■:1 9 « ■Í « Segregation Suit Filer Not Leaving 5h' ’■



CHARGES■ ■ '■ •- - y i • . HOSPITALI ’ , J ' BIAS KEEPS PHYSICIANS OUT OF LOUISIANA Masonic Head Hits Barrier Against Young Doctor;

BY O. C. W. TAYLOR NEW ORLEANS, lo. - (ANP) - ’"lack of hoapitol facilities keeps Negro doctors out of Louitiona," according to Grond Matter At Tenn. State John G. lewis Jr., potentate of th« Louisiana Prince Holl Motons NASHVILLE Tennessee State University played host last week "Many young physicians." he said. to a pedal social studie- workshop "who might be Induced to come to tile slate of Lout Ian» where which convened on the campus they are needed, loathe to come trom June 11 to 16 under the spon­ because they are denied use of Lou­ sorship ot i he slate department ot isiana hospitals and therefore would education. The workshop which not be able to keep up with modera teatured 18 distinguished educators practices in medicine.’ a as held tn conjunction with a ee» In an address to the annual meet­ nei ot aix similar conferences on ing of the Gland Lodge session. the campuses ol Tenne see educa­ Lewis said that the med'eal pro­ tional institution . curement program of the Prince Other schools and their workshop Hall Masons of the state had been Enrollment lor the tirsi Bummer projects were impaired because of this Session at Jackson State College is Austin Peay State College, health ONE HUNDRED FOUR-YEAR-OLD Nathon Bibby, and E. E. Moore, Vice President and Assistant "There is » great need.” Lewis I, 434 according to a report by De- and physical education; East Ten­ center, oldest pensioner of the United States Steel to the President, of U. S Steel, to celebróte the emphasized, "for Negro doctors in Lars Punches. regi trai Included nessee St* e College, language arts; Louisiana, and especially in the Corporation, join» with John Vohr, General Golden Anniversory of Gory, Indiana and U. S. in the ligure releaed by Punches Memphis Stale College, the arts; rural areas Middle Tennessee State College, Superintendent of the Gory Steel Works, left, Steel operations there. "The only hospital that a »-ro are «2 freshmen. 220 sophomores. ------;------science and conversation; Tennraet ■ioctor can secure hospital service 378 JuntoSTTSTieniora and 44 spe­ Polytechnic Institute. mathemaUot J for his patient in Is the all-Negro cial students. giving the regular and the University of Tennessee, , institution known as Flint-Good- oollege an enrollment of 1.128 Two HERE IS SAD ANSWER vocational education. ridge hospital This also is the hundred twen y-tive men are reg­ Southwest Bar only luiv’e hospital where the Ne- istered in vocational courses. IS in­ NAMED GLGL Directors-Dr. J. E. Wolker, noted financier, and , The purposes of the A. and I. conference were to develop couraes | gro doctor can get" training.” structors are enrolled ill u short I the Rev S. A. Owen, prominent religious leader, were named at of study already developed a« a Even the great Charity Hospi­ course in indù tr ial education ano two of the 26 board of directors members of the recently Good tal here does not permit Negro doc­ 85 children are registered in the of study already deevloped as a Ass'n Meets In OPERATION RULED OUT Local Government League.—(See story in this issue). tors to practice in it." Laboratory Behoof Nuie hundred guide to the improvement dt cur- "It is pathetic," Lewis went on. (orty-one ot the summer school riculum in local school systems. 