THE GREAT GERMAN The Vestal Virgins. REMEDY C^t ^mpua Cimes. •9 recent discovery or the house of 1 0 DIVISION. THE CELEBRATED MAIDENS. Machinists, Engineers and Boiler Makers FOB PAIN. Smyrna, 7)et., N On an»! «fier THURSDAY. November 22. 1883, Within the last month all Rome has \ (Sunday* excepted, i trains will I «ave a* follows ; Relier« and cure* Wednesday Afternoon. April S3,1884 SOUTHWARD. NORTHWARD. RHEUMATISM, remains'"^ the* real Temple of Vesta, Boilers of Various Sizes \ PASS. PASS. PASS. PASS. PASS. PASS. P. M. A. H A. H. A. N. P. 11. P. M. Neuralgia, s? fïTJsriiï'hu.« « « •Æj 5.20-11.55- 8.U0... Philadelphia...... 9.52. 1.40- 7.05 Sciatica, Lumbago. CHURCH SERVICES. I 4.11».. ».»>.. 7.W0...Baltimore...... 12.25- 3.20,. 8.32 Aabury Mwthodist Episcopal—Sunday—Breadl­ 6.20.. 1.15.. 9.05... Wilmington...... 8.50..12.40.. 6.05 HACHiCHE, ine at 10U a. M. and 7J4 p. M. Sunday School— for statues have been found, about five 3l ShOft NOllCS, ^ a. m. and 714 P. H. tom—lines, with the dividing lines ! 2ml.—Such construc­ - 8 27.. 3.05..11.14 .Wyoming...... Tht Charles A. Vogeler Co. Sunday School—2 p. M. Rev. D. .4. Uidout, rf.- .. 3.11-1122 ..Woodside...... -10.31- 3.52 tion as will equalize all ■ mmbm Pastor. tending toward each other, showing m 3 .. 3.15..11.27 ..Canterbury...... -10.27- 3.47 (B to A. YOOBLKK * 00 ) strains resulting from ex- - A. M. E. Church.—Sunday—Preaching at 10».$ that they once formed the ceiling of! „ °r „ 3.20-U.32 ..Felton...... „10.23.. 3.42 the passage between the outside row i I*“««» . ,,,.nd con,.,ttt,,0"1’ /.’ ■' • *1 .. ..Harrington..... „10.12- 3.32 *. M. and 7U p. m Sunday School—2% P. ». Bead the papers and he .. 3.39..11.5I... Farmington.... „10.01- 3.19 Rev. John C. Brock, Pastor. of columns and the cella or inner part thus avoiding warping, and _ S.47,.12.00...Greenwood...... 9.53- 8.11 posted a~s to the best and .. 9.44- 3.01 1884. oftlie temple, which, when dedicated tberebj insuring long sc . :!» U _ 3.56..I2.09.,.BridgeviUe...... SECRET SOCIETIES. cheapest spot in the city to .. 4.U..l2.20...Seaford------9.30.. 2.47 to Vesta, was always circular, sur- | v,w‘- i i ..—...... _ 9.17 33 Mornino Star Iaidge. No. 6. t. O. O. F.—Meets bin/ .. 9.05 rounded by a peristyle and steps. rThe . 3rd.—Thorough com- your Beady-made Cloth .. 4.96-12.44... Delmar------every Friday evening, at » o'clock. worship of this goddess was introduced ! bust ion of fuel, owing to the McDonnell Encampment. No. 2,1,0.O. F.—Meets ins’. Oar spring stock, now EXPRESS. into Italy by tbe great Trojan Æiu-as; i large air spaces exposed, USk SOUTH. Secjnd and Fourth Tuesday evenings of each m «1 a Enoch A. Ely's month, at »o’clock. but tbe iii-ni temple of Vesta in Rome 1 ready, is fine, well assorted Harrington. 8.10 a.m. Baltimore...... 12.10 p.m. Philadelphia.. 3.00 armony odge o Felton 8.20 H L . N . 13, A. F. A. M.—Meets First was built by Nutna Pompilitis, the first | i_ and low priced. (Anterbun..... 8.24 Wilmington... 4.00 and Third Thursday evening« of each month, pïHllles & Jones, Woodside...... 8.28 New Castle. 4.11 II at 8 o'clock. King of Rome after Romulus, having : Middletown 4.42 Wyoming 8 ■! 1 Smyrna Conclave.No. 45. Order ok Hk.ptasophs, been chosen by the people, who would Dover...... 142 Townsend.. 4 0 —Meets every Wednesday evening, at TVJo'clnck. SMYRNA...... 8 53 SMYRNA... 4.20 not take uo for his answer. £ iiS à ; ____ - Clayton...... 9.«1 flayton...... HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Of the pedestals which were found, i Hichiaists. Sngiseers isd 2:u;r ft. Townsend... 9.1-* Dover...... the first one was dedicated to a certain ! C. YÄTES & Co., Middletown 9 22 Wyoming... Delaware Items. New* Castle..... 9.4s Wuodside... Lucias, and the inscription praises her »7 Wilmington ...10(*> Canterbury. piety and care by which she had » Wilmington, Delaware Ledger Building. Cbestut and Sixth Streets. Philadelphia-10.52 Felion...... 5 i Some of the farmers around Milford Baltimore...... 12 25 p. M. Harrington 0 150,000 Peach Trees. become mother vestal, or lady stipe- ; have agreed to raise tomatoes at $5 rior. It was erected by her niece aud | PHILADELPHIA. SMYRNA BRANCH TRAINS —l eave Smyrna Alexandria. Fullen'» Seedling, per ton. This is as bad as corn at 50 for Clayton 7.14,8.58,10.31 aud 10.58 *. it., 2. 28,4.20 Amsdeii June, Beer’s Melocolon, the sou of her niece, and 011 one side ot | In Medicine, Purity is tlie 7.47 p. M. Leave Clayton for Smyrna 7. 9.05 Earlv Piners. Grew ford’s Late. cents per bushel, if not worse. the pedestal was the date, which was I 10.41 and 11.10 a. M.. 2.4«. 5 06 and 8.00 p >t Wilder. Ward's Dale. At the session of the Supreme Con­ hirst Importance. Connections.—At Porter, with Newark A Dela­ Hate’» Early. Brandywine, the 5th of the Ides of July, after which Important to Farmers! ware City Railroad. At fo wit-end, with queen Troth s Early, stejiheii'a hareripe. clave of Heptasophs in Philadelphia followed the names of the two consuls •' 3CO Anne's* Kent Railroad. Att layton.w ith Delaware Mon mai it Ro>e. laite Rareripe. Wednesday last, W. S. Robinson of * Chesapeake Rail wav aud Kent County Railroad. then in oilier. These two names have Commue»! rc«lu««*l of Early Yorks, Smock. Bridgeville was elected Prelate. At Harrington, with Delaware. Maryland * Mr- Foster Peach, Been*' Smock. been obliterated, as was often done by J. P. H0FFECKER, cinia Railroad. At Seaford. with Cambridge* Crawford's Early, Keyport White. Wilmington markets are now sup­ their posterity if they iiad done any- , SHELL LIJSlJi: Seaford Railroad At Delmar. with Eastern Shore Old Mixon Free. I .ate Heath fling. Railroad Wicomico * Pocomoke Railroad, and Moore's Favorite. Shipley’s I .ate Red. plied with tomatoes, radishes, onions, thing during the lime they belli olliee t At flits Old I Peninsula Railroad. Reeves' Favorite. Salway kale, &c. Strawberries from the South which had displeased tbe people; or it The Great Soil Enficher. For the Fall of 1884. AV.I-/ to k*wer the pus (A. D. 244), who was found after Paints. Oils, Glass. price *>l our LIME ^percent, making it 6 cents er» iu all kinds of James Dutten, a farmer aged CS ills death to have been a Christian! j per instead of Scents, u- formerly. The j Hightstown, Mercer Co., X. .7., years, died suddenly at his home near BEST AND CHEAPEST FOR ALL CROPS. success ol the plan wa> such that mir sale» were Milton on Friday. He was washing Who knows whether she always may __ . , m MORE THAN HOl’BLKh. amt we concluded to mmi Domen mi m not have been one, and that her re- VcirHlSll6S, UyC-otUUSy continue the price at I Or JOS. L CAVENDER. Smyrna. Del. his hands when he was called to break­ fast, and picking up the basin he fell uown for “religious doctrine” came cqaw/vcc 6 Cents per Bushel mmi Who is ray authorized Agent. All orders sent to dead. The Coroner’s jury rendered a from her Christian principles. SPONCeES, Price, S23 per Ton, cash. either of the above will receive prompt attention. A third was erected in honor of Ceria . »... Until notice. 1 l.e sui-erlur excellence verdict in accordance with the facts. SOW IN THE TIME TO Bl V ReferenceThomas C&vender, Middletown; J. and eheapne-s <>f »hell Lime for agricultural pur­ Miss M. R. Swiggett, daughter of I Send for our 40-page Book of recent Testimonial» just pnhli-h.-d pose» can be attested by hundreds of the best Wesley Denney, Smyrna. IWHH 4 MU MISHIN, M riv farmers of Delaware and Maryland and the Postmaster William Y. Swiggett, was she had reached her twentieth year <>f Qrr, A T'T01Vt3'V’V : to such well known Farmers is— steadlly-iltereastug demand is the latst prnot of PLOWS aM CULTIVATORS, married in St. Paul’s M. E. Church, service and become vestal mother with O X Ä a XWcv ajXV X , Col. W. C. Satterfield. Greeiisboruugh, Caroline Co . M l its merits N.,w is the lime to improve lands Wilmington, at 7 o’cleck Thursday at small foM I honor so might she reach her thirtieth J. \V. Cniikidiank, Esq., F.lkton. Cecil t «... ?,[,! Feed Cutters and Cucum­ » evening to Charles R. Lee, Esq., of Win. Hepbron, Esq., Lynch's. Kent Co.. Md TU Y it: l K Y IT ! TU Y IT! year! It was in the time of the Em­ ber Pumps. CLAYTON, DEL. Berry ville, Va., Rev. J. H. Caldwell, peror Joviauus {A. D. .’163), who was I Win. S. Goslin, Esq., Federalsburg. Caroline Co.. Md il*•principal agricultural pa)>er- of the country D. D*., presiding elder of Easton Dis­ tolerant of all religions, and published i A full line of all the hav* decided that weight for weight. J. A. F. Neal. Esq.. Skipton. Ta il »o l Co., Md. 30,000 trict officiating. an edict saying he would severely pun- j POPt l.tlt PATENT BEDK IVES I Thus. H. Travers, E-q., Taylor's Island. Dorchester Co.. Md. SHELL LIME, GENERAL IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS Fine Bull.