President’s Letter ...... 3

Principal’s Letter ...... 4

Torch Chairman’s Letter ...... 5


Alumni ...... 6

Parents ...... 19

CAPA ...... 23

Grandparents ...... 35

Faculty/Staff ...... 36

Friends ...... 36

Corporate ...... 37

Foundations ...... 37

Presidential Scholarship Program ...... 38

Financial Report ...... 40

Honorary Gifts and Memorials ...... 42

Legacy Circle ...... 43

About Chaminade ...... 44

About the Class of 2019 ...... 45

Program of Study ...... 46

Administration ...... 47

Geographic Distribution ...... 48

Leadership ...... 50

Ways to Give ...... 55

2 2019 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Chaminade Family, “The measure of success for us is if the young men It is Sunday, January 26, 2020. Yesterday, we held we graduate go on to become good husbands, good an Open House to welcome accepted students and fathers, and good sons of Mary our Blessed Mother.” I their families. This coming week they will register for think I also mentioned we hope they are successful in next year’s freshman class — the Class of 2024! business and remember Chaminade along the way! Honestly, this year’s This email I received also speaks to our success: Open House was quite something. We had Dear Sir, the largest attendance I am a parishioner at St. Patrick Church in Water- number in recent years. town, MA. Your crew team attended our 10 a.m. Everyone — student Mass on Sunday. I want to tell you how moved I was volunteers, faculty, at the reverence your young men displayed in re- and members of the ceiving the Eucharist. I was very moved to see them Parents Club who approach the priest and ministers of the Eucharist were hosting — had an with respect, honor, and such presence of holiness. Bro. Thomas J. Cleary, S.M. ’81 energy level that was They were truly a credit to their families and your palpable. Our accepted students and their families school. Best wishes... felt that same energy. It was a long day, a full day, but a great day. I tell everyone, in a not-so-kidding-way, And this unsolicited email that one of our seniors, that this day is job security for all of us for the next on his own, sent to his Coach who was marching in a four years! I never take the success we have had for parade on Veteran’s Day, speaks volumes: granted. I say we because I absolutely know that we are where we are today as an institution, as a Chami- nade Family, because of the support of thousands Hello Coach, through the years. I mean that. I know you are marching today, but I just wanted to How do we measure success? There are lots of say thank you for your service. You are the reason ways to measure success: number of applicants (still why myself and everyone else on the football team very strong — I’m not sure if I would get in now if gets to go to a school like Chaminade. So, thank you! I applied!), number of accolades the many activi- ties and clubs receive, number of sports awards and I share these two examples with you to remind championships garnered, number of graduates, you that you are an integral part of the mission of number of new vocations to religious life and the Chaminade. These successes are your successes. You priesthood, number of times we see a student doing believe in our mission and by your support enable the right thing at the right time because it is the right us to continue moving forward. I hope you never thing to do. Yes, all these various accomplishments underestimate how important and vital your support matter…and we are proud of them. of Chaminade is in making a difference not only in the As you could imagine, throughout this event we lives of our students, but in the society they will were asked many times about the numbers and stats one day lead. I mentioned in the last paragraph: how many go on to My heartfelt thanks. If you are in the area, please college, how many get 4s or 5s on the AP exams, how drop in to say hello — that’s what families do! many students apply, etc. I get it, these things matter to an 8th grader and his parents when choosing a Go Flyers! school. They matter to me too. But there are other things that matter to me even more, things less quantifiable, that in the long run are infinitely more important in life. A few years ago, I was asked by a parent “How do you measure the success Bro. Thomas J. Cleary, S.M. ’81 of Chaminade?” Almost without having to think, I said President

PRESIDENT’S LETTER 3 Dear Members of the Chaminade Family, Outside of the classroom, more than 93% of our This past year, the entire Marianist Family through- students participated in at least one sport or activ- out the world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the ity; many were involved in two or more. Worthy of opening of the first Marianist school by Blessed Wil- special note are the hundreds of young men who liam Joseph Chaminade. A poster hanging in the halls are involved in the spiritual, apostolic, and service of Chaminade captures the spirit of the anniversary: activities of the school, such as Sodality, Emmaus, the Parish Religious Education Program, retreats, and “From the open window of our first Marianist evenings of recollection. school, a fresh stream of air poured forth In the athletic realm, our Flyers captured 29 season carrying seeds of Marianist education to the and league championships. whole world.” • Varsity Soccer won the league and state championships for the fourth consecutive year! In 1930, those seeds reached Mineola and took • The Bowling Team earned their eighth-straight root at Chaminade High School. The tremendous league championship. support we receive from you — our parents, alumni, • The Crew Team took 36th out of 85 boats in the alumni parents, friends, youth event at the Head of the Charles Regatta. and benefactors — has • Numerous teams were recognized for dem- enabled Chaminade onstrating exemplary sportsmanship, and several to nurture those initial coaches were recognized as Coach of the Year. seeds into a robust Many of our activities have received local and garden. national recognition this past year. Chaminade has • Our school newspaper, Tarmac, earned a number embarked on a rather of honors from the New York Press Associa- vigorous and creative tion, including two first-place awards. American program of growth Scholastic Press Association recognized Skylight, over the past three Bro. Joseph D. Bellizzi, S.M. ’78 the school literary magazine, with first-place years, while remaining honors, and Crimson and Gold, our yearbook, rooted in the fertile soil of time-honored traditions with second-place honors. and faithfully adhering to the timeless values of a • The Speech and Debate Team was represented liberal arts education. With your continued support by 64 members at the state tournament, 14 and the combined talents of our dedicated staff, we at the Catholic Forensic League Grand have seen significant growth this past year. National Tournament, and six at the National Completing its first full year of use, the Dolan Fam- Forensic League National Tournament. ily Science, Technology, and Research Center (STRC) • Science Olympians were invited to compete has enabled us to expand exponentially science and in tournaments at Cornell and Yale Universities, research opportunities for our students, through placed 2nd out of 40 teams in the Regional both a significantly enhanced science curriculum and Tournament, and went on to place 13th out of several different co-curricular activities dedicated to 56 teams in the NYS Tournament. This ranks the various branches of science and research. team within the top 1.9% of all teams in NYS. For 200 years, Marianists have sought to educate the We applaud with gratitude our faculty, coaches, whole person: mind, heart, soul, and body. Allow me to and moderators who remain committed to offering illustrate how we do this at 340 Jackson Avenue today: our students a wide range of opportunities to nurture • 851 sophomores, juniors, and seniors (67% of growth in all these areas. these three divisions) earned an 89.5 average or Thank you for your support which enables Chaminade higher, placing on the honor roll. to continue to nurture the seeds of education scattered • 342 students became members of the National and sown by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade 200 Honor Society. years ago. May our Blessed Mother intercede with her • The National Merit Scholarship Program named Son on behalf of our work and for His blessing on each three student semifinalists, five achievement of you who so faithfully collaborate with us. scholars, and 16 commended students. • 408 young men graduated in 2019, 92% of Sincerely, whom received scholarships and grants. • Every Chaminade man realizes that achieve- ment lies in the honest endeavor to do their best under all circumstances. Growth is achieved Bro. Joseph D. Bellizzi, S.M. ’78 through effort. Principal

4 PRINCIPAL’S LETTER Dear Chaminade Family, Growing the legacy of giving that has helped I am humbled to report that because of your make our school one of the nation’s best value generosity and support the Torch Fund exceeded propositions in Catholic education remains the mis- its goals for 2019. We were able to contribute sion of the Torch Fund. Increasing stewardship in a $3,095,000 to the Torch Fund this past fiscal year. way that can continue to defray the rising cost of These donations tuition remains our top priority. Our goals for 2020 were comprised of will highlight the importance of the Torch Fund in $2,158,000 in an- order to ensure the school’s tradition of excellence. nual appeal donations, Keeping with the times, we are also proud to $472,000 in Golf and report that Chaminade is officially on Venmo Tennis Open sponsor- (@ChaminadeHighSchool), and we are already using ships, live and silent the platform to increase our participation rates auction revenue, for this fiscal year. and $465,000 in We could not have had such a successful 2019 scholarship revenue. Torch year had it not been for your support, and Chris S. Neamonitis ’01 After a very success- for the tireless efforts of our Torch Committee and ful capital campaign in 2018, our challenge for the Office of Advancement. A special note of gratitude 2019 fiscal Torch year was to maintain strong fund- to Executive Director Chris Hanley ’80, Director raising momentum. We are extremely grateful to of Alumni and Parent Relations Deborah Kendric, our alumni, current parents, members of CAPA, Director Emeritus of Development and Alumni and the entire Chaminade Family for helping us Relations Bro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59, and their meet that challenge. staff for their expertise, passion, and commitment to Our 2019 Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow theme the development and advancement of our school. will continue into the 2020 Torch year — a milestone We pray that we can continue to count on your year that marks the 90th anniversary of the school’s generosity to keep the Torch burning brightly at 340 founding. A new era of education and advanced Jackson Avenue for the next 90 years to come. learning is now underway at Chaminade. The Dolan Family Science, Technology, and Research Center Fortes in Unitate, has advanced the school curriculum into new and exciting areas of opportunity and development. The new Financial Literacy Lab and associated curriculum is first-in-class. Providing students with an unmatched set of real world skills and technical expertise, the lab truly differentiates Chaminade Chris S. Neamonitis ’01 from other secondary schools. Your generosity Torch Fund Committee Chairman allows us to continue new growth initatives for future generations of students.

TORCH CHAIRMAN’S LETTER 5 ALUMNI • Christopher • Christopher Flatz ’00 GIFT RECOGNITION Bro. Louis Gibbons ’69 • Patrick Galligan ’84 Bro. Louis Faerber Leaders • Albert Groh ’62 • Phillip Gass ’96 Faerber Leaders • Kevin Conway ’76 • James Herschlein ’79 • William Golden ’83 $50,000 + • Earley, Jr. ’67 • James Kelly ’62 • Michael Hatton ’69 • Kenneth Ferguson ’73 • Sean Kilduff ’88 • Christopher Horan ’84 • Neil Fitzpatrick ’91 • Thomas Liesegang ’63 • Thomas Jessop, Jr. ’84 Bro. Alexander • Victor Ganzi ’64 • Kevin Loughlin ’67 • James Keefe ’96 Ott Leaders • Louis Gerstner, Jr. ’59 • Paul Maloy ’64 • Michael Kelly ’88 $25,000 — $49,999 • David Golon ’08 • Timothy Marlin ’93 • Patrick Kempton ’91 • Lawrence Grassini ’63 • Michael McCarthy ’82 • Michael Killea ’80 Father Chaminade • Richard Haverland ’59 • Francis McDonough ’68 • Frank Kurre ’81 Members • Brian Hull ’77 • Gerald McGovern ’68 • Patrick Long ’67 $10,000 — $24,999 • Dick Kearns ’68 • Chris Neamonitis ’01 • John Lovisolo ’85 • William Maloney ’55 • Michael Neumann ’94 • Michael Maffucci ’74 Crimson & Gold • Anthony Marlon ’59 • William O’Reilly ’67 • David Maloof ’76 Members • Edward Perks ’88 • Anthony Patten ’87 • Charles $5,000 — $9,999 Bro. Alexander • Joseph Pollaci ’99 Mansfield, Jr. ’62 Ott Leaders • Richard Powers, III ’63 • Christopher • Robert Ahlstrom, Jr. ’81 • Michael Rafferty ’87 McKenna ’82 Fortes in Unitate • Anthony Caporrino ’92 • Joseph Schier ’72 • Timothy McManus ’86 Members • Joseph Coffey, Jr. ’83 • Calvin Sullivan ’99 • Michael McNeely ’67 $2,500 — $4,999 • Christopher • Erik Sulzbach ’92 • Kevin Monahan ’69 Concannon ’85 • Leslie Westerman ’74 • Paul Neylon ’65 Flyer Members • Richard DeMatteis ’68 • Christopher Wood ’94 • Jonathan Nguyen ’96 $1,500 — $2,499 • Kevin Fee ’67 Crimson & Gold • Brian Noonan ’86 • Frank Fee, III ’60 Members • Roger O’Donnell ’87 Chaminade • Michael Fee ’75 • Jonathan • Gregory Oprea ’09 Medallion Society • Thomas Regazzi ’96 Acquafredda ’91 • David Pace ’88 $800 — $1,499 • Charles Strain ’69 • Joseph Alduino, Jr. ’89 • John Ritz ’70 • Frank Sullivan, Jr. ’63 • Anonymous • James Rogers ’56 Meribah Associates • John Westerman ’75 • John Bertrand, Jr. ’89 • Joseph Roxe ’54 Father Chaminade • Henry Brandt ’71 • Thomas Ryan, III ’86 $300 — $799 Members • Stephen Burr ’93 • Steven Servidio ’82 • George Albertelli ’63 • Gene Caiafa, Jr. ’88 • Edward Smith ’89 The Century Club • Christopher Amico ’01 • John Calhoun ’67 • Anthony Spera, II ’85 $100 — $299 • John Bransfield ’59 • Neil Caverley ’96 • Michael Sutton ’09 • John Buechler ’64 • Anthony Cilmi ’94 • John Sweeney ’90 Chaminade Patrons • Rene Canezin ’86 • Scott Clifford ’96 • Joseph Terranova ’84 $1 — $99 • Dougal Casey ’62 • Kenneth Collins ’83 • Robert Van der Waag ’61 • George Chalos ’89 • John Conners ’71 • Gregory Van Roten ’08 Jr. President’s • Michael Cippoletti ’90 • Christopher • Philip Westerman ’82 Council* $750+ • John Crean ’78 Cornetta ’80 • Gregg Winiarski ’88 *Classes of 2010 - 2019 • Gerard Cruse ’81 • John Cosgrove, Jr. ’03 Fortes in Unitate • Alfonse D’Amato ’55 • David Delaney ’00 Members • Justin DeCamp ’92 • Timothy Delaney ’95 • Christopher Allen ’90 • Richard DeVerna ’82 • David DeMilt ’89 • Anonymous • Patrick Donnelly ’80 • Peter Doran ’60 • Walter • Timothy Durnan ’96 • Matthew Durnan ’88 Armstrong, Jr. ’69 • Donald Earl ’81 • Christopher Durnan ’83 • Gregory Baecher ’98 • Donald Foley ’69 • William Ellsworth ’82 • Reginald • Christopher Garcia ’91 • James Fitzpatrick ’92 Ballantyne, III ’61

6 ALUMNI DONORS • Robert Basel ’76 • John Napoli ’74 • Richard Craig ’64 • Matthew Mancuso ’65 • William Basel ’58 • Michael Nawrocki ’73 • Thomas Crimmins ’88 • Joseph Maniscalco ’88 • Robert Beagan ’68 • Robert Nelson ’94 • Robert Delfoe ’61 • Thomas Mansfield ’07 • William Beyer ’58 • Philip Nestico ’94 • Paul D’Elia ’03 • Brian Maxwell ’62 • Richard Boziwick ’69 • Andrew Nowak ’91 • Stephen D’Elia ’97 • Stephen McCarthy ’71 • Scott Brennan ’95 • Gus Nuzzolese ’76 • Richard DeStefano ’90 • Sean McGonigle ’07 • Thomas Cahill ’83 • Frank O’Connor ’84 • Henry Devlin ’56 • Christopher • Joseph Carroll ’91 • Christopher Palmer ’87 • James DiLiberto ’71 McManus ’84 • Andrew Cherry ’98 • Gregory Parmiter ’96 • Thomas Dillon ’92 • James McTiernan ’76 • Stephen Childs ’07 • Anthony Perrotti ’90 • Richard Dircks ’90 • Timothy Miller ’99 • Christopher Ciullo ’01 • Christopher • John Dussel ’72 • Anthony Molinari ’78 • Thomas Conway ’78 Polimeni ’84 • John Farrell ’86 • Robert Moran ’79 • Brian Conway ’76 • Stephen Raab ’02 • Mel Farrell ’92 • Gregory Morin ’01 • Terence Cooke ’93 • Terrence Randell ’88 • Dennis Fenton ’69 • Richard Napolitano ’84 • Paul Cramer ’78 • Christopher Resch ’94 • Robert Fitton ’88 • Brendan Narell ’00 • John Crowley ’94 • Thomas Rollauer ’65 • Stephen Fleming ’91 • Christian Naus ’95 • Adam Delligatti ’94 • James Rudolph ’99 • John Paul Foschi ’00 • James Nee ’64 • Robert DeVita ’94 • Robert Rynkar ’62 • William Frank, Jr. ’65 • Patrick Nuzzolese ’12 • John Doherty ’88 • James Saladino ’82 • Daniel Friel ’82 • Morgan O’Brien, III ’97 • James Donovan ’68 • Thomas Salogub ’04 • Joseph Fuschillo ’80 • Edward O’Malley ’78 • Kieran Doran ’87 • Robert Salvatico ’90 • John Fuschillo ’75 • Michael O’Moore’72 • James Doyle ’68 • Paul Schimmenti ’67 • Stephen Gallagher ’07 • Anthony Oricoli ’94 • Paul Durnan ’94 • Joseph Sellitto ’89 • Vincent Gerosa ’90 • Edward Orr, Jr. ’61 • Michael Eschmann ’95 • Robert Shannon ’92 • Craig Gilmartin ’74 • Christopher Padilla ’02 • Arthur Farrell, II ’77 • Thomas Soler ’06 • William • Anthony Panarelli ’96 • Christopher Foresto ’94 • Matthew Spero ’92 Goebelbecker ’49 • Matthew Parmiter ’01 • Laurence Froehlich ’64 • Brian Spillane ’90 • Thomas Goldrick ’57 • Gary Pepitone ’98 • James Gavilan ’93 • Brian Tart ’62 • Thomas Grant ’64 • A. Joseph Pisciotto ’65 • Sean Glynn ’93 • Craig Tigh ’72 • Christopher Hanley ’80 • John Rachek ’89 • John Halleron, III ’56 • Philip Treacy ’84 • Thomas Hanley ’77 • Thomas Reiser ’96 • Brian Hayes ’99 • Vinoo Varghese ’90 • Robert Harper ’67 • Thomas Renker ’76 • Brian Hotarek ’64 • James Velten ’81 • Christopher Haunss ’00 • John Repke ’70 • Anthony Iandoli ’85 • James Wagner ’75 • Paul Hundt ’56 • Matthew Reynolds ’97 • Donald Jost ’45 • Alexander Wong ’06 • Robert Hutter ’90 • Peter Riordan ’60 • Albert Juergens, Jr. ’49 • Loris Zeppieri ’91 • Arthur James, Jr. ’65 • Louis Rolfes, II ’71 • Jonathan Karl ’05 Flyer Members • Lawrence Juliano ’94 • Thomas Rollauer ’93 • Peter Keahon ’69 • Kieran Ahern ’91 • John Kabacinski ’90 • Robert Rooney ’75 • Gerard Keegan ’91 • Brian Alas ’04 • Sean Keely ’89 • John Rudic ’98 • Philip Landolphi ’84 • Robert Anders ’07 • Theodore • Patrick Ruhle ’91 • John Larkin ’61 • Brian Armstrong ’86 Krebsbach ’71 • Stephen Ryan ’68 • James Leslie ’87 • Leo Barnes, Jr. ’89 • Robert LaPolla ’04 • Brett Savio ’96 • Gregory LiCalzi ’70 • Paul Bartilucci ’87 • Michael Lawless ’66 • Eric Sheridan ’90 • Rudolph Licandro ’72 • Christopher Bellistri ’96 • Marc Lederman ’89 • Robert Sica ’99 • Dominic Macedo ’83 • Francis Benenati ’90 • John Liegey ’81 • Gerald Sievers ’93 • Brian Mahon ’82 • Michael Braito ’82 • James Lotze ’63 • Michael Simons ’82 • John Massaro ’82 • John Bucaria ’74 • James Loughlin ’90 • Kornel Toth ’85 • Kevin McCullagh ’62 • Paul Burns ’70 • Michael Lynch ’68 • Edward Tronolone ’65 • John McKenna, Jr. ’99 • Paul Callahan ’72 • Matthew Lyons ’94 • Timothy Uehlinger ’78 • William McLaughlin ’80 • Anthony Carlesi ’52 • Francis Macchio ’95 • Stephen Walker ’98 • James Mercadante ’79 • Mark Chalos ’91 • John Mackin ’64 • Robert • Matthew Minogue ’88 • Thomas Costigan, Jr. ’76 • Jeffrey Maier ’96 Weingaertner ’69 • Christopher Moran ’85 • Timothy Coyle ’65 • Eugene Maloney ’62 • Kevin Willett ’78

