it~a&~ Her·· . :_____. _~ Bl~E=--:,,Go.i, Tiiomaa E . Dewey i11 being ask'ld l!Y_the Civic_an~ Communlb'~:.... • ~ &\11>0lnt-&-apecW....hlveatiptor~ probe the operation. of sandpite". 1rere:--~ · ,other loeal civic grou1>4 will be invited to t&,ke Jlke action. '-rhea.e pit. are a danpr allll. ·a. hazard and It a,ppeara the Town Fatben_don't want to do anything about th~'.' J.aaac ~ ' ,ner aa~i'ted at the Civic meetlng,'-';Tllliraday_ night,--when he offered the motion t.o· 'IITltiF Dewey, '"TIie state has the power t.o sub)IOen& and can get at the truth, A private mdivldo- ~-~ali!.=~~~~ can't. · ---- 1 1f.!~:-~~ !:~J:· !ram olnce be found pennlta· an,l 19U1aDcea - oblaitMd ID Ille _,.....,._ - o,f ~ offleen - ..- company 'n .... .,and yoa GUI ehanee the jnolm•• of tile offlcen ewr,- ·ftR mtnuteo If you want to • he a.Id. . . ei;ii'Ni- Dicliioii . ,Heread&~•ofthe Zonma:~of,l-1a,,..,.,n1 ~_.Town &.-ii !:wl.icla~pi;;;~ri~ ~ - a.ppllcatton ~-a.;.. ge Oisbict to Lile. ~~~~~i -Extend IJGI IICI ; :Aflff • pllllllc 11 a CO. check& thru menages while Anthony J. Apicella of 340 Acre Ooaadllaa 1"anJ,: Oilam::r :i':' - Wt. - do not - that new, chief sector. w•rclen1 is interested in Cullen's report. told t11e 1"-"I eariier this --" Ex-cting Finamore -~~-:i~~; l•••• - trown -..i wa. pnparinc to . r- . - uullmlted - • _ Apicella hes been assigned all of Hic~oville district, west of qa!n -ON atelLlion of the lack from Korea &wevv Penner polD\lod out, Broa_dw•y to township·line. !Herald .photo by Malle_ttl, dioffia, •mlmlcing-~ ...... , area ,BEJ1'11PAGE - Fl-arik Finamore tlM - ~pll,o&tlon - ~ &e ,.. ,.._- a - _, and 'Mr ,niit,,d In Jui-J' lM1 (fhw mOMll-t • - o~-'--• that lim&-by NP- HM te~ed hll. pumts, . la&er) bi' tile aame Denmi. ..,._ B• sh O . ~ of- NLBOA, who ~rdt~~y~.,~.~ iao11 pi,omlNd to-ta_..., • 1g ow . pens . - _..,.__ . _,,, atldled - ~ -n his a.rrfval C"\i.. • -~ 111 f..-t . _ 'WitJa ~ ~lliiiti°" ¢ ra1tblah 1,,: - -. - .....- -,eel- pmm _.,.. -~-L~ · -- . - -.- -- - ~ ,._.__ ... _ tip___ _ - '";11111J1 _tbe,...,.....IJ,_lid. Met" eMu·i ·ttt·· esda· ~- _, ' ,fa e-": ~~~'k~ !~ ~ -i.:i. ·- . v---- "terof' ---~ --· - ' ---~'triont!lir llffViri«- ~equa ~6i ~~ Jllmut Hiekirrille HolM~~.~= Slli>w 8t. . ~~ from collar to -, o KeanJ:ii!. ' CharlN C. Killer of lon of a new di•· the entire blll'den would be on Ask Va.mps act!"" member of the Socleey- -oJ trict in the townohip for "North the .smalMl:r area of about Z100 a tag, t o defray "the cost of ..., · ' df d Friends and clerk of the .Jori.Cho ~ttown." The petition, are be­ homes, with the POOis, -pan<, etc., a ttendants, workmen"s compeft-­ in,f dMm by the North Levittoom admini-red by Oyoter ,iy,Y tion and liability inSUJ'&Jl-ee. M~i't; by his wife, Ber- At Hempstea ' ay =~ .HQme. Olm-et"l!I AmtOC. for .cfrcula-. Town Board. The tao:e an good at the We.t 'HI.OlIBVll,I;E- :All Hickmlle th&. tion among N!'S!d.ents of Levitt• Miller reportced a t the meeting v; 11 age Green and •farltation that -2100 tag,, for the nae of the« (W_e.dnellda'J', )'aly 4) lo ch~ of funeral a~e n-ts. two pools have been is!fll.ed by, '"'°"' in IHiebville a.nd wfll le the fireibo\US'e h:r 8 :30 in uniform Ple-aae omit flowers, ~boll&~II~OA B~t ' N-lJHO A so far wbich lncl,Jd,es honored a t the -Carman Ave. pool to take par.t, In the Heml)!ltead , C. 111lller. the cost of rnaintena.nce would be in East M-.dow · when it i11 1:om­ l"ii,e Dept. parade and _toum~• Levittown Post Office Action on the eecf!l~l011 was a district-wi, won a iecorid ·, aeeordmg to informed at.d tihil -on pmatoly b:, Herald is on sale on three Village ~ NJ.JHOA at it,, ...ion· ..... , -i -place 1/rlOphy in mot.r PmDlt at source ■. i~~~-ff~~,~~-i~~Jl~ decided t<, tneorvOT11.te Qo !li'l­ -,:v IIET-ON-- FDE----- ~baa-al~~~~ ~latioo, enam-t the~­ ~8:tt.J.:=. i~:i,.~; -• il'aland Tree•. Jerioho. Pl.aln­ ship ·of· NLHOA In thoo ~ ladlff amcili,try took -tot> Jionors 'HIOKSVILLE-Volm,tee,, ~­ undeTt""" ·be the -- Blck...ole- byPad: tM tow,,and ..tew- and vicinity. 'Tbe- Herald is for the'. ''belt a-pvea.rinll" In tJ!,o men - ealled out l!Jmlda:, eve- Parkin« I>ilb'l<:t. available "slso at the PB:l'llawa;y, l:"'!;::::r ~!b ~ ... ~- ,..... of M ~ ">NC :,olum • tolnlolm ..t 'alb 111 Offe,,o4 !ID Jllcb,,llle Elaat~GreenllDIIW-VU­ nle unit, dl-..ed &11 • , Blobville De¢, alao _. • wlD- Pad< A-.e. -'t fire - -­ Jage Green Drug Storeo. n is ner --.r-dt- to roc,om, ·a. T,V to ·,.-._ TIie flN ~-• .it{.,!e:=~-~ ala> bellll! 80ld .at the iHioksvil!e = ,::i..~11111!& •• -,,4ed· by the _llt.· ~ ,1>1-'!«'Wl!a -.rit.Mra,m·- tile .. ~ Road station neiwstan~: ,1...,.. ~ - - taJ,.,, ~ m p1a.. . p1 t11e .,.-.;p. In ,.a,Dtlon t>o a .ralllo ...t. wall, ~cmir• . b!' tha ~ ;~ . ~ ·... -.,., ' ' .\ NJ

- ~o-HEIALD, JULY ~. ltsl · · • I ..._.._Oflan ...... ,...... h Dear~-;•.• . .14M . ~~ .--: - ...-. _.. ti. - .. Hnllil■lt - _r;w,• · · th, •r.-:---~~ IIJ'Odueti -oton, Adei'c, .at lfti__lllor~_elaunias.!'t-bo1-Jld.- ~BPA -' - ~ lllOWAJM> H. ~ ~-~------en, •e t~,-"-- wkicll ol)e!t9d on Lanir ~- - _ _,_ .. . IHI _ ' ~,Jlem- the.t J- beetlo,, -..m be more Damel'OU - -- beoa- >. :,i:;'----,,r.,~ - M~A 'i'eil4at '8 A.ll.-to-lf-P.M-.- . · hrdt.- ~--~~~- ..__~ ... Wi,j __pc1a~ 'Ji!iit..J!!iir-...... ,rililinli_~ ., tlie-• Ill -w-.....,.,-Roenbeck ha., his ------Ch!"lu Prlco ,,mced todaJ' that '- ,_ NOfdllltlal .,..._ ;will liaq - ~ ----- .,. ~llltt7 farm at !!oltsvil!e in DON'T MISS TRI: BDllllll that plans for Q>e 9th ~ 'not d>e oldar - la tlae older oectiml - ~ , and foo '-1--~-"----'llllo--- hand~• bo th mail ~«;'~..,;:;-:;:._ P~- ~ - T_<>":"8-"'enf to I>!! di-of tbe.- are_,..,_.... •. ··. 'Jlll81r1(cA.NN lillioa (:o. Ho ·"4Jd here on Sunday, Julyl5, aff will opeo lb 1111h- with a aton, in Ohe third - -'-·of at,!, -'-::---:-- ---. -S--A-L-E~-. _ S_ A_ L_E__ __ S_ A--L-•""i,- ... 11 !!" the -~,- to rompl...ton. Levtfuwn on P,o°";'l'pko. - • c.. ·1: Jlet,b_ _will play~ w tM . °""""'. . " . , . . • •. ,1 ------!. , ~~~~: •Me~1!-~~1:-~-~~=~ =: of I ► Jerid>o &Dd - · Plaoe. - - Ev--and F _ _ ...... th - 6- . . . 0,,- ,. •....t .St a-r Ug.., :JI t Shop. . ,.. -. ~•- _...,, fonnil>lr iJl the Yi• he.a --. on ti>e ..-ho-. aad ...... , for -Vee- OIi 0.,: ai, C .. "' .~ ~ ~--~ .,~ Datfr ;.~~~St., ~le •••• alao - .. ~ N :< wlU ...,.-i ap B.-.,. ta - Prmi.s _,- !or _C. "'· OD Ille~ ... .A,,JIUAL ~•- ' J :!f lld.lM.,- to~ A.._, J- ...... of :811 C le_._ . . . la tut - - ,._.... • ~~ ~--_• _ _:_ _"!_ -""-..meh~tbe -~ ~;,_-~"-'Het11pnoad Tpb.. to -.A7, - _,_...... J>ul ------~~~~ oL - ~ -.on--ThotMS-A'ff,.-lrlo- mq,eell(d ~ - ' " ' ' ' · -.--- - -·-- JI!. ~ ~ ,- that tbe ~uaa CollCert Band of IDlll!ina':& - - sbow held in Mineola .l,,-- die C...,. -, iq e 111 .,., DRISSES ..... j; i~~-~-•d ~ paradep._ • Tloe .JUAiNlTA KcNAJIEE of ~ CharlQ St. WOD an honoable -..,, to 7.91 --• - f" n. .._ for _her work . • • Local men on die Polioe Force wbo ....., - ec:- J." ..not .... _ ____ LIi ... -Home' rL-.. promoted - NCOnd lo - pade p&t,oiDNn 'IDclllllo l1'ltAJllt .,.. ~- P. ABRAMOWI<:Z, CHRISTOPHER QUINN and EDWARD QU]NN • ..,_ u, ·- 10.91'·" .1. fo, 14.91 ► !Omtbnied ,._ - ·-I .... .JORN :I. ~ODGERS, ...,11 onown· in Hiebv!lle, wu named 11n1 '"'1 r" Al.ou GieN ~ Floru,t,, S1IDriae grade "dl!lteld J in Nuu.u,, said "'!We have praetically no narcotic U&f:fie ia N....._ tNI but we all Dluit work together to keep It, that vrry' . • , ~ repo,-t bet we .,.,. t.hia week -lists SAJH X.El.iLINER as . .. HENRY C.. JESSUiP liped ovt Saturday u «munandin,g offi.,..- of tho· tlamnil Police Preci)let, ~- and r,,ti,-ed from -the c01111ty, · fo.,.. . . . $ GERABD BR,AlJ.N and fellow memben of tbe ·lifta plMod APPEARANCE STARn Blellaville a brand new waste paJMl.l' ,receptaele in front of the Post Office. tlle WITH A HAIRCUT thin! provided by the Uoos Club, over the =ekend. I slnce"'ly !lope reax:Ients will ue tlM- containerj to help keep ov ~117 dan • . WNn Norih LeYftt....,. flome bwnen weno .to the ·lllilb - - Frida,- night for a regular meeting, tho:,- fLA--SWimming and Life poolo 8 and 9 built 'by Levitt and -& ,tJ • Saftl-Surecl Construction for Extra 5tnng1ft. Saving classes wiH be held for SoN Jn· Hlek!lville for residents ffl «11 and Wety. ..11 rffident.s at 00 Classe.s are !r"" and will be !lei' o! days starting July 11 at 6 'P.M. - Wec!nr Uhlry of Congreaation Slto111i DEALER STORE, Inc. Lite Ba"fflllt•aniy. -..,, 'Beach Zedek 'lYffl 1>e hold TIRoday, July -~· ~•· ·Janror and l!fJfttor 10, at the Temple on IJ!lMt 'Barclay Ufe Savini: ··only ~ ~ St., 1Hlclm¥!lle. ·F-=-:.-~~._:f u: 1~~ . HO~ ..-·-.,..---" . ·'---· - I. ~-':".= =t=====:=:'""':=:==--='==== ~-==='.=-=-=-~,-----~- - -- NEW VET ·--POST'-- ACT,va: ,_