—A few days since, Frank ish any one attempting to practice Of the day. Jesse llnliingtoti. Esq.. Allen, Wicomico Co.. Mil. Is preferable to Stone Lime, and w ith the present GreenwelL of Kenton, butchered ahull witchcraft or imposition, hut that all extremely low price and advantageous freight AND MACHINE SHOP. that weighed two thousand pounds were free to worship any God they | rates, it is decidedly the UHKAPEST AND MOST Peach Trees For Sale. mscmPTiam t sfecuity. alive, and dressed eleven hundred and choose: and it is supposed this pedestal everything RELIABLE FERTILIZER for PENINSULA use. Steam Engine, Mill and Machine I Cork AT THE Lowest PRICE. 1 i. -V. \V< XJLDEIDGE & CO.. of all kind*. Early Alexandria. Keen's I site, eighty-four pounds. The ball was a was put up thus in haste, for fear that ! Price for tbe Year 18i4.6 Cents per Wei. Mountain Kt*r. Gartis Koidon. little'over four years old. of the short the Emperor might die before the Ves­ thankful for the very li‘»eral patronage hereto- IMPORTERS. Steam Eitting*. Ac. lilackemithing in Reeves’ Favorite. Troth's Early, horu Durham breed. He was raised tal had completed her thirtieth year, j Ji,■ ‘J, -towed. e hope to merit euntinnance id SPEC!A!, RATE-' OF FREIGHT at all stations Crawford’s Early, Clayton.*. jail 3 tf 64 BUCHANANS WHARF, BALTIMORE. MD. on the railroad. all it* variuv* branche*. M(Mire’s Favorite. Prize, and fatteued by David D. Marvel, Esq., and be succeeded by a less lenient one. | ___ Order- rilled promptly for any amount from one Old Mixon, Waterloo. who also sold him a two-year-old steer The inscription on the side is famous car load to ten thousand bushels. Send orders in Philadelphia Office, 629 Waluut Street. Particular attention paid to Horse Crawford’« Late. Brandywine. that weighed twelve hundred aud and curious, as it contains a word not early. Address apr 18-ly Shoeing by practical Shocrs. Beers’ Smock, Temple's Late. Shipley’s Late Red. Stump the World. twenty-five pounds. Mr. Marvel says found in any Latin dictionary—“ Per- 1 THOMAS HOLLIDAY, jKL C0LB0ÜRN & CO., FOK KALE »V SMYRNA, DEL. jan 4-tf JOHN P. HUDSON, that if any one in Kent county can SEAFORD, DELAWARE. beat that he will try again. J. F. WHITE et RRO.. 409 King Street. Wilmington lt.-l CLAYTON, DEL. »pl2tf On Thursday afternoon, in the walk or open corridor, which has a T. H. ARMSTRONG. Middletown. Del. H. C. DÛUGLA8S...... Agent at Clayton. jWtieelwriilt k BiacKsiil ) mosaic Boor, a row of columns on each i JOHN MOORE...... Moorton. Drawyers Presbyterian Church, Odessa » THEODORE JOM St. Georges. Dei, W. E. BOYER...... “ Bren ford. Rev. Wm, V. Louderbough, of Salem, side, and the space between the col- j Olayton, A. PKH E GRIFFITH, Smyrna, Del. * ST E VERSOS i SLAUGHTER. Dover. N. J., formerly of Dover, and ijiss Lida um»s jqclosed by a parapet about two j ELLIOTT & ELLIS, Delmar. Del. JOHN HUNS. Jb...... Wyoming. PEACH TREES FOR SALE Delaware. (V \ • *JO-OUI J B. CONNER & SON...... Felton. Janvier of Odessa, were united in mat­ feet high, built of rubble and covered | ! SHARP A QUILLEN...... " Harrington. rimony by Rev. H. A. McLean. The with white marble. The columns ! t 'll AS. J. HARRINGTON...... ** Farmington. AT 1HK church was tastily trimmed, and was were carried away ages ago for build­ crowded with people. After the cere­ ing purposes, but their bases, or rather B EST STEAM ENGINE | >8« KENT »I! m mony, the bridal party repaired to the the blocks of stoue into which the »J. Peach Wagons, SCHWARTZS Old Clayton Nurrsey: residence of the bride’s mother, where bases were set, are still remaining, ami OIIiBR WORKS beneath a floral arch the bride and extend in a straight line from the three , Cirts, Poliers, Eir> Established 18Ô6. Mutual tnsuranceCo.. WRIGHT’S Universal Cough Syrup. Crawford's Ijvte, Shi pley'« Red. Beer's Smock, Garie's Hold-on, Old Mixon. Moore's Favorite, groom for about an hour received the pedestals towards a fourth one, which fors, CultiTitors, DOVHK. i > i : i -. INDIAN VEGETABLE Sure cure for Colds, Hoarsness, Ac. It is a great Crawford'« Early, Troth's Early. Early. congratulations of invited friends. A has been discovered a little way off; j g* appetizer and a most excellent remedy for the Louise. Early Alexander. Mountain handsome collation was afterwards but there is a bank of earth between, j “ relief of Dyspepsia and Asthma. Price. 25 Rose. Clayton. Orange Cling. Late some fifteen or twenty feet high, which j sjid Fcäch Ladders, In-uiv.« against io >• »• cents a bottle. Slump. net 3-tf served, and the couple left on the five oies gu -u*r uhieh o’clock train for Washington and other is being taken awav as fast as possible.! oads to ordr sn short notiss nuallv lvalue *lun •i PILLS sing ti met:it*ei SCHWARTZS A. L. HUDSON, Proprietor, places. They received many beautiful MLt^Äi!