ALUMNI DONORS 7 • Richard Williams ’53 • Wallace • Joseph Fragola ’64 • Michael Lanzi ’99 • Robert Wright ’61 Christensen ’68 • Eugene Francolini ’48 • Paul Lanzillotta ’74 • Frederick Yosca ’69 • Mark Cirelli ’87 • Christopher • John Lapertosa ’97 • George Young, Jr. ’68 • Thomas Claro ’95 Fuschillo ’93 • Edward Largo ’85 Chaminade • Michael Clifford ’59 • Daniel Gaffney ’68 • Joseph Larkin ’60 Medallion Society • John Coleman ’82 • John Gamber ’08 • Gregg Larson ’90 • William Ahmuty ’90 • Joseph Cooke ’76 • Michael Gamber ’09 • Lawrence Leahy ’67 • Christopher Airey ’91 • Michael Corbi ’99 • Richard Gearns, IV ’88 • Richard LePetri ’78 • John Allario ’81 • Lawrence Crafa ’88 • Kevin Gerard ’05 • William LeStrange ’74 • Brian Allen ’06 • Daniel Crimmins ’81 • Gregory Gerner ’10 • John Lillis ’68 • George Allman ’59 • John Croker, Jr. ’63 • Robert Gerner ’06 • Peter Lindner ’99 • Paul Annunziato ’87 • Kevin Cudahy ’85 • Leonard Gioia ’68 • Stephen Lippolis ’03 • Anonymous • John Curran ’72 • Henry Gole ’52 • James Lockhart ’56 • Gregory Antonsen ’79 • Patrick Curtin ’08 • Carmine Goncalves ’93 • Ralph Lombardi ’61 • Christopher Arnone ’81 • J. Cusimano ’95 • David Guadagnoli ’92 • Richard Loughlin ’64 • Michael Aversano ’98 • Steven Dalton ’06 • Richard Guardino, • Michael Lucchesi ’02 • Lewis Babinski ’67 • Gregory Dawkins ’89 Jr. ’68 • Paul Lynch ’53 • Daniel Barabino ’79 • Christopher Delfoe ’97 • Thomas Guinan ’86 • Christopher Lynch ’82 • Matthew Baron ’88 • Manuel DeMatos, • William Harrison ’99 • Erik MacEwen ’97 • Geoffrey Jr. ’86 • Brian Hassan ’82 • Keith Macias ’89 Beauchamp ’69 • Terrence Dempsey ’04 • Michael Hassett ’72 • George Maguire ’64 • Andrew Benazzi ’00 • James Denon, Jr. ’86 • Thomas Healy ’91 • Kevin Maher ’00 • Robert Benazzi ’91 • Vincent DeOrchis ’98 • Howard Hecht ’58 • Todd Mahoney ’94 • Donald • Anthony DeSano ’86 • Albert Heinlein ’43 • Christopher Bendernagel ’72 • Louis DeSena ’87 • Gerard Hempstead ’68 Maidhof ’97 • John Bishar, Jr. ’67 • Anthony D’Esposito ’00 • F. Richard Hess ’74 • Daniel Malandro ’67 • Jeffrey Bolte ’11 • Michael DiBari ’02 • Michael Hodson ’00 • Kevin Mannix ’89 • Patrick Bonanno ’04 • Albert DiMeo ’90 • Laurence Holden ’96 • Eugene Marquardt ’88 • Liam Bradley ’14 • Michael DiOrio ’95 • Michael Hopkins, Jr. ’06 • Edward Martin ’04 • Geoffrey Brady ’90 • Daniel DiVietri ’09 • Kevin Hopkins, Jr. ’95 • Carlo Massaro ’91 • Michael Brady ’03 • Brendan Doherty ’03 • Richard Hoppenhauer, • Marc Mastronardi ’95 • Keith Breglio ’93 • Peter Doherty ’90 Jr. ’92 • Charles Mathes ’04 • Thomas Breslin ’89 • Edward Dolan ’71 • Joseph Horan ’84 • Gregory Matthews ’81 • John Brower ’00 • Kevin Dolan ’93 • John Hubbell ’86 • Vincent Maus ’65 • William Brown ’60 • Michael Dolce ’99 • Stanley Jaworski, Jr. ’68 • Justin McCarthy ’97 • Frank Burkhard, Jr. ’50 • Andrew Donohue ’68 • Christopher • Robert McCarthy ’79 • Christopher Byczek ’66 • Charles Doyle ’41 Johnston ’88 • James McCullagh ’60 • John Cafasso ’90 • Thomas Duffy ’68 • Robert Jordan, Jr. ’78 • John McDonnell ’77 • Peter Calabro ’94 • Sean Duffy ’85 • Stephen Juengst ’82 • Andrew McGowan ’50 • Michael Campana ’66 • Peter Dunn ’83 • Matthew Kaden ’07 • Ryan McGowan ’90 • Brendan Candon ’06 • David D’Urso ’88 • Edward Kane, Jr. ’77 • Christopher • Nicholas Capece ’59 • Harold Eicher, Jr. ’72 • Paul Kaplun ’74 McGrath ’83 • Brian Carroll ’98 • Christopher • Charles Karazia ’94 • Gerard McGuirk ’59 • Laurence Cassar ’59 Erikson, Jr. ’02 • Peter Karle ’83 • Patrick McHugh ’74 • Joseph Castrigno, • Richard Fahey ’87 • Robert Kearns ’63 • John McKenna ’72 Jr. ’86 • Philip Fahey ’84 • Timothy Kelly ’99 • Brian McManus ’89 • Michael Catapano ’08 • Gerard Fehling ’94 • Kevin Kelly ’09 • Daniel McNeely ’80 • William Cavanaugh, • Patrick Finley ’98 • Daniel Kelsh ’95 • John Meade ’68 Jr. ’73 • Kevin Finn, Jr. ’88 • William Kerner, Sr. ’60 • Michael Meehan ’90 • Domenic Cervoni ’00 • Timothy Foley ’73 • Kevin Kitt ’05 • Peter Meyers ’87 • Emmanuel Chirico ’76 • Michael Fontanetta ’98 • John Koehler ’02 • John Millett ’91 • John Chirico ’83 • William Fox ’58 • Christopher Lally ’90 • Michael Minutoli ’94

8 ALUMNI DONORS • James Miranda ’96 • Anthony Scilletti, Jr. ’88 • Gerard Banahan ’70 • John Daly ’73 • Peter Moffatt ’12 • Anthony Segesti, Jr. ’61 • Mark Baron ’90 • Andrew • George Monahan ’46 • Richard Sgalardi ’05 • Kevin Barry ’64 D’Ambrosio ’10 • Joseph Monestere ’95 • Darren Sheehan ’92 • James Baxter ’58 • Ralph De Biasi ’00 • Andrew • Gregory Shorten ’61 • John Beam ’94 • Richard DeGregoris ’81 Monteleone ’91 • Andrew Simons ’56 • John Belger ’78 • Peter Delgado, II ’86 • Brendan Mooney ’98 • Andrew Simons ’99 • John Belo ’62 • Daniel Dempsey ’07 • Peter Morello ’84 • James Slover ’89 • John Berkery ’85 • William Dennin ’73 • James Moriarty ’87 • Thomas Smith ’86 • Eric Beste ’87 • Joseph DePietro ’82 • Thomas Mullooly ’80 • Francis Soler ’10 • Leo Blatz ’46 • John Devaney ’88 • Charles Mundhenk ’68 • Michael Solinas ’16 • Jack Boland ’69 • Christopher Didden ’91 • Christopher • Joseph Spitz ’01 • Robert Bolz, Jr. ’61 • Victor Dillon ’54 Murphy ’91 • John Stellakis ’04 • Stephen Bonventre ’02 • Anthony DiSpirito ’81 • Laurence • Kenneth Sussi ’93 • Timothy Bowe, II ’06 • William Doherty ’94 Naughton ’89 • Christopher • Michael Brady ’67 • John Donohue, Jr. ’77 • John Neamonitis ’98 Sweeny ’47 • John Brennan ’83 • Mark Doolan ’94 • Andrew Nick ’96 • George Theofel ’71 • Colin Brown ’90 • Thomas Douglas ’97 • Thomas O’Brien ’95 • David Thomas ’90 • John Burkart ’82 • Robert Dowling ’48 • Arthur O’Connor ’54 • Marc Tortora ’93 • Kenneth Caccavale ’08 • Richard Dowling ’68 • Michael O’Grady ’89 • Thomas Treacy ’01 • Matthew • Thomas Dufek ’02 • Brian O’Hagen ’94 • Stephen Tretola ’93 Campolettano ’98 • Frank DuPont ’79 • Peter Pace ’84 • Salvatore Tringali ’97 • James Capozzi ’74 • Patrick Egan ’91 • Lawrence Papola, III ’02 • John Troiano ’79 • Nicholas Caputo ’99 • Peter Eschmann ’88 • Jonathan Parisi ’96 • George Valva ’62 • Andrew Carey ’95 • Robert Ewald ’73 • Michael Paton ’79 • William Walsh ’75 • William Carriero ’69 • Gregory Faje ’95 • Robert Paul ’92 • Martin Waters ’72 • James Carroll ’80 • Joseph Farrell ’02 • Joseph Petrone ’08 • Brian Watson ’97 • Frank Casale ’63 • Joseph Ferrick ’85 • Michael Pettei ’97 • Martin Whelan ’80 • Joseph Cella ’82 • Raymond Fiedler ’52 • Robert Phillips ’62 • Daniel White ’08 • Alex Chapey ’12 • Joseph Filacanevo ’98 • Donald Piser ’58 • Luca Williams ’90 • Christopher • Edward Finegan ’61 • Jose Prince ’91 • John Witzenbocker, Christiansen ’69 • Kyle Finnerty ’02 • Andrew Prisco ’98 IV ’02 • Ludwig Cibelli, Jr. ’65 • John Fitzgerald ’50 • Patrick Purcell ’49 • Patrick Zacchea ’79 • William Cleary ’85 • Michael Fitzpatrick ’84 • James Quinn ’68 • Raymond Zambuto ’62 • Robert Clickner ’62 • William Florence ’61 • Kyle Ray ’06 • William Zarakas ’74 • Philip Colangelo ’72 • Ernest Franck ’50 • James Reid ’68 • H. Zembruski, Jr. ’62 • Richard Collett ’86 • Daniel Franks ’87 • William Reidy ’68 Meribah Associates • Joseph Collins ’49 • Connor Friel ’12 • George Reis ’56 • Ronald Ahern ’91 • Sean Conroy ’99 • Michael Galzerano ’10 • Stephen Ries ’03 • Brian Alarcon ’01 • Michael Convery ’72 • Matthew Gardner ’97 • Thomas Rogan ’83 • Kevin Alas ’07 • Keith Conway ’10 • John Garvey ’72 • Matthew Romano ’12 • Michael Alas ’10 • Michael Conway ’94 • Matthew Gaven ’90 • Paul Rooney ’89 • Michael Alessi ’92 • Douglas Cornell ’81 • William Geissinger ’60 • Frank Russo ’89 • Philip Alfano ’67 • Luke Cornetta ’13 • Brendan Gibson ’06 • Terence Russo ’91 • Anthony Alfano ’62 • James Corrigan ’68 • Michael Glenister ’85 • Charles Ryan ’48 • Clifford Allen ’92 • Scott Coyne ’65 • Ernest Goetz, Jr. ’67 • Christopher • Dennis Almodovar ’85 • Brian Craine ’97 • Scott Goldberg ’11 Salogub ’94 • Pascale Ambrosio ’76 • Dennis Craine ’58 • Timothy Gorry ’70 • Santos, Jr. ’94 • Anonymous • John Crimmins ’61 • Brian Grady ’73 • Cesar Sanz ’90 • William Arzt, Sr. ’68 • John Crimmins ’75 • Sam Greene ’13 • Louis Savarie ’52 • Daniel Azzaro ’76 • James Curran ’93 • Christopher Griffin ’87 • Jordan Scalere ’94 • Kevin Baine ’67 • Timothy Curran ’88 • Robert Guerrin ’68 • William Schult ’79 • Alexander Balko ’94 • Richard Curtin ’77 • Clifford Gunthel ’77

ALUMNI DONORS 9 • Brian Hallinan ’94 • Joseph Lucchesi ’63 • Joseph Norris ’73 • James Scanlon ’59 • Stephen Harper ’03 • James Lynch ’71 • Michael O’Brien, • John Schmitt ’74 • Patrick Hart ’02 • Edward Lynch, II ’77 Jr. ’88 • Kevin Schuler ’95 • John Hashagen ’63 • Joseph Mackey ’68 • John O’Brien ’99 • John Seelinger ’60 • Peter Healy ’79 • Raymond Mahar ’92 • Daniel O’Connell ’79 • Michael Sena ’08 • Robert Heenan ’59 • Thomas Maher ’85 • Geoffrey O’Connell ’01 • Timothy Shaw ’90 • Kevin Heneghan ’82 • William Mahlan, Jr. ’78 • Hugh O’Donnell, Jr. ’67 • James Sheehan ’95 • Edward Higgins ’68 • John Maiale ’01 • Kevin O’Grady ’66 • Kevin Sheehan ’82 • William Horan ’65 • Gregory Manago ’94 • Michael O’Grady ’69 • Russell Sherwood ’97 • Robert Howard ’02 • Ronald Marciano, Jr. ’84 • Young Don Oh ’85 • Robert Shine ’91 • Brian Issing ’78 • Kevin Markus ’11 • Raymund O’Mara, ’58 • Anthony Silecchia ’93 • John Jansen ’68 • Collin Martin ’01 • Daniel O’Neill, Jr. ’79 • Richard Smith ’70 • Michael Jansen ’96 • Andrew • Charles O’Neill ’95 • Thomas Souther ’76 • Christopher Jonas ’03 Mastanduono ’05 • John O’Shea ’68 • Donald Spaeth ’53 • Scott Kallman ’68 • William Mattison, III ’89 • Kevin Parente ’82 • Matthew Spahn ’88 • Kevin Kane ’72 • Mario Matulich ’00 • Edward Parisi, III ’10 • Francis Sperl ’68 • Patrick Kane ’72 • Jonathan • Angelo Pellicone ’91 • Robert Spina, Jr. ’09 • Philip Kantz ’61 Mazzocchi ’89 • Richard Pergolis ’84 • Kyle Squillario ’04 • Christopher • Thomas McAdam ’74 • Stephen Perret ’97 • Robert Stevens ’94 Keating ’78 • George McCabe, Jr. ’62 • Peter Petraro ’02 • Thomas Stock ’68 • James Kelleher ’66 • Kenneth McCann ’91 • Dean Pitz ’81 • Richard Sullivan ’82 • Charles Kellermann ’64 • William McCoy ’77 • Michael Polcino ’69 • Ryan Sullivan ’04 • James Kelly ’61 • Edward McCoyd ’61 • Joseph Pollicino, Jr. ’77 • John Sweeney, Jr. ’85 • Gerard Kelly ’68 • Andrew McDevitt ’88 • Timothy Pond ’09 • Douglas Taggart ’99 • John Kenny ’93 • Mark McDonnell ’78 • Richard Pope ’73 • James Tallarico ’97 • Patrick Kerner ’04 • Edward McDougal, • Anand Prasad ’00 • Joseph Tedesco ’73 • James Kessler ’76 Jr. ’58 • Stephen Puntillo ’08 • Daniel Tierney ’10 • Thomas Kiely ’78 • Gerald McDuffee ’67 • James Purcell ’79 • Theodore • Matthew Kiernan ’05 • Thomas • Sean Quigley ’01 Tomaszewski ’68 • Scott Kiley ’82 McGoldrick ’70 • Richard Ramski ’57 • Michael Toner ’67 • Owen Kilgannon ’56 • Patrick McGovern ’94 • Walter Raubicheck ’68 • James Tormey, III ’74 • Noel Kingston ’91 • Christopher • John Reali ’11 • John Travaglia ’89 • James Kinnally ’67 McGrath ’77 • Keith Reardon ’88 • Brendan Trudden ’96 • George Kirsch ’85 • James McKenna ’83 • Scott Regan ’13 • Glenn Turano ’94 • Joseph Kneuer ’54 • Edward McNamara ’77 • Kevin Regan ’72 • Donald Turner ’82 • Timothy Krawetz ’82 • John McQuade ’57 • Timothy Regan ’07 • Lawrence Ueland ’66 • Michael Krenn ’94 • Thomas Meade ’68 • Brendan Reich ’06 • John Varol, Jr. ’57 • Stephen Krines ’64 • Richard Mendler ’79 • J. Michael Reisert ’62 • Peter Vath ’57 • Christopher Kuzler ’81 • Edward Miller ’51 • Robert Renda ’82 • Christopher Viviano ’05 • Jonathan Lagasse ’96 • Robert Miller ’88 • Robert Renda ’05 • Colin Walsh ’94 • Allister Lam ’92 • Philip Mills, Jr. ’76 • Joseph Renda ’09 • Robert Walters ’07 • Anthony Lang ’58 • Matthew Mohan ’95 • Griffith Rogan ’11 • Dane Walther ’90 • Sean Lapham ’86 • Christopher Molloy ’89 • John Rogan ’91 • Thomas Ward, Jr. ’89 • Ryan Larson ’95 • Thomas Moloney ’66 • Andres Rubert ’98 • Ronald Wasson ’78 • Anthony LaVerde ’69 • John Monahan ’58 • Stephen Rupprecht ’88 • James Weis ’78 • Gerald Levano ’08 • Donald Morrison ’73 • William Ryan, Jr. ’67 • David Whelehan ’60 • Timothy Lindsay ’93 • Brendan Morrow ’94 • William Safarik ’94 • Robert Wilshere ’65 • Frank Lisboa, Jr. ’12 • Steven Mueller ’86 • Daniel Salogub ’07 • Edward Witanowski ’63 • Stephen • Harold Muller ’56 • Anthony Santulin ’94 • Gerard Wojkowski ’64 Loewenthal ’03 • James New ’83 • Joseph Sarnowski ’59 • Richard Wolfe ’74 • David Long ’02 • Daniel Noonan ’90 • William Sauer ’81 • Donald Woods, Jr. ’64 • Felix Lopez ’65 • James Noone ’74 • Paul Saxton ’66 • Louis Zameryka ’98

10 ALUMNI DONORS • George • Edward Boyle ’68 • Joseph Castiglie, III ’04 • George Cross ’57 Zimmermann ’68 • Vincent Braccia ’87 • Joseph Castrigno ’57 • Kevin Cruse ’11 The Century Club • Gerard Brady ’73 • Robert Cea, Jr. ’80 • Howard Crusey ’61 • Matthew Alcide ’05 • Patrick Brala ’85 • Anthony Cedrone ’91 • Richard Cucco ’62 • Kevin Andersen ’91 • Michael Brannigan ’73 • Daniel Cendan ’96 • Thomas Cummings, • James Anderson ’71 • Daniel Breen ’74 • Pasquale Cestaro ’07 III ’84 • John Aneser ’54 • Gregory Briglio ’94 • Christopher • Eugene Cunneely ’47 • Anonymous • Donald Brown ’49 Chaffee ’92 • Christopher • Vincent Ansanelli, • Paul Brown ’73 • Paul Charbonneau ’93 Cunniffe ’89 III ’74 • David Broza ’81 • Kevin Cherry ’94 • Stephen Cuomo ’92 • Christopher Anskat ’97 • Joseph Brozek ’13 • Joseph Chicvak ’04 • Joseph Curry ’85 • Salvatore • Joseph Brucia ’63 • T. Childs ’63 • Martin Curtin, Jr. ’64 ’91 • Mark Bruckmann ’68 • Stephen Chmil ’09 • John Czerniewicz ’59 • Alexander • Nicholas Bruno, Jr. ’72 • Michael Chojnacki ’82 • Keith D’Agostino ’93 Aramanda ’02 • Henry Buchholtz ’58 • Frank Ciafone ’60 • Martin Daly ’86 • Christopher • Richard Budinich ’02 • Andrew • Fernando DaSilva, Arzberger ’00 • John Buechler ’98 Ciancimino ’03 Jr. ’96 • Lawrence Asaro ’84 • Stanley Burghardt ’55 • Matthew • John Dautzenberg ’10 • Vincent Asaro ’86 • Timothy Burke ’13 Ciancimino ’06 • James Davis ’58 • Joseph Athanasio ’59 • Matthew Burke ’83 • Richard Ciccarello ’79 • James Davis ’65 • Thomas Atkinson, II ’88 • Robert Burke ’50 • Brian Ciullo ’08 • Mark Dawson ’69 • John Atwell ’11 • Eric Burkert ’60 • Peter Clagnaz ’69 • Joel DeAngelis ’57 • Richard Bach ’74 • Michael Butler ’79 • Vincent Clarke ’03 • Lawrence deAngelis ’67 • Robert Baker ’65 • William Butler ’78 • Richard Clarkson ’55 • Christopher • Thomas Banahan ’73 • Michael Byrnes ’62 • William Coenen ’58 Dearborn ’87 • Thomas Barnett ’79 • Francis Cahill ’10 • Richard Coffey ’77 • William DeBruin, Jr. ’55 • John Barrett ’67 • Christopher • Scott Cole ’95 • Louis DeLeo, Jr. ’04 • Kevin Batule ’79 Calabrese ’90 • John Coll, III ’84 • Edward Delfoe, III ’58 • Robert Beckmann, • John Callinan ’84 • Douglas Collett ’78 • Michael DeMato ’01 Sr. ’70 • Matthew • Michael Collura ’85 • Paul DeMattina ’74 • Jeffrey Bednar ’93 Camardella ’89 • Christopher Combs ’87 • William Dempsey, • Kevin Beer ’94 • William Camp ’78 • Daniel Comerford, Jr. ’70 • Joseph Bellesheim ’08 • Brian Campbell ’99 III ’63 • Gary DePalma ’62 • Matthew • James Cantanno ’83 • Kevin Connelly ’58 • Joseph DePalma ’59 Bellesheim ’11 • Eugene Capobianco ’82 • Christopher • Joseph DePaolo ’93 • John Bencivenga ’67 • Brendan Caputo ’12 Connolly ’85 • Vincent D’Eramo ’97 • Richard Bennert ’62 • Adam Cardarelli ’98 • James Connolly ’82 • Vincent DeRosa ’99 • John Bennett ’63 • James Carillo ’85 • William Connolly ’95 • Neil DeRupo ’82 • John Bermel ’79 • Philip Carman, IV ’81 • Michael Connors ’77 • John Devine ’68 • Peter Biagioli ’78 • Michael Carney ’97 • James Connors ’80 • Daniel Devine ’03 • Peter Birdsall ’94 • William Carolan ’53 • Ryan Conway ’08 • James DeVito ’58 • William Boccio ’71 • Frank Caropelo, Jr. ’88 • William Cooney ’94 • Andrew Didora ’94 • Christopher Boffa ’94 • James Carter ’55 • Henry Cooper ’50 • Joseph DiLiberto, • Thomas Boland ’61 • Timothy Casale ’00 • Richard Coppola ’00 III ’66 • Lance Bondy ’60 • Dean Caselnova ’92 • Joseph Cordi, Jr. ’09 • John Dillon ’54 • Matthew Bonner ’89 • James Casey ’78 • Bruce Corsello ’68 • Michael Dilworth ’85 • Paul Borgwald ’75 • Brian Casey ’85 • Paul Corwin ’51 • Alfred Dimino ’71 • Michael Borut ’88 • Christopher Casey ’18 • Louis Corwin, Jr. ’44 • David DiPietro ’99 • William • Thomas Casey ’71 • Patrick Costigan ’82 • Philip DiSanto ’08 Bottenhofer ’77 • Stephen Casil ’98 • Wayne Cox ’08 • Louis DiStefano ’98 • James Bowers ’57 • Laurence Cassar, Jr. ’84 • Stephen Cramer ’69 • Joseph DiTizio ’09 • Steven Bowers ’61 • Scott Castellano ’74 • Joseph Crescenzo ’68 • John Dluzneski, Jr. ’73

ALUMNI DONORS 11 Class of 1994

25th Reunion Saturday, April 13, 2019

Alumni celebrate at the 25th Reunion From left, Chris Foresto, Anthony Cilmi, and John Crowley present Bro. Thomas cocktail hour. Cleary, S.M. ’81 with the class gift.

