Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for getting bachelor Degree of Education in English Department


ANDI SUSANTO A 320 000 305




Written by:

ANDI SUSANTO A. 320 000 305


Consultant I Consultant II

Drs. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum. Titis Setyabudi,S.S.




ANDI SUSANTO A. 320 000 305

Accepted by the Board of Examiner School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta on November……, 2008

Team of examines:

1. Drs. Abdillah Nogroho, M. Hum ( ) (Chairperson)

2. Titis Setyabudi, S.S ( ) (Member I)

3. Drs. M. Thoyibi MS ( ) (Member III)

Surakarta, ….November 2008 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta School of Teacher Training and Education Dean,

Drs. H. Sofyan Anif, M. Si Nik: 547


The measure of success is determined by my measure of happiness, fulfillments and generosity toward others. (NN)

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (NN)

when you learn how to set one goal you will know how to set all goals (NN)


This research paper is dedicated to:

My Beloved, Father and Mother,

My big family,

My Dearest Friend,

My Love,

thanks for your love and affection.


Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT, the almighty God, for blessing and guiding me in completing this research entitled: “A Struggle for

Adaptation in Andy Tenant’s Anna and The King’s Movie: An Individual

Psychological Approach“as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for bachelor degree in English Department.

I realize that in arranging this research paper, I have got help, support and encouragement from many persons. In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to all persons who have helped me in finishing this research paper.

1. Drs. Abdillah Nugroho M. Hum, as my first research consultant who has

guided and advised me during the arrangement of research paper.

2. Titis Setyabudi, S. S as my second consultant, for his advice and correction

from beginning until the end of this research paper.

3. Drs. H. Sofyan Anif. M. Si, as the Dean of school of Teacher Training and


4. Koesoema Ratih S.Pd M. Hum, as the Head of English Department.

From the deepest of my heart, I would say thank you to my parents, for taking care of me, thank you for praying me and for the motivation in finishing this research paper. To siMbaH, Three- pleX, BaYou, and CachYo, for being my best friend. To my entire friend in dormitory, ArieF,

vi BEBE, BagyO, HarRy, JanSen, JokO, DiyAN, aRiEf 123, and etc, for always giving me happiness while I stay in dormitory with all of you. To my friends in English Department 2000, for everything. To everybody who joins in

‘Mudik Pantura’ with ‘PHINISI TOUR’ for your relationship. To someone special in my heart, for being my light when I am in the darkness, and for the love and affection. I also would say thank you for all the parties whose names cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, I realize that this research paper still has a lot of weaknesses.

Therefore, I would thank the readers if they can give the suggestion and criticisms to make the research paper better.

Surakarta, April 2008




TITLE …… .…………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL …... … …………………………………………………… ii

ACCEPTANCE …... …………………………………………………… iii

MOTTO …... …………………………………………………………… iv

DEDICATION ………………………………………………………… v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………… vii

SUMMARY …………………………………………………………… vi

TABLE OF CONTENT …..…………………………………………… ix

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………. 1

A. Background of the Study..……………………………….1

B. Literature Review. ……………………………………. 4

C. Problem Statement ……………………………………. 4

D. Limitation of the Study ..………………………………. 4

E. Objective of the Study …. ……………………………. 4

F. Benefit of the Study ……………………………………. 4

G. Research Method ……..………………………………. 5

H. Paper Organization …………………………………….. 6


A. Notion of Individual Psychology ……………………… 7

B. Basic Principles of Individual Psychology………………8

1. Fictional Finalism…………………………………. 8

ix 2. Inferiority Feeling and Compensation ……………. 8

3. Striving for Superiority …………………………… 11

4. Social Interest ………………………………………..12

5. Style of Life ………………………………………. 13

6. Creative Self ………………………………………. 16

C. Application …………………………………………… 17


A. Structural Elements of The Stars Shine Down ………… 18

1. Character and characterization …………………… 18

2. Setting ……………………………………………. 42

3. Plot ……………………………………………….. 51

4. Point of View …………………………………….. 61

5. Style ………………………………………………. 61

6. Theme ……………………………………………. 66

B. Discussion ……………………………………………. 67


A. Development of Lara Cameron’s Personality………… 70

B. Discussion …………………………………………….. 87






The major problem of this study is how struggle for achieving an obsession of the major character reflected in Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down. The aim of this study is to analyze Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down based on the structural elements and struggle for achieving an obsession of the major character based on the Individual Psychology Approach. The research is focused on the major character, namely Lara Cameron. The benefit of the study is to give additional information that can be used by the other researchers. The study uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data source, the primary data source is the novel Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down, while the secondary data are taken from some information there are from books and other sources. The method of data collection is qualitative method. Based on the analysis, the outcome of this study shows that the major character’s obsession leads her to become a successful woman. She has a big desire in her life; to fulfill it she does many ways. Her ways bring her to become a great woman in the middle of men. She can prove to all of people that woman can do the best as men do.

Consultant 1 Consultant II

Drs. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum. Titis Setyabudi, S.S


Drs. H. Sofyan Anif, M.Si.



A. Background of the Study

Wealth is one of human needs. Although it is not important enough but

people will feel satisfied and proud if they have it. Because by having a wealth

or become a rich man; automatically, the society will honor him and they will

give a high respect rather than the ordinary people. So, there are many people

who will try hard to get the word of being “a rich man” or just having a little

bit of wealth. They think if they become rich, their lives will be wonderful and

perfect. To get it, people will do anything and everything. It is possible that in

their way on getting a wealth they will meet any obstructions, not only from

how hard the way that they have to pass, but also from the other person who

has the same goal. So, in this case they have to make any competition and

work hard to get their wish. Sometimes, the way that the people use will

change people’s personality. It means that they will get their self different;

because they feel that their wish is more important than anything, so they will

be hard to get the desire. It is also possible they will become obsessive, and

will be through many ways to get their will.

So, to achieve the goals of expectations, people will struggle and do

anything. It is possible that they will never think whether it is good or bad.

They will authorize in many ways to get their wish. A kind of obsession is like

a way that people use to get what they want and what people believe that it is

1 the best thing that they have to do to get their wish. This term has accordance with striving for superiority principle. This principle states that each individual is forced by drives to be superior, powerful and regarded. This process invests directions to the striving force by establishing a goal of superiority it provides motivation, psychological movement and giving it an aim. Adler (in Hall and

Lindzey, 1981: 162) acknowledges that the striving for superiority may manifest it self in as thousand different ways and that each person has his or her own concrete mode of achieving or trying to achieve perfection.

The phenomena can be as subject matter of sociology and psychology.

Sociology is a science that studies relationship between the societies. In sociology, obsession is one of life style on getting some desire to get power and respect in society. Psychology is a science that studies a human being behaviors, attitude and habit. In psychology obsession educates people to do anything to reach their goal. It views that person has a wish that they must struggle for themselves. Having the feeling of being never satisfied, big dream and hard work, is the action that is reflected in human’s personality because of obsession.

Stimulated by the case above, the writer intends to conduct a study on psychological aspect, with the problem of the obsession on the major character in Sidney Sheldon’s The stars Shine Down published in 1992 by Harper

Collins Publishers India Pvt Ltd in 370 pages. The others Sidney Sheldon’s works are The Best Laid Plain, Noon, and night, Nothing Last Forever, the

Sand of Time, , page of Anger, If Tomorrow Come, and

2 The Other Side of Midnight. Most of his works show the psychological development of the characters, not only the major character but also the minor character.

The Stars Shine Down narrates about the story of Lara Cameron’s life, since she lives in poor family until she becomes a rich woman. Lara comes from a poor family. Her father works in a boarding house and he likes drink very much. Lara grows up in a bad environment; it leads her to become a brave girl. Her life was not happy enough because her father never loves her anyway. He does it because he thinks that Lara is the girl who caused her mother died, furthermore her mother dead when Lara was born. Until in the end of Lara’s father life, he still hates Lara and never gives money to Lara.

Then Lara promises to herself that someday, she will make her father proud of her. Since her father die, Lara handles the boarding house; there she meets Bill

Rogers a new boarder from America. They make conversation and Bill teaches many things about real estate to Lara. This conversation leads Lara to have a desire that she wants become a woman who has many building. One years later she makes her dream comes true, she tries to make one building that later will bring her to own many building in Los Angeles. Success in making one building, then she has an obsession to make a lot of building. It will never make her satisfied until her dream absolutely fulfill.

That is why the researcher is interested in analyzing the major character,

Lara Cameron because she has very important role in the plot, and gives information about psychological phenomenon. It is seen from the life’s goal of

3 main character, a person who struggle for achieving her obsession. The

researcher uses Individual Psychological Approach to analyze this novel and

takes a title for his research “A STRUGGLE FOR ACHIEVING AN



B. Literary Review

As seen in the library some researchers have concern to the analysis of

Sidney Sheldon’s works, but the writer did not find a research on Sidney

Sheldon The Stars Shine Down at least among the student in Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta.

C. Problem Statement

The major problem of the study is “How is a struggle for achieving an

obsession reflected in Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down?”

D. Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to the ways that Lara uses to reach her obsession

by struggle hard and using many ways. This study uses Individual

Psychological Approach.

4 E. Objective of the Study

Dealing with the statement above, the objectives of the studies are:

1. Analyzing the novel based on its structural elements.

2. Analyzing the novel based on the individual psychological approach

F. Benefit of the Study

The benefits of the studies are:

1. Theoretical Benefit

This research paper has some benefits, which are to give additional

contributions to literature researches dealing with Sidney Sheldon’s The

Stars Shine Down.

2. Practical Benefit

This research paper has a practical benefit, which is to give deeper

understanding about the content of the novel, especially from the

psychological aspect.

G. Research Method

1. Type of the Research

The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. Here the researcher

tries to relate the discussion of analysis based on the underlying theory.

2. Objects of the Research

The researcher takes Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down, which

contains of 370 pages. Here, the researcher tries to analyze the

psychological aspects that appear in the major character’s personality.

5 3. Type of the Data and the Data Source

There are two types of data sources, namely:

a. Primary Data Source

The primary data source is the novel itself, The Stars Shine Down by

Sidney Sheldon.

b. Secondary Data Source

The secondary data source includes books and other data that have

relationship with the research, such as commentaries and other relevant


4. Technique of the Data Collection

The methods of collecting data in this research are as follows:

1. Reading the novel repeatedly

2. Taking note of the important part in both primary and secondary


3. Identifying the topic of the play

4. Analyzing the data of the research based on Alfred Adler’s theory

5. Technique of the Data Analysis

The technique of Data Analysis in this study is descriptive and

hermeneutic. Description means that the researcher interprets the text and

content relating to the psychological condition of the major character,

while hermeneutic interprets the script to find out the intension of the


6 H. Research Paper Organization

This research consists of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction

involving background, literature review, problem statement, and research

limitation, objective of the study, research method, and research paper

organization. The second chapter deals with the underlying theory. It deals

with the basic concepts of individual psychological theory and theoretical

application. The third chapter is structural analysis. In this chapter the

researcher explains the structural elements of the novel. The forth is the

discussion about the major characters problem based on individual

psychological theory. And the last chapter is conclusion and suggestion of the




This chapter presents the underlying theory that is employed in the study namely Individual Psychology. The theory of Psychology that the researcher uses to describe is Individual Psychology presented by Alfred Adler. The researcher will explain the notion of Individual Psychology, the basic concepts of Individual

Psychology and theoretical application.

A. Notion of Individual Psychology

Individual Psychology is the way on understanding human behavior,

inferiority, compensation, a life style and creativity (Adler in Suryabrata,

2002: 191). All behaviors are seen in relation to the final goal of the

superiority or success. This goal gives direction and unity to the individual

(Adler in Feist, 1985: 64). Individual Psychology is “a science that attempts to

understand the human personality as an organized entity “(Adler in Ryckman,

1985: 95). Humans are conscious being; they are ordinarily aware of the

persons for their behavior. They are conscious of their inferiorities and

conscious of the goals for which they strive. Humans are self – conscious

individuals capable of planning and guiding their actions with full awareness

for their own self – realization.

Adler (in Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 139) believed that foremost challenge

confronting Individual Psychology is to prove this unity in each individual: in

thinking, feeling, acting, they so called conscious and unconscious, in every

8 expression of personality. The individual is shaped by social and familiar

factors. All activities that persons did are guided by a person’s fundamental

attitude toward life.

Adler (in Ryckman, 1985: 95) believes that there are three stages for a

man in thinking his final goal that is to be aggressive, to be powerful and to be

superior. Adler also states “the final goal of struggle is to be aggressive and all

of powerful to dominates others. Individuals formulated this goal of

superiority by two ways that is constructive and destructive way. The

constructive way will cause people to relate to others with co – operation and

good will. The destructive way will cause individual to attempt to dominate

and exploit others (Adler in Ryckman, 1985: 95).

B. Basic Principles of Individual Psychology

On study this novel; the researcher uses an Individual Psychological

Approach, which has six basic principles. According to Adler (in Hall and

Lindzey, 1985: 160) there are (1) Fictional Finalism (2) Inferiority Feeling and

Compensation (3) Striving for Superiority (4) Social Interest (5) Style of Life

(6) Creative Self. Here are the explanations:

1. Fictional Finalism

Fictions are ideas that have no real existence, yet they influence people

as if they really existed. People are motivated not by what is true, but by

what they believe is true. So, fictional finalism indicates that what an

9 individual wants to achieve is fiction (Adler in Feist, 1985: 65). Every human has desire in his or her life. This desire can motivate someone to do and be better. It means that they have to work hard and always build new spirit to get what they want. Adler (in Feist, 1985: 65) states that the goal is fictional because it has no objective existence.

Our behavior is determined by our perceptions of what we hope to achieve in the future, not by what we have done or what he has been done to us (Adler in Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 144). Adler (in Ryckman, 1985:

98) argues that people create ideas that guide their behavior and no one’s various striving can occur without the perception of goals. These goals do not exist in the future but they exist subjectively or mentally here and now as striving or ideals that affect present behavior. Adler (in Hall and

Lindzey, 1985: 161) believed that the normal person could free him or herself from the influence of these fictions and face reality when necessity demanded.

