
Kuta Software - Infinite Name______

The Pythagorean and Its Converse Date______Period____

Find the missing side of each . Round your answers to the nearest tenth if necessary.

1) 2)

4 x 13 in mi 12 in

3 mi x

3) 4) 11.9 km 6.3 mi x

14.7 km x 15.4 mi

Find the missing side of each triangle. Leave your answers in simplest radical form.

5) 6) 15 yd 8 km x

13 yd x 16 km

Find the missing side of each . Side c is the . Sides a and b are the legs. Leave your answers in simplest radical form.

7) a = 11 m, c = 15 m 8) b = 6 yd, c = 4 yd

©z V2R0F1J2T 7KUurtEaE 8S8onfottwGadrPeR ALtLcC0.1 4 MAqlIlS 7rBiTgjhYtAsM srmeHsJeprovwefdJ.Q V tMVa5dHeN hwziUtAhW qIinDfxiSnMiEtkee AG4ekoPmBeVthr8yy.v -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

State if each triangle is a right triangle.

9) 10) 15 m 16 ft 9 m 10 ft

12 m 2 39 ft

11) 12) 11 yd 48.5 ft 9 yd 32.5 ft

115 yd 39 ft

State if the three sides form a right triangle.

13) 10 cm, 49.5 cm, 50.5 cm 14) 9 in, 12 in, 15 in

State if each triangle is acute, obtuse, or right.

15) 16) 17 cm 9.6 in

9 12 cm cm 18 in 20.1 in

State if the three side lengths form an acute, obtuse, or right triangle.

17) 6 mi, 2 55 mi, 17 mi 18) 4.8 km, 28.6 km, 29 km

©C 5210H1I2p rK6ultAaI nSYohfmtTweaSrhew TLxL4Cy.c Y kAwlYl0 Jrbiogjhltcsc BrJecsHefr3vhekdz.B K iM7andZeh DwViFtqhm lIan4fkivnui0tMeM 1GlekoKmge1t7rNyh.v -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name______

The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse Date______Period____

Find the missing side of each triangle. Round your answers to the nearest tenth if necessary.

1) 2)

4 x 13 in mi 12 in

3 mi x 5 mi 5 in

3) 4) 11.9 km 6.3 mi x

14.7 km x 15.4 mi 8.6 km

14.1 mi

Find the missing side of each triangle. Leave your answers in simplest radical form.

5) 6) 15 yd 8 km x

13 yd x 16 km 2 14 yd

8 3 km

Find the missing side of each right triangle. Side c is the hypotenuse. Sides a and b are the legs. Leave your answers in simplest radical form.

7) a = 11 m, c = 15 m 8) b = 6 yd, c = 4 yd

2 26 m 10 yd

©P t2p0j1B21 cKDu6tAaL wS6opfitvwRakrCey NLWLUC3.A C lADlnlx DrUitgth1tUst urueBsNeYrav6eqd1.X b 7Mfacdgeh cwki7t9hA 1IvnNfFiMnniFtDea VGqekoUmCeZt2rHyv.6 -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

State if each triangle is a right triangle.

9) 10) 15 m 16 ft 9 m 10 ft

12 m 2 39 ft Yes Yes

11) 12) 11 yd 48.5 ft 9 yd 32.5 ft

115 yd 39 ft No No

State if the three sides lengths form a right triangle.

13) 10 cm, 49.5 cm, 50.5 cm 14) 9 in, 12 in, 15 in Yes Yes

State if each triangle is acute, obtuse, or right.

15) 16) 17 cm 9.6 in

9 12 cm cm 18 in 20.1 in Obtuse


State if the three side lengths form an acute, obtuse, or right triangle.

17) 6 mi, 2 55 mi, 17 mi 18) 4.8 km, 28.6 km, 29 km Obtuse Right

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©Y t2k0u1J2i 2KKuftUaD HSkoMfetFwpaRr5eY XLWLMCg.M e 2AIlKlz 5ruiOgjhBt9sm trmeesue3rIvbezdD.2 o CMea8deet kw5iNtrhp AISnzfsiVn1iOtFe0 9GDeGoUmUe6tLrhyS.4 -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC