Physiol. Res. 66: xiii-xvi, 2017

Prof. Arnošt Gutmann 16. 7. 1910 – 6. 8. 1977

Ernest Gutmann, 1977, Zlatá Ulička, Prague

At the beginning of the 1940s, a battle against bullying, to which he was exposed after signing the was raging in the West, and Hitler was bringing so-called "Two Thousand Words" declaration during the about the death or mutilation of millions of lives in the 1968 Prague Spring. He condemned the invasion of East and Africa. Yet at that time other people belonging foreign armies in August 1968 as an apparent aggression. to the same biological species devoted their mental and Therefore, he was not allowed to lecture at the university, physical strength to other activities. They wrote books, to have official scholars, he was not eligible for the actual painted pictures, composed and played beautiful music, scientific leadership of the Institute of of the and performed experiments in laboratories to save human Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, or in the Academy lives, not to destroy them. Among them was the young or any college. The emotional excitement during Czechoslovak Dr. Arnošt Gutmann, who studied nerve a meeting after many years of separation with some regeneration after their injury in the laboratory of family members and friends at British universities was Prof. Young in , England. He wanted to know how apparently stronger than the good physical condition of nerve cells affect their target tissues, especially the this athlete, active footballer, joyful dancer though with muscles. no rhythm and, above all, an excellent neuromuscular For us, who knew Arnošt Gutmann´s activities physiologist. from his department and laboratory during post-war Physical and mental fitness – both of which he years, a report of his sudden and unexpected death in consciously developed – enabled Arnošt to be an example England on August 6, 1977, at the age of just 67, came as of extraordinary working activity and optimism in life an unbelievable and tragic event. His premature death in until his final moments. His drive and characteristic sense the backseat of a car on the way from Cambridge might, of humor spread courage and helped us, his younger as I sincerely believe, be connected with normalization collaborators, overcome the difficulties and pitfalls in xiv Vol. 66

both our research and in our personal lives. Arnošt University of Birmingham, England). Gutmann was a great creative personality in the field of Prof. Gutmann has never denied his basic credo neuromuscular physiology and pathophysiology. The in the laboratory that science is not just a set of significance of Gutmann's work was not only knowledge, hypotheses and theories, but must primarily nation-wide; his thoughts and the whole concept reached help people, society, and nature. As a physician and and contributed to the treasury of science on a global humanist he advocated the idea that the results of basic scale. research must be, sooner or later, useful in clinical He loved experimental activities even before he medicine. His concern was not only the muscle atrophy has graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Prague in and the effect of the on the muscle, which 1936, where he already volunteered in the laboratories of is lost in injuries of limbs and the spinal cord. He knew a biological institute. During World War II, he continued that none of us are growing younger, and for years he had his research work in Oxford under the guidance of been dealing with the aging of the musculoskeletal Professor John Zachary Young, in a research group which system and the hormonal sensitivity of some skeletal he joined due to the desire to be in the beloved muscles. His papers on this subject appeared in many environment of the lab as soon as possible. At that first-class journals. difficult time of war he worked with several The way Prof. Gutmann lead his team of extraordinarily talented researchers who later became colleagues and their development was typical of his wise famous scientists. and scientifically inspired personality. Initially, with In 1945, Arnošt Gutmann returned to his extraordinary inventiveness and intuition, he led his homeland and soon he started to work with full colleagues as an older and more experienced teacher. enthusiasm at the Institute of Brain Research at the With time, he left the individual workers to form their Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague. His own projects, still focused on the study of neuromuscular excellent neuropathological erudition and natural relationships. Soon he benefited from their divergent authority led Arnošt Gutmann in 1950 to the leadership development. In a few years, methodically skilled staff of a team of young workers in the new physiological worked independently and they were often pioneers of department of the Central Institute of Biology of the completely new methods (mechanoreceptive automatic Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. His charismatic analyzers of muscle contractions – Vojtěch Rohlíček, personality was beneficial in the selection of students and microelectrophysiological amplifiers – Evžen Ujec, also later, when he was the head of Department of enzymatic profiles of muscles – Arnošt Bass). Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Neuromuscular During the war, Young's classic works on the Functions in the Institute of Physiology of the regeneration of peripheral nerves were already published. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences until the unfortunate But there was a breakthrough finding obtained later in year of 1968. He supervised more than twenty post- Prague that injury to the nerve close to the muscle would graduate students and created a Czech school dealing cause a much faster degeneration of the neuromuscular with neuromuscular relations. His first students became junction and a faster development of muscular atrophy step by step independent scientists and led a number of than the same injury to the nerve inflicted further away laboratories in his department for years: the from the muscle, even though in both cases the muscle electrophysiological laboratory (Radan Beránek, the first contractions were immediately abolished (Gutmann et al. intracellular sensing microelectrode in the synapses, Česk fysiol 4: 181, 1955). Pavel Hník, long-term implanted electrodes in the Prague studies of muscular denervation muscle), histological and later excellent electron atrophies, reflexive atrophies, and atrophies after microscopical laboratory (Jiřina Zelená, development of tenotomy (tendon transection) led to new ideas about the muscle mechanoreceptors), biochemical laboratory (Ivo trophic influence of the nervous system on skeletal Syrový, slow and fast myosin in muscles) or muscles. Nerves from the central nervous system trigger, neuroendocrinological laboratory (Bohumil Jakoubek). according to his original concept, not only a motion He was also in contact with Czechoslovak researchers response, but they also transmit maintenance information who became later popular professors of physiology for the good condition of the contractile apparatus, abroad – Gerta Vrbová (the relationship between spinal mitochondria, tendons and proprioreceptors. They also neurons and muscles, University College, ) and trigger the genetic expression of several growth and Olga Hudlická (nutrition and microcirculation in muscles, protection factors. Moreover, there is an important cross- 2017 xv

talking factor, a mutual interaction between the nerves effect of impaired blood flow (ischemia) on muscle, and and the muscles, to maintain their structure and function. was interested in changes during hibernation (together Today we know that one such substance is nitric oxide with F. Vyskočil) and how we adapt to hypothermia. (Vyskočil Neurochem Res 28: 575, 2003). Thanks to his exceptional personality, prof. These ideas, supported by experimental findings, Gutmann also initiated extensive international were presented at two symposia with international collaborations. Due to complicated contacts with Western participation in 1956 and 1962. These were the colleagues at their workplaces, Arnošt encouraged conference on "The Nervous Control of Metabolism and cooperation with Eastern scientists, in which he both Active Ion Transport" and the symposium "The Effect of participated himself and also encouraged his colleagues Use and Disuse on Neuromuscular Functions". In 1962, to take part. It was clear to him that these colleagues were he edited a monography The Denervated Muscle, which neither present in the tanks that invaded Prague in 1968, renewed interest in this issue, and launched a period of nor had they sent them to us. From 1957 onwards, intensive global research on neuromuscular trophics. I together with the Polish Prof. Konorski and the Soviet have recently seen a much worn copy of this monograph Prof. Asratjan, they became initiators of international at the fingertips of Prof. Gerta Vrbová in her London lab. symposia of neurophysiological laboratories east of the Arnošt Gutmann had a considerably broad range iron curtain. These symposia laid the foundation for of interests and an ability to implement general biology extensive collaboration in neurophysiology, the laws in his own detailed work, and thus to refine them. Intermozg program. Some interesting projects, such as Nature, however, never revealed its secrets to him easily. the physiology of laboratory rats on a satellite and a His approach to solving the basic problems of inter-cell pioneering study of the effects of weightless conditions relations was reminiscent of an ancient hero. He did not on the musculoskeletal apparatus, have been implemented seem to take into account the experimental problems of in this program. the pre-molecular-biology era. With his enthusiasm and During the normalization of the 1970s, another wide-ranging insight, he was always able to get experts of Arnošt's human properties was manifested – from other methodical fields for collaboration; including selflessness. He himself could not leave the country for pioneering intracellular electrophysiology, electron the West for years (and as we know, his first short-term microscopy and autohistoradiography. It is almost visit to England in 1977 became fatal). However, he was unbelievable how many approaches Arnošt Gutmann happy to see a number of co-workers to work used in solving the issues of nervous trophics. He studied successfully abroad – Věra Hanzlíková in Italian Padua, the anatomical, contractile and energetic differences Isa Jirmanová in Swedish Lund, Milena Burešová and between the muscles; he forced muscles to change their Ivan Hájek as experts in Uganda. activity by crossing the nerve growth from slow or fast The exceptional scientific productivity of Prof. muscles. Together with Prof. B.M. Carlsson from the Gutmann could not be hindered by any political University of Michigan in the United States, they persecution. Since in biomedicine (unlike in the socio- performed transplantations and muscle regeneration in historical sciences) we were allowed to publish articles in Prague and also tested the use of transplantations in Western scientific press during the period of clinical practice, a visionary experiment at that time. normalization, Arnošt took full advantage. He published Developmental aspects were no less important to both at home and abroad and was able to prepare a new Arnošt. In addition to studies of early developmental publication almost every 14 days. At that time, we had stages, he and his colleagues were dealing with the a successful system of internal editing, where in the gerontology of the neuromuscular system from the 1960s. seminars the new manuscripts were discussed together, The results of this research are summarized in which to some extent replaced the lack of communication a monograph on the aging of the neuromuscular system, with foreign colleagues, and increased the chances of written together with Věra Hanzlíková, with whom in acceptance to publication in good magazines. The most 1966 he published the first article on this topic in Nature. prolific author was almost always Arnošt and his closest Thanks to his creative mind, Prof. Gutmann utilized very associates, and so we very often had to read some of his specific approaches and models in his research, such as new work. He never avoided opposition, so at seminars the study of hormonal regulation of muscle in insects, we occasionally passionately shredded some paragraphs genetic and immunological approaches. He also of his manuscript, and thus we learnt precise and logical conducted research on muscular hypertrophy, studied the expressions and, after all, practiced professional English. xvi Vol. 66

