Series -11



SORHA NAMRISAN Director of Census Operations, Karnataka


Page No.


PREFACE vii - viii




Explanatory Notes 35 - 38

A. District Primary Census Abstract 40 - 51

(i) ViJIage!fown Primary Census Abstract

Alphabetical List of Villages • - Chikmagalur C.D.Block 55 - 60

Primary Census Abstract - Chikmagalur C.D.Block 62 - 89

Alphabetical List of Villages - Kadur C.D.Block 93 - 100

Primary Census Abstract - Kadur C.D.Block 102 - 137

Alphabetical List of Villages - Koppa C.D.B1ock 141 - 143

Primary Census Abstract - Koppa C.D.Block 144 - 155

Alphabetical List of Villages - C.D.Block 159 - 162

Primary Census Abstract - Mudigere C.D.Block 164 - 183

Alphabetical List of Villages - C.D.Block 187 - 188

Primary Census Abstract - Narasimharajapura C.D.Block 190 - 197

Alphabetical List of Villages - C.D.Block 201 - 202

Primary Census Abstract - Sringeri C.D.Block 204 - 211

Alphabetical List of Villages - CD.Block 215 - 221

Primary Census Abstract - Tarikere C.D.Block 222 - 253

(iii) Page No.

(ii) Town Primary Census Abstract (Wardwise)

Alphabetical List of Towns 257

Aiiampur (MP) 258 - 261

Birur (TMC) 258 - 261

Chikmagalur (CMC) 258 - 261

Kadur (TMC) 258 - 261

Koppa (MP) 258 - 261

Kudrcmukh (NAC) 262 - 265

Mudigere (MP) 262 - 265

Narasimharajapura (MP) 262 - 265

Sringeri (MP) 2()2 - 265

Tarikere (TMC) 262 - 265

B. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 2(,8 - 279

C. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Trihes ~2- 293

Appendix I - District Primary Census Ahstract - Talukwise 296 - J07

Appendix II - List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 30S - 309

Appendix III - Puhlication Plan 310 - 312

(iv) FOREWOR[)

:Puhlil'ation ur thi: Oi"trid l'i:n:--u" Handhook:-- (DClb) was initiated after the 1951 ('en~us and is continuing :--inn: thell with ;-,\lllle innm',ltioll", l11\)dili('ation~ aher each decennial (\:n ... us. Thi~ is the mo~t

\aluablc di~trict len:1 puhlil'ation brought llUI hy the Cen:--us Organisalion Oil heh,llf of each Slate (iovl./Union Territory 'admini~lrati(ln, It illiet-alia providi::-- data,'information on wnK' of the ba;,i(' demographic and ~()ei(l-l'c()nl)mic charal'lcrist ic~ and Oil the availability of n~rtaill important civic amcnilies/racililie~ in each \'ilbge and town uf the n:sJ!ectivc di:--tri~,ts, This publication has thus prO\'l:l1 to be of iml11en;,e utility to the planners. administrators. ,K"demidans and n:se,lrchers,

The scope of the OCH was initially cunfined to n:rtain impoft,ml n:nsus tallks on population. l'OllHlIllic and s(lcio-l'uhural aspech a~ ;Ibo the Pril1lan' Census Abstract (PCA) of ca<;h village and town l witrd-wise) of thl' distriCt. ThL' D( 'US puhli:--hed .. fin the 1116\ ('l'n"us cllnlaint'd a descriptivl' an:ount III till.: di"trid. adl11ini~tralin: "tatistils. Cl'n~lIs I .. hk, and \'ilb~l' and "1\1wlI Dirl'c1oril'" induding peA.

Ahl'T t he lInt l'l'n"u:--. t \\11 parI'. of I hl, Di~t ri ..:t ('l' n~lI~ Handbooks (P~lrl-A l'lll11pri~ing Villilge ,tIld Town Din:l'tllries and Part-B l'llll1prisil1ll Village and Town PCA) w~r~ rcka,,~d in aU th~ States and Union Tl'rritorie ... , The t hiI'd 1MI'I. Part C Ill' the District ('emu" Handhooks comprising admini"trati\'l' statistics and di ... tril,t Cl'nsUs Lthks. which "a" ;th.o III hl' hrought out... :ould not he puhlishnl in many Statcs/UTs due to con"ilierahk lklay in compilation of rdc\ant matcrial. In 1')1'11, ~oml' new fcature~ alongwith the n:~truLluring of thl' formal'> lIf Village and Town Dirl'clory Wi:re introducl'd in thl' Dctb. These were publi!'.hl'd in two parts for l'ach dislril't after Ihl.' 1')10\1 Cl'nSll!'., Whik Part-A compri ... ed Village and Town Dirl'doril's, t hl: PCA of \'illagl''' and tllwn~ (ward-wi~L') induding Sl'hcliukd Caste and Scheduku Triix: P( 't\ lIpto teh"il/tl)\\/Il level were provided in Part- B. To illu"trall', all the amenities i:xccpl de<.:tri(;ity, Wen: hrought illgether in the Villagl' Direl'lllr~ and if an alllt'nity \vas not availahk in the rekrl'nt village, thl' di"tancl' in hroad rangc" from thl' Ilearest placc havill)! such amenity was 1,!iwn. Information on ~ome Ill'\\ ilL'ms "u(."h as adult litn

Thl' manllL'f of pre"1'1l1alion of thl: DCH~ lor thl' II)'H Cl'nsus i... hy and large thl' same as followed 10 11)1'11. Howl'\'i:f. the formal of peA ha ... hl'l'n rl'~tructurl'd slightly in thl' 11)<)1 Census for thl' henefit of data U"L'rS, Nine-fold industrial da~~ification lit' main \\>orker" has heen given as again~1 four-fold illuu:--II ial c1assificalion pre"entl'd in thl' IWH CcrNIS, In addition to thi~, the ~cx-wi"e population in the O-ll age-)!TOUp ha~ also heen incllllkd in PCA for the lir"t timl' with a view to enahling data users to Cllmputl' more n:ali"tic literacy rales iI~ all l'hildren helow 7 years of agl' have 11Cl'n treated as illiterate ill thl' timl' of thl' ItNI Cq1'>U~, It is l'xpl'ctl'd lhal [he ahovc mentiolled llll,dificatiolls will help the phllllla" ill chalking 0111 lllore efkct in: dl'\d0l'llll.'lllal programme!>.

(v) One of the most important innovations is the [991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA in!ltead of the traditional Tahsilrraluk/PS level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA data at CD.Block level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as thc CD.Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning.

In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and rc~earchers intending to usc Village Directory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapeslfloppies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census along with the corresponding codes of 1981.

This publication is a joint venture of the Statc Govt./UT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the din.:ction of Ms. Sobha Nambisan, Director of Census Operations, Karnataka on behalf of the State Govt. administration which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication was initiated hv Dr.K.P.lLtaman, ~ , former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M.Dua, Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Censu~ Handhook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly 5crutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri M.KJain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.). This task was carried out by Shri A.K.Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by S/Shri V.KJain and Hariram, Investigators and staff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps was initially provided by Dr.B.K.Roy, former Dc.:puty Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Regii>lrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all thoM; who have contributed to this project.

New Iklhl A.R.Nanda June 11, 1992. Registrar General. India


In the foreword to the 1991 sene:; of the Di~trict Censu:; Handbook:;, Sri A.R.Nanda, l.A.S., the Rcgi~trar General and Census Commis!'>ioner, India, has tra{'ed the history of the District Census Handbooks. He has abo !'>uccinctly explained the scope and coverage of the District Census Handhooks. These volumes contain lhe :;alient data on the populali()O for every village and town as revealed by the 1991 Census. They also contain a wealth of information regarding these villages and town!o. which, although not part of the population cen!'>u!'>, throw some light on the circumstances in which people live and is therefore relevant to thl: data on the popUlation. Tlli!'> information ha~ also considerabk importance in the context of planned developmenl.

The District Cen~u!'> Handbook i~ therefore divided into two part!'>: Pari A containing information rq;arding each village and town (Village Directory and Town Directory) which i~ not {.'(:n~lI~ data and part B which conlaim the data on Ihe populalion collected during the 1()<) 1 CellSu~ - the Primary Cen!.us Ab:-trac!. The data puhli!'>hed in Part B wa~ colieded in February 19<)1 al the limc of the population cen~u~. Thi., dal.a was then manually tabulated in tlu: Regional Tabulation Ofliq:s ~el up for the purpose. Suh~equently, a~ a part of the countrywide proje<:t taken up in collahoration with the National Informatics Centre, the Primary Cen~w, Ah!.tract data was computerised. Thc data for Part l B of the District Census Handbook wa!> lhcrcfore availahle on tape for thc cntirc country by November ]<)~)2. The State Informatics Officer of the National Inrormatic~ Centre at B.mg,alore supplied thc print-outs of the Primary Census Ab:-tract data which hclpcd us 10 bring out the Part B portion of the Di~trict (l'en~lls Handbook of each dbtrict fairly quickly. \

The proces~ of data collection for I he Villagc Dircctory and Ihe Town Direct )ry (Part A) commenced

III early 1990 and continued till tllc middle of 1992. For operational convenien 'e, the Villagc Directory format wa~ dividcd into Iwo p(lrtion~. one relating to Ihe arca and land u!\e :lrticlllar~ and the other Ielating to the amcnitie~ available in each village. The relevant formats were mailed to the Deputy ('ol11mi~~i()m:rs of Districb and Chief S(.;cretarie~ of Zilla Pari~had~ for obtaining t e villagewise particulars. Simibrly the Town Dirertory forll1al~ were mailed to the Deputy Commi~si()na" and Commissioners of Corporations. Thc villagewisc and lown wi~c data furni~hcd by the~c oflicc~, Were then examined exhall!>tivcly for consi!>tency in rcpnrting and comparability with the information \ llUhlished in the 1981 Di~lricl Ccn!'>us Handbooh.

Since the Primary CCI\SU~ Ab~tract data was available on the computl.:r, it wa!> kcided to publi~h the District Census Handhook~ in two ~eparate volumes, with Part B appearing in pri ,t !irs!.

In the preparation of the Di!.tricl Cen'ius Handbook!'> the role of the Ccnsu~ )ireclorate is that of data collector. For ac(.'ompli!'>hing this tm,k we have had the ready co-operation of the ~taff of different departments of the State Government. The co~l of printing of the District Ccn!.u~ Handboob is borne by lhe Government of Karnataka.

I take this opportunity to offcr my grateful thanh to all the ol!iccr ... and ofli ials who have bccn actively involved in Lhl.: compilation of Ihi~ volullle.

(vii) I am thankful to Shri AVenkateshan, the State Informatics Officer, National Informatics Centre, for all the assistance he and his staff members have rendered for computerisation of the data and for preparation of the camera ready copy of the manuscripts of all the Districts.

I am deeply grateful to Shri A.R.Nanda, LA.S., the Registrar General, India for the benefit I have derived by way of guidance and advice. I express my thanks to Shri M.K.Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (SS) as well as to Mrs. Minati Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General (Map).

Lastly, I am thankful to the Government of Karnataka for having readily agreed to bear the cost of printing these District Census Handbook volumes and to the Director of Printing, Stationery and Publications for the keen interest he has evinced in bringing out these publications.

Bangalore, Sobha Nambisan Dak: 16·11·1992 Director of Census Operations. Karnataka.


KARNATAKA CIIIKI\1AGALUR ST ATE DlSTRK'T 1. POPULATION TOTAL PERSONS 44,977,2()I I,OJ 7.28.1 MALES 22,951,917 514,526 FEMALES 22,025,284 502,757 RURAL PERSONS 31,069,413 845,422 MALES 15,744,942 425,865 FEMALES 15,.u'4,471 419,557 URBAN PERSONS n,907,7&1 171,861 MALES 7,"21)(,,975 88,661

FEMALES h,7n\uq~ s..',!OO 2. DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH 21.12 11.57 RATE 19H1 - <)1 3. AREA (Sq. Kms) II) I. 7') J.() nOJ.o 4. DENSITY OF POPULATION (per Sq.Km) 2-'5 J..Il 5. SEX RATIO (Numher of femaks per 1000 males) %0 977 6. LITERACY RATE (excluding children in PERSONS 5().()4 61.05 the age group of () - (,) MALES 67.2fi 70.56 FEMALES 44.34 SUI 7. PERCENTAGE OF URBAN JO.92 16.89 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION 8. PERCENT AGE TO TOTAL POPULATION I. MAIN WORKERS PFRSONS JK45 40.53 MALES 5.'-53 56.75 FEMALES 22.7] 23.93 II. MARGINAL WORKERS PERSONS 3.54 4.44 MALES 0.56 0.79 FEMALES 6.66 8.18 III. NON-WORKERS PERSONS :'iX-O) 55.03 MALES 45.9) 4.2.46 FEMALES 70.61 67.89 9. BREAK-UP OF MAIN WORKERS : Percentage Among Main Workers I. CULTIVATORS PERSONS 34.21 35.92 MALES 37.67 41.70 FEMALES 25.72 21.92



SI T,'ldl S,h~dLlkd S,il,dukd 1\1.11;1111<"

No RlIIdi /'01'111.111"1] l'opul.III'>r1 C."I~' filii.:' Wor"~r, Ulh,lll

l!I\)LlP I) (1 I) 11)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12)

KARNATAKA T 191791.00 44977201 7477611 21013193 7J69279 191~691 17292117 1594681 26090403 R 187520.85 31069413 5378741 12250620 5645186 1629496 12919726 1511858 16637829 U 4270.15 13907788 2098870 8762511 1724093 286195 4372391 82823 9452574

01 BANGALORE T 2190.00 4839162 693623 3161701 711775 53631 1635987 22311 3180864 R 1737.87 669909 109203 317831 178494 14569 261186 12860 395863 U 4)7.13 4169253 584420 2843870 '533281 39062 1374801 9451 2785001

02 BANGAIORE RURAL T 5815.00 1673194 260977 708577 326599 49305 623043 96513 953638 R 5758.93 1369908 213142 536439 286780 44594 523233 93755 752920 U ~6.07 303286 47835 172138 39819 4711 99810 2758 200718

03 T 13415.00 3583606 619475 1571044 406955 83076 1340802 176924 2U65880 R 13118.01 2741820 491892 1045451 325338 65247 108.3491 169081 1489248 U 296.99 841786 127583 525593 81617 17829 257311 7843 576632

04 9885.00 1890092 367604 693790 3651'>4 166693 809089 43044 10370~9 R 9479.30 1325692 273150 407453 281525 129460 621800 40668 663224 U 405.70 564400 94454 286337 83629 37233 188189 2376 373835

05 T 5448.00 1255799 255989 451061 260033 104215 466611 3t.033 755155 R 5370.70 1010096 209042 315874 228197 98442 404246 33150 )72700 U 77.30 245703 469 ... 7 135187 31836 5773 62365 883 182455

06 BI JAPUR 17069.00 2927990 556196 1.307674 509862 39535 1110288 108867 1708835 R 16759.07 2239244 439383 916365 421185 34068 918462 102131 1218651 U 309.93 688746 116813 391309 88677 5467 191826 6136 490184

07 CHIKMAGALUR 7201.00 1017283 141192 5.31164 195852 26534 412276 45182 559825 R 7125.63 845422 122866 415210 175176 24553 357076 43768 444578 U 7">.37 171861 24326 115954 20676 1981 55200 1414 115247

08 T 10852.00 2180443 362537 1008542 432668 318381 843861 94611 1241965 R 10754.19 1591765 270697 643282 358069 275326 668696 90919 832150 U 97.81 588678 91840 365260 74599 43055 175165 3698 409815

09 DAKSHIN KANNAD T 8441.00 2694264 379453 1756119 175548 106159 1112449 50465 1531350 R 7967.62 1931670 283-299 1192888 140296 94285 816616 43924 1071130 U 473.38 762594 96154 563231 35252 11874 295833 6541 460220

10 DHARWAD T 13738.00 35031';0 607530 1699031 410499 105099 1349942 126121 2021087 q 12999.54 2279259 410750 978002 290616 84138 975<'60 113982 1190017 U 738.46 1223891 196780 721029 119883 20961 374682 12139 837070


~ ------_------\11..' I \11

RllI,1i ~'-I ~'Il lId'.l1I

( 1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11 ) (12)

11 GULBARGA T 16224.00 2582169 528348 791628 610641 106935 1039922 72269 1469978 R 16035.17 1972366 413154 473306 502448 94924 876032 69510 1026824 U 188.83 609803 115194 318322 108193 1201' 163890 2759 443154

12 HASSA~ 6814.00 1569684 238297 1)6948 273379 16531 ')89529 105108 875047 R 6735.33 1296962 199263 575243 241053 14808 <'08173 102671 686118 U 78.b7 272722 39034 181705 52326 lIn 81356 2<~7 188929

13 KODAGU 4102.00 488455 71073 285280 59009 40312 220248 9888 2,8319 R 4073.20 410514 60019 229585 51477 38899 192275 9560 208679 U 28 80 77941 110)4 SS695 7532 1413 ?7973 328 49640

14 8223.00 2216889 356091 9<,[1777 '>70400 1')3019 881514 81070 1254305 R 8109.77 1699900 277846 bn131 45'>560 142496 736073 18410 885423 U 113.23 516983 78245 325046 114840 10523 145441 2660 368882

15 MANDY~ 4961.01l 1644374 241356 675502 226626 11930 635593 96170 912611 R 4901.82 1377570 c034l'8 ';18823 190551 9485 '>~9610 94181 733779 U 59.18 266804 37948 1';6619 360/5 85983 1989 178832

1b 11954.00 3165018 487196 1267148 597921 102102 1183225 89054 1892739 R 11739.91 2224724 355125 673123 480387 77696 8948lz- &3998 1245914 U 214.09 940294 132071 594025 117534 24406 288413 5056 646825

17 14017.00 2309887 " 73009 660453 397923 180272 970995 55289 1283603 R 13816.33 1829705 384420 4.N686 326337 1633')2 823416 53173 953176 U 200.67 48[1122 88583 220767 71586 169?0 '47')79 2116 330427

18 ShlMOGA 10553.00 1909663 295043 993542 337921 74 106 720984 ')9868 1128811 R 10395.29 1403421 222752 655002 279830 64379 5690(J6 57161 777254 U 15 7 .11 5(16242 72291 ~31l':>40 53091 9727 151973 2707 351557

19 i 10598.00 2305819 349229 1065934 408524 167632 916196 183394 1206229 R 10523.49 1923656 294404 818448 364376 149641 794734 176777 952145 U 74.51 382163 54825 247486 44148 17991 121462 6617 254084

20 UTTAR KANNAD 10291.00 1220260 187393 689278 91990 10168 428663 44494 747103 R 10124.68 925744 144920 484878 67491 9074 315529 42179 538036 U 166.32 294516 42473 204400 24499 i094 83134 2315 209067

(xii) u.· 77· 78·

KARNATAKA~ ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS j-'", / 1991 / ~v"l"" i...... ~ Aurad! • BbaJ~1 , 18 .J 0 I t .. ~...... J "., "! 't 0' • ' .." r..,·. 1'=', 0 .B1DAIi" ,; "".... J" !lI>mnabaK' 'f'> ~ ("'. 0 "'~. r. $ Alaud r ", ---..._ ...... " 1 0 ,.,:~ f '"t._.(.,...... ,J @ " "Cluncho~/ 1 ... Aftpur GULlIAltGA ) , J < 0 ,\....-~ :' ~hltaj1tlr 0) ) mill \~,' ; J, Q Sediml-.., ..-t ~" _; J 0" 1 "\. r-,""'" 0 \.. ~ I 5- .,.... L. 81J~UR Sind.. ,.:;. J...... ~)..: '" ~ ....~ III i . ( i:', <" -. ,0 r ...... 0 ._!' jC" - 0 • Vadpr ,.... ~ ". Alhol J ,- \ Shahpu', 9 ,. \.... " -.-. ( 0 i o· . ~"'\:. ('., b 'r'- _VOM Sho,.pu,',_JI...... u$ o ~ o· ~yhag l 4am~h.aOOI 8qovadl .. _.J ".", 0 '-S:.. r ?"kOOI' lMudho' 0 0 ..... ~ Devadu,p -._ iI- . "v. '-... 0 " Bdgt , L •• Mu Laopu,.' ) "_' , i/O ( 0 i ,- .' / O.i .,...., 'M vi \ ., . j\amdur.. 0 ""..... I / ...... ~. ,,' an ._• ...._._.(I:' •r if) ,(Par_d) ... }- ':I ,," ..~" J' ./'0 C. X;ELGAUM "SaU.dattl·'" '\; ',-... .; 'v Ku.hta.. '1 ...... fI_· Bad. ,r.U ••II"..... D' .I' '\., 0 ,S.ndh~u, ," ') DistrIct headquarters are also tatuk \. ' Honpl 0 il'''P 0 ',r .'" " ,,''''', 0 -""Ir'~ roo ' Ron \ 0 -' ,(,'P • headquarters ') Khanapu' (Sa'r'pon) _. "b '. I I Yelba,p .' ;~~, , .....". ,t.... @; , ,~.,lIetfn , . p ..~wa~ ";"". ~ Where Ihe name of the d"trlct taluk d.lTen o 'I\ .... .,,·,01PHARWAgHabll " (OadalFl" ') './ ~ \ I Hall)'a' .... I, ""'_I , Ill,...... from that of Its beadqoarters town Dame the (:'s > I (0" Koppol_;'OHo.pel .J former appears wlthlO brackets Jo\l!' l /KaOO 0' J \ 0.ft. _,...... ' r., f ( BELr'ARV ~ • j' (Sai'll • 1tt.P,t.I)" aot, Ishl'halli~ ~~f/:~'" '" 0 ", ',@' r "itil~' " ,: ' Ha~.bo" 0 .... f ~ }. - 0' 0\ : .1 0 .m .,,:.JSandu, ...,', , ...... Dnnaa\ore I' the beadquamn for l\ansn\ore l:J. ,.../. 0, MundO:~~'" Sa~•• , " ' ...... Hadapll. • I I" ) ...., North and 8.'nlllllo,e South t"luk. lind also '1 I" Ydilipur a«td ( our I "'. ~ ,", r 0 ". ARWA~ .,. tr • ... \. • ~( KUdUII'\ • I for Bnngalore unJ Bungnlore RUTIII DI.tru.. ts r \~ ,,\ \~ \ I / 0 HI~r~" ~ I 0", r p' ,J ~o I( ,-, \\ Mlrpan.ha,S I .d. o· • ~kol.(II"-AR KANN)(I 00,. 'Qf 'I. L,r ,M

74 Ea.t of Greenwich 78·

Based upon Survey of indio map with the permission 01 Ihe Sorvoyor Generol 01 India © GoyelJlment '01 IndIa Copyright, 1994 The 'ttrllorlGJ wattt. of india ...tend tnlo the .eo to 0 dlslance 01 twelve nauhcal ItIiIa meaa..-eeI fram the appropriate base Un., ;t. II! i ~., 0 u 0 ] '0 < i ·~ ~ j 0

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~ ./ ~ -:I: U I­ U / -0: =•., o E t; o - ] o D I s oJ>~ ~ "· ~======~==~ ~ ANALYfICAL NOTE

Brief History of the District Census lIandbook :- and extent of mm:nities and services available in t he villages and towns of the dist rict - presented in The District Censu~ Handhook ~erics was, for the form of Village Directory and Town Directory the firs~ time, included in t he census publication respectively, (ii) Part B - consisting of the Primary programmc at thc 1951 censu~ in order to satisfy Census Abstract (including the nine-fold industrial the growing demand for micro-level dal<1 hy the classification of workers) for the district, the taluks, administrators. the planners and the other census the towns, the villages and the census enumeration data users. The District Census Handbooks sought blocks in case of towns; and (iii) Part C - consisting to replace 'Part IV - Taluk Tahles' and 'ParI V - of an analytical note based on an analysis of the Village Tables' of the earlier censuses and to present census data as well as the non-ccnsus data included the hasic demographic and economic data in the in the volume, a set of tables depicting the form of 'Primary Census Ahslract' in respect of administrative statistics in minute detail, a set of each and every villagc and town within the jurisdiction statistical tables ba~ed on the census data in respect of the district concerned. In addition, thcse volumes of the district and the constituent taluks and towns were to contain a set of statistical tables based on thereof besides a set of tahles generated on the the census data in respect of thc di~trict and its basis of the villagewise census data in association constituent taluks and towns. with the villagewisc dala on the availability of amenities. The main nhjective was to present a At the 1%1 census, the scope of the District comprehensive and intelligible portrait of the district Census Handbook was greatly enlarged hy incorporating in it - (i) a descriptive account of the and an overview of the developmental programmes implemented in the district during the preceding district. (ii) a set of non-census tahlc~ dealing with decade. Publication of thp District Census the administrative statistics of the di~lrict for a det'ade, (iii) taluk and lown levd census tahles on Handbooks was planned in such a way as to minimise economic and socio-cultural aspects and (iv) the the delay inherent in the compilation of a voluminous mass of data gathered from different sources. village and urhan (census enumeration block lew!) Accordingly, 'Part A', comprising the Village Primary Census Abstract containing the ninefold industrial classification of workers. In a somewhat Directory and the Town Directory for the linalisation of which there was no apparent need tp wait till general way, information on the availability of certain the completion of the tabulation of the data gathered hasic amenities in villages and towns, such' as the sources of drinking water and educational institutions, at the census, was to be published first and 'Part was also presented in these volumes. These general B', con~isting of the Village/Urhan Primary Census Abstract was to be released next. A lower priority guidelines were, by and large. followed in Karnataka Was assigned to 'Part C' for the obvious rcason thaI too. However, the scope of thc District Census Handbooks of 3 out of the then existing 19 districts, besides administrative statistics it was to include a namely Bangalorc, Dharwar and Mysore, Was set of socio - demographic and economic tables generated on the hasis of the data gathered at the con lined to the publication of the village-wise and census and an analytical note prepared there(lf. In urban (census enumeration b!~)ck wise) Primary Karnataka, however, 'Part A' and 'Part B' portions Cen~us Abstra(.'t only. of the District Census Handbooks were comhined The 1971 census witnessed an overall together and published in a single volume for each improvement in the mailer of compilation as well district except Bangalore. In the case of Bangalore as presentation of the data. A country-wide District, since it was felt that the size of such a uniformity in approach and a comprehensive coveragc combined volume would he unweildy, Part A and arc the hall marks of this series of publications. In Part B were published separately. As regards 1971. the District Census Handhook was split up 'Part C', compilation of data took more time than into three portions - (i) Part A - consisting of land anticipated and, in addition, there Was an inordinate use data on villages and also the data on the nature delay in executing the printing job at the Statc Directorate of Printing. As a result, only a portion numbcr of households. The contents of Part A of Part C (depicting some of the census tables) were further enlarged by including two appendices, relating to Bangalore District was published namely, a list of villages not having any amenities somewhat belatedly and the proposal to publish the and a distrihution of villages according to the remaining portion of Part C for Bangalore District proportions of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled as well as the entire portion of Part C for the other Tribes in the total population of the village. The districts was finally abandoned. Town Directory formats were also modified by the addition of a few items such as class of town, Instead of witnessing an expansion as III the population, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes past two censuses the scope of the 1981 series of population, deeadal growth rate of popUlation, the District Census Handbooks was curtailed to a working women's hostel, adult literacy classes/centres, considerable extent in that it was confined to the storage system regarding drinking water supply etc., publication of Village Directory, Town Directory and also by providing for recording the information and the Village/U rban Primary Census Abstract. about the nearest place (and distance) having Thus, at the initial stage itself there was no proposal educal ional, medical and fire-fighting faGilities in to compile and publish the administrative statistics case such a facility is not available in the referent and the various socio-demographic' and economic town. As compared to 1971, while one statement tables based on the census data, that is, the portion indieat ing religion-wise population of the town was which constituted 'Part C' of the 1971 series. But dropped, another statement to provide information for this change, the approach in 1981 regarding about the amenilies available in notified slums in uniformity and comprehensiveness wen.: very much Class I and Class II towns was added. As regards the same as in 197]. In order to avoid dclay in the Primary Census Abstract of towns, the urban publication, as in the past, the District Census block-wise presentation of data was given up and Handbook was proposed to be published in two details were presented only upto the level of parts, namely, 'Part A' consisting of the Village Wards/Divisions. However, information on the Directory and Town Directory and 'Part B' consisting number of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes of the Village/U rban Primary Census Abstract and Scheduled Tribes was furnished for eaeh census besides' the Special Primary Census Abstracts at enumeration block within the town in the form of taluk/town level in respect of the Scheduled Castes an appendix and an annexure thereto provided the and Scheduled Tribes population of the district. description of the boundaries of each census enumeration block. Further, instead of the nine-fold At the 1981 census, the contents of the Village classification of workers adopted al the 197] census, Directory and the Town Directory wcre slightly on this occasion the classification was restrictc.~ to enlarged and the formats were restructured. (n the 4 categories. In Karnataka, in 1981 also, both Part Village Directory all the amenities except power A and Part B portions of the District Census supply were brought together under a broad heading Handbooks were published together in a single with the provision that 'in case an amenity is not volume for each district. However, because of certain available in the refcrent village, the distance to the technical compulsions, all the information relating nearest place where that particular amenity IS to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was available may be indicated in broad ranges'. A excluded from the main formats and was presented new itcm 'approach to the village' was included. In separately at the end in the form of a Supplement the remarks column, a provision was made to report (separate booklets were brought out in the case of the number of copies of newspapers in circulation Bidar and Mandya Districts). in the village as also the number of motor cars, the number of motor cycles and the number of 2. Scope of the 1991 District Census Handbooks: tractors available in the village. Further, in order to examine whether there is any correlation between As in 198], in 1991 too, the District Census the availability of amenities and the population size Handbooks are proposed to be brought out in two of a vi ilage , an additional column was provided in portions, namely Part A consisting of the Village the Village Directory to indicate the population and Directory and the Town Directory and Part B

2 consi:-.ting of the Village/Urban ward-wise Primary (i) Village Directory: Census Ahstract in addition to the Di~trict Primary The Village Directory format adopted for the Census Ahstract and the Special Primary Census 1991 series has 18 columns. When examined with Ab~tract in respect of the Schedukd Ca!ltcs and reference to the 1981 format it will be noticed that Scheduled Tribes. Though, the scope of the 1991 two columns have now been left out - while one serie~ of the District Census Handhooks has, by of these columns refers to the 'staple food' the and large, rem3ined the same as In 19H1, a other refers to the 'remarks' under which, information few significant changes have been made III about the places of religious, historical or the Village Directory formal as well as the archaeological interest III the village as also Primary Census Ahstract formal. In Karnataka, information about the number of copies of unlike at the previous censuses, on thi~ newspapers in circulation, the numher of motor cars, occaSIOn, the 'Part A' and 'Part B' portions motor-hicycles and tractors available in villages was of the District Ccnsu~ Handhooks of each published in 1981. As compared to 1981, there is district are being brought out in separate volumes. no change in the scope and coverage of the The manner of presentation of data has also information presented in the 18 columns of which undergone a significant change in Ih,lt the Village 8 arc devoted for amenities and 6 arc meant for Direclory and the Primary CenslIs Ab~tract data indicating the area of the village and the land usc arc presented accon.ling to the location of villages pattern. The remaining four culumns are meant and towns within the jurisdiction of a Community for indicating the location code and name of the Development Block rather than their location within village. total population and the number of a taluk*. In other words, the traditional practice households enumerated in the village and the name of taluk-Ievd presentation of data ha~ now heen of the nearest town as ab.o the distance to that givenup m preference to the Community town. The aspects cllv(;red under Ihe amenities are: Development Block level presentation of data which educational, medical, sources of drinking water is considered as more meaningful in the present supply, postal and telegraph, weekly market, commu­ day context. Sinee CO.Block is the I()we~t nication, nature of approach road -and power supply. administrative unit for developmental planning, the Further, if a village did not have any educational choice of the CD. Block as the unit for d3ta facility at all, in~tead of merely reporting the fact presentation is cxpeclcd to help the planncrs in and stopping at that, an indication of the distance formula! ing micro-level developmental plans. (in ranges) that the villagers have to traverse to Another innovation at the 1991 census is the reach a place with educational facilities (at the basic arrangements made for the dissemination of the level) is reported. The same procedure of reporting data in collaboration with the National lnformatics is adopted regarding medical facilities, drinking water Centre through its country-wide computer network. supply, postal and communication as well as weekly In the published volumes of the District Census market facilities. The distance ranges adopted for Handbooks, therefore, the computer codes assigned reporting arc the same as in 1981, namely -5 km, to the villages in the 1991 census and the S - 10 km and 10 + km. In an explanatory note, corresponding codes in 1981 arc presented so as which precedes the presentation of the Village to facilitate the data users who may prefer to usc Directory Statements, details about the abbreviations the data either from magnetic tapes or floppies. u!>ed under various columns arc furnished.

* III Kamataka, the ''Tall.tk Panchayat Samiti" corresponds to the Commullity Development Block, alld for the sake of maintainillg Illlifomli(v with the all-India pa/lem, the leml CD.Block has been used throughout ill the District Censlls Halldbooks. The jurisdiction of a Taluk PallciJa},at Samiti is cotenllillUS with thaf of the corresponding To/uk but excludes the statutory tOWIIS. The mam agency which h,l~ fllrt1l' .. hed the nol h,l\ing ,tn~ ,1I11enitic\ except Drinking Water, villagewi~c: information on ,Imenitie, j, the Zill.t 1,lml ulili"Jlion ddl.t in rc.,pcct of non-municipal Pari~h.td which in turn h,I'" cnlic<:ted the reiL-\.tnt town... and di.,trihutllln 01 \illage ... according It) the particulars through ib field formalioo<", namely the proporlion ot Scheduled ('a.,te" population and Chief Executive Officer~ (i.e., the B1od. De\e1opment Scheduled Tribc~ popul,llion. Officers) of the variou ... Tuluk PUlldwyUI Samlil\. (ii) Town Directory: The~e details were examined for el)n~i~tency a~ well a~ with reference to the particulars reported in It)~ I A!> in 19KI, in 1991 too, there arc scven and case~ of deterioration or of ahnormal ~tatemcnh which furnish information on the following developments were referred b.tck for reverification aspcct~ - growth hi!>tory; physical a~pects and and rectification. For instance, a" compared to 1IJHI, locational particulars; municipal finance; civic and for ~everal villages, Wells and Tanks did not find other amenitics; civic amc:->itics availahle in thc a mention as a source of drinking water ~uprly. notificd <;Ium~ of Class I and Clas~ 11 towns; medical, When referred back, the concerned Chief Executive cduc.ltional, n.:crcational and cultural [acilitie~; and Officers clarified that in mo"t of the~e case~, the Irade, commerce, indu~t ry and banking. The scopc drinking 'Water wells of yester year.. have either of Ihe v,triou<; column he,tdings adopted in I C)~] has dried up or fallen into di~use on account of the remained unchanged m 1991. However, m increa~ing number of b()rewell~ drilled in ... uch village~ ~tatefl1ent-l, slight modification ... have Ix.:en made to and also because of the implementation of the accofl1odate the 1<)1)1 census data - an additional National Rural Water Supply Scheme, the column is provided for indic'lting tht.: ]991 population Mini-Water Supply Scheme .tnd Accclcrah.:d Water and the growth rate regi<;tered by the town during Supply Scheme etc. ~o aIM) regarding the availability the decadc 19~ 1-91. I n Statement-I an additional of pucca appro.tch road facility several in"'anu.:~ of column ha., heen provided for indicating thc name deterioration were noticed. Such ca~e~ too were of the C.D.Block within the jurisdiction of which referred back !>o that the factual data may be 'verilied the referent town i~ located. It may be incidcntally again and reported for public,ltion. Inform,ltion mentioned thaI. in Karn.ttaka, the civic bodies about the number of cuuc,ltional in.,titution\, nature functioning in the Statutory Towns do not fall within of governm_ent run medical institution" and po.,tal, the admini!>trative juri~diction of the CD.Bloch (i.e., phonocom and telcgr.tph facilities a~ fllrni~hed hy Taluk Panchayat Samitis). the<;e oflicers have heen cro ... ~-checked with the deltel obtained from thc concerned Dcpartment~ a ... well In the Town Directory "tatcmcnts, the towns to ensure a higher 1C\c1 of reliability. arc arranged in an alphabetic-al order of their names anu the aggregate particulars about urban In case of uninhabited village~, i.e., villag:e ... agglomaation ... if any in the dj"lrict havc also heen which returned 'nil' populellinn at Ihe 1'N I cen.,u~ furnished in the ~ame order. When; an urpan count, except the name and the lotal area no other agglnmeration includes two or more indcrendcnt information is furni~heJ. In~leaJ of pUlling ,I da.,h town~. the names of the~c con.,tituent towns arc under cach column to indicate thi~ fact, the word sho'Wn in the correct sequence e... of cen ... us enumeration as 'Wcll a~ the of the core town of the urban agglomeration too computer codes assigned (at the stage of appear ... at it'> correct sequence with the legend compulcrisation) as al.,o the corresponding code,> printl'd thereafter and immediately hclow that, i C., accordi.ng to the IIJ~] cen<;us. At the end of the in the next line the same name wilh the suffix urban Village Directory the following appendice~ arc given:­ agglomeration appcars again without bearing any CD. Block-wise ab~tra<:t of amenities; list of village~ serial number. Against this name the cumulative apsects had to be gathered by the civic authorities totals for the urban agglomeration as a ,statistical from several offices and institutions located in the unit are presented wherever such a procedure is town through correspondence and or by deputing relevant and meaningful. This line is t hen followed officials for the purpose. The particulars so by those relating to the constituent towns of 'the furnished were scrutinised in the first stage and urban agglomeration starting with the name of the cases of abnormal variations as compared to the core town and followed by the others arranged in situation in 1980 and also inconsistencies were an alphabetical order of their names. This referred back to the reporting agency for procedure, it may be recalled, is the same as that reverification and rectification so as tQ ensure that adopted in 1971 as well as in 1981 and this enables the details now given in the Town Directory represent one to have a fairly good assessment of the data the factual position. relating to the smaller civic administrative units that form part of the larger unit and also of the aggregate The scope of the information presented under data relating to the larger unit itself. In case there various columns and the abbreviations used are are 'outgrowths' which are not 'urban areas' in their explained in a note which precedes the presentation own right, the particulars relating to such areas are of the Town Directory statements. merged with the data relating to the concerned core (iii) Primary Census Abstract: town. Such towns which have 'outgrowths' are marked out by an asterisk mark and for all purposes, The Primary Census Abstract is presented the term 'town' would cover the core town as well village-wise in the case of 'rural' areas and town-wise as its outgrowths. In an appendix the names of (upto ward or division level) in the case o~ urban the revenue villages which have been identified as areas. The outgrowths of a town are treated at outgrowths and the population thereof are indicated par with a ward or division of the core town separately. In the case of villages certain parts of irrespective of the number of census enumeration which are regarded as outgrowths while the other hlocks • into which it is constituted. Within the parts are considered as 'rural', the d~a relating to district, the Community Development Blocks are the outgrowths (i.e., the urban component) is arranged in the alphabetical order of their names included in the Town Directory statements and the in English and covered one after the other in that data pertaining to the rest of the portion retained order. For each CD.Block, the total figures with in the rural frame appears in the Village Directory. the rural-urban break-up is given first and this is In Statements II, III and VI where it is not relevant followed by the village-wise data and then by the to comhine the data for the urban agglomerati()n ward-wise data for the towns if any, within the I as a whole, the legend 'see the constituent towns' jurisdiction of the CO.B1ock. In the case of a village IS printed against the name of the urban of which only a portion has been incorporated in agglomeration instead of allowing the entire line to a town or has been recognised as an outgrowth of remain blank. a town, the details relating to only that portion which is not so incorporated or so recognised but The particulars furnished in Statement I which has been retained in the rural frame is presented deals with the growth history are entirely, based on under various columns. The names of villages (and the current as well as the previous censuses. As their respective areas) which are fully included in such, this has been compiled in the Census urban areas or have been recognised as outgrowths Directorate without seeking information from the of towns for purposes of the 1991 Census (but are concerned civic bodies. The details presented in retained in the jurisdictional lists of the Survey and the remaining statements have been furnished mainly Settlement authorities) if any within the boundaries by the concerned civic authorities such as the of the C.D.Block are indicated in the flyleaf which Municipal Commissioners, Chief Officers of towns, precedes the peA statement for the C.D.Block Secretaries of Mandai Panchayats, Administrative Officers etc. Except for the information regarding After presenting the PCA data for all the villages municipal finance, most of the information on other and towns covered by the C.D.Blocks in the district,

5 the peA data relating to all the urban areas of the count with reference to the sunrise on March I, district (i.e., statutory as well as non-statutory towns) 1991. The questionnaires canvassed by the arc furnished. For this purpose, the towns/urban enumerators, namely the Household Schedule and agglomerations arc arranged in an ascending order the Individual stip are brief in their wordings and of their location code numbers. And, for each town the concepts used for purp{)~cs of the 1991 Census the ward or division-wise details arc presented here. Operations and the manner in which the schedules arc to be filled in have bcen explained in a booklet In Karnat~ka, as already mentioned, the entitled Instructions to Enumerators for filling up jurisdiction of a CD.Block is c\)taminu~ with that the Household Schedule and the Individual Slip. of the Taluk of the same name, but excludes the Some of the important concepts and the relevant areas incorporated in statutory towns and cities. By explanations arc indicated in the following and large, a CD.Block corresponds to the rural paragraphs. areas of the tal uk. However, if there are any non-municipal census towns and areas which have (i) Urban areas :- The definition adopted in, 1961 been identified as outgrowths of statutory towns and adhered to in 1971 as well as in 1981 (though within the jurisdiction of the taluk, then ~uch towns with a slight modification regarding the classification and outgrowths arc also regarded as lying within of fishing and forestry) has been retained for the the jurisdiction of tht.: concerned CD. Block. The ]1)1)1 census abo. According to this definition the peA particulars relating 10 such unih arc presented urban areas include : under the concerned CD.Blocks against Ihe urhan category and arc repeated again at the end under i) all places with a Municipality, Corporation, the caption 'District Urban'. Cantonment Board or Notified Town Area Committees, etc. In the case of an urban agglomeration, the ii) all other places which satisfy the following aggregate ligures obtained by the addition of the c'Titeri-a : data relating to the constituent towns and outgrowths thereof if any are prcsented against it~ name. a) a minimum population of 5,000

Thereafter, the data for the constituent town~ starting b) atlcast 75 per cent of the male ~orking from the core town including the location code, arc population engaged in non-agricultural presented in a continuous sequence. rn case a town pursuits and has outgrowths (which are not towns in their own c) a density of population of at least 400 per right) in the lirst line the aggregates rdating to the square kilometre (](JOO per square mile) eon: lOwn as well as its outgrowth~ are given and this is then followed by the details relating to the d) all places which, though not satisfying the core town and the outgrowths ~eparatcly. Each above criteria, had pronounced urban outgrowth is treated at par with a municipal ward chataeteristics. or division while presenting the ward-wise PCA for towns. (ji) Urban Agglomeration: This concept, which replaced the concept of 'town-group' in 1971, has 3. Brief note on Census concepts : been retained for the 1991 census. It has been observed that very often railway colonies, university Census taking is a massive operation carried campuses, port areas, military camps and large out in a short span of time with the active residential colonies etc., come up quite adjacent to, participation of a very large number of census but situated outside the statutory limits of cities and enumerators. The reference moment for the 1991 towns. Such areas may not by themselves qualify census count is the sunrise of March 1, 1991. to be treated as towns. But if they form a continuous However, the enumeration of the population was ~pread with the town they are outgrowths of the spread over a period of 20 days from 9-2-1991 to town and deserve to be treated as urban. Such 28-2-1991 followed by a revisional round from town1> together with their outgrowths have been 1-3-1991 to 5-3-1991 for updating the popUlation trc<,!ted as one urban unit called "urban

6 agglomeration". An urban agglomeration may consist the truncated portion itself is considered as an of : independent revenue village.

2) When outlying portions of ce~tain revenue villages a) A ,'city with continuous outgrowth (the part are incorporated into the limits of urban areas of outgrowth being outside the statutory by a Government Notification such areas, limits but falling within the boundaries of whether populated or not, are excluded from the adjoining village or villages); the revenue village concerned and the village b) One town with similar outgrowths or two or boundaries are redefined for census purposes. more adjoining towns with their outgrowths 3) Revenue villages which are completely as in (a) ; or incorporated in the limits of urban areas or c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with else, are submerged completely under reservoir their outgrowths all of which form a projects but are still retained in the jurisdictional continuous spread. lists of the Survey and Settlement authorities pending a resurvey and such other procedures, Geographical contiguity with the statutory limits are taken note of as revenue villages but are of the core town is the main factor in determining omitted for census purposes i.e., these are not whether or not a nearby satellite town or an treated as census villages. Similarly, entire outgrowth IS to be included in the urban revenue villages, which have been identified as agglomeration. This is purely a statistical concept outgrowths of urban areas for purposes of 1991 and for carrying out the actual census, the census arc treated not as census villages but as administrative jurisdictions of the city or the towns urban areas. The names of such villages, if any, concerned as well as of the outgrowths have been in a Taluk/C.O.Block are indicated in a fly leaf. kept quite intact. TAe data arc presented for the urban agglomeration as a whole and also severally 4) If there arc forest areas that do not form part for each of the constituent units. of any of the revenue villages then such areas are identified clearly and the smallest (iii) Rural areas - i.e., villages : Area:. which arc administrative unit into which such for,est areas not classified as 'urban' according to the definition are divided (eg.Forest Beat) is reckoned as the given above constitute the rural areas. The basic census village. A Forest Range may consist of unit for rural area5 i~ the revenue village which has several such census villages. (In Karnataka this definite surveyed boundaries. In the case of phenomenon is noticeable only in KollegaI Taluk unsurveyed villages, the boundaries as determined of Mysore !Jistrict). hy the local usage have been adopted. The revenue village may consist of a single nucleated settlement (iv) Census Enumeration Block : The smallest unit or comprise of several settlements or clusters of adopted for census taking is the Census Enumeration houses located at several places within the territorial Block. Generally, the towns and cities are divided limits of the village or the village may not be having into wards or divisions and, wherever such units any human settlements at all (i.e., it may be totally exist, their distinctive identities have been maintained. uninhabited). The census village and the revenue The geographical area comprised in each such ward village are identical in the mattef of jurisdiction. or division or, the town in its entirety, is constituted However, there are a few exceptions to this general into several blocks in such a way that every bit of rule: land specifically stands included in one or the ,other enumeration block and also _ that there is no 1) When the malO settlement of the village with over-lapping of areas. In the urban areas, the or without the surrounding open lands is Census Enumeration Blocks are constituted in such constituted into an urhan area, the remaining a way that each such Block contains about 120 tracts of the revenue village are together treated households covering a population of about 600 as a separate unit for purposcs of census I.e., persons. However, in view of the condition that

7 l-.tl h block ,>houlu h.t\l- (.k.!f-lUt bound,lrIl'> (.,''>llv th(. Ilh .. ntltv of dny p"r{1l Uldf (.(_n'>u'> (.numudtlOn fe(.ogm..,abll- on Ihe Ikkl. hInd" \\hllh ML ulhlf blol-t.. em 0(, kno\\n qUltl ('d<;liy Thl numb(.r<; I,ugef Of <,nulkf Ih,m th(. norm h,l\l ,,1,(> hlUl d,"~nlll ML 10 Ardhll I1umLrdl", U.,l(_pt In th(_ ld<;(_ (.on,>lltuteu In thl.- l.I',l of non mUlllllpdl lo\\n,>, 1,1 town ... III ",h1<.h l,I'>L Rnnldn numera'" h.1ve beLn If Ihe lown bound.tnl-'> ,Ifl nlll '>pu. .-IlJt,t1lv Illlllli(.d, duoplld For d ... '>lgnlllg thl IO('dtlon lode numbLr., the Juri<;(.hLllon of the (.ntlf(' rl"lnUL ",ll.tg(. thl ~t.tIL'> III the lountrv, tl1l. .. DI<,tnll<, In thl- "tdte, (.oncerned 1<; reg.trdLd .t'> th(. Jun<;ullilOn 01 thl thL Town,> m thL DI'>tnct ,lOd thl- T dluk,>/l D Blo(.h lown .1<; well In the Cd';(_ 01 to\\n'> wh)(.h .tfl- under In th(. DI'>tnU .Ire .tfr,mged 1Il the dlphdbdlCdl order thL ddmml<;trdtlOn of M.tnu"l Pdn(.h,IYdl'>, thl of their ndml-'> ThL \)1I,tgL'> III ,I tdlut.. .Ire orgdme;ed PanlhdYdt JUfl,(.ltctlon n('l-u not nllL.."dnly k mto ru(_nue urde,> or hohh<; for ddmml<;trdtlve Id(.ntlcdl WIth the JUrl,dKtlOn of thl- non-mumup.tl purpmv; anu (_a(.h .,u(.h unit Will hdVL d hl ddqudrter cen'>us town town or vllldge The IdLntlt} of e;u(.h UOlt" I!> mdlllt,t1nLd \\hlIL d.,"lgnmg the IOl-dtlon code In the Cd<;e of vtlldge<;, uependmg upon IhL numoLT<; ~tdftmg from the urde of which the populdtlOn Udtd bd'>Ld on the Homdl"tmg Oper.ttlon,> T ,till!.. He.tdqu.1rtu,> h'lppeo" to be the l Irde c.tfned oUI dUnng 1<)I}(), edLh vllI.tgl- hd, hlLn hLddqudrtLr, .1" wLII, thl., vllIdg(.e; m It<; Jun<;uKtlOn con<;lltUled mto one Of more numbLf of Lln'>u<; dfe '>ul"II} numouLd by proccldmg In .1 dol-i..wl<;e Enumerdtlon Block<; The wOfk-lo.td norm for Ihe dlre<.llon or m d '>Upl ntme mdnncr <;tdrtmg from rur,!l Med<; 1<; 150 hou<;eholu<; (.o\enng .In dpprm..lm,lle tIlL- north-we<,t lornlf Aftu (.xh,lU'>tmg .Ill the populdtlOn of 750 per,on... However, numerou,> "IIldgL'; m thdt clrdc, thL \Illdge'> of the ddJdccnt Cen'>us Enumefdtlon Block<; WIth below norm Clrde dr(_ d<;\lgnLd number<; In the <;dme mdnner populdtlOn hdVC been con<;tUull-d dnd .I ,lOgic The numbenng of vllldgv; run contmuou<;ly for the enumerdtor hd<; qUIte often heen entru<;tLu wuh the T dlut.. through the dlfkrcnl Ctrde<; or Hoblt .. enumerdtlon work 10 2 or more eontlguou<, bloct..<; <;0 .1<; to en<;url- thdt Ihe ,lggrLgJtl- populdtlon 1<; The entIre <;et of the 1991 cen"us ddtd relatmg qUltl- cio<;e to the norm FUfthlr, 10 L.tlh "11I,lgl­ to thL "Illdge directory dnd the vlUdgc/urbdn eare hd<; been tdken tn en'>ure thdt no bit of I,md wdfd-WI<,I., PCA hd<; been (.omputen'>ed For thiS belongmg to thdt vllIdgl., I'i left out of wn<;ldLfdllon pUfpo<;e .I "I.,pdrdte codL <;trueture ha<; beLn whIle con<;lJtutmg the Block<, Edeh h'lmkt or 1<;I,md, devclopeu The computLr (_ode" d<;"lgnLd to the If any, found wlthm thl., Jun,dKtlon of th(. vtlldgl- - \llldgL'; In ed(.h T dluk or L D Blo(.k .Ire mUlcdted Iffv;pe(.,tlvc of Its populdtlon <;1/1.., - 11.1, been 10 the dlphdbdlC'll I",t of vllldge<; dlong WIth the umsliluleu mtn d <,epdr.!tc Blo(.t.. 10 oruer 10 mdmt,lIn Lorrl,>pl.nulllg loe,ltlon code number<; a<;<;lgncd for Ih geogrdphKdl luentlty Furthu, LVLn till- \1I1,lgL' (_numefdtlOn purpo"c,> \0 .11';0 pdrllculdr<; about known to be umnhdbltld .It thl- lime of hou,dhllPg thl lodl'> cl"'''lgnld to town" arc mdl(.dteu in the opuatlOn<; hd\e been (.on<;tllllted mto <;ep,lr dtL ttlo(.k<; cllph,lhdKdl lI<;t of town<; whIch precedes the In other word<;, .I compkle COv('f,lge of the tLrntondl pre<;l.ntdllon of the Pl A '>tdtement, m re'>pect of Jun<;dlchon of cd(.h dnd every villdge hd, heen th(_ urh,m dredo; of the d",tnlt ensured (\I) Building A oUlldmg Ie; generally d smgle (V) Location Code Number Every \tdte In Ihe '>trudure on the ground ~omellme<; It 1<; madc up Country, every DI<;tnct 10 the \tdte, e\ery T dluk or of more thdn one (.omponcnt Untt whIch are u<;cd Town m the DI<;trt(.t, every CD BInd (or Ite; or hkdv to be u<;ed .1<; dwcllmgc; (rc<;ldence<;) or equivalent) m the DI..,trl(.t, every villdg(. m the tdluk ee;tdbh,hment, ,>u(.h d<; <;hop<;, bu<;mes<; hou<;e<;, offieee;, and every ward or dIVISIon m the utv or to\\n dnd fd(.tOfll.<;, work<;hed<" <;chool<;, pI .Ices of entcrtdJllment, every enumerdtlon block In the vllI,lge or to"'n 1<; pldce<; of wor<;hlp, gl)downs, store<;, etc It IS dlso dsslgned .I number m d parllculdr order for cdrrYlOg po<;e;lole thdt bUlldmg<; whKh hdve component UllltS out the eensus enumerallon Wh(.n the<;e number,; mdy o(_ u<;cd for d combmdtlon of purpo<;e,> <;u(.h are written <;Ide by Side m thl e;dme ord("f, ,>t.trtmg a<; <;hOp-ClI11l-re<;ldence, \\ork,>hop-cltl1l-re<;ld(.,nce, from the State dnu <;epdrdt(.u by dn ohhque nldrk, 'lflice ClIl1l-re<;luen(.,e, dc (vii) Census House: A 'census house' is a building 3) Also those who arc known to be normally or part of a building having a separate main entrance residing and arc not present at the time of the from the road or common courtyard or staircase, cnumerator's visit hut arc expected to return etc., used or recognised as a scparate unit. It may before Fehruary 2~, 11)91 and be occupi,cd or vacant. It may he u),ed for a 4) Visitors who arc present In the household residential or non-residential purpose or both. censu),cd and arc away from the place(s) of thcir usual residence during the entire (viii) Household : A 'household' is a group of enumeration period. For the purpose of persons who c~}mmonly live together and takc thcir cnumeralion such visitors will be treated as meals from a common kitchen unks), the exig~ncie), normal residents of thc household in which they of work prevented any of them from doing so. arc actually found during the enumeration period There may be a h(?usehold of persons related by provided they have not been enumerated blood or a household of unrelated pcrsons or having clsewherc. a mix of both. Example), of hous~holds having unrelated memhers arc hoarding hou),e)" mcs)'es, (x) Literate : A person who ('

2) All those who arc known to be normally residing Main Workers : Those who have worked for a and had actually stayed during a part of the major part of the year i.e., for IS3 days or more enumeration period (February !J - 2.'{, 1<)<)1) but (6 months or more) during the reference period arc not present at the time of the enumerator's evcn though this may be in broken spells and in visit ; different occupations.

9 Marginal Workers : Those who have not worked 1. Cereal and Millet crops : Paddy, wheat, for a major part of the year under reference i.e., jowar, bajra, mai7e, ragi, barley, etc. those who have worked for less than six months 2. Pulses: Arhar, gram, kesari, moong, masur, (Le., for less than 183 days) during the entire urd, ctc. reference period. 3. Fibre crops : Raw cotton, jute, mesta, In view of the past experience that women are sun hemp and kindred crops. often classified as non-workers hecause of 4. Oil Secds : Sesamum, ground-nut, rape non-reporting of their work or as those who have seed, mustard, linseed, sunflower, castor, not worked for a major part of the year, special etc. efforts have been made at the 1991 census for eliciting accurate information by asking probing 5. Cash crop : Sugarcane questions. The growing of the following crops is not In respect of mai".-workers as also marginal considered as cultivation : workers, further details on the sector of economy 1. Plantation crops : Tea. , ruhber, in which they worked, the actual nature of work tobacco, pepper, cardamom, ctc. done by them, their employment status (i.e., employer, employee, unpaid family worker or own 2. Edible nuts (other than groundnut) : Walnut, account single worker) have' been gathered at the almond, cashewnut, etc. census. 3. Fruits: Bananas, apples, grapes, mangoes, oranges etc. Important terms such as cultivators, agricultural labourers and household industry arc explained 4. Coconut below. 5. Ganja, cinchona, opium and medicinal plants. a) Cultivators: For purposes of census, a person is 6. Betel nuts (areca) working as a cultivator if he or she is engaged 7. Flowers either as employer, single worker or family worker Roots and tubers, chillies and in cultivation of land owned or held from Government 8. spices or held from private persons or institutions for 9. Vegctables payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation include!> 10. Other crops not specifically included under supervision or direction of cultivation as well. A cultivation. person who has given out his or her land to another person or persons for cultivation for moncy, kind b) Agricultural Labourer : A person who works in or share of crop and who does not even supervise another person's land for wages in money, kind or or direct the cultivation of land, will not he treated share is regarded as an agricultural lahourer. He as 'cultivator'. Similarly, a person working in another or she has no risk in the cultivation. The agricultural person's land for wages in cash or kind or a lahourer has no right of lease Of contract on the combination of both will not be treated as ' cu ltivat Or'. land on which he or she works.

Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and c) Household Indu~try : Household Industry is harvesting. For certain reawns, the growing of defined as an industry conducted by the head of certain crops is not considered as cultivation and thc household him!>clf or hersclf and or by the a person engaged in growing of such crop:::. is not members of the household at home or within the regarded as a cultivator. A person can bc classified village in rural areas and only within the precincts as cultivator or not, ollly 011 the basis of the of the house where the household lives in the case crops grown. The growing of the following crops of urban area~. The larger proportion of workers is considered as cultivation. in a household industry would consist of members of the household including the head. The industry

10 should not be run on the scale of a rq~istered according to the categories of non-workers but factory which would qualify to be registered under indicates the total number of non-workers by sex. the Indian Factories Act. Household Industry should : relate to production, processing, scrvicing, repairing a) Household duties : This covers all persons who or making and selling (but not merely selling) of arc engaged in unpaid home duties and who do no goods. The goods produced should not be other work or have not done any work at all during exclu~ivcly for consumption by the houfoChold itself the last one year. but should be wholly or partly for, sale. b) Students : This will cover all full-time students including children allcnding ~cho()1. d) Other Workers : All workers, i.e., those who have been"engaged in some economic activity during c) Dependents: This category includes all dependents the reference period of last one year, who arc not such as infants, children not attending school and Cultivators or Agricultural Labourers or workers in permanently disabled from work because of illness Househ{)ld ,ndustry were categmiseJ as 'Other or old age. Dependents will include even able Workers' (OW) at the time of census enumeration bodied persons who cannot be categorised in any and further detaih. about the nature of inuustry, ~)lher cakgnry of non-worker!'. hUl arc dependent trade or service in which they were engaged were on others. gathered by the enumerators. On the hasis of this d) Retired Perl>ons or Rentierl> : A person who descriptive information, at the tabulation stage, cach has retired from service and is doing no other work such worker has heen further <:atcgoriscd as i.e., not employed again in some full time work or bclonging to one or the other of the following not engaged in some other work such as cultivation, Industrial Categories based on Revised National business, trade, etc., or a per~()n who is a rentier Industrial Cla&~ifieation - 11)87. or living on agricultural or non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other person of independent III Workers in livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting, means for securing which he or 'ihe docs not have plantations, orchards and allied activities; to work, will come under this category. IV Workers in mining and quarrying activities; c) 8eggars : This will cover heggars, vagrants or V(b) Workers in manufacturing, processing, servicing cases such as persons without jndi'cation or source and repairs which arc carried on as other of income and those with unspecified sources of than household industry; subsistence who arc not engaged in any. economically productive work. VI Workers in construction; f) Inmates Institutions : This will cover convicts VII Workers in trade and commerce; 0" in jails or inmates of a penal, mental\ or charitable VIII Workers in transport, storage and commu­ institution even, if such persons arc compelled to nications, and do some work such as carpentry, cal'pct weaving, IX Workers in other services. vegctable growing, etc., in such institut ions. But an undertrial prisoner enumerated in a jail would be (xii) Non-workers : All those who have not at all recorded for the work he or she was doing before participated in any economic activity during the he or she was apprchended. Similarly, a person reference period of one year preccding the date of temporarily in a hospital or similar institutions would enumeration arc classified as non-workers. be recorded for the kind of work he or she was doing before he or she was admitted into the hospital Depending upon the manner in which such or institution. But, for a long-term undertrial non-workers engaged themselves for most of the prisoner or convict in a prison or for !'ong-tcrm time during the reference period of one year they inmates of penal or charitable or mental institutions, arc classified into one or the other of the following the person's previous work would not be ta,ken into six categories at the time of census enumeration consideration. A person will he considered as itself. However, the Primary Census Ab~trad 'Long-term' inmate if he or she is in such an presented in this volume docs not furnish detaib institution for 6 months or mOfe.

11 4. Brief History or the District'" : legend, a long spell of severe drought which afflicted Angadesha was broken when, as a remedial measure, As an administrative unit under the current sage Rishyashringa, renowned for his super-human nomenclature, has a history of powers, was tactfully enticed to the kingdom. He about four decades. However, in this densely married Shanta, the princess of Angadesha and later forested mountainous district, human settlements are went to Ayodhya to officiate at the Putra Kameslzti known to have existed in the remotest past, namely Yaga performed by Dasharatha. The holy lown of the Old Stone Age. Ancient tools have been Sringeri derives its name fwm Rishyashringagiri unearthed by Robert Bruce Foote at several sites which means "the mountain of Rishyashringa". near Kadur, Nidaghatta and . So also , According to another legend, sage Vibhandaka (the many cists of the megalithic period have been father of Rishyashringa) performed penance on the discovered at place.s such as Mattavara in bank of the river Tunga at Kigga near Sringeri. Chikmagalur taluk an~ in Kadur tal uk. Rishyashringa too had his hermitage here and finally, Severa) places of this district find a mention in he is believed to have been absorbed 10 the myths and legends as well as in historical documents -linga which is found enshrined in the and monuments. For instance, Lord Vishnu, in His Rishyashringeshwara temple at Kigga. Shakunagiti, incarnation as Varaha, the Great Boar, after killing a lofty hill near Ayyanakcre Lake, is believed to be Hiranyaksha is believed to have rested for a while the place to which Hanuman flew back from Lanka near on the peak of the mountain in search of Sanjivini, the medicinal plant which which has since been known as "Varaha Parvata". was badly required to reawaken the coma-stricken The drops of SWf.:at which trickled down the tusk , the brother of . Another legend and eye-brows of the Great Boar were transformed, indicates that during their exile, the Pandavas spent on touching the g;round, into the three rivers named some time at Machcheri (identified as Matsyapuri) Tunga, Bhadra and Netravati. Parusharama, an and, at a place called Kichakanagudda, Bhima is incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is believed to have supposed to have killed Kichaka, the brother-in-law roamed about the Sahyadri mountains stretching of King Vi rata. Janamejaya Maharaja is said to along the district and to have reclaimed the entire have performed Sarpa Yaga at the site where the West Coast for human habitation by a throw of his village-site of HiremagaIur is now located. An battle-axe on the surging seas. Parashu, the weapon of Parashurama, in the form of a large-si7ed axe implanted stone pillar found here is pointed out as the Yupa Stllambha (sacrificial post) which was. used carved out of stone, is found enshrined in a small during that legendary Sarpa Yaga. Renowned temple at Piiremagalur and is being worshipped preceptor 'Guru Dattatreya' is known to have dwelt from time immemorial. The site at which Hariharapur a village is now located is believed to at and performed penance at several places on Chandradrona-Parvata which is now known as be the spot at which Dakshabrahma, the father of Dakshayini the spouse of Lord Shiva, performed all Bababudangiri and is located ncar Chikmagalur. important sacrifice. Sages such as Agaslya, Dattalreya Peetha is one of the important centres of pilgrimage in Chikmagalur district. Gauthama., Mrikandu, Markandeya, Vibhandaka and Rishyashlringa are believed to have set up their Coming to historical times, the first dynasty hermitag'es and dwelt at several places in this district which is manifestly known to history as having ruled which even now abounds in lofty hill ranges, vales this region is that of the Kadambas of and ravines, rivers and streams. According to a The area included in this district formed part of

*SOUTCf! : GazetJeer of Indio, Komaloko Stole, Chikmogolur Dis/rict, Bong%re, 1981.

12 the Kadamba-mandala and was later on under the During the reign of , no other place suzerainty of the Chalukyas for a long period. except Sringeri see~s to have gained prominence. Though ruled by the Kadambal>, the Gangas of In 1346 AD., the founders of the Vijayanagara Talkad, the Pallavas of Kanchi and the Santaras of empire grant~d nine villages including Sringeri to Humcha none of the places of this district enjoyed their spiritual mentor and their main source of the distinction of being a seat of administration. inspiration Shri Bharati Teerlha, so that ~Iong with However, in about 1209 AD. Balludeva Santara is his disciples he could stay at Sringeri and carryon said to have shifted his capital from Humchct in with his religious and spiritual pursuits. From that to of ,this district. period onwards, Sringeri received continued attention Subsequently, this place came to be known as Kalasa of the Vijayanagara monarchs and gradually One Thousand ahd retained its importance for a developed into one of the most prominent spiritUal long time as a seat of administration. centres of Karnataka.

Chikmagalur district is particularly identified After the fall of Vijayanagara, local chieftains with the origin and early career of the Hoysalas. established themselves at several places and reigned Sosevuru, the home-town of Hoysalas is thus an supreme. This region was ruled at first by the important historical place of this district. Sala, the Balam Chiefs and then came under the control of first ruler of this dynasty seems to have consolidated the Nayakas of and the Sante-Bennur Chiefs. himself at this place which is iden,tified with the The Sante-Bennur Chiefs also known as Basavapatna present village in the southern portion of Chiefs and Tarikere Chiefs, at first, had their Mudigere taluk. His successors rose to prominence, principal seat of administration in Shimoga district. at first, as vassals of the ChaJukyas and later on In 1636 AD., when they were forced out by RanaduJla assumed all the royal titles and held sway in the Khan they moved over to Tarikere and later recouped south for more than two hundred years. However, their strength after retreating to Kaldurga and the Hoysalas soon shifted their capital from Sosevuru fortifying it. They were subsequently vanquished to Belur at first and from thence to Halebid (also by Haidar Ali in 1761 AD., and their territories known as Dora Samudra) of . As were annexed to Mysore Kingdom. After the fall a consequence, none of the places of Chikmagalur of in 1791) AD., this entire area was district rose to prominence during the reign of the laken over by the British and rendered to the Hoysalas. There are, however, a few places. of Wodeyars of Mysore under their sUl:erainty. In historical and cultural importance in the district as 1830, Sarja Hanumappa Nayaka - a scion of the is borne out by the lithic monuments such as hero Tarikcre Chiefs - joined the insurgent forces. He stones, inscriptions etc., which have been dil>covered was later captured and hanged to death in 1834. at such places. For instance the hero stones and inscriptions found in indicate that the Scvuna There were frequent changes in regard to the army which had penetrated to , deep inside boundaries of the taluks and the district during the the Hoysala territory, was repelled in 1276 AD. British period. It appears that the district initially Then, Asandi village was a mmor scat of had only four taluks, viz., Kadur, , Garudanagiri administration and a centre of Kalamukhas. A hero and Banavar. Later, Yagati was absorbed in Kadur stone of 1367 AD., found at Bidare in Kadur taluk taluk and Garudanagiri was merged with Banavar records that a warrior named Kankeya who fought taluk. Till 1875, the western portion of Chikmagalur along with King Ballala III in the assualt on Biligi taluk formed part of Vast are tal uk. Mudigere taluk smiting the army of Turukas was killed in action was constituted in 1876. gave its name on 8 September 1342. to a taluk which included Bababudangiri and parts

13 of Koppa and taluk. In 1822, Kadur east lies the Tumkur district and to the south-east and Banavar were merged into a single tal uk. In lies the Hassan district. On the south, the district 1886, when Hassan district waS restored, the is bounded by the Hassan district and on the jurisdiction of this district was restricted to the area south-west and the west, the constitute as found at present. The headquarters of this a natural barrier which separates it from the Dakshin district which was located at Chikmagalur in 1865, Kannad district. was continued to be located at Chikmagalur and Large parts of this district are situated In the the name of the district too was retained as "Kadur heavy-to very heavy rainfall zone of the State. These District". In 1897, Kolasa magane (group of villages around Kalasa) were transferred to Balchonnur tal uk tracts an.: characterised by a mountainous terrain and the headquarters of Koppa taluk was located and constitute the Ma/nod region. However, about a fourth of the total area of the district, namely, at village. It may also be noticed of the taluks that as in 1897, Yedehalli Sub-taluk (corresponding that which lies on the eastern sectors of Kadur and Tarikcre, consists of more or less to Narasimharajapura Taluk) formed part of Koppa taluk. Thus, after 1886, though there were some level lands and partakes of the features of the Maidan region. In Chikmagalur disirict, the intcrnal changes in respect of boundarics of the taluks within the district, the jurisdiction of the transition from Malnad to Maidan is quite striking district itself remained unchanged. Balchonnur lost and somewhat abrupt as one approaches Lakkavalli from the west. its status as a Taluk headquarters. Hariharapura reverted to the status of an ordinary village as the The congeries of mountains in this district seem headquarters of Koppa Taluk was moved to Koppa to range themselves into a central ridge running town. Sringeri has lost its Ja/tgir status. In 1947, north to south, with a great loop of mountains on the name of the district was officially changed from either side. The main ridge commences ncar "Kadur District" to "Chikmagalur District". Ballalarayanadurga, and passing cast of Metrigudda Thenceforth, the nomenclature of this district too and Koppadurga, separates the basin of the Bhadra conformed to the general pattern of naming a district river from that of the Tunga and:- further runs up after the name of the town in which the headquarters north towards Mandagadde, to join the central range is located. of the Shimoga district. On the western side of

5. Location and Physical Aspects'" : this ridge lies the fertile valley in which the renowned Sringeri town is situated. To the cast lies the Situated somewhat south-west off the famous Jagara valley. Situated on the right bank geographical centre of the State, the Chikmagalur of the river Bhadra, this valley is almost completely district covers a compact but hilly and densely surrounded by the Baba Budangiri range of forested area of 7201 square kilometres lying between mountains. Known as Chandradrona Parvata in the the north latitudinal parallels of 12 degrees 55 legends, this Baba Budangiri range happens to be minutes and 13 degrees 54 minutes and the cast the loftiest range on the table-land of Karnataka. longitudinal parallels of 75 degrees 5 minutes and It is located in the central portion of the district 76 degrees 22 minutes. Chikmagalur is bounded and this chain of mountains forms a horse-shoe on the north by the Shimoga district. On its eastern shaped ridge of tremenduus dimensions. The ri<}ge side, however, Chikmagalur district shares its borders has an opening to the north-west. The northern with three districts - to the north-cast lies the arm, commencing with the Hebbe Gudda peak (1337 , for a small stretch on the proper metres MSL) stretches eastwards without interruption

"'Source - Gazetteer of India, Kamataka Stalc, Chikmagalur District, Bang%re 198/.

14 for about 25 km. Bending southwards, it presents Budangiri range near the Mullayyanagiri peak. The to the east an unbroken wall of about 32 km. The immediate source of the Veda is the Gauri-haJla. southern arm is formed by the Basavanagudda and These two streams flow in a north-eastern direction the W oddinagudda ranges. The summit of the hills and join ncar Kadur. The single river thus formed, consists of steep grassy ~lopes and the ravines are is called the Vedavati. It is also known as the full of vegetation. On the sides of the hills there Hagari river. The Yagachi river, also caJled the are dense forests as also Coffee Plantations. Badari, rises in Seethalayyanagiri of Baba Budangiri range in Chikmagalur tal uk. After traversing Mullayyanagiri (1927 metres MSL) is the loftiest southwards for a distance of about 20 km, the peak, that, is, the highest point, in Chikmagalur Yagachi enters the Hassan district. Among these district as also in the State itself. Kudrcmukh i~ seven rivers, the Tunga, the Bhadra, the Veda and another lofty peak (1896 metres MSL) and since it the Avati belong to the Krishna basin whereas the resembles the face of a horse to the viewers from Hemavati a,nd the Yagachi belong to the Cauvery a distance, it has for long been an important land basin. mark well-known to the navigators on the west-coast. The Baba Budangiri is an equally lofty peak (1895 Geologically, the district is made up entirely of metres MSL) and it incidentally happens to be a Archaean Schists and Gneisses. The Dharwar noted centre of cultural importance to the Hindus Schists cover about 50 per cent of the area and as also to the Muslims of the di~tricl. occur in three well-defined belts, namely, the Devirammanagudda, Kalhattigiri (1877 metres MSL), -Gangamoola belt, the Koppa belt and Metrigudda (1663 metres MSL), Woddingudda (1527 the Baba Budangiri bell. The remaining area is metres MSL), Ballalarayanadurga (1507 metres made up of granitic gneisses and granites collectively MSL), Gangamoola (1458 metres MSL), Lakke grouped under the name "Peninsular gneissic Parvata (1421 metres MSL), Shakunagiri (1419 mctres complex". The gneis~es found around Balchonnur MSL) and Kanchikaldurga (1245 metres MSL) arc arc considered to 'be older than 3000 million years the other prominent peaks in Chikmagalur district. and to represent the oldest rock formations in the State. The minerals of economic importance which As many as seven rivers originate in Chikmagalur occur in this distrct are asbestos, bauxite, chromitc, district. However, the Tunga and the Bhadra arc clay, copper, corundum, garnet, graphite, iron ore, the principal rivers and of these, the Bha.dra river kaolin, kyanite, limestone, manganese and mica. Of has been harnessed, within the district itself, for these minerals, iron is found extensively and is being purposes of irrigation and power-generation. The exploited on a large scale. Tunga, the Bhadra and the Netravati originate at different points In Gangamoola on the This mountainous malnad district, especially its

Varaha-Parvata. The Tunga and the Bhadra flow central and western belt~ is endowed with some of in a north-eastern direction and after their confluence the most useful and den!-.e forests of the country. at Kudli in Shimoga district constitute the mighty These forests have for long been providing shelter Tungabhadra of the Plains. Netravati, on the other to numerous coffee plantations on hill slopes and, hand flows westwards and is subsequently enriched have for long been exerting a beneficial influence by the Kumaradhara whereafter it constitutes a on the climate and rainfall experienced by the major river of the coastal district of Dakshin Kannad, district. Though the eastern belt of the district also The has its source ncar Javali in has some forest areas, these forests arc neither the Mudigere tal uk. It flows in a south-easterly extensive nor rich in vegetation. Thc dense-forests direction and eonsitutes an important tributary of of yester-years seem to have been over-exploited in the Cauvery river. The twin streams Veda and these parts because of easy accessibility and a Avati originate in the eastern side of the Baba relatively higher density of population.

15 A meteorological observatory is located at the average for the district as a whole is 92. Normally, Balehonnur in the western belt. Besides this, there the district receives timely and adequate rains and are rainguage stations at several places an over the the overall climatic conditions arc conducive fm district. Nature has blessed this district with a carrying on horticultural (including coffee salubrious climate. Throughout the year, the climate plantations) and agricultural activities throughout is agreeable and quite cool. Though March, April the year without hindrance. and May are regarded as the summer months, during 6. Administrutive divisions and jurisdictional this period the maximum day temperature ~tays changes during the decade : around 30 degrees celsius and the night tcmperatures would hover around 19 degrees celsius. The Chikmagalur district belongs to South-west monsoon sets in during June and, under which is one of the four Administrative Divisions its influence, there will be an appreciable drop in into which the State is organised. The district is the day temperature. The rainy season lasts till the divided into seven taluks and the headquarter!. of end of October. This season is marked by incessant these taluks arc located at Chikmagalur, Kadur, and heavy rainfall to very heavy rainfall in the Koppa, Mudigere, Narasimharajapura, Sringeri and western tracts and, intermitent and medium to heavy Tarikcre respectively. These taluks arc grouped in the eastern tracts. The day temperatures would into two Revenue Sub-Divisions. Chikmagalur be relatively low and nights too would be quite Sub-Division comprises of the taluks of Chikmagalur, pleasant. After September, the day temperatures Mudigere, Koppa and Sringcri while Tarikcre begin to increase and the nights hecome progressively Sub-Division has jurisdiction over the taluks of cooler. Winter sets in during Decemher and this Tarikere, Kadur and Narasimharajapura. During season, lasting till the end of Fcbruary, is one of the decade 19H}-<)1, the district has not witnes~ed clear bright weather during the day and chilly cold any jurisdictional changes either with regard to its weather during the night. The western and the outer boundaries or with regard to the boundarie~ southern regions of the district have a relatively of the taluks of which it is composed of. more severe winter and a pleasant summer on For purposes of Development Planning and account of the hilly terrain and the abundance of implementing the programmes, Zilla Parish ads have natural vegetation. been constituted in the State. Accordingly, a Zilla Composed, as it is, of two distinct physiographic Parishad, having juri!.diction over the entire district regions, the district is subject to vide variations both (excluding statutory urban areas) has been c(_lOstituted in the quantum of rainfall and the number of rainy for Chikmagalur district. Under this Zilla Parishad days in a year. Though the overall average annual there arc seven Taluk Panehayats and the juri!.diction rainfall is 1990 mm, the eastern belt receives a of each Taluk Panchayat is coterminus with the rainfall of about 600 mm only. On the other hand, general administrative jurisdiction of the Taluk of the western zone receives a rainfall of about 30

16 the h;rm CD.Block has been used In this volume of the C.D.Blocks covers these non-municipal towns

In appropriate contexts. as well. As regards the villages, it may be noticed that after 19H1, in Chikmagalur tal uk a porti<;ln of According to the 1991 census, there arc 10 Machenahalli village has been constituted into an towns or urban area!-> and 11 U villages ill the district. independent revenue village named Kurubara As compared to the po!->ition which prevailed in BoodihaJu (vide Notification No.RD.21.LRD.81 1981, there i!-> practically no change in either the dated 28.7. 19H2) and in Kadur Taluk, a revenue numhcr of towns l'r the number of villages in the village named K.Thimmapur has been completely district. However, after 1981, as a consequence of incorporated in the limits of Kadur Town (vide the dissolution of town municipalities at , Notification No.HUD.2.MBL.82 dated 29.3.1984) and Koppa, Mudigere, Narasimharajapura and Sringeri has therefore lost its status as an independent village and the constitution of Mandai Panchayats at these for census purposes. The following statement places for carrying out the civic administrative indicates the talukwise distribution of the towns and functions, these five places havc lost their status as villages of the district and also indicates the reasons statutory towns and. for purposes of the 1991 census, for changes in the number of villages, if any, in the have been classified as non-municipal census towns. taluks concerned. As already mentioned, the administrative jurisdiction

Statement showing the no. of villages/towns in each taluk of the District, decadal variations if any and reasons thereof.

SI.No. Taluk Total No. of Villages No. of Reasons for variation in the No. of Villages between according to the liM Towns as 1981 and 1991 census finalised lor per census Itst

1991 Census 1981 Census

I 2 3 4 5 6

1 Chikmagalur 232 231 1 A new village (Kurubara Boodihalu) has been constituted by altering the limits of MachenahaUi (vide Noiiflcation No.RD 21 LRD 81 dated 28.7.82).

2 Kadur 306 307 2 K.Thimmapur found in the list of villages of 1981 is now deleted as it is fully incorporated in the municipal limits of Kadur town (vide Notification No.HUD 2 MBL 82 dated 29.3.1984):

3 Koppa 80 80 1 -

4 Mudigere 140 140 2 -

5 Narasimharajapura 58 58 1 -

6 Sringeri 49 49 J -

7 Tarikere 248 248 2 -

TOTAL 1Ii3 1113 10 -

17 Particular1> about the villages which are of the district arc given In the following fully or partly included m the urban areas statement.

Particular!> of Village!> which are fully or partly included in the Urban areas of the District. ArCd in Hectdfcs 0.00

~INo Ndme of the Name of Town Name of the Village Total Rural Urban Taluk WIth LCNo Geographical Compo- Compo- Area of ncnt nent the VIllage dS per revenue records

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Chlkmagalur Chllmagalur (CMC) - Ddntramakll 22092 - 22092 - Basavanahalh 23047 - 23047 1 Chlkmagalur (Rural) 49096 26556 22540 3 I hremagalur 129981 1130 48 16933

29 Kempanahdlh 11331 3359 7972 35 Ramanahalh 18334 177 38 596 2 Kddur 1 BITur (fMC) 113 Blrur (Rural) 47581 32184 15397 118 Blrur Kdvdl 1'>3167 189960 3207 141 Ilosahalh 8281 7753 528 2 Kadur (1 MC) - K Thlm01apur 3711 - 3711 I KaduT (Rurdl) 88705 24241 64464 2 Thuravanahdlh 52279 41767 8512 54 Ilaruvanahdlh 30')36 164 71 4464 55 Mallappdnahalh 17545 11850 5695 56 Mdllc\wara 73235 68071 5161 121 Ulhnagur 40965 29610 11355

1 Koppa Koppa (MP) 1 KOppd (Rurdl) 664 )9 54642 U817 5 lIardndur 48265 42261 6004 9 BlOtrdvdlly 71147 690 36 .2-1 11 4 Mudlgere I Kudrcmukh (NAC) 129 1988351 1534063 454290

2 Mudlgere (M!') I MudlgCTC (Rural) 65331 56160 9171 5 NaraslmharaJ3pura NaraslmhdfaJapura (M!') . Yeddhalh 3523 - I 3523 1 Ihluvalh 55521 46990 8531

12 Shlragalalc 71365 I 72223 1142 13 Nagalapura 65610 64699 911 I 31 Mcnsur 41375 38264 3111

6 Snngen Snngen (M!') 1 ~nngcn (Rurdl) 38322 33730 4592 7 Tankere 1 AJJampur (MP) 153 AJJampur (Rural) 625 78 52904 9674 154 Gowrapura 47418 47094 324 2 Tanlcre (TMC) 1 Tanlere (Rural) 27356 15084 12272

2 Machenahalh 27542 1% II 79 31 3 Gahhdlh 30268 27632 2636

18 7. Brief Analysis Of Data : The third place, both areawise and populationwise, IS held by Tarikere. These three taluks (j) Area and Population :- respectively account for 25.55 per cent, 24.94 According to the Surveyor General. India, the per cent and 20.15 per cent of the total popUlation total geographical area of Chikmagalur district is of the district. Both in tetms of area and 7201 square kilometres. However, according to the population, Sringeri happens to be the smallest village records, as reported by local officers, the tal uk. The popUlation of this tiny taluk constitutes aggregate area of the villages and towns of the just 3.27 per cent of the total population of district is 7233.6 square kilometres. The slight the district. Narasimharajapura and Koppa are difference between the two figures is attributable to \ also quite small in population si7c. The popUlation the difference in the methods employed by the two of these three small taluks together constitutes a sources for measuring the area of the district. mere 16.73 per cent of the total population of the I ncidentally it may be mentioned that the smallest district.

1,1111 for which the area figures arc furnished by the ..... urveyor General is the district. As a result, the (ii) Rural-Urban Composition :- village records constitute the main source of Amongst the 1,017,283 persons enumerated in information regarding area figures at the tal uk level. Chikmagalur district at the 1991 census, 845,422 The total area of the district is unevenly distributed persons have been returned from the rural areas among the 1113 villages and 10 towns comprised in and the remaining 171,86} persons have been the 7 taluks into which the district is constituted. returned from the urban areas. In terms of Areawise, Chikmagalur is the largest taluk (1614.3 percentages, the rural and urban components of the sq.km.) and Sringeri is the smallest (442.8 sq.km). population of the district arc seen to be 83.11 per These two taluks, which occupy the extreme positions cent and 16.89 per cent respectively. Talukwise among the 7 taluks. respectively account for 22.32 particulars indicate ·that rural as well as urban per cent and 6.12 per cent of the total area of the categories of population arc to he found - though district. With an area of 1415.9 sq.km., Kadur taluk in different proportions - in all the seven taluks. ranks next to Chikmagalur and is closely followed At the taluk level, the rural component is the highest by Tarikere (1222.4 sq.km.). The area of Mudigere in Koppa taluk (93.77 per cent) and th,? lea~t in taluk is also fairly large (1162.0 sq.km.). The Chikmagalur taluk (76.03 per cent). This proportion aggregate area of these three taluks constitutes 52.53 is seen to lie between 80 and 90 per cent in the per cent of the total area of the district. The remaining five taluks of, Kadur (82.50 per cent), remammg two taluks, VIZ., Koppa and Mudigcre (87.74 per cent), Nara~imharajapura (88.42 Narasimharajapura belong to the category of per cent), Sringeri (87.54 per cent) and Tarikere geographically small taluks and the combined area (83.36 per cent). The urban component, on the of these two taluks constitutes 19.03 per cent of other hand, happens to be the highest in Chikmagalur the total area of the district. taJuk (23.97 per cent) and the least in Koppa taluk (6.23 per cent) and is seen to lie in the range of According to the 1991 censu&, the total 10 to 20 per cent in the remaining five taluks. population of Chikmagalur district is 1,017,283 persons. This population is unevenly distributed The jurisdiction of the taluk - rural area amongst the 1021 villages and 10 towns located corresponds to that of the Community Development in the 7 taluks of the district. In terms of Block (i.e. Taluk Panchayat) of the same name. area, Chikmagalur talllk is the largest and Table 1 gives talukwise i.e. C.D.Blockwisc, Kadur ranks next. However, in terms of popUlation distribution of the rural popUlation of the district size, Kadur taluk ranks first (259,914 persons) by sex and also indicates the number of villages in and it is followed by Chikmagalur taluk (253,722). each taluk. Table 1 : Population and Number of villages. 1991 from Kadur, the othcr taluks with a popUlation greater than the average are Chikmagalur and 51. Name of Population of villages Numoer Tarikere. The taluks of Kadur, Chikmagalur and No. CD.Block/ of villages Taluk Rural Tarikcre cover relativcly larger geographical areas, Persons Males Females Total Inha- have a larger numher of villages and naturally hited account for a relatively higher proportion of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 popUlation as well. The aggregate population of 1 Chikma!!alur 192 906 97638 95268 232 216 2 Kadur 214428 108256 106,172 306 268 these three units constitutes as much as 68.40 per 3 Koppa 75574 37,535 38039 80 80 cent of the rural popUlation of the district. Mudigere 4 Mudigere 112692 56434 56258 140 140 taluk holds the fourth rank and it accounts for 5 Narasimharaja- 49,800 24,749 25,051 58 58 another 13.33 per cent. The balance vi7., 18.27 per le.ura cent is shared by the remaining three taluks 6 Srin~eri 29,126 14389 14737 49 47 7 Tarikere 170,896 86864 84032 248 212 (C.D.Blocks) of Koppa (8.94 per cent), District Rural 845.422 425,865 419.557 1113 1021 Narasimharajapura (5.89 per cent) ,and Sringeri (3.44 per cent). The proportion of the rural population At the 1991 census count, 92 villages constituting of taluk (C.O.B1ock) to the total rural population 8.27 per cent of the total number of vil[agc~ in of the district varies between 3.44 per cent in Sringeri Chikmagalur district, have returned a 'nil' population. and 25.36 per cent in Kadur. This range of variation These 'uninhabited' villages are found in four Qut is indeed quite wide. However, this is a reflection of the seven taluks and the largest concentration of of a similar situation with regard to geographical such villages is noticeable in Kadur tal uk. This area as well as the number of villages. As may be taluk alone accounts for 41.3 per cent and this is :'Ieen from the following table, the urban population followed closely by Tarikere taluk which accounts is also distributed in an uneven manner amongst for 39.1 per cent. The share of Chikmagalur taluk the towns of the district. is 17.5 per cent while that of Sringeri is a negligible 2.1 per cent. Except Sringeri, the other taluks CllVcr Table 2: Population and l\"uhlber of Towns, 1991 the eastern portion of the district which partakes of the features of the Plains. In the case of villages SI. '\ame and CiVIC I'opula t ion No. admlOistration status with habitations, out of a total of 1021 villages, as - of the town many as 268 (i.e., 26.25 pcr cent) arc found in Persons Males Females Kadur tal uk. The taluks of Chikmagalur and 1 2 3 4 5 Tarikere rank next with a tally of 216 villages (i.e., 1 Ajjampura (MP) 8758 M85 4273 21.16 per cent) and 212 villages (i.e., 20.76 per cent) 2 filrur (TMC) 20095 10153 9942 respectively. It is evident that these three taluks 3 Chikmaualur (CMe) 60816 31460 29356 4 Kadur (,fMC) 25391 13128 12263 covering the eastern tracts of the district account 5 Koppa '(Mf') 5022 2514 2508 for 68.17 per cent and the remaining 31.83 per cent 6 Kudremukh (t'\t\C) 7792 4243 3549 is shared by four taluks. In terms of number of 7 Mudigere (_MP) 7953 4171 3782 I villages, Sringeri is the smallest tal uk and Kadur 8 Narasimharaja- 6524 3378 3146 lfJura (Mf') the largest. The ralukwise distribution of villages 9 Sringeti (MP) 4146 2078 2068 in the district is uneven and the range of variation 10 Tarikere (rMC) 253(,4 13051 12313 viz., 47 in Sringeri and 268 in Kadur, is quite large. ALL TOWNS 17186} 88661 83200 The taluks in the plains have a relatively larger number of villages than their counterparts in the Note: Following abbreviations are used in Col.2 hilly and mountainous regions. regarding civic administration status :-

The rural popUlation of the district is very (CMC) City Municipal Council; unevenly distributed among its seven taluks (or (TMC) Town Municipal Council; C.D.Blocks). The taluk-rural popUlation varies between a minimum of 29,126 persons in Sringeri (NAC): Notified Area Committee and and a maximum of 214,428 persons in Kadur and the average population per taluk is 120,775. Apart (MP) MandaI Panchayat.

20 The urban population of the district is distributed declassified or has lost its independent status due among 10 towns and the average population per to a merger with some other town. town is 17,186. Sexwise distribution of the population in each town is indicated in Table, 2, which Table 3: New Towns/Towns declassified" merger in 1991 Census incidentally shows that the population is lower than

the average in as many as 6 out of the 10 towns Name of Town Population of ,the district. The townwise popUlation is the 1 2 highest viz., 60,816 in Chikmagalur and the least I(a) Added -- Nil viz., 4,146 10 Sringeri. The population of I(b) Declassified Chikmagalur town constitutes 35.39 per cent whereas -- Nil that of S,ringeri forms a mere 2.41 per cent of the ,(c) Wholly merg_ed with other town -- urban popUlation of the district. Kadur and Tarikere Nil rank next to Chikmagalur and have an almost equal However, it may be incidentally mentioned that population. These two towns together account for between 1981 and 1991 the entire geographical area 29.53 per cent of the urban popUlation of the district. The population contributed to the urban total is 5 of K.Thimmapura.. - an uninhabited village of 1981 per cent or less in the case of 6 towns viz., Ajjampura census- has been fully incorporated within the limits (5.1 per cent), Mudigere (4.63 per cent), Kudremukh of Kadur town and also that in 5 towns the erstwhile Municipalities were dissolved and interim Mandai Mining area (4.53 per cent), Narasimharajapura (3.8 Panchayats were constituted for looking after the per cent), Koppa (2.92 per cent), and Sringeri (2.41 civic administration. per cent). Of these 6 towns, only one viz., Kudremukh Mining Area, is a statutory town and (iv) Decadal variation in popUlation 1981 - 1991:- the rest are non-statutory towns administered by - Interim Mandai Panchayats. A size-group A comparative idea about the decadal variation classification of towns indicates that the", district does in the population of the district and its constituent not have a class I town (i.e., a city with a population taluks, with the rural-urban breakup, may be had 100,000 plus) and that Chikmagalur the largest town from the details furnished in Table 4 in which the of the district belongs to the category of class II proportion of urban population to the total towns (50,000 - 99,999); the three medium-sized popUlation of each unit is also indicated in respect towns of Kadur, Tarikere and are class III of the two censuses. towns (20,000 to 49,999); the five small towns of Ajjampura, Koppa, Kudremukh Mining Area, During the decade, Chikmagalqr district has Mudigere and Narasimharajapura are cla.ss V towns witnessed a net addition of 105,514 persons of whom (5,000 to 9,999) and Sringeri, the smallest town 93,532 (i.e., 88.64 per cent) are residing in rural belongs to class VI category (below 5,000). areas and the remaining 11,982 persons representing Obviously, there is a preponderance of small towns 11.36 per cent are residing in urban areas. This in Chikmagalur district and this phenomenon seems addition is unevenly distributed in the rural and to be a characteristic feature of the districts located urban areas of the seven taluks. As may be seen in the hilly malnad region of the State. from the above table, in the urban areas of one of the taluks, viz., Sringeri, there is a net loss. Kadur, (iii) Classification of new places as towns, the most populous taluk of the district has witnessed declassification and or merger of old towns an addition of 28,111 persons and is followed by during the decade 1981 - 1991 -:- the taluks of Chikmagalur and Tarikere. These three As in 1991, in 1981 too, Chikmagalur district taluks, together, account for 74.% per cent of the had 10 towns. There has thus been neither an net addition to the population of the district. With addition to the number of towns nor a reduction an addition of just 1,646 persons, Sringeri taluk in the number of towns during the inter-censal holds the bottom-most place among the seven taluks decade. No new place has been classified as a of the district. town at the 1991 census. At the same time, none Table 4 reveals that the district has registered of the towns of the 1981 Census has been either a decadal growth rate of 11.57 per cent.. It may

21 Tahle 4: Decadal change in di!>trihution or Population

Taluk I>opulation Percentage decadal Percentage of variation (1%1-1)1) urban population 1'>81 1991 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Crhan 11)81 )1)')) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I) 10 II 12 1. Chikmagalur 227954 167372 60582 253722 192906 60816 IUD 15.26 0.39 26.58 23.97 2. Kadur 231803 194316 37487 259914 214428 45486 12.13 10.35 21.34 16.17 17.50 3. Koppa . 75678 70919 4759 80596 75574 5022 6.50 6.56 5.53 6.29 6.23 4. Mudigerc 113483 98428 15055 128437 112692 15745 13.18 14.49 4.58 13.27 12.26 5. Narasimharajapura 51417 45315 6102 56324 49800 6524 9.54 9.'>0 6.92 11.87 11.58 6. Sringeri 31626 27354 4272 33272 29126 4146 5.20 6.48 -2.95 13.51 12.46 7. Tarikere 179808 148186 31622 205018 170896 34122 14.02 15.33 7.91 17.59 16.64 District Total 911769 75 18'Xl 159879 1017283 845422 171861 11.57 12.44 7.49 17.54 16.89

be incidentally noted that this growth rate is far cent and 0.39 per cent. In the olh<.:r laluk, viz., below the overall dccadal growth rate returned by Kadur, the urban scgm<.:nt of the population has the State, which is 21.12 per cent. Among the registered a decadal growth rate of 21.34 per cent taluks, Tarikere. tops the list with a decadal growth in contrast to 10.35 per cent which is the rale rate of 14.02 per cent and is followed by Mudigere registered by the rural segment during the same (13.18 per cent). This rate is greater than the period. As between 1981 and 1991, there has been district average in only one more tal uk, viz., Kadur no change in the places classified as urban for (12.13 per cent). In the remaining 4 taluks the census purposes in any of the seven taluks of the decadal growth rate is below the district average district. Table 4 highlights the fact that in the and this rate touches the lowest figure of 5.2 per matter of population growth Chikmagalur district, cent in the case of Sringeri. especially its urban segment, has experienced a very sluggish trend during the last decade. The rural-urban break-up shows that the rural population (which accounts for as much as 83.11 (v) Trends of Urbanisation :- per cent of the total popUlation of the. district) has The proportion of urban population -to the total registered a decadal growth rate of 12.44 per cent. On the other hand, the urban population (which popUlation is a measure of urbanisation. According forms 16.89 per cent of the total population of the to Table 4, the level of urbanisation of Chikmagalur district has declined during the decade of 1981-91. district) has witnessed a decadal growth rate of just The proportion of urban popUlation .has moved 7.49 per cent. The growth rate for urban areas generally tends to be higher than that for the rural down from 17.54 per cent in 19H1 to 16.89 per cent areas. The 1981-91 decadal growth rates for the in 1991. Though the extent of the decrease is urban and rural areas of Karnataka State as such marginal, the negative trend is quite clear. This are 29.62 per cent and 17.66 per cent respectively. phenomenon of a fall in the proportion of urban It is evident from a comparison of the two sets of population is noticeable in six out of the seven taJuks. It is only in Kadur taluk that there has been data that the growth pattern noticed in Chikmagalur district during 1981-91 docs not reflect the general an increase in this regard - the proportion of urban pattern noticed in the State. population to the total population of this taluk has risen from 16.17 per cent in 1981 to 17.50 per cent The talukwise particulars reveal that in six out m 1991. of the seven taluks, the rural decadal growth rate is higher lhan the corresponding urban decadal The number of places classified as towns within growth rate. The difference between the two rates a taluk or a district is also an important index of is highly pronounced in the taluks of Sringeri and urbanisation. On this count, Chikmagalur district Chikmagalur where the rural growth rates are 6.48 has not witnessed any change during the decade per cent and 15.26 per cent respectively as against 1981-91. The number of towns in the district has the corresponding urban growth rates of -2.95 per remained unchanged at 10 over the decade.

22 However, as has been pointed out earlier, there is of the characteristics of the plains to a relatively a definite decline in the status of towns. In 1981, greater extent, accounts for two such villages, the all the ten towns enjoyed the status of statutory taluks of Kadur, Chikmagalur, Mudigere and tQwns. During th~ inter-censal decade five towns Narasimharajapura account for one village each. lost this status due'to the dissolution of municipalities Such a large sized village is found neither in Sringeri which had been constituted decades ago for looking tal uk nor in Koppa taluk. In fact, the population after ~he civic administration of respective areas. of the Taluk Headquarters town of Sringeri is less These places have however been continued as than 5000 and that of Koppa town is marginally non-municipal census towns at the, 1991 census higher than this mark. In the district as a whole, despite a downgrading of the civic administration small villages with a popUlation of less than 500 status from "Town Municipal Council" to "MandaI constitute as much as 43.78 per cent and the medium Panchayat". - sized villages with a population in the range of 500 - 1999 account for another 47.89 per cent. In (vi) Population size or villages :- Sringeri taluk, where the average size of a village is the least, 28 out of the 47 villages (59.58 per The rural population of Chikmagalur district is cent) have a population of 500 or more and the dispersed in 1021 inhabited villages scattered unevnly remaining 19 villages (40.42 per cent) are small over its seven taluks. According to 1991 census, villages each with a popUlation of less than 500. the average population of a village of this district The taluk wise details reveal that the proportion of is 828 persons. Talukwise details reveal that this very small villages is the least in Narasimharajapura average is the least, viz., 620 persons, in the case taluk (12.07 per cent) aad the highest in Kadur of Sringeri Taluk and the highest in the case of taluk (20.52 per cent). The proportion of small Koppa Taluk (viz., 945 p~rsons). The position of villages lies in the range of 8.75 per cent in Koppa Narasimharajapura taluk is comparable to that of taluk and 30.00 per cent in Mudigere taluk. Koppa, for this taluk has returned the third highest However, in the case of medium-sized viilages with average size viz., 856 persons per village. Sringeri, 500 to 1999 inhabitants each, Koppa taluk tops the Narasimharajapura and Koppa rank amongst the ~ list with 62.50 per cent and is followed by Sringeri smallest taluks of the district in the matter of taluk with a tally of 57.45 per cent. At the other grographical area, population and number of villages. end, Mudigere taluk holds the bottom-most place These are located in the mountainous malnad region with 41.43 per cent while Chikmagalur taluk (42.59 and share common physical characteristics. That per cent) holds the penultimate place. The proportion there should be such a marked difference in the of large villages varies between a mini~um of 2.13 average popUlation size of a village is quite per cent in Sringeri taluk and a maximum of 10.65 inexplicable. In Kadur tal uk, which incidentally has per cent in Chikmagalur taluk. In Kadur, the taluk the highest number of inhabited villages, the average with the largest number of inhabited villages, this popUlation size of a village is 800 persons whereas proportion is 7.84 per cent - a figure slightly above in Chikmagalur tal uk, which is the second largest the district average of 7.74 per cent. It may also taluk in terms of inhabited villages, the average size be noticed from Table 5 that out of the 79 villages is 893 persons. In Tarikere, which is also a taluk in this population range, as many as, 44 are located with a large number of inhabited villages, the average in the taluks of Chikmagalur and Kadur and another number of persons per village is 806 - a figure 12 are in Tarikere taluk. Thus, larger villages, as which is well below the district average. It is thus also very small villages, are found in relatively larger evident that the average size of a village is subject numbers in the taluks occupying the eastern half of to considerable variations within the district. A the district. distribution of the 1021 villages of the district by population size-class is givcn in Table 5. (vii) Density or PopUlation :-

In the entire district, there are only six villages The overall density of population in Chikmagalur with a popUlation of 5000 or more and, in none of district as per 1991 census is 141 persons per square these, the population touches the 10,000 mark. kilometre. The rural-urban breakup shows that the While Tarikere the eastern most taluk, which partakes

23 Tubl~ 5: P~r('enl"~ di,lribulion or villul:e~ by popululi

TaluklC.n.Block No. and 1'\0. and percentage of village~ In each range (flgure~ In paranthc~" indicate percentage Percentage of Vlllages In each range) of mhaolted Vlllages I .e!>~ than 200 200 - 499 500 19<)9 2(x)() - 49<)9 5000 - <)')<)<) IO .. (X)() & aoove 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Chlkmagalur 216 39 61 92 23 1 - (100.00) (18.06) (28.24) (42.5') ( 10.(,5) (OA(,) 2 Kadur 268 55 67 124 21 1 - (100.00) (20.52) ("5.00) (46.27) (7.8-t) (0.37) - 3 Kappa 80 15 7 50 8 - (100.00) (18.75) (8.75) (62.50) ( 10.00) - - 4 Mudlgere 140 28 42 58 11 1 - (100.00) (20.00) (30.00) (4J..B) (7.86) (0.71) - 5 NarasimharaJapura 58 7 17 30 3 1 - (100.00) ( 12.07) (29.31 ) (51.72) (5.17) (I. 73) 6 Sringeri 47 8 11 27 1 - (100.00) ( 17.02) (23.40) (57.45) (2.13) - 7 Tarikere 212 39 51 108 12 2 (100.00) (18.40) (24.06) (50.94) (5.66) (0.94) Total 1021 191 256 489 79 6 (100.00) (18.71) (25.07) (47.89) (7.74) (0.59)

density figures for the rural and urban areas of the 500 persons form a mere 3.92 per cent. A distribution district respectively work out to 119 persons per sq. of the populated villages of the district according km. and 2280 persons per sq. km. The overall to density ranges is presented in Table 6. average density of population for Karnataka is 236 Table 6: J>i!otribulion or villag~!o by den~jly runges as per 1991 census. The density figures for the

rural and urban areas of the State are 166 and Range of density Total no. of percentage of . 3257 respectively. rn Chikmagalur district, the urban (per sq.km.) Villages In each Vlliages areas are more densely populated than their rural denSity range In each denSity ranue counterparts and this feature conforms to the general 1 2 3 pattern noticed in the State. - 10 39 3.82 11- 20 31 3.0:0:1 21 - 50 100 9.79 As in the matter of population, 10 the matter 51 - 100 195 19.10 of geographical area too, the villages of the district 101 - 200 359 35.16 differ from each other to a considerable extent. 201 - 300 157 15.38 Density of population at the village level is an 301 - 500 100 9.79 501 and above 40 3.92 important tool for comparative analysis. The village Not known - - wise data disclose that the number of persons per All ranges 1021 100.00 sq.km is 50 or less in 16.65 per cent of the 1021 (viii) Sex Ratio :- populated villages of the district and that in another 19.10 per cent of the villages the density is in the Among the 1,017,283 persons enumerated at the 1991 census in Chikmagalur district, 514,526 are range of 51 - 100. Villages with a density of 100 males and the remaining 502,757 arc females. The persons or less thus account for 35.75 per cent. sex ratio, expressed as the number of females per As may be noticed from Table 6, those with a thousand males', for the district, works out to 977. density in the range of 101 - 200 constitute 35.16 This figure is considerably higher than the average per cent while those with .a ~~nsity of more than s.ex ratio for the State, which is 960. It may be of

24 interest to note that in 19H I, the sex ratio for the Sringeri the smalle~t town the sex ratio is 995. The district was 953 while that for the State was %0. sex ratio is ahove the district average in the towns Thus, during the decade 1981-l)}, quite contrary to of Tarikere, Ajjampura, Birur and Sringeri and thG general trend noticed in the State, the sex ratio touches the maximum of 998 in the case of Koppa has registered an upward trend in Chikmagalur town. In the remaining 5 towns, the sex ratio is district. This phenomenon assumes added lower than the district average and reaches the significance when it is known that at the All-India minimum of 836 in Kudremukh town. It may be level too the sex ratio has suffered a setback, (or the All-India sex ratio has moved down from 933 incidentally mentioned that irt 1981, Kudremukh In 1981 to 927 in 1991. town had a much lower sex ratio viz., 576. In comparative terms, the sex ratio of this mining town The rural-urban hn:ak-up of the popUlation has considerably improved during the decade. shows that the sex ratio is generally higher in rural areas than that in urban areas. The sex ratio for Tablr 8: Srx Ratio fur Tuwnloo, 1991

the rural areas of Chikmagalur di~triet works out Sl.)';o. Kame and CIVIC )';0. of females per to 985 whereas that for urban areas works out to AdmlOlstratlve Status 1000 males 938. An examination of the data relating to the I 2 3 ()53 rural areas at the taluk kvcl I.e., C.D.B1ock level, I Allamnura (\11') 2 Blrur (T\1C) 979 (sce Table 7) discloses that the ~ex ratio is the 3 (,hl~ma"alur «('.\1(,) C)_lJ least in Tarikere taluk (967) and the highest in -t Kadur ('1'\1(,) 934 5 Knnna (!VI 1') '),)R Sringeri tal uk (1024). It may be incidentally noted (, Kudremu~h (:'\A(') 8J6 that Sringeri is the smallest tal uk of the district. 7 \1udwere (!VII') 'Xl7 Koppa and Narasimharajapura which arc al~o quite 8 :'I.'araslmharatanura (\11') C)_ll 9 Snn!.'eri (\11') ')<)5 small in population sile have a favourable sex ratio, 10 Tari~cre (T\1e) 943 for in both these taluks the number of females - Dl!ootnct Vrhan l)38 exceeds that of males to a significant extent. In (ix) Sdleduled Castes ;- Kadur taluk which is the largest In terms of population size, the sex ratio IS seen to be 9H1 - a At the 1991 Census, 195,852 persons in a total figure slightly lower than the average for the rural population of 1,017,283 enumerated in the district areas. have returned themselves as belonging to 'Scheduled Castes. Of them, it may be further noted 175,176 Tahle 7: Sex Ratio for Rural Population of (89.44 per cent) are residing in rural areas and the c.n.lUocks, 1991 remaining 20,676 (10.56 per cent) arc residing in SI.No. i'ante of CD.Block No. of females per urban areas. In terms of proportions, the Scheduled 1000 males Castes constitute 19.25 per cent of the total I 2 3 1 Chikma!.'alur 976 population of the district, 20.72 per cent of the 2 Kadur 981 rural population and 12.03 per cent of the urban 3 Koppa 1013 population. The proportion of the Scheduled Castes 4 Mudigere 997 5 Narasimharajapura 1012 population in Chikmagalur district is significantly 6 Sringeri 1024 higher than the State average which is 16.38 per 7 Tarikere 967 cent. - District Rural 9R5

The sex ratio for the urban areas of the district If the villages of the district arc classified as such is 938. However, as may be seen from the according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes following Table, there arc considerable differences population to the total population of the village concerned, the distri . n of the villages would be at the town level. In Chikmagalur, the most populous as shown i __-rcA;,·\t~-m;1:be ted that persons town of the district, the sex ratio is 933 and m belongi~l\) S'cheJuled Castt~ ~t~;~o~ found in 153

25 villages. In 47.34 per cent of the 868 villages having (x) Scheduled Tribes :- Scheduled Castes, their proportion to the total At thc 1991 Census, 26,534 pcrsons out of the popUlation exceeds the 20 per cent mark. 1,017,283 persons cnumcrated in the district have Table 9: Proportion or Scheduled Castes Population to returned themselves as belonging to Scheduled Total Population In villages, 1991 Tribes. Amongst thesc persons, 24,553 (92.53 per cent) and 1981 (7.47 per cent) are residing in the Percentage range of No. of Percentage rural and the urban areas respectively. T~e Scheduled Castes population villages in of villages in to total population each ranl!;e each range Scheduled Tribes constitutc 2.61 per cent of the 1 2 3 total population of the district. This figure is 0-5 123 14.17 considerably lower than the State average which is 6 - 10 99 11.41 4.26 per cent. 11 - 15 124 14.29 III 12.79 16 - 20 If the villages of the district arc c1assificd by 21 - 30 170 19.58 31 and ahove - 241 27.76 ranges according to the proportion of Scheduled All ranges 868 100.00 Tribes to the total population of the concerned villagc, the distribution of the villages would be as Town wise information furnishcd in Table 10 shown in Table 11 whieh is given below. At the which is givcn below rcveals that thc pcrsons outset it may be noted that persons belonging to belonging to Schcduled Castes are found in varying Scheduled Tribes are not found in 636 villages out numbers in all the towns of the district. The of the 1021 populated villages of thc district. proportion of Scheduled Castes is above the district urban average (12.03 per cent) in thc towns of Table 11: Proportion of Scheduled Tribes Population to Narasimharajapura and Kadur and happens to be total Population in "illages, 1991 the highest (viz., 17.07 per cent) in Birur Town. In Chikmagalur, the most populous town of the district, Percentage range of No. of villages Percentage of Scheduled Tribes in each range villages in each thc persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes population to total range constitute 11.62 per ccnt. This figure is quite close population - to thc district average. The proportion of Scheduled I 2 - -3 Castcs is well below the 10 per cent mark in the o - 5 221 57.40 6 - 15 IlO 28.57 towns of Mudigere, Tarikere, Sringcri and touches 16 - 25 23 5.97 the lowest figure of 6.15 per cent in the case of 26 - 35 18 4.68 Koppa town. 36 - 50 7 1:82 51 and ahove 6 1.56 Table 10: Percentage of Scheduled Cru.te!o Population In All ran"es 385 100.00 ... , Towns, 1991 Townwise particulars furnished in Table 12 Name of Town Total Total Percentage indicates that in all the towns of the district there Popula S.C.Popul of S.c. arc scveral persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes tion ation Population and also that their numcrical strength varies bctwecn to Total Population a minimum of 22 in the two towns of Sringcri and 1 2 3 4 Kappa and a maximum of 518 in Chikmagalur. 1 Ajjampura (MP) 8758 998 11.40 When vicwed with reference to the total population 2 Birur (TMC) 20095 3430 17.07 of the town, the Scheduled Tribes constitute less 3 Chikmagalur (CMC) 60816 7068 11.62 than 0.50 per cent in 3 towns, betwecn 0.50 and 4 Kadur (TMC) 25391 4199 16.54 5 Koppa (MP) 5022 309 6.15 one per cent in 2" towns and 1.00 to 2.00 per cent 6 Kudremukh (NAC) 7792 913 11.72 in 3 towns. In the remaining 2 towns, viz., Aijampura 7 Mudigere (MP) 7953 698 8.78 and Narasimharajapura, the share of the Scheduled 8 Narasimharajapura (MP) 6524 918 14.07 Tribes in the total population of the town is seen 9 Sringeri (MP) 4146 264 6.37 10 Tarikere (TMC) 25364 1879 7.41 to be a little more than 3 per cent. In Chikmagalur, District Urban 171861 20676 12.03 the most populous town of the district, the Scheduled Tribes constitute 0.85 per cent.

26 Table 12: Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Popullilion in 47.19 per cent respectively. Taluk-lcvcl (i.e., Towns. 1991 CO.Block level) data set out in Table 13 provides a comparative idea about the magnitude of inter-tal uk Name of Town Tolal Tolal Percen Popula Scheduled lage of differences regarding 'total' as well as sexwise literacy lIOn Trilles Scheduled rates. Popula Trilles lion Populalion Table 13: Literacy Rale~ for Rural Populalion of Taluks 10 Iota I (C.U.llIock.,) by !>eX. 1991 (Excluding children in tm populallon age-group 0 • 6) 1 2 3 4 1 Allampura (\11') R 75R 279 3.19 Sl.l'\o. 1'\ame of Taluk/ Percentage of Literates 2 Birur (TMC) 20.095 HI 0.40 CD. Block 3 CJlIkma!!alur (C:\1C) 60.816 518 0.85 I' M F 4 Kadur (TMC) 25,391 112 0.44 I 2 3 4 5 5 Koppa (MP) 5.022 22 0.44 1 Chil..magalur 56.14 6633 45.71 6 Kudremukh (],;AC) 7,792 138 1.77 2 Kadur 54.53 66.70 42.11 7 Mudigere (MP) 7.953 156 1.96 3 Koppa M.S6 73.28 56.56 8 Nara~imharaia-pura (:\11') 6.524 205 3.14 4 ;\fuJl"cre SU5 62.9J 44.75 9 Snngeri (MP) 4,146 22 0.53 5 l"ara,imharajapura 63.16 70.38 56.06 10 Tarikere (T:\1C) 25.3(,4 448 1.77 6 Srin"en 70.75 78.43 63.27 DiMncl Urban 171.861 1.981 1.15 7 Tankcre 57.(>8 67.98 47.04 Dlslrict Rural 57.46 67.59 47.19 (xi) Literacy : Among the Taluks, Sringeri tops the list with According to the 1991 Census, out of the a tally of 70.75 per cent and is followed by Koppa 1,017,283 persons enumerated in the district 147,192 (64.86 per cent). Mudigere, where the literacy rate persons i.e., 14.47 per cent are in the age group is just 53.85 per cent holds the bottom-most place. of () - 6 years. At the 1991 Census, all these In Kadur, which is the largest taluk in terms of persons, that is children below 7 years of age are numher of villages and population, the literacy rate by definition treated as illiterate. These persons is 54.53 per cent and the taluk holds an unenviable are therefore to be excluded while computing the sixth place among the seven taluks of the district. Even in Chik~agalur tal uk, the percentage of literacy literacy rates. Accordingly, since 531,164 persons does not measure up to the district average. If the 10 a total population of S70,(NI persons aged 7 literacy rates for males are examined it i~ seen that years and upwards have returned themselves as the taluks of Sringeri (78.43 per cent) and Mudigere literate, the literacy rate for Chikmagalur 'district (62.91 per cent) occupy the top most and the works out to 61.05 per cent. The sexwise break-up bottom-most places respectively. The literacy rate shows that the literacy rates for the male and female is above the district average in Koppa (73.28 per segments of the population aged 7 years and upwards cent), Narasimharajapura (70.38 per cent) and work out to 70.56 per cent and 51.31 per cent Tarikere (67.98 per cent) and significantly lower in respectively. These literacy rates for Chikmagalur the taluks of Chikmagalur (66.33 per cent) and Kadur (66.70 per eent). In the case of female district arc slightly higher than the corresponding population, the literacy rate varies between 42.11 averages for the Stale which are 56.04 per cent for per cent in Kadur and 63.27 per cent in Sringeri. total population (excluding 0 - 6 age group), 67.26 The position of Mudigere is hetter only in comparison per cent for males and 44.34 per cent for females. to that of Kadur. Apart from Sringeri, the other taluks where the female literacy rate is higher than The particulars relating to rural areas indicate the district average are Koppa (56.56 per cent) and that the number of literates in the 7 plus age group Narasimharajapura (56.06 per cent). These three is 415,210 and of them 245,919 are males and 169,291 taluks arc small in population size, and are located arc females. These literate persons constitute 57.46 In the hilly malnad tracts of the district. per cent of the total rural population. In the male and female segments of the rural population, the As in the case of rural areas, in the case of proportion of literate comes to 67_59 per cent and urhan areas also there are considerable differences

27 in the literacy rates for males and females. The holds the last place among the towns and has literacy rates for females are consistently lower than returned the lowest rate of 76.14 per cent. In ihe those for the males in each and every town of the case of females, the literacy rate exceeds 80 per district. The literacy rate for the urban population cent in Sringeri (85.36 per cent) and Koppa (gS.97 works out to 78.50 per cent. The sexwise break-up per cent), lies between 70 - 80 per cent in the shows that the literacy rates for the male and female towns of Kudremukh Notified Area, Mudigere, segments of the urban population are 84.73 per cent Chikmagalur and Narasimharajapura and is below and 72.03 per cent respectively. Townwise particulars regarding literacy rates arc furnished in 70 per cent in Tarikere, Kadur, Ajjampura and the foJlowing Table i.e., Table 14. Birur. With a female literacy rate of just 60.04 per cent, Birur holds the bottom-most place among the Table 14: Literacy rates for Towns, 1991 ( Excluding towns of the district. children in the age-group 0-6)

Name and civic Percentage of literates (xii) Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non­ administration status of Workers :- town -P M F Every person enumerated at the 1991 census 1 2 3 4 has been classified either as a main worker or as 1 Aiiampura (MP) 68.98 77.46 60.22 a marginal worker or as a non-worker depending 2 Birur (fMC) 68.19 76.14 60.04 3 Chikmagalur (CMC) 84.16 88.87 79.08 on whether or not the person concerned participated 4 Kadur (TMC) 70.11 76.74 62.99 in any economic activity and, if yes, the total duration 5 Koppa (MP) 90.28 94.50 85.97 of participation in terms of days during the reference 6 Kudremukh (NAC) 86.19 91.35 79.91 7 Mudil!.ere (MP) 85.20 90.52 79.20 period of one year preceding the date of enumeration. 8 Narasimharajapura '(MP) 81.90 86.61 76.82 Accordingly, in the total population of Chikmagalur 9 Sri ngeri (M P) 88.90 92.42 85.36 district, 412,276 (i.e, 40.53 per cent) are main workers, 10 Tarikere (fMC) 75.95 84.18 67.26 District Urhan 78.50 84.73 72.03 45,182 (i.e., 4.44 per cent) arc marginal workers and the remaining 559,825 (i.e., 55.Q1_ pe.r_ cent) arc In six out of the ten towns, the literacy rate is non-workers. A comparison with the corresponding higher than the district urban average and the highest figures for the State as a whole - which are 38.45 literacy rate of 90.28 per cent has been returned per cent main workers, 3.54 per cent marginal by Koppa town. The position of Sringeri the smallest workers and 58.01 per cent non-workers-rc..veals that town and an important religious centre is next only the proportions of main workers and marginal to that of Kappa. The literacy rate in Chikmagalur, workers are significantly higher in the population the most populous town of the district, is fairly of Chikmagalur district. above the district urban average whereas that in Kadur and Tarikere, the second and third most The sexwise break-up shows that in the male populous towns, is quite low viz., 70.11 per cent population of the district, 56.75 per cent arc mam and 75.95 per cent respectively. The lowest literacy workers, 0.79 per cent arc marginal workers and rate of 68.10 per cent is noticed in Birur which 42.46 per cent arc non-workers. On the other hand, happens to be the fourth largest town in terms of in the female population while the main workers population size. constitute a mere 23.93 per cent and the marginal workers account for another 8.18 per cent, the The sexwise details show that in the case of non-workers ;vrm as much as 67.89 per cent. males the literacy rate touches the maximum of Evidently, the male segment of the population 94.50 per cent in Koppa and is followed by 92.42 contains a much larger proportion of workers than per cent in Sringeri. This rate is above 90 per its female counterpart and this feature noticeable cent in two other towns viz., M udigere and in Chikmagalur district conforms to the general Kudremukh Notified Area. As in the case of total pattern noticed in the State. literacy rate, in the case of male literacy too, Birur .. 28 Within the district, there arc comiderdhle th.1n in Ihe urhan population (0.1'2 per cent). On diffcn:nee~ in the pfllrorlilln~ of m.J1n .... orkl'T~, the olher h,tnd, Ihe nlln-worker~ an'ount for 52.59 marginal workn ... and nlln· .... llrkcr ... rclurnLJ h~ Ihc per (l'nt (If the rurdl population a<; ag.tin~t 67.06 rural ared.'" and the urll.ln dred. ... n:"'pcl'tl\c1v A ... pu lLilt rl'lurnl'd by thl: urb.tn population. Within eomp,tn.:d to -t2.21 per cenl III the l.l\l' III rurd) edlh 01 the..,e c.ltegnrie ...... i/., rural and urhan, there populdtion, the m.lin .... orker\ in the urb.1Il pOpUI.ltlon drl: dillcrcm.e ... among the admini~trative units ~ueh con~titute a mere 32.12 per cent· d dtlkrencl- (If a... t.tluk" (i C., CO.Blods) and town,>. A 10 percentage poinh which .... qUlle "gndi(dnl 1 h<: (Umpdrdtl\(.' Ided "hout the 'Vari.Jtion\ among the marginal worlcr., too ..Irc found in a rd'lti\c1y larger ddmllli..,trative untts III the rural areas may he had proportion (S.lH pcr lent) III the rural popuI.ltilln from thl: particulars pre~ented in Table 15.

... bl.. 15: I' .. n·.. nlag.. of "lain \\urk...... , \Iarginal \\ork...... nd ",un·\\ork.. r. fur Rural I'upulaliun uf 1.. lul.... ( . I). lUnd.... ). 1991 - ~I "0 1\,ame of the Pcrlcnld~c of Tdlul../C D Bloc!.. \1dJn Wml..er. 10 '101.11 I\1drgllldl Worl-.cr. to 101,,1 Worl..Lr.. 10 101.11 'on·Workcr.. 10 '101.11 Popu lallon 10ldl l'upul,lI10n I'opul,llion Porul,III011 p M I I' \I 1 I' \1 1 I' \1 I· I 2 1 4 5 (, 7 X 9 10 II 12 . n I~ 1 ChlJ..ma l1alur 4271 565(, 28 <;2 287 047 S ,2 4'i58 57 rn 5442 42')7 6616 " X4 2 Kadur 'XIX) 5nX 200(, <) 7~ I 'IX t806 -tX(..t 'IX I)(, -;x 12 ~ 1,(, 4104 6188 3 Koppa 45 10 58 X1 315(, :2 gO 0(1<; 491 47<)0 'II) 4X 1f,.n '1210 40 'i2 63 '13 4 Mudlgere 4852 )I) 81) 17 II 2m 077 121) 5055 (,066 404() 41)4'i 11) 14 'i1)6() 5 N R Pura 4607 5877 ''1<;2 425 oln 7 '14 5012 '\') 7ll -II or, 41) (IX 4010 5X 94 6 Snnucn 411f, 5995 2121 626 I In 1117 47 (,2 (,() I)X 14 5X '1218 1'102 6542 7 1 anhcre 3951 5(,88 2155 52X 062 lOW 4479 '\7 SO 1) (,..1 SS 21 42 'i() (IS 1(, Dl~tnC"1 RUfdl 4221 5772 2(152 SIX o XX 954 -tHl 'iX (,() 1(, Oft 5259 -1140 (1 1)4

At the tal uk-level (i.c, CO.Block level) the ... een to he 5711' per n:nt In Kadur. The range of proportion of mJ.in workers happens to be the ka<;[ v.lriatinn i\ \l:fy n.lnnw. In the female .'Iegment, (38.90 per cent) in Kadur and the highe.'lt· (4?\.52 the proportion of mdin \\orker ... i... the least (20.06 per cent) in Mudigerc. The range of variation, per cent) in K.ldur and Ihe highe\l 07.11 per cent) which is 10 percentage points, is quite lMge. It in Mudigere. Tarikm: (2155 per I:l:nt) and Sringeri may be recalled that Kadur is the mo~t populous (23.21 per ccnt) arl: the other t.dub in which this taluk of the di.'ltrict and since it has ret urned the proportion is lower than the di ... trict average. In lowest proportion of main workcrs Ihe overall average the case of female popUlation of the taluks, the for the district too has been advcr-.cly affeded, In proporlion of m.lin workers varie" within a wide contrast, in Chikmagalur, the .'Iecond largc ... t taluk, margin covering a\ much as 17 percentage points. the proportion of main workers is ~Iightly ahove the district average. However, this proportion is well Marginal workers arc found among males as below the district average in the third large"t taluk well as femalc~ in the rural areas of all the taluks. The proportion of marginal worker~ to total of Tarikere. In Sringeri, the smalle~t taluk of the di.'ltrict too the proportion of main workers is helow popUlation varic" bdween 2.03 per cent in Mudigere the district average. In the male segment of the and 9.74 per cent in Kadur. The sexwi'ie details rural population of these taluks, the proportion of reveal that the disparity between the proportion of marginal workers among males and females is quite main workers varies between 56,56 per cent Ifl large-as against a mere 0.88 per cent in the case Chikmagalur and 59.95 pcr cent in Sringeri and IS

29 of males, among females the marginal workers per cent in Tarikere and 50.55 per cent in Mudigere constitute as much as 9.54 per cent. In the case and the average for the district is 47.41 per cent. of males, this proportion varies between 0.47 per The total popul.ttion is divided into two broad cent in Chikmagalur and 1.58 per cent in Kadur. streams - those of workers and non-workers. Thus On the other hand in the case of femdles, this if the proportion of workers is low thdt of proportion varies between 3.29 per cent in Mudigere non-workers is high. The conver'ie is also true. and 18.06 per cent in Kadur. It may be generdlly According to Table 15, the non-workers constitute observed that in the taluks where the proportion of 55.21 per cent in Tarikere and 49.45 per cent in main workers is low that of mdfgindl worker'i is Mudigere rcldtively high inasmuch d~ the proportion of Intdl A town-wi'ie percentdge di~tribution of the workers in the taluks tdkes on a more hdldnced urban populdtion of the di'itrict by 'iex, according appearance. As may be noticed in Table 15, the to the categories of m.tin worker~, m,ugin.tl workers proportion of total workers vdrie'i hetwcen 44 79 dnJ non-worker., 1\ \LI out in Tdble 16.

I' .... "III.,!!" ur \1.,,,, \\ nr!..' ..... \I.lr!!IIl.,1 \\ .. rk...... und ' .. n·\\ or!...... in I .." II~. 1991

~I '0 'dille.. dnd ( f\ Il I'e..flcntdge.. of \JmlO"t rdt IVe.. ,>tollu., nf In"n 1--- \10110 WOlker; to MarglOdl Workc .... to 101011 Workcn. 10 Non-Workcrs 10 101011 lotdl Popul.llIon Iotdl PopuldtlOn lotdl POpuldtlOn Populdtlon I' \1 I I' \1 I . I' M I I' \I I

I 2 1 -t ~ 6 7 H <) 10 II 12 11 14

I AJJdl11pur (\11') 3059 5064 955 006 . 012 30 (,5 50 (Jot 967 6915 -t916 ,)()33 2 Blrur (I Me) 3315 5162 1429 094 030 159 1.tO

4 KdJur (I'MC) 3219 52 'J') ') 91 205 091 127 34 24 51,)() 1320 6576 4610 H680

5 Koppa (MP) 3150 5179 11 17 128 . 255 327H 5179 1172 6722 4821 H(,28

6 Kudremukh (NAC) \(,50 5967 879 053 038 071 3703 6005 950 6297 3995 ,)()50

7 Mudlgcre (MI') 1113 5347 10 71 007 002 010 3120 5349 10 81 6680 4651 8919 8 N R I'ura ('\11» 3029 5056 H52 018 006 032 1047 5062 88.t 6951 4918 9116

9 Snngcn (MI') 3100 5323 1267 065 043 087 3365 5166 1354 6615 461.t 8646

10 I ankcrc (1 MC) 3243 5337 1004 124 024 229 3367 51 (d 1251 6633 4619 8747

D,Mnct u rbdn 1212 5206 1086 082 016 132 1294 5242 121H 67 Q(, 4758 H782

In the urhdn populdtion of the di'itriet 32.12 the highe'\t and thc !'econd highest ligure~, accounts pcr cent arc mdin workers. Among the towns, for 3 percentage points.

Kudremukh Notified Area has returned the highe~t proportion of m,lin workers (36.50 pcr cent) and is In all the towns of the di'itrict, with the exception followed by Birur (3315 per cent) and Mudigere of KuJremukh Notified Area, the proportion of (33.13 pcr cent). On the other hdnd this proportion main workers in the male popul





Th(; Primary C(;n~u~ Ah~tra(;1 furni~h(;s, in a 11)91 as well a~ the corresponding code numbers nut~hcll a~ it wcr(;, vital information on th(; ha~ic a~~igned in 19X1) precedes the presentation of the demographic and economic compm,ition of th(; village-wi~e PCA followed by the ward-wise PCA population. This statement, rderred to as PCA, in respect of towns and outgrowths if any within summarises the whole mass of data gathered at th(; the jurisdiction of the concerned CD.Block. After Census. The smallest geographical unit with a thus exhausting all the CD.Blocks in the district, ckarly defined boundary identifiable on the field the town/urban agglomerations arc covered one by that has been delineated for ensuring cent per cent one in the ascending order of their location code coverage of the area under the jurisdiction of various numbers without regard to the fact whether any of administrative units is the Census Enumeration Block. these towns or portions thereof (eg. outgrowths) The details gathered in the household schedulc~ in have already been covered under one or the other re~pect of each and ll:V(;ry person enumerat(;d in of the Community Development Blocks. As in 19H1, each such block have becn mdiculously tahulated on this occasion too, the PCA has been compiled to prepare this Primary Cen~us Abstract. Th(; ~cparatcly in respect of thc Scheduled Castes and tabulation has been done entirely by manual Scheduled Tribe~ Population of the District. The processing of the data at the Regional Tabulation District PCA for Scheduled Castes and for Scheduled Offices. The village PCA is derived from the Block Tribes are presented after the PCA for the urban PCA and in easc of urban areas, the Block PCA areas. The pallern of presentation of data in these has yielded the ward and Town PCA. In turn, the two statements is the same as that adopted for Taluk (Rural) arid Taluk (Urban) as well as Taluk presentation of data in the District PCA. (Total) PCA statements as well as the CD.Block-wise PCA Statements arc built up on the ba~is of IL may be recalled that in Karnataka the term Village-wise and Town-wise data. This process goes Community Dcvelopment Block is not in vogue and on until it yields the data for higher and higher that its equivalent is the Taluk Panchayat Samiti. administrative divisions, such as the District and the The jurisdiction of each Taluk Panchayat Samiti is State, culminating at the apex in the form of a cotcrminus with that of th~ corresponding Taluk single line statement for the country. The entire but excludes the statutory towns. In other words, edifice thus rests on the information contained in the administrative jurisdiction of a Taluk Panchayat the household schedules filled up by the enumerator. Samiti covers all the villages of the Taluk (as listed out for the 1991 census) as also the villages or The District Primary Census Abstract is parts thereof which have been classified as presented immediately after this Explanatory Note. non-municipal towns for purposes of the 1991 census This statement gives the aggregate figures for the and the revenue villages or portions thereof which distriet with the rural-urban break up, the aggregate have been identilied as outgrowths of statutory towns figures for each CD. Block (with the rural-urban and have therefore bcen excluded from the purview break up) and the aggregate figures for each of Rural PCA. It is important to remember that tOWn/urban agglomeration within the district. It is in this statement, the particulars relating to the important to note that the lowest unit for which non-municipal towns (such as those administered by the data are presented here is the CD.Block and Mandai Panchayats) and those relating to the not the traditional taluk*. Thereafter the outgrowths (places which are not towns in their CD.Blocks within the district arc taken up one by own right) arc repeated - for these appear once one in the alphabetical order of their names. For below the concerned CD.Block and again under each CD.Block, an alphabetical list of villages (which the 'urban areas' of the district. indicates the code numbers assigned to villages in

* For purposes of comparison with 1981 data the Taluk wise District peA witlr Rural - Urban breakup 'is given in Appendx I.

35 ThL: Primary ('en:-.u~ Ah:-.tracl ha" ~ I 111;lIn So. 111 ~ome GI~e~ the name or number reported in columns to furni:-.h inform;ltioll about the nall1l' 01 Ihi" l'lilumn rcrer~ to :-,uch territorial divi~ions and the unit. area, numher of ou:upieJ rL'"idl:ntial hOll~""", nl't 10 admini"t rati\'c di\'i~ion!'.. numher of hou~ .... huILl", pl)lllJiatil }fl, numh .... r 1)1' [)IT''( 111" in the age-grllup of (1-(>, numher (II pL'f~(ln" hcloll!.!lllg COLl' 1\1 ~ -' : Area of the Village in Hectares to Scheduled ('a~tc~ and Schl'dukd Trihe~, numher and IIf Tuwn in S(luare Kilometres :- For the llt litnatc:-" number lit main wllTkL'T~ and their \ ilbge:-., thL: area i~ reported here in hectares upto di~trihutilln

COLUMN 1 : Location Code Number :- The COLUMN 5 : Number of Households:- This location code number assigned to the village or the information too is compiled from the Abridged town as the case may bc is entered in this column. Houselists. Thc actual total numbcr of households including thc 'normal', 'institutional' and the COLUMN 2 :- Name of Villagerrown/Ward :­ 'houselcss' that were enumerated at the census count Thc name of thc village or the town as finally is mcntioned in this column. Generally, the number adoptcd for the 1991 census purposcs is entered in of households in any unit would bc equal to or this column. Thc towns and cities arc often divided more than the occupied rcsidcntial houscs in that into smallcr gcographical segments called wards, unit because of thc houscless households that one mohall as or divisions for purposes of administration. may come across in that unit and also because of Such units bear distinctive locality names or specific thc occasional instances of two or more households numbers. It is this name or the number of the sharing a common census house. ward or its equivalent unit that is mcntioncd here in the case of towns. COLUMNS 6, 7 AND 8: Total Population (including Institutional and Houseless Population):­ Irrespective of whethcr a town is dividcd into The total popUlation as on thc reference date is administrative wards or not, every town is invariably furnished in column 6 while in the next two columns constituted into territorial divisions for the conduct the sex-wise break-up is given. The institutional of civic elections_ This delimitation of constituencies popUlation rcfers to such of those who were is done as an essential and preliminary process of enumeratcd in institutions like hostels; ehummeries, civic elections scheduled to be held periodically. hospitals, prisons etc. The houseless persons

36 represent those who were enumerated on the night productive work. The reference period for judging of 28th February 1991 at the plaees whcrc they whether a person is a worker or not in the year wcre found at that time, provided they had not preceding the day of enquiry. If a person had already been enumerated elsewhere. worked even for one day during this entire period he or she is entitled to be classified as a worker. COLUMNS 9, 10 and 11 : Population in the If for any such worker the period of work is 183 age group (0 - 6) :- The total number of children days or more then that person is a main worker. belonging to the age-group of 0-6 in the total On the other hand, if such period is less than 183 population as also the number of males and fcmales days then that worker is a marginal worker. In among. them are reported under these three columns. columns 18 and 19 the total number of main workers This information is of considerable significance since is furnished sex-wise and a sex-wise break up of all such children are regarded as illiterate at the these main workers according to the nine-fold 'indus­ 1991 Census. trial classification of workers' is presented in the next 20 columns i.e., from column 20 to column 39. COLUMNS 12 AND 13 : Scheduled Castes :­ Number of males and females belonging to Scheduled COLUMNS 20 AND 21 Cultivators Castes is indicated in these two columns. Whether (Category-I) :- These two columns give out the a person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or not has number of male and female workers who satisfy the been determined with reference to the List of conditions laid down in the definition of a cultivator. Scheduled Castes in Karnataka according to the A cultivator may be an employer, a single worker Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes or an unpaid family worker. Participation in work (Amendment) Order 1976 (Act No. 108 of 1976) may be by way of physical labour or by way of (See Appendix). Scheduled Castes may belong to supervision and direction. The lands cultivated may either the Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddhist religion. be o~ned by the household or taken on lease for payment in money or kind or share in the produce. COLUMNS 14 AND 15 : Scheduled Tribes :­ Cultivation, as already emphasised involves ploughing, Number of males and females belonging to Scheduled sowing and harvesting and allied activities in the Tribes is reported under these columns. Whether production of cereals and millet crops, pulses, raw a person belongs to a Scheduled Tribe or not has jute and kindred fibres, sugarcane, tapioca and oil been determined with reference to the 'List of seeds_ Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka' according to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes COLUMNS 22 AND 23 : Agricultural Labourer (Amendment) Order 1976 (Act No.108 of 1976) (Category -II) :- A person who works in another (See Appendix for the list). Scheduled Tribes may person's land for wages in money or kind or share belong to any religion. and does not have any lease or contract on the land on which he or she works is an agricultural COLUMNS 16 AND 17 : Literates :- Sex-wise labourer. In this case too, the crops grown on the break up of the total number of persons who are lands are quite pertinent and the difference between literate, irrespective of their levels of oducational a cultivator and an agricultural labourer lies in the attainments is given in these two columns. By fact that the former works on his own or leased in definition a literate is a person who can both read lands as an independent worker while the latter and write with understanding in any language. It works for wages having no right whatsoever on the is _important to note that for purposes of the 1991 lands on which he works. The sex-wise break-up census by definition all children in the 0 - 6 age of such workers is given in th"ese two columns. group arc regarded as illiterate. Even if such a~ child is going to school and has picked up reading COLUMNS 24 AND 25 : Livestock, Forestry, and writing a few odd words it is treated as illiterate. Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and Allied activities (Category - III) :- A sex-wise break COLUMNS 18 AND 19 : Total Main Workers:­ up of the workers who were mainly engaged in A worker is a person who participates in economically activities connected with livestock rearing, forestry

37 and logging, hunting, fishing, plantations. orchards COLl1MNS 34 AND 35 : Trade and Commerce etc., is given under these columns. (Category - VII) :- In these two columns the number \)1' male and fcmale workers cngaged in wholesale COLUMNS 26 AND 27 : Mining and Quarrying or retail trade in goods or engaged in dealing with (Category - IV) :- A sex-wise break up of the insurance, stocks anJ shares, banking and financial workers mainly engaged in activities connected with institutions etc., either as proprietors or in any other mining and quarrying is given under these columns. capacity are indicated.

COLUMNS 28 AND 29 : Manufacturiog, COLUMNS 36 AND 37 : Transport, Stordge Processing, Servicing and Repairs - Household and Communications (Category - VIII) :- A s~x-wise Industry (Category - V[a]) :- Household industry breakup of the workers in establishments such as belongs to the broad category of 'manufacturing, railways, road transport, transportation by water-ways processing, servicing and repairs' and represents a or by air, postal and telegraphs, telecommuni­ particular sector therein. Household industry is cations ctc., which arc engaged in transport, storage generally conducted by the head of household himself and communication activities is given in these or herself and or mainly by the members of the columns. household, at home or within the village in the case of those dwelling in rural areas and only within the COLUMNS 38 AND 39 : Other Services residential premises occupied by the household in (Category - IX) :- This residuary category includes the case of those living in urban area~. A person employees of the Central and State Governments, may be a labourer or a petty employee in the local bodies and other organisations and institutions household industry run by SOme other household. engaged in educational, seientific, medical and health By and large the household industry is carried on services, religious and welfare services, community_ by individuals on a small scale with or without the services, recreational services, personal services and assistance of family members all of whom work as other miscellaneous activities not covered in the 8 unpaid family workers and the entire earnings are categories specified above. treated as family income. COLUMNS 40 AND 41 : Marginal Workers :­ COLUMNS 30 AND 31 Manufacturing, Males and females who arc workers but have worked Processing, Servicing and Repairs - Non-household for less than 183 days during the reference 'year Industry (Category - V[b» :- A sex-wise break up arc reporled under these two columns. Such of the workers who Were engaged in manufacturing, workers, irrespective of the economic sector in which processing, servicing and repair activities In they work, arc considered together and reported establishments which do not qualify to be classified here. as household industry as defined above {category V(a)} is given here. COLUMN 42 AND 43 Non-workers I rrespective of age and sex, all those who arc COLUMNS 32 AND 33 Construction not economically active are non-workers and (Category-VI) :- Workers engaged in construction, a sex-wise break-up of such persons is given maintenance, upkeep, repair and similar activities in these ,two columns. The aggregate of the of buildings, roads, railways, bridges, dams, canals, main workers, marginal workers and non­ electrical and water supply installations, communi­ workers would be equal to the total population cation systems ete., are shown under this category. of that unit.


Location Name of Total! Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District! Rural! in Occupied House- (Including Institutional in the age Group Number C.D.Block!UA! Urban Sq. Residen· holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 7201.00 196911 199901 1017283 514526 502757 147192 74432 72760 R 7125.60 163648 165884 845422 425865 419557 122866 62017 60849 U 75.40 33263 34017 171861 88661 83200 24326 12415 11911

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL T 7131.69 170157 172461 877825 442491 435334 127176 64194 62982 R 7125.60 163648 165884 845422 425865 419557 122866 62017 60849 U 6.09 6509 6577 32403 16626 15777 4310 2177 2133

1 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block T 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 R 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 R 1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 572.22 16363 16600 80596 40049 40547 10477 5219 5258 R 570.23 15368 15583 75574 37535 38039 9815 4906 4909 U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 1116.61 24839 25065 120645 60605 60040 18109 9009 9100 R 1115.69 23142 23360 112692 56434 56258 17002 8467 8535 U 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565

106000 MUOIGERE (MP) U 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA T 803.99 11451 11696 56324 28127 28197 7658 3863 3795 C.D.Block R 802.27 10111 10355 49800 24749 25051 6803 3428 3375 U 1. 72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1.72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code C.D.Block/UA/ Nl.mber City/Town


(13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

195852 99513 96339 26534 13446 13088 531164 310520 220644 CHIKMAGALUR District 175176 88792 86384 24553 12411 12142 415210 245919 169291 20676 10721 9955 1981 1035 946 115954 64601 51353

178363 90503 87860 25237 12765 12472 438094 258506 179588 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 175176 88792 86384 24553 12411 12142 415210 245919 169291 3187 1711 1476 684 354 330 22884 12587 10297

44276 22329 21947 2357 1196 1161 91778 54873 36905 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block 44276 22329 21947 2357 1196 1161 91778 54873 36905

40075 20499 19576 1193 620 573 100293 61939 38354 KADUR C.D.Block 2 40075 20499 19576 1193 620 573 100293 61939 38354

13650 6951 6699 3494 1769 1725 46586 25992 20594 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 13341 6807 6534 3472 1756 1716 42650 23912 18738 309 144 165 22 13 9 3936 2080 1856

309 144 165 22 13 9 3936 2080 1856 KOPPA (MP) 104000

27724 13979 13745 11156 5592 5564 57366 33462 23904 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 27026 13568 13458 11000 5505 5495 51533 30177 21356 698 411 287 156 87 69 5833 3285 2548

698 411 287 156 87 69 5833 3285 2548 MUDIGl:RE (MP) 106000

8347 4179 4168 2007 995 1012 31800 17554 14246 NARASIMHARAJAPURA 5 7429 3676 3753 1802 891 911 27157 15005 12152 C.D.Block 918 503 415 205 104 101 4643 2549 2094

918 503 415 205 104 101 4643 2549 2094 NARASII~HARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


Location Name of Totall Total Main I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ Workers Number C.D.Block/UAI UrbanI Cultivators Agricultural City/Town • Labourers

(I-IX) (I) (I I)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

CHIKMAGALUR District .,if 412276 291962 120314 148111 121740 26371 101932 53535 48397 R 357076 245802 111274 142513 116650 25863 94389 48742 45647 U 55200 46160 9040 5598 5090 508 7543 4793 2750

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL T 367316 254419 112897 143449 117533 25916 95646 49507 46139 R 357076 245802 111274 142513 116650 25863 94389 48742 45647 U 10240 8617 1623 936 883 53 1257 765 492

1 CHIKMAGALUR C.. D.Block T 82393 55228 27165 26799 21454 5345 14145 7149 6996 R 82393 55228 27165 26799 21454 5345 14145 7149 6996 U

2 KADUR C.D.BlcICk T 83416 62115 21301 51363 42699 8664 20024 9374 10650 R 83416 62115 21301 51363 42699 8664 20024 9374 10650 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 35667 23383 12284 9427 7624 1803 12082 6366 5716 R 34085 22081 12004 9364 7572 1792 11996 6322 5674 ' U 1582 1302 280 63 52 11 86 44 42

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 1582 1302 280 63 52 11 86 44 42

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 57306 36025 21281 12325 9078 3247 10825 6006 4819 R 54671 33795 20876 12213 8987 3226 10809 5993 4816 U 2635 2230 405 112 91 21 16 13 3

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 2635 2230 405 112 91 21 16 13 3

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA T 24919 16253 8666 7754 5624 2130 8830 4627 4203 C.D.Block R 22943 14545 8398 7584 5457 2127 8453 4379 4074 U 1976 1708 268 170 167 3 377 248 129

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1976 1708 268 170 167 3 377 248 129



Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of Location Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing,Servicing District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other C.D.8lock/UA/ NUiber & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household City/Town Industry

(I II) (IV) (Va) (Vb)


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

71991 40558 31433 3408 2940 468 4278 2933 1345 120Q5 10310 1695 CH!KMAGALUR District 70346 39225 31121 1307 994 313 3310 2220 1090 6833 5626 1207 1645 1333 312 2101 1946 155 968 713 255 5172 4684 488

70711 39536 31175 1316 1000 316 3529 2385 1144 7580 6271 1309 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 70346 39225 31121 1307 994 313 3310 2220 1090 6833 5626 1207 365 311 54 9 6 3 219 165 54 747 645 102

28131 15482 12649 132 94 38 521 390 131 2256 1854 402 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block 28131 15482 12649 132 94 38 521 390 131 2256 1854 402

1829 1586 243 438 339 99 829 511 318 1320 1176 144 KADUR C.D.Block 2 1829 1586 243 438 339 99 829 511 318 1320 1176 144

7614 4061 3553 49 34 15 307 221 86 569 495 74 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 7547 3999 3548 49 34 15 299 217 82 429 368 61 67 62 5 8 4 4 140 127 13

67 62 5 8 4 4 140 127 13 KOPPA (MP) 104000

24385 12816 11569 256 231 25 134 104 30 1411 1080 331 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 24253 12719 11534 254 229 25 98 78 20 1165 869 296 132 97 35 2 2 36 26 10 246 211 35

132 97 35 2 2 36 26 10 246 211 35 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

3795 2089 1706 84 51 33 280 196 84 482 453 29 NARASIMHARAJAPURA 5 3726 2023 1703 83 50 33 222 149 73 370 344 26 C.D.Block 69 66 3 58 47 11 112 109 3

69 66 3 58 47 11 112 109 3 HARASIMHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000


Location Name of Total! I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District! Rural! Number C.D.Block!UA! Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City!Town COIIIIlerce Storage & Corm •. Ani cat i on

(VI) (VII) (VI I I)


(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

CHIKMAGALUR District ,._. 6897 5952 945 24617 22549 2068 6060 5892 168 R 4280 3697 583 12235 10963 1272 2765 2709 56 U 2617 2255 362 12382 11586 796 3295 3183 112

A. C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL T 4805 4190 615 14843 13434 1409 3307 3227 80 R 4280 3697 583 12235 10963 1272 2765 2709 56 U 525 493 32 2608 2471 137 542 518 24

1 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block T 1719 1390 329 2928 2626 302 837 822 15 R 1719 1390 329 2928 2626 302 837 822 15 U

2 KAOUR C.O.Block T 407 386 21 2675 2294 381 483 472 11 R 407 386 21 2675 2294 381 483 472 11 U

3 KOPPA C.O.Block T 599 516 83 1833 1700 133 444 427 17 R 566 487 79 1295 1199 96 297 293 4 U 33 29 4 538 501 37 147 134 13

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 33 29 4 538 501 37 147 134 13

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 950 865 85 2711 2561 150 650 636 14 R 793 725 68 1912 1787 125 504 497 7 U 157 140 17 799 774 25 146 139 7

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 157 140 17 799 774 25 146 139 7

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA T 353 314 39 1309 1232 77 312 298 14 C.O.Block R 292 254 38 881 820 61 214 203 11 U 61 60 428 412 16 98 95 3

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 61 60 428 412 16 98 95 3


M A I N W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Locat ion Workers District/ Code Other C.D.Block/UA/ NlMber Services City/Town


p M F P M P M F

(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

32977 25553 7424 45182 4081 41101 559825 218483 341342 CHIKMAGALUR District 19098 14976 4122 43768 3762 40006 444578 176301 268277 13879 10577 3302 1414 319 1095 115247 42182 73065

22130 17336 4794 43881 3774 40107 466628 184298 282330 C.D.BLOCK'S TOTAL A. 19098 14976 4122 43768 3762 40006 444578 176301 268277 3032 2360 672 113 12 101 22050 7997 14053

4925 3967 958 5525 455 5070 104988 41955 63033 CHIKMAGAlUR C.D.Block 4925 3967 958 5525 455 5070 104988 41955 63033

4048 3278 770 20882 1714 19168 110130 44427 65703 KADUR C.D.Block 2 4048 3278 770 20882 1714 19168 110130 44427 65703

2743 1939 804 2177 243 ,1934 42752 16423 26329 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 2243 1590 653 2113 243 1870 39376 15211 24165 500 349 151 64 64 3376 1212 2164

500 349 151 64 64 3376 1212 2164 KOPPA (MP) 104000

3659 2648 1011 2296 437 1859 61043 24143 36900 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 2670 1911 759 2291 436 1855 55730 22203 33527 989 737 252 5 4 5313 1940 3373

989 737 252 5 4 5313 1940 3373 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

1720 1369 351 2130 232 1898 29275 11642 17633 NARASIMHARAJAPURA 5 1118 866 252 2118 230 1888 24739 9974 14765 C.D.Block 602 503 99 12 2 10 4536 1668 2868

602 503 99 12 2 10 4536 1668 2868 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


Location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.ot Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in Occupied House- (Including Institutional in the age Group Number C.D.Block/UA/ Urban Sq. Res iden- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) Ci tv/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 442.84 6579 6702 33272 16467 16805 4049 2017 2032 R 442.38 5631 5731 29126 14389 14737 3587 1786 1801 U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 1220.09 33450 34056 179654 91349 88305 26952 13782 13170 R 1219.09 31921 32513 170896 86864 84032 25728 13126 12602 U 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 75.40 33263 34017 171861 88661 83200 24326 12415 11911

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 1.91 3677 3763 20095 10153 9942 2835 1415 1420 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) U 9.32 11875 12101 60816 31460 29356 8517 4333 4184 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 10.34 4619 4745 25391 13128 12263 3877 1988 1889 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349 105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 45.43 2146 2175 7792 4243 3549 1391 729 662 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 5~2 565 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1.72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 2.28 4437 4656 25364 13051 12313 3396 1773 1623


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Name of location Districtl Code C.D.Blod/UA/ Nunber Ci ty/Town

P M F P M F p. M F

( 13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

3534 1763 1771 2076 1065 1011 21344 11592 9752 SRINGERI C.D.Block. 6 3270 1631 1639 2054 1055 999 18069 9885 8184 264 132 132 22 10 12 3275 1707 1568

264 132 132 22 10 12 3275 1707 1568 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

40757 20803 19954 2954 1528 1426 88927 53094 35833 TARIKERE C.D.Block. 7 39759 20282 19477 2675 1388 1287 83730 50128 33602 998 521 477 279 140 139 5197 2966 2231

998 521 477 279 140 139 5197 2966 2231 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

20676 10721 9955 1981 1035 946 115954 64601 51353 DISTRICT URBAN B.

998 521 477 279 140 139 5197 2966 2231 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 3430 1728 1702 81 44 37 11770 6653 5117 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 7068 3592 3476 518 273 245 44015 24108 19907 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMC) 102000 4199 2162 2037 112 61 51 15084 8549 6535 KADUR (TMC) 103000 309 144 165 22 13 9 3936 2080 1856 KOPPA (MP) 104000 913 501 412 138 74 64 5517 3210 2307 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 698 411 287 156 87 69 5833 3285 2548 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 918 503 415 205 104 101 4643 2549 2094 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000 264 132 132 22 10 12 3275 1707 1568 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 1879 1027 852 448 229 219 16684 9494 7190 TARIKERE (THC) 109000


Location Name of Total/ Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ Yorkers Number C.D.Block/UAI UrbanI Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

(I·IX) (I) ([ I)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 13415 9733 3682 4320 3538 782 4108 2166 1942 R 12047 8627 3420 4258 3480 778 3963 2087 1876 U 1368 1106 262 62 58 4 145 79 66

108000 SRINGERI (HP) U 1368 1106 262 62 58 4 145 79 66

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 70200 51682 18518 31461 27516 3945 25632 13819 11813 R 67521 49411 18110 30932 27001 3931 24999 13438 11561 U 2679 2271 408 529 515 14 633 381 252

100000 AJJAMPUR (HP) U 2679 2271 408 529 515 14 633 381 252

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 55200 46160 9040 5598 5090 508 7543 4793 2750

100000 AJJAMPUR (HP) U 2679 2271 408 529 515 14 633 381 252 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 6662 5241 1421 1047 984 63 2249 1387 862 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CHC) U 19053 15848 3205 1046 925 121 726 386 340 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 8175 6957 1218 1298 1084 214 1016 681 335 104000 KOPPA (HP) U 1582 1302 280 63 52 11 86 44 42 105000 KUDREHUKH (NAC) U 2844 2532 312 2 2 18 15 3 106000 MUDIGERE (HP) U 2635 2230 405 112 91 21 16 13 3 107000 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1976 1708 268 170 167 3 377 248 129 108000 SRINGERJ (HP) U 1368 1106 262 62 58 4 145 79 66 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 8226 6965 1261 1269 1212 57 2277 1559 718


0 F M A I N W 0 R K E R S

Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Name of Location Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing District/ Code Plantation,Orchards and Repairs in and Repairs in other C.D.Block./UA/ Number & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household City/Town Industry

(III ) (IV) (Va) (Vb)


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

1637 1463 174 75 52 23 122 73 49 621 381 240 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 1588 1420 168 69 49 20 119 70 49 502 297 205 49 43 6 6 3 3 3 3 119 84 35

49 43 6 6 3 3 3 3 119 84 35 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

3320 2039 1281 282 199 83 1336 890 446 921 832 89 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 3272 1996 1276 282 199 83 1222 805 417 791 718 73 48 43 5 114 85 29 130 114 16

48 43 5 114 85 29 130 114 16 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

1645 1333 312 2101 1946 155 968 713 255 5172 4684 488 DISTRICT URBAN B.

48 43 5 114 85 29 130 114 16 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 222 135 87 8 5 3 147 105 42 423 387 36 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 542 450 92 97 65 32 200 132 68 2557 2286 271 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000 229 213 16 234 201 33 133 93 40 899 835 64 KADUR (TMC) 103000 67 62 5 8 4 4 140 127 13 KOPPA (HP) 104000 67 51 16 1745 1662 83 13 7 6 85 82 3 KUDREHUKH (NAC) 105000 132 97 35 2 2 36 26 10 246 211 35 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 69 66 3 1 58 47 11 112 109 3 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000 49 43 6 6 3 3 3 3 119 84 35 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 220 173 47 8 7 256 211 45 461 449 12 TARIKERE (THC) 109000


Location Name of Total/ I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District/ Rural/ N~r C.D.Bloclc./UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City!Town Conmerce Storage & COIlI11Unication

(VI) (VII) (VIII )


(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 265 227 38 774 719 55 174 172 2 R 199 170 29 416 386 30 107 106 U 66 57 9 358 333 25 67 66

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 66 57 9 358 333 25 67 66

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 512 492 20 2613 2302 311 407 400 7 R 304 285 19 2128 1851 277 323 316 7 U 208 207 485 451 34 84 84

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 208 207 485 451 .34 84 84

B. DISTRICT URBAN U 2617 2255 362 12382 11586 796 3295 3183 112

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 208 207 485 451 34 84 84 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 124 120 4 991 897 94 457 454 3 10~000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) U 1197 972 225 5242 4906 336 1548 1490 58 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 500 435 65 1804 1681 123 541 526 15 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 33 29 4 538 501 37 147 134 13 105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 134 102 32 144 128 16 33 26 7 106000 MUOIGERE (MP) U 157 140 17 799 774 25 146 139 7 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 61 60 1 428 412 16 98 95 3 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 66 57 9 358 333 25 67 66 1 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 137 133 4 1593 1503 90 174 169 5


M A I N II 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Location Workers District/ Code Other C.D.Block/UA/ Nwber Services City/Town



(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

1319 942 3n 1851 157 1694 18006 65n 11429 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 826 562 264 1824 148 1676 15255 5614 9641 493 380 113 27 9 18 2751 963 1788

493 380 113 27 9 18 2751 963 1788 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

3716 3193 523 9020 536 8484 100434 39131 61303 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 3268 2802 466 9015 536 8479 94360 36917 57443 448 391 57 5 5 6074 2214 3860

448 391 57 5 5 6074 2214 3860 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

13879 105n 3302 1414 319 1095 115247 42182 73065 DISTRICT URBAN B.

448 391 57 5 5 6074 2214 3860 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 994 767 227 188 30 158 13245 4882 8363 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 5898 4236 1662 238 110 128 41525 15502 26023 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000 1521 1208 313 520 119 401 16696 6052 10644 KADUR (TMC) 103000 500 349 151 64 64 3376 1212 2164 KOPPA (MP) 104000 603 457 146 41 16 25 4907 1695 3212 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 989 737 252 5 1 4 5313 1940 3373 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 602 503 99 12 2 10 4536 1668 2868 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 493 380 113 27 9 .. 8 2751 963 1788 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 1831 1549 282 314 32 282 16824 6054 10nO TARIKERE (TMC) 109000

51 Wl'E I The area figure for the district given under colunm No.4 against "Total" represents "Geographical Area" and has been furnished by the; Surveryor:- General. India. The figures for the urban areas are ;::·ither those supplied by civic administration authorities of the to\ms 0r compiled and supplied by the Director of Survey, Settlement and land Records or compiled in this Directorate on the basis of the available records pertaining to the delimitation of urban units. Area figures for Rural Areas are derived by subtracting the Total Urban Area from the Total Area of the District.

The total of the area figures of all the C.D.Blocks/Taluks in the district \lill not tally \'lith the district figures (except urban) F because the area figures for C.D.I3locks/Taluks represent the land-use area based on village vise area figurCt.J as reported by the Local Officers. The total area of the taltL( includes the area of the statutory as \lell as non statutory to\Jl1S \lithin the jurisdiction o£ the concerned taluk. The total area of the C • D . Block is derived by subtracting the area of the statutory to\Jl1 or to\ms (\lithin . the jurisdiction of the concerned taluks) from the total area of the taluk.

2 Outgrovths of to\ms in urban agglomerations are denoted by letter "CX;".

3 The follO\ving abbreviations have been used to indicato the Civic A&~nistration Status of To\m.

FtC l'·'lunicipal Corporation ~C City r1unicipal Council 'I1\1C Town Municipal Council NAC Notified Area Committee CB Cantonment Board SB Sanitary Board MP MandaI PanOhayat NMCI' Non-Municipal Census TO\'m





2 3 4 5 6

1 Aladagudde 11/7/1/129 11/07/0010/0129 9/6/1/102 09/06/0010/0102 2 Aldur 11/7/1/164 11/07/0010/0164 9/6/1/103 09/06/0010/0103 3 Alla~ra 11/7/1/33 11/07/0010/0033 9/6/1116 09/06/0010/0016 4 Anble 11/7/1/99 11/07/0010/0099 9/6/1/38 09/06/0010/0038 5 Aniganahalli 11/7/1/185 11/07/0010/0185 9/6/1/123 09/06/0010/0123 6 Annindadike 11/7/1/66 11/07/0010/0066 9/6/1/224 09/06/0010/0224 7 Anoor \1/7/1/161 11/07/0010/0161 9/6/1/100 09/06/0010/0100 8 Aradavall i 11,7/1/101 11/07/0010/0101 9/6/1/40 09/06/0010/0040 9 Aralaguppe 11/7/1/17 11/07/0010/0017 9/6/1/12 09/06/0010/0012 10 Arasinaguppe 11/7/1/23 11/07/0010/0023 9/6/1/24 09/06/0010/0024 11 Arebidacoor Estate 11/7/1/21 11/07/0010/0021 9/6/1/19 09/06/0010/0019 12 Areka II aha II i 11/7/1/48 11/07/0010/0048 9/6/1/206 09/06/0010/0206 13 Arenanall i 11/7/1/T33 11/07/0010/0133 9/6/1/71 09/06/0010/0071 14 Arenoor 11/7/1/183 11/07/0010/0183 9/6/1/122 09/06/0010/0122 15 Athigiri 11/7/1/215 11/07/0010/0215 9/6/1/160 09/06/0010/0160 16 Avathi 11/7/1/178 11/07/0010/0178 9/6/1/117 09/06/0010/0117

17 Bagamane 11/7/1/194 11/07/001 % 194 9/6/1/132 09/06/0010/0132 18 Baganeheddalu 11J7/1/195 11/07/0010/0195 9/b/l/134 09/06/0010/0134 19 Balehall i 1117/1/34 11/07/0010/0034 9/6/1/31 09/06/0010/0031 20 Balehall i 11/7/11166 11/07/0010/0166 9/6/1/105 09/06/0010/0105 21 Balenahalli 11/7/1/92 11/07/0010/0092 9/6/1/193 09/06/0010/0193 22 11/7/1/112 11/07/0010/0112 9/6/1/51 09/06/0010/0051 23 11/7/1/176 11/07/0010/0176 9/6/1/114 09/06/0010/0114 24 Basagal 11/7/1/138 11/07/0010/0138 9/6/1/77 09/06/0010/0077 25 Basagodu 11/7/1/153 11/07/0010/0153 9/6/1/92 09/06/0010/0092 26 Basapura 11/7/1/209 11/07/0010/0209 9/6/1/146 09/06/0010/0146 27 Basaravalli 11/7/1/188 11/07/0010/0188 9/6/1/125 09/06/0010/0125 28 Beekanahalli 11171112 11/07/0010/0002 9/6/1/34 09/06/0010/0034 29 Beekanahallikaval 11/7/1/27 11/07/0010/0027 9/6/1/28 09/06/0010/0028 30 Beeranahall i 11/7/1/43 11/07/0010/0043 9/6/1/200 09/06/0010/0200 31 Belwadi 11/7/1/61 11/07/0010/0061 9/6/1/216 09/06/0010/0216 32 Beranagodu 11/7/1/190 11/07/0010/0190 9/6/1/127 09/06/0010/0127 33 Bettadamalali 11/7/1/187 11/07/0010/0187 9/6/1/128 09/06/0010/0128 34 Bhaktharahalli 11/7/1/47 11/07/0010/0047 9/611/219 09/06/0010/0219 35 Bidare 11/7/1/206 11/07/0010/0206 9/6/1/144 09/06/0010/0144 36 Biggadevanahalli 11/7/1/109 11/07/0010/0109 9/6/1/48 09/06/0010/0048 37 Bigganahalli U/7/1-/116 11/07/0010/0116 9/6/1/54 09/06/0010/0054 38 Bikkarane 11/7/1/202 11/07/0010/0202 9/6/1/141 09/06/0010/0141 39 Bikkemane 11/7/1/124 11/07/0010/0124 9/6/1/63 09/06ioOl0/0063 40 Bilekallahalli 11/7/1/81 11/07/0010/0081 9/6/1/183 09/06/0010/0183




2 3 4 5 6

81 Hachadamane 11/7/1/140 11/07/0010/0140 9/6/1/74 09/06/0010/0074 82 Kadihalli, 11/7/1/110 11/07/0010/0110 9/6/1/49 09/06/0010/0049 83 Halasabalu 11/7/1/25 11/07/0010/0025 9/6/1/26 09/06/0010/0026 84 Halasumane 11/7/1/135 11/07/0010/0135 9/6/1/73 09/06/0010/0073 85 Halelakya 11/7/1/75 11/07/0010/0075 9/6/1/173 09/06/0010/0173 86 Hal iyur 11/7/1/175 11/07/0010/0175 9/6/1/113 09/06/0010/0113 87 11/7/1/114 11/07/0010/0114 9/6/1/52 09/06/0010/0052 88 Hampapura 11/7/1/28 11/07/0010/0028 9/6/1/30 09/06/0010/0030 89 Hancharavalli 11/7/1/152 11/07/0010/0152 9/6/1/91 09/06/0010/0091 90 Hanchihalli 11/7/1/83 11/07/0010/0083 9/6/1/185 09/06/0010/0185 91 Handi 11/7/1/167 11/07/0010/0167 9/6/1/106 09/06/0010/0106 92 Hangaravalli 11/7/1/181 11/07/0010/0181 9/6/1/120 09/06/0010/0120 93 Havare 11/7/1/180 11/07/0010/0180 9/6/1/118 09/06/0010/0118 94 Hawall i 11/7/1/171 11/07/0010/0171 9/6/1/110 09/06/0010/0110 95 Hebball i 11/7/1/26 11/07/0010/0026 9/6/1/27 09/06/0010/0027 96 Hedadalu 11/7/1/151 11/07/0010/0151 9/6/1/90 09/06/0010/0090 97 Heggarmathavani 11/7/1/228 11/07/0010/0228 9/6/1/152 09/06/0010/0152 98 Hejjiganahalli 11/7/1/108 11/07/0010/0108 9/6/1/47 09/06/0010/0047 99 Hipla 11/7/1/230 11/07/0010/0230 9/6/1/154 09/06/0010/0154 100 Hiregowza 11/7/1/97 11/07/0010/0097 9/6/1/197 09/06/0010/0197 101 Hirekolale 11/7/1/16 11/07/0010/0016 9/6/1/14 09/06/0010/0014 102 11/7/1/3 11/07/0010/0003 9/6/1/37 09/06/0010/0037 103 11/7/1/18 11/07/0010/0018 9/6/1/15 09/06/0010/0015 104 Hosatlall i 11/7/1/49 11/07/0010/0049 9/6/1/207 09/06/0010/0207 105 11/7/1/103 11/07/0010/0103 9/6/1/42 09/06/0010/0042 106 Huigere 11/7/11204 11/07/0010/0204 9/6/1/142 09/06/0010/0142 107 Hukkunda 11/7/1/13 11/07/0010/0013 9/6/1/9 09/06/0010io009 108 Huliyarahalli 11/7!1-/31 11/07/0010/0031 9/6/1/22 09/06/0010/0022 109 Huluvale 11/7/1/131 11/07/0010/0131 9/6/1/68 09/06/0010/0068 110 Hyarambi 11/7/1/200 11/07/0010/0200 9/6/1/148 09/06/0010/0148

111 I lehole 11/7/1/157 11/07/0010/0157 9/6/1/96 09/06/0010/0096 112 Inam Dattathreya ?eeta 11/7/11224 1'/07/0010/0224 9/6/1J168 ()9/06/0010/0168 113 Indavara 11/7/1/14 11/07/0010/0014 9/6/1/11 09/06/0010/0011 114 Iyanahalli 11/7/1/30 11/07/0010/0030 9/6/1/23 09/06/0010/0023 115 Iydahalli 11/7/1/184 11/07/0010/0184 9/6/1/124 09/06/0010/0124

116 Jagara (Jagra) 11/7/1/210 11/07/0010/0210 9/6/1/149 09/06/0010/0149 117 11/7/1/155 11/07/0010/0155 9/6/1/94 09/06/0010/0094 118 Jakkerikaval 11/7/1/89 11/07/0010/0089 9/6/1/181 09/06/0010/0181 119 Joladalu 11/7/1/158 11/07/0010/0158 9/6/1/97 09/06/0010/0097




2 3 4 5 6

161 Machagondanahalli 11/7/1/168 11/07/0010/0168 9/6/1/107 09/06/0010/0107 162 ,Machenahall i 11/7/1/51 11/07/0010/0051 9/6/1/208 09106/0010/0208 163 MadIa 11/7/1/229 11/07/0010/0229 9/6/1/153 09/06/0010/0153 164 11/7/1/107 11/07/0010/0107 9/6/1/46 09/06/0010/0046 165 Mahaj i 11/7/1/147 11/07/0010/0147 9/6/1/85 09/06/0010/0085 166 Makodu 11/7/1/197 11/07/0010/0197 9/6/11135 09/06/0010/0135 167 Malagaru 11/7/1/212 11/07/0010/0212 9/6/1/169 09/06/0010/0169 168 11/7/1/127 11/07/0010/0127 9/6/1/66 09/06/0010/0066 169 Mallammanahalli 11/711/71 11/07/0010/0071 9/6/1/228 09/06/0010/0228 1 70 Manaboor 11/7/1/203 11/07/0010/0203 9/6/1/140 09/06/0010/0140 171 Marle 11/7/1/1 04 11/07/0010/0104 91611/43 09/06/0010/0043 172 Masaga l i 11/7/1/192 11/07/0010/0192 9/6/1/130 09/06/0010/0130 173 Mathavara 11/7/1/12 11/07/0010/0012 9/6/1/8 09/06/0010/0008 174 11/7/1/113 11/07/0010/0113 9/6/1/53 09/06/0010/0053 175 Mavi nahall i 11/7/1/20 11/07/0010/0020 9/6/1/17 09/06/0010/0017 176 11/7/1/117 11/07/0010/0117 9/6/1/55 09/06/0010/0055 177 Melag; ri 11/7/1/231 11/07/0010/0231 9/6/1/156 09/06/0010/0156 178 Melinahuluvathi 11/7/1/213 11/0710010/0213 9/6/1/158 09/06/0010/0158 179 Mugathihalli 11/7/1/8 11/07/0010/0008 9/6/1/3 09/06/0010/0003 180 Mugulavalli 11/7/1/100 11/07/0010/0100 9/6/1/39 09/06/0010/0039 181 Muthinapura 11/7/1/220 11/07/0010/0220 9/6/1/165 09/06/0010/0165 182 Myl;mane 11/7/1/159 11/07/0010/0159 9/6/1/98 09/06/0010/0098 183 Mylimane Estate 11/7/1/160 11/07/0010/0160 9/6/1/99 09/06/0010/0099

184 Nagarahall i 1117/1/105 11/07/0010/0105 9/6/1/44 09/06/0010/0044 185 Nagenahalli 11/711/223 11/07/0010/0223 9/6/1/167 09/06/0CHO/0167 186 Nallur 11/711/37 11/07/0010/0037 9/6/1/10 09/06/0010/0010 187 Nandikere l1i7l1/130 11/07/0010/0130 9/6/1/70 09/06/0010/0070 188 Narasipura 11/1/1/55 11/07/0010/0055 9/6/1/213 09/06/0010/0213 189 Neradi 111711/136 11/07/0010/0136 9/6/1/75 09/06/0010/0075

190 Padamane 11/7/1/86 11/07/0010/0086 9/6/1/178 09/06/0010/0178 191 Pandaravall i 11/7/1/225 11/07/0010/0225 9/6/1/171 09/06/0010/0171 192 Payagondanahalli 11/7/1/67 11/07/0010/0067 9/6/1/225 09/06/0010/0225 193 Pura 11/711/189 11/07/0010/0189 9/6/1/126 09/06/0010/0126

194 Ramanahalli 11/7/1/35 11/07/0010/0035 9/6/1/32 09/06/0010/0032 195 Ramanahalli 11/7/1/102 11/07/0010/0102 9/6/1/41 09/06/0010/0041

196 Sadarahalli 11/7/1/40 11/07/0010/0040 9/6/1/196 09/06/0010/0196 197 Samse 11/711/142 11/07/0010/0142 9/611/80 09/06/0010/0080 198 Saragodu 11/7/1/201 11/07/0010/0201 9/6/1/139 09/06/0010/0139 199 Saragoor 11/7/1/193 11/07/0010/0193 9/6/1/131 09/06/0010/0131 200 Sarapanahalli 11/7/1/82 11/07/0010/0082 9/6111186 09/06/0010/0186




2 .3 4 5 6

201 Sathihall i 11/7/1/169 11/07/0010/0169 9/6/1/108 09/06/0010/0108 202 Shankaranahalli 11/7/1/56 11/07/0010/0056 9/6/1/211 09/06/0010/0211 203 Shil"abadige 11/7/1/42 11/07/0010/0042 9/6/1/201 09/06/0010/0201 204 Shil"avase 11/7/1/226 11/07/0010/0226 9/6/1/150 09/06/0010/0150 205 Sindigere- 1117/1/46 11/07/0010/0046 9/6/1/204 09/06/0010/0204 206 Siragota 1117/1/205 11/07/0010/0205 9/6/1/143 09/06/0010/0143 207 Siragunda 11/7/1/10 11/07/0010/0010 9/6/1/5 09/06/0010/0005 208 Siravolalu 11/7/1/144 11/07/0010/0144 9/6/1/82 09/06/0010/0082 209 sriniv8sapura 11/7/1/88 11/07/0010/0088 9/6/1/180 09/06/0010/0180 210 Subl"amanyadahalli 1117/1/52 11/07/0010/0052 9/6/1/210 09/06/0010/0210 211 SuglJduvani 1117/1/227 11/07/0010/0227 9/6/1/151 09/06/0010/0151 212 Suragondanahalli .11/7/1/68 11/07/0010/0068 9/6/1/226 09/06/0010/0226 213 Suruguppe 11/7/1/222 11/07/0010/0222 9/6/1/166 09/06/0010/0166

214 Tadagase 11/7/1/143 11/07/0010/0143 9/6/1/81 09/06/0010/0081 215 Tagadoor 11/7/1/123 11/07/0010/0123 9/6/1/61 09/06/0010/0061 216 Thadabenahalli 11/7/1/80 11/07/0010/0080 9/6/1/187 09/06/0010/0187 217 Thal ihalla 11/7/1/154 11/07/0010/0154 9/6/1/93 09/06/0010/0093 218 Thegur 11/7/1/6 11/07/0010/0006 9/6/1/2 09/06/0010/0002 219 Thil"uguna 11/7/1/120 11/07/0010/0120 9/6/1/58 09/06/0010/0058 220 Thogarihankal 11/7/1/216 11/07/0010/0216 9/6/1/161 09/06/0010/0161 221 Thondavall i 1117/1/132 11/07/0010/0132 9/6/1/69 09/06/0010/0069 222 Thol"anamavu 11/7/1/149 11/07/0010/0149 9/6/1/87 09/06/0010/0087 223 Thotadahalli 1117/1/19 11/07/0010/0019 9/6/1118 09/06/0010/0018

224 Uddeboranahalli 11/7/1/93 11/07/0010/0093 9/6/1/192 09/06/0010/0192 225 Uppahall i 11/7/1/36 11/07/0010/0036 9/6/1/33 09/06/00tO/0033

226 Vaddarahalli 11/7/1/59 11/0710010/0059 9/6/1/215 09/06/0010/0215 227 Vajuvalli 11/7/1/141 11/0710010/0141 9/6/1/79 09/06/0010/0079 228 Valagarehalli 11/7/1/134 11/07/0010/0134 9/6/1/72 09/06/0010/0072 229 Vasthare 1117/1/128 11/07/0010/0128 9/6/1/67 09/06/0010/0067 230 Vataganahalli 1117/1/139 11/0710010/0139 9/6/1178 09/06/0010/0078

231 Yelagudige 11/7/1/170 11/07/0010/0170 9/6/1/109 09/06/0010/0109 232 Yerehall i 1117/1/62 11/07/0010/0062 9/6/1/218 09/06/0010/0218


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / ~ard Rural/ Hectares Occu' House' (Including in the age group Castes NUllber Urban for viI' pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid' Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ~13) (14)

T 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 22329 21947 CHIKMAGAlUR C.D.Block R 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 22329 21947 U

1 Chikmagalur (Rural) 265.56 177 178 908 460 448 159 79 80 30 29 2 Beekanahalli 397.21 197 212 1200 603 597 160 82 78 102 98 3 Hiremagalur 1130.17 818 853 4068 2304 1764 517 260 257 376 238 4 Kuruvangi 1089.48 462 464 3021 1526 1495 505 260 245 210 218 5 Karthikere 456.87 436 452 2392 1230 1162 398 214 184 175 148 6 Thegur 296.88 271 271 1636 837 799 257 126 13~ 109 116 7 Gavanahalli 232.35 606 606 2835 1474 1361 472 Z2!. 245 65 61 8 Mugathihalli 162.77 82 82 409 198 211 65 35 30 81 91 9 Dunagere 122.13 38 38 186 90 96 39 17 22 64 68 10 Siragunda 273.83 210 210 1087 574 513 176 88 88 58 44 11 Dambadaha II i 216.16 83 83 419 206 213 68 28 40 20 19 12 Mathavara 718.58 224 224 1202 574 628 178 82· 96 149 173 13 Hukkunda 254.66 111 127 614 300 314 122 66 56 89 102 14 Indavara 1035.24 225 225 1238 637 601 186 100 86 186 167 15 Chikkolale 514.42 172 172 852 422 430 157 76 81 54 64 16 Hirekolale 1588.09 490 493 2315 1177 1138 413 203 210 446 447 17 Aralaguppe 1184.18 489 489 2350 1141 1209 373 156 217 633 642 18 Hosahall i 145.19 58 58 293 150 143 51 28 23 76 82 19 Thotadahalli 92.08 24 24 97 47 50 12 5 7 11 7 20 Mavinahalli 113.02 8 8 27 14 13 1 21 Arebidacoor Estate 121.00 54 54 253 136 117 49 28 21 91 84 22 853.13 174 174 807 396 411 130 55 75 121 128 23 Arasinaguppe 1036.07 330 336 1563· 763 800 262 129 133 288 304 24 Bindiga 1080.01 250 250 1307 673 634 194 100 94 38 44 25 Halasabalu 891.39 427 454 2139 1088 1051 322 175 147 273 257 126 Hebba II i 275.25 52 52 287 149 138 51 26 25 11 8 27 Beekanahallikaval 436.66 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------28 Hampapura 121.79 96 101 565 283 282 99 46 53 39 39 29 Kempanahalli 33.59 326 326 1720 893 827 232 116 116 146 119 30 Iyanahall i 94.90 17 17 118 58 60 12 6 6


Name of C.O. Block: CHlKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

ScheduLed Literates TotaL Main N 0 U S T R I A L Name of ViLLage / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code CuLtivators AgricuLtural Number Labourers

(I - I X) ( I ) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1196 1161 54873 36905 55228 27165 21454 5345 7149 6996 1196 1161 54873 36905 55228 27165 21454 5345 7149 6996 CHIKMAGALUR C.O.BLock

294 245 246 67 35 11 23 19 Chikmagalur (Rural) 1 443 329 333 126 215 47 39 35 Beekanahalli 2 13 11 1748 1046 1002 252 315 60 82 54 Hiremagalur 3 666 419 832 222 606 56 55 50 Kuruvangi 4 660 464 687 290 343 91 122 153 Karthikere 5 598 402 444 142 182 19 45 61 Thegur 6 936 666 764 205 74 28 4 5 Gavanahalli 7 134 102 110 55 43 3 32 49 Mugathihalli 8 40 31 52 40 31 19 17 20 Oumagere 9 10 9 408 264 324 105 71 2 86 83 Siragunda 10 137 80 120 82 38 5 17 14 Oambadahalli 11 369 286 341 296 214 176 88 112 Mathavara 12 156 122 168 61 56 8 3 Hukkunda 13 415 306 365 242 187 107 93 105 Indavara 14 253 183 255 103 80 10 7 6 ChikkoLaLe 15 66 60 582 322 696 505 57 5 17 12 HirekoLale 16 7 9 629 428 638 515 23 3 2 AraLaguppe 17 3 84 56 86 55 21 10 HosahaLLi 18 27 21 29 24 9 5 ThotadahaLLi 19 11 11 12 5 MavinahaLLi 20 84 41 69 59 Arebidacoor Estate 21 4 4 154 96 240 175 48 13 4 2 OasarahaLLi 22 12 15 320 209 472 379 88 12 38 54 Arasinaguppe 23 404 296 394 141 146 5 98 67 Bindiga 24 544 360 634 358 122 15 318 215 HaLasabaLu 25 10 7 84 57 94 62 56 33 3 2 HebbaLli 26 Un-I nhabi ted ViLLage BeekanahaLLikaval 27 124 91 162 108 70 4 58 95 Hampapura 28 19 12 626 393 475 122 198 39 69 57 Kempanaha LL i 29 51 47 30 19 27 19 lyanahaL l i 30


Name of CD. Block: CHlKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlJl1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construct i on Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repai rs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(J I I) (I V) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 15482 12649 94 38 390 131 1854 402 1390 329 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block R 15482 12649 94 38 390 131 1854 402 1390 329 U

1 Chikmagalur (Rural) 5 3 43 6 23 4 2 Beekanaha II i 3 2 3 10 35 4 3 Hiremagalur 18 10 2 73 35 47 9 4 Kuruvangi 26 18 2 46 83 16 7 5 Karthikere 45 4 20 1 65 23 6 Thegur 4 8 22 6 38 32 7 Gavanahalli 65 22 8 198 66 139 50 8 Mugathihalli 1 9 Dumagere 2 10 Siragunda 49 7 13 9 29 11 Dambadahalli 14 63 1 37 4 12 Mathavara 15 2 5 8 13 Hukkunda 73 50 3 17 2 14 Indavara 21 21 13 15 Chikkolale 86 84 29 11 16 Hirekolale 557 480 6 6 11 17 Aralaguppe 529 501 4 4 12 14 18 Hosahall i 55 45 19 Thotadahalli 20 16 3 20 Mavinahalli 3 21 Arebidacoor Estate 69 59 22Dasarahalli 164 154 2 2 23 Arasinaguppe 309 305 2 5 24 Bindiga 108 61 3 25 Halasabalu 126 114 10 4 26 Hebball i 30 27 27 Beekanahallikaval ... ------Un-Inhabited Village ------... ---- 28 Hampapura 5 4 3 3 2 5 29 Kempanaha II i 20 3 3 29 2 15 30 Iyanahall i


Name ofC.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR: Code No. : 0010

101 0 R I( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Corrmer.ce Storage and Services COIIIIlUnication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2626 302 822 15 3967 958 455 5070 41955 63033 2626 302 822 15 3967 958 455 5070 41955 63033 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block

55 7 16 45 15 214 381 Chikmagalur (Rural) 19 5 35 7 270 470 Beekanahalli 2 91 16 31 345 66 12 21 1290 1491 Hiremagalur 3 19 2 60 7 19 268 675 1005 Kuruvangi 4 22 11 12 57 6 3 38 540 834 Karthikere 5 56 8 16 81 8 3 393 654 Thegur 6 98 9 83 95 23 710 1156 Gavanahalli 7 6 7 19 3 2 88 154 Mugathihalli 8 1 38 56 Dumagere 9 19 15 42 4 9 250 399 Siragunda 10 9 6 86 125 Dambadaha II i 11 3 13 233 332 Mathavara 12 9 2 1 3 132 253 Hukkunda 13 18 2 4 28 7 6 272 353 Indavara 14 9 3 30 2 110 167 217 Chikkolale 15 7 4 30 7 481 633 Hirekolale 16 15 2 14 25 3 14 7 489 687 Aralaguppe 17 5 4 64 88 Hosahall i 18 18 26 Thotadahall i 19 3 2 13 Mavinahalli 20 67 58 Arebidacoor Estate 21 13 6 6 156 236 Dasarahalli 22 16 2 2 11 6 9 38 282 383 Arasinaguppe 23 8 30 8 279 493 Bindiga 24 28 2 6 22 6 2 453 691 Halasabalu 25 4 55 76 Hebballi 26 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Beekanahallikaval 27 9 2 6 3 120 174 HalJ1)8pura 28 56 5 21 64 14 418 705 I(empanahalli 29 3 28 41 Iyanahalli 30


'~Name of CD. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Coue No. : 0010

Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes NlIltber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Huliyarahall i 245.48 45 45 273 153 120 34 19 15 32 Karadihallikaval 141.13 13 13 63 35 28 9 7 2 33 Allampura 334.57 239 239 1260 600 660 192 93 99 119 163 34 Balehalli 182.25 178 178 865 440 425 182 85 97 4 1 35 Ramanahall i 177.38 1908 1912 9347 4808 4539 1348 701 647 379 356 36 Uppahalli 388.28 611 617 3239 1667 1572 548 275 273 349 330 37 Nallur 303.91 186 187 895 459 436 135 70 65 123 110 38 Lakya 559.44 293" 297 1671 847 824 242 132 110 147 125 39 Ganadalu 275.53 23 23 133 68 65 19 13 6 3 6 40 Sadarahalli 642.10 111 111 698 358 340 120 65 55 65 67 41 Lakkamanahalli 1114.49 69 69 432 233 199 78 34 44 42 Shirabadige 703.57 120 120 702 346 356 142 70 72 18 12 43 Beeranahall i 598.40 45 46 278 144 134 56 31 25 21 28 44Devagondanahalli 476.59 l05 205 1215 621 594 176 98 78 62 65 45 Kabbigarahalli 683.67 44 44 272 130 142 50 20 30 46 Sindigere 1401. 75 383 383 2042 1054 988 247 122 125 174 184 47 Bhaktharahalli 202.61 83 83 553 277 276 99 39 60 67 62 48 Arekallahalli 22.38 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 49 Hosahalli 138.32 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 50 Boochenahallikaval 651.02 82 82 474 247 227 120 64 56 233 213 51 Machenahall i 488.40 333 333 1814 904 910 192 96 96 202 196 52 Subramanyadahalli 122.99 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 53 Kurubarahalli 286.20 123 123 740 364 376 72 40 32 54 Kallahall i 98.44 10· 10 77 36 41 10 5 5 55 Narasipura 407.78 130 130 847 438 409 125 66 59 19 15 56 Shankaranahalli 196.07 20 20 113 61 52 13 7 6 57 Kottigenahalli 238.99 72 72 419 196 223 51 21 30 58 Kurubara Boodi Halu 299.64 402 403 2202 1127 1075 244 123 121 35 59 Vaddarahall i 158.89 103 110 660 347 313 93 46 47 5 7 60 Govindapura 222.18 42 42 253 136 117 31 13 18 61 Belwadi 735.53 460 463 2500 1279 1221 358 187 171 83 75 62 Yerehall i 122.44 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------63 Eswarahall i 1010.65 457 480 2768 1386 1382 438 222 216 360 311 64 Kalenahall i 200.50 ----.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 65 Galihalli 184.80 117 117 687 322 365 96 53 43 77 84


Name of CD. Block; CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled literates Total Main N 0 U S T RIA l Name of Village / location Tribes loIorkers Town / loIard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

123 83 80 26' 64 20 4 5 Hul iyarahall i 31 2 3 24 23 19 5 14 2 3 3 Karadihallikaval 32 365 276 332 298 132 103 81 148 Allampura 33 260 199 152 37 4 11 7 Balehall i 34 20 14 3464 2750 2291 380 82 11 26 13 Ramanahall i 35 1037 812 834 142 112 15 322 89 Uppahall i 36 13 11 298 211 255 65 48 2 73 37 Nallur 37 588 438 442 71 302 7 47 39 lakya 38 53 43 32 4 26 4 4 Gamldalu 39 274 185 184 60 156 13 57 Sadarahalli 40 153 95 152 135 lakkamanaha II i 41 245 149 185 3 170 2 Shirabadige 42 66 40 86 3 77 2 Beeranahalli 43 313 187 361 222 259 93 71 126 Devagondanahall i 44 89 41 70 58 54 43 10 15 Kabbi garaha I I i 45 670 381 572 46 513 34 3 5 Sindigere 46 142 81 142. 142 Bhaktharahalli 47 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Areka llahall i 48 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Hosahall i 49 66 21 122 10 89 3 32 7 Boochenahallikaval 50 538 317 535 337 485 301 24 26 Machenahalli 51 Un-Inhabited Village ------Subramanyadahalli 52 245 160 231 17 224 17 3 Kurubarahalli 53 9 14 23 8 23 8 Kallahalt i 54 227 121 228 155 132 2 72 151 Narasipura 55 38 20 34 16 33 14 2 Shankaranahalli 56 112 46 111 69 110 65 4 Kottigenahalli 57 864 594 598 110 418 14 16 83 Kurubara Boodi Halu 58 265 143 214 47 184 28 12 15 Vaddarahalli 59 102 46 76 18 74 12 2 6 Govindapura 60 773 469 692 328 471 155 95 145 Belwadi 61 Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Yerehalli 62 682 359 833 610 515 146 251 445 Eswarahalli 63 Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Kalenahall i 64 208 181 181 206 168 189 1 12 Gal ihall i 65


Nam~ orc.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Codt: No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT E G 0 R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Number Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activi ties

(I" ) (IV) [V( a)] [V( b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (3D) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

31 Huliyarahalli 2 32 Karadihallikaval 33 Allampura 9 37 4 64 3 2 34 Balehalli 5 11 10 4 35 Ramanahall i 100 62 6 3 13 400 42 248 30 36 Uppahall i 15 2 7 77 2 S5 37 Nallur 4 3 3 68 15 38 Lakya 4 10 7 11 1 39 Ganadalu 40 Sadarahalli 9 3 41 Lakkamanahalli 16 42 Shiral1adige 5 3 _. 43 Beeranahall i 6 3 44Devagondanahalli 17 2 45 Kabbigarahalli 2 46 Sindigere 4 7 47 Bhaktharahalli

48 Arekallahalli -.--~--~------Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------... -- ... -- 49 Hosahall i _ ... - .. _---- ... -- .. --- Un-Inhabited Village ------~-- ... -- 50 Boochenahallikaval 51 Machenahalli 3 7 3

52 Subramanyadahalli ------~-- Un-Inhabi ted Vi Ilage ------~----- 53 Kurubarahall i 54 Kallahalli 55 Narasipura 3 56 Shankaranahalli 57 Kottigenahalli 58 Kurubara Boodi Halu 9 2 10 1 6 59 Vaddarahalli 5 3 60 Govindapura 61 Belwadi 2 5 2 13 3 62 Yerehalli - .. _.... -----_ .. - .. -- Un-I nhabi ted Vi Ilage ------63 Eswarahalli 11 5 5 10 7 8 2 7 64 lCalenahalli - ..... - .... - .... _--- .... _ Un-Inhabited Village ------65 Galihalli 5 4


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

\lORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I \lard Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber Conmerce Storage and Services COIlmJnication

(VII ) (VIII) ( IX)

(14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (104) (F) (104) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

8 2 73 92 Hul iyarahall i 31 2 2 16 21 Karadihallikaval 32 7 2 2 31 5 11 268 351 Allampura 33 61 4 25 25 21 7 19 281 369 Balenall i 34 461 31 272 2 683 185 18 16 2499 4143 Ramanahall i 35 108 3 63 2 75 29 833 1430 Uppahall i 36 21 2 19 19 6 204. 371 Nallur 37 21 2 7 40 15 405 753 lakya 38 2 .. 36 61 Ganadalu 39 5 174 280 Sadarahall i 40 1 81 199 lakkamanahall i 41 2 5 6 161 347 Shirabadige 42 58 130 Beeranahalli 43 8 4 133 259 239 Devagondanahalli 44 1 3 60 84 Kabbigarahalli 45 14 29 5 33 424 449 518 Sindigere 46 2 139 133 137 Bhaktharahalli 47 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Arekallahall i 48 ------_----- Un-l nhabi ted Village -_------Hosahall i 49 1 92 125 125 Boocnenahallikaval 50 3 3 11 4 369 573 Machenahalli 51

---~------Un-I nIlabi ted Village ------.-~----~--- Subramanyadanalli 52 2 1 169 132 190 Kurubaraha II i 53 2 13 31 Kallanall i 54 11 9 2 2 210 252 Narasipura 55 27 36 Shankaranahalli 56 85 154 Kottigenahall i 57 78 6 3 56 6 1 529 964 Kurubara Boodi Halu 58 2 9' 3 30 130 236 Vaddarahall i 59 31 60 68 Govi ndapura. 60 48 11 4 51 13 587 893 Belwadi 61

-~------.------\)n-l nhabi ted Village ------,---.------Yerehall i 62 9 17 4 4 11 549 761 Eswarahall i 63

------~-- Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------~------.--- Kalenahalli 64 2 5 1 141 159 Galihalli 65


'Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes

N~r Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for House" towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Annindadike 154.60 22 22 127 63 64 12 8 4 67 Payagondanahalli 487.42 ------.------Un-Inhabited Village -----..... ---.. -- 68 Suragondanahalli 49.97 ------.------Un-Inhabited Village ------69 Kalasapura 1065.54 760 762 4039 2089 1950 536 280 256 231 202 70 Chikkakalasapura 244.27 ------.------Un-Inhabited Village ------71 Mallammanahalli 442.13 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 72 Kouthalu 863.38 ------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 73 Kanivehall i 965_96 92 92 599 303 296 81 49 32 16 16 74 Kyathanabeedu 957.36 130 130 742 375 367 72 41 31 15 14 75 Halelakya 1111.27 72 72 465 231 234 71 33 38 7 6 76Dasarahalli 647.89 59 59 355 178 177 48 22 26 5 7 77 Devarahall i 310.18 40 40 259 127 132 44 19 25 78 Churchugudde Kaval 4332.59 ------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 79 Karisiddanahalli 183.47 49 49 340 174 166 68 34 34 80 Thadabenahalli 193.72 83 83 591 303 288 84 43 41 32 41 81 Bilekallahalli 158.32 332 332 1843 908 935 242 120 122 124 128 82 Sarapanahalli 123.44 93 93 504 243 261 78 35 43 45 40 83 Hanchihall i 178.97 ------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 84 Ch i ndenaha IIi 63.96 ------.------. Un-Inhabited Village 85 Gungarahall i 584.22 39 46 249 130 119 49 28 21 58 53 86 Padamane 80.09 79 91 421 213 208 75 40 35 32 42 87 Kamenahallikaval 4054.42 129 129 579 305 274 111 56 55 8 12 88 Srinivasapura 398_80 40 40 222 115 107 39 20 19 15 10 89 Jakkerikaval 101.95 ----.. ----.------Un-Inhabited Village 90 321.54 ------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 91 Kunnalu 371.42 131 141 742 374 368 104 52 52 92 Balenahalli 169_86 48 54 358 183 175 66 37 29 93 Uddeboranahalli 188.48 126 129 710 355 355 74 33 41 48 52 94 Karehalli 79.35 6 6 13 9 4 1 1 95 Kengenaha II i 82.78 41 41 198 99 99 19 10 9 28 32 96 Kurichikkanahalli 217.02 56 56 352 189 163 45 25 20 97 Hiregowza 716.63 244 244 1327 660 667 173 91 82 267 261 98 Chikkagouza 222.98 122 130 763 397 366 118 66 52 5 99 Anble 957.20 497 497 2955 1500 1455 579 288 291 469 424 100 Mugulavall i 715.59 329 330 1839 946 893 267 13Q 128 249 247


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled Literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.IIber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

41 34 37 34 36 32 2 Annindadike 66 Un- Inhabi ted Village Payagondanahallj 67 Un- Inhabi ted Village ------Suragondanahalli 68 4 3 1348 903 1149 493 649 98 237 366 Kalasapura 69 Un- I nhabi ted Village ------­ Chikkakalasapura 70 Un- Inhabi ted Village ------­ Ma ll8lllll8naha II i 71 Un-Inhabi ted Village ------:--- Kouthalu 72 208 145 164 20 151 14 9 6 Kanivehalli 73 325 279 253.; 2 224 5 Kyathanabeedu 74 153 110 124 35 90 14 8 11 Halelakya 75 134 74 102 14 76 3 12 7 Dasarahall i 76 88 53 70 6 65 4 2 Devarahall i n Vn-Inhabi ted Village ------Churchugudde Kaval 78 83 29 85 75 Karisidclanahalli 79 171 116 165 4 144 2 4 Thadabenahall i 80 630 438 549 368 443 281 61 87 Bitekallahall i 81 186 151 154 20 138 15 1 4 Sarapanahall i 82 Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Hanch i ha II i 83 Un- I nhabi ted Village Ch i ndenaha II i 84 69 40 78 4 49 2 23 2 Gungarahall i 85 96 71 123 9 82 2 35 7 Padamane 86 119 57 186 141 179 48 7 93 Kamenahall ikaval 87 56 44 64 16 62 16 2 Srinivasapura 88 Un- I nhabi ted Village ------•. -.-­ Jakkeri kava I 89 Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Kenkere 90 7 9 298 215 220 51 162 21 15 20 Kunnalu 91 113 53 103 7 85 2 6 4 Balenahalli 92 279 216 196 25 141 4 11 15 UdcIeboranahatli 93 8 8 221 Karehall i 94 49 33 65 38 35 7 3 17 Kengenahall i 95 96 46 110 3 81 6 2 Kurichikkanahalli 96 476 362 391 223 321 60 12 155 Hiregowza 97 196 95 254 251 215 203 15 46 Chikkagouza 98 2 4 639 350 848 324 565 118 102 103 AIlble 99 2 639 454 547 185 352 46 100 127 Mugulavall i 100


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT E GaR I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Nl.Il1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, . Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Annindadike

67 Payagondanahalli .~ .. -.---- ... --- Un-Inhabited Village ----~------68 Suragondanahalli ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------69 Kalasapura 6 7 16 25 4 6

70 Chikkakalasapura ------_ ..... - Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------~------71 Mallarrmanahalli ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------72 Kouthalu ..... _..... _.. - ... _-- .. _-- Un-inhabi ted Vi llage ------73 Kanivehall i 3 74 Kyathanabeedu 75 Halelakya 11 7 76 Dasaraha II i 6 3 77 Devarahall i 78 Churchugudde Kaval ------Un-Inhabited Village ------79 Karisiddanahalli 5 80 Thadabenahalli 9 81 Bi lekallahall i 9 4 5 82 Sarapanahalli 4 83 Hanchihalli .. _ .. - ... _-- .. _--- ..... - Un-Inhabited Village ------84 Chindenahalli ---- .. _------Un-Inhabited Village ------85 Gungarahall i 1 86 Padamane 3 87 Kamenahallikaval 88 Srinivasapura 89 Jakkerikaval .. _-- .... _---_ .. - ...... Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------.. ----- 90 Kenkere ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------91 Kunnalu 10 6 5 5 92 Balenahalli 4 1 1 1 93 Uddeboranahalli 2 6 2 2 94 Karehalli 6 95 Kengenahalli 18 11 2 96 Kurichikkanahalli 15 3 5 97 Hiregowza 3 19 6 98 Chikkagouza 2 99 Antlle 31 15 16 7 64 61 100 Mugulavalli 5 10 3 11 11 3


Name of C.D. Block: CHlKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Triilde and Transport, Other NlIltler Conmerce Storage and Services COIIIIIUnication

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (0

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

26 30 Annindadike 66 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Payagondanahalli 67 ------Un-inhabi ted Village ----.------Suragondanahalli 68 56 4 5 142 21 5 940 1452 Kalasapura 69 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Chikkakalasapura 70 ------Un- i nhabi ted Village ------Ma II arrmanaha II i 71 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Kouthalu 72 1 23 139 253 Kanivehall i 73 5 17 2 2 122 363 Kyathanabeedu 74 4 2 9 2 106 197 Halelakya 75 7 76 163 Oasarahall i 76 3 57 126 Oevarahall i 77 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Churchugudde Kaval 78 3 24 89 65 77 Karisiddanahall i 79 3 5 25 157 113 127 Thadabenahalli 80 8 19 5 172 354 395 Bilekallahalli 81 2 9 2 91 87 150 Sarapanahalli 82 ------Un-i nhabi ted Village ------Hanchihalli 83 ------Un-i nhabi ted Village ------Chindenahalli 84 2 5 26 47 89 Gungarahall i 85 73 89 126 Padamane 86 3 119 130 Kamenahallikaval 87 44 50 47 Srinivasapura 88 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Jakkerikaval 89

------Un-Inhabited Village ------~~------. Kenkere 90 3 2 18 3 17 164 137 153 Kunnalu 91 1 5 6 85 74 83 Balenahalli 92 13 19 4 108 159 222 Uddeboranahalli 93 2 Karehall i 94 5 3 2 3 32 31 29 Kengenahalli 95 10 107 69 53 Kurichikkanahalli 96 6 2 27 2 11 77 258 367 Hiregowza 97 7 14 2 1 3 142 112 Chikkagouza 98 21 18 1 41 8 29 207 623 924 Amble 99 22 2 33 4 14 7 385 701 Mugulavall i 100


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes NUlber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

- (F) (P) (M) (P) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

101 Aradavall i 606.17 280 287 1758 908 850 312 155 157 80 73 102 Ramanahalli 222.68 69 n 451 234 217 88 43 45 103 Hoskote 556.14 81 113 647 326 321 109 65 44 50 49 104 Marle 1434.16 422 422 2297 1144 1153 345 165 180 275 283 105 Nagarahall i 888.21 360 367 2125 1017 1108 357 162 195 213 237 106 lCabbikere 304.16 82 83 499 245 254 56 28 28 17 12 107 Magadi 498.01 209 224 1308 681 627 239 137 102 388 342 108 Hejjiganahalli 89.32 27 27 163 87 76 31 17 14 28 26 109 Biggadevanahalli 194.66 48 48 291 146 145 28 16 12 22 21 110 Hadihall i 508.66 117 117 606 297 309 77 36 41 42 46 111 Ganga l agodu 217.46 71 71 361 172 189 59 ,3? 27 19 20 112 Sanavara 243.75 43 43 238 108 130 35 15 20 18 22 113 Mathikere 232.95 70 70 340 171 169 58 39 19 39 34 114 Haluvall i 198.28 76 81 403 196 207 78 36 42 34 37 115 lCanDihall i 205.88 50 50 277 120 157 35 14 21 52 81 116 Sigganahalli 364.96 147 172 882 460 422 135 85 50 54 50 117 Mavinakere 196.54 33 33 179 92 87 21 9 12 19 16 118 lCundur 341.00 95 95 529 241 288 94 43 51 33 42 119 Boodanike 223.44 39 39 195 99 96 27 13 14 95 89 120 Thiruguna 279.67 62 62 371 175 196 51 2~ 25 47 55 121 Sillenahalli 111.64 20 20 117 53 64 18 7 11 10 14 122 lCenchenahalli 270.45 22 22 130 56 74 17 9 8 24 45 123 Tagadoor 274.21 14 14 93 47 46 15 6 9 10 8 124 8ikkemane 194.43 27 27 144 74 70 29 15 14 26 30 125 Kesavinamane 255.02 60 60 302 150 152 33 18 15 22 23 126 Kadrimidri 483.43 75 75 320 156 164 40 18 22 29 19 127 Malalur 587.41 258 258 1287 642 645 203 102 101 189 192 128 Vastlwlre 1318.36 296 296 1541 791 750 227 108 119 90 81 129 Aladagudde 164.87 11 11 62 32 30 5 3 2 130 Nandikere 169.04 22 22 124 56 68 26 12 14 41 56 131 Huluvale 148.95 23 23 113 60 53 23 14 9 37 27 132 Thondavall i 92.54 94 94 509 243 266 65 33 32 94 84 133 Arenahall i 81.03 28 28 169 92 77 11 5 6 134 Valagarehalli 215.08 73 73 394 184 210 30 17 13 17 18 135 Halasunane 266.40 49 49 280 139 141 45 25 20 42 43


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village / location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators AgriculturaL Nl.Illber labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) eM) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

7 5 437 176 495 65 331 6 40 18 Aradavalli 101 86 25 147 38 89 7 3 4 Ramanahall i 102 2 7 139 83 190 50 128 13 4 12 Hoskote 103 581 286 661 169 251 29 282 69 Marle 104 7 7 388 175 591 288 408 107 141 144 Nagarahall i 105 172 145 137 49 117 43 5 6 Kabbikere 106 354 211 342 128 182 11 105 108 Magadi 107 36 14 46 4 39 3 4 Hejjiganahalli 108 116 94 83 81 Bi ggadevanaha II i 109 218 158 169 145 20 Hadihall i 110 110 96 89 94 89 94 Ganga l agodu 1,. 62 61 56 60 39 43 11 17 Banavara 112 125 94 88 86 55 60 20 22 Mathikere 113 108 81 101 105 66 77 13 14 Haluvall i 114 71 68 71 75 45 40 23 35 Kambihall i 115 256 182 221 171 99 55 28 72 Bigganahalli 116 57 41 59 3 53 2 5 Mavinakere 117 125 101 139 13 133 10 2 3 Kundur 118 21 11 75 73 70 68 5 5 Boodanike 119 119 84 121 47 121 47 Thiruguna 120 23 18 37 38 36 35 3 Bi tlenahalli 121 25 22 38 51 30 35 8 16 Kenchenahall i 122 28 15 27 2 26 2 lagadoor 123 37 23 41 40 Bikkemane 124 75 54 92 2 90 2 Kesavinamane 125 91 90 84 5 73 4 Kadrimidri 126 366 211 375 103 235 55 98 41 Malalur 127 39 35 504 336 431 150 219 38 11 8 Vasthare 128 24 20 22 20 6 2 16 18 Aladagudde 129 12 8 35 40 2 3 32 10 Nandikere 130 25 16 34 33 14 16 28 Huluvale 131 158 122 142 138 49 7 68 107 Thondavalli 132 77 56 50 5 47 1 Arenahall i 133 155 113 103 25 99 16 Valagarehalli 134 16 16 86 56 79 64 16 4 2 Halasumane 135


Name ofC.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.IIlber urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(II I) ( IV) (V(a» (V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) eM) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

101 Aradavalli 3 8 95 36 102 Ramanahall i 31 22 1 15 4 103 Hoskote 15 15 3 25 4 104 Marle 76 60 2 2 5 2 15 105 Nagaraha II ; 3 10 2 6 8 10 11 5 106 Kabbikere 4 107 Magadi 16 7 108 Hejjiganahalli 109 8iggadevanahalli 110 Hadihall i 111 Ganga l agodu 112 8anavara 2 113 Mathikere 5 1 114 Haluvall i 8 7 2 7 5 115 Kambihalli 1168igganahalli 2 2 14 6 117 Mavinakere 118 Kundur 119 Boodani ke 120 Thiruguna 121 8; llenahall i 122 Kenchenahalli 123 Tagadoor 124 Bikkemane 125 Kesavinamane 126 Kadrim;dri 3 127 Malalur 2 1 1 6 6 128 Vasthare 104 87 2 2 4 9 17 5 129 Aladagudde 130 Nandikere 1 27 131 Huluvale 3 4 132 Thondavall i 21 24 133 Arenahall i 2 134 Valagarehalli 4 9 135 Halasl.lll8ne 40 49 6 6 2


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

WORKERS Marginal Non-workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Number Conmerce Storage ana Services CCIIlIrunication

(VII) (VII I) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

3 14 2 2 4 411 781 Aradavall i 101 4 2 2 4 73 83 106 Ramanahalli 102 7 4 2 5 2 12 86 124 185 Hoskote 103 2 3 27 4 1 482 983 Marle 104 6 2 13 2 4 50 422 770 Nagarahall i 105 2 7 108 205 Kabbikere 106 10 1 20 6 3 6 336 493 Magadi 107 1 2 41 72 Hejjiganahalli 108 2 80 62 65 Biggadevanahalli 109 4 155 128 153 Hadihall i 110 83 95 Gangalagodu 111 3 52 70 Banavara 112 2 5 83 83 Mathikere 113 2 2 95 102 Haluvall i 114 1 2 49 82 Kambihalli 115 32 38 3 37 4 4 22 235 229 Bigganahalli 116 1 58 33 26 Mavinakere 117 4 165 102 110 Kundur 118 24 23 Boodanike 119 54 149 Thiruguna 120 16 26 Billenahalli 121 17 23 Kenchenahalli 122 20 44 Tagadoor 123 33 70 Bikkemane 124 1 1 58 150 Kesavinamane 125 2 2 3 72 159 Kadrimidri 126 6 2 20 4 8 132 259 410 Malalur 127 11 2 10 44 8 43 359 557 Vasthare 128 10 10 Aladagudde 129 21 28 Nandikere 130 4 26 16 Huluvale 131 4 17 101 111 Thondavalli 132 2 2 42 72 Arenahall i 133 81 185 Valagarehalli 134 8 2 4 2 60 77 I'alaslIII8ne 135


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010 location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nl.Illber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Kouseless in sq. km ent ial population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (1'1) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

136 Neradi 206.02 52 52 253 125 128 41 20 21 2 4 137 Kelagani 351.90 82 107 452 222 230 62 31 31 30 46 138 8asagal 288.51 173 196 818 402 416 103 60 43 102 lIS 139 Vataganahalli 183.17 64 64 299 146 153 51 18 33 57 62 140 Hachadamane 166.59 52 52 253 124 129 40 14 26 41 52 141 Vajuvalli 107.89 29 29 163 81 82. 21 9 12 18 11 142 Samse 85.51 10 10 51 26 25 2 2 3 2 143 Tadagase 138.69 40 40 203 101 102 29 13 16 73 78 144 Siravolalu 186.31 31 31 168 81 87 31 17 14 145 Chithavalli 318.60 144 144 779 371 408 133 66 67 128· 137 146 Kuduvalli 254.41 199 199 927 459 468 125 68, - -5]_ 220 209 147 Mahaji 41.03 8 8 42 23 19 3 2 148 Gowthameshwara 105.56 17 17 74 39 35 10 6 4 19 17 149 Thoranamavu 143.28 84 95 401 193 208 46 18 28 59 69 150 Kotevoor 272.39 107 110 589 293 296 28 15 13 144 153 151 Hedadalu 945.01 161 161 871 435 436 126 67 5~.. 142 130 152 Hancharavalli 438.59 158 158 795 393 402 139 63 76 169 174 153 Basagodu 417.53 126 126 614 302 312 97 43 54 188 171 154 Thal ihalla 559.86 148 148 777 399 378 130 60 70 153 142 155 Jakkanahalli 367.83 104 104 557 267 290 80 43 37 157 172 156 Channagondanahalli 770.43 272 272 1311 660 651 229 116 113 339 347 157 Ilehole 355.80 62 62 298 152 146 36 21 15 46 39 158 JoladaLu 676.40 312 317 1469 693 776 198 107 91 lSI 175 159 Myl imane 701.25 399 410 2202 1112 1090 349 184 165 288 314 160 Mylimane Estate 116.B5 40 40 172 87 85 17 10 775 161 Anoor 869.71 224 224 1203 634 569 173 109 64 300 237 162 Koduvalll 144.69 70 70 372 187 185 58 34 24 53 57 163 Guddenaha II i . 48.75 10 10 37 17 20 10 2 832 164 Aldur 1242.64 658 705 3650 1824 1826 549 263 286 499 542 165 Kelagoor 1119.92 291 291 1362 675 687 207 108 99 230 228 166 Balehalli 546.85 125 125 609 310 299 92 42 50 102 98 167 Hand; 61).14 227 227 1014 526 488 182 106 76 185 162 168 Machagondanahalli 1046.79 348 352 1767 909 858 304 160 144 72 59 169 Sath ihall i 1115.41 348 371 191 I 915 996 320 161 159 389 427 170 Yelagudige 580.67 151 219 1054 507 547 188 95 93 149 150


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ~ Code No. : 0010

Scheduled Literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Locatl0n Tribes Yorkers Town I Yard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (n (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

23 20 62 50 78 28 37 2 23 5 Neradi 136 56 50 106 46 138 136 41 12 22 41 Kelagani 137 28 21 192 148 221 190 25 10 26 4 Basagal 138 65 33 97 68 8 Vataganahall i 139 60 34 73 52 12 7 Hachadamane 140 50 37 57 18 34 1 Vajuvall i 141 16 19 21 2 14 6 2 Samse 142 46 27 58 50 14 2 44 48 Tadagase 143 54 53 42 35 1 1 Siravolalu 144 2 2 200 171 168 16 80 3 2 Chithavalli 145 299 237 265 79 128 16 69 56 Kuduvalli 146 17 12 11 2 2 2 2 Mahaji 147 16 10 22 16 2 6 6 Gowthameshwara 148 29 37 97 73 121 98 30 48 62 Thoranamavu 149 3 2 138 114 207 30 70 6 10 Kotevoor 150 241 179 278 110 101 36 42 41 Hedadalu 151 157 93 257 149 25 3 Hancharavalli 152 187 101 182 101 63 19 3 Basagodu 153 213 142 222 124 17 2 24 6 Thal ihalla 154 140 110 145 75 54 5 51 64 Jakkanahalli 155 2 368 225 370 295 3 ChannagondanahalLi 156 67 65 90 58 7 Ilehole 157 9 8 382 338 416 326 61 4 1 Joladalu 158 682 537 564 263 34 4 24 32 Myl imane 159 7 9 47 43 57 35 Myl imane Estate 160 30 16 336 228 357 191 129 27 161 148 Anoor 161 119 99 96 20 4 44 Koduvall i 162 7 3 13 8 Guddenahalli 163 119 103 1090 832 990 533 126 10 162 78 Aldur 164 29 33 410 2n 368 186 120 26 171 143 Kelagoor 165 34 38 162 90 192 142 62 27 58 35 Balehall i 166 132 132 255 124 293 198 13 37 9 Handi 167 104 98 509 393 475 172 58 87 67 Machagondanahalli 168 18 22 516 435 519 320 71 25 101 109 Sathihall i 169 192 137 294 186 35 90 74 Yelagudige 170


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F 104 A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(" I) (IV) (V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

(104) (F) (104) (F) (104) (F) (104) (F) (104) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

136 Neradi 13 21 3 137 Kelagani 70 83 3 138 Basagal 84 140 18 2 43 13 139 Vataganahalli 80 68 2 140 Hachadamane 42 49 3 3 2 141 Vajuvall i 22 18 142 Samse 143 Tadagase 144 Siravolalu 145 Chi thavall i 55 12 2 2 146 Kuduvalli 28 3 4 1 147 Mahaj i 3 148 Gowthameshwara 14 10 149 Thoranamavu 15 19 19 14 150 Kotevoor 115 14 3 5 4 151 Hedadalu 126 24 152 Hancharavalli 221 136 153 Basagodu 97 95 154 Thal ihalla 165 114 4 155 Jakkanahalli 22 3 3 3 2 156 Channagondanahalli 336 281 7 3 157 Ilehole 69 55 2 158 Joladalu 292 302 14 1 159 Myl imane 383 202 22 9 2 160 Mylimane Estate 57 35 161 Anoor 20 4 3 162 Koduvall i 39 18 163 Guddenahall i 13 8 164 Aldur 348 371 55 43 35 3 10 165 Kelagoor 23 9 7 4 6 166 Balehalli 61 80 167 Handi 228 187 5 168 Machagondanahalli 197 89 23 4 2 10 8 19 169 Sathihalli 272 173 4 2 5 170 Yelagudige 152 110 1 2


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-liorkers Name of Village / Location lIorkers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IlIber Conmerce Storage and Services Cormunication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2 5 47 95 Neradi 136 1 2 83 92 Kelagani 137 11 4 2 2 12 15 180 225 Basagal 138 4 2 49 85 Vataganahalli 139 3 3 51 77 Hachadamane 140 24 64 Vajuvall i 141 5 23 Samse 142 16 42 36 Tadagase 143 6 8 51 31 35 Siravolalu 144 17 10 203 392 Chithavalli 145 2 7 26 4 194 389 Kuduvall i 146 3 12 17 Mahaji 147 17 19 Gowthameshwara 148 2 6 3 72 110 Thoranamavu 149 3 2 3 2 35 86 231 Kotevoor 150 5 4 9 28 157 298 Hedadalu 151 3 7 10 136 253 Hancharavalli 152 .2 3 120 211 Basagodu 153 4 7 2 177 254 ThaI ihalla 154 6 7 122 215 Jakkanahalli 155 7 3 13 10 4 290 352 Channagondanahalli 156 4 1 6 l 62 88 Ilehole 157 23 4 4 20 16 3 276 447 Joladalu 158 50 5 4 37 17 23 43 525 784 Myl imane 159 30 50 Myl imane Estate 160 17 6 23 9 277 377 Anoor 161 3 6 2 91 165 Koduvall i 162 4 12 Guddenahall i 163 104 3 16 133 25 2 833 1291 Aldur 164 12 28 3 12 40 295 461 Kelagoor 165 2 8 5 25 113 132 Balehalli 166 6 3 2 233 290 Handi 167 64 3 12 3 3 434 683 Machagondanahalli 168 41 6 19 10 9 395 667 Sathihalli 169 4 10 213 361 Yelagudige 170


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village! Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu· House· (Including in the age group Castes NlJlIber Urban for vii· pled Holds Institutional & (0 . 6) lages & Resid· Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

171 Hawall; 1116.53 655 684 3504 1809 1695 608 313 295 542 561 172 Donagudige 329.56 136 136 704 355 349 125 61 64 228 233 173 Keshavinahaklu 852.38 194 194 687 327 360 102 52 50 40 41 174 Doddamagaravalli 1698.49 322 322 1487 725 762 240 122 118 260 266 175 Hal iyur 527.46 116 122 572 298 274 60 30 30 91 96 176 Bannur 155.89 66 99 463 224 239 97 48 49 51 54 177 Chikkamagaravalli 368.34 334 336 1597 794 803 275 129 146 89 86 178 Avathi 1068.39 422 427 1851 943 908 246 116 130 339 329 179 Keremakki 925.01 222 222 1113 534 579 198 101 97 119 129 180 Havare 45.29 16 16 95 46 49 17 6 11 181 Hangaravalli 455.31 110 110 482 234 248 70 30 40 28 31 182 Devarahall i 242.92 41 41 191 101 90 22 14 8 45 42 183 Areno"or 715.28 123 123 563 284 279 50 20 30 184 Iydahall i 950.97 61 61 319 143 176 34 17 17 34 30 185 Aniganahalli 183.64 23 23 104 56 48 13 6 7 9 4 186 Bygoor 1080.44 185 185 871 443 428 129 63 66 122 125 187 Bettadamalali 943.13 162 162 703 367 336 134 70 64 124 114 188 Basaravalli 425.27 69 69 332 181 151 41 22 19 23 11 189 Pur a 184.66 38 38 179 87 92 30 16 14 21 24 190 Beranagodu 1028.79 89 90 476 229 247 78 43 35 103 112 191 Karag60r 442.29 39 69 296 145 151 41 26 15 11 ., 192 Masagal; 541.28 95 95 377 200 177 57 28 29 10 9 193 Saragoor 598.33 173 173 835 419 416 123 72 51 158 157 194 Bagamane 284.22 23 23 95 55 40 16 11 5 195 Baganeheddalu 219.79 35 35 165 90" 75 26 13 13 32 28 196 Byaravall i 2037.49 780 780 3564 1806 1758 544 277 267 472 437 197 Makodu 324.23 65 65 238 127 111 10 6 4 10 10 198 Danihall i 133.08 147 147 634 327 307 93 41 52 113 104 199 Devadana 3597.72 711 714 3683 1882 1801 467 224 243 458 443 200 Hyarambi 868.99 282 265 1394 690 704 214 112 102 179 181 201 Saragodu 3395.07 353 355 1582 773 809 235 116 119 277 284 202 Bikkarane 581.66 47 47 253 125 128 27 14 13 41 40 203 Manaboor 509.05 47 47 232 109 123 33 13 20 13 15 204 Huigere 2878.39 282 286 1357 677 680 173 79 94 248 256 205 Siragota 2109.90 300 300 784 402 382 92 49 43 137 121


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled Literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

14 15 896 621 1040 731 64 22 88 134 Hawalli 171 152 79 178 146 65 51 Oonagudige 172 8 10 47 20 236 248 Keshavinahaklu 173 30 29 328 251 437 200 110 28 41 21 Ooddamagaravalli 174 3 3 174 106 197 112 115 22 32 46 Hal iyur 175 113 72 117 97 21 5 Bannur 176 6 463 349 438 247 61 44 94 91 Chikkamagaravalli 177 6 6 429 260 613 404 37 4 18 36 Avathi 178 7 7 224 161 329 241 73 54 Keremakki 179 27 21 28 14 21 12 2 Havare 180 16 14 154 118 150 116 49 23 4 Hangaravalli 181 57 36 61 51 24 12 3 Oevarahalli 182 205 107 175 7 130 3 37 4 Arenoor 183 61 54 89 7 57 32 7 Iydahall i 184 29 21 30 18 7 Aniganahalli 185 216 146 264 104 133 20 75 78 Bygoor 186 145 69 208 1.52 19 3 18 12 Bettadamalali 187 18 18 119 70 113 49 50 7 5 7 Basaravall i 188 32 31 55 38 28 7 6 7 Pura 189 125 90 134 56 41 13 Beranagodu 190 38 26 99 49 8 3 2 Karagoor 191 67 30 128 32 33 3 5 Masagal i 192 8 5 181 120 241 141 52 16 6 3 Saragoor 193 29 12 29 12 4 Bagamane 194 48 19 53 47 2 Baganehedclalu 195 18 22 912 528 1005 805 75 10 2 2 Byaravall i 196 93 71 100 13 2 Makodu 197 117 71 225 160 5 2 5 5 Oanihall i 198 1075 782 1035 495 291 125 319 211 Oevadana 199 14 13 298 219 416 267 87 16 15 24 Hyarambi 200 6 9 323 237 494 471 195 183 70 84 Saragodu 201 68 51 80 45 26 6 29 24 Bikkarane 202 23 28 74 54 70 32 39 9 22 21 Manaboor 203 6 4 323 233 453 335 207 70 105 134 Huigere 204 3 2 138 94 233 117 86 3 Siragola 205


Name of C.D. Block: CHlKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010 location Name of Village / Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/ Nl.IlIber Urban Livestock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing. Fishing. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

171 Hawall i 549 510 17 36 3 41 2 172 Donagudige 95 95 5 173 Keshavinahaklu 236 248 174 Doddamagaravalli 266 146 3 2 4 3 175 Hal iyur 37 42 5 176 Bannur 67 89 9 9 177 Chikkamagaravalli 122 104 3 24 50 178 Avathi 475 341 2 5 13 4 179 Keremakki 240 182 2 180 Havare 6 181 Hangaravalli 85 85 7 182 Devarahall i 28 31 183 Arenool' 2 2 184 Iydahall i 185 Aniganahalli 4 186 Bygoor 37 3 2 187 Bettadamalali 169 137 188 Basaravalli 37 32 3 2 5 189 Pura 19 24 190 Beranagodu 75 56 191 Karagoor 89 46 192 Masagal i 88 27 193 Saragoor 170 121 5 194 Bagamane 25 12 195 Baganeheddalu 50 46 196 Byaravalli 774 768 3 7 18 21 197 Makodu 94 12 1 198 Danihall i 188 145 3 2 199 Devadana 178 118 3 18 2 33 4 19 6 200 HyaranDi 225 215 2 1 1 7 1 18 201 Saragodu 191 190 7 3 3 3 2 202 Bikkarane 23 15 203 Manaboor 6 2 204 Huigere 132 127 205 Siragola' 116 107 8 4 3


Name of C.D. Block: CHfKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

W0 R I( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl..Illber Conmerce Storage and Services COII1TUI1ication

(VII) (VI II) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

139 15 10 95 44 8 769 956 HawaLl i 171 9 4 4 In 199 Donagudige 172 . 91 112 I(eshavinahaklu 173 6 2 2 2 6 96 282 466 Doddamagaravalli 174 1 7 101 162 Haliyur 175 7 3 1 2 107 140 Bannur 176 29 1 7 48 5 3 22 353 534 Chikkamagaravalli In 16 2 2 45 16 330 504 Avathi 178 5 7 2 205 338 Keremakki 179 1 18 35 Havare 180 1 7 4 84 132 Hangaravall i 181 3 3 5 40 39 Devarahalli 182 4 161 109 111 Arenoor 183 97 54 72 Iydahall i 184 1 28 25 20 Aniganahalli 185 6 2 8 3 1 146 178 178 Bygoor 186 2 2 4 157 180 Bettadamalal i 187 2 2 9 3 43 65 59 Basar ava II i 188 1 9 31 45 Pura 189 4 95 191 Beranagodu 190 46 102 Karagoor 191 2 2 72 145 Masagal i 192 4 2 2 2 3 176 272 Saragoor 193 26 28 Bagamane 194 37 28 Baganeheddalu 195 38 4 5 62 18 3 6 798 947 Byaravall i 196 1 2 1 27 98 Makodu 197 9 1 12 7 102 147 Danihall i 198 63 3 6 108- 23 847 1306 Devadana 199 28 2 33 7 2 13 272 424 Hyarambi 200 5 2 17 8 10 279 328 Saragodu 201 11 45 72 Bikkarane 202 2 1 4 20 35 71 Manaboor 203 3 5 3 224 345 Huigere 204 5 14 3 22 40 147 225 Siragola 205


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NlII1ber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

206 Bidare 3715.98 485 485 2145 1093 1052 377 195 182 445 414 207 Boggase 1203.00 115 133 769 375 394 123 52 71 126 155 208 Kadavanth i 1563.25 338 356 1537 765 772 258 118 140 253 258 209 Basapura 730.26 87 87 480 252 228 82 43 39 107 97 210 Jagara (Jagra) 1538.00 86 86 323 154 169 46 23 23 34 42 211 Kolagave 2374.91 90 90 410 211 199 65 32 33 73 65 212 Malagaru 534.06 50 SO 206 109 97 37 23 14 31 31 213 Melinahuluvathi 2683.52 228 228 833 439 394 140 71 69 74 55 214 Kesavinamane 4736.15 182 182 618 330 288 127 72 55 86 95 215 Athigiri 599.98 68 68 290 161 129 34 23 11 30 15 216 Thogarihankal 1322.96 437 437 1741 870 871 259 119 140 219 226 217 Dattathreyapeeta 257.59 12 12 33 21 12 5 2 3 3 218 Bisagnill'-'tt 448.92 132 132 535 268 267 76 48 28 116 121 219 Gonakal 1815.90 235 235 924 499 425 149 84 65 81 67 220 Muthinapura 299.58 162 162 639 315 324 117 56 61 141 162 221 Gal ipooje 222.88 142 142 694 347 347 64 25 39 48 56 222 Suruguppe 123.07 37 37 177 97 80 33 18 15 37 33 223 Nagenahalli 632.92 68 68 251 128 123 37 17 20 74 82 224 Inam Dattathreya Peeta 2514.65 160 160 630 337 293 110 52 58 98 89 225 Pandaravalli 2188.17 334 359 1400 700 700 255 133 122 127 134 226 Shiravase 3059.50 561 562 2589 1357 1232 395 213 182 504 446 227 Suguduvani 3296.88 393 403 1751 882 869 285 155 130 281 267 228 Heggarmathavani 1643.99 21 21 104 53 51 17 10 7 229 Madla 1843.80 104 104 474 245 229 78 39 39 55 53 230 Hipla 3371.10 46 46 258 122 136 40 26 14 21 24 231 3903.14 7 7 27 12 15 4 2 2 4 5 232 Kesave 2968.00 61 62 2n 150 122 38 17 21 17 20

C.D. Slock Total Rural 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 22329 21947

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: CHlKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

Scheduled literates Total Main 1 N 0 U S T RIA l Name of Village / location Tribes \lorkers Town / \lard Code Cultivators Agricultural NlIJIber labourers

(I - IX) (I ) (II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1 2 485 289 621 440 166 27 55 40 8idare 206 6 8 201 152 238 71 132 3 80ggase 207 8 6 252 135 500 421 106 57 103 103 Kadavanthi 208 141 74 162 66 86 10 56 51 8asapura 209 48 28 93 32 33 11 Jagara (Jagra) 210 135 94 134 69 59 8 Kolagave 211 69 36 69 44 22 Malagaru 212 6 4 190 88 290 173 22 5 Melinahuluvathi 213 ~ 15 98 51 221 160 Kesavinamane 214 " 40 27 101 98 Athigiri 215 2 3 431 253 529 415 31 3 2 Thogari hanka I 216 16 5 18 7 -- Dattathreyapeeta 217 5 143 3 165 124 3 BisagnillLltt 218 166 83 299 225 120 70 4 3 Gonakal 219 15 18 157 83 190 147 15 Muthinapura 220 5 3 243 165 135 69 10 Galipooje 221 36 13 53 35 15 7 14 Suruguppe 222 55 21 89 79 10 5 Nagenahalli 223 198 118 219 113 Inam Dattathreya Peeta 224 13 16 239 136 446 337 14 2 Pandaravall i 225 17 27 654 376 779 519 198 91 55 54 Shiravase 226 19 23 301 209 537 400 104 6 94 91 Suguduvani 227 18 10 24 16 20 16 Heggarmathavani 228 128 68 164 ,121 88 71 46 39 MadIa 229 35 29 78 6 76 5 Hipla 230 5 5 10 8 1 1 Metagiri 231 11 13 70 37 97 20 37 8 10 12 Kesave 232

1196 1161 54873 36905 55228 27165 21454 5345 7149 6996 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. 8lock Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010 location Name of Village / Total/ CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Nl.II1ber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (IV) (V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

206 Bidare 355 367 6 3 7 6 207 B09gase 84 66 2 2 208 Kadavanthi 279 256 209 Basapura 18 4 210 Jagara (Jagra) 56 19 211 Kolagave 61 55 2 212 Malagaru 44 42 213 Melinahuluvathi 249 171 214 Kesavinamane 216 159 215 Athigiri 100 98 216 Thogarihankal 427 404 10 3 217 Dattathreyapeeta 18 6 218 Bisagnimutt 134 119 1 I; 219 Gonakal 166 150 3 2 220 Muthinapura 171 147 1 221 Galipooje 98 65 8 5 222 Suruguppe 31 21 223 Nagenahalli 78 74 224 Inam Dattathreya Peeta 136 103 9 3 225 Pandaravalli 400 334 3 1 226 Shiravase 368 341 12 4 20 227 Suguduvani 308 300 14 3 228 Heggarmathavani 4 229 Madla 15 9 1 2 230 Hipla 1 231 Melagiri 9 7 232 Kesave 24

C.D. Block Total Rural 15482 12649 94 38 390 131 1854 402 1390 329

C.D. Block Total urban


Name of C.O. Block: CHIKMAGALUR ; Code No. : 0010

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber Conmerce Storage and Services COIl1IlJnication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

8 2 2 16 2 13 470 599 Bidare 206 8 9 137 323 Boggase 207 7 4 3 2 4 263 347 Kadavanthi 208 1 90 162 Basapura 209 2 2 61 137 Jagara (Jagra) 210 4 7 4 10 n 120 Kolagave 211 1 2 40 53 Malagaru 212 2 12 149 221 Mel inahuluvathi 213 3 109 128 Kesavinamane 214 60 31 Athigiri 215 25 2 7 24 6 9 2 332 454 Thogarihankal 216 3 5 Dattathreyapeeta 217 5 3 3 13 2 103 143 Bi sagn i rutt 218 3 199 199 Gonakal 219 3 125 In Muthinapura 220 8 5 2 212 278 Gal ipooje 221 44 45 Suruguppe 222 39 44 Nagenahalli 223 20 2 7 46 4 12 118 168 Inam Dattathreya Peeta 224 6 19 1 4 9 250 354 Pandaravalli 225 36 4 11 74 27 9 49 569 664 Shiravase 226 3 9' 3 4 345 465 Suguduvani 227 29 35 Heggarmathavani 228 5 8 81 108 Madla 229 44 130 Hipla 230 2 7 Melagiri 231 3 23 53 102 Kesave 232

2626 302 822 15 3967 958 455 5070 41955 63033 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total "rban






2 3 4 5 6

Adigere 11/7/2/184 11/07/0020/0184 9/6/2/160 09/06/0020/0160 2 Agrahara 11/7/2/112 11/07/0020/0112 9/6/2/110 09/06/0020/0110 3 Aladahalli 11/7/2/6 11/07/0020/0006 9/6/2/8 09/06/0020/0008 4 Aladahall i 11/7/2/217 ·,1/07/0020/0217 9/6/2/228 09/06/0020/0228 5 Aladahalli 11/7/2/136 11/07/0020/0136 9/6/21146 09/06/0020/0146 6 Alagatta 11/7/2/38 11/07/0020/0038 9/6/2/38 09/06/0020/0038 7 Alagatta 11/7/2/300 11/07/0020/0300 9/6/2/307 09/06/0020/0307 8 Angajanahalli 11/7/2/43 11/07/0020/0043 9/6/2/47 09/06/0020/0047 9 Annegere 11/7/2/223 11/07/0020/0223 9/6/2/238 09/06/0020/0238 10 Annegere 11/7/2/265 11/07/0020/0265 9/6/2/267 09/06/0020/0267 11 Antharagatta 11/7/2/161 11/07/0020/0161 9/6/2/166 09/06/0020/0166 12 11/7/2/186 11/07/0020/0186 9/6/2/189 09/06/0020/0189 13 Asandi 11/7/2/158 11/07/0020/0158 9/6/2/163 09/06/0020/0163

14 B.Basavanahalli 11/7/2/262 11/07/0020/0262 9/612/264 09/06/0020/0264 15 B.Bommenahalli 11/7/2/264 11/07/0020/0264 9/6/2/266 09/06/0020/0266 16 B.Kodihalli 11/7/2/144 11/07/0020/0144 9/6/2/116 09/06/0020/0116 17 B.Mallenahalli 11/7/2/263 11/07/0020/0263 9/6/2/265 09/06/0020/0265 18 B.T.Mallenahalli 11/7/2/277 11/07/0020/0277 9/6/2/276 09/06/0020/0276 19 Bagayat 11/7/2/140 11/07/0020/0140 9/6/2/150 09/06/0020/0150 20 11/7/2/34 11/07/0020/0034 9/6/2/39 09/06/0020/0039 21 Balliganur 11/7/2/137 11/07/0020/0137 9/6/2/148 09/06/0020/0148 22 Bananahalli 11/7/2/296 11/07/0020/0296 9/6/2/302 09/06/0020/0302 23 Banjenahalli 11/7/2/33 11/07/0020/0033 9/6/2/34 09/06/0020/0034 24 Bannihatti 11/7/2/173 11/07/0020/0173 9/6/2/179 09/06/0020/0179 25 Bantiganahalli 11/7/2/193 11/07/0020/0193 9/6/2/196 09/06/0020/0196 26 11/7/2/63 11/07/0020/0063 9/6/2/64 09/06/0020/0064 27 Baretikere 11/7/2/105 11/07/0020/0105 9/6/2/107 09/06/0020/0107 28 Basur 11/7/2/190 11/07/0020/0190 9/6/2/194 09/06/0020/0194 29 Basurkaval 11/7/2/155 11/07/0020/0155 9/6/2/191 09/06/0020/0191 30 Beeranahall i 11/7/2/23 11/07/0020/0023 9/6/2/24 09/06/0020/0024 31 Bilavalakaval 11/7/2/5 11/07/0020/0005 9/6/2/7 09/06/0020/0007 32 Biluvala 11/7/2/8 11/07/0020/0008 9/6/2/10 09/06/0020/0010 33 Birur (Rural) 11/7/21113 11/07/0020/0113 9/6/2/114 09/06/0020/0114 34 Birurkaval 11/7/2/118 11/07/0020/0118 9/6/2/127 09/06/0020/0127 35 Bislehalli 11/7/2/48 11/07/0020/0048 9/6/2/46 09/06/0020/0046 36 Bislere 11/7/2/187 11/07/0020/0187 9/6/2/192 09/06/0020/0192 37 Bittenahalli 11/7/21279 11/07/0020/0279 9/6/2/281 09/06/0020/0281 38 Bokkamallanahalli 11/7/2/239 11/07/0020/0239 9/6/2/256 09/06/0020/0256 39 Bolanahalli 11/7/2/88 11/07/0020/0088 9/6/2/85 09/06/0020/0085 40 Bommenahall i 11/7/2/83 11/07/0020/0083 9/6/2/80 09/06/0020/0080




2 3 4 5 6

41 Boothanahalli 11/7/2/11 11/07/0020/0011 9/6/21" 09/06/0020/0011 42 Brahmasamudra 11/7/2/61 11/07/0020/0061 9/6/2/61 09/06/0020/0061 43 Bukkanagundi 11/7/2/241 11/07/0020/0241 9/6/2/202 09/06/0020/0202 44 Byadraha II i 11/7/2/106 11/07/0020/0106 9/6121106 09/06/0020/0106 45 Byagadehalli 11/7/2/119 11/07/0020/0119 9/6/2/130 09/06/0020/0130 46 Byladhatu 11/7/2/65 11/07/0020/0065 9/6/2/66 09/06/0020/0066 47 Byragondanahalli 11/7/2/206 11/07/0020/0206 9/6/2/217 09/06/0020/0217

48 C.Dasarahalli 11/7/2/164 1 1/07/0020/ a164 9/6/2/169 09/06/0020/0169 49 11/7/2/12 11/07/0020/0012 9/6/2112 09/06/0020/0012 50 Chandrashekarapura 11/7/2/101 11/07/0020/0101 9/6/2/102 09/06/0020/0102 51 Channapura 11/7/2/47 11/07/0020/0047 9/6/2/48 09/06/0020/0048 52 Channenahalli 11/7/2/131 11/07/0020/0131 9/6/2/141 09/06/0020/0141 53 Chatnahat l i 11/7/2/91 11/07/0020/0091 9/6/2/95 09/06/0020/0095 54 Chattanahall i 11/7/2/224 11/07/0020/0224 9/6/2/239 09/06/0020/0239 55 Chattanapalya 11/7/2/58 11/07/0020/0058 9/6/2/62 09/06/0020/0062 56 Cheelanahalli 11/7/2/27 11/07/0020/0027 9/6/2/32 09/06/0020/0032 57 Chikkaballekere 11/7/2/178 11/07/0020/0178 9/6/2/183 09/06/0020/0183 58 Chikkabasur 11/7/2/189 11/07/0020/0189 9/6/2/195 09/06/0020/0195 59 Chikkabukkasagara 11/7/2/60 11/07/0020/0060 9/6/2159 09/06/0020/0059 60 Chikkadevanur 11/7/2/78 11/07/0020/0078 9/6/2/79 09/06/0020/0079 61 Chikkanallur 11/7/2/153 11/07/0020/0153 9/6/2/158 09/06/GQ2Q/Oj58 62 Chikkanayakanahalli 11/7/2/238 11/07/0020/0238 9/6/2/255 09/06/0020/0255 63 Chikkangla 1117/2/128 11/07/0020/0128 9/6/2/136 09/06/0020/0136 64 Chikkatangli 11/7/2/15 11/07/0020/0015 9/6/2/18 09/06/0020/0018 65 Chikpatangere 11/7/2/52 11/07/0020/0052 9/6/2153 09/06/0020/0053 66 Chinakarahalli 11/7/2/213 11/07/0020/0213 9/6/2/221 09/06/002010221 67 Chokkapura 11/7/2/236 11/07/0020/0236 9/6/2/248 09/06/0020/0248 68 Chomanahalti'Anche 11/7/2/294 11/07/0020/0294 9/6/2/300 09/06/0020/0300 69 Chowdlapura 11/7/2/3 11/07/0020/0003 9/6/2/3 09/06/0020/0003

70 D.Hosahalli 11/7/2/266 11/07/0020/0266 9/6/2/268 09/06/0020/0268 71 11/7/2/77 11/07/0020/0077 9/6/2186 09/06/0020/0086 72 DevanurKaval 11/712/70 11/07/0020/0070 9/6/2/88 09/06/0020/0088 73 Devaraha It i 11/7/2/32 11/07/0020/0032 9/6/2/33 09/06/0020/0033 740evarahalti 11/7/2/139 11/07/0020/0139 9/6/2/149 09/06/0020/0149 75 Oevarahall i 11/7/2/287 11/07/0020/0287 9/6/2/288 09/06/0020/0288 76 Dodabukkasagara 11/7/2/132 11/07/0020/0132 9/6/2/142 09/06/0020/0142 77 Ooddagatta 11/7/2/147 11/07/0020/0147 9/6/2/119 09/06/0020/0119 7800ddanayakanahalli 11/7/2/232 11/07/0020/0232 9/6/2/241 09/06/0020/0241 79 Dogihall i 11/7/2/114 11/07/0020/0114 9/6/2/125 09/06/0020/0125 80 Oombarahall i 11/7/2/53 11/07/0020/0053 9/6/2/56 09/06/0020/0056 81 Donnekoranahalli 11/7/2/253 11/07/0020/0253 9/6/2/212 09/06/0020/0212




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82 G.Bommenahalli 11/7/2/270 11/07/0020/0270 9/6/2/272 09/06/0020/0272 83 G. 11/7/2/243 11/07/0020/0243 9/6/2/205 09/06/0020/0205 84 G.Jakaenahalli 11/7/2/246 11/07/0020/0246 9/6/21206 09/06/0020/0206 85 G.Madapura 11/7/2/244 11/07/0020/0244 9/6/2/204 09/06/0020/0204 86 G. ThilllllBpura 1117/2/20 11/07/0020/0020 9/6/2/40 09/06/0020/0040 87 Gadaganahalli 1117/2/156 11/07/0020/0156 9/6/2/162 09/06/0020/0162 88 Gal ihall i 11/7/2/150 11/07/0020/0150 9/6/2/122 09/06/0020/0122 89 Gangabasavanahalli 11/7/2/107 11/07/0020/0107 9/6/2/112 09/06/0020/0112 90 Ganganahalli 11/7/2/176 11/07/0020/0176 9/6/2/181 09/06/0020/0181 91 Ganganaha II i 11/7/2/269 11/07/0020/0269 9/6/2/271 09/06/0020/0271 92 Garje 11/7/2/245 11/07/0020/0245 9/6/2/203 09/06/0020/0203 93 Gedlehall i 11/7/2/21 11/07/0020/0021 9/6/2/26 09/06/0020/0026 94 Gedleha II i 11/7/2/179 11/07/0020/0179 9/6/2/187 09/06/0020/0187 95 Gedleha II i 11/7/2/87 11/07/0020/0087 9/6/2/84 09/06/0020/0084 96 Giriyapura 11/7121152 11/07/0020/0152 9/6/2/157 09/06/0020/0157 97 Gollarahall i 11/7121126 11/07/0020/0126 9/6/2/137 09/06/0020/0137 98 Gopisettyhalli 11/7/2/45 11/07/0020/0045 9/6/2/54 09/06/0020/0054 99 Govindapura 11/712/130 11/07/0020/0130 9/6/2/139 09/06/0020/0139 100 Gowdanakattehalli 11/7/2/188 11/07/0020/0188 9/6/2/193 09/06/0020/0193 101 Gubbihalli 11/7/2/62 11/07/0020/0062 9/6/2/63 09/06/0020/0063 102 Guddeha II i 11/7/2/204 11/07/0020/0204 9/6/2/236 09/06/0020/0236 103 Gl.mll8naha II i 11/7/2/165 11/07/0020/0165 9/6/2/170 09/06/0020/0170 104 Gundasagara 11/7/2/67 , 1/07/0020/0067 9/6/2/68 09/06/0020/0068 105 Gurugadahalli 11/7/2/267 11/07/0020/0267 9/6/2/269 09/06/0020/0269

106 H.ThilTl1l8pura 11/7/2/167 11/07/0020/0167 9/612/176 09/06/0020/0176 107 H.TilTl1l8pura 11/7/21170 11/07/0020/0170 9/6/2/172 09/06/0020/0172 108 Hadagalu 11/7/2/166 11/07/0020/0166 9/6/2/171 09/06/0020/0171 109 Halikere 11/7/2/103 11/07/0020/0103 9/6/2/104 09/06/0020/0104 110 Halikerekaval 11/7/2/95 11/07/0020/0095 9/6/2/96 09/06/0020/0096 111 HaLLadahalLi 11/7/2/71 11/07/0020/0071 9/6/2187 09/06/0020/0087 112 Hanumanahalli 11/7/2/180 11/07/0020/0180 9/6/2/184 09/06/0020/0184 113 Hanumanahalli 11/7/2/203 11/07/0020/0203 9/6/2/235 09/06/0020/0235 114 Hanumapura 11/7/2/145 11/07/0020/0145 9/612/117 09/06/0020/0117 115 Harisamudra 11/712/201 11/07/0020/0201 9/6/2/216 09/06/0020/0216 116 Haruvanahalli 11/7/2/54 11/07/0020/0054 9/6/2/57 09/06/0020/0057 117 Hi L1 apura 11/7/2/41 11/07/0020/0041 9/6/2/45 09/06/0020/0045 118 Hireballekere 11/7/2/183 11/07/0020/0183 9/6/21188 09/06/0020/0188 119 Hiregarje 11/7/2/250 11/07/0020/0250 9/6/21210 09/06/0020/0210 120 Hi renallur 11/712/151 11/07/0020/0151 9/612/152 09/06/0020/0152




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121 Hirenallurkaval 11/7/2/199 11/07/0020/0199 9/6/2/155 09/06/0020/0155 122 Hiriyangala 11/712/123 11/07/0020/0123 9/6/2/129 09/06/0020/0129 123 -Chowla 11/7/2/171 11/07/0020/0171 9/6/2/175 09/06/0020/0175 124 Hochihalli 11/7/2/66 11/07/0020/0066 9/6/2/67 09/06/0020/0067 125 Hochihalli 11/7/2/210 11/07/0020/0210 9/6/2/224 09/06/0020/0224 126 Hongrehatti 11/7/2/135 11/07/0020/0135 9/6/2/145 09/06/0020/0145 127 Honnenaha II i 1117/2/85 11/07/0020/0085 9/6/2/82 09/06/0020/0082 128 Honnenaha IIi 11/7/2/209 11/07/0020/0209 9/6/2/226 09/06/0020/0226 129 Hoovinahalli 11/7/2/138 11/0710020/0138 9/6/2/147 09/06/0020/0147 130 Horithimmanahatli 11/7/2/146 11/07/0020/0146 9/6/2/118 09/06/0020/0118 131 Hosahall i 11/7/2/102 11/0710020/0102 9/6/2/103 09/06/0020/0103 132 Hosahall i 1117/2/141 11/07/0020/0141 9/6/2/128 09/06/0020/0128 133 Hosahalli-Kalli 11/7/2/181 11/07/0020/0181 9/6/2/185 09/06/0020/0185 134 Hudugarahalli 11/7/2/104 11/07/0020/0104 9/6/2/105 09/06/0020/0105 135 Hul igundi 11/7/2/297 11/07/0020/0297 9/6/2/304 09106/0020/0304 136 Hulihalli 11/7/2/162 11/07/0020/0162 9/6/2/167 09/06/0020/0167 137 Hullehall i 1117/2/117 11/07/0020/0117 9/6/2/126 09/06/0020/0126 138 Hurukanahalli 11/7/2/182 11/07/0020/0182 9/6/2/186 09/06/0020/0186 139 Hyaralagatta 11/7/2/127 11/07/0020/0127 9/6/2/138 09/06/0020/0138 140 Hyaralagatta 11/7/2/260 11/07/0020/0260 9/6/2/261 09/06/0020/0261

1411ganahalli 11/7/2/94 11/07/0020/0094 9/6/2/91 09f06/~020/0091 142 Inglaranahalli 11/7/2/115 11/07/0020/0115 9/6/2/124 09/06/0020/0124

143 Jadakanakatte 11/7/2/75 11/07/0020/0075 9/6/2/73 09/06/0020/0073 144 Janmapura 11/7/2/172 11/07/0020/0172 9/6/2/178 09/06/0020/0178 145 Jigenehalli 11/7/2/40 11/07/0020/0040 9/6/2/35 09/06/0020/0035 146 Jodithimmapura 11/7/2/149 11/07/0020/0149 9/6/2/120 09/06/0020/0120

147 K.Basavanahalli 11/7/2/218 11/07/0020/0218 9/6/2/229 09/06/0020/0229 148 K.Bidre 11/7/2/305 11/07/0020/0305 9/6/2/263 09/06/0020/0263 149 K.Chomanahalli 11/7/2/159 11/07/0020/0159 9/6/2/164 09/06/0020/0164 150 K.Dasarahalli 11/7/2/192 11/07/0020/0192 9/6/2/197 09/06/0020/0197 151 Kabal i 11/7/2/68 11/07/0020/0068 9/6/2/89 09/06/0020/0089 152 Kachapura 11/7/2/51 11/07/0020/0051 9/6/2/52 09/06/0020/0052 153 Kadur (Rural) 11/7/2/1 11/07/0020/0001 9/6/2/1 09/06/0020/0001 154 Kadurhalli 11/7/2/19 11/07/0020/0019 9/6/2/55 09/06/0020/0055 155 Kalkere 11/7/2/168 11/07/0020/0168 9/6/2/173 09/06/0020/0173 156 Kallahalli 11/7/2/177 11/07/0020/0177 9/6/2/182 09/06/0020/0182 157 Kallapura 11/7/2/10 11/07/0020/0010 9/6/2/4 09/06/0020/0004 158 Kallelinganahalli 11/7/2/258 11/07/0020/0258 9i6/2/259 09/06/0020/0259 159 Kallenahalli 11/7/2/185 11/07/0020/0185 9/6/2/190 09/06/0020/0190 160 Kaluvehalli 11/7/2/108 11/07/0020/0108 9/6/2/113 09/06/0020/0113




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161 Kamanakere 11/7/2/194 11/07/0020/0194 9/6/2/199 09/06/0020/0199 162 Kambenahalli 11/7/2/69 11/07/0020/0069 9/6/2/69 09/06/0020/0069 163 Kamenahall i 11/7/2/84 11/07/0020/0084 9/6/2/81 09/06/0020/0081 164 Kamsagara 11/7/2/46 11/07/0020/0046 9/6/2/51 09/06/0020/0051 165 Kanchagalu 11/7/2/304 11/07/0020/0304 9/6/2/284 09/06/0020/0284 166 Kanchugaranahalli 11/7/2/110 11/0710020/0110 9/6/2/108 09/06/0020/0108 167 Kandagadahalll 1117/2/230 11/07/0020/0230 9/6/2/247 09/06/0020/0247 168 Kankenahalli 11/7/2/129 11/07/0020/0129 9/6/2/140 09/06/0020/0140 169 Kannagondanahalli 11/7/2/16 11/07/0020/0016 9/612/19 09/06/0020/0019 170 Karehalli 11/7/2/24 11/07/0020/0024 9/6/2/23 09/06/0020/0023 171 Karehalli 11/7/2/76 11/07/0020/0076 9/6/2/74 09/06/0020/0074 172 Karehalli 11/7/2/148 11/07/0020/0148 9/6/2/121 09/06/0020/0121 173 Karehallikaval 11/7/2/42 11/07/0020/0042 9/6/2/44 09/06/0020/0044 174 Karithimmanahalli 11/7/2/125 11/07/0020/0125 9/6/2/135 09/06/0020/0135 175 Kariyanahalli 11/7/2/30 11/07/0020/0030 9/6/2/30 09/06/0020/0030 176 Kariyanahalli 11/7/2/59 11/07/0020/0059 9/6/2/60 09/06/0020/0060 177 Kasuvanaha II i 11/7/2/259 11/07/0020/0259 9/6/2/260 09/06/0020/0260 178 Kerehindinakaval 11/7/2/272 11/07/0020/0272 9/6/2/280 09/06/0020/0280 179 Keremelinahalli 11/7/2/202 11/07/0020/0202 9/6/2/234 09/06/0020/0234 180 Keresanthe 11/7/2/295 11/07/0020/0295 9/6/2/301 09/06/0020/0301 181 Kethumaranahalli 11/7/2/100 11/07/0020/0100 9/6/2/10-1 09/06/0020/0101 182 KocHhall i 11/7/2/17 11/07/0020/0017 9/6/2/21 09/06/0020/0021 183 Kodihall i 11/7/2/290 11/07/0020/0290 9/6/2/296 09/06/0020/0296 184 Kothigere 11/7/2/221 11/07/0020/0221 9/6/2/232 09/06/0020/0232 185 Kukkasamudra 11/7/2/174 11/07/0020/0174 9/6/2/180 09/06/0020/.()180 186 Kundur 11/7/2/284 11/07/0020/0'l84 9/6/2/287 09/06/0020/0287 187 Kunkanadu 11/7/2/216 11/07/0020/0216 9/6/2/227 09/06/0020/0227 188 Kuppalu 11/7/2/31 11/07/0020/0031 9/6/2/31 09/06/0020/0031 189 Kurubagere 11/7/2/36 11/07/0020/0036 9/6/2/43 09/06/0020/0043 190 Kurubarahalli 11/7/2/9 11/07/0020/0009 9/6/2/5 09/06/0020/0005 191 Kurubarahalli "/7/2/26 11/07/0020/0026 9/6/2/27 09/06/0020/0027 192 Kurubarahalli 11/7/2/169 11/07/0020/0169 9/6/2/174 09/06/0020/0174 193 Kurubarahalli 11/7/2/79 11/07/0020/0079 9/6/2/75 09/06/0020/0075 194 Kyadigere 11/7/2/154 11/07/0020/0154 9/6/2/159 09/06/0020/0159

195 Lakkenahall i 11/7/2/29 11/07/0020/0029 9/6/2129 09/06/0020/0029 196 Laksettyhalli 11/7/2/289 11/07/0020/0289 9/6/2/295 09/06/0020/0295 197 Laxmisagara 11/7/2/74 11/07/0020/0074 9/6/2/71 09/06/0020/0071 198 lingadahall i 11/7/2196 11/07/0020/0096 9/6/2/97 09/06/0020/0097 199 Lingalapura 11/7121122 11/07/0020/0122 9/6/2/133 09/06/0020/0133 200 Linglapura 1<1/7/2/291 11/07/0020/0291 9/6/2/297 09/06/0020/0297 201 Lylapura 11/7/2/98 11/07/0020/0098 9/6/2/99 09/06/0020/0099




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202 M.Chomanahalli 11/7/2/197 11/07/0020/0197 9/6/21154 09/06/0020/0154 203 M.Jakkanahalli 11/7/2/208 11/07/0020/0208 9/6/21225. 09/06/0020/0225 204 M.Kodihall i 11/7/2/212 11/07/0020/0212 9/6/2/220 09/06/0020/0220 205 M.Mallenahalli 11/7/2/283 11/07/0020/0283 9/6/2/286 09/06/0020/0286 206 Machegondanahalli 11/7/2/81 11/07/0020/0081 9/6/2/77 09/06/0020/0077 207 Macher; 11/712/14 11/07/0020/0014 9/6/2/16 09/06/0020/0016 208 Madalu 11/7/2/227 11/07/0020/0227 9/6/2/243 09/06/0020/0243 209 Mallagatta 11/7/2/301 11/07/0020/0301 9/6/2/303 09/06/0020/0303 210 Mallappanahalli 11/7/2/55 11/07/0020/0055 9/6/2/t5 09/06/0020/0015 211 Mallappanahalli 11/7/2/292 11/07/0020/0292 9/6/2/298 09/06/0020/0298 212 Mallappanahalli 11/7/2/80 11/07/0020/0080 9/6/2/76 09/06/0020/0076 213 Malleshwara 11/7/2/56 11/07/0020/0056 9/6/2/13 09{06/0020/0013 214 Mallidevihalli 11/7/2/228 11/07/0020/0228 9/6/2/245 09/06/0020/0245 215 Mangenahalli 11/7/2/73 11/07/0020/0073 9/6/2/70 09/06/0020/0070 216 Manjihalli 11/7/2/64 11/07/0020/0064 9/6/2/65 09/06/0020/0065 217 Maravanji 11/7/2/215 11/07/0020/0215 9/6/2/223 09{06/0020/0223 218 Mardihall i 11/7/2/35 11/07/0020/0035 9/6/2/41 09/06/0020/0041 219 Marulanahalli 11/7/2/191 11/07/0020/0191 9/6/2/198 09/06/0020/0198 220 Mathigatta 11/7/2/28 11/07/0020/0028 9/6/2/28 09/06/0020/0028 221 11/712/302 11/07/0020/0302 9/6/2/293 09/06/00?0/0293 222 Mavinahall i 11/7/2/247 11/07/0020/0247 9/6/2/207 09/06/0020/0207 - 223 Mel anaha II i 11/7/2/196 11/07/0020/0196 9/6/2/153 09/06/0020/0153 224 Meredevarahalli 11/7/2/248 11/07/0020/0248 9/6/2/253 09/06/0020/0253 225 11/712/13 11/07/0020/0013 9/6/2/17 09/06/0020/0017 226 Muddenahalli 11/7/21261 11/07/0020/0261 9/6/2/262 09/06/0020/0262 227 Mugt ikatte 11/7/2/222 11/07/0020/0222 9/6/2/237 09/06/0020/0237 228 Muthanagere 11/7/2/280 11/07/0020/0280 9/6/2/282 09/06/0020/0282

229 Nagadevanahalli 11/7/2/142 11/07/0020/0142 9/6/2/151 09/06/0020/0151 230 Nagadiyathkaval 1117/2/22 11/07/0020/0022 9/6/2/22 09/06/0020/002'2 231 Nagagondanahalli 1117/2/7 11/07/0020/0007 9/6/2/9 09/06/0020/0009 232 Nagarahal 11/7/2/89 11/07/0020/0089 9/6/2/90 09/06/0020/0090 233 Nag~nahalli 11/7/2/111 11/07/0020/0111 9/6/2/109 09/06/0020/0109 234 Narasipura 31/7/2/195 11/07/0020/0195 9/6/2/200 09/06/0020/0200 235 Narasipura 11/712/254 11/07/0020/0254 9/6/2/213 09/06/0020/0213 236 Nidghatta 11/7/2/93 11/07/0020/0093 9/6/2/92 09/06/0020/0092 237 NiduvaLli 1117/2/274 11/07/0020/0274 9/6/2/274 09/06/0020/0274

2380uthanahalli 11/7/2/124 11/07/0020/0124 9/6/2/134 09/06/0020/0134

239 P.KodihaLli 11/7/2/251 11/07/0020/0251 9/6/2/208 09/06/0020/0208 240 P.Mallapura 11/7/2/255 11/07/0020/0255 9/6/2/214 09/06/0020/0214 241 Panchanahalli 11/7/2/276 11/07/0020/0276 9/6/2/275 09/06/0020/0275 242 panchehosahaLli 11/7/2/39 11/07/0020/0039 9/6/2/36 09/06/0020/0036




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243 Patnagere 11/7/2/44 11/07/0020/0044 9/6/2/42 09/06/0020/0042 244 Pattadevarahalli 11/7/2/303 11/07/0020/0303 9/6/2/291 09/06/0020/0291 245 Pillenahalli 11/7/2/109 11/07/0020/0109 9/6/2/111 09/06/0020/0111 246 Pur a 11/7/2/252 11/07/0020/0252 9/6/2/211 09/06/0020/0211

247 Ramanahall i 1117/2/49 11/07/0020/0049 9/6/2/49 09/06/0020/0049 248 Ramanaha II i 11/7/2/143 11/07/0020/0143 9/6/2/115 09/06/0020/0115 249 Ramanahall i 11/7/2/273 11/07/0020/0273 9/6/21279 09/06/0020/0279 250 Rampura 11/712/249 11/07/0020/0249 9/6/2/209 09/06/0020/0209 251 Rangapura 1117/2/286 11/07/0020/0286 9/6/2/289 09/06/0020/0289 252 Revannanahalll 11/7/2/198 11/07/0020/0198 9/6/2/156 09/06/0020/0156

253 S.Basavanahalli 11/7/2/306 11/07/0020/0306 9/6/2/292 09/06/0020/0292 254 S.Bidre 1117/2/97 11/07/0020/0097 9/6/2/98 09/06/0020/0098 255 S.Madapura 1117/2/285 11/07/0020/0285 9/6/2/290 09/06/0020/0290 256 Sadarahalli 11/7/2/226 11/07/0020/0226 9/6/2/244 09/06/0020/0244 257 Sakrepatna 11/7/2/57 11/07/0020/0057 9/6/2/58 09/06/0020/0058 258 Sanehalli 11/7/2/233 11/07/0020/0233 9/6/2/240 09/06/0020/0240 259 SankLapura 11/7/2/163 11/07/0020/0163 9/6/2/168 09/06/0020/0168 260 Santhekerehalli 11/7/2/293 11/07/0020/0293 9/6/2/299 09/06/0020/0299 261 Saraswathipura 11/7/2/50 11/07/0020/0050 9/6/2/50 09/06/0020/0050 262 Seethapura 11/7/2/240 11/07/0020/0240 9/6/2/257 09/06/0020/0257 263 Shanabinagondi 11/7/2/72 11/07/0020/0072 9/6/2/72 09/06/0020/0072 264 Shankunipura 11/7/2/133 11/07/0020/0133 9/6/2/143 09/06/0020/0143 265 Shett i ha II i 11/7/2/281 11/07/002010281 9/6/21283 09/06/'0020/0283 266 Siddapura 11/7/2/160 11/07/0020/0160 9/6/2/165 09/06/0020/0165 267 Siddarahalli 11/7/2/92 11/07/0020/0092 9/6/2/93 09/06/0020/0093 268 Siddaramanahalli '''7/2/282 11/07/0020/0282 9/6/2/285 09/06/0020/0285 269 Siddegowdanahalli 11/7/2/157 11/07/0020/0157 9/6/2/161 09/06/0020/0161 270 Singatagere 11/7/2/257 11/07/0020/0257 9/6/2/258 09/06/0020/0258 271 Siriyappanahalli 11/7/2/242 11/07/0020/0242 9/6121254 09/06/0020/0254 272 Somanaha Ll i 11/7/2/214 11/07/0020/0214 9/6/2/222 09/06/0020/0222 273 Somanahall i 11/7/2/288 11/07/0020/0288 9/6/2/294 09/06/0020/0294 274 Soorapura 11/7/2/229 11/07/0020/0229 9/6/2/246 09/06/0020/0246 275 Swamykatte 11/7/2/99 11/07/0020/0099 9/6/2/100 09/06/0020/0100

276 Taggihallikaval 11/7/2/268 11/07/0020/0268 9/6/2/270 09/06/0020/0270 277 Tandreborekaval 11/7/2/86 11/07/0020/0086 9/6/2/83 09/06/0020/0083 278 Tangl i 11/7/2/18 11/07/0020/0018 9/6/2/20 09/06/0020/0020 279 Thanmihall i 11/7/2/175 11/07/0020/0175 9/6/2/177 09/06/0020/0177 280 Thimlapura 11/7/2/278 11/07/0020/0278 9/6/2/277 09/06/0020/0277 281 Thippagondanahalli 11/7/2182 11/07/0020/0082 9/6/2/78 09/06/0020/0078 282 Thippagondanahalli 11/7/2/235 11/07/0020/0235 9/6/2/250 09/06/0020/0250 283 Thubinakere 11/7/2/275 11/07/0020/0275 9/6/2/278 09/06/0020/0278 284 Thuruvanahalli 11/7/2/2 11/07/0020/0002 9/6/2/2 09/06/0020/0002




1 2 3 4 5 6

285 U.KodihaLl i 11/7/2/120 11/07/0020/0120 9/6/2/131 09/06/0020/0131 286 Udugere 11/7/2/205 11/07/0020/0205 9/6/21233 09/06/0020/0233 287 UL igere 11/7/2/220 11/07/0020/0220 9/6/2/231 09/06/0020/0231 288 UL Linagur 11/7/2/121 11/07/0020/0121 9/6/2/132 09/06/0020/0132 289 Uppi naha LLi 11/7/2/271 11/07/0020/0271 9/6/2/273 09/06/0020/0273 290 Uppunse 11/7/2/4 11/07/0020/0004 9/6/2/6 09/06/0020/0006

291 VaderahaLLi 11/7/2/25 11/07/0020/0025 9/6/2/25 09/06/0020/0025 292 Vaderaha II i 11/7/2/219 11/07/0020/0219 9/6/2/230 09/06/0020/0230 293 VirupanahaLli 11/7/2/90 11/07/0020/0090 9/6/2/94 09/06/0020/0094 294 Vi ttal apura ,'/7/2/237 11/07/0020/0237 9/6/2/251 09/06/0020/0251 295 Vokkalagere 11/7/2/211 11/07/0020/0211 9/6/2/219 09/06/0020/0219

296 Y.SasavanahaLLi 11/7/2/256 11/07/0020/0256 9/6/2/215 '()9/06/0020/0215 297 Y.BasavanahaLli 11/7/2/299 11/07/0020/0299 9/6/2/306 09/06/0020/0306 298 Y.Mallapura 11/7/2/225 11/07/0020/0225 9/6/2/242 09/06/0020/0242 299 Yagati 11/7/2/200 11/07/0020/0200 9/6/2/201 09/06/0020/0201 300 Yalagondanahalli 11/7/2/231 11/07/0020/0231 9/6/2/252 09/06/0020/0252 301 Yaradakere 11/7/2/298 11/07/0020/0298 9/6/2/305 09/06/0020/0305 302 Yaradakere.C. 11/7/2/207 11/07/0020/0207 9/6/2/218 09/06/0020/0218 303 Yarehal Li 11/7/2/116 11/07/0020/0116 9/6/2/123 09/06/0020/0123 304 YeL LambaLse 11/7/2/234 11/07/0020/0234 9/6/2/249 09/06/0020/0249 305 Yerrmedodd i 11/7/21134 11/07/0020/0134 9/6/2/144 09/06/0020/0144 306 Yerehall; 11/7/2/37 11/07/0020/0037 9/6/2/37 09/06/0020/0037


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12) ( 13) (14)

T 1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 20499 19576 KADUR C.O.Block R 1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 20499 19576 U

, Kadur (Rural) 242.41 ------~~--~----- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ~------2 Thuruvanahalli 437.67 120 120 714 366 348 138 78 60 146 135 3 Chowdlapura 276.07 39 39 263 136 127 36 18 18 4 Uppunse 783.45 210 210 1269 650 619 282 122 160 77 66

5 Bi lavalakaval 727.40 .. --.---~---~~-.-~ Un-Inhabited Village ------.---.---.

6 ______• ___ • 6 Aladahall i 139.84 ------~----- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 7 Nagagondanahalli 385_87 160 160 930 436 494 159 69 90 8 Bi luvala 188.70 211 211 1241 639 602 188 10'0 -88 8 9 9 Kurubarahall i 246.72 _------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------. 10 Kallapura 310.57 199 i99 1195 605 590 313 156 157 11 Boothanahalli 159.46 .------.------Un-Inhabi ted vi llage ------.

12 Chandrapura 128.52 ------.~----- Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------

... _____ ...... ____ •• o .. _.~ 13 Muddenahalli 49.17 Un-Inhabited Village -----~------14 Macheri 567.35 254 254 1586 819 767 255 124 131 381 326 15 Chikkatangli 281.17 161 161 869 448 421 128 71 57 262 226 16 Kannagondanahalli 197.46 82 82 408 206 202 78 39 39 83 79 17 Kodihall i 83.04 14 14 81 46 35 17 8 9 46 35 18 Tangl i 659.30 299 299 1575 809 766 222 112 110 277 270 19 Kadurhalli 715.61 232 232 1278 662 616 165 93 72 158 147 20 G. Thinmapura 291.71 184 189 1129 564 565 167 80 87 117 101 21 Gedlehalli 388.26 135 135 666 329 337 107 55 52 114 115 22 Nagadiyathkaval 316.91 1 2 2 2 23 Beeranahalli 313.07 137 137 699 356 343 96 52 44 346 339 24 Kareha II i 259.51 60 60 343 169 174 68 37 31 25 Vaderahall i 153.89 7 7 25 14 11 4 3 3 261(urubarahalli 229.28 65 65 337 168 169 49 28 21 52 55 27 Cheelanahall i 234.21 57 57 380 In 203 47 15 32 5 5 28 Mathigatta 889.34 390 390 2010 1006 1004 279 140 139 312 289 29 lakkenahall i 256.45 115 115 688 356 332 62 53 9 53 52 30 Kariyanahall i 87.86 78 78 350 176 174 42 19 23


Name of C. D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Locat i on Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

( I - IX) (I) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) ( 16) ( 17) ( 18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

620 573 61939 38354 62115 21301 42699 8664 9374 10650 620 573 61939 38354 62115 21301 42699 8664 9374 10650 KADUR C.D.Block

-~------~------~ Un-Inhabited Village ------~----- Kadur (Rura l) 1 178 88 213 159 90 78 45 64 Thuruvanaha II i 2 80 27 83 60 74 13 1 44 Chowdlapura 3 252 78 392 90 320 17 38 67 Uppunse 4

------,~ Un-Inhabited Vi lJ,.age ------Bilavalakaval 5 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village .------.------Aladahall i 6 189 79 240 172 175 32 49 138 Nagagondanahalli 7 3 236 94 363 118 229 14 96 100 Biluvala 8 -.------.---- Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Kurubarahalli 9 312 184 321 178 169 60 89 97 Kallapura 10 ------Un-Inhabited Village .------Boothanahalli 11 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Chandrapura 12 ------Un-i nhabi ted V.illage ------Muddenahall i 13 376 152 465 176 319 65 121 106 Macheri 14 205 135 247 141 156 1 67 138 Chikkatangli 15 83 38 130 111 43 4 49 96 Kannagondanahalli 16 6 2 29 18 1 4 2 Kodihall i 17 491 344 451 215 189 38 127 151 Tangl i 18 378 147 398 41 275 2 52 35 Kadurhalli 19 335 226 298 89 187 36 7 23 G. Thinmapura 20 184 113 187 81 85 31 15 18 Gedlehalli 21 1 2 1 1 Nagadiyathkaval 22 192 101 217 81 156 33 50 45 Beeranahalli 23 71 33 84 116 n 113 Karehall i 24 7 2 9 4 4 2 Vaderahalli 25 88 58 109 115 108 113 Kurubarahalli 26 147 96 102 105 79 85 10 16 Cheelanahalli 27 536 326 614 253 426 146 98 96 Mathigatta 28 125 33 232 224 3 Lakkenahalli 29 108 67 105 25 88 20 5 3 Kariyanahalli 30


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o f 101 A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.Il1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Fotestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied IndUstry activities

(I II) (IV) [Vea)] [V(b)] (VI)

(101) (F) (101) (f) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (30 (32) (33) (34)

T 1586 243 339 99 511 318 1176 144 386 21 KADUR C.D.Block R 1586 243 339 99 511 318 1176 144 386 21 U

--_ ...... - .. _.. _.... 1 Kadur (Rural) _- Un-Inhabited Vi llage -~-- .. ---- .. -~----- 2 Thuruvanahalli 7 6 45 10 3 Chowdlapura 4 2 4 Uppunse 2 3 5 -- __ ... _- .. ------... 5 Bilavalakaval Un-Inhabited Vi llage ----- .. ------~- 6 Aladahall i .. -_- ..... - ...... _--_ ... _ Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------_------7 Nagagondanahall i 4 2 8 Bituvala 14 2 9 Kurubarahall i _.. _- .... -_ ...... - .. Un-Inhabi ted Vi tlage ------10 Kallapura 9 7 9 13 13 11 Boothanahalli - .. _----_ .... _-- ... -.. Un- lnhabi ted Vi llage ------.. ------12 Chandrapura -..... --_ .. _---- .. _..... Un-Inhabited Vi llage ---- ... ------.... - ..... -_ .. __ ...... 13Muddenahalli Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------~--- 14 Macheri 2 15 Chi kkatangl i 2 14 4 16 Kannagondanahalli 33 9 17 Kodihalli 24 16 18 Tangli 18 4 6 1 4 14 4 3 19 Kadurhalli '1 , 28 20 G. ThillJllapura 20 4 2 5 33 6 16 4 21 Gedlehalli 58 29 3 9 22 Nagadiyathkaval 23 Beeranahall i 2 2 24 Kareha t t i 2 4 3 25 Vaderahall i 4 26 Kurubarahall i 27 Cheelanahall i 5 1 28 Mathigatta 3 8 3 29 Lakkenahalli 30 Kariyanahalli


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

IJ 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-lJorkers Name of Village I Location 1J0rkers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NtAJber Comnerce Storage and Services COIlIlluni cat i on

(VI I) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (f) eM) (f) (M) (f) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2294 381 472 11 3278 770 1714 19168 44427 65703 2294 381 472 11 3278 770 1714 19168 44427 65703 KADUR C.D.Block

--~--~-----~--~--- Un-I nhabi ted Village .--~------.- Kadur (Rural) 15 11 1 17 36 136 153 Thuruvanahalli 2 1 t 1 53 67 Chowdlapura 3 11 2 13 3 261 258 268 Uppunse 4 ------_--- Un-lnhabited Vi llage ------Bilavalakaval 5 --.-----_------Un-Inhabited Village ------Aladahalti 6 3 9 22 127 174 195 Nagagondanahalli 7 4 17 3 10 174 266 310 Si lwala 8 ______M. ______Un-Inhabited Village _--.-----.-----.-- Kurubarahall i 9 22 9 1 3 284 409 Kallapura 10 --.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Boothanahalli 11 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------_ Chand rapura 12 -----_------Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Muddenahall i 13 3 2 18 2 82 354 509 Macheri 14 Z 22 65 179 215 Chikkatangli 15 3 2 2 76 91 Kannagondanahalli 16 17 17 Kodihall i 17 39 2 12 39 15 14 358 531 Tangl i 18 8 2 2 21 2 264 573 Kadurhall i 19 6 2 23 12 4 24 262 452 G. Th illlll8pura 20 4 11 2 2 4 140 252 Gedlehalli 21 Nagadiyathkaval 22 B 139 262 Beeranahalti 23 85 58 Karehalli 24 5 7 Vaderahalti 25 59 54 Kurubarahall i 26 3 4 4 3 11 12 87 Cheelanahall i 21 20 6 SO 10 4 391 747 Mathigatta 28 5 17 124 314 Lakkenahalli 29 3 8 2 71 149 Kariyanahatli 30


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / ~ard Rural/ Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) eM) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Kuppalu 793.32 207 207 1051 524 527 158 68 90 79 94 32 Devarahall i 349.29 74 80 394 189 205 25 11 14 2 3 33 Banj enaha ll'i 516.16 127 127 768 360 408 160 64 96 2 2 34 Ballekere 704.73 179 181 1086 547 539 176 94 82111 108 35 Mardihall i 323.70 114 115 625 339 286 106 73 33 86 62 36 Kurubagere 114.79 70 70 380 185 195 64 33 31 3 3 37 Yerehall i 51.55 30 30 181 84 97 24 10 14 38 Alagatta 469.35 ',0 110 600 276 324 130 59 71 37 31 39 Panchehosahalli 315.33 140 140 769 377 392 152 89 63 40 Jigenehalli 476.25 305 305 1594 791 803 245 129' 116 41 50 41 Hillapura 197.01 8 8 28 16 12 3 2 10 8 42 Karehallikaval 789.87 9 9 21 9 12 4 5 43 Angajanahalli 66.26 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 44 Patnagere 746.55 411 412 2337 1176 1161 362 173 189 310 293 45 Gopisettyhalli 104 .. 86 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 46 Kamsagara 243.82 182 182 994 499 495 145 83 e2 82 83 47 Channapura 381.70 106 106 685 361 324 60 40 20 48 Bislehalli 115.29 155 155 824 439 385 101 50 51 25 16 49 Ramanahall i 391.45 250 250 1443 726 717 288 149 139 635 640 50 Saraswathipura 331.56 320 320 1734 864 870 280 144 136 149 155 51 Kachapura 205.46 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 52 Chikpatangere 541.53 214 215 1178 566 612 155 73 82 65 67 53Dombarahalli 103.61 21 21 113 59 54 10 5 5 54 Haruvanahalli 264.72 88 89 476 239 237 63 27 36 7 5 55 Mallappanahalli 118.50 3 3 9 6 3 2 56 Malleshwara 680.71 164 164 976 479 497 175 92 83 126 118 57 Sakrepatna 3132.63 1070 1090 5242 2684 2558 732 352 380 574 540 58 Chattanapalya 246.84 39 39 160 81 79 21 12 9 79 77 59 Kariyanahalli 52.46 2 2 13 5 8 3 337 60 Chikkabukkasagara 270.43 24 24 137 68 69 24 6 18 34 36 61 Brahmasamudra 935.63 57 57 285 150 135 47 28 19 98 92 62 Gubbihalli 399.17 185 192 1032 537 495 109 48 61 222 193 63 Banur 476.35 394 396 2061 1055 1006 256 122 134 303 279 64 Manjihalli 463.87 73 73 359 189 170 45 24 21 8 5 65 Byladhalu 735.59 193 194 1113 551 562 185 98 87 219 200


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (1) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

220 105 309 68 207 17 39 32 Kuppalu 31 138 107 120 130 93 95 22 34 Devarahalli 32 162 46 214 117 182 96 19 16 Banjenahalli 33 276 lIT 299 70 213 41 10 20 Ballekere 34 139 49 199 17 180 16 4 Mardihall i 35 49 16 99 38 67 4 28 31 Kurubagere 36 45 20 42 17 38 14 4 3 Yerehall i 37 79 27 159 50 142 35 15 11 Alagatta 38 98 46 170 49 139 25 49 Panchehosahall i 39 351 146' 431 203 342 99 46 98 Jigenehalli 40 3 1 9 8 1 1 8 7 Hillapura 41 8 4 5 4 Karehallikaval 42 Un-Inhabited Vi\lage ------,-- Angajanahall i 43 2 3 749 430 620 216 388 93 88 95' Patnagere 44 Un-Inhabited Village ------Gopisettyhall i. 45 289 214 287 131 187 46 67 79 Kamsagara 46 293 229 218 2 207 Channapura 47 354 238 213 4 145 18 Bislehalli 48 237 86 440 412 111 88 314 321 Ramanahall i 49 505 333 472 98 387 66 28 26 Saraswathipura 50 Un-Inhabited Village ------Kachapura 51 410 348 367 285 263 229 36 47 Chikpatangere 52 48 37 40 15 39 14 1 Oombarahall i 53 125 68 138 49 106 40 5 4 Haruvanahalli 54 2 3 1 Mallappanahall i 55 240 172 248 23 125 18 25 Malleshwara 56 4 3 1806 1265 1540 807 535 231 310 450 Sakrepatna 57 30 17 49 50 47 49 Chattanapalya 58 4 4 4 4 Kariyanahall i S9 38 22 38 29 4 5 28 22 Chikkabukkasagara 60 65 38 98 56 21 5 77 49 Brahmasamudra 61 371 263 350 43 217 82 40 Gubbihalli 62 743 509 619 402 456 283 71 109 Banur 63 113 45 117 13 86 25 11 Manj ihall i 64 210 111 330 286 264 125 58 161 Byladhalu 65


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.IIIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

( III) (IV) [V(a)] [v(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Kuppalu 13 12 5 32 Devarahall i 33 Banjenahalli 3 5 1 34 Ballekere 23 3 7 35 Mardihall i 3 6 36 Kurubagere 2 37 Yerehall i 38 Alagatta 39 Panchehosah&tli 2 40 J i genehall i 11 41 Hillapura 42 Karehallikaval 3 43 Angajanahalli Un-Inhabited Village 44 Patnagere 4 2 11 3 45 8 3 45 Gopisettyhalli Un-Inhabited Village 46 Kamsagara 3 2 47 Channapura 2 -_ 1 48 Bislehalli 2 6 49 Ramanahall i .. 3 50 Saraswathipura 2 -- 17 51 Kachapura ------.-----_.-- Un-Inhabited Village ------.. ~-~~-- 52 Chikpatangere 11 4 2 2 53 Dombarahall i 54 Haruvanaha II i 12 55 Mallappanahalli 2 56 Malleshwara 9 25 21 4 57 Sakrepatna 68 3 14 8 81 1'7 27 58 Chattanapalya 1 59 Kariyanahalli 60 Chikkabukkasagara 61 Brahmasamudra 2 62 Gubbihalli 3 8 63 Banur 5 12 64 Manjihalli 65 Byladhalu 2


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIllber COIIIllerce Storage and Services COIIII1Unication

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

26 2 4 15 5 215 459 Kuppalu 31 2 3 69 75 Devaraha II i 32 4 5 7 160 139 131 Banjenahall i 33 6 4 32 7 2 50 246 419 Ballekere 34 5 1 8 168 132 101 Mardihall i 35 2 1 28 85 129 Kurubagere 36 42 80 Yerehalli 37 1 1 4 117 274 Alagatta 38 2 2 18 77 189 266 Panchehosahall i 39 6 2 25 3 5 56 355 544 Jigenehalli 40 7 3 Hillapura 41 5 3 Karehallikaval 42 _.. _------Un-Inhabited Village ------Angajanahall i 43 23 55 16 67 555 878 Patnagere 44 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Gopi settyhall i 45 15 2 10 5 92 212 272 Kamsagara 46 2 6 23 227 120 95 Channapura 47 6 7 29 3 43 148 183 233 Bislehalli 48 6 3 3 2 286 305 Ramanahall i 49 15 3 19 5 36 224 356 548 Saraswathipura 50 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Kachapura 51 22 28 5 2 7 197 320 Chikpatangere 52 19 39 Dombarahalli 53 5 10 3 10 19 91 169 Haruvanahalli 54 3 3 Mal lappanahal 1i 55 7 16 16 3 6 12 225 462 Malleshwara 56 246 42 43 8 216 47 33 145 1111 1606 Sakrepatna 57 3 32 26 Chattanapalya 58 4 Kariyanahal I i 59 2 2 2 30 40 Chikkabukkasagara 60 52 78 Brahmasamudra 61 18 21 2 259 187 193 Gubbihall i 62 14 6 54 8 6 84 430 520 Banur 63 4 102 72 55 Manj ihall i 64 2 3 3 221 273 Byladhalu 65


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard RuraLI Hectares Occu' House' (Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIlber Urban for vil· pied HoLds Institutional & (0 . 6) Lages & Resid· Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.BLocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Hochihall i 1140.02 389 389 2158 1066 1092 412 209 203 190 201 67 Gundasagara 300.90 134 134 635 307 328 68 31 37 52 55 68 Kabat i 475.26 110 110 576 293 283 62 34 28 73 58 69 Kambenahalli 155.51 .," •...... •.. Un'lnhabited Village 70 Devanurkaval 196.72 ,." ...... " ..... , Un'lnhabited Vi llage 71 HaL ladahaL l i 59.89 52 53 277 135 142 34 17 17 16 16 72 Shanabinagondi 254.86 119 119 572 293 279 61 30 31 69 61 73 MangenahaLLi 175.93 105 105 473 236 237 74 37 37 12 13 74 Laxmisagara 126.61 10 10 77 34 43 12 5 7 75 Jadakanakatte 229.96 21 21 104 46 58 19 8 11 18 25 76 Karehal Li 631.97 162 162 864 436 428 114 58 56 10'3 84 77 Devanur 681.94 418 418 2075 1034 1041 287 144- 143 76 83 78 Chikkadevanur 203.07 256 256 1425 729 696 183 88 95 42 37 79 Kurubarahalli 209.91 26 26 115 66 49 13 8 5 80 Mallappanahalli 162.47 19 19 93 44 49 17 6 11 42 47 81 Machegondanahalli 165.71 137 137 697 349 348 65 34 31 82 T~ippagondanahalli 129.64 38 38 278 147 131 28 16 1-2 83 Bommenaha II i 165.53 51 51 257 123 134 37 17 20 84 Kamenahall i 272.91 122 122 748 378 370 90 43 47 19 19 85 Honnenahalli 125.89 50 50 294 150 144 44 22 22 86 Tandreborekaval 994.77 154 154 714 365 349 106 36 70 209 208 87 Gedlehall i 223.14 19 19 110 53 57 11 5 6 1 88 Bolanahall i 258.33 94 94 469 259 210 85 50 35 180 142 89 Nagarahal 1093.02 279 279 1476 761 715 203 103' 100 74 69 90 Vi rupanahall i 220.06 ...... Un' Inhabited Vi llage 91 Chatnahall i 215.03 127 127 696 344 352 103 47 56 97 107 92 Siddarahalli 57.72 ..••..•...... - Un· Inhabited Village ...... ' .... . 93 Nidghatta 824.70 766 766 3845 1950 1895 451 213 238 130 115 94 Iganahall i 211.56 ...... Un' Inhabited Village ...•...... 95 Halikerekaval 2110.02 9 9 49 25 24 7 1 6 8 12 96 lingadahaLli 1358.74 393 393 2316 1166 1150 352 170 182 225 201 97 S.Bidre 1303.12 540 540 2700 1395 1305 300 154 146 71 64 98 lylapura 173.55 ...... Un' Inhabited Village 99 Swamykatte 856.64 81 81 497 262 235 78 43 35 100 Kethumaranahalli 471.83 193 193 1025 510 515 137 67 70


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code CuLtivators AgricuLturaL Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(101) (F) (101) (F) (101) (F) (14) (F) (101) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

353 173 574 174 473 85 54 80 Hochihall i 66 196 121 183 14 167 11 3 2 Gundasagara 67 192 102 183 164 129 126 35 34 Kabal i 68 Un-Inhabited Village ------­ Kambenahalli 69 Un-Inhabited VilLage ------Devanurkaval 70 96 68 79 10 53 1 1 3 Halladahall i 71 198 144 188 134 44 Shanabinagondi 72 42 26 145 7 119 2 17 5 Mangenahalli 73 17 14 21 21 Laxmisagara 74 22 14 22 17 Jadakanakatte 75 290 179 246 62 181 24 39 35 Karehall i 76 3 2 599 364 595 154 339 53 60 62 Devanur 77 463 276 423 37 223 9 60 23 Chikkadevanur 78 50 30 43 2 37 1 Kurubaraha II i 79 1 30 5 2 28 5 lola II appanaha II i 80 247 128 209 14 182 8 3 3 Machegondanahalli 81 117 64 76 1 74 1 Thippagondanahalli 82 65 85 74 8 43 2 3 2 Bommenahall i 83 266 155 212 4 188 2 3 Kamenahalli 84 77 34 63 2 62 2 Honnenahalli 85 242 115 220 126 198 100 17 24 Tandreborekaval 86 42 31 34 18 31 18 Gedlehalli 87 128 5·' 150 101 90 50 38 34 Bolanahalli 88 410 205 478 159 361 7 78 146 Nagarahal 89 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Vi rupanahall i 90 195 103 201 12 159 2 28 7 Chatnahalli 91 Un-Inhabited Village ------Siddarahalli 92 7 5 1288 814 1063 164 770 41 116 103 Nidghatta 93 Un-Inhabited Village ------Iganahalli 94 13 20 5 19 4 1 HalikerekavaL 95 473 200 645 270 547 181 42 77 Li ngadaha II i 96 14 19 851 482 834 153 630 67 52 76 S.Bidre 97 Un-Inhabited ViLlage ------LyLapura 98 142 79 130 17 100 2 20 15 Swamykatte 99 270 187 317 142 175 2 126 138 KethumaranahaLLi 100


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F 14 A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlJI1ber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Hochihall i 10 6 5 67 Gundasagara 2 68 Kabal i 6 69 Kambenahalli -- ..... ------.. - Un-Inhabited Vi llage --- .. ------.------70 Devanurkaval ... ------... ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------71 Halladahalli 4 72 Shanabinagondi 2 73 Mangenahalli 7 74 laxmisagara 75 Jadakanakatte 76 Karehall i 3 5 77 Devanur 9 6 7 20 -2 17 78 Chikkadevanur 3 2 23 29 79 Kurubarahalli 2 80Matlappanahalli 81 Machegondanahalli 2 3 82 Thippagondanahalli 83 Bonmenaha II i 25 2 1 84 Kamenaha II i 2 3 2 85 Honnenahalli 86 Tandreborekaval 87 Gedlehalli 1 88 Bolanahall i 16 16 89 Nagarahal 3 10 2 90 Virupanahalli .. --_ .. _------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------91 Chatnahall i 1 92 Siddarahalli .. ------.. ---- ...... - Un-Inhabited Vi! lage ------93 Nidghatta 5 6 14 14 94 Iganahall i _- ..... __ ..... _--- ... _-- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------95 Halikerekaval 1 96 lingadahalli 3 5 3 9 6 97 S.Bidre 28 3 16 2

98 lylapura ------Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------.. ~---- 99 Swamykatte 2 3 100 Kethumaranahalli 5


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade lind Transport, Other Nl.IIlber Conmerce Storage and Services COI11llUn i cat i on

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

10 2 20 2 10 281 482 637 Hochihalli 66 1 7 1 5 124 309 Gundasagara 67 4 2 7 2 1 110 118 Kabal i 68 _ ~M ______. __ ft ______~_ •• ___ Un-Inhabited Village Kambenahalli 69 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Devanurkaval 70 1 4 14 6 2 12 56 120 Hal ladahal I i 71 3 1 4 23 105 255 Shanabinagondi 72 2 88 91 142 Mangenahalti 73 13 43 Laxmisagara 74 2 2 22 24 35 Jadakanakatte 75 5 13 3 190 366 Karehalli 76 59 10 8 77 19 15 230 424 657 Devanur 77 26 34 23 4 55 306 604 Chikkadevanur 78 1 2 23 47 Kurubarahall i 79 14 44 Mallappanahall i 80 6 2 11 2 19 6 121 328 Machegondanahalli 81 2 71 130 Thippagondanahalli 82 1 1 2 49 126 Bonmenahalli 83 3 11 2 27 140 139 226 Kamenahall i 84 1 87 142 Honnenahall i 85 3 2 80 145 143 Tandreborekaval 86 2 19 37 Gedlehall i 87 1 4 1 2 109 107 Bolanahalli 88 5 3 18 3 5 136 278 420 Nagarahal 89 ------.. - Un-Inhabited Village • ______e. Virupanahalli 90 1 10 3 207 143 133 Chatnahall i 91 ---.------_._-- Un-Inhabited Village ------Siddarahalli 92 53 4 5 80 16 16 612 871 1119 Nidghatta 93 -.------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Iganahalli 94 5 19 Halikerekaval 95 14 4 19 5 5 190 516 690 Lingadahalli 96 58 3 2 46 4 22 295 539 857 S.Bidre 97 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Lylapura 98 3 7 11 125 207 Swamykatte 99 10 2 4 13 189 360 Kethllll8ranaha It i 100


Namt: of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

101 Chandrashekarapura 557.33 40 40 219 109 110 32 16 16 102 Hosahalli 478.02 82 83 456 236 220 44 17 27 57 59 103 Halikere 867.93 537 545 2988 1547 1441 392 212 180 173 171 104 Hudugarahalli 317.96 17 17 107 47 60 15 7 8 105 Baretikere 305.59 1 1 2 1 1 106 Byadraha II i 184.97 92 92 460 232 228 83 46 37 121 117 107 Gangabasavanahalli 158.60 42 42 285 147 138 34 13 21 2 5 108 Kaluvehalli 375.06 238 239 1211 615 596 126 62 64 167 151 109 Pi llenahall i 214.26 261 261 1461 762 699 133 70 63 121 108 110 Kanchugaranahalli 317.11 63 63 357 178 179 42 18 24 19 19 ,,, Nagenahall i 173.44 227 230 1144 578 566 147 85 62 14 l6 112 Agrahara 304.47 294 300 '476 731 745 230 105 125 - 359 354 113 Birur (Rural) 321.56 4 4 15 9 6 114 Dogihall i 208.97 S5 55 332 164 168 59 27 32 21 16 115 Inglaranahalli 57.43 35 35 227 112 115 55 29 26 116 Yarehall i 391.43 119 119 676 343 333 115 65 50 53 52 117 tlullehalli 940.28 209 209 1182 592 590 186 90 96 'tS3 162 118 Bi rurkaval 1899.60 148 148 716 375 341 137 71 66 202 205 119 Byagadehalli 123.96 86 86 570 289 281 57 31 26 120 U_Kodihalli 109.20 ------Un-Inhabited Village 121 Ullinagur 296.04 15 15 62 28 34 12 3 9 4 3 122 Lingalapura 107.00 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 123 Hiriyangala 1189.04 7 7 28 14 14 4 3 1240uthanahalli 164.70 15. 15 66 37 29 9 6 3 3 3 125 Karithimmanahalli 93.99 ------Un-Inhabited Village 126 Gollarahalli 162.74 5 5 27 15 12 3 2 9 8 127 Hyaralagatta 192.17 57 57 319 161 158 36 23 13 41 40 128 Chikkangla n1.07 399 399 2175 1101 1074 377 196 181 457 443 129 Kankenahalli 155.66 41 41 223 116 107 27 14 13 1 130 Govindapura 314.85 49 51 274 143 131 44 27 17 55 52 131 Channenahalli 287.67 48 48 243 123 120 40 21 19 48 44 132 Dodabukkasagara 432.59 145 145 703 358 345 1~ ro ~ 64 ~ 133 Shankunipura 56.95 10 10 45 24 21 734 134 YE!IIIIledodd i 8658.14 1038 1038 4965 2525 2440 865 419 446 1147 1109 135 Hongrehatti 1845.46 347 347 1869 922 947 263 139 124 160 167

114 CENSUS ABSTRACT Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / liard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

77 52 61 13 53 9 3 Chandrashekarapura 101 148 85 129 10 104 2 14 6 Hosahall i 102 943 562 848 214 658 131 49 50 Halikere 103 26 14 20 19 15 3 4 16 Hudugarahall i 104 Baretikere 105 115 68 127 51 99 13 20 35 Byadrahalli 106 88 42 84 39 63 23 11 Gangabasavanahalli 107 439 320 389 81 268 16 50 59 Kaluvehall i 108 588 385 468 326 401 223 22 98 Pillenahalli 109 142 98 100 22 92 19 1 Kanchugaranahalli 110 347 231 324 133 195 74 36 49 Nagenaha II i 111 447 290 372 104 295 6 46 93 Agrahara 112 8 2 4 3 3 3 Birur (Rural) 113 94 56 94 76 68 34 17 42 Dogihalli 114 64 16 66 43· 58 28 4 15 Inglaranahalli 115 138 44 195 218 111 129 75 88 Yarehall i 116 203 74 347 169 287 3 33 165 Hullehall i 117 5 223 74 191 36 43 1 88 30 Birurkaval 118 204 115 135 80 92 32 73 Byagadehalli 119 Un-Inhabited Village U.Kodihalli 120 20 7 20 11 4 7 10 Ull inagur 121 Un-I nhabi ted Village Lingalapura 122 8 2 8 4 7 4 Hiriyangala 123 13 7 21 7 11 10 7 Outhanahalli 124 Un-Inhabi ted Village Karithimmanahalli 125 11 3 6 5 4 2 2 3 Gollarahall i 126 83 52 90 6 70 2 14 4 Hyaralagatta 127 4 3 598 422 636 365 348 37 229 312 Chikkangla 128 74 42 70 66 Kankenahalli 129 82 45 79 71 4 Govindapura 130 47 43 80 43 29 Channenahalli 131 5 2 196 100 180 162 36 18 121 134 Dodabukkasagara 132 12 6 16 15 Shankunipura 133 28 22 866 391 1594 725 1140 178 341 527 Yenmedoddi 134 623 500 560 346 445 251 63 78 Hongrehatt i 135


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / 'Ward Rurall Nl.mber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(I I I) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

101 Chandrashekarapura 102 Hosahall i 2 2 1 103 Hal ikere 14 2 5 18 21 9 104 Hudugarahalli 105 Baretikere 106 Byadrahalli 4 107 Gangabasavanahalli 17 108 Kaluvehall i 3 12 8 109 Pi llenahall i 1 1 110 Kanchugaranahalli '" Nagenahal! i 42 3 7 5 112 Agrahara 2 4 6 113 Birur (Rural) 114 Dogihalli 4 115 Inglaranahalli 2 116 Yarehalli 117 Hullehall i 14 118 Birurkaval 12 44 3 119 Byagadehalli 8 3 120 U.Kodihalli ------. Un-Inhabited Village ------,------121 Ull inagur 8 122 lingalapura -----••....•.•.• Un'lnhabited Village •••. ----.---.. -•. 123 Hiriyangala 124 Outhanahall i 125 Karithimmanahalli .... --.--.--.--. Un-Inhabited Village -.------.----- 126 Gollarahalli 127 Hyaralagstta 2 128 Chikkangla 11 6 5 6 129 Kankenahalli 130 Govindapura 2 131 Channenahalli 1 2 132 Dodabukkasagara 4 5 3 2 133 Shankunipura 134 Yentnedodd i 56 2 3 15 7 11 3 135 }iongrehatti 3 6 15


Name of C.O. Block: KAOUR ; Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIJber COIlIIIerce Storage and Services Conm.J(lication

(VII ) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

7 52 48 45 Chandrashekarapura 101 6 111 107 99 Hosahall i 102 35 5 52 12 58 578 641 649 Halikere 103 2 5 25 36 Hudugarahalli 104 Baretikere 105 1 4 2 11 40 94 137 Byadrahalli 106 1 1 2 3 10 25 53 74 Gangabasavanahalli 107 8 2 40 4 3 255 223- 260 Kaluvehall i 108 8 4 31 4 25 294 348 Pi I lenahal I i 109 7 "' 2 81 78 76 Kanchugaranahalli 110 14 3 3 19 7 104 253 329 Nagenahalli 111 4 2 15 2 51 359 590 Agrahara 112 5 3 Birur (Rural) 113 4 70 91 Dogihalli 114 2 46 n Inglaranahall i 115 6 2 148 115 Yarehall i 116 11 245 421 Hullehall i 117 3 9 28 175 2n Birurkaval 118 2 3 3 9 151 192 Byagadehall i 119

-~~---~------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------U.Kodihall i 120 1 8 23 Ull inagur 121

-~------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Lingalapura 122 1 2 5 8 Hiriyangala 123 14 15 8 OUthanahall i 124 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Karithimmanahalli 125 3 3 6 4 Gollarahal l i 126 12 82 59 70 Hyaralagatta 127 10 3 6 19 7 1 16 464 693 Chikkangla 128 2 1 46 107 Kankenaha II i 129 64 130 Govindapura 130 2 1 2 43 120 Chamenahal ~ i 131 6 3 2 5 2 29 14 149 169 Dodabukkasagara 132 8 21 Shankunipura 133 14 3 13 5 38 432 893 1283 Yenmedodcli 134 14 5 19 6 244 362 357 Hongrehatt i 135


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I ~ard Rurall Hectares Occu' House' ( Including in the age group Castes NlAIber Urban for vll· pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid' Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

136 Aladahall i 698.98 62 62 317 167 150 54 31 23 154 139 137 Balliganur 1407.83 149 149 833 414 419 123 64 59 131 129 138 Hoovinahall i 837.85 64 64 324 164 160 32 10 22 139 Devarahall i 121.67 15 15 51 28 23 9 6 3 140 Bagayat 92.78 ---...... -.. --.. Un-Inhabited Village 141 Hosahall i 77.50 _...... -----.--- Un-Inhabited Vi ltage 142 Nagadevanahalli 145.20 ---.------.----- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 143 Ramanahalli 61.09 ------.------Un-Inhabited Village 144 B.Kodihalli 283.77 82 82 474 244 230 59 32 27 106 107 145 Hanunapura 370.10 4 4 23 16 7 2 1 146 Horithimmanahalli 207.14 49 49 282 139 143 41 17 24 104 96 147 Doddagatta 399.88 72 74 375 181 194 76 46 30 42 30 148 Karehalli 158.93 22 22 130 59 71 20 6 14 149 Jodithimmapura 394.52 185 186 1066 502 564 183 98 85 5 4 150 Gal ihall i 296.56 88 88 592 296 296 98 53 45 15 18 151 Hirenallur 1068.96 456 4~6 2342 1146 1196 296 140 156 156 188 152 Giriyapura 591.66 204 206· 1241 676 565 99 56 43 18 153 Chikkanallur 947.81 306 308 1612 790 822 188 92 96 137 117 154 Kyadigere 578.84 185 185 941 472 469 148 72 76 91 93 155 Basurkaval 961.92 2 2 4 2 2 156 Gadaganahalli 184.50 32 32 234 127 107 50 28 22 157 Siddegowdanahalli 79.94 --...• ------.--- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 158 Asandi 911.55 386 388 2209 1073 1136 320 151 169 144 150 159 K.Chomanahalli 192.61 52 55 297 140 157 41 19 22 160 Siddapura 189.01 17 17 108 47 61 15 8 7 161 Antharagatta 283.59 262 263 1436 724 712 241 134 107 171 171 162 Hulihall i 675.97 53 53 378 197 181 57 35 22 11 7 163 Sanklapura 394.51 22 22 173 88 85 29 10 19 1 164 C.Dasarahalli 203.53 51 51 346 188 158 35 16 19 1 165 GlmllBnaha II i 250.65 60 60 297 127 170 37 18 19 22 29 166 Hadagalu 420.38 166 167 939 475 464 152 78 74 57 63 167 H.Thimmapura 417.99 100 101 634 307 327 76 30 46 2 168 Kalkere 1272.04 331 331 1812 932 880 252 128 124 248 225 169 Kurubarahalli 293.55 43 43 315 152 163 42 18 24 6 170 II. Tinmapura 507.68 44 44 193 104 89 31 9 22 99 87


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NUJber labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

62 28 96 103 88 99 7 4 Aladahall i 136 249 192 233 82 156 56 81 Balliganur 137 132 95 93 90 Hoovinahalli 138 13 12 17 6 13 6 Devarahalli 139 Un-Inhabited Village Bagayat 140 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Hosahall i 141 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Nagadevanahalli 142 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Ramanahall i 143 163 94 143 104 115 21 104 B.Kodihalli 144 2 14 5 9 Hanunapura 145 51 35 88 59 56 32 59 Horithimmanahalli 146 55 26 91 2 70 14 Doddagatta 147 24 16 33 1 27 5 1 Karehalli 148 244 113 294 232 214 162 49 56 Jodithimmapura 149 150 78 155 90 124 46 17 36 Gal ihall i 150 54 50 758 538 688 357 403 128 127 204 Hirenallur 151 587 416 285 66 187 35 19 21 Giriyapura 152 526 388 451 162 328 87 41 62 Chikkanallur 153 76 82 206 81 258 42 182 67 35 Kyadigere 154 2 1 2 Basurkaval 155 52 27 48 45 Gadaganahalli 156 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Siddegowdanahalli 157 685 475 611 26 499 5 36 12 Asandi 158 102 69 73 60 K.Chomanahall i 159 18 8 29 ,5 26 3 5 Sick:lapura 160 59 48 429 288 348 . 87 195 20 48 44 Antharagatta 161 119 90 102 9 84 9 5 Hulihalli 162 62 36 54 2 37 10 Sank l apura 163 121 60 84 2 77 C.Dasarahalli 164 77 77 72 16 51 13 16 GlIII1l8nahall i 165 283 124 247 113 214 82 8 21 Hadagalu • 166 245 173 180 4 153 H. Thimmapura 167 521 313 529 177 400 65 41 100 Kalkere 168 100 87 90 75 70 73 12 Kurubarahall i 169 26 10 71 57 22 13 40 34 H.Tinmapura 170


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code' Town I Ward Rurall NLllt>er Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

( III) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)J (VI)

eM) eF) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

136 Aladahall i 137 Batliganur 3 4 138 Hoovinahall i 139 Devarahalli 3

140 Bagayat ------~------Un-Inhabited Village ------141 Hosahalli ..... -- ...... _--- .. - Un-I nhabi ted Village ------142 Hagadevanahalli -----_---_---- .. - Un-Inhabi ted Village -- __ .. ------143 Ramanahalli ... ------Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ---- ... ------144 B.Kodihalli 145 HanlJll8pura 146 Horithimmanahalli -- 147 Doddagatta 2 148 Karehalli 149 Jodi th immapura 14 6 150 Gal ihall i 8 3 151 Hirenallur 3 2 18 10 152 Giriyapura 3 7 8 153 Chikkanallur 14 18 2 2 154 Kyadigere 2 2 2 155 Basurkaval 2 156 Gadaganahalli ...... - ..... _.. _- .... 157 Siddegowdanahalli Un-I nhabi ted Village ------.-.---~- 158 Asandi 2 10 3 159 K.Chomanahalli 7 160 Siddapura 161 Antharagatta 4 3 8 2 162 Hulihall i 5 4 163 Sanklapura 164 C.Oasarahalli 165 Gl.IIIlIanaha III 2 3 166 Hadagalu 2 3 5 2 167 H.Thil1ll1&pura 1 168 Kalkere 24 2 4 10 169 Kurubarahalli 3 170 H. Timmapura 3 3 6 7


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

\oj 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlIIlber Conmerce Storage and Services COIlIllJnicat ion

(VII ) (VIII) ( IX)

HI) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1 71 47 Al adah

------_- un-Inhabited Vi[ lage ------~------8agayat 140 ------Un-lnhabi ted Vi llage ------Hosahal1t i 141 ------.-.. - Un-lnhabi ted Vi! lage -_-- .. ------Nagadevanahalli 142 ------Un-lnhabi ted Village ------Ramanah~lli 143 5 101 126 144 5 1 2 Hanuna ra 145 51 84 B.KOOl'Horithi nahalli 146 4 99 90 93 Doddag8 ta 147 34 26 36 Karehal~i 148 7 4 5 7 3 7 205 325 Jodithi mapura 149 6 2 2 141 206 Gal ihall'i 150 25 6 9 91 18 1 7 457 832 151 .; 8 2 2 51 7 7 34 384 465 Giriyapu'''''''~' a 152 6 3 6 36 8 73 349 266 311 Chikkanatlur 153 1 3 5 25 102 189 325 Kyadigere 154 1 1 155 1 52 78 55 156

------Un-Inhabi ted Village -----~------Siddego 157 27 3 2 32 6 25 648 437 462 158 5 12 66 55 90 159

33 18 23 Siddapura I 160 I 33 15 8 49 5 23 131 353 494 Antharagat~a 161 2 2 85 95 87 Hul ihall i \ 162 2 4 3 43 31 40 Sank I apura 163 2 3 18 81 86 75 c .Oasarahal ~ i 164 2 17 89 38 65 GurrnanCihalli 165 9 9 3 228 351 Hadagalu \ 166 8 17 4 17 132 110 191 H. Th i IlJTlapura \ 167 22 5 27 5 2 60 401 643 Kalkerl! 168 5 2 62 88 Kurubarahall i\ 169 33 32 H. Tirmlapura 170


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NlJli>er Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

171 Hiriyur-Chowla 1628.35 744 746 4197 2136 2061 517 278 239 161 157 172 Jarnnapura 186.64 Un-Inhabited Vi llage 173 Bannihatti 190.41 Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage 174 KukkasanJJCIra 617.80 Un'lnhabi ted Vi llage 175 Th8lll1lihalli 233.32 Un-lnhabi ted Village 176 Ganganahall i 330.44 228 6 2 4 177 KaLLahalli 307.19 53 53 283 146 137 31 15 16 178 Chikkaballekere 586.13 234 235 1311 653 658 187 87 100 46 45 179 Gedlehalli 319.01 67 67 317 161 156 75 42 33 180 Hanumanahalli 255.87 50 51 277 134 143 34 14 20 4 6 181 Hosahalli-Kalli 126.06 31 33 193 106 87 19 10 9 182 Hurukanahalli 196.25 51 51 317 158 159 56 32 24 183 Hireballekere 585.11 99 99 586 289 297 84 44 40 6 4 184 Adigere 373.41 57 58 308 155 153 50 25 25 9 6 185 Kallenahall i 110.97 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 186 Arenall i 498.05 175 181 993 493 500 131 63 68 183 186 187 Bislere 696.81 219 219 1210 628 582 155 84 _71 27 25 188 Gowdanakattehalli 166.26 97 97 562 275 287 104 50 54 42 41 189 Chikkabasur 185.83 184 184 1079 549 530 184 92 92 24 22 190 Basur 563.25 224 224 1278 643 635 163 83 80 114 119 191 Marulanahalli 242.45 14 14 97 49 48 12 4 8 192 K.Dasarahalli 143.67 139 139 692 345 347 99 48 51 193 Bantiganahalli 835.20 198 198 1350 677 673 228 111 117 59 56 194 Kamanakere 661.97 204 204 1077 552 525 143 80 63 69 '73 195 Narasipura 220.55 50 50 348 180 168 39 25 14 196 Melanahalli 783.73 95 95 505 249 256 54 42 12 94 100 197 M.Chomanahalli 448.16 67 68 388 194 194 44 20 24 1 198 Revannanahalli 150.36 ------Un-Inhabited Village 199 HirenalLurkaval 72.67 40 40 209 110 99 50 26 24 7 7 200 Yagati 912.29 537 537 2750 1367 1383 355 175 180 74 79 201 HarislllllJdra 283.79 61 61 360 187 173 60 30 30 202 Keremelinahalli 92.04 9 9 56 23 33 13 2 11 203 Hanumanahalli 260.79 50 51 293 154 139 46 24 22 204 Guddeha II i 231.35 103 103 587 291 296 68 34 34 205 Udugere 1514.34 353 353 1686 859 827 239 111 128 248 254


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main ! N 0 U S T R ! A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber Labourers

(l - IX) (I) (II )

(101) (F) (101) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

5 3 1525 1001 1163 487 723 227 154 216 Hiriyur-Chowla 171 ------Un-Inhabited Village Janrnapura 172 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage Bannihatti 173 ---_------Un-Inhabited Village Kukkasamudra 174 Un-Inhabited Village ThallJllihall i 175 2 6 2 4 2 Ganganahalli 176 108 72 89 50 59 33 14 14 Kallahalli In 427 275 357 71 285 62 16 Ch i kkaba II ekere 178 33 22 96 85 Gedlehalli 179 84 43 79 2 72 4 Ham.manahall i 180 81 37 47 2 40 1 3 1 Hosahall i -Kall i 181 50 46 80 23 73 19 3 2 Hurukanahalli 182 148 76 144 14 136 10 4 4 Hireballekere 183 119 86 94 2 84 Adigere 184 Uno! nhabi ted Village .------Kallenahall i 185 324 220 288 63 232 15 20 38 Arehall i 186 195 182 375 207 324 29 233 8 34 12 Bislere 187 97 43 147 3 131 10 3 Gowdanakattehalli 188 270 103 299 42 240 6 13 26 Chikkabasur 189 6 3 393 268 366 291 223 202 103 81 Basur 190 30 15 28 28 Marulanahalli 191 179 102 205 36 168 18 22 17 K.Dasar-ahall i 192 392 225 382 215 193 8 74 178 Bant i ganahall i 193 26 29 371 239 293 29 193 11 40 11 Kamanakere 194 128 98 93 78 Narasipura 195 120 87 164 76 155 20 3 56 Melanahall i 196 137 95 124 17 118 15 M.Chomanahalli 197 Un-Inhabited Village ------Revannanahalli 198 45 19 59 27 58 27 Hirenallurkaval 199 2 3 827 597 766 394 423 16 129 347 Yagati 200 85 29 110 50 98 7 11 42 Harisamudra 201 17 8 14 8 11 8 Keremelinahalli 202 95 45 74 78 56 1 7 74 Hanumanahalli 203 124 50 172 112 98 58 110 Guddehall i 204 411 216 484 105 247 35 52 42 Udugere 205


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S Of M A I N Code Town! Ward Rural! Nl.IlIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repai rs in Repai rs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(Ill) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)l (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) CD (M) (F) (+I) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

171 Hi r,~jyur-Chowla 25 8 4 4 29 9 !_ ...... __ ...... 1n J8I1IIIapura Un- I nhabi ted Village ~ ...... -.. ------..... 173 8annihatti .... _-- .. _...... _"" ... _..... Un-I nhabi ted Village - .... _--_ ...... -_ .. - .... 174 Kukkss8lllJCfra --- ...... -...... __ .. Un-Inhabited Vi llage ...... -- ...... _------175 Th8lllllihall i ...... _...... __ ...... - Un-lnhabi ted Vi llage --- .. ------... ------176 Gangsnahsll i 1n Kallahalli 2 1 178 Chikkaballekere 3 8 179 Gedlehall i 11 180 Hanunanahall i --. 181 Hosahslli-Kalli 182 Hurukanahslli 183 Hireballekere 184 Adigere 2 _... __ ...... ___ ... _- ___ 185 Ksllenahall i Un-I nhabi ted Village --~ ... _...... --.---_--- 186 Arehalli 12 5 5 1 187 Bislere 12 4 -_ 2 188 Gowdanakattehalti 189 Chikkabasur 21 5 4 190 Basur 5 3 191 Marulanahalli 192 K.Oasarahalli 3 1938antfganahalli 69 14 3 11 2 11 194 Kamanakere 8 16 2 9 2 2 195 Narasipura 3 196 Melanahall i 1 197 M.Chomanahalli 2 198 Revannanahalli -_ .. _-- .. _... -----.- Un-Inhabi ted Village ------..... - ...... - ... _-- 199 Hirenallurkaval ZOO Yagati 6 2 17 14 201 HarisSllLldrs 202 Keremelinahalli 203 Hanunanahalli 4 204 Guddehall i 9 205 Udugere 116 13 2 8 4 12 5


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJlIber COIIIIle rce Storage and Services Corrrnunication


(M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) eM) (f)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

67 16 38 109 18 48 446 925 1128 Hiriyur-Chowla 171 -_--._------Un-I nhabi ted Vil tage ------Janmapura 172

------_- Un-I nhabi ted Village ---~------Bannihatti 173 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Kukkasamudra 174

------Un- 1nhabi ted Village ----~------Th8llllli hall i 175 Ganganaha II i 176 3 2 9 1 5 56 82 Kallahall i ln 15 4 5 25 4 17 199 279 388 Ch i kkaba II ekere 178 99 64 57 Gedlehalli 179 2 85 55 56 Ham.manaha Iii 180 2 45 57 40 Hosahall i -Kall i 181 3 47 78 89 Hurukanahall i 182 2 12 135 133 148 Hireballekere 183 4 29 61 122 Adigere 184 ------Uno} nhabi ted Vi llage ... ------.. -- _ ... _- Kallenahall i 185 2 16 4 20 184 185 253 Arehall i 186 5 2 32 7 46 270 258 283 Bislere 187 1 4 5 144 123 140 Gowdanakattehalti 188 6 1 14 4 15 257 235 231 Chikkabasur 189 6 5 25 3 56 46 221 298 Basur 190 2 25 19 23 Marulanahalti 191 7 5 109 139 202 K.Dasarahalli 192 16 7 1 4 6 1 6 294 452 8antiganahalli 193 7 2 16 3 17 56 242 440 Kamanakere 194 7 4 2 53 85 114 Narasipura 195 2 3 87 84 93 Melanahalli 196 4 13 lla 57 59 M.Chomanahall i 197

------~---- Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Revannanaha II i 198 3 51 69 Hirenallurkaval 199 52 13 11 112 16 15 79 586 910 Yagati 200 1 77 123 Harisamuc.ka 201 2 9 25 Keremel inahall i 202 5 80 61 Hanumanahatti 203 4 1 2 4 119 180 Guddehalli 204 17 3 25 7 55 340 320 382 Udugere 205


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village! Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes NlI!Iber Urban for vit- pied Holds Institutional & ({l - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq_km entiaL popuLation) for Houses towns and C.O.Blocks

(P) (M) (D (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (~) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

206 Byragondanahalli 407.36 114 114 721 362 359 139· 64 75 79 67 207 Yaradakere.C. 1402.70 318 318 1668 837 831 218 111 107 129 104 208 M.Jakkanahalli 259.73 57 57 326 162 164 38 20 18 1 209 Honnenahalli 826.54 223 223 1175 564 611 152 69 83 60 51 210 Hochihall i 542.83 276 276 1455 7ao 675 181 99 82 100 80 211 Vokkalagere 1652.50 298 298 1628 821 807 232 121 111 263 243 212 M.Kodihall i 270.22 120 120 534 266 268 81 45 36 62 46 213 Chinakarahalli 411.86 87 87 469 233 236 68 37 31 2 1 214 Somanahall i 320.69 8 8 14 9 5 215 Maravanji 564.58 344 344 1554 760 794 210 108 102· 60 67 216 Kunkanadu 1442.86 363 367 1873 961 912 258 141 117 100 80 217 Aladahall i 199.61 85 85 514 261 253 64 34 30 46 48 218 K.Basavanahalli 300.78 45 45 243 127 116 28 11 17 219 Vaderahall i 715.95 102 102 603 291 312 86 43 43 220 ut igere 1021.33 267 268 1392 682 710 186 91 95 19 22 221 Kothigere 609.02 W 99 528 261 267 79 42 37 17 14 222 Mugl ikatte 674.23 187 187 947 492 455 104 47 51 41 35 223 Annegere 1125.14 423 424 2391 1229 1162 356 196 160 180 162 224 Chattanahalli 539.86 187 188 961 484 477 107 58 49 11 9 225 Y.Mallapura 568.87 232 232 1264 637 627 179 100 79 142 138 226 Sadarahalli 521.41 124 124 682 340 342 93 48 45 74 73 227 Madalu 225.13 90 90 589 290 2W 93 38 55 82 95 228 Mallidevihatli 347.06 175 176 857 424 433 155 75 80 198 197 229 Soorapura 306.W 40 40 234 123 111 32 17 15 24 14 230 Kandagadahalli 107.90 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 231 Yalagondanahalli 166.69 163 163 1035 536 499 151 78- 73 232 Doddanayakanahalli 367.40 3 3 18 9 9 233 Sanehalli 434.31 ~ ~ ~9 279 2ro 92 45 47 33 35 234 Yellambalse 611.85 454 454 2462 1246 1216 325 178 147 65 62 235 Thippagondanahalli 66.23 ------Un-Inhabited Vittage ------236 Chokkapura . 79.27 5 5 7 5 2 237 Vittalapura 121.18 29 29 214 101 113 29 14 15 24 21 238 Chikkanayakanahalli 83.01 54 54 379 195 184 51 29 22 239 Bokkamallanahalli 120.42 ------Un-Inhabited Village 240 Seethapura 243.60 145 145 785 390 395 134 61 73 355 363


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Ntm:>er labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

204 75 199 30 133 10 2 2 Byragondanahalli 206 11 12 456 217 511 47 422 17 34 24 Yaradakere.C. 207 109 72 92 22 75 17 3 5 M.Jakkanahalli 208 386 305 328 37 266 5 10 19 Honnenahalli 209 472 217 435 46 301 27 50 5 Hochihall i 210 417 233 456 62 292 15 102 39 Vokkalagere 211 149 91 149 7 111 10 2 M.Kodihalli 212 153 85 118 43 77 18 15 14 Chinakarahalli 213 3 1 4 1 2 2 1 Somanahalli 214 27 23 454 282 494 189 347 82 54 82 Maravanji 215 7 1 595 366 524 152 285 64 56 49 Kunkanadu 216 166 114 152 53 101 18 41 32 Aladahall i 217 102 48 61 3 56 K.Basavanahalli 218 211 160 125 7 99 7 Z Vaderahalli 219 434 338 395 93 288 32 27 32 Ul i gere 220 159 84 154 23 127 8 Kothigere 221 264 113 366 318 341 305 Muglikatte 222 672 353 740 267 381 109 262 129. Annegere 223 315 234 277 16 231 18 12 Chattanahalli 224 358 235 359 283 241 64 88 213 Y.Mallapura 225 209 130 201 50 155 32 24 15 Sadarahalli 226 125 74 177 24 148 6 22 18 Madalu 227 205 123 269 176 132 69 98 97 Mallidevihalli 228 87 71 68 67 51 57 14 9 Soorapura 229 Un-Inhabited ·Village ------Kandagadahalli 230 319 182 314 239 113 3 136 210 Yalagondanahalli 231 8 7 6 252 Doddanayakanahalli 232 152 82 171 66 115 56 65 Sanehalli 233 44 46 602 468 752 249 400 79 192 153 Yellambalse 234 Un-Inhabi ted Village Thippagondanahalli 235 1 5 2 2 Chokkapura 236 78 75 70 61 62 48 13 Vittalapura 237 158 122 119 79 103 71 5 Chikkanayakanahalli 238 Un-Inhabited Village ------Bokkamallanahalli 239 148 64 221 170 142 4 62 73 Seethapura 240


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NlI1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing. Servicing and Servi dng and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. flousehold Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry act ivlt i es

(III ) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) ef) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) eM) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

206 Byragondanahalli 19 1 11 5 21 11 2 2 207 Yaradakere.C. 14 2 13 20B H.JakkanahaLli 5 2 209 Honnenahalli 10 3 3 4 210 Hochihall i 5 5 6 211 Vokkalagere 8 11 2 3 212 M.Kodihall i 14 213 Chinakarahalli 10 3 2 4 4 214 Somanahalli 215 Maravanji 16 2 6 2 23 10 2 216 Kunkanadu 47 5 4 25 4 217 Aladahalli 2 218 K.Basavanahalli 2 219 Vaderahall i 4 220 UI igere 40 17 6 221 Kothigere 16 12 222 JoIugl ikatte 11 6 1 2 223 Annegere 15 12 14 3 2 224 Chattanahalli 3 8 3 225 Y.Maltapura 3 7 226 Sadarahall i 13 227 Madalu 3 228 Maltidevihalli 3 1 3 9 5 229 Soorapura 3 230 Kandagadahalli ------_- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------231 Yalagondanahalli 39 21 2 232 Doddanayakananalli 233 Sanehall i 234 Yellambalse 6 9 3 20

235 Thippagondanahalli ------~---.--- Un-Inhabited Village ------236 Chokkapura 237 Vittalapura 238 Chikkanayakanahalli 5 3 239 Bokkamallanahalti -_ .. --_-----_ .. --- Un-Inhabited Village ------240 Seethapura 5 91 4


Name ofe.D. Block: KADUR : Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town / Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IIIber ConIlIerce Storage and Services COIlI11Unication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

5 4 2 143 161 186 Byragondanahalli 206 12 13 3 11 278 315 506 Yaradakere.C. 207 5 14 41 56 101 M.Jakkanahalli '208 7 5 22 9 7 211 229 363 Honnenahall i 209 23 4 3 42 9 5 173 340 456 Hochihall i 210 18 2 2 18 4 41 129 324 616 Vokkalagere 211 10 5 2 117 261 M.Kodihalli 212 8 2 2 5 113 188 Chinakarahalli 213 5 4 Somanahall i 214 20 4 5 21 7 3 159 263 446 Maravanji 215 29 13 6 67 21 30 297 407 463 Kunkanadu 216 1 6 3 2 92 107 108 Aladahall i 217 1 8 54 58 59 K.Basavanahall i 218 6 9 5 11 64 155 241 Vaderahall i 219 10 3 20 10 7 124 280 493 Ul igere 220 5 1 4 3 143 107 101 Kothigere 221 4 2 7 2 1 126 136 Muglikatte 222 33 6 5 27 8 13 188 476 707 Annegere 223 4 2 10 2 21 179 186 282 Chattanahalli 224 11 2 7 3 3 8 275 336 Y.Mallapura 225 7 2 173 139 119 Sadarahalli 226 1 3 148 113 127 Madalu 227 13- 4 6 5 155 257 Mall idevihall i 228 55 44 Soorapura 229 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Kandagadahall i 230 8 2 13 4 222 2bO Yalagondanahalli 231 3 2 4 Ooddanayakanahalli 232 108 204 Sanehalli 233 68 2 6 50 11 2 59 492 908 Yellambalse 234 ------Un-Inhabited Vfllage ------Thippagondanahatli 235 Chokkapura 236 2 1 31 51 Vittalapura 237 2 3 2 76 103 Chikkanayakanahalli 238

----~----.------Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Bokkamallanahalli 239 6 2 169 223 Seethapura 240


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village / Total! Area in No.of No.of Total populat1on Total Population Scheduled Code Town! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

241 Bukkanagundi 157.09 10 10 55 28 27 3 2 242 S;r;yappanahalli 92.89 ------Un-Inhabited Village 243 G.Byrapura 85.93 ..• -- .....• ------. Un-Inhabited Vi llage 244 G.Madapura 242.70 91 91 455 223 232 38 15 23 81 92 245 Garje 773.44 370 376 2208 1093 1115 393 167 226 61 70 246 G.Jakkenahalli 243.65 31 31 186 96 90 23 11 12 247 Mavinahalli 260.42 22 22 138 68 70 15 6 9 248 Meredevarahalli 136.07 ------.--.----.-- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 249 Rampura 122.69 24 24 151 75 76 20 10 10 250 Hiregarje 184.01 86 86 459 243 216 72 28 44 251 P.Kodihalli 478.39 228 228 1250 648 602 205 109 96 51 50 252 Pura 851.15 132 132 664 327 337 109 53 56 130 123 253 Donne~oranahalli 222.14 97 97 585 312 273 108 61 - 47 45 40 254 Narasipura 263.13 --.---.---.-.----- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 255 P.Mallapura 200.47 51 51 271 135 136 47 18 29 256 Y.Basavanahalli 208.03 2 2 6 3 3 257 Singatagere 1018.96 517 520 2493 1235 1258 310 166 144 135 125 258 Kallelinganahalli 189.47 49 49 . 312 158 154 31 18 13 2 259 Kasuvanahalli 238.92 175 175 912 474 438 99 Sl 48 149 128 260 Hyaralagatta 387.86 96 96 564 274 290 45 27 18 261 Muddenahalli 177.29 65 65 376 196 180 24 10 14 2 262 B.Basavanahalli 233.68 166 167 814 398 416 113 54 59 231 236 263 B.Mallenahalli 216.50 52 53 289 143 146 13 5 8 264 B.Bommenahalli 229.25 21 21 96 48 48 3 2 31 27 265 Annegere 1374.99 359 362 1715 869 846 191 108 83 94 86 266 D. Hosahall i 391.77 124 124 538 260 278 77 31 46 12 18 267 Gurugadahalli 1005.71 263 263 1501 765 736 216 103 113 219 211 268 Taggihallikaval 404.81 5 5 14 • 8 .6 2 1 1 2 2 269 Ganganahalli 402.43 149 149 832 436 3~6 91 47 44 2 1 270 G.Bommenahalli 168.96 9 9 69 41 28 10 6 4 7 4 271 Uppinahall i 571.29 213 213 1059 532 527 157 83 74 233 208 272 Kerehindinakaval 490.72 31 31 132 72 60 25 11 14 55 50 273 Ramanahalli 15.76 1 6 2 4 2 2 -- "" ",,,-- 274 Niduvall i 505.86 326 326 1607 805 802 188 95 93 108 95 275 Thubinakere 271.44 6 6 26 11 15 3 2


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.I1lber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

eM} (f) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(15) ( 16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

16 15 17 15 Bukkanagundi 241 ------un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Siriyappanahalli 242 ------Un-Inhabited Vil lage ------G.Byrapura 243 169 134 130 132 111 110 7 22 G.Madapura 244 589 416 629 94 374 20 50 51 Garje 245 59 21 51 50 42 10 6 40 G.Jakaenahalli 246 51 23 36 35 Mavinahalli 247 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Meredevarahal I i 248 21 6 44 27 11 Rampura 249 121 42 131 15 91 3 9 11 Hiregarje 250 244 54 366 90 324 3 19 82 P.Kodihalli 251 197 157 184 14 87 18 Pura 252 127 61 173 4 112 36 2 Oonnekoranahal I i 253 ------Un-Inhabited Vil lage ------Narasipura 254 78 39 75 3 60 3 2 P.Mallapura 255 2 3 2 1 Y.Basavanahalli 256 801 596 659 219 312 76 73 84 Singatagere 257 104 72 85 78 1 3 Kallelinganahalli 258 261 184 293 117 228 5 56 110 Kasuvanahalli 259 217 213 172 9 160 3 2 3 Hyaralagatta 260 152 96 120 50 103 50 Muddenaha Il i 261 110 57 259 132 180 64 36 50 B.Basavanahalli 262 122 113 92 20 71 17 B.Mallenahal I i 263 37 25 28 2 24 2 B• BOI11lIenaha II i 264 536 354 472 231 285 92 76 65 Annegere 265 166 153 162 11 117 17 6 o. Hosaha II i 266 423 269 424 116 351 67 40 48 Gurugadahalli 267 3 1 6 2 4 1 Taggihall ikaval 268 354 245 265 45 227 39 6 Ganganahalli 269 25 12 25 1 19 1 G.BOI11lIenahalli 270 265 153 316 183 177 102 110 71 Uppinahalli 271 32 5 41 14 27 Kerehindinakaval 272 2 2 Ramanahall i 273 2 6 448 282 498 178 307 113 124 36 Niduvall i 274 10 10 7 1 Thubinakere 275


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl..IlIber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

241 Bukkanagundi

242 Siriyappanahalli ------~-----~-- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------243 G.Byrapura ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------244 G.Madapura 245 Garje 23 9 4 15 2 246 G.Jakkenahalli 247 Mavinahall i

248 Meredevarahalli -~-----~------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------249 RallllUra 5 250 Hiregarje 21 251 P.Kodihalli 4 2 252 Pura 4 5 18 6 2 253 Donnekoranahalli 9 2 5 254 NarasiF'Ura -_ ..... _-- ...... _----- Un-Inhabited Village ------.. ----- ... --- 255 P.Mallapura 4 2 256 Y.Basavanahalli 1 257 Singatagere 27 3 3 3 4 51 6 16 258 Kallelinganahalli 259 Kasuvanahalli 260 Hyaralagatta 3 2 2 261 Muddenahalli 2 2 262 B.Basavanahalli 10 26 2 15 2638.Mallenahalli 8 264 B.Bommenahalli 2 265 Annegere 3 1 38 42 5 266 O.Hosahall i 8 5 267 Gurugadahalli 6 3 2 268 Taggihallikaval 269 Ganganahalli 2 3 270 G.Sommenahalli 3 271 Uppinahall i 3 2 6 272 Kerehindinakaval 273 Ramanaha 11 i 274 Niduvall i 3 21 12 2 2 275 Thubi nakere 3 2


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Yorkers Name of Village I Location Workers Jown I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nlmber Conmerce Storage and Services Cormunication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

5 12 6 15 Bukkanagundi 241

-----~------Un-Inhabited Village ------Si riyappanahall i 242 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------G.Byrapura 243 7 5 93 99 G.Madapura 244 124 8 4 28 10 18 270 446 751 Garje 245 2 45 40 G.Jakaenahall i 246 3 31 29 39 Mavinahalli 247 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Meredevarahall i 248 1 42 31 34 RaflllUra 249 6 3 1 45 112 156 Hiregarje 250 6 3 10 1 10 139 272 373 P.Kodihalli 251 28 5 16 6 4 67 139 256 Pura 252 6 2 80 138 189 Donnekoranahalli 253

------Un-Inhabited Village ------~ Narasipura 254 5 1 77 59 56 P.Mallapura 255 1 2 Y.Basavanahalli 256 78 16 14 81 30 576 1039 Singatagere 257 3 73 152 Kallelinganahalli 258 2 4 4 181 317 Kasuvanahalli 259 2 3 3 102 ·278 Hyaralagatta 260 4 5 4 76 130 Muddenahall i 261 1 4 1 64 139 220 B.Basavanahall i 262 3 7 3 26 51 100 B.Mallenahall i 263 2 21 20 25 B.Boomenahalli 264 34 8 2 28 23 2 4 395 611 Annegere 265 5 8 3 14 125 84 142 D.Hosahall i 266 11 10 26 265 315 355 Gurugadahalli 267 2 2 3 Taggihallikaval 268 6 5 16 5 25 100 146 251 Ganganahalli 269 2 15 16 12 G.Boomenahalli 270 6 2 12 6 7S 215 269 Uppinahalli 271 29 31 30 Kerehinclinaka'llal 272 4 Ramanahall i 273 18 11 3 18 6 11 233 296 391 Niduvall i 274 2 4 14 Thubinakere 2'"'


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rurall Hectares Occu' House' (Including in the age group Castes Nunber urban for viI, pied Holds Institutional & (0 . 6) lages & Resid' Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

276 Panchanahalli 1066.11 607 607 3105 1599 1506 375 197 178 181 163 277 B.T.Mallenahalli 686.00 236 236 1229 610 619 191 84 107 95 100 278 Thimlapura 245.13 238 240 1131 566 565 121 58 63 79 61 279 Bittenahalli 510.61 263 263 1428 722 706 178 94 84 222 221 280 Muthanagere 686.61 345 345 1745 870 875 229 121 108 211 212 281 Shettihalli 411.25 161 161 885 440 445 113 63 50 9 6 282 Siddaramanahalli 484.32 79 79 451 233 218 59 31 28 4 2 283 M.Mallenahalli 156.94 2 2 15 8 7 4 2 2 284 Kundur 350.12 120 120 650 326 324 93 42 51 5 2 285 S.Madapura 538.47 225 225 1231 627 604 175 ~ ~ 68 75 286 Rangapura 443.47 144 144 708 347 361 60 28 32 2 5 287 Devarahall i 169.66 51 51 285 159 126 40 24 16 6Z 47 288 Somanaha II i 1015.63 471 475 2507 1287 1220 351 187 164 400 347 289 Laksettyhalli 156.25 ...... Un' Inhabited Vi l tage 290 Kodihalli 219.68 86 88 446 216 230 67 37 30 40 39 291 Linglapura 386.61 98 98 582 308 274 98 54 44 37 38 292 Mallappanahalli 95.87 50 50 233 118 115 22 13 9 293 Santhekerehalli 57.20 24 24 119 64 55 13 11 2- 9 9 294 Chomanahalli'Anche 472.09 142 142 789 393 396 124 56 68 194 179 295 Keresanthe 1047.76 336 337 1893 981 912 312 164 148 454 407 296 Bananahalli 109.59 19 20 119 62 57 21 12 9 297 Huligundi 278.92 119 119 653 327 326 98 51 47 66 85 298 Yaradakere 987.26 222 223 1152 585 567 167 96 71 288 281 299 Y.Basavanahalli 92.33 26 26 116 62 54 13 10 3 48 47 300 Alagatta 289.87 102 102 506 251 255 82 37 45 111 115 301 Mallagatta 563.99 168 168 772 380 392 92 49 43 97 88 302 Mathihall i 151.07 90 90 474 239 235 83 34 49 70 77 303 Pattadev,,' . 130.18 33 33 190 102 88 24 13 11 1 2 613.28 158 158 845 420 425 104 52 52 51 55 804.25 249 255 1215 612 603 138 71 67 41 48 293.09 108 108 601 301 300 74 33 41 22 30

1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 20499 19576


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A l Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlI1t>er Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) eF) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1094 793 912 71 550 13 122 29 Panchanahalli 276 4 349 225 340 6 251 4 59 B. T.Mallenahall i 277 26 17 387 284 329 42 208 13 45 18 Thimlapura 278 420 254 437 87 293 13 99 n Bittenahalli 279 522 344 537 83 392 30 67 35 Muthanagere 280 289 217 263 19 228 14 2 Shettihalli 281 143 103 134 110 Siddaramanahalli 282 6 3 3 3 M.Mallenahall i 283 237 166 180 31 118 8 39 19 lCundur 284 426 234 363 59 269 33 28 22 S.Madapura 285 254 191 229 92 171 68 39 22 Rangapura 286 89 42 97 46 29 60 46 Devarahall i 287 703 465 784 180 604 55 84 110 Somanaha II i 288 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Laksettyhall i 289 124 94 128 30 106 14 13 15 lCodihaLLi 290 170 80 160 104 39 linglapura 291 62 34 65 1 58 2 Mal lappanahal l i 292 27 14 33 3 31 2 3 Santhekerehall i 293 177 111 192 12 173 3 5 2 Chomanahalli-Anche 294 386 185 570 89 328 25 168 57 lCeresanthe 295 27 4 38 5 38 4 Bananahalli 296 152 101 182 47 159 42 19 5 Hul igundi 297 311 206 347 166 231 85 74 58 Yaradakere 298 29 16 34 18 24 12 7 6 Y.Basavanahalli 299 148 96 166 77 114 22 9 4 Alagatta 300 213 139 230 83 165 51 38 25 Mallagatta 301 145 90 155 57 111 24 29 32 Mathihalli 302 76 42 54 9 38 2 Pattadevarahall i 303 303 237 228 99 179 70 4 16 lCanchagalu 304 418 311 334 19 170 5 15 3 IC.Bidre 305 239 185 175 15 134 13 14 S.Basavanahalli 306

620 573 61939 38354 62115 21301 42699 8664 9374 10650 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

Location Name of Village! Total! CAT EGO R I E S o f M A I N Code Town! Ward Rural! Nl.IItler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill) ( IV) [V(a )] [V(b)] (VI)

(14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

276 Panchanahalli 12 2 5 28 2 11 277 B.T.Mallenahalli 11 3 2 278 Thimlapura 10 1 16 5 1 279 Bittenahalli 4 2 7 1 4 280 Muthanagere 21 2 8 2 8 2 281 Shettihall i 12 4 3 282 Siddaramanahalli 4 4 6 283 M.Mal lenahal Ii 284 Kundur 5 285 S.Madapura 18 6 286 Rangapura 3 1 2 287 Oevarahall i 2 288 Somanaha II i 24 2 10 2 9 289 Laksettyhalli ------.. - .. --- Un- I nhabi ted Vi Ilage ------.. ----- 290 Kodihall i 5 291 Linglapura 7 2 292 Mallappanahalli 293 Santhekerehalli 294 Chomanahalli-Anche 1 2 1 295 Keresanthe 3 8 15 296 Bananaha II i 297 Huligundi 298 Yaradakere 7 6 2 8 5 5 299 Y.Basavanahalli 2 300 Alagatta 7 23 47 301 Mallagatta 12 4 302 Mathihall i 9 303 Pattadevarahalli 5 5 5 304 Kanchagalu 4 3 4 7 4 305 K.Bidre 12 7 9 19 10 306 S.Basavanahalli 6 4

c.o. Block Total Rural 1586 243 339 99 511 318 1176 144 386 21

c.o. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: KADUR ; Code No. : 0020

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IItler COI'Imerce Storage and Services Coom.Jni cat i on

(VI I) (VI I I) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1 )

83 15 12 89 10 50 229 637 1206 Panchanahall i 276 7 5 2 17 71 253 542 B. T.Mallenahall i 277 3 5 5 36 5 70 236 453 Thimlapura 278 5 2 22 4 287 281 332 Bittenahalli 279 17 5 3 17 10 12 323 321 469 Muthanagere 280 4 11 177 426 Shettihall i 281 5 5 29 99 189 Siddaramanahalli 282 3 5 4 M.Mallenahalli 283 9 3 1 7 20 111 126 182 Kundur 284 19 2 19 3 6 145 258 400 S.Madapura 285 8 5 2 68 118 201 Rangapura 286 1 5 1 33 61 47 Devarahall i 287 20 4 31 8 4 93 499 947 Somanahalli 288 ------Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Laksettyhalli 289 2 1 1 15 67 73 133 Kodihalli 290 6 2 4 56 144 218 Linglapura 291 2 53 114 Ma II appanaha II i 292 31 52 Santhekerehalli 293 2 2 8 5 10 111 191 273 Chomanahalli-Anche 294 26 4 18 5 4 200 407 623 Keresanthe 295 24 52 Bananahalli 296 2 2 4 19 141 260 Huligundi 297 6 3 3 14 6 16 89 222 312 Yaradakere 298 1 1 28 35 Y.Basavanahalli 299 5 2 7 2 15 73 70 105 Alagatta 300 7 6 2 37 75 113 234 Mallagatta 301 2 4 60 84 118 Mathihall i 302 5 35 48 44 Pattadevarahalli 303 16 1 1 10 7 1 17 191 309 Kanchagalu 304 38 3 18 36 8 29 169 249 415 K.Bidre 305 7 2 8 2 4 124 281 S.Basavanahalli 306

2294 381 472 11 3278 770 1714 19168 44427 65703 C.D. Block Total Rural

C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

1 11/7/3/23 ',/07/0030/0023 9/6/3/2 09/06/0030/0002 2 Adigebylu ',/7/3/34 11/07/0030/0034 9/6/3/59 09/06/0030/0059 3 11/7/3/53 11/07/0030/0053 9/6/3/78 09/06/0030/0078 4 Anmadi Estate "/7/3/29 11/07/0030/0029 9/6/3/8 09/06/0030/0008 5 Asagodu ',/7/3/62 ',/07/0030/0062 9/6/3/36 09/06/0030/0036 6 Attikudige 11/7/3/46 ',/07/0030/0046 9/6/3/68 09/06/0030/0068

7 11/7/3/18 11/07/0030/0018 9/6/3/27 09/06/0030/0027 8 Belavinakodige 11/7/3/61 11/07/0030/0061 9/6/3/35 09/06/0030/0035 9 11/7/3/16 11/07/0030/0016 9/6/3/26 09/06/0030/0026 10 Bethadakolalu ,,/7/3/45 11/07/0030/0045 9/6/3/67 09/06/0030/0067 11 11/7/3/78 11/07/0030/0078 9/6/3/53 09/06/0030/0053 12 Bhuanakote 11/7/3/59 11/07/0030/0059 9/6/3/33 09/06/0030/0033 13 Bilagadde 11/7/3/65 11/07/0030/0065 9/6/3/38 09/06/0030/0038 14 Biniravalli 11/7/3/9 11/07/0030/0009 9/6/3/17 09/06/0030/0017 15 Bolapura 11/7/3/25 11/07/0030/0025 9/6/3/5 09/06/0030/0005 16 Bomlapura 11/7/3/24 11/07/0030/0024 9/6/3/4 09/06/0030/0004 17 Byredevaru 11/7/3/50 ',/07/0030/0050 9/6/3/76 09/06/0030/0076

18 Chavalamane ,'/7/3/75 11/07;0030/0075 9/6/3/52 09/06/0030/0052

19 Oayamball i 11/7/3/54 11/07/0030/0054 9/6/3/79 09/06/0030/0079 20 Devagodu 11/7/3/41 11/07/0030/0041 9/6/3/61 09/06/0030/0061 21 Oevarahalli 11/7/3/73 11/07/0030/0073 9/6/3/47 09/06/0030/0047

22 Guddethota 11/7/3/38 11/07/0030/0038 9/6/3/71 09/06/0030/0071 23 Gunavanthe 11/7/3/2 11/07/0030/0002 9/6/3/9 09/06/0030/0009

24 Halmathur 11/7/3/76 11/07/0030/0076 9/6/3/51 09/06/0030/0051 25 Haralane 11/7/3/49 11/07/0030/0049 9/6/3/74 09/06/0030/0074 26 Harandur 11/7/3/5 11/07/0030/0005 9/6/3/13 09/06/0030/0013 27 Hariharapura 11/7/3/56 11/07/0030/0056 9/6/3/30 09/06/0030/0030 28 Heddase 11/7/3/60 11/07/0030/0060 9/6/3/34 09/06/0030/0034 29 Heggadde 11/7/3/69 11/07/0030/0069 9/6/3/43 09/06/0030/0043 30 Heggaru 11/7/3/51 11/07/0030/0051 9/6/3/44 09/06/0030/0044 31 Heggaru 11/7/3/70 11/07/0030/0070 9/6/3/75 09/06/0030/0075 32 Herambapura 11/7/3/12 11/07/0030/0012 9/6/3/20 09/06/0030/0020 33 Herthanakudige 11/713/44 11/07/0030/0044 9/6/3/66 09/06/0030/0066 34 11/7/3/40 11/07/0030/0040 9/6/3/63 09/06/0030/0063 35 Hillikere 11/7/3/39 11/07/0030/0039 9/6/3/60 09/06/0030/0060




2 3 4 5 6

36 Hiregadde 11/7/3/33 11/07/0030/0033 9/6/3/58 09/06/0030/0058 37 Hirekodige 11/7/3/26 11/07/0030/0026 9/6/3/6 09/06/0030/0006 38 Honagaru 11/7/3/71 11/07/0030/0071 9/6/3/45 09/06/0030/0045 39 Honnagundi 1117/3/43 11/07/0030/0043 9/6/3/65 09/06/0030/0065 40 11/7/3/77 11/07/0030/0077 9/6/3/49 09/06/0030/0049 41 Hosuru 11/7/3/32 11/07/0030/0032 9/6/3/57 09/06/0030/0057 42 Hul igardi 11/7/3/52 11/07/0030/0052 9/6/3/77 09/06/0030/0077

43 Jayapura 11/7/3/30 11/07/0030/0030 9/6/3/55 09/06/0030/0055

44 Kagga 11/7/3/27 11/07/0030/0027 9/6/3/3 09/06/0030/0003 45 Kalasapura 11/7/3/13 11/07/0030/0013 9/6/3/16 09/06/0030/0016 46 Kallugudde 11/7/3/47 11/07/0030/0047 9/6/3/72 09/06/0030/0072 47 Karimane 11/7/3/15 11/07/0030/0015 9/6/3/22 09/06/0030/0022 48 Kelakul i 11/7/3/3 11/07/0030/0003 9/6/3/10 09/06/0030/0010 49 Kesave 11/7/3/4 11/07/0030/0004 9/6/3/11 09/06/0030/0011 50 Kodur 11/7/3/67 '1/07/0030/0067 9/6/3/41 09/06/0030/0041 51 Koppa (Rural) 11/7/3/1 11/07/0030/0001 9/6/3/1 09/06/0030/0001 52 Kulur 11/7/3/55 11/07/0030/0055 9/6/3/80 09/06/0030/0080 53 Kumbarkoppa 11/7/3/28 11/07/0030/0028 9/6/3/7 09/06/0030/0007 54 Kunchur 1'/7/3/22 11/07/0030/0022 9/6/3/29 09/06/0030/0029 55 Kunimakki 11/7/3/57 11/07/0030/0057 9/6/3/31 09/06/0030/0031 56 Kuppal i 11/7/3/64 11/07/0030/0064 9/6/3/39 09/06/0030/0039

57 Lokanathapura 11/7/3/31 11/07/0030/0031 9/6/3/56 09/06/0030/0056

58 Machikoppa 11/7/3/14 11/07/0030/0014 9/6/3/21 09/06/0030/0021 59 Makkikoppa 11/7/3/72 11/07/0030/0072 9/6/3/46 09/06/0030/0046 60 Marithotlu 11/7/3/20 11/07/0030/0020 9/6/3/23 09/06/0030/0023 61 Megur 11/7/3/48 11/07/0030/0048 9/6/3/73 09/06/0030/0073 62 Melbilre 11/7/3/63 11/07/0030/0063 9/6/3/37 09/06/0030/0037 63 Murugadde 11/7/3/36 11/07/0030/0036 9/6/3/69 09/06/0030/0069 • 64 Narasipura 11/7/3/21 11/07/0030/0021 9/6/3/28 09/06/0030/0028 65 Nilavagilu 11/7/3/79 11/07/0030/0079 9/6/3/50 09/06/0030/0050 66 Nuggi 11/7/3/8 11/07/0030/0008 9/6/3/15 09/06/0030/0015

67 11/7/3/68 11/07/0030/0068 9/6/3/42 09/06/0030/0042 68 Shanuvall i 11/7/3/66 11/07/0030/0066 9/6/3/40 09/06/0030/0040 69 Shirakaradi 11/7/3/74 11/07/0030/0074 9/6/3/48 09/06/0030/0048 70 Somlapura 11/7/3/10 11/07/0030/0010 9/6/3/18 09/06/0030/0018 71 Sthirur 11/7/3/42 11/07/0030/0042 9/6/3/64 09/06/0030/0064




2 3 4 5 6

72 Talamakki Estate 1117/3/6 11/07/0030/0006 9/6/3/14 09/06/0030/0014 73 Tanudi 11/7/3/', 11/07/0030/0011 9/6/3/19 09/06/0030/0019 74 Thalamakki 11/7/3/7 11/07/0030/0007 9/6/3/12 09/06/0030/0012 75 Thammadavalli 11/7/3/58 11/07/0030/0058 9/6/3/32 09/06/0030/0032 76 Thuluvinakoppa 11/7/3/17 11/07/0030/0017 9/6/3/25 09/06/0030/0025

77 Udana 11/7/3/19 11/07/0030/0019 9/6/3/24 09/06/0030/0024

78 Vate Bachalakhan 11/7/3/37 11/07/0030/0037 9/6/3/70 09/06/0030/0070

79 Yadadanti 11/7/3/80 11/07/0030/0080 9/6/3/54 09/06/0030/0054 80 YeLemadalu 11/713/35 11/07/0030/0035 9/6/3/62 09/06/0030/0062


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Yard Rural! Hectares Occu' House- (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 572.22 16363 16600 80596 40049 40547 10477 5219 5258 6951 6699 KOPPA C.D.Block R 570.23 15368 15583 75574 37535 38039 9815 4906 4909 6807 6534 U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349 144 165

1 Koppa (Rural) 546.41 616 616 3000 1433 1567 402 170 232 148 118 2 Gunavanthe 1415.64 187 189 870 439 431 125 63 62 46 35 3 Kelakul i 1535.31 217 228 1012 511 501 148 82 66 132 114 4 Kesave 653.64 152 152 723 359 364 103 59 44 32 26 5 Harandur 422.61 586 587 2888 1406 1482 422 205 217 275 253 6 Talamakki Estate 306.41 61 66 310 146 164 49 27 22 73 70 7 Thalamakki 1052.60 335 346 1626 796 830 219 122 97 146 130 8 Nuggi 1207.02 498 498 2117 1040 1077 258 127 131 194 229 9 Biniravalli 690.35 331 332 1739 906 833 216 95 121 166 149 10 Somlapura 736.74 241 242 1179 605 574 156 86 70 65 55 11 Tanudi 619.14 126 126 637 296 341 81 42 39 81 72 12 Heraroapura 273.10 19 19 69 34 35 7 2 5 5 6 13 Kalasapura 105.37 30 30 113 62 51 24 13 11 30 22 14 Machikoppa 432.46 66 67 369 186 183 41 27 14 80 65 15 Karimane 512.90 127 127 659 313 346 85 36 49 111 123 16 Belawadi 181.51 32 32 175 82 93 19 9 10 17 Thuluvinakoppa 184.86 84 84 374 188 186 52 25 27 69 67 18 Belagola 436.04 126 126 671 338 333 89 51 38 102 90 19 Udana 49.48 9 9 68 32 36 5 3 2 3 2 20 Marithotlu 873.53 132 132 679 329 350 68 29 39 59 72 21 Narasipura 676.30 272 279 1473 728 745 212 89 123 166 166 22 Kunchur 615.74 104 104 569 291 278 73 42 31 61 57 23 Addada 1308.72 218 220 1091 559 532 109 57 52 106 95 24 Bomlapura 1134.30 266 266 1334 657 677 125 69 56 42 44 25 Bolapura 469.55 136 136 629 308 321 73 47 26 5 3 26 Hirekodige 992.66 168 168 779 378 401 92 44 48 53 61 27 Kagga 159.72 28 28 147 69 78 17 8 9 28 Kumbarkoppa 482.40 161 161 754 342 412 84 40 44 35 44 29 Anrnadi Estate 278.15 44 44 155 74 81 28 12 16 12 8 30 Jayapura 1298.76 720 746 3454 1730 1724 475 228 247 308 323


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlIJber Labourers

(I - IX) ( I ) (" )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1769 1725 25992 20594 23383 12284 7624 1803 6366 5716 1756 1716 23912 18738 22081 12004 7572 1792 6322 5674 KOPPA C.O.Block 13 9 2080 1856 1302 280 52 11 44 42

19 23 1026 864 776 237 57 11 175 69 Koppa (Rural) 1 8 5 297 210 275 242 127 100 108 129 Gunavanthe 2 334 249 329 149 141 5 150 139 Kelakul i 3 238 181 216 123 54 4 ," 87 Kesave 4 14 14 947 750 709 323 63 3 195 168 Harandur 5 2 2 64 60 88 71 5 2 2 Talamakki Estate 6 26 21 503 443 448 260 121 19 95 99 Thalamakki 7 614 433 629 485 82 18 157 139 Nuggi 8 11 8 618 424 430 115 143 4 136 79 Biniravalli 9 64 62 358 276 351 192 78 10 207 162 Somlapura 10 176 175 153 129. 51 6 85 118 Tanudi 11 26 19 26 4 14 Herambapura 12 2 5 7 5 36 30 Kalasapura 13 12 17 108 96 112 59 5S 9 53 50 Machikoppa 14 198 197 219 128 38 8 115 113 Karimane 15 72 66 57 34 31 2 25 31 Belawadi 16 140 109 119 67 41 12 43 46 Thuluvinakoppa 17 201 166 195 110 51 5 55 60 Belagola 18 26 24 22 24 15 21 Udana 19 2 2 203 183 211 172 111 90 47 51 Marithotlu 20 38 41 490 398 404 185 127 63 103 84 Narasipura 21 223 163 176 112 133 48 37 57 Kunchur 22 6 2 402 304 300 211 105 8 132 188 Addada 23 3 2 428 353 419 158 286 19 102 132 Bomlapura 24 13 9 202 186 176 126 77 23 70 95 Bolapura 25 270 233 228 122 135 42 65 75 Hirekodige 26 47 43 32 19 32 19 Ka9ga 27 5 6 224 225 208 110 101 7 75 70 Kumbarkoppa 28 30 12 48 43 Anmadi Estate 29 23 32 1202 937 1019 488 106 17 132 106 Jayapura 30


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA : (\>Je )\;0. : 0030 location Name of Village I Total/ CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town / !.lard Rural/ Nl.IlIber Urban L1I/estock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, FIshing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry act1v1ties

( III ) (I V) [yea)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 4061 3553 34 15 221 86 495 74 516 83 KOPPA C.D.Block R 3999 3548 34 15 217 82 368 61 487 79 U 62 5 4 4 127 13 29 4

1 Koppa (Rural) 123 91 29 6 57 5 83 18 2 Gunavanthe 21 10 3 1 3 Kelakul i 5 6 2 4 Kesave 28 27 2 4 3 5 Harandur 33 58 5 13 3 39 9 92 20 6 Talamakki Estate 78 68 2 7 Thalamakki 104 113 25 12 11 4 9 8 Nuggi 332 314 13 -2 11 9 Biniravalli. 4 1 1 12 10 Somlapura 13 8 5 13 2 5 2 11 Tanudi 4 4 3 12 Herambapura 12 4 13 Kalasapura 36 30 14 Machikoppa 2 15 Karimane 42 5 2 5 16 Belawadi 17 Thuluvinakoppa Z 5 18 Belagola 61 39 2 4 4 19 Udana 3 20 Marithotlu 30 27 2 4 21 Narasipura 43 7 3 5 7 4 8 22 Kunchur 3 23 Addada 10 4 5 3 1 4 2 24 Bomlapura 2 2 10 25 Bolapura 8 6 3 26 HireIcodige 3 5 27 Kagga 28 Kl.mbarkoppa 16 30 5 2 29 Ammadi Estate 48 43 30 Jayapura 341 300 2 2 46 4 40


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUllber Conmerce Storage and Services COI"I"IWnication

(VI I) (VI I I) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1700 133 427 17 1939 804 243 1934 16423 26329 1199 96 293 4 1590 653 243 1870 15211 24165 KOPPA C.D.Block 501 37 134 13 349 151 64 1212 2164

lOS 3 75 4 72 30 11 23 646 1307 Koppa (Rural) 1 6 9 2 164 189 Gunavanthe 2 11 3 11 4 6 182 346 Kelakul i 3 6 3 6 1 143 241 Kesave 4 106 7 45 118 55 56 61 641 1098 Harandur 5 58 93 Talamakki Estate 6 40 5 10 33 7 5 347 565 Thalamakki 7 12 2 6 16 10 4 411 588 Nuggi 8 18 4' 7 108 27 73 476 645 Biniravalli 9 11 2 4 15 5 6 22 248 360. Somlapura 10 5 2 3 143 212 Tanudi 11 8 31 Herambapura 12 26 21 Kalasapura 13 1 30 73 94 Machikoppa 14 7 7 4 1 94 217 Karimane 15 1 25 59 Belawadi 16 8 19 8 10 69 109 Thuluvinakoppa 17 9 9 5 99 143 124 Belagola 18 4 10 12 Udana 19 3 13 4 118 178 Marithotlu 20 48 2 10 52 21 15 80 309 480 Narasipura 21 2 4 4 9 2 106 164 I(unchur 22 4 7 31 6 17 258 304 Addada 23 2 14 7 305 237 214 Bomlapura 24 8 7 3 58 131 137 Bolapura 25 5 13 4 150 278 Hirekodige 26 2 35 59 Kagga 27 8 3 68 134 234 Kumbarkoppa 28 26 38 Anmadi Estate 29 197 18 29 126 41 36 710 1200 Jayapura 30


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ ( Including in the age group Castes NUTber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Lokanathapura 889.6T 158 158 787 398 389 93 46 47 119 108 32 Hosuru 1394.59 371 371 1664 837 827 308 144 164 109 117 33 Hiregadde 1079.83 288 288 1339 661 678 215 114 101 295 286 34 Adigebylu 1770.18 548 550 2457 1213 1244 339 187 152 228 246 35 Yelemadalu 1324.77 495 495 2165 1099 1066 291 161 130 284 252 36 Murugadde 256.15 130 130 533 251 282 77 32 45113 121 37 Vate Bachalakhan 158.36 111 111 453 239 214 78 45 33 46 57 38 Guddethota 799.72 336 336 1393 679 714 191 93 98 112 108 39 Hillikere 41.32 13 13 50 26 24 10 6 4 9 8 40 Herur 1585.97 332 364 1703 821 882 276 119 157 243 249 41 Devagodu 1589.26 206 207 1406 777 629 111 57 54 160 110 42 Sthirur 375.24 100 100 456 233 223 56 29 27' 120 102 43 Honnagundj 427.75 265 277 1364 722 642 164 ~ 78 143 135 44 Herthanakudige 18.87 8 8 52 25 27 633 45 Bethadakolalu 851.67 174 174 988 495 493 152 72 80 212 212 46 Attikudige 1109.30 361 386 1671 839 832 243 129 114 155 154 47 Kallugudde 2111.69 181 181 1043 543 500 127 61 66 83 78 48 Megur 1797.26 84 84 514 254 260 73 37 36 49 Haralane 631.40 122 122 633 314 319 84 47 37 21 17 50 Byredevaru 1323.80 371 392 1743 864 879 221 117 104 165 152 51 Heggaru 960.70 156 156 828 414 414 101 55 46 94 96 52 Hul igardi 610.43 99 99 545 280 265 63 30 33 1 53 Agalagandi 811.74 195 195 1043 521 522 123 71 52 79 77 54 Oayamball i 924.72 141 145 742 387 355 93 50 43 73 69 55 Kulur 1056.58 293 302 1580 774 806 255 134 121 123 129 56 Hariharapura 645.07 550 556 2504 1231 1273 306 152 154 246 227 57 Kunimakki 343.40 100 100 478 248 230 52 31 21 68 59 58 Thanmadava II i 533.26 109 109 517 256 261 67 27 40 112 105 59 Bhuanakote 720.03 189 189 955 477 478 124 59 65 160 160 60 Heddase 557.70 128 129 655 323 332 84 39 45 44 50 61 Belavinakodige 695.79 144 144 783 394 389 79 39 40 71 77 62 Asagodu 730.98 193 196 958 456 502 107 48 59 83 81 63 Melbilre 533.17 117 119 593 287 306 55 29 26 21 17 64 Kuppal i 127.04 34 34 173 90 83 22 12 10 65 Bilagadde 1239.65 192 201 1073 534 539 124 63 61 58 41


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A l Name of Village I locatiGn Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code. Cultivators Agricultural N~r Labourers

(I _ IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

264 183 261 132 49 112 111 Lokanathapura 31 19 23 367 192 500 435 54 12 58 45 Hosuru 32 14 11 289 217 360 306 69 35 56 44 Hiregadde 33 19 20 737 578 740 443 187 92 136 97 Adigebylu 34 25 27 553 345 634 458 164 131 1n 78 Yelemadalu 35 Murugadde 36 4 175 102 137 156 _,_ 14 10 142 n 132 108 Vate Bachalakhan 37 49 57 365 264 423 328 128 86 40 42 Guddethota 38 2 2 13 8 17 4 11 Hi II ikere 39 150 170 422 318 496 306 110 19 84 61 Herur 40 41 38 518 353 381 235 119 62 106 87 Dev8godu 41 111 81 133 114 20 10 59 48 Sthirur 42 91 72 467 335 376 214 56 6 89 56 Honnagundi 43 22 21 16 15 Herthanakudige 44 48 39 270 184 289 183 95 17 173 153 Bethadakolalu 45 127 132 417 310 471 342 76 36 93 74 Attikudige 46 190 169 375 249 345 129 187 37 136 83 Kallugudde 47 147 145 124 93 158 154 104 9 24 124 Megur 48 88 86 190 159 191 97 85 36 47 23 Haralane 49 49 41 449 342 532 396 160 82 191 180 Byredevaru 50 49 54 231 192 273 108 85 11 122 92 Heggaru 51 59 50 205 161 179 31 127 49 29 Hul igardi 52 67 56 361 311 300 132 131 32 118 83 Agalagandi 53 38 27 252 165 241 1?8 113 19 95 100 Oayamball i 54 58 70 414 335 438 365 159 24 139 246 Kulur 55 14 15 892 n6 674 195 112 8 210 126 Hariharapura 56 171 138 168 66 79 69 55 Kunimakki 57 3 150 116 1~5 95 61 14 89 75 Thanmadavall i 58 2 3 307 235 311 150 148 14 133 125 Bhuanakote 59 8 8 211 166 209 75 114 8 79 63 Heddase _ 60 39 31 269 195 235 173 132 74 97 92 8elavinakodige 61 36 51 321 276 293 129 138 2 125 106 Asagodu 62 218 183 192 111 129 24 47 78 Melbilre 63 67 35 54 12 37 17 12 Kuppal i 64 37 38 346 295 340 n 228 10 75 57 8i lagadde 65


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; COOl! No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Total/ CATEGOR I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rural/ Number Urban Lillestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Serll1c1ng and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs In Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities ,. ( I I I ) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f) (101) (f) (101) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34)

31 Lokanathapura 67 10 5 2 2 32 Hosuru 383 374 33 Hiregadde 220 222 2 34 Adigebylu 168 146 16 4 7 35 Yelemadalu 242 236 4 4 36 Murugadde 124 152 , 37 Vate Bachalakhan 126 106 38 Guddethota 218 186 3 3 3 39 Hill ikere 6 3 40 Herur 240 217 2 12 41 Devagodu 74 65 , 2 31 3 42 Sthirur 51 54 43 Honnagundi 102 130 3 8 t 5 44 Herthanakudige 45 Bethadakolalu 14 10 46 Attikudige 251 220 6 7 47 Kallugudde 5 1 2

48 Megur 23 20 4 " 1 49 Karalal'le 33 :n 4 3 50 Syredevaru 102 105 9 2 4 14 5 51 Heggaru 25 2 9 Z 52 Huligardi 53 Agalagandi 2 8 7 4 3 54 Dayamba II i 5 1 2 55 Kulur 69 77 6 9 13 3 56 Hariharapura 10 10 9 30 5 31 8 57 Kunimakki 3 58 Thammadavalli 3 59 Bhuanakote 3 6 2 60 Hecldase 2 6 3 61 Belavinakodige 62 Asagodu 6 5 6 63 Melbilre 4 3 5 64 Kuppal i 65 Bil agadde 3 3 14 3



Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

W0 R K E R 5 Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUI1ber COITII1erce Storage and Services Conmunicat Ion


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

15 6 10 2 137 257 Lokanathapura 31 2 3 4 337 392 Hosuru 32 2 2 11 3 13 24 288 348 Hiregadde 33 13 5 204 107 16 152 457 649 Adigebylu 34 14 5 24 12 1S 7 450 601 Yelemadalu 35 1 4 6 4 114 126 Murugadde 36 , 5 2 107 95 Vate Bacha\akhan 37 12 5 11 14 "2 255 384 Guddethota 38 1 11 9 9 IIi 1t ikere 39 16 1 4 28 8 16 120 309 456 Herur 40 25 2 22 15 396 393 Devagodu 41 2 2 100 109 Sthirur 42 49 3 61 20 346 428 Homagundi 43 9 27 Herthanakudige 44 1 3 2 3 1 205 310 Bethadakolalu 45 15 3 21 9 23 42 345 448 Attilcudige 46 4 11 8 198 371 Kallugudde 47 1 2 6 94 100 Megur 48 7 1 11 5 84 123 138 Haralane 49 32 3 2 18 19 7 27 325 456 Byredevaru 50 17 2 9 3 141 306 Heggaru 51 2 2 101 234 Hul igardi 52 13 1 3 18 7 221 390 Agalagandi 53 10 1 14 8 32 145 195 Dayaneall i 54 21 2 4 18 13 19 336 422 Kulur 55 83 9 23 165 29 13 41 544 1037 Hariharapura 56 '2 2 5 9 80 '64 IC.UI'Ii makk i 57 6 5 5 91 166 Thanmadavall i 58 3 15 11 166 328 Bhuanakote 59 3 2 4 ',4 257 Keddase 60 4 7 159 216 Belavinakodige 61 7 17 9 3 163 370 Asagodu 62 2 6 2 95 195 Melbilre 63 36 71 Kuppal i 64 4 14 3 104 194 358 Bilagadde 65


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nl.MIIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Shanuva II i 121.91 36 43 184 88 96 19 10 9 2 2 67 Kodur 701.69 193 196 908 432 476 110 44 66 58 81 68 Shankarapura 117.73 16 16 87 38 49 14 4 10 69 Heggadde 49.68 3 3 6 2 4 1 1 70 Heggaru 692.57 151 152 708 372 336 79 37 42 71 tlonagaru 117.58 13 13 69 31 38 11 6 5 72 Malckikoppa 288.21 59 59 347 166 181 40 18 22 11 10 73 DevarahaL l i 204.87 11 11 68 31 37 11 7 4 74 Shirakaradi 134.62 27 28 172 79 93 17 7 10 75 Chavalamane 1087.38 432 440 2239 1098 1141 256 130 126 125 94 76 Halmathur 706.13 215 215 1066 521 545 128 61 67 47 40 n Hosur 798.49 165 165 903 450 453 109 58 51 78 Bhandigadi 1168.25 316 316 1545 760 785 187 88 99 68 75 79 Ni lavagi lu 872.31 233 233 1191 575 616 124 63 61 32 22 80 Yadadanti 403.86 112 112 577 293 284 82 40 42 9 11

C.D. Block Total Rural 570.23 15368 15583 75574 37535 38039 9815 4906 4909 6807 6534


Koppa (MP) 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349 144 165

C.D. Block Total Urban 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349 144 165


Name of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.II1ber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) eM) (f)

(15) ( 16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

67 65 61 16 43 2 10 7 Shanuvall i 66 303 260 267 121 138 23 82 80 Kodur 67. 31 32 27 18 20 11 6 7 Shankarapura 68 2 3 2 2 Heggadde 69 291 207 241 96 151 41 67 51 Heggaru 70 23 20 21 2 18 1 3 1 Honagaru 71 115 103 115 38 n 4 30 33 Makkikoppa 72 16 22 15 18 9 16 2 2 Devarahall i 73 46 45 50 37 44 32 2 5 Shirakaradi 74 16 8 832 716 623 176 279 60 172 100 Chavalamane 75 380 334 321 105 201 31 72 65 Halmathur 76 326 268 293 66 224 15 56 48 Hosur n 7 8 553 440 438 118 249 9 112 96 Bhandigadi 78 371 321 362 226 191 61 122 143 Ni lavagi lu 79 197 128 170 52 63 2 65 42 Yadadanti 80

1756 1716 23912 18738 22081 12004 7572 1792 6322 5674 C.D. Block Total Rural


13 9 2080 1856 1302 280 52 11 44 42 Koppa (MP)

13 9 2080 1856 1302 280 52 11 44 42 C.D. Block Total Urban


NameofC.D. Block: KOPPA; Cod~ No. : 0030

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R J E S o f M A J N Code Town I "ard Rurall N~r urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construct ion Forestry. Quarrying Processing, Processing. fishing. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and RepaIrs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(I II) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (14) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Shanuva II I 1 3 2 67 Kodur 2 3 10 3 8 68 Shankarapura 69 liegsadde 70 lIeg9aru 71 lIonagaru n Makkikoppa 3 73 Deverahalti 2 74 Shlrakaradi 75 Chava I amane 37 10 6 8 4 76 Hallllllthur 3 6 6 ,. 77 Hosur 1 1 78 Bhandigadi 1 4 5 5 79 NI lavag! lu 15 2 2 5 80 Yadadantf 7 2

c.o. Block Total Rural 3999 3548 34 15 217 82 368 61 487 79


1 Koppo (MP) 62 5 4 4 127 13 29 4

C.D. Block Total Urban 62 5 4 4 127 13 29 4


Nam~ of C.D. Block: KOPPA ; Code No. : 0030

w0 R K E R S Marginal Non'Workers Name of village / location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and TransPIOrt, Other NlJI1ber COnrnerce Storage and, Services COIIIIUli cat i on

(VII) (VII () (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) q_8) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1 1 5 27 80 Shanuvall i 66 16 2 .f' 13 7 ' 5 33 160 322 Kociur 67 13 11 18 Shankarapura 68 • .1' 2 2 Heggadde 69 15 7 4 28 131 212 Heggaru 70 2 8 36 Honagaru 71 5 11 50 132 Makkikoppa n 16 19 Devarahall i 73 3 29 56 Shirakaradi 74 52 2 7 54 7 8 96 467 869 Chavalamane 75 15 2 17 7 8 29 192 411 Halmathur 76 4 6 2 3 65 154 322 Hosur 77 30 3 3 33 4 322 667 Bhandigadi 78 21 3 16 5 3 6 210 384 Ni lavagi lu 79 20 3 5 8 3 123 232 Yada

1199 96 293 4 1590 653 243 1870 15211 24165 C.D. Block Total Rural


501 37 134 13 349 151 64 1212 2164 Koppa (MP)

501 37 134 13 349 151 64 1212 2164 C.D. Block Total Urban






, 2 3 4 5 6

·1 Abrugodige Estate 111714/117 11/07/0040/0117 9/6/4/117 09/06/0040/0117 2 Alekhan Estate '1/7/4/108 11/07/0040/0108 9/6/4/108 09/06/0040/0108 3 Ambinakodige 11/7/4/135 11/07/0040/0135 9/6/4/135 09/06/0040/0135 4 Anajooru 11/7/4/73 11/07/0040/0073 9/6/4/73 09/06/0040/0073 5 Angadi 1 i /7/4/71 " /07/0040/0071 9/6/4/71 09/06/0040/0071 6 Aramane Thalagur "/7/4/116 "/07/0040/0116 9/6/4/1 16 09/06/0040/01'6 7 AU i gere 11/7/4/103 11/07/0040/0103 9/6/4/103 09/06/0040/0103

8 B.Hosahalli ',/7/4/83 11/07/0040/0083 9/6/4/~3 09/06/0040/0083 9 Baggasagodu 11/7/4/85 11/07/0040/0085 9/6/4/85 09/0'6/0040/0085 10 Bakki '1/7/4/92 ',/07/0040/0092 9/6/4/92 09/06/0040/0092 11 ..Bal j ge 11/7/4/112 11/07/0040/0112 9/6/4/112 09/06/0040/0112 12 Balur "17/4/106 11/07/0040/0106 9/6/4/'06 09/06/0040/0106 13 Balur Estate ',/7/4/127 1 1 / G 1/ 004 U /U , n 9/6/4/127 09/06/0040/0127 14 11/7/4/79 l1/J7/0(J ... ::'/O(J79 9,6/4/79 09/.06/0040/0079 15 Bankenahalli 11/7/4/87 11/01/0040/0CJB7 9/b/4/87 09/06(0040/0087 16 Batimale Estate 11/7/4/102 , 1/07/0TI40/u102 9/6/4/102 09/06/0040/0102 17 Bee java II i 11/7/4/19 11/U7/004U/U019 9/6/4/19 U9/06/0C40JQ019 18 Bettadamane 11/7/4/52 11/07/'_\)"l 'lrO',,: 09/06/0040/0U52

19 ~ettagere 11/7/,-/91 11/i-l,"-,,,·, I IJ;l {J I f;lJ .. / r.; 1 09/06/00 .. 0/0091 20 11/714/Q ~ rJ07;,r"j", 0, Jv.'9 Y/6/4/ Q 09/06/0040/0009 21 ~i lagal i ',/7/4/118 11/Ul/C.JO':'O/(J118 9/6/4/118 09/06/0040/0118 22 Bilagota 11/7/4/1-8 11/07/0040/0018 9/6/4118 09/06/0040/001B 23 Binnidi 11/7/4/105 - 11/07/0040/0105 9/6/4/105 09/06/0040/0105 24 BOrmlenaha II i 11/7/4/29 11/07/0040/0029 9/6/4/29 09/06/0040/0029 25 Byduva.l ~ i 11/7/1,/64 11/01/[lOL,U/ULJ64 9/6/4/64 09/06/094 0/0064 26 Byduvalli Estate 11/7/4/66 "/07/0040/0066 9/6/1,/66 09/G6/0040/0066 27 Byrapura 11/7/4/61 11/07/0040/0061 9/6/4/61 09/06/0040/0061 28 8yrapura Estate 11/1J_4/60 " /CrNDC4C/U060 9/611,/60 U9/G6/0\}40/LlQ60

29 Chakkodige 11/7/4/48 11/U7/0G.. LIl)ul,)3 I,/C./ ... /l,t:, Q9/(J6./0U4Q/UO<.8

30 Chandrapura 11'''1-7/4/76 11/(.7t utJ40/(.,u7o '9/6/4/76 09/06/0040/0076 31 Chattanahalli 11/7/4/33 11/01/0U4()/uu.n 9/6/4/~3 f.J9/G6/0940/0033 32 Chinmatagere 1117/4/45 1 ~ IQj/0040/(JOL;S 9/6/'.145 09/06/0040/0045 33 Chinniga 11/7/4/47 , , /07/CYJi, Q/004 7 'Y/6/l..j47 09106/0040/0947 34 Coove 1-1/7/4/122 11/07/u040io122 9/6/4/122 09/06/0040/0122

35 Daradahall i 1117/1..17 ~1/~/C04C/OOC7, ~ 9/6/4/7 09/06/0040/09°7 36 Darshana '~/7/4/e, ',/07/{JG40/OD&r'" 9/6/4/81 09/06/0040/008' 37 Devarunda ,117/4/')0 -H]'"07/(Ju40tOU56 Q/6/4/56 09/06/0040/0056 38 Durgadaha l Li 11/7/4/111 11/07/004G/Ol11 9/6/1,/111 09./06/0040/01' ,

39 11/7/4n39 11/07/0040/0139 9/6/1,/139 09/06/0040/0139




2 3 4 5 6

40 G.Agrahara 11/7/4/78 11/07/0040/0078 9/6/4/78 09/06/0040/0078 41 G.Hanumanahalli 11/7/4/46 11/07/0040/0046 9/6/4/46 09/06/0040/0046 42 G.HattadahalLi 11/7/4/39 11/07/0040/0039 9/6/4/39 09/06/0040/0039 43 G.Hosahalli 11/7/4/43 11/07/0040/0043 9/6/4/43 09/06/0040/0043 44 Gabbaha LL i 11/7/4/.31 11/07/0040/0031 9/6/4/31 09/06/0040/0031 45 Gonibeedu 11/7/4/42 11/07/0040/0042 9/6/4/42 09/06/0040/0042 46 Gowdahalli 11/7/4/65 11/07/0040/0065 9/6/4/65 09/06/0040/0065 47 Gowthahall i 11/7/4/32 11/07/0040/0032 9/6/4/32 09/06/0040/0032 48 Guddada Estate 11/7/4/13 11/07/0040/0013 9/6/4/13 09/06/0040/0013 49 11/7/4/98 11/07/0040/0098 9/6/4/98 09/06/0040/0098

50 Hadivoni 11/7/4/121 11/07/0040/0121 9/6/4/121 09/06/0040/0121 51 Halagadaka Estate 11/7/4/110 11/07/0040/0110 9/6/4/110 09/06/0040/0110 52 Halase 11/7/4/2 11/07/0040/0002 9/6/4/2 09/06/0040/0002 53 Halekere 11/7/4/67 11/07/0040/0067 9/6/4/67 09/06/0040/0067 54 HaLekere Estate 11/7/4/68 11/07/0040/0068 9/6/4/68 09/06/0040/0068 55 Halekote 11/7/4/8 11/07/0040/0008 9/6/4/8 09/06/0040/0008 56 Hal ike 11/7/4/89 11/07/0040/0089 9/6/4/89 09/06/0040/0089 57 Hanthuru 11/7/4/72 11/07/0040/0072 9/6/4/72 09/06/0040/0072 58 HanumanahaLli 11/7/4/10 11/07/0040/0010 9/6/4/10 09/06/0040/0010 59 Harmakki 11/7/4/55 11/07/0040/0055 9/6/4/55 09/06/0040/0055 60 He9godlu 11/7/4/80 11/07/0040/0080 9/6/4/B"0- 09/06/0040/0080 61 Hegravalli 11/7/4/49 11/07/0040/0049 9/6/4/49 09/06/0040/0049 62 Henmadi 11/7/4/63 11/07/0040/0063 9/6/4/63 09/06/0040/0063 63 Hemmakki 11/7/4/136 11/07/0040/0136 9/6/4/136 09/06/0040/0136 64 HesagaL 11/7/4/15 11/07/0040/0015 9/6/4/15 09/06/0040/0015 65 Hesagodu 11/7/4/96 11/07/0040/0096 9/6/4/96-- 09/06/0040/0096 66 Hiresigara 11/7/4/44 11/07/0040/0044 9/6/4/44 09/06/0040/0044 67 HoisalaLu 11/7/4/75 11/07/0040/0075 9/6/4/75 09/06/0040/0075 68 11/7/4/131 11/07/0040/0131 9/6/4/131 09/06/0040/0131 69 Hosakere 11/7/4/59 11/07/0040/0059 9/6/4/59 09106/0040/0059 70 Hyragudde 11/7/4/93 11/07/0040/0093 9/6/4/93 09/06/0040/0093

71 Idkani 11/7/4/137 11/07/0040/0137 9/6/4/137 09/06/0040/0137 72 Indravall i 11/7/4/26 11/07/0040/0026 9/6/4/26 09/06/0040/0026

73 Javal i 11/7/4/126 11/07/0040/0126 9/6/4/126 09/06/0040/0126 74 Jogannanakere 11/7/4/4 11/07/0040/0004 9/6/4/4 09/06/0040/0004

75 K. 11/7/4/138 11/07/0040/0138 9/6/4/138 09/06/0040/0138 76 Kademadkal 11/7/4/24 11/07/0040/0024 9/6/4/24 09/06/0040/0024 77 11/7/4/5 11/07/0040/0005 9/6/4/5 09/06/0040/0005 78 Kaduva II i 11/7/4/21 11/07i0040/0021 9/6/4/21 09/06/0040/0021 79 Kalakodu 11/7/4/130 11/07/0040/0130 9/6/4/130 09/06/0040/0130 80 Kalasa 11/7/4/128 11/07/0040/0128 9/6/4/128 09/06/0040/0128




2 3 4 5 6

81 Kalmane 11/7/4/120 11/07/0040/0120 9/6/4/120 09/06/0040/0120 82 KanIllaragodu 11/7/4/77 11/07/0040/0077 9/6/4/77 09/06/0040/0077 83 Kanachuru 11/7/4/69 11/07/0040/0069 9/6/4/69 09/06/0040/0069 84 Kanachuru Estate 11/7/4/70 11/07/0040/0070 9/6/4/70 09/06/0040/0070 85 Kannagere 11/7/4/84 11/07/0040/0084 9/6/4/84 09/06/0040/0084 86 Kannapura 11/7/4/38 11/07/0040/0038 9/6/4/38 09/06/0040/0038 87 Kanneha II i 11/7/4/54 1 tl07/0040/0054 9/6/4/54 09/06/0040/0054 88 Karadagodu 11/7/4/20 11/07/0040/0020 9/6/4/20 09/06/0040/0020 89 Karbylu 11/7/4/35 11/07/0040/0035 9/6/4/35 09/06/0040/0035 90 Kelagur 11/7/4/115 11/07/0040/0115 9/6/4/115 09/06/0040/0115 91 Kelagur Estate 11/7/4/114 11/07/0040/0114 9/6/4/114 09/06/0040/0114 92 Kellur 11/7/4/40 11/07/0040/0040 9/6/4/40 09/06/0040/0040 93 Kenjige 11/7/4/12 11/07/0040/0012 9/6/4/12 09/06/0040/0012 94 Kenjige Estate 11/7/4/11 11/07/0040/0011 9/6/4/11 09/06/0040/0011 95 Kesavalalu Estate 11/7/4/6 11/07/0040/0006 9/6/4/6 09/06/0040/0006 96 I(irugunda 11/7/4/51 11/07/0040/0051 9/6/4/51 09/06/0040/0051 97 Kogi le 11/7/4/101 11/07/0040/0101 9/6/4/101 09/06/0040/0101 98 Kollibylu 11/7/4/22 11/07/0040/0022 9/6/4/22 09/06/0040/0022 99 Kolugodu 11/7/4/28 11/07/0040/0028 9/6/4/28 09/06/0040/0028 100 11/7/4/90 11/07/0040/0090 9/6/4/90 09/06/0040/0090 101 Koradathalgur 11/7/4/123 11/07/0040/0123 9/6/4/123 09/06/0040/0123 102 Kotrakere 11/7/4/100 11/07/0040/0100 9/6/4/100 09/06/0040/0100 103 Kudahall i 11/7/4/86 11/07/0040/0086 9/6/4/86 09/06/0040/0086 104 Kundur 11/7/4/82 11/07/0040/0082 9/6/4/82 09/06/0040/0082 105 Kunnahall i 11/7/4/41 11/07/0040/0041 9/6/4/41 09/06/0040/0041

106 Lokavalli 11/7/4/17 11/07/0040/0017 9/6/4/17 09/06/0040/0017 107 Lokavall i Estate 1117/4/16 11/07/0040/0016 9/6/4/16 09/06/0040/0016

108 Madugundi 11/7/4/109 11/07/0040/0109 9/6/4/109 09/06/0040/0109 109 Makonaha II i 11/7/4/37 11/07/0040/0037 9/6/4/37 09/06/0040/0037 110 Malahalli 11/7/4/27 11/0710040/0027 9/6/4/27 09/06/0040/0027 111 Maliganadu 11/7/4/119 11/07/0040/0119 9/6/4/119 09/06/0040/0119 112 Marasanige 11/7/4/140 11/07/0040/0140 9/6/4/140 09/06/0040/0140 113 Markal 1117/4/124 11/07/0040/0124 9/6/4/124 09/06/0040/0124 114 Megur 11/7/4/107 11/07/0040/0107 9/6/4/107 09/06/0040/0107 115 Mekanagadde 11/7/4/58 11/07/0040/0058 9/6/4/58 09/06/0040/0058 116 Mudasasi 11/7/4/36 11/07/0040/0036 9/6/4/36 09/06/0040/0036 117 Mudigere (Rural) 11/7/4/1 11/07/0040/0001 9/6/4/1 09/06/0040/0001 118 Mularahall i 11/7/4/97 11/07/0040/0097 9/6/4/97 09/06/0040/0097 119 Mutthigarapura 11/7/4/3 11/07/0040/0003 9/6/4/3 09/06/0040/0003.




2 3 4 5 6

120 Naduvinamadkal 1117/4123 11/07/0040/0023 9/6/4/23 09/06/0040/0023 Ul Nand\pura "1714/25 , 1107/0040/0025 9/6/4/25 09/06/0040/0()25 122 Nidagodu 11/7/4/74 11/07/0040/0074 9/6/4/74 09/06/0040/0074 123 Niduvale 11/7/4/125 11/07/0040/0125 9/6/4/125 09/06/0040/0125

124 Ousana 11/7/4/95 11/07/0040/0095 9/6/4/95 09/06/004010095

125 Pattaduru 11/7/4/94 11/07/0040/0094 9/6/4/94 09/06/0040/0094 126 Phalguni 1117/4/88 11/07/0040/0088 9/6/4/88 09/06/0040/0088 127 Pura 11/7/4/34 11/07/0040/0034 9/6/4/34 OQ/06/0040/0034

128 Samse 1117/4/129 ,,/07/0040/0129 9/6/4/129 09/06/0040/0129 129 Sangamapura 11/7/4/30 11/07/0040/0030 9/6/4/30 09/06/0040/0030 130 Sunkasale 11/7/4/113 11/07/0040/0113 9/6/4/113 09/06/0040/0113

131 Taruve 11/7/41104 11/07/0040/0104 9/6/4/104 09/06/0040/0104 132 Thalagodu 11/7/4/134 11/07/0040/0134 9/6/4/134 09/06/0040/0134 133 Thanudi 11/7/4/133 11/07/0040/0133 9/6/4/133 09/06/0040/0133 134 Thatkola 11/7/4/14 11/07/0040/0014 9/6/4/14 09/06/0040/0014 135 Thotadur 11/7/4/132 11/07/0040/0132 9/6/4/132 09/06/0040/0132 136 11/7/4/99 11/07/0040/0099 9/6/4/99 09/06/.0040~0099

137 U.Hosahalli 11/7/4/57 11/07/0040/0057 9/6/4/57 09/06/0040/0057 138 Udase 1117/4/50 11/07/0040/0050 9/6/4/50 09/06/0040/0050 139 Uggehalli 1117/4/53 11/07/0040/0053 9/6/4/53 09/06/0040/0053 140 Urubage 11/7/4/62 11/07/0040/0062 9/6/4/62 09/06/0040rpD6Z


Name of C.D. Block: MUDlGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NlJTIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 • 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.O.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 1116.61 24839 25065 120645 60605 60040 18109 9009 9100 13979 13745 MUOIGERE C.O.Block R 1115.69 23142 23360 112692 56434 56258 17002 8467 8535 13568 13458 U 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565 411 287

1 Mudigere (Rural) 561.60 288 288 1571 810 761 249 125 124 141 135 2 Halase 422.27 66 66 314 160 154 55 32 23 26 22 3 Mutthigarapura 207.08 81 85 404 203 201 52 19 33 67 63 4 Jogannanakere 1042.96 374 374 1765 895 870 254 131 123 311 297 5 Kadidal 478.92 140 141 722 349 373 98 44 54 110 123 6 Kesavalalu Estate 72.26 37 37 157 76 81 30 17 13 33 40 7 Oaradaha II i 782.86 319 319 1517 753 764 263 135 128 110 112 8 Haleltote 626.38 262 262 1291 642 649 216 119 _ 97_ 160 159 9 Bidarahalli 475.71 260 260 1308 66 1 64 7 21-8 110 108 83 87 10 Hanumanahalli 159.72 40 40 200 89 111 28 16 12 36 41 11 Kenjige Estate 46.17 23 23 104 58 46 21 12 9 23 15 12 Kenjige 318.47 99 99 447 209 238 84 35 49 70 72 13 Guddada Estate 379.28 5 5 16 8 8 2 1 14 Thatkola 589.23 40 40 167 88 79 32 16 16 11 12 15 Hesagal 482.15 417 431 1917 983 934 371 198 173 273 282 16 Lokavalli Estate 123.34 66 66 325 169 156 56 32 24 61 53 17 Lokavall i 117.84 68 68 382 187 195 60 22 38 78 86 18 Bilagola 119.75 455 455 2164 1089 1075 317 154 163 134 135 19 Beejavall i 60.60 50 50 231 115 116 32 16 16 12 25 20 Karadagodu 31.83 2 2 15 8 7 21 Kaduva II i 95.41 26 26 ',3 59 54 21 11 10 8 4 22 Koll ibylu 127.91 63 63 273 136 137 49 24 25 19 22 23 Naduvinamadkal 279.18 ·26 26 131 69 62 16 11 552 24 Kademadkal 359.66 77 77 319 152 167 56 28 28 116 121 25 Nandipura 657.53 115 115 529 262 267 74 35 39 85 7S 26 Indravall i 311.97 52 52 224 118 106 25 16 9 14 12 27 Malahall i 151.08 68 68 351 168 183 62 31 31 68 71 28 Kolugodu 190.52 80 80 343 173 170 45 18 27 22 23 29 Bonmenaha II i 118.96 20 20 108 52 56 17 12 5 27 21 30 Sangamapura 93.72 26 26 147 66 81 11 4 7


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Total Main N D U S T R I A L Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber labourers

(I • IX) (I) (II)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

5592 5564 33462 23904 36025 21281 9078 3247 6006 4819 5505 5495 30177 21356 33795 20876 8987 3226 5993 4816 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 87 69 3285 2548 2230 405 91 21 13 3

65 51 542 366 451 184 62 15 53 41 Mudigere (Rural) 1 86 58 89 29 24 10 7 Halase 2 5 5 117 81 117 100 24 14 44 61 Mutthigarapura 3 51 43 550 380 537 384 227 135 187 166 Jogannanakere 4 13 10 184 169 191 84 72 10 50 38 Kadidal 5 11 10 15 9 46 50 3 Kesavalalu Estate 6 104 112 435 350 424 220 100 16 229 169 Daradaha II i 7 53 53 373 272 390 204 126 32 92 74 Halekote 8 11 15 418 327 349 131 48 3 94 67 B idarahall i 9 50 64 50 35 26 4 23 31 Hanunanahall i 10 25 25 16 9 33 26 14 12 Kenjige Estate 11 57 77 84 59 133 126 16 12 33 42 Kenjige 12 4 2 4 6 1 3 Guddada Estate 13 27 16 47 23 13 7 20 3 Thatkola 14 131 111 473 348 551 278 85 20 257 184 Hesagal 15 46 52 59 26 105 80 12 18 14 lokavalli Estate 16 9 4 96 74 108 57 5 lokavalli 17 32 31 589 3n 582 256 19 157 53 Bilagola 18 3 68 53 57 37 8 Beejavall i 19 6 6 4 " 1 Karadagodu 20 6 5 39 19 33 23 5 3 KaduvaLli 21 6 8 81 54 69 41 7 Kollibylu 22 5 3 45 26 41 25 13 2 Naduvinamadkal 23 44 30 100 .97 3 Kademadlcal 24 38 51 140 103 160 64 78 7 8 Nandipura 25 ·,5 14 76 48 69 39 26 7 1 Indravalli 26 2 5 78 70 89 52 23 35 16 Malahalli 27 9 9 108 80 100 52 16 - 1 29 10 Kolugodu 28 21 24 33 20 17 2 14 18 Bonmenaha II i 29 51 53 47 2 35 10 Sangamapura 30



Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT I: G 0 R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ Nl.IIIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(II I) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 12816 11569 231 25 104 30 1080 331 865 85 HUDIGERE C.D.BLock R 12719 11534 229 25 78 20 869 296 725 68 U 97 35 2 26 10 211 35 140 17

1 Mudigere (Rural) 98 100 2 65 3 29 5 2 Halase 46 21 3 Hutthigarapura 16 18 4 11 2 4 4 Jogannanakere 44 68 6 15 2 16 5 Kadidal 39 29 5 2 6 Kesavalalu Estate 43 50 7 Daradahall i 28 16 11 6 9 8 Halekote 84 85 5 'I- ~ 2 9 Bidarahall i 65 52 15 3 2 10 Hanunanahalli 11 Kenjige Estate 18 14 12 Kenjige 80 70 13 Guddada Estate 3 3 14 Thatkola 13 12 1 15 Hesagal 38 18 5 3 67 38 9 16 Lokavall i Estate 75 66 17 Lokavall i 64 55 2 3 7 18 Bilagola 123 166 2 68 10 60 2 19 Beejavalli 19 36 7 12 20 Karadagodu 1 21 Kaduvalli 23 18 22 Koll ibylu 57 39 23 Naduvinamadkal 25 23 24 Kaclemadkal 92 94 25 Nandipura 61 52 26 Indravall i 32 34 27 Halahall i 26 36 28 Kolugodu 29 36 5 8 29 BOIIIJIen8halli 2 30 Sangamapura


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

W0 R K E R S Marginal' Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJItler Contnerc:e Storage and Servic:es COIJIIlJnic:ation

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) .(f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2561 150 636 14 2648 1011 437 1859 24143 36900 1787 125 497 7 1911 759 436 1855 22203 33527 MUOIGERE C.D.Bloc:k n4 25 139 7 737 252 1 4 1940 3373

74 5 26 42 15 359 5n Mudigere (Rural) 1 2 6 71 124 Halase 2 1 2 11 3 86 101 Mutthigarapura 3 12 4 26 13 67 357 419 Jogannanakere 4 10 15 5 158 289 lCadidal 5 30 31 lCesavalalu Estate 6 25 9 13 12 17 98 312 446 Daradahall i 7 9 11 61 12 68 251 3n Halekote 8 84 9 32 5 1 312 515 Bidarahalli 9 39 76 Ham,lIlanaha II i 10 25 20 Kenjige Estate 11 3 2 76 112 Kenjige 12 4 2 Guddada Estate 13 1 41 56 Thatkola 14 34 2 17 38 12 432 656 Hesagal 15 64 76 lokavall i Estate 16 17 10 79 138 lokavall i 17 37 4 38 78 19 507 819 Bilagola 18 2 9 1 58 79 Beejavalli 19 1 4 6 Karadagodu 20 3 C 26 31 Kaduvall i 21 2 67 96 Kollibylu 22 2 4 28 33 Naduvinamadkal 23 2 2 1 52 70 lCademadkal 24 , 2 2 9 2 102 203 Nandipura 25 2 2 2 20 49 47 Indravalli 26 1 2 79 131 Malahall i 27 6 3 4 5 73 118 1C0lugodu 28 19 36 Bonrnenahalli 29 19 79 Sangamapura 30


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu· House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 • 6) lages & Resid' Ifouseless in sq.km ential population) for HOUses towns and C.P.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Gabbahalli 116.26 15 15 72 41 31 7 4 3 7 3 32 Gowthahalli 313.53 99 99 463 221 242 53 28 25 86 71 33 Chattananalli 186.67 81 81 306 138 168 45 24 21 37 37 34 Pura 64.32 19 19 103 46 57 12 6 6 35 Karbylu 273.47 60 60 273 127 146 48 28 20 36 39 36 Mudasasi 302.34 86 86 411 198 213 72 36 36 73 81 37 Makonahall i 796.93 250 250 1120 550 570 196 95 101 193 203 38 Kannapura 368.18 255 255 1026 496 530 211 106 105 157 164 39 G.Hattadahalli 168.52 76 76 376 178 198 89 42 47 131 139 40 Kellur 259.49 56 56 222 108 114 32 16 16 15 15 41 Kunnanalli 247.88 162 166 896 452 444 153 7S 78 55 . 50 42 Gon i beedu 827.52 495 497 2356 1137 1219 390 190 200 __ 132 129 43 G.Hosahall i 1267.48 209 209 1030 529 501 1~ ~ 64 % ~ 44 Hiresigara 324.02 65 65 348 185 163 52 22 30 61 66 45 ChilJlllatagere 46.14 59 61 280 132 148 49 24 25 26 34 46 G.Hanumanahalli 96.71 19 19 105 54 51 14 9 5 47 Chinniga 303.22 223 223 1007 508 499 165 86 79 147 142 48 Chakkodige 147.27 33 33 167 86 81 28 17 11 2 2 49 Hegravall i 190.09 72 72 349 179 170 42 24 ·18 32 34 50 Udase 460.58 187 189 906 451 455 118 60 58 127 108 51 Kirugunda 236.71 116 116 502 249 253 103 61 42 140 158 52 Bettadamane 352.06 183 183 827 404 423 132 70 62 132 128 53 i Uggehall 556.70 178 178 872 442 430 137 71 66 110 107 54 Kannehalli 463.72 126 126 615 310 305 106 57 49 39 39 55 Harmakki 324.54 63 63 357 173 184 49 23 26 30 31 56 Devarunda 966.42 211 211 903 453 450 104 47 57 64 69 57 U.Hosahalli 161.51 28 28 142 82 60 21 11 10 18 9 58 Hekanagadde 221.34 46 46 211 103 108 34 16 18 33 41 59 Hosakere 362.7S 55 55 280 132 148 39 18 21 44 47 60 Byrapura Estate 934.40 9 9 40 27 13 4 2 2 5 2 61 Byrapura 4040.41 46 48 250 127 123 35 19 16 40 42 62 Urubage 3124.16 150 150 . 745 355 390 81 40 41 39 38 63 Henmadi 181.99 20 20 92 43 49 21 8 13 2 7 64 Byduvall i 845.81 115 115 557 276 281 84 43 41 70 69 65 Gowdahalli 191.93 106 106 386 187 199 50 22 28 16 18


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlIJ1ber Labourers

(l - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

26 14 25 11 5 Gabbahalli 31 118 102 150 79 71 6 54 68 Gowthahall i 32 7 9 60 47 87 99 30 3 15 59 Chattanahalli 33 34 36 23 9 12 5 2 1 Pura 34 12 15 56 48 80 67 36 16 2 Karbylu 35 58 56 70 54 136 124 14 3 32 34 Mudasasi 36 91 90 205 137 342 254 49 3 21 14 Makonahalli 37 71 87 192 125 318 246 36 6 94 86 Kannapura 38 2 3 47 28 110 99 46 39 3 2 G.Hattadahalli 39 15 16 40 34 75 53 12 2 8 8 Kellur 40 152 140 233 151 265 186 47 27 76 34 IKunnahalli 41 93 94 630 497 625 393· 114 49 11 4 \GonibeedU 42 68 61 322 169 310 186 92 13 40 51 ~.Hosahall i 43 105 56 118 46 58 8 2 ~iresigara 44 15 9 72 52 74 58 30 8 5 2 cr il111latagere 45 27 26 19 11 32 26 8 6 G~anllll8nahall'i 46 6 3 300 246 312 153 63 15 58 21 CI inniga 47 11 8 61 40 50 27 32 9 CII kkodige 48 39 30 88 61 110 120 41 43 11 10 He~ avall i 49 47 42 215 154 281 110 132 44 44 2 50 7 6 90 56 134 97 37 10 18 25 51 34 18 216 174 216 170 68 34 43 44 52 80 81 219 146 286 275 52 43 18 20 53 42 44 148 108 199 167 33 9 12 12 54 18 10 111 96 114 59 65 24 7 55 22 23 297 204 290 44 16 5 56 62 34 54 15 40 2 9 6 57 13 9 57 55 76 30 39 17 19 58 3 3 74 67 80 67 33 29 29 27 59 17 4 23 6 60 84 57 86 31 30 19 6 5 61 18 13 213 165 236 54 151 5 52 32 Urubage 62 26 23 24 22 9 6 4 6 Hemnadi 63 18 19 125 98 158 132 66 38 Byduvall \ 64 2 120 93 125 15 64 12 5 Gowdahal 1\ 65 \ \ 169 VILLAGE I TOWN PRIMARY

Name of C.D. Bl~;k : MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Locati on Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ N\IIlber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (IF) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Gabbahalli 17 10 32 Gowthahall i 8 2 3 33 Chattanaha II i 40 35 34 Pura 6 35 Karbylu 41 47 36 Mudasasi 87 81 37 Makonahall i 241 224 6 38 Kannapura 140 139 5 3 39 G.Hattadahalli 56 57 40 Kellur 48 40 41 Kunnahall i 93 120 12 4 42 Gon i beedu 264 288 2 17 tQ 25 4 43 G.Hosahall i 150 119 7 44 Hiresigara 44 42 2 45 Chinmatagere 35 44 46 G.Hanumanahalli 23 20 47 Chinniga 50 99 2 2 28 3 ~_ 14 48 Chakkodige 15 15 49 Hegravall i 51 64 2 50 Udase 92 60 4 51 Kiruguoda 63 62 2 52 Bettadamane 74 81 3 3 53 Uggeha II i 193 206 5 4 54 Kannena ( ( i 147 142 55 Harmakki 32 32 2 2 56 Devarurde 225 39 13 3 57 U.Hosahalli 3 7 58 Mekanagadde 16 10 1 59 Hosakere 2 5 2 60 Byrapura Estate 23 6 61 Byrapura 47 5 62 Urubage 18 10 2 63 Henmadi 8 10 2 64 Byduva II i 82 90 2 65 Gowdaha lli 23 6


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.MIIber Conmerce Storage and Services C()fIIlUIlication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1 2 1 16 20 Gabbahalli 31 4 9 3 71 163 Gowthahalli 32 2 51 69 Chattanahalli 33 2 3 23 48 Pura 34 1 2 47 78 Karbylu 35 3 6 62 89 Mudasasi 36 8 2 15 13 6 2 202 314 Makonahalli 37 13 5 5 22 10 178 284 Kannapura 38 2 2 1 68 99 G. Hattadahall i 39 6 3 33 61 Kellur 40 16 2 7 10 2 187 258 Kunnahall i 41 93 4 22 77 34 23 47 489 779 Gonibeedu 42 9 1 2 10 2 29 219 286 G. Hosahall i 43 4 2 2 2 59 65 58 Hiresigara 44 2 2 13 58 77 Chinmatagere 45 1 22 25 G. Hanunanahal (i 46 31 2 8 58 11 5 47 191 299 Chinniga 47 1 2 3 31 36 23 Chakkodige 48 3 4 13 10 56 40 Hegravalli 49 3 5 4 2 7 168 338 Udase 50 6 6 13 35 102 121 Kirugunda 51 10 5 10 10 20 57 168 196 Bettadamane 52 6 2 8 4 25 20 131 135 Uggehalli 53 4 2 4 6 110 132 Kannehall i 54 3 3 2 3 17 56 108 Harmakki 55 11 2 15 4 3 159 160 247 Devarunda 56 28 45 U.Hosahalli 57 2 1 27 78 Mekanagadde 58 8 5 6 52 81 Hosakere 59 4 7 Byrapura Estate 60 2 2 34 40 58 Byrapura 61 2 2 9 7 119 336 Urubage 62 1 19 27 Henmadi 63 2 5 3 118 149 Byduvalli 64 4 2 18 4 62 184 Gowdahalli 65


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040 location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Byduvalli Estate 85.74 43 43 194 102 92 36 16 20 36 35 67 Halekere 474.22 157 157 709 342 367 92 50 42 58 64 68 Halekere Estate 65.71 8 8 21 11 10 2 2 2 1 69 Kanachuru 466.68 147 147 756 383 373 95 50 45 67 66 70 Kanachuru Estate 44.68 48 48 216 107 109 29 14 15 26 29 71 Angadi 595.65 245 246 1146 545 601 138 62 76 231 249 72 Hanthuru 305.48 94 98 454 217 237 54 26 28 47 56 73 Anajooru 197.07 84 84 457 227 230 83 53 30 81 82 74 Nidagodu 173.21 42 42 212 111 101 32 16 16 75 Hoisalalu 650.74 148 148 627 305 322 85 42 43 96 102 76 Chandrapura 575.65 107 107 417 205 212 86 37 49 92 95 77 Kanmaragodu 875.32 303 303 1398 703 695 275 139 136 218 181 78 G.Agrahara 1108.03 423 442 2161 1084 1077 336 176 160 265 242 79 Banakal 1352.93 570 582 2834 1393 1441 461 208 253 406 422 80 Heggodlu 2134.89 264 298 1342 653 689 245 122 123 216 237 81 Darshana 307.92 17 17 99 I 50 49 11 4 7 5 3 82 Kundur 3903.70 482 487 2251 1144 1107 359 181 178 250 248 83 B. Hosahall i 1943.88 382 382 1774 863 911 254 137 117 268 258 84 Kannagere 107.52 70 70 337 163 174 47 26 21 49 51 85 Baggasagodu 256.30 181 181 923 455 468 152 70 82 158 138 86 Kudahalli 138.76 273 273 1386 711 675 240 134 106 63 58 87 Bankenahalli 385.89 143 143 780 382 398 139 70 69 160 143 88 Phalguni 775.35 297 301 1456 740 716 241 124 117 110 129 89 Hal ike 337.95 173 173 879 424 455 173 75 98 123 136 90 Kolur 408.10 132 132 643 310 333 100 54 46 164 162 91 Bettagere 611.59 177 177 802 400 402 92 41 51 132 138 92 Bakki 286.20 102 102 464 230 234 66 40 26 89 91 93 Hyragudde 123.91 36 36 163 84 79 24 10 14 27 20 94 Pattaduru 249.50 64 64 316 151 165 40 22 18 35 42 95 Ousana 152.42 24 24 112 52 60 13 4 9 11 12 96 Hesagodu 702.68 64 67 289 143 146 28 13 15 40 49 97 Mularahall i 177.06 20 20 98 47 51 9 3 6 98 Gutti 2696.13 126 126 544 271 273 58 20 38 69 68 99 Tripura 234.20 106 106 519 239 280 69 28 41 112 137 100 Kotrakere 214.92 19 19 78 36 42 6 2 4


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

49 39 41 12 53 3 24 Byduvalli Estate 66 22 25 195 163 209 150 21 14 73 79 HaLekere 67 5 5 8 6 Halekere Estate 68 12 17 222 184 246 209 142 91 5 24 Kanachuru 69 15 16 33 15 71 71 2 Kanachuru Estate 70 2 247 164 345 277 102 27 84 92 Angadi 71 139 117 142 65 76 6 13 6 Hanthuru 72 91 62 124 89 30 6 2 Anajooru 73 8 4 61 46 60 56 42 42 9 7 Nidagodu 74 61 56 123 81 196 132 57 13 21 22 Hoisalalu 7S 38 54 60 28 140 135 14 10 Chandrapura 76 257 264 282 174 398 354 '0 34 2 Kanmaragodu 77 146 160 494 332 674 465 170 45 18 17 G.Agrahara 78 82 74 830 598 758 449 112 6 119 101 Banakal 79 130 145 255 146 421 393 32 24 1 Heggodlu 80 37 29 26 25 1 Darshana 81 161 167 500 296 665 432 188 20 205 200 Kundur 82 89 103 424 337 476 153 121 155 31 B. Hosaha II i 83 5 3 88 72 97 76 9 Kannagere 84 8 11 242 174 241 141 24 4 106 87 Baggasagodu 85 1 1 464 409 353 111 5 41 1 Kudahall i 86 197 164 212 152 62 18 58 68 Bankenahalli 87 137 129 387 245 389 207 102 6 35 18 Phalguni 88 2 7 250 195 242 100 88 73 85 Halike 89 169 141 169 84 91 12 69 68 Kolur 90 10 11 231 152 254 153 112 23 86 98 Bettagere 91 121 104 130 89 53 6 32 23 BaHi 92 7 11 52 29 46 28 14 4 13 15 Hyragudde 93 84 91 96 38 43 6 36 29 Pattaduru 94 33 29 41 18 6 Ousana 95 6 9 93 63 111 52 39 15 9 Hesagodu 96 18 14 29 32 30 19 10 1 MularahalLi 97 171 117 180 67 64 19 96 41 Gutti 98 150 113 150 96 24 1 1 Tripura 99 30 26 24 5 14 Kotrakere 100


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT E G 0 R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I lJard Rurall NlIItler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construct i on Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

( III ) ( IV) [V( a)] [V( b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Byduvalli Estate 28 2 67 Halekere 108 55 68 Halekere Estate 8 6 69 Kanachuru 28 20 5 2 7 5 70 Kanachuru Estate 68 71 1 71 Angadi 117 154 4 3 72 Hanthuru 37 44 73 Anajooru 46 77 3 2 20 74 Nidagodu 4 6 3 75 Hoisalalu 112 94 76 Chandrapura 124 125 77 Karrmaragodu 334 307 2 2 2 78 G.Agrahara 352 356 4 6 6 70 31 6 79 Banakal 283 292 33 24 23 80 Heggodlu 374 361 4 1 81 Darshana 82 Kundur 213 199 7 3 7 83 B.Hosahalli 141 88 10 5 17 11 84 Kannagere 71 71 2 1 85 Baggasagodu 54 48 4 8 86 Kudahalli 71 61 27 27 36 3 87 Bankenahall i 59 59 2 2 88 Phalguni 182 168 2 12 8 14 2 89 Hal ike 21 8 2 2 90 Kolur 2 91 Bettagere 36 29 92 Bakki 33 57 2 93 Hyragudcle 19 8 94 Pattaduru 10 3 95 Ousana 30 14 96 Hesagodu 66 27 97 Mularahall i 98 Gutti 6 2 99 Tripura 110 90 3 2 100 Kotrakere 7 4


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJlber COIIIllerce Storage and Services C()f'fJWnication


(101) (f) (101) (f) (101) (f) (101) (f) (101) (f)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

49 89 Byduvalli Estate 66 5 2 13 91 120 126 Halekere 67 3 4 Halekere Estate 68 3 56 66 137 164 Kanachuru 69 36 38 Kanachuru Estate 70 9 1 24 3 47 75 153 249 Angadi 71 2 3 10 9 37 74 135 Hanthuru 72 11 3 10 3 23 102 118 Anajooru 73 1 1 7 50 38 Nidagodu 74 2 4 3 109 190 Hoisalalu 75 2 65 77 Chandrapura 76 2 2 5 7 305 341 KalJ1l1aragodu 77 17 8 23 10 6 28 404 584 (j.Agrahara 78 69 13 106 25 18 12 617 980 Banakal 79 2 8 7 7 17 225 279 Heggodlu 80 24 49 Darshana 81 13 4 28 8 7 24 472 651 Kundur 82 4 4 24 18 387 758 B.Hosahalli 83 9 2 5 1 1 65 97 Kannagere 84 12 7 25 2 3 214 324 Baggasagodu 85 87 2 30 56 17 8 5 350 559 Kudahalli 86 11 11 7 5 170 246 Bankenahall i 87 8 6 28 5 351 509 Phalguni 88 36 ·1 2 18 5 182 355 Halike 89 1 4 4 141 249 Kolur 90 5 15 2 3 3 143 246 Bettagere 91 7 3 100 145 Bakki 92 38 51 Hyragudde 93 5 55 127 Pattaduru 94 1 2 3 2 11 40 Ousana 95 2 2 7 32 87 Hesagodu 96 17 50 Mularahalli 97 2 2 9 5 91 206 Gutti 98 6 4 4 89 184 Tripura 99 12 37 Kotrakere 100


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population ScheduLed Code Town / Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 0) Lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential populat ion) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

101 Kogi le 1428.64 42 46 247 125 122 41 21 20 60 57 102 Barimale Estate 467.81 2 2 5 5 103 Attigere 1324.07 110 110 618 338 280 73 42 31 103 82 104 Taruve 875.07 119 122 630 348 282 97 57 40 79 59 105 Binnidi 387.34 65 65 327 165 162 56 30 26 84 75 106 Balur 1897.93 399 441 2160 1055 1105 360 182 178 306 292 107 Megur 1061.43 262 266 1213 611 602 186 85 101 140 135 108 ALekhan Estate 113.16 42 42 183 95 88 38 15 23 28 31 109 Madugundi 2469.03 106 109 435 214 221 83 44 39 58 51 110 Halagadaka Estate 99.05 8 8 38 20 18 10 7 3 4 3 111 Durgadaha II i 949.02 120 129 686 343 343 85 35 50 96 90 112 Bal i ge 783.82 136 136 736 387 349 124 53 71 118 116 113 Sunkasa 1e 60.22 75 79 311 169 142 54 25 29 48 40 114 Kelagur Estate 194.18 135 135 576 293 283 87 38 49 75 65 115 Kelagur 377.41 110 110 515 251 264 83 37 46 79 73 116 Aramane Thalagur 721.22 192 192 900 458 442 137 68 69 128 138 117 Abrugodige Estate 82.68 32 32 139 66 73 30 14 16 26 24 118 Bilagal i 671.62 165 165 779 386 393 108 42 66 106 97 119 Mal i ganadu 608.56 127 127 617 311 306 82 43 39 110 114 120 KaLmane 580.88 66 66 362 176 186 48 20 28 67 68 121 Hadivoni 913.87 184 184 833 425 408 127 65 62 108 96 122 Coove 2265.67 605 606 2991 1504 1487 428 214 214 445 464 123 KoradathaLgur 422.01 78 78 408 214 194 59 25 34 34 33 124 Markal 370.39 175 175 756 378 378 118 56 62 210 207 125 Niduvale 936.49 390 390 1750 863 887 282 127 155 261 268 126 Javal i 1308.92 406 409 1946 1046 900 317 156 161 282 248 127 BaLur Estate 133.65 118 118 480 213 267 67 23 44 52 55 128 Kalasa 6372.25 1963 1967 9912 5023 4889 1281 625 656 821 799 129 Samse 15278.28 881 892 4726 2417 2309 633 320 313 213 193 130 Kalakodu 2945.81 85 85 530 278 252 79 39 40 21 10 131 Hornadu 7372.07 424 424 2100 1063 1037 253 130 123 151 173 132 Thotadur 723.28 285 285 1244 614 630 193 99 94 175 169 133 Thanudi 2478.91 216 216 1060 513 547 168 76 92 142 149 134 Thalagodu 936.97 215 220 1130 599 531 144 84 60 99 94 135 Ambinakodige 100.09 14 14 86 42 44 11 6 5 15 11


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village I Location Tribes 'Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - IX) (I) ( II )

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

62 31 72 39 33 2 Kogile 101 ·3 5 Barimale Estate 102 21 19 219 132 210 82 41 3 4 6 Attigere 103 27 24 226 138 207 69 37 3 14 14 Taruve 104 90 77 102 69 69 39 16 5 Binnidi 105 95 112 506 313 636 472 207 81 148 137 Balur 106 30 33 345 208 388 327 102 65 36 27 Megur 107 44 19 63 53 2 Alekhan Estate 108 24 18 82 49 140 108 51 45 33 22 Madugundi 109 5 4 10 7 1 2 4 4 Halagadaka Estate 110 12 13 202 140 212 95 102 1 20 27 Durgadahalli 111 21 20 150 82 259 187 77 64 61 43 Batige 112 4 1 97 45 107 70 16 16 2 Sunkasale 113 7 5 183 86 163 147 Kelagur Estate 114 18 14 122 75 153 135 35 31 Kelagur 115 82 87 170 100 300 211 63 31 29 37 Aramane Thalagur . 116 13 7 36 11 Abrugodige Estate 117 46 51 134 70 236 59 41 62 13 Bi lagal i 118 11 12 138 95 201 139 68 43 54 42 Mal iganadu 119 8 14 85 72 119 75 35 19 13 10 Kalmane 120 50 30 207 131 263 216 36 33 74 35 Hadivoni 121 138 139 750 455 951 737 250 160 223 183 Coove 122 18 22 137 82 138 93 57 31 45 22 Koradathalgur 123 7 7 165 71 237 230 49 43 44 13 Markal 124 116 111 452 257 557 414 111 48 9 11 Niduvale 125 62 50 542 254 619 447 176 109 90 113 Javal i 126 6 6 86 35 143 169 39 34 54 84 Balur Estate 127 643 607 3253 2559 2982 1475 814 325 546 413 Kalasa 128 288 308 1457 1065 1441 701 553 213 156 91 Samse 129 74 63 128 97 175 127 136 105 22 17 Kalakodu 130 284 282 679 486 675 341 155 2 243 232 Hornadu 131 54 41 269 191 393 330 50 Thotadur 132 71 64 216 144 255 135 52 34 4 3 Thanudi 133 67 62 390 306 372 143 141 16 115 103 Thalagodu 134 26 30 24 15 5 6 Ambinakodige 135


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT E G 0 R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ NlJlIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

() II) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

101 Kogi le 35 37 2 102 Barimale Estate 5 103 Attigere 60 61 7 3 4 59 6 104 Taruve 34 29 3 4 11 7 11 105 Binnidi 17 24 106 Balur 201 234 13 4 22 6 107 Megur 176 225 41 17 108 Alekhan Estate 60 53 H)9 Madugund i 54 41 110 Halagadaka Estate 5 1 111 Durgadahalli 64 66 5 '1 112 Bal ige . 113 78 2 113 Sunkasale 51 43 3 2 114 Kelagur Estate 135 142 6 115 Kelagur 106 103 1 3 116 Aramane Thalagur 181 140 4 117 Abrugodige Estate 36 11 118 Bi lagal i 123 44 119 Ma l i ~anac . 71 53 4 120 ICalmane 67 46 121 Hadivoni 135 144 6 2 4 6 122 Coove 357 360 3 4 7 10 31 123 ICoradathalgur 17 38 6 2 124 Markal 137 166 3 4 125 Niduvale 335 334 3 9 9 9 126 Javali 240 210 11 13 127 Balur Estate 50 51 128 ICalasa 677 541 3 5 93 49 61 129 Samse 368 343 171 6 25 18 47 4 130 ICalakodu 11 4 6 131 Hornadu 179 94 2 9 8 132 Thotadur 333 326 3 133 Thanudi 196 96 134 Thalagodu' 83 19 2 135 A~inakodige 16 8


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJl1ber Conmerce Storage and Services COITmJnication

(VII) (VI II) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2 53 83 Kogile 101 Barimale Estate 102 19 5 12 2 6 7 122 191 Attigere 103 n 6 12 12 2 10 27 131 186 Taruve 104 62 92 Binnidi 105 19 6 19 10 419 632 Balur 106 2 5 9 9 3 10 220 265 Megur 107 1 31 35 Alekhan Estate 108 2 2 15 72 98 Madugundi 109 10 11 Halagadaka Estate 110 14 5 131 248 Durgadahalli 111 6 2 16 128 146 Bal ige 112 16 3 14 11 1 61 71 Sunkasale 113 13 8 4 2 130 134 Kelagur Estate 114 4 1 3 97 128 Kelagur 115 9 2 11 12 13 146 218 Aramane Thalagur 116 30 62 Abrugodige Estate 117 9 4 149 330 Bilagati 118 2 2 110 166 Mal iganadu 119 3 57 111 Kalmane 120 3 1 1 2 161 190 Hadivoni 121 49 4 2 28 16 5 48 548 702 Coove 122 3 5 3 1 76 101 Koradathalgur 123 3 4 4 12 137 136 Markal 124 42 4 7 32 8 13 5 293 468 Niduvale 125 22 17 50 14 427 453 Javal i 126 70 98 Balur Estate 127 398 35 89 2 296 107 19 53 2022 3361 Kalasa 128 64 14 7 50 12 18 1n 958 1431 Samse 129 103 125 Kalakodu 130 26 3 3 50 9 33 388 663 Hornadu 131 3 4 4 221 300 Thotadur 132 2 2 55 110 203 362 Thanudi 133 9 21 4 3 3 224 385 Thalagodu 134 2 17 28 Ambinakodige 135


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040 location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu' Kouse' (Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIDer Urban for vil' pied Holds Institutional & (0 . 6) lages & Resid­ Housetess in sq.krn ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ( 13) (14)

136 Henmakk i 1191.56 386 386 1801 905 896 249 131 118 210 202 137 Idkani 2151.03 439 446 2198 1144 1054 328 163 165 152 149 138 K.Kelagur 889.35 163 163 826 405 421 135 75 60 111 121 139 Edur 454.96 98 98 505 256 249 75 33 42 61 66 140 Marasanige 1889.15 515 520 2926 1447 1479 356 174 182 286 27a

C.D. Block Total Rural 1115.69 23142 23360 112692 56434 56258 17002 8467 8535 13568 13458


Mudigere (MP) 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565 411 287

C.D. Block'Total Urban 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565 411 287


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Scheduled Literates Total Main 1 N 0 U S T RIA L Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber labourers

(I • IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15 ) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) , (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

118 136 336 284 595 470 146 105 140 154 Henmakki 136 24 26 639 413 6n 324 294 104 94 38 Idkani 137 3 10 179 127 252 226 38 51 51 71 K.Kelagur 138 153 109 159 109 61 46 10 12 Edur 139 141 1n 780 582 858 706 171 72 81 81 Marasanige 140

5505 5495 301n 21356 33795 20876 8987 3226 5993 4816 C.D. Block Total Rural


87 69 3285 2548 2230 405 91 21 13 3 Mudigere (MP)

87 69 3285 2548 2230 405 91 21 13 3 C.O. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

Location Name of Village I TotaLI CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Number Urban Livestock," Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(l II) (IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) eM) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

136 Herrmakki 247 203 2 1 4 8 7 137 Idkani 168 158 26 7 1 5 17 2 138 K.Kelagur 138 95 1 139 Edur 62 50 7 6 140 Marasanige 520 529 10 i3 3

C.D. Block Total Rural 12719 11534 229 25 78 20 869 296 725 68


Mudigere (MP) 97 35 2 26 10 211 35 140 17 ... C.D. Block Total UrbFln 97 35 <- 26 10 211 35 140 17


Name of C.D. Block: MUDIGERE ; Code No. : 0040

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nlilber COIl11lerce Storage and Services COIIlIIUnication


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

11 1 3 27 5 6 22 304 404 Heamakld 136 40 3 14 18 11 23 93 444 637 Idkani 137 6 2 16 9 153 195 K.Kelagur 138 8 3 97 140 Edur 139 27 3 8 27 17 29 589 744 Marasanige 140

1787 125 497 7 1911 759 436 1855 22203 33527 C.D. Block Total Rural


774 25 139 7 737 252 4 1940 3373 Mudigere (MP)

774 25 139 7 737 252 4 1940 3373 C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

1 AdUllfiLl i 11/7/5/54 11/07/0050/0054 9/6/5/52 09106/0050/0052 2 Alehalli 11/7/5/53 11/07/0050/0053 9/6/5/51 09/06/0050/0051 3 Aral ikoppa 11/7/5/47 11/07/0050/0047 9/6/5/49 09/06/0050/0049 4 Aramball i 11/7/5/25 11/07/0050/0025 9/6/5/13 09/06/0050/0013

5 B.Kanabur 11/7/5/32 11/07/0050/0032 9/6/5/32 09/06/0050/0032 6 Badagabylu 11/7/5/15 11/07/0050/0015 9/6/5/4 09/06/0050/0004 7 Bale 11/7/5/48 11/07/0050/0048 9/6/5/50 09/06/0050/0050 8 Balekoppa 11/7/5/30 11/07/0050/0030 9/6/5/3 09/06/0050/0003 9 Bannur 11/7/5/34 11/07/0050/0034 9/6/5/56 09/06/0050/0056 10 BeLlur 11/7/5/39 11/07/0050/0039 9/6/5/44 09/06/0050/0044 11 Bi lalkoppa 11/7/5/4 11/07/0050/0004 9/6/5/22 09/06/0050/0022 12 Byrapura 11/7/5/23 .11/07/0050/0023 9/6/5/17 09/06/0050/0017

13 Dandubittahara 11/7/5/7 11/07/0050/0007 9/6/5/25 09/06/0050/0025 14 Oavana 11/7/5/52 11/07/0050/0052 9/6/5/36 09/06/0050/0036

15 Echikere 11/7/5/46 11/07/0050/0046 9/6/5/48 09/06/0050/0048

16 Gubbiga 11/7/5/45 11/07/0050/0045 9/6/5/47 09/06/0050/0047

17 Haledanivasa 11/7/5/28 11/07/0050/0028 9/6/5/18 09/06/0050/0018 18 Halsur 11/7/5/36 11/07/0050/0036 9/6/5/58 09/06/0050/0058 19 11/7/5/3 11/07/0050/0003 9/6/5/21 09/06/0050/0021 20 Haravari 11/7/5/51 11/07/0050/0051 9/6/5/35 09/06/0050/0035 21 Hathoor 11/7/5/38 11/0710050/0038 9/6/5/45 09/06/0050/0045 22 Hebbe 11/7/5/9 11/07/0050/0009 9/6/5/26 09/06/0050/0026 23 Hiluvalli 11/7/5/1 11/07/0050/0001 9/6/5/1 09/06/0050/0001 24 Honnekudige 11/7/5/5 11/07/0050/0005 9/6/5/28 09/06/0050/0028

25 K.Kanabur 11/7/5/22 11/07/0050/0022 9/6/5/11 09/06/0050/0011 26 Kadahinabylu 11/7/5/16 11/07/0050/0016 9/6/5/14 09/06/0050/0014 27 11/7/5/41 11/07/0050/0041 9/6/5/42 09/06/0050/0042 28 Kanive 11/7/5/20 11/07/0050/0020 9/6/5/9 09/06/0050/0009 29 Kanur 11/7/5/50 11/07/0050/0050 9/6/5/37 09/06/0050/0037 30 Karehadlu 11/7/5/33 11/07/0050/0033 9/6/5/55 09/06/0050/0055 31 Karekeshwara 11/7/5/55 11/07/0050/0055 9/6/5/34 09/06/0050/0034 32 Kolale 11/7/5/57 11/07/0050/0057 916/5/53 09/06/0050/0053 33 Konakere 11/7/5/19 11/07/0050/0019 9/6/5/8 09/06/0050/0008 34 Konodi 11/7/5/40 11/07/0050/0040 9/6/5/43 09/06/0050/0043 35 Kusubur 11/7/5/24 11/07/0050/0024 9/6/5/12 09/06/0050/0012

36 Lingapura 11/7/5/29 11/07;0050/0029 9/6/5/19 09/06/0050/0019




2 3 4 5 6

37 Madaboor 11/7/5/18 11/07/0050/0018 9/6/5/7 09/06/0050/0007 38 11/7/5/35 11/07/0050/0035 9/6/5/57 09/06/0050/0057 39 Mallandur 11/7/5/37 11/07/0050/0037 9/6/5/46 09/06/0050/0046 40 Megaramakki 11/7/5/56 11/07/0050/0056 9/6/5/33 09/06/0050/0033 41 Mensur - 11/7/5/31 11/07/0050/0031 9/6/5/2 09/06/0050/0002 42 Muduguni 11/7/5/58 ',/07/0050/0058 9/6/5/54 09/06/0050/0054 43 Muthinakoppa 11/7/5/21 11/07/0050/0021 9/6/5/10 09/06/0050/0010

44 Nagalapura 11/7/5/13 11/07/0050/0013 9/6/5/31 09/06/0050/0031 45 Nandigave 11/715/8 11/07/0050/0008 9/6/5/24 09/06/0050/0024 46 Nerlukoppa 11/7/5/17 11/07/0050/0017 9/6/5/6 09/06/0050/0006

47 11/7/5/2 11/07/0050/0002 9/6/5/20 09/06/0050/0020

48 11/7/5/6 11/07/0050/0006 9/6/5/23 09/06/0050/0023 49 Sankse 11/7/5/44 11/07/0050/0044 9/6/5/39 09/06/0050/0039 50 Sarya 11;7/5/10 11/07/0050/0010 9/6/5/27 09/06/0050/0027 51 Seethur 11/7/5/42 11/07/0050/0042 9/6/5/41 09/06/0050/0041 52 Shedagaru 11/7/5/43 11/07/0050/0043 9/6/5/40 09/06/0050/0040 53 Shimse 11/715/14 11/07/0050/0014 9/6/5/5 09/06/0050/0005 54 Shiragalale 11/7/5/12 11/07/0050/0012 9/6/5/30 09/06/0050/0030 55 Susalvani 11/7/5/26 11/07/0050/0026 9/6/5/15 09/06/0050/0015

56 Vaggade 11/7/5/49 11/07/0050/0049 9/6/5/38 09/06/0050/0038 57 Varkate 11/7/5/11 11/07/0050/0011 9/6/5/29 09/06/0050/0029 58 Vittala 11/7/5/27 11/07/0050/0027 9/6/5/16 09/06/0050/0016


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Cooe No. : 0050

Location Name of Village / Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NlJllber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (foI) (F) (P) (foI) (F) (foI) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 803.99 11451 11696 56324 28127 28197 7658 3863 3795 4179 4168 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.O.BlocK R 802.27 10111 10355 49800 24749 25051 6803 3428 3375 3676 3753 U 1.72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420 503 415

1 Hi luvall i 469.90 202 211 1080 533 547 157 74 83 42 36 2 Ravoor 942.78 71 71 356 182 174 54 36 18 80 73 3 Handur 550.60 33 33 157 77 80 20 9 II 30 28 4 Bilalkoppa 796.17 6 6 31 17 14 2 2 5 Honnekudige 312.18 62 62 347 176 171 50 27 23 5 4 6 Salur 860.62 24 28 195 107 88 30 19 11 17 21 7Dandubittahara 3006.41 203 203 802 403 399 181 93 88 106 120 8 Nandigave 2383.35 125 146 580 306 274 118 58 60 87 72 9 Hebbe 1842.98 37 37 146 77 69 16 7 9 25 22 10 Sarya 1945.63 66 66 305 159 146 43 25 18 2 4 11 Varkate 1003.79 131 131 622 313 309 80 45 35 4 2 12 Shiragalale 722.23 96 96 452 220 232 71 35 36 13 Nagalapura 646.99 302 302 1475 733 742 222 98 124 6 7 14 Shimse 676.10 146 146 790 374 416 98 46 52 55 47 15 Badagabylu 1404.78 188 188 936 463 473 106 58 48 34 36 16 Kadahinabylu 1357.07 302 315 1394 685 709 175 91 84 33 30 17 Nerlukoppa 674.42 51 51 229 118 111 26 13 13 2 2 18 Madaboor 2087.81 257 258 1191 569 622 154 78 76 10 8 19 Konakere 1032.36 121 123 494 235 259 81 39 42 21 33 20 Kanive 526.17 105 105 442 219 223 47 29 18 82 89 21 Muthinakoppa 1307.05 397 433 2011 983 1028 265 120 145 49 58 22 K.Kanabur 1648.37 164 171 765 377 388 95 50 45 93 97 23 Byrapura 3853.59 135 135 605 310 295 115 61 54 127 112 24 Kusubur 1923.34 128 137 627 334 293 121 68 53 48 38 25 Aramball i 1215.30 16 16 97 52 45 14 9 5 26 Susalvani 722.82 82 82 370 176 194 40 15 25 44 48 27 Vittala 762.06 76 76 367 192 175 58 30 28 28 Haledanivasa 799.46 25 25 127 62 65 12 4 8 3 7 29 Lingapura 530.76 44 44 196 96 100 28 14 14 2 3 30 Balekoppa 375.10 74 74 332 166 166 45 22 23 2 2


Nalllt! of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Codt! No. : 0050

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / Locat i on Tribes Yorkers Town / '.lard Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I • IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

995 1012 17554 14246 16253 8666 5624 2130 4627 4203 891 911 15005 12152 14545 8398 5457 2127 4379 4074 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 104 101 2549 2094 1708 268 167 3 248 129

8 8 303 253 238 121 35 7 105 93 Hi luvall i 1 95 82 97 26 44 2 Ravoor 2 41 40 48 10 20 8 27 2 Handur 3 16 9 12 9 10 8 1 Bi lalkoppa 4 4 111 91 106 78 53 39 33 35 Honnekudige 5 72 47 68 54 51 43 4 Salur 6 101 93 131 55 250 227 Dandubittahara 7 189 177 89 31 208 160 1 61 42 Nandi gave 8 40 24 48 28 32 6 11 22 Hebbe 9 5 3 102 70 104 68 77 3 20 65 Sarya 10 206 175 198 181 153 131 33 48 Varkate 11 UO 122 130 79 71 37 56 42 Shiragalale 12 416 332 426 289 118 56 232 218 Nagalapura 13 263 229 238 35 137 4 94 30 Shimse 14 3 2 288 245 277 208 125 60 124 129 Badagabylu 15 2 474 411 400 197 146 28 204 142 Kadahinabylu 16 69 51 76 18 42 31 16 Nerlukoppa 17 311 279 337 219 159 46 123 146 Madaboor 18 116 86 158 163 86 72 34 75 Konakere 19 8 10 106 109 133 42 48 69 41 Kanive 20 2 5 671 533 530 301 244 166 141 117 Muthinakoppa 21 238 209 228 175 129 80 81 93 K.Kanabur 22 95 59 195 116 69 3 124 110 Byrapura 23 177 98 170 114 108 53 46 49 Kusubur 24 20 20 30 12 5 24 12 Aramball i 25 107 88 108 85 15 2 87 82 Susalvani 26 100 75 110 59 38 2 70 57 Vittala 27 43 41 39 11 29 4 7 3 Haledanivasa 28 18 23 62 44 60 43 24 14 31 29 Lingapura 29 104 81 91 55 49 22 31 33 Balekoppa 30


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Code No. : 0050 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R E S o F M A I N Code T010In I Ward Rurall Number Urban Li ves tock. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing, Fishing. ServicIng and ServicIng and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

( III ) (I V) [Veal] [V(b)} (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 2089 1706 51 33 196 84 453 29 314 39 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block R 2023 1703 50 33 149 73 344 26 254 38 U 66 3 47 11 109 3 60

1 Hi IUlia11 i 8 3 13 13 17 10 2 Ravoor 44 21 2 3 Handur 4 Bi lalkoppa 5 Honnekuclige 7 6 Salur 9 9 2 7Dandubittahara 238 226 3 8 Nandigalle 125 107 20 10 9 lIebbe 4 10 Sarya 5 1 11 Varkate 7 12 Shiragalale 13 Nagalapura 7 10 2 10 11 14 Shimse 3 15 Badagabylu 15 11 , 16 Kadahinabytu 2 3 14 7 2 17 Nerlukoppa 18 Madaboor 30 20 4 19 Konakere 18 11 7 2 2Q Kanille 1 2 3 3 21 Muthinakoppa 12 3 16 5 22 K. Kanabur 6 23 Byrapura 24 Kusubur 5 5 3 4 25 ArambaL Li 26 Susalvani 5 27 Vittala 28 Haledanivasa 29 l ingapura 30 8alekoppa


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Code No. : 0050

W 0 R t( E R S Marginal Non'Workers Name of Village I location Workers Town I ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IItIer Coownerce Storage and Services COIlIl1Unication

(VII) (VIII ) (lX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1232 n 298 14 1369 351 232 1898 11642 17633 820 61 203 11 866 252 230 1888 9974 14765 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 412 16 95 3 503 99 2 10 1668 2868

15 2 12 23 3 67 19 228 407 Hiluvall i 1 4 5 85 148 Ravoor 2 29 70 Handur 3 1 1 5 4 8ilatkoppa 4 5 2 ) ., 6 2 23 70 70 Honnekudige 5 39 34 Salur 6 4 4 153 172 Dandubittahara 7 14 97 100 Nandi gave 8 29 41 Hebbe 9 55 77 Sarya 10 2 2 115 128 Varkate 11 2 90 153 Shiragalale 12 19 4 2 17 8 5 7 302 446 Nagalapura 13 4 1 136 381 Shimse 14 6 2 5 4 7 67 179 198 Badagabylu 15 20 2 14 11 284 512 Kadahinabylu 16 1 56 42 37 Nerlukoppa 17 7 3 10 7 89 232 314 Madaboor 18 2 9 3 n 95 Konakere 19 3 1 3 86 181 Kanive 20 45 3 5 59 14 453 727 Muthinakoppa 21 1 2 10 149 213 K.Kanabur 22 2 115 179 Syrapura 23 2 5 3 15 44 149 135 Kusubur 24 1 15 22 18 Aranball i 25 31 68 78 Susalvani 26 11 82 105 Vittala 27 3 4 23 50 Haledanivasa 28 2 36 55 lingapura 29 7 3 2 33 73 78 Salekoppa 30


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Code No. : 0050

Location Name of Village! Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town! Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House­ (I ncludi ng in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Mensur 382.64 93 93 584 262 322 68 40 28 10 28 32 B.Kanabur 2028.23 1534 1550 7850 3974 3876 1050 540 510 597 593 33 Karehadlu 464.81 184 201 844 443 401 114 61 53 94 84 34 Bannur 1462.38 323 327 1661 834 827 198 103 95 213 223 35 Magundi 1177.88 407 437 2247 1120 1127 362 183 179 247 324 36 Halsur 2020.96 292 295 1368 675 693 211 107 104 256 257 37 Mallandur 1231.70 105 105 459 223 236 74 36 38 2 5 38 Hathoor 1468.56 105 105 497 222 275 55 27 28 4 5 39 Bellur 637.51 83 83 365 173 192 38 16 22 2 40 Konodi 966.20 114 114 549 266 283 79 40 39 41 Kamalapura 359.01 80 80 408 199 209 75 38 37 1 2 42 Seethur 759.79 186 189 963 474 489 117 60 57 89 88 43 Shedagaru 542.85 43 43 233 112 121 26 10 16 2 5 44 Sankse 1196.32 145 145 793 386 407 111 55 56 32 43 45 Gubbiga 950.90 212 212 1002 473 529 130 51 79 23 27 46 Echikere 554.05 141 141 681 342 339 81 43 38 21 -- 20 47 Aral ikoppa 1155.61 214 214 1070 557 513 124 68 56 41 40 48 Bale 1671.71 161 161 802 409 393 86 45 41 2 3 49 Vaggade 924.50 86 86 442 224 218 60 32 28 6 5 50 Kanur 1365.94 260 260 1219 604 615 155 70 85 97 91 51 Haravari 1934.08 268 268 1208 606 602 147 76 71 68 -_ 59 52 Davana 860.30 86 86 443 231 212 44 26 18 29 23 53 Alehalli 2963.87 100 102 578 278 300 69 40 29 6 6 54 2635.70 266 268 1259 624 635 178 88 90 135 129 55 Karekeshwara 2918.35 559 573 2527 1241 1286 330 163 167 375 361 56 Megaramakki 841.42 119 126 618 305 313 80 33 47 106 109 57 Kolale 1179.63 171 210 1008 480 528 136 64 72 201 219 58 Muduguni 1917.28 105 110 601 298 303 81 40 41 8 5

C.D. Block Total Rural 802.27 10111 10355 49800 24749 25051 6803 3428 3375 3676 3753


Narasimharajapura (MP) 1.72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420 503 415

C.D. Block Total Urban 1. 72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420 503 415


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Code No. : 0050

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number Labourers

(I - I X) ( I ) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15)' (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1 )

25 36 170 230 141 122 4 125 104 Mensur 31 45 45 2742 2250 2137 658 265 12 351 267 B.Kanabur 32 26 27 269 167 280 179 8 6 Karehadlu 33 87 74 477 350 525 313 176 46 27 12 Bannur 34 20 17 615 477 596 337 113 29 182 125 Magundi 35 9 12 348 262 423 263 145 12 238 231 Halsur 36 43 39 116 97 133 98 36 30 32 47 Mallandur 37 143 133 123 96 47 18 60 75 Hathoor 38 22 25 128 107 95 61 33 12 46 48 Bellur 39 3 2 183 148 165 105 106 57 36 45 Konedi 40 30 38 132 99 127 17 74 20 4 Kamalapura 41 15 9 282 259 266 218 118 84 101 136 Seethur 42 79 55 72 6 53 2 12 Shedagaru 43 236 199 234 197 127 97 94 96 Sankse 44 339 314 287 222 144 98 96 115 Gubbiga 45 232 209 205 154 120 84 56 67 Echikere 46 10 9 374 285 333 211 205 109 98 99 Arat ikoppa 47 6 6 276 236 247 107 149 34 51 61 Bale 48 134 109 135 137 100 102 30 35 Vaggade 49 48 57 j42 246 369 186 189 50 142 135 Kanur 50 46 43 314 280 384 109 188 117 74 Haravari 51 6 3 158 118 146 36 118 6 Davana 52 4 7 193 185 175 3 160 Alehalli 53 3 "1 394 335 382 247 216 154 66 72 Aduvalli 54 81 99 649 490 763 638 144 27 287 307 Karekeshwara 55 2 3 168 128 210 138 86 23 83 80 Megaramakki 56 2 7 296 207 327 287 146 128 79 78 Kolale 57 22 25 210 188 152 70 77 16 36 41 Muduguni 58

891 911 15005 12152 14545 8398 5457 2127 4379 4074 C.D. Block Total Rural


104 101 2549 2094 1708 268 167 3 248 129 Narasimharajapura (MP)

104 101 2549 2094 1708 268 167 3 248 129 C.D. Block Total Urban


Name ofC.O. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPlJRA ; CoJe N". : (J050 location Name of Village I Total/ CAT E G 0 R I E S o F 14 A I N Code Town / Ward Rural/ NlIlIber Urban LIvestock. MInIng and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Construction Forestry. Quarrying Processing. Processing, FIshIng. Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in PlantatIon. Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household AllIed Industry ac t IVI tIes

( III ) (IV) [V( a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F) (14) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Mensur 2 3 32 B,Kanabur 284 208 31 15 31 16 156 7 120 19 33 Karehadlu 229 165 9 3 5 3 34 Bannur 261 230 3 2 4 13 10 1 6 35 Magundi 119 154 18 6 11 8 12 36 Halsur 25 20 5 37 Mallandur 41 16 3 3 38 Hathoor 9 2 39 Bettur 3 40 Konodi 5 1 4 41 Kamalapura 19 10 3 6 2 42 Seethur 8 13 5 43 Shedagaru 6 44 Sankse' 4 45 Gubbiga 7 4 12 46 Echikere 4 13 2 4 47 Aral ikoppa 4 2 4 48 Bale 2 2 6 3 49 Vaggade 50 Kanur 16 3 2 2 51 Haravari 52 30 4 1 52 oavana 23 30 53 Alehall i 2 3 2 1 1 54 Aduvalli 23 11 8 16 55 Karekeshwara 254 287 1 8 5 56 Megaramakki 28 31 5 2 57 Kolale 55 67 11 4 6 3 2 58 Muduguni 14 8 5 3 5 2

C.O. BLOCK Total Rural 2023 1703 50 33 149 73 344 26 254 38


Narasimnarajapura (HP) 66 3 47 11 109 3 60

C,D. Block Total Urban 66 3 47 11 109 3 60


Name of C.D. Block: NARASIMHARAJAPURA ; Cooe No. : 0050

W 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.l1lber Comnerce Storage and Services COIIIlIUnication

(VII) (VI I 1) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

3 6 14 121 200 Mensur 31 377 15 116 11 406 88 17 169 1820 3049 B.Kanabur 32 12 2 2 12 1 163 222 Karehadlu 33 8 3 9 21 6 309 513 Bannur 34 84 6 51 15 24 152 500 638 Magundi 35 7 1 2 9 71 243 359 Halsur 36 12 2 4 5 9 31 81 107 Mallandur 37 1 4 5 26 94 153 Hathoor 38 3 2 6 1 78 131 Bellur 39 11 3 2 31 101 147 Konodi 40 5 2 124 70 6B Kamalapura 41 15 3 16 4 7 60 201 211 Seethur 42 1 2 67 40 48 Shedagaru 43 3 5 4 32 151 178 Sankse 44 14 2 10 3 3 20 186 287 Gubbiga 45 4 1 3 137 185 Echikere 46 8 1 2 11 224 302 Aralikoppa 47 20 3 15 7 20 111 142 175 Bale 48 2 2 89 81 Vaggade 49 6 2 7 1 8 156 227 273 Kanur 50 3 3 15 3 210 222 283 Haravari 51 3 111 85 65 Davana 52 7 103 297 Alehalli 53 23 4 5 24 5 242 388 Aduvall i 54 29 4 31 17 6 11 472 637 Karekeshwara 55 6 2 2 2 15 93 160 Megaramakki 56 15 4 12 3 6 13 147 228 Kolale 57 4 7 2 16 59 130 174 Muduguni 58

820 61 203 11 866 252 230 1888 9974 14765 C.D. Block Total Rural


412 16 95 3 503 99 2 10 1668 2868 Narasimharajapura (MP)

412 16 95 3 503 99 2 10 1668 2868 C.D. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

Addagadde 11/7/6/3 11/07/0060/0003 9/6/6/10 09/06/0060/0010 2 Asanabalu 11/7/6/26 11/07/0060/0026 9/6/6/26 09/06/0060/0026

3 Balagere 11/7/6/40 11/07/0060/0040 9/6/6/40 09/06/0060/0040 4 Balekadi 11/7/6/48 11/07/0060/0048 9/6/6/48 09/06/0060/0048 5 Begar 11/7/6/28 11/07/0060/0028 9/6/6/28 09/06/0060/0028 6 Belandur 11/7/6/23 11/07/0060/0023 9/6/6/7 09/06/0060/0007 7 Bettagere 11/7/6/10 11/07/0060/0010 9/6/6/21 09/06/0060/0021

8 Darekoppa 11/7/6/18 11/07/0060/0018 9/6/6/4 09/06/0060/0004

9 Gandagatta 11/7/6/32 11/07/0060/0032 9/6/6/32 09/06/0060/0032 10 Ginical 11/7/6/12 11/07/0060/0012 9/6/6/18 09/06/0060/0018 11 Gulaganjimane 11/7/6/44 11/07/0060/0044 9/6/6/44 09/06/0060/0044 12 Gundre 11/7/6/11 11/07/0060/0011 9/6/6/20 09/06/0060/0020

13 Hadi 11/7/6/42 11/07/0060/0042 9/6/6/42 09/06/0060/0042 14 Hadikiruru 11/7/6/41 11/07/0060/0041 9/6/6/41 09/06/0060/0041 15 Halandur 11/7/6/4 11/07/0060/0004 9/6/6/11 09/06/0060/0011 16 Haruru (Harur) 11/7/6/38 11/07/0060/0038 9/6/6/38 09/06/0060/0038 17 Heruru (Herur) 11/7/6/9 11/07/0060/0009 9/6/6/17 09/06/0060/0017 18 11/7/6/17 11/07/0060/0017 9/6/6/3 09/06/0060/0003

19 Karki Khan Estate 11/7/6/36 11/07/0060/0036 9/6/6/36 09/06/0060/0036 20 Kavadi 1117/6/22 11/07/0060/0022 9/6/6/8 09/06/0060/0008 21 KeLakoppa 11/7/6/21 11/07/0060/0021 9/6/6/9 09/06/0060/0089 22 Kere 1117/6/47 11/07/0060/0047 9/6/6/47 09/06/0060/0047 23 Kikkare (Kikkre) 11/7/6/5 11/07/0060/0005 9/6/6/14 09/06/0060/0014 24 KochavaL Li 11/7/6/14 11/07/0060/0014 9/6/6/22 09/06/0060/0022 25 Kogodu 11/7/6/31 11/07/0060/0031 9/6/6/31 09/06/0060/0031 26 KLIllbaragodu 1117/6/27 11/07/0060/0027 9/6/6/27 09/06/0060/0027 27 Kunthur 11/7/6/8 11/07/0060/0008 9/6/6/15 09/06/0060/0015 28 Kuthagodu 11/7/6/13 11/07/0060/0013 9/6/6/19 09/06/0060/0019

29 Malanadu 11/7/6/39 11/07/0060/0039 9/6/6/39 09/06/0060/0039 30 Masige 11/7/6/2 11/07/0060/0002 9/6/6/12 09/06/0060/0012 31 Masige 11/7/6/25 11/07/0060/0025 9/6/6/25 09/06/0060/0025 32 Mathuva{{; Estate 11/7/6/43 11/07/0060/0043 9/6/6/43 09/06/0060/0043 33 Meega 11/7/6/30 11/07/0060/0030 9/6/6/30 09/06/0060/0030 34 MeLukoppa 11/7/6/20 11/07/0060/0020 9/6/6/6 09/06/0060/0006 35 Menase 11/7/6/6 11/07/0060/0006 9/6/6/13 09/06/0060/0013 36 Muduba 11/7/6/46 11/07/0060/0046 9/6/6/46 09/06/0060/0046


Name of C.D. Block: SRINGERI ; Code No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 442.84 6579 6702 33272 16467 16805 4049 2017 2032 1763 1771 SRINGERI C.D.Block R 442.38 5631 5731 29126 14389 14737 3587 1786 1801 1631 1639 U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231 132 132

1 Sringeri (Rural) 337.30 430 446 2086 1032 1054 301 160 141 64 85 2 Masige 748.47 158 158 899 457 442 71 41 30 16 20 3 558.94 157 157 794 391 403 90 45 45 52 51 4 Halandur 769.35 161 161 899 438 461 98 43 55 27 27 5 Kikkare (Kikkre) 515.25 96 99 570 282 288 62 33 29 25 31 6 Menase 497.90 322 323 1453 702 751 202 102 100 147 149 7 Vykuntapura 433.04 157 157 750 345 405 80 38 42 90 108 8 Kunthur 609.66 148 154 859 437 422 88 46 42 31 20 9 Heruru (Herur) 212.27 67 67 317 173 144 39 26 13 20 12 10 Bettagere 427.38 117 117 699 339 360 72 36 36 94 87 11 Gundre 105.83 16 16 100 51 49 8 3 5 6 6 12 Ginical 609.35 88 88 449 233 216 49 23 26 37 28 13 Kuthagodu 533.09 57 66 370 191 179 42 24 18 22 20 14 KochavaL L i 451.21 110 115 559 282 277 68 36 32 60 68 15 520.21 205 206 1045 510 535 131 64 67 147 144 16 Uluvall i 309.34 135 135 655 311 344 75 25 50 37 33 17 Honnavall i 530.88 121 121 671 332 339 68 37 31 4 4 18 Darekoppa 490.22 148 162 809 373 436 125 63 62 26 30 19 Nallur 109.72 34 34 178 85 93 17 4 13 20 MeLukoppa 637.25 151 160 780 384 396 91 51 40 28 32 21 KeLakoppa 725.67 160 162 797 373 424 71 33 38 11 9 22 Kavadi 482.24 132 136 681 348 333 72 38 34 45 57 23 Belandur 529.88 184 186 867 424 443 126 60 66 56 53 24 Rushyashringapura (Markal) 2527.90 287 295 1425 706 719 18B 90 98 81 79 25 Masige 1309.24 37 39 250 123 127 29 10 19 26 Asanabalu 1103.80 146 146 789 394 395 102 52 50 4 6 27 Kt.llbaragodu 278.02 44 45 291 143 148 31 15 16 2B Begar 277.85 121 131 632 332 300 73 35 38 24 24 29 Neelandur 910.10 162 164 753 366 387 91 47 44 61 53 30 Meega 1149.22 142 142 713 352 361 97 44 53 21 21


'\,IIlW Ilt C D Bh." ~RI,\C;I:RI. Code No .0060

Scheduled LIterates Total MaIn J N 0 U S T R J A L Name of VIllage / Locat I on TrIbes lIorkers Town / liard Code Cult1vators AgrIcultural Number Labourers

(I J X) ~ I ) (: r)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1065 1011 11592 9752 9733 3682 3538 782 2166 1942 1055 999 9885 8184 8627 3420 3480 778 2087 1876 SRINGERI C.D.Block 10 12 1707 1568 1106 262 58 4 79 66

4 18 708 660 541 227 38 5 76 52 Srlngen (Rural) 41 32 351 278 281 66 177 33 57 32 Ma.,lge 2 25 18 304 259 240 110 95 17 51 66 Addagadde 3 48 43 342 272 278 125 78 2 93 112 Halandur 4 8 8 201 166 168 95 88 54 44 38 Klkkare (Klkkre) 5 34 25 495 428 423 205 63 23 166 131 Menase 6 250 243 211 121 65 10 73 78 Vykuntapura 7 338 257 263 59 85 52 45 Kunthur 8 5 6 110 85 98 27 38 2 50 18 Heruru (Herur) 9 265 234 225 182 118 104 65 56 Bettagere 10 9 5 40 32 24 4 18 5 4 Gundre 11 7 5 142 99 116 21 90 4 23 15 Glnlcal 12 126 110 122 46 77 23 18 17 Kuthagodu 13 186 152 161 97 53 33 29 35 Kochavalll 14 375 323 291 53 52 6 67 30 Vldyaranyapura 15 221 207 193 49 33 4 62 33 Uluvalll 16 241 186 200 126 106 45 48 63 Honnavalll 17 2 257 243 219 85 71 5 62 42 Darekoppa 18 63 45 57 28 20 3 8 10 Nallur 19 48 45 259 239 229 125 145 36 57 78 Melukoppa 20 292 264 228 107 130 30 51 71 Kelakoppa 21 256 184 212 70 51 6 48 48 Kavadl 22 24 15 301 254 242 18 14 5 Belandur 23 42 39 479 373 419 172 130 37 98 104 Rushyashrlngapura (Markal) 24 123 127 43 39 82 2 76 Maslge 25 11 9 216 161 197 7 152 14 2 Asanabalu 26 105 70 90 13 80 4 7 Kurnbaragodu 27 6 4 254 179 195 80 49 28 36 Begar 28 225 195 231 105 45 4 60 66 Neelandur 29 22 21 253 175 210 131 137 46 63 70 Meega 30


Name of C.D. Block: SRINGERI ; Cooe No. : 0060

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall NLIItler Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III ) ( IV) rV( a)) [V(b») (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 1463 174 52 23 73 49 381 240 227 38 SRINGERI C.D.Block R 1420 168 49 20 70 49 297 205 170 29 U 43 6 3 3 3 84 35 57 9

1 Sringeri (Rural) 29 7 37 12 7 3 48 44 69 25 2 Masige 33 1 1 3 Addagadde 8 16 19 15 4 Halandur 94 4 3 2 5 Kikkare (Kikkre) 19 1 3 1 6 Menase 51 9 5 11 24 8 5 7 Vykuntapura 43 12 5 16 8 Kunthur 107 5 3 9 Heruru (Herur) 3 2 10 Bettagere 30 22 5 11 Gundre 12 Ginical 13 Kuthagodu 25 4 14 Kochavall i 64 20 2 3 1S Vidyaranyapura 69 2 29 2 9 16 Uluvall i 24 3 25 6 13 17 Honnavall i 21 3 3 5 7 8 2 18 Darekoppa 37 4 5 5 11 17 4 19 Nallur 6 14 13 20 Melukoppa 12 1 7 4 21 Kelakoppa 14 8 22 Kavadi 97 12 4 2 23 Belandur 151 8 3 6 20 24 Rushyashringapura (Markal) 92 8 25 6 4 6 2 25 Masige 3 2 1 26 Asanabalu 12 1 6 2 3 27 Kurbaragodu 2 28 Begar 2 30 30 3 29 Neelandur 87 13 3 11 8 5 30 Meega 8


Name ot CD. Block: SRINGERI ; Code No. : 0060

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlI1ber Coomerce Storage and Services Conmunication

(VII) (Vlll) (lX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

719 55 172 2 942 377 157 1694 6577 11429 386 30 106 562 264 148 1676 5614 9641 SRINGERI C_D.Block 333 25 66 380 113 9 18 963 1788

58 39 140 77 8 36 483 791 Sringeri (RuraL) 2 9 114 175 262 Masige 2 32 2 5 15 8 151 293 Addagadde 3 9 5 160 336 Halandur 4 6 1 5 3 2 11 112 182 Kikkare (Kikkre) 5 43 5 8 58 18 4 16 275 530 Menase 6 9 1 13 4 3 75 131 209 Vykuntapura 7 12 5 5 174 363 Kunthur 8 3 4 5 9 13 66 104 Heruru (Herur) 9 3 4 2 9 112 169 Bettagere 10 5 4 22 41 Gundre 11 2 13 11 104 184 Ginical 12 1 1 2 9 60 60 73 Kuthagodu 13 3 10 6 4 47 117 133 Kochavall i 14 23 41 13 17 107 202 375 Vidyaranyapura 15 16 3 4 13 2 49 118 246 ULuvall i 16 4 5 4 132 212 Honnaval Li 17 16 2 11 12 4 23 150 328 Darekoppa 18 3 5 1 25 28 40 Nallur 19 3 7 3 2 90 153 181 Melukoppa 20 5 4 15 4 2 144 315 KeLakoppa 21 2 3 7 2 4 81 132 182 Kavadi 22 12 7 23 8 182 425 BeLandur 23 16 2 5 47 9 4 134 283 413 Rushyashringapura (Markal) 24 2 71 41 54 Masige 25 4 4 2 6 203 191 185 AsanabaLu 26 1 3 3 53 135 Kumbaragodu 27 39 2 3 41 11 137 220 Begar 28 11 2 4 6 9 15 60 120 222 Neelandur 29 5 3 6 2 10 140 220 Meega 30


Name of C.D. Block: SRINGERI ; Code No. : 0060

Location Name of Village / Total/ Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural/ Hectares Occu- House­ (I nc ludi ng in the age group Castes NL.mber Urban for vil- pied Holds InstitutIonal & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) <11 ) (12) ( 13) (14)

31 Kogodu 380.77 83 83 409 195 214 55 25 30 21 15 32 Gandagatta 708.85 162 162 897 434 463 95 44 51 54 57 33 Yadadalu 634.40 153 153 795 388 407 88 43 45 80 83 34 Nenlllaru 591.00 188 188 938 463 475 120 57 63 99 97 35 Sunkadamakki 727.23 35 35 207 113 94 29 17 12 6 6 36 Karki Khan Estate 80.19 _------... ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------... 37 NeIJI1l8r Estate 324.71 41 41 194 93 101 30 14 16 27 24 38 Haruru (Harur) 509.95 85 85 463 241 222 63 31 32 30 23 39 Malanadu 1831.45 99 99 562 297 265 81 43 38 40 Balagere 2793.60 39 39 236 125 111 36 22 14 41 Hadikiruru 710.66 14 14 88 46 42 11 5 6 42 Hadi 993.82 10 10 68 33 35 12 3 9 4 43 Mathuvalli Estate 73.47 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------" 44 Gulaganjimane 1804.87 38 38 178 92 86 33 21 12 45 Sheerlu 4178.97 32 34 218 106 112 38 17 21 46 Muduba 3244.42 40 40 176 90 86 30 16 14 17 21 47 Kere 1696.13 77 77 327 153 174 55 26 29 22 17 48 Balekadi 2291.76 37 37 163 82 81 21 14 7 49 Yedadalli 1961.19 205 208 1067 529 538 133 64 69 35 32

C.D. Block Total Rural 442.38 5631 5731 29126 14389 14737 3587 1786 1801 1631 1639


Sringeri (MP), 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231 132 132

C.D. Block Total Urban 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231 132 132


Name of C.O. Block: SRINGERI ; Code No. : 0060

Scheduled literates Total Main N 0 U S T R 1 A l Name of Village I location Tribes loIorkers Town I loIard Code Cultivators Agricultural NLmber labourers

(l - IX) (I) (I I)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) ( 17> ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

132 125 118 47 74 13 28 22 Kogodu 31 13 18 311 280 274 71 68 9 126 48 Gandagatta 32 3 257 239 232 90 134 10 78 75 Yadadalu 33 39 29 310 247 238 67 76 22 64 25 Neamaru 34 16 12 89 65 73 38 69 22 4 16 Sunkadamakki 35 ------Un-l nhabi ted Vi llage ---_ ... ----_ ... ------Karki Khan Estate 36 31 34 45 39 69 40 24 45 39 Neamar Estate 37 20 21 160 122 159 78 87 11 67 67 Haruru (Harur) 38 138 126 170 104 202 141 93 68 135 Malanadu 39 80 73 37 36 88 5 78 4 5 Balagere 40 17 12 27 20 39 29 Hadikiruru 41 4 3 20 12 23 2 10 2 2 Hadi 42 ------Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Mathuvalli Estate 43 S4 46 27 23 65 56 46 41 12 12 Gu lagan j i mane 44 97 105 27 21 68 17 46 1 Sheerlu 45 23 18 51 25 61 44 41 23 17 20 Muduba 46 6 11 92 72 102 70 59 33 27 32 Kere 47 31 28 52 33 62 53 53 45 9 7 Balekadi 48 24 41 380 309 308 45 119 15 59 10 Yedadall i 49

1055 999 9885 8184 8627 3420 3480 778 2087 1876 C.D. Block Total Rural


10 12 1707 1568 1106 262 58 4 79 66 Sringeri (MP)

10 12 1707 1568 1106 262 58 4 79 66 C.D. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: SRINGERI ; Code No. : 0060 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.nber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry act ivi ties

(Ill) ( IV) [V(a )] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Kogodu 9 2 2 7 32 Gandagatta 42 14 3 33 Yadadalu 3 4 2 2 34 Nerrmaru 55 8 5 2 5 3S Sunkadamakki 36 Karki Khan Estate ---_ .. ----- .. ----- Un-Inhabited Village ------37 Nerrmar Estate 38 Haruru (Harur) 39 Malanadu 38 2 40 Balagere 6 41 Hadikiruru 8 42 Hadi 11 43 Mathuva(li Estate ------Un-Inhabited Village ------44 Gulaganjimane 4S Sheerlu 16 13 2 46 Muduba 2 47 Kere 3 48 Balekadi 49 Yedadall i 106 11 2 2 4

C.D. Block Total Rural 1420 168 49 20 70 49 297 205 170 29


Sringeri (MP) 43 6 3 3 3 84 35 57 9

C.D. Block Total Urban 43 6 3 3 3 B4 35 57 9


Name of C.o. Block: SRlNGERI ; Code No. : 0060

101 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.IIIber Conmerce Storage and Services Coomunication

(VII ) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

1 2 3 8 45 69 122 Kogodu 31 8 6 9 10 4 38 156 354 Gandagatta 32 7 4 3 1 6 155 311 Yadadalu 33 17 2 15 7 8 77 217 331 Nenmaru 34 40 56 Sunkadamakki 35

------.~ ... ~---- Un-Inhabited Village ------Karki Khan Estate 36 24 61 Nenmar Estate 37 3 82 144 Haruru (Harur) 38 3 41 95 83 Malanadu 39 4 64 33 42 Balagere 40 2 29 7 13 Hadikiruru 41 14 9 19 Hadi 42

------Un-Inhabited Village ------~----- Mathuvalli Estate 43 3 2 2 27 30 Gulaganjimane 44 2 2 2 3 43 35 52 Sheerlu 45 1 1 29 42 Muduba 46 3 3 3 7 2 51 104 Kere 47 20 28 Balekadi 48 9 9 5 4 67 217 426 Yedadall i 49

386 30 106 562 264 148 1676 5614 9641 CoD. Block Total Rural


333 25 66 380 113 9 18 963 1788 Sringeri (MP)

333 25 66 380 113 9 18 963 1788 CoD. Block Total Urban






2 3 4 5 6

A~Ran9apura 111717/35 11/07/0070/0035 9/6/7/34 09/06/0070/0034 2 Abbinaholalu 11/7/7/214 11/07/0070/0214 9/6/7/213 09/06/0070/0213 3 Ajjampura (Rural) 11/717/153 11/07/0070/0153 9/6/7/152 09/06/0070/0152 4 Amrutapura 11/7/7/97 11/07/0070/0097 9/6/7/96 09/06/0070/0096 5 Annapura 11/717/182 11/0710070/0182 9/6/7/181 09106/0070/0181 6 11/7/7/212 11/07/0070/0212 9/6/7/211 09/06/0070/0211 7 Arebala 11-/7/7/186 11107/0070/0186 9/6/7/185 09106/0070/0185 8 11/7/7/46 11/0710070/0046 9/6/7/45 09/06/0070/0045 9 Asunde 11/7/7/178 11/07/0070/0178 9/6/7/177 09/06/0070/0177 10 Attiganalu 11/7/7/11 11/07/0070/0011 9/6/7/11 09/06/0070/0011 11 Attigatta 11/7/7/231 11/07/0070/0231 9/6/7/230 09106/0070/0230 12 Attimogge 11/7/7/199 11/07/0070/0199 9/6/7/198 09/06/0070/0198

'3 Baggavalli 11/7/7/163 "/07/0070/0163 9/6/7/162 09/06/0070/0162 14 Baggava lli Kaval 11/7/7/162 11/07/0070/0162 9/6/7/161 09/06/0070/0161 15 Ballavara 11/7/7/95 11/07/0070/00~5 9/6/7/94 09/06/0070/0094 ·,6 Bandre 11/7/7/181 11/07/0070/0181 9/6/7/180 09/06/0070/0180 17 Bankana Katte 11/7/7/213 11/07/0070/0213 9/6/7/212 09/06/0070/0212 18 Banoor 11/7/7/208 11/07/0070/0208 9/617/207 09/06/0070/0207 19 Baramanahalli 11/7/7/247 11/07/0070/0247 9/6/7/246 09/06/0070/0246 20 Bargenahalli 11/7/7/51 11/07/0070/0051 9/6/7/50 09/{)6/0070/0050 21 Basavanahalli 11/7/7/47 11/07/0070/0047 9/6/7{46 09/06/0070/0046 22 Basavanahalli 11/7/7/127 11/07/0070/0127 9/6/7/126 09/06/0070/0126 23 Basavapura 11/7/7/197 11/07/0070/0197 9/6/71196 09/06/0070/0196 24 Basavapura 11/7/7/205 11/07/0070/0205 9/6171204 09/06/0070/0204 25 Beernahall i 11/7/7/206 11/07/0070/0206 9/6/7/205 09/06/0070/0205 26 Beernahall i 11/7/7/238 11/07/0070/0238 9/6/71237 09/06/0070/0237 27 Begur 11/7/71190 11/07/0070/0190 9/617/189 09/06/0070/0189 28 Belenahall i 11/7/7128 11/07/0070/0028 9/6/7/27 09/06/0070/0027 29 Belibasavanahalli 1117/71148 11/07/0070/0148 9/6/7/147 09/06/0070/0147 30 Bettadahalli 11/7/7/6 11/07/0070/0006 9/6/7/6 09/06/0070/0006 31 Bettadavarekere 11/7/7/142 11/07/0070/0142 9/6/7/141 09/06/0070/0141 32 Bhaktana Katte 11/717/243 11/07/0070/0243 9/6/7/242 09/06/0070/0242 33 Bhavikere 1117/7/68 11/07/0070/0068 9/6/7/67 09/06/0070/0067 34 Billahalli 1117/71233 11/07/0070/0233 9/6171232 09/06/0070/0232 35 Bokikere 111717/150 11/07/0070/0150 9/6/7/149 09/06/0070/0149 36 Boarnenahall i 11/7/7/143 11/07/007010143 9/6/7/142 09/06/0070/0142 37 Boodiguppe 11{7/7/230 11/07/0070/0230 9/6/7/229 09/06/0070/0229 38 Boothanahalli 111717/185 11/07/0070/0185 9/617/184 09/06/0070/0184 39 Brahmanahalli 11/7/7/140 11/07/0070/0140 9/6/71139 09/06/0070/0139 40 Bukkambudi 11/7/7/236 11/07/0070/0236 9/6/7/235 09/06/0070/0235 41 Byrapura 1117/7/8 11/07/0070/0008 9/6/7/8 09/06/007010008




2 3 4 5 6

42 Chak:onahall i 11/7/7/38 11/07/0070/0038 9/6/7/37 09/06/0070/0037 43 Channapura 11/7/7/9 11/07/0070/0009 9/6/7/9 09/06/0070/0009 44 Channapura 11/7/7/157 11/07/0070/0157 9/6/7/156 09/06/0070/0156 45 Cheernanahalli Kaval 11/7/7/203 11/07/0070/0203 9/6/7/202 09/06/0070/0202 46 Chik:kanvangala 11/7/71219 11/07/0070/0219 9/6/7/218 09/06/0070/0218 47 Chik.kathur 11/717/14 11/07/0070/0014 9/6/7114 09/06/0070/0014 48 Chinnapura 11/7/71192 11/07/0070/0192 9/6/7/191 09/06/0070/0191

49 Danayakapora 11/7/7/220 11/07/0070/0220 9/6/7/219 09/06/0070/0219 50 Dandoor 11/7/7/246 11/07/0070/0246 9/6/7/245 09/06/0070/0245 51 Doddabokikere 11/7/7/149 11/07/0070/0149 9/6/7/148 09/06/0070/0148 52 Doddakundur 11/7/7/57 11/07/0070/0057 9/6/7/56 09/06/0070/0056 53 Doranalu 11/717/7 11/07/0070/0007 9/6/7/7 09/06/0070/0007 54 OU9lapura 11/7/7/19 11/07/0070/0019 9/6/7/19 09/06/0070/0019 55 Dyal1lll.lra 11/717/10 11/07/0070/0010 9/6/7/10 09/06/0070/0010

56 Gadihalli 11/7/7/179 11/07/0070/0179 916/71178 09/06/0070/0178 57 Gal i halli 11/717/3 11/07/0070/0003 9/6/7/3 09/06/0070/0003 58 Gangur 11/7/7/96 11/07/0070/0096 9/6/7/95 09/06/0070/0095 59 Ganjigere 11/7/7/69 11/07/0070/0069 9/6/7/68 09/06/0070/0068 60 Garagadahalli 11/7/7/184 11/07/0070/0184 9/6/71183 09/06/0070/0183 61 Gejjegohdanahalli 11/717/173 11/07/0070/0173 9/6/7/172 09/06/007WOt72 62 Geramaradi 11/7/7/5 11/07/0070/0005 9/6/7/5 09/06/0070/0005 63 Gijikatte 11/7/7/245 11/07/0070/0245 9/6/7/244 09/06/0070/0244 64 Gi riyapura l1f717/204 11/07/0070/0204 9/611/203 09/06/0070/0203 65 Gollarahall i 11/717/146 11/07/0070/0146 9/6/7/145 09/06/0070/0145 66 Gonagilakatte 11/717/94 11/07/0070/0094 9/6/7/93 09/06/0070/009~ 67 Gondedahalli 11/7/7/164 11/07/0070/0164 9/6/7/163 09/06/0070/0163 68 Gopala 11/7/7/67 11/07/0070/0067 9/6/7/66 09/06/0070/0066 69 Gov i ndapura 11/7/7/13 11/07/0070/0013 9/6/7/13 09/06/0070/0013 70 Gowrapura 11/7/7/'54 11/07/0070/0154 9/6/7/153 09/06/0070/0153 71 Guddadabasavanahalli 11/717/12 11/07/0070/0012 9/6/7/12 09/06/0070/0012 72 Guddadabeeranahalli 11/7/7/53 11/07/0070/0053 9/6/7/52 09/06/0070/0052 73 Guddadaha L l j 11/7171188 11/07/0070/0188 9/6/7/187 09/06/0070/0187 74 Guddadamallenahalli 11/7/7/115 11/07/0070/0115 9/6/7/114 09/06/0070/0114 75 Gulladahatti 11/7/7/25 11/07/0070/0025 9/617/248 09/06/0070/0248 76 Gulladamane 11/7/7/86 11/07/0070/0086 9/6/7/85 09/06/0070/0085 n Gundasanudra 11/7/7/226 11/07/0070/0226 9/6/7/225 09/06/0070/0225 78 Gundenahalli 11/7/7/64 11/07/0070/0064 9/6/7/63 09/06/0070/0063 79 11/7/7/52 11/07/0070/0052 9/6/7/51 09/06/0070/0051




2 3 4 5 6

80 K.Rangapura 11/7/7/23 11/07/0070/0023 9/6/7/23 09/06/0070/0023 81 Kadikere 11/7/7/109 11/07/0070/0109 9/6/7/108 09/06/0(J70/0108 82 Halasur '1/7/7/43 11/07/0070/0043 9/6/7/42 09/06/0070/0042 83 Haliyur 11/7/7/39 11/07/0070/0039 9/6/7/38 09/06/0070/0038 84 Kanne 11/7/7/172 11/07/0070/0172 9/6/7/171 09/06/0070/0171 85 KanneK8val 11/7/7/171 11/07/0070/0171 9/6/71170 09/06/0070/0170 86 Karalahalli 11/7/7/241 11/07/0070/0241 9/6/7/247 09/06/0070/0247 87 Hariyanahalli 11/7/7/248 11/07/0070/0248 9/6/7/247 09/06/007'0;0247 88 Haruvanahalli 11/7/7/56 11/07/0070/0056 9/6/7/55 09/06/0070/0055 89 11/7/7/174 11/07/0070/0174 9/6/7/173 09/06/0070/0173 90 Heggadehalli 11/7/7/187 11/07/0070/0187 9/6/7/186 09/06/0070/0186 91 Hiragapura 1117/7/58 11/07/0070/0058 9/6/7/57 09/06/0070/0057 92 HirekanvangaLa 11/7/7/218 11/07/0070/0218 9/6/7/217 09/06/0070/0217 93 Hirekathur 11/7/7/29 11/07/0070/0029 9/6/7/28 09/06/0070/0028 94 Hosahat l i 11/7/7/8-5 11/07/0070/0085 9/6/7/84 09/06/0070/0064 95 Hosahall i 11/7/7/120 11/07/0070/0120 9/6/7/119 09/06/0070/0119 96 Hosahalli 11/7/7/216 11/07/0070/0216 9/6/7/215 09/06/0070/0215 97 Hosur 11/7/7/4 11/07/0070/0004 9/6/7/4 1)9/06/0070/0004 98 Hulithimmapura 11/7/7/91 11/07/0070/0091 9/6/7/90 09/06/0070/0090 99 Hunasaghatta 11/7/7/123 11/07/0070/0123 9/6/7/122 09/06/0070/0122 100 Hunasanahalli 11/7/7/61 11/07/0070/0061 9/6/7/60 0'9/06/0070/0060 101 Hurul i ha lli 11/7/7/27 11107/0070/0027 9/6/7/26 09/06/0070/00,'.6

102 Indavara 11/7/7/34 11/07/0070/0034 9/6/7/33 09/06/0070/003:'\ 103 Jttige 11/7/7/103 11/07/0070/0103 9/6/7/102 09/06/0070/0102

104 Jaldihall i 11/7/7/224 11/07/0070/0224 9/6/7/223 09/IJ6/0070/0223 105 Jannapura 11/7/7/137 11/07/0070/0137 9/6/7/136 09/()6/0070/0136 106 11/7/7/217 11/07/0070/0217 9/6/7/216 09/06/0070/0216 107 Jodijayapura 11/7/7/235 11/07/0070/0235 9/6/7/234 09/06/0070/0234 108 Jodikodihalli 1117/7/21 11/07/0070/0021 9/6/7/21 09/0.!I/0070/00Z1

109 K.Chattanahalli 11/7/7/138 11/07/0070/0138 9/6/7/137 09/06/0070/Q137 110 K.Gollarahalli 11/717/151 11/07/0070/0151 9/6/71150 09/06/0070/0150 111 Kallahalu 11/7/7/93 11/07/0070/0093 9/6/7/92 09/06/0070/0092 112 Kallapura 11/7/7/183 11/07/0070/0183 9/6/711&2 09/061'0070/0182 113 Kallasettihalli 11/7/7/168 11/07/0070/0168 9/6/7/167 09/06/0070/0167 114 Kallathipura 11/7/7/78 11/07/0070/0078 9/6/7/77 09/061')070/0077 115 Kallenahalli 11/7/7/242 11/07/0070/0242 9/6/7/241 09/06/0070/0241 116 KaJRanadurga 11/7/7/77 11/07/0070/0077 9/6/7/76 09/06/C'070/0076 117 Kanabagatte 11/7/7/222 11/07/0070/0222 9/617/221 09/06/0070/0221 118 Karanaghatta 11/7/7/169 11/07/0070/0169 9/6/7/168 09/06/0'370/0168 119 K{lrehatL; 11/7/7/194 11/07/0070/0194 9/6/7/193 09/06/01 )70/0193 120 Karehalli 11/7/7/240 11/07/0070/0240 9/6/71239 09/06/0(170/0239




2 3 4 5 6

121 Karkuchi 11/7/7/65 11/~7/0070/0065 9/6/7/64 09/06/0070/0064 122 Katiganere 1117/7/175 11/07/0070/0175 9/6/71174 09/06/0070/0174 123 Kedig(malli 11/717/130 11/07/0070/0130 9/6/7/129 09/06/0070/0129 124 Kenchupura 11/7/7/87 11/07/0070/0087 9/617/86 09/06/0070/0086 125 Kenchapura 11/7/7/229 11/07/0070/0229 9/6/7/228 09/06/0070/0228 126 Kenchena~li 11/7/7/84 11/07/0070/0084 9/6/7/83 09/06/0070/0083 127 Kenchd koppa 11/7/7/42 11/07/0070/0042 9/6/7/41 09/06/0070/0041 128 Kerehosahalli 11/7/7/37 11/07/0070/0037 9/6/7/36 09/06/0070/0036 129 Kesa,,-akoppa 11/7/7/70 11/07/0070/0070 9/6/7/69 09/06/0070/0069 130 Kodihalli 11/7/7/113 11/07/0070/0113 9/6/7/112 09/06/0070/0112 131 Koppadahalli 11/7/7/221 11/07/0070/0221 9/6/7/220 09/06/0070/0220 132 Korl?lflaha II i 1117/7/139 11/07/0070/0139 9/6/7/138 09/06/0070/0138 133 Koratikere 11/7/7/160 11/07/0070/0160 9/6/7/159 09/06/0070/0159 134 Kot:ebasavanahall i 11/7/7/152 11/07/0070/0152 9/6/7/151 09/06/0070/0151 135 KlJIdlur 11/7/7/131 11/07/0070/0131 9/6/7/130 09/06/0070/0130 136 Kllndurkaval 1117/7/55 11/07/0070/0055 9/6/7/54 09/06/0070/0054 137 KlJntinamadu 11/7/7/112 11/07/0070/0112 9/6/7/111 09/06/0070/0111 138 Krurubarahall i 11/7/7/196 11/07/0070/0196 9/6/7/195 09/06/0070/0195

139 'Lakkaval t i 1117/7/41 11/07/0070/0041 9/6/7/40 09/06/0070/0040,

140 Lakkavalli Manna Jangal 11/7/7/54 11/07/0070/0054 9/6/7/53 09/c OQ/_00!0/0053 141 Lakkenaha II i 11/7/7/104 11/07/0070/0104 9/6/7/103 09/06/0070/0103 142 saga 'ra 11/7/7/102 11/07/0070/0102 9/6/7/101 09/06/0070/0101 143, Lakshmisaga.ra 1117/7/227 11/07/0070/0227 9/6/7/226 09/06/0070/0226 14'4 Li ngadaha l It i 11/7/7171 11/07/0070/0071 9/6/7/70 09/06/0070/0070 145 Lingadahalli Kaval 11/7/7/72 11/07/0070/0072 9/6/7/71 09/06/0070/0071

1 46 Machenaha I.l i 11/7/7/2 11/07/0070/0002 9/6/7/2 09/06/0070/0002 "47 Makanahall i 11/7/7/126 11/07/0070/0126 9/6/7/125 09/06/0070/0125 148 Makanahal U 11/7/7/232 11/07/0070/0232 9/6/7/231 09/06/0070/0231 149 Malal icha,nnenahall i ,'/7/7/22 11/07/0070/0022 9/6/7/22 09/06/0070/0022 150 Malenahal.li 11/7/7/155 11/07/0070/0155 9/6/7/154 09/06/0070/0154 151 Mal ikowa 1117/7/62 11/07/0070/0062 9/6/7161 09/06/0070/0061 152 Mallenahall i 11/7/7/90 11/07/0070/0090 9/6/7/89 09/06/0070/0089 153 Mallenahalli 11/7/7/156 11/07/0070/0156 9/6/7/155 09/06/0070/0155 154 Mallenal1all i 11/7/7/107 11/07/0070/0107 9/6/7/106 09/06/0070/0106 155 Manchethevaru 11/717/80 11/07/0070/0080 9/6/7/79 09/06/0070/0079 . 156 Mandararvall i 11/7/7/59 11/07/0070/0059 9/6/7158 09/06/0070/0058 157 Mareka~lahalli 11/7/7/74 11/07/0070/0074 9/6/7/73 09/06/0070/0073 158 Masanellcerekava l 11/7/7/237 11/07/0070/0237 9/6/7/236 09/06/0070/0236 159 Mediha II i 11/7/7/122 11/07/0070/0122 9/617/121 09/06/0070/0121 160 Mirlenahall i 11/7/7/101 11/07/0070/0101 9/617/100 09/06/0070/0100




2 3 4 5 6

161 Muddenahalli 1117/71119 11/07/0070/0119 9/6/7/118 09/06/0070/0118 162 Muddenahalli S.Kaval 11/7/7/117 11/07/0070/0117 9/6/7/116 09/06/0070/0116 163 Mudenahallikaval 11/7/7/118 11/07/0070/0118 9/6/7/117 09/06/0070/0117 164 Mudigere 11/7/7/193 11/07/0070/0193 9/6/7/192 09/06/0070/0192 165 MudlJgodu 11/7/7/44 11/07/0070/0044 9/6/7/43 09/06/0070/0043 166 MudU!lundi 11/7/7/121 11/07/0070/0121 9/6/7/120 09/06/007Q/0120 167 Mugal i 11/7/7/177 11/07/0070/0177 9/6/7/176 09/06/0070/0176 168 Mundanahalli 11/7/7/111 11/07/0070/0111 9/6/7/110 09/06/0070/0110 169 Mundre 11/7/7/134 11/07/0070/0134 9/6/7/133 09/06/0070/0133 170 Mylanahall i 11/7/7/189 11/07/0070/0189 9/6/7/188 09/06/0070/0188

171 Nagabovanahalli 11/7/7/234 11/07/0070/0234 9/6/7/233 09/06/0070/0233 172 Nagavangala 11/7/7/161 11/07/0070/0161 9/6/7/160 09/06/0070/0160 173 Nagenahall i 11/7/7/110 11/07/0070/0110 9/6/7/109 09/06/0070/0109 174 Nagenahall i 11/7/7/239 11/07/0070/0239 9/6/7/238 09/06/0070/0238 175 Nandi 11/7/7/89 11/07/0070/0089 9/6/7/88 09/06/0070/0088 176 Nandi Battlu 11/7/7/82 11/07/0070/0082 9/6/7/81 09106/0070/0081 177 Nandipura 11/7/7/207 11/07/0070/0207 9/6/7/206 09/06/0070/0206 178 Naranapura 11/7/7/215 11/07/0070/0215 9/617/214 09/06/0070/0214 179 Narasipura 11/7/7/124 11/07/0070/0124 9/6/7/123 09/06/0070/0123 180 Nerlekere 11/7/7/98 11/07/0070/0098 9/6/7/97 09/06/0070/0097

181 Obalapura 11/7/7/114 11/07/0070/0114 9/6/7/113 09/06/0070/0113

182 Parvatharayanakere Kaval 11/7/7/198 11/07/0070/0198 9/6/7/197 09/06/0070/0197 183 Perumenahalli 11/7/7/26 11/07/0070/0026 9/6/7/25 09/06/0070/0025 184 Pilleberanahalli 11/7/7/76 11/07/0070/0076 9/6/7/75 09/06/0070/0075 185 Pundanahalli 1117/7/132 11/07/0070/0132 9/617/131 09/06/0070/0131

186 Rajanahalli 11/7/7/135 11/07/0070/0135 9/6/7/134 09/06/0070/0134 187 Ramenahalli 11/7/7/106 11/07/0070/0106 9/6/7/105 09/06/0070/0105 188 Rampura 11/7/7/31 11/07/0070/0031 9/6/7/30 09/06/0070/0030 189 Rangapura 1117/7/36 11/07/0070/0036 9/6/7/35 09/06/0070/0035 190 Rangapura 11/7/7/167 11/07/0070/0167 9/6/7/166 09/06/0070/0166 191 Rangapura 11/7/7/244 11/07/0070/0244 9/6/7/243 09/06/0070/0243 192 Rangenahall i 11/7/7/17 11/07/0070/0017 9/6/7/17 09/06/0070/0017 193 Rangenahalli 11/7/7/45 11/07/0070/0045 9/6/7/44 09/06/0070/0044 194 Rushipura 11/7/7/108 11/07/0070/0108 9/6/7/107 09/06/0070/0107

195 Salebolanahalli 11/7/7/48 11/07/0070/0048 9/6/7/47 09/06/0070/0047 196 Samatala 11/7/7/100 11/07/0070/0100 9/617/99 09/06/0070/0099 197 Santhedibbadakaval 11/7/7/99 11/07/0070/0099 9/6/7/98 09/06/0070/0098 198 Savemardikaval 11/7/7/147 11/07/0070/0147 9/617/146 09/06/0070/0146 199 Seetapura 11/7/7/32 11/07/0070/0032 9/6/7/31 09/06/0070/0031 200 Seetapura (Kaval) 11/7/7/30 11/07/0070/0030 9/6/7/29 09/06/0070/0029




2 3 4 5 6

201 $hankaraghatta 11/7/7/92 11/07/0070/0092 9/6/7/91 09/06/0070/0091 202 Shanthipura 11/7/7/S0 11/07/0070/0050 9/0/7/49 09/00/0070/0049 203 Shanubhoganahalli 11/7/7/128 11/07/0070/0128 9/0/7/127 09/00/0070/0127 204 Sh;vagange 111717/33 '1/07/0070/0033 9/017/32 09/00/0070/0032 205 Shivane 11/1/7/200 11/07/007d/0200 9/0/7/199 09100/0070/0199 206 Shivanekaval 11/7/7/201 11/07/0070/0201 9/0/71200 09/00/0070/0200 207 Shivapura ,. 11/717/136 11/07/0070/0136 9/0/7/135 09/00/0070/0135 208 Sidakanahalli 11/717/15 11/07/0070/0015 9/017/15 09/00/0070/0015 209 S i ddapura 11/7/7/225 11/07/0070/0225 9/0/7/224 09/00/0070/0224 210 Siddarahalli 11/7/7/18 11/07/0070/0018 9/0/7/18 09/00/0070/0018 211 Siddarahalli 11/7/7/133 11/07/0070/0133 9/0/7/132 09/00/0070/0132 212 $iddarahalli 11/7/7/141 11/07/0070/0141 9/0/7/140 09/00/0070/0140 213 Siddlipura 11/7/7/66 11/07/0070/0066 9/0/7/65 09/00/0070/0065 214 Siragalipura 11/7/7/228 11/07/0070/0228 9/0/7/227 09/00/0070/0227 215 SiraganahalLi 111717/180 11/07/0070/0180 9/017/179 09/00/0070/0179 216 Sirehalli 11/7/7/145 11/07/0070/0145 9/0/7/144 09/00/0070/0144 217 Sokke 1t/7/7/165 11/07/0070/0165 9/017/164 09/00/0070/0164 218 11/7/7/195 11/07/0070/0195 9/6/7/194 09/06/0070/0194 219 Somenahall i 11/7/71159 11/07/0070/0159 9/6/7/158 09/06/0070/0158 220 SoqJUra 11/717/63 11/0710070/0063 9/6/7/62 09/06/0070/0062 221 Soppinahalli 11/7/7/144 11/07/0070/0144 9/6/7/143 O

224 Tadaga 11/7/7/211 11/07/0070/0211 9/6/7/210 09/06/0070/0210 225 Tamatadahall; "17171176 11/07/0070/0176 9/6/7/175 "09)06/0070/0175 226 Tanigebylu 11/7/7/81 11/07/0070/0081 9/6/7/80 09/06/0070/0080 227 Tarikere (Rural) 11/1/7/1 11/07/0070/0001 9/61711 09/06/0070/0001 228 Thigacia '1/7/7/79 11/07/0070/0079 9/6/7/78 09/06/0070/0078 229 Th;mnapura 11/7/7/24 11/07/0070/0024 9/6/7/24 09/06/0070/0024 230 Th illlll8pura 11/7/7/223 11/07/0070/0223 916/7/222 09/06/0070/0222 231 Thilllll8pura 11/7/7/166 11/07/0070/0166 9/6/7/165 09/06/0070/0165 232 Th i ppagonclanaha II i 11/7/7/170 1t/07/0070/0170 9/6/7/169 09/06/0070/0169 233 Thyarajjanahalli 11/7/7/209 11/07/0070/0209 9/6/7/Z08 09/06/0070/0208 234 Tyagadabagi 111717/83 11/07/0070/0083 9/6/7/82 09/06/0070/0082 235 Tyagadakatte 1117/7/202 11/07/0070/0202 9/6171201 09/06/0070/0201

236 Udeva 11/7/7/75 11/07/0070/0075 9/617174 09/06/0070/0074 237 Upparabasavanahall i 11/7/7/40 11/07/0070/0040 9/6/7/39 09/06/0070/0039 238 Upparabeeranahalli 11/7/7/60 11/0U0070/0060 9/617/59 09/06/0070/0059




2 3 4 5 6

239 V.Chattanahalli 11/7171125 11/07/0070/0125 9/6/7/124 09/06/0070/0124 240 Vaddaradibba 11/7/7149 11/07/0070/0049 9/6/7/48 09/06/0070/0048 241 vaderahall i 11/7/7/129 11/07/0070/0129 9/6/7/128 09/06/0070/0128 242 Veer-apura 11/7/7/158 11/07/0070/0158 9/6/7/157 09/06/0070/0157 243 Veerapura 11/7/7/210 11/07/0070/0210 9/6/7/209 09/06/0070/0209 244 Vittalapura 11/7/7/116 11/07/0070/0116 9/6/7/115 09/06/0070/0115

245 Yatugere 11/7/7/16 11/07/0070/0016 9/6/7/16 09/06/0070/0016 246 Yaradahanklu 11/7/7/73 11/07/0070/0073 9/6/7/72 09/06/0070/0072 247 Yerebylu 11/7/7/20 11/07/0070/0020 9/6/7/20 09/06/0070/0020 248 Yerehalli 11/7/7/105 11/07/0070/0105 9/6/7/104 09/06/0070/0104


Name of C. D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.k.m ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

T 1220.09 33450 34056 179654 91349 88305 26952 13782 13170 20803 19954 TARIKERE C.D.Block R 1219.09 31921 32513 170896 86B64 84032 25728 13126 12602 20282 19477 U 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568 521 477

1 Tarikere (Rural) 150.84 176 176 701 362 339 121 60 61 15 11 2 Machenaha II i 196.11 82 83 454 221 233 63 30 33 33 30 3 Galihalli 276.32 892 896 4699 2370 2329 939 448 491 506 498 4 Hosur 170.24 109 109 507 264 243 63 33 30 89 82 5 Gerarnaradi 446.53 122 158 638 327 311 100 40 60 48 55 6 Bettadahall i 969.05 280 280 1470 734 736 187 83 104 121 115 7 Doranalu 622.06 361 361 1902 942 960 295 151 144 216 241 8 ByrapUra 202.45 67 67 420 217 203 70 35 35 79' 70 9 Channapura 102.23 11 6 5 3 2 10 DyampUra 201.64 2 1 11 Attiganalu 486.42 50 50 282 141 141 59 25 34 12 Guddadabasavanahalli 582.97 ------•...... •. Un' Inhabited Vi llage 13 Govindapura 227.25 12 12 54 30 24 5 2 3 14 Chikkathur 499.73 35 35 148 78 70 18 8 10· 32 29 15 Sidakanahalli 235.11 16 16 85 44 41 13 6 7 16 Yalugere 400.75 109 109 575 277 298 122 57 65 277 298 17 Rangenaha II i 117.23 ------. Un-Inhabited Vi llage 18 Siddarahalli 725.02 196 196 928 502 426 144 82 62 77 61 19 DuglapUra 932.43 276 280 1467 745 722 261 129 132 179 191 20 Yerebylu 148.34 50 50 242 131 111 37 25 12 38 34 21 JodikOdihalli 343.21 123 123 622 315 307 105 59 46 124 119 22 Malalichannenahalli 860.14 461 487 2447 1269 1178 404 220 184 403 370 23 H.Rangapura 615.33 132 132 666 346 320 115 64 51 124 117 24 Thilll1l8pUra 871.09 38 38 166 83 83 26 11 15 25 25 25 Gulladahatti 111. 14 20 21 124 69 55 26 17 9 4 5 26 Perumenahalli 343.30 168 173 813 422 391 148 86 62 297 286 27 Hurul ihall i 239.41 35 35 223 115 108 40 20 20 27 24 28 Belenahall i 51.71 131 131 734 377 357 106 50 56 56 64 29 Hi rekathur 403.68 26 26 137 74 63 20 15 5 15 13 30 Seetapura (Kaval) 220.15 104 104 489 252 237 78 34 44 182 173


Name of C. D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

1528 1426 53094 35833 51682 18518 27516 3945 13819 11813 1388 1287 50128 33602 49411 18110 27001 3931 13438 11561 TARIKERE C.O.Block 140 139 2966 2231 2271 408 515 14 381 252

8 5 177 118 220 43 35 4 150 37 Tarikere (Rural) 1 4 5 131 98 119 32 30 3 48 23 Machenaha II i 2 73 61 1144' 881 1289 451 107 24 373 207 Galihalli 3 156 88 139 83 58 4 63 71 Hosur 4 159 79 187 68 127 46 17 19 Geramaradi 5 411 278 438 29 361 4 30 21 Bettadahall i 6 568 422 574 215 217 15 263 175 Doranalu 7 108 68 130 52 80 3 46 49 Byrapura 8 4 3 3 • Channapura 9 1 1 OyaflllUra 10 48 24 81 40 52 20 27 20 Att i ganalu 11 Un-Inhabited Village Guddadabasavanahalli 12 15 7 18 12 9 2 9 10 Govindapura 13 24 3 46 19 7 25 18 Chikkathur 14 19 13 20 5 16 3 3 2 Sidakanahalli 15 79 38 145 61 66 7 61 52 Yalugere 16 Un-Inhabited Village ------Rangenahalli 17 239 127 312 44 223 36 35 Siddarahall i 18 7 8 351 257 429 113 249 3 155 98 Ouglapura 19 57 24 73 35 47 7 24 28 Yerebylu 20 143 86 182 51 143 7 33 43 Jodikodihalli 21 2 2 454 228 771 571 114 26 605 535 Malalichannenahalli 22 5 171 106 199 117 40 139 112 H.Rangapura 23 43 24 42 12 23 14 11 Thinmapura 24 32 15 41 35 2 Gulladahatti 25 189 82 216 163 90 46 89 107 Perumenahalli 26 54 32 69 65 63 55 6 10 Hurulihalli 27 266 164 245 30 189 4 36 25 Belenahalli 28 11 5 32 21 44 37 36 28 8 9 Hirekathur 29 68 46 164 43 11 153 42 Seetapura (Kaval) 30


Name ofC.D. Block: TARIKERE; Code No. : 0070 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nt..mber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Serv icing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill) (IV) [V(a)] (V(b)] (VI)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T 2039 1281 199 83 890 446 832 89 492 20 TARIKERE C.D.Block R 1996 1276 199 83 805 417 718 73 285 19 u 43 5 85 29 114 16 207

1 Tarikere (Rural) 3 2 Machenahal I i 2 4 2 3 Galihall i 18 7 132 53 92 77 168 18 25 8 4 Hosur 1 5 Geramaradi 32 2 3 6 Bettadahall i 1 4 7 DoranaLu 4 2 9 3 15 5 5 8 Byrapura 2 9 Channapura 10 DYBqlUra 11 Attiganalu 12 GuddadabasavanahalLi .... - ... _...... -_ ..... __ .. -- Un· I nhabi ted Village ------13 Govindapura 14 Chikkathur 9 2 3 15 Sidakanahalli 16 Yalugere 3 8 - -- - ...... 17 RangenahaLli ...... Un· I nhabi ted Village .- .. ~~- .. ~----- .. --- 18 Siddarahal t i 11 2 1 1 17 7 19 Duglapura , 2 2 2 20 Yerebylu 2 21 JodikOdihalti 2 22 Malaliehannenahalli 2 2 3 2 23 H.Rangapura 24 Th illlllBpura 25 Gulladahatti 2 26 Perumenaha II i 2 4 3 2 27 Hurul ihall i 28 Belenahalli 5 29 Hirekathur 30 Seetapura (Kaval)


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber COIII1lerce Storage and Services COIlIllJnication

(VII ) (VIII) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) ef) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2302 311 400 7 3193 523 536 8484 39131 61303 1851 2n 316 7 2802 466 536 8479 36917 57443 TARIKERE C.D.Block 451 34 84 391 57 5 2214 3860

8 1 23 2 142 296 Tarikere (Rural) 11 2 2 22 2 102 200 Machenaha II i 2 214 21 35 125 36 7 26 1074 1852 Gal ihall i 3 7 4 3 6 3 1 5 124 155 Hosur 4 3 4 12 74 128 169 Geramaradi 5 6 34 3 15 296 692 Bettadahalli 6 26 5 34 9 15 367 730 Ooranalu 7 2 87 151 Byrapura 8 3 5 Channapura 9 1 OyalJ1lU ra 10 60 101 Attiganalu 11 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Guddadabasavanahalli 12 12 12 Govindapura 13 2 8 30 43 Chikkathur 14 3 7 21 29 Sidakanahal I i 15 6 9 20 123 217 Yalugere 16 --.------Un-l nhabi ted Vi llage ------Rangenahal 1i 17 8 14 190 382 Sicldarahall i 18 10 4 4 6 5 1 316 608 Duglapura 19 37 58 39 Yerebylu 20 , 3 23 133 233 Jodikodihalli 21 18 7 6 19 3 498 607 Malalichannenahalli 22 5 12 3 147 203 H.Rangapura 23 4 5 18 36 53 Thinmapura 24 2 3 22 25 33 Gul ladahatti 25 4 3 25 2 206 228 PerlllleOahalli 26 46 43 Hurul ihall i 27 4 4 7 4 132 323 Belenahall i 28 30 26 Hirekathur 29 88 194 Seetapura (Kaval) 30


NameofC.D. Block: TARIKERE; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village! Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Number Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

31 Ra~ra 68.16 12 12 52 23 29 10 4 6 32 Seetapura 70.06 3 3 18 11 7 1 5 4 33 Shivagange 171.45 4 4 20 11 9 4 4 4 2 34 Indavara 142.85 ------Un-Inhabited Village 35 A.Rangapura 75.38 100 101 474 241 233 71 45 26 95 80 36 Rangapura 178.60 ------Un-Inhabited Village 37 Kerehosahalli 233.37 99 99 627 328 299 90 46 44 38 Chakonaha II i 299.12 75 75 444 224 220 74 35 39 18 17 39.Haliyur 563.91 132 132 727 391 336 90 52 38 57 47 40 Upparabasavanahalli 85.95 72 77 416 197 219 71 29 42 41 lakkavalli 390.76 996 1033 5073 2539 2534 719 337 382 838 853 42 KenchikoPPll 501.02 279 297 1567 772 795 227 116 11t 338 352 43 Ilalasur 379.98 264 272 1398 716 682 213 115 98 159 168 44 Mudugodu 212.18 561 567 2892 1473 1419 453 226 227 503 485 45 Rangenahall i 276.51 44 45 346 185 161 33 13 20 33 21 46 Arsikere 534.71 57 62 321 166 155 65 28 37 66 71 47 Basavanahalli 82.22 90 90 517 266 251 76 37 39 107 100 48Salebolanahalli 68.42 182 182 797 399 398 121 70 51 35 21 49 Vaddaradibba 200.96 172 172 798 395 403 142 74 68 97 91 50 Shanthipura 918.28 51 51 295 139 156 63 33 30 51 Bargenahall i 220.48 185 186 1021 513 508 161 88 73 278 257 52 Gurupura 221.49 63 63 291 154 137 65 35 30 127 122 53 Guddadabeeranahalli 725.83 54 54 261 137 124 31 20 11 5 2 54 lakkavalli Manna Jangal 9115.96 ------Un-Inhabited Village 55 Kundurkaval 3662.28 20 20 89 45 44 23 12 11 56 Haruvanahalli 374.90 89 90 523 279 244 97 54 43 57 Doddakurtdur 538.15 114 114 580 293 287 88 40 48 19 22 58 Hiragapura 184.83 29 29 142 71 71 37 16 21 59 Mandarava II i 164.15 B6 86 368 194 174 63 30 33 70 61 60 Upparabeeranahalli 185.35 149 169 817 460 357 116 62 54 182 107 61 Hunasanahalli 466.63 119 127 752 461 291 79 44 35 64 59 62 Malikoppa 161.58 145 156 864 426 438 135 73 62 54 54 63 Sompura 180.48 16 16 84 42 42 15 9 6 28 26 64 Gundenahalli- 214.49 107 111 551 282 269 89 45 44 25 21 65 Karkuchi 1346.28 784 805 4125 2103 2022 706 372 334 867 841


Name ofC.D. Block: TARIKERE; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled literates Total Main N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village / location Tribes Workers Town / Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Number labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

16 16 14 11 14 11 Ra~ra 31 3 9 6 8 6 Seetapura 32 7 4 2 4 3 Shivagange 33 Un-Inhabi ted Village Indavara 34 24 25 93 60 131 134 15 6 45 A.Rangapura 35 Un-l nhabi ted Village Rangapura 36 175 86 182 4 92 54 2 Kerehosahalli 37 83 87 96 41 143 76 88 44 74 Chakonahalli 38 104 84 260 161 217 58 103 18 69 37 Hal iyur 39 103 65 113 41 22 9 34 23 Upparabasavanahalli 40 48 62 1708 1217 1392 656 408 100 1,34 469 iakkavall i 41 508 358 438 325 203 15 181 304 Kenchikoppa 42 381 273 426 275 85 287 259 Halasur 43 818 578 742 284 283 69 266 199 Mudugodu 44 140 86 89 17 47 3 26 10 Rangenaha II i 45 51 47 61 32 92 75 10 7~ 74 Arsikere 46 151 101 154 34 55 5 93 26 Basavanahalli 47 242 184 218 146 81 48 28 63 Salebolanahalli 48 156 99 208 96 56 134 94 Vaddaradibba 49 55 36 83 78 40 42 77 Shanthipura 50 3 2 295 163 289 239 167 85 102 153 Bargenahalli 51 58 33 98 78 88 12 5 65 Gurupura 52 66 54 84 47 56 22 24 25 Guddadabeeranahalli 53 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Lakkavalli Manna Jangal 54 10 1 25 20 13 5 12 1'5 Kundurkaval 55 50 38 165 120 73 92 120 Haruvanahalli 56 159 107 161 79 73 14 81 62 Ooddakundur 57 16 3 33 33 Hiragapura 58 20 18 50 26 126 14 1 125 14 Mandaravall i 59 102 79 209 105 232 111 20 123 76 Upparabeeranahalli 60 3 333 127 180' 120 55 84 97 Hunasanaha II i 61 275 242 215 122 85 83 119 Malikoppa 62 16 10 29 28 9 20 28 S~ra 63 184 147 177 114 139 32 112 Gundenahalli 64 2 3 1002 626 1231 493 727 96 398 366 Karkuchi 65


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Coot: No. : 0070 location Name of Village! Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / ~8rd Rural! NLIlIber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards B­ Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25 ~ (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

31 Rampura 32 Seetapura 33 Shivagange 34 Indavara ••...•••.•.••.•. Un' Inhabited Village - •••• -•••••• --.-- 35 A.Rangapura 2 60 75 36 Rangapura ... ---.------Un-Inhabited Village ------.• ----- 37 Kerehosahalli 25 38 Chakonahalli 39 Hal iyur 21 4 40 Upparabasavanahalli 2 2 11 4 8 1 41 LakklPla II i 38 3 4 44 22 47 4 49 42 Kenchikoppa 7 6 3 43 Halasur 1 14 3 44 Mudugodu 6 5 4 12 16 4S Rangenahall i 6 46 Arsikere 1 47 Basavanahall i 2 48 Salebolanahalli 2 4 11 3 3 49 Vaddaradibba 2 3 3 50 Shanthipura 51 Bargenahalli 2 5 52 Gurupura 53 Guddadabeeranahall i 54 Lakkavalli Manna Jangal •••• --•• --••••• - Un-Inhabited Village -.-.-_ •••• -.-•• -- 55 Kundurkaval 56 Haruvanahat t i 57 Doddakundur 5 58 Hiragapura 59 MandaravalL i 60 Upparabeeranahalli 3 49 25 1 61 Hunasanahatti 8 7 1 4 3 2 62 Ma Li kOppa 2 2 10 4 63 S~ra 64 GundenahaLlf 65 Karkuehi 2 8 10 7


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

W0 R I( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nunber Conmerce Storage and Services COIlIIlJnicat i on


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

9 18 RaqxJr8 31 2 1 Seetapura 32 --. 4 5 Shivagange 33

•. ----.• ~---* .. --- Un-I nhabi ted Village .~--- ... -.---... -- Indavara 34 14 , 7 109 98 A.Rangapura 35 -----_.---_ .. _---- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ... _---_ .... _---_. Rangapura 36 11 1 146 295 Kerehosahalli 37 4 2 5 2 8 80 136 Chakonahalli 38 4 1 3 12 2 174 278 Haliyur 39 26 2 5 5 84 178 Upparabasavanahalli 40 166 28 34 168 28 22 111 1125 1767 Lakkavall i 41 18 2 7 12 3 334 470 Kenchikoppa 42 17 5 4 15 9 290 407 Halasur 43 51 6 6. 93 8 67 117 664 1018 Mudugodu 44 2 3 2 6 1 96 144 Rangenahalli 45 9 74 80 Arsiker-e 46 2 1 2 44 112 173 Basavanahall i 47 39 19 3 51 9 5 180 247 Salebolanahall i 48 3 7 5 20 182 287 Vaddaradibba 49 5 55 73 Shanthipura 50 5 2 5 4 16 220 253 Bargenahalli 51 3 -_., 56 59 Gurupura 52 3 53 n Guddadabeeranahall i 53 ------_._------Un-Inhabi ted Village .------_------Lakkavalli Manna Jangal 54 2 20 22 ICl.I1durkavat 55 114 124 Haruvanahall i 56 13 132 195 Doddakl.l'ldur 57 38 71 Hiragapura 58 . 68 160 Manderavalli 59 2 2 3 31 7 228 246 Upparabeeranahall i 60 6 2 4 16 10 281 171 H...,.sanaha ll1 61 16 3 4 9 211 316 Malikoppa 62 13 14 Soq:lUra 63 3 105 155 Gl.I'ldenaha II i 64 41 12 8 40 9 15 447 857 1082 Karkuchi 65


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070 location Name of Village I Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NLIlIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

66 Siddl ipura 265.16 148 148 733 372 361 134 76 58 103 89 67 Gopala 851.08 459 467 2278 1163 1115 375 183 192 359 335 68 Bhavikere 438.25 637 653 3371 1710 1661 499 247 252 450 411 69 Ganjigere 300.45 40 40 215 107 108 31 16 15 3 3 70 Kesarakoppa 87.00 98 98 505 273 232 67 39 28 37 34 71 Lingadahal l i 1254.18 996 1023 5134 2576 2558 697 347 350 485 488 72 lingadahalli Kaval 906.51 29 29 140 71 69 20 8 12 65 66 73 Yaradahanktu 804.12 71 71 359 196 163 43 22 21 13 10 74 Marekallahalli 255.89 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------75 Udeva 1797.39 345 352 1956 968 988 325 162 163 130 136 76 Pitleberanahalli 1072.50 67 67 228 110 118 29 16 13 29 38 n Kamanadurga 1465.38 513 531 2283 1157 1126 400 218 182 706 709 78 Kat lathipura 356.72 242 242 1094 574 520 189 104- - -.a5 278 255 79 Thigada 1002.48 239 267 1088 569 519 161 7& 83 194 197 80 Manchethevaru 711.36 201 201 873 439 434 113 52 61 67 78 81 Tanigebytu 1694.58 456 486 1906 966 940 300 165 135 253 245 82 Nandi Batttu 2048.27 321 327 1557 783 774 287 146 141 480 474 83 Tyagadabagi 3422.54 243 244 1124 584 540 230 121 109 91 102 84 Kenchenaha t l i 642.19 14 15 72 35 37 16 4 12 85 Hosaha II i 729.61 75 77 441 228 213 70 36 34 139 142 86 Gu II adamane 366.95 162 162 919 462 457 155 83 72 21 30 87 Kenchapura 363.95 125 125 541 287 254 83 45 38 34 31 88 Sunnadahall i 841.42 139 153 872 465 407 127 62 65 93 84 89 Nandi 1516.78 175 175 1081 520 561 159 76 83 139 152 90 Mallenahall i 1095.87 167 173 947 493 454 124 70 54 171 168 91 Hutithimmapura 833.56 113 113 592 309 283 80 55 25 102 87 92 Shankaraghatta 288.08 9 9 39 24 15 5 4 1 1 93 Kallahalu 339.11 ------Un-Inhabited Village 94 Gonagilakatte 255.83 184 184 828 427 401 131 63 68 121 103 95 Ballavara 702.14 154 154 673 349 324 107 54 53 124 122 96 Gangur 628.19 129 129 551 293 258 83 41 42 97 Amrutapura 372.46 166 166 890 469 421 137 77 60 136 128 98 Nerlekere 539.56 335 343 1846 944 902 228 121 107 154 152 99 Santhedibbadakaval 179.50 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 100 Samatala 389.90 121 121 687 327 360 107 56 51 24 24


NameofC.D. Block: TARIKERE; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled literates Total Main 1 N D U S T RIA l Name of Village I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nunber labourers

.(1 - IX) (I) (II)

(1'1) (F) (1'1) (f) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (n

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

148 88 231 27 114 12 109 15 Sidell ipura 66 3 626 366 683 285 363 79 275 203 Gopala 67 978 701 996 470 545 80 327 362 Bhavikere 68 76 62 57 20 45 6 11 13 Ganjigere 69 28 31 168 96 141 62 63 3 72. 58 Kesarakoppa 70 6 8 1631 1319 1431 447 627 54 423 316 lingadahalli 71 39 24 40 27 32 3 2 21 lingadahalli Kaval 72 142 91 123 5 76 42 4 Yaradahanklu 73 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Marekallahall i 74 2 523 389 549 91 399 17 106 67 Udeva 75 57 42 74 65 Pi I leberanahal I i 76 9 10 671 461 643 514 99 38 157 142 Kamanadurga n 178 83 356 245 30 13 244 192 Kallathipura 78 12 9 323 197 350 96 110 2 26 30 Th;gada 79 195 123 286 221 47 35 31 20 Hanchethevaru 80 5 334 161 675 483 112 10 126 138 Tanigebylu 81 244 94 468 182 250 10 90 61 Nandi Battlu 82 4 4 187 121 390 126 288 6 87 119 Tyagadabagi 83 11 13 12 5 24 24 Kenchenahalli 84 106 50 120 92 24 Hosahalli 85 246 135 267 8 236 16 8 Gu II adamane 86 5 3 182 94 168 55 96 32 44 Kenchapura 87 281 167 237 43 151 77 43 Sunnadahall i 88 335 241 311 4 239 63 3 Nandi 89 285 171 291 54 269 6 15 48 Mal I enaha I I i 90 120 69 185 140 160 122 17 16 Hul i thinmapura 91 16 10 17 17 Shankaraghatta 92 Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage Kallahalu 93 117 70 259 26 97 150 25 Gonag; lahtte 94 172 114 207 127 36 68 43 Ballavara 95 60 25 193 104 96 15 4 Gangur 96 15 12 300 208 271 31 130 17 119 11 Amrutapura 97 15 23 602 464 582 137 362 34 119 84 Nerlekere 98 Un-I nhabi ted Village •••••• -••••• --.--- Santhedibbadakaval 99 228 230 197 112 157 109 11 2 Samatala 100


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Cooe No. : 0070

Location Name of ViLLage I TotaLI CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.IIt>er Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in PLantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry HousehoLd Al Lied Industry activities

(III) ( IV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

66 Sidell ipura 67 Gopala 9 5 4 68 Bhavikere 3 17 15 10 69 Ganj i gere 70 Kesarakappa 2 71 LingadahalL i 16 30 21 22 7 17 72 Li ngadaha II i Kava I 2 73 YaradahankLu 74 MarekalLahalli -- ...... ---- .. _--- ..... Un-Inhabi ted ViLlage ...... - .... ----- .... - 75 Udeva 6 13 2 76 PiLLeberanahaLli 74 65 77 Kamanadurga 320 324 9 5 5 78 KaLLathipura 58 36 5 1 79 Thigada 153 55 2 3 1 7 80 Manchethevaru 165 154 10 3 5 81 TanigebyLu 407 330 2 2 82 Nandi Battlu 89 101 2 2 2 2 83 Tyagadabagi 2 5 84 KenchenahalLi 85 Hosaha LL i 1 86 Gulladamane 6 2 87 Kenchapura 4 11 7 88 Sunnadaha 1L i 89 Nandi 2 90 MaLLenahal Li 91 Hulithimmapura 7 92 Shankaraghatta 93 Kallahalu -- ... - .... - ...... -- .. -_ Un-l nhabi ted Village ------94 Gonagi lakatte 5 9S BaLLavera 7S 81 2 96 Gangur 89 80 4 97 AmrutaP!Jra 1 6 98 NerLekere 24 8 5 99 SanthedibbadakavaL ...... _...... - ...... Un-I nhabi ted VilLage ------100 SamataLa 4


Name of C. D. Block : T ARI KERE ; Code No. : 0070

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJIIber Conmerce Storage and Services COIIIIlJnication

(VII) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) 04) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

3 5 187 141 147 Siddl ipura 66 12 2 1 12 229 480 601 Gopala 67 39 8 4 50 5 7 53 707 1138 Bhavikere 68 50 88 Ganj igere 69 3 1 132 170 Kesarakoppa 70 108 11 14 174 36 11 88 1134 2023 Lingadahalli 71 4 2 31 42 Lingadahall i Kaval n 3 73 158 Yaradahanklu 73 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Marekallahall i 74 7 2 17 3 4 163 415 734 Udeva 75 36 53 Pilleberanahalli 76 19 1 5 29 4 17 71 497 541 Kamanadurga n 14 2 2 1 218 275 Kallathipura 78 15 2 5 28 6 16 80 203 343 Thigada 79 12 2 5 11 6 2 153 211 Manchethevaru 80 12 3 5 9 2 11 120 280 337 Tanigebylu 81 10 4 18 8 1 130 314 462 Nandi Battlu 82 2 4 3 48 191 366 Tyagadabagi 83 11 37 Kenchenahalli 84 2 1 22 108 191 Hosahalli 85 3 2 67 194 382 Gu II adamane 86 7 8 11 2 119 197 Kenchapura 87 6 228 364 Sumadaha II i 88 6 209 557 Nandi 89 5 29 202 371 Mal lenahal 1i 90 12 124 131 Hul ithinmapura 91 8 7 7 Shankaraghatta 92 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Kallahalu 93 5 10 168 365 Gonagilakatte 94 14 2 10 2 142 197 Ballavara 95 4 5 100 154 Gangur 96 2 13 3 5 198 385 Amrutapura 97 17 2 3 50 9 362 764 Nerlekere 98 ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Santhedibbadakaval 99 22 2 3 130 245 Samatala 100


Name of C.O. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall Ar~a in No.of No.of Total population Total population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nunber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.1QII entiat population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14)

101 Mi rlenahal It 296.27 49 49 279 139 140 50 24 26 52 48 102 lakshmisagara 118.15 88 88 508 247 261 72 30 42 15 14 103 Ittige 763.43 156 163 941 501 440 168 91 77 256 232 104 Lakkenahall i 151.27 21 21 129 69 60 22 9 13 105 Yerehall i 1218.32 161 161 957 505 452 152 80 72 356 318 106 Ramenahalli 230.49 89 89 491 258 233 99 51 48 152 129 107 Mallenahall i 186.90 33 33 205 103 102 24 17 7

108 Rushipura 117.63 ~------~--- Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ~------109 Hadikere 1474.46 314 324 1721 878 843 238 117 121 142 157 110 Nagenahall i 1273.73 208 208 1111 570 541 165 81 84 175 175

111 MlM'ldanaha II i 598.99 ------~--- Un-Inhabited Village ------~------112 Kt.nt i namadu 1106.16 204 206 1223 591 632 173 93 80 83 90

113 Kodihalli 352.25 ------.---- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------~------

114 abelapure 363.89 ------~--- Un-Inhabi ted Village ------

115 Guddadama II enahe II i Sn.44 -~------Un-I nhabi ted Village ------116 Vittalapura 323.69 100 102 663 330 333 115 68 47 44 46

117 Muddenahalli S.Kaval 43.56 .---~------Un-l nhabi ted Village ------118 Mudenahallikaval 136.07 ------.------Un-Inhabited Village -.------

119 Muddenahall i 91.49 .--~------.--- Un-Inhabited Village --~--.------.- 120 Hosahall i 647.14 186 186 926 476 450 192 95 97 460 440 121 Mudugundi 260.53 48 48 265 139 126 38 20 18 46 37 122 Mec:lihall i 213.67 88 88 444 211 233 69 36 33 42 43 123 Ht.nasaghatta 416.33 446 447 2404 1236 1168 316 145 171 224 179 124 Narasipura 293.84 28 28 133 73 60 17 9 8 4 2 125 V.Chattanahalli 147.07 --.-----.-----.--- Un-Inhabi ted Village -.------126 Makanahalli 491.93 119 119 608 289 319 93 50 43 61 72 127 Basavanahalli 232.51 --.------Un- Inhabi ted Vi Ilage ------128 Shanubhoganahalli 125.62 93 93 574 303 271 70 36 34 71 73 129 Vaderahall i 1n.19 52 59 340 167 173 48 24 24 30 26

130 lCedigenalli 171.94 --~- .. -.- ...... Un-I mabi ted Village _-_----._- ... ---- 131 Kudlur 517.70 554 557 2700 1375 1325 329 171 158 263 240 132 pundanahalli 134.86 46 46 244 130 114 41 22 19 22 20 133 Siddarahall i 121.54 4 4 14 9 5 4 2 2 134 Hunelre 1647.26 244 Z44 1360 681 679 Z04 101 103 260 233 135 Rajanahall i 601.34 32 32 149 85 64 27 18 9


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

ScheduLed Literates TotaL Main N 0 U S T R I A L N~me of ViLLage I Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl..tIber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

76 58 79 50 45 13 2 8 MirLenahalLi 101 174 126 147 55 114 2 13 47 Lakshmisagara 102 86 64 226 115 257 72 173 10 71 58 Ittige 103 43 15 29 29 Lakkenahalli 104 227 119 277 57 199 1 53 49 Yerehal Li 105 77 17 153 129 83 66 67 62 Ramenahal I i 106 68 52 56 10 37 13 10 Mal I enaha I I i 107 -_.--._------Un-Inhabited Vii lage ------Rushipura 108 492 341 501 157 297 2 158 149 Hadikere 109 268 190 334 80 265 18 49 60 Nagenahalli 110 ------Un-Inhabited vii lage ------Mundanaha II i 111 75 63 313 280 347 125 195 42 109 74 Kuntinamadu 112 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Kodihall i 113 ------.-- Un-Inhabi ted Vii lage ._---.------.---- Obalapura 114 --.------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Guddadamallenahalli 115 4 6 203 150 186 2 165 17 2 Vi ttalapura 116 ------.------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Muddenahalli S.Kaval 117 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Mudenahallikaval 118 ------Un· Inhabited Vii lage ------Muddenaha II i 119 138 41 260 33 196 17 37 15 Hosahalli 120 75 47 64 54 1 Mudugundi 121 124 111 123 40 29 90 40 Medihall i 122 20 27 949 647 651 158 366 12 143 128 Hunasaghatta 123 47 28 44 24 35 18 9 6 Narasipura 124 ------Un- I nhabi ted Village ------V.Chattanahall i 125 3 160 119 155 145 78 71 48 43 Makanahall i 126 -.. _---.---.---.-- Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Basavanahalli 127 202 118 188 1 166 Shanubhoganahalli 128 124 96 96 71 14 Vaderahall i 129 -- .. ------Un·lnhabi ted Village -.------Kedigehalli 130 949 679 764 198 410 19 225 161 Kudlur 131 72 21 69 9 47 19 8 Pundanaha II i 132 3 7 2 2 4 2 Siddarahall i 133 2 2 370 220 396 34 244 13 131 18 Huneire 134 18 4 43 23 11 Rajanahall i 135


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village / Total/ CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town / Yard Rural/ NlII1ber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(Ill ) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

101 Mirlenahalli 32 29 102 Lakshmisagara 103 Ittige 104 Lakkenahalli 105 Yerehall i 106 Ramenahalli 107 Mallenahalli 108 Rushipura 109 Hadikere 110 Nagenahalli 111 Mundanahalli 112 Kuntinamadu 113 Kodihall i 114 Obalapura 115 Gucldadamal lenahal I i 116 Vittalapura 117 Muddenahalli S.Kaval 118 Mudenahallikaval 119 Mucldenahall i 120 Hosahall i 121 Mudugundi 122 Medihall i 123 Hunasaghatta 124 Narasipura 125 V.Chattanahalli 126 Makanahalli 127 Basavanahalli 128 Shanubhoganahalli 129 Vaderahalli 130 Kedigehall i 131 Kudlur 132 Pundanahall i 133 Siddarahall i 134 Huneke 135 Rajanahalli CENSUS ABSTRACT

Name of C. D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

W0 R J( E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUlIber COIIIIIerce Storage and Services COIIIIUli cat i on


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2 60 88 Mi rlenahall i 101 3 2 2 13 4 99 205 lakshmisagara 102 10 3 7 113 237 255 Ittige 103 3 40 57 lakkenaha II i 104 3 9 7 71 221 324 Yerehall i 105 3 105 104 Ramenahalli 106 6 47 92 Mal lenahal l i 107

.~------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Rushipura 108 13 2 3 25 4 224 376 462 Hadikere 109 9 6 92 230 369 Nagenahalli 110

------~------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Mundanaha II ; 111 9 16 8 86 243 421 Kunt i namadu 112 ._-_ .. ---_._-----_ Un-Inhabited Village -_._-_._._._._._.- Kodihalli 113 ------Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------Obalapura 114 --_--_._-.------_ Un-lnhabi ted Vi Ilage ------... _- Guddadama II enaha II'i 115 5 66 139 265 Vittalapura 116 ------Un-l nhabi ted Village ------Muddenahalli S.Kaval 117 ------Un-l nhabi ted Village ------Mudenahallikaval 118 ------. Un-Inhabited Village ------Muddenahalli 119 1 4 195 212 222 Hosahall i 120 1 32 75 93 Mudugundi 121 • 2 86 88 107 Medihalli 122 46 9 53 15 362 585 648 Hunasagha tt a 123 5 16 24 20 Narasipura 124 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------V.Chattanahall i 125 2 1 2 6 46 128 128 Makanahall i 126

---~------Un-l nhabi ted Village ------Basavanahalli 127 2 16 50 115 220 Shanubhoganahalli 128 5 63 70 110 Vaderahalli 129 ------Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Kedigehalli 130 24 3 2 71 11 4 64 607 1063 Kudlur 131 16 60 89 Pundanahalli 132 2 3 Siddarahall i 133 3 16 3 2 69 283 576 Mundre 134 2 10 40 54 Rajanahalli 135


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village! Total! Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town / Ward Rural! Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes Nl.IIber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

136 Shivapura 704.58 24 24 97 50 47 12 7 5 27 23 137 Jannapura 131.68 ------Un-Inhabited Village 138 K.Chattanahalli 218.26 144 145 751 366 385 106 53 53 147 160 139 Koranahalli 336.98 165 165 809 418 391 99 55 44 85 79 140 Brahmanahalli 144.19 ------Un-Inhabited Village 141 Siddarahalli 323.66 ------Un-Inhabited Village 142 Bettadavarekere 551.98 156 157 900 458 442 132 64 68 64 65 143 Bommenshalli 207.58 26 26 150 72 78. 34 13 21 13 17 144 soppinahalli 187.00 12 12 66 36 30 6 4 2 145 Sirehal l i 163.76 ----.-.-.-.-.-.-•. Un·lnhabited Village 146 Gollarahalli 149.45 .-..... -.-..• -... - Un· Inhabited Vi llage 147 Savemardikaval 469.60 20 20 95 52 43 13 4 9 45 38 148 Belibasavanahalli 197.59 3 3 22 9 13 149 DoddabOkikere 356.00 93 122 671 311 360 89 41 48 60 59 150 Bokikere 157.96 93 93 562 294 268 93 54 39 14 14 151 K.Gollarahalli 174.19 55 55 324 162 162 62 34 28 152 Kotebasavanahalli 119.78 ------.----- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 153 Ajjampura (RuraL) 529.04 3 3 15 10 5 1 154 Gowrapura 470.94 237 239 1352 706 646 192 97 95 20 11 155 Malenahall i 489.72 101 101 608 282 326 76 31 45 33 25 156 Mal Lenahal li 316.01 65 65 425 209 216 34 16 18 24 25 157 Channapura 511.48 220 220 1268 639 629 201 89 112 91 94 158 Veerapura 208.65 122 122 791 421 370 108 57 51 3 5 159 Somenahall i 230.90 22 22 111 55 56 21 14 7 160 Koratikere 398.90 270 276 1462 725 737 176 85 91 141 138 161 Nagavangala 586.82 224 224 1259 623 636 172 89 83 120 114 162 Baggaval 1i Kaval 414.39 ------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 163 Baggavall i 975.77 305 308 1766 874 892 290 133 157 301 308 164 Gondedahslli 295.05 86 86 432 219 213 47 30 17 165 Soldc.e 426.92 226 236 1291 644 647 190 95 95 128 133 166 Th i IlIII8pura 277.30 91 91 497 249 248 80 43 37 160 146 167 Rangapura 123.08 27 27 149 76 73 16 6 10 168 Kallasettihalli 173.60 57 59 307 167 140 34 19 15 1 169 Karanaghatta 451.11 34 34 164 88 76 20 11 9 3 2 170 Thippa90ndanahalli 413.31 70 70 403 204 199 72 31 41 12 13


Name ofC.D. Block: TARIKERE; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A l Name of Village I location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlJIlber labourers

(1 - IX) (1) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

3 3 31 12 29 15 13 12 5 Shivapura 136 Un-lnhabi ted Village Jannapura 137 259 190 184 76 118 18 49 55 I('Chattanahall i 138 3 4 262 183 267 14 In 70 11 Koranahalli 139 Un-Inhabited Village ------­ Brahmanahalli 140 Un-Inhabited Village ------Siddarahalli 141 37 43 309 187 260 111 145 52 82 50 Bettadavarekere 142 37 28 39 31 27 6 12 25 BOIlIllenaha II i 143 32 23 21 10 11 Soppinahall i 144 Un-Inhabited Village Si rehall i 145 Un-I nhabi ted Village Gollarahall i 146 22 10 27 23 10 4 17 19 Savemardikaval 147 7 7 7 5 2 Belibasavanahalli 148 220 194 1n 3 147 1 18 2 Doddabok i kere 149 134 57 152 29 139 22 4 6 Bokikere 150 89 46 93 27 70 18 13 9 K.Gollarahalli 151

Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------_._--. __ .. _- ~ Kotebasavanahalli 152 9 5 6 3 1 Ajjampura (Rural) 153 3 5 537 433 339 32 125 5 82 20 Gowrapura 154 233 219 195 186 167 163 13 21 Malenahall i 155 9 8 180 155 119 120 101 105 6 15 Mal lenahal l i 156 456 324 350 97 216 21 76 69 Channapura 157 328 202 212 6 186 2 4 Veerapura 158 16 6 32 15 27 7 4 8 Somenahalli 159 511 373 402 111 276 5 61 103 Koratikere 160 3n 257 361 146 217 4 88 135 Nagavangala 161 Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Baggavalli Kaval 162 2 4 545 364 484 278 269 110 159 153 Baggavalli 163 185 169 121 2 92 3 1 Gondedahalli 164 8 5 445 327 361 29 205 9 91 17 Sokke 165 122 89 130 55 83 40 50 Thirrmapura 166 64 42 40 35 1 Rangapura 167 131 72 86 9 62 13 5 Kallasettihall i 168 68 47 52 2 43 5 2 Karanaghatta 169 21 21 132 82 103 8 89 3 10 5 Thippagondanahalli 170


Name of C.O. Block: TARIKERE ; Cod~ No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I lJard Rurall NlJIIber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All ied Industry activities

(III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

136 sh i vapura 137 Jannapura ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ----- .. - .. ------138 K_Chattanahalli 3 3 139 Koranahalli 8 140 Brahmanahalli ------..... __ .... Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------141 Siddarahall i ... _------... - ..... _- Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------142 Bettadavarekere 16 3 143 Bonmenahalli 144 Soppinahall i 145 Sirehalli ...... _- .... __ ..... __ ...... Un-Inhabited Village ------146 Gollarahall i ...... - .... _------Un-Inhabited Village ------147 Savemardikaval 148 Belibasavanahalli 149 Doddabokikere 3 150 Bokikere 4 151 K.Gollarahalli 152 Kotebasavanahalli - ...... --_ ...... _.. _...... Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ...... ~ ...... 153 Ajjampura (Rural) 154 Gowrapura 3 4 155 Malenahalli 156 Mallenahall i 157 Channapura 5 3 7 4 158 Veerapura 15 2 159 Somenahall i 160 Koratikere 6 12 2 161 Nagavangala 15 3 5 162 Baggavalli Kaval ...... _ ..... _---- ..... _- .. Un-Inhabi ted Village ------163 Baggavalli 5 15 3 164 Gondedahall i 6 165 Sokke 6 9 166 Thinmapura 3 3 167 Rangapura 168 Kallasettihalli 8 2 169 Karanaghatta 3 170 Thippagondanahalli 2


Nam~ of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Cod~ No. : 0070

WaR K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village! Location Workers Tow!).! Ward Code Trade apd Transport, Other NlIItler Coomerce Storage and Services COIlIlU'li cat i on


(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

Z 11 21 32 Shivapura 136 ------Un- I nhabi ted Village ------Jannapura 137 6 5 3 35 112 147 197 K.Chattanahall i 138 2 2 6 3 151 377 Koranahall i 139 ------Un-Inhabi ted Vi llage ------Brahmanahall i 140 .------Un-Inhabited Village ------Siddarahalli 141 4 3 13 3 5 197 326 Bettadavarekere 142 33 47 Boomenahalli 143 17 15 13 Soppinahalli 144 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Sirehalli 145 ------Un-I nhabi ted Vi llage ------Gollarahall i 146 -- 25 20 Savemardikaval 147 3 2 10 Belibasavanahalli 148 2 6 2 53 132 30lr Doddabokikere 149 2 2 4 63 138 176 Bokikere 150 10 1 14 68 121 K.Gollarahall i 151 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Kotebasavanahalli 152 1 3 5 Ajjampura (Rural) 153 55 4 32 38 3 5 367 609 Gowrapura 154 14 2 7 87 133 Malenahalli 155 2 10 90 96 Mallenahall i 156 11 2 2 26 5 11 289 521 Chamapura 157 1 3 2 14 209 350 Veerapura 158 1 10 23 31 Somenaha lli 159 8 37 26 322 600 Koratikere 160 15 6 4 14 28 262 462 Nagavangala 161 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Baggavall i l<:aval 162 5 3 28 11 50 197 340 417 Baggavalli 163 20 98 211 Gondedahall i 164 13 2 5 31 26 302 257 316 Sokke 165 3 119 193 Thil11ll8pura 166 3 37 35 36 Rangapura 167 3 2 23 79 108 Kallasettihall i 168 1 36 73 Karanaghatta 169 2 55 100 136 Thippagondanahalli 170


Name ofC.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

location Name of Village I Totall Area in NQ.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House­ (Including in the age group Castes NlIlber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

171 Hannekaval 995.02 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 172 Hanne 584.01 94 99 527 268 259 75 40 35 35 40 173 Gejjegondanahalli 315.94 160 160 853 412 441 89 47 42 91 81 174 Hebbur 598.30 162 162 926 485 441 112 55 57 66 66 175 Katiganere 502.93 187 187 1012 502 510 125 69 56 114 117 176 Tamatadahalli 168.15 23 23 137 58 79 18 7 11 177 Mugal i 747.07 260 260 1478 756 722 228 115 113 ·38 31 178 Asunde 186.94 7 7 13 8 5 4 2 2 179 Gadihall i 713.14 359 364 2169 1105 1064 352 194 158 140 144 180 Siraganahalli 233.41 50 50 368 191 177 51 28 23 4 181 Bandre 377.79 204 204 1156 587 569 138 62 76 30' 23 182 Annapul'a 217.56 51 51 322 157 165 43 19' - -24- 183 Kallapura 200.40 43 43 258 122 136 40 19 21 184 Garagadahalli 820.47 117 117 736 374 362 117 62 55 139 129 185 Boothanahalli 703.00 121 122 700 343 357 124 69 55 34 53 186 Arabala 249.47 84 84 492 251 241 90 44 46 13 22 187 Heggadehall i 379.90 63 63 382 180 202 62 32 30' 56 55 188 Guddadahalli 299.36 55 55 293 157 136 51 25 26 189 Mylanahall i 205.77 26 27 108 52 56 15 4 11 190 Begur 942.39 256 256 1283 622 661 192 95 97 267 268 191 Southanahalli 382.97 72 72 428 220 208 47 24 23 192 Chinnapura 278.52 66 66 403 194 209 50 24 26 193 Mudigere 388.05 170 170 889 461 428 133 77 56 113 102 194 Karehalli 288.13 ------Un-Inhabited Village 195 Sollapur 391.03 257 261 1391 723 668 152 79 73 186 160 196 Kurubarahalli 175.60 26 26 155 77 78 30 14 16 197 Basavapura 80.23 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage 198 Parvatharayanakere Kaval 360.49 26 26 118 65 53 16 10 6 S 4 199 Attimogge 428.99 180 182 792 442 350 83 54 29 6 6 200 Shivane 1153.97 868 870 4570 2358 2212 587 297 290 375 327 201 Shivanekaval 602.63 ------Un-Inhabited Village 202 Tyagadakatte 825.75 189 195 1091 543 548 196 89 107 87 97 203 Cheernanahalli Kaval 56.08 7 7 7 6 204 Giriyapura 305.84 85 85 451 241 210 76 37 39 33 :" 24 205 Ba$avapura 570.21 105 105 550 275 275 86 40 46 67 62


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled Literates Total Main N D U S T R I A L Name of Village / location Tribes Yorkers Town / Yard Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.IIlber labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

Un-Inhabited Village ------Hannekaval 171 211 158 123 34 76 1 20 31 Hanne 172 26 15 335 263 227 21 142 58 17 Gejjegondanahalli 173 290 203 332 97 250 28 64 68 Hebbur 174 357 252 269 198 146 101 87 92 Katiganere 175 45 53 36 29 2 Tamatadahalli 176 469 254 388 146 270 2 70 137 Mugal i 177 6 3 6 1 5 Asunde 178 568 313 608 143 387 63 97 65 Gadihall i 179 137 92 104 3 86 2 7 Siraganahalli 180 6 6 443 328 342 100 187 78 29 18 Bandre 181 122 82 99 4 80 2 3 1 Annapura 182 59 37 71 26 61 11 5 13 Kallapura 183 18 20 181 133 182 51 105 2 50 35 Garagadahall i 184 160 77 185 ·118 129 10 48 107 Boothanahall i 185 90 81 83 37 153 16 95 2 20 12 Arabala 186 45 60 81 58 114 35 71 9 34 25 Heggadehalli 187 79 36 76 22 60 11 18 Guddadahalli 188 33 17 31 8 29 2 7 Mylanahall i 189 14 14 319 228 356 102 260 41 46 55 Begur 190 178 113 126 6 100 3 4 Southanahalli 191 156 119 115 2 97 2 2 Chinnapura 192 273 157 264 67 196 39 38 23 Mudigere 193 Un-Inhabited Village ------Karehalli 194 548 308 375 84 169 20 94 50 Sollapur 195 40 29 42 43 38 40 1 3 Kurubarahalli 196 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Basavapura 197 11 4 54 36 31 8 2 Parvatharayanakere Kaval 198 358 187 237 11 166 34 9 Attimogge 199 9 7 1586 966 1252 452 627 180 342 235 Shivane 200 Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Shivanekaval 201 • 11 14 348 227 303 296 120 1 128 287 Tyagadakatte 202 6 5 1 1 Cheernanahalli Kaval 203 148 97 141 81 104 62 15 14 Giriyapura 204 151 98 154 108 44 13 86 94 Basavapura 205


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070 location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nl.JIlber Urban livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All i ed Industry activities

(" I) (IV) [Veal] [V(b)l (VI)

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

171 Hannekaval .... -..... -----_ ...... - Un-l nhabi ted Vi[ lage --_------_---- 172 Hanne 6 4 173 Gejjegondanahalli 6 174 Hebbur 1 175 Katiganere 2 3 3 3 176 Tamatadahalli 1n Mugal i 2 4 4 178 Asunde 1 179 Gadihall i 21 34 10 5 6 180 Siraganahalli 3 '181 Sandre 4 11 182 Annapura 7 183 Kallapura 3 ~ 184 Garagadahalli • 3 13 11 185 Boothanahalli 1 186 Arabala 22 2 4 187 Heggadehall i 2 2 188 Guddadahall i 189 Mylanahall i 190 Begur 2 3 191 Southanahalli 6 2 192 Chinnapura 2 2 193 Mudigere 8 2 194 Karehall i ..... _-----_ ... _----- un-Inhabited Village ------195 Sollapur 14 6 2 4 5 196 Kurubarahalli 2 197 Basavapura ---- .. -.. _------Un- Inhabi ted Vi llage ------.--- 198 Parvatharayanakere Kaval 29 7 199 Attimogge 3 2 200 Shivane 8 3 17 7 18 2 6

201 Shivanekaval ------Un-I nhabi ted Village ---~------202 Tyagadakatte 15 4 1 2 203 Cheernanahalli Kaval 204 Giriyapura 8 5 2 205 Basavapura 15


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Vlllage I Location Workers Town I Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NUltler Commerce Storage and Services COIlIIlJni cat i on

(VII ) (VIII ) (IX)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

-_._------.------Un-Inhabited Vi llage -_.-. ___ .-. __ . __ -- Hannekaval 171 10 2 4 3 15 144 210 Hanne 1n 19 2 4 99 181 321 Gejjegondanahalli 173 6 11 1 4 153 340 Hebbur 174 4 23 2 2 5 231 307 Katiganere 175 4 1 22 79 Tamatadahall i 176 11 4 5 21 2 3 367 573 Mugal i 177 2 4 Asunde 178 16 42 4 9 370 488 551 Gadihalli 179 4 4 1 56 86 118 Si raganahall i 180 38 4 73 5 245 464 Bandre 181 3 1 6 102 57 59 Annapura 182 1 1 4 61 47 49 Kallapura 183 6 5 2 12 13 180 298 Garagad4halli 184 1 5 101 158 138 Boothanahalli 185 6 3 2 84 96 141 Arabala 186 2 2 2 34 64 133 Heggadehall i 187 2 9 47 n 67 Guddadaha II i 188 19 20 29 Mylanahall i 189 18 2 27 2 52 266 507 Begur 190 2 15 66 94 136 Southanahalli 191 3 9 58 78 149 Chinnapura 192 5 2 12 4 191 196 170 Mudigere 193 ------Un-Inhabi ted Village ------Karehall i 194 27 4 55 7 2 42 346 542 Sollapur 195 35 35 Kurubarahall i 196 ------Un-Inhabited -Vi llage ------Basavapura 197 34 44 Parvatharayanakere Kaval 198 16 1 13 2 1 205 338 Attimogge 199 107 8 9 118 17 13 83 1093 1677 Shivane 200 ------Un-I nhabited Village ------Shivanekaval 201 21 5 13 2 16 240 236 Tyagadakatte 202 Cheernanahalli Kaval 203 4 8 13 99 116 Giriyapura 204 3 5 2 11 119 156 Basavapura 205


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village 1 Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town 1 \.lard Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nt.J1'ber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.k.m ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Block.s

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

206 Beernahalli 749.00 95 95 595 294 301 73 30 43 13 10 ~07 Nandipura 647.64 191 191 1080 S53 527 172 88 84 145 97 208 Banoor 204.26 138 138 760 388 372 119 54 65 51 60 209 Thyarajjanahalli 153.02 24 24 114 5S 59 19 10 9 24 18 210 Veerapura 131.15 1 312 211 ladaga 491.95 285 303 1777 911 866 277 131 146 159 143 212 Anuvanahalli 453.75 177 182 1019 492 527 108 50 58 24 14 213 Sankana Katte m.8S 218 219 1363 673 690 190 99 91 121 140 214 Abbinaholalu 294.78 49 49 329 162 167 37 18 19 1 215 Naranapura 388.58 241 241 1487 726 761 189 91 98 9 216 Hosahalli 124.08 102 102 628 312 316 63 35 28 22 21 217 Javoor 554.44 180 181 1117 573 544 133 68 _65 30 28 218 Hirekanvangala 199.49 160 160 857 429 428 102 54 48 64 83 219 Chikkanvangala 197.59 137 137 701 355 346 91 40 51 30 34 220 Oanayakapura 60.19 90 90 556 287 269 66 35 31 55 47 221 Koppadahalli 101.55 66 66 357 195 162 73 38 35 222 Kanabagatte 292.06 162 162 910 462 448 152 83 69 78 62 223 Thimmapura 504.96 60 60 335 160 175 38 22 16 38 46 224 Jaldihalli 463.18 124 126 677 339 338 95 53 42 43 47 225 Siddapura 85.95 51 63 348 172 176 65 32 33 3 7 226 GundasallJJdra 182.17 ------.---.------Un-Inhabited Village 227 lakshmisagara 105.69 ------.-.-.-•• --- Un-Inhabited Village 228 Siragalipura 355.33 58 61 322 165 157 50 22 28 45 29 229 Kenchapura 458.84 110 110 601 314 287 99 46 53 188 157 230 Boodi guppe 106.77 .------.-----.-.-- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 231 Attigatta 195.34 58 58 328 166 162 59 29 30 9 7 232 Makanahall i 161.51 .-.------.-- Un-Inhabited Vi llage 233 Billahalli 244.49 90 90 619 326 293 145 83 62 17 12 234 Nagabovanahalli 176.14 53 53 342 172 170 41 24 17 13 7 235 Jodijayapura 197.80 ------.---. Un-Inhabited Village ---.-.------236 Bukkantlucli 858.52 549 550 2715 1359 1356 383 194 189 191 205 237 Masanekerekaval 378.00 --••• -.-.------.-- Un'lnhabited Vi llage 238 Beernaha II i 446.60 237 237 1211 595 616 128 68 60 71 81 239 Nagenahall i 117.35 39 39 249 124 125 43 26 17 240 Karehall i 200.28 151 151 934 477 457 170 83 87 166 152


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled Literates Total Main IN D U'S T R I A L Name of Village I Location TrIbes lJorkers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nudler Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(M) Cf) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (1)

195 129 171 72 150 24 13 48 Beernahalli 206 223 103 317 139 272 1 30 136 Nandipura 207 272 170 201 123 114 58 37 58 Banoor 208 5 11 25 8 36 34 21 14 15 20 Thyarajjanahall i 209 1 Veerapura 210 5 3 520 2n 527 108 338 36 127 67 Tadaga 211 363 282 235 42 151 7 44 30 Anuvanahalli 212 435 306 389 7 293 3 75 2 Bankana Katte 213 133 103 102 3 87 2 Abbinaholalu 214 5 8 501 376 412 54 321 17 48 Naranapura 215 1 235 196 174 16 149 15 13 Hosahall i 216 405 253 338 10 216 74 7 Javoor 217 295 222 243 46 166 31 43 Hirekanvangala 218 20 17 211 141 205 38 128 46 24 Chikkanvangala 219 232 168 176 34 127 45 33 Danayakapura 220 2 3 92 59 111 7 43 60 7 Koppadaha II i 221 2 315 323 287 204 253 2 22 201 Kanabagatte 222 115 93 96 1 82 13 1 Thinmapura 223 253 189 212 20 178 32 20 Jaldihalli 224 92 50 106 2 65 41 2 Siddapura 225 Un-Inhabi ted Village Gundasanudra 226 Un-Inhabi ted Village Lakshmisagara 227 20 18 94 59 116 28 86 24 13 4 Si ragal ipura 228 149 83 194 3 181 1 1 1 Kenchapura 229 Un-Inhabited Vi llage Boodiguppe 230 9 7 92 29 95 25 73 4 18 20 Attigatta 231 Un- I nhabi ted Vi llage Makanahalli 232 114 63 154 27 75 2 56 25 Bi llahall i 233 136 111 101 68 66 17 ~ 51 NagabovanahaU i 234 Un-I nhabi ted Village ------Jodi jayapura 235 12 12 874 681 757 216 227 8 293 162 BukkanbJdi 236 Un-Inhabited Village ------Masanekerekaval 237 42 41 452 310 378 141 278 67 63 69 Beernahatt i 238 7 7 86 81 63 61 57 51 5 10 Nagenahalli 239 10 9 246 115 298 265 215 198 69 66 Karehalli 240


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village! Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Town! Ward Rural/ NlIlIber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(I II) ( IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

206 Beernahalli ~07 Nandipura 208 Banoor 13 2 209 Thyarajjanahalli 210 Veerapura 211 Tadaga 11 9 2 212 Anuvanahalli 4 213 Bankana Katte 1 214 Abbinaholalu 8 215 Naranapura 21 2 7 216 Hosahall i 217 Javoor 13 1 5 218 Hirekanvangala 5 6 3 2 219 Chikkanvangala 14 10 220 Danayakapura 1 221 Koppadahalli 222 Kanabagatte 4 223 Th i IIIlI8pura 224 Jaldihalli 225 Siddapura 226 GUndasamudra ... ---_--- ...... -_ .. -- Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------.. ---.--- 227 lakshmisagara --_ .. _------un-Inhabited Vi llage ------228Siragalipura 7 2 229 Kenchapura 6 230 Boodi guppe ...... _...... - .... -- Un-Inhabited Vi lIage ----- .. ------_ .. - 231 Attigatta 2 1 232 Makanahalli ----_ .... _--_ ... _-- .. Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------233 Billahalli 234 Nagabovanahalli 7 6 235 Jodijayapura .... -- ...... _-- .. -_ .. _ Un-Inhabi ted village ----- .. ------.. 236 Bukkanbudi 13 37 28 9 3 237 Masanekerekaval __ .. ---- .. ------Un- Inhabi ted Village ------.. ---_ .. _-- 238 Beernahalli 5 2 239 Nagenahalli 240 Karehalli 3


Name of C.D. Block: T ARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

IJ 0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Village / Location Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other Nl.Illber COfIll1erce Storage and Services COIlIWnication


(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

6 123 229 Beernahalli 206 10 4 4 96 232 292 Nandipura 207 13 21 4 2 3 185 246 Banoor 208 19 25 Thyarajjanahalli 209 1 Veerapura 210 6 2 33 2 4 209 380 549 Tadaga 211 6 28 4 19 202 238 283 Anuvanahalli 212 1 19 2 1 422 283 261 Bankana Katte 213 6 1 107 60 57 Abbinaholalu 214 4 41 4 3 111 311 596 Naranapura 215 2 2 2 6 2 136 300 Hosahall i 216 5 23 2 135 233 399 Javoor 217 15 2 15 186 381 Hirekanvangala 218 9 7 3 150 308 Chikkanvangala 219 2 1 110 235 Danayakapura 220 5 2 2 18 82 137 Koppadaha II i 221 8 11 84 164 160 Kanabagatte 222 1 64 174 Thimnapura 223 2 127 318 Jaldihalli 224 66 174 Siddapura 225

------Una} nhabi ted Vi lLage ------.------~-- Gundasanulra 226 ------Un-Inhabited Vi l Lage ------Lakshmi sagara 227 4 3 3 63 46 66 Siragal ipura 228 2 3 2 120 282 Kenchapura 229 ------Un-Inhabited Village ------Boodiguppe 230 71 137 Attigatta 231 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Makanahalli 232 15 7 21 172 245 Billahall i 233 3 10 71 102 Nagabovanahalli 234 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Jodijayapura 235 63 10 1 102 15 34 602 1106 Bukkambudi 236 ------Un-Inhabited Vi llage ------Masanekerekaval 237 5 2 24 3 4 233 213 242 Beernahall i 238 1 61 64 Nagenahalli 239 7 4 179 192 Karehall i 240


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall Area in No.of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Town I Ward Rurall Hectares Occu- House- (Including in the age group Castes Nlilber Urban for vil- pied Holds Institutional & (0 - 6) lages & Resid­ Houseless in sq.km ential population) for Houses towns and C.D.Blocks

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ( 13) ( 14)

241 Haralahall i 516.59 96 122 645 320 375 93 49 44 20 13 242 Kallenahall i 588.25 209 209 1179 588 591 195 111 84 12 5 243 Bhaktana Katte 457.93 206 212 1009 525 484 135 78 57 221 207 244 Rangapur8 664.32 113 113 605 320 285 82 47 35 49 44 245 Gijikatte 328.13 55 55 292 151 141 37 21 16 246 Dandoor 456.32 194 203 1163 600 563 157 80 77 140 129 247 Baramana~alli 226.21 8 8 61 33 28 12 7 5 33 28 248 Hariyana~alli 272.48 58 58 335 171 164 45 25 20

C.D_ Block Total Rural 1219.09 31921 32513 170896 86864 84032 25728 13126 12602 20282 19477


1 AjjaqxJr (MP) 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568 521 477

C.D. Block Total Urban 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656-' 568 521 477


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Scheduled Literates Total Main I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of Village / Location Tribes Workers Town I Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NlJIlber Labourers

(I • IX) (I) ( II)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(15) ( 16) (17) ( 18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2) (1)

227 170 196 155 178 133 11 18 Haralahalli 241 373 331 318 177 215 37 48 134 Kallenahall i 242 237 119 310 168 190 54 100 109 Bhaktana Katte 243 175 87 189 91 177 84 6 6 Rangapura 244 58 33 78 2 73 1 Gijikatte 245 75 63 387 254 366 123 218 19 119 99 Dandoor 246 10 17 16 l Baramanahalli 247 132 94 97 5 85 4 5 Hariyanahall i 248

1388 1287 50128 33602 49411 18110 27001 3931 B438 11561 C.D. Block Total Rural


140 139 2966 2231 2271 408 515 14 381 252 AjjaqlUr (MP)

140 139 2966 2231 2271 408 515 14 381 252 C.O. Block Total Urban


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

Location Name of Village I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o f MA I N Code Town I Ward Rurall Nunber Urban Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting and Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry activities

(III ) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) eM) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

241 Haralahall i 242 Kallenahall i 10 2 243 Bhaktana Katte 9 2 244 Rangapura 2 245 Gijikatte 246 Dandoor 2 3 247 Bararnanahalli 248 Hariyanahalli 2

C.D. Block Total Rural 1996 1276 199 83 805 417 718 73 285 19


1 Ajj~r (MP) 43 5 85 29 114 16 207

C.D. Block Total Urban 43 5 85 29 114 16 207


Name of C.D. Block: TARIKERE ; Code No. : 0070

\J aRK E R S Marginal Non·Workers Name of Village / Locat i on Workers Town / Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other NlJl1ber Comnerce Storage and Services COIlIlUni cat i on

(VII) (VIII) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (2) (1)

2 1 4 3 11 124 159 Haralahalli 241 24 3 3 17 1 8 270 406 Kal lenahal I i 242 5 5 3 4 215 312 Bhaktana Katte 243 3 1 131 194 Rangapura 244 2 3 73 139 Gijikatte 245 5 18 5 234 440 Dandoor 246 17 16 11 Baramanahall i 247 5 101 74 58 Hariyanahall i 248

1851 2n 316 7 2802 466 536 8479 36917 57443 C.D. Block Total Rural


451 34 84 391 57 5 2214 3860 Ajja~r (MP)

451 34 84 391 57 5 2214 3860 C.D. Block Total Urban




Sl.No. Name of the Town 1991 Census 1981 Census

Location Location Location Location Code Code Code Code (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Aiiampur 1117/1 11/07/100000 9/6/1 09/06/1000

2 Birur 1117/11 11/07/101000 9/6/11 09/06/1010

3 Chikmagalur 11/7/I1I 11/07/102000 9/6/111 09/06/1020

4 Kadur l1/7/IV 11/07/103000 9/6/1V 09/06/1030

5 Koppa 1117/V 11/07/104000 9/6/V 09/06/1040 6 Kudrcmukh* 1117/VI 11/07/105000 9/6/VI 09/06/1050

7 Mudigere 1117/VII 11/07/106000 9/6/VII 09/06/1060

8 Narasimharajapura 11/7/VIlI 11/07/107000 9/6/VIII 09/06/1070

9 Sringeri ll/7/1X 11/07/108000 9/6/1 X 09/06/1080

10 Tarikere 11/7/X 11/07/109000 9/6/X 09/06/1090

* In 1981, known as Kudremukh Mines Area (SA).


Location Name of Town! Area in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup· House· ( Including in the age group Castes Number ied Holds Institutional (0 . 6) Reside· and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (H) (f) (P) eM) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

100000 AJJAHPUR (HP) 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568 521 477

101000 BIRUR (THC) 1.91 3677 3763 20095 10153 9942 2835 1415 1420 1728 1702

Division 1 945 955 5262 2669 2593 838 420 418 953 925 Division 2 710 729 4043 2022 2021 464 223 241 23 39 Division 3 757 785 4347 2219 2128 599 312 287 215 202 Division 4 517 542 2644 1347 1297 422 207 215 352 353 Division 5 748 752 3799 1896 1903 512 253 259 185 183

102000 CHIKHAGALUR (CHC) 9.32 11875 12101 60816 31460 29356 8517 4333 4184 3592 3476

Divisiqn 1 1627 1650 8234 4166 4068 1031 498 533 615 590 Division 2 1521 1538 7688 3912 3776 1020 553 467 768 641 Division 3 1627 1657 8880 4554 4326 1248 630 618 803 864 Division 4 1781 1784 9751 5081 4670 1538 731 807 301 279 Division 5 1694 1774 9327 4899 4428 1490 793 697 744 740 Division 6 1713 1727 7818 4129 3689 1011 506 505 154 168 Division 7 1912 1971 9118 4719 4399 1179 622 557' 207 194

103000 KADUR (THC) 10.34 4619 4745 25391 13128 12263 3877 1988 1889 2162 2037

Division 1 891 900 4740 2444 2296 654 306 348 70 50 Division 2 1297 1347 7214 3676 3538 1249 654 595 744 700 Division 3 1007 1031 5244 2787 2457 845 452 393 1066 976 Division 4 691 697 3970 2050 1920 523 265 258 226 269 Division 5 733 770 4223 2171 2052 606 311 295 56 42

104000 KOPPA (HP) 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349 144 165

Division 1 225 225 1117 554 563 138 68 70 40 43 Division 2 173 175 792 369 423 89 38 51 10 10 Division 3 144 146 650 326 324 99 47 52 33 38 Division 4 114 114 592 315 277 73 38 35 3 2 Division 5 226 244 1242 632 610 174 78 96 36 46 Division 6 113 113 629 318 311 89 44 45 22 26


Scheduled Literates Total Hain I ~ D U S T R I A L Name of Town I Location Tribes Workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural Nl.Ii1ber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(H) (F) (Jo4) (F) (H) (F) (H) (F) eH) (F)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1 )

140 139 2966 2231 2271 408 515 14 381 252 AJJAHPUR (HP) 100000

44 37 6653 5117 5241 1421 984 63 1387 862 BIRUR (THC) 101000

1537 1172 1379 418 389 32 477 317 Division 1 2 1478 1180 1032 241 232 10 194 103 Division 2 10 6 1540 1233 1180 338 147 6 365 217 Division 3 15 11 868 624 646 126 31 2 110 59 Division 4 19 18 1230 908 1004 298 185 13 241 166 Division 5

273 245 24108 19907 15848 3205 925 121 386 340 CHIKHAGALUR (CHC) 102000

21 20 3423 28n 2107 416 372 39 184 99 Division 1 60 58 3114 2711 1923 449 93 4 36 12 Division 2 20 19 3443 2888 2284 474 34 3 10 6 Division 3 97 79 3743 3022 2611 339 17 4 3 Division 4 16 18 3201 2451 2510 587 252 66 140 212 Division 5 35 Z9 3457 2771 2006 408 70 5 10 6 Division 6 24 22 3727 3187 2407 482 87 4 2 2 Division 7

61 51 8549 6535 6957 1218 1084 214 681 335 KADUR (THC) 103000

15 17 1848 1445 1260 281 327 132 81 24 Division 1 20 15 2078 1601 1962 348 274 26 118 78 Division 2 13 & 1635 1150 1431 237 71 7 183 80 Division 3 6 6 1564 1240 1095 138 96 1 116 42 Division 4 7 5 1424 1099 1209 214 316 48 183 111 Division 5

13 9 2080 1856 1302 280 52 11 44 42 KOPPA (HP) 104000

467 412 245 58 10 6 14 4 Division 1 311 317 176 61 15 1 4 2 Division 2 7 3 259 211 182 60 11 17 19 Division 3 270 228 193 17 1 Division 4 5 5 499 443 342 58 14 3 6 12 Division 5 274 245 164 26 2 2 5 Division 6


location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Ward Nl.II1ber Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repairs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household All i eel Industry Activities

(III) (IV) [V(a)] [V(b)] (VI)

(1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (1'1) (F) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) 43 5 85 29 114 16 207

101000 BIRUR (TMC) 135 87 5 3 105 42 387 36 120 4

Division 1 10 19 1 72 2 21 Division 2 28 65 6 4$ 1 12 Division 3 19 2 11 4 81 22 28 2 Division 4 10 15 5 127 3 16 Division 5 68 20 3 2 54 32 62 8 43 2

102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 450 92 65 32 132 68 2286 271 972 225

Divi~on 1 61 6 3 14 6 164 - - 14 27 Division 2 44 ·6 33 11 18 8 217 32 178 25 Division 3 36 4 2 39 14 330 16 168 56 Division 4 95 37 12 13 36 19 555 67 168 18 Division 5 40 19 6 5 5 8 356 45 180 68 Division 6 92 4 7 5 7 309 --35 97 8 Division 7 82 16 2 2 15 6 355 62 154 50

103000 KADUR (TMC) 213 16 201 33 93 40 835 64 435 65

Division 1 28 6 14 7 131 13 40 4 Division 2 81 6 21 16 33 21 281 24 230 48 Division 3 49 3 159 16 8 6 169 14 93 11 Division 4 19 10 1 23 6 132 5 39 1 Division 5 36 11 15 122 8 33

104000 KOPPA (MP) 62 5 4 4 127 13 29 4

Division 1 23 3 2 28 8 5 Division 2 9 11 2 Division 3 9 2 19 1 3 Division 4 7 16 3 2 Division 5 6 45 13 4 Division 6 8 3 8 4


W0 R K E R S Marginal Non-Workers Name of Town I Location Workers Ward Code Trade and Transport, Other N~r Coomerce Storage and Services COIlIIlUnication

(VII) (VI II) ( IX)

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

451 34 84 391 57 5 2214 3860 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

897 94 454 3 767 227 30 158 4882 8363 BIRUR (TMC) 101000

155 16 51 184 50 9 103 1281 2072 Division 1 292 21 67 155 39 1 2 989 1778 Division 2 292 28 85 152 57 4 36 1035 1754 Division 3 49 14 183 105 43 '700 1170 Division 4 109 15 68 2 171 38 15 16 877 1589 Division 5

4906 336 1490 58 4236 1662 110 128 15502 26023 CHIKMAGALUR (eMC) 102000

301 25 92 9 889 218 6 11 2053 3641 Division 1 535 41 209 23 560 287 6 1989 3321 Division 2 874 60 191 3 600 311 7 19 2263 3833 Division 3 1016 49 333 2 375 181 24 42 2446 4239 Division 4 786 54 284 7 461 103 26 18 2363 3823 Division 5 609 48 224 7 583 288 44 26 2079 3255 Division 6 785 59 157 7 768 274 3 6 2309 3911 Division 7

1681 123 526 15 1208 313 119 401 6052 10644 KADUR (TMC) 103000

306 20 91 4 242 71 34 47 1150 1968 Division 1 421 53 245 4 258 72 34 94 1680 3096 Division 2 321 21 61 7 317 72 10 45 1346 2175 Division 3 391 16 74 195 66 31 112 924 1670 Division 4 242 13 55 196 32 10 103 952 1735 Division 5

501 37 134 13 J49 151 64 1212 2164 KOPPA (MP) 104000

63 5 47 1 55 29 309 505 Division 1 • 49 2 15 4 71 51 193 362 Division 2 48 9 21 5 54 23 144 264 Division 3 107 4 16 44 10 122 260 Division 4 157 10 25 3 75 25 290 551 Division 5 n 7 10 50 13 63 154 222 Division 6


Location Name of Townl Area in No. of No.of Total population Total Population Scheduled Code Ward Sq. Km.s Occup' House- ( Including in the age group Castes Nl.JIber ied Holds Institutional (0 - 6) Reside­ and Houseless ntial Population) Houses

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) ,,0) (11) (12) (13)

105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 45.43 2146 2175 7792 4243 3549 1391 729 662 501 412

Sector 1 598 606 2163 1193 970 410 214 196 152 123 Sector 2 573 584 2128 1119 1009 341 186 155 67 52 Sector 3 552 561 1843 1036 807 317 161 156 137 98 Sector 4 211 211 783 412 371 145 76 69 108 101 Sector 5 175 176 681 362 319 148 76 72 27 29 Sector 6 37 37 194 121 73 30 16 14 10 9

106000 MUOIGERE (HP) 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565 411 287

Division 1 859 861 3890 1953 1937 552 259 293 144 114 Division 2 347 347 1554 825 729 238 112 126 70 92 Division 3 491 497 2509 1393 1116 317 171 146 197 81

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 1.72 1340 1341 6524 337B 3146 855 435 420 503 415

Division 1 259 259 1355 699 656 199 86 113 88 76 Division 2 223 223 1127 575 552 169 88 81 134 104 Division 3 256 257 1265 67B 587 141 77 64 34 28 Division 4 255 255 1199 613 586 130 74 56 187 167 Division 5 347 347 1578 813 765 216 110 106 60 40

108000 SRINGERI (MP) 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231 132 132

Division 1 289 294 1293 656 637 137 69 68 23 31 Division 2 267 271 1139 586 553 116 61 55 7 6 Division 3 392 406 1714 836 878 209 101 108 102 95

109000 TARIKERE (TMC) 2.28 4437 4656 25364 13051 12313 3396 1773 1623 1027 852

Division 1 B08 871 4706 2495 2211 707 354 353 382 304 Division 2 811 812 4327 2190 2137 515 242 273 33 32 Division 3 1180 1195 6732 3459 3273 921 469 452 24B 229 Division 4 553 646 3559 1814 1745 509 285 224 34 34 Division 5 1085 1132 6040 3093 2947 744 423 321 330 253


Scheduled Literates Total Main I N D U S T R I A L Name of Town I Location Tribes Workers Ward Code Cultivators Agricultural NLlllber Labourers

(I - IX) (I) (II )

(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F)

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2) (1)

74 64 3210 2307 2532 312 2 15 3 KUOREMUKH (NAC) 105000

15 11 774 485 739 133 2 Sector 1 21 22 910 778 639 107 5 Sector 2 16 13 830 558 647 40 9 3 Sector 3 10 5 317 231 228 10 Sector 4 12 13 281 212 198 12 Sector 5 98 43 81 10 Sector 6

87 69 3285 2548 2230 405 91 21 13 3 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

52 40 1504 1262 1020 238 37 10 8 2 Division 1 21 23 632 441 499 51 15 2 3 Division 2 14 6 1149 845 711 116 39 9 2 Division 3

104 101 2549 2094 1708 268 167 3 248 129 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (~P) 107000

504 388 359 55 34 66 40 Division 1 92 91 401 319 263 38 19 2 28 14 Division 2 7 6 564 451 376 41 52 23 14 Division 3 2 477 422 295 62 49 55 33 Division 4 3 2 603 514 415 72 13 76 28 Division 5

10 12 1707 1568 1106 262 58 4 79 66 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

2 2 522 471 361 61 19 6 4 Division 1 5 9 512 466 277 62 8 2 3 2 Division 2 3 673 631 468 139 31 70 60 Division 3

229 219 9494 7190 6965 1261 1212 57 1559 718 TARIKERE (TMe) 109000

58 50 1784 1242 1320 187 113 2 246 100 Division 1 2 4 1839 1595 1150 114 119 8 65 13 Division 2 52 53 2417 1752 1942 323 314 16 570 179 Division 3 107 108 1232 8n 975 250 245 3 282 165 Division 4 10 4 2222 1729 1578 387 421 28 396 261 Division 5


location Name of Town I CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N Code Ward NlJlber livestock., Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, construction Forestry, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Fishing, Servicing and Servicing and Hunting & Repairs in Repai rs in Plantation, Household Other than Orchards & Industry Household Allied Industry Activities

(l1I) (lV) [Veal] [V(b)] (VI)

(M) (F) (M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)

105000 KUOREMUKH (NAC) 51 16 1662 83 7 6 82 3 102 32

Sector 1 26 13 457 41 2 4 36 2 60 25 Sector 2 17 469 32 4 18 12 2 Sector 3 2 530 9 15 1 Sector 4 173 6 Sector 5 2 17 2 2 2 Sector 6 4 2 16 20 13 4

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) 97 3S 2 26 10 211 3S 140 17

Division 1 39 22 2 19 9 11S 23 77 13 Division 2 23 3 6 38 5 24 4 Division 3 35 10 1 58 7 39

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 66 3 47 11 109 3 60

Division 1 13 26 ~ 1 22 Division 2 9 36 11 22 13 Division 3 17 1 14 12 Division 4 8 2 6 18 3 Division 5 19 3 29 2 10

108000 SRINGERI (MP) 43 6 3 3 3 84 35 57 9

Division 1 12 3 31 11 20 3 Division 2 14 3 2 12 1 6 4 Division 3 17 2 2 41 23 31 2

109000 TARIKERE (TMC) 173 47 7 211 45 449 12 133 4

Division 1 12 2 5 102 23 95 2 65 3 Division 2 14 3 59 15 113 1 13 Division 3 58 26 2 16 3 113 6 15 Division 4 54 13 15 1 51 3 10 Division 5 35 3 19 3 77 30


\I aRK E R S Marginal Non-\lorkers Name of Town I location \lorkers Yard Code Trade and Transport, Other NlI!ber Coomerce Storage and Services CMlllUnication


(M) (f) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (2) (1)

128 16 26 7 457 146 16 25 1695 3212 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000

26 3 4 125 44 2 7 452 830 Sector 1 34 5 11 1 69 65 14 16 466 886 Sector 2 20 5 3 3 68 19 389 767 Sector 3 12 37 10 184 361 Sector 4 24 8 142 8 2 164 305 Sector 5 12 3 16 40 63 Sector 6

774 25 139 7 737 252 4 1940 3373 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

277 16 85 2 361 141 3 932 1696 Division 1 242 3 19 129 33 326 677 Division 2 • 255 6 35 5 247 78 682 1000 Division 3

412 16 95 3 503 99 2 10 1668 2868 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000

101 3 21 2 74 8 2 10 338 591 Division 1 46 25 65 10 312 514 Division 2 123 6 17 117 21 302 546 Division 3 27 4 125 27 318 524 Division 4 115 6 28 122 33 398 693 Division 5

333 25 66 380 113 9 18 963 1788 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

163 9 19 87 31 4 2 291 574 Division 1 61 8 18 153 42 309 491 Division 2 109 8 29 140 40 5 16 363 723 Division 3

1503 90 169 5 1549 282 32 282 6054 10770 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000

341 13 45 296 42 6 57 1169 1967 Division 1 377 11 31 359 62 2 5 T038 2018 Division 2 450 24 49 355 68 6 101 1511 2849 Division 3 161 29 22 135 35 10 52 829 1443 Division 4 174 13 22 4 404 75 8 67 1507 2493 Division 5



Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rurall House­ in the age group Nunber City I Town urban holds (0 - 6) with SC members

CP) (M) (F) CP) (M) CF)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 40274 195852 99513 96339 33925 17086 16839 , R 36353 175176 88792 86384 30432 15340 15092 U 3921 20676 10721 9955 3493 1746 1747

A. C.D.Block's Total T 36973 178363 90503 87860 30930 15601 15329 R 36353 175176 88792 86384 30432 15340 15092 U 620 3187 1711 1476 498 261 237

CHIKNAGALUR C.D.Block T 8925 44276 22329 21947 7952 4031 3921 R 8925 44276 22329 21947 7952 4031 3921 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 8031 40075 20499 19576 6932 3459 3473 R 8031 40075 20499 19576 6932 3459 3473 U

3 KOPPA C.O.Bloclc T 2977 13650 6951 6699 2119 1070 1049 R 2912 13341 6807 6534 2077 1055 1022 U 65 309 144 165 42 15 27

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 65 309 144 165 42 15 27

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 6070 27724 13979 13745 4843 2423 2420 R 5917 27026 13568 13458 4741 2368 2373 U 133 698 411 287 102 55 47

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 133 698 411 287 102 55 47

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block T 1757 8347 4179 4168 1226 624 602 R 1574 7429 3676 3753 1102 554 548 U 183 918 503 415 124 70 54

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 183 918 503 415 124 70 54


Literates Total Hain ~orkers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District / Location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Cultivators City / Town Number

I to IX ) (I)

(P) (14) (f) (P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(11) (12) (13) ( 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

56946 37391 19555 91606 56065 35541 18120 14825 3295 CHIKHAGALUR District 46789 31255 15534 84880 51071 33809 17596 14359 3237 10157 6136 4021 6726 4994 1732 524 466 58

48416 32271 16145 85945 51835 34110 17642 14403 3239 C.D.Block's Total A. 46789 31255 15534 84880 51071 33809 17596 14359 3237 1627 1016 611 1065 764 301 46 44 2

11577 7677 3900 21590 12470 9120 3704 2921 783 CHIKHAGALUR C.D.Block 11577 7677 3900 21590 12470 9120 3704 2921 783

10874 7442 3432 17507 11802 5705 7403 6100 1303 KADUR C.D.Block 2 10874 7442 3432 17507 11802 5705 7403 6100 1303

4446 2801 1645 7465 4097 3368 419 306 113 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 4263 2702 1561 7353 4017 3336 418 306 112 183 99 84 112 80 32 1

183 99 84 112 80 32 KOPPA (HP) 104000

6330 4297 2033 15093 8133 6960 981 692 289 HUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 5879 3999 1880 14906 7994 6912 979 690 289 451 298 153 187 139 48 2 2

451 298 153 187 139 48 2 2 HUDIGERE (HP) 106000

2695 1652 1043 4302 2452 1850 490 376 114 NARASIHHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 2161 1323 838 4003 2232 1771 456 342 114 534 329 205 299 220 79 34 34

534 329 205 299 220 79 34 34 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000


Location Name of District / Total/ CATEGOR E S o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural/ Nl.Il1ber City / Town Urban Agricultural Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities ( II) (III) (IV)

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 39808 21463 18345 23652 11977 11675 1143 862 281 R 37839 20314 17525 23508 11868 11640 685 478 207 U 1969 1149 820 144 109 35 458 384 74

A. C.D.Block's Total T 38321 20605 17716 23548 11900 11648 687 479 208 R 37839 20314 17525 23508 11868 11640 685 478 207 U 482 291 191 40 32 8 2 1

CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block T 6428 3461 2967 10380 5190 5190 19 14 5 R 6428 3461 2967 10380 5190 5190 19 14 5 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 8099 4166 3933 330 282 48 370 290 80 R 8099 4166 3933 330 282 48 370 290 80 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 4244 2228 2016 2172 1080 1092 32 19 13 R 4215 2213 2002 2165 1073 1092 32 19 13 U 29 15 14 7 7

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 29 15 14 7 7

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 4782 2604 2178 8449 4176 4273 13 10 3 R 4781 2604 2177 8430 4164 4266 13 10 3 U 19 12 7

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 19 12 7

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block T 2461 1312 1149 1009 501 508 48 25 23 R 2289 1207 1082 999 491 508 48 25 23 U 172 105 67 10 10

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 172 105 67 10 10


I N D U S T R I A l CATEGORI E S Name of District / location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town NLllber Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry (V(a)} (V(b)} {VI}

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

1031 595 436 1100 913 187 1598 1222 376 CHIKMAGAlUR District 926 517 409 739 598 141 736 568 168 105 78 27 361 315 46 862 654 208

975 555 420 769 624 145 777 600 177 C.D.Block's Total A. 926 517 409 739 598 141 736 568 168 49 38 11 30 26 4 41 32 9

38 29 9 152 132 20 197 128 69 CHIKMAGAlUR C.D.Block 38 29 9 152 132 20 197 128 69

373 172 201 230 214 16 91 74 17 KADUR C.D.Block 2 373 172 201 230 214 16 91 74 17

35 23 12 13 13 151 119 32 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 35 23 12 7 7 144 115 29 6 6 7 4 3

6 6 7 4 3 KOPPA (MP) 104000

30 23 7 137 88 49 151 120 31 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 15 13 2 128 82 46 141 112 29 15 10 5 9 6 3 10 8 2

15 10 5 9 6 3 10 8 2 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

10 6 4 23 22 40 31 9 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 10 6 4 18 17 36 27 9 5 5 4 4



Location Name of District / Total / 0 F 14 A I N W 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural / Number City / Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & COIIIIIlIlications

(VII) (Vlll) (lX)

(P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (f)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 851 728 123 497 477 20 3806 3003 803 R 479 411 68 196 187 9 2176 1771 405 U 372 317 55 301 290 11 1630 1232 398

A. C.D.Block's Total T 529 458 71 219 210 9 2478 2001 477 R 479 411 68 196 187 9 2176 1771 405 U 50 47 3 23 23 302 230 72

CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block T 73 67 6 49 48 550 480 70 R 73 67 6 49 48 550 480 70 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 147 120 27 48 41 7 416 343 73 R 147 120 27 48 41 7 416 343 73 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 58 55 3 25 25 316 229 87 R 44 41 3 20 20 273 200 73 U 14 14 5 5 43 29 14

104000 KOPPA (HP) U 14 14 5 5 43 29 14

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 46 43 3 24 24 480 353 127 R 40 37 3 22 22 357 260 97 U 6 6 2 2 123 93 30

106000 MUDIGERE (HP) U 6 6 2 2 123 93 30

5 NARASIHHARAJAPURA C.D.Block T 30 26 4 15 15 176 138 38 R 23 19 4 11 11 113 87 26 U 7 7 4 4 63 51 12

107000 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (HP) U 7 7 4 4 63 51 12


Marginal Workers Non· Workers Name of District I location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town NlIlIber

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

7685 731 6954 96561 42717 53844 CHIKMAGAlUR District 7371 702 6669 82925 37019 45906 314 29 285 13636 5698 7938

7380 702 6678 85038 37966 47072 C.D.Block's Total A. 7371 702 6669 82925 37019 45906 9

899 91 808 21787 9768 12019 CHIKHAGAlUR C.D.Block 899 91 808 21787 9768 12019

3366 240 3126 19202 8457 10745 KADUR C.D.Block 2 3366 240 3126 19202 8457 10745

200 33 167 5985 2821 3164 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 194 33 161 5794 2757 3037 6 6 191 64 127

6 6 191 64 127 KOPPA (MP) 104000

448 150 298 12183 5696 6487 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 448 150 298 11672 5424 6248 511 272 239

511 272 239 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

202 32 170 3843 1695 2148 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 201 32 169 3225 1412 1813 618 283 335

618 283 335 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total SC Population Total SC Population Code C.D.Block / U.A./ Rural/ House­ in the lIge group Nl.IIber City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) I wi th SC members

(P) (H) (F) • (P) (H) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 780 3534 1763 1771 517 245 272 R 721 3270 1631 1639 466 216 250 U 59 264 132 132 51 29 22

108000 SRINGERI (HP) U 59 264 132 132 51 29 22

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 8433 40757 20803 19954 7341 3749 3592 R 8253 39759 20282 19477 7162 3657 3505 U 180 998 521 477 179 92 87

100000 AJJAHPUR (HP) U 180 998 521 477 179 92 87

B. District Urban U 3921 20676 10721 9955 3493 1746 1747

. 100000 AJJAHPUR (MP) U 180 998 521 477 179 92 87 101000 BIRUR (THC) U 618 3430 1728 1702 573 279 294 102000 CHIKHAGAlUR (CMC) U 1323 7068 3592 3476 1221 570 651 103000 KADUR (THC) U 807 4199 2162 2037 732 401 331 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 65 309 144 165 42 15 27 105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 234 913 501 412 187 97 90 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) 1) 133 698 411 287 102 55 47 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (HP) U 183 918 503 415 124 70 54 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 59 264 132 132 51 -29 22 109000 TARIKERE (THC) U 319 1879 1027 852 282 138 144


Literates Total Hain Workers I N D U S T R I A L Name of District / Location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Cultivators City / Town N~r

to IX ) (I)

(P) (H) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(11) (12) ( 13) ( 14) ( 15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

1444 824 620 1742 1049 693 153 108 45 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 1339 764 575 1620 977 643 153 108 45 105 60 45 122 72 50

105 60 45 122 72 50 SRINGERI (HP) 108000

11050 7578 3472 18246 11832 6414 4492 3900 592 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 10696 7348 3348 17901 11579 6322 4483 3892 591 354 230 124 345 253 92 9 8

354 230 124 345 253 92 9 8 AJJAHPUR (HP) 100000

10157 6136 4021 6726 4994 1732 524 466 58 District Urban B.

354 230 124 345 253 92 9 8 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 1331 825 506 1273 867 406 228 219 9 BIRUR (THC) 101000 3832 2229 1603 2258 1623 635 161 122 39 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000 1810 1056 754 1299 1049 250 75 67 8 KADUR (THC) 103000 183 99 84 112 80 32 KOPPA (MP) 104000 530 330 200 303 260 43 KUDREHUKH (NAC) 105000 451 298 153 187 139 48 2 2 HUDIGERE (HP) 106000 534 329 205 299 2,20 79 34 34 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000 105 60 45 122 72 50 SRINGERI (HP) 108000 1027 680 347 528 431 97 14 14 TARIKERE (THC) 109000


Location Name of District! Total! CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N W0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block ! U.A. I Rural! Nl.Ilber City! Town Urban Agricultural Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II) (III) (IV)

(P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1 ) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 1265 693 5n 103 83 20 16 9 7 R 1185 652 533 102 82 20 14 8 6 U 80 41 39 1 1 2 1

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 80 41 39 2

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 11042 6141 4901 1105 588 517 189 112 n R 10842 6011 4831 1102 586 516 189 112 n U 200 130 70 3 2 1

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 200 130 70 3 2

B. District Urban U 1969 1149 820 144 109 35 458 384 74

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 200 130 70 3 2 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 722 372 350 3 3 5 3 2 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) U 360 210 150 50 31 19 69 39 30 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 221 153 68 35 32 3 210 179 31 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 29 15 14 7 7 105000 KUOREMUKH (NAC) U ·3 2 8 5 3 171 161 10 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 19 12 7 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 172 105 67 10 10 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 80 41 39 2 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 181 121 60 8 6 2


I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City I Town Nl.IICer Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry (V(a)} (V(b)} (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

10 5 5 27 19 8 32 24 8 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 10 5 5 21 14 7 22 18 4 -- 6 5 10 6 4

6 5 10 6 4 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

479 297 182 187 136 51 115 104 11 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 445 269 176 183 132 51 105 94 11 34 28 6 4 4 10 10

34 28 6 4 4 10 10 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

105 78 27 361 315 46 862 654 208 District Urban B.

34 28 6 4 4 10 10 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 13 6 7 71 64 7 42 41 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 6 5 1 126 105 21 464 319 145 CHIKMAGALUR (eNe) 102000 33 25 8 97 84 13 250 202 48 KADUR (TMC) 103000 6 6 7 4 3 KOPPA (MP) 104000 6 6 14 10 4 KUDREMUKH (NAt) 105000 15 10 5 9 6 3 10 8 2 MUOIGERE (MP) 106000 5 5 4 4 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 6 5 10 6 4 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 4 4 31 30 51 50 1 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000


Location Name of District / Total I o F M A I N II 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rural I NlII1ber City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Cornnunications

(VII) (VII I) (IX)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (n (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 23 22 9 9 104 77 27 R 23 22 7 7 83 61 22 U 2 2 21 16 5

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 2 2 21 16 5

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 152 125 27 49 48 436 381 55 R 129 105 24 39 38 384 340 44 U 23 20 3 10 10 52 41 11

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 23 20 3 10 10 52 41 11

B. District Urban U 372 317 55 301 290 11 1630 1232 398

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 23 20 3 10 10 52 41 11 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 19 14 5 57 57 113 88 25 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) U 188 157 31 131 124 7 703 511 192 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 83 69 14 78 75 3 217 163 54 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 14 14 5 5 43 29 14 105000 KUOREMUKH (NAC) U 4 3 6 5 91 68 23 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 6 6 2 2 123 93 30 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 7 7 4 4 63 51 12 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 2 2 21 16 5 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 28 27 6 6 204 172 32


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of Distr1ct / location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code City / Town Nln1ber

(P) (M) \ (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

159 28 131 1633 686 947 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 157 28 129 1493 626 867 2 2 140 60 80

2 2 140 60 80 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

2106 128 1978 20405 8843 11562 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 2106 128 1978 19752 8575 11177 653 268 385

653 268 385 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

314 29 285 13636 5698 7938 District Urban B.

653 268 385 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 96 1 95 2061 860 1201 BIRUR (THC) 101000 20 11 9 4790 1958 2832 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMe) 102000 103 13 90 2797 1100 1697 KADUR (TMC) 103000 6 6 191 64 127 KOPPA (MP) 104000 610 241 369 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 511 272 239 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 1 618 283 335 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 2 2 140 60 80 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 86 4 82 1265 592 673 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000



Location Name of Districtl Totall No.of Total ST Population Total ST Population Code C.D.Block I U.A.I Rura II House­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) with ST members

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 5374 26534 13446 13088 4323 2158 2165 R 4959 24553 12411 12142 3998 1990 2008 - U 415 1981 1035 946 325 168 157

A. C.D.Block's Total T 5095 25237 12765 12472 4110 2051 2059 R 4959 24553 12411 12142 3998 1990 2008 U 136 684 354 330 112 61 51

CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block T 520 2357 1196 1161 475 235 240 R 520 2357 1196 1161 475 235 240 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 241 1193 620 573 176 100 76 R 241 1193 620 573 176 100 76 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 668 3494 1769 1725 509 258 251 R 661 3472 1756 1716 507 257 250 U 7 22 13 9 2 1 1

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 7 22 13 9 2

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 2278 11156 5592 5564 1866 899 967 R 2244 11000 5505 5495 1833 880 953 U 34 156 87 69 33 19 14

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 34 156 87 69 33 19 14

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block T 452 2007 995 1012 326 155 171 R 410 1802 891 911 296 138 158 U 42 205 104 101 30 17 13

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 42 205 104 101 30 17 13


Literates Total Main Workers I N 0 U S T R I A L Name of District / Locat i on C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Cul tivators City / Town Nl.I1ber

I to IX (I)

(P) eM) (F) (P) eM) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(11) (12) (13) ( 14) (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (2) (1)

8859 5573 3286 12820 7662 5158 2331 1846 485 CHIKMAGALUR District 7686 4880 2806 12167 7157 5010 2288 1807 481 1173 693 480 653 505 148 43 39 4

8045 5095 2950 12407 7323 5084 2306 1824 482 C.O.Block's Total A. 7686 4880 2806 12167 7157 5010 2288 1807 481 359 215 144 240 166 74 18 17

611 436 175 1216 670 546 23 18 5 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block 611 436 175 1216 670 546 23 18 5

430 286 144 428 345 83 217 203 14 KADUR C.O.Block 2 430 286 144 428 345 83 217 203 14

1406 848 558 1705 1018 687 393 308 85 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 1389 836 553 1697 1013 684 393 308 85 17 12 5 8 5 3

17 12 5 8 5 3 KOPPA (MP) 104000

3034 1953 1081 5862 3190 2672 825 562 263 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 2946 1897 1049 5818 3156 2662 824 561 263 88 56 32 44 34 10

88 56 32 44 34 10 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

725 436 289 1019 604 415 75 57 18 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 600 361 239 953 551 402 71 54 17 125 75 50 66 53 13 4 3

125 75 50 66 53 13 4 3 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


Location Name of District I Totall CAT EGO R I E S o f MA I N W0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I U.A. I Rurall Nl.IIlber City I Town Urban Agricultural Livestock,forestry, Mining and Quarrying Labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards & Allied activities (II ) ( III) (IV)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 3552 1975 15n 5385 2713 2672 56 48 8 R 3464 1928 1536 5368 2697 2671 32 25 7 U 88 47 41 17 16 1 24 23 1

A. C.D.Block's Total T 3518 1944 1574 5375 2703 2672 32 25 7 R 3464 1928 1536 5368 2697 2671 32 25 7 U 54 16 38 7 6 1

CHIKMAGALUR C.D.BLock T 183 105 78 785 388 397 5 4 R 183 105 78 785 388 397 5 4 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 136 81 55 15 15 R 136 81 55 15 15 U

3 kOPPA C.D.Block T 772 419 353 462 240 222 R 772 419 353 • 462 240 222 U

104000 KOPPA (MP) U

4 MUDIGERE C.D.Block T 1158 644 514 3502 1715 1787 23 18 5 R 1158 644 514 3502 1715 1787 23 18 5 U

106000 MUDIGERE eMP) U

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block T 292 171 121 530 282 248 R 292 171 121 528 280 248 U 2 2



I N 0 U S T R I A L CATEGORI E S Name of District / location C.O.Block / U.A. / Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town Nl.IIber Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold rndustl'Y (V(a)} (V(b)} (VI)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (f) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

455 279 176 244 170 74 100 77 23 CHIKMAGALUR District 316 178 138 211 142 69 79 58 21 139 101 38 33 28 5 21 19 2

383 228 155 214 145 69 93 71 22 C.D.Block's Total A. 316 178 138 211 142 69 79 58 21 67 50 17 3 3 14 13

119 70 49 49 35 14 7 7 CHIKMAGALUR c.O.Block 119 70 49 49 35 14 7 7

4 2 2 5 4 4 4 KADUR C.D.Block 2 4 2 2 5 4 4 4

4 3 11 6 5 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 4 3 11 6 5

KOPPA (MP) 104000

5 3 2 129 85 44 36 25 11 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 4 2 2 127 83 44 33 23 10 2 2 3 2

2 2 3 2 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

53 41 12 4 2 2 18 12 6 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 6 5 1 4 2 2 17 11 6 47 36 11 1

47 36 11 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


Location Name of District I Total I 0 F M A I N U 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block I UoA. I Rural I Number City I Town Urban Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services & CommunicatIons

(VII) (VI I I) (IX)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 153 127 26 76 74 2 468 353 115 R 80 70 10 33 33 296 219 77 U 73 57 16 43 41 2 172 134 38

A. C.D.Block's Total T 89 77 12 43 43 354 263 91 R 80 70 10 33 33 296 219 77 U 9 7 2 10 10 58 44 14

CHIKHAGALUR C.D.Block T 3 3 4 4 38 36 2 R 3 3 4 4 38 36 2 U

2 KADUR C.D.Block T 7 5 2 5 5 35 26 9 R 7 5 2 5 5 35 26 9 U

3 KOPPA C.D.Block T 13 10 3 5 5 44 26 18 R 10 9 1 3 3 41 24 17 U 3 2 2 2 3 2

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 3 2 2 2 3 2

4 HUOIGERE CoD.Block T 39 35 4 16 16 129 87 42 R 39 35 4 13 13 95 62 33 U 3 3 34 25 9

106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 3 3 34 25 9

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA CoD.Block T 11 9 2 3 3 33 27 6 R 8 6 2 3 3 24 19 5 U 3 3 9 8



Marginal Workers Non·Workers Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code Ci ty I Town Nl.Illber

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1 )

844 113 731 12870 5671 7199 CHIKMAGALUR District 807 106 701 11579 5148 6431 37 7 30 1291 523 768

807 106 701 12023 5336 6687 C.D.Block's Total A. 807 106 701 11579 5148 6431 444 188 256

20 3 17 1121 523 598 CHIKMAGALUR C.D.Block 20 3 17 1121 523 598

145 14 131 620 261 359 KADUR C.D.Block 2 145 14 131 620 261 359

78 8 70 1711 743 968 KOPPA C.D.Block 3 78 8 70 1697 735 962 14 8 6

14 8 6 KOPPA (MP) 104000

164 53 111 5130 2349 2781 MUDIGERE C.D.Block 4 164 53 111 5018 2296 2722 112 S3 S9

112 S3 59 MUOIGERE (MP) 106000

95 12 83 893 379 514 NARASIMHARAJAPURA C.D.Block 5 95 12 83 754 328 426 139 51 88

139 51 88 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000

287 DISTRICT PRIl\1ARY CENSUS location Name of District/ Total/ No.of Total ST Population Total ST Population Code C.D.Block / U.A./ Rural/ House­ in the age group Number City I Town Urban holds (0 - 6) with ST members

(P) (H) (F) (P) (H) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 365 2076 1065 1011 279 148 131 R 358 2054 1055 999 277 147 130 U 7 22 10 12 2 1 1

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 7 22 10 12 2

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 571 2954 1528 1426 479 256 223 R 525 2675 1388 1287 434 233 201 U 46 279 140 139 45 23 22

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 46 279 140 139 45 23 22

B. District Urban U 415 1981 1035 946 325 168 157

100000 AJJAHPUR (HP) U 46 279 140 139 45 23 22 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 20 81 44 37 10 4 6 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CHC) U 115 518 273 245 80 38 42 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 27 "2 61 51 30 1'9 11 104000 KOPPA (HP) U 7 22 13 9 Z 1 1 105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 36 138 74 64 31 15 16 106000 MUDIGERE (HP) U 34 156 87 69 33 19 14 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 42 205 104 101 30 17 13 108000 SRINGERI (HP) U 7 22 10 12 2 1 1 109000 TARIKERE (THC) U 81 448 229 219 62' 31 31


literates Total Main Workers 1 N 0 U S T RIA l Name of District I location C.O.Block I U.A. I Code Culti"ators City I Town Nunber

( to IX )

(P) (M) (F) (P) (14) (F) (P) (14) (F)

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (2) (1)

735 423 312 986 660 326 410 352 58 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 720 418 302 978 655 323 410 352 58 15 5 10 8 5 3

15 5 10 8 5 3 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

1104 713 391 1191 836 355 363 324 39 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 990 646 344 10n 767 310 350 311 39 114 67 47 114 69 45 13 13

114 67 47 114 69 45 13 13 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

1173 693 480 653 505 148 43 39 4 District Urban B.

114 67 47 114 69 45 13 13 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 42 25 17 27 22 5 4 3 1 BIRUR (THC) 101000 377 218 159 165 132 33 6 4 2 CHIKHAGALUR (CHC) 102000 62 38 24 28 22 6 KADUR (THC) 103000 17 12 5 8 5 3 KOPPA (MP) 104000 88 52 36 38 36 2 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 88 56 32 44 34 10 1 HUDIGERE (HP) 106000 125 75 50 66 53 13 4 3 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 15 5 10 8 5 3 SRINGERI (HP) 108000 245 145 100 155 127 28 15 15 TARIKERE (THC) 109000


location Name of District / Totall CAT EGO R I E S o F M A I N ~ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural/ Nlnber City I Town Urban Agricultural l!vestock,Forestry, Hining and Quarrying labourers Fishing,Hunting and Plantation,Orchards &Allied activitles (II) ( III ) ( IV)

(P) (H) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

6 SRINGERI C.O.Block T 485 248 237 52 38 14 R 485 248 237 49 36 13 U 3 2

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 3 2

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 492 276 216 29 25 4 3 2 R 438 260 178 27 23 4 3 2 U 54 16 38 2 2

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U S4 16 38 2 2

B. District Urban U 88 47 41 17 16 24 23

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 54 16 38 2 2 101000 BIRUR (THC) U 2 2 1 102000 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMC) U 3 3 103000 KADUR (THC) U 104000 KOPPA (HP) U 105000 KUDREHUKH (NAC) U 23 22 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 2 2 108000 SRINGERI (HP) U 3 2 109000 TAR I KERE (THe) U 30 28 2 5 5


I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Name of District / Location C.D.Block / U.A. / Code Manufacturing,Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions City / Town Nunber Servicing and Repairs in Servicing and Repairs in House-hold Industry Other than House-hold Industry (V( a» (V(b» (Vi)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (2) (1)

6 2 4 7 2 5 2 2 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 6 2 4 7 2 5 2 2

SRINGERI (MP) 108000

195 109 86 16 14 2 15 15 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 176 96 80 15 13 2 5 5 19 13 6 10 10

19 13 6 10 10 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

139 101 38 33 28 5 21 19 2 District Urban B.

19 13 6 10 10 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 6 4 2 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 28 17 11 14 13 5 5 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000 2 2 KADUR (TMC) 103000 KOPPA (MP) 104000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 2 2 3 2 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 47 36 11 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 44 34 10 8 7 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000


Location Name of District / Total / o F M A I N \oJ 0 R K E R S Code C.D.Block / U.A. / Rural / Number City / Town Urban Trade and Conlnerce Transport, Storage Other Services & Conmunications

(VII ) (Vlll) (IX)

(P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F) (P) (M) (F)

(1) (2) (3) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

6 SRINGERI C.D.Block T 21 13 8 R 16 10 6 U 5 3 2

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 5 3 2

7 TARIKERE C.D.Block T 15 14 9 9 54 48 6 R 12 11 4 4 47 42 5 U 3 3 5 5 7 6 1

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 3 3 5 5 7 6

B. District Urban U 73 57 16 43 41 2 172 134 38

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 3 3 5 5 7 6 101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 4 3 6 6 4 3 102000 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) U 25 25 19 17 2 64 47 17 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 5 4 5 5 12 10 2 104000 KOPPA (MP) U 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 3 2 11 11 106000 MUOIGERE (MP) U 3 3 34 25 9 107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 3 3 9 8 1 108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 5 3 2 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 27 16 11 3 3 23 1.9 4


Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name of District I Location C.D.Block I U.A. I Code City I Town Nl.Illber

(P) (M) ,.(F) (P) (M) (F) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (2) (1)

211 8 203 879 397 482 SRINGERI C.D.Block 6 211 8 203 865 392 473 14 5 9

14 5 9 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

94 8 86 1669 684 985 TARIKERE C.D.Block 7 94 8 86 1504 613 891 165 71 94

165 71 9,4 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000

37 7 30 1291 523 768 District Urban B.

165 71 94 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 4 2 2 50 20 30 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 13 2 11 340 139 201 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000 84 39 45 KADUR (TMC) 103000 14 8 6 KOPPA (MP) 104000 99 37 62 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 112 53 59 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000 139 51 88 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000 14 5 9 SRINGERI (MP) 108000 19 2 17 274 100 174 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000




Location Name of Totall Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural/ in OccupIed House- (Including lnstitutional in the age Group Number Taluk/UA/ Urban Sq. Reslden- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 7201.00 196911 199901 1017283 514526 502757 147192 74432 72760 R 7125.60 163648 165884 845422 425865 419557 122866 62017 60849 U 75.40 33263 34017 171861 88661 83200 24326 12415 11911

1 CHIKMAGALUR Taluk T 1614.27 49493 50448 253722 129098 124624 37954 19241 18713 R 1604.95 37618 38347 192906 97638 95268 29437 14908 14529 U 9.32 11875 12101 60816 31460 29356 8517 4333 4184

102000 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMC) U 9.32 11875 12101 60816 31460 29356 8517 4333 4184

2 KADUR Taluk T 1415.86 48153 48503 259914 131537 128377 37206 18799 184Ct7 R 1403.61 39857 39995 214428 108256 106172 30494 15396 15098 U 12.25 8296 8508 45486 23281 22205 6712 3403 3309

101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 1.91 3677 3763 20095 10153 9942 2835 1415 1420 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 10.34 4619 4745 25391 13128 12263 3877 1988 1889

3 KOPPA Taluk T 572.22 16363 16600 80596 40049 40547 10477 5219 5258 R 570.23 15368 15583 75574 37535 38039 9815 4906 4909 U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 1.99 995 1017 5022 2514 2508 662 313 349

4 MUDIGERE Taluk T 1162.04 26985 27240 128437 64848 63589 19500 9738 9762 R 1115.69 23142 23360 112692 56434 56258 17002 8467 8535 U 46.35 3843 3880 15745 8414 7331 249B 1271 1227

105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 45.43 2146 2175 7792 4243 3549 1391 729 662 106000 MUDICERE (MP) U 0.92 1697 1705 7953 4171 3782 1107 542 565

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Taluk T 803.99 11451 11696 56324 28127 28197 7658 3863 3795 R 802.27 10111 10355 49800 24749 25051 6803 3428 3375 U 1. 72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1. 72 1340 1341 6524 3378 3146 855 435 420


Scheduled Castes Schedu l ed Tribes Literates Name of Location District/ Code Taluk/UA/ Number City/Town


(13) ( 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (2) (1)

195852 99513 96339 26534 13446 13088 531164 310520 220644 CHIKHAGALUR District 175176 88792 86384 24553 12411 12142 415210 245919 169291 20676 '\On1 9955 1981 1035 946 1159~4 64601 51353

51344 25921 25423 2875 1469 1406 135793 78981 56812 CHIKHAGALUR Taluk 44276 22329 21947 2357 1196 1161 91778 54873 36905 7068 3592 3476 518 273 245 44015 24108 19907

7068 3592 3476 518 273 245 44015 24108 19907 CHIKMAGALUR (CMe) 102000

47704 24389 23315 1386 725 661 127147 77141 50006 KADUR Taluk 2 40075 20499 19576 1193 620 573 100293 61939 38354 7629 3890 3739 193 105 88 26854 15202 11652

3430 1728 1702 81 44 37 11770 6653 5117 BIRUR (THC) 101000 4199 2162 2037 112 61 51 15084 8549 6535 KADUR (THC) 103000

13650 6951 6699 3494 1769 1725 46586 25992 20594 KOPPA Taluk 3 13341 6807 6534 3472 1756 1716 42650 23912 18738 309 144 165 22 13 9 3936 2080 1856

309 144 165 22 13 9 3936 2080 1856 KOPPA (HP) 104000

28637 /14480 14157 11294 5666 5628 62883 3~72 26211 HUDIGERE Taluk 4 27026 13568 13458 11000 5505 5495 51533 30177 21356 1611 912 699 294 161 133 11350 6495 4855

913 501 412 138 74 64 5517 3210 2307 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 698 411 287 156 87 69 5833 3285 2548 HUDIGERE (HP) 106000

8347 4179 4168 2007 995 1012 31800 17554 14246 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Taluk 5 7429 3676 3753 1802 891 911 27157 15005 12152 918 503 415 205 104 101 4643 2549 2094

918 503 415 205 104 101 4643 2549 2094 NARASIHHARAJAPURA (HP) 107000

297 APPENDIX -I DISTRICT PRIl\fARY CENSUS location Name of Total/ Total Main I N D U S T R I A l CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural! Workers Number Taluk!UA! Urban Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

( I-IX) ( I ) ( II)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

CHIKMAGAlUR District T 412276 291962 120314 148111 121740 26371 101932 53535 48397 R 357076 245802 111274 142513 116650 25863 94389 48742 45647 U 55200 46160 9040 5598 5090 508 7543 4793 2750

1 CHIKMAGAlUR Taluk T 101446 71076 30370 27845 22379 5466 14871 7535 7336 R 82393 55228 27165 26799 21454 5345 14145 7149 6996 U 19053 15848 3205 1046 925 121 726 386 340

102000 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMC) U 19053 15848 3205 1046 925 121 726 386 340

2 KADUR Taluk T 98253 74313 23940 53708 44767 8941 23289 11442 11847 R 83416 62115 21301 51363 42699 8664 20024 9374 10650 U 14837 12198 2639 2345 2068 277 3265 2068 1197

101000 BIRUR (TMC) U 6662 5241 1421 1047 984 63 2249 1387 862 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 8175 6957 1218 1298 1084 214 1016 681 335,

3 KOPPA Taluk T 35667 23383 12284 9427 7624 1803 12082 6366 5716 R 34085 22081 12004 9364 7572 1792 11996 6322 5674 U 1582 1302 280 63 52 11 86 44 42

104000 KOPPA (MP) U 1582 1302 280 63 52 11 86 44 42

4 MUDIGERE Taluk T 60150 38557 21593 12327 9080 3247 10843 6021 4822 R 54671 33795 20876 12213 8987 3226 10809 5993 4816 U 5479 4762 717 114 93 21 34 28 6

105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 2844 2532 312 2 2 18 15 3 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 2635 2230 405 112 91 21 16 13 3

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Taluk T 24919 16253 8666 7754 5624 2130 8830 4627 4203 R 22943 14545 8398 7584 5457 2127 8453 4379 4074 U 1976 1708 268 170 167 3 377 248 129

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 1976 1708 268 170 167 3 377 248 129


o M A I N Y 0 R K E R S Name of location District/ Code livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Taluk/UA/ Number Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing, Servicing City/Town Plantation,Orchards and Repai rs in and Repairs in other & Allied Activities Household Industry than Household Industry

(" I) ( IV) (Va) (Vb)


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (2) (1)

71991 40558 31433 3408 2940 468 4278 2933 1345 12005 10310 1695 CHIKMAGALUR District 70346 39225 31121 1307 994 313 3310 2220 1090 6833 5626 1207 1645 1333 312 2101 1946 155 968 713 255 5172 4684 488

28673 15932 12741 229 159 70 721 522 199 4813 4140 673 CHIKMAGALUR Taluk 28131 15482 12649 132 94 38 521 390 131 2256 1854 402 542 450 92 97 65 32 200 132 68 2557 2286 271

542 450 92 97 65 32 200 132 68 2557 2286 271 CHIKMAGALUR (CMC) 102000

2280 1934 346 680 545 135 1109 709 400 2642 2398 244 KADUR Talul< 2 1829 1586 243 438 339 99 829 511 318 1320 1176 144 451 348 103 242 206 36 280 198 82 1322 1222 100

222 135 87 8 5 3 147 105 42 423 387 36 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 229 213 16 234 201 33 133 93 40 899 835 64 KADUR (TMC) 103000

7614 4061 3553 49 34 15 307 221 86 569 495 74 KOPPA Taluk 3 7547 3999 3548 49 34 15 299 217 82 429 368 61 67 62 5 -, - 8 4 4 140 127 13

67 62 5 8 4 4 140 127 13 KOPPA (MP) 104000

24452 12867 11585 2001 1893 108 147 111 36 1496 1162 334 MUDIGERE Taluk 4 24253 12719 11534 254 229 25 98 78 20 1165 869 296 199 148 51 1747 1664 83 49 33 16 331 293 38

67 51 16 1745 1662 83 13 7 6 85 82 3 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 132 97 35 2 2 36 26 10 246 211 35 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

3795 2089 1706 84 51 33 280 196 84 482 453 29 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Tatuk 5 3726 2023 1703 83 50 33 222 149 73 370 344 26 69 66 3 58 47 11 112 109 3

69 66 3 58 47 11 112 109 3 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000


Location Name of Total/ J N D U S T R J Ale ATE G 0 R J E S o F Code District/ Rural/ NurrtJer Taluk/UA/ Urban Construction Trade and Transport, City/Town Comnerce Storage & Coornunication



(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

CHIKMAGALUR District T 6897 5952 945 24617 22549 2068 6060 5892 168 R 4280 3697 583 12235 10963 1272 2765 2709 56 U 2617 2255 362 12382 11586 796 3295 3183 112

CHIKMAGALUR Taluk T 2916 2362 554 8170 7532 638 2385 2312 73 R 1719 1390 329 2928 2626 302 837 822 15 U 1197 972 225 5242 4906 336 1548 1490 58

102000 CHIKHAGALUR (CHC) U 1197 972 225 5242 4906 336 1548 1490 58

2 KADUR Taluk T 1031 941 90 5470 4872 598 1481 1452 29 R 407 386 21 2675 2294 381 483 472 11 U 624 555 69 2795 2578 217 998 980 18

101000 BIRUR (THC) U 124 120 4 991 897 94 457 454 3 103000 KADUR (TMC) U 500 435 65 1804 1681 123 541 526 15

3 KOPPA Taluk T 599 516 83 1833 1700 133 444 427 17 R 566 487 79 1295 1199 96 297 293 4 U 33 29 4 538 501 37 147, 134 13

104000 KOPPA (HP) U 33 29 4 538 501 37 147 134 13

4 MUDIGERE Taluk T 1084 967 117 2855 2689 166 683 662 21 R 793 725 68 1912 1787 125 504 497 7 U 291 242 49 943 902 41 179 165 14

105000 KUDREMUKH (NAC) U 134 102 32 144 128 16 33 26 7 106000 MUDIGERE (MP) U 157 140 17 799 774 25 146 139 7

5 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Taluk T 353 314 39 1309 1232 77 312 298 14 R 292 254 38 881 820 61 214 203 11 U 61 60 428 412 16 98 95 3

107000 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) U 61 60 428 412 16 98 95 3


M A I N W0 R K E R 5 Name of locat i on Districtl Code Other Marginal Non-Workers Taluk/UAI Number Services Workers Ci ty/Town

( IX)


(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

32977 25553 7424 45182 4081 41101 559825 218483 341342 CHIKMAGAlUR District 19098 14976 4122 43768 3762 40006 444578 176301 268277 13879 10577 3302 1414 319 1095 115247 42182 73065

10823 8203 2620 5763 565 5198 146513 57457 89056 CHIKMAGAlUR Taluk 4925 3967 958 5525 455 5070 104988 41955 63033 5898 4236 1662 238 110 128 41525 15502 26023

5898 4236 1662 238 110 128 41525 15502 26023 CHIKMAGAlUR (CMC) 102000

6563 5253 1310 21590 1863 19727 140071 55361 84710 KADUR Taluk 2 4048 3278 770 20882 1714 19168 110130 44427 65703 2515 1975 540 708 149 559 29941 10934 19007

994 767 227 188 30 158 13245 4882 8363 BIRUR (TMC) 101000 1521 1208 313 520 119 401 16696 6052 10644 KADUR (TMe) 103000

2743 1939 804 2177 243 ,1934 42752 16423 26329 KOPPA Taluk 3 2243 1590 653 2113 243 1870 39376 15211 24165 500 349 151 64 64 3376 1212 2164

500 349 151 64 64 3376 1212 2164 KOPPA (MP) 104000

4262 3105 1157 2337 453 1884 65950 25838 40112 MUDIGERE Taluk 4 267~ 1911 759 2291 436 1855 55730 22203 33527 1592 1194 398 46 17 29 10220 3635 6585

603 457 146 41 16 25 4907 1695 3212 KUDREMUKH (NAC) 105000 989 737 252 5 4 5313 1940 3373 MUDIGERE (MP) 106000

1720 1369 351 2130 232 1898 29275 11642 17633 NARASIMHARAJAPURA Taluk 5 1118 866 252 2118 230 1888 24739 9974 14765 602 503 99 12 2 10 4536 1668 2868

602 503 ,99 12 2 10 4536 1668 2868 NARASIMHARAJAPURA (MP) 107000

301 APPENDIX ~I DISTRICT PRIl\1ARY CENSUS location Name of Total/ Area No. of No.of Total Population Total Population Code District/ Rural! in Occupied House- (Including Institutional in the age Group Nunber Taluk/UA/ Urban Sq. Residen- holds and Houseless Population) (0 - 6) City/Town Kms. tial Houses


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

6 SRINGERI Taluk T 442.84 6579 6702 33272 16467 16805 4049 2017 2032 -R 442.38 5631 5731 29126 14389 14737 3587 1786 1801 U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 0.46 948 971 4146 2078 2068 462 231 231

7 TARIKERE Taluk T 1222.37 37887 38712 205018 104400 100618 30348 15555 14793 R 1219.09 31921 32513 170896 86864 84032 25728 13126 12602 U 3.28 5966 6199 34122 17536 16586 4620 2429 2191

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 1.00 1529 1543 8758 4485 4273 1224 656 568 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 2.28 4437 4656 25364 13051 12313 3396 1773 1623


Scheduled Castes Schedu l ed Tr1 bes Literates Name of Location Dlstrlct/ Code Taluk/UA/ NUIlber CI ty/Town


( 13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21 ) (2) (1)

3534 1763 1771 2076 1065 1011 21344 11592 9752 SRINGERI Taluk 6 3270 1631 1639 2054 1055 999 18069 9885 8184 264 132 132 22 10 12 3275 1707 1568

264 132 132 22 10 12 3275 1707 1568 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

42636 21830 20806 3402 1757 1645 105611 62588 43023 TARIKERE Taluk 7 39759 20282 19477 2675 1388 1287 83730 50128 33602 2877 1548 1329 727 369 358 21881 12460 9421

998 521 477 279 140 139 5197 2966 2231 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 1879 1027 852 448 229 219 16684 9494 7190 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000


Location Name of Total/ Total Main I N D U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S Code District/ Rural/ Workers NlJiber Taluk/UAI Urban Cultivators Agricultural City/Town Labourers

(I-IX) (I) (II)


(1) (2) (3) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)

6 SRINGERI Taluk T- 13415 9733 3682 4320 3538 782 4108 2166 1942 R 12047 8627 3420 4258 3480 778 3963 2087 1876 U 1368 1106 262 62 58 4 145 79 66

108000 SRINGERI (MP) U 1368 1106 262 62 58 4 145 79 66

7 TARIKERE Taluk T 78426 58647 19779 32730 28728 4002 27909 15378 12531 R 67521 49411 18110 30932 27001 3931 24999 13438 11561 U 10905 9236 1669 1798 1727 71 2910 1940 970

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 2679 2271 408 529 515 14 633 381 252 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 8226 6965 1261 1269 1212 57 2277 1559 718


0 F M A I N W 0 R K E R S Name of Location Districtl Code Livestock,Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, ManufacturIng, TaLuk/UAI Number Fishing,Hunting and Quarrying Processing,Servicing Processing,Servicing City/Town PLantation,Orchards and Repai rs in and Repairs in other & ALLied Activities HousehoLd Industry than HousehoLd Industry

(III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)


(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41 ) (42) (2) (1)

1637 1463 174 75 52 23 122 73 49 621 381 240 SRINGERI Taluk 6 1588 1420 168 69 49 20 119 70 49 502 297 205 49 43 6 6 3 3 3 3 119 84 35

49 43 6 6 3 3 3 3 119 84 35 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

3540 2212 1328 290 206 84 1592 1101 491 1382 1281 101 TARIKERE Taluk 7 3272 1996 1276 282 199 83 1222 805 417 791 718 73 268 216 52 8 7 , 370 296 74 591 563 28

48 43 5 114 85 29 130 114 16 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 220 173 47 8 7 256 211 45 461 449 12 TARIKERE (THe) 109000


Location Name of Totall I N 0 U S T R I A L CAT EGO R I E S o F Code District! Rural! Number Taluk/UAI Urban construction Trade and Transport, City/Town Conmerce Storage & COIIITIUnication

(VI) (VII ) (VI I I)


(1) (2) (3) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

6 SRINGERI Taluk T 265 227 38 774 719 55 174 172 2 R 199 170 29 416 386 30 107 106 U 66 57 9 358 333 25 67 66

108000 SRINGERI (~P) U 66 57 9 358 333 25 67- 66

7 TARIKERE Talul< T 649 625 24 4206 3805 401 581 569 12 R 304 285 19 2128 1851 277 323 316 7 U 345 340 5 2078 1954 124 258 253 5

100000 AJJAMPUR (MP) U 208 207 485 451 34 84 84 109000 TARIKERE (TMC) U 137 133 4 1593 1503 90 174 169 5


M A I N WORKERS Name of Location DIstrIct/ Code Other Marginal Non-Workers Taluk/UA/ N1.II1ber Services Workers Ci ty/Town



(52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (2) (1)

1319 942 377 1851 157 1694 18006 6577 11429 SRINGERI Taluk 6 826 562 264 1824 148 1676 15255 5614 9641 493 380 113 27 9 18 2751 963 1788

493 380 113 27 9 18 2751 963 1788 SRINGERI (MP) 108000

5547 4742 805 9334 568 8766 117258 45185 72073 TARIKERE Taluk 7 3268 2802 466 9015 536 8479 94360 36917 57443 2279 1940 339 319 32 287 22898 8268 14630

448 391 57 5 5 6074 2214 3860 AJJAMPUR (MP) 100000 1831 1549 282 314 32 282 16824 6054 10770 TARIKERE (TMC) 109000

307 APPENDIX II List of Scheduled Caste~ and Scheduled Tribes a~ per the Scheduled Ca~tes and Scheduled Trihe~ orders (Amendment) Act, 1976, (No. 1O~ of 1976 dated the 1Xth Septemher, 1(76) adopted for the 1991 Census.

SCHEDULED CASTES 35. Ganli Chores 1. Adi Andhra 36. Garoda, Gam 2. Adi Dravida 37. Godda

3. Adi Karnataka 3~. Ciosangi 4. Adiya (in Coorg Di~lrict) 39. Hallecr 5. Ager 40. Halsar, Haslar. Hulasvar, Halasvar 6. Ajila 41. Handi Jogis

7. Anamuk 42. Ha~la 8. Aray Mala 43. Holar, Valhar 9. Arunthathiyar 44. Holaya, Holcr, Holeya

to. Arwa Mala 45. Holcya Da~ari

11. Baira 4(1. Jaggali 12. Bakad 47. Jamhuvulu 13. Bant (in Bclgaum, , Dharwar and 4K Kadaiyan North Kanara di~lricb) 49. Kalladi

14. Bakuda 50. Kepmari~ 15. Balagai 51. Kolupulvandlu 16. Bandi 52. Koosa 17. Banjara, Lambani 53. Koracha 18. Balhada 54. Korama 19. Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam 55. Kotegar, Melri 20. Bcllara 56. Kudumban 21. Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, 57. Kuravan Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli 5H. Lingader 22. Bhambi, Bhamhhi, Asadaru, Asodi, 59, Machala Chamadia, Chamar, Chambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Maehigar, 60. Madari Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, Muchi, 61. Madiga Tclegu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohidas, Rohit, Samgar 62. Mahar; Tarat, Dht.:gu Mcgu

23. Bhovi 63. Mahyavanshi, Dhcd, Vankar, Maru Vankar 24. Bindla 04. Maila 25. Byagara 65. Mala 26. Chakkiliyan 66. Mala Dasari 27. Chalavadi, Chalvadi, Channayya 67. Mala Hannai 28. Chandala 68. Mala Jangam 29. Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar 69. Mala Ma~ti 30. Dakkal, Dokkalwar 70. Mala Sale, Netkani 31. Dakkaliga 71. Mala Sanyasi 32. Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 72. Mang, Matang, Minimadig 33. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 73. Mang Garudi, Mang Garodi 34. Ellamalwar, Yellammalawandlu 74. Manne

308 75. 12. Ha~alaru 76. Mavilan 13. Irular 77. Mcghval, Mcnghvar 14. lruliga 78. Moger 15. Jcnu Kuruba 79. Mukri Hi. Kadu Kuruba 80. Mundala 17. Kammara (in South Kanara District and 81. Nadia, Hadi Kollcgal Taluk of ) 82. Nalkadaya 18. Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollcgal Taluk of Mysore District) 83. Nalakeyava 19. Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor 84. Nayadi Katkari, Son Kathodi, Son Katkari 85. Pale 20. Kattunayakan 86. Pallan 21. Kokna, Kokni, Kukna 87. Pllmbada 22. Koli Dhor, Tokrc Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha 88. Panchama 23. Konda Kapus 89. Panniandi 24. Koraga 90. Paraiyan, Paraya 25. Kota 91. Paravan 26. Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya 92. Raneyar 27. Kudiya, Mclakudi 93. Samagara 28. Kuruba (in Coorg District) 94. Sam ban 29. Kurumans 95. Sapari 30. Maha Malasar 96. Sillckyathas 31. Malaikudi 97. Sindhollu, Chindollu 32. Malasar 98. Sudugadu Siddha 33. Malayckandi 1)9. Thoti 34. Malcru HXI. Tirgar, Tirbanda 35. Maratha (in Coorg District) 101. Valluvan 36. Marati (in South Kanara Distric;t) SCHEDULED TRIBES 37. Mcda I. Adiyan 38. Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Kapadia Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, 2. Barda Nana Nayaka 3. Bavacha, Bamcha 39. Palliyan 4. Bhil, Bhil Gara~ia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, 40. Paniyan Dungri Gara~ia, Mewasi Bhil, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, 41. Pardhi, Advichincher, Phanse Pardhi Vasavc 42. Patclia 5. Chcnchu, Chcnchwar 43. Rathawa 6. Chodhara 44. Sholaga 7. Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 45. Soligaru 8. Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi, Valvi 46. Toda 9. Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 47. Varli 10. Gowdalu 48. Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia II. Hakkipikki 49. Yerava


Thc 1<)<)) (_ cn ... u" Llhk" \\111 hl puhIJ ... llLu In ,1 "lPdf-11L ''In .. ,, 01 \1)luI11L" 1m All - Indld dnd for cd(h ~tdtC ,tnd limon funlof\ Thl puhh(,lllon "Ull" 1\ ,I~ loll()\\,> \cnc'> No

In edLh of the'L "eftl" (lor ,til - Indt,1 ,lOd Cdlh \t,ltc/UnlOn Tcrntl)rv) the utlferLnt "CrlC'> of t.tblec; (A '-lcrtc ... - (;Lnudl Popul.tlion T.thle .... B - \LrtL'" - (ilnu,tI Ewnomll Tdhh..<" elL.) Will he brought oul .I., dtlfLrenl P,lrI'i Ap.trt lrom thl.,L. DI.,lrtLl ('cmu ... H,mdhook~ Will he puhh ... hcd for c.Kh uI ... trKI III thl lountry Thl'>e Will Ulllt,lln the Pl A d,ltd lor the dl"trtLl, the villdge ,md town pnmdry lln ... U'i dh,tfdct ,Ind the villdge ,lOU lown dlrLctor".'" Thc Idllcr lOmpfl'iC (ol11pII,ltIOO'-o 01 ... 1.11 "IK"', cxterndl 10 (cmu<; fd,llmg to (he vIIl,lge, dnll lown,>. \\hl(h In lonjun(IIOn Wllh (cn.,u ... dd(,1 \\111 hc \cry u,c[ul (0 lId(d U'iep;.

For .111 - Indl,1 ,tnd lor ed(h \1.lte ,IllU Unmn Tnntory, Ihl lln,>u", 1"hul.IIIOn., .tnd f(.pmt'i Will he puhh.,hell dlwrdtng 10 I hl folllm 109 pl,tn

\llh-p,lfl No If .lIlV, ,lOll Ihe topi\." lO\ln:d 2

P,lrI I - Adl11111I<,lrd!IOn Rcpor! (lor OffllC U<,C only)

Pdrl I B Adllltnl ... lrdtioll Rcpolt 1 dhul.lIlon

P,lrt II - (icnu,tI Popul,illon Tdhk ...

P,lrt II-B - PflmdrY Ccn'>ll'" Ah,trdll

P,lrt III-A B-'-lCflL" t,lblc., of fir.,t '>t,lge wh)(.h Will he

brought out on II),,! ... .tmpIL In re"pl:cl of m,llor ~tdte"

dnd on full lounl III rc ... pell 01 <,nldllcr ~tdte ....tnd U mon Terntofll"

PMt III-B - B-~efle ... 1,lhlc,> (lf ,>elllnd 'ildge whllh Will he brought (lut on full LOunl. The d,ltd reldlmg HHI, OW, M,lrgm,ll Worker" dnd Non-wor)..er ... 'iee)..Illg/"httJdblc for work Will be entered on full lount 0.1<;1<;

Pdf! IV-A - C-~efle'i tdblee; of fir,,! 'ildge LOvering dge, 'iex .md I11drll,ll ... tdlu,>, lompo<;tlion of populdllon, stngle YI:Jr ,Ige return'i, eUu('.ttlon

P.trt IV-B - C-Sene" t.thlc'i lOvering mother longue, religion of populLltmn dnu hou ... ehold WmpO'iltlon

3Hf ran V - Mig.ration Tahlc~ Part V-A - D-Seril;~ tahlc~ of fir~t ~tag.e covl;nng. tahles Iw... ed on lOl; ~ample in re:...ped of major \tates and on full count in n:spccl of ~m,llIcr \talcs and l inion Territorie!>.

Part V -B - D-Series tahles of ... econd stage covering occupational da~~ilieation nf migrant workers. These tahle!.. are ha!..ed on full count.

Part VI - hrtility Tahle~ F-Series tahles of first stage which will he hrought out 1 ~)f1 10 '; sample in respect of major States and on full count in re~pecl of smaller State~ and Union Territories.

Part VII Table!> on How.. es and H - Series tables covering censu~ houses and the uses to Hou~ehold Amenities which the~e arc put, construction material of wall, roof and nom of the census how,es occupied by households, tenure statu!.. of the house occupied and number of living room~, household si/e, hou~ing facilitie~ like drinking water, electricity and toilet available to h\)u~ehold~ and the fud used by the household for cooking. These tahb, will also cover tahles on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trihes. Thi~ mlume will contain analytical notes also.

Part Vlll - Special Tahle~ on Scheduled This part will contain SC and ST !'.eries of tahles for Casle~ and Schl;duled Tribl;s Scheduled ('astes and Scheduled Trihe~ respectively. The data relating to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be entered on full count basis in the third stage and SC/ST tables will he processed on the computer on full count. The~e will cover popUlation of each Scheduled Casle/Tribe, industrial categories of main and marginal wor~er~, non-workers seekinWavailahle for work and those \\ho never worked before, educational level. ·school attendance, age, sex and marital status, composition of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In addition to thest:, the ft:rtility tabks relating to SC/ST arc also covered. Tht:st: tabks also cover for Scheduled Tribes, their composition by religion, mothn tongue and bilingualism.

Part IX - Town Directory, Surwy Report Part IX - A - Town Dirt:ctory on Towns and Villages

Part IX - B - Survey Report on selected Towns

Part IX - C • Survt:y Report on selected Villages

Part X Ethnographic notes and spt:cial studies on Scheduled Castt:s and Scht:duled Tribes

311 Part XI - Census Atla

Part XII - District Cc

...... •• .. ~f.d Town wise Primary Census

The following special pal. ------';;iarined and will be published as and when they are ready as 1991 Census papers :

(a) Special studies taken up by the Directors of Census Operations

(b) Special Areas Surveys

(c) Special Tables for St,mdard Urban Areas

(d) Language Survey Report~

(e) Post Enumeration Check Report

(f) Age Tahles

(g) Life Tables

(h) Reports on estimates of intcr-ccnsal birth and death rates USIng 1981-1991life tables and age data

(i) Development of Vital Statistics m India

Besides these special papers, ~ome monographs based on 1991 Census data on subjects of topical interest to be prepared by scholars will be brought out as 1991 Cen~us monographs.

It is also proposed to carry out !>ome special studies of 1991 Census data in collaboration with othe organisations and the results of ~uch studies will be published as occa!>ional papers of the 1991 Census

It is also proposed to disseminate census tabulations and the basic data in machine readable forms such as magnetic tapes, diskettes, Iloppies, etc.

The District Census Handbooh will be available for sale at the Government Central Press, Bangalore and the other publications at the Office of the Director of Census Operations, Karnataka, Bangalore and the Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi - 6.