According to Adler (in Hall and Lindzey, 1978: 60), basically a man lives within the fictional ideas, which sometimes have no relationship with the realities that he has created as final goal. These fictional ideas will accelerate a man’s life activities; he is fully aware of his fictional goals and then continued by interpreting the daily happening of life in the perspective of his fictional goals (Adler in Hall and Lindzey, 1978: 160).

10 2. Inferiority Feeling and Compensation

Each individual has certain organs that somewhat weaker than others.

Sometimes, it makes them have the feeling of inferior. According to Adler,

inferiority means “feeling unskilled in the face of tasks that need to be

completed “(Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 147). It relates to an individual

consciousness, which plays a very important role in human life, that is

man tries to understand his weaknesses, incapability’s and imperfection

dealing with his self – condition to strive for superiority (Hall and

Lindzey, 1985: 147).

Adler (in Hjelle and Ziegler, 1991: 141) states that every person

succumbs to disease in that region of the body, which has been less well

developed, less successfully functioning and generally “inferior” from

birth. But, having the feeling inferior makes them try to compensate by

training an exercise, which sometimes gives a good result in their

development. However, inferiority feelings for whatever reason can

become exercise in some people. Adler emphasizes that inferiority feelings

are not a sign of abnormality. They are considered to challenge to strive

for the superiority and they are also the cause of all improvement in man’s

lot (Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 124). Actually, man will decrease his

inferiority feelings by two ways. First, he will make relationship with the

others. Second, he avoids communicating and does not trust the others.

According to Adler (in Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 147), inferiority feeling

11 appear constantly human meets a new task or job. It forces him to finish

his job by doing many ways. Therefore he will be superior to others.

The feeling of inferiority or a sense of in completeness is the great

driving force of mankind. In other words, human are pushed by the need to

overcome their inferiority and pulled by the desire to be superior. Adler (in

Ryckman, 1985: 147) said that the feeling of inferiority is quite normal; all

of us begin life as small. Feelings of inferiority arise constantly as we meet

new and unfamiliar tasks that must be mastered. These feeling are the

cause of all improvement in human behavior. It must be combined with

talent, courage and social interest (Feist, 1985: 67).

3. Striving for Superiority

Adler (in Hjelle and Ziegler, 1992: 1430 believes that the great

dynamic force governing humans behavior is a striving to be aggressive.

There are three distinct stages in his theorizing on the ultimate goal of

human life: to be aggressive, to be powerful and to be superior. Adler (in

Feist, 1985: 70) states that striving for superiority exists as birth as

potentially, not actuality. It remains for each individual to actualize this

potential in his or her own manner. This process invests directions to the

striving force by establishing a goal of superiority it provides motivation,

psychological movement and giving it an aim. From birth to death the

striving for superiority carries the person from one stage of development to

the next higher stage. So, striving for superiority means a condition that

12 forces a man to gain a better life to make him exist in the society (Hall and

Lindzey, 1978: 123)

Each individual is forced by drives to be superior, powerful and

regarded. This is a response to the feeling of inferiority. By inferiority

feeling, person will make some efforts to cover it. Adler (in Hall and

Lindzey, 1981: 162) acknowledges that the striving for superiority may

manifest itself in a thousand different ways and that each person has his or

her own concrete mode of achieving or trying to achieve perfection. The

one dynamic force behind the person’s activity is the striving for success

of superiority (Adler in Feist, 1985: 68).

4. Social Interest

A man should live among others, and this means that he must interact

with others in society (Adler in Hall and Lindzey, 1978:123). Person is

embedded in a social context from the first day of life. How manifest it

self in the relationship between the children’s mother, and continuously

involved in relations that shape the personality. Adler (in Hall and

Lindzey, 1981: 64) believed that social interest is born; that humans are

social creative by nature and not by habit. Social interest can be defined as

an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general, as well as an emphatic

for each member of the human race (Adler in Feist, 1985: 71). As a

member of society, a man automatically has to make an adaptation to his

environment where he lives. Therefore, he can enjoy life with the others

(Hall and Lindzey, 1978: 122)

13 Social interest is true and inevitable compensation for all the natural

weakness of individual human beings (Adler in Hall and Lindzey, 1970:

125). Social interest means striving for a form of community which must

be though of it mankind had reached the goal of others; we help ourselves

toward the same goal (Adler in Ryckman, 1985: 96). Striving for

superiority becomes socialized; the ideal of a perfect society takes the

place of purely personal ambition and selfish gain. By working for the

common good, humans compensate for their individual weaknesses. The

image of the perfect person living in a perfect society blotted out the

picture of the strong, aggressive person, dominating and exploiting society

(Hall and LIndzey, 1981: 164). Social interest is helping society to attain

the goal of perfect society. People are driven by a need for power and

domination to a wish for personal superiority and finally to a desire to

subordinate their own needs in favor of the greater good. Social interest

develops in the context of family relationships and other formative

experiences. These experiences thwart the development of social interest.

5. Style of Life

Style of life is a term that Adler uses to refer to the flavor of a person’s

life. It includes not only the person’s goal, but also self- concept, feeling

towards others an attitude toward the world (Feist, 1985: 75). The style of

life is originally called the life plan or guiding image, which refers to the

unique ways in which people pursue their goal (Adler in Ryckman, 1985:

98). The short individual may develop an aggressive style in order to

14 compensate by becoming intellectual or clever. Style of life is the system principle by which the individual personality functions (Adler in Hall and

Lindzey, 1981: 164). Man has different style of life although he has the same goal (Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 150). It shows that he loves in his environment with the feature as a member of society that the others have no (Hall and Lindzey, 1985: 150). There are four types of Style of Life;

a. Ruling Type

This is the first type in Style of Life that leads people to have

their own way to make all of their dreams come true. This type

explains how people tries to reach their goal by dominate all the

things, work or anything that can support their way to reach the


Sometimes not all of people use this way, because this type

seems like individuality. If people use this way, they will dominate

all the things and try to be the one in every situation. They will not

let other to take their chance.

b. Getting Type

This is the second type of Style of Life; it explains how

people try to get everything that they want, including with what

way that they use to get the desire. With this type, people will learn

more and more how to make their dream come true even by a good

way or a bad way.

15 If they use a good way in this type, they will be useful not

only for their self but also for others. For example, when someone

wants his factory grows well, he will make a new innovation for its

product. With his new innovation, it will make people feel

comfortable and it will also make the owner of the factory can

reach what he wants. In brief, this type let the people use many

ways to make their dream comes true.

c. Avoiding Type

This type explains how people try to avoid all the things that

can make them in danger or unsatisfied. It means that when people

feel that their way on reaching their goal disturbs by others they

will avoid it by many ways. They will not let others fail their way,

so they will do many things.

d. Socially Useful Type

This type explains how people try to be useful around her

environment in order that they can easily get their wish. This is a

good type because people who use this type will do a good thing.

By this type, people can change their personality, for example a

bad people when they want to reach a desire and use this type

automatically they have to be a good man in front of others.

Every person has the same goal that is superiority, but there are in numerable ways of striving for this goal. All of person’s behavior springs from his or her style of life. The person perceives, learns, and retains what

16 fits the style of life, and ignores everything else (Hall and Lindzey, 1981:

165). It is the product of interaction of heredity, environment, and goal of

success, social interest and creative power. Since people always find new

ways in expressing their unique in overcoming their problem of life, they

will also develop the unique style of life in society (Adler in Hjelle and

Ziegler, 1992: 145)

6. Creative Self

Creative self means “an integration between inborn potential and

environmental influences, which leads to an action to solve any problem in

his life” (Feist, 1985: 66). Creative self is the creative principle of human

life (Adler in Hall and Lindzey, 1970: 166). It gives meaning to life and

creates the goal as well as the mean to the goal. The concept of creative

self implies that we create our own personality, that actively we construct

it out of our experiences and heredity (Adler in Ryckman, 1985: 981).

In his creative power, a man also has “law movement of an individual

of solving problem of his life, for each individual has his own way to solve

the problem (Hall and Lindzey, 1978: 127). The creative self is the active

principle of human life and it is not unlike the older concept of soul.

Creative self or creative power implies freedom. It produces perception,

memory, imagination, fantasy and dream. Persons are free to be what they

will. We may choose to experience pain, joy or anxiety or to defend

ourselves against the experiences by erecting various state guarding

tendencies (Feist, 1985: 78).

17 Creative self is the yeast that acts upon the facts of the world and

transform these facts into a personality that is subjective, dynamic, unified,

personal and uniquely stylized. Adler’s conception (in Hall and Lindzey,

1970: 127) of the nature of personality coincided with the popular idea that

man can be the master and not the victim of his fate.

C. Application

According to the theory of Individual Psychology by Alfred Adler, the

researcher focuses on analyzing the obsession of Lara Cameron toward his

personality in Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down. By knowing the

individual Psychology of the character, the researcher tries to explore the

feeling of obsession in Lara Cameron as a major character.

The investigation of personality could be done toward the action of the

character, the dialogue of the character and the thought of the character.

Secondly, the researcher will make a study about the theory of Individual

Psychology, especially based on Adler’s theory. Third, the researcher makes

the relationship between the Individual Psychology theory and the study inside

of the novel. Then, the researcher tries to find out how obsession can influence

the major character’s personality. All steps above are used to answer the

problem statement of the research and to achieve the objective of the research.



This chapter deals with the structural elements and discussion. The structural elements include character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style and theme. Those elements are closely related to each other in order to expose the structural elements of The Stars Shine Down. The second part is the discussion of the structural elements above.

A. Structural Element of The Stars Shine Down.

1. Character and Characterization

A character is presumably an imagined person who inhabits a

story (Kennedy, 1983: 45). According to Kennedy, characterization is the

description of human character that includes physically, mentally, socially

and morally, there are two kinds of characters; the first is major characters

whose personality’s familiar to the reader, and the second is minor

characters who support the identification of the major characters

(Kennedy, 1983: 5).

a. Major Character.

1) Lara Cameron

She is the main character of the novel. She has a high desire

and has a big obsession to become a successful woman. Physically, she

is beautiful, has a shiny black hair swept up in a crown, a flawless

complexion, and intelligent eyes like a cat grey. (TSSD: 3)

19 The woman was beautiful, with shiny black hair swept up in a crown, a flawless complexion, intelligent eyes, cat grey. (TSSD: 3)

She likes to build a party, especially for her birthday party. She is proud of being a woman who has a big and luxurious party.

It was going to be a spectacular party. She would hold her head high, and face her guest as though nothing were wrong. She was Lara Cameron. (TSSD: 5)

Her age is not young anymore, but her body makes her like twenty- one years old.

She’s got the body of a twenty- one year old, Ken thought. I’d sure love to get that into my bed. (TSSD: 8)

She is the only woman in real estate business. All her rival is a man, but she never cares about it. She just has one aim in her life that is she wants to become a successful business woman people say that only man can do it. Her works run successfully, and it makes her become famous in America.

‘You’re one of the most successful real estate developers in a business that’s usually considered a man’s domain. How do you operate? How do you decide, for instance, where to put up a building?’ (TSSD: 9)

Lara is a smart woman; she always has a good idea to make her real estate better than others.

‘As you can see gentlemen, ‘Lara said,’ we already have a first mortgage commitment. The complex will contain seven hundred and twenty guest units, approximately thirty thousand square feet of meeting space, and a one – thousand car parking garage…..(TSSD: 10)

In her own way, she’s genius. She can be petty and vengeful and incredibly generous. (TSSD: 14)

20 She is the busiest woman. She has a lot of work to do in her

business. She also has a lot of schedule that he has to fulfil. She works

harder than anyone else. She is also a typical of perfectionist woman,

she always wants everything in a good condition if not she will get


‘I’m sorry. You wanted me to….. I wanted you to think. I don’t need stupid people around me, reschedule the appointments with the architects and the housing commission.’ ‘Right,’Kathy said stiffly. (TSSD: 12)

She’s drop, dead beautiful. She works harder than anyone I’ve ever known. God only knows when she sleeps. She’s perfectionist, so she makes everyone around her miserable. (TSSD: 13)

She has a bad childhood, because her father never gave her a

care even love. She grew up without affection.

Lara was hungry for affection, without knowing what the hungry was. She had no toys or dolls to cherish nor any play mates….. (TSSD: 26)

b. Minor Character.

1) Roger

He is Lara’s private jets pilot.

The pilot’s worried voice came over the speaker. ‘Is your seat belt fastened, Miss Cameron?” There was no response. ‘Miss Cameron………Miss Cameron….. “I’m fine Roger”. (TSSD: 3)

Mentally, he is so worried about his boss.

‘Are you alright? We should be out of this storm soon.” “I’m fine, Roger.”

21 2) Max

He is Lara’s private driver in Reno.

Her limousine and driver were waiting for her at the ramp. “I was getting worried about you, Miss Cameron.” We ran into some weather, Max. Let’s get to the Plaza as fast as possible.” “Yes, ma’am. (TSSD: 9)

3) Carlos

He is the assistant manager of Cameron’s Plaza hotel.

…….the large spectacular lobby. Carlos, the assistant manager, saw her and came running to her side. (TSSD:

4) Ken

He is Lara’s aerobic trainer.

….they did stretches for half an hour and then switched to energetic aerobics. (TSSD: 8)

He likes look at Lara every morning when he teaches an aerobic, so that he can near with her.

‘She’s got the body of a twenty-one year old, Ken thought. I’d sure love to get that into my bed. He enjoyed coming here every morning just to look at her, to be near her. (TSSD: 8)

He also likes to attract Lara but she never cares about it.

When the session was finally over, Ken said, I’m going to watch you on “Good Morning America”. “What? For a moment Lara had forgotten about it. (TSSD: 8)

5) Joan Lunded

He is the host of “Good Morning America” television program.

The segment on “Good Morning America” went well. Joan Lunded did the interview and was gracious, as always. (TSSD: 8)

22 6) Tricia

She is Lara’s assistant.

Lara’s assistant, Tricia, brought in tea for the Japanese and coffee for Lara. (TSSD: 10)

7) Howard Keller

He is Lara’s associate. He is about fifties, pale and thin, with sandy hair. (TSSD: 10)

Howard Keller, Lara’s associate, came into the room. He was in his fifties, pale and thin, with sandy hair, wearing a rumpled suit and managing to look as though he had just got out of bed. (TSSD: 10)

He is the man who for the first time gives Lara advice about how to own a building in Chicago.

‘I would suggest that, instead, you find an old hotel in a good location and remodel it. There are a lot of rundown hotel that can be bought at a low figure. Your three million dollar would be enough equity for a down payment.’ (TSSD: 75)

8) Jerry Townsend

He is Lara’s Public Relation. Physically, he is tall enough, and has a hyper temperament.

……Lara had her meeting with Jerry Townsend. The tall, hyper, ex- Hollywood publicity man was in charge of public relation for Cameron Enterprises. (TSSD: 10)

9) Kathy

She is Lara’s executive assistant. She is an attractive woman.

Kathy, Lara’s executive assistant, came into the office. She was an attractive, neatly dressed black woman in her early thirties. (TSSD: 11) She is a woman with one child.

23 ‘How’s the baby?’ The question caught the secretary by surprise. David he’s ….he’s fine.’(TSSD: 11)

Physically, she has cancer in her body. Lara helps her to see a

doctor, and Kathy was really thankful to Lara.

Kathy swallowed. ‘I haven’t seen a doctor.’ ‘Not seen one!’ Lara exploded. ‘For God’s sakes, do you come from a family of ostriches? Of course you’ve got to see a doctor.’ (TSSD: 164)

10) Charlie Hunter

He is Lara’s accounting.

……she buzzied Charlie Hunter, the ambitious young man in charge of accounting, come in, Charlie. (TSSD:

Unfortunately, because of his behaviour on telling about the

problem of Cameron’s enterprises to the pers, he finally gets fired.

‘You talked about Cameron Enterprises and about some of the problems we’re having’ He frowned, ‘well, you know that reporter fellow probably misquoted some of my……’ ‘You’re fired.’ ‘What? Why? I….? (TSSD: 14)

11) Hugh Thompson

He is the reporter from “The Fortune”. Physically, he has

brown eyes and uses glasses. He looks like an intellectual man.

The Fortune reporter, Hugh Thompson, was an intense, intellectual looking man with sharp brown eyes behind black horn – rimmed glasses. (TSSD: 15)

He is so curious with the problem that exists in Cameron

enterprises. He will do anything to get that news.

“How much trouble is your company really in?”

24 “Lara’s smile faded, I beg you pardon?” ‘Come on. You can’t keep a thing like that quiet… (TSSD: 15)

12) Philip

He is Lara’s husband.

By the way I didn’t see your husband at the opening of the new hotel. Lara sighed.’Philip wanted so much to be there, but unfortunately he had to be…… (TSSD: 15)

He has just been married with Lara for a year.

You have been married a year now, haven’t you?’ (TSSD: 16)

He is a famous pianist; he does this job as a hobby. He meets

Lara when Lara tries to watch him in a concert. For the first time,

Lara never cares about him, because she does not like a classic

music. But after she knows Philip, she feels that she has to marry


‘Was that Philip Adler?” Keller asked ‘Uh hhuh. I’m going to marry him. (TSSD: 220)

He is a busiest man; he does not have a time even for Lara.

‘Mr Adler is in Beijing…..’ ‘Mr Adler is in Paris…..’ ‘Mr Adler is in Sydney…..’ To hell with him, Lara thought. (TSSD: 232)

13) James Hugh Cameron

He is Lara’s father.

‘That’s my father – James Hugh Cameron. Her voice was soft. He’s responsible for my success. (TSSD: 17)

Physically, he is a handsome man. His age is about thirty years

old but his appearance shows that he is fifteen.

25 James Cameron was a once – handsome man whose face reflected fulfilled sins. He appeared to be in his early fifties. He was thirty years old….. (TSSD: 21)

James comes from a poor family, so that he is married with

Peggy who comes from a wealthy family. He hopes that by marrying

Peggy, he can change his life.

….he met an impressionable young American girl named Peggy Maxwell, who was there on vacation with her family. She was not attractive, but the Maxwells were very wealthy, and James Cameron was very poor. (TSSD: 21)

He is the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by

Sean McAllister.

…….and the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by Sean McAllister. (TSSD: 21)

In the whole of his life, he never loves Lara, his own daughter.

He thinks that because of Lara his wife died and he becomes fail in

all of his works.

‘A daughter? Wha’ the hell will I dae wi’ a daughter?’ (TSSD: 24)

‘I dinna care wha’ the hell ye call it. Ye gie her a name.’ (TSSD: 25) James Cameron was determined to have nothing to do with his daughter. The damned fates had betrayed him once again by letting her life. (TSSD: 25)

14) Sean McAllister

He is James Cameron’s boss. He is also the owner of the

boarding houses in Glace Bay.

….and the manager of one of the boarding houses owned by Sean MacAllister, the town banker. (TSSD: 21)

26 He is the successful business man in Glace Bay, only in two

years he can build many hotels.

Within two years, he had built a hotel and five boarding houses, and they were always full. (TSSD: 21)

He is the town banker in Glace Bay and the only man who

rescues James Cameron from the failure that exists in his life. He is

about fifty year’s old, pompous man and always wearing a heavy

gold watch chain. Physically, he is short and fat.

It was Sean MacAllister who had come to his rescue. The town banker was a man in his mid fifties, a stumpy, pompous man, a pound short of being obese, given to wearing vests adorned with a heavy gold watch chain. (TSSD: 22)

15) Peggy

She is Lara’s mother and James Cameron’s wife. She died

when she gave birth.

‘Peggy’s dead. I did everything I could. She had twins. I couldn’t save the boy.’ (TSSD: 24)

She comes from a wealthy family.

……young American girl named Peggy Maxwell, who was there on vacation with her family. She was not attractive, but the Maxwell’s were very wealthy….. (TSSD: 21)

16) Dr Patrick Duncan

He is Peggy’s doctor who helps her to give a birth.

Peggy lay on the bed, motionless. Dr Patrick Duncan was leaning over her. (TSSD: 24)

27 17) Big Bertha

She is a woman who take cares of the boarding house. She does

all the things in the boarding house including cooking and handles

the chores. Physically, she is fat and big.

The only woman around her was Bertha, the huge Swede who was hired to do the cooking and handle the chores. (TSSD: 25)

18) Mungo McSween

He is a new boarder who moves in Glace Bay. Physically, he

has a big body and fat.

That year, a new boarder moved in. his name was Mungo McSween, and he was a huge bear of a man. (TSSD: 26)

He likes Lara for the first sight, and he wants Lara to enter

school because he thinks that she needs education for her future.

He felt an instant affection for the little girl. (TSSD: 26)

‘You’re wrong mon. she maun have an education. She maun be gien a chance in life.’ (TSSD: 27)

19) Mrs Cumming

She is the principal of St Anne’s Grammar School. She is in

her middle – aged, she has three children and has a grey hair.

The principal, Mrs Cummings, was a middle – aged grey haired widow with three children of her own. (TSSD: 27)

20) Miss Terkel

She is Lara’s teacher in St Anne’s Grammar School.

Miss Terkel, the teacher, was busily writing letters on a blackboard. (TSSD: 28)

28 21) Bill Rogers

He is a new boarder comes from America.

A new boarder moved in an American named Bill; Rogers (TSSD: 45)

He is about seventies years old. Physically, he is bald and fat,

he is also talkative.

He was in his seventies, bald and fat, an affable man who liked to talk. (TSSD: 45)

He works as a businessman. He has many buildings all the over

the Midwest.

‘Real estate is the business I was in.’ ‘Really?’ ‘I had buildings all over the Midwest. I even had a chain of hotels once. (TSSD: 45)

He teaches Lara about real estate business. He makes sure that

this business will give a lot of money and fun. He also gives Lara

information about how to begin this business and Lara just listens,

learns and tries to remember it.

After that they talked about real estate almost every night. ‘The first rule in real estate.’Rogers told her, is OPM. Never forget that.’ ‘What’s OPM?’ ‘Others People’s Money… (TSSD: 45)

22) Charles Cohn

He is a new boarder in Glace Bay. He is about sixties years old.

Physically, he is small, neat and well dressed.

A week later Charles Cohn moved into the boarding house. He was a small man in his sixties, neat and trim, and well dressed. (TSSD: 46)

29 He is an executive with Continental Supplies. He comes to

Glace Bay to find a location for his new store.

‘I’m an executive with Continental Supplies. ‘It was a famous national chain. ‘I’m here to find a location for our new store. (TSSD: 47)

Lara likes him very much, because she thinks that he is different with the other boarder. It seems that he is smart and intelligent. So, when she has a spare time, she always makes a conversation with Cohn.

Charles Cohn was a puzzle to Lara. He did not fit in with the other boarders at all. She tried to imagine what he did…….he seemed superior to the other boarders, better educated. (TSSD: 46)

With Lara’s intelligence, she tries to learn and understand all the things that Cohn ever said, including his purpose to find a place where he will put up a new building there. Cohn’s word makes Lara think and think to help him to find it. Finally, she finds a place where later will change her life.

‘Mr Cohn….i know a great place.\,’she blurted out. He stared at her, puzzled.’What/’ ‘For the location you’re looking for.’ ‘Oh? Where?’ (TSSD: 47)

The land is owned by Sean MacAllister. He is a banker in

Glace Bay; of course it will be hard to buy the land from that man.

Lara aware that she has no money to buy the land, but she has a great idea to make her dream comes true. She makes a loan to Sean

MacAllister to buy the land. But Sean MacAllister is a cunning

30 person, he will do anything to fail Lara’s plan. Without Lara’s knows

he meets Cohn to make a deal with him about the land, but

fortunately Cohn says that he has made a deal with someone, she is

Lara. Cohn does not want Lara fail and he wants Lara to be happy

because he really likes the girl.

Lara was upset. ‘You mean Mr MacAllister went behind my back and …?’ ‘Don’t worry,’ Cohn assured her, he’ll make he deal with you.’ ‘Do you really think so?’ ‘He’s a banker. He’s in business to make a profit.’ ‘What about you? Why are you doing this for me?’ lara asked. He had asked himself the same question. Because you’re achingly young, he thought. Because you don’t belong in this town. Because I wish I had a daughter like you. (TSSD: 52)

23) Buzz Steele

He is the contractor who will build a building for Lara. He is

grizzled, weather – beaten man, his age is about forties.

He was grizzled, weather – beaten man in his forties. (TSSD: 55)

He works as a contractor for Nova Scotia Construction; this

company is owned by Sean MacAllister.

“What’s the name of the company – Nova Scotia Construction?’ ‘That’s right.’ (TSSD: 64)

24) Mr Ericksen

He is Steele’s assistant. Physically, he is giant, broad

shouldered, and amiable.

‘Would you like to talk to Mr Ericksen, his assistant? ‘Yes please.’

31 Ericksen was a giant of a man, broad shouldered and amiable. He radiated reassurance (TSSD: 64)

25) Bruce Parker

He is the owner of Parker and Associates in Chicago.

A moment later, a voice said, Bruce Parker speaking. (TSSD: 69)

26) Tom Peterson

He is the vice president of one bank in La Salle Street.

I would like to speak to your vice president, please.’ Five minutes later, she was in the office of Tom Peterson. (TSSD: 72)

Physically, he is flaccid, middle aged man with a nervous tie.

Five minutes later, she was in the office of Tom Peterson, a flaccid middle aged man, with a nervous tic. He was studying her card. (TSSD: 72)

27) Ted Turtle

He is the top architect in Chicago. Howard Keller sends him to

help Lara on building her new hotel.

The architect name was Ted Turtle and when he heard Lara’s plan, he grinned and said, bless you.’ (TSSD: 90)

28) Steve Rice

He is the top contractor in Chicago. Physically he is rugged,

nonsense and innocent.

I’ve set up a meeting with a contractor. His name is Steve Rice. Steve Rice was one of the top contractor in Chicago……he was a rugged, non sense, down to earth type.

32 29) Steve Murchison

He is one of real estate developer in Chicago.

A developer named Steve Murchison was here this morning….(TSSD: 93) He hates Lara very much because she has stolen his building

which he has paid before.

“This is Steve Murchison. I’m going to let it gone this time, bitch, because I don’t think you know that the hell you’re doing. But in the future, stay out of my way, you could get hurt” (TSSD: 93)

30) Pete Ryan

He is a head foreman on one of Lara’s building works.

Physically, he is a handsome young man and has a quick smile.

But then Lara found herself attracted to Pete Ryan, the head foreman on one of Lara’s building jobs, a handsome strapping young man with an Irish brogue and a quick smile…. (TSSD: 99)

Lara likes him because he is an intelligent man. Her admire

shows when she accepts Ryan’s invitation to have a dinner with him.

‘Are you going to have a dinner with me?’ Ryan asked. The word “dinner” was stretched out slowly. Lara felt her heart give a little jump. ‘Yes’. (TSSD: 99)

In fact, they never have their dinner, when the time comes; they

make love in Lara’s apartment. Lara really enjoyed it, it reminds her

to her first date with Sean McAllister.

They undressed together, quickly, urgently. He had a lean, hard build, and Lara had a quick mental picture of Sean MacAllister’s heavy, podgy body. The next moment she was in bed and Ryan was on top of her, his hands and tongue all over her, and she cried aloud with the joy of what was happening to her. (TSSD: 99- 100)

33 31) The Old man

He is the owner of Coffee Shop in Kedzie Avenue. Physically,

he has no legs; he uses a wheel chair to walk. His age is about sixty.

He appeared take in his late sixties….he was in a wheelchair. He had no legs. (TSSD: 105)

32) Roger Burnham

He is the owner of Manhattan Central Hospital.