12 CLASS OF 1995 25TH REUNION • Joseph Doe ’66 • Edward Fitzmaurice, • Peter Guinnane ’04 • Brian Jarmain ’87 • Alexander Jr. ’58 • Paul Gunning ’56 • Teddy Jarzynka ’03 Domanico ’75 • Mark Fitzpatrick ’79 • Mark Haesloop ’67 • Timothy Jarzynka ’06 • Brian Donaldson ’67 • Christopher • Robert Haller ’72 • William Jelley ’68 • Christopher Fitzpatrick ’05 • Brendan Hanley ’09 • Bradley Johnson ’08 Donnelly ’95 • Joseph Flack ’73 • Sean Hanley ’12 • Mark Josling ’94 • Michael Donnino ’89 • Ian Flaherty ’04 • Robert Harper ’00 • Brian Judson ’92 • David Donohoe ’55 • Bryan Fleming ’94 • Brendan Harrington ’09 • John Jurgensen, Jr. ’90 • Christopher • Douglas Flescher ’83 • John Harris ’72 • Kristopher Kalibat ’07 Dooley ’09 • McDara Folan, III ’76 • Michael Harrison ’97 • Paul Kantz, Jr. ’59 • Kevin Dooley ’05 • Alexander Foley ’96 • Christopher • William Karl ’64 • Christopher Dour ’83 • Thomas Fontanetta ’76 Hartstein ’06 • Connor Kasny ’07 • Thomas Dowling ’67 • Charles Foskett ’61 • William Hassett ’05 • Robert Kaufmann ’58 • Arthur Downey, III ’55 • Anthony Fradella ’10 • Richard Hazel ’89 • Craig Keanna ’84 • William Doyle ’81 • Joseph Francis ’06 • Kieran Healy ’93 • Francis Keating, III ’77 • Robert Driscoll ’88 • Thomas Fratello ’67 • Thomas Heinz ’65 • James Keefe, Jr. ’63 • John Duffy ’91 • Patrick Freaney ’94 • Nicholas • Leo Keegan, Jr. ’77 • Christopher Duffy ’94 • Howard Fritz, Jr. ’74 Helfenstein ’02 • Daniel Kelly ’83 • Michael Duke ’85 • Guerino Frustaci ’88 • Frank Heller, III ’07 • John Kelly ’57 • James Dunne ’00 • Gregory Gallagher ’03 • Christopher Heller ’13 • Michael Kelly ’86 • John Durrant ’71 • Christopher • William Henson ’72 • Patrick Kemp ’04 • Alexander Gallagher ’65 • Paul Hessler ’55 • William Kennedy ’61 Duschere ’82 • Paul Gallo ’61 • Alexander • Sean Kerley ’03 • Paul Dwyer ’73 • William Gargan ’87 Hesterberg ’93 • Nicolas Kern ’06 • Gregory Ebbecke ’02 • James Garrity ’06 • Michael Hewitt ’62 • William Kerr ’11 • Martin Eberhardt ’55 • Peter Garry ’60 • Christopher Hickey ’90 • Peter Kerr ’63 • Paul Eberst ’54 • Christian Garry ’93 • Christopher • Donald Kiaer ’79 • Edward Eder ’62 • John Garvey ’94 Higgins ’71 • John Kiernan ’64 • Joseph Egan ’62 • John Geager ’06 • John Higgins ’99 • Richard Kiernan ’53 • Michael Ehrhardt ’10 • John Giammarino ’08 • Alex Hildebrandt ’08 • John Kilgallon ’67 • John Eschmann ’56 • Evandro Gigante ’96 • Michael Hinton ’69 • Robert King ’55 • George Espinosa ’72 • Paul Gilbert ’74 • Thomas Hogan ’95 • Thomas King ’65 • John Ewen ’04 • David Gildea ’93 • Kenneth Hogan ’67 • William King ’70 • Leslie Eyma ’94 • James Gillen ’88 • Luke Hollwedel ’09 • Robert Kirby ’67 • Robert Faderl ’03 • Paul Gillen ’90 • Paul Homer ’78 • John Kirrane, Jr. ’01 • Paul Famighetti, Sr. ’67 • Henry Gillen, IV ’74 • Richard Hopkins ’54 • James Kissane ’64 • Daniel Farrell ’77 • John Gillon, Jr. ’85 • Daniel Horan ’86 • Robert Kissane ’67 • William Farrell ’99 • David Gittens ’66 • Edwin Horan ’48 • Ryan Knowles ’94 • Matthew Fasciano ’88 • Bryan Gitto ’10 • James Houlihan ’69 • Brian Koralewski ’05 • William Faverzani ’88 • Mark Giugliano ’02 • George Hovanec ’58 • James Kramer ’52 • Stephen Fealy, Jr. ’87 • Patrick Glynn ’93 • James Huggard ’78 • Kevin Krist ’56 • Ryan Fennelly ’92 • Geery Grant ’05 • John Hughes ’52 • Douglas Kurz ’68 • Robert Fenton ’61 • Fred Grasso ’84 • Christopher Hughes ’72 • Brian Kusterer ’98 • Peter Figueroa ’92 • John Gray, Jr. ’67 • Kevin Hume ’66 • Andrew Kutz ’78 • Thomas Filippone ’84 • Kevin Gray ’07 • David Hutchinson, • Paul Labanowski ’70 • Brian Finn ’95 • William Greaser ’43 Jr. ’06 • Christopher • Charles Fisher, Jr. ’88 • Frederick Greene ’54 • Brian Imbornoni ’13 Lagasse ’94 • David Fisher ’00 • Joseph Greil ’61 • William Indelicato ’57 • Thomas Lane ’77 • Charles Fity ’60 • Charles Grennan ’53 • John Iovino ’84 • Richard Lark ’55 • Michael Fitzgerald ’63 • Brian Griffin ’61 • Kenneth Irvine ’59 • Christopher Latham ’69 • Thomas FitzGerald ’52 • Matthew Groh ’99 • Robert Irvine ’62 • Gregory Leighton ’68 • Terence Fitzgibbon ’00 • Peter Groh ’64 • Elias Jaghab ’16 • Andrew Lemonda ’01

ALUMNI DONORS 13 • John Lenz ’69 • Thomas • Peter • Charles Parker ’67 • Joseph Leto ’96 McCormack ’73 Monteferrante ’59 • MarcAnthony • Gerard Leyden ’61 • Padraic • Mark Moran ’80 Parrino ’10 • Richard Licari ’72 McDermott ’00 • Martin Moran ’73 • Kevin Pash ’12 • Gary Limoncelli ’81 • Vincent • Brian Morrissey ’88 • Edward Patterson ’74 • John Lindon ’74 McDermott ’56 • Joseph Mosca ’96 • Marino Pawlowski ’10 • Christopher • Brian McDonald ’90 • Joseph Mulhall ’00 • John Perrone ’06 LoGrippo ’12 • John McDonald ’70 • Raymond Mullman, • Brian Peterson ’90 • Joseph Loizzo, Jr. ’69 • Paul McDonald ’01 Sr. ’54 • Michael Petrizzi, Jr. ’65 • Thomas Long, Jr. ’59 • Robert McDonnell, • Thomas Mullooly ’88 • Kevin Pettersen ’74 • Kevin Lorentsen ’78 III ’83 • Harry Mulry, Jr. ’63 • James Pfohl ’49 • James Lynch ’03 • James McErlean ’67 • Kevin Mulry ’81 • Timothy Philbin ’90 • John Lynch ’04 • Francis McGann ’78 • Andrew Munch ’50 • Raymond Piacentini ’98 • Kevin Lynch ’80 • Glenn McGowan ’02 • Michael Murphy ’16 • Stephen Piasio ’76 • Sean Lynch ’88 • John McGowan, Jr. ’60 • Michael Murphy ’11 • Gerald Pisapia ’62 • Alan MacKenzie, Jr. ’84 • Kevin McGowan ’73 • Daniel Murphy ’87 • John Plumb ’63 • John Magas ’58 • Peter McGowan ’57 • John Murphy ’60 • Harold Poggioli ’61 • Matthew Maguire ’93 • Terence McGuire ’96 • Robert Naro ’58 • Richard Pontillo ’99 • James Maguire, III ’83 • Walter McGuire ’59 • Louis Necroto, Jr. ’86 • Thomas Portuese ’99 • Steven Mahlan ’79 • Patrick McHugh ’83 • Charles Nerko ’02 • David Preble ’72 • Arthur Maisano ’94 • Michael McIsaac ’94 • J. Newman ’66 • Thomas Preiss ’87 • Ronald • Stephen McKenna ’58 • Daniel Nieves ’06 • Gregory Preziosi ’78 Malanowski ’86 • James McLain, Jr. ’59 • Ronald Nolan ’48 • Paul Prostowich ’71 • Michael Mallick ’97 • Christopher • Christopher Nolan ’07 • Keith Pryhuber ’75 • Gregory Maloney ’06 McLaughlin ’94 • Robert Novak ’76 • John Pufahl ’63 • Michael Manasia ’07 • James McLees ’72 • Thomas O’Brien ’79 • Daniel Purschke ’82 • Kevin Mangan ’04 • Thomas • Daniel O’Brien ’94 • John Quinterno ’94 • Richard Mann ’65 McLoughlin ’78 • Robert O’Brien ’79 • Timothy Raab ’05 • Peter Mansfield ’83 • Conor McNamara ’06 • Stephen O’Brien ’06 • James Rafferty ’86 • Christopher • Edward McNulty ’97 • John O’Connell ’09 • Edmund Rakowski ’73 Mansfield ’90 • Michael Medford ’88 • Ryan O’Connor ’03 • Anthony Ramienski ’72 • Kevin Manz ’99 • Ronald Mediatore ’56 • Philip O’Donnell, • David Ramos ’93 • Frank Manzella ’86 • Martin Meehan ’07 Jr. ’87 • Ryan Raphael ’10 • Philip Marchello ’90 • Michael Meehan ’00 • John O’Grady, III ’77 • Matthew • Frank Marchese, Jr. ’10 • Terence Meehan ’69 • Joseph O’Grady ’82 Rattoballi ’06 • Christopher Marinis ’60 • Andrew Mellen ’66 • Martin O’Hagan ’64 • John Reedy ’04 • Joseph Marrin ’03 • Michael Melley ’88 • David O’Hearne ’54 • Kenneth Regan ’78 • Jonathan Marron ’98 • Kevin Mercadante ’13 • James Olivo ’73 • George Rehn ’66 • John Marshall ’78 • Robert Meuser ’99 • Sean O’Malley ’07 • Edward Reilly ’51 • Joseph Mastrocovi ’99 • Garrett Meyer ’07 • John O’Meara ’68 • Charles Reis ’59 • Louis Mauro ’60 • John Meyers ’56 • William O’Neill ’82 • Christopher • Martin Mauro ’71 • Edward Mezzapelle ’55 • Thomas O’Neill ’68 Reisert ’72 • Paul Mayhew ’59 • Brian Mich ’78 • Thomas O’Regan ’64 • William Ressegue ’63 • Aldo Mazzaferro ’09 • Kenneth Miele ’68 • John O’Sullivan, Jr. ’77 • Joseph Resua ’75 • Matthew McCabe ’87 • Thomas Mierswa, • Edward Otton ’64 • Timothy Reynolds, • William McCaffery ’89 Jr. ’75 • Graham Otton ’05 Jr. ’00 • Kendall McCaffrey ’08 • Barry Miller ’75 • Kevin Padilla ’12 • James Richichi, Jr. ’94 • Brian McCarthy ’91 • Joseph Minetti ’96 • Basil Palmeri ’78 • Ronald Riescher ’59 • David McCarthy ’62 • Edmond Mohring ’57 • Joseph Papola ’60 • John Paul Rincon, • Jonathan McCarthy ’10 • John Molloy ’56 • Christopher Sr. ’93 • Thomas McCarthy ’62 • Richard Monahan ’59 Paradise ’89 • Keith Rinn ’89 • James McCarty, IV ’14 • Nicholas Mondello ’66 • James Pardy ’51 • James Riordan ’67

14 ALUMNI DONORS • Valentine Riordan, • Albert Silvestri ’02 • Anthony Valdini ’67 • Michael Beck ’60 II ’63 • Matthew Simons ’13 • Francis Valentino ’58 • Thomas Beer ’97 • Kenneth Robbett ’76 • Patrick Simons ’16 • Robert Vassallo ’79 • James Begley ’80 • Robert Robinson ’74 • John Smith ’67 • James Vaughan ’63 • Henry Berg ’76 • Daniel Robson ’91 • Brian Smith ’68 • Garrett Verdone ’72 • Jack Bingham ’18 • Thomas Roche ’85 • Herbert Smith ’59 • Robert Von Hagen ’02 • Robert Blohm ’58 • William Rock ’77 • Paul Smith ’56 • James Vorbach ’74 • James Boniello ’75 • Donald Rogers ’68 • Robert Smith ’70 • Gary Wagner ’70 • Robert Brady ’44 • Robert Rollauer ’63 • Ryan Smith ’13 • Scott Waldron ’14 • John Broghammer ’92 • Gary Romaka ’04 • Gerard Smyth ’63 • James Weiden ’66 • Aidan Brown ’14 • Patrick Rooney ’18 • Nicholas Sommese ’59 • Robert Weiden ’67 • Daniel Bruen ’07 • Walter Rooney ’11 • Andrew Soucheck ’04 • Heribert Weinzierl ’58 • Robert Brunelli ’06 • Kevin Rooney ’66 • Thomas Sperl ’71 • Marcus Weisgerber ’00 • Kyle Burgess ’17 • Thomas Rooney ’66 • Christopher Spina ’81 • Ryan Wellner ’96 • David Burroughs ’66 • Edward Rosasco, Sr. ’56 • Eric Stampfel ’92 • Lawrence Werther ’01 • James Buser ’09 • Nicholas Rosato ’11 • Jeffrey Stanis ’06 • Royal Wharton ’66 • Nicolas Calo ’14 • Richard Roslund ’87 • Kenneth Starger ’60 • Richard Whearty ’57 • Stephen Camilleri ’90 • Hugh Ross ’54 • John Steck ’75 • Mark Wheeler ’68 • William Campo ’66 • Mark Rossano ’02 • Brian Stevens ’86 • Edgar White ’99 • Liam Carey ’07 • Robert Rubino ’88 • Robert Strittmatter ’59 • Robert White ’61 • Frank Carollo ’72 • Joseph Ruchalski ’84 • Mark Stuparich ’65 • Brian Wiese ’91 • Tyler Carrick ’14 • Matthew Rudolph ’12 • Daniel Sullivan ’71 • Paul Wigand ’70 • Stewart Casola ’78 • Thomas Russo ’68 • Dennis Sullivan ’56 • James Wilde ’58 • Thomas Cassese ’11 • Joseph Ryan ’92 • John Sullivan ’74 • Joseph Williams ’04 • Thomas Cassidy ’93 • Christopher Ryan ’98 • Kevin Sullivan ’85 • Joseph Wilson ’47 • Timothy Cestaro ’98 • Michael Ryan ’66 • Edward Swain, Jr. ’62 • Stephen Wilson ’69 • Michael Chiara ’14 • Robert Safarik ’57 • Arthur Swaine, Jr. ’84 • Ronald Windisch ’83 • Terrence Christman ’09 • Michael Salogub ’09 • Thomas Sweeney ’12 • Charles Wisell ’83 • Patrick Chrysler ’93 • Michael Sama ’05 • Daniel Sweeney ’07 • Charles Withopf ’67 • Daniel Cirenza ’55 • Kevin Sampson ’73 • Joseph Swords ’59 • Eugene Wypyski, Jr. ’73 • Joseph Clancy ’90 • John Sandrowicz ’93 • Robert Taylor ’91 • Francis Zaino ’62 • Brian Cobb ’90 • Ron Santopadre ’97 • Patrick Terry ’14 • Christopher • Matthew Coffey ’63 • Ralph Savarese ’65 • Nicholas Terzulli ’01 Zarzycki ’73 • Robert Coleman ’81 • Thomas Saville ’55 • Aristide Tessitore ’68 • Thomas Zolezzi ’58 • Joseph Collins ’67 • Robert Sawyer ’58 • George Thurnher, Chaminade Patrons • Patrick Conklin ’18 • James Scaduto ’87 Jr. ’64 • Kenneth Adams ’72 • Terence Connelly ’12 • Dylan Scarpato ’11 • Benedict Ticho, Jr. ’64 • Benjamin Addeo ’17 • Nicholas Contardo ’03 • Thomas Schaefer ’14 • Matthew Tigh ’01 • Geoffrey Addeo ’90 • Daniel Conway ’00 • Charles Scheld ’74 • Brian Timmons ’70 • Michael Agresti ’09 • Michael Cramer ’71 • John Schneider ’03 • Michael Todd ’11 • Stephan Aguanno ’09 • Glenn Crawford ’42 • James Schutta ’88 • James Tomlin, III ’74 • Vincent Aidala ’19 • Michael Crimmins ’98 • Joseph Seelinger ’55 • James Tommins ’75 • William Albergo ’88 • Matthew Crowe ’15 • Stephen Semenick ’09 • Christopher Totman ’96 • Michael Alcide ’02 • James Curtin ’12 • James Serkes ’88 • James Travers ’53 • James Amalfitano ’88 • James d’Alessandro ’81 • Timothy Shanley ’66 • Kevin Traynor ’83 • John Anderson ’12 • William Datz ’71 • William Shaw, Jr. ’88 • Scott Tredwell ’77 • Kenneth Aneser ’84 • Richard DeGregoris, • John Shea ’73 • Peter Troisi ’97 • Michael Angotti ’78 Jr. ’12 • Joseph Shields ’72 • Anthony Turner ’77 • Anthony Annexy ’94 • Eric Delgado ’15 • Gerard Shivers ’66 • Michael • Alexander Ariniello ’69 • Robert DeLuca ’60 • Kevin Shortt ’01 Turschmann ’89 • Matthew Barnes ’93 • Frank DiLorenzo, Jr. ’62 • Robert Siebert ’59 • Paul Tuths ’70 • Adam Barrick ’01 • Neil Diskin ’04 • Martin Siebold ’60 • Victor Tutino ’73 • John Bartow ’80 • John Donnelly ’14

ALUMNI DONORS 15 Class of 1969

50th Reunion October 3-6, 2019

From left, Geoff Beauchamp, Chris Latham, Rich Boziwick, Greg Mignano, Roger Young, Fred Yosca, Tom Price, George Sacco, and Bill Carriero.

Charles Strain presents Bro. Thomas Cleary, S.M. ’81 with the Class of 1969 Torch gift. Geoff Beauchamp Michael Hatton and Peter Keahon.

From left, Bob Goldhammer, Derek Lekhwani ’20, Vincent Nigro, and Ben Reitzel ’20. Thomas and Vikki Price.

16 CLASS OF 1969 50TH REUNION • Christopher Golon ’08 • Christopher Martin ’02 • Christopher Class Giving Totals • Brian Greene ’09 • Michael Martin ’10 Pedraita ’09 1959 $623,634 • Michael Greene ’05 • Philip Martone ’68 • Robert Pehnke ’77 • Gregory Greenfield ’92 • Steven Maslak ’61 • Michael Perlowitz ’09 1991 $458,639 • Eric Grein ’11 • James Mattera ’67 • Richard Peters ’99 1968 $193,505 • Anthony Gullo ’14 • Christian McCarren ’15 • Michael Piacentini ’01 1967 $180,650 • Richard Halsted ’88 • Patrick McCluskey ’95 • Nicholas Plackis ’10 • William Harkins ’71 • J. McCormick ’75 • Anthony Posillico ’78 1976 $154,800 • Francis Harrington ’17 • Connor McDermott ’09 • Vincent Povinelli ’18 1964 $146,115 • Michael Hearon ’03 • Kevin McDermott ’05 • Stephen Probert ’67 1988 $137,845 • Michael Heinz ’64 • Robert McDermott ’63 • Ryan Pugh ’18 • Richard Henning ’58 • Jack McEnroe ’17 • Gregory Quinlan ’98 1955 $124,975 • Daniel Hepworth ’18 • Thomas McGeough ’64 • Brendan Regan ’18 1996 $101,700 • Gerard Hiller ’71 • Sean McGowan ’07 • Kellen Rice ’09 1969 $98,023 • John Hogan ’67 • William McGuire ’65 • Dylan Richardson ’19 • William Howe ’91 • Sean McIntyre ’17 • Bryan Rogers ’11 • Thomas Donnelly ’90 • Stefan Huber ’18 • Patrick McKenna ’05 • John Rogers ’13 • John Donohue ’69 • John Hupalo ’78 • James McKeon ’63 • Cyril Rottkamp ’63 • Steven Driscoll ’70 • Didier Jean-Michel ’13 • Michael McWeeney ’98 • Christopher Rowan ’70 • Daniel Duff ’90 • Edward Joesten ’13 • Joseph Meares ’06 • Alexander Rowley ’97 • James Duignan ’11 • Bartholomew • Richard Meares ’09 • Anthony Rugel ’57 • James Dunne ’58 Johnson ’07 • Zachary • Richard Sachse ’77 • James Dunphy ’03 • Francis Kehoe, III ’59 Mercadante ’04 • Kenneth Santelli ’87 • Roderick Dwyer ’62 • Matthew Kelly ’07 • Paul Messina ’66 • Christopher Sausa ’15 • Christopher Ebe ’95 • Christopher Kelly ’79 • Robert Mohlenbrok ’63 • James Saville ’52 • Sidney Elie-Pierre ’13 • Brian Kelly ’71 • Gregory Monaghan ’17 • Robert Scala ’18 • Lawrence Ellis ’68 • Ryan Kerner ’07 • Andre Monteleone ’15 • Evan Schlameuss ’13 • Donald Endonino ’62 • Eugene Kirley ’86 • Brian Moran ’82 • Eugene Schmidt, Jr. ’75 • Robert Exler ’83 • Michael Klein ’16 • Riley Moran ’15 • Steven Schneider ’75 • Richard Feldmann ’56 • Joshua Knapp ’88 • Alexander • Walter Schneider ’54 • Michael Ferro ’95 • Kevin Knox ’94 Morledge ’19 • Richard Scholl ’65 • Andrew Fingerhut ’02 • Edward Kollmer ’63 • Louis Morledge, • Stephen Scutari ’74 • Nicholas Fischer ’06 • James Kraemer ’91 Jr. ’16 • Kevin Sessa ’71 • Michael Flatley ’89 • Erik Kucich ’92 • Thomas Mulhearn ’62 • James Severin ’02 • Ernst Florvil, Jr. ’90 • Michael Lacopo ’53 • John Murphy ’18 • Richard Sherman ’65 • John Flynn ’71 • John Laddomada ’93 • John Murphy ’47 • Christopher Silva ’05 • Patrick Flynn ’84 • Arthur Lavis ’57 • Richard Nardo ’01 • Jack Silverman ’17 • Peter Folan ’96 • John Liberto ’13 • Matthew Nelson ’77 • Thomas Simunek ’72 • Hugh Foley ’67 • Matthew Lindon ’75 • Walter Neufeld ’69 • Edward Smith, Jr. ’13 • William Fowler ’70 • Christopher Lippolis ’05 • Bryce Nevola ’16 • Scott Smith ’93 • Robert Frawley, III ’06 • Filipe Lobato ’12 • Michael Nigro ’00 • Ryan Smith ’17 • James Fronda ’03 • J. Andre Lobato ’10 • Harold Noonan ’59 • Walter Snow ’44 • Timothy Fronda ’99 • James Locke, Jr. ’93 • Brendan • Daniel Sodaro ’03 • Sebastian Galofaro ’57 • Thomas Lukacovic ’11 O’Callaghan ’13 • David Sodaro ’00 • Joseph Garbitelli ’01 • Ralph Lutjen ’61 • George Ockovic ’96 • James Spadafora ’16 • William Garifal, III ’16 • Joseph Lynch ’06 • James O’Donoghue ’05 • Ryan Spalding ’16 • Alexander Garifal ’16 • Thomas Magaldi ’02 • Robert Otten ’63 • Robert Spielmann ’44 • Justin George ’16 • Gregory Maher ’79 • Matthew Overs ’94 • Joseph Spina ’11 • Mark Geraldi ’89 • Robert Mangione ’98 • Brian Pagano ’01 • Pasquale Stano ’10 • Thomas Gill ’81 • John Manning ’11 • Mark Paradine ’63 • James Starkie ’10 • James Glenister ’83 • Andrew Mantione ’08 • Robert Paradiso ’16 • Alexander • Michael Goldin ’14 • Gregory Marconi ’05 • Francis Parisi ’71 Strandberg ’15

ALUMNI DONORS 17 Combined Reunions

Classes of 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2014 From left, Mike Gamber ’09, Jack Imbornoni ’09, Saturday, and Mike Jacobellis ’09. Rosemary and Dick Haverland ’59. October 19, 2019

Dan Taormina ’04 and Matthew Sussingham ’04. Members of the Class of 2004 enjoy the 2019 Chaminade High School Combined Reunions.