1 Comuitanu were: W. C Turner, FOR YOUNG LINDA FAY "to see the needs of Negro doc­ regi trains are temale while 493 tie Pine Bluff, Ark. tors In the ruial areas White doc- male Dr. Walker, Rev. Owen Named coordinator of instruction, «tale de- i tors need only to serve the white The current session ot the Jac« imrtment ot education; R Lee Tho­ By RAYMOND F. TISBY population tn order to establish PINE BLUFF, ArkThe sixteenth son State College summer program mas, director ot curriculum and themselves finnly. but the Negro annual convention of the Southwest The sod onswer is No! will end SW'urday. July 7, Regis­ supervision, state department of popula'ton ia neglected." Good Gov’t League Directors Bar Association closed ttj-two-day An operation would be of no help lo young, cheery Lindo tration tor the second sèssi«*.,'will education Dr A. A. Thompson, meeting st the Student Union Build­ "Jim Crow tactics, resulting in Mingo ecott, Dr Raleigh WUson, Fay Fonder, th* lhree-yeor-old born blind daughter of Mrs. Annie be held Monday. July V Registra­ Dr J E Walker, president of Burch Jr. ing, AM and N College, here Satur­ many ovro, with white doctors re­ and Dr H. A Bowen ot the Ten­ | Lois Fonder of 1665 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apt. 4, who had most tion for graduate classes will begin the Tri State Bank and the Rev Mr Burch was »Iso elected tern- day with lawyers from eight states fusing to treat Negroes, produce nessee btate L_,,er«ity laculty. Dr. Monday, July 2. with eta ses sched­ 8 A. Owen, pastor of Metropolitan porai y chairman The board will W attendance The Squtbwest Bai of Memphis pulling Jor her in the quest to help her gain vision. many ill-sHecU.” A Bowen was director of the confer­ The disappointing verdict came "■-K" •"•whs h«>« umi » uled to begin Tuesday. July 3 Gra­ Baptist Church, were among the fy, AfSociation is made up of Negro law. by Mrs Ruby tpeight. has taken a Lewis Said that only a Negro eventually boast 51 members ence. duate etas ea and undergraduate • yers from Arkansas. Oklahoma. Te­ after Linda Fay was oarried to more practical approach and has doctor can cure this “grest evil" 26 board of directors members J W. Bowden, former Insurance classes will end Saturday. August chosen by the Good Local Gov­ xas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisi­ John Gaston Hospital by the 35th moied towird »a alternate goal, and only access to hospitals can executive now an agent for the II. ernment League at Its organization­ ana. Kansas and Missouri 1 Ward Precinct One Civic Club that ol securing a seeing eye dog attract the needed Negro docton state department of finance and al meeting Thursday night in Hotel taxation, was nominated for tne At the closing session, the group which in addition to "adopting the tor Linda Fay I ChUca. board but withdrew because of a voted to mobilize the organizational Fbnder lamiiy had agreed to un­ Tile club has set up » Linda Fay Johnson Elected The league is a non partisan or­ strength of all Negro lawyers in derwrite the operation il needed * Fund seeking contributions to pur­ GLGL ruling that no person hold­ ganization of Democrats. Republi­ the Southern States, and pledged e see chase the dog 0. Z. Evers Quashes Rumors ing public office, either elective or I I cans and Independents geared to appointive .and that no candidate v themselves to work for full imple­ At John Gaston. Linda Hiy was Donations may be sent to: Linda direct citizen support of candidate; for public office may serve on th» To Publishers mentation of all United States Su­ ,’xamined by a team of eye spe­ Fay Fund. C-0 Mis Ruby Bpeiglil regardless of party affiliation but board. preme Court decisions. 413 W Mitchell, Memphis. Tenn. cialists. The doctor> found tha: That He Is Leaving Town who are thought best tilted to serve Harold Howers, Pine Bluff attor­ an operation would be of no help Mrs Fonder too is doing her part Directors elected will serve until the public interest. ney, was elected president of the pointing out that Linda's blindness toward gaining the seeing eye dog By RAYMOND F. TISBY Jaunuary at which time the annual Association Twenty six directors were elect­ J meeting will be held At that time association Other officers elected is caused by an underdeveloped She is aving thore tin 1 and null les 415 month­ pos'al employee who is being trans­ bershlp be approved. get off Irom work recently their Flowers, general chairman; Wiley A ly average* and provides little to­ ferred to Chicago and "just tn the Columbus. Ohio was selected u 1» been me or two punctme« in A-Bomb Rranton. Theodore Jones." George ward needed lood and clothing i course of Iriendly conversation re- Important Than the 1957 NNPA convention stte Council Race my tires, he stated. Howard and Chri'topher Mercer with the Ohio Sentinel serving m Other lawyers attending the meet "Please, he urged, '"emphasize NEW VORK-The race problem, en by 26 percent of northern whites. host paper A special committee Ing were J R Booker. Thad D Wil­ !he fact that I am not leaving town a recently-completed national sur- 88 percent of southern whites; 81 was selected to determine the site liams and Harold Anderson. Little In Nashville vey disclo es. is considered more percent o( the horthern Negroes, I of the mid-minter workshop.. For to leave now would be to let Rock; Wallace S. Puritoy. Forrest Important bv the American public and 72 percent of southern Negioe- Lester B Granger. Executive NASHVILLE. Tenn iSNS) a 150,000 persons down." ctiy. Arkansas; Jerome T. Powell than the atom bomb. International Director of the National Urban Two Negroes. Roseoe J Hamby, nn Negroes,, nowever. are much more and Finest F Poppe. Shreveport hostility. Juvenile delinquency, or I inclined to think that progress is League. New York, suggested to the Ienno'r,' Baton Rouge. attorney, and John H Otoy. a gro­ and A A In Semi-Pro Balloting my othyr problem It is the mori 1 being made towards a solution publishers at the Saturday mom- Benjamin H Brown. ceryman. are among the six candi­ Imiisiana. frequently mentioned problem 'in ! About one-third oT the whites in­ leaders provide the grand strategy Kansas; Amos T Hall dates seeking to fill the city coun­ James Millbrook of the Blues and Athletic 70, Hardwoods 70 Whlehlta. he U 8 today. terviewed think the problem will for alleviating tensions In the South Orahab. Tulsa and J J cil vacancy caused by the death Clifford Brady of Ellendale continu­ Third Base - C Willie Letter Car Kentucky High and O. B Publisher delegates visited the of councilman G M Ragsdale ed to lead at their respective p«>si- riera 75; Hyde Park 60. Hhrdwivris In the second of a series ol ar­ 1 never be solved But only one-tenth Bruce. Oklahoma City; L Clifford of the Negroes take lo .sombro a Pittsburgh Courier Plant Saturday earlier this month lions in the balloting for the All- 45 ticles based' on the first national Davis. H W Hatton? Fort Worth. view m afternoon following a nfton lunch­ I One of the six will be chosen to Star Semi-Pro League game ace problem survey, the July Ca­ Oliver W Johnson. Sxn Antonio Court Frees eon meeting at which LeLand Has­ serve out the uhexpired term of Millbrook picked up 40 votes while — Cross. Ellendale 70, rbolic Driest reveals that North and ahd jr~kv Plummer. Hduston Te- Asked how long they thought U sid. Vice-President and General Mr Ragsdale In the July 12 special Brady gained 45 for the West team Letters Carriers 55; Dermon Gems South. Negroes and whites com- Sas. J. F McClellan. Robert Lillard would take to solve the problem : j; lined the Negro-white problem Is Counsel of the Pittsburg Plate CHass fleetion for city councilman In the The starting lineups will be select­ i norhiern whites estimated 27 years and A J. Stoeie. Nashville. Tenues.