The BG News April 19, 1991
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-19-1991 The BG News April 19, 1991 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 19, 1991" (1991). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5215. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. April 19, 1991 Friday Vol. 73 1stue 111 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News BRIEFLY Judge reduces Inside President for 'L.I.F.E.' charges against University President Paul Olscamp willpartake in a game of L.I.F.E. Monday night in the Union. The game is similar to the Mil- hunger striker ton Bradley board game, which simulates real life by Thomas W. Kelsey The director of STORM (Stop events. Olscamp is sched- staff writer Trashing our Resources in Mich- uled to be the banker, start- igan), Adams gained national at- ing each player with $3,000. tention after he linked himself to ► See page 5. Charges were reduced against the boxcar April 5, claiming the Thomas ndams, arrested for train was loaded with about 2,400 Friendly competition: chaining himself to a boxcar he tons of hazardous waste. This Saturday night will says is filled with toxic waste, but be the 18th annual Ms. said he will continue his hunger According to STORM, CSX Bronze Pageant. The pag- strike in jail. planned to transport the waste to eant stresses unity between Judge S. Dwight Osterud re- an undetermined site in Ohio be- the participants and focuses duced felony charges of disrupt- fore Adams intervened. on the self-made woman, ing public service and vandalism Dressed in an orange jumpsuit, rather than beauty stan- to tresspassing and mischief dur- his hair shoulder length, Adams dards. ing his pretrial Thursday. smiled as he entered the court- ► See page 5. But Adams, of Frankenmuth, room, his spirits appearing high Mich, refused to pay the com- despite his nearly 12 days without bined $300 bond in Perrysburg Municipal Court, returning to the Campus Wood County Justice Center to A small band of environmental continue his fast. activists gathered on the courth- According to testimony by CSX ouse steps, carrying signs bear- Convocation hotted: foreman Dave Miller, workers ing such urgencies as Cleanup University President Paul cut the boxcar's handbrake not Coverup" and "Ohio-the Olscamp will host a convo- Adams was linked to — not the Dump of it All". cation Monday to discuss chain itself — to avoid injury to the University's budget sit- the protester. Attending the pretrial, the de- uation, and possible rising However, Osterud sided with fendant's mother, Shirley Adams health care costs for faculty Adams when a (Toledo) said she is worried about her and staff. Bladephoto of Adams with the son's health, but wants him to The meeting will be 3-5 boxcar demonstrated the chain keep fighting for his cause. p.m. in the Lenhart Grand used by Adams could have been Leo Adams, Tom's father, said Ballroom, and is open to all BO Nswt/Todd Swanson cut and the damage to the hand- he believes "the wrong people faculty, staff and students. Environmentalist Thomas Adams sits in Perrysburg Municipal Court during his Thursday afternoon pretrial brake was the result of CSX's own [are beingjput in jail" and he WBGU-TV also will hearing. Adams had chained himself to a CSX boxcar he claimed contained hazardous waste, on April 8 decision. supports what his son is doing. broadcast the convocation in Walbridge, O and was originally charged with felonies. live on campus (closed- circuit channel 8) and to the Firelands, closed-circuit channel 7). Glenn examines Undergraduates discuss Silent films shown: Two movies of the silent ethnic studies relevance film era will be presented decreased budget with live piano accompani- by Marvin C. Brown ment by Stuart Oderman Cutbacks to stow some cleanup projects staff writer "Ethnic studies, April 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater. WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. John Glenn raised questions Thursday I think, is an "Broken Blossoms" and about the government's ability to honor agreements to clean up con- Applying knowledge gained examination of "A Romance of Happy Val- tamination at Fernald, Ohio, and weapons plants in other states. through the cultural diversity ley" will be featured. The Ohio Democrat made public the Energy Department's list of curriculum, several white under- the core of our Both films will be shown cleanup projects that couldn't be financed under the budget submitted graduate students offered their free and are directed by to Congress. views on ethnicity in the United meaning. It is D.W. Griffith and star