Members of the Class of 1954 gather together for their 65th reunion. Standing from left: Dick Manning, Patrick Mahoney, John Aneser, and Paul Eberst. Seated from left: Ray Miller and guest Sylvia, George Fink, and Gerald Curre.

18 COMBINED REUNIONS Chaminade • Stefanie & Anthony • Gayle & Anthony Class Participation Medallion Society Cappellino P’20 Iandoli ’85, P’21 1968 24% • Liam Bradley ’14 • Suzanne & David • Susan & Philip • Michael Solinas ’16 Casey P’21 Landolphi ’84, P’23 1972 23% Meribah Associates • Carolyn & Matthew • Maria & Stephan 1994 21% • Michael Galzerano ’10 Durnan ’88, P’21 Leccese P’22 1967 20% • Tara & James • Cristina & Dominic PARENTS Fitzpatrick ’92, P’22 Macedo ’83, P’20 1990 20% Bro. Louis • Elizabeth & James • Joan & Michael 1962 18% Faerber Leaders Golden P’20 Malloy P’20 1956 16% • Irene & Peter Klein • Regina & Thomas • Dolores & Stephen P’20 Halloran P’22 Marchese P’22 1958 16% Bro. Alexander • Krista & Peter Irwin • Stacey & Michael 1963 16% Ott Leaders P’21 Miller P’22 1978 15% • Theresa & Robert • Catherine & Thomas • Nicole & Andris Ahlstrom, Jr. ’81, P’20 Jessop, Jr. ’84, P’20 Morton P’20 • Michael Strandberg ’09 • Carla & Christopher • Deborah & Kevin • Alison & David • John Striano ’15 Concannon ’85, Lynch P’20 Palmer P’20 • Thomas Stroh ’66 P’21 • Michelle & Timothy • Heather & Terrence • Thomas Sullivan ’62 Father Chaminade McManus ’86, P’22 Randell ’88, P’23 • Richard Susi ’67 Members • Kathleen & Brian • Mary & John Rieger • Kenneth Swab ’69 • Jennifer & Charles Noonan ’86, P’20 P’21 • Christopher Tauss ’77 Balsamo P’22 • Elena & Roger • Anna Maria & Douglas • Glenn Thompson ’97 • Keryn & David O’Donnell ’87, P’21 Rochler P’21 • Rodger Tighe ’65 Connolly P’21, P’23 • Nadine & David Pace • Agata & Sumeer Sathi • Anthony Tripodoro ’11 • Carol & John Crean ’88, P’20 P’20 • Robert Tynan, Jr. ’94 ’78, P’20 • Donna & Robert • Lauren & Robert • John Vachris ’70 • Kelly & Ralph Ruland P’21 Shannon ’92, P’21 • Charles Vail ’61 D’Ambrosio P’21, • Kristina & John • Diane & Matthew • Jack Valentino ’18 P’23 Sweeney ’90, P’23 Spero ’92, P’22, P’23 • Gary Vandeweghe ’56 • Jeanie & Sean Kilduff • Tiffany & Joseph • Janet & Allen • Robert Verrone ’11 ’88, P’21, P’23 Terranova ’84, P’23 Stemberger P’22 • Jeffrey Villani ’81 • Denise & Michael • Romano Tio P’21 • Jennifer & Carl • Christopher Virga ’02 Mattone P’21 Fortes in Unitate Valentino P’21 • Thomas Vogel ’83 • Kristen & Anthony Members • Louisa & Loris • Walter Waddington, Patten ’87, P’20 • Frances & Christopher Zeppieri ’91, P’21 Jr. ’61 Crimson & Gold Allen ’90, P’21, P’22 Flyer Members • Ryan Wall ’08 Members • Cecilia & John • Christina & Kieran • Robert Wallace, Jr. ’11 • Leah & Joseph Antimisiaris P’21 Ahern ’91, P’21 • Brian Walsh ’12 Alduino, Jr. ’89, P’21, • Barbara & Thomas • Anonymous • Michael Washbourn ’88 P’23 Cahill ’83, P’21 • Kimberley & Leo • Joseph Wasniewski ’02 • MaryJo & James • Ann Marie & David Barnes, Jr. ’89, P’22 • Christopher Watro ’99 Ball P’20 Capodanno P’20 • Alycia & Francis • Robert Wilkens ’92 • Hope & John • Alexandra & Joseph Benenati ’90, P’21 • Brett Windisch ’12 Bertrand, Jr. ’89, P’22 Ciampa P’22 • Jacqueline & Roy • Kyle Woll ’17 • Theresa & Richard • Kerry DeLuca P’22 Breitenbach P’20 • Curtis Young ’97 Bohm P’21, P’23 • Karen & John • Suzanne & Denis • Thomas Zenker ’13 • Mary & Joseph Doherty ’88, P’21 Brosnan P’21 • William Ziegler ’48 Bonafede P’21 • Susan & Kieran Doran • Keri & Anthony Jr. President’s Council • Myong & Gene ’87, P’21 Chinappi, Sr. P’21 Flyer Members Caiafa, Jr. ’88, P’21, • Rosemary & Michael • Lisa & Robert • Patrick Nuzzolese ’12 P’23 Francesa P’23 Coors P’21

ALUMNI / PARENT DONORS 19 • Lisa & James Chaminade • Laurie & Kenneth • Donna & Brian Coppola P’23 Medallion Society Francis P’20, P’22 McManus ’89, P’20 • Elizabeth & Gerard • Marjorie & Marc • Jennifer & Albert • Nina & Christopher Costello P’20 Alacqua P’22 Frangella P’20 Miro P’21 • Carmela & Michael • Theresa & Michael • Paula & Robert • Mary Jane & Michael Cucci, Jr. P’20 Ameres P’21 Gagliardi P’21 Mulhern P’20 • Lisa & Armando • Anonymous • Lisa & Ramon • Michele & Daniel D’Arduini P’23 • Gina & Gerald Garcia P’20 Murphy P’22, P’23 • Alicia & Robert Augustin P’21 • Susan & John • Christine & Michael Doodian P’21 • Kristina & Robert Garzone P’20 O’Grady ’89, P’20 • Christine & John Benazzi ’91, P’22 • Liz & John Gray • Karen & Michael Farrell ’86, P’22 • Laura & Michael P’20 O’Sullivan P’20 • Madeline & Mario Bender P’21 • Maryanne & Robert • Maureen & Daniel Fischetti P’21 • Kathleen & Brendan Greene P’20 O’Sullivan P’21, P’23 • Concetta & Black P’20 • Donna & Francis • Catherine & John Robert Fitton ’88, • Debra & Peter Haskell P’22 O’Sullivan P’21, P’23 P’22 Braito P’20 • Sharon Hill P’20 • Eva Paprocki P’21 • Marilou & Steven • Maria & Kenneth • Patricia & Richard • Allyson & Pino Giammona P’20, Breitenstein P’20 Honan P’21 Pavano P’22, P’23 P’22 • Regina & Thomas • Alessandra & John • Kelly & James • Andrea & John Breslin ’89, P’22 Hubbell ’86, P’20 Pecora P’21 Kabacinski ’90, • Anita & Anthony • Karen & Joseph • Deirdre & John P’22 Brites P’23 Iaquinto P’21 Phelan P’21 • Erin & John • Lisa & Robert • Kerry & James • Jean & Peter Kurkjian P’20 Brunetti P’20 Jackson P’22 Polchinski P’20 • Katherine & • Colleen & Charles • Evelina & Stephen • Tanya & Jose Prince Richard Lane P’20 Caccavo P’20, P’23 Juengst ’82, P’20 ’91, P’23 • Elizabeth & John • Senia & Alexander • Monica & Olivier • Jacqueline & Liegey ’81, P’20 Calderon P’20 Juguet P’21 Raymond Quinn • Kathy & Patrick • Elaine & Frank • Allison & Joseph P’21 Lough P’23 Caliendo P’21 Kasson P’22, P’23 • JoAnn & Peter Ray, • Lisa & James • Elizabeth & Roy • Erin & John Kelly P’20 Jr. P’20 Loughlin ’90, Carvalho P’20, P’23 • Jennifer & Brandon • Ann Marie & Keith P’23 • Patrice & David Larson P’22 Reardon ’88, P’21 • Michele & Edward Creo P’20, P’23 • Natalie & Evaristo • Lonnie & Paul Major P’20 • Christine & Kevin Leston P’21 Rooney ’89, P’21 • Nora & Joseph Cudahy ’85, P’20 • Alica & Patrick • Kathleen & Marc McCormack P’22 • Diana & Mark Lulley P’21 Salerno P’22 • Mary & Saverio Davis P’21 • Kelly & Michael • Deanna & John Pugliese P’20 • Dianne & Anthony Lynch P’20, P’23 Samaritano P’20 • John Rachek ’89, DeSano ’86, P’22, • Victoria & Keith • Kim & Roger P’21 P’23 Macias ’89, P’21 Sampson P’21 • Virginia & Louis • Nancy & Andrew • Richelle & Steven • Tina & Cesar Sanz Ross P’21, P’23 DeWitt P’21 Mackiewicz P’20 ’90, P’22 • Laurie & Daniel • Angela DiRenzo • Michelle & Anthony • Elizabeth & Terence Salvatore P’21 P’22 Mannion P’20 Scheurer P’21 • JoAnn & Joseph • Clare & Robert • Renee & Eugene • Elizabeth & Thomas Schifano P’21 Doster P’20, P’22 Marquardt ’88, P’21 Smith ’86, P’23 • Lisa & John • Fatima & Thierry • Rosanna & Carlo • Tina & Ronald Valente P’20 Duchatellier P’21 Massaro ’91, P’22 Speranza P’21 • Kornelia & Mark • Megan & Philip • Lisa & Lane • Elizabeth Stewart Vecchio P’21 Fahey ’84, P’23 Maxson P’20 P’21

20 PARENT DONORS • Suzanne Sullivan • Aileen & James • Briseida & Pedro • Alison & Matthew P’21 Corcoran P’21 Rojas-Sanchez P’20 Camardella ’89, • Therese & Raymond • Susan & Michael • Maria & Robert P’20, P’23 Sweeney P’20 Corwin P’20 Taylor P’21 • Regina & Donald • Vincenza & Maurizio • Moira & Christopher • LynnMarie & John Canade P’22 Tallini P’21 Cullinan P’21 Testaiuti P’21 • Kathryn & James • Selena & Adilson • Jill & Robert • Shawn & Anthony Cantanno ’83, Toledo P’20 Dell’Unto P’21 Torres P’21 P’20, P’22 • Jeanne & Patrick • Evelyn & Michael • Lisa & Kenneth • Barbara & Thomas Tomlinson P’20 DeMartino P’23 Townley P’20 Cawley P’21 • Diana & Sean • Lauren & Peter • Cheryl & John • Kathryn & Scott Umhafer P’22 Eschmann ’88, Travaglia ’89, P’20 Cole ’95, P’22 • Jhanina & Cesar P’22, P’23 • Jeanne & George • Andrea & John Valdebenito P’20 • Alicia & Peter Urich P’23 Coll, III ’84, P’21 • Leona & Johnny Fitzgerald P’21 • Janet & Thomas • Chia-Yi & Michael Velazquez P’21 • Christine & John Ward, Jr. ’89, P’23 Collura ’85, P’23 • Luisa & Pedro Vera Flatley P’22 • Gina & James • Maureen & James P’20 • Gina & Richard Weedon P’21 Cooney P’22 • Noele & Michael Freda P’21 • Suzanne & Eric • Allyson & David Villa P’21 • Debbie & Gary Wieczorek P’21 Corchado P’20, • Susan & Anthony Friedman P’22 • Jodi Wood P’20 P’21 Viscuso P’21 • Diane & Kevin • Mary Noel & John • Francine & Gil • Ivy-Dan & Gregory Gorman P’20, P’23 Zgurzynski P’22 Cosenza P’22 Walsh P’21 • Teresa & Joseph The Century Club • Mary & Michael • Patricia & James Greco P’20, P’21 • Juliana & Roger Craig P’23 Weber P’20, P’23 • Maria & Peter Akiki P’21 • Maureen & Kevin • Despina & Michael Hannigan P’22 • MaryAnn & James Culhane P’23 Yarian P’21, P’23 • Celia & Donald Alfieri P’22 • Ann Marie & Brian • Suzanne & Jonathan Jacobs P’22 • Christine & Mayser Cullen P’22 Young P’20 • Lori & Robert Aljader P’20, P’22 • Lora & Rick Cunha • Elizabeth & Timothy Jacovetti P’20 • Denise & Kevin P’22 Zanchelli P’20 • Rebecca & John Andersen ’91, • Kelly & Paul Curtin Meribah Associates Krush P’20 P’21 P’20 • Melissa & Clifford • Colleen & William • Anonymous • Phyllis & Christopher Allen, P’20, P’22 Lynch P’21, P’23 • Jennifer & Thomas Daly P’23 • Anonymous • Suleika & William Atkinson, II ’88, • Karen & Martin • Cristina & Michael McCormick P’21 P’23 Daly ’86, P’20 Beauchamp P’20, • Kerry & Andrew • Colleen & Thomas • Lynne & Christopher P’21 Menger P’23 Barbella P’22 Dearborn ’87, • Brenda & James • Nicole Mollick- • Mary & Glenn P’22 Blum P’22 Polaski P’21 Barnett P’21 • Lisa & Anthony • Kristin & Thomas • Mary Jean & • Deborah & DeMonte P’22 Brown P’21 Thomas Morse Vincent Braccia • Laura & Douglas • Kelly & Ralph P’20 ’87, P’23 DeNatale, Sr. Burgess, II P’23 • Stephanie & • Carolyn & Todd P’20 • Cathy & James Matthew Papiro Brattan P’20 • Kristin & Douglas Cash P’22 P’22 • Debra & Robert DiDominica P’22, • Danielle & Robert • Ewai & Kyle Broderick P’20 P’23 Chesney P’20 Piechucki P’21, • Diane & James • Diane & Edward • Kelly & Richard P’23 Byrnes P’22 Donahue P’23 Collett ’86, • Diane & Eric • Margaret & John • Jennifer & Jason P’22 Ricioppo P’20 Callinan ’84, P’22 Donatelli P’20

PARENT DONORS 21 • Catherine & Brian • Nancy & Mark McDonald ’90, P’23 Robertson P’22 • Laura & Brian • Michelle & Joseph McGeown P’20 Sbiroli P’22 • Dawn & Sean • Marita & James McGuinness P’23 Serkes ’88, P’21 • Kerin & William • Elena & John McIntyre P’21 Shopis P’21 • Patricia & Daniel • Donna Squillace P’20 McLaughlin P’20 • Nancy & Edward • Mary Kate & Edward Stankewick P’23 McMahon P’22 • Karen & John • Melissa & Steve Steinert P’22 Mestousis P’23 • Anette & Daniel • Sandra & Gregory Sullivan ’71, P’22 Miller P’23 • Kathleen & Robert Matt Farber ’19 and his parents stop for a photo before • Denise & Gregory Todd P’20 commencement. Monaghan P’23 • Christine & John • Carmela & Dennis • Marta & Dennis • Marianne & Edward Touma P’21, P’23 Dunford P’23 Kelly P’23 Monaghan P’20 • Kerri & Brian Tully • Corin Eckel P’22 • Deborah & Christopher • Eileen & John P’21 • Margaret & Stephen Kendric P’22 Muller P’21 • Lisa & Richard Ernst P’21 • Priscilla & Anthony • Monica & Kevin Ugolini P’20 • Ann & Peter Kennedy P’22 Murray P’20, P’22 • Janet & Chris Figueroa ’92, • Virginia & William • Patricia & John Urciuoli P’22 P’23 Kerr P’21 Nunez P’20 • Patricia & Robert • Toula Georgiou • Caryn & W. Kerwick • Jana O’Brien P’23 Vassallo ’79, P’21 P’21, P’22 P’23 • Dorian & John • Carol & Errol • Maria & Vito • Karina & Kevin Oddo P’20 Walker P’22, Gerbino P’20 Klein P’20 • Danielle & Kyle P’23 • Michelle & Timothy • Teresa & Albert Olesen P’22 • Eileen & Thomas Gola P’21 Knaus P’22 • Patricia & William Wallace P’20 • Kathleen & Joseph • Cecilia & Jonathan O’Sullivan P’20 • Cynthia & Edward Grasso P’22 Kuttin P’20, P’22 • Cristina & Thomas Welch P’22 • Lisa & John • Grace & Samuel Papa P’20 Chaminade Patrons Gutman P’20 Joseph LaRocca P’22 • Marina Pavlovic • Christine • Honey & Patrick • Mary Anne & Peter P’22 Arniotis P’23 Halligan P’21 Anthony Liotta P’20 • Juliann & Thomas • Maria & Joseph • Irene & James • Andrea & Michael Preiss ’87, P’23 Calandra P’20 Harvey P’20 Lynch P’23 • Karen & John • Patricia & Carl • Marielena & Wallys • Doreen & Donald Profitlich P’22 Carinci P’22 Hawkins P’22 MacKenzie P’22 • Katherine & Patrick • Jeannie & Vito • Maria & Howard • Susan & Douglas Quinn P’23 Costanza P’21 Hecht P’23 Madden P’21 • Caroline & James • Christine & • Anne & Christopher • Denice & John Rafferty ’86, P’23 Raymond Costanzo Higgins P’20 Maloney P’22 • Alison & John P’20 • Nancy & Justin • Shanna & Dennis Regan P’23 • Stacey & Hugh Hughes P’21 Marte P’22 • Kathleen & Michael Cullen P’22 • Lizica & Cristian • Justus Matthaei Reynolds P’21 • Ashwini & Darrin Ioanitescu P’20 P’21 • Pamela & John Edmonds P’22 • Lucy & Behdad • Kathleen & Kevin Paul Rincon, Sr. • MaryPat & Robert Jamshahi P’21 McAuliffe P’20 ’93, P’21, P’23 Eilbacher P’20

22 PARENT DONORS • Maria Eliseo P’22 • Kathleen & Edward • Sarah & Anthony • Susan & Patrick • Cynthia & Frank Morrison P’21 Earley, Jr. ’67, P’93 Donnelly ’80, P’08, Filippelli P’22 • Magdalena & • Laura & Brian Hull P’14 • Karen & Carmine Krzysztof Murawski ’77, P’09 • Maureen & Donald Filosa P’23 P’22 • Mo & Dick Kearns Earl ’81, P’15 • Jennifer & Thomas • Kara & Michael ’68, P’91, P’94 • Gita & Larry Gayron P’21 Naus P’20 Bro. Alexander Frankini P’17 • Adamantia & • Megan & George Ott Leaders • Marie & Christopher Thomas Ginis P’20 Ockovic ’96, P’23 • Theresa & Robert Gibbons ’69, P’00 • Geraldine & • Bernadette & Frank Ahlstrom, Jr. ’81, • Anne & Albert Groh Argante Grippa Pizzardi P’22 P’18, P’20 ’62, P’99 P’20, P’22 • Tami & Scott Quinn • Anonymous • Bernadette & James • Debra & Michael P’22 • Christine & Gregory Harrison P’97, Hahn P’22 • Caterina & Roberto Burke P’16, P’17 P’99, P’05 • Gabrielle Julsaint Rasi P’23 • Carla & Christopher • Annette & William P’23 • Alexandra & Glen Concannon ’85, Hebel P’91, P’95 • Georgina & Miklos Rettinger P’21, P’15, P’21 • Marilyn & James Kapin P’22, P’23 P’22 • Lynn & Richard Herschlein ’79, • Amy & Robert Kear • Michelle & Mario DeMatteis ’68, P’09 P’21, P’22 Rinaldi P’20 P’04 • Diane & William • Kathleen & Richard • Maureen & Brian • Christine & Kevin Karl P’97, P’05 Kiley P’21 Ruggeberg P’20 Fee ’67, P’96 • Denise & Michael • Tracy & Eugene • Laura & Michael • Melanie & Michael Mattone P’15, Kirley ’86, P’20 Russo P’21 Fee ’75, P’07 P’17, P’21 • Linda & Matthew • Mary & Michael • Danielle & Mark • Allison & Christopher Kuczwaj P’23 Sadler P’21, P’22 Hamer P’11, P’17 Morris P’12 • Jaclyn & John • Christine & Bartolo • Rosemary & John • Mary Beth & Michael Laddomada ’93, Sausa P’21 Walsh P’13, P’14 Petsky P’10, P’11 P’23 • Margaret & Eric • Mickee & John • Tiffany & Juan • Jenny & Stephen Shuff P’20 Westerman ’75, Sandoval P’19 Lengyel P’20 • Eithne & Jeffrey P’07, P’10, P’13 • Patricia & James • Grace & Vincent Thorne P’22 Father Santelli, Jr. P’05 Manciameli P’22 • Jennifer & Chaminade • Patricia & Eugene • Sarah & Brian Lawrence Vowinkel Members Trudden P’96 Mauro P’23 P’22 • June & Kenneth Crimson & Gold • Christine & George • Wei & Yusui Breglio P’93, P’97 Members Mavrakis P’22 Wang P’20 • Carolyn & John • Anonymous • Christine • Jean & Peter Buechler ’64, P’98 • Mary & Joseph McGuigan P’22 Warner P’22 • Kathleen & Phillip Bonafede P’14, • Michelle • Robyn & John Cimmino P’11 P’18, P’21 McLaughlin P’22 Wilson P’22 • Carol & John Crean • Stefanie & Anthony • Brenda & Paul • Erica & Thomas ’78, P’14, P’16, Cappellino P’13, McManus P’22 Zepf P’21 P’18, P’20 P’16, P’20 • April Meyer P’22 • Nancy & Gerard • Mary Lou & John • Alisande & Joshua CAPA Cruse ’81, P’11, Cerrato P’01, P’03 Molgano P’21 Bro. Louis P’14 • Keely & Kenneth • Celina & Yves Faerber Leaders • Mary Ellen & Patrick Collins ’83, P’15 Mompoint P’22 • Denise & Kevin Curtin P’08, P’12 • Anne & Christopher • Elizebeth & Joseph Conway ’76, P’06, • Alfonse D’Amato Cornetta ’80, P’13, Mooney P’20 P’08, P’11 ’55, P’88 P’15, P’17 • Jennifer & Francis • Margaret & Peter • Laetitia & Justin • Janet & Peter Doran Morrisey P’22 D’Angelo P’96 DeCamp ’92, P’19 ’60, P’88, P’92

PARENT / CAPA DONORS 23 • Debra & Robert • Ann Marie & David • Roxanne & John • Keri & Anthony Gerner P’06, P’10 Capodanno P’15, Napoli ’74, P’07 Chinappi, Sr. P’19, • Annmarie & William P’18, P’20 • Kathie & Michael P’21 Golden ’83, P’18 • Mary & Herman Nawrocki ’73, P’00, • Eileen & James • Catherine & Thomas Charbonneau P’93 P’03, P’08 Christmas P’89 Jessop, Jr. ’84, P’16, • Anne & Terence • Helen & James • Lisa & Robert Coors P’18, P’20 Cooke P’93 Newman P’04 P’17, P’21 • Francesca & Frank • Patricia & John • Mary & Gus • Connie Corcoran Kurre ’81, P’18 Cosgrove P’03, P’09 Nuzzolese ’76, P’12 P’01 • Elizabeth & Patrick • Denise & Richard • Kathleen & Dennis • Christine & Stephen Long ’67, P’98, P’02 Duffy P’12 O’Brien P’99, P’02 Corwen P’17 • Deborah & Kevin • Victoria & Joseph • Mary & Kevin O’Keefe • Joanne & Richard Lynch P’18, P’20 Ferrara P’11, P’14 P’01, P’04 Craig ’64, P’88, • Kathleen & Michael • Michele & Robert • Christopher Palmer P’91 Maffucci ’74, P’13 Fitzsimmons P’14, ’87, P’18 • Julia & Thomas • Stephen Melley P’19 • Anna Maria & Douglas Crimmins, ’88, P’88, P’92 • Kendall & Timothy Rochler P’17, P’21 P’15 • Kathleen & Brian Gallagher P’17 • Linda & Michael • Robert Delfoe Noonan ’86, P’16, • Lucille Giardina Roemer P’04, P’06 ’61, P’97 P’18, P’20 P’00, P’03 • Jean & Thomas • Deirdre & Donald • Ellen & Michael • Marilyn & Drew Rollauer ’65, P’93, Denihan P’11, P’15 O’Hare P’15, P’17 Going P’19 P’95 • Carol & John • Lisa & Peter Reali • Frances & E. James • Robert Rynkar ’62, DiAndrea P’19 P’11 Greiner P’89 P’96 • Marybeth & James • Joanne & Edward • Rebecca & John • Agata & Sumeer DiLiberto ’71, P’96, Ronan P’98 Halleron, III ’56, P’90 Sathi P’18, P’20 P’00, P’02 • Christine & Thomas • Theresa & William • Carolyn & Thomas • Alicia & Robert Ryan, III ’86, P’17, Hazelton P’80, Schreck P’91, P’95 Doodian P’15, P’18, P’19 P’82, P’86 • Jeanellen & Craig P’21 • Jessica & Edward • Gayle & Anthony Tigh ’72, P’01, P’02, • Jacquelyn & Smith ’89, P’13, Iandoli ’85, P’14, P’06, P’12, P’15 Hermann Doss P’86 P’17 P’21 • Marina & Salvatore • Jeanine & Daniel • Alana & Anthony • Ann & Paul Johnke Trentacoste P’97, Driscoll P’18 Spera, II ’85, P’19 P’12 P’01 • Anne & John Dussel • Christine & Michael • Susan & Philip • Jennifer & Carl ’72, P’02, P’05 Tiedemann P’18 Landolphi ’84, P’16, Valentino P’18, • Barbara & George Fortes in Unitate P’18, P’23 P’21 Endres P’72 Members • Carol & Gregory • Patricia & Stephen • Theresa & James • Mary & Manny Alas LiCalzi ’70, P’00 Zuppello P’01 Finnerty P’16 P’04, P’07, P’10 • Joan & Michael Flyer Members • Kathleen & Thomas • Margaret & Karl Malloy P’18, P’20 • Anonymous Flood P’89, P’94 Anderson P’12 • Virginia & Thomas • Robert Atkins P’81, • Karen & Daniel Friel • Anonymous Martello P’16, P’18 P’86 ’82, P’12 • Claire & William • Eileen & Sean • Wendy & John • Netta & Joseph Basel ’58, P’83 McDermott P’18 Bucaria ’74, P’12, Fuschillo ’80, P’19 • JoAnn & Ronald • Irene & William P’17 • Lynn & John Bellistri P’96, P’00 McLaughlin ’80, P’12 • Deborah & Paul Fuschillo ’75, P’07 • Janet & Richard • Elizabeth & James Burns ’70, P’99 • Diana & Thomas Boziwick ’69, P’12 Mercadante ’79, P’10, • Jeanne & Paul Ginnane P’19 • Shannon & Lawrence P’13, P’18 Callahan ’72, P’11 • Kathleen & James Bradley P’14 • Tara & Christopher • Ann & Nunzio Glenister P’83, P’85, • Anne Byrne P’79, P’82 Moran ’85, P’15 Cardone P’73, P’76 P’86, P’92

24 CAPA DONORS • Marie & Melvin • Mary & Thomas • Sharon & John • Linda & Peter Dunn Gray P’97 Renker ’76, P’07 Buckley P’10, P’18 ’83, P’15, P’17, • Jane & Kevin Haff • Margaret & Reid • Suzanne Burke P’83, P’23 P’12, P’15, P’18 Sakowich P’12 P’89 • Geraldine & Michael • Tracey & Christopher • Lynn & James • Cookie & Christopher Dunphy P’98 Hanley ’80, P’09, Scarpati P’99 Byczek ’66, P’97, P’00 • Anthi & Antonio P’12, P’18 • Karen & Michael • Christine & James Eretzian P’19 • Christine Hanley Simons ’82, P’12, Cahill P’11 • Laura & Edward P’77, P’80 P’13, P’16 • Peter & Colleen Cahill Fitzgerald P’18 • Christine & Robert • Laura & Joseph P’14 • Maureen & John Harper ’67, P’00, P’03 Sweeney P’19 • Rosemary & Daniel Fives P’13, P’19 • Catherine & William • Jodi & George Caligiuri P’11 • Joan Flanagan Hennessy P’14 Taggart P’12 • Helen & Nicholas P’67, P’68, P’74, • Colleen & Donald • Denise & Eusebio Capece ’59, P’85, P’87 P’77 Hickey P’02, P’05, Teixeira P’16 • Vivian & James Casil • Margaret Ann & P’08 • Edward Tronolone P’98, P’02 Robert Foschi • Sohee & Theodore ’65, P’93 • Maureen & Laurence P’00, P’02 Krebsbach ’71, P’99 • Edmund Wallace Cassar ’59, P’84, P’89 • Patricia & William • MaryLou & Kevin P’09 • Heather & Mark Fugelsang P’03 Laurie P’18 • Patricia & Frederick Cirelli ’87, P’19 • Carol & Leonard • Elizabeth & John Yosca ’69, P’94 • Maureen Clancy P’74, Gioia ’68, P’05 Liegey ’81, P’16, P’20 Chaminade P’79, P’79 • Denise & Richard • Jennifer & Ronald Medallion Society • Katie & John Golle, Jr. P’14, LoPinto P’15 • Marjorie & Marc Cochrane P’19 P’16, P’19 • Kathy & Patrick Lough Alacqua P’16, P’22 • Margaret & Joseph • Liz & John Gray P’19, P’23 • Theresa & Michael Collins P’83 P’19, P’20 • Suzanne & Thomas Ameres P’19, P’21 • Michelle & Dean • Rosemary & Mario Lukacovic P’11, P’13, • Heather & Paul Condoleo P’19 Graziano P’02 P’17 Annunziato ’87, P’17 • Mary & Robert • Regina & Joseph • Christine & Matthew • Maureen & Joseph Connell P’09, P’18 Haffey P’85 Mancuso ’65, P’98 Anselmo P’96 • Dolores & Bart • Margaret & Michael • Donna & Thomas • Linda & Frank Coppola P’12, P’15, Hayes P’14 Mansfield P’07, P’19 Argenziano P’92, P’18 • Albert Heinlein • Jeanne & Michael P’95 • Carol Cotton P’09, 43, P’67 McBride P’08, P’11 • Patricia & Daniel P’10 • Sheila & Matthew • Nora & Joseph Barabino ’79, P’13 • Elena & Kevin Heslin P’18 McCormack P’18, • Frank Biondo P’19 Creeron P’19 • Janet & F. Richard P’19, P’22 • Tina & Mario Bonati • Wendy & John Hess ’74, P’05 • Donna McGrory P’84 P’18, P’19 Curran ’72, P’07 • Patricia & Richard • Maureen & Robert • Marianne & Timothy • Rita & Dominic Honan P’18, P’21 Minion P’81 Brady P’97, P’03 Cusimano P’95 • Kathryn & Michael • Dawn & Anthony • Christina & Timothy • Mary & Angelo Hopkins P’06 Molinari ’78, P’18 Braun P’18 Delligatti P’98 • Dorothy & Joseph • Margaret & Robert • Maria & Kenneth • Judith & Keith Horan ’84, P’11 Moran ’79, P’10, Breitenstein P’15, DeMarco P’06, P’13 • Edna & Walter P’13 P’17, P’20 • Maria & Manuel Hornberger P’77, • Donna & Richard • Anita & Anthony DeMatos, Jr. ’86, P’90 Napolitano ’84, P’18 Brites P’16, P’23 P’16, P’18 • Kerry & James • Patricia & Edward • Arleen & Herbert • Angela DiRenzo Jackson P’17, P’19, O’Malley ’78, P’07 Brown, Jr. P’99 P’19, P’22 P’22 • Carol & A. Joseph • Lisa & Robert Brunetti • JoAnne & Matthew • Lynn & Edward Pisciotto ’65, P’05 P’15, P’20 Duffy P’19 Jamie P’17

CAPA DONORS 25 • Elyse & Stanley • Kathryne & John • Deanna & John • Marta & Martin Jaworski, Jr. ’68, P’00 Moran P’97, P’99 Samaritano P’19, Waters ’72, P’15 • Lisa & Richard • Diane & Thomas P’20 • Elaine Weaver P’11 Kasparian P’15, P’19 Moran P’17, P’19 • Siobhan & • Adele & Glenn • Catherine & Robert • Maria & Peter Christopher Scaring Werneburg P’06, Kearns ’63, P’99 Morello ’84, P’16 P’14, P’16, P’18 P’12 • Adele & Edward • Marie & Daniel • James Schanter P’19 • Donna-Marie & Kuczmarski P’98 Murphy P’18 • Joan & Frederick Kenneth Williams • Rosemarie & Donald • Michele & Daniel Schmidt P’19 P’19 Landolphi P’82, P’84, Murphy P’19, P’22, • Alejandra & Gerhard • Marie & H. P’88 P’23 Schmitt P’18 Zembruski, Jr. • Megan & Frank • Carolee & Noel • Bernadette & Richard ’62, P’97 Lawless P’19 Nixon P’17 Semenick P’07, P’09 Meribah Associates • Marjorie Leghart P’85 • Deirdre & Robert • Caterina & Robert • Maureen & Steven • Natalie & Evaristo O’Connell, Jr. P’07, Severini P’19 Agostinacchio P’08 Leston P’19, P’21 P’14 • Kathleen & James • Ellen & Dennis • Helena & Mark • Christine & Michael Sheehy P’07, P’11 Almodovar ’85, P’16 Lotruglio P’17 O’Grady ’89, P’19, P’20 • Eileen & Andrew • Carole & Frank Amico • Nancy & Richard • Kathleen & William Simons ’56, P’82, P’99 P’01, P’03 Loughlin ’64, P’90 O’Neill P’95 • Elizabeth & Thomas • Anonymous • Kristina & Christopher • Michele & Michael Smith ’86, P’19, • Ellen & Gerard Baker Lynch ’82, P’14 Paton ’79, P’17 P’23 P’10, P’12, P’16, P’19 • Victoria & Keith • Deirdre & John • Nancy & Todd • Silvana & John Macias ’89, P’16, P’19, Phelan P’18, P’21 Stepniewski P’09 Barkaus P’14 P’21 • Lynn & Paul Pinto • Suzanne Sullivan • Alberta & James • Ellen Maher P’92 P’09, P’11 P’17, P’21 Begley P’01 • Christina & Christopher • Monica & Christopher • Maureen Sweeney • Anne Boland P’96 Manettas P’15 Proto P’08 P’85 • Carmel & Daniel • Angelica & Wilbert • Kathleen & James • Therese & Raymond Boruch P’08 Maniego P’11 Quinn ’68, P’04 Sweeney P’17, • Eleanore & John • Annamarie & Carlo • Lorraine Reardon P’20 Brennan ’83, P’18 Mansueto P’13 P’86, P’88, P’96 • Christopher • Sara & John Broderick • Roberta & Louis • Gregory & Elaine Sweeny ’47, P’79 P’13, P’15 Marino P’11 Riano P’17 • Jeanne & Patrick • Kelly & Ralph Burgess, • Maureen & Edward • Beth & Stephen Tomlinson P’17, II P’17, P’19, P’23 Martin P’04, P’10 Rochford P’08, P’10, P’20 • Margaret & John • Jean McAward P’75, P’14, P’16, P’19 • Connie & Andrew Byrne P’10 P’76, P’78 • Laura & Thomas Torto P’12 • Loretta & John • Mary Jean & Robert Rogan ’83, P’19 • Kathleen Tubridy Cameron P’99 McCarthy ’79, P’14 • Nancy & Daniel P’15, P’17 • Therese & Leonard • Janet & Patrick Ronayne P’13, P’19 • Diana & Sean Camporeale P’18 McHugh ’74, P’08 • Barbara Ross P’86 Umhafer P’13, • Millicent & Anthony • Frances & Brian • Janet & Francis P’19, P’22 Caporrino P’92, McKeever P’97, P’98, Ruddy P’04 • Jeanne & John P’94 P’08 • Rosemarie & Carl Umland P’14 • Deborah & Thomas • Maria & John Russo P’03, P’08, • Silvana & Gerard Carberry, Sr. P’04 McKenna ’72, P’99 P’12 Vanderberg P’09 • Alice & Vito Cardo • Diane & Michael • Terence Russo ’91, • Mary Ellen & Lino P’01 Minarczyk P’13, P’18 Vella P’00, P’03, • Marguerite Carney P’16 • Michelle & Michael P’05, P’08 P’69, P’82 • Rachel & David Salogub P’92, P’04, • Luisa & Pedro • Kathleen & William Mollon P’19 P’07, P’09 Vera P’18, P’20 Carriero ’69, P’96

26 CAPA DONORS 49th Annual Golf and Tennis Open Monday, June 24, 2019 From left, Golf and Tennis Open Assistant Director Kevin Parente ’82, co-chairs Kevin Cudahy ’85 and Tony Spera ’85, and Executive Director Bill Basel ’58 organized the day’s events at Chaminade’s 49th annual Golf and Tennis Open.

From left, Joe Tatamella, Rob DeRosa ’88, Dave Gildea ’93, and Michael Gildea ’98 enjoy cocktails before the live auction at Nassau Country Club.

From left, Jack Kerning ’15, Dan Kerning ’81, Dan Kerning ’14, and Will Kerning ’19 enjoy brunch at the Nassau Country Club.

From left, Kevin Conway ’76, Gary Camus ’76, Gus Nuzzolese A Flyer foursome gets ready to approach the first tee. ’76, and Mike Curran ’76 take a break at the fourth hole.

Great rounds of tennis were played by an enthusiastic group of players.

49TH ANNUAL GOLF AND TENNIS OPEN 27 • Bethany & Michael • Christine & John • Mary Frances & • Patricia & Kevin Cecere P’18 Flatley P’16, P’18, John Jeffrey P’04, McCabe P’13 • Patricia & Donald P’22 P’09, P’10, P’12 • Suleika & William Christiansen P’95 • Virginia & John Foy • Adela & Franklin McCormick P’19, P’21 • Patricia & Christopher P’90, P’92 Johnson P’89, P’90 • Donna & Edward Christiansen ’69, P’97 • Patricia & William • Rebeca & Greg McCoyd ’61, P’87 • Harriet & Frederick Furlong P’12, P’18 Johnston P’18 • Christina & Mark Combs P’87 • Song Cha & Victor • Sharrel & D. Kamath McDonnell ’78, P’17 • Barbara & Stephen Gallo P’97 P’99, P’09 • Phyllis & Sean Conroy P’95 • Theresa & Vincent • Diane & Frank McGonigle P’07, • Karen & Douglas Gallo P’81, P’81 Karpowicz P’01 P’11 Cornell ’81, P’17 • Paola & Francisco • Kathleen & Michael • Jane & Christopher • Carol & Dennis Garcia P’16, P’19 Kelty P’05 McGrath ’77, P’19 Craine ’58, P’97 • Christina Marie • Jane & Brian Kemp • Linda & Michael • Suzanne & Paul Garger P’16 P’02, P’04, P’06 McGuire P’16, P’18 Cullen P’19 • Eileen & Thomas • Jacquelyn & Joseph • Evelyn & John • Moira & Christopher Garry P’14, P’19 Kenney P’05, P’10 McKay P’13 Cullinan P’19, P’21 • Kathleen Goldin • Catherine & James • Caroline & Leo • Carol & Pasquale P’14 Kessler ’76, P’10 McManus P’85, Cuomo P’02 • Timothy Gorry ’70, • Michelle & Scott Kiley P’88 • Marylee & Matthew P’04 ’82, P’12, P’16 • Geraldine & Michael Davis P’15, P’17 • Marianne & Brian • Ann & William Merlo P’06, P’10 • Tina & Richard Grady ’73, P’02, Korchak P’17 • Pauline & David DeGregoris ’81, P’12 P’06, P’10 • Paul Kraus P’81 Montegari P’01, • Jill & Robert • Peggy & Robert • Nancy & Stephen P’03, P’04 Dell’Unto P’18, P’21 Guerrin ’68, P’01 Krines ’64, P’96, P’98 • Alexis & Louis • Debra & Hector • Michele & Kevin • John Laddomada P’93 Morledge P’16, P’19 DeMarchena P’11 Harrington P’09, • Jean & Douglas • Suzanne & Donald • JoAnn & Anthony P’14 Lambert P’04, P’08 Morrison ’73, P’03 DePasquale P’06 • Margaret & Peter • Annemarie & Sean • Brooke & Robert • Kathleen & Thomas Healy ’79, P’07, Lapham ’86, P’15 Munfa P’98, Douglas P’97, P’00 P’12 • Kathryn & Edward P’00, P’02 • Catherine & Richard • Sherril & Kevin Larkin P’03 • Patricia & Kevin Dowling ’68, P’92, Heneghan ’82, • Maureen & Mario Munnelly P’87 P’92 P’18 Lipari P’04, P’06, • Susan & Daniel • Nancy & Thomas • Melanie & George P’09 O’Connell ’79, P’12 Dufek P’99, P’02, Herger P’99, P’03, • Georgiana & Anthony • Christine & Michael P’06 P’07 Lombardi P’86 O’Grady ’69, P’89 • Ann & Paul • Mary Jean & William • Magdalene & Felix • Christine & John Engelhart P’10 Hundt P’83 Lopez ’65, P’92 O’Kelly P’18 • Loreen & William • Jeannine & Eddy • Karen & Joseph • Brian O’Reilly P’94 Entenmann P’19 Iocco P’18 Lucchesi ’63, P’93 • Debra & Thomas • Maureen & Thomas • Celia & Donald • Jan & James Lynch Osborn P’96 Falanga P’05, P’09 Jacobs P’18, P’22 ’71, P’03 • Ann & Robert • Megan & Joseph • Lori & Robert • Mary & Frank Pagnotta P’95 Ferrick ’85, P’17 Jacovetti P’17, P’20 Macchio P’95, P’98 • Maureen & Frank • Anne Marie & Christ • Donna & John • Laura & John Palmieri P’98 Fidis P’16 Jansen ’68, P’96 Martinkat P’19 • Bonnie & Kevin • Alicia & Peter • Rosemary Janus • Tomasina & Anthony Parente ’82, P’19 Fitzgerald P’09, P’21 P’86 Mastroianni P’08 • Maureen & Joseph • Anne Fitzgibbon • Marie & William • Eileen & Richard Pollicino, Jr. ’77, P’00, P’06 Jaros P’16 McAllister P’03, P’06 P’15

28 CAPA DONORS • Elaine & Anthony • Thomas Whelan P’80 • Judith & William • Barbara & Michael Portannese P’12 • Marianna Winchester Bautz P’85 Butler ’79, P’07, P’10 • Kathy & Edwin P’97 • Paul Becker P’79 • Anne & William Butler Pramberger P’06 • Carol & John Wisell, • Eileen & Lester ’78, P’10, P’15 • Nancy & Robert Sr. P’81, P’83 Bellafiore P’88 • Patricia & Edward Renda ’82, P’05, P’09 • Nicholas Zacchea • Anna & Gary Byrne P’98, P’03 • Jane & Matthew P’79, P’80 Bellesheim P’08, • Mary Ann Cali P’05 Roberts P’19 • Dolores Zarzycki P’11 • Elizabeth & Eugene • Anne & Daniel Rogan P’73, P’80, P’84 • Marion & John Capobianco ’82, P’12, P’70, P’73, P’75, P’78 The Century Club Bencivenga ’67, P’14 • Diane & James Ryan • Ellen & James P’02 • Ariadne & Doric P’92, P’95 Agosta P’09 • Eileen & Brian Capsis P’15 • Elizabeth & James • Marie Agosta P’91 Bender P’01 • Valerie & James Sallusto P’09, P’19 • Marta & Jorge Agosti • Patricia & Peter Carillo ’85, P’19 • Jacqueline & Scott P’06, P’09, P’15 Biagioli ’78, P’05, • Peggy & Michael Schneider P’12, P’15 • Bernadette & Gabriel P’09 Carillo P’85 • Regina & Robert Alarcon P’01 • Pamela & Ralph • Elise & Kenneth Schneider P’00, P’03 • Lina & William Bianculli P’07 Carlino P’16, P’19 • Mary & Anthony\ Alcide P’02, P’05 • Corina & William • Ellen & Anthony Scuderi P’19 • Carole & John Birkdale P’11, Cascardi P’71 • Joan Sheeron P’03, Alfano P’96 P’13, P’19 • Alicea & Joseph P’06 • Diane & David • Margaret & Thomas Cascio P’19 • Mary Ellen & Michael Alonso P’14 Blair P’02 • Stephanie & Michael Sloan P’05, P’14 • Anna & Edwin • Kathleen & Bruce Cascio P’17 • Deborah & Steven Anderson P’04, P’07 Blanco P’07, P’08 • Anita & Edwin Casey Sloane P’03 • Carol & Louis Andre • Joan & George P’85, P’87, P’93 • Karen & Vincent P’03, P’05 Blednick P’94 • Linda & Anthony Stracquadanio P’07, • John Aneser ’54, • Kathleen & Basil Casillo P’14 P’11 P’84, P’85 Bliss P’04 • Louise & Mauro • Mary & John Suydam • Cathy & Vincent • Catharine & Anthony Cassano P’85, P’88 P’10, P’16 Ansanelli, III ’74, P’00 Blye P’19 • Joseph Castrigno ’57, • Kathleen & John • Lynne & Theodore • Susan & Kevin Boix P’86 Sweeney P’12 Arena P’01 P’07 • Barbara & Thomas • Karen & Richard • Kathryn & Mark • Judy & Richard Cawley P’17, P’19, Thomas P’90 Arning P’07, P’09, Boneville P’97 P’21 • Joan & James Tormey P’11 • Mary & William • Denise & Leonard P’74, P’86 • Joan & Robert Bonneville P’99 Chiarelli P’13 • Lisa & Kenneth Backofen P’79 • Maria & Joseph • Joanne & Michael Townley P’17, P’20 • Janet Baker P’84 Borrelli P’14 Chicvak P’04 • Cheryl & John • Madeleine & • Nadia & Michael • Delores & T. Childs Travaglia ’89, P’13, Alexander Balko Borruso P’19 ’63, P’07 P’20 P’99 • Elizabeth & Thomas • Ines & Ernest Chisena • Jean & Theodore • Lynn & Lawrence Brady P’03 P’03, P’10 Trembinski P’78 Bamberger P’05 • Patricia & Peter • Mary & Thomas • Joanne & Lawrence • Foula & Gerard Brala P’85 Christman P’09, P’14 Ueland ’66, P’99 Bandini P’15, P’19 • Joseph Brown P’73 • Thomas Christman • Elizabeth & Michael • Valerie & James • Anne & Scott P’85, P’88, P’90 Van Praag P’04, P’14 Baranello P’91, P’93 Brown P’11 • Louise & John • Stephanie & Philip • Sandra & Lawrence • Patricia & Ronald Cifichiello P’99 Veltre P’05, P’10 Baroletti P’84, P’85 Brutschin P’17 • Gina & Antonio Cinelli • Geralyn & Robert • Donna & Gregory • Mary-Ann & Vincent P’02, P’05 Walters P’07 Basso P’01, P’08 Burke P’99, P’03 • Peter Ciorciari P’98

CAPA DONORS 29 • Maria & Francesco • Geraldine & William • Patricia & Allan • Elizabeth & Raymond Cipollone P’14 DeMilt, Sr. P’85, Englehart P’91 Gallagher P’03, • Anne & John Clark P’86, P’89 • Margaret & Stephen P’06, P’09 P’16 • Mary Ann & Robert Ernst P’07, P’21 • Connie Gallagher • Donna & Richard Demmett P’10 • Jacqueline & George P’99 Clarkson ’55, P’80, • Ellen & Michael Espinosa ’72, P’05 • Patricia Gallery P’18 P’85 Desmond P’98 • Madeleine & Neil • Carol & Edward • John & MaryAnn • Mary & John Esposito P’89 Galvin P’09 Clouse P’80, P’81, Didden P’99 • Virginia & John • Ann Garnett P’06, P’85 • Joanne & Christopher Ewen P’04 P’10 • Mary & Charles Diehl P’11, P’14 • Mirjana & Ante • Andrea & James Conley P’92 • Mary Ann & Robert Facini P’00, P’01, Garrity P’06 • Michael Connor P’00 DiFazio P’10 P’07 • Ann & James • Cynthia & James • Louise & Vito DiNiso • JoAnne Faderl P’03 Garvey P’84 Connors ’80, P’14 P’18 • Loretta & Dennis • Therese & Phillip • Kathleen & John • Diana & Louis Falvey P’94 Gennawey P’00 Conway P’00 DiStefano P’98 • Mary Anne & Paul • Patricia & Brian • Anne & Frederick • Kathleen & James Famighetti, Sr. ’67, Gentile P’06 Coppersmith P’95 Doherty P’03 P’91 • Maria & Vito • Francine & Gil • Joan & Robert • Diane & John Gerbino P’17, P’20 Cosenza P’14, P’22 Dombrowski P’01, Fanning P’84 • Carol & James • Mary & Michael P’07 • Mary & Kenneth Gergel P’87, P’90 Craig P’19, P’23 • Kim & James Fasano P’10, P’13 • Jeanne Gillon • Catherine Crimmins Donnelly P’19 • Carolyn & Edward P’85, P’86 P’97, P’98 • Anne Marie & Thomas Feltham P’08 • Maryona & Kevin • Margaret & Brenden Donnelly P’19 • Alison & Jeffrey Gilmartin P’86, Crowe P’15 • Catherine & Thomas Ferrara P’16, P’18 P’89 • Mary & Michael Donnelly P’80, • Patricia & Nicholas • Margaret & Paul Cunningham P’17 P’81, P’86, P’90 Ferraro P’17 Goldberg P’11 • Rosemary & John • Bernadette & • Joseph Ferrick P’85, • Susan Gordon P’13 Cusano P’73, P’78, Edward Doran P’18 P’86 • Jennifer & Wally P’82, P’85 • Anne Dour P’77, P’83 • Diane & Michael Gordon-Tennant • Patricia & Anthony • Janice & Timothy Fiechter P’07 P’97 Cusumano P’19 Dowd P’89 • Susan & William • Kathleen Grana P’86 • Suzanne & Glenn • Janet & Edward Field, IV P’05 • Maria & Francis D’Agnes P’04, P’09 Downey, Jr. P’05, • Annemarie & Patrick Gribbon P’14 • Kimberly & Keith P’08 Finley P’98 • Patricia Guckert P’86 D’Agostino ’93, P’19 • Meg & Kenneth • Ann & Gerald • Regina & Mark • Nancy & Michael Dramer P’15 Finnerty P’95 Guevarra P’19 D’Agostino P’09 • Mary Ellen & James • Patricia & Andrew • Marjorie Haberman • Carol & Frank Dahl Duffy P’85, P’87 Fisher P’00 P’00 P’18, P’19 • Anna & William • Patricia & John Ford • Natalie & Edward • Karen & Martin Daly Dunlop P’91, P’94 P’88 Habert P’89 ’86, P’17, P’20 • Eileen & James • Doreen & Robert • Anne & Mark • Kathleen & Joseph Dvorak P’11, P’14, Frawley, Jr. P’06, Hadlock P’11 Danbusky P’96 P’17 P’09 • Pat Hajny P’73 • Jeanne & Walter • Sheila & Kevin • Jody & Dennis • Marion & George Dauksher P’82 Dwyer P’16 Friedman P’17 Halvatzis, Sr. P’14 • Trisha & Gregory • Christine & Daniel • Camille & William • Alice & Charles Dean P’15 Dwyer P’16 Fuessler P’06 Hamilton P’08 • Jennifer & William • Joseph Egan ’62, • Angela & Christopher • Julianne & John DeCamp, III P’92 P’89, P’91 Furlong Hardick P’10, P’12

30 CAPA DONORS • Gilda & Robert • Lynne & David • Barbara LaCorte P’09 • Angela & Dennis Harrison P’09 Jandovitz P’07, P’09 • Janet & Thomas Martin P’87, P’89, • Irene & James • Ellen & John LaPorta P’01, P’04 P’92, P’92 Harvey P’16, P’20 Janowski P’99, P’04 • Christopher Latham • Katherine & William • Johna & Stephen • Lucille & William ’69, P’19 Martin P’11 Harvey P’15 Jockle P’90 • Michel & Bepty • Agnes & Joseph • Jacqueline & Joseph • Joanne & Adam Laurencon P’96 Martorella P’85, P’86 Haslbauer P’11 Joesten P’13 • Norma & George • Carole Marvelli P’88 • Lynn & Mark • Jean & James Johns Lehan P’86, P’90 • Tracy & Robert Haslinger P’02, P’06 P’09 • Janice & Salvatore Masterson P’12, P’16 • Noreen & Edgar • Sheridan & James Leo P’92 • MaryAnn & Michael Haug P’00 Johnson P’08 • Janet Levchuck Mastrandrea P’18 • Catherine & Charles • Grace & Jeff Kalibat P’80 • Patricia & John May Hearon P’03 P’07 • Caroline & Keyman P’02, P’10 • Maria & Howard • Pascale & Lew P’19 • Marilyn & Edward Hecht P’13, P’17, Kamel P’14 • Mary Anne & Peter McCabe P’82, P’87 P’23 • Margaret & Charles Anthony Liotta • Margaret & Henry • Lori & James Karazia P’01 P’17, P’20 McCabe P’99, P’01 Heiman P’01, P’06 • Kristine & Francis • Liane & Patrick • Deborah & Thomas • Joyce & Alan Keating, III ’77, P’10 Liotta P’19 McCormack ’73, Hein P’78 • Margaret & James • Jeanne Lippolis P’03, P’12 • Christine & Armand Keefe, Jr. ’63, P’96 P’03, P’05 • Sharon & Sean Hensen P’11, P’16 • Joan & Leo Keegan • Alice Locke P’93 McDermott P’09 • Betty & Frederick P’77 • Irene & William • Lois & John Hess P’74 • Virginia & William Loeffler P’19 McDonald P’87, • Martina & Peter Kerr P’11, P’14, • Patricia & William P’90 Higgins P’17 P’17, P’21 Lorusso P’99 • Anne & Hugh • Anne & Christopher • Caryn & W. Kerwick • Elaine & Cyril McElhennon P’87 Higgins P’15, P’20 P’13, P’15, P’23 Loumeau P’81, • Walter McGuire • Sunan & Michael • Carol & Victor P’84, P’87, P’93 ’59, P’96 Hinchcliffe P’08 Keyloun P’89 • Isabelle Love • Marian McHugh • Patricia & Robert • Anne & John Kiernan P’85 P’14 Hodson P’00 ’64, P’02, P’05 • Pamela & Kevin • Luisa & Paul • Anne-Therese & • Karina & Kevin Lumpe P’17 McHugh P’13 James Hoenig P’96, Klein P’16, P’20 • Diane & John • Kerin & William P’97 • Stephanie & Michael MacEwen P’97 McIntyre P’17, P’21 • Patricia & Michael Knowles P’19 • Susan & Frederick • Linda & John Holland P’01 • Lucille & John Magovern P’11 McMahon P’04, P’07 • Karen & Paul Koch P’05 • Margaret & Martin • Caroline & Leo Homer ’78, P’10 • Donna & Robert Maguire P’93, McManus P’85, • Glee & Michael Kosina P’15 P’98 P’86, P’89 Hoonhout P’15, • Jennifer & James • Sherri & Peter • Irene & John P’17, P’19 Kreuscher P’17 Mangus P’06 McMorrow P’84, • Mary & James • Linda & Ronald • Donna & Frank P’85, P’94 Houlihan ’69, P’03 Krisch P’02 Marchetta P’09 • Ramona McNicholas • Barbara & Salvatore • Nancy & William • Christine & P’88, P’90 Iannuzzi P’00 Kuhle P’94 Christopher Marinis • Ellen & Francis • Anne & John • Trudy & Frank ’60, P’85, P’89 McShane P’98, P’99 Imbornoni P’09, Kurre P’81, P’84 • Evelyn & Steven • Mary Ellen Meegan P’13 • Cecilia & Jonathan Marron P’11 P’95 • Rosemarie & Joseph Kuttin P’18, P’20, • Lynette & M. Daniel • Eileen & Carl Ingersoll P’00 P’22 Martin P’95 Mehldau P’98, P’02

CAPA DONORS 31 • Silva & Robert • Rosemarie & John • Kathryn Quaderer • Patricia Schweitzer Michel P’11 O’Grady, Jr. P’79, P’00, P’02 P’85 • Mary Miller P’87 P’77, P’82 • Rosemarie & John • Karen & Colin • Katherine & Richard • Lisa & John O’Grady, Quigg P’09 Serkes P’07 Miller P’07 III ’77, P’14, P’16 • Mary Ann & Edmund • Maria & Timothy • Nancy & Joseph • Joanne & Jeffery Rakowski ’73, P’08 Shanley ’66, P’97 Minogue P’86, O’Shaughnessy P’16 • Janet & Kenneth • Dianne & John P’88, P’92 • Jeanette & Edward Regan ’78, P’13, P’18 Sheehan P’17 • Denise & Gregory O’Sullivan P’86 • Irene & Brenden • Elizabeth & John Monaghan P’17, • Patricia & William Reilly P’02 Shelley P’14 P’23 O’Sullivan P’16, • Candida & Domingos • Virginia & Robert • Leslie & Peter P’20 Reis P’98, P’99 Shine P’91, P’93 Monteferrante ’59, • Sheila & Robert • Cheryl & Christopher • Joyce Shivers P’86, P’88 Otten P’97 Reisert ’72, P’04 P’91 • Theresa & Mark • Jacqueline & Edward • Linda & Gregory • Elizabeth & Alfred Moran ’80, P’18 Otton ’64, P’14 Robins P’05 Simoncini P’14, P’19 • Josephine & Thomas • Margaret & Daniel • Linda & Bryan Rogers • Susan & Jeremiah Moriarty P’87, P’88 Otton P’05 P’11 Sluker P’06 • Barbara & Michael • Eileen & Basil • Virginia & Richard • Carole & Paul Smith Morici, Sr. P’92, Palmeri ’78, P’06, Ronan P’84, P’90 ’56, P’82 P’96, P’02 P’10 • Dorothy & Thomas • Linda Snedeker P’05 • Patricia & Stephen • Marian & Dale Rudolph P’12 • George Spahn P’87, Mullen P’13, P’14 Parish P’84 • Elizabeth & Michael P’89 • Madeleine & Edwin • Mary Parrino P’10, Ruppenthal P’13 • Lisa & Robert Muller P’92 P’12 • Jane & Francis Speranza P’14, P’15, • Raymond Mullman, • Loraine & William Ryan P’93 P’18 Sr. ’54, P’78, P’87 Patten P’87 • Lubomira Rydl • Joan & Edward • Mary & Peter • Susan & Nicholas P’98 Spergl P’92 Murawski P’96, Pennacchio P’99 • Anne & Richard • Renate & Michael P’99, P’04 • Elizabeth Pessala Safrath P’04 Spiegel P’17 • Sally Murphy P’79 P’05 • Jean & Albert • Debra & Ronald • Jennifer & Stephen • Rosemary & Salvatico P’90 Stallone P’11, P’15 Murphy P’19 Michael Pettei P’97, • Maureen & Kevin • Nancy & Edward • Jolanta Mychajlyszyn P’99,P’02 Sampson ’73, Stankewick P’19, P’19 • Victoria & Vincent P’01, P’08 P’23 • Jean & Leonard Pfalzer P’07 • Margaret & Ronald • Estelle Steck P’75 Nardo P’01 • Mary Pat & Patrick Saporita P’02 • Emilie & William • Joan & Patrick Pilch P’12 • Felicia & Vincent Stris P’93 Navarra P’15 • Eileen & Joseph Sarnelli P’17 • Cynthia & Michael • Susan & Kingston Pipala P’05 • Carol & Thomas Sullivan P’04 Nelson P’02 • Mary & Thomas Saville ’55, P’84, • Patricia & Michael • Giselle & Gregg Pojero P’07, P’87, P’92 Sutton P’09 Nevola P’16 P’10, P’18 • lorence & Thomas • Priscilla & Stephen • Margaret & Robert • Shari & James Scalere P’94 Szachacz P’86 O’Brien ’79, P’06, Poppe P’10 • Barbara & Otto • Lisa & William Teitz P’10, P’13 • Dawn Marie & Schaefer P’89 P’05, P’09 • Debora & Kenneth Michael Prate, • Jacquelyn & • Phyllis & John O’Connor P’12, Sr. P’09 Steven Schick P’16 Thomas P’87 P’15 • Elaine & Vito Pucci • Gail & Robert • Mary & Peter • Dorian & John P’09 Schmidt P’11 Trapani P’19 Oddo P’13, P’17, • Joanne & Joseph • Karen & Michael • Maureen & Scott P’20 Puntillo P’08 Schuh P’93, P’94 Tredwell ’77, P’13

32 CAPA DONORS • Marie & Joseph Chaminade Patrons • Madeline & Joseph • Maureen Coyle P’93 Troisi P’97 • Madeline Calderone P’03, P’05 • Mary & Michael • Mary Ann & George Abbatiello P’90 • Barbara & Sam Coyne P’80, P’82 Trovato, Sr. P’89, P’94 • Jill & Geoffrey Caligiure P’96 • Eleanor & Michael • Jane & Bernard Addeo ’90, P’17 • Lena & Pietro Calleo Cramer ’71, P’00, Turchiano P’04, P’07 • Linda & Lawrence P’85, P’91 P’04 • Christine & John Akers P’01 • Patricia & Francis • Anna & James Turnbaugh P’04 • Helga & Paul Caminiti P’88, P’90 Cullen P’85, P’93, • Diane & Anthony Alicanti P’02 • Linda & Robert P’93 Turner ’77, P’03, P’05 • Francesca & Alfonso Candela P’98 • Nancy & John Curry • Erin & William Urkiel, Amorizzo P’05, P’07 • Barbara & Vincent P’12, P’15, P’19 Jr. P’08 • Mimi & Kenneth Capogna P’07, P’10 • Paul Cusato P’93 • Margaret & Jay Aneser ’84, P’14 • Susan & Christopher • Amphy & Richard Valentine P’11, P’16 • Ann & Joseph Ares Carlsen P’04, P’06, DaCosta P’18 • Carol & Thomas P’02 P’08 • Bunny & Thomas Vallely, III P’99 • Anna & Hugh • Joan & Steven Daly P’18, P’19 • Diana & Joseph Vani Armstrong P’86 Carlucci P’14, P’19 • Phyllis & Thomas P’13, P’15 • Gina & Daniel • Jean & William D’Antona P’95 • Patricia & Robert Bagnuola P’04 Carney P’90 • Cammy & Frank Vassallo ’79, P’08, • Christine Balestrieri • Mary & Anthony DeCicco P’18 P’11, P’17, P’21 P’98, P’00 Cavallaro P’15 • Dana & Frank • Nadine & Juan • Barbara Beam P’89, • Lisa & Michael DeLeo P’12 Veletanga P’19 P’90, P’94 Ceriello P’08, P’10 • Margaret & Thomas • Karen Verdi P’87 • Edward Bennett • Josephine & John DeMicco P’06 • Diane & John Vilardi P’77 Christiansen, Sr. • Carol & Anthony P’04 • Milta & Gary P’90 DeRiggi P’82 • Christine & Christopher Besmer P’01 • Carol Ann Cippoletti • Carol & Frank Waldron P’14 • Nancie Beste P’87 P’90, P’94 DeSanto P’90 • Mary Kate Waldron • Kathleen & John • Kathleen Clancy • Louise & Harold P’18 Bihn P’97, P’99 P’90 Dietrich P’01 • Eileen & Thomas • Rose Ann & Stephen • John Clappin P’90 • Marilyn & Edward Wallace P’15, P’20 Birbiglia P’11 • Mary Jo Clarke P’10 DiToro P’95 • Marianne & Charles • Annamaria & • Joan & Matthew • Catherine & James Walsh P’91 Michael Bonacorsa Coffey ’63, P’87 Donachie P’14 • Mary Ann & Eugene P’00, P’02 • John & Carol Collins • Catherine & Weiss P’87 • Eileen & Brooke P’89 William Donnino • Kathryn & Frederick Bonomi P’12, P’14 • Charlene & John P’89, P’91 Weiss, Jr. P’81, P’83 • Jo-Ann & Thomas Colorundo P’19 • Dorothy Droogan • Francine & Lawrence Brennan P’11 • Maryann & Richard P’66, P’82 Werther P’01, P’06 • Anita & Albert Comuniello P’06, P’16 • Lynda & James • Desamparados & Brewer, Jr. P’97 • Barbara & Anthony Dunne ’58, P’00 Mark Wheeler • Katherine & Michael Contardo P’00, P’03 • Maria & James ’68, P’96 Brosnan P’04 • Joan & John Cooke Dunphy P’03 • Karen & Kenneth • Josephine & Robert P’15, P’17 • Anne Dupuy P’90 Widmer P’10, P’14 Brown P’90 • Ann & Thomas • Barbara & Joseph • Elizabeth & Richard • Joan Bruen P’07 Cooney P’89 Dwyer P’86 Wysocki P’01, • Eileen & Thomas • Christine & Robert • Joan & Irvin P’04 Bucaria P’10 Corrado P’98,P’00 Eannaccone P’81 • Noreen & Edward • Deirdre & Arthur • Lois & Joseph • Mela & Ronald Zebrowski, Jr. P’10 Burrello P’01 Corso P’96 Ebel P’94 • Ellen & Richard • Margaret Byrne P’16 • Ruth & Antonio • Delia & Thomas Zoller, Jr. P’11 • Marilyn Cafasso P’90 Corso P’86 Egan P’92

CAPA DONORS 33 • Carmen & Walter • Ann Marie & Walter • Rosemary & John • Matthew Nelson Egbert, Jr. P’85, P’89 Henry P’92 Maher P’88 ’77, P’13 • Michele & David • Edwina & Francis • Judy & Walter • Catherine & Jan Ekstrom P’14 Higgins P’85 Malloy P’96 Nelson P’94 • Georgia & Thomas • Barbara & Peter • Jeanne Malone P’04 • Mary & Robert Fasano P’85, P’93 Himler P’10 • Dolores & Ronald Nori P’17 • Kathleen & James • Patricia & John Marciano P’84 • Barbara & Terrence Ferrante P’99, P’04 Hogan ’67, P’02 • Faye & Salvatore O’Brien P’96 • Barbara & Donald • Eleanor & Gerard Marino P’95 • Joan & Dennis Ferranti P’92, P’95 Holmes P’84 • Ellen Marlin P’93 O’Brien P’95 • Theresa & Carmine • Diane & Peter Ignall • Patricia & Daniel • Edward O’Connell Festa P’00 P’88, P’91 Mayberger P’09 P’15 • Cynthia & Frank • Noreen & Robert • Helen & Lawrence • June & Daniel Filippelli P’16, P’22 Iovino P’02 McBride P’93 O’Neill P’79, P’82, • Eileen & Brian • Marguerite & Gregg • Aurelie McCarthy P’84, P’85 Fischer P’17 Izzo P’05, P’07 P’83, P’84 • Sieglinde & Helmut • Kathleen & Edward • Kathleen & William • Angela & Steven Parzer P’93 Flaherty P’97, P’05 Johannsen P’11 McClatchey P’12 • Julie & Robert • Thomas Flatley P’89 • Margaret & Gerard • Ann & Michael Pehnke ’77, P’12 • Patricia Folan P’76, Kabacinski P’97 McDonough P’92 • Johanna Penkovsky P’78, P’83 • Celeste & Steven • Janice & Neil P’86 • Joan & Paul Kaden, Sr. P’07 McGowan P’99, • Marilyn & Charles Franciotti P’04 • Mary Ellen & John P’02, P’05, P’09 Pensabene P’08 • Ana Maria & German Kapp, Jr. P’99 • Moira McGurk P’84 • Rita & Richard Fruchtnis P’98 • Diane Kay P’95, • Patricia & Robert Pesci P’94 • Kathleen & John P’98 McKeon P’01, P’02 • Patricia & Richard Gallagher P’13, • Donna & Kevin • Marilyn & Joseph Peters P’99 P’18 Kelleher P’13 Meares P’06, P’09 • Coleen & Peter • Patricia & Joseph • Janice & Joseph • April Meyer P’13, Petersen P’16 Ganzi P’00 Kelly P’94 P’22 • Judith & Neil • Catherine & Vincent • Karen & John • Tina & William Polay P’96 Garbitelli P’99, Kerge P’14 Molinari P’78 • Alberta & Richard P’01, P’02 • Diane Knausman • Elizebeth & Joseph Portuese P’99, P’01 • Jacqueline & James P’99, P’01 Mooney P’17, P’20 • Laura & Anthony Gavigan P’89 • Halina & Zbigniew • Mary & James Posillico ’78, P’09, • Liss & Philip Koralewski P’05 Moran P’97 P’11, P’13, P’16 Geraldi P’89 • Lynn & George • Rosemary & John • Flora & Nicola • Eileen & Charles Krug P’05 Morley P’00 Primavera P’88, Goggins P’14 • Margaret & Thomas • Jennifer & Francis P’92, P’92 • Mary & Patrick Krumholz P’11 Morrisey P’18, • Theresa & Joseph Gonzalez P’15 • Mary & Gregory P’22 Pugliese P’12 • Barbara & Joseph Liegey P’99 • Kathleen & Edward • Kathleen & Robert Grignoli P’07 • Adrienne & Pierre Morrison P’12, Puglisi P’01, P’02 • Maryann & Michael Lintault P’95 P’14, P’21 • Kristine & Thomas Gunning P’18 • Christine & Michael • Linda Morrissey Raynor P’06 • Margaret & Patrick Llewellyn P’96 P’85, P’88 • Anne Reilly P’87 Hanratty P’97 • Suzanne & Carmelo • Dianne & Daniel • Ellen & Lawrence • Danuta & William Macannuco P’85 Murphy P’08, P’14 Rice P’09 Hassett P’05, P’08 • Marisa & Charles • Jacqueline & Vincent • Mildred Risolo P’88 • Maureen & Richard Madigan P’96 Murray P’84 • Mary Jane & Henning ’58, P’82, • Deborah & Gerard • Elizabeth & Mark Thomas Rooney P’94 Magaldi P’05, P’09 Nardone P’99 P’10, P’12