-, viewed as most impor'ant by 45 per- was the guest speaker. second councilmanic district of the ed from the players receiving the is compared with the southern ree; Jack H. Young. Corsie A’lLall. highest number of votes, and ac­ Left Held — Turley Eagles 65 ent of those Interviewed. Juve­ The three-dav convention open­ fifth ward. white estimate of 18 year North- and Sidnev A Thorp. Jackson and West End 55; Hardwood 40; Orange FRANKFORD. Kv - Kentucky nile delinquency trails far behind ed Thursday at the Shenryn Hotel. The term expires in June 1959 cording to the rules will be re­ m Negroes estimate a solution may H J»ss Brown. Vicksburg. Missis­ Mound 35 highest court ordered Carl Eraden. with only 36 jien-ent con idering it Host publisher Beverly Carter said Others seeking Ihe council seal quired to play the first three inn­ be arrived at in 23 years while sippi. (ormer Louisville newspaperman, most important while 32 percent It was the best attended NNPA , are Earnest A Craft, a minister: ings Center field — McOhee. Klon­ southern Negroes believe solution Tlie nexi meeting of the group treed of a charge of advocation se­ regard the atom bomb as the big Convention in recent veers. Bnel James Cunningham, a steam engi­ The two teams will b» selected dyke 80; Letter Carriers 65; Hard­ will come In 10. «»ill Ik held in May. 1957 In Jack- problem. Scott of the Atlanta Dally World neer; 0 W. Cooper, real estate from the four divisions of the wood 30; Hyde Pa'rk 30 dition against the state and nation son. Mississippi Jack H Young will While more than half of the I salesman, and J C Nelfs. a refrig- league, Division One and Four will Th» Court of Appeal overturned Additional material gathered in and Emory O Jackson of the Birm­ serve as general chairman for the northern while« and Negroes of this first ration-wide survey of at­ I cratlon company employee comprise the East Team with Di­ Right Held — Scott Klondyke 70 Braden's convict on on which he had ingham World are tn attendance convention. both sections 'think of the problem titudes towards tile Negro-wjutc vision Two and Three comprising Letter Carries 45 Hyde Perk 45 received a 15 vear prison sentenc» at the convention In terms of while prejudice, fau\- problem will appear in subeeqiw the West Team , Catcher — Ellendale 55 and had been fined «5.000 tn Jeffer­ In the Friday afternoon ««eaten son Circuit Court at Louisville. De­ and hatred, 'and the resulting dis­ Issues of the Catholic Digest The T. C. Jervay of the Wilmington ■ crimination and inequality), only EAST TEAM I, - cember 13.-1954. survey was made for the Digest by Journal. Wtmington. N. C. wm First Base — Millbrook 95 Gene about, one-fourth of southern whites an Independent opinion resear« h elevated from vice-preaident to Harris R5. Reddle Lockart 80 The apellate vrlbvnal otrxted would accept a definition aloiw firm. y president of the NNPA Second Base - Carey, Grey. 800. Burned Body the Court at £6i;tsvll'e to 'lismiss these lines. Pacesetter At Jackson State Bass. Blues 75: Will Johnson 60. the charge against Braden's con­ Nearly half the southern whites Third Base - Jordan Greys. 85; viction. think that the real problem is de­ segregation. In response to the Many reams of copy have been would lose his vision. A It limigli he Brown. Dodgers 70. Streeter. War­ Attorney Oeneral J M Ferguson query -What would you say seems * ritten about student« registered at does not have use of his sight, he riors 70 John Crawford 45. Identified said "its very unllkelv that we will BAPTIST CONGRESS HIGHLIGHTS to he standing most in the way of Jackson State College The story sees very clearly where he wants to Shor’stop — Taylor Warriors 75. ask for a rehearing " He added The unidentified body found rolling the Negro-white problem to- LOS ANGELES, CALIF- The Na- of Tr.by Hite. II. however, concerns go and what is necessary that he do Bass 72; White Dodgers 65: Lamar "we’re gratified with the statement I United States March 29 in a field of burning grass ,d»y?". preliidice is the obstacle the Colleges most unusual student if he Is to get there He says with­ Withams 53 (lie-uphold ng the right of. the stale ' lonal Sunday 8chool and ITO Con near Raleigh has been Identified named by most ptxgjle. even among out reservation tha a college edu­ Left Held - Madison Greys 85 to prmecute he sedition against Kv cress continued Ils annual session There are over 400 grade schools The reason fot this is that 'lbby is as that of George Conley. 