-T.o»,".dh’«hiS!l -W Horse Skoda« and re- pended a . pay;ox Celebrated Universal Liniment. and useful presents. •lends i- returned tht Care Headache, Cotutlpafloa, Chill, CLAYTON. DEL. est road in Rome—which has also just ■ pairing skillfully and ; at .St, rarer, usd oil Blllou. Complalntm. Soon after the adjournment of court 4.,.* ' Sore cure for RHEUMATISM. Nearfllgin. Swell in Sussex county, Thursday, the fact been discovered close under the Pala­ promptly done. ingf. Pams of all kinds, >i ml in uencnil a tiling tine—and is standing on u floor of slabs 4b*trM<*( of SI n t ** inen I. ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICK «5 CENTS A BOX.1 ever needed In the household. Price. 25 became known that Sheriff Isaac *é~ £|*vial alien ti is Invited to the patent cent« a bottle. DR. JOHN BULL’S Wooten had neglected to renew his of the richest marbles, leading off from ELKVATKD CIRCLE for Reach Wagons,) V, eii»is l* r the\iar ,> » E. FKKRETT, Aosarr. which atrium, by a rise of four steps, which enables the wagon to make the j 1 K f* »3 Pearl Street, N.Y. official bond, as prescribed by law, shoriewi turn. It shouM be examined am! ! BT Divide Dl i 4 SHWARTZ’S UNIVERSAL SALVE. within the first three days of the ses­ which have a base for a column or iiM*d by all fruit growers. It is easy tira ft. Ptt.iM Pi SMI’sToéSpj statue on each side, is a series of strong and dnrabl**. iu ne JT-ly Amount i* i . ç Excellent for Sore Brea>t>, Ihdla. Buni«, PILES, sion. He found himself suddenly cut and all Sore». Price, IA cents m box. off and that without a remedy. The rooms, one of which has been cleared, and could be looked into from the top j Peery’s DEAD SHOT Vermifuge. These Remedies are for sale by J. \V. FOR THE CURE OP judges immediately gave notice to the Special Announcements to House­ HI UK*TOIL- A SURE CURE FOB overnor, who at once appointed the of tbe bank, though no one is yet al- GEORGE W . I l MMiN DENNEY, Druggist, Smyrna, Del. lowed to enter it, an asphalt pavement ! j ( oinparp the Sizes and Prices «»f our Kn- eputv, Thomas B. Windsor. Wind­ keepers! Wm. W.Tsi hndv. Iu. FEVER and AGUE having just been laid to keep the re­ gliie*. We have no açents or middle-men John H. Hotte •Kcr. J- hi. 1 •u r: ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THEIR sor has given the required bond be­ to protect by adding c<»miidssions which cu*»- Georg» B M. «t \\ WORMS EXCELLENCE. Or CHILLS and FEVER, came otherwise qualified and is now maining slabs of marble in place, and toiuers mu»t pay. Jacob William«.. 'f -- nf r-i E.v P. Ml. txa the Hamas Body. •5 Ceata a Bottle sheriff. This is the second time this that they may not be carried away. The [ Payne G. Green, BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. WM. DENNEY.Secretary H.-1 i re K. ÏEBBETT, »7« Pearl St, l.Y Manufactured only by A. SCHWARTZ, «R0 ALL MALARIAL DISEASES thing has occurred in that county, walls, also, of this room are thee,l with . No Shell Iron used lu Boiler*. Tx»ast con­ nov 7-1 y Philadelphia. Pu. 823 North Second Street. The proprietor of thia celebrated medi­ Sheriff William F. Jones having neg­ marble slabs, much of which remains sumption of Coal and Water for Power de­ AfiKNTS cine j natty claim» for it a »aperiorttv over just as it was so many centuries ago. veloped. All Engines of our make subjected lected to bond at the first term of the to Friction Bmke Test to double their rate of ANDREW .1. WILSON, '.vi vrai Atvnt Durer. ■11 remedial ever offered to the public for 1 have now on hnnh. which V' x $4.V» 00 $440 (X) Edward B. Bates, formerly of Easton, I «"X t* ' -WVi uitl induce ' ReyuejirWiU, •; I ./■! • W. BUY THE BEST. but now a resident of Worcester coun­ luciits to Ca>h buyers. 8 1 7" x iu" «.»> uo 5S5 (W whatever wiU it fail to eure if the direo- acres, in South , IU 8" x 10' 750 00 685 ut> „M ,M „ strrr,,*m. hi l: h H BLATCHLEY’S r I tiens are strictly foUowed and carried out. $875 ; S. P. Mason to C. Potts, lot in ty, communicates the following expel - j all wool ingrains, on to 75 oents. 15 9" x 12' 1050 00 '.ISO (tu I ,-J Harringt'iu l ./ip ience to the American Agrieulturint : ! taI'Estrv kruhsels,65o,duc,90c, lue, I 1U-’ X 16' 1350 0*3 1230 'JO TRIPLE ENAMEL ta » great many cases a single dose has Smyrna, $125 ; G. Graham to W. W. Juin, r ,W.lnlâ- ,vt V -2»-*^ ■yr-Ar'_ been snffieient for a cure, and whole fami- Simpson, lot in Harrington, $1.200 ; S. “1 have always considered yellow ; ingrains, :■»■>, 4» anj vtcvnt». Stationary Engines. 