Sierpinski´ and Carmichael numbers Department of Mathematics University of Missouri William Banks Columbia, MO 65211, USA
[email protected] Mathematics Department Washington and Lee University Carrie Finch Lexington, VA 24450, USA
[email protected] Centro de Matem´aticas Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico Florian Luca C.P. 58089, Morelia, Michoac´an,M´exico
[email protected] Department of Mathematics Dartmouth College Carl Pomerance Hanover, NH 03755-3551 USA
[email protected] Department of Applied Mathematics Naval Postgraduate School Pantelimon Stanic˘ a˘ Monterey, CA 93943, USA
[email protected] January 16, 2013 Abstract We establish several related results on Carmichael, Sierpi´nskiand Riesel numbers. First, we prove that almost all odd natural numbers k have the property that 2nk + 1 is not a Carmichael number for any n 2 N; this implies the existence of a set K of positive lower density such that for any k 2 K the number 2nk + 1 is neither prime nor Carmichael for every n 2 N. Next, using a recent result of Matom¨aki, we show that there are x1=5 Carmichael numbers up to x that are also Sierpi´nski and Riesel. Finally, we show that if 2nk + 1 is Lehmer, 2 then n 6 150 !(k) log k, where !(k) is the number of distinct primes dividing k. 1 Introduction In 1960, Sierpi´nski[25] showed that there are infinitely many odd natural numbers k with the property that 2nk + 1 is composite for every natural number n; such an integer k is called a Sierpi´nskinumber in honor of his work.