Lara walked into the hospital and asked the name of the corporation that owned it. She was sent to the offices of a Roger Burnham on Wall Street. (TSSD: 113)

32) Sam Gosden

He is the New York’s attorney who handed Lara contracts.

Lara was having lunch wit Sam Gosden, the New York’s attorney who handed her contracts for her. (TSSD: 117)

33) Paul Martin

He is a lawyer in Manhattan.

‘Kathy, there’s lawyer in Manhattan named Paul Martin. Get me his address’. (TSSD: 120)

His age is about sixty. Physically, he has deep line face, a hawk

nose and white hair. He likes to wear an old fashioned pin stripe.

The man behind the desk appeared to be in his early sixties. He had deeply lined face, a hawk nose, and a mane of white hair. He was wearing an old fashioned pin stripe…. (TSSD: 121)

There are many problems that appear in Lara’s job dealing with

her new project, Lara feels confused and she tries to meet Paul

Martin who she thinks he can help her. In fact, Paul Martin helps her

although for the first time he refused Lara’s asks. Finally, Paul’s

34 succeeds on helping Lara, and as gratitude Lara invites him to have

lunch and gives him more attention than the others.

‘I wondered if we might have lunch, Mr. Martin?’ ‘Are you having another problem of some kind?’(TSSD: 142)

‘That afternoon Lara put one of the tickets in an envelope and addressed it to Paul Martin at his office. (TSSD: 143)

Finally, he likes Lara with her intelligent. Actually it is shown

on the first time when Lara comes to Martin’s office to beg for help.

But then he realizes that it is impossible for him to have Lara

because he is an old man and married man.

Martin had been aware of Lara Cameron by name, but he was stunned by how young and beautiful she was. She was ambitious and angrily independent, and yet she was very feminine. He found himself strongly attracted to her. No, he thought, she’s a young girl. I’m an old man. Too old. (TSSD: 141)

Martin gives a lot of influence for Lara. He gives many help

and support for Lara to develop her business. This relation became

so close and makes Lara not to be able to make a decision without

Martin beside her.

34) Terry Hill

He is Lara’s lawyer. Lara put him as her team in her project.

She hired a lawyer named Terry Hill. (TSSD: 151)

35) Jim Belon

He is Terry’s assistant. He also works for Lara in her team.

She hired a lawyer named terry Hill, an assistant named Jim Belon. (TSSD: 151)

35 36) Tom Chriton

He is the project manager in Lara’s team.

37) Tom Scott

He is an advertising agency.

38) Pete Reese.

He is the new project manager in Lara’s company.

Unfortunately, he betrays the company and it leads Lara to fire him.

She was talking to Pete Reese, the new project manager. (TSSD: 155)

What’s he doing here?’ Pete Reese asked. He’s come to take you away.’ (TSSD: 157)

39) Todd Grayson

He is the architectural critic for the New York Times.

Lara kept looking nervously for Todd Grayson, the architectural critic for The New York Times, who had been invited. (TSSD: 160)

40) Nina

She is Paul Martin’s wife. Physically, she is beautiful and nice


Paul Martin arrived with his wife…. She was an attractive, elegant looking woman. (TSSD: 160)

41) Dr. Peter

He is a doctor in Sloan Kettering Hospital. Lara chooses him to

examine her secretary’s disease.

Get over to Sloan Kettering Hospital. Dr Peter will be waiting for you.’ (TSSD: 164)

36 42) Mr. Andy O’Brian

He is the man from City Housing Commissioner’s Office. He

comes to Lara to ask about the license that Lara uses to bring all

homeless in Chicago that she invites to fulfil the apartment in

Dorchester Apartment.

‘There’s Mr O’Brian to see you from the City Housing Commissioner’s office, Miss Cameron.’ (TSSD: 168)

Physically he has a burly red face like an Irish man with a

slight brogue.

Andy O’Brian was a burly red – faced Irishman with a slight brogue. ‘Miss Cameron?’(TSSD: 168)

43) Mr Hershey

He is the tenant who lives on the top floor in Dorchester


Mr Hershey, who lives on the top floor rushed outside and hurried over to the foreman (TSSD: 173)

He comes to meet Lara to ask about the crowded situation that

Lara makes by inviting all the homeless in the apartments. He feels

that their arriving make all the tenants feel disturbed.

44) Brian MacIntosh

He is one of the wealthiest real estate developers in England.

He invites Lara to come to England to have some partnership dealing

with real estate business.

Brian MacIntosh was one of the wealthiest real estate developers in England. (TSSD: 187)

37 He is a friend of the famous pianist, Philip Adler who later will

become Lara’s husband.

‘Let’s go backistage. Philip is a friend of mine.’ ‘I really don’t…. (TSSD: 190)

45) Ronald Jones

He is the manger of Claridge’s Hotel in London.

When Lara arrived at the lobby of Claridge’s, Ronald Jones, the manger, was there to greet her. (TSSD: 187)

46) Bill Whitman

He is Lara’s Chief Construction Supervisor.

Lara took her Chief Construction Supervisor, Bill Whitman, to the meeting. (TSSD: 193)

47) Edith Benson

She is the chairman of Community board.

‘It’s not the board so much. It’s their chairman. A lady named Edith Benson.’ (TSSD: 193)

She is a typical of sensitive woman. It is shown when Lara lies

to her that she has a daughter who will live with her father in the new

building that Lara wants to build. But it will not come true because

Edith Benson does not give an approval for it. Hearing Lara’s story

and lies she feels sympathize and three weeks later Lara got the

approval from her to start on her new project.

I have a ten year old daughter that I’m crazy about, and she’s going to live in the new building with her father. …. (TSSD: 194)

38 There was a sympathetic silence. ‘I must say, this…..this puts quite a different complexion on things, Miss Cameron……Three weeks later, Lara got the approval from the Community Board to go ahead with the project. (TSSD: 195)

48) Dr Seymour Bennet

He is Howard Keller’s doctor and the Chief of Staff at

Midtown Hospital.

‘Who’s your doctor Howard?’ ‘What?’ ‘Who’s your doctor?’ ‘Seymour Bennet. He’s Chief of Staff at Midtown Hospital. (TSSD: 199)

Lara asks him to approach the widow of George Royce to talk

about the clinic that Lara wants to build in her land.

‘They’ve asked me to approach you on behalf this group, Mrs Royce. They want to build a beautiful clinic…… (TSSD: 199)

49) Eleanor Royce

She is the widow of George Royce, the late doctor. She sells

the property from her husband but she does not want the property

turn into something commercial. She wants some kinds of monument

for her late husband in order that she can remember him.

‘It’s owned by the doctor’s widow, Eleanor Royce…..she wants some kind of monument to her husband…….she doesn’t want her property turned into anything crass or commercial. (TSSD: 198)

50) Tony Wilkie

He is a man in casino who tells Lara about gambling in Gaming


39 Lara and Howard Keller were being escorted through the casino man named Tony Wilkie. (TSSD: 204)

51) Horace Guttman

He is the president of Mutual Security Insurance. His old is

about sixty but he seems much older. Physically, he has stern, worn

face and stubborn chin.

‘Yes. Mutual Security Insurance. The President is a man named Horace Guttman. (TSSD: 209)

He was in his sixties, but he seemed much older. He had a stern, worn face and a stubborn chin. (TSSD: 210)

He was born in Gary Indiana.

‘She’s quite woman. A little strange. Says she was born in Gary, Indiana, same as me. (TSSD: 211)

52) Alice Guttman

She is Horace Guttman’s wife.

Alice Guttman wasn’t feeling well that evening, so Horace Guttman had come to the party alone. (TSSD: 210)

53) Leonard Meyers

He is a music professor from Manhattan School of Music.

‘I’d like to see one of the music professors, please. ………….. ‘Good morning. I’m Leonard Meyers. How may I help you? (TSSD: 215)

Physically, he is small with grey hair.

A few minutes later, a small, grey – haired man appeared Lara’s side. (TSSD: 215)

40 54) Gertrude Meeks

She is Lara’s new secretary; she is about thirteen years old. Gertrude Meeks was the choice of the day. She was on her thirties, bright and up – beat, and obviously in awe of Lara. (TSSD: 228)

She has a good job, but unfortunately she betrays Lara and

works for Steve Murchinson. She tells all about the land that Lara

wants to buy to Steve Murchinson so that Lara gets her ruin.

Did you put in the bid on Kirkland?’ Keller shook his head. ‘Someone got there ahead of us. ’(TSSD: 236)

The woman with him looked familiar, also. She stopped to pick up her purse and Lara’s heart skipped a bet. Gertrude Meeks, my secretary. Bingo,’ Lara said softly. (TSSD: 239)

55) Raymond Duffy

He is one of the construction foremen in Lara’s company.

‘Miss Cameron, Raymond Duffy, one of the construction foremen, is on the line for you.”(TSSD: 229)

56) William Ellerbee

He is Philip’s manager. Physically, he is a heavy man.

Philip turned to a short, heavy set man, standing behind him. “This is my manger, William Ellerbee. (TSSD: 234)

57) Marian bell

She is Lara’s new secretary. Physically, she has a blonde hair

and attractive features. She is about in the middle of twenty years


Lara talked to half a dozen before Marian Bell appeared. She was in her middle twenties with soft, blonde hair, attractive features, and a warm personality. (TSSD: 275)

41 She is graduated from Wellesley Collage.

‘You were graduated from Wellesley College?’ ‘Yes.’ (TSSD: 275)

Morally, she is an intelligent woman. Lara likes her and she

wants Marian to work for her at home.

She liked the girl……by the end of this week; Lara knew that she had found a jewel. Marian was capable and intelligent and pleasant. (TSSD: 275)

58) Dr Dennis Stanton

He is the doctor who examined Philip when he gets an accident

in the night after he makes a concert.

Two hours later Dr Dennis Stanton walked into Philip’s room and the moment Philip saw the expression on his face he knew what he was going to say. (TSSD: 312)

59) Lieutenant Mancini

He is a detective who came to help Philip to solve the problem.

Physically, he is about in the late of fifty.

A detective came to see Philip at the hospital. ….he was one of the old breed, in his late fifties and tired, with eyes that had already seen it all twice. I’m Lieutenant Mancini. I’m sorry about what happened. (TSSD: 313)

60) Mr Rossman

He is a therapist who comes to Lara’s home to help Philip. He

works at Columbia hospital.

The next day a young therapist appeared at the apartment. …..this is Mr Rossman. He works at Columbia Hospital. He’s going to help you Philip. (TSSD: 319)

42 61) Mr Tilly

He is the project manager on Cameron Towers.

‘Mr Tilly is on line four, miss Cameron. Tilly was the project manager in Cameron Tower. (TSSD: 341)

62) Otto Karp

He is the manager of the New Jersey Panel and Glass


Otto Karp was the manger of the New Jersey Panel and Glass Company. He comes on the phone almost immediately. (TSSD: 345)

2. Setting

The term setting denotes the location, historical period and social

surrounding in which the action of a text develops. According to Kennedy

(1996: 38), setting is one of the elements of fiction which reveals to us

where and when the events happen. There are two categories of setting,

setting of place and setting of time.

a. Setting of Place

There are several places that are used in The Stars Shine Down:

1) In the plane

This is the place where it takes Lara to La Guardia.

The door of the cockpit opened and the pilot came into the cabin. He paused for a moment to admire his passenger. (TSSD: 3)

2) La Guardia.

This is the place where Lara builds her birthday party.

43 “….we’re going to be about an hour late getting into La Guardia. I’m sorry I’m going to be late for my birthday party, Lara thought. Everyone is going to be there. (TSSD: 4)

3) Grand Ballroom of the Cameron Plaza

This is the place where the party is held.

She could visualize the Grand Ballroom of the Cameron Plaza, where the party was being held. (TSSD: 4)

4) Penthouse

This is the place where Lara has her aerobics exercises.

Lara showered and changed and had breakfast alone on the terrace of the penthouse, a breakfast of grapefruit, cereal, and green tea…..(TSSD: 8)

5) Cameron Centre on Sixth Avenue.

This is the place where Lara meets the Japanese bankers.

The meeting was held at Cameron Centre on Sixth Avenue(TSSD: 9)

6) St Anne’s Grammar School

This is the place where Lara gets her first school.

The following Monday, Big Bertha dropped her off at St Anne’s Grammar School, and Lara was taken to the principal’s office. (TSSD: 27)

7) Carls drugstore

This is the place where always full with students after school hang out.

8) Halifax

This is the place where Lara has her first date with Sean MacAllister.

Next Saturday I have to go into Halifax. I thought we might go together. Saturday was only two days away. (TSSD: 56-57)

44 9) Greenwood Cemetery in the Passion dale

This is the place where Lara buried James Cameron’s death body.

James Cameron died in early morning in spring, and Lara buried him at the Greenwood Cemetery in the Passion dale area. (TSSD: 44)

10) At the corner of Main and Commercial Streets in the centre of Glace


This is the place where Lara showed it up to Charles Cohn and the

place where she will put up the building there.

11) Stevens Hotel

This is the place where Lara stays for a while when she moved to

Chicago. (TSSD: 69)

12) A print shop on Lake Street

This is the place where Lara makes her business card.

Lara walked into a print shop on Lake Street. ‘I would like to have a hundred business cards printed up, please. (TSSD: 71)

13) Michigan Avenue, State Street, La Salle, Lake Shore Drive and

Lincoln Park.

This is the place where Lara through along in her whole evening

finds an inspiration to make her new building in Chicago.

14) Venetian gardens

One place in Glace Bay used for dancing

15) A Hospital in Quarry Street

A hospital where James Cameron takes care off.

45 16) White Hall

This is a restaurant where Howard having dinner with Steve Kane

and Lara.

17) Kedzie Avenue

This is the place where Lara wants to put up a building again but

there are many shops and stores that she have to buy before she

makes a building in it.

The block on Kedzie Avenue consisted of more than a dozen small stores and shops (TSSD: 103)

18) Madison Avenue

This is the place where Lara got her hair cut. (TSSD: 112)

19) Manhattan Central Hospital

This is an old and ugly hospital in New York which Lara wants to

buy. It is located on the east side between 68th and 69th Streets.

Manhattan central hospital was a dilapidated, ugly looking building located on the east side between 68th and 69th streets, and it took up an entire block. (TSSD: 113)

20) Bistro

This is the place where Lara makes a dinner with Paul Martin.

They had a dinner at bistro on the east side (TSSD: 144)

21) At the Hospital

This is the place where Lara visits her secretary, Kathy.

22) A small Bar on Third Avenue.

This is the place where Lara and Charles Cohn meet again and have


46 23) Twenty One Clubs.

This is the place where Lara and Paul Martin have lunch.

(TSSD: 149)

24) Sardi’s

This is the place where Lara has lunch with Charles Cohn.

(TSSD: 152)

25) London

This is the place where Lara has been invited by Brian MacIntosh to

have some relationship about real estate business. This is also the

place where Lara met Philip for the first time.

26) in the Festival Hall

This is the place where Lara sees Philip’s performance for the first


27) Reno

This is the place where Lara tries to play gambling in Gaming

Commission with Howard as Paul Martin’s advice.

28) Roswell Residence

This is the place where Lara makes a dinner with Horace Guttman

and the other real estate developer.

29) Ballroom at the Waldrof Astoria

This is the place where Lara meets Philip for the second time.

47 30) Manhattan School Music

This is the place where Lara tries to learn about classical music in

order that Philip likes her.

31) Le Cote Basque

This is the place where Lara dinner with Philip Adler.

32) Hollywood Bowl

This is the place where Philip plays with his piano and meets Lara


33) Beverly Hilton International Ballroom

This is the place where Lara takes to the party with Howard and

Philip Adler.

34) Atlanta

This is the place where Lara and Howard investigate two sites at

Ainsley Park and one at Dunwoody.

35) New Orleans

This is the place where Lara tries to exploring the place that she

could build a new building there.

36) Seattle

This is the place where Lara and Howard explore the new site on

Mercer Island and Kirkland.

37) Mr Chow’s

This is the place where Lara makes lunch with Paul. This is also a

place where finally she can find betrayer inside of her company that

is her new secretary, Gertrude.

48 38) Amsterdam

This is the place where Lara tries to meet Philip. (TSSD: 242)

39) Bali Restaurant on Leidsestraat

This is the place where Lara makes a supper with Philip in

Amsterdam. (TSSD: 246)

40) Milan

This is the place where Lara follows Philip in concert.

41) Antica Locanda Solferino

This is a hotel where Lara and Philip check in.

In Milan, Lara and Philip Adler checked into the Antica Locanda Solferino, a charming hotel with only twelve rooms… (TSSD: 252)

42) Biffy

This is the restaurant where Lara and Philip have their dinner in

Milan after concert.

They went to Biffy, the restaurant in the opera house, and the moment they walked in, the patrons, dressed in black tie for the concert…(TSSD: 253)

43) Venice

This is the place where Lara still follows Philip Adler in his concert.

They landed at Marco Polo Airport in Venice thirty five minutes later…. (TSSD: 254) b. Setting of Time

1) 1970

The late 1970s were years of growth and change and excitement. (TSSD: 98)

49 2) 1974

It was 1974 and momentous events were occurring around the world……Lara started construction on her second hotel, the Chicago Cameron Plaza. (TSSD: 94)

3) 1975

In 1975, the movie Jaws swept the country, and people stopped going into the ocean. The world population passed four billion…. (TSSD: 94)

4) 1976

In 1976, there was a successful Israeli raid on Entebbe, and Mao Tse – tung died, and James Earl Carter, Jr was elected President of the United States. Lara erected another office building. (TSSD: 98)

5) 1977

In 1977, Charlie Chaplin died, and Elvis Presley temporarily died. Lara built the largest shopping mall in Chicago. (TSSD: 98) 6) 1978

In 1978 Reverend Jim Jones and nine hundred and eleven followers committed mass suicide in Guyana. Lara built a series of high rise condominiums in Rogers Park. (TSSD: 98)

7) 1979

In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty at Camp David; there was a nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, and Muslim Fundamentalist seized the United States Embassy in Iran. Lara built a skyscraper and a glamorous resort and country club in Deerfield, north of Chicago. (TSSD: 98)

8) 1991

One year earlier, Lara Cameron’s appointment schedule for the day had been routine. September 10, 1991. (TSSD: 7)

9) 1992

Thursday, September 10, 1992 8: p. m. (TSSD: 3)

50 10) 1952

Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. September 10, 1952.

11) On an evening in early July

On an evening in early July, James Cameron was in bed with one of the whores at Kristy’s bawdy House. (TSSD: 38)

12) At night

This is the time when Lara uses to make many dinners with her relation.

13) In the afternoon

This is the time when Lara uses to make many lunches with her relation.

14) 1984

In 1984, Lara Cameron decided that the time had come to conquer New York. (TSSD: 111)

15) 1980

The 1980s were a time of changes. Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States and Wall Street had the busiest day in its history…… Lara was in the right place at the right time. (TSSD: 150)

16) On Christmas day

On chrismast day, Lara stayed at home. She had been invited to a dozen parties, but Paul Martin was going to drop by. (TSSD: 201)

3. Plot

Barnet (1961: 13) stated that plot is “the happening as they are

selected and arranged by the author”. According to Koesnosoebroto(1988:

28), plot is “a technical term to stay about a series of tied together events

in a story”. While according to Rodrigues (1943: 51) the plot story is “a

51 narration a telling of a series of events that has a traditional pattern of structure. A conflict is identified at the beginning, the action builds until it reaches climax and than the story either ends or gradually tapers off to the end”. Plot is divided into exposition, complications, climax, and resolution. a. Exposition

According to Kennedy(1983: 28), exposition is “the opening portion that sets the scene, introduce the main characters, tell us what happened before the story opened and provides any other background information that we need in order to understand and case about the events to follow”.

The story of The Stars Shine Down begins on the plane where Lara inside of it. This plane takes Lara to her birthday party in Cameron Plaza.

She seems in hurry and feels worry about the party that she thinks she missed it. She also feels that the entire guests will look for her if she does not come on time.

I’m going to be late for my birthday party, Lara thought. Everyone is going to be there. Two hundred guest, including the Vice President of the United States…… (TSSD: 4)

Lara feels surprised, because there is no one who attends to the party. Furthermore the invitation has been spread and all of the people promise to Lara that they will come to the party to celebrate her birthday.

52 She flung open the door, a smile on her face, and stopped in shock. The room was in total darkness…..there was no one there. Not one sigle person. (TSSD: 6) b. Complication

Complication is “temporary hindrance” (Koesnosoebroto. 1988:

36). According to Kennedy complication introduces “a new conflict”

(Kennedy. 1983: 9). Complication is divided into two conflicts, namely,

external and internal conflict. Internal conflict is conflict that happens in

the major character’s personality. While, external conflict is conflict that

happens between major characters with another character.

The internal conflict begins when Lara is still in Nova Scotia.

There, she meets with Charles Cohn, a man who later can support Lara to

become a real estate developer. Charles offers Lara to find a land where

his company can make up building there. Lara knows where it is, and then

she shows it to Charles. Charles loves it but unfortunately the land is

owned by Sean MacAllister, a banker in Nova Scotia. Lara then thinking

for a dozen times how she can buy the land and make a deal with Charles’

company. Finally, she tries to approach Sean MacAllister and says her

wish. Sean agrees to sell his land, but he wants Lara’s body as a bonus. If

not, he will not sell the land. Lara feels confused, whether gives her virgin

and owns the land or still virgin but have no land at all.

Lara sat in the car, waiting, panicky. I’m selling my self, she thought. Like a whore. But it’s all I got to sell, and at least he thinks I’m worth two hundred thousand dollars. My father never saw two hundred thousand dollars in his life. He was always too….. (TSSD: 57)

53 No. I’m dying. They’ll take me to the hospital and I’ll die there. A virgin. ‘I’m fine, ‘she said. (TSSD: 57)

The second inner conflict that appears in her personality is when she meets Paul Martin, the mafia. Martin helps Lara in many things, he also spoil Lara with many beautiful things. Finally, Martin falls in love with Lara and Lara who never gets affection from father’s figure accept

Paul Martin’s love. But lately, she feels confused whether she is in love with him or it is just some kind of the lost affection that she never gets from her father.

‘You don’t know him. He’s wonderful.’ ‘Are you in love with him?’ Lara thought about it. Paul Martin fulfilled a need in her life. But was she in love with him? ‘No.’ ‘Is he in love with you?’ ‘I think so.’ ‘Be careful. Be very careful.’ (TSSD: 154- 155)

The third conflict appears when she meets with Philip Adler, the famous pianist from England. Lara knows that she is in love with him, but she realizes that Philip is a busiest man. She knows herself that she needs a man who always beside her whenever she needs his help. She also wants a man who can go home every day and spends all over the night with her.

She loves Philip and she wants him to become her husband but she realizes that they have a different world and it is impossible to make it one.

54 Finally, she decides to break with Philip and choose her own life without

Philip beside her.

‘I’m not going to Paris with you Philip. He thought he misunderstood her.’ What?’ Lara took a deep breath. ‘I’m not going to see you again.’ It was like a blow to the stomach. ‘Why? I love you Lara. I…. ‘And I love you. But I’m not a groupie. I don’t want to be just another one of your of your fans, chasing you around. You can have all those you want. …… ‘No, Philip. I love you very much, but I won’t go on like this. It’s over. (TSSD: 261)

At last, Philip makes a decision that he cannot live without Lara and he does not want to loose her. Then he marries Lara and promises to her that he will make her happy as long as he lives.

It was Philip voice. How would you like to get married in Paris? (TSSD: 265) The marriage of Lara Cameron to Philip Adler made headlines around the world. When Howard Keller heard the news, …. (TSSD: 265)

Lara’s marriage is wonderful; she does not believe that she can pass this life with Philip. But later, the inner conflict appears again in her personality when she realizes that Philip cannot leave his world. Lara feels lonely again when she is aware that there is no Philip besides her. She always thinks of Philip whenever he goes on his tour. Lara thinks that

Philip may be with another woman out of there.

She found it difficult to concentrate on the meeting. She visualized Philip at the party, beautiful women handing him their hotel keys. She was consumed with jealousy, and she hated herself for it. (TSSD: 297)

55 The external conflicts in The Stars Shine Down firstly happen with

Sean McAllister. The conflicts begin when Lara confronts with Sean about the land that she wants to buy from him. Lara realizes that she has no money to buy the land, but she has an idea that she will owe some money from Sean McAllister to buy his land. Sean agrees with Lara’s idea but he has a wish that he wants Lara’s body as a bonus. Lara thinks for a moment but finally she has no choice except to accept Sean’s offer.

You come here to borrow money from me to buy my land? ‘That lot is worth no more than twenty thousand dollars. I checked. I’m offering you thirty. You’ll make a profit of ten thousand dollars on the land plus interest on the two hundred thousand dollars you are going to loan me to put up the building. (TSSD: 49)

The second external conflict happens with Andy O’Brian. This conflict appears when Lara becomes a famous real estate developer in

Chicago. Andy O’Brian is the man from City Housing Commissioner’s office. He comes to see Lara to give her warn about the place that Lara uses to fulfill the homeless in it. Andy thinks that it is not a good idea to get the homeless there. Because there are a lot of tenants who live there will feel disturb. Moreover, Lara has no license to bring them in her apartment which can make the apartment more crowded.

‘I’m afraid you’re in violation of the law, Miss Cameron. ‘Really? What is this all about?’ ‘You own the Dorchester Apartments on east Fourteenth Street?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘We have a report that about a hundred homeless people have crowded into those apartments. (TSSD: 168)

56 The third external conflict appears between Lara and her husband,

Philip Adler. After married, Lara feels so happy because her dream to have a man in her life fulfilled. But in other side after for several days, Lara realizes that Philip cannot go away from his world. He is still busy on making some concert in abroad. Lara feels lonely and hate face this problem. Then she asks Philip just to stay at home and she will give everything that he needs. Philip rejects it, he says that it is not just to make a concert but it is about his life and nobody can stop him even Lara.

‘Ellerbe’s booked me for another tour. I leave for Germany in three weeks.’ ‘You can’t! Lara said. ‘The contracts have already been signed. There’s nothing I can do about it. ‘You just got back. How can you go away so soon?’ ‘It’s an important tour darling.’ ‘and our marriage isn’t important?’ ‘Lara…. ‘You don’t have to go, ‘Lara said angrily. ‘I want a husband, not a part time….(TSSD: 295)

Philip still goes to his concert, nowadays he will go to Denmark,

Germany, Norway and England. Just like what he says that there is nobody can stop him. He is really enjoying his concert because finally all of the audiences give him a great applause. Unfortunately, when the concert is over and he wants to return to his hotel, there is a robber asks Philip to take his watch out, and when Philip get his watch out, the man grabbed

Philip’s left hand, the blood comes out and finally, Philip is fainted.

57 c. Climax

The complication goes to the climax, which is the moment of

greatest tension. According to Koesnosoebroto (1988: 36) climax is the

point of highest emotional intensity. While according to Kennedy (1983:

16) climax is “the pleasurable anxiety we fell that heightens our attention

to the story, inherent in our way. The climax happens when Philip get

mugged after he gives a concert in Carniege Hall. His watch was robbed

by the stranger and he slashed Philip wrist. All people think that it must be

Lara behind this moment, because everybody knows that Lara feels lonely

after she realizes that Philip cannot leave his world. People also think that

Lara must paid someone to slash one of Philip’s hand in order that he

cannot play piano again.

Lara feels disappointed with what people think of her. She cannot

accept why there is a man who wants to kill Philip, she loves him much

and she cannot bear to watch Philip in that condition. After that moment,

there is a detective who always comes to Lara’s apartment and asks about

the moment that happens to Philip. He also asks about all people who

recognize Philip. The police are suspicious that Lara is behind this.

