so that he thought this " ;",.-'-1f-,'.-.:;- .'=_ ;-2.1-' ;"..<1;' was a very "shabby way" of being treated particularly since _-_¢.3 _ the District Attorneys were in favor of the cries fight the Attorney General is waging.

I contacted Ir. EVANS in San Francisco and advised his 4 al- of this attitude and pointed out that they were still interested, D ii possible, in etting the Attorney General to speak. On I 7/29/61, I was in touch with Ir. EVANS and learned that the . Attorney General had offered to read his speech via the long distance telephone. I talked to BRENNAN about this but after consulting with seven of his state directors who were ianediately available they declined to accept this invitation, saying that they had endeavored to have such a speech by Senator KEATIHG 5 before their last nesting in Boston but the technical facilities were such that it was nest unsatisfactory; therefore, they declined to accept that invitation. 92


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... - -- ' . Arrangements were nade by then to have IOBERT THORNTON, --1 " . ._-_ -_. ~ Attorney General for the State of Oregon, speak as principal banquet speaker. - ' .-~~ ee- E- - - ~51 gu- On the afternoon of 7/29/Bl, a rather lengthy telegram 4 was received by BRENNAN fron the Attorney General outlining his reasons for not being there and saying that he felt his presence in Iashington was necessary, particularly since the head of the Judicial Qessittee of the Qenate had encouraged his presence en that occasion.

Interestingly enough, there was a directors leeting under way at the time this telegram was received. BRENNAN, ,¢ "_ _.-'.:-". BURT KBATING, District Attorney from Denver, and BDIARD S. .._;_._ »_;_. -. .-~-.. r SILVER, District Attorney oi Brooklyn, Rev York, told ne that -_'_'-z- ., sass when the telegram was received there were a large number of those . "I3-' present who were so disturbed over the Attorney General's late G--....- I i _ : cancellation that they were not inclined to read the telegram at the banquet. I told then that I thought that it would be ' _-.. as -.__ 7"-_ r-r---.-.' lost inappropriate not to and suggested that the polite and -p_ _,-I _ -. _ ,.I politic thing to do was to, of course, read it. The calmer heads '--.'.e,,."I;'.?T-,1I - prevailed and the telegram was read at the banquet. It received "'.',a,-~*.-'..-'1',-..-_~92' -r --'=- , a polite applause. ..a-...-5._¢L...,5,'-I-Ir; It was very evident that the officers of the National .F " District Attorneys Association and a great Percentage of the -e-._: -t..~_ members were quite disturbed over his late cancellation._ The 3:11"? result was that a number of people left before the end of the '/92'.~a. - ,... . Q convention since they intended to remain only so long as the _'_;../ Attorney General was going to speak. Bis late cancellation also, of course, required cancellation at the last minute of all of the elaborate plans that had been made for his presence in Portland.

I an writing to the Bureau separately concerning the entire conference; however, lthought you would be interested in I this aside so far as the Attorney General's scheduled presence I " ';.'-... I was concerned. -I '- ' 1 1 I 0 ,0' I

