This display belongs to Randy Lea, a self proclaimed Twin hobbyist. He is also an Awesome Blossom. CRACKING A HOME ! Avid Twins fanatic collects memorabilia

STORY AND PHOTOS BY championship pennant,” said Tony of Blooming Prairie and and calendars. Tony-0 rides Lea. Jamie of New Prague. Randy around in a golf cart and signs RICK BUSSLER There’s lots of evidence has six grandchildren: Rachel, autographs. “I still can’t believe pointing to the Twins’ World 11, of New Prague; Beckett, 9, he is not in the Hall of Fame,” The bases are loaded, and Championships won in 1987 and of Blooming Prairie; Jacob, Lea says. Randy Lea is coming up to bat. 1991. 9, of New Prague; Brock, 8, Looking over the many Twins “There it goes, a .” “Who’s your favorite Twins of Plainview; Avery, 6, of items, one can also find some These are sounds that appeal player?” Lea is asked. It doesn’t Plainview and Sailor, 3, of autographed inked by to Randy Lea, a Blooming take him long to answer, “Tony Blooming Prairie. Pete Rose, Carlton Fisk, Fred Prairie Awesome Blossom Oliva.” Tony played 11 seasons Lea has always loved Lynn and Nolan Ryan. who loves and has for the Twins and won Rookie baseball. He played baseball, Lea has some unique items, put together quite a collection of the Year honors and earned football and basketball at some of the most unique being of and a batting title in his first year in Blooming Prairie High School. baseball pens made out of other Major League Baseball. He was a pitcher and a catcher broken Twins baseball bats. The artifacts. “It’s not about him, it’s about in high school. “Teacher/ pens made by the late Charles The 66-year-old baseball the twins,” Lea says in calling George Tashima talked me into Jarvis are shaped like baseball fanatic is always scouring flea Oliva a great ambassador for being a catcher,” Lea says. bats. He has pens from the markets, antique stores, garage the Twins. “I would pitch the first game bats of , Nick Punto, sales or auctions for items to Lea has gotten to know and catch the second of a Jason Kubel and . add to his collection. Tony-0 and other former Twins doubleheader,” he said. He was Lea is a collector at heart, “I bet I have not paid over players by following the Twins a switch hitter when batting. collecting old coins, old tools $1,000 for these items,” says Lea at in Fort Lea and his son both excelled and old toys in addition to in explaining that his man cave Myers, Fla. in sports, Randy earning baseball items. has been built to suit his likings. Lea has met Joe Mauer and basketball’s Most Valuable Randy encourages He’s always looking for that says he is “so down to earth” Player in 1971 and Tony earning youngsters to collect sports item, especially one with a as are and Kent those honors in 1998. Randy was items. “Collecting is something Minnesota Twins connection. Hrbek. a center on the basketball team. for the kids to think about other Lea is different from some Who’s your favorite former Tony was a shooting guard. than school; it’s good for their other serious sports collectors Twins ? That’s another Randy also played baseball minds,” he said. who dole out lots of cash to baseball question that Lea for Austin State Junior When not following baseball, obtain an item that they would quickly answers. “It’s Ron College’s Blue Devils. Lea worked at Center Valley, treasure. “This is my collection, Gardenhire,” he says, pointing Randy says he still has his CFW, the Bixby Feed Mill and one that gives me lots of out that Gardenhire is “very Rawlings baseball glove bought Associated Groceries. enjoyment,” Lea said. good” with young kids and for him by his father. “I’ve had The Minnesota Twins As one scans Lea’s living never turns down an autograph it restrung nine times,” he mean a lot to Lea but so do his quarters, it is clear that it’s reveals. He purchased it at Ille grandchildren who continue to not just Twins items that Hardware. The glove carries add color to a living room wall. stir his fancy. Look at one the signature of former Major He’s not the only Twins fan in Randy Lea shows off his favorite Wheaties cereal boxes, of his living room walls Leaguer Cesar Cedeno. his family. “My mom (Doris) is one saluting the 1987 Minnesota Twins and the other and you will find lots of “This is my collection, His first exposure to a bigger Twins fan than me,” he paying tribute to . artwork created by his six came confides.more.” grandchildren. one that gives me by golfing in celebrity golf “My grandchildren are tournaments and also by more important than any lots of enjoyment.” attending Spring Training. Twins collection,” remarks “I’ve played golf with Tony- a proud grandpa. In addition 0, with Joe Mauer’s grandpa to begging his grandkids Randy Lea (Jake) and with Tommy for more art for his wall, Avid Twins Collector Watkins, current first base Lea also is thankful when coach for the Twins,” said Lea, the grandkids give him adding he is especially proud of a baseball piece for his a Watkins jersey he has hanging collection. in his man cave. “Beckett (son of Collette and request. Gardenhire is Lea attended his first spring Tony Lea) just gave me a Max currently managing the Detroit training at Kepler baseball card and said I Tigers. in Fort Myers in 2002. He had to have it,” said Lea. Lea says he is impressed thus especially looks forward to It almost seems like one far with new Twins manager Minnesota Day, a special day is walking the fields at . devoted to the Twins fandom , the Lea began collecting baseball from Minnesota. Blooming Metrodome and cards in 1971. He said most of Prairie business owners Rod when viewing remnants his collection is sealed away and Tess Koster always make from Twins history. “I’m still in a safety deposit box. His it a priority to participate in looking for a Twins 1991 world collection then began to grow Minnesota Day. as he wanted to add items to go Mauer Chevrolet circulates with his cards. the park on this special day and He married Nancy in 1973 and gives out souvenirs including the couple had two children, magnets, coolies, t-shirts This Minnesota Twins Louisville Slugger bat is a favorite of Randy Lea.