~•nounces 1 IIICKSVILLr-William OlitakyCo•-- of '18 Sleepy Lene,lM-. •-der - Fl~of the .Hlebville ~¼:bMoa1 ~. i..e. • Well· ,_ to F_.-t Sta.._-:: Jewiaia War Veterana Poet today 4eDOIIDCed the flood df. Owwnwmlfdc ~ n.i1 mt neca:r-~\.Jllly 11 i~,=~==•nd ~- !!laturdlry mpts aDlt '° Dexter·· the cammunitf this week.' Neia}lbora complained 1o him that they had received in plain tinue lncleflnltJely, according to PaJil< on TI-All'8WI¥ evenlnp. envelopes repnnb from the--J)ally Worker and7>ffers-of sample copies-of- the-tJ&per. -- - ~- •_l'We-v,e-.Jen· to--- · · -cent- dedication of tbl -Jhlvln- ~ta, --11 haurla- 1U111--.-...-o _ ..OUR "°DT-ul·.-.,,__,.~,-cn-.--=----- the Oommieo,"_Olitikj_iiia; '"imd N PO>b a,t Great _N,ck wnment for the hospitaliRd -- T ·"•-~-~"- .._ 1"'.KAft ... n ■ .tl:iU ---1·_-~-':;'--:il-Jii "'9.Rfffooled . 'bTolll'-,-.rillnotbe !Mir i;;..._-. hi~honoriniraaoldierwhoaae U1e that 600 men_ ""- hie. rifie4!1_cmtfit v-.c--1. regudle~or ~n.".of color,~-Do~ , , .ADMIRAL DEALER -• we - wo.icllms each m,gbt ~•• ",Djl cont1.nue to fillbt should be mailed to -Hi~• • , a1'tempb to promot§ the ••- of in World Wa,: . I,L JW"V Poat, .Boz 96, Hlcuville. u·• . C I t L" Of Ad • _," Natonal J,W,V Commander_ ~------omp e e ine- m,r.., ,Be wu 11- with member, ·Belll'Y Albert, a1'1endiD& the af• BRAUN TAKES OPPICE _,_ Tel • • d R d" S t of the loeai J.WV po.t at the - fauc, wa,, -.ted in ~ .lnltia1 B!ek.n-iUe-Vm.,e,,,,, ·l!raan · pre- . 9VISIOn an a J~ !~S:lfJ1~ i!~;;;,1'~ -~d:...1:.;':i 1::"11..o~ Come la For Free Demoa.tratloa CD Test Proves !"J. -::~ ~..=--~: :i;~~~l'..b~· ~... .;;:! FURY & REID TELEVISION JrMnn: Need far Sirens 111--10. -e•r'ee ~ S-.TbeU....looldalic -.,. of - - la Cima· ~ to YWt e way of book new oolumn~ I IIRN"l"Ciate thtt rentam to ovet'OOlne that midday ec~.t!e':t~da~::: ~ci ~':!1-a :..~i~:'J1: ~:ndinJ -._- that, I wrlu somellb~ en.-hli.n« u . well u raoltal. here iD connection with al.l'km:10- For t:he youneer aet, the motbera bilea and .-11 truo:ka that came - pitdt in and belp. Many r!ne IIINdlnlr U.--. ourdeYelllpMnt. pctw,i, am stocy -. c:aa be He NNb- IIOt - - out ol utlllaed with the motbera - Illa_..._ a car_..,.. ..tins 1n readlllg ID - or u. inC GOit .. ~ l!lt. uct Ill• ~en. ~ 111¥ car which wu parked 1 e,cpect . t books freq,,ellt- 0 - ~~ ~~le~= ly, and, it i't ~~ble, rn be we...X.El>Orted the incideJJt to U.: glad t<> lend .\Jhem to any_ o! my police. This is ·0ie second bit-run nelg~rs woo cali't get to the u,cldeDl In 3 weeks. (l!n the library themselves. · o~ auiie, a man ~wu stnx:k It w!)uld be we_ll worth the down). Children are alwa)1J p~- el!fort il mothers m all par!$ Of liDK bl. ~ aad. thmlt ai&"ns our section would try to work out posted at ' the entrances to t he a convenient an-angem.-ent jfor development cautioning drivera te their children's resttw. amusement. that e«E'Ct. Drivers IDl.llt take PA.BTY .PATTER wamina' BEFORE ineparable The Ben LeVltt.a of the -.Saddlery damage 1s done I trust that the 66 Nortn ,LBroadway, are happy to Long Time To Pay! I Sam and,, . ) PoliClf' Department will take note their children. Ge r­ at thJ& cokann and- do«Jle- their akline, back wit h them tor the U7 coltt .. ,.,,...,., .... effor.h: to check thia huard, Summer. Sam iis eoing for his .t--'. ,_,...... a>romotion and graduation _PhD. here and tb.ey'}J r eturn to 9adtN-th., _, ,,..,,, _.. cccn.e a.nd gone. It was .a mighty Orie~ in September where Ger­ ~ ..... ,...... No Money Down t.1::.-Ul'ing thing tor aR concerneid. aldine win continue with her med­ -, ~ .. ,-MN. The s chool· ·rracultles- have had a ical studies. ~ dWLlcuit ~ar a ccom.modatlfle: the 1My daughter, Leslie, gave a Small Monfhly Payments horde of new children admitted farewell party .to her -kindergarten to their roles, ibut theylve done class on Promotion Day aud the a itine Job deapite thts O'Vercrowd- kids were doubb' thrilled since it That's right, no mo,u,y down deliveti: your ed aJtuatlon. However, I f ind rrt.Y- came as a compleet surprise, too. 8u1t.1tyred. Never before have we offered i1e:W }onging rfor the day when Landon had the sltu-!ltlon Be.autyrest to everyone on Juch pleasing terms. normalcy will be restored. unde r control at a.U times with her . With all_ the nEMI' construction wonderfu1 calm a nd gracious man- So you'd better hurry! Don't min this oppor­ 111 the oJlfl.Di', and the winp of ne-r. She le one- Of t'hc Ii.nest tunity. Come in today. Ge ♦ your Beautyrest the Eut Street Schoo} near CUD· teachers 1 tnwe ever had t he plea• on te-rms that will put your budget et ease. plet.lon, our objective is in sight. sure to know. -,.....,_,..,... lty .. lLS. 8VMllD:B SIDllLINl!:8 CJONOR,ATS The achool children ik:>ok for- To Mrs. 'Evelyn •Lutz whose w.ard to their Summec vacations birthday comes up very shortly. ■- SUlMONI 1 0 YIU with ereat eagemeu, but few of Many hBwY returns. •-c..-• ---...... ------­ M V I NC E BR Au NI s ·M E MEAT MAllDT . E A NEXT TO t-lUETTNER'S A IT POULTRY ' FROZEN FOODS T $ I 02 Broadway Hicksville HI 3-0054 $ . Store will be clo ■ ed W•d. •+ p. m,. duru,9 Ju{y and Au9. .,

