A STRUGGLE FOR ACHIEVING AN OBSESSION IN SIDNEY SHELDON’S THE STARS SHINE DOWN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH RESEARCH PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for getting bachelor Degree of Education in English Department by: ANDI SUSANTO A 320 000 305 SCHOOL OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2008 i APPROVAL A STRUGGLE FOR ACHIEVING AN OBSESSION IN SIDNEY SHELDON’S THE STARS SHINE DOWN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH Written by: ANDI SUSANTO A. 320 000 305 Approved Consultant I Consultant II Drs. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum. Titis Setyabudi,S.S. ii ACCEPTANCE A STRUGGLE FOR ACHIEVING AN OBSESSION IN SIDNEY SHELDON’S THE STARS SHINE DOWN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH by ANDI SUSANTO A. 320 000 305 Accepted by the Board of Examiner School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta on November……, 2008 Team of examines: 1. Drs. Abdillah Nogroho, M. Hum ( ) (Chairperson) 2. Titis Setyabudi, S.S ( ) (Member I) 3. Drs. M. Thoyibi MS ( ) (Member III) Surakarta, ….November 2008 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta School of Teacher Training and Education Dean, Drs. H. Sofyan Anif, M. Si Nik: 547 iii MOTTO The measure of success is determined by my measure of happiness, fulfillments and generosity toward others. (NN) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (NN) when you learn how to set one goal you will know how to set all goals (NN) iv DEDICATION This research paper is dedicated to: My Beloved, Father and Mother, My big family, My Dearest Friend, My Love, thanks for your love and affection. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT, the almighty God, for blessing and guiding me in completing this research entitled: “A Struggle for Adaptation in Andy Tenant’s Anna and The King’s Movie: An Individual Psychological Approach“as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for bachelor degree in English Department. I realize that in arranging this research paper, I have got help, support and encouragement from many persons. In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to all persons who have helped me in finishing this research paper. 1. Drs. Abdillah Nugroho M. Hum, as my first research consultant who has guided and advised me during the arrangement of research paper. 2. Titis Setyabudi, S. S as my second consultant, for his advice and correction from beginning until the end of this research paper. 3. Drs. H. Sofyan Anif. M. Si, as the Dean of school of Teacher Training and Education. 4. Koesoema Ratih S.Pd M. Hum, as the Head of English Department. From the deepest of my heart, I would say thank you to my parents, for taking care of me, thank you for praying me and for the motivation in finishing this research paper. To siMbaH, Three- pleX, BaYou, and CachYo, for being my best friend. To my entire friend in dormitory, ArieF, vi BEBE, BagyO, HarRy, JanSen, JokO, DiyAN, aRiEf 123, and etc, for always giving me happiness while I stay in dormitory with all of you. To my friends in English Department 2000, for everything. To everybody who joins in ‘Mudik Pantura’ with ‘PHINISI TOUR’ for your relationship. To someone special in my heart, for being my light when I am in the darkness, and for the love and affection. I also would say thank you for all the parties whose names cannot be mentioned one by one. Finally, I realize that this research paper still has a lot of weaknesses. Therefore, I would thank the readers if they can give the suggestion and criticisms to make the research paper better. Surakarta, April 2008 ANDY S vii TABLE OF CONTENT page TITLE …… .…………………………………………………………….. i APPROVAL …... … …………………………………………………… ii ACCEPTANCE …... …………………………………………………… iii MOTTO …... …………………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION ………………………………………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………… vii SUMMARY …………………………………………………………… vi TABLE OF CONTENT …..…………………………………………… ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………. 1 A. Background of the Study..……………………………….1 B. Literature Review. ……………………………………. 4 C. Problem Statement ……………………………………. 4 D. Limitation of the Study ..………………………………. 4 E. Objective of the Study …. ……………………………. 4 F. Benefit of the Study ……………………………………. 4 G. Research Method ……..………………………………. 5 H. Paper Organization …………………………………….. 6 CHAPTER II: UNDERLYING THEORY ……………………………. 7 A. Notion of Individual Psychology ……………………… 7 B. Basic Principles of Individual Psychology………………8 1. Fictional Finalism…………………………………. 8 ix 2. Inferiority Feeling and Compensation ……………. 8 3. Striving for Superiority …………………………… 11 4. Social Interest ………………………………………..12 5. Style of Life ………………………………………. 13 6. Creative Self ………………………………………. 16 C. Application …………………………………………… 17 CHAPTER III: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ……………………..... 18 A. Structural Elements of The Stars Shine Down ………… 18 1. Character and characterization …………………… 18 2. Setting ……………………………………………. 42 3. Plot ……………………………………………….. 51 4. Point of View …………………………………….. 61 5. Style ………………………………………………. 61 6. Theme ……………………………………………. 66 B. Discussion ……………………………………………. 67 CHAPTER IV: INDIVIDUAL PSYCHLOGICAL ANALYSIS ……... 70 A. Development of Lara Cameron’s Personality………… 70 B. Discussion …………………………………………….. 87 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ………………... 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX x SUMMARY ANDI SUSANTO, A. 320 000 305. A STRUGGLE FOR ACHIEVING AN OBSESSION IN SIDNEY SHELDON’S THE STARS SHINE DOWN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. RESEARCH PAPER. MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA. 2008. The major problem of this study is how struggle for achieving an obsession of the major character reflected in Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down. The aim of this study is to analyze Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down based on the structural elements and struggle for achieving an obsession of the major character based on the Individual Psychology Approach. The research is focused on the major character, namely Lara Cameron. The benefit of the study is to give additional information that can be used by the other researchers. The study uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data source, the primary data source is the novel Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down, while the secondary data are taken from some information there are from books and other sources. The method of data collection is qualitative method. Based on the analysis, the outcome of this study shows that the major character’s obsession leads her to become a successful woman. She has a big desire in her life; to fulfill it she does many ways. Her ways bring her to become a great woman in the middle of men. She can prove to all of people that woman can do the best as men do. Consultant 1 Consultant II Drs. Abdillah Nugroho, M. Hum. Titis Setyabudi, S.S Dean, Drs. H. Sofyan Anif, M.Si. viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Wealth is one of human needs. Although it is not important enough but people will feel satisfied and proud if they have it. Because by having a wealth or become a rich man; automatically, the society will honor him and they will give a high respect rather than the ordinary people. So, there are many people who will try hard to get the word of being “a rich man” or just having a little bit of wealth. They think if they become rich, their lives will be wonderful and perfect. To get it, people will do anything and everything. It is possible that in their way on getting a wealth they will meet any obstructions, not only from how hard the way that they have to pass, but also from the other person who has the same goal. So, in this case they have to make any competition and work hard to get their wish. Sometimes, the way that the people use will change people’s personality. It means that they will get their self different; because they feel that their wish is more important than anything, so they will be hard to get the desire. It is also possible they will become obsessive, and will be through many ways to get their will. So, to achieve the goals of expectations, people will struggle and do anything. It is possible that they will never think whether it is good or bad. They will authorize in many ways to get their wish. A kind of obsession is like a way that people use to get what they want and what people believe that it is 1 the best thing that they have to do to get their wish. This term has accordance with striving for superiority principle. This principle states that each individual is forced by drives to be superior, powerful and regarded. This process invests directions to the striving force by establishing a goal of superiority it provides motivation, psychological movement and giving it an aim. Adler (in Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 162) acknowledges that the striving for superiority may manifest it self in as thousand different ways and that each person has his or her own concrete mode of achieving or trying to achieve perfection. The phenomena can be as subject matter of sociology and psychology. Sociology is a science that studies relationship between the societies. In sociology, obsession is one of life style on getting some desire to get power and respect in society. Psychology is a science that studies a human being behaviors, attitude and habit. In psychology obsession educates people to do anything to reach their goal. It views that person has a wish that they must struggle for themselves. Having the feeling of being never satisfied, big dream and hard work, is the action that is reflected in human’s personality because of obsession. Stimulated by the case above, the writer intends to conduct a study on psychological aspect, with the problem of the obsession on the major character in Sidney Sheldon’s The stars Shine Down published in 1992 by Harper Collins Publishers India Pvt Ltd in 370 pages. The others Sidney Sheldon’s works are The Best Laid Plain, Noon, and night, Nothing Last Forever, the Sand of Time, Memories of Midnight, page of Anger, If Tomorrow Come, and 2 The Other Side of Midnight.
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