What happened tou wasn’t an accident. He got paid fifty thousand dollars to cut you up.’ I don’t believe it, Philip said slowly. ‘Who would pay anyone fifty thousand dollars too cripple me?’ ‘He was hired by your wife.’ (TSSD: 352)

58 Philip still unbeliefs with the police officer said about Lara. He

cannot imagine why Lara can do that thing to him. She always says that

she loves him more than anything in this world, but why she does that. d. Resolution

Resolution is the outcome of the conflict. It is also called as a

conclusion of the story. The resolution in this novel The Stars Shine Down

occurs when finally, the police find the person who paid the man to attack

Philip. He is Howard Keller. Everybody is shocked with this disbelief

because Howard is known as a friendly person, and always helps Lara

whenever she needs his help. Police knows this from Jesse Saws, a man

who attacks Philip. Jesse is Howard’s buddies in Chicago Cubs American

Legion League Team. Lara hires Jesse because Howard Keller asked her.

Howard does this because he cannot see Lara in sadness. He wants Lara in

happiness although it is not with him. He knows that Lara is crazy of her

husband and she really needs him more than anything, but Philip with his

busiest time never cares of Lara and he still makes a concert all over the

world. Knowing this, Howard thinks that he has to do something which

can make Philip always stay at home with Lara and accompany her all the

day. Finally, Howard is taken to the prison and Paul who for the first time

is suspicious as the robber and the man behind Philip’s accident leaves

Lara with full of pain in his heart. He loves Lara but he realizes that it is

possible to continue their relation; he is aware that Lara can finds her

happiness without him.

59 e. Causality

The event in The Stars Shine Down shows causality. The beginning

of the story tells that Lara Cameron comes from a lower class. She has no

house to live. In Nova Scotia she just lives with her father who never cares

of her. She never gets affection from his father. Her father works in

boarding house which is owned by Sean MacAllister, a banker in Nova

Scotia. Sean always mocks him and his family that he has nothing to be

proud in this world. He even has no land or home to live in. It leads Lara’s

father become a drunker. Finally, her father died and Lara lived alone in

Nova Scotia. She continues her life by collecting the rent in a boarding

house. One day, she feels that she has to change her life, she does not want

to be like her father who just collecting the rent and no more activity that

can make a better life.

Lately, she recognizes Charles Cohn; he is the man who later will

teach Lara to become a famous real estate developer. Time goes by, Lara

learns and learns more about real estate and finally she becomes a famous

real estate developer n Chicago. She does many things to make her dreams

come true. She always makes an innovation on making a new building.

There is no stop for Lara. After finishing one building, she always plans

for the next building until she feels satisfied. Unfortunately, Lara never

feels satisfied; she thinks that she will prove to her father that she can

become whatever she wants. She also wants to show her father that she is

not an ugly daughter who cannot be proud of.

60 f. Plausibility

For the first time Lara makes a decision to become real estate

developer is just to make her life better. She feels that this is the time when

she has to change her life. She does not want in a poor condition always

with her. She wants a better condition that can make people honor to her.

Lara is known as a brave girl, in her childhood she never knows the term

of giving up, she just knows how to survive. Moreover when her father

dies, she becomes realized that life is complicated. Then, when she meets

Charles Cohn in the boarding house she makes a decision that she has to

change her life as soon as possible. She wants to make her father proud of

her. In her first journey, she faces the facts that she has to sell her body to

Sean McAllister, the man who owns the land that Lara wants to buy.

Without thinking more, Lara agrees to sell her body to Sean because she

knows that if she wants to own something, she has to sacrifice one thing,

and it is her virgin.

She is not virgin anymore, and she does not think of it. She just

thinks how she can make more money from real estate business. Time

goes by, Lara meets with another guy who helps her on solving her

problem about real estate business, and he is Paul Martin. His age is same

as her late father. Finally, their relation becomes closer and closer and it

leads Lara to become a different woman. She changes her personality to

become a woman who likes making love with an old guy; it is just because

she misses affection from her father’s figure.

61 Her personality does not give a bad effect on her business. Because

of it, Lara becomes a famous real estate developer who owns many

building in Chicago. There is no stop for Lara and Lara always tries to

make something new in her business.

4. Point of View

According to Barnet (1961: 37), point if view is the way an author

chooses to tell his story. The narrator may and may not participate in the

story, and the narrator who participates in the story is called “first person

narrator”. The first participant may be a major character or a minor


Sidney Sheldon in The Stars Shine Down uses non-participant

point of view (third person narrator). He is outside in this story. He just tells

about the characters as they are. He introduces himself as a narrator that

describes each character and has characteristics as omniscient.

5. Style

According to Koesnosoebroto (1988: 124), style is “usually

confined to mean element of anguage:l words, syntax, punctuation, and

soon, everything from the simple mechanics to the rhetoric that may

reflect an author’s originality in writing”. Generally style consists of

grammatical structure, sentence construction, diction and figurative


62 a. Grammatical Structure

Grammatical structure is the suggestion of the sentence structure.

Sidney Sheldon in The Stars Shine Down uses standard language in the narration.

Lara got a glimpse of different world, a world where children had mothers and fathers who gave them presents and birthday parties and loved them and held them…….(TSSD: 29) b. Sentence Construction

In The Stars Shine Down the sentence constructions are short sentence in a form narration and dialogue. Both of them reflect a simple unadorned description about the events that happen in The Stars Shine down.

The example of long sentences:

It was the final game of the World Series and Wrigley field was packed with 38, 710 screaming fans. ‘Its the top of the ninth, with the score Cubs - 1, Yankees – 0. the Yankees are up at bat, with two outs. The bases are loaded with Tony Kubek on first, White Ford on second, and Yogi Berra on third.’ As Mickey Mantle stepped up to the plate, the crowd roared. ‘The Mick’ had hit 304 for the season and had 42 homeruns under his belt for the year. Jack Brickhouse. The Wrigley Field announcer said, excitedly, ‘Oh, oh….it looks like they’re going to change pitchers. They’re taking out Moe drabowsky…..Cub manager, Bob Scheffing is talking to the umpire…….. (TSSD: 84) The example of short sentences:

‘This is quite a resume.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘How much of it is real?’ ‘I’m sorry?’(TSSD: 13)

63 c. Diction

Diction is a certain word that is chosen by the author. Sidney

Sheldon uses easy words so that the readers are easy to understand. He also uses some borrowings from Dutch, Germany and Mexico. For example:

1. ‘the cry became,”Mo thruaighe ort a thir, tha’n caoraichmhor a’ teachd!: (TSSD: 36)

2. I’d like to go to bed with you. Quid pro quo. (TSSD: 53)

3. Uccidi quell figlio di puttana!’ (TSSD: 129)

4. He is an uomo rispettato- a man of respect and power. (TSSD: 132)

5. The music is going from piu vivo to piu mosso. (TSSD: 190)

6. ‘Lei era magnifico, Maestro!’ Moito gentile da parte sua, ‘Philip replied. ‘L’ho sentita suonare il anno scorso. Bravo!’ ‘Grazie,’Philip smiled. (TSSD: 252)

7. ‘What a pleasure to see you, signore. And signorina. Please!’ (TSSD: 256)

8. ‘Sie waren wunderbar, Herr Adler!’ Philip smiled. ‘Das ist sehr nett von ihnen. Danke.’ ‘Ich bin ein grosser Anhanger von ihner.’ Philip smiled again. ‘Sie sind sehr freundlich.’ (TSSD: 258)

64 d. Figurative Language

Figurative language indicates the arrangement of word, the trick of the structure. The prominent of figurative language can be described further in detail below:

1) Simile

Simile is direct comparison and explicit mark using like, as if,

resemble and other. According to Short (1977: 133), simile is “directly

states a comparison between two things of different nature that

nevertheless have something in common”. Usually, simile is indicated

by some connective words, such as, like, as, and than. For example:

There were four of them, diminutive and polite, with mind as sharp as the edges of samurai swords. (TSSD: 9) ….and managing to look as though he had just got out of bed… (TSSD: 10) She works harder than everyone I’ve ever known. (TSSD: 14) ….and there were circles under his eyes, as though he had not been sleeping well. (TSSD: 269)

2). Personification

Personification is a figurative language that threats something

as human being. It attributes human being to animal, object, or a

concept. It is seen from the following sentence:

The iron butterfly is a bitch on wheels,’ she had been told. (TSSD: 13)

Lara listened with her eyes, seeing him at the piano, handsome and elegant. (TSSD: 202)

65 3) Metaphor

Metaphor is one of figurative language that compares two

things that are basically unlike. This following dialogue is used to

show something different from literal meaning.

She was caught up in a nightmare. (TSSD: 58) The sky had become a delicate curtain of dancing snowflakes. (TSSD: 202)

4) Repetition

It is a literary style that is a repetition of words or sentence that

is considered important to give emphasize (Abdul Rani, 1996:


She stood there, frozen. ‘is he….is he going to live?’ (TSSD: 38)

‘No…no….he’s going to be alright, Lara. (TSSD: 41)

I hate him, Lara thought. I hate him (TSSD: 43)

‘Be careful. Be very careful.’ (TSSD: 155)

Bill Rogers had been right. Location, location, location. (TSSD: 101) e. Imagery

Image is used to describe something, so that the readers can

feel as if they were in the story. It takes place as if they are

presented all the events in the story. For example:

Her lips were on his and they were in bed, and he experienced something that had never happened to him before in his life. He felt as though his body was on fire. They were making love and it was without a beginning or an ending, a river that swept him along faster and faster, and the tide began to pull at him, sucking him down and down, deeper and deeper, into a velvet

66 darkness that exploded into a thousand stars. And the miracle was that it happened again, and once again, until he lay there panting and exhausted. (TSSD: 150)

Slowly, Lara took off her blouse and skirt and shoes. She was wearing a brassiere and panties. McAllister looked at her figure and walked over to her. ‘You’re beautiful, you know that baby?’ she could feel his male hardness pressing against her body. McAllister kissed her on the lips and she feels disgust. ‘Get the rest of your clothes off,’ he said urgently. .He walked over to the bed and stripped off his shorts. His penis was hard and red. ……Lara walked over to the bed and sat down. McAllister squeezed her breasts hard and she cried aloud with the pain. ‘That felt good, didn’t it? It’s time you had your self a man.’ McAllister pushed her down on her back and spread her legs. (TSSD: 58)

6. Theme

Theme is the main idea of the story. In other words, theme is what

the story is about (Kennedy, 1983: 103). Sidney Sheldon gives the theme

in this novel is “every wish will come true if we try to make it true”. Lara

has a lot of dreams in her childhood, for the first time she realizes that she

will never get what she wishes for, because she comes from a poor family.

She also realizes that her father will never make her wish become true.

Because of it, Lara grows to become a brave girl who always survives for

her own life. In her seventeen she had a dream that is different from

another girl like her. She wished to have a land where she can make up a

building there, where she can live there and the land where there is no one

who can take it from her. Time goes by; she becomes an intelligent woman

who understands about real estate business. She meets Charles Cohn,

Howard Keller and Paul Martin who teach her about the business. They

67 also love her. With them, Lara tries to build many building which makes

her a famous real estate developer in Chicago. She works hard to make all

of her dream become true. She also wants to prove to her father that she

can survive without him, she can live better than hi. In the end of this

story, she meets Philip Adler, a famous pianist who lately becomes her

husband. Philip is her latest dream in her life; she really wants him as a

man who can give her a shelter, peace and love.

The theme is suitable with the approach because a wish can raise

an obsession. Then, if the people cannot handle their obsession in a good

way, it can give a bad effect in their personality and for the society.

B. Discussion

After analyzing the structural elements of the novel, The Stars

Shine Down, the researcher continues the study for the next steps that is the

discussion. It is the way to relate all elements to one another and to put them

into a unity. Sidney Sheldon suggests a novel that serves a struggle of one

human being who has a desire and obsession to become a successful woman

in real estate business that it is mostly dominated by the men.

The characters he used here are especially Lara Cameron, a girl

from Glace Bay Nova Scotia. She grows without affection from her father.

She lives in a poor condition which later will lead her to become a successful

woman. Because of her condition she has desire to change her life, she wants

to live better than before. Then after her father dies, she goes to Chicago and

68 tries to become a real estate developer. There, she is helped by Charles Cohn,

Howard Keller and Paul Martin who really love her. Time goes by; she is successful and becomes famous in everywhere. Then, day- by- day, she never stops creating new innovation for her building,.

All the structural elements in this novel forms are unity that build the comprehendible story. Sidney Sheldon creates one major character and sixty-two minor characters, with some additional characters as a stock to make the novel more alive.

Here, Sidney Sheldon uses the traditional plot in creating his story.

This plot consists of exposition, complication, climax and resolution. This plot is started with the introducing of the major character and setting of place.

Then it is continued by some conflicts, which raises a climax and finishes with the resolution. The author uses this arrangement of plot in order that the readers easier to understand. The conflict in the novel generally happens in everyday life. Sidney Sheldon takes the general setting in many big cities in the world, where the real estate business grows faster at that moment. The setting of time in this novel is in early 19th century.

The point of view of The Stars Shine Down is non participant (third person narrators), which is the author knows everything about all character. It will make the author free to write his idea in describing the characters without focusing it in one character. In this novel, Sidney Sheldon uses simple standard language in short and long sentence contraction in her novel. He uses

69 some figurative languages and some borrowings from Dutch, Germany, and


Here, the researcher finds out that the theme in Sidney Sheldon The

Stars Shine Down is “every wish will become true if we are trying to make it true by whatever the way we take’. Lara as a girl who comes from a poor family has a lot of desire in her life. She realizes that it is impossible to make her dreams come true by asking her father’s help, then with her bravery she tries to work hard as hard as possible to make her own dreams become true.

She also wants to show to her father that without him, she is still alive and live better than him.