2 to *10 Horse Power, PORCELASN'LiNEO —* lies have been cured by a single bottle, with Boilers of any style or. power. Stacks, Tanks, : Jeremiah It. lletrluI‘r-,tu:, Jtf.f to be tbe original color of Indian corn. ««* M y 5u cent I N* i U.\ I NS furnish as well Jiltli’* I !,««■ ,W.4 v -W’’ om „ , , a perfect restoration of the general health. C. Meredith to P. K. Meredith, 17 Furnace Work, Saw Mills, Flour Mill and w e h‘ve ‘»“•“"‘U on hand a full .apply of howeveri pnuUat, an! in every ease In 1882, my white corn, from clean « fl.WJ 4’arpet. r Mining Machinery, Steam Pumps, Centrifu- , A. F. HaUvu-.ii/ B*rhn Md SEAMLESS TUBE acres, , $200 ; rtv .V'i COPPER-LINED need with no chance of mixture, gave \ Window 8h«.lP!>, roati» to hang. -rs» rents each, I gal Pumps, Creameries fitted up, Bark and ••'»' '< Ih.-tn,* -, ...... ; ■ more certain to cure, if its nee is continued I. J. Owens tô F. J. Owens, J of 194 Cob Mill, and General Machinists. me about two ears of red corn in every sample«of «oud*sent toaii pan» ■ • All bus ne." t «imnui! HEATING, COOKING, in smaller doses for a week «r two after the acres, in , $150 ; H. C. mar 19 Uw I t<> ! disease has been checked, more especiaUy Wolcott to P. W. Wright, lot in Har­ fifty busliels, and this was remarkably JOHN BEST & SON, PUMP in difficult and long-etanding casec Usn- rington, $700; Eli Saulsbury, Exec., to even in its distribution iu the field. In j I’AYNF G. GREEN, 1* *1. »ElMiV . Ser’y. ally this medicine wiU not require auy aid North Seeoinl Mreot. Uhilatlelph a, I’a. 333 E. Fulton St., Lancaster, Pa. Ïî Do wt be FURNACE, J. W. Grinnage, lot in Dover, $800 ; 1883, I took llie bet-t of this red corn March 4. l*sî. mn*KU.I»EL r to keep the bowels in good order. Should apr For siil« the Ix Rt Dyer A Casson to John Baker, lot in aud planted fourteen rows, two hun­ IT booaei in 1 rutic. tbe patient, however, reqoire a cathartic AT »Nt Dover, $750; B. L. Lewis to W. C. dred and thirty-seven bills in length. THE FARM KW-’ 1 C.cTBLATCHLEY.Manurr, medicine, after having token three or four doses of the Ttmlo, a single doss of BULL’! Quillen, 101 acres in Mispillion hun­ These were immediately between pure j ■ ; 308 MARKET 8T.. Phllad’a. BLACKSMITH COAL. VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will bo su* White and pure yellow varieties, the ARTESIAN WELLS Witte to me for name ot neszret Agent. dred, $3,500 ; B- L- Lewis to W. (’. FERGUSON’S white was on the west and north, that ____ detent. Quillen, 11 acres in , —AND— •t sir Delivered to any part of the town, at lowest BULL S 8AB8APABILLA is the old and Cash Price* $875; 8. P. Mason Io Jas. Milbourne, being the direction from which all mix- DElTG STORK, or TIIF. 0NLTÎ20. reliable remedy for Impurities of the blood mg or crossing comes In tins locality. STATE OF DELAWAltr.. and Serofulona affections—the King of lot in Smyrna, $100; J. O. Bailey to A. When the corn was husked the red corn j CLAYTON, DEL., WIND MILLS. Blood Purifiers. Tilgbman, lot in Smyrna, $350 ; A. L. •*33 Market hi.. >1 il tut n g ton. lift had nearly all become yellow. Accord- Tb Piiiiddpn ud Sayni Tmsportätiss Co., DE. J0HH BULL’S VEGETABLE WORM Hudson to Nera VanWinkle, lot in Can be round a large ippply t>f DIREOToKS: 7 DESTROYER is prepared la the form of Clayton, $100; J. D. Wilds to K. M. ing to the usual mode of crossing here, I PHILADELPHIA j OFFICES : No. 42 8. Delaware Avenue, Phil», We are now prepared to settle tlie improved VICTOR 10 PUN I i Seul and .Smyrna, Del. apr 2-1 f candy drop#, attractive to the sight and Cloak, mill in Kenton, lot in Smyrna, if auy change occured it should have Will mtn 11 swill. William G. Gibbon.-, pleasant to the taste. been to white ; not more than a htm- i Pure Fresh Drugs. ARTESIAN WELL, and also furnish WIND s'Atuuel McUUry. Jr . N Hum’)’. $3,100 ; J. Y. Stewart to J. T. Hoffeck- MILL* to attach to said wells, or for en­ 'Bmurl IUîktoII. b- . SINGER dred hills produced red corn, and that Kd liant I*, ‘»ibboiiv Is the BEST BUILT, DR. JOHN BULL'S er, lot near Dover, $45 ; J. C. Freeman ALSO. gine power. Address apr 4-tf Philip IMuiUct;, J.»hn F WiUUiMtorii P to S. Kersey, lot in Dover, $175.