85 year sou hem whites But. in the opin­ totally blind He entered Jackson cation Is essential to the music ca­ Brown Blues 75:: Mima Warriors »lone" ' * -t- here at Shrine Auditorium Thurs with an attendance of over 257.000 old Negro. ion of Negroes and northern whl'es, reer he hopes to perform. ffl. Another ooinlon said Braden had | day with young Baptists crowding students There are many JUntverai- State at the beginning of he school r the southern whites themselves are In addition to compiling an amaa- Center Held — Payne. Beavers been indicted with four other per­ I classes for the latest methods Ln re- iles and schools of higher learning year after graduating from Missis­ Identification followed a descrip­ the second most serious obstacle I ligious education fng academic record in high school. 90: Thomas 70; Kelly 65; James rons but had been tried separately in Los Angeles, which is truly the sippi School for the Blind with a tion of her missing father by Bet­ Among routhern whites, although Woods 45 The other cases were postponed worlds greatest vacation land with record which would put many of his Toby participated tn the school ty Williams of Wllkinsville Roar 24 percent sef "prejudice" as the Right Held - Inmax R5: Branch pending outcome of his appeal. I Los Angeles is a beautiful city and , its beautiful flowers and majestic more fortunate classmates to shame band., the choir and the debating Missing toes on "both feet were major difficulty. 14 percent think The Indictment came after a j often called the city of angels. It 1 palms Fruits and vegatabiM are In . working his way through a cur­ team His favorite subjects are mu­ 85; Bell 70 among the principal points of deegregatlon blocks a solution, and Jones. Hunter Fans Grend Jtirv 'nvestigation of an ex- rovers an area of over 450 sq miles i grown the year around. riculum of English, algebra, geome- sic. science and history, but to show Catcher — identification 10 percent say it Is "agtetjon and nirvdon «t the home of Andrew E I and has a population of 2504.277 try. business arithmetic, history, ci­ that he has his likes and dislikes 80; Mathew Long 80 Clark 75 publicity" with over six thousand factories and There are a gnat many delegates vics sociology, typing, economic» even as his classmates do. he says Beck 56 Conley was an inmate ot the Wide IV, a Negro electrical eon- Most peonle also, the Catholic has the greatest man made harbor tn here sithough there are not unsay and music he compiled 18 Ab and that biology ts the subject he likes WEST TEAM Fhelby County Hospital before his trect'T He moved Into an all-white Digest survey shows, think the race the world. There are over 100.000 t B’s According to Toby he had » least He is assisted In his st udler First Base — Brady 95. Hyde d"ath He had wandwed off trotr tWhSorborxl tn I/iuisvIHe after as usual because of the Increase tn problem a difficult one to solve. The Negroes living here; and ranks fifth railroad and Pulman flirea. ffaf a| happy childhood even though he bv Louis Beverly of Laurel. Missis- Park 60 the institution a few days Jjefore Braden transferred the residence to definition "hfU'l problem" wu giv- iCentiMed «• Page Mx) learned at a very early age that he (Cxmtlnwd on Page 8 Column I) 6econd Base — Kilpatrick, 80, hospital records showed hta ______io population among the citie» ol the

« I Î • MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, June 37. 1956 First Woman Ike Called Upon To Take Is Named To

Steps in Bus Protest i WASHINGTON. D. C - The In technical competence, /but to , success of American foreign policy outstrip them." Harvard to CINCINNATI. 0 - President ■ launched by White Citizens Coun­ : "is no longer just in the hands of He emphasized the importance Btsenhowet was called upon to in- cils "How can Dulles talk about CAMBRIDGE, Mass I our goverenment." Senator Hubert world stability and peace of such programs as the World Health Or­ tarvene m the six-month-old Mont- free elections in Germany or behind George Bundy announces appoint­ I H. Humphrey