34 CAPA DONORS • Rosanne & John • Marie & John Crimson & Gold The Century Club Russo P’99 Tomecek P’94 Members • Therese & • Laura & Michael • Lori & Patrick • Stephen Melley Jeremiah Ahern, Sr. Russo P’18, P’19, Tominey P’17 • Charlotte & Robert • Janet Baker P’21 • Rose & Salvatore Van der Waag ’61 • Dorothy & • Irene & Joseph Trionfo P’06 Fortes in Michael Bock Ryan P’91 • Arleen & Joseph Unitate Members • Doug Brown • Christine & Bartolo Urban P’95 • Jean & Thomas • Gloria & Vincent Sausa P’15, P’21 • Jeanette & Thomas Rollauer ’65 Brunhard, Jr. • Kathleen & James Van De Water P’89 Flyer Members • Pierce Butler Saville ’52, P’97 • Maryann & Daniel • Jacquelyn & • Charles Casano • Mary & Henry Vessio P’10 Hermann Doss • Ellen & Anthony Schmitt P’85, P’87 • Kathryn & Jeffrey • Roseanne & Cascardi • Deborah & Robert Villani ’81, P’12, Frank Garibaldi • Joan & Paul Schnelle P’01 P’17 • Christine Hanley Corwin ’51 • Rosemary & Walter • Phyliss & Frank Schwer P’80, P’81 Virga P’02 • Marian & Patrick • Teresa & Francis Scotti P’06 Voegler, Sr. P’89 • Melissa Sealy • Diane & John Volpe P’19 P’00, P’03, P’04 • Linda & Joseph • Joseph Walsh P’14 Sellitto P’89 • Laurie & Raymond • Madeleine Sewell Walsh P’08 P’95 • Cathy & James • Maita & William Watters P’86 Shaw P’88, P’90 • Jacqueline Weber • Anne & John P’98 Beth and Pat Long ’67 joined their grandson Dermot Sullivan ’21 Sheehan P’08 • Kathryn Weis P’16 at the 2019 Grandparents Mass. • Kathy & Michael • Bonnie & Gerard Shure P’01, P’04 Whalen P’97 Chaminade • Mimi & Robert • Christina Sica • Louise & James Medallion Society Cullen P’92 Wilson P’89 • Maureen & • Patricia & Allan • Kathleen • Mary & Robert Joseph Anselmo Englehart Silverman P’17 Winiarski P’85, • Margaret & • Jeanne Fell • Madeline & Richard P’88 Joseph Collins • Maryanne & Reno Skeans P’89 • Diane & Gary • Albert Heinlein ’43 Georgiou • Laura & Andrew Winkler P’12 • Rosemarie & • Marianne Havrun Skitmore P’13 • Vivienne & Robert Donald Landolphi • Marion & • Flora & Anthony Wong P’00, P’06 • Lorraine Reardon John Iorio Spera P’85 • Dolores & Joseph • Eileen & Andrew • Trudy & Frank • Anne Stanton P’97 Zahn P’89 Simons ’56 Kurre • Cherylann & John • Carol & Walter Meribah Associates • Eileen & Thomas Starkie P’10 Zarzycki P’98 • JoAnn & Lally • Christine & John William Blake • John McCarthy Strong P’03 GRANDPARENTS • Marguerite Carney • Mary & Edward • Martha & John Bro. Louis • Sara & Edward McCrain Surian P’88 Faerber Leaders Hajduk • Anne & Dennis • Joy & Richard Susi • Mo & Dick Kearns ’68 • Jean & Paul McGivney ’67, P’06 Father Chaminade Rickenbach • Loretta McKay • Benzy & Abraham Members • Anne & Daniel • Caroline & Leo Thomas P’12, P’18 • Alex Troso Rogan McManus

CAPA / GRANDPARENT DONORS 35 • Eileen & Robert • Katherine Meaney • John Sandrowicz ’93 • Kyle Driscoll McVeigh • June & Daniel • Donald Scarola • John Halleran • Jeanne Morrison O’Neill • Albert Silvestri ’02 • Mindy Lampert • Sally Murphy • Flora & Nicola • Michael • Aram Najarian • Ann & Edward Primavera Strandberg ’09 • Robert Napolitano Nawrocki • Margaret & • Christopher • Nancy Wiley • Rosemarie & John Andrew Rainone Sweeny ’47 Meribah Associates O’Grady, Jr. • Karen & Luis Santos • John Thomas • Mark Abruscato • Jeanette & Edward • John Tomecek • Christopher Battaglia O’Sullivan CURRENT and FORMER • Salvatore Trentacoste • John DeVivo • Carol & Thomas FACULTY/STAFF • Richard Tully • Brett Donelan Saville ’55 • William Basel ’58 • Peter Warner • Michael Faughnan • Maureen & • John Callinan ’84 • Mary & Dennis Dennis Tobin • William Carriero ’69 FRIENDS Feeney • Mary Ann & • Thomas Cassidy ’93 Bro. Louis • Stewart Grauer Eugene Weiss • Scott Cole ’95 Faerber Leaders • Craig Katinas • Kathryn & Frederick • Thomas Dillon ’92 • The Estate of Robert • Knights of Columbus Weiss, Jr. • George Dlugolonski Cameron & Patricia - Fr. Joseph O’Connell Chaminade Patrons • Michael Dolce ’99 Ahearn Council #3481 • Louise & Robert • George Endres • Lynne & Peter Pace • Richard Mullin Abbate • Daniel Feeney Father Chaminade • Kevin Murphy • Phyllis & Richard • Michael Fitzgerald ’63 Members • Kathleeen & Joseph Bocchicchio • Terence Fitzgibbon ’00 • Anonymous Murphy • Susan Brown • Gregory Gerner ’10 • Ann Trait • Colin O’Donnell • Dennis Burke • Christopher • Porter Fleming • Albert Petraglia • Carmella Burke Hanley ’80 • Donna Westerman • Andrea Pfenning • Ida Buscemi • Luke Hollwedel ’09 Crimson & Gold • Richard Pino • John & Carol Collins • Joseph Horan ’84 Members • Stephen Solosky • Jeanette & • Dorothy Ingvoldstad • Julie Bostwick • William Tucker Michael Cucci • Charles Kellermann ’64 • Mai & John Cleary • Anna & Michael Tufo • Joseph Faderl • Patrick Kemp ’04 • James Daly • Idamarie & • Georgia & Thomas • Deborah Kendric • Mary & Harry Regis Richard Tully Fasano • John Kirrane, Jr. ’01 Fortes in Unitate • Mary & Norbert • Patricia Gallego • Erik Kucich ’92 Members Weldon • Elizabeth Gluszak • Michael Lacopo ’53 • John Cook The Century Club • Frances Greiner • John Laddomada • Beth & Greg LaCasse • Anonymous • Joan & Joseph Henn • Christopher Lynch ’82 • Mineola Lions Club • Daniel Altman • Judith Janik • Annamarie & Carlo • Ray O’Connor • Marjorie & Thomas • Josephine Jansen Mansueto • Elizabeth Salogub Barbaro • Maureen Johnson • Louis Marino • Don Scales • Marilyn & Robert • Jean Johnson • Robert McKane Flyer Members Boland • Virginia Kilduff • Daniel McQuillan • Sylvia & Michael • Todd Bresnahan • Lois & Royden • John Moran O’Neill • Ryan Byrne Kleinert • Jeanette & Edward • Pzena Investment • John Ciorciari • Suzanne Klusner O’Sullivan Charitable Fund • Matthew Creo • Kathleen Kopetic • Graham Otton ’05 • Crisler & Peter Quick • Margaret D’Emic • Dolores & Ronald • Kevin Parente ’82 • Stephen Yang • Susan & George Marciano • Robert Paul ’92 Chaminade Dlugolonski • Carol & Vincent • Robert Pomponio Medallion Society • Susan Doss Martinez • James Quinn ’68 • Nicholas Agnone • Elizabeth & • Mary McIntyre • Stephen Ries ’03 • Christina & Robert Alphonse Falco • Ellen McLaughlin • Thomas Rudolph DiGregorio • Christopher Franz

36 GRANDPARENT / FACULTY/STAFF / FRIEND DONORS • Robert Garfinkle • Patrick Finnerty Chaminade FOUNDATIONS • David Haley • Albert Hentz Medallion Bro. Louis • Lauren Havrun • Barbara & Steven Society Faerber Leaders • Shani Henley Hentz • Durnan Group, Inc. • Fee Foundation, Inc. • Mary Ann Horvath • Sandra Hinitz • Federated • Claire Friedlander • Kenneth Hunzeker • Kathryn Jordan Investors, Inc. Family Foundation • Kimberly Iovino • Patricia Ann Kelly • Gamco • Grassini Charitable • Denise & Denis Kiely • Richard Majeska Investors, Inc. Foundation • Gerard Lagasse • Jane Margulies • M & T Bank • Tony & Renee Marlon • Lakes Region • Daniel McQuillan • New York Life Foundation Detachment MCL • Leslie O’Neil Insurance Bro. Alexander • Theresa Lamb • Barbara Pettus • NYU Winthrop Ott Leaders • Kevin McCann • Mary Piccioli University • Dematteis Family • Tena & Thomas • Kathy Quinn Hospital Foundation McCarthy • Pamela & Pamela • Rocon Corp • Thomas • Beatrix & Robert Randall Meribah Matthew Miloscia McKane • Zach Specht Associates Foundation, Inc. • Randy & Matthew • Patricia & Scott • Associated Capital • MKF Fund c/o Metzger Strauss Group, Inc Vanguard • Thomas Moeller • Sarah Thomas • Cameron Charitable • New York Catholic • Laurie & Gary Yarnell Engineering & Endowment Forensic League Associates, LLP Program • Raymond Nolte CORPORATE • Cookies and Father Chaminade • Lorraine & James Bro. Louis More, Inc. Members O’Sullivan Faerber Leaders • ECT Test • Allen E. & • Vincent Palazzolo • Wonderland Tree Preparation, Inc. Patricia M. Murray • Joan & John Polcari Care, Inc. • Flushing Savings Foundation • C. Radigan Bro. Alexander Bank • The Winifred & • Christina & Craig Ott Leaders • Harris Beach PLL William O’Reilly Schelin • Coca-Cola Bottling • Hess Associates LLC Foundation • Kristin & Michael Company of NY • Signature Bank Crimson & Gold Schiumo Father • Steel Equities Members • Kevin Sherlock Chaminade • Steere Enterprises • Keith Cerrato • Kathleen & John Members • We’re Associates Inc. Charitable Spellman • BNB Bank • Wiss & Company, Fund, Inc. • St. Aidan’s Rosary • Sure Iron Works LLP • Hollyhock Altar Society Crimson & The Century Club Foundation, Inc. • Nancy & William Gold Members • 7th Street • McKeen Fund Yurek • Lancer Insurance Gourmet Deli Flyer Members • Daniel Zlotnick Fortes in Unitate • Arena Sport & • Katie McBride Chaminade Members Graphics Foundation Patrons • Anonymous • BNSF Railway Chaminade • Casey Bahr • Custom Tours Company Medallion Society • Sandra & Dennis • Giambalvo, Stalzer & • Crest Hollow • Goodwin Family Brady Company, CPAs, P.C. Country Club Foundation • Thomas Callan • Jaghab, Jaghab & Woodbury, Inc. Meribah Associates • Kate & Christopher Jaghab, PC • Scheideler • JRJ & MFJ Casano Flyer Members Electric, Inc. Giving Fund • Phyllis Cohen • Freedom Abstract • Tiger Packaging • Schoenhut Family • Griffin Cole ’22 Corp. Co., Inc. Foundation • Barbara & Franey • Nova Industries, LLC • Twin-County Donovan, Jr. • Roto Polymers Swimming Pool


The Presidential Scholarship Program allows current students to receive a scholarship award from Chaminade based on financial need or academic excellence. Recipients of these scholarships must adhere to certain guidelines in order to receive and maintain their scholarship status.

SCHOLARSHIPS • James Regan ’98 Bronze • Denise & Kevin Gold Memorial Scholarship • Michael Cippoletti Conway ’76 • Paula W. and Silver Scholarship • Susan & Patrick Anthony J. Carlesi • Keith R. Cerrato ’01 • The John Confort Donnelly ’80 Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Foundation Trust • Rosemary & Richard • Dolores and James • Chiapparone Family • ’Moe Better Blues’ Haverland ’59 Conway Scholarship Scholarship Marino Dallolio Music • Annette and • Doherty Family • Robert DiFazio Scholarship William Hebel Scholarship Memorial Merit • Thomas J. Liesegang • Hollyhock • Lance Corporal Scholarship ’63 Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Guido Farinaro • Earley Family • Thomas Matthew • Joan & Leo Keegan Scholarship Scholarship Miloscia Foundation • Lakes Region • Patricia M. and • The Michael J. • Ronald Winchester Detachment MCL Victor F. Ganzi Furey Memorial Fund • Thomas Merit Scholarship Scholarship Liesegang ’63 • Leo P. Grassini • David and Julia SCHOLARSHIP • Anne & Dennis Memorial Scholarship Hartz Memorial DONORS McGivney • Marjorie R. and Scholarship • Anonymous • Michelle & Timothy Louis V. Gerstner, • William Randolph • Dana & Jonathan McManus ’86 Sr. Scholarship Hearst Foundation Acquafredda ’91 • Anne & Hugh • Hall Family Scholarship • Anthony O’Donnell, Jr. ’67 Scholarship • Long Family Merit Caporrino ’92 • The Winifred & • Haverland Family Scholarship • Mary Lou & William O’Reilly Scholarship • The Winifred and John Cerrato Foundation • Special Anonymous William O’Reilly • Keith Cerrato • Lynne & Peter Pace Scholarship Scholarship Charitable Fund, • Joan & John Polcari • Presidential • Christopher Inc. • Mary & Harry Regis Scholarship Slattery • Arlene & George • Patricia & Eugene • The Kenneth Scholarship Chalos ’89 Trudden Razzetti ’82 • The Trunz Men • Jennifer & Michael Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Cippoletti ’90

The 2018-2019 Varsity Soccer Team celebrates after winning their fourth straight league championship at Hoftsra University.

38 PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Members of the Class of 2019 join Bro. Richard ’59, math teacher Carol Leotta, and Eucharistic Ministers serve at each Bro. Stephen ’74 during the senior class trip to Disney World. student-body Mass.

Participants celebrate a win at a Many parents and their sons enjoy the Communion Breakfasts each year. Science Olympiad tournament.

A member of the basketball team dribbles downcourt during a game. Students discover new programs on their iPads during orientation.

39 2018-2019 ADVANCEMENT Revenue Summary

Alumni $1,542,305 1,724 Donors Parents $223,240 321 Donors CAPA $265,489 767 Donors Friends $382,027 116 Donors TOTAL* $2,413,061 2,298 Donors *Pledge payments toward capital campaigns are included in donor totals.


Special Presidential Assistance $82,295 8 Donors Scholarships $307,550 16 Donors TOTAL $389,845 24 Donors

DEVELOPMENT FUND GROWTH 1987 $1,000,000 1995 $5,865,256 2005 $34,599,938 2015 $51,128,011 2019 $48,820,323 A runner participates in a track relay. SCHOOL REVENUES

Auxiliary Programs $109,302 / 0.43% Endowment Support $3,347,500 / 13.30% Interest Income $30,581 / 0.12% Mandated Services $1,236,751 / 4.92% Other $95,905 / 0.38% Registration Fees $112,815 / 0.45% Student Activities $26,553 / 0.11% Tuition $20,203,130 / 80.29%

Total Revenues $25,162,537 / 100%

SCHOOL EXPENSES Administration $3,929,669 / 15.62% Benefits $3,895,989 / 15.48% Capital Contingency $938,327 / 3.73% Instruction $8,216,689 / 32.65% Operations / Maintenance $6,121,673 / 24.33% Student Activities $2,060,190 / 8.19%

Total Expenses $25,162,537 / 100%

40 FINANCIAL REPORT Chaminade Development Fund statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets for the year ended June 30, 2019 (audited)

Revenues Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Total

Alumni Association contributions $1,646,906 $1,646,906

CAPA contributions $230,755 $230,755

Parents Club contributions $316,298 $316,298

Other Torch contributions $356,575 $415,004 $771,579

Empowerment campaign $112,398 $112,398

Investment return, net $1,123,023 $550,097 $1,673,120

Tuition scholarship program $101,700 $101,700

Net assets released from donor restriction $411,009 $(411,009)

Other income $619,198 $619,198

TOTAL REVENUES $4,917,862 $554,092 $5,471,954

Expenses Unrestricted Total

Pledges receivable write-down $35,479 $35,479

Tuition support to Chaminade $3,347,500 $3,347,500

Donation for campus property $7,000,000 $7,000,000

Printing and mailing expenses $91,278 $91,278

Scholarships and student aid $411,009 $411,009

Social activities expenses $676,579 $676,579

Administrative expenses $331,061 $331,061

Torch expenses $679,726 $679,726

Campaign expenses $4,929 $4,929

Tuition scholarship benefits $34,980 $34,980

TOTAL EXPENSES $12,612,541 $12,612,541

Change in net assets $(7,694,679) $554,092 $(7,140,587)

Beginning-of-year net assets $44,456,223 $17,621,619 $62,077,842

End-of-year net assets $36,761,544 $18,175,711 $54,937,255


During the 2018-19 Torch • Guido Farinaro ’67 • Stephen T. Soucheck • Hilma & John Gustafson year, gifts were received • Nancy Fascilla • Eleanor Timmes • Patricia S. Gustafson in honor of the following: • Harry Fisher ’59 • Carolyn & John F. • Julia & David Hartz • Irene & Bill Frank, Sr. Tommins • Bro. Richard H. Hartz, • John Belo ’62 • John F. Gangemi • Teodoro Torres S.M. ’59 • Bro. Thomas J. • Mary Gibbons • Richard T. Treacy ’82 • Winifred Holzweiss Cleary, S.M. ’81 • Mary Ann Going • George C. Trovato, Jr. ’89 • Josephine L. Hopkins • Sgt. George W. Corrigan • Brian L. Gray ’97 • Matthew G. Vianna ’96 • Bertha & Walter • James D. DeCamp ’19 • Thomas Hanley • Lawrence J. Vorbach ’48 Hornberger • Justin J. DeCamp ’92 • Jim Harley • Lawrence J. Vorbach, • Stephen Karopczyc ’61 • Samuel J. DeLuca ’11 • Robert P. Henley ’81 III ’72 • Mo & Dick P. Kearns ’68 • Dan Didmonicia ’22 • Brian J. Higgins ’67 • Thomas J. Ward Sr. • Betsy & Vincent M. • Matthew DiDominica ’23 • Harold S. Horrigan • Miriam & Harry Wheeler Kearns, Sr. • Earl Douglas • Rev. Bernard Host • Leslie C. Westerman ’74 • Margaret & William Koslo • George Farren • Michael O. Howard ’84 • Gregory T. Wiley ’71 • Adam D. Lambert ’04 • Raymond C. Garrigan ’80 • Robert Hoxie ’59 • Robert Wilkie ’69 • Theresa Ledek • Rev. Daniel Griffin, S.M. • John G. Iovino ’84 • 1st Lt. Ronald D. • 1st Lt. Michael • Bro. Richard Hartz, • Elias Jaghab Winchester ’97 L. LiCalzi, USMC ’00 S.M. ’59 • Stephen J. Jones ’63 • Vera Wynn • Matthew MacKenzie ’86 • Christian Hensen ’11 • James J. Keefe • Bro. George Zehnle, S.M. • Stephen Markus • Jameson Hensen ’16 • Jim & Joan Kelly • Walter Zepf ’54 • Dorothy T. McCartney • Mo & Dick Kearns ’68 • John J. Kelly ’50 • Doris & John Joseph • Michael A. La Sala ’10 • Robert A. Kisch ’62 Permanent honor gifts and McCartney • Christopher S. Lippolis ’05 • Gerard J. Lagasse memorials with a cumulative • Thomas M. Miloscia ’15 • Stephan A. Lippolis ’03 • Fr. Paul Landolfi, S.M. total of $5,000 or more: • Ellen R. Moynihan • Joseph Lynn • David L. LaMarca ’88 • Thomas J. Mulroy • Bro. John G. McGrory, • Renzie W. Lamb ’55 • John Assenzio, Jr. • Muriel & Thomas C. S.M. ’84 • Adam D. Lambert ’04 • Adm. Eddie Ball Mulry ’50 • Chris S. Neamonitis ’01 • Anne Lawless • Bro. Stephen V. Balletta, • Augusta & Victor Nessler • Matthew Nori ’17 • 1st Lt. Michael L. LiCalzi, S.M. ’74 • Michael O’Grady ’69 • Gen. Peter Pace, USMC ’00 • Vincent Balletta • Roger W. O’Neill ’55 USMC (Ret.) • Enzo Lippolis • Amy Barrett • William O’Reilly ’67 • Louis Palleschi • James Lynch • Robert Basel ’49 • John B. Puvogel ’88 • MGySgt James Ramirez • Michael F. Lynch • Eric J. Bayreuther ’96 • Kenneth E. Razzetti ’82 • Gene Reidlinger • Anthony J. Lynn ’70 • Lawrence A. Botte • Robert P. Reardon ’59 • MGySgt Jacques A. • Doris & John Joseph • William Bourke ’70 • Sgt. James J. Regan, Revoir McCartney • Margaret Brown USA ’98 • Bro. Thomas M. Terrill, • Vice Adm. Michael D. • Gertrude & Robert • Olivia D. Rogers n.S.M. ’10 Malone, USN ’66 E. Brown • Brian S. Saloy ’92 • Stephen Markus • Ellen & Donald Brown ’49 • Mary & James Recently deceased • William F. Marsh • Thomas R. Brull ’94 Santelli, Esq. friends and members of • Maxwell Matos • Louis Carbone • Otto & Sally Schueler the Chaminade Family are • Katie McBride • John Cruse • Fr. Louis Sherry included by name in the • Dorothy T. McCartney • Frances K. Cutolo • Christopher Slattery ’88 intentions of the Prayer • John P. Lynch • John F. Daly ’77 • Scott Sloane ’03 of the Faithful during • Kevin P. McDermott ’68 • Gloria & Joseph DiLiberto • Michael Sottosanti Masses of the Marianist • Hugh McGrory • Janet & Peter J. Doran ’60 • Marjorie & Clarence Community and Chaminade • Peter McLaughlin • J. Bernard Eck Spindler student body. During the • Kevin J. McNamara ’77 • Rev. Philip K. Eichner, • Josephine & John Spindler 2018-19 school year, gifts • Karen Miller O’Reilly S.M. ’53 • Michael J. Sullivan ’80 were received in memory • Mary & Roderick • Bro. Louis Faerber, S.M. • Christopher P. Sweeny ’47 of the following: Minogue • Guido Farinaro ’67 • Bro. Thomas M. Terrill, • Lt. Lawrence P. Nash ’54 • Candida Fee n.S.M. ’10 • William C. Albergo • Stanley Neamonitis • Thomas Flanagan • Paul Tierney ’52 • Adm. Eddie Ball • Mr. & Mrs. Vincent • Gertrude Gabrielsen • Brendan Tracey • Eric J. Bayreuther ’96 Nuzzolese • Celeste L. Gallic • Marilyn Treacy • Martin Boland • Michael O’Grady ’79 • Donald Gammon • Richard T. Treacy ’82 • William Bowe • John O’Neil ’59 • Walter Gammon • Geraldine Trunz • Thomas H. Brattan, Jr. • Olinto Parenti • Louis V. Gerstner, Sr. • Catherine & Walter • Eileen & Louis Brown • Vita & Francesco • Marjorie & Louis Van der Waag • Henry J. Capozzi • John B. Puvogel ’88 Gerstner ’59 • Michael J. Venezia • Rosemarie Ciorciari • Mary A. Ranaldo • Adam P. Giardina ’03 • Regina & Albert F. Walter • Michael G. Clarke ’10 • Gloria Razzetti • Joseph D. Giardina ’00 • Louise N. Walter • Mr. & Mrs. Felix Colangelo • Sgt. James J. Regan, • Joseph Giardina • Florence & William Walter • Thomas Corcoran USA ’98 • Shirley & Walter Gibbons • Georgina Weber • William Cowan • Howard S. Robertson • Joseph A. Grana, III • Firmin Widmer • Christopher Coyle • Carole A. Sarnowski • Joseph Grana, Sr. • 1st Lt. Ronald D. • Virginia & John Cruse • Lawrence Shivers • Teresa Grange Winchester ’97 • Carol Curran • Timothy J. Shorten ’60 • Brian L. Gray ’97 • Robert C. Wright ’61 • John F. Daly ’77 • Christopher P. Slattery ’88 • Rev. Daniel Griffin, S.M. • Bro. Lawrence J. • Marty Donelan • Edward D. Smith ’84 • Annette & Harold Zarzycki, S.M. ’80 • Ellen & Noel Dussel • Edward Solosky Gustafson • Bro. George Zehnle, S.M.