—Dela­ quite scattered. In my white corn | Curtis H. LIl‘.mwi. Mtiniovc Hay«>. FINEST FINISHED, SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, there was not a single re,I ear.” Mr. Toilet Articles of ill! kinds, (;e*»nse Z. Tybout. John P.CV*chrttu. EASIEST RüriNiNG EHSIdNS warean. Wilson T. Uveihler, IWriijumiu Hurt"»». BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, ■ SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public. B.’» Inference, from tills occurence is, Cooper Brothers, W. A. LA MUTT t. -SHTrUry an«I BULL’S WORM DESTROYER, New Castle Presbytery.—This tlwt “the original color of corn is yel­ One of the oMotanJ bkm4 rcliaiblein ihrc»*«»»,rV Till* H*«** iffctoiib It»- iN«wf ivifrsibr ftyl** f»*r body met at Chesapeake City, Md., on Bau«, (MBS, POWDERS, ♦iooit ro\. PEL. tllP JR-S.J *• «1st || • y i f4M» l*.VI TO ALL The Popular Remedies of the Day. low, ami ihal white is a sport caused Value of live wJi»m. ..r«»* k ■ W“ i|«m f nA DiRb|»v Bnli.av u j Wednesday, and was opened with a Net jrniu> tor the year.. SOLDI EUS aud SAIl^HS, wha,were and established by cultivation. That •4 ft m... All» r h-f*inK cuNiiimi it, ; disabled by w«mudn. Meldet.t or other- SurpUiN mud...... PrUriyalomce. 8S1 VaIb St., LOUISVILLE, IT sermon by the retiring moderator, the the red is an intermediate step in re­ Colognes, Soaps. &c. Armstrong & Mitchell, If it i- • .1 r Hrrn !• I«* Ml wi*e, the low» of a toe, pile?*, varicotto, H. Le CUMMINS, Agent, «’s.».' ? A' iittvrv*f< nis4 uftl r «fit mcc, er j vein»-, ehmiiie, diurrhfH-a. rupture. Rev. James Conway, of Port Deposit, turning to the original color. In select­ •rlisj Ia/T cin uU ■ kil l t»Ktim«stil-«I*. AtMrsw Other«, ft or. 4»i Main and MeihodUi ms • Mftftyn»^ rilACIel'■!» A V. <►»!» 4 Ioha of fight. low of from II Peter, 1st chapter, 19 and 21. ing the red corn of 1882, I only elimi- ; PURK 'PARTS GREEN. I WhuUt Cornai» Hockte, oud MoutUy : hearing, telling bM« k of measles. rheiiinnt.Ain, any After the sermon the presbytery N. 14.—The year expire*- ou liio No. 17 a. T*u»U ëL, FlsiUtoWl^tii.ig 2»* no mMUer how plight given you a pen- was unit'd all that was inclined to revert to ot January. I» '.«* Jau. l. •ton. Mew aad Honorable Discharges called to order and constituted with the original color. What docs the 308 South Front Street, «ii obtained, widows, i-giidren ami parent- of CANADA DEEACHED prayer. The roll was called and 32 HUg 22- lv SfUti •ja ’» '■ a. p 5 KSfi f ^ w soldiers dying in tlie service, or «flufwards, from American Agidculturi»I think of it?” Pl-eaprlptloHa tv Hpoclulty. I'Hll.ABKLl'HlA, PA. nm n for Ul« working class ministers and 26 elders responded. I 111 I ri ceif-s for psstage. and we LtillUil U fx fs r, 1 dl«va.«e contracte*! therein are entitled to pension. “As Jntjirtn corn I* hot iu the j ■fill II you free, a reyal, valuahM ,-. - - Rejected and Abandoned Olalius a Sja-ciaily. The Rev. H. V. Voorheea, of Princess wild state we have no means of know­ THE ONLY ■ rt ■■ a TI It : Boil,,ty- Reek fay and Ilona, Claims Collcuted. Live Stock, Poultry, Eggs, UU LU sample go»als thst «RI ‘ Anne, was elected moderator, aud the ing the original color. Bonafous, in , the way ol making mote money iu tea Sulj.ftlUf-ffiltsl giMàp AH0M&T L PENSIONS INCREASED Rev. W. W- Woojverton and Elder W. AND ALL KINDS Of you ever thought possible at any hii-iucss. G* Ihal cjaii U* iimh) Hithouc W in I I ,, any time «hen the disabili,y warrants it In Wood Ashes. his work “ The Natural History of Window Shades. ial not required. We will start vote. >«u «ftougttr of taking On« —1 emic maimer the disability has ltn-rv»-cd or yon S. Dickinson were chosen temporary Maize,” slates that he has had the col­ w ork all the time or iu spare time only. 1 llr ‘ . or twon|«plic»tM>c« «ill cor« Wer.- ralyit ton low So apply for all increase at clerks. On Thursday evening a popu­ Knapp’s tanrina Country Produce. is universally adapted ht both sexes, young * Sort Ups, Chipped Hands. ored kinds keep true for ten conseeu- ! Koller nnd the For Sale by Car or Boat Load—Lime, old. You can easily earn fn>ut •'** cents to >> «»« ■ fid ■•Mhness.a'xl almost lar meeting was held, and addresses de­ live years, and mentions a white kind evening. I liai ail who want work ntav w«, _ GOVKRNMKNT CI.A^JJk Of ALL K1NI>8 SO- Having succeeded in securing a quantity of best Oil » loth I »it mws »I the Skin. livered by the Rev. Dr. J. Howard that had been cultivated for more than ; Clover Seed and Seed Potatoes. business, we make this unparalleled «tor., to Aa sA.tusi.t- Baaaitiher of UNLEAOHKD WOOD ASHBtS i mm Canada. I >i N h a il 1 n