BY JOHN BARROW start a chapter if sponsored by • CHICAGO (INS) - A divorce minister, priest or rabbi. lawyer who spends half his time Members are divorced person» patching up marriages believes that having trouble adjusting; couple» "social acientists'-instead of attor- who are separted and debating di* neys-should handle marital dis­ vorce; persons who foreaaw break­ putes. ups and. saved their home*; divor­ Samuel M Starr of Chicago said ced persons who have learned to By JEWEL GENTRY "Most couples marry in good adjust to their statua-all men and faith If something goes wrong’ it's women who fervently believe that: By JEWEL GENTRY dent at the University of Dubuque. Brown Mrs. Grace Parker Miss I seldom solved by divorce A brake- ‘The development of future"gen- MEMPHIS JAt K and Jil l. Carol Januson, a student at George L'toka QU tries Mr- billing. John- up usually makes the man and wo­ eralioiu of physically mentally and IEEN-AGF. (•ROUP Peppeiduie College In lx* Angele* h. Mrs Maud? Redmon. Mrs Wil- md Marvin Tarpley. Jr a student helnnn1* Lockard Mrs Josh- Mc­ man all the mure mberable t inutlonally sound persons drpenda HOST AT REGIONAL ii|xni the health and soundness of Members ot the Mempl’.s J.llS at Fisk University. ' Bride. Mrs Flora C Cochran, and "They need someone to lit-lp solve iiiarriiigr_^id the family' and Jill Teen-Age group in Mem­ Vereta md Veronica Haynes Mrs Bc.-.nie Thomas their >cunflict not merely to draw phis were nost al the Centr'd Acea members ol (he local chapter, were up a property M-ttlemciiT" Meeting with sessions being held at oui-ot-towii during lhe Regional MRS EMMITl’ (MINNIE MAE' The 49-year-uld slur w founder ut the fumed divorcees anonymous, Bennett College S. A. Owen .unior Coi:e?<- Meeting. •Ai.vDS. instructor of home eco­ a non-profit organisation aimed Mr. Dorothy We tbrook etiairman Invited guests at the Patio Par­ nomics ut M massa High, let yes­ ty were Aiphciao Smith, George repairing, broken homes Instructor Makes of the Teen-Age Group arnaunc- terday lor Detroit where she will Brown, Guy Stewart. Haywood work toward 'a masters tn lier field ed the theme as "New World to Banded together ui 1949. the or­ Strick lend Chas Adaire, LaFayette it w i ’ University Study Of Juven'les Conquer. ganization stages its first National | Seymore. Malcolm Weed. Jr., Rose GREENSBORO. N C-'ANP) - SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ?onvention June 29 tn Chicago And An.i Cooper, Chester Cade. Jr . ME3. EARL (TINY MASON' Bennett College officials last week ludging from its growth in seven Janies Sullen and Walter Grady BAAS wa- in town with her sis­ announced that McClure P Mc­ Social activities tor tne Younger years, Starr is convinced there's a Mrs Lois Hargrave is pre iden. Comb-. instructor in sociology, has Set" started ott with a "Sight-See­ ters and brothers last week o' more to dealing with the social ing Cruise on Memphis Queen IE been gran’ed an year's leave of I of the local chapter ot Jack ana Mrs Bvas is lhe daughter, ot Bish- evil of split-up families than can IJUI. Inc ol America absence to permit him to conduct with all of the visiting delegates, cp C. H. Mason who lelt by plane be found in Blackstone a study of delinquency at lhe Mac- the local members, men parents lor Detroit Saturday. 'Raveling A woman, once came to Starr La roil Schoo) for Boys, a corree- and friends taking an four ana with he disttngui bed and beloved with clean-cut grounds for divorce MRS LOIS 'HARGRAVES, presi­ tional insti udon at Woodburn, a hall cruise down th? Mississippi leader Uns weekend was nut son Her husband said he preferred an dent of the local chaptet ot the ! Ret C H Mason. Jr. Ore Ri.er Tuesday Tuesday at other woman The attorney per­ • Jack and Jills, Inc. ot America. ThLs will be McCombs' second 7 p. m. Tommie Kay' Hayes ana suaded the twtflo drop in at a ses- Mrs Alma Booth. Mrs Same Bar­ tenure at the school. He served tier parents. Mr and Mr-. Thoma- I MISS ALVA JAMISON, atlrac- ot PA "Just to talk things tholomew. Mrs Ann Hill, and Mrs there last summer as director of Hayes. Sr., welcomed the er.tire ! live yount daughter ■ ÓÍ Mr. and cut ’ Helen Hooks are all tn Cleveland an instlutional ervice unit for group at a ' Get Acquam ed Party Mrs Harold Jami-on. is home lrom At the open foi urn the couple met this week where they are attending the American Friends Service Com­ at their spectacular South Park­ Los An.eies where she wa- in scnooi a woman who hud divorced her the National Convention ol me MISS PELHAM JOHNSON (left) of Tanfonyiko, under the sponsorship of our stole department, is mittee He will begin his new way horn? where the kids enjovea I last term al George Fepperdine husband for tin same reason study in September Ute back patio and back lawns Jack and Jills, inc. of America ’ Colley?,. East Africa, it shown with Mitt Frances Thomp assistant director of the education department Starr relates as well as the air conditioned base­ Our own Mrs. Nel) Rouiliac (who son, head of the art department at Tennessee at Tanfonyiko. She is particularly interested in ’ "She told them ‘yes, th< ment rumpus room Wednes­ moved early this year with her hus­ "TED A" PAT VERSON, young son State University, as she examines sculpture and ideas thof will help her to develop the abilities same way-at the (line Counselors Confab day at 1 P m. the Jack and Jill band Mr .nrls Rouiliac to Ftuily ot Bishop inhlt upon Hogg Foundation for Mental Webb. Mrs Alene Walls and Mrs, was his Held. enjoyed a "Patio Party on the where girl Scouts will hear lectures . It by accident in 1949 Selma Smith were all hostesses to To Collin Johnson, outstanding I Johnson have a garden and-A.small Health University of Texas. Austin. Latung s ultra modern pa io that trom u Naturalist in Nature's school A feuding couple had embroiled members of the Rebecca Club mem­ MtMPHIANS were grieved over colored farmer ot Hugo. Okla . putt- ordutrd, including 21 pecan trees, is closed oft by a rancn style tence ing land in the soil bank Is like Their h<>me-»rown foods cut their' telling, enjoy horse-back riding. him in such a wrangle that he , and is built around a tree tn tne bers a the lovely and pacious the passing Iasi week of an old Boating for tin- experienced swim, having cash on deposit, says Dis- grocery bill and provide them with stepped from his office for a breath Club News center of the patio and surrounded Jeanetta Street home ol Mrs. Hitt elUsen. MRS SUSTE COT! ON who mers mid many other inlciestfng trict Agent Paul 0 Brooks in a , a sideline source of income And er and bumped Into a Woman for Mill SOCIAL CLVB by welt kept plants but many ’. Mrs Thelma Whaltirir, presi­ was a member ot an old pioneer 11 ctivitles that have been planned for report to lhe U S Department of I they can have fish on Fridays or whom he'd won a divorce, a divorce The Mid Social Club held ill of them could be tound along the dent of the club, presided A family Mrs Cotton was the von Agriculture...... any other day t ight out of-(their she now regretted He pointed to meeting, recently at the home ot back breeze-wav. tn the ground salad plate and dainty refreshments wile of the late Ml Ed Cotton and ' his office and groaned | Mr Johnson has believed in sound three farm ponds winch also pro- Your immediate registration is Mrs Mane Crawford 2*61 Brookins, floor den and dancing-tn the air were served during the evening he mothei m the late MR JOE i '•oil and water conservation prac­ | vide water for their livestock urged so that staff workers cm Imve "(lo in there Talk to those twu nt 9:00 p m. with