1 Australasian Pentecostal Studies 13 (2010) Issue 13 (2010) 2 Australasian Pentecostal Studies 13 (2010) Australasian Pentecostal Studies Editor: Shane Clifton, Alphacrucis College Editorial Advisory Board Individual articles, ©2010, APS and the contributors. John Capper, Jacqueline Grey, Tabor College (Victoria) Alphacrucis College Mark Hutchinson, Matthew Del Nevo, University of Western Sydney Catholic Institute of Sydney All copyright entitlements are retained for the electronic and other ver- sions of the contents of this journal. Note: The opinions expressed in articles published in Australasian Pente- costal Studies do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor and edi- torial advisory board. Australasian Pentecostal Studies is a peer refereed scholarly journal, type- set on Adobe InDesign CS4. Material for publication should be submitted to: The Editor, Australasian Pentecostal Studies, PO Box 125, Chester Hill 2162, Australia, Fax: +61-2-96459099; Email:
[email protected]. Australasian Pentecostal Studies appears annually and in special additions as may occasionally occur. The costs of the journal are underwritten by the generous sponsorship of Alphacrucis College, as well as subscriptions as follows: Aust & NZ Rest of World Institution: AUS$40.00 US$40.00. Individual: AUS$30.00 US$30.00 Student: AUS$20.00 US$20.00 The Journal may be accessed by over the net, at http:// webjournals.alphacrucis.edu.au/ ISSN 1440-1991 Cover design, Elly Clifton 3 Australasian Pentecostal Studies 13 (2010) Contents Articles. 7. Stephen G. Fogarty, ‗The Dark Side of Charismatic Leadership‘. 21. Julien M. Ogereau, ‗Paul‘s Leadership Ethos in 2 Cor 10–13: A Critique of 21st Century Pentecostal Leadership‘.