42 HONORARY GIFTS AND MEMORIALS Chaminade High School would like to thank those alumni, parents of alumni, and friends who have elected to join the Chaminade Legacy Circle. Founded in the early 1990s, the Legacy Circle is an important element in Chaminade’s Development Program. The people listed below have expressed their willingness to consider including Chaminade in their will or trust. The members of this group “keep the Torch burning...eternally.”

• Shannon & William • Kathleen & Robert • Catherine & Robert • Kismin & William Abbott ’80 Donovan ’70 Kearns ’63 Nimmo ’58 • Maria & Richard Adamski • Janet & Peter Doran ’60 • Kristine & Francis • Mary & Gus • Terri & Michael Alessi ’92 • Maria & James Doyle ’43 Keating ’77 Nuzzolese ’76 • Carole & Frank Amico • Laurie Ann & Michael • Mary An & Dennis • Maria & Timothy • Maria & George Ayers & Duke ’85 Kirwin ’60 O’Mara ’86 Reginald Ballantyne ’61 • Suzanne & Kevin • Jacqueline & Richard • Lillian & Stephen Paolino • Patricia & Daniel Dwyer ’70 Klimkowski • Mary Parrino Barabino ’79 • Jane & Thomas Fagan • Nancy & David • Maureen & John Peters • Nancy & Robert Basel ’76 • Dorothy & Raymond Kotowski ’85 • Jennifer & Karl • James Bella ’82 Fiedler ’52 • Grace & Thomas Riesterer ’88 • Eileen & Brian Bender • Rosemary Flynn Kunicki ’56 • Karl Riesterer • Maria Beyra • Joan & Paul Franciotti • Lisa & Victor • Ana Rios • Maureen & John Bianco • Madaline & Albert Furst LaGinestra ’72 • Michael Romeo • Lynda & David Boland ’61 • Sandra & Edward • Maureen & Frank • Linda Rooney • Frances & Paul Brown ’73 Gales ’63 Liantonio ’66 • Cynthia & Thomas • Carolyn & John • Kathleen & Thomas • Thomas Liesegang ’63 Rosicki ’74 Buechler ’64 Galgano • Jeanne & Enzo Lippolis • Maureen & Joseph • Patricia & Thomas • Hannelore & Edward • Erika & James Lodispoto Roxe ’54 Buletti Gartland ’57 • Betty & Ralph • Maureen & Kevin • Anthony Calisi ’71 • JoAnne & William Lombardi ’61 Sampson ’73 • Anthony Carlesi ’52 Geissinger ’60 • Karen & Joseph • Susan & Paul Schott • Frances & Bruce Carlson • Robin & Louis Lucchesi ’63 • Ann & Timothy • Philip Carman ’81 Gerstner ’59 • Diane & John MacEwen Smalls ’75 • Frank Carollo ’72 • Frances & Paul • Mary Beth & Kenneth • Susan & Alexander Smith • Ruth Ann & Paul Giamanco ’59 Mahon ’79 • Jessica & Edward Chiapparone ’57 • Mary Giordano • Joan & Lawrence Smith ’89 • Andrew Cholakis • Dawn & Joseph Mahon ’78 • Lynn & James Smith ’66 • Patricia & Christopher Greil ’61 • Carol & William • Janet & Michael Christiansen ’69 • Richard Gustafson ’56 Maloney ’55 Sperendi ’59 • Janene & Michael • Rebecca & John • Mary Ann & Charles • Ellen & Frank Sullivan ’63 Ciranni Halleron ’56 Mansfield ’62 • Christopher Sweeny ’47 • Margaret & Peter Clores • Claire & Douglas • Grace & Michael Manzo • Michele & Patrick • Jennifer & Christopher Hartley • Terence McIntyre ’75 Sweeny ’79 Combs ’87 • Elizabeth & Michael • Jean & Thomas • Barbara & John Sydor • Carla & Christopher Hatton ’69 McNally ’78 • Pat & Thomas Talty ’64 Concannon ’85 • Rosemary & Richard • Jacqueline & Thomas • Diane & Richard Testa ’63 • Carol Cotton Haverland ’59 McTiernan ’73 • Rosemary & Robert • Judy Crimmins • Ann Henegan • Astrid Merolle Tintle ’63 • Michael Cutrone ’98 • Arlene & Thomas Henson • Dawn & Anthony • Paulette & Michael • James Davis ’58 • Janet & F. Richard Molinari ’78 Toner ’67 • Jacquelyn &Lawrence Hess ’74 • Marion & Patrick Molloy • Dorothy & Michael deAngelis ’67 • Betty & Frederick Hess • Karen Moriarty-McLeod Tramontana ’56 • Vincent Del-Cid • Barbara & Peter • Suzanne & Donald • Robert Vendryes ’76 • Frances & Charles Houser ’57 Morrison ’73 • Ronald Voniak ’65 DeMartin ’70 • Deborah & Robert • Brooke & Robert Munfa • Marilyn & James Walker • Loretta & Robert Hussey ’67 • Patricia & Michael • Mickee & John DeStefano • Orest Jowyk ’76 Napoli Westerman ’75 • Harolyn & Henry • Virginia & John Kaiser ’73 • Marilyn & James • Eileen & Donald Wright Devlin ’56 • Zung Le & Kevin Kane ’72 Narell ’73 • Patricia & Stephen • Dee & Victor Dillon ’54 • Mary Kay & Paul Kantz ’59 • Kaye Nickerson Zuppello


Founded: 1930 | Enrollment: 1,698 | Faculty: 75 lay men and women; 16 Marianists Curriculum: Liberal-arts college preparatory | Accredited: Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools | Tuition: Cost per student $14,650; Cost to parents $12,450; Endowment offset $2,200 | Fees: None

From left, Michael Duffy ’19, Patrick Fitzsimmons ’19, and Christopher Devlin ’19 starred in Chaminade’s production of “Into the Woods.”

Michael Perrone ’20 and Aidan Cappellino ’20 display their project at the 2019 Chaminade High School science fair.


Award winners pose with their trophies after graduation. Daniel Garcia was named the 2019 Chaminade Man and valedictorian. He also received the Chaminade Academic Excellence Award.

The Montelli family joins soon-to-be-graduate Michael before commencement.

Class size: 408 Total number of scholarships and grants: 2,601 Students receiving one or more scholarships or merit-based grants: 374 | College placement - 100% accepted into college, four-year: 398; two-year: 4; service academies: 3; prep schools: 3 | College board scores - Chaminade mean: verbal The Chaminade diploma marks the 660, math 650; National mean: verbal 536, math 531 beginning of a new journey.


Freshman Year • Algebra 10 or Advanced Calculus I U.S. Government • History of Salvation I Precalculus 10 • Language III and Politics • English I • Language II • Language IV • Precalculus, Calculus, • Global Studies • Language III • Chemistry or Advanced • Geometry • Chemistry or • Studio Art Calculus I • Language I Advanced Biology • Physical Education • Language IV • Language II • Health • Academic • Language V • Biology • Physical Education Enrichment 11 • Physics • Music • Academic • Bloomberg • Advanced Fine Arts • Physical Education Enrichment 10 Financial • Physical Education • Academic Enrichment 9 • Academic Junior Year Senior Year Enrichment 12 Sophomore Year • Christian Humanism • Christian Existence • Bloomberg • History of Salvation II • English III • English IV or Financial II • English II • U.S. History or Advanced Language • Global Studies Advanced U.S. and Composition II or Advanced History • Topics in American European History • Math 11, Calculus or History or Advanced

Emmaus members handle many tasks at Various after-school programs at the Dolan Family Science, Technology, and Homecoming Farm in Amityville. Research Center offer more learning opportunities.

Every Thanksgiving students offer donations to Queen of Peace Each year during Advent, students decorate their homerooms Nursing Home. for the Christmas season.


Bro. Thomas Cleary, Mr. Graham Otton ’05 Mr. Michael Foley ’99 Mr. Chris Hanley ’80 S.M. ’81 Assistant Principal of Director of Campus Ministry Executive Director of President, President of Curriculum and Instruction Advancement the Board of Advisors, Mr. Thomas Dillon ’92 Director of Admissions Mr. Daniel Petruccio Director of Student Mr. Donald Scarola Assistant Principal Activities Athletic Director Bro. Joseph Bellizzi, of Guidance S.M. ’78 Mr. Vincent Jeffrey ’04 Mr. Robert Casella Principal Mr. John Callinan ’84 Assistant Dean of Students Manager of Facilities Assistant Principal of Athletics Mr. Robert Paul ’92 and Campus Activities Bro. Timothy Assistant Principal of Driscoll ’76 Academics Mr. Patrick Kemp ’04 Provincial, Province Dean of Students of Meribah Mr. Gregory Kay ’98 Assistant Principal of Fr. Peter Heiskell ’86 Mr. Oscar Generoso Curriculum and Technology Chaplain Treasurer

2019 Student Orientation

ADMINISTRATION 47 All Across Long Island and Beyond TOTAL STUDENT POPULATION: 1,698

Nassau • Franklin • Locust • Old Bethpage 7 • Albertson 13 Square 20 Valley 7 • Old Brookville 1 • Atlantic Beach 7 • Freeport 12 • Long Beach 11 • Old Westbury 5 • Baldwin 21 • Garden City 122 • Lynbrook 37 • Oyster Bay 24 • Bayville 3 • Garden City • Malverne 37 • Plainview 12 • Bellerose Park 1 • Manhasset 34 • Plandome 3 Village 6 • Garden City • Manhasset • Point • Bellmore 6 South 3 Hills 4 Lookout 14 • Bethpage 8 • Glen Cove 17 • Massapequa 67 • Port • Carle Place 7 • Glen Head 20 • Massapequa Washington 41 • Cedarhurst 2 • Glenwood Park 30 • Rockville • East Atlantic Landing 1 • Merrick 29 Centre 115 Beach 2 • Greenvale 2 • Mineola 51 • Roosevelt 3 • East Meadow 9 • Hempstead 13 • Muttontown 2 • Roslyn 6 • East Norwich 7 • Hewlett 5

• Roslyn • New Hyde Heights 4 • East • Hicksville 18 Park 41 • Sands Point 3 Rockaway 14 • Island Park 7 • North Baldwin 7 • Sea Cliff 8 • East • Jericho 2 • North • Seaford 10 Williston 24 • Laurel Hollow 1 Bellmore 6 • South • Elmont 9 • Lawrence 1 • North Hempstead 4 • Farmingdale 8 • Levittown 17 Massapequa 6 • Stewart • Floral Park 50 • Lido Beach 4 • Oceanside 11 Manor 17

48 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION • Syosset 14 • New Hyde • Commack 7 • Middle Island 1 • Uniondale 3 Park 5 • Copiague 4 • Miller Place 4 • Valley Stream 18 • New York 5 • Dix Hills 12 • Nesconset 2 • Wantagh 36 • Oakland • East Islip 8 • Nissequogue 1 • West Gardens 1 • East • North Babylon 1 Hempstead 32 • Queens Village 1 Northport 11 • Northport 17 • Westbury 41 • Rockaway Park 3 • Farmingville 2 • Oakdale 4 • Williston Park 17 • Rockaway • Fort Salonga 4 • Port Jefferson 3 • Woodbury 4 Point 1 • Great River 3 • Quogue 2 • Saint Albans 1 • Greenlawn 2 • Ridge 2 New York City • Sunnyside 1 • Halesite 1 • Rocky Point 1 • Arverne 1 • Whitestone 6 • Hampton Bays 4 • Saint James 12 • Bayside 8 • Woodside 1 • Hauppauge 3 • Sayville 6 • Bayside Hills 1 • Selden 2 • Beechhurst 2 New Jersey • Smithtown 18 • Belle Harbor 13 • Springfield 1 • South • Bellerose 4 Huntington 2 • Breezy Point 2 • Bronx 1

• Southampton 6 • Southold 1 • Stony Brook 2 • Holbrook 1 • Wading River 2 • Holtsville 1 • Water Mill 1 Suffolk • Huntington 65 • West Babylon 6 • Amityville 10 • Huntington • West Gilgo • Brooklyn 1 • Babylon 6 Station 4 Beach 1 • Cambria Heights 2 • Bay Shore 11 • Islip 4 • West Islip 8 • Douglaston 4 • Bayport 5 • Islip Terrace 1 • Westhampton • Floral Park 1 • Blue Point 2 • Kings Park 7 Beach 1 • Flushing 4 • Bohemia 2 • Lake Grove 3 • Glendale 1 • Brightwaters 6 • Lake • Howard • Brookhaven 2 Ronkonkoma 1 Beach 3 • Centereach 2 • Lindenhurst 6 • Laurelton 2 • Centerport 7 • Lloyd Harbor 5 • Little Neck 1 • Central Islip 1 • Manor Park 1 • Middle Village 2 • Cold Spring • Medford 1 • Neponsit 2 Harbor 1 • Melville 11

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 49 BOARD OF ADVISORS Kevin Parente ’82 Ernest Bartol ’63 Assistant Director of Alumni Christopher Byczek ’66 Bro. Thomas Cleary, S.M. ’81 and Golf & Tennis Open Michael Carey ’67 President Patrick Donnelly ’80 Mary McKenna John Fawls ’74 Dick Kearns ’68 Graphic Designer Dick Kearns ’68 Chairman Dr. Daniel Landolphi ’82 Veronica Cava Joseph Lucchesi ’63 Thomas Dufek Database Administrator Lawrence Mahon ’78 Bro. George Endres, S.M. ’72 Charles Mansfield ’62 Frank Kurre ’81 Janice Galvin Gus Nuzzolese ’76 Daniel Petruccio Administrative Assistant Ed Smith ’89 Beth Solferino Craig Tigh ’72 Robert Van der Waag ’61 Elena Metzler Robert Van der Waag ’61 Advisors Administrative Assistant John Westerman ’75 Permanent Board Members Bro. Timothy Driscoll, S.M. ’76 Theresa Morra Provincial Superior Administrative Assistant Event Chairmen

Dr. Christopher Foresto ’94 TORCH Kristopher Kalibat ’07 Alumni Association COMMITTEE Distinguished Alumnus President Award Selection Chairman Chris Neamonitis ’01 Lawrence & Kirsten Chairman Bob Weiden ’67 Muccini Jonathan Baseball Reunion Parents Club Presidents Acquafredda ’91 John Argenziano ’95 David Montegari ’01 Thomas & Georgia Fasano Joseph Carroll ’91 Basketball Reunion CAPA Presidents Anthony Cilmi ’94 Christopher Ciullo ’01 Mike Salogub ’09 James Dixon Richard DeVerna ’82 Combined Reunions Robert Kearns ’63 Matthew J. Durnan ’88 Emeritus Advisors Michael Gamber ’09 Steven Ligouri ’05 Sean Kilduff ’88 Crew Reunion William Bourke James Leslie ’87 Founding Member Michael Nawrocki ’73 Anthony Spera ’85 Joseph Pollaci ’99 Golf & Tennis Open ADVANCEMENT Edward Smith ’89 OFFICE Michael Sutton ’09 Keith Macias ’89 Members Hockey Reunion Chris Hanley ’80 Executive Director ALUMNI BOARD Andrew Simons ’99 Kick-Off Reunion Bro. Richard Hartz, S.M. ’59 Dr. Christopher Director Emeritus of Foresto ’94 Dan Hickey ’02 Development and Alumni President Lacrosse Reunion Relations Anthony Patten ’87 Domenic Cervoni ’00 Deborah Kendric Past President Soccer Reunion Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Dan Barabino ’79 Rich LePetri ’78 Don Earl ’81 Track Reunion William Basel ’58 John Sweeney ’90 Golf & Tennis Open Dan Salogub ’07 Frank Lisboa ’12 Executive Director Vice Presidents Yearbook Barbecue

50 LEADERSHIP Kevin Lombardi ’04 John Lepre ’68 David & Ann Marie Young Alumni Professional Southern California Capodanno James & Jean Johns Special Coordinators Stephen Rupprecht ’88 Vice Presidents, Hospitality Greater Delaware Valley James Mercadante ’79 Kenneth & Mary Fasano Community Service Projects Dan Farrell ’77 Treasurers Southeast Florida Gus Nuzzolese ’76 Peter Ciorciari Day of Recollection Christopher Kuzler ’81 CAPA Gold Club Southwest Florida Professional Jeanne Umland Association Thomas Russo ’68 Corresponding Secretary Presidents Washington/Baltimore Richard & Denise Duffy Brian Frumberg ’01 PARENTS CLUB Recording Secretaries Mike Taormina ’01 Entrepreneurs John & Darcy Tabako William & Jacqueline Presidents Allhusen Conor McDonald ’05 CAPA Chronicles Law Enforcement Frank & Bernadette Pizzardi Editors-in-Chief Vice Presidents Steven Penaro ’02 Diane dePoto Ferris Lawyers Dominick & Suzanne Garone Tuxedo Coordinator Treasurers Dr. Andrew James & Susan Marchetta Ciancimino ’03 Steven & Marylou Giammona Chairpersons, Board Medical & Health Secretaries of Directors Professionals Frank & Jennifer Morrisey Peter Ciorciari Greg Parmiter ’96 Hospitality Robert & Debra Gerner Long Island Businessmen Joseph & Maureen Lawrence & Kirsten Muccini Anselmo Alex Wong ’06 Chairs, Board of Directors John & Deborah Stellakis Real Estate Board of Directors Lane & Lisa Maxson Brian Hayes ’99 Robert & Regina Pisacani Rev. Garrett Long, Wall Street Anthony & Shawn S.M. ’62 Lisa Torres Moderator Regional Chapter Board of Directors Presidents Bro. Robert Lahey, S.M. ’65 Bro. Joseph Bellizzi, William Carriero ’69 Gerard Levano ’08 S.M. ’78 Salvatore Trentacoste Boston Moderator Assistant Moderators

Brett Dougherty ’88 Bro. Ryszard Decowski, Connecticut/ S.M. ’77 Westchester Sebastian Agosti ’09 Andrew Salecker ’12 Patrick Zacchea ’79 Assistant Moderators Luke Kaplan ’98 Chicago CAPA

Donald Schroeder ’63 Thomas & Georgia Fasano Northern California Presidents

LEADERSHIP 51 Mr. Thomas Giovanetti was presented with the 2019 Crimson and Gold dedication.

Students enjoyed the 2019 Sophomore/Senior Communion Breakfast. A Flyer pitcher delivers a strike at a JV game.

Seniors and their dates had a blast in New York Harbor during the Senior Celebration Cruise.

52 Scenes from the 2019 Christmas Concert in Darby Auditorium.

53 2019 senior class trip to Disney World.

54 Gifts of financial support to Chaminade keep you connected in a

very tangible way to the success of our school and its students. There are

several ways to ensure that our 1,700 students enjoy the most complete

Catholic education Chaminade can provide. No gift is too small, and

every gift matters to our young men and their families.


Online at www.chaminade-hs.org/give

By phone at (516) 742-5555 x443

Appreciated stock

Matching gift


Recurring gift

Planned giving

Venmo @ChaminadeHighSchool

In reports of this type, some errors are inevitable. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies. If you have detected an error, please

notify the Office of Advancement so that we may correct our records.

Chaminade Office of Advancement

340 Jackson Ave., Mineola, NY 11501-2441

(516) 742-5555 ext. 444

Fax (516) 742-1989


WAYS TO GIVE 55 340 Jackson Avenue Mineola, NY 11501-2441

2019 graduates Michael Craig, Patrick Murphy, Paul Ferguson and Brendan Nichols celebrate the end of one journey and the beginning of another. 56