the Vice Presi­ conditioned basement rumpus room Members attending were Miss CO'ITON who wa popular in ' prepurallon amply made fur the Maybe you can pound some sense tices in-eluding a period of rest Mr Johnson's achievements as a dent in charge. and activity rooms Ruth Walj'/r. secretary; Mrs Ber­ church, fraternal and social (ircieti I for some of his acres ever since he conservatiorTTarrter were recogniz­ I iiiimlx-i who will attend into their heads." The next meeting will be at ISM nice Abron. Mrs Georgia Corner, before his passing two years ago It worked Starr said: Only members of the Jack and ( brought his. 80-aere farm 15 years ed as early as 1944 when the Oklo- Mav with Mrs Oussie Day. Hoste«. Mrs Hattie Shields, Mrs Edwina Funeral service» were Monday at "They woke up to the fact that Jill group attended the luncheon • ago. and his Soil Conservation Dis­ homa Bankers' Association awarded Mrs Mane Carwford; President, Hud on, Mrs Bernice McClellan, St John Baptist Church Buri­ tjiey were magnifying their trou­ at Dun-i ons, and the party at the trict sent otit a conservationist to ' him a certificate He was the first Mrs Callie Johnson; Secretahi. and Mrs Ida Jamison. Mi's Amanda al was in Etor.wood bles. that they didn't know what Haye residence, but a group ot I study his land and make a capabi­ member of his race in his dis­ Mis C Patrick; Reporter. troubles were, compared to what triends (in the list belowi were lity map of it trict to be so honorfd ■ the divorcee was going through" invited to the Patio Party at the He has followed the recommen­ Ijiter. he was acclaimed State The kmg Star Christian Club The attorney says the Idea caught Utting residence . -»-^Aniong Semi-Pro League Rosters dations lo the letter, says Mr champion conservation farmer This held it» 32nd Anniveraary Turaday hold-that divorcees Joining to­ them were: _ Brooks And as a result, he lias brought him Jioo and made him night, at Jackson Ave. Baptist Rev. Many fans have asked gether voluntarily to discuss tFieir VISITING DELEGATES - who that the Infielder: James Turner, ; I seen his cotton veild double his eligible to complete In the South- W L Verhado pastor. Sport; Department ot the own and others' problems can help were Paola Boone. Evelyn Ehipps, Memphis Herbert Thomas, pitcher. Henry 1 com yield olmnst , and his ¡wide Sol) Conservation jamboree at Ouest clubs present were Noth World print the rosters of the save many, persons from going on Alexander, pitcher eroded hillsides converted into ter- Ijok Cabin. Ga Memphis Banner Club, National Marion Wa son, Malvin Moore ana the rocks. Starr compares the teams of the Semi-Pro League We BOOKER T WARRIORS meed pastures for his growing His most recent honor came from Holiday and Pink Camatlap Club. Clayton McKinney all trom Pine anonymous forum approach with are happy to do that and have ask­ herd ol cattle and hogs the Choctaw County Chamber of Music was rendered by rtVll"" Bluff ahd trom St. Loris came Reddle Lockhart, first base Rocky "group therapy." fy ,Joan Glover and Juanita James ed each manager to furnish us with Mr Johnson, who Wns a share- Commerce which selected him as Av». Male choir. Mr*. Lull» Addl- Jefferson, second base. Leslie Mc- The movement has spread to me(he names orof all of their players. 1 cropper and a renter for nearly I "farmer of the month' This reco­ son of St Stephen Bapt. Church, Memphis members at the party We haven't received them all as j Col*lns- sfrotlti ba.se, Floyd Taylor, some 75 cities across the nation half a lifetime before buying his gnition brought him a framed cer­ gave the addreu, with Mr» Bea­ were Alva Jamison, president of tne yet, but are printing them as they ;horti,0P; Randy Streeter, third Chicago alone numbers some 200 farm, never stops praising the Soli tificate. > trice Scott serving as V. C local chapter; Joyce Lymon,,Ge­ come in We carried the Letter Car-,lase- Howar