0" l 0


I J ~ "•H • ~. ,· ...... -..I.._~ I-.., ' -

,1, I I• j lti:hzlls ~ - -·_ --~-,MIO.IS~HY,AU>, JULY--r.=rt ., . • J . ·s'A,t . · tl&,bardses-.. h~• .,,. hhlblt . ' JILLB-Tlle ut DllDlla -~&dmol-lldil ofllfa._.,W11llaaolle\t-an ~n,- for.1! .,._._ e,oblblt; ~nib' at 'Illa •WDl- - '. -Y, 1- :1-1· at tlle !ems' home, 43 F.lower St. u•·w 6 month ■ "tom ■tl• , .. 'iioJloo~"7,;-• Plfflllltir.-J~ 'A-...rchr ,....,--4<, :!or- accomp-- ~ --·- ·===~ = = ~- -preiddent of t~"Jh,ard at -- ll■hment and progra. with Mn, n■ w1I non-1111uabl1 policy. tion' ,.,uenl.ed 'tho dipklmu. !!"::' t~~ ,Mn. _lohan• WHY -PAY -MOIIE?. 'Ihe RdV. Jobl>. V·UI. zanten of ·Mr■ • .8Wldi .chriniu■en of 53 the !Roi,iyn il're ■byten"" Chlll'dl New South Rd. ,ron. fint prize Mortg19e redemption fife Jn. gave the lnvoutlon.. Jol>n · LAMct in the adult -ap. lbs. lady surance ~nd- Juven-ile-----poliaias­ .a,,.ve the ...1eolfflllll' addrea. 'the 11Anif of Bethpage wu oeeond and •t. ema%ingry IOw premiu~s4 elgf,t,h tJYIBEND : Jiara·'Cut,y, ',)laiy _Conv(l;~ 0 - - · · O . declared IHt yea,. · Jlrl ~~-H ...... :r . A A t ; on Fire, C.1u ■ lty, and "'Belmi,BelJII:, •u:uel Jadmon.. : • · N Uability lnur■ ne• .Stephen:X-, .Waite," l[uhl, lahn FARM BUREAU ~!Id~ -~~ I: • ..., •. l!: ...... __.Ca. ~r17Schnile---.--.iil!71me1'hermart, I---Home--M ■ de- S1lad1 -11: Mlltlal l'ft;1...... ,.--e..~ 1~~'c.+"1>"1 ut.r...... c... - ~- Nltl JIIUlita il:larl4!' and Har- ..-.,, hi■ brother ~. ii • FRESH t,AILY ._ old. Harter, children of Jlr. . and .....,__ · .-i,e,to:- ·BIB&µJ , ; · ; Home-•~«...__ :' llr1. •N . R. Haner of HO Wen .Junita, - "Harold ..,, - - ~ y ..- - ...... ~ """-· .,._., .._ . !:!':.t f..;;~Hfc:~thlo-:;r- ~ of ·Hlelmrille- High ,,_,_, · : iS •N, llr:oadway : . llloa.tlle, N, Y . Jll&!lita .wu . graduated cam - y · ---NHr Smith', D,lig1 y _ Hlclinlle J.4612 :~~Id": ~~.:!T.; ' BA. dearee with a major in soei­ ololl!,. She WU -■rdod a&-oeJlol· ·. 'Pet~r .a"d 'W·endy anldp to "Hartford Sem!narJ,, Conn., _,.4 ,rill olart· ber -ea -fflFANT,S' .-ond ,CHltDRIWS · APPAREL ~~~"!!;~~~~'.""- - . "IATH1NG •.SUff.S ·. . . Baroid Harter recel"'1 Ilia B.A. -Buy -Your-f .lowe_~-• --­ d<,rne _wttb • maJor· in rellcl,on ·;sUNSUITS ,. SUNIACK DRESSES ft':i!t,f-1tm~ile~~ ..::=; Where They Crow oft. St. ~ Chair-I - AGINTS FOR eel •he mid---., _,,., nordiem statee in a concert tonr In l"«ma· A complete line -;,f cut flowers, co,.1911,. bout­ ■ !"7. - . il¥fflP:ing_J ack ~~'hoes toniers, d11h 3•rden1 and plt1nh. Ho-me for the SUll'll"ner vacation. he 'DlN\8 to enter Hamma Dlvinft7 · Stop •n see our i.:lispl•y ·of 9•r•nium1, and flower School in 8i,ringfleld, Ohio, INFANTS LAYIETTES • CAll1DS -UNNIIWU.a planh _for your window bo>!_es. •nd_floWr 9Mclens. ·GIFTS • TOYS • ACc:asoltlES Hlcbvlll& Property ,WE· DELIVER C. -R. CI ESE 1?2 Br- oedw ■ y lcor: Nir.hol•ll ,Hlek,.,;H• 3-22 91 Owners hi u·states Phone Hlcksville 3-0241 '~~~~:- ~ · ·-82 Lee 1-,:ve. ft'Prutnted llincmg the owner, of \iic~$.~i!I~ n~ in tlria eommanftJ', ae­ tt.t"ding to La~ A.. ·,Jtoman. t!hainmm of ,the Committee for' -IJ>oart,oration ,a, ~- . flle committee ii Jllai1iaar e~H of !ta ..port on the need for Ip.­ , oor,,,,rated lo

::'::r~~~ille M ethodist Cooren ~=~ 0-;,~~: ,: Name Prize Wlnnea,s Given in marriage •by 001' father were cooked, due and bullt a dll- Of .Art Exhibition the bride wore a ballerina 1engtlt P09al PJt and made• an outdoor H100KSV:I-LLE---u\n art exhibit gown of white Ol'ti,anly:--She wore a ~r stiall. '?be are& will be by the , ,of Mra. Louis illoe­ 8 t.Lny cap covered with whH.e car- built into IJ)ert:mment troop bel w:as held .Friday, June 101 at natloq petals and carried • .white C8l)l() ii,te. • • • Mrs. Hoc-bel's studio, 30 Terrace ~::r:-~~-ith white cladioli 111W ~eppept DR ol. ~ ~J~~::..:=_ ".:l Mia Grace Min.val ot 100 ~- SpillBe 114., -• ,... guest l!lJeino,- ...... ,rd, of mond St .._ HicaYllle, WU the maid of boDDr &t a. partJI bollt at - the ,lnciependent '.A,t -~- >( honor. She wore a gown of pink home following lier cart J.«enion t...,- N. Y. wae the houoe 1111- ol. St., -third. Aanea A.rthofer of ee.,. wa,; the ·lbeot ' man.· MIL - MB& - WAUIB ond St. received honorable • men- A reception !or about 80 &11est:s of 25 Bond La.. HidmriD.~ He Hop. Prizes were ot art suppli~. Just let us know .... followed the Cel"ElllOny. "IJP'tll soon lJJOVI!' to Freah· Mea.cbw O.t·• LOAN on l'!"!" Slv-ture . .Tl,p )'OUng couple-are' now hon- ..._, bla - - ~ High Tide Tobie Alona, Cor or fvrnlt•r•• 1 •Y1JP>,n.1~ - •· • • =i::r ·MRS. JOHN LOCK: For ·Oyiter Boy qulddy, prlv-ly. Two Boy Scouts · ~~ 1:!i ~,.,,.1:;· ~-~ Toda, (We<1.> A.H., ~::, O VACATION ONE TRli> SERVICE E... Week's Camp -· · Tomorrow (T·Mlrs.) 12:118 1:00 □ PURCHASES . SaYc- 1fmc-juf.l 'pbo&w fine, say, "°how .. rn - . Lib . 11.t , Friday,' July 6 .... 1:11 1:89 much" ud '"wbeft... complete lbe 1oui Emeat Boos and Peter Saturday, Jul,- 7 . . i:.111 2:1!3 - acoui. rarv ·1 ,otes 0 NEW CLOTHIS when )"2~ itH, i::~ ~ , ~ N- of B~ Bey tlcoGt .I Sunday, July 8 • · · · 2:28 8:02 O 'HOME REPAIRS U.1...... ,,-- fiooi! 6' weu awtll'ded a week'a SUM~i"'itl:,'mfs_.~~iizc:T Monday. July 9 .... 2:10 8:4.2 .,.,....,n at ca..., W•- !Beglnnine Monda ~. July 10 ·--- 3:55 4 :27 ,0 OlD BIW -~ .....10 WadJn« BiYe,, 1'J- tbe llotherw' library - Y, .,:;- = :::::·==::::::======- □ Fil· UP, PAIN,T UP !'.::\:=-• !:.-:='";J.=; "'1.ec1111e and will be open on O CAR REPAIRS daT 1..... l'I at St. 9tephml'a Wecb>.-y from 10 to 6 and wA L T ER s Lathenn Cb,.;.h. The Seo- re- closed all Ila:, Saturda;,.. Houn ,. 0 DOWN PAYMENT ON HOME FINANCE c:eived the '•ward for obtaJnlnc o~ ~ days will remain the Ll~UOR SHOP I.he hiel>Nt merit. durinlr the same, open fro, 10 L m. to 9 T . .... ~@5~~ ~~~~ o•.:;~~E!f' -1BOTT0'";;8ROS~•1co tM """11.!ary ~I be held on July the library&' summer 1>ro- a 14 W. M.,;. Sh-eet - · ' · • · ' -IN,.__ 26 at«k'1 bNcla. . fo~~io.. ~~g;,-\: or=. · Hicksville, L. I, PLUMBING APPLIANCE ~ HEAT .. ~rd ofThanks ,_ de~t. ~-e.,..lib. The ....,,,,,_~will ______231 Broadway . · Hick.ville 3-08.U»- . ' C 1 Wo wiRh to ij,anlr. ow friends, :::,-.;k :.i:.r-.... h~ :.J. ~;:;".i'!; A Short Block South of Ole! Country Rel. - neiltb bon and relative ■ for their afternoon from three to tour OPEN TH.URSDAY & FRIDAY 'TILL 9 P. M. many kind ~oD9 of. aym- o'clock under the leadership of f':OV§~O?~§.§~~~x::s;~::t:§~~. pathy during hll" recent bereave- M(;~r~::~ :::::0:; re,riste; ment. lira. '·Andrew llanel8ki · their children in ,penon or by and Family, H.ickaville, N . Y. telephone and to bring them to DON'T MI88 THE HOME ~~~:a~1fb~:fn~;e~~ .,!!'0~.:%, c'crsii'ls \11scuss10N CLUB A Cla11afos Dlscoaslon elab for boys and Jrirla 10 to 1, yean of 1111'1! will mMt at tha -v.,-,:; UNYEIHAUiS ~tofov ".::----=r =...::ol'clock, beginning July 6. TONY & RAY'S DRUG STOR.E T -hi,ou,:h reae leader Opp. ProfeHion•I Bldg. of the """'11'· 'A l',-o~ (!•Opie of HICKSVILLE the comm ity ~ invited to par• ·------­ ,ticipate, ·FLAT WALL PAINT

for sp■ rklill.i beautiful wallii; , pllin1 with Pitt$• Per r y 's ll q uo r Sh o p. burgh Wallhide! Fo.r genuine oil p::Lint t~1a L"s so Hick,ville - Jericho Rel., Jericho e SLIPCOVERS e~ to u~, covers mou surfaces in one coat al~11ys demand WaJlhiJe .flat Wall Paint. 'Jbc V~to l1aed OUR OWN PARKING LOT · WE DELIVER e DRAPERIES Oil kecpS the f1n i!.h fr c-.. h l04i J.. i11?: .c,·cn ::ifce(w2sh~ Hieb. 3-1552 L 6048 iog. ColllC in for ir~·-' 1 • •- -: , • • · ·~"~die- HoOJc e BEDSPREADS booklet. SEE OUR SELECTION OF -CUSTOM- HICKSYILLE-ROHBACK Broad Loom Carpeting MANUFACTURED PLATE GLASS CO. Venetian Blinds LARGE Wall Coverings Jeruulem Ave. at Nicholai St. Hicksv;lle, L. I. SELECTION Ph- Hlcksville 3•0744 Cotton Rugs OF MATERIAL AsplloltTIIIIIIIICIU...... ADMIT ONE to- the Use Our SHOP AT HOME Service AND. 'DESIGrtS HICKSVILLE HOME SHOW to be held in ST, IGNATIUS SCHOOL HALL FLOORS ':Jfi£autcmshi,p NIC.HOLAI ST •. & BROADWAY, HICKSYIW 35 B•ooclw•y Hichville, L. I. 146 B'way Hicksville JULY 10-11-12 Hlckaville 3'.285 1 TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THUltSDAY . Phone Hlch. 3-1537 • OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P, M. Fro"' 3 p. m. until I I p. m • FR• l'RIZES EVOY NIGH1 Hi Neigllborsl C'MON IN AND .... SET ACQUAINTED • i ·i a 4 • e 7 8 • 10 11 1• ,. 14 T ED~s - ___c _ __ _n __ .._.... 17 1• 1• - ., , s•-TS·~J'...h -ET.T L. naoa1 -.--..---- • -PRODN .FOODS FIEE, DIUVEIY - He.pst.ed TUM,.ike & · H N. Bw•y . Hicbville-M•11•peqH ltil. next to the-new I', O. - Hicbllille ,..._ HI 3-0N4 [ 1a111111t 111111111 ■ 111, .

