Ballari District Disaster Management Plan 2019-20 Government of Karnataka Ballari District “Disaster Management Plan” 2019-20 §¼Áîj f¯ÉèAiÀÄ “«PÉÆ¥À ¤ªÀðºÀuÉ AiÉÆÃd£”É 2019-20 f¯Áè¢üPÁjUÀ¼À PÁAiÀiÁð®AiÀÄ §¼Áîj f¯Éè 1 Ballari District Disaster Management Plan 2019-20 CONTENTS SL. No Topic Page No 1 Preface 3 2 Glossary 4 3 Chapter-1 :Introduction 5-10 4 Chapter-2 : Ballari District Profile 11-19 5 Chapter-3 : Hazard Risk Vulnerability and Capacity 20-35 6 Chapter-4 : Institution Mechanism 36-50 7 Chapter-5: Mitigation Plan 51-64 8 Chapter-6: Response Plan 65-71 9 Chapter-7: Recovery and Reconstruction Plan 72-86 10 Chapter-8 : Resource and Equipment 87-102 Availability 11 Chapter-9 : Contact Numbers 103-122 12 Chapter-10 : Standard Operating Procures (SOPs) 123-129 13 Chapter-11 : Maps 130-137 14 Conclusion 138 15 Bibliography 139 2 Ballari District Disaster Management Plan 2019-20 Office of the Deputy Commissioner Sri.S.S.Nakul I.A.S Ballari District, Ballari Chairman of Disaster Management & Deputy Commissioner Phone: 08392-277100 (O), 277300(R) Ballari District E-mail:
[email protected] PREFACE The District Disaster Management Plan is a key part of an emergency management. It will play a significant role to address the unexpected disasters that occur in the district effectively. The information available in DDMP is valuable in terms of its use during disaster. Based on the history of various disasters that occur in the district, the plan has been so designed as an action plan rather than a resource book.