Lil- Included on that list was a delay in moving ahead on planned States Thursday night in the lian Gish. cleanup actions and waste characterization' 'at various sites.' Math Science Building. literature, The department document, submitted to a committee Glenn heads According to Lorna Gonsalves history, music - for inclusion in the public record of an earlier hearing, said the delay Pinto, sociology teaching fellow, Scientist honored: "will make it necessary to renegotiate a number of agreement miles- these presentations given by it is the A conference examining tones with the Environmental Protection Agency and the states." members of her Ethnic Studies the life and works of scien- When that is viewed beside the likelihood that the nation won't need 101 class are usually presented by substance of our tist Michael Faraday will be to use costly refurbished reactors at the government's Savannah graduate students. existence." featured Saturday, April 20 River Plant, "this leaves the unmistakable impression that the "We are excited," she said. at 9:30 a.m. in the McFall agency is, again, giving production a blank check at the expense of "These required courses Ethnic Studies Assembly Room. cleanup," Glenn complained. arehaving an effect on students, Chairperson The year 1991 marks the But Energy Secretary James Watkins told the Senate Armed Ser- and it's information that could be 200th anniversary of Fara- vices Committee that's not the case. passed along to peers." Robert Perry day's birth, and the confer- "In no way do I believe production is taking a lead seat to environ- Alison Yoakam, freshman ac- ence will note his discover- ment and waste management," Watkins said. "We've balanced off as counting and mathematics canized' to the point where they placing too much focus on ethnic ies in electricity, magnet- well as we can" the cleanup and weapons production activities. major, interviewed various peo- know very little about their differences leads to segregation ism and field theory. Glenn earlier this week had asked Watkins for a site-by-site explan- ple of color for her presentation. past," she said. and discrimination. ation of which cleanup activities would have to be delayed to accom- She noted America's "melting Robert Brewer, freshman ele- "It would leave us with a coun- modate a $109.2 million shift in funds out of the department's 1992 en- pot" society deprives non-white mentary education major, also try full of Chinatowns, Little Ita- Forum presented: vironmental restoration budget. people of their heritage. sees dangers in being in a melting lics, etc..." Brewer said, which The Ethnic Cultural Arts The department has not yet provided that breakdown. "[Minorities] become 'Ameri- pot; however, he also believes □ See DISCUSSION, page 7. Program (ECAP) is pre- senting an educational forum Saturday, April 20 in the Amani. The forum, 10 U.S., Iraq a.m. to 4:40 p.m., will high- light women and reggae, Past proposal black exploitation films and talks slated ethnic invisibility. For more information contact Gisela Alvarez at as refugees 372-7122. plagues senate face death by Jeremy Stone Weber TV guides partying: WBGU-TV will re- staff writer broadcast its forum discus- by John Daniszewski sion "The Responsible Associated Press writer A new era dawned in Facul- Facultv Frustrations Party," addressing the tra- ty Senate when senate ditional East INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey leaders blasted University Merry/Frazee parties, on — Iraqi and U.S. officials agreed President Paul Olscamp last *>■-! IV closed circuit channel 24 at Thursday to have their first January. Part IV of "Faculty the following times: direct talks in northern Iraq, Frustrations looks at the ef- 4/18 at 5 p.m., 4/19 at 1 where Saddam Hussein's armies fects of the tabled resolu- The Story Behind p.m., 4/21 at 6 p.m., 4/22 at have crushed a Kurdish rebellion tion. " 5p.m., 4/23 at 12:30 p.m., and sent hundreds of thousands of The senate is still recover- 4/24 at 10 p.m., 4/25 at 1 refugees fleeing. ing from the scars caused by Faculty Senate's Actions p.m., 4/26 at 5 p.m. Turkish authorities, mean- the "no confidence" motion while, warned that many more introduced by senate leaders plaint to state officials about Kurdish refugees could die before 15 months ago. a trustee and a senate-spon- Weather they are moved to new camps in- In January 1990, former sored evaluation of Olscamp. side Iraq that are to be set up and senate officers Ann-Marie It also may have resultedin Brotected by U.S., French and Lancaster and Blaine Ritts devastation, some senators Breezy and rainy: ritish forces.