A. C. OCIIII, ... . ULJRA!,EQCfflC: - ~~ ~ SffOP' Old c.,unt,y Itel & Cert St. EUCT81CAL STANFOllD W!ISS Hfcbvta Electr1 ..1 ~ Hlcbvlle 3-12115 ° CONIW&CTOR Slaoe ,1912 ndllepeln ...... W··•C I aM, .pe,;; EM~ Titlttplt-e: · Lighting Flxturei.­ Hlcksvllle 3~2244 Oil '-W'!t~ ­ ...... ,,.... 57 WiRoughby Alie, Hlcb,iU. ~LUBRICATION - CAIi, WASH d Co•ntry RNd,·Hkbville

HHFS-A HOT TIP: : IF THER:l!S,AJOa- TQ-BE"DON ·E CallfAJ.ocal Ma■ For CoapJafet5'effsfoctlN a■ct-Ser,Jce , FOR l=AST SERVICE P'HI L'S ,IJlff:lmtal Pf■..,■gHNff■g NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE JS BEBmr GIVEN OH - turners ,-1-- ~,:~~~J:~~:'!l: that J,,ic....., Number SA l!.1181 h&s :; 9u.Uty Clea11hl9- sell= beer at rel.ail, Ullder U.e Al- been - tJ,e udedlped to to 11 KE S : 144 liro~dway, Hi~bville lastalfed - Repaired mhOlic Beverage O>ntrol_ Law, at :,'f;,~ c'!:!i ~~:i R1p•ir•d - At.eet,0ties. 55 N. Broadway, Hickmlle, .Noldl Bicbollle, Nu­ J-!as- a.-..ay, CLIH'S IS50·$0.VICa ioppo,ite · c ■ thol i c Chureh I 1•1 Fint St. ~~N- Y., tor off premises ~ Coanty. ~- Y., for off PftDl· W. Joh,, SI., cor Pine SI. H.....,,3_,_ Tai. Hlcbville l.0121 -dba Jlm-Ree-'• Delicatessen...... Ralfeomaa,ption. W~y Food ~ 55 N. BroedWay, Hicksville. North B..-a:r, Hicbville

NOTl€E I~REBY GIVEN ~ IS iHER£BY GIVEN PAT'S that License Number 6A2498 hAB that Llceue Number 8A ~eo1 bu been ilaled to the un:lersianed to been Willed to the undemign,,d to SUPER SERYICE'­ Cesspool sen beer at retail. under the A:I• aelt ~r at nt&i1 mlder tM- Al­ FOR ALL cohOlic Beverage O>ntrol Law. at cohobc Bevera,re ~DU'Ol Law at MEDARD'S 297 Central Ave., Bethpaa,e, Nas- 6th St. and Rail Road Ave., . AUTOMOTIVE -INTERIOR lo EXTERIOR .sau County, N. Y., forotr premises :Jxth:page, N~ Coant7, N. Y. Clea~ing consumption for otf collftZDPtion. · SERVICE PAINTING I>ave Katz Rita Sula IDBA T•l•r.hon ■ .. QECORATINS dba Bethpage Super M•rkel Gt.h s,.J~• ~ A James ff. Allen Hl.,bvil e 3..07 IM PAPER HANSING ~;::~L.Ar~·• . Betllpqe ve., Phone Hick1,ille 3-138) Id C-,,t17 .It N- 11,!dge R

- For niore· fun in .the Summer sun---- •.-•• get Gulf's great -;p✓,/,,, - . ,1/,1

S.P_W!:lal Tlls WNl suP·C:OYDS Complete Set 7 or 8 Pie<:es . $~99 ,, 1-fere•a the way to lieafThe heat and get more .summer-motoring l - fun! GULF SUMMER-GRADE NO- NOX Gusoline ii"blended lo give ~·~­ tip-t_911 hot-weather ~rformance. So. todayt-diacover this sum­ UWI CUffl'UNCH ·· CI.MNIU- . n1er-motorin1 thrill. Drive into yo\lf-Gulf dealer's and a:et these 191> . l,o■dw ■y Hicbvill ■ 4 bia advantaae• •for your car : ) ; ,.._ HI 3-:MJlr All Work Done On Premises lo SUMMER-GRADE NO.NOX aiv~• free­ dom from engine knocks and pings that ~ - ,.,, -- usually grow worse as temperal ur<:s .soar. I El LIN' I· - SUMMER-GRADE NO NOX resist• hot• weather vapor-lxk that so often causes Landscape Co. annoying engin e :s talling and balking. TOP SOIL - LAWNS SUMMER-GRADE NO-NOX gives ltOTO-TILLING TREE WORK smooth. s-rn-o-o-t-h velvet-like power at SICKLE BAR MOWING all speeds . .. smoother id) ing lo, easier OF HIGH GRASS driving in summer traffi c. SUMMER-GRADE NO-NOX resist• hot. 32 8.,b••• St., Bothpa9• weather e ... aporation . .. you get full mile­ Tel. Hlcbv.. 3-Gl61 · from every gallon! .._,,, ~__,,,.,, ,rft-.wir-_: • Try a tankft.1I of SUMM ER-GRADE NO-NOX now-I Whether yo ur ca r is new or o! fQr Ille laallfit DlC at. Belmollt l.ake~ ii!': - ~ Ml4 ~-.u- TO'l__~ lltAND .CAN_DIES,...MMES __die~._,_ wta ~ ~-=l~ ~~ ~==.:al!!! ~-_!"J-~--- -~-----,-,-~~-'lt.QNSO~ Ll&HTEIS, WALLETS !:,if.:,~ ~-=2= the afternoon ~ ..,.y-even!Dc· B1cnvlll•, ~--. ~ -- at tu ~ - ----Zl~h•r.-....,...• -- Phone: HI 3.0447 - ,_ It - - ,- at the t>irii:. , ; ~- _ - ,______...;:1,::. ~::.~ ~':e.:: Johnnie Leo of C>ncord../Av-., OD \1/A&D&Nll n:am:D _..,...,__.;.;______; al ~ - - _,. who lof< for oerviee all J..,,., 16, The June :i:; »-tine _~ - lo N6 IS-LAIJI thls - wll6di Jw,e :.W. - .Mrs. Walter Loone7, Heaton-Was In clillrse of~ will oil.-~of~- beDolllt - Mrs. Mu:oael Greco endlln. and Raicue -Wurl< in :EoelM>d· ...... ·_ e• ·' . CQl·IBl amnily, "by~: - ;:::; ;:;~":.l were w~lcomed u Ire die war aDCI reallalDC .&be_.• . ~ • Joor -. l8 ~ The ladles will parw:,il)Me ia --and~ tor Qvll 91.. ar ..... Jlllilllllk a-wm, tbe !1111 ,_,. puade _,..r- Dd- lD - -.,. bu ""1-' Bay · C1,a1,- ~or tllio ,...... _ .,.. eel bJ' the ~ !'Ire 08 Wltffred aa a wanlen to; lbla c:u,n. '. DNt --.- •AMot----;-,6,nillan--ke-to deJ16 .and n«Lllw1aeinc -red-_,ative -~M>riL SESSIONS: other -. N .... Co- en4 all am- The QUOta o( l:IO · - I.I • ~ .... .-.., i-.. u wu era~ -°'" llllacl mt....., , I A-June 4 to July_ 13- lllemllera of tba c.,,,pi.. Club VOied 1(0 ~ flO to -llii ia atlll _a - tor ~ t B--July 16 to August 24 . of a. Pul'a' l.atMu Clmreh •o;;::-~•u-ulni _; ~~~--~._:~~ - the dull: - • ...... _ Jln. llu7 a.i,s at the 1,ril>OUBe at 11,ao p . m . - ~ 2 to :Auguat 10· c--. Jlra. -Li>aiae :Bedell, l'SUa:lff I -l'LUII 2~August 13 to Septem!Mr 21 ~-Cmcio, The . n. 'hlltoMe1& ..w - .Cmdo and Mn.- Jin.~--Kariel Can - three plQs throusl> u,e -­ were --for tloe eveJWIII', . Loe year it wu - at the Class Hours: •- • • , -~-z meetlnc-•tdlot,..._ - -Monday through lhunday ~~l.A~-==-~=-lll lie 7:00 to 10:30 P.M. 271 lllOADWAY add-.-- tb&t Sunday will l>a SclM>ollleW at.10 and jll't.beiW-Fuad,Ila, Lbe ---- - ~ IETHPA&E ~:JL alaltlDc &hla SaaciaJ' ancl - iitwlllbea-ata■- Courses of Study . 'lmtal f1'nhu DOtieL New mem- 2a entiUec1 "'Crlnollm ...._. Accounting, Economics, Education, ~· N. Y. State Uq. Lie. L1112 !-9 will •be n,clived at thla •rv• and wu pem,o4 07 - an- . 1ce ~o. - · of H1clalville English, GoYemment, History, Languages, ,._. ·The North~ Civic ,4an_ _ A second pi.r wilt w ()l'MeJllANi ~- -Mathemati1:---s-,-Pre law, Pht101onhvc,----l--lll-~Hlci&rille-J-0111 will bole l!._~nb;aU!>n, • _ rigistered prior to July 25, 195 I. • MARKET === ~~= ~ J;.t ~,':./~~~~·~ IUI.LETIN A_VAII.AILE UPON REQUEST di iMni. DonJlh&' - Onll')' """"""'9 « tile ~ -fand Kn . - &uvrl■e . at tl>e - o( Edward -, 33 Administrative Offices ' I Flower St:, HiclmYiUe. 81 Jerusalem Avenue 5 Ibo. of Su9•r with ••ch Father Conway - • • • order of $IO or 111or• L.1. N. Y. Leaves lethpage X:.J::::..,-J:~::. .1:: Hicmi1e, iBETIBIPAOE-a'foe lleY. loaeph lln, iEnm>eU 107 Tel. Hlcbvme 3-0122 J. eo.....,. of 8t. Jlar1m of Toms Windhorst Ave., Ka--to D W~• .1.- ...... N.T. ~,s:O.':~~.:...:: ~ -::.-=. ~ - ...... ,..... - - - .,. *-•- ..... Maao;r--..,Zlldm:;;:;.,■111, OPEN EVERY DA TIIDmu B. llollal' .-. ofW~Ga!IWUd= .... Deula B. Pina all. ---­ 7:JO AM to 7 PM ~Clmn:h of SL lie!, Fl.-hina, -buof= Mr. and i:Jmp « Mrs. S - 10 _,:. 5 ll C&Non St. OD Insecticide · -nl>urlt.Tbznday, Junr 28. Mm. Edward FertiUzer Hardware For 24 Hom-.Towing =~ _»-c-tbe_ chainan_ ==-.:""'=-·=Lhla=------~- Ume Garden Tools Service •.• Peat Moss - ANNUAL D'.INNJCa The Boy Scout :Mott>ero• - 1 lary held their 2nd anaual dlnne,­ • . on 'lbur&day, June 28 at the Bun­ Phone rtse Vlllaae. OPEN UNTIL Hi :1194 -An orchid was preaented by the rnsnbers to Mra. 'POftY Kam"mAnn 9 P.M. president, f()f' her" loyal - to ,,' Hi 3-1498 the, organlzatfon. EVERY FRIDAY The dinner al!W> s.erved to ce•e• I EMERGENCY I brate the !birthday ot Mn. nor­ E!l'TC!e Henn. retiring treuurer. She STUCK IN LAWN OR DRIVEWAY MUD, was presented IWitb e ooraape-, Mrs. IEMra Melone, Mn. P-.i, WRECKED CAR- Kaufma-nn, :Mrs, Helen Bu.ftwn. Mts . .Anna Rockml~ Mn,_ Winirred C~dfrey F airm Supply Gaiser, Mrs. Cynthia Stee-le, Mrs. CIJS Riedlinger's Agatha Schwarz. Mra. Sue Ehmig, Mrg, Stella KU&eVich, Mn. Flor• COMPANY, INC. ence Henn, Mrs. iLucille .Gelger. Mrs. Anita Roth, Jlfn. Sylvia Ker.­ Corner Central and Stewart Aves. Esso Service .Station ..1er, Mn. Pauline Wll>on oqd Mn. Ann P..arton ■ ttendt"d the- NDT ro IETHl'AM SUPRMAUlt B'.way & Old Country Rd. 81ru!er. ~ttting of. the Bmtil1ary y,, 111 be Hicksville, l. I. re-sumed 11\ the iFall. Phone Hicks. 3.0214 General Repairs - Lubrlcatl,pn. Washing Complm Sprfn3 Car-Spruce Up! . '