Arnošt Gutmann wrote and participated in more honorary membership in a number of international than 400 articles, a number of monographs, book chapters scientific societies: for example membership in the and reviews. His current Hirsch Index reached 39. committee for neuromuscular diseases of the World Perhaps his productivity based on Faraday's words “work, Federation of Neurology, in the German Academy of finish, publish” was also sustained with the special way Sciences Leopoldina in Halle, honorary membership in he worked at home, dividing the night into four-hour the American Physiological Society, membership in the sections of sleeping and writing or studying; although the New York Academy of Sciences, the World "physiology" of this approach could be discussed, for him Neurochemical Society, The British Physiological it was undoubtedly effective and productive. Society, British Neuropathological Society, Society for Arnošt was not a collector of titles and honors; Experimental Biology, membership in the Academia and taking the importance of his work into account, he Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome and others. did not get many of those. It is true that in 1964 he was Arnošt was also a good artist. He painted slightly awarded the State Prize and in the following year he was clouded landscapes, especially from the Jizera elected a corresponding member of Czechoslovak Mountains, where the Gutmann family had a cottage in Academy of the Sciences, but that is actually all; if we do Janov nad Nisou. Even after reaching 60, he kept learning not count prizes from professional societies (he was foreign languages (e.g. Italian). He loved Janáček's awarded the prize of the J. E. Purkyně Physiological operas, and never missed our quartet concerts, which we Society in 1971 and the Gerontological Society Award in performed together with the skilful violinist Pavel Hník, 1972). He never became a regular-full Academician (a one of Arnošt's first Ph.D. students, from time to time in member of the Learned Society as it is today). However, the institute or during various symposia. it certainly did not mean much to him. He had other The life-enhancing nature and incredible ambitions and those he achieved. He became the founder optimism allowed Arnošt to accept the "joys and of two Czechoslovak physiological journals that are still sorrows" of life with open eyes. He also helped us, his published today (Physiologia Bohemoslovaca, now collaborators and students, not only to uncover the Physiological Research and Československá fysiologie/ mysteries of nature. Facing his professional and human Czechoslovak Physiology), and for several years he was qualities, we can still examine ourselves, and in the their chief editor. It was of great importance at that time, mirror of his integrated personality see and appreciate because our English-printed journal was one of our few what the world of science and each of us personally owe entry points to the world; even today, it plays its role as him. an information channel, because their articles are easily accessible on the internet. A manifestation of the general recognition of the František Vyskočil scientific merits of prof. Gutmann was his regular or