Battles The Revelation 19:11-20:10 • Introduction o A war has been raging through the ages. In that war there have been and will be many battles. o This war is being fought on many fronts personally, corporately, sociologically, politically, ecclesiologically, and most importantly spiritually. o This series started when we looked at Genesis 3 when the war began. It continues when we look at Jesus in the wilderness, and the war will end when we see Jesus coming in the clouds. o The combatants have been the same throughout this war and will continue to be God and Satan. • Jesus will reveal His sovereignty and faithfulness. o Jesus will fulfill His promises to judge evil by defeating the forces of wickedness at the end of history. • Jesus will uphold His name. o This is vindication of His interests not ours. o We will be vindicated because of our identification with His name. o We need to let God do the vindicating. o When it is all said and done, what God thinks of us is all that matters. • Jesus will deal with Satan’s allies before He gets to Satan. o This is a reminder of the spiritual warfare that is in the world. • Jesus will bring a time of peace, blessings, and reward where there will be no spiritual battle to fight. o This is called the millennium. • Jesus gives Satan one last shot. o Satan is released from his prison to do what he does. Why? o It is the final proof of the depravity of man and the wickedness of his heart. o Sin will reenter this world and it will prove that not even the most perfect environment can make man immune from what lies in our sinful hearts. o This leads to that final battle and the “wrap up” of human history. • Jesus puts Satan in his place…permanently. o Satan’s judgement was assured at the cross, but it is not executed until here. o It sets the stage for Jesus to deal with those who chose to reject God’s offer of grace through Jesus. • Jesus creates the fruits of a war won. o Revelations 21:1-8 • Conclusion o Revelation 22:6-20