a made who are not well satistied we will send nl“ l - the Comptent*« »ad Toilet desire to call the attention of Farmers, Peach Nixon on “Systematic Beneficence, a century without change. In a plant j ^ j Orders for Seed of ell kinds tilled at short notice. PHI K My esperlenec »««I Mug here at liemleuarten Ornwars, and especially those engaged in Small nnd adjusted. for the trouble of writing u- Full ■«■lls»l. 8ulc w ( _ _ __ free Address wtlli stamp. mitted that ASHKS are the beat fertiliser known, corn, and has been cultivated so long i ' Great success absolutely sure. Ih'O t delay- ■ “ OREYOOPPEL’S SOAPe I M. V. TIERNEY. the only diSIcuItj being in procuring them. prayer by the Rev. L. Marks, D. D. under mauy opportunities for cross- flgMgfniC i now. Address 8TINSOS Ji Co., Portland. Jlatne- BORAX SOAP. Will Piptrt Tha Ashes I offer are procured from the F1RHT The church was beautifully decorated. iug to occur, such variations are to be ; MP F -» UtefLaandry. S«ftd ty Grocer* ! Box 48 >. jan 3U '.in Wellington. D. C. A large collection of flowers quite ob­ •wrfrttr«. KXCCUCNT row CHILD*« H twth of the Maple, iu ami Haw WimmIa of expected. Ml'. B. asks the question : j oiy large stock. All kinds cheap as well «»the J. P. Doughteh k Co,. AND WANTS. nerta. They will be delivered I’NLKACHED, scured the pulpit from view, and on POROUS DRAIN TILE- ILC HANUFACTUMCM. Sand will show an analysis of Does not yellow corn cross more read- ] best quality. feb 7-ty WM.DECTDOPPEL. 208 N. Front St Fhr ’ each side of the platform were taste­ ily and affect more strongly the while, fully arranged bouquets. The congre­ than the white does the yellow?’ This : J. E. CARTER, ii THE DINGLE ft CONARD CO’S BINGHAM HOUSE, root nm ns msm gation filled tbe church in every part, is a question upon which we should Commerce St., below Delaware, Smyrna tbe extra seats were brought in to i ? BEAUTIFUL EVER-BLOOHIN« Clayton, Del. of our home a»ht* In their application the tree like evidence. Hen’s Fomin Coeds, ROSES accommodate the people. A commit­ and plant receive again. In Ua puraal, moat tmln j Egg-Shaped, 2«. 7 inches rallbre .. ble state, what was extracted from the toll in tee of three on finance with John A. Round, witti foliar. IS w iS Inches ÇW««* Il nu.I Homely Fitted Ip, Dxcrlleat their growth. Nicholson, Esq., of Dover, as chairman, A Paradise fuk Gunnekh and 1 AreommodatioisH, Term« was appointed, and William H. Cole, Anglers.—The (.’hemipeako and Delà- : 410 Market Street, , AMr~ THEY ARE TME NIOST DURABLE ware Peninsula, comprising port ions of I HWUXDtD TAXIETIZSC I Reasonablr. * secretary of the Maryland Bible Socie­ Sellers’Liver Pills jo>i.-c:ioic£j| Stronir Pot Planta, foi BEST ARD CHEAPEST FERTI­ ty, delivered a strong address in favor the Hlates of Maryland, Delaware, and | , iu. <’ Act Directly on tbe 4,1 vcr. SIS far 83. 10 W* S3. LIZER FOR PEACH TREES of the Bible cause. An address on tbe Virginia, contains a square area of six Wilminwrrorr, Del. ROOFING. S3 4. 39 “ S. MM ■i AND BERRIES OF ALL Cnucn On i lu* a.d Pkvkb, DvacKrat*. Table ilwijrs Sn^d ta Bat of tie thousand miles, and measures about Oll'K II KA DACH K. Ill UufHtJULIC, t 'OMKTirA- I deal re to call the attention •» Ihiee wj’‘[ 7S “ 10, too - 13. m BINDS IN THE MAR- mmperouce question was delivered by WÊÊ tin- Bev. A. N. Keigwin, at the conclu­ two hundred miles by forty. Within TI03S. I’lI.KH, I'A l.CIt ATHOt about u> build or repair, to my superior ist E A. KIT. mu: KAKT, DlZZINHW, TuUl'IU I.IVAH. for doing all kinds of MET AI. RUGHNg« more lua-v tsra-, ; ysa sion of which he submitted a set of this limited surface, and distant only D.dl'K,.iVVniJW.KKS, AND A-’.L »^»p 14-lf DieKARKH or thk Livkk and Stomach. If notice and in the very best manner l ue the «wir oonoeru making a teFI._ a few hours’ ride from Philadelphia, * material used ami the work carefully ut toBnws.m sn» Una listen« lortssmtaia Their eta will produce large «lead, better color­ resolutions, which were unanimously you dq not " fe<-l very wrtl," a aliigle pill at Oar tor l> Hide, a rvm*,Jit frvulm mrr ed, and more abundant quantile, of fruit, and adopted. They urged the churches Wilmington, Baltimore und Washing- bad-tlmu stimulate, the almnaeb, restore» CONSUMPTION. guarantee satisfaction. Kstimale- cheer e* iteSM»,10pr.r'-T(i«l/> ,U**rm.,lusHlfß KLb W. W. WHITLOCK, Proprietor. will prove to the Fruit Grow«« a a«o»t, I (-.Iraida the appetite. Impart, vhtor to the system. nirnisbed. and pastors to do all in their power to tou, are to be found tips fluent »(toning I I have a pndtivo remedy for theahove ; by its THE Dlf CEE ft OONARO CO. Fertilizer. ueo tbaoeenda <.( . ares of the sraectkind aad it Ion* L. C. MoCOY. w Gr*wert». West G rev«,Chester ( a. Pa further the temperance cause. John and fishing on tbe Atlantic coast. So I St,. M.r Will be pieesed io furnish TesilmoiiislH, Au\ abundantly has this favored region ! Oniniucm* sireet. ah«»ve Levering’s Coffee. uier of Port Deposit and President FIlhK,toMfttiusr withb VALUABLE TRKATlSRcn I «« t « H. Purnell of Delaware Gullege, been endowed by nature with game of | «jEjSaujBiçajitojtB. I Elliott, Johnson db Co.» I offer tli«*in at tlO per Ton, every description that it is worthy to I delivered at Clayton« « also spoke on the same subject. B. V. WELDON, Recognized as tit« Best.. Berlin, Md., was chosen as the next be called “ A paradise for Gunners and TTrîWPT I ATT AC Bankers and Bboker», place of meeting in September next. Anglers.” Huch, indeed, is the title rr„ WUmlngton, D*lnw»r«< Our OugM I$ abtolutsiy pur,, adopted for his book by a writer whose | M AUCTIONEER, mot glazed «r coloraautd ta TO. I NKW KDnTol W THK îilT AND SÄSÄwiÄÄ^ aalaetad from our larga »toe* of a. KILL, work now lies before us. His descrip- | Hmyrnn. Oraan Coffat, arith apodal raf-\ '. - ' Wide «tripe» »PM* t» be Miking aranca to Its Dr ink lag Qualities! DEALER IN high rank in tbe raabiena of the day, lion of the Peninsula, aud the udvont- INVENTORS ">•* «r *eu*re v ym,- - - — - — - — _ CIUUFIEST ATLAS FUHH8I1KÜ. from tM?«Sniw7o prurelpai cities ^ ii < »U ,f Pnr'oMni A«<1 Real Kmamtn any Glazing aud color lug Roattad I «ill >■ the Male 1( »t«>rs 1 at mod«» tbe leading importing bouse« «bowing ages it affords to siKyrtamen, are «ire- inwnrto», amiiK,Um,u.Kca>rjiUuielimimun,tj,mmi For Sale at ALL BOOK STORES. changes. Grain and Provisions tonight »J1 faioi price* The pftrobage of the paid loff Coffee add» ta tha walght and fully and accurately written, while the at£i 'S'ac'c'oF'cHARCE* WM. M. UK A DIKY A BUG., Publishers. Dry. in Chicago. Deposits received and Inter«*»- , hidaa tha Imparfaetlona, which a remarkuble choice of them. They . etl Local wcuriles aud mortgages bou»W • is respectfully solicited. /« entirely aqaJnat paar latar- Crain, Fruits, dtc., are fashionable in silk ana satin as in excellent engravings and map« with . nc«8 (.«fare “ - I', cm "Ih. .j atwûdwl' M> 1 AIIGH STltKKT. PHILADKI.PHIA. PA i • apr 2-Âw ««-»cud fur Circular.* :; »old, niar 1 »f»H‘j- j„ AT*« C-retvtabU^and Collnrling agt at a ben turner. ____ CLAYTON,DEL 3 other materials, the difference observed which hia book is iteiorned add greatly m r LAN S to its appearaDoo and value. ‘ i TA, E ’ Attorkky, ALDEN’S MANIFOLD COfftt, aud taka HO being that tbe silks are principally in light evening tints, the woolens of tfctr- Ibis essential cade in er um of the oct24-ly Waehlngtqu. I». H. £. LEVERING 4 CO. sportsman may be obtained free by ad- ! AGENTSthan t alee our prhe. The fasten» miell' ker shades. The stripes are often three CYCLOPEDIA. If' _ If If fllf Trim Ovpr sul.jeotAtid Vftkl illustrations nu- ! Am’‘r,p* , lmtnenreprofltsn)»geut^mm A lll.. tmtuHithtd tat}.] Baltimore. inobes wide in satins, with an alternate dressing B. Wood, Genera! PMaen- -tore- n Smmé tm• ?•«««>< »tmmp» for L*mring‘n CD#«« Cup ymd Samvr 100,000 Bricks »trioe equally wide dotted at intervals ger Agent Pennsvlvanta Railroad, eriMUftQt gmgioy mr^9m for sale, in natural hues. Tbeae striped I'abriim T I W w 1VT Ä TaT V ll loK'ftft? IfftHf. lUteikü ti«r extimhtNCoii brit»n* mv Send six cents f'» I/AIjü O ill il IV Pi JfL . mei.1 on fti(i*iH*v of ko low. John it aldkn. iW- Apply t« jan* IN-tf » MM, MMT »SMUUMJ1 SSIé**« M,'",.,„ ■ in» tdh . Tb* «mAW kan«4. A44p»«ft ______: A PRIZE___ help you n> gl« . o , uate a no DLu.s.uki. e. among childrejj. It cannot ex- J.t PHASE A O.. Phlimeiphla, Fa. l>lode or h;^k ^.Id oniy by J, B. showing but little, being laid beneath Potomac river, and her entire crew «-Fine Dresse» a Specialty.^ J. B. Cooper lead* the County in i .AJbel S. R,iggö, the flower-brocaded one, which is ftilly drowned. The men lived in Laurel I have In 8t,K-k a flue line of Vel- *al‘’8 of Glas«, Chinn, Porcelain and Imtune open« before the •"fK'^guteei ./ubwwii u«tlv done at theTllgx»"ffic*. Cooper. SMYRNA. DEL. displayed. anil most of them leave families. vein, KibbottH.*... Granite ware, and }*mp Oootla. ' 3*^!^’""“ '‘«*’v«ddrr-,T», t*<*■■*•■•* £