The Coloma Courier and the Benton Harbor Heraljd
THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERALJD COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928 VOL. 34 NO 46 rV-, BUMBAUGH MURDER WEBER WON OVER NOTICE OF mm OF BRIDGMAN MAN KILLED NOTICE or HEETING OE CHILDREN WILL GIVE BOARD OF REVIEW OF TRIAL IS STARTED HOUSE OF DAVID TEAM IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK BOARD OE REVIEW OE SUNDAY'S PROGRAM lOMHIP OF COLOHA VILIACE OE COLOHA IN CIRCUIT COURT Crystal Palace Bali Team Scored Jake Frederick of Bridgman Held Re- Very Intere«ding Program Will be To all persons liable to assessment To all persons liable to assessemnt Another Victory Last Sunday- sponsible For Death—Is Accused of Given at Community Church at II for taxes In the Township of Coloma. for taxes in the Village of Coloma, Jury W«8 Secured Tuesday Morning Strong Benton Harbor Team Will County of Berrien, State of Michigan, driving a Car While Drunk—Fatal County of Berrien, State of Michigan, O'clock June 10th. for the year 1028. for the year 1028. Crap,a Near Bangor And flnt WllneMM Were Called— Flay at Paw Paw lake Next Sunday Notice is hereby given, that tiie as- Notice Is hereby given, that the as- The annual Children's Day program sessment roll for the said Township of will Im* given at the Community Before a crowd of 1,00# baseball fans One man was killed, two automo- sessment roll for the said Village of Htale Spnnif; liiu Surprlw by Bring- Coloma, for the year 1028 has been church in Coloma on Sunday, June 10, at the Isrealite park in Benton Harbor biles were wrecked, and five other per- Coloma, for the year 1028 has been completed and that the board of re- starting at 11:00 o'clock a.
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