Based on structural analysis, it can be seen that the elements of the story such as character and characterization, setting, plot, style, and theme are the unity of structure that build the stories. All of the elements are related to one another, which other have relationship in determining the comprehendible story.



In this chapter the researcher tries to analyze the psychological aspect of the novel, based on Alfred Adler’s theory of Individual Psychology. The theory consists of six basic principles, namely Fictional Finalism, Inferiority Feeling and

Compensation, Striving for Superiority, Social Interest and Style of Life. To analyze the psychological aspects of the major character, the researcher will apply those principles one by one. This chapter consists of two subchapters, first is the character development of Lara Cameron and the second is discussion.

A. Development of Lara Cameron’s Personality.

1. Fictional Finalism

All people have a fiction. This fiction makes people try to work

hard and maturated to be the best. This fictional is what they believe to be

true. It also relates to an individual expectations or dreams of future life.

Lara is born from a poor family. Her father works to collect the

money for the boarding house. Since she was child until she grows up

now, her father never has his own house. So, when she is in her fifteen,

she has an ideal to have her own land that won’t be taken by anyone.

Someday, Lara thought fiercely, I will have my own land, and no one – no one – will ever take it away from me. (TSSD: 38)

Lara’s desire becomes bigger when finally she meets with Bill

Rogers, a new boarder who comes from America. The man asks Lara that

71 a girl likes her must want something to be her own such a pretty clothes, jewelry, or anything, but Lara answers that she really wants to have land.

‘I want to own things.’ ‘Ah, pretty clothes and…..’ ‘No, land. I want to own land.’ (TSSD: 45)

Rogers feels surprised hearing Lara’s answer. He cannot understand why a girl like Lara has a high desire that it should not think in her age right now. But then he gives Lara a lot of information about real estate business and how she can join in that business. The information that

Lara gets, support her to think and dreams how if she becomes the owner of one land in Glace Bay.

From that moment on, Lara looked at Glace Bay with different eye, visualizing office buildings and homes on vacant lots. It was exciting and it was frustrating. Her dreams were there, but she had no money to carry them out. (TSSD: 46)

Her dreams become an obsession that always shadows her life. A desire to have a land becomes bigger. Lately, she will make her dream comes true when she meets with Charles Cohn, a new boarder who will give Lara a lots of information about real estate and a man who will help her to put her first building up. This man is an executive who comes to

Glace Bay to find land where he can put up a building there. Knowing this,

Lara feels surprised, and then she tries to help this man by looking land.

Finally, she finds a land owned by Sean MaCallister, after several conversations finally they find a deal that Lara got the land and she has to finish to build the building there in six month, if not the land including the building will belong to Sean MaCallister.

72 There’s a clause in there that stipulates that the building must be completed by December 31st, or title reverts to the bank. In other words, the building will belong to McAllister, and my company will become his tenant. You forfeit the deal and are still obligated to repay the loan with interest. Ask him to change that.’ (TSSD: 55)

Lara is just like a star in Glace Bay, after finishing one building she never stop after it. She gets her success in Glace Bay then she decides to move to Chicago where she thinks that in this place she will find another success. She has many ideas about real estate and how makes an old building becomes luxurious. It happens when finally she arrives in

Chicago. Here, she finds that all building including hotel, pub, bar are in less of completeness. Then with three million dollars that she brings from

Glace Bay she wants to buy one of building in Chicago and want to make it better. Unfortunately, all people in Chicago are underestimating her that she will get nothing with three million dollars in Chicago, because all of the buildings in this place are very expensive to buy. But Lara never feels to give up so soon, and then she tries to take a loan from bank to help her to buy a building. Here, she meets Howard Keller, a vice president of one bank in Chicago. Lara tells everything about the price and the condition that she meets in Chicago, she also begs him to help her to give a loan. But

Howard does nothing, he just gives her an advice that it will be good for her to find an old hotel then she can buy it and tries to remodel it.

‘I would suggest that, instead you find an old hotel in a good location and remodel it. There are a lot of run down hotels that can be bought at a low figure. Your three million dollars would be enough equity for a down payment. (TSSD: 75)

73 Lara feels surprised with Howard’s idea; she thinks that it was a

great idea that she has to fulfill. Then she moves to Delaware, one country

in Chicago to find an old hotel which she can buy and remodel it. Finally,

she finds the hotel. She looks around at the hotel, she watches, thinks and

says that she has to buy it; she will remodel and makes it better than


Lara got in the elevator. It was slowly and antiquated. I’ll have it redone, Lara thought. And I’ll put a mural inside. In her mind she was already beginning to decorate the hotel. (TSSD: 77)

Lara is really impressed with the hotel and she wants to buy it. She

feels that she wants it more than anything.

He grinned at her,’ you really going to buy this joint/’ ‘Yes’, Lara said. I’m really going to buy this joint. (TSSD: 77)

Diamond was asking too much for the hotel, but she wanted it. She wanted it more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. (TSSD: 80)

2. Inferiority Feeling and Compensation

Acknowledging that all of us have the feeling of inferiority at some

points in our lives could serve as a basis for mutual help and cooperation

to overcome problems in life. Adler (in Ryckman, 1985: 96- 97) notes that

an individual with defective organs typically tries to compensate for their

weaknesses by intensive training. The feeling of inferiority or a sense of

incompleteness is the great driving force mankind. In other words, man is

pushed by the need to overcome his inferiority and pulled by the desire to

be superior. (Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 24)

74 Actually, Lara has a high of self confidence. She never cares about her life with full of problems and the feeling of hates from her father. She also realizes that she grows up without love from her father even her mother. But this condition makes her becomes a brave girl but rather cold to other people. It seems that Lara grows as an individual personality who cannot love and care to the others. Time goes by, her self confidence decreases because of the new situation that she faces in her new school.

Here, she faces the fact that almost all of her friends have mothers and fathers who gave those presents and birthday parties. Lara feels so sad and inferior when she realizes that she has no one who cares about her.

Lara got a glimpse of a different world, a world where children had mothers and fathers who gave them presents and birthday parties and loved them and held them……Lara began to realize how much was missing in her life. It only made her feel lonelier. (TSSD: 29)

The second inferiority feeling that appears in her personality is when she nearly fails in making a building in Chicago, she feels that her dream to make her father proud of her will not become true.

The following week, the workmen still had not appeared. She went into Hallifax again to see Steele. Lara felt the first stirrings of panic. This is very important, Lara insisted. ‘He’s putting up a building for me. It has to be finished in three weeks. TSSD; 64

Finally, after many feelings fight in Lara’s personality because of her first building, now the dreams become true, the building is finally built. She is helped by all of the men who ever stay in boarding house.

They think that Lara should get the best for everything.

75 3. Striving for Superiority

The striving for success or superiority is the one dynamic force

behind human’s activity (Adler in Feist, 1985: 70). It motivates human to

achieve higher but it does not necessarily to pursuit the dominance of high

status. Striving for superiority is a single motive, flowing from life itself,

and shaping the various subs drives. Persons always make an effort to

reach the goal. When the person thinks that they want a better life, striving

for superiority will always exist.

Lara is a kind of a struggle girl. She will do anything to make her

dreams come true. The first thing that she does is she tries to collect the

money for a boarding house. She does this because her father is taken to

the hospital because of his bad attitude. Lara tries to make her father like

her by collecting the rents, while her father still stays in a hospital.

….My father has had a….. a little dizzy spell. He’s in the hospital. They want to keep him under observation for a bit. So, until he comes back, I’ll be collecting the rents, after supper, I’ll wait for you in the par lour. (TSSD: 39)

The owner of the boarding house is really excited with Lara’s job.

He cannot imagine how a little girl like Lara can do that job which is

usually done by man. Unfortunately, the things that Lara do never get a

good appreciation from her father. Until he died, he still hates Lara as a

girl who causes her mother died. But Lara is a stronger girl, without being

cared from anybody; she can continue her life in her father’s boarding

house. There, she learns many things which can make her survive,

including learning about how to make a business in real estate. In this

76 boarding house, she strives to make her life better. She also tries to make her dreams comes true. Here, she meets with Charles Cohn, an executive with Continental Supplies. This man teaches Lara about real estate business and his aim to come to Glace Bay is that he wants to look for a land where he can put up a building there. Hearing the aim of Charles and the information that she gets from that man, makes Lara think, how if she has the land and puts up the building there and Charles will lease that building for five years it must get a lot of money from that.

Lara evaded the question.’ let me ask you something. If I owned a location that you liked, and if I put up a building on it, would you agree to lease it from me for five years? (TSSD: 47)

Lara’s idea makes Cohn confused and disbelieved. He cannot understand why Lara so fast to understand the information that she just gets from him.

He shook his head. That’s a rather hypothetical question, isn’t it?’ ‘Would you?’ Lara persisted….. (TSSD: 47)

Cohn was studying Lara. She’s too young, he thought. It’s a foolish idea. And yet……I found a kosher meat…..she had such compassion. (TSSD: 48)

Finally, Cohn gets his deal with Lara about the land. But Lara has to meets with Sean MacAllister first, because he is the owner of the land where she will put up the building for Cohn. Lara realizes that she has no money to buy the land, so she has an idea that she will make a loan to Sean and buy the land with the money.

77 It took a moment for it to sink in. ‘Wait a minute. Are you telling me that this land is land that I own?’ ‘Yes. It’s the lot on the Corner of Main and Commercial Streets.’ ‘You came here to borrow money from me to buy my land?’ (TSSD: 49)

Later, Sean MacAllister agrees with Lara‘s request, but Sean is a kind of keen person. Of course, he will take an advantage from Lara. He agrees to give Lara loan but he has a special request to Lara if she wants her loan fulfilled by Sean she has to go to bed with him first. This situation makes Lara feels disgust, because she cannot imagine how it will happen if she makes a bed with Sean. But, lately she will think again that she will have the land and she has to sacrifice a thing that is her virgin.

‘Your request is completely unorthodox. You’ve had no experience. I would need a very special reason to make this loan to you.’ ‘I don’t understand….what kind of reason?’ ‘Let’s say….a little bonus. Tell me Lara, have you ever had a lover?’ The question caught her completely off-guard. ‘I…no.’ she could feel the deal slipping away from her. ‘What does that have….?’ ….I find you very attractive. I’d like to go to bed with you…. (TSSD: 53)

Lara gets what she wants that is the land that for a long time she dreams after she makes a bed with Sean MacAllister. Time goes by, Lara become successful with her innovation on making a new building with the new concept and full of luxurious in it. But again and again, Lara cannot desperate with the men who stay around her. The success that Lara gets is not only from how intelligent she is, but it is also because her beautiful appearance that can make all of the men interested and easily falling in

78 love with her, and finally they also will easily give their money to Lara to help her on making a new building in Chicago. Her striving for superiority appears again when she faces the fact that the next building that she wants to build is in the middle of ruin. It happens because one of the workmen has been slapped by Lara when he drops something in front of her and it will kill her. Lara fires that man, and suddenly after a few days all of the workmen do not do their job. Lara gets angry and panic, and in this situation she is helped by an old man called Paul Martin. He helps Lara on managing all of the workmen, and finally the building is finished and it becomes a huge building in Chicago.

Lara is very happy knowing that her building finally finishes and she wants to say thank you to the person who has helped her. Again and again, Lara is falling in love with the men who involve in the real estate business. Furthermore, when she knows that the man is Paul Martin.

Although he is an old man but Lara thinks that he is a perfect guy that can give her not only money but also love, passion and affection that she never gets from his father. Lara arranges the time to meet Paul Martin to say thank you for helping her.

‘Thank you.’ She lowered her voice. ‘And I do mean thank you.’ He was staring at her, bemused by how ravishing Lara looked, and the way he felt, looking at her. (TSSD: 146)

Day by day, Lara does her daily activity with Paul Martin behind her. She loves him; furthermore she knows that Paul Martin is a married

79 man. One night as a striving for her superiority and to show how big she

loves him, again she makes love with an old man.

Her lips were on his and they were in bed, and he experienced something that had never happened to him before in his life. He felt as though his body were on fire. They were making love and it was without beginning or an ending, a river that swept him along faster and faster, and the tide began to pull……….. (TSSD: 150)

Lara enjoys it and she feels that she becomes a wonderful woman

right now.

4. Social Interest

Humans are social creatures that live in society. So, they have to

interact with others if they want to get a better life in society. Social

interest develops in the context of family relationships and other formative


Lara is a friendly person; to make her dream comes true she tries to

approach all of the men who know well about real estate. She is also nice

to everyone that she meets. So, all of her dreams will be easily got. In her

first experience, she recognizes with Sean MacAllister, he is a man who

owns a boarding house where Lara’s father work, and he is also a man

who later will get Lara’s virgin. With him, she can learn how to be an

intelligent person in the real estate business. The second person that Lara

knows well is Bill Rogers, he is a new comer in Glace Bay. He comes to

this town just to look for a land that can become a good land to build

something. Lara gets a lot of knowledge from this man. He teaches Lara

how to be a good person in real estate business. The next man is Charles

80 Cohn, he is a man who also teaches Lara how to become a successful in

real estate business.

Lara gets a lot of knowledge and experience by knowing all of the

men who are involved in the real estate business. After she becomes

successful woman in her business, she also keeps her kindness and

careless to all of her employee. It is shown when one of her employee gets

a serious ill, Lara then sends her to the hospital to be examined.

‘Everything will be taken care of Dr. Peters is going to see that you have one more examination. If it verifies his diagnosis, you should have the operation right away. Now go home and get some rest.’ Kathy’s eyes filled with tears again. ‘I ….thank you.’

As Kathy walked out of the office she thought, no one really knows that lady. (TSSD: 167)

5. Style of Life

The style of life is originally called the life plan or guiding image,

which refers to the unique ways in which people pursue their goal. It

developes from unity of the individual’s feeling behavior, attitude and the

influence of social environment. There are some styles of life done by the

major character. There are four types in style of life that the major

character uses to reach her goal.

a. Ruling Type

This type explains how the major character tries to reach his /

her goal by dominate all the things, work or anything that can support

his / her way to reach the desire. Lara as the major character in this

novel uses this type. She always tries to dominate all the things that

81 can support her to reach her goal for example, when she wants to build

a new building in Kedzie Avenue. She says to Howard Keller that he

has to persuade all of the tenants to sell out.