. . . \. . . .. - .•·• ·Disc:lose_· Plans ·of HHS.. Crad·uates ·. BIIClll&VII4&-.._ Kabel a. for tbe _.s ~ ln-tbe -· in-teott. - ta II...... '­ - A ■tomo•I~ f■sanrnce I '•r••h - ~• ~M~~ ior •-- Ho wu awarded tho She Is - omplo7ed br t11e L. I. ;..1&;"..i.t.t lane ~ :f'u,,. c,am- Arnold . Conawble Scholamblp Y - The Zoning cw'"'"'" s,,ar and hi• name will be J&llle9 Hukell and Kalp~ Board of Appeal& oanted· a vari- inscribed- on the Baker memorial natoro wHI enter p WEST JOHN ST •• HICKSVILLE ance for a araa!on In . Beth• Trophy. A1e.•Rulh, whoae eor>- ons to IMiami Un,vmlty in Ohio, tlon at the northeut' comer of ~butlon to An,erican Youth ,n11 JO&Jl >Sharratt to Coboordia ' FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY . Stewart and ,Lafayette 'Ave•., ·hve fonrrer. · .Junior (;oil_, ll&rion Nell to LADIES SIZES - CHILDREN- SIZES 4 to 10. ~. AAA lo EEE AA to E B~ w~,~~~.. ~~-~Ir:.'::'':.-c:.r.. :. ll(e(}UI Un!vemt,--tn Canada, Loia The Board alao approved a 1..-,. .Award for excellence. She Scbalner ID Cohunbla U~. variance by Robert Ren. waa awarded the Pr!vile&e of . -.a S&vage to __.. nellt of t --tllayfalr iLa., Blcmille. havln,r ber name lnocrlbed 11PM Bui- SebooJ. Amlett. Hoff• to ba!lcl an -•-~ .,.;th t he Edna It1l11M Slltl,c,n F'Nneh mann to Katherine Ga,1,a ~ :•- aide :,ardo then the ordin• Tl'l>PhT f<>r havmi, the hlghest tarial .BebooL . .'2,1 -A:,e,,t ance allow•. , - • average In Fff-nch 3. The iAntert- Charlee DeSerre and Ronald Wi11iam Rennie of 1 Bafflat can Association of Teac~rs Henkel will join the 11. S. Air Court, Hicksville, was ,rranted a awarded her 11. medal of honor for F-0-rce. Eugene Diduch will Join ~~INE SHOE$ ~- ,ra,riance to . build an attached her wo:rlc in Frencli. the N-ivy. ~ _., with lea side yard than Dorothy plana to atl>end Mary Alexan~ Baobato, Theodore 111 lroaclwwy, N- Nldoolat° St~ Hlcb'fllle HI. 3•21611 the ordinance aUowa. W•ashin«t,on College · of the Uni- Jurek, Richard ,. tBa.aghan, DN- a1raaacaaaoao111111111111111111111111111111111111 0 .;;o ot"1~;;,io Bn°o.=::a :f il;;i ve rslty 0 ~~... ~-~8ie'i:. WJ:t.,.am l:"i:'J Broadway. Blclorvllle, who wanta · Irma Clayton of Old Country illenry Luhman wm Jotn •the Na-.,.. to condae:t a oony t"fde ri~ at · .Rd. wag awan1cd a $250 scholal"- Rubh Benoit, Rose Carrera, ~.:=n:. and IALWTivi~ A,•c., :~~~ :h:-.~~ ~n=u:t j!-= G~= J~lrutem~ - ,•enfty. She wu aiso a'Wlll"ded t'he DoJores lmeldapt, Jeannette Jean,. _s;.,f{dk i_,~ Arnold schola.nhip to son. Cynthia Karl. A,adr,ey, O!sen , Present Choir the $0.r] havi.di;r the h i,thest aea- (contlnued on page 12) Pins af Redtal ~f't.::./~:~~hin over a peri?(l ;;====:::.::.:;:====:::: Gem'ud~ ltoloU a-,.d 1'41 ,_., .... - ...... _ ...... - 1m - Ill -.:- ]tat1, 'Lalmlan, 0..0. •..a.. - Olaen. DoTGtb ""i,lay. _,a She --.i,i.,i,!ana to~ - n11ne'•fair Ruor. 'l!l,relffl Scllals, y.,.,., tratn;n,f. Wemeburr., J:rene I e.m •• 8 p.m.- Wed. i p.m. USED CARS Web,-r, Lorr'li"e Wetterau. 'M'ari­ 1 .,__ lTTI Zelher. Robert A rtbof@r Roy s.::!.~ ~~::il~:~ ~ ~ FRl!D WALTPS' Jl'riokc and W!Jllam Sehrimli<'. 1'49 Olds ti daha• 2-door, ..,...... $1161 Nll LAUNDERWITE - - 535 New Exhibitor 194t Well 70 4-dr, dyN ..... - .. ·- ·· · ···-···· ISt& At Publlc Library 1947 l'wtlac z..... ····-·· .. ·····---...... -...... 971 325 reIOK.SVILJJE - Mn.. ~nne 1931 Cliff. 2--- llllllcli ...... 135 45 'llorri1 of '17 Thorman Ave. is the current exhibitor in th4! series of 1940..,....,.,c...,...... _ ...... 2IO 15 C)J'le-man art shows sponsored by the I11depende nt Art Society at the' Free Publlc L ibrary. USED TRUCKS ---~------M·n :-Morrir.-the former Anne Zadork11. of Hicksville, attendf"d Pratt lnltitnte and was a com~ 1949 Stlldebali• ~·• ...... 711 260 menial artist with a advertisina a,r,,ney. She will exblb!t two 1'46 Docit- plcll •p .:: ...... 495 165 nut.el 1>0rtra.its, inclod.inR' one of her dau ter .. Geo a." MacPHERSON MOTOR SALES CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 16 JERUSALEM AVE. HICKSVILLE, N. Y. Oie Welcome Wagon Ono Block north of Roilroed Stetlon. Hostess ,.._: HlcbYille J.1145. • 6 • 7 Will Knock orr Your Door with Gifta & Greetin,a I 1 e. as t Id 111 from Friendly Businell OPEN Neighbon and Your ADMIT ONI FRI., C ivic and Social to the .WelflU'e Leaden HICKSVILLE MOME SHOW SAT., . On the oc;c:a1io11 of: to r.. held In Arrival of Newcomera ST. IGNATIUS "SCHOOL. HALL · to our c9m,..u11lty. NICHOU.I ST. & DQADWA'f', HICICSYIW .•PHONE: . . JULY 10-11-12 HICICSYILU J.OH1 1UISDA'f'...;. WIDNISDA'f' - THURSDAY From: 3 p. _111. until 11 'ii in...... ,.. ,ams l¥BY •~ j

· ~ ~lo:fSlAND·~• JULY 3, 1951 UYl1TOWN A-Gffl"1 · . · .. - . - ·, MIis .-- - - I .· tla.■ SeflliscUSSil Bn ....._, ' ,. Cerilffll!l ■"'iMII m::-v~~ :":: = :.=:i ;:ria:: ~~-=1S tion ~ILLrnM<>wn __, a ~tL :;:r~·-to~ •~ ~botlc.m 8' 1- p. HANLEY ~:· ,i:i-:-;, ,!~ .;r ":; ~ ~'D!lle1lal:"~t'• ~ ~ .:.m:.;:»~----'--• ESSO - SERVICENTER "!= Wo'..=°:1 ~,~:, he~ ~r.-=l•~of..,ijh~ ~po~; ~=i ~.=ermo:;:'~ . . - ~DAL AUTO IB'AIH _,. PAlff mHJt.iD.K is beina" arranged by the for... -creative RO•ernment- or new ta.tori&n and Mlln"aY' wu Liberal Party of Le-.;t4own and op.,ortanltiea for old -in• the valedieiorlan. ltathleen Seith ...... ,Serriee vicinity. 11,amice L. ,Sch,oemvald l)CIHticla.Ds · will be, ~leomed. wu the .announcer. of 15 Gull Rd., is l)ro,:ram chair- :Eft'ryone is welcome i no d'aa, no l'l'M p11pile provid,ed a l)l'QINm Herzog Place •• d Jerusalem An., •• Rll DePol ma:n. · cha.?1rM,." of 90JIKS and e:s:ercbes. Jel. HlcbYiU. 3-1553__ . Jos•Pli 0 . Hanley, Prop, ,The ,~.~~r~•~ft --tor &J., ·namben inelDdocUap t1one .. 8 15 0 ~ ~~ ~ ·-· 1 Wins- First ·Prize .. ~~i~~~~.:: ~ n.. -~=-~·:ii~-m::;olec&ion ~paip -.iii the - BIICKSVlfLLE-.Riehard J . lie- •..ce.-danee and 9a_, ~-~;... - · PariT• - far , -, Co"9aek, a pap,Tof St. 1.-lu formecl a toe ....., jad,re in the eomina'' elaetlon.n .,. School. ,rem flm.llrise In"'-• Barbara ec-,. led the "CD,mo­ CLAtK:rs, eordina' to 8choellWalct ~ In the ~-tar)' achoo! el'&t.lon to 0...1.,ady,• Mn....Al1illlK SELF SERVICE . ""It .. .,_- th• c11...;,.. ~ll't':,.:e~n::....r~:1~ ~ - ~'.. _lat_ 76 llfHclw•y -- - ' "Tel. Hieb. l-3161 --lli9n oLha!IUL.~ ~ .,,.,11e. at H ....___ !A:;"WQll>ury. - - ,- ' . To avolcl crowds ••d HY• time phone your order T-tirfftWl1t..-Po,•emn·.,..i>--c'-c--~ AND WE'LL DELIVER IT. GradllGte Starts Contest At School · WE HAYE A REAR ENTRANCE FROM FREE PARKING FIELD "GARDENING -LA"NDSCAPING His Own..a.slness RIC'Rl!fflLU!:-,.,_ pr1.- "' ' ... HJCKSV'lLLE - Philip MID•· Ca~~.::.:: Light 6radiog - Roto Tilli11g vol!• ol 200 Woodbw'y Rd.. a to &q>tlo of st. _,__ ~ Sprayinij'="Pruning member·of- t1,. high school gl"!dU· - - · Baara ~ -ro 111mar moto~ inc. New l.Wfls - Uwft C•re :.=-i:.,;!,,,"""-~.!=t9 -"""· - Fruit Trees - Shrubs, •fc. aroa.the Duraclean . dealership for thb l'rioeheM !nolt the_,.,,,die ,.,._tlan __ .,,..,.._.,.a"""' nll!l,t. "!fOT '1'1111: OLDEIIT-NOT TBS LAIMD:lff-JRJT '1'111: ldllllT" ,. ' ' I ·K. J. De VOS His senrices incrudes cleaning of Her p,an WU entttled. "'God's upholst~ and ·rugs in the c:usto- Glftt To ¥~!"' , . AIIWIOalZID HUDSON SALIS AND SDYICI 1-89 Herrison A~•·• Bethpa9• merts home. He 'will also do moth £1.eano1" Chadln ol fl& Sedlet.'t • , ...... 3-1472 Pl'DOfing of fv ·- blinlr.- St. ttdr tbe .-,,.I .,...... Z06 ..,.,dway, HicklYill• Hlc:bvih 3-2071 ets. .woo le~~. etc.' · for her poem entided. -Valte al. =·• SIie Is a fll'tll ·pde FoY1u~ Mor! Children st~~~"'~":: HOME OWNERS CtlMS OT Dogs , -- thl..i _, prta for hor _,Gy.iffin & Rushmore "Protect &·-aeautffy -~ - Four dog Tn· t~ ~r.~ ' :!:i: =:~k:~~ ~ wlR be jd,lloliod In _ ,n.='· -2-Heitz-Plece Hicksville, L. I., N. Y. Inside & Out cinct' Police. Rooney of , ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR 16 Libby ATe. - bitten on the -Disclose. Plans Tel. Hldsville 3-0045 PAINT, WALLPAPER & left llhoulder by a dog owned b7 PAINTING SUPPLIES Joaeph E,,poaito of l& Libby A..,. (Continued from - 11) on June 19 Ml she wu standing in 11.nd ,Jo Ann Wetllon 'Ptai,. to""'---1,e •em.- CH R·C)M A , the EalJ'OCito yard'. · nloyed' by Grumman ·Aircraft, Kathie... c, 6, of 'f'I A•ro Beth~- PAINT SHOP La.., waa bitten on the right fon- Robert Andrew,i, LenOra 'Aaa­ 21' So. a.... dw•y a.rm bv...:m 'ml.known do« as she Hn. Car,ol B&rt.Il, Arthur 'Bletach. .. 7 -- ·Hlelu.1---Z9'15 ·ployed in t-. ,,.,,. m. - Cuol e-m.nt.--lbririrle Dona- catilerine Amau, 10, of '19 Ne- ·hoe, llwiel ,, 1,alm,, Dorio .-1. vada St. was bitten on the rill'ht Joan Ooworth. l(wi,,l" Otto. Gm• SUPPLIES tblll, by -a dog u w -.-Yllli" Pednoeri, , Pearl Samleraon,...,c! on Prlnce9B_S!___ Clue' Slanl plan to worl< for -the -Edward K.rainer, 6, ·of 9 Gable:e Telephone Com.purr. Rd. ...., - on the rildrt hand On Bank Staff 1,y a "°" OWIM!d by Jotll!Ph Gra- Joan Abramo11d, Jeanette B~. ham of 19 Gal,let, Rd. wln1e play• man, C,mhla -.,,, Karle Cal­ lnr in the ' Graham yanl andrillo He~ ltale!ta. """ Pd· rlela Smith &N! effl1)lo'.Nd br the Dl1.a.v Hacae She L-J;..:t;=ci!i!"~~: P.IODUCTS In Beattv"s Store ...... _., wan.,. ~ •---- maBBV1LU!: ft __. Bclmepf - R"1'11eK 11..u will SINCE 1910 For ..-y and com,e11 • "'-- ..., ,w In Ji. .,w wmlt for tlle L. L Co. enc• . . . have your uphol- lo now on dlapla-,- In the - · f:r.i:::, =: II:~ =::: l; 'dery · •nd floor caYeti1"191 of~• Statio!'el'J" IJto!!__at ~ .Jae\:• Yo]pe_ __and..JamH Wat.on Duuclu-d . by experts, ~ToaclW'B. · T.he ht1~e whoe. wehrti- wil1 ~ri. for theh- .fathen. 1n1r 212 oounch,i was 1)ui on cf:is- ~nk 'P'iuotnger and Baniey Rl6HT IN YOUR HOME. play to introduce a new ■ e rv•~• ~Ru..,;en, ·•·ill work for tMlr Sometimes ••• W•tC.h the unusual c•r• with of pre9eTVinr baby ahoe.s m brofhen. Wflll'llffl Cotler. Aline whic:h these er•fhmen be•u- bronze. • . . te-r and Joan UoueJ wiU 'WOf1c: tify :your· furnishings. ne~~ri=ffla: ~!Jr.Ka:-i:- • for Doublf!·. ~~ ~ thing it never pays to HICKSVILLE tfe1'l"tlan..,: Rni c: •. 'BarnoP.g by Elk,.. put off! M•·ny • mo• Le.k~ Camr>: Nei1 Brunb l,v Ru1)bt>,,.. Corn.: T>oro+.hv Cah,t'f.tA. w1+h "9ooct inte,itioru" l,as found himself f•cing •itli 'M nribru, R~1111 I F.!rt:&te: VIT ­ DURACLEU vlni::1 Rernande-7. with Kat1f;r,n Rnrf • he,1vy Ion. IRRed: BJ1rt'lara Huf!'TTWTV' ~ th An,. Don't deleY-if it's .,...... , iMlrillg, '-• it NW! r,rie,,i-n Tele-nhone atid Tel-ie: ~l'h SPECIALISTS f';n. : Eli1..abe•li Lummu'ka with 'Art 1 TI citrudlon Co. LEIKUECHER & LYNCH In~ Angelo J11nc Mu-en l'! h w ith Eia,msnr, M nt o ... Co. : A•lan Shenh-ttd ,,,tH, Real Eatot• and lnsurcrnc• .,. BUONAGURA ~ .. nuhlie Avb,tfnn : Joan Zabel I 06 ""'•dw•y I with Town and Couf!try ApnaNi: 29 W, Marie St. Hicksville Phone Hieb. 3-1000 r:vnthia Fh,che,- wf+.1, Eouftul'hl~ A GOOD HicltsYIII• T. lf oP. Tn snrar,r.e (",0,; William Let,t NUMBER Phone H lebvill• 3-0948 for Ro:llen Stcn-e. -ADMIT .ONE ISay You 8A-w It In 'Ille Rl:RALD ciiiiiiiiiiiiiil#iiiUliJ to the TO CALL • · W.£KSYILLE HOME SHOW to be held in ,tllcksvDle .ST. .. IGNATIUS SCHOOL HAU ~ICIIQLAlff:-S:AaADWAY, HICUYIW McCaffrey Agency ,.JULY . 1.0- 11 -12 ·3,·-:3 3·3.3 ' . HfCIISVILLI Insurance .~elaU1t1 -~Y-~Y-'nCIWDAY • .fro.m, ~ p. "1· un+U I .I p, _m. RAPIO ·T.U:1 ' _,.., nms -uay Nl5HT OPERATING 9 TAXIS "LOW •n· . COST :- RESill.:ts~ ·. ·Bethpag~Nota- , --· tDlr --PA&'l'W · .Joyce Lana. Rhea Glttlln, ~ A beach party to IN, 'held at Bay- X..wrow, Mattella and Maou . ,BUY • SELL• RENT • TRADE .;, FIND ville OD ,July 6 ."""' awrovcd by So~ IIU .... were Mn. W llb>IL ~~~t} '. l!ioae_fflCKSVllLE 3-1400or 3;,.o,46 .- . - ~n-cof""the-Coua,le'relub- ot Auer. Mno-:-Geo~ ·So1Ch,- - • • llmne1 offlceo •&Jld.• atons;- Tele­ fl! - St--;--Paul'.S ! Cburet. at- a Ann -Lane, Mrs. Gertrude Brund,- - piM>ne Jilcbvllle 3-1138. · - RATES: Four <'!n!to a word, mlnlmutn ch!!!'ll:e_:iO cent&, for tint meetmg- held-WU&hed by the .. ,,., ,·1:ao--a;,. m. HOM£ 'REPAIRS HERALD as a public aervioe . BJ>d no charge la mode tor -Mr. and .Mn. Ee ~---~ . -~ . . -· ~- • •NDRLIK aaured.----__ ~!'!_ reap,aalble for enon ln oopy Ml'. and 14ni. John Retzler and . JOHN Sy"' .,,, -- Mr. and ,M,.., Frro •-.,r w ill ly ·

0 and host..., • r tJle Julw ;;~N~o~i~o;ll8~TOO~~;SJl~AU.~-mcqVILLE ll,IZSI-B ~~.c___ ~;~~~~~iifAL~~~~i~~~~~. ESTATE ~~::::~==::===:;==:::::::::;:=::::::='.REAL ESTATE "":.:5 ho>lm-linlr- • • , • . EXPERT~ TECHNICIANS • - • ~ ;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::-+- .M.~Dor,ts-L---uttgeodaughtcr----of- -- mJj/J-~...=c~--w-..- -=== SPOTLESS CHl'MNEY 8D<1 Fur- Dr. an4 Mrs. II.ow, Luttge, w os . nace Cleaning Service. Coal fur- W A N 'T E 'D HOUSES graduated from the Fa,m,ngda.Je Ci na. - ~• grates and repa1r parta for M1aa<&e.recelvea the Qwll .. ville,'fMw. Telephooe mcu- • HOUSES -:--- - . ~est Action~ ~yers Waiting -~ =1.~t~~~y;~_ ___HICKSYldw ~ LU~:..-...n ~ .. • Call • ooo'k -un-Lilfe," N"""'s Editor af - 1,.7. Broa •Y---· · •- Your Prh1tfrig NHcls • • LOTS 111-.A.Mailnllla t; !n'.:..c~:~= ti:::; • ACREAGE R. NI ~ of ,J!• ~io~o~Socc!,"~~. Prompt ly end EfflciHtly Ne-.v York in .t ne •.l' ·au ,or a rea-.:fl - Al low cost to You. • BUSINESSES 38 B'way Hicks 3-1052 1ng cour'se for.,i'r!"'~lo/ grades. - Cal Hlclimaa "MlM Bunm& WAITING O en Every Day .Mr.s. Dorotny ·Ra/bas, Mrs. Be&- For Estim•t•• on •ny ARTICLES FOi SALE sie O.a-cio, .Mrs. Edna \Looney and l'rinti1111 N.. d FRED KRAUSE ______.Mni. Pat s ,s,a representeo. tAe Maudsley PreH FUILL SIZE Kiri'• blc7ole. 2 Wal- ~~~ ':1 1.:.'°n!:::::,~ 85 No. Broadway, Hicbv~II• r,_;;,~~- Telephone Hicksville ~:t:5:'!,t:S i;~dv!f~~~ 10 Henog fl._. HicksviUe Opposite N ■ w Post Q!fI.c'L. Hieb. 3.1111 - · - VJCft'ciRIAN dN!iier. ll~ble ~ot ~';~if~~~n25~ir_~:.ou~ SITU_A_T_IONS WANTED walnut wood, 7 1> feet big presented the convention Commit- Jtl"?i't aeU T elephone Wheatl.,. tee with a cheak. to he.lp deil'.ra,y H 1llB 5-4J.43W . eJqpenses itrotn the Aux- B~ ~~L..:f!lty"!f~i~ :"-'=-=====.-===-;;- DIN ING ROOM SUITE, ·<1ouble iliary. • • • . ~lie~- Telephone r.. o· J 'OOOkcase..- _single iron bed ·W)th .Maiioers or-cm, Pe:cK'-uG-p,;r- - I.,.;I 11·1111 Le,as"m- g7. naftress, 4:.d.ra.w~ bureau with tlc.kpa..\ed in (;iroui. Night on Fri- =~• ~ I nurror, baby carnage and other day _-rune 29 · · ~ ~ sirl wanta job F- .,__..._ ■f&ckGt -Yke coatad items. C4ll l-Dcksvllle '3-1237. J:i'df"'l:ire an entDIUSiastlC audience Tele- JAMESJ.Jtcl4lllUS LA.DIES' lbACmON coat, m&tch- af parents and 'fyiends! the ~s ~ -- • · -. -· - - - - edSKin!f."""Si7.t.' 9~ -conai=- trt.aged-a----t{'Our---Tl~~N?US- WH·h - ,111GB SCHOOL llll'l wants job N. Y. State Liceaed lion. C~l Hicksville 3-2544.. - wild animals, clowns, _a tight rope •it.tina' f or ,1ummer. Te.le- R. E. .... - - FOR--NlS- -Bl!:- D_B_0_0_.;.~8-- ~r!~~ ~og=~ ;~~f{c~a;1~ fhone Hicksville 3--12061L Lf1Vlt1IOWD' Profeu1onal Bide. _ an, el~hant for real circus gal- YOUNG EMIGRANT woman, ef- 64 Division Ave., - - ~ ~ room in .private mou.r. flcient, strong, intelligent, wants !.evittown Center home for gentleman." 95 Under- There were also gaimes to try to work weekends (or Fridays t hrr16a dnaaDd for UJfllrwm h hill Ave. Telephone Hicksville 3- your skill and satt water"-talffy to a.nd Saturday1). Call Hlcksville i.-. 8 "'i;.;i't!::.!'~~Vt~,:~b~a•. 1'33R. · . t r y your teeth. 3-2531-.J. T...... HlcbYa. 5-6944 ONE LARGE and one small room. D~~~.::~~°!~~~ HILP WANTED, FEMALE •for rent, Kitchen privil-· ---- Maryann CE1n11)3,gq,e, J udy and, U.f which we will give you , H1CKSV1JLLE lovely 7 room Legal Advertiseme~ · . for th• a.lung. house. 1:;. baths, gar age, bot iwa• • · Male ad -"-le ter, oil, quarter acre, wa.Hting dis­ tanc.. to everything. $12,300. Tel• NOTICE TO BlDDERS EXPERIENCED N.C.R. proof ma" We have ..-good .tad of­ Sealed 11ro~l1 ro1 tllle uunat Bn of <,phone Hlc,ksvllle 3-0362M. w•tu Main , •ill H receh'ff b7 tbll! chine operator. Write Box L. wall-manufactured, properly­ Board of Commi ■■ lonen of the Central c/,o Herald, 161 Broadway, Hicks• AUTOS FOR SALE P ark Wa tAe:r- Oi■ triet, Betb~:ire, New ville. seasoned Southern Pine lum­ York. at ottl.ce 111. the Beth»■ ire 'b.r- .... the bes+ material yow 1939 Pontiac convertible, good ~~f;'';",t"1 SUBSCRIPTIONS ~~':c.D~~t r{~"' .~u~ld;~~-. 9?~t~~ .ca n 1,1$,C for a \,Vc,rk Bench. tires, heat er, radio, 2 s now tread ::~'-'~e!.!J~"' t h,e,y will be publicly ope.Ded ,-Y-,O_U_CAN_ __ S_UBS _ _ CRIB__E __ to_th_~ tires. $100. call after 5 p. rn. Hicksville 3-1467. 0 "r~ :~~• 11!: !~<:t:!•"::rli::d .,f~~!ci!!:~d m,!1t·a~~~~afieVr~i::~t:'~f~ 1 GARAGE FOR RENT ~;dTe':•~~1!r:b(S~"o~g0i).pon lLe d epoalt One year $2, three years $5. OARAGE (or :rent, ~ear Bay Ave .. th~~x::a:: ::jecC:":.~ia!i:n:fi ~f::~r::: Telephone Hlcksv1Ue 3-2683-R. I to the bid ...,hich it i:h,e ts:1• -a:i.o ■ t favorabl ■ t o tb ■ h1t,eu,1t of the Wa.ter New Development INSTRUCTION Did.Tiet. BOARD OF' COM.MISSIONERS BETHPAGE .:... Builder .Jooeph - of th~. Muratore, who bas just. oomplet.ed PIANO INSTRUCTION at your CENTRAL PARK WATER D ISTRIC'T the Mui"() Homes deve-~nt home. Cln:ssical. pOpular. Rea• ~thp.aa-e. N . Y. here, has announced plans tor an­ sotlllble. Zachary HOWJtl. Phone A. A.. S. J. Gnoo other group of 100 h

- 1 R0>C • l tlON.T Y£5.ve5! L, Fiir'-'~=-, ,llllT·WEU.· 1W.F .. llc)Q. F<>R 9 'U J:

. .' ...... &:mn.. l'l'oL---~ -i.11 LOCAL PRUDENTIAL THEATRES l3o For Btoloo, 3;3'!, 6:40, 9;'15. I C.uoe Fur...... ,_ 2:25, 6:30, 8:35 rua ROUND AIR CONDITIOfilED. ----hi,1.9, 1. IWuiA.~f,..tMFBI · 3:SI, 11:1111, -- , MEADOWIROOK HICISYILLI FARMIN&DALE H Haun, 2:lll, 5 ... 8:K . ----•tLevlttawo --3--0749 -S-dala2-012'l " ...... ,,U.U.11,H ch· 1 lln.Dellyl:ll&VefNm9..._ --· 3 :211. 10,.. 1 - -..we 5-CW2 ~~~·- s--,c-._rnms;» S-- Fe, 2:00,,:er. 5:!9 , ·~ _ n a n. n ~~ M-Y-FrlNdlAad Sl:8'J'AUaAlllT WM. ____ -ll--_,,.,- w...... ,..,111~, ioALA HOUDAY OPENIN$I --;--N_....,_At-- - "UNDD nll GUN" "le1t C6ow Mela ".OfOitlROU" - to&eU- with - Wool._ 'Dian., Jllli' t - & ROFRANO~S Van Jahriooa. - Heroes at "NAVY IOUND" '"THI THING" o• Lod\r lslaad" - '"2nd Reclmmt ~lM!t Teem ,._,,...... _ RJ:STAURA NT . r !! lw•y, Hlmvih - ooc,ethe"W>th - - totieth..- with - ~ "CAUSl FOil ALAIIM" ...... -nun.. - Sat.. hlJ' ..., "MA & PA IIEnU IA.Cl Home-lib Atmosphere ORDERS Loretta. Young - Barry SUlllvaa "'RAWHIDE" ON FAllM" lri119 You, Femily - ~ther with - ~ Main • Pe Kilbride - 401- Ceot.e1 A.,.. ------'liiiio; "LUCKY NICI CAIN" ...... p , LI. TO-TAII-OUI "I WAS A COliMUNtST...,..._"U Jl'lt.-&a&..hlJ'•-, PHONI FOil l1tlE F.IJ.N fyrone Powe< • Susao Hayward Tel. Hld,mle 3-2417M Frank L<>Yejay - Dwol2IJ, Hart 8-. &Iona~ /Dl'J' "RAWHIDE" .... w.. - Soda Serw,I HI 3-3110 -H 1111111 1cc oa - tojletber with - "fiO FOi. MOU'' - together with - Paul Doueiu-Rlc:bard na--rt - tocether with - Georse Raf-t - Coleai Cray ~ 'FOUIITIIN HOURS"' "CAUSE FOIi ALARM" - "Wen NICI CAIN" SEA CLIFF SUMMER THEATIE · END OF MAIN ST. & 7th ST., SEA CLIFF, L. I. -li R. C. ~f - • ---y U70Ut GM.A llllJAY OPEIING .w... of .holy 16 C.'IHI Olva DeHavalcNI , la "CANDIDA• . FARM I NC DALE • em• ,,,.tioff perfor11Noce Fridey, July 20 A PRUDENTIAL THU.RI! . Everungs 8:'40 Mon. through Sat. T!cket,; $1.20-$3.60 - Matlnen 2:30 Thursdays. Tickets $1.20-$2.40 - -All seats reserved call WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th Clert Cove- 4-4930 or Glen Coove 4...5310 t~ re£.ervations. c--■- ,.,,,_ •et,._ Z O'dedt DANCIN& FIR9AY, SA1URDAY ad SUNDAY NI.HIS OUR ~ --~ wilt,_ LOU OD.DO ad tit Trle _ Wed., Thuri., July 4-5 Lar.,,ge THE THING ftom•aaother world FRANK'S ALIBI 2nd s,...,h Hit Silver ,/ RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL BAR AII-Year­ "MA AND PA KETTLE BACK ON 50 Old Country Rd. Hiobvlll• THE FARM" Screen Between Broadway & Jerusalem HI 3~2447 _Round Fri .• Sat., July 6-7 TYRONE POWER - SUSAN HAYWARD ., RCA PETER "COTTON TAIL" OF THE Air "RAWHIDE" T09ether With RAINBOW RESTAURANT Says - TI.Y OUI PIZZA "LUCKY NICK CAIN" High Fidelity with the cle1icicu1ly different lt•liar, Su•c.e Conditioning With GEORGE RAFT Sound "Enjoy Yourself" Sun., Mon., Tue,., Jul1_8-9-I0 We Cater- to Banqueh, Weddings, Partiu THE SUCCESSOR TO BATTLEGROUND 159 B'woy Hiolc,vme ' Hick,. 3-1166 / "G,O FOR BROKE" Equipped -Stdr,;n9 VAN JOHNSON end th• H..-oe, of the 442nd Combat T••m For Unique Plu1 LORETTA YOUNG in· Future 1 H1crcsvircf1NN--==- Refreshment "CAUSE FOR ALARM" RESTAURANT & BAR - Wed., Tue,., July IJ-IZ Telavision 56 N0. Br0edw•y, Hicb..;lt. HI 3-.1069 . Bar GRIPPING - TENSE - ELECTRIFYING BUSINE S MEN'S FULL COURSE PAUL DOUGLAS_;__ DEBRA PAGET LUNCHEON D I N N E R S l "14 HOURS" . Tops In 85c SAT. & SUN. Sl.21 • 0 •loo "CARIBOU TRAIL" Appointments WI CAJIR TO IAN9UffS, MDDIQS, ~AlffllS a n ·==a==="'-=-"'==•N=Ca.OaaL~O~R~St•rrlq RANDOLl'H SCOTT "DllQP.fN FOR AN EVE~.11!1&. our·~ . .- · - - liltD.ISLAND HERALD, JULY 4, OR'Fff :WffT NOJES: . . . -~- Q,arleo :R~ d. • stores SetoclestJallla Kuhl-'.. - Cbu~:S;ohn of 194 Nevada _.'. __8,.. ~ - CJamlillllp _ - additional information on .. thts ball st. :ls _interested in securing tne- _. --- _--BI-a-SllT-,J _._ club--we- feel -~ -ite sure that ·ma• servicM of - a ~ident of o~ de-- Jerry Spjegel, builder of our ny more will be interested In play• velopna,.t to teke care of hi$ oon h<>me, inr nned ·Saturda 11lat , during 111• day, atartln11 In Sep• By HOWARD FINNEGAN . ('" • 0 me . Y _ Ing softl_>all- we · urge you all -to tember. For lluriher Information Botto Brothers' flve game winning streak waa snapped he . Is deflnlt_ely erecting a store make this meeting. Game, will be' call HI--3--5489--R any evening !>"· In Jonea Beach eoftball competition last week by the Hemp. building on Wle•t John st- and arranged with local teams_..., tween 7 and 9 P.M. - , or !"'one. atead PBC Al . 4-8 . ild fin" h , Kuhl Ave. Conotructlort wlll_~t":' ou-<>n Friday ev..n!ng at 8 :15 YoUr , . .. Residents m tlie . u:m.nt, , JD a w 18 • . . within the next month and will Y . older section~tween West .John - The defeat was the second for t~ Black • .ancl Wh.iU co-~· or five stores These stores P.M. We should be able to get S --~ . A . t ' h Beach ham · h' · •~~ · trecet -~ anua venue a . and Berioll81y hurt its_ qu_e•~ fort '! . c p1ons. lP- , will ·be built "back in off,the above ..vera1= · · .within our develop,-. Myen Ave. ~t that cars go- . Hicksville was wmmng 3-2 llODllf into the lut of the mentiohtod site 90 ea to proride ment- PLAY BALL. UIII to and from OID' -uo,, please ei&'hth Inning and ti very tired Jim Barone WU OD the hill free parking for shopper., a00C1111• BAPl'Y BJBTHDAY slow dawn-I have for the paot facing the PBC batten. He walked the firat two !>atters a~ modatlng about ~ C&l'II, Thia .Fmnces Regnato ·oc 60 Myers several 1aau.. uked ;that all car Manapr Berni• McGunnigle waved Bl~I ~rdiuk tn from his group of sto"'8 in time will _make Ave, celebrates her 9th biothday OWtlel'I ...., CAUTION while • _!ig11,tfleld _positlon.. __ __._·•- ~ · shopping- a little easier -· . <>__ "'L,(uly.c.4th.=r-t Saturday= e g or l~vlng our &welopment - -11------;;.-.-.:·~,•v.:·uk- got--the..,.flrst-two-batten- out- and walked-tmo folks in our development-,;o con• ·party was held to ~te,:_ her -there . •re children playing ·•II third to load the bases and set up a play at any base. A veniently at hand A& soon as forthcoming' birthday- with many about-WE MUST ·BE CAREnlh steal had-advanced the original runners a notch. . they ue completed I will endeavor or her _friend& invited to partlcfp- - DRIVE SLOW!! . . Civil De- --- -0«,rp, Thomaa then hit a ball to Bor'dluk'a nght side to flnd out what type of business ate In ice cream, etc.- . tense Volunteers In our l- - ""ButFerra)'a nectected to touch home plate! • Here the A -.neetl]!g will be held on Fri·- celeibrated _h,. first birthday. Help,- ny Plonski and your . reportff . plate 11m11lre showed n,a) bri!Hanc,.e and signalled the runner day evening, J4ly 6, at home of ing celebrate the bir.thday were found everythinll in order on p»t • , _out without looking as to the. position of Ferrara's foot.. Tony Plonski, 6! Myers Ave,, ,to Mr: 81Jd Mrs. James Twuhle and ,.. Auxiliary Police -- a4clltlonal . That brought the third base coach of-Hempstead runmng {orrmlate plans for Men's Soft- daughter Regina, ot ABtorla, Mr. . volunteers stlll-ne«lee _. in the N-u The batury fo, Bicksville waa baseline and dove for the runner. He missed only because 5 • ·PBC •-ooin ~':.r...:iiuJ•:~~~•A!'l!.. for · the runner went outside of the baseline-aTood 11ix feet and eftlOr ■;;: :r During the_flnt: innina no nma aoosavaT IIACRlfA1 rompeli home with the winning- run. - · · Gciines Put Off ,u,~re ..:,"n'3,'1 if:!•• ":!i~•r ::; ~ The'ir"!atly confused plate 1q1pire had his eyes glued 0 ..,.. ta ,.. .._,., PBC , ..... wu<> with a three nm rally otart&d by --~ on third base expecting- a 'throw aM i:,la~ there and did not ,.,• ., ••• ta...... s ..,. ,.. , 1n th• an intuferenoe "iteh allowtilg !t I see the distance by which -the runnel" e"vaded the baseline. Interm~i&te Laurue are ·;..!:11;:t~Ti.-d tM to 1ake & base, follow- MA G ' LI N, s iw!:s f~';!"dj~.!~ t~ ~~ ahi!":'~:~:rd:.ita~':id b:~ ,r:r.~n:·:~---:-:--~J L ~ a~.=1~.!~,.~ . I declllfon. . . .,_ ...... • 2 l tbey bro.i,t In 10. runs on T in• !, l.kJuor Storel=- A wild argument enaued, but the umpire;, allowed- the ....., ...;~ c,;,;; ·:::::::. ~ ! hi~!~,..,.;n,,.~--S- credited with 11 L BRO.-DWAY ,jvinn;q run to ta]iy as the stands Jiooted and howled. &;layed on It lhc two illegal Hern:pgt.ead men blocked the· baseline and i'uh~orhapi~u!o~!d~:~~n~:i t:: ,::: 8'1nd.ay, July 1. against the Bell- Next door to A&P Mer et consequently Ferrara's view and playing area, which en- ~~~ ,::h,. 8:~°r' .,.::U!e~~.J:!.1: more Vampires, Hicksville won- ,._ HlclmYlle J-N1_4 abled the-,mining runner to gamble the turn at third, time ,, ,..,_ ....,. ,,._,.._ ~°!.., ~t!f~~ j~~ should ban hem eut. HOME snow Joly H, 11, n and the losin,r 1>ibcher Wflliams, License L-914 . The officials were a bit abaahed becauae thlnl!'B got out At &&. ■s--. Ball credited with 7. · __,,. of hancl. but were unmoved. They finally started giving out ------~~~ ~ re.>~,~a. ? It Mr. Stewart attended more games at the Stadium he ~--~· .-:-_4,:~~--_ would realize jmt why blood does boil even in those who , ,:;v--~ ~ ~ A -'A"~ · -f< • A_"~,'.~ JI. - ·have understanding of what will happen if they protest even ~ ..- ,11.::,... .Fll'.1..- _._ outra~. --.... · th nor doWe we do argue not argue Bottb's. eTheN entire -was Hidf play in ITS BRAND EW 1 the league would be what those who originally conceived it NO SQUAWKS wanted it to be. ., WASHMOBILE La..t year a good Levittown team was not picked for . ROCK R LIFT tire loop, and in view of the population of that area one d.aily • • did harp for a better way of ~electing- the clubs. Instant Car Wash Actlonized lubrication at That got the boys in the State Park Commi11Sion busy y Cl d I "d no extra cost. Exclusive and they announced an elimination tourney for this aeaaon. acuum •ane nsi e franch"ise In That silenced the big papers. f • F Th h The question rern.ains, just how much of an alimina- t S ast, oroug H I C K S V I L L E tion the tournament wa~? It is ufortunate that most or the sports reported in the county papers are anxious telephone descriptions to the feet-on·the--desk reporter from club managers or league operatora. 2 New The State of New York has provided an ideal aetting- for a good aoftball operation and it is a shame that tho;,e re­ sponsible for it do not seek to make it better inatead of hld­ Services ing behind the authoritative but little t"Mpected defense of political i-tronatie. To Maice Southmnptpon has already extended an invitation to the Hicksville Feld Club to open the 11151 _gridiron• aeaaon there over La.1- Day 'ftekend. · otoring a Pleasure A hQSl9 •holiday erowa "'°uhl la an hand w- the Black and White to play either Saturday night or Sunday aft.r- . ' ARMSTRONC-'S 8rake - alr.s • 1 nftioll Parts • ·Vol- .

offi Hie of l . . . has adv Why Cook Over A Hot Stove? AM Serve Some Of Tllese Easy-+o­ . prepare Foocls.._Sucll As Pn FOi HI!

the ()y&t., f« ville man tM! been- . 1lhc ~ --,--ajh---R~n, "' ij pron BDCe a.rt OhaJ TEDDY'S .Ease Your actil l'ASCO l'lfflD Ctaores. Try a Sanm~ mun . FISH & PUFFS Tt Ripe Olives . -·- tall can 31c -Lunch or Supper! ·· __ _ .,..., Hl"C" . ..,..r 46 oz. can' 26c I -. 19c- Use More Dairy Procluc~ ·Or•••• AII y...... _ . TA\'11& No. I T.a C.. = C,.JL..W..A.W..¾.UP---- ::u:::w,..x..._,.;:.--- .... Peacllei 2 for 35c -tt>n CAMPBELL'S 20 oz. an, -""""-ert.y Toniato Juice 2 for 25c mo• tlPTON'S Fi1 llc Le I !:-EAM ¼ lb. "''" H !!r-- ---1--::.'C.111egar---·- Gallon- 49e - ed ------oftE -· --ove1 buil · Bethpage Super Market - - · IRING IN YOUR age doUI COUPONS NOW!!. ~ale The place to buy your picnic needs dou .....,..Ive Soap . .... 199. 9c !Ire Giao,t 12c Bcinanas lb. 12c t:m, c ...... 9c OchNJO'a Toli.t Soap ... 2 15c RED RIPE N o_Ji£ ~j9_9 0 S] s..,... Such ...... 199. 32c Plums 2 lbs. 29c Tel'"• ~'ii foT Glaet8k TEDDY'S Ve! ...... 1■9. 32c ro, CALIFORNIA Ch, Flounder Fillets 1 lb. pkCJ. 53c Giallt 13c Hie Oc..,._Lamir{ Lemons 1ea.l LIBBY'S Soap ...... 3 • 25c doz.;"39c by ere Offil9Ncie- :Zfor19c Corn on the Cob 2 servings 19c GEORGIA LIBBY'S Afa ci.....r ...... 2 - zsc "- l'IN Soap .....•.. ... 2 • 13• Peaches 3 lbs. 25c Orange Juice 6 OL .can 19c Fl ·Fl