….’yeah but the problem is you’d have to persuade everyone of these tenants to sell out….. ‘We can buy them out,’ lara declared. ‘Lara, if even one tenant refuses to sell, you could be stuck for a bundle. You’ll have bought a lot of little shops you don’t want and you won’t be able to put up your building….. (TSSD: 102 – 103) b. Getting Type

This type explains how the major character tries to get

everything that he / she wants, including with what way that the

character use to get his / her desire. In this novel, Lara is a smart girl

although she has not adult enough but she always tries to make herself

perfect and confident in front of her colleagues. With her smart mind

and beautiful appearances she makes all of her partner in business

respect to her. She is also tries to make a new innovation in her

building. Although she is the only woman in real estate business, but

she can prove to all of the people around her that she can do the best

not only for herself but also for all of the people that she thinks they

need a nice, good and luxurious place to stay, to live and to do all the

things in just one place. So that she always tries to make a new

innovation in her business.

On getting her wish, she always tries to make it comes true, it

is shown when Lara wants to buy one side in Kedzie Avenue but there

82 is still another tenants who do not want to sell it, then Lara invite all of

the homeless in Chicago to live in that apartment. She does this to

make all people in another side of the building feel annoyed with their

noise, and in fact it is successful. c. Avoiding Type

This type explains how the major character tries to avoid all the

things that can make him / her in danger or unsatisfied. In this novel,

Lara is known as a bravery woman. She knows that she is the only one

woman in the real estate business; she is also realizing that her position

in this business is not safe like the other businessman. All of the men

in this business always underestimate her. But Lara with her own

characteristic can give a different ways to make her become acceptable

in it. One time, Lara is faced with a complicated problem; it deals with

the building that she will buy from the government. The building takes

place in Kedzie Avenue, it is an apartment with full of tenants. Part of

those tenants agrees to sell their apartment and move to the other place,

but a half disagrees with it. They think that they have been lived there

for a long time, and it is hard to leave that place easily, furthermore

that apartment will be built a huge mall.

Lara does not care about it, she still runs with her plan to build

a beautiful mall in that place. So, to make the other tenants leave their

apartment, Lara invites all of the homeless in Chicago to live in that

apartment to make it noisy. Lately, the City Housing Commissioner’s

83 officer comes to Lara’s office to ask for her responsibility for the

coming of many homeless that create a noisy in that apartment. He

asks Lara to throw them out from that building, if not; Lara will take to

the prison. Again, Lara can solve the problem easily; she uses many

ways to make her dreams come true and makes her feel safe in her own


The second situation that Lara creates to avoid all the things

that makes her unsatisfied is when she has a contract with one of the

owner of the land in New York, she will builds ‘Cameron Tower’

there, but unfortunately there is Steve Murchinson who always disturbs

her in every single thing dealing with real estate business. He feels that

Lara steals his dreams and idea, so that he tries to make Lara ruin. But,

fortunately, Lara is too clever to be lied, she always knows if there is

danger in front of her. With Paul Martin and Howard Keller she can do

this right away. d. Socially Useful Type

This type explains how the major character tries to be useful

around her environment in order that she can easily get her wish. In

this novel, Lara is a helpful woman. She always tries to make all

people around her feel happy. She thinks that without them she will

not become like this, she also feels that they are her true family.

Her employees were her family. She worried about them, and was generous with them. They were all she had. She remembered her birthday and anniversaries. She helped get their children into good schools, and set up scholarship funds

84 for them. When they tried to thank her, Lara was embarrassed. It was difficult to express her emotions. (TSSD: 183)

It is shown when Kathy, her secretary, is sick. She sends her to

her doctor to be examined, to know how far the disease that Kathy has.

The second situation that shows how helpful Lara is when she knows

that Jerry Townsend father has a Huntington ’s chorea. Lara sends

Jerry’s father to Switzerland to take care more effective and she handle

for all of the expenses.

6. Creative Self

Creative self is the creative principle of human life. It gives a

meaning to life and creates the goal as well as the means to the goal. It

produces perception, memory, imagination, fantasy and dreams.

Lara is a smart girl, although she is poor but she always tries to

create many ways to make her life better. She grows in man environment

which has a lot of bad behavior. It makes Lara has to adapt with the

situation. This condition brings Lara to become an attractive girl in order

that a lot of boarders stay peacefully and enjoyable on staying in her

father’s boarding house. There are many boarders that Lara knows but it is

difficult for her to memorize their name one by one. So, in order she can

remember all of them, she tries to learn where the boarders come from

their names.

Mac was from Scotland…..Hodder and ryke were from New Foundland….Chiasson and Aucoin were from France…..Dudash and Kosick from Poland….. (TSSD: 29)

85 Her relation with some men makes her become smart and knows what a life is. One day, she meets a new boarder comes to her boarding house, he is Charles Cohn. He works as an Executive with Continental

Supplies. Lara tries to approach him, because she believes that he comes to

Glace Bay for an important reason. Lara’s guess is correct that the aim of

Charles comes to Glace Bay is looking for a land where he can put up a building there.

One day Charles Cohn confided to Lara what he was doing in Glace Bay. ‘I’m an executive with Continental Supplies.’ It was a famous national chain. ‘I’m here to find a location for our new store.’ (TSSD: 47)

Lara feels glad and she asks him to teach her about real estate business. Just for a second Charles tells about his aim and the role of real estate, Lara then offers him a land which it will makes him satisfied. He does not believe with Lara’s words because how can it be a girl like Lara can understand about real estate and a good place. Lara then tries to makes

Charles believes by showing him the land. Finally, Charles feels surprised and he agrees to get that land from Lara. But Lara has such kind of deal that Charles has to fulfill; she wants Charles to lease the building which

Lara will put up for five years.

Lara was saying excitedly, if I could acquire this land and put up a building to meet your specifications, would you give me a five – year lease?’ He paused, and then said slowly, ‘No, Lara. It would have to be ten – year lease.’ (TSSD: 48)

Lara’s mind moves faster and faster, she tries to think and think how to own the land which she has shown to Charles. She knows that the

86 land belongs to Sean MaCallister and it is impossible for her to buy the land from him without any money in her hand. Then she gets an idea to make her dream comes true. In the afternoon, she goes to Sean

MaCallister’s office to take a loan. Then with that money she wants to buy

MCallister’s land.

‘Sit down my dear, what can I do for you?’ Lara was too excited to sit. ‘I want to take a loan.’ …..There’s a piece of land I want to buy to put up a building. I have an important tenant who’s willing to give me a ten – year lease. That will guarantee the cost of the land and the building.’ MaCallister was studying her, frowning.’ Have you discussed this with the owner of the land?’ (TSSD: 49)

Finally, she gets the deal with Sean McAllister about the land.

Now, she is the owner of the land where she will get her ten years lease from Charles. The fist step that Lara has to do is she has to find a company which can handle the land and build a building there. McAllister suggests her to get Nova Scotia Company; furthermore that company belongs to him. Charles says that McAllister will take an advantage from Lara by his

Company. Lara disbelief with his words, until she faces the fact that her building is not completed in time. She realizes that if the building not completed in time, she will lose it and it will become Sean’s. She just has three weeks to complete the building, but there are no workmen go to work. Then she tries to meet Buzz’s assistant to confirm about the men and the building which is still incomplete.

There’s still so much to do….’ ‘Not to worry. We’ll have a crew out there first thing Monday morning….. (TSSD: 64)


On Monday morning there are no men at the side of the building to

continue their work and Lara goes panicky. All of boarders know about

what is happening and they become furious. Then they get an idea to help

Lara to finish the building.

They dropped by the lend a hand after work, working past midnight and on Saturdays and Sundays, and the sound of construction began again filling the air with a joyful noise. (TSSD: 67)

The building is completed on the day before New Year’s Eve and it

becomes a beautiful and strong building in Glace Bay. She thinks it is the

beginning and after that there is no stopping for Lara. She always has a

new idea to build another building.

‘Your employees are going to need places to live in Glace Bay, ‘she told Charles Cohn. ‘I’d like to build houses for them. Are you interested?’ (TSSD: 67)

To make it true, Lara needs a lot of money, and then she goes to

Sidney to borrow enough money to finance her new project.

Lara went to see a banker in Sidney and borrowed enough money on her building to finance the new project. (TSSD: 67)

B. Discussion

From the previous individual psychological analysis, it can be seen

that Lara tries to struggle to reach her dreams. She does many ways to make it

come true. She also does not care that the way she uses sometimes endangers


The inferiority feeling appears when she is in her childhood. She

feels that nobody loves her, including her own father. She feels that she is

88 lonely in this world. Moreover when she enters to the school where she finds that her friends have parents who always give them a birthday party and a present.

As the response of her inferiority feeling, she does many efforts to strive for superiority. She tries to wake up from the nightmare that she thinks it always shadows her life. Her father’s soul always reminds her that she has to be a successful woman although there is no one who cares about her. Day by day she tries to hard to make her dream come true. When she recognizes

Howard Keller, Bill Roger, Charles Cohn and many other men in her life, she tries to be like them. She learns everything that the men ever gave to her. Lara is a smart woman, and easily she can change her world become a wonderful.

Lara’s style of life represents her personality who is living in the society. There are many styles of life coloring her life. She is helpful, kind and nice woman. Her styles of life help her to reach her goal. For the first time she feels so hard running her life in her new country with a new business. She knows that she is the only woman who is involved in real estate business. But then she realizes that woman can be the same as the man, woman also can do anything like a man do. Then, she tries hard to be the best in the middle of the men in this business. Beside that she also believes that she is not alone anymore in this world, because all of her employees are behind her, always ready to help and support her, so that she also helps them when they get a problem.

89 To reach the goal, Lara uses her creative self to solve her problem.

It is shown when she tries hard to grow up in the middle of the men who live in her father’s boarding house. She also tries to make many ways to make her dreams come true.

The psychological analysis above shows the development of major character’s personality. Lara drives to her obsession to become a successful woman in the world. She uses many ways to make it come true. In fact, she is successful, and now she becomes a perfect and successful woman in New

York. She feels satisfied because now her father will be proud of her. In short, the analysis shows that the six basic principles of Individual Psychology are unity. It cannot be separated because there is a connection among each element.



This chapter presents conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion is the answer of a single problem formulating of the study. While suggestion is made to invite the other researchers to analyze The Stars Shine Down by using different approaches.

A. Conclusion The researcher can draw some conclusion after analyzing the novel The

Stars Shine Down. There are about the individual psychological of the major

character and the aspects of individual psychological theory that influence the

human personality.

Literature and psychology have a close relationship. One way that

people use to present human life is by creating a literary works. The problem

itself deals with the people’s desire. To be a successful person is such kind of

dream that every human has it. To reach that dream people have to struggle

hard. To make it true they also have to do many things and many ways.

Sometimes it will become an obsession that later will drive them to the

successful. But sometimes it also can drive them to the ruins, it depends on


Obsession is like a way that people use to get what they want and what

people believe that it is the best thing that they have to do to get their wish.

This term has accordance with striving for superiority principle. This principle

91 tells that each individual is forced by drives to be superior, powerful and regarded. Lara as a major character has a desire to become successful in her life. She wants to make her father proud of her. Then she does many things with many ways to make all of her dreams come true. She does a good way and a bad way to make her dreams come true. For the first time she faces the fact that she is the only woman that involved in the real estate business. She realizes that it will hard to run this business without some one beside her and motivates her. Lately, she finds many employees that all day long ready to help her and give her support. She always tries to be kind with them, she helps their problems and it makes them love her very much. Then, because of them,

Lara can reach all of her dream She also does a bad way when her dream cannot reach, for example when the governor of the city does not give her a permission to buy a hospital that she wants to build an apartment, she says that she has a little daughter that really wants a huge apartment as her house because her father does not care of her anymore. As a mother she wants a good thing for her daughter, furthermore, Lara is still single. The governor is so sad hearing Lara’s story, and then she gives her permission for Lara to buy that hospital. Finally, she can defeat men that sometimes disturb and underestimate her by doing many things and now she becomes a successful woman in New York. The analysis through the six basic principles of Adler’s

Individual Psychology is connected to each other.

92 B. Suggestion

The researcher suggests for those who are interested in the research of

Sidney Sheldon The Stars Shine Down to analyze Lara’s effort on making an

equal position between woman and man by using a feminist approach. The

other researcher can use this approach because in this novel also tells about

how Lara Cameron tries to make an equal position between man and woman.

She is also tries hard to make all of her dreams becomes true by her own way

as a woman who is known as a weak creature. She can prove to the world that

woman also can do the same job as a man.


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Lara is a young girl from Glace Bay. She is a girl who never gets love and affecticon from her parents. Her mother death when she gives a birth, and her father never cares about her. She grows up in the middle of many man who satys in boarding house. But in thios house she meets with men who later will teach her how to become a succesful in a big city like New York.

Time goes by, Lara grows become a beautiful girl in Glace Bay. In her seventeenth, she has a dream to make her father proud of her but she does not know how. Later, she meets with Charles Cohn and Bill Roger. With them, she learns how to make a bussiness in real estate. She realizes that she has nothing, but with her smart and intelligent mind she always tries to make everything run well.

Day by day she learns and learns, until finally she gets what she dream of. She makes her first building in Glace Bay with a big sacrifice. She has to let her virgin takes by Sean MacAllister, the owner of the boarding house who gives

Lara money to build a building. After the first building, Lara never stop to make another building. Then she moves to Chicago, a place where she thinks can give her a motivation to become more succesful. In this country, Lara struggle to make everthing comes true, until she has many employee and also has a big company.

The problems also come but with her employee’s help she can face it easily. Then finally